Volume 3, Number 8 -- May 2010
Volume 3, Number 8 -- May 2010
V O L U M E 3 , I S S U E 8 rockyboy.k12.mt.us | Graduation 2010 Inside this Issue Scholarship Recipients The class of 2010 of the Rocky Boy Schools would like to honor four students for their outstanding academic performance this year. John Sunchild is this year’s valedictorian and has received three scholarships: The Governor’s Best & Brightest for $2,000 and the RJS & Associates as valedictorian for $1,000. Anthony Arocha as the salutatorian received the RJS and Associates scholarship for $500 and has received the Hill County Electric/Triangle Communication in the amount of $ 500 along with the Rocky Boy Education Association’s Scholarship in the amount of $500. Also receiving the $500 Rocky Boy Education Association’s Scholarship is Jordan Big Knife. The final recipient for the Rocky Boy Education Association’s Scholarship for 2010 is Shanise Gamble. Shanise is being awarded the top scholarship in the amount of $1,000. Congratulations to all of you! The enrollment of the school has outgrown the buildings we occupy, so what can be done? The school needs to raise $4,105,000 with the elementary covering 40% and the high school covering 60% of this cost. Right now, though the money is not available. The school is proposing the first ever Impact Aid Revenue Bond sale or election. Every registered voter will be mailed a ballot and have the opportunity to express themselves in this election. There is no personal affect or tax increase to any taxpayer or resident in the District, instead this money will be repaid over the next 14 years from the annual Impact Aid Revenues we receive from the federal government. If this bond election passes, the money will fund the building of three new classrooms, a locker room, and bleacher expansion in the high school along with renovating existing locker rooms and creating a new training room. It will also fund an expanded entryway, allow for better handicap access, and create a storage area. A new, larger concessions area will also be built. Right now Rocky Boy has one of the smallest concession stands in Class B, but does more business on any given game night than even some Class A schools. We’ve just outgrown our space. If you plan on attending the Montana State Track Meet, you should be seeing Mia Lame Bull and Jonathan Nepoose there running for the Stars.. Mia has to go up against former classmate Jasmine Dumas in the 800 meter run and sees her as the biggest threat. Mia’s best time this season is 2:45. She knows she’s got to improve on that time to keep up with Jasmine. Jonathan Nepoose feels good about the races he has left to run but states that he has some good competition with everyone coming in with the same times. Jonathan says his best time in the 200 is 24:09 while in the 100 meter dash his best finish is 11:91. He’s going to have improve on those times to stay in the top finishers. Good luck to you both. We would love to see you make to state! From May 11-14 Bridgett Rose Raining Bird was in Bozeman with her coach and teacher Mrs. Kristie Rutledge where Bridgett represented Rocky Boy in the Montana State Special Olympics. Bridgett had won three medals in the Regional Special Olympics in April and was ready to earn some more bling last week. Bridgett could only participate in three events, so chose her favorite. She competed in the softball throw first taking home a gold there beating second place by less than half an inch. Her second event was bowling. Bridgett again did very well taking home a silver. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to compete in her third event, the 100 meter dash, because she became ill toward the end of the week. Because of her outstanding performance, Bridgett now qualifies for the National Games which will be held in Nebraska from July 18-23, 2010. Anthony Arocha spent a short time in the NFL. Actually, he was the first player drafted from MSU-Northern. He played for the Indianapolis Colts Son of Paula Gopher and William Arocha for one short week before he fractured his tailbone and had to retire from football. His wife of nine years wasn’t too upset about the retirement though. Toni (Piapot) was happy to have him home helping her with the fourteen kids he has. (Only nine are hers). Anthony learned the plumping trade while at Northern and is one of Rocky Boy’s best plumbers now. He has a difficult time earning enough money for all those kids though, so takes on some other jobs as well. No one truly knows what that other job is, though it’s been rumored he’s in the mob or maybe even undercover for DEA. Anyhow, whatever brings in that extra money keeps the border patrol busy always trying to chase Anthony down. Anthony Austin Arocha I, Anthony Arocha, being of sexy mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following: To Angel I leave my locker #69 so she can clean it. To Joe I leave my ability to annoy everybody because he’s ugly, black, and Crow (JOKES!) To Dillon I leave my sense of humor because I expect you to break chin straps next year. Jordan Marie Big Knife Daughter of Charlene Big Knife Jordan Big Knife is also in the WNBA. She was the first Native American drafted by the WNBA. She was able to complete her college degree in business management in only three years and then moved directly to the WNBA. She now plays for the Silver Stars. Jordan said once, “I started as a Star, I want to finish as a Star.” All this seems pretty normal, for Jordan, that is. But what’s really amazing is who Jordan married. She married Hugh Hefner! Can you believe that guy is still out there marrying pretty, young bunnies! Jordan and Hugh live at the Play Boy mansion in Holmby Hills, California. Hugh is a great husband and supports Jordan in her career. He goes to all her games and then has his private jet take back to California where she oversees the construction of the buildings going up on Sunset Boulevard. It’s amazing she has time for all of this and to take care of her son and daughter. I, Jordan Big Knife, being of healthy mind and curvy body, do hereby bequeath the following: To Star and Autumn I leave my locker #62 so they an have a different locker to decorate. To Leigha Onco I leave my ability to annoy Ty or Mrs. E. because you’re already pretty good at it. J To Stak I leave my ability to be on time for 2nd hour class cuz I can never make 1st hour. To Darlene I leave my sense of humor because she needs to smile more! Heather Kathleen Bradford Heather Bradford didn’t waste any time getting married after graduation. Daughter of Annette Stump and Robert She has been with her husband all of these years. They live in Great Falls where they both were hired at Chinook Windows. Heather does the bookBradford II keeping and her husband is a window installer. They’re doing really well, have three kids now (their little girl looks just like Heather). Heather did go to college for a while in Great Falls. She has her associate’s degree in business and loves keeping the books for the windows store. They return to Rocky Boy for a week every summer and on holidays since they live so close. And, if you’re wondering, yes that is Heather in the Chinook Windows TV commercials. She really didn’t want to be in front of the camera, but the store owner told her that if she did a good job in the commercial, they’d consider hiring her. That was six years ago, and she did great, so she was hired a week later. I, Heather Bradford, being of calm mind and quiet body, do hereby bequeath the following: To Chantz Bradford I leave my locker #80 so she can use it when she’s in high school. To Chantz Bradford I also leave my ability to annoy Carletta and Juanita because it’s fun. To Taylor Small I leave my ability to be on time for EVERY class! To Chantz Bradford I leave my sense of humor just because. To everyone I leave everything else because I don’t need them any more. Can you believe it’s been ten years since anyone has seen Lance Courchane? It really is amazing since he’s the manager of the Pastime Corner. He does live here on the Rocky Boy Reservation but keeps to himself. He runs the business all from the Internet and his surveillance cameras. There are twenty-two on the premises. No wonder his mom is always comLance Jordan Courchane plaining about the electric bill each month. Between Lance running the PasSon of Lonna Johnson and Sam time from home and his online business, he’s got three computers running 24-7. Courchane In case you missed it, Lance was interviewed (via Skype) on Fortune 500’s talkshow about how to successfully run a business without ever having to go through the door to it. Lance’s mom says he hasn’t left the house in more than four years now! I, Lance Courchane, being of sanguine mind and consecrated body hereby bequeath the following: My locker to Zo (Alonzo) becuz he’s homeless. My jersey # to Mona Sunchild because it’s still new. We all knew that Audrey was quiet in school. She almost never spoke in the classroom, but that’s all changed! Daughter of Velma Clark and Floyvin Demontiney Yes, Audrey is speaking for a living now. She went to college at MSU-Bozeman and had to take a speech class. She was really good at it, so she switched her major to theater and started performing in the college plays. She started out getting just small parts, but her junior year she landed the lead in the play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and really came out of her shell. Toni Piapot was in the audience that night and recorded the performance. Of course Toni uploaded it to YouTube the next day. Ellen Degeneres showed the video on her talk show, invited Audrey out to be her guest, and then got Audrey a small part in a Hollywood movie. Audrey has been in about six movies since then. She’s just signed a deal to be in Disney’s next three movies. Way to go, Audrey. Audrey Rose Demontiney Kristine Lynn Eagleman Daughter of Lois Lynn Raining Bird and David Kristine (Duck) Eagleman has had a great life these past ten years. Melnikow Of course she started out in the Army and became a drill sergeant her second year in. After putting in her six years and earning both Granddaughter of Hazel Eagleman her teaching and administrative degrees, she replaced LaCrissa as Dean of Students here at Rocky Boy High School. It’s rumored that she’s even tougher than LaCrissa and has worked hard to re-instate corporal punishment in Montana schools. Duck loved the military and the free gym on base so took up body building. She continues that today and loves the new weight room Mona finally got the school to build here. She has been the national woman’s champion in body building for the past three years. This really intimidates the men in her life so she goes home to a house of ten dogs, nice cats, and twenty fish. If you look in the latest issue of Body Builder magazine, you’ll see a picture of Duck holding a Mini Cooper above her head. Did you see the cover of National Geographic last month? That Lindsey Paul Eagleman awesome photo from atop the highest peak in Grand Teton Park was taken by our very own Lindsey Eagleman. I wouldn’t have guessed he’d be a pho- Son of Elenor Yellow Robe and Jonathan tographer like his mom, but even so, who would have thought he’d be taking Eagleman photos of nature instead of sports? Yes, he is now a professional photographer traveling the world to photograph some of the most beautiful places on earth. As you may recall, Lindsey headed to Missoula to attend U of M and to hope to play for the Griz. He was a walk-on both his freshman and sophomore years, but then transferred to Little Big Horn College for his junior and senior years. He now lives in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, has lots of friends in that small community, but lives alone because he travels so often. Lindsey and his mom and dad are still close. Whenever possible he takes them with him on his adventures. He’s even convinced Eleanor that taking photos of nature is more rewarding than those of sports. She had to hire her nephew Lucas (Frances’ oldest boy) to help with all the camera gear when they travel. I, Lindsey Eagleman, being of healthy mind and pristine body, do hereby bequeath the following: To Weezer I leave my locker #67 so he can follow in my awesome footsteps. To Kid Awesome I leave my ability to annoy Carol because I know he can do the job. To JJ I leave my ability to be on time for Joe’s class. To Joe I leave my sense of humor because I expect you to wreck kids on the gridiron. Shanise Cree Gamble Daughter of Dawn and Juan Gamble I’m sure you’ve seen Shanise Gamble in People Magazine, and possibly in Rolling Stone. She finished college and became a massage therapist even though her degree is in sports medicine. She just couldn’t help but get a job working for Lady Gaga. Shanise is her personal assistant with job duties including daily massages, fighting through the paparazzi and making sure all the social engagements are scheduled. It’s not all work though, because Shanise married Justin Timberlake after stealing him away from Jessica Beil at one of Lady Gaga’s famous parties. The marriage lasted only long enough for the two to have a son, Justin Bieber Timberlake, and a daughter, Miley Cyrus Timberlake, before Britteny Spears stole Justin back. It was the same night that Shanise and Justin sang that duet at the 2018 NBA Championship final game. Shanise wasn’t too hurt though. Not two weeks later, she was seen out with Dwight Howard who is retiring as a player this summer and moving into a coaching position. Even with Dwight’s and Shanise’s busy schedules, they try to split most of their time between their two homes, one in California, and the other in New York City. I, Shanise Gamble, being of thoughtful mind and voluptuous body, do hereby bequeath the following: To Amanada I leave my locker #55 so she can pick out all of the gum from these past two years. To Caitlyn (my sis) I lave my ability to annoy Mrs. E. because she takes so much crap and never gets tired of it. To the upcoming freshies I leave my ability to be on time for first period class! To Mia I leave my sense of humor because she thinks everything is sexual. I leave my jersey # to whomever wants it because my sis doesn’t want it. I leave my wiseness to the next year’s basketball team because they have to stick it out and stay with what they got. Lacey Gardipee, as you know, lives just down the road. She became a bartender after high school, and at 21 got to finally go to work at Northern Daughter of Rick and Brenda Gardipee Winz. She has turned that place around and made it the most popular place for 500 miles. It’s amazing she has been able to work so hard considering all the kids she now has: two sets of twins-one of boys and one of girls. Not only does she run the casino, Lacey has opened her own brewery and produces her own beer under the label The Red Rez. She’s going to be missed though because she, along with her husband and four kids, will be soon moving to the Jersey Shore. Lacey Camille Gardipee I, Lacey Gardipee, being of secretive mind and Native body, do hereby bequeath the following: To Star I leave my locker #65 so she can have a locker of her own instead of sharing. To the juniors I leave my ability to annoy Darlene Parker because it’s funny when she gets mad. To Leigha I leave my ability to be on time for lunch. To Autumn I leave my sense of humor because you’re gunna need it. To Leigha I leave my jersey #2 because you’re the next setter after I leave. JC has been in college most of the time since he graduated. He worked for Water Resources here at Rocky Boy until Autumn graduated in 2011. After Son of Jewel Whitford and Jay Hawk that they moved to Denver where Autumn went to the state college and JC enrolled in the Christian college where he spent the next eight years working toward his doctorate in theology. He was pretty excited about the college because not only was he earning his doctorate, he was also the star player on their college basketball team for six of those years. When JC finally graduated, he was placed in a ministry in New Mexico where he won the Minister of the Year award in his first year. He, Autumn, and their three girls are all happy doing the Lord’s work and keeping the youth off the street with their exceptional church-sponsored basketball pro- JC Wayne Hawk It’s almost time for the ten year class reunion so let’s check in on Colt Garred Houle Colt Houle who likes to “club it up” with the boys, having fun and meeting Son of Marlo Stump and Richard Houle lots of girls. He likes doing the strip dances even though he isn’t officially a stripper. He says that dance is a chick magnet. When he’s not on the dance floor, Colt is working the clubs as a karaoke singer. Only Colt could earn a living doing that! His girlfriends always come in to watch him perform, so the song you’re most likely to hear him sing is “Tie Me Down.” Even though Colt has plenty of girlfriends, everyone knows his #1 squeeze is Angelina Jolie. He has to keep her happy after stealing her away from Brad. And of course he loves all those adopted kids plus those eight he brought to the family from his seven ex-girlfriends. He should be proud: the boys have the most beautiful hair of all the kids in town. I, Colt Houle, being of brutal mind and metallic body, do hereby bequeath the following: To anyone I leave my locker #78 so they can use it. To Zo I leave my ability to annoy all staff because he’s brutal also. To everyone I leave my ability to be on time for every class! To those staying behind at Rocky Boy School I leave you all Matt is still using his charm to make things happen. He went back to California and found a girlfriend right away. In order to impress her, he had to go to college. Amazingly, he decided to study law! He found out he really likes it, so kept up with the studies even though he and that girlfriend lasted only long enough for them to have a baby. Matt has gone through a few girlfriends since then, having seven more babies in the process. He finally did propose to one of his baby mammas though, Trina. They have one little girl and will be getting married in about three months. Mathew Caesar Lopez Son of Lisa Lopez Grandson of Bill and Judy Lopez So, I stopped in Gramma’s Market the other day, and who did I run in to? It was Chad Nault. He’s working behind the counter at the store. He’s still single, chasing the girls, but nothing serious yet. He doesn’t have any kids (at Son of Emory and Lenore Nault least not that he’ll admit to), and no steady girlfriend since the summer after graduation. He says the job is fine, he lives just across the street. When Chad has fun he gets together with his old buddy Christian Pease. Every fall they take a week to go hunting in the Bear Paws. Christian always tries to outhunt Chad, but every year Chad brings home the bigger elk. Chad even holds the record for the largest whitetail buck ever shot at Sandy Creek. Chad Lawrence Nault I, Chad Nault, being of sound mind and athletic body, do hereby bequeath the following: To Chontay I leave my locker #20 so he can be close to the junior class. To John Mitchell I leave my ability to be on time for morning class! To next year’s seniors I leave my ability to get work done on time so they won’t have to worry at the end of the school year about graduating. Erin George Nault Daughter of Charlotte Nault Officer Nault was in the news again. Yes, Erin became a police officer. She started out in Harlem working on the Fort Belknap Reservation, but when she turned 25, Erin transferred here getting a promotion in the process. She is now in charge of the jail. She really likes it because she is in charge of the schedule and of what the inmates eat. Erin doesn’t like to do all the baking, but she does like being in charge. You should stop by there sometime to see the paint job in the jail. Erin had a great time painting attractive stripes, motivational sayings, and just brightening up the halls and the cells. Erin has made the jail look so nice that even the inmates respect her art and won’t write on the walls. This is gaining her state-wide recognition, so much so that she has been invited to the Montana Law Enforcement Academy to give a presentation on what’s working right here at Rocky Boy. I, Erin Nault, being of stubborn mind and phat body, do hereby bequeath the following: My locker to whomever wants the ugly thing! My jersey # to whomever picks it out of the box. To the class of 2011 I leave this advice, “Have fun your senior year; make the best of what you can! This is your year, and your last so have at it! Allen Parisian has figured out a way to make a living playing video games. If you look at the newest X-Box, you’ll see his Allen Nathan Parisian signature across the X. Anyhow, he is the top Halo 7 player and Son of Allen Parisian Sr. and Ramona Stump also makes some extra cash playing MGL. He and Olivia married three years ago and have a one-year old girl. He did get a college degree but makes enough money testing video games he’s never had to use it. The Parisian family lives in New York City. He is best known as a Major League Gamer and the first get to level 50 in the Halo 5 game. I, Allen Parisian, being o psychic mind and physical body, do hereby bequeath the following: To Nick I leave my locker #66 so he can carry on my legacy. To Terry I leave my ability to annoy LaCrissa because he can do the dance better than anyone else. To Star I leave my ability to be on time for 1st period class! To Peanut I leave my man-ness because you’re the peep-si alive and my #14 is for you. Jarod Ray Parker Son of Raymond Parker and Evelyn Oats The year is 2020, and Jared Parker is playing pro basketball. He is playing for the Orlando Magic. He was drafted right out of high school and never got to go to college full time, but managed to earn his Ph.D. in sports medicine through all those online courses he took with Phoenix Online College. Four years ago he was playing for the Chicago Bulls when he won MVP. He really loves traveling with his team and has a girl in every NBA city. Not only does he have a girl in every city, he has 3-6 kids with each of those girls. I, Jarod Parker, being of strong mind and sexy body, do hereby bequeath the following: To Weezy-F-Baby I leave my locker #83 so he can cherish it with love. To JJ I leave my ability to annoy LaCrissa because she loves all of us. To Autumn I leave my ability to be on time for 1st hour class! To Ty Watson I leave my sense of humor because why be so serious? To RB High School I leave my basketball jersey #34 because it’s now retired. Christian Manuel Pease Christian has decided to make the military his career. He had Son of Henrietta Daychild and William Pease Sr. enlisted even before high school graduation and left for boot camp in August of 2010. He did very well in boot camp and was the barracks master before the fourth week. He moved up to corporal and then on to sergeant within the first year. He was planning on only staying in for those required four years, but when the Army offered to pay for his environmental engineering degree and keep him, he couldn’t pass it up. Not only did they pay for his tuition and books, they gave him a monthly salary as he was going to college full time. After graduating with his B.S., Christian traveled to devastated areas and has helped implement clean-up plans to not only help those areas affected by natural disasters, but to help the environment for the next generations. Christian hopes to retire in ten or twelve years and return to Rocky Boy to help the tribe make the most of the land here and make it a richer land for the people and the animals. I, Christian Pease, being of Einsteinium mind and Spartan-like body, do hereby bequeath the following: To John Mitchell I leave my locker #71 so won’t have to wear his back-pack everywhere he goes during his senior year. To anyone I leave my ability to annoy all teachers because it’s your last year. To everyone I leave my ability to be on time for all classes. To no one I leave my sense of humor because I’m me. Toni Nicole Piapot Daughter of Russell Piapot and Teresa LaFromboise It’s piercing news! Yep, that’s what Toni Piapot has been up to lately. After graduating in 2010 Toni moved to Missoula and attended the U of M until she earned her associate’s degree in social science. She was offered a job working with the Tribal Police, but had gotten a job at a body piercing shop in Missoula while in college and decided to just stay there for a while longer. It’s a good thing she did (at least she thinks so). She has a boy friend now who she met while piercing him. They’re pretty serious and living together, but she said they’re not ready for kids just yet. Wow, our hats off to Tashina Running Rabbit. Tashina Marie Running Rabbit After being out of high school only ten years she is a fullfledged doctor practicing at the Clinic. She and her husDaughter of Donna Mitchell and John Running Rabbit band, Sage Ferguson, live in Parker Canyon where Sage is fixing up the nursery for the twins they’re expecting later this year. During the summer right after she earned her bachelor’s degree Tashina took a break to go help save the whales with Paul Watson on The Sea Shepherd She said aside from earning her medical degree, it was the most rewarding work she’s done. Rebeka Jane Russette Daughter of Paul and Kim Russette If you attended the last Pow Wow here at Rocky Boy, I’m sure you saw Becky Russette take first place in the Jingle Dress Dance. She is world renown as one of the top three. That’s not all Becky does though. She went off to college and earned her bachelor’s of science degree in zoology and biology because of her love of animals. She currently works as a game warden here at Rocky Boy. She and husband of seven years, Justin Nepoose, have six children. They live a modest life right down the road in the Big PC (Parker Canyon). Eric Martin Schildt Son of Brenda St. Pierre and Ethan Broncho Eric Schildt graduated high school, started college with a full ride scholarship in basketball, but was drafted to the Cleveland Cavaliers and stayed with them until four years ago. Jordan Big Knife has been with Eric all these years and finally figured out a way to get him out of bed in the morning. That’s her secret, so don’t ask her! I think it’s because she made a bet with him that if he sleeps in, they get married. Some day, Jordan, some day. Anyhow, Pootie is now a top rapper in California. His manager is Garrison Henderson (Hendoz). They are currently working on a hot record deal with Dr. Dre. John Sinclair. Well, you have to know about him. We all know the band Rez Rockers. That’s John Sinclair’s band. He even wrote all the songs on their album Poetry in Motion that just won three Grammy’s and the best album of the year at the American Music Awards last winter. John didn’t go straight to the music world though. He spent some time at Stone Child College before leaving school behind and bursting in to the John Winterhawk Sinclair music world. He has been writing poetry since he was in junior high, so Son of Debra Johnson and Gilbert Sinclair putting it to music was the next step for John. Next month, he plans to travel from Canada, where he now lives, and start his first World Tour. He will starting with a concert in Great Falls and plans to let anyone with a Rocky Boy Tribal ID in free. He has also asked Colt Houle to join his band for this rockin’ tour. Does John have any kids? Well, there are lots of claims from groupies all over Canada that John is the father of their babies, but John does have three kids that he knows of. “Sure, there could be more,” he admits adding, “Oh this life is fun!” I, John Sinclair, being of metalicaholic mind and heroic body, do hereby bequeath the following: To Brandon Coffee I leave my locker #84 because his locker stinks. To Mr. DeBoard I leave my ability to annoy all staff because he likes Metallica too. To Terry Standing Rock I leave my ability to be on time to all my classes. To Zobama I leave my sense of humor because he’s kool like that. To Rocky Boy High I leave my brutalness because no on has good taste in music there. To Autumn Top Sky I leave my hockey stick because she can play like a Canadian. To Mrs. Lorett I leave my Green Day CDs because I don’t need that crap in my life. To my neice Caitlin Standing Rock I leave my Hot Pocket because I owe you one. To Mona Sunchild I leave my basketball jersey because basketball was fun when she played. Has anyone been to the hospital lately? Well, a new intern just Feather Rae Small started there. Feather Small has officially become a doctor and is now Daughter of Gerald Small and Sandra Small working at Northern Montana Medical Center. She decided to start college close to home and went to Missoula. After a couple of years, Feather moved to Minnesota so she could really concentrate on her medical degree. She lived in Rochester and went to school there. When she wasn’t in school, Feather worked at one of the many clinics to help her with all she had to learn. Anyhow, after earning her bachelor’s degree (in only 3 years), and then her medical degree, she had to spend three years in a busy hospital before being able to practice on her own. She’s done now, and knew that she wanted to come back home and work here. She wanted to live out here in Rocky Boy, but being on call makes that difficult, so she bought one of the new homes up behind Havre High. She did get married to another doctor who loves living in Havre. They don’t have any children yet, but Feather says, “Someday, when my career isn’t so demanding.” Shawna Faye Small Daughter of Faye Small and Direk Small Don’t’ let Shawna Small’s name fool you. In spite of her name, she’s made it big in the WNBA. Shawna loves playing in the WNBA-the Los Angeles Sparks, but that’s not enough to keep her as busy as she likes, so she also uses her master’s degree in business finance to earn some extra cash. She’s the financial officer for some big names in Hollywood and manages the money for some of the top movies that are coming out soon. She worked on Ashton Kutcher’s last movie, the last three for Taylor Lauter and so many others. With all this working, Shawna has no time yet to have kids. She tries to make it home to her beech house in Hawaii every chance she gets though. We all know that Martina went straight to Great Falls after graduation. She and Michelle were going to go to college to become dental hygienists. Well, that’s not exactly what Daughter of Debbie and Morris St. Pierre happened. Martina decided that she should tackle dental school. She flew through the courses at Great Falls then moved on to get her D.D.S. She earned that degree about 18 months ago and now practices at Bullhook Dental Center. But that’s not the most impressive thing she’s done. Just check out the website her finance made for her to find out. Go to BullhookDC.org to see what’s so impressive. Okay, so you don’t all have your smartphones yet. Her finance, Saunders Swift Hawk created the site to announce the new toothpaste that Martina created. What’ new about it is that not only does it make your teeth whiter and prevent cavities, it actually rebuilds the enamel on the tooth and counteracts cavities. It’s the first toothpaste that actually reverses cavities. Martina won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Science for her invention. Martina Ethel Harriet St. Pierre I, Martina St. Pierre, being of strong mind and healthy body, do hereby bequeath the following: To Mia I leave my locker #61 so she can be prettier than everyone else (haha)! To Weezer I leave my ability to annoy LaCrissa because she really can’t get mad at you. At you! To Autumn I leave my ability to be on time for first hour class! To Mrs. E. I leave my sense of humor because underclassmen are so serious. Michelle Elise St. Pierre Did anyone see Daughter of Debbie and Morris St. Pierre the wedding announcement in the Havre Daily News last week? Looks like Michelle St. Pierre will be getting married in Hawaii over the summer. She found a guy who is kind and compassionate. I don’t remember his name, but they both work together in Seattle for Microsoft. Michelle decided to go in to graphic art and design instead of working toward her associate’s degree and become a dental hygienist. She is so happy that she did because she met her fiancé at Microsoft during one of Bill Gate’s power meetings in the Space Needle. Michelle worked her way up the corporate ladder very quickly becoming the first Native American to design the graphics for all of the Office software. Michelle also designs the calendar every year for Microsoft. She has to include everyone’s birthdays and the put photos from work on the calendars. Bill pays her an extra $300 per calendar if she gets them done before Christmas each year. Since Microsoft has gotten so big, she has to make 100,000 and made the deadline both of the last two years. Michelle says that’s why she can afford the Hawaiian wedding and hopes all her relatives will take her up on the invitation to fly to the islands to help her celebrate. She had saved all her “calendar bonuses” so has chartered the biggest airplane she could that was able to land at the Great Falls airport. She’s even got a block of rooms reserved for family at the Diamond Head Resort in Hawaii. It’s the biggest event to hit Rocky Boy since Lance Whitehorse’s famous chicken dance of 2016. I, Michelle St. Pierre, being of determined mine and clean body, do hereby bequeath the following: To a lucky junior (soon-to-be-senior) I leave my locker #57 so they can keep it looking good. To Garrison I leave my ability to annoy LaCreesha because I won’t be here anymore. To Karley I leave my ability to be on time for school. To Jordana I leave my sense of humor because I won’t be here. Anyone looking for a mechanic? Well, even though Loren did get his degree Loren Jake Standing in auto mechanics, it’s not likely you’ll find him fixing any cars. He decided that even though he has that degree, he’s having a lot more fun on the Pow Son of Jolene Standing Rock Wow circuit. If you go to any pow wows you’ll probably here him announcing, and sometimes even competing with the beautiful songs he has written. He used to just sing the songs his mom writes, but lately he’s started writing his own songs as well. When Loren isn’t attending pow wows, you can find him at his night club on Turtle Lake. It’s the most successful Native American night club in the U.S. and Canada. Loren isn’t alone in all this success though. He met and is sharing his home with one of the worlds top jingle dancers. They have a little boy named Jake and are truly enjoying life these days. If you ever find yourself in Loren’s night club, ask for his famous drink, the Intertribal. It’s his own concoction made with spiced rum, vodka, and Redbull! Yum! I’m sure none of you has seen Raven in Raven Symone Stump person in almost ten years. She’s been traveling Daughter of Terrie and Donavon Stump the globe making her mark in the fashion world. Here’s how it all happened. Blaze posted his video of her on YouTube and she was discovered by one of the top modeling agencies in New York. They were interested in her for her photogenic beauty and because she was Native American, something they’d been looking for for several years. The modeling agency flew her to New York, then on to their fall fashion shoots in Milan, Madrid, and London. She was a huge hit in all three cities, so she was signed to a five-year contract. At the age of 23, Raven was even more in demand, so she started her own agency, hired her bothers to help her run it, and even recruited her little sister Savannah when she graduated. Now, Chris, Blaze, Raven, and Savannah all live and work together in New York at one of the hottest fashion agencies there is. Just look at any magazine, and you’ll find Raven either on the cover or somewhere inside. I’d be willing to bet it’s one of her models on the cover too. I, Raven Stump, being of quiet mind and slammin’ body, do hereby bequeath the following: To Alonzo I leave my locker #83 so he can envy and use it. To everyone I leave my ability to annoy Mrs. Lorett because, well, just because. To the sophomores (or soon-to-be-juniors) I leave my ability to be on time for the important class! To the freshmen, I leave my sense of humor because they need it. To the class of 2011 I leave our position of being the senior group. Ryley Kory Stump It’s been ten years and Kory Stump is still in the Marines. Who knew he’d make it a career! The Marines have been good to Kory. He was stationed in Japan for the last three years. While there he met his soon-to-be-wife, Lon Duk Dong. He and Lon just moved back to Montana where he plans to live as soon as this tour is up. Lon has three children from a previous relationship, so Kory is an instant dad. Kory is being released from the Marines with full pay after having saved the President of the United States during an assassination attempt by the Ninja King while in Japan. Son of Ronald and Geana Stump John Randal Sunchild Son of Rick and Mona Sunchild John Sunchild is following in his father’s footsteps. He went to Missoula to play for the Griz. While there he earned his teaching degree in Physical Education. John loves Missoula so much that he just stayed there after graduating. It probably has as much to do with his wife Lucy as with him being close enough to attend all the Griz games now. He teaches and coaches at Missoula Hellgate. He’s the best coach they’ve ever seen and has taken Hellgate to back-to-back state championships and earning the best record in the school’s history. Congratulations to John and Lucy, they’re expecting a baby soon. If they have a girl, she’ll be Mona Allison. If they have a boy, he’ll be Rick John Sunchild. I, John Sunchild, being of dirty mind and sexy body, do hereby bequeath the following: To Dillon I leave my locker #63 so he can get moscrilla and flip dem chicks. To Blaine I leave my ability to be on time for none of my classes. To JJ I leave my sens of humor because someone gotta tease people and laugh and do all types of ill shoot and keep it real. Saunders Dion Swift Hawk Saunders Swift Son of Ellis Ken Swift Hawk and Ileen Standing Rock Hawk now lives in a suburb just outside of Denver. He’s married to the beautiful Jennifer Topaz Swift Hawk. Saunders has a tribe of his own (six kids) who are homeschooled by their mom. After graduating from Rocky Boy, Saunders spent six years at Albany. He studied law and perfected his web design skills. He never did get his law degree, but he is working at a law firm in Denver. He designs the firm’s web site and does the background research for the firm’s clients. He’s a great asset to the firm. Saunders doesn’t make it back to Rocky Boy very often, but he says he has a guest house on his property and welcomes visitors. I, Saunders Swift Hawk, being of happy mind and Jacob-black body, do hereby bequeath the following: To Anfernee I leave my locker #74 so he can be sick like his uncle. To Terry I leave my ability to annoy LaCrissa because that’s what you do everyday already. To Dusty I leave my ability to be on time for all your morning classes. To Chontay I leave my sense of humor because you are funny with or without me. Brandy Lynn Terry Did you see Brandy Terry Daughter of Beverly and Randal Terry bouncing at Northern Winz the other night? She has been deciding who gets in and who doesn’t ever since the Winz became the hottest spot in the northwest. Brandy’s real job though is as an optometrist (mostly for her own kids!). She earned his Ph.D. in optometry in only seven years. As you may have guessed by now, her plans to become an Ninja assassin didn’t really pan out for Brandy. She’ll be traveling back to the reunion with entire family in tow from his her three-story mansion in West Bench, Box Elder. Yes, they live in that gigantic house with the great view of the beautiful dump site. Brandy is hesitant to share her most famous moment. She sang for the President at the Kennedy Honors Show last year. It was thrilling, but the President’s husband fell in love with Brandy so the Secret Service are still watching her closely because of the incident. I, Brandy Terry, being of intelligent mind and healthy body, do hereby bequeath the following: To the juniors I leave my locker #60 so they can mess it up. To the freshmen I leave my ability to annoy Mrs. E. because she is so anal. To B-Jew I leave my ability to be ON TIME for EVERY class. To J.J. I leave my sense of humor because you look better when you smile Dustin Chase Turner Have you seen the new business sign at Haystack? It says DT Auto Repair. Dustin Turner has opened his Son of Lana Turner own business. He earned his associate’s degree from Stone Child a couple of years back, and with the new government loans, he was able to get a low-interest loan to open his own shop. Dusty hasn’t been involved with any girl since before he opened the shop. I guess that’s why he actually has time to fix cars. A few people have been to his shop and say he does a good job at a reasonable price, as long as you’re willing to wait until he gets around to fixing your car. Romeo Blue Weasel Boy Okay, you may not believe this, but Romeo, or Blue as his close friend like to call him, has done some extraordinary things over the past ten years. So, he’s a janitor at Stone Child College, that’s not all that extraordinary, but have you seen his “HOT” wife? She’s something, isn’t she. You’d think that after having four kids, she’d have some flab on her body now, but she’s still really hot. Anyhow, that’s not the most amazing thing. We all know that Romeo and his family live in that palace that sits below Buffalo Rock, but how did they get enough money to buy the place? I don’t know if you were following the news lately, but a few years back, NASA got new funding that allowed them to fund a mission to Mars. Well, somehow Romeo (I think it was the connections his hot wife has) made that trip. Romeo was gone for 17 months, but when he returned, he heard that his wife had just had triplets so he ran out and bought a lottery ticket. It was a winning ticket, so they now have about 231 million dollars in their bank account. Romeo loves being rich, but says he likes to go to work every day to show his kids that we should all give back to our community. Son of Gilberta Weasel Boy I, Romeo Weasel Boy, being of a happy mind and big body, hereby bequeath the following: My locker to Jimmy because he’s a weirdo and needs one. My jersery # to Jace because he needs to be a man!!! To the shop teacher, Joe, I leave my ewe. To Linda E. I leave my periodic table so she can study it more. To Tyran Watson I leave my hunting skills because he needs them. To Brandon Coffee I leave my big box of ammo! And thanks to all the teachers who taught me. Have you seen Lance Whitehorse lately? If you haven’t, just follow the Pow Wow circuit. He can almost always be found at one. Lance Donovan Whitehorse He’s the best professional chicken dancer to come out of Rocky Boy. Son of Donald and Susan Whitehorse You may have also heard Lobby on the radio. Yes, he’s the voice of the new campaign to stop drunk driving. It’s not that he’s been accused of it, but he’s had more accidents than any living person in Montana and wants to share his experiences to help reduce the number of accidents on Montana highways. Lobby has just recently found a good woman who has braids almost as beautiful as he does. He has several children, one on each of the seven Montana reservations. Because of the dancing, Lobby sees each of his children at least three times a year. He is a good father. His job as a probation officer has really helped him keep track of and support those kids. Not only is he a probation officer, he is an alcohol counselor as well. Lobby attended Stone Child College for four years and earned his degree in social justice. I, Lance Whitehorse, being of senior mind and a student’s body, do hereby bequeath the following: To whomever I leave my locker #75 so that person can “trash it up.” To Levi I leave my ability to annoy Mrs. Harrison because someone has to carry on the tradition. To nobody I leave my ability to be on time for whatever class. Again, to nobody I leave my sense of humor because I’m cheap and taking it with me. Did you know that Rocky Boy High School has a group that all Juniors with a 3.0 or better are eligible to join? Well, we do and this year 11 students worked their tails off all year to earn money to travel to Washington DC. These kids traveled during the week of May 11-14, 2010. In our Nation’s Capitol, these students got to visit national monuments such as the Lincoln Memorial, FDR Memorial, Iwo Jima Memorial and Air Force Memorial. They also went to the Holocaust Museum, the Smithsonian (a group of 7 museums), the National Museum of the American Indian (some Chippewa Cree art is there), Ford’s Theatre & Museum (where Abraham Lincoln was assassinated) and the Peterson House (where Lincoln died). In their free time (just kidding they didn’t have any) they got to visit the ESPN Zone, Hard Rock Café, Union Station and Pentagon City Mall. It wasn’t all fun and games. These students also learned about our nations government by attending seminars and meeting our Congress members. They met Senators Max Baucus and Jon Tester as well as Representative Denny Rehberg. The students asked them questions about issues such as the Water Rights Compact, how health care reform will affect Native Americans and the water project in Rocky Boy. They were also treated to a special tour of the Capitol Building by an intern from Senator Baucus’ office. They saw former Presidential candidate and Senator John McCain as well as the President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai. The security was extremely tight as we had to go through several metal detectors and saw many officers with machine guns. These fundraising students included: Dillon Demontiney, Garrett LaFromboise, Colton Galbavy, Shanelle Saddler, Zana LaMere, Michelle St. Pierre, Mia Lamebull, Sydney Bull, Angel Arocha, Blaine Yellowtail and Danielle Vazquez. The students would like to thank Rocky Boy School District for contributing half the money for the trip, the Chippewa Cree Tribe for contributing $3,900 and Water Resources for contributing $1,600. Their advisor and fellow traveler was Miss Deborah LaMere. A great time was had by all! Allen Nathan Parisian Christian Manuel Pease Eric Martin Schildt Jarod Ray Parker Jordan Marie Big Knife Lacey Camille Gardipee Lindsey Paul Eagleman Michelle Elise St. Pierre Ryley Kory Stump Tashina Marie Running Rabbit Audrey Rose Demontiney Colt Garred Houle Erin George Nault JC Wayne Hawk Lance Donovan Whitehorse Loren Jake Standing Rocky Raven Symone Stump Saunders Dion Swift Hawk Toni Marie Morsette Chad Lawrence Nault Dustin Chase Turner Heather Kathleen Bradford John Winterhawk Sinclair Kristine Lynn Eagleman Lance Jordan Courchane Mathew Caesar Lopez Rebeka Jane Russette Shanise Cree Gamble Toni Nicole Piapot
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