The Ame - American legion Post no. 1
The Ame - American legion Post no. 1
Germantown Post #1 P. O. Box 321 N120 W15932 Freistadt Road Germantown, WI 53022 Phone: 262-251-5470 Return Service Requested Merry Christmas! When saying “Merry Christmas” you are agreeing that Jesus Christ was born on the 25th of December and that He is the only begotten son of God. Jesus is Lord! 2014 – 2015 Post No. 1 Officers, Germantown Commander: Michael Nardelli 414.248.1199 Historian: Kenneth Puls 262.251.0256 Executive Committeemen: Ist Vice commander: Neal Daegner 262.844.0941 Chaplain: Douglas Janzen 262.251.5745 Members: Commander, 1st Vice Comdr., Finance Officer, Adjutant, 2nd Vice Commander: Joe Ozimek 262.253.0858 Sgt. At Arms: 1) Alan Sande 262.548.9088 3rd Vice commander: Daniel O’Toole 262.255.3514 2) Marvin Wunder 262.547.3775 Adjutant: Christopher Zimmermann 414.687.6589 Service Officer: Lee Murry 262.253.1163 Finance Officer: Jim Heimann 414.507.0007 Judge Advocate: Rolland Pieper 262.677.1001 Chairman: James Heimann Chris Zimmermann Mike Nardelli Karl Kannenberg 262.251.4714 Henry Eder 414.403.4388 2014 – 2015 Post No. 1 Auxiliary Unit No. 321 Officers President Kathryn Peck 630.707.1984 Vice President Bette Peck 262.251.5120 Sgt-at-Arms Amy Keller 262.573.3100 Secretary & Girls State Greta Hutchison 262.251.5339 David Souders 262.255.1076 Treasurer & Membership Mary Heimann 262.377.2613 Hall Manager/Editor: Lisa Leider 262.573.7902 [email protected] Chaplain Jeanette Ewert 262.251.5919 Please help the Post with the mailing Issues. Notify the Post whenever you have a change of address, otherwise your Post News & Views comes back to the Post with additional postal charges. State and National Headquarters have to be notified by your Post. Otherwise your State Paper and your National Magazine will not arrive to your home. The Post should also be notified by your family of any deceased Post No. 1 member. To all members who have summer and winter residents; please advise the Post as to when you make your moves around the country, so we can adjust our records for mailing. Thank you! Post Membership: 145 Our quota for the year is 210. Germantown, Post No. 1 • Vol. 14, No. 4 November, 2015 Phone: 262.251.5470 God & Country r o F – n Legio n a eric m A The t s o P & V s iews w e N 1 . No Commander’s Message Comrades, As we celebrate this holiday season I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge all of you and say THANK YOU, for all you have done and continue to do to help make the Post what it is and to keep growing forward. We know everyone is busy and can’t make it to all the meetings and functions. That said, it sure is nice to see you when you do join us. This Post Commander Michael Nardelli is what we make it and Veterans need Veterans! Here’s what’s been going on: Christmas parade – Post 1 represented in the Germantown and Grafton Christmas parades with The Moving Wall banner. Both parades had many spectators. Bingo seasonal changes – for the second year in a row, we will go down to two bingo dates for each month in January and February ONLY, due to low attendance. However we are happy to announce that at both bingo nights there will be an extra payout. We have also started to do a 50/50 raffle which has been very successful. All the proceeds are going to the Moving Wall Project. Bylaw changes – we are looking to change the bylaws in order to start the Post meetings at 7:00pm and offer a complimentary dinner at 8:00pm. Dues going up Jan 1 – get your dues in before the New Year. They will be going up $5 come January 1, 2016. Cabin Drawing – will take place at the February meeting for Post members then Washington County Members. Your dues must be paid in order to be eligible. Website – we apologize for the delay is getting this up and going, there have been some snags but we are working through them. It shouldn’t be much longer. Keep checking back at For questions contact Lisa Leider. Newsletter updates – starting in 2016 we will be going back to printing black and white newsletters, however you will be able to find the color version online. Also, if you are willing to help save on costs and go paperless, please email Lisa Leider with your email address: [email protected], even if you think she already has it and she will email you the newsletter when it becomes available. Save the date: Post 1 Annual Banquet April 9, 2016 – See inside for more information. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and your families, may 2016 be filled with good health, great happiness, and much prosperity. See you all next year! – Michael Nardelli, Post No. 1, Commander LEST WE FORGET: With love in our hearts, we remember you. May your soul rest in peace! William Boes Mel Ewert Shirley Petre Michael North Dates to Remember December 3, 10,17 – Bingo Post home 7:00pm 7 – Pearl Harbor Day 8 – U.S. declared war on Japan (1941) 9 – Post meeting 7:00pm 11 – Germany & Italy declare war on U.S. (1941) 18 – Iraq war ended (2011) 21 – Wash. Co. Exec Board meeting WB. 7:00pm 25 – Christmas Day 31 – New Years Eve Bingo, Post home 7:00pm January 1, 2016 New Years Day 3 - Home Post take decorations down 11:30am 13 – Post meeting 7:00pm 14, 28 – Bingo, Post home 7:00pm 9 – Wash. Co. dinner meeting, 5:00pm WB 14-17 – Legion Mid-Winter Conf. Ho-Chunk, Baraboo February 11, 25 – Bingo Post home 7:00pm 6 – Four Chaplains, Horicon 8 – Boy Scouts of America founded (1910) 9 – Post meeting 7:00pm 11 – Post Meeting 7:00pm, cabin drawing 12 – Lincoln’s Birthday 16 - Wash. Co. Exec Board meeting Kewaskum. 7:00pm Patriotic Trivia Quiz (Ans. on p7) 1. According to American history experts, who’s considered to be the three most influential US Presidents of all time? 2. What is the purpose of United States Declaration of Independence? 3.Of the 56 people to sign off on the Declaration of Ind., who was the youngest and who was oldest? 4. Which three U.S. Pacific Fleet aircraft carriers were not in the Pearl Harbor port at the time of the attack and so escaped any damage? 5. Who were George L. Fox, Alexander D. Goode, Clark V. Poling, and John P. Washington? Become a Fan of Germantown American Legion Post 1 Pictured from left to right: Commander, Mike Nardelli and Co-Chair Jim Heimann, with TMW Banner for the Germantown, Christmas Parade The Moving Wall Update With only nine months to go until The Moving Wall™ Arrives to Germantown, we are quite pleased with how the planning and preparation is coming together. We’ve gotten help from a good number of people and organizations within Germantown and in the surrounding areas. A huge kudos goes out to VFW 9202, whom has stepped up to offer quite a bit of support, including a very generous donation. Thank you! We have secured Huey Helicopter 369, the Healing Field Display, and for those who are unaware, we will be transforming our Banquet Hall into a Vietnam Era Educational Hall for one week prior to the Wall coming to town. It will continue to stay open while the Wall is in visiting. Also, we are currently working on putting a “Welcome Home” parade for Saturday, September 3, 2016. Similar to the style of an Honor Flight parade. A UWM journalism class is compiling stories and photos together of the 14 soldiers on the Wall from Washington County, to be added in a keepsake book. This book will be for sale just prior to TMW, with all proceeds going to TMW Project. The five days of ceremonies are not yet solidified, however that too is coming together nicely, we will have something to see and take part in each day TMW is in Germantown. We now have our sponsorship packages together and are working on getting donations. This is where many of you can help. If you or someone you know would be willing to help sponsor TMW Project, we would greatly appreciate it, any donation big or small helps greatly. Please contact Jim Heimann or Lisa Leider for more info. There are currently 58,286 soldiers names on the Vietnam Memorial Wall, our lofty goals is to get just as many people to visit Germantown during the two week duration as there are names on the wall. Please help spread the word so together, we can reach this personal goal. Vietnam Era Educational Hall Pictured from left to right: VFW 9202 Commander, Darrel Brown, Co-Chairs: Lisa Leider and Jim Heimann Page 2 If you have ever seen the Titanic Display when it was in Milwaukee a few years ago, or have visited the Holocaust Memorial Museum, then you will easily be able to relate to and understand what we are aiming to accomplish with the Post 1 Banquet Hall transformation, as it is very similar. In A Nutshell, we are creating a hands-on experience in which we will be taking everyone through. This is especially geared at educating youth. It will include a boot camp and military stations. Creatively speaking, it will look like the Vietnam Era times. When attendees enter they will be given dog tags and military papers with a living WI Vietnam Veteran’s name on it or a name of a WI soldier from the Wall. They will then tour the hall, be able to see and touch memorabilia, and even and motivation behind the Moving Wall™. Best kept secrets and stories will be told from the viewpoint of a few Vietnam Veterans including; an infantryman and tunnel rat. The colorful chronology of the Vietnam war, including the sound of hope from the Huey Helicopter, will have it’s place. This keepsake book, will also touch on what was going on back home in Wisconsin with the student protests, burning of draft cards, confrontation with army recruiters, and more. It will also serve as a reminder as to what “We The People” and Free Enterprise means for the United States of Ameirica, and all who live in this great nation. Peyton Leider visiting the Vietnam Military tent while at the Racine Moving Wall. This is a small taste of what the Post 1 Banquet Hall transformation aspires to look like. encounter drill sergeants. Before exiting the hall, attendees will be able to look on a large board to see if their name given at the door, is a living Veteran, or a solider from The Wall. Huey Helicopter 369 Sacrifice is meaningless without remembrance. American Huey 369 is committed to remembering our Veterans and the Huey aircraft they depended on while in Vietnam. The Huey Helicopter became a symbol of America’s involvement in its’ longest war. The Huey was the workhorse of the war. The distinctive whoop-whoop of it’s single continuous blade meant to an American soldier on the ground, that hope had arrived in the way of supplies, reinforcements, medics, or a ticket out of the jungle. This Huey will be present during The Moving Wall visit and may have membership rides available, cost TBD. Healing Field Display Hundreds of U.S. flags will stand posted in solemn formation in September as Germantown’s American Legion Post 1 hosts a stirring display that will unite the community in a tribute to veterans. This inspirational panorama of the Stars and Stripes will include th presentation of the Vietnam Veterans Moving Wall. Each flag represents an individual and tells a story. Flags may be purchased and sponsored to honor any loved veteran. The event is the perfect opportunity for all of us to remember and honor those who served to protect our nation. It is an experience hard to describe, but never to be forgotten . We invite all to visit the Germantown Healing Field® display and walk with us among the posted flags. The display is open to all without charge. Don’t miss it! “Welcom Home” Parade - Honor Flight Style This long over due parade will take place September 3, 2016, the time is TBD. It will honor Vietnam Veterans and will have support from all Veterans, veterans organizations, military, fire departments, police departments, scouts, schools, surrounding communities, and more. If you would like to participate in some capacity, please contact Lisa Leider. We will gladly find a place for you. Keepsake Full-Color Book In the full-color keepsake book, you will be captivated by the stories told and information unfolded. Your heart-strings will be pulled by photos taken from a photojournalist who traveled to the Vietnam War and lived to tell about the images. You will get an exclusive and unique look at the 14 names on the wall from Washington County, researched by a Milwaukee journalism class. All names on The Wall from Wisconsin will be honored. History from Washington, DC Vietnam Veterans Memorial will be shared, along with what sparked the idea ORDER YOUR Healing Field FLAG NOW (all proceeds support The Moving Wall Project): Flag Cost: $35.00 (includes a personal message) Order Contact: Matt Larson (262) 339-6299 or email [email protected] Direct Order: Page 3 Interview with A Post 1 Veteran Member Charles Queen - U.S. Army Name: Charles Queen Age: 86 Family: Shirley (married 65 years). Children, David and Moppy. Military branch: U.S. Army Military service years: 1947- 1970, started at tail end of WWII Age entered military: 17 Where were you stationed?: Chicago, Germany, Kansas, Mariana Islands, Michigan, South Dakota, Texas Which War(s) were you in?: Vietnam (two tours) What was your M.O.S.?: 93F Ballistic Meteorologists A Field Artillery Meteorological Crewmember is a part of the Army’s field artillery team. Artillery are weapons that fire large ammunition or missiles to support infantry and tank units in combat. The Field Meteorological Crewmember monitors weather conditions and patterns so artillery units can fire and launch missiles accurately. Field artillery meteorological crewmembers lead, supervise or participate in the operation of a field artillery meteorological observation station. What do you remember most?: The guns. The guys who worked on the guns. The help we offered and patrols I went on. Why did you go into the military?: Growing up I was in the cub scouts and boy scouts, I was use to volunteering and giving back. So when I turned 17, I simply wanted to go. At that time everyone did. National and world events?: Civil rights movement, war protests, assassination of President John F. Kennedy. What does freedom mean to you?: Opportunity to do what I want in a free country I love. Injuries from war: I lost eye sight in my left eve from Agent Orange, likely from the second Vietnam Tour. The Army didn’t tell us they were using Agent Orange at the time and I also suffered from diabetes, therefore I was in denial for approximately 20 years, before I accepted this fact. Most important lesson you learned from your military experience? How to take care of myself. Advice for men and women going into the military today? It’s a good career field and makes a man out of you. You do things you never thought you could. When did you go on your Honor Flight? September, 2015. I applied three years ago, but I forgot about it until they called me. I didn’t go with a guardian, they provided one for me. It was a wonderful experience! Page Page 44 Events from The Post Family Fun Day On September 12, we held our last Family Fun Day and Vendor Fair. Although it was a great time for those that took part in it, at this point we will no longer continue them due to low attendance. On the upside, many fun moments were had. Crowd pleaser, U.S. Marine, and Scotsman, Danny O’ Tool was caught singing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” to a few loyal fans. And some of our Bingo regulars made an appearance as well. Wait, is that Mr. Six from the Six Flags advertising campaign sitting next to our favorite artist and sweetheart Charlotte? We will never tell. Just be careful playing the Vengaboys song “We Like to Party” around him. Halloween at Bingo Each year during Halloween many of our bingo crowd goers and Post members like to take the opportunity to get into the spirit and dress up, and this year was no disappoint. There were many creative and Spooktacular costumes at Bingo! VETERAN’S DAY 2015 Observed at Post Another successful Veteran’s Day celebration is behind us. For those of you who missed it, we had a small turnout, however it was filled with much camaraderie and friendship. Six new names were added to the Memorial plus a fantastic complimentary lunch was provided at the Post thanks to Henry Eder and our Auxiliary. Post 1 Banquet Hall Rentals As a reminder, we have two great halls available to rent for any occasion. Keep in mind, as a member you get both halls at an excellent discount just for being a member. We accommodate up to 225 people. Contact Lisa Leider (262) 573-7902 to book your next event. Cabins – Van Brocklin & Eldridge Cabin, Lake Tomahawk, WI The 2016 Cabin Drawing will take place after the February meeting. Note: Weekly rental fees are $325.00 per week, including a $125.00 non-refundable deposit, due when your week is chosen. The drawing to determine the order that you pick your week for the cabins will be held first for Post 1 members, and then Washington County members. Dues must be current in order to rent the cabins. Cabin dates will be held open exclusively for Post 1 and Washington County members until March 31st. Beginning April 1st we will be soliciting rentals from other posts who have shown interests. Contact: Paul Kastner, Cabin Chairman Home (414) 358-0733 Cell: (414) 640-2105 or Email: [email protected] Christmas parade Thank you to the men, women, and children who showed up for the Honor Guard and Banner holders for The Moving Wall. It was a great day and nice to have a representation from our Post. (See photo on P.2) Page 6 Eldridge Pier Christmas decorating Both halls are all decked out for Christmas, please stop in and check us out at bingo or for a meeting. Next year we would like to make the decorating a Post event and have some fun with it, while enjoying some great conversation and Christmas goodies. We will be taking the decorations down Sunday, January 3rd starting at 11:30am, please join us. It won’t take long, we promise. Plus, there will be hot chocolate, coffee and some other yummies. Any and all help is appreciated! Page 5 Melvin K.“Mel” Ewert Melvin K. “Mel” Ewert, Passed away October 4, 2015 at the age of 83 years old. Melvin was born on the family farm, March 5, 1932 in the town of Colby in Central Wisconsin. Melvin enlisted in the United States Air Force and served during the Korean War. On June 25, 1955 he married Jeanette, they had 3 children and lived in Colby WI until 1959 when they moved to Milwaukee. Soon after, they built their forever home in Germantown and had their fourth child. Melvin worked at American Motors and then as a self-employed painter and maintenance man. In 1975 he started working as a Rural Mail Carrier in Hubertus WI where he retired from in 1998. Melvin was elected as Germantown Trustee in 1994, a position he held for 20 years. In 2006 he was elected Washington County Supervisor and served on that board until his health no longer allowed this past spring. Mel was an active member of the Germantown American Legion Post 1 and V.F.W. Post 9202. He was also the founding member of the committee to create the Germantown Area Veterans Memorial. Melvin was truly dedicated to his family, community and country. Mel was the kind of man who put Veterans first. A Korean War veteran he was proud of his service. I had the honor and privilege of working with Mel on the Germantown Veteran’s Memorial. This was something Mel had envisioned for many years. Together with Ken Puls and myself we made it happen, in a large part do to Mel and his efforts. A loot of them behind the scenes but of great importance. I remember the day we paid off the Memorial, presenting the last payment to Hilgendorf Memorials. The sense of accomplishment was evident on all our faces. Mel, you will be missed Rest In Peace! – Jim Heimann Post No. 1 Annual Banquet Post No.1’s Annual Banquet will be held April 9, 2016, at our Post home. We are asking all to pay $8 per person for the meal or $12 per couple. It will begin at 5:30p.m. with cocktails and dinner at 6:30 p.m. With a program and speaker to follow. Reservations should be in by April 1, 2016. Please send them to the Post home at P. O. Box 321, Germantown 53022 or you can contact our Commander Michael Nardelli at (414) 248-1199. The dinner is for all members and wives, all Auxiliary members and SAL members. Guests are also welcome. Join us in making this another successful event. SEND RESERVATION TO: American Legion Post No. 1 P. O. Box 321 Germantown, WI 53022 No. Members Attending ________ @ $8.00/ea. No. Couples Attending ___________ @ $12.00/Couple Amount Enclosed $ __________ Name(s) ___________________________________________________________________________ Page 6 Meeting Highlights Executive & Regular Meeting American Legion Post No.1, Germantown October 14, 2015 • Dave Sauder will be absent for the winter with a pending surgery, which will take place the first week of January of 2016. We all wish Dave the best and a speedy recovery. • Each Post in the county received profits from the Washington County Fair. • Chairman Nardelli requested any board members having information about snowplowing contractors for the upcoming winter provide him contact information. • To all members we advise you to pay your dues before January 1, 2016, before the $5.00 increase goes into effect. • Ron Kohl will take over as the House Committee chairman. • Degner reported the membership is at 137 members. •The slot machines are well received and starting to help bring in extra income for the Post. AUXILIARY Meeting Highlights American Legion Post No.1, Auxiliary Unit No. 321, Germantown Coupon Project Several of our auxiliary members are meeting once a month to cut coupons, and organize them according to food or non-food items. We appreciate all the coupon donations people donate and send those as well. We have mailed coupons to 3 military bases overseas: Ramstein Air Base in Germany, a Naval Base in Japan and the Fleet and Family Center in Rota, Spain. Our next donation will be sent in November. Donations We received a thank you note from King Veterans Home for a donation we gave them toward chicken dinners for King Day Celebration. We also received a thank you card from Delaney McAdams for sending her to Badger Girls State. Badger Girls er Park several times at the end of June. They came back with some nice donations and distributed over 3,000 poppies. When they went to Miller Park they were joined by one of our Junior Members, Maddie Schultz, who helped them and was a big hit at the park!! Auxiliary Meetings Please try to make it to a meeting so we can discuss some of the items going on at the post and brainstorm about things we can be involved in to support our veterans. We are looking forward to the Moving Wall exhibition coming next year. It is an honor for our Post to have been chosen as the sponsor of this event. I would like to think it might help us increase our membership to the Auxiliary too! Three of our members (Mary Myers, Bette Peck & Kathy Peck) attended the Washington County, District 2, Auxiliary Meeting on October 17th in Kewaskum. The Kewaskum Unit #384 hosted the meeting and served a nice lunch and good desserts; the meeting was conducted directly after lunch. A Thought for the Day: Greatness - What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes God Bless America and all who serve! – President Kathy, Auxiliary Unit No. 321 Auxiliary meetings will be held the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 7:00 – 8:00 PM. Patriotic Trivia Quiz Answers (from cover page) 1. 1) Abraham Lincoln, 2) Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 3) George Washington 2.To announce and explain separation from Great Britain. 3.The youngest signer was Edward Rutledge (age 26). The oldest was Benjamin Franklin (age 70). 4. 1) Lexington, 2) Enterprise, and 3) Saratoga 5.The Four Chaplains.Also sometimes referred to as the“Immortal Chaplains” or the “Dorchester Chaplains” were four United States Army chaplains who gave their lives to save other civilian and military personnel as the troop ship SS Dorchester sank on February 3, 1943, during World War II. They helped other soldiers board lifeboats and gave up their own life jackets when the supply ran out. The chaplains joined arms, said prayers, and sang hymns as they went down with the ship. Reverend George Fox (Methodist), Jewish Rabbi Alexander Goode, Reverend Clark Poling (Dutch Reformed) and Father John Washington (Roman Catholic). Our representatives, Delany McAdams and Kayleigh Cowan, who attended Badger Girls State will be attending our November meeting to give us a report back on their experience. We are looking forward to learning more about the time they spent in Oshkosh and how they think the experience they had will help them in other areas of their life. Poppies Our Legionnaires spent time in June distributing poppies at the Germantown Fleet Farm and also went to MillPage 7