Telkom Tariffs - Advanced Voice
Telkom Tariffs - Advanced Voice
TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 A1 TELEPHONY SERVICE ............................................................................................................................................... 3 A1.1 MAIN SERVICES .................................................................................................................................................. 3 A1.1.1 Installation and transfer charges .................................................................................................................... 3 A1.1.1a Installation of temporary telephone services ................................................................................................ 4 A1.1.3 Monthly rental (Previously manual exchanges now SSH) .............................................................................. 6 A1.2 TELEPHONE FACILITIES, SERVICE CHARGES AND EXTENSIONS ................................................................. 7 A1.2.1 Telephone facilities ........................................................................................................................................ 7 A1.2.2 Service charges ............................................................................................................................................. 8 A1.2.2A Conversion/Migration fees ........................................................................................................................... 9 A1.2.3 Extensions and other lines ........................................................................................................................... 10 A1.2.4 Reserved ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 A1.2.5 ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) ................................................................................................. 11 A1.3 RESERVED ............................................................................................................................................................ 13 A1.4 ENHANCED VOICE SERVICES.......................................................................................................................... 14 A1.4.1 Reserved ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 A1.4.2 Telkom Smart Access (FreeCall 080, ShareCall 0860 and MaxiCall 0861) .................................................. 14 A1.4.3 Reserved ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 A1.4.4 Enhanced services (PlusCall, IdentiCall, HomeFree & CallAnswer) ............................................................ 15 A1.4.4a Enhanced services on ISDN ...................................................................................................................... 16 A1.4.4b Enhanced services on PrepaidFone .......................................................................................................... 17 A1.4.5 Reserved ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 A1.4.6 Telkom Internet standalone and bundles ..................................................................................................... 17 A1.4.7 ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) – connectivity .......................................................................... 19 A1.4.8 Reserved ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 A1.4.9 Intelligent Call Forwarding ........................................................................................................................... 20 A1.4.10 Reserved .................................................................................................................................................... 20 A1.4.11 Reserved .................................................................................................................................................... 20 A1.4.12A Spacestream Office (SSO) – Option 1 .................................................................................................... 20 A1.4.12B Spacestream Office (SSO) – Option 2 .................................................................................................... 20 A1.4.12C Spacestream Home (SSH)...................................................................................................................... 21 A1.4.13 Spacestream Express (SSE) – Option 1 .................................................................................................... 21 A1.4.13A Spacestream Express (SSE) – Option 2 ................................................................................................. 22 A1.4.14 & 15 Reserved ........................................................................................................................................... 22 A1.4.16 InterCall ..................................................................................................................................................... 22 A1.4.17 Reserved (see A1.4.6) ................................................................................................................................ 23 A1.4.18 Telkom Short Message Service (SMS) ....................................................................................................... 23 A1.4.19 SupremeCall Calling Plans ......................................................................................................................... 23 A1.4.20 Message Suite ............................................................................................................................................ 24 A1.4.21 Telkom Closer Calling Plans (Residential Customers) ..................................................................................25 A1.4.21a Telkom Closer Calling Plans (ISDN2 Residential Customers) ..................... ..............................................26 A1.4.21b Telkom Closer Calling Plans (ISDN2a Residential Customers).................... ..............................................27 A1.4.22 Reserved (see A1.4.6) ................................................................................................................................ 28 A1.4.23 Telkom BizTalk ........................................................................................................................................... 28 A1.5.1 Miscellaneous Call Charges ........................................................................................................................ 29 A1.5.2 Consultancy services ................................................................................................................................... 29 A1.6 DOMESTIC TELEPHONE CALL CHARGES ....................................................................................................... 30 A1.6.1 Telephone call charges from customers connected to automatic exchanges and calls from ....................... 30 WorldCall Pre-paid calling cards & WorldCall Charge Card ..................................................................................... 30 A1.6.2 Telephone call charges from public coin/cardphones connected to automatic exchanges ........................... 34 A1.6.3 Telephone call charges for operator assisted calls (Incl. Teleconferencing) ................................................ 35 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 A2 TELEMATICS SERVICE ............................................................................................................................................ 39 A2.1 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES............................................................................................................................ 39 A2.1.1 After-hours repair service ............................................................................................................................ 39 A2.1.2 Consultancy services ................................................................................................................................... 39 A2.1.3 Unnecessary call out charges ...................................................................................................................... 39 A2.2 RESERVED ............................................................................................................................................................ 39 A2.3 Reserved ......................................................................................................................................................... 39 A2.4 RESERVED............................................................................................................................................................ 39 A2.4.5 Telkom Enhanced Fax (EFS) ...................................................................................................................... 40 A2.5 DATEL ................................................................................................................................................................ 41 A2.5.1 Reserved ..................................................................................................................................................... 41 A2.5.2 Network access circuit ................................................................................................................................. 41 A2.5.3 Reserved ..................................................................................................................................................... 41 A2.5.4 Line rental charges ...................................................................................................................................... 41 A2.5.5 Reserved ..................................................................................................................................................... 41 A2.5.6 Transfer charges ......................................................................................................................................... 42 A2.5.7 Miscellaneous Datel services ...................................................................................................................... 42 A2.6 RESERVED............................................................................................................................................................ 42 A2.7 SAPONET-P ....................................................................................................................................................... 43 A2.7.1 Saponet-P Basic rates ................................................................................................................................. 43 A2.7.2 Saponet call charges ................................................................................................................................... 44 A2.8 DIGINET ............................................................................................................................................................. 45 A2.8.1 Diginet rates ................................................................................................................................................ 45 A2.8.2 Diginet line rental (Used for leased line services) ........................................................................................ 45 A2.8.3 Diginet line rental (for use with Saponet, Frame Express & TI DIS) ............................................................. 46 A2.9 DIGINET-PLUS ................................................................................................................................................... 46 A2.9.1 Diginet-Plus rates ........................................................................................................................................ 46 A2.9.2 Diginet-Plus port charges ............................................................................................................................ 47 A2.9.3 Diginet-Plus line rentals (used for leased line services) ............................................................................... 48 A2.9.4 Diginet-Plus line rentals (for use with FrameExpress & TI DIS) ................................................................... 50 A2.9.5 Reserved ..................................................................................................................................................... 51 A2.9.6 Reserved ..................................................................................................................................................... 51 A2.10 RESERVED .......................................................................................................................................................... 51 A2.11 FRAME EXPRESS ............................................................................................................................................ 51 A2.11.1 FrameExpress ........................................................................................................................................... 51 A2.11.2 FrameExpress (Flat rate CIR charge) ........................................................................................................ 52 A2.11.3 FrameExpress (Disaster Recovery CIR charge) ........................................................................................ 53 A2.12 RESERVED .......................................................................................................................................................... 53 A2.13 RESERVED .......................................................................................................................................................... 53 A2.14 RESERVED .......................................................................................................................................................... 53 A2.15 METROLINK ......................................................................................................................................................... 54 A3 LEASED LINE SERVICES......................................................................................................................................... 55 A3.1 VOICE GRADED LEASED LINES ....................................................................................................................... 55 A3.1.1 Private lines and Tie lines ............................................................................................................................ 55 A3.1.2 Private lines and Tie lines ............................................................................................................................ 55 A3.2 MEGALINE / INTER NODAL TARIFFS ................................................................................................................ 56 A3.2.1a Megaline & Megaline Plus Bronze – A tariff – Local ends .......................................................................... 56 A3.2.2a Megaline B tariff – Local ends.................................................................................................................... 56 A3.2.3a Megaline & Megaline Plus Bronze – C Tariff – Main links .......................................................................... 57 A3.2.1b Megaline & Megaline Plus Bronze – A Tariff – local ends .......................................................................... 57 A3.2.3b Megaline & Megaline Plus Bronze – C Tariff – Main links .......................................................................... 57 A3.2.4a Inter Nodal Links – A Tariff – local ends ................................................................................................... 58 A3.2.4b Inter Nodal Links – C Tariff – Main links ................................................................................................... 58 A3.2.4c Inter Nodal Links B tariff – Local ends ....................................................................................................... 58 A3.2A MEGALINE PLUS (SILVER) .............................................................................................................................. 59 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 2 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 A3.2a.1 Megaline Plus (Silver) – Port charges ........................................................................................................ 59 A3.2a.2 Megaline Plus (Silver) – A Tariff – Local ends ........................................................................................... 59 A3.2a.3 Megaline Plus (Silver) – C Tariff – Main links ............................................................................................. 60 A3.2B ATM EXPRESS ................................................................................................................................................. 60 A3.2b.1 ATM Express (Bronze) .............................................................................................................................. 60 A3.2b.1.1 ATM Express (Bronze) – Port charges.................................................................................................... 60 A3.2b.1.3 ATM Express (Bronze) – Main links ........................................................................................................ 61 A3.2b.2 ATM EXPRESS (SILVER) ......................................................................................................................... 62 A3.2b.2.1 ATM Express (Silver) – Port charges ...................................................................................................... 62 A3.2b.2.2 ATM Express (Silver) – Local Access ..................................................................................................... 62 A3.2b.2.3 ATM Express (Silver) – Main links .......................................................................................................... 63 A3.3 RESERVED ........................................................................................................................................................... 64 A3.4 METROLAN .......................................................................................................................................................... 65 A3.5 BROADCASTING SERVICES ............................................................................................................................. 66 A3.5.1 Music Circuits .............................................................................................................................................. 66 A3.5.2 Television circuits ........................................................................................................................................ 66 PART B: INTERNATIONAL SERVICES .......................................................................................................................... 67 B1 RESERVED............................................................................................................................................................... 67 B2.4 Telephone service on board a ship ................................................................................................................. 67 B3 CALLS TO MOBILE SATELLITE TERMINALS VIA THE INMARSAT SYSTEM ................................................ 67 B3.1 Inmarsat rates ................................................................................................................................................ 67 B3.2 Radiotelephone calls from ships to Inmarsat terminals ................................................................................... 67 B3.3 Message delivery from ship to shore received via Inmarsat ............................................................................ 68 B3.4 Delivery of messages to Inmarsat “C” terminals ............................................................................................. 68 B3.5 Telegrams from ship to an Inmarsat “C” terminals .......................................................................................... 69 B5 DATA SERVICE ..................................................................................................................................................... 69 B5.1 Saponet-P ...................................................................................................................................................... 69 B6 LEASED CIRCUITS ............................................................................................................................................... 69 B6.1.1 International data circuits via Submarine cable ............................................................................................ 69 B6.1.2 International data circuits via Satellite.......................................................................................................... 72 B6.2 Monthly rental for network access .................................................................................................................. 72 B6.3 Cancellation fee.............................................................................................................................................. 73 B6.4 Fixed contract term discounts ......................................................................................................................... 73 B6.5 Reserved ........................................................................................................................................................ 73 B7 RESERVED............................................................................................................................................................... 73 B8 INTERNATIONAL FREECALL ............................................................................................................................... 74 B8.1 International FreeCall ..................................................................................................................................... 74 B9 BROADCASTING SERVICES ................................................................................................................................ 75 B9.1 Television circuits ........................................................................................................................................... 75 B9.2 Audio services ................................................................................................................................................ 76 PART C EXPLANATORY NOTES ................................................................................................................................. 77 A1 TELEPHONY SERVICE A1.1 MAIN SERVICES A1.1.1 Installation and transfer charges Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 3 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 Item A1.1.1 a (i) (ii) b (i) (ii) (iii) c (i) (ii) d e f g h i j (i) (ii) k (i) (ii) l m n INSTALLATION AND TRANSFER CHARGES: (AUTOMATIC AND MANUAL EXCHANGES) Billed Residential service (exchange connection) Notes 1b/5d Where more than one service is provided/transferred simultaneously, per service Note 5d Where a site visit is not required (REUEC) Note 13a Business service (exchange connection) Note 5d Where more than one service is provided/transferred simultaneously, per service Note 5d Where a site visit is not required (REUEC) Note 13a Thintana project Note 1i PrepaidFone residential service (all) Where a site visit is not required (REUEC) Reserved Shared service Party-line service Multi-party line service (automatic exchanges only) Social Pensioner Note 1a Customer 70 years and older Election telephone (temporary) Note 1e Parliamentary Residential telephone: Note 1f New service Service left in situ Telephone service on board a ship Note 16a Ships moving from one quay to another (line and apparatus) Telephone service on board a ship (exceeding a period of 3 months) Payphone prepayment type (agency version) Reserved Outdoor transfer Note 9c 4 Installation New Excl VAT New Incl VAT 543.86 620.00 456.00 519.84 489.06 328.02 543.86 557.53 373.94 620.00 390.05 456.00 444.66 489.06 328.02 543.86 313.16 197.37 557.53 373.94 620.00 357.00 225.00 390.05 456.00 313.16 - 444.66 543.86 543.86 543.86 143.93 447.30 543.86 620.00 620.00 620.00 164.08 509.92 620.00 456.00 456.00 456.00 143.93 447.30 456.00 519.84 519.84 519.84 164.08 509.92 519.84 543.86 228.94 Item B2.4 620.00 260.99 Item B2.4 456.00 456.00 - 519.84 519.84 Item B2.4 Item B2.4 Item B2.4 543.97 Item B2.4 620.00 A1.1.1a Installation of temporary telephone services Item A1.1.1a aa INSTALLATION OF TEMPORARY TELEPHONE SERVICES Exchange connection – single Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Indoor transfer ( Note 9a/e) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT *Installation New Excl VAT 779.83 New Incl VAT 889.00 456.00 519.84 519.84 357.00 519.84 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 - 1 month 235.97 - 2 months 471.93 bb Exchange connection – multiple 725.03 cc Telkom ISDN 2 – single 1 152.55 - 1 month 389.81 - 2 months 779.62 dd Telkom ISDN 2 – multiple 1 115.82 ee Telkom ISDN 2a – single 1 453.67 - 1 month 412.70 - 2 months 825.40 ff Telkom ISDN 2a – multiple 1 412.05 gg Telkom ISDN PRA - 1 month 51 223.29 - Additional month 4 660.11 - 2 months 9 320.22 hh Temporary DSL (Faster) - 1 month 1 736.85 - Additional month 498.25 - 2 months 996.50 ii Temporary DSL (Fastest) - 1 month 1 847.38 - Additional month 608.78 - 2 months 1 217.56 jj DSL Elite ** - 1 month 1 168.42 - Additional month 473.68 - 2 months 947.37 kk DSL Elite ** - 1 month 1 392.11 - Additional month 697.37 - 2 months 1 394.74 * Installation charge includes one month’s rental for the applicable service ** DSL Elite and Elite Plus temporary tariffs exclude the exchange connection in a. above • The tariffs in bold and italics are w.e.f. 1 May 2015 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 5 269.00 538.00 826.53 1 313.91 444.38 888.77 1 272.03 1 657.18 470.48 940.96 1 609.74 58 394.55 5 312.53 10 625.05 1 980.00 568.00 1 136.01 2 106.01 694.00 1 388.02 1 291.00 499.00 998.00 1 391.01 599.00 1 198.00 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 6 A1.1.2 Monthly rental (Automatic exchanges) Item A1.1.2 a (i) a (ii) (iii) a b (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) MONTHLY RENTAL: (AUTOMATIC EXCHANGES) Residential service (exchange connection) Note 1b Optional InfinitCall Plan/Price cap R14.38 (Excl. VAT) * Business service (exchange connection) PrepaidFone (Residential) – Monthly rental option - Annual rental option (Waya Waya) Top-Up plan 1 Top-Up plan 2 Multi-party line service Election telephone service Note 1e Parliamentary residential telephone service Note 1f Payphone prepayment type (agency version) Chatterbox line (exchange connection) Tetabox line (exchange connection) Easicoin line (exchange connection) Telephone on board a ship Reserved Party-line service - Residential - Business Exclusive party-line service (Per station) - Residential - Business Ordinary (Note 1g) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 165.79 189.00 98.40 112.18 235.97 269.00 78.95 90.00 173.68 198.00 155.70 177.50 174.56 199.00 51.74 58.98 235.97 269.00 165.79 189.00 341.37 389.16 235.97 269.00 235.97 269.00 235.97 269.00 Item B2.4 Item B2.4 Social Pensioners (Note 1a) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 82.90 94.50 39.78 45.35 - Customers 70 years and older New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 116.05 132.30 - 95.40 123.47 108.76 140.76 59.12 - 67.40 - 76.17 - 86.83 - 117.65 146.19 134.12 166.66 - - 93.90 - 107.05 - * The monthly line rental for a business service (exchange connection) includes 150 minutes (75 Telkom to Telkom on-net and 75 Telkom fixed to Telkom mobile). Not applicable to business customers with calling and/or discount plans (with the exception of XtraTime and SurfAnytime) and unused minutes will not be carried over to the following month. A1.1.3 Monthly rental (Previously manual exchanges now SSH) Item A1.1.3 MONTHLY RENTAL: (PREVIOUSLY MANUAL EXCHANGES) NB: All existing customers converted to SSH* a Reserved b SpaceStream Home (voice only service): - Residential service (exchange connection) - Business service (exchange connection) c Reserved d Reserved e Reserved * See also Item A1.4.12C • The tariffs in bold and italics are w.e.f. 1 May 2015 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Monthly rental New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 165.79 235.97 189.00 269.00 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 7 A1.2 TELEPHONE FACILITIES, SERVICE CHARGES AND EXTENSIONS A1.2.1 Telephone facilities Item A1.2.1 a b c (i) (ii) d e f g h (i) (ii) i (i) (ii) j TELEPHONE FACILITIES Note 7c 6 x 2 wire converter to provide attachments on SOR Activating facility for SPM on PABX Note 7b Reserved TICI-B Bureau meter Note 7a Electronic Paper bill Extra jack: single installation, per occasion (If more than one extra jack is installed simultaneously), per jack Extra jack (when already exists) Note 5p Extra jack: conversion into an indoor extension Headsets for BTS, Jupiter, Diana & Octophone Note 5h PBX Terminal headset Hunting facilities on exchange lines Simultaneous with provision of service per line Provision/curtailment/discontinuance, per occasion Telephone terminal for the deaf (Teldem) (no longer provided) Note 7g/7h Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Installation New Excl VAT 456.00 456.00 456.00 New Incl VAT 519.84 519.84 519.84 Monthly rental New Excl VAT 33.06 38.72 19.08 14.56 New Incl VAT 37.69 44.14 21.75 16.60 390.05 456.00 444.66 519.84 14.56 14.56 14.56 65.25 16.60 16.60 16.60 74.39 456.00 519.84 65.25 74.39 211.04 240.59 13.67 13.67 15.58 15.58 - - 21.07 24.02 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 8 A1.2.2 Service charges Item A1.2.2 a (i) (ii) b c d (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) e f g h i (i) (ii) (iii) j k l m (i) (ii) (iii) n o p q (i) (ii) r s t u v w SERVICE CHARGES After-hours switching facility: Indoor per pair Outdoor per pair After-hours telephone repair service (includes DDI/DDO and ISDN as well as private lines) Note 35a Change of telephone number at customer’s request, per number: (including pre-paid) Note 15b Change of name/title/rentership of customer: Note 15a Where legal entity remains unchanged (without division of account), per account: Where legal entity changes (with division of account), per account: Pensioner Note 1a PrepaidFone Reserved Duplicate telephone accounts, for first two pages or each additional page Note 16k Dishonoured cheques/Debit orders (Back out fee) Itemised call information (Detailed billing) Enquiries icw liability, charges and/or duration of calls: Trunk calls (per call enquiry, in instances where debit is maintained) per call enquiry: (Operator controlled calls) Advice of charge: Note 2c National International Credit for ineffective operator assisted call, per call Reserved Reserved Reserved Telephone reconnection due to non-payment: Per occasion, per service Party-line suspended at junction pole Prepaid, per occasion Temporary suspension/restoration per occasion Note 16t Reserved Joint-user (Co-user) fee, per directory entry, per month Unnecessary Call Out (exchange connection) , per occasion Note 16c Unnecessary Call Out (other), per occasion Home delivery service, per consignment Once-off activation charge for InfinitCall plan (No longer provided) Standard Service fee Note 6n Connection of private equipment to PBXs (Premicell etc.) Note 6n(a) Customer line efficiency report (Detailed) Customer line efficiency report (Condensed) Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Charge New Excl VAT New Incl VAT 456.00 912.00 519.84 1 039.68 - - 209.56 238.90 328.02 143.93 197.46 373.94 164.08 225.10 7.45 180.53 - 8.49 205.80 - 7.45 8.49 7.45 13.70 7.45 - 8.49 15.62 8.49 - 192.69 394.38 47.84 104.62 227.25 912.00 146.45 219.67 449.59 54.54 119.27 259.07 1 039.68 166.95 456.00 635.05 1 561.80 231.01 519.84 723.96 1 780.45 263.35 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 9 A1.2.2A Conversion/Migration fees Item A1.2.2A a (i) (ii) b c (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) d (i) (ii) (iii) e (i) CONVERSION/MIGRATION FEES Note 16s PrepaidFone Migration from billed exchange line to prepaid and vice versa Migration of rental 7-31 days and vice versa Reserved ISDN Conversion from DDI/DDO to ISDN30 and vice versa, per 2Mbit/s link Conversion from normal exchange line, PrepaidFone or DSL to ISDN2 per line Conversion from normal exchange line, PrepaidFone or DSL to ISDN2a per line Conversion from ISDN2 to ISDN2a and vice versa, and to exchange connection and DSL, at customers’ premises, per occasion Conversion from ISDN2/2a or DSL to PrepaidFone Note 16p DSL Conversion from DSL to exchange line Conversion from high speed DSL to low speed DSL (Downgrade) Conversion from low speed DSL to high speed DSL (Upgrade) Exchange connection Conversion of existing service from bi-directional to uni-directional or vice-versa Note 15d Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Charge New Excl VAT New Incl VAT 197.45 197.45 - 225.09 225.09 - 7 103.61 570.77 822.42 456.00 8 098.12 650.68 937.56 519.84 313.43 357.31 197.45 No charge No charge 225.09 No charge No charge 197.45 225.09 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 10 A1.2.3 Extensions and other lines Item A1.2.3 a (i) (ii) b c d e f (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) g h • EXTENSIONS AND OTHER LINES Installation and indoor transfer Note 9e New New Excl VAT Incl VAT Indoor extension lines Indoor extension off an exchange connection: Note 12e Res. & Bus. Without Telkom instrument - Single installation Note 1c/5d - Multiple installations Indoor extension off a switchboard: Business with Telkom rented instrument - Single installation Note 1c/5d - Multiple installations Indoor extension with Erica Mini Mk1 Note 5i Indoor extension with Erica Mini Mk11 Note 5i Protea plan system, per indoor extension Note 12d Reserved Outdoor extension lines: (The indoor wiring rental must be added to the rental of the outdoor wiring) Indoor wiring (B-end of outdoor extension): • Extension off an exchange connection without Telkom rented instrument (Bus. & Res.) • Extension off a switchboard with Telkom rented instrument (Business) Residential (Outdoor wiring): - Single installation - Multiple installations Business (Outdoor wiring): - Single installation - Multiple installations Extension and main service exist beyond the MRA: Note 3b Fixed rental: - Single line extension - Switchboard extension - Wire rental per km per pair Transfer of indoor wiring Connection of indoor wiring Note 6a/b No longer provided w.e.f. 1 April 2003. Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Monthly rental New Excl VAT New Incl VAT 456.00 390.05 519.84 444.66 14.56 14.56 16.60 16.60 456.00 390.05 456.00 456.00 519.84 444.66 519.84 519.84 31.94 31.94 24.31 21.87 36.41 36.41 27.71 24.93 456.00 - 519.84 - 52.23 - 59.54 - * * 14.56 16.60 * * 31.94 36.41 912.00 771.37 1 039.68 879.36 114.28 114.28 130.23 130.23 912.00 771.37 1 039.68 879.36 1 135.59 1 135.59 1 294.57 1 294.57 912.00 1 039.68 - - 14.56 31.94 29.79 16.60 36.41 33.96 456.00 50.51 519.84 57.58 - - TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 11 A1.2.4 Reserved A1.2.5 ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) Item A1.2.5 a (i) (ii) (iii) ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) Telkom ISDN2 & 2a – Residential customers Standard Basic Rate Service – Access: ISDN2 (Including NT1 & Access) ISDN2a (Including NT2a/b & Access) Multiple access provided simultaneously: Multiple ISDN2 service provided simultaneously Multiple ISDN2a services provided simultaneously Telkom ISDN2 & 2a – Business customers * Standard Basic Rate Service – Access: ISDN2 (Including NT1 & Access) ISDN2a (Including NT2a/b & Access) Multiple access provided simultaneously: Multiple ISDN2 service provided simultaneously Multiple ISDN2a services provided simultaneously Telkom ISDN 30 * (std Primary rate service, 1-year minimum rental period) Single link Multiple services provided simultaneously: Up to 4 links (per link) Note 17a/c Up to 9 links (per link) Note 17a/c 10 or more links (per link) Note 17a/c Telkom ISDN 30 (std Primary rate service, 1-year minimum rental period – installation included in rental) Single link Multiple services provided simultaneously: Up to 4 links (per link) Note 17a/c Up to 9 links (per link) Note 17a/c 10 or more links (per link) Note 17a/c Installation New Excl VAT Monthly rental New Excl VAT New Incl VAT New Incl VAT 762.74 1 040.97 869.52 1 186.71 271.29 286.25 309.27 326.33 726.01 999.35 827.65 1 139.26 - - 762.74 1 040.97 869.52 1 186.71 389.81 412.70 444.38 470.48 726.01 999.35 827.65 1 139.26 - - 41 074.97 46 825.47 4 660.11 5 312.53 30 807.08 28 753.35 27 296.73 35 120.07 32 778.82 31 118.27 4 660.11 4 660.11 4 660.11 5 312.53 5 312.53 5 312.53 - - 8 252.18 9 407.48 - - 7 354.23 7 174.63 7 047.25 8 383.83 8 179.08 8 033.86 * The monthly line rental for ISDN business customers (basic & primary) includes 150 minutes (75 Telkom to Telkom on-net and 75 Telkom fixed to Telkom mobile). Not applicable to business customers with calling and/or discount plans (with the exception of XtraTime and SurfAnytime) and unused minutes will not be carried over to the following month. • The tariffs in bold and italics are w.e.f. 1 May 2015 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 Item A1.2.5 Cont. ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) Telkom ISDN 30 (2 year minimum rental period) Single link Multiple services provided simultaneously: - Up to 4 links (per link) Up to 9 links (per link) 10 or more links (per link) Note 17a Note 17a Note 17a Telkom ISDN 30 (2-year minimum rental period – installation included in rental) Single link Multiple services provided simultaneously: Up to 4 links (per link) Note 17a/c Up to 9 links (per link) Note 17a/c 10 or more links (per link) Note 17a/c Telkom ISDN 30 (3 year minimum rental period) Single link Multiple services provided simultaneously: Up to 4 links (per link) Note 17a Up to 9 links (per link) Note 17a 10 or more links (per link) Note 17a Telkom ISDN 30 (3-year minimum rental period – installation included in rental) Single link Multiple services provided simultaneously: Up to 4 links (per link) Note 17a/c Up to 9 links (per link) Note 17a/c 10 or more links (per link) Note 17a/c Telkom ISDN 30 (5 year minimum rental period) Single link Multiple services provided simultaneously: • Up to 4 links (per link) Note 17a • Up to 9 links (per link) Note 17a 10 or more links (per link) Note 17a (iv) Item Indoor transfer of ISDN PRA, per link Note 17a ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 12 Installation New Excl VAT Monthly rental New Excl VAT New Incl VAT New Incl VAT 34 914.44 39 802.46 3 918.68 4 467.30 29 266.55 27 315.69 25 931.99 33 363.87 31 139.89 29 562.47 3 918.68 3 918.68 3 918.68 4 467.30 4 467.30 4 467.30 - - 5 513.74 6 285.66 - - 5 255.71 5 166.59 5 103.38 5 991.51 5 889.91 5 817.85 24 645.69 28 096.09 3 297.49 3 759.14 23 413.42 22 243.24 20 352.10 26 691.30 25 357.29 23 201.39 3 297.49 3 297.49 3 297.49 3 759.14 3 759.14 3 759.14 - - 4 081.22 4 652.59 - - 4 042.03 4 004.82 3 944.68 4 607.91 4 565.49 4 496.94 16 430.51 18 730.78 2 857.57 3 257.63 15 608.71 14 828.52 14 042.15 17 793.93 16 904.51 16 008.05 2 857.57 2 857.57 2 857.57 3 257.63 3 257.63 3 257.63 23 049.04 26 275.91 - - Installation Monthly rental TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 A1.2.5 Cont. b (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) c (i) (ii) (iii) 13 New Excl VAT ISDN SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES Note 17f MSN (Multi subscriber number) (5 numbers maximum per BRI access) Note 17e DDI/DDO per BRA (20 numbers max. per BRA access) Note 17e/17g TP (terminal portability) Hunting facilities, per line (only BRI services) Simultaneous with provision of service, per line Provision/curtailment/discont. Per occasion Reserved Sub addressing For Enhanced features on ISDN see Item A1.4.4a Indoor wiring for S-bus (max 5 connection points per socket * Multiple installations * Connection of existing wires SPECIAL ISDN CASES Number reconfiguration on PRA, per occasion ISDN Migration solution ISDN AVS solution A1.3 Reserved Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 New Incl VAT New Excl VAT New Incl VAT 187.22 213.43 37.12 79.01 42.32 90.07 187.22 213.43 - - 211.04 240.59 13.66 - 15.57 - 187.22 213.43 - - 456.00 390.05 50.51 519.84 444.66 57.58 44.93 44.93 - 51.22 51.22 - 211.04 - 240.59 - - - TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 14 A1.4 ENHANCED VOICE SERVICES A1.4.1 Reserved A1.4.2 Telkom Smart Access (FreeCall 080, ShareCall 0860 and MaxiCall 0861) Item A1.4.2 TELKOM SMART ACCESS Installation (FREECALL 080, SHARECALL 0860 AND New New MAXICALL 0861) Excl VAT Incl VAT a Basic package* Service without number choice (including one destination) 390.08 444.69 Per additional destination - up to 10 destinations 157.45 179.49 - more than 10 destinations 131.94 150.41 b Optional service features (i) Custom AreaCall (magisterial level) 780.15 889.37 (ii) Golden number (iii) PercentageCall 104.95 119.64 (iv) LimitCall 104.95 119.64 (v) Announcements 104.95 119.64 (vi) Golden number reservation (vii) CustomAreaCall (magisterial and suburb level 978.68 1 115.70 routing) c Other charges (i) Changes to data within a feature already subscribed to 83.69 95.41 (ii) Changes, per destination, to customized call routing options or provision of Custom AreaCall on new destination 126.25 143.93 (iii) Call-out charge 456.00 519.84 (iv) SecureAccess 1 052.48 1 199.83 (v) Admin facility 314.92 359.01 d Call management report (Ad-hoc report) 1 028.35 1 172.32 e Call Management Report (Monthly report) f Call Detail Report g Auto Attendant (i) 10 Seconds announcement 333.33 380.00 (ii) 20 Seconds announcement 333.33 380.00 (iii) 30 Seconds announcement 333.33 380.00 (iv) 40 Seconds announcement 333.33 380.00 (v) Service fee for changes requested by customer, per occasion 333.33 380.00 (vi) Surcharge per successful call 0.03438 0.03919 * The basic package includes standard AreaCall (routing according to provinces), TimeCall, DateCall and DivertCall Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Monthly rental New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 185.64 211.63 94.23 78.76 107.42 89.79 153.30 184.24 60.47 60.47 60.47 184.24 192.69 174.76 210.03 68.94 68.94 68.94 210.03 219.67 - - 509.13 995.72 105.48 580.41 1 135.12 120.25 43.60 87.20 130.78 174.37 49.70 99.41 149.09 198.78 - - TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 15 A1.4.3 Reserved A1.4.4 Enhanced services (PlusCall, IdentiCall, HomeFree & CallAnswer) Item A1.4.4 ENHANCED SERVICES Installation (PLUSCALL, IDENTICALL, HOMEFREE & New New CALL ANSWER) Note 16j Excl VAT Incl VAT a BlockCall (No longer provided w.e.f 7/11/2003, replaced by BlockCall Plus) (i) BlockCall Plus 23.35 26.62 b ForwardCall 23.35 26.62 c WaitingCall * 23.35 26.62 d Three-Way Calling (ConferenceCall) 23.35 26.62 e UrgentCall 23.35 26.62 f 23.35 26.62 SpeedCall Note 16e g Direct-a-call: exchange connection rented in another city/town (i) Business customers only 136.43 155.53 h IdentiCall * 23.35 26.62 i Homefree (No longer provided) j (i) CallAnswer – Std package * - Voicemail upon no reply and busy condition 23.35 26.62 (ii) CallAnswer - Package 2 * - Voicemail upon no reply and call waiting 23.35 26.62 (iii) Basic Voicemail 13.16 15.00 k Fax Answer (No longer provided) 23.35 26.62 l Call Catcher (Call Answer/Waiting-/IdentiCall) 23.35 26.62 m (i) SonnetFax (No longer provided) (ii) Sonnet Plus (CallAnswer/Forward-/Waiting-/ IdentiCall/Internet)(R16.20 + R69.30 for internet) (No longer provided) (iii) Sonnet4 (CallAnswer/IdentiCall/WaitingCall/ 23.35 26.62 ForwardCall) Business customers only *IdentiCall, CallAnswer (Std and package 2) and WaitingCall no longer available to residential customers Item A1.4.4 Cont. n ENHANCED SERVICES (PLUSCALL, IDENTICALL, HOMEFREE & CALL ANSWER) Note 16j MultiCall package ( Consists of IdentiCall, CallAnswer, Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Installation New Excl VAT New Incl VAT Monthly rental New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 20.51 23.38 30.57 4.39 4.39 - 34.85 5.00 5.00 - 78.35 8.64 13.16 89.32 9.85 15.00 8.64 9.85 13.03 22.00 8.77 - 14.85 25.08 10.00 - 85.50 97.47 21.00 23.94 Monthly rental New New Excl VAT Incl VAT TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 16 WaitingCall, ForwardCall and BlockCall) (No longer provided w.e.f 17/11/2003, replaced by MultiCall Plus) (i) MultiCall Plus package (Call Answer, WaitingCall,IdentiCal,ForwardCall and BlockCallPlus)l 23.35 26.62 Business Customers only o Ringback p (i) MyRing (first additional ring) (No longer provided) Note 16f (ii) MyRing (second additional ring) (No longer provided) (iii) MyRing Extended Mail q (i) Mail Manager (No longer provided) (ii) Mail Manager Plus (Business customers only) 23.35 26.62 r Contact Me # The monthly rentals are payable in addition to the existing standard CallAnswer monthly rental of R8.64 (Excl VAT). 37.26 42.48 45.30 8.77 4.39 5.00# 10.00# - 51.64 10.00 5.00 5.70# 11.40# - A1.4.4a Enhanced services on ISDN Item A1.4.4a ENHANCED SERVICES ON ISDN Installation New Excl VAT 23.35 23.35 23.35 23.35 New Incl VAT 26.62 26.62 26.62 26.62 Note 16j WaitingCall on ISDN 2 & 2a * ForwardCall on ISDN 2 & 2a Three-Way Calling on ISDN 2 & 2a FaxAnswer on ISDN 2 & 2a (No longer provided) CallAnswer on ISDN2 & 2a * Identicall 23.35 • ISDN 2 & 2a * 23.35 • ISDN 30 (per PRI access) g BlockCall Plus on ISDN 2 & 2a 23.35 h CallCatcher on ISDN 2 & 2a 23.35 i MultiCall Plus on ISDN 2 & 2a 23.35 *IdentiCall, CallAnswer (Std and package 2) and WaitingCall no longer available to residential customers a b c d e f Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 26.62 26.62 26.62 26.62 26.62 Monthly rental New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 4.39 5.00 4.39 5.00 4.39 5.00 22.00 25.08 8.64 9.85 12.96 133.92 30.57 8.77 45.30 14.77 152.67 34.85 10.00 51.64 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 17 A1.4.4b Enhanced services on PrepaidFone Item A1.4.4b ENHANCED SERVICES ON PREPAIDFONE Installation New Excl VAT 23.35 Note 16j CallAnswer on PrepaidFone (No longer provided) IdentiCall on PrepaidFone (No longer provided) WaitingCall on PrepaidFone (No longer provided) CallCatcher a b c d Monthly rental New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 8.64 9.85 8.64 9.85 4.39 9.85 8.77 10.00 New Incl VAT 26.62 A1.4.5 Reserved A1.4.6 Telkom Internet standalone and bundles Item TELKOM INTERNET A1.4.6 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q (i) (ii) (iii) r s t u v w • Monthly rental Standalone ISP account Bundle (ISP account plus DSL) New New New New Excl VAT Incl VAT Excl VAT Incl VAT Consumer: SoftCap (10GB) / Home SoftCap Basic SoftCap (20GB) / Home SoftCap Advanced SoftCap (50GB) / Home SoftCap Premium SoftCap (50GB) / Home SoftCap Elite SoftCap (100GB) / Home SoftCap Elite Plus SoftCap (200GB) SoftCap (300GB) SoftCap (500GB) Home Uncapped Basic Home Uncapped Advanced Home Uncapped Premium Home Uncapped Premium Plus Home Uncapped Elite Home Uncapped Elite Plus Home TopUp/Out of bundle data per GB Shaped/unshaped out-of-bundle (up/download) per MB Telkom Internet AllAccess1GB on PrepaidFone: 7 days rental option 31 days rental option Waya Waya (annual) Reserved Reserved Do 1 (Fast DSL with Telkom Internet 1GB) – (No longer provided) Do 2 (Fast DSL with Telkom Internet 20GB) – (No longer provided) TI-All Access 1GB (No longer provided) Home SoftCap do Gaming bolt-on The tariffs in bold and italics are w.e.f. 1 October 2014 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 86.84 130.70 235.96 235.96 460.53 872.81 1 311.40 2 188.60 200.88 250.88 250.88 503.51 964.04 1 578.07 16.67 99.00 149.00 269.00 269.00 525.00 995.00 1 495.00 2 495.00 229.00 286.00 286.00 574.00 1 099.00 1 799.00 19.00 192.11 346.49 512.28 527.19 735.97 345.61 513.16 591.23 876.32 1 401.75 2 103.51 - 0.01628 0.02000 15.99 69.30 831.58 - 18.23 79.00 948.00 - 174.56 - - 69.30 42.98 79.00 49.00 219.00 395.00 584.00 601.00 839.00 394.00 585.00 674.00 999.00 1 598.00 2 398.00 - Data quota DSL speed 10 GB 20 GB 50 GB 50 GB 100 GB 200 GB 300 GB 500 GB 2 Mbps FUP 4 Mbps FUP 4 Mbps FUP 10 Mbps FUP 20 Mbps FUP 40 Mbps FUP 1 GB 2 Mbps 4 Mbps 10 Mbps 20 Mbps 40 Mbps 2 Mbps 4 Mbps 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 20 Mbps 40 Mbps - 1 MB - 199.00 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1GB 2 Mbps 226.31 258.00 20 GB 2 Mbps - - TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 Item TELKOM INTERNET A1.4.6 x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj - at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo • 18 Monthly rental Standalone ISP account Bundle (ISP account plus DSL) New New New New Excl VAT Incl VAT Excl VAT Incl VAT Business: TI-All Access Business SoftCap SoftCap (10GB) / Business SoftCap Starter SoftCap (20GB) / Business SoftCap Entry SoftCap (50GB) / Business SoftCap Basic SoftCap (50GB) / Business SoftCap Advanced SoftCap (100GB) / Business SoftCap Premium SoftCap (100GB) / Business SoftCap Premium+ SoftCap (100GB) / Business SoftCap Elite SoftCap (100GB) / Business SoftCap Elite Plus SoftCap (200GB) SoftCap (300GB) SoftCap (500GB) TI-All Access Business Prioritised SoftCap * (Prioritised SoftCap is no longer provided) Business Uncapped Basic Business Uncapped Advanced Business Uncapped Premium (No longer provided) Business Uncapped Premium Plus Business Uncapped Elite Business Uncapped Elite Plus Business Premium Uncapped Basic Business Premium Uncapped Advanced Bus Premium Uncap Premium (No longer provided) Business Premium Uncapped Premium Plus Business Premium Uncapped Elite Business Premium Uncapped Elite Plus Business TopUp/Out of bundle data per GB Shaped/unshaped out-of-bundle (up/download) per MB Other: Out of Bundle usage per GB (unshaped) (No longer provided) TI Local Basic Package 1GB TI Unshaped Basic Package 5GB (No longer provided) TI Additional Mail Box TI Additional Alias TI Additional Mail Storage TI Additional Web Space The tariffs in bold and italics are w.e.f. 1 October 2014 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 34.21 86.84 130.70 235.96 235.96 460.53 460.53 460.53 460.53 872.81 1 311.40 2 188.60 39.00 99.00 149.00 269.00 269.00 525.00 525.00 525.00 525.00 995.00 1 495.00 2 495.00 218.42 262.28 350.00 437.72 613.16 700.88 788.60 832.46 - 249.00 299.00 399.00 499.00 699.00 799.00 899.00 949.00 - 241.23 346.49 346.49 635.97 1 051.75 1 665.79 478.07 916.67 916.67 1 741.23 1 928.95 2 455.26 16.67 275.00 395.00 395.00 725.00 1 199.00 1 899.00 545.00 1 045.00 1 045.00 1 985.00 2 199.00 2 799.00 19.00 437.72 660.53 744.74 1 060.53 1 541.23 2 242.98 744.74 1 300.88 1 344.74 2 235.97 2 488.60 3 102.63 - 499.00 753.00 849.00 1 209.00 1 757.00 2 557.00 849.00 1 483.00 1 533.00 2 549.00 2 837.00 3 537.00 - 0.01628 0.02000 - - 51.75 59.00 26.32 118.42 30.00 135.00 13.76 1.84 11.47 10.00 15.69 2.10 13.08 11.40 Data quota DSL speed 1GB 10GB 20Gb 50GB 50GB 100GB 100GB 100GB 100GB 200 GB 300GB 500GB 2Mbps, Micro VAS 2Mbps, Micro VAS 2Mbps, Starter VAS 4Mbps, Starter VAS 10Mbps, Starter VAS 10Mbps, Specialised VAS 20Mbps, Specialised VAS 40Mbps, Specialised VAS 2Mbps, FUP 4Mbps, FUP 4Mbps, FUP 10Mbps, FUP 20Mbps, FUP 40Mbps, FUP 2Mbps, FUP 4Mbps, FUP 4Mbps, FUP 10Mbps, FUP 20Mbps, FUP 40Mbps, FUP 1Gb 2Mbps, Starter VAS 4Mbps, Starter VAS 10Mbps, Starter VAS 10Mbps, Starter VAS 20Mbps, Starter VAS 40Mbps, Starter VAS 2Mbps, Sophisticated VAS 4Mbps, Sophisticated VAS 10Mbps, Sophisticated VAS 10Mbps, Sophisticated VAS 20Mbps, Sophisticated VAS 40Mbps, Sophisticated VAS - 1MB - - TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 Item TELKOM INTERNET A1.4.6 bp bq (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) br bs bt bu bv bw bx by Bz ca cb cc TI Edunet TI-DNS INT TI-DNS INT Advanced TI-DNS Local TI-DNS Local Advanced TI-DNS NPO TI-DNS NPO Advanced TI-DNS Hosting TI EmailDomain (DNS inclusive) TI EmailDomain (DNS Advanced) TI-DNS Secondary Hosting TI EmailDomain (Standalone) IPN Licencing IPN Content Filtering Usage Based Internet Gold Usage Based Internet Silver Faster DSL Xtratime300 (No longer provided) Fastest DSL Xtratime300 (No longer provided) TI Multisite Usage Normal per GB TI Multisite Usage Prioritised per GB 19 Monthly rental Standalone ISP account New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 30.16 34.38 28.95 33.00 30.70 35.00 7.02 8.00 8.77 10.00 4.39 5.00 6.14 7.00 4.39 5.00 6.14 7.00 1.75 2.00 4.39 5.00 1.75 2.00 181.90 207.37 120.76 137.67 1 210.52 1 379.99 859.65 980.00 399.12 455.00 509.65 581.00 16.67 19.00 34.21 39.00 A1.4.7 ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) – connectivity Item A1.4.7 ADSL/Broadband (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) connectivity Note 16m/v/o a Fast DSL b Faster DSL (i) Reserved c Fastest DSL d DSL Elite (up to 20 Mbps) e DSL Elite+ (up to 40 Mbps) f DSL Self Install (All speeds) Note 16r • Self-install will be free of charge during promotional periods • The tariffs in bold and italics are w.e.f. 1 October 2014 A1.4.8 Reserved Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Installation New Excl VAT 694.74 694.74 694.74 694.74 694.74 411.40 New Incl VAT 792.00 792.00 792.00 792.00 792.00 469.00 Monthly rental New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 144.74 165.00 262.28 299.00 372.81 425.00 437.72 499.00 525.44 599.00 - TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 20 A1.4.9 Intelligent Call Forwarding Item A1.4.9 Intelligent Call Forwarding Basic service offering (network congestion/busy, no reply and immediate) (i) Analogue line* (ii) ISDN 2 & 2a* (iii) ISDN 30** (iv) Customised Intelligent Call Forwarding b Supporting feature c Administration fee, per occasion (whenever a change is effected to a profile) • Applicable to existing ICF customers only ** Free installation & rental with 2, 3 and 5 year PRA contract Installation New Excl VAT New Incl VAT Monthly rental New New Excl VAT Incl VAT a 75.47 75.47 75.47 304.61 75.47 86.04 86.04 86.04 347.26 86.04 11.52 23.03 221.16 853.52 40.89 13.13 26.25 252.12 973.01 46.61 47.62 54.29 - - A1.4.10 Reserved A1.4.11 Reserved A1.4.12A Spacestream Office (SSO) – Option 1 Item A1.4.12A a b c d e f • • SpaceStream Office (SSO) Activation/Installation (Rand) Monthly rental (Rand) Option 1 – (Installation charge paid up-front) New New New New Note 16q Excl VAT Incl VAT Excl VAT Incl VAT SpaceStream Office – 1Year contract 2 719.30 3 100.00 *552.31 629.63 SpaceStream Office – 2Year contract 2 719.30 3 100.00 *541.31 617.09 SpaceStream Office – 3Year contract 2 719.30 3 100.00 *531.91 606.38 SpaceStream Office includes an Internet data volume cap of 1 GB as standard. Additional data volumes per 1GB* increment 205.26 234.00 Note 16l 543.86 620.00 209.65 239.00 Advanced Paid Private Payphone for SSO (line) 1 500.00 1 710.00 Indoor transfer of VSAT per Access Maximum data volume cap is 20GB. The additional data volume will be in operation for a minimum period of 30 days. The charge and additional data volume Will continue to apply from month-to-month until the customer requests a downgrade to the basic offering. *CPE only, exclude line rental A1.4.12B Spacestream Office (SSO) – Option 2 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 Item A1.4.12B a b c d e • • 21 SpaceStream Office (SSO) Monthly rental incl. activation/installation charge Option 2 – (Installation charge included in (Rand) monthly rental) New New Note 16q Excl VAT Incl VAT SpaceStream Office – 1Year contract *793.78 904.91 SpaceStream Office – 2Year contract *669.19 762.88 SpaceStream Office – 3Year contract *622.10 709.19 315.84 360.06 Month to Month, after expiry of initial contract SpaceStream Office includes an Internet data volume cap of 1 GB as standard. Additional data volumes per 1GB* increment 205.26 234.00 Note 16l Maximum data volume cap is 20GB. The additional data volume will be in operation for a minimum period of 30 days. The charge and additional data volume Will continue to apply from month-to-month until the customer requests a downgrade to the basic offering. *CPE only, exclude line rental A1.4.12C Spacestream Home (SSH) Item A1.4.12C a b c (i) (ii) (iii) d (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) SPACESTREAM HOME (SSH) * - Standard direct dialed call charges will apply to SSH voice services Reserved Reserved Voice and Internet Access service (residential) Voice and Internet Access service (residential) on 12 month minimum rental period Voice and Internet Access service (residential) on 24 month minimum rental period Voice and Internet Access service (business) Voice and Internet Access service (business) on 12 month minimum rental period Voice and Internet Access service (business) on 24 month minimum rental period Voice and Internet Access service (business) on 36 month minimum rental period Activation/Installation (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 6 065.13 6 914.25 Monthly rental (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 368.42 420.00 - - 898.82 1 024.65 6 065.13 6 914.25 645.50 368.42 735.87 420.00 - - 898.82 1 024.65 - - 645.50 735.87 - - 561.29 639.87 *The Voice and Internet Access offerings exclude an internet (ISP) account *SSH customers can apply for additional voice ports @ standard residential/business line rental respectively (see Item A1.1.2 a (i) and (ii)) A1.4.13 Spacestream Express (SSE) – Option 1 Item SpaceStream Express (SSE) Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Activation/Installation (Rand) Monthly rental (Rand) TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 A1.4.13 a (i) (ii) (iii) b • Option 1 – (Installation charge paid up-front) SpaceStream Express: 512 kbps with 1GByte data volume cap 1 Year contract 2 Year contract 3 Year contract 512 kbps with 2GByte data volume cap 1 Year contract 2 Year contract 3 Year contract 512 kbps with 3GByte data volume cap 1 Year contract 2 Year contract 3 Year contract Additional data volume per 1GB increment on the 512 K/bit service only* Note 16l Indoor transfer of VSAT, per access 22 New Excl VAT New Incl VAT New Excl VAT 2 719.30 2 719.30 2 719.30 3 100.00 3 100.00 3 100.00 559.35 548.16 534.18 637.66 624.90 608.97 2 719.30 2 719.30 2 719.30 3 100.00 3 100.00 3 100.00 764.61 753.42 739.44 871.66 858.90 842.96 2 719.30 2 719.30 2 719.30 3 100.00 3 100.00 3 100.00 969.86 958.68 944.70 1 105.64 1 092.90 1 076.96 1 500.00 1 710.00 205.26 234.00 - - Maximum data volume cap is 20GB A1.4.13A Spacestream Express (SSE) – Option 2 Item A1.4.13A SpaceStream Express (SSE) Option 2 – (Installation charge included in monthly rental) SpaceStream Express: 512 kbps with 1GByte data volume cap 1 Year contract 2 Year contract 3 Year contract - Month to Month, after expiry of initial contract (ii) 512 kbps with 2GByte data volume cap 1 Year contract 2 Year contract 3 Year contract (iii) 512 kbps with 3GByte data volume cap 1 Year contract 2 Year contract 3 Year contract Additional data volume per 1GB increment on the 512 K/bit service only* Note 16l b Indoor transfer of VSAT, per access • Maximum data volume cap is 20GB Monthly rental incl. activation/installation charge (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT a (i) 799.87 679.89 639.90 295.66 911.85 775.08 729.49 337.05 1 005.13 885.15 845.16 1 145.85 1 009.07 963.48 1 210.39 1 090.41 1 050.42 1 379.84 1 243.07 1 197.48 205.26 1 500.00 234.00 1 710.00 A1.4.14 & 15 Reserved A1.4.16 InterCall Item InterCall Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 New Incl VAT Monthly rental TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 A1.4.16 a b c d e f g h Number of InterCall numbers registered 23 New Excl VAT 102.84 205.87 411.74 823.52 1 646.99 3 294.00 6 587.99 13 175.97 37 and less From 38 to 74 From 75 to 149 From 150 to 299 From 300 to 599 From 600 to 1199 From 1200 to 2399 From 2400 to 4800 New Incl VAT 117.24 234.69 469.38 938.81 1 877.57 3 755.16 7 510.31 15 020.61 A1.4.17 Reserved (see A1.4.6) A1.4.18 Reserved A1.4.19 SupremeCall Calling Plans Item A1.4.19 SupremeCall Calling Plans Package New Excl VAT SupremeCall200 175.44 SupremeCall 300 263.16 SupremeCall 500 438.60 SupremeCall 1000 877.19 SupremeCall 1750 1 535.09 SupremeCall 2500 2 192.98 SupremeCall 4000 3 508.77 SupremeCall 6000 5 263.16 SupremeCall 8000 7 017.54 SupremeCall 10000 8 771.93 SupremeCall 12000 10 526.32 SupremeCall 15000 13 157.89 SupremeCall 18000 15 789.47 Once-off charge for upgrade/downgrade of packages Monthly subscription (Rand) New Incl VAT 200.00 300.00 500.00 1 000.00 1 750.00 2 500.00 4 000.00 6 000.00 8 000.00 10 000.00 12 000.00 15 000.00 18 000.00 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Package SupremeCall 20000 SupremeCall 30000 SupremeCall 40000 SupremeCall 50000 SupremeCall 60000 SupremeCall 70000 SupremeCall 80000 SupremeCall 90000 SupremeCall 100000 SupremeCall 150000 SupremeCall 200000 SupremeCall 250000 SupremeCall 300000 New Excl VAT 17 543.86 26 315.79 35 087.72 43 859.65 52 631.58 61 403.51 70 175.44 78 947.37 87 719.30 131 578.95 175 438.60 219 298.25 263 157.90 0.00 New Incl VAT 20 000.00 30 000.00 40 000.00 50 000.00 60 000.00 70 000.00 80 000.00 90 000.00 100 000.00 150 000.00 200 000.00 250 000.00 300 000.00 0.00 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 24 A1.4.20 Message Suite Item A1.4.20 a b c d Message Suite Bundle 1 1-10 Mailboxes 1GB storage free Bundle 2 11-20 Mailboxes 2GB storage free Bundle 3 21-50 Mailboxes 5GB storage free Additional storage per GB Once-off activation charge (Rand) Monthly subscription (Rand) New Excl VAT 3 850.00 New Incl VAT 4 389.00 New Excl VAT 979.00 New Incl VAT 1 116.06 3 850.00 4 389.00 1 738.00 1 981.32 3 850.00 4 389.00 4 125.00 4 702.50 82.50 94.05 - - Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 25 A1.4.21 Telkom Closer Calling Plans (Residential Customers) Item A1.4.21 Telkom Closer Calling Plans (Residential Customers) Note 16v Call Charges New Excl VAT 180.70 New Incl VAT 206.00 227.19 259.00 306.14 349.00 376.32 429.00 525.44 599.00 150 local Internet hours per month during Callmore Time (Telkom on-net calls 131.58 only) 70.18 75 local Internet hours per month during Callmore Time (Telkom on-net calls only) Fixed to Mobile * This add-on bundle includes 80 fixed-to-moblie minutes (to all mobile/cellular 70.18 add-on networks), thereafter standard fixed-to-mobile tariffs will apply, as follows: - For Closer 1 and 2 the standard fixed-to-mobile tariffs are billed upfront for the first 60 seconds and thereafter in 30 second increments. - For Closer 3 pure per second billing applies for fixed-to-mobile calls. • If the Callmore call duration exceeds 1 hour, (All Options), normal per second billing according to the time of the day and the distance band will apply. 150.00 80.00 Telkom Evening and Weekend plan (The old Weekender plan is no longer provided) Telkom Anytime plan (The old Anytime plan is renamed Anytime Extra plan) Telkom Anytime Extra plan Monthly subscription includes home line rental with Free VAS (DSL charge paid separate where applicable) Calls to directory enquiries excluded Monthly subscription includes home line rental with Free VAS (DSL charge paid separate where applicable) Calls to directory enquiries excluded Monthly subscription includes home line rental with Free VAS (DSL charge paid separate where applicable) Calls to directory enquiries excluded Telkom Anytime Plus plan Monthly subscription includes home line rental with Free VAS (DSL charge paid separate where applicable) Calls to directory enquiries excluded Telkom Unlimited plan Monthly subscription includes home line rental with Free VAS (DSL charge paid separate where applicable) Calls to directory enquiries excluded Internet Add-on Monthly subscription payable in addition to normal Internet monthly charge Monthly subscription payable in addition to the relevant Telkom Closer calling plan subscription Standard Time (All charges Excl VAT) - 41c per minute. On-net (Local and long distance) calls will be billed per second with a minimum charge of 41c per call. - First 30 local minutes in standard time free - Unlimited On-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Pure per second billing applies for fixed-to-mobile calls - 10% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 popular international fixed line destinations. Minimum 55c per call - Unlimited On-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Pure per second billing applies for fixed-to-mobile calls - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile - 20% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 popular international fixed line destinations. Minimum 55c per call - Unlimited on-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge & 100 free minutes to other networks. - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile. - 15% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 most popular international destinations. Minimum 55c per call. - Unlimited on-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile - Unlimited calls to other networks (excluding international calls) Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Callmore Time (All charges Excl VAT) - Unlimited On-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge, up to an hour - 60 local surfing minutes free - 10% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 popular international fixed line destinations. Minimum 55c per call. - Unlimited On-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Pure per second billing applies for fixed-to-mobile calls - 10% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 popular international fixed line destinations. Minimum 55c per call - Unlimited On-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Pure per second billing applies for fixed-to-mobile calls - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile - 20% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 popular international fixed line destinations. Minimum 55c per call - Unlimited on-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge & 100 free minutes to other networks. - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile. - 15% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 most popular international destinations. Minimum 55c per call. - Unlimited on-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile - Unlimited calls to other networks (excluding international calls) Monthly subscription (Rand) 80.00 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 • 26 The changes in bold and italics are w.e.f. 1 May 2015 A1.4.21a Telkom Closer Calling Plans (ISDN2 Residential Customers) Item A1.4.21a Telkom Evening and Weekend plan (The old Weekender plan is no longer provided) Telkom Anytime plan (The old Anytime plan is renamed Anytime Extra plan) Telkom Anytime Extra plan Telkom Closer Calling Plans (ISDN2 Residential Customers) Monthly subscription includes home line rental with Free VAS (DSL charge paid separate where applicable) Calls to directory enquiries excluded Monthly subscription includes home line rental with Free VAS (DSL charge paid separate where applicable) Calls to directory enquiries excluded Monthly subscription includes home line rental with Free VAS (DSL charge paid separate where applicable) Calls to directory enquiries excluded Telkom Anytime Plus plan Monthly subscription includes home line rental with Free VAS (DSL charge paid separate where applicable) Calls to directory enquiries excluded Telkom Unlimited plan Monthly subscription includes home line rental with Free VAS (DSL charge paid separate where applicable) Calls to directory enquiries excluded Internet Add-on Monthly subscription payable in addition to normal Internet monthly charge Monthly subscription payable in addition to the relevant Telkom Closer calling plan subscription Fixed to Mobile add-on Call Charges Standard Time (All charges Excl VAT) - 41c per minute. On-net (Local and long distance) calls will be billed per second with a minimum charge of 41c per call. - First 30 local minutes in standard time free Monthly subscription (Rand) Callmore Time (All charges Excl VAT) - Unlimited On-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge, up to an hour - 60 local surfing minutes free - 10% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 popular international fixed line destinations. Minimum 55c per call. - Unlimited On-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Pure per second billing applies for fixed-to-mobile calls - 10% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 popular international fixed line destinations. Minimum 55c per call - Unlimited On-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Pure per second billing applies for fixed-to-mobile calls - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile - 20% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 popular international fixed line destinations. Minimum 55c per call - Unlimited on-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge & 100 free minutes to other networks. - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile. - 15% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 most popular international destinations. Minimum 55c per call. - Unlimited on-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile - Unlimited calls to other networks (excluding international calls) New Excl VAT 286.20 New Incl VAT 326.27 333.69 380.41 411.64 469.27 481.82 549.27 632.94 721.55 150 local Internet hours per month during Callmore Time (Telkom on-net calls only) 75 local Internet hours per month during Callmore Time (Telkom on-net calls only) * This add-on bundle includes 80 fixed-to-moblie minutes (to all mobile/cellular networks), thereafter standard fixed-to-mobile tariffs will apply, as follows: - For Closer 1 and 2 the standard fixed-to-mobile tariffs are billed upfront for the first 60 seconds and thereafter in 30 second increments. - For Closer 3 pure per second billing applies for fixed-to-mobile calls. 131.58 70.18 150.00 80.00 70.18 80.00 - Unlimited On-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Pure per second billing applies for fixed-to-mobile calls - 10% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 popular international fixed line destinations. Minimum 55c per call - Unlimited On-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Pure per second billing applies for fixed-to-mobile calls - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile - 20% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 popular international fixed line destinations. Minimum 55c per call - Unlimited on-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge & 100 free minutes to other networks. - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile. - 15% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 most popular international destinations. Minimum 55c per call. - Unlimited on-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile - Unlimited calls to other networks (excluding international calls) Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 • • 27 If the Callmore call duration exceeds 1 hour, (All Options), normal per second billing according to the time of the day and the distance band will apply. The changes in bold and italics are w.e.f. 1 May 2015 A1.4.21b Telkom Closer Calling Plans (ISDN2a Residential Customers) Item A1.4.21b Telkom Evening and Weekend plan (The old Weekender plan is no longer provided) Telkom Anytime plan (The old Anytime plan is renamed Anytime Extra plan) Telkom Anytime Extra plan (The old Anytime Plus plan is no longer provided) Telkom Closer Calling Plans (ISDN2a Residential Customers) Call Charges Monthly subscription (Rand) Standard Time (All charges Excl VAT) Callmore Time (All charges Excl VAT) Monthly subscription includes home line rental with Free VAS (DSL charge paid separate where applicable) Calls to directory enquiries excluded - 41c per minute. On-net (Local and long distance) calls will be billed per second with a minimum charge of 41c per call. - First 30 local minutes in standard time free 301.16 343.32 Monthly subscription includes home line rental with Free VAS (DSL charge paid separate where applicable) Calls to directory enquiries excluded - Unlimited On-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Pure per second billing applies for fixed-to-mobile calls - 10% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 popular international fixed line destinations. Minimum 55c per call - Unlimited On-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Pure per second billing applies for fixed-to-mobile calls - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile - 20% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 popular international fixed line destinations. Minimum 55c per call - Unlimited on-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge & 100 free minutes to other networks. - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile. - 15% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 most popular international destinations. Minimum 55c per call. - Unlimited on-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile - Unlimited calls to other networks (excluding international calls) - Unlimited On-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge, up to an hour - 60 local surfing minutes free - 10% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 popular international fixed line destinations. Minimum 55c per call. - Unlimited On-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Pure per second billing applies for fixed-to-mobile calls - 10% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 popular international fixed line destinations. Minimum 55c per call - Unlimited On-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Pure per second billing applies for fixed-to-mobile calls - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile - 20% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 popular international fixed line destinations. Minimum 55c per call - Unlimited on-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge & 100 free minutes to other networks. - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile. - 15% discount on prescribed per second rate to 30 most popular international destinations. Minimum 55c per call. - Unlimited on-net (Local and long distance) calls at no charge - Unlimited calls to Telkom Mobile - Unlimited calls to other networks (excluding international calls) 348.65 397.46 426.60 486.32 496.78 566.33 647.90 738.60 150 local Internet hours per month during Callmore Time (Telkom on-net calls only) 75 local Internet hours per month during Callmore Time (Telkom on-net calls only) 131.58 70.18 150.00 80.00 Monthly subscription includes home line rental with Free VAS (DSL charge paid separate where applicable) Calls to directory enquiries excluded Telkom Anytime Plus plan Monthly subscription includes home line rental with Free VAS (DSL charge paid separate where applicable) Calls to directory enquiries excluded Telkom Unlimited plan Monthly subscription includes home line rental with Free VAS (DSL charge paid separate where applicable) Calls to directory enquiries excluded Internet Add-on Monthly subscription payable in addition to normal Internet monthly charge Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 New Excl VAT New Incl VAT TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 Fixed to Mobile add-on • • 28 Monthly subscription payable in addition to the relevant Telkom Closer calling plan subscription * This add-on bundle includes 80 fixed-to-moblie minutes (to all mobile/cellular 70.18 networks), thereafter standard fixed-to-mobile tariffs will apply, as follows: - For Closer 1 and 2 the standard fixed-to-mobile tariffs are billed upfront for the first 60 seconds and thereafter in 30 second increments. - For Closer 3 pure per second billing applies for fixed-to-mobile calls. If the Callmore call duration exceeds 1 hour, (All Options), normal per second billing according to the time of the day and the distance band will apply. The changes in bold and italics are w.e.f. 1 May 2015 A1.4.22 Reserved (see A1.4.6) A1.4.23 Telkom BizTalk Item A1.4.23 TELKOM BIZTALK Calling Plan: All plans include analogue line rental a b c d e f g h i j k Telkom BizTalk Telkom BizTalk Plus Telkom BizTalk 250 Telkom BizTalk 400 Telkom BizTalk 700 (includes ISDN2 BRA service) Telkom BizTalk 800 Telkom BizTalk 1200 Telkom BizTalk 1400 (includes ISDN2 BRA service) Telkom BizTalk 1600 Telkom BizTalk 2100 (includes ISDN2 BRA service) Telkom BizTalk 2800 (includes ISDN2 BRA service) Fixed-toFixed minutes (Local & Long distance) Any time 150 500 150 200 400 400 600 800 800 1200 1600 Fixed-tomobile minutes Anytime SmartAccess single MaxiCall number (0861) basic package 0 0 100 200 300 400 600 600 800 900 1200 Not included Included Not included Not included Not included Not included Not included Not included Not included Not included Not included New New Monthly subscription Excl VAT Monthly subscription Incl VAT 281.27 466.91 262.28 402.63 674.56 798.25 1 184.21 1 315.79 1 570.18 1 955.26 2 542.98 • Plans a and b include the MultiCall Plus Value Added Service consisting of: IdentiCall, ForwardCall, Call Answer, Call Waiting and BlockCall Plus • Plans c to k have an out of bundle call tariff of R0.79c per minute (Incl VAT) which is applied on per second billing (on-net, fixed-to-mobile, other domestic licensed operators as well as certain international destinations) • The tariffs in bold and italics are w.e.f. 1 May 2015 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 320.65 532.28 299.00 459.00 769.00 910.00 1 350.00 1 500.00 1 790.00 2 229.00 2 899.00 80.00 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 29 A1.5 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES A1.5.1 Miscellaneous Call Charges Item A1.5.1 a (i) (ii) b (i) (ii) (iii) c d e f (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) g h i MISCELLANEOUS CALL CHARGES New (Excl VAT) Collect call (extra charge payable) - Reserved - Automated Operator assisted calls (Automatic customers) - International - National Diversion of calls – Automatic exchanges: Period up to 10 days, per day, per occasion Period longer than 10 days, per month Plus connection fee, per occasion Diversion of calls – Manual exchanges: Per occasion, irrespective of the duration of the diversion, with a maximum period of one month per occasion Fixed-time trunk call Note 2c Personal-service call (extra charge payable) Telephone Conference Call Note 2d/e Connection fee per occasion Plus, extra charge i.r.o. each individual national on-net connection Plus, extra charge i.r.o. each individual international connection Plus, extra charge i.r.o. each individual Mobile cellular, Neotel, VANS & USAL connection Advice of charge 1023 Auto Complete (Flat rate) Operator assisted directory enquiries, domestic 1023/4, 102701/11/31 and international 10903, Standard and Callmore time; per call New (Incl VAT) 4.67 5.32 13.70 7.45 15.62 8.49 8.34 83.32 40.02 9.51 94.98 45.62 40.02 45.62 7.45 8.49 86.28 98.36 8.64 9.85 18.70 21.32 18.70 Item A1.2.2 (i) 1.29 21.32 Item A1.2.2 (i) 1.47 2.93 3.34 A1.5.2 Consultancy services Item A1.5.2 CONSULTANCY SERVICES (Item 37.3.2 of Telkom Manual) Charges – Professional New (Excl VAT) Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 New (Incl VAT) Charges – Technical and Administrative category New New (Excl VAT) (Incl VAT) TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 a b Hourly Daily 30 936.75 7 494.06 1 067.90 8 543.23 609.78 4 885.78 695.15 5 569.79 A1.6 DOMESTIC TELEPHONE CALL CHARGES A1.6.1 Telephone call charges from customers connected to automatic exchanges and calls from WorldCall Pre-paid calling cards & WorldCall Charge Card Standard time: Monday to Friday 07:00 to 19:00 All times Minimum charge rand (Excl VAT) Minimum charge rand (Incl VAT) Rand per second (Excl VAT) Rand per second (Incl VAT) Callmore time: Monday to Friday 19:00 to 07:00 and Friday 19:00 to Monday 07:00 Rand per second (Excl VAT) Rand per second (Incl VAT) Conventional (Postpaid) calls -- as well as WorldCall (Pre-Paid and Charge Card) calls (for conventional calls the minimum charge will not apply to on-net dial-up internet calls to ISP's) On-net calls (previously Local & Long distance) 0.554 0.632 0.00678 0.00773 0.00335 0.00382 FreeCall 080/Homefree (all call charges apply to the called party) Local (0-50km) 0.554 0.632 0.00714 0.00814 0.00383 0.00437 Long distance (>50km) * 0.554 0.632 0.00934 0.01065 0.00504 0.00575 * Also applicable to calls from other licensed operators (OLO's) ShareCall 0860 (Conventional (Postpaid) calls -- the minimum charge will not apply to on-net dial-up internet calls to ISP's) Local (0-50km) (apply to the calling party) Long distance (>50km) * 0.554 0.632 0.00678 0.00773 0.00335 0.00382 - - 0.00934 0.01065 0.00504 0.00575 0.00773 0.00335 0.00382 * (apply to the called party - minus the 0-50km minimum charge) Also applicable to calls from other licensed operators (OLO's) MaxiCall 0861 (Conventional (Postpaid) calls) All distances 0.554 0.632 0.00678 PrepaidFone calls (a surcharge of R0.70 (Incl VAT) per call, will apply to PrepaidFone Waya-Waya and Top-Up plans) On-net calls (previously Local & Long distance) 0.840 0.958 0.01016 0.01158 0.00484 0.00552 0.632 0.00678 0.00773 0.00335 0.00382 Call Answer message retrieval from other phone (Conventional & PrepaidFone calls) All distances Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 0.554 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 31 Calls to mobile cellular from Conventional, PrepaidFone and WorldCall customers: Item A1.6.1 Automatic calls to Mobile (Contd.) New Price New Price Rand Rand Excl VAT Incl VAT Rate group 1: Peak time Weekdays from 07:00 to 20:00 New Price New Price Rand Rand Excl VAT Incl VAT Rate group 2: Off-peak time Weekdays 20:00 to 07:00 and from Friday 20:00 to Monday 07:00 Outgoing calls to Mobile Cellular Vodacom, MTN, Cell C, Telkom Mobile, Wirels Connect and WBS Mobile** First 60 sec* 1.144 1.304 0.924 1.053 Next 30 sec 0.572 0.652 0.462 0.527 * Calls are charged in increments of one minute for the first minute and in increments of 30 seconds thereafter. ** For WBS Mobile peak time: Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 19:00 and off peak: Monday to Friday from 19:00 to 07:00 and Friday 19:00 to Monday 07:00 Item A1.6.1 Automatic calls to Premium Rate services (Contd.) Fax to eMail calls 086 29, 086 5 & 6, 086 73 / 4 / 6 All distances / per minute Mailbox messaging All distances / per message Virtual Fax deposit 088 All distances / per minute Automated Teleconferencing calls 086 200 0000 Standard time (all distances / per minute) Callmore time (all distances / per minute) Calls to Charity Lines All distances / per call Calls to TeleVoting All distances / per call Calls to Competition lines 086 22, 086 294 All distances / per minute Calls to Information services 086 71 / 5 All distances / per minute Calls to Information services 086 72 All distances / per minute Calls to Information services 086 735 / 7 All distances / per minute Calls to Information services 086 744 / 5 / 7 All distances / per minute Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 New price Rand Excl VAT All times New price Rand Incl VAT 1.598 1.822 0.600 0.680 0.600 0.680 1.320 0.880 1.500 1.000 4.390 5.000 1.265 1.442 1.775 2.024 1.775 2.024 1.265 1.442 2.700 3.078 3.423 3.902 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 32 Outgoing calls to OLO's (direct dialed calls) - unchanged rand (Excl VAT) Minimum charge for automatic calls / per call 0.554 rand per second (Excl VAT) Charges apply to Conventional, PrepaidFone and WorldCall customers. 45 Degrees Telecommunications Altech Technology Concepts Bitco Blackbridge Communications Broadband Innovations (now Tru Trade) Broadlands Networks BT Business Connexion CMC Cybersmart Directel DOW Networks (now Avoxi) Du Pont Telecom ECN (now Nashua Communications) Ensynch Business Solutions Exotic Systems FNB Frogfoot Gateway GVSC Hymax Talking Solutions ICT Globe iCtel ICT-Works Intercel Intergrat IS Jasco Mia Telecoms Multisource Telecoms Mystic Blue Trading M-Web NetVoip NGN Telecoms (ex Safikatel) Ohren t/a O-Tel Telecom Orion Paw Paw Wireless t/a Telejunction PAWS Platformity Saicom Technology Sandobel/Primetel Skycall Networks (ex Skycom) Sky-Connect Storm Sundial Telecom Switch Telecom Telfree Telkom Internet VCA Virtual Office Vlocity VOX (includes Datapro) Wanatel WBS Wireless Dimensions Wirels Connect Zensho Telecoms rand (Incl VAT) 0.632 Geographic locations rand rand per second per second (Incl VAT) (Excl VAT) Standard time: Monday to Friday 07:00 to 19:00 0.00850 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 0.00969 rand per second (Incl VAT) Callmore time: Monday to Friday 19:00 to 07:00 and Friday 19:00 to Monday 07:00 0.00850 0.00969 rand per second (Excl VAT) Non-geographic locations rand rand per second per second (Incl VAT) (Excl VAT) Standard time: Monday to Friday 07:00 to 19:00 0.00983 0.01121 rand per second (Incl VAT) Callmore time: Monday to Friday 19:00 to 07:00 and Friday 19:00 to Monday 07:00 0.00983 0.01121 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 rand per second (Excl VAT) Charges apply to Conventional, PrepaidFone and WorldCall customers. Altonet - Vox transit Amobia - MWEB transit BCSNet - Multisource transit Connection Telecom - MWEB transit Embizo Solutions - Multisource transit Extim t/a Comtel Communications - MWEB transit Framework Plus - Multisource transit GoldTel - MWEB transit Green Flash Trading 72 - Neotel transit Integret - Neotel transit JSDAAV ZA Telecoms - MWEB transit Kawuleza - MWEB transit Macrolan - Multisource transit Magnolia Wireless - Du Pont transit Majuba Technologies - Neotel transit Meridict Systems - Avoxi (Dow Networks) transit Metronet SA - Multisource transit Neelana - ECN transit Nexus ISP - MWEB transit Phone IT - MWEB transit Rosewill - Neotel transit RSA Web - MWEB transit Safricom North West - Multisource transit Singa-Tel - Neotel transit Stucky Solutions - Neotel transit Smart Village - MWEB transit Sybaweb - MWEB transit TalkWorld Communications - MWEB transit Telconet - MWEB transit Trusc Technologies - Frogfoot transit Voizacom - Multisource transit Voys Telecom - Switch Telecom transit Wispernet - Multisource transit X-DSL Networking Solutions - MWEB transit Xtranet - MWEB transit Bwired - Multisource transit Neotel MTN (fixed locations) Vodacom (fixed locations) Previously USAL's: Amatole Umzinyathi - Neotel transit Geographic locations rand rand per second per second (Incl VAT) (Excl VAT) Standard time: Monday to Friday 07:00 to 19:00 0.00933 rand per second (Excl VAT) Charges apply to Conventional, PrepaidFone and WorldCall customers. 33 0.01064 Callmore time: Monday to Friday 19:00 to 07:00 and Friday 19:00 to Monday 07:00 0.00933 Geographic locations rand rand per second per second (Incl VAT) (Excl VAT) Peak time: Monday to Friday 07:00 to 20:00 rand per second (Incl VAT) 0.01064 rand per second (Incl VAT) Off peak time: Monday to Friday 20:00 to 07:00 and Friday 20:00 to Monday 07:00 rand per second (Excl VAT) Non-geographic locations rand rand per second per second (Incl VAT) (Excl VAT) Standard time: Monday to Friday 07:00 to 19:00 0.01117 rand per second (Excl VAT) 0.01273 Callmore time: Monday to Friday 19:00 to 07:00 and Friday 19:00 to Monday 07:00 0.01117 Non-geographic locations rand rand per second per second (Incl VAT) (Excl VAT) Peak time: Monday to Friday 07:00 to 20:00 rand per second (Incl VAT) 0.01273 rand per second (Incl VAT) Off peak time: Monday to Friday 20:00 to 07:00 and Friday 20:00 to Monday 07:00 0.00850 0.00969 0.00850 0.00969 0.00983 0.01121 0.00983 0.01121 0.00850 0.00933 0.00969 0.01064 0.00850 0.00933 0.00969 0.01064 0.00983 0.01117 0.01121 0.01273 0.00983 0.01117 0.01121 0.01273 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 34 A1.6.2 Telephone call charges from public coin/cardphones connected to automatic exchanges Item A1.6.2 New rand Excl VAT 0.439 Payphone unit charge per metering period Item A1.6.2 Calls from public coin/cardphones (Contd.) Metering period in seconds Standard time: Monday to Friday 07:00 to 19:00 Calls to Conventional and PrepaidFone services Local (0-50km) Long distance (>50km) Calls to ShareCall 0860 All distances Calls to MaxiCall 0861 All distances Calls to Voicelink 0881 All distances Item A1.6.2 Calls from public coin/cardphones to Mobile (Contd.) New rand Incl VAT 0.500 Metering period in seconds Callmore time: Monday to Friday 19:00 to 07:00 and Friday 19:00 to Monday 07:00 46.7 46.7 82.0 82.0 46.7 82.0 46.7 82.0 46.7 82.0 Metering period in seconds Rate group 1: Peak time Weekdays from 07:00 to 20:00 Metering period in seconds Rate group 2: Off-peak time Monday to Friday 20:00 to 07:00 and Friday 20:00 to Monday 07:00 Mobile Cellular (Vodacom, MTN, Cell C, Telkom Mobile, Wirels Connect and WBS Mobile**) All distances 14.5 19.1 * For WBS Mobile peak time: Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 19:00 and off peak: Monday to Friday from 19:00 to 07:00 and Friday 19:00 to Monday 07:00 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 Item A1.6.2 Calls from public coin/cardphones to Premium Rate Services (Contd.) Calls to TeleVoting 08621 All distances Calls to Competition lines 08622 & 08629 All distances Calls to Information services 08671 & 08675 All distances Calls to Information services 08672 All distances Calls to Information services 08673 All distances Calls to Information services 08674 All distances Fax to Email calls 0865/6 All distances Calls to directory enquiries 1023/4, 102701/11/31 and 10903 Item A1.6.2 Calls from public coin/cardphones to all other fixed location operators (Incl. ex USAL's, Neotel etc.) 35 New metering Period in seconds All times 17.2 10.8 10.8 17.2 7.6 6.0 10.8 15.0 Metering period in seconds Standard time: Monday to Friday 07:00 to 19:00 Metering period in seconds Callmore time: Monday to Friday 19:00 to 07:00 and Friday 19:00 to Monday 07:00 35.5 Geographic and non-geographic 35.5 locations ** For ex USAL's & Neotel peak time: Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 20:00 and off peak: Monday to Friday from 20:00 to 07:00 and Friday 20:00 to Monday 07:00 A1.6.3 Telephone call charges for operator assisted calls (Incl. Teleconferencing) Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 Item A1.6.3 Operator assisted calls 36 New rand New rand Per minute per minute Excl VAT Incl VAT Standard time: Monday to Friday 07:00 to 19:00 Calls to National and PrepaidFone services Local (0-50km) Long distance (>50km) Calls to ShareCall 0860 Local (0-50km) Calls to MaxiCall 0861 All distances Item A1.6.3 Operator assisted calls to other licenced operators (Contd.) New rand New rand Per minute per minute Excl VAT Incl VAT Callmore time: Monday to Friday 19:00 to 07:00 And Friday 19:00 to Monday 07:00 0.474 0.474 0.540 0.540 0.333 0.333 0.380 0.380 0.474 0.540 0.333 0.380 0.474 0.540 0.333 0.380 New Rand per minute Excl VAT Rate group 1: Peak time Weekdays from 07:00 to 20:00 New Rand per minute Incl VAT New Rand New Rand per minute per minute Excl VAT Incl VAT Rate group 2: Off-peak time Weekdays 20:00 to 07:00 and Friday 20:00 to Monday 07:00 Mobile Cellular (Vodacom, MTN, Cell C Telkom Mobile, Wirels Connect and WBS Mobile*) All distances 1.144 1.304 0.924 1.053 *For WBS Mobile peak time: Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 19:00 and off peak: Monday to Friday from 19:00 to 07:00 and Friday 19:00 to Monday 07:00 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 37 Outgoing calls to OLO's (operator assisted) - unchanged rand per minute (Excl VAT) Charges apply to Conventional, PrepaidFone and WorldCall customers. 45 Degrees Telecommunications Altech Technology Concepts Bitco Blackbridge Communications Broadband Innovations (now Tru Trade) Broadlands Networks BT Business Connexion CMC Cybersmart Directel DOW Networks (now Avoxi) Du Pont Telecom ECN (now Nashua Communications) Ensynch Business Solutions Exotic Systems FNB Frogfoot Gateway GVSC Hymax Talking Solutions ICT Globe iCtel ICT-Works Intercel Intergrat IS Jasco Mia Telecoms Multisource Telecoms Mystic Blue Trading M-Web NetVoip NGN Telecoms (ex Safikatel) Ohren t/a O-Tel Telecom Orion Paw Paw Wireless t/a Telejunction PAWS Platformity Saicom Technology Sandobel/Primetel Skycall Networks (ex Skycom) Sky-Connect Storm Sundial Telecom Switch Telecom Telfree Telkom Internet VCA Virtual Office Vlocity VOX (includes Datapro) Wanatel WBS Wireless Dimensions Wirels Connect Zensho Telecoms Geographic locations rand rand per minute per minute (Incl VAT) (Excl VAT) Standard time: Monday to Friday 07:00 to 19:00 0.510 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 0.581 rand per minute (Incl VAT) Callmore time: Monday to Friday 19:00 to 07:00 and Friday 19:00 to Monday 07:00 0.510 0.581 rand per minute (Excl VAT) Non-geographic locations rand rand per minute per minute (Incl VAT) (Excl VAT) Standard time: Monday to Friday 07:00 to 19:00 0.590 0.673 rand per minute (Incl VAT) Callmore time: Monday to Friday 19:00 to 07:00 and Friday 19:00 to Monday 07:00 0.590 0.673 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 Charges apply to Conventional, PrepaidFone and WorldCall customers. rand per minute (Excl VAT) 38 Geographic locations rand rand per minute per minute (Incl VAT) (Excl VAT) Standard time: Monday to Friday 07:00 to 19:00 Altonet - Vox transit Amobia - MWEB transit BCSNet - Multisource transit Bwired - Multisource transit Connection Telecom - MWEB transit Embizo Solutions - Multisource transit Extim t/a Comtel Communications - MWEB transit Framework Plus - Multisource transit GoldTel - MWEB transit Green Flash Trading 72 - Neotel transit Integret - Neotel transit JSDAAV ZA Telecoms - MWEB transit Kawuleza - MWEB transit Macrolan - Multisource transit Magnolia Wireless - Du Pont transit Majuba Technologies - Neotel transit Meridict Systems - Avoxi (Dow Networks) transit Metronet SA - Multisource transit Neelana - ECN transit Nexus ISP - MWEB transit Phone IT - MWEB transit Rosewill Trading - Neotel transit RSA Web - MWEB transit Safricom North West - Multisource transit Singa-Tel - Neotel transit Stucky Solutions - Neotel transit Smart Village - MWEB transit Sybaweb - MWEB transit TalkWorld Communications - Neotel transit Telconet - MWEB transit Trusc Technologies - Frogfoot transit Voizacom - Multisource transit Voys Telecom - Switch Telecom transit Wispernet - Multisource transit X-DSL Networking Solutions - MWEB transit Xtranet - MWEB transit 0.560 rand per minute (Excl VAT) Charges apply to Conventional, PrepaidFone and WorldCall customers. Neotel MTN (fixed locations) Vodacom (fixed locations) Previously USAL's: Amatole Umzinyathi - Neotel transit 0.638 Callmore time: Monday to Friday 19:00 to 07:00 and Friday 19:00 to Monday 07:00 0.560 Geographic locations rand rand per minute per minute (Incl VAT) (Excl VAT) Peak time: Monday to Friday 07:00 to 20:00 rand per minute (Incl VAT) 0.638 rand per minute (Incl VAT) Off peak time: Monday to Friday 20:00 to 07:00 and Friday 20:00 to Monday 07:00 rand per minute (Excl VAT) Non-geographic locations rand rand per minute per minute (Incl VAT) (Excl VAT) Standard time: Monday to Friday 07:00 to 19:00 0.670 rand per minute (Excl VAT) 0.764 Callmore time: Monday to Friday 19:00 to 07:00 and Friday 19:00 to Monday 07:00 0.670 Non-geographic locations rand rand per minute per minute (Incl VAT) (Excl VAT) Peak time: Monday to Friday 07:00 to 20:00 rand per minute (Incl VAT) 0.764 rand per minute (Incl VAT) Off peak time: Monday to Friday 20:00 to 07:00 and Friday 20:00 to Monday 07:00 0.510 0.581 0.510 0.581 0.590 0.673 0.590 0.673 0.510 0.560 0.581 0.638 0.510 0.560 0.581 0.638 0.590 0.670 0.673 0.764 0.590 0.670 0.673 0.764 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 39 A2 TELEMATICS SERVICE A2.1 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES A2.1.1 After-hours repair service Item A2.1.1 a b AFTER-HOURS REPAIR SERVICE Note 35a New Excl VAT Private telegraph circuits, and Telex services Diginet, Diginet-Plus, Datel and Saponet services New Incl VAT 0 0 0 0 A2.1.2 Consultancy services Item A2.1.2 a b CONSULTANCY SERVICES Hourly Daily Charges Professional category New New Excl VAT Incl VAT Item A1.5.2 Item A1.5.2 Item A1.5.2 Item A1.5.2 Charges Technical and Administrative category New New Excl VAT Incl VAT Item A1.5.2 Item A1.5.2 Item A1.5.2 Item A1.5.2 A2.1.3 Unnecessary call out charges Item A2.1.3 a b UNNECESSARY CALL OUT CHARGES Unnecessary Call Out charges, per occasion (Telex) Unnecessary Call Out charges, per occasion (Other Telematic services) A2.2 Reserved A2.3 Reserved A2.4 Reserved Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 New Excl VAT Item A1.2.2 q (i) New Incl VAT Item A1.2.2 q (i) Item A1.2.2 q (ii) Item A1.2.2 q (ii) TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 40 A2.4.5 Telkom Enhanced Fax (EFS) Item A2.4.5 a (i) (ii) (iii) b (i) (ii) (ii)a c (i) d (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) TELKOM ENHANCED FAX (EFS) Note 39 a Fax on Demand (FOD) Note 39 b Subscription FOD information providers Connection charge for document upload - per occasion Document retrieval charge - per occasion Fax Broadcast (Store and Forward facility) Subscription charge National delivery charges for fax broadcasting Standard time Note 39c + Tariff A (Local centre) - per minute + Tariff B (Local Primary area outside local centre) - per minute + Tariff C (Other Primary area local centre) - per minute + Tariff D (Other Primary area outside local centre) - per minute + Tariff E (Mobile) – per minute + Tariff F (086) – per minute National delivery charges for fax broadcasting Callmore time + Tariff A (Local centre) - per minute + Tariff B (Local Primary area outside local centre) - per minute + Tariff C (Other Primary area local centre) - per minute + Tariff D (Other Primary area outside local centre) - per minute + Tariff E (Mobile) – per minute + Tariff F (086) – per minute Fax Mailbox Fax Mailbox charge on CyberTrade MessageGate system Business Fax Registration fee (once off) Subscription charge Fax delivery charges - Similar to Fax Broadcast prices: National delivery charges – Standard and Callmore time Incoming: Fax-to-Email Activation once off per user Monthly rental per user Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Service fee New Excl VAT New Incl VAT 0.19 0.19 0.22 0.22 - Monthly rental New Excl VAT 83.33 - 95.00 62.28 71.00 0.28 0.74 0.74 1.22 1.43 1.43 0.32 0.84 0.84 1.39 1.63 1.63 - 0.26 0.65 0.65 1.10 1.08 1.08 0.30 0.74 0.74 1.25 1.23 1.23 - 437.72 - 499.00 23.35 - New Incl VAT 35.00 39.90 266.44 303.74 26.62 - 10.00 11.40 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 41 A2.5 DATEL A2.5.1 Reserved Datel terminal point equipment is no longer provided by Telkom. Customers should approach suppliers of modems and computer equipment. A2.5.2 Network access circuit Item A2.5.2 a NETWORK ACCESS CIRCUIT Note 29f/g Wires between exchange and customer’s premises (i) Installation (Rand) New Excl VAT Monthly rental (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT New Incl VAT Note 5e Normal quality 912.00 Special quality (Analogue) * - Plus surcharge (iii) Special Quality (Digital Access, per terminal point) b Reserved *Replaced by Digital Access. Rental for Special quality (Analogue) will be applicable to existing customers only. (ii) 1 039.68 - 126.00 126.00 525.00 143.64 143.64 598.50 - 400.00 456.00 A2.5.3 Reserved A2.5.4 Line rental charges Item A2.5.4 a (i) b c LINE RENTAL CHARGES Full-time circuits Note 29c Data transmission up to and including 9 600 b/s: For distance steps up to 200 km Fixed charge - Charge per kilometer For distance steps > 200km Fixed charge Charge per kilometer Reserved Reserved A2.5.5 Reserved Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 New Excl VAT 0 - 50 km Monthly rental (Rand) New Incl VAT New Excl VAT >51 - 200 km New Incl VAT 274.47 42.79 >201 - 400 km 312.89 48.78 608.17 36.69 >400 km 693.32 41.83 1 714.18 31.38 1 954.17 35.78 2 864.79 27.01 3 265.86 30.79 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 42 A2.5.6 Transfer charges Item A2.5.6 a b (i) (ii) c (i) (ii) TRANSFER CHARGES Reserved Network access circuit: Note 5e Normal quality, within and beyond minimum-rental area Special quality, within and beyond minimum-rental area Transfer charge for indoor circuits Wires only, per pair Terminated on Telkom equipment, per terminal point Indoor (Rand) New Excl VAT Outdoor (Rand) New Excl VAT New Incl VAT 456.00 456.00 519.84 519.84 912.00 912.00 1 039.68 1 039.68 456.00 456.00 519.84 519.84 - - A2.5.7 Miscellaneous Datel services Item A2.5.7 a (i) b c d MISCELLANEOUS DATEL SERVICES Examination and test fee for modems: Laboratory test (hourly rate): - Data products - Surge protection Reserved Reconnection fee for service suspended due to non-payment, per circuit Reserved A2.6 Reserved Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 New Incl VAT Monthly rental (Rand) New Excl VAT Item A1.3.14 Item A1.3.14 Item A1.2.2d - New Incl VAT Item A1.3.14 Item A1.3.14 Item A1.2.2d - TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 43 A2.7 SAPONET-P A2.7.1 Saponet-P Basic rates Item A2.7.1 a Nodal access circuit b (i) (ii) (ii) (a) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) c (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) d (i) (ii) (iii) e SAPONET-P BASIC RATES X.25 port charges: 9600 b/s: includes single logical channel Note 30a - Per additional logical channel 48 kb/s: includes single logical channel Note 30a - Per additional logical channel 64 kb/s: includes single logical channel Note 30a - Per additional logical channel Surcharge for permanent virtual circuit, per terminal Note 30b Surcharge per analogue modem at customer’s request X.25 port reconfiguration Triple-X port charge (X.28) Network user identification (NUI) for Speedlink / QuickConnect Registration per NUI User charge per NUI Reserved Barring/unbarring of access after registration, per occasion Reserved X.32 Port charge Miscellaneous: Transfer fee Reserved Reserved Messages via Telkom400 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Installation (Rand) New Excl VAT Items A2.5.2/3 & A2.8.1 Monthly rental (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT Items A2.5.2/4 Items A2.5.2/4 & A2.8.2 & A2.8.2 New Incl VAT Items A2.5.2/3 & A2.8.1 392.00 392.00 392.00 66.00 240.00 446.88 446.88 446.88 75.24 273.60 827.64 2.18 1 342.44 3.76 1 465.20 3.76 29.77 236.00 489.50 943.51 2.48 1 530.38 4.29 1 670.33 4.29 33.93 269.04 558.03 44.00 - 50.16 - 52.50 59.85 44.00 50.16 - - 44.00 50.16 133.00 151.62 - - Item A2.5.6 Item A2.5.6 - Item A2.4.1 Item A2.4.1 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 44 A2.7.2 Saponet call charges Item A2.7.2 a (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) b (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) c d (i) (ii) (iii) e SAPONET CALL CHARGES Packet-count charge per kilosegment during business hours (Monday - Friday: 06:00 - 18:00 and Saturday: 06:00 - 13:00): Normal priority High data packet priority High call priority High data packet and call priority Packet-count charge per kilosegment outside business hours: Normal priority High data packet priority High call priority High data packet and call priority Call duration charge, per hour Connect time per hour for Speedlink / QuickConnect: Dial-in Note 30f Dial-out Note 30f Connect time per hour for X32 (Synchrodial) dial-in service Call attempt charge Note 30g Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Charges (Rand) New Excl VAT New Incl VAT 0.457 0.569 0.569 0.695 0.521 0.648 0.648 0.792 0.294 0.390 0.390 0.480 0.119 0.335 0.445 0.445 0.547 0.135 3.194 13.015 3.458 0.048 3.642 14.837 3.943 0.055 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 45 A2.8 DIGINET A2.8.1 Diginet rates Item A2.8.1 DIGINET RATES a (i) b (i) (ii) c (i) (ii) (iii) d (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) e Installation (Rand) New Excl VAT Terminal point equipment: Network terminating unit Network access circuit: Per terminal point Note 31d Additional charges if provided on 2 Mbit/s system Port charges: Note 31a/b Per terminal point equipped Reserved Additional port charge, per terminal point (multipoint) Note 31f Miscellaneous: Reserved Reconnection fee for service suspended due to non-payment, per circuit MUX additional power supply Protection switch for 2 Mbit/s systems: - Equipment - Individual ports, per port Upgrade/Downgrade Fee - Leased Lines - Access Circuits Transfer charges (i) (ii) Network terminating unit Circuit per terminal point Monthly rental (Rand) New Excl VAT New Incl VAT 932.00 1 062.48 222.75 253.94 912.00 Item A3.2.1 1 039.68 Item A3.2.1 252.00 Item A3.2.1 287.28 Item A3.2.1 - - 281.30 320.68 220.00 250.80 Item A1.2.2d 493.00 Item A1.2.2d 562.02 625.00 712.50 6 440.00 - 7341.60 - 560.00 42.50 638.40 48.45 1 000.00 500.00 Indoor New Excl VAT 456.00 456.00 1140.00 570.00 - - New Incl VAT 519.84 519.84 Outdoor New Excl VAT 932.00 912.00 New Incl VAT 1 062.48 1 039.68 A2.8.2 Diginet line rental (Used for leased line services) Item A2.8.2 a (i) b (i) • DIGINET LINE RENTAL (Used for leased line services) Note 31e For distance steps up to 200 kilometres Up to 64 kb/s - Fixed charge - Charge per kilometre For distance steps >200 kilometres Up to 64 kb/s - Fixed charge - Charge per kilometre The tariffs in italics and bold are w.e.f. 1 October 2014 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 New Excl VAT 0 - 50 km New Incl VAT Monthly rental (Rand) New Incl VAT New Excl VAT 51 - 200 km New Incl VAT 109.54 8.64 201 - 400 km 124.88 9.85 413.37 2.92 >400 km 471.25 3.33 797.25 0.99 908.86 1.13 1 066.89 0.32 1 216.26 0.36 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 46 A2.8.3 Diginet line rental (for use with Saponet, Frame Express & TI DIS) Item A2.8.3 a (i) DIGINET LINE RENTAL (for use with SAPONET, Frame Express & TI DIS) Note 31e For all distance steps Up to 64 kb/s - Fixed charge Monthly rental (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 0 - 50 km 138.18 157.53 *** The rentals for the per km portion of the access lines to Saponet are discontinued because the distance will no longer be applicable. The flat rate amounts indicated in the existing 0-50 km table will be applied for all distances A2.9 DIGINET-PLUS A2.9.1 Diginet-Plus rates Item A2.9.1 a (i) b (i) (ii) c (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) d (i) (ii) DIGINET-PLUS RATES Installation (Rand) New Excl VAT Terminal point equipment Network terminating unit Network access circuit: Per terminal point Note 31d Additional charges if provided on 2 Mbit/s system Miscellaneous Reserved Reconnection fee for service suspended due to non-payment, per circuit MUX additional power supply Protection switch for 2 Mbit/s systems: - Equipment - Individual ports, per port Upgrade/Downgrade Fee - Leased Lines - Access Circuits Transfer charges Network terminating unit Circuit per terminal point Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Monthly rental (Rand) New Incl VAT New Excl VAT New Incl VAT 932.00 1 062.48 364.32 415.33 912.00 Item A3.2.1 1 039.68 Item A3.2.1 252.00 Item A3.2.1 287.28 Item A3.2.1 Item A1.2.2d 493.00 Item A1.2.2d 562.02 625.00 712.50 6 440.00 - 7341.60 - 560.00 42.50 638.40 48.45 1 000.00 500.00 Indoor New Excl VAT 456.00 456.00 1140.00 570.00 - - New Incl VAT 519.84 519.84 Outdoor New Excl VAT 932.00 912.00 New Incl VAT 1 062.48 1 039.68 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 A2.9.2 Diginet-Plus port charges Item A2.9.2 DIGINET-PLUS PORT CHARGES Speed kb/s 128 192 256 320 384 448 512 576 640 704 768 832 896 960 1024 1088 1152 1216 1280 1344 1408 1472 1536 1600 1664 1728 1792 1856 1920 1984 2048 • Monthly rental (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 335.30 382.25 354.68 404.33 382.97 436.59 385.33 439.27 405.71 462.51 446.36 508.85 487.02 555.20 527.68 601.56 555.11 632.83 582.57 664.12 610.00 695.40 637.44 726.68 664.88 757.97 771.61 879.63 799.04 910.90 826.48 942.19 853.92 973.47 934.22 1 065.01 961.66 1 096.29 989.11 1 127.58 1 016.54 1 158.86 1 043.98 1 190.14 1 071.44 1 221.44 1 098.87 1 252.71 1 218.81 1 389.44 1 246.24 1 420.72 1 273.69 1 452.01 1 301.14 1 483.30 1 328.57 1 514.57 1 356.02 1 545.87 1 463.02 1 667.85 The tariffs in italics and bold are w.e.f. 1 October 2014 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 47 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 48 A2.9.3 Diginet-Plus line rentals (used for leased line services) Item A2.9.3 DIGINET-PLUS LINE RENTALS (Based on the radial distance between the end exchanges (Used for leased line services) Speed Kb/s Monthly rental (Rand) New Fixed Excl VAT 128 192 256 320 384 448 512 576 640 704 768 832 896 960 1024 1088 1152 1216 1280 1344 1408 1472 1536 1600 1664 1728 1792 1856 1920 1984 2048 • Note 31e 158.13 234.59 312.33 389.83 467.09 540.38 605.17 668.80 731.28 791.46 850.47 908.33 965.02 1 020.56 1 073.78 1 125.86 1 176.76 1 226.52 1 275.12 1 321.40 1 366.54 1 410.50 1 453.31 1 494.97 1 534.31 1 572.50 1 609.52 1 645.39 1 680.11 1 712.50 1 735.47 0 – 50 Km New Fixed Incl VAT 180.27 267.43 356.05 444.41 532.48 616.04 689.89 762.44 833.66 902.26 969.54 1 035.49 1 100.13 1 163.44 1 224.11 1 283.48 1 341.51 1 398.23 1 453.64 1 506.40 1 557.85 1 607.97 1 656.77 1 704.27 1 749.12 1 792.65 1 834.86 1 875.74 1 915.32 1 952.25 1 978.44 The tariffs in italics and bold are w.e.f. 1 October 2014 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 New per Km Excl VAT 11.31 15.47 19.55 23.54 27.47 31.30 35.07 38.75 42.34 45.87 49.31 52.66 55.94 59.15 62.26 65.31 68.27 71.14 73.94 76.67 79.31 81.86 84.35 86.74 89.07 91.30 93.47 95.55 97.54 99.47 101.31 New per Km Incl VAT 12.89 17.64 22.29 26.84 31.32 35.69 39.98 44.17 48.27 52.29 56.22 60.03 63.78 67.43 70.98 74.45 77.83 81.10 84.30 87.40 90.41 93.32 96.16 98.89 101.54 104.08 106.55 108.93 111.20 113.39 115.49 New Fixed Excl VAT 556.25 780.76 1 004.25 1 223.75 1 440.79 1 653.83 1 849.12 2 043.80 2 234.02 2 419.72 2 601.03 2 778.37 2 951.83 3 121.39 3 285.36 3 445.47 3 602.13 3 753.89 3 902.25 4 045.55 4 184.94 4 319.41 4 450.51 4 577.67 4 699.77 4 817.42 4 931.23 5 041.12 5 147.09 5 248.00 5 322.58 51 – 200 Km New Fixed Incl VAT 634.13 890.07 1 144.84 1 395.07 1 642.50 1 885.37 2 108.00 2 329.93 2 546.79 2 758.48 2 965.17 3 167.34 3 365.09 3 558.39 3 745.32 3 927.83 4 106.43 4 279.44 4 448.57 4 611.92 4 770.83 4 924.13 5 073.58 5 218.54 5 357.74 5 491.86 5 621.60 5 746.88 5 867.68 5 982.72 6 067.74 New per Km Excl VAT 3.78 5.16 6.47 7.79 9.08 10.34 11.56 12.77 13.96 15.11 16.24 17.33 18.41 19.46 20.48 21.49 22.45 23.40 24.31 25.21 26.07 26.91 27.73 28.51 29.27 30.01 30.71 31.39 32.06 32.68 33.28 New per Km Incl VAT 4.31 5.88 7.38 8.88 10.35 11.78 13.18 14.56 15.91 17.22 18.51 19.76 20.99 22.19 23.35 24.50 25.60 26.68 27.72 28.73 29.72 30.68 31.61 32.50 33.37 34.21 35.01 35.79 36.54 37.26 37.94 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 Item A2.9.3 (Cont) DIGINET-PLUS LINE RENTALS (Based on the radial distance between the end exchanges) (Used for leased line services) Speed Kb/s 128 192 256 320 384 448 512 576 640 704 768 832 896 960 1024 1088 1152 1216 1280 1344 1408 1472 1536 1600 1664 1728 1792 1856 1920 1984 2048 Note 31e Monthly rental (Rand) New Fixed Excl VAT • 49 1 058.11 1 469.88 1 873.13 2 270.53 2 661.72 3 047.04 3 407.11 3 766.57 4 117.85 4 458.96 4 793.83 5 120.96 5 440.51 5 752.39 6 054.92 6 351.72 6 637.59 6 918.57 7 192.40 7 455.52 7 711.02 7 961.59 8 203.15 8 437.08 8 662.15 8 877.19 9 088.38 9 291.88 9 485.76 9 672.92 9 831.69 201 – 400 Km New Fixed Incl VAT 1 206.25 1 675.67 2 135.37 2 588.40 3 034.37 3 473.63 3 884.11 4 293.89 4 694.34 5 083.21 5 464.96 5 837.90 6 202.18 6 557.72 6 902.61 7 240.96 7 566.86 7 887.16 8 199.34 8 499.29 8 790.56 9 076.21 9 351.59 9 618.27 9 874.85 10 120.00 10 360.75 10 592.75 10 813.77 11 027.13 11 208.13 The tariffs in italics and bold are w.e.f. 1 October 2014 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 New per Km Excl VAT 1.28 1.71 2.14 2.55 2.97 3.37 3.77 4.16 4.53 4.90 5.27 5.62 5.97 6.31 6.63 6.95 7.27 7.57 7.86 8.15 8.42 8.69 8.96 9.21 9.45 9.69 9.92 10.14 10.35 10.54 10.74 New per Km Incl VAT 1.46 1.95 2.44 2.91 3.39 3.84 4.30 4.74 5.17 5.59 6.00 6.41 6.81 7.19 7.56 7.92 8.28 8.63 8.96 9.29 9.60 9.91 10.21 10.50 10.78 11.05 11.31 11.56 11.79 12.02 12.25 New Fixed Excl VAT 1 406.41 1 938.03 2 461.12 2 978.37 3 481.91 3 979.59 4 455.76 4 920.09 5 376.23 5 822.22 6 261.94 6 682.70 7 099.63 7 505.12 7 901.30 8 284.22 8 659.99 9 027.10 9 379.58 9 725.10 10 059.25 10 380.98 10 697.45 11 002.52 11 295.02 11 577.46 11 852.31 12 115.75 12 369.56 12 612.89 12 832.38 >400 Km New Fixed Incl VAT 1 603.31 2 209.36 2 805.68 3 395.34 3 969.38 4 536.73 5 079.57 5 608.90 6 128.91 6 637.33 7 138.61 7 618.28 8 093.57 8 555.84 9 007.48 9 444.01 9 872.38 10 290.89 10 692.72 11 086.61 11 467.55 11 834.32 12 195.09 12 542.88 12 876.32 13 198.30 13 511.63 13 811.95 14 101.29 14 378.69 14 628.91 New per Km Excl VAT 0.406 0.52 0.66 0.77 0.91 1.04 1.14 1.27 1.39 1.49 1.59 1.70 1.80 1.91 2.01 2.10 2.20 2.29 2.37 2.46 2.54 2.63 2.69 2.77 2.85 2.93 2.98 3.05 3.12 3.18 3.24 New per Km Incl VAT 0.46 0.60 0.76 0.88 1.04 1.19 1.30 1.44 1.58 1.69 1.82 1.94 2.05 2.18 2.29 2.39 2.51 2.61 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.07 3.16 3.25 3.34 3.40 3.48 3.56 3.62 3.69 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 A2.9.4 Diginet-Plus line rentals (for use with FrameExpress & TI DIS) Item A2.9.4 DIGINET-PLUS LINE RENTALS (For use with FrameExpress & TI DIS ) The amounts indicated in the table will be applied as a flat rate for all distances) Note 31e Speed Monthly rental Kb/s New Fixed New Fixed Excl VAT Incl VAT 128 207.27 236.29 192 297.09 338.68 256 384.93 438.82 320 470.80 536.71 384 554.69 632.35 448 637.60 726.87 512 718.54 819.13 576 797.50 909.15 640 874.48 996.91 704 950.48 1 083.55 768 1 024.51 1 167.94 832 1 096.56 1 250.07 896 1 166.63 1 329.96 960 1 235.72 1 408.73 1024 1 302.84 1 485.24 1088 1 367.98 1 559.50 1152 1 431.15 1 631.51 1216 1 493.33 1 702.40 1280 1 553.54 1 771.03 1344 1 611.77 1 837.42 1408 1 668.03 1 901.55 1472 1 723.30 1 964.56 1536 1 776.60 2 025.32 1600 1 827.92 2 083.83 1664 1 877.27 2 140.09 1728 1 925.64 2 195.23 1792 1 972.03 2 248.11 1856 2 016.44 2 298.74 1920 2 058.88 2 347.13 1984 2 100.34 2 394.38 2048 2 139.82 2 439.39 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 50 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 51 A2.9.5 Reserved A2.9.6 Reserved A2.10 Reserved A2.11 FRAME EXPRESS A2.11.1 FrameExpress Item A2.11.1 a (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) b c d (i) (ii) FRAME EXPRESS Note 34a/b/c Minimum CIR Port charges: 64 kb/s 8 kb/s 128 kb/s 32 kb/s 192 kb/s 48 kb/s 256 kb/s 64 kb/s 320 kb/s 80 kb/s 384 kb/s 96 kb/s 448 kb/s 112 kb/s 512 kb/s 128 kb/s 640 kb/s 160 kb/s 768 kb/s 192 kb/s 896 kb/s 224 kb/s 1024 kb/s 256 kb/s 1280 kb/s 320 kb/s 1536 kb/s 384 kb/s 1792 kb/s 448 kb/s 1920 kb/s 496 kb/s Reserved Reserved Miscellaneous: FrameExpress port reconfiguration (Once off charge) FrameHealth report (Once off charge) Maximum CIR 64 kb/s 128 kb/s 192 kb/s 256 kb/s 320 kb/s 384 kb/s 448 kb/s 512 kb/s 640 kb/s 768 kb/s 896 kb/s 1 024 kb/s 1 280 kb/s 1 536 kb/s 1 536 kb/s 1 536 kb/s Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Monthly rental (Rand) New Excl VAT New Incl VAT 1 020.00 1 209.00 1 303.00 1 396.00 1 584.00 1 771.00 1 958.00 2 145.00 2 583.00 3 019.00 3 366.00 3 713.00 4 407.00 5 102.00 5 797.00 6 491.00 1 162.80 1 378.26 1 485.42 1 591.44 1 805.76 2 018.94 2 232.12 2 445.30 2 944.62 3 441.66 3 837.24 4 232.82 5 023.98 5 816.28 6 608.58 7 399.74 66.00 160.00 75.24 182.40 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 52 A2.11.2 FrameExpress (Flat rate CIR charge) Item A2.11.2 FRAME EXPRESS: Flat rate CIR charge CIR New (kb/s) Excl VAT 8 399.00 12 813.00 16 1 227.00 20 1 641.00 24 2 055.00 28 2 469.00 32 2 883.00 40 3 313.00 48 3 743.00 56 4 173.00 64 4 603.00 72 5 033.00 80 5 463.00 88 5 893.00 96 6 323.00 104 6 753.00 112 7 183.00 120 7 613.00 128 8 043.00 136 8 473.00 144 8 903.00 152 9 333.00 160 9 763.00 168 10 193.00 176 10 623.00 184 11 053.00 192 11 483.00 200 11 913.00 208 12 343.00 216 12 773.00 224 13 203.00 232 13 633.00 240 14 063.00 248 14 493.00 256 14 923.00 264 15 353.00 272 15 783.00 280 16 213.00 288 16 643.00 296 17 073.00 304 17 503.00 312 17 933.00 320 18 363.00 328 18 793.00 336 19 223.00 New Incl VAT 454.86 926.82 1 398.78 1 870.74 2 342.70 2 814.66 3 286.62 3 776.82 4 267.02 4 757.22 5 247.42 5 737.62 6 227.82 6 718.02 7 208.22 7 698.42 8 188.62 8 678.82 9 169.02 9 659.22 10 149.42 10 639.62 11 129.82 11 620.02 12 110.22 12 600.42 13 090.62 13 580.82 14 071.02 14 561.22 15 051.42 15 541.62 16 031.82 16 522.02 17 012.22 17 502.42 17 992.62 18 482.82 18 973.02 19 463.22 19 953.42 20 443.62 20 933.82 21 424.02 21 914.22 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Note 34a CIR (kb/s) 344 352 360 368 376 384 392 400 408 416 424 432 440 448 456 464 472 480 488 496 504 512 520 528 536 544 552 560 568 576 584 592 600 608 616 624 632 640 648 656 664 672 680 688 696 New Excl VAT 19 653.00 20 083.00 20 513.00 20 943.00 21 373.00 21 803.00 22 233.00 22 663.00 23 093.00 23 523.00 23 953.00 24 383.00 24 813.00 25 243.00 25 673.00 26 103.00 26 533.00 26 963.00 27 393.00 27 823.00 28 253.00 28 683.00 29 113.00 29 543.00 29 973.00 30 403.00 30 833.00 31 263.00 31 693.00 32 123.00 32 553.00 32 983.00 33 413.00 33 843.00 34 273.00 34 703.00 35 133.00 35 563.00 35 993.00 36 423.00 36 853.00 37 283.00 37 713.00 38 143.00 38 573.00 New Incl VAT 22 404.42 22 894.62 23 384.82 23 875.02 24 365.22 24 855.42 25 345.62 25 835.82 26 326.02 26 816.22 27 306.42 27 796.62 28 286.82 28 777.02 29 267.22 29 757.42 30 247.62 30 737.82 31 228.02 31 718.22 32 208.42 32 698.62 33 188.82 33 679.02 34 169.22 34 659.42 35 149.62 35 639.82 36 130.02 36 620.22 37 110.42 37 600.62 38 090.82 38 581.02 39 071.22 39 561.42 40 051.62 40 541.82 41 032.02 41 522.22 42 012.42 42 502.62 42 992.82 43 483.02 43 973.22 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 Item A2.11.2 (Cont) FRAMEEXPRESS: Flat rate CIR charge CIR New (kb/s) Excl VAT 704 39 003.00 712 39 433.00 720 39 863.00 728 40 293.00 736 40 723.00 744 41 153.00 752 41 583.00 760 42 013.00 768 42 443.00 776 42 873.00 784 43 303.00 792 43 733.00 800 44 163.00 808 44 593.00 816 45 023.00 824 45 453.00 832 45 883.00 840 46 313.00 848 46 743.00 856 47 173.00 864 47 603.00 872 48 033.00 880 48 463.00 888 48 893.00 896 49 323.00 904 49 753.00 912 50 183.00 920 50 613.00 928 51 043.00 New Incl VAT 44 463.42 44 953.62 45 443.82 45 934.02 46 424.22 46 914.42 47 404.62 47 894.82 48 385.02 48 875.22 49 365.42 49 855.62 50 345.82 50 836.02 51 326.22 51 816.42 52 306.62 52 796.82 53 287.02 53 777.22 54 267.42 54 757.62 55 247.82 55 738.02 56 228.22 56 718.42 57 208.62 57 698.82 58 189.02 53 Note 34a CIR (kb/s) 936 944 952 960 968 976 984 992 1000 1008 1016 1024 1056 1088 1120 1152 1184 1216 1248 1280 1312 1344 1376 1408 1440 1472 1504 1536 New Excl VAT 51 473.00 51 903.00 52 333.00 52 763.00 53 193.00 53 623.00 54 053.00 54 483.00 54 913.00 55 343.00 55 773.00 56 203.00 56 633.00 57 063.00 57 493.00 57 923.00 58 353.00 58 783.00 59 213.00 59 643.00 60 073.00 60 503.00 60 933.00 61 363.00 61 793.00 62 223.00 62 653.00 63 083.00 New Incl VAT 58 679.22 59 169.42 59 659.62 60 149.82 60 640.02 61 130.22 61 620.42 62 110.62 62 600.82 63 091.02 63 581.22 64 071.42 64 561.62 65 051.82 65 542.02 66 032.22 66 522.42 67 012.62 67 502.82 67 993.02 68 483.22 68 973.42 69 463.62 69 953.82 70 444.02 70 934.22 71 424.42 71 914.62 CIR (kb/s) 256 320 384 448 512 New Excl VAT 6 300.36 7 752.36 9 204.36 10 656.36 12 108.36 New Incl VAT 7 182.41 8 837.69 10 492.97 12 148.25 13 803.53 A2.11.3 FrameExpress (Disaster Recovery CIR charge) Item A2.11.3 FRAMEEXPRESS: Disaster Recovery CIR charge) CIR New New (kb/s) Excl VAT Incl VAT 16 518.76 591.39 32 1 218.36 1 388.93 64 1 944.36 2 216.57 128 3 396.36 3 871.85 192 4 848.36 5 527.13 A2.12 Reserved A2.13 Reserved A2.14 Reserved Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 54 A2.15 MetroLink Item MetroLink Access (all speeds) Installation (Rand) New Excl VAT A2.15.1 New Incl VAT a 1 Year minimum rental period 13 968.00 15 923.52 b 2 Year minimum rental period 11 640.00 13 269.60 c 3 Year minimum rental period 9 312.00 10 615.68 d 4 & 5 Year n/a n/a Item MetroLink Access (all speeds) A2.15.2 Configuration (Rand) New Excl VAT New Incl VAT a 1 Year minimum rental period 864.00 984.96 b 2 Year minimum rental period 864.00 984.96 c 3 Year minimum rental period 864.00 984.96 d 4 & 5 Year n/a n/a Item MetroLink Access - per Site A2.15.3 Monthly Rental (Rand) New Excl VAT Intra-city Access Inter-city Access New Incl VAT Intra-city Access Inter-city Access a 1 Year minimum rental period 4 637.38 8 712.31 5 286.61 9 932.03 b 2 Year minimum rental period 4 451.88 8 363.81 5 075.14 9 534.75 c 3 Year minimum rental period 4 173.64 7 841.08 4 757.95 8 938.83 d 4 Year minimum rental period 3 999.74 7 514.36 4 559.70 8 566.38 e 5 Year minimum rental period 3 825.84 7 187.65 4 361.45 8 193.92 Item MetroLink Bandwidth (General Data) A2.15.4 Monthly Rental (Rand) New Excl VAT Intra-Metro Bandwidth a b • 2Mbit/s to 125Mbit/s (1Mbit Increments) 130Mbit/s to 600Mbit/s (5Mbit/s Increments) The tariffs in italics and bold are w.e.f. 1 October 2014 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Inter-Metro Bandwidth R439.41 to R24,885.74 R1,994.75 to R122,094.74 R25,859.38 to R109,897.43 R126,956.74 to R576,500.65 New Incl VAT Intra-Metro Bandwidth Inter-Metro Bandwidth R500.93 to R28,369.74 R2,274.02 to R139,188.00 R29,479.69 to R125,283.07 R144,730.68 to R657,210.74 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 55 A3 LEASED LINE SERVICES A3.1 VOICE GRADED LEASED LINES A3.1.1 Private lines and Tie lines Item A3.1.1 PRIVATE LINES/TIE LINES (Structure w.e.f. 1 March 2003) Installation Note 29f/g A New Excl VAT Monthly rental New Incl VAT New Excl VAT New Incl VAT Indoor (i) b (i) (ii) (iii) Wires only, per terminal point Outdoor Digital quality, per terminal point Fixed charge per circuit Per kilometer per circuit, only when between different exchanges Interface for tie lines If provided simultaneously with a tie line If provided on an existing tie line 456.00 519.84 - - 912.00 1 039.68 400.00 274.47 456.00 312.89 42.79 48.78 456.00 456.00 519.84 519.84 456.00 519.84 A3.1.2 Private lines and Tie lines Item A3.1.2 PRIVATE LINES/TIE LINES (Structure before 1 March 2003) Note 29f/g Installation (Rand) New Excl VAT Monthly rental (Rand) New Incl VAT New Excl VAT Outdoor, installation is charged per terminal point (i) Within MRA or within an exchange area in a grouped telephone-exchange system, (rental) per pair Note 3d 126.00 (ii) Normal Quality – per pair 126.00 (iii) Special Quality 252.00 Plus Surcharge 525.00 (iv) Between different exchanges Note 3g Fixed charge per circuit plus 274.47 Per kilometer per circuit 42.79 b Portion between exchange and customer premises 126.00 c Reserved d Reserved Note: Normal quality no longer exists only Digital quality (technically). Discount plan DPTTMD created to make provision for price difference between R126.00 and R400.00 (only for customers with old technology) New Incl VAT a Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 143.64 143.64 287.28 598.50 312.89 48.78 143.64 - TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 56 A3.2 MEGALINE / INTER NODAL TARIFFS A3.2.1a Megaline & Megaline Plus Bronze – A tariff – Local ends Item A3.2.1a MEGALINE & MEGALINE PLUS BRONZE - A TARIFF - LOCAL ENDS (within the same exchange area) – Note 17c - 1 Year minimum rental period Service Distance Installation (Rand) km New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 2 Mbit/s 34 Mbit/s 140 Mbit/s Flat rate Flat rate Flat rate - - Monthly rental (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 1 732.80 8 664.00 24 259.20 1 975.39 9 876.96 27 655.49 Note: Only for existing customers A3.2.2a Megaline B tariff – Local ends Item A3.2.2a MEGALINE B TARIFF - LOCAL ENDS (across exchange boundaries to a foreign exchange as well as between premises in the same exchange area or two neighbouring exchange areas) Service Distance Permanent service km Installation (Rand) Monthly rental (Rand) Old New New New New Excl VAT Excl VAT Incl VAT Excl VAT Incl VAT 2 Mbit/s 0 - 20 4 765.00 5 432.10 2 Mbit/s >20 - 30 6 064.00 6 912.96 2 Mbit/s >30 - 40 9 357.00 10 666.98 2 Mbit/s >40 - 50 10 396.00 11 851.44 2 Mbit/s >50 - 100 15 162.00 17 284.68 34 Mbit/s 0 - 20 23 826.00 27 161.64 34 Mbit/s >20 - 30 60 648.00 69 138.72 34 Mbit/s >30 - 40 95 304.00 108 646.56 34 Mbit/s >40 - 50 103 968.00 118 523.52 34 Mbit/s >50 - 100 151 620.00 172 846.80 140 Mbit/s 0 - 20 66 712.00 76 051.68 140 Mbit/s >20 - 30 218 332.00 248 898.48 140 Mbit/s >30 - 40 303 240.00 345 693.60 140 Mbit/s >40 - 50 327 499.00 373 348.86 140 Mbit/s >50 - 100 497 313.00 566 936.82 Note: Only for existing customers Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 57 A3.2.3a Megaline & Megaline Plus Bronze – C Tariff – Main links Item A3.2.3a MEGALINE & MEGALINE PLUS BRONZE - C TARIFF - MAIN LINKS (based on the radial distance between the end exchanges) (C-tariff) - 1 Year minimum rental period Service Distance Permanent service km Monthly fixed cost (Rand) Monthly rental /km (Rand) New New New New Excl VAT Incl VAT Excl VAT Incl VAT 2 Mbit/s 0 - 50 1 733.94 1 976.69 271.90 309.97 2 Mbit/s >51 - 200 9 890.00 11 274.60 108.76 123.99 2 Mbit/s >201 - 400 23 158.00 26 400.12 42.42 48.35 2 Mbit/s >400 33 677.00 38 391.78 16.12 18.37 34 Mbit/s 0 - 50 22 541.00 25 696.74 3 534.70 4 029.56 34 Mbit/s >51 - 200 128 582.00 146 583.48 1 413.88 1 611.82 34 Mbit/s >201 - 400 301 075.00 343 225.50 551.41 628.61 34 Mbit/s >400 437 825.00 499 120.50 209.54 238.87 140 Mbit/s 0 - 50 57 220.00 65 230.80 8 972.70 10 228.88 140 Mbit/s >51 - 200 326 401.00 372 097.14 3 589.08 4 091.55 140 Mbit/s >201 - 400 764 268.00 871 265.52 1 399.74 1 595.70 140 Mbit/s >400 1 111 403.00 1 266 999.42 531.90 606.37 Note: Only for existing customers A3.2.1b Megaline & Megaline Plus Bronze – A Tariff – local ends Item A3.2.1b MEGALINE & MEGALINE PLUS BRONZE - A TARIFF - LOCAL ENDS (within the same exchange area) – No contract period - Temporary Services Service Distance Installation (Rand) km New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 2 Mbit/s Flat rate 19 400.00 22 116.00 Note 41b Monthly rental (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 1 898.10 2 163.83 A3.2.3b Megaline & Megaline Plus Bronze – C Tariff – Main links Item A3.2.3b MEGALINE & MEGALINE PLUS BRONZE - C TARIFF - MAIN LINKS (based on the radial distance between the end exchanges) (C-tariff) - No contract period - Temporary Services Note 41b Service Distance Permanent service km Monthly fixed cost (Rand) Monthly rental /km (Rand) New New New New Excl VAT Incl VAT Excl VAT Incl VAT 2 Mbit/s 0 - 50 2 047.44 2 334.08 347.70 396.38 2 Mbit/s >51 - 200 11 804.70 13 457.36 152.76 174.15 2 Mbit/s >201 - 400 28 403.10 32 379.53 70.12 79.93 2 Mbit/s >400 43 079.46 49 110.58 34.20 38.99 Note: Only 2 Mbit/s services provided on a temporary basis Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 58 A3.2.4a Inter Nodal Links – A Tariff – local ends Item A3.2.4a INTER NODAL LINKS - A TARIFF - LOCAL ENDS (within the same exchange area) – Linking two switchboards Note 41e Service Distance Installation (Rand) km New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 2 Mbit/s Flat rate 17 500.00 19 950.00 Monthly rental (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 1 732.80 1 975.39 A3.2.4b Inter Nodal Links – C Tariff – Main links Item A3.2.4b INTER NODAL LINKS - C TARIFF - MAIN LINKS (based on the radial distance between the end exchanges) (C-tariff) - Linking two switchboards Note 41e Service Distance Permanent service km Monthly fixed cost (Rand) Monthly rental /km (Rand) New New New New Excl VAT Incl VAT Excl VAT Incl VAT 2 Mbit/s 0 - 50 1 733.94 1 976.69 271.90 309.97 2 Mbit/s 51 - 200 9 890.00 11 274.60 108.76 123.99 2 Mbit/s 201 - 400 23 158.00 26 400.12 42.42 48.35 2 Mbit/s >400 33 677.00 38 391.78 16.12 18.37 A3.2.4c Inter Nodal Links B tariff – Local ends Item A3.2.4c MEGALINE B TARIFF - LOCAL ENDS (across exchange boundaries to a foreign exchange as well as between premises in the same exchange area or two neighbouring exchange areas) Note 41e Service Distance Permanent service km Installation (Rand) Monthly rental (Rand) New New New New Excl VAT Incl VAT Excl VAT Incl VAT 2 Mbit/s 0 - 20 4 765.00 5 432.10 2 Mbit/s >20 - 30 6 064.00 6 912.96 2 Mbit/s >30 - 40 9 357.00 10 666.98 2 Mbit/s >40 - 50 10 396.00 11 851.44 2 Mbit/s >50 - 100 15 162.00 17 284.68 Note: Only for existing customers Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 59 A3.2a MEGALINE PLUS (SILVER) A3.2a.1 Megaline Plus (Silver) – Port charges Item A3.2a.1 a b MEGALINE PLUS (SILVER) (PORT CHARGES) Service Distance km 2 Mbit/s 34 Mbit/s 140/155 Mbit/s Activation per circuit Flat rate Flat rate Flat rate All speeds Note 41a & e Installation (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 5 400.00 6 156.00 Monthly rental (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 990.00 1 128.60 4 303.20 4 905.65 9 372.00 10 684.08 - A3.2a.2 Megaline Plus (Silver) – A Tariff – Local ends Item A3.2a.2 MEGALINE PLUS (SILVER) A TARIFF - LOCAL ENDS (within the same exchange area) Service Distance Installation (Rand) km New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 2 Mbit/s 1 year min rental period 15 975.00 18 211.50 3 year min rental period 11 182.00 12 747.48 5 year min rental period 7 987.00 9 105.18 34 Mbit/s 1 year min rental period 57 510.00 65 561.40 3 year min rental period 40 257.00 45 892.98 5 year min rental period 28 755.00 32 780.70 140/155 Mbit/s 1 year min rental period 93 453.00 106 536.42 3 year min rental period 65 417.00 74 575.38 5 year min rental period 46 726.00 53 267.64 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Note 41a & e Monthly rental (Rand) New Excl VAT New Incl VAT 2 059.20 2 059.20 2 059.20 2 347.49 2 347.49 2 347.49 6 468.00 6 468.00 6 468.00 7 373.52 7 373.52 7 373.52 16 222.80 16 222.80 16 222.80 18 493.99 18 493.99 18 493.99 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 60 A3.2a.3 Megaline Plus (Silver) – C Tariff – Main links Item A3.2a.3 MEGALINE PLUS (SILVER) C TARIFF - MAIN LINKS (based on the radial distance between the end exchanges) Service Distance km Monthly fixed cost (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 2 Mbit/s 0 - 50 994.97 1 134.26 2 Mbit/s 51 - 200 5 164.91 5 888.00 2 Mbit/s 201 - 400 12 289.34 14 009.85 2 Mbit/s >400 18 231.60 20 784.02 Note 41a & e Monthly rental /km (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 123.54 140.84 51.89 59.15 21.28 24.25 8.51 9.70 34 Mbit/s 34 Mbit/s 34 Mbit/s 34 Mbit/s 0 - 50 51 - 200 201 - 400 >400 18 039.38 78 020.83 185 660.83 275 421.56 20 564.90 88 943.75 211 653.35 313 980.58 1 866.11 783.77 321.35 128.54 2 127.36 893.50 366.34 146.54 140/155 Mbit/s 140/155 Mbit/s 140/155 Mbit/s 140/155 Mbit/s 0 - 50 51 - 200 201 - 400 >400 44 416.60 192 109.55 457 147.14 678 159.07 50 634.92 219 004.88 521 147.74 773 101.34 4 594.82 1 929.83 791.23 316.49 5 238.10 2 200.00 902.00 360.80 A3.2b ATM EXPRESS A3.2b.1 ATM Express (Bronze) A3.2b.1.1 ATM Express (Bronze) – Port charges Item A3.2b.1.1 a b c ATM EXPRESS (BRONZE) – PORT CHARGES Service Distance km Port charges 2 Mbit/s PVC configuration Quantity: 1 Activation - per circuit Flat rate Note 41e Installation (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT Monthly rental (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT - - 990.00 1 128.60 450.00 5 400.00 513.00 6 156.00 - - Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 Item A3.2b.1.2 ATM EXPRESS (BRONZE) LOCAL ACCESS (within the same exchange area) Service Distance Installation (Rand) km New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 2 Mbit/s Flat rate 1 year min rental period 15 975.00 18 211.50 3 year min rental period 11 182.00 12 747.48 5 year min rental period 7 987.00 9 105.18 61 Note 41e Monthly rental (Rand) New Excl VAT 2 059.20 2 059.20 2 059.20 New Incl VAT 2 347.49 2 347.49 2 347.49 A3.2b.1.3 ATM Express (Bronze) – Main links Item A3.2b.1.3 ATM EXPRESS (BRONZE) MAIN LINKS (based on the radial distance between the end exchanges) Service Distance Monthly fixed cost (Rand) km New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 1 year minimum rental period 2 Mbit/s 0 - 50 1 161.60 1 324.22 2 Mbit/s 51 - 200 5 973.01 6 809.23 2 Mbit/s 201 - 400 14 190.00 16 176.60 2 Mbit/s >400 21 040.80 23 986.51 3 year minimum rental period 2 Mbit/s 0 - 50 1 045.44 1 191.80 2 Mbit/s 51 - 200 5 334.12 6 080.90 2 Mbit/s 201 - 400 12 662.76 14 435.55 2 Mbit/s >400 18 773.04 21 401.27 5 year minimum rental period 2 Mbit/s 0 - 50 929.28 1 059.38 2 Mbit/s 51 - 200 4 757.28 5 423.30 2 Mbit/s 201 - 400 11 296.56 12 878.08 2 Mbit/s >400 16 750.80 19 095.91 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Note 41e Monthly rental/km (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 150.48 63.36 25.87 10.37 171.55 72.23 29.49 11.82 134.51 56.50 23.17 9.24 153.34 64.41 26.42 10.53 120.06 50.42 20.66 8.26 136.87 57.48 23.56 9.41 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 62 A3.2b.2 ATM EXPRESS (SILVER) A3.2b.2.1 ATM Express (Silver) – Port charges Item A3.2b.2.1 ATM EXPRESS (SILVER) – PORT CHARGES Service a b c Distance km Port charges 2 Mbit/s 34 Mbit/s 140/155 Mbit/s 10 BT PVC configuration Quantity: 1 Quantity: 2 to 10 Quantity: 11 to 20 Additional blocks of 20 Activation - per circuit Note 41e Activation (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT Monthly rental (Rand) New Excl VAT New Incl VAT Flat rate - - 990.00 4 303.20 9 372.00 1 155.00 1 128.60 4 905.65 10 684.08 1 316.70 450.00 450.00 450.00 513.00 513.00 513.00 1 660.00 2 325.00 1 892.40 2 650.50 450.00 5 400.00 513.00 6 156.00 1 990.00 2 268.60 - - All speeds All speeds A3.2b.2.2 ATM Express (Silver) – Local Access Item A3.2b.2.2 ATM EXPRESS (SILVER) LOCAL ACCESS (within the same exchange area) Service Distance km 2 Mbit/s Flat rate 1 year min rental period 3 year min rental period 5 year min rental period 34 Mbit/s 1 year min rental period 3 year min rental period 5 year min rental period 140/155 Mbit/s 1 year min rental period 3 year min rental period 5 year min rental period 10 BT 1 year min rental period 3 year min rental period 5 year min rental period Installation (Rand) New Excl VAT New Incl VAT Note 41e Monthly rental (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 15 975.00 11 182.00 7 987.00 18 211.50 12 747.48 9 105.18 2 059.20 2 059.20 2 059.20 2 347.49 2 347.49 2 347.49 57 510.00 40 257.00 28 755.00 65 561.40 45 892.98 32 780.70 6 468.00 6 468.00 6 468.00 7 373.52 7 373.52 7 373.52 93 453.00 65 417.00 46 726.00 106 536.42 74 575.38 53 267.64 16 222.80 16 222.80 16 222.80 18 493.99 18 493.99 18 493.99 39 937.00 27 955.00 19 968.00 45 528.18 31 868.70 22 763.52 4 118.40 4 118.40 4 118.40 4 694.98 4 694.98 4 694.98 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 63 A3.2b.2.3 ATM Express (Silver) – Main links Item A3.2b.2.3 ATM EXPRESS (SILVER) MAIN LINKS (based on the radial distance between the end exchanges) Service Distance Monthly fixed cost (Rand) km New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 1 year minimum rental period 2 Mbit/s 0 - 50 1 161.60 1 324.22 2 Mbit/s 51 - 200 5 973.01 6 809.23 2 Mbit/s 201 - 400 14 190.00 16 176.60 2 Mbit/s >400 21 040.80 23 986.51 34 Mbit/s 0 - 50 18 763.80 21 390.73 34 Mbit/s 51 - 200 88 294.80 100 656.07 34 Mbit/s 201 - 400 209 688.60 239 045.00 34 Mbit/s >400 310 912.80 354 440.59 140155 Mbit/s 0 – 50 42 702.00 48 680.28 140/155 Mbit/s 51 - 200 199 029.60 226 893.74 140/155 Mbit/s 201 - 400 472 669.56 538 843.30 140/155 Mbit/s >400 700 856.64 798 976.57 10 BT 0 - 50 4 663.56 5 316.46 10 BT 51 - 200 23 905.20 27 251.93 10 BT 201 - 400 56 773.20 64 721.45 10 BT >400 84 183.00 95 968.62 3 year minimum rental period 2 Mbit/s 0 - 50 1 045.44 1 191.80 2 Mbit/s 51 - 200 5 334.12 6 080.90 2 Mbit/s 201 - 400 12 662.76 14 435.55 2 Mbit/s >400 18 773.04 21 401.27 34 Mbit/s 0 - 50 16 896.00 19 261.44 34 Mbit/s 51 - 200 79 424.40 90 543.82 34 Mbit/s 201 - 400 188 601.60 215 005.82 34 Mbit/s >400 279 648.60 318 799.40 140/155 Mbit/s 0 - 50 38 412.00 43 789.68 140/155 Mbit/s 51 - 200 178 992.00 204 050.88 140/155 Mbit/s 201 - 400 425 172.00 484 696.08 140/155 Mbit/s >400 630 564.00 718 842.96 10 BT 0 - 50 4 196.28 4 783.76 10 BT 51 - 200 21 496.20 24 505.67 10 BT 201 - 400 51 044.40 58 190.62 10 BT >400 75 682.20 86 277.71 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Note 41e Monthly rental/km (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 150.48 63.36 25.87 10.37 2 230.80 937.20 382.80 153.12 5 029.20 2 112.00 865.92 345.84 603.24 253.44 103.62 41.58 171.55 72.23 29.49 11.82 2 543.11 1 068.41 436.39 174.56 5 733.29 2 407.68 987.15 394.26 687.69 288.92 118.13 47.40 134.51 56.50 23.17 9.24 2 006.40 831.60 343.20 137.28 4 554.00 1 894.20 778.80 310.20 542.52 227.04 93.06 36.96 153.34 64.41 26.42 10.53 2 287.30 948.02 391.25 156.50 5 191.56 2 159.39 887.83 353.63 618.47 258.83 106.09 42.13 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 Item A3.2b.2.3 (contd.) 64 ATM EXPRESS (SILVER) MAIN LINKS (based on the radial distance between the end exchanges) Service Distance km Note 41e Monthly fixed cost (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 5 year minimum rental period 2 Mbit/s 0 - 50 2 Mbit/s >51 - 200 2 Mbit/s >201 - 400 2 Mbit/s >400 Monthly rental/km (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 929.28 4 757.28 11 296.56 16 750.80 1 059.38 5 423.30 12 878.08 19 095.91 120.06 50.42 20.66 8.26 136.87 57.48 23.56 9.41 34 Mbit/s 34 Mbit/s 34 Mbit/s 34 Mbit/s 0 - 50 >51 - 200 >201 - 400 >400 15 015.00 70 600.20 167 640.00 248 595.60 17 117.10 80 484.23 191 109.60 283 398.98 1 782.00 739.20 306.24 122.76 2 031.48 842.69 349.11 139.95 140/155 Mbit/s 140/155 Mbit/s 140/155 Mbit/s 140/155 Mbit/s 0 - 50 >51 - 200 >201 - 400 >400 34 148.40 159 192.00 378 048.00 560 564.40 38 929.18 181 478.88 430 974.72 639 043.42 4 052.40 1 683.00 686.40 275.88 4 619.74 1 918.62 782.50 314.50 10 BT 10 BT 10 BT 10 BT 0 - 50 >51 - 200 >201 - 400 >400 3 729.00 19 087.20 45 315.60 67 188.00 4 251.06 21 759.41 51 659.78 76 594.32 481.80 201.96 82.50 33.00 549.25 230.23 94.05 37.62 A3.3 Reserved Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 65 A3.4 MetroLAN Item MetroLan Access (all speeds) A3.4.1 Installation (Rand) New Excl VAT New Incl VAT a 1 Year minimum rental period R 13 968.00 R 15 923.52 b 2 Year minimum rental period R 11 640.00 R 13 269.60 c 3 Year minimum rental period R 9 312.00 R 10 615.68 d 4 & 5 Year n/a n/a Item MetroLAN Access - per Site A3.4.2 Monthly Rental (Rand) New Excl VAT Intra-city Access Inter-city Access New Incl VAT Intra-city Access Inter-city Access a 1 Year minimum rental period R 4 637.38 R 8 712.31 R 5 286.61 R 9 932.03 b 2 Year minimum rental period R 4 451.88 R 8 363.81 R 5 075.14 R 9 534.75 c 3 Year minimum rental period R 4 173.64 R 7 841.08 R 4 757.95 R 8 938.83 d 4 Year minimum rental period R 3 999.74 R 7 514.36 R 4 559.70 R 8 566.38 e 5 Year minimum rental period R 3 825.84 R 7 187.65 R 4 361.45 R 8 193.92 Item MetroLAN Bandwidth per circuit (Best Effort) A3.4.3 a b c • 2Mbit/s to 125Mbit/s (1Mbit Increments) 130Mbit/s to 600Mbit/s (5Mbit/s Increments) 700Mbit/s to 1 Gig (100Mbit/s Increments) The tariffs in italics and bold are w.e.f. 1 October 2014 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Monthly Rental (Rand) New Excl VAT New Incl VAT Intra-Metro Bandwidth Inter-Metro Bandwidth Intra-Metro Bandwidth Inter-Metro Bandwidth R256.37 to R15,594.59 R1,344.88 to R81,806.2 R292.26 to R17,777.83 R1,533.16 to R93,259.07 R16,214.75 to R73,264.95 R85,059.44 to R384,333.77 R18,484.82 to R83,522.04 R96,967.76 to R438,140.50 R84,906.44 to R118,847.72 R445,827.17 to R630,307.38 R96,793.34 to R135,487.40 R508,242.97 to R718,550.41 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 66 A3.5 BROADCASTING SERVICES A3.5.1 Music Circuits Item A3.5.1 a (i) b (i) (ii) (iii) c MUSIC CIRCUITS Permanent Access circuit Surcharge per circuit One way 2-wire circuit (7.5/15 kHz) 24 Hours per day: Fixed charge per month Per kilometre per month Temporary circuits Plus per hour per km Service charge per circuit per occasion Music Taxi Music Taxi (3 Year contract) Installation (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 2 080.00 2 371.20 - Monthly rental (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 269.00 306.66 883.00 1 006.62 - - 104.00 20.40 118.56 23.26 883.00 644.00 644.00 1 006.62 734.16 734.16 0.47 2 070.00 1 427.00 0.54 2 359.80 1 626.78 A3.5.2 Television circuits Item A3.5.2 TELEVISION CIRCUITS Installation (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT a (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) b (i) (ii) c Permanent circuits Video plus 2 audio circuits: Fixed rental per month Per kilometre per month Video plus 3 audio circuits: Fixed rental per month Per kilometre per month Video plus 4 audio circuits: Fixed rental per month Per kilometre per month Video plus 1 audio circuit (Applies to services provided before 1996/01/01) Fixed rental per month Per kilometre per month Temporary circuits - Video plus one audio Per hour, per km Domestic charges, per occasion Video switching per occasion Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Monthly rental (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 28 800.00 32 832.00 2 146.00 321.35 2 446.44 366.34 28 800.00 32 832.00 3 219.00 343.00 3 669.66 391.02 28 800.00 32 832.00 4 292.00 365.20 4 892.88 416.33 - - 1 070.00 239.40 1 219.80 272.92 2 380.00 1 454.00 2 713.20 1 657.56 2.10 - 2.39 - TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 67 PART B: INTERNATIONAL SERVICES B1 Reserved B2.4 Telephone service on board a ship Item B2.4 a TELEPHONE SERVICE ON BOARD A SHIP Usage New Excl VAT 0.494 Unit charge Installation New Excl VAT Telephone service on board a ship not exceeding 3 months c Ships moving from one quay to another (line and apparatus) d After hours installation charge for ships moving from one quay to another and telephone service on board a ship not exceeding 3 months Note 9a e Telephone service for a ship exceeding 3 months f After hours installation charge for a telephone on board a ship exceeding 3 months g BlockCall * (No longer provided) Note 16j (i) BlockCall Plus h ForwardCall * Note 16j i Locking facilities * Rental apply only to services on board a ship for a period exceeding 3 months New Incl VAT New Incl VAT 0.563 Monthly rental New New Excl VAT Incl VAT b 141.75 161.60 - - 141.75 161.60 - - - - 198.45 543.86 226.23 620.00 209.65 239.00 718.16 23.35 23.35 23.35 77.50 818.70 26.62 26.62 26.62 88.35 20.51 30.57 4.39 - 23.38 34.85 5.00 - B3 CALLS TO MOBILE SATELLITE TERMINALS VIA THE INMARSAT SYSTEM B3.1 Inmarsat rates For more information on Inmarsat rates contact our International Customer Care Centre on 0800 11 33 66. B3.2 Radiotelephone calls from ships to Inmarsat terminals Item B3.2 RADIOTELEPHONE CALLS FROM SHIPS TO INMARSAT TERMINALS Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 a TO INMARSAT A (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 68 Charge per minute (Rand) New New Excl VAT Incl VAT 3.22 3.67 Via VHF Coast station charge, plus Telephone call charge to appropriate INMARSAT terminal as per international call charge list Via HF Coast station charge, plus Telephone call charge to appropriate INMARSAT terminal as per international call charge list 8.58 9.78 NOTES ON RADIOTELEPHONE CALLS FROM SHIPS TO INMARSAT TERMINALS A ship at sea wishing to make a call to an INMARSAT user can be connected via the coast stations. The ship can call on a VHF or HF radio circuit and be connected to an INMARSAT mobile via the International Operational Centre. B3.3 Message delivery from ship to shore received via Inmarsat Item B3.3 MESSAGE DELIVERY FROM SHIP TO SHORE RECEIVED VIA INMARSAT A surcharge of Plus a handling fee of Total charge per message New Excl VAT 8.79 26.75 35.54 New Incl VAT 10.02 30.50 40.52 NOTES FOR DELIVERY OF MESSAGES RECEIVED FROM AN INMARSAT MOBILE An Inmarsat mobile station may forward a message to the coast stations for onward delivery. These messages must be treated as data and not counted per word. Please note the mobile station is already paying Inmarsat charges. The charges are made up of a surcharge equivalent of one coast station Telex-over-radio charge plus a handling fee. B3.4 Delivery of messages to Inmarsat “C” terminals Item B3.4 DELIVERY OF MESSAGES TO INMARSAT “C” TERMINALS Delivery of messages via INMARSAT C per minute Plus a handling fee of TOTAL New Excl VAT 16.67 New Incl VAT 19.00 26.75 43.42 30.50 49.50 NOTES FOR DELIVERY OF MESSAGES VIA INMARSAT “C” Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 69 Only messages received via telex, fax, telephone or E-mail may be transmitted. These messages will not be counted per word but will be treated as data. B3.5 Telegrams from ship to an Inmarsat “C” terminals Item B3.5 TELEGRAMS FROM SHIP TO AN INMARSAT “C” TERMINAL INMARSAT “C” charge per minute A coast station charge per word of Plus a handling fee of New Excl VAT 16.67 1.64 26.75 New Incl VAT 19.00 1.87 30.50 NOTE ON TELEGRAMS RECEIVED FROM A SHIP TO BE DELIVERED TO AN INMARSAT “C” TERMINAL. A message received from a ship at sea via radiotelephone service will be treated as a telegram and be counted per word. As there are no land line charges involved the sender will be charged a coast station charge per word. He will also be charged the relative Inmarsat “C” transmission charges plus a handling fee. B4 Reserved B5 DATA SERVICE B5.1 Saponet-P Item B5.1 SAPONET-P a (i) (ii) b (i) (ii) International Packet Switching Service Packet count charge per 10 segments or part thereof Call duration per minute or part thereof Packet Switching Service to Southern African Countries Packet count charge per kilosegment or part thereof Call charge per minute or part thereof B6 LEASED CIRCUITS B6.1.1 International data circuits via Submarine cable Item INTERNATIONAL DATA CIRCUITS VIA SUBMARINE CABLE Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Charges (Rand) New Excl VAT New Incl VAT 0.25 0.40 0.29 0.46 0.26 0.028 0.30 0.032 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 B6.1.1 Bandwidth 70 Via Submarine Cable – Zone 1 Rand New New Excl VAT Incl VAT Via Submarine Cable – Zone 2 Rand New New Excl VAT Incl VAT a (i) Monthly rental 9600 bits (Analogue) Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued 64 kb/s 2 137.92 2 437.23 1 956.36 128 kb/s 3 700.56 4 218.64 3 385.72 192 kb/s 5 149.64 5 870.59 4 712.40 256 kb/s 6 640.88 7 570.60 6 075.80 320 kb/s 7 484.08 8 531.85 6 848.28 384 kb/s 8 594.52 9 797.75 7 864.88 512 kb/s 10 526.40 12 000.10 9 632.20 576 kb/s 10 911.28 12 438.86 9 983.76 640 kb/s 11 607.60 13 232.66 10 620.92 704 kb/s 12 897.56 14 703.22 11 801.40 768 kb/s 13 200.16 15 048.18 12 078.16 1024 kb/s 16 177.20 18 442.01 14 802.24 1408 kb/s 18 701.36 21 319.55 17 112.20 1536 kb/s 20 387.76 23 242.05 18 655.12 1984 kb/s 20 847.44 23 766.08 19 775.08 (ii) Installation 4 000.00 4 560.00 4 000.00 b (i) Monthly rental 8 Mb/s THESE PRICES ARE ONLY AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. 34 Mb/s 45 Mb/s 155 Mb/s (ii) Installation • The tariffs in italics and bold are w.e.f. 1 October 2014 Item B6.1.1 Cont. a (i) Discontinued 2 230.25 3 859.72 5 372.14 6 926.41 7 807.04 8 965.96 10 980.71 11 381.49 12 107.85 13 453.60 13 769.10 16 874.55 19 507.91 21 266.84 22 543.59 4 560.00 INTERNATIONAL DATA CIRCUITS VIA SUBMARINE CABLE Bandwidth Monthly rental 9600 bits (Analogue) 64 kb/s 128 kb/s 192 kb/s 256 kb/s 320 kb/s 384 kb/s 512 kb/s 576 kb/s 640 kb/s 704 kb/s 768 kb/s 1024 kb/s 1408 kb/s 1536 kb/s Via Submarine Cable – Zone 3 Rand New New Excl VAT Incl VAT Discontinued 945.20 1 453.84 1 859.12 2 265.08 2 669.00 3 075.64 3 884.84 4 179.28 4 471.00 4 764.08 5 059.20 6 230.16 7 530.32 7 669.72 Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Discontinued 1 077.53 1 657.38 2 119.40 2 582.19 3 042.66 3 506.23 4 428.72 4 764.38 5 096.94 5 431.05 5 767.49 7 102.38 8 584.56 8 743.48 Via Submarine Cable – Zone 4 Rand New New Excl VAT Incl VAT Discontinued 884.68 1 258.00 1 664.64 2 008.72 2 473.84 2 577.88 3 223.88 3 643.44 3 957.60 4 243.20 4 467.60 5 434.56 6 642.24 6 661.96 Discontinued 1 008.54 1 434.12 1 897.69 2 289.94 2 820.18 2 938.78 3 675.22 4 153.52 4 511.66 4 837.25 5 093.06 6 195.40 7 572.15 7 594.63 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 (ii) b (i) (ii) • 1984 kb/s 7 809.12 8 902.40 Installation 4 000.00 4 560.00 Monthly rental 8 Mb/s THESE PRICES ARE ONLY AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. 34 Mb/s 45 Mb/s 155 Mb/s Installation The tariffs in italics and bold are w.e.f. 1 October 2014 ZONES FOR LEASED CIRCUITS VIA SUBMARINE CABLE Zone 1: Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, UK and USA Zone 2: Australia, China, Cyprus, India, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand Zone 3: Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Senegal and Congo Zone 4: Angola, Gabon and Mauritius Note: Destinations not indicated above could be facilitated on request. Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 71 6 681.00 4 000.00 7 616.34 4 560.00 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 72 B6.1.2 International data circuits via Satellite Item B6.1.2 INTERNATIONAL DATA CIRCUITS VIA SATELLITE Bandwidth a Via Satellite – Zone 1 & 2 Rand New Excl VAT New Incl VAT i) Monthly rental 9600 bits (Analogue) Discontinued 64 kb/s 5 786.80 128 kb/s 10 166.00 192 kb/s 14 142.64 256 kb/s 16 664.76 320 kb/s 19 392.24 384 kb/s 22 270.00 512 kb/s 29 998.20 576 kb/s 31 098.44 640 kb/s 33 077.24 704 kb/s 36 722.04 768 kb/s 37 615.56 1024 kb/s 49 253.08 1408 kb/s 56 935.72 1536 kb/s 62 077.20 1984 kb/s 77 411.20 (ii) Installation 4 000.00 • The tariffs in italics and bold are w.e.f. 1 October 2014 Discontinued 6 596.95 11 589.24 16 122.61 18 997.83 22 107.15 25 387.80 34 197.95 35 452.22 37 708.05 41 863.13 42 881.74 56 148.51 64 906.72 70 768.01 88 248.77 4 560.00 ZONES FOR LEASED CIRCUITS VIA SATELLITE Zones 1 and 2 consolidated B6.2 Monthly rental for network access Item B6.2 a b MONTHLY RENTAL FOR NETWORK ACCESS Network Terminating Unit (NTU) Access – Per terminal point Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Rand Excl VAT Item A2.8 & A2.9 Item A2.8 & A2.9 Rand Incl VAT Item A2.8 & A2.9 Item A2.8 & A2.9 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 73 NOTES ON LEASED CIRCUITS (ANALOGUE & DIGITAL) The local end connection to the nearest multiplexer at the exchange is copper wire, but the national transmission link from the exchange to the earth station is optic fibre. Leased circuit charges via satellite are for both continental and inter-continental circuits and exclude the local end connection. Satellite circuits are available to most destinations worldwide Minimum contract term of service: * 2Mbit/s and lower bandwidths - 1 year * Above 2 Mbit/s up to 45 Mbit/s - 1 years * 155Mbit/s - 1 years The contract period shall commence on the day on which the service is commissioned. Should the Customer terminate this contract prior to the termination date, the Customer shall pay a penalty amount equal to the percentage indicated below, of the rental which would otherwise have been payable for the remainder of the Initial Term of the service. This condition will not be applicable when the fixed term contract is terminated for the purpose of replacing the existing contract term with Telkom with a new contract for greater commercial value. · For any services of 2 Mbit/s and lower, a penalty of 15 % of the rental for the remainder of the period; · For services higher than 2 Mbit/s but less than 34 Mbit/s, a penalty of 25 % of the monthly rental for the remainder of the period; · For services of 34 Mbit/s and higher, a penalty of 100 % of the monthly rental for the remainder of the period. Temporary services Should Telkom accept an order for a temporary service, the minimum contract term for such a service will be: · 2 Mbit/s and lower bandwidths - 3 months; All other conditions will be applied according to the current contractual stipulations. B6.3 Cancellation fee Item B6.3 a b CANCELLATION FEE Prior to authorisation After authorisation but not yet completed Rand Excl VAT Available on request Available on request NOTES ON CANCELLATION FEE Depending on the circumstances for the cancellation of an application, the above-mentioned cancellation charges may be levied. B6.4 Reserved B6.5 Reserved B7 Reserved Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Rand Incl VAT Available on request Available on request TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 74 B8 INTERNATIONAL FREECALL B8.1 International FreeCall Item B8.1 a b c d INTERNATIONAL FREECALL Once-off service access charge per FreeCall number should a customer order more than one FreeCall number simultaneously the following discounted rates will be applicable Once-off service access charge for the first FreeCall number Once-off service access charge per additional FreeCall number Monthly rental for FreeCall numbers 1 to 10 FreeCall numbers 11 and more FreeCall numbers Day time manager (initial set-up) Any changes to an existing FreeCall number (New destination number, changes to the Day time Manager, etc.) New Rand Excl VAT 658.37 New Rand Incl VAT 750.54 658.37 750.54 327.85 373.75 134.99 80.10 163.38 153.89 91.31 186.25 NOTES ON INTERNATIONAL FREECALL The FreeCall customer will be responsible for the cost of all international calls made to the FreeCall number. Call charges are the same as the Standard time International rates already in force between Telkom and each individual country from where FreeCall calls will be accepted. Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 75 B9 BROADCASTING SERVICES B9.1 Television circuits Item B9.1 a b c d e (i) (ii) (iii) TELEVISION CIRCUITS Occasional video services (ground segment) Transmission or receipt of international video transmissions on an ad hoc basis Uplink - First ten minutes - Each additional minute Downlink - First ten minutes - Each additional minute Turnaround - First ten minutes - Each additional minute Opticonnect - First ten minutes - Each additional minute Charge (Rand) New Excl VAT New Incl VAT 1 264.00 63.78 1 440.96 72.71 962.00 48.89 New Incl VAT New Excl VAT 2-3 hours 1 264.00 42.52 1 440.96 48.47 1 264.00 31.89 1 096.68 55.74 962.00 32.95 1 096.68 37.56 1 205.00 60.59 1 373.70 69.07 1 205.00 41.45 1 728.00 63.78 1 969.92 72.71 KU-Band satellite capacity: 9 MHZ - First ten minutes - Each additional minute 9 MHZ Uninterrupted feed of 8 hours or more - First ten minutes - Each additional minute 9 MHZ Uninterrupted feed of 24 hours exactly Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 New Excl VAT 1-2 hours New Incl VAT New Excl VAT >3 hours New Incl VAT 1 440.96 36.36 1 264.00 25.51 1 440.96 29.08 962.00 24.44 1 096.68 27.86 962.00 20.20 1 096.68 23.03 1 373.70 47.25 1 205.00 30.82 1 373.70 35.14 1 205.00 24.45 1 373.70 27.87 1 728.00 42.52 New Excl VAT 1 969.92 48.47 New Incl VAT 1 728.00 31.89 1 969.92 36.36 1 728.00 25.51 1 969.92 29.08 579.00 38.26 660.06 43.62 579.00 32.95 660.06 37.56 23 173.00 26 417.22 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 76 B9.2 Audio services Item B9.2 a (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) AUDIO SERVICES Audio services utilised for commentary and/or co-ordination circuits 2 wire circuit (Charge calculation = prescribed national telephone rate per minute + prescribed international telephone rate per minute + installation charge) 4-wire circuit (Charge calculation = prescribed national telephone rate per minute + prescribed international telephone rate per minutex2 + installation charge) 7.5 MHZ or High quality circuit (Charge calculation = prescribed national telephone rate per minute + prescribed international telephone rate per minute x3 +installation charge) 15 MHZ or Stereo quality circuit (Charge calculation = prescribed national telephone rate per minute + prescribed international telephone rate per minute x6 + installation charge) Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 Installation (Fixed) New Excl VAT New Incl VAT 193.61 220.72 193.61 220.72 193.61 220.72 193.61 220.72 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 PART C EXPLANATORY NOTES Telephony: Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 Note 5 Note 6 Note 7 Note 8 Note 9 Note 10 Note 11 Note 12 Note 13 Note 14 Note 15 Note 16 Note 17 Concessions Calls Minimum-rental area Reserved Reserved Reserved Auxiliary equipment Leased circuits Transfers Free calls Different call charges Extensions Installations Reserved Changes: number/name/customer Miscellaneous ISDN Telematics: Note 25 Note 26 Note 27 Note 28 Note 29 Note 30 Note 31 Note 32 Note 33 Note 34 Note 35 Note 36 Note 37 Note 38 Note 39 Note 40 Note 41 Telegrams Teleprinter Terminal point equipment Private lines Data and Voice Graded Leased Lines Saponet Diginet and Diginet-Plus Reserved Reserved FrameExpress After-hours repair service Telex Reserved Reserved Telkom Enhanced Fax Reserved Megalines and ATM Express Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 77 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 78 TELEPHONY NOTE 1 CONCESSIONS NOTE 1 a Reduced installation charge and monthly rental for social pensioners: In respect of one main basic telephone service for residential purposes for the recipient of an older persons, disability and war veterans grant, as defined in the Social Assistance Act, 2004 (Act 13 of 2004) as well as other pensioners whose total monthly income is not more than the maximum pension of the aforementioned social pensioners: Provided that such a person renders proof to the satisfaction of Telkom SA Limited regarding his/her status as a pensioner and that he/she is the head of the household at the address where the telephone service is to be provided to him/her or that he/she requires the telephone service for his/her own use in an old age home or similar institution. Social pensioners retain their reduced line rental if they apply for any supplementary services such as TalkPlus, Surfmore, ADSL etc. However, if a social pensioner choose to subscribe to the InfinitCall Plan he/she will forfeit the reduced rental and the service will be converted to a normal full rental residential service. NOTE 1 b Reserved NOTE 1 c Reserved NOTE 1 d Call charge concessions Visually disabled telephone customers in possession of a certificate issued by the South African National Council for the Blind which certifies that the holder is a visually disabled person who rents a telephone service from Telkom and cannot be assisted by other members of his/her household to look up telephone numbers: First R44.06 (Incl. VAT) or part thereof that register on the customer’s meter per debit period. NOTE 1 e Telephone services provided on a temporary basis for use by political parties either for election campaigns and at polling booths for the election of members of parliament, or for campaigns in connection with referendums and at polling stations established for referendums. The minimum monthly rental is equal to the rental for one month applicable to permanent services. NOTE 1 f To Members of Parliament and session officials in Cape Town and vicinity for the duration of the Parliamentary session. Monthly rental is payable on a pro rata basis from the date on which the service starts until the date on which it is terminated. NOTE 1 g Ordinary refers to customers not qualifying for a concession or rebate in terms of Note 1. NOTE 1h Reserved NOTE 1i The installation of the first exchange connection for clinics, hospitals, schools, libraries and local authorities is free of installation charge. For all subsequent services the normal prescribed charges apply. The appropriate rentals are payable at all times. NOTE 2 CALLS NOTE 2 a Reserved NOTE 2 b Reserved NOTE 2 c Should advice of charge be requested for fixed-time calls, the surcharge for advice of charge is payable in addition to the surcharge for fixed-time calls. NOTE 2 d The prescribed manually-operated call charge is payable in respect of each individual connection. The call charges are assessed from the exchange where the conference call originates and is payable in addition to the connection charge. Metering of the call should only commence once all the parties have been connected. NOTE 2 e The connection charge is payable when a booked conference call is cancelled within 30 minutes before its commencement. Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 NOTE 3 79 MINIMUM-RENTAL AREA The minimum-rental area is the built-up area within an exchange area. NOTE 3 a The distance for service beyond the minimum-rental area is measured according to the radial distance from the exchange. NOTE 3 b Distance for a portion of the line beyond the minimum-rental area, measured along the actual route or nearest road, whichever is the shorter, per kilometre or portion thereof, per pair. The total rental consists of the fixed rental for the portion within the MRA plus the per pair kilometre charge beyond the MRA. NOTE 3 c Line rental per kilometre or portion thereof based on the radial distance between the various trunk-line exchanges and, where applicable, the radial distance between the trunk-line exchanges and the terminal exchanges, per pair NOTE 3 d Line rental, irrespective of the length of the wires, per pair. NOTE 3 e Reserved NOTE 3 f Reserved NOTE 3 g Between different exchanges or between different exchange areas in grouped telephone-exchange systems. Line rental based on the radial distance between the various trunk-line exchanges and, where applicable the radial distance between the trunk-line and the terminal exchanges. NOTE 3 h The rental consists of the appropriate fixed rental for the portion of the line within the MRA plus the total per kilometre charge of the line beyond the MRA as per item A1.2.3 f (iv). NOTE 4 RESERVED NOTE 5 RESERVED NOTE 6 RESERVED NOTE 7 AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT NOTE 7 a Subscriber private meter for use by a customer at an automatic exchange with variable time interval metering: The charge includes the activating facility in the exchange. NOTE 7 b Activating facilities in telephone exchanges for subscriber private meters provided on PABX systems, per junction line equipped with such facility. NOTE 7 c The charges prescribed apply over and above the charges applicable to the type of service on which the auxiliary/Customer's Premises Equipment is used. NOTE 7 d The monthly rental for subscriber private meter facilities in telephone exchanges, item A1.2.1b, is not included in this tariff. NOTE 7 e No monthly rental is payable where these instruments are used on single lines. However, where these instruments are used on switchboard lines the prescribed montlhly rental is still applicable. NOTE 7 f An additional R456.00 (Excl VAT) to be debited manually when installed by Telkom at a customer’s premises NOTE 7g Reserved NOTE 7h Service no longer provided – rental for existing customers only. NOTE 8 RESERVED NOTE 9 TRANSFERS NOTE 9 a Installation or transfer of any service or device which is undertaken after hours on request of the customer will be carried out at the prescribed installation/transfer fee plus 40%. In case of the recovery of a service/device the standard service fee plus 40% will apply. Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 80 NOTE 9 b Reserved NOTE 9 c The outdoor transfer of a service in effect means the discontinuance of the existing service and the provision thereof at the new location/address. The charge as for a new installation thus applies. NOTE 9 d Any type of telephone, device or exchange connection provided on a temporary basis for use by political parties either for election campaigns and at polling stations for the election of members of Parliament or for campaigns in connection with referendums and at polling stations established for referendums NOTE 9 e The indoor transfer fee applies when a service is transferred within the same building, as defined in the Commercial Policy Reference Document. NOTE 10 FREE CALLS - Notwithstanding the rates in table A1.6 no charges are applicable to the following calls NOTE 10 a Local calls made from customers: Flat-rate exchanges - irrespective of the duration of the call NOTE 10 b Multi-party and party-line services: For calls between customers on the same line or to customers connected to the same exchange or its auxiliary exchanges or to another exchange in the same group in grouped telephone-exchange systems NOTE 10 c Automatic party lines: For calls between customers on the same line NOTE 10 d For calls between customers connected to theoretical exchanges (TES) served by the same control exchange and to customers connected to the relevant control exchange. NOTE 11 DIFFERENT CALL CHARGES - Notwithstanding the rates in table A1.6 the following charges apply: NOTE 11 a Payphones at exchanges that are not equipped with facilities for metering according to variable time interval (VTI) as described in conditions of contract: For calls to customers or other payphones connected to the same exchange: Payphone unit call charge per three minutes or portion thereof. NOTE 11 b Payphone calls at automatic exchanges equipped with facilities for VTI metering. The call charge is prescribed in table under item A1.6.1 for calls with VTI metering, except that no charge shall be raised for any unexpired metering period that has already commenced when the connection is made. NOTE 11 c For calls to customers or other payphones connected to the same exchange: Local call charges (0-50km) in the Table under item A1.6.2 applies. NOTE 11 d Payphones with VTI facilities in grouped message-rate exchange systems: Local call charges (0-50km) in the Table under item A1.6.2 applies. NOTE 11 e To customers or payphones connected to exchanges in different groups: The metering periods in the Table under item A1.6.2 apply. NOTE 11 f Reserved NOTE 11 g For calls between customers connected to the same exchange or its auxiliary exchanges or between exchanges in the same group in grouped telephone-exchange systems: Rate A in the Table under item A1.6.2 applies. NOTE 11 h For calls in grouped message-rate exchanges made by customers from exchanges in one group to exchanges in another group, the metering periods as prescribed in the Table under item A1.6.2 apply. NOTE 11 i For calls between exchanges in one group and exchanges in another group in grouped telephone-exchange systems, the charges per call as prescribed in the Table under item A1.6.2 apply. NOTE 11 j Customers and payphones connected to any other exchange than the controlling exchange, the trunk call charges prescribed in the Table under item A1.6.2 apply with the relevant TES as the measuring-point exchange. NOTE 11 k Reserved Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 81 NOTE 11 l Automatic message-rate exchanges – Local call charges (0-50km) in the Table under item A1.6.2 applies. NOTE 11 m For calls between exchanges in one group and exchanges in another group in grouped telephone-exchange systems, the charges per call are as prescribed in item A1.6.1 NOTE 11 n to q Reserved NOTE 12 EXTENSIONS NOTE 12 a Reserved NOTE 12 b Telephone extensions on different premises than the main service (including rental for standard instrument) - The rental for outdoor wiring should be added to the rental for same premises extensions where applicable. Since 1 April 2003 outdoor extensions are restricted to the same premises. NOTE 12 c Exchange or extension lines terminated on first unit. The prescribed tariffs apply. NOTE 12 d Each individual telephone instrument in the Plan system shall be regarded as an extension line. NOTE 12 e When Telkom is requested to provide an indoor extension off an automatic residential and single line business exchange connection, it is done so against payment of a once-off installation fee. The wiring and jack becomes the property of the customer but a mandatory monthly maintenance fee is payable to secure free maintenance of the extension wiring and jack. NOTE 12 f Reserved NOTE 13 INSTALLATIONS NOTE 13 a The REUEC charge must not be applied to services that carry a prescribed installation charge that is lower than the REUEC charge. For example, the social pensioner rate will apply when a pensioner obtains a service under the REUEC conditions. NOTE 14 RESERVED NOTE 15 CHANGES: NUMBER/NAME/CUSTOMER NOTE 15 a Zero charge applies where renter passes away and account is transferred on to the name of the spouse, or where a woman has married and requires that the registers be changed to her new surname. The same applies where a woman gets divorced and requests the surname to be changed to her maiden name. See Chapter 49 of Vol. 4 of the Commercial Policy Reference Document. NOTE 15 b Charge is per invoice (bill group) irrespective of the number of lines per invoice. NOTE 15 c Reserved. NOTE 15 d The charge falls away when the conversion is arranged simultaneous with a change of telephone number. NOTE 16 MISCELLANEOUS NOTE 16 a Telephone service on board a ship for a period not exceeding three months. NOTE 16 b Rental and installation charges already included in the tariffs for the main service or extension. NOTE 16 c Exchange connection, includes DSL, VSAT, ISDN BRA & telex. NOTE 16 d Reserved NOTE 16 e Abbreviated dialing (SpeedCall) - A block of 10 numbers is regarded as one facility. Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 82 NOTE 16 f Change of main telephone number only = R209.56 (Excl VAT) Change of MyRing secondary number/s per occasion = R23.35 (Excl VAT) Change of main number and secondary number/s simultaneously = R209.56 (Excl VAT) Reconnection payable for main number only. NOTE 16h This service has been replaced by the Enhanced Service facilities and should no longer be provided to new customers. The tariffs apply to existing customers only. In the event of a PlusFacility customer requesting the amendment of facilities within an existing packet the service must be transferred to the Enhanced Service features. NOTE 16i Reserved NOTE 16j Where more than one TalkPlus facility is provided simultaneously, the installation (registration) fee as for one single facility is payable. The same policy applies when more than one facility is amended at the same time. NOTE 16k A registered customer of a telephone service can obtain a copy of his/her telephone account/detail bill, free of charge. However, if a third party should request a duplicate of a customer’s account, the request must be handled in accordance with the conditions contained in Chapter 44 of the Commercial Policy Reference Document, and the charge must be applied. NOTE 16l Additional data volume can be obtained at the price quoted. The upgrade will be in operation for a minimum period of 30 days. The service will be downgraded at the customers request only after 30 days. No downgrade fee will be charged. NOTE 16m DSL charges are payable in addition to the exchange line charges (installation and rental). NOTE 16n All national telephone calls (Standard & Callmore) within the Telkom network to 5 pre-selected telephone numbers are subject to 10% discount. NOTE 16o The monthly charge consists of the normal ADSL connectivity rental, service fee and modem price based on a 24-month interest free installment plan. NOTE 16p The physical conversion to PrepaidFone is not possible. Conversion from ISDN BRA to PrepaidFone must be treated as the discontinuance of the ISDN and new provision of the PrepaidFone service at the prescribed rate. NOTE 16q The exchange connection charges are payable in addition to the SSO charges. In the event of a SSO indoor transfer only the tariff for the indoor transfer of the exchange line/s is/are payable. NOTE 16r The charge only applies if a Telkom technician is not required to do the installation and is the filed tariff. Product Management will run promotions from time to time when the selfinstall option will be allowed free of charge and this should be verified with the relevant product manager. NOTE 16s Where an indoor transfer of a service on the same premises is required simultaneously with the conversion of one service to another, only the conversion charge is payable. No indoor transfer fee must be added. NOTE 16t The charge is payable once only per occasion, i.e. it covers both the temporary suspension and restoration of the service on the requested dates: it is NOT payable twice. NOTE 16u The prescribed monthly rental for the applicable DSL service will apply irrespective of whether it was self installed by the customer of by Telkom. NOTE 16v Fast DSL based on 2Mbps technology Faster DSL based on 4Mbps technology Fastest DSL based on 10Mbps technology NOTE 17 ISDN NOTE 17 a Where an ISDN 30 PRA service(s), whether subject to an agreement or not, is transferred indoors and prior to the transfer of the service(s), the customer enters into an ISDN 30 PRA agreement for which the then current installation charge is less than the indoor transfer fee, the installation charge that would be applicable to the same number of new services, will apply. Should the service be subject to an agreement, however, the term of the new agreement must be longer than the remainder of the existing agreement. NOTE 17 b BRI access will always consists of a basic access charge and a value added charge. NOTE 17 c Minimum rental period is one year. Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 NOTE 17 d A portion of an hour should also be billed according to the hourly charge. NOTE 17 e The installation charge will be waived if MSN and DD services are installed at the same time as a basic access service. NOTE 17f The installation charge for supplementary services should be waived if it is provided simultaneously with the initial provision of the BRI or PRA service. NOTE 17g Rental for DDI numbers applies per BRA. If a customer has 3 BRA connections and the DDI numbers are split amongst the 3 links, the charge is rental x 3. 83 TELEMATICS NOTE 25 RESERVED NOTE 26 RESERVED NOTE 27 DATEL TERMINAL POINT EQUIPMENT NOTE 27 a Reserved NOTE 27 b-j Reserved. NOTE 28 PRIVATE LINES NOTE 28 a Private lines are currently provided by means of digital transmission equipment and the Voice Grade Leased Line (VGLL) Terminating Unit (TU) provides an analogue interface to the customer. In all instances where these lines are provided the VGLL TU must be specifically configured for the customer’s application. NOTE 28 b Should a line extend from a point within the minimum rental area (MRA) of an exchange to a point beyond the MRA, the portion beyond the MRA is charged in addition to the portion within the MRA. NOTE 28 c Reserved NOTE 29 DATA AND VOICE GRADED LEASED LINES (VGLL) NOTE 29 a Reserved NOTE 29 b Reserved. NOTE 29 c The line rental is based on the radial distance between the end exchanges. NOTE 29 d Reserved. NOTE 29 e The network access circuit shall be rented permanently. NOTE 29 f If both the termination points of a circuit are within the boundary of the same exchange, rental and installation must be charged for both terminations. Over and above these amounts, the fixed line charge must always be applied irrespective of the distance between the terminal points NOTE 29 g Rental is calculated per pair and installation per terminal point. NOTE 30 SAPONET Saponet is the public-switched data network that forms the backbone of all Telkom's value-added Telematics services known as Easy Access, Triple-X and Speedlink. Triple-X caters for low-speed to Saponet-P for customers who may have relatively small volumes of data to transfer. NOTE 30 a A Saponet X25 port may have a maximum of 256 logical channels Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 84 NOTE 30 b This charge covers the entire PVC and it is therefore not levied at both ends of the circuit. NOTE 30 c Reserved NOTE 30 d Triple-X access to Saponet-P is no longer available to new customers. Please recommend Diginet access. NOTE 30 e Reserved. NOTE 30 f This charge is levied to recover the costs of providing the dial-in ports, as well as the average costs of outgoing telephone calls in the case of dial-out calls. NOTE 30 g Applies to calls that are successful, and to those that are unsuccessful for reasons beyond the control of the network, e.g. cases in which the called terminal is unable to accept a call. NOTE 31 DIGINET AND DIGINET-PLUS Diginet is the digital data service that provides efficient and reliable point to point data connections between business locations. NOTE 31 a If a Diginet link is used as an access circuit to Saponet, (i.e. the circuit between a customer's premises and the data switching exchange), the customer pays for a Diginet port charge at the multiplexer in his parent telephone exchange, but not for a Diginet port charge at the multiplexer in the data switching exchange. NOTE 31 b Telkom may elect to install a Diginet multiplexer at a customer’s premises, instead of connecting a customer to the nearest telephone exchange. A multiplexer has a complement of 31 time slots terminating in Diginet ports. NOTE 31 c Reserved NOTE 31 d No Megaline installation or local end charges should be used in the case of single circuits unless the customer requests and insists that a 2 Mbit/s (currently only 1984Kbit/s is available) local-end be installed for his exclusive use (dedicated access circuit). Normal Diginet Network access charges to be applied to all speeds (i.e. 128kb/s to 1984 kb/s). NOTE 31 e Where the multiplexer is on the customer's premises the radial distance is calculated from the local exchange that would normally serve the customer. NOTE 31 f A multipoint network comprises three or more terminal points interconnected by means of multipoint extensions, including a multipoint extension to SAPONET, terminating in multipoint junction equipment. The charge for each multipoint extension is levied between the relevant terminal point and the multi-junction equipment point where the multidropping occurs. In the case where a line interconnecting two multi-junction equipment points in a multipoint network, the charge for the radial distance between the two multijunction equipment points is levied. NOTE 31 g Reserved NOTE 31 h Reserved NOTE 32 RESERVED NOTE 33 RESERVED NOTE 34 FRAME EXPRESS FrameExpress is a streamlined version of the X.25 packet switching system that has been designed to increase network speed with low network delays and effective utilization. NOTE 34 a The FrameExpress tariff structure comprises of 2 elements. These are monthly port charges and the flat rate Committed Information Rate (CIR) prices based on the port speed and the CIR purchased by the customer. Port charges: The maximum port speed of FrameExpress has been lowered to 1920Kbit/s. The port speed cannot be higher than the maximum speed of the access circuit. Each port speed has a minimum and a maximum CIR where the maximum will also be equal to the maximum speed of the port except for 1920 kb/s. When a 1920 kb/s port is rented, the maximum speed that is guaranteed, is the same as for 1024 kb/s. A customer renting a 1920 kb/s port can however operate at speeds ranging from the minimum speed up to speeds beyond the maximum speed guaranteed for the port when the network is not handling a full load. Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 85 Flat rate CIR: The flat rate CIR prices have replaced the packet count charge that was traffic based. With the flat rate CIR prices the customer can have unlimited usage when the network is not busy but Telkom will only guarantee a CIR equal to the CIR price the customer is paying for when the network is busy. Higher CIR’s can be purchased in allotments of 8 Kb/s. A new CIR flat rate prices have been added that is the only exception where the allotments of 8 Kb/s is not applicable. NOTE 34 b The circuit charges for access to FrameExpress are not included in the port charges. The Digital Access to FrameExpress prices are therefore applicable and must be applied over and above the port and CIR prices. FrameExpress Diginet-Plus access speed Although the maximum port speed for FrameExpress has been lowered to 1984Kbit/s, the Diginet-Plus access speed must remain at 2048Kbit/s to allow for management on the Diginet circuit. The management is absolutely essential to reduce data errors on FrameExpress to a minimum. NOTE 34 c Up to five Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVC’s) can be configured on each FrameExpress port. No additional fees are charged for the configuration of PVC’s. NOTE 34 d When PVCs need to be reconfigured or multiple configurations are needed, the current fee under Item A2.11.1 d (i) applies for every 5 configurations per occasion. Should a sixth configuration be necessary on the same occasion, the fee is charged again for the sixth configuration or any number of configurations between 6 and 10. NOTE 35 AFTER-HOURS REPAIR SERVICE NOTE 35 a No charges are levied for after-hours repairs. The details of whether after-hours repairs should also be done in the case of party line services etc. is left to the discretion of regional offices. After-hours repair service is rendered during the following hours: Monday to Friday : From 17:00 until 07:30 the following morning Week-ends : From 17:00 on Fridays until 07:30 on Monday mornings Public Holiday : From 17:00 on the preceding workday until 07:30 the next workday. NOTE 36 RESERVED NOTE 37 RESERVED NOTE 38 RESERVED NOTE 39 TELKOM ENHANCED FAX NOTE 39 a The Telkom Enhanced Fax (EFS) service is operated in a competitive market and the prices must therefore not be given to members of the public unless the product manager has given consent. NOTE 39 b The rented space on the FOD server is for 1000 documents per subscription. NOTE 39 c International fax deliveries will be charged for at the international off peak rates for international fax traffic on a 24 hours per day basis. All inquiries should be directed to the International Business division. NOTE 39 d Reserved NOTE 41 MEGALINES AND ATM EXPRESS NOTE 41a Pure Megaline and Megaline-Plus Bronze services may no longer be provided as new services. The “Silver” attribute has been removed from the Megaline Plus name. Only Megaline Plus services are offered as new services. Megaline-Plus services are enhanced Constant Bit Rate (CBR) broadband services. These services enable broadband (2M/bits or higher bandwidth) applications using Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) switching and statistical multiplexing through the Telkom national network. ATM transports units of information in fixed length cells and supports wide area network applications consisting of data, video, voice and imaging over a single broadband access facility. Megaline-Plus provides current Megaline customers with the benefits of new technology through Telkom’s national ATM network. Customers will receive these benefits and improvements in service reliability on the main link portion of their service. Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30 TELKOM RETAIL FIXED LINE TARIFF LIST: 1 August 2014 86 Megaline Plus is a further service enhancement using ATM switching to allow the addition or change of end locations, with customer selected priorities on an application by application basis. Both Megaline Products provide guaranteed CBR speeds (2 M/bits, 34 M/bits & 140 M/bits) between the customer’s end locations. NOTE 41b NOTE 41c Should a customer need a Megaline service for a period of less than a year and is unwilling to enter into a one year agreement, the higher price is available to accommodate his needs of less than a year. ATM EXPRESS The “Silver” attribute has been removed from the ATM Express name. ATM Express services are Variable Bit Rate (VBR) services that provide scalable bandwidth speeds higher than 2 M/bits using Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) switching. These services allow access to the extra bandwidth speeds (M/bits), when there is space on the link and are variable from a guaranteed minimum speed up to a specified limit. ATM Express Standard (Old Bronze) is provided only at a 2M/bits bandwidth speed. ATM Express is provided as a total service solution up to and including the customer’s premises. ATM Express enables bandwidth speeds of 2 M/bits, 34 M/bits, 140/155 M/bits and 10 BT. The service has a re-routing capability that can switch the connections automatically if failures occur on links NOTE 41d Due to cost implications, temporary services cannot be provided on 34Mbit/s and 140/155 Mbit/s. NOTE 41e E1, E3 and 10BaseT interfaces only supported for existing customers. All new customer interfaces will be STM-1 OC3 for speeds 2 – 155 Mbit/s. NOTE 42 NOTE 42a TELKOM INTERNET The two 64k/bit channels are combined in one 128k/bit channel. Telephone calls are double the price. The ISP will guide the customer how to convert to 128 k/bits and what equipment etc. is required. Effective date 2014/08/01 VAT=14% Last updated 2015/04/30