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entral spine Indicative images of the scheme AP6 – Central spine Ordnance Survey and AP4 office buildings Proposals for Adanac Park To view the suite of planning applications, please visit the planning page at and search ‘Adanac Park’. Proposed aerial view Dear resident, Bargain Farm Illustration Barker-Mill Estates would like to thank everyone who attended July’s public consultation event when we displayed our proposals for Adanac Park. Figure 51 View ‘E’ - Ordnance Survey and AP4 office building ramework 78 Our public exhibition, held across two days, was well attended and we were particularly pleased with the level of feedback from local residents, businesses and councillors. Adanac Park Development Framework All the comments we received have been carefully considered and, where possible, have been incorporated into the scheme that has now been lodged with Test Valley Borough Council and Southampton City Council. An Economic Legacy The proposals seek to unlock the economic potential of the site, delivering a significant number of jobs of different types. The development will support inward investment and create opportunities for businesses to expand and deliver economic benefits. Please see enclosed leaflet for further details on the wider economic benefits that will be delivered. About Barker-Mill Estates In summary Barker-Mill Estates comprises of land owned and managed by the Barker-Mill family and its Trustees, covering particular areas of Hampshire. They are committed to working alongside local communities in areas where the Barker-Mill family has owned land for generations, leaving a lasting legacy. Mainly consisting of farmland, grazing land, paddocks and commercial units, the estates also feature a wide range of residential properties, a majority of which are located in the Nursling area and the villages of Ashurst and Colbury. For more information on the Barker-Mill Foundation visit: • P rovide an attractive and well thought-out scheme, respectful of its location • C reate opportunities for a range of different types and scales of employment development that meet the needs of the business community • M ake a contribution to providing a balanced mix of new homes within Test Valley, including affordable homes The Barker-Mill family also has a charitable Foundation which, since it was established in 1995, has donated around £3 million to local charities, schools, organisations and individuals needing support, primarily in south-west Hampshire. For more information on Barker-Mill Estates visit: The proposals now submitted for the site would: • P rovide around 3,600 potential job opportunities for local residents. • P rovide approximately £463,000 financial contributions through the Government’s New Homes Bonus Scheme • P rovide up to £3.5m of business rates per annum, of which up to 50% can be retained by TVBC to support local communities. Questions or comments If you would like any further information about the submitted plans or have any questions, please call Miles Willshire on freephone 0800 612 0727 (between 8.30am and 5.30pm). If you have any comments, please let us know by filling in the attached feedback form. We look forward to hearing from you and hope you find this newsletter useful. Adanac Park Submission Update The proposals seek to create a high quality business and living location, which focuses on enormous amounts of inward investment and job creation, along with landscaping and associated infrastructure. The ten application sites, which are located to the north and south of the Ordnance Survey head office, form a strategic 29ha employment site next to the M271 motorway and west of the established Nursling Estate. The submitted proposals, which are now with the Councils for consideration, comprise a suite of planning applications including B1, B2 and B8 business types, which will allow incoming and local expanding companies to set up at Adanac Park. In this community update newsletter we hope to guide you through the proposals for Adanac Park. We are keen to receive your feedback and have included a postage paid feedback card so you can let us know your thoughts. Please also take a moment to visit: adanacpark for more detailed information or contact our freephone information line number on 0800 612 0727. Site background The employment led nature of development, to be situated on land adjacent to the M271, known as Adanac Park, has been established through planning permissions secured in 2008 and 2009. However this came with conditions that the site be used mainly for office use of at least 10,000 square metres. Despite continued marketing efforts by the owners of the land, Barker-Mill Estates, the criteria established in the planning consents has led this prime employment site to lay undeveloped – delivering nothing to the community. This position has acted as a barrier to job generation and has stopped the site making a meaningful contribution toward supporting economic growth. The current proposals for the site are therefore flexible, enabling a development that responds to the needs of the market by accommodating businesses and generating new jobs and other economically beneficial uses. Adanac Park Submission Update Responding to local comments Barker-Mill Estates has taken on board comments made by local residents regarding the proposals, and the feedback provided through the various forms of consultation and stakeholder discussion influenced the scheme in a number of important ways, including: • R educing the amount of B8 floorspace proposed north of Ordnance Survey; • A new office development to the north of Ordnance Survey; • A care home use within the residential development proposals at Nursling Street; • H aving regard to comments when determining the extent of residential development proposed at Bargain Farmhouse and Nursling Street; • S haping the form and scale of employment proposals to meet the needs of the market; and • E nsuring that the proposals for Adanac Park were for an amenity restaurant, rather than a traditional pub. Design and appearance Respecting the site’s existing landscape and ecology The approach taken by Barker-Mill Estates and its design team has been to work with the existing features of the site and surrounding area: • T he green boundary to Adanac Park will be retained and improved to create a buffer from the M271 • H ome Covert will be retained and an appropriate buffer provided between the development and the woodland area • W ithin the site, green corridors will provide ecological and amenity links across the Park, as well as serving to divide the site into clear development parcels that are defined by landscape The masterplan shown is ‘illustrative’ only, but it does demonstrate a considered approach to the form of layout that would be appropriate for this site. This green perimeter acts as an attractive setting for new development and provides a buffer between the commercial nature of the site and existing residential development. metres A number of protected trees are present on the site; these will be retained and will be used as features of the design. AP1: Nursling Street Up to 26 residential units (C3) and a residential care home of up to 80 bedrooms (C2). AP2: North Adanac Up to 4,100 sq m of storage and distribution (B8) and / or general industry (B2) floorspace. The site benefits from access to the strategic highway network, being close to both the M271 and the M27. Access to the development is taken from Brownhill Way through an existing roundabout junction linking to Adanac Drive. To the north, Nursling Street is a local road that serves a limited number of homes and businesses. As well as providing the primary vehicular access, Adanac Drive constitutes the main pedestrian and cycle connection on the site. It connects via a cycle/footway link running from Nursling Street in the north along the western edge of the site. Adanac Drive retains sufficient capacity to serve the range of new uses. This route also provides direct public transport penetration to the site, with existing and new bus stops to serve the businesses on site. 50 AP10 AP2 AP3: West of Home Covert Up to 27,600 sq m of storage and distribution (B8) floorspace (including ancillary office accommodation). AP4: North of Ordnance Survey Up to 10,840 sq m of business floorspace (B1). AP5: Yew Tree Farm Restoration of the farmhouse including change of use from residential to business floorspace (B1) and erection of 2,953 sq m of new business floorspace (B1). AP6: West of Adanac Drive - AP1 Up to 20,583 sq m of business floorspace (B1). AP3 AP5 Key Barker-Mill Estates understands that matters such as highways and parking are crucial issues for existing local residents in connection with most planned new developments. In order to ascertain the impact of the scheme with regard to vehicle movements, a Traffic Impact Assessment has been completed and has been submitted with the application. This demonstrates that the scheme will not have an adverse impact on the local road network and will generate lower traffic levels at peak times than that associated with the existing permission. APDF-S-1: Illustrative Masterplan (1:1,250) 0 The precise design, scale and siting of each building and its individual appearance is left as illustrative at this stage, allowing for flexibility and further evolution as the development is brought forward over time. The site benefits from the attractive wooded backdrop of Home Covert along its eastern edge. There is also a mature boundary of trees and hedgerows to the west and south, providing a buffer from the M271. To the north, a series of smaller hedgerows, dotted with isolated mature trees, provide a framework for new development that can be supplemented by further planting. Highways and accessibility AP7: East of Adanac Drive Up to 12,941 sq m of business floorspace (B1) and / or general industry (B2). AP6 AP4 AP8: Bargain Farm - AP3 and AP4 – Distribution and office buildings Redevelopment of the existing farmstead area to include a defined curtilage for the Listed Building and associated barn and the erection of 23 new residential units (C3). AP9 AP6 – Central spine AP7 AP9: Adanac Triangle - Figure 52 View ‘F’ - AP3 and AP4 distribution and office buildings Adanac Park Development Framework 79 Amenity restaurant. AP10: Roads and infrastructure - AP8 N Illustrative Masterplan Access road, drainage, footpath / cycleway, bund, acoustic fence, landscaping and associated groundworks. Figure 57 View ‘J’ - AP6 central spine 84 Adanac Park Submission Update Adanac Park Development Framework Adanac Park Submission Update