July 2009 - BEK Communications
July 2009 - BEK Communications
beacon VOLUME 51 J U LY 2 0 0 9 Dates to Remember July 1 July Bills Mailed July 4 Independence Day 2009 BEK Communications Cooperative Board of Directors pictured with CEO/General Manager and Legal Counsel. Bottom Row L to R: Jerod Tufte, Attorney; Brett Stroh, District II; Anton Braun, District IV; President Leo Meier, District III and Secretary/Treasurer Sanford Williams, District I. Back Row L to R: Vice President Doug Kalianoff, District II; Richard Hausauer, District I; Virgil Horner, District III; Bill Becker, District IV, Michael Wickenheiser, District III and Derrick Bulawa, CEO/General Manager. Highlights of the 57th Annual Meeting of BEK Communications Cooperative Members of BEK Communications Cooperative met Thursday, June 11, 2009 at the Kidder County School in Steele, N.D. for the 57th Annual Meeting. Prior to the meeting, a beef supper was served to 771 members and guests. There were 429 qualified voters who registered to vote at the Annual Meeting which included 42 early voters. Early voting was offered this year by BEK’s Board of Directors on a trial basis per the cooperative bylaws. Members were allowed to vote at the BEK headquarters office during the week of the Annual Meeting, June 8th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and June 9th from 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. story continued on page 2 July 8 Disconnect Day July 15 ¢ommon ¢ents Grant Applications Due July 20 Reminder Notices Mailed Friday, July 3, 2009 Independence Day Observed BEK Office Closed Highlights of the 57th Annual Meeting continued from page one Following a special presentation of “A Visual Odyssey of BEK Communications Cooperative – 2008,” the meeting was called to order by President Leo Meier at 7:00 p.m. The election tellers were: Luella Jochim, Linton; James Fischer, Napoleon; Kathryn Benson, Steele; Alvin Mertz, Dawson; Thomas Fischer, Napoleon; John Kuhn, Tappen; Dorothy Niklos, Linton; Nancy Dewitz, Steele; Rita Mastel, Strasburg and Teller Coordinator, Meg Rath, Sterling. Election Results: Incumbent directors Brett Stroh, Leo Meier and Anton Braun were re-elected to the Board of Directors. The winners will serve three-year terms. The voting results were reported as follows: DISTRICT I (Regan, Sterling, McKenzie, Wilton, Wing) No election held DISTRICT II (Pettibone, Tappen, Robinson, Tuttle, Steele) Brett Stroh, Tappen (incumbent) Spoiled Ballots Total Ballots Cast 97 3 100 DISTRICT III (Kintyre, Strasburg, Hazelton, Linton) Leo Meier, Hague (incumbent) Spoiled Ballots Total Ballots Cast 71 4 75 DISTRICT IV (Lehr, Zeeland, Wishek, Napoleon) Anton Braun, Napoleon (incumbent) Gerald Burlack, Wishek Spoiled Ballots Total Ballots Cast 81 41 0 122 Moose Creek Symphony entertained members prior to the meeting with their Blue Grass and Folk style music. They also sang the National Anthem after the Presentation of Flags by the Wishek American Legion Color Guard. The Invocation was given by Rev. Cori Waisanen who is the pastor serving the United Methodist Churches of Linton, Moffit and Sterling. This year’s grand prize drawings were for two 32” LG Flat Screen LCD TV’s, a desktop computer w/printer and a Dell Inspiron Laptop computer. The winners of the televisions were Edna Meidinger of Wishek and David Becker of Napoleon. The winners of the computers were Mildred Wanner of Wishek and Joseph Aberle of Linton. The theme for this year’s annual meeting was “Clear Vision” which emphasizes BEK’s proactive approach from day one to deliver advanced communication services to its members and to go beyond the technical aspect of the company by working with and in its communities. At the reorganization meeting following the annual membership meeting, the Board of Directors elected Leo Meier to serve as President, Doug Kalianoff as Vice President and Sanford Williams as Secretary/Treasurer. 2 GRILL for SALE Send sealed bids to: BEK Communications Cooperative Attn: Grill Bid PO Box 230 Steele, N.D. 58482 Terms: Bids must be post-marked no later than July 17, 2009. Winning bidder will be notified by July 21st and will have 10 working days to purchase and pick up the grill. Description: 4’ wide grill x 12’ long. C Cooking surface is 38” wide x 68” long. Included is a rotisserie, one 30 pound tank and a 2 inch ball. This grill served BEK well for many years to prepare the meat for the annual meeting. For more information, call BEK Communications at 475-2361 or 1-888-475-2361. Way BEK When... Let’s go back to the early 80’s. We’re about to undergo some major changes; are we ready? A Hollywood actor voices his preparedness with the following statement: “What I’d really like to do, is go down in history as the president who made America believe in themselves again.” ‐‐‐President‐elect Ronald Reagan It’s 1980 and a year when the voters are heard. At the BEK Annual Meeting in June, members voted 301 to 43 to approve the retirement of capital credits at age 70 (or another age determined by the Board) to anyone with capital credits who makes a written application. The retirement of capital credits to members on a percentage basis in addition to the first year earned as the first year retired also passed 326 to 14. Who won the presidential election in November? Enter, stage right: Ronald Reagan. Former Beatle John Lennon who sang “Give Peace a Chance” is gunned down in front of his apartment in Manhattan. The new “ABC News Nightline” debuts and as the next year comes into play, there’s much to report... It’s 1982 and the people in Hazelton, Strasburg, Wing, Tuttle and Tappen are getting BEK’s expanded Cable TV service. Others are excited about the new cordless phone being introduced allowing you to multi‐ task while chatting with your neighbors, giving you a sense of freedom to “roam” while talking. If you made a trip with your family this year and didn’t go to the new Disney Epcot Center in Orlando, what were you thinking? It’s 1983 and it’s the first time you can buy your own telephone set. Up until now you were renting your telephone sets from the telephone companies. So you had a decision to make, do you continue to lease your phones or “Just Say No” to leasing and buy your own. “Just Say No” was the new anti‐drug slogan of 1983 launched by First Lady Nancy Reagan. It’s 1981 and the news affecting the nation has a big impact on us as well. Do you want the good news first? Well, what would that be? Ah, yes...a fairy tale wedding takes place in Great Britain as Lady Diana Spencer weds Prince Charles, the heir to the British throne. The telecommunications industry takes a huge turn in operations as the government decides to deregulate the telephone industry. Customers were concerned with increased rates and a decline in service. New products hitting the market are the IBM personal computer and Microsoft’s MS‐DOS. It is a year to rejoice and a year to weep: After 444 days, 52 American hostages are released from Tehran, AIDS is officially recognized by the U.S. Government, President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II are both shot and seriously wounded in separate shootings and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat is assassinated. It’s 1984. Ok, truthfully, did you all dread the coming of this year, just a little bit? Did you wonder and ponder about the writings of George Orwell, portraying our lives to be governed by surveillance and control? Well it appears we put those thoughts behind us for awhile as we moved on to new ideas like Rep. Geraldine Ferraro of Queens, N.Y. becoming the first woman to run for Vice President on a major party ticket with Walter Mondale. Another new idea...a baboon heart is transplanted into the body of a 15‐day‐old “Baby Fae” causing a huge controversary. The FCC authorizes the city of Robinson to get cable TV services and Tuttle, Robinson, Pettibone and Regan’s dial offices were cut over to new equipment. On an ending note, here’s a little 80’s trivia: What major food franchise’s advertisements depicted 83 year old Clara Peller demanding, “Where’s the Beef”? 3 New Telephone Directories The new telephone directories have arrived! The 2009-2010 edition of the BEK/West River Missouri Slope Telephone Directory was delivered to members the last week in May. Each customer has received one large directory. The BEK directory includes listings from West River Telecommunications based out of Hazen, N.D., giving BEK customers the advantage of additional listings. NEW MEMBERS Hazelton - Temvik Burns Wade & Christina.... 782-6819 Ohlhauser Arnold & Viola ... 782-4703 Kintyre - Braddock Gross Terry L .................... 332-2226 After receiving your directory, please check your listing for any errors. If you find any errors, please report them as soon as possible. While every effort is made to improve each issue and to eliminate all errors in the BEK/West River Missouri Slope Telephone Directory, BEK Communications and the publishers of the directory do not assume any liability because of errors and omissions that may occur in the telephone directory. Lehr Erickson Joe & Danielle .... 378-2556 Glaesman Devin ............... 378-2331 Just Paul ........................... 378-2331 Linton If you did not receive the new directory or need extra copies, additional directories are available at the following locations: Braddock – Hager’s Bar Dawson – Dawson Cafe Hague – Hague Store Hazelton – Bank of Hazelton Kintyre – Titan Machinery Lehr – Security State Bank Linton – BNC National Bank Napoleon – Stock Growers Bank Pettibone – T & V Grocery Regan – Regan Farmers Union Elevator Robinson – First Security Bank – West Steele – BEK Communications Headquarters Sterling – Cenex Tops Truck Stop Strasburg – Strasburg State Bank Tappen – Tappen Farm Supply Tuttle – Tuttle Community Store Wilton – City of Wilton (Auditor’s Office) and First State Bank of Wilton Wing – Chat & Chew Cafe Wishek – Security State Bank Zeeland – McIntosh County Bank Arends David & Barbara ... 254-5850 Harper Kimberly & Ranny ... 254-5839 Honeyman Andrea ............ 254-4999 Midwest Teleservices International ...................... 254-5841 Stevens Jennifer ............... 254-5852 McKenzie - Menoken Burrer Bryon ..................... 673-3434 Napoleon Cowan Teresa ................... 754-2022 Lindenberg Keith & Diane ... 754-2014 Mulligan Marvin & Christine ...754-2015 Steele Adams Eugene J .............. 475-2096 Lemieux John & Jessica ... 475-2725 Miller Edward & Judy ........ 475-2098 Steiger Jeremy ................. 475-2076 Whitman Elsie................... 475-2212 Sterling - Driscoll - Moffit Rosell Karen ..................... 387-4312 Strasburg - Hague State Line Resort LLC ...... 336-7765 Wilton Tedford Nadine & Chris..... 734-6015 Wishek TRS Rate Change The Telecommunications Relay Service Program (TRS) is administered by the State of North Dakota, Information Technology Department. As of July 1, 2009, the 2009-2010 surcharges will increase to $0.05 per access line per month, up from $0.03 per access line per month from last quarter. Huffman Steve & Ashley ... 452-2002 Nitschke Monica ............... 452-2005 Performance Ag Services LLC ................................... 452-2004 Toll Free ..................... 888-484-4177 TRS provides full telephone accessibility and helps hearing persons and businesses that wish to talk with persons who are deaf, hard-of-hearing or have speech impairments. 1-888-475-2361 [email protected] 4 BEK Members Receive Capital Credit Checks On June 1, 2009 a total of 2328 capital credit checks were mailed to members totaling $571,442.86. As approved by the Board of Directors, this refund was based on 100% of the capital credits earned by members of the cooperative in 1996. BEK Communications is a cooperative, which means the customers are the shareholders. Each year a portion of the cooperative’s operating margin is allocated to each member. The amount of the allocation is determined by the amount of business you choose to do with BEK each year and the profit for that year. The more services you purchase, the more capital credits you earn. The company uses those funds for a period of approximately 12 years and then may issue a retirement of the funds to the members, as with the retirement issued on June 1, 2009. In addition to getting all the benefits of great customer care and high-tech communications service, BEK members get money back. At the present time, capital credits are paid through a general retirement, one time payouts when you reach age 70 or to settle estates. 5 PRESRT STD ECRWSS CAR-RT SORT U . S . P O S TA G E PA I D PO Box 230 • 200 E Broadway Steele, North Dakota 58482 PERMIT NO. 5 STEELE, ND P O S TA L C U S T O M E R beacon M ay Tr i v i a Wi n n ers: Published by BEK Communications 701-475-2361 • 1-888-475-2361 • www.bektel.com Kent Weiser, Brenda Seil, Hazelton; Heaton; Lorrene Schiermeister, Linton; Gloria Fuhrer, Herreid, S.D.; Marlys Strom,Zeeland; Steele; Sherri Haak, Patty Flegel, Hazelton and Leo Bitz, Wishek Ralph Fischer, Wing. and Lawrence Lehr, Wishek. Board of Directors Beacon Trivia Questions PO Box 230 • 200 E Broadway • Steele, North Dakota 58482 There were _______ early votes cast for the 57th Annual Meeting of BEK Communications Cooperative. Leo Meier, President ................................ Hague ...........336-7258 District III Doug Kalianoff, Vice President ................ Steele ............475-2839 District II BEK Sports is televising two Lions All Star games and the _______________ ________________ Live in July. Sanford Williams, Secretary/Treasurer .... Wing ..............943-2474 District I Each year a portion of the cooperative’s operating margin is _____________________ to each member. William (Bill) Becker ................................. Wishek ..........452-2928 District IV Anton Braun............................................. Napoleon ......754-4440 District IV Entries must be received by August 7, 2009. Richard Hausauer .................................... Wilton ............734-6116 District I Name ____________________________________________________ Virgil Horner ............................................. Strasburg ......336-7208 District III Phone Number ____________________________________________ Brett Stroh ............................................... Tappen ..........327-8201 District II Clip and send to the BEK office with your phone payment. You can also email to [email protected]. We will be drawing for five $5.00 credits to be applied to the winners’ phone bill. Michael Wickenheiser.............................. Linton ............254-4949 District III Derrick Bulawa, CEO/General Manager, Manager Feedback ............................................. 701-475-1234 [email protected] 6
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