SS 2 13 14 - Collegeside


SS 2 13 14 - Collegeside
Volume 26
February 13, 2014
1144 Crescent Dr.
Cookeville, TN 38501
Telephone: (931) 526-5427
Care-Line: (931) 526-1454
Fax: (931) 525-1004
Worship with us at any of our services:
Sunday Worship ......... 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Bible Study .. 8:00 a.m. & 10:15 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Study .................7:00 p.m.
Our services are videotaped and presented:
Cable Channel 6 — Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Randy DeBord............................... 528-9082
Dale Garrett................................... 858-4844
Sam Masters ................................. 498-2121
Bobby Pruett ................................. 528-8724
Donnie Roberson .......................... 528-1665
Charles Vaughn ............................ 498-2803
Tracey Barker * Tim Chambers
* Barry Daniel * John Meadows * Wayne Moss
* Bob Pharris * Casey Fox * Casey Rich
* Marc Robinson *Jeremy Fox
* Tim Saylor * Jesse Gilliam * Tommy Lee
* Jimmy Loftis * Garrett Shepherd
* Ryan Mattson * Steve Tillman
Steve Reeder……………………..528-6195
Kevin Daughrity…………………..261-4889
Ross Garrison…………………….235-8512
Scott Jefcoat................................252-7671
Mark Loftis/Mike Palk ..................528-9399
GROW Ministry—Class of the Week
Feb. 9…………………………………….Main Auditorium
Feb. 16…………………………………………..Early Risers
Feb. 23…………………………………..Fellowship Room
Mar. 2…………………………………...Main Auditorium
Issue 7
Great People Make Great Congregations!
Many folks at Sycamore are working very diligent for the cause of Christ!
We had 164 who submitted an Involvement Form, which included 1574
jobs that were taken! That is incredible! There were even 62 of you who
signed up for 10 or more jobs. Sycamore has always had such a great reputation for being a working congregation! Thank you for keeping us true
to our task of serving our Heavenly Father. Despite one of the coldest
winters we’ve had in years, the people attending worship and Bible class
is up. In already two Sunday morning Bible classes this year we had more
than we had in any class during the fall quarter! Last week’s contribution
was the third highest contribution of all 2013! Several in recent weeks
have been baptized and added to the Lord’s church, and several others
have desired to be a part of this church family. Several Bible studies are
still being conducted. Many hearts are being touched! On behalf of the
elders and staff, we truly appreciate your devotion to Christ’s church and
God’s Word! Exciting things are on the horizon for God’s people at Sycamore. We simply must keep our focus, and never waiver our faith. It’s
very clear that 2014 will be a special year! So thank God for blessing us so
far, and hold on tight for this wonderful journey ahead!
The Battle Belongs to the Lord
The Philistines were on a mountain on one side of the valley and the men
of Israel were on the other. Goliath came out defying the armies of Israel
and challenged them to fight. No one moved. No one was willing to
step out. Everyone was afraid. Then along came David. He saw what was
happening, and said, “Is there not a cause?” He told king Saul that he
was willing to fight. Despite his youth and inexperience, he insisted to
take this challenge. So David faced off with Goliath. This giant of a man
mocked David’s ability to fight, and threatened to destroy him with ease.
But, David said these words, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear,
and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the
God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” David assured him
that on that day the Lord would deliver him for one reason: “...that all
the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. Then all this assembly
shall know that the Lord does not save with sword or spear; for the battle
is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands.” So as the story goes,
with a sling and a stone and the power of Almighty God, David defeated
Goliath that day. We, too, are in a battle, but it does not belong to us.
Sure, we have tools and programs in which to fight off Satan, but any victory will not be because of us. It is because of God. But, it must be our
faith that compels us to put on the full armor of God and hold the sling in
our hand. Working through God in our tasks for Him will help people see
that there is a God in Cookeville, TN. We must first realize that Satan is
defying the armies of God, and that there is a battle, and there is a cause.
May the Lord help each one of us to have the courage and the faith to
come off that mountain and into the valley to fight. “And whatever is
born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith”, I John 5:4.
Van Route Drivers
We need for 2 more people on Wednesday nights.
See Ryan Mattson.
Thank You Card
*Donnie Eldridge had surgery on the 14th.
*Rhett Massey began chemo treatments on the 30th.
*Kenneth Nelson is under Hospice Care.
*Mary Ann Goolsby, aunt of June Garrett, is at home recovering from recent heart surgery.
*David Sparks is recovering from a skin graft on his foot.
*Charles Goolsby, father of Sherry Hollows, has ongoing
health issues.
*Mike Gaw, friend of Joe Moceri, is in poor health.
*J.E. Davis, friend of the Brittingham’s, is recovering from
recent surgery.
Battling Cancer: Linda Clouse, Beth Ward, Leland Fox, Bill
Johnson & Hannah Bisbro
Daily Health Issues: Jessie McCloud, Lisa Mahan, David
Sparks, Billy Bowman, Kay Fox, Judy Julian, Betty Bennett,
Margie Stricker, Pauline Welch, Jan Pippin, & Charles
Sympathy is extended to Lacy Garrison and her family in
the passing of her great aunt, Jonnie Parrish. Her funeral
was on the 8th.
Welcome to the Family!
As announced last Sunday, Debra Lumbardy has
talked with the elders with her desire to be under
their oversight and be considered part of the church
family at Sycamore. That is great news! Debra is a
new Christian, so please help us welcome her to the
family. Her information is as follows: 515 Laurel
Ave., Apt. 5, Cookeville, TN 38501 / 931-314-3563.
Ladies Retreat
“Sycamore, Thank you so much for the food, cards,
visits, and calls during the passing of my mother. It
means so much to me and we really appreciate it.
May God bless each and everyone of you.” In Christian love, Kenneth, Sharon, Tabitha & Sean Gentry
Happy Haven Banquet
Everyone is invited the to this event on March 21,
2014, at TTU’s Roaden Student Center. The former
Miss America Kellye Cash will be singing. There is no
cost, but donations accepted at the banquet. They
also need sponsorships and table hosts. For questions or reservations, please call 526-2052.
Deacons’ Meeting
There will be a deacons’ meeting this Sunday, February 16, at 4:00pm in the old auditorium.
Mission Funds Needed
Some individuals will be doing a huge yard sale in
the spring to help raise money for our Baja Mexico
mission trip. If you have clothes or other items you
would like to donate, please see Sara Carter or Tracy
Mabry. If you usually give to Goodwill, consider giving towards this worthy cause! We are also looking
for a storage building, so if you know of one please
let us know. The Baja Missions team is also looking
for odd jobs (yard work, house cleaning, etc.) to do
to help earn money for their trip this summer. There
is a sign-up sheet in the vestibule for needed work.
Sycamore Seniors Dinner
The teens along with the rest of the congregation
want to show appreciation to those in their “golden
years of life” (60-plus). It will be March 1, 6:30pm, in
the fellowship room. It will be great food and great
fun! Please come dressed to impress and in your
best as this banquet is a “black-tie-affair”. There is
no cost. Sign up in the vestibule.
Sound Booth Attendants
2/2 - Cory Tillman
2/9 - Travis Lee
2/16 - Reuben DeBord 2/23 - Chase Fletcher
The ladies retreat is March 21-23. The total cost is $50. If
you pay today the 9th, you will get to choose your bed/
bedroom! You can pay Shelia Barker, Sandy Windrow,
Thesa Saylor or Jennifer Daughrity.
Cards Requested
Our military men and women do so much for our country
here in the states and overseas. Lora Hall has requested
that you please send cards to her friend, John Whaley.
His military address is: John Whaley TEDD, C Co 1-32 INTF
Chosin, FOB Airborne, APO AE 09364-0000. Also, if you
would like to send him something, please see Lora or
Tressa Hall.
Ben Cobbett
Ethan Moss
Wesley Spillers
Janie Thompson
Tammy Thrasher
Brandon Pruett
Joann McCowan
Rose Roberson
Kara Vaughn
Maggie Whitson
Richard Copeland
Jaxon Fox
Abigail Hensley
Victoria Kline
Pat Boone
Steve Smith
Servants of Christ
Christian Student Center
on the campus of
Service Wednesday—We will be doing working with our mentoring and bring $5 dollars for dinner.
Prayer Breakfast—The next prayer breakfast will be February
20, for High Schoolers, at Chick-Fil-A at 7am.
Encounter—Our next Encounter is February 16, after Sunday
evening services at the McCloud’s. Guys bring 2- liter drinks &
girls bring desserts.
New Calendar Meeting—We will be introducing the new
Youth Horizons Calendar this Sunday, February 16, at 4:15
before pm services in the old auditorium.
Inspire—The new dates for Inspire are July 12-17, cost is $150
and money is due April 1st.
GO! Camp—A mission minded camp at FHU, June 1-5, if you
attend both Inspire and GO! Camp there will be a comb price
of $200.
CYC—The date is February 21-23. There will be an informative
meeting February 19 after services in the Youth Horizons
Lads To Leaders—Lads is April 18-20. The cost is $40, which
covers registration, lodging, and one meal. Money is due
March 2.
Sycamore Seniors Banquet— Youth Horizons will be putting
on a formal appreciation banquet for our Sycamore Seniors on
March 1.
In Him, Ross
REFUEL - It is at 7pm, in the Nursing Building
room 260 at TTU.
$3 Tuesday Meal - The meal is potato bar. If
you would like to help by preparing food or
serving, please sign the list in the vestibule.
Work Retreat - It will be at Short Mountain
Bible Camp on March 14-16.
“...joined & knit together by what every joint supplies…” Eph. 4:16
Sisters In Service
Ladies with last name beginning with N-P are asked to
bring individual snacks for CRMC ICU waiting room this
week. Please place snacks in the basket by the ladies
board in the back of the auditorium.
Bethesda Devotionals
Sycamore conducts a devotional time for the residents
at Bethesda Health Care on the 2nd and 3rd Tuesdays at
3:00pm. We need men who are willing to do either a 10minute devotional thought or lead singing. Anyone is
welcome to come and help with the singing and encourage the residents. Come join this great ministry!
February Projects
Let’s keep that serving spirit next month! We pray that
the Lord will give us the heart of a servant. We will offer
six projects for February that really need special attention, and is a good variety. Our plea is that you find one
to help with this month!
Ministries for All Ages
Sycamore is so blessed to have many opportunities in a
variety of different ministries. We do have Ministry
Teams that are designed for certain age groups. Perhaps
these need some explanation for those unfamiliar with
these ministries. Listed below are their titles and their
ministry leaders:
Kids For Christ—6th grade & down (Jeremy Fox)
Youth Horizons—7th-12th grade (Ross Garrison)
Servants of Christ (SOC)—College-age (Scott Jefcoat)
Home Builders—20’s-30’s (Garrett Shepherd)
ARISE—30’s-50’s (Don Fox)
Sycamore Seniors—60’s & above (Tim Chambers)
GROW Ministry
We pray that you will continue to support our GROW
Ministry. Every card written and every visit made goes a
long way! Thank you for all your work!
Service Opportunities for This Week
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Morning Worship
If you are unable to serve, please contact Casey Rich at 260-0304
Call to Worship
Opening Prayer
Lead Singing
Read Scripture
Closing Prayer
Charles Vaughn
Jimmy Daniel
Horace Burks
Greg D. Rector
Barry Daniel
Evan Stafford
Presiding Over Communion:
Ray Pryor
Serving Lord’s Supper: Bob Rich, Neil Robinson, Tim Saylor, Greg Smith, Bryan Street, Steve Sykes, Matt Reeves,
Blake Sharp, Jon Sharp, Dylan Shaw, Howard Sherfey, Lloyd
Steele, Tim Strickland
February Ushers: Barry Daniel, Tracey Barker, Steve Tillman, Tim Saylor, Jimmy Loftis
February Door Greeters: AM - Kevin Daughrity, Angie
Robinson, Casey Rich - PM - Gary Jett, Mary Alice Thomas,
Kirk Windrow
Evening Worship
If you are unable to serve, please contact Jimmy Loftis at 528-3265
Lead Singing
Read Scripture
Opening Prayer
Closing Prayer
Barry Daniel
Jeff Stout
Tyler Sherfield
Keith Terrell
Alan Thrasher
Presiding Over Lord’s Supper:
Brad Whitson
Wes Spillers & Wesley Spillers
Sunday Morning - Wayne Moss - 267-9978
Sunday Evening - Chase Fletcher - 319-4887
Wednesday Evening - Ryan Mattson - 783-0184
Service Opportunities for Next Week
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Morning Worship
If you are unable to serve, please contact Casey Rich at 260-0304
Call to Worship
Opening Prayer
Lead Singing
Read Scripture
Closing Prayer
Randy DeBord
Jim Ashley
Jeff Stout
David Carter
Kevin Daughrity
Tim Chambers
Presiding Over Communion:
Joseph Cross
Serving Lord’s Supper: Bruce Bean, Paul Bellamy, Donald
Cantrell, Jimmy Daniel, Jerrie Flatt, Chase Fletcher, Stanley
Birdwell, Rick Brittingham, Louis Davidson, Cody Fletcher,
Kelly Fletcher, Bryann Fox, Don Fox
February Ushers: Barry Daniel, Tracey Barker, Steve Tillman, Tim Saylor, Jimmy Loftis
February Door Greeters: AM - Kevin Daughrity, Angie
Robinson, Casey Rich - PM - Gary Jett, Mary Alice Thomas,
Kirk Windrow
Evening Worship
If you are unable to serve, please contact Jimmy Loftis at 528-3265
Taking Lord’s Supper to Shut-Ins
February 16, 2014
Anna & Joey Brown (311 Polly Dr.) - Jeremy Fox & Brad
Betty Bennett (877 Willow Valley Ct) - Charles Vaughn &
Jason Vaughn
Wednesday February 19, 2014
Lead Singing
Read Scripture
Opening Prayer
Closing Prayer
Kevin Daughrity
Keith Terrill
Reuben DeBord
Gary Fox
Rob Gaw
Presiding Over Lord’s Supper:
Casey Fox
Clay Daniel & Matt Reeves
If you are unable to serve, please contact Jeff Massey 870-273-2650
Lead Singing
Barry Daniel
Wesley Spillers
Marc Robinson
Brett Windrow
For The Record - Feb. 9, 2014
A.M. WORSHIP……………………………………………………..421
P.M. WORSHIP………...…………………………………………..208
A.M. BIBLE CLASS.….…………………………………………….288
WED. BIBLE CLASS……..…………………………………………210
Taking Lord’s Supper to Shut-Ins
February 23, 2014
Anna & Joey Brown (311 Polly Dr.) - Jimmy Loftis & Rick
Betty Bennett (877 Willow Valley Ct) - Casey Fox & Bryan
Wednesday February 26, 2014
If you are unable to serve, please contact Jeff Massey 870-273-2650
Lead Singing
Kevin Daughrity
Keith Terrill
Jonathan Coble
Barry Daniel