4th Quarter - World Psychiatric Association


4th Quarter - World Psychiatric Association
From the Secretariat
w. w p n e t . o r
4th Quarter 2006
In this issue
WPA Regional Conference, Lima and Cusco +++ Joint WPA-WHO Statement on Disasters Responses – Prof. Mezzich Katmandu,
Nepal Conference +++ Presentation of Sexual Health Book +++ Focus on Asia and Australasia +++ WPA Co-sponsored Congress
of the Indo Australasian Psychiatry Association & South Asian Forum on Mental Health and Psychiatry
WPA upcoming events
18-21 April
6-8 June
20-23 Sep.
28 Nov. - 2 Dec.
Regional Meeting: Seoul, Korea.
Thematic conference: “Coercive Treatment in Psychiatry: A Comprehensive Review”, Dresden, Germany.
Regional Meeting: Shanghai, China.
WPA International Congress, Melbourne, Australia.
> > more events see page 13
WPA Executive Committee
Prof. Juan E. Mezzich (USA)
Prof. Mario Maj (Italy)
Secretary General:
Prof. John Cox (UK)
Secretary for Finances:
Prof. Sam Tyano (Israel)
Secretary for Education:
Prof. Allan Tasman (USA)
Secretary for Meetings:
Prof. Pedro Ruiz (USA)
Secretary for Publications:
Prof. Helen Herrman (Australia)
Secretary for Sections:
Prof. Miguel R. Jorge (Brazil)
WPA Permanent Secretariat
Geneva University Psychiatric Hospital
Bâtiment Les Voirons
2 Chemin du Petit Bel-Air
1225 Chêne-Bourg, GENEVA, Switzerland
This issue of WPA news is the last with the ‘Focus
on a Region’ theme. Appropriately therefore it is the
energy of our colleagues in Asia, and their many new
professional structures, which are highlighted. The
impact of WPA member and affiliated societies in
this most populous region of the world, as well as the
new ‘bilateral’ societies, is a tangible and energetic
stimulus to existing WPA structure and function.
A WPA Co-sponsored Conference of the SAARC
Psychiatric Federation took place in Kathmandu,
Nepal, in mid November with the participation of
the WPA President and other global and zonal leaders of our Association (see details on page 4).
under the vigorous leadership of Marta Rondon.
Likewise Cusco (the birthplace of my mother) witnessed a smaller symposium on person centred
psychiatry and heard about the efforts to improve
community mental health and to establish mental
health policy and law.
In September one of the giants of psychiatry died
– Sir Martin Roth, the first President of the Royal
College of Psychiatrists and a native of Hungary.
His legacy and global stature was underlined at the
Lima Congress by Prof. Montenegro who quoted a
farsighted saying: “Psychiatry is the most human of the
sciences and the most scientific of the humanities”.
The next series of WPA news may focus on the
Sections as the scientific spine of WPA. Your ideas
are welcome.
The successful WPA Co-sponsored Congress of the
Indo-Australasian Psychiatric Association and the
South Asian Forum on Mental Health and Psychiatry
in November was attended by the President-Elect and
other Executive Committee members (see photo on
page 7) whilst our next Executive committee meeting will be in Seoul.
The WPA General Survey Questionnaire will be
distributed in September 2007 and provide another
opportunity for you to give the Executive committee,
Board and Advisory Council your suggestions about
how WPA can do better and what are optimal directions for the future.
However other regions were also a centre of WPA activity in the months leading up to the New Year. The
regional Congress in Lima (page 4) [the birthplace of
the WPA President] was memorable because of the
efforts to support local community psychiatric services
Prof. John Cox, WPA Secretary General
Tel: +41 22 305 5737/30/32
Fax: +41 22 305 5735
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.wpanet.org
Ms. Anna Engstrom (Sweden)
Deputy Administrator
Ms. Pamela Atiase (Switzerland)
L to R: Profs. S. Tyano, H. Herrman, M. Maj, J.E. Mezzich, J. Cox, M. Jorge and P. Ruiz, seated next to Prof. Ruiz is Ms. A. Engstrom,
Secretariat Administrator, at the Executive Committee Meeting in Lima, November 29-30, 2006.
The APAL Congress met in
the Dominican Republic
On November 1-4, 2006, in Punta Cana,
Dominican Republic, the Latin American
Psychiatric Association (APAL), the earliest
WPA Affiliated Association, celebrated its
biennial Congress. Under the overall theme
of “50 Years of Challenges, Accomplishments and Hope” a plentiful scientific program took place. One of its highlights was a
Symposium on APAL and the WPA Regions,
with the participation of Profs. JE. Mezzich,
E. Belfort, G. Christodoulou, E. Camarena,
M. Botbol, B. Singh, A. Valmaggia and G.
Lucatelli, which discussed the emerging
structural development of WPA in terms of
its continental Regions and the challenges
and opportunities such development offers
(see adjacent photo). Another was a full capacity Course on the Latin American Guide
for Psychiatric Diagnosis (GLADP), which
enhances the ICD-10 classification of mental disorders with a comprehensive diagnostic formulation and pointed attention to cultural factors (see photo below). Among the
special lectures were those offered by Profs.
J.E. Mezzich and P. Ruiz.
Participants in the WPA-APAL Symposium
during the APAL Congress in Punta Cana,
Dominican Republic, November 2006.
Participants in the Course
on Latin American Guide of
Psychiatric Diagnosis (GLADP)
during the APAL Congress
in Punta Cana, Dominican
Republic, November 2006.
Ecuadorian Psychiatric
Congress held in Guayaquil
he beautiful city of Guayaquil was
the setting for the XVI National
England NIMH and
WHO Conference on
Diagnosis in London
Congress of the Ecuadorian Psychiatric
Association on November 8-11, 2006. A
wide array of bio-psycho-social topics was
covered. Particular attention was given to
the Latin American Guide for Psychiatric
Diagnosis (GLADP), through both a
The Department of Health of the United
Kingdom and the National Institute of Mental
Health of England in collaboration with the
WHO Department of Mental Health and
Substance Abuse organized on November
16 and 17, 2006 in London a Conference on
Comprehensive Diagnosis in the Context of
the Revision of Psychiatric Diagnosis and
Classification Systems. Prof. Bill Fulford and
Dr. Shekhar Saxena co-chaired this event.
The program discussed WPA’s Integrative
Diagnosis model in theory and practice, the
concepts of Recovery and Resilience, NeedsBased Assessment, Values-Based Practice,
What Psychiatrists Want from Classifications,
as well as DSM and ICD perspectives. Strong
consistency and synergism was noted among
the first four developments listed above.
symposium and a course conducted
responsible for the development of this
important clinical tool.
L to R: Prof. KWM Fulford
and Dr. S Saxena, organizers
of the London Conference on
Comprehensive Diagnosis,
November 16-17, 2006.
The SAARC Psychiatric
Federation Met at the Top
of the World
Kathmandu, Nepal, the land of the Himalayas,
was the setting on November 17-19, 2006
Opening Ceremony of the Second International Conference
of SAARC Psychiatric Federation Nov 17-19, 2006, held at
Kathmandu, Nepal.
WPA Regional Conference
in Lima and Cusco
On November 29-December 4, 2006, a WPA
Regional Conference and XIX Peruvian
Congress of Psychiatry took place in Lima
and Cusco, having “Evidence and Integration
for Change” as overall theme. The opening
ceremony was attended by the full Executive
Committees of WPA and the Peruvian
Psychiatric Association, as well as by the
Director of the WHO Mental Health and
Substance Abuse Department and the ViceDean of the Medical College of the Republic
of Peru. A WPA-WHO Joint Statement on
the Role of Psychiatrists in Disaster Response
was presented by Prof. JE. Mezzich and Dr.
B. Saraceno (text on page 5).
Two days before the Conference opening, the
WPA Executive Committee held a full meeting. It discussed WPA financial strategies in
depth, obtained a progress report on the fulfillment of the WPA Strategic Plan 2005-2008,
advanced the completion of the WPA Manual
of a successful new Conference of the
SAARC Psychiatric Federation, an Affiliated
Association of WPA. A country of unparalleled
beauty and rich culture, which is undergoing
striking political transformations, offered a
framework for a stimulating scientific program
with the overall theme of “Social Conflicts and
Mental Health: Challenges to Psychiatrists”.
The conference was attended by the Deputy
Prime Minister, the WPA President and
several other leaders of our Association (see
photos below).
Leading participants at the Second International Conference
of SAARC Psychiatric Federation Nov 17-19, 2006, held at
Kathmandu, Nepal.
of Procedures, received an update report
from the Institutional Program on Psychiatry
for the Person, accepted the work plan of
the WPA Task Force on Mass Violence and
Mental Health, commented on the text of
the WPA-WHO Joint Statement on Disaster
Response and of the Cusco Declaration, and
reviewed recent institutional developments
on education, meetings, publications and
scientific sections.
experts on this topic. The Cusco Declaration
on the Rights of Persons in Psychiatric Care
was read and acclaimed at the end of the
symposium. This academic event was followed by visits to the city of Cusco and the
Machu-Picchu sanctuary.
The Conference program had as main streams
education, epidemiology and neurosciences.
Over forty distinguished international and
national lecturers interacted with an enthusiastic audience. One of the many highlights was
a symposium on the Latin American Guide
for Psychiatric Diagnosis (GLADP) (see photo
below) and a workday of the Institutional
Program on Psychiatry for the Person. A report
from this Institutional Program appears on
page 6.
A post-Congress Symposium on Ethics in
Psychiatric Practice was held in Cusco with
the participation of international and national
Profs. J.E. Mezzich (WPA President), M. Rondón
(Peruvian Psychiatric Association President) and
C. Maguiña (Vice-Dean of the Medical College of Peru)
at the Opening Ceremony of the WPA Regional
Conference in Lima, Peru.
L to R: I. Salloum,
S. Gaviria, J.E. Mezzich,
A. Saavedra, J. Saavedra,
G. Cueva and M. Ponce at the
Symposium on the Latin America
Guide of Psychiatric Diagnosis,
Lima, Peru, December 2006.
Joint Statement of the World
Psychiatric Association (WPA) and
the World Health Organization
(WHO) on the Role of Psychiatrists
in Disasters Response1
Agreed to on 30 November 2006 at the WPA
Regional Conference in Lima, Peru.
The World Psychiatric Association (WPA)
and the World Health Organization (WHO)
would like to draw the attention of the international community of psychiatrists to the
needs of people affected by disasters, the
key actions to be potentially taken by psychiatrists, and the value of their collaboration with public health agencies.
Emergency situations can have devastating
psychological and social effects on individuals, families, communities and societies and
tend to be associated with elevated rates of
a broad range of mental disorders among
affected populations. Moreover, disasters
can severely disrupt social structures and
ongoing formal and informal care of persons
with pre-existing disorders.
Because disasters are associated with numerous types of social and mental health problems, it is not surprising that psychiatrists
and aid agencies offering help often offer
diverse and numerous types of responses.
This help is usually offered at a time when
normal health and social services are either
overwhelmed or have stopped working altogether. To avoid chaos and to increase the
chance of populations receiving the best
possible support, it is important (a) to set
priorities regarding how to respond to the
disaster, and (b) to coordinate all mental
health and psychosocial support responses
across sectors with agencies and professionals from diverse backgrounds.
Psychiatric societies at national and local
levels must help in stimulating and organizing psychiatrists’ contributions. To facilitate
and guide these contributions, WPA has
developed structures such as an Institutional
Program on Disaster Response, a scientific
Section on Disasters and Mental Health and
disaster specific local task forces, which are
producing educational resources in various
languages as well as training and service pro-
tocols2. Interaction and coordination of local
psychiatric societies and pertinent WPA
structures with corresponding governmental and intergovernmental organizations is
strongly recommended. Attention should
also be given to recent WHO publications
on this matter.
Priority activities by psychiatrists working
in the acute phase of a disaster (i.e., when
daily mortality is elevated above baseline)
■■ Working together with all aid agencies to
establish broad-based mental health and psychosocial support with maximal participation
of assisted communities. In large scale disasters many psychosocial support activities
are organized by aid agencies that work in
the ‘protection’, ‘social sector’ or ‘health
sector’. Consulting affected populations
and coordination among sectors is essential
to facilitate optimal support.
■■ Maintaining access to care for people with
acute and serious mental disorders in the community. Psychiatrists play a major role in
training and supervising primary health care
(PHC) workers to care for people with severe
mental disorders in fixed or emergency PHC
clinics in disasters. Most people with severe
mental disorder in a disaster will have a preexisting disorder, but there will also be people who have severe disaster-induced mood
and anxiety disorders, including severe
presentations of acute stress reaction/posttraumatic stress disorder and there will be
numerous presentations of severe medically
unexplained somatic complaints.
risk in emergencies, where they risk being
left without care and without protection
from the effects of the disaster. Psychiatrists
play a key role to ensure ongoing care and
■■Advocating with aid workers in other sectors
to address the social determinants of mental
health, e.g., advocating that shelter is organized in such manner that displaced families
and communities can live together to maintain social cohesiveness; advocating that
areas around toilets in camps are well-lit
as to avoid sexual violence against women;
advocating for family tracing to avoid child
separations, advocating that adults and adolescents become involved in concrete, purposeful, common interest activities to avoid
passivity; advocating that all health workers
treat their patients with dignity.
After the acute disaster, psychiatrists play
a major role in the (re)building of community mental health services to address the
increased prevalence of mental disorders in
affected populations. To maximize population coverage, trauma-focused care may
be best integrated into general health and
mental health services. These services could
have a dual function – routine in normal
times and disasters intervention in emergency periods. Disasters not only provide
tragedy but also unprecedented impetus and
opportunities to enhance personal and community resilience and perspectives and also
strengthen the overall mental health system.
This statement is consistent with the forthcoming InterAgency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidance on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings, to which WPA contributed. The IASC, established
by the UN General Assembly, is the highest-level humanitarian forum for coordination, policy development and
For current WPA guidelines see: Mezzich JE: WPA and
disaster response: New policies and actions. World Psychiatry 5: 1-2, 2006.
■■ Protecting and caring for people with severe
mental disorders and other mental and neurological disabilities living in institutions. People living
in institutions are among the most vulnerable
people in society, and they are especially at
L to R: Prof. JE Mezzich (WPA President) and
Dr. B Saraceno (Director, WHO Department
of Mental Health and Substance Abuse) who
presented the WPA-WHO Joint Statement on
Disaster Response at the WPA Regional Conference
in Lima, November 2006.
Update Report from the
WPA Institutional
Program on Psychiatry
for the Person
n December 1, 2006, a well-received
Symposium on Psychiatry for the
Person outlining its four programmatic
components was conducted in Lima and
on December 4, a Symposium on Ethics
in Psychiatry took place in Cusco in which
psychiatry for the person was a prominent
perspective ending with the reading of
the Cusco Declaration on the Rights of
Persons in Psychiatric Care prepared by
the Peruvian Psychiatric Association with
the endorsement of the World Psychiatric
Association and Peru’s Medical Board.
On December 2, 2006 an IPPP Lima
Workday was held with the participation
of 12 workgroup members. It reviewed the
November 2006 Progress Report and discussed the following major points:
1. It reviewed the dimensions of a person’s
health from physical to spiritual. The latter
received particular attention in its relationship to meaning and purpose in illness and
healing processes. Spirituality is to be seen
in a broad and contextualized manner.
References were made to the recent books
by Robert Cloninger (2004) on the Science
of Well-Being and by J Cox, A Campbell
and KWM Fulford (2006) on Medicine of
the Person.
2. The meaning of the term person was
revisited. Its protean meaning was again
emphasized. In relation to this, it was
noted that the overall theme of the 2007
Brazilian Congress of Psychiatry will be
Psychiatry and Person: Embracing Plurality.
3. The expected outcomes of the IPPP
Conceptual Component were reviewed.
These would include an overall conceptual
paper for an international journal and a
set of monographs on a range of analytic
perspectives on psychiatry for the person:
history, philosophy of science, ethics and
values, biology, culture, literature, and art.
4. The IPPP Clinical Diagnosis Component
was discussed. Pointed attention was given
to the term diagnosis which, as indicated in
the original IPPP Workplan, refers to the
person’s overall health rather than only to
the more conventional notion of identifying and differentiating disorders. The following tentative definition was considered:
“Person-centered integrative diagnosis
refers to the description of the positive and
negative aspects of health, interactively,
within the person’s life context.”
5. Additionally, the work of the other
IPPP Components was briefly discussed.
Concerning the IPPP Clinical Care
Component, the idea of multiple curricula
for particular training groups such as medical students, psychiatric residents, and general practitioners was discussed. Prof. Helen
Herrman reported on her contacts with publishers which should facilitate various IPPP
projects. Prospective sources of financial
support (government agencies, foundations,
industry, etc.) were reviewed. Finally, next
programmatic steps were discussed including future meetings and the importance of
internet based communication.
The recent meetings in Lima and their
follow-up have allowed the further refinement of specific objectives and planned
activities. The strong positive responses
being received from throughout WPA
and from initial contacts with external
organizations as well as the stimulus from
emerging early contributions are highly
Seated L to R: M. Jorge, D. Lecic-Tosevski,
J.E. Mezzich, C. Leal, and G. Christodoulou.
Standing L to R: R. Alarcón, D. Mrazek,
R. Cloninger, L. Küey, R. Montenegro,
J. Saavedra, M. Botbol and I. Salloum
at the Workday of the WPA Institutional
Program on Psychiatry for the Person, Lima,
December 2006.
WPA Co-Sponsored Congress of the Indo Australasian Psychiatry
Association and South Asian Forum on Mental Health and Psychiatry,
Melbourne, Australia, 24 - 26 November 2006
The main purpose of the Congress was
The Congress was attended by the fol-
to review the current state of develop-
lowing Executive Committee members:
ment of the “science of well-being”,
Prof. M. Maj (WPA President-Elect),
emphasizing both its potential and
Prof. P. Ruiz (WPA Secretary for
its limitations, including the lack of a
Meetings), and Prof. H. Herrman (WPA
universal concept of well-being and the
Secretary for Publications).
need for longitudinal studies evaluating
the impact of well-being programmes
on the incidence of mental disorders
in life situations like grief, exposure to
trauma, disasters and conflicts.
L to R: Profs. P Deva, A Javed, M Maj, R
D’Souza and two participants in the Congress,
Melbourne, Australia, 24 - 26 November 2006.
Presentation of Psychiatry
and Sexual Health
Sexual health, a long-neglected field, is
now increasingly recognized as a key component of overall health and quality of
life. In response to this, WPA established
in 1997 a Scientific Section on Psychiatry
and Human Sexuality led until now by
Profs. R. Hernandez-Serrano (Chair),
S.A. Azim (Co-chair) and A. PachecoPalha (Secretary). More recently, WPA
started the development of a Sexual Health
Educational Program (SHEP). The present
volume Psychiatry and Sexual Health: An
Integrative Approach, represents the knowledge base for this Educational Program and
covers basic concepts as well as comprehensive diagnosis, treatment and health promotion of persons and couples concerning their
sexual health. As such, it is consistent with
the goals of WPA’s Institutional Program on
Psychiatry for the Person. The book was edited
by JE Mezzich and R Hernandez-Serrano
on behalf of the SHEP workgroup and has
been published by Jason Aronson & WPA.
The book was presented at the International
Congress in Istanbul, July 2006.
L to R: Profs. JE Mezzich, R Hernandez-Serrano,
A Pacheco-Palha and SA Azim, at the presentation of Psychiatry and Sexual Health in Istanbul,
July 2006.
Prof. Haroon Rashid Chaudhry, WPA Zonal
Representative for Western and Central Asia
(Zone 15)
There is a taboo attached with psychiatric
illnesses which
is stronger in a
developing country like Pakistan.
As a point of fact
it does not fade
away with increasing level of education. We face different challenges
at each step of our lives but those who suffer
from psychiatric illnesses are taken as losers
who are unable to face the challenges of life
by their family and friends. It is all due to
‘ignorance’. Just like the body can get ill and
needs treatment so does the human mind.
Psychiatric illnesses range from mild ones
to major or serious ones and the urgency of
treatment also varies with it.
1. Stigmatization of the
patients suffering from
psychiatric problems is very
common in our society in all
classes and at all levels.
2. Social and familial unacceptability
of a person known to have a psychiatric
illness considering that he is pretending
and avoiding responsibilities.
3. The discrimination between male and
female with reference to readiness to seek
psychiatric help for them.
4. Marital problems: The worry of not getting a proposal for a legible male or female
if found out that he/she is undergoing any
kind of psychiatric treatment.
5. The misconception in certain cases that
the real cause of some psychological illness
is black magic or some jinn possessing a
person. In this regard the faith of the uneducated and of ignorant people is very strong
on faith healers, peers, faqeers, quakes and
Hakeems, who put more emphasis on their
physiological illness rather then psychiatric
6. Lack of qualified Psychiatrists due to which
people consulted general parishioners and
easily approachable healers.
Activities of WPA in
Southern Asia
this region is relatively limited and
there are huge areas
that do not have the
availability of sufficient mental health
care. The availability of psychiatrists
in rural areas is particularly limited as most of the psychiatrists
practice in urban areas. The matter is made
With an estimated population of 1.4 billion,
the Zone 16 is the second most populous
among the WPA zones. Despite this huge
population, the number of psychiatrists in
The following are some of the Mental Health
issues/challenges that were addressed while
setting up Mental Health services in Zone 15.
Prof. J. K. Trivedi, WPA Zonal Representative
for Southern Asia (Zone 16)
Psychiatric problems and
the challenges faced by a
third world country
7. Media is gradually improving in portraying the picture of a mentally sick person
although earlier a mentally sick patient is
taken as epidemic disease spreading person
or a person harmful to himself and to the
8. Vested interests may also prevent relatives from bringing a person for treatment
because his/her restoration of mental health
goes against their interest; for example,
property, etc.
9. Due to the gradual effect of the medical
treatment people find it worthless.
10. Literacy and poverty are also factors
affecting proper treatment.
worse by brain drain; many psychiatrists have
migrated to other countries.
The other major problem in this zone is the
occurrence of disasters, both natural and
man-made. This zone has recently seen disasters in the form of Tsunami, earthquakes
and terrorist attacks. The scarce health care
is further incapacitated by these calamities.
The political unrest in many areas and terrorist attacks have made the work of health care
workers difficult. These tragedies have also
affected the mental health adversely.
Despite the adverse circumstances, the
activities of WPA have flourished in the
zone. Nepal, a country marred by violence
and unrest, became a new addition to the
fraternity as the psychiatrists of this country came together and the Psychiatrists’
Association of Nepal (PAN) became an ad
hoc new Member Society of the WPA. The
recent 2nd International Conference of
SAARC Psychiatric Federation was held in
Nepal, with WPA collaboration, and was a
great success. There are further efforts and
Focus on Asia –
From mosaic to one
picture under WPA
Shinfuku Naotaka, M.D,PH.D, WPA Zonal
Representative for Eastern Asia (Zone 17)
Zone 17 covers six countries and areas,
namely, Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan,
Taiwan and Hong Kong. These countries
vary greatly in population, political system, level of socioeconomic development,
and per capita income. Very rapid socioeconomic changes, urbanization, increasing
stressful life-style and demographic changes,
have invited mental health as a major public
health challenge in East Asia.
Mental health services differ greatly from
one country to another in East Asia. The
WPA guidelines for mental health services
dialogues to include the association/societies from Bhutan, Maldives and Vietnam to
become WPA members.
The WPA has been involved with active
participation in helping with mental health
care. When earthquake hit the Kashmir
area, WPA, through the WPA Institutional
Program on Disasters and Mental Health,
provided succor to the affected areas. A Task
Force was set up, through collaboration with
the Pakistan Psychiatric Association and the
Indian Psychiatric Society, which carried
out relief work in the affected areas; this
included setting up trauma centers for those
are slowly moving fragmented mental health
policies in East Asia into one picture.
The Year 2006 was marked by the increased
communication among national psychiatric associations in East Asia. The Japanese
Society of Psychiatry and Neurology (JSPN),
the Chinese Society of Psychiatry (CSP),
the Korean Neuropsychiatric Association
(KNPA), and the Taiwanese Psychiatric Society
(TPS) provided a forum for leading psychiatrists and young psychiatrists to communicate
with each other and to exchange views on common mental health issues such as “Changing
mental health needs in East Asia”.
affected. Training workshops were also
organized to cope with the disasters.
The future activities in the zone will be to
further improve the interactions among the
member associations to share information
and work closely. In most parts, mental
illnesses are still neglected and stigma is
attached to them. This may be countered by
spreading awareness campaigns and educating the masses. By working together, sharing
experiences and implementing suitable programs for the masses, and training adequate
mental health care workers, the future may
be secured.
the fact that East Asia and South Asia are
both part of Asia, there has been virtually no
contact between psychiatrists from these two
The first international conference of the
WPA Section on Psychiatry in Developing
Countries, to be held in February 2007 in
Lahore, Pakistan, is expected to host several
participants from East Asia. Also of note
is that the Asian Federation of Psychiatric
Association (AFPA) was established in
Cairo, Egypt, with the blessing of WPA. It
is hoped that the AFPA will facilitate communication among psychiatrists throughout
Asia from West to East.
The Year 2007 will mark very important
steps forward for the development of psychiatry in East Asia under the leadership
Another important development has been the
of WPA. It is hoped to foster international
beginning of communications by psychiatric
collaboration through the various scienassociations with other Asian zones. Despite
tific exchanges at both official and unofficial
level between WPA member societies and
areas. Preparations for two WPA Regional
Meetings (Seoul in April; Shanghai in
September) and some WPA co-sponsored
meetings are in progress in East Asia. In
addition, the WPA International Congress
Asian leaders in psychiatry.
Seated L to R: Profs. S Malhotra, 2007 taking place in Melbourne, Australia
H Herrman, G Christodoulou,
in November 2007, will provide an excellent
JE Mezzich, U Niaz and
opportunity for many psychiatrists from East
Ma Hong. Standing L to R:
Asia to come together.
Profs. H Chaudhry, N Shinfuku,
The exchange, which also included Mongolia
and Hong Kong, has been facilitated within
the framework of the WPA structure.
R D’Souza, JK Trivedi,
B Singh, R Abraham,
J Cox and Chee Ng.
Report from
Prof. Bruce Singh
WPA Zonal Representative for Australasia and
the South Pacific (Zone 18)
he 3rd World Psychiatric Association
(WPA) co-sponsored International
Mental health and Cultural Psychiatry
Conference was held in Melbourne from 24-26
November 2006, and was organised jointly by
the Indo Australasian Psychiatry Association
(IAPA), the South Asian Forum on Mental
Health and Psychiatry, Australian Chapter
(SAFA), and WPA Section on Psychiatry in
Developing Countries. The meeting was cosponsored by the Royal Australian and New
L to R: Profs. R. D’Souza, P. Deva,
A. Javed, and M. Maj.
Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP),
who’s President, Dr. Julian Freidin, delivered
a plenary address. Prominent international
figures who attended and delivered plenary lectures were: Prof. Norman Sartorius
(Geneva, Switzerland) who spoke on the
promotion of mental health, its meaning
and means to make it happen; Prof. Dinesh
Bhugra (United Kingdom) spoke on culture and mental illness; Prof. Rajiv Tandon
(Florida, USA) spoke on neurobiological
underpinnings of antipsychotic therapy; and
Prof. Pedro Ruiz (USA) spoke on depression
and HIV.
In addition to the above, dignitaries in
attendance were Prof. Mario Maj (Naples,
Italy), Prof. Afzal Javed (United Kingdom),
Prof. Naotaka Shinfuku (Japan), Dr. Indra
Ramasuba Reddy (India), Prof. P. Deva
(Malaysia), Prof. T. Maniam (Malaysia),
Prof. Siva Nambi (India), Prof. A. B. Ghosh
(India), Dr. Mohandas Warrier (India), Prof.
Haroon Rashid Chaudhry (Pakistan), Prof.
Khalid Mufti (Pakistan), Prof. Md. Abdul
Mohit (Bangladesh), Prof. Abdul Malik
(Pakistan), Dr. Harischandra Gambeera (Sri
Lanka), Dr. Kwang Yoon Suh (South Korea),
Dr. Chiao Chicy Chen (Taiwan), Dr. Takuya
Kojima (Japan), and Dr Anukant Mittal
At the meeting, the IAPA and SAFA awards
were presented to the following for their contributions to advancement of mental health:
Prof. Ganapathi Murugesan for his distinguished contributions to leadership and
administration in mental health service; Dr.
Sudarshan Chawla for outstanding service
to mental health around the world; Dr. Gin
Malhi received an award for distinguished
academic contribution; Prof. Dinesh Bhugra
for distinguished contribution to international mental health and education; Prof.
Rajiv Tandon for distinguished contribution
to international mental health research and
service; Dr. Sherene Devanesen for distinguished contribution to Australian medical
administration and leadership; and Prof.
Graham Burrows for significant contribution
to mental health in South Asia.
The meeting was opened by the Governor
of Victoria, Prof. David De Kretser, a distinguished medical researcher; the scientific program was opened by the Victorian
Parliamentary Secretary for Health, Mr
Daniel Andrews.
A high quality scientific program was complemented by a rich cultural program with
Indian and Sri Lankan cultural folk dancing
and Bhangra Music.
During the year, as part of my role as Zone
18 representative, in addition to attending
the WPA Meeting in Istanbul, I attended
the celebration of the 25th anniversary of
the formation of the Malaysian Psychiatric
Association in Kuala Lumpur on 26 August
2006, and congratulated the President, Prof.
T. Maniam, on the success of the organisation. I supported the holding of the 17th
IACAPAP Meeting in Melbourne, 10-14
September, where I received an award for
its support. I also attended the 12th PRCP
Scientific Meeting in Taipei, Taiwan, as the
immediate Past President of the College.
I represented Zone 18 at the XXIV APAL
Congress in San Domingo, Dominican
Republic, 2-5 November 2006, where I participated in a special WPA Forum chaired by
the President of the WPA, Prof. Juan Mezzich
on the topic of Issues in Global Psychiatry. I
presented on developments in psychiatry in
Australia and the Asia Pacific.
I continued to be active in chairing the
Asian Advisory Committee for the forthcoming WPA International Conference to be
held in Melbourne from 25 November to 2
December 2007. Members of the Committee
include Prof. Pichet Udomratn, Prof. Afzal
Javed, Prof. Helen Chiu, Prof. Zhou Dong
Feng, Prof. Haroon Rashid Chaudhry, Prof.
Jitendra K. Trivedi, Prof. Naotaka Shinfuku,
Prof. Charles Baddoura, Dr. Russell D’Souza,
Prof. Parameshvara Deva, Dr. Indra Reddy,
and Prof. Tsuyoshi Akiyama. A meeting
of the group was convened during the 3rd
WPA co-sponsored International Mental
Health and Cultural Psychiatry Conference
held in Melbourne where members of the
Organising Committee of the College were
able to interact with the committee.
The Pacific Rim College
of Psychiatrists
Allan Tasman, MD, President
he Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists (PRCP), an affiliated organization of the WPA, was founded in Manila in 1980, based on a desire to create
an organization to deal with the unique
problems existing in the Pacific Rim
region. The aim was to bring together
the leadership of academic psychiatry
in the Pacific Rim countries to address
research, educational, and service delivery issues.
The founding President, Professor
Baltazar Reyes from the Philippines,
articulated the goals of the PRCP as follows: “Our cultural diversity, with the
attendant mental health problems of
our peoples, will be the central focus of
the organization, which shall foster the
exchange of ideas and communication
we badly need to further knowledge in
our discipline. …. the challenge is to
make our diversity the unifying force
in a collaboration that shall promote a
better understanding of psychiatric disorders. This challenge is daunting due
to the differing levels of development of
our respective national mental health
The ongoing purpose of the PRCP is
to provide a forum for communication
among psychiatrists in the Pacific Rim
region, occurring through a variety of
mechanisms including a biennial Congress. At present, the PRCP has over
250 members from Asia, Australasia,
and North America. Membership is no
longer confined to those in academic
settings, and is open to psychiatrists in
all aspects of psychiatric practice.
The PRCP has been led most recently
by Professor Helen Chiu, Chair of Psychiatry at the Chinese University in
Hong Kong and incoming President of
the International Psychogeriatric Association. She was preceded by Professor
Bruce Singh, then Chair of Psychiatry
at the University of Melbourne, and
now WPA Zonal Representative for
Australasia and the South Pacific. The
most recent Congress was held in Taipei
in October 2006, organized by Professor
Ming Been Lee. The next Congress will
be held in Tokyo on Oct 31-Nov 3, 2008,
and is being organized under the direction of Professor Fumitaka Noda.
Present major projects include an initiative to collaborate with the WPA and
the WHO to address the epidemic of
suicide in Asia. Recently, President
Tasman, who also serves as WPA Secretary for Education, met in Geneva with
Dr. Jose Manoel Bertolote, Coordinator
of the WHO section on Management of
Mental and Brain Disorders, and head
of their program on suicide prevention,
to develop plans for this collaboration.
In addition, the PRCP initiated a collaboration with the South Asia Forum
and the Asian Federation of Psychiatric
Associations to explore development of
a new regional journal, presently titled
the Asian Journal of Psychiatry. This
journal is envisioned to fill a need for an
international English language journal
focusing on the needs of the countries
served by the founding organizations.
The initial planning is well underway,
and negotiations with a major publisher
are proceeding, aiming for the inaugural issue in late 2007 or early 2008.
generally used categorization of a member applicant’s country’s development
status. To apply for membership or for
further information, contact Allan Tasman, at [email protected], or
visit the PRCP web site at www.prcp.org
to find a membership application form.
New Leadership at the
World Health Organization
On 4 January 2007, Dr. Margaret Chan of
China took office as Director-General of the
World Health Organization (WHO), following
her election in November 2006. She named
Dr. Anarfi Asamoa-Baah, a national from
Ghana, as WHO’s Deputy Director-General.
» Notice
In the last issue of the WPA News (3rd Quarter
2006), it was mentioned that Prof. Levi Lennart
had been appointed as ‘Minister of Parliament
of the Government of Sweden’. This was
erroneously phrased and should read instead
‘Member of the Swedish Parliament’. Sincere
apologies to all readers, and in particular to
Prof. Lennart for the inconvenience.
Finally, the PRCP is in the early stage of
organizing a council of national societies in the region, to provide a forum for
collaboration and discussion of issues
of mutual interest.
Membership in the PRCP is structured
in several categories, for colleagues at
all levels of professional development.
Fees are determined according to the
for phenomenology, biological psychiatry,
and the field of temperament and personality. Such integration is best reflected in
how Sir Martin characterized psychiatry:
“The most scientific of humanities, and
the most humanistic of the sciences.”
Professor Sir Martin Roth (1917-2006)
ne of the giants of British psychiatry who dominated the world stage
for a quarter of a century passed away
last September. A memorial service took
place on January 20th at Trinity College,
Cambridge. An international tribute honoring Sir Martin was published during his
lifetime (Davison and Kerr, Contemporary
Themes in Psychiatry, Royal College of
Psychiatrists, 1989).
He was born in Budapest just before the
end of the First World War and shortly
thereafter moved to London with his family. He studied medicine during the Second
World War, and subsequently trained with
Lord Russell Brain and Sir Aubrey Lewis.
Such dual training laid the groundwork for
his contributions on biological aging and
the brain, the classification of psychiatric
disorders of old age (including the delineation of late-onset schizophrenia), as well
as the application of EEG in clinical practice. His differentiation of depression from
dementia and that of Alzheimer’s disease from vascular dementia were major
achievements in geropsychiatry, a field
that he can be said to have created.
In 1954, he was the junior author of Clinical
Psychiatry with Willie Mayer-Gross and
Eliot Slater. The textbook opened as follows: “This book is based on the conviction of the authors that the foundations of
psychiatry have to be laid on the ground
of the natural sciences.” No wonder it
schooled generations of psychiatrists in
data-based medical psychiatry.
Following the Chair of Newcastle-uponTyne, Sir Martin was appointed the first
Professor of Psychiatry at the University of
Cambridge. Knighted in 1972, Sir Martin
was among a handful of psychiatrists to
be elected Fellow of the Royal Society in
1996. He also served as founding President
of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Sir Martin was fond of quoting Kurt
Schneider: “There are no neuroses, only
neurotics.” Although he sharply demarcated what he termed the “affective neuroses”
from the endogenous psychoses (which led
to the historical debate with the Maudsley
School), Sir Martin’s work opened up the
study of neuroses as a respectable endeavor
Sir Martin was a passionate speaker, whose
lectures were both deep and broad, full of
wit, and peppered with allusions to literature, opera and art. My wife Kareen and
I had the privilege of enjoying the friendship of Sir Martin and Lady Constance for
many years: on one occasion he confessed
that he would have liked to have been a
pianist. Indeed, Sir Martin’s lectures and
interviews of patients were nothing less
than virtuoso performances of a clinician
who bridged phenomenology, science and
art. In doing so, he was heir to the legacy
of both Kraepelin and Jaspers.
It is befitting to end by saying that world
psychiatry has lost one of its most eloquent
Knights in the battle of stigma against
mental illness.
Hagop Akiskal, M.D.
April 2007
WPA Regional Meeting, Seoul, Korea,
18-21 April 2007
“Science and Humanism”
Welcome to the WPA Regional Meeting 2007 Seoul to be held on April 18-21, in Seoul,
Korea under the theme “Science and Humanism” which will be a major event in the field
of psychiatry in the region.
■ The best-quality scientific programs including six Plenary Lectures, 30 Symposia, Young
Psychiatrists Meeting, WAPR Regional Meeting, Poster Presentations, Patients’ Artwork
■ Early Registration Due: February 28, 2007.
■ Find more details about the Meeting now at www.wpa2007seoul.org
Organized by: Korean Neuropsychiatric Association
In collaboration with: World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Website of the Meeting: www.wpa2007seoul.org
Contact Meeting Secretariat: Tel: +82-2-3452-7260. E-mail: [email protected]
June 2007
and community treatment will be fully and
candidly explored at this gathering of mental
health and legal professionals, policy makers,
consumers, family members, and researchers
from around the world.
WPA Thematic Conference
“Coercive Treatment in
Psychiatry: A Comprehensive
Review”, Dresden, Germany,
6-8 June 2007
The WPA Thematic Conference “Coercive
Treatment in Psychiatry: A Comprehensive
Review”, to be held in the beautiful city of
Dresden, Germany, 6 – 8 June 2007, will be the
first international meeting devoted to examining this issue. Clinical, ethical, political, and
empirical aspects of involuntary institutional
More than 40 symposia, and workshops, and
10 plenary lectures will address all important
topics in the field, e.g., clinical issues like best
practice of different coercive measures, use of
these measures in special (mental) health care
settings, outcomes and adverse effects of coercive treatment measures, users’, relatives’ and
providers’ views on coercive treatment, and
ethical aspects and cultural issues of coercive
Key note speakers: Prof. Paul Appelbaum,
Prof. Julio Arboleda-Florez, Ms. Dorothea
Buck, Ms. Judi Chamberlin, Prof. Wolfgang
Gaebel, Prof. Juan E. Mezzich, Prof. John
Monahan, Prof. Ahmed Okasha, Prof. Norman
Sartorius, and Dr. Robert van Voren.
We are delighted to invite you to participate in
this special WPA Thematic Conference, and
look forward to the pleasure of greeting you
personally in Dresden soon!
Website of the conference:
Conference organizer:
Intercom Dresden GmbH.
Mrs. Ramona Kühne,
Zellescher Weg 3,
D-01069 Dresden, Germany.
Tel: +49 (351) 4633 3933
Fax: +49 (351) 4633 7049
E-mail: [email protected]
Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Prof. Dr. Thomas W. Kallert, Dresden
University of Technology, Faculty of
Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
and Psychotherapy, Fetscherstrasse 74,
D-01307 Dresden, Germany.
Tel: +49 (351) 458 3561 or
+49 (341) 864 1260
Fax: +49 (351) 458 5380 or
+49 (341) 864 1265
[email protected] or
[email protected]
September 2007
The 2007 WPA Shanghai Regional Meeting & CSP
Annual Congress, Shanghai, China, 20-23 September 2007
Theme: Globalization and Psychiatry – The Regional View
Please visit our website
The abstract submission system English version is on line now!
Please visit http://www.abstractserver.com/aims/china07/absmgm/.
More information about destination and accommodation please check our website:
The registration system English version is online now!
The Chinese registration and abstract submission systems will be on line soon!
November-December 2007
WPA International
Congress 2007,
Melbourne, Australia
28 November 2 December 2007
Professor Colin Masters
Professor of Pathology at the University
of Melbourne, consultant at the Mental
Health Research Institute of Victoria,
Melbourne Health Shared Pathology
Services and Neuroscience Australia
and Chair of the National Health
The outstanding Scientific Program
offered at this Congress will cover a
range of topics and themes relevant to all
involved in mental health, along with the
perspectives and experiences of practising clinicians, consumers, carers and the
indigenous community.
Dr. Jeffrey A. Lieberman
Jeffrey A. Lieberman, MD is currently
the Lawrence E. Kolb Professor and
Chairman of Psychiatry at the Columbia
University College of Physicians and
Surgeons and Director of the New York
State Psychiatric Institute.
The Plenary Speakers for this exciting
Congress have now been confirmed:
Organisers: Royal Australian and New
Zealand College of Psychiatrists
Registration is now open.
Please visit the Congress website or complete
the registration form on your Congress Program
and Registration brochure – now available.
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.wpa2007melbourne.com
June 2008
WPA Thematic Conference
“Depression and Other Relevant
Mental Health Conditions at
Primary Level”, Granada, Spain,
18-21 June, 2008.
specialised and general medicine perspectives in
relation to care at primary health level for people suffering from common mental disorders. Most relevant
Symposia and outstanding lectures will be offered,
as well as multiple parallel sessions and intensive
Granada continues the tradition of previous WPA
meetings (Regional Symposium in 1989 and
Thematic Conference in 1999). On this occasion, the
Andalusian Group for Research on Mental Health
(GAISAM), with the Spanish Society of Psychiatry
(SEP) and that of Family and Community Medicine
(SEMFyC), under the auspices of the WPA and the
WONCA-Europe, are delighted to gather both Mental
Health professionals and General Practitioners on
this new Thematic Conference (TC). Such a gathering of professionals is a most relevant issue provided
that depression and other mental health problems
are some of the most disabling and frequent health
Website of the Conference:
This TC will facilitate lively discussion and debate
on these topics as well as the integration between
We look forward to seeing you in Granada in June 2008.
Chairperson of the Organising Committee:
Prof. Francisco Torres-González, Andalusian
Research Group of Mental Health, University of
Avd. de Madrid 11, Granada 18071, Spain.
Tel.:+34 958 272 651 (Direct).
Tel.:+34 958 240 709 (Group).
E-mail: [email protected]
Technical Secretariat:
Fase 20 Congresos, Avenida de la Constitución, 19,
Granada 18014, Spain
Tel:+34 902 430 960. Fax:+34 902 430 959.
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.fase20.com
September 2008
Prague, Czech Republic,
20-25 September 2008
Dear colleagues, dear friends,
I am delighted to invite you to participate in
the XIV World Congress of Psychiatry, which
will be held in Prague, the capital of the Czech
Republic, on September 20 – 25, 2008.
Since the Middle Ages, “The Golden Praha”
has enjoyed a reputation as one of the most
beautiful European cities. Nowadays, you can
admire not only the historical monuments of
Prague but you can also visit a great variety
of cultural and social events, including the
opera Don Giovanni in the Theatre of the
Estates. It is the very place where its world
first performance was staged on October
29, 1787 conducted personally by Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart.
It is often said that modern Czech psychiatry
developed under the influence of German
psychiatry. However, it is not common
knowledge that Sigmund Freud was born in
Moravia, the eastern territory of the Czech
Republic. We will also organise tours for
the attendees of the Congress to the city of
Pribor, where his house of birth was recently
reconstructed in Freud´s museum.
I would like to invite you to visit the Congress
website www.wpa-prague2008.cz which is
regularly updated and will give you the latest
information on the preparations!
I am convinced that you will enjoy your stay
in Praha.
For more information please contact the
Congress Secretariat:
GUARANT International spol. s r.o.
Opletalova 22, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 284 001 444, Fax: +420 284 001 448
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.wpa-prague2008.cz
Professor Jiří Raboch, M.D.
Chair of the Organizing Committee
April 2009
World Psychiatric
International Congress
Florence, Italy
1 - 4 April 2009
The 2009 International Congress of the WPA will take place in
Florence, Italy, from 1 to 4 April.
The theme will be “Treatments in Psychiatry: A New Update”.
This will be the follow-up to the 2004 WPA International
Congress “Treatments in Psychiatry”.
Contact: Prof. Mario Maj.
E-mail: [email protected]
Congress website: www.wpa2009florence.org
Future WPA Scientific Meetings
Prof. Pedro Ruiz, Secretary for Meetings, Professor and Vice Chairman, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
University of Texas Medical School at Houston, 1300 Moursund Street, Houston, Texas 77030, USA
Tel: +1 713 500 2799. Fax: +1 713 500 2757. E-mail: [email protected]
March 2007
April 2007
1-4 March 2007: “Regional Meeting of the Royal College of
Psychiatrists (Middle East Division)”, Beirut, Lebanon.
Organizer: Middle East Division, Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Contact: Dr. Fuad T. Antun. E-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.rcpsych-me.com.
9-11 April 2007: “Mental Health International Conference
of United Arab Emirates Theme: Direct and Indirect SelfDestructive Behaviors and Mental Disorders - Transcultural
Differences”, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Organizer: WPA Section on Suicidology. Contact:
Dr. Jean Pierre Soubrier. E-mail: [email protected].
7-9 March 2007: “Third Ain Shams International Congress in
Psychiatry: Toward Global Patient Care”, Luxor, Egypt.
Organizer: Ain Shams University. Collaboration:
Egyptian Psychiatric Association. Contact: Dr. Tarek Okasha.
E-mail: [email protected].
12-14 April 2007: “Third Iberoamerican Congress on Addictive
Disorders”, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Organizer: Colegio Iberoamercano de Transtornos Addictivos.
Contact: Dr. Javier Didia Attas. E-mail: cita2007@fibertel.com.ar.
9-11 March 2007: “8th Workshop on Costs and Assessment in
Psychiatry - Investing in Mental Health Policy and Economics
Research”, Venice, Italy. Organizer: WPA Section on Mental
Health Economics. Contact: Dr. Massimo Moscarelli. E-mail:
[email protected].
Website: http://www.icmpe.org/test1/events/events.htm.
21-23 March 2007: “WPA Regional Meeting”, Nairobi, Kenya.
Organizer: Kenya Psychiatric Association. Contact:
Dr. Frank G. Njenga. E-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.WPA2007nairobi.com.
18-21 April 2007: “WPA Regional Meeting”, Seoul, Korea.
Organizer: Korean Neuropsychiatric Association. Contact:
Dr. Young-Cho Chung. E-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.wpa2007seoul.org.
25-28 April 2007: “11th Annual Meeting of the Psychiatric
Association of Turkey”, Izmir, Turkey.
Organizer: Psychiatric Association of Turkey. Contact:
Dr. Can Cimilli. E-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.psikiyatri.org.tr.
27-28 April 2007: “Addiction and Dependence Annual Conference”,
Beirut, Lebanon. Organizer: Psychiatric Hospital of the Cross.
Contact: Dr. Charles Baddoura. E-mail: [email protected].
27-29 April 2007: “The New Era of Transcultural Psychiatry:
Advancing Collaboration of East and West”, Kamakura,
Japan. Organizer: WPA Transcultural Psychiatry Section.
Contact: Dr. Shuishi Katsuragawa.
E-mails: a) [email protected];
b) [email protected].
Website: www.shonan-village.co.jp/wpatcp.htm.
May 2007
1-3 May 2007: “Third International Conference on Psychiatric:
Future of Psychiatry as a Neuroscience”, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Organizer: Saudi German Hospitals Group. Collaboration: a)
Saudi Psychiatric Association; b) Egyptian Psychiatric Association.
Contact: Dr. Mohamed Khaled.
E-mail: [email protected].
3-4 May 2007: “II Simposio de Psiquiatria Transcultural: Salud
Mental en el Paciente de America Andina”, Barcelona, Spain.
Organizer: Vall D‘Hebron University Hospital. Contact:
Dr. Miguel Casas. E-mail: [email protected].
3-6 May 2007: “Reflections and Ideas for an Innovation
Psychiatry Conference”, Fiuggi, France.
Organizer: WPA Section on Ecology, Psychiatry & Mental Health.
Contact: Dr. Giuseppe Spinetti. E-mail: [email protected].
11-12 May 2007: “Conference on Conflict, Mental Health and
Making the Peace”, Lymassol, Cyprus.
Organizer: Royal College of Psychiatrists‘ European Division.
Collaboration: London Institute of Psychiatry. Contact:
Dr. Nathaniel Minton. E-mail: [email protected].
13-19 May 2007: “5èmes Rencontres Francopsies: Neutralité en
Psichiatrie”, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
Organizer: Alternative Fédérative des Associations de Psychiatrie
(ALFAPSY). Contact: Dr. Paul Lacaze.
E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www.ALFAPSY.org.
16-19 May 2007: “15th World Congress of the World Association for
Dynamic Psychiatry”, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Organizer: World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry. Contact:
Dr. Monika Dworschak. E-mail: [email protected].
17 May 2007: “Mental Health and Creative Self-Expression
Meeting”, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Organizer: WPA Section of Art and Psychiatry.
Contact: Dr. Alexander Kopytin. E-mail: [email protected].
June 2007
4-6 June 2007: “X Pan Arab Congress”, Algiers, Algeria.
Organizers: a) Arab Federation of Psychiatrists; b) Algerian
Psychiatric Society. Contacts: a) Dr. Saida Douki;
b) Dr. Farid Kacha. E-mails: a) [email protected];
b) [email protected].
6-8 June 2007: WPA Thematic Conference “Coercive Treatment
in Psychiatry: A Comprehensive Review”, Dresden, Germany.
Organizer: Eunomia Study Group.
Contact: Prof. Thomas Kallert.
E-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.WPA2007dresden.org.
18-22 June 2007: VI Simposio Internacional “Aspectos Biologicos y
Farmacoterapeuticos de los Transtornos Mentales”, Habana, Cuba.
Organizer: Cologio Cubano de Neuropsicoframacologia.
Collaboration: Cuban Society of Psychiatry.
Contact: Dr. Jose Perez Milan. E-mail: [email protected].
27-29 June 2007: “Annual Meeting of the Egyptian Psychiatric
Association”, Cairo, Egypt.
Organizer: Egyptian Psychiatric Association.
Contact: Dr. Tarek Okasha. E-mail: [email protected].
July 2007
26-29 July 2007: “Congreso Latinoamericano de Addicciones:
Addicciones un Desafio a la Mente”, Medellin, Colombia.
Organizer: Associacion Latinoamericana de Addiccionologia
(ALAD). Contact: Dr. Elvia Velazquez.
E-mail: [email protected].
August 2007
25-29 August 2007: “13th International Congress of the European
Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”, Florence, Italy.
Organizer: European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Contact: Cecilia Sighinolfi. E-mail: Cecilia.sighinolfi@azzurro.it.
Website: www.escap-net.org.
26-30 August 2007: “Conference: Hypothesis, Neuroscience and
Real People”, Sun City, South Africa.
Organizer: International Network for Philosophy and Psychiatry.
Collaboration: WPA Section on Philosophy and Humanities.
Contact: Dr. Kenneth W.M. Fulford.
E-mail: [email protected].
September 2007
5-7 September 2007: “9º Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatria
y Neurociencia Cognitiva & 5º Congreso Latinoamericano de
Neuropsiquiatria”, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Organizer: Asociacion Neuropsiquiatrica Argentina (ANA).
Contact: Dr. Ignacio Brusco. E-mail: [email protected].
20-23 September 2007: “WPA Regional Meeting”, Shanghai,
China. Organizer: Shanghai Mental Health Center. Contact:
Dr. Zeping Xiao. E-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.WPA2007shanghai.com.
21-23 September 2007: “First Congress of the Psychiatric
Association for Eastern Europe and the Balkans”, Thessaloniki,
Greece. Organizer: Psychiatric Association for Eastern Europe and
the Balkans. Contact: Dr. George Christodoulou.
E-mail: [email protected].
Websites: a) www.paeeb.com; b) www.diastasitravel.gr.
24-27 September 2007: “XIV Congress of the Argentinean
Association of Psychiatrists”, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Organizer: Argentinean Association of Psychiatrists (AAP).
Contact: Dr. Nestor F. Marchant. E-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.aap.org.ar.
October 2007
4-7 October 2007: “Annual Meeting of the Psychiatric Association of
Serbia and Montenegro”, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro.
Organizer: Psychiatric Association of Serbia and Montenegro.
Contact: Dr. Dusica Lecic-Toseviski.
E-mail: [email protected].
21-25 October 2007: “XIX World Association for Social Psychiatry
Congress”, Prague, Czech Republic.
Organizer: World Association for Social Psychiatry.
Contact: Dr. Shridhar Sharma. E-mail: [email protected].
23-28 October 2007: “Annual Meeting of the International Society
of Addiction Medicine (ISAM)”, Cairo, Egypt.
Organizer: International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM).
Collaboration: WPA Section on Addiction Psychiatry.
Contact: Dr. Nady El-Guebaly.
E-mail: [email protected].
November 2007
23-25 November 2007: “XVI International Symposium Sexuality:
Pleasures”, Caracas, Venezuela.
Organizer: WPA Section on Psychiatry and Human Sexuality.
Contact: Dr. Ruben Hernandez.
E-mail: [email protected].
28 November-2 December 2007: “WPA International Congress”,
Melbourne, Australia. Organizer: Royal Australian and New
Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP).
Contact: Sharon Brownie. E-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.ranzcp.org.
June 2008
19-21 June 2008: “WPA Thematic Conference on Depression
and Relevant Psychiatric Condition in Primary Care”, Granada,
Spain. Organizers: a) World Psychiatric Association;
b) Wonca-Europe; c) Spanish Psychiatric Association; d) Spanish
Society of Family and Community Medicine (SEMFYC).
Collaboration: Grupo Andaluz de Investigacion en Salud
Mental“ (GAISAM). Contacts: a) Dr. Francisco Torres-Gonzalez;
b) Patricia Serrano (PCO). E-mails: a) [email protected]; b)
[email protected]. Website: www.WPA2008granada.org.
Augut 2008
28 November-2 December 2007: “Third International Congress on
Brain and Behavior”, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Organizer: International Society on Brain and Behavior.
Collaboration: WPA Section on Private Practice. Contact:
Dr. Kostas N. Fountoulakis. E-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.psychiatry.org.
February 2008
1-5 February 2008: “5th National Congress, National Institute of
Social Security & II Regional WPA Zone 3 Conference”, Mexico
City, Mexico. Organizer: Instituto Mexicano de Seguro Social.
Collaboration: a) WPA Zone 3; b) Latin American Psychiatric
Asscociation (APAL). Contact: Dr. Enrique Camarena Robles.
E-mail: [email protected].
5-8 February 2008: “WPA European Congress & Regional
Meeting”, Paris, France. Organizer: Association of the French
Societies Members of WPA. Contact: Dr. Michel Botbol.
E-mail: [email protected].
14-16 Feburary 2008: “II Congreso Internacional Medicina y Salud
Mental de la Mujer: Asimilando la Disferencia Para su Abordaje“,
Medellin, Colombia. Organizer: CES Faculty of Medicine. Contact:
Dr. Silvia Gaviria. E-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.ces.edu.co.
March 2008
14-17 March 2008: “IV Biennial Conference: Integrative Approaches
to Affective Disorders”, Cape Town, South Africa.
Organizer: International Society for Affective Disorders.
Collaboration: WPA Section on Affective Disorders. Contact:
Caroline Holebrook. E-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.isad.org.uk.
5-8 August 2008: “Mental Health Toward 2020: Working Together
for Better Mental Health in Asia” & “Annual Meeting of the South
Forum for Mental Health and Psychiatry” (SAFMHP), Bangkok,
Thailand. Organizers: a) Asean Federation for Psychiatry and
Mental Health (AFPMH); b) South Asian Forum for Mental Health
and Psychiatry (SAFMHP). Collaboration: a) The Psychiatric
Association of Thailand; b) The Royal College of Psychiatrists of
Thailand; c) Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public
Health, Thailand. Contact: Dr. Pichet Udomratn.
E-mail: [email protected].
September 2008
19-25 September 2008: “XIV World Congress of Psychiatry”,
Prague, Czech Republic. Organizer: Czech Psychiatric
Association. Collaboration: World Psychiatric Association.
Contact: Dr. Jiri Raboch. E-mail: [email protected].
October - November 2008
30 October-2 November 2008: “13th Pacific Rim College of
Psychiatrists”, Tokyo, Japan. Organizer: Japanese Society of
Transcultural Psychiatry. Contact: Dr. Tsuyoshi Akiyama.
E-mail: [email protected].
April 2009
1-4 April 2009: “Treatments in Psychiatry: A New Update”,
Florence, Italy. Organizer: Italian Psychiatric Association.
Contact: Dr. Mario Maj. E-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.psichiatria.it.
September 2009
16-20 March 2008: “Third World Congress on Women‘s Mental
Health”, Melbourne, Australia.
Organizer: WPA Section on Women‘s Mental Health. Contact:
Dr. Donna Stewart. E-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.IAWMHCongress2008.com.au.
24-26 September 2009: “VII World Congress of Depressive
Disorders and International Symposium on Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder”, Mendoza, Argentina.
Organizer: Dr. Jorge Nazar. Collaboration: University of Cuyo.
Contact: Dr. Jorge Nazar. E-mail: [email protected].
April 2010
15-18 April 2010: “WPA Regional Meeting”, Yerevan, Armenia.
Organizer: Armenian Association of Psychiatrists.
Contact: Dr. Armen Soghoyan. E-mail: [email protected].
September 2010
1-5 September 2010: “WPA Regional Meeting”, Beijing, China.
Organizer: Chinese Society of Psychiatry.
Contact: Dr. Yizhuang Zou. E-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.psychiatryonline.cn.
August/September 2011
August or September 2011: “XV World Congress of Psychiatry”,
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Organizers: a) Argentina Association of
Psychiatrist (AAP); b) Association of Argentinean Psychiatrists
(APSA); c) Foundation for Interdisciplinary Investigation of
Communication (FINTECO). Contact: Mariano R. Castex.
E-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.congresosint.com.ar.
w. w p n e t . o r
WPA Permanent Secretariat
Geneva University Psychiatric Hospital
Bâtiment Les Voirons
2 Chemin du Petit Bel-Air
1225 Chêne-Bourg, GENEVA, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 305 5737/30/32 Fax: +41 22 305 5735
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.wpanet.org