Summer 2014 - Society of Canadian Artists


Summer 2014 - Society of Canadian Artists
Spring/Summer 2014
Welcome Newly Elected
Members, June 2014
Richard Brzozowski
Hillier, Ontario
In This Issue
Members’ News
Associates’ News
AGM Report
Special Events
Nomi Drory
Toronto, Ontario
Newly elected Members…. Continued…...
Charline Gardhouse
Etobicoke, Ontario
Virginia Dupuis
Ottawa, Ontario
Tanya Guzman
Toronto, Ontario
Newly elected Members…. Continued…...
Valerie Harper
Ile Perrot, Quebec
Ann Kruzelecky
Beaconsfield, Quebec
Chantel Julien
Sherbrooke, Quebec
Newly elected Members…. Continued…...
Sharlene Stushnov-Lee
Victoria, British Columbia
Mali Vargas
Calgary, Alberta
President’s Report
Hello Fellow Artists. I have just returned home from our AGM. Thank you to Ann Harvey, SCA, for planning
the AGM. It was productive meeting and a lovely luncheon. Our Guest Speaker, Andrew Hunter, Fredrik S.
Eaton Curator of Canadian Art at the AGO, was excellent. He has forever changed the way I will see art
when I visit galleries. We tested using GoToMeeting on my computer at the meeting so that members to far
away to attend could view the speakers at the podium and see the slide presentation of the newly elected
artists. It worked quite well so next year we will invite members outside of Ontario, to view the AGM on their
computers. We viewed a slide show of the art of the ten newly Elected Members, whose wonderful work you
view in this newsletter, and welcomed the five who were present at the AGM. Thank you to Kathy Hildebrandt, SCA, and to her jurors for another successful membership campaign. I ask you all to promote the
SCA at all your art shows. It is our goal to be truly national. We need to attract the best artists in all regions of the country. Our Regional Reps, Andrea Pottyondy, SCA, Atlantic Rep., Tatianna O’Donnell, SCA,
outgoing Western Rep., and Virginia Lee, SCA, outgoing Quebec Rep., endeavor to promote the SCA in their
areas. They can use your help. I thank Deborah Czernecky, SCA, who is taking over for Tatianna. It will
be grand getting to know all the new members. I am especially happy to congratulate Ann Kruzelecky, SCA,
on her becoming an elected member. As you know Ann has served on the SCA Board and has been a dedicated Webmaster as an associate member. In fact our talented secretary, Eva Gerold, is an associate member, as is our amazing Director of Finance, Amanda Kalcic, our hard working Publicity Chair, Andrea Howson, Alan Syliboy, Director-at-large and Iris Boyd-Cherian, who we thank for helping us with Social Media.
Ortansa Moraru, SCA, is our Director of Social Media, working with Iris and Kelly Borgers. The SCA now
has a Facebook presence. Visit our website and click the Facebook icon to join. We can use this tool to
communicate with artists across our Nation. At this time I would like to thank Steve Wilson, SCA, for being
an excellent Director of Exhibitions, and for agreeing to stay on to oversee our upcoming two shows, the
Elected Members Exhibition at the Etobicoke Art Gallery and the 46th Open National Juried Exhibition at
the Salmon Arm Art Gallery. I am very grateful that Karin Richter, SCA, who was Exhibition Director and
part of the office of the President from June 2006 – 2008, has agreed to join the Board to serve as Exhibitions Director. I thank Karin for her generosity. The first Mary Pratt Crystal Award will be presented in
Salmon Arms. I thank Vice-President Peter Gough, SCA, for his continued work on this exciting award. I
also thank Mary Elizabeth, SCA, who has served in the Honours and Awards Standing committee, especially
by finding worthy recipients for the SCA/Antoinette Stevens Education Award. The 2014 award will be presented at the Toronto's Central Technical School graduation ceremonies the fall to Josette Rosenzweig Issasi, who attended our luncheon.
The SCA pays for an institution membership in CARFAC (Canadian Artists’ Representation/le Front des artistes canadiens). We then send you CARFAC notices about legal and economic issues facing artists. If you
mention to CARFAC that you are an SCA member, your annual individual CARFAC membership will be
$75.00 instead of $85.00.
President’s letter continued….
In the past year two SCA members that I know of have passed away, Paul Rupert, SCA, and Darlean
Morris, SCA.
Paul Rupert was an SCA elected member since 2006. Paul was 67 when he passed away Dec. 29th,
2013. Paul obtained his formal art training at the School of Art and Design of the Montreal Museum of
Fine Arts. He developed a realism style using a palette knife and may be best remembered for his many
commissions to capture North America’s golf courses in oils. You can view Paul’s paintings on his website,
Darlean served with me on the SCA Board. She was active in the Strategic Planning for the SCA future
but had to resign with health concerns. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2013. Her Husband, Gary Austin, wrote saying, “Darlean, who longed to live and explore her creative art and her loving relationships, died April 3, age 67. While passionately wishing for more, she came to accept leaving
life and died peacefully.” Darlean had moved to St. Mary’s 12 years ago after a career as an art teacher
and high school principal, where she founded the ART Salon group of local artists now known as
Stonetown Arts. She was generous with her time in promoting the arts where she lived and across
Canada. Darlean’s paintings moved from realism to abstraction over the course of her career. I invite
you to view Darlean’s last masterpiece on the homepage of her website,
We are reminded how precious life is and how, though our souls are eternal, time on this earth often
seems too short. So I invite you all to live each day creatively and to look for opportunities to serve. I
am looking forward to my sixth consecutive and
therefore last year on the board at this time. I
haven’t mentioned every board member or chair by
name, but it has been an honour and a pleasure to
work with all these dedicated artists in promoting
art in Canada. The 2014-2015 Board’s year has
Josy and Andrew
Josy Britton, SCA
Andrew Hunter
Guest Speaker
Rapport de la présidente
Bonjour amis artistes.
Je viens de rentrer de notre assemblée générale annuelle (AGA). Merci à Ann Harvey, SAC pour la planification de l'AGA. C'était une réunion productive et un beau déjeuner. Notre conférencier invité, M. Andrew
Hunter, conservateur de l'art canadien à l’AGO, était excellent. Il a changé pour toujours ma façon
d’aborder l'art lorsque je visite les galeries. Nous avons utilisé «GoTo Meeting» sur notre ordinateur au
cours de la réunion afin que les membres puissent assister à distance aux présentations des orateurs et
au diaporama des membres nouvellement élus. Le tout a très bien fonctionné et sera utilisé à nouveau.
L’an prochain, nous inviterons tous les membres de l'extérieur de l'Ontario à voir l'AGA sur leurs ordinateurs. Nous avons visionné un diaporama présentant les œuvres des dix nouveaux membres élus dont le
magnifique travail est présenté dans ce bulletin et avons souhaité la bienvenue aux cinq artistes qui
étaient présents à l'AGA. Merci à Kathy Hildebrandt, SAC et aux membres du jury pour une autre campagne de recrutement réussie. Je vous demande de promouvoir la SAC dans le cadre de vos expositions.
Notre objectif est d'être une organisation véritablement nationale. Nous devons attirer les meilleurs artistes de toutes les régions du pays. Nos représentants régionaux, Andrea Pottyondy, SAC (Atlantique),
Tatianna O'Donnell, SAC (Ouest) et Virginia Lee, SAC (Québec) s'efforcent de promouvoir la SAC dans leur
régions respectives. Ils doivent pouvoir compter sur votre aide. Je remercie Deborah Czernecky, SAC qui
prend le relais pour Tatianna. Elle se fera un plaisir d'apprendre à connaître tous les nouveaux membres.
Je suis particulièrement heureuse de féliciter Ann Kruzelecky, SAC pour sa nomination comme membre
élu. Comme vous le savez Ann a siégé au conseil et a été un Webmaster dédié en tant que membre associé. Il en est de même pour notre talentueuse secrétaire, Eva Gerold, qui est membre associé tout comme
notre incroyable directrice des Finances, Amanda Kalcic, notre responsable de la publicité, Andrea
Howson et Iris Boyd-Cherian que nous remercions pour son aide dans le domaine des médias sociaux.
Ortansa Moraru, SAC est notre directrice des médias sociaux. Elle travaille en collaboration avec Iris et
Kelly Borgers. La SAC a maintenant une présence sur Facebook. Visitez notre site et cliquez sur l'icône
Facebook, pour rejoindre. Nous pouvons utiliser cet outil pour communiquer avec des artistes de partout
au pays.
Je tiens à remercier Steve Wilson, SAC pour avoir servi l’organisation en tant que directeur des expositions, et pour avoir accepté de rester pour coordonner la tenue de nos deux prochains salons, l'exposition
des membres élus à la Galerie d'art Etobicoke et la 46e exposition-concours nationale à la «Salmon Arm
Art Gallery». Je suis très reconnaissante envers Karin Richter, SAC qui a été directrice des expositions et
a fait partie du bureau du président de 2006 à 2008, d’avoir accepté de joindre le conseil d'administration
au poste de directrice des expositions. Je remercie Karin pour sa générosité. Le premier «Mary Pratt Crystal Award» sera présenté à Salmon Arm. Je remercie le vice-président Peter Gough, SAC, pour sa poursuite des travaux sur ce prix passionnant. Je remercie également Mary Elizabeth, SAC qui a œuvré au
sein du comité permanent des honneurs et récompenses, en particulier en sélectionnant les récipiendaires pour le Prix à l'éducation «Antoinette Stevens». En 2014, le prix sera remis dans le cadre de la cérémonie de graduation du «Toronto's Central Technical School» à Josette Rosenzweig Issasi, qui d’ailleurs
était présente au déjeuner de l’AGA.
La SAC paie une adhésion en tant qu’institution au Front des artistes canadiens (CARFAC). Nous adressons des questions et demandons des avis au CARFAC sur les enjeux juridiques et économiques auxquels font face les artistes. Si vous mentionnez que vous êtes membre de la SAC, votre adhésion annuelle
au CARFAC sera de $75.00 au lieu de $85.00.
Dans la dernière année, deux membres de la SAC que je connaissais ont disparu, Paul Rupert, SAC et
Darlean Morris, SAC :
Paul Rupert était membre élu depuis 2006. Il était âgé de 67 ans quand il est décédé le 29 décembre
2013. Paul a suivi sa formation professionnelle à l'École d'art et de design du Musée des beaux-arts de
Montréal. Il a développé un style réaliste à la spatule. Il est reconnu pour ses tableaux à l’huile représentant les nombreux terrains de golf de l’Amérique du Nord. Vous pouvez voir les peintures de Paul sur son
site Internet,
Darlean Morris a servi avec moi sur le conseil d’administration de la SAC. Elle a été active dans la planification stratégique mais a dû démissionner en raison de problèmes de santé. Elle souffrait d’un cancer
du pancréas depuis 2013. Son mari, Gary Austin, a écrit: «Darlean, qui aspirait à vivre et à explorer
toutes les facettes de son art créatif et de ses relations avec ses proches, est décédée le 3 avril à l’âge de
67 ans. Même si elle aurait souhaité réaliser beaucoup plus, elle en est venue à accepter sa maladie et
est morte paisiblement». Darlean avait déménagé à Sainte-Marie il y a 12 ans après une carrière de professeur d'art et de directrice d’une école secondaire où elle a fondé le «Art Salon Group» connus maintenant sous le nom de «Stonetown Arts». Elle était généreuse de son temps et a contribué à la promotion de
l’art partout où elle a vécu. Les peintures de Darlean sont passées du réalisme à l'abstraction au cours
de sa carrière. Je vous invite à visionner ses derniers chef-d'œuvre en visitant son site Web à :
Ceci nous rappelle combien la vie est précieuse et comment, si nos âmes sont éternelles, le temps passé
sur cette terre est souvent trop court. Je vous invite donc tous à vivre chaque jour de façon créative et à
chercher des occasions de servir. Je me réjouis de ma sixième année consécutive au sein du conseil d’administration. Je n'ai pas mentionné tous les membres du conseil par leur nom, mais je tiens à souligner
qu’il a été un honneur et un plaisir de travailler avec tous ces artistes engagés dans la promotion de l'art
au Canada. Le nouveau conseil d’administration amorce l’année 2014-2015.
Josy Britton, SAC
Member’s News
Sharron MacKinnon SCA is inviting you to a 4
day soft adventure expedition on spectacular
Georgian Bay, September 18 to 21. This is a
lodge based art retreat at Snug Harbour with
daily painting and paddling out to the islands.
Home cooked meals welcome you after each session. Make quick sketches in watercolour en
plein air from your kayak or on location. Develop
paintings using multiple techniques in any media. For further info contact White Squall at 705
3425324 or Sharon at
[email protected].
Carol Westcott SCA will be exhibiting recent
works in ‘WATERSHED’ at AyrSpace Gallery
( where she is the featured artist for the month of June. Opening Friday, June
6 (6 to 9 pm), the show continues through June
28, 2014.
Winterlight by Ann Gruchy
Beginning August 30, Carol will be the solo artist
in an exhibition at Infinite Shores Gallery in
Southampton, Ontario
( The show con- Doreen Renner SCA was awarded an Honourable Mention for her painting "Inferno" in the Arttinues through September 18, 2014.
works Oakville Juried Exhibition that took place
Carol’s website at
at Queen Elizabeth Community and Cultural
Centre from April 23 to May 22.
The exhibition and sale of the most recent works
of artist Ann Gruchy SCA and ceramic artist
Marie Paquette has become an annual spring
event “in a fabulous complicity….of BRUSH &
CLAY” The pottery and artwork are displayed in
thoughtful, common settings. Ann works in watercolour, inks and acrylic, always emphasizing
light and atmosphere in her paintings, which
range from semi to complete abstractions.
She enjoys exploring new techniques in her art
and this year is displaying her watercolours
mounted onto wooden panels - eliminating the
use of matts and glass. She works and teaches
in her Kars studio. June 7th and 8th. / 10am to
5pm both days. 1584 Sobeau Court, Kars.
She also was invited to jury the Lakeshore
"Through The Eyes Of The Artist" exhibition taking place at the Assembly Hall, 1 Colonel Samuel Dr., Toronto April 24 to May 14.
Angela Hennessey SCA, is delighted to have
been accepted as one of 6 guest artists chosen
to create a wood-block (18" x 40") for the annual
Steamroller Event in Midland, organized by
Quest Art School and Gallery. The printing of
the plates takes place on Saturday, August
23, 2014 from 10 am till 4 pm, on the main
street - 333 King St. A fun event - with a host of
other activities offered.
Gisèle Léger-Drapeau, SCA, participated in a
prestigious exhibition 50/50/50 at the Louise-etRouben-Cohen gallery, Université de Moncton N.B. with '' Portrait de Claude Roussel''. Opening
was February 19, 2014.
Gisèle Léger-Drapeau, SCA with Claude Roussel
Tulip Twirl by Rita-Anne Piquet, SCA
Shelley Beach SCA is pleased to announce her
solo show “Sanctuary” at the Art Gallery of Bancroft, July 2—22, 2014. Opening reception July
4th at 7:30 p.m.
Rita-Anne Piquet, SCA will be exhibiting two of
her paintings at the Presbytere Saint Nicolas in
Levis Quebec. ( .
The exhibition is titled Flos et Biestiola and will
feature contemporary botanical art. The show
will run from June 15th until August 24th, 2014.
There was a major retrospective exhibition at the
Edward Day Gallery, Toronto, May 3-25, 2014 of
the works of Arthur Stevens, SCA. Art is 94 and
has been an elected member since 1976. The Reception was at 2:00 - 4:00 pm on Saturday, May
3rd at 952 Queen St. West (at Shaw) Toronto
M6J 1G8. Tel. 416-921-6540.
Shelley Beach SCA
Helmut Langeder SCA became a member of
IAF, Institut des Arts Figuratifs, on April 27th
2014 in Drummondville, Quebec.
Marvyne Jenoff’s, SCA watermedia collage,
“Motion,” will be exhibited at the Colour and
Form Society’s Biennial Exhibition at the Papermill Gallery, Todmorden Mills, 87 Pottery
Road, Toronto, from June 4 to 24, 2014.
Parry Sound Harbour_2 by Alan Stein
All are welcome at the opening reception on Sunday, June 8, 1:00 to 4:00 pm. This piece was previously part of the Best Work Show at the Arts &
Letters Club of Toronto in February of this year.
Four of Alan Stein SCA large Georgian Bay pastels will be part of the “Festival of Seven” the annual summer exhibition at the Art Gallery of
Sudbury, curated by Tom Smart, July & August
Alan is also featured in the recent Devils’ Artisan
#74, a journal of the printing arts, published by
Porcupine’s Quill, with an essay about illustrating his upcoming handprinted book of poems by
Michael Crummey by well known Canadian author Lisa Moore, also included in this issue is a
memoir with many stories from the 25 year history of his private press, the Church Street Press,
and a checklist of his hand printed works, with
many photos of his studio and wood engravings.
“Motion” by Marvyne Jenoff
Carol Westcott SCA is inviting all to visit the
AyrSpace Gallery (in Ayr,
Ontario) for her new exhibition, 'Watershed',
which opens Friday, June 6
(6 to 9 pm) and continues through to June 28.
Please see the gallery website http:// for details about
location and hours.
Strathcona Limited Editions has released a book
of Canadian haiga The Petals Suites, by Gerald
St. Maur SCA and Kristine van Eyk ASA.
Temptation to Fly” – Monika Wright’s SCA
Recent Exhibit at Swoon Fine Art Gallery, in
Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia showcased her
vibrant, organic abstract paintings for the
month of April. Last May, the show moved on to
National Art in Halifax at 5426 Portland Place.
“Monika Wright’s mixed-media abstracts at
Swoon are fanciful but serious in their exploration of imaginary worlds of possibility and freedom. She creates deep spaces with shapes and
lines that can be seen as biomorphic, rock-like
and celestial”, wrote Elissa Barnard of the
Chronicle Herald in her review of the show.
Kathy Hildebrandt, ASA, SCA, PAC, MPAC,
AFCA, PSA has had some exciting news over the
past couple of months. Her painting “Life is
Like a Box of Chocolates”, Pastel 21x17, was
accepted into the International Associations of
Pastel Societies 24th Juried exhibition being held
at Vose Gallery in Boston MA from May 10 to
June 22. She was very pleased to learn that it
won the Bronze Medal in the exhibition!
“Bright Angel”, Monika Wright, SCA
Andong Wang , SCA solo exhibition was held at
"Galerie Renee Blain" in Montreal South Shore
BROSSARD from April 6 to May 9. Professional
artist Andong Wang was born in the Chinese
province of Hunan, he is based in Quebec over
the past twenty years. He describes himself as
an “in-between-er”, that is to say, a split between two cultures, West and East.
“Life is a box of Chocolates” by Kathy Hildebrandt
“The Power Men, Triptych by Andong Wang SCA
Kathy also had two paintings accepted in Pastel Art- Four Corners in the American Southwest and across
ists Canada 23rd Juried Exhibition held at Beaux
the Canadian Arctic.
Arts gallery in Brampton ON from May 6 to May 31.
Her painting “Because I’m a Girl”. Pastel, 10x21,
won an Honorable Mention Award. She was also
honored to receive Master Pastellist of Canada designation (MPAC).
Kathy Haycock SCA AFC
Steve Wilson, SCA would like to invite you to his
solo show opening at the Joseph Carrier Gallery,
in the Columbus Center.
Last March, Kathy received notification that she has Address at 901 Lawrence Ave W. Toronto
been elected to Signature status with the Pastel So- (corner of Dufferin and Lawrence).
ciety of America (PSA). The Pastel Society of Ameri- Date of show; July 10th to Aug 25th with the
reception date July 10th from 6:30 – 8:30.
ca is North America’s oldest pastel society and sets
This will be a 10 year retrospective of his work
very high standards for achieving signature status.
from graphite to acrylic, mixed media and
3 dimensional works.
Margaret Peter SCA was recently a nominee for the
Guelph YWCA Women Of Distinction Award in the
Arts and Culture category. She has participated at
the Eden Mills Arts Festival last May 23-25 and will
be at the Guelph Studio Tour on Oct. 17-19. She
won an Honourable Mention for her abstract,
"Happy Hour" in the Headwaters Gallery last April at
the Alton Mill. Margaret is celebrating having a
painting studio for 13 years at the Williams Mill,
Glen Williams. Recent renovations to the Stone
Building will amaze you.
George Langbroek, SCA had a solo exhibition last
April 2014 at the Lorna Dueck Offices and Conference Room in the CBC Building. Exhibition Title
was “Normative Parameters”. Paintings are India Ink
and wax crayon on Mylar.
Kathy Haycock SCA AFC has a show at the Cube
Gallery in Ottawa September 2-21. She would love to
see you there. "Being There" is a collection based on
her travels throughout the Algonquin area of Ontario, as well as the Charlevoix Region of Quebec, the
Anne Launcelott SCA will have a mixed media
work of art, "Mother and Child with Yellow Bird",
in the upcoming exhibition "À Tire D'Aile" at the
Musée de l"Hotel in Victoriaville, PQ, running
from June 5 to September 21, 2014.
For the month of June, Anne Launcelott will be
the Feature Artist at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia's Art Sales & Rental Gallery. This exhibit,
"Burma: The Golden Land", will feature photographs from Anne's trip in January/February
2012 to Burma, now known as Myanmar. It was
the Burmese culture and themes of every day life
which inspired her, but as a fine art photographer, it was the textures and bright colours all
around her that provided such an inspiring canvas for her artistic eye. This exhibit is all about
those textures and colours that formed such a
rich backdrop for the story Anne wants her photographs to tell.
Sumer Al-Hindawi, SCA, OSA had a solo exhibition at " FA Gallery" in Kuwait on April 19th
Al-Hindawi exhibited his new collection under the
title " Theatre " , he focused on the relation between the daily life as real play with realistic and
unrealistic events and the human as a real actor
on this theatre .
The Kuwaiti Natural TV and the official newspapers covered the opening and published several
articles about Sumer's exhibition and some artworks as well.
One critic wrote " FA Gallery introduced a unique
Iraqi Canadian artist with a strong vision in Art,
Sumer was a director in his own theatre . He invented a new relation between sculpting, painting
and printmaking in a very successful dialogue in
each artwork to support his message in Art ".
Burma: The Golden Land by Anne Launcelott
Andrea Pottyondy SCA is one of the artists chosen for North Light Books’ second annual Best of
Acrylic competition AcrylicWorks 2: Radical
Breakthroughs! More than 1200 artists from 30
countries submitted artwork. My mixed media
piece Dharavi: The Used, Refused and Recycled
25x35 will be featured in the art book.
Sumer Al-Hindawi ; Fiberglass Sculpture
Peter Gough SCA is inviting everyone to his 2artist show at Gallery Gevik, 12 Hazelton Ave, Toronto.
Caines & Gough: Seascapes of the Maritimes,
June 3rd to 20th. featuring the works of East
coast artists Derek Caines and Peter Gough
Correspondingly Peter Gough, SCA is in a travelling Realism Show called Capture 2014 that travels the province of Nova Scotia through into 2015.
Visit this link:
Running for Open Water, Peter Gough
There was a major retrospective
exhibition held at the Edward Day
Gallery, Toronto, May 3-25, 2014
of the works of Arthur Stevens,
SCA. Art is 94 years young, an
SCA Honorary Member and has
been an elected member since
Please do not forget to inform
SCA of any changes in your contact information, especially
your email address.
Please ensure that your
Inbox/Junk mail are checked
regularly and available to
receive emails.
Changes should be sent to the
Membership Director and also
at [email protected].
Thank you.
Associates’ News
The website has images and details on this exhibition.
Nancy Stella Galianos from Mont-St-Hilaire, Quebec
will be exhibiting her new abstract expressionist artworks at Agora Gallery in Chelsea, New York City.
Exhibition dates from July 5th to July 25th. Opening
reception July 10th.
AGORA GALLERY, 530 West 25th Street, New York,
NY - Tue - Sat, 11am - 6pm
Visit link:
Likewise, Nancy was featured at the Art is Spectrum,
which is the Angora Gallery’s Magazine last May
Workshops, Classes and
Painting Trips
Margaret Walsh Best will be offering a 3-day drawing
and watercolour workshop in in the historic 17th century gardens at the Colony of Avalon archaeological
site in Ferryland, Newfoundland in August 2014. Entitled “A Brush With History:Gardens of the Colony of
Avalon", the workshop will run from August 6 to 8th .
For details , go to and search
Brush With History on the Homepage
An Italian Art Vacation with Margaret Walsh Best
in May 2015 – Booking now!
Margaret Walsh Best is currently exhibiting at the
Gallery of Irish National Botanic Garden in Dublin
Ireland with The Irish Society of Botanical Artists.
Tuscany and Florence- May 23 – June 2, 2015
In May, 2015, you can join watercolour artist Margaret Walsh Best and Irish oil painter Andrea Jameson
This juried exhibition entitled “The Irish Alphabet in on a painting vacation in Tuscany and Florence. This
Botanical Art” marries native Irish plant species with workshop is offered to those with painting experience,
the capital letters of their names in Irish. This unified who want to make their painting time a complete art
collection of paintings will be a celebration of the
Irish language, native Irish plants and botanical art. For details, contact booking agent Michele Hutton at
[email protected]
The exhibition in Dublin continues until May 23rd
and will be mounted in other cities of Ireland
throughout the year.
John Alexander Day SCA
He will be teaching the following Plein Air Painting
Workshops :
Eganville, Ontario June 21st - 24th
Tel. 905-472-2330
(MISSA) Metchosin International Summer
School of the Arts, Victoria, BC
June 30th - 4th July
The Pastel Society of Eastern Canada -PSEC- is organizing a workshop with Doug Dawson to take
place in Montreal during next Labor Day weekend
August 30-31 & September 1st 2014.
The 3 day landscape studio workshop will take
place at Galerie Kaf Art, 9367 Rue Lajeunesse,
Montreal, QC H2M 1S5,(514) 2600591;
For more information and registration please contact Pierre Ouimet, Co-chair Workshop Committee,
PSEC Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 450-667-6972
Doug Dawson lives in the Denver region, Colorado. .
Call for Entry
James Middleton SCA, will be teaching five 4-day
plein air painting workshop on the beautiful South
Shore of Nova Scotia. The workshops offer a good
balance between friendly interchange and education. Days will include demonstrations, personal
instruction, exercises, encouragement and positive
critiques for personal growth.
Class min./max. of 7/12 people. Cost per person:
$425 Cdn+ tax.
June 27 – June 30, 2014
July 18 – July 21, 2014
August 1 – August 4, 2014
August 22 – August 25, 2014
Sept 12 – Sept 15, 2014
Call James at (902) 693-2093 or email [email protected].
Don’t wait as the workshops fill quickly!
Visit us online:
We are looking forward to our Members’ Show
which will be held at the Etobicoke Art Gallery, at
the Etobicoke Civic Center. The $1000.00 Antoinette Stevens Award for Best Painting in Show plus
bronze medallion Antoinette Stevens Award for Best
Acrylic $500 will be presented at this time. Show
runs from July 23 to Aug. 27th with Reception Sunday July 27th noon-3pm. Looking forward to seeing
a large showing !
The 46th National Opened Juried Show will be
held in Salmon Arm Art Gallery in BC. Sept 6th27th 2014. The reception will be on Friday Sept. 5th
at 7pm. We will be introducing the 1st Mary Pratt
Crystal Bowl Award at this Exhibition. We are
thrilled to have Pat Fairhead, M.A., M.ED., R.C.A.,
C.S.P.W.C., O.S.A., SCA, a Founding member and
past president of the SCA as one of our jurors. Pat
has exhibited nationally and internationally for
many years
We are awaiting notice from the submission committee in regards to hosting our 2015 show at the
Leighton Art Centre in Alberta. We hope to hear
from them shortly!
On a personal note I would like to say I have enjoyed meeting all of you at our shows over the last 3
years, talking with you via emails and I thank all
that who have volunteered to help with the operation of the show. This has made my job easier!
Steve Wilson, SCA
Honours and Awards
This portfolio oversees current SCA Honours and Awards, considers the
development of new award initiatives and requests submissions for and
recommends recipients for the SCA/Antoinette Stevens Education Award.
This year, I have had the privilege of conducting two searches for the
SCA/Antoinette Stevens Education Award. The intent of this award is to
recognize excellence in a young Canadian art student, to encourage their
interest in art and help further their art education. A component of
eligibility is 'need'. The award has a combined value of $500. Thank you to
the generous Stevens family. Their $250 is matched by the SCA in honour
of former member, 'Toni' Stevens.
As well, thank you, to all the art educators who care enough about their
students to submit recommendations. Without the knowledge that art
teachers have about their students and the Letter of Support they submit,
it would be impossible to confirm the merits of any award candidate.
While my first search awaits a positive result, the second has identified a
gifted young art student. This year's honouree is graduating from the fulltime (grade 9-12) art programme offered by the Visual Arts Department of
Toronto's Central Technical School. Remarkably, the visual arts department has been offering this intensive four-year foundation art programme
for the past 99 years.
Admission into that art programme is tough, requiring all applicants to
present a portfolio, and that is at grade nine! The Art Centre has its own
purpose-designed, tiered north-windowed building (built in 1962) and over
the years, the roster of art teachers has seemed like a who's who of
Canadian artists including, to name one, SCA Honorary Member, Doris
McCarthy. The success of the programme is proven by the many graduates
who continue to be notably involved in the art community.
Our honouree's teachers praise her creativity, exploratory nature,
dedication and determination to be positive despite the challenges she has
faced. And, now, she has been accepted at OCAD. There is no doubt that
the award money will be helpful as she furthers her art education and
pursues her interest in printmaking.
The award will be presented at the CTS graduation ceremonies the fall.
Congratulations to the 2014 SCA/Antoinette Stevens Education Award
recipient, Josette Rosenzweig Issasi. Bravo!
Respectfully Submitted by
Mary Elizabeth Duggan, SCA
Mary Elizabeth Duggan
SCA and
Josette Rosenzweig Issasi
from Toronto Central Technical School receiving the
SCA/ Antoninette Stevens
Education Award
From left to right they are
Newly Elected Members;
Richard Brzozowski, Ann
Kruzelecky, Charline Gardhouse, Tania Guzman, Nomi Drory and SCA President Josy Britton.
Considering applying for Membership to the Society of Canadian Artists?
Mentoring Help Is Available!
If you are in the process of applying for membership to the SCA and need guidance in preparing
your submission, help is available.
The Society is very lucky to have the guidance of
two very gifted people with a lot of experience with
the group.
A Word from the SCA Web!
Elected Members - If you have not
uploaded your artists’ statement
and one image (free) to the
SCA website we encourage you to
do so.
For details, please contact:
[email protected]
Ann Kruzelecky, SCA
Chair, Webmaster
Social Media Report , 2014
Andrew Sookrah is available to offer guidance in the form of
selection of work, refining your CV, how to crop or make colour changes to accurately represent your work, etc.
web: /
The Social Media team is committed to
promote the SCA by providing support in
raising the profile of its members.
The Twitter account was created on Oct.
4th, 2013 and it has a link on the SCA’s
web page.
Currently, the Twitter account has 63 followers and is following 254 artists, art
societies, art galleries and museums in
Canada, USA, and UK.
The Facebook account was created in
2014, and it has 260 friends, artists and
museums from Canada, USA and Argentina. The SCA's web page has a link to
the Facebook page as well.
Jack Gilbert is available with advice on photographing your
art, and hints on how to use programs such as photoshop to
best represent your art.
web: /
Follow us on Twitter! Follow us on Facebook!
For more information please contact:
Kelly Borgers-Director at Large
Ortansa Moraru-Social Media Director
SCA Volunteers:
Office of the President: (Director)
Josy Britton, SCA
[email protected]
VP (Director)
Peter Gough, SCA
[email protected]
Finance (Director)
Amanda Kalcic CGA, Associate
[email protected]
Secretary (Director)
Eva Gerold, Associate
[email protected]
Andrea Howson, Associate
[email protected]
Marissa Sweet, SCA
[email protected]
Alan Syliboy, Associate
[email protected]
Kelly Borgers, SCA
[email protected]
Mary Elizabeth Duggan, SCA
[email protected]
Exhibitions (Director)
Steve Wilson, SCA (ending June 2014)
[email protected]
Atlantic Representative
Andrea Pottyondy, SCA
[email protected]
Exhibitions (Incoming-Director)
Karin Richter, SCA
[email protected]
Western Representative
Deborah Czerecky, SCA
[email protected]
Honours and Awards (Director-at-Large)
Mary Elizabeth Duggan, SCA
[email protected]
We are looking for a Quebec representative!
Alan Syliboy, Associate (Director-at-Large)
[email protected]
Membership (Director)
Kathy Hildebrandt, SCA
[email protected]
Communications (Director)
Ann Harvey, SCA
[email protected]
Social Media (Director)
Ortansa Moraru, SCA
[email protected]
Webmaster (Director)
Ann Kruzelecky, SCA
[email protected]
Newsletter Deadline:
The Next deadline for submissions to the
SCA Newsletter will be September 15,
2014. You can forward your news and
events before this date, with subject line:
SCA Newsletter Submission.
Thank you! This helps me a lot!
Email by deadline to Marissa Sweet SCA
[email protected]