
Mayor and Council
Finance and Administration and Parks and Recreation Departments
January 4, 2010
Approval of Contract, SRFP 11-051; Used Dump Truck, to Dan Wiebold
Ford, Inc. not to exceed $45,740.
ACTION REQUIRED: Contract approval by resolution.
Finance and Administration and Parks & Recreation
Departments recommend that SRFP 11-051 be awarded to Dan Wiebold Ford, Inc., not to
exceed $45,740.
FISCAL IMPACT/BUDGET IMPLICATIONS: Financial Services has confirmed
sufficient funding is available for this obligation.
BACKGROUND: The Parks & Recreation Department solicited proposals for a used
2-1/2 Ton Dump truck. The truck is a replacement of a similar vehicle already in the
fleet, and is essential to the Resource Unit operations.
ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Contract, Bid Proposal and Bid Specifications.
RESOLUTION NO. _________________
WHEREAS, Finance and Administration and Parks and Recreation Departments staff
recommend award of SRFP 11-051, Used Dump Truck, to the best qualified proposer, Dan
Wiebold Ford; and,
WHEREAS, during their meeting of ________, the City Council followed staff
recommendation and awarded Resolution No.
, to Dan Wiebold Ford.
Section 1.
That the Agreement for SRFP 11-051, Used Dump Truck by and between
the City of Boise and Dan Wiebold Ford, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference,
be, and the same is hereby, approved as to both form and content.
Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be, and they hereby are, authorized to
respectively execute and attest said Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Boise City.
Section 3. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its
adoption and approval.
ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Boise, Idaho, this
day of January, 2011.
APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Boise, Idaho this
day of January, 2011.
David H. Bieter
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
Project: Used Dump Truck
Vendor: Dan Weibold Ford
Owner: Department of Finance & Administration, City of Boise, Ada County, Idaho, a municipal
THIS AGREEMENT, made this _______ day of __________, 2011, by and between the City of
Boise, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Idaho, hereinafter referred to as
"Owner", and Vendor, hereinafter referred to “Vendor”, a corporation organized under the laws of the
State of Idaho.
1. Statement of Work: The Vendor shall furnish labor, material and equipment for, and perform the work
described herein for the consideration stipulated, and in compliance with State and City Codes. Contract
documents consist of the following together with any amendments that may be agreed to in writing by
both parties:
Bid Proposal
Contract Agreement
Worker’s Compensation
Liability Insurance
Services to be Provided: Used Dump Truck.
2. Amount of Contract: In an amount Not to Exceed: $ 45,740
3. Term of Contract: The truck will be delivered within 120 days.
4. Indemnification and Insurance: Vendor shall indemnify and save and hold harmless Owner from and
for any and all losses, claims, actions, judgments for damages, or injury to persons or property and losses
and expenses caused or incurred by Vendor, its servants, agents employees, guests, and business invitees,
and not caused by or arising out of the tortious conduct of Owner or its employees. In addition, Vendor
shall maintain, and specifically agrees that it will maintain, throughout the term of this Agreement,
liability insurance, in which the Owner shall be named an additional insured in the minimum amount as
specified in the Idaho Tort Claims Act set forth in Title 6, Chapter 9 of the Idaho Code. The limits of
insurance shall not be deemed a limitation of the covenants to indemnify and save and hold harmless
Owner; and if Owner becomes liable for an amount in excess of the insurance limits, herein provided,
Vendor covenants and agrees to indemnify and save and hold harmless Owner from and for all such
losses, claims, actions, or judgments for damages or liability to persons or property. Vendor shall provide
Owner with a Certificate of Insurance, or other proof of insurance evidencing Vendor's compliance with
the requirements of this paragraph and file such proof of insurance with the Owner. In the event the
insurance minimums are changed, Vendor shall immediately submit proof of compliance with the
changed limits.
Additionally, the Vendor shall have and maintain during the life of this contract, statutory Workers
Compensation, regardless of the number of employees, or lack thereof, to be engaged in work on the
project under this agreement (including himself) in the statutory limits as required by law. In case any
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
such work is sublet, the Vendor shall require that subcontractor provide Workers Compensation Insurance
for himself and any/all the latter's employees. Proof of insurance must be provided to Owner prior to the
start of work.
Proof of all insurance shall be submitted to City of Boise, Purchasing Office, P.O. Box 500, Boise, ID.
5. Independent Vendor: In all matters pertaining to this agreement, Vendor shall be acting as an
independent contractor, and neither Vendor, nor any officer, employee or agent of Vendor will be deemed
an employee of City. The selection and designation of the personnel of the Owner in the performance of
this agreement shall be made by the Owner.
6. Compensation: For performing the services specified in Section 1 herein, Owner agrees to reimburse
Vendor according to the attached bid specification. Payment will not include any sub-contract or other
personal services pay except as may be agreed to in writing in advance by the parties. Change Orders
may be issued, subject to Purchasing/Council approval.
7. Method of Payment: Vendor will invoice the Parks & Recreation Department, 1104 Royal Blvd.,
Boise, Idaho 83706 directly for all current amounts earned under this Agreement. Owner will pay all
invoices within forty five (45) days after receipt.
8. Notices: Any and all notices required to be given by either of the parties hereto, unless otherwise
stated in this agreement, shall be in writing and be deemed communicated when mailed in the United
States mail, certified, return receipt requested, addressed as follows:
City of Boise
Parks & Recreation Department
1104 Royal Blvd.
Boise, Idaho 83706
Dan Weibold Ford
5707 E. Gate Blvd.
Nampa, Idaho 83687
Either party may change their address for the purpose of this paragraph by giving written notice of such
change to the other in the manner herein provided.
9. Attorney Fees: Should any litigation be commenced between the parties hereto concerning this
Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled, in addition to any other relief as may be granted, to
court costs and reasonable attorneys fees as determined by a Court of competent jurisdiction. This
provision shall be deemed to be a separate contract between the parties and shall survive any default,
termination, or forfeiture of this Agreement.
10. Time is of the Essence: The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that time is strictly of the essence
with respect to each and every term, condition and provision hereof, and that the failure to timely perform
any of the obligations hereunder shall constitute a breach of, and a default under, this Agreement by the
party so failing to perform.
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
11. Force Majeure: Any delays in or failure of performance by Vendor shall not constitute a breach or
default hereunder if and to the extent such delays or failures of performance are caused by occurrences
beyond the reasonable control of Vendor, including but not limited to, acts of God or the public enemy;
compliance with any order or request of any governmental authority; fires, floods, explosion, accidents;
riots, strikes or other concerted acts of workmen, whether direct or indirect; or any causes, whether or not
of the same class or kind as those specifically named above, which are not within the reasonable control
of Vendor. In the event that any event of force majeure as herein defined occurs, Vendor shall be entitled
to a reasonable extension of time for performance of its Services under this Agreement.
12. Assignment: It is expressly agreed and understood by the parties hereto, that Vendor shall not have
the right to assign, transfer, hypothecate or sell any of its rights under this Agreement except upon the
prior express written consent of Owner.
13. Discrimination Prohibited: In performing the Services required herein, vendor shall not discriminate
against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or ancestry, age or physical
14. Reports and Information: At such times and in such forms as the Owner may require, there shall be
furnished to the Owner such statements, records, reports, data and information as the Owner may request
pertaining to matters covered by this Agreement.
15. Audits and Inspections: At any time during normal business hours and as often as the Owner may
deem necessary, there shall be made available to the Owner for examination all of Vendor's records with
respect to all matters covered by this Agreement. Vendor shall permit the Owner to audit, examine, and
make excerpts or transcripts from such records, and to make audits of all contracts, invoices, materials,
payrolls, records of personnel, conditions of employment and other data relating to all matters covered by
this Agreement.
16. Compliance with Laws: In performing the scope of services required hereunder, Vendor shall
comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and codes of Federal, State, and local governments.
17. Changes: The Owner may, from time to time, request changes in the Scope of Work to be performed
hereunder. Such changes, including any increase or decrease in Vendor’s compensation, which are
mutually agreed upon by and between the Owner and the vendor, shall be incorporated in written
amendments to this Agreement.
18. Termination for Cause: If, through any cause, the vendor shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper
manner its obligations under this Agreement, or if the vendor shall violate any of the covenants,
agreements, or stipulations of this Agreement, the Owner shall thereupon have the right to terminate this
Agreement by giving written notice to the vendor of such termination and specifying the effective date
thereof at least fifteen (15) days before the effective date of such termination. If this agreement is
terminated for cause the vendor shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any work
satisfactorily completed hereunder.
Notwithstanding the above, the vendor shall not be relieved of liability to the Owner for damages
sustained by the Owner by virtue of any breach of this Agreement by the vendor, and the Owner may
withhold any payments to the vendor for the purposes of set-off until such time as the exact amount of
damages due the Owner from the vendor is determined. This provision shall survive the termination of
this agreement and shall not relieve the vendor of its liability to the Owner for damages, provided that the
amount of such damages shall not exceed the total compensation provided for in section two of this
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
19. Termination for Convenience of City: The Owner may terminate this Agreement at any time by
giving at least fifteen (15) days notice in writing to the Vendor. If the Agreement is terminated by the
Owner as provided herein, Vendor will be paid an amount which bears the same ratio to the total
compensation as the services actually performed bear to the total services of Vendor covered by this
Agreement, less payments of compensation previously made. If this Agreement is terminated due to the
fault of Vendor, Section 18 hereof relative to termination shall apply.
20. Vendor to Pay or Secure Taxes: The Vendor in consideration of securing the business agrees: 1) To
pay promptly when all taxes due (other than on real property), excises and license fees due the state, its
subdivisions, and municipal and quasi-municipal corporations therein, accrued or accruing in accordance
with conditions of this Agreement, whether or not the same shall be payable at the end of such term; 2)
That if said taxes, excises and license fees are not payable at the end of said term, but liability for the
payment thereof exists, even though the same constitute liens upon the Vendor's property, to secure the
same to the satisfaction of the respective officers charged with the collection thereof; and that; 3) That, in
the event of default in the payment or securing of such taxes, excises, and license fees, that Boise City
may withhold from any payment due the vendor hereunder the estimated amount of such accrued taxes,
excises and license fees for the benefit of all taxing units to which said Vendor is liable.
21. Severability: If any part of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such holding will
not affect the validity or enforceability of any other part of this Agreement so long as the remainder of the
Agreement is reasonably capable of completion.
21. Non-Appropriation: Should funding become not available, due to lack of appropriation, the Owner
may terminate this agreement upon 30 (thirty) days notice.
22. Renewal: N/A
23. Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and supersedes any
and all other agreements or understandings, oral or written, whether previous to the execution hereof or
contemporaneous herewith.
24. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance
with the laws of the State of Idaho, and the ordinances of the City of Boise.
25. Approval Required. This Agreement shall not become effective or binding until approved by the
City of Boise.
26. Acceptance and Final Payment: Upon receipt of notice that the work is ready for final acceptance
and inspection, the Owner’s representative will make such inspection and when he finds the work
acceptable and the contract fully performed he will have the Vendor issue a final payment request.
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the contractor/vendor have executed this Agreement as of the
date first above written.
Dan Weibold Ford
5707 E. Gate Blvd.
Nampa, Idaho 83687
David H. Bieter, Mayor
Print Name
City Clerk
Purchasing Agent
Legal Department
Risk Management
$ 45,740
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
State of ________)
) ss
County of _______)
On this______day of _____________20____, before me personally appeared _____________
known to me and known by me to be the person who executed the above instrument, who,
being by me first duly sworn, did depose and say that he/she is _________________________
and that he executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of said firm for the use and purposes
stated therein.
Notary Public ______________________________
Residing at __________________
My Commission Expires ______________
SRFP 11-051
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
Table of Contents
Invitation to Propose
Proposal Instructions and Information
Project Information
Signature Page with Addenda Acknowledgement
Sample Contract
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
Invitation to Propose
November 4, 2010
Dear Proposer:
The City of Boise, Idaho will accept sealed proposals at the Division of Purchasing, 150 N. CAPITAL BLVD.
BOISE, IDAHO 83701 until November 24, 2010 @ 1:30 PM, local time. Immediately thereafter, all proposals
will be opened and publicly read in the presence of the Proposers at Boise City Hall.
Proposals Will Consist Of:
Scope of Work: Fleet Services and Boise Parks & Recreation Department in conjunction with Purchasing would
like to procure a used 2 ½ ton dump truck for the Parks & Recreation Department of the City of Boise through a
competitively bid, Request for Proposal. The scope of this project will enable the Parks & Recreation to purchase a
used truck. The truck must be 26,000 GVW and be non CDL to be considered.
All vehicles must have maintenance records and the vehicles will be thoroughly inspected by the Fleet Services city
shop prior to the close of sale.
The Proposer must have a minimum of $1,000,000.00 in annual sales, be in good standing with the Better Business
Bureau, been in business for minimum of 3 years (with same business name) and provide warranties.
Bids will be prepared per the specifications detailed within the Request for Bid document. Bid packets are available
online through DemandStar, or at the Purchasing office located at 150 N. Capitol Blvd., Boise, Idaho. If you are
from outside the Boise metro area, a Specification & Plan Request form is available at Bid
packets may also be requested by calling (208) 384-3775.
In determining the best qualified proposal, Parks and Recreation will consider all acceptable proposals on a basis
consistent with IRFP requirements. The City will also consider whether the Proposer is a responsible Proposer as
described in the Boise City Code Section 1-11.
The City of Boise reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any irregularities in the proposals
received and to accept the proposal(s) that are in the best interest of the City. Boise City is an Equal Opportunity
Employer. The City of Boise is exempt from Federal and State taxes and will execute the required exemption
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
1.0 Proposal Instructions and Information
• Please include your original proposal along with one copy for the evaluators. All valid confidential files are to
be provided in a separate envelope and title shall be “SRFP 11-051, Used Dump Truck, Confidential, Company
• The City of Boise, Idaho will accept sealed proposals at the Purchasing Office, 150 N. Capitol Blvd., Boise,
Idaho, 83702, until NOVEMBER 24, 2010 AT 1:30 PM, local time. Immediately thereafter, all proposals will
be opened and publicly read in the presence of the Proposers at Boise City Hall.
• E-Bids: Electronic Bids submitted through DemandStar will also be accepted for this project. Bids must be
signed and submitted in same required format. Submit one (1) electronic copy if using E-Bidding. After
uploading your proposal, Proposer’s are encouraged to verify the successful upload of the document.
• Sign your electronic bid. Bids without written signature will not be accepted.
• All E-Bids must be submitted before the scheduled bid opening. In the event of a technology failure, the City
reserves the right to accept all bids submitted and electronically time stamped prior to bid opening. The City
will require bid receipt document to be on file as proof of timely submission.
• Proposals are to be received no later than NOVEMBER 24, 2010 AT 1:30 PM local time.
• The Contract Agreement and any attachments to this proposal will form the terms and conditions of the
agreement and will be binding on the successful Proposer. The successful Proposer will be expected to execute
the Contract Agreement and fully execute the services described within this document and their Proposal unless
objections are submitted with the Proposal, no objections will be considered following the Proposal acceptance
• The Owner is the City of Boise.
• If a "Proposal Schedule" is present, the Schedule should be completely filled in by the Proposer and included in
their proposal. Where proposal formats are requested, Proposer is to comply with all specifications.
• The submission package or envelope must be SEALED and plainly marked with the following: (1) the
Solicitation number, (2) the name of the item or service being sought, and (3) the opening date and time. The
submitting Vendor’s return address must appear on the envelope or package. Do not respond to more than one
Solicitation in the same envelope. A submission made using "Express/Overnight" services must be shipped in a
separate sealed inner envelope/package identified as stated above. No responsibility will attach to the City, or to
any official or employee thereof, for the pre-opening of, post-opening of, or the failure to open a submission not
properly addressed and identified. DO NOT FAX YOUR BID OR PROPOSAL. Bids and Proposals must be
submitted in writing. No oral, telephone, facsimile, telegraphic, or late submissions will be considered. All
submissions must be received at the City Purchasing Office and time and date stamped prior to the closing date
and time. It is the submitting Vendor’s responsibility to timely submit their Bid or Proposal in a properly
marked envelope, prior to the scheduled closing, for receipt in sufficient time to allow the submission to be time
and date stamped.
• All bids must be signed. Bids not signed will be disqualified and considered non-responsive.
• Additional sheets may be included if more room is needed for technical information, answers, and explanations.
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
1.1 Intent of Proposal
It is the intent of this proposal to describe the services being sought in sufficient detail to secure qualified proposals.
Proposals will be evaluated using a weighted scoring method. Proposals not conforming to the requested format or
not in compliance with the specifications will not receive full scoring.
1.2 Proposer’s Costs
The Proposer will be responsible for all costs (including site visits where needed) incurred in preparing or
responding to this IRFP. All materials and documents submitted in response to the IRFP become the property of
the City and will not be returned.
1.3 Evaluation of Proposer
Before a contract will be awarded, the City may conduct reference investigations as is necessary to evaluate and
determine the performance record and ability of the top ranked Proposer(s) to perform the size and type of work to
be contracted, and to determine the quality of the service being offered. By submitting a proposal, you authorize the
City to conduct reference investigations as needed. Proposals will be evaluated by a selection committee comprised
of City of Boise employees, and may include citizens of the City.
1.4 Insurance
The Contractor will provide the insurance coverage designated hereinafter and pay all costs associated with the
insurance coverage. Any submitted insurance policy, or certificate of insurance will name the City as a named
insured (Attn: Boise Parks & Recreation), where appropriate, and such insurance policy or certificate of insurance
will be kept and maintained in full force and effect at all times during the term or life of this contract. The insurance
policy or certificate of insurance must be filed with Boise Parks & Recreation prior to commencing work under this
contract and no insurer will cancel the policy or policies or certificate of insurance without first giving thirty (30)
days written notice thereof to the Contractor and the City, but the contractor may, at any time, substitute a policy or
policies or certificate of insurance of a qualified insurance company or companies of equal coverage for the policy
or policies or certificate then on file with Boise Parks & Recreation.
In case of the breach of any provision of this article, the City, at its option, may take out and maintain at the expense
of the Contractor, such insurance as the City may deem proper and may deduct the cost of such insurance from any
monies which may be due or become due the Contractor under this contract.
Contractor's and Subcontractor's Insurance. The Contractor will not commence providing service under the
contract until he has obtained all the insurance required hereunder and such insurance has been reviewed by the
City. Review of the insurance by the City will not relieve or decrease the liability of the Contractor hereunder.
Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance. The Contractor will maintain during the life of this
contract, the statutory workers' compensation, in addition, employer's liability insurance in an amount not less than
$500,000 for each occurrence, for all of his employees to be engaged in work on the project under the contract, and,
in case any such work is sublet, the Contractor will require the Subcontractor similarly to provide workers'
compensation and employer's liability insurance for all of the latter's employees to be engaged in such work.
The minimum limits of insurance described above will not be deemed a limitation of the Contractor's covenant to
1.5 Reserved Rights
The City of Boise reserves the right to accept or reject proposals. The City may select a firm on the basis of the
written proposal or may request oral presentations from the most highly rated firms under the evaluation criteria
outlined above. The firm selected through this process as the best qualified will then be requested to negotiate a
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
1.6 Public Records/Confidential Information
Public Records
The Idaho Public Records Law, Idaho Code Sections 9-337 through 9-348, allows the open inspection and copying
of public records. Public records include any writing containing information relating to the conduct or
administration of the public's business prepared, owned, used, or retained by a State or local agency regardless of the
physical form or character. The City is a public agency. All documents in its possession are public records. Bids
are public records and, except as noted below, will be available for inspection and copying by any person. If any
Bidder claims any material to be exempt from disclosure under the Idaho Public Records Law, the Bidder will
expressly agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City from any claim or suit arising from the City's
refusal to disclose any such material. No such claim of exemption will be valid or effective without such express
Confidential Information
The City will take reasonable efforts to protect any information marked "confidential" by the Bidder, to the extent
permitted by the Idaho Public Records Law. Confidential information must be submitted in a separate envelope,
sealed and marked "Confidential Information" and will be returned to the Bidder upon request after the award of the
contract. Include the specific basis for your position that it be treated as exempt from disclosure. Marking your
entire Bid or Proposal as exempt is not acceptable or in accordance with the Solicitation documents or the Public
Records Law and will not be honored. It is understood, however, that the City will have no liability for disclosure of
such information. Any questions regarding the applicability of the Public Records Law should be addressed to your
own legal counsel PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. Any proprietary or otherwise sensitive information contained in or
with any Bid is subject to potential disclosure.
1.7 Taxes
The City of Boise is exempt from Federal and State taxes and will execute the required exemption certificates for
items purchased and used by the City. Items purchased by the City and used by a contractor are subject to Use Tax.
All other taxes are the responsibility of the Contractor and are to be included in the Contractor’s Proposal pricing.
1.8 Request for Clarification, Protest of Proposal Requirements, Standards, Specs, or Process
Any Proposer who wishes to request clarifications, or protest the requirements, standards, specifications or processes
outlined in this Request for Proposal may submit a written notification to the Department of Finance &
Administration, to be received no later than noon, four (4) working days prior to the proposal opening date. The
notification will state the exact nature of the clarification, protest, describing the location of the protested portion or
clause in the Proposal document and explaining why the provision should be struck, added, or altered, and contain
suggested corrections. The Finance & Administration Department may deny the protest, require that the Proposal
document be modified, modify the proposal, and/or reject all or part of the protest. Changes to these specifications
will be made by written addendum. Verbal responses will not be binding on the City or the Proposer.
Written requests are to be directed to:
City of Boise
Colin Millar
Fax 208-384-3995
1.9 Addenda to the IRFP
If this specification is modified by the Boise Parks and Recreation Office, the modifications will be sent to each
plan-holder in writing by either fax or email. Verbal modifications are not binding on the City or the Bidder. No
oral changes will be considered or acknowledged. Proposers are requested to acknowledge each addendum received
in their Proposal.
1.10 Modification and Withdrawal of Proposal
A proposal may be modified or withdrawn by the Proposer prior to the set date and time for the opening of
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
1.11 Proposal Questions
Questions and responses of any one Proposer, which the City of Boise deems may affect or cause an ambiguity in
proposal responses, will be supplied to all prospective Proposers by addendum.
The City of Boise may, by written notice to all respondents, cancel, postpone or amend the Request for Proposal
(IRFP) prior to the due date. If, in the opinion of the City of Boise, the revisions or amendments will require
additional time for a response, the due date will be extended to all participants. If revisions and amendments are not
furnished to respondents prior to the due date, proposals shall be considered withdrawn and the process shall be reinitiated without further discussion.
1.12 Award Criteria
Criteria necessary to evaluate the proposals in relation to the service being sought are included in the IRFP
documents and will be established and weighted. At a minimum, criteria will include annual pricing, experience,
references, and compliance to the specifications and requirements for the service.
Service Location
Corporate Overview
Model Year
Cost (Per Point)
Total Points
50 Points
50 Points
200 Points
200 Points
500 Points
200 Points
500 Points
1700 Points
1.13 Highest Ranked Proposer
All contracts or award of proposals shall be awarded to the highest ranked Proposer, with all evaluation criteria
considered, provided that, the City Council may award contracts to the Proposer it determines appropriate.
1.14 Proposal and Price Guarantee
It is desired that the submitted proposal remain in effect for a minimum of 120 days, along with all proposal pricing.
If this is not accepted, Proposer is to so indicate.
1.15 Payments and Billings
The awarded Proposer will submit all invoices to:
City of Boise
Fleet Service
4833 Dorman St
Boise, ID 83705
Payments through City Hall are processed weekly. The awarded Proposer can expect the City to issue and mail
payment within 45 days after receipt of invoice and upon passing vehicle inspection.
1.16 Stop Work Order
Any “Stop Work Order” given to Awarded Proposer will cause all physical work to stop and a complete cessation of
all expenditures, ordering of materials, etc., on the part of the Awarded Proposer and/or his assigns.
1.17 Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (D.B.E.)
D.B.E. firms and business enterprises are encouraged to submit a proposal. Women owned and minority owned
firms are encouraged to submit a proposal. The City actively encourages any proposals by D.B.E. firms for goods
and services for the City.
1.18The City of Boise reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any irregularities in the
proposals received, to award on an "each item" basis (however, the Proposer may indicate "all or none"), and to
accept the proposal deemed most advantageous to the best interest of the City of Boise.
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
2.0 Terms and Conditions
2.1 Assignment or Subcontracting
The Consultant may not assign or transfer this agreement or any interest therein or claim there under, or subcontract
any portion of the work there under, without the prior written approval of the City of Boise. If the City of Boise
consents to such assignment or transfer, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be binding upon any
assignee or transferee.
2.2 Contract
The selected firms(s) will be expected to execute a contract (Attachment A) with the City of Boise. Specific
exception must proposed prior to bid opening.
2.3 Ownership and Access to Records
While ownership of confidential or personal information about individuals shall be subject to negotiated agreement
between the City of Boise and the Consultant, records will normally become the property of the City of Boise and
subject to state law and City of Boise policies governing privacy and access to files.
2.4 Examination of Records
The City of Boise shall have access to and the right to examine any pertinent books, documents, papers, and records
of the Consultant involving transactions and work related to this Agreement until the expiration of five years after
final payment hereunder. The Consultant shall retain project records for a period of five years from the date of final
2.5 Conflict of Interest
2.5.1. The Consultant shall not hire any officer or employee of the City of Boise to perform any service covered
by this Agreement.
2.5.2. The Consultant affirms that to the best of his/her knowledge there exists no actual or potential conflict
between the Consultant's family, business, or financial interests and the services provided under this Agreement,
and in the event of change in either private interests or service under this Agreement, any question regarding
possible conflict of interest which may rise as a result of such change will be raised with the City of Boise.
2.5.3. The Consultant shall not be in a reporting relationship to a City of Boise employee who is a near relative,
nor shall the near relative be in a decision-making position with respect to the Consultant.
2.6 Copyright
The City of Boise shall own, solely and exclusively, the copyright and all copyright rights to any written or
otherwise copyrightable material delivered under this Agreement. The Consultant warrants that all creators of
copyrightable material delivered under this Agreement to the City of Boise are, at the time of the material's creation,
bona fide employees or subcontractors of the Consultant, and that such creation is within the course and scope of the
creator's employment.
2.7 Confidentiality
The Consultant shall use his or her best efforts to keep confidential any information provided by the City of Boise
and marked "Confidential Information," or any oral information conveyed to the Consultant by the City of Boise and
followed by a written communication within thirty (30) days that said information shall be considered Confidential
Information. This non-disclosure provision shall not apply to any of the following:
2.7.1. Information that the Consultant can demonstrate by written records was known to him or her prior to the
effective date of this Agreement;
2.7.2. Is currently in, or in the future enters, the public domain other than through a breach of this Agreement or
through other acts or omissions of Consultant; or
2.7.3 Is obtained lawfully from a third party.
2.8 Non-Waiver
Waiver or non-enforcement by either party of a term or condition shall not constitute a waiver or non-enforcement
of any other term or condition or of any subsequent breach of the same or similar term or condition.
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
2.9 No Third-Party Rights
Nothing in this Agreement is intended to make any person or entity that is not signatory to the agreement a thirdparty beneficiary of any right created by this Agreement or by operation of law.
2.10 Standard for Performance
The parties acknowledge that the City of Boise, in selecting the Consultant to perform the services hereunder, is
relying upon the Consultant's reputation for excellence in the performance of the services required hereunder. The
Consultant shall perform the services in the manner of one who is a recognized specialist in the types of services to
be performed. All deadlines set forth in the Agreement are binding and may be modified only by subsequent written
agreement of the parties. The Consultant shall devote such time to performance of its, her, or his duties under this
Agreement as is reasonably necessary for the satisfactory performance of such duties within the deadlines set forth
herein. Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed to alter the requirement that time is of the essence in this
2.11 Attorney's Fees
In the event of any action brought by either party against the other to enforce any of the obligations hereunder or
arising out of any dispute concerning the terms and conditions hereby created, the losing party shall pay the
prevailing party such reasonable amounts of fees, costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, as may be set by the
2.12 Applicable Law
The laws of the State of Idaho shall govern this agreement.
2.13 Rejection of Proposals
The City of Boise may, at its sole option, reject any and all proposals, for any reason, and reserves the right to resolicit proposals in the event no response to the IRFP is acceptable to the City of Boise. City of Boise is in no way
obligated to any respondent for the work as set forth in the specifications.
2.13.1 The City of Boise reserves the right to accept or reject proposals on each item separately or the IRFP as a
whole, without further discussion.
2.13.2 Proposals, which are incomplete, will be considered non-responsive to this solicitation and may be rejected
without further consideration.
2.13.3 If, in the opinion of the City of Boise, the solicitation does not result in reasonable prices to the City of
Boise, considering price and cost factors associated with the acquisition described herein, then all proposals shall
be rejected. All participating respondents shall be notified of the rejection, the reasons for the rejection, and
advised of the disposition of the requirement.
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
The intent of this Invitation for Bid is to establish Price Agreement contracts with responsible suppliers to furnish,
USED 26,000 GVW DUMP TRUCK in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications contained herein.
A. General Requirements
The following specifications are intended to describe the minimum acceptable requirements. No salvage or
reconditioned vehicles will be considered. Vehicles must meet the following minimum requirements: The City may
at time to time waive the year and mileage requirement on a case by case basis. All proposals must meet vehicle
requirements outlined in this bid specification.
Two (2) sets of keys must be furnished with each vehicle.
Vehicle chassis must carry, at a minimum, 90 day / 5,000 mile power train warranty.
Successful Contractor must supply the following:
Ownership documents, free and clear.
Title Guarantee
Transfer of Ownership.
Dealer Report of Sale.
Odometer Statement.
Bill of Sale.
All documents required by Ada County, Department of Motor Vehicles for
Vehicle furnished shall be in compliance with Ada County Vehicle Code. Title and registration will
be performed by the City.
In the event a vehicle exceeds City specifications, i.e., equipped with additional accessories, and if
the City elects to purchase this vehicle, the cost of such must be determined and based upon the
option prices listed in the National Auto Research Black Book. No Markup on option values will
be accepted.
It is the intention of the City to procure a used dump truck.
If the vehicle is delivered with minor defects that may render it unacceptable, the City and
Contractor may negotiate cost of repairs to correct said defects and the City will invoice Contractor
for negotiated amount
The unit cannot have ever been involved in any accident that produced major damage.
The bidder shall provide pictures with the bid package of the inside and outside of the vehicle.
City of Boise reserves the right to inspect vehicles prior to purchase and/or review service
maintenance records.
B. General Vehicle Specifications
The vehicles to be provided under these specifications will be a dump truck non cdl type All vehicles under this
category must be equipped with the following, at a minimum:
Diesel, 215 Horsepower, 520 lb/ft torque. Turbocharged
Engine block heater 1000 Watt.
Fuel water separator.
Long life anti-freeze. -30F
Meets emission compliance with federal regulations.
Single element air cleaner with air restriction gauge.
Radiator hoses, premium rubber.
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
Allison 5-speed w/overdrive.
Transmission filter mounted on transmission.
Transmission cooler.
Transmission temperature gauge in cab of truck.
3. GVW:
26,000 GVW
Front 8,500 lb. Single Rear 17,500 lb.
Oil hubs on front axle.
Shock absorbers on front and rear axle.
Rear axle ratio 4:88 or lower.
Air actuated drum brakes and air actuated parking brake or hydraulic disc brakes with 4-wheel anti-lock
Front and rear wheels to be 22.5 x 7.5 10 hole steel, or wheels and tires considered standard for the industry.
Premium quality tires. Front highway tread and rear traction type.
215” CA 138” to 142”
12 volt 130 Amp minimum.
10. FRAME:
High strength steel, double frame or with a minimum of 50,000 PSI Yield.
Lights shall conform to all federal and state of Idaho regulations.
West coast breakaway style.
13. PAINT:
Unit shall be painted white.
Fuel tank shall have a minimum of 45 gal. capacity and be mounted on the driver’s side with a step to access
the cab.
Unit shall be equipped with an integral air conditioner.
Oil Pressure, Water Temperature, Fuel, Transmission Temperature,
Voltmeter, Speedometer, Miles, Trip Miles, Engine Hours.
Dome light, Cup holders, Sun visors (2) Rubber floor mats, AM-FM Stereo, Cloth bench seat, Cloth headliner,
Driver and passenger 3 point lap and shoulder belts.
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
Full width, either painted white or chrome.
Two front mounted inside frame rail.
20. HORNS:
Dual electric.
Single horizontal frame mounted, right side with horizontal tail pipe.
16 foot length Solid headboard, side boards, and swing tailgates. (grain bed style) with retractable load tarp.
23. HOIST:
Minimum 18 ton @45 degrees.
C. Supporting Documentation
1. Chassis owner information packet.
2. Extra set of keys.
3. 90 day powertrain warranty.
D. Delivery
Product quoted must be deliverable to Boise Idaho within 6 weeks of order to be considered. Actual delivery will be
determined at the time of award. All prices shall include delivery costs.
Proposal Schedule
SRFP 11-051
Used 26,000 GVW Non CDL Dump Truck
Return in Sealed Envelope with Proposal
Unit MUST be available within 45 days to be considered.
Name of Business:
Please print or type
Zip Code:
Phone No.:
Fax No.:
Federal Tax ID:
Printed Name:
Proposer Acknowledge Receipt of the Following Addenda:
Addendum #
The above signed proposes to provide services in accordance with the specifications for SRFP 11-051, Parks &
Recreation, Boise Idaho and to bind themselves, on the acceptance of this proposal, to enter into and execute a
contract, of which this proposal, terms and conditions, and specifications will be part.
The above signed acknowledges the rights reserved by the City to accept or reject any or all proposals as may appear
to be in the best interest of the City. The undersigned further agrees, if awarded a contract, to execute and deliver
the same to the City within five (5) working days after receipt of an executed contract and to submit there with all
required insurance certificates.
Proposal Schedule
SRFP 11-051
Used 26,000 GVW Non CDL Dump Truck
Return in Sealed Envelope with Proposal
Years in Business?
Annual Sales Volume (3 year average)?
Is your company in good Standing with Better Business
Is your company in good Standing with Attorney
General’s Office?
Proposal Schedule
SRFP 11-051
Used 26,000 GVW Non CDL Dump Truck
Return in Sealed Envelope with Proposal
Chassis Manufacturer
Engine Manufacturer
Fuel Type
Exterior Color
Interior Color
Complies with all required specifications?
Total Delivered Cost
Delivery Lead Time (must be able to deliver to
Boise within 6 weeks to be considered)
Proposal Schedule
SRFP 11-051
Used 26,000 GVW Non CDL Dump Truck
Return in Sealed Envelope with Proposal
Does your company charge docking fees?
If yes, please explain
Does your company charge handling fees?
If yes, please explain
Does your company charge document fees?
If yes, please explain
Does your company charge any fees not listed?
If yes, please explain
Does Quoted Delivered Cost include all fees listed?
Describe any defects in the quoted vehicle:
Proposal Schedule
SRFP 11-051
Used 26,000 GVW Non CDL Dump Truck
Return in Sealed Envelope with Proposal
Proposers must provide at least three (3) current professional references from different firms/organizations for which
this type of service has been provided. References must be able to verify Service Provider’s experience to comply
with the requirements of this proposal. Failure to provide references with similar scope, successfully performed
projects may be grounds for disqualification.
(Zip Code)
(Zip Code)
(Zip Code)
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
Vendor: (Insert Vendor’s Name)
Owner: Department of Finance & Administration, City of Boise, Ada County, Idaho, a municipal
THIS AGREEMENT, made this _______ day of __________, 2____, by and between the City of
Boise, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Idaho, hereinafter referred to as
"Owner", and Vendor, hereinafter referred to “Vendor”, a corporation organized under the laws of the State
of Idaho.
1. Statement of Work: The Vendor shall furnish labor, material and equipment for, and perform the work
described herein for the consideration stipulated, and in compliance with State and City Codes. Contract
documents consist of the following together with any amendments that may be agreed to in writing by both
Bid Proposal
Contract Agreement
Worker’s Compensation
Liability Insurance
Services to be Provided: Bus, used
2. Amount of Contract: In an amount Not To Exceed: $(Insert Dollar Amount).
3. Term of Contract: The work to be performed under this contract shall commence upon
(Insert Award Date) after receipt of Notice to Proceed and shall terminate one year after award date, a
period of twelve months, unless sooner terminated as herein provided.
4. Indemnification and Insurance: Vendor shall indemnify and save and hold harmless Owner from and
for any and all losses, claims, actions, judgments for damages, or injury to persons or property and losses
and expenses caused or incurred by Vendor, its servants, agents employees, guests, and business invitees,
and not caused by or arising out of the tortious conduct of Owner or its employees. In addition, Vendor
shall maintain, and specifically agrees that it will maintain, throughout the term of this Agreement, liability
insurance, in which the Owner shall be named an additional insured in the minimum amount as specified in
the Idaho Tort Claims Act set forth in Title 6, Chapter 9 of the Idaho Code. The limits of insurance shall
not be deemed a limitation of the covenants to indemnify and save and hold harmless Owner; and if Owner
becomes liable for an amount in excess of the insurance limits, herein provided, Vendor covenants and
agrees to indemnify and save and hold harmless Owner from and for all such losses, claims, actions, or
judgments for damages or liability to persons or property. Vendor shall provide Owner with a Certificate
of Insurance, or other proof of insurance evidencing Vendor's compliance with the requirements of this
paragraph and file such proof of insurance with the Owner. In the event the insurance minimums are
changed, Vendor shall immediately submit proof of compliance with the changed limits.
Additionally, the Vendor shall have and maintain during the life of this contract, statutory Workers
Compensation, regardless of the number of employees, or lack thereof, to be engaged in work on the
project under this agreement (including himself) in the statutory limits as required by law . In case any
such work is sublet, the Vendor shall require that subcontractor provide Workers Compensation Insurance
for himself and any/all the latter's employees. Proof of insurance must be provided to Owner prior to the
start of work.
Proof of all insurance shall be submitted to City of Boise, Parks & Recreation, P.O. Box 500, Boise, ID.
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
5. Independent Vendor: In all matters pertaining to this agreement, Vendor shall be acting as an
independent contractor, and neither Vendor, nor any officer, employee or agent of Vendor will be deemed
an employee of City. The selection and designation of the personnel of the Owner in the performance of
this agreement shall be made by the Owner.
6. Compensation: For performing the services specified in Section 1 herein, Owner agrees to reimburse
Vendor according to the billing schedule contained within “Exhibit A”. Payment will not include any subcontract or other personal services pay except as may be agreed to in writing in advance by the parties.
Change Orders may be issued, subject to Purchasing/Council approval..
7. Method of Payment: Vendor will invoice the (Insert Department name and address) directly for all
current amounts earned under this Agreement according to the Billing Schedule in Exhibit A. Owner will
pay all invoices within forty five (45) days after receipt.
8. Notices: Any and all notices required to be given by either of the parties hereto, unless otherwise stated
in this agreement, shall be in writing and be deemed communicated when mailed in the United States mail,
certified, return receipt requested, addressed as follows:
City of Boise
(Insert Department Name)
P.O. Box 500
Boise, Idaho 83701
(Insert Vendor’s Name)
(Insert Vendor’s Address)
(City), (State) (Zip Code)
Either party may change their address for the purpose of this paragraph by giving written notice of such
change to the other in the manner herein provided.
9. Attorney Fees: Should any litigation be commenced between the parties hereto concerning this
Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled, in addition to any other relief as may be granted, to court
costs and reasonable attorneys fees as determined by a Court of competent jurisdiction. This provision
shall be deemed to be a separate contract between the parties and shall survive any default, termination, or
forfeiture of this Agreement.
10. Time is of the Essence: The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that time is strictly of the essence
with respect to each and every term, condition and provision hereof, and that the failure to timely perform
any of the obligations hereunder shall constitute a breach of, and a default under, this Agreement by the
party so failing to perform.
11. Force Majeure: Any delays in or failure of performance by Vendor shall not constitute a breach or
default hereunder if and to the extent such delays or failures of performance are caused by occurrences
beyond the reasonable control of Vendor, including but not limited to, acts of God or the public enemy;
compliance with any order or request of any governmental authority; fires, floods, explosion, accidents;
riots, strikes or other concerted acts of workmen, whether direct or indirect; or any causes, whether or not
of the same class or kind as those specifically named above, which are not within the reasonable control of
Vendor. In the event that any event of force majeure as herein defined occurs, Vendor shall be entitled to a
reasonable extension of time for performance of its Services under this Agreement.
12. Assignment: It is expressly agreed and understood by the parties hereto, that Vendor shall not have the
right to assign, transfer, hypothecate or sell any of its rights under this Agreement except upon the prior
express written consent of Owner.
13. Discrimination Prohibited: In performing the Services required herein, vendor shall not discriminate
against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or ancestry, age or physical
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
14. Reports and Information: At such times and in such forms as the Owner may require, there shall be
furnished to the Owner such statements, records, reports, data and information as the Owner may request
pertaining to matters covered by this Agreement.
15. Audits and Inspections: At any time during normal business hours and as often as the Owner may
deem necessary, there shall be made available to the Owner for examination all of Vendor's records with
respect to all matters covered by this Agreement. Vendor shall permit the Owner to audit, examine, and
make excerpts or transcripts from such records, and to make audits of all contracts, invoices, materials,
payrolls, records of personnel, conditions of employment and other data relating to all matters covered by
this Agreement.
16. Compliance with Laws: In performing the scope of services required hereunder, Vendor shall comply
with all applicable laws, ordinances, and codes of Federal, State, and local governments.
17. Changes: The Owner may, from time to time, request changes in the Scope of Work to be performed
hereunder. Such changes, including any increase or decrease in Vendor’s compensation, which are
mutually agreed upon by and between the Owner and the vendor, shall be incorporated in written
amendments to this Agreement.
18. Termination for Cause: If, through any cause, the vendor shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper
manner its obligations under this Agreement, or if the vendor shall violate any of the covenants,
agreements, or stipulations of this Agreement, the Owner shall thereupon have the right to terminate this
Agreement by giving written notice to the vendor of such termination and specifying the effective date
thereof at least fifteen (15) days before the effective date of such termination. If this agreement is
terminated for cause the vendor shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any work
satisfactorily completed hereunder.
Notwithstanding the above, the vendor shall not be relieved of liability to the Owner for damages sustained
by the Owner by virtue of any breach of this Agreement by the vendor, and the Owner may withhold any
payments to the vendor for the purposes of set-off until such time as the exact amount of damages due the
Owner from the vendor is determined. This provision shall survive the termination of this agreement and
shall not relieve the vendor of its liability to the Owner for damages, provided that the amount of such
damages shall not exceed the total compensation provided for in section two of this agreement.
19. Termination for Convenience of City: The Owner may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving
at least fifteen (15) days notice in writing to the Vendor. If the Agreement is terminated by the Owner as
provided herein, Vendor will be paid an amount which bears the same ratio to the total compensation as the
services actually performed bear to the total services of Vendor covered by this Agreement, less payments
of compensation previously made. If this Agreement is terminated due to the fault of Vendor, Section 18
hereof relative to termination shall apply.
20. Vendor to Pay or Secure Taxes: The Vendor in consideration of securing the business agrees: 1) To
pay promptly when all taxes due (other than on real property), excises and license fees due the state, its
subdivisions, and municipal and quasi-municipal corporations therein, accrued or accruing in accordance
with conditions of this Agreement, whether or not the same shall be payable at the end of such term; 2)
That if said taxes, excises and license fees are not payable at the end of said term, but liability for the
payment thereof exists, even though the same constitute liens upon the Vendor's property, to secure the
same to the satisfaction of the respective officers charged with the collection thereof; and that; 3) That, in
the event of default in the payment or securing of such taxes, excises, and license fees, that Boise City may
withhold from any payment due the vendor hereunder the estimated amount of such accrued taxes, excises
and license fees for the benefit of all taxing units to which said Vendor is liable.
21. Severability: If any part of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such holding will not
affect the validity or enforceability of any other part of this Agreement so long as the remainder of the
Agreement is reasonably capable of completion.
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
21. Non-Appropriation: Should funding become not available, due to lack of appropriation, the Owner
may terminate this agreement upon 30 (thirty) days notice.
22. Renewal: N/A
23. Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and supersedes any
and all other agreements or understandings, oral or written, whether previous to the execution hereof or
contemporaneous herewith.
24. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with
the laws of the State of Idaho, and the ordinances of the City of Boise.
25. Approval Required. This Agreement shall not become effective or binding until approved by the City
of Boise.
26. Acceptance and Final Payment: Upon receipt of notice that the work is ready for final acceptance and
inspection, the Owner’s representative will make such inspection and when he finds the work acceptable
and the contract fully performed he will have the Vendor issue a final payment request.
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the contractor/vendor have executed this Agreement as of the date
first above written.
(Insert Company Name)
(Insert Company Address)
(City), (State) (Zip Code)
David H. Bieter, Mayor
Print Name
City Clerk
$ (Insert Dollar Amount)
Purchasing Agent
Legal Department
Risk Management
SRFP 11-051
Used Dump Truck
State of ________)
) ss
County of _______)
On this______day of _____________20____, before me personally appeared
known to me and known by me to be the person who executed the above instrument,
who, being by me first duly sworn, did depose and say that he/she is
and that he executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of said firm for the use and
purposes stated therein.
Notary Public ______________________________
Residing at __________________
My Commission Expires ______________