grand winners - New York Festivals
grand winners - New York Festivals
grand winners G r a n d C entral Station 14 grand winners outdoor TV/CINEMA Radio CLM BBDO BETC Euro RSCG Duval Guillaume, Antwerp HEWLETT PACKARD “POSTERS” France CANAL+ “The Closet” France Touring Mobilis “Bizarre Traffic Updates” Belgium GILLES FICHTEBERG - VP Chief Creative Officer Stephane Xiberras - E x e c u t i v e C r e a t i v e D i r e c t o r Geoffrey Hantson - C r e a t i v e D i r e c t o r JEAN-FRANCOIS SACCO - VP Chief Creative Officer Eric Astorgue - A r t D i r e c t o r Dries De Wilde - C o p y w r i t e r ERIC PIERRE - Creative Director Jean-Christophe Royer - C o p y w r i t e r Merel Van den Broeck - A r t D i r e c t o r VINCENT PEDROCCHI - Copywriter isabelle Menard - T V P r o d u c e r Charlotte Matthias - A c c o u n t M a n a g e r CEDRIC MOUTAUD - Art Director Matthis Van Heijningen - D i r e c t o r JEAN-YVES LEMOIGNE - Photographer Soixante Quinze - P r o d u c t i o n c o m p a n y SYLVIE ETCHEMAITE - Art Buyer Kouz Production - S o u n d PRINT DESIGN collateral Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Serviceplan Hospital Aleman “Children Do” Argentina LeadAcademy “ProContra” Germany Ogilvy & Mather Werbeagentur GmbH Mariano Serkin - Executi ve Creative Director Alexander Schill - C h i e f C r e a t i v e O f f i c e r Dove Body Lotion “Dove MAGIC MIRROR MAILING” Germany Maxi Itzkoff - Executive Creative Director Maik Kaehler & Christoph Nann - C r e a t i v e Dr. Stephan Vogel- C r e a t i v e D i r e c t o r Lucas Panizza - Copywriter Directors Christian Mommertz - C r e a t i v e D i r e c t o r Norbertro Vatrano - Art Diector Constanze Strothmann - C u s t o m e r c o n s u l t a n t Daniel Schweinzer - A r t D i r e c t o r / D e s i g n e r Buena Vista Fotografia - Photography Studio Boris Meise - P r o d u c e r Marcus Pfeiffer - C o p y w r i t e r Leandro Puch - Production Manager Roman Becker & Till Diestel - G r a p h i c D e s i g n e r s Katja Berghoff - A c c o u n t M a n a g e m e n t Malcu & Cato - Photographer Maria Lake - A g e n c y P r o d u c e r Oliver Engels - A d v e r t i s e r ’s S u p e r v i s o r Bruno Tortolano - Designer Valerie Opitz - A r t B u y i n g Valeria Magrini - Account Executive Pablo Romanos - Head of Art 2 0 1 0 N Y F A d v e rt i s in g awar d s 15 grand awards continued AVANT-GARDE DIGITAL + INTERACTIVE MIXED MEDIA Farfar Jung von Matt AG Leo Burnett Chicago Nokia “The World’s Biggest Signpost” Sweden 13TH STREET “Last Call” Germany P&G Tampax “Zack Johnson” USA Jon Dranger - Executive Creative Director Mathias Stiller, & Wolfgang Schneider - Executive C r e a t i v e D i r e c t o r s Mark Tutssel - G l o b a l C h i e f C r e a t i v e O f f i c e r Becky Swanson - E x e c u t i v e C r e a t i v e D i r e c t o r Carl Fredrik Jannerfeldt - Copywriter Andreas Henke, Peter Gocht & Christian Kroll - Creative Dir e c t o r s Christian Nord - Account Director Daniel Leverenz & Marius Bell - A r t D i r e c t o r s Jon Wyville - C r e a t i v e D i r e c t o r s Marten Forslund - Accoun t Director David L. Moore/Rob Tripas - A g e n c y P r o d u c e r s Robert Jarvi, Bjorn Uppeke & Mikael RIng - Flash Franzis Heusel, Helen Seiffe & Ruben Donath Account Sup e r v i s o r s P r o g r a m mers Julia Cramer - A g e n c y P r o d u c e r Patrick Milling Smith, Brian Carmody, Lisa Rich & Matias Palm Jensen - Creative President Andreas Henke - C o n c e p t i o n Allison Kunzman - E x e c u t i v e P r o d u c e r s / S m u g g l e r Erik Norin - Creative Director Tomas Jonsson - Art Director John Condon - C h i e f C r e a t i v e O f f i ce r Dave Loew - C r e a t i v e D i r e c t o r Randy Krallman - D i r e c t o r Marie Persson - Account Manager Glenn Bernstein, Katharina Strauss & Stephan Ulrika Hojgard -Account Manager Pauly (Film Deluxe GmbH) - P r o d u c e r s Matt Woods & Matt Walsh - E d i t o r s / T h e W h i t e h o u s e Chicago Louise Stenborg - Account Manager Carlo Jelavic - C a m e r a Human Worldwide - O r i g i n a l M u s i c C o m p o s i t i o n Niku Banaie - Head of Strategy Daniel Kundrat (Film Deluxe GmbH) - E d i t o r The Filmworkers Club/Co3 - P o s t P r o d u c t i o n Elvis Ellington, Dennis Beckmann & Julian Domani Studios - D i g i t a l S h o p Holzapfel (Film Deluxe GmbH) - S o u n d D e s i g n / Arrangement Christian Mielmann - D i r e c t o r Elvis Ellington, Dennis Beckmann & Julian Alexandra Ion (Software Development) (Powerflasher ) INNOVATIVE Forsman & Bodenfors IKEA “Facebook Showroom” Sweden Mediaedge:cia - Media Agency Lennart Sjöberg - Photographer Sara Zakariasson - Advertiser ’s Super visor 16 best of the year awards advertiser of the year ad Agency network of the year ad Agency network of the year Proctor & Gamble Leo Burnett Young & Rubicam agency of the year BOUTIQUE agency of the year Jung von Matt, Hamburg Mortierbrigade, Brussels, Belgium UNDPI winners United Nations Department of Public Information gold LEO BURNETT BEIRUT Lebanon Hariri Foundation “Khede Kasra” Promotion of Peace/Human Rights Mixed Media silver Shalmor Avnon Amichay Y&R Interactive Tel Aviv Israel Aids Task Force “SDIA Project” Innovative Use of Media Avant-Garde bronze Euro RSCG Chicago USA Juvenile Protection Association “JPA” Promotion of Peace/Human Rights Print 2 0 1 0 N Y F A d v e rt i s in g awar d s 17 2010 WINNERS Wa s h i n g ton Square 18 2010 advertising awards winners art & technique Gold / Silver / Bronze avant-garde Gold / Silver / Bronze collateral Gold / Silver / Bronze design Gold / Silver / Bronze hispanic advertising Gold / Silver / Bronze innovative Gold / Silver / Bronze mixed media Gold / Silver / Bronze outdoor Gold / Silver / Bronze print Gold / Silver / Bronze radio Gold / Silver / Bronze student Gold / Silver / Bronze tv & cinema Gold / Silver / Bronze For a complete listing of the 2010 New York Festivals International Advertising Awards finalist winners, please visit Index Key: country company name A d v e r t i s e r ’s N a m e “ Ti t l e o f E n t r y ” Category 2 0 1 0 N Y F A d v e rt i s in g awar d s 19 art & technique gold argentina france Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi H o s p i t a l Aleman “ Tr e e ” O u t d o o r : Art Direction BETC Euro RSCG CANAL+ “The Closet” Television: Acting australia CANAL+ “The Closet” Television: Direction Revolver B o a g s D raught “ P u r e Wa ters” Te l e v i s i o n: Direction CANAL+ “The Closet” Television: Editing england ABBOTT MEAD VICKERS BBDO Guinness “ B r i n g i t to life” Te l e v i s i o n: Art Direction Guinness “ B r i n g i t to life” Te l e v i s i o n: Cinematography Guinness “ B r i n g i t to life” Te l e v i s i o n: Special Effects Leo Burnett M c D o n a l d’s “ Te c h y Types” Te l e v i s i o n: Copywriting McCann Manchester L e e d s C ounselling “Say” O u t d o o r : Typography CANAL+ “The Closet” Television: Humor Evian “Rollerbabies” Interactive: Art Direction Ogilvy France Perrier “Melting” Television: Animation Compu t e r germany Euro RSCG Duesseldorf Peugeot Ion “Electric Horse” Outdoor: Photography Jung von Matt AG Der Spiegel “The SPIEGEL Print Campaig n ” Outdoor: Illustration Der Spiegel “The SPIEGEL Print Campaign” Print: Illustration Philharmonic Orchestra of Hamburg “Sounds of Hamburg” Interactive: Sound Design Kolle Rebbe GmbH “BORKEBJS. The Return of the Monsters” Design: Illustration India Grey Worldwide India Coromandel Fertilisers “Coromandel Fertilisers Business Card” Design: Structural Innovation Israel Shalmor Avnon Amichay Y&R Interactive Tel Aviv A i d s Ta s k F o r c e “SDIA Project” Radio: Original Music Netherlands UbachsWisbrun/JWT MINI “The MINI Christmas Box” Outdoor: Humor Spain TBWA España RENFE “Pop-up” Te l e v i s i o n : A r t D i r e c t i on Switzerland Euro RSCG Zurich/Eurad AG Zurich Chamber Orchstra “Great Emotions” Print: Art Direction usa Leo Burnett Chicago P & G Ta m p a x “Zack Johnson” Interactive: Copywriting Japan Projector Inc. UNIQLO “UNIQLO CALENDAR” Interactive: Art Direction art & technique silver argentina england Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi H o s p i t a l Aleman “ Tr e e ” P r i n t : A r t Direction ABBOTT MEAD VICKERS BBDO Guinness “Bring it to life” Television: Direction Australia Guinness “Bring it to life” Television: Editing Animal Logic Subaru “Crowd” Te l e v i s i o n: Special Effects 20 Leo Burnett McDonald’s “Ever ybody” Television: Copywriting RKCR/Y&R COI Fire Safety “Breathe” Te l e v i s i o n : C i n e m a t o g r a p h y The Chase F o n t S h o p , F o n t Wo r k s a n d A t o m i c Ty p e “26&26” Design: Art Direction france BETC Euro RSCG Solidarite Sida “Clocks” O u t d o o r : Ty p o g r a p h y germany Audi AG Audi A4 2.0 TDI e “Intelligently combined” Te l e v i s i o n : A n i m a t i o n C o m p u t e r Jung von Matt AG Jung von Matt AG “Shiny Medal” Radio: Humor RWE “Giant” Te l e v i s i o n : A n i m a t i o n C e l art & technique Lukas Lindemann Rosinski GmbH m y To y “ T h e L EGO Codes” O u t d o or: Art Direction Ogilvy & Mather Werbeagentur GmbH A N A D (National Association of A n o r e xia Ner vosa and Asso ciated) “ T h e Contemporar y Beauty Ideal - Motiv M A N E T’S OLYMPIA 2009” O u t d o or: Illustration O g i l v y Germany “ H O W TO Magazine” D e s i g n: Typography Israel Switzerland Gravity Rhino Group Pelephone Communicatio n s L t d “Pelephone Another World ” Television: Art Direction Euro RSCG Zurich/Eurad AG Zurich Chamber Orchstra “Great Emotions” Print: Illustration Netherlands UbachsWisbrun/JWT Kit Kat “Kit Kat Jesus” Interactive: Humor usa Leo Burnett Chicago P & G Ta m p a x “Zack Johnson” Interactive: Humor webguerillas M I N I I nternational “ M I N I MALISM” I n t e r a ctive: Animation art & technique bronze Argentina france Ogilvy & Mather Argentina C o k e Zero “ H a p p y Kingdom” Te l e v i s ion: Art Direction BETC Euro RSCG CANAL+ “The Closet” Television: Copywriting Australia Germany Revolver B o a g s Draught “ P u r e Waters” Te l e v i sion: Cinematography Audi AG Audi A4 2.0 TDI e “Intelligently combined” Television: Special Effect s Subaru “ C r o w d Rider” Te l e v i sion: Direction BBDO Germany GmbH Talcid “The eatable Encyclopedi a ” Design: Art Direction england ABBOTT MEAD VICKERS BBDO G u i n n ess “ B r i n g it to life” Te l e v i s ion: Original Music RKCR/Y&R V i r g i n Media “ F a n t a stic Jour ney” Te l e v i s ion: Cinematography V i r g i n Media “ F a n t a stic Jour ney” Te l e v i s ion: Direction Jung von Matt AG Der Spiegel “The SPIEGEL Print Camp a i g n ” Outdoor: Art Direction Der Spiegel “The SPIEGEL Print Camp a i g n ” Outdoor: Illustration Der Spiegel “The SPIEGEL Print Camp a i g n ” Print: Illustration Leagas Delaney Hamburg GmbH SkodaAuto Deutschland G m b H “Glass music” Television: Sound Design Lukas Lindemann Rosinski GmbH Lukas Lindemann Rosinski GmbH “ L L R We b s i t e ” Interactive: Navigation Ogilvy & Mather Werbeagentur GmbH ANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated) “The Contemporary Beauty Ideal - Motiv BOUCHER’S NUDE 2009” Print: Illustration Syzygy Deutschland GmbH Jaegermeister “ J a e g e r m e i s t e r. d e - T h e n e w B r a n d Experience” Interactive: Animation Philippines TBWA Santiago Mangada Puno Boysen Paint “Orchid” Print: Art Direction spain TBWA España RENFE “Pop-up” Te l e v i s i o n : A n i m a t i on C o m p u t e r usa Dotglu BMW “ E x p r e s s i o n o f j o y. c o m ” Interactive: Navigation Lapiz P&G Bounty “Battle” Radio: Copywriting P&G Bounty “Battle” Radio: Sound Design P&G Gain “Kitchen” Print: Photography South Africa King James Cape Town Allan Gray “Legend” Te l e v i s i o n : C o p y w r i t i n g 2 0 1 0 N Y F A d v e rt i s in g awar d s 21 avant-garde gold germany Netherlands Jung von Matt AG C o n c e r t for the People “ C o n c e r t for the People” E v e n t / N i ghtlife Marketing UbachsWisbrun/JWT MINI “The MINI Christmas Box” Guerrilla: Outdoor F i t n e s s F irst Germany GmbH “ T h e C a l orie Receipt” I n n o v a t i v e Use of Media Sweden Serviceplan B a y e r i s c he Motoren Werke A k t i e n g e sellschaft “Flash” I n n o v a t i v e Use of Media B a t t e r y P ark 22 Crispin Porter + Bogusky Europe Posten - The Swedish Posta l S e r v i c e “Magical Christmas Cards” Innovative Use of Media Farfar Nokia “ Wo r l d s b i g g e s t s i g n p o s t ” Ambient Forsman & Bodenfors IKEA “Facebook Showroom” Innovative Use of Media avant-garde silver Australia Lowe Sydney F o o t b all Federation Australia “ T h e Great Christmas Wrapping P a p e r Swindle” I n n o v a tive Use of Media Radley Yedler Radley Yeldar “RY Environment” Ambient Grey Worldwide India Coromandel Fertilisers “Coromandel Fertilisers Business Card” Innovative Use of Media germany Netherlands F o o t b all Federation Australia “ T h e Great Christmas Wrapping P a p e r Swindle” S t r e e t Teams Jung von Matt AG 13TH STREET “Last Call” Innovative Use of Media UbachsWisbrun/JWT Kit Kat “KitKat Jesus” Wo r d o f M o u t h B u z z / V i r a l Austria Eichborn “Flyvertising - The World’s F i r s t Fly-Banner” Innovative Use of Media Peru Traktor Werbeagentur GmbH S a m s ung Electronics Austria “Nonja” S o c i a l Network Philharmonic Orchestra o f H a m b u r g “Sounds of Hamburg” Interactive Tools Y&R Lima Movistar “Speedy Movil” Guerrilla: Outdoor england India Uruguay Leo Burnett Shelter “ H o u s e of Cards” E v e n t / Nightlife Marketing Arc-Leo Burnett India Mumbai railway police “Backpocketing” Guerrilla: Indoor Lowe Ginkgo Renault “Radio recorded in the trunk” Innovative Use of Media USA Leo Burnett Chicago P & G Ta m p a x “Zack Johnson” We b i s o d e avant-garde bronze Argentina BBDO Argentina Nike “ 5 r u n ners 650,000 followers” I n n o v a tive Use of Media Australia Lowe Sydney F o o t b all Federation Australia “ T h e Great Christmas Wrapping P a p e r Swindle” G u e r r i lla: Indoor F o o t b all Federation Australia “ T h e Great Christmas Wrapping P a p e r Swindle” Wo r d of Mouth Buzz/Viral Belgium Duval Guillaume, Antwerp S t a y i n “ V i r t u a l Sexual transmitted disease” S o c i a l Network Duval Guillaume SA VLAM Milk “Leon” Street Teams england Leo Burnett Shelter “House of Cards - Glasto n b u r y ” Ambient Greece Sweden OgilvyOne Worldwide Athens Lacta “Love in Action” We b i s o d e Lowe Brindfors Retail chain specialised in reliable big bulk products “ T h e w o r l d ’s l o n g e s t c l o t h i n g l i n e ” I n n o v a t i v e U s e o f Me d i a Puerto Rico Shelter “House of Cards - Glasto n b u r y ” Guerrilla: Outdoor Leo Burnett Puerto Rico M c D o n a l d ’s “Grill Smoke Projections” Video Projections Germany Netherlands Ogilvy, Frankfurt IKEA PS “IKEA PS Mobile Interior D e s i g n P l a n n e r ” Motion/Mobile Marketing Euro RSCG 4D Amsterdam Vo l v o C a r C o r p o r a t i o n “ Vo l v o D R I Ve A r o u n d T h e Wo r l d ” Social Network usa McCann Erickson MasterCard “Priceless Picks” I n t e r a c t i v e To o l s Publicis New York/Densebrain, Inc. Charmin “Sit or Squat” M o t i o n / M o b i l e M a r ke t i n g Ogilvy & Mather Werbeagentur GmbH ANAD (National Associatio n o f A n o r e x i a Ner vosa and Associated) “The Contemporar y Beau t y I d e a l ” Innovative Use of Media 2 0 1 0 N Y F A d v e rt i s in g awar d s 23 B r o o k l y n Bridge collateral gold Belgium Fitness First Germany GmbH “The Calorie Receipt” Consumer Promotions Macedonia mortierbrigade studio brussels “eter nal moonwalk” Consumer Ser vices Philharmonic Orchestra of Hamburg “Concert for the People” Events Futura 2/2 Wo r l d W i d e B a k e r y “Rolling Pin Calendar” Calendars England P r a x i s D r. S c h i n k & D r. J a n s e n “Acupuncture” Calendars Leo Burnett Shelter “House of Cards - Exhibition ” Guerilla Advertising germany Jung von Matt AG Eichborn “Flyvertising - The World’s F i r s t Fly-Banner” Guerilla Advertising 24 Ogilvy & Mather Werbeagentur GmbH Dove Body Lotion “Dove MAGIC MIRROR MAILING” Business to Business Services japan Tokyo Great Visual Inc. “ To k y o G r e a t V i s u a l 2 0 1 0 N e w y e a r ’s c a r d ” Announcements/Invitation Cards Sweden GOSS Sportspec “Parking ticket converter” Guerilla Advertising collateral collateral silver England Leo Burnett Shelter “ H o u s e of Cards” C o n s u mer Shelter “ H o u s e of Cards - Exhibition” Events Shelter “ H o u s e of Cards - Exhibition” P u b l i c Ser vice Announcements germany Kolle Rebbe GmbH B a h l s e n GmbH & Co. KG “ L e i b n iz Originals” I n t e r n al Use Bahlsen GmbH & Co. KG “Leibniz Originals” Self Promotions/Trade Bang & Olufsen “Audio annual report” Business to Business Products Ogilvy & Mather TBWA Duesseldorf NISSAN “ M O R E S PA C E T H A N E X P E C T E D ” Consumer Products Werbeagentur GmbH ANAD (National Associati o n o f A n o r e x i a Ner vosa and Associated) “The Contemporar y Beaut y I d e a l ” Guerilla Advertising SAATCHI & SAATCHI Berlin Amnesty International “Light the Dark” Public Ser vice Announce m e n t s Serviceplan Bang & Olufsen “Audio annual report” Annual Reports Netherlands UbachsWisbrun/JWT MINI “The MINI Christmas Box” Guerilla Advertising Sweden GOSS School of engineering Jonkoping “A year at the school of engineering” Self Promotions/Consumer 2 0 1 0 N Y F A d v e rt i s in g awar d s 25 collateral bronze Australia china Colman Rasic Carrasco M T V E X I T FOUNDATION “ T H E K I L LERS, LOVE STORY” P u b l i c S er vice Announcements ERIC CAI DESIGN CO. (Beijing) WWF CHINA “Bye Forever” Public Ser vice Announceme n t s Austria england Euro RSCG Vienna w w w. n e t “ M e l a n o ma” G u e r i l l a Advertising Elmwood “Elmwood Christmas Card” Announcements/Invitation C a r d s Belgium Duval Guillaume, Antwerp A l f a R o m eo “ Yo u r c h ance to own an Alfa Romeo” C o n s u m er Promotions mortierbrigade L e v i ’s J e ans “ L e v i ’s p op up closet” B u s i n e s s to Business Products germany Jung von Matt AG Jung von Matt AG “Shiny Medal” Business to Business Promo t i o n s Scholz & Friends federal state Baden-Wuerttemberg “The Patent Calendar 2010” Business to Business Services Serviceplan Radiostation egoFM “Electronic Guitar Birds” Consumer Promotions Wunderman Deutschland Deutsche Lufthansa AG “My Memoirs” Consumer Services India Grey Worldwide India Coromandel Fertilisers “Coromandel Fertilisers Business Card” Business to Business Products Purpose J a s m i n e and Tim Plowright “ We d d i n g Invitation” Other Williams Murray Hamm Recipease “ R e c i p e a se Food Kits” B r a n d I d entity Germany FutureBrand GmbH y a l o o k . c om “ F a s h i o n Faces Calendar 2010” Calendars Kolle Rebbe GmbH T h e D e l i Garage “ C o r p o r a te Design” B r a n d I d entity 26 Sweden Akestam Holst Playground Outdoor Equipment Stores “Sleepless at Playground” Retail Lowe Brindfors Opera “The Consul” Events Serviceplan LeadAcademy “ProContra” Brand Identity Strichpunkt GmbH Eberl Print GmbH “Wall Calendar 2010 - CHEE S E ” Calendars Sweden Lowe Brindfors Saab Automobile - Saab 9-3 “Change perspectives” Brand Building/Promotion design silver England 300million L i v, h a i r & b e a u t y s a l o n “Liv logo” Logos Elmwood “Playgroup” Stationary Taxi Studio W i l l i e ’s Wo r l d C l a s s C a c a o “ W i l l i e ’s Wo r l d C l a s s C a c a o ” Brand Identity Williams Murray Hamm Recipease “Recipease Food Kits” Foods Germany BUTTER. Agentur für Scholz & Friends Panasonic Stereo Earphones RP-HJE 130 “ T h e E a r phones Note” E n t e r t a i n ment/Recreational Build Creativehaus Co., Ltd. Te l e v i s i o n S a i t a m a “ Te l e v i s i o n S a i t a m a b r a n d C F ” Consumer W irtschaftsWoche “Executive Chair Rodeo” Events design gold england Japan Werbung GmbH EIZO High-End Monitors. Medical Imaging. “Pin-up Calendar 2010” Calendars Scholz & Friends federal state Baden-Wuerttemberg “The Patent Calendar 2010” Calendars Sweden Garbergs Reklambyrå AB Södra Cell “Parupu” Brand Building/Promotion design bronze china germany india Netherlands Hantang Communications Group Jung von Matt AG Philharmonic Orchestra o f H a m b u r g “Sounds of Hamburg” Brand Building/Promotion Out of the Box Presidium “Presidium Bedsheets” Brand Building/Promotion FHV BBDO Amstelveen Ve n u s C i n e m a “8mm Bush” Posters japan Republic of South Korea Shanghai China W p t t Contraceptive “ Tr o u b le maker” P h a r m aceutical England Mark Studio M a n c hester Literature Festival “ M L F Brochure 09” C a t a l o gue/Brochure/Pamph let Purpose E F F P ( English Farming & Fo od P a r t n e rships) “ V I E W Magazines – Issues Spring, S u m m er, Autumn, W inter” C a t a l o gue/Brochure/Pamphlet Kolle Rebbe GmbH The Deli Garage “Chocolate Glue” Foods The Deli Garage “Food Finish” Foods Serviceplan Dr. Moeller ’s quince bran d y “Dr. Moeller ’s Quince Bra n d y ” Beverages: Alcoholic Hong Kong TUGBOAT Futaba Kogei Printing “Brand Campaign” Posters Mexico W INTERACTIVE MEDIA SA DE CV Digital Invaders “Digital Invaders” Public Service/Non-Profit McCann Worldgroup (hong Kong) Jet Li One Foundation “One Walk” Event Promotions 601bisang 601bisang “601 Artbook Project 2009 - Catalog” Catalogue/Brochure/Pamphlet usa Y&R, Irvine Wa l d o r f A s t o r i a H o t e l s a n d R e s o r t s “The Palace, Jerusalem - Residences Sales Brochure” Catalogue/Brochure/Pamphlet digital + interactive gold Belgium germany mortierbrigade s t u d i o brussels “ e t e r n al moonwalk” M e d i a Promotion: Broadcast Jung von Matt AG 13TH STREET “Last Call” Use of Mobile Consumer canada Proximity Canada F r i t o L ay “ D o r i t os White Bag” C o n f e ctions/Snacks England Alexander Commercials S u s s e x Safer Roads Partnership “ E m b r ace Life” C i v i c / Social Education Tribal DDB London M o n o poly, Hasbro “ M o n o poly City Streets” R e c r e ational SAATCHI & SAATCHI Berlin Amnesty International “Light the Dark” Promotion of Peace/Hum a n R i g h t s Netherlands Euro RSCG 4D Amsterdam Volvo Car Corporation “Volvo S60: The Blind Pre v i e w ” Automobiles Sweden Akestam Holst Stockholm Pride Festival “How Hetero Are You?” Gay/Lesbian Advertising Farfar Nokia “ T h e Wo r l d ’s B i g g e s t S i g n p o s t ” Personal Products Forsman & Bodenfors IKEA “Facebook Showroom” B e s t U s e o f M e d i u m / We b s i t e s The Martin Agency & Domani Studios J o h n F. K e n n e d y P r e s i d e n t i a l Library & Museum “ We C h o o s e t h e M o o n ” Educational Institutions IKEA “Facebook Showroom” Home Appliances/Furnishings North Kingdom adidas “ a d i d a s Te a m g e i s t ” Entertainment Promotion USA Campfire S h a r k We e k “ F r e n z i e d Wa t e r s ” Media Promotion: Broadcast Vo l k s wagen GTI “ T h e GTI Project” A u t o m obiles 2 0 1 0 N Y F A d v e rt i s in g awar d s 27 digital + Interactive silver Australia germany George Patterson Y&R Melbourne C a d b u r y Picnic “ I T ’ S N O PICNIC” C o n f e c t i ons/Snacks DSG Dialog Solutions GmbH Olympus PEN Camera “The PEN Stor y” Personal Products Belgium Duval Guillaume, Antwerp S t a l l a e r t Demolition “ T h e U g l i est Building” B u s i n e s s Products/Ser vices Brazil S C A N D I N AV I A N A I R L I N E S S W E D E N “SAS GLOBE OF FORTUNE” Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n / Tr a v e l / To u r i s m King ICA “The Exotic Surprise” Best Use of Medium/Microsite Jung von Matt AG Mercedes-Benz “SLS AMG Webspecial ‘Beh i n d the Speed’” Best Use of Medium/Websit e s Lowe Brindfors Saab Automobile - Saab 9-3 “Change perspectives” Automobiles Nike+ “Nike+ Trash Talk” Best Use of Medium/Banner s usa Philharmonic Orchestra of H a m b u r g “Sounds of Hamburg” Entertainment Promotion Leo Burnett Chicago P & G Ta m p a x “Zack Johnson” C o s m e t i c s / B e a u t y A i d s / To i l e t r i e s Slovak Republic P & G Ta m p a x “Zack Johnson” We b i s o d e s Marketing Communications MUW Saatchi & Saatchi T-Mobile “Messages” Telecommunication Ser vices Consulting Co., Ltd T h e N o r t h Face® “ R e d F l a g” R e c r e a t i onal Monster Media and W+K NY ESPN Monday Night Football Interactive Storefront “Monster Storefront: ESPN Street-level Digital Game Experience” Media Promotion: Broadcast sweden AgênciaClick Isobar F I AT 5 0 0 “ 5 0 0 f a c es” U s e o f M obile Consumer china Shanghai Ogilvy & Mather france BETC Euro RSCG Evian “ R o l l e r b a bies” B e v e r a g e s Non-Alcoholic Midtown 28 Akestam Holst Stockholm Pride Festival “How Hetero?” Gay/Lesbian Advertising Crispin Porter + Bogusky Europe Posten - The Swedish Posta l S e r v i c e “Magical Christmas Cards” Home Products/Ser vices Tool of North America Starbucks “Starbucks Love Project” Philanthropic Appeals Young & Rubicam LG Electronics “ G i v e I t A P o n d e r, C a s e S t u d y ” Corporate Image/Information/ Recruitment LG Electronics “Locker Room/Unicorn/Catfight” Corporate Image/Information/ Recruitment digital + Interactive bronze Australia Lowe Sydney F o o t b all Federation Australia “ S o c c eroos World Cup Qualifiers” E n t e r t ainment Promotion China Shanghai Ogilvy&Mather Marketing Communications Consulting Co., Ltd L e e j e ans “ G o l d 120” A p p a r el L e e j e ans “ G o l d 120” C o r p o rate Image/Information/ R e c r u i tment T h e N orth Face® “ R e d F lag” U s e o f Mobile Consumer france Publicis Net C h r i s t i an Dior “ M i s s Dior Cherie” C o s m etics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Germany Sixt rent a car “Sunshine in Halle” Transportation/Travel/Tou r i s m Lukas Lindemann Rosinski GmbH “The LEGO Codes” Use of Mobile Consumer Philipp und Keuntje GmbH Vergiss Aids nicht e.V. “Group therapy 2009” Gay/Lesbian Advertising PLAN.NET / Serviceplan MINI AG “MINI IS LOADING.” Best Use of Medium/Ban n e r s Serviceplan Santec Video Sur veillance “No escape” Best Use of Medium/Ban n e r s greece OgilvyOne Worldwide Athens Lacta “Love in Action” Confections/Snacks Hong Kong McCann Worldgroup (Hong Kong) Jet Li One Foundation “One Walk” Philanthropic Appeals Jung von Matt AG M e r c e des-Benz “ Te l e t ext” A u t o m obiles israel sweden McCann Erickson Israel Ye s S a t e l l i t e C o m p a n y “YES Referees” Media Promotion: Broadcast Akestam Holst Playground Outdoor Equipment Stores “Sleepless at Playground” Retail Stores netherlands ACHTUNG! Vo l k s w a g e n “ Vo l k s w a g e n P u b l i c P o l o ” Automobiles Farfar Comviq “Comviq Borrow Buddy” Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n S e r v i c e s USA Republic of South Korea Arnold truth “ D o Yo u H a v e W h a t I t Ta k e s ? ” Healthcare Pentacle in Megazone L G Te l e c o m “ O Z ” “OZ FPSD Game” B e s t U s e o f M e d i u m / We b s i t e s Gotham American Heart Association/Ad Council “Hands Symphony” Healthcare Singapore Leo Burnett Chicago K e l l o g g ’s R a i s i n B r a n C r u n c h “Miles” We b i s o d e s Leo Burnett/Arc Worldwide Singapore Ministry of Community Development, Yo u t h A n d S p o r t s “Beautifully Imperfect” Political Advertisements Leo Burnett Chicago/Arc Worldwide Symantec Norton Internet Security “Caterpillar vs. Kimbo” Business Products/Services spain MCCANN ERICKSON COCA COLA “ENCOUNTER” Beverages Non-Alcoholic hispanic advertising *new competition in 2010 USA USA USA Lapiz P & G Gain “ K i t c h en” Print Casanova Pendrill UNICEF “Agua Sucia (Dirty Water) ” Outdoor Casanova Pendrill UNICEF “Desesperada” TV/Cinema Lapiz P&G Bounty “Battle” Radio 2 0 1 0 N Y F A d v e rt i s in g awar d s 29 innovative gold Belgium germany sweden Air A m n e s t y International “ Wa k e u p, humans!” I n t e g r a t e d Campaign Jung von Matt AG Philharmonic Orchestra of H a m b u r g “Biggest concert in the worl d ” Event/Nightlife Marketing Akestam Holst Posten (the Swedish post office) “Stefan the Swopper” Business Products/Services Serviceplan Lead Academy “ProContra” Event/Nightlife Marketing Farfar Nokia “ Wo r l d ’s B i g g e s t S i g n p o s t ” I n t e r a c t i v e To o l s Lead Academy Nokia “ProContra” Place-Based Media “ Wo r l d ’s B i g g e s t S i g n p o s t ” Personal Products england AKQA F i a t G r o u p Automobiles “ e c o : D r i v e” A u t o m o b i les Tribal DDB London Hasbro “ M o n o p o ly City Streets” A d v e r g a me Hasbro “ M o n o p o ly City Streets” E n t e r t a i n ment Promotion japan Projector Inc. UNIQLO “UNIQLO CALENDAR” Apparel IKEA “Facebook Showroom” Social Network usa The Martin Agency & Domani Studios J o h n F. K e n n e d y P r e s i d e n t i a l L i b r a r y & Museum “ We C h o o s e t h e M o o n ” Educational Institutions Forsman & Bodenfors IKEA “Facebook Showroom” Advertising and Promotional IKEA “Facebook Showroom” Home Appliances/Furnishings IKEA “Facebook Showroom” Place-Based Media innovative silver Australia Leo Burnett Sydney Vo t e E a r t h “ M o n u m ents” G u e r r i l l a : Outdoor Vo t e E a r t h “ Vo t e E a r th Integrated” I n t e g r a t e d Campaign england AKQA AKQA “ H a p p y Christmas from AKQA” A d v e r t i s i ng and Promotional Leo Burnett Shelter “ H o u s e o f Cards Exhibition” E v e n t / N i ghtlife Marketing M c D o n a l d’s “ P i c c a d i l l y Sign” G u e r r i l l a : Outdoor 30 Tribal DDB London Hasbro “Trivial Pursuit Experiment” Advergame germany Serviceplan Promotion against human trafficking “Amnesty promotion: woman in a suitcase” Guerrilla: Indoor japan Jung von Matt AG Eichborn “Flyvertising - The World’s F i r s t Fly-Banner” Word of Mouth/Buzz Projector Inc. UNIQLO “UNIQLO CALENDAR” Music Nike+ “Nike+ Trash Talk” Beyond The Banner sweden Philipp und Keuntje GmbH Vergiss Aids nicht e.V. “Group therapy 2009” Educational/Non-Profit Vergiss Aids nicht e.V. “Group therapy 2009” Social Network Saatchi & Saatchi Berlin Amnesty International “Light the Dark” Promotion of Peace/Human R i g h t s Forsman & Bodenfors IKEA “Swedens Sleepiest Contest” Event/Nightlife Marketing From Stockholm With Love Samsung “Samsung Shakedown” Personal Products usa BBDO New York HBO/Big Love “HBO Audio Mural Installations” Interactive Broadcast/Streaming Advertisement Casanova Pendrill UNICEF “ D i r t y Wa t e r ” Guerrilla: Outdoor innovative bronze Argentina France Netherlands BBDO Argentina Nike “ 5 r u n ners 650,000 followers” Mobile Grey Paris Video on Demand “Cinemessenger” Place-Based Media KONG Ministry of Justice “Stanislav” Educational/Non-Profit Australia germany Ministry of Justice “Stanislav” Social Network Leo Burnett Sydney Vo t e E arth “ M o n u ments” P l a c e - Based Media Euro RSCG Duesseldorf Fiftyfifty (magazine for ho m e l e s s p e o p l e ) “Transparent Man” Event/Nightlife Marketing New Zealand Austria Jung von Matt/Donau Werbeagentur GmbH N e u r o th “ T h e World’s First In Ear Commercial” C o n s u mer -Targeted Brazil DDB Brasil INTEL “ S C R EENSAVERS RACE” I n t e r a ctive Tools england Leo Burnett M c D o nald’s “ P i c c a dilly Sign” M o t i o n /Mobile Fiftyfifty (magazine for ho m e l e s s p e o p l e ) “Transparent Man” Guerrilla: Outdoor Fiftyfifty (magazine for ho m e l e s s p e o p l e ) “Transparent Man” Video Projection Neue Digitale / Razorfish GmbH adidas running “Your Perfect Run” Interactive Tools Y&R Auckland BNZ “Closed for Good” Event/Nightlife Marketing Slovak Republic MUW Saatchi & Saatchi T-MOBILE “MESSAGES” Integrated Campaign Philipp und Keuntje GmbH Chubb Nord-Alarm GmbH & C o . K G “Balloon” Guerrilla: Indoor T-MOBILE “MESSAGES” Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n S e r v i c e s Japan sweden HAKUHODO Kettle Inc. Sony Recycle Project JEA N S “The Wall Sale” Guerrilla: Outdoor Farfar Nokia “The Unloader - Banner” We b B a n n e r A d s - R i c h M e d i a Forsman & Bodenfors Te l e 2 “Mobile Internet Live” Interactive Broadcast/Streaming Advertisement Lowe Brindfors Cars “Change perspectives” Automobiles usa AKQA Visa Inc. “Visa Go Banners” Beyond The Banner Visa Inc. “ V i s a G o B r a n d B a nn e r s ” We b B a n n e r A d s - R i c h M e d i a Visa Inc. “Visa Go Brand Campaign” Financial Services Firstborn and Droga5 Puma “ P u m a L . I . F. T. ” Apparel Leo Burnett Chicago P & G Ta m p a x “Zack 16” Writing Tribal DDB London Vo l k s wagen UK “ T h e GTI Project” A u t o m obiles mixed media gold Belgium england usa EURO RSCG Brussels ING “ M I S S PENNY” F i n a n cial Ser vices Leo Burnett Shelter “House of Cards” Philanthropic Appeals Leo Burnett Chicago P & G Ta m p a x “Zack Johnson” C o s m e t i c s / B e a u t y A i d s / To i l e t r i e s mortierbrigade s t u d i o brussels “ e t e r n al moonwalk” M e d i a Promotion: Broadcast 2 0 1 0 N Y F A d v e rt i s in g awar d s 31 mixed media silver Austria Traktor Werbeagentur GmbH S a m s u n g Electronics Austria “Nonja” P e r s o n a l Products canada Bleublancrouge L i t e r a c y Foundation “ Wo r d D epot” P h i l a n t h r opic Appeals France BETC Euro RSCG Evian “ R o l l e r b a bies” B e v e r a g es Non-Alcoholic Slovak Republic MUW Saatchi & Saatchi T-Mobile “Messages” Telecommunication Ser vices USA Arnold truth “Do You Have What It Takes ? ” Healthcare McCann Erickson MasterCard “Priceless Picks” Financial Ser vices Israel Shalmor Avnon Amichay Y&R Interactive Tel Aviv A i d s Ta s k Force “ S D I A P r oject” H e a l t h c a re mixed media bronze Germany HEIMAT, Berlin C N N I n t e rnational “ G o B e y ond Borders” M e d i a P r omotion: Broadcast Jung von Matt AG M e r c e d e s-Benz “ S L S A M G Integrated Campaign” A u t o m o b iles Greece OgilvyOne Worldwide Athens Lacta “ L o v e i n Action” C o n f e c t i ons/Snacks 32 USA Leo Burnett Chicago/Arc Worldwide Symantec Norton Internet S e c u r i t y “Ever y Click Matters” Business Products/Ser vices Leo Burnett Chicago P&G Tampax “Mother Nature” Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toile t r i e s Publicis New York BoostUp “BoostUp” Civic/Social Education Buitoni “The Italian Art of Food” Foods mixed media 33 E m p i r e S t a t e B u2i0l d1i0n gN YsFe eA nd vf er ort mi st h r o o k ldysn B r i d g e ineg Bawar outdoor gold Argentina Chile Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi H o s p i t a l Aleman “ C h i l d r e n Do” P r o f e s s i o nal Ser vices TBWA FREDERICK S.A. Pedigree “Shelter” Best Use of Medium/Bus Sh e l t e r s austria england Euro RSCG Vienna Ve r e i n N eunerHAUS “ R e m o v a ble derelict” B e s t U s e of Medium/ Billboards Leo Burnett McDonald’s “Piccadilly Sign” Restaurants Ve r e i n N eunerHAUS “ R e m o v a ble derelict” C i v i c / S o cial Education france Brazil CLM BBDO HEWLETT PACKARD “POSTERS” Business Products/Ser vices Interactive Tel Aviv Ye l l o w P a g e s “ Ye l l o w C i t y ” Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n S e r v i c e s germany japan Jung von Matt AG Philharmonic Orchestra of H a m b u r g “Concert for the People” Entertainment Promotion DENTSU TEC INC. WWF Japan “Shadow ‘Polar bear/Leopard/ S e a l / Tr e e s ’ ” Environmental Issues DDB Brasil Te r r a “ B E A C H / SNOW” Tr a n s p o r tation/Travel/Tourism W W F B r a sil “ Tr e e ” P h i l a n t h r opic Appeals Ogilvy & Mather Werbeagentur GmbH ANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated) “The Contemporary Beauty Ideal” Best Use of Medium/Posters GREY group G2 tokyo DIESEL SPRING /SUMMER 2010 PREVIEW COLLECTION “’ROCKIN’ DOTS’ TRANSIT AD at S H I B U YA S TAT I O N ” Apparel India netherlands Leo Burnett India Ti d e “Ink/Oil/Ketchup” Home Products/Services UbachsWisbrun/JWT MINI “The MINI Christmas Box” Automobiles Israel Turkey Shalmor Avnon Amichay Y&R DDB&Co. DANK “ To r n ” Retail Stores outdoor silver Argentina Brazil England germany Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi H o s p i t a l Aleman “ Tr e e ” P r o f e s s i o nal Ser vices DDB Brasil Terra “CITY/ COUNTRY” Transportation/Travel/Tourism Leo Burnett Shelter “House of Cards - Live Posters” Philanthropic Appeals Grabarz & Partner Australia canada The Sydney Furnace P e u g e o t 407 Sat Nav “ C i t y, F r eeway, Town” A u t o m o b i les BBDO Toronto Jeep “Maps” Automobiles Austria chile WIEN NORD GmbH T h i s H u man World, Austrian Film F e s t i v a l of Human Rights “ Ti e d U p ” B e s t U s e of Medium/Posters Prolam Young & Rubicam Dos en Uno “Big Bubble” Best Use of Medium/Transit 34 RKCR/Y&R Shock and Soul “Winter Collection” Apparel france Grey Paris Findus “Fraich’Frites” Foods Ogilvy France Perrier “Melting” Beverages Non-Alcoholic Werbeagentur GmbH IKEA “Furniture Messages” Home Appliances/Furnishings Jung von Matt AG LEGO “Making History” Recreational Kolle Rebbe GmbH Olympus TOUGH - 8000 “Great pictures underwater” Personal Products Lukas Lindemann Rosinski GmbH m y To y s . d e “The LEGO Codes” Best Use of Medium/Bus Shelters outdoor Ogilvy & Mather Werbeagentur GmbH A N A D (National Association of Anorexia N e r v o sa and Associated) “ T h e Contemporar y Beauty Ideal” C i v i c / Social Education Publicis Frankfurt F i s c h Franke “ T h e L iving Poster” R e s t a urants Japan South Africa Spain HAKUHODO Kettle Inc. Sony Recycle Project JEA N S “The Wall Sale” Corporate Image/Informat i o n / Recruitment The Jupiter Drawing Room C N A Stores (Part of The Edcon Group) “C N A Famous People Campaign” Retail Stores euro rscg spain Strepsils “Shouts” Healthcare Products Y&R South Africa Ecomist Air Sanitisers “Onions/Cigarettes/Fish” Home Products/Services outdoor bronze Argentina germany Italy sweden Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi H o s p i t al Aleman “Stairs” P r o f e s sional Ser vices Jung von Matt AG Pro W ildlife /protection o f s p e c i e s “The Pro W ildlife Poster C a m p a i g n ” Environmental Issues DDB Super Attak “ We l c o m e B a c k ” Home Products/Services Lowe Brindfors NTF - The National Society for Road Safety “Disconnected” Civic/Social Education Austria Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann Werbe.ges.m.b.H. L e i c a Shop “ A n t i - Shake” P e r s o nal Products Brazil DDB Brasil Z o o S afari “ A n i m als” R e c r e ational china NEWSUN/JWT ADVERTISING H u a w ei-Waterproof “ C o f f e e/Grape Juice/Soybean Milk” P e r s o nal Products france Publicis Conseil Wo n d erbra “ A t t r a ction” A p p a r el Publicis Frankfurt Renault Clio RS “Sandglass” Automobiles Scholz & Friends Berliner Philharmonie “128 stars - 1 orchestra” Entertainment Promotion Honda Insight Hybrid “Recycled Posters” Automobiles Serviceplan Jaeger le Coultre Deutsc h l a n d “Nightvision-Heatposter” Best Use of Medium/ Billb o a r d s Japan GREY tokyo Kagatani Knife “ M E AT / S A L M O N / P I N E A P P L E ” Home Appliances/Furnishings Lebanon LEO BURNETT BEIRUT Hariri Foundation “Khede Kasra” Best Use of Medium/Posters hong kong Republic of South Korea Grey Hong Kong The Lotus Light Charity S o c i e t y “Umbrella Bag - Cup” Philanthropic Appeals Leo Burnett Korea Save the Children Korea “Play One Save One” Promotion of Peace/Human Rights Israel Spain Shalmor Avnon Amichay Y&R GAP´S Anti-Drinking “Alcohol Glasses” Healthcare Interactive Tel Aviv Clearex “Pimple Climbing” Healthcare Products Switzerland Euro RSCG Group Switzerland/ Eurad AG Krebsliga “Our Skin Never Forgets” Healthcare usa David&Goliath Coco de Mer “Doomsday” Retail Stores Publicis New York Oral-B “Heroes” C o s m e t i c s / B e a u t y A i d s / To i l e t r i e s 2 0 1 0 N Y F A d v e rt i s in g awar d s 35 print silver print gold Argentina Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi H o s p i t a l Aleman “ C h i l d r e n Do” P r o f e s s i o nal Ser vices Australia George Patterson Y&R Melbourne T h e R o y al Australian Navy “ T h e F l e et” C o r p o r a t e Image/Information/ R e c r u i t m ent Austria Euro RSCG Vienna w w w. n e t “ M e l a n o ma Campaign” H e a l t h c a re Products Brazil Publicis Brasil O r a l - B D ental Floss “ P i g / C h i cken/Fish” H e a l t h c a re Products chile Prolam Young & Rubicam Max Fresh “Comics” C o s m e t i cs/Beauty Aids/Toiletries N u t r i b a l a nce “ B a d f o o d, bad dog.” H o m e P r oducts/Ser vices N u t r i b a l a nce “Hand” H o m e P r oducts/Ser vices France CLM BBDO H E W L E T T PACKARD P O S T E R S” B u s i n e s s Products/Ser vices germany Grabarz & Partner Werbeagentur GmbH IKEA “ F u r n i t u r e Messages” H o m e A p pliances/Furnishings 36 Jung von Matt AG Der SPIEGEL “The SPIEGEL Print Campaig n ” Media Promotion: Print India Leo Burnett India Tide “Coffee, Egg, Ink, Ketchup” Best Use of Medium/Magazi n e South Africa Y&R South Africa Land Rover “Ever ywhere URL” Automobiles Switzerland Euro RSCG Zurich/Eurad AG Zurich Chamber Orchestra “Great Emotions” Entertainment Promotion Turkey DDB&Co. CNN TURK “Weather Report” Media Promotion: Broadcas t United Arab Emirates Y&R Dubai Har vey Nichols “Cause & Effect” Retail Stores Argentina Philippines Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Hospital Aleman “Stairs” Professional Services TBWA Santiago Mangada Puno Boysen Paint “Violet” Home Products/Services Australia Spain The Sydney Furnace Peugeot 407 3D Sat Nav “ C i t y, F r e e w a y, To w n ” Automobiles euro rscg spain Strepsils “Shouts” Healthcare Products France Switzerland Grey Paris “ A n g r y Wo m e n ” Retail Stores Euro RSCG Zurich/Eurad AG Zurich Chamber Orchestra “Great Emotions” Entertainment Promotion Ogilvy France Duracell “Fusion” Home Products/Services United Arab Emirates Perrier “Melting” Beverages Non-Alcoholic germany Jung von Matt AG Jung von Matt AG “The Jung von Matt Recruiting Ad” Corporate Image/Information/ Recruitment LEGO “Making History” Recreational Scholz & Friends Augsburger Allgemeine Newspaper “Augsburger Allgemeine: Global news starts as local news.” Media Promotion: Print Israel Shimoni Finkelstein Draftfcb ADAM LE ADAM / CHARITY FOR T H E E L D E R LY “ H a n g m a n ’s N o o s e ” Civic/Social Education Panama Cerebro Young & Rubicam Colgate Plax “Fish/Onion/Garlic” C o s m e t i c s / B e a u t y A i d s / To i l e t r i e s Y&R Dubai Harvey Nichols “Sale” Retail Stores Uruguay Lowe Ginkgo Axe Day&Night “SMS” Best Use of Medium/Magazine usa Euro RSCG Chicago J u v e n i l e P r o t e c t i o n A ss o c i a t i o n “ J PA ” Promotion of Peace/Human Right Venezuela JMC*Y&R Liquid Paper “Restaurant” Business Products/Services print bronze Argentina Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi H o s p i t al Aleman “ Tr e e ” P r o f e s sional Ser vices Brazil DDB Brasil TERRA “ C I T Y / COUNTRY” Tr a n s portation/Travel/Touris m Z o o S afari “ A n i m als” R e c r e ational Filadélfia Comunicação Te r r a n ova Land Rover Dealer “ S n a k e” R e t a i l Stores Leo Burnett Brasil Fiat “SMS” A u t o m obiles chile Unitas/RNL O p t i c a s Schilling “Eagle” C o r p o rate Image/Information/ R e c r u i tment china NEWSUN/JWT ADVERTISING SunLife “ B u t t e rfly / Dog / Hedgehog” Foods france Grey Paris D u l c o l ax “ T h e Sewer” H e a l t h care Products germany BBDO Germany GmbH S p u k Pictures “ T h e U nseen” M e d i a Promotion: Broadcast Vo l k s wagen Ser vice “ T h e Brake Assist Campaign” A u t o P arts/Ser vices Grabarz & Partner Werbeagentur GmbH DEVK insurance “Set Theor y” Financial Ser vices Jung von Matt AG Mercedes-Benz Braking A s s i s t a n t P L U S “The Mercedes-Benz Prin t C a m p a i g n ” Best Use of Medium/New s p a p e r MTV Germany “MTV Masters” Media Promotion: Broadc a s t KNSK Werbeagentur GmbH Art Magazin “Artworks” Media Promotion: Print W Kitchen helpers “Kitchen helpers” Home Products/Ser vices Kolle Rebbe GmbH Misereor Charity Organiza t i o n “Minevictims” Philanthropic Appeals Ogilvy & Mather Werbeagentur GmbH ANAD (National Associatio n o f A n o r e x i a Ner vosa and Associated) “The Contemporar y Beau t y I d e a l ” Civic/Social Education Scholz & Friends ISHR - International Socie t y f o r Human Rights “Wrong News” Promotion of Peace/Hum a n R i g h t s hong kong JWT Hong Kong Osim Sona Pillow “Lion” Home Appliances/Furnish i n g s Japan ADK Chiba Police and The Asa h i S h i m b u n “Trick People To Prevent T h e m F r o m Being Tricked.” Best Use of Medium/New s p a p e r Norway TRY Advertising Agency Volkswagen Lane Assist “Clown” Automobiles Philippines LG Viewty Smart “Making Faces” Personal Products DDB DM9JaymeSyfu Makati Fire Station “Match” Professional Service usa TBWA Santiago Mangada Puno Boysen Paint “Lily” Home Products/Services Publicis New York Call for Entries 2010 “Call for Entries 2010” Entertainment Promotion Republic of South Korea Venezuela HS Ad mont-bell “Compact your outdoor life” Apparel JMC*Y&R Paper Mate Bicolor Colorbrite “Bicolor Colorbrite” Business Products/Services sweden Forsman & Bodenfors Unicef “Kalashnikov” Promotion of Peace/Human Rights Jung von Matt Ti c k e t “ L a s t L a s t M i n u t e Tr a v e l ” Best Use of Medium/Magazine Switzerland Euro RSCG Zurich/Eurad AG Zurich Chamber Orchestra “Great Emotions” Entertainment Promotion Taiwan EURO RSCG TAIPEI Microsoft – Bing “Microsoft – Bing Series” Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n S e r v i c e s V O LV O C a r s “ Vo l v o - D r o w s i n e s s S e r i e s ” Automobiles United Arab Emirates Y&R Dubai Colgate-Palmolive “One Is Enough” C o s m e t i c s / B e a u t y A i d s / To i l e t r i e s Land Rover “Splatter” Apparel 2 0 1 0 N Y F A d v e rt i s in g awar d s 37 radio silver radio gold Belgium New Zealand germany Puerto Rico Duval Guillaume, Antwerp To u r i n g Mobilis “ B i z a r r e t raffic updates” B e s t U s e of Medium Clemenger BBDO New Zealand Transport Age n c y “It’s Your Call” Civic/Social Education Ogilvy & Mather DraftFcb Puerto Rico Honda Odyssey “Spacious 2” Automobiles germany Uruguay Jung von Matt AG C o m p u t e r Bild Magazine “ S PA M ” M e d i a P r omotion: Print Lowe Ginkgo Renault “Radio recorded in the trunk ” Best Use of Medium Israel usa Shalmor Avnon Amichay Y&R Lapiz P&G Bounty “Battle” Home Products/Ser vices Interactive Tel Aviv A i d s Ta s k Force “ S D I A P r oject” B e s t U s e of Medium Werbeagentur GmbH DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung (German Health Insurance) “ D K V F o r e i g n L a n g u a g e A u d i o Tr a i n e r ” Financial Services Serviceplan UNICEF “At the same time” Civic/Social Education New Zealand Clemenger BBDO N e w Z e a l a n d Tr a n s p o r t A g e n c y “Heaven Radio” Civic/Social Education Peru Y&R Lima League Against Cancer “Baby” Healthcare Products radio bronze Australia Germany Leo Burnett Melbourne S e e k ( A u stralia No. 1 job site) “ I f i t e x i s t s” C o r p o r a t e Image/Information/ R e c r u i t m ent BBDO Berlin Inforadio “News doesn´t wait for the n e w s ” Media Promotion: Broadcas Belgium mortierbrigade s t u d i o b r ussels “ t u n e y o ur life” M e d i a P r omotion: Broadcast england RKCR/Y&R L a n d R o v er “ S t o p / S t art” A u t o m o b i les 38 Jung von Matt AG Weleda AG “The First Contagious Radio Commercial” Best Use of Medium KNSK Werbeagentur GmbH Herlitz “Herlitz Highlighter” Business Products/Ser vices Israel Baumann Ber Rivnay Saatchi & Saatchi Te f a l b y N E W PA N “Heats up in 3 seconds!!!” Home Appliances/Furnishings Peru PUBLICIS ASOCIADOS S.A.C. Radio Ritmo Romántica “Song” Promotion of Peace/Human Rights Turkey GREY ISTANBUL G o o g l e Tu r k i y e “Concert” Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n S e r v i c e s USA DeVito/Verdi National Thoroughbred Racing Association “Dance Club” Recreational student gold student silver China Germany Australia USA Shanghai Jiao Tong University Ti a n h e Brand Gutong Plaster “ Yo u r Private Massagist” C o m p any Identity JvM/AG Mercedes-Benz “The Art of Perception” Website Student London Philharmonic Orchestra “ Yo u r L i f e S o u n d t r a c k ” Integrated/Mixed Media School of Visual Arts Colgate “Billboard Light” Product Comedy Central “Lift this up!” Magazine england usa germany London College of Communication P e n g u in “ P e n g uin Twitters” M i c r o s ite School of Visual Arts PlayStation “Thumbbands” Promotional Marketing Anna Honerlagen Nasulvin “The Robbery” Entertainment C e n t r al Park student bronze Germany A n d r e as Lutz “ A N D REAS LUTZ - Because clicking i s s o 90s!” We b s i te Republic of South Korea Konkuk University WWF “Homing Missile” Ser vice University of the Arts London Morning Care “No worries” Promotional Marketing usa School of Visual Arts Citibank “Money Clips” Promotional Marketing Tisch School of the Arts, NYU T h e 4 7 t h N e w Yo r k F i l m F e s t i v a l “STEENBECKSTORY” Entertainment NIKEiD “Laundromats” Product 2 0 1 0 N Y F A d v e rt i s in g awar d s 39 tv/cinema gold Argentina England ponce buenos aires Axe “Destiny” C o s m e t i cs/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Leo Burnett McDonald’s “Techy Types” Restaurants Australia Colman Rasic Carrasco M T V E X I T FOUNDATION “ T H E K I L LERS, LOVE STORY” B e s t U s e of Medium/TV Publicis Mojo J a m e s B oag’s Draught “ P u r e Wa ters” B e v e r a g e s Alcoholic RKCR/Y&R BBC “Local Radio” Media Promotion: Broadcas t france Agence H Citroen C3 and C4 “CAR PARK” Automobiles BETC Euro RSCG CANAL+ “The Closet” Media Promotion: Broadcast Mercedes-Benz E-Class, Safety Feature “Attention Assist” “Dreams” Automobiles Ogilvy France Perrier “Melting” Beverages Non-Alcoholic Serviceplan Santec Video Surveillance “No escape” Low Budget Scrabble “ T h e B e a u t i f u l Wo r d ” Recreational germany Jung von Matt AG 13TH STREET “Last Call” Best Use of Medium/Cinema V i c k s Va podrop “ T h e B e a tbox Choir” H e a l t h c a re Products tv/cinema silver Argentina france BBDO Argentina Claro “ I t ’s b e t t er with your mom” Te l e c o m munication Ser vices BETC Euro RSCG Evian “Rollerbabies” Beverages Non-Alcoholic Australia The Campaign Palace Colours “ E v e r y c olour you can dream of” R e t a i l S t ores Belgium Duval Guillaume SA S p a B a r i sart “Barfight” B e v e r a g es Non-Alcoholic Te l e n e t “ E v i N a k ed” B e s t U s e of Medium/TV england Leo Burnett M c D o n a l d’s “ E v e r y b o dy” R e s t a u r a nts 40 FRED & FARID PARIS MC VITIES , UNITED BISCUI T S “BUT...” Foods Wizzdesign° FIAT PANDA “FIAT CRASH TEST PANDA” Automobiles Germany Audi AG Audi A4 2.0 TDI e “Intelligently combined” Automobiles BBDO Germany GmbH Mercedes-Benz “Child” Auto Parts/Ser vices Lukas Lindemann Rosinski GmbH Daimler AG “Parkin” Automobiles Markenfilm GmbH & Co KG Audi “Intelligently Combined” Automobiles Serviceplan B a y e r i s c h e M o t o r e n We r k e Aktiengesellschaft “Flash” Best Use of Medium/Cinema Santec Video Surveillance “No escape” Business Products/Services Italy 1861 United Srl SKY Italia Satellite TV / My SKY “ WA I T S ” Media Promotion: Broadcast Japan HAT INC. E V O LTA “Le Mans” Home Products/Services Peru McCann Erickson Perú ANIQUEM “ROBOT” Civic/Social Education South Africa King James Cape Town Allan Gray Limited “Legend” Financial Services Sweden Forsman & Bodenfors Vo l v o “Finally” Automobiles Switzerland Euro RSCG Zurich/Eurad AG Swiss Health Department “Beach Bar” Healthcare Swiss Health Department “Bus” Healthcare tv/cinema Switzerland Euro RSCG Zurich/Eurad AG S w i s s Health Department “Bus” H e a l t h care USA Cannonball LLC Anheuser-Busch/Bud Ligh t “Stranded” Beverages Alcoholic Wieden+Kennedy Old Spice “The Man Your Man Could S m e l l L i k e ” Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/To i l e t r i e s Arnold truth “ B i g B usiness/PR/Problem Solving” H e a l t h care Statue of Liberty 2 0 1 0 N Y F A d v e rt i s in g awar d s 41 tv/cinema bronze Argentina canada Ogilvy & Mather Argentina C PA / E D NA “Father” P r o m o t i o n of Peace/Human Rights PUBLICIS TORONTO Toronto Blue Jays Baseball C l u b “Negotiator” Entertainment Promotion Young & Rubicam Buenos Aires Quilmes “Spot” B e v e r a g es Alcoholic australia Clemenger BBDO Melbourne F o s t e r s : Pure Blonde “ D o v e L o ve” B e v e r a g es Alcoholic JWT Sydney KitKat “ Wo r k i n g A Like Machine (Tennis)” C o n f e c t i ons/Snacks Plaza Films A l z h e i m e rs New Zealand “Car” P h i l a n t h r opic Appeals US Sydney, Razor Group M a t c h . c om “ B e t t e r Together” P r o f e s s i onal Ser vices Belgium Duval Guillaume SA VLAM Milk “ F r e e s t y l er/Jumpers” B e v e r a g es Non-Alcoholic mortierbrigade s t u d i o b r ussels “ c h a n g e d opening credits of the s o a p ‘ h o me’” B e s t U s e of Medium/TV Saatchi & Saatchi Brussels B e l g i a n I nstitute for Road Safety “Heaven” C i v i c / S o cial Education Brazil DDB Brasil B r a z i l e i r o s Magazine “ N E W W ORLDS” M e d i a P r omotion: Print To k & S t o k “Mouse” H o m e A p pliances/Furnishings 42 chile McCann Erickson Santiago Bci Fundacion Las Rosas “Granddaughter” Corporate Image/Information / Recruitment england RKCR/Y&R BBC “Poetr y Season - Directions ” Media Promotion: Broadcas t Finland hasan&partners Ilta-Sanomat Newspaper “The way it was meant to be ” Media Promotion: Print SEK & GREY Oy Fonecta 16400 Mobile Director y Ser vices “The Immigrant” Telecommunication Ser vices france Grey Paris Breathe Right “Theatre” Healthcare Products Lowe Strateus Road Safety “The Sur vivor” Civic/Social Education germany Doppelgaenger Film Aids is a Mass Murderer “Aids is a Mass Murderer” Low Budget HEIMAT, Berlin Hornbach DIY/ Home Improvement Superstores “Hymn” Corporate Image/Information / Recruitment Hornbach DIY/ Home Improvement Superstores “Hymn” Retail Stores Jung von Matt AG 13TH STREET “Last Call” Media Promotion: Broadcast Publicis Frankfurt Dacia “Circle” Automobiles Serviceplan / Mediaplus UHU Power glue “Adhanger” Home Products/Services israel Shalmor Avnon Amichay Y&R Interactive Tel Aviv Optalgin “Champions League” Best Use of Medium/TV japan Dentsu Inc. To y o t a M o t o r C o r p o r a t i o n - To y o t a i Q “Hammer Throw/Couple” Automobiles peru Y&R Lima League Against cancer “Cold” Healthcare League Against Cancer “For Elise / Fold / Fingerman” Healthcare Movistar “Speedy Movil” Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n S e r v i c e s Singapore Leo Burnett/Arc Worldwide Singapore Family “Funeral” Spots longer than 120 seconds spain TBWA España RENFE “Pop-up” Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n / Tr a v e l / To u r i s m Ukraine Ogilvy “Breathe” Apparel usa Harvest Orange “Chat Show” Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n S e r v i c e s Leo Burnett Chicago Nintendo DSi “Hanging Out” Recreational Venables Bell & Partners Audi A3 TDI “Green Car” Automobiles
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