Discovering a taste of the Med


Discovering a taste of the Med
The Blue Boar FOOD & DRINK
Discovering a
taste of the Med
It’s been a while since I’ve popped into Witney, you know
how it is, best laid plans and all of that, so I was delighted,
when my friend suggested early supper at the Blue Boar.
By Jill Rayner
Award-winning cuisine and the classic
charm of an English Manor House
Two courses
Three courses
To make your reservation, please call 01386 306 481 or visit
This offer is available Monday to Saturday lunch only. Subject to availability.
Buckland Manor, Nr Broadway, Worcestershire, WR12 7LY
20150911 BMA OxMagazine 190x131.indd 1
11/09/2015 10:37
Christmas Party Nights
Book your tickets online today
t: 01491 572035
Celebrate this festive time with a party on board one of our luxurious
passenger vessels ‘The New Orleans’ or ‘The Waterman’
Enjoy a Christmas themed buffet before dancing the night away to our resident DJ.
Perfect for that office party or a Christmas get together with friends and family.
includes arrival drink, Christmas
themed buffet and disco.
Friday 4th, 11th & 18th December 7.30-11pm (boarding from 7.15pm)
There is a cash bar available on board.
Sailing subject to river conditions.
The Blue Boar FOOD & DRINK
The Blue Boar has house rules:
“Be Merry, Forgo formality with
Christmas Bites at the Bar”
Not having visited for a year or so it seemed
an obvious choice and I was very much
looking forward to a chin wag and a cocktail
or two.
The Blue Boar has created a niche in the
Witney leisure scene. Its ardent support of the
local rugby scene, carnivals and events has
risen its profile significantly and is a working
example of how giving back to a community
makes sound business sense. The venue is
so accessible that hardly any time existed in
between parking and walking into it (to a very
appealing barman and his cocktail list).
The conversation on the drive over had
centred around a love affair with Italy and my
friend mentioned that her favourite holiday
tipple was Aperol.
Never heard of it but as a Campari lover,
and bitters enthusiast, its description really
floated my boat.
Imagine my delight then when my friend
noticed a bottle behind the bar.
The bar man very sweetly explained that
both Aperol and Campari are made from a
secret combination of herbs and roots, with
some citrus and a hint of sweetness. Aperol
however is a little more refined (just like the
person ordering I think!)
Anyhow, quick as a flash, the most
delightful cocktail appeared with a mix of
Aperol, Prosecco and soda – looking divine
and tasting even more so.
Eventually, and with a little reluctance, it
was time to eat.
We were seated in a busy dining room with
a mix of relaxed diners that spanned all ages.
There was a lot of laughter going on which to
me is always a sign of good food in a good
The service was prompt and smiley and
our choice of a shared starter was delivered
quickly and with a smile.
Unfortunately our conversation made things
a little more spread out than I am sure the
restaurant would have liked but again, like
true professionals, they delivered our order
(a beautiful locally sourced fillet steak for me
and fish for my friend) with perfect timing.
My first choice of Rose was a bad one (note
to self – read the wine list!) as I had ordered
incorrectly; it was replaced, without a murmur,
with a crisp dry version and supper continued
in a long and deliciously lazy manner.
My friend ordered desert which looked
superb and must have tasted it as there
was little remaining by the time my double
espresso arrived. And then, with regret, the
short post work supper, which had extended
by many hours, was at an end.
Although I was very tempted to book into
one of the delightful and quite reasonably
priced bedrooms and simply sleep away my
evening, all rooms were at capacity (another
note to self – book ahead as these rooms are
very popular, and quite rightly so) so it was
home for me.
I will not, however leave it anywhere near as
long to visit again. In fact I am very tempted to
head over and join in the Christmas activities
for which The Blue Boar has house rules: “Be
Merry, Forgo formality with Christmas Bites
at the Bar”. With specially reserved places at
the bar, the thought of forgoing the formality
of the festive dinner for a Venetian concept
of Cicchetti, a feast of snack-sized dishes,
sounds amazing. 6 people at just £18pp ticks
the boxes nicely. And knowing my friends, the
“less food and more drink” mentality will be
So thank you Blue Boar, a great night was
had and make sure the Aperol is still on your
cocktail menu for the December foray.
The Blue Boar in Witney | 28 Market
Square, Witney | 01993 776353,
EDITS Demijohn
by Jack Rayner
As you first step into Demijohn on Little
Clarendon Street, you’d be forgiven for
not knowing exactly what the shop does.
“Some people think we sell bath oils”,
manager Darren Anderson tells me as I’m
cheerfully greeted on a damp Monday
morning, surrounded by apothecaric
glassware full of colourful liquids. But
whilst the majority of their products are
certainly fragrant, it’d be an awful waste
to pour them into bathwater, as the
potions that line the shelves in Demijohn
are far too delicious to be kept in a
bathroom cupboard. From damson gin
liqueur to white truffle oil via gooseberry
vinegar and elderberry wine, each bottle
contains a product sourced by the owners
and produced by tiny brewers, distillers
and farms across the continent.
So how do you end up running such
an eclectically stocked and locally
focused shop?
“I had one of those ‘eureka’ moments”
explains founder Angus Ferguson. Angus
talks calmly and slowly, and you can hear
the pride in his voice as he outlines the
background behind Demijohn’s success.
“Back when I was a student in Southern Italy,
I partied quite a lot, and we used to get all
of our wine from a cantina and I’d go along
with a big drum and they’d scoop it in from
a big vat. It was a cracking idea, a little seed
stuck in my head, and I thought ‘I wonder
whether you could do that in Britain?’”.
Angus is talking to me from Maison Blanc
in Winchester, and gives the impression that
good food and drink make him extremely
happy indeed. “After the Italy experience I’d
fallen in love with olive oil, and I thought it
would be amazing to have rows and rows of
different types of oil and vinegar, and do the
bottling for those things. But there was one
particular dinner party in early 2004 where
I met a wonderful couple, Robin and Derry
Ford, who were retired PE teachers, and
they brought along a bottle of this bramble
Scotch whisky liqueur made using local fruits
and whisky. They were actually making it in
their bath at the time, and it was wonderfully
quirky but utterly delicious and a very, very
clever drink. That became our founding drink,
actually, because we suddenly thought ‘hang
on a minute, if we can make that...’
Happy coincidences seem to be a recurring
feature of the Demijohn story. Each of their
products has a story of a chance meeting that
has ended up with another flavoursome elixir
gracing the shelves in Demijohn’s four stores,
located in Edinburgh, Glasgow, York and
Oxford. In fact, the chance meeting Angus
described earlier ended up being the catalyst
which led to the store’s first decision to stock
Demijohn EDITS
liqueurs and alcohols alongside fine oil and
vinegar. In his quest to find the best products
the country has to offer, it seems that Angus
has discovered more than he bargained for.
“It’s led us to discover what I describe as
the underworld of British production” he
continues, “which is, if you can imagine, an
amazing group of quirky, passionate, British
producers, and they range from PE teachers
to farmers’ wives, ex-bankers, hospital
pharmacists... there’s a whole crowd of folk
out there having a go. You have to remember
this was 11 years ago, and what we said was
that this was the start of a food and drink
revolution. We were absolutely right, and we
were very lucky to be right at the start of it.”
I ask Angus whether the increasing
popularity of the internet at the time
also played a part in Demijohn’s
success, and his response is
characteristically insightful.
“There were a couple of revolutions going
on. There was the food and drink revolution
then there was the ecommerce revolution,
both of which we were at the start of, which I
think really helped us. Essentially we started
with just 20 lines in Edinburgh 11 years ago.
The R&D department has always been our
kitchen table at home, so between Frances
and I we’d think up wild and crazy ideas for
new products and then really commission
the pieces, like a work of art, to those who
have a skill in making them. We have about
16 small producers, and we almost work
like a cooperative where our success is their
success and vice versa.”
It’s certainly paying off. During the short
time I spent in the Oxford branch, I was lucky
enough to taste a wide array of liqueurs and
spirits (I’ve had worse Monday mornings).
As someone who usually finds liqueurs too
sweet and syrupy, I can confirm beyond
doubt that Demijohn’s selection is far from
ordinary. Robin and Derry Ford’s bramble
whisky liqueur is rich, warm and complex, a
perfect autumn sipping drink that would work
perfectly with cheese. The ‘Demijohnnie’ gin
is bright and uncharacteristically smooth for
We have about 16
small producers, and
we almost work like a
cooperative where our
success is their success
and vice versa
its 50% alcohol content, and my personal
favourite, the Seville Orange Gin, has a zesty
astringency and marmalade smoothness that
I can’t wait to try in a G&T. Whilst I’m certainly
a convert, it seems that it’s not just those local
to the four stores that have become fans of
the “liquid deli”, as Demijohn’s unique attitude
to small-scale produce and early adoption of
internet shopping has led to orders being sent
all over the world.
“Our online shop has been
an extraordinary portal to
allow small amounts of a
good thing
to be sent anywhere.
I love that orders come in from America
going to people who live in France, but they
may have met us in Oxford. I mean, this
morning a lady walks in, she was from San
Francisco. She was in Oxford visiting family
who live close by, and she said that when she
goes home her main mission is to place an
order online to send to some other friends
who she thought would appreciate what we
do. Isn’t that amazing? That is the world
today, I think.” And as I leave the store to
return to the OX office, my head full of recipes
and new cocktail ideas, I can’t help but agree.
Want to see and taste
Demijohn’s products
for yourself (and why
wouldn’t you)?
Pop into their store at 20
Little Clarendon Street,
or visit their website
EDITS There Is Nothing Like A Dame
There Is Nothing Like A Dame
Described by Maureen Hughes as “no less than a British institution”,
the pantomime dame will be a colourful and eccentric presence in
many theatres, village halls and even churches in upcoming months.
The panto dame is a concept that
apparently emerged in the 19th century
and has grown since. The role is said to
have been first delivered to the pantomime
by the clown Joseph Grimaldi. Grimaldi
appeared as the Baroness in Harlequin
and Cinderella – credited as the first
appearance of the panto dame. Other
notable figures include Dan Leno who
was a prominent dame during the 1800s,
from 1888 until his death he appeared in
pantomime at Drury Lane Theatre.
Whilst there were no dames in the early
days of panto it’s hard to image it without
them now. Much laughter can be found in
the dame’s interaction with the audience and
the fact the character is so clearly a man;
perhaps the funniness is increased when it’s
a “manly-man” – large, gruff voice, tattoos.
The panto dame may be said to cross into
other forms of theatre too in a sense: think
Edna in Hairspray.
Having been in a panto I’ve shared the
stage with a dame, in all her outlandish finery
and appalling make-up. I actually pursued
an affair with Robin Hood’s mum in January
while playing Friar Tuck, displayed to the
audience through increasingly large lipstick
marks on my face each time I appeared
and – of course – blatant on stage snogging.
Imagine my horror when Flossy Loxley fell for
the King (not Sherriff) of Nottingham: “You
were just a casual Tuck” was her response to
my vocalised anger.
I know I believe the dame I trod the boards
with to be excellent but I do not profess to
know all that much about the area. I wondered
what made the perfect dame, how big the
difference was between a dame and drag
queen and what pressures come with being
a panto dame. I decided to talk to someone a
little more informed.
Alex Scott Fairley will be playing one of
the Ugly Sisters in Cinderella at Millfield Arts
Centre, North London, from 26 November-3
January. Alex didn’t overcomplicate things
when discussing what makes the perfect
dame. Even though he did say the amount of
different dame types nowadays does make
it hard to say, he went on to cite what they
all have in common: “a warm rapport with
the audience. The dame, I guess, in some
ways, is a maternal figure, whether she’s a
glamourous maternal figure or a slightly spiky
one, I think all of them are very warm. They
should be one of the characters that the
audience not necessarily identifies with but
follows throughout the play because they
have licence to sometimes go a bit off script
and to break the fourth wall. So warmth and
an ability to grab the audience would be the
two things that make the perfect dame.”
But is this actually easy to do? Can it be
taught or does the ability have to already
exist within? “I think you can learn some
things,” Alex said, “but you do have to have
some of it inside of you already; you have to
want to engage and entertain people. It’s so
important in this country. Pantomime is pretty
much the only time of the year now when a lot
of people will go to the theatre and for a lot
of children it’s their first theatrical experience;
and you need to understand that and want
to bring them in, if you can engage them in
pantomime hopefully they’ll go on to watch
plays, musicals and all sorts of other things.”
Alex and I went on to discuss drag and
damehood. “The perception of drag queen
has changed in popular modern culture.
Maybe at one time the difference would have
been that the dame was traditionally a much
more maternal figure and less glamourous
than a drag queen would stereotypically be.
But the lines are blurring now; maybe that
started as far back as when people like Paul
O’Grady (Lily Savage) started playing panto
dames.” It seems there may have been at time
when there was a clear divide between the
dame and the drag act. And then it became
the case that a drag queen could play a dame
thus connecting the two. This coincided
with how drag was being viewed generally –
“drag queens have become more of a part of
our culture within the last 5-10 years as the
barriers have broken down and they are no
longer relegated to seedy gay pubs.”
I wondered, in the case of there being two
dames in a show (such as in Cinderella at
Millfield Theatre where Alex and Philip Day
will play the Ugly Sisters), whether they had
to be different to each other. “With the Ugly
Sisters part of the joy is in making them very
distinct. Phillip and I are quite different in our
physical build so that gives you somewhere
to work from. And we quite like the idea of
one sister who is common as muck and one
who thinks she’s much better and has a plum
in her mouth while underneath being just as
vile. It’s nice to have that contrast”. But the
actor was also quick to point out that it’s
perhaps not right to describe the character
he is playing as a dame at all…“I should
qualify I’m not a pantomime purist but a lot
of pantomime purists and very established
pantomime dames see The Uglies as different
from a dame; they would not call them dames.
In fact, I got in trouble the first time I played
one and said I was a dame!”
Whether he is playing a dame this time
round or not, Alex Scott Fairley knows about
the pressures of doing so having stepped
into dame clobber in the past. I asked him
if dames feel the pressure actors playing
Hamlet do given the great dames of the past.
By Sam Bennett
Alex Scott Fairley
(©James Taylor-Mémé)
“It’s a bit different to playing Hamlet
because with that whatever the
interpretation you’re using Shakespeare’s
text. At the Millfield they’re very good at
coming up with a completely fresh script
every year. It helps that you’re working
with original material. I suppose there is
that thing of following John Inman, Danny
La Rue and Lily Savage but it helps
because you feel part of the tradition.
And that is important because we have
so few traditions left now in Britain. I love
the fact that pantomime is so inclusive
and having those great figures of the past
is more of a comfort because you feel
much more part of a heritage.”
There Is Nothing Like A Dame EDITS
Clive Rowe, known for his role
as Duke in Tracy Beaker, was
nominated for an Olivier Award for
his portrayal of Mother Goose…
what’s his take on being a dame?
What do you think makes the perfect
panto dame?
I don’t think there is a perfect pantomime
dame as in all things people have their own
How do you go about being a dame?
What works for me is a bloke in a frock and a
real sense of mischief and having fun. Nothing
more complex than that really. I like to think of
it as controlled chaos.
Did the powers that be give you any
insight into what it was about your
portrayal of a dame that earned you an
Olivier nomination?
No I’m afraid they didn’t, but I can’t truly
express how proud I am of that nomination.
Is there a massive difference between a
panto dame and a drag queen?
Yes, one’s a bloke in a frock and the other’s a
glamorous bloke in a frock pretending to be a
There have been so many great panto
dames. Does this create pressure like
that which people feel before playing
Well I’ve been in many of Shakespeare’s plays
but sadly I have never given my Hamlet so I
couldn’t say, but I have played Mother Goose
which in some lofty circles is considered the
Hamlet of pantomimes. The expectations are
just as high. Yes with the bard’s Hamlet you
have reams of complex multi-layered verse to
convey, but Hamlet doesn’t have 12 costume
changes or have to learn 5 or more songs and
dance in high heels. So you decide!
JJ Henry as Mother Goose at The
Theatre Chipping Norton 2014
((© Ric Mellis)
Mischa Varmuza
From November, Poundon House will be hosting yoga retreats in their
elegant country mansion near Bicester. OX spoke to Mischa Varmuza,
yogi and host of Poundon’s first retreat, to learn more about the practice.
yoga brings more space, freedom and flexibility to our bodies
OX: Hi Mischa. I wanted to know a bit
about your background in yoga. How did
you get into the practice in the first place?
MV: I got into yoga for the same reasons many
people in the West do: living and working in
London (or wherever one does), and looking
to find a bit of time-out or headspace, and
very much for the physical side of it, initially.
As my practice developed and I became
more dedicated, you start to tap into a certain
deeper level and it's not just about making
shapes and moving anymore. When you
get this realisation that there's this essence
behind it, it inspires you to go a little bit
deeper. I'd been practising for about 5 years
when I did my initial teacher training, which
was a year spent in London with a wonderful
teacher called Claire Missingham. After I did
my teacher training I spent 6 months in India
travelling and studying with many teachers,
which transformed my practice and teaching,
then I came back to London and for the last
couple of years I've been teaching full-time
in London.
OX: I've never practised yoga myself but
I've done a couple of different types of
meditation. Is it a similar thing where as
you start to get a hang of it you realise how
much more you have to learn?
MV: Absolutely. The more you know, the less
you know. It's such an ancient practice, and
many of us only go in and we see the external
side of it, especially people with a relatively
physical background, like sportsmen. I think
many people can be very surprised at what
else there is to it. There's a transformative
quality, and the same goes for those people
who don't necessarily have a physical
background within sporting. People can
come to it and maybe be a little intimidated
by the physical side of it, but as long as your
teacher is offering a safe space it doesn't take
long to realise that that's not really what it's
about. It can offer a place of calm, peace and
stillness that for most us is buried most of
the time when we're caught up in the outside
world. It's a lot more than what meets the
eye, and the wonderful thing about practising
yoga in a retreat environment is that there's
time to explore these other aspects of it.
In London or Oxford, or wherever you go
to studios, you have your 60 minute or 90
minute class so there's a bit of a restriction
as people might have certain expectation of
what they're going to get from their time. The
beautiful thing about having a weekend is
that we have time, so there's no rushing and
there's time to create a safe and nurturing
environment for students, whether they're
new or experienced, to find their way into
new postures as well as spending time on the
meditation and breathing side of it, which is
really where the essence of the practice is.
With the breathing and meditation you really
allow the heart of the practice to come to the
OX: For someone who isn't experienced
and hasn't experienced the joys of
practising yoga, what benefits have you
seen personally since you started?
MV: I suppose from a physical perspective,
yoga brings more space, freedom and
flexibility to our bodies, which immediately
gives you more comfort in your day-to-day
life. You don't necessarily have to be doing
handstands and crazy one-legged poses,
simple practice with the right intention behind
it frees up your body to a degree where you
feel more healthy, you feel more vibrant. That
immediately reflects in your state of mind,
so I think as soon as you start feeling that
freedom in your body there is this emotional
resonance where the mind is more peaceful
and more calm. It's also complementary to
quite a lot of sports, so if people do have
a sporting background it will create more
balance in your body.
OX: Do you feel that the physical exercise
and stretches that you're doing feed into
mental benefits and vice versa?
MV: Yeah, absolutely. The mental benefits
come through the physical practice, very
much so. It takes a degree of concentration
and a degree of discipline, as you're working
your coordination and balance, and you're
building a sense of grace and a sense of
usefulness in moving through postures and
sometimes flowing sequences of postures.
OX: Going back a bit, you said when
you first got into yoga you were living in
London you were becoming stressed,
which is almost a symptom of the Western
way of life. What was it that caused you to
look for something else?
MV: I think when you work in London full-time,
you're in this treadmill routine, and it's easy to
have a constant sense of urgency, and for me
this went hand-in-hand with fairly high levels
of anxiety. It’s very difficult to dampen this
down when you're doing the same thing day
in, day out. To try and find a space where you
can let go of that completely was something
that really appealed to me.
OX: The high-paced jobs we tend to lead
aren't beneficial for your mental health
without having the sort of break that yoga
or meditation can provide.
MV: Absolutely. We were never made to be
these machines, but as the world speeds
up, we get caught in the rat race and there
often seems to be very little way out for some
people. I think what yoga and meditation do
is they remind you that you have this quiet
sanctuary within yourself, and the more time
you take to explore your internal space, the
more you realise that you can tap into that
space at any time, and it kind of centres you
and calms you down. It's very liberating,
and gives you a sense of empowerment
and strength when things get a bit messy or
muddled in your life.
OX: You're doing the autumn light yoga
retreat at Poundon House. What sort of
thing can we expect there?
MV: Autumn's a lovely time of year, and we're
almost in line with the Hindu festival of Diwali,
which is the festival of light. It's celebrated at
this time of new beginnings, when the light is
shifting, and it represents the triumph of good
over evil and light over darkness. There's
going to be a bit of a theme around this idea of
autumn light, and we're going to be exploring
meditation and breathing practices. In the
mornings we'll be having a more challenging
practice, but still very much open to all levels
and in the evening classes there'll be more
time to explore some restorative practices,
perhaps with more of a workshop focus.
Relaxing treatments are also included for all of
our guests, and the food is going be delicious,
nourishing and healthy. There'll be plenty of
time for people to just unwind and hopefully
take the opportunity to turn their phones and
laptops off and just find that stillness. I think
the secluded environment will be encouraging
for people to completely relax.
Mischa is hosting Poundon House’s
first retreat on 6-8 November.
To book or to learn more visit
by Rosie Dickinson, Founder of The Healthy Juice Company
The vast majority of people underestimate the importance of healthy eating, and are losing touch
with the true value of food and the importance of fruit and vegetables in our diet. Rosie Dickinson,
founder of exciting new Oxfordshire based organic, cold pressed juice cleanse company The Healthy
Juice Company, shares her values and top tips on eating and living heavily in our modern world.
“The human body is extraordinary,
performing endless functions every day,
even whilst we sleep. Every cell and organ
in your body requires certain nutrients to
function efficiently. Your body relies on you
to provide it with what it needs on a daily
basis and poor nutrition is on the other
end of many diseases. Many people in the
UK now have digestive issues. The health
of our digestive system is the basis of our
overall wellbeing as its here where our food
is broken down and nutrients absorbed.
A poor digestive system = poor nutrient
absorption, even if your diet is perfect.
If only we left school with a manual of how
to look after ourselves properly. We learn the
basics but never truly understand what our
bodies require on a daily basis to function and
how important nourishing, good, clean, fresh
wholesome food is. Fast food is considered a
‘treat’ when often it is nothing more than overprocessed, empty calories containing added
sugar, fat and salt and often ontaining artificial
ingredients which our bodies find difficult and
sometimes impossible to process. Why are
we so eager to eat that?
I would love to encourage people to question
what they are eating and using on their bodies
– don’t simply accept that just because it’s on
a shelf with a branded label, that it’s perfectly
alright. Check the label – if it contains
something which you can’t pronounce then
it’s probably best not to use it.
Our soils are depleted of nutrients due to
over farming and hence fresh produce has
a lower nutritional content today than it
did 100 years ago. Organic produce has a
higher nutritional content than conventional
produce, partly due to the fact that organic
farms nurture their soil. For example, organic
carrots contain 20 – 30% more nutrients than
conventional ones. Food cravings are often a
sign of deficiencies with zinc and magnesium
being high on the list of common deficiencies
in the UK.
Nutritious produce starts within the soil in
which it grows. The nutrient content depends
on the land on which it grows, the bugs in
the soil which aerate and fertilise it, the water
which runs through that land, the insects
which pollinate the plants and the sunshine
which bathes it.
Many of us are confused about what’s good
for us and commercially processed food, in its
bright inviting packaging, is often produced
for the tongue, not for nourishment for the
body. We are a wasteful population, living in
a disposable society. Cheap food comes at
a price – it’s cheap for a reason. Pay more,
waste less. Eat better, eat less. A nourished
body does not constantly crave food.
However, it’s not all bad news! Local
farmers markets selling fresh produce are
abundant now whilst allotments are plentiful
with growers being happy to swap or sell
their wares and home grown produce doesn’t
have to take much space or time to grow at
all…..even a window box or planter can yield
some wonderful fresh herbs or vegetables.
There’s lots of help out there now about what
to make and cook, even for the time-starved.
2015 has been an exciting year for Rosie,
in September she launched The Healthy
Juice Company, delivering organic, raw and
alive juice cleansing packages to those with
a higher regard for their own wellbeing in
London and the Home Counties.
Definitely not just another juice brand, The
Healthy Juice Company focuses primarily
on offering cleanse packages and your
fresh, daily pressed juice cleanse will be on
your doorstep by 6am each morning of your
cleanse (Monday-Friday) ready for when you
wake up. British seasonal ingredients are
featured and included as much as possible.
Recipes vary daily, for a greater scope of
nutrients and to keep the cleanse interesting
and customers motivated.
Rosie comments:
“After five years of
extensive research and months of tasting
and testing I am thrilled with our offering. The
feedback I have received from clients, who
have cleansed with other companies, is that
my juice is vibrantly fresh tasting, the daily
delivery blew them away and they really loved
and appreciated the daily variety! Not only
am I bringing a product to the market that
promotes good health at a very high level,
my juices are not preserved in any way at all
– their integrity is still intact. I have worked
alongside some leading UK nutritionists and
their advice combined with my research
and vision has created the ultimate cleanse
package, which I am very proud to be offering
to help clients who have a higher regard for
their own wellbeing to enhance their personal
health naturally.”
“I think a juice cleanse helps
those time deprived busy
people as they quite literally
don’t need to do anything
except twist off a cap and
drink. Everything’s done for
them and the juice is even
delivered daily pre 6am.”
If you are starting a juice cleanse for the first time,
Rosie provides her top tips and recommendations:
lan ahead – choose a time to cleanse when your diary is clear of social
engagement. Have magnesium baths using 500g of Epsom salts per
bath and soaking for 20 minutes, every day during the week before and
the week of, your cleanse. Magnesium helps enormously to counteract
headaches, particularly when caused by reducing or alleviating caffeine.
Magnesium deficiency can also be a contributing factor to sugar
ou can buy a juice cleanse and simply drink alongside a healthy diet,
even drinking a 1 day juice cleanse over 2 days (we don’t offer individual
juices bought in multiples yet but we will in the future).
BUSINESS Spratt Endicott
If you have a property in Europe,
have you ever considered what
happens to it on your death? The
position is complex, and each
country has its own rules with
regard to succession on death, and
also which country’s law applies
if immoveable assets are owned
abroad or by a deceased nonnational.
Many EU countries have ‘forced
heirship’ provisions, which mean that
their own legal system dictates who
succeeds to a deceased’s assets.
For instance, when a French National
dies leaving a spouse and children,
his property is simply divided
between them.
What has this to do with us in the UK
when we have written a will? The fact
is that our cross-border succession
laws state that immoveable property,
such as land, is governed by the law
of the country in which it is located.
So, if you have a property in France,
the forced heirship rules will apply
to the devolution of that asset on
your death. Spain, Portugal Italy and
some other European countries also
have forced heirship rules. Not only
might this not be what you want
in terms of succession, but also
it can play havoc with inheritance
tax planning where our tax laws in
England and Wales will apply.
The new rules
On 17th August 2015, the position
changed and you may need to be
pro-active to take advantage of
the new rules.
For many years, those dealing
with a deceased’s assets in
different countries have had
the costly and time consuming
business of establishing which
of those countries’ differing
succession laws apply to
that estate. Thanks to new
EU legislation entitled “EU
known as ‘Brussels IV’, the
succession law that applies to
any one estate is now unified.
implemented Brussels IV, the
default position is that the
law of the country in which
the deceased was ‘habitually
resident’ will apply to his or
her succession. However, an
individual can elect for the law
of his nationality to apply. The
expectation is that this will
allow an individual to carry
out succession and tax planning with
some confidence.
How will this affect those residents and
nationals in the UK or those who have
chosen to live abroad?
The fact that the UK, Ireland and Denmark
have opted out of the new rules does not
mean that our hands are tied. Fortunately
Brussels IV affects all assets in states which
have implemented, it regardless of where the
individual dies or his nationality.
For further information,
please contact Lucy Gordon,
Private Capital Partner at
Spratt Endicott Solicitors on
01295 204000 or by email at
[email protected]
What should I do next?
If you have assets on the continent, other
than in Denmark and Ireland, you can make
an election under the laws of the participating
EU states for ‘UK’ law to apply. This will be
a great relief to many who want to avoid the
forced heirship provisions.
Cross-border estates remain complex. You
should make sure that you seek advice from
an experienced solicitor who can consider
your worldwide assets in conjunction with
your will and your domicile and residence;
and advise whether an election in your
will to apply a different succession law is
Specialist legal
services for you and
your business
Spratt Endicott Solicitors
52-54 The Green
South Bar Street
Oxfordshire OX16 9AB
T 01295 204000
46 Burgess Square
NN13 7FA
T 01280 730880
Spratt Endicott Truman Solicitors
spratt endicott
The Old Courthouse
5 Sheep Street
Oxfordshire OX26 6JB
T 01869 252761
E [email protected]
Brewery House
4 Castle Street
Buckinghamshire MK18 1BS
T 01280 822217
How to escape a
corporate environment:
A lot of us have daydreamed about
launching a business, but far fewer actually
get on and do it. Whether it’s through the
fear of failure, entrenched comfort in a
high-paying role, or a lack of self-belief,
I’d guess that the vast majority of fantastic
small businesses remain in the minds of
their creator. Whilst nerves get the better
of most of us at times, there are some
people that seem like they were born ready
to break away from their positions in a
large corporation and start their own name
from scratch.
Rowan Waller talks with unwavering
confidence. As an independent estate
agent with over a decade’s experience in
the industry, I wasn’t exactly expecting a
nervous wreck, but when he explains his
outlook it’s clear that I’m speaking to a
man who knows what he’s talking about.
“When your customer signs up
to an estate agent, they want
to see their sale go through
smoothly, be looked after, and
feel like they’ve been fairly
treated and that someone has
actually acted in their interests
to get the job done. That’s what
people want when they sign up
with the estate agent but usually
it’s not what people get.”
It wasn’t always this straightforward, though,
as before establishing Wallers of Oxford in
September 2014, Rowan worked at odds
with the practices at one of the UK’s leading
high-street chains, leaving him exasperated
with the attitude and sales practices that can
come with large corporations.
“To me it had come to feel less like a
traditional estate agency and more like a
telesales operation, which was effectively
what it was. Although my title may have
been ‘manager’, I didn’t really feel like I was
managing anything as I was being told what
to do from above, which often meant having
to do things that I disliked or disagreed with.
Despite that title of ‘manager’ I didn’t have
the power to deviate from a strict company
line, which didn’t sit well with someone who
had their own ideas. For example, putting
good staff on probation simply because of
the figures in one month, without looking at
the bigger picture; or the fact that the most
important target had become a specific
number of phone calls per day per person, but
rather than targeting those to book viewings
on properties for sale, it was: ‘here’s 10,000
people who have ever registered with the
company that have got a property that they
own, give them a call and see if they want to
have a valuation carried out’. What I mean is,
always about the next new instruction, and
I felt the focus was missing from selling the
properties that we were already entrusted
with, which I believe has to be the top priority
for any estate agency.”
Lots, perhaps most, people who work
in large-structured organisations become
frustrated with the faceless numbers-based
perspective that many of them adopt. But
taking the plunge into launching your own
business can be an incredibly nerve-wracking
experience. Was it the same for Rowan?
“No, it was absolutely liberating. There’s
nothing better. The best thing about what I’ve
done is that I don’t have to go and sit in an
office for the sake of it at 8:00 in the morning
and not leave until six in the evening. Now,
perhaps I’m sometimes instead working until
midnight or even beyond, but equally, it’s
under my control, and I can choose what I do,
how I do it, what time of day I do it. I can
choose to do what needs to be done, which
means that I can be much more flexible. So
if someone needs me to go out at 8 o’ clock
at night and do a valuation then of course I’m
willing to because it’s my business. If someone
needs a viewing on a Sunday afternoon, that’s
my business. It matters as much to me, in a
way, as it does to the customer selling.”
So why was it such a simple decision?
There’s an old cliché that “successful people
start before they are ready”, and if you spend
too long covering every single angle then you
often don’t take the risks required to succeed.
It seems like in this case, if not in his lack of
nerves, that Rowan fits the typical mould of a
prosperous entrepreneur.
“It was a total accident. It was a sudden
cataclysmic epiphany that I no longer wanted
to work for ‘A.N. Other’ company any more,
and the only solution was to go and do
something by myself. I had to very, very
quickly think about what model to take, what
route to go down. For example, do I launch a
high street branch, which is the model I knew
very well, or do I do something that’s much
more modern and go virtual? I’m effectively
offering a traditional high street service, but
on a virtual level to a local marketplace. I had
to think about it and I had to think about it
quickly, but being experienced and knowing
estate agency inside-out made that planning
process a lot easier.”
Almost all articles about launching a
business will highlight the stress and
perseverance required to make your start-up
succeed. Corporate environments guarantee
a paycheck at the end of the month, whereas
when you work for yourself, your income
completely depends on your sales revenue.
What naysayers will look over, though, is
how you have none of the running costs that
large businesses have so, in Rowan’s words,
“you don’t have to do very well to do very
well”. Knowing your market and what your
customers want will take the uncertainty out
of the process.
“I know that when I sit in front of people I
can explain the model and what I do. Even
from a standing start, I was able to get myself
in front of people, whose curiosity had been
pricked by this different option of Wallers
being available, and particularly in light of
our fee which is very competitive. People
would say “you do use Rightmove don’t
you?”, and I’d say “yes of course, and not
only will I put your property on Rightmove, I’ll
give you a premium listing and professional
photography on top”. And people started to
give me a shot, and hey, it worked. That was
enough, quickly enough, to get me through
the first six months and then the second six
months I’ve flown away with it, basically.”
If you’re a consistent high-performer in
a large corporation and feel like you’ve got
the skills do it better on your own, you’re
probably right. If Rowan’s reputation as one
of the best independent agents in the county
(after just one year in business) is anything
to go by, then it’s clear that you can reap
the rewards of gaining industry knowledge
whilst working in a large business by pushing
forward on your own.
Interested in using
Rowan’s services?
Parker Parr BUSINESS
Is it time to move offices?
Moving to new offices can energise a business, but it must be planned carefully.
Parker Parr offers advice which can help ensure a smooth transition.
Oxfordshire is home to some 35,000
businesses. This year, about 5,000 new
companies are expected to launch in
Oxfordshire, with most of these being created
within the city of Oxford and in the county’s
magnet for science and technology, South
and Vale.
Tim Parr, Director of Parker Parr, comments:
“For a young company, serviced offices offer
a good flexible option in the short term. But
as businesses become established and they
get some decent accounts behind them, it is
often desirable to move to leased space. An
office move will send out a positive message
about the growth of the company. It can be
an opportunity to promote the company’s
ethos to customers and staff and to improve
The conditions that influence a decision to
either move offices or stay put are common
to both young and mature businesses. Here a
few points to consider:
space may be appropriate for an accounts
team but could hold back an advertising
Affordability – It should guard against
over-stretching financially and carefully
budget for costs over the whole lease
Location – Is there a valid business case
for moving to a different location – perhaps
to move into a new customer pool or nearer
Staff – Providing a more pleasant or
accessible working environment will help
staff retention and future recruitment.
Timing – Office moves are distracting.
Moves should be planned around the
quietest times in the business cycle.
Break option – Any break notice dates in
the current lease should be diarised. These
are usually time critical, so allow plenty of
time before the notice needs to be served
to consider if the plan is to stay or to move.
Size – Is the current floorspace likely
to constrain the business in the short to
medium term?
Use – Does the company need back-office
or customer-facing premises? Budget
Parker Parr can assist businesses find
suitable premises at whatever stage in their
development. They are currently marketing
a range of offices suitable from four to forty
We encourage business owners
to think ahead and plan
For further information or to arrange a
free initial chat, please contact Tim Parr
on 01235 862826 or
[email protected]
01235 862826
Park House, 11 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4RS
[email protected]
• High quality office suites from 2,000 – 4,250 sq ft approx
• Competitively priced • Flexible lease terms available
• Cafe, meeting facilities & break-out space
• Staffed reception area • Lift access
• On site car parking & covered cycle racks
• Self contained office totalling 878 sq ft
• Town centre location
• Open plan with good natural light
• High quality modern offices 1,335 sq ft
• On-site parking
• Town centre location
• Stunning period building
• All inclusive package available
• Office totals 406 sq ft with parking
HOMES Amanda
Furniture is a major investment, but one
that really adds to the beauty of your home.
Interior design guru Amanda Hanley is
the inspiration behind Amanda Hanley by
Design and explains how to think through
these important purchases and how doing
so pays enormous dividends.
It seems rather obvious to say that
comfortable furniture helps make a
beautiful home; but it does, without
question. Much of what you first see when
you walk into a well-conceived room is
about colour and style, but it is only when
you sit in an utterly comfortable chair or
sofa that you have the answer to how truly
clever homemaking is achieved.
Buy the best furniture that you can possibly
afford and do plenty of research before
making that final decision. There are no short
cuts as far as furniture making is concerned.
A good looking, comfortable sofa involves
a layering of quality materials and a high
degree of skill and craftsmanship, all of which
comes with a sizeable price tag. Being in
the interiors business gives me a wonderful
overview of the companies that produce such
fine furniture and I am pleased to say there
are many English manufacturers that team
traditional skills with the wealth of beautiful
fabrics now gleaned from around the world.
Aside from Amanda Hanley by Design’s own
bespoke collection, Amanda does have some
You do need to sit in furniture to get the feel
of it and to be convinced that it is genuinely
comfortable and right for your life, so try
before you buy whenever possible. Pick
good classic shapes that will stand the test of
time and be resilient to your changing tastes.
The same applies to the dining chair. With
more casual entertaining now being favoured,
family and friends can be seated round a
table for some hours. Dining chairs need to
be supportive so that your guests go home
remembering their wonderful evening and not
your uncomfortable chairs!.
The most comfortable dining chair needs to
offer good back support and be at a height
suited to pulling in close to the table. Look
for a good, solid construction so that it can
take anyone’s weight. Arm-rests add to the
comfort factor but this style of chair does
need more room to look good and can
limit your options of table choice. I love
a beautifully upholstered chair with a well
sprung seat, and finishing touches such as
piping, buttoning or studs.
Amanda Hanley
Ask the expert...
Q I am terrified that I will buy a sofa and realise I have made a huge
error. Advice?
A With an average lifespan between 10-15 years your sofa can be one of the
most important purchases that you make within your home so making sure
that you make the right choice is crucial.
This can be a very expensive mistake that can be avoided in most cases with
a little knowledge.
Make sure that you ask how the furniture is constructed.
Quality sofas are coil sprung, so the seat retains its shape, and the frame is
made of hardwood to provide strength.
It is generally better for internal materials to be as natural as possible.
As a rule of thumb a high quality foam with a feather wrap will give both
comfort and resilience to seat cushions as it gives them the ability to bounce
back into shape.
Ask the expert...
As for other furniture, do consider an
upholstered stool or ottoman. They are forever
useful in providing extra seating if you have a
crowd, or topped with an elegant tray make
an ideal place for books, drinks and seasonal
flowers. Choose a well- proportioned piece
with smartly turned legs.
It is sometimes difficult to envisage how
a piece of furniture will look in-situ and a
handy tip to assess the size by mapping out
measurements of your shortlist on the floor
using pages of a newspaper. Larger is better
if it is to be of more use to you, and you will
get a much clearer idea of the proportions
that will suit the room and confirm your
successful purchase.
As for other furniture, do consider an
upholstered stool or ottoman. They are forever
useful in providing extra seating if you have a
crowd, or topped with an elegant tray make
an ideal place for books, drinks and seasonal
flowers. Choose a well- proportioned piece
with smartly turned legs.
It is sometimes difficult to envisage how
a piece of furniture will look in-situ and a
handy tip to assess the size by mapping out
measurements of your shortlist on the floor
using pages of a newspaper. Larger is better
if it is to be of more use to you, and you will
get a much clearer idea of the proportions
that will suit the room and confirm your
successful purchase.
Feather down is best for the back cushions, which I prefer to be finished with
piping, for
a softer,
I am terrified
I will less
buy formal
a sofalook.
and realise I have made a huge
Advice? the back cushions should be high enough to support the
A With an
lifespan between 10-15 years your sofa can be one of the
most important
so making
these purchases
starting points
to hone
and most
that you
make the right
is crucial. chairs too.
to occasional
This can be a very expensive mistake that can be avoided in most cases with
a little knowledge.
Make sure that you ask how the furniture is constructed.
Quality sofas are coil sprung, so the seat retains its shape, and the frame is
of Cotswolds-based
hardwood to provide
designer with 30 years' experience and an
It is generally
for internal
to be as natural as possible.
team of
on projects
As a ruleAmanda
of thumb
a high
foam with a feather wrap will give both
for clients from the Cotswolds to London.
comfort and resilience to seat cushions as it gives them the ability to bounce
Born and trained in the capital, Amanda ran
back into shape.
a property-development company before
runscushions, which I prefer to be finished with
is best
by aDesign
Get in look.
a centre
less formal
touch for details of buying trips to Europe,
and help with
andshould be high enough to support the
head for ultimate
Design points will help you to hone your choice and most of
these 353996
considerations apply to occasional chairs too.
A friendly Cotswolds-based interior
designer with 30 years' experience and an
excellent team of craftsmen, builders and
suppliers, Amanda Hanley takes on projects
for clients from the Cotswolds to London.
Born and trained in the capital, Amanda ran
a property-development company before
moving to Fulbrook, where she now runs
the Amanda Hanley by Design Studio. Get in
touch for details of buying trips to Europe,
or advice and help with your renovation and
home-decor projects.
Amanda Hanley by Design
07976 353996
New Lumiere
by Foscarini
33-35 Little Clarendon Street, Oxford OX1 2HU | T 01865 311141 | E [email protected] |
33-35 Little Clarendon Street, Oxford OX1 2HU
01865 311141
New Buds
suspension lamps
– by Foscarini
– by Diesel
for Foscarini
Spoke suspension lamps
– by Foscarini
Twiggy floor lamp
– by Foscarin
New Lumiere table lamp –
by Foscarin
Ritual suspension lamps – by Foscarini
lamp – by Flos
Glas suspension
lamp – by Diesel
for Foscarini
Glas table lamp
– by Diesel for
HOMES xxxx
‘Tree’ Spiral Staircase
Headed by designer Nick Burborough, Zigzag Studios are turning
staircases and balustrading into works of art. Their latest offering
is ‘Tree’ (pictured). Cast from a real tree trunk and branch the
components create this truly unique and beautiful spiral staircase.
It is finished of with ‘Thorn’, a best selling sculptural balustrade
from their range of over 40 designs. Their products are made to
order or you can commission them to design and make your dream
For more information visit or contact
their Oxfordshire studio on 01865 872278.
Zigzag Design Studio are an exciting, dynamic design and make
company based in Oxfordshire, and are doing something quite
special with staircases. Headed by designer Nick Burborough,
they have designed and made a stunning range of over 40
sculptural balustrades, and are steadily growing a range of
equally beautiful staircases.
there is nothing on the market to do that with if you want to
achieve a really stunning, high end look, so we had to design
something, which ended up being our range of sculptural
balustrading.’ (pictured above right). Zigzags spindles can be
fitted to new or existing staircases with ease, inside or out, and
the results are eye catching and truly beautiful.
‘Our designs provoke a reaction, we are turning structures into
works of art, centre pieces for the home’ says Burborough,
who studied furniture design in Nottingham before going on
to be the first head designer at the now renowned Philip Watts
Design, and subsequently setting up his own studio in 2000.
‘We have made staircases for years now and we were being
increasingly asked if we could give staircases a ‘facelift’, but
As well as balustrading Zigzag are constantly adding to their
range of sculptural staircases, like their ‘Tree’ spiral (opposite
page) and ‘Spine’ (above left), a component staircase that
creates a spine like structure to support its steps.
For more information visit or contact
their Oxfordshire studio on 01865 872278
HOMES Robin Furlong
To design a piece of furniture it is
imperative to know your materials,
the possibilities and limitations. Many
people do not know where to begin,
questioning how it will look, what
shapes, proportions and joints might
be incorporated and how to arrive at
a final design.
For examples of Robin Furlong Furniture,
please visit www.robinfurlongfurniture. or the Gallery and workshop are
open 6 days a week.
Working with Robin Furlong Furniture to
design a piece of furniture takes care of all
the aspects of the design. Drawing on over
25 years of experience in the furniture making
industry, Robin’s design ideas form as he
discusses a client’s requirements.
There are seven stages of creating a bespoke
piece of furniture; location and size, purpose,
style, woods and materials, construction and
finally budget.
The location and size of a design will
determine a number of other factors; budget
in particular, this will vary depending on all the
following factors. For example a dining room
table will need to seat a certain number of
people and fit in a dining room, this will work as
an initial guide. The purpose of this table could
be to seat four people on a day to day basis but
occasionally 8-10 so an extending table would
be required. Style is down to the individual but
where Robin’s years of experience will come
into its own. Robin has an existing portfolio
of designs that
clients can get
inspiration from
and select shapes
they prefer.
wood samples containing a large variety
to choose from. Colour, grain, texture are
important as well as choosing either a solid
wood, or veneer. Woods may be natural,
fumed, limed or stained colour – all options
need to be taken into consideration.
Whether a solid wood or veneer is to be
used then affects the construction of the
piece. Some clients like to see particular
features such as joints and certain shapes.
No one design is the same as another.
Robin takes the client through guide
prices at an early stage and is able to work
to a pre-determined budget.
initial discussions, Robin will prepare the
design sketches, which are developed into a
presentation drawing, so that the client can
see the design from the beginning and have
an excellent representation of the finished
Designing a bespoke piece of furniture is
a rewarding and exciting experience, it is
important to work with the right company and
designer to create an heirloom that will remain
in a family for generations.
Crossbow Side Table - burr walnut,
burr oak with ebony detailing
Request Our New Brochure – a Guide to Bespoke Furniture Commissioning
To see our collections and discuss your requirements:
01608 650 567
Ben Shorey HOMES
Using the best quality
wood you can be
assured of furniture
to last a lifetime
In this mass-produced
day and age it is always
a joy to come across
truly bespoke items.
What might also surprise is that unique
furniture is not exclusively the privilege of the
few. Working locally in Aynho, nr Banbury, Ben
Shorey, has built up a successful business
designing and building hand-crafted furniture
for every room in the house. With over 18
year’s experience Ben can provide anything
from the handmade kitchen of your dreams to
a bookcase to match your existing furniture.
With an emphasis on the personal touch Ben
will work with you throughout all stages of the
process from design through to make, finish
and fitting. Using the best quality wood you
can be assured of furniture to last a lifetime.
In addition to references from satisfied
customers and examples on his website he
also has a showroom in Brackley Antiques
Ben Shorey
Truly bespoke furniture handmade
for every room in your home
Tel: 01869 819916 / 07971 479007
[email protected]
Don’t shelve your idea’s
Bookcases | Home Studies | Wardrobes | Shelving | Cabinets
Workshop in Chipping Norton t: 01608 646600
Furniture Design & Make
Hand crafted bespoke furniture & home decor design.
Furniture Restoration
We offer a french polishing and provenance service.
Hand crafted bespoke
furniture, up-cycling
& modern finishing in
Witney, Oxfordshire.
Up-cycled Furniture/Modern Finishing
Bring back to life an existing piece of furniture or a full
package from consultation, sourcing, restoration,
up-cycling/modern finishing.
OP Woodcraft – Furniture you will love forever
Mobile: 07725 693 225
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
furniture created
for everyday luxury
Handmade bespoke sofas and chairs
Headboards and footstools
Re-upholstery and restoration
Our objective is to provide a high quality
product with something to suit everyone
5, Threshers Yard, West Street, Kingham, Oxon, OX7 6YF
Tel: 01 608 659091 email: [email protected]
The Finest in British Outdoor Joinery
Designers and manufacturers of hardwood
planters and garden furnishings.
For more information:
Email: [email protected]
Call: 01608 683022
Other services include a bespoke joinery service
for all interior & exterior design.
All products manufactured in the Cotswolds using sustainable timber.
Built in Solutions
Custom made Fitted Furniture
575 579
built in
email [email protected]
INNER 070111 LONDON Jan i31.indd 83
Mill Farm Barns, Lower road, Long hanborough, OX29 8LW
Bathstone Garden Rooms
Not only do we build beautiful new rooms...’
We also refurbish and upgrade existing buildings
into sumptuous garden rooms or just save old favourites
from falling into disrepair.
• Contemporary or traditional designs.
• All shapes and sizes.
• A multitude of uses.
• Ugly concrete walls clad with beautiful timber.
• New doors and windows.
• Roofs repaired and replaced.
• Damproofed and insulated for year round use.
Call Bathstone today on 01189 842 555 or visit our
Our site surveys, plans and written quotes are all absolutely free.
Or we can build from new.
Why choose bespoke furniture?
When deciding how to furnish your
home, there are several vital factors to
take into consideration. Whilst it may
seem like a simple solution to visit
one of the many furniture superstores
that reside on the edge of most towns,
these warehouses are naturally unable
to offer a service that’s tailored to the
needs of your home and vision. So
why choose a bespoke furniture maker
over a mass producer? Aside from the
obvious benefit of an intimate service,
there are other reasons to avoid the
crowd and make it personal.
Choosing a furniture artisan gives you total
control over your investment – you get
exactly what you want with no unnecessary
extras. The freedom to choose your own
materials, design and finish can transform the
feel and look of your home. As the process of
creating your piece continues, you can refine
and adapt your design to achieve the perfect
combination of aesthetic and functionality.
The intimacy of the professional relationship
between you and your artisan can also
provide the ability to match your overall
interior design scheme with ease.
Ease of installation is another benefit
of avoiding off-the-shelf goods. Forget
spending frustrating afternoons assembling
a sub-par wardrobe and find yourself a
professional who will take the hassle out of
designing a room and provide you with a
perfectly finished item. Naturally, you can
also maximise space in any room by ensuring
that your products are customized to avoid
any size mismatching.
By choosing bespoke furniture you are
also providing an enormous service to
local businesspeople. When you make the
decision to commission a piece from a skilled
cabinet maker, your money benefits local
people rather than huge retail chains. Of
course, this also means that the design and
craftsmanship involved in the items you buy
will be of a considerably higher standard.
Don’t take our word for it though, ask an
Robin Furlong, an experienced furniture
artisan from Gloucestershire, told us:
“Commissioning bespoke furniture is a
fascinating and exciting collaboration
between client and designer, resulting
in a beautiful and truly unique object, to
admire and appreciate daily. The quality far
surpasses any piece bought on the high street
and there is great satisfaction in knowing you
were central to the inception and creation of
a purposeful work of art.’’
Think of bespoke furniture as an investment.
Imagine creating your own family heirloom
that can be passed through to future
generations, carrying with it the memories
that you have been integral in creating.
With all these advantages, plus the
knowledge that your furnishings are unique
and exclusive to your home, why bother with
the mass-produced furniture warehouses?
If you’re looking to design or redesign your
home, make sure you get a bespoke service.
HOMES Pettorino Architects
Architect Anthony Pettorino shares his thoughts on how our sense
of smell affects how we experience our built environment.
Following on from the introductory article
Architecture and the Senses in the July
issue, I thought I’d start with the least
obvious of our senses when it comes to
how we experience buildings. Strange it
is that it was not until the 1990’s that any
serious research took place regarding our
sense of smell, and it was as recently as
2004 when biologists Richard Axel and
Linda Buck where given a Nobel prize for
getting to the bottom of how our olfactory
system actually works at a molecular level.
It starts with oderant receptors in the nasal
cavity. These respond to oderous molecules
and send electrical signals to the brain which
then converts these abstract signals into the
experience I can only describe as the mind’s
nose. A properly functioning olfactory system
is essential for our life quality and of central
importance to most species on the planet.
In addition to this, what we call taste is
mostly smell. The tongue has a limited range
of receptors that distinguish between sweet,
salty, sour and bitter. Without smell the world
of food and drink is a bland one indeed.
It’s hard to deny that our memories are full
of aromas, and most of these are connected
to events or specific places or buildings.
Although it’s been a long time, I can still smell
my Italian grandmother’s kitchen in Australia
on a Sunday. A large pot of tomato sauce
simmering away on the stove combined with
a background of unburnt gas from her archaic
and probably deadly kitchen stove. Then a
pungent explosion of pepper, anise and mint
as a mountain of fresh basil is added at the
last minute. The final, intoxicating hit took
place when finely grated parmesan was mixed
through the steaming plate of spaghetti and
sauce at the table. I could keep going… the
cheap red wine mixed with sweet lemonade
and so on. The point of the anecdote is that
places and events are aromatic and that they
create aroma memories.
Controlled aromas are being used
increasingly in commercial and retail
environments to manipulate our behaviour.
Bread baking, coffee brewing, fish frying,
all familiar smells distributed freely to get
our appetites going and our wallets out of
our pockets. I recently stayed in a hotel in
Barcelona that commissioned a perfumery
to create a unique scent to distribute through
their ventilation system. It was the cause of
much conversation and was of course for
sale at reception. An unusual souvenir, a
scent that triggers memories of a special stay
on demand.
My default position for exploring a particular
sensory system is to try to isolate it. For
example, tasting food whilst blocking my nose
or walking around with my eyes closed and
ears blocked (comes with a safety warning).
An architect colleague told me of a visit to the
Institute for the Blind in Milan where he was
led around the building blindfolded by a blind
guide. The thing he remembers most was the
constantly changing aromas.
Our homes and gardens have aromas,
ones we can’t change and ones we put
there deliberately. Sales of home fragrance
products, such as scented candles, sprays
and diffusers have been on the steady incline
in the US, UK and Europe for the past decade
and this looks to continue. This tells us that
we value what we might call air quality in our
homes. It also tells us that we get pleasure
out of specific aromas and enjoy trying and
testing them to find our personal favorites.
In designing our homes the starting point
is the ambient aroma. Not easy to define or
control, but a pure and clean background
is a must. Condensation is to be avoided
as it provides an environment for unwanted
organisms, so humid or wet areas need to
be well ventilated. The choice of finishes also
has an effect. Natural fibres, timber, oils and
stone can be have more pleasing aromas
than certain synthetics such as some vinyls
and plastics for example.
It may be surprising that the secret
ingredient is odourless: Fresh, clean air, as
it enables aromas to be experienced without
contamination or distortion. In our domestic
shelters, this is easily achieved by opening
windows but the UK climate does not always
make this a sensible solution.
In April’s article Three Golden Rules for an
Energy Efficient House, rule number three
refers to the use of heat recovery ventilation.
This is a simple, low tech, whole house
ventilation system that constantly replaces
Human olfactory system.
1: Olfactory bulb 2: Mitral cells
3: Bone 4: Nasal epithelium
5: Glomerulus 6: Olfactory receptor neurons
Source: Wikipedia/Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator.
stale air with fresh outside air, but with the
minimum amount of heat loss. Combine this
with lots of insulation (Rule no. 1) and airtight
construction (Rule no. 2) and when it comes
to air quality, this is as good as it gets.
So when designing indoor and outdoor
considerations are as equally important as
the things that can be seen by the naked eye.
Next month Anthony touches on touch; an
exploration of the tactile environment.
Anthony Pettorino is a director
of Pettorino Design Limited in
Witney and can be contacted at
[email protected]
or 01993 402 993.
Business expansion
for Cotswold
Furniture Designer
Three staff join the team of furniture craftsmen
September 8, 2015: Robin Furlong Furniture Designer based
in Moreton in Marsh is known for his beautifully made bespoke
furniture, the company was established in 1989. Working to
build the business, Robin has recently won a large contract
for a London firm as well as a number of bespoke projects
for local customers. This has led to the employment of three
more staff - a rapid expansion to cope with the extra work.
In 2013 they moved their workshops to Moreton to be more
visible and accessible for their clients.
Robin commented: “It has been a very busy couple of years
and we have been working on building the business to this
level for a while. I am really pleased with the additional work
orders and it is great that I have been able to employ local
craftsmen to build the team. We are working on some very
exciting and challenging projects.”
Situated at the top end of Moreton in Marsh, on the
Fosseway Business Park, Robin’s Gallery and workshops are
open weekdays 9am-5pm and Saturdays 11am-4pm.
To view his work, please visit
Over 40 internal and external doors displayed in real
settings featuring traditional and contemporary designs
combined with the highest possible levels of security
Visit us:
53 Westlands drive, Oxford OX3 9QS
Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm, Fri 9am-4pm Sat 9am-1pm
Contact us:
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HOMES CDRB Architects
Our philosophy is simple we are local architects with a passion for design and we wish to help
anyone who is undertaking a building project by offering them our skills as architects.
CDRB Architects are a newly
established architectural practice
serving the Cotswolds and
surrounding areas.We specialise
in working with residential
properties whether old or new
and contemporary.
We have built and extended many properties
and have converted others.
To date our projects include:
• Private Houses
• Domestic Extensions
• Loft Conversions
• Conservatories
• Pub Conversions
• Small commercial offices
• Restaurants
• Shop Premises
• Church Extensions
• Barn Conversions
• Listed Building Alterations
• Memorial Buildings
For CDRB each Client and project is unique
and each building has its own issues that
need to be respected and learned from in
order to develop a solution that feels right for
the building. This is never the same process
on any building as each building is always
As architects we prefer to be ‘individual’
rather than ‘universal’ and have found our
Clients respect and appreciate this position.
An ‘individual’ design is unique to its site
and to its Client’s brief and is a ‘one off’. A
‘universal’ design is a design thought of as
a concept and then ‘rolled out’ throughout
the country. Usually the latter has no respect
of context or site just that it is identifiable to
As architects we use a palette of materials
that we feel is appropriate to a building and a
site rather than just use one palette because
it is expected or a ‘brand’. Typically we like
to work with timber,stone and glass and this
has led to work on barn conversions for both
offices and private houses.
Whilst we as architects, have ideas so to do
our Clients and the end solution is usually a
combination of CDRB ideas and Client ideas.
We never assume we know more than the
Client as to how they live or wish to live their
lives and their lifestyles.
We welcome any new enquiries and look
forward to seeing many of you in the future.
Tel: 07527 148007.
Specialising in bespoke residential projects
from one off-houses to small extensions.
For more information please call
Experienced in barn conversions, listed
buildings & traditional extentions.
All work fully insured.
Services offered include:
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07527 148007
HOMES Should I Move Now?
Should I move now...
In this hectic world of instant news bites, daily market updates, 24/7 media coverage
and a seemingly endless supply of market information, what are the important facts
about the property market in the final quarter of 2015? Is it a good time to move now
or should I delay my decision until 2016? This is the question facing many potential
movers at this time of the year as we approach the traditionally busy pre-Christmas
market, but never before have they been bombarded with a seemingly endless array
of market data and information.
Are prices set to rise or fall? Is it a market for
buyers or sellers? Are interest rates moving
up or will they remain at their current level? Is
it a good time to apply for a mortgage?
Most estate agents that I deal with will
admit that 2015 has been a pretty tough year
for them, not due a shortage of buyers but a
serious shortage of houses to sell, particularly
in the medium and upper price ranges.
Recent facts in the industry media certainly
support this.
The National Association of Estate Agents
report released in September reveals that,
on average, the number of houses available
per estate agent branch is now at its lowest
level since January 2004. In most locations
the supply is simply not enough to meet the
demand from buyers.
It’s no surprise then, that in the same month,
the Rightmove house price index shows that
the average national price of property coming
to the market has hit a new record, up 0.9%
to £294,834. This is the highest price rise
that Rightmove have seen in the month of
September since 2002.
Oxfordshire remains one of the most
expensive counties, with an average price of
£437,042, up 5.9% on 2014.
Perhaps most telling of all is the fact that,
whilst historically house owners moved home
every seven years, recent data would suggest
there could now be as long as 15-18 years
between moves!
In simple terms, a lack of supply of
suitable property, low levels of new build
and historically cheap borrowing are factors
currently working together to inevitably
pushing up prices on property that is in
demand. All of this information is potentially
great news for any people selling their homes,
so why are people still not coming to the
market ?
It would seem that whilst property in the
middle and upper sectors of the market are
showing the strongest increases, people in
this sector are finding the choice of property
available for their next move really restricted,
and the fear of not finding the right property is
holding them back from entering the market.
Selling your property in the current market
should not be a problem, nor should securing
a mortgage if finance is required. However,
actually finding your next home could be
the main issue. Carefully planning the whole
process is key.
Increasingly the successful
movers in this sector look at
each stage of the buying and
selling process separately.
When moving home there
are probably 4 alternative
approaches to consider.
First, sell your current property,
complete the transaction, then
rent a property for a period before
purchasing your next property. This
will put you in a very strong position
when competing with other buyers
who may not have sold.
Try to sell your current home to a
purchaser who will wait for you to
find your next home. This is not
quite as strong as option 1 if you are
competing with other buyers, but at
least you will not be pushed out of
your current home. This could be a
realistic option if your current home
is particularly sought after and your
buyer is only looking for a particular
location and is not bothered about
As with option 1, sell your current
property and complete the
transaction, but then agree to rent
from your buyer until you have found
somewhere to buy. This is not as
unusual as it may sound, especially if
your current home is in demand and
your buyer is looking for a long term
Look for a house first and then try
to find a buyer. This most traditional
approach is without doubt potentially
the most stressful and frustrating, and
in the current market most likely to
lead to disappointment.
Should I Move Now? HOMES
...or do I wait?
As a chartered surveyor and property professional
with over 30 years’ experience, Stephen understands
the pitfalls of house purchase and the pressures of
relocation with a new job. Time is often your most
precious commodity when you’re looking for your next
property, and in particular it’s often in short supply when
you’re wanting to arrange a move from one region to
another, or even from one country to another.
As a property finder, all my clients
are always in a position to proceed
immediately which does ensure that their
offer is always given serious consideration
as timescale and certainty are usually the
key criteria sought by a vendor in the
current market.
So is now a good
time to move or not?
Unless you own a property that would
achieve a higher price by being placed
on the market at a certain time of year,
for example one with beautiful gardens
that may be at their best in spring, once
the need or desire to move has been
identified, there is, in my experience,
never any need to delay.
There are buyers around all year, more
than ever in the current market, and the
shortage of property is unlikely to change
in the foreseeable future.
The timing of the move however is not
usually the critical issue; it is the planning
of the move and your flexibility to put
yourself into a better position to proceed
with the purchase than other potential
buyers that will give you a greater chance
of success in securing the home of your
dreams. There is also a great chance
that by making the first step now you
can not only ensure your home reaches
the market early when most vendors
are still holding back, you will also be
ready to buy when the next batch of new
properties come to the market.
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Intoto Kitchens HOMES
puts in-toto Oxford on the Winning Kitchen Stand
at Grand Designs Live in Birmingham
Thrilled to be revealing their winning
Miele kitchen design, meet the intoto Oxford team on stand K531 at
Grand Designs Live in Birmingham
8th-11th October 2015 and discover
studio owner Denise Howard’s
fascinating combination of on-trend
colour, lighting and style.
superb functionality, Denise has created
an inspirational, sociable kitchen living
space, destined to be the centrepiece of
any home and making in-toto Oxford the
deserved winner of the Miele ‘Win a Space’
Using the deep Graphite grey of in-toto
Nevia’s new high-gloss lacquer laminate
alongside the beautiful truffle tones of the
earthy Fango colour from the in-toto Alva
range, the captivating design delivers a
stylish and affordable kitchen under £20,000.
Lucky visitors to the stand will not only
experience a very unique kitchen design,
which is available to buy at the show, they
will also receive a free Roux Lifestyle Monaco
boiling water tap if they order a kitchen before
the end of February 2016!
From concept to completion, in-toto Oxford
translates your ideas into a stunning kitchen,
working with you throughout to deliver
an individual, fully personalised service.
Drawing on years of experience in kitchen
design and project management, the team
understands the importance of attention to
detail, the highest quality and outstanding
service. The skilled kitchen design studio is
part of a nationwide brand, offering a wide
range of styles, finishes and colours that
allows you to select a kitchen as individual
as you are.
For the chance to win free tickets to
Grand Designs Live, pop into the in-toto
Oxford kitchen design studio and enter
the prize draw: 267 Banbury Road,
Summertown, Oxford OX2 7HT.
For more information about in-toto
Oxford, find them online at or call them on
01865 236 367
HOMES rb Gas
Insight from Richard Bailey,
owner of rb Gas
We want everything at our finger tips
We want to save money
We want to save the planet
And we want to do it all
with our phones...
rb Gas HOMES
It may come as a surprise that the unsexy world
of remote heating controls ticks all these boxes.
One of the latest uprisings in our ‘connected’
revolution is the emergence of smart
energy systems. Following in the wake of
smartphones, smart televisions and smart
cars, we now have smart thermostats letting
us control our heating and hot water, reducing
our bills and making us feel better about our
homes and the environment.
Smart thermostats can not only be
controlled manually, as some actually learn
their user’s preferences depending on their
habitual practices, and adapt accordingly.
For example, your system could learn to heat
the bathroom in the morning and bedrooms
in the evening, enhancing levels of comfort
and convenience as well as saving money.
The degree of smartness varies in line with
learning capacity, multi-room/zoning, remote
sensing and weather monitoring. The right
smart heating system will be determined by
the home, the user and the budget.
Richard Bailey from rb Gas in Oxford
looks at three of the best smart remote
heating systems.
Most people have heard of Hive, which
is available exclusively to British Gas
customers, but there are currently a dozen
or more smart heating systems available in
the UK market including: Nest, Honeywell
Evohome, Intuition, Tado, Salus, Climote, and
Cosy that will work on standard boilers and
boilers powered by LPG, bio-gas and oil.
Nest, owned by Google and created by exApple employees, teamed up with nPower
to offer a learning thermostat with autotune technology that builds a personalised
schedule reflecting the customer’s habits and
spotting cost-saving opportunities. It only
controls a single zone in your home so you
can’t programme your heating to be room
specific, but not many households are used
to, or demand, this level of control.
Over the relatively short space of a couple
of weeks, Nest will learn when, for how long
and at what temperature you like your heating
on. It has a 150-degree sensor to allow it to
detect if anyone is home and will quickly pick
up and adapt to your timings like when you
leave the house on different days and what
time you lie-in to on the weekends. Nest is
also connected to your Wi-Fi so it knows
the weather forecasts and the True Radiant
feature aims to reduce temperature swings
by starting heating early enough that you’ll
get the right temperature when you want it.
Ensure the online service you use is encrypted
so that data about your movements is safe.
Honeywell Evohome is arguably the most
comprehensive smart heating solution, with
‘zones’ that allow incredibly specific control,
and is supported by a powerful mobile
app. So you can programme the heating in
your home to come on and off to suit your
schedule, warm bathrooms and kitchens in
the morning, warm lounges and entrance
halls in the evening etc.. Although it is multizonal, it is manual scheduling with no smart
learning, and there is no web browser control,
but for those not ready to entirely entrust their
heating programming to technology it is the
perfect choice.
Salus sits quite nicely between the two.
Designed to reflect simplicity and ease of
use, you can control your heating and hot
water through your smart phone or PC over
the internet and it offers either a single or
dual zone option with the addition of an extra
Costing the earth?
Prices inevitably vary according to type,
terms, function and facility but basic kits fall
in the range of £150 to £250. Installation costs
are low as they are all wireless systems, and
most will pay for themselves with energy cost
savings in about two years. As government,
homeowners and developers alike look to
save money and energy and increase the
convenience of doing so, there is no escaping
the fact that there is a revolution in how we
control the heating in our homes.
About Richard Bailey and rb Gas
Richard Bailey had one simple aim in
mind when he founded rb Gas, and that
aim was to provide customers with
a professional plumbing and heating
service from engineers who would turn
up on time, be polite, and do a good job
at a reasonable rate. With 4,500 satisfied
customers and counting all in agreement,
his aim continues to be achieved after
more than 20 years in business.
Based in Cowley rb Gas are the leading
specialists in plumbing & heating services
in the Oxford area. Offering a complete
range of fully guaranteed services carried
out by a highly experienced team of
plumbers and Gas Safe engineers.
Our installation services include
installation of central heating, under floor
heating, solar thermal, gas fires, boilers,
water heaters, cookers and hobs and
more. Our other services include power
flushing, gas safety reports, energy saving
services and more.
Contact Details:
Richard Bailey [email protected] 01865
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HOMES Stacks
how your home can make the best impression
With home improvement budgets, especially those dedicated to getting your house ready to sell,
when is it best to opt for cheap chic, and when should you elect a more customised approach?
Here are suggestions for a strategic
combination that will pay respect
to pressurised budgets without
compromising on the overall look:
Extreme spending on bespoke is very unlikely
to result in ‘profit’ or even break even when
it comes to selling a property. But smart
spending can raise the game of your home
and allow its interior to punch way above
its weight. Rather like teaming a pair of old
jeans with a good cashmere jumper and great
boots and handbag, it’s a question of upping
the overall look with the injection of some key
Examples would include light switches, door
handles, taps, counter tops and bannisters.
The trick with your bespoke budget is to
spend it on classic items. Don’t be tempted
to go high-fashion that will look dated within a
couple of years. And remember that bespoke
doesn’t have to come from high end retailers
– it can mean second hand, vintage and
I would recommend spending most of
your bespoke budget on main areas where
it will get its best profile. By the time people
see upstairs you will have established the
provenance of your property.
One of the biggest bespoke investments
you can make is on a handmade kitchen.
The advantages of a tailor-made kitchen
are enormous – better use of space, and
an environment that suits your own specific
needs. But the cost can appear stratospheric,
especially if you don’t envisage seeing out
your years in your home. If you do go down
this route, my advice would be to ensure that
as much of your new kitchen as possible
is freestanding so you can take it with you
when you move. This will help you justify the
expense, and ease the pain of moving on!
More basic kitchens and bathrooms can be
given a bespoke appearance by pushing the
boat out on taps, worktops, bespoke shelving
and great lighting. The simplest bathroom can
be transformed by the careful arrangement of
gorgeous towels and aspirational products
such as Jo Malone candles; while kitchens
will benefit from clutter-free worktops,
shelves displaying super-shiny glassware,
and well organised professional-looking
cooking implements.
Finally, a couple of key pieces will really
transform your home. A spectacular bannister,
reclaimed shutters, or a vintage wrought
iron arch in the garden will provide stand
out features that your visitors, or potential
purchasers, will remember and aspire to.
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EDITS London Golf Show
The sporting spectacles being held this summer with the Ashes,
the Rugby World Cup, and the Solheim Cup, are set to continue
into the Autumn with the London Golf Show from
November 13-15th at Glow, BLUEWATER
Five rounds for every visitor
The London Golf Show is designed to
provide a truly interactive experience for
golfers of all ages, with informed technical
advice, PGA tuition and education, guest
interviews, a huge indoor driving range,
custom fitting, club testing, golf simulators
and the latest golf gadgets. The show’s
focus will be on helping you to get the most
from the game.
The London Golf Show this year offers
superb value as visitors are able to claim FIVE
rounds of golf for free when they come to the
show. Local golf operators, the Pentland
Group are giving away rounds at Pedham
Place, Etchinghill, and Boughton Golf Clubs
to anyone who attends.
There will also be prizes up for grabs,
with London’s Nearest the Pin Champion
to be determined, amongst a host of other
competitions. Beyond the sporting action
there will be plenty more to enjoy with lots of
golfing hardware for visitors to get their hands
on, free coaching to polish up your game,
and golfing hotspots from around the world
to investigate for your next golfing getaway.
Golfing entertainment is set, as once again
World Trick Shot Champion Geoff Swain, and
partner Kevin Carpenter as The Golf Trick
Shot Boys and the Dean Davis Trick Shot
Show wow the crowds with an amazing array
of feats, skills and will be showcasing their
latest tricks.
Women & Kids go Free! *
Gary Smith England Golf Coach for the last
fourteen years will be one of a number of
Top 25 Golf Coaches imparting their wisdom
to visitors to the show from their dedicated
coaching areas and on the stage. Gary will be
joined by European Tour accredited putting
coach Andy Gorman whose specialist input
has helped Charley Hull reach the top of the
European rankings. Benn Barham and his
team from P Golf Coaching will complement
all by offering fifteen minute individual
sessions to all visitors and aiming to break
the show record of over 800 lessons.
The London Golf Show will bring together
the leading golf brands, think Titleist, Ping,
Cobra, Cleveland, Wilson etc, to create one
of the largest indoor demo days ever seen.
Representatives of the brands will be on
hand to offer expert advice and a full custom
fitting experience. In addition, Titleist will be
providing a ball-fitting facility, to make sure
your ball is suited to your game.
The London Golf Show also features The
Golf Tourism Show, dedicated to showing off
some incredible golf destinations. This show
within a show features courses and resorts
from across the UK and around the globe,
for you to browse through on your way to
discovering your next golfing trip of a lifetime.
The London Golf Show moved from Earls
Court to its new home at Glow, BLUEWATER
in 2014. It proved a popular move with
13,000 golf fans descending on the modern,
purpose-built venue to check-out the latest
equipment launches, celebrity appearances,
coaching tips, skill challenges, fairway
fashions, and must-play courses. Bluewater,
just off Junction 2 on the M 25 offers easy
access from all over the South-East and
London, and over 13,000 free parking spaces.
We’ve got together with the
organisers of this year’s London
Golf Show to bring you a unique
chance to win one of FIVE pairs
of tickets to the November
13-15th at Glow, BLUEWATER.
So how do you enter? Simple.....just
answer the following question:
“How many rounds of golf
are the London Golf Show
giving away with every
Email your answers to [email protected]
*Book your ticket before the 31st October 2015
In addition, there’s another benefit….kids under 16
get in free when accompanied by paying Adult ticket
holder (one per ticket).
So, it’s a fun day out for all the family too!
Advance tickets to the London Golf Show cost £10 for
adults, £18 for two, or £48 for six.
For more details visit,
or call 0844 858 6749 for tickets.
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Studley Wood has become the south of England home to the
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The golf course represents a stimulating challenge for all
standards of player. Originally designed by Simon Gidman in 1995
its 18 holes meander through undulating countryside, navigating
14 lakes, and with 44 acres of natural woodland at its core. The
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Studley Wood has a relaxed atmosphere and enjoys an active
membership welcoming new members of all standards to the club.
We are the perfect choice for visitors looking for a quality golf
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Competition closes 21 October
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As a member you will have access to
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events, introduce guests at members guest rate .
Tadmarton is a year round course often open when
others are closed during periods of adverse weather.
At the end of the Winter Warmer you will have the
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winter warmer fees being deducted from full
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Full details are on our website
Tadmarton Heath Golf Club
Wigginton OX15 5HL.
[email protected]
121 0871 620 7063*
Swinley Road, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 8BD
* Calls cost 10p per minute from most landlines plus network charges.
The Cave Elephants of Mount Elgon EDITS
It is my first morning in the Mountain Elgon National Park and I wake long before dawn. The sky is still dark and
the birds have just begun to twitter. Sitting on the lower slopes of the oldest and largest solitary volcano in East
Africa, I can see the surrounding landscape of the plains and the distant Great Rift Valley spread out beneath me.
Three decades previously, when I started my
career as an explorer, I used to come to this
spot to watch the more secretive animals; to
listen for the roar that signalled the arrival of
the king of all creatures, or look out for the shy
herd of breeding elephants who enter Mount
Elgon’s labyrinth of caves to lick the salt they
gouge from the walls with their tusks.
Mount Elgon is an extinct shield volcano on
the border of Uganda and Kenya, north of the
port city of Kisumu and west of Kitale. The
spectacular National Park within which it lies
covers an area of 1,279 square kilometres and
is 140 kilometres north east of Lake Victoria.
Mount Elgon is an important water catchment
for the Nzoia River and the Lwakhakha which
flow into Africa’s largest lake and for the
Turkwel River which flows into Lake Turkana.
The mountain is named after the Elgeyo
(also known as the Keiyo) people, who once
lived in the huge caves on the south side
of the mountain. The Mount Elgon massif
consists of five major peaks: The mountain’s
highest point, ‘Wagagai’ at 4,321 metres, is
located entirely within Uganda; ‘Sudek’ (4,302
metres) in Kenya; ‘Koitobos’ (4,222 metres),
a flat-topped basalt column in Kenya, and
the peaks of ‘Mubiyi’ (4,211 metres) rise
majestically in Uganda and ‘Masaba’ at 4,161
metres in Kenya.
Although Mt. Elgon was well known to Arab
traders passing along the old slave routes
to its east in Kenya, the celebrated explorer
Henry Morton Stanley was the first to write
about Mt. Elgon when he presumably saw it
while circumnavigating Lake Victoria in 1875.
Joseph Thompson, a British explorer and
geographer was the first European to actually
visit the central massif in 1883. Thompson
referred to the mountain as “Masawa” or
“Elgon” and generated curiosity among the
Mount Elgon is an extinct shield volcano on the
border of Uganda and Kenya, north of the port
city of Kisumu and west of Kitale. The mountain’s
slopes support a rich variety of flora and fauna, but
it is the world-renowned cave elephants that are the
main draw to visitors to this spectacular mountain.
by Peter Holthusen
© Ian Redmond via Peter Holthusen
EDITS The Cave Elephants of Mount Elgon
© Ian Redmond via Peter Holthusen
(L) The elephants enter these caves as whole families, very often with youngsters in tow, and walk as far as
160 metres into the pitch darkness to find a salt stream in the rock.
(R) A clearly defined footprint of an elephant can be seen here in the depths of Kitum Cave, the most famous
of Mt. Elgon’s labyrinth of caves where they come to supplement their diet.
In 1890, with a 400-man caravan, Frederick
Jackson of the Imperial British East Africa
Company was the first European to visit
Mt. Elgon’s caldera and to climb any of the
major peaks. Ironically, Jackson climbed
from the south and probably never even saw
the summit of Masaba peak which was later
named Jackson’s Summit after him.
Elgon’s slopes support a rich variety of
vegetation ranging from montane forest to
high open moorland studded with giant lobelia
and groundsel plants, which varies with
altitude. The mountain slopes are covered
with olive Olea hochstetteri and Aningueria
adolfi-friedericii wet montane forest. At
higher altitudes, this changes to olive and
Podocarpus gracilior forest, and then a
Podocarpus and bamboo Arundinaria alpine
zone. Higher still is a Hagenia abyssinica
zone with moorland heaths, Erica arborea
and Philippia trimera, tussock grasses such
as Agrostis gracilifolia and Festuca pilgeri,
herbs such as Alchemilla, Helichrysum, and
the giant groundsels Senecio barbatipes and
Senecio elgonensis.
The mountain also supports an abundance
of rare and endemic wildlife, and is home to a
variety of small antelope, and forest monkeys,
including the black-and-white colobus and
blue monkey, while leopard, giant forest
hog, bushbuck, eland, duiker, buffalo, and
elephants can be found on the lower slopes.
Over 300 bird species can also be found in the
area, including the endangered Lammergeier
or bearded vulture, African goshawk, and the
tiny Baglafecht weaver, but it is the worldrenowned cave elephants that are the main
draw to visitors to this spectacular mountain.
It is now close to 30 years since I first
experienced the excitement of watching
these mysterious elephants disappearing
into the dark labyrinth of caves to excavate
the mineral-rich rock for salt. The species
of elephant who live on the mountain are
savannah elephants (Loxodonta africana),
not the forest elephants of West and Central
The ancient volcano of Mt. Elgon is
penetrated by a suite of highly-unusual
caves. The larger caves of Kitum, Ngwarisha,
Chepnyalil, and Makingeny are neither
limestone solution caves, nor lava tubes.
Their origin lies in the interplay of unique
geology with the fauna – particularly the
elephants and other mammals who “mine”
the salt-bearing rock from the walls of the
Numbering only about 100 individuals, this
unique population of elephants was hit hard
by ivory poaching in the 1980’s and 90’s.
Now, thanks largely to the work of the Born
Free Foundation and the Uganda Wildlife
Authority, who are helping to pay for their
protection, and for the development of this
beautiful National Park, their numbers are
So, why is this population
so special?
Many land-living herbivores experience ‘salt
hunger’. Their diet of plants does not supply
them with enough minerals (e.g. sodium),
so they seek these out in any digestible
form that they can find. In many places this
leads to animals congregating around salt
licks, which are often favourite spots for
safari tours. On Mt. Elgon, however, the only
natural source of salt is more obscure – it is
found in deep, natural caves in the side of
the mountain.
The elephants enter these caves as whole
families, very often with youngsters in tow,
The Cave Elephants of Mount Elgon EDITS
and walk as far as 160 metres into the pitch
darkness to find a salt seam in the rock. They
then excavate the mineral-rich rock with their
tusks, chipping off rough chunks of halite and
eating these hidden gems as a vital dietary
supplement. The most frequently visited
cave in Mt. Elgon is Kitum, meaning ‘Place
of Ceremonies’ in Maasai, which is over 60
metres wide and penetrates 200 metres into
the mountain.
It became notorious following the
publication of Richard Preston’s book ‘The
Hot Zone’ in 1994 for its association with
the Marburg virus after two people who had
visited the cave (one in 1980 and another in
1987) contracted the disease and died. Henry
Rider Haggard’s hugely popular novel ‘King
Solomon’s Mines’ is also reputed to have
been inspired by the Mt. Elgon caves.
In 2001 Born Free started funding the
Mount Elgon Monitoring Team – the MEEM
Together with the cave elephants and abundance
of flora and fauna, the Mount Elgon National
Park has a variety of other attractions to tempt
the discerning traveller, including the
spectacular cascades of the Sipi Falls.
© Ian Redmond via Peter Holthusen
It is now close to 30 years since I first
experienced the excitement of watching
these mysterious elephants disappearing
into the dark labyrinth of caves to
excavate the mineral-rich rock for salt.
EDITS The Cave Elephants of Mount Elgon
The author is pictured here with his friend Cleto
Mapfumo, a dedicated ranger from the Born Free
Foundation and their trusted mount ‘Otto’, whose
unsurpassed knowledge of the cave elephants
assisted him in his quest to return to the labyrinth
of caves deep beneath Mount Elgon.
The Cave Elephants of Mount Elgon EDITS
Other attractions in the Park include
the ancient cave paintings near the
trailhead at Budadiri, which depict
the presence of cave elephants in
the region even in the Neolithic Age.
Team – which had been initiated by the BBC
Natural History Unit in Bristol to learn more
about the elephants prior to filming them for
Sir David Attenborough’s new series ‘The Life
of Mammals’. These dedicated rangers, led
by Daniel Namunai track the elephants with
the help of expert tracker David Kiperenge.
They have found that there is only one group
of elephants, and they follow these animals
on a daily basis, recording their position and
activities. At the same time, they announce
their presence with elephant greeting noises,
or ‘rumbles’. It is hoped that this procedure
– similar to that adopted by Dian Fossey to
habituate gorillas – will soon make it possible
for tourists to accompany the rangers and
experience the thrill of tracking elephants
through the forest, whilst also providing
valuable funding for the development and
running of the Park.
The BBC Natural History Unit continued
funding the team during further filming and
Born Free has been providing salaries for
the MEEM Team since 2001. In 2002, they
provided extra funding for fuel and for the
removal of the old fencing, from which wire
was being taken and used to make snares.
The number of snares in the Park has
since declined dramatically. Born Free also
provided a TV and video for the Park to use in
their education and outreach activities.
The Mount Elgon National Park is not on
the usual tourist routes, but after featuring
in Sir David Attenborough’s ‘The Life of
Mammals’ on 4th December 2002 and the
‘Natural World’ on 19th October 2003, visitor
numbers increased considerably and it is
hoped that there will be even more visitors
over the coming years and the Park will be
able to expand its infrastructure, services and
community work.
Mount Elgon is home to three tribes, the
Bagisu, the Sabiny and the Ogiek people,
better known in the region under the
derogatory ethnic umbrella term Ndorobo.
The Bagisu and Sabiny are subsistence
ceremonies every other year to initiate young
men (and in the Sabiny’s case, girls) into
adulthood. Traditionally, the Bagisu consider
Mt. Elgon to be the embodiment of their
founding father ‘Masaba’, and you may hear
the mountain called by this name.
Local people have long depended on forest
produce and have made agreements with the
Park to continue to harvest resources such
as bamboo poles and bamboo shoots (a
local delicacy). The Ogiek used to be hunters
and honey gatherers, but have become
more sedentary in recent decades, and
have partially been moved downward by the
Together with the cave elephants and
abundance of flora and fauna, the Mount
Elgon National Park has a variety of other
attractions to tempt the discerning traveller,
including its towering cliffs, breathtaking
gorges, calderas, bubbling hot springs
and jagged peaks. At the Endebess Bluff
there are panoramic views over the region’s
escarpments, gorges, mesas, and rivers.
Located in the foothills of Mt. Elgon you
will find the spectacular cascades of the Sipi
Falls, a series of three waterfalls, the main
cascade of which plummets from a height of
100 metres and is very popular with climbers
and hikers. The Sipi Falls area is particularly
famous for its Bagisu Arabica coffee
produced and grown locally by farmers. Other
attractions include the ancient cave paintings
near the trailhead at Budadiri, which depict
the presence of cave elephants in the region
even in the Neolithic Age.
Mt. Elgon has been described as a
“Mountain of Illusion”, particularly due to the
number of hiking parties who lost their way
on its slopes in the past and because no
explorer could determine its highest point.
But the cave elephants of Mount Elgon are no
illusion, they are a true wonder of the natural
world and a must see species for any visitor
to Uganda.
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Laser eye surgery is surely just
a little too good to be true?
A pain-free zap and hey presto – instant, perfect vision.
Laser eye surgery is surely just a little too good to be true?
We decided to get the true lowdown on this remarkable procedure.
Professor Dan Reinstein is one of the world’s leading experts in laser eye surgery. Not only does
Reinstein design the actual lasers used in the treatment, but he has also performed over 20,000
procedures. The Professor agreed to share us a little of his all-seeing wisdom.
“There are many misconceptions about laser eye surgery,”
says Professor Reinstein. “Firstly, you barely feel a thing, there
is no pain. Also, you’re never too old for treatment - my oldest
patient to date was a youthful 92 years old. The laser is cold, not
hot - any smell is certainly not your eye burning. The aroma is
pure carbon atoms generated by the laser. Finally, an important
thing to remember is that you cannot go blind through laser eye
surgery. Even a minor complication has a less than 0.1% chance
of happening.”
Older patients may have previously been reluctant to try
laser eye surgery because of the risk of dry eye. However, new
technology means that this is becoming irrelevant.
“SMILE is a keyhole procedure which eliminates the need
for a corneal flap,” says the Professor. “This new method
eliminates the prolonged healing time sometimes associated
with standard laser eye surgery. It is a minimally-invasive
procedure so provides more accurate and safer treatments. It
allows us to treat higher prescriptions and those people with
dry eyes.
The London Vision Clinic on Harley Street was the first UK
laser eye surgery clinic to offer this new advanced treatment.
Now, it looks set to be adopted throughout the industry.
“Laser eye surgery is already an extremely safe and very
effective surgical procedure,”
says Reinstein. “With over 20 million treatments carried out to
date, it is also the most popular elective procedure in the world.
SMILE represents the next-generation in vision correction
treatments. It is an exciting time.”
If you are tempted into treatment there are certain major factors
to consider when deciding how to choose the right clinic:
• The expertise of the surgeon
• The techniques they use and are familiar with
• The technology available in the clinic
• Your prescription
• The results the clinic has achieved previously for patients
with the same prescription as yours
Remember to approach all surgical procedures with due
On a lighter note, Professor Reinstein has treated
everyone from royalty to Hollywood stars in his
surgery, so we decided to ask him to reveal a few
secrets about his favourite star patients.
“I can’t break client confidentiality,” the Prof said with
a wink. “However, saying that as Phillip Schofield was
treated by me in front of million of viewers on ITV, I
guess he won’t mind me saying that he was a brilliant
patient. He said his life was changed on that day, it is
rather nice to be part of that special moment.”
In this issue
Dream Drive:
Maserati Ghibli V6S
Smile even more
Honda HR-V
Will you be one of the seventy per centers?
Skoda Superb
Remarkable value for money,
wrapped in a prestige quality package
Mazda MX5
‘The world’s best-selling sports car’
Tesla Model S 85
Zero emissions…zero compromises?
By Kevin Haggarthy
MOTORING Maserati Ghibli
A machine cannot create this ultimate
Maserati driving experience; this has to be done
by skilled enthusiasts who can really drive
This top of the range twin turbo charged Maserati Ghibli V6S is
admittedly our in-house favourite. You can get one that looks exactly
the same with a less powerful 3.0 litre V6 or even a diesel; they are
fine cars, each with their own take on the new Ghibli experience, but if
you want the true essence of Maserati, wrapped in a neat saloon car
package – this is the one.
To all but the subtly informed, this most
powerful twin turbocharged version of the
Ghibli looks identical to its V6 diesel and single
turbo charged V6 3.0 litre petrol counterparts.
Thankfully Maserati have avoided the oneupmanship badging associated with engines
and specs. The Ghiblis are simply Maseratis
with different engines. We like that.
This most powerful version gives you the
ultimate Ghibli Maserati experience. The
noise is the most seductive, and the driving
experience the USP of what makes Maserati
‘Maserati’. There’s pride in carrying this
distinctive Maserati key fob around, mostly
because when you are asked ‘what’s it like
to drive the Maserati?’ – you can proudly say,
“well let’s go for a drive and see!”
We did this three or four times with
passengers who had never experienced a
Maserati before. It is powerful of course (400
bhp and of torque) so being impressive in a
straight line and a firm decisive push in the
back from mid-range speeds (with sound
effects of course) is a given. But that’s just
a taster; for this is an Italian of supercar and
racing heritage, built by a race of people who
are characterised by emotion, and famous for
style and design. A machine cannot create
this ultimate Maserati driving experience; this
has to be done by skilled enthusiasts who
can really drive; and believe me – it shows
when you push this car hard on challenging
If you’re not too sure where we are coming
from, see if you can watch the beginning of
the original version of the Italian Job with
Michael Caine. That early scene (forget
that it’s a Lamborghini) is the driving poetry
Italians create, and this one’s the Maserati
experience, same cultural DNA, but done the
Maserati Way.
It means that you can exploit with
confidence the virtues of a powerful engine
with rear wheel drive, honed into a chassis
tuned by very skilful drivers and engineers
who know how to translate this into onroad performance. In practise it means you
can punt this car hard through left, rights,
and relish in the urgency of its straight-line
performance with confidence and joy; only
cars built with emotion as a priority respond
in such harmony to keen driver input. You’ll
be smiling after your first keen drive, and
mostly because it confirms just how right
your decision to invest in the car has been.
You (and the family) will smile even more
knowing that the Maser doubles up as family
and everyday transport too. No longer the
need to yearn for a relatively affordable Italian
exotic. It’s already here.
3.0-litre V6 twin turbo
Eight-speed automatic,
rear-wheel drive
0–62 MPH
5.0 seconds
Official fuel consumption figures for Maserati Ghibli range in mpg (l/100km): Urban 18.0 (15.7) – 37.2 (7.6),
Extra Urban 38.7 (7.3) – 56.5 (5.0), Combined 27.2 (10.4) – 47.9 (5.9). CO2 emissions 242 – 158 g/km. Fuel
consumption and CO2 figures are based on standard EU tests for comparative purposes and may not
reflect real driving results. Model shown is a Maserati Ghibli S at £68,913 On The Road including optional
pearlescent paint at £1,776, 20” machine polished Urano alloy wheels at £2,205 and Red brake callipers
at £432.
Phone: 01865 566635 | Web:
The new HR-V.
Just right in every way.
Buy an HR-V between 14th September - 11th October and you’re automatically in
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Fuel consumption figures for the HR-V SE NAVI 1.6 i-DTEC Manual in mpg (l/100km): Urban 64.2 (4.4), Extra Urban 72.4
(3.9), Combined 68.9 (4.1). CO 2 emissions: 108g/km. Fuel consumption figures sourced from official EU-regulated
laboratory test results, are provided for comparison purposes and may not reflect real-life driving experience
Model Shown: HR-V SE NAVI 1.6 i-DTEC Manual in White Orchid Pearl at £22,630 On The Road (OTR). Terms and Conditions: New retail HR-V ordered from 01 August 2015 to 30 September 2015 and registered by 30 September 2015. Subject to model and colour availability. Offers
applicable at participating dealers and are at the promoter’s absolute discretion. Not to be used along with any other offers currently available. *Honda deposit contribution: £500 Honda deposit contribution on new HR-V models purchased through Honda Aspirations. HR-V
SE NAVI 1.6 i-DTEC Manual Honda Aspirations (PCP): 5.9% APR Representative example shown based on HR-V SE NAVI 1.6 i-DTEC Manual in White Orchid Pearl at £22,630 total cash price with 37 months 5.9% APR Representative PCP (interest rate per annum 5.68% fixed).
Minimum customer deposit 0%, maximum customer deposit 30%. You do not have to pay the Final Payment if you return the car at the end of the agreement and you have paid all other amounts due, the vehicle is in good condition and has been serviced in accordance with the Honda
service book and the maximum annual mileage has not been exceeded. Indemnities may be required in certain circumstances. Finance is only available to persons aged 18 or over, subject to status. All figures are correct at time of publication but may be subject to change. Honda
Franchise Dealers are credit brokers, not lenders. Credit provided by Honda Finance Europe Plc. Cain Road, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1HL. Honda Finance Europe plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Services Register number 312541.
5 Years Servicing includes: All scheduled servicing, as detailed in the vehicles service book, will be covered for 5 years or 62,500 miles, whichever comes first. 5 Years Servicing is optional. It is being offered for £555 including VAT (usual value £1,430 including VAT, resulting in a £875
saving for the customer) and is available to finance or non-finance customers. Please note, should you sell the vehicle during the period of cover, the package remains with the vehicle. Test Drive Event: For full terms and conditions, please see
Johnsons Cars Ltd is an Appointed Representative of ITC Compliance Limited which is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Name: Johnsons Cars Ltd, Registered Office: Clive Road, Redditch B97 4BT. United Kingdom.
Registration No. 3716766 VAT Registration No. GB927551606.
A4.indd of1Oxford Honda A4 OX Mag.indd 1
22/09/2015 14:28
Ready for you to sample in local dealer
showrooms from the end of August 2015, Honda
have a lot of confidence in their new HR-V.
It’s a carefully studied model, aimed at
young singles and pre family couples.
As such, Honda have sought to combine
sportiness with utility, both inside and out,
and expect 70% of the purchases to be
conquest buyers. That’s a lot of jumping
ship, and a lot of manufacturer confidence.
Then again, Honda has been around for a very
long time (nearly 70 years in fact) and with
global car sales in the region of 4.3 million, it’s
reliable to assume their expectations are well
placed. Fitting between family saloon and
sport utility vehicle, the new HR-V is looking
to combine sportiness in a robust and stylish
exterior design, along with an appealing yet
highly practical and spacious cabin; the
latter has class leading interior space, with
high quality soft touch materials to give it that
premium feel.
The generous interior space has been
achieved as a result of a centre-mounted
fuel tank layout, freeing up the underfloor
space beneath the rear seats. It also enables
the accommodation of Honda's Magic Seat
system, a popular feature on many models
in the Honda range, offering exceptionally
versatile seating options. A high cabin eyeline ensures a good, wide field of vision,
which is helpful for driving in town.
Boot space is easily accessed through
wide and low tailgate opening, with best-inclass honours for room at 453 litres with the
rear seats upright, increasing to 1,026 litres
with the rear seats folded. In other words,
The new HR-V is available with a choice
of either a 120PS 1.6 litre i-DTEC diesel or
130PS 1.5 litre i-VTEC petrol engines. The
diesel has a 6-speed manual while the petrol
has a 6-speed manual or CVT. There’s also
a choice of three equipment to choose from
and infotainment comes courtesy of Honda
CONNECT (with its 'pinch, swipe and tap'
functionality) first seen in Europe on the 2015
CR-V. It is fitted as standard on the mid and
upper grade HR-V, and as an option on the
base model.
Will you be one of the seventy per centers?
You may well be! If the looks, space and
practicality are what you’re looking for,
then Honda reliability is a given. If Honda’s
predictions are correct, then at least 70% of
you will find that the HR-V offers more than
the car you currently own.
1.6 litre i-DTEC (diesel)
1.5 litre i-VTEC (petrol)
4 valves per cylinder
4 valves per cylinder
Capacity (cc)
1.6 litre i-DTEC
6-speed manual
1.5 litre i-VTEC
6-speed manual
1.5 litre i-VTEC
Maximum speed (mph)
0-62mph (seconds)
67.3 (16" wheels)
64.2 (17")
40.4 (16")
39.8 (17")
46.3 (16")
44.8 (17")
Fuel consumption extra urban (mpg)
74.3 (16")
72.4 (17")
58.9 (16")
57.6 (17")
61.4 (16")
58.9 (17")
Fuel consumption combined (mpg)
70.6 (16")
68.9 (17")
50.4 (16")
49.6 (17")
54.3 (16")
52.3 (17")
CO2 combined (g/km)
104 (16")
108 (17")
130 (16")
134 (17")
120 (16")
125 (17")
Fuel consumption urban (mpg)
The Skoda we know today hit on a very simple formulae; a winning one. Skoda know for a
start that we appreciate a bargain. Value for money is a winner in anyone’s books, because
we all work hard. You can, as Skoda have, take the concept a little further, and make the
product totally ‘fit for purpose’, i.e fitting your needs perfectly. And why not throw quality
into the equation too, and then you’re on to a sure winner. That’s Skoda for you.
The Superb, aptly named, is Skoda’s best
embodiment of all those things. It is their
flagship product, almost discretely so. At
a starter price of £22,000 it also represents
remarkable value for money, wrapped in a
prestige quality package. You have for a start,
an exceptionally spacious interior cabin; even
a six footer can sit in the back fully stretched
out. Have a good look around whilst you’re
in there and you’ll find premium style quality
switchgear and fittings, at a glance well below
your instinctive and predictable overestimate
of it’s true price. Step out, slide your hands
around the faultless paint and panel finish,
and it could easily be mistaken for a car of
much higher value. If it wasn’t actually called
the superb, you’d be tempted to call it so.
Welcome, as we do, the more purposeful
and arresting lines of the new Superb in
place of the admittedly bland lines of its
predecessor, there only remains the very
personal choice of the power plant. That
choice is a complex one, for there are no
less than four turbo charged petrol and three
turbo charged diesel engines to choose from,
ranging from 120PS up to a meaty powerful
380 PS. The top seller, and the fleet buyer’s
favourite is the 2.0 litre TDI (diesel) with an
equally wallet and environmentally friendly
108g/km of CO2, and a pocket inviting
68.9m mpg. This one eats long distance
cross country travel for breakfast, and pulls
impressively from low to mid-range speeds,
as most 2.0 litre diesels do – thus overtaking
is a doddle, and everyone going that little bit
slower than you just an object to get past.
Those of you who have no particular interest
in any of those virtues might be tempted to
explore the option of what is by far one of
the best performing 1.4 petrol engines we
have yet to this day driven. Whilst on paper
‘only’ churning out 150 PS and 57.7 mpg,
it is nearon a benchmark of just how good
small engine performance can be. Mated
to a manual gearbox and pushing this car
through some of Scotland’s finest hill routes
was an absolute joy, making this little shiner
most certainly our first choice. Why on earth,
do you say, would you opt for the smallest
engine in such a large car? Answer, because
it’s so good!
Yet the story doesn’t end there, for the
Superb extends it’s all purpose appeal with
the option of four wheel drive too, and the
reassurance of added handling safety. The
‘know-how’ is a given for its parent company
is Audi, a company that have mastered four
wheel drive technology to a tee. This comes
as an option only with the 190 PS and 280 PS
diesel versions of the car, and is the preferred
choice if you need to accommodate towing
things around.
Handling, grip, and overall driveability
are high on all versions of the car. Modern
technology, such as the standard electronic
impediments of weight and size on fast
undulating roads, and you have to push
unreasonably hard to unsettle this car…at all.
But why would you?
It’s hard to go wrong with the Superb for this
kind of money. In fact you could treat yourself
to a damn good holiday with the change you
get from buying this over something with a
prestige brand name. Superb? Say no more.
OTR £22,090
2.0 TDI 150PS
Six-speed manual
0–62 MPH
8.8 secs
Call today for more information
or to book a test-drive
The new ŠKODA Superb has landed at Ridgeway ŠKODA
Our flagship model has gone through a design revolution. See for yourself its elegant
curves and cutting-edge design. Come to the showroom to experience the luxury of its
class-leading legroom and its outstanding technology.
Official fuel consumption in mpg (litres/100km) for the ŠKODA Superb range: Urban 31.4 (9.0) to 62.8 (4.5), Extra Urban 45.6
(6.2) to 76.4 (3.7), Combined 39.2 (7.2) to 70.6 (4.0). CO2 emissions for the ŠKODA Superb range: 164 to 105g/km. Please note this
information is preliminary. Standard EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results.
Ridgeway ŠKODA
2 Oxford Road, Kidlington,
Oxford OX5 1AA
01865 686333
Introducing the all-new Volvo XC90
Made by Sweden
It's our most exclusive car ever.
A seven seater SUV with all the
best from Volvo. First class
comfort for everyone in the car
and a world class safety level.
of Oxford
of Oxford
of of
246566 246
Oxford01865 566
Official fuel consumption for the all-new Volvo XC90 in MPG (l/100km) ranges from: Urban 28.8 (9.8) - 45.6 (6.2), Extra Urban 40.4 (7.9) - 52.3 (5.4), Combined 35.3 (8.0) - 134.5 (2.1). CO2 Emissions 186 - 49g/
MPG figures
are obtained from
may not
is an-Appointed
of ITC(8.0)
fuel consumption
for the
XC90 inforMPG
- 45.6
52.3 (5.4),
Combined 35.3
- 134.5
and Regulated
by MPG
the Financial
Cars Ltd,for
Clive Road,vehicles
No. 3716766 VAT
CO₂ isEmissions
- 49g/km.
are obtained
real driving
Registration No. GB927551606.
S.19987 Johnsons of Oxford Volvo A5 OX Mag.indd 1
22/09/2015 145
£18,495 -£23,295
The XC60 has been carefully
to offer a
ride on any road
The XC60 has been carefully
designed to offer a
ride on anySOUND
per month*
On Personal Contract Hire
per month*
D4 SE.
is £3051, 8000 miles per annum,
The XC60 D4 SE. Initial rental
is £3051,
per annum,
with a 36 month agreement and
Johnsons of Oxford
OX2 0HPJohnsons of Oxford
of Oxford
01865 240101
01865 566 246
of Oxford
of Oxford
Johnsons of Oxford
01865 240101
Official fuel consumption for the Volvo XC60 D4 SE (manual) in MPG (l/100km): Urban 57.6 (4.9), Extra Urban 67.3 (4.2), Combined 62.8 (4.5). CO₂ Emissions
for thefrom
XC60 D4testing
SE (manual)
in MPG
(l/100km): Urban
57.6 vehicles
(4.9), Extra
(4.2), Combined
(4.5). CO₂ Emissions
are obtained
for comparisons
may 67.3
not reflect
real driving
* Important
is acting
hire provided
by Lex Autolease
trading and
as Volvo
& over, subject to status. You will
from as
for comparisons
reflect SK3
real 0RB.
not own this
vehicle. Vehicle
must beJohnsons
returned inCars
to avoid
per mile.
to availability
at participating
for vehicles
to will
* Important
is acting
by Lex
as Volvo
Car Leasing,dealers
SK3 0RB.
18’s & over,
to status. You
with other
20” alloy
as charges.
a cost option
but are
as part
of this
offer. to availability at participating dealers for vehicles registered 01/07/15 to
this vehicle.
must be returned
in good
to avoid
per mile.
30/09/15. Not available with other promotions. 20” alloy wheels normally available as a cost option only, but are included as part of this offer. Registered Name: Johnsons Cars Ltd, Registered Office: Clive Road, Redditch
B97 4BT. United Kingdom. Registration No. 3716766 VAT Registration No. GB927551606. Johnsons Cars Ltd is an Appointed Representative of ITC Compliance Limited which is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority.
S.19985 Johnsons of Oxford Volvo 148x210 OX Mag.indd
22/09/2015 17:10
The all new fourth generation Mazda MX5 went on sale in dealerships from
29 August this year, and is already proving a massive hit with buyers. In
fact, 1,000 had been sold ahead of the official on -sale date, largely because
the car was already generating great enthusiasm from early press reviews.
According to Mazda, the new MX5 has already generated £20m revenue for
the brand…and growing.
Price start at £18,495 on the road, coming in with two engine specs – the 1.5 litre, accounting
currently for about 54% of sales, and a 2.0 litre. Both are highly efficient high performing
examples of Mazda’s Award winning SKYACTIV engine development programme, designed to
achieve maximum engine efficiency through innovation; “innovate in order to preserve” is the
As well as being ‘affordable’, that alone does not account for
the reputation the Mazda MX5 has achieved as ‘the world’s
best-selling sports car’.
Much of that reputation has been earned from the agility, fun, and engagement that have
always defined this fine little car. On all accounts, these are major features of the new car, but
even more so. It is rear wheel drive of course, achieving an ideal 50:50 weight distribution front
and rear to maximise handling harmony; it also boasts more comfort and technology than any
of its predecessors, yet is lighter, lower, and wider than the out-going car.
There’s a five level trim spec, SE., SE-L, SE-L Nav, Sport and Sport Nav. Step up incrementally
from standard SE and climate control air-conditioning, DAB, Bluetooth, cruise control, Mazda
Connect connectivity/infotainment programme, and satellite navigation add state of the art
technology to a pure sporting experience. Replacing the MX5 with an all-new car was a make
or break challenge for Mazda; this new car proves they have risen to that challenge… and more.
1.5 131ps
2.0 160ps
it also boasts more comfort
and technology than any
of its predecessors
‘Zero emissions, Zero
compromises’ is the
adage we usually see
alongside advertising
for the all electric Tesla
cars. Let’s face it; that’s
not really quite true,
for we all know that if
you drive an electric
car you will be making
You can’t, for example, pull over at a
petrol station and brim the tank full of
fuel in a couple of minutes. Then there’s
‘range anxiety’ or simply put ‘Am I
going to be stranded part way through
a journey with no means of charging
the car?’ There’s that bug-bear issue of
charging time too; for a long trip you’ll
need to programme in at least a good
hours’ break to get a decent charge to
carry on with your journey. And ‘what
if’ you’re running late for a business
appointment and just haven’t the time to
sit for an hour over a coffee! The result;
mental torture, and stress. I don’t know
about you, but I for one am just not
organised enough to discipline myself to
plan for all of these scenarios.
The Tesla ‘Case’
Tesla will argue, no doubt, that I need to
change my values, be a little less selfish,
be more ‘environmentally friendly’,
have more faith in technology, and
have a test drive of a Tesla. Whilst the
environmental debate about the carbon
footprint of producing electric vehicles
versus the damage of oil pollution to the
environment from combustion engines
will remain until I die, I didn’t think it was
a bad idea to have a go behind the wheel
of the Tesla.
Tesla are on a mission to prove that
electric vehicles are the future. They
have sought to prove the point by a
whole hearted investment in the electric
vehicle business, naming the product
after electrical engineer and physicist
Nikola Tesla. Whilst Tesla vehicle production
goes back to 2008, the company first showed
a profit on its vehicle sales for the first time
in 2013, and has thus grown to employ over
6000 workers. Its first production model, the
two seater Tesla Roadster, began production
in 2008, selling over 2,400 vehicles world
–wide. By far its biggest seller now is the
saloon we see here; the Model S having sold
over 75,000 units up to June of this year.
If you’ve ever seen a G-Whizz car you’ll
understand why we say the Tesla Model
S is ‘the most beautiful electric car in the
World’, for the G-whizz must surely be the
ugliest. To the petrol-heads amongst us,
first acquaintance with a Tesla is quite an
experience. Walk towards the car and it
senses your presence, unlocking the door
for you in anticipation. The cabin is spacious
and ultra-modern, with a centrally mounted
touchscreen, loaded with apps the size of a
massive version of your i-phone. Dead ahead
are electronic readouts of essential info, such
as remaining charge/range and speed. Other
than that, it is simple, modern, spacious and
On the move…quietly
Press the brake and the Tesla ‘wakes up’
and is ready to go…in silence. The process
of driving the car is almost too simple to
be believed. There’s hardly any noise at all,
no gears of course, just press and steer.
The second big surprise is the remarkable
acceleration, handling and ride comfort of
the car. There is no performance compromise
whatsoever, compared to a combustion
engined car – in fact the Tesla is faster than
most. 0-62 mph in 5.4 secs and a top speed
of 140 mph is hardly worth complaining
about. Handling is good too; the car feels
lithe, light, and yet confidently purposeful
when driven hard – the ride quality is truly
exceptional, and the experience of driving
around (especially London) in subdued
silence, highly pleasurable.
You’ll need to adjust to driving it though, as
there is a natural but pronounced retardation
of the vehicle when you lift off the throttle.
You have very little need of the brakes in
normal driving as a result, and rely more so
on acceleration sense to slow the car down.
Accommodation-wise, five people can be
seated at ease, and due to lack of an engine
there is a boot both back and front, so boot
space is the best you’ll get in a mid-range
The Decider
Finally, it comes down to the acid test
of range and charging. The range is
encouraging – you’ll get 250 miles on
average covering a range of driving
scenarios (mainly city) but you start with a
true indicated range of 310. The charging
issue, however, is a bit more complex.
Tesla owners get a £5,000 government
funded discount on the purchase price
to pay for a charger to be fitted at home.
Provided you go home to your wife or
husband every night, not only will you
stay married longer, but you’ll be able to
charge up at a rate of 20 miles per hour.
This allows most owners to complete a full
days business the next day with a car that
has been fully charged overnight without
having to think about charging it again until
you get home for your tea. What’s more,
if you happen to pass one of the special
Tesla superchargers en route, you can
charge the car at the staggering rate of 170
miles per half hour – totally free of charge
for life.
From thereon it’s a bit of a downward
cycle. If, like us, you ended up having to
plug the car into a three pin adapter at
home, it charges at a measly 7 miles per
hour. Worse still, if you depend on the
‘public network of 7,000 on-street parking
lot charge-points’, you will be tempted to
either start sniffing glue or commit suicide,
because most of them don’t work, and
there’s a helpline phone number on them
that no one ever answers.
Further down the motivation spiral, the
parking spaces allocated for charging
electric vehicles are too small; they were
made for matchbox size G-Whizzes, not
big Teslas’ like yours. If you’ve just paid
the best part of 70 grand for your new
Tesla, you are unlikely to be inclined to
squeeze it in next to Frederick Bloggso’s
old banger, for you can bet that when he
opens his door you’ll have a guaranteed
dent or scratch on yours, and Sod’s Law,
as far as he is concerned ‘what is your
problem!’; if you can afford a posh car like
that, then you can afford to repair it.
In a nutshell, life is fine if you regularly use the Tesla Charger system supplied with the
car, but frustrating as hell if you don’t. The public electric vehicle charging infrastructure
is simply not up to the job; it makes owning an electric car hell if you depend on them.
Cynicism of the government’s pro electric vehicle policy is justified, because when you buy
them none of the chargers work. So what do you do? Sell it and go back to petrol or diesel.
Full marks must be given to Tesla’s excellent product though; for the Model S is a great
car. It’s just a shame that those who rule us and encourage us to ‘go green’ are clearly not
investing enough money in the infrastructure to ensure you buy another one.
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xxxx EDITS
And finally……
Where the grass is greener
Esther Lafferty looks at the perks and pitfalls of
Oxfordshire life in our new monthly column
The Significant Other has decided to build
a small boat. Not, as I initially imagined,
to bob amongst the rubber ducks among
the bubble bath but instead something
seaworthy that a minor rock-star might
envy. I pointed out that we live in the
very centre of the country and it’s ninety
minutes to the coast in the car assuming
we set off with the lark when land-lubbers
are still slumbering.
His response was that the Upper Thames
flows only a mile and a half from our door,
and suggested that weekends away on the
sea would be just the ticket. And while I
calculated that the Upper Thames to the coast
is over 200 miles and that as the speed of a
boat is heavily restricted to that of a jogging
hippopotamus (10mph) weekends away
were as realistic as me running alongside
said hippopotamus shouting encouragement
or even digging the coastline a little closer
myself, The Significant Other immersed
himself in Amazon with the vigour of a Kraken,
one-clicking boat-building manuals left, right
and centre. And then cleared the garage, a
task very much underplayed in those three
little words.
By dawn the postman was on his knees at
our doorstep, as if delivering an entire pirate
ship ready formed, and we became awash in
‘Practical Boat Builder’ magazine and other
tomes undoubtedly important for a man the
sum total of whose woodworking experience
is a wooden tray with brass corners for his
grandma. Armed with unbridled enthusiasm
and a basic woodworking textbook, a sharp
pencil and a cheery whistle, he was off.
Although the boat will take many months to
build, I like to look on the bright side and so
I am already planning ahead for my nautical
wardrobe. It seems best to skim over white
deck shoes and navy jackets with golden
epaulettes and opt for various buoyancy aids,
clothing with pockets for emergency flares
and a themed skirt I found in Sea Salt where
the fabric is reminiscent of the RNLI. I did
suggest that he just built a lifeboat and cut
out the middle man. It didn’t go down well.
And so I’m concentrating on swimming,
an activity where I very much sit on the
fence. Unlikely as this sounds, it’s an indoor/
outdoor thing and I’m a swimmer of wavering
I love swimming in the open air, kingfishers
whipping past, a dash of turquoise, imagining
the otters frolicking under fronds just out of
sight; crayfish, no more than labour-saving
toenail clippers.
I recently discovered the most beautiful
river pool just a few miles from where I live.
I’ve always harboured a secret fantasy about
being a mermaid and it would be the perfect
place. My hair looks like reeds anyway (and
I’m never going to own up to scaly legs in
public). You can ship wonderful iridescent
tails from the US and I imagined gliding
through the water surprising Thames path
walkers with fairy-tale magic. The realisation
soon hit home though that getting to and
from the car in full body fin would require a
Esther Lafferty is the organiser of
Oxfordshire Artweeks, a visual arts
festival, and the oldest open studios
event in the UK, involving around 1000
artists and over 400 venues each year.
She is married with three children and
lives in Faringdon. This hyperactive
mermaid lists her hobbies as
triathlon, kayaking, dancing, writing,
theatre and cryptic crosswords.
lunatic caterpillar wriggle and rather damage
any romanticism.
However beautiful the outdoor water, as
the weather draws in and the air temperature
plummets, there’s something increasingly
alluring about the clean lines of a heated pool.
To occupy myself while the Significant Other
is in the garage this autumn, I’ve decided to
take on the Aspire Challenge and swim the
channel. Now before you leap to conclusions
and have me slathered in goose fat in your
over-vivid imagination, and while I do have
terrifying friends who do this kind of thing
before breakfast on a weekday, I’m signing
up to swim 22 miles in a pool. And before
Christmas rather than breakfast which will
suit me rather better, and fortunately leaves
the goose for a festive table.
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