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Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 1 of 62 PageID #: 1 Ufi DIS]RICTCOURT DISTARKAhISAS WESTERN }.TLED IN THE UNITED STATESDISTRICTCOURT WESTERNDISTRICTOF ARKANSAS TEXARKANA DIVISION sEP| 4 20fl CHRIS R' JOFINSON,Clerk By DePutYOerk UNITED STATESOF AMERICA No.V:ltAR I t -m,Fr-t GREGORYLEWIS,(01) aka"Eggy" JAMONDO LEWTS,(02) aka"Mill" and/or"Real" wrLLrE TATUM, (03) aka"ManMan" vrcToR wrLLrAMS, (04) aka"Neckbreaker" TERREAL DUKE, (05) aka"Smoke" MARCUSSrMS,(06) aka"KillerClown"and/or"Big Marc" rsrAH WATSON,(07) aka"lke 7" CLYDEO'GUtN,(08) aka"Pud" KENNETHM. JOHNSON,(09) aka"Frog" and/or"KennethCrowell" (10) TREMAINERICHARDSON, ADRIANWITCHER,(l l) aka"Stump" DONTEWILLIAMS, (12) aka"Yogi" PATRICK CORNELIUS,SR.,(I3) aka"Ikey" GARY MCNEAL,(14) aka"Moe" TAVARISWILLIAMS, (I5) aka"Dope" FREDRTCK D. LAW, (16) EDWARDYOUNG,(r7) aka"Dap" (18) ULYSSESMCCLTNTON, aka"Scrub" ANTONTOWHTTE,(r9) aka"lcy" and/or"Bone" ALVrN WEEKLY, (20) CATRAYLSPIVEY,(2I) aka"Trailerhead" ANTHONY BRADLEY,(22) aka"lnsane"and/or"Black" ANTHONYR. JOHNSON,(23) AARTUSCOOKS,(24) aka"A-Town" ?oo3?- 6()( , , , t U tl G Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 JOHNNYJOHNSON,(25) aka"Hawk" TALVTNWARREN,(26) aka"BrightEyes" GARY KENDRICKS,(27) aka"Boo-T" MAURTCEOWENS,(28) JAMARCUSBROWN,(29) aka"J-Boy" CHAMEKA SMTTH,(30) aka"Shay" TERRONPEARSE,(3r) aka"Creep" PATRICKCORNELIUS, JR.,(32) aka"Pat" DESMONDSTUTSON,(33) aka"Black" EMMANUEL BAKER,(34) aka"Little E" CHRTSTOPHER ROBERTSON,(35) aka"l.ittle Homie" RICKY BAKER,(36) aka"Debo" (37) CEDRTCDANTELS, aka"Three-Two" ANTONTOTTMMONS,(38) KNTCQUELAS MATLOCK,(39) aka"Nook theCrook" DAMEON RTCHARD,(40) aka"D-Rich" MTCHAELWALKER, (4r) aka"Big Mike" MARKEITH EVANS,(42) THOMAS LEAKS,(43) aka"Tom Tom" (44) cHANNTNGPENNTNGTON, aka"Blackberry" (45) IIERRTCKGOODNTGHT, ANTONTORICHARD,(46) aka"Tek" JEREMIAH OWENS,(47) aka"JD" RANDY CORNELIUS,(48) aka"Drop" CHAD JONES,(49) aka"Big Slump" DOMTNTQUE ROBERTSON,(s0) aka"DD" D E A D R I C KT A T U M ,( 5 I ) aka"Toda" TAVEASGREEN,(52) MORGAN DANSBY,(53) aka"G" DEWONBEAD,(s4) aka"The One" Filed 09/14/11 Page 2 of 62 PageID #: 2 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 3 of 62 PageID #: 3 ROLAND SMTTH,(s5) LEON COLLINS,(56) aka"PeeWee" DERRTANFOSTER,(57) MARCEL JOHNSON,(58) aka"Cel" SHOKLUTA BRADLEY,(59) aka"Luke" and/or"ShoklaDemarks" WILLIE RAY GILLIAM, (60) aka"Dude" BRTDGETSTARKEY,(61) CHANDRAGTLMORE,(62) DEROYCETATUM,(63) ADRENBROWN,(64) aka"A,D," TERRY D. MARTIN, (65) JASONE. WILLIAMS, (66) aka"J-Rod" INDICTMENT TheCrandJuryCharges: COUNT I Violation: Title2l U,S,C,$ 846 (Conspiracy to distributecocainebase,alsoknownas"crack cocaine") Fromon or aboutJune2010,theexactdatebeingunknownto theUnitedStates GrandJury,andcontinuing thereafter until at leastthe dateof thereturnof this the WesternDistrictof Arkansasandelsewhere. GREGORY LEWIS, also knownas Eggy,JAMONDO LEW|S, also knownas Mill and/orReal,WILLIE TATUM, alsoknownasMan Man,VICTOR WILLIAMS, alsoknownasNeckbreaker, TERREAL DUKE, also knownasSmoke,MARCUSSIMS,alsoknownasKiller Clownand/orBig Marc,ISIAH WATSON,alsoknown as lke 7, CLYDE O'GUIN, alsoknownas Pud,KENNETH M. JOHNSON,alsoknownas F'rogand/orKenneth Crowell,TREMAINE RICHARDSON,ADRIAN WITCHER,alsoknownasStump,DONTEWILLIAMS, also knownas Yogi, PATRICK CORNELIUS,SR.,alsoknownas lkey, GARY MCNEAL, alsoknownas Moe, TAVARIS WILLIAMS, alsoknownas Dope,FREDRICKD. LAW, EDWARD YOUNG,alsoknownas Dap, ULYSSESMCCLINTON, alsoknownas Scrub,ANTONIO WHITE, alsoknownas Icy and/orBone,ALVIN WEEKLY, CATRAYL SPIVEY,alsoknownas Trailerhead, ANTHONY BRADLEY. alsoknownas Insaire and/orBlack,ANTHONY R. JOHNSON,AARIUS COOKS,alsoknownas A-Town,JOHNNY JOHNSON, alsoknownas Hawk,TALVIN WARREN, alsoknownas BrightEyes,GARY KENDRICKS,alsoknownas 3 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 4 of 62 PageID #: 4 Boo-T,MAURICE OWENS,JAMARCUSBROWN,alsoknownasJ-Boy,CHAMEKA SMITH, alsoknownas Shay,TERRON PEARSE,alsoknownasCreep,PATRICK CORNELIUS,JR., alsoknownas Pat,DESMOND STUTSON, also Known as BIacK,EMMANUEL BAKER, also Known as Litt|e E, CHRISTOPHER ROBERTSON,alsoknownas LittleHomie,RICKY BAKER, alsoknownas Debo,CEDRIC DANIELS,also knownas Three-Two, ANTONIO TIMMONS, KNICQUELASMATLOCK, alsoknownas Nook the Crook, DAMEON RICHARD, alsoknownas D-Rich,MICHAEL WALKER, alsoknownas Big Mike,MARKEITH EVANS, THOMAS LEAKS, aka Tom Tom, CHANNING PENNINGTON,also known as Blackbeny, DERRICK GOODNIGHT,ANTONIO RICHARD, alsoknownas Tek,JEREMIAH OWENS,alsoknownas JD, RANDY CORNELIUS,alsoknownas f)rop, CHAD JONES,alsoknownas Big Slump,DOMINIQUE ROBERTSON,alsoknownas DD, DEADRICK TATUM, alsoknownasToda,TAVEAS GREEN,MORGAN DANSBY,alsoknownasG, DEWON BEAD, alsoknownasTheOne, ROLAND SMITH, LEON COLLINS, also known as Pee Wee, DERRIAN FOSTER,MARCEL JOHNSON,also known as Cel, SHOKLUTA BRADLEY, also knownas Luke and/orShoklaf)emarks,WILLIE RAY GILLIAM, also knownas Dude, BRIDCETSTARKEY,CHANDRAGILMORE, DEROYCETATUM, ADRENBROWN,alsoknownasA.D., TERRY D. MARTIN, and JASON E. WfLLIAMS, alsoknownas J-Rod,Defendants herein,did knowingly, intentionally, andunlawfullycombine, conspire, confederate, andagreetogether, with eachotherandwith others, bothknownandunknownto the UnitedStatesGrandJury,to violatea law of theUnitedStatesof America,to wit, Titlc 21, UnitedStatesCode,Sections 8al(a) and 8al(bXlXAXiii),prohibiting the distribution of 280 gramsor moreof a mixtureor substance containinga detectable amountof cocainebase,alsoknownas "crackcocaine",a II controlled Schedule substance, all in violationof Title21,U.S,C.$ 846. COUNT2 Violation: Title2l U,S,C,$$8al(aXl)andl8 U.S,C,$ 2 (Possession with intentto distributecocainebase,commonly knownas"crackcocaine"- aidingandabetting) On or aboutJunel,2010, in the WestemDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,and elsewhere, the defendants, AARIUSCOOKS,aka "A-Town", andJAMONDO LEWIS,aka "Mill" and/or"Real",aidingand abetting eachotherandothersknownandunknown, did knowinglypossess with intentto distribute 6.5I l7 gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of Tirle2l U.S,C,$ 8al(aXl)andl8 U.S.C.$ 2. 4 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 5 of 62 PageID #: 5 COUNT3 Violation:Title2l U.S.C.$$ 8al(a)(l)and860(a)and r8u.s.c. $2 (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknownas"crack cocaine"neara school- aidingandabening) On or aboutSeptember 10,2010,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, AARIUS COOKS,aka "A-Town", andGREGORYLEWIS, aka "Eggy", aidingandabetting the def'endants, eachotherand othersknownand unknown,did knowinglydistribute6,1910gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," II controlled within 1000feet a Schedule substance, of VeraKilpatrickElementary and School,a publicschool,in violationof Title2l U,S.C.$$ 8al(a)(l) and860(a), l8 r.J.s,c. $ 2, COUNT4 v i o l a t i o n : T i2r l eI . J , s , $c 8 , al(axl) (Distribution knownas "crack of cocaine base,commonly cocaine) On or aboutSeptember 14,2010,in the Western Dishictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, AARIUS COOKS, aka "A-Town", did knowinglydistribute10,3210gramsof a mixtureor the def'endant, in substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled substance, violarion of Tirle2l u,s,c, $ 8al(axl), COUNT5 Violation; Title2l U.S.C,{i 8al(aXl)andl8 U.S,C.$ 2 (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine"-_aidingandabetting) On or aboutSeptember 22,2010,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendants, ULYSSESMCCLINTON, aka "Scrub", andGARY KENDRICKS,aka '(Boo-T",aidingand abeningeachotherand othersknownand unknown,did knowinglydistribute27.3191gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l)andl8 U,S,C,$ 2, Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 6 of 62 PageID #: 6 COUNT6 Violation: Title2l U.S,C.$ 8al(aXl) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine) 23,2010,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, On or aboutSeptember Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, thedefendant, KENNETH M. JOHNSON,aka "Frog" and/oraka "KennethCrowell",did knowinglydistribute 12,7621 gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"cracksocaine," a Schedule II controlled in violationof Title2l U.S,C,g 8al(aXl), substance, COUNT7 'fitle Violation; 2l U.S.C.$$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine neara school) On or aboutSeptember 29,2010,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, gramsa mixtureor substance the defendant, MAURICE OWENS,did knowinglydistribute,2117 containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled within 1000feetof thereal substance, propertycomprising 4-A School,a publicschool,in violationof Title 2l U.S,C,$$ 8al(a)(l) and Washington 860(a). COUNT8 Violation: Title2l u.s,c. $ 8al(axl) andl8 u,s,c, $ 2 (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine"- aidingandabening) On or aboutOctoberl, ?010,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendants, MARCEL JOHNSON,akA"Cel", andSHOKLUTA BRADLEY,aka "Luke" and/oraka "shokta Demarks",aidingandabetting eachotherandothersknownandunknown, did knowinglydistribute 5,57?7grams of a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," ll controllccl a Schedule subsrance, in violarion of Tirle?l U,S,C,g 8al(aXl)andl8 U.S.C.$ Z. EOUNT9 Violation; Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine) On or aboutOctober19,2010,in theWestemDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, JAMARCUSBROWN,aka "J-Boy",did knowinglydistribute 5,1384gramsof a mixtureor substance 6 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 7 of 62 PageID #: 7 containingcocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, in violationof T i rre 2l u, s, c$, 8 a l ( a x l) . COUNT IO violation: Title2l u.s.c.$ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) (Distribution of cocainebase. commonlv known as "crack cocaine) On or aboutOctober 20,2010,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, JAMARCUSBROWN,aka "-f-Boy",did knowinglydistribute 4.8954gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof Ti r re 2r u, s.c,$ 8 a l ( a x l) , COUNT I I Violation: Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l) (Dishibutionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine) On or aboutOctober 22,2010,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Divisron, andelsewhere, the defendant, KENNETH M. JOHNSON,aka '(Frog" and/oraka "KennethCrowell",did knowinglydistribute 27,4967gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule ll controlled substance, in violationof Title2l U.S.C.g 841(aXl), COL]NT12 Violation: Title2l U,S,C.g 8al(aXl) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine) On or aboutOctober 27,2010,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the dcfendant, ULYSSESMCCLINTON, aka "Scrub", did knowinglydistribute6,8811gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of Title2l U.S.C.g 8al(aXl), COUNT13 violation: Tirle2l u,s,c, $$8al(axl) and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine neara school) On or aboutOctober 27,2010,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, MAURICE OWENS,did knowinglydistribute0,1858gramsof a mixtureor substance containing 7 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 8 of 62 PageID #: 8 cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," Il controlled substance, within1000feetof thereal a Schedule propertycomprising Washington 4-A School,a publicschool,in violationof Title 2l U.S.C.$$ 841(aXI)and 860(a). COUNT14 Violation: Title2l U.S.C.$$8al(aXl),860(a) and (bxtxBxiii) (Distributionof more than 28 grams of cocainebase, commonly knownas"crackcocaine", neara school) On or aboutNovember 2,2010,in the Western Texarkana Districtof Arkansas, Division,andelsewhere, thedefendant, TERREAL A. DUKE, aka "Smoke",did knowinglydistribute morethan?8 grams(54.1008) of a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feetof therealpropertycomprising Booker'l'.Washington, a publicschool,in violationof 't'itle 2l U,S,C,$$ 8al(aXl),(bXlXBXiii)and860(a), COLINTI5 violation:Tirle 2l u,s.c. $$ 8al(axl) and(bxlxBXviii) (Possession with intentto distributemore than 50 sramsof methamphetamine) On or aboutNovember2, 2010,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, thedefendant, FREDRICKD. LAW, did knowinglypossess withintentto distribute morethan50 grams(58.3021) of a mixtureor substance containing a detectable amountof methamphetamine, a Schedule II controlled substance, in viorarion of Tirle2l tJ,s,c,$$ 8al(axl) and(bxlxBXviii). COUNT16 Violation: Tirle2l U.S,C,g 8al(aXl)andl8 U,S,C,$ ? (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine"- aidingandabetting) On or aboutNovember 12,2010,in thc Western Districtof Arkansas,'l'exarkana Division.andelsewhere. thedefendants, KENNETHJOHNSON,aka "Frog'oand/or'(Kenneth Crowell",andCHAMEKA SMITH, aka "Shay",aidingandabetting eachotherandothersknownandunknown, gramsof 13,3655 did knowinglydistribute a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled substance, in violarion of Title2l U,S.C.g 8al(aXl)andlB U,S.C.g 2. Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 9 of 62 PageID #: 9 COUNTI7 V i o l a t i o n ; T2i rll u e . s . c .$ 8 a l ( a x l a) n dl 8 u . s . c .$ 2 (Distribution of cocaine base, commonly known as "crack cocaine"- aidingand abetting) On or aboutNovember19,2010,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision,and elsewhere, the defendants, MARCEL JOHNSON, aka "Cel", and SHOKLUTA BRADLEY, aka "Luks" and/or "Shokla Demarks", aiding and abettingeachother and othersknown and unknown,did knowingly distribute2,8943grams of a mixture or substancecontaining cocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine," a ScheduleII controlled substance i n, v i o l a t i o no f T i r l e2 l U , S , C ,$ 8 a l ( a X l ) a n d l 8 U , S , C .$ 2 . COUNTI8 Violarion: Tirle2l u.s,c,$$8al(axt)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine" neara publichousing authority facility) On or aboutDecember l,2010, in theWesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, TAVARIS WILLIAMS, aka "Dope", did knowinglydistribute 22.9675gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"craskcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feetof therealproperty comprising Pinehurst Village,a housing facilityownedby a publichousing authority, in violation of Title2l U.S.C.$$8al(a)(l)and860(a), COUNTI9 Violation: Title2l U,S.C$ 8 a l ( a X l ) (Distributionof cocainebase, commonly known as "crack cocaine") On or about December2,20 10, in the WesternDistrict of Arkansas,'fexarkana Division, and elsewhere, the defendant,ISIAH WATSON, f,kf, "lke 7', did knowingly distribute 23,5207grams of a mixture or substance containing cocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine," a ScheduleII controlled substance,in violation of T i t l e2 l U , S . C ,g 8 a l ( a X l ) . COUNf ?() 'l'itle Violation; 2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distribution of cocainsbase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutDecember 3,2010,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, thedefendant, ISIAH WATSON,aka "lke 7', did knowinglydistribute13.4324 gramsof a mixtureor subsrance I Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 10 of 62 PageID #: 10 containingcocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, in violationof Ti rr2r e u, s. c$. 8 a l( a x l) . COUNT2I violation: Title2l u.s.c. $$8al(axl) and860(a) (Distribution of cocaine knownas"crack base,commonly cocaine" neara publichousing facility) authority On or aboutDecember 13,2010,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, TAVARIS WILLIAMS, aka o'Dopeo', did knowinglydistribute11.2727gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule ll controlled substance, within 1000feetof therealpropeftycomprising Pinehurst Village,a housing facilityownedby a publichousing authority, in violarion of Tirle2l u.s,c. $$ 8al(axl) and860(a), COUNT22 Violation: Title2l U.S,C,g 8al(aXl)andl8 U,S,C,$ 2 (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack - aidingandabetting) cocaine" On or aboutDecember 15,2010,in the Western Dishictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendants, JAMARCUS BROWN,aka "J-Boy", andULYSSESMCcLtNTON, aka ',Scrub",aidingand abeningeachother and othersknown and unknown,did knowinglydistributeg.3474gramsof a mixtureor substance containingcocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, in violation of Title2l U.S.C.g 8al(aXl)andl8 U.S.C.$ 2. COI.JNT 23 V i o l a t i o n : T i t2l le U . S . C$. 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) (Distribution of methamphetamine) On or aboutDecember 16,2010,in theWestemDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere. the defendant, TALVIN WARREN,aka '6BrightEyes",did knowinglydistribute 6,9489gramsof a mixturcor substance containing a detectable amountof methamphetamine, a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof ritle 2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l). 10 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 11 of 62 PageID #: 11 COUNT24 Violation: Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(aXl) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutDecember 21,2010,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, AARIUS COOKS, aka "A-Town", did knowinglydistribute9.8314gramsof a mixtureor substanse containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of Tirle2l u.s.c. $ 8al(a)(l), COUNT25 Violation:Title 2l U,S,C,g 8al(aXl) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or about December21,2010, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision,and elsewhere, the defendant,AARIUS COOKS, aka "A-Town", did knowingly distribute 16.1459grams of a mixture or substancecontainingcocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, in v i o l a t i o no f f i t l e 2 l U . S . C .g 8 a l ( a X l ) , COUNT26 v i o l a t i o n : T i r2l el u , s , c ,$ 8 a l ( a x l ) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown al; "crack cocaine") On or aboutDecember 29,2010,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, ULYSSESMCCLINTON, aka "Scrub", did knowinglydistribute 6,4679gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled in substance, 'l'itle violation of 2l U.S.C.g 8al(a)(l). COLINT 27 V i o l a r i o nT ; i r l e2 l u . s , c . $ $ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) a n d 8 6 0 ( a ) (Distribution of cocaine base, commonly known as "crack cocaine"neara playground) On or aboutDecember31,2010, in the WesternDistrict of Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision.and elsewhere. the defendant,GARY MCNEAL, akA "Moe", did knowingly distribute24,7248gramsof a mixture or substance containingcocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, within 1000feet 1t Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 12 of 62 PageID #: 12 of the realpropertycomprising Neighborhood the Sandflat-Clendale in violationof Center,a publicplayground, Title2l U,S.C,$$8al(aXt) and860(a). COUNI?E V i o l a t i o n : T2i rll u e , s , c ,$ 8 a l ( a x l ) (Distribution knownas "crack of cocainebase,commonly cocaine") On or aboutJanuary 3, 201l, in theWestern Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, Districtof Arkansas, the gramsof a mixtureor substance ALVIN WEEKLY, did knowinglydistribute defendant, 1.9360 cocaine containing in violationof base,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, 'l'itle 2l U.S.C.$ 8al(aXl). COUNT29 Violation:Title2l U,S,C,$ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) (Distributionof cocainebase.commonlvknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutJanuary 4, 2011,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, the Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, GARY KENDRICKS,aka "Boo-T", did knowinglydistribute defendant, .3452gramsof a mixtureor sub$tance cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," containing Il controlled substance, in violationof a Schedule Ti r re 2r u. s, c,$ 8 a l (a xl ) . COUNT30 Violarion:Title 2l u,s.c.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonly knownas "crack cocaine") On or aboutJanuary5,20 11, in the WesternDistrict of Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision,and elsewhere, the defendant,GARY KENDRICKS, aka "Boo-T", did knowingly distribute,1552gramsof a mixture or substance containingcocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleIl controlledsubstance, in violationof T i t l e2 l U . S . C $ , 8al(aXl), COUNT3 I Violation;Title2 I U.S.C.$$ 8aI (a)(I ) and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara school) On or aboutJanuary 5,201l, in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, GREGORY LEWIS, aka "Eggy", did knowinglydistribute 2.3361gramsof a mixtureor substance 1.2 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 13 of 62 PageID #: 13 containing base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," within 1000feet cocaine ll controlled substance, a Schedule of therealpropertycomprising School,a publicschool,in violationof Title2l U,S,C, VeraKilpatrickElementary $$ 8al(aXl)and860(a). ESUNT32 violationr Title2l u.s.c.ti 8al(axl) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonly knownas "crack cocaine") On or aboutJanuary 6,2011,in the Western Texarkana Districtof Arkansas, the Division,andelsewhere, defendant, CREGORY LEWIS, aka "Eggy", did knowinglydistribute 6.3158gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," II controlled a Schedule substance, in violationof Tirre2l u.s.c, $ 8ar(a)(l). COUNT33 Violation;Title?l I.J,S.C. $$ 8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine" neara school) On or aboutJanuary6,20 ll, in thc WesternDistrictof Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision,and elsewhere, the defendant,TAVARIS WILLIAMS, aka "Dope", did knowinglydistribute5,5214gramsof a mixtureor substance containingcocaineba$e,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, within 1000feet of the real property comprising Pinehurst Village, a housing facility owned by a public housing authority, in v i o l a t i o no f T i t l e 2 l U , S . C .g g 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) a n d 8 6 0 ( a ) . CQUNT34 violarion: Title2l u,s,c, $ 8al(axl) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutJanuary 7, 201l, in the Western Districtof Arkansas,'Iexarkana Division,andelsewhere, the GARY MCNEAL, aka "Moe", did knowinglydistribute25.9429gramsof a mixtureor substance defendant, containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," II controlled a Schedule substance, in violationof T i t l e2 l U . S . C$. 8 a l ( a X t ) , 13 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 14 of 62 PageID #: 14 COUNT35 violation: Tirle2l u.s.c. $ 8al(a)(l) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutJanuaryI l, 20I I, in theWestern ltistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the GREGORYLEWIS, aka "Eggy", did knowinglydistributel2.38ll gramsof a mixtureor substance defendant, containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof T i t l e2 l U . S . C$. 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) . CqIJNT 36 Violation:Title2l U,S,C,$$8al(aXl)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown a$ "crack cocaine" neara school) On or aboutJanuary13,2011,in theWestern DistrictoIArkansas, the Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, TAVARIS WILLtAMS, aka "Dope",did knowinglydistribute defendant, 5.3602gramsof a mixtureor substanse cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," containing a Schedule ll conkolledsubstance, within 1000f'eet of therealproperfycomprising Arkansas High School,a publicschool,in violationof Title2l 8al(aXl) and860(a). COUNT37 Violation; Title2l U.S,C.gg841(aXl)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine"neara playground) On or aboutJanuary14,201l,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, GARY MCNEAL, aka "Moe", did knowinglydistribute26,9343gramsof a mixtureor substance cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," containing a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feet of the realpropertycomprising the Sandflat-Glendale Neighborhood Center,a publicplayground, in violationof Title2l U.S.C.$$ 8aI (a)(l) and860(a). COIINT38 Violation: Titlel8 U,S,C, and $$922(9)(l),924(a)(2) e2a(eXl )) (Possession ofa firearmby convictedfelon) On or aboutJanuary14,201l, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas,'lexarkanaDivision,and elsewhere, the def'endant,GARY MCNEAL, aka "Moe", having been previously convicted of a crime punishableby 74 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 15 of 62 PageID #: 15 imprisonment for termexceeding oneyear,possessed a DavisIndustries .380caliberpistol,bearingserialnumber AP248455, whichhad previouslytraveledin interstate commerce, in violationof Title l8 U,S.C,gg 922(gXl), e2a(a)(2) ande24(e)(l), COUNT39 Violation: l'itle2l U.S,C.$$ 841(aXl)& (bXlXBXiii) (Possession with intentto distributemorethan28 gramso[ cocaine ba$e, commonly knownas"crackcocaine") On or aboutJanuary14,2011,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, GARY MCNEAL, aka "Moe", did knowinglypossess with intentto distribute morethan28 grams (169,84grams)of a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of Title2l U.S.C.$$8al(aXI)and(b)(l)(B)(iii). CQUNT40 v i o l a r i o n : T i2r l eu . s . c .$ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutJanuary15,2011,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, TREMAINE RICHARDSON,did knowinglydistribute24.5750gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof T i t l e2 l U . S . C$. 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) . COUNT4I Violation; Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distribution of methamphetamine) On or aboutJanuary18,201I , in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, EDWARD YOUNG, aka "Dap", did knowinglydishibute3.3332gramsof a mixtureor substance a detectable containing amountof methamphetamine, a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof Title 2l U . s . c .$ 8 a l ( a X l ) . COUNT42 violation: Title2l u,s,c, $ 8al(axl) (Distribution of methamphetamine) On or aboutJanuary20,20I l, in theWesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the EDWARD YOUNG, flka "Dap", did knowinglydistribute defendant, 6.0664gramsof a mixtureor substance 15 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 16 of 62 PageID #: 16 containing a detectable amountof methamphetamine, a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof l'itle 2l U . S , C$, 8 a l ( a X l ) . COUNT43 violation: Tirle2l u,s,c, $$8al(axl) and860(a), andl8 u . s .c$. 2 (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine"neara publichousingauthorilyfacility- aidingand abening) On or aboutJanuary 25,201l,in theWestemDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendants, MARCUSSIMS,aka ('KillerClown" and/or"Big Marc", andEMMANUEL BAKER, aka "Little E", aidingand abettingeachotherand othersknownand unknown,did knowinglydistribute9,0204gramsof a mixtureor substance containingcocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleIl controlled substance, within | 000 feetof therealpropeftycomprising Pinehurst Village,a housingfacilityownedby a public in violation housing authority, of Title2l U.S.C.g$8al(a)(l)and860(a), andl8 U.S.C.$ 2, COUNT44 violarion: Tirle2l u.s.c.$ 8al(a)(l)andl8 u.s,c,$ 2 (Distributionof cocaine base, commonly known as "crack cocaine"- aidingand abetting) On or aboutJanuary25,201l, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision,and elsewhere, the defendants, MARCUS SIMS, aka "Killer Clown" and/or "Big Mrrc", TERRON PEARSE, aka "Cre€po',and PATRICK CORNELIUS, JR., f,ka "Pat", aiding and abettingeach other and othersknown and unknown,did knowinglydistribute12.731|gramsof a mixtureor substance containingcocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack c o c a i n e ,a" S c h e d u l e l l c o n t r o l l e ds u b s t a n c e i n, v i o l a t i o no f T i t l e 2 l U . S . C .g 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) a n d l 8 U , S , C ,$ 2 . COLINT 45 V i o l a t i o n : T i t l2el U . S . C g . 8al(aXl) (Distributionof cocaine base, commonly known as "crack cocaine") On or aboutJanuary25,2011, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision,and elsewhere, the defendant,DESMOND STUTSON, aka "Black", did knowingly distribute.2936gramsof a mixtureor substance containingcocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, in violationof T i rre 2r u,s ,c.$ 8 a l( a xr ). 15 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 17 of 62 PageID #: 17 COUNT46 Violarion: Title21u.s.c.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonly knownas "crack cocaine") On or aboutJanuary 26,2011,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, EMMANUEL BAKER,aka "Little E", did knowinglydistribute .5412gramsof a mixturcor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof T i rl 2r e u.s . c.$ 8 a r (a )( r ). COUNT47 ViolationT ; i t l e 2 l U . S . C .$ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) a n d l 8 U , S . C ,$ 2 (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine"- aidingand abetting) On or aboutJanuary26,201l, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision,and elsewhere, the dCfCNdANtS, DESMOND STUTSON, AKA"BIACK'" ANdCHRISTOPHER ROBERTSON, AKAIILittICHOMiC'" aiding and abetting each other and others known and unknown, did knowingly distribute .4659 grams and .2375 grams of a mixture or substancecontainingcocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleII c o n t r o l l e ds u b s t a n c e i n, v i o l a t i o no f T i r l e2 l U , S . C .$ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) a n d l 8 U , S . C .$ 2 , COUNT 48 Violation: Title2l U,S.C.$ 8al(aXl) (Distributionof cocainebase.commonlvknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutJanuary 27,2011,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, GREGORYLEWIS, aka "Eggy", did knowinglydistribute10.9564 gramsof a mixturcor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof Tirre 2l u,s,c,$ 8ar(axr). COLTNT 49 Violation: T'itle2l U.S.C.${i8al(a)(l) and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase.commonlvknown as "crack cocaine" neara schoolr On or aboutJanuary 27,201l, in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, thc defendant, ALVIN WEEKLY, did knowinglydistribute ll.l500 gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule ll controlled substance, within 1000feetof thereal 77 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 18 of 62 PageID #: 18 property comprisingNorth I-Ieights JuniorHighSchool, a publicschool, in violation of Title2l U,S.C,$$ 8al(aXl) and 860(a). COUNT50 violarion:Tirle 2l u.s.c.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutJanuary28, 201l, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, EMMANUEL BAKER,aka "Little E", did knowinglydistribute ,8000gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof Ti rl 2l e u.s , c.$ 8 a r( a x r ), COUNT5I Violation: Tirlel8 u.s,c, $ 92a(cxlxA) (Useandcarryingof a firearmduringa drugtraffickingcrime) On or aboutJanuary 28,201l,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, EMMANUEL BAKER, aka "Little E", did knowinglyuseand carr1,a firearm,to wit: a Maverick ArmsModel88 l2 gaugeshotgun, bearingserialnumberMV85l58M,duringandin relationto a drugtrafficking crimefor whichhe may be prosecuted in a courlof the UnitedStates, thatis possession with intentto distribute 'l'itle cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine",a Schedule II controlledsubstance, in violationof 2l U.S.C,$ 8al(a)(l),all in violation of Titlel8 U.S.C.g 92a(c)(l)(A), coLrNT52 Violation: Title2l U.S.C,gg 8al(aXl)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine",nearpublichousingauthorityfacilify) On or aboutJanuary 28,20I l, in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, RICKY BAKER, aka "Debo", did knowinglydistribute.1634gramso[ a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feet of the real properfycomprisingPinehurst Village,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousingauthority,in violation of Tirle2l U.S.C,$$8at(aXt)and860(a). 18 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 19 of 62 PageID #: 19 COUNT53 violation: Tirle2l u.s.c. $$ 8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara school) On or aboutJanuary28,201l, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Division,andelsewhere, Texarkana the defendant, CEDRIC DANIELS, aka "Three-Two",did knowinglydistribute,1968gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," II controlled substance, within a Schedule 1000feetof therealproperty BookerT. Washington, comprising a publicschool,in violationof Title2l U.S.C.$$ 8al(aXl)and860(a), COUNT54 violation: Tirle2l u.s.c.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distribution knownas "crack of cocainebase,commonly cocaine") On or aboutJanuary29,201l, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Division,andelsewhere, Texarkana the defendant, TREMAINE RICHARDSON,did knowinglydistribute25,1700gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," substance, in violationof a Schedule ll controlled T i t l e2 l U . S . C{.i 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) , COLNT55 Violation: Title2l U.S.C.{i$8al(a)(l)and860(a), and l 8 u , s ,c$, 2 (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine"neara publichousingauthorityfacility-" aidingand abetting) On or aboutJanuary3 I , 201I , in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendants, MARCUSSIMS,aka"Killer Clown"and/or"Big Marc",andEMMANUELBAKER,aka"Little E", aidingand abettingeachotherandothersknownand unknown,did knowinglydistribute 5.1127gramsand 1,6673gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feetof therealproperty comprising Village,a housingfacilityowned Pinehurst by a publichousing authority in violationof Title2l U.S.C.{i$8al(aXl) and860(a)andl8 U,S,C,$ ?, r"9 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 20 of 62 PageID #: 20 COLTNT 56 Violation: Title2l U,S,C$ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutFebruary l, 2011,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the ALVIN WEEKLY, did knowinglydistribute14.5938gramsof a mixtureor substance def'endant, containing cocainebase,commonlyknowna$ "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlledsubstance, in violationof Title 2l U . s . c .$ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) . COUNT57 violation: Tftle2l u.s.c.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distributionof cocaine base, commonly known as "crack cocaine") On or aboutFebruary 2,20I l, in theWestemDistrictof Arkansas, the Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, TERRON PEARSE,aka "Creep",did knowinglydistribute defendant, 2.0394gramsof a mixtureor substance cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," in violationo1' containing a Schedule II controlled substance, Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l). COUNT58 Violation: Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distribution of methamphetamine) On or aboutFebruary 2,201l, in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, the Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, TALVIN WARREN, aka "Bright Eyes",did knowinglydistribute6.7056gramsof a mixtureor defendant, containing substance a detectable amountof methamphetamine, a Schedule Il controlled substance, in violationof T i t l e2 l U . S . C$. 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) . COUNT 59 Violation; Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l)andl8 U,S.C.$ 2 (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack - aidingandabetting) cocaine" On oraboutFebruary 3,201l, in theWestern DistrictofArkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the MARCUSSIMS,aka "Killer Clown" and/or"Big Marc", andANTONIO TIMMONS, aidingand defendants, abettingeachotherandothersknownandunknown,did knowinglydistributeI L6659gramsand I .0566gramsof a 20 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 21 of 62 PageID #: 21 mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule tl controlled substance, in violation of Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l)andl8 U.S.C.$ 2. COUNT60 2l u.s.c. $$8al(a)(l)and860(a) violarion:Tirle (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara publichousing authorityfacility) On or aboutFebruary7,2011,in theWesternDistrictof Arkansas, the Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, defendant, EMMANUEL BAKER, aka "Little E", did knowinglydistribute .1923gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000l-eet of the real properrycomprisingPinehurst Village,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousingauthority,in violarion of Title?l I.J,s,c, $$ 8al(axl) and860(a), CQTINT6I Violation: Title2l u.s.c. $$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara publichousing authorityfacility) On or aboutFebruary 7,2011,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, EMMANUEL BAKER,aka nLittleE", did knowinglydistribute .1739gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled within 1000feet substance, of the real properfycomprisingPinehurst Village,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousingauthority,in violation of 'fitle 2l U.S.C.$g 8al(a)(l)and860(a). COUNT 62 violation: Title2l u.s,c,$ 8al(axl) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonly knownas "crack cocaine") O n o r a b o u t F e b r uT a r, 2 y0ll,intheWesternDistrictofArkansas,TexarkanaDivision,andelsewhere,the def'endant, PATRICK CORNELIUS,JR., aka "Pat", did knowinglydistribute.1630gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of TiIIe2l U,S,C.g 8aI (aXl). 21 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 22 of 62 PageID #: 22 COUNT 63 violarion: Tirle2l u,s,c, $$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", nearpublichousing facility) authority On or aboutFebruary10,20I l, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, RICKY BAKER, aka "Debo", did knowinglydistribute.4799gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knowna$"crackcocaine," a Schedule ll controlled substance, within 1000feet of the real propertycomprisingPinehurst Village,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousingauthority,in violarion of Tirle2l u,s,c. $$8al(axl) and860(a). CQUNT64 Violation: Title2l U,S,C,g 841(aXl) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutFebruary10,2011,in the WestemDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, thedefendant, KNICQUELASMATLOCK, aka "Nook the Crook", did knowinglydistribute 3.1419gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule ll controlled substance, in violation of Title2l U.S.C.g 8al(a)(l). COLTNT 65 violation: Title2l u.s,c,$$8al(axl)and(bxtxBXviii) (Distributionof more than 5 erams of actual methamphetamine) On or about February10,2011, in the WesternDistrict of Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision,the defendant, EDWARD YOUNG, aka "Dflp", did knowingly distributemore than 5 grams of actual rnethamphetamine, a S c h e d u l IeI c o n t r o l l e ds u b s t a n c e i n, v i o l a t i o no f T i r l e2 l U , S , C ,$ $ S a l ( a X l ) a n d 8 a l ( b X l ) ( B X v i i i ) . COLINT 66 ViolationlTitle 2 I 8a I (a)(I ) and 860(a) (Distribution of cocaine base, commonly known as "crack cocaine",nearpublic housingauthority facility) On or about February14,2011, in the WesternDistrict of Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision, and elsewhere, the def'endant, RICKY BAKER, aka "Debo", did knowingly distribute.7043 grams of a mixture or substance containingcocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, within 1000feet 22 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 23 of 62 PageID #: 23 of the real property comprisingPinehurstVillage, a housing facility owned by a public housing authority,in v i o l a t i o no f T i r l e2 l u , s , c , $ $ 8 a l ( a x l ) a n d8 6 0 ( a ) , COUN16T Violation:Title 2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutFebruary14,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelscwherc, the defendant, PATRICK CORNELIUS,JR., aka "Pat", did knowinglydistribute.5S0l gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled substance, in violarion of Tirle2l u.s,c. $ 8al(axl). COUNT68 'l'itle Violation; 2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutFebruary14,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, DAMEON RICHARD, aka "D-Rich", did knowinglydistribute.7387gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled in substance, violarion of Tirle?l u,s,c, $ 8al(axl), COUNT69 Violation: Title2l U.S.C.$ $8 4 1 ( a X la) n d8 6 0 ( a ) (Distribution of cocainebase.commonlvknown as "crack cocaine", neara school) On or aboutFebruary14,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, thedefendant, JEREMIAH OWENS,aka "JD", did knowinglydistribute.1974 gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within1000feet of therealproperty comprising Washington 4-A School, a publicschool,in violationof Tirle2l U,S,C,gg 8al(aXl) and860(a). z3 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 24 of 62 PageID #: 24 COUNT70 Violation T :i t l e2 l U . S . C$. 8 a l ( a X l ) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutFebruary17,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas,'fexarkana Division,andelsewhere, PATRICK CORNELIUS,JR., aka "Pat", did knowinglydistribute .3425gramsof a mixturer:r the detendant, substance in cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled substance, containing violation of Title2l U.S.C.g 8al(a)(l). COUNT7I violarion:Tirle 2l l.J,s,c, $$8al(axl) and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara school) On or aboutFebruary17,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, MAURICE OWENS,did knowinglydishibute.l95lgramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feetof thereal propertycomprising 4-A School,a publicschool,in violationof Title 2l U.S.C.$$ 8al(a)(l) and Washington 860(a). COUNT72 v i o l a t i o n : T i t2l el u . s . c .$ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutFebruary17,201l, in the WestemDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, MICHAEL WALKER, aka "Big Mike", did knowinglydistribute 6,3582gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," in a Schedule II controlled substance, v i o l a t i oonl ' T i r l e 2 l u , s , c ,$ 8 a l ( a x l ) , COUNT73 Violation:Title 2l u.s.c. $$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara publichousing facility) authority On or aboutFebruary 21,201l, in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, gramsof a mixtureor PATRICK CORNELIUS,JR., aka "Pat", did knowinglydistribute,1861 substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," II controlled substance, within a Schedule 24 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 25 of 62 PageID #: 25 authority, in l000 feetof therealproperty facilityownedby a publichousing comprising BrambleCourts,a housing violation of Title2l U.S.C.$$8al(a)(l)and860(a), COLINT74 Violation:Title 2l U.S.C.$$ 8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara school) On or aboutFebruary Districtof Arkansas, 21,2011,in the Western Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, thedefendant, gramsof a mixtureor substance MARKEITH EVANS,did knowinglydistribute,1900 containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feetof thereal propertycomprising Washington 4-A School,a publicschool,in violationof Title 2l U.S.C.$$ 8al(a)(l) and 860(a). cQuNl'75 Violation: Title2l U.S.C.$!i8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Di$tributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara school) 22,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, On or aboutFebruary Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, JAMONDO LEWIS, aka *'Mill" and/or "Real", did knowinglydistribute11,6834gramsof a mixture or substance containingcocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine,"a Schedulell controlled substance, within 1000feetof therealproperfycomprising VeraKilpatrickElementary School,a publicschool,in violation of Tirle2l u.s,c, $$8al(axl) and860(a). COLINT76 Violation:Ti? t l leU , S , C$. 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutFebruary24,201l, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, thedefendant, ANTHONY BRADLEY,aka "Insane"and/or "Black'r,did knowinglydistribute .8944gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of Title2l U.S.C.g 841(aXl). 2s Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 26 of 62 PageID #: 26 COUNT77 violation: Tirle2l u,s,c.$ 8al(axl) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonly knownas "crack cocaine") On or aboutFebruary24,201l, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the del'endant, JAMANDO LEWIS, aka 'oMill" and/or "Real", did knowinglydistribute21.7505gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a ScheduleIl controlled substance, in violation of Title2l U.S.C.{i 8al(a)(l). COTNT 78 Violation:Title 2l U.S.C.$$8al(aXl)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack facility) cocaine", neara publichousing authority On or aboutFebruary 25,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, J'exarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, THOMAS LEAKS, aka "Tom Tom", did knowinglydistribute.0988gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," within a Schedule II controlled substance, 1000feetof therealproperty Village,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousing comprising Pinehurst authority, in violation of Title2l U.S.C,$$ 8al(aXl)and860(a). COLTNT79 violation: Tirle2l u.s,c. $$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara school) On or aboutFebruary 25,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, CHANNING PENNINGTON,aka "Blackberry",did knowinglydistribute.1299gramsof a mixture or substance containingcocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine,"a Schedulell controlled substance, within 1000feetof therealproperty comprising Washington 4-A School,a publicschool,in violationof f i t l e2 l U . S . C$. $8 a l ( a X l )a n d8 6 0 ( a ) . 26 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 27 of 62 PageID #: 27 COUNT80 violation:Tirle 2l u,s,c,$$8al(axl)and860(a), and r 8u . s . c$. 2 (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara publichousingauthorityfacility- aidingand abetting) 28,20ll, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, On or aboutFebruary Division,andelsewhere, Texarkana the defendants, RICKY BAKER, aka "Debo", andDERRICK GOODNIGHT,aidingandabettingeachother knownand unknown,did knowinglydistribute.1539gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase, commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feetof the real property comprising Pinehurst in violationof Title2l U.S,C, facilityownedby a publichousing authority, Village,a housing andl8 U,S,C,$ 2, $$ 8al(a)(l)and860(a), COUNT8I Violation:Title 2l U.S.C.$$8al(aXl)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine".neara school) On or aboutFebruary 28,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Division,andelsewhere, Texarkana the defendant, CEDRIC DANIELS,aka "Three-Two",did knowinglydistribute,3020gramsof a mixtureor substance containing within knownas"crackcocaine," cocaine base,commonly II controlled substance, a Schedule 1000feetof therealproperty BookerT. Washington, a publicschool,in violationof Title2l U.S,C,$$ comprising 8al(aXl)and860(a). CQUNT82 Violation: Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(aXl)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", facility) neara publichousing authority On or aboutFebruary Districtof Arkansas, 28, 201l, in the Western Division,andclsewherc, Texarkana thedcfendant, MARKEITH EVANS,did knowinglydistribute.l590 gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," within 1000feetof thereal a Schedule ll controlled substance, properfycomprisingPinehurstVillage,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousingauthority,in violationof 'l'itle 2l U,S,C,$$8al(a)(l)and860(a), 27 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 28 of 62 PageID #: 28 COUNT83 violarion: Title2l u,s,c,$ 841(axl) (Distributionof cocaine base, commonly known as "crack cooaine") On or aboutFebruary 28,20ll, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Division,andelsewhere, Texarkana the defendant, THOMAS LEAKS, aka "Tom Tom", did knowinglydistribute.2306gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(aXl). COUNT84 violarion:Title 2l u.s.c. $$8al(axl) and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara publichousing authority facility) ?8, 201I, in the Western On or aboutFebruary Districtof Arkansas, Division,andelsewhere, Texarkana the defendant, CHANNING PENNINGTON,aka "Blackberry",did knowinglydistribute,2550gramsof a mixtureor substance cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule containing ll controlled substance, within 1000feetof therealpropertycomprising Pinehurst Village,a housingfacilityownedby a public housing authority, in violationof Tirle2l U.S,C,$$ 8al(a)(l)and860(a), col.JNT 85 Violation:Title 2l U.S.C.$ 8al(aXl) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutMarchl,20ll, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Division,andelsewhere, Texarkana the defendant, TREMAINE RICHARDSON,did knowinglydistribute19.3689gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof T i r r e 2ur. s , c$, 8 a | ( a x | ) . CQUNT86 Violation:Title2l U.S,C$ 8 a l ( a X l ) (Distributionof cocaineba$e, commonly known as "crack cocaine") On or aboutMarch2, ?011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana the l)ivision,andelsewhere, defendant, TALVIN WARREN, aka "Bright Eyes'',did knowinglydistribute5,8393gramsof a mixtureor 28 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 29 of 62 PageID #: 29 substancecontainingcocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine,"a Schedulell controlledsubstance, in violarion of Tirle2l u.s,c.$ 8al(axl). CQUNT87 V i o l a t i o n : T2i rll u e , s . c ,$ 8 a l ( a x l ) (Distributionof methamphetamine) On or about March 2,20 11, in the WesternDistrict of Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision, and elsewhere, the defendant,TALVIN WARREN, aka "Bright Eyes", did knowingly distribute3.9591 grams of a mixture or substance containinga detectableamountof methamphetamine, in violationof a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, ri r re2r u, s. c$. 8 a l( a ) ( r) . COUNT 88 ViolationT ; i t l e 2 l U . S . C $$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distributionof cocaine base,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine",neara school) On or aboutMarch3,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andclsewhcre, the defendant, CATRAYL SPIVEY, aka '(Trailerhead",did knowinglydistribute6,2618gramsof'a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcoeaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feetof therealproperty comprising Washington 4-A Academy, a publicschool,in violationof Title2l U,S,C. $$ 8al(a)(l)and860(a). COUNT89 violation:Titl2 el u,s.c. $ 8al(a)(l) (Distributionof cocaine base, commonly known as "crack cocaine") On or about March 3,2011, in the WesternDistrict of Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision, and elsewhere,the defendant,MICHAEL WALKER, aka "Big Mike", did knowingly distribute 1,6375grams of a mixture or substancecontainingcocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, in v i o l a t i o no f T i r l e2 l u , s . c . $ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) . 29 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 30 of 62 PageID #: 30 COUNT90 violation: Tirle2l u,s.c,$$8al(axl)and860(a) (Distribution knownas "crack of cocaine base,commonly cocaine", neara school) On or aboutMarch4,20 11,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Division,andelsewhere, the Texarkana defendant, MARKEITH EVANS, did knowinglydistribute,2121gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine,"a Schedule within 1000feetol thereal II controlledsubstance, propertycomprising 4-A School,a publicschool,in violationof Title 2l U,S.C,$$ 8al(aXl) and Washington 860(a), COUNT9I violation: Title?l u,s,c, $$ 8al(axl) and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara publichousing facility) authority On or aboutMarch4,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Division,andelsewhere, Texarkana the defendant, DERRICK COODNIGHT,did knowinglydistribute.1816 gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled within 1000feetof thereal substance, property facilityownedby a publichousing comprising BrambleCourts,a housing in violationof Title2l authority, LJ,S.C. $$8al(aXl)and860(a), COUNT92 Violation;Title 2l U.S.C,$$8al(aXl)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara school) On or aboutMarch4,20 ll, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, ANTONIO RICHARD, aka "Tek", did knowinglydistribute .1192gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feet of therealproperty 4-A School, comprising Washington a publicschool, in violation of Title2l 8al(aXl) and860(a). 30 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 31 of 62 PageID #: 31 COUNT 93 Violation: Title2l U . S . c . $ $ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) , ( b ) ( l ) ( B ) ( i i i )a n d 860(a) (Distributionof more than 28 grams of cocaine base, commonlyknownas "crack cocaine"near a public housing authorityfacility) On or aboutMarch5, 2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,the defendant, VICTOR WILLIAMS' aka *Neckbreaker",did knowinglydistributemorethan ?8 gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," II controlled within a Schedule substance, 1000feetof therealproperty comprising Pinehurst Village,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousing authority, (bXlXBXiii)and860(a). in violation of Title2l 8a1(a)(l), qQtINT94 violarion: Tirle2l u,s,c.$$8al(axl)and860(a) (Distribution of cocaine base,commonly knownas "crack cocaine", neara school) On or aboutMarch7,20 ll, in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the def'endant, MARKEITH EVANS, did knowinglydistribute.1358gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within1000feetof thereal properfycomprising Washington 4-A School,a publicschool,in violationof 'l'itle2l U.S.C.$$ 8al(aXl) and 860(a). COUNT95 Violation:Tirle ?l u,s.c. $$ 8al(axl) and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara school) On or aboutMarch7,20 ll, in the WesternDi$trictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, JEREMIAH OWENS,aka "JD", did knowinglydistribute,1845gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule Il controlled substance, within 1000feet of therealpropetty comprising Washington 4-A School, a publicschool, in violation of Title2l 8al(aXl) and860(a). 31 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 32 of 62 PageID #: 32 COUNT96 violation:Tirle 2l u,s.c.$$8al(axl)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine",neara publichousingauthorityfacilify) On or aboutMarch7,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the del'endant, gramsof a mixtureor substance ANTONIO RICHARD, aka "Tek", did knowinglydistribute,2?19 cocaine containing base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feet of therealproperfy comprising BrambleCourts,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousing authority, in violation of Tirle2l u.s,c, $$8ar(axl)and860(a). COUNT9T Violation; Title2l U,S,C$ 8 a l ( a X l ) (Distribution of cocainebase, commonly known as "crack cocaine") On or aboutMarch7,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, CATRAYL SPIVEY, aka "Trailerhead",did knowinglydistribute7.5236gramsof a mixtureor substance containingcocainebase,commonlyknown as "crackcocaine,"a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, in violation of Tirle?l u,s.c. $ 8al(axl). COUNT98 'l"itle Violation: 21 U.S.C.gg8al(aXl)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as 'ucrack cocaine", neara publichousing facility) authority On or aboutMarch9,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas,'l'exarkana Division.andelsewhere. the defendant, JEREMIAH OWENS,aka "JD", did knowinglydistribute.1621gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feet of the real propertycomprisingPinehurst Village,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousingauthority,in violarion of Title2l u.s.c. $$8at(a)(l)and860(a), 32 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 33 of 62 PageID #: 33 COUNT99 Violarion:'Iirle 2l u,s,c, $$8al(axl) and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine" neara publichousing facility) authority On or aboutMarch9,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the def'endant, RICKY BAKER, aka "Debo", did knowinglydistribute,2815gramsof a mixtureor substance containingcocainebase,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine,"a Schedule ll controlledsubstance, within 1000feet of the real propertycomprisingPinehurstVillage,a housingfaciliry ownedby a public housingauthority,in violarion of Tirle2l u,s,c, $$8al(axl) and860(a). COUNTIOO violation:Tirle 2l LJ,s,c, $$8al(axl)and860(a) (Distribution of cocaine base,commonly knownas "crack cocaine", neara publichousing authority facility) On or aboutMarch9,20 ll, in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, ANTONIO RICHARD, aka "Tek", did knowinglydistribute .2057gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within I000feet o[ the real propertycomprisingPinehurst Village,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousingauthority,in violation of Tirle2l u.s.c, $$8al(axl) and860(a). LQTJNT IOI ViolationT ; i t l e 2 l U . S . C .g 8 a l ( a X l ) a n d l 8 U , S . C .$ 2 (Distribution of cocaine base, commonly known as "crack cocaine"- aiding and abetting) On or aboutMarch 10,201l, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision,and elsewhere, the defendants, JAMONDO LEWIS, aka '(Mill" and/or "Real", and AARIUS COOKS, aka "A-Town", aidingand abettingeach other known and unknown, did knowingly distribute4.9224 of a mixture or substancecontaining cocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleIl controlledsubstance,in violation of Titlc 2l U.S.C$ . 8 a l ( a ) ( l )a n d l 8 U . S . C $ . 2. 33 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 34 of 62 PageID #: 34 COUNTI02 Violation;'l'itle 2l U.S.C.$ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutMarch10,201l,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, MICHAEL WALKER, aka "Big Mike", did knowinglydistribute8.6107gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule ll controlled substance, in violation of Title2l U,S,C,g 8al(aXl). COUNTI03 violarion: Title2l u.s.c. $$8ar(a)(l)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine" neara publichousing authority facility) On or aboutMarchI l,20ll, in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, J'exarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, RICKY BAKER, aka "Debo", did knowinglydistribute,2354gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule ll controlled substance, in within 1000 feetof the realpropeflycomprising Pinehurst Village,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousingauthority, in violation of Tirle2l u,s,c, $$8al(axl) and860(a). COUNTI04 violarion: Tirle2l u.s.c. $$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara publichousing authority facility) -fexarkana On or aboutMarchll,2011, in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, RANDY CORNELIUS,aka "Drop", did knowinglydistribute .275I gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule Il controlled substance, within 1000feet of therealpropertycomprisingBrambleCourts,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousingauthority,in violation of Title2l U.S.C.$$8al(aXl)and860(a). 34 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 35 of 62 PageID #: 35 coLrNT105 Violation: Title2l U.S.C.$$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara school) On or aboutMarchI I , 201I, in the Western Dishictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, DERRICK GOODNIGHT,did knowinglydistribute .2157gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule ll controlled substance, within 1000feetol"thercal propefiycomprising Washington 4-A School,a publicschool,in violationof Title 2l U,S.C.$$ 8al(aXl) and 860(a), COUNTI06 Tirle2l u.s,c, $ 8al(axl) violarion: (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") 'l'exarkana On or aboutMarchI l, 20I l, in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, CHAD JONES,aka "Big Slump",did knowinglydistribute 6.0903gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schcdule Il controlled substance, in violationof 'I'itle 2l U.S.c.$ 8al(a)(l). COUNTIO7 Violarion:Tirle 2l U.S.C.$$8al(aXl)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara publichousing authority facility) On or aboutMarch14,20ll, in theWestern Districtof Atkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, MAURICE OWENS, did knowinglydistribute,3240gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feetof thereal propertycomprising CarverCourts,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousingauthority, in violationof Title2l gg 8al(aXl) and860(a). U.S.Cr. 35 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 36 of 62 PageID #: 36 COUNTI08 Violation: Title2l U.S.C.$$8al(aXl)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine" neara publichousing authority facility) the On or aboutMarch14,201I, in theWestern Di$trictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, DOMINIQUE ROBERTSON,aka "DD", did knowinglydistribute.1903gramsof a mixtureor dcfendant, substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feetof therealproperty comprising BrambleCourts,a housing faciliryownedby a publichousing authority, in violarion of Tirle2l U,S,C.$$8al(aXl)and860(a), COUNTI09 violation: Tirle2l u,s,c, $ 8al(a)(l) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutMarch15,201l,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, ALVIN WEEKLY, did knowinglydistribute13.6522gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," II controlled substance, a Schedule in violationof Title 2l U . S . C$. 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) , COUNTI IO Violation: Tirlel8 u.s.c. $$922(gxl),924(a)(2), and eza(e)( I) (Felonin Possession of Firearm) On or aboutMarch15,2011,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, TAVA'RISWILLIAMS, aka "f)ope", havingbeenpreviouslyconvictedof a crimepunishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year,possessed one or moreof the followingfirearms,specifically a Makarov9mmsemi-automatic pistol,bearingserialnumber J048618, anda HighPoint,380calibersemi-automatic pistol,bearingserialnumberP780082, all of whichhadpreviously traveledin interstate commerce, in violationof Titlel8 U.S.C.$$e22(g)(l), e2a(a)(2), ande24(e)(l). 36 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 37 of 62 PageID #: 37 COIJNTI I I violation:Tirle2 I u.s.c. $$ 8aI (a)(I ) and860(a) (Distribution of cocaineba$e,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara school) On or aboutMarch16,201l, in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the DOMINIQUE ROBERTSON,aka "DD", did knowinglydistribute,1746gramsof a mixtureor defendant, substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000fcetof the real propertycomprising CollegeHill MiddleSchool,a publicschool,in violationof Title 2l U,S.C.$$8al(a)(l)and860(a), COUNTI I2 violarion: f itle2l u,s.c.$ 8a1(axl) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutMarch17,20l l, in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana the Division,andelsewhere, gramsof a mixture defendant, JAMONDO LEWIS, aka "Mill" and/or"Real",did knowinglydistribute 10,3001 or substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," ll controlled substance, in a Schedule violarion of Tirle2l u.s,c. $ 8at(axl). COUNTI I3 Violation: Title2l U.S.C.$ 841(a)(l) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutMarch17,201l, in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, MARCUSSIMS,aka "Killer Clown" and/or"Big Marc", did knowinglydistribute 5.9241gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule ll controlled substance, in violation of l-itle2l U.S.C.g 84l(a)(l). COUNTI I4 Violarion:Title 2l u.s.c.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distribution of cocaine base,commonly knownas "crack cocaine") O n o r a b o u t M a r c h1 7 , 2 0 1 1 i,n t h e W e s t e r n D i s t r i c t o f A r k a n s a s , T e x a r k a n a D i v i s i o n , a n d e l s e w h e r e , t h e defendant,MARCUS SIMS, aka "Killer Clown" and/or "Big Marc", did knowinglydistribute6.8942gramsof a 37 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 38 of 62 PageID #: 38 mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of Title2l U.S.C,$ 8al(aXl). COUNI IT5, Violarion: Title2l u.s.c. $ 8al(axl) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutMarch17,201l, in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, ALVIN WEEKLY, did knowinglydistribute 4,6415gramsof a mixtureor substance cocaine containing base,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof Title ?l U,S.C.$ 8al(aXl), COUNLLI6 V i o l a t i o n : T i t2l le U . S . C$. 8 a l ( a X l ) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutMarchI 8, 201l, in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, MARCUSSIMS,aka "Killer Clown'nand/or"Big Mflrc", did knowinglydistribute 6.7865gramsof a mixtureor substance cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule containing II controlled substance, in violation of Title2l U,S.C.g 8al(aXl), COUNTI I7 Violarion: Title l8 u.s,c, $$g??(exl), 924(a)(2), and e2a(e)(I ) (Felonin Possession of a Firearm) On or aboutMarch19,20I l, in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, ANTONIO RICHARD, aka "Tek", havingbeenpreviouslyconvictedof a crimepunishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year,possessed a firearm,specifically a Smith& Wesson,38 caliber revolver,serialnumberobliterated, whichhadpreviously traveledin interstatc commercer in violationol' Title l8 U.S.C.$$922(eXt),92a(a)(2), ande24(e)(l). 38 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 39 of 62 PageID #: 39 COUNTI I8 'l'itle Violation: 2l U.S.C,$$8al(aXl)and860(a) and l 8 u . s .c$. 2 (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara publichousingauthorityfacility- aidingand abetting) On or aboutMarch23,2011,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the def'endants, AARIUS COOKS, aka "A-Town", and DEADRICK TATUM, aka "Toda", aidingand abetting eachotherand othersknown and unknown,did knowinglydistribute. | 194 gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule ll controlled substance, within 1000feet of the real propertycomprisingPinehurstVillage, a housingfacility ownedby a public housingauthority,in violarion of Tirle2l U,S.C.$$8al(a)(l)and860(a), andl8 U.S,C,$ 2. COUNT I 19 violation: Tirle2l u.s,c.$$8al(axl)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara school) On or aboutMarch23,201l, in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, DOMINIQUE ROBERTSON'aka "DD', did knowinglydistribute.?510gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled wixhin substance, 1000feetof the real propertycomprising CollegeHill Middle School,a publicschool,in violationof Titte 2l 8al(a)(l)and860(a). COUNTI20 V i o l a t i o n : T2i rlrue, s . c .$ $8 a l ( a x ta) n d( b ) ( r x A x i i i ) (Aftemptto distribute morethan280gramsof cocaine base, commonlyknown as "crackcocaine") On or about March 25, 20 ll, in the Westem District of Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision, the defendant, VICTOR WILLIAMS, aka "Neckbref,ker", did knowingly attempt to distributemore than 280 grams of a mixture or substancecontainingcocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine,"a Schedulell controlled substance i n, v i o l a t i o no f T i t l e 2 l U . S . C .g g 8 a l ( a X l ) a n d( b X l X A X i i i ) . 39 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 40 of 62 PageID #: 40 C O U N TI 2 I violarion:Tirle 2l u.s,c, $$8al(axl) and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine". neara school) On or aboutMarch30,20ll, in the Western Districtof Arkansas, the Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, EMMANUEL BAKER,aka "Little E', did knowinglydistribute defendant, ,3993gramsof a mixtureor substance cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," containing a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feet 4-A Academy,a publicschool,in violationof Title 2l U.S.C.$$ ol-the real propertycomprisingWashington 8al(aXl)and860(a). COUNTI22 Violation; Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutMarch30,20ll, in the Western Districtof Arkansas, the Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, MARCUSSIMS,aka "Killer Clown" and/or"Big Marc", did knowinglydistribute defendant, gramsof 12.4944 a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule Il controlled in violation subsrance, of Tirle2l u.s.c. $ 8al(a)(l). COUNTI23 Violation;Title 2l U.S.C.{ig8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara publichousing authority facility) On or aboutMarch30,20t1,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the DEADRICK TATUM, aka "Toda", did knowinglydistribute,lS36 defendant, gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within1000feet of the real propeftycomprisingPinehurstVillage, a housingfaciliry ownedby a public housingauthority,in of Title2l U.S.C.$$841(aXl)and860(a). violation 40 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 41 of 62 PageID #: 41 COLTNT I24 V i o l a t i o n : T i r2l leu . s . c .$ 8 a l ( a x l )a n dl 8 u . s . t ' .$ 2 (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack -cocaine" aidingandabening) On or aboutMarch30,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the def'endants, MARCEL JOHNSON,f,ka"Cel", andWILLIE RAY GILLIAM, aka "Dude", aidingandabetting eachotherand othersknown and unknown,did knowinglydistributea mixtureor substance containingcocaine base,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof Title 2l U.S.C.$ 8 a l ( a X l )a n dl 8 U , S , C$, 2 . COUNTI25 violation: Tirle2 I u,s,c,$ 8aI (axl) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutApril 5,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the MARCUSSIMS,aka "Killer Clown" and/or"Big Marc", did knowinglydistribute defendant, 9.3410gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof Title2 I U,S.C,g 8aI (aX| ). COUNT126 violation: Title2l u,s.c.$ 8al(axl) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonly knownas "crack cocaine") On or about April 5,2011, in the WesternDistrict of Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision, and elsewhere,the defendant,DONTE WILLIAMS, aka "Yogi", did knowingly distribute27,9948gramsof a mixture or substance containingcocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, in violationof T i rre 2r u,s , c,$ 8 a l (a x l) , couNT127 Violation: Title2l U,S.C.$$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara publichousing authorityfacility) On or aboutApril 6,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, PATRICK CORNELIUS,SR.,aka "lkey", did knowinglydistribute12,9889 gramsof a mixtureor 41, Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 42 of 62 PageID #: 42 substance containingcocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, within 1000feetof the real properfycomprisingInghramHomes,a housingfacility ownedby a publichousingauthority,in v i o l a t i o no f T i t l e 2 l u . s , c , $ $ 8 a l ( a x l ) a n d 8 6 0 ( a ) , couNT128 'litle violation: 2l u.s.c. $$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine",nearschool) On or aboutApril 6,2011,in the WesternDishictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the EMMANUEL BAKER,aka "Little H", did knowinglydistribute def'endant, .2973gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II conholled substance, within 1000feet of the real propertycomprising Washington 4-A Academy,a publicschool,in violationof 'l'itle 2l U,S,C.$$ 8al(a)(l)and860(a). coLN'f 129 violation: Title2l u.s.c. $$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara publichousing facility) authority On or aboutApril 6,2011,in the WestemDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the gramsof a mixtureor substance defendant, DEADRICK TATUM, aka "Toda", did knowinglydistribute.lT90 containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled within 1000f"eet substance, of thc real propertycomprisingPinehurst Village,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousingauthority,in violation of Title2l u.s.c. $$8al(a)(l)and860(a). CSLINTI3O Violation; Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutApril 7,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, ANTONIO WHITE, aka "lcy" and/or"Bone",did knowinglydistribute 6.6282gramsof a mixtureor substance containingcocainebase,commonlyknown as "crackcocaine,"a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, in violation of Title2l u,s.c, $ 8al(axl). 4Z Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 43 of 62 PageID #: 43 C O U N TI 3 I Violation:'Iitle 2 l U.S.C.$ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) (Distributionof cocainebase.commonlvknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutApril 8,20 11,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas,'fexarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, DEADRICK TATUM, aka "Toda", did knowinglydistribute.lg5T gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof T i t re 2r u.s , c.$ 8 a l (a xl ) , COUNTI32 violation: Tirle2l u,s.c.$ 8al(axl) (Distribution of cocaine base,commonly knownas "crack cocaine") On or aboutApril 13, ?011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,the defendant, MARCUSSIMS,aka "Killer Clowno'and/or"Big Marc", did knowinglydistribute12.5952 gramsof a mixture or substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(aXl). COUNTI33 v i o l a r i o n : T i r2l e l u . s . c .$ 8 a l ( a ) ( t ) (Distribution of cocaine) On or aboutApril 13,201l, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, DONTE WILLIAMS, aka "Yogi", did knowinglydistribute14.0173 gramsof a mixtureor substance containing a detectable amountof cocaine, a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof Title 2l U,S,C,$ 841(aXl). COUNTI34 Violation: Tirle2l u,s,c, $$8al(axl) and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara publichousing authority facility) On or aboutApril 14,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas,'l'exarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, WILLIE TATUM, aka "Man Man", did knowinglydistribute 5.9086gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000f'eet 43 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 44 of 62 PageID #: 44 of the real propertycomprisingPinehurst Village,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousingauthority,in violation of l'itle2l U.S.C.$$ 8al(a)(l)and860(a). COUNTI35 Violation: Title2l U.S.C$ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) (Distribution of cocainebase.commonlvknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutApril 14,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, J'exarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, WILLIE TATUM, aka "Man Man", did knowinglydistribute gramsof a mixtureor substance I 1.6441 containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled in violationof substancc, 'l-itle 2l U.S.C.ti 8al(aXl). COLNT ]36 Violation; Title2l U.S.C$ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) (Distribution of cocainebase.commonlvknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutApril 15,20ll, in the Western Districtof Arkansas,'l'exarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, ANTONIO WHITE, aka "Icy" and/or "BonG",did knowinglydistribute13.4448gramsof a mixture or substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of Title2l u,s,c. $ 8al(axl). COUNTI37 Violation; Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutApril 15,201I,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the def'endant, CHRISTOPHERROBERTSON,aka "Little Homie",did knowinglydistribute,2044gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule Il controlled substance, in violation ol''litle2l U.S.C.g 8al(a)(l). C O U N TI 3 8 Violation: Title2l u.s.c. $ 8 a l ( a X l ) (Distribution of cocainebase.commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutApril 18,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, DAMEON RICHARD, aka "D Rich'',did knowinglydistribute.l3g0gramsa mixtureor substance 44 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 45 of 62 PageID #: 45 containingcocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, in violationof T i rre 2r u. s. c$, 8 a r ( a ) (r ) , COUNTI39 Title2l U,S.C.$ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) Violation: (Distribution of cocainebase.commonlv knownas "crack cocaine") On or aboutApril 18,2011, in the WesternDistrict of Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision, and elsewhere, the defendant,CHRISTOPHER ROBERTSON, aka "Little Homien',did knowingly distribute.2140 grams of a mixture or substancecontainingcocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine,"a Schedulell controlled substance i n, v i o l a t i o no f T i t l e 2 l U . S . C .$ 8 a l ( a X l ) , couNT 140 Violation: Tirle2l U,S.C,$ 8 4 1 ( a X l ) (Distribution of cocainebase.commonlvknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutApril 21,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, ANTONIO WHITE, aka "lcy" and/or"Bone",did knowinglydistribute13.2416 gramsol-a mixture or substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," in a Schedule ll controlled substancc, violation of Tirle2l u.s.c. $ 8al(a)(l). C O U N TI 4 I Violation: Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") 'fexarkana On or aboutApril 22, 2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, ANTHONY BRADLEY,aka "Insane"and/or "Black", did knowinglydistribute 2.331I gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of Tirle2l U,S.C,$ 8al(aXl), couNT 142 Violation: Tirlel8 u.s,c.$ 92a(c)(l)(A) (Use and carrying of a firearm during a drug trafficking crime) On or about April 22, 20 1l, in the WesternDistrict of Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision,and elsewhere, the defendant,ANTHONY BRADLEY, aka "lnsane" and/or "Black", did knowingly useand carry a firearm,to wit: 45 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 46 of 62 PageID #: 46 (HS Products) pistol,bearingserialnumberU5223268, a Springfield XD .40calibersemi-automatic duringandin relationto a drugtraffickingcrimefor whichhe maybe prosecuted in a courtof the UnitedStates, thatis possession with intentto distributecocainebase,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine",a Schedule II controlledsubstance, in violation of Title2l U.S.C.$ 8al(aXl),allin violation of Titlel8 U.S.C,g 92a(c)(l)(A), couNl- 143 V i o l a t i o n ;i tf l el 8 U . S . C$. 9 2 2 ( 9 ) ( l ) (Felonin possession of a firearm) On or aboutApril 22, ?011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, ANTHONY BRADLEY,akn "Insane"and/or "Black",havingbeenpreviously convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year,possessed a firearm,specifically,a Springfield(HS Products) XD .40calibersemi-automatic pistol,bearingserialnumberUS223268, whichhadpreviously traveled in interstate commerce, in violarion (aXZ)and924(e)(l). of Tirle18,U.S.C.$$9ZZ(gXI),9?a couNl'r44 Violation: Title2l U.S.C.$ 841(aXl) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutApril 22,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, DAMEON RICHARD,aka "D Rich", did knowinglydistribute.1291 gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof Ti rr2r e u. s, c,$ 8 a r (a x l) , eSuNTl4s v i o l a t i oTn i:r l e2 l u , s , c ,$ 8 a l ( a x l a ) n dl 8 u . s . c .$ 2 (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack - aidingandabening) cocaine" On or aboutApril 22,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendants, cHRISTOPHERROBERTSON,aka ..LittleHomi€",and DAMEON RICHARD.aka .,f) Rich". aidingandabetting eachotherandothersknownandunknown, did knowinglydistribute .1248gramsof a mixture or substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of Tirle2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l)andl8 U.S.C.$ 2, 46 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 47 of 62 PageID #: 47 COLJN'| I46 violarion: Title2l u,s,c,$ 8al(axl) (Distribution of cocaine base,commonly knownas "crack cocaine") On or aboutApril 22, 2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,the defendant, CHRISTPOHERROBERTSON,aka o'LittleHomien',did knowinglydistribute.l45Sgramsof a mixtureor substance containingcocainebase,commonlyknown as "crackcocaine,"a Schedulell controlledsubstance, in violation of Tirle2l u,s.c, $ 8al(axl). c o uN' l' 14 7 V i o l a t i o n : T i t l2el U . S . C $ . 8al(a)(l) (Distributionof cocaine base, commonly known as "crack cocaine") On or aboutApril 26,2011, in the WesternDistrict of Arkansas,'l'exarkana Division,and elsewhere, the defendant,TAVEAS GREEN, did knowingly distribute26.3838 grams of a mixture or substancecontaining cocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleIl controlledsubstance,in violation of "fitle 2l u . s . C$. 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) . couNT 148 Violation; Title2l U.S.C.$$ 8al(a)(l)and(bXlXBXiii) (Distributionof more than 28 grams of cocainebase, commonlyknownas"crackcocaine") On or aboutApril 26,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, TAVEAS GREEN,did knowinglydistribute morethan28 grams(51,5260), of a mixtureor subsrance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule Il controlled substance, in violationof T i t l e2 l L J . S . C $ $, 8 a l ( a X l )a n d( b X l X B X i i i ) , COUNT I49 v i o l a t i o n : T i2r l eu , s . c .$ 8 a t ( a x l ) (Distribution of cocaine base, commonly known as "crack cocaine") On or about April 26,20 Il, in the WesternDi$trict of Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision, and elsewhere,the defcndant,ISIAH WATSON, aka "Ike 7", did knowingly distribute 12.7602grams of a mixrure or substance 47 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 48 of 62 PageID #: 48 containingcocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, in violationof T i r l e2 r u . s . c .$ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) . COUNTI50 Violation:Title 2l U.S.C.{i{i8al(a)(l),(bXlXBXii)and 860(a) andl8 U.S.C.$ 2 (Possession with intentto distributemorethan 500 gramsof cocaine, neara publichousingauthorityfacility* aidingand abetting) Districtof Arkansas, On or aboutApril 28,20ll, in the Western the Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, defendants, DONTE WILLIAMS, aka "Yogi", and BRIDGETSTARKEY,aidingandabetting eachothcrand othersknownandunknown,did knowinglypossess with intentto distribute morethan500gramsof a mixtureor substance containing a detectable amountofcocaine, a Schedule II controlled $ubstance, within1000feetofthe real propeffycomprising CarverCourts,a housingfaciliryownedby a publichousingauthority, in violationof Title2l U.S.C.$$$8al(aXl),(bXlXBXii)and860(a), andl8 U.S.C.!i 2. COUNTIII Violation:Title 2l U.S.C,$ 856(aXl) (Maintaining a drugpremises) On or aboutApril 28, 20ll, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,the def'endants, DONTEWILLIAMS, aka"Yogi",and BRIDGETSTARKEY,did knowingly namely, useandmaintain a place, a residence locatedat 2l l0 Preston Street,Apartment #137,Texarkana, of distributing Arkansas, for the purpose andusinga controlled substance, in violationof Title2l U.S.C,g 856(aXl). COUNTI52 violation:Tirle l8 u,s,c. $ 92a(cxlxA) (Useandcarryingof a firearmduringa drugtraffickingcrime) On or aboutApril 28,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, DONTE WILLIAMS, flkfl "Yogi", did knowinglyuseandcarryoneor moreof thefollowingfirearms, to wit; a'fhompson/Center ArmsCo. .45caliberhandgun, bearingserialnumber4393;a RG lndustries ,22caliber revolverModelRG23,bearingserialnumberT678759;a LorcinEngineering pistol .380calibersemi-automatic modelL380,bearingserialnumber197790;a l-EG .40calibersemi-automatic pistolmodel40R2,bearingserial numberNZ00l50;a l{i-Point9mmsemi-automatic pistolModelC9,bearingserialnumberP1386699; anda Bryco pistolmodelJennings Arms9mmsemi-automatic Nine,bearingserialnumber1487560, duringandin relationto a 48 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 49 of 62 PageID #: 49 drugtraffickingcrimefor whichhe maybe prosecuted in a courtof the UnitedStates, that is possession with intent to distributemorethan500gramsof a mixtureor substance a Schedule Il containing a detectable amountof cocaine, controlled substance, in violation of 'fitle 2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l),allin violation of Titlel8 U.S.C.$ 92a(cXlXA). COUNTI53 Violation: Tirle2l U.S,C.$$8al(a)(l)and(bXlXB)(iii), and r 8u . s . c$.2 (Possession with intentto distributemorethan 28 gramsof cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine"- aiding andabening) On or aboutApril 28,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendants, ISIAH WATSON,aka 'olke7'nand CHANDRA GILMORE, aidingand abettingeachother,did knowinglypossess with intentto distributemorethan28 gramsof a mixtureor substance containingcocainebase, 'l'itle commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlledsubstance, in violationof 2l U,S,C,$$ 8 a l ( a X l )a n d( b X l X B X i i i )a,n dl 8 U . S . C$. 2 . COLN'TI54 Violation; Title2l U.S.C.$ 856(a)(l) (Maintaining a drugpremises) On or aboutApril 28, 2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,the defendants, ISIAH WATSON,aka "lke 7" and CHANDRAGILMORE, did knowinglyuseandmaintaina place,namely,a residence locatedat 4303CounfyAvenue,Apanment#64,Texarkana, Arkansas, for the purposeof distributingand usinga controlled substance, in violationof Title2l U.S.C.g 856(aX I ). C O U N TI 5 5 Violation;Title l8 U.S.C.${i922(gXl),924(a)(2), and e24(eXl) (Felonin Possession of Ammunition) On or aboutApril 28,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, ISTAH WATSON, aka "Ike 7", havingbeen previouslyconvictedof a crime punishable by imprisonment for a termexceeding oneyear,possessed ammunition, specifically fortythreeroundsof Remington .45 caliberammunition, whichhadpreviously traveledin interstate commerce, in violationof Title l8 U.S.C.$$ e22(gxI ), e2a(aX2), ande24(e)( I ), 49 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 50 of 62 PageID #: 50 COUNT I56 V i o l a t i o n : T i t l2el U , S . C $ , 8 a l ( a X l )a n dI 8 U , S , C $ , 2 (Distributionof cocaine base, commonly known as "crack cocaine" aidingand abetting) On or about May 5,2011, in the WesternDistrict of Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision, and elsewhere,the defendants, MORGAN DANSBY, aks "G", and DEWON BEAD, aka "The One", aidingand abeningeachother known and unknown, did knowingly distribute27.1260 grams of a mixture or substancecontaining cocainebase, commonlyknown as "crack cocaine,"a Schedulell controlledsubstance, in violationof Title 2l U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l) a n dl 8 U , S , C $ . 2. COUNTI57 Violation: Title2l U,S.C,$ 8al(aXl) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutMay 12,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the def'endant, ANTHONY R. JOHNSON, did knowinglydistribute12.3312gramsof a mixture or substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine", a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof T i rre 2r u. s, c,$ 8 a l (a x l) . elouNT158 Violation: Title2l U.S,C.$$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distribution of methamphetamine neara school) On or aboutMay 12,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, FREDRICK D. LAw, did knowinglydistribute12.4842gramsof a mixtureor substance containinga detectable amountof methamphetamine, a Schedute II controlledsubstance, within 1000feetof the real property comprising Arkansas HighSchool,a publicschool,in violationof Title2l U,S.C.$$ 8al(aXI)and860(a). COLNT'I59 V i o l a t i o n ; T i t2l leU . S . Cg. 8 a l ( a X l ) (Possession with intentto distribute cocainebase.commonlv knownas"crackcocaine") On or aboutMay 17,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, ROLAND SMITH, did knowinglypossess with intentto distribute4.8518gramsof a mixrureor 50 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 51 of 62 PageID #: 51 substancecontainingcocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine",a ScheduleII controlledsubstancc,in v i o l a t i o no f T i r l e2 l u . s . c . $ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) . COUNTI60 Violation: Title2l U.S,C.$ 8 a l ( a X l ) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutMay 17,?011,in the WesternDi$trictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, MARCEL JOHNSON,aka "Cel", did knowinglydistribute12.1466 gramsof a mixtureor substance containing a detectable amountof cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine",a Schedule II controlled subsrance, in violarion of Tirle2l u.s,c. $ 8al(axl). e o uN Tl 6 l violarion:Tirle 2l u,s,c. $$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distributionof methamphetamine neara school) On or aboutMay 18,20ll, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, FREDRICK D. LAW, did knowinglydistribute 7,9556gramsof a mixtureor substance containing a detectable amountof methamphetamine, a Schedule ll controlled substance, within 1000feetof the realproperty 'title comprising Arkansas HighSchool, a publicschool,in violationof 2l U.S,C.$$ 84l(a)(l)and860(a). COUNT162 Violation: Tirle2l u,s.c,$ 8al(axl) (Distribution of cocaine base,commonly knownas "crack cocaine") "fexarkana On or aboutMay 20,20ll, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, RANDY CORNELIUS,aka "Drop", did knowinglydistribute 1.0553gramsof a mixtureor substance containing a detectable amountof cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine",a Schedule ll controlled substance, in violation of Title2l U.S.C.g 8al(a)(l). COUNTI63 violation:Title 2l u.s.c. $$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara publichousing authority facility) On or aboutMay 23,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, RANDY CORNELIUS,aka o'Drop",did knowinglydistribute.lg00 gramsof a mixtureor substance 51 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 52 of 62 PageID #: 52 knownas"crackcocaine," containing cocaine base,commonly substance, within 1000f'eet a Schedule II conholled of therealpropertycomprisingBrambleCoutts,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousingauthority,in violation of Title2l u,s.c. $$8al(a)(l)and860(a), COUNTI64 'l'itle Violation; 2l U.S.C.$$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara publichousing authority facility) On or aboutMay 23, 2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas,'fexarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, RANDY CORNELIUS,aka "Drop", did knowinglydistribute.1835 gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine ba$e,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," substance, within 1000f'eet a Schedule II controlled of therealproperty comprising BrambleCourts,a housingfhcilityownedby a publichousing authority, in violation of Title2l U.S.C,$$841(aXl)and860(a). COUNTI65 Violation: Tirle2l U,S,C,$$8al(aXl)and860(a) and r 8u . s . c$. 2 (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara publichousingauthorifyfacility- aidingand abening) On or aboutMay 25,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Division,andelsewhere, Texarkana the defendants, LEON COLLINS,aka "PeeWee",and MARCUSSIMS,aka "Killer Clown'oand/or('BigMarc", aidingandabetting eachotherandothersknownandunknown, gramsof a mixture did knowinglydistribute1.0127 or substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," ll controlled substance, a Schedule within 1000feetof the real propertycomprising BrambleCourts,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousing aurhority, in violation of Tirle2l u,s,c, $$ 8al(aXl)and860(a) andl8 u,s.c. {i 2. COLNT 166 v i o l a r i o n : T i r2l e l u , s , c .$ 8 a l ( a ) ( ta) n dl 8 u , s . c ,$ 2 (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack * aidingandabetting) cocaine" On or aboutJunel, 2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendants, LEON COLLINS,aka "PeeWee" f,nd MARCUSSIMS,aka "Killer Clown" and/or"Big Marc", aidingandabettingeachotherandothersknownandunknown,did knowinglydistribute3,7703gramsof a mixture 52 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 53 of 62 PageID #: 53 or substancecontainingcocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine," a ScheduleII controlled substance,in v i o l a t i o no f T i t l e 2 l U . S . C .$ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) a n d l 8 U . S . C .$ 2 . CAUNT167 V i o l a t i o n : T2i tll e U . S . C$.8 a l ( a ) ( l ) (Distributionof cocaine) On or about June 6, ?011, in the WesternDistrict of Arkansas,TexarkanaDivision, and elsewhere,the defendant,CLYDE O'GUIN, okfl "Pud", did knowingly distribute 126.775grams of a mixture or substance containinga detectableamount of cocaine,a ScheduleII controlledsubstance,in violation of Title 2l U.S.C. $ 841(aXl). COUNTI68 Violation: Title2 I U.S.C,$ $ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) a n d8 6 0 ( a ) (Distribution of cocainebase. commonlv known as "crack cocaine", neara school) On or aboutJune9,20 ll, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, the Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, def'endant, CEDRIC DANIELS, aka "Three-Two",did knowinglydistribute.1678gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feetof therealproperty comprising BookerT. Washington, a publicschool,in violationof Title2l l.J,S.C. $ti 8al(aXl)and860(a), COUNT 169 v i o l a t i o n : T i t2l el u , s . c ,$ $8 a l ( a x l )a n d( b X l x B X i i i ) (Distributionof more than 28 grams of cocaine base, commonly knownas"crackcocaine") On or aboutJune10,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, CLYDE O'GUIN' aka "Pud", did knowinglydistribute morethan28 grams(102,4164 grams)of a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknowna$ "crackcocaine,"a Schedule ll controlled 'l'itle substance, in violation of 2l U.S.C.gg8al(a)(l)and(b)(l)(B)(iii), 53 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 54 of 62 PageID #: 54 COUNTI70 Violation; Title2l U.S.C.$$ 8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Dishibutionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine"neara playground) On or aboutJune14,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, DEWON BEAD, aka "The One", did knowinglydistribute8,9685gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled within 1000feet substance, of therealpropertycomprising Sandflat-Glendale Neighborhood Center,a publicplayground, in violationof Title 2 l U , S , C$, $8 a l ( a X l )a n d 8 6 0 ( a ) . couNTl7l V i o l a r i o n ; T2i rl lue, s , c ,$ 8 a l ( a x l ) (Distributionof cocainebase, commonly known as "crack cocaine") On or aboutJune14,2011,in the WesternDishictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the gramsof a mixtureor substance def'endant, ADRIAN WITCHER, aka "Stump",did knowinglydistribute 12.1947 containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof T i t l e2 l U , S . C$, 8 a l ( a X l ) . COLNT I72 Violation:Title 2l U,S,C,{i 8al(aXI) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutJune15,201I, in the WcsternDistrietof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, ANTHONY R. JOHNSON,did knowinglydistribute 5.2466gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof Title 2l U , S , C$. 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) . couNT 173 violation: Tirle2l u,s,c.$ 8al(axl) (Distribution of cocaine base,commonly knownAs"crack cocaine") On or aboutJune17,201l, in the Westernl)istrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andclsewhere. the defendant, ADRIAN WITCHER,aka "Stump",did knowinglydistribute gramsof a mixtureor substance 10.9552 54 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 55 of 62 PageID #: 55 containingcocainebase,commonly known as "crack cocaine,"a ScheduleII controlledsubstance, in violationof 'l'itle 2 l U . S . C .$ 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) , eouNT174 violation: Tirle2l u.s,c, $ 8 a l ( a X l ) (Dishibutionof cocainebase.commonlvknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutJune22,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, ADRIAN WITCHER,aka "Stump'0, did knowinglydishibute10.31l8gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof T i rre 2r u, s, c,$ 8 a l (a xt ). couNT 175 Violation: Title?l U,S,C,$ 8al(a)(l) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutJune27,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelscwhere, the defendant, DEADRICK TATUM, flka "Toda", did knowinglydistribute,lS50 gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substanccr in violationof T i t l e2 l U . S . C$. 8 a l ( a ) ( l ) , COUNTI76 violation:Title2l u.s,c, $$ 8al(ax I ) and860(a) (Distributionof cocaineba$e,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine" neara publichousing facility) On or aboutJune27, 20ll, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, JOHNNY JOHNSON,aka ('Hawk",did knowinglydistribute.lg00gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substancer within| 000feet of therealpropefiycomprisingBrambleCourts,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousingauthority,in violation of f irle2l u,s.c. $$8al(axl) and860(a), 55 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 56 of 62 PageID #: 56 COUNTI77 Violation; Title2l U.S.C.$$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine" neara publichousing authority facility) On or aboutJune28,2011,in the We$tern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division.andelsewhere. the defendant, JOHNNY JOHNSON,aka "Hawk", did knowinglydistribute.6447gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within1000feet of therealproperty comprising BrambleCourts,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousing authority, in violation of Title2 r u.s.c. $$84r(axl)and860(a). coLrNT u8 Violation;'l'itle 2l U.S.C.$$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine", neara school) On or aboutJune28,2011,in the Western Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, MAURICE OWENS, did knowinglydistribute.1722gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feetof thereal propertycomprising Washington 4-A Academy, a publicschool,in violationof Title 2l U.S,C,gg 8al(aXl) anrJ 850(a). COUNTI79 Violation: Title2 I U.S.C.$$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlvknown as "crack cocaine", neara school) On or aboutJune28,2011,in the WesternDi$trictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere. the defendant, DEROYCE TATUM, did knowinglydistribute.1492gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonly knownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feetof thereal 'l'itle properfycomprising Washington 4-A Academy, a publicschool,in violationof 2l 8al(aXl) and 860(a). s6 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 57 of 62 PageID #: 57 COI.JNT I84 Violation: Title2l U,S,C.$$8al(aXl)and860(a) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine" neara publichousing facility) On or aboutJuly 4,2011, in the WestemDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, JOHNNY JOHNSON,aka "Hawk", did knowinglydistribute 1.0326gramsof a mixtureor substance containing knownas"crackcocaine," cocaine base,commonly a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feet of therealproperty comprising BrambleCourls,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousing in violation authority, of Tirle2l u.s,c. $$8ar(a)(r)and860(a), couNTlgl Violarion:Title 2r u.s.c. $$8ar(a)(r)and(b)(r)(B)(iii), and l 8 u . s . c .$ 2 (Possession with intentto distributemore than 28 gramsof cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine"- aiding andabetting) On or aboutJuly 5, 2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,and elsewhere, the defendants, ADREN BROWN,aka "A.f)." and TERRY D. MARTIN, aidingandabetting eachotherandothcrs knownandunknown, did knowinglypossess with intentto distribute morethan28 gramsof a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof Title2l U.S.C.$$8al(aXl)and(bXlXB)(iii), andl8 U,S,C.$ 2. couNT 182 violation: Title2l LJ,s,c, $ 8al(axl) (Possession with intentto distributemarijuana) On or aboutJuly 5,2011, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas,'l'exarkana Division,and elsewhere, the defendant, ADREN BROWN,aka "A,D.", did knowinglypossess marijuana, with intentto distribute a Schedule I controlled substance, in violation of Title2l U.S.C.g 841(aXl), COLTNT I83 violation: Titlel8 u,s,c, $ 92a(cxlxA) (Useandcarryingof a firearmduringa drugtrafflckingcrimc) On or aboutJuly 5,20 ll, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Division,and elsewhere, T'exarkana the defendant, ADREN BROWN,aka "A.D.', did knowinglyuseandcarrya firearm,to wit: a FII (Berretta USA).40 caliberscmi-automatic pistol,bearing serialnumberSN0242l7, duringandin rclationto a drugtrafficking crimefor 57 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 58 of 62 PageID #: 58 whichhe maybe prosecuted in a courtof theUnitedStates, thatis possession with intentto distribute a manjuana, Schedule I controlled substance, in violationof Title 2l LJ,S,C, $ 841(aXl),all in violationof Title l8 U.S.C.{i e2a(c)(l)(A). COUNTI84 violation:Tirre 2l u,s.c. $$8al(a)(t),(b)(l)(B)(iii) and 860(a) andl8 U,S,C,$ 2 (Distributionof more than 28 grams of cocainebase, commonlyknownas "crackcocaine"neara publichousing authorityfacility* aidingandabetting) On or aboutJuly 8,2011, in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, the Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, DERRIAN FOSTERand PATRICK D. CORNELIUS,SR.,aka "Ikey", aidingandabeningeach defendants, otherandothersknownandunknown,did knowinglydistributemorethan28 grams(81.7708grams)of a mixtureor substance containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000feetof therealproperfy comprising IngrhamHomes,a housing facilityownedby a publichousing in authority, of Title2r u.s,c, $$8al(axl),(bxlxBxiii) and860(a), violation andl8 u.s.c. $ 2. COUNTI85 violation:Tirle 2l u.s,c. $$8al(a)(l)and860(a) (Distributionof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine"neara publichousingauthorityfacility) On or aboutJuly 12,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, the Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, TERRY D. MARTIN, did knowinglydistribute.3276gramsof a mixtureor substance defendant, containing cocaine base,commonlyknownas"crackcocaine," a Schedule II controlled substance, within 1000f'eetof thereal properfy comprising High PointCourts,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousingauthority, in violationof Title 2l U.S.C.$$8al(a)(l)and860(a). COUNTI86 violation; Tirle2l u.s,c, $$ 8al(axl) and860(a) and r 8u . s . c$. 2 (Distributionof cocainenear a public housing authorily facility- aidingandabetting) On or aboutJuly 13,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the TAVARIS WILLIAMS, aka "Dope", and DEWON BEAD, aka "The One", aidingand abetting defendants, eachotherand othersknown and unknown,did knowinglydistribute64.4607gramsof a mixtureor substance 58 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 59 of 62 PageID #: 59 containinga detectable amountof cocaine,a Schedule II controlledsubstance, within 1000feetof therealproperty comprising Pinehurst Village,a housingfacilityownedby a publichousing authorityin violationol'Title2 I U.S.C. and860(a), andl8I.J,S.C, $$ 841(a)(l) $ 2. COUNTI87 Violation;T'itle 2l U.S.C.$$8al(a)(l),(b)(l)(B)(iii) and 860(a) (Possession with intentto distributemorethan 28 gramsof cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine"near a publichousingauthorityfacility) On or aboutJuly 16,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendants, JASON E. WILLIAMS, nka "J-Rod", did knowinglypossess with intentto distribute morethan28 gramsof' a mixtureor substance containing cocainebase,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine,"a Schedule II controlled substance, within1000feetof Bramble Courts,a housing fhcilityownedby a publichousing authority,in violation of Title2l u.s.c. $$ 8al(a)(l),(bxlxBxiii) and860(a). CQUNT I88 Violation:Title l8 U.S.C.$ 924(cXlXA) (Useandcarryingof a firearmduringa drugtraffickingcrime) On or aboutJuly 16,2011,in the WesternDistrictof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, thc def'endant, JASONE. WILLIAMS, aka "J-Rod"odid knowinglyuseandcarrya firearm,to wit: a ColtCobra.38 specialrevolver,bearingserialnumber2680LW,duringandin relationto a drugtraffickingcrimefor whichhe may be prosecuted in a couttof theUnitedStates, thatis possession with intentto distributecrackcocaine,a Schedule Il controlled substance, in violationof l'itle 2l U.S.C.{i 8al(a)(l),all in violationof Tirlel8 U,S.C.$ 92a(cXlXA). couNT 189 violation: Tirlel8 u,s.c,$$922(exl), 924(a)(2), and eza(eX I) (Felon in Possession of Firearm) Onor aboutJuly16,2011, in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division, andelsewhere, the defendant, JASON E. WILLIAMS, aka "J-Rod", havingbeenpreviouslyconvictedof a crimepunishable by imprisonment for a termexceeding oneyear,possessed a firearm,specifically a Colt Cobra.38specialrevolver, bearingserialnumber2680LW,which had previouslytraveledin interstate commerce, in violationof Title l8 U.S.C.${ie22(g)(l), e24(a)(2), and924(eXI). 59 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 60 of 62 PageID #: 60 COUNTI90 Violation; Title2 I U.S.C.$ 8al(a)(l) (Distribution of cocainebase,commonlyknown as "crack cocaine") On or aboutAugust10,2011,in theWestern Districtof Arkansas, Texarkana Division,andelsewhere, the defendant, MARCEL JOHNSON,aka "Cel", did knowinglydistribute a mixtureor substance cocaine containing base,commonlyknownas "crackcocaine", a Schedule II controlled substance, in violationof Title 2l [J,S.C.$ 841(aXl). FORFEITURE ALLHCA'IION The GrandJuryre-alleges andincorporates by reference hereinCountsI throughl9l of this Indictment. Uponconviction of any or all of CountsI throughCounts37, Counts39 throughCounts50, Counts52 throughCounts109,CountsI l0 throughCountsI 16,CountsI l8 throughCountsl4l, Counts144throughCounts l5l, Counts153throughCounts154,Counts156throughCounts187,and Count 190ofthis Indictment, the shallforfeitto the UnitedStatespursuant defendants to 2l U.S,C.$ 853,anypropeffyconstituting, or derivedfrom, proceeds obtained, directlyor indirectly, asa resultofthe saidviolations, to be andanyproperlyused,or intcnded used,in any manneror par1,to commit,or to facilitate the commission of the saidviolations, includingbut not limitedto thefbllowing; a. A sum of United Statescurrencyrepresenting the amountof proceedsobtainedby eachdefendant namedhereinasa resultof thesaidviolations, b, All real and personalproperfy,derivedfrom, involvedin, or usedto facilitatethe said violations, including, butnot limitedto: l, '['he real properfy,along with any attachedbuildingsand appurlances, locatedat 127 CR 1304,Wake Village, Texas,more parlicularlydescribedas follows; All that ceflaintract or parcelof land situatedin Bowie counfy, Texas,and being a part of the NANCY DYCUS HEADNIGHT SuRVEy, A-t45, and being a part of the l0 acretract of land owned by J. C. Hicks and wife, GussieHicks, and locatedNorth of the Old RedwaterRoad,and describedas follows: BEGINNING at the NorthwestCorner of said l0 acre tract; THHNCE South 290 feet to a stake for corner; ]'HENCE East 200 feet to a stake for cornerl THENCE North, 290 feet to the Norlh boundaryline of said l0 acretracr;TIIENCE West 200 feet to the 60 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 61 of 62 PageID #: 61 Placeof Beginning, cornerof saidl0 acre Containing l-l/2 acresof land,samebeingoutof theNorthwest tract. 2. a 2000GMCDenali, VIN: lGKEKl3RSYRI45949 3. a 2004HlundaisantaF'e,vlN: KMSSB12874U789040 4. a 2002ChevroletTahoe,VIN: lGNECl3Z32R229002 5. a 2001Suburban, VIN: 3GNECl6T4lG2l7l38 6. a 2005Chrysler 300,VIN: 2C3JA53G85H658681 7. a 2001Fordl'ruck.VIN: lFTRW07L9lKBl9449 8. a 2002FordTruck,HarleyDavidson Edition,VIN; l FTRW07322RD37752 U p o nc o n v i c t i oonf a n y o r a l l o f C o u n t s3 8 , 5 1 , l l 0 , 1 1 7 , 1 4 2 , 1 4 31, 5 2 ,1 5 5 ,1 8 8 ,a n d 1 8 9o f t h i s pursuant Indictment, the defendant shallforfeitto the UnitedStates to l8 U.S.C.${i 924(d)and3665thefirearms ammunition andanyaccompanying to wit: usedin theoffense, l. .380caliberpistol,bearing a f)avisIndustries serialnumberAP248455 2. a MaverickArmsModel88 l2 gaugeshotgun, bearing serialnumberMV85l58M 3, pistol,bearing a Makarov9mmsemi-automatic serialnumberJ048618 4. pistol,bearing a FlighPoint.380calibersemi-automatic serialnumberP780082 5, a Smith& Wesson.38caliberrevolver,serialnumberobliterated 6. (HSProducts) XD ,40calibersemi-automatic pistol,bearing a Springfield serialnumber us223268 7. a 1'hompson/Center ArmsCo..45caliberhandgun, serialnumber4393 bearing 8. a RG Industries.22 caliberrevolverModelRG23,bearing serialnumber'f678759 9. a LorcinEngineering pistolmodelL380,bearing .380calibersemi-automatic serialnumber 197790: 10, pistolmodel40R2,bearing a FEG.40calibersemi-automatic serialnumberNZ00l50 ll, pistolModelC9,bearing a Hi-Point9mmsemi-automatic serialnumberP1386699 12. pistolmodelJennings a BrycoArms9mmsemi-automatic Nine,bearing serialnumber1487560 13, Fortythreeroundsof Remington ,45caliberammunition 14. a ColtCobra,38special bearing revolver, serialnumber2680LW 61 Case 4:11-cr-40037-HFB Document 1 Filed 09/14/11 Page 62 of 62 PageID #: 62 property,asa resultofany actor omissionofthe defendant; Ifany ofthe above-described forfeitable (a) cannotbe located upontheexercise ofduediligence; (b) hasbeentransferred or soldto, or deposited with,a thirdparfy; (c) hasbeenplacedbeyondthejurisdiction ofthe Court; (d) hasbeensubstantially in value;or diminished (e) hasbeencommingled with otherpropefiywhichcannotbe dividedwithoutdifficulty, it is the intentof the UnitedStates, pursuanr ro 2l U,S,C,$ 853(p)and l8 U.S.C.$ 982(bxl),ro seek forfeitureofany otherpropertyofsaid defendant up to thevalueofthe forfeitablepropertydescribed above, A TrueBill, CONNERELDRIDGE UNITHDSTATESATTORNEY /s/GrandJuryForeperson Foreperson By Matthew CIQ[ifnn U.S.Attomey Assistant BarNo. 2003-152 Arkansas 500N. Stateline Ave,.Suite402 Texarkana, AR71854 (903)794-948r E-maiI M,[email protected] 62