Abbotsford-Colby Area Chamber of Commerce
Abbotsford-Colby Area Chamber of Commerce
City of Abbotsford PO Box 589, 203 N. First Street, Abbotsford, WI 54405 City Hall (715) 223-3444 Fax (715) 223-8891 AGENDA FOR THE COUNCIL MEETING TO BE HELD Monday, January 5, 2015 AT 6:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE ABBOTSFORD CITY HALL 203 NORTH FIRST STREET, ABBOTSFORD WI All items listed will be brought before the Abbotsford City Council for discussion and possible approval. 1. Call the regular meeting to order a. Roll call b. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Introduction of the new Chief of Police – Jason Bauer 3. Comments by the Mayor 4. Comments by the Public 5. Minutes from the Council held December 1, 2014 (Page 3-5) a. Waive the reading and approve the minutes 6. Considerations before the Council a. Discuss/approve governing board for the Fire Department 7. Discuss/approve convening to closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute § 19.85 (1) (g) for the purpose of conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved Purpose: • Discussion regarding correspondence from City Attorney regarding Common Council authority over Fire Department 8. Convene to open session 9. Discuss/approve items, if any from closed session. Committee Reports 10. Update on Public Works Projects 11. Abbotsford Fire & Ambulance Department (Mayor Rachu) a. Minutes from Fire (table) b. Minutes from Ambulance (Page 6-9) 12. Abbotsford Library – (Mayor Rachu) a. Minutes from November (table) 13. Police Commission (Werner) a. Police Minutes from December 10, 2014 and December 29, 2014 (Page 10-12) b. Police bills in amount of $4,926.09 (Page 13-14) 14. License & Building (Horacek) a. Building Permits: ID PERMIT # FIRST NAME 40 2014-37 ROBIN LAST NAME HEDERER ADDRESS EXPLAINATION DATE ISSUED COST COUNTY RESEDENTIAL/COMMERICAL AMOUNT 301 W BUTTERNUT ST KITCHEN, BATH REPAIR AND SOME WINDOWS 12/2/2014 $12,000.00 CLARK RESIDENTIAL $52 41 2014-38 BALANCED BUILDERS LLC 124 BUTTERNUT ST REBUILD AFTER FIRE DAMAGE 12/9/2014 $15,000.00 CLARK RESIDENTIAL $58 42 2014-39 KWIK TRIP (BRADFORD FREY) 301 ELDERBERRY RD CONVENIENCE STORE, GAS, DIESEL, SCALE, SHED 12/29/2014 $1,650,000.00 MARATHON COMMERCIAL $3,348 Requests from persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting or hearing should be made to Clerk’s Office at (715) 223-3444 with as much advance notice as possible. 1 15. Finance and Personnel (Schwantes) a. Minutes from December 15, 2014 (Page 15) b. Discuss/approve the following wage increases William Colby Natalyn Jannene Jack Kramas Deb Lenz Rick Rannow Frank Schreiber John Smith Josh Soyk Alan Uhlig OLD RATE 20.50 15.39 11.00 9.00 12.00 18.79 20.50 20.50 24.28 NEW RATE 21.12 15.85 11.33 9.50 12.36 19.35 21.12 21.12 25.01 16. Public Works/Water & Sewer/Parks a. Minutes from December 17, 2014 ((Page 16-17) b. Discuss/approve pursuing SCADA options for wells 3,4,6,7,8,9 and 15 c. Discuss/approve purchasing LED lighting (Page 18-21) d. Discuss/approve taking bids on trading in the backhoe (Page 22) e. Discuss/approve amending Red Arrow Park guidelines to have the music off at Red Arrow at midnight and having the park closed at 1:00 a.m. (Page 23-24) 17. Abbotsford Colby Area Chamber of Commerce (Page 25-26) 18. Set additional committee meetings on the calendar (Page 27-28) 19. Adjourn Requests from persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting or hearing should be made to Clerk’s Office at (715) 223-3444 with as much advance notice as possible. 2 Minutes from the December 1, 2014 Abbotsford City Council meeting held in the Council Chambers. Mayor Rachu called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Mayor Rachu, Voss, Horacek, Anders, Schwantes, Mediger, and Gosse (Werner absent) Others: Clerk Lopez, DPW Stuttgen, Water Operator Medenwaldt, Kathy Knight, David Rogers, David Wiese, Chief Jody Apfelbeck, Jon Austin, and Kevin O’Brien – Tribune Phonograph Pledge of Allegiance There were no comments by the Mayor. There were no comments by the Public. Motion Voss/Gosse to waive the reading and approve the minutes from the Council held November 3, 2014. Motion carried without negative vote. Considerations before the Council Under discuss/approve proceeding with Raw Water Standpipe project Medenwaldt updated the council that the committee has been reviewing this project for the past several months. If the City is not interested in pursuing this project, it would open up funding for the municipalities below Abbotsford; and if the City wishes to proceed further there are some potential additional funding that could be pursued. After review from the City’s auditor, it appears that the City could afford the project with obtaining a 3% simplified rate increase when eligible. It was stated that the new plant has a reserve of treated water and the existing tower we are discussing is raw water storage. The raw water tower holds the water that is treated at the Central plant. It was stated the drawback of storing water in the aquifer for several years is you do not have a gauge of what is under ground. It was stated that 10 wells supply the raw water tower. It was stated that if the storage tower failed the process would become a manual hands on operation. If the Council does not proceed with the standpipe it was recommended to proceed looking at adding SCADA to the system. Anders ran calculations and 3% will provide us $45,000 in additional revenues; the public works department has committed $97,000 in 2015 project costs. It was stated the SCADA system costs about $80,000 $100,000. Motion Anders/Schwantes to not accept the Raw Water Standpipe proposal. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve proceeding with Simplified Rate Case increase effective January 2015; it was stated that the City will be eligible for an increase if the City wishes in January of 2015. It was stated the City has about $150,000 in unexpected expenses last year. Motion Mediger/Anders to proceed with the simplified rate increase effective January 2015. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve carryover of 2014 budget funds, motion Mediger/Voss to roll over Public Works – Machine Equipment $36,292.14, Public Works Plant Maintenance Operation, if any, rolled into Public Works - Machine Equipment and Parks Capital Improvement $10,000. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve Special Limited Exemption Permit exceptions – Knight Cat Permit, Mediger 3 stated in October the City Pages in Wausau did an article regarding feral cats. Mediger stated at some time the City must address the larger problem of stray cats. Anders questioned how many cats they currently have; there are 28 cats (four have passed). One cat is showing signs of the dieses. The youngest cat is one year old. Anders stated he did some research with the Cornell University; most cats have this virus in it. Knight stated that people receive variances from the City Council all the time. She felt they are following the rules that the council set forth in 2007. Mayor Rachu stated that in 2007 they stated the council that their intent was to move to the country. Motion Anders/Gosse to grant a 90 day Special Limit Exemption Permit – Knight Cat Permit (March Council 2015) Motion failed Motion Mediger/Horacek to grant a 6 month Special Limit Exemption Permit – Knight Cat Permit (June Council Meeting) Voss – yes, Horacek – yes, Anders – no, Gosse – no, Mediger – yes, Schwantes – no, Mayor Rachu – yes Motion carried It was stated that the Knight’s will have to reapply for this application. Committee Reports Update on Public Works Projects was presented by Stuttgen. The Public Works Crew has been working on hanging Christmas Lights. Abbotsford Fire & Ambulance Department was presented by Mayor Rachu. Minutes from Fire and the minutes from Ambulance were presented. Mediger thanked the Chief for welcoming the Council to their meeting the other night. Mediger questioned if the membership was aware of the townships offer. Apfelbeck said that the Mayor asked him to discuss it with him first. Mediger questioned when the membership will hear about it; it was stated that the officers will discuss the proposal first and then it will be presented to the membership. Chief Apfelbeck stated that there will be a public meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 3, 2014. Abbotsford Library was presented by Mayor Rachu. Minutes from September and October were presented. Police Commission was presented by Gosse. Police Minutes from November 10, 2014 were presented. Motion Gosse/Anders to approve the Police bills in amount of $12,535.85. Motion carried without negative vote. Under update on hiring process on the Chief of Police Gosse stated that there were several meetings scheduled but they were canceled due to not having the background checks back yet. License & Building was presented by Horacek. Building Permits were presented: Table1 ID PERMIT # FIRST NAME LAST NAME 38 2014-35 JIM AND SHARON COLBY 39 2014-36 BARB & JEFF ADDRESS EXPLAINATION DATE ISSUED 103 E LINDEN STREET STORAGE BUILDING SALISBURY 204 W ASPEN ST NEW KITCHEN CABINETS COST COUNTY RESEDENTIAL/COMMERICAL AMOUNT 11/12/2014 $12,500.00 CLARK RESIDENTIAL 42 11/18/2014 $10,000.00 CLARK RESIDENTIAL 48 Finance and Personnel was presented by Schwantes. Minutes from November 13, 2014 were presented. 4 Under discuss/approve 2015 Insurance Renewal, motion Schwantes/Mediger to renew the insurance as presented: • EMC - $38,637.00 (2.3% increase) • Work Comp $37,205 (10.577% increase- State rated) • Local Property Government Fund $25,450 (decrease $866) Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve purchase of Hams or Turkey’s for City employees at a value of approximately $25.00, motion Mediger/Voss to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve retaining Fire Department Capital Equipment budget funds in designated City Fund until needed, Schwantes stated that the funds would be retained in a city account; this will only assure that the City is aware of the purchases. The Fire Department would request the funds and the City would issue them timely (1-3 days). Apfelbeck stated there was a truck committee formed and the previous purchases have been discussed for several months before the purchase is made. Chapter 165 states the City cannot withhold budgeted funds. Dallas Wiese stated there could possibly be a “feel-good committee” formed that would trigger a meeting when purchases were made over a certain dollar amount. The committee could meet and discuss the purchase, but the ultimate decision would be made by the corporation. Schwantes thanked Wiese for the attempt at working with the city and increasing the communication. Wiese will bring this up at the January Corporation meeting. It was stressed that the City does not wish to dictate how the Fire Department spends their funds; they only wish to be involved in the discussion. It was suggested that the council can come to the fire meetings. This item will be tabled until March; it is anticipated that the Fire Department will have a new policy at that time. Public Works/Water & Sewer/Parks was presented by Horacek. Minutes from November 12, 2014 were presented. Under discuss/approve bidding out repairs for the Red Arrow Baseball park backstop/brick and fence, Stuttgen stated that he is planning to replace all of the brick (which connects to the dugouts on each side). The wall is about 2 feet tall. The price on the brick work was about $10,000 for the brick work only. It was agreed at the public works meeting to also replace the fence. Rachu questioned if the City wishes to continue with the existing look. Motion Schwantes/Mediger to approve the bidding out process for the repairs to the Red Arrow Baseball Park. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/recommend Park rental guidelines, the ordinance will be reviewed at the License and Building Committee meeting. Abbotsford Colby Area Chamber of Commerce was presented. Minutes from November 5, 2014 was presented. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 3rd at the Colby City Hall. Additional committee meetings were set on the calendar. Motion Mediger/Voss to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 5 Abbotsford Ambulance Board of Directors Meeting Minutes December 14, 2014 The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Abbotsford Ambulance Service was called to order by Ray Esselman. Present were: Travis Nixdorf, Sarah Diedrich, Ray Esselman, Kristie Seubert, Carol Staab and Allan Nixdorf. Also present: Dallas Wiese, Chris Esselman, Joanna Medinger. Ray stated that he contacted Richard Gumz, Town of Holton Chairman, regarding the Abbotsford Fire Department responding to accidents on highway 29 in the Town of Holton. Richard stated that he was ok with that but that Ray needed to contact Dorchester Fire Chief Rick Rinehart. Nomination and election of the Board of Directors will be held at the January 5, 2015 meeting which will be held in Dorchester. Ray commended the members from Dorchester and Abbotsford for working well together. There are no plans at this time for the annual Christmas party; time of service pins are typically recognized and distributed at this party. The service will wait to see if a party is scheduled. A reminder was given to order your apparel from Designer Advertising for the service Christmas present if you haven’t already done so. Jeremy Totzke has scheduled his National Registry practical’s for this Friday and would like to review these skills on Wednesday or Thursday with a date/time to be determined. Anyone available is welcome to attend. Driver’s license expirations continue to be an ongoing issue. Sarah is monitoring these expirations. Katelynn Leins has resigned from the service due to moving from the area and has returned her equipment. Brad Bauer is interested in taking the EMT class but the closest class this semester would be in Wausau which will conflict with this current classes. He will take the EMT class this summer. Heather Wiese is interested in driving for the service; she may take the EMT class again in the future. There was no update on the Motorola grant that was applied for; the service may not hear on the status of this grant until February. A reminder was given to always handle yourself in a professional and correct manner when on a run and to ask the patient where they prefer to be transported. This includes charting – run reports need to be completed fully. The radios being purchased have not yet been received. 6 The old computers have been cleaned by Seth Pinter and will be listed for sale. Carol will contact Wayne Rau, Village of Dorchester Board President to see if the Village would be interested in purchasing one of the service dash cameras. A reminder was given to wash the ambulance run, especially in the winter to remove the salt, etc. There is a Working Together EMS Conference in January which will be held in Milwaukee. Ray will bring this up at the regular meeting. A motion was made by Sarah with a second by Al to pay the $425 WEMSA membership renewal. The service receives a 35% discount on supplies, etc. with this paid membership. Motion carried. Sarah and Travis will complete application interviews until Lori and Jeremy are available. Dallas Wiese and Chris Esselman were present to discuss possible changes to the Corporation. The Towns of Mayville and Holton have requested that the fire department establish a Governing Board in 2015; this has been approved by the fire department members. Dallas explained what will be proposed at the special Corporation meeting being held on December 14, 2014 at the Abbotsford Fire Hall beginning at 7:00 p.m. A motion was made by Al with a second by Sarah to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Carol Staab, Secretary 7 Abbotsford Ambulance Service, Inc. December 1, 2014 Meeting Minutes The meeting of the Abbotsford Ambulance Service was called to order by Chief Ray Esselman with the following members present: Brad Bauer, David Behnke, Sarah Diedrich, Tonya Dommer, Chris Esselman, Ray Esselman, Jacki Haines-Oleson, Justin Ingersoll, Lonnie Marcott, Justin Michlig, Carol Nelson, Allen Nixdorf, Haley Pinter, Zayne Rau, Stacey Rieck, Carol Staab, John Staab, Michael Staab. The minutes from the November 2014 meeting were read and approved as read. The Treasurer’s report was approved as follows: Expenses by Vendor Detail Abbotsford Post Office $49.00 AT&T $70.01 Battery Zone Carlson Highland & Co. Countyline Auto $35.76 $112.50 $1,099.01 EMP $445.53 Frontier $100.94 Harmony County Cooperative $197.92 Payroll $4,293.50 Total Expenses $6,404.17 Deposits LifeQuest $11,077.65 Everest Emergent Vehicles $578.60 Interest-Reg. Savings Acct. $44.71 Interest-Med Replacement Total Deposits Reimbursement $55.15 $11,756.11 Account Balances Checking $7,086.08 Savings $60,573.24 Med Replacement Savings $73,758.36 Chief’s Report Megan Lindau has resigned from the service effective immediately; Sarah Diedrich has assumed treasurer responsibilities until the upcoming elections. Nominations and election of the Board of Directors will be held at the January 5, 2015 meeting which will be held in Dorchester. A reminder was given to listen to the radio and help out between departments if available. Having both tones on the pager will be offered. If you haven’t already submitted your apparel order at Designer Advertising for the service Christmas present, please do so at your earliest convenience. The service will pay up to $25 with any amount over that the responsibility of the member. Katelynn Leins has moved to Stetsonville and is no longer a member of the service. Please provide proof of car insurance to Sarah for tracking purposes. The insurance company for the City of Abbotsford requires this if you drive the med unit or respond to the hall in your car. Sarah has asked that this information be provided to her by December 12, 2014. 8 Travis submitted a grant application to Motorola for 2 new defibrillators; this grant had a December 5, 2014 deadline. 60 Med 1 has had issues starting; a mechanic has looked into this and said to leave as is for the time being. Please review your paychecks and let Ray or Sarah know if there are any discrepancies. A reminder was given to let your team members know if unable to respond; with that said, listen to the radio and help out on the call schedule when possible. Assistant Chief Report None due to Travis’ absence. Training Officer’s Report Training will consist of computer and stair chair review. A walk through at Abbyland will be held on December 10, 2014. Meeting at the fire hall at 6:45 p.m. with the tour to begin at 7:00 p.m. Marty Schwantes gave a K-9 presentation recently. The Colby Ambulance Service is trying to schedule a suicide presentation on December 16, 2014; more information will follow. EMS Officer’s Report Sarah reminded members to please use military time on both the run reports and time sheets for ease in payroll. Infection Control Officer’s Report None due to Kristi’s absence. Application Committee Report Brad Bauer is interested in taking the EMT-B course; an application has also been received from the Dorchester area. Open Business: The old laptop computers are currently being cleaned out the Seth Pinter. There was no update available on Medevac intercepts. New Business: The Vintage Snowmobile Club is having ice races at the Dorchester Park on January 3, 2015 and has requested the ambulance be on standby at this event from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 60 Med 2 cover this unless paged out, then 60 Med 1 will cover. If you know of anyone interested in taking the EMT-B class, please let us know. Discussion was held on holding a community CPR class to include first aid possibly in January or February. This will be put on the January agenda for discussion. It was suggested to contact the School District of Colby when scheduled to be included in their community events. A motion was made by Sarah with a second by Jackie to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Carol Staab Secretary 9 Minutes from the Colby-Abbotsford Board of Police Commissioners held December 8, 2014 at the Colby Abbotsford Police Department Chairman T. Schraufnagel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call: Chairman T. Schraufnagel, J. Henaman, Robert Gosse, P. Horacek, T. Schmidt (J. Werner absent) Others present: Chief Gosse, Mayor Schmidt, Clerk Lopez, G. Anders, J. Mediger, L. Voss, Officer Rannow, Officer Rennie, and Bill Sweda Under Comments from the Public, Bill Sweda handed out information from the Wausau Daily Herald; Swejda cautioned the Commission that drug dogs can only smell the drugs, they cannot determine impairment. At this time there are no CAPD Officers certified in impairment. Chief Gosse stated that they have utilized the County’s assistance for determining impairment. Sweda hoped the Department can work on stressing prevention. Motion T. Schmidt/J. Henaman to approve the Minutes from November 10th, 2014 with striking the last sentence under Waiving the remainder of Chris Brandner’s Probationary Period. The struck sentence is: The commission decided not to waive the probationary period. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion J. Henaman/Horacek to approve the expenditures in the amount of $4,925.09. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Horacek/J. Henaman to give each employee a $25 Abbotsford-Colby Chamber Bucks. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Horacek/Gosse to convene to closed session per State Statute 19.85 (1) (c) considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility: Purpose: Wage and Benefit Negotiations for Kocian Purpose: Consider Candidate for the Chief of Police Position Purpose: Contract for the Chief of Police Position Roll call: T. Schmidt – yes, J. Henaman – yes, T. Schraufnagel – yes, P. Horacek – yes, Robert Gosse – yes Motion Gosse/Schmidt to amend Chief of Police Position contract to read 120 hours of vacation the first and second year; negotiable thereafter. Vacation taken must be submitted to the Mayors/Clerk’s office for proper recording of time off benefits. Motion carried 4:1 (Horacek) It was stated that the counter proposal from Scott Barton addressed salary agreements; the Commission agreed to beginning employment at $58,000 and increasing the salary to $60,000 at six months with negotiating again after 2 years of employment. The residency concerns were discussed; it was felt as long as the Chief would be staying within 15 miles of the City limits; the concern of the sale of his residence was not an issue. 10 Motion J. Henaman/T. Schmidt to offer the Chief of Police position to Scott Barton with increasing the vacation hours to 120 hours of vacation the first and second year; negotiable thereafter. This is the final negotiated offer. If the position is not accepted by Scott Barton, the position will be offered to Jason Bauer. Roll call: T. Schraufnagel – yes, J. Henaman – yes, T. Schmidt – yes, P. Horacek – no, and Robert Gosse - yes Motion T. Schmidt/Horacek to adjourn at 7:33 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 11 Minutes from the Colby-Abbotsford Board of Police Commissioners held Monday, December 29, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the Colby Abbotsford Police Department. Chairman Schraufnagel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call: T. Schraufnagel, J. Werner, R. Gosse, P. Horacek, J. Henaman, and Mayor Schmidt (T. Schmidt - absent) Others present: Clerk Lopez, Chief Gosse, Voss, Officer Bauer, and the K. O’Brien – Tribune Phonograph There were no comments by the public. Motion P. Horacek /J. Werner to convene to closed session per State Stats 19.85 (1) (c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Purpose: Consider Candidate for the Chief of Police Position Purpose: Contract for the Chief of Police Position Motion J. Henaman/J. Werner to approve to amend the Chief of Police contract Section 2 d to read: This agreement may be terminated and the employment of the Employee terminated in accordance with Section 62.13 of the Wisconsin Statute. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion J. Henaman/R. Gosse to hire Officer Jason Bauer as the Chief of Police effective February 14, 2015. Officer Bauer will receive Officer in Charge pay from January 10, 2015 – February 13, 2015 and will receive the Chief of Police salary effective February 14, 2015. Roll call: T. Schraufnagel – yes, J. Henaman – yes, J. Werner – yes, R. Gosse – yes, P. Horacek – yes, Motion P. Horacek/J. Werner to convene to open session at 6:49 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion P. Horacek/R. Gosse to approve to amend the Chief of Police contract Section 2 D to read: This agreement may be terminated and the employment of the Employee terminated in accordance with Section 62.13 of the Wisconsin Statute. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion P. Horacek/R. Gosse to hire Officer Jason Bauer as the Chief of Police effective February 14, 2015. Officer Bauer will receive Officer in Charge pay from January 10, 2015 – February 13, 2015 and will receive the Chief of Police salary effective February 14, 2015. Roll call: T. Schraufnagel – yes, J. Henaman – yes, J. Werner – yes, R. Gosse – yes, P. Horacek – yes, Motion P. Horacek/J. Werner to adjourn at 6:58 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 12 13 14 Minutes from the Finance and Personnel meeting held December 15, 2014 at the Abbotsford City Hall Council Chambers Chairman Schwantes called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Roll call: Schwantes, Voss, Gosse, and Mediger Others present: Clerk Lopez , DPW Stuttgen, Water/Waste Water Manager Medenwaldt, J. Austin, and K. O’Brien – Tribune Phonograph Pledge of Allegiance There were no comments by the public. Under discuss/approve December bills motion Mediger/Voss to approve the Regular bills in the amount of $66,314.14. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Mediger/Gosse to approve the USDA bills in the amount of $91,373.90. Motion carried without negative vote. November Receipts and expenditures were reviewed. The overtime report was reviewed. The budget comparison reports were reviewed. The Fire and EMS financials were reviewed. It was questioned if the airline tickets to pick up the new Fire Truck came out of the truck fund. There were no incidents, accidents, or training reported. Under discuss/recommend 2015 non-managing employee increases, motion Schwantes/Mediger to approve a 3% increase to the following and a $0.50 increase to Deb Lenz. OLD RATE NEW RATE William Colby 20.50 21.12 Natalyn Janenne 15.39 15.85 Jack Kramas 11.00 11.33 Deb Lenz 9.00 9.50 Rick Rannow 12.00 12.36 Frank Schreiber 18.79 19.35 John Smith 20.50 21.12 Josh Soyk 20.50 21.12 Alan Uhlig 24.28 25.01 Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/review loss run history – work comp it was stated that due to the large amount of losses the City has experienced, the City’s experience mod is very high and we are currently in the State pool. Under discuss uniform contract it was stated that this has been discussed at the Department head meetings. This contract was intended to be about $11.00 per person per week, but became higher as the additional fees were added in. At this time the employees are happy with their uniforms. A review of vendors will be performed when this contract ends. Under discuss/recommend retaining Fire Department Capital Equipment Funds in a City Account until a purchase is made it was stated that at this time the City will not retain the Fire Department Capital Equipment Fund. Motion Mediger/Voss to adjourn at 5:59 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 15 Minutes from the Public Works, Water, Sewer, License and Building Combined Committee meetings held Wednesday, December 17, 2014 at the Abbotsford City Hall Chairman Voss called the combined meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll Call: Voss, Horacek, Werner, Anders, Mediger, Mayor Rachu and Schwantes Others present: Deputy Clerk Jannene, Public Works Manager Stuttgen, Water/Waste Water Supervisor Medenwaldt, Harry Fox and TP Printing Kevin O’Brien The pledge of allegiance was stated. Under comments from the public, Harry Fox would like to see improvements in the alley behind First Street and Second Street. He would like to see that alley blacktopped. Mayor Rachu stated that the City could look into it further and get back to him. Under comments from the Chairs; Voss mentioned that the Town of Holton stated how wonderful it has been to work with the City of Abbotsford’s Public Works department. Water and Waste Water Items: Under update on Waste Water; the ad for bids will run December 17-January 20 in the Abbotsford Tribune Phonograph and other places. The bids will be opened Tuesday January 20, 2015 at City Hall at 10 a.m. The committee meeting will have to be held following the bid that week. The winning bid will be awarded at the February council meeting. Anders asked Medenwaldt to get numbers for the cost per thousand gallons of what it will cost the City to run the new plant. Medenwaldt will obtain numbers but no two plants are the same; therefore, the numbers will be an estimate. Under discuss/recommend moving forward with SCADA well project; Medenwaldt mentioned that the committee was interested in moving forward with SCADA and will need a motion to move forward. The SCADA that has been recently integrated into the City’s system is running smoothly. Motion Werner/Horacek to pursue SCADA options for wells 3,4,6,7,8,9 and 15. Motion carried without negative vote. Public Works Items: Under discuss/recommend LED lighting; Stuttgen showed an estimate on LED lighting cost. There is a potential savings of roughly $8,400 a year by switching to LED lighting. Stuttgen stated that the Public Works crew will do the labor themselves to save on cost. Stuttgen will also look into possible grants for a project like this. The Mayor asked if the City could salvage the heads of the current lights and sell them to another municipality. Stuttgen thought it was something he could look into. The light fixtures would pay for themselves in 4-5 years. Motion Anders/Schwantes to recommend looking into LED lighting further. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/recommend Elderberry Road; past the hotel the road ownership is split between the City of Abbotsford and the Town of Hull. Ray’s and the Town of Hull would like to have blacktop in front of Rays Meat Market. The 300 feet in front of Rays is not the City of Abbotsford portion. The Town of Hull is interested in taking the road over completely. The township will be 16 putting this item on their agenda also and will get back to the city with what their board would like to see done. Under discuss/recommend Back Hoe replacement; Stuttgen talked about replacing the back hoe that the City has owned for the last 19 years. Stuttgen explained the cost difference in renting one out verses purchasing a new one. Schwantes asked if the City budgeted for this. Stuttgen stated it would be in the replacement fund. He wouldn’t need something brand new. The City’s current back hoe could be traded in for roughly $50,000. Anders asked if there was any other equipment that would need to be replaced more than the back hoe. Motion Schwantes/Mediger to take bids trading in and replacing with and upgraded back hoe. Motion carried without negative vote. License and Building Items: Under discuss feral cat issues; Anders spoke on the issue. Wisconsin Humane Society has a program (Trap, Neuter and Release) but is strictly volunteer and needs veterinarians that will do this at no cost and someone to house them. Mediger mentioned a traveling vet that does neuter feral cats but there has to be someone to help care for the cats afterwards. The Mayor asked if the committee really felt that there was a problem with feral cats in our community. Mediger felt that people have complained enough about seeing them in their yards and around town. Anders gave Mediger the information to contact the Wisconsin Humane Society. Under discuss/recommend Park Rental guidelines/ordinance; the ordinances where shown to the committee. Schwantes felt it should be midnight in a residential area. Mayor asked if that meant music would end at midnight. It was talked that Shortner should be allowed different hours because it’s more secluded. Werner liked midnight for Red Arrow but Shortner could be 1 am. Horacek and Voss would like to see music done at midnight and out of park by 1 am. Motion Voss/Horacek to have music off at midnight and out of Red Arrow Park by 1 am. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Werner/ Anders to adjourn at 7:17 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 17 Craig Stuttgen Public Works Manager P.O. Box 589 203 N. First St. Abbotsford Wi. 54405 (phone) 715-613-9444 Dec 17, 2014 Quote: 20141217 Application – Street light product convert to LED Included LED fixture with photocell, 10 year warranty and delivery to destination one shipment. Existing lighting is 250 watt HPS- LED replacement Leotek LED GC1 fixture Fixture GC1-30F-MV-NW-3-GY-530, 53 watts, drive current 530 mA, 5300 delivered lumens Qty 50 units $285.00 USD = $14,250.00 (minimum) Qty 100 units $285.00 USD = $28,600.00 *Or 700mA, 70 watts, 7000 lm Equal to 100-150 watt HPS GC1-40F-MV-NW-3-GY-530, 94 watts, drive current 700mA, 11,000 delivered lumens Qty 50 units $315.00 USD = $15,750.00 (minimum) Qty 100 units $315.00 USD = $31,500.00 *Or 1000mA, 132 watts, 12300 lm Equal to 150-200 watt HPS GC1-60F-MV-NW-3-GY-530, 105 watts, drive current 530 mA, 11,000 delivered lumens Qty 50 units $375.00 USD = $18,750.00 (minimum) Qty 100 units $375.00 USD = $37,500.00 *Or 350mA, 68 watts, 7400 lm, Or 700 mA, 145 watts, 14,500 lm Equal to 200-300 watt HPS Grey in color includes photocell and freight one shipment. Includes 10 year manufacturers warranty See next page for Product specs, attached is the full spec sheet and warranty information. 101-1865 Dilworth, Suite 129, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1 A-2760 Moray Ave, Courtenay, BC V9N 7R7 Tel 778 478-9974 Cell 250 808-2040 [email protected] 18 FOB Abbotsford, Wisconsin) Deposit and Purchase order required to process order. Allow for 6-8 weeks delivery from the time of secured order. Terms to be finalized when order approved. Thank you for this opportunity to work with you. Regards, Suzanne Wood 101-1865 Dilworth, Suite 129, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1 A-2760 Moray Ave, Courtenay, BC V9N 7R7 Tel 778 478-9974 Cell 250 808-2040 [email protected] 19 GC1 GreenCobra™ LED Street Light Project S2 Innovative LED Products Type GC1-40F series Catalog No. May 2014 5.47 in [139 mm] Weight 21 lbs [9.5 kg] EPA 0.9 ft2 6.45 in [164 in] Luminaire Data 14.17 in [360 mm] 25.59 in [650 mm] Ordering Information Sample Catalog No. GC1 60F MV NW 2 GY BSK RPB FDC350 Product GC1 No. & Type of LEDs 20F 30F 40F 60F 80F Voltage Nominal Color Distribution Temperature1 MV 120-277V NW 4000K HV 347-480V 2 3 Type 2 Type 3 Finish2 GY Gray Options BSK SPB RPB PTB HSS3 700/350 700/530 1A/5304 1A/7004 1A/1A4 FDC5 LPCR PCR7 SC WL Bird Spider Kit Square Pole Bracket Round Pole Bracket Pole-Top Bracket House Side Shield 700mA Max/350mA Set Drive Current 700mA Max/530mA Set Drive Current 1A Max/530mA Set Drive Current 1A Max/700mA Set Drive Current 1A Max/1A Set Drive Current Fixed Drive Current Less Photocell Receptacle ANSI 7-wire Photocontrol Receptacle PCR Shorting Cap Utility Wattage Label Notes: 1 4000K standard, consult factory for other color temperatures. 2 Gray standard, consult factory for other finishes. 3 Flush mounted shield easily field installed. Cuts light off at 1/2 mounting height behind luminaire. 4 1A drive current only available with 40F. 5 Non-field adjustable, fixed drive current. Specify 350mA, 530mA, 700mA or 1A (40F only) setting. © 2014 Leotek Electronics USA GC1_v040714 Specifications subject to change without notice Page 1 of 2 20 GC1 GreenCobra™ LED Street Light Luminaire Specifications Housing Die cast aluminum housing with universal fourbolt slip fitter mounts to 1-1/4” to 2” (1-5/8” to 2-3/8” O.D.) diameter mast arm. Leveling adjustment from +10⁰ to -5⁰ and integral bubble level standard. Electrical components are accessed without tools and are mounted on removable power door. Power door features quick electrical disconnects to terminal block and LED board. Photocontrol receptacle is standard and can be aimed without tools. Photocontrol is provided by others. Light Emitting Diodes Hi-flux/Hi-power white LEDs produce a minimum of 95% of initial intensity at 100,000 hours of life. LEDs are tested in accordance with IES LM-80 testing procedures. Mean correlated color temperature of 4000K (standard) and 70 minimum CRI. LEDs are 100% mercury and lead free. Optical Systems Finish Electrical Listings/Ratings Micro-lens systems produce IESNA Type 2 or Type 3 distributions. Luminaire produces 0% total lumens above 90⁰ (BUG Rating, U=0). Power supply drive current is field adjustable (350mA, 530mA or 700mA for a 700mA power supply or 530mA, 700mA or 1A for a 1A power supply). Factory standard is 700mA power supply set to 700mA drive current. Power supply features a minimum power factor of .90 and <20% Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). EMC meets or exceeds FCC CFR Part 15. Transient voltage complies with ANSI C62.41 Cat. A. Integral surge protector is tested per ANSI/ IEEE C62.45 procedures based on ANSI/IEEE C62.41.2 definitions for standard and optional waveforms for Location Category C High. Housing receives a fade and abrasion resistant, epoxy polyester powder coat, light gray finish standard. Luminaires are UL listed for use in wet locations in the United States and Canada. Optical systems maintain an IP66 rating. Photometry Luminaires are photometrically tested by certified independent testing laboratories in accordance with IES LM-79 testing procedures. Warranty 10-year limited warranty is standard on luminaire and components. Performance Data All data nominal, consult factory for IES files or LM-79 reports. No. of LEDs & Type 20F 30F 40F 60F 80F Type 2 Type 3 Drive Current (mA) System Wattage (W) Delivered Lumens (Lm) Efficacy (Lm/W) BUG Rating BUG Rating 350 24 2500 104 B1 U0 G1 B1 U0 G1 530 35 3600 103 B1 U0 G1 B1 U0 G1 700 47 4600 98 B1 U0 G1 B1 U0 G1 350 36 3800 106 B1 U0 G1 B1 U0 G1 530 53 5300 100 B1 U0 G1 B2 U0 G2 700 70 7000 100 B2 U0 G2 B2 U0 G2 350 48 5100 106 B1 U0 G1 B2 U0 G2 530 70 7100 101 B2 U0 G2 B2 U0 G2 700 94 9300 99 B2 U0 G2 B2 U0 G2 1000 132 12300 93 B3 U0 G3 B3 U0 G3 350 68 7400 109 B2 U0 G2 B2 U0 G2 530 105 11000 105 B2 U0 G2 B3 U0 G3 700 145 14500 100 B3 U0 G3 B3 U0 G3 350 85 9600 113 B2 U0 G2 B2 U0 G2 530 134 14200 106 B3 U0 G3 B3 U0 G3 700 183 18100 99 B3 U0 G3 B3 U0 G3 © 2014 Leotek Electronics USA GC1_v040714 Specifications subject to change without notice Page 2 of 2 21 22 23 24 Abbotsford-Colby Area Chamber of Commerce 100 W. Spruce Street P.O. Box 418 Abbotsford, WI 54405 Abbotsford-Colby Chamber Meeting December 3, 2014 1. President Wiese called the meeting to order and introductions were given. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance 3. A welcome was given by Bryce Kelly. Thrivent Financial is now officially moved into their new location (the former Nikolay Law Office in Colby). An open house will be held after the holidays. 4. A welcome was given by John Clautznietzer from WKEB/WIGM Radio. John has worked with WKEB/WIGM for the past 15 years and they are the local radio station of the Abbotsford and Colby Area. 5. The Secretary’s Report was reviewed from the Chamber Meeting held November 5, 2014. Motion by Brost to approve the reports as presented, 2nd by Jakel, Motion carried without negative vote. The Secretary’s Report was reviewed from the Executive Board of Directors meeting held November 10, 2014. Motion by Jakel to approve the reports as presented, 2nd by Kramer, Motion carried without negative vote. 6. The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. Motion by Gurtner, 2nd by Mader to approve. Motion carried without negative vote. OLD BUSINESS 1 Christmas Parade – the Frozen float is now complete. Blue’s Clues is being repaired and lights are being changed on the sleigh. The parade is still in need of a few characters. Costumes can be picked up on Thursday from 3:30 – 8:00 p.m. On Friday the Frozen characters will be at the City Hall for the free movie. 2 Bylaws copies were distributed. 3 Reminder for Meeting Dates for 2015 Chamber Meetings next year: January 7th, Annual Meeting & Banquet February 7th; March 4th, April 8th, May 6th, June 3rd, July 8th, August 5th, September 9th, October 7th, November 4th and December 9th. NEW BUSINESS 1. Abby/Colby Ambassador a. Welcome Basket – looking for a committee to welcome new businesses and residents. Items for the welcome bags will be needed; promotional information. 2. 2014 Award Nomination Applications for: Business of the Year, Lifetime Achievement and Community Service Awards – Due Monday, December 29, 2014 at the ACC Chamber Office 3. New Members - No New Members this Month 4. Committee Reports a. First City Days – January 13th, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at Pizza Hut b. Cheese Days – December 16th – 6:30 pm Colby City Hall c. Lama & Craft A-Faire – January 26th – 3:00 pm ACC Chamber Office d. Latin Festival – December Meeting – To be determined. e. Christmas Parade – December 2nd - 12:00 pm (Noon) Pizza Hut 5. Office Coordinator’s Report a. Tourism Committee – January 21st @ 12:00 pm (Noon) Paula Ruesch Phone: (715) 223-8509 e-mail: [email protected] 25 b. Other Correspondence – There were 109 Thanksgiving meals prepared and $400 was collected in donations and given to the Community Chest. c. Lunch with Santa will be December 6th at the Colby Elementary. d. An example of ideas for Business Owners to work together with other area businesses was given. When you go to Bill’s Tire in Colby they many times provide you a gift certificate to Amber’s Café. This was and example for members to think about ways to reunite the commerce in the communities. 6. Motion Reis seconded by Gurtner to change the language on the Chamber Bucks listing to list out only the Chamber members. Motion carried without negative vote. 7. Board of Director’s Meeting – Thursday, December 18th at 1:00 pm 8. Motion by Gurtner seconded by Reis to Adjourn Meeting 9. Thank You to Thrivent Financial and WKEB / WIGM Radio Station for sponsoring today’s lunch. Next meeting is to be Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at El Norteno’s in Curtiss, WI. Lunch sponsor: El Norteno’s Restaurant and meeting will be at the restaurant 26 January 2015 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 OFFICE CLOSED 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 COUNCIL 6:00 11 12 POLICE AREA FIRE MTG—7:30 18 19 MUNI COURT 25 26 27 27 February 2015 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 COUNCIL 8 9 POLICE 15 16 MUNI COURT 22 23 24 28
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