Special Town Council Meeting
Special Town Council Meeting
Special Town Council Meeting Tuesday, January 12, 2016 11:00 a.m. Council Chambers, Town Hall 359 Main Street Agenda 1. Approval of the Agenda 2. Approval of the Minutes: a. December 15, 2015 (attached) 3. Comments from the Mayor 4. Motions/Recommendations from Public Hearing, December 15, 2015: a. RFD 082A-2015: West End Development Agreement 5. Motions/Recommendations from Committee of the Whole, January 12, 2016: a. RFD 002-2016: First Reading of the Heritage Property Bylaw 6. Question Period Procedure: A thirty minute time period will be provided for members of the public to address Council regarding questions, concerns and/or ideas. Each person will have a maximum of two minutes to address Council with a second two minute time period provided if there is time remaining within the thirty minute Public Input/Question Period timeframe. 359 Main Street | Wolfville | NS | B4P 1A1 | t 902-542-5767 | f 902-542-4789 Wolfville.ca 7. Special Town Council meeting adjourned 359 Main Street | Wolfville | NS | B4P 1A1 | t 902-542-5767 | f 902-542-4789 Wolfville.ca REQUEST FOR DECISION #082A-2015 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT DA Amendment – 4 Additional Lots – West End Lands Date: January 12, 2016 Department: Community Development SUMMARY WEST END DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT APPLICATION - VIKING VENTURES – STONEGATE SUBDIVISION ALONG STIRLING AVE This report is supplementary to the detailed Staff report presented to the Planning Advisory Committee on November 2, 2015. This report focuses on providing Council with clarification on issues that were raised at the Public Hearing held on December 15, 2015. Given the Public Hearing has concluded a draft motion on the draft amending Development Agreement is included here. DRAFT MOTION: That Council approve the application by Viking Ventures to amend the Development Agreement registered against PID 5526837 (the west end lands), to permit 4 additional lots with a single means of exit from the lands via a Public Street. Request for Decision, Page 1 of 5 REQUEST FOR DECISION #082A-2015 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT DA Amendment – 4 Additional Lots – West End Lands Date: January 12, 2016 Department: Community Development 1) CAO COMMENTS No further comments are required at this time. This report serves to provide clarification of the issues raised at the Public Hearing. 2) LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY The Municipal Planning Strategy establishes the ability to enter into development agreements. See detailed PAC Staff Report. 3) PAC & COTW MOTIONS PAC Motion (November 2, 2015): MOTION: IT WAS REGULARLY MOVED AND SECONDED THAT THE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FORWARDS THE STAFF REPORT PROPOSING 4 ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT LOTS WITHIN THE WEST END LANDS (PID 55268379) TO COUNCIL WITH A NEGATIVE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED Committee of the Whole (November 10, 2015): 04-11-15 IT WAS REGULARLY MOVED AND SECONDED THAT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FORWARD THE FOLLOWING MOTION TO COUNCIL FOR DECISION: THAT COUNCIL REJECT THE APPLICATION TO AMEND THE WEST END DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ON PID 55268379 TO ALLOW 4 ADDITIONAL RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LOTS. DEFEATED 05-11-15 IT WAS REGULARLY MOVED AND SECONDED THAT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REFER TO A PUBLIC HEARING THE APPLICATION TO AMEND THE WEST END DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ON PID 55268379 TO ALLOW 4 ADDITIONAL RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LOTS. CARRIED 4) REFERENCES AND ATTACHMENTS • RFD 082-2015 including detailed Staff Report and draft amending Development Agreement 5) SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Public Hearing (December 15, 2015) A Public Hearing was held on December 15, 2015 where an overview of the application and project milestones to-date were presented and feedback welcomed from the Public. Staff comment is provided to issues raised at the Public Hearing below in Table 1. Request for Decision, Page 2 of 5 REQUEST FOR DECISION #082A-2015 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT DA Amendment – 4 Additional Lots – West End Lands Date: January 12, 2016 Department: Community Development Table 1: Public Hearing Issues Summary and Staff Comment Issues raised at Public Hearing Staff Comment Storm Water Management and Erosion Control: These are detailed design issues that Staff is addressing with the Developer and the impacted • 3 residents addressed Council regarding neighbours. issues around the aesthetics, safety, and functionality of the detention pond Although the design of the detention pond was located adjacent to 59 and 63 Stirling approved through a previous servicing agreement, Avenue. Staff acknowledge that the issues raised at the Public Hearing regarding the aesthetics, safety, and functionality of the pond are valid. The proposed draft amending Development Agreement includes Clause 3.1.3 which requires a storm water management plan and an erosion and sedimentation plan, specifically addressing the detention pond. These plans must be reviewed and approved by the Municipal Engineer before any further development (i.e. the 4 additional lots) can proceed. The question for Council on this issue is whether the language of Clause 3.1.3 in the amending Development Agreement complies with the policies of the MPS regarding storm water. Section 8.4.5 of the MPS states that: To require that all developments within the Residential Comprehensive Development District (RCDD) zone respond to sustainability principles. The sustainability principles to be considered by Council shall include, but not be limited to the following: (b) the project provides buildings and site design that substantially reduce the impact on the environment through: v. reduced storm water run-off, e.g. storm retention ponds. The proposed language in the draft amending Development Agreement is as follows: 3.1.3 No Development Permit(s) shall be issued for lots 31-34, as shown on Schedule A to Request for Decision, Page 3 of 5 REQUEST FOR DECISION #082A-2015 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT DA Amendment – 4 Additional Lots – West End Lands Date: January 12, 2016 Department: Community Development this agreement, until a storm water management plan and an erosion and sedimentation plan prepared by a qualified person is approved by the Development Officer. Adjacent Property Owner (Issam Kadray) Comments summarized from the recording of the December 15, 2015 Public Hearing: • Negotiating for over 10 years with the MacArthurs/Viking Ventures. • Speaks for comprehensive development in the area and against any further piecemeal development. • If piecemeal development is approved, he would also be seeking approvals for the same on his property (extending Hillcrest Avenue). • He cannot proceed with development on Hillcrest Avenue until a cross-street is built. He has concerns that the 4 additional lots will delay building this cross street. This clause acknowledges there is an issue with the design and proposes it be remedied, through plans approved by the Town, before any further development proceeds. If Council wishes to set specific standards for the detention pond, or storm water and erosion control generally as it relates to these 4 lots, Staff could look into this and bring a recommendation back to Council. It was requested that the comments made by Mr. Kadray be clarified and are provided here for Council’s consideration. 6) FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS None. 7) REFERENCES TO COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLAN AND TOWN REPORTS Full policy review provided in the detailed PAC Staff Report. 8) PROCESS It should be noted that new information cannot be received after the close of the Public Hearing given that this information may change the submissions of the Public who attended the Public Hearing and Request for Decision, Page 4 of 5 REQUEST FOR DECISION #082A-2015 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT DA Amendment – 4 Additional Lots – West End Lands Date: January 12, 2016 Department: Community Development provided comments or those that would have if they had the new information. Clarification of issues raised at the Public Hearing, however, is permitted and this supplementary report attempts to provide this clarification. Changes, except for minor administrative changes, to the proposed amending Development Agreement would require Council to hold a new Public Hearing to allow the public to make comment. If Council wishes changes then specific direction regarding the change(s) should be provided to Staff who will then review the proposed change with the applicant, amend the agreement and a new public hearing would be required if the changes are substantive. 9) OPTIONS 1. That Council reject the application by Viking Ventures to amend the Development Agreement registered against PID 5526837 (the west end lands), to permit 4 additional lots with a single means of exit from the lands via a Public Street. 2. That Council direct Staff to revise the draft amending development agreement and provide specific direction regarding the required changes (this may involve an additional Public Hearing). 3. That Council approve the application by Viking Ventures to amend the Development Agreement registered against PID 5526837 (the west end lands), to permit 4 additional lots with a single means of exit from the lands via a Public Street. 10) CONCLUSIONS This report provides Council with clarification on issues raised at the Public Hearing held on December 15, 2015 and is supplementary to the detailed Staff report and recommendation presented to the Planning Advisory Committee November 2, 2015 and received by Committee of the Whole on November 10, 2015. Request for Decision, Page 5 of 5 REQUEST FOR DECISION #082-2015 West End Development Agreement Amendment Application Date: November 10, 2015 Department: Community Development SUMMARY WEST END DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT APPLICATION - VIKING VENTURES – STONEGATE SUBDIVISION ALONG STIRLING AVE) For Council to consider the PAC recommendation regarding the proposed amendment to the existing development agreement for the West End Lands owned by Viking Ventures (PID 55268379) to allow for 4 additional residential development lots. PAC Motion (November 2, 2015): MOTION: IT WAS REGULARLY MOVED AND SECONDED THAT THE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FORWARDS THE STAFF REPORT PROPOSING 4 ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT LOTS WITHIN THE WEST END LANDS (PID 55268379) TO COUNCIL WITH A NEGATIVE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED DRAFT MOTION: That Council rejects the application to amend the West End Development Agreement on PID 55268379 to allow 4 additional residential development lots. Request for Decision, Page 1 of 3 REQUEST FOR DECISION #082-2015 West End Development Agreement Amendment Application Date: November 10, 2015 Department: Community Development 1) CAO COMMENTS None required. This is a recommendation from the PAC. 2) LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY The Municipal Planning Strategy establishes the ability to enter into development agreements. See attached PAC Staff Report. 3) PAC RECOMMENDATION PAC Motion (November 2, 2015): MOTION: IT WAS REGULARLY MOVED AND SECONDED THAT THE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FORWARDS THE STAFF REPORT PROPOSING 4 ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT LOTS WITHIN THE WEST END LANDS (PID 55268379) TO COUNCIL WITH A NEGATIVE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED 4) REFERENCES AND ATTACHMENTS • PAC Staff Report dated November 2, 2015 and associated attachments (attached) 5) PURPOSE OF REPORT For Council to consider the recommendation of the PAC. 6) DISCUSSION The application by Viking Ventures Ltd is to amend the existing Development Agreement on the property to allow 4 additional development lots beyond the 30 allowable under the current agreement without a second access to Main Street. Staff held a public information meeting on August 27, 2015 and prepared a staff report which was reviewed by the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) on November 2, 2015. PAC supported the negative recommendation of Staff and now the application is before Council for initial consideration. Issues identified by the Planning Advisory Committee during their November 2, 2015 meeting were primarily concerning a comprehensive plan for the area. A separate discussion took place on the comprehensive plan for the area once a motion (outlined above) was passed on the application to amend the existing agreement to allow for 4 additional residential development lots. A second motion related to a comprehensive plan for the area was also passed and is outlined in RFD 085-2015 for Council’s consideration. The attached Staff report includes detailed discussion on various aspects of the application. 7) FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS None. Request for Decision, Page 2 of 3 REQUEST FOR DECISION #082-2015 West End Development Agreement Amendment Application Date: November 10, 2015 Department: Community Development 8) REFERENCES TO COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLAN AND TOWN REPORTS Full policy review provided in the attached PAC Staff Report. 9) COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS A Public Information meeting was held for the project on August 27, 2015 with property owners within 100m of the property notified and advertisements placed in the newspaper and information placed on the Town website. If a Public Hearing is held, this is a further opportunity to communicate the project to the public and hear any concerns they may have. Notification of the public hearing would be mailed to neighbouring property owners, ads would be placed in the newspaper, and information posted to the Town’s website and social media. A sign will also be placed on the property indicating the property is subject to a development agreement. 10) ALTERNATIVES 1. COTW forwards the application to a Public Hearing (date TBD) before a decision is made by Council. Request for Decision, Page 3 of 3 REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development APPLICANT Viking Ventures Limited PROPOSAL To amend the existing Development Agreement (99-10) on the property to allow 4 (four) additional residential lots beyond what is permitted in the existing Development Agreement. LOCATION South end of Stirling Avenue in the Stonegate Subdivision (PID 55268379) LOT SIZE DESIGNATION ZONE SURROUNDING USES NEIGHBOUR NOTIFICATION Varied Comprehensive Development District RCDD Residential, Agricultural, Town Boundary with Kings County Newspaper ads and notices mailed to surrounding property owners within 100 metres; Email list from PIM meeting; Sign to be placed on property 1) PROPOSAL Viking Ventures Ltd is seeking to amend the existing Development Agreement (99-10) on a portion of the West End Lands at the Stonegate Subdivision to allow 4 additional residential lots beyond the 30 lots permitted with only a single means of exit from the lands via a Public Street. 2) STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff considers the application to be inconsistent with policies of the Municipal Planning Strategy and considers amending a Development Agreement from 1999, without a comprehensive plan approved by Council for the area, premature at this time. As such, Staff recommends that the issue be submitted to Council with a negative recommendation for its review and decision. 3) PROCESS Given this is a substantive amendment to the existing development agreement and pursuant to Section 8.4.3 of the Municipal Planning Strategy that states that all proposals for development within the Residential Comprehensive Development District (RCDD) will require a development agreement, this process requires review by the Planning Advisory Committee and the holding of a Public Hearing by Council prior to a decision by Council to approve or reject the proposal. The decision by Council may be appealed to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board by an aggrieved person or by the applicant. REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development The Town held a public information meeting on August 27, 2015 in Council Chambers at Town Hall. Comments and the notes from the session are included as Attachment 2. Property owners within 100 metres of the property were notified by mail of the application, a sign will be placed on the property indicating that the site is subject to a development agreement application and notification was placed on our website and social media feeds regarding the application. 4) BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT Development Agreement (DA) 99-10 was executed between the Town of Wolfville and David T. Stirling on September 8, 1999. The agreement regulates the development of what is now known as “Stonegate Subdivision” on the west end of Wolfville along Stirling Avenue. Viking Ventures is now the sole owner/developer of this particular parcel of land (PID 55268379) where originally it was a partnership between Viking Ventures and David T. Stirling. Council approved (July 21, 2015) a servicing agreement permitting the servicing of two additional lots taking the Developer to the maximum number of lots permitted under the DA. Section 5.1.9 of the DA states that: “No more than thirty (30) approved lots with a single means of exit from the lands via a Public Street, shall exist at any time within the development.” The Developer is seeking to amend this particular clause to allow for 4 additional lots with only a single means of exit from the lands. Figures 1 and 2 below provide context to the proposal. Figure 1 – South end of Stirling Avenue looking south to where additional 4 lots are proposed REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development Proposed Lots 31-34 Figure 2 – Aerial Photograph showing proposed Lots 31-34 5) POLICY REVIEW AND DISCUSSION The MPS provides a number of policies that Council is to consider when reviewing such an application. Summary charts of relevant policies are provided both in this Section and as Attachment 1 for Section 18.6.1 of the MPS. A discussion of specific policies is provided in this section while key issues are discussed in the section that follows. The existing DA from 1999 currently regulates this development. Attachment 3 provides the DA in its entirety with key policies provided below: • Section 5.1.9 states that “no more than thirty (30) approved lots with a single means of exit from the lands via a Public Street, shall exist at any time within the development.” With the recent servicing agreement for lots 29 and 30, the developer has reached the maximum number of lots allowable under the terms of the current agreement, given there is only a single access point. This is the clause that triggers the substantial amendment process and the review by PAC and Council. REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development • • • Section 5.1.10 states that there “must be a continuous Public Street on the lands from the intersection of Skyway Drive and Kent Avenue to Main Street prior to the approval of more than sixty (60) lots on the lands.” This clause is not immediately relevant to the proposed 4 lots but the lack of an overall plan, specifically road and servicing connectivity, are critical issues holding back the development of this area. Section 5.1.7 states that the development may proceed in phases. The development has progressed in 3 phases to-date with Phase 4 being the 2 lots (29 and 30) subject to the most recent servicing agreement. The developer has yet to submit a subdivision application to actually create these lots. Section 5.4 outlines when an amendment to the agreement would be necessary and what is considered not to be substantial. Non-substantive changes are outlined as only the commencement and completion dates and minor variations to the plans (Schedule “A” of the agreement). Beyond 30 lots with a single access is considered substantive and requires an amendment to the existing agreement. The 1998 Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use By-law (LUB) that were in place for the 1999 DA approval were replaced by the current MPS and LUB that were adopted in 2008. This area was designated “Comprehensive Development District” and zoned “Residential Comprehensive Development District” (RCDD) in the 2008 Planning documents. The policies of the current MPS must guide staff and Council when reviewing an application to substantially amend the existing development agreement outside the terms established in 1999 given our legislated responsibility under the Municipal Government Act, Section 217 (1): Part 8 of the current MPS – Residential Development and Land Use – outlines Council’s support for higher density residential developments that meet the Town’s desire for a more sustainable community. It states: 1. Higher density of population reduces the unit costs and environmental impacts of providing town services such as water, sewer, paved streets, sidewalks and snow removal. 2. More affordable housing can be achieved within higher density developments. 3. Higher density favours development of user services which will reduce the use of private vehicles, but which require certain threshold levels of participation, such as local bus/shuttle services and home deliveries from local businesses. 4. Higher density near the downtown business district allows more people to reduce dependence on the automobile. With the above in mind, and in the absence of a comprehensive plan approved by Council for this area that outlines a mix of residential densities and other uses (i.e. neighbourhood commercial, parks), it is REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development difficult from a planning perspective to justify allowing the development to proceed piecemeal in a lowdensity pattern. Section 8.4 of the MPS outlines the relevant provisions for land designated Comprehensive Development District. Section 8.4.3 states that a development agreement is required as follows: Section 8.4.4 outlines criteria that are to be met when considering development proposals in the RCDD zone: The following table outlines each criterion and provides Staff comment to each: Section 8.4.4 Criteria Staff Comment a) a minimum EnerGuide rating of 80 is N/A – superseded by Section 9.36 of the National achieved by all new single unit and two unit Building Code (insulation, lighting, window, water, residential dwellings; and etc. requirements). b) the maximum density of residential dwellings The residential density should be looked at on a units shall be an average of 12 dwelling units broader scale in the context of the entire west end per acre and the minimum density shall be an development area. Given the proposal and the lack average of 5 dwelling units per acre; and of an overall plan, the density of the 4 proposed properties as well as what is existing along Stirling Avenue should be considered: • The existing density along Stirling Avenue is approximately 4.4 dwelling units per acre. • The density of the proposed additional 4 lots (at a single dwelling unit per lot) is approximately 4 dwelling units per acre. If Accessory dwellings, which are permitted under the terms of the current DA, were built in the units, the unit/acre density could increase; however, at this time this information is not known. c) require all power and communication This is a requirement in the existing DA (see infrastructure to be located underground Attachment 3). If the proposed 4 lots were to (both primary and secondary); and move forward, this provision would apply. d) development is in accordance with policy See Attachment 1. 18.6.1. Section 8.4.5 requires that all proposals in the RCDD zone also respond to sustainability principles: REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development The following table outlines each principle and provides Staff comment to each: Section 8.4.5 Sustainability Principle Staff Comment a) the project provides buildings and site design It is assumed that the building form and pattern that reduce the required operational energy that is present on Stirling Avenue currently would requirements by a significant amount from continue (i.e. traditional single unit suburban conventional buildings. (e.g. district heating layout). A district heating system or other systems) alternative measures are not proposed. More information on the buildings and site design/layout (i.e. a comprehensive plan) would be required to comment further. b) the project provides buildings and site design Much of this information is unknown at this time that substantially reduce the impact on the but could and should be worked into a environment through: comprehensive plan for the area. Many of these requirements are written to take into account the i) retention of natural systems, e.g. overall development. Analyzing piecemeal retaining natural slopes portions is not effective as the existing pattern ii) retention of Category 2 soils, e.g. along Stirling Avenue is merely being continued. community gardens iii) use of renewable energy sources, e.g. site orientation iv) management of construction wastes v) reduced storm water run off, e.g. storm retention ponds vi) water conservation; e.g. low flow fixtures vii) waste reduction including solid waste and sewage viii) use of environmentally sustainable materials ix) use of certified Fair Trade products c) the project provides an affordability The existing agreement provides for accessory component that would meet the need to dwelling units within single family homes. These provide housing in Wolfville that is affordable units can be viewed as affordable housing; and available for all sectors of society. however, it is not clear at this time whether those purchasing in this area will opt to have a second dwelling. Otherwise, it is assumed the additional 4 lots will be homes at price points similar to those built along Stirling Avenue to-date. d) the project provides for alternative or shared None proposed. housing and services models such as cooperative housing, co-housing, life lease, car pooling/sharing, district heating, etc. e) the project provides barrier free/accessible Unknown at this time. REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development housing units. f) the project demonstrates high quality architectural and environmental design that is compatible with the landscape and that will contribute positively to the immediate area and the Town in general. g) the project provides a mixture of housing types and densities as well as a variety of housing designs h) the project provides public or private amenities such as parks, walkways, public art, daycare, cultural venues, and public gathering spaces. i) the project provides active transportation routes and amenities and maximizes connections with existing trail/walkway systems. j) the project provides access to public transportation. k) the project provides mixed uses of a local commercial nature including but not limited to convenience stores, laundromats, farm markets, etc. l) the proposal makes efficient use of land in relation to infrastructure requirements (e.g. clustering of homes). It is assumed the building form and design will be similar to what has been built along Stirling Avenue to-date. The additional 4 lots are proposed as single unit dwellings. The residential mix and density of the overall area is not known at this time. Not known until a comprehensive plan for the area is finalized. Not known until a comprehensive plan for the area is finalized. Bus stop along Main Street close to the entrance to Stirling Avenue. Not known until a comprehensive plan for the area is finalized. It is assumed the building form and design will be similar to what has been built along Stirling Avenue to-date. See density numbers above. 6) DISCUSSION – KEY ISSUES Comprehensive Plan for the Area In 2011 the Town and the two land owners in the west end commissioned a planning study by planning consultants Ekistics Planning & Design. The study outlines development concepts that embody the site planning and sustainability principles outlined in the current MPS. The study helps to bridge the gap between the DA/plan approved in 1999 and the current policies of the MPS; however, none of the concepts in the plan were ever adopted by Council through a secondary plan or the land owners. It is the Town’s understanding that negotiations on a conceptual plan between the two developers is stalled and no date is known for a resolution. Staff had been in talks with the parties as recent as the spring of 2015 but until it is clear that a comprehensive plan is in place – or at least close – allowing the development to proceed in a piecemeal fashion is not viewed to be consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Development District designation of the MPS. The overall development outlined in the existing Development Agreement and the 2011 study cannot proceed without the cooperation of the two REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development developers or the Town taking a position on land acquisition/expropriation to deal with road and servicing connectivity issues. It should also be noted that the concepts (A-C and final) outlined in the 2011 Ekistics Study as well as an updated plan the Developer has discussed with the adjacent land owner do not all show the proposed additional 4 lots as single unit dwelling lots or have the same development pattern. Additionally, none of these plans have been approved by Council or agreed to formally by the two land owners. This adds further difficulty to making assumptions that the density and housing form proposed on the 4 additional lots will turn out to be consistent, in an eventual overall plan, with the current MPS Comprehensive Development District designation policies. Subdivision By-law Section 22 (2) of the subdivision by-law states: Section 22. (2) The maximum length of a cul-de-sac shall be one hundred metres (100M) to the entrance of the turning circle, or one hundred fifty metres (150M) to the entrance of the turning circle where a pathway is provided that is: (a) A minimum of six metres (6M) of continuous width; (b) Designed and constructed to accommodate the passage of pedestrians and emergency vehicles; and, (c) Connected to an adjacent street. Section 5.1.9 of the existing DA that permits only 30 lots in the development with only a single access was drawing on this provision and the need for secondary access for emergency services. The current length of Stirling Avenue is approximately 420 metres with an additional 86 metres proposed if the 4 additional lots were to be approved. It is the view of Staff that without a comprehensive plan where servicing and road connectivity issues are finalized, the provisions of the subdivision by-law should not be stretched any further. Municipal Servicing The servicing agreement for lots 29 and 30 covered the servicing for the 2 properties, road and sidewalk standards, retention pond placement, and other details. Most of this is a servicing arrangement typical to other parts of Wolfville and in accordance with the standard specifications for municipal services; however, lots 29 and 30 and the proposed additional 4 lots will require the Developer to install individual booster pumps to ensure adequate water pressure is maintained. This is not an ideal servicing arrangement but is manageable. As future phases of this development proceed, a water main from the high pressure side (from Skyway/Kent) should be installed eliminating the need for the individual booster pumps. This said, when, how and where the high pressure will take place and where road and other service connectivity will be exactly located is unknown until a comprehensive plan for the area is in place. REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development MPS Review The ongoing review of the Town’s Municipal Planning Strategy, Land Use By-law and Subdivision By-law present the community with questions on density, housing form, development standards and other issues that are relevant to the remaining large tracts of undeveloped land in the Town. If a resolution to developing this area by way of a comprehensive plan cannot be completed between the developers, and given the work that has been done to-date (i.e. 2011 West End Study), Council should consider a secondary plan for the west end lands to avoid conflict around the development of this important growth area. A secondary plan can establish a development framework and have all parties working toward a shared vision for the area. 7) REVIEW FROM OTHER DEPARTMENTS The proposal has been reviewed by other Town Departments including Public Works and the Traffic Authority with the recommendation herein supported by other Town Departments. 8) OTHER REVIEWS Public Information Meeting The Town held a public information meeting on August 27, 2015 and the notes are included as Attachment 2. No specific concerns were raised about the 4 additional lots; however, those in attendance wanted to discuss the larger development and how the additional lots fit into an overall comprehensive plan. 9) COMMENTS & CONCLUSIONS An argument can be made that, under the circumstances, it is reasonable to accommodate 4 additional development lots in the west end however from a planning perspective; the following circumstances have led to a negative recommendation from Staff. 1. The existing agreement does not allow for more than 30 lots with a single access to the site. This situation remains unchanged. 2. The servicing to the additional lots is not ideal from a water pressure perspective. 3. There is no comprehensive plan for the area and talks between the two developers seem to be stalled at this time. Without road and servicing connectivity the plan conceived of in the original agreement (1999) will not come to fruition. REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development 4. The development of this area, and other large undeveloped tracts of land, have significant impacts on the community and should be planned accordingly, pursuant to current policy. 5. It is difficult to weigh the merits of a piecemeal development approach under the provisions of the Comprehensive Development District of the MPS. 4 additional low density properties, without knowing the full picture from a comprehensive plan, are not consistent with the intent of this area’s designation in the MPS. Exert from the introduction to the 2011 West End Residential Development Study: 6. Allowing further piecemeal development delays the developers working together with a sense of urgency on a comprehensive plan for the area. As such, Staff recommends to the Planning Advisory Committee that the application to amend the existing development agreement be forwarded to Council with a negative recommendation. 10) ALTERNATIVE RECOMMENDATION That the PAC provide a positive recommendation to Council regarding the proposed additional 4 lots and that provisions are included in the draft DA that no further lot development shall proceed until a comprehensive plan for the area has been approved by Council. 11) ATTACHMENTS 1. Policy Summary Table – Section 18.6.1 of the MPS 2. Public Information Meeting Notes 3. Original/Existing Development Agreement (DA 99-10) REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development ATTACHMENT 1 – POLICY SUMMARY TABLE Policy 18.6.1 states the general policies for all development agreements. These policies are intended to be general in nature and should be interpreted fairly narrowly. The following table outlines the policy and provides Staff comment: General Development Agreement Policies of the Staff Comment MPS (Section 18.6.1) (a) to ensure that the proposal conforms to the intent of the MPS and to all other applicable Town By-Laws and regulations, except where the application for a development agreement modifies the requirements of the LUB or Subdivision By-Law. Without a comprehensive plan for the area, the proposal is considered inconsistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Development District of the MPS. (b) to ensure that the development does not cause conflict with adjacent land uses, disturb the quiet enjoyment of adjacent lands, or alter the character and stability of surrounding neighbourhoods through: i) the type and intensity of use ii) the height, mass or architectural design of No issues proposed buildings No issues in terms of conflict however it is not known how the proposed lots will fit into an overall plan. iii) hours of operation of the use No issues iv) outdoor lighting No issues noise, vibration, or odour No issues vi) vehicles and pedestrian traffic No issues v) vii) alteration of land levels/or drainage No issues patterns viii) deprivation of natural light No issues (c) to ensure that the capacity of local services is adequate to accommodate the proposed development and such services will include, but not be limited to the following: i) sanitary and storm sewer systems No issues ii) water systems Pumps would have to be installed to ensure adequate water pressure. iii) schools No issues iv) recreation and community facilities No issues REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development v) fire and police protection With only a single access, issues could arise if access were ever blocked. vi) street and walkway networks No issues however the overall plan has yet to be finalized. vii)solid waste collection and disposal systems No issues (d) to ensure that the proposal is not premature or inappropriate by reason of the financial ability of the town to absorb capital and/or maintenance costs related to the development. Density of population impacts the unit costs and environmental impacts of providing town services such as water, sewer, paved streets, sidewalks and snow removal. Without a comprehensive plan for the area the long-term implications of piecemeal approvals is not known. (e) to ensure that the proposal does not cause environmental damage or damage to adjacent properties through: i) pollution of soils, water or air No issues ii) erosion or sedimentation No issues iii) interference with natural drainage systems No issues iv) flooding No issues (f) to ensure that the proposal protects and preserves matters of public interest such as, but not limited to: i) historically significant buildings No issues ii) public access to shorelines, parks and No issues public and community facilities iii) important and significant cultural features, No issues natural land features and vegetation (g) to ensure that the proposed site and building design provides the following: i) useable active transportation networks that contribute to existing active transportation links throughout the community Not known until a comprehensive plan is finalized. ii) functional vehicle circulation and parking No issues. and loading facilities designed to avoid REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development congestion on or near the property and to allow vehicles to move safely within and while entering and exiting the property iii) facilities for the safe movement of Not known until a comprehensive plan is finalized. pedestrians and cyclists iv) adequate landscaping features such as trees, shrubs, hedges, fences, flower beds and lawns to successfully integrate the No issues. new development into the surrounding area v) screening of utilitarian elements, such as but not limited to; mechanical and No issues. electrical equipment, and garbage storage bins vi) safe access for emergency vehicles Some concern with only a single access. vii)adequate separation from, and consideration of, public and private utility N/A corridors to ensure their continued safe and functional operation viii) architectural features, including but not limited to, mass, scale, roof style, trim elements, exterior cladding materials, and the shape, size and relationship of doors No issues. and windows; that are visually compatible with surrounding buildings in the case of a new building or with the existing building in the case of an addition ix) useable outdoor amenity space for use of residents in a residential development Not known until a comprehensive plan is finalized. On single family properties ample private outdoor amenity space is provided. x) accessible facilities for the storage and No issues. collection of solid waste materials xi) appropriate consideration conservation for energy Not known until a comprehensive plan is finalized. xii)appropriate consideration of and response to site conditions , including but not limited to; slopes, soil, and geological conditions, Not known until a comprehensive plan is finalized. vegetation, watercourses, wet lands, and drainage (h) where Council determines, on the advice of a licensed professional, that there is a No issues identified. significant risk of environmental damage from REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development any proposed development which does not require an assessment under the Environmental Assessment Act, environmental studies shall be carried out at the expense of the developer for the purpose of determining the nature and extent of any environmental impact and no agreement shall be approved until Council is satisfied that the proposed development will not create or result in undue environmental damage REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development ATTACHMENT 2 – Public Information Meeting Notes DA99-10 Amendment – West End Lands (Stonegate Subdivision) August 27, 2015; 7:00 PM Attendees Devin Lake, Town Planner; Mike MacArthur, Developer; Erin Schurman-Kolb, Recording Secretary; five members of the public. Presentation by Devin Lake - This development proposal is to amend existing DA99-10 for an additional four building lots. Existing DA states no more than 30 lots can be developed with a single means of access from a public street. This is considered a substantial amendment to the existing DA which is what triggers this process. Mr. Greene asked about the development of the larger parcel and a second access. He asked why the development of the larger parcel is being held up and why the Town has not expropriated land to put in water, sewer and road to allow the development to move forward? Devin Lake responded that this PIM is for the development of 4 additional lots and the development of the larger area is a work-in-progress. Mr. Lake cautioned audience members not to get caught up on the larger parcel development- the current meeting is only in reference to an additional four building lots. Mike MacArthur stated Viking Ventures is anxious to move forward with development- parklands, trails, etc. - and the amount of traffic coming off the street is very minimal. There was conversation surrounding the larger parcel development. Devin Lake asked if there are any more questions about the additional four building lots. Pam Frail stated that because these four building lots lead into the larger development it would be nice to see the larger development. *A picture of the larger parcel is brought up on the screen for viewing and Mike MacArthur speaks to the larger development. Brian Steeves asked who is responsible for the installation of the initial infrastructure. Mike MacArthur responded that the contractor is responsible. Mike MacArthur stated Viking Ventures would like to get the four lots completed and have homes on them by the summer of 2016. He stated that growth in small towns is vital and it is important to stay moving in a positive direction. Ideally, they would like to see this development get going now and then work with adjacent land owner over the winter months to solidify the larger parcel development. REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development A question was asked if the development is for single family homes. Mike MacArthur answered that they are single family dwellings. Tom Shaw inquired on what is happening where the dirt pile is behind the homes? Mike MacArthur stated the pile will be moved and stockpiled onsite as development continues. Devin Lake stated it is important to remain focused on the issue at hand- the four additional building lots- and assured members of the audience that when the larger development takes place, there will be many opportunities to speak about the specifics of that development then. A question was raised if there any water pressure issues here? Mike MacArthur responded that the arrangement for the four additional lots has been discussed with the Town to address issues until the high pressure is connected from Skyway/Kent. Devin Lake responded that servicing arrangements would be reviewed by the town engineer. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. REPORT TO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Amendment to DA Proposal – West End Lands Date: November 2, 2015 Department: Community Development ATTACHMENT 3 – Original/Existing Development Agreement This Amending Development Agreement is made this ____ day of _________________, 20__. BETWEEN: VIKING VENTURES LTD. (Hereinafter called the “Developer”) OF THE FIRST PART - and TOWN OF WOLFVILLE A municipal body corporate, (Hereinafter called the “Town”) OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Town and the Developer entered into a development agreement dated September 8, 1999 and filed at the Registry of Deeds office in Kentville, Nova Scotia as document number 6176, Book 1203, Page 317 on October 13,1999; AND WHEREAS the Developer has requested that the Town enter into an amending development agreement relating to the development of the land pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act and the Municipal Planning Strategy for the Town of Wolfville, as amended from time to time; AND WHEREAS a condition of granting approval to amend the original development agreement is that the parties enter into this amending development agreement; AND WHEREAS the Town Council of the Town, at its meeting on _____________, approved entering into this amending development agreement to allow four (4) additional lots on PID 55268379 with a single means of exit from the lands via a Public Street subject to the registered owner of the land entering into this amending development agreement; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES THAT in consideration of the covenants made in this amending development agreement and other valuable consideration the Developer and the Town agree to the following terms. As approved by Council ________________ -1- 1. Background The Town and the Developer entered into the original development agreement on September 8th, 1999 (approval by Council) which permitted the development of PID 55268379 subject to certain terms and conditions. This amending development agreement responds to the request by the Developer to allow four (4) additional lots (lots 31, 32, 33, 34) with a single means of exit from the lands via a Public Street. The 1999 agreement was administered under the requirements of the 1996 Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law before the current (2008) Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law came into effect. 3. Terms 3.1 General 3.1.1 Clause 5.1.9 of the original Development Agreement, filed at the Registry of Deeds in Kentville on October 13, 1999 as document number 6176, Book 1203, Page 317 shall be deleted and replaced with: 5.1.9 Viking Ventures agrees that no more than thirty four (34) approved lots with a single means of exit from the lands via a Public Street, shall exist at any time within the development. 3.1.2 No additional development, beyond thirty four (34) lots, shall proceed until a comprehensive development plan is approved by the Town and a Development Agreement corresponding to a comprehensive plan is executed between the Town and the Developer. 3.1.3 No Development Permit(s) shall be issued for lots 31-34, as shown on Schedule A to this agreement, until a stormwater management plan and an erosion and sedimentation plan prepared by a qualified person is approved by the Development Officer. 3.1.4 This amending development agreement allows the Developer to obtain development permits, other permits, and permissions to allow for the development of up to 34 lots on PID 55268379 (the parent parcel) as shown on Schedule A of this amending agreement. 3.1.5 The Developer shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and approvals required by law for the Development, including but not limited to development permits, building permits, and any approvals required from the Province of Nova Scotia. 3.1.6 Except as amended by this amending development agreement, the original development agreement between the Town and the Developer for the lands as As approved by Council ________________ -2- filed at the Registry of Deeds in Kentville on October 13, 1999 as document number 6176, Book 1203, Page 317 shall remain in full force and effect. 3.2 Timing 3.2.1 This amending development agreement shall be deemed to be entered into on the day following the day on which the time for appeal of Town Council’s approval to enter it has elapsed, or the day on which any appeals have been disposed of and the policy of the Wolfville Town Council approving this amending development agreement has been affirmed by the Nova Scotia Utilities and Review Board, under the provisions of the MGA, or other judiciary body as applicable. All other time requirements imposed in this development agreement shall be calculated from that date, the effective date. 3.2.2 The original development agreement between the Town and the Developer for the lands as filed at the Registry of Deeds in Kentville on October 13, 1999 as document number 6176, Book 1203, Page 317, expires on May 9, 2016 pursuant to Section 5.2.3 of the original development agreement. 3.3 Expenses 3.3.1 The Developer shall pay all costs and expenses incurred by the Town related to this amending development agreement including but not limited to: advertising; notification of adjoining landowners; and any solicitor's fees and disbursements incurred in drafting this amending development agreement. 3.4 Default 3.4.1 Any expenses the Town incurs to enforce the terms of this amending development agreement are payable to the Town. 3.4.2 If the Developer breaches any of the terms of this amending development agreement, the Town, at its sole option, may: (a) Terminate this amending development agreement; (b) Exercise its rights under paragraph 3.4.1 above; or, As approved by Council ________________ -3- (c) Take no action. 3.4.3 Any election by the Town to take no action on a breach of this amending development agreement by the Developer shall not bar the Town from exercising its rights under this amending development agreement on any other breach. 4. Warranties by the Developer 4.1 Title and Authority 4.1.1 The developer warrants as follows: (a) The developer has good title in fee simple to the lands or good beneficial title subject to a normal financing encumbrance. No other entity has an interest in the lands which would require their signature on this amending development agreement to validly bind the lands or the developer has obtained the approval of every other entity which has an interest in the lands whose authorization is required for the developer to sign this amending development agreement to validly bind the lands. (b) The developer has taken all steps necessary to, and it has full authority to, enter this amending development agreement. 5. Full Agreement 5.1 Other Agreements 5.1.1 This amending development agreement and the existing servicing agreement filed at the Registry of Deeds in Kentville, Nova Scotia (October 13, 2015 on PID 55268379) as document number 107921745 together with the original development agreement filed at the Registry of Deeds in Kentville, Nova Scotia as document number 6176, Book 1203, Page 317 constitute the entire agreement and contract entered into by the Town and the Developer. No other agreement or representation, whether oral or written, shall be binding. 5.1.2 This amending development agreement shall not be a precedent for any other agreement either between the Town and the Developer or between the Town and any other party. As approved by Council ________________ -4- 6. Binding Effect This amending development agreement shall endure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties to this amending development agreement, their respective successors, administrators, and assigns. 7. Notice Any notice to be given under this amending development agreement shall be made in writing and either served personally or forwarded by courier or by registered mail, postage prepaid, if to the Town to: Town of Wolfville Town Hall 359 Main Street Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 1A1 Attention: Development Officer and if to Viking Ventures Ltd: Mike MacArthur Viking Ventures Ltd. 4248 Highway #1 Berwick, NS B0P 1E0 8. Headings The headings used in this amending development agreement are for convenience only. If any of the headings are inconsistent with the provisions of the amending development agreement which it introduces, the provisions of the amending development agreement shall apply. As approved by Council ________________ -5- 9. Execution In witness of this amending development agreement the parties have signed, sealed and delivered it to each other on the date set out at the top of the first page. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) In the presence of: ) ) ) TOWN OF WOLFVILLE ) ) ) By _____________________________ ) MAYOR ________________________________ ) Witness ) ) ) By _______________________________ ) CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ) ) SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) In the presence of: ) ) ) ________________________________ ) By _______________________________ Witness ) VIKING VENTURES LTD. As approved by Council ________________ -6- CANADA PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA COUNTY OF KINGS I certify that on ________________,2015, _____________________________________ a witness to this amending agreement came before me, made oath, and swore that the Town of Wolfville, caused the same to be executed by its proper officers who affixed its Corporate Seal and subscribed their hands in its name and in its behalf in his/her presence. __________________________________________ A Commissioner of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia CANADA PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA COUNTY OF KINGS I certify that on ________________,2015, _____________________________________ a witness to this amending agreement came before me, made oath, and swore that Viking Ventures Ltd., caused the same to be executed by its proper officers who affixed its Corporate Seal and subscribed their hands in its name and in its behalf in his/her presence. __________________________________________ A Commissioner of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia As approved by Council ________________ -7- SCHEDULE A As approved by Council ________________ -8- REQUEST FOR DECISION #002-2016 Heritage Property Bylaw Approval Date: January 12, 2016 Department: Corporate Services SUMMARY Heritage Property Bylaw Approval The Town’s Heritage Property Bylaw Ch. 47, approved by Council on January 13, 2015, was submitted to the Department of Municipal Affairs for approval by the Minister on June 12, 2015. The Town has been notified that because this Bylaw replaces the previous Heritage Property Bylaw that a clause to that affect must be stated in the Bylaw. Staff has amended the Bylaw with the requested clause and seeks Council approval for Frist Reading. DRAFT MOTION: That Council approve first reading to amend the Heritage Property Bylaw Chapter 47. Request for Decision, Page 1 of 3 REQUEST FOR DECISION #002-2016 Heritage Property Bylaw Approval Date: January 12, 2016 Department: Corporate Services 1) CAO COMMENTS The CAO supports the recommendations of staff. 2) LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY The Heritage Property Act provides authority to municipalities by bylaw to establish a municipal registry of heritage property and a heritage advisory committee, which may be the planning advisory committee. A bylaw made pursuant to the Act is subject to approval of the Minister of Municipal Affairs. 3) STAFF RECOMMENDATION That Council approve first reading of the Heritage Property Bylaw on January 12, 2016 and second reading on January 26, 2016. 4) REFERENCES AND ATTACHMENTS • • Heritage Property Bylaw, Ch. 47 (attached) Heritage Property Act, Chapter 199 of the Revised Statutes, 1989 5) PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to ask Council to approve the amendment to the Heritage Property Bylaw, Ch. 47. 6) DISCUSSION The Town’s Heritage Property Bylaw Ch. 47 was amended and approved by Council on January 13, 2015 and submitted to the Department of Municipal Affairs for approval by the Minister on June 12, 2015. The Town has been notified that because this Bylaw replaces the previous Heritage Property Bylaw that a clause to that affect must be stated in the bylaw. The following clause, clause 11, has been added: “The Heritage Property Bylaw passed by Town Council on the 17th May 1982 and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs on 23rd July 1982 is repealed.” There have been no other changes made to the bylaw since its approval on January 13. Staff is requesting that Council approve First Reading of the Heritage Property Bylaw, Ch. 47. 7) FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS N/A 8) REFERENCES TO COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLAN AND TOWN REPORTS N/A Request for Decision, Page 2 of 3 REQUEST FOR DECISION #002-2016 Heritage Property Bylaw Approval Date: January 12, 2016 Department: Corporate Services 9) COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS A notice has been placed in the Kings County Advertiser for Second Reading on January 26, 2016 as per the requirements of the Municipal Government Act. 10) ALTERNATIVES • N/A Request for Decision, Page 3 of 3 Heritage Property Chapter 47 1.0 This Bylaw shall be known and may be cited as the “Heritage Property Bylaw”. 2.0 In this Bylaw: “Act” means the Heritage Property Act. “Council” means the Town Council of the Town of Wolfville “Clerk” means the Clerk of the Town of Wolfville “Town Registry of Heritage Property” means the municipal registry of heritage property within the meaning of the Act, having all the powers and duties prescribed by the Act or incidental thereto “Town Heritage Property” means municipal heritage property within the meaning of the Act “Town” means Town of Wolfville 3.0 a) There shall be a Town Registry of heritage property for the Town wherein all prescribed documents relating to the registration of heritage property pursuant to the provisions of the Act or this Bylaw shall be filed b) The Clerk of the Town shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Town Registry of heritage property and for the safekeeping of all documents filed therein. 4.0 The Planning Advisory Committee shall assume responsibilities under the Heritage Property Act and may advise Council respecting: (a) the inclusion of buildings, public-building interiors, streetscapes, cultural landscapes and areas in the municipal registry of heritage property; (b) an application for permission to substantially alter or demolish a municipal heritage property; (ba) the preparation, amendment, revision or repeal of a conservation plan and conservation by-law; (bb) the administration of heritage conservation districts pursuant to the provisions of this Act; (bc) an application for a certificate that is required by this Act or the conservation plan and conservation by-law to go to a public hearing; (c) building or other regulations that affect the attainment of the intent and purpose of this Act; (d) any other matters conducive to the effective carrying out of the intent and purpose of this Act. R.S., c. 199, s. 13; 1991, c. 10, s. 3; 2010, c. 54, s. 9. Page 1 of 3 Heritage Property Chapter 47 5.0 The Planning Advisory Committee may recommend to Council that a building, streetscape or area be registered as a Town Heritage Property in the Town Registry of Heritage Property 6.0 The Council shall, upon receipt of a recommendation pursuant to Paragraph 7 hereof, cause to be done all things required of it in conformity of the Act. The Clerk shall serve and file notice of such recommendation in accordance with the Act and in addition to the requirements of the Act, file a copy of the Notice in the Town Registry of Heritage Property 7.0 Notice of a recommendation by the Planning Advisory Committee that a building, streetscape or area be registered as a Town Heritage Property shall be in Form A 8.0 Council may register a building, streetscape or area as a Town Heritage Property in Form B 9.0 Notice of such registration shall be sent to each registered owner of the municipal heritage property by the Clerk in accordance with the provisions of the Act. One (1) copy of the registration shall be deposited in the Registry of Deeds for the County of Kings, and one (1) copy of the registration shall be filed in the Town Registry of Heritage Property 10.0 Council may, from time to time, set out or amend the terms of reference set out in Paragraph 6 hereof, within which the Heritage Advisory Committee shall act. The Council may set out and amend such guidelines for the designation of property as heritage property in conformity with the Act, and the Planning Advisory Committee may make recommendations in accordance therewith. 11.0 The Heritage Property Bylaw passed by Town Council on the 17th May 1982 and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs on 23rd July 1982 is repealed. Page 2 of 3 Heritage Property Chapter 47 FIRST READING: SECOND READING: CERTIFICATE I, Daniel Stovel, Town Clerk of the Town of Wolfville, do hereby certify that the Bylaw of which the foregoing is a true copy was duly passed at a duly called meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Wolfville held on the (day) day of (month), 2016. Notice of the said Bylaw passing was published in THE ADVERTISER on the (day) day of (month), 2016. Given under the hand of the Town Clerk and the corporate seal of the Town of Wolfville this (day) day of (month), 2016. _____________________________ DANIEL STOVEL Town Clerk Page 3 of 3