Helping people feel safe again - Jewish Family Service of San Diego


Helping people feel safe again - Jewish Family Service of San Diego
Jewish Family Service of San Diego
ANNUAL REPORT 2011– 2012
Helping people feel safe again
When life presents
devastating challenges,
Jewish Family Service
helps people feel safe again.
Dear Friends,
It is our honor to present to you this year’s annual report in our 95th year of
service to our community. This has been a year of continued success during a
period of slow economic recovery.
We are all encouraged by indications of decreased unemployment, increased
housing sales, and fewer bankruptcies and foreclosures. But even with these
positive signs, we also know that some members of our community recover
more slowly than others and still need our help.
Michael Hopkins
This has resulted in a year of record food distribution at our Hand Up Youth Food
Pantry, an increased number of clients in our domestic violence program Project
SARAH, and greater demand for Case Management services.
This year also marked a most significant transition in executive leadership. Jill
Spitzer, after 26 years of outstanding service, retired as the CEO of JFS. We are
pleased that Jill is continuing to lend her wisdom and vision to help us reach our
resource development goals.
Felicia Mandelbaum
We also spent this past year exploring the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to
purchase the building next door to the Turk Family Center, our headquarters on
Balboa Avenue. In July, after almost a half year of study, our Board of Directors
approved the purchase of the building. Our decision was inspired by a magnificent
$2 million lead gift, covering almost two-thirds of the purchase price.
The building is an incredible opportunity to consolidate programs and deliver
services more efficiently. It is also a metaphor for our future. It is an opportunity
to develop new leaders and donors, and to focus on programs and services that
are core to our mission.
Lastly, we earned Charity Navigator’s highest 4-star rating for a fifth consecutive
year, an accomplishment that only 5% of reviewed charities nationwide can
claim. This past year, we touched more than 35,000 individuals, with 90 cents of
every dollar spent on direct service to clients.
Providing the highest quality service efficiently and effectively and improving
the quality of our community are why we are proud to present to you:
Jewish Family Service.
Felicia Mandelbaum
President, Board of Directors
Michael Hopkins, MSW
Chief Executive Officer
Jewish Family Service of San Diego
2011– 2012
Since 1918, Jewish Family Service has built a reputation as a
community leader in providing critical care, help, and healing to
those in need. Our commitment to alleviating hunger, supporting
those in crisis, assisting the elderly to age with dignity and respect,
and strengthening families remains steadfast. The following are
some highlights:
Meeting the Changing Needs of Aging
Meeting Life’s Challenges
Geriatric Care Management assisted 322 older adults and
their caretakers with planning and coordination of care — 29%
of these clients also received financial assistance to help cover
the costs of moving, medical care, and more.
Breast Cancer Case Management stabilized crises related to
cancer diagnosis for 53 breast cancer patients and their families
through direct service, emergency food, financial assistance,
and advocacy.
The JFS Fix-It Service provided 1,453 minor home safety
modifications and repairs to 381 older adults. This work was
completed by 18 volunteers who generously contributed
1,287 hours.
On the Go: Transportation Solutions for Older Adults
reached a major milestone —100,000 rides provided since its
beginning in July 2008. The program also expanded to Carmel
Valley and Tierrasanta as a result of two SANDAG grants: the
New Freedom Federal Funds and TransNet Senior Mini-Grant.
This year, On the Go delivered 39,766 rides through shuttles,
excursions, Rides & Smiles, and taxi scrip.
The Serving Holocaust Survivors (SOS) program provided
home healthcare, housekeeping, and financial assistance to
122 survivors.
Our three Social &
Wellness Centers were
the place to be with
a variety of daytime
programming including
social, educational,
and physical activities.
The College Avenue
Center, our largest,
attracted more than
32,400 visits. The North
County Inland Center
welcomed 45 participants each day. And the University City
Older Adult Center, which serves an older, more fragile senior
population, averaged 23 daily participants.
“I gave up driving after suffering a stroke.
On the Go has allowed me to venture out of
my home and make new friends. To get out,
see people, see the trees, the cars, the terrain —
it is like a breath of fresh air. My whole life has
changed.” – Client of On the Go
Community Case Management (CCM) provides critical
assistance to individuals and families in crisis. This year,
intervention plans were created for 950 new clients — a 72%
increase from last fiscal year. A CCM Case Manager is present at
Hand Up Youth Food Pantry food distributions to help direct
clients to other JFS programs and services.
The unstable economy continues to affect Counseling clients —
84% are low-income and report being impacted by the loss of
work, risk of bankruptcy/foreclosure, family relationship stresses,
and other issues. During the past year, 356 clients (56% Jewish)
received a total of 3,231 counseling sessions.
Project SARAH (Stop Abusive Relationships At Home) served
497 clients, an alarming 52% increase over the previous year.
Studies show that domestic violence is more likely to occur
in households facing economic stress and will lead to more
frequent and more violent abuse where abuse already exists.
56% of clients also received counseling and 60% of clients
received case management services.
The Patient Advocacy
Program provided
representation for clients
at over 3,000 due process
hearings and responded
to over 3,500 inquiries
and complaints from
clients in acute psychiatric
facilities, crisis centers,
board & care homes, and
skilled nursing facilities. In
October 2012, we presented a countywide training with the
Superior Court, the Public Defender’s Office, and the Public
Conservator’s Office.
No One Should Go Hungry
Food insecurity continues to be one of the primary entry
points to JFS. The Hand Up Youth Food Pantry distributed
over 343,000 pounds of food (equivalent to 268,238 meals)
to 9,371 individuals, including more than 100,000 pounds
of fresh, nutritious produce. Other highlights include:
marking the 100th military distribution at Camp Pendleton
“Throughout the year, we have faced an
assortment of problems from not being able to
pay a bill to being just a little short for groceries.
JFS has been one of the few constants that we
can depend on to make it through.”
- Military Client of the Hand Up Youth Food Pantry
and Murphy Canyon, delivering Passover packages to more
than 300 local families and 50 troops deployed in Bahrain,
providing 706 Thanksgiving meals to families in need,
becoming a leader in the Hunger Advocacy Network
(a collaborative of food security organizations), and the
involvement of 1,412 volunteers
donating 4,968 hours working
in the Pantry and assisting with
food drives.
Foodmobile is the only kosher,
home-delivered meal program
for seniors and younger disabled
homebound adults in San Diego.
The program delivered more
than 39,600 meals to over 300
clients and Senior Nutrition
served more than 28,000 meals
at the three Social & Wellness
Centers and CO-OP at Town
Park Villas.
“After my divorce, even though I was
working full-time, I couldn’t afford to keep
my daughter in Jewish preschool or pay my
synagogue membership. But JFS was there
for me. They helped me keep Judaism in
my daughter’s life.”
– Client of Supporting Jewish Single Parents (SJSP)
Strengthening and Providing Help for Our
Jewish Community
Jewish BIGPals made 17 new matches between mentors and
kids and maintained 56 active matches. Many social events
were planned throughout the year, highlighted by holiday
celebrations, volunteering in the Hand Up Youth Food Pantry,
and a bullying awareness workshop.
The Jewish Employment Network (JEN) helped 73 people in
our community find jobs in a competitive market. More than
390 people attended JEN workshops and 146 people received
career search services. JEN’s business relationships resulted in
327 job referrals for JEN clients.
The Jewish Healing Center provides a uniquely Jewish and
spiritual perspective to challenges and crises. 55 people
received spiritual counseling and 133 people attended
support and bereavement groups. More than 1,200 Jewish
individuals were reached through workshops and events.
Beginning in December, North Coastal Jewish Connections,
funded by the Leichtag Foundation, revealed a significant
need in the North Coastal region for increased programs
and services for the Jewish community. 309 individuals
received referrals and more than 150 participants attended
group events — 94% of event participants reported feeling a
stronger connection to the Jewish community. The program
served as an entry point for 39 North Coastal residents to
access our full range of programs.
The Rubenstein Family Scholarship awarded $20,000 in
2011– 2012. Recipients attended SDSU, UCSD, Wesleyan
University, and other schools of higher learning.
Supporting Jewish Single Parents hosted its 6th Annual
Family Camp Weekend, which was attended by a record
41 families (110 participants). With assistance from the
Leichtag Foundation, 12 children attended Jewish preschool
or day school, 43 children attended Jewish summer camp,
and 9 children attended religious school.
Building Strong Families &
Tomorrow’s Leaders
Adoption Alliance continues
to be one of only two agencies
in San Diego County licensed
to provide both domestic and
international adoption services.
18 children were placed with
families and 49 families are
currently waiting to adopt. 97
individuals participated in Stars of David programming for
Jewish and interfaith adoptive families.
Girls Give Back launched with great success in July 2011.
The 38 Jewish participants are pursuing their goal to
develop social mindedness, critical thinking, self-esteem,
and empathy. 78% of these young women are registered to
continue in the program in 2012 – 2013.
Hand Up Teen Leadership, comprised of 42 teens from 15
high schools, conducted 41 food drives, raised more than
$11,000 in support of the Hand Up Youth Food Pantry, and
volunteered 2,300 hours — a 500 hour increase over the
previous year.
Launching in February 2012, Pachie’s Place empowers
parents to be more confident, informed, and connected
through education, events, and resources. A blog and social
media presence were established with great response and
Baby Boot Camp, their first event, received high praise.
The Positive Parenting Program (PPP), the largest
evidence-based parent education program in San Diego,
uses the Triple P America model to deliver services to
parents, caregivers, families, educators, and childcare
providers. PPP served 32 Head Start Centers, 24 community
sites, and 7 military locations. The program reached 24,338
children in 36 elementary schools. Improvement was
reported by 97% of attendees.
Preschool in the Park provides low-income families with
the opportunity for a preschool education before entering
kindergarten. More than 65 children regularly attended,
surpassing the program’s goal by 30%.
Helping Our Community Grow Stronger and
More Diverse
Refugee Reception & Placement provided case
management, employment services, cultural orientation,
health education, community outreach, and advocacy
to 303 refugees from Iraq, Myanmar, and Iran. Launched
in January 2012, Citizenship & Immigration prepared
and aided 45 refugees in their application for citizenship.
Employment & Job Placement Services co-hosted an
Employee Resource Summit that was attended by 250
refugees. Many partnerships have been created with local
businesses resulting in 131 jobs for clients.
Providing Shelter and Tools to Live Independently
Desert Horizon Transitional Housing places homeless
individuals directly from the streets and emergency shelters
into transitional housing units with supportive services. The
program served 76 individuals — 81% found employment
within six months of entering the program.
“After successfully finding a job through the
Jewish Employment Network, my family extends
their thanks to the JFS team. I am now in a much
better place to care for myself and to provide
for my family.” – Client of Jewish Employment Network
Desert Vista Permanent Supportive Housing is the only
program of its kind in the Coachella Valley specifically
targeting chronically homeless and disabled individuals.
The program served 50 clients — overall client living skills
improved by 97% based on their ability to provide self-care.
Roy’s Desert Resource Center is a homeless center in
Western Coachella Valley. 783 clients left the streets and
received case management, access to resources, and shelter
at Roy’s this past year. 72% of the clients moved on to
secure and affordable housing.
“Jewish Family Service’s track record
of integrity, service, and compassion is
a treasure for our community. We are
proud to be supporters—we know our
donation will change someone’s life.”
– Robert Rubenstein & Marie Raftery
The Heart of Jewish Family Service
Program by program and mitzvah by mitzvah, JFS volunteers
are vital to our ability to provide help to the community.
Over 62,850 hours were donated — totaling more than
$1,488,437 worth of in-kind services. On average, 1,019
volunteers were active with 133 new volunteers joining
each month. 552 families had their holidays brightened
with Embrace-a-Family gifts. More than 50 young,
socially-minded Jewish professionals were part of Emerging
Leaders, where they performed service projects and raised
more than $15,000 with the Brushes + Forks event.
The Vital Link That Makes Our Work Possible
The generous support of the community enables us to
be the lifeline for so many. We truly appreciate all who
make Jewish Family Service a priority in their giving. A
few highlights:
• 575 people attended our annual Heart & Soul Gala,
raising more than $1.1 million. This year’s event was
A Legacy of Service, which honored the inspiring
leadership, accomplishments, and communal service
of CEO Jill Borg Spitzer, who retired after 26 years.
• Our Friends of the Family are special donors who give
$1,000 or more during the JFS Annual Campaign. This
year, 359 Friends contributed more than $3.2 million.
• 3,086 generous donors supported our vital work in
2011 – 2012.
Charitable Auto Resources, Inc. implemented some exciting
changes over the last year. We teamed with On the Go to
form a new nonprofit,
Charitable Adult Rides
& Services, Inc. We saw
an increase of 28% in
net revenue as a lack
of used car inventory
increased the worth of
donated vehicles. Unit
prices increased by 17%,
allowing us to increase
our profitability despite
declining numbers of
vehicle donations. At the end of the year, used car donations
began to stabilize and even increase in some sectors as more
Americans started buying new cars.
Board of Directors
President Felicia Mandelbaum
1st Vice President Jennifer Levitt
2nd Vice President Mathew Fink
Treasurer Edward J. Carnot
Secretary Loretta H. Adams
Immediate Past President Steven J. Levine
Michael B. Abramson
Marsha Berkson
Kimberly Carnot
Marc Channick
Ronnie Diamond
Judy Feldman
Joseph J. Fisch
Avi Frohlichman
Meg Goldstein
Marcia Hazan
Steven Jacobson
Kate Kassar
Nadja Kauder
Philip Linssen
Barbara Lubin
Sheryl L. Rowling
Devora Safran
Susan Shmalo
Fern Siegel
Elyse Sollender
Louis Vener
Cathy Weil
Adam Welland
Ron S. Zollman
Jewish Family Service of San Diego
Public Support & Revenue
Revenue Source
■ Public & Private Grants
■ Contributions
■ Client Fees
■ Car Donation Program
■ Jewish Federation
■ Jewish Community Foundation
■ Investment Income
■ Other
Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Change in Net Assets
Revenue Amount
Percent Amount
Expense Amount
Percent Amount
Program Expenses
■ Aging & Wellness
■ Counseling & Educational
■ Emergency Shelter and Supportive Housing
■ Community Services
■ Refugee Resettlement
■ Volunteer Engagement
Management Efficiency
■ Direct Services & Programs
■ Development & Marketing
■ Administration
Expense Amount
Percent Amount
Program services are provided at break-even; the increase in net assets is due to revenue
generated by the car donation program and will be used to fund future social service programs.
We Achieved Charity Navigator’s Highest 4-Star Rating Five Years in a Row
Only 5% of Charities Nationwide Can Make this Claim
Read our review online at
Thank You.
We are deeply grateful to the individuals,
businesses, corporations, foundations, and agencies
who help Jewish Family Service fulfill its mission.
Foundation and Corporate Grants
The Alvin & Geraldine Baileys Foundation
Beverly Foundation
Robert & Lillie Breitbard Foundation
Charles & Ruth Billingsley Family Trust at Wells Fargo Bank
Care 1st Health Plan
Catholic Charities
Change A Life Foundation
Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany
The Copen Family Fund
The Del Mar Healthcare Fund of the San Diego Foundation
The Ilse, Charles & Peter Dalebrook Fund at Union Bank
San Diego County Employees Charitable Organization
Equality Alliance
Family Health Centers of San Diego
Felber Foundation
The Samuel I. & John Henry Fox Foundation at Union Bank
Galinson Family Foundation
Melvin Garb Foundation
Daniel & Florence Green Family Foundation
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
Irvin Stern Foundation
Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego
Jewish Federation of San Diego
Jewish Women's Foundation
Knapp Family Foundation
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Leichtag Foundation
Los Rancheros Kiwanis Club
Mandel Weiss Charitable Trust
Maurice Masserini Charitable Trust at Wells Fargo Bank
McCarthy Family Foundation
Abraham Gray & Elfrieda Meth Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation
Mizel Family Foundation
The Morrison & Foerster Foundation
National MS Society-Pacific South Coast Chapter
Nierman Family Fund
The Art Pratt Foundation of Old Mission Rotary Club
Palomar Health
Pfizer Foundation
Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest
Hughes & Sheila Potiker Memorial Fund
The Arthur P. and Jeanette G. Pratt Memorial Fund at Union Bank
The Price Family Charitable Fund
Rady Children's Hospital
Rotary Club of Rancho Bernardo Sunrise
Regional Access Project Foundation
San Diego HIV Funding Collaborative
San Ysidro School District
SCAN Health Plan
SAY San Diego (Social Advocates for Youth)
South Bay Community Services
Southern Regional Resource Center
The Stone Family Foundation
Sunroad Automotive
TJX Foundation
U.S. Bank
United Way of San Diego
Verizon Wireless HelpLine
Viterbi Family Foundation of the Jewish Community Foundation
Walmart Foundation
Ways to Work
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Holocaust Survivor Emergency Assistance Fund,
administered by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany
for the benefit of needy Jewish Nazi victims
Youth Service America
Government /Public Funding
City of Encinitas
Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG)
Community Service Association of the San Diego Unified School District
County of San Diego
County of San Diego Supervisor Ron Roberts
County of Riverside
Desert Healthcare District
San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)
Grossmont Healthcare District
Endowment Funds
Jill Borg Spitzer Endowment Fund
Ensuring a tradition of honoring our past, sharing our
present, and building our future, so we may continue to
nurture individuals and families in our community.
Sam & Mildred Ackerman Endowment Fund
for Counseling Services
Barnett Family Fund
Chortek Family Foundation
Melvin & Betty Cohn Fund
Sylvia DeWoskin Fund
Foster Family Foundation Fund
for Intensive Psychiatric Case Management Program
Milton D. and Madeline L. Goldberg
Family Foundation Endowment
Jean Gordon Fund for the Hand Up Youth Food Pantry
Helen & Joseph Gotkowitz Jewish BIGPals Endowment Fund
Helen & Joseph Gotkowitz Senior Transportation
Endowment Fund
Lawrence & Bryna Haber Senior Services Fund
Ed & Linda Janon Fund for Behavioral Health Services
Jerry & Miriam Katzin Fund
Joy F. Knapp Memorial Fund
Landers Family Fund
Hamilton & Estelle Loeb Fund
Brian C. Malk Family Fund
Sanford & Laurayne Ratner Fund for Women and
Children in Need
Norman & Toby Rubin Fund
Henrietta Rubenstein Staff Development Fund
Safran Family Endowment for the Adoption Alliance
Hannie Schattmann-Linssen Fund
Ben & Ruby Schulman Fund for Children’s Services
Stephen & Susan Schutz Fund
Hyman M. Schwartz Charitable Foundation Trust
Janet Silverman Fund for Behavioral Health Services
Vogelson Endowment for Jewish Family Service
Stanley & Dorothy Winter Endowment Fund
Stanley Winter Fund for Crisis Intervention Services
Charles & Leah Zibbell Fund
2 Anonymous
David & Joan Banko
Edward & Pamela Carnot
Melvin & Betty Cohn
Philip & Alice Cohn
Elliot & Diane Feuerstein
Murray & Elaine Galinson
Jon & Bobbie Gilbert
Irwin & Joan Jacobs
Edward & Linda Janon
Jeffrey & Hillary Liber
Marshall & Gail Littman
Hamilton & Estelle Loeb
David & Felicia Mandelbaum
Robert & Allison Price
Lois J. Richmond
Arthur & Jeannie Rivkin
Norman & Toby Rubin
Cynthia Seeberg
Susan Shmalo
Herbert & Elene* Solomon
The Stone Family Foundation
James & Ellen Weil
Dorothy G. Winter
Estate Gifts
Learn how planned giving through your estate will benefit the people who are served by Jewish Family Service
Loretta H. Adams
Cyril Adler
Gertrude Aminoff*
Ellis Atkins*
Joyce Axelrod
Stanley Beck
Simone Bennett Trust
Barry Berelowitz
Sondra Berk
Stanley F. Bernstein
David Bildner
Mania Borenstein*
Jane Brand
Daisy Brodsky*
Arthur Brody*
Carolyn Brothers*
Claudette Broussard
Barbara Clark
Joseph Cohen & Martha Farish
Dorothy Cox
Joel Craddock & Mark Parker
Gertrude Cromartie*
Nell Demeter*
Ronnie & Lorna Diamond
Patricia Doering
Philip Dolgoff
Karen Eddie
Joan Eichberg
Lee & Maria Elson Revocable Trust
Louis & Adelle Engel*
Samuel Engelman
Inez Exton*
Else Feistmann
Norman & Susan Finkelstein
Joseph J. Fisch
Merle & Teresa Fischlowitz
Martin & Lucille Fleischman
Muriel Fleischman*
Katherine Fleischner-Burns*
Reuben Fogelson*
Ronald & Carol Fox
Friederike Freund*
* Of Blessed Memory
Murray & Elaine Galinson
Julian Gelber*
Maurice A. Goldberg*
Milton & Madeline Goldberg Foundation*
Samuel Goldberg*
Shirley Goldberg
Claire Goldfaden*
Harry Goldman*
Marcy Goldstone
Teresa Goodwin
Herbert* & Marlene Greenstein
Alex & Marianne Grossman
Charlotte Haas*
Henry W. Haimsohn
Sally Halms
Helen Harlan*
Anne Hayden
Agnes Herman
Arthur & Hannah Heymann*
Betty Hiller
Bess Hock
Fredericka Ingham*
Cecile Jordan
Joseph Kahl*
Saul & Rita Kamlet
Stuart Karasik
Nadja Kauder
Lillian Kaufman
Roberta Kaufman-Fredericks
Lillian Kerr*
Harry Kessler*
Abraham Kleinman*
Rita Koor
Elaine Krieger Trust*
Aaron & Bernadette Landau
Ruth Landau
Dorothy Last*
Robert Lazarus
Regina M. Lee*
Harriet Levin*
Rebecca Levine*
Fred Lewin
Morris & Betty Liebermensch
Hamilton M. Loeb, Jr.
Herbert & Marsha Lubick
Sanford Margolies*
Walter Medelsohn
Louis Mednicoff*
Cantor Sheldon & Marcie Merel
Ellen Miller
Gertrude Millman*
Charles & Ilene Mittman
Elaine Moser
Phoebe Munz
George Nathan*
Jeanette Neeley
Miriam Neuhauser*
Alan & Nancy Nevin
John Newberger*
Ronald Newell
Harriet Newmark*
Helen Orin*
Lawrence & Andrea Oster
Max Pawl*
Sarah Person-Leeds*
Eli J. Posinoff*
Ruth Raskin*
Pearl M. Reiter*
Michael & Minna Riber
Lois Richmond
Harold Ritter
Annette Kaplan Rosenberg*
Bernice R. Rosenberg
Frieda Rosenberg
Morris Rosenberg
Hannah L. Roskin*
John Ruden*
Ruth Schank*
Mark & Diana Schatz
Irving & Gloria Schiffman
Robert Schimmelfennig*
Elliot Schubert
Fred Schwartz*
Sigmond Schwartz*
Mike* & Cynthia Seeberg
Jerome & Phyllis* Sharrin
Leon & Fern Siegel
Milton Silver
Edward & Zella Silverstein
Arnold* & Lucee Sirk
Mildred Small
Henry Soille*
Irving Salomon
Ida Soontup*
Mark & Jill Spitzer
Francy Starr
Vera Stein
Anneliese Steppat*
Marty Stern & Marcia Kern
Dorrit Still*
Evan & Jill Stone
Morris Swider
Nessim & Sarah Tiano
Louis & Tamora Vener
Lawrence & Lainy Vinikow
Morton Vogelson*
Steven & Laurie Wax
John & Cathy Weil
Daniel & Sheila Weinberg
Nancy Weissberg
Harry & Jo Ann Weissman
Eric & Irene Wetsman
Sydney & Cynthia Wexler
Anne Wilson
Martin & Olivia Winkler
Rachel G. Winsten*
George Wise
Gertrude Womack*
Ann Youngwood
Charles* & Leah* Zibbell
Lillian Zilbercweig*
Norman & Jane Zmora
18 Anonymous
Please accept our deepest thanks for being a Friend of the Family
$50,000 or more
Arthur** Brody & Phyllis Cohn*
Charitable Adult Rides & Services, Inc.
Bud & Esther Fischer*
Murray & Elaine Galinson*
Daniel & Florence Green Family Foundation
Irwin & Joan Jacobs*
Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego*
Jewish Federation of San Diego County
Leichtag Family Foundation
Melvin Garb Foundation*
Barry & Kristine Quart
Robert Rubenstein & Marie Raftery*
Jerry & Carole Turk
Viterbi Family Foundation*
Mitchell & Renee Wagner
Dorothy G. Winter*
1 Anonymous
$25,000 – $49,999
Barbara Bloom*
Melvin & Betty Cohn*
The Copen Family Fund*
Irvin Stern Foundation
Joseph & Mary Mulcahy
Arthur & Jeannie Rivkin*
Hughes & Sheila Potiker Memorial Fund
Benjamin Schulman
Cynthia Seeberg
David Stutz & Abbe Wolfsheimer Stutz
U.S. Bank
Valerie Viterbi*
In memory of Alexander J. Viterbi
Louis & Suzanne Wolfsheimer
Bertram & Jacqueline Woolf
1 Anonymous
$10,000 – $24,999
Michael Brown & Jori Potiker Brown*
Elaine Chortek*
Philip & Alice Cohn
Harry & Debra Coplan
The Ilse, Charles & Peter Dalebrook Fund
at Union Bank of California
Glenn & Karen Doshay
Ron Eisenberg & Devora Safran
Al & Naomi Eisman*
Inge Feinswog*
Frank Felber & Merril Gersten Felber
Elliot & Diane Feuerstein*
Joseph Fisch & Joyce Axelrod*
Michael & Susanna Flaster*
Pauline Foster*
G.S. Levine Insurance Services, Inc. /
Gary & Lisa Levine
Martin** & Enid Gleich
Daniel & Florence Green
Marcia Hazan*
Gary & Jerri-Ann Jacobs*
Jerome & Miriam Katzin
Richard & Carol Kornfeld*
Arthur & Sandy Levinson*
Jay & Jennifer Levitt*
Jeffrey & Sheila Lipinsky*
Luis & Sally Maizel
David & Felicia Mandelbaum*
Mandell Weiss Charitable Trust
Merrill Lynch Private Banking
Ronnie & Marci Morgan
The Price Family Charitable Fund
Robert & Allison Price
Shirley Ravet*
Jeffrey & Vivien Ressler*
Lois J. Richmond*
Norman & Toby Rubin*
Ronnie & Marci Morgan
Susan Shmalo
Daniel Smargon & Audrey Viterbi
Elyse Sollender
Spielman Family
In memory of Jenny Spielman
Mark & Jill Spitzer*
Jerome & Sharon Stein
The Stone Family Foundation*
Sunroad Automotive
Andrew & Erna Viterbi*
James & Ellen Weil
Gary & Nancy Weissberg
Stanley & Ruth Westreich
Caryl Lees Witte
3 Anonymous
Morris & Zita Liebermensch
Jack & Judith Lief
Hamilton & Estelle Loeb
Mathew & Barbara Loonin
Barbara Malk
Ellen Marks
John Moores & Dianne Rosenberg
Dana Nicol
Laurayne Ratner*
In memory of Sanford Ratner
Robert & Lauren Resnik
Elizabeth Rose
Abe & Ana Rothman
William & Sheryl Rowling*
Allan Rudick & Dolores Forsythe*
Beverly K. Schmier
Seacrest Village Encinitas
Neil Senturia & Barbara Bry*
David & Reina Shteremberg*
Raphael’s Party Rentals
Lucille M. Sirk
Faith Stagg*
Jan Steinert & Richard Bosse, Jr.
Ruth Stern
Sunroad Enterprises
Nessim & Sarah Tiano
Tom Turner & Maxine Snyder
David & Sharon Wax*
Stephen Wax & Laurie Price
Larry & Mary Lynn Weitzen
Norman & Betty Zander
Anonymous Fund at the San Diego Foundation
2 Anonymous
$5,000 – $9,999
$3,000 – $4,999
Ruth Anfangar
Noam & Heidi Arzt
Ralph & Roberta Berman*
The Robert & Lillie Breitbard Foundation
Capital Auto & Truck Auction, Inc.
City National Bank
Larry Cohen
In memory of Isabel Cohen
Sheldon & Marjorie Derezin
Eric & Glenda Drimmer
Nettie Fisher*
C. Hugh Friedman & Lynn Schenk
Jon & Bobbie Gilbert
Howard & Carole Goldfeder
Bryna G. Haber*
Alan & Barbara Haubenstock
Rita Heller*
In memory of Aron & Bluma Heller
Leonard & Eileen Herman
Lee Kaiser & Linda Sorkin
Muriel Kaplan
Jerry & Gayle Klusky
Craig Lambert & Jan Tuttleman*
Latham & Watkins LLP
Lonnie Israel Levi*
James Lewis & Andrea Stein*
Barbara C. Barsky*
Ezra Bayda & Elizabeth Hamilton
Lawrence & Judith Belinsky*
Edgar & Julie Berner*
Marc & Debra Channick*
Joseph Cohen & Martha Farish*
Joshua & Lyda Cohen
Robert Cohen
In memory of Elaine R. Cohen
Stephen Cohen & Adele Rabin
Daniel & Emily Einhorn*
David & Claire Ellman*
Daniel & Phyllis Epstein*
Mike & Judy Feldman*
Morey & Jeanne** Feldman
Merle & Teresa Fischlowitz
Faiya Fredman
Gerald & Marcia Gilberg
Jeffrey Glazer & Lisa Braun-Glazer
Lucy Goldman*
Jonathan & Stacy Halberg*
Isaac Hirschbein & Kathy Beitscher
Edward & Linda Janon
Julian & Jennifer Josephson
David & Susan Kabakoff*
Emanuel & Nadja Kauder*
David & Debra Kramer
Robert Lazarus & Kathy Keane
Steven & Audrey Levine
Philip Linssen & Patricia Ungar-Linssen
Brian C. Malk & Nancy Heitel*
James & Susan Morris*
Irving & Flora Rawdin*
David & Arlene Rose
Edward & Rae Samiljan*
Mitch Shack & Tina Beranbaum*
Robert Shapiro
Thomas & Vera Sickinger
Leon & Fern Siegel
Milton Silver Trust
In memory of Milton Silver
Stanley & Marilyn Smiedt*
Avery & Patricia Stone
Jean Jacques Surbeck & Marjory Kaplan*
David S. Van Denburgh
Louis & Tamora Vener
John & Cathy Weil
Marvin & Bebe Zigman
Ron & Joellyn Zollman
2 Anonymous
$2,000 – $2,999
Betty Amber
In memory of Paul & Sylvia Amber
Michael Bartell & Melissa Garfield Bartell
Joan Beber*
Amnon & Lee Ben-Yehuda*
Jeremy & Joan Berg
Alan Bersin & Lisa Foster*
George & Julie Bronstein*
Jeanette R. Burnett
Edward & Pamela Carnot
Kimberly Carnot & Traci Carpenter
Ronald & Guadalupe Cohn
Lee Davis & Barbara Mellman Davis
Deutsche Bank Private Wealth Management
David Dolgen & Ellen Sarver Dolgen
Martin & Lois Ehrlich
Max Einhorn
Ronald Evans & Ellen Potter
Alberta Feurzeig
Barry Fisch
Sigrid Fischer*
Charles Fleischer & Myra Chack Fleischer
Avi & Margarita Frohlichman
Phillip & Francine Ginsburg
Brandon & Lara Grusd
Diana L. Hahn
In memory of Norman Hahn
Howard Harris
In memory of Iris Hepps Harris
James & Ruth Harris*
Sylvia Horowitz
Selwyn & Hilary Isakow
Jacob Health Care Center
Richard & Ann Jaffe
Marjorie Kalmanson
John & Kate Kassar*
Jerald & Margaret Katleman*
Warren & Karen Kessler*
Knapp Family Foundation
Gregg & Lisa Kornfeld*
Mathew & Jennifer Kostrinsky
Daniel & Tammie Kramer
Helene K. Kruger
Robert & Susan Lapidus*
Elliot & Phyllis Lasser
Julian & Lee Lichter
Jaime & Sylvia Liwerant*
Justin & Alison Mandelbaum
Charles & Jackie Mann
Eugene & Marilyn Marx
Carl W. Melcher
Charles & Ilene Mittman
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
The Morrison & Foerster Foundation
Hannah Moss
Alan & Nancy Nevin
Lawrence & Rebecca Newman*
Nierman Family Fund*
Michael & Shymona Nyberg
Mark Oberman & Judith Eisenberg*
Steven Oberman*
Lawrence & Andrea Oster
Sheldon & Barbara Ostroff
Shearn & Linda Platt*
Erving & Rose Lee Polster
Maurice Rapkin*
Mitchell & Miyo Reff
Charles Robins
Sheldon** & Lillian Scharlin*
Suzanne Schwartzman
Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla
Maurice & Sandra Silverman
Ronald & Nanci Slayen
Philip & Ruth Slonim
David & Miriam Smotrich
Loraine Stern
In memory of Jack Stern
Evan & Jill Stone
In memory of Martin Colby
Rodney & Gloria Stone
Sam & Barb Takahashi
Matthew Turk
Harold Walba
In memory of Shevy Walba
Charles & Randi Wax*
Carol Weisner
Harry & Joann Weissman
Abraham & Shirley Wineberg
Anton & Julie Woolf
Allan & Helene Ziman
5 Anonymous
$1,000 – $1,999
Mark & Laura Abelkop
Michael & Tali Abramson
Loretta H. Adams
B.J. & Sybil Adelson
Laurie Aker
Michael & Karen Aron
Dan Ashel
Jean Atlan & Ronit Arnsdorf-Atlan
Alvin & Geraldine Baileys Foundation
Daniel Bartel
Benjamin Barth
Irwin & Felicia Belcher
Geoffrey & Carla Berg
Arlan & Debra Berglas
Robert & Sondra Berk*
Ross Biestman & Rebecca Spitzer
Arthur & Cynthia Birnbaum
Gary & Barbara Blake*
Laurence & Cindy Bloch
Howard Bolotin & Lori Singer Bolotin
Phillip & Sylvia Borkat
Jack & Miriam Breyer
Stuart & Barbara Brody
Barbara Brown
Leonard & Ann Brown
Spencer & Pamela Burkholz
Casey Gerry Schenk Francavilla
Blatt & Penfield LLP
Steve & Adina Chinowsky
Stanley & Peggy Chodorow
Sharon L. Cohen
Suzanne Cohen
Renee Cokin*
Matt & Laurie Coleman
Congregation Beth Israel
Rich Custard
Steven & Diane Demeter
Ronnie & Lorna Diamond
Jason & Julia Dorfman
Carl Eibl & Amy Corton
Norm & Joan Eichberg
Norman & Toby Eisenberg
Elmcroft Senior Living
Steven & Amy Epner
James & Judy Farley*
Randi Feinberg
Nomi Feldman
Daniel** & Tobie Fink
Mathew & April Fink
Robert & Jessica Fink*
Ted V. Finkel
First Republic Bank
Barbara M. Fischbein
Ronald & Carol Fox*
Orrin & Kate Franko
Donald Fuhrman
Gary & Eve Fybel
Laura Galinson & Jane Fantel*
Amnon Gires & Monica Handler Penner
Mark & Hanna Gleiberman*
Jerold & Linda Goldberg
Allan & Meg Goldstein*
Matt Gordon / Urban Solace
Richard & Lynn Gordon
Robert & Carolina Gottlieb
Lawrence B. Gratt
Marlene Greenstein
In memory of Herb Greenstein
Ted Grifkin
Itzhak & Devorah Gurantz
Bill & Kay Gurtin
Names in bold indicate 20% or more increase over 2010-2011 giving
Hand Up Youth Food Pantry
Student Advisory Board
Alex Hernandez
Betty R. Hiller
Michael Hopkins
Robert Irving & Julie Greenberg
Diana Jacobs
Steven Jacobson
Jason Jager & Sarah Kruer Jager
Jewish Community Center of San Diego
Jewish Community Foundation Youth
Paul Johnsen & Bonnie Kessler-Johnsen
Cecile B. Jordan
Mickey & Jeri Kaplan
Kaplan College
Andrew M. Kaplan*
Barry & Avra Kassar
Sol & Debbie Kempinski
Paul & Guin Kerstetter
Jodyne Roseman
Judith Rosen*
Leon & Sonia Rosenberg
Jeremy Ross & Hebe Peralta
Jorge & Aviva Saad
Raymond & Marcia Sachs
San Diego Investment Real Estate
Josiah & Abigail Sand
Martin & Carol Sanders
In memory of Elaine R. Cohen
Donald & Nancy Sandweiss
Hermeen Scharaga
Bret & Amy Scher*
Leonard & Marilyn Schiff
Paul & Joan Schultz*
Gertrude Schwartz
Ira & Mindy Schwartz
Jeffrey & Hilarie Sehgal
Sydney & Denise Selati*
Seltzer Caplan McMahon Vitek
Commitment to our Community —
3,086 generous donors supported our vital
work in 2011– 2012. Thank You!
Rabbi Martin & Anita Lawson
James & Mimi Lee
Theodore & Mimi Levine
Louis & Linda Levy
Jeffrey & Hillary Liber*
Liber Lincoln Wealth Management Group
David Liberman
Gerald & Grace Lieberman
Ed & Marilyn Magnin*
Robert & Marcia Malkus
Norman & Sivia Mann
Paul & Margaret Meyer
David & Cecilia Michan
Mission Home Health
Steven & Patricia Mizel
Saadia & Nava Mizrahi
Elaine G. Moser
National Council of Jewish Women
Hilda Newdorf
Nicolas & Caroline Nierenberg
Mark & Patricia Nussbaum
Richard & Patricia Perlman
Theodora Lewis Pincus*
Dan & Connie Pittard
Lorne & Cynthia Polger
Matthew & Judith Pollack
Howard Potash*
Joan S. Poticha**
Robert & Frances Preisman
Harriet G. Price
Seymour & Marilyn Rabin*
Ernest & Evelyn Rady
Andrew Ratner
Nathan & Beverly Rendler
Kenneth Rind & Linda Chester
In memory of Martin Colby
Robbins Umeda LLP
Howard & Carole Robin
Jack & Monique Shevel
Eugene & Judith Siegel*
Hano & Charlotte Siegel
Jeffery & Karen Silberman*
Stanley & Patricia Silver
Rabbi Hillel & Roberta Silverman
Ronald & Anne Simon
Joel Smith & Stefanie Schiff
Rocky Smolin & Marsha Sutton*
William Snyder & Gloria** Penner Snyder
Norman & Judith Solomon*
Francy Starr
Strategic Connections Insurance
Eli & Ruth Strich
Rae Tauber
Michael & Pat Teichner
April Teitelbaum
Eugene & Phoebe Telser
Hillary Theakston
Eugene & Joan Tunick
Brian Turk
Lawrence & Sandra Vigdor
Michael & Maureen Wallace
Zelda Waxenberg
Stuart & Susan Weinshanker
Sheldon & Sandra Weinstein*
Eric Weisman & Susan Chortek Weisman*
Adam & Rachel Welland
Gabriel Wisdom & Diana Weiss-Wisdom
In memory of Lois Friedman
Perri Wittgrove
Steven & Sally Wyte
Mitch & Debra Yaruss
Jack & Sandy Zemer
Lois Zien
Lois Zlotoff*
10 Anonymous
* All or partial funds granted through the Jewish Community Foundation ** Of Blessed Memory
Our MissiOn
Strengthen the individual, enhance the family,
protect the vulnerable, with human services based
on Jewish values.
Office Locations
Turk Family Center — Headquarters
Patient Advocacy
College Avenue Center
CO-OP (Town Park Villas)
(858) 637-3000
8804 Balboa Avenue
San Diego, CA 92123
(800) 479-2233
2710 Adams Avenue
San Diego, CA 92116
(619) 583-3300 • (858) 637-3270
4855 College Avenue
San Diego, CA 92115
(858) 453-0182
6316 Gullstrand Street
San Diego, CA 92122
North County Coastal Office
On the Go
North County Inland Center
Desert Horizons / Desert Vista
(858) 637-3300
285 N El Camino Real #213
Encinitas, CA 92024
(619) 220-0268
2525 Camino Del Rio South, #265
San Diego, CA 92108
(858) 674-1123
15905 Pomerado Road
Poway, CA 92064
(760) 327-4394
400 S Farrell Drive, #B205
Palm Springs, CA 92262
Positive Parenting Program
Rides & Smiles®
(858) 391-0033
13094 Civic Center Drive
Poway, CA 92064
University City
Older Adult Center
Roy’s Desert Resource Center
(858) 637-3375
285 N El Camino Real #211
Encinitas, CA 92024
(760) 676-5200
19531 McLane Street
North Palm Springs, CA 92258
Mailing Address:
PO Box 600, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
(858) 550-5998
9001 Towne Centre Drive
San Diego, CA 92122
Aging & Wellness Services
CO-OP – Town Park Villas
Geriatric Care Management
Care Management Hospital Transition Program
JFS Fix-It Service
On the Go – Transportation Solutions for Older Adults
On the Go – Rides & Smiles®
Serving Holocaust Survivors (SOS)
Social & Wellness Centers
College Avenue Center
North County Inland Center
University City Older Adult Center
Clinical & Community Services
Behavioral Health Awareness
Breast Cancer Case Management
Community Case Management
Crisis, Medical & Psychiatric Case Management
Intensive Psychiatric Case Management
Military Case Management
Mood Disorder Program
Patient Advocacy
Project SARAH
Support & Psychotherapy Groups
Ways to Work
Coachella Valley Services
Parenting, Youth & Teen Leadership
Desert Horizon Transitional Housing Program
Desert Vista Permanent Supportive Housing Program
Roy’s Desert Resource Center
Adoption Alliance of Southern California
Girls Give Back
Hand Up Teen Leadership Program
Healthy Development Services
Pachie’s Place
Positive Parenting Program (PPP)
Preschool in the Park
Food Assistance
Hand Up Youth Food Pantry
Hunger Advocacy Network
Senior Nutrition
Jewish Connections
Adoption Alliance - Stars of David
Bikkur Holim Friendly Visitor Program
Hebrew Free Loan Association (HFLA)
Jewish BIGPals
Jewish Employment Network (JEN)
Jewish Healing Center
North Coastal Jewish Connections (NCJC)
Rubenstein Family Scholarship
Russian Jewish Community Services
Supporting Jewish Single Parents (SJSP)
Refugee & Immigration Services
HIAS-USCIS Citizenship National Capacity Building Program
Immigration – San Diego Naturalization Collaborative (SDNC)
Prins Asylum Program
Refugee Employment & Job Placement Services
Refugee Reception & Placement
Volunteer Engagement
AmeriCorps Community Partnership
Emerging Leaders at JFS
Volunteer Engagement
Get Involved. Get Connected. Get Help.
(858) 637-3050
JFS Older Adult Helpline JFS Helpline
(858) 637-3040
(877) 537-1818