Mountain Top GA - Towns County Chamber of Commerce
Mountain Top GA - Towns County Chamber of Commerce
Towns County Hiawassee & young harris, Georgia n e ve r o u t o f s e as o n 2014 Communit y Guide Chamber Staff CONTENTS 3 Welcome 4 At-a-Glance 6 Important Numbers Photo by Randy Gray, Broadcast Pro Photo. CONTENTS Towns County Chamber Staff (left to right): Candace Lee, Sarah Puett and Jane Holland. Towns County Hiawassee & young harris, Georgia 2014 Community Guide 7 Calendar of Events 8 Housing & Relocation 18 Arts & Culture 22 Attractions & Recreation 28 Shopping & Dining 31 Business & Banking 34 Health & Wellness 38 Schools & Education 40 Worship & Religion Photo by Tom Stone. 41 Chamber Directory 2 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 Towns County Chamber of Commerce 1411 Jack Dayton Circle Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-4966 Copyright © 2014 by Content Creative LLC. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission is prohibited. Photography provided by our advertisers, Towns County Chamber of Commerce, Frontage Media Solutions, Jackie Smith, Tom Stone (Sundance Cabin Rentals) and Randy Gray, Broadcast Pro Photo (706-851-6204, con•tent creative llc Content Creative LLC 1831 Weeks Creek Road Blue Ridge, GA 30513 (706) 838-5230 WELCOME W E LC OM E TO TOWN S C O UN T Y Be careful — your mountain visit may just turn into a “permanent vacation”! It has happened many times to many people: They discover that Towns County is an incredible place to visit — and an even better place to live! With our beautiful natural surroundings, genuinely friendly folks and four delightful seasons, it’s easy to see why. Towns County is where the mountain ranges of North Carolina’s Nantahala and Georgia’s Chattahoochee National Forests come together to form the “enchanted valley.” The sparkling waters of Lake Chatuge lie at its center, with lovely lakeshore homes sharing the 7,500- acre waterway with ancient forests full of wildlife. In our little corner of North Georgia, the Blue Ridge Mountains keep proud watch over some of the area’s most welcoming and livable towns. Hiawassee, the county seat, offers small-town charm and easy living on the southeast shores of Lake Chatuge. Nearby, the quaint town of Young Harris is home to Young Harris College — a delightful four-year institution that adds a vitality of arts and culture to the surrounding community. The small-town lifestyle that makes these areas so attractive is enhanced by our close proximity to Asheville, N.C.; Atlanta, Ga.; and Chattanooga, Tenn. — all within easy driving distance. Yet, you may find that you never need to hit the “big city,” as Towns County offers the best in healthcare and education, as well as cultural and entertainment options. Plain and simple, we think you’ll find it the perfect place to call home! R Photo by Frontage Media Solutions. When the ballots were tallied, readers named Hiawassee one of their Top 3 Mountain Destinations in Georgia Magazine’s 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards! MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 3 AT-A-GLANCE T O W N S C O U N T Y AT - A - G L A N C E Tucked away in a quiet corner of North Georgia, Towns County captivates visitors and residents with its subtle charm and genuine Southern hospitality. GEOGRAPHY HISTORY Towns County, the 117 county formed in Georgia, was created on March 6, 1856, from portions of Rabun and Union counties. It was named for George Washington Bonaparte Towns, who was governor of Georgia from 1847 to 1851. The two incorporated towns, Hiawassee (the county seat) and Young Harris, are located where ancient Cherokee trails crossed. In fact, Hiawassee is a Cherokee word meaning “meadow.” Towns County and Young Harris are also the home of former Georgia Governor Zell Miller. th A small, rural mountain county in extreme northeast Georgia, Towns County’s northern border joins North Carolina. Lake Chatuge is located in the northern part of the county and reaches into North Carolina. It is a storage reservoir for the Tennessee Valley Authority, and is also a public preserve. Brasstown Bald, the highest mountain in Georgia, rises in southwest Towns County, straddling the Union County line. Total area: 172 square miles (166.66 land + 5.35 water) Hiawassee: 2.2 square miles Young Harris: 1 square mile Elevation: 1,968 feet above sea level in Hiawassee to 4,786 feet at Brasstown Bald. Average elevation is 2,545 feet. EMOGRAPHICS D & WORKFORCE POPULATION: Towns County (2012): 10,495 Population increase from 2000: 12% Population under 18: 14.9% Population 65+: 30.7% Hiawassee population (2010): 880 Young Harris population (2010): 899 LABOR FORCE: Towns County: 5,687 Towns area: 55,615 Unemployment rate (Aug. 2013): 6.5% Hourly wage range: $9/hr. to $19/hr. Avg. hourly wage (all industries): $13/hr. Med. household income (2012): $35,843 Towns County’s economy is largely dependent on tourism — more than 19% of the local service employment is related to hospitality and food services. 4 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 AT-A-GLANCE There’s never a dull moment at the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds in Hiawassee, which hosts popular annual events including the Georgia Mountain Fair, the Superstar Concert Series, the Georgia Mountain Fall Festival and Georgia’s Official State Fiddler’s Convention. MAJOR EMPLOYERS Blue Ridge Mountain EMC Brasstown Valley Resort Chatuge Regional Hospital & Nursing Home Fieldstone Family Entertainment Center Ingles Markets K-B Health Technology, Inc. McDonald’s Park Sterling Bank SODEXO The Ridges Resort & Marina Towns County Government & Schools United Community Bank Young Harris College TAX STRUCTURE Property tax: $4.14 per $1,000 Sales tax (local): 3% Sales tax (state): 4% Income Tax: • Personal: 6% • Corporate: 6% • Use tax: 4% GOVERNMENT HEALTHCARE The cities of Hiawassee and Young Harris, and the county of Towns. Hospitals: 1 – Chatuge Regional Hospital Clinics: 1 – Open Door Clinic CLIMATE Rainfall Snowfall Precipitation days Sunny days High (July mean) Low (January mean) 58.6 in. 4 in. 120 208 85º 25º Comfort index, which is based on humidity during the hot months, is a 40 out of 100, where higher is more comfortable. The US average on the comfort index is 44. Doctors: 4 Dentists: 3 Nursing Homes: 1 – Chatuge Regional Nursing Home ECONOMIC DESIGNATIONS Appalachian Trail Community Entrepreneur-Friendly Community Camera Ready Community EDUCATION Total Average 18-24 Some High School 12.6% Total by Age Group 25-34 35-44 45-64 17.9% 15.0% 9.9% 11.1% 65+ 12.8% High School Grad/GED 33.3% 36.1% 32.2%34.3% 33.5% 31.6% Some College 22.3% 37.7% 23.3%20.1% 20.3% 18.9% College Grad/4 yr. 11.2% Post Grad Studies 2.0% 8.9%13.0% 13.9% 11.4% 7.3% 0.2% 5.3%7.8% 9.1% 8.8% MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 5 I IMPORTANT NUMBERS M P O R TA N T N U M B E R S Need more info? These helpful numbers will come in handy! CITY OF HIAWASSEE 50 River Street, Hiawassee City Hall (706) 896-2203 Mayor Barbara Mathis (706) 896-2202 [email protected] CITY OF YOUNG HARRIS 5187 Maple Street, Young Harris City Hall (706) 379-3171 Mayor Andrea Gibby (706) 379-3171 [email protected] TOWNS COUNTY COMMISSION 48 River Street, Hiawassee Commissioner Bill Kendall (706) 896-2276 [email protected] EMERGENCY SERVICES Emergencies911 EMS Business Office (706) 896-7460 Fire & Rescue Office (706) 896-6990 GA State Patrol (706) 632-2215 (159 Industrial Boulevard, Blue Ridge) Sheriff’s Office (706) 896-4444 Poison Control (800) 282-5846 Jail (706) 896-5474 DRIVERS’ LICENSES 149 Chase Drive, Blairsville Thurs. & Fri. only: 8 a.m.-6 p.m. (706) 781-2426 ELECTRICITY Blue Ridge Mountain EMC (706) 379-3121 WATER & SEWER Young Harris (706) 896-2885 Hiawassee (706) 896-2885 Towns County (706) 896-4372 PHONE/TV & INTERNET Windstream (800) 501-1754 BRMEMC (706) 379-3121 DSL is available through both companies. TRASH Sunnyside Road/Highway 288, Hiawassee Mon.-Thurs: 8 a.m.-4:45 p.m., Sat: 8 a.m.-1 p.m., closed Fri. & Sun. See the Member Directory at the back of this guide for garbage collection services. Transfer Station (706) 896-5743 Scale House (706) 896-3149 TOWNS COUNTY SCHOOLS School District (706) 896-2279 Head Start/Pre-K (706) 896-4272 Elementary School (706) 896-4131 Middle School (706) 896-4131 High School (706) 896-4131 Afterschool Program (706) 896-2279 LIBRARIES Mountain Regional (706) 379-3732 698 Miller Street, Young Harris Towns County (706) 896-6169 99 South Berrong Street, Hiawassee OTHER NUMBERS Building Inspector/Permits (706) 896-0938 Georgia Mountain Fair Office (706) 896-4191 Chamber of Commerce (706) 896-4966 Health Department (706) 896-2265 GEORGIA GOVERNOR Nathan Deal (404) 656-1776 Child Development Office (706) 896-4040 Judge of Superior Court (706) 896-4509 City of Hiawassee (706) 896-2203 Probate Judge/Magistrate (706) 896-3467 EORGIA STATE G REPRESENTATIVE (8TH DISTRICT) Stephen Allison (706) 781-3929 City of Young Harris (706) 379-3171 Recreation Dept. (706) 896-0543 Clerk of Superior Court (706) 896-2130 Registrar’s Office (706) 896-4353 Coroner’s Office (706) 489-9519 Road Dept./County Maint. (706) 896-2072 GEORGIA STATE SENATOR Jim Butterworth (706) 499-7567 County Agent (706) 896-2024 Senior Center (706) 896-3138 District Attorney (706) 896-6489 State Transportation Dept (706) 896-3494 .S. REPRESENTATIVE U (10TH DISTRICT) Paul Broun (706) 447-3857 DNR Game & Fish Office (706) 896-2505 Tax Assessor’s Office (706) 896-3984 Elections Department (706) 896-6920 Tax Commissioner (706) 896-2267 Environmental Regulations (706) 896-3159 Towns County Herald (706) 896-4454 Family & Children Services (706) 896-3524 Veterans Administration (706) 896-4353 Voter Registration (706) 896-4638 U.S. SENATORS Johnny Isakson Saxby Chambliss (770) 661-0999 (770) 763-9090 Georgia Forestry Service Office (706) 896-2499 6 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 C ALENDAR OF EVENTS C AL E N DAR OF E VE N TS From moonshine to music, our unique mountain heritage is cause for celebration. FEBRUARY Brasstown Valley Resort Sweetheart Show MARCH Spring Wine Highway Weekend APRIL Hamilton Gardens Rhododendron Festival (through May) Bud Break Wine Highway Weekend MAY oung Harris Spring Show Y Brasstown Mother’s Day Show Mountain Egg Fest Towns County FFA Rodeo M ountain Wine Country Festival JUNE ppalachian Wine & Jazz A Festival The Ridges Landing Arts & Craft Show Antique & Classic Boat Rendezvous JULY ake Chatuge Boat Parade L Independence Day Fireworks Georgia Mountain Fair AUGUST eorgia Mountain G Moonshine Cruiz-In Dash to the Vineyard 10K Race Young Harris Art Fest OCTOBER ine Around the W Square Georgia Mountain Fall Festival John C. Campbell Folk School Fall Festival NOVEMBER rasstown Holiday B Show DECEMBER hristmas at C Young Harris Holiday Weekend in Mountain Wine Country Christmas Tour of Homes Top: Old-time log-sawing demonstration at the Georgia Mountain Fall Festival; bottom: Music performance at Young Harris College. SEASONAL/OCCASIONAL John C. Campbell Folk School Concerts & Dances Peacock Playhouse and Licklog Players Performances Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association Shows & Exhibits Winery Tastings & Tours Rollins Planetarium Shows Young Harris College Concerts, Plays & Exhibits For a regularly updated list of the latest events, please go online to MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 7 HOUSING & RELOC ATION L AI D BACK L IVI NG Your next home is waiting in one of Towns County’s peaceful neighborhoods — or on a secluded spot of your own. Here Come the Pre-Seniors Towns County enjoys a growing “pre-senior” population of vibrant 55- to 64-year-olds who are attracted by a retirement lifestyle filled with physical and intellectual activities. Of course, this active bunch also appreciates the area’s affordable cost of living and access to quality healthcare. Photo courtesy of Brown Haven Builders. The living is easy here — and affordable! Homebuyers can choose from a wide variety of housing styles — from well-maintained historic homes to those built more recently or custom-built homes — at a variety of price points. Tax rates are also reasonable, at $4.14 per $1,000. The annual tax on the typical Towns County residence valued at $200,000 is just $996 with homestead exemption. The property tax would be $1,173 on a home of the same value in the city of Hiawassee or $1,191 in the city of Young Harris. 8 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 LAKE & RIVER Nestled among protected forestlands, the shoreline of Lake Chatuge remains an untouched treasure, with much of its shoreline never to be developed. Longtime local real estate agent Todd Turner explains that inventory along the lake is generally tight, with only 40 to 50 homes and about as many lots listed at any given time. In Turner’s mind, lakefront property has pretty much reached bottom and is beginning a slow but steady rebound, with prices for lake homes now starting in the high $300,000s and up. Unique to the area, a variety of condominium developments are scattered around the lake, offering a more affordable entre to the lake lifestyle, with prices starting in the mid $200,000s to $350,000. HOUSING & RELOC ATION “The major difference with Lake Chatuge over some of the other area lakes is that the shoreline wraps around the town of Hiawasssee,” Turner notes. “As a result, you’re a lot closer to marinas and restaurants.” And, unlike other lakes that experience disruptive seasonal drawdowns, some 75 percent of Lake Chatuge frontage enjoys year-round water. Homes along a river or stream are harder to come by, as Towns County actually forms the headwaters of the Hiawassee River (known as Hiwassee in North Carolina) before it runs into Lake Chatuge. “There’s not a lot of frontage, but the three-to-four miles that we have is very pristine,” says Turner. “The trout fishing is excellent and the area is not prone to serious flooding.” VIEW PROPERTY Of course, affordable homes with mountain and lake views are always in high demand. Prices start at a low of $150,000, but can run up to $500,000+ for that holy grail of mountain views — a 240- to 360degree vista. Yet, Turner notes that a good lakeview lot can still be had for $75,000-$150,000. At the lower price points, housing styles are dominated by 1- and 2bedroom cabins. Larger, “prow-front” homes dominate the upper end of the price range, complete with stacked decks, plenty of windows and spacious basements. Subdivisions popular for their soaring views include Lake Forest Estates and Chatuge Heights in Hiawassee, as well as Ashland Cove in Young Harris. Best of all, a strong subdivision ordinance helps ensure wide, well-graded interior roads in developments throughout the county. Photo courtesy of Brown Haven Builders. County, given that some two-thirds of the land is national forest or other government land. More typical are smaller tracts of three to 10 acres, often part of an old homestead. “Price is dictated by the location, topography and features,” says Turner. “A nice, level piece of pasture property with a creek running through it would probably run in the $10,000-$12,000 range, compared to more mountainous acreage that might fall in the $4,000-$8,000 range.” OPPORTUNITIES The mountain home market has certainly turned the corner from the lows of recent years. In fact, the inventory of under-$200,000 properties has tightened up substantially, according A soaring fireplace or glowing woodstove — along with a steaming hot tub — is a key part of any mountain home. to Turner. Yet there are still plenty of buying opportunities for folks looking for that true mountain lifestyle. If that sounds like you, it may be time to stake your claim in Towns County! R ACREAGE Finding a large-acreage tract to call home can be a challenge in Towns MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 9 HOUSING & RELOC ATION R E A L E S TAT E U P D AT E By Faron W. King, Coldwell Banker High Country Realty Last year — 2013 — continued the upward, positive momentum in the local real estate market with sustainable gains. While seeing residential property continue to recover and gain appreciation, we also saw muchneeded movement in the vacant land category to compliment the growth in finished product sales. SALES ARE SOARING Towns County reported 200 homes sold through the MLS during 2013 with a median price of $160,000, indicating a 3.88% increase from December of 2012. The average price was just over $200,000, with total 10 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 residential sales volume in the county exceeding $40 million. With regard to residential inventory “for sale,” there was a 21.3% increase, HOUSING & RELOC ATION while “sold” properties saw a 25.3% increase (see the market dynamics graphs). With vacant land seeing a 16.8% increase for the year and buyer interest remaining brisk during the winter months, the year 2014 looks to continue the upward climb toward a more balanced market. A REGIONAL PERSPECTIVE From a regional perspective, 2,328 Photo courtesy of Coldwell Banker High Country Realty. residential properties were reported sold through the MLS for the sixcounty Northeast Georgia Board region (Towns, Union, Fannin & Gilmer, Ga., and Clay & Cherokee, N.C.). Median price indicated was $142,000, with the average being $168,889. Current listing inventory for the entire region as of January 23, 2014, consisted of 2,704 residential listings and 6,959 total listings across all property types, one of the lowest levels since the early 2000s. If you’re dreaming of a mountain getaway or are ready to call our beautiful region your full-time home now, the time is definitely right to consult a knowledgeable real estate professional to assist you in finding that perfect place! R MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 11 B HOUSING & RELOC ATION U I L D I N G YO U R D R E A M H O M E “If we’d just added two more feet to the living room …” Those are the words that builder John Allen hopes to never hear from a new homeowner. “So many of our clients are moving John Allen, Owner, here to enjoy Brown Haven Builders retirement,” he shares. “They tell us that this is the last home they will ever build, so they want their dream home to be done right!” With that in mind, Allen and his team at Brown Haven Builders spend plenty of time guiding prospective homeowners through the planning process — either utilizing one of the builder’s popular designs or working from a customer’s own plans. No detail is overlooked. Here in the mountains, that means open, airy floor plans; wide porches and covered decks; plenty of windows; and a focus on maintenancefree materials. Time is also spent properly orienting the home to the unique features of the land — whether it’s a babbling creek or a stunning mountain or lake view. IT PAYS TO PLAN Clients then spend some time in Brown Haven’s showroom deciding on finishing touches. “Clients love the simplified process,” Allen explains. “They can walk into our office, look at 10 plans that are pre-priced with certain options, and get a good frame of reference on how far their dollars will go.” Brown Haven typically builds 25 custom homes a year, ranging from cozy 1,800square-foot country cottages to soaring, multilevel homes of 6,900 square feet or more. Complete, turn-key homes range from $160,000 on up to $1+ million. Construction is usually wrapped up in four to six months, with clients receiving daily updates along the way from Customer Manager Terry Smith. In the end, Allen says clients love the all-inclusive pricing and attention to detail that go into a Brown Haven home. “If it’s going to be your dream home, we want to make it a dream experience all the way!” R MAKING YOUR DREAM A REALITY As a complete Design/Build company, Brown Haven Builders not only offers collections of selected home designs, but we can also customize any plan to ensure the creation of your dream home. And with so many of our customers in “Retirement Transition,” we realize the importance of delivering your project on time and within budget. • Top-quality materials & professional workmanship • Turn-key pricing with no cost overages • Materials quotes on every job • Unmatched honesty and integrity • Detailed scheduling We don’t just build houses here, we live here! Make an appointment to visit our showroom today! Brown Haven Builders I 603 N. Main Street I Hiawassee, GA 30546 I 706.896.0891 12 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 HOUSING & RELOC ATION L IVE LONG AND WELL Retirement-friendly communities don’t get much friendlier than ours! Retire isn’t exactly in the vocabulary of most folks who relocate to Towns County. To them, it’s all about starting the next chapter of their lives. And where better to write your next adventure than here in the mountains? In addition to abundant cultural and recreational opportunities, our retirees stay young by starting businesses, taking (or teaching!) classes and engaging in the community through numerous clubs and volunteer opportunities. FOUR GENTLE SEASONS Our area has mild weather patterns, typically without extremes of heat or cold for long periods of time (think San Diego, not Miami or Minnesota!). Residents enjoy moderate winters, beautiful springs, warm summers and spectacular falls. OUTDOOR PURSUITS Of course, with our wonderful weather, you can tee-off or grab some court time just about any time of the year. Outdoor enthusiasts will always find plenty Towns County is the perfect place to enjoy the rewards of a life well-lived. to do — from fishing and padboth the active and the studious — dling our streams and lakes to hiking, from aerobics and antiques to bridge biking or riding the local trails. and investing. Just across the state line in North Carolina, the JOHN LIFELONG LEARNING C. CAMPBELL FOLK SCHOOL A myriad of continuing education and offers week-long and weekend classes life-long learning opportunities exist for adults in craft, art, music, dance, in Towns County and the surrounding cooking, gardening, nature studies, area. At THE INSTITUTE FOR photography and writing. CONTINUING LEARNING, for example, the curriculum appeals to ARTS & CULTURE Having a major four-year university in our midst also means residents enjoy access to world-class events and venues at Young Harris College. Finally, senior living is all about having options. So, whether you are re-sizing, looking into a retirement community or investigating assisted living, you’ll find a living solution to fit every need in Towns County! R MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 13 HOUSING & RELOC ATION HIAWASSEE PARK 89 Hiawassee Park Drive, Hiawassee (706) 500-2021 One of the most exciting new seniors communities in the area is taking shape at Hiawassee Park, where 34 rental cottages have just been completed. Construction is slated for 49 independent living apartments and 24 assisted living units in a “lodge” setting, complete with dining room, library, crafts and activities room, chapel, beauty/barber shop, exercise room and laundries. The community is a project of Baptist Retirement Communities of Georgia, Inc., and is designed for residents age 50 and up. SENIOR LIVING AT HIAWASSEE PARK A Beautiful View of Life The views are amazing, the setting is secure and the living is affordable at Hiawassee’s newest over-50 community. will include 49 independent living apartments and 24 assisted living units in a self-contained “lodge” setting. Phase 1 is now complete, with 34 cozy cottages nestled on 10 beautiful acres — along with a clubhouse, fitness center and indoor exercise pool. Residents enjoy stunning views of Brasstown Bald and sparkling Lake Chatuge. And because it is a rental community, no expensive buy-in is required. Call (762) 500 2021 to schedule your complimentary tour or to receive more information. Phase 2 of Hiawassee Park Baptist Retirement Communities of Georgia, Inc. is an agency of the Georgia Baptist Convention and provides below-market independent and assisted living for individuals 50 and over in a Christian environment. HIAWASSEE PARK 89 Hiawassee Park Dr., Hiawassee, GA 30546 762-500-2021 14 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 Phase I construction is now complete for Hiawassee Park, Towns County’s newest retirement community. The 1,700-square-foot rental cottages feature 2-car garages, built-in fireplaces, sunrooms and gorgeous views of Brasstown Bald (many also feature lake views). Senior-friendly features include single-level floor plans, no-step showers and a full-time maintenance staff. The community is set amid lovely 10-acre grounds, which include raised-bed gardens, a greenhouse and a clubhouse with fitness room and indoor exercise pool. STONEHENGE SENIOR LIVING 168 Stonehenge Drive, Blairsville (706) 745-7703 Another exciting model for senior living can be found in nearby Blairsville. The inspiration for Stonehenge “familystyle living” came from the owners, who brought their cultural values from Great Britain, where life is built around the elders and is often shared with multiple generations living in the same home. The Stonehenge “village” is comprised of cozy, residential-style personal care homes nestled in the beautiful North Georgia mountains. Small groups of only 21 residents per home create a unique personal touch with a family atmosphere. Open kitchens allow residents to be fully engaged as meals are being prepared for the day. And private, individually decorated rooms lead out onto wraparound decks with mountain views. Transportation and medication management is included, along with daily enrichment programs and activities. R As your dedicated Buyer’s Agent, Mary Lynn can make your dreams come true — from a cozy cabin in the woods to a creek or river front cabin or a ridgetop home with stunning long- range views. Cabins range from $75,000 up. Let Mary Lynn introduce you to the finest in lakefront living … gracious gated neighborhoods … wooded properties with charming older homes … lakefront mansions … lovely brick homes on a quiet cove. Lakefront Homes range from the high $300s (lake views start in the mid $200s). Laid-back retirement living begins with a low-maintenance lifestyle — homes featuring vinyl or concrete board siding and sheetrock walls, gated neighborhoods (golf course and equestrian as well) and easy year-round access. Retirement Homes start at $200,000. In this market, that soaring log or timber lodge home you’ve always dreamed of can be a reality! Mary Lynn is your guide to rustic elegance and upscale luxury. Or, let her connect you with the perfect lot to build your custom home! Luxury Homes range from $500,000 up. Land and New Construction/Custom Build Packages, too! LAND: From ½ acre to 100 acres, with forest or views, close to town or further out. Starting from $19,900. Lake View Lodge $297,000 on your lot. 3BR/3BA, loft, basement, rock fireplace, decks, chalet windows, more! The Mountain View $397,000 on your lot. 3BR/2.5BA, fireplace, wrap around deck, stone and wood siding, more! The Hoot Camp $497,000 on your lot. 3BR/3.5BA, rustic charm in and out, rock fireplace, stone and concrete board siding, more! Whatever your dream, the journey begins with calling Mary Lynn at 706.835.7616 Search ALL properties, read testimonials from wise buyers at Serving Hiawassee, Young Harris & Blairsville, GA and Hayesville, Warne & Murphy, NC 430 N. Main Street, Hiawassee, GA 706.896.3132 office 706.835.7616 cell HOUSING & RELOC ATION RETIREMENT RESOURCES TOWNS COUNTY SENIOR CENTER 954 North Main Street, Hiawassee (706) 896-3138 This is a place where seniors can gather for support, socialization, fitness and other services. The Center also provides referrals to services, such as meal delivery, home care aide and transportation services. BRANAN LODGE 1146 Wesley Mountain Drive, Blairsville (706) 745-5565 Branan Lodge offers affordable, independent senior living for those who love the natural beauty of a mountain environment but still desire to be close to people and activities. Do more of what you love — more often! BRASSTOWN MANOR RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 108 Church Street, Hiawassee (706) 896-4285 Brasstown Manor’s “age in place” home-like setting offers all the benefits of being in your own home, without the worry of maintenance and day-to-day home management. It’s the best of both worlds! CHATUGE REGIONAL NURSING HOME 386 BelAire Drive, Hiawassee (706) 896-2231 www.chatugeregional A part of Chatuge Regional Hospital, this family-oriented skilled-care nursing facility provides a loving home and quality of life for up to 112 residents. A wide variety of recreation and leisure programming is designed to enhance social, memory and cognitive skills, expand range of motion, meet spiritual needs and improve creative expression. 16 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 20 14 HOUSING & RELOC ATION T R A N S P L A N T S TA K E R O O T y Steve Cammick, B Cherokee Cellars My folks moved to Fort Myers Beach when I was in first grade, so virtually all my memories growing up are of Florida and its beaches. Cathy’s background is similar, as her folks moved to Florida soon after she was out of elementary school. While we still love the warm beaches during winter, the three “Hs” of Florida — heat, humidity and hurricanes — became more wearing over the years. After a category 4 hurricane devastated our town, it was time to seek shelter further north. Cathy and I first put an offer in on a cabin in Booth Bay, Maine. Luckily, it was turned down. A few weeks later, a client and friend Handcrafted was gushing about how much she loved the mountains of North Georgia and Western North Carolina. Then, we learned our next door neighbor was building in the area, and Cathy’s girlfriend from high school also lived nearby. That was enough. We drove up and, in a single weekend, bought a home in nearby Murphy, NC. SO MUCH TO DO HERE! Our biggest surprise was just how much the area had to offer. Scenic drives, friendly people and a smalltown atmosphere were a given. What we didn’t expect was the warm lakes, beautiful rivers and an abundance of parks and outdoor activities. On one of our many drives, we spotted a sign with grapes on it and we followed it to discover the area Steve & Cathy Cammick, Florida transplants and owners of Cherokee Cellars in Murphy, NC. was alive with vineyards and wineries. For long-time wine country tourists like ourselves who had visited wineries from Sonoma to Sydney, this was too good to be true! Now, some 10 years later, our wine hobby has become a second career as winemakers and owners of Cherokee Cellars in downtown Murphy. For anyone contemplating a move to the mountains, I have but a few words of caution — be prepared for life-changing events (but that’s a good thing!). R Georgia & North Carolina Wines Chardonnay | Sauvignon Blanc | Cabernet Franc | Merlot | Cabernet Sauvignon | Riesling | Indian Summer Apple | And Much More! Local & Regional Artists Original Paintings | Pottery | Baskets | Gift Shop Wine Tastings : April-December Open Wed.-Sat. 11:30-5:30 828-835-9565 | 23 Hickory Street, Murphy, NC 28906 (Just 23 miles from Hiawassee in Downtown Murphy) MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 17 A ARTS & CULTURE RTS, MUSIC & MORE! The arts are alive and well in Towns County, Georgia! Photo courtesy of Michael Gora, Peacock Playhouse. The Banker’s Hour, produced by United Community Bank, sells out each spring. And the annual Fiddler’s Convention cranks up the playing each October during the Fall Festival. LICKLOG COMMUNITY THEATER 34 Creek Side Circle, Suite 18, Hayesville, NC (828) 389-8632 Each season, Licklog Players produces a full slate of musicals, comedies and dramas. There is something for everyone at this friendly theater located in the backside of a small shopping strip: classics, contemporary plays and lighthearted family fun. In 2014, look for I Hate Hamlet and Smoke on the Mountain. Local artist Deb Collins puts the finishing touches on a piece in her Hiawassee studio and art gallery. The Towns County region is overflowing with arts and culture. Take in a play, explore a gallery or roll up your sleeves at an art class. Whether your passion is painting or sculpture … symphonies or bluegrass bands … musicals or one-man shows … the cultural offerings in Towns County and the surrounding area are sure to please! MUSIC & PERFORMING ARTS There’s no shortage of live theater here — from rip-roaring comedies and who-dunnits in our area community theaters, to student written and directed plays at Young Harris College. If you’re more of a music aficionado, you won’t have to travel far to enjoy great local, regional and national talent. GEORGIA MOUNTAIN FAIR 1311 Music Hall Road, Hiawassee (706) 896-4191 You’ll find the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds located along the shores of beautiful Lake Chatuge. Anderson Music Hall, the onsite 2,900-seat auditorium, has hosted countless musical legends since it opened in 1979, including Merle Haggard in 2013, and Charley Pride, The Bellamy Brothers and Ricky Skaggs (all coming in 2014). 18 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 THE PEACOCK PLAYHOUSE 301 Church Street, Hayesville, NC (828) 389-2787 From puppetry to plays, bluegrass to Chicago blues, you never know just what will hit the stage at this regional center for music, theater, dance and performing arts education. Built in the early 1980s with funding from Lilith Lidseen and the Lidseen Foundation, the beautiful playhouse seats 250. Coming in 2014, don’t miss ballroom dance classes, plus shows like Godspell, Mac Arnold & Plate Full O’ Blues, the Songwriters Showcase and juggler & comedian Mark Nizer. ARTS & CULTURE SMOKY MOUNTAIN CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS 1028 Georgia Road, Franklin, NC (828) 524-1598 Located across the state line in North Carolina, this 1,500-seat stateof-the-art facility focuses on family entertainment, including passion plays, musical productions, professional drama troupes, dance and choral festivals, recitals and various musical genres including country, bluegrass, gospel, pop, contemporary Christian and more. The architecture is stunning and the acoustics are impeccable. Upcoming shows include Audio Adrenaline and Kutless, Kevin Costner & Modern West, MercyMe, Loretta Lynn, Oklahoma!, Travis Tritt and Dailey & Vincent. YOUNG HARRIS COLLEGE 1 College Street, Young Harris (800) 241-3754 Escape to a world of memorable music, magnificent drama and irresistible laughter! Each season, the Young Harris College theatre company presents a full lineup of notable productions, including full-length musicals, innovative dramas, classic plays, children’s shows and more. The music program presents regular performances for the community. And the Rollins Planetarium opens its doors to the public for fun and educational shows. Some of the events coming to YHC this year are Steel Magnolias, Rent, Ice Worlds, Music Around the World, Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon laser show and Extreme Planets. APPALACHIAN ARTS & CRAFTS Whether it’s appreciating the talents of local artisans — or pursuing your own artistic passions — you’ll find an array of galleries, schools and associations that celebrate the arts. BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS ARTS ASSOCIATION 420 West Main Street, Blue Ridge (706) 632-2144 The Art Center, located in the historic Fannin County Courthouse, houses more than 2,500 artworks created by its members in several in-house galleries. BRMAA also sponsors regular special events and shows, including the popular Arts in the Park festival each spring and fall. A full schedule of classes and workshops appeals to artists from beginner to advanced, and a kids’ summer camp keeps little ones involved in the arts. Top: Country music legend Charley Pride is among the big-name acts to perform at Anderson Music Hall. Bottom: The “art” of the harvest is celebrated each fall throughout our region. JOHN C. CAMPBELL FOLK SCHOOL One Folk School Road, Brasstown, NC (828) 837-2775 / 800-FOLK-SCH Nowhere are the old ways better celebrated than at the John C. Campbell Folk School, nestled on 300 rolling acres in nearby Brasstown. The Folk School offers visitors a chance to experience a special blend of history, art and natural beauty with week-long and weekend classes in everything from basketry and blacksmithing to soap making and storytelling. Opento-the-public concerts and dance events are also held throughout the MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 19 ARTS & CULTURE year. And the gift shop showcases a little bit of everything made onsite. MOUNTAIN REGIONAL ARTS & CRAFTS GUILD 308 Big Sky Drive, Hiawassee (706) 896-0932 RegionalArtsAndCraftsGuild This nonprofit organization, founded in 1988, promotes and encourages arts and crafts in the mountain region. The retail shop in downtown Hiawassee, the ArtWorks Artisan Centre, showcases the work of more than 70 regional artists. Handmade baskets, jewelry, stained glass, furniture, quilts, dolls, leatherwork, wood carvings, candles, pottery, gourd art, fine art and photography are all available for purchase. Funds raised help support scholarships to schools such as the John C. Campbell Folk School, the William Holland School of Lapidary Arts and North Georgia Technical College. Pellentesque habit nt morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque habint morbi tristiqe. Tina Rice, the “Tie-dye Lady,” displays her colorful clothes at the Young Harris Art Fest at Mayors Park. WILLIAM HOLLAND SCHOOL OF LAPIDARY ARTS 230 Lapidary Lane,Young Harris (706) 379-2126 The Lapidary Arts are the methods and knowledge needed to identify and work with stones, minerals and gems. 20 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 20 14 The School was founded in 1983 as a nonprofit organization providing lapidary, earth science and jewelry making classes to interested students. The annual season runs from midApril to early-November when volunteer instructors travel from all over the world to share their time and talents. ARTS & CULTURE FESTIVALS & FAIRS Our local fairs and festivals are the best-kept secret in town for finding incredible works from local artisans and crafters. Best of all, the fun, food and festivities seem to occur almost year-round here! Start off the year by finding beautiful treasures at the annual SWEETHEART SHOW, held each Valentine’s weekend indoors at Brasstown Valley Resort. Then welcome spring at the colorful HAMILTON GARDENS RHODODENDRON FESTIVAL (April–May), where you can stroll through the magnificent beauty of more than 400 blooming rhododendrons and other spring flowers. In May, the YOUNG HARRIS SPRING SHOW brings the best arts & crafts vendors to Mayors Park. The next weekend, stop in Brasstown Valley Resort for the MOTHERS DAY SHOW, where you can find the perfect gift for your mother (or other loved one). The annual TOWNS COUNTY FFA RODEO gears up for a roaring good time in May, too. The new APPALACHIAN WINE & JAZZ FESTIVAL in June will bring together the best in wine and music at the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds. Then in July, don’t miss the exciting GEORGIA MOUNTAIN FAIR, with family friendly fun for everyone. In August, the GEORGIA MOUNTAIN MOONSHINE CRUIZ-IN celebrates hot rods, moonshine and all things “old.” Then the YOUNG HARRIS ART FEST in Mayors Park finishes off the summer season with arts & crafts, plus music and events. Welcome in fall each October at the not-to-be-missed JOHN C. CAMPBELL FOLK SCHOOL FALL FESTIVAL and GEORGIA MOUNTAIN FALL FESTIVAL. Finally, find all your last-minute gifts at the BRASSTOWN HOLIDAY SHOW the weekend after Thanksgiving. R The scenic Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds hosts many events each year. MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 21 T ATTRACTIONS & RECREATION H E AT T R A C T I O N I S N AT U R A L From world-class hiking and boating, to horseback riding, golf and tennis, staying active comes easy here in the mountains. When it comes to outdoor recreation, our area truly has a little bit of everything. If trails are your thing, you’re sure to find the perfect one to hike, bike or just stroll. In fact, more than 57,000 acres (over half the county) sits within the Chattahoochee National Forest, while another 7,000 acres around Lake Chatuge is owned by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). If your idea of recreation is motorized, there are trails for ATVs and plenty of winding mountain roads for cruising on four wheels — or two! And if manicured greens are more your speed, you’ll find that North Georgia is also a golfer’s paradise. JUMP IN — THE WATER’S FINE! Whether it’s relaxing on a pontoon boat or catching some air on a wakeboard behind a ski boat, beautiful LAKE CHATUGE is the perfect playground. Considered by many to be one of the most scenic lakes in the TVA reservoir system, Lake Chatuge straddles the Georgia/North Carolina border with 128 miles of shoreline for camping and exploring. Dotted with numerous outcroppings that form private coves, Lake Chatuge is ideal for swimming, boating and water sports. The fishing is also fantastic, with more than 32 species of fresh water fish inhabiting the lake and nearby rivers. For a spectacular view of the lake and surrounding mountains, take a walk along the dam, which was completed in 1942; it’s 150 feet high and stretches 3,336 feet across the Hiawassee River. For a truly unique mountain experience, spread out a blanket on the TOWNS COUNTY BEACH (yes, a beach in the mountains!). Located off Highway 76 in Hiawassee, the lakeside area is a true family jewel — complete with shady, wooden swings, a playground, pavilion and plenty of picnic areas, plus a beautiful mountain view from the white sand beach hugging the shores of Lake Chatuge. If you’ve got watersports enthusiasts in the family, head over to the MOUNTAIN WAKE CABLE PARK. 22 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 Towns County “beach” hugs the shore of Lake Chatuge with an expanse of glittering white sand, picnic tables, shady swings and incredible mountain views. Look for the fun off Highway 76 across from the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds. Grab a pass for a few sets behind the amazing Sesitec System 2.0 cable system, or sign up for expert instruction behind a Malibu Wakesetter wake boat. Several companies in the area can provide all the “toys” you need to play on the lake. YOUNG HARRIS WATER SPORTS offers world-class boat and jet ski rentals, water sports equipment, wakeboarding lessons and ATTRACTIONS & RECREATION camps. And MOUNTAIN WATERSPORTS promises quick service and trouble-free jet ski and ATV rentals. Marinas such as THE RIDGES RESORT & MARINA, BOUNDARY WATERS RESORT & MARINA and CHATUGE COVE MARINA & CAMPGROUND offer everything you need for a day on the lake and an overnight visit. You can even take lessons and join the new stand-up paddleboard craze with outfitters like HOOKED ON SUP and SOUTHERN WATER TRAILS. Looking for something a little more “wild”? Check out whitewater rafting with the family friendly folks at CAROLINA OUTFITTERS. They can provide everything you need for a day of excitement on the nearby Nantahala River, which offers plenty of adventure, but does NOT require previous paddling experience. The rapids are relatively gentle (mostly Class I & II) on the scenic 8½-mile trip through the towering Nantahala Gorge. Across the line into Tennessee, the famous Ocoee River offers a truly classic whitewater experience — Class I-IV rapids on three sections for roughly 5 miles of nonstop thrills. SADDLE UP Horseback riding is a popular activity among our thousands of acres of woods, streams, valleys and meadows. There is something very powerful about experiencing the beauty of the mountains from the back of a welltrained horse. BRASSTOWN VALLEY STABLES features 5 miles of trails and offers 1- and 2-hour guided mountain trail rides accommodating all experience levels, from beginner to advanced. Saddle up, then follow the guide as you meander through open fields, hardwood forests and crystal-clear trout streams. Custom excursions, hayrides and catered picnic rides are also available, as well as riding lessons. At A STEP ABOVE STABLES in nearby Blairsville, you can follow a guide through forest trails that overlook beautiful Lake Nottely. If you’re comfortable on your walking horse, ask about speeding up the ride for a little more fun! Private group rides ranging from 1 to 2 hours are available, plus instruction in riding techniques, boarding, breeding, showing and sales. COOL DOWN IN THE FALLS For a true mountain cool-down, head for one of our area waterfalls. We are blessed to have so many easily accessible falls concentrated in the area. Although only a handful are visible from the road or parking lot, most are easily reached via a short walk or hike. A pair of impressive falls, HIGH SHOALS FALLS and BLUE HOLE FALLS, can be accessed via a 2.7mile roundtrip hike. The trail, located south of Hiawassee off GA 75 and FS 283, travels to the smaller cascades of Blue Hole and the larger High Shoals, which features a rushing succession of five waterfalls with a total vertical drop of about 300 feet. You can actually get in the water down by the falls via the observation platforms. Other area falls — all located off GA 75 between Hiawassee and Helen — include ANNA RUBY FALLS, which is made up of two creeks falling in twin waterfalls down Tray Mountain. The .4-mile trail is relatively steep, but it’s paved and has benches along the way, and ends at an observation deck at the base offering a beautiful view. Another short, .4-mile hike to HORSE TROUGH FALLS results in a cool spray of scenic falling water. And DUKES CREEK FALLS can be reached via a .8-mile trail that dead-ends at the falls. The scenic area even provides excellent opportunities for gold panning! Dropping some 300 feet, rushing High Shoals Falls is well worth the short hike in. MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 23 ATTRACTIONS & RECREATION South from Blairsville off GA 129, don’t miss HELTON CREEK FALLS. Take the .3-mile trail to access both the top and bottom of the falls, where you can take a dip in the cold mountain water. And inside nearby Vogel State Park lies WOLF CREEK FALLS, which spills into Lake Trahlyta and is easily accessible via a 1-mile loop. TAKE A HIKE (OR BIKE RIDE) The views are always breathtaking from atop nearby BRASSTOWN BALD (off GA Spur 180). At 4,784 feet above sea level, it’s Georgia’s highest mountain. On clear days, the spectacular 360-degree view from the summit allows you to see four states — Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina — and even the Atlanta skyline. It’s a great place to catch the first glimpses of fall foliage and, in the summertime, enjoy the crisp and cool mountain air. You can tackle the foot trail to the top or take the shuttle. The extensive visitors center, gift shop and forestry museum are run by the CRADLE OF FORESTRY IN AMERICA INTERPRETIVE ASSOCIATION. For the mountain bike enthusiast, JACKRABBIT MOUNTAIN RECREATION AREA is just five minutes from downtown Hiawassee in North Carolina. It boasts eight hiking and biking trails of various degrees of difficulty situated next to beautiful Lake Chatuge. Of course, no hiking trail matches the famous APPALACHIAN TRAIL (AT), 76 miles of which pass through Georgia. Easy access to the trail and a picnic area can be found about 10 miles east of Hiawassee where it crosses Highway 76 at Dick’s Creek Gap. Southbounders can exit 16 miles later at Unicoi Gap off GA 17/75. For more information about waterfalls, or hiking and biking trails, visit the Chamber website at GO “FORE” IT There’s golf … and then there’s mountain golf. The Denis Griffithsdesigned BRASSTOWN VALLEY RESORT GOLF COURSE has been ranked by both Golf Digest and Leading Golf Courses of America as one of the top courses to play in Georgia. Winding through wildlife preserves, ponds and streams, and framed by the mountains, the scenic course offers five sets of tees for all skill levels. Located on the shores of Lake Chatuge, the semi-private CHATUGE SHORES GOLF COURSE in nearby Hayesville, NC, offers one of the best With the Appalachian Trail in our backyard, you don’t have to be a hardcore “thru-hiker” to enjoy some time on this world-famous footpath. golfing experiences in the area. Measuring at 6,498 yards from the back tees, the course offers a challenge for a variety of players. Also in Hayesville, THE RIDGES GOLF COURSE is carved out of the rolling Blue Ridge mountains for a view that’ll have you struggling to decide whether to reach for your driver — or your camera! The par-72 Willard Byrd championship course offers enough varied terrain, elevation changes and water features that you’ll probably use every club in your bag; yet the links play relatively flat for a mountain course. TENNIS ANYONE? If tennis is more your thing, head over to the BOB & GAYLE NICHOLS TENNIS COMPLEX on Highway 76. Home to the Young Harris College men’s & women’s tennis teams, the complex features 12 lighted tournament-quality courts. There’s also a pro shop next door at the Berry Tennis Center. On a clear day, you can see four states from atop Brasstown Bald. 24 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 ATTRACTIONS & RECREATION MORE FUN FOR EVERYONE Towns County has plenty of other activities to keep couples, kids and families busy year-round. FUN WORLD AT FIELDSTONE RESORT offers 84,000 square feet of arcade games, roller skating, inflatable fun and toddlersize play areas. Next door, catch the latest movie releases at FIELDSTONE CINEMAS SIX. In the mood for the ultimate in relaxation? The EQUANI SPA AT BRASSTOWN VALLEY RESORT is the perfect place to soothe away your stress and troubles. E And there’s no better place to get close to mother nature (and some cute-and-cuddly critters!) than at one of our many alpaca farms. Located on 24 acres in Young Harris, ALPACA TIERRA welcomes folks to share in the joys of raising alpacas. DESTINY ALPACAS offers visitors a panoramic view of the enchanted valleys and mountains, and a great place to discover these fascinating animals. Since arriving in Young Harris in 2010, the CUPID FALLS FARM family has grown to include chickens, bees, ducks, geese, llamas, alpacas, rabbits and sheep. They also sell a variety of products, including handmade soaps and lip balms. R N J OY A W I N E WA N D E R ( & R U N ) Spend a little time here and you may just think you’ve landed in the Napa Valley of the South! Our many area wineries welcome visitors throughout the year, and celebrate with special weekend wine tours. Also be sure to check with local restaurants for special wine-pairing dinners. SPRING WINE HIGHWAY WEEKEND – Say goodbye to winter with special events sponsored by the Winegrowers Association of Georgia during the last two weekends of March. ( BUD BREAK WEEKEND – In April, enjoy three days of wine tastings, food, music and special events at participating wineries for just $20. ( HOLIDAY WEEKEND – Tour participating wineries decked out in their holiday best each December. ( TASTINGS & TOURS – You don’t need a special occasion to visit any of these area wineries: CALABOOSE CELLARS The smallest free-standing, complete winery in America located in Andrews, NC. ( CHEROKEE CELLARS A unique downtown winery in Murphy, NC, specializing in wines made from Georgia & North Carolina grapes. ( CRANE CREEK VINEYARDS Young Harris winery featuring tastings, tours and culinary events. ( EAGLE FORK VINEYARDS An intimate winery where the grapes awaken to classical music each day! ( HIGHTOWER CREEK VINEYARDS A small winery that gives each vine and bottle individual attention to create truly captivating, award-winning wines. ( PARADISE HILLS RESORT & SPA This family-run, boutique farm winery offers a tasting room to sample the wines and tours of the production facility and vineyards. ( MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 25 ATTRACTIONS & RECREATION M EET THE NEIGHBORS Photo by Randy Gray, Broadcast Pro Photo. Across the line or around the corner, neighboring communities add charm (and adventure!). The historic courthouse in downtown Blairsville anchors a delightful town square that is home to festive events throughout the year. BLAIRSVILLE, GEORGIA Our nearest neighbor to the west, Blairsville is a close-knit community rich in Appalachian history and traditions. In addition to the HISTORIC UNION COUNTY COURTHOUSE, the quaint town square is the site of fun, family-oriented events such as the SPRING ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL and MOUNTAIN HERITAGE FESTIVAL. The Blairsville Cruisers host a first-Saturday CRUISE-IN ON THE SQUARE during the months of April to October, featuring classic, custom and collectible cars. Union County is also home to VOGEL STATE PARK, one of Georgia’s oldest and most popular state parks. It’s easy to find — just head south from town on GA 129. BLUE RIDGE, GEORGIA Sometimes called the “Mayberry of Georgia” for its delightfully walkable downtown and sprawling city park, Blue Ridge is actually a seriously chic mountain town. Of course, there are plenty of unique shops and galleries, but you’ll also find distinctive upscale eateries and even a burgeoning microbrew scene. Live music flows from restaurants and courtyards spring through fall, and the city park hops twice a year with the renowned ARTS IN THE PARK FESTIVAL, hosted by the BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS ARTS ASSOCIATION. The old railroad depot anchors downtown with the Blue Ridge Scenic Railway, but perhaps the best way to see the area is by air with BLUE RIDGE HELICOPTER TOURS. Just outside of town in nearby Dial, NOONTOOTLA CREEK FARMS opens its 1,500 acres and sporting clays course to hunting enthusiasts, plus the pristine trout river, Noontootla Creek, to fly fisherman. Beautiful glass works come to life in the hands of master glassblower David Goldhagen in Hayesville. and handcrafted items are big) or just strolling around. Hayesville is also home to THE PEACOCK PLAYHOUSE as well as the local theatrical group, THE LICKLOG PLAYERS. For something truly unique, stop in GOLDHAGEN STUDIOS. Using traditional glassblowing methods thousands of years old, David Goldhagen creates sculptures, vases and other vessels, working with molten glass at temperatures in excess of 2000° F. Watch pumpkins fly through the air thousands of feet at the annual Punkin Chunkin Festival. Photo by Chris Hefferen. The Blue Ridge Blues and BBQ Festival brings bigname acts and the South’s best barbecue each year to the downtown city park. HAYESVILLE & FRANKLIN, NORTH CAROLINA Just across the lake from Hiawassee lies Clay County and the town of Hayesville. The quaint town square is custom-made for shopping (antiques 26 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 For the most fun you can have with pumpkins, don’t miss the annual PUNKIN CHUNKIN FESTIVAL each October. The highlight? Teams compete by building various medievallooking contraptions that they use to hurl pumpkins thousands of feet through the air! Food, crafts and airplane rides add to the weekend fun. Further east in Franklin, plan a visit to THE FACTORY, a place of fun for the whole family with more than 100 arcade games, a large go-cart track, 10 bowling lanes, laser tag, indoor mini golf, a kid’s play area and more. R 515 325 66 66 19 129 Take a mountain wine country tour - you`ll savor 66 325 515 every delicious mile! 76 325 515 52 9 76 19515 60 8 7 325 515 Murphy, NC 6 SPUR 76GA Morganton, 66 52 Hayesville, NC 64 17 76 325 17 4 19 3 66 76 64 19 66 64 GA Blairsville, 325 66 19 129 10 76 11 Young Harris, 325 GA 66 515 515 60 129 325 17 19 76 60 129 515 52 Hiawassee, GA 129 12 13 14 52 Tiger, GA 52 5 129 52 19 129 60 52 17 64 Blue Ridge, GA 66 76 19 60 129 64Visit fourteen vineyards along the way! 60 17 1 Sharp Mountain 64 Vineyards 2 Cartecay Vineyards 3 Serenberry Vineyards 644 Odom Springs Vineyards 5 52 Paradise Hills, Resort & Spa 6 Nottely River Valley Vineyards 7 Valley River Vineyards 8 Cherokee Cellars 9 Calaboose Cellars 10 Eagle Fork Vineyards 11 Crane Creek Vineyards 12 Hightower Creek Vineyards 13 Stonewall Creek Vineyards 14 Tiger Mountain Vineyards 52 260 76 17 19 129 Jasper, GA 64 1 60 17 64 17 60 Ellijay, GA 52 66 325 515 129 17 64 MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM Plan your wine tasting trip at 19 T SHOPPING & DINING ASTE THE GOOD LIFE Indulge your “inner shopper” at our unique specialty shops, stores and restaurants. Towns County is your boutique and shopping stop. Here you’ll find the latest in lakeside fashions, artwork, antiques, collectibles and more! One of the best things about shopping in the mountains is that you avoid the hustle and bustle of big-box department stores. Our smaller mom-andpop retailers are friendly, and always welcome your business. LET’S GO BUY, BUY! If you’re always thinking ahead to the holidays, then ALWAYS CHRISTMAS and THE HEN’S NEST at the Shoppes of Tater Ridge will appeal to your plan-ahead nature. Beautiful handpainted ornaments are also available at THE TANGERINE FROG and DEB COLLINS SIGNATURE GALLERY. Other small boutique and specialty stores that offer a wide range of gifttype items include CREEKSIDE GENERAL STORE, located on Highway 76 several miles east of Hiawassee. BUCKHEAD HOUSE has something for everyone and every occasion, including books, casual clothing and cabin decor. Set aside some time to browse at SUNFLOWERS ON MAIN STREET and look through the shiny jewelry choices at 28 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 THE GOLD ACADEMY. And don’t forget to pamper yourself, too, at BODYSENSE. Antiques and mountain towns just go hand-in-hand. You’ll find plenty of choices, whether you like your antiques rusty-and-dusty or prim-andpretty! In Hiawassee, start browsing at MAIN STREET ANTIQUES and continue shopping your way through the many individual stalls at the HIAWASSEE ANTIQUE MALL. In Young Harris, the shelves at MOUNTAIN CREEK ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES are filled with just about anything you might need (or not!). The goodies at THE BARN COUNTRY STORE, located next door to Brother’s at Willow Ranch and across the street from Brasstown Valley Resort, are updated constantly, so it’s worth stopping by on a regular basis. Need to fill up that new cabin or lakehouse with household items and furnishings? Stop by ANDERSON’S DEPARTMENT STORE for a wide selection ranging from linens to table settings to housewares. BEARWASSEE CABIN FURNITURE & DECOR is the perfect place to pick out a new log bed or some rustic cabin accessories. SHOPPING & DINING Clothing stores may be a dime a dozen in towns like Atlanta and Chattanooga, but they’re definitely more unique and charming here in the mountains. You’ll get personal attention at COCO’S or THE LOFT BOUTIQUE. Need some matching shoes for that new outfit? STRUTS SHOE STORE in Young Harris carries everything from elegant heels to strappy sandals and hiking boots. And medical professionals in search of the latest trends will love the choices at SCRUBS AND MORE. Even chefs can find the perfect kitchen clothing! Before you hit the greens, stock up on golf shoes, clubs and bags at the PRO SHOP MERCANTILE AT BRASSTOWN VALLEY RESORT, where they’ll help you choose the perfect club to match your stroke. If you need a new life jacket or other supplies for your boat, THE BLUE CANOE AT BOUNDARY WATERS makes a smart stop. They can also set you up with fishing gear and information about local fishing locations and guides. Support your local moonshiner with a visit to GEORGIA MOUNTAIN APPLE PIE, where you can find Dawsonville Moonshine and Apple Pie Mike shirts and accessories. For a wider variety of spirits, shop at BACCHUS WINE SHOPPE in downtown Hiawassee. Owners Ed and Linda can guide you through their amazing selection of local and regional wines, plus local microbrews and imported beers. Add a fine cigar from the well-stocked shop, then smoke it outside on the mountain-view porch. In Young Harris, the folks at THE WINE COTTAGE will be glad to pair you with the right wine for a special meal. And of course, our local wineries will be happy to send you home with a bottle of their finest after you’ve had a taste! Finally, don’t forget your four-legged friends. Whether you have a tiny chihuahua or a 1,200-pound quarter-horse, MOUNTAIN VALLEY COUNTRY STORE carries the food and supplies you need. And LUCA’S KITCHEN will let you pamper your pet with home-baked treats and accessories. MMM MMM GOOD! Don’t worry if you can’t decide which of our delicious local restaurants to try first. With 365 days in the year, you’ll have plenty of time to try them all! MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 29 SHOPPING & DINING For a romantic night out, there is no shortage of elegant restaurants that will fit the bill perfectly. If you’re in the mood for fine Asian cuisine, ASIANO’S RESTAURANT is the place to go. Live music and dinner by candlelight? CAFE PORTOFINO AT FIELDSTONE RESORT makes for a wonderful night out. Authentic Italian food is on the menu at ENRICO’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT in Young Harris. Or, for a truly unique dining experience, MICHAELEE’S CHOCOLATE CAFFE specializes in dishes made with the finest chocolate ingredients (and not just desserts!). Chef and owner James Reaux serves USDA beef and fresh seafood flown in daily at THE CHOPHOUSE OF HIAWASSEE, which overlooks S beautiful Lake Chatuge. In search of a delicious brunch option? THE OAKS RESTAURANT AT THE RIDGES provides a leisurely option on a sunny Sunday afternoon. In Hayesville, the perfect place to take some visiting family members or to try a special wine pairing dinner is THE COPPER DOOR. And if you want to dine out and then spend the evening in a cozy room, try THE DINING ROOM AT BRASSTOWN VALLEY RESORT. Some other choices for downhome country cooking or quicker dining include: T HE BLUE OTTER B OWL OF ASIA B RASSIES GRILL AT BRASSTOWN VALLEY RESORT & SPA C AJUN CONNECTION CAFE Chef Dennis at The Copper Door not only cooks, but also sets up special wine-pairing dinners and teaches cooking classes. M ARY’S SOUTHERN GRILL M ONTE ALBAN RESTAURANTE MEXICANO S ODEXO at the Young Harris College Dining Hall R P O T L I G H T O N B R O T H E R ’ S R E S TA U R A N T Brother’s at Willow Ranch 6223 Highway 76 West, Young Harris (706) 379-1272 | Just across from the entrance to Brasstown Valley Resort in Young Harris, Brother’s at Willow Ranch features a “something-for-everyone” menu loaded with incredible choices — everything from fall-offthe-bone ribs and fresh mountain trout to prime rib and country fried steak. Portions are generous 30 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 and the side dishes are not your run-of-the-mill — try the crisp fried okra, country green beans or the ever-popular fried pickle chips! Owner Bobby Burns has created just the right atmosphere for the perfect meal, complete with spectacular views of the mountains (ask for a table by the front window). The prices are family-friendly, and the staff is gracious and helpful. There’s also a great selection of wine and beer. For dessert, try a slab of the Better Than Your Momma’s Chocolate Cake, some bread pudding or fresh fruit cobbler. Stop in for a meal you won’t soon forget! BUSINESS & B ANKING B U S I N ES S WOR KS B E T T E R H E R E Reasonable taxes, a low cost of doing business, and an entrepreneurfriendly environment add up to business success in Towns County. Our favorable business climate combines with an educated and available workforce to make Towns County the perfect place to launch, expand or relocate your business. Our area enjoys a substantial inflow of visitors during the sumer and fall, as well as a year-round population that truly believes in the phrase, “Buy Local!” A DIVERSE ECONOMY Serving a vibrant mix of locals, retirees, snowbirds and tourists, the Towns County economy is as diverse as its growing population. Of course, service jobs dominate the local economy, composing roughly two-thirds of the economic base. Key employers in the area include: Blue Ridge Mountain Electric Membership Corporation Brasstown Valley Resort Park Sterling Bank Towns County School System United Community Bank Young Harris College Retail businesses make up another substantial portion of the economy, including shops and businesses providing: Antiques Automotive & Marine Blinds & Window Treatments Home Interiors & Furnishings Wine & Cigars Women’s Apparel The Towns County economy is also very dependent on tourism, and the industry employs a substantial portion of the area labor force. Businesses catering to seasonal visitors include: Boating & Watersports Golf Horseback Riding Hotels, Lodges and B&Bs Restaurants Spas & Wellness BUSINESS-FRIENDLY AMENITIES F inancial services from state, regional and national banks. Accounting and legal counsel from local firms and branches of major national firms. A large pool of other qualified local businesses providing the full array of business services. SAY “CHEESE!” Towns County recently became a “Camera Ready” community and has hosted several major film productions, including Trouble with the Curve starring Clint Eastwood. Like residents and visitors, film crews are drawn to our beautiful mountain scenery. Towns County has also been named an “EntrepreneurFriendly” community by the Georgia Department of Economic Development in recognition of efforts by local leaders to support entrepreneurs and business owners. R MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 31 BUSINESS & B ANKING Photos by Randy Gray, Broadcast Pro Photo. L O C A L F L AV O R Small businesses are the backbone of the economy — and play a big part in community life. MICHAELEE’S CHOCOLATE CAFFE Michael and Lisa Collins’ love of all things chocolate (and coffee!) is easy to spot at their stylish eatery off Main Street. The menu features delicious wraps made with savory cocoa powder, dishes finished with a dash of chocolate-infused vinegar, even a chocolate shrimp appetizer. Then, there are the desserts — Michael’s chocolateinspired take on the classic crème brulee, as well as a Kahlua Toffee Mousse Cake. At lunch, the Tuscan Orchard Salad has a fantastic following, as do the paninis. Dinner features favorites such as hand-cut Blank Angus filets and handmade crab cakes. Of course, the coffee is imported from Italy, and Lisa blends bulk teas for a signature taste. Now in their seventh season, the couple have lovingly watched their “little coffee shop” grow into a full-blown, seven-day-a-week lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch success story. Michael is a graduate of the Culinary Institute and was a fixture on the Atlanta restaurant scene before leaving the corporate world in 2000. Lisa had started an international adoption agency after the heartwrenching experience the couple A small group of antique dealers have turned their passion for antiques and collectibles into a thriving business at the Hiawassee Antique Mall. 32 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 Photos by Randy Gray, Broadcast Pro Photo. Our interesting shops, wonderful restaurants and family-run businesses are just one more thing that makes life in Towns County so unique. With Executive Chef Michael Collins, Sous Chef Lenny Collins and General Manager Lisa Collins at the helm, it’s a true family affair at Michaelee’s Chocolate Caffe. The full-service boutique restaurant offers a creative menu and generous portions. went through adopting their own daughter from a Russian orphanage. The Collins were initially attracted to Hiawasssee as a great place to raise their daughter, who was then in first grade. “We wanted to be where the school system was good, the air was clean and the crime rate was low,” Michael explains. “The decision to move from the Atlanta area has been absolutely fantastic — from the schools to the business community and the infrastructure provided by the county.” HIAWASSEE ANTIQUE MALL It took a village to start Hiawassee Antique Mall back in 1984. It all started with 12 investors pitching in to rent space off Highway 76 in the heart of Hiawassee. Tying them together was their shared love of antiques. “We were all involved in antiques, renting space in different places, so we just decided to band together and go out on our own,” explains Kathy Pierce, one of seven remaining from the original group. Today, at nearly 10,000 square feet, it’s Northeast Georgia’s largest antique mall, brimming with quality antiques and collectibles. The business model is simple: Dealers rent space in the bright and airy building to display their wares — including primitive and fine furniture, Southern pottery, crystal, BUSINESS & B ANKING china, glassware, toys, books, vintage jewelry, Coke collectibles, tools, linens, cookbooks and much more. “It’s not dark and dreary like a lot of big antique malls,” Pearce says. The Mall even has a “hubby hole” for the gentlemen to relax in while the ladies shop. BACCHUS WINE SHOPPE What happens when a young couple who love the mountains decides to open a small lakeside shop selling fine wines, premium beer and cigars? The result is Bacchus Wine Shoppe! Opening in 2011, owners Ed and Linda Kountz sensed an opportunity to create the area’s premier destination for lovers of unique choices and great values in area’s largest selection of cigars plus desk and travel humidors, cutters and more, Bacchus Wine Shoppe has everything for a relaxing evening on the deck — or enjoying a smoke on the Shoppe’s outside cigar terrace! “We just love the size and the friendliness of the community,” says Ed. “You’ve got locals who’ve been here for generations mixed in with fascinating folks coming from all over the country. It’s a real diversity, and that’s good to have when you’re in the wine business.” R From budgetconscious to a bit more adventurous, Bacchus owners Ed and Linda are always happy to suggest the perfect wine (or beer) for any occasion. domestic and imported wines, premium microbrews, imported beers and quality cigars. But it wasn’t just the scenic views and clean air that prompted the two to trade in their corporate lives (he in the payments industry and she in telecommunications). “We both feel strongly that local business still matters,” Ed explains. “To be part of the business community here and to help drive Towns County as a ✓ Residential & Commercial destination was very compelling for us.” ✓ Septic Tanks Pumped Located on the shores of beautiful Lake Chatuge, the Shoppe features an ✓ Line Cleaning/Jetting extensive selection of wines for every ✓ Septic System Inspection occasion, with classics from California, ✓ Camera Inspection the Pacific Northwest, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia and South A Job Worth Doing Is Worth Doing Right America — and, of course, plenty of Serving Towns, Union & Fannin Counties choices from the area’s award-winning local wineries. Beer lovers can celebrate | with authentic brews from domestic Professional • Dependable • GA & NC Licensed • Look for the Big Green Truck and overseas brewers. And with the 706-492-2028 866-955-7467 MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 33 HEALTH & WELLNESS H E A LT H C A R E C L O S E T O H O M E years. Once the smallest hospital in Georgia, today Chatuge Regional is a full-service, nonprofit medical facility with a state-of-the-art emergency room, digital radiology department and an impressive array of outpatient services, including physical therapy/ rehab, respiratory care and transfusion services. The hospital and its nearby 112-bed skilled care nursing home are part of the same family as Union General Hospital located next door in Blairsville. As our area has continued to grow, A major renovation is currently so has the community of top-notch underway that will transform Chatuge healthcare providers. From large Regional’s dated exterior to a warm health systems to smaller hospitals and welcoming entranceway. “It’s and clinics, Towns County and the been a long time coming, but we surrounding area offers some of the wanted the hospital’s outside to match best healthcare services in North the incredible quality we have on the Georgia. And, with so many folks inside,” notes Assistant Administrator leading active lifestyles, there’s John Gordon. also a strong focus on wellness — Indeed, the level of service and from massage therapy and yoga technology for such a small commu to physical therapy and nutrition. nity hospital is impressive. Chatuge Regional has fully embraced advanced CHATUGE REGIONAL telemedicine technology, which allows HOSPITAL patients to seek medical treatment Located on Highway 76 North in from one of Georgia’s leading specialty Hiawassee, Chatuge Regional has hospitals without having to spend been serving the community for 54 the time — and money — for an in-person appointment. “For example, we’re linked to Erlanger Medical Center’s neurology unit, which is one of the best in the country,” Gordon explains. “If someone comes in displaying stroke symptoms, After a major facelift this year, Chatuge Regional Hospital will feature a soaring a top doctor there lodge-style entrance, complete with convenient drive-through access for patient in Chattanooga You’ll find quality care — and a quantity of options — for staying healthy. drop-off and pick-up. 34 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 Patients rave over the attentive care they receive from the kind and caring staff at Chatuge Regional. can quickly make a diagnosis and we can provide prompt care right here without having to transfer the patient.” Of course, helicopter service is available to major trauma and heart facilities if necessary. Chatuge Regional also brings top talent to town through a variety of specialty clinics, in which leading cardiologists, urologists, gastroenterologists and other specialists from across the region hold scheduled office hours throughout the week on the hospital’s second floor. “This brings top-quality specialty care and allows a lot of folks to avoid having to go over the mountain or down to Atlanta,” says Gordon. “We are fortunate to have someone from the Emory Heart and Vascular Center here most every day.” Patients also have access to HEALTH & WELLNESS FOR VISION AS CLEAR AS THE MOUNTAIN AIR! Dr. Joey Arencibia and the staff at Georgia Vision Center want to make sure you enjoy the clear mountain views as much as they do! Visit us today for: • Comprehensive Eye Exams • Fashion-Forward Lenses & Frames • Comfortable Contacts • Diabetic Eye Care • Treatment of Eye Conditions & Diseases GEORGIA VISION CENTER A MEMBER OF 706-896-3303 344 Main Street South Hiawassee, GA 30546 Chatuge Regional Hospital Partners in Caring The Mission of Chatuge Regional Hospital is to provide high-quality, costeffective healthcare, and promote wellness throughout our community. We value our patients, medical staff, employees, community and quality of care. 110 South Main St., Hiawassee, GA • 706-896-2222 • MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 35 HEALTH & WELLNESS Georgia’s #1 rated heart program at nearby NORTHEAST GEORGIA HEALTH SYSTEM in Gainesville. The Health System features 557 in-patient beds and 261 skilled nursing beds, and serves some 700,000 people across more than 13 counties in Northeast Georgia, including Towns County. Also in the works at Chatuge Regional is a new Geriatric Psychiatric Unit, which was identified as a pressing concern in a recent community needs assessment conducted through Georgia Southern University. “This will serve patients 55 or older so we can evaluate, stabilize and get them back on track,” says Gordon. “In the end, residents can take pride knowing that they always have access to high-tech, hightouch healthcare that’s close to home.” R Lake Chatuge Animal Hospital Pet Doctors in Practice (Pet Lovers at Heart!) A family-owned, full-service veterinary medical facility for your well-loved, fourlegged family members. Visit our new satellite office: Tri-County Animal Clinic 3711 E. Hwy. 64 Alt., Murphy, NC 28906 828-837-0050 Medical • Dental • Surgical • Boarding • Grooming 1619 State Hwy. 17 N., Young Harris, GA 30582 706-896-1244 | North Georgia Technical College provides high quality education and technical training to prepare students to join the healthcare workforce: ssociate of Science – A in Nursing – Clinical Laboratory Technology – Emergency Services – Medical Assisting – Pharmacy Technology – Practical Nursing 36 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 SCHOOLS & EDUC ATION L IFELONG LEARNING Our outstanding schools and colleges provide inspiration for students at all stages of life. TOWNS COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOL 1400 Highway 76 East, Hiawassee (706) 896-4131 Principal: Dr. Darren Berrong Enrollment: 289 TOWNS COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL 1400 Highway 76 East, Hiawassee (706) 896-4131, ext. 2 Principal: Mr. Jonathan Gibson Enrollment: 339 The success of Towns County schools can be attributed to the enormous amount of support the community exhibits for its students and programs. High school students continue to score in the top 5 percent on state graduation tests, with overall student scores increasing with each graduating class. Not to be outdone, Towns County Middle School was recognized as a Georgia School of Excellence in 2012 based on its scores on the statewide College and Career Readiness Index. The middle school ranked number one in the state out of 180 other middle school systems in Georgia. “Many of the schools on the list are either Magnet or Charter Schools,” explains TCMS Principal Dr. Darren Berrong. “This is a testament to the entire community and the value that Towns County places on providing a quality education for our students.” TOWNS COUNTY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1150 Konnahetah Road, Hiawassee (706) 896-4131, ext. 1 Principal: Dr. Sandy Page Enrollment: 511 38 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 The modern campuses of Young Harris College (upper left) and North Georgia Technical College (above) provide strong postsecondary education options for students preparing to enter — or re-enter — the job market. SCHOOLS & EDUC ATION YOUNG HARRIS COLLEGE 1 College Street,Young Harris (706) 379-3111 Young Harris College is a private, Methodist-affiliated liberal arts college with an enrollment of approximately 1,120 students. In addition to providing a quality education to students from around the state and across the country, the inviting 35-acre campus is home to events, exhibits and productions throughout the year, with most campus events free and open to the public. Exhibitions by students, faculty and professional artists regularly take place in the CAMPUS GATE ART GALLERY. Each exhibition has a reception where guests can meet and mingle with the exhibiting artist. Each season, THEATRE YOUNG HARRIS presents a full lineup of notable productions, including full- length musicals, innovative dramas, classic plays, children’s shows and more. Auditions are open to YHC students, faculty and staff, as well as the community at large. ROLLINS PLANETARIUM offers public shows throughout the year featuring a state-of-the-art GOTO Chronos Space Simulator star projector. If skies are clear, the YHC OBSERVATORY is open immediately after planetarium shows. Music programs include faculty artist recitals, guest artists, YHC Chamber Choir, YHC Jazz Band and Christmas at Young Harris at the 1,060-seat GLENN AUDITORIUM. You don’t have to be a student to enjoy incredible theater, music and arts at Young Harris College. In addition, a robust series of lectures and readings brings national speakers to campus for wide-ranging discussions relevant to governmental and political issues. And when it comes to ATHLETICS, men’s and women’s basketball and men’s baseball draw enthusiastic fans. NORTH GEORGIA TECHNICAL COLLEGE 121 Meeks Avenue, Blairsville (706) 439-6300 NGTC is a two-year technical college with an ultra-modern campus in nearby Blairsville (plus campuses in Clarkesville and Currahee). While workforce development is the primary focus, residents can also take advantage of many continuing education opportunities — everything from web design to cake decorating to CPR. Intensive, hands-on training provides job seekers with skills tailored to the needs of local and regional employers. In-demand programs include the cornerstone medical programs, as well as CNC and machine tooling, welding, automotive repair and electrical systems. R MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 39 P WORSHIP & RELIGION R A I S E , W O R S H I P & FA I T H Enjoy rewarding opportunities for worship — and service. From small prayer groups and nondenominational churches to sprawling houses of worship, you’ll find Towns County to be a spiritually rich community with plenty of opportunities to worship and serve. MCCONNELL MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH is widely recognized in the Georgia Baptist Convention as one of the strongest churches in the northeast Georgia mountains. Members enjoy abundant opportunities for service in any number of ministries, including international mission trips, church and home prayer groups, English as a second language classes, Alzheimer’s support groups and the Towns County Food Pantry. Located at the entrance of historic Young Harris College, SHARP MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH is a powerful presence for all ages, from students at the college to young families and retirees. The fellowship is warm and friendly, and casual dress is always welcome. The church enjoys active United Methodist Men’s and Women’s groups, a dynamic choir and music program, plus family ministries and ongoing classes and study groups. Opportunities for worship and fellowship stretch throughout the week at CHRIST THE KING ANGLICAN CHURCH located on Main Street in Hiawassee — fellowship and Bible study on Tuesdays, Holy Communion, church fellowship supper and Bible discovery hour on Wednesdays and a first-Saturday men’s breakfast. SundayS at 9:00 am There’s always Traditional Worship Service a “joyful noise” Adult Bible Study, Nursery, Youth Group at HIAWASSEE UNITED SundayS at 10:30 am Contemporary Worship Service METHODIST Adult Bible Study, Sonday School, Nursery CHURCH (also known as the ANGLICAN “church on the CHURCH (706) 896-5519 hill”). The church features hand 145 S. Main Street | Hiawassee, GA 30546 bells, a praise (Located on Hwy. 76 in Downtown Hiawassee across from the post office) 40 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 Whether it’s music, service or something else, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to share your gifts in Towns County’s vibrant worship community. band (contemporary mix of instruments) and choir. In addition to Sunday and Wednesday services, non-denominational CATALYST CHURCH focuses on building relationships through LifeGroups, small groups of 8-12 adults who get together once or twice a month for the purpose of growing spiritually together. Church services feature live worship music from one of the church bands, as well as Biblical, relevant and practical sermons. R C DIRECTORY BED & BREAKFAST INNS HAM B E R DI R EC TORY Chancey Hill Inn John M. Harmon 385 Chancey Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-8424 Membership Has Its Benefits The Towns County Chamber of Commerce and the Towns County Tourism Association are dedicated to providing our area businesses with the support they need for success. Membership includes: Listing on our website and Membership Directory, link to your business website, regular e-newsletters and e-mail updates, business referrals, brochure distribution at Chamber and special events, ribbon cuttings, Business After Hours, educational workshops, discount savings programs, free subscription to the Towns County Herald and much more! ACCOUNTANTS & TAX PREPARATION H & R Block Diane Spencer 1620 Highway 76 West, Suite 11 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-9565 Hughes Accounting Michelle Hughes 392 Main Street, Suite 3 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-1031 Valerie K. Polding, CPA Valerie Polding 330 Parks Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4531 ADVERTISING & MARKETING Content Creative, LLC Steffen Smith 1831 Weeks Creek Road Blue Ridge, GA 30513 (706) 838-5230 Mountain Lake Publishing, Inc. Homes for Sale Kathleen Painter 2180 Mockingbird Lane Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2412 Travel Communications Steve Honey 2535 Raintree Way Marietta, GA 30067 (404) 213-2322 APARTMENTS Big Sky Apartments Debbie Reed 301 Skyview Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-6708 Hiawassee Apartments Shelley Hughes 269 Zell Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2934 Oakmont Knoll Apartments Brian Reynard Longview Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 897-0143 Young Harris Apartments Shelley Hughes 5310 Meadow Lane Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-2934 ARCHITECTS Goodspeed Architects, Inc. David Goodspeed 119 Grice Woods Road Blue Ridge, GA 30513 (813) 480-5519 ART GALLERIES Appalachian Gallery & Video Productions David Sellers 4947 Thomas Town Road Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-3807 Art of Gold Bob Levy 5010 Highway 76 West Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-9909 Enterprises ArtWorks Artisan Centre – Mountain Regional Arts & Crafts Guild Patti Brownlee 308 Big Sky Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-0932 ArtsAndCraftsGuild Your Home in the Woods B&B Bonnie Hayward 143 Timber Lane Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-9337 BLINDS & WINDOW TREATMENTS Budget Blinds of Blairsville Dede Siefken 379 Bee Tree Lane Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-0009 BOAT SALES & SERVICE ATTORNEYS Lake Chatuge Marine J. Kevin Tharpe – Attorney at Law Jettie Cone 1658 Highway 17 North Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2835 J. Kevin Tharpe 1352 Main Street, Suite 1 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-2630 BOATING & WATER SPORTS Boundary Waters Resort & Marina Mark F. Dehler, LLC Mark Dehler 345 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4332 Kerry Clem 107 Boundary Waters Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2530 Stephanie W. McConnell, P.C. Stephanie W. McConnell 231 Chatuge Way Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4118 Carolina Outfitters Whitewater Rafting AUTO DEALERS Jacky Jones Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ed Ashe 222 NC Highway 69 Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-1958 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Mark’s Garage Mark Dockery 581 Mull Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-3647 BANKS Park Sterling Bank – Hiawassee Julie Payne 20 South Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2243 Billy W. Dills 12121 Highway 19 West Bryson City, NC 28713 (800) 468-7238 Chatuge Cove Marina and Campground Carla Youngblood 2397 Highway 175 Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-6155 Hooked on SUP (Stand Up Paddle) Darryl Kerr 191 Brooks Ridge Road Mineral Bluff, GA 30559 (352) 553-5551 Mountain Wake Cable Park Chris Moore PO Box 393 Hayesville, NC 28904 (770) 359-9612 / Deb Collins Signature Gallery Park Sterling Bank – Young Harris Mountain Watersports Russ Collins 347 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-1294 Julie Payne 693 Main Street Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-3141 Diane Wilsdon 1374 Highway 76 West, Suite A Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 435-0697 Goldhagen Studios United Community Bank Southern Water Trails, LLC David Goldhagen 7 Goldhagen Studio Drive Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-8847 Cheryl Barrett 214 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4186 Linc Stallings 6 Veggie Stand Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 970-9053 MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 41 DIRECTORY Young Harris Water Sports Southern Cultured Marble Lance Markham 1525 Mining Gap Road Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-0834 Richard Simile 6330 State Highway 339 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-2403 BUILDERS & DEVELOPERS: CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING Derek Nelson 2 Church Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-3315 America’s Home Place Toni Wagoner 167 Highway 515 Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 781-2945 Bell Meadows Barbara Atkins 2155 Carlin Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-6060 Brown Haven Builders John Allen 603 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 781-8027 Hallam Construction Services, Inc. Rosie Hallam PO Box 15007 Atlanta, GA 30333 (706) 835-7400 K Green Construction, Inc. Kevin Green 168 Rogers Street Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-0760 Nacoochee Contracting, Inc. Stacy Sullens 240 Lakeside Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 892-8589 North GA Stone, Inc. Tim Hancock 244 Industrial Boulevard Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 970-0260 Tighe White Construction, Inc. Tighe White 68 Winchester Cove Road Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-8102 BUILDING SUPPLIES Hiawassee Hardware Building & Supplies Dan Paris 51 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-3617 Mountain Lakes Millwork, Inc. Todd Morlen 1341 Highway 76 East Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2190 Wholesale Supply Group, Inc. BURGLAR & FIRE ALARMS Automated Creations, Inc. Wyndle Bates, Jr 1133 Pack Creek Road Blue Ridge, GA 30513 (706) 258-4418 CABINS & COTTAGES “3 Bear Ridge” Cabin Pam & Jerry Brock 1574 Long Ridge Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 897-9801 Alpine Cabins Mike & Louise Jasmin 77 Alpine Way Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-7589 Dun-Hun-Tin Properties Snuffy’s Shack Cabin Happy Top Heaven Cabin Yewit Center Don McCarty 1275 Taylor Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (770) 985-4071 Pam & Jerry Brock 1132 Happy Top Lane Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 897-9801 Hiawassee River Retreat Georgia Corn 15 Cabin Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-7400 Gwen Morris 8378 Charlie’s Creek Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (478) 397-8153 Keith Soltys 5102 Crooked Creek Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-4365 CAMPING & RV PARKS Appalachian Campground Robbie Dernehl 1504 Moody Hollow Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-7243 Hidden Cove Lakefront Cabin Georgia Mountain Fair, Inc. Joe Senger 310 Hidden Cove Lane Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 835-8240 Hilda Thomason 1311 Music Hall Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4191 Hinton Rural Life Center Long Ridge Campground Jackie Gottlieb 2330 Hinton Road Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-8336 Robert Jarrard 180 Jarrard Camp Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-3453 Ann Wedgwood Licklog Subdivision Hayesville, NC 28904 (706) 897-3429 Lake House at Awohali Point Bulldog Restoration Banks of Chatuge Laurel Mountain Cabins Ann’s Lakefront Cabins William Banks 314 Berrong Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (828) 551-2907 Chandler Cabin Rental Larry Chandler 4650 Kirsch Lane Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 835-6606 Chatuge Lakeview Retreat Carol Lumpkin 1930 Lakeview Summit Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 970-0330 Countrytime Cabins Matthew Van Steen 2268 Calvary School Road Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-1782 Cozy Colorful Cottage Mickey Shearouse 286 Nichols Lakeland Drive Hayesville, NC 28904 (706) 781-5564 Don Robinson Laurel Mountain Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-8015 Little Bear Rentals @ Century 21 Scenic Realty Robbyn Allen 3680 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-8633 Our Dogwood Den Ruth Gudger 2472 Ridgecrest Circle Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2723 Paradise Hills Resort & Spa Ilke Lander 366 Paradise Road Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-7483 Pam Bruce 349 Hidden Cove Lane Hayesville, NC 28904 (404) 881-8926 Salale Lodge on the Lake Creekfront Rentals Serenity Cove Lakefront Cabins Hazel Bernard 2024 Swallows Landing Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4606 42 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 Virginia Palmer 1340 Palmer Place Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-3943 Mel Weingarten 834 Lower Bell Creek Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-1465 CARPET CLEANING Rocky & Tracy Walker 6210 Trevor Way Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 970-0629 CATERING Kat’s Catering & Entrees-to-Go Kathleen Tibbetts 1655 Highway 76 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (800) 996-0978 CEMENT Baumgarten Cement, Inc. Randy Baumgarten 1378 Matheson Cove Road Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 226-0918 CHURCHES Christ the King Church – Anglican Mission Don O’Malley 145 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-5519 Hiawassee United Methodist Church Pastor Sam Hamby 1139 Highway 76 West Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2818 McConnell Memorial Baptist Church John Bryon 84 Church Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2281 DIRECTORY Mountain of Life Lutheran Church Darrell D. Golnitz 1438 White Oak Drive Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 897-6920 Mountain Presbyterian Church K. Travis Adams 3831 Highway 515 East Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-8036 Sharp Memorial United Methodist Church David Tinsley 1114 Main Street Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-3210 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church The Rev. Fr. Juan Areiza 3717 Highway 515 E Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-6400 CLEANING & JANITORIAL DENTISTS FITNESS 84 Seasons Lane Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4154 Georgia Peters 2115 Brasstown Lane Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-0696 Samuel Jason Ledford, DMD, PC Worthy Family Dentistry, PC Claire Worthy 19 South Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-1204 DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION Document Destruction Services, Inc. Bob Levy 2160 Damascus Road Homer, GA 30457 (800) 701-8661 DOG BAKERY, CAFE, GROOMING Luca’s Kitchen & Pawz-itively Styled Sherry Walker 2485 Highway 76 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-7299 Georgia L. Peters, CNC Towns County Commissioner Office FLOOR COVERING GRAPHIC & PRINT DESIGN Carl Patterson Flooring Carl Patterson 1075 NC Highway 69 Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-6228 FLORISTS The Flower Lady Sherry Ellis 2413 Highway 76 West Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-7680 GARBAGE COLLECTION Sprinkles Sanitation Service Reggie Sprinkles PO Box 383 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-2285 GOLF Linda Hedden 48 River Street, Suite B Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2276 Lucky Bird Design Julie Watson 703 Hiawassee Est. Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (404) 538-6143 GROCERY STORE Ingles Chris Cantrell 94 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-8312 HAIR SALONS Country Cut Away Hair Salon Angela Conley 518 Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-8144 DJ Cool Poppa Brasstown Valley Resort Golf Course Mark Lucas 1763-A Route 17 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 994-3919 Steve Phelps 6321 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-9900 Fieldstone Cinemas Six at Fieldstone Resort Chatuge Shores Golf Course & Greenside Grill Blood Assurance Mark Adams 1325 Capital Circle, Suite A Lawrenceville, GA 30043 (678) 442-1011 / Tess Helmandollar 1159 Jack Dayton Circle Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-6843 Matthew Liss 260 Golf Course Road Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-8940 Tech Place Fun World at Fieldstone Resort The Ridges Golf Course & Cherokee Grill Chatuge Family Practice Complete Home Services Cindy Cohen 288 Notla Vista I Blairsville, GA 30512 (678) 439-9125 COMPUTER SALES, SERVICE & CONSULTING Business Management Systems, Inc. Blake Phillips 964 Highway 69, Suite 2 Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-2200 Totally Computers Don Schrock 101 South Main Street, Unit 4 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-1535 ENTERTAINMENT Tess Helmandollar 1159 Jack Dayton Circle Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-7777 The Factory Alysia Stewart 1024 Georgia Road Franklin, NC 28734 (828) 349-8888 CONVENIENCE STORES FARMS Mike Chheda 1835 Highway 76 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-0066 Dawn Lamade PO Box 811 Young Harris, GA 30582 CITGO,The Friendship Store CRAFT SHOW PROMOTERS Robin Roberts Promotions Robin Roberts 101 Roberts Mountain Road Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 897-6179 Byron Herbert Reece Society Southern Tree Plantation, Inc. Howard McCombs 2254 Owltown Road Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-0601 DANCE STUDIOS FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE Amy McIntrye Crossroads Shopping Center Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 391-6900 Gene Vickers 3680 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (770) 378-4011 Brasstown Dance Academy Associated Fire Protection, LLC Kenny Cashwell 1665 Mountain Harbour Drive Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-9000 GOVERNMENT & MUNICIPALITIES City of Hiawassee Mayor Barbara Mathis 50 River Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2203 City of Young Harris Mayor Andrea Gibby 5187 Maple Street Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-3171 Georgia Department of Labor Janet Chapman 1048 Appalachian Highway Blue Ridge, GA 30513 (706) 745-6964 / Georgia Department of Natural Resources Ronnie Phillips PO Box 115 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-2040 / HEALTHCARE Aloha Wellness Corporation Destini Adamz 3243 Hummingbird Lane Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-3300 Linda Hisey 705 East 4th Street Chattanooga, TN 37403 (423) 756-0966 Carie Free 241 Church Street Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-6383 Emory Heart Center Cindy Arrington 110 South Main Street, 2nd Floor Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-7662 Jan’s Juice Plus Richard E. DuBois 2514 High Place Road Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-9781 Natural Treatments for Brain and Body Teri Stokes 215 East Blue Ridge Street Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 781-4048 www.naturaltreatmentsforbrain On The Move Physical Therapy Annette Stookey 347 Town Place, Suite B Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-7300 MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 43 DIRECTORY Pro Therapy Greg Wilson 1615 Highway 17, Suite 9 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-2771 Regency Hospice of Northeast Georgia Robin Watts 237 South Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-1251 HEARING AID CENTERS Affordable Hearing Aid Solutions Deb Spaulding 71-A South Berrong Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-0051 Northeast Georgia Medical Center & Health System Rhonda Thompson 743 Spring Street Gainesville, GA 30501-3899 (770) 535-3553 / HOTELS/MOTELS & RESORTS Brasstown Valley Resort & Spa Charles Burton 6321 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-9900 Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Kim Farmer 300 Big Sky Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-8884 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Lake Chatuge Lodge Gary Miller 2300 Jim Watson Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (796) 896-1800 Seasons Inn Motel McKinney Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Mike’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Michael Cushing 2580 Blue Ridge Highway Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-2400 HOME WATCH Home Minders, LLC Tom Murphy PO Box 2715 Blairsville, GA 30514 (706) 745-9000 HORSEBACK RIDING A Step Above Stables Curtis Teague 696 South Mauney Road Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-9051 The Stables at Brasstown Valley Resort & Spa Charles Burton 6321 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-9900 HOSPITALS & NURSING HOMES Chatuge Regional Hospital and Nursing Home John Gordon 110 Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2222 Clay County Care Center Deanna Greco 86 Valley Hideaway Drive Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-9941 653 Highway 76 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-5253 Colleen Urbaniuk 94 Town Square Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-1631 The Ridges Resort & Marina Marvin Copeland 3499 Highway 76 West Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-2262 WaterCrest Condominiums at Fieldstone Resort Tess Helmandollar Lakeview Drive Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-2440 IDENTIFY THEFT PROTECTION Legal Shield Vickie Levy 2160 Damascus Road Homer, GA 30457 (404) 729-0440 INSURANCE Barrett and Associates Darrell Barrett 333 Big Sky Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-7281 Davenport Insurance & Financial Services Marvin Davenport PO Box 309 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-3266 Health Plan Select Asher Hakman 295 West Clayton Street Athens, GA 30601 (706) 549-0549 44 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 Jeremy Hogsed Farmers Insurance Agency Jeremy Hogsed 22 West Bell Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-3276 Moore Insurance Services, Inc. Kathy Moore 150 South Main Street, Suite C Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-6172 Purchasing Alliance Solutions, Inc. Brett LaTourette 736 Johnson Ferry Road, Bldg. C, Suite 200 Marietta, GA 30068 770-579-1214, Ext. 3012 Van Keith Insurance of Hiawassee Barry Keith Dearing 136 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-0029 Woodmen of the World Brad Hutson 3278 Dogwood Lane Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 835-6484 / INTERIOR DESIGN M-Design Marcie Culpepper 168 Fern Brook Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 835-1339 INVESTMENT Financial Guideposts John White PO Box 908 Blue Ridge, GA 30513 (706) 964-9190 Lance Investments & Wealth Management, LLC Carmen Lance 3280 NC Highway 69, Suite 11 Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-8888 Park Square Financial Group Bradley Rouse 55 Park Square, Suite 103C Roswell, GA 30075 (770) 641-1401 Raymond James Financial Services Lawn & Land Scapes, Inc. Jack Carter PO Box 959 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4997 MASSAGE THERAPY Massage Is Therapy in Your Home Gerri Baker 2278 Hy Top Road Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-6108 MORTGAGE & FINANCE Mountain Lakes Mortgage, Inc. Allison Ledford 150 South Main Street, Suite B Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-1860 MOVING COMPANIES Friends Moving Co. Ken Cupit 1909 Bell Eagle Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-7720 Men on the Move Laura Stooksbury 7195 Highway 76 West Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-6683 NEWSPAPERS Towns County Herald Charles Duncan PO Box 365 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4454 NURSERIES English Country Gardens – Greenhouse & Garden Center Mike Clark 973 Village Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-8947 OPTOMETRISTS Georgia Vision Center Joey Arencibia 344 South Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-3303 ORGANIZATIONS American Red Cross – Towns County DAT, NE Georgia Chapter Bob Anderson 71B Berrong Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-7283 Joni Smith 675 White Sulphur Road, #230 Gainesville, GA 30501 (770) 532-8453 LAWN & LANDSCAPING SERVICES Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association Cutting Edge Landscape Management, Inc. Andrew Wagner 141 Downings Creek Lane Hayesville, NC 28904 (706) 897-3705 Nichole Potzauf 420 West Main Street Blue Ridge, GA 30513 (706) 632-2144 DIRECTORY Towns County Historical Society Clay County Communities Revitalization Association OTM (On The Map) Committee Ann Wedgwood 359 Lake Point Lane Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4988 Lynne Marshall PO Box 1182 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-1060 Enotah CASA Republican Party of Towns County Towns County Homeowners Association Eleanor Moyer PO Box 1533 Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-9426 Susan Zealy 56 Short Street Dahlonega, GA 30533 (706) 864-0300 Food Bank of Northeast Georgia John Becker 861 Newton Bridge Road Athens, GA 30604 (706) 354-8191 Habitat For Humanity Larry Mancini PO Box 270 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 835-1602 Hiwassee River Watershed Coalition Callie Moore 90 Tennessee Street, Suite D Murphy, NC 28906 (828) 837-5414 Humane Society’s Mountain Shelter Helen Abercrombie 29 Bowling Gap Circle Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 781-3843 ICL – Institute for Continuing Learning Bob Langenbacher 1 College Street Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-5194 Mountain Networking Referral Group Alysia Hargus 95 Cedar Lane Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 994-9711 Mountain Regional Library – Main Office Donna W. Howell 698 Miller Street Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-3732 Northeast Georgia Board of REALTORS Susan W. Phillips 19 Haines Mountain Road Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 781-3030 Operation P.U.P., Inc. (Preventing Unwanted Pets) Joan Crothers PO Box 1038 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-6240 Mark Wolchko 333 Big Sky Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-8415 PET SITTING Michael’s Pet Sitting Michael Steinberg 1402 Enchantment Way Hiawassee, GA 30546 (678) 234-5959 PHARMACIES Hiawassee Discount Pharmacy Wes Lerdon PO Box 455 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2227 Dee Piercy 226 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-5555 Rotary Club of Lake Chatuge – Hiawassee Towns County Lions Makai Photography Smokie Mountain Melodies Towns County Tourism Association PORTABLE TOILETS, CHAIR & TABLE RENTALS Tim Moore PO Box 454 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 379-3111 Lee Durham PO Box 934 Blairsville, GA 30514 (706) 781-4486 Southern Appalachian Biking Association (SABA) Joanna Atkisson PO Box 542 Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-8085 Towns County Anti-Drug Coalition, Inc. Marcene Friedley 569-A Gander Gap Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-8601 Towns County Board of Education Melissa C. Williams 67 Lakeview Circle, Suite C Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2279 Towns County Chamber of Commerce Candace Lee 1411 Jack Dayton Circle Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-4966 Towns County Democratic Party Ellen Pease 1912 Cedar Cliff Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-9497 Towns County Family Connection Amy Gibby Rosser 1400 Highway 76 East Hiawassee, GA 30546 706-896-4131, ext 1233 Towns County Fire Corps Liz Ordiales 1298 Jack Dayton Circle Young Harris, GA 30582 (404) 754-3430 PO Box 574 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4191 Jane Holland 1411 Jack Dayton Circle Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-4966 Tri-State Business Women Cathy Wheeler 92 Pruitt Circle Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 781-1050 Union-Towns Employer Committee (UTEC) Michelle Hughes PO Box 2732 Blairsville, GA 30514 (706) 745-6959 U.S. Forest Service Andy Baker 2042 Highway 515 West Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-6928 / VFW Post 7807 – Garrett-Owensby Glen Greenwald, QM 1329 Sunnyside Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-8387 PACK & SHIP Goin Postal Fred & JoAnne Spring 101 South Main Street, Suite 8 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-1844 PAINT & SUPPLIES Sherwin-Williams Paint Stores Group Elicia Wheeler 1555 Lakeview Drive Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 435-9942 PEST CONTROL Alpine Exterminating, Inc. Becky Bracken 1650 NE Highway 17 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-5022 PHOTOGRAPHY Doria Burns 6223 Highway 76 West Young Harris, GA 30582 (828) 557-1070 Take-A-Break Portables Sherry Rodriguez PO Box 95 Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-0505 PRINTERS Boomerang Promotional Printing, LLC Chris Latka 46 Fall View Road Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 400-9062 Mountain Graphics Alec Therrel 382 Bel Aire Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4257 West Printing Co. Kenneth West 259 Cleveland Street Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-6343 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Crossroads Plaza Connie & Emil Lelutiu 3921 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (954) 347-6502 HomeAway – North Georgia Mountain Cabin Rentals Aimee Bolian Faulkner Hiawassee, GA 30546 (877) 228-3145 georgia/north-georgia-mountains/r5817 Majestic Mountain Getaways, Inc. Greg Langston 72 Greenbriar Drive Blairsville, GA 30512 706-379-9929 or 877-379-9929 Mountain Manager & Associates – Long Term Rentals Only Lynda Farren 757 Bell Creek Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-8907 MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 45 DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS Southern Directory Publishing Ryan Ramsey 2459 Hilton Court, Suite 1A Gainesville, GA 30501 (770) 297-2840 R.V. SALES & SERVICE Gause RV Center, Inc. Linda Gause 501 Sunnyside Shores Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-7897 RADIO STATIONS WJUL Radio Kirk Rogers 1352 Main Street, Suite 6 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-1230 / REAL ESTATE Carmolita at Mountain Realty Carmolita Haney 325 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2283 Century 21 Scenic Realty – Ann Wedgwood 3680 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-8633 Century 21 Scenic Realty – Diane Baggett 3680 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 835-7731 Century 21 Scenic Realty – Jo Ellen Thornton 3680 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-8633 Century 21 Scenic Realty – Rick Andrews 3680 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-8633 Century 21 Scenic Realty – Robbyn Allen Coldwell Banker High Country Realty – Dana Nelson RECREATION Coldwell Banker High Country Realty – Faron King Blue Ridge Helicopters, Inc. 211-A Cleveland Street Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-3500 Dana-Nelson 430 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-3132 Faron-King Coldwell Banker High Country Realty – Mary Lynn Durfee 430 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 835-7616 Hiawassee Realty – Bill Pierson Alpaca Tierra Donna McCarthy 7062 Nichols Road Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 897-4305 Todd Atwell 1512 Appalachian Highway Blue Ridge, GA 30513 (706) 633-9311 Brasstown Bald Visitor Center Pam Fox 2941 Highway Spur 180 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4137 Cupid Falls Farm 224 Chatuge Way Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4183 Steve Clark 4630 Thomas Town Road Young Harris, GA 30582 (770) 318-7209 Hiawassee Realty – Charlotte Ledford Destiny Alpacas, Inc. 224 Chatuge Way Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4183 Deidre Shellenberger 1952 Gibson Road Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-2361 Hiawassee Realty – Todd Turner Noontootla Creek Farm 224 Chatuge Way Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 835-5081 Greg Owenby 3668 Newport Road Blue Ridge, GA 30513 (706) 838-0585 / Lakewood Land Company, LLC RESTAURANTS Scott Rye 9821 Cogdill Road, #1 Knoxville, TN 37932 (865) 777-1170 Mountain Realty – Janet Allen Asiano Restaurant Kuy Lim 1382 Highway 76 West Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-0508 Bowl of Asia 325 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 994-0920 Tony Nguyen 3921 Highway 76 West, Units 11-12 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-8513 RE/MAX Town & Country – Blairsville Brassies Grill at Brasstown Valley Resort & Spa 3680 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-8633 Molly McGrory 253 Highway 515 East, Suites B & C Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-8097 Charles Burton 6321 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-9900 Coldwell Banker High Country Realty – Bill & Cyndi Daves The Mountain Life Team Brothers at Willow Ranch 430 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (828) 361-9419 Chad Lariscy 63 Murphy Highway Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 994-8686 Bobby Burns 6223 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-1272 Coldwell Banker High Country Realty – Bruce Olsen Zobel Real Estate Georgia Cafe Portofino at Fieldstone Resort/KDM Holdings, LLC 430 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-3132 Bruce-Olsen Robert Zobel 178 Buckridge Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-1000 46 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 Tess Helmandollar 3295 Dogwood Lane Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 435-0502 Captain’s House Lisa Morris 549 Highlands Road Franklin, NC 28734 (828) 369-6288 Eatzies at Fun World Tess Helmandollar 1159 Jack Dayton Circle Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-7777 Enrico’s Italian Restaurant Steven Conrad 687 Main Street Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-1950 Hiawassee Huddle House W. J. Harrell 532 Bell Creek Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-1713 Mary’s Southern Grill Mary Weaver 1617 Highway 17 North Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-1048 Michaelee’s Chocolate Caffe Lisa Collins 142 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2752 Monte Alban Restaurante Mexicano Jesus Llamas 581 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-6698 Papa’s Pizza-to-Go Rich Gagnon 3064 Highway 76 West Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-7272 SODEXO – Young Harris Dining Cortnie Turnberger 1 College Street Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-5359 The Blue Otter Hayley Burch 3399 Highway 76 West Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-1919 The Chophouse of Hiawassee Ann Wiles 625 Highway 76 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-3200 The Copper Door Ada Barber 950 Highway 64 Business Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-8460 DIRECTORY The Dining Room at Brasstown Valley Resort Charles Burton 6321 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-9900 The Oaks Restaurant at the Ridges Hayley Burch 3499 Highway 76 West Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-4141 RETAILERS, SPECIALTY SHOPS & BOUTIQUES Aaron’s Sales & Lease Dusty Green 2338 Highway 19 Murphy, NC 28906 (828) 837-3098 Always Christmas & The Hen’s Nest at the Shoppes of Tater Ridge Tammy Hollingshead 715 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-3559 Anderson’s Department Store Holly Tiger 10 West Bell Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-3675 Bearwassee Cabin Furniture & Decor David Jones 247 Big Sky Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-0095 BodySense Donna McAuliffe Highway 76 @ Ridge Crest Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-6457 Brasstown Valley Resort & Spa – Pro Shop Mercantile Charles Burton 6321 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-9900 Buckhead House Pam Fagan 130 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-0028 Coco’s, Inc. Sonja DeLong 75 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4171 Creekside General Store Linda Casey 2955 Highway 76 East Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-9448 Eller Electronic, Inc. – Radio Shack Ashley Eller 563 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-1900 Georgia Mountain Apple Pie, Inc. The Blue Canoe at Boundary Waters Kerry Clem 528 Sunnyside Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2530 The Fire Place Hiawassee Park Peggy Beckett 1600 Highway 76 East Hiawassee, GA 30546 (404) 325-9077 / Stonehenge Senior Living Linda Thompson 168 Stonehenge Drive Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-7703 Robert ‘’Doc’’ Hearn 2582 Highway 66 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 970-9771 Gail Conner 60 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-1684 Hiawassee Antique Mall The Gold Academy Lee Durham 518 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-0587 Bob Levy 5010 Highway 76 West Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-9909 Rene Deibert 121 Meeks Avenue Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 439-6300 / Main Street Antiques The Loft Boutique Cathy Cox 1 College Street Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-3111 / Priscilla Stilwell 449 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30512 (706) 896-3874 Mary Payne 518 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-5191 Mary Kay Cosmetics – Roberta L. Ford The Tangerine Frog Roberta Ford Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 897-0245 Russ Collins 347 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-1294 Mountain Creek Antiques & Collectables, LLC The Vacuum Store Marynell Teets 1604 Highway 17 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-5543 Mountain Valley Country Store Chip Rainwater 670 Highway 69 Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-1402 Cathy Wheeler 92 Pruitt Circle Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 781-1050 Tri-County Office Supply, Inc. Roxanne Dunigan 1124 Highway 69 South, Suite 104 Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-0469 SCHOOLS: COLLEGES North Georgia Technical College – Blairsville Young Harris College SCHOOLS: INSTRUCTIONAL John C. Campbell Folk School Marianne Hatchett One Folk School Road Brasstown, NC 28902 (828) 837-2775 / William Holland School of Lapidary Arts Bob Terebayza 230 Lapidary Lane Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-2126 SECURITY PMG Security, LLC Paul Kastes 246 Lapidary Lane Young Harris, GA 30582 (813) 601-9727 Verizon – A Wireless Premium Retailer SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Ruby King 101 South Main Street, Suites 9&10 Hiawassee, GA 30546 (762) 500-2034 Richard Sims PO Box 277 Epworth, GA 30541 (706) 492-2028 Jill Goode 19 Hollow Hill Road Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-0630 Wonderland Ranch Rescue SIGNS & OUTDOOR ADVERTISING Struts Shoe Store RETIREMENT & ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITIES Scrubs and More Judy Norton 225 South Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-0887 Spa and Deck Creations, Inc. Jenny Poole 1615 Highway 17 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-2002 Sunflowers on Main Street P. J. Bair 695 North Main Street, Suite A Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-5508 The Barn Country Store Mary Seaborn 6224 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 994-0402 Robbin Sinay 1390 Highway 76 East, Unit D Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-0553 Branan Lodge/ Wesley Mountain Village Rob Murray 493 Wesley Mountain Drive Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 745-5565 Brasstown Manor Retirement Community Lori McClure 108 Church Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4285 Shamrock Septic Service Signs Fast Plus Trophies & Engraving Tony Wiegold 3289 NC Highway 69, #101 Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-6041 / SPAS Equani Spa at Brasstown Valley Resort Marilyn Dockery 6321 Highway 76 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-9900 STORAGE Berrong’s Highway 76E Mini Storage Janie Berrong 3575 Highway 76 East Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4317 MOUNTAINTOPGA.COM 47 DIRECTORY Highway 69 Storage Mary Wiegold 3389 Highway 69, Suite 102 Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-2800 TAXIS & SHUTTLES Affordable Taxi, Inc. Daniel Baldwin 1569 Bell Gap Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 970-0794 Airport Shuttle Abe Shahin 965 Murphy Highway Blairsville, GA 30512 (706) 994-4010 THEATER & PERFORMING ARTS Licklog Players Community Theatre 34 Creek Side Circle, Suite 18 Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-8632 The Peacock Playhouse – The Lilith Lidseen Performing Arts Association, Inc. Jane Hindsman 301 Church Street Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-2787 Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts Frankie D. Reynolds 1028 Georgia Road Franklin, NC 28734 (828) 524-1598 THRIFT STORES Christ the King Consignments Carol Clements 475 South Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-9203 Humane Society’s Thrift Store Helen Abercrombie 536 Bell Creek Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-7548 SAFE Again Thrift Store Dennis Marcott 4134 Bonny Hills Drive Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-1700 TITLE PAWN National Title Pawn of Hiawassee Noel Wilson 89 Franks Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 435-0600 TRAVEL AGENCY Putman Travel Collette Brown 165 Highway 64 West, #201 Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-3357 UTILITIES Blue Ridge Mountain EMC Mathew Akins 1360 Main Street Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-3121 Richard Pfuntner 1717 Highway 17 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-1324 SERVPRO of Union,Towns, Fannin & Gilmer Counties Cherokee Cellars & Fine Art Gallery Keith Wall 117 Industrial Park Drive Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-1880 www.servprouniontownsfanningilmer Windstream Communications, Inc. Jay Stubblefield 40 River Road Connector Blairsville, GA 30512 (800) 501-1754 WINDOW TINTING: COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Best Solar Control, Inc. VETERINARIANS Ray Dison 93 Pine Ridge Trail Mineral Bluff, GA 30559 (706) 374-4515 Hiawassee Animal Hospital Kirk Vardeman 988 Highway 75 North Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4173 Lake Chatuge Animal Hospital Hilty Burr 1619 Highway 17 North Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-1244 WATER DAMAGE & DISASTER RESTORATION A Jared Wright 86 Commerce Drive Blairsville, GA 30512 (678) 756-4860 WINERIES & VINEYARDS Pat McCallen 3475 Swallows Creek Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-2786 Suburban Propane Nivek North, Inc. ServiceMaster Cleaning and Restoration Services WINE/CIGARS Bacchus Wine Shoppe Linda Pallone 355 North Main Street Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-9947 The Wine Cottage Carol Lin 1604 Highway 17 Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 896-9238 Calaboose Cellars Judy Carlson 565 Aquone Road Andrews, NC 28901 (828) 321-2006 Steve Cammick 23 Hickory Street Murphy, NC 28906 (828) 835-9565 Crane Creek Vineyards Jill Espalin 916 Crane Creek Road Young Harris, GA 30582 (706) 379-1236 Eagle Fork Vineyards Jerry & Teresa Smith 225 Dick Jones Road Hayesville, NC 28904 (828) 389-8466 Hightower Creek Vineyards, LLC Liz Green 7150 Canaan Drive Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-8963 WRECKER SERVICES Turpin’s Wrecker Service Matt Turpin 746 Bugscuffle Road Hiawassee, GA 30546 (706) 896-4138 GRI-ADVENTURES START HERE! There’s just no beating “farm fresh” — whether you’re picking plump blueberries at a local berry patch or choosing vine-ripened tomatoes at a roadside farmers market. You’ll find plenty of pickyour-own opportunities and natural attractions along the North Georgia Farm Trail, a brand new agritourism trail connecting four North Georgia counties (including Towns County!). It’s a celebration of all things homegrown and handmade, including: Farm Stores & Stands Orchards & U-Pick Corn Mazes & Petting Farms Vineyards & Wineries Farm-to-Table Dining Homesteads, Museums & Heritage Sites For more information, including directions and links to each location, visit 48 TOWNS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2014 Discover a Distinctly Different Approach to Senior Living! Experience the Stonehenge lifestyle, where life is all about what matters most — friends & family! Family owned and operated since 1990, Stonehenge is a landmark in the Blairsville community. Comprised of cozy, residential-style personal care homes nestled on approximately 12 acres of landscaped grounds, the spacious wraparound decks and garden benches invite residents to experience the beautiful surroundings of the North Georgia mountains. Small groups of only 21 residents per home allows for an intimate family experience between residents and staff. It’s a distinctly different approach to quality of life — one that offers the perfect combination of security and privacy. • Warm, cheerful rooms with private baths • Convenient location within 2 miles of Union Gen. Hospital • Delicious meals PLUS snacks available 24 hours/day • Daily housekeeping & personal laundry service included • Medication management included • Transportation to shopping, worship & outings • Scheduled medical appointments • Daily life enrichment programs & activities Stop by for a complimentary tour — and introduce your family to our family! IN-HOME ELDERLY CARE • PRIVACY OR GROUP ACTIVITIES 168 Stonehenge Drive, Blairsville, GA 30512 (off Murphy Highway) (706) 745-7703 l We invite you to visit and experience the full-care opportunities that Stonehenge can offer you and your loved ones. Family Style Living for “Young at Heart” Seniors Located in Blairsville, one of America’s best retirement places … in the beautiful mountains of North Georgia. SELLING • BUYING • RENTING REAL ESTATE [email protected] 1-800-997-4981 • 706-896-8633