Goodspeed Notes - Department Newsletter


Goodspeed Notes - Department Newsletter
Goodspeed Notes
Newsletter of the University of Chicago
Department of Music
Volume 18 - Autumn 2015
Goodspeed Notes
Volume 18 - Autumn 2015
Greetings from the Chair
Dear Friends,
“The Department should conduct a self-study,” said Dean Roth,
3 ........ Greetings
15 ....... Project Incubator
as she announced the external review of the Music Department—the
4 ........ There Is No Repetition
16 ....... University of Chicago Presents
6 ........ Farewell to Shulamit Ran
17 ....... Student Happenings
first that any of us could recall—that would take place in May 2015.
8 ........ Chicago Music Alums as Authors
20 ....... Alumni Notes
11 ....... Contempo Thrives at Fifty Years
22 ....... Faculty Briefs
we reviewed the history and ideals of the Department, reflected on our
12 ....... The Year of the Student
27 ....... Staff Updates
cherished scholarly and artistic emphases, and charted a course for the
As you can imagine, the study occupied much of our time last year, as
Working on this project gave us a welcome chance to reconnect with
with Thanks...
our alums, and we are deeply grateful to those of you who helped us by
The following friends and alums have generously donated to the Department of Music in the last calendar year.
responding to our surveys. Along the way, we were frequently reminded
Your gifts help support our students in numerous small but important ways: to visit an archive while developing
of your accomplishments, for instance the bumper crop of 24 books that
a dissertation proposal, to travel to a conference in order to read a first scholarly paper, or to have a new
you produced in the last 5 years (see below). Happily, the results of the
composition performed. Every gift makes a difference. Thank you.
review were positive and will lead to expanded opportunities in the realms of faculty hires and musical performance
James W. Allen (AB 1984)
Joel Honigberg
Richard Lyman (AB 2005)
Travis Polk Hooper (AB 2000)
Thomas MacCracken (PhD 1985)
Stephanie D. Bonaroti (AM 2014)
Donald L. Kass (SB 1967)
Patrice Michaels
Victoria Rose Cannizzo
James Charles Kidd (PhD 1973)
Richard Plotkin (PhD 2010)
Chun-Bin Chen (PhD 2007)
The Lawlor Foundation
Don Michael Randel &
Elizabeth A. Clendinning (AB 2007)
Deborah Lawrence (PhD 2000)
Carol E. Randel
April E. Faith-Slaker (AB 2003)
Eun Young Lee (PhD 2011)
Schwab Charitable Fund
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Ilya Levinson (PhD 1997)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Yu
James Steven Ginsburg (AB 1987)
Dun-Nan Liu (PhD 1993)
The Alumni Fund accepts tax-deductible contributions at any time of the year. Such gifts help defray the costs
associated with research and composition for talented students not yet in a position to support their careers.
The past year also saw two important milestones, the 50th anniversary of Contempo, which has long played
a major role in presenting and promoting new music in this country, and the
Upcoming Alumni
in Music Theory is Nancy Murphy (PhD, University of British Columbia, ‘15). We
Friday, Oct 30th, 9:00 pm
St. Louis, MO - Hyatt
Regency At The Arch
of the Centre for Jewish Music Research at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
The University of Chicago
Friday, Nov 13th, 9:00 pm
Louisville, KY - Galt House
Chicago, IL 60637
Society for
Ethnomusicology Annual
Cover photo: Shulamit Ran at the Mann Auditorium in Tel Aviv in 2007 during a rehearsal of her Vessels of
Courage and Hope by the Isreal Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Gustavo Dudamel. Photo by Yuval
Saturday, Dec 5th, 9:00 pm
(Joint reception with
University of Pennsylvania)
Austin, TX - Hilton Austin
Articles compiled and edited by Melanie Cloghessy, Anne Robertson, Emily Anderson, and Peter Gillette.
Layout and design by Luke Ramus.
outstanding career.
Society for Music Theory
Annual Meeting
Contributions may be made payable to “The University of Chicago Music Department” and sent to:
1010 East 59th Street
goodbye to Shulamit, we were all grateful for the opportunity to celebrate her
The new academic year brings fresh faces to the Department. Our new Lecturer
American Musicological
Society Annual Meeting
Department of Music
retirement of the incomparable Shulamit Ran. As wistful as we were about saying
also welcome several visitors. Edwin Seroussi, Chair of Musicology and Director
will teach in the Music Department as the Greenberg Visiting Professor in the
Chicago Center for Jewish Studies. Olha Kolomyyets, Senior Lecturer at the Ivan
Franko Lviv National University of Ukraine, comes to us as a Fulbright Scholar
through the Council for International Exchange of Scholars. And Wendy Wan-Ki
Lee, Associate Professor of Music Composition at the Chinese University of Hong
Kong, will be a Visiting Scholar.
We very much look forward to seeing many of you at the alum receptions at
annual meetings of the AMS, SMT, and SEM this fall!
Goods peed Note s • Vo lu me 18 - Aut u m n 20 1 5
G oo d sp eed No tes • Vo lu me 1 8 - Autumn 2 0 1 5
that you’ll hear more about in our 2016 issue.
Warmest wishes,
Anne Robertson, Chair
lucky undergraduates witnessed the composer himself leading
included the American premieres of Spahlinger’s verlorener weg
Ensemble 20+ in a workshop performance of furioso (1990-
I and II (2000), two additional works by Spahlinger, and new
91) in the Logan Center’s performance penthouse; Spahlinger
arrangements of three chansons by Guillaume Dufay. The
also took questions from the students, and talked eloquently
next day, Bond Chapel—conveniently located near our very
on music, modernism, politics, and performance. The
own Goodspeed Hall—saw a completely full house for an
composer was again present at a symposium at the Logan
afternoon concert co-presented by The Renaissance Society.
Center that brought together international scholars to discuss
Swiss percussionist Chrisoph Brunner performed the world
his work. The audience saw presentations by Brodsky, as well
premiere of Spahlinger’s ausnahmlslos ausnahmen (2014) for
as Brian Kane (Yale) and Simon Obert (Paul Sacher Stiftung),
drum set, a tour de force composition that truly illustrated
and a keynote presentation by Anne C. Shreffler (Harvard).
the festival’s theme—“there is no repetition”. Berlin-based
The Spektral Quartet, the University of Chicago’s own
Baroque and new-music trio XelmYa performed the North
ensemble-in-residence, provided a performance and analysis
American premiere of rundweg (2013), composed for them by
Mathias Spahlinger’s 70th year with a 10-day residency and
of Spahlinger’s only string quartet, apo do (“from here”)
Spahlinger; and Joshua Modney and Eric Wubbels of New
retrospective of his music and thought. The first of its kind
(1982), along with Phillipp Blume (composer and co-founder
York’s Wet Ink Ensemble closed the festival with extension
in the States, this festival—planned and executed by Assistant
of SUONO MOBILE USA) and Spahlinger himself.
(1979-80), an hour-long, meditative duo for piano and violin.
There Is No
Mathias Spahlinger
at 70
by Ted Gordon
This past March, Chicago celebrated German composer
Later that evening, Ensemble Dal Niente, conducted
Professor Seth Brodsky— presented six concerts and a
symposium, all free and open to the public, and brought
by Michael Lewanski, performed for a packed house in the
together renowned musicians and scholars from Chicago,
Logan Center’s performance hall. Their concert program
New York, Berlin, Zürich, and Basel. Generously supported
by the University of Chicago, the Goethe Institute, DePaul
University, the Renaissance Society, the Graham Foundation,
Urbana-Champaign, the festival spanned Spahlinger’s career
from the late 1960s through the present day.
On the North Side, the festival presented concerts at
DePaul University; at Constellation, Chicago’s premiere
Poster by Paula Popowski and Seth Brodsky
Goods peed Note s • Vo lu me 18 - Aut u m n 20 1 5
G oo d sp eed No tes • Vo lu me 1 8 - Autumn 2 0 1 5
the Arts Council of Chicago, and the University of Illinois at
venue for new music; and at the Graham foundation, known
for its support of cutting edge art and architecture. These
events brought together several new music ensembles in the
Chicago area, including Ensemble 20+, Mocrep, SUONO
MOBILE, and the Illinois Modern Ensemble, to perform
works by Spahlinger, as well as Erin Gee, Jennifer Walshe,
and a site-specific improvisation by Daniel Wyche and Ryan
Packard. Perhaps the most astounding performance was the
North American premiere of doppelt bejaht [“doubly affirmed”]
(2009), a series of etudes for improvising, spatially-distributed
orchestra without conductor, performed at DePaul University.
On the South Side, Spahlinger’s music was equally
represented with a day-long symposium and evening concert
at the Logan Center for the Arts, as well as an afternoon
concert in Bond Chapel, co-presented with the Renaissance
Mathias Spahlinger congratulates percussionist Christoph Brunner
on the world-premiere of the composer’s ausnahmslos ausnahmen
[“unexceptions exceptions”] for drumset.
Society. Spahlinger also visited the graduate Composers’
Seminar and Brodsky’s own Music 101 class. Over a dozen
Clockwise from top left: Berlin trio XelmYa gives the American premiere of Spahlinger’s rundweg [“circular path”] in Bond Chapel; Spahlinger
addressing questions at an all-day symposium on his work in the Logan Performance Penthouse; the Spektral Quartet, performing Spahlinger’s string
quartet apo do [“from here”] as part of the symposium’s afternoon performance workshop.
From Now On I Will Miss the Sound of Your
by Yuan-Chen Li, PhD ‘15
Ran with Ralph Shapey
composer Ralph Shapey (1921-2002) so greatly with her vocal
composition, O The Chimneys (1969). Shapey, founder of the
University’s Contemporary Chamber Players—now called
Contempo—worked together with Ran for two decades; from
1998 onward, Contempo continued to fulfill its mission under
Ran’s leadership. More fond memories and compliments for
Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts to celebrate
meaningful for Shulamit, who was born and educated in
Shulamit abounded in remarks made by Marta Ptaszynska,
the life and work of composer Shulamit Ran, the Andrew
Israel. Her work has often contemplated the dark theme of
Cliff Colnot, Augusta Read Thomas, Martha Feldman, and
MacLeish Distinguished Professor in the Department of
the Holocaust, while also celebrating “the triumph of the
Steven Stuckey.
Music, on the occasion of her retirement.
human spirit over annihilation.” The concert closed with
Accompanied by her husband, Dr. Avi Lotan, and
the University Motet Choir, under the direction of James
surrounded by friends and family, associates, musicians and
to composition students for more than forty years. Her
Kallembach, performing Shirim L’Yom Tov: Four Festival Songs
collaborators, Ran graciously accepted a few gifts and a
influence extended beyond the quadrangles to include her
(2013), written for the joyous occasions of her sons’ Bar-
memory book of photos, articles and stories detailing many
receipt of the Pulitzer Prize in 1991, her contributions to the
events of her life. Professor Martha Feldman, organizer of
G oo d sp eed No tes • Vo lu me 1 8 - Autumn 2 0 1 5
Shulamit has been an invaluable colleague and mentor
Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Lyric Opera of Chicago
Later in the day, emeritus Professor Philip Gossett, who
as Composer-in-Residence, and her membership in the
was instrumental in bringing Shulamit to campus in 1973, told
community following Ran’s retirement. “From now on, I will
American Academy of Arts and Letters and the American
the story of her introduction at a faculty meeting, when she
miss the sound of your voice in the halls of Goodspeed. I’ll
was just in her early twenties and had impressed UChicago
miss you terribly at faculty meetings, where all of us rely on
Academy of Arts and Sciences.
your wisdom, integrity, and honesty to keep us in check. I’ll
Afternoon festivities began with a screening of the
the 523rd Convocation Address in June, entitled “Why We
Make Art.” Dear Shulamit, we in the Music Department were
privileged to be your academic home. You will be missed by
us all!
Many thanks are due to the Arts Council, the Chicago Center
for Jewish Studies, the Division of the Humanities, the Office of the
President, and the University of Chicago Presents for their generous
sponsorship of the retirement events for Shulamit.
documentary film, Inside New Music: The University of Chicago’s
miss our post mortems on everything around the department
Contempo Celebrates Fifty Years, followed by a panel discussion
and all the complaints and thanks we share.” Later, in a note
with faculty members Seth Brodsky, Martha Feldman, and
to the Department, Shulamit wrote, “I cherish this book and
Shulamit Ran’s O the Chimneys will be performed by
know that in times to come it will bring hope and sustenance
Julia Bentley with members of eighth blackbird in the
to the soul and spirit.”
Shulamit Ran Portrait Concert on October 27th, 2015,
Anthony Cheung, and guest composer Steven Stuckey.
Not surprisingly, the highlight of the day was a concert
Shulamit Ran’s engagement with students, colleagues,
of Shulamit’s music, produced by the University of Chicago
Presents. The program included a performance by the
Pacifica Quartet of Glitter, Doom, Shards, Memory, String
the retirement events, predicted changes in the University
Ran, 1976
Quartet No. 3, (2013), inspired by the art and life of painter
Shulamit Ran
Retirement Concert
Goods peed Note s • Vo lu me 18 - Aut u m n 20 1 5
Felix Nussbaum (1904-1944). Nussbaum’s work is especially
On April 13th, 2015, hundreds of people came to the
at The Reva and David Logan Center For The Arts,
and the University itself has been deep and broad. Her music
programmed by The University of Chicago Presents
and her ideas have been a gift to the humanities and to the
under the Contempo series.
arts worldwide, and she reflected on this as she delivered
Chicago Music
Alums as Authors,
2009 - 2014
Published in 2014:
Michael Alan Anderson ’08
Univer sity of Jer usalem
A s s oci ate Profes s or, Eastman Scho o l
M ed ie va l M usic, Leg end , a nd t he C ult
of S t M a r t in: T he Lo c a l Fo und a t io ns
of a Uni vers a l S a int (Ca m br id g e:
Ca m br id g e U niver s ity Pr es s, 2014)
of M us i c
St. An ne in Ren aissance M usic : De vo t io n
and Pol itics (Cambridg e: Ca m br id g e
Univers ity Pres s, 2 01 4)
Alber to Rizzuti ’01
amazed to discover that our esteemed graduates
Col l ege
Pr ofesso r, Univer sity of Tur in
Sin g ing the Right Way: Or t ho d ox
Christian s and Secul ar Enc ha nt m ent in
Estonia (Oxf ord: Oxf or d U niver s ity
Pres s, 2 01 4)
S ot t o la volt a c elest e: Beet hoven e
l’im m a g ina rio p a st o ra le, I m m ot a
ha r m onia 14 (Rom e: Ar ca ne, 2014)
of studies in musicology, music theory, and
O p e n U n ive r s it y, U n ite d K in gdom
Mu si c a l In t i m a c i es a n d In d i gen o u s
Im a gi n a r i es: A b o r i gi n a l Mu si c
a n d D a n c e i n P u bl i c Per f o r m a n c e
(O xfo rd : O xfo rd U n ivers i ty
Pres s, 2 0 1 3 )
Lynn Hooker ’01
every turn. They encompass chronological
As s oc ia te Pr ofe s s or,
periods extending from the middle ages, to the
Lisa Feurzeig ‘97
Catherine Saucier ’05
Renaissance, to fin de siècle Paris, to the present;
Profes s or, G rand Val l ey State
Asso ciate Pr ofesso r,
they treat composers from Philip the Chancellor,
Uni vers i t y
Ar izo na State Univer sity
Schuber t’s Lieder an d the P hiloso p hy
of Earl y Ger man Romant ic ism
(B u rlington, VT: As hg a te, 2014)
A Pa ra d is e of P ries t s: S ing ing t he C i vic
a nd Ep isc o p a l H a g iog ra p hy of M ed ie va l
Lièg e, Ea st m a n S t ud ies in M usic
(Roches ter : U niver s ity of Roches ter
Pr es s, 2014)
genres from motet, to opera, to choral music,
G oo d sp eed No tes • Vo lu me 1 8 - Autumn 2 0 1 5
Byron Dueck ’05
ethnomusicology, crossing boundaries at
to Bach, to Beethoven, to Bartók, they illuminate
C a t á l ogo d e l a C o l l ec c i ó n d e
Mú si c a d e A r c hi v o H i st ó r i c o d e l a
A r q u i d i ó c esi s d e D u r a n go (Mexi co
C i ty: Un ivers i d a d N a ci o n a l
Au tó n o m a d e Méxi co, 2 0 1 3 )
Jeffers Engelhardt ’05
A s s oci ate Profes s or, Amher st
years, 2009-2014. These works run the gamut
N or t h we s te r n U n ive r s it y
(Awa r d ed the 2015 Polons k y Pr ize
f or Cr ea tivity & O r ig ina lity in the
Hu m a nis tic D is ciplines f r om the
Hebr ew U niver s it y)
that I mentioned in my greeting, we were
published 24 books within a recent span of 5
As s oc ia te Pr ofe s s or,
Asso ciate Pr ofesso r, The Hebr ew
by Anne Robertson
As we worked on the extensive self-study
Drew Edward Davies ’06
Yossi Maurey ’05
to aboriginal music and dance, they explicate
themes from symbolism, to civic music, to music
I n dia n a U n ive r s it y
R ed ef i n i n g H u n ga r i a n Mu si c f r o m
L i szt t o Ba r t ó k (O xfo rd : O xfo rd
Un ivers i ty Pres s, 2 0 1 3 )
Kate Van Orden ’96
and hagiography, to rhythm and meter, and they
shine new light on music in places as far-flung as
Durango, Europe, the Bahamas, Tunisia, Korea,
and Japan.
Of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg:
the list that follows does not include the articles
Pr ofe s s or, H a r v a r d U n ive r s it y
Ellen T. Harris ’76
Profes s or Em eri t us , Massachusetts
Ins t i t ute of Technol ogy
Geor ge Frideric Handel : A Lif e w it h
Frien ds (New York : W. W. N or ton,
20 14 )
and the rest of the editions that you’ve produced,
nor does it account for all the other forms of
Published in 2013:
Gurminder Kaur Bhogal ’04
Asso ciate Pr ofesso r, Wellesley
Co llege
Det a ils o f C o nsequenc e: Or na m ent ,
M usic, a nd Ar t in Pa ris, AM S S t ud ies
in M usic (O x f or d : O x f or d U niver s ity
Pr es s, 2013)
scholarly communication in which you’ve been
Published in 2012:
Ryan Minor ’05
engaged. Congratulations on this remarkable
achievement—we’re in awe of you!
Mu si c, A u t ho r shi p, a n d t he
Bo o k i n t he Fi r st C en t u r y o f
P r i n t (B erkel ey: Un ivers i ty o f
C a l i fo r n i a Pres s, 2 0 1 3 )
Thomas G. MacCracken, ed. ‘85
Stefano Castelvecchi ’96
Joann es M ou ton O pera O m nia , Vo l. 5
(A merican Ins titu te o f M u s icolog y,
20 14 )
Lectur er, St . Jo hn’s Co llege,
S U N Y S ton y Br ook
Cambr idge
C ho r a l Fa n t a si es: Mu si c, Fest i v i t y,
a n d N a t i o n ho o d i n N i n et een t hC en t u r y Ger m a n y (C a m b ri d g e:
C a m b ri d g e Un ivers i ty Pres s,
S ent im ent a l Op era : Quest ions o f
G enr e in t he Ag e of Bour g eois
Dra m a , C a m b rid g e S t ud ies in Op era
(Ca m br id g e: Ca m br id g e U niver s ity
Pr es s, 2013)
As s oc ia te Pr ofe s s or,
Joshua Pilzer ’06
Yonatan Malin ’03
A s s oc i a te Pr ofe s s or,
A s s oci ate Profes s or,
U n i ve r s i t y of Tor on to
Uni vers i t y of Col orado,
Hear ts of Pine: Songs in
the Li ves of Thr ee Kor ean
Sur vi vors of the Japanese
“Comfor t Women” (Oxford :
Oxford University Press,
B oul d er
Songs in M otion: Rhythm a nd
M eter in the Ger man Lied ,
O xf ord Studies in M usic
Theor y (New York: Ox f or d
Univers ity Pres s, 20 10)
Pr ofe s s or, Col leg e of
W i l li a m a n d M a r y
Stefano Mengozzi ’98
exclusively to contemporary music. It is distinguished for its
in a showcase of talent that has emerged from the
A s s oci ate Profes s or,
leadership and dedication to quality, as evidenced by recent
Department. The season closed with two Tomorrow’s Music
awards from both the National Endowment for the Arts and
Today concerts, taking place in the Logan Center and Ganz
the Aaron Copland Fund for Music.
Hall at Roosevelt University, with premieres of compositions
The Renaissan ce Ref or m o f
M edie val M u sic Theor y: G uid o
of Ar ezz o betw een M yt h
and Histor y (Cambridg e:
Cambridg e Univers ity Pr es s,
20 10 )
Published in 2009:
Ralph P. Locke ‘80
of Roches ter
Pe n n s y lv a n i a
Funky Nassau: Roots, Routes, and
Re pr esentation in Bahamian popul ar
Music, Music of the African
Diaspora (Berkeley: Univers ity
of Califor nia Press, 2011 )
M usical Exoticism: I mag es
and Ref l ections (Cambr id g e:
Cambridg e Univers ity Pr es s,
20 11 )
The new music collective features resident ensembles
eighth blackbird and Pacifica Quartet, plus conductor Cliff
the cultural life of the city were recognized in a series of
role as artistic director of Contempo. The season included
broadcasts on WFMT during summer 2015. They included
commissions by John Eaton, Sofia Gubaidulina and Gunther
the 50th anniversary season concerts plus the concert given
Schuller. The composers were present and participated in
for Shulamit Ran’s retirement. A new era begins as the
pre-concert conversations with Ran, Berthold Hoeckner and
academic year opens with Marta Ptaszynska succeeding her
Steven Rings. Under the theme of Now and Then, in reference
colleague as artistic director of Contempo.
to the eponymous work by Earl Kim written for Contempo
three decades earlier, the concerts included newer works as
well as pieces that held special meaning to Contempo over
the decades, such as CCP founder Ralph Shapey’s Concertante
Hilary Poriss ’00
Nor t heas tern Uni versity
Richard C. Jankowsk y ’04
A s s oc i a te Pr ofe s s or,
Tu ft s U n i ve r s i t y
Stambeli: Music, Trance, an d
Alterity in Tunisia, Chica go
Studies in Ethnomusicolog y
(Chicag o: University of
Chicag o Press, 2010)
The importance of Contempo’s contributions to
Colnot. For Shulamit Ran, it was a significant final year in her
A s s oci ate Profes s or,
Published in 2010:
by current doctoral candidates. Changin g the Scor e: Aria s,
Prima Don nas, an d the
Au thority of Perf or manc e,
AM S Stu dies in M u sic
(Oxf ord: Oxf ord Univer s ity
Pres s, 2 00 9)
The members of Contempo
Goods peed Note s • Vo lu me 18 - Aut u m n 20 1 5
Profes s or Em eri t us , Univer sity
Pr ofe s s or, U n i ve r s i t y of
For the third concert in April, Ran asked the resident
composition students performed over the years, resulting
Pr ofe s s or, U n i ve r s i t y of Turi n
Timothy Rommen ’02
celebrated this year. Founded as the Contemporary Chamber
No. 1 for trumpet and 10 players.
its longevity as one of the nation’s oldest ensembles dedicated
Alber to Rizzuti ’01
Fra Kantor e Canticum: Bach
e il Magnificat (Alessandria:
Edizioni dell’Orso, 2011)
The very notable 50th anniversary of Contempo was
ensembles to choose among works by UChicago graduate
Uni vers i t y of Mi chi gan
Motets and Pr osulas, [texts
by] Philip the Chancellor,
Recent Resear ches in Music
of the Middle Ages and Earl y
Renaissance 41 (Middleton, WI:
A-R Editions, 2011)
by Amy Iwano
Players by Ralph Shapey in 1964, Contempo is remarkable for
Published in 2011:
Thomas B. Payne, ed. ’91
Contempo Thriving at Fifty Years
2014 - 2015 in Performance:
Members of the Middle East
Music Ensemble perform
Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company’s performance of
“The Yeoman of the Guard”
The Year of the Student
by Barbara Schubert
the Logan Performance Hall for its Turkish, Persian, and
December, a Motet Choir East Coast Tour, and a highly
Arab concerts.
acclaimed springtime performance of Bach’s B Minor Mass
The Women’s Ensemble – inspired, trained, and led
The Rockefeller Chapel Choir performs Bach’s B Minor Mass, conducted by choir director James Kallembach
and promotional publicity for the University Symphony
celebrated the 2014-2015 season as “The Year of the
Orchestra’s Classified! Halloween concert and its “Chase Away
Student.” With highlights ranging from superb performances
the Doldrums” mid-winter concert. For the USO’s March
by four 2014 Concerto Competition Winners, world and US
concert, however, the poster displayed an iconic photo of
premieres of new composers by ten graduate students and
the composer of the featured masterpiece: Gustav Mahler’s
six undergraduates, and the involvement of an unprecedented
Symphony No. 5 in C-sharp minor, presented under the
number of student musicians in the Performance Program
inspired leadership of USO Music Director and Conductor
overall, it was a truly memorable season.
Barbara Schubert.
Amongst the four Concerto Competition Winners who
The Performance Program welcomed one new ensemble
performed this year were two Music Department students,
director to campus this year: Music Director and Conductor
both of whom performed with the University Chamber
Matthew Sheppard guided the University Chamber
Orchestra: pianist Dan Wang (5th-year grad, Music History)
Orchestra through three excellent concerts, as well as three
and contrabass player Emily Elizabeth Brown (3rd-year
spirited performances of this year’s Gilbert & Sullivan
UG, Music major). French horn player Anna Rimlinger
production, The Yeomen of the Guard. The Middle East Music
(2nd-year UG, Public Policy) soloed with the University
Ensemble, under the continued leadership of Wanees
Wind Ensemble in November, and violinist George Hyun
Zarour, had a banner year, with overflow crowds drawn to
(4th-year Mathematics major) performed with the University
Peritz (3rd-year grad, Music History) opened the USO’s
January performance of Falla’s The Three Cornered Hat, and
the multi-talented Chaz Lee (4th-year grad, Music History)
guest-conducted Tchaikovsky’s Capriccio Italien in the USO’s
April program, Viva l’Italia. In addition, a multitude of
of Director of Choral Activities James Kallembach.
new heights this season in terms of membership, visibility,
Kallembach also was on the podium for the second half of
and artistry. The University Wind Ensemble, under the
this year’s Cathy Heifetz Memorial Concerts, in which the
baton of UWE Director Chip DeStefano, and the
University Symphony, University Chorus, and Motet Choir
UC Brass Ensemble, led by Mitchel Dvoracek, each
performed Ralph Vaughan Williams’ exquisitely moving Dona
presented quarterly concerts, including one in partnership
Nobis Pacem. Soprano Patrice Michaels, Director of Vocal
with performing groups from the University of Chicago
Studies, and baritone Jeffrey Ray, adjunct instructor in voice,
Laboratory Schools. The South Asian Music Ensemble, under
were the featured soloists.
the direction of Minu Pasupathi, supplemented its annual
The New Music Ensemble expanded its 2014-2015
spring concert with a year-long series of South Asian Sound
season to include a program of undergraduate composers’
Interventions Performing Arts Workshops, led by graduate
works as well as its customary quarterly concerts. With
students and visiting artists. Newberry Consort members
the continued core involvement of virtuoso pianist Amy
Ellen Hargis and David Douglass led the instrumentalists
Briggs, Artist-in-Residence, the innovative Spektral
and vocalists of the Early Music Ensemble in a spring quarter
Quartet, Ensemble-in-Residence, and Artistic Director
concert, and presented three Newberry Consort programs on
Barbara Schubert, the NME showcased world premieres
campus as well.
by graduate student composers Pierce Gradone, Jae-Goo
Celebrated jazz musician and Jazz X-tet director Mwata
Logan Center Cabaret Series
Lee, Joungbum Lee, Timothy Page, and Phil Taylor; US
Bowden steered the Jazz Combo and Jazz X-tet through its
and Chicago premieres by Iddo Aharony, Alican Çamci,
richly varied quarterly programs. The X-tet’s spring concert
Tomas Gueglio-Saccone, Jack Hughes, and Katherine
was a gala tribute to the 50th anniversary of Chicago’s
Pukinskis; and world premieres by undergraduate composers
AACM (Association for the
Advancement of Creative
Symphony Orchestra in December. Mezzo-soprano Jessica
performing musicians were spotlighted on the posters
in performance by the energetic Mollie Stone – achieved
Emily Elizabeth Brown,
Marquis Hill performs
with the Jazz X-tet
Jake Araujo-Simon,
Musicians). The various
Noah Kahrs, Gavriel
choral ensembles – University
Loria, James Stone, and
Chorus, Motet Choir,
Alexander Wikstrom. The
and Rockefeller Chapel
first three NME concerts
Choir – enjoyed numerous
each highlighted the music
successes, including two
of a major Chicago-area
Messiah performances in
composer: Bernard Rands
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The Department of Music Performance Program
by the Rockefeller Chapel Choir, all under the supervision
in November, in celebration of his 80th birth year; Shulamit
Project Incubator:
Experiments in
Ran in February, as one of the many tributes leading up to
her retirement from the Music Department faculty this year;
and Jonathon Kirk, currently on the composition faculty of
North Central College in Naperville, in May.
In addition to the many ensemble concerts, the
Performance Program presented a series of weekly Tea
Time Concerts on Thursday afternoons in Fulton Recital
by Iddo Aharony
Hall; a series of Vocal Studies and Chamber Music showcase
concerts in various campus locations; an array of Piano
Program events, including the annual winter quarter Bach
What music could emerge if composers and
Project, all spearheaded by Svetlana Belsky, Coordinator
performers were given the opportunity to interact,
of Piano Studies. A series of master classes by local and
experiment, and collaborate over an extended
visiting artists – including acclaimed violinist Rachel Barton
period of time? During the 2014-15 academic year, ten
Pine, internationally famous contrabass player Chi-chi
composers from the Department of Music set out to answer
Nwanoku, and the innovative Brooklyn Art Song Society –
this question by participating in an initiative called Project
added to the students’ opportunities for musical growth and
With its threefold mission – to provide a wide variety
Barbara Schubert directing the University Symphony Orchestra’s
Halloween Concert
whether as participant, listener, and/or as supporter – the
of enriching musical opportunities to UChicago students;
Department of Music Performance Program looks forward
to develop each student’s individual proficiency and musical
to continued growth in the 2015-2016 season.
understanding to the highest degree possible; and to nurture
Created and directed by Iddo Aharony and Amy Briggs
(Artist-in-Residence at the Department), Project Incubator
brought together the Department’s composers with some
of the finest professional new music performers in Chicago.
Each composer selected a performer with whom to form a
creative ‘one-on-one’ team (with instruments ranging from
oboe, viola and piano to bass-flute, voice and accordion).
Each team then had multiple meetings and rehearsals over
a 6-month period. One of the project’s objectives was to
have a tabula rasa starting point for each team; from then
on, concepts and ideas emerged quickly during the teams’
ongoing conversations, interactions, and experiments.
“The project created an environment that encourages
experimenting and trying different things,” said composer
Iddo Aharony. “[This] allowed us to try things that are new
for us, and venture outside our comfort zone and creative
habits or boxes.”
In May, the resulting compositions were premiered at
Constellation, an experimental music venue on Chicago’s
north side. In addition to the performances of the newlycomposed pieces, the event also showcased film clips by
used to introduce each piece and to provide a unique glimpse
into the collaborative process. The films, as well as recordings
of the pieces, will become available soon at the project’s
designated website:
The concert was preceded by an open-to-the-public
symposium led by Seth Brodsky and Anthony Cheung,
focusing on the project’s unique creative processes.
“For me, Project Incubator was great as it allowed me
to write for a person, and really write a piece for them, not
just for their instrument,” reflected participating composer
Kate Pukinskis. The project confirmed Tim Page’s hunches
about composing: “The project has solidified my view that
this is the way one should be writing music for a musician:
in close collaboration.” The project was well-received by the
performers, too. “Project Incubator has definitely influenced
the way I will interact with composers in the future,”
said oboist Andy Nogal. “[I]t also inspired me to pursue
collaborative work much more regularly.”
Project Incubator was made possible through the
generous support of the Department, the Office of the
Provost, and the UChicago Arts Council, with special
assistance from Augusta Read Thomas and technical support
from the Department’s Computer Music Studio.
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each student’s lifelong commitment to the musical arts,
Harpist Dr. Alison Attar and graduate student composer Phil Taylor
filmmaker Frances Cedro, who documented each of the
Mollie Stone conducts the Women’s Ensemble
teams during their meetings and rehearsals. The clips were
University of Chicago Presents
The University of Chicago Presents packed 29 powerful
in-demand Danish String Quartet opened the Classic Concert
wrote for them on a Music Accord commission. The Pacifica
Series in Mandel Hall and joined students for a pizza party
also performed two of the Beethoven opus 59 Razumovsky
after the concert. Young virtuoso pianist Denis Kozhukhin
quartets, as they begin preparing for their upcoming
presented a powerful program of Haydn and Prokofiev
Beethoven quartet cycle, beginning in 2016.
A highlight of the season was Centenary Weekend, The
mezzo soprano, and pianist Angela Hewitt chased away the
Crossroads of World War I and Music, an idea generated by the
winter chills in January. February was a busy month, opening
Pacifica Quartet as part of their residency to engage with the
with violinist Stefan Jackiw and Anna Polonsky as substitutes
UChicago community. With five performances, lectures, a
for an ailing Isabelle Faust and pianist Alexander Melnikov;
lecture-demonstration, special essay, and receptions, given by
the month ended with the superb Jerusalem Quartet.
the Quartet, guest artists, and UChicago scholars, the packed
The final Mandel Hall concert of the season featured the
three days commemorated the early, turbulent years of the
opening concert of the Centenary Weekend (read more
20th century.
Jazz at the Logan enjoyed capacity audiences through
the World War I years performed by Arnaud Sussmann,
the season. The second season featured two Latin artists –
violin; Alexander Fiterstein, clarinet; Anna Polonsky and
Colombian harpist Edmar Castaneda, who appeared as a
Orion Weiss, pianos; followed by the annual on-stage donor
special guest with violinist Regina Carter to open the series,
reception with the artists.
and Cuban pianist Alfredo Rodriguez on a tour supported
by Quincy Jones. Armenian pianist Tigran Hamasyan
Music Series presented a diverse selection of music from
brought out UChicago students, while father and son Ellis
medieval times through the Baroque era over four concerts.
and Delfeayo Marsalis packed the house with traditional jazz
Additionally, UCP co-hosted the Early Music America
lovers for the Annual Julie and Parker Hall Jazz Concert. The
Baroque Performance Competition, a national, bi-annual
season concluded with Jason Moran and the Bandwagon.
competition that featured five finalist ensembles and included
Third Coast Percussion, in residence for a second year,
an “audience favorite” vote. Tafelmusik brought celestial
worked with students and integrated their voices and musical
splendor with its Galileo Project: Music of the Spheres program
suggestions into their politically-themed concert program,
that explored music, culture and scientific discovery during
which was also supported by the Human Rights Program.
the 17th and 18th centuries. The season brought first
Superstar mandolinist Avi Avital made his Chicago debut with
Chicago performances for the ALBA Consort, a quartet
pianist David Greilsammer.
with oud, lute, percussion and vocals, presenting an ancient
UChicago Presents audiences enjoyed pre-concert
Mediterranean program plus a workshop in partnership with
lectures and talks with guest artists given by faculty and
the Oriental Institute, and Blue Heron vocal ensemble from
graduate students, including Seth Brodsky, Thomas
Boston with music from the Peterhouse Partbooks. Benjamin
Christensen, Berthold Hoeckner, Robert Kendrick, Woo-
Bagby performed his famed Beowulf to an enthralled, packed
Chan Lee, Shulamit Ran, Steven Rings, Anne Robertson,
house at the Logan Center, after spending time with two
Christina von Nolcken, John Wilkinson, Lawrence Zbikowski,
classes at the Lab School and with Medieval Studies.
as well as the Pacifica Quartet.
The Pacifica Quartet, Don Michael Randel Ensemble in
Iddo Aharony, PhD candidate in composition, had
exercise agency and create dignity in response to societal
a number of works performed this summer: falling out of
exclusion. Her research in Portugal focuses on the polyphonic
time for cello and electronics, performed by cellist Jonathan
singing of cante alentejano in the context of intangible cultural
Golove at the June in Buffalo music festival; memory boxes
heritage, tradition, and modernity.
for string quartet, performed by the Mivos Quartet at the
Valencia International Performance Academy & Festival;
Lauren Eldridge has accepted a Mellon Mays Woodrow
and Adama, performed in Italy by faculty performers at the
Wilson Foundation Fellowship, as well as the Howard Mayer
soundSCAPE Festival, led by soprano Tony Arnold. Iddo’s
Brown Fellowship of the American Musicological Society
dissertation piece, Kolot for three voices and ensemble, was
and a joint dissertation fellowship from the UChicago Center
premiered by Contempo this past spring. Other performances
for the Study of Gender and Sexuality and the Center for the
included the premier of a piece for piano and electronics,
Study of Race, Politics, and Culture. She will be a residential
…and later without a sound for pianist/collaborator Amy Briggs,
fellow at the CSRPC this year, while she continues work on
as part of Project Incubator.
her dissertation, Playing Haitian: Musical Negotiations of Nation,
Genre, and Self.
Chelsea Burns was awarded an ACLS/Mellon
Dissertation Completion Fellowship for her dissertation,
Cesar Favila spent 2014-15 researching in Mexico and
“Listening for Modern Latin America: Identity and
participating in the Seminar on Music of New Spain and
Representation in Concert Music, 1920–1940.” She
Independent Mexico at UNAM with the aid of a Fulbright
will present a portion of the research connected to her
U.S. Student Award. He presented papers at the annual
dissertation at the Society for Music Theory national
conference in the autumn.
Genevieve Dempsey, doctoral candidate in
ethnomusicology, is currently engaged in writing her
dissertation, “‘Salve Maria’: The Sacred Song of Congado
in Afro-Brazilian Musical Communities.” She would like
to thank the American Association of University Women
(AAUW) for providing generous funding for a dissertation
write-up fellowship (2015-16). She would also like to extend
her thanks to the Fulbright U.S. Student Program for the
opportunity to conduct invaluable fieldwork in Brazil (2014)
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The Howard Mayer Brown International Early
Student Happenings
Residence, once again offered its series at the Logan Center,
giving the US premiere of a new work by Shulamit Ran, who
about this below), with an intriguing program of music from
G oo d sp eed No tes • Vo lu me 1 8 - Autumn 2 0 1 5
by Amy Iwano
performances and more into its 71st season. The unique and
sonatas in November. Illustrious guests Anne Sofie von Otter,
Student Happenings
as well as the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian for supporting
her fieldwork project in Portugal (2013-14). Her fieldwork in
Brazil explores how music becomes a medium for congadeiros,
Afro-Brazilian practitioners of popular Catholicism, to
Composition PhD student Igor Santos rehearses with Ensemble
Student Happenings
events. Additionally, he received a €3000 commission
from the Silence Festival of Lapland for a work featuring
Members of the South Asian Music Ensemble perform in its annual
concert. Photo by Griffin Dennis.
clarinet, bandoneon, and acrobat/dancer.
August Sheehy has been awarded a 2015 Charlotte
W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship for his
dissertation Music Analysis as a Practice of the Self, from Weber
to Schoenberg. The Newcombe Fellowship, administered by
the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Foundation, is given to
support scholarship with the potential to make a significant
contribution to the study of ethical or religious values.
Earlier this spring, Peter Smucker earned his PhD
and accepted a tenure track appointment as Assistant
Professor of Music Theory at Stetson University in
DeLand Florida.
Michelle Urberg is nearly done with her dissertation
on the music and devotional practice of the Birgittine
meeting of the American Musicological Society in Milwaukee
working as the Dean of Student’s assistant at Graham School,
and at a conference on villancicos in Baeza, Spain last
sitting in the special collection library for documentary
autumn. This year, he will be a fellow at the Franke Institute
Contempo at 50, workshopping with the Buffalo Philharmonic
for the Humanities completing his dissertation, “Music and
Orchestra, coordinating for Shulamit Ran’s retirement
Devotion in Novohispanic Convents, 1600-1800.”
event, teaching MUS 103, completing and premiering her
dissertation, defending the minor-field paper, and getting
Rehanna Kheshgi, ethnomusicology, was awarded
married! Her new project is a 45-minute long music theater
several fellowships for the 2015-16 academic year: the
work based on the idea of the mask, commissioned by
American Dissertation Fellowship by the American
Taiwan International Festival of Arts, to be premiered in
Association of University Women, a University of Chicago
spring 2016. For more information, please visit her website
Humanities Division Dissertation Completion Fellowship,
and a Dissertation Write-up Fellowship from the University
of Chicago’s Committee on Southern Asian Studies for the
2015-16 academic year.
In spring 2015, Timothy Page had two works
premiered: Humayun (fl, cl, vn, vc, pn, perc) in Contempo, and
Spindle for solo open-holed quarter-tone bass flute, as part of
Yuan-Chen Li received her doctorate degree in spring
Project Incubator. Humayun was selected for performances
2015. Her last year at the University of Chicago proved to be
at June in Buffalo and Ostrava Music Days in the Czech
the most intense period of time during her six years of study:
Republic. He received a Wadmond fellowship to attend these
brothers and sisters at Vadstena Abbey in Sweden. She
writes, “I am grateful to have received the Medieval
Academy of America’s Dissertation Grant and Eugene
K. Wolf Travel Fund Award this year. These grants are
helping to defray the cost of purchasing rights to images
for my dissertation and to begin my first post-dissertation
project, which will be a translation of a devotional
treatise about the sisters’ Marian liturgy. I am also looking
forward to participating in a conference honoring Syon
Abbey’s 500th anniversary this summer and a Sensescapes
Symposium on the lived experience of the Birgittine
liturgy this fall.”
Fifth years Mari Jo Velasco and Abigail Fine have
enjoyed an interesting and productive year in Western
Europe. With support from the SSRC IDRF and the
DAAD, Abigail has been located in Germany and Austria,
in the Basque and Gascon Pyrenees, investigating how the
Revolution affected local religious and musical practices.
Abigail and Mari Jo were fortunate enough to meet up in
Barcelona and swap archive stories.
Claudio Vellutini completed his PhD in Music
History and Theory during spring quarter 2015. Meanwhile
he taught a well-attended seminar of his own design,
“Opera, Society, Politics,” supported by a Stuart Tave
Fellowship. This past year he was a recipient of an Alvin
H. Johnson AMS 50 Dissertation Fellowship. He regrets
leaving Chicago during the summer, but looks forward to
spending next academic year as a Postdoctoral Resident
Scholar at the Jacobs School of Music of Indiana
University. After his year in Bloomington he will join the
faculty of the School of Music at the University of British
Columbia in Vancouver as an Assistant Professor of
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Ethnomusicology PhD candidate Rehanna Kheshgi sings with Papon and band during Bihu Tour 2015 in Assam, India. Photo by Jitu Saikia.
scholars to France, Mari Jo has been conducting research
studying the veneration of Beethoven, Mozart and Liszt
in the late 19th century. Joining the ranks of Fulbright
Alumni Notes
Alumni Notes
Trinity University in the past year. His eight premieres from
insignificant point for me. Many
this period include this past spring’s ‘Electroresonance’
thanks to everyone who supported
concert at the University of Chicago, where he heard
me at UChicago during my doctoral
earned tenure at Columbia College. He and his wife now have
the premiere of his new computer composition, IC 1-6
three children and live in Hyde Park.
dedicated to Howard Sandroff. He also had several additional
Congratulations to Nate Bakkum (PhD 2009), who just
performances including a new quintet with the New Music
Ensemble, conducted by Dan Welcher from the University of
2003) continues as Director of
last year as assistant professor of music at Wichita State
Texas at Austin. His composition Zephyr was released in 2015
Interdisciplinary Studies at Union
University. She is now an Assistant Professor in the
on a Navona-CD, performed by the Moravian Philharmonic.
College. Her new book, FOCUS:
Department of Music at the University of Pennsylvania. She
William taught courses this past school year at the University
Music in Contemporary Japan, was
presented at the annual conference of the AMS in Milwaukee
of Illinois at Chicago and Trinity University.
published by Routledge in July 2015.
Mary Channen Caldwell (PhD 2013) was in Kansas
She looks forward to publication of
in November 2014, and at the meeting of the Medieval
Academy of America at the University of Notre Dame in
music performed throughout the US, Europe, Asia, South
titled Seasonal Refrains: Festivity and Devotion in Premodern Song.
Africa, and South America. His chamber music is recorded
an article in Ethnomusicology next year.
Starting this June, Matt Malsky
Society for Music Theory
Annual Meeting
Alberto Rizzuti (PhD 2001) writes
that he was appointed full Professor
of Music at the University of Turin on
June 3rd, precisely the same day Anne
Robertson delivered her DuFay lecture
Friday, Oct 30th, 9:00 pm
St. Louis, MO - Hyatt Regency At
The Arch
in Turin.
American Musicological Society
Annual Meeting
Sprigge (PhD 2013) has been a
Friday, Nov 13th, 9:00 pm
Louisville, KY - Galt House Hotel
Society of Fellows, where she was
Society for Ethnomusicology
Annual Meeting
Saturday, Dec 5th, 9:00 pm
(Joint reception with University of
Austin, TX - Hilton Austin
For the past two years Martha
postdoctoral fellow in the Michigan
cross-appointed in the department of
Germanic Languages and Literatures
and the School of Music, Theatre and
Dance at the University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor. She has left the midwest
on Centaur and Koch International Classics. He has won
(PhD 1990) has been appointed
prizes and honors from the MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, the
Associate Provost and Dean of the
in-Chief of the Journal of Mathematics and Music in January
Ragdale Foundation, New York State Council on the Arts,
College at Clark University.
2015. He has given presentations at the Mathematics and
American Composers Forum, BMI and ASCAP. He lives in
Computation in Music 2015 Conference in London and
Brooklyn, New York, and has been teaching composition,
the 2015 Bridges Conference on Mathematics and the Arts
theory, and jazz performance at Saint Ann’s School since
music theory faculty at the University of Iowa (2006-08)
in Baltimore. In February, he gave an invited talk at the
1988. He frequently performs his own works for piano and
and the Eastman School of Music (2008-15). He has now
of the Department of Music at Sonoma State University
Mathemusical Conversations Workshops hosted jointly by the
live electronics, and is increasingly active as a visual artist in
returned to Portugal, where he has accepted a principal
in California. Recent compositions include Nocturne for Alto
Yong Siew Toh Conservatory and the National University of
collaboration with both visual and theater artists. For a look
investigator position funded by the EU and the Portuguese
Saxophone and Piano and The Mixed Multitude for a quintet of
Singapore. His article “Performing the Irratioal: Paul Usher’s
please visit
government at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa-Porto.
violin, cello, clarinet, horn and piano.
of Musicology at the University of
California, Santa Barbara.
José A. Oliveira Martins (PhD 2006) served on the
Brian S. Wilson (MA 1987) is Chair and Professor
He will lead a research group of music scholars developing
Arrangement of Nancarrow’s Study No. 33, Canon 2: √2”
was published in the March 2014 issue of Music Theory Online.
for a position as Assistant Professor
Luis-Manuel Garcia (PhD 2011) wrote to us recently.
projects on music theory and technology.
Karen Woodworth (MA 1992, PhD 2011) directed the
Kalamazoo Recorder Players in a concert titled The Sacred
Canonic Offerings, for string quartet, was performed by the
“I have some big news that has been bubbling over which
T’ang Quartet in Singapore, Point and Line to Plane, for solo
I can finally share: I am delighted to announce that I have
piano, was performed throughout China this summer, and
just accepted a permanent appointment at the University of
promoted to full Professor of Ethnomusicology and
December holiday music performances at Santa’s Village
Metamorphoses II, for violin and piano, was released on CD by
Birmingham, as a Lecturer in Music! I will be joining fellow
Anthropology at Vanderbilt University where he also serves
in downtown Kalamazoo and at WoodsEdge Learning
Parma Recordings for Navona Records in Fall 2014. During
ethnomusicologist Eliot Bates to develop a new program on
as a faculty head in the University’s Commons. He spent the
Center in Portage, Michigan. The group recorded five video
the summer of 2015, Clifton was Composer-in-Residence at
“Global Popular Musics,” and I am also looking forward to
summer as a Franklin Fellow in Global Citizenship in Lugano,
performances for use on Public Media Network during
the I-Park Foundation in Connecticut.
exciting collaborations with the electroacoustic composers
Switzerland and is currently co-editing a volume for Oxford
December 2014 and appeared on an interview show marking
associated with the BEAST (Birmingham ElectroAcoustic
University Press titled Queering the Field: Ethnomusicology and the
the group’s 40th anniversary in the spring. She enjoyed having
Sound Theatre). Also, I am aware that some of the best
Queer Gaze.
the chance to play recorder as an orchestra member for two
William Coble (PhD 2012) has had two full-length
recitals of his music at the University of North Texas and
Pakistani ‘balti’ curry is to be found there, which is not an
Gregory Melchor-Barz (MA 1992) was recently
and the Sublime in May 2015. The KRP year also included
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Jonathan Elliott (AM 1986, PhD 1988) has had his
March 2015. Work continues on her book project, currently
Clifton Callender (PhD 1999) was named Co-Editor-
Jennifer Matsue (PhD
Upcoming Alumni
performances of Benjamin Britten’s Noye’s Fludde in April
Faculty Briefs
Faculty Briefs
published in Music and Diplomacy (Palgrave Macmillan), and
EURMAC conference in Leuven, Belgium, he was happy
his piece, “Performing Pannkotis Identity in Haiti” appeared
to have a respite from traveling for the winter and spring
in The Oxford Handbook of Music and World Christianities.
quarters. He was also, after seven years, completing his
His scholarly agenda has remained focused on completing
final year as Master of the Humanities Collegiate Division
who organized the festival. The following month I organized
Claiming Haiti: Music, Christianity, and the Politics of Transcendence
and Associate Dean in the Humanities Division. It was a
and participated in an evening panel at the American
(under contract, Oxford University Press) and Goodbye World:
rewarding service for him, if taxing at times. Christensen
Bohlman is launching a new project, “The History of
Musicological Society’s annual meeting, ‘Psychoanalysis &
Music, Flow, and Pentecostal Identity in Jamaica (under review).
will now enjoy a sabbatical leave thanks to fellowships from
World Music Recording,” part of the Mellon Foundation’s
Music: A (Sexual) Relationship?’, featuring provocative and
Melvin earned a Grammy nomination (Best Jazz Instrumental
the ACLS and Guggenheim foundation, allowing him to
Humanities Without Walls program, “The Global Midwest.”
searching talks by Amy Cimini, Clara Latham, Fred Maus, and
Album) as a saxophonist on Landmarks (Blue Note) with
complete his book: Fétis and the Tonal Imagination: Discourses of
With colleagues from the University of Chicago (James
Holly Watkins, with David Levin in the role of fleet-footed,
Brian Blade and the Fellowship Band.
Tonality in 19th-Century France to be published by the University
Nye), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Harry
in-listening respondent. Philip V. Bohlman Mary Werkman Distinguished Service Professor
With the beginning of the new academic year Phil
Anthony Cheung Assistant Professor
Music Department full time beginning in the fall of 2016.
Highlights of Anthony’s activities this year included a
Radano), Phil will organize a series of symposia, exhibits,
at the University of Iowa in December, and, in February
and digitization projects that gather the material evidence
2015, at Goldsmiths in London, as part of a fascinating
work for traditional Chinese and western instruments for
from early recordings that attempted to place the all the
conference on ‘Compositional Aesthetics and the Political’.
the Atlas Ensemble in Amsterdam, and performances by the
world’s music in perspective. Phil has also completed two new
This gathering assembled scholars and practitioners for a
Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, the Chicago
was the release of her 2007 Bloch Lectures by the University
book manuscripts, Song Loves the Masses: Herder on Music and
very memorable few days, and also allowed me finally to
Symphony’s MusicNOW ensemble, and oboist Ernest
of California Press, The Castrato: Reflections on Natures and
Nationalism (University of California Press), and Wie sängen wir
meet the composer Mathias Spahlinger, whom I would
Rombout at the Impuls festival in Austria. On campus, he led
Kinds. The revisions and expansions of them occasioned
Seinen Gesang auf dem Boden der Fremde! Jüdische Musik zwischen
invite to Chicago a month later for a week-long festival of
Ensemble Dal Niente in works of Chou Wen-Chung with the
quite a few talks over recent years, culminating in 2014 with
Aschkenas und Moderne (LIT Verlag). With the New Budapest
his work. ‘there is no repetition: Mathias Spahlinger at 70’
composer present, and performed with the Pacifica Quartet
a largely newly written talk on voices, castrato and non,
Orpheum Society, the Humanities Division ensemble-in-
was, I’m delighted to report, a resounding success; with great
in the premiere of Huck Hodge’s then. He was also an invited
in the early nineteenth century, which she recently gave
residence for which he serves as Artistic Director, Phil will
help and support from UChicago, Goethe Institut, the Arts
speaker at two conferences, “Rhythm: A Transdisciplinary
at SUNY Stony Brook, NYU, and UBC in Vancouver. In
travel to Los Angeles in February for a residency at UCLA
Council, the Renaissance Society, Logan Center, DePaul
Concept” at UChicago, and “Beyond: Microtonal Music
recent months Martha has been diving into work to have
and Los Angeles-area synagogues, and to the Universities of
University, and many others, we were able to give Chicago
Festival” at the University of Pittsburgh. During summer
emerged from her work as Principal Investigator of The
Leeds and York as stops along a UK tour in June 2016.
one of its musical highlights of the year, and the largest
2015, he headed to the mountains of Colorado (Crested
Voice Project, sponsored by the Neubauer Collegium for
retrospective outside Germany of one of its most important
Butte and Aspen) for performances, and to UCLA to teach
Culture and Society, including an upcoming conference called
Seth Brodsky Assistant Professor; Director of Undergraduate
and challenging artists and thinkers. (Find out more, including
at the Jazz Composers Orchestra Institute. He looks forward
A Voice as Something More, which will later turn into an edited
a complete program, at With
to working closely with the Cleveland Orchestra as its
volume. Meanwhile, she also starts gearing up for her work as
nary a moment to spare, I turned my efforts in late spring
composer-in-residence for the 2015-16 season.
President Elect of the American Musicological Society.
Thomas Christensen Avalon Foundation Professor
Berthold Hoeckner Associate Professor; Co-Director of Graduate
“2014-15 was perhaps my most exciting and
productive year yet at the University of Chicago. Teaching
and summer back to my manuscript, which I happily sent
was a pleasure, as was stepping into my new role as the
off to the press only weeks ago. Much is new, including the
Department’s Director of Undergraduate Studies. Last
title: From 1989, or European Music and the Modernist Unconscious.
October saw a festival of composers associated with the
It comes out in fall 2016 (University of California Press).”
Wandelweiser collective, introducing Chicago to some of
the more extraordinary new music being conceived today; I
had the pleasure of getting to know them and moderating a
Talks followed on desire and drive in musical modernism
Melvin Butler Assistant Professor
In 2014-15, Melvin Butler saw exciting developments as
The past academic year was a busy one for Thomas
Christensen. 2014 ended with a flurry of conferences in
Martha Feldman Mabel Greene Myers Professor
The big excitement in Martha Feldman’s 2014-15 year
“I am looking back with gratitude on a year filled
France on his old research topic of Rameau (2014 marked the
with splendid achievements by dissertating, graduating,
250th anniversary of Rameau’s death.). After two back-to-back
and recently graduated students, who received postdocs,
conferences in Paris held in December in which he delivered
dissertation research and write-up fellowships as well as
panel with Jürg Frey and Eva-Maria Houben, the visionary
a scholar and performer. His essay, “Haitian Djaz Diplomacy
keynote addresses (même en français!) as well as talks during
visiting and tenure track positions. I was thrilled to team
pianist R. Andrew Lee, and Chicago’s own Nomi Epstein,
and the Cultural Politics of Musical Collaboration,” was
the fall quarter at both AMS and SMT conferences and the
up with Bob on recruiting a wonderfully diverse incoming
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Liebersohn), and University of Wisconsin-Madison (Ronald
of Chicago Press. He looks forward to returning home to the
Faculty Briefs
class, the most international in recent history. My research
Robert L. Kendrick Professor of Music; Co-Director of Graduate
the past year, including a monographic concert at the Franz
Chicago’s Franke Institute. In early June, she revisited her
has taken me from collecting several million physiological
Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest, Hungary, performances
work on Du Fay’s Missa Se la face ay pale at a mini-conference
of her orchestral work, Lumen, by the Richmond Symphony
at the University of Turin, an event timed to take advantage
data of listeners and performers during two concerts by the
Bob Kendrick had a quiet year after chairing, giving
Pacifica Quartet to exploring new concepts in the sociology
papers at Harvard, Washington University, and Brno
Orchestra in Virginia, conducted by Steven Smith, Graffito
of the Ostension of the Holy Shroud that was held there in
and psychology of trust. As chapters of my book have been
University. He taught his first undergraduate class on Music
and Siderals at the International Percussion Festival, Sources &
the spring. Anne got to know this beautiful piedmont city and
falling into place, I traveled a bit more than in past years
in Mexico and Cuba 1920-1940, worked with the Art Institute
Inspirations in Cracow, Poland, Bagatelles at the International
the surrounding area thanks to a most erudite guide, Alberto
to share my work at conferences and institutions in Bonn,
of Chicago around an exhibit of mid-20th-century Mexican
Harp Congress in Sydney, Australia, and Last Waltz in Vienna
Rizzuti (PhD ’01), a professor at the University of Turin.
London, Southampton, London (Ontario), Michigan, and of
prints, and was added to the Lockwood Prize Committee of
and at the Cracow Music Festival. Her recent publications by
Later in June, she participated in the AMS session entitled
course at the AMS in Milwaukee. On a private note, Eva and
the AMS for three years. He was also added as Term Faculty
PWM (Polish Music Publications) include Trois Visions de l’arc-
“Collections, Collaborations, and Communities” at the joint
I went to Thailand last July to visit Julia and to celebrate our
(Spanish-Portuguese) to Romance Languages and Literatures.
en-ciel, and Five Improvisations after J.R.
meeting of the International Musicological Society and the
International Association of Music Librarians in New York.
25th wedding anniversary in Angkor Wat. This June we were
sworn in as American Citizens, so we are now true EuroAmericans.”
In November 2014, Steven Rings was awarded the
While there, she worked in the Morgan Library and stopped
off at Broadway to see Ken Watanabe and Kelli O’Hara in
Outstanding Publication Award from the Society for Music
of British Columbia in the fall of 2015, with her dissertation
Theory’s Popular Music Interest Group for his article “A
on meter, timing, and text expression in music by Bob Dylan,
Foreign Sound to Your Ear: Bob Dylan Performs ‘It’s
winter quarters of the 2014-15 academic year, doing research
Joni Mitchell, Paul Simon, Cat Stevens, and Buffy Sainte-
Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding),’ 1964–2009.” He presented
and refining ideas for his post-punk book. To that end, he
Marie. three conference papers in the fall (one in Belgium, two in
piece, Chant des femmes for flutes and computer processing.
Milwaukee), participated in a trans-disciplinary conference
Flautist Mary Stolper and electronic sound artist Ben
Travis A. Jackson was on leave for the autumn and
presented a talk about music and nostalgia, “Feels Like We
Nancy has presented at national and international
The King and I and Helen Mirren in The Audience.
Howard Sandroff Senior Lecturer; Director, Computer Music Studio
Contempo staged a performance of Howard’s 1994
Only Go Backwards: Sound, Scholarship and the Futures
conferences, on topics including disco remixes, Brazilian
on rhythm at the U of C, and was the keynote speaker at
Sutherland elicited a strong ovation from the audience.
of Jazz and Popular Music” at World of Sound III, the
Capoeira music and dance, and her current research area,
the SCSMT conference in New Orleans. He completed four
Howard’s catalog continues to enjoy performances at
International Festival of Contemporary Arts at Smolny
meter in singer-songwriter music. In addition to defending
articles for publication and began co-editing a volume with
prestigious venues worldwide.
College, St. Petersburg State University in September. After a
her dissertation this fall, Nancy will be presenting at the
Alexander Rehding on fundamental concepts in music theory
mild winter in Italy, he spent the month of March in London,
upcoming SMT conference in St. Louis. Her paper considers
(now under contract with Oxford). Rings also completed
where he examined newspapers and fanzines at the British
popular music transcription as an act of analysis, in which the
his first full year as Series Editor of Oxford Studies in
Library and gave a presentation at King’s College London
choice of meter for transcription can effect the interpretation
Music Theory and as Board President of City Elementary in
complete works of August Read Thomas, so this year three
entitled “Ethnographic Questions: Confronting Music
of lyrical meaning. At the same conference, she will also
Chicago. In May, Rings was named the Chair of the Society
more CDs were released. She won the Lancaster Symphony
in Cities, Confronting the Present and the Past.” Almost
be presenting at the SMT Popular Music Interest Group
of Fellows, a post he assumed on July 1, 2015.
Orchestra’s Composer Award, which is the oldest award
immediately after returning for the spring quarter, he was a
meeting, with a study of Bob Dylan’s metric flexibility in his
colloquium speaker at Bowling Green State University. His
blues-influenced song “Down the Highway.”
talk, “All the Things You Aren’t: Freedom, Collaboration and
Utopia in the Discourse of Improvisation” was tied to the
multidisciplinary symposium “Improvisation in the Arts and
Marta Ptaszynska Helen B. and Frank L. Sulzberger Professor
Marta Ptaszynska became the Artistic Director of
Augusta Read Thomas University Professor of Composition
Nimbus Records continues their project to release the
of its kind in the nation, intended “to recognize and honor
Anne Robertson Claire Dux Swift Distinguished Service Professor;
living composers who reside in the U.S. who are making a
Chair, Department of Music
particularly significant contribution in the field of symphonic
Anne Robertson’s busy year as chair still allowed her
music, not only through their own creative efforts, but also
a bit of time for work on her various research projects in
as effective personal advocates of new approaches to the
broadening of critical and appreciative standards.”
Everyday Life.” He devoted the summer to further research
Contempo beginning with the 2015-16 season. In December
fifteenth-century sacred music. A trip in September took
as well as to submitting final versions of essays for two
2014, she received a Special Award from the President of
her to the British Library and to several archives in Bologna
collections due in early 2016 edited by Philip V. Bohlman and
Poland for her outstanding creative contribution to music for
and Modena. The fruits of this work formed the basis of
15 academic year. EOS: Goddess of the Dawn (A Ballet for
Goffredo Plastino and by Mellonee V. Burnim and Portia K.
children and young audiences.
talks that she gave in April on the Fortuna Desperata masses
Orchestra), in honor of Pierre Boulez, was premiered by the
by Obrecht and Josquin at the University of Iowa and at
Utah Symphony, Thierry Fischer conducting. The European
Maultsby, respectively.
There have been many performances of her music over
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This year is Nancy’s first at the University of Chicago.
Steven Rings Associate Professor; Director of Graduate Studies
She completed her Ph.D. in Music Theory at the University
Travis A. Jackson Associate Professor
Nancy Murphy Lecturer in Music Theory
Many of her works have been premiered over the 2014-
Faculty Briefs
Staff Updates: Musical Chairs
premiere was given by the Orchestra de la Comunidad
also participated in a number of conferences in Europe,
Valencia, Spain. Selene for percussion quartet and string
presenting a paper at a conference on language, creativity,
quartet, was premiered by the JACK Quartet and Third Coast
and identity at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in
Percussion in New York City. Helix Spirals for string quartet
June of 2014; a response to a panel on music and agency
was premiered by the Parker Quarte at Harvard University.
and a paper on dance topics at the Eighth European Music
There are 40 forthcoming performances planned. Of Being Is
Analysis Conference in Leuven, Belgium in September;
a Bird (Emily Dickinson Settings) was premiered by Claire Booth,
and a keynote address at the Words and Music Association
soprano, and the Aurora Orchestra with Nicholas Collon
Forum conference in Århus, Denmark in November. His
conducting, in Wigmore Hall, London.
travels continued in 2015, with a plenary paper at a workshop
on music similarity at the Lorentz Center in Leiden, the
Lawrence Zbikowski Associate Professor
Lawrence Zbikowski has recently finished the manuscript
cognition at the 2nd International Conference on Music and
that’s occupied most of his time in recent years, Toward a
Consciousness at Oxford in April; and a paper on music and
Cognitive Grammar of Music. He presented a portion of one
social dance at a conference on music and dance at the Music
of the last chapters of the book at the first meeting of last
Institute of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini in Venice in July.
year’s graduate student Music History and Theory Workshop,
for which he served as one of the faculty advisors. Larry
among staff members in the Department of Music. After a
year as Graduate Program Assistant, Peter Gillette assumed
indie film We Grew Up Here and is pursuing an MS in HumanComputer Interaction at DePaul University.
With a few dedicated employees, the Performance
management of the Department pursuant the departure of
Program continues to develop, promote, and produce more
Matt Hess, who has been promoted to Assistant Director
than 300 concerts per year under the capable leadership of
of Operations in the Neubauer Collegium for Culture
Barbara Schubert. Congratulations to Rashida Black, Director
and Society. Peter’s groovy doom-funk band, Gramps the
of Public Relations, who recently earned an MSW in Social
Vamps, has produced a music video, released an album, and
Service Administration at the University of Chicago. When
continues to perform locally and throughout the country.
she joined the Performance staff in 2009, she had just
Emily Anderson has moved into a full-time position handling
completed the MA Program in the Humanities (with a music
financial processes, scheduling, and student affairs. When the
concentration), pursuant to a BM in Harp Performance at
day ends, Emily is an active songwriter/singer, and one of her
the New England Conservatory. Designer Claire Snarski
songs, “Deep Blue,” is featured in a newly released indie film
continues to produce beautiful graphics while juggling
out of Canada, Zena.
projects for both the Department and the University of
In the main office of Goodspeed Hall, Melanie
Chicago Presents. Former Performance Program Coordinator
Cloghessy continues to be an indispensable link to many
Paige Lucas became Paige Cook after returning to her native
alums, guests, and friends. In addition to planning events
Michigan for nuptials and a new job in Ann Arbor. Laura
that are the envy of the university, she is active as a union
Swierzbin takes her place, having completed a BMA in Vocal
steward and bargaining team negotiator for Teamsters Local
Performance and a BSE in Chemical Engineering from the
743 and a powerful voice for women within the Teamsters.
University of Michigan. Additionally, she is active around
Luke Ramus, Web Content Administrator, shares the main
Chicago as a music director, conductor, and theatrical stage
office and ably fills many roles—including de facto editor
of Goodspeed Notes and computer guru. He recently scored the
In Memoriam: Andrew Patner (1959 - 2015)
We were profoundly saddened to learn of the passing of Andrew Patner, longtime friend and supporter of the Music Department, on February 3, 2015. A brilliant
and erudite man, Andrew was an exceptional individual who truly understood art and
its place in our culture. His prominent place in the Chicago scene as noted critic for
WFMT, as producer for Chicago’s National Public Radio affiliate, WBEZ, and as a regular
contributor to the Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Magazine, and The Wall Street Journal only
begins to describe the influence that Andrew had on the arts in Chicago and beyond. In
all of these roles, he covered classical music, opera, theater, dance, visual art, books, and
film with perspicacity and astuteness—and always with his characteristic wit and wisdom.
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Netherlands in January; a paper on music and extended
This has been a year of transition and accomplishment
by Peter Gillette
Andrew’s ties to the University and the Department were deep. A native of Chicago, he was student in both the
College and the Law School. The Music Department was privileged to count him as a member of our former Visiting
Committee. He was a true colleague for us in the Department, and his companionship was a rare gift.
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to our Spring 2015 PhDs!