March 2016 - Cross View Lutheran Church
March 2016 - Cross View Lutheran Church
March 2016 Remember the Blessings Christine Eid, Director of Children’s Ministries I have recently started to reread the book of Deuteronomy. In the first three chapters, it is a recap by Moses to the people of Israel of their wilderness journey and how they responded to God’s directions. At times, they listened and trusted in God, and they were successful in their endeavors. At other times, they were afraid and did not trust, and there were consequences; the largest being that they had to wander in the wilderness for 40 years because of not trusting God’s directive to take over Canaan. As I read this account, I was reminded that for the Israelites, at times it felt like God wasn’t there, but now, as they reflected by looking back, they could see all the ways that God had been active in their lives. In the February Clarion, Jan Stockman-Sater, challenged us to make life altering memories. She reminded us of the importance of doing things together with people we care about to create memories to reflect on in the future. To intentionally create those moments in our lives that will be memories that will guide us along our faith walk. This month, I’d like to encourage you to take it step farther and remember the blessings you have received. Recently a friend shared the concept of a blessing jar. Take a container of some sort or jar, and decorate it. If you have more than one person in the household, make it a family event/project. After decorating it, place it in a prominent place in your home with slips of paper next to it. At the end of each day, take time to write down a blessing from the day. If there is more than one person in your home, you can choose to have everyone write something down daily, or you can take turns. It depends on how full you want your jar to be! Then, at the end of the year, on New Year’s Eve, go through and read all the ways that God has blessed you in 2016. We have already gone through 2 months! So, it won’t be the complete year. But as you read through the blessings, you can take that time to reflect back. See all the ways that God has been active in your life that are sometimes easy to forget. In March we enter into the final weeks of Lent when we are also reflecting and remembering the ultimate blessing that God has given to us – the sacrifice of His Son, and His resurrection. It is the defeat over sin and death so that we know that will live eternally with our Heavenly Father someday. On March 27 we celebrate Easter. But then what? After Easter sometimes it’s easy to “go on to the next thing” of life and lose sight of this wonderful gift. God’s presence continues in our lives each and every day, and there is always something to be thankful for. Remember the blessings and reflect back on them, as the Israelites reflected on God’s presence in their lives. I am sure it will be amazing on December 31 to look back and remember all the blessings you have received. PAGE 2 Lenten Worship Series Wednesday services in Lent begin at 6:30 P.M. and last 45 minutes. Vicar Toby Schmidt is leading the Lenten series “Before Amen” as we take a closer look at the Lord’s Prayer. These services incorporate the musical setting, Holden Evening Prayer. After the services, regular Midweek classes will continue 7:15-8:00 P.M. Weeks remaining in the series are: IV. Mar. 2: Before Amen – 4th Petition V. Mar. 9: Before Amen – 5th Petition VI. Mar. 16: Before Amen – 6th & 7th Petitions Audio/Visual/Streaming Training On March 6 we will be streaming both our 8:15 and 10:45 A.M. services live on our website! This is a wonderful opportunity for you to be a part of our church family, even if you’re not in the sanctuary! When the services are over, the video sermons will be archived online for you to recall and watch at later dates. WE ARE IN DESPERATE NEED OF A/V/S help! If you’re high school age or older, you are welcome to join in the Audio/Visual/Streaming ministry at Cross View. This remarkable technology will help many other people have access to our worship and the Word of God; won’t you help? If yes, please email Jonathan Zellar at [email protected]. Training will be available so that you are taught the unique parts of our equipment. Church Council Strategic Planning Retreat: Visions of a Bigger and More Functional Cross View Facility This year, the Church Council dedicated the annual strategic planning retreat on February 13 to discuss the potential scope of a facility expansion process. It was a very exciting meeting! During the planning retreat a year ago, we developed the 3-year Strategic Plan which was shared with the congregation at the May 2015 Voters’ Assembly meeting. We had identified that a variety of our strategic goals would be limited by the space and functionality of our current building. In response to that, we organized two Ministry Action Teams in 2015—one for Youth and one for Adults—to gather input from the congregation through surveys and other feedback mechanisms to share ideas of how ministry could be enhanced. We were thankful to receive input from many members! Part of the input we received from you pertained directly to visions of adding space to the building for better traffic flow in the hallways, more class space, more dedicated and functional fellowship spaces, a more welcoming atmosphere for both members and visitors, and more. Pastor Steve then led the church staff to combine this input with their own thoughts to develop a facility visioning document that acts as a very strong starting point to define the scope of a potential expansion project, the rationale for the proposed changes, and its proposed impact to ministry. During our day-long retreat, the Church Council considered the scope of the envisioned changes and mapped out a process for accomplishing a potential expansion project. From my perspective, I can tell you that it is fantastic to have the experience of such a talented group of leaders contributing their expertise in many areas related to building and construction, contract law, finance, communications, and management as we carefully thought through how we could undertake a building project and capital campaign. Of course, a building project of this nature can only move forward if the congregation approves the concept, It is our first intention to share the vision in an open forum, give you an opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed scope, and ask questions. Therefore, we will be scheduling town hall meetings this spring. Please look for these meetings and plan to attend to start learning about how we can even more effectively: Connect with God in worship, with our current brothers and sisters in Christ through fellowship, and with others seeking a relationship with Him by creating a warm and inviting environment; Grow in our understanding of God’s Word through our exceptional Christian education opportunities; and Serve in our community as a beacon of hope! In service to Him, Gregg Poppe Congregational President EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER School-Age Camp ECC Summer 2016 Program Follow us on Twitter! @CrossViewEdina Cross View Early Childhood Center is now accepting applications for our summer School-age program. The program is faith-based summer care and education for K—4th Grade. Each week has a special theme and activity. Children may enroll for the whole summer or individual weeks as needed, depending on availability. Meals and snacks are included in the tuition rate. An application fee covers all field trips, weekly soccer, and special events. Registration forms and brochures can be found on line at Call (952941-0009) or e-mail ([email protected]) the center for further information. PAGE 3 Sat., March 19, 2016 • 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon OPEN TO ALL! FREE FOR EVERYONE! Easter Egg Hunt Entertainment • Biblical Characters Crafts • Petting Zoo • Refreshments FOOD COLLECTION Please bring donations of non-perishable food items for The Sheridan Story. For more information about The Sheridan Story and suggested food items, visit CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Summer Program Sign-Ups Begin; Mission Projects & Welcome to the Lord’s Table TWO SUMMER SIGN-UPS Cave Quest! Following Jesus, the light of the world, is this year’s Vacation Bible School theme. Join us June 2024, 9:00-11:30 A.M. for a week of learning about how Jesus lights our way in everything that we do. VBS is open to students age 3 (potty trained) through entering 4th grade. Cost is just $12 for the week! (Students entering 5th grade and older are invited to volunteer throughout the week). To guarantee a T-shirt, please register by Sunday, May 29. Summer Music Camp! Interplanetary Jammin’ music camp is “out of this world!” Join us July 18-22; 9 A.M. to 12 noon for a wonderful week learning and performing a musical. Under the direction of Mrs. Sarah Fincham, students entering 1st through 5th grade learn music, create costumes and sets, and learn choreography to present their show on Friday morning at 11:15 A.M. The cost is $45 for the week. Registration for both Vacation Bible School and Summer Music Camp is online at Sign up today! Space fills up fast! SUNDAY SCHOOL MISSION PROJECT – WATER! Students in the Sunday School selected to raise money for their spring mission project. Each day children all over the world die from not having good drinking water. We can make a difference! Watch for their progress to help others around the world. WELCOME TO THE LORD’S TABLE Ten Cross View students, and their parents, have been going through our “Welcome to the Lord’s Table” class in preparation for their first communion. On Maundy Thursday, March 24, we will welcome these students to join us at the Lord’s table. This is an important step in the faith formation of these youth. Please encourage them on their walk of faith. KIDS AT CROSS VIEW ARE ACTIVE IN SERVICE! February was a busy month for Cross View kids in the area of service. On Wednesday, February 3, Kidstitute students grades 3-6 went to Feed My Starving Children. Younger students stayed on-site at Cross View and made breakfast bags for Ronald McDonald House. On Sunday, February 7, Sunday School students made cards and put together care packages for our college students. In different ways we can all make a difference in the lives of others. PAGE 4 PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT OUTREACH AND MISSIONS VEAP Food Drive, LINC Missions VEAP FOOD DRIVE 2/28-3/27 For more than 30 years Minnesota FoodShare has coordinated a statewide March food and fund drive to restock more than 300 food shelves across the state. This is the largest annual food drive in Minnesota. Cross View will be joining this Minnesota FoodShare initiative with a food drive that runs from February 28 through March 27. The proceeds of our food drive will benefit our mission partner VEAP. For more information on how best to participate (recommended items to purchase, plus cash donations) see the poster in the Lobby by the shopping cart. LINC URBAN MISSIONS BEAR FRUIT This month DCO Kurtis Smith and Rev. Dr. Fungchatou Lo, our LINC Twin Cities mission team, are ramping up toward the start of LINC’s next Harvest Incubator for Mission (HIM) cohort. HIM is a year-long process of discipling disciple-makers in diverse communities. Kurtis and Fung are seeking twelve people who feel called into God’s local mission to reach multiethnic communities for Jesus but who aren’t sure what to do next. They are ready to help those people with their challenges through bi-weekly gatherings and transformissional coaching in-between those gatherings. LINC’s first cohort is bearing fruit in their discipleship efforts among African immigrants, Hmong immigrants, Saudi Arabian students, wealthy people, poor people, suburban families and urban singles. If you are interested to join the next HIM cohort and be discipled in becoming a better disciple-maker in your diverse community, you may find more information at or contact DCO Kurtis Smith at 763-6073931, [email protected]. One story of relational fruit is about a man we’ll call for safety reasons, “Sam.” Sam is a Moroccan Muslim who is reading the New Testament and comparing it with the Quran. He and Kurtis met each other in South Minneapolis and now have regular spiritual conversations about God. “Sam” is concerned that the Bible conflicts with the Quran and wonders about Christians who don’t live moral lives. Kurtis is sharing with “Sam” about Biblical authority and about the perfectly moral Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please pray for “Sam” and Kurtis. God knows “Sam’s” real name. Some prayers that Kurtis is asking people to lift up are: 1. Pray for the financial sustenance of our staff members and ministry at LINC. 2. Pray for our kids to do well in our urban, multicultural neighborhood life. 3. Pray for our interactions with neighbors from a variety of non-Christian backgrounds and cultures. 4. Pray for all people in diverse neighborhoods to find dignity, justice, love and hope in Jesus. Cross View March 2016 PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PAGE 5 PAGE 6 CROSS VIEW YOUTH ‘Jesus’ Perfect’ Christmas Party Recap, Upcoming Youth Events LENTEN DINNERS Thank you to everyone who has come out to the Lenten Dinners. Our first week was a great success! 90 people enjoyed home cooked chili, and $680 was raised for youth who are attending the National Youth Gathering in July. Please join us for dinner Wednesday Nights from 5:30 to 6:15 P.M. by signing up on the purple sheet in the Sunday bulletins, or at our website Here is the menu for the Wednesdays in March: March 2nd – Walking Tacos with Fixings hosted by YAMS March 9th – Soup Supper hosted by SWANS March 16th – Lasagna and Garlic Bread hosted by the Youth CALENDAR DATES: March 2: Walking Taco Lenten Dinner March 6: Youth MAT meeting 12:00 PM in the Fireside Room March 6: Youth Leadership Team Meeting 5:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall March 9: Soup Lenten Dinner March 25: Passion of the Christ Viewing following Good Friday Service March 27: Easter Breakfast from 9:30-10:30 A.M. GIANT DISH PARTY The 2nd annual “Giant Dish” party was held at Cross View for the Super Bowl game. With the help of Steve Leanger, the Sr. High Youth Room was equipped with a TV signal so we could enjoy the commercials and the half time show (I mean the game) on the projection screen. It was a fun night of fellowship, food, and a little friendly competition. EASTER BREAKFAST: Can you believe it? Easter Breakfast is coming up quickly, and we hope that you join us for breakfast between the 8:15 and 10:15 A.M. services on March 27. It is a great time to share a breakfast together with your Cross View Family. It also helps support the Jr. and Sr. High Ministries. If you are willing to cook an egg bake, the pans with recipes will be out the first week of March. Be sure to take one and make your favorite. Your help is appreciated! Fiesta Fantástico! On February 14, Cross View Adult Ministries hosted a Fiesta dinner party. For this event, a transformed Fellowship Hall became a Mexican Café trimmed in festive paper garlands and warmed by bright flowers and candlelight. An energetic salsa trio of musicians serenaded guests with music during the appetizer hour. (Some guests were seen moving and mingling to the salsa beat!) Over 65 people attended. The event provided a great time for fellowship and an opportunity to get to know others in our Cross View community. Dinner included Mexican salads, enchiladas and fajitas catered by the Sunderlands, and topped off with fabulous chocolate desserts and caramel flan. PAGE 7 Volunteer to Serve! EasterFest, Sat. March 19 We are excited to announce EasterFest, a community outreach event for everyone. On Saturday, March 19, 10 AM – 12:00 Noon, we will welcome Cross View and community families to enjoy an Easter Journey in significant scenes from Holy Week, an egg hunt, a petting zoo, crafts, a music program, and refreshments. Please invite your friends, neighbors and co-workers! We also request your help to have a successful event. There are many ways to SERVE! : Sign-up sheets are in the Sunday bulletins. Please check at least one area where you can help. These simple ways to serve will help make the event go smoothly. Thank you in advance for your willingness to make this event an exciting way to spread the Good News of Easter! Any questions can be answered by Tonya Bushey, Ministry Action Team leader, at 952-556-0069. WOMEN’S MINISTRIES Spring Soul Spa Retreat, Book Club WOMEN’S SPRING RETREAT: “SOUL SPA” When we are tired or stressed, when our muscles ache or our skin feels dry, we can go to a health spa for physical renewal. But what do we do when our soul needs care? How do we cope with this hectic, messy, and complicated world? Come to “Soul Spa,” where spiritual practices refresh you and where God is eager to meet with you and care for your spirit. Join us for our annual women’s spring crafting retreat at Good Earth Village Retreat Center (south of Rochester), April 15-17, with Bible study and devotions focused on this theme of “Soul Spa”. The cost for Friday and Saturday overnight is $155 (includes sleeping rooms, crafting space, program fees, and dinner on Friday and Saturday nights). Participants sign up to help with brunch on Saturday and Sunday, and snacks. The cost for anyone coming on Thursday is an extra $51. Sign up on the sheet at the Connection Center, or call Christine Eid at the church office. Questions? Contact Linda Baule or Christine Eid. WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB Linda Baule, hostess for the March meeting of the Women’s Book Club, has selected A Single Thread by Marie Bostwick as our book to read and discuss. We will meet at Linda’s house on Monday, March 14 at 1:00 P.M. All women of Cross View are welcome to join us. Cross View Cards & Games Friday, March 11, 7:00 P.M. Location: Cross View, Fellowship A RSVP to One Host: Linda & Claire Baule (952) 938-5634 or Mel Davis (952) 925-4064 Connect with Cross View members and friends (adults of all ages) for several hours of fun and fellowship by participating in cards and games of your choice. New participants are welcome! CROSSWAYS INTERNATIONAL CALLING Teaching the Bible’s Big Story through Crossways International Materials The fact that the staff of Cross View is teaching my major course, Crossways®, to adults and using The Divine Drama® to teach confirmation students gives me great joy. These days, more and more biblical scholars around the world are stating that it is most important that people be taught the Bible’s Big Story and the themes that surface within it. Both courses do just that. The more that people understand the whole narrative of the Bible, the better they understand “the Jesus story.” Crossways® is also being taught (four classes each week) at Normandale Lutheran Church in Edina. Almost 200 people signed up for the course. A few weeks ago, Pastor Paul Emmel (a member of Cross View) shared with me a page from another congregation’s monthly newsletter. It consists of an article by a lady who is participating in the course. She shares some encouraging insights. Among other things, she wrote: “Most people who complete Crossways go on to take the course again and again. I plan to do so and suspect that Crossways will even be offered in heaven! My involvement in studying Crossways moved me to design and sew a quilt depicting the illustration that uses eight frames with colorful symbols to reinforce the learning and understanding of God’s divine plan. As I sketched and then carefully sewed the appliques to the eight panels and then pierced all the fabric, I experienced the grand sweep of our story with God and His Son. It was a joy to put this quilt together and the quilt reminds me of how carefully God put each of us together.” The quilt measures about six feet by three feet and is on display in a prominent place within her church’s narthex, with explanations of the images in each section. Harry Wendt, President Crossways International® PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT WORSHIP March CROSS VIEWASSISTANTS LUTHERAN CHURCH –February-March 20162016 March 6 Acolyte Elder/Deacon/Deaconess Replenisher Lector Usher Captain Ushers Greeters Connection Center Café Cross View Audio Video Counters March 13 Acolyte Elder/Deacon/Deaconess Lector Usher Captain Ushers 8:15 – Traditional Luke Daenzer Susan Bruns Will Pahl David Buuck Claire Baule Linda Baule, Cal Kuhlman, Jim McGlennen, Rich Meier, Gordon Charles Elaine Sandilla, Janet Ost, David and Juli Olson LuAnne Douglas Steve and Marilyn Koepke Doug Wheeler Gregg Poppe Sam and Judy Larson, Janet Bruss 10:45 – Contemporary Hailey Heimkes Mike Reed Lydia Hellvik Sue Hanson Paul Hatzung Chuck Hawkins, Doug Harbrecht, Anthony Schmalz, Ryan Tharaldson, Michael Wentzien Matt and Amber Busacker, Dawn Wheeler, Ann Ryan Wendy Cavalieri Dan Piepho Rick Thompson 8:15 – Traditional 10:45 – Contemporary Brooke Marquardt Paul Wentzien Tom Koch Vern Hanson Cal Senechal Heather Fitzpatrick David Fulkerson Darcy Matz James Kelzer, Jim Martenson, Marlys Meintsma, Jody Buska, Steve Buska, Jim Riesterer, Dennis Scheppmann Aaron Thompson, David Mayer Greeters David and Sandy Frauenshuh, Steve and Tonya Bushey, David and Juli Olson, Steve Tricia Leanger Mike and Chen Mellema Connection Center Colleen Helland Gae Ash Café Cross View Reg and Joann Schroeder Ryan Cavalieri Audio Mike Landreville Reese Thompson Video Marius Fine Counters Claire Baule, Larry Lunderby March 20, Palm Sunday 8:15 – Traditional 10:45 – Contemporary Acolyte Grace Wachholz Hannah Krom Elder/Deacon/Deaconess Delpha Harris RoseAnn Meier Replenisher Emma Clavin Sarah Wheeler Crucifer Esther Kelzer Jack Farrell Banner Bearers Martha Kelzer, Emily Romain Will Pahl, Katie Woodward Torch Bearers Lauren Marquardt, Luke Daenzer Abby Berkley, Lauren McCullough Lector Brad Ost Lisa Porisch Usher Captain Gregg Poppe Carl Haerle Ushers Judy Grimm, Jana Poppe, Dan Rosen, Richard Sunderland, Brad Starr, Luke Daenzer Adolph Wendel, Matt Salzwedel Greeters Brian and Ali Swiggum, Sarah and Joe Schweitzer, James and Grace Kelzer Brab Warren, Mary Peterson Connection Center Kathi Etchison Janet Schmiel Café Cross View Reg and Joann Schroeder Audio Patrick Rooney Trudy Kuhlman Video Rich Meier Sean Iske Counters Dan Rosen, Carl Haerle March 24, Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM – Traditional Acolyte Karis Schmidt Elder/Deacon/Deaconess Scott Douglas Replenisher Will Oelschlaeger Lector Cindy Scheer-Jackson Usher Captain Dick Rostal Ushers Jim Dibble, Howard Greenhagen, Pete Niemira, Dave and Amy Oelschlaeger, Carol Erickson Greeters Loy Jeager, Carol Niemira, Mel Davis, Joyce Crosby Connection Center Claire Oie Audio Justin Schroeder Video Par Peterson CROSS VIEW LUTHERAN CHURCH –February-March 2016 Counters Craig Waller, George Harris March 25, Good Friday 7:00 PM – Traditional Acolyte Katie Woodward Elder/Deacon/Deaconess Connie Landreville Usher Captain Wilbur Thomas Ushers Matt and Amber Busacker, Larry Lundrby, Gary Stillwell, Sue Weigle Greeters David and Lorri Buuck, Ed and Julie Whelan Connection Center Charmaine Stillwell Audio Ryan Cavalieri Video Perry Scott Counters Sam and Judy Larson, Janet Bruss March 27, Easter 8:15 – Traditional 10:45 – Contemporary Acolyte Rachel Kelzer Josh Kelly Elder/Deacon/Deaconess Tim Clavin Marius Fine Crucifer Nick Oeschlaeger Reese Thompson Banner Bearers Marla Bailey, Emily Romain Alex McCullough, Adam Cavalieri Torch Bearers Lauren Marquardt, Mark Daenzer Eric Debner, Abednego Gorshe Replenisher Claire Kelzer Zioe Berkley Lector Phil Johnson Richard Sunderland Usher Captain Claire Baule Paul Hatzung Ushers Linda Baule, Cal Kuhlman, Jim McGlennen, Chuck Hawkins, Doug Harbrecht, Anthony Rich Meier, Gordon Charles Schmalz, Ryan Tharaldson, Michael Wentzien Greeters Michael and Glenda Kibat, Wentzien family, Steve and Tricia Leanger Christine Thompson, Gary Stillwell Connection Center Barb Reichert Deb Piepho Café Cross View Youth Easter Breakfast Audio Brad Starr Dan Piepho Video Gregg Poppe Rick Thompson Counters Claire Baule, Larry Lunderby PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT WORSHIP ASSISTANTS April 2016 April 3 Acolyte Elder/Deacon/Deaconess Replenisher Lector Usher Captain Ushers Greeters Connection Center Café Cross View Audio Video Streaming Counters April 10, CAF Sunday Acolyte Elder/Deacon/Deaconess Lector Usher Captain Ushers Greeters Connection Center Café Cross View Audio Video Streaming Counters April 17 Acolyte Elder/Deacon/Deaconess Replenisher Lector Usher Captain Ushers Greeters Connection Center Café Cross View Audio Video Streaming Counters April 24 Acolyte Elder/Deacon/Deaconess Lector Usher Captain Ushers Greeters Connection Center Café Cross View Audio Video Streaming Counters 8:15 – Traditional Martha Kelzer Delpha Harris Esther Kelzer Michael Kibat David Fulkerson James Kelzer, Jim Martenson, Marlys Meintsma, Jim Riesterer, Dennis Scheppmann Elaine Sandilla, Loy Jeager, Claire and Linda Baule LuAnne Douglas Gregg and Jana Poppe Mike Landreville Alex Wheeler Brad Starr Dan Rosen, Carl Haerle 10:45 – Contemporary Eric Debner Deb Piepho Sarah Wheeler Vern Hanson Darcy Matz Jody Buska, Steve Buska, Aaron Thompson, David Mayer Matt and Amber Busacker, Steve and Tricia Leanger Wendy Cavalieri 8:15 – Traditional Lauren Marquardt Tom Koch Jan Schrader Gregg Poppe Judy Grimm, Jana Poppe, Brad Starr, Luke Daenzer Scott and LuAnne Douglas, David and Sandy Frauenshuh Colleen Helland Barb & Stan Hammer, Connie & Mike Landreville Patrick Rooney Rich Meier Justin Schroeder Craig Waller, George Harris 8:15 – Traditional Luke Daenzer Susan Bruns Emma Clavin Abby Sultvedt Dick Rostal Jim Dibble, Howard Greenhagen, Pete Niemira, Dave and Amy Oelschlaeger, Carol Erickson Carol Niemira, Joyce Crosby, Mel Davis, Janet Ost Kathi Etchison Sue Weigle and friends Justin Schroeder Phil Johnson Patrick Rooney Sam and Judy Larson, Janet Bruss 8:15 – Traditional Sam Oelschlaeger Connie Landreville Carla Johnson Claire Baule Linda Baule, Cal Kuhlman, Jim McGlennen, Rich Meier, Gordon Charles James and Grace Kelzer, Cal and Darlene Senechal Barb Reichert Megan and Patrick Rooney Brad Starr Par Peterson Gregg Poppe Claire Baule, Larry Lunderby 10:45 – Contemporary Adam Cavalieri Scott Douglas Chris Roth Carl Haerle Dan Rosen, Richard Sunderland, Adolph Wendel, Matt Salzwedel Heather and Barry Fitzpatrick, Gary Stillwell, Ann Ryan Gae Ash Trudy Kuhlman Par Peterson Ryan Cavalieri Rick Thompson Reese Thompson Sean Iske 10:45 – Contemporary Josiah Schmidt Marius Fine Lauren Swenson Quynn Iske Wilbur Thomas Matt and Amber Busacker, Larry Lundrby, Gary Stillwell, Sue Weigle Richard and Delphine Sunderland, Mark and Pam Moksnes Janet Schmiel Dan Peipho Sean Iske Perry Scott 10:45 – Contemporary Luther Thompson RoseAnn Meier Lisa Porisch Paul Hatzung Chuck Hawkins, Doug Harbrecht, Anthony Schmalz, Ryan Tharaldson, Michael Wentzien David and Sarah Woodward, Janet Isaacson, Susan Dietel Deb Piepho Ryan Cavalieri Marius Fine Reese Thompson NOTE: If you are unable to keep your scheduled date, please try to find your own replacement, and then call the church office to inform them of the change for the bulletin. NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID TWIN CITIES, MN PERMIT NO. 4354 Cross View Lutheran Church 6645 McCauley Trail West Edina, MN 55439-1076 March 2016 Return Service Requested SCHEDULE Sunday Worship: 8:15 AM (Traditional) & 10:45 AM (Contemporary) Sunday Christian Education, 9:30 AM Office Hours: Tues.-Fri., 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM; Closed Monday Developing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ along life’s journey Rev. Steve Wheeler, Pastor ext 203, [email protected] Jan Stockman-Sater, Early Childhood Ministries ext 222, [email protected] Christine Eid, Children’s Ministry ext 215, [email protected] Jonathan Zellar, Youth & Young Adults MInistries ext 207, [email protected] Toby Schmidt, Vicar ext 206, [email protected] Bruce Connolly, Finance & Administration ext 204, [email protected] Rebecca Waller, Music & Fine Arts Ministries ext 210, [email protected] Jason Paulson, Contemporary Music [email protected] Jungjoo Park, Organist [email protected] Sarah Solberg, Parish Secretary ext 200, [email protected] Gregg Poppe, President Rev. Dr. Harry Wendt, Crossways International Todd & Kim Roeske, Evangelistic Missionaries in Alaska Mark Peske, Serving Among the Ojibwe, Bemidji, MN Stephen & Krista, Missionaries in Asia The Clarion is published monthly by Cross View Lutheran Church, 6645 McCauley Trail West, Edina, MN, 55349-1076. 952-941-1094 (Office), 952-941-5513 (FAX), 952-941-0009 (ECC). Items for inclusion may be dropped off in the church office or sent via email to [email protected]. @crossviewedina Adorn the Altar at Easter Please help beautify our sanctuary for Easter by purchasing a lily or spring flower. Order forms will be available in the bulletin through 3/13.
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G I V E - Cross View Lutheran Church
impacted. It was an awesome opportunity for the leaders to watch as
these youth were able to invest in their personal relationships with
each other and with Christ!