View and the full 2015 NCTA Annual Report here.


View and the full 2015 NCTA Annual Report here.
2015 at a Glance
In 2015, our volunteers and partners built
giving us
23 miles of new North Country Trail
2,880 miles of the NCT that are open for use!
Photo: Karen Stenberg
North Dakota
398,155 was spent on
construction, maintenance, supplies and labor.
1,095 volunteers worked 66,166 hours,
valued at 1.5 Million by the Independent Sector.
17,502 Volunteer Hours
$124,186 Invested
6,930 Volunteer Hours
$54,782 Invested
16,216 Volunteer Hours
$96,664 Invested
• 23 miles of new trail
• Five campsites
• 28 miles reconstructed or rerouted
• Four Trailhead parking lots
• 16 new bridges together spanning
more than 250 ft.
• Observation platforms, scenic vistas
and overlooks
• 3,000 ft. of puncheon and boardwalk
• Countless miles refreshing paint
• Four shelters
3,602 Volunteer Hours
$15,431 Invested
2,498 Volunteer Hours
$34,096 Invested
3,202 Volunteer Hours
$26,119 Invested
New York
16,216 Volunteer Hours
$46,837 Invested
Total Estimated
Total Off-Road
Total On-Road
New York625 366.8 148.0
Ohio 1,050501.1 588.4
Michigan1,150 813.0 325.7
133.2 84.0
North Dakota475
4,540 2,879.91,625.4
* The numbers we present as Total Estimated Mileage are estimates and may change over time as trail is put on the ground or plans finalized. Mileage changes over time: Hundreds of miles of trail data are improved each year, which can lead to discrepancies in the trail mileage totals and
the trail mileage actually built in that year.
** Includes Minnesota Arrowhead Reroute
Construction and Maintenance
Expenses: Includes NPS, USFS and
State Agency grants, NPS, USFS and
US Army Corp of Engineers direct
spending and NCTA Chapter and
Affiliates expenses. State agency
direct spending is not included.
2002: 1,879 Miles
2007: 2,404 Miles
2012: 2,602 Miles
2016: 2,880 Miles
Our Goal:
4,600 Miles
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Photo: Chris Tews
From the Executive Director
and President of the Board
Our growth is occurring through social media, tasteful
development campaigns, and successful efforts such as the
approval of the Adirondack route plan in NY that are generating
news media interest. Outcomes include steady membership
growth, consistent growth in fund-raising, increased national
attention and best of all, growth in NCTA’s ability to build,
maintain and protect the North Country National Scenic Trail at
the local level, where it matters most. There’s a real buzz among
NCTA’s staff and an even greater sense of enthusiasm and
purpose as NCTA keeps showing increasingly greater results.
This Annual Report details many of the accomplishments
of the North Country Trail Association and our volunteers
and partners trail-wide in 2015. Two highlights illustrate
why we’re feeling so positively:
Celebrating the National Park Service Centennial:
Based on ideas first developed in NCTA Chapters including
the Grand Traverse Hiking Club and Itasca Moraine, NCTA is
generating significant national and regional attention with the
launch of our Hike 100 Challenge. This program, which provides
a patch and certificate of recognition
for anyone who completes 100 miles of
NCNST during the calendar year 2016,
is being done to help commemorate the
1916 birth of what’s been called “America’s
best idea,” the National Park Service. Hike
100 Challenge, which launched January 1,
2016, is proving to be wildly popular as
participants are encouraged to share their
NPS Director Jonathan Jarvis
story in completing their challenge which
with Hike 100 Challenge
NCTA will share in turn through online story materials
mapping and other means.
Photo: Bruce Matthews
ur North Country Trail community is making
waves! 2015 has been an awesome year,
particularly in terms of growing awareness of
the North Country National Scenic Trail.
More awareness means more volunteers,
more members, more miles and greater
impacts along the entire 4600-mile length
of the NCT!
We hope you enjoy this Annual Report. Turn the page and
you’ll jump right into our Program Highlights section where we
have listed many of the great accomplishments out on the trail
in 2015. There is much to celebrate! We couldn’t do it without
all the hard work of our volunteers, partners and
affiliate organizations.
Iron Belle Trail: The State of Michigan’s efforts to develop a
trail system linking Detroit’s Belle Isle State Park with Ironwood,
MI on the Wisconsin border in the far western U.P. have led to
a valuable and close partnership with the Michigan Department
of Natural Resources. The hiking portion of the Iron Belle Trail
is being hosted by the NCNST for almost 1000 miles from
Albion in southern MI almost to Ironwood, which is focusing
significantly more resources toward trail planning, construction,
easements and protection as existing gaps are being addressed
for priority action. This partnership with the DNR has led to
NCTA’s adding a Michigan Regional Trail Coordinator to our staff
as well as thousands of additional dollars in projects support
flowing to chapters.
Tom Moberg
President of the Board
Bruce Matthews
Executive Director
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Photo: Bill Menke
2015 Program Highlights
2015 was an incredible year on the North Country National Scenic Trail. The projects in
this report are only a sampling of the work by volunteers and agencies across seven states
to plan, build, maintain, and protect the North Country Trail. Through innovative and
collaborative partnerships and the dedication of thousands of volunteers, the trail is being
developed one project at a time, to be enjoyed today and stewarded for generations to come.
Volunteers are the heart and soul of the North Country Trail
Association. They build and maintain the trail, promote its use and
its stewardship in their communities and fight for the protection of
the trail and the surrounding areas that make it special.
In 2015, our volunteers built 23 miles of brand new North
Country Trail and 26 miles of new reroutes or reconstruction
projects, completing what’s now 2,879 miles of the NCT! We
also have 16 new bridges and more than 3,000 new feet of
puncheon and boardwalk thanks to their hard work.
IN 2015:
•• 1,095 volunteers worked 66,166 hours, valued at $1.5 million
by the Independent Sector.
•• Kay Kujawa, from Hiawatha Shore to Shore Chapter, was
recognized for her volunteer service in excess of 10,000 hours.
•• Volunteer Tom Moberg from Dakota Prairie Grassland Chapter
won the National Park Service George and Helen Hartzog
Award for Outstanding Individual Volunteer and was
recognized by the NPS Director, Jon Jarvis, at a ceremony
in Washington, DC.
•• The Glacial Edge Chapter was formed in MN, setting the stage
for the route between Frazee and the Red River Valley.
•• The Butler Chapter in PA hosted a Keystone Trail Association
work week to build 2.7 miles of new trail.
•• The Harbor Springs, Jordan Valley 45O and Grand Traverse
Hiking Club Chapters restored 15 miles of trail that were
damaged by a major windstorm in Northern Michigan.
•• The Finger Lakes Trail Conference built 2 new shelters to
keep hikers safe and dry in western New York.
Photo: Connie Julien
•• Kekekabic Trail Chapter hosted four trail crews in the interior
of Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Wilderness, and worked on
some of the “worst of the worst” and most remote sections
of “The Kek.” A significant number of new volunteers from
across the Country helped in this effort and definitely made
a difference.
•• The Dakota Prairie Grassland and Sheyenne River Valley
Chapters both put significant resources into bridges and
boardwalks including a 280’ section of boardwalk in
partnership with the Sheyenne National Grasslands in
eastern North Dakota.
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Photo: Becky Heise
Photo: Irene Szabo
Securing access for the Trail as well as protecting the
surrounding corridor has become one of the most challenging
yet inspiring aspects of our mission to ensure the NCNST
experience for future generations.
IN 2015, WE:
•• Celebrated the approval of the plan for the NCNST in the
Adirondack Park in New York, a long awaited triumph for
our volunteers and partners who have worked for more
than a decade on the route.
•• Began a partnership with The Conservation Fund to
pursue acquisition of a few key locations in the Upper
Peninsula of Michigan.
•• Worked with the Partnership for the National Trails
System to submit parcels as part of the Collaborative
Landscape Planning Initiative, a multi-million dollar
proposal to the Land and Water Conservation Fund for
National Scenic and Historic Trails.
•• Strengthened our partnership with the USDA Forest
Service by working with the Regional Office to improve
consistency of management and began a funding
agreement with the Forest Service to improve the trail in
select locations each year.
The NCTA’s trail advocacy team—made up of staff, board
members and volunteers—follows legislation on the national
level that affects the trail, and takes action on important issues
in Washington DC and at home.
IN 2015, WE:
•• Gathered co-sponsors for the North Country Trail Route
Adjustment Act and the National Scenic Trail Parity Act in
both the House and Senate. Both Acts now have strong
bipartisan support thanks to the work of our team.
•• Advocated for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, a
critical program necessary to complete National Scenic and
Historic Trails.
•• Grew our Advocacy Committee and recruited State Chair
positions that will help organize further advocacy in their
respective states.
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Photo: Deb Koepplin
M A R K E T I N G & C O M M U N I C AT I O N S
Telling people about the trail is one of our favorite things to do.
The Trail provides countless ways to enjoy the outdoors.
Whether hiking with family or looking for solitude, photographing
wildlife or fishing our many rivers and streams, outdoor
enthusiasts are finding great ways to experience all the North
Country Trail has to offer.
IN 2015, NCTA:
•• Added a part time marketing professional, Amelia Rhodes,
to the staff team. Her primary focus will be social media,
the web and engaging a more diverse and national trail
•• Partnered with the NPS, Boys and Girls Club and YMCA
of Battle Creek, the Udall Foundation and the Battle Creek
Community Foundation on Picture THIS!!, a program that
engaged 55 children, ages 7 thru 17, with the Trail via
•• Continued to develop our Trail Town program for a current
total of 19 Trail Towns. We also added story maps to our Trail
Town webpages and have a new Trail Town Handbook in
•• Improved our online presence with more blog posts, and
engaged more people on social media than ever before.
Unique visitors to our website have increased an average of
35% each month. Our Facebook “likes” are up 22%. We
began to use Instagram, and are engaging more users
on Twitter.
IN 2015:
•• We developed a Hike 100 Challenge program to celebrate
the Centennial of the National Park Service in 2016. Close to
2,000 participants had already signed up by January 1st.
•• We had a record five hikers start their thru-hike this year.
While none of the hikers completed their goal, they each
accomplished an impressive amount of miles and generated
media interest along the way.
•• The second annual NCNST Day generated over 26 events
across the seven states involving over 114 miles of the Trail.
The Tahquamenon Falls Hike, “Tween Da Falls,” drew 230
participants. The event was organized by the Hiawatha Shore
to Shore Chapter in the UP of MI.
•• 104 hikers participated in the 165-mile Hiking Challenge, to
hike the trail through both the Itasca Moraine and Laurentian
Lakes Chapters in Minnesota.
NCTA MISSION: The North Country Trail Association develops, maintains, protects and
promotes the North Country National Scenic Trail as the premier hiking path across the
northern tier of the United States through a trail-wide coalition of volunteers and partners.
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Photo: Tina Toole
Decade Member Club
In 1981, the North Country Trail Association was incorporated as the official “friends”
organization for the North Country National Scenic Trail. Since that time, thousands of
individuals and households have been members. Some of those members have gone
above and beyond, maintaining their membership and actively volunteering with the
NCTA for decades.
Photo: NCTA Archives
Pat Allen and Mark Miller
Donald Beattie
Joseph Brennan
Buckeye Trail Association
James Davis
Cecil and Joanne Dobbins
Kenneth Gackler
Tom and Janis Gilbert
Anthony Haswell
John Hipps and Barbara Smith
Byron and Margaret Hutchins
Milton Jones
James Kenning
Robert Krzewinski and Sally Allen Lunn
Kalista Lehrer
Harlan Liljequist
Glenn Oster
James and Mary Richards/Maplelag, Inc.
Dewey and Kay Wobma
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Dwain Abramowski
Alan and Lou Adsmond
R. Marie Altenau
Jack Amelar
Charles Axthelm
Marieanna and Earland Bair
Barnes County Wildlife Federation
JoAnne Baron
Lyle Bialk
Vee Bjornson
Derek Blount
Doug and Kathy Brehm
Eugene and Mary Briggs
Tim Calloway
Robert Campbell
Pat Carlson
Frank Casenhiser
Marilyn Chadwick
Donnan Christensen
Rose Clack
Dave and Jan Cornell
DeWayne and Joan Cox
Patrick Delaney
Mary Dineen
Stewart DeWitt Dinger
Lon Dobson
Donald and Brita Dorn
Carol Durling
Bruce Eckert
Donald and Gregory Edwards
Kathleen Eisele
Donald Elzinga
Gene Elzinga
Lynn Emerick
Elwood Ensor
Finger Lakes Trail Conference
Art and Virginia Fish
Peter Gradoni
Wayne and Shirley Gross
Martha Hale
Chris and Helen Haller
Mary and Kathy Hamilton
Dennis Hansen
Eric Helfrich
Denise Herron
Jim and Gladys Hoogterp
Dan Hornbogen
Herbert and Suzanne Hulls
Karen Johnson
Lou Ann Johnson
Kent County Parks
Ronald Killebrew
Peter and Paula Klima
Shirley LaBonte
Gordon Lachniet
Don Lee
Gary Leff
John and Pat Leinen
Martha Leppanen
Janice Lindstrom
Zora Longworth
Ron Lovasz
Margaret MacRae
Richard Magyar and Lyria Palas
Eugene Majerowicz
Hugh and Georgia Makens
Susan Makrianis
Arlen and Arlene Matson
Photo: Loren Bach
20 Year Club Members
Gary McIntyre
Bill and Donna Menke
Roger and Glory Meyer
Richard and Cheryl Naperala
Gary Nichols
Michael and Virginia O’Keefe
Martin O’Toole
Merry Ossenheimer
Leo and Patricia Paveglio
Ralph and Barbara Powell
William and Avis Rambo
Michael Reed
Thomas Reimers
David and Joyce Salisbury
Michael and Erica SanDretto
Bill and Sue Sanger
Mike Schaeffer and Debby Page
Marguerite Schubert
Marcia Seaman
John and Lynn Seirup
Maynard and Nathan Shier
Shoreline Cycling Club, Inc.
James Siegel
Jeffrey and Denise Smith
Scott Smith
James Sprague
Lucy Stopher
Margaret Strobel and William Barclay
Superior Hiking Trail Association
Robert Suss
Janette Sweasy
Irene Szabo
Edward Talone
David Tattan
Thomas Taylor
Stella and George Thelen
Clinton Tompt
Turkey’s Café
Donald Ulsh
Michael Unsworth
Charles Vannette
Mary Jo Vent
Raymond Vlasak
Lynn Waldron
William Weiss
Doug Welker and Marjorie Johnston
Gail Werner
Gary Werner and Melanie Lord
Kevin Wilson and Robin Raley
Chris Wise
Peter Wybron
Gaylord and Marlene Yost
Mary Zuk-Domanski
10 Year Club Members
Barbara Abrahamer
Judy Abrams
Adams County Travel & Visitors Bureau
David and Jean Adams
Rick and Juanita Adamson
Adirondack Mountain Club – Onondaga Chapter
Phoebe Alden
Walt Alexander
Allegheny Outdoor Club
Jerry Allen and Connie Pausits Allen
Clyde and Jane Anderson
John Andersson
Cindy Angerhofer
Jim Antonson
Joyce Appel
Daniel and Constance Arnold
Patricia Arvilla
Richard Ashbacker
Todd and Mary Ashby
William Aten
Larry and Karen Baar
Loren Bach and Dave Martus
Brian and Elizabeth Bachynski
Don Backus
Sonja Baertsch
Lori Baker and David Koski
R. Alan and Lois Baker
Terry Ballinger
William J. and Jennifer Bandy
Randy Barnes
John and Nancy Barrows
Steve Barrows
Deena Barshney
Patt Bartig
Jim Bartlett
Mark Batchelor
Dan Baumhardt and E. Joyce Krause
Thomas Bausman
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
10 Year Club Members (continued)
Helen Coyne
John Craig
Tom and Jeanne Crosby
Marian Crossman
William Currie
Tom Dahle
Carl Daiker
Bettie Daly
Tom Dandridge and Lynn Martin
James Darabi
Bill and Margie Darooge
Cameron Dasch
Verl Dasher
Kenneth Davenport
Thomas Davidson
Mary and Bill Davis
Robert and Barbara Davis
Bruce and Sandra Davis
John and JoAnne Davis
Robert C. Davis
William and Kathleen Davis
Don and Bonnie Dealing
Laura DeGolier
Ray and Barbara Dereske
Roland Derksen
Jacob Detrie
Roderick Dibble
Donald Dickmann and Kathleen McKevitt
John Diephouse
William Dietrich
Garrett and Sydney Dill
Kathleen Disque
David and Carol Dixen
Tim and Janice Donahue
James and Debbie Donaldson
Dan and Ruth Dorrough
James and Maureen Doull
Roy Dray
Elizabeth Dropp and Wesley Ramsey
Steve and Betsy Duede
John Dulik
Mike and Pam Dundas
Tom and Marianne Duvendack
Ron Dziurda and Jane Bellezza-Dziurda
Scott and Terri Edick
Carolyn Edmunds
Erik Edoff
John Edwards
Photo: Dove Day
Gene and Liz Bavis
Sondra Beach
Jeriel Beard
Brian Becker
Mitzi Beckman
Bill Belitskus
Kevin Bell
Elizabeth Bell
Jim and Linda Belote
Lewis and Mary Bender
Bob and Nancy Benham
Dawn Bennett
Betty Benson
Henry and Anne Bent
Jim and Carol Berch
Nelda Bergsten
William Beute
Willi Bevirt
Bob Beymer
Bill and Paul’s Sporthaus
Anne and Greg Billiard
Sandy and Cathy Bingham
Bruce and Roberta Bishop
Mark Bissell
Stephanie Black
Bert Bleke
David and Nancy Blewett
Richard Bliley
David Blouin
Frank Blumenthal
Mary Jo and David Bobholz
David Boboltz
Matt Boes and Colleen Orwine-Boes
Carl Boesel
Richard and Sue Boettner
Doug and Pam Boor
Bruce Booth
Robert Borak
Andrew Todd Borsum
Doris Borthwick Heinemann
Evert Bos
Brad and Cheryl Bosley
Lynda Bouwsma
Leslie Bowen
Ryan Bowles and Laura Skibbe
Richard Boyak
Nancy Bradbury
Jim Brady
Judith Bredeweg
David Brewer
Dale Brokaw
Bob and Ruth Brown
Charles and Janet Brown
Keith and Dorothy Brown
Jim Bruce
Nancy Brucken
Jerry Brucksch
Mike and Bonnie Brunett
Patricia Brunner
Kristen and Glen Bruxvoort
Annette and James Brzezicki
Joanna Buboltz
Brian and Barb Buchanan
Phyllis Buchwalder
Jason Buckner
Jack and Elaine Buege
James and Sharon Buhr
Laura Bulleit
Dorothy Buquo
Bureau of Reclamation
Marilyn Burfiend
David and Cindy Burgan
Michael Burgess
Walter Burgess
Robert Burris
Sharon Burtrum
David Busse
Bruce and Julie Busta
Butler Outdoor Club
David Byrne
James Byrne
Krista Cabrera and Charles Gallagher
Jonathan Call
Joe and Sharon Callahan
Raymond and Sara Camilli
Melissa Cardon
Theresa Careaga
Douglas Carlson
Janet Carpenter
Jack Carrick
Robert Carrier
Steve Chapman
Ed and Nancy Chappel
Jim Charvat
Kay Christensen
Sharon Christensen
Charles Church
Kingery Clingenpeel
Sara Cockrell
William and Mary Coffin
Suzanne Cohen
Donald Collins
Dennis Collison
David and Jan Conley
Tim and Christine Conners
Joan Conway
Bob Cooley
John Cooley and Vicky Kelly
Gene Cornelius
Donald Cornue
Susan Cotant
Linda Coughenour
Bert Courson
Bob Covey
Brian Cox
Gayle Coyer
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
10 Year Club Members (continued)
Martin Eggener
Mike Effron
Martin and Kathy Ann Eggener
Loyal and Bonnie Eldridge
Peter and Michelle Eldridge
George Elliott
Sallee Elmore
Jean Eloranta
Jim Elzinga and Linda Halford
William Endres
Barbara Enger
Stephen J. Eno
Jacque and Douglas Erdman
Jake and Lotta Erhardt
Myron Erickson
Lynn L.M. Evans
Paul and Sherri Ewing
Eileen Fairbrother
Alan Fark
Edward Fenelon
Joseph Finley
Faith Fishman
Frank Fishman
Douglas and Catherine Flanagan
Jeff and Mary Fleming
Nancy Fleming
Peter Fleszar
Charles Fletcher
William and Barbara Fletcher
Richard Flinn
Joseph Folzenlogen
Kathleen Foote
Foothills Trail Club
Geoffrey Force
Marge and John Forslin
Ken Fowler
Dwight and Janet Fox
Joanna Frank
Jerry Freels
Mervin and Rachel Frey
Charles and Anne Frihart
Bettina Frisse
James Funke
Catherine Gadbaw
David Galbreath
Laurence Galen
Earl Garn
Tom and Judith Garnett
James Garthe
Fred and Nan Gaunt
Louis and Mai Geeraerts
Patti Gehring
Daniel Geiger
William and Joanne Gerke
Amanda Gibson
Ruth and Dennis Gilgen
Anita Gilleo
John E. Gilrein
Chris Gladieux
Richard Glasgow
Curtis Glasoe
Curt Gledhill
Mark and Gail Glendon
Donald and Lynn Godfrey
Daniel Gold
Aubrey and Martina Golden
Dave Goodman
Timothy Goodman
Carol Gorton
Lorna Goshman
Joan Gossner
Bill Grau
Richard Gray
Great Lakes Adventure Club
James and Jane Gregoire
John and Carol Gregory
Jim and Brecken Gries
Richard Grossman
Gary and Soonok Gulish
Paul Haan and Julie Nietling
John and Ann Haglund
Richard and Chris Halbert
Mark and Sarah Halvorsen
Marshall Hamilton
William Hamilton and Susan Heathfield
Carolyn Sue Hammers
Jeff Hammond
Michael Hammond
Ronald Hand
Linda Hanes
Harvey Hanna
Thomas Harold
Harvey Harris
Laurance Harwood
Photo: Mike Toole
Tim and Ellen Hass
Dan Haugen
Larry and Diane Hawkins
Myron Hawkins
Chuck and Martha Hayden
Lee Hayes
Pat and Mary Hayes
D. James and Mary Heaton
Carter and Florence Hedeen
James Heffner and Donna Hagan
John Heiam and Lois Goldstein
Jerry L. Heiman
Phyllis Heinze
Becky and Daryl Heise
Bruce and Susan Henke
Paul Henry
David and Frances Herring
Douglas Heym and Debra Huff
Steven Hicks
Gerard Hilferty
Gail Hill
Miriam Hilton and Ann Hilton-Fisher
Bobbie Hineline
Bill Hinton
Raymond Hoag
Margo Hodder
Alicia and Chris Hoffarth
Carolyn Hoffman
Mark Hoffmann
John Hofrichter
Matson and Deborah Holbrook
Bill Holland and Kim Steffes
Marilyn Holmes
Tim Holschlag and Lyn Verthein
Alice Holwerda
Marilyn Hoogstraten
Carl and Karen Hooks
James and Margaret Hoover
Jan Horak
Tom Hord and Mary Wieter-Hord
Ronald Horn
Patricia Hudelson
Peter Hudelson
Theodore and Joan Hullar
Mike Humphreys
Brian Huschle
Grace and Ronald Hutchinson
Lita Ihle
David Irish
Barbara Isom and Charles Todd
Donald and Donna Jacobs
Randall Jacobson
Darleen Jarman
Ken Jeffery
Mark Jenness and Cheryl Lyon-Jenness
Eunice Jennings
William and Rob Jindra
Lorana Jinkerson
Phillip Joanisse
Deanna Johnson
Gary and Cindy Johnson
Gerald Johnson
Kirk Johnson
Mark and Mary Johnson
Paul and Linda Johnson
Peggy Jones and Andy Zeek
Ronda Jones
Tom Jones
Caroline Jordan
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Photo: Chris Tews
10 Year Club Members (continued)
Lois Judd
Sarah and Michael Julien
Thomas Kaiser
Michael and Eloise Kaizar
John Kanieski
Carol and Hans-Peter Kappus
Roger Karsten
Mike Keeler and Sherry Hayden
Brenda Keener
Jerry and Margaret Keeney
Robert and Carol Keller
James and Joanne Kelly
John and Candice Kemp
Linda Kermeen
John and Barb Kersey
Robert Kibbe
Verlyn and Dorothy Kicker
Thomas and Debra King
David Kinnamon
Lynn and Marie Kistler
Peter Klaver
Peter and Lonhilt Klose
Kenneth Knight
Pollie and Patrick Knight
Gary Kocher
A.A. Koeller
Bobby and Deborah Koepplin
Frank Kohl
Cheryl Konkol-Broullire
Charles and Verle Krammin
Andy Krell
John Kroha
Ray and Marj Krumm
Mary Krupp
Richard and Martha Kudner
Quinton and Pat Kuebler
Mikie Kuhman
Stanley and Kay Kujawa
Ronald and Marilyn Kulak
Ronald Kustra
Ray Kuzia
Neoma Laken
Cal and Jean Lamoreaux
Michael Landry
Harold Lane
Paul Lane
John Larch and Mary Campbell
Al Larmann and Mary Kunzler-Larmann
Gayle Larson
John Laughrey
Edward and Catherine Lawrence
John Lawton
Elmo Layman
Lee’s Adventure Sports
Robert and Jane Leedle
Edwin Deane and Judith Leonard
David LeRoy
Laura Leso and Family
John and Lisa Letarte
Kenneth Lewaine
Christopher and Margo Light
Richard Lightcap
Ellen Lightle
Carl and Marie Linhart
Eric Longman
Terry Lowery
Lorraine Lund
Gary and Barbara Lyall
Mike and Donna Lynch
George and Patricia Maas
Susan and James Mabee
Mary MacDonald
Edward Mackus
Bill Majernik
John Malcolm
Carol Mallison
William and Swea Manthey
Jerry and Karen Marek
Rebecca Marjonen
Henrietta Mark
Marquette Board of Power and Light
Marion Marsh
Jim and Arlene Martin
Pat Martin
William and Shirley Martinus
William and Bonnie Mathias
Jim and Norma Matteson
Ted and Jane Mauger
Dave Maxwell
Dan and Mary Mayhew
Tom Mayhew
Fred and Kathy Maynard
Steve and Kathy McBride
Robert McCafferty / North Country Brewing Co.
Nancy McCain
Maureen McCarthy
Chuck and Bev McCready
Dennis McCurdy
Rufus McGaugh
Michael McGraw
Chris McIntyre
Charles and Judith McKay
E. Anne McKinsey
Patrick J. McNabb
Robert and Pat McNamara
Scott McNaught
Karen McNew
Stephen McPherson
Marjorie McRoberts
Peter and Natalie Melcarek
James and Marcia Mellen
Hugh Melling and Denise Simon
Larry Meyer and Sharon Schaafmeyer
Heino F. Meyer-Bahlburg
Emily Meyerson
Jean Miewald
Jack Miller and Karen Campbell
Don and Joan Miller
Steve Miller
Mike Minium
Lisa A. Mink
Dan Mixer
Tom and Mary Moberg
Al and Jean Moberly
Tom Mohler
Chuck Moll
Diane Morand
Jean-Pierre Moreau
James and Susan Morford
Bethann Morgan
Roger Morrison
Edwin and Nancy Morse
Larry and Sophia Morton
David Moscatello and Ann Dixon
Dan and Peggy Mourer
Tim and Sue Mowbray
Craig and Nancy Mullenbrock
George and Judith Mullison
Mark Murphy
Mary Murphy
Karen Myers
Andrew and Elwira Mytys
Gary Narum
Peter and Lynne Nason
Joshua Nast
Ronald Navik
Bert and Cheryl Nemcik
Stan Newill
Erik Nielsen
Mary Lee and Steve Nielson
Philip Nolt
Peter and Deb Nordgren
Kent and Jill Nordin
Robert Norlin
John and Ann Norlund
North Dakota Forest Service
North Dakota Game and Fish Dept.
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Photo: Todd McMahon
10 Year Club Members (continued)
Edna Northrup
Northwestern Ohio Rails-to-Trails Association
Eugene Ollila
Ruth Olsen
Timothy and Debra O’Rourke
Rita Oswald
Charles Otis
David Otto
Dale and Kathy Painter
Glenn Palma
Jeff and Sandra Palmer
Edgar Palmer
Byron Panasuk
Bob and Annette Papp
Scott Parker
Richard Parks
Brian Parks
John and Tory Parlin
Derrick and Cheryl Passe
Paige Patterson and Alan Gillotte
Bob and Janet Patton
Brian and Barb Pavek
Mark and Heidi Pengra
Peggy L. Penny
Mary Peters
Orville Peterson
Denny and Jennifer Peterson
Harold Petrimoulx
Dale Petty
Stephen E. Pew and Kathleen Keelan Pew
Heather Peyton
Thomas Pflueger
Aaron and Sharon Phipps
Kathy Pilon
Larry Pio and Suzanne Darling
Randal and Rebecca Podoll
Chuck Polonowski
Robert and Constance Pond
Tim and Gail Poterack
Dennis and Roxanne Potter
Richard and Elizabeth Pratt
Paul Praus
Dale Prey
Thomas Prieto
Bruce and Cheryl Pummell
Craig and Sue Quimby
Scott Radtke
Ralph E. Ramey
Patricia Rathmann
Val Rauceps
Thomas Reeber
Melissa Reed
Thomas Reed
Robert Reeves
John Regenhardt
Daniel Rehner
Rick and Deb Reis
Eugene and Arlene Renico
Nancy Reschke
John Restall
John Rethman
Mary Reuchlin
Stephen Rhodes
Thomas Riccio
Ron Rice
Neil Rinne
Christina Rizzo
R. Quincy Robe
Brian and Susan Roberts
Keith and Ardath Robertson
Michael Robinaugh
Michael and Donna Robinson
Walter and Jodell Rockenstein
Darrel Rodekuhr and Roy Jurina
Anthony Rodriguez
Dan and Betty Rogalla
Kathleen Rollins
Edward Ronkowski
Sandra Roobol
Peggy Roth
James Rowe
Robert and Grace Rudd
Helen Rudie
E. Alan Rumbaugh
Lynda Rummel and Rolf Zerges
James and Vivian Runk
Ginny Ruppe
Gregory Russo
Jane Ryan
Bill (Soupie) Ryding
Arthur Saari
Ronald Saccol
Ron and Nancy Saeger
Roy Salmon
Philip and Elizabeth Samuels
Don and Karen Sandberg
Daniel Sathre
Kari Sauer
Ruth Saunders
Sharaza Saur
Michael Saxton
Daniel and Nancy Schiebel
Firman and Cheryl Schiebout
Kurt H. Schindler
Merl and Pat Schlaack
Lewis Schlanbusch
Douglas Schleef
Tina Schmidt
Dennis Schoenick
Jackson Scholl
Bob Schrems
John Schroeder
Michael Schultz
Tony Schwaller
Cindy and Mike Schwehr
Bruce Schwenke and Paula Young
Sigi Schwinge
Ed and Dottie Scurry
Carol Seacord and Tracy Baij
Heide Seaman-Mahlke and Ernest Mahlke
Doug Seaney
Peter and Linda Seed
Brian Seely
Stephen Selden
Bernard and Phyllis Senske
Van Serrell
Perry Severance
Thomas Shaffer and Carol Hegland
James Shaum
Randy Shoemaker
Allen and Mary Shoup
Frederick Silver
Brett Simmons
Linda Singer
Martha Sjogren
Harold Slater
Carol Smith
Dena Smith
Edwin Smith
G. Warren Smith
Joseph and Karen Smith
Martyn Smith
Nancy Smith
Robert and Danielle Smith
Terry and Susan Smith
Don and Mary Snitgen
David Snoek
John Sobaszko
Arnold Soderholm
JoEllen Sokoloski
Ted and Alice Soldan
Tom and Liz Solka
Dominic Sosnowski
James Spencer
Mike and Terry Stafford
Judith Stalder
Mike and Carol Stasik
Kevin Steffens
Wayne and Nancy Steger
John and Alice Stehle
Robert Stein
Robert and Linda Steiner
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
10 Year Club Members (continued)
Joan and Omer Young
William and Lynn Young
John Zadvinskis
Walter Zarnoch
David Zavadsky
Andrew Zbikowski
Gary and Nancy Zebko
Charlene Zebley
Richard Zeman
Paul Zielinski and Sharen Furman
Kenneth Zimmer
Dana and Lisa Zintek
Chuck Zosel
We have made every effort to make
these lists as accurate as possible. If
we have omitted or incorrectly reported
anyone, please accept our apology
and contact Jill DeCator, Membership
Coordinator at (616) 897-5987 ext 1.
Photo: Todd McMahon
Bill and Karen Stellema
Mark and Barbara Stender
Ellen H. Stephenson
Carol Stetter
Jim Stewart and Jan Ulferts-Stewart
Nancy Stewart
Susan Stimmel
George Stojic
Jan Stowman
Philip and Brielle Stoyke
Tiffany and Mark Stram
Anne and James Stratton
Michael Streibel
Jim Sunstrum
Marty and Vickie Swank
Rolf Swanson
Robert Swanson
Douglas Szper
Thomas Szpond
Bob Tait
John and Mary Lou Tanton
Jay Taylor
Jo Taylor
Thomas Tefft
John Teitsch
Michael Terrell
Elden Tetzlaff
June E. Thaden
Bruce Thompson
Charles and Frances Thompson
Stuart Thompson
Susan Thompson
Scott Tichy
David Tonnies
Anne Townsend
Ken Trana and Dale Carmen
Frank Trautman
Anthony Travis and Jeannie Hosey
John Tremore
Jocelyn Trepte
Mike and Cheryl Trieschmann
Michael Trinko
Fred and Chris Tritschler
Jerry and Beth Trout
Peter Trussell
Gerald Trzybinski
Tana Turonie
Roger and Rebecca Tuuk
Robert Ulrich
Valley City Convention/Visitors Bureau
David A. Van Baak
Rudy and Nancy Van Donk
Gail and William Van Haren
Sarah Van Leer
Tim and Nancy Van Nest
John and Ayleen VanBeynen
Douglas Vandenberg
David VanderBee
Mark and Rachel VanHornweder
Audrey VanStrien
Jeffrey and Nancy VanWinkle
Werner and Marianne Veit
Lewis Vespoli
Leonard and Joan Vetrone
Connie and Steve Vorenkamp
John Vose
Christopher Vreeland
Jerry and Kathleen Wachter
Dorothy and George Wallace
Ed and Monica Wallen
Edward Walsh
Jon and Judy Walter
G. Neal Watson and Patricia Yale
Cindy Webreck
Steve and Deb Webster
Lois Weed
Wesley and Kathleen Wehner
Jim Weiske
John and Lynn Wellinghoff
Frederick and Catherine Wenn
Jacqui Wensich
James Wessel Walker
Steven Wester
Neil C. Wester
Greg Westrick
Ted and Nancy Weyerhaeuser
Margaret and Patrick Whaley
Mike and Deb Whelsky
Neil Whitbeck
Arthur Wick
Jerry and Mary Wick
Donald and Lynn Wickstra
Paul Wiedeman
Ron Williams
John Williamson
Jack and Sanda Willsey
Daniel Willshire
Gene Wimmer
David Wingrove and Ann Borkhuis
Diane Winston
Bernie Winter and Catherine Miller
Chad Wise
Alan Wiseman
David and Jennifer Wissink
John and Patti Wojtowicz
Rodger and Denise Wolf
Douglas and Barbara Wood
James and Shirley Wood
Kathryn and John Woodruff
Andrew Wright
Gary Wright
Ronald and Laurie Wurst
Jack Wykoff
Richard Wynalda
Jeffrey Yoest
Duke Yost
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Photo: Tom Moberg
Philanthropy and
Financial Highlights
The 2015 fiscal year ended very strong for the North Country Trail Association. As you read
through the following pages you will find not only strong philanthropic support but also
solid financial management and stewardship.
Photo: Tom Moberg
We are grateful for all of our
supporters who helped make 2015
the successful year it was. Without
you we would not be able to share
all the great accomplishments
celebrated in this report.
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
True North Society
$25,000 and up
REI Foundation
The Outdoor Foundation
Founders Circle
Trail Champion
Trail Blazer
Trail Builder
Anonymous (1)
Lowell Area Community Fund
Lorana Jinkerson*
Tom* and Mary Moberg
Anonymous (1)
Brian and Elizabeth Bachynski
Deena Barshney
Kenneth Buran
Dave and Jan Cornell
Civil Design Solutions, Inc.
Jerry* and Nancy Fennell
Richard Flinn
Carter and Florence Hedeen
Bob Jennings and Barbara Bott
Joseph and Cindy Krueger
Lakeshore Striders
Robert and Jane Leedle
Christopher and Margo Light
Melinda and Jerry McCarty
Moraine Preservation Fund Inc.
Moraine and McConnells Mill State Parks
Andrew and Elwira Mytys
Michael and Virginia O’Keefe
Dennis Pace and Anne Grofvert
Pfizer Foundation
Larry Pio* and Suzanne Darling
Richard and Leslie Platte, Jr.
Quiet Water Society Inc.
Steve and Tiffany Scheel
Jeffrey Seiple
Seneca Resources Corporation
Janette Sweasy
The Tassell-Wisner-Bottrall Foundation
Traverse City Track Club
Jerry* and Beth Trout
United Refining Company
Upper Peninsula Sustainable Forest and Wildlife Fund
Werner and Marianne Veit
Jim Weiske
Gaylord* and Marlene Yost
Pamela and Ryan Campbell
Adirondack Mountain Club - Onondaga Chapter
Elizabeth Bell
Larry Bell
Thelma Boeder
Robert and Sandra Bridge
Butler County Tourism
Roy Dray
Frazee Sportsmen’s Club
David Galbreath
Tom and Jan Gilbert
HarbisonWalker International Foundation
Larry and Diane Hawkins
Itasca Mantrap Co-Op Electrical Assoc.
Donald and Kay James Trust
Sarah and Michael Julien
Al Larmann and Mary Kunzler-Larmann
Phillip and Laura# Lindstrom
Bruce# and Linda Matthews
Bill# and Donna Menke
Peter* and Deb Nordgren
Rita Oswald
Charles Otis
David Schlosser
Township of Thorpe
Roger and Rebecca Tuuk
John and Sandra Wagner
NCTA Wampum Chapter
Gary Werner and Melanie Lord
Todd and Jennifer Winnell
Trail Leader
Jay and Page Cowles
Betty A. Lewis Environmental Charitable Trust
Mark and Gail McCensky
Nicholas Fund
Scheels All Sports
- Appleton Store
- Dakota Square Store
- Eau Claire Store
- Fargo Store
- Grand Forks Store
- Kirkwood Store
- River Hills Store
- St. Cloud Store
Trail Guardian
Pat Allen and Mark Miller
Peter Bennett and Julie Davey
Mike* and Renee Chapple
Mary and William Coffin
Ruth* and Dan Dorrough
Finger Lakes Trail Conference
John Heiam* and Lois Goldstein
Bobby and Deb Koepplin
Margaret MacRae
Timothy* and Sue Mowbray
Brian* and Barb Pavek
Plum Creek Foundation
Lynda Rummel* and Rolf Zerges
SERVE Foundation
Laura Bethany Thomas
Doug Thomas*
Raymond Vlasak
Walmart Foundation
Larry Willis and Robyn Ellis
* Indicates a Director of the Board
Indicates a NCTA Staff Member
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Photo: Dave Brewer
Anonymous (3)
3M Foundation
A.D.M. Welding and Fabrication
Mitchel Aafedt
Judy Abrams
Thomas Ackerman
Dave and Jean Adams
Akeley Township
Phoebe Alden
Walt Alexander
Joan Altiere
John Andersson
Daniel and Constance Arnold
Tom and Barb Auer
Charles Axthelm
Loren Bach and Dave Martus
Bad Medicine Lake Area Association
Richard Balkema
William and Jennifer Bandy
John and Nancy Barrows
Elizabeth Bates
Timothy Bauer
Dan Baumhardt and E. Joyce Krause
Bavarian Haus Lakefront Inn
Gene and Liz Bavis
Donald Beattie
Terri and Teresa Becker
Brian Becker
Al Beery
Lewis and Mary Bender
Bob and Nancy Benham
Henry and Anne Bent
Lisa Bertolasio
Mary Berube and John Schrock
Bill and Paul’s Sporthaus
Bert and Janet Bleke
David T. Blewett
Eric Bolenbaugh
Ken Bordwell
Julie Bradford
Ralph Bremigan
Lynn Broaddus
Steven Brown
Mike and Bonnie Brunett
Phillis Buchwalder
Alan Buczynski
Edwin Burman
Brian Burt
Edward and Linda Calhan
Janet Carl
Mary Carleton
Julie Caswell
Ed and Nancy Chappel
Thomas Cichonski
Blake Clark
John and Christine Clement Jr.
Clover Township
Timothy and Mary Clulo
Sara Cockrell
Donald Collins
Walter and Kathleen Colyer
Judy Conrad
Robert Courtois
Bill Courtois and Anne Finlayson
David# and Anita Cowles
John Craig
James and Miriam Crandall
Dennis and Bonnie Crossley
Carolyn Crump
William Currie
Bill Curry
Tom Dahle
Edward D. Dallas
Bill and Margie Darooge
Matthew# and Stacy Davis
Robert and Barbara Davis
William and Kathleen Davis
Mary and Bill Davis
Robert and Patricia Davis
The Dayton Hanson Household
Dayton Foundation
Elizabeth and Timothy DeBraal
Laura DeGolier
Roland Derksen
Dale Marie DeZeeuw
Cynthia and Terry Dickey
Garrett and Sydney Dill
Cecil and Joanne Dobbins
Charles Dobis
James and Debbie Donaldson
Doosan Bobcat Company
Donald and Brita Dorn
David and Shari Dosland
James and Maureen Doull
Paul and Mardy Dovre
H. Kevin and M. Jane Drake
Eric and Kathleen Dreier
Skip Duchesneau
Betsy and Steve Duede
Roger Duffey
Michael and Pam Dundas
Robert and Patti Dunning
John Edmands
Gregory Edwards
Kathleen Eisele
Loyal and Bonnie Eldridge
James Ellis
Cheryl Emoto
Randy Eshenroder
Harold L and Eleanor Fairbanks
Eileen Fairbrother
Tom and Carolyn Fehsenfeld
Nancy Fleming
William and Barbara Fletcher
Teri Foust
Richard Fowler
Greg and Marilyn Franzen
Freighter’s View on the Bay
Mervin and Rachel Frey
Charles and Anne Frihart
Bettina Frisse
Susan Funk
Dennis* and Cathy Garrett
Louis and Mai Geeraerts
C Mitchell and Jeane George
Fred and Elaine Gewirtz
Amanda Gibson
James Gilkey
Anita Gilleo
Jean Ginop
David and Juneve Givers
James Glockner
Dave Goodman
Richard Gray
Richard Gray
Great Lakes Adventure Club
Great Lakes Endurance, LLC
James and Jane Gregoire
Margaret Gremore
Ro and Kay Grignon
Tim and Lauren Groenhof
Andrew Grosvenor
Ed and Rennae Gruchalla
Peter Gurney
Robert and Sheridan Haack
John and Cindi Haag
Paul Haan and Julie Nietling
Dan and Margaret Hamilton
William Hamilton and Susan Heathfield
Marshall Hamilton
Harvey Harris
Bob and Tarin Hasper
Peggy Haueter
Keith Hein
Denise Herron
NCTA Hiawatha Shore to Shore Chapter
Bill Holland and Kim Steffes
Don and Mary Hopkins
Alan Hopp
Jan and Katherine Horak
Tom Hord and Mary Wieter-Hord
Bob and Merrill Horswill
Theodore and Joan Hullar
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
$100-$499 (continued)
John Rud and Maria Tillanrud
Robert and Grace Rudd
Vivian Ruosch
Dennis Sands
Susan Sasin
Daniel Sathre
Mike Schaeffer and Debby Page
Deb Schimmel
Lewis Schlanbusch
Douglas Schleef
Robert and Jennifer Schlick
Joann Schmidt and Roy Schwarz
George and Sharon Schmit
John and Marge Schmitt
Donald Schott
John Schroeder
Karen Schwartz
Marshall and Gail Secunda
Peter and Linda Seed
William and Mary Seeger
Brian Seely
Stephen Selden
Perry Severance
Thomas and Carol Shaffer
Dawn Shallberg
David and Elvera Shappirio
Tim and Mary Shepardson
Julie Sigda
Frederick Silver
Daniel and V. Skinner-Linnenberg
Brad Slagle
Dena Smith
Thomas and Peggy Smith
Tom and Liz Solka
Heidi Sposito
James Sprague
Michael and Michelle Springer
Patrick St. Germain and Maggie MacDevitt
St. Ignace Visitors Bureau
Mike and Carol Stasik
Wayne and Nancy Steger
John and Alice Stehle
Holly Fuglie
Kay Stremler and Ron Sell
Margaret Strobel and Bill Barclay
Carol Stuht
Superior Watershed Partnership
Irene Szabo
T & C Markets IM, Inc.
Tahquamenon Suites Lodging
David Tattan
Jay Taylor
Lawrence Taylor
Thomas Taylor
Photo: Ed O’Shea
Gilford and Nelda Ikenberry
David Irish
Philip Joanisse
John Deere Foundation
Curt Johnston
Andy Zeek and Peggy Jones
Cindy Jones
Lois Judd
Robert Kahl
Michael and Eloise Kaizar
Carol and Hans-Peter Kappus
Anitra Kass
Thomas and Betty Keiser
James and Joanne Kelly
Linda Kermeen
Andrea Ketchmark#
Rhonda Kohls-Dailey
Charles and Verle Krammin
Steven Krause
Cheryl Kreindler
Kurt and Lori Krueger
Reginald and Lucia Krueger
Ray and Marj Krumm
Brad Krumpolz
Stan and Kay Kujawa
Ronald Kulak
Joann and Karl Kunz
Brian and Gwen Laarman
Scott and Mary Lagaard
Lake Superior Trading Post
Lands End Inc
John Larch and Mary Campbell
David Larsen
Harold and Pam Lassers
Duane Lawton
Ineke Leer
Lee’s Adventure Sports
Kalista Lehrer
Bruce Lemmons and Anna Belu
Edwin and Judith Leonard
Dick Lightcap
Bruce Loomis
Richard Lord and Sue Jeffers
Ron Lovasz
Adriane Ludwick
George and Patricia Maas
David Mackley
Judy Malaski
John Malcolm
Linda Mansfield
Rebecca Marjonen
Marquette Board of Power and Light
James and Sydney Massee
Arlen and Arlene Matson
Phyllis Matthews
Ted Mauger
Dan and Mary Mayhew
Fred and Kathy Maynard
Steve and Kathy McBride
Bob McCafferty/North Country Brewing Co.
Molly and Lydia McMullen-Laird
Robert and Pat McNamara
Anna Megyesi and Richard A. Wilson
Steven Meyers
Ian Millar
Steve Miller
Michael Millette
Jim and Eleanor Mitton
Eric Moll
Diane Morand
Roger Morrison
Edwin and Nancy Morse
David Moscatello and Ann Dixon
Dan and Peggy Mourer
Craig W and Nancy Mullenbrock
Lee and Debra Mundylll
Denis and Carol Nagan
Theresa Neal
Travis and Mink Neely
Erik Nielsen
Emily Nietering
Noquemanon Trails Network
Kent and Jill Nordin
Thomas and Jane Norton
Max Nowak
Daniel Nydick
Eugene Ollila
James and Amy Olmsted
Jacqueline Olson
Timothy and Debra O’Rourke
Martin O’Toole
Bob and Annette Papp
Alan Gillotte and Paige Patterson
Viviana Pawlick
John and JoAnn Pearson
Scott and Donna Pendleton
William and Wesenyelesh Peterson
Aaron and Sharon Phipps
Plum Creek Timber Co
Sam and Judy Pobst
Konstantin Pokrovski
Richard and Elizabeth Pratt
John and Patti Prusila
William and Avis Rambo
Mary Ann and Larry Rebert
John Regenhardt
Daniel Rehner
Linda Rehorst
Thomas Reimers
John Restall
Nicholas Rhodehamel
James and Mary Richards
Brian and Susan Roberts
Janie Robertson
Michael Robinson and Donna Daines
Darrel Rodekuhr and Roy Jurina
Barb and Mike Rodenberg
Dan and Betty Rogalla
John Rogers
Ron and Maureen Ronquist
James Rowe
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
$100-$499 (continued)
Anonymous (5)
Kay Adams-Fleig and Jack Fleig
Rick and Juanita Adamson
Alan and Lou Adsmond
Rayanne Aiken
Abdulaziz Al-Arfaj
Allegheny Outdoor Club
Jerry Allen
Dave and Judy Allen
Jack Amelar and Ann Ingersoll
Bruce Anderson
Clyde and Jane Anderson
David and Joyce Anderson
Philip Anderson and Valerie Kozlovsky
Amalia Anderson
Rebecca Andrew
Cindy Angerhofer
Joyce Appel
Arlyn and Sandy Aronson
Patricia Arvilla
Steven and Julie Ashmead
Larry and Karen Baar
Jake and Timothy Baechle
Greg and Laurie Bailey
Robert and Donna Bailey
David Koski and Lori Baker
R. Alan and Lois Baker
Doug Baker
Terry Ballinger
Diane Bancroft
Zane and Carole Bard
Rod and Karon Batdorff
Mel Baughman
Eric Bayless
Sondra Beach
Tanis Beadle
Jeriel Beard
Timothy Beck
Mitzi Beckman
Lee Begrow
John R. Beguhn
Donald and JoAnn Belanger
Jim and Linda Belote
Steve Bender and Carolyn St. George
Dawn Bennett
James and Carol Berch
Gerry and Deb Berg
Betts Industries Inc
Patricia Bielke
Anne and Greg Billiard
Pat and Lynn Bird
Stephanie Black
David Blouin
Derek Blount
Frank Blumenthal
Mary Jo and David Bobholz
Marc and Camille Bobinsky
Andrew Boddy
Mary Boden
Richard and Sue Boettner
Richard and May Bohjanen
Darlene Bond
Robert Borak
Debra and Joe Borer
Colin Bork
Doris Borthwick Heinemann
Shelly Boruta
Evert Bos
Brad and Cheryl Bosley
Chris Botkin and Holly Jennings
Robert and Constance Bouchard
Jay Bouwkamp
Jane and Richard Bovard
Leslie Bowen
Jeff Bowen
Ed and Karla Bowen
Daren Bowen
Nancy Bradbury
James and Hope Bradley
Hilding Branzell, D.D.S.
Zach Braunel
Doug and Kathy Brehm
David Brewer
Keith and Dorothy Brown
Bob and Ruth Brown
Mary Jo and Tom Brown
Richard Brown
Nancy Brucken
Chuck and Pat Brumbaugh
John Bruneau
Antoon and Godelieve Brusselmans
Kristen and Glen Bruxvoort
Joanna Buboltz
Jason Buckner
Jack and Elaine Buege
Larry and Nancy Buege
James and Sharon Buhr
Dorothy Buquo
Photo: Tina Toole
Dick Taylor
Louise Terrell
June E. Thaden
The K Foundation
The Lodge at Silver Creek
The Voyageur Trading Post
Stella and George Thelen
Christy Thorns and Gayle Jaeger
Klaus Timmermann
Mike and Tina Toole
Brian Toole
Township of Shingobee
Dennis Truesdell
Turkey’s Cafe & Pizzeria
Sherry and Dave Ulrey
Robert Ulrich
John VanderWal
Theresa Vanveelen
Jeffrey* and Nancy VanWinkle
Ronald Vargason and Barbara Sugden
Steve Vear
VFW Post 1835
Village Inn
William Vogt and Claire Eberwein
Connie and Steve Vorenkamp
Nancy and Mark Wadopian
John and Mary Jo Wagar
George and Dorothy Wallace
Jeffrey Ward
Jay and Darlene Warren
Thomas Warth
Sheila Watson
Steve and Deb Webster
Marshal Weid
William Welch
Jacqui Wensich
Neil Whitbeck
Steve Williams and Lesley Beebe
Kevin Wilson and Robin Raley
Gene Wimmer
Frederick and Eleanor Winston
Alan Wiseman
David and Jennifer Wissink
Dewey and Kay Wobma
Mike Wolesky and Susan Lindoo
James and Carole Wortley
Quinn Wright
Gary Wright
Jack Wykoff
Mary Kay and Stephen Wysham
Your Cause, Medtronic Foundation
Walter Zarnoch
Robert Zeilenga
UP TO $99
* Indicates a Director of the Board
Indicates a NCTA Staff Member
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Photo: Duane Lawton
UP TO $99 (continued)
Bureau of Reclamation
Marilyn Burfiend
Michael Burgess
Terry Burns and Claire Duquette
Robert Burris
Sally Burroughs
Daryle Burt
Kaitlin Busse-Wolfgram
Butler Outdoor Club
David Byrne
James Byrne
Krista Cabrera and Charles Gallagher
Raymond and Sara Camilli
Robert Campbell
Steven and RoseMarie Canfield
Pat Carlson
Gordon Carr
Robert and Agnes Carrier
Frank Casenhiser
Glenn and Barb Cazier
Patrick and Robin Chandler
Erin and Kipp Chillag
Kay Christensen
Budd and Sandra Cicciarelli
Jody Clark
Phil Clemens
Peter and Beverly Clover
James and Christine Coles
Mike Collins and JoAnn Brede
David and Jan Conley
Joe and Ann Constance
Debra Costello
Murray Cotter II
Linda Coughenour
Dennis and Lynn Cowles
DeWayne and Joan Cox
Wendy and Michael Crist
Tom and Jeanne Crosby
Marian Crossman
Lisa Cunningham
Diane and Larry Dahl
Patricia Daniels
John and JoAnne Davis
Eugene and Joanne Dawson
John and Dove Day
Don and Bonnie Dealing
Jeffrey and Susan Dean
Theresa Debelak
Robert and Sally Decker
Alan Decker
James DeKett
Patrick Delaney
Brian Derisley
Charlene and Marvin DeWitt
Roderick Dibble
Donald Dickmann and Kathleen McKevitt
Caroline Dill
Mary Dineen
Mark and Mary Dingman
Ted and Melissa Dohnal
Tim and Janice Donahue
Patricia Donahue
Patricia Dooley
Elizabeth Dropp and Wesley Ramsey
Michael Duchek
John Dulik
Bruce and Kathy Dziadzio
Ron and Jane Dziurda
Fred and Jean Eckel
Alison and David Edgerton
Scott and Terri Edick
Carolyn Edmunds
Bill and Cathy Egerer
Martin and Kathy Ann Eggener
Richard and Sherry Eiler
Jim and Jill Eisele
Lawrence Eisinger
David Elliott
Darcella Elliott
Jim Elzinga and Linda Halford
Mathew and Deborah Emerick
Gordon and Lynnette Engdahl
Stephen J. Eno
Douglas and Jacque Erdman
Myron Erickson
Debra and Tom Evashevski
Paul and Sherri Ewing
Howard Feit
Don and Terri Feola
Catherine Ferguson
Ben Fetterley
First National Bank of St. Ignace
Sarah and Jeff Fisher
William and Ellen Fisher
Frank Fishman
Jack and Jerry Fitzgerald
Douglas and Catherine Flanagan
Thomas Flaskamp
Jeff and Mary Fleming
Foothills Trail Club
John and Marge Forslin
Dwight and Janet Fox
William Franz
Peter and Eileen Freiburger
Doug and Cheryl French
Cathy and Tom Fritz
Amy Froiland
David and Claudia Fry
Mary Gall
Bobbi Jo Gamache
Michael and Barbara Garbe
Tom and Pam Gardner
William Garlinghouse
David and Dianne Gayhart
Duane Gebhard and Jennifer Therkilsen-Gebhard
William and Joanne Gerke
Layne and Susan Giering
Lisa Gilbert
Ruth and Dennis Gilgen
Richard and Alisha Glasgow
Curtis Glasoe
Mark and Gail Glendon
Donald and Lynn Godfrey
Kent and Judith Goeckermann
Paul Goellner
Lorna Goshman
Peter Gradoni
Tom and Sue Graf
Morgan and Linda Grasso
Harvey Greemann
Ruth Gregg
Jim and Brecken Gries
Wayne and Jane Gudmundson
Gunflint Northwoods Outfitters
George Haberer
Michael and Jacci Hadfield
Sheryl Hagen
John and Ann Haglund
Richard Halbert
Chris and Helen Haller
Judith Halloran
Mark and Sarah Halvorsen
Mary and Kathy Hamilton
Michael Hammond
Roger and Laurie Hanson
James Hardie
Tim and Ellen Hass
Lou Haveman
Lee Hayes
Brooke Hayes
Patrick and Mary Hayes
Donald James and Mary Heaton James
Heffner and Donna Hagan
Phyllis Heinze
Becky and Daryl Heise
Tom Hemr
Bruce and Susan Henke
William and Nancy Henke
Pam and Bernard Herman
David and Jeanne Hesidenz
Richard and Patricia Hewitt
Douglas Heym and Debra Huff
Steven Hicks
Brian and Kay Hicks
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Photo: Matt Davis
UP TO $99 (continued)
Gerard Hilferty
Jennifer Hill and Andrew Dalian
Kathleen Hill
Bill Hinton
Raymond Hoag
Charles Hoard
Kurt Hochstein and Nancy Davis
Marc and Christine Hoeksema
Patricia Hoffman
Mark Hoffmann
Matson and Deborah Holbrook
Marilyn Holmes
Tim and Beth Holst
Kelly Holstege
Lori Honrath
Marianne Hooker and Philip Tamdack
James and Tena Hop
Heidi and Don Hoppe
Ronald Horn
Jim Hosmer
Jim and Kaye Houk
Wesley and Karen Hovey
Ruth Hozeska
John Hudson
Herbert and Susie Hulls
Karen Isensee
Mark Isken
Barbara Isom and Charles Todd
Rhoda Jackson and Eric Mickelson
Randall Jacobson
Phyllis James
Barb Jauquet-Kalinoski and Greg Kalinoski
Neil Jeddeloh
Ken and Barb Jeltema
Mark Jenness and Cheryl Lyon-Jenness
Eunice Jennings
Bruce and Linda Johnson
Kirk Johnson*
Ruth Johnson
Mark and Mary Johnson
Matt Johnson and Erika Johnson-Bailey
Robert Johnson
David Jones
Dale and Harriet Jones Tom Jones
James and Roxanne Jordan
Janet and William Joswiak
Connie and Larry Julien
Michelle Jump
Stan Kaczmarek
Eileen Karnavas
Roger Karsten
Christine F. Kasputis
Laurie and Andrea Kass
Mike Keeler and Sherry Hayden
Andrew Keiser
Robert and Carol Keller
Scott Kelly
Ronald Kendziera
James and Liesa Kerler
John and Barb Kersey
Kristin King
David Kinnamon
Steve and Anne Kinne
Donn and Kristine Kipka
Lynn and Marie Kistler
Bob and Pat Kjolhede
Peter and Paula Klima
Paul Kline
Pollie and Patrick Knight
Laurel and Jon Kniskern
Neal Knitel
Sue Kranz Thomas Kron
Charles and Sherry Kruch
Jack Krueger
Angelique Kube
Richard and Martha Kudner
Quinton and Pat Kuebler
Karl and Joann Kunz
John and Kathy Kwapinski
Shirley LaBonte
Andrew LaFleur
John and Karen LaFond
Susan Lamb
Jarrett Lambright
Cal and Jean Lamoreaux
James Langemo
John Latterell and Rebecca Svatek
Shemaya Laurel
Don Lee
John and Pat Leinen
Laura Leso
Mary Letts
Kenneth Lewaine and Andrea Lauro
Laurie and Laurence Lewandowski
Ed Lindquist
James and Betty Line
Long Lost Lake Area Association
Zora Longworth
Tom and Marge Lorentzsen
Roger Love
Stuart and Shelley Lowe
Terry Lowery
Jim Lucas and Charla Gordon
Gary and Barbara Lyall
Mike and Donna Lynch
Mary MacDonald
Tom and Pat Macholan
Tom and Donna Madden
Doug and Kathy Maginity
Richard Magyar and Lyria Palas
Mark and Cami Mann
Jon and Carol Markley
William and Shirley Martinus
Bill and Mary Massa
Richard and Beth Mauk
Diane McCarthy
Maureen McCarthy
Chuck and Bev McCready
Dennis McCurdy
Tammy McGaughey
Leslie McGregor
Charlotte McIvor and David Lawrence
Doug and Ruth McKain
Charles and Judith McKay
Tamara McLain
Patrick J. McNabb
Marjorie McRoberts
James and Marcia Mellen
Hugh and Denise Melling
Connie Mendyk
Larry Meyer and Sharon Schaafmeyer
Carl Meyer
Paul Meyer
Heino F. Meyer-Bahlburg
Emily Meyerson
Miami and Erie Canal Corridor Association
Paul Miedona
Paula Mierendorf Jean Miewald
Susan L Miller
Jack Miller and Karen Campbell
Michael Miller
James and Jennifer Miller
Don and Joan Miller
Mike and Mary Mishou
Clair Morud and Sheila Mitchell
Peter and Eleanor Mockridge
Tyler and Chelsea Modlin
Patrick Monahan
Mary Ann Moore
Marjorie and Roger Moore
Jean-Pierre Moreau
James and Susan Morford
Bethann Morgan
Fred and Judi Mouser
Craig Mulhinch
George and Judith Mullison
Mark Murphy
Richard and Cheryl Naperala
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
UP TO $99 (continued)
Peter and Lynne Nason
Joshua Nast
Clareyse Nelson
Robert and Marjorie Nelson
AnnaLisa Nelson
Pat Nemec
Gordon and Vernie Nethercut
Network for Good
Helga Neugebauer
J. William Newcomer
William Newman
Steve and Mary Lee Nielson
Philip Nimps
Becky and Don Nohel
Philip Nolt
Northwest Outlet
Jeffrey O’Neill
Connie Lou Ogg
Clyde Oliver
Ruth Olsen
Douglas Olson
Merry Ossenheimer
Richard and Carol Ostheimer
Dale and Kathy Painter
Jeff and Sandra Palmer
Michael Parent
Richard Parks
Steven and Joyce Parlette
John and Tory Parlin
Bob and Janet Patton
Robert Paulbeck
Leo and Patricia H. Paveglio
Amy Peltonen
Mark and Heidi Pengra
Dennis Peronto
Mary Peters
Kathryn Petersen
Denny and Jennifer Peterson
Orville Peterson
Dale Petty
Stephen E. Pew
Chester Pflugrad
Karin and Jonathan Pigott
Kathy Pilon
Ellen and Robert Pisor
Randal and Rebecca Podoll
Jim and Cindy Polega
Mark Poolos
Gregory and Jill Post
Tim and Gail Poterack
Chris, Brenna and Sue Potter
Ralph and Barbara Powell
Paul Praus
Becky Priest
Holly Puk Jett
Cecilia Quattromani
Craig and Sue Quimby
John and Peggy Rademacher
Scott Radtke
Jim and Jeri Rakness
Joseph Rapacz and Mary Stodola-Rapacz
John and Jeanne Rarick
Patricia Rathmann
Barbara Reed
Rick and Deb Reis
Larry and Micah Reitz
Eugene and Arlene Renico
Kurt Rhodes
Rachel Rice
Christopher Richardson
Christina Rizzo
Patricia Roberts
Mark Roberts
Keith and Ardath Robertson
Ellen Robinson
James and Rita Robinson
Walter and Jodell Rockenstein
Dan Roeske
Gail T. Rogne
Dale and Suzanne Rohlfing
James Rohloff
Yvonne Rolandson
Tim Romenesko
Leon Roose
Cheryl Ross
Thomas Rossberger
Allan Ruddy
Steve and Sandy Rufer
Nate and Katie Russart
Patricia Ryan
Arthur Saari
Ron and Nancy Saeger
Larry Sampson
Photo: Deanna Sinclair
Philip and Elizabeth Samuels
Don and Karen Sandberg
Bill and Sue Sanger
Ruth Saunders
James Schafer
Daniel Schiebel
Firman and Cheryl Schiebout
Rick and Mary Schlauderaff
Tina Schmidt
Margaret Schmidt-Fuller
Dennis Schneider
Brian Schneidewind
Steven Schnell
Dennis Schoenick
Dale and Linda Schroeder
Walter and Mardene Schuiling
Willliam and Donna Schumell
Bill and Jill Schutt
Tony Schwaller
Mike and Cindy Schwehr
Carol Scott
David Scripps
Carol Seacord and Tracy Baij
Jeanne and Michael Sekely
Scott and Nancy Sellers
Bernard and Phyllis Senske
Ron Shavalier
John Shea
Aaron, Sunny, and Amy Sherk
Randy Shoemaker
Allen and Mary Shoup
John Shreves
Greg Shuler
Mike and Theresa Sickles
James Siegel
Lara Sims Linda Singer
Martha Sjogren
Harold and Karen Slater
Mike and Kim Slette
Caitlin Smart
Sibyl Smith
Joseph and Karen Smith
Ann and Mark Smith
Edwin Smith
Judith Smutek
Paul Smyth
Don and Mary Snitgen
Jessie Soder
Steve and Pat Somers
Stephen and Betty Sondrol
Dominic Sosnowski
Paul Spoelstra*
Doug Springborn
Mike and Terry Stafford
Jim and Nancy Stamm
Robert and Linda Steiner
P. F. Steketee
Bill Stellema
Mary Stenberg and Rick Pomerleau
Mark and Barbara Stender
Ellen H. Stephenson
Carole Stevens
Susan Stewart
Susan Stimmel
George Stojic
Donna Stolz
Pam Stonehouse
Mark and Tiffany Stram
Michael Streibel
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Photo: Karen Stenberg
UP TO $99 (continued)
Don Strohpaul Lanise Stufft
Roseann and Barry Sullivan
Jim Sunstrum
Marty and Vickie Swank
Ben and Jodi Swanson
Ray and Marvel Swanson
Searle and Emmy Swedlund
Sarah Swierenga
Shelley Swift
Jim and Anita Syvertson
Douglas Szper
Martha Tacker
Michael Tam
John and Mary Lou Tanton
Laura Tay
Randolph and Linda Thomas
Robert and Carol Thompson
Jim Timmerman
Sean Tjaden and Janine Ucchino
Jim and Beverly Tobin
Duane and Gay Travis
John Tremore
Mike and Cheryl Trieschmann
Fred and Chris Tritschler
Tyler and Emma Tufte
Doug and Daphne Turner
William Twiddy
Robert and Mary Anne Unglenieks
Jean Van Dam
Tim and Nancy Van Nest
Douglas and Debbie Vandenberg
Nicolaas Vanderkloot
Philliop and Betty VanNoord
Audrey VanStrien
Kirk Venier
Lauren Vilen
Paul and Deena Vlasak
Carson Eggerding and Claire Vredevoogd
Richard Wachter
Tom and Patricia Walker
Valerie Walker
Ed and Monica Wallen
Jon and Judy Walter
Dave and Patty Warner
Nancy Warren
Jan and Cynthia Warren
Jim Waters and Melissa Santini Neal and
Patricia Watson
Dennis Weaver
Cindy Webreck
Wesley and Kathleen Wehner
Gail Werner
James Wessel Walker
Steve and Nancy Wessels
Charlie West
Ted and Nancy Weyerhaeuser
Peg Whalen
Maureen Whelan
Mike and Deb Whelsky
Alan and Allison White
Frances Whitfield
Steven and Beatrice Whitney
Michael and Linda Wilkey
Dave Whitlock and Amy Wilks
Kevin Schram and Eleanor Williams
Nancy Williams
Ron Williams
John and Angie Willis
Jack and Sanda Willsey
Dan and Laurie Wilson
David Wingrove and Ann Borkhuis
Vince and Antoinette Winklerprins
Craig Winnie
Bernie Winter and Catherine Rogers
John and Patti Wojtowicz
Lynn Wolf
John Wolforth
James Woodburne
John and Kathryn Woodruff
Rose Wooley
Dave Wright and Carol Dettorre-Wright
Will and Carol Wright
Stephen Wright
Paul and Kathy Wright
Andrew Wright
Ronald and Laurie Wurst
Bill and Maggie Wyman
Dale Yerkes
Thad Yorks
Duke Yost
Deborah Zampini
David Zavadsky
William Zellman
Paul Zielinski and Sharen Furman
Dana and Lisa Zintek
Chuck Zosel
Rick and Teresa Zweering
We have made every effort to make
these lists as accurate as possible. If
we have omitted or incorrectly reported
anyone, please accept our apology
and contact David Cowles,
at (616) 897-5987 ext 5.
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Photo: Mike Ciccone
Tribute and
Memorial Gifts
The generous support of the North Country Trail community continues to build and grow
the mission of the organization. Without these faithful contributions, we could have never
accomplished all that we did in 2015. We sincerely appreciate the sacrificial giving and
thoughtful support of all of our donors.
AnnaLisa Nelson In Honor of Jeff Ekola
Charles Barrett In Honor of Dan Mourer
David T. Blewett In Honor of David C. Blewett
Janet Carl In Honor of Tom Moberg
P. F. Steketee In Honor of Mary MacDonald
Rayanne Aiken In Honor of Tammy Veloski and Family
Ronald Jessop In Honor of Troop 448
Stella and George Thelen In Honor of Jerry Allen
William and Ellen Fisher In Honor of Christopher Glueck
Arlen and Arlene Matson In Memory of John Briggs
Arlen and Arlene Matson In Memory of Stan Malaski
Barb and Mike Rodenberg In Memory of John Briggs
Betsy and Steve Duede In Memory of John Briggs
Bill Holland and Kim Steffes In Memory of John Briggs
Christine F. Kasputis In Memory of David F. Coons
Cindy Jones In Memory of Martha Jones
Cynthia and Terry Dickey In Memory of John Briggs
David and Deborah Miller In Memory of Sydney Rynbrandt
David and Jeanne Hesidenz In Memory of Floyd Reed Heeter
Elizabeth Bell In Memory of Ray Bell
Hilding Branzell, D.D.S. In Memory of Robert Norlin
Ian Millar In Memory of John Briggs
John Heiam and Lois Goldstein In Memory of John Briggs
Judy Malaski In Memory of Stanley Malaski
Kathie Major In Memory of Thomas Wade Brown
Kathy Pilon In Memory of John Briggs
Kent and Jill Nordin In Memory of John Briggs
Mary Stenberg and Rick Pomerleau In Memory of Bob Norlin
Mike Schaeffer and Debby Page In Memory of John Briggs
Patrick Delaney In Memory of John Briggs
Peter and Deb Nordgren In Memory of Bob Norlin
Ray and Marj Krumm In Memory of Irene Linn Simpson
Richard Parks In Memory of John Briggs
Rita Oswald In Memory of Atley Oswald
Sara Cockrell In Memory of John Briggs
Stella and George Thelen In Memory of Doug Sowles
Thomas and Carol Shaffer In Memory of Bob Norlin
Photo: NCTA Archives
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Photo: Karen Stenberg
Planned Giving Program
The North Country Legacy Society recognizes those
individuals who have made a planned gift to the
North Country Trail Association through their estate
plan or some other planned giving vehicle.
Those gifts that are intended to leave a legacy
after the donor’s life are part of our planned
giving program. In the past few years we have
been made aware of a number of planned gifts
and we wish to recognize those donors here.
These generous and thoughtful supporters
become members of our North Country Legacy
Society as a result of their gift. Many of these
gifts are bequests, although the North Country
Trail Association accepts several different types
of planned gifts including charitable remainder
trusts, life insurance policies and retirement
funds. These gifts are critical to the future stability
of the organization. Unrestricted planned gifts are directly invested in the
Endowment Fund which is a fund that supports association operations.
To gain membership in the legacy society, one must simply make the
association aware of your intent to name the NCTA as a beneficiary in your
estate plans. Let us know if this is something you might be interested in
and we can determine a planned gift that will provide the legacy you desire
and benefit the North Country Trail Association at the same time.
Legacy Society Members
Anonymous (2)
Pat Allen
Steve and Karen Bade
Cecil and Joanne Dobbins
Tom Funke
Tom and Jan Gilbert
John Heiam* and Lois Goldstein
Martha Jones†
Beth Keloneva
Betty A. Lewis†
Bruce# and Linda Matthews
Roderick† and Peggy MacRae
Tom* and Mary Moberg
Jaron Nyhof*
Bob and Annette Papp
Gerald Phillips†
Ron and Linda Sootsman
Walter Srogi†
Harmon Strong †
Irene Szabo
Doug Thomas*
Jere Thompson†
Roger Tuuk
Joan Young
*Indicates a Director of the Board
Indicates a NCTA staff member
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Photo: Finger Lakes Trail Conference
How to Get Involved
and Support the Trail
The North Country Trail Association and North Country National Scenic Trail are going
strong because of the generosity of our many dedicated members and supporters. Isn’t it
time you joined this great group and got involved?
Thousands of hours of volunteer support are poured annually
into trail building and maintenance, chapter leadership, and
administrative help. And then there’s the financial support that
makes all of these physical improvements and the promotion of
the Trail possible. Perhaps this Annual Report has inspired you
to join the many others who support the trail, and you would like
to make a meaningful contribution. Take a look through the list
below and consider getting involved in the Trail today. It truly
will make a difference.
Gifts of Land and Stock – A gift of land or stock is often a very
tax-wise way to make a generous gift to the Trail and receive a
significant tax benefit. Call David Cowles, Director of Development
to discuss this option.
Become a Member – Join the 2,800 members already
involved nationwide. You can join a local chapter if you wish.
The easiest way to sign up is at our website:
Company Matching Gifts – One great way to double or even
triple your giving power is with matching gifts from the company
you work for. It’s easy to do. Check with your human resources
department before you give your next gift.
Volunteer – Whether it’s building trail or stuffing envelopes
to get the message out, we need your help. Call us at
(616) 897-5987 and let’s discuss how we can match your
interests to our needs.
Corporate Giving – If you represent a corporation or work for
a corporation that is interested in the mission of the NCTA
and would like to support that mission there are a number of
marketing and philanthropic opportunities that will give maximum
exposure to your corporation.
Gifts of Cash – This area of giving – outright gifts of cash –
benefits the trail immediately and helps us leverage other grants
and funds for the work we need to do each year.
Gifts from Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) – You can
make a generous gift from your retirement account tax-free.
With an IRA Charity Rollover you designate donations to be
transferred directly to your charity of choice. Contact your tax
advisor and let them know if your interest in this option.
Planned Gifts – Deferred or planned gifts such as bequests,
charitable remainder trusts or retained life estates can make great
tax sense for you and your heirs, and benefit the mission of the
NCTA well into the future. Talk with your tax or estate planner
about this option.
If you still have questions or want to make
a special donation to the NCTA but want to
talk about the best way to go about making
the gift, contact David Cowles, our Director of
Development, at [email protected]
or call him at (616) 897-5987 ext. 5.
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
The financial base of
the North Country Trail
Association continues to
grow and diversify. We are
still very dependent on our
federal partner, the National
Park Service which provides
a strong base for our general
operations but again this
year we have increased our
other sources of private
funding. This report tells a
story of the many successful
mission-based programs
and projects that took place
as a result of our strong
financial position in 2015.
Photo: Matt Davis
Year Ending 12/31/2015, in $1,000’s .4%
NPS Base Support and Projects 425.7
Trail Shop Sales
Programs and Events
Other Income
Salaries and Benefits
Communication and Outreach 115.3
NPS Base Support and Projects
Trail Shop Cost of Sales
Trail Management and Projects 140.7
Trail Shop Sales
Travel and Meetings
Programs and Events
Other Income
As of 12/31/2015, in $1,000’s
Checking / Savings
Accounts Receivable
Other Current Assets
Total Current Assets
Fixed Assets
The North Country Trail Association
holds the “Accredited Charity”
rating from the Better Business
Bureau. The rating means that the
NCTA maintains or exceeds the
Wise Giving Standards for Charity
Accountability established by the
BBB. The standards measure
financial and programmatic
data, as well as fundraising and
administrative practices looking
for certain standards in disclosure,
transparency, program and
fundraising cost ratios and solid
financial management.
General Support
$130.5 13.5%
Govt. Relations
$12.3 1.3%
$146.7 15.1%
Other Current Liabilities
$153.4 15.8%
GIS / Cartography
$56.0 5.8%
Trail Management
$226.7 23.4%
Trail Shop CoS
$8.9 0.9%
Due to publication timing these financial statements are
unaudited. North Country Trail Association is a 501(c)
(3) nonprofit organization. Our most recent audited
financial statements and tax return can be found at, or provided upon request.
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
NCTA Chapters, Partners, Affiliates,
Staff and Board Members
Official Federal Trail Partner
Federal Land Management Partners
•• U.S. Forest Service
•• U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
•• U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
State Land Management Partners
•• North Dakota Parks and Recreation
•• North Dakota Forest Service
•• North Dakota Game and Fish Department
•• Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
•• Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
•• Michigan Department of Natural Resources
•• Ohio Department of Natural Resources
•• Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
•• Pennsylvania Game Commission
•• New York Department of Environmental Conservation
•• New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Chapters, Partners and Affiliates of North Country National Scenic Trail
•• Sheyenne River Valley Chapter
•• Dakota Prairie Chapter
•• Glacial Edge Chapter
•• Star of the North Chapter
•• Laurentian Lakes Chapter
•• Itasca Moraine Chapter
•• Arrowhead Chapter
•• Kekekabic Trail Chapter
•• Border Route Trail Association
(Trail Maintaining Affiliate)
•• Superior Hiking Trail Association
(Trail Maintaining Affiliate)
•• Brule-St.Croix Chapter
•• Chequamegon Chapter
•• Heritage Chapter
•• Ni-Miikanaake Chapter
•• Peter Wolfe Chapter
•• North Country Trail Hikers Chapter
•• Superior Shoreline Chapter
•• Hiawatha Shore-to-Shore Chapter
•• Harbor Springs Chapter
•• Jordan Valley 45° Chapter
•• Friends of the Jordan River National Fish Hatchery (Trail Maintaining Affiliate)
•• Grand Traverse Hiking Club Chapter
•• Spirit of the Woods Chapter
•• Western Michigan Chapter
•• Chief Noonday Chapter
•• Chief Baw Beese Chapter
•• NW Ohio Rails-to-Trails Association
(Trail Maintaining Affiliate)
•• Buckeye Trail Association
(Trail Maintaining Affiliate)
•• Adams County Chapter
•• Ohio Valley Chapter
•• Great Trail-Sandy Beaver Canal Chapter
•• Wampum Chapter
•• Butler County Chapter
•• Butler Outdoor Club
(Trail Maintaining Affiliate)
•• Clarion County Chapter
•• Rachel Carson Trails Conservancy
(Trail Maintaining Affiliate)
•• Allegheny National Forest Chapter
•• Finger Lakes Trail Conference
(Trail Maintaining Partner)
•• Central New York Chapter
•• Middlebury Area Land Trust
(Trail Maintaining Affiliate)
North Country Trail Association
National Board of Directors
Tom Moberg, President, North Dakota
Jaron Nyhof, First Vice President, Michigan
Doug Thomas, Treasurer, Minnesota
John Heiam, Secretary, Michigan
Tim Mowbray, VP West, Wisconsin
Lynda Rummel, VP East, New York
Mike Chapple, Indiana
Ruth Dorrough, New York
Jerry Fennell, Wisconsin
Dennis Garrett, Pennsylvania
Lorana Jinkerson, Michigan
Kirk Johnson, Pennsylvania
Peter Nordgren, Wisconsin
Brian Pavek, Minnesota
Larry Pio, Michigan
Paul Spoelstra, Michigan
Jerry Trout, Minnesota
Jeff VanWinkle, Michigan
Gaylord Yost, Wisconsin
North Country Trail Association Staff
David C. Cowles, Director of Development
Matt Davis, Regional Trail Coordinator –
Minnesota/North Dakota
Jill DeCator, Administrative Assistant/
Membership Coordinator
Andrea Ketchmark, Director of Trail
Laura Lindstrom, Finance Administrator
Michelle Mangus, Administrative Assistant
Bruce Matthews, Executive Director
Bill Menke, Regional Trail Coordinator –
Amelia Rhodes, Marketing Communications
Matt Rowbotham, GIS Coordinator
Kenny Wawsczyk, Regional Trail Coordinator–
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report
Photo: Tiffany Hrach
The North Country National Scenic Trail connects America’s northern heartlands, passing
through forest and field, town and lakeside. Stretching 4,600 miles across seven states, this
National Park Service trail is the longest in the country and is built and maintained by an
army of dedicated volunteers from New York to North Dakota. For hikers young and old, this
national trail treasure is the adventure that starts nearby.
North Country Trail Association
229 East Main Street
Lowell, MI 49331
(616) 897-5987
[email protected]
facebook / northcountrytrail
twitter / NCTrail
instagram / northcountrytrail
North Country Trail Association / 2015 Annual Report