Informer - Texas ABSA


Informer - Texas ABSA
Summer 2015
ABSA & UBC Case Competition
ABSA Birthday Party
Alumni Workshop & Dinner
Alumni Weekend Crawfish Boil
IM Basketball
Table of Contents
Ask Admin
Letter from the Editors
Officer Farewells
Facebook CFT
Gigglepants Workshop and Mixer
Spring Networking Reception
Social Dance Workshop
ABSA & UBC Case Competition
Speak Easy!
Mind Over Matter
Academic GM #1
GM #22: Austin Panic Room
GM #23: Charity Service Auction
Family GM #5: Last Family GM
GM #25: Pie-an-Officer
Keep Austin Beautiful
Capital Area Food Bank
Ice Cream Making Social
CSA Lantern Festival Tabling
Forty Acres Fest Tabling
Alumni Workshop & Dinner
Alumni Weekend Crawfish Boil
ABSA Birthday Party
IM Ultimate Frisbee
IM Basketball
Shout Outs
What’s your favorite study song?
Twerk It Like Miley - Brandon Beal
Jessica’s Empowering
Electronic Study Music playlist
(ESM) on Spotify
Top 50 Pop
What quote do you try to live by?
You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
Those who wander
are not always lost.
Blessed are those who can give
without remembering and take without forgetting.
What is your favorite Kelvin face?
Kelvy, what is your favorite form of potatoes?
What is your favorite foods?
I will never get tired of chips as long as I live. I
will most likely die of diabetes before chips leave
my life.
Pizza. Pizza is
my spirit animal.
Chocolate. Ice Cream. And
fries! I can never say no.
PASTA. Pasta is lyfe. Especially with alfredo sauce.
Noodles & Company is my jam.
Peanut butter and apples
What are you guys planning on doing this summer?
Staying in Austin and chilling! Well, chilling, studying, and working. I am
going to become a Resident Assistant next semester so I have to go
through training session during the summer. In the meantime, I plan on
taking one college class and hitting up as many concerts I can! Why aren’t
any more of my favorite artists coming to Austin? Por que!?!?
Working in Austin Me? z z z z z z
and hanging with
Working on a game with
I’ll be going to Panama for a week, traveling in Asia for a month, and then interning for the rest of the summer.
Hangin’ with
How would you describe your year in ABSA in one word?
Funtertaining. Aca-Mazing
SwaggyKelvy! Enlightening
Favorite ice cream flavor?
Chocolate. All the way.
Cherry Garcia!
^omg yas.
Bubblegum. Cottoncandy. All those colorful
kid flavors c:
Cookies and Cream.
from the
Hi ABSA! We’re so excited to put out this issue of the Informer for you guys! It’s been a long
road that we traveled on, but it feels just like yesterday when we were stressing about shout outs.
We can’t say we miss bolding all the shout outs but we can say for sure we’ll miss all of you guys!
It still feels a bit surreal that this year is coming to an end, for the freshman in us still can’t
wrap our brains around the fact we won’t be fishies anymore. We loved serving as Informer
Editors for you guys as it was a huge learning experience for us. It wasn’t just a place to up our
design game, it was a place to get to know all of you guys better, and for that, we’ll take bolding
some shout outs any day.
We want to give a huge thank you to those that helped contribute in any form or fashion to
the Informer during the year! Deadlines are crazy, they sneak up on you at the last second, and
events change quickly sometimes which leaves us having to deal with the changes, and in turn,
you guys had to as well. For that, we greatly applaud those that made the Informer not just ours
but yours as well! Lastly, we want to give huge shout outs to the media directors – Krystina, Steven, and Sylvia for covering events like a boss, our branch (way too long to list) for always being
there for us and having great innovative ideas, and our VP Kelvy who makes Yoda look impatient.
Since this is our last issue, we are happy and sad to see the seniors graduate. But we’re sure you
guys will end up on a path of your choosing that will take you wherever you feel it should go. For
all you returning members, we hope you guys have an amazingly chill (or busy if you like it like
that) summer and we’re excited to see your faces again next semester!
But now that the year is ending, we only have one hope, the hope that we did indeed exceed
your expectations!
Florence Sung
Jessica Lin
Dear ABSA,
Thank you ABSA for the best year of my life. It has been an honor
to serve as your 2014-2015 President. First let me start off with, I
done goofed plenty of times this year. However, due to our amazing
officers, directors, teams, and committees, we have introduced new
and creative events that have grown this organization in a way I
could never could.
4 years ago, I came into this organization looking to meet a group
of friends that I could have fun with through college, but what I
found was a family. I hope that you have found that too. ABSA not
only provides a family, it provides over 150 events, ranging from professional, philanthropic, personal, and social, which aims to develop
our members in all aspects of life.
I speak very highly of ABSA, because it has made me the person I
am today. Honestly, I believe ABSA is the best organization on campus. The amount of people we serve every single year is crazy. People
that come into our organization have grown to be strong leaders in
organizations within UT, and they continue to use those skills that
they have developed to become stronger leaders in the workforce.
I am definitely sad to be leaving college and ABSA, it has and
probability will be the most fun I will ever have in my life. However,
by no means am I leaving ABSA behind. I will come back as a strong
alumnus and continue to do what I can to help this organization and its people grow. So you can call me out
and use this as a reference, if I am ever inactive or just not doing the best I can to help out.
Finally, I want to say how proud I am of all the progress everyone has made this year. Whether you were an
officer, director, team member, committee member, or held no position in ABSA, I hope ABSA has given you
what you wanted this year. I encourage everyone to continue their passions in life, whether that be in ABSA or
not, but hopefully you don’t forget that ABSA will always have a home for you.
For those stepping in as Officers next year, I know you will do great. I know you will continue to grow the
organization to be better than it was this year. Trust your fellow officers, rely on each other, work together, and
most importantly show us what you got!
Once again, thank you ABSA.
Jackson Pei
President 2014-2015
Jackson Pei
Good Evening ABSA,
I guess before anything else, I really just want to thank all of you for trusting me to
represent this family (that’s right, family, not organization or company) as an officer
and lead the Executive Branch. I couldn’t possibly have known when I got elected
last year how fun, challenging, memorable, and life-changing this experience would
be. And to be perfectly honest, it was made that way because of all of you. You guys
trusted me to step up. You guys supported me throughout this year. You guys instilled
confidence in me. You guys taught me how to serve. And you guys were the ones who
made this entire year worth it.
As this year comes to an end, I am left with one of the most bittersweet feelings.
I can’t even fathom how fast this year’s gone by. But alas all good things must come
to an end. But regardless of titles, I shall always be ready to serve ABSA in whatever
capacity this family needs.
As I complete this year as your Executive VP, I want to thank a few special people:
Sabeeha Islam
Executive VP
Jackson Pei: Oh Captain, my Captain. You say you’re a hard person to respect,
and yet, after this year, I feel like I should always salute you as my captain, president,
mentor, and friend. If the amount of loyalty, kindness, and service you express for
people isn’t enough for you to believe just how great of a leader you are, then I don’t
know what else is. Thank you for having my back this year (even though you claim
you “didn’t do anything”). Thank you for dealing with my aggression this year. Thank
you for always listening. And thank you for teaching me what true love for this organization means. Whether you choose to believe me or not, you’re a big reason for why
I ran for President. So please hear me when I say…Bruh, there is no other leader I
would want to have been with this year.
Angela Meng: Angela, I wish I had your level of empathy, understanding, and compassion. I have learned so much from you serving alongside you on the professional pillar of ABSA. Thank you for dealing with the worst of me and still accepting who I am. And of
course, thank you for always having my back.
Maria Mai: Sometimes, I wonder if you think I compliment you too much. But in all honesty, you are the type of person who can
raise my spirits and generate an inherent ease whenever I feel low. Thank you for respecting my reluctance to touch LOL I’m going to
miss you next year when you are abroad. Please keep in touch =(
Anna Chong: Two years later and you still keep me around…I’m going to take that as a good sign that I’m hopefully doing something right. Hahaha but in all honesty, I have loved being by your side, watching you grow, and learning from you too. You say we are
all going to leave you some day, but truth be told, I think we are all scared Queen Anna will realize she is better than us peasants and
leave us first XD
Kelvin Nguyen: Potato <3
Jennifer Yang: From those late night chats on your couch when you still lived at Quarters to the hand motions to the “poof,” you
definitely are one of the most derp people ever. LOLOL but I love you immensely for it! I remember being so happy when you decided
to run, and now, I’m beyond thankful that I got to serve with you. Stop graduating early and stay with us please. If not, at least visit back
during Alumni Weekend!
Jason Guo: EXECTUAL UNITE (but not merge)!!! From that first sponsor acquisition in summer to saving my butt with Case Comp,
it’s been a great year working with you. I know we don’t always see eye to eye, but that is what has made this experience so fun! Thanks
for keeping us on track at OMs! And if you ever do wanna make boats and send them down a river, I’ll always be down.
Consulting Team Heads: Daniel, Vincent, Jonathan, and Clarissa. I could not have asked for a better group of Team Heads to work
with this year. You guys honestly made my job easy. I can tell the commitment you guys have for the team is real, and I’m so happy I
had the chance to work with you. For Daniel and Vincent, I hope you guys continue to help out if possible. For Clarissa and Jon, I know
you guys will do great leading next year’s team. Best of luck to you all!
External Branch 2013-2014: You guys were the first real family I had in ABSA. I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for all of you.
Directors: “Do not walk behind me; I may not lead. Do not walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and call me
your friend.” In my eyes, you are no longer scrubs. You are each strong, resilient leaders who are capable of so much. And most importantly…You are my friends.
Sabeeha Islam
Executive Vice President 2014-2015
Dear ABSA,
To be frank, my ABSA story and letter of thank don’t and will
never quite possibly fit on a page. But for the sanity of the informer editors and the sake of Admin’s printing budget, the condensed
version goes a little like this:
A girl walked onto the Forty Acres nearly three years ago- lost
a lot of quality time with her bed, lost even more battles against
the no longer automatic doors of the SAC and got swallowed up
into a family of crazy Asians and non-Asians singularly obsessed
with free food on Thursdays. Over the course of those three years,
she grew up. Life happened for better or for worse and every step
of the way there was that same family that offered their shoulder
to her every time she cried and offered a hand up every time she
At the end of the day, my story could be anyone’s story and
that’s the beauty of it all. Any community will do the same for its
members, but I’m just lucky enough that ABSA is mine. It hasn’t
been easy, but you’ve all made it a heck of a lot more entertaining.
Thank you ABSA, for everything. You all are my strength. You
all are the reason why I can get up in the morning, tired and light-headed, but still smiling from wherever I
managed to crawl to the night before. Speaking of which…
Angela Meng
Professional VP
This letter also serves as an open apology for every McCombs couch, chair or closet I may or may not have
inadvertently slept in this year. The same goes to every friend’s futon or bed that I crashed on as well. I don’t
regret staying up late to accomplish the things that I had to do, but I do want to extend an apology to all the
roommates I’ve startled early in the morning on their way to the bathroom.
This year as a whole though, I have no regrets, and that’s the least I can offer. The past three years have
been a whirlwind, a metaphorical circus, if you will, but I don’t regret it a bit.
To all our graduating seniors, I don’t envy where you guys are headed, but I envy the courage that you guys
will take with you to face the real world. From here on out, you guys will have plenty more battles to fight
and many more joys to discover.
For now, take it slow, take it easy. Breath, relax, enjoy. Summer after all has just begun.
Live long and prosper,
Professional Vice President, 2014-2015
Dear ABSA,
Being Internal VP is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and
I can’t believe it is ending. Even though this is probably my hardest year,
it was also one of my favorites. Yes, I learned a lot and I gained more
skills through this position, but honestly, it’s the memories I made with
my panel, my branch, and members of ABSA that make this experience
It’s funny how much my feelings for ABSA have changed over the
past few years. When I was a freshman, I was just a member occasionally going out to events that appealed to me. I remember sitting in one
of the GM’s and thinking “I’ll stay in ABSA for 2 years max and then
probably join another organization.” It wasn’t until the very end of my
freshman year (at Spring EOS) that I really started to love ABSA because I realized that the people in this organization really appreciated
me for who I am… and that really means a lot to me.
I came back my sophomore year as a family director and had
great experience being part of the leadership. Half way into the year, I
realized how much I loved ABSA, but for a different reason: because the
members were so kind, helpful, and giving, which inspired me to be the
After that, I ran for Internal VP because I wanted to help take
care of the people in this organization that I cared so much for. How do
I feel now after being an officer? Heh. I love it more than (almost) anyone can imagine. My love hasn’t wavered
one bit and it’s because of the people. I’ve never been around so many genuinely good people before. ABSA’s
culture is to be supportive and giving of each other and I hope that culture lives on forever. Lol. I’m such a diehard… and I love it because I’m proud to be in this organization.
Maria Mai
Internal VP
Hey Jackson, Sabeeha, Angela, Anna, Kelvin, Jennifer, & Jason,
I won’t ever be able to explain how life-changing it was for me to be on the panel with you guys. I can’t ever
thank you enough for always being there for me whenever I needed y’all. I can never be grateful enough for
how much y’all have taught me over this past year. I became a better Maria because of you guys. I’ve learned
the most by just following the great example y’all have set. I love all the $truggleboat2k15 facebook messages
about random sh** (sorry Anna), the inside jokes, the salt, etc. I love it all. I couldn’t have asked for a better
group of people to be with than you guys.
P.S. I haven’t even left for Austria yet and I can’t wait to come back my last semester of senior year to be with
ABSA again. <3
Maria Mai
Anna Chong
External VP
Dear ABSA,
Thank you allowing me to serve you all as the External VP this
year. I know it was scary to trust a little, silly, and naïve sophomore
girl to be a leader for such an influential organization, but I thank
you for giving me the chance to give it all a try.
It’s hard to believe how much of an impact ABSA has had on my
own personal growth these past two years, but then again, maybe
it isn’t that much of a surprise given how impactful ABSA really is.
I’ve learned so much about not only myself but also about you all.
I’ve learned how to be a leader, how to be humble, and even how to
play flag football (not well though of course). However, above all,
I’ve learned how to be truly selfless and caring. I believe that the actions of service that you all lovingly show each other are what make
this organization tick. I trust that you all will continue to hold each
other up and be servant leaders in our ABSA family.
Thank you for being so supportive of me throughout this year. I
have truly enjoyed my time serving you all and hope that I was able
to bring a little light into each of your lives. One word of advice?
Explore all the different aspects of ABSA! There are many lessons to
be learned, friendships to be gained, and memories to be made so
take advantage of all that ABSA has to offer you.
Jackson Pei: You were an awesome president this year. I appreciate the sacrifices you made for us and for
ABSA. Thanks for constantly making us laugh especially when things got tough! No matter what anyone says
or thinks, you will always be my favorite Prez. :)
Sabeeha Islam: This year would definitely have been a lot more difficult without you by my side. Thanks for
always being so helpful no matter what! I got a lot closer to you this year, and I appreciate everything you’ve
done for me, for our panel, and for ABSA.
Angela Meng: Oh, Angela.. What would I have done without you this year? Underneath your grumpy cat
exterior, you really have a heart of gold! Thanks for keeping us safe from troll Jackson and for always caring
for us! I know you love us even though you try to put up a front.
Maria Mai: MARIA! This year would have been so boring without you on the panel! I loved every silly and
heartfelt moment I had this year with you and would not have had it any other way. Thanks for being such a
genuine and kindhearted person! Also, thanks for all the mushy hugs and handholding.
Kelvin Nguyen: Another year, Kelvy! We’ve gone through a lot together in ABSA, but I’m glad I had you
to hold on to all along. I don’t know what I would have done without you, and I don’t want to find out. :)
Thanks for all the talks and the walks! Oh and your jeans hehe love them!
Jennifer Yang: Please don’t leave us. :( You’re technically not even supposed to! It’s been a really good year
though getting to know you and working beside you on the panel. Thanks for all the laughs you’ve given the
panel through your derpiness! Let’s go on that bread adventure before you leave me forever!
Jason Guo: It’s been a wild ride with you Jason boy! I hope you’ve enjoyed being an officer this year, and we
didn’t stress you out too much with the monies. Thanks for putting up with our shenanigans and for being
such a strong support throughout the year!
Officers: We did it!!!! I’m so proud of all of us for getting through the year. There’s a lot that we went
through together, but I’m glad I got to experience this wild voyage with you guys! I couldn’t have chosen
better shipmates! Now, it’s time for our beloved ship to set sail~~ ;) Smell ya later LOSERS.
I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve tried to start this letter. I’ve
started, erased and repeated so many times that my eyes are now
barely open. You can tell I’ve given up by the fact that these couple of
sentences actually made it into this letter …
I guess this is where I’m supposed to reminisce and talk about what
ABSA meant to me. What can I say? I’ve already said it many times
before that ABSA has been my home away from home; my second
family. Whenever I uttered those words, they were usually just that,
nothing more than words. They became sounds that I simply made
out of habit. I realized I started doing so not because those words had
lost their meaning, but more so because I didn’t want others to see
how much I cared for this “student org”. It’s strange, the idea of people
knowing just exactly how much you care about something. It feels almost … vulnerable. Being a part of this family has meant more to me
than anyone will ever know … and I know I’m not the only one that
feels this way.
It’s that care that I think has made this year both the most mentally draining and most rewarding for me. Mentally draining not in
the sense that I was ever felt stressed or “burnt out”, at least not with
ABSA, but just in that I could never forgive myself for anything that
wasn’t perfect or ideal; there was just too much at stake for things not
to be. I looked at how things unraveled as I acted as VP and couldn’t
help but feel so disappointed at everything that I either failed to do or could have easily improved upon. And
for that, I can only say sorry.
Every now and then though, I remember to take a couple steps outside of myself and realize that my time
here wasn’t completely in vain. When I first look at my directors, I feel like the only thing I have to say is an
apology, but then I watch them for a little more and realize that they might’ve actually gotten something out
of the year. They’ve grown so much, and I got to be a part of it, no matter how small that part may actually be.
I look at the officer panel and think what a crazy ride this has all been, but then realize my title as anchor was
never revoked and that I’m simply thankful to have been a part of this team of people who cared so much for
the organization. That no matter how much we differed in our approach, we always agreed that it was simply
to help this collection of people we’ve come to call family. And then I look at this extended family and see the
largest group of misfits, scrubs, scrublets and punks that I have ever laid my eyes upon, and realize that my
feelings for every single one of you has not changed one bit.
It has truly been an honor serving as your VP and I guess I really just wanted to say thank you for giving
me that opportunity.
Kelvin Nguyen
Administrative VP
Dear ABSA,
First and foremost, thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your Academic
Vice President this year. It’s been an honor and my greatest pleasure serving you
all, and I can’t believe everything is about to come to an end. I’ve grown so much
throughout the year, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without all of your endless
support and encouragement.
To my branch, I can’t thank y’all enough for sharing your year with me. From all
of our late night meetings to our crazy long group chat threads, y’all are the best
thing to happen to me this year, and I don’t know I got so lucky with such an amazing group of directors. Thank you for teaching me how to lead, how to keep pushing
through, and most of all, how to keep a straight face (if only for 30 seconds). Each
one of you has so much to offer, and I’m honored to have had the opportunity to be
your VP this year. Though I won’t be pitching my tent in O’s anymore, remember
that I’ll always be just a quick phone call, text, or Facebook message away.
To my panel, it’s been one heck of ride, and I don’t know who else I would’ve
rather gone swimming in the ocean with. I feel like we had our transition OM two
days ago, and our first Interest GM just yesterday. Now, we’re about to close out the
year. It’s been a wonderful, amazing journey with you all, and there is no other way I
would have wanted it to turn out. There were more ups and downs than we can keep
track of, and as a group we shed quite our share of blood, sweat, and tears, but in the
end, I’m glad we all made it out alive.
Jackson: Peisident Pei, it’s been a privilege to be a VP under your leadership this
year. Your ability to stay calm under pressure and see the bigger picture has really
inspired me. Thank you for all of the unwavering support and guidance, both inside
and outside of ABSA.
Sabeeha: Sabeehush, no matter how much you like to critique yourself, you’ve done an amazing job revamping Exec this year. Your
branch and your directors have all come so far, and I’m so proud of how much both have grown under your vision and dedication.
But remember to sleep sometimes (and by that I mean at normal hours), alright? I think I will now bestow my PTFO crown upon
you, because, let’s admit it, you deserve it way more than I do.
Angela: Fried butter buddy and fellow fort lover, I would never have thought when we first met two years ago at OU Weekend that
we would end up spending the following year on the officer panel together. Thank you for all the friendship, laughter, and late-night
feels chats I’ll never forget. Though we’ve had our disagreements, I’m glad we always come back together in the end.
Maria: Thank you for always having such a positive attitude! No matter the situation, I can always count on you to remind me of
the bright side every time. You’re such a caring and loyal friend, and I’m so happy we got to spend the year leading ABSA together. I
hope you have a wonderful time in Vienna, and I can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back!
Anna: My fellow bread-lover! Though we came into the year probably knowing each other the least, I’m so glad we’ve grown so
much closer since August. Sorry we only got to really spend a year together, but I promise I’ll come back to visit often! And then
everyone else will join me and Jacksonian at the end of next year ;)
Kelvin: Potato. No more words needed.
Jason: Broski, thanks for all the car rides and endless supply of chocolate this year! But actually though, I’m so grateful for all of
your support and encouragement through everything. You’ve definitely challenged me and pushed my skills to the next level, and I’m
so glad I was able to discover just how far I could stretch with your help.
To the new panel, I’m so proud of you all and how far y’all have come. Get excited for all that the next year will bring, both the
successes and the challenges. You will grow in ways you didn’t think possible, and I challenge y’all to push each other to new limits.
Explore the unknown, and don’t be afraid to take risks. But most of all, don’t forget to support each other as a team, ask for help when
you need it, and have fun!
These past two years, I’ve spent hours upon hours in meetings, countless sleepless nights on the fifth floor of McCombs, and
probably more class time doing ABSA work than actual classwork. But I would never trade these experiences for the world. Because
ABSA has also given me unforgettable memories, lifelong friendships, and a home away from home. I’ve learned the true meaning of
selflessness, of community, and of loyalty. Thank you for one of the best years of my life, ABSA.
Jennifer Yang
Academic VP
Jennifer Yang
Academic Vice President, 2014-2015
Dear ABSA:
When I stepped onto this campus for the first time, I made a resolution with myself that I was going to change. I didn’t know how or
in what way, but I knew that I wanted to do it. Little did I know that I
would find that in ABSA.
When I first signed up for Financial VP, I thought I knew what I was
doing and who I was serving. It took me a while to realize I didn’t, but
that’s okay. I found that the people I was serving in ABSA meant much
more to me than I expected. It has been an absolute pleasure being the
Financial VP this year and having the opportunity to support ABSA,
its members, and what this organization stands for. I’ll be honest – not
everything was smooth throughout the year. There have been those
rough times where I really question what my purpose in ABSA was. I
have fallen to my knees more than once. Fortunately, I have since been
able to realize that it’s all about serving you, the members of ABSA.
As I gave more and more of myself to this organization, it meant more
and more to me. I will remember the smiles and laughs that I have
shared with you and hold it near to my heart. It’s been a crazy year, but
I don’t regret a single minute of it.
As I step down from the role of VP, I look back and remember the
people who have been helping me grow me all along. To my officers,
thank you for dealing with my incompetence, my temper, and my awkwardness. I am incredibly grateful to
have had a panel that was willing to talk to me into rationality and mentor me into a better person. To my
directors, thank you for challenging me to improve in being both mentor and friend. Without you, I wouldn’t
have moved as far along. To other directors, thank you for being positive and dealing with my bullying. Finally, to my upperclassmen and alumni, thank you for giving me advice and for being priceless mentors.
A piece of advice as I leave: Take the risk. I can’t stress this enough. I was never ready for being a VP, but
I have appreciated every single one of my mistakes. With failure comes wisdom, and now, carrying that wisdom, I can continue to succeed later on. I have loved the opportunity to grow as a person, and I hope that you
can find the same enjoyment in it as I have.
I look forward to what the new panel has in store for next year. I can’t wait to be a part of their stories, to
continue learning from them, and to put that into my heart. I hope that you can join me in doing so as well.
After all, we are “one ABSA”.
Jason Guo
Financial VP
Thank you for everything ABSA.
Best regards,
Jason Guo
Financial VP 2014-2015
General Meetings
Academic GM
Macy Huang
Brains, wits, and
wagers were tested at the
inaugural ABSA Academic GM. This year was the
first time ABSA has seen
the Acedemic Branch
holding a GM. With the
intention to help kick off
Academic’s “Bring Recognition and Gratitude”
on McCombs Faculty
and Staff Week, the GM
featured exciting games
of Wits and Wagers and
Who’s Who.
After doing research
on the amazing resources and breadth of UT’s
McCombs School of
Business, we put together a version of the
award-winning game,
Wits and Wagers. Members had a great time
guessing the startling
numbers of McCombs-related statistics. How many
night staff members are
there? 11. How many fulltime faculty members
does McCombs employ?
186. The idea was to give
members a look into the
true scope of McCombs
and open their eyes to the
community of academia,
success, and dedication
around them.
Next, we had fun
guessing faculty member
profiles based on interesting facts we collected by
interviewing professors.
Who knew that some of
our McCombs professors
are licensed pilots or have
performed at Carnegie
Hall? There is so much
more to every McCombs
professor, and every
professor at UT for that
matter, than what we can
observe from solely sitting in their lectures. We
encourage everyone to get
to know their professors,
and who knows-- you
might just discover that
you’re both into bird photography.
Panic Room
Steven Yen
It’s not often we get
local start-ups to host a
professional GM. It’s even
less often that some of the
founders of those startups
haven’t even graduated
yet. Today, the founders of
Austin Panic Room came
in and talked to us about
their experiences starting
the company and how
they grew. This involved
financing the company
using their internship
money, leasing a house,
creating clues, and constructing the rooms inside
the building. They were
very ‘real’ about everything they said, describing
the immense time commitment and dedication it
took to get the company
off the ground. This was
especially difficult because
of the school work. There
were many times when
they questioned whether
or not it was worth going
on, but today Austin Panic Room is continuing to
grow not only in Austin,
but also in other cities like
San Antonio.
After talking about
their experiences, they
opened the floor for any
questions. As students or
as recent graduates, this
group was able to provide
good insight into the real
world from a perspective
similar to ours. Like many
others, they shared how
mostly only the soft skills
they had learned from
school benefited them
- skills involving communication, teamwork,
and project management.
This encouraged me to
continue to be involved
with extracurriculars that
would help develop these
skills with organizations
like ABSA!
Charity Service Auction
Christina Lien
As most of you know,
ABSA members are very
multi-talented. Some are
very skilled artists, others
are great cooks, and some
have great athletic abilities. On April 9th, ABSA
members auctioned off
these skills as services for
other ABSA members to
purchase. A few services
that were auctioned off
include baking cookie
cakes to sell, teaching
members how to make
cheesecake, making cards
and canvases to sell,
making care packages for
finals week, cooking a
5-course meal, teaching
members how to dance,
and playing basketball
and tennis. This event was
led by ABSA’s financial
directors, Russell Kan
and Alex Hui. Utilizing
a “Saturday Night Live”
theme, they were able
to pump up the ABSA
members and motivate
them to purchase these
services for a good cause.
What was the cause? All
the profits went toward
the March of Dimes, an
organization that helps
babies and moms everywhere. The charity service
auction was a huge suc-
cess, and ABSA was able
to raise over $1200 for the
organization. At the end
of the night, everyone was
satisfied from being able
to purchase these services
for a good cause, while
laughing and bonding
with other ABSA members at the same time.
Family Talent Show
Sylvia Yang
Lights, Camera, ACTION. The Family Talent
Show turned out to be
much more than I expected: it was a hilarious
display of unorganized
rap battles, semi-decent
lip syncing, and classic
throwback dances. We
even got a free live show
from Big Chen, and saw
Joseph get roasted by Mylan’s rap. We got rained on
by sweets, and humored
with cheesy puns.
The families seemed to
be evenly matched, with
the exception of Woohoo!
They took home first
place with a well-prepared
performance. My family,
The One With__, ended
up taking home the “Most
Creative” award with our
casual rap battle.
And with the final
words “Family directors—out!”, we wrapped
off our last Family GM.
It’s been a great year, from
smashing unboiled eggs
to cross-dressing our top
models. We’ve shoved too
many things down our
mouths: from cupcakes
to ice cream sandwiches.
We’ve made a lot of great
memories, and it’s all
thanks to the hard work
of our Family directors
Brian and Julia.
General Meetings
Brian Kim
MORE PIES. So many
whipped cream pies were
mushed into the officers
faces while members had
fun getting revenge for all
the things the officers had
done to them. Volunteering directors, Sang-Yop
Kwon and Alex Zou, did
a great job raising money
for March for Dimes. Ultimately, ABSA as a whole
raised $293 to donate
while having the most
fun ever. Everyone lining
up to buy the pie tickets
in anticipation, and then
moved on to the next station where we picked up
our ammunition. Grabbing the pies felt like we
had the fate of our officers
in our hands. Standing
in line to smash the pies
in their faces… oh man
the wait was almost over.
Finally, the moment we
had all been waiting for.
It felt like all our pent
up rage and vengeance
was about to be released.
Then BAM. Members
pied officers left and right.
Some were fast and aimed
at their face while other
pies were smeared all over
the head and hair (except
Maria’s). Overall, all the
members and officers had
tons of fun and the GM
was a great success! Great
job External!
Austin Anderson
Facebook CFT
Oh. My. God. Facebook. You know that website you say you’re only on
like 30 minutes a day but
actually has taken over
your ENTIRE life and its’
really the only way you
communicate with people
or see the outside of your
room nowadays? Yeah, we
went there, like the office,
and met Mark Zuckerberg.
OK fine, we didn’t
REALLY meet Mark
Zuckerberg, but we
did get a snazzy tour of
the office (which had a
gourmet restaurant, hella
nice decorations, AND
a basketball court (like
waaaaaat (parenthetical
inception...parenception!!))) We met some
really amazing people
from all different lines of
business in Facebook who
gave us an in-depth picture of the business side
of the company (and tbh,
that’s pretty much just as
good as meeting good ol’
Zucky, and maybe even
better, depending on how
you felt about “The Social
Network”). But the best
part of Facebook CFT
will always be the food,
they feed us what they
serve employees, plus any
snacks that are available.
I personally stole...I mean
accepted 2 teas, an entree,
some protein bars, and
some delicious coffee flavored ice cream...yum.
After our hosts finished informing us with
as much information as
possible we searched for
the perfect place to take
a picture, in which yours
truly mermaid posed
beautifully. All in all it
was a wonderful trip and
I would recommend it
to anyone else if they are
able to visit in the future.
P.S. if you see Elizabeth
(aka Liz aka Lizard aka
Elly) please make fun of
her for getting locked in
the stairwell.
Gigglepants Workshop & Mixer
Jane Zeng
Get ready to giggle
your pants off, because
ABSA held a Gigglepants
workshop and put their
improv skills to the test.
On Saturday, March 28th,
Gigglepants performers and ABSA members
came together and had a
short but sweet mixer. It
started off with a couple
performances by Gigglepants as they played
various improv games
among themselves and
did not fail to make ABSA
laugh. And boy, did we
laugh hard. Everybody
was then broken off into
small groups each led by
a Gigglepants performer.
They would then rotate
through each small group
and have them play short
improv games. The games
required everybody to act,
rhyme, make weird noises, do odd hand motions,
and most importantly,
use their imagination.
After the small groups
finished their rotations,
everybody got back
together and asked for
volunteers to play more
improv games in front of
the whole audience. It was
taught that there are no
mistakes in improv and
that one should always go
with the flow. Improv is
all fun and games, and it
is perfectly okay to mess
up. When it came time
to wrap things up, ABSA
members bid goodbye to
the Gigglepants performers as they scurried out in
their typical Gigglepants
fashion. It was a one-of-akind workshop that ABSA
members like to always
call their favorite out of
the whole year.
Spring Networking Reception
Interested in entrepreneurship? Have an
innovative idea that you
want to implement? This
year, the Spring Networking Reception focused on
how to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and
featured speakers from
the Austin startup community.
The networking reception began with a panel of
three startup owners that
included ABSA’s very own
Zulian Tjuatja representing ForeverCard, Jeff
Zhao of Jackrabbit Mobile, and Rachel Smith,
owner of Pride Socks. The
Rebecca Fu
panel answered questions
and spoke in detail to
members about the idea
behind their startups, the
challenges they faced, and
the advice they would
give to those interested in
starting their own company.
In particular, Zulian
spoke about how he got
involved in his startup
after a classmate from his
freshman UGS course
contacted him a year later
and how they had to teach
themselves new skills to
implement the project.
Jeff talked about how he
worked a corporate job
until he decided to follow
his interests and commit
to a startup, and Rachel
gave insight to her life
as a sole business owner
trying to juggle multiple
tasks at once.
After the panel portion of the event, attendees broke off into three
groups for an interactive
activity with each speaker leading a respective
group. Our group was led
by Jeff from Jackrabbit
Mobile. For the activity,
our task was to simulate
a start-up pitch. Using
Dropbox as an example,
Jeff walked the group
through how a start-up
pitch worked by hearing
us brainstorm and delegating different tasks—
such as pitch intro, a
situational story, explaining what Dropbox can
offer, determining target
audience, etc.
Overall, the Spring
Networking Reception
was a great event. It was
fun to finish off with an
engaging activity that got
you thinking, and it was
interesting to hear about
the experiences of and
advice from these three
awesome entrepreneurs!
more of an emphasis on
staff, who are sometimes
overlooked, and go out
of our way to recognize
their hard work. By giving
the 11 night staff goodie
bags filled with more rice
krispy treats and Reese’s,
we did just that!
Thursday’s Greet and
Eat event provided a free
lunch for all faculty and
staff members. Additionally, ABSA members/students were invited to eat
and mingle with professors for just $1. Greet and
Eat aimed to display appreciation for faculty in a
more meaningful way by
engaging ABSA members
and McCombs students
in a casual setting. One
professor even claimed
that the lunch “made her
year”! Friday wrapped
up the week’s events with
signed thank you cards
from ABSA, distributed
by the hardworking members of Academic Branch
to each faculty member’s
Overall, BRAG week
went well and faculty and
staff (in turn) appreciated
ABSA’s acts of appreciation. We received lots of
positive feedback, and
we enjoyed being able to
honor the hard work of
those who make it possible for students to thrive
in this great institution.
Rebecca Fu
Behind McCombs’
consistently high rankings
is a group of hardworking
and experienced educators. This year, ABSA
expressed appreciation
for their mentorship and
dedication by hosting
BRAG—Bring Recognition and Gratitude—on
McCombs Faculty and
Staff week. Throughout the week of March
30-April 3, various events
were planned each day as
just a small token of our
Starting off the week’s
events was Build-a-Breakfast, where ABSA laid out
a free breakfast for faculty
in the faculty/staff lounge.
Beginning bright and early at 7AM, faculty slowly came trickling in to
choose from a selection of
pastries, muffins, oatmeal
and bananas. Tuesday’s
event provided goodie
bags filled with rice krispy
treats and Reese’s peanut
butter cups tied up with
ribbon and a note for the
McCombs faculty. On
Wednesday, ABSA hosted
Atrium After Hours, an
event specifically for the
McCombs staff who stay
odd hours to clean up
after the hustle and bustle
of a typical busy day. This
year, one of the goals
for faculty/staff appreciation week was to put
Social Dance Workshop
Jimmy Nguyen
We were all congregated in the Shirley
Bird ballroom. The
glossy dance floor and
the spaciousness of the
room made it a perfect
place for learning how
to dance! Who wouldn’t
want to learn how to
dance? It’s awesome! On
top of being awesome,
we get to collaborate with
SLOSH, a social dance
organization on UT. We
started off the workshop
with a short and simple
East Coast swing lesson.
It’s one of the simplest
dances to learn. On top
of that, the music is very
jazzy and exciting. It’s a
dance full of energy! We
rotated partners consistently every few minutes
because it’s important
to dance with just anybody! You can dance with
everyone in the room and
it’s great! The lesson took
about thirty minutes, so
we had plenty of time
to dance with absolutely
anyone afterwards. About
an hour and a half into
the workshop, we moved
to the center of the dance
floor to learn a line dance.
The line dance is called
Footloose. It’s one of the
songs from the movie,
and it’s pretty awesome to
dance to as well. Being on
beat and doing the exact
same thing as everyone
else made us feel larger
than life. On top of the
dance, there were many
people who just did their
own variation and added
their own pizzazz.
Dancing is a way to
express yourself and your
style. The workshop provided me and many other
people with an opportunity to participate in such
a great activity.
ABSA & UBC Case Competition
On April 18th, UBC
and ABSA co-hosted the
highly anticipated McCombs Spring Case Competition. This year, we had
21 amazing teams tackle
the case presented by
Accenture: based on the
strengths and weaknesses
of each company, how
would you propose Halliburton and Baker Hughes
merge and what outcomes would you drive?
Immediately after kickoff,
teams began the intense
case competition routine
by working hard and
staying up On the Tuesday of that week, some
“Imagine the audience in their underwear”
is advice often given to
public speakers before
a big speech. However,
after attending the Speak
Easy Workshop, “Imagine
the audience as toddlers
or old people” is more
appropriate advice.
When I saw the Speak
Easy Workshop event
announcement, I was interested to see what kind
of tips the speaker had
to offer. Public speaking,
one of America’s biggest
fears, cause many people
severe anxiety, and I was
interested in learning
more about handling public-speaking nervousness
and overcoming anxiety.
The last workshop of
Samantha Choi
teams came out to the
presentation and financial
analysis workshops led by
upperclassmen, Robert
Ma and Klevrin Sitohang.
The next day, we hosted
a company Q&A call
session with Accenture
representatives and teams
were able to ask detailed
questions regarding the
companies and case.
Before everyone knew it,
it was already the night
before the competition.
Teams were hustling to
finalize their slide decks
and sharpen their presentations. At 11:50 PM,
teams were lining up
for midnight munchies
from Pluckers, Mozarts,
and cans of Monster. On
competition day, judges
and teams starting rolling in from 7:00 AM.
Teams turned in their
final presentations, ate
some breakfast, and went
to the opening ceremony.
Preliminary presentations began at 8:35 AM
and only one team from
each room would go on
in the competition. After
prelims, lunch was served
and the finalists were
announced. Claris Consulting, Delta Consulting, Kaan & Associates,
the year featured Melissa
Murphy, a UT graduate
and founder of a communication consulting firm
called the Pitch Academy.
Melissa talked to us about
overcoming communication anxiety and learning
how to overcome fear
of public speaking. She
offered many useful tips
on how to prepare for a
big speech and what to do
and not to do.
For example, Melissa
stressed the importance of
not memorizing a speech
verbatim. Although
memorization may
sound simpler, it can be
the downfall of a speaker’s
speech, as forgetting one
word can result in forgetting the entire speech,
Emily Fu
consequently causing
potentially painful and
awkward situations.
Rather, knowing a general
outline of what you want
to say can help you in
preventing blanking out
and nervousness in your
She also advised taking
deep breaths before a
speech, and showed us
how to take subtle breaths
before starting a speech
in order to calm yourself
and slow down your heart
rate. During the speech,
take things slow rather
than fast. People with
public-speaking anxiety
often speak extremely
fast, but slowing your
words can have a positive
effect on your perfor-
Outreach Consulting,
and Synergy Solutions
were chosen to compete
in the final round. Outreach consulting won first
place with a $1600 prize,
the second place prize
of $1000 went to Kaan
& Associates, and Claris
Consulting took third,
winning $400.
In the end, the competition was remarkable.
The hard work from the
directors, committee
members, and officers
paid off and everyone
gained valuable experience and takeaways.
Speak Easy!
Body language is important as well, and Melissa showed us how to be
relaxed and walk around
the room when speaking
in front of a crowd. She
also said that to curb anxiety, look for and make
eye contact with people
around the room who you
know are rooting for you
and supporting you.
The Speak Easy Workshop taught me some
interesting tips for improving public speaking
that I will definitely try to
incorporate when I have a
speech or announcement
to prepare for. It was an
informative and engaging
last workshop to end the
school year!
Mind Over Matter
Walking into a Feed
Your Mind meeting was
like having someone slap
some sense into you.
Because you think you
already know everything
about it, when, in reality, you don’t. Feed Your
Mind is not the event you
just went to get free food
last semester. You quickly realize that this event
requires a lot more people
than you previously
thought. Then you follow
up that thought with the
understanding that each
member is part of a cycle
of committee members,
but always one that is
seeking to improve.
“The committee tries
and gets various donations from various vendors and then they do
logistical stuff, publicity
stuff, basically they do
a lot,” Project Manager
Johnny Vo said. “This
semester they’re doing a
lot more. Every semester
we try to improve it more,
tweak it a bit, but overall,
it’s pretty similar every
by florence sung
This semester the committee is planning on continuing their incorporation of study tips into the
event as well as adding a
photo booth. In addition,
the committee is planning
on continuing their incorporation of academics
tabling by
like the
many of
by the
amount of students that
came to Feed Your Mind.
However, this semester
gives them an opportunity to be better prepared
for the influx of students.
“There are always things
that can be improved and
with improvements, there
are always going to be
challenges,” Project Man-
ager Karen Shang said.
“One the biggest difficulties we had last semester
was we didn’t organize
volunteer shifts very well.
We did it by time slots,
but in between the time
slots people serving found
it really hard to leave
and have
to replace
since the
line’s continuous.
So this
year, rather than
time slots,
it setup,
and clean up to have a
clear divide on volunteering.”
This semester, the Feed
Your Mind committee is
expecting 1000 people to
attend. These people will
be attracted by restaurant
vendors and free paraphernalia. At current
estimates, the committee
has more vendors than
last semester.
“The vendors get a
chance to table and interact with students and
the staff to build relationships,” Vo said. “In addition to hearing back and
getting publicity, they get
a chance to establish their
relationships. At the same
time we’re helping to connect the UT community
and give back.”
Leading up to the event,
the members first contact
vendors asking if they
want to donate food to
this cause. After confirming vendors, some move
onto logistics and publicity, but altogether all
members learn new skills.
“For a lot of the members, I just hope they
get more comfortable
speaking strangers with
authority because most
of the people they talk to
are owners of food trucks
or managers,” Shang said.
“Just being comfortable
talking with those kind of
people and learning the
communication skills.”
Keep Austin Beautiful
by kimberly young
Running down the
streets of Austin, ABSA
members on separate
sides of the street and on
separate teams, compete
against each other to see
which team can keep Austin beautiful the fastest.
With a glove on one hand
and a trash picker in the
other, members of team
one and two (the better
team :P) were ready to
show down.
This is my first time
volunteering with ABSA
and I naively assumed it
would be a slow morning
of picking up trash and
helping clean the streets
of Austin. Instead, it was
a fast, fun and friendly/
fierce competition between the two teams. It
was hilarious. Everyone
was given an adjective
before their name to act
like. On team
two there was
Jealous Jason,
Salty SangYop, Fabulous
Flo, Jolly Julia,
Alec, Loud
Lisa and Kind
(me). Jealous Jason
hurried us
along with the intent
to make it to the finish
point first. Sang-Yop,
who was supposed to be
acting salty, was failing
and being nice—gosh. Flo
was definitely fabulous, as
she took photographs of
was having
fun together
while doing
their part in
keeping our
city of Austin
a beautiful
place to live.
By the end
of it we had
collected four
bags of trash,
and Adventurous Alec
found twenty dollars that
he decided to generously
donate to external branch
to buy supplies for future
volunteering events.
Afterwards, some of us
who volunteered needed
to get back to campus,
while others stayed to eat
lunch. On our way back,
team two members scrutinized team one’s performance. Sure they did a
good job picking up trash
and cleaning up their side
of the street, but it was
nothing compared to the
squeaky clean, gorgeous
sun lit path team two had
transformed their side
into :P.
Seriously though it was
a beautiful job that we all
did together, and I truly
enjoyed it. *^-^*
Capital Area Food Bank
by sang-yop kwon
On Saturday, April 18,
ABSA volunteered at
the Capital Area Food
Bank. While there, we
participated in the
Reclamation Project,
in which we went
through tons of food
and sorted out the
good from the bad
One interesting
point about this
project is that the
majority of the food that
we sorted through was
bad. In one instance, one
of the workers picked up
three random cans from
a box, trying to make a
point that all three were
most likely going to be
waste. He was right.
As our members stood
of food, which equated to
almost 2200 meals in the
In all honesty, my job
alongside other volunteers from the Austin
community, we worked
diligently for three hours.
In the end, we had packaged almost 3000 pounds
was not that intensive….
So I was a media director
for the day! Jimmy was
gracious enough to let me
borrow his camera, and I
snap snap snapped away!
After the work was
done, we all went to
Cabo Bob’s, where Maria
showed us that she could
eat like a champion.
As she took her final
bite of her burrito,
cheers went up from
the table! I’m proud
of you mom.
All in all, it was a
great day of volunteering, and I was
happy to know that
ABSA had made a difference in the community.
Ice Cream Making Social
by brian kim
ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!
Literally the best thing
in the world! Plus…we
made it all on our own!
Even though the Mt.
Bonnell social was cancelled, the shaking of
cream and ice, for what
seemed like an
eternity, was all
worth it in the
Meeting some
new people was
exciting while
eating the soft ice
cream with an endless
assortment of toppings
was a whole different level
of fun.
Some of the bags were
defective and dripped all
the ingredients around
the floor, but it lightened
were to
be had.
only was
making the ice cream fun,
but we also got legit ice
cream at the end of the
event. Ice cream on ice
cream guys. Seriously.
If you missed this event,
then you missed one of
the best events of the year.
rectors weren’t there, but
Veronica stepped up and
did a great job with this
Shout out to the Internal directors (and Kelvin)
that helped out too! You
guys rock for carrying
all the heavy bags of
cream, ice, toppings,
and Ziploc bags.
Ice cream, good
music, and good
company were all
that was necessary
for a fun social!
CSA Lantern Festival
by emily fu
The CSA Lantern Tabling at the CSA Lantern
Festival was a ton of fun!
The festival, hosted by the
Chinese Student Association, touted free food,
games, entertainment,
and raffle prizes. I decided to go and see what the
hype was about, and I
ended up really enjoying
ABSA had a table at
the lantern festival, and
when I approached the
table, I was handed a
paper airplane and told to
throw it, with the goal to
knock down a paper cup
pyramid in order to win
a raffle ticket. As usual,
my aim was terrible, but
with a little help from
Sang-Yop, who was manning the table, the paper
airplane miraculously refound its aim and hit the
tower, and I was awarded
a raffle ticket (hehe).
These tickets would come
in handy throughout the
night, when raffles were
held in between performances and prizes such as
gift cards and a ipad mini
were awarded.
I was also extremely excited for the free Chinese
food they offered. Thankfully, I was one of the first
people in line and didn’t
have to wait too long!
After eating, I checked
out the booths and played
some interesting games.
During this time, performances were going on as
well. I enjoyed the wide
amount of talent I saw!
Some of my favorite performances included the
Texas Dragon/Lion Dance
team, which put on an
traditional dragon dance
seen at most lantern festivals; Texas Wushu, which
entertained the crowd
with a Mulan-inspired
routine, and Redefined
Dance Company, wowing
the crowds with some
cool hip-hop moves.
All in all, it was an
enjoyable night with some
wonderful food, performances, games and some
great tabling from ABSA.
I’ll definitely check out
the festival again next
year, and sign up for
ABSA tabling too while
I’m at it!
Forty Acres Fest Tabling
by sang-yop kwon
It was a hot summer
day, and as I traversed the
Forty Acres, I thought I
was done for… As I took
my final step in front
of the glorious tower, I
fell…. As I awoke, I saw a
dark figure descend upon
me, and then I could
only see a winter wonderland… As I took the
first bite, the taste of fresh
fruit mixed with milk and
cool ice and blasted my
taste buds. As I rose up
from the ground, feeling
energized and strong, I
donned my uniform and
scooped the first spoon
of ice. Then
came the
fresh strawberries and
the cocktail
fruits. Finally, as I
drizzled the
milk, channeling
my inner
I handed out
the first
Asian Shaved
As our
Asian Business student
dessert chefs
our 6 star
grade shaved
ice deserts,
we enjoyed the
of our
As the
day continued, various
artists performed, giving
the environment a very
festive mood.
A few notable performances were those given
by Ra Ra Riot and Small
At the end of the day,
I was proud of all of the
volunteers who came out
to support ABSA in our
efforts to serve premium
shaved ice. Until next year
Forty Acres Fest!
Alumni Workshop & Dinner
by phillip yoon
The Alumni Workshop
is such a great event to
Every alumni that attends comes with unique
experiences from the past
and valuable advice for
current students that will
hopefully help us avoid
any mistakes or regrets
they may have come
At the workshop, we
had Sam Lehardi, Zifeng
Wang, and Hans Malzar
come and speak to us
about what they did in
ABSA and what they are
currently doing right now
in the real world.
One thing that stood
out for me was that every
alumni spoke about how
hard it was to hang out
with your friends once
you start working in the
real world. After hearing
that, it made me realize
to enjoy my time here
at college because once
we graduate, it won’t be
as easy as running into
your friend and randomly
hanging out.
Soon after receiving
valuable insight from the
alumni, we proceeded
to go to Buffet Palace
and I guarantee you that
everyone ate more than
their money’s worth. At
Buffet Palace, our conver-
sations with the alumni
were more light-hearted,
ranging from Pokemon to
bulking tips.
After making several
beautifully swirled ice
cream cones and drinking Jackson’s simple but
yet surprisingly tasty
orange-flavored water,
we all proceeded to go
home, ending yet another
successful and insightful
ABSA event.
Alumni Weekend Crawfish Boil
by jeffery hung
“The rancid smell of
my brothers and sisters as
they were scorched alive,
forming a mountain of
crimson corpses, that day
still burns deep in my
soul. How could I ever
forget it? That was the day
that I made a choice – a
choice to shed my life and
become an avenger. “
–Pug the Crawfish, Sole
Survivor of the Alumni
Weekend Crawfish Boil
Alumni Weekend! I
missed out on most of
the actual event, but from
what I heard, it turned
out to be quite the suc-
cess! There were loads of
crawfish and onion and
corn and potato!
arrived at Ethan’s base a
couple of hours prior to
the start of Alumni Craw-
Where was I? I was
cooking preparing the
food! A group of us had
fish Boil to help cook the
over 120 pounds of live
crawfish that we bought
for the event.
It was dirty. It was
messy. It was crawling
with crawfish escapees! In
the end, we tossed all the
crawfish, except one, into
these big metallic pots to
be roasted and delivered
them to the REC center to
be consumed.
Members ate. Alumnis
ate. I ate. Good times.
ABSA Birthday Party
by amanda shang
Everyone remembers
that iconic moment
during GM when Jeffery
Hung clasped his hands
around his mouth and
said “Hey guys! Come out
to ABSA’s Birthday Party!” in the most adorable
way ever.
His promotion techniques proved to be
super effective when a
huge swarm of members
showed up on the day
of. Gathering in a circle,
Jeffrey explained the first
game, where we had to
catch another “dragon’s”
tail while protecting our
Teams split up and
the game began! Before we knew it, teams
were collaborating with
one another to team up
against others, and everyone ended up falling over
with laughter.
For the second game, a
pair was given an animal
sound to make, and they
had to close their eyes
and find their other half.
The game began as people
passing by gave chuckled
at our strange behavior.
Pairs quickly matched up
and dashed toward the
finish line.
After an exciting day
under the hot sun, we
all migrated to the GSB
Events Room to enjoy
refreshing drinks and
childhood snacks! Oh, the
Members shoveled
fruit roll-ups, rice crispy
treats, goldfish, and candy
into their mouths as they
gathered around tables
to play even more nostalgic board games such as
Taboo and Monopoly.
At the end, the officer
brought in a giant cake,
and we all sang happy
birthday to ABSA. Then
the cake wars started, and
everyone ran for their
IM Ultimate Frisbee
by andrew tran
Every Spring ABSA
participates in Ultimate
Frisbee IMs. They go out
to the fields to throw and
catch frisbees.
The athletic directors
Ginnie and Phillip put
in a lot of their time to
put on practices in order to assemble the best
avengers, I mean frisbee
team possible to represent
Lead by the ladies of
ABSA, the frisbee team
has managed to make
playoffs again, for the
third year in a row!
But wait… there’s more!
It wouldn’t be called
Ultimate frisbee if it were
that simple. As the ladies
carry the men through
the tournament, the men
can’t help but to try their
best to show out.
Lead by highlights such
as Brian Kim making
godly diving catches to
great defensive plays by
Tri and Alvin.
The whole experience is fun to be
a part of, even if by
spectating. We look
forward to supporting them through the
rest of playoffs!
IM Basketball
by phillip yoon
Basketball is an amazing team sport; whether
you’re playing for the first
time or playing for years,
there is always a way to
elevate your performance
in the game.
With four teams competing for a championship
title for ABSA, there was
a large group of players
with varying levels of
playing experience.
Despite the lack of
playing experience, every
member of the team
showed dedication to
improving their basketball skills, displaying an
important trait that every
player needs in order to
be great.
Playing throughout the
season was not easy; some
days, the team would
play their hardest but in
the end it wouldn’t be
enough. However, every
team greatly improved
and they displayed it on
the court.
In the first games for
every team, the players
played with a sense of
nervousness and uncertainty about their teammates and themselves.
By the end of the season,
however, the players
was able to advance to
playoffs. With playoffs,
everything becomes much
more intense and the
game you thought you
knew feels entirely different.
A trait of any good
team is the ability to
played with confidence
and genuinely seemed to
enjoy playing with each
other which allowed the
teams to play a higher
quality of basketball.
Unfortunately, with a
couple of losses for both
men’s teams and one coed team, only one team
adapt, and the co-ed team
that made it to playoffs
proved to have that trait.
After several intense
games, ABSA once again
found themselves in the
championship game in a
rematch against VSA.
Although the team put
their best foot forward,
VSA came out on top in a
very close game. Usually,
a loss in the championship game would bring
nothing but gut-wrenching pain. However, seeing
all of the fans cheering
for ABSA even after the
loss helped me realize
just playing the beautiful
game of basketball for a
wonderful organization is
a reward in itself.
I am truly thankful to
have coached four amazing and dedicated teams
and I look forward to
ABSA making a run at a
championship title again
in the future.
Best Smile
Philip Yoon
Funniest Laugh
Maria Mai
Jimmy Nguyen
Best Bromance
The Seoul Bros
Most Ratchet
Johnny Vo
Sylvia Yang
Jessie Chan
Macy Huang
Lisa Feng
Selfie King/Queen
Brian Kim
Grace Liu
Human Vaccum
Worst Driver
Stephen Zhu
Jason Guo
Most Derp
Karen Shang
Amy Xin
Biggest Troll
Jackson Pei
Mr./Ms. ABSA
Sangyop Kwon
Sabeeha Islam
Shout Outs
Jackson Pei
Julia: Thank you for always being there for me this
year, I had tons of times where I was down, and
seeing you just made it better :)! I had so many good
times with you this year, whether it is in NY or just
at home. I always envy your compassion for people,
because I know mine isn’t that strong. I know you
will do great things, so keep being yourself, and all
the awesome things you’ve done for others will come
back to you :)
Taehoon Kim: Thanks for being a freaking awesome
roomy, where I could vent my problems to. I know
haven’t cleaned up in a while and everything but you
still just continue to help out our apt, sorry! Thanks
for setting a great example of being a awesome
upperclassmen big sib, you have always cared about
ABSA the same way I do. I know we will be brothers
for life, and that this isn’t the end of our story. I hope
that next year you will keep having tons of fun! I will
try to visit as much as possible :P
Sabeeha: What can I say? You are probably one of
the most legit people I will ever meet! Thanks for
being a such an awesome mentor and VP. I know we
didn’t get off to the best start, but I’m glad you are
running for President, you have proven yourself in
many ways that people do not see. Your compassion
for others in undeniable, and whatever you put your
mind to will be completed. So thank you again for a
great year and please please keep in touch with me
after I graduate :). P.S can I be your secretary once
you become a billionaire?
Angela Meng: Angera.. we have come a long
way since your freshman year. I am really proud
you thought through all your struggles this year.
Congrats on the offer, I knew it was a piece of cake
for you.. you legit as hell too.. Thanks for always
supporting the panel, and defending me. Honestly,
those small things you do for everyone mean a lot,
and they don’t go unseen. I hope you got what you
wanted out of ABSA this year!
Maria Mai: Mario, my lil bro. I know there is a lot
of things you go through, but pushing through all
of those has really made me happy. I love how much
you tried to grow your directors this year, and I hope
you had fun doing it :). I have seen you grow and
grow into a more mature individual. Congrats on
getting your offer (easy money haha). I really hope
you have fun studying abroad next year, because I
will definitely miss your extreme crazy laughter. I
always got your back girl.
Anna Chong: Richie. Thank you for proving me
wrong. I wasn’t sure what kind of VP you were going
to be, but you ended being a boss. You have always
had a level head and it will take you far in life. I hope
you got what you wanted from ABSA, and I hope
you continue to help it grow. I had a lot of fun at NY
CFT with you, and trolling you this whole year is
definitely one of my highlights.. (one of my greatest
memories of being president) :P, that’s what you
wanted right? hahahahaahaha
Kelvin Nguyen: Kelvin kelvin kelvin.. first let me
start with, thank you. Thank you for riding to Houston with me. Thank you for serving this organization
every single day. Thank you for always being there. I
know you don’t care about recognition, and I know
that you will continue to help this organization no
matter what. Don’t let people tell you otherwise. You
will always be a close friend of mine, and I will try to
help you whenever I can, so please ask for it! I hope
you find what you want in life,
because I know you don’t care too much about the
small things that happen around you. Thank you
again, for just being you.
Jennifer Yang: Jdog, thank you for doing so much
for your directors this year. Everyone on the A team
tells me how much they appreciate your mentorship!
Congrats on your offer, and I will definitely see you
in Houston. I will be jealous that you might get the
chance to live with Helen haha. I definitely won’t
forget all the times you are there for people, because
you care. For example, showing up to Tri-Ball
tournament. I don’t even know how you knew, but
that’s just you.. you care so much about others and I
really admire that :)
Jason Guo: Big butt. I know this year wasn’t the easiest. But look at things now.. you have an awesome
life. Thank you for doing all the things that will
never be seen, thank you taking the initiative to help
every single branch in ABSA. I’m glad you were on
the panel this year, even though you had to deal with
a lot of … you have fought through them and it has
made you stronger. If you ever need one of those
long talks, you know I will always be there for you.
Just reach out.
Directors: I hope you guys fun. I know I wasn’t
there for every single one of you, and I know you
guys were still awesome! Thank you for giving your
time to serve this organization. I know the time
commitment isn’t easy, but you’re done! I hope you
guys continue to grow others in and out of ABSA.
Take the skills that you have learnt and use it to help
others! I really wish I could continue to host those
GAMs yall never liked, but my time is over, whether
I helped you or not, you can always reach out to
me. I really mean that, take my word for it, if you
ever need help, do not hesitate to come to me for
Officers: I really don’t know what to say, I love you
guys. You guys have had my back through the thick
and thin, and I appreciate that a lot. Just know, that
I will always have your back, and if you ever need
me to do anything, just make the call. I will always
remember this as the best year of my life, and a big
part of that is from you guys. I hope I helped you a
little this year in anyway I can, if I didn’t just know
that I tried to support you the best way I knew how.
I hope that we will continue to grow our friendship
outside of ABSA, I really hope that you guys enjoyed
the year as much as I did. I will definitely be sad
not sending OM agendas late anymore, or just done
goofing around while you guys do everything for
ABSA. Thanks for growing with me and just having
fun. See you guys later :’)
Alec Tom: Thank you for always supporting our
events, especially volunteering, its always nice to
have a familiar face!
Alex Hui: Good luck next year, I know you have
faced a lot of struggles before this year, but you are
now through that. You are now in a position where
you will learn and grow a lot. I hope you the best
next year :) you will do great!
Alex Liu: Thought you could kill me in fantasy basketball did you? Mauhauahua. Btw I’m really glad
you joined ABSA, you will be forever an Alief bro.
Alex Zhang: Hope you are having fun abroad this
Alexander Au: I’m glad you came back to ABSA this
year, it seems like you had tons of fun with Ohana!
Alex Zou: Thanks for being super sassy, and putting
on great volunteering events. I hope ABSA has
treated you well, and you continue to grow yourself
in it and also help the organization grow.
Amanda Shang: Wow, I’m surprised at how much
better I got to know you this semester. It was fun
trolling you in interpersonal communications.
But besides that, NY CFT definitely helped our
friendship grow, and I’m glad we got to talk on a
deeper level than just by plain old trolling self. I’m
proud of how far you grew this year, and I’m glad
you decided to run for VP. BTW WHERE IS MY
Amy Xin: Oh my gawd! Haha, Amy in all honestly,
thank you for your contagious laughter, everytime
I see you, it brightens my day. You have been an
awesome PubCo member as well as Marketing team
member. I hope you will continue pursuing what
you love i.e the artsy stuff, even though it ‘’doesn’t’’
make money! You are awesome!
Andrew Huang: Bro.. I missed you this year, hope
we can talk soon. I know you had tons of fun and
HK, so come back and tell me all about it
Angela Wu Li: Yo Rock major, you coming to EOS?
Haha. Hope you had fun your senior year.
Andrew Tran: Bro, surprised you ran, but at the end
of the day, I’m glad you have put so much thought
into ABSA. I see your commitment to this organization, and I hope you continue to get what you want
from it. We will always find time to hoop when I
come back, so I hope to see you then.
Arlene Cai: Sassy girl, where you been? Its not as
sassy around here without you
Audra Fields: Wooo Audra! I know we don’t hang
out a lot, but the few times we do, its always been
fun! Good job on being an awesome PubCo member, and I hope you continue to grow with ABSA
next year! Hope we can hang out once again.
Austin Anderson: Good job on CFT dude, but most
importantly, good job on balancing both directorship and big sib. That is extremely admirable. I really
hope HK treats you well next year, and congrats on
your internship dude! Seems like things are looking
awesome for you :) I’m happy for you
Belinda Jiang: BELINNNDAAAAA! I’m glad you
joined ABSA and decided to go on NY CFT, I hope
ABSA has treated you well.
Bowen Cai: OG OG OG OG OGOGOGOGOG!!!!!!!!! Haha forever the moment you will be
known for.
Brian Kim: Egg boy, haha jk. Great job with family
this year, glad you always have tons of interesting..
and fun things for people to do. Definitely lmao this
year watching people do fun things!
Brian Liew: Hope you enjoyed finance team this
Cao Truong: Hey Cao! Glad you joined ABSA and
became super super active! Thank you so much for
being really active, and doing so much for ABSA.
I’m glad you decided to go on NY CFT with us, it
was definitely fun. Good luck with MPA applications, I know you will do fine!
Cari Pak: Its been a long time since we last talked,
but I hope you are doing well! Hope you got a senior
year that was awesome!
Caroline Lee: Lol.. your sass is super entertaining! I
hope you enjoyed your directorship this year!
Chris Liu (frosh): Congrats on making C-Team
this semester!
Amanda Shang: Wow, I’m surprised at how much
better I got to know you this semester. It was fun
trolling you in interpersonal communications.
But besides that, NY CFT definitely helped our
friendship grow, and I’m glad we got to talk on a
deeper level than just by plain old trolling self. I’m
proud of how far you grew this year, and I’m glad
you decided to run for VP. BTW WHERE IS MY
Amy Xin: Oh my gawd! Haha, Amy in all honestly,
thank you for your contagious laughter, everytime
I see you, it brightens my day. You have been an
awesome PubCo member as well as Marketing team
member. I hope you will continue pursuing what
you love i.e the artsy stuff, even though it ‘’doesn’t’’
make money! You are awesome!
Andrew Huang: Bro.. I missed you this year, hope
we can talk soon. I know you had tons of fun and
HK, so come back and tell me all about it
Angela Wu Li: Yo Rock major, you coming to EOS?
Haha. Hope you had fun your senior year.
Andrew Tran: Bro, surprised you ran, but at the end
of the day, I’m glad you have put so much thought
into ABSA. I see your commitment to this organization, and I hope you continue to get what you want
from it. We will always find time to hoop when I
come back, so I hope to see you then.
Arlene Cai: Sassy girl, where you been? Its not as
sassy around here without you
Audra Fields: Wooo Audra! I know we don’t hang
out a lot, but the few times we do, its always been
fun! Good job on being an awesome PubCo member, and I hope you continue to grow with ABSA
next year! Hope we can hang out once again.
Austin Anderson: Good job on CFT dude, but most
importantly, good job on balancing both directorship and big sib. That is extremely admirable. I really
hope HK treats you well next year, and congrats on
your internship dude! Seems like things are looking
awesome for you :) I’m happy for you
Belinda Jiang: BELINNNDAAAAA! I’m glad you
joined ABSA and decided to go on NY CFT, I hope
ABSA has treated you well.
Bowen Cai: OG OG OG OG OGOGOGOGOG!!!!!!!!! Haha forever the moment you will be
known for.
Brian Kim: Egg boy, haha jk. Great job with family
this year, glad you always have tons of interesting..
and fun things for people to do. Definitely lmao this
year watching people do fun things!
Brian Liew: Hope you enjoyed finance team this
Cao Truong: Hey Cao! Glad you joined ABSA and
became super super active! Thank you so much for
being really active, and doing so much for ABSA.
I’m glad you decided to go on NY CFT with us, it
was definitely fun. Good luck with MPA applications, I know you will do fine!
Chris Wong: Thanks for coming back as a big sib
this year, I know you have put tons of time into
ABSA, and I hope that paid off for you! Also, hope
you pass your CPA tests, and goodluck at work!
Christina Lien: Glad you did directorship this year,
I hope you had lots of fun!
Christina Xie: Its good seeing you around campus
so much! Always nice to see a happy face
Christine Chu: Hahaha its fun trolling you. Had a
nice nap in interpersonal comm? hahah
Clarissa Gondoprawiro: I heard a lot of great things
Clarissa, good job this year with C-team. I hope you
continue to take it great places.
Daniel Chen: Good job this year with Finance
Daniel Li: One more year for you bro! Hope you
enjoy your senior year. Thanks for giving your time
to C Team for 2 years.
Diane Sun: Good job being officer for a day! You
were great, I hope you enjoyed ABSA this year.
Dora Cheng: Yo Dora! I hope you had fun this year,
I’m really glad I met you, and its not awkward when
we hang out every 3 months! You may have been replaced by Amy Xin for the funniest girl award! LOL
but honestly, thank you for being a great friend.
Edward Liao: Thanks for always being so enthusiastic about Frisbee and outdoors stuff! Always good
hanging out with you, even though we don’t get a lot
of chances! Hope to see you around and good luck
in your internship, maybe you should recruit Chase
next year ;)
Christine Chu:Thanks for having so many TV
shows in common with me. I hope you enjoyed your
directorship this year. Thanks for putting on a fun
NY CFT! Hope we can still keep in touch
Elvis Yang: Thanks Elvis for being an awesome
friend. You are always there to look out for others,
and always there to help. Good luck after graduation, I know me and you will always to golf and ball
Emily Mi: The explorer! Thanks for being such a
good big sib this semester, I hope you had tons of
fun on your study abroad trip and our ski trip! Also,
if your internship doesn’t treat you well, I hope you
pursue that non profit job you want! I hope we can
keep in touch after I graduate!
Enoch Tsai: Thanks for helping out with Frisbee this
semester! Hope you had fun with your senior year!
Emily Fu: EMILY! Finally, haha I enjoy your reactions to everything! I hope you liked your first year
here at UT! I’m glad you joined ABSA, and I hope
you had a lot of fun with us. I will come back and we
can always catch up
Eric Allen: Presidential candidate allen! Best of luck
next year haha
Eric Wang: Hey bud, where you been? Seen you
around, I hope you find ABSA once again
Esther Shim: I’m glad you got to check out ABSA
a few times, it seems like you signed up for EOS! I
better see you there, don’t flake out, like the many
times before :P jk. Hope we can keep in touch, and
good luck with your business transfer next year. Talk
to me about it whenever you need.
Evan Chen: BIG CHEN! Hope you had a good
second year at UT! Good job at family talent show.
Eric Ma: Why are your arms so huge. Can you seriously teach me how to be so swole? I’m glad you did
directorship this year, and I hope you enjoyed it too!
Ethan Ho: Good job on Alumni weekend dude! Always calm and collected! Felicia Zhang: Thanks for
being a big sib this year, and good luck in Houston
this summer! Hopefully, I’ll see you there
Fred Chen: Glad you joined ABSA this year, I hope
to see you come out to more events! Also, I hope
you are having fun far away from home! Austin is a
great place to be!
Florence Sun: SOOOOOOO SORRY for the late
shoutouts and everything.. Im the worst. Thank you
for having such cute announcements at GM!
Fred Yang: Sup fred! You big swole kid. Hahaha
we need to hoop more, I feel like you’ve been super
busy! I hope school is treating you well my friend.
Ginnie Ko: COACHHHH KOOOOO! Haha I’m
glad we got to hang outside of ABSA, you are one
true bro! Lets hang out more. Also, I hope you found
the Big 4 you like, even if its KPMG :P hahaha. You
owe me a tap meal
Grace Liu: It was fun going to tea haus with you
guys! I’m glad you were in interpersonal comm
this year! Definitely fun trolling you. Also, keep up
the basketball training maybe one day I will be as
good as you!
Greg Hsiao: I hope you liked ABSA this year Greg!
I know you don’t come to many things but its always
good to see you around! Also, hope we can ball a
few more times before I graduate.
Hannah Kang: Hellllo my friend! You have always
been an awesome, whether its your kindness, or
your Mr. Tofu. I hope you had time to relax this
year, because you definitely earned it!
Helena Shi: Haha Helena!! I know I troll you a lot,
but when I have had time to talk to you about real
things, I really enjoy it. Thanks for always having fun
with me at NY CFT! You will be one of my favorite
memories on the trip. “I GOT A FREE FLASH
LIGHTTTT” haha hope to keep in touch
Hoai Truong: HOAI! I will definitely miss seeing
you around next year, you have definitely been one
of my close friends in college ever since you joined
internal! I know this year was hard at times, but
remember that everything happens for a reason,
and they always end up okay! I know this won’t
be goodbye for us, so you better come to Houston
sometimes, because you wont be missing me a lot
when I come to Austin a lot next year
Huyen Tran: Hello viet. Thanks for always being a
great friend. Thanks for taking me and Taehoons
senior photos! You have done so much outside of
school this year, I am extremely proud! I know we
might not talk at the most deepest levels anymore,
but I will always consider you a great friend of mine.
I know you will do great things with your rachetness, because you work for everything you have.
That’s one thing I truly admire about you, you keep
pushing and pushing until you get what you want.
Best of luck at your internship this summer, this aint
my goodbye, I’ll see you again.
Ima Linzag: Thank you SOOOOO MUCH for
everything you have done this year. With PubCo
and being a great friend. Thank you for agreeing to
help me with my secret mission, and I hope we can
still keep in touch after I graduate!
Jack Chang: Bro where you been? Haven’t seen
you at ABSA, or at Greg lol! Anyways, it was great
meeting you this year, I wish you the best of luck in
the years to come!
Jane Zeng: Good job dancing at family talent show
Jane! Thanks for all the hardwork you put into EOS!
I’m sure it’s going awesome right now :P. I hope you
have enjoyed ABSA, and I hope you had a good
first year!
Janet Zhou: Hey Janet! I know we don’t talk as
much anymore, but you’ve helped me grow in many
ways my sophomore year! Thank you for that. I hope
you got the senior you wanted!
Jany Xu: Golf buddies! Haha good job at golf this
semester! Also thanks for always being so happy!
Jason Wu: Hello CS major! Thanks for being one of
the best members ABSA has seen! You have always
been supportive of everyone. I hope you the best
after college!
Jeanette Tang: I hope you had time to play this year,
you have always been a fun person to be around!
You were a really big influence on me last year for
running for president! Thank you. I hope I have
done things to help you, when you were my director.
I know we will still have chances to hang out, so this
is not a goodbye!
Jeffrey Hung: HELLLO! I hope you had fun being
President for a day, you have always had a good
heart, and I hope you will continue to grow with
ABSA, throughout your time at UT. Thank you for
your service *salute
Jeff Su: I hope you had an awesome senior year bro,
you will always be a friend of mine. I’m glad you got
a head start on CPA, and I hope you have a super
fun summer break!
Jeffrey Han: I’m glad I got to brown bag with you!
Definitely got our friendship off the ground haha.
Hopefully we will eat again
Jennifer Park: Thank you so much for your support
Jennifer. You have continued to support everyone
at the smallest of events, and that’s what matters I
really admire that about you, and I hope you the
best for next year
Jenney Ling: Hope you had a good year Jenney!
Thanks for being an awesome big sib! Also, I hope
you continue to sing its always nice to do what
you love.
Jessica McCarthy: Jess oh jess. Thank you for taking
me under your wing 2 years ago. You are literally the
person that believed in my, because you picked me
as your director. I hope I didn’t disappoint you in
anyway. Thank you for always caring about ABSA.
I know I don’t give you a lot of appreciation, its just
that I’m not the very best at it. But seriously, thank
you so much Jess! I hope you the best in Houston
this summer. Also, lets keep in touch :D
Jessica Lin: I hope you enjoyed ABSA this year!
Thank you for taking a leadership role in this
organization, because I know it isn’t easy! You have
always been fun to be around, I hope we continue to
keep in touch.
Jessie Chan: Hello my fried chicken friend! Thank
you so much for being an awesome FYM committee
member this year!
Jimmy Nguyen: Good job this year with LAUNCH!
I hope you have enjoyed the year, you have definitely
grown a lot throughout the last year. I’m glad you
took the steps in running for VP, it takes a lot of
courage, and I applaud you for that. Also, fun mafia
game :p
John Song: Its really sad you weren’t here this
semester, I hope we can catch up soon!
Johnny Vo: Thanks for always being a good friend
Johnny! You have definitely grown a lot this year,
whether it be through football/basketball, or ABSA.
I will always admire your enthusiasm, even though
you may see me as above you, I know you wont for
long. Take your own path and do what you want to,
because soon I will be looking up to you. Also, it
took courage to run two years in a row! So I applaud
you! Lets for sure keep in touch bud.
Jonathan Cheung: IDK if you even going to EOS.
But congrats on your offer. I know we arent the
closest, but I will always know that we will be
friends, so lets continue to keep in touch and tell
me about all the legit offers you are going to get! P.S
Jonathan Fan: Thanks for playing basketball with
us dude!
Joseph Kim: Hey bud, I know we grew apart a little
this year, but I hope you enjoyed your second year
at UT. You will always be one of my closest friends,
thank you for always being there if I need it. I’m
happy to see that you look happier, tell me about it
sometimes! I know we will always be able to hoop
and hangout together! Thanks for all the great memories; I hope our friendship will keep growing
Joseph Lee: Good job balancing everything! ABSA
+ TASA, plus doing super well in school haha! Hope
you enjoyed your first year
Josephine Lin: Glad I got to know you a little better
after NY CFT. Good job on LAUNCH, but more
importantly I hope you had fun in ABSA this year.
I hope you got what you wanted good luck for your
last 2 years, I hope you get an awesome job outside
of the traditional roles that we apply for in OCR
Judy Lam: Been two years since we were in the same
branch.. seems so long ago! Thanks for coming back
to support ABSA the way you do. It is always nice
to see give back.
Josh Hu: Thank you so much for your service to
ABSA. I know being President isn’t an easy job, and
I really enjoyed our brown bag at Guss’s fried chicken. You’ve helped out a lot this year, and that is very
admirable. Congrats on your advisory offer, I know
it was a long process, but you definitely deserved. I
wish you the best in your years after college, hopefully we can catch up some time.
Karen Shang: Your crazy laughter is so funny! I
really enjoyed talking to you about VPship, I hope I
gave you some kind of insight. Also thanks for being
an awesome director this year, and I hope you had
tons of fun in ABSA. Good luck next year
Kevin Duong: LOLOL facebook.. NY CFT will
always be a memory I will have. I know I bully you
a lot, but it was definitely fun getting closer to you
during the trip. I hope you the best with investment
banking (have you heard they recruit in the fall
Kristeen Chan: Awesome that you stayed in ABSA
for all 4 years, I hope you had tons of fun your
senior year. I wish you the best after college!
Kimberly Young: I hope you enjoyed Marketing
Team this year, thanks for being active this year in
ABSA. I hope you continue to grow and help ABSA
grow in the future years.
Kristy Liang: Thank you for being a big sib this
semester! I see the effort you put into ABSA!
Krystina Diao: Krystina, even though you don’t
respond to me half the time, thanks for being
awesome! You’ve done an outstanding job as a
Media director. I hope you had a lot of fun in ABSA
this year.
Laura Yang: Hey runner! Hope you had a fun
sophomore year!
Liam Kelly: Sup homie, haven’t seen you around as
much this semester. I hope you come back to visit,
and have some fun with us again :D
Lisa Feng: Thanks for being a great director this
year, I have definitely seen you grow since the first
day you came into ABSA. I was super impressed by
the way you handle the sponsors during case comp.
I hope you had tons of fun in ABSA this year.
Lisa Bui: I hope you are doing well, are you taking
that super hard MIS 331K thing? I wish you the best
for next year
Lisa Liu:
Lucia Hua: Lucia, those delicious treats you make
on FB looks legit as heck, please share sometime.
From day 1 you have impressed me, and I’m glad
you decided to run. I hope you have learnt something in ABSA and I hope you also enjoyed your
time. Best of luck next year
Luther Fan: Miss you brother.. we need to catch up
soon. Cant believe you wont be here for my last EOS
Macy Huang: Haha baby deer in the head lights
Macy, it was super fun trolling you on NY CFT even
though you would ignore me. I hope you had an
awesome time as a director this year, best of luck
for next!
Michelle Li: Thanks for being on the basketball
team this year, sorry we couldn’t bring it home.
Hope you had fun in ABSA this year.
Minh Le: VSA where you been man? I hope you had
lots of fun your first year in UT.
Mickey Li: Congrats on winning George Mitchell,
and that stock pitch. You are an outstanding
freshman, and I hope you continue to grow with
ABSA. Hope you had fun too this year, good luck
with next year!
Nina Tanuwidjaja: Nina, I know we aren’t as close
anymore, but I’m really glad to see you happy.
Congrats on your internship, I knew you could do
it! I really hope to catch up with you again soon, and
don’t forget about me once I graduate . I will always
be there for you whenever you need, so don’t be
afraid to reach out to me.
Paul Nguyen: Sup big swole, I hope you have tons of
fun in New Orleans this summer. You have grown so
much since your first day in ABSA. I hope you have
tons of fun your last 2 years at UT
Phillip Yoon: Dudddeeee, good job balancing
everything this year. I know it wasn’t an easy task, it
is extremely admirable that you did so much. Thank
you for your patience with athletics this year. I hope
you got what you wanted from ABSA, and I wish
you the best with MPA applications.
Puja Machchhar: Cant believe it was only 2 years
ago you were a director in ABSA. Now you are
graduating, how crazy is that! Hope you had tons of
fun as a senior, good luck with your future goals
Purav Doshi: Good job being Kelvin! I hope you got
a lot out of finance team this year, and I wish you the
best for next year!
Quan Nguyen: Thank you for being an awesome
member and big sib these 4 years, you have always
supported this organization, and I wish you the best
for your goals after college.
Rachel Lee: Helloo!! I hope you had a lot of fun
your second year at UT, you seem to be doing tons
of things! Good luck next year, even though you
don’t need it
Rebecca Fu: REBECCA! Haha thanks for putting up
with my trollness this year, I can finally tell the difference between you and Emily. Goodjob on making
the Daily Texan, and good job with everything this
year. I am super happy you got to be a director this
year, and I wish you the best for years to come! Keep
in touch okay?
Regan Wang: Congrats on your internship offers!
I hope you had a lot of fun being a big sib this year,
Ohana was great! Thank you so much.
Robert Ma: Sup my golfing buddy that is now going
to be a millionaire! Hope you had lots of fun this
year, I know you put a lot of work into APR, but I
know it will payoff for you! Your dedication accompanied by your creativity is definitely an admirable
thing. I hope we can keep in touch after college
Russell Kan: Good job again this year with being a
director. You have done so much for the organization, and I will know you will continue to service it
in anyway you can. I had fun getting to know you
through our brownbags and NY CFT. Good luck
next year trying to get into BHP :p
Samantha Choi: SAM, I had so much fun getting to
know you this year, I really thought like we got closer when we took a separate flight to NY CFT, I hope
I was a good travel buddy. Also, I have seen you
grow so much this year, so I hope you will continue
that journey with ABSA. Thank you for being so
awesome, and good luck with next year!
Sang-Yop Kwon: Sanggyopyop! You know what
service means, I commend your service to ABSA.
Thank you for being such an awesome director, and
I have no doubt you will thrive as a VP! I hope you
are getting what you want out of ABSA, even though
you are trying to give back. Please reach out to me if
you ever need anything buddy!
Sangbin Kwon: Goodjob with being an big sib this
year! Thank you for putting so much time into it
Sarah Huang: haha it has been fun this year, good
job on all the awesome CFTs, if you and liz don’t
win lezbehonest2k15, I would be shocked :P. Thank
you for being a director this year, and I hope you got
what you wanted from ABSA!
Sarah Qin: Queen Sarah, I will never forget that
name :P haha I had fun mentoring your case comp
team! Thanks for reaching out to me
Sean Lin: Haha sean, your diglet performance
should of won! You cracked me up, thank you for
being so awesome, and being a great member this
year! I hope you had lots of fun too
Shufen Wang: Congrats Ms President! I didn’t even
know you were applying for the position, I hope you
have tons of fun with Austin YAD, but don’t forget
about ABSA next year , if you ever need anything,
don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
Sneha Desai: Thanks for being a great marketing
team head this year! I heard plenty of good things
from everyone
Sonia Hedge: It was fun getting to know you better
during NY CFT, I’m glad you stepped up to be
marketing team head. Good luck with your future,
but I know you wont need it! You got this!!
Stephanie Kao: Haha tell me about study abroad
once you get back
Stephen Zhu: Sup Stephen! Thanks for sticking
around this year, I know we didn’t talk too much
this year, but I’m glad you are still in ABSA. I hope
we can hangout a lot in Houston, since you will start
working soon!
Hella goodjob with your director position this year!
I’m so glad you found a home in ABSA, and that
you decided to step up and run for a VP position. If
you ever need anything, please reach out to me, and
I will try to help in anyway! Sumin Cha: If we don’t get to golf, I’m gonna be so
sad! Haha thanks for being a director this year!
Sylvia Yang: RACHHETTTT GIRL, thanks for
being such a good media director! I’m so happy you
got into study abroad! It is always nice hearing about
your life, so keep me updated! I will definitely miss
making fun of your rachettness. BTW goodjob with
your new mini business, it is extremely impressive!
Tessie La: Dam you rich girl lol! However, you
always stay humble and always will be a bro! Thanks
for being an awesome Big Sib this year, and I hope
you the best for your last year at UT
Tiffany Nguyen: Thanks for stepping up as finance
team head this year. As the only girl, you had them
on leashes LOL jk! I hope you had a lot of fun with
ABSA this year!
Tiffany Weng: Tiffany! Good job being a director
this year, I hope you had tons of fun doing it! Best of
luck for you in the future!
Tri Nguyen: Sup bro, thanks for helping us bring
home the ship! #2peat #3peat. You know I will
always be here to help you, so if you need anything
just reach out! I got you bro, also I hope you had lots
of fun in ABSA this year.
Trini Tran: Great job being a director this year, I
know it wasn’t easy, internal never is! However, I
hope you got what you wanted out of ABSA! I am
extremely proud you took the next step to run for a
VP position! Good luck next year on your goals
Veronica Sun: Haha it was fun trolling you this year,
thank you for being such an awesome director! You
have always done what you could to help out the
branch, and I really appreciate that! I really hope we
can keep up after I graduate :) good luck next year!
Vivian Wang: hello mini person! Haha, always good
eating J2 with you. Great job this year as a director,
and I hope you will continue to grow in ABSA next
year. Best of luck :)
Whitney Chan: WHERES WHITNEY!?!!!!!!!!! Haha
I haven’t seen you around a lot this year, but I know
you were doing great things. I will always see you as
a friend, so lets catch up sometime I will visit you in
Minnesota. Good luck next year!
Yoon Lee: Sorry for breaking your charger at NYCFT! But that was definitely not the only memory
I had, thanks for being an awesome committee
member this semester. I hope you had tons of fun in
ABSA. Let me know whether you go back to Korea
or not! I hope you get the opportunity to do what
you want
Zulian Tjuatja: Hey bud! It’s awesome to see all the
hardwork you are putting into your startup! I know
it will pay off soon! You are definitely admirable
with all the things you have learned on the fly! BTW
good job being an awesome chef now haha.
Sabeeha Islam
Alumni: Whether it’s Alumni Weekend or just
random trips down to Austin, your wisdom and
chats are always greatly appreciated! Hope to see all
of you again soon!
Seniors: Thanks for your help and support this year!
Congratulations and best of luck with all your future
Alex Hui: I’m very proud of you stepping up to be
Financial Vice-President! I wish you all the best
of luck with your upcoming year. Remember to
stay true to who you are, have fun, and remain
open-minded. Everything else will fall into place.
Alex Liu: So how did that advertising exam go for
you? LOL well let me know if you take any more
advertising classes! I’m taking my last one next
Alex Zhang: I hope abroad has been fun! It’s fun to
see all your pictures!
Alex Zou: Great job being in the role of Volunteering Director! It’s kind of amazing thinking back to
when I met you at that train stop to where you’ve
come now (#AlphaAlex…or something like that).
We are all proud of your development and you
should be too. Keep in touch over summer and see
you again next year!
Amelia Kwok: I hope you enjoyed your year in
ABSA! I look forward to seeing you come out next
Amy Xin: I literally love seeing what you do at PubCo and Marketing Team! You are so FREAKING
talented, it’s amazing! Hope you enjoy summer, keep
in touch, and see you next year!
Andrew Huang: You have no idea how much your
presence has been missed this semester. It’ll be nice
to have you back, buddy! Until then, go kick ass at
your internship!
Andrew Tran: You have no idea how much I respect
you stepping up to run this year, one year after
your directorship. Your ability to stand by what
you believe in is very admirable. Also, I love our
handshakes. =)
Annie Truong: Hope you have a great summer!
Anthony Qi: Where have you been buddy? Haha
regardless, thanks for always greeting everyone with
your great smile!
Arlene Cai: Despite rushing and being super
involved in Sigmas, I’m so happy you have stuck
around in ABSA and stayed pretty active with The
One With ____! We always love having you here =)
Arti Machchhar: Congratulations again on Goldman! You’re going to have a blast this summer. Go
show them bankers how real werk is done!!!!
Ashley Advani: Hey Ashley, I hope this year in
ABSA was fun for you, and I hope next year is even
Audra Fields: Oh Mrs. ABSA and fellow Little Sib,
I still remember meeting you at our first (Interest)
GM! I remember you saying you weren’t sure if you
wanted to join. So let me just say it now, Im so happy you did. And hopefully, you had some fun too ;)
Austin Anderson: Director of the Month, active upperclassmen, and fantastic Big Sib! Is there anything
you don’t do?! Thanks for being so amazing this
year! Enjoy summer, keep in touch, and I can’t wait
to see you next year!
Belinda Jiang: Thank you for always adding a little
humor to ABSA! We love it =) I hope you can be
here next year to do the same for the new people!
Bowen Cai: I don’t know if I have ever told you this
but I really appreciate you posting all those articles
on the C-Team page. Thanks for being you, having
the best family chant, staying active, and just overall,
being a great guy!
Brian Kim: So proud of you with the Family Program this year! It’s funny to think you started off the
year being “that dude who cant boil eggs” to “that
legit Family Director who can dance!” You’ve grown
a lot and I hope you have enjoyed ABSA along the
way! Have fun over summer, keep in touch, and see
you next year!
Brian Liew: You are seriously one of the best Social
Chairs of Finance Team I’ve ever seen! Thanks for
being so generous with your apartment! I hope you
can stick around to do the same for the newbies
next year! ;)
Bryan An: I hope to see you at Feed Your Mind!!
Haha and if not, have a great summer buddy!
Camilla Yen: I know you’ve been super busy, so I
hope everything went well this year!! ABSA misses
you, jsyk! Haha don’t forget that you are always
welcome to stop by and say hey!
Cao Truong: I have no idea if you remember me
as a Director…there were at least 3 GMs where
you came out but didn’t really know anyone. And I
talked a lot with you and you were just like “WTF is
this girl on?” And now, you’re like one of the most
popular/cool kids and ABSA! Thank you for always
coming out, offering to drive, teaching my Scrubs
how to lift, and driving me home most nights of the
week! You’re one stellar guy! Best of luck with the
MPA stuff. I better hear when it happens!
Cari Pak: And now you are leaving us…. =(
Congratulations on graduating! You will be missed
but we also know you will be doing bigger and
better things!
Caroline Lee: Lets say it together… “I don’t eff with
YOUUUUUU” Even my inner thug has to give you
some credit! Haha but for real though, from Dodge
for a Cause to the interview skits our branches did
together, I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you. I
hope ABSA has been a little fun for you too! Stay
in touch over summer, and I will see you back next
Chris Liu (frosh): This might be awkward but
I don’t really care…but assuming our deal goes
PLACE!! Haha and I know we will be seeing each
other over summer at least once!
Chris Liu (soph): Ahhh Congratulations again on
DNLC!!! You’re going to have so much fun! Keep
me updated over summer and let me know how
it goes!
Chris Wong: Make sure to come back often. Your
presence will be missed here
Christina Lien: I remember meeting you at one of
our first GMs. I was always impressed by how early
you would come out for the meetings. And now,
you’re planning arguably the most important event
second semester!! I know by the time you read this,
EOS will be over and you’ll have been amazing!
Thanks so much for being a strong Special Events
Director! I hope you enjoyed the experience!
Christina Xie: Hihi! Thanks for always being a consistent attendee at our GMs! I hope you learned at
least a few things from them! Have a good summer
and see you next year!
Christine Chu: Big Sib Christine, you too pro! I
hope you had fun managing a family because I know
you did a great job!
Dan Lubis: Hi Dan!!! I didn’t see you at the last
Team Social! Which means, I better see you at the
first one next year!
Daniel Chen: Congratulations on winning the Stock
Pitch Competition! You did a great job! I hope you
have enjoyed your experience with Finance Team!
Darrell Sung: I hope you had fun being on Marketing Team this year! We look forward to having you
back next year!
Debbie Chang: Thanks for coming out and watching some of the final presentations at Case Comp!
We enjoyed having you there! =)
Desi Pham: Have a great summer! Hope to see you
again soon next fall!
Diane Sun: Great job with Officer for a Day!
Dora Cheng: I hope that by now, you are a superb
pecan sheller (??)! No but for real Dora, I cannot believe you are graduating. You will be missed dearly!
Please come back for Alumni Weekends!!
Edward Liao: Thanks for always being bartender at
the Socials! Also, GG Intermediate Accounting….
Elizabeth Kwan: Hey Liz! Great job with all the
CFTs this year and with Scoring Careers! I hope you
enjoyed the position of Careers Director, and I hope
we can see you back next year!
Elvis Yang: Your commitment and willingness
to stay involved with ABSA over all these years is
really inspiring! I do wish more people had your
dedication =)
Emily Fu: Honestly sometimes, I just watch the EOS
video because I LOVE seeing your facial expression
Eric Allen: LOLOL you got us good with that joke!
Eric Wang: I always enjoy running in to you at
Jester, McCombs, or SAC!
Erin Sun: I really hope you don’t judge me and my
row too much during LEB! Haha congratulations on
graduating! =) Come back and visit!
Esther Kim: I hope recruiting went well for you
this semester!
Ethan Ho: Great job handling Alumni Weekend this
semester! I hope you enjoyed your Directorship and
that we can see you again next year! =)
Felicia Zhang: Thanks for always being such a good
friend, active Big Sib, and great role model/mentor
to people! =)
Florence Sun: Honestly Flo, you the real MVP for
dealing with all of our delays and problems! Sorry
this had to happen for the last one. If it means anything, I REALLY do hate myself right now =(
Fred Yang: Im so happy you came to throw pies at
Anna!!! I know she doesn’t say it, but she actually
really liked it!
Ginnie Ko: First football. Then basketball. Now
taking our Frisbee team to playoff. I see you girl!
Too pro!
Grace Liu: I had a lot of fun with you at Dallas CFT!
Thanks for always being so willing to participate in
different events! Hope to see you again next year…
until then, enjoy summer!
Greg Hsiao: Come back next year so you can help
out our basketball teams!!
Hanna Jones: Thanks for always being so consistent
and coming out to all of our GMs! =) Have a good
Hannah Kang: MommaKang…. <3 I’m really happy
at least you aren’t leaving us
Hanpei Zhang: Hey buddy, have a great summer!!
Hans Uy: Great job at the Stock Pitch Competition!
You’re definitely getting quite a list of accolades
as a freshman, so congratulations on such a
successful first year!! Please continue to bring glory
to C-Team!!
Helena Shi: Whooo I love your PR events, from
GigglePants to social dance! I hope you enjoyed
hosting and planning these events this year. If it
means anything, I definitely feel like I got to experience new things and skills.
Hoai Truong: Honestly Hoai, after this year, I really
don’t know how I survived the first two years of
college without you. Thank you for being such a
great friend, fellow troll, and amazing study buddy
this year! Let me know how the poll dancing goes
this summer ;)
Huyen Tran: I honestly really like the end of the
year time just because I get to see all your great
pictures! Also, good luck at your internship this
summer! Let the next Exec VP know if the company
would be interested in sponsoring ABSA!
Ima Linzag: Ima, you KILLED the role of being
PubCo head this year. Like honestly, whoever does
follow you is gonna have some HUGE shoes to fill.
Jane Zeng: I know when you read this, EOS will
be over, but I’m sure it will have been an amazing
event! =)
Jany Xu: Between Canada, all-you-can-eat sushi
buffets, and all the late night sleepovers in your
apartment, I cant thank you enough for your
friendship. Why do you have to leave us?! =( But
congratulations on graduating!
Jason Wu: How does it feel that CS is gonna be
ending soon? ;)
Jeanette Tang: I just want you to know that you are
a very photogenic person. There are always pictures
of you playing sports that just pops up on my newsfeed. And Im always impressed.
Jeffrey Hung: Hey Jeffrey! Props to you for stepping
up to run for VP, especially with having one less
semester’s experience. That takes guts! I hope you
were able to grow and learn a lot from this year!
Jenney Ling: Oh Big Sib, please forgive me for being
such an inactive Little.
Jessica McCarthy: Thanks for always being so
helpful and supportive this year!
Jessie Chan: Damn Jessie! Super active member, little sib, and athlete. You’re too intense for us….Haha
but I hope you had fun with ABSA this year!
Jimmy Nguyen: You did great stepping up and running for VP. It’s always hard to make that decision as
a freshman so be proud of doing it!
John Song: Loved seeing you when you came to
Johnny Vo: By the time you read this, Goodphill
will be over, but I hope you rock it at football, basketball, and Frisbee! Lets grab a meal soon!
Jonathan Cheung: Congrats on your internship
position! As of now, I know you are trying to get
it moved to a different summer so I hope it all
works out!
Jonathan Fan: I hope MPA recruiting and life hasn’t
taken you away from all your other interests and
Joseph Kim: Thanks for being such a great Big Sib
in The One WIth
Joseph Lee: Why do you never come out to the
C-Team Socials bro?
Josephine Lin: AHHHH JosePHONE!! Great job
being PM for LAUNCH! You did super well with a
really complex event! I hope you enjoyed Round 2
of directorship!
Josh Hu: Congratulations Josh!
Julia Hoang: I’m so glad that I am the jar….
hehehehe <3
Karen Shang: I’m really proud of you for running
for Academic! I love how much passion you have for
your branch and the organization! I look forward to
next year and seeing how you continue to grow =)
Kevin Duong: Next year, please do sleep more! I
don’t like seeing you so stressed and tired =( Thanks
for always being my study buddy in Atrium/O’s!
Kevin Gwen: I hope you had fun this year with the
LAUNCH Committee! See you next year!
Kristeen Chan: Thanks for always being so
supportive of ABSA and us! We always appreciate
you =)
Krystina Diao: The only thing that prevents me
from shedding a tear knowing that you are no longer
going to be our Media Director….is that now when
we go to events, now you can’t hide behind your
Laura Yang: Thanks for always checking up on me
during the year!
Liam Kelly: I know you have been a lot more busy
this year, but I always enjoy seeing you at our Family
Linh Dao: I hope you enjoyed ABSA this year! See
you again next year…and until then, have fun over
Lisa Bui: Thanks for being such a great Big Sib
and repping ABSA like a baller by hosting Project
UT! =D
Lucia Hua: For real doe….thanks for being the
only person with a heart to wipe the spoilt whipped
cream out of our eyes!
Luther Fan: How’s abroad been?!
Macy Huang: Great job toughing it through BRAG
Week and Academic GM! You’ve done a great job
this year!
Michael Bolls: We have missed you this semester!
Looking forward to you coming back!
Michelle Zhou: We have missed you this year, come
back again whenever you have time! =)
Mickey Li: Nice job finishing strong with Beyond
Business! Also, congratulations again with the
George Mitchell Award!
Nadia Khan: I hope you enjoyed ABSA this year!!
Nick Bhattacharya: YAYAYAY!!! Youre staying
another year!! Lets take that conflict mediation
class soon!
Nina Tanuwidjaja: Thanks for being such an
awesome Big Sib this year! And you know, being a
Special Events Director for like 3 years in a row.
Paul Nguyen: Am I fresh enough to be in your
Phillip Yoon: Come back and lead our football team
to championship again next year. We are counting
on you!
Puja Machchhar: Can’t believe you are leaving us!!
Purav Doshi: Great job with Officer for a Day!!
Quan Nguyen: Thanks for being a great Big Sib!
Rachel Lee: Thank you for always being my Media
Naranja. Honestly don’t know what I’d do without
you sometimes.
Rebecca Fu: Great job in Academic this year! Hope
you had fun!
Regan Wang: Aww man, well LEB was fun while it
lasted…oh well. Haha anyways, congratulations on
your officer position in CYC!!
Robert Ma: Thanks for always being fair, honest,
and supportive. We always appreciate it
Russell Kan: Great job with Financial Directorship
this year and thanks for stepping up to run and
taking the time to think about all the ways ABSA
can improve!
Sang-Yop Kwon: I’m looking forward to seeing all
the things that you will do in External this year!
You’re gonna be great!
Sangbin Kwon: Thanks for being a great Big Sib!
Sarah Huang: Thanks for toughing it out an extra
year with us as a Director! You’ve done a great job
and I hope you enjoyed the experience! Sarah Qin: Thanks for keeping me alive in Intermediate man….gg
Sean Lin: Your Diglett will never be forgotten.
Shufen Wang: Hey Shufen, great job with Austin
YAD!! Im really looking forward to seeing how the
org continues to grow! Let me know whenever you
guys do another vegetarian food event haha
Sneha Desai: It was fun seeing you at the M-Team
Sonia Hedge: It was great seeing you at the M-Team
Social too! Though, your BP skills could use some
Stephanie Kao: How’s study abroad going?! We
miss you!!
Stephanie Su: Hey Stephanie! Thanks for always
coming out and supporting us at our General
Meetings! Stephen Zhu: I’m actually really sad we never made
movie night happen. But thanks for helping all of
us out with Alumni Weekend! And in general, just
supporting us
Stephen Yen: I just want you to know that your
innate curiosity is really admirable, cute, inspiration,
and funny! Sumin Cha: Lets hit up another Korean bakery
again soon!
Sylvia Yang: Thank you for always taking such great
pictures of us! And being so patient with us! Media
Directors ftw!
Taehoon Kim: From Mentor to Big Sib, it’s always
been great having you as such a supportive upperclassmen in ABSA. Thanks for having our backs
this year =)
Taylor Webb: I have enjoyed being in Ohana with
you this year! Hope to see you back next year!
Tessie La: By the time you read this, I hope congratulations will be in order for SMCSO!
IS DOOONNEEEE!!! Also, please come back to
F-Team! The socials need more estrogen!
Tiffany Weng: Honestly, you and Helena have done
a much better job than me with PR! So glad with
where you guys took it this year =)
Tri Nguyen: QB, take the wheel and win us another
football championship!
Trini Tran: By the time you read this, I’m sure EOS
will have been an amazing event! Thanks for being a
strong director this year!
Vamsee Ravella: Hope to see you on F-Team again
next year!
Veronica Sun: It’s been so fun attending and seeing
all your amazing socials (though sorry I missed the
last one!). Thanks for always making people feel
Vivian Wang: You did such a great job with Alumni
Whitney Chan: How did Fusion go?? I would like
to hear about it before you leave us forever =( Come
back and visit during Alumni Weekends!
Yiwen Xu: Congratulations on graduating and best
of luck at TFA! Don’t forget about us, and please
come back and visit!
Yoon Lee: Thanks for helping with Crawfish Boil! I
hope Pug has been doing well!
Zulian Tjuatja: Congratulations again on Capital
One! Since you’re gonna be in Plano, keep in touch!
=) Thanks again for all your help this year!
Jennifer Yang
Jimmy: I’m so proud of how far you’ve come this
past year. Don’t ever change your positive attitude
and your laugh! It’s been an awesome year of weekly
Atrium disruptions with you
Johnny: You don’t have to dive if you just run faster!
But actually though, thank you for all your hard
work this past year – Feed Your Mind is one crazy
event already, and to add school/recruiting/sleep/a
social life/sports/etc on top of that. You curiosity for
different things is what makes your life interesting
and unique – don’t lose it!
Josephine: Resident pet turtle, you are one of the
most loving people I know. Thank you for pushing
through even when things were tough and staying
strong. You’re going to go so far in life!
Karen: Thank you for always brightening up
Academic meetings with your cute dance moves
and adorable facial expressions. You have so much
to offer, and I believe in your ability to accomplish
whatever you set your mind to. Just remember to
believe in yourself <3
Macy: Your drive to succeed is so admirable, and
I’m excited to see where you’ll go through the next
three years. Keep pushing yourself, exploring your
interests, and don’t forget to be yourself!
Rebecca: Rebecca, you’ve grown so much this past
year, and I’m so happy to see your involvement in
so many things across campus. I’ll never forget your
determination in how you tracked down your Daily
Texan subject – it still amazes and inspires me to
this day.
Andrew Huang: I hope you had a wonderful time
in Hong Kong! Now come back to Austin! We miss
youuuu </3
Austin Anderson: Thank you so much for all the
support this year, Austin. I really appreciate you
taking the time to listen and give me your thoughts.
It’s been a wonderful two years since we first met
through BFF, and I’m so glad we stayed friends for
so long Brian Kim: Hehehe ;) sho cute
Chris Liu: I’m so glad you’re on the Feed Your Mind
committee this semester! Thank you for working
so hard and sending out 9713498573948 emails
and nagging your vendors. Your perseverance is so
Elizabeth Kwan: Liz, you have such a crazy and
sassy personality – don’t ever change! Haha! I’ll
never forget your impersonation of Mickey during
Emily Fu: I can always count on seeing you in
McCombs late at night, haha!
Florence Sung: Thank you so much for your hard
work all year, Flo! I really love how far you’ve taken
the Informer and all the new additions.
Gordon Tsai: Hey Gordon, though we see each
other once every semester now, I’m glad we still take
the time to catch up. Thanks for always being there
for me, and remember that I’ll always be here for
you too!
Helen Lee: Thank you for all the talks, the encour-
agement, and support even from The Woodlands!
I’m so excited to room together in June!
Huyen Tran: Big and Negotiations buddy, I’m glad
we got to spend more time together this semester☺
You’re currently sitting next to me as we cry over
this upcoming text. Don’t know how I could’ve
survived this past semester without you!
Ima Linzag: Imaaaa <3 There are no words for how
much I appreciate everything that you do. Thank
you for taking the leap and heading PubCo this year.
It turned out so successfully, and I know that it was
because of how much you put into it <3 Jeffrey Han: Can’t believe the year is about to come
to an end. I’ll never forget all of our late night
struggles on the fifth floor of McCombs LOL
Jessica Lin: Thank you for all that you and Flo do
for ABSA behind the scenes. Thank you for your
patience and understanding -- y’all are the best <3
And I can speak for the officers, when I say that we
probably owe y’all a mountain of Tiff ’s Treats!
Jessica McCarthy: Thanks for being the first person
to bring me into ABSA. I have no idea where I’d
be without you and your influence these past three
years. Both inside and outside of ABSA, I’ve learned
so much from your guidance and mentorship.
Thanks for being such a great friend! Jessie Chan: I’m so proud to see how much you’ve
grown since we first met last semester! You’re such a
hard-working person, and I know you’ll succeed at
anything you set your mind to. Follow your dreams,
and don’t forget to be yourself!
Ji Won “Jennifer” Park: Twin! I’ll never forget
our late-night Plucker’s runs, sleepless nights in
McCombs, and laughter-filled shenanigans all year
long. Don’t ever change! Julia Hoang: I’m glad we got to talk earlier today
and catch up! If we haven’t already, let’s make pumpkin bread! :D
Kelly Luck: Thank you for your dedication to Feed
Your Mind this semester, even though it’s the second
time around! You’ve been an awesome friend and
committee member;
Kevin Duong: Hi fifth roommate! I’m glad we met
through Shannon at the very beginning of the year,
and even more glad that you decided to become a
director in External. I hope you had fun this year
and enjoyed ABSA and it’s people as much as we
enjoyed having you around
Kristeen Chan: Hi dear:) I’m so happy that we got
to know each other better this past year! You’re such
an amazing role model, and your passion and drive
to follow your dreams is so inspiring!
Lisa Bui: Thanks for being such an involved Big Sib
this year! You’ve done a great job with your Littles,
and I’m really happy to see you involved in ABSA.
Good luck with MIS 333K!
Lisa Feng: Hehe, hi fellow short buddy! You’ve done
some amazing things this past year, and I’m so impressed with how much you’ve grown and improved.
Let’s make those short people cards a thing! :D
Lucia Hua: Thank you for grabbing lunch with me
today! I’m glad we finally got to talk and get to hang
out, and I’m sad we didn’t get the chance to do so
earlier in the year. Let’s hang out more in Houston
over the summer before you leave for Africa!
Luther Fan: I’m so grateful for your unwavering
support all year long, even from Hong Kong.
Thank you for always answering my questions and
providing your insight no matter the time of day. I
hope you’ve had fun in HK, but I think it’s time for
you to come home! I miss you and your “Luther
face” too much!
Nick Bhattacharya: Thanks for hanging out with me
and listening to my… stories! And thank you for the
advice too haha. But for real though, I never thought
when we first met forever ago that we’d be friends
like we are now. Good luck with your last year!
Phillip Yoon: Phillip, I’m really happy to see you
where you are today. Thank you for your dedication
to ABSA and everything that you do. You have such
a kind heart, and I’m sure that even though the
going will get tough sometimes, you’ll always find a
way to keep moving forward (with purpose haha).
If you ever need anything, I’ll always be here for
you! #oneabsa
Sam Lehardi: Hi Big, thank you for always messaging me and checking in even though you’re so
busy with work and all. I’ll never be able to express
my gratitude for how much your support means
to me <3
Sang-Yop Kwon: I hope you remember our conversation in McCombs that one night. You’re going
to do an amazing job as External VP next year! Just
don’t forget to take care of yourself too
Stephanie Kao: Come back from France! I miss
your beautiful face and genuine smile!
Stephen Zhu: Thanks for everything throughout the
year! Next time you’re free, Rudy’s on me! Steven Yen: I’m not really sure how you’re still alive
with the amount of different things you’re involved
in. You’ve come such a long way since the beginning
of the year, and I’m excited to see where you’re going
to go in the future! Remember me when you’re
famous! :D
Sylvia Yang: Hi beautiful :) Though I always tease
you about your ratchetness and the way you say
DOHBIE, please know that I mean it in the most
loving way possible. Thank you for being such a
great friend this year, and I’m happy we’ve grown so
close! I’ll always be around through text/phone/FB/
email/whatever means you choose if you ever need
anything, alright? <3
Taehoon Kim: Thank you for everything these past
two years. I’m so grateful for your endless support
and encouragement, even if you do also endlessly
tease me at the same time. Can’t believe we’re
graduating soon!
Veronica Sun: Hi dearie :) You’ve done an amazing
job bringing people together, and I’m so proud of
how much you’ve grown this year. Vivian Pham: Your apathy during Frisbee was
amazing haha! Thanks for making this year so
Vivian Wang: I’m so glad we got to know each other
better this year, Vivian! You’re such a wonderful
person, inside and out, and seeing you always
brightens my day!
Zack Kingsak: I think it’s time for you to come
back to Austin! Things are much less lively without
you around.
Zulian Tjuatja: Thank you for all the support this
year! Even though you weren’t able to come to GM
first semester, we really appreciated your presence
during set-ups <3
Maria Mai
Directors: I can’t believe my time being your VP is
over… I loved every moment with y’all, good and
bad. Trust me when I say that y’all have taught me
so much. Thank you for giving me some of the most
wonderful memories I’ve ever had in college. I love
you guys. I will miss y’all so much… and I can’t wait
to come back and have Ex-Internal Hangouts!
Alec Tom: I really appreciate you coming out to our
events this year! I hope to see you around next year!
Alex Liu: Alex! I love how you don’t look like it...
But you’re amazing at sports! So glad you joined
ABSA this year because it’s been a pleasure getting
to know you! :D
Alex Zou: I hope you know by now who the real
winner in our little games and stare contests: Me!
:) And I don’t need to teach you how to dance! You
know how to already!
Allison Teng: I’m glad you come out to ABSA
things! I hope you enjoy the events because I enjoy
seeing you there!
Alvin Nguyen: Quarterback of Ultimate Frisbee
right here! :P
Amanda Shang: Didn’t get to know you much until
the very end, but I’m glad we at least were able to
talk a little. I really like the kind of person I see in
you and the kind of person other people see in you.
Amy Xin: AMY! I know you want me and all..
But those hugs can be a bit much.. You know I’m
Andrew Tran: You’re not all quiet and competitive,
you also are very kind and caring and I really like
seeing the other sides of you this semester.
Angela Wu Li: Congrats on graduating Angela!!
Good luck in the real world! AHH!
Anh Ho: Anh! Congrats on the Study Abroad Program! Maybe I’ll see you when I travel to France!
Anna Su: Anna! I feel like we haven’t talked since
that one time I walked you home from the party!
Lol. Glad you’re okay! And also, you’ve been pretty
active in your family! I’m sure they love your adorable presence!
Audra Fields: *Heaves* Hi *Heaves* Audra. LOL.
We always end up laughing about something random every time we run into each other now! I love it
Austin Anderson: Austin! You are my favorite white
guy! Don’t tell Liam!
Belinda Jiang: I really like your hyper and silly
personality, Belinda!
Bowen Cai: Bobo! One of the best ABSA moments
is you going crazy during the OG’s chant at the first
family GM! I will always remember it. xD So funny,
kind, and smart. I really respect you Bobo.
Brian Kim: Son! I like your face when you’re sad
and you’re just like.. “ohh…” It’s my favorite!
Cao Truong: Cao! So glad you joined and became
active this semester! I really appreciate how much
you’ve done for ABSA. You’re such a thoughtful
person. :)
Cari Pak: Cari! Congrats on graduating, girl! Good
luck in the real world!
Caroline Lee: Apparently you have a default
unimpressed face… But you smile when you see me!
Teheeheh. I’m special! :P
Chris Liu (f): Omg. Your FYM profile picture is so
dang cute! I love it! Looking into modeling? :P
Chris Wong: Chris! Nooo! You’re leaving!! I’m so
glad you became a Big Sib and became active your
last year in ABSA! From what I’ve heard, you’re a
great Big! And congrats on graduating and good
luck in the real world!
Christina Lien: Since you’re always unamused, it’s
so great seeing the few times you do break out of
unamused character and laugh. xD
Christina Wang: You are such a good ballroom
dancer! Get it girl! ;)
Christina Xie: Your laugh is on point girl! :P
Christine Chu: This year has been pretty fun with
you! And good job with WOOHOO girl! Especially
the talent show piece! I’m going to miss Christine
Mode next year. D:
Dora Cheng: AHH! You’re graduating!!! :( I’m going
to miss your chill personality and squeaky voice!
Edward Liao: Thanks for helping coach ABSA
Ed! You’re so good! And Frisbee is so fun! I never
understood how great it was until I learned how to
throw! I see why you love it!
Elaine Thai: I love your hairrrr! Your long hair was
so pretty but you also rock that short hair really
well! ^.^
Elizabeth Kwan: I love your smile. :P I know that’s
what I mainly talk about in my shoutouts, but when
I think of you, your glowing smile is what I imagine.
NOOO! You are so caring and considerate Elvis. I
love you for being that way. I do wish we spent more
time together throughout the year. <3 I will miss you
so much! <3 Good luck on everything!
Emily Fu: “Hey Emily, we’re supposed to be smiling
right now for the EOS video…” *Emily confused
face for 5 seconds, then smiles* Lol. Still my favorite!
Emily Mi: Emily! I’m glad you came back from
abroad and are still active in ABSA! You’re a great
Big Sib for The One With___ !
Enoch Tsai: I appreciate you helping out with
Frisbee! Thanks Enoch!
Esther Shim: Yay Esther! It was great meeting you
at the ice cream making social! I hope you had fun
with ABSA! You should definitely consider joining
us. ;)
Evan Chen: Nice job on your rap for family talent
show, Big Chen!
Felicia Zhang: Good job Big Sibing for Big Booty,
Felicia! I really appreciate it!
Florence Sung: Flo! The informers always look so
amazing! You’re awesome!
Fred Yang: Fred! I love the way you talk. It’s so
funny! I’m giggling thinking about it right now!
Ginnie Ko: Ginnie! Always so serious… chill out…
ugh… … TEHHEHE <3
Grace Liu: Gorgeous Grace! I love how we’re just so
lovely dovey to each other. xD IM GOING TO MISS
YOU NEXT SEMESTER. But I will be back to give
you more hugs and call you Gorgeous Grace! <3
Hannah Kang: Hannahhhhhh! *holds your hand*
Helena Shi: You are the true trend setter in short
Hoai Truong: Hoai! <3 We don’t have to talk all the
time to be incredibly comfortable talking to each
other. :) It’s so nice! And when I come back, you still
better be crazy active and do all the ABSA stuff with
me and the rest of the seniors!
Huyen Tran: Thanks for being an awesome Big Sib
for The One With ____. Your family is really active
and I think it’s a reflection of how great of a Big
you are! ^.^
Ima Linzag: Ima! Thanks for being yourself.
Because you are f ’n amazing and everyone and their
mommas know it! Everyone loves PubCo and its
because it’s under you! That’s saying a lot girl. :)
Jane Tedjajuwana: Congrats on graduating Jane!
I will miss running into you randomly around UT
and catching up. xD
Jane Zeng: You go out and do really cool and fun
things Jane! You know how to live life!
Jany Xu: I’m going to miss you and your hugs. Jany!
:( Congrats on graduating though! <3
Jason Chen: Congrats on your thinger majiger
Jason ;)
Jason Wu: Why are you leaving Jason! Whyy! Come
back to ABSA pleaseee! :)
Jeannette Tang: Oh, Hello! :) Jeannette! My favorite
co-director forever. <3 I will miss you abroad! But
when I come back, we will be together again! <3
Jeffery Hung: Great job on ABSA Birthday! It was
so fun Jeffery!
Jeffrey Han: Jeffrey! Even though I don’t interact
with you a lot, the few times I do, you’ve always been
so kind to me! You’re such a sweet person!
Jenney Ling: Jenney! Dude. I’m so glad you were a
Big Sib this year! You did such a great job! Your family is awesome! Thanks for being so wonderful! <3
Jennifer Park: Jennifer! I’m so glad you joined
ABSA because it allows me to get to know you more
easily! You are so sweet and strong! I will always
been here for you whenever you need, even while
I’m abroad! Don’t hesitate to message me!
Jessica McCarthy: Jessica! I really appreciate you
being so helpful this year. Thank you so much for
being so great!
Jessica T Lin: JESSICA! Thank you for being so kind
to bad people like me who turn in shoutouts super
late. I really appreciate it! <3 And dude, awesome
job with the informers! :)
Jessie Chan: *HUG* I know you love it! *ANOTHER HUG*
John Chen: My favorite ballroom dancing partner! I
will miss you! Congrats on graduating John!
Johnny Vo: I love how you’re super silly and humble, but not many people know you’re crazy legit.
But I know! You legit brahh.
Josephine Lin: Josephine! I know we don’t talk
anymore, but I still think you’re such an awesome
person based on last year! Seattle CFT! I’m sure
you’re even cooler now that you’re older!
Joseph Kim: Thanks for being such a great Big Sib
for The One With___, Joseph!
Josh Hu: Congrats on graduating Josh! I know you’ll
do well in the corporate world. :)
Judy Lam: Congrats on graduating Judy! Now the
real world! YAY!
Julia Hoang: You have.. The best faces.. In the
Kang Park: Kang! I know we barely talk, but I think
you’re a really cool guy based on what I see and what
I hear about you. :)
Karen Shang: Your derpiness.. Is so cute!
Kentaro Inao: Good luck on all your dances
Kevin Duong: I hear a lot of funny things about you
Kevin. And you’ll never know.. Tehehehe!
Kimberly Young: We don’t interact much, but the
few times we do, I can tell you’re a very sweet person! I know this sounds very general, but trust me
when I say I don’t have that feeling with everyone!
Krishan Jain: Congrats on graduating Krishan!
Kristeen Chan: Congrats on graduating baby girl!
I’m going to miss you so much! Good luck on
Krystina Diao: I know you want to hug me all the
time, but dang girl… chill…
Liam Kelly: Liam! You are my favorite white boy!
Don’t tell Austin!
Linda Luo: You are such a cutie Linda. ^.^
Lisa Bui: I appreciate you being a great big for
InterroBANG this year! You’re awesome!
Lisa Feng: I like how you’re super tiny and cute…
AND apparently great at professional emails! What
a boss.
Lucia Hua: Thank you for making sure our eyes
were not blinded by whip cream! You’re such a
caring person Lucia! :) Oh.. And them legs doe!
Macy Huang: So when you get famous for being an
Asian model, remember to thank the little people,
like me, for being your inspiration. :P
Newton Liu: HI NEWTON! Wow… I like how I
always make sure you come out to things just so say
hi to you. Tehehe. HI NEWTON!
Nick Bhattachayra: Thanks for being such a great
friend to me Nick! I really appreciate you always
being there even though sometimes I don’t deserve
it. And last thing I want to say before I go off to
Austria is… Eww. :P
Nina Tanuwidjaja: NINARIA. <3 I will miss holding your hand in class…. Why are you not going
with me to Austria! WHY!
Paul Nguyen: Thanks for being such a great Big for
OG’s Paul! *thumbs up* :P
Phillip Yoon: Pillip. Stop bullying me. That’s messed
up! I’m your mom!
Purav Doshi: Purav! We have never talked much,
but I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re
a really cool guy because you seem pretty chill about
things. :P If that’s the case then yay! If not.. At least..
You’re perceived to be. xD
Quan Nguyen:
Congrats on graduating Quan! And thanks for being a Big Sib for Ohana!
Your’e awesome!
Rebecca Fu: What if you and your sister switched
placed for branch meeting. THAT WOULD BE
SO… obvious.. Because y’all look so different. xD
Regan Wang: Congrats on Accenture Regan!
Robert Ma: Bald buddies. ^.^
Russell Kan: Lol. Russell. I never realized how social
you were! So interesting!
Samantha Choi: HI SAMANTHA! It was really nice
having lunch with you at J2 and getting to know you
a little bit better! :D
Sangbin Kwon: Thanks for big sibing for
WOOHOO! I really appreciate you being there for
your littles :)
Sang-Yop Kwon: HI SON! I really admire your
love and commitment to ABSA. Knowing me, that’s
saying a lot. :) You will be a wonderful VP!
Sarah Huang: Your art work… its BEAUTIFUL.
Thank you for beautifying the GM room for us
this year!
Sarah Qin: Sarah! I always get excited running into
you and catching up. You’re seriously so fun to be
Sean Lin: Thanks for always coming out and supporting ABSA Sean!
Shufen Wang: Shufen! The few times I get to catch
up with you is always nice! I miss seeing you more
often. :)
Stephen Zhu: Stephen… even though we don’t talk
much, its so easy to talk to you whenever we do talk.
xD *Maria Hug* so you can take it with you after
you graduate! Tehehe.
Steven Yen: Steven… you have such a great attitude
about things. I love it. :) It’s so hard to be super
serious around you because your happy personality
just makes people want to laugh. xD
Sumin Cha: Hey Sumin! Guess what! I was Internal
VP! Did you know that? LOL. I’m never going to let
you live that one down! xD
Susie Kim: SUSIE! You have such a sweet and chill
personality! I love it!
Sylvia Yang: Dude, that one time we ate Ramen after
the EOS photoshoot and we were playing “Contact.”
Lol.. Sylvia.. So much judgement for you! But I love
your derpiness. xD
Taehoon Kim: Taehoon.. I can’t forgive you for tripping me at Charity Auction GM. That was MESSED
UP! *Pinch your cheeks and runs* TEHEHEH
Tessie La: You are the best roommate I’ve ever had
at Jester West Rm #262. <3 I can’t to live with you
again when I come back next year!
Tiffany Weng: Tiffany. I don’t know how you deal
with all those guys on finance team. You’re a boss!
Who run the world? GIRLS!
Tri Nguyen: Thanks for playing sports with ABSA,
Tri! What sport are you not good at. O.o
Trini Tran: You are so good…. At parking illegally..
Veronica Sun: Veronica! You have to keep that
cursing under control girl!
Vicky Nguyen: Thanks for doing the Charity
Auction and helping ABSA raise money for charity!
You’re awesome!
Victoria Fung: I hope you enjoyed your time in
ABSA Victoria!
Vivian Wang: Vivian! <3 You are so great! I loved
that 2 hour dinner we had at Wendy’s! You now have
all the knowledge and stories! Tehehe! I will miss
your hugs next semester but I will come back for
more after my study abroad trip!
Whitney Chan: Where’s Whitney? She’s at EOS!
YAYYAYYAYA! Congrats on graduating girl! I
will definitely miss my only white but full-Asian
friend! :P
Yiwen Xu: Thanks for big sibing for InterroBANG!
Yoonsup Lee: I love your energy Yoon! I’m sure
your energy transfers onto your crawfish, making
him super happy! Lol! And of course other people
happy as well! :)
Zulian Tjuatja: Zulian! I really appreciate you
coming out to ABSA stuff as much as you can even
though you’re super busy with your start-up! :)
Kelvin Nguyen
Jackson: So now that you’re no longer president I
can actually follow through with my threats, should
you ever invade my personal space again. lol
Sabeeha: Your membership in Project M has been
reinstated. Welcome back.
Angela: Super Smash, Hannibal and grilled cheese
sandwiches. Yus. Next year will be fun.
Maria: Que paso?
Anna: I think it’s time for an intervention for your
cream whiskers addiction.
Jennifer: LOL sigh, the pains of using templates.
Jason Guo: The pleasure is all mine, Officer Guo.
Alex Zhang: I really hope you’ve enjoyed your time
Alex Zou: Thank you for being such a scrub. Interview was fun … :P
Amanda Shang: Don’t say potato like you know me.
You don’t know my life. You are forgiven for your
destruction of the ABSA page though.
Audra Fields: Wow and here I thought we were
already best friends. How rude.
Emily Fu: LOL square. Gg
Helena Shi: Did you know that if you took a
picture of a Pokemon, printed it out, put it in the
microwave, heated it up and then rubbed a potato
on it then people would think you’re weird? Crazy
stuff, man.
Ima Linzag: Very late response, but yes, I had lots of
fun as Admin VP c: I hope you’ve had fun as head of
publicity committee, Ima.
Jenney Ling: Hello! I’m alive, so can’t complain.
How are you?
Jessica Lin: Thank You for being a part of Admin
this semester.
Johnny Vo: Lol you and that song …
Lisa Feng: Please, if you had escaped I would have
looked for you, I would have found you, and I would
have kil – Uh nevermind. Just go see a doctor.
Paul Nguyen: Haha man, it would have been so
much fun to have you as a director, but then we
would have missed out on having you as an awesome Big Sib. Sorry for being such an MIA little.
Phillip Yoon: Haha well there goes the plan to play
Super Smash before the year is over. We’ll just have
to make up for it during the entire summer. Good
bye, productivity.
Russel Kan: Please, Russel. You guys stalked me.
You were all clearly at Canes as a preemptive
measure because you had projected my route for the
day. Creeper. Also yes, Super Smash and Pokemon.
Also, DoMO.
Samantha Choi: Thank you for always helping exec
branch with exec stuff! You’re the actual bomb!
Don’t hurt anyone.
Sang-Yop Kwon: Sang-Yop! You are one of the most
reckless and nicest people I know. Start sleeping and
thank you for all you do for ABSA!
Vivian Wang: Why didn’t you take us to the zoo
this year, Vivian? I still haven’t been to one! Slackin’
Angela Meng
The boat panel: See letters. But here, have some troll
shoutouts anyways:
Jackson Pei: Bruh. We did good. Yeh. Yuh.
Sabeeha Islam: Sabeehush, just let it happen. We got
you covered, agent.
Maria Mai: Les be honest…we’ve got this one in the
bag. I just wanna say, thank you so much for…wait,
no I hate you. Go away, you smell >:]
Anna Chong: You know what’s coming…I looked
my External VP straight into the optical spans/eye
sockets/windows to her soul and I said it. I said,
Kelvin Nguyen: Potato. Po-tah-to. Pot-a-to. Pota-to.
Po-tar-to. (aka morse code for the Kelvin-fluent)
Jennifer Yang: Thank you for letting me chalk your
hair even though it didn’t show up all that well. Let’s
have girls hang out again soon so we can /finally/ do
face masks LOL
Jason Guo: This message is short to save printing
pages costs and thus ABSA budget. You’re welcome!
Professional Branch: Please see letters. PS- you
guys still haven’t figured out the anagram on the
chargers have you?
Alex Hui: I’m really glad we had the chance to talk
before the end of the year! You definitely knew
Chick-fil-A would be my choice of where to go
Alex Zou: To be fair, I really liked your animal puns!
Thank you for all your great work in sharing great
volunteering opportunities and
Amanda Shang: Thanks for letting me drag you all
around Austin on a whim and being weird with me
as we leaned over backwards over those benches
haha. I hope it was a good relaxing afternoon for
you and that you enjoyed your first tour of the
Capitol in daylight!
Andrew Huang: I found that packet of scorpion
peppers in my purse the other day. I’m not entirely
sure what to do with them…On the other hand, you
should be back in Austin by graduation >:]
Andrew Tran: I love how blissed out all of you were
from going to Perry’s! It’s quite the experience and
I’m glad you had a really great time there. I’m also
really happy we had the chance to sit down and have
a good brown bag at Madam Mam’s!
Angela Wu Li: Hello Angela! I’m sad we haven’t
talked that much this semester, but I want the world
to know that the Angela sandwich will forever be
superior to the Jason sandwich. Everyone else who
begs to differ, can fight me.
Audra Fields: Thanks for all the great work you do
for PubCo! I’m really in awe of your talent and just
how cool you are in general!
Belinda Jiang: We were so close to being roomies ;;
I’m sad things didn’t work out, and I think of all the
weird and fun times we could have had u________u
Brian Kim: Great job with Family Field Day! All the
families this year have lived some sort of Running
Man realness, but with less shouting in Korean and
less punishment games (thankfully LOL). I really
appreciate everything you put into making the Families (yes, even the eggs. All the eggs) really fun!
Camilla Yen: I still remember you and me climbing
into the closet at the beginning of the year to find
the GM box. It’s so clean now days LOL
Cao Truong: Hello my son! Thank you so much for
always being so supportive and just a great person
in general. I’m grateful of your support and how
you’re there to bail our butts out of danger on any
CFT, always.
Caroline Lee: You and Kevin crack me up in the
best ways possible. Great job on all of the external
events this year so far and I can’t wait to pop some
Christina Lien: Great job on EOS! You guys all
looked so cute in the promo video.
Christine Chu: What we really should have done
during tug-o-war is have me and you shout separately, ie: I shout “WOO!” + you shout “BANG!” in
my opinion we’re both pretty loud haha <3 I really
wish I had come out to more family events and
supported you guys more, but please know that I
will always love woooo
David Yu: Congrats on making Punjabbawockeez!!!!
I’m so proud of yuuuuuuuuu!
Diane Sun: I really love all the drawings you did of
us during the Family GM. The animals were really
detailed and realistic! I loved that you turned your
entire “officer for a day” panel into Pusheen <3
Dora Cheng: I will crack pecans open with my
bare hands for you any day of the week, just saying.
Thank you for always keeping your doors open wide
for me and Kelvin to crash at. I’m still sad that I haven’t won #1 for trash-take out on the scoreboard, but
hey, I still did pretty well! I’m never gonna be able to
thank you enough for all the support and love you’ve
given me throughout the years tbh, but thank you.
Thank you so much.
Elvis Yang: I can’t believe you couldn’t make it to the
steak-massage day at Perry’s and you were the one
who suggested the time!! We’ll find some other time
to re-schedule I suppose haha :P
Emily Fu: Great job on all the socials this year with
Veronica! I’m really glad that you and Rebecca
came to Dallas CFT with us!
Eric Allen: The prank you guys pulled with the apps
was cute. I’m a skeptic at heart, but even I bought it
for at least the first few minutes. Well played.
Eric Ma: Swole booty bunch…Woo-bang never
really stood a chance at tug-o-war, did we?
Ethan Ho: I had a great time cooking crawfish with
the rest of admin branch, but I’m really sad that I
couldn’t go out to play all the games with you guys
at alumni weekend! I’m really happy that you’re
working for Jill and Sterling now, aren’t they the
Florence Sun: FLO I’M SO SORRY T_________T
You’re incredible and amazing and I don’t deserve
the amount of deadline-grace you give me
Fred Yang: Watching you have a great time at
Pie-An-Officer was super entertaining! Watch out
though…Anna is plotting her revenge kekeke
Ginnie Ko: COACH KO! You’re so awesome I
swear. Teach me how to be a baller like you (JK I
can’t ball to save my life).
Grace Liu: Tell me again, what team does Michael
Jordan play for?????? Haha, sorry for the teasing, but
it was just too funny that day!
Hannah Kang: It hit me the other day that you and I
are basically in a love triangle with the futon in your
apartment. I swear you sleep on that thing more
often than I do and you even /have/ a bed in your
own apartment! Haha. Thank you for all the
late night talks, all the morning breakfast love, and
all the concern and guidance you’ve given me in the
past three years.
Helen Lee: Not sure if you’re gonna read this, but
just know that I don’t know how I would have
survived the year without you. Scratch that...not
just this year, but every year. Thank you so much for
everything and count on me to swing by Houston
sometime and crash in on you and Jennifer!
Helena Shi: Helena <3 <3 <3 I haven’t seen much of
you since NYCFT ended, but I hope you’re doing
I’m so so happy that you’ve been so active this year!
Just seeing you makes my day brighter by miles.
I’m really excited for what we have in store for our
senior class next year hehehe. It’s going to be a blast!
Huyen Tran: Family field day was really fun with
you guys. At one point I realized it was you, me, and
Nina screaming at each other and making fun of
Jackson and I thought things don’t really that much
after all, haha.
Ima Linzag: You did such a great job with Pubco
this year! I think back sometimes to how far you,
David and I have come since we met at Leadershape
back in freshman year and wow, it’s been a really
long time. I know you’re super busy, but let’s grab
lunch sometime!
Jane Zeng: Great job on EOS! The three of you put
in so much hard work to make it all happen. Just
relax now and enjoy what you’re hard work has
Janet Zhou: Thank you for cooking us all such
delicious food at the Professional Branch reunion!
I think it’s callously ironic that my first EOS was
spent watching you pass the candle down to the next
professional vp and now your last EOS will consist
of you watching me pass the candle down to the
next profesh vp…such a bookend. I can’t tell you
how grateful I am of you and how much you’ve done
for me these past three years. I will miss you terribly,
and even though we don’t talk as regularly as I’d like
to, I know we can always reach out to each other in
times of need.
Jany Xu: JANYYYYYY. The end of the school year
and your graduation means nothing to me, because
you’re going to be with me in Dallas every single
day until I forget that we’re not actually in Austin
anymore and that you’ve graduated T________T
Jason Wu: Hello! I can’t believe that you still come
early to GMs somedays ;;;;; how does admin always
do it T________T
Jeannette Tang: I really enjoyed getting to spent
time with you and all the others at Perry’s!
Jeff Su: You making burrito sushi wraps with Janet’s
food was pretty funny not gonna lie. The whole
profresh reunion brought back a lot of fond memories. I wish you luck after college!
Jeff Fong: I’m really glad we got to see you again at
the Profresh reunion. It really brought back a lot of
memories! Good luck with your application to the
police force and please keep in touch!
Jeffrey Hung: I had so much fun cooking crawfish
with you! You are also the cutest president I think
we’ve ever had the pleasure of having. Please keep
up your enthusiasm and your passion for ABSA!
Jessica McCarthy: I’m really sorry that we didn’t
manage to make it out and support the soccer team
for Business World Cup! I’m really sorry and I wish I
could make it up to you guys someway T_______T
Jessica Lin: I had so much fun cooking crawfish
with you and the rest of Admin!
Jessie Chan: I still think the funniest moment of
the basketball season was still the moment where
Kristeen hurt her ankle and everyone started panicking, but then you just swooped out of nowhere
like Batman and picked her straight up off the
ground! The signs you guys made for Phillip’s track
meet were also super cute!
Jimmy Nguyen: I’m glad we got to have a brownbag
amidst all the chaos and that it was a really relaxing
day with great weather to just sprawl out on the
lawn and relax!
John Song: Counting down the days until you come
back and we can go to Magcaf properly and binge on
all the great, greasy food past 3am. Come back to us
soon ;; We miss you!
Johnny Vo: Reach out to me if you ever need any
tips on Accenture and if you’re just interested in
general about learning more!
Jonathan Cheung: Don’t count on me for advice
on MIS course load work tbh. I can give you sound
advice on everything else MIS related, but I honestly
don’t remember 375 being that hard…I promise!!
Jonathan Fan: Sometimes when I’m really missing
Europe I open up your album of photos from
Vienna and look through them. You’re super
talented at taking photos and you take some really
amazing shots!
Josephine Lin: I’m not sure if I’ve told you this
before, but you have a really soothing voice!
Josh Hu: I’m glad you thought your prank was
funny and even I have to admit the timing of it was
pretty good. Give yourself a well deserved pat on the
back for that one :P
Julia Hoang: Hey bunny Julia! I’m really glad we
had a chance to sit down and talk at cream whiskers!
I have full confidence that you will be able to convey
what you really want to tell
Kang Park: I’m really glad I got to meet you this
year! I’m sad I wasn’t more active in our family, but
let’s grab a brown bag sometime and talk? :D
Karen Shang: I really enjoyed our one-on-one! It
was a good conversation and I trust you to make the
decision to find what you really want by yourself.
You’re a smart girl!
Kevin Duong:
Kristeen Chan: Hey pretty girl~ Good luck on
graduating and everything that comes after that.
You’re super talented and you deserve to achieve all
your dreams and more! Good luck!
Krystina Diao: I never told you this, but you’re my
favorite media director. Now please put down that
camera and join in on the activities once in a while.
Wu-bang! needed your strength during tug-o-war
during family field day!!
Now that the “steak” part of the deal is done, I
suppose we still have to figure out a time to meet for
the massage part, haha.
Lisa Feng: I still want to thank you for helping me
limp through the metro stations in New York, haha.
I’m also super sorry for rolling on top of you when
you, me and Sam shared a bed u________u
Macy Huang: Hey qt! I really enjoyed how much
time and effort you put into Academic GM and all
the workshops this year!
Nick Bhattacharya: Long live pizza purgatory! I
still sort of can’t believe we were almost roommates.
If you apply the theory of multiverses, there’s some
alternate universe where we are roommates. Isn’t
that a scary thought? :P
Nina Tanuwidjaja: See Line. Satancat_sticker.jpg
Paul Nguyen: Will the real External Director please
stand up?! Your antics at that family GM and at
family field day had me cracking up so bad.
Phillip Yoon: I’m proud of everything you do.
Except your puns. Stay sharp, stay creative, oh yeah
and go the f to sleep.
Purav Doshi: It’s totally okay to love sweats!! That
wasn’t the point of my post LOL. Your entire panel
for officer-for-a-day was pretty adorable haha.
Rebecca Fu: Explaining the concept of “pre-gaming”
to you and Emily was simultaneously hilarious and
adorable. You two are so cute!!
Regan Wang: Accenture buddies!! The great experience of sketchy street parking and one-way streets
almost had us haha. Thank goodness for valet right?
:P Thank you for being understanding to my rather
peculiar situation and I’m sorry for any awkward
moments you have to suffer through in our future
Accenture events.
Robert Ma: I’m looking forward to facing the
puzzles in panic room next weekend! I can’ t help
but feel like we’re gonna get trolled hard core by Liz
LOL. Thank you for all your help and to being really
open to talking to me throughout this year!
Russell Kan: I can’t wait until I have enough free
time to finish up Pokemon and keep breeding for
shinies haha.
Samantha Choi: Sammm you’re so cute sometimes
idk what to do. Your reactions are always super on
point and I’m really sorry that we haven’t had the
chance to grab lunch or talk since coming back
from NYC!
Sang-Yop Kwon: As I’m typing this, you’re snoring
lightly in the corner of the 5th floor with your
backpack plastered over the top of your face. As
funny as it is, I’m nice enough to not take a photo,
unlike you!! I also wanna say “please take better care
of yourself next year,” but I probably said something
to that effect last year as well…this year I’m gonna
try for something more like: “just…go to sleep” and
pray that it’ll be more effective, haha.
Sangbin Kwon: You know it’s a good day when both
Phillip and I come out to a family event LOL. Sorry
for being such a lackluster little sib this year, I wish I
could have supported you guys more.
Sonia Hedge: Soniaaaaa <3 I
Stephen Zhu: Thank you so much for the sandwich
during family field day and always being open to
talk when I have something on my mind!
Steven Yen: I really enjoyed our random talk
throughout all of campus! You’re a super funny kid
who is really dedicated to what you’re passionate
about. It made me really happy to hear that NYCFT
had such a profound impact on you and that above
all, you had a really great time!
Sumin Cha: It was so much fun cooking crawfish
with you and the rest of admin for alumni weekend!
The distance thing was sort of a bummer, but you
saved the day with your car, seriously!! Thank you
for all your hard work, our website and all looks
ace! <3
Sylvia Yang: The entire ABSA flickr page is so
beautiful and I can’t thank you and the other media
directors enough for all the hard work and dedication you guys put forth to make it all possible!
Taehoon Kim: For the first time in five years, the
GM room is going to be missing one of its most
dedicated and most passionate members. We’re
going to miss you so much and there really aren’t
words to convey how much you’ve done for ABSA.
Take care of yourself!
Tessie La: Hey, sexy girl~ Thank you for being
so open to my random intrusions into your
dorm room. It’s not my fault, blame Maria!!
u_________u Tiffany Weng: You are so clutch at basketball! I love
how you hustle for it and how plainly aggressive
you get!
Tri Nguyen: I admire your dedication to our IM
teams! Coming out to play Frisbee on your birthday
and all!
Trini Tran: Great job on EOS! I hope when you’re
reading this, you take your time to look around and
see all that your hardwork has amounted to. EOS is
a lot of work, but you guys made it through!
Veronica Sun: Great job on all the socials this year!
You’re a literal ball of sunshine to be around and I’m
really proud of all the work you completed this year.
Hurray for social directors!!
Vivian Wang: Hello cutie <3 You are so cute, I don’t
know what to do with you sometimes ;; Thank you
for always having such a positive attitude and going
out to support a ton of events!
Whitney Chan: It was so fun seeing you at the “Evening of the Stars” event for UFG! I’m gonna be really
sad next year after you and all the seniors graduate
because then we really won’t be able to find you on
campus anymore ;;;;; where’s Whitney #2kxx
Yiwen Xu: Man, we go way back…I’m sad we
haven’t talked as much this semester, but I wish you
all the best of luck after graduation!
Yoon Lee: I’m very impressed by your diligence in
taking care of your crawfish, haha. I’m glad you took
him in and that you were able to keep him healthy
and alive!
Zack Kingsak: Nina and I are so jelly at your going
to a Big Bang concert!! We still need to get you your
steak-massage deal once you get back to the US!
Zulian Tjuatja: Julia and I really didn’t mind you
dropping in on our talk at Cream Whiskers! We
enjoyed the insight and everything you had to say!
Anna Chong
Alex Zou: Alpha Alex? Sure, I’ll call you that for
once. You’re such a little jokester, but I’m glad I had
you in my branch this year. All those moments you
tried to undermine my rule.. I’ll let you be “alpha”
just for today. Enjoy it little buddy.
Caroline Lee: Oh my Caroline.. This year would
definitely have been a lot less spicy without you in
my branch. My favorite memories of you are all in
my phone.. heh. I have so much blackmail on you,
so you better still hang out with me next year.
Helena Shi: Ah my little angelic singer! You have
been such a silly and bright light in our branch! I
love how open you are about your bodily functions
around everyone.. -__- I’m glad I got to experience
NYCFT with you and explore such a fun city with
some of my favorite people.
Kevin Duong: Kev.. we can’t hang out anymore. Every time I’m with you I end up eating a lot of Chick
Fil A and Cream Whiskers. Our wallets are dying.
But, thanks for letting me share those moments
with you, just eating and studying! I wouldn’t have
wanted it any other way.
Sang-Yop Kwon: Yopyop! It’s been quite a battle for
you this year with school, but I’m glad I have you in
one piece. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you
more this year, and I’m excited for you next year! I
know you’ll do great, buddy. Don’t be afraid to reach
out to me because I will always be here. Ok?
Tiffany Weng: My sweet sweet Tiff! I’ve gotten to
know you a lot better this year, and I’m glad that you
chose to be in my branch. You’re such a kind and
happy person, but I’m thankful to have been with
you through times when you were a human! Thanks
for always being a dose of sugar in my day!
Branch: I’m so incredibly grateful and blessed to
have been given directors like you all to serve this
year! I know that all of you are coming away from
this year with different experiences, but I hope that
you have truly enjoyed your time in ABSA. I love
you guys a lot! If you guys don’t respond to my texts
next year, I’ll hunt you down.
Alec Tom: Thanks for giving us that $20 you found!
You’ve given us a lot of support, and I hope to see
you in ABSA next year!
Alexander Hui: I enjoyed having a brown bag with
you and getting to know you better! Btw, did you
ever return Jason’s batteries?
Amanda Shang: Every time I see you I think about
your dance move with the legs. I do a pretty good
imitation of you! Also, you cute.
Andrew Huang: You aren’t here, but you can have
space here.
Andrew Tran: Thanks for getting me cereal even
though I didn’t pick it up for like forever! I lived off
of that box for a long time.
Arlene Cai: I miss seeing you around! Don’t forget
about me.. Play with me too!
Audra Field: You have the coolest glasses!!!! I’m
pretty sure if I tried them on I would look really
dumb though.. You make them look good!
Austin Anderson: Good job on NYCFT! I know it
was stressful for you and your branch, but I had a lot
of fun on the trip.
Belinda Jiang: I almost died laughing when you
shouted out “your face!” at family GM!!!! Oh,
Belinda.. You are too much hahaha
Bowen Cai: We missed your OG chant at family
GM :( It just wasn’t the same without you!
Brian Kim: STITCH. You always make me laugh
with the randomest faces and dance moves!
Bryan An: JCM has been on time with bread! I hope
you’ve been able to eat some.
Cao Truong: You and your sister have the cutest
relationship! Boy and girl siblings usually never get
along, but you two are the greatest!
Cari Pak: Hi Cari hehe
Chi Hsiu (Jeffery) Hung: Jeffery.. heh.. You are
too cute.
Chris Liu: You are always so smiley! Thanks for
always giving me happy hellos! I hope you have
better luck with kiddie lit than I did….
Christina Lien: Can we take a smiley picture at
EOS?! It’s on my bucket list!!
Christine Chu: Thanks for being a great big sib this
year! You’re always so energetic and dancey!
Clarissa Gondoprawiro: Did I ever tell you that I
think you have the prettiest eyes? I hope we are in
the same family again next year!
Diane Sun: You were such a good External VP!
Want to take over my position next year? ;)
Elizabeth Kwan: I take back what I said about you
being nicer than your brother. You are one sassy
little human being. But I like it
Elvis Yang: Thanks for all your help in getting teams
for our volleyball tournament! I can’t believe you
showed no mercy for our family though..
Emily Fu: NO FRECKLE! Can you stop trying to
trick me? -__- You troll.
Eric Ma: Don’t forget leg day.
Esther Kim: Thanks for staying involved in ABSA!
It makes me happy to see you around!
Felicia Zhang: Let’s grab a brown bag before the
year ends! I want to catch up with you! We have lots
to talk about from the year!
Florence Sung: I’m getting my shout outs in on
time! Yay! Aren’t you proud of me?
Fred Yang: Thanks for coming to EOS, Weenie.
Ginnie Ko: I love running into you at McCombs!
You always give me the best smile heh I’ve got my
accounting final coming up…. Please help.
Grace Liu: I really enjoyed my brown bag with
you! Those pictures on the other hand.. I do not
appreciate, grasslu.
Hannah Kang: I’m almost done! You’ll be a great
grandma soon.
Hoai Truong: I’m glad I was able to get to know you
more this year! Teach me how to do the sock bun
before the year ends!
Huyen Tran: I’ve been drooling over the graduation
pictures you’ve been taking of everyone lately. You’re
too good, man.
Ima Linzag: Thanks for letting me tease you all year
about being “on point”! Also, you have some mad
baking skills. I love your cookies!
Jany Xu: Please grab lunch with me before you
leave!! I’ve been wanting to eat with you.
Jeannette Tang: Can you teach me how to be like
you in football next year? I am determined to get
better! I can’t run though..
Jessica McCarthy: Thanks for being such a good
ABSA member this year! You were definitely one
of our most dedicated upperclassmen, and it was
Jessica Lin: I always see you and Jason around
Jester! Hang out with me toooooo!! I’m glad you
decided to become a director.
Jessie Chan: Jessie bo bessie! You’ve been a really
good ABSA member, and I hope to see you involved
next year as well! Also, let’s eat.
Jennifer Park: Hug me before Maria next time ok?!
Jimmy Nguyen: You always look pretty spiffy! Nice
color combinations!
John Song: Missed you this semester! I hope to see
you next year.
Johnny Vo: Your ghetto accent….
Jonathan Cheung: Leave Annika alone, so she can
hang out with me.
Jonathan Fan: I’m sorry we stormed your apartment
twice.. Thanks for accepting us!
Joseph Kim: Thanks for giving us a ride that day
for Caroline’s thing! You’re an awful photographer
Joseph Oh: We always see each other randomly at
Jester haha Come out to ABSA more!!
Josephine Lin: Sherri!! I’m so glad we got closer
to each other over NYCFT! You’re a great little
spoon hehe
Joshua Hu: Do you even deserve a shoutout? No.
Julia Hoang: It was nice getting to talk to you at
SAC! I miss the days when we’d get to hang out after
branch meeting..
Karen Shang: Your dance moves are RDC worthy.
Please join next year!
Kenny Young: Oh, are you an ABSA member?
Kentaro Inao: You’ve been coming up with some
cool dance moves lately!
Kristeen Chan: Can I get your autograph now that
you’re famous? O__O
Krystina Diao: Thanks for getting those pictures in
to me on time! HEHE Just kidding I love you.
Liam Kelly: Your twerking saved our performance
at family GM. Thank goodness for Liam!
Linh Dao: I don’t get to see you as much in ABSA.
Please come and hang out with us more!
Lisa Bui: Thanks for being such a good big sib this
year! Sorry I didn’t come out to very many events..
Please love me still.
Lisa Feng: I hope you get better from your cough
soon! It makes me sad to hear you dying during
sermons at Stone.
Lucia Hua: Please cook some yummy things for
me in the summer! I want to hang out with you and
learn from the master.
Macy Huang: You are such a trooper! I hope you
still enjoyed NYCFT even though your shins hurt
a lot..
Mickey Li: Don’t be so serious all the time! Loosen
up and have some fun, Mickey Mouse. ;)
Monica Li: I think I always see you in work out gear
now.. Much dedication.
Newton Liu: I feel like I see you in random places
all the time..
Nicholas Liu: I feel doomed for finals. Please save
Nina Tanuwidjaja: Thanks for always being such a
kind person! I hope we were able to better accommodate for your dietary restrictions this year. :)
Paul Nguyen: Thanks for giving me an OG shirt! It’s
already one of my favorite shirts!
Phillip Yoon: We finally ate lunch together! And
then you pied me as revenge.. We are back to square
one. -__Rebecca Fu: FRECKLE! You and your sister are
such trolls. -__Russell Kan: I am so sorry that your family put you
through ABSA Next Top Model.. Thanks for being
such a good sport about it though!
Samantha Choi: Your name always trips me up and
makes me think you’re Korean. Too bad you’re not
cool enough! Muahaha
Sangbin Kwon: 오빠.
Sarah Huang: I’m so glad I got to know you better
during NYCFT! Your subway model poses are
seriously the best. Killed me.
Sarah Qin: We should do another case comp together soon! Maybe just the two of us though? ;)
Shufen Wang: Mine and Caroline’s roommate share
your pain last year when Julia had all those boxes of
clothes stuffed in the room. Good roomie, Shushu!
Sonia Hedge: NYCFT made me realize that you
have very long legs. I wish I was as gifted as you. :)
Stephen Zhu: Thanks for helping me wipe whipped
cream out of my eyes T__T I feel your pain from
last year.
Steven Yen: I love that one expression you do that
looks like the meme girl!!!! The “what the heck”
Sumin Cha: I saw that you went on the CFT with
UBC! I hope you enjoyed your time! Tell me about
your time there one day. :)
Sylvia Yang: I hope you’ve been able to manage time
with photoshoots and school lately! I know you’ve
been stressed.. :(
Taehoon Kim: :)
Tessie La: I loved your imitation of Bowen at family
GM! It was a valiant try.
Tri Nguyen: “Studying”
Veronica Sun: I heard you really like me! I LIKE
YOU TOO!!!!<3
Vivian Wang: I never expected you to pie me.. I feel
so betrayed.
Whitney Chan: Thanks for helping me with schedule stuff! I’ll be asking you a lot of questions in the
future too.. Please help.
Yoon Lee: You were really fun to be around on NYCFT! I’m glad you came along with us. Also, wasn’t
the crepe cake the best thing ever?!
Zack Kingsak: I wish I could go to Korea too! I’m so
jealous of all your pictures on Facebook!!
Jason Guo
Jackson Pei: It’s been a long year, but an absolute
privilege to be serving ABSA with you. At the start
of this year, I wasn’t sure how I would be working
and learning from you because it was so hard to see
at first. Little did I know that I would learn the most
from you. I can’t say enough how much I appreciate
your mentorship this year in terms of humility,
changing perspectives, and being real. I hope that
you had as much fun as I have had working with
you this year. We didn’t bully you as much this year
for your white hairs, but at least I can still tease you
for having fat ankles and saying ‘shore’. It has been
a great ride with you, and you’ll be missed. See you
again, Captain.
Sabeeha Islam: Sababa, the thug, gangster, and Kit
Kat monster. Thanks for making my job this year
incredibly easy. We had our rough patches with
planning and opinions, but you carried me all the
way through. You’re insightful, funny, smart, and
kind. I’m glad I could have learned from you this
year. Thanks for being a legend in ABSA and Executive branch. Startup Simulation and Fall Career
Week Remember to rely on others sometimes, and
keep yourself sane and healthy. Get more sleep! It’s
been a long year, and we’ve come a long way from
where we began. I know I have. Catch you later, girl.
As’salaam walekum.
Angela Meng: Wow, what a crazy year it’s been. I
have changed a lot, and it’s due to everyone on this
panel. You have taught me an important lesson to
understand others and to put others before me.
Thank you, even if it was done the hard way. Thank
you for your compassion in ABSA and how you continue to serve the members the way they need, not
the way they want. It is that compassion that I love
and hope to grow. Team __ Hits the Fence will never
be the same, but I continue to hold those memories
close to my heart. From our struggles of directors to
distaste of Jimmy John’s, it’s been a worthwhile ride
with you. Thanks girl.
Maria Mai: I hate you. I really do. However, I do like
the advice that you and Jackson gave me: “Just make
the most out of what you have”. I was always blind to
something so simple, but I finally have been getting
the grasp of it. I could have had the choice to be upset for all the things that we failed at, but that means
I could never be happy. It’s a choice that I could
make, and you taught me that. Thanks for constantly
remind for me to watch out for others and be better
about stepping on other’s toes. I’m dumb, but you’ve
accepted that. I’m growing up though! Let’s keep
driving to the end, Ms. Popular. Thank you for being
on this panel with me and being my friend.
Anna Chong: Master Chong, thank you for being
the light that you strived to be. In the midst of the
darkness, you pushed us to have bigger hearts and
softer words. Despite being a year younger than me,
you are so much wiser and mature. Ground me. You
are nothing short of impressive. Whether it comes
to driving, haggling for deals, or grilling Korean
barbecue, it’s amazing to see what you can do. Take a
step back from school and remember to relax in our
God. In Galatians 5, God tells us how he has freed us
from those chains. Continue to pursue your dreams
with the goal of glorifying God! I’ll be praying for
you. Thanks for everything, Richie.
Kelvin Nguyen: Sir Nguyen, thank you. I don’t
know how else to say it. You were our anchor, right
or wrong, and you continued to bring us together.
A mixture of stubborn and wise, it was comfortable
to look to you and know that there was someone
whose character never changed or could be
questioned. I can’t say I agree with you the way you
ran your branch, but am proud of how you stuck to
your purpose regardless of criticism. It’s been a long,
rough ride, but all the better that you were alongside
for the ride. Thanks for dealing with my driving,
holding onto my key, ignoring my whining, and
making me smile. Years down the line, I hope that I
can still be around to learn from you. I’m thankful I
had this journey with you.
Jennifer Yang: You’re leaving far too soon. Meeting
you last year, I remember wondering how such a
small, cute girl could be so composed. It’s been good
to see that you’re not always. In fact, you’re quite
thoopid and derp. This year, I had one heck of a time
working with you this year. From our many conversations in the car to our hangry jibes, I have made
countless memories with you. Thanks for helping
me BS funding applications forty five minutes before
it was due and choosing the better looking director
gifts at Katy Mills. It’s our last ride together, but I’ll
see you again, right? Enjoy yourself, but come back
because you’ll be missed. Congratulations on graduating and thank you for the fun and smiles.
Alex Hui: Congratulations on Financial VP, Alex!
We’ve come a long way since the beginning of the
year, and I think you learned something…just
kidding, you’ve learned a lot. Continue to learn and
grow, because there is always more that we can do
and learn. You said that you want to continue the
culture that I instilled, so I’m going to put that on
you for next year. I’ll be watching, so don’t slack!
Thanks for teaching about what it means to be
a good mentor and VP. Feel free to rely on me whenever you need, man. I’ll be here for you.
Alex Zou: Alpha? No, you’re definitely a beta. You’re
just lucky that I’m a nice alpha. It’s been a great time
getting to know you this year. From your silly pitches for volunteering to your grocious nagging, I’ve
had a ton of fun being around you. I wish you would
let me touch your abs more though, hahahaha. You
said you have a lot that you want to pursue, so I’m
going to be pushing you next year to pursue them.
Don’t take a backseat next year! Our conversation
at Tatsuya Ramen was awesome – let’s do it again.
Catch you later, Alex. Enjoy HK!
Amanda Shang: When I first heard you were in
RDC, I thought you were too cool for me. Thankfully, I found out that you were just an awkward turtle
who sometimes tries to be sexy. You have made an
amazing change from the fall semester, and it’s been
a joy to see your dedication and love for ABSA grow.
Thanks for really enjoying our hotpot and bringing
Exectial back together. Continue being weird,
because that’s what you do best!
Amy Xin: You are so multi-talented, it’s crazy. You
make absolutely beautiful works of art, you make
balloon animals, and you’re a basketball pro! Luckily, your weirdness makes it easier to get along with
you despite how legit you are. Thanks for helping
me, and all of ABSA, with all the extra contributions
you have made this year. I hope to see you be even
more active in ABSA next year. Can’t wait to see
what you want to do, but I know it’ll be great! Been
great getting to know you better, girl!
Andrew Huang: Baby, I miss you…come back!
I hope that my work this year is satisfactory. If
not, you can call me out again like you always do.
However, I think I’m a little bit more prepared this
time around.
Austin Anderson: It’s been a long ride, Austin.
When I first met you Austin, I wasn’t sure how to
feel. It wasn’t often that there was a person bigger
and taller than me, and I had to work with you!
Thanks for continuing to be a great presence in
ABSA. I’m glad you were able to carry your heart
and funkiness from administrative branch last year
over to this year. Your dedication to us, from being a
big sib of Interrobang to a careers directors that endlessly delivered our food, is sincerely appreciated.
Bowen Cai: Bowen, thank you for being such a
hyped big sib this year. The OGs has never been able
to mimic your powerful, raw chant from the first
family GM. Thanks for being the driving force of the
OGs and balancing SCMSO and ABSA at the same
time. We need to sit down for coffee again!
Brian Kim: Hey loserrrrr! That’s right, I’m going to
be mean…just kidding! Hey, it’s been freaking great
getting closer to you second semester. From our first
man-to-man chat at Tan My to our following times
chilling with each other, I’ve found an attachment to
you. While I’ll still pick on you for your “bae times”
over “bro times”, I know that you still have my back
whenever I need it. Thanks for supporting me when
I was low, and celebrating with me when I did well.
Keep coming to me for advice if you want! I’ll be all
ears for you, bro. Thanks for everything this year.
Caroline Lee: It was fun getting to know you this
year! I think our most memorable experience definitely has to be that time that we spent at karaoke
together. You are a great rapper, and don’t let Anna
tell you otherwise!! Just be yourself!! Haha, slightly
kidding. I hope that you continue to be involved
with ABSA and AACM at the same time next year.
Don’t forget to continue pursuing God amongst all
that you do. Galatians 5:22-25.
Chris Liu (freshman): Hey, you’re a pretty cool
freshman! Glad that I got to see you often at speaker
series and what not. We need to gang up and bully
Alex more, if you know what I mean…
Christine Chu: Oy, ex-co. Where you been at?
We’re so close to each other, and yet I feel like I don’t
see you nearly enough. Anyways, thanks for being
someone that I can be weird with, like waddling
towards the drag with a triple chin face. Glad you
were a big sib this year. Keep releasing your weird
vibe to everyone!
Chris Wong: It’s been quite the journey, bro. I
remember seeing you around last year and wondering who you were. I heard you were smart, but
you were always in the back seat. When you asked
to be big sib this year, I seriously questioned your
dedication, but am so glad to be proven incredibly
wrong. Thank you for being a big sib of Ohana,
one of the best families out there. Not better than
Big Booty Bunch, but close! You have given to your
little sibs unconditionally, and it can be seen by the
love your little sibs have for you. Thanks for balling
with me, for contributing to finance team, and for
supporting ABSA. You’re going to be missed. See
you again, Chris.
Dora Cheng: Theodora, I agree. Your name is hard
to spell…thus, I chose to use Dora instead of Theodora! Thanks for being such a funny friend. Your
spontaneous personality, from wanting a white male
who spoke Cantonese to picking up organic pecans
off the ground, has been absolutely infectious.
Around you, I have smiles and laughter. Thanks for
taking me in and for hearing me out when I needed
it. I’m going to miss seeing you around, girl.
Edward Liao: Hey Ed!! Thanks for being such a
fun guy to be around this year. You’re an excellent
mixer, and I look forward to whatever else that you
can make up in the future. Sorry about giving you
questionable coolers for you to use this year. Thank
you so much for taking the time to bleach it and
clean it for us. Let’s continue to have fun next year,
in or out of finance team!
Elvis Yang: Do you remember the first time that we
met? It was at ABSA camping our freshman year,
and we were on the cliff edge together. Sitting on the
rocks, we stared at the stars and just talked the night
away. I was the weird one, the one who wore the hot
pink shirt and hopped into the lake at 3 AM. However, I’m glad that you still considered me a friend
and even gave me a place to stay while I waited for
graduation. Thanks for being a great guy and I hope
that you can enjoy yourself out of college. We need
to keep balling, because I’m slowly getting the shot
down! I bet I’ll beat you soon enough.
Enoch Tsai: I didn’t know that you were a fireman!
Just kidding, but you are still so much more than
I expected. Goalie for soccer, Frisbee handler, and
hardcore biker – what can you not do? Thanks for
hanging around ABSA and being a fun guy to hang
around. Come out some more!
Eric Ma: Eric, Eric, Eric. I am still expecting you to
make the first move. Remember my bet? I need you
to beat Alex, and I have full confidence that you can
once you choose to! Take the initiative and help us
win. Regardless, thanks for hanging around ABSA
this year even if your friend group lies largely with
Epic. Your presence was important for us, and your
branch definitely looks to you as an older brother.
Catch you around!
Ethan Ho: Ethan, I sincerely apologize for having
to cook the crawfish outside of your apartment. It
means a lot that you were willing to deal with it and
clean the equipment even after your event. Excellent
spring alumni weekend! Thanks for letting me be a
part of it. Deuteronomy 15:10.
Felicia Zhang: Mademoiselle, thank you for
accepting to co-lead with me next year. I hope that I
can meet your expectations! Other than that, thanks
for being a great big sis. I know I brought the group
down at Family Field Day, but I’m glad that you
carried us for the rest of it! Thanks for being a great
small group leader this year! 2 Timothy 1:7.
Florence Sung: Flooooo, I apologize so much for
always having my shoutouts late. Thanks for always
being friendly and chill with me! Also, thanks for
always producing great informers for ABSA!! Hope
to see you around still next year!
Ginnie Ko: Ginnie, you totally ditched me for
basketball. Next thing I know, you’re going to start
playing without me again. I guess that’s ok, since
you own me every time in basketball. I really wish
I could be as good at basketball as you are. I wish
I could also be as smart as you are, MPA Genius.
Thanks for being cool as usual. I need to hang
around your room more often again.
Hannah Kang: Hi, scary one. Yes, I said it!! You are
still quite scary. Thanks for being my big sis and
feeding me food. I always like food. Although you
bailed on the second time, thanks for being a Tough
Mudder with me!! Had a blast watching how legit
you were. I hope that you can pray for me as I lead
a SG next year and I hope that you can come out to
support! Thanks for your prayers! Romans 9:31.
Helena Shi: Poop.
Hoai Truong: Hoaistory, why are you so cool? 8) We
still need to go to do Tough Mudder together!!
Ima Linzag: Did you know that you are amazing?
I bet you didn’t. I doubted it for a second when you
ignored me outside Xian, but I knew that you are
still an incredible person. Thank you for stepping
up to be the publicity committee head this past year.
You have done an amazing job and been a great
teacher. Also, thank you for working with me and
my branch on our events and doing all the hard
work for us. Thanks for everything Ima!!
Janet Zhou: Hi master, thank you for taking me in
my freshman year. You believed in this awkward
engineer who didn’t really know what was going on,
even when I didn’t believe in myself. I was the empty
pot, with no value shining through but honesty.
You are the light and rock for many, and I’ll still
look to you for the wisdom and heart that I can’t
get enough of.
Throughout my college career, I hope that I
have made you proud and happy in your choice.
Although we haven’t crossed paths in JQL in a while,
I will continue to remember the silly memories of
me asking for friends. I am going to continue to
grow and mentor others, hopefully in a similar way
of how you did it for me. Regardless, I want you to
know that I will miss you. Thanks for being on this
journey with me. From starving me to teasing me,
thanks for everything, master. As I take over for SGL
next year, I hope that you can pray for my walk with
God. Philippians 4:13.
Jany Xu: Jany, girl, sometimes I feel like you are
hopeless. It’s so easy to tease and make fun of you.
However, it’s also hard to deny that you have been
like a loving mother for me and the panel. Thanks
for watching out for me and letting me cook for us
that one time. I promise that I’ll cook for Apartment
318 at my place soon! Don’t forget to take care of
yourself, or I’m going to come take care of you! I’m
going to miss you!!
Jason Wu: I’m going to miss my fellow partner
for Jason Sandwiches. The time of the Jason’s are
leaving, and it is sad to have to be the last one out.
Thanks for being such a great member every year
and having a great smile for everyone. You’ll be
missed! Come back often!
Jeff Su: Thank you for the help that you have given
me and ABSA every year. From SG to VP to Big
Sib, you have been a person worth learning from.
When snowstorms cancelled both Scoring Careers
and Dallas CFT, I asked you how you were doing,
and you were strong. You were made strong through
your faith, and I can’t stop admiring that. I pray
that you can catch that same strength again as you
move out from college. Regardless, thanks for being
you – unhygienic, gross, and sleepy. Thanks for
everything. Congratulations on graduating, and
come back often if you can! See you again, brother.
Romans 8:31.
Jessica McCarthy: For a second, I was going to
write you a goodbye message, but you’re not leaving
yet! You should…you’re pretty old. Just kidding!
It’s been an absolute pleasure getting to know you
better this year. It’s been fun bullying you on your
height and messing with your Asian knowledge.
Still, I agree that you can be more Asian than me
sometimes. You’re fun and bubbly, and I hope that
we can hang out some more next semester before
you leave!
Jessie Chan: Duckling, you need to stop being productive and just let me hang out with you more! I
need to swing by your room like in the past and plug
your toilet every so often. Or maybe I’ll just jump on
your bed and beat up Snoopy? Just kidding! But still,
let’s hang out more often and you can be lame to my
face at least. And wear my duck socks more often!
It’s been great getting to know you this year, girl.
Thanks for everything that you’ve done for ABSA!
Jimmy Nguyen: Jimmmmmmmmmy, we need to
get a group for feels talk again.
John Song: Miss you bro.
Johnny Vo: Big butt.
Josephine Lin: What up girl? I always try to bully
you, but it simply does not work on you hahaha.
Thanks for being a great person. I look forward to
working with you next year in AACM and ABSA!
Matthew 28:19.
Julia Hoang: I try to bully you, but then you make
me feel bad immediately after…thanks a lot Julia!!
You’re mean. Just kidding, you’re a pretty sweet girl.
It’s been fun getting to know you better this year.
You’re bubbly and awesome. Have some more confidence in yourself, like in driving my car! You are a
great family director, and I think the family program
partially speaks to that. I speak for the rest, hehe.
Thanks for everything that you have done this year!
Kristy Liang: Where you been at? Hmmm? Haha,
regardless, thanks for all that you do for me. It’s been
a tumultuous year for me, but thanks for hearing me
out sister. I really appreciate all that you have done
for me! Matthew 7:8.
Kevin Duong: Blessssss.
Krystina Diao: Krusty, I need you to acknowledge
your nickname a little bit more often…I also am
going to need you to acknowledge that I don’t
actually want to be a part of the boobs. It’s cause I’m
part of the butts. Thanks for being a media director
and being a cool person overall! Let’s play League
together some day and I can be mean to you!!
Lisa Feng: Little one, where have you been? Don’t
let BHP consume you! There’s more to life than your
BHPuns and BHPhun. Thanks for being a fart queen
and letting me bully you all the time. I have had a
great time getting to know you this year.
I told you - you have made an incredible impact on
me, even if you don’t believe it. Where I am now all
started with Chase Oaks, and that’s thanks to you. I
know we haven’t done a good job keeping up with
our book club, and I apologize for not being stricter
with our accountability. However, I’m glad that
we can still meet up and let loose with each other.
Hopefully, I can achieve a similar environment next
year as I lead a SG. Be a part of it? I’ll be there for
you whenever you need me, little minion. Feel free
to rely on me for help or prayers whenever you need
it. Thanks for being there for me and for being legit
as a director. Jeremiah 29:11.
Lucia Hua: Master chef Lucia, do you want to feed
me a little bit more often? I see you cooking all
the time, but it never seems to ever to go into my
stomach! Thanks for being a cool cat, wearing funky
pants, doing funky exercises, and being a strong
believer for me to follow. I know that there is a lot
that you want to do to continue pursuing your faith,
and I hope that I can help support you do whatever
you want to do! It’s been great getting to know you
this year. We should run together more often, but
you should train a little bit more to catch up to me…
that means getting off that silly elliptical!
Macy Huang: Hey duckling, where have you been
this entire semester? I thought we agreed that we
would work together, but I’m not quite sure if you
still do work…! Regardless, it’s been fun watching
you participate in various events for your Chinese
dance and watching you dance with amazing grace.
Let’s hang out more often!!
Mickey Li: Mr. Dodgeball Carry, it has been a great
journey getting to know you better. You are an
incredible person with a crazy drive, able to balance
multiple positions and still be able to get plenty of
sleep. I wish I had your time management skills back
when I was a freshman. I don’t even have it now.
Don’t forget to let yourself relax in God’s presence
more. More than that, don’t forget to glorify God
in all that you do. Pray often and continue to center
your life on him. I am excited to see where you
decide to go in life, and I hope that I can continue to
be a part of that. Thanks for letting me stay at your
place and sharing stories with me. Also, sorry about
the smell! Proverbs 16:3.
Nina Tanuwidjaja: MedSprings was not a fun
experience. It started off fun, but it got a lot worse
really fast. Never again!! Just kidding, I’ll always be
there for you whenever you need me to, and I hope
you know that. I’ve appreciated how much closer
we have grown this year, and how we had those late
night runs to 888. Feel free to come over whenever
you want and eat my candy. I’ll be sure to hold a
stash of gummies for you. Regardless, thank you for
all that you have done for me this year. I hope that
we can continue to grow closer next year, because
I definitely need someone to bully me about losing
beanies and buying cigarettes.
Phillip Yoon: Hey ABSA model, do you mind if we
start using your face as ABSA’s new publicity?
Purav Doshi: Congratulations on finance team
co-head! I see many great things coming from you,
and I’m excited to see what you have in store for
next year.
Russell Kan: What up, fellow engineer? Thanks for
choosing my branch and trusting me. I know that it
wasn’t everything that you had expected, but I could
not have come as far as I have without you. You have
been a great director, kind to me, friendly to everyone, and helpful whenever you were free to do so. I
am so blessed to have met you this year and had the
opportunity to learn from you. I apologize for being
a rebel during Resistance, but I know you redeemed
yourself through bullying me in brawl. We’ll be
sure to have more hangouts like that in the future! I
hope that we can continue to grow closer next year!
Thanks again for everything, Russell.
Robert Ma: Hi CEO, can I sleep on your couch? It
doesn’t seem like I’ll need it in the near future, but
I’ll continue to ask just to make sure. Thanks for
trusting in me and agreeing to disciple me. It hasn’t
exactly worked out perfectly, but I hope you can see
improvement being made in me. I’m not sure how
we’re planning to handle our meetings once you’ve
graduated, but I know that I want to continue learning from you. You have been incredibly responsive
to all my questions and I have learned so much more
about my faith through you. God has blessed me to
have met you, and I hope that I can make you proud
as I pursue SGL next year. Thank you for investing
in me and being a loving supporter. Let’s do more
together when we’re not as busy!
Samantha Choi: Again, burrito monster, it has been
a pleasure getting to know you this year. Thanks for
everything that you have done for ABSA this year.
It’s always funny to see how chill you are about everything. Test tomorrow? Movie first. It’s hilarious!
Be sure to take care of yourself more though – the
years only get harder from here on out! Thanks for
being a great director and friend. I look forward to
what you have in store for ABSA next year!
Sang-Yop Kwon: Hello, fellow warrior. Thanks for
convincing me to wade through treacherous waters
and embarrass myself in front of a family. I am still
waiting on you to become a professional tennis player. I guess that can wait though, since ABSA comes
first. Congratulations on becoming External VP!
While I am scared for you at some points, I have full
confidence that you will be a great VP because you
are a great person. Funny, sincere, motivated, and
kind, you have been an absolute joy to get to know
better this year. I hope that you we can continue to
grow closer next year and you can find a friend and
brother in me. Thanks for everything that you do –
for ABSA and for your friends.
Sangbin Kwon: I love youuuuuu. You’re a pretty
great big sib by the way. Thanks for everything!
Stephen Zhu: Pops, you know I’m going to miss
you. Although our relationship might not change
much since I tend to talk to you more on Facebook
than in real life, I know that it will be sad to not be
able to make fun of you in person anymore. I’m glad
that you still let me bully you about your weight
despite being one of the finest bodies in ABSA. I’m
glad you let me pick on everything about you! I
know that we had a rocky love last year, but I hope
that you can see that I have matured past that. You
can judge however much. Take care of yourself more
often, and just relax in the presence of God. I’ll
continue to pray for you and your purpose for this
life. Step back and appreciate all that God has given
to us! I’m going to miss you, pops. Since freshman
year, you have dealt with my spontaneity, my
mistakes, and my whining. Thanks for being there
for me and having my back (almost) every time.
You’re leaving far too soon. I’ll keep bothering you
somehow, but it really won’t be the same. Love ya
pops. Matthew 28:19.
Steven Yen: Heyyyy weirdo. Why do I say that? I
don’t know, but I know you’ll let me! Thanks for
being a great guy and solid media director this year.
It has been great getting to know you this year. We
need to hang out more often!
Sylvia Yang: Sleepy Sylvia, please stop sleeping!
Haha, but besides that, thanks for being a great
person this year and an excellent media director. It’s
been a joy getting to know you and making fun of
how ratchet you can be. I look forward to what you
will continue to do in the future with all the photography skills that you will be carrying forward!
Tiffany Weng: Tiffany, thanks for your positive
attitude, even if I do make fun of your grammar…
ranned? Runned? Ran. Hahaha, I hope that you continue to be a positive influence in ABSA next year!
Veronica Sun: Hey girl, you’re super sweet. Thanks
for swiping me without a second thought. I apologize for almost stealing your ID!! Thanks for being
such a great girl! I wish I got to know you better this
year, but join my SG next year and we can continue
getting to know each better! Looking forward to
what you have in store for next year!
Vivian Wang: Hey, you little troll! Good job on
alumni weekend this past semester. Thanks for
letting me help cook the crawfish even though I can
be a questionable cook… I promise that I’ll cook
that meal for you some time next year at the latest
too! If you trust me, I guess. Thanks for being a
cool person!
Yoon Lee: I can’t believe you took in that crawfish!!
Thanks for being an unrelentingly amusing guy!
Zulian Tjuatja: Master chef Zulian, I am waiting for
more delectable pictures for me to drool at...
Emily Fu
Alex Zou: dead week=we’re going to complete our
bucket list! STOP POKING THE CACTUS... are you
even keeding me. p.s. your taste in music is great!
Amanda Shang: Dallas CFT was fun, and we should
do MIS hw more together! Great job with Mock
Case Competition :) shoutout for being an amazing
Angela Meng:Thanks for being a mom and taking
care of all of us on Dallas CFT!! and for putting up
with my freshman-ness hahaha. Great job this year
as Professional VP!
Anna Chong: Sorry for tricking you and saying
I’m Rebecca, but that means I consider you not an
beginner-level anymore! :P you’re cute and great job
being external vp!
Austin Anderson: tap house team needa reunion!
also, “Seriously Rebecca, just stop” lolol. thanks
for always being so helpful and great job on CFTs!
You’re a pal(when you’re not being mean) of
cards watch party soon?
Brian Kim:Vacuum...I’m pretty sure the reason our
Asia Cafe dishes were gone so fast was because of
you :P Great job as family director! Family Field Day
was tons of fun!
Christina Lien: OMG congrats!!! I hope you were
finally impressed, unimpressed starfish ;) great job
on special events stuff this year!
Christine Chu:Thanks for always looking out for
your littles, big! You’re really crazy and weird<3 I
appreciate all you do for WOOHOO!
Edward Liao: Thanks for reaching out and helping
with the hiking social, I appreciated it! We still need
to get Indian food!!!
Elvis Yang: Thanks for understanding my #dormlyfe
struggles and washing my blanket hahaha and
remember to remind me to give you back your whistle!! Have a great summer :)
Emily Mi:Name twin! Your haircut is so cute! I’m so
glad I met you this semester<3
Florence Sung: thanks for being a great informer
editor! I love that you love writing! It’s always nice
seeing you in chem lol :)
Ginnie Ko: You’re so cute and derpy! I liked having
pho with you, MPA queen hehe. Thanks for the bday
cookies <3
Huyen Tran:Thanks for taking the time to take
pictures for all of us! you’re an awesome big sib <3
Good luck with your internship this summer!
Jackson Pei: even though you always poke my
armpits and call me “Rebecca” and mess with me,
you’re such a kind and helpful person and a great
president! Thanks for all your efforts this year! And
for always looking out for all of us :)
Jane Zeng: peacock! Good job as special events
director this year! all your insta posts make me want
to go to music festivals now…
Jason Guo:It’s nice seeing you at church every week!
Great job as financial vp this year:)
Jeffrey Han:Teach me to properly make cookies that
are not crunchy please. Great job so far with FYM
stuff!! Another round of Teji’s soon?
Jennifer Park: Thanks for always havin’ my back
girl, shoutout for being so active!
Jennifer Yang:Your senior pics are so cute!! Great
job as academic vp this year, we will all miss you!
Jessica Tinsh Lin: it was fun waiting like 5 hours in
line with you for Franklin’s haha XD Great job with
Informer stuff this semester!
Joseph Kim: Joseph! Thanks for helping make that
birthday cake for us! It was sooo good and you’re the
sweetest! Have a great summer!
Josh Hu: Let’s go to J2 once more before you graduate! I really enjoy our talks hahaha. Good luck on
CPA exams and working in Dallas :)
Julia Hoang: You’re so cute!! Great job with family
stuff this year, Family Field Day was great! tbh, I
laughed so hard at that video of you jumping hahaha
Julia Lu: it was awesome interviewing you for
Project: Paint! Hopefully I will see you around more!
Kelvin Nguyen: hey Kelvy! Great work as admin vp
this year! I really enjoy talking to you even though
all our interactions somehow end up with you shaking your head at me and calling me scrub hahaha
Kimberly Young: heyy, I really like seeing you in
chem class! Thanks for always being such an enthusiastic and bubbly person!
Krystina Diao: Great job on EOS promo stuff and
the awesome logos! We are grateful for you :)
Linh Dao: dang that dedication though! I need to
be more like you and wake up early to work out :P
Thanks for being so sweet and sending me napping
Maria Mai: I wish I can dance 1/100 as good as you,
and shoutout for braving the shave!! I hope you have
a great summer in WEST VIRGINIA(I remembered
hehe) and then Vienna! Thanks for everything you
do for us!!
Nina Tanuwidjaja:Thanks for being a great big
and keeping everyone in line! Every time I see
something related to cats I think of you haha. Have a
purr-ific summer <3
Phillip Yoon: I’m glad you tried the eggplant at
Asia Cafe and deemed it “on point” hehe. Good job
as athletic director this year and thanks for always
being so considerate! I hope you’re not sorry you
bothered me with your friendship...XD
Rebecca Fu: HI person who looks like me good job
with academic workshops <3
Sabeeha Islam:Thanks for always supporting and
coming out to events, even as the busy person you
are. Great job being Executive VP this year! You
rock <3
Samantha Choi: “what’s that word again..voyeurism?” LOL that was an interesting night.. Great job
as an executive director this year! Let’s hang during
the summer!
Sangbin Kwon: kpop star! I haven’t seen you around
lately but thanks for always being the calm, chill,
and swag big sib hahaha
Sang Yop Kwon: CAN WE TENNIS SOON? great
job with volunteering events this year!!
Stephen Zhu: Thanks for taking me to church every
week :) I hope you have a great summer and eat lots
of bbq! :D
Steven Yen: Isn’t it nice hangin’ with the cool kids?
hahaha thanks for making the BEST videos for internal this year! p.s. your violin covers are sooo great
Sylvia Yang: Thanks for taking EOS photos for internal this year, you’re the best! have fun in Australia
in the fall and know I will be experiencing your trip
vicariously through your artsy pics <3
Taehoon Kim:I know you don’t like when I kick
you but that’s our thing!! Not MY thing! Thanks
for being a wonderful big sib. I’m sad that you’re
graduating, even though my shoelaces will always
be tied now…
Trini Tran: RAPE!! lololol. I know you love me
somewhere deep in your heart :P Good job as
special events director this year!
Veronica Sun: it was wonderful being co-directors
with you this year!! I’M PROUD OF US! thanks for
the delicious birthday was sooo good! <3
Victoria Fung: BA101 neighbor, all we do in class
is doze off (me) and study calc(you) LOL. It’s always
nice seeing you around!
Rebecca Fu
Alex Zou: Your shenanigans are sometimes too
much, but you make good Spotify playlists. Thanks
for the laughs and please remember that you don’t
pet cacti. #taphouseteam
Amanda Shang: Hi Amanda, I’m glad we can
share our MIS woes together! Your dance skills are
fabulous. Good luck on running for VP! :)
Andrew Tran: Hi Andrew! I must say your Frisbee
skills are impressive :D
Angela Shang: Hey Angela, Dallas CFT was fun!
Thanks for taking care of the rest of us :)
Anna Chong: Hi Anna! Thank you for celebrating
my birthday with me :)
Austin Anderson: Hi Austin! You’re probably
thinking “SERIOUSLY Rebecca, just stop”, but
your little Asian girl impersonations make my day!
Belinda Jiang: Hi Belinda, thanks for entertaining
the people around you! I’m glad we got to volunteer
at that Jewish thing and get free cacti together, haha.
Cao Truong: When I see you, I know that any good
hair day I might be having will soon be ruined.
What a bully. On another note, thanks for driving us
for Dallas CFT! :)
Elizabeth Kwan: Hello, MIS savior! Thanks for
carrying us :)
Elvis Yang: Hi Elvis, I had fun waiting outside
Franklin’s with y’all! I hope it was everything you
dreamed of and more
Emily Mi: Hi Emily! I really enjoyed having lunch
and chatting with you, and I’m so glad that I get to
have you as one of my big sibs this year :)
Flo Sung: Hey Flo! I really enjoyed the last copy
of the Informer. Thanks for putting up with my
lateness and for all your hard work!
Ginnie Ko: Thanks for the Tiff ’s Treats Coach
Ginnie! You’re the sweetest :)
Huyen Tran: Hi big, thanks for taking the time out
of your busy schedule as a profesh photographer to
take family photos! I’m so glad you’re one of my big
sibs this year :)
Jackson Pei: Hi Jackson! I’m impressed at your
ability to consistently call me Emily, you’ve got skills.
Anyways, you’re great president and I’ll (kinda) miss
your bullying when you graduate!
Jason Guo: Hi Jason! It’s nice seeing you bright and
early on Sundays, hope you’re doing well!
Jeffrey Han: Hi Jeff, although we discovered our
morning wake-up system isn’t foolproof, it’s nice
having someone to go to BA extra-credit sessions
with. And Teji’s! Let’s do it again!
Jeffrey Hung: Hi Jeffrey! Great job on cooking all
that crawfish during alumni weekend! :D
Jennifer Park: I enjoy our late night (or is it early
morning?) sing-alongs at McCombs haha. Thanks
for having my back when it’s necessary!
Jennifer Yang: I couldn’t think of a better VP to
work under this year! I’m so glad that I could be part
of your last year here and I’m thankful for all the
memories. We’ll miss you next year! <3
Jessica Lin: Hi Jessica! It was fun waiting for
Franklin’s with you. Thanks for your work on the
Jimmy Nguyen: Good luck on running for VP Jimmy, I have faith in your confidence and passion!
Johnny Vo: You’re super indecisive but I’m glad you
finally decided to run for VP! It’s been awesome
having you in both family and branch :D
Joseph Kim: Hi Baker Joe, thanks for the birthday
cake! Who needs a business degree when your
baking skills are that good? ;)
Josephine Lin: Thanks for coming to surprise me
at my birthday! I’m so impressed with your beat
boxing and I am definitely not graduating without
hearing you play the guitar! :P
Josh Hu: Hey Josh! Thanks for dragging me out
to J2 once in a while (it’s the only times I eat fruit
or veggies). I appreciate our interesting & random
conversations :P
Julia Hoang: Good luck on running for VP, Julia! :D
Karen Shang: Hey Karen, I’m glad you decided to
run for VP! Thanks for pushing me into a round of
social dance (it was fun!) and good luck on running!
Kelvin Nguyen: Hi Kelvin, Dallas CFT was fun with
you! Please try to eat something outside your three
respective good groups :P
Kristeen Chan: Yay Kristeen, we finally got to eat
together! It’s pretty cool seeing all the places you’re
going and the people you’re meeting
Linh Dao: It’s always fun bumping into you Linh!
Hope you’re doing well :D
Lucia Hua: It was nice hanging out with y’all
during Dallas CFT and grabbing 3+ meals all in
one night! ;)
Macy Huang: Hey Co! It’s been fun pulling
late-nighters at McCombs with you :) Thanks for
everything you do and yay for a great year!
Maria Mai: Good job on braving the shave Maria!
You did great and I’m glad I got to be there! :)
Mickey Li: Thanks for opening your doors to us
during Dallas CFT! It was fun hanging out with y’all!
Phillip Yoon: I hope you now like eggplants as
much as just eggs and plants. It’s always fun to see
you late night at McCombs and it’s sometimes fun to
be a victim of your trolling.
Regan Wang: Hey Regan! It was pretty funny and
coincidental running into you in Houston. Thanks
for letting me interview you and for all the great
advice :)
Rick Kim: Hello Rick! Thanks for being generous
and sharing your extra seaweed with the rest of
us! :P
Sabeeha Islam: Hi Sabeeha! I appreciate that you
try to come out so many different events. Thanks for
leading GM discussions and making it meaningful,
and for sharing your early experiences :)
Samantha Choi: Let’s prioritize each other for
spontaneous outings! Also, good luck on elections,
you will be fine :)
Sangbin Kwon: Hello Woohoo big! Hope all your
late hours paid off and your tests went well!
Sangyop Kwon: I always see you taking naps on the
5th floor…excited for you to run for VP, please get
some sleep soon!
Sarah Huang: I really enjoyed CFT and the impromptu Plano tour! :D
Sonia Hegde: Dallas CFT was fun with you, Sonia!
Stephen Zhu: Hey Stephen! Thanks for chauffeuring
us every Sunday morning and checking up on us! It’s
been fun going to church with y’all :P
Steven Yen: This was so so long ago, but thanks for
finding me that deal on the camera! And it was fun
randomly bumping into you at midnight, thanks for
keeping us company at Teji’s :)
Sylvia Yang: I don’t see you much anymore! I do,
however, have a fun time scrolling through your
photography on Facebook. Come to things more
and don’t forget to study :)
Taehoon Kim: You know what’s better than a 5th
year MPA? A 6th year MPA! JK, but I’ll be sad to see
you graduate. Thanks for being a great big sib, I’m
ready to make these last few weeks count!
Tiffany Weng: Hi Tiffany, it’s always nice to see your
smiling face. Let’s brownbag soon! :)
Tri Nguyen: Hi Tri! Always astounded by your Frisbee skills. It’s nice seeing you in Chem sometimes!
Trini Tran: Good luck on running for VP, Trini :D
Veronica Sun: Thanks for helping make the cake,
Veronica! And good job on y’all’s last social :D
Victoria Fung: Hey Victoria! It was nice randomly
bumping into you outside Jester Java and having a
40-minute convo haha. Also, it’s always fun snoozing through BA101!
Johnny Vo
Officers: Thanks for always taking care of us! We all
appreciate all the hard work that you put in. :D
Jackson Pei: Thanks for always mentoring me! You
da bomb. :D
Angela Meng: I really enjoyed our meal!!
Sabeeha Islam: Thanks for always helping me with
anything, even at 5am!
Kelvin Nguyen: You’re always so kind and helpful!
Anna Chong: Hehe
Jason Guo: You make me laugh a lot!
Maria Mai: Teach me how to dance girl.
Academic Branch: It’s been a blast working with
you guys and I hope we can stay in touch in the
future! Once Academic, always Academic!!
Jennifer Yang: Omg, I can’t believe you’re leaving!
Thanks for always helping me with anything, whether it be getting my life together or something with
FYM. I really appreciate you and I hope you’ll have a
blast at your job! Whoever succeeds you, I know will
make you proud!!
Karen Shang: You are the real mvp! You always
got my back and you’re always so positive and hard
working! I’m so glad we got to work together this
year and I’m excited for the future!!
Jimmy Nguyen: Thanks for always looking out for
us! You’re a great person and I’m glad we’re in the
same branch together this year :D
Josephine: 2 for 2! Yay! Haha. Definitely glad we
were in the same branch again haha. Will always
love your sense of humor and those 15 min branch
meetings haha.
Macy Huang: Macky Huang Kong!!! Have fun
studying abroad! I hope you come back to ABSA
hehe cause you funny and coo’.
Rebecca Fu: Hi fam! It’s awesome that we in the
same fam and branch! Glad to have worked and
played with you! Here’s to the future! :D
Feed Your Mind Committee: Glad to have worked
with you guys this semester! I hope you guys had
fun cause I definitely enjoyed all our meetings and
socials and laughter! Hope to see you guys back in
ABSA next year and good luck with everything. :D
Chris Liu: Thanks for always working really hard!
I really like your work ethic and how much heart
you put into everything you do! Good luck moving
forward. :D
Christina Wang: You are so creative! Thanks for all
your energy everywhere and all the time. You make
things more fun!
Christina Xie: Your laugh doe. Haha. Everything
you laugh, you make me laugh along and it’s really
awesome haha. HAHAHAHHA.
Claudia Chang: Thanks for contributing a lot
of ideas during meetings and keeping things
David Mei: How’s the calc hw ? hahah jk but good
job with everything this semester! Hope you’ll come
back to ABSA!
Jeffrey Han: Good job leading logistics! You and
Jessie did a great job! Thanks for always speaking up
at committee meetings and contributing great ideas!
Jessie Chan: Hi loser! I think one of my favorite moments this whole year was seeing you grow from the
first semester to second semester and how dedicated
and hard working you are. Keep up the good work,
but remember to relax!!
Kelly Luck: Hi Kelly! I’m really glad you came back.
I haven’t seen you much this semester, but I hope
everything’s going well!
Stephanie Su: Yay! I’m really glad you joined our
committee second semester and was able to see both
sides of it. I hope you enjoyed it and learned a lot
moving forward!
Vartika Chauhan: I’m glad you decided to apply for
FYM! I hope you learned a lot and had a lot of fun! I
really enjoyed working and laughing with you. :D
Yujin Yang: Thanks for always keeping us on track
at committee meetings! I hope you gained a lot of
being on the committee and good luck with whatever you pursue! :D
Alex Hui: Looking forward to see what you will do
with Financial Branch!
Alex Liu: Ayy waddup balla! If you down, let’s play
ESPN fantasy bball LOL
Alex Zou: You need to sleep buddy. You always
awake and zombieing around!
Alvin Nguyen: sup north. You da ngu.
Amy Xin: Waddup balla
Andrew Tran: Sup cuh. Let’s hoop soon doe.
Arlene Cai: Ugh
Audra Fields: You’re always smiling and laughin!
Keep it up!!:D
Austin Anderson: Dat Marketing class doe smh
Belinda Jiang: runner runner. I haven’t seen you in
a while! My b
Brian Kim: Pro dancer is in the buildinggggggggggg
and you a beast at Frisbee bro. teach me how to
read da disc.
Cao Truong: Waddup Cao. You always got energy
and friendliness man. Keep it up!!
Caroline Lee: Ew. LOL jk hi
Chris Wong: You a beast at Frisbee. Good luck with
your CPA exams!!
Daniel Ho: Sup Zuko.
Emily Mi: Thanks for being an awesome big sib!
Even though I’m a little MIA this semester, xD.
Florence Sun: Thanks for always allowing my
shoutouts to be late! You awesome!!
Fred Yang: Waddup cuh
Ginnie Ko: Ayyy waddup coach ko!!! You do you,
bruh! Awesome job with IMs this year. :DD
Grace Liu: Ew. LOL
Hanna Jones: Hi Hanna! Thanks for always being
really easy to talk to!!
Hans Uy: Bruh, where you been?
Helena Shi: Monicaaaaaa
Hoai Truong: Hi Hoai! You’re always so cheerful
and friendly! I’m always happy to see you. Good
luck with recruiting and everything!!
Huyen Tran: Hi Big Sib! Sorry I’ve been so MIA
lately. You still awesome doe :)
Ima Linzag: Hi Ima! Thank you for all your advice
on running and LEA! You’re awesome!!
Jason Wu: Hi Jason! I hope you had a great last
semester! Ima miss you!!
Jeanette Tang: Sup scrub hehe. Let’s get back to the
championship game again next year and be super
nervous for it :D
Jennifer Park: You always awake, yo! Get some rest
and take care of yourself, too. hehe
Jessica McCarthy: Thank you for all your help
during my decision making for elections! I really
appreciated all your ideas and recommendations!!
John Song: Bruh we needa ball and you needa
come back!
Jonathan Ong: Waddup playa! Let’s hangout soon.
Like for real. LOL
Joseph Kim: Thanks for being an awesome friend
and big sib! I really appreciate you, man! Hope
everything goes well!!
Kang Park: Thanks for always being so cool, bruh.
Do you.
Liam Kelly: I know you be kickin’ some butt doe
Linh Dao: We miss you on the FYM committee!!
Minh Le: waddup bruh.
Paul Nguyen: You’re always funny and really nice!
Thanks, Paul! Hope MPA is going well!
Phillip Yoon: Glad we got a little closer as this
semester is coming to a close. Hope to continue on,
man! You do you!
Russell Kan: I love your hustle in Frisbee, man!
Keep up the good work!!
Sang-Yop Kwon: Waddup Federerkwon! Let’s win
IM tennis and hopefully take home the trophy for
Salty Bros!
Sangbin Kwon: Hope everything’s been going well! I
haven’t seen you in a while!
Sarah Huang: Branch meeting at 10am
soon? Sarah Qin: Thanks for all your advice Sarah! You
Sean Lin: Waddup playa. Looking forward to
playing tennis with you!!
Shufen Wang: Ew. Omg. Hehe jk. You a scrub
doe Sylvia Yang: Hi Ratchet. Don’t burn out, bruh so
you can take care of yourself.
Taehoon Kim: Thanks for everything that you do
for me. I really appreciate all your advice and you’re
always there! Thanks for being a great big sib and an
awesome mentor. Hopefully, you won’t be too busy
next year at work and we can hangout sometime. :D
Tri Nguyen: Scrub. Lord. Period.
Veronica Sun: Let’s get more Korean food. I’m
Vijay Dukkipati: Glad you’re coming out more!
Hope everything is awesome, man! Your drive
inspires me!
Vivian Wang: Go sleep. You ALWAYS up. Dang.
YoonSup Lee: Good luck with your new organization! Let’s play tennis sometime. :D
Zi Chen: Waddup froomie. Scrub.
Zulian Tjuatja: Remember to take breaks and relax!
You work too hard!! :D
Jessica Lin
Kelvy: Thanks for giving me a shot on the Admin
branch. I really admire your philosophies and your
compassion <: Our mid semester evaluation talks
really made a difference and helped me realize a lot
about what I can do. THANKS AGAIN potatoe
Krystina: Hey krusty. Time to change your hair
color again? <3 hope we can be in the same family
again next year cuz you’re KINDA cool ;)
Steven: Teach me your ways! You are seriously talented and I really admire that, but I know how much
work you put into what you do. I know its all about
that patience and perseverence. #respecttolumpybutt
Flo: that CTRL+SHIFT+B lyfe am I right? Thanks
for being so patient with me and being such a great
work buddy
Sylvia: DOHBIE?! CRAP DIEM?! (omg I laughed
so hard at that) One thing I hate about you though
is how you dont appreciate my ratchet music even
though you were voted most ratchet...yeah I totally
voted you for that too xD
Vivian: I have no idea why I thought you were a
soph...probably because you’re so mature xD Loved
shopping with you and I look forward to more
Ethan: All that crawfish. And thanks for being my
one supporter of my ratchet music <3
Sumin: Thanks for always being our driver <: Also I
know you are a secret party girl that has a wardrobe
of a million dresses from every party you’ve been to
Jeffery: Admin newbies!! You were awesome this
year and hope we can work together again next year!
My Big Sibs: Thanks for putting in all that effort for
Interrobang this year. I know we werent the most
active littles but our family definitely was the best <3
You guys made me love ABSA and felt included. :)
Jennifer Park
Amy Xin: Oh my gosh you’re SUPER funny! Major
shoutout for making Phillip’s dream come true!
Angela Meng: WE’RE STILL ALIVE! :) Thanks
for looking out for me when the Megabus broke
down! To be honest, I was scared, but you made me
feel better
Austin Anderson: I’ve got two words for you: Tap
House. Let’s go!
Brian Kim: Good job family director! Love your
close to every family GM (mic drop)
Emily Mi: You’re so sweet~ Thanks for the brown
bag and cheering me up!
Ginnie Ko: Thanks for helping me when I was
down, and you’re a great athletics director!
Grace Liu: Everything is going to be okay, I promise
:) If you ever need anything, I’m always here for you!
Huyen Tran: Thanks for the Family Photoshoot! It
was really nice of you!
Jackson Pei: You’re graduatinggg!!! It’s a bummer
I only got to know you for a year, but it was a great
year. Thanks Jackson for making ABSA a great
Jason Guo: Thanks for all the late-night donut runs
for the people in McCombs! We appreciate it!
Jennifer Yang: Major shoutout to you for writing
and stuffing all those letters late at night for Faculty
and Staff Appreciation Week! And I can’t believe
you’re graduating! I’m happy, and yet I wanna cryyy
Jessica Tinsh Lin: Great job on the last Informer!!!
I know you stay up really late doing these, so make
sure to get some sleep :)
John Song: Thanks for coming by to Austin! I
hope you felt how special you are to your friends,
and what a difference your presence makes on
everyone :)
Johnny Vo: Sleep is important! I know grades are
important too, but please take care of your health :)
Joseph Kim: Thanks for all the fun and spontaneous
“family events!”
Julia Hoang: Great job family director! Love you
guys’ close to family GMs (mic drop, mic catch)
Kang Park: Shoutout to you for coming out to
ABSA, and managing KUSA!
Maria Mai: Thanks for helping me through things
I’m afraid of telling others!
Phillip Yoon: Thanks for being there whenever I
needed it! And great job being athletics director :)
Sangbin Kwon: Are you alive? I don’t see you
around any moreee :(
Sang-Yop Kwon: Much PTFO moments, and thank
you SO MUCH for all your help and knowledge.
You’ve helped me get through tough times, academically and personally. Please make sure to go home
and get good sleep. Please.
Steven Yen: Thanks for coming up and talking to
me; it’s really nice of you! And all your videos are
AMAZING! And your blog!!!
Taehoon Kim: You’re graduating soon :( I mean,
yayyy congratulations!!! Please come by occasionally
to see us, even after you leave :) And thanks for the
brown bag! It was fun, and the jajangmyeon was
Trini Tran: Thanks for being there for me when I
was down. It really means a lot, thanks :)
Veronica Sun: Chemistry struggles :( but we at least
we struggle together <3
Vivian Wang: YOUR HUGS <3 Don’t stay up too
late! Sleep is important for your health :)
Yoon Lee: I hope your club idea blooms wonderfully!
Jenney Ling
Alexander Au: Hello, my child! I hope that now
you can say that you have many new friends and
members of your family. You’re never alone because
you have your Ohana. (:
Amanda Shang: Hi, Turtle! You give such wonderful hugs! :D
Amy Xin: Amy~! You’re too cool!
Annie Truong: Hello! We don’t see you around
much. ): Miss you lots and hope all is well!
Audra Fields: *hug, hug, hug, octopus* (:
Austin Anderson: Hi!
Brian Kim: Thanks for all the hard work!
Brian Liew: So swole! Remind me to never arm
wrestle you.
Chris Wong: Chrissy Chris! It’s been wonderful
co-bigging with you this year. You’re super cool and
chill! Congratulations on yet another degree, and I
hope that the real world treats you well.
Cindy Kuang: Hello~! (:
Dan Lubis: Hi! I’m sorry we didn’t get to see you
much this spring! I hope your semester went well!
Daniel Chen: You’re always so busy! But I know that
you will do great things. (:
Daniel Wang: Haven’t seen you in a while! Hope
all is well!
Diane Sun: Diane~! You’re super funny and have
amazing drawing abilities. You’re also just such a
nice person to be around.
Enoch Tsai: Egg—just kidding! Tehe :P
Eric Allen: I was hoping that we would see you
more often this semester! ):
Femi Barin: Hey! I hope consulting life is treating
you well.
Grace Liu: Gracie Grace~! It has been a pleasure
having you in Ohana!
Helen Lee: Hi! Hope Aon is treating you well (:
Thank you so much for just being who you are, an
awesome person. You’re one of those people that got
people to stay in ABSA with your kindness.
Hoai Truong: Hi, Hoai! Having you in the family
has been fun! Hope to continue to hear you sing.
Ima Linzag: You’re just the sweetest person ever!
Thank you for the crush gram and baking for various events. It’s always nice to hear that we’ve made a
difference as big sibs. (:
Isoken Omoruyi: Hey, big! We miss you here in
the states!
Jackson Pei: Thanks for all your hard work, Mr.
Prez! Happy graduation!
Janet Zhou: Happy graduation!
Jason Guo: Hello~! (:
Jason Wu: Congrats on graduation! I’m going to
miss randomly seeing you around on campus. ):
Jeannette Tang: Jeannette~! You’re always a bundle
of positive energy! :D
Jimmy Nguyen: Jimmy~! Let’s go karaoke again
John Chen: Hi, John! Thanks for coming out to our
events! We are always happy to have you!
Josh Hu: Hi, Josh! Congrats on graduation! Also,
thanks for always being so kind and welcoming
during my freshman year. It was one of the many
little things that made me decide to stay in ABSA all
these years. (:
Julia Hoang: Hi, Julia! Thanks for all your hard
work this semester! (:
Julio Maldonado: Hi, Julio~! (:
Kelvin Nguyen: What have you done to me? Every
time I think of “potato,” I automatically think of you.
Ken Chen: Ken~! Although you joined the family
late, you have definitely made your mark in Ohana!
I’m so glad you jumped right in and accepted us as
your family. It’s always fun hanging out with you. (:
Lisa Feng: Hello~! (:
Lisa Liu: You will forever be the best treasure hunter
I know.
Macy Huang: Macy~! I admire your professionalism and have seen your growth over the past year.
Thank you so much for being a part of Ohana and
also for being such a great director and holding
awesome workshops!
Maria Mai: Hi, Ms. Internal VP! Great work this
year! Also, mad props for braving the shave! *hug*
Martin Ma: Hello~! We haven’t seen you in a while!
Hope all is well.
Michael Bolls: Can’t wait for you to return to
the states and join us for another year of fun and
Michael Yu: Hi, old guy! xP
Nikki Liu: Hey, twinnie! You did it! Graduation!
OHANA: It has been such an honor being your big
sib! Y’all are truly my family, and I hope that sometime during this journey together, you have come to
feel the same way.
Quan Nguyen: Quan Quan! It’s been nice
co-bigging with you this year! Congratulations on
graduating! Best of luck wherever you go!
Rachel Lee: You’re so talented! Hope to hear you
continue to sing around campus!
Regan Wang: Hey, ge! Co-bigging with you has
been so much fun! I can’t wait til next year to do it
again. Also, I can’t wait to embarrass you with all the
blackmail I’ve collected over the years. xP
Sabeeha Islam: Teach me your thugly ways~!
Samantha Choi: It’s been a pleasure having you join
Ohana at events. (:
Samuel Frost: Hi, Sam!
Sean Lin: Yo, blobfish! It’s been fun having you in
the family! You have an interesting sense of humor.
Sheena Wang: Thanks for giving it your best effort
to attend a family event! Hope to see you around
next year!
Taehoon Kim: Happy graduation! (:
Taylor Webb: Tay~! I hope your semester went well.
I write this in hopes that we will see you at EOS.
Tiffany Nguyen: I’m excited to see what adventures
you’ll have this upcoming summer!
Vamsee Ravella: Poke monster! You stopped showing up to events in the spring semester! ):
Vivian Wang: Hello, my child! It’s been so much
fun having you in Ohana! You’re so sweet and kind
and always ready for a hug! I can’t wait to see what
next year holds!
Quan Nguyen
Ohana: Thank you all so much for making my last
year at UT so memorable. From playing PIU or eating at 888 or even the karaoke events, everything has
been so much fun for me, Chris, Regan, and Jenney.
I’m really sad that this year will be my last year with
ya’ll because I have gotten to know a lot of you so
well. It still is a bit strange thinking I may never see
ya’ll again so I’ll really cherish the time I spent with
everyone. Oh and in case I forgot to mention it before, I’m moving to Florida so I may actually never
see any of ya’ll for real. I don’t really have
any other advice to give you (unless you need like
Nutrition advice) besides try to make sure you’re
eating well and try to get along with your siblings
when I’m gone. And like your actual parents I’m just
gonna remind ya’ll to make sure to call/text/message
me every now and then so I can make sure you’re
ok. I really thought of ya’ll as my real family and I
love all of you EQUALLY. OH and really cherish the
time you have left in college! It really hit me hard
that I was graduating this semester and I’m still a bit
depressed. Yup...the real world’s gonna be lonely…
=/ Ohana means family and family means no one
gets left behind or forgotten..and I really won’t forget
any of ya’ll! Well at least I hope so...I’m getting kinda
old so my memory isn’t as good as it used to be.
Alex Au: I’m a bit worried about you...I would
suggest a DASH diet because it seems your sodium
levels are quite high! But thanks for being such
a great little these past 2 years. I’m gonna miss
watching you, Regan, Chris, and Sean ignore me
while playing PAD when we’re together...and try to
be nicer to Vivian and Sean. Scrub.
Amanda Shang: Hey!!! So we never got to do our
brown bag but that’s okay because I know how busy
you are. I think it’s really cool that you’re in RDC
too. But thanks for being part of the family! :)
Amy Xin: I still think when you talk about stuff,
you’re very sarcastic even when you don’t mean to
be. But it was fun having you as my little sib. Thanks
for talking to me when I needed a pep talk and
stuff, even though you wouldn’t respond til like the
next day sometimes. Oh and I thought it was cool
we have the same taste in music and you’re super
Andrew Tran: Hey roomie. Getting real tired of you
blaming me for the jk. But yeah hopefully
by now we’d have played tennis. And if we didn’t,
I’m sure you’d probably beat me anyway. Thanks for
being a fun roommate!
Annie Truong: It’s a shame you’ve been too busy to
come out to a lot of the family events this year but it
was fun having you part of Ohana!
Anthony Qi: I don’t see you around ABSA anymore
=/ I think I see you in J2 more often LOL.
Audra Fields: Our friendship has definitely changed
from when we met when I was too awk to hug you.
But look at us now! We can talk about stuff and eat
donuts! Even though you’re basically best friends
with everyone except me, I’m gonna miss you a lot.
Austin Anderson: Hey roomie! Surprisingly I
don’t see you that’s probably because I
sleep most of the time. But it’s been really fun being
roommates and I’m gonna be sad I might not have a
roommate as chill as you in the future.
Brian Kim: You did a good job being a family director this year! You’re always so nice to me whenever
you see me.
Brian Liew:’re too buff. You beat
basically everyone on the table worth beating at Tap
House...using only your non-dominant hand! Oh
and thanks for hosting our Smash Bros mixer! It was
great to finally meet you even though I was your big
sib last year.
Cao Truong: I’m going to remember how we went
to all of the tables during Alumni Weekend and ate
all of the crawfish.
Chris Liu: It’s always great to see you sorta-neighbor. It’s too bad we never got to hang out more =/
Chris Wong: Hey co-big. Congrats on graduating!
It was a lot of fun big sibbing with you this year and
everyone in Ohana is gonna be so sad that Grandpa
Chris is leaving. I’m definitely gonna miss you talk
about Tamadra and Ronia and berry dragons and
Christine Chu: We didn’t really talk much this year
but it’s always good to see you every now and then.
Good job with Woohoo!
Cindy Kuang: You definitely disappeared from
ABSA this year. I literally only saw you twice this entire year. But I think you’re graduating so congrats...
if you’re graduating. If not...awk.
Dan Lubis: Dan!!! You’re always so busy now and I
haven’t seen you in so long =/ But thanks for being
one of my littles in HBC and Ohana!
Daniel Chen: Remember how we rode back with
Jenney for OU weekend..? Good times. Hopefully
we’d have played a game of tennis by now.
Daniel Wang: I haven’t seen you in a while, but
thanks for being one of my littles this year!
Diane Sun: I think it’s really cool that you started
coming out more this semester. Thanks for participating with Secret Santa and all of our other events
this year!
Edward Liao: Even though we aren’t co-bigs anymore, it’s always good to see you. Thanks for always
taking me to go eat Indian food and that one time to
drink margaritas!
Elvis Yang: Sorry our mixer wasn’t really a mixer...
my fault. But you look like you have a really good
Emily Fu: Our brown bag last semester was really
fun! I like how we talk about puppies and the chance
that we’d lose the puppy in a cereal box and stuff.
Enoch Tsai: It’s too bad we don’t live in the same
apartment anymore, but I still come over to your
Eric Allen: I remember I came into college and you
had such a big presence in ABSA. Now I’m about
to graduate and you’re still in school for a little
longer =/
Eric Ma: I think it’s awesome that I see you at parties
and stuff. Don’t tell people that I let you drink when
you’re not supposed to...shhhhhh
Ethan Ho: Thanks for coming to our karaoke
event! And good job with Alumni Weekend both
Florence Sung: I swear my name is Jason. It’s just
spelled ‘Q-U-A-N’
Gary Hao: Hey Gary! Thanks for being part of
Ohana this semester! :)
Grace Liu: Grass...I’m not going to forget that
comment about my jacket...I even bought you fries...
still hurts. But yeah at the time I’m writing this we
still had not gotten to run for about a month. It’s ok
though. Thanks for being part of Ohana!
Ginnie Ko: Hey Ginnie! You’re doing an awesome
job with the IM teams this year!
Hannah Kang: So remember how I said last year
that when I look at you I only look like I hate you?
I lied...jk...I think. But I haven’t really talked to you
lately which is a shame because I’m graduating.
Oh well. Happy graduation to you in advance for
next year.
Helena Shi: Our brown bag this semester was a lot
of fun! Even though we didn’t get to go to Kinsolving, I still enjoyed it a lot!
Hoai Truong: Thanks for being part of Ohana this
year! It’s always great to see you around Mccombs
and ABSA!
Ima Linzag: Ima you’re so’re so artistic
and you’re in charge of your own committee?? Wow
I can’t believe we’ve been in the same family for the
past 3 years. Sad that I’m leaving and I won’t get to
see you anymore =/
Jackson Pei: You’ve been such an awesome president
this year and you really made ABSA into such a
great organization.
Jane Zeng: I’m glad I got to tell you my opinions
about EOS during our brown bag. It was a lot of
fun talking to someone about ABSA every once in
a while. But I still remember you ate like ¼ of my
pizza at Austin’s Pizza that one time.
Jany Xu: I’m glad we got to catch up this semester
after not being able to see you in a while. I’m really
gonna miss being mean to you since like...Freshman
year. But I still think you’re a really great friend to
talk to :)
Jason Guo: Apparently you still tell people that I
eat a lot but I really don’t think I don’t. But it’s really
sad that I’m graduating and I won’t be able to talk to
you anymore. I still see you as one of the freshman I
met 3 years ago.
Jason Wu: Thanks for being such a great roommate
these past 2 years! Remember how you said that I
was gonna find a gf before you...yeah I hate you.
Jeannette Tang: Even though you don’t come out to
events very much...I still see you at my apartment
way too often. I guess it’s ok to see you and I’ll sorta
miss you when I leave. Just a little.
Jeff Su: You always look so tired and stressed. But
thanks for being such a great friend these past few
Jeffrey Han: I’m really sorry it took me so long to
add you to our family page. But it’s ok if you wanted
to come to our events too ;) Just don’t tell Nina and
Jenney Ling: Biggest boy magnet ever. Mama Jenney, thanks for being one of my co-bigs with me this
year. It’s always nice that you make so much food for
us, give us a study spot, or be someone great to talk
to. Even though you get mad at me a lot. But
up more pictures of Chris and I around your room.
Regan has too many.
Jennifer Park: It’s nice to know that there are other
people in ABSA that knows the struggles of Natural
Science. If you stay in it, it’s worth it! Sorta...just take
your PharmTech exam.
Jessica McCarthy: I don’t see you too often anymore, but whenever I see you I feel like all we talk
about is how old we are.
Jimmy Nguyen: You’re so passionate about ABSA
and it’s really refreshing. I remember how you stayed
up til 4AM during OU weekend to karaoke just
because you love singing so much. It was really fun
having you a part of Ohana this year!
John Chen: It’s nice to have you come out to our
events even though you’re not officially part of our
family. But I’m actually serious when I say that
you’re scary when you play racquetball.
Johnny Vo: I think it’s really awesome that my first
brown bag this year was also my first brown bag
last year! It’s nice to have all the Garland people
in ABSA.
Julia Hoang: You’re a really awesome family
director! Thanks for being so receptive of our ideas
during the Big Sib meetings.
Julio Maldonado: I haven’t seen you this year. But
I heard you joined Elvis’s family instead of mine...
ouch. Jk but it was great knowing you in ABSA.
Kelvin Nguyen: You have such an interesting
branch. But thanks for letting me crash your branch
hang out that one time. Even though it was because
ya’ll needed my wii. But I’m really going to miss you
and all the things you do when I graduate.
Klevrin Sitohang: It was great catching up with
you that one time in the 3rd floor of Mccombs that
one day.
Ken Chen: “What’s up Daddy!” That’s how I knew
you were going to be a good little sib. Thanks for being such an awesome little sib this semester and test
subject when I needed your diet for my assignment.
I can test your nutrient composition for the week
when you give me your list.
Laura Yang: You were an awesome team member
for APR! We all know that the Museum room was
obviously better.
Liam Kelly: What’s up neighbor! It’s always great to
see you everywhere. But it looks like ABSA is going
to lose 2 more Garland people this year =/
Linh Dao: It’s always great seeing you every now
and then. Sorry I don’t say hi when I see you’s because I don’t have my contacts in.
Lisa Liu: Thanks for being a part of Ohana this year!
:) Oh and congrats finding the golden egg!!
Luther Fan: Hey I know you’re studying abroad so
you’ll probably not gonna see this yet. But I hope
you’re having fun studying abroad and congrats on
graduating ahead of time for next semester.
Macy Huang: I really enjoyed getting to know you
this year! I still think stickers are a little bit dumb,
but I hate that I use them so much now...your fault.
Thanks for swiping me in to J2 and Kinsolving all
of those times! It was a lot of fun talking about
Pokemon and stuff the first time we really got to
talk :)
Maria Mai: It’s nice that I got to have you as my
family director last year and Internal VP this year.
You have a really cool branch and you’ve been doing
a good job this year.
Martin Ma: Hey Martin! Thanks for being part of
Ohana this year! It was fun having you come out to
karaoke and our hot pot event!
Michael Bolls: Even though you’re in Hong Kong,
it’s like you’re basically still here since you still vote
in our family polls and click going in our events. I
hope you’re having studying abroad.
Michael Yu: Even though you graduated a year
and a half ago, it’s awesome that I still got to hang
out with you! Thanks for coming out to some
of our events and getting to know your Ohana
Nick Bhattacharya: Remember how we met when
we went to Burger Tex after we couldn’t eat dinner at
Rudy’s? Wow that was so long ago. I’m really gonna
miss you and your craziness of math. Who am I
going to flirt with now??? =/
Nicholas Liu: Thanks for being part of Ohana this
year. It was really fun having you come out to benefit
nights and karaoke.
Nina Tanuwidjaja: NINA! I’m really really really
going to miss you! We were in the same family for
2 years and now you made your own family! I’m
so proud! But I’m so sad that I won’t get to see you
Paul Nguyen: It’s always nice that I get to see you
every now and then in ABSA. Too bad we don’t get
to hang out in the same ‘branch’ anymore.
Phillip Yoon: You’re doing such a good job as the
athletics director! Even though you’re not my little
sib anymore, I’m so proud of you! :) It’s always good
to talk to you when I can.
Purav Doshi: It’s always great to see you at ABSA
when I can. I remember that one time we talked
about Taco Bell last year and how you were upset
they took away the Lava menu.
Rachel Lee: You’re such a great singer! I feel even
worse about my inability to sing well...but thanks for
being a part of Ohana this year!
Regan Wang: Papa Regan! Thanks for co-big sibbing
with me this year. It was a lot of fun and you really
stood for the belief that “Nobody gets left behind” a
lot. It’s still a bit scary how addicted you are to PAD
and how good you are at PIU. But I take joy in the
fact you’re really meh at Mario Kart.
Rick Kim: Hey Rick! Thanks for being part of
Ohana this year!
Robert Ma: You’re a pretty cool person. With Epic
and ABSA, I’m glad I could always talk to you when
I could.
Sabeeha Islam: SABEETHUG! You’re always so
busy. But I love how much work you put into ABSA
and it really shows! Thanks for being part of Ohana
and making me feel like I’m a good big sib even
though the others are way better big sibs. I’m gonna
miss you when I graduate =/
Samantha Choi: Even though you aren’t in our
family, it’s nice that you came to our hot pot and
iHOP event and now you know some of our inside
jokes about PIU.
Sangbin Kwon: I’m so proud that you’re doing an
awesome job with your family! It’s always great
seeing you at ABSA and I hope you enjoy your last
year at UT.
Sang-Yop Kwon: CNS people need to stick together...because we understand the struggles that the
other majors don’t understand. So if I really do cry
at EOS...yeah you know why. But good luck with
Chemistry and I’m sure you’ll be fine. Everything
turns out ok...right?
Sean Lin: Thanks for swiping me in to J2! I actually
think it’s cool that you’re part of FSA and still able
to come out to family events. But I’ll remember you
for Pluckers and PAD. Thanks for being such a great
little in Ohana and give Jenney a hard time for me
when a boy hits on her next year.
Sean Shen: You’ve been gone for a while and we
haven’t gotten to duel in such a long time. I may
have forgotten how to play. But it’s always great
to catch up with you and you’re such an awesome
friend. Thanks for being so nice to me even back in
Freshman year when I first joined Epic!
Shufen Wang: I feel like you only talk to me when
you need to know something about Nutrition...
but that’s ok because nobody ever asks me about it
anyway so it’s really refreshing! :)
Sonia Hegde: Hey you may not be my little anymore, but I still really enjoy seeing you every now
and then! HBC was still awesome though.
Stephanie Kao: I know you’re having an awesome
time in France so you probably won’t see this for a
while. But I hope you’re having fun and thanks for
being such a good friend all of these years. That pep
talk you gave me at the end of January when I was
about to do that thing was very inspiring. It’s funny
how much stuff has changed and it’s really sad I
won’t be able to talk to you as much anymore.
Stephen Zhu: It’s always a lot of fun talking about
video games with you. Too bad we didn’t get to do
the Big Daddy’s burger challenge, but I was having
second thoughts too...thanks for being such a good
friend and happy graduation to you!
Taylor Webb: Hey buddy, I haven’t seen you in
a while. You’re always so busy with work =/ But
thanks for being part of Ohana this year!
Tiffany Nguyen: You’re really busy with Finance
team, but it’s always good to see you when you come
out to the meetings. And it was fun getting the
chance to be your big sib for a second year!
Tracy Trieu: Hey even though we aren’t co-bigs
anymore, it’s still really fun to meet up every now
and then to catch up. You have another semester left
so at least you get to stay a little bit longer. Oh and
we need to do a HBC big sib get-together!
Trini Tran: Thanks for writing me a name tag even
though I really didn’t need one lol.
Vamsee Ravella: Thanks for being a part of Ohana
and going with us to OU weekend!
Veronica Sun: Hey freshman buddy! I really am a
freshman! I’m just really old at the same time. But I
really did enjoy our brown bag and it’s ok talking to
you when I see you.
Vivian Wang: Thanks for being such an awesome
little for Ohana! I guess it was ok doing those weird
Just Dance videos in your room...not really. They
were embarrassing. Oh and you threw Mr. Pumpkin
away so I’m really sad still. And stop scratching.
I’ve already asked people to keep an eye for me to
remind you to not scratch when I’m gone. But I’ve
really enjoyed being your big sib this year and I’m
sorry if I was mean and stuff to you this year..only
a little bit.
Yoon Lee: It was fun doing our brown bag with you
this year. Thanks for coming to some of our events
even though you’re actually not in my family lol.
Zack Kingsak: I hope you’re having fun in Korea.
I’ll be gone by the time you come back and there’ll
be 2 less Garland people in ABSA. I still see you as
one of the freshman that came in 3 years ago. But
it was fun being neighbors with you and I’m really
gonna miss you.
Zulian Tjuatja: It’s always great to see you in ABSA
and I hope yours start-up is going well!
Christine Chu
Alex Hui: Love your spunky personality!! Something about you is just really encouraging to me so
I really value the friendship we’ve made this year!
Keep in contact!
Alex Liu: You’re tall… and kinda cool, I guess? Stop
going hard all the time. It’s not cool.
Alex Zou: EWEH. You did kinda good this year…
maybe kinda…
Anna Su: Hi. I like you, you peculiar one. <3 Feel
free to reach out to me any time!!
Ashley Advani: Hi, you. Your humor makes me
laugh. Most the time. ;)
Ashley Kim: Girrrrrrrrll, you’ve been working it!!!
It was really great seeing you grow throughout this
year, especially with KDC! Keep working hard!
Hwaiting! :)
Chris Liu: So… family dinner parties… who knew,
huh? LOL
Christina Lien: ._________.”
Edward Liao: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii. You look like a dog, and
you smell like one too… LOL JK…. Thanks for all
the help you’ve done for us! Mucho appreciated :D
Emily Fu: Thanks for being such a loving little!! :3
And stop being so busy all the time and hang with
Flo Sung: Really glad to have met you at that
beginning camping trip! Thanks for sticking with
us throughout the year hahaha Hope you enjoyed
freshman year! And great job on the informers!! :)
Hanna Jones: Hana… dul… YOU’RE CUTE! <3
thankful for them :D
Jason Wu: Jason who? Jason WOOHOO!
Jeffrey Han: Let me abuse you fo lyf :D
Josephine Lin: Hihi. Why don’t you love us
enough??? LOL JK You’re still cool :D
Joseph Oh: Seeeee I do acknowledge youuuuuuu!!!!
*patpat* Keep doing what you do!!! :)
Julia Hoang: Thanks for being a great family director and helping out with stuffs!!
Julia Lu: Heyyyy!!! Glad you got added into our
family! Hope this one semester of our shenanigans
has been fun for you! :)
Kang Park: Really glad to have gotten to know you a
lot more this year! It’s been fun and you’re great :D
Kevin Gwen: Where are you??? WHO ARE YOU?
Kimberly Young: You’re such a cutie-patootie <3
Thanks for bringing in all your bright smiles to our
Krystina Diao: Hi, friend!
Linh Dao: Girl… I don’t know how you do it…
but your eyes sparkle 5 carat diamond ring… IT’S
Lucia Hua: Hope you’re doing well!! Catch up with
me when you can! :)
it was filled with lots of laughs and gigglets. Thank
you <3
Nina Tanuwidjaja: I appreciate you!!!!!!!!! Thank
you for being my friend. :D Couldn’t have done it
without you! Catdog friendship forever <3
Sangbin Kwon: Big sibbing and KDCing has been
loads of fun this year despite all the small issues every now and then! Thanks for making it happen! :D
Sang-Yop Kwon: Merp.
Sylvia Yang: Derp.
Taehoon Kim: Remember that time when I was a
freshman and you were gross? Yeah… you’re still
gross :D
Trini Tran: CAN YA NOT?
Vivian Pham (Christine 2.0): Can you pls love me
more if we’re basically the same person? ;)
Vivian Wang: Ummmmm…. NOOB :D Good job
on alumni director stuff this year! Hope you learned
a lot because I know I did!
Yujin Yang: Thanks for loving me and always having
my back <3 We’ve definitely come a long way LOL
WOOHOO! fam: I love you guys. Thanks for all
the weird moments! This year has definitely been
one of my favorites because of yall. <3 ONCE A
Sonia Hegde
Angela Meng: It was nice getting to know you
through CFTs this year, and those cards at the end of
NY were so cute :) PTERODACTYL
Anh Ho: So glad you joined Marketing Team this
semester - appreciate all your contributions during
the meetings. Hope you have a good summer!
Amy Xin: Thank you for all the work you put in
PUBCO and MTeam! Stay your funny, swell self
until next year.
Austin Anderson: UTERUS. Lol Please use
jewnocchio as an anecdote when you’re a famous
comedian. Whoa, that was pretty nice of me, 54%?
Have fun in Cali this summer!
Darrell Sung: Strange not seeing you super welldressed on Mondays this semester – hope you
enjoyed your time with us nonetheless, make sure to
stay involved next year!
Felicia Zhang: Hope you enjoyed your time with us
this semester! Thank you for all the effort and good
luck on your internship this summer :)
Florence Sung & Jessica Lin: You guys put together
such wonderful informers and included Marketing
Team in the last one :) Our nostalgia thanks you
Grace Liu: GARY! Thanks for all your input in
marketing team - wouldn’t be the same without your
sweet, goofy self :)
Greg Hsiao: Although attendance was subpar,
when you did come you actually gave valuable
contributions! Thanks for that and hope you have a
good summer.
Huyen Tran: With your photography, internship,
and all you do for The One With__ //don’t know
how you do it, but we’re happy you do :)
Ima Linzag: Great PUBCO head, Great Baker,
and a Grate Friend … last one was a little ‘cheesy’ I
know ;) hehe
Joeseph Kim: Thanks for those Christmas care
packages last semester (… 4 months late I know) but
that was so nice, hope you have a good summer!
Juanne Cheng: Congrats on crossing! You looked
great up there, so I know you must’ve been busy
with that - but hope you enjoyed Marketing Team
as well this year!
Kimberly Young: Officially my Favorite Filipino/
Columbian in ABSA lol. Thanks for always being so
sweet and hardworking in MTeam – hope you stay
involved next year too!
Kelvin Nguyen: Still remember misinterpreting
your “why are you here” as an existential inquiry
QQ … but really thank you for all the feedback and
help this year!
Krystina Diao: Thanks for doing Marketing Team
Pics this semester! I know two times in one year was
a lot to ask given busy spring semester schedules, so
we truly appreciate it :)
Sabeeha Islam: Still salty that you supported consulting over pubco/mteam ugh. Lol jk what would
we do without you? You are so hardworking and do
so much for ABSA – Thanks!
Shelly Shen: Helly Hen! (thought I forgot about
that?) Marketing Team wouldn’t have been the same
without you and more importantly your sass – have
a great summer!
Sneha Desai: Hi wonderful co-head - prezi skillz
much appreciated lol. Between Rain/Hail/STA 371G,
we’ve been through it all – but I can’t imagine going
through it with anyone else
Taehoon Kim: Stop stalking me. Lol thanks for
being a great Big Sib and a great me bag! Hope you
visit us next year gramps
Macy Huang
Academic Branch:
Jennifer Yang: Best VP! Thanks for teaching me so
much about everything and always being there for
us. Thanks for understanding my love for superheroes too hehe. Please visit next year! Why are you
leaving already :(
Jimmy Nguyen: It’s been fun being in the same
branch and family as you. You’re such a dedicated
guy, and it’ll be cool seeing all the awesome things
you do these next few years!
Johnny Vo: Johnnyle! It’s been great being in the
same branch as you. Thanks for always making me
laugh. Good job getting your life together :)
Josephine Lin: Jose!! I’m glad I always see you on
the sixth floor. You’re such a great and caring person
and ily <3 (thanks for the cream puff <3)
Karen Shang: Wow all the MIS and BA struggles
have really brought us together. <3 Haha you rock
Karen Shanghai, and we will party it up in HK! <33
Rebecca Fu: Heyyy, thanks for being an awesome
co!! You always find such great speakers and come
up with creative names. Without you, everything
would have been called Ready, Set, ___. LOL you’re
the best.
-Alex Au: Hi Alex! It was cool getting to know you
through Ohana this year!
Alex Hui: Case comp was fun with you last semester! It’ll be great seeing all your future successes!
Alex Zou: Hello flaming spear chicken! Wow those
were the days. I can’t believe we’ve come all this
way together, and I’m ready for more adventures
this summer!
Amanda Shang: Amanda <33 ily. Whee Plan II/
Ohana/NY CFT buddies for lyfe. Hehe from sharing
a bed to mouse adventures to the best bio class ever
(; , it’s been gr9. Can’t wait for more fun these next
few years!
Amy Xin: Your sarcasm is too legit for me. lol you
always make me laugh, and it’s been fun being
in Ohana and playing bball with you again. #youdarealMVP Let’s bring it home as champs next year!
Andrew Huang: Hello former counselor! I hope
you’ve been having a great semester in HK! Lmk
where all the fun places are!
Angela Meng: Thanks for singing the moose song
to our table at madrigal! And thanks for looking out
for me at NY CFT :)
Anna Chong: Hi you’re so cute and wonderful and
an awesome external VP!
Audra Fields: Oodra! You’re amazing and I love
you. Thanks for riding the ba/mis struggle bus with
me this year lololol. Looking forward to the next
couple of years with you <3
Austin Anderson: You’re such an awesome, selfless
person who’s always willing to help. Glad we got to
know each other better at NY CFT!
Brian Liew: It was fun getting to know you through
Ohana stuff this year! You+Vamsee 5ever
Cao Truong: Hi Cao! You’re such a great guy! Teach
me how to work out sometime pls.
Caroline Lee: Hi Caroline! Great job in external
this year! :) glad to be part of the plano--> UT club
with you!
Chris Liu: You’re such a hard-working guy! It’s
awesome that you’re in FYM and Academic this
semester. It was nice seeing you table at holi too!
Keep doing awesome things!
Chris Wong: Hi Chris :) thanks for everything.
What am I gonna do without you next year. :( come
back often if you weren’t planning on doing so
already (;
Christina Wang: It’s been fun living on the same
floor as you! I’m so glad you decided to join the
FYM committee and Academic this semester!
Elizabeth Kwan: Hi Liz! You’re so funny, and great
job on NY CFT! :DD
Eric Ma: It was cool meeting you this year! See you
in Hong Kong this summer!
Florence Sung: It’s been great getting to know you
better this year through TYF and ABSA! Great job
on the all the Informers!
Ginnie Ko: Hi Coach Ginnie <3 You’re the best, and
next year we’re gonna bring it as non-broken people.
Grace Liu: Hi grass! It was great being in Ohana
with you this year! I hope you enjoyed your burger
at Hopdoddy’s!
Hannah Kang: Thanks for cutting apples and
letting me eat them that one time at your place last
semester! lol
Helena Shi: Helena <3 ily, but you already know
that. I hope we get some classes together next year!
I’m so glad we’re both at UT together.
Ima Linzag: Thanks for doing that brown bag with
me! You’re so talented at design and baking and
everything! It was great meeting you and being in
the same family as you this year.
Jackson Pei: Where you at??!? Sorry I’m not ratchet
enough for you. But actually, you’ve been a great and
super supportive president this year. :) LOL thanks
for piggybacking me in NY and letting me watch my
life flash before my eyes. :D
Jamie Xia: Teach me how to be as pro as you! Come
back and play basketball with us next year! We’ll
win it all :D
Jany Xu: Thanks for being such a great mentor in
case comp last semester and in mock interview
marathon! It was fun having that brown bag at your
place too. :)
Jason Guo: Hi mama duck. :) you abandoned the
ducklings this semester. jk we still had good times.
Thanks for being so caring all the time. We love you!
Quack quack
Jeffrey Han: Thanks for storing all the soda in your
room! LOL glad you joined FYM and Academic
this semester!
Jenney Ling: Thanks for being a lovely and caring
big sib! You were so close to that wingo blackout!
Jessica McCarthy: Hi Jessica! It’s always fun to talk
to you. I’m glad you’re always there to continue
supporting Academic! You’re amazing <3
Jessie Chan: Hi Jess, ily but you already know that.
:) It’s been great getting closer this year <3
Joseph Kim: It was fun playing basketball with you
this season!
Joseph Lee: It was so funny seeing you at Hoover
Dam over break. Haha you’re such a hard-working
guy, and I can’t wait to see all that you continue to
accomplish these next few years!
Josh Hu: Hi Josh/TA/BHPoster child :) Thanks for
the great advice and fun times this semester!
Julia Hoang: Hi Julia! You’re so beautiful and
adorable. Let’s go shopping together! (;
Kelvin Nguyen: Hi Kelvy! Thanks for letting me
hide under your umbrella when it was raining :)
Kristeen Chan: Hi gorgeous! Congrats on all the
cool things you’re doing, and it was fun playing
basketball with you this year!
Linh Dao: Hi Linh! You’re so adorable and sweet,
and I’m so glad I met you this year.
Lisa Feng: Hi conjoined twin. Need I say more? <3
(I will say more just for lols: from public transportation adventures to mis struggles and life in general,
I’m glad you’re here with me and can’t imagine life
without you <3)
Lucia Hua: Hi Lucia! You should play basketball
with me (; Also, you’re food always looks so
amazing. It’s been fun getting to know you this year.
Thanks for letting me borrow your shirt! :)
Maria Mai: You’re such an incredible, heart-warming human being! <3
Michelle Lee: wow I didn’t know you were plan II!
But I do know you’re a baller. Haha it was really fun
playing basketball with you this year!
Mickey Li: It’s been great getting to know you better
this year! You’re super smart and you’ve got so much
going for you. Also, pls bargain for me in HK :)
Nina Tanuwidjaja: Hi Nina! Thanks for being my
very first brownbag! It was great meeting you this
Phillip Yoon: Hi model, coach, and motivational
speaker extraordinaire! Thanks for looking out for
me in basketball this year. I’m ready for next year
already! #ballislyfe
Rachel Lee: Hi Rachel! Thanks for always being so
friendly! You’re so pretty and your voice is amazing!
Regan Wang: Hi Regan! I’m so glad you were one of
my big sibs this year! You’re always so energetic and
have great advice to share. :D
Russell Kan: Hey Russell! It’s always fun to talk to
you. It was fun hanging out with you in NY!
Sabeeha Islam: Hi Sabeeha <3 You’re such an
incredible person. It’s always fun talking to you, and
thanks for all the help and advice. #goals
Samantha Choi: Hi Sam! It’s been awesome getting
to know you this year, esp. at NY CFT! You’re an
amazing person, and I hope we get to hang out more
these next few years :)
Sarah Huang: Hello fellow Huang/almost neighbor
:) Great job planning NY CFT! (my dad always says
I should ask you for advice lol)
Sean Lin: It was cool being in the same family this
year! LOL I’m going to bury memories of Top Model
GM into the deepest recesses of my mind.
Stephen Zhu: Hi Stephen! Thanks for adopting
me and letting me tag along with your family as an
honorary little. You’re the best, and I’ll miss you
next year! <3
Steven Yen: You’re such a boss at all that media stuff
and at life basically! You should come to our dance
practice! :D
Sumin Cha: Hi Sumin! It’s been great getting to
know you this year! You’re such a cool person and
great webmaster!
Sylvia Yang: Hey there :) your pictures are beautiful.
It’s been great reuniting here at UT.
Taehoon Kim: Hi bully. Thanks for tying my shoelaces together that one time, and thanks for educating me about hair styling products like pomade.
Tiffany Weng: Hi tiff! You’re such a boss at basketball! It’s been great seeing you here at UT! Let’s play
bball together more!
Veronica Sun: Vero! <3 I wish we had hung out
more this year. But we’ve known each other for so
long, and I’m glad we are both going to be at UT
together these next few years!
Vivian Wang: Hi Vivs! Thanks for being a great
roommate and dealing with me lol! You are the #1
hustler. :D
Lisa Feng
Executive Branch
Amanda Shang: Hey turtle, where are your pants?
It’s funny to see how much we rub off on each other.
You’re an incredible dancer, and I love watching how
happy you are whenever you dance. It still amazes
me how we both completely fell backwards in front
of everyone at Texas Revue though. Working with
you in Exec this year has been a blast!
Eric Ma: Eric, you definitely finished the year off
strong. Case Competition was such a large event,
and you handled it well. I never expected us to
become close, so now I’m glad that you’re like a bro
to me. Thanks for a great year in Exec!
Sabeeha Islam: Thanks for all of the encouragement
and support you’ve given me this past year. Looking
back, I’m glad you constantly challenged me to
do better and to grow wings myself. I thoroughly
enjoyed my time as a part of #YungBeehaAndDaCrew. Even though you won’t be my VP next year,
I’ll make sure that I still pester you with the random
songs I sing. ;P
Samantha Choi: You’re the one person who can
justify that I don’t always hear things incorrectly
(giant child). Who would have imagined when we
first met at McCombs Kick-off that we would have
been co-directors? Thanks for being an amazing
Angela Meng: I’m glad I’ve gotten to know you
better this past semester, especially after how we first
met. Thanks for looking out after me!
Anna Chong: I promise I didn’t try to learn inappropriate Korean phrases on purpose! It’s always fun
being around you and your funny personality (:
Cao Truong: I promise I’ll try to not cough next
year so that I can start working out with you
again! Chris Wong: Thanks for always putting a smile on
my face and being so supportive c:
Felicia Zhang: Hey Fel, thanks for being a genuine
friend and helping me grow spiritually this year.
I really enjoy your company, so you can expect to
find me on your futon more often. Please feed me
again :D
Hannah Kang: Hannah banana, thanks for being
fun to be around and giving good advice!
Helena Shi: I enjoyed having COBC this semester
with you and look forward to see where it will go
in the future!
Jason Guo: It’s been a joy seeing you grow spiritually this past year. Thanks for checking up on me
whenever I went mia and reminding me of what’s
important. “For by grace you have been saved
through faith.”
Jeff Su: I never imagined that I would get to know
you at all after how we first met. I’m glad that we
had SG together this past year and I got to know you
better. Thanks for being real and helping me grow
spiritually this year!
Jennifer Yang: We still need to make our short
business cards sometime so you can give them to
people once you start work! ;)
Jessie Chan: Thanks for putting up with me, bird
poop! Hehe jk, you’re the best roomie I could have
asked for. <3
Jimmy Nguyen: Just like how you think my cough
is a part of my character, your laugh is a part of your
character. :P
Josh Hu: Hey Josh, it’s been a great year getting to
know you and hanging out with you. Thanks for
always being willing to help out and guide me in
the right direction spiritually, professionally, and
socially. Make sure to come back and visit! (:
Karen Shang: Teach me how to be a boss at MIS
please. I love your enthusiasm for everything you do.
Macy Huang: Forever and always my conjoined
twin <3
Mickey Li: Thanks for always reminding me of
the things that are important in life. It’s been great
watching you constantly grow from when we first
met at Jasper, and thank you for helping me grow
along the way too.
Phillip Yoon: It’s been great getting to know you this
past semester. I must admit, I do appreciate some of
your jokes and puns. :P
Russell Kan: Thanks for making a lot of the sushi at
our Exectial social!
Sang-yop Kwon: I like how you have such a positive
attitude towards everything you do. I’m really glad I
got to know you this year and look forward to seeing
you around more next year!
Sarah Huang: Thanks for listening to me rant
whenever I encounter struggles and giving me
good advice. I’m glad we’ve gotten closer since our
Plano days (:
Stephen Zhu: Hi dad, thanks for looking out for me
and having my back. Make sure to come back and
visit, at least for the BBQ. :P
Veronica Sun: Hi Vero, it’s been nice becoming
close with you again this year after all of the years
we’ve known each other for. I love spending time
with you and your bubbly personality :D
Yoon Lee: I’m glad we became friends after we met
when you first sat next to me in microecon last
semester. It’s been fun getting to know you this past
year. Thanks for helping me through macroecon this
past semester and making it more tolerable!
Zulian Tjuatja: Thanks for all of the support you
give to Exec, especially with speaking at Spring
Networking Reception and helping us with our
charity service project!
Samantha Choi
Alex Au: Hey Alex, thanks for making us brunch. It
was really good! Be sure to tell me when y’all go to
DB next time!
Alex Liu: Where you been bro? Thanks for being a
buddy to be unproductive with haha :)
Alex Zou: I really enjoyed this year with you.
Thanks for being an amazing friend. I still do not
like Miranda. That will never change. Sorry bro.
Amanda Shang: “Samanda” Newest OTP. Thanks
for being such a perfect friend and co! I’m glad
I’ve grown so close with you and can derp around
McCombs with you ;D
Angela Meng: Thanks for being a great professional
VP for ABSA. I really enjoy listening to the officer
anecdotes when an unknown reference pops up.
Thanks for sharing these moments with us!
Anna Chong: HI ANNAAA~ Sorry but not sorry
I pied you :D I liked your dancing at family talent
show. You have some true dancing abilities!
Audra Fields: Hello Audraa! Thanks for being the
coolest friend around. You’re always so stylish and
just perfect ughh <3
Austin Anderson: Ma boi Austin. LOL. Thanks
for always being open to helping everyone out and
watching old Asian movies with me in Reliant. I will
gladly share my pop with you whenever. Hope you
have a great time studying abroad next year!
Cao Troung: oh man. Thanks for being a great
motivator at the gym. Continue to push me even if I
complain haha. But please no late punishmentsss!
Chris Liu: Hey Chris. Awesome job on FYM and
C-team this year! Good luck with all your accounting classes!
Chris Wong: Why hello there. Sorry I always make
fun of you. It’s just really easy to. :D
Clarissa Anjani: Thanks for being a great team head
this year, bringing in so much organization!
Daniel Li: I appreciate how well you lead C-Team
and I hope next year you’ll have a great last year!
Elizabeth Kwan: yayyy I found someone who I can
watch GOT with! Thanks for being a cool person,
Emily Fu: Hi Emily. I enjoyed history with you this
semester and I hope we still have classes together
next year!
Eric Ma: Hey bro. Thanks for being a super co
director this semester. I love the dynamics you bring
to the branch and I appreciate your hard work for
case comp and SNR!
Ethan Ho: Great job on alumni weekend, Ethan!
Really enjoyed your singing in the car lol
Felicia Zhang: GAHHH! Thanks for being an
amazing big sib! Thanks for ordering our shirts and
giving me all nighter snacks! <3 I enjoyed singing
some Kelly Clarkson with you at karaoke!
Hannah Kang: Huehuehuehue. I enjoyed all the
foods you make us and all the advice you gave.
Thanks for being an awesome big!
Henry Zhang: Thanks for joining ABSA! I’m glad
you decided to check out the org and I hope you
continue to come out next year!
Hoai Story: Godmother Hoai~~~ Thanks for also
pie-ing Sabeeha muahahaha!
Jackson Pei: Thanks for passing along so much advice during this semester! I’ve really enjoyed having
you as a friend and I hope your life is amazing next
year! Stay another yearrr!!!
Jason Guo: wowowowow. You weird. How do you
not like watching videos of babies eating lemons?!?!
Anyway, thanks for hanging out with exec so much.
I know, we’re a lot to handle but it’s all worth when
great sushi is made. Thanks for helping us with Case
comp too!
Jeff Su: Thanks for driving me to HEB to “only” get
blueberries and driving more than half my branch
back to get back to a meeting on time. Also, thanks
for feeding us at your place so often! True big
booties never stop eating!
Jeffrey Han: *insert ken wave here* I honestly don’t
know why we waste so much time at mccombs haha.
We really need to be more productive next year.
Thanks, I guess? Jk!
Jennifer Yang: Thanks for coming out and supporting us at Case Comp! Also, thanks for giving
me some time to talk to you and helping me with
officer stuffs!
Jessie Chan: Thanks for taking care of Lisa for us
and letting me help y’all on FYM things!
Jimmy Nguyen: Thanks for working so hard on
activators! Also, thanks for being the designated
sleeper in econ hahah!
Johnny Vo: Thanks for being a really nice person
and always say hi to me when we see each other!
Joseph Lee: Thanks for waiting for me with OG’s to
go to Holi and good work with case comp!!
Josh Hu: oh man, thanks for reading my terribly
written officer app and talking to me a lot about
ABSA. I really appreciated your help and motivation!
Julia Hoang: Thanks for being so cute and friendly!
I never got a chance to play ping pong with you at
alumni weekend but it will happen again one day!
Thanks for being the “prettier” family director!
Kangjun Chen: It was really nice meeting you
this semester! I’m glad you enjoy Ohana so much
and thanks for driving so many of us in your car
to IHOP!
Karen Shang: Thanks for hanging out with me and
sorry for always waking you up in your room when
you’re sleeping.
Kelvin Nguyen: Thank you for being a quiet but
extremely dedicated supporter for ABSA and always
helping me with exec stuff! Thank you for your
VPship advice as well!
Lisa Feng: Hello minion! Thanks for toning down
the duck song this semester and sharing the pain in
econ when the prof can’t speak. I will never forget
the moments we hear weird things from Sabeeha
and see weird things at CFT. He he he. <3
Macy Huang: You should really consider running
for a beauty pageant lolololol
Maria Mai: Thanks for making weird faces at me
when I see you.
Phillip Yoon: Mannn, you need to sleep sometimes!
Thanks for being an amazing athletics director this
year. Make sure you don’t forget to eat on time!!
Rebecca Fu: FuFuChoi needs to be more active lol.
I think a sleepover has been long overdue. Invite me
over next year!
Regan Wang: Hello typical Taiwanese boy. Thanks
for being a great source of amusement and adopting
me into Ohana…ish.
Robert Ma: Thanks for coming out and helping us
with case comp stuff!
Sabeeha Islam: Thanks for being a great leader and
friend. I enjoy those moments when you make fun
of us and we can’t do anything about it :) Thanks
for teaching me so many lessons and making sure I
survive in school.
Sang-yop Kwon: Please rearrange your sleeping
schedule! You are basically nocturnal! Although that
brings me to my point of thanking you for always
being there when I think I want a twizzler at night!
Stephen Zhu: Thanks for being a cool big sib! I’ve
enjoyed the family so much and I will definitely miss
it next year! Congrats on graduating!
Steven Yen: I’m glad your long arm hair hasn’t
fallen off again. Thanks for being a stellar media
Vivian Wang: Itadakimasu~~! Thanks for being
my free stuff and food buddy! Great job on Alumni
Weekend!! We shall continue the traditions next
YoonSup Lee: Hey Yoon. Thanks for being a econ
skipping buddy!
Zulian Tjuatja: Thanks for coming out to SNR and
letting me see that I wanted to try and run for Exec
VP. Also, thanks for letting us piggy back on you for
charity service auction! Hehehehe
Krystina Diao
Allison Teng: TENGU you nubby little midget.
Amy Xin: FRIENDS 4 EVER. Jk. But jk to the jk.
But on the real though stop sending other people
that sticker. Love me. Only me.
Austin Anderson: THANK YOU for always helping
me with cs, tbh you have carried me through the
class, I owe you majorly hahaha… And thanks for
reaching out to me as big sib, GOOD LUCK in HK
next year, you will be missed!
Brian Kim: F3 thanks for being gross. He he he.
Christina Lien: Stop trolling on League you little
Christine Chu: TY for always letting us borrow
your car, I owe you!! Also you are so cute.
Flo Sung: FLO you are so cool. Thanks for talking
to me in my lil awkward moments. Thanks for
putting so much time into this informer!! This one’s
gonna be the best one yet.
Grace Liu: Thx for taking creepy pics and vids of me
I rly appreciate it, goodbye.
Helena Shi: Hellolena you are gross. I want my
sparkling water back.
Jane Zeng: Jane you uncultured swine you. Love
you, ty for being a peacock for a couple days.
Jason Chen: Jason I actually hate you, can’t wait
to actually be able to see you next year after your
stupid yang stuff.
Jason Guo: You are gross stop trying to rush boobs.
Jeffrey Han: -constipated faceJessica Lin: Jessica you are the cutest, I’m so glad
you joined our branch this semester and that I
actually get to see you more. Jia you this summer in
Taiwan!!! And tell Jason I hate him.
Kelvin Nguyen: KELVY. Thank you for being such
a wonderful VP, even though you are tsundere as
heck and like to call us scrubs, I know you love us
(right?!). Don’t potato too hard.
Maria Mai: Mariaaa you are so cute, thank you
thank you for reaching out to me last semester and
just being so easy to talk to. You are so brave and a
role model to a lot of people!!!
Phillip Yoon: Hey PY fight me. JK. (Jk to the jk,
let’s go.) But on the real stop stealing Amy’s friendship from me and stop eating your jambalaya so fast.
Steven Yen: Steven Lumpy Butt Yen I HATE YOU.
I actually hate you the most of all people that I
hate. Darn you to heck. (But on the real though,
thanks for being a decent co, I admire you!! Looking
forward to our future media director reunions!)
Sumin Cha: SUMINCHACHA. Love you, hehe.
We’d better still play next year even though we won’t
be in the same branch. You are an accounting goddess and I’m really, really glad we got close this year.
Sylvia Yang: Saliva it has been a nice year working
with you SNIFFLE. Even though there were
awkward/rough moments I think we work well as a
team. TY for pushing me out of my comfort zone.
Plz keep in touch with me in Australia T^T don’t
replace me with Susan.
Trini Tran: Hello … don’t kill me next year. Looking forward to our 3-cat apartment *_*
Vivian Wang: Please stop watching disturbing
videos. I am concerned for you. Hehe.
Sang-Yop Kwon
External Branch: Working with you guys this year
has been a blast! I hope we can still hang out and
talk to each other after the year is over. We’ve shared
a lot of great memories together this year, and I
appreciated all of the fake, crazy, funny, and chill
moments that we have had this year. Thank you guys
for a great year!
Alex Zou: Partner! Our run as partners is going
to end soon D: …. I’m going to miss working with
you ;(.
Anna Chong: The year is finishing out now, and I
wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for
me. I think you are someone that I can always count
on, and I you’re a great friend. Thank you for being
such a great mentor this year!
Angela Meng: There will be a day when I no longer
need for caffeine to flow through my veins, but it is
not this day.
Brian Kim: ….. ;) heh
Felicia Zhang: Thank you for grabbing coffee with
me! I enjoyed our conversation a lot :).
Jimmy Nguyen: As I am writing this, there are
three minutes left in your birthday. Yay to turning
in officer apps!
Johnny Vo: Hopefully, when you read this, we have
IM championship shirts in our hands. If not, eh it’s
ok. Thanks for being a great doubles partner!
Phillip Yoon: Phillip you are best Financial VP.
Thanks for always being such a bro :). I very
Stephen Zhu: Thanks for always being there for me
and for inviting me to hang out with you! I’m going
to miss you next year :(. I will visit you, and we can
bask in the glory of food! BBQ Fest? ;)
Trini Tran: WE MADE IT!
Amanda Shang
Alex Zou: Hi Alex. You’re a cool cat.
Angela Meng: Angela <3 I’m so glad I had the
chance to grab pho with you again. Thanks for
taking me around :) It really meant a lot.
Austin Anderson: Hi Austin. You’re a scary driver.
But you’re still my biffle.
Cao Truong: Cow :) Thanks for teaching me how to
be swole. I will make you proud.
Chris Wong: Chrisa5ever
Elizabeth Kwan: Hey Liz Kwan :) thanks for all your
mis help. And for being a badass driver.
Eric Ma: Hey Eric :) you did a really great job
hosting case comp. you should give yourself more
credit for your work c:
Grace Liu: Hi Grass <3 when are we doing michi
Helena Shi: Hai plan 2 buddy c: lets take classes
together next year!
Jason Guo: Hi alcoholic. Sushi night was really fun.
Thanks for letting me ptfo on your futon. C:
Jenney Ling: Hi I love you and your cookies. <3
Jennifer Yang: sorry our brown bag got cut short
last time :c let’s do it again sometime! <3
Josephine Lin: Hi you’re pretty cool.
Julia Hoang: Hai Julia c: c: c:
Kelvin Nguyen: Hallo potato. C: you give really
great advice. Thanks for talking to me and dealing
with my derpiness.
Lisa Feng: Hi minion. C: this year has been really
awesome with you. <3 chrisa5ever
Lucia Hua: Hi lucia! I’m so glad we understand
each others’ struggles as introverts. Hehe. You’re
pretty c00l.
Macy Huang: Hallo macy! You’s a beast public
speaker. And you’re also super amazing at Chinese
dance. Can I be you?
Maria Mai: Hi Maria (: Thank you so much for
talking to me about rdc and absa. I really appreciated your advice <3 I’m excited to watch you dance
next year!
Michael Chao: Hi Michael Kors. Come back to absa.
Phillip Yoon: America’s next top model.
Regan Wang: You never read my shoutouts to you
anyway. You are a dork.
Russell Kan: Hey Russell. I had so much fun with
you at sushi night! You make the best rice balls c:
Sabeeha Islam: Thuggy, the year is coming to an
end, and I’m really sad because exec5ever. :( let’s
adopt a big bunny to celebrate ;)
Samantha Choi: Hi smerp. You’re still pretty cool.
Let’s put on black face masks and scare people in
my hall. Heh
CFT Mouse: R u still alive?
Liz Kwan: “Will you marry me?” – Eric <3
Eric Ma: “I guess…” – Liz </3
Karen Shang: This is your formal invitation to the
wedding of Mr. Eric and Liz Ma.
Josephine Lin: You are not invited to the wedding
of the century.
Sabeeha Islam: so thankful u are not deceased / or
on the streets / cause u a beast
Thanks for being such a great friend and mentor!
We’ve learned so much from you this year and
greatly appreciate the time and effort that you put in
to both ABSA and us as individuals! P.S. liz kwan &
karen still waiting to watch Suits w you
Jennifer Yang: yo shawty / glad u not haughty /
deuce shawty
We really appreciate all that you have done for us
this past year! Thank you for always supporting us
and being there for us. Congrats on graduating! Good luck at Aon Hewitt! Have fun in
H-TOWN. Angela Meng: we once thought u were scary / but
u nice as a fairy / u sing like a canary / and make
us merry
We’re so happy that you were VP this year. We’ve
learned so much about singing and dealing with last
minute crises during events and how to handle them
with (oddly frightening) skills. Good luck w the
work life and succeeding! Deuces 4 now.
Jason Guo: money money money / give it to us
Thanks for the church rides! We’ve enjoyed getting
to know you outside of ABSA. U r a cool dude.
Kelvin Nguyen: potato / not as good as tomato / or
risotto / stay cool-O
Thanks for the CS homework help that one time. Liz
says she really appreciated it. JEEK appreciates all
the you do for ABSA and for the cool and informative emails that magically (but not really) appear in
our inboxes. Pls give free EOS.
Christine (Anna) Chong: ching chang chong / do
u hear the gong? / u can do no wrong / ching chang
chong / do u hear the gong?
Hey Christine, want some bread? JK we don’t have
any. But we do have love! And lots of it to give!
YOU!! Keep ching chang chongling along in life.
We love u.
Jackson Pei: u make us want pei wei / it just seems
like our bae / even more than buffet
Stop poking everyone’s armpits. We r never not on
edge during GM. It’s not comfortable. But you are
still a cool dude. Thanks for creating such a welcoming environment for us newbies and oldbies this
year. Great job as Prez, and good luck in life dude!
Maria Mai: mai goodness you’re pretty / even
though your hair is oh so itty bitty / keep being
witty…like us
YOU ARE SO COOL and have smooth moves,
dudette. Please teach us to be as kind, warm, and
smiley as you. ABSA would not be the same without
Alex Hui: Teach me how to play Terran. Thanks for
being such a good friend, bro - EMA
ABSA-ers: it’s been a great year. See y’all next semester! Deuces.
Karen Shang
Alex Zou: Honestly, I have no idea how I would
have survived this year without you. Thank you
for helping me and dealing with me when I was
“stupstup”. BHPELLAS4LYFE
Amanda Shang: Words cannot describe how sad
I am that Shang dynasty is disbanding next year.
Please don’t forget about me next year turtle. LAVA
Amy Xin: Thank you so much for the amazing
publicity and dealing with all of our constant
changes! It all turned out looking so beautiful, y’all
are too talented :)
Audra Fields: OODRA, you have such a beautiful
heart. Thank you for being such an amazing friend
this year and always listening to my problems. I am
excited for many more all nighters and 6 AM Ken’s
Donuts runs! AKA YOUNG APP <3
Austin Anderson: LET’S WATCH HOUSE OF
Bowen Cai: Are you still down to cut my hair?!
Possibly next year?
Cao Truong: Thanks for helping me with my bi-annual semester workout. I shall see you next semester
for the next bi-annual workout.
Caroline Lee: You make me laugh. I love your
sassiness. And you <3
Chris Liu: I love your hard work and persistence,
especially with vendors! LOL Thank you for working
so hard this semester and having funny Highs &
Lows :)
Christina Wang: It has been a joy working with you
this past semester! You always have such awesome
ideas! The back drop looks amazing!
Christina Xie: I love your laugh! It never fails
to brighten my day. You are always so happy and
friendly to everyone around you! You are a beautiful
ray of sunshine!
am so happy you joined ABSA this semester!
David Mei: I am glad that you were in the committee and got more involved in ABSA this semester!
Elizabeth Kwan: EPKWAN. Thank you for helping
me print and running with me to McCombs. YOU
ARE THE BOMB DOT COM (with smelly feet). <3
Eric Ma: EMA. Thank you for running with me
even though you don’t believe in leg day.
Florence Sung: Thank you for extending my
deadline and always being so patient! The informers
always look so amazing!
Grace Liu: GRASSLU. Teach me to take awesome
food pictures like you!
Ima Linzag: Awesome job with PUBCO this year!
All of the publicity this year looked phenomenal!
Jeffrey Han: WATCH MORE GREY’S. It is more
fun than working out. I pinky promise.
Jessica McCarthy: Thank you for eating with me
and letting me ask you a bajillion questions! You are
so sweet and kind! :)
Jessie Chan: I love your sass. Stay sassy. :)
Jimmy Nguyen: I will miss hearing your laugh ring
throughout the atrium next semester.
Johnnyle Vo: WE MADE IT. (almost) TWO FYMs
Josephine Lin: #noloveforjosephine
Josh Hu: Thanks for the A BA101 and fun church
rides. Good luck next year!
Kelly Luck: I hope your leg is feeling better! I have
really enjoyed working with you this past year!
Thank you for working hard, even when Johnny
fired you haha
Kristy Liang: HERRO KRISTY, thank you for eating
with me and being silly with me. Teach me how to
dance socially like you!
Krystina Diao: Thank you for taking pictures for
ABSA and editing them and making them look
amazing! They always look so stellar!
Linh Dao: YOU ARE SO CUTE. I hope everything
is going well! :)
Lucia Hua: I volunteer as tribute to taste test any
food you make.
Macy Huang: Are you ready for Shang Huang Kong
adventures? <3
Mickey Li: I guess if you really want, we can eat
together. But only if I can be orange on your excel
Paul Nguyen: I hear you can’t touch your elbows
Rebecca Fu: It has been a blast being in the same
branch as you! Good job on all the awesome
workshops! :)
Samantha Choi: I hope you enjoy your time in the
Shang Dynasty! Come back for more nail painting
Shufen Wang: SHUFEY. It has been fun being
your neighbor this past semester. Thanks for being
derpier with me!
Stephanie Su: I have loved getting to know you
through ABSA and Epic this year! You are always
such a joy to work with! :)
Stephen Zhu: Thanks for all the wise words, despite
your bad taste in tv shows.
Sylvia Yang: YOU ARE SO TALENTED and have
such a big heart! Thank you for all that you do for
not only ABSA but all those around you!
Taehoon Kim: Thank you for always driving for
FYM and being super friendly! You made ABSA feel
a lot more comfortable and homey. :)
Tessie La: When was the last time you showered? :)
Vartika Chauhan: It has been very fun getting to
know you this past semester! I have enjoyed working
with you!
Vivian Wang: HERRRO. You are always so kind
and happy when I see you. Thanks for always
brightening my day!
Yoon Lee: Take good care of your crawfish!
Yujin Yang: Yujin! I am very sorry if I pronounce
your name incorrectly :( but thanks for always being
a good sport during meetings and sharing your
ideas! I love it! :)
Sangbin Kwon
Angela Meng: Welp, by the time this Informer
is published you’ll be pretty much done with
everything haha. Congrats for surviving such a
hectic semester! Hopefully you’re last year won’t be
as stressful and crazy and you can actually go home
at normal hours! And thank you for coming out to
family events, even if it was the last two (hopefully
you came to tubing or else this would be awfully
imprecise)! Have a great time at Accenture this
Brian Kim: Hey Brian. Good job this year not only
with family program but also with KDC. I know I
might’ve been harder on you than the other members, but it’s because I know it will benefit you the
most. Keep up the work, and just know next year
it’ll just get harder and harder, so be ready to keep
with the pace. Hope you have a great summer! (OH
Cari Park: Cari! First off congrats on graduating!
It’s a great feat claiming a major as late as we did and
finishing in time, and I am SOOOO jealous ><! It
was awesome getting to know you, even if it was late
in the semester haha. Hope everything goes well
after graduation!
Christine Chu: Hey Christine, thanks for keeping
up with the family even though you had a lot to do
for school as well as KDC. Especially since KDC is
becoming independent starting next semester, I’ll be
relying on you and Brian a lot more than this year,
but I know you are capable of more, even more than
you think, so let’s keep up the good work!
Edward Liao: *Low Deuces* Sup. I want to start off
with a HUUUUUGE THANK YOU for everything
you have done to help us WOOHOO! Big sibs out
this year. If it wasn’t for your advice and support
it would’ve been MUCH more difficult to do this
whole big sib thing. Once again thank you, and let’s
make our last year here worthwhile!
Ginnie Ko: Hey derp. Still a no for cooking you
food fyi. Kkthnxbai~
Jason Guo: Hey bae love you lots too <3
Jennifer Park: Hey Jennifer. Yes I have been MIA
during the last half of the semester haha. I’ll try to
be…a lot less MIA next semester LOL. Have a good
break and I’ll see you next year!
John Paul Song: Hey shekki. Miss you lots I’ll see
you during the break.
Joseph Oh: Hope my brother isn’t too much of a
pain to live with next year. Thanks for taking him
off of my hands lol.
Kang Park: Sup Kang. Thanks for being active in
the family as well as always being down to chill. I
know this semester might’ve been difficult to handle,
especially with prepping for med school as well as
running KUSA while being active in ABSA, but
it’ll only get better from here man! Have a great
summer, and I’ll see you next year!
Kristeen Chan: Hey Kristeen! Congrats on graduating! (Hopefully this comes out…around that time
LOL.) It was great getting to know you more this
semester. Wish we got to know each other earlier
haha. We also never got to make that cover…hopefully if we have time before you leave Austin WE
I hope everything goes well after graduation, and
know you will always be welcomed in Austin! Good
luck with everything, and we’ll keep in touch!
the McCombs walk soon!
Nina Tanuwidjaja: NINAAAAA WE MADE IT!
Thanks for keeping the whole family and big sib
stuff working and strong. Probably if it wasn’t for
you we would’ve become lazier than we became…
haha. I know I was very inflexible scheduling wise
for events, but thanks for being able to run things
without me and being able to make things work
even when Christine and I (mostly me) couldn’t
make it to things. Hope your shoulder feels better,
and I’ll see you next year~!
Phillip Yoon: Hey buddy. We have survived another semester of late nights in McCombs. Also thanks
for always supporting me whether it be in the frontline or backstage. I know I’ve been MIA a lot near
the end of the semester, but we will have more chill
time next year for sure. Have a great summer, and
come visit Dallas or Austin if you can you’ll always
have a place to stay here haha. Stay golden MVP.
Sang-Yop Kwon: …Meh…
Timothy Chang: SON. Keep up the good work with
Econ. We will make A this semester, and also make
A next semester don’t worry mama will carry you.
And no I still don’t know where your daddy went
stahp asking me LOL.
for being there for me when I needed someone the
most. Probably if it wasn’t for you I would still be
feeling blue. I’m glad everything worked out well for
the both of us (you more than me haha). Let’s both
keep our heads up! We shall make my last year the
best! Haha see you next year Trini~!
WOOHOO!: There’s just too many of you guys
for me to individually make shout-outs for you all,
so I grouped it up into one! First off, thank you
thank you THANK YOU for making my ABSA
experience one I will never forget. Without you all
I probably wouldn’t have been as active in ABSA as
I was this year. And to this semester new members
(Min, Tiffany, Julia, Yujin, Timothy, and any that
I’m forgetting off the top of my head), I want to
apologize first for not being able to offer you the
same opportunity in the family program that the
littles from first semester had. It was a bad on my
part, but also thank you for being positive about
our family whenever I did message you about the
general family info. Hopefully I haven’t ruined your
image of ABSA family program, and next semester
you will have AWESOME big sibs that will provide
you the opportunity to enjoy such a great program
the family program is. If in the chance I am a big
sib next semester, I hope to be able to offer you
what I couldn’t this semester! Everybody have a
wonderful summer break, and I will see you all next
school year!
Alex Zou
External Branch:
Anna Chong: Hi Anna! Thanks for being such an
amazing VP this year. I seriously can’t thank you
enough for all that you have for me this semester.
You are serious the best. I still remember when first
hanging out with you at camping. We have had a
lot of amazing memories since then. This year with
our branch has been incredible and you are a huge
reason why. We need to have a lot of old External
hangouts next year because I’m going to miss you
guys so much. <3 From your favorite alpha! :)
Sang-Yop Kwon: Hi YopYop. :) Thanks for seriously
being the best partner I could have ever asked
for. Both ABSA wise and life wise, you’ve been so
helpful. You are always so on top of everything, and
I’m so glad we got to know each other on a deeper
level this year. I know I can always count on you to
be there for me. We need to hang out all the time
next year, even though I’m sure we’ll see each other
often late night on the 5th floor! Also, I know you
will do an amazing job as an External VP next year.
When you have all that power next year, don’t forget
who will always be alpha... :P
Helena Shi: Helena! I really hope that you TA for
CYLC this year. It’ll be so much more fun with you,
and we will get to see all our campers again! It’s
been a lot of fun being in the same branch as you. i
remember back in the beginning of the year when
we had so many events and activities overlap. Oh,
how time flies! But we definitely still need to hang
out next year. Good luck this summer!
Tiffany Weng: TIFFANY!! I love how you get so
competitive with games. It is seriously so much
fun. Thanks for introducing us to the telephone
Pictionary game because that was so much fun. I
am so glad i got to be in the same branch as you this
semester and get to know you better so I know you
from more than just art. You are seriously one of the
funniest and nicest people and I am glad that we are
good friends! :)
Kevin Duong: HEY KEVIN! :) Thanks for having
you at our home recently! It was a lot of fun. I really
like your rock and candles. I am really blessed
that you were in the same branch as you this year,
because otherwise I don’t think I would have gotten
to really know you so well. You are seriously such
a nice guy and an interesting character. We need to
still hang out next year!!!
Caroline Lee: Caroline!!! :) I am really glad that I
got to finally get to know you better after going to
the same school as you for 12 years. You are such a
funny and nice person. I love how you can change
your attitude in like 5 seconds and how you are
always so sassy all the time. Also, you are really
talented at singing and rapping. It’s something I
really admire in you! :P
Amanda Shang: AMANDA! Wow, such a pro
dancer and runner! You are so talented! I am really
glad I got to meet you this year. You are so chill and
I like how you never judge all the weird things I do!
i can’t believe you tricked me into thinking you were
a sophomore for almost the entire year. But at least
I know now! :)
Angela Meng: Angela! I am really glad that I got to
meet you this year. Thanks for all the work you do as
Professional VP! :)
Anh Ho: Hi ANH! I’m glad I got to meet you this
year! You are such a fun person! :) Have fun in Paris
next year. Be sure to bring me back a souvenir!! :)
Audra Fields: MERFPOD! Hi, let’s be friends. And
that was how our friendship started. I can’t believe
that was how we met, but I am so glad we are now
great friends. You are such an amazing person, and I
always have the funniest times with you. This is my
dungeon and you are my slave. Exterminator case
comp. BHPellas. I love how you get me and how you
are so easy to talk to. Never change!!! :D
Austin Anderson: Tap House!! WOO!! :DDD
Chris Liu: Hey Twin! I know I can be a bit much at
times and I have a habit of being mean to people I’m
close with, but I’ll try to change that. You’re pretty
chill and fun to hang out with. I’m glad I got to meet
you this year. :)
Emily Fu: Hi Emily aka Emraly. You are such a fun
person! You are drinking coffee or tea or something
right now. Your snapchat story with me touching
your cactus isn’t that funny. I really like how you
guys always laugh so easily though and how you
guys are always down for Tap House. :D
Eric Ma: Hong Kong!! Roomates!!!! :D Nuff said
Grace Liu: Grass pls. I’m glad i got to meet you this
year! i like how you laugh a lot.
Ima Linzag: Hey! We did a good job at Family
Field Day as partners. Our strategy was on point!
:) Thanks for always being so nice to me. I like how
you are always happy and smiling all the time. Also,
thanks for coming to Austin Animal Center and for
driving! I’m glad you enjoyed the event! :D
Jackson Pei: Hey Jackson. Thanks for being such a
good president. This year in ABSA was amazing. It
couldn’t have been possible without you!
Jason Guo: Hey Jason...why do we not hang out
anymore. I’m glad i got to meet you this year
though. You are really chill and fun. More importantly, I think it’s awesome how much you care for
other people and how considerate you are. :)
Jennifer Park: Jenni5! You are seriously such a nice
person. You are so considerate and care so much
about other people. You would make a great director
next year. Also its funny how you always know all
the gossip. Try to sleep more Jennifer! :D
Jennifer Yang: Jennifer! :) You are such a nice and
cheerful person. I’m super glad I got to meet you
this year. Great job as the Academic VP. You did a
great job! :D
Jimmy Nguyen: JUMMY! :) I love how you are
always so happy all the time. Your laugh is so unique
and interesting. Also, you are really deep and
thoughtful all the time, which makes it fun to hang
out and talk with you. Come to Plano again to hang
sometime this summer!
Johnny Vo: JOHNNY VO! I liked seeing you at
McCombs all those late nights. You literally never
sleep and live in McCombs. But I guess that’s why
you are so smart. We will figure out the bowling
event next year LOL. Thanks for putting me on FYM
committee. I was the real MVP… i did a great job! :P
Julia Hoang: JULIA! I am really glad I got to meet
you this year. You are always so nice and derpy, it’s a
lot of fun. Thanks for never judging me whenever I
was weird! :DDDD
BOOM SHANG. Are you redy for Hong Kong?
Because I am! I am really glad I got to meet you
this year. you are seriously so funny and I love how
you laugh so easily. You are a great person and you
really care for other people. We will finish all our
Young Apps and Free Elves and everything! I believe
in us. Actually I love our group and am really glad
we all understand each other so well. You stay you,
Karen! :)
Kelvin Nguyen: HEY KELVY! Great job as the
Admin VP this year. You had a lot of crazy kids to
deal with it, but somehow you made it work. Shows
just how amazing you are. Also, you have a really
nice smile! :)
Maria Mai: I WIN! :) I love how you are so happy all
the time. And good job Braving the Shave!
Phillip Yoon: Hi Phillipe!!! Dude, I am seriously so
glad i got to meet you this year! You are probably
one of the nicest people I have ever met in my life
and you care so much about other people. In some
ways, you inspired me to be a nicer person. You are
an amazing best friend and all our diamond bags
have been super fun. I can’t wait for you to meet my
bffs next year. :P You are super easy to talk to and
hard working. Overall, you are an awesome person,
and you definitely deserve to rest this summer. Hope
you can get into MPA and stay with all us freshman
for an extra year!!! :) YOU DA REAL MVP
Rebecca Fu: REBECCA! I am glad that you
appreciate my taste in music. You’re welcome for the
amazing playlist. You are so #blessed. Also thanks
for always keeping my status and posts I make
on your phone...unlike someone (Cough Emily).
#taphousetroupe!!! :) But seriously..Hold your
bronchos, partner!
Sabeeha Islam: Sabeeha! You were such an amazing
Executive VP this year. I seriously really look up to
you as a person because you are always so confident
and poised. I’m glad that I got to meet and get to
know you better this year.
Samantha Choi: Samantha!!! :) I am so thankful
that I got to meet you this year! Like seriously, even
though we don’t hang out as much this semester, you
are one of my closer friends at Austin. Psychology
was such a bonding experience. Just give me a feeling. Cover photos. #Activator! So many other inside
jokes. You are so easy to talk to and I am so glad to
have such an amazing friend like you. :D
Steven Yen: Hey Steven! Let’s hope I get my contract
so we can room together next year. That would be
lots of fun!! :D
Taehoon Kim: Hi Diva! We need hang out before
you graduate.. Come to visit. See more of my layers
by coming to visit.
Vivian Wang: PIPIAN! Thanks for always eating
with me. :) i hope you enjoyed your first year in
college. We should hang over the summer!
Tiffany Weng:
Allan Wang: You’ve got some awesome dance
moves! Glad we were able to grab dinner this semester, we’ll deff. need to catch up again next fall!
Alex Liu: Hey CH612 Buddy! It’s been awesome
getting to know you and struggling in Chinese
together this semester!
Alex Zou: Are you a tree? Are you a folk? No, it’s
ALPHA ALEX. You have done an amazing job with
volunteering this year!
Amy Xin: More like Amy Baller Xin!! It was awesome playing IM bball with you this semester. You
are such a beast!
Andrew Tran: Thanks for sharing your late night
cooking with Chris and I throughout the year! I’ll
have to make you something sometime.
Angela Meng: Thank you for your help this past
year and making the last GAM a memorable one :)
Angela Wu Li: Angelaaaaa! I can’t believe you’re
graduating... I cannot wait to hear about the adventures ahead of you! 512 Summer ’14, never forget ~
Anna Chong: Dearest Anna Banana, thank you for
being a wonderful leader for External this year and
even better friend. Love you mucho.
Austin Anderson: Thank you for all of your hard
work in ABSA this year as a director and Big Sib! :)
Belinda Jiang: Thank you for always putting a smile
on everyone’s face!
Brian Kim: Thank you for leading KDC workshop
last year! Keep up the good work!
Cao Truong: Thank you for always keeping certain
people on track when it comes to accounting hehe.
Stay awesome man!!
Cari Pak: You are always so sweet and easy to talk
to! I am excited for you as you graduate and start the
next chapter of your life :)
Caroline Lee: Caro<3 Thank you for always being
real with me and understanding me. Love you!
Chris Liu: (freshman) Hi!! You are always so happy
and easy to talk to :) Thanks for being a great sib!
Chris Wong: Congrats on graduating (soon)! You
are a smartypants and I know you have a bright
future ahead of you :)
Christina Lien: Hey beautiful girl! Thank you for all
of your hard work this year!
Christine Chu: You are the dancing Queen! :)
Thanks for leading such a fun workshop last year!
Dora Cheng: Congrats on graduating (soon)! Thank
you for all that you have done for ABSA. I will
always remember DCSG :)
Doron Hu: Lamest Sib of ABSA. Just kidding!
Honestly, I think you are pretty cool with the fact
that you have tried Popeye’s Strawberry Cheesecake
LOL. Let’s get it next time!!
Ed Liao: Hey man, you are one of the most genuine
and down to earth guy I know. Let’s go to food
trucks again!! Have an awesome summer~
Elizabeth Kwan: Hi Liz! You are so sweet and funny
hehe. I love running into you in McCombs when
I’m studying because you always bring me joy and
Elvis Yang: (FBF) Favorite Big Forever <3 Thank
you so much for everything these past two years.
You are seriously one awesome dude and I know you
will have an amazing future ahead of you!
Emily Fu: Your sweet smile always puts a smile on
my face! Congrats again on Daily Texan, you are
Emily Mi: Ever since that coffee date at Cream
Whiskers over the summer I know we’d be great
friends :) Thank you for being a great big sib and
Eric Allen: Glad I got to meet you again after
summer orientation! You are so funny and down
to earth. Thank you for sharing my cooking video
obsessions with me!
Ethan Ho: Glad to be seeing you more this year :)
You did a great job for alumni weekend!
Flo Sung: Hey girl! Thank you for all of your hard
work with informers this year! They look great :)
Ginnie Ko: Hey coach! Thanks for all of the hard
work and time you put into the team this semester!
Can’t wait to kick booty in the Fall ;)
Grace Liu: Hi cutie/mini-me! Sorry for never taking
you to a TAG meeting this year, but you bet we will
start next year! Keep up the hard work! Let me know
if you ever need a thing!
Han Uy: Brown Bag Buddy! (the one and only) I
know we haven’t had the chance to chat again since,
but I see you doing great things as a freshman! And
congrats on the stock pitch comp!
Helena Shi: <3 BEST CO EVER <3 Thank you for
all of your hard work, love, goldfish, and endless
support. I will always have your back girl!
Hoai Story: It’s been awesome seeing you more this
year! Susie is so lucky to have such an inspirational
Big like you :)
Huyen Tran: Hi Big! Thank you for all of the time
and effort you have put into The One With_ <3
Ima Linzang: Thank you again for letting me
borrow Taboo for half a semester hehe. I miss
LAUNCH and working with you!
Jamie Xia: It was fun playing bball with you this
semester! Thanks for always staying positive :)
Jason Guo: Thank you for being so patient with me
throughout this semester and the rides back home
from PCL!
Jason Wu: Hey Finance buddy! Thanks for all
the clicker help and chats walking home this past
Jeannette Tang: Hi cutie! You are such a beast at
every sport! Thank you for always putting a smile on
everyone’s face!
Jeffery Hung: Jeffery!! You are so kind and happy :)
I’ve enjoyed getting to know you through Chinese
and ABSA the past semester; keep doing great
Jennifer Park: Thank you for being such a sweet and
supportive sib this year!
Jennifer Yang: Thank you for all of your hard
work this past year as Admin VP! I still cherish the
LAUNCH Committee days <3 You’re going to do
amazing things out in the real world girl!
Jessica McCarthy: You were on of the first people I
met in ABSA and you are always so down to earth
and sweet. I love our conversations and hope to have
more of them next year!!
Jessie Chan: Thanks for being an awesome sib! You
are such a baller now and I can’t wait to play again
with you :)
Jimmy Nguyen: Jimmy!! Thank you for all of your
hard work this year in ABSA! You are so funny and
genuine :) Hope you have an amazing summer!
Johnny Vo: Thank you for putting a smile on
everyone’s face! You are hilarious and down to earth.
Awesome job with FYM this year!
Jonathan Cheung: It was awesome playing bball
with you this semester! Hope you’re doing well :)
Joseph Kim: It’s still weird calling you my Big, so
you’re still Joe from NHS to me :) But it’s been awesome getting to know you better this year and thank
you for all that you do for The One With_!
Josh Hu: Congrats on graduating and also passing
those CPA exams! Thank you for everything you’ve
done for ABSA and I know you have an awesome
future ahead of you!
Julia Hoang: Great job on all of the family events
this year! Thank you for always making me laugh, I
am so happy to have you in ADV with me <3
Kelly Luck: Hi future froomie!! I am so glad to have
met you this year and I can’t wait for all the fun we’ll
have together next year <3
Kelvin Nguyen: Thank you for all of the hard
“grunt” work you have put into ABSA this year :)
Kentaro Inao: You are a dancing machine!! Thanks
for sharing your Japanese cooking videos with me
Kevin Duong: KevKev! Thanks for always being real
and optimistic throughout the year. You did a great
job with your events :)
Kristeen Chan: So glad we had our brown bag<3
You are an inspiration and I am excited to support
and watch you follow your dreams!
Krystina Diao: Thank you for all of your hard work
as media director!
Laura Yang: Thank you for being such a great friend
to me this past year. I love our running dates, barley
bean study sessions, and conversations <3
Lucia Hua: You are an amazing cook and I hope we
can cook together sometime!
Macy Huang: From Algebra in 9th grade to UT
Austin, I’m so glad we have crossed paths again :)
You are brilliant, kind, and a baller <3
Maria Mai: Thank you for all of the hard work you
have put into ABSA this year! You are always so
optimistic and friendly, it’s contagious hehe
Michelle Lee: It was fun getting to know you better
through IM bball this year!
Mickey Li: You are one cool dude B) I’m glad I got
to know you better through the execteressional (?)
social we had. Look forward to ABSA next year
with you!
Minh Le: It was great meeting you this year! You
must try out for IM vball next year :D and good job
at Charity Auction, mr. best dressed!
Monica Li: HI MONMON! I think the greatest
thing that came out of CH604 was meeting you <3
I’m so glad to call you my roomie next year!
Nick Bhattacharya: You are always so kind and
wise, thank you for sharing that positive attitude
with me! P.s. Let’s play Catan again muahahaha
Phillip Yoon: Hi coach! Thank you for all of the
time and effort you put into the team this year :)
Purav Doshi: WU TANG. I think you and Chris’s
obsession for them has caught on with me. We need
to hang out more!
Rachel Lee: You’ve been sucha busy bee this semester! But I love seeing you do all of these amazing
things :) Keep up the good work girl!
Rebecca Fu: I loved getting to know you better
this year and seeing your sweet smile! We need to
craft soon!
Rick Kim: Hey brown bag! I’m glad I got to meet
you this year and hope you had a wonderful
freshman year :)
Lisa Bui: I miss your genuine laugh and fun
personality! You are brilliant and amazing, never
forget that!
Sabeeha Islam: Thank you for the advice, the support, and the love this past year. You are so selfless
and caring, I’m glad to have had a PR mentor like
you! Thank you for your hard work in ABSA this
year as Exec VP!
Samantha Choi: I loved the events you held
throughout this year. You are so sincere and sweet :)
Hope I get to know you better next year!
Sang-Yop Kwon: YOPYOP<3 Thank you for all of
your time and dedication in External this year! You
will always be the dad of our branch :)
Sarah Huang: Saraaah, I miss ya! Given our shared
love for food and art back in plano, I am sad we
haven’t carried that over to UT! Hope to see you
more next year!
Sarah Qin: Sarah Queen! I miss seeing you around
in ABSA, but I know you are off doing great things :)
Keep being sassy and sweet!
Shelley Chen: I’m so glad you found a home in
ABSA and hope you had a wonderful year in marketing team. Miss playing board games with you,
let’s catch up soon!
Shufen Wang: It’s been great being in advertising
with you this year! Hopefully we’ll go to class more
next year so we can hang out more hehe.
Sneha Desai: Great job with marketing team this
year! :)
Sonia Hegde: You are so sassy and fun girl, I miss
LAUNCH with you. Let’s get LAUNCH sometime
Steven Yen: You are so good at what you do! Thank
you so much for all of the time and effort you put
into capturing ABSA’s memories :)
Sylvia Yang: Hi babe <3 I’m so glad we met and
become boo thangs this year with our CW dates and
watermelon slushies. I’ll miss you when you’re half
way across the world!
Taehoon Kim: Hey big! Thanks for all of the time
and effort you put in to The One With_! I’m sorry
for being a “flaker” but I do cherish the times we’ve
Taylor Webb: I’m glad to have met you through IM
volleyball this year! You are such a beast at it! Hope
to see you around next year :)
Tiffany Nguyen: Hi Tiffany! It was great seeing you
around ABSA this year :) keep up the awesome work
with f-team!
Tri Nguyen: You are seriously one of the most
athletic people I know; keep it up man! I’m glad I
had the chance to play IM vball and at the Charity
Auction with you!
Trini Tran: Awesome job on EOS this year! Thank
you for all of your hard work :)
Veronica Sun: My little sis <3 I’m glad we got to
know each other better this year! You are so sweet,
fun, and loving! I’ll always be here for you!
Vicky Nguyen: You are so genuine and caring <3
I’m so glad we got closer this year! And you make
the most delicious cookie cake!
Victoria Fung: Hey girl! I’m glad we met through
our fam this year. Thank you for being so sweet to
me, I love the conversations we’ve had!
Whitney Chan: I miss seeing your beautiful face! I
will cherish our trendy, fun times <3 I know you are
off to do great things!!
Yiwen Xu: Congrats again on TFA! Those kiddies
are so lucky to have you as their teacher, mentor, and
friend. Keep it touch!
Zulian Tjuatja: Our family’s very own masterchef :)
I’m sad I didn’t get the chance to try your creations
this year!
Ginnie Ko
Internal Branch
Brian Kim: Great job on family stuff this year! Hope
everything is going well!
Christina Lien: Thanks for all the great brown
bags, hehe :)
Emily Fu: Emily! Thanks for eating pho with me
and Susie, along with your sister! It’s always uplifting
to talk to you!
Jane Zeng: Hey superstar, you’re a cool kid.
Julia Hoang: Hi Julia!! Great job on family stuff this
year with Brian! I’m really glad we got closer this
semester :)
Maria Mai: HIIIII <3 Thanks for being a great
friend and VP! I loved working with you this year
and having our life chats!
Phillip Yoon: Where do I begin… I guess you aite.
Just kidding – thanks for being a great co! Getting
to know you better was definitely one of my favorite
parts of being in ABSA this year.
Trini Tran: Did you know our names rhyme? Hehe.
You’re a cool kid!
Veronica Sun: Veronica! You’re always so willing
to help out everyone, and I really appreciate that
about you! <3
Alex Hui: Thanks for the great brown bag last
semester! Finally getting around to saying this, haha!
Alex Zou: Hi little! Glad I got to meet you this year
– you always make me smile with your sassiness
and humor!
Angela Meng: Hi, Angela! It’s always so nice to see
you around!
Anna Chong: Annaaaa, you’re too cute!
Amy Xin: Hey Spongebob – I’m really glad I got
to spend some time getting to know you this year
through basketball! Play fall ball with us!
Andrew Tran: Hi Andrew! Thanks for always
keeping me updated with you and sports practices –
Phillip and I really appreciate it!
Audra Fields: Hi Audra! Just wanted to say that you
take some really cool pictures!
Austin Anderson: Hey bud! I will swipe you into
J2 sometime…
Bowen Cai: Hi Bobo! Thanks for always taking
care of us and giving me rides! Glad I have a friend
like you!
Cao Truong: Cao! Thanks for always giving ABSA
rides – I think everyone really appreciates it!
Cari Pak: Glad I got to know you better this semester! Hope you’re having fun with the last months of
school left!
Caroline Lee: Good job with everything this year!! I
will definitely come by Thrift Shop!
Chris Liu (fish): Good to see you around Jester
sometimes! Cool Feed Your Mind picture btw!
Chris Liu (soph): HI TWIN!
Chris Wong: Hi Chris! Thanks for coming out to
practices and playing on our teams this year! Hope
you got to have some fun :)
Christina Xie: Glad to have met you through OGs
this year! Love your laugh!
Daniel Ho: Thanks for playing sports for ABSA this
semester! Hope you had some fun and come back
next year to play again!
Dora Cheng: Doraaaa, I haven’t seen you much this
year! Miss you and our SG from last year – hope
you’re having some fun with the last few months of
school left!
Elvis Yang: Hi Elvis! Thanks so much for helping
Philip and me coach the volleyball team this year
– we really really appreciate it! And I know you’re
salty about a certain something… I will buy you tap
Emily Mi: It was so nice catching up with you today
before Family Field Day! I hope you have a great
time at EY this summer!
Grace Liu: Hey Grace! Thanks for the wonderful
brown bag last semester at Café Medici – it was nice
getting to know you! Also… I’m kinda jealous of all
of your food pics on Insta!!
Hannah Kang: Hiii! It’s always so nice talking to you
when I see you around! :)
Helena Shi: Hi little! You’re always so smiley and
it’s too cute!
Hoai Truong: Thanks for giving rides during
ultimate this semester! Phillip and I really appreciate
it! And… you’re so athletic!! You did a great job
during basketball!
Huyen Tran: Thanks for struggling with Paul and
me through marketing this semester…haha! And
I’m always impressed with the pictures you take!
They’re beautiful!
Ima Linzag: Hi Ima!! So nice to see you around :)
Jackson Pei: Hiii! You’ve been a great leader and an
example for all of us this year. Thanks for all of your
help with basketball this semester! And we’ll really
miss you – come back to visit and we’ll play a real
game when my knee is all good!
Jason Guo: Thanks for giving the ultimate team
emergency rides! I really appreciate it!
Jeannette Tang: Thanks for the great brown bag!
Let’s hang out more!!
Jeffery Hung: Great job with everything this year
Jeffery! Think you were my Secret Santa from last
semester…thanks for the gift card!
Jennifer Park: Hi Jennifer! You’re so kind-hearted :)
I’m always here if you want to chat about anything!
Jennifer Yang: I’LL MISS YOUUUUUUU!! <3
Jessica Lin: Thanks for letting me turn in these late!!
Jessica McCarthy: Jessica! I’m so glad you were
there to show us how to eat crawfish at the Alumni
Jessie Chan: Hi Jessie! Thanks for playing on the
basketball team this year! Hope you had some fun :)
Play fall ball with us next semester!!
Johnny Vo: Hi Johnny! Great job with everything
this year – really excited for Feed Your Mind!
Besides that, thanks for being a great teammate on
our teams this year!
Jonathan Fan: You’re so talented!! I’m really
impressed with all of your work! Good seeing you
around in classes and recruiting events!
Joseph Lee: Hey Joseph! Great job at the ABSA Top
Model GM – you were too funny!
Josephine Lee: Good eating with you and Sam the
other day!
Justin Lyan: Thanks for playing on the coed team
this semester and giving me rides!
Kang Park: Hi Kang! Thanks for always supporting
ABSA at our basketball games this semester! Let’s
catch up soon!
Karen Shang: I can’t believe we were nominated for
most derp…
Kelvin Nguyen: We still need to brown bag! I’ve
missed you all year!!
Kevin Duong: Great job with everything this year!
And it’s always nice seeing you around in McCombs!
Kristeen Chan: You’re senior pictures are beautiful!!
And I’m always inspired by you following your
Lucia Hua: Thanks for the midnight snacks during
finals last semester! Your pictures of food always
look really good!
Nina Tanuwidjaja: Mlem!! Let’s have more sushi
dates <3
Paul Nguyen: Hi buddy! Thanks for being you – I
always love hanging out with you and the crew! No
stress, right?
Rachel Lee: Girl, you’re too pretty!
Rebecca Fu: You and your sister are always fun to be
around! Too cute :)
Russell Kan: It was nice catching up with you in the
laundry room the other day!
Sabeeha Islam: Hey girl! Thanks for coming out to
our ABSA games whenever you can – Phillip and I
really appreciate it!
Samantha Choi: Good job with everything this
year!! Let’s brown bag sometime!
Sangbin Kwon: HIIII old man! Hehe. Thanks for
taking me to pho today! And I am not derp…
Sang-Yop Kwon: Hey buddy! Great job with everything this year – can’t wait to see what you have in
store for next year!
Sarah Qin: Hey roomie! Kinda sad we won’t be
rooming together next year…but I’ll be down the
road! Come visit me often :)
Sean Lin: Good to finally get to know you a little
more, even though we went to the same high school,
haha! Great job with basketball and frisbee this
Steven Yen: You’re so legit with all of your work!
Thanks for the awesome EOS videos this year!
You’re such a cool kid :)
Sumin Cha: HIIIIIII! I need to see you more often!
But I love you. The end. Hehe.
Susie Kim: HIIIIIII! I’m honestly so glad that I met
you this year – can’t imagine my year without you
and the crew! Love you lots! <3
Sylvia Yang: Your photography work is so impressive! Thanks for taking EOS pictures for internal!!
Taehoon Kim: Thanks for cooking for me – that
topokki was realz good! Always nice talking to you!
Tessie La: Yo Tess, tenks for being so funny – you
never fail to make us laugh!
Tiffany Weng: Tiff! Great job with basketball this
semester! So sad I couldn’t play with you guys…but
we still have two more years! Fall ball?!
Tri Nguyen: Thanks for being a great teammate
on all the teams this year! You’re one of the most
athletic people I know – I know a lot of people are
Vivian Wang: HI NOOB. You’re so cute! Let’s catch
up soon with everything!
Taehoon Kim
Alex Zou: Alphalex, aka, the diva. It was nice getting
to know you this year even though you have yet to
show me your true layers!!
Amy Xin: I’m actually really afraid to make this
shoutout to you bc I don’t want you to freak out.
Love tapping your back.
Angela Meng: Congrats on your successful year!
It took me a while but I can say that I learned to
appreciate your jokes over time haha but keep them
up tho!
Anna Chong: stop trying to sound nice to me bc
that makes me feel super awk around you. But the
soup. It’s ready.
Arlene Cai: metamon, I’m glad you were able to
take all the crap from me this year haha but just
remember it’s not over yet.
Austin Anderson: the way we bonded over EOS
pics, Shufen, and the seldom fun nights is enough
for me to miss you buddy. I’m glad I offered you
those words when I first met you ;)
honestly one of the funniest people I met this year
and I truly appreciate your dedication to the family!
Thanks Belinzzz!!
Bowen Cai: I really wish I got to hang out with you
more but without a lie, I always tell people you’re
super awesome
Brian Kim: I remember the first time I actually met
you was when we were on our way to pick up some
food for FYM last spring! I’m glad you made a large
contribution to bringing an influx of Koreans to
ABSA! Oh and also great job on family stuff. Thanks
for caring for what you do and putting a lot of your
time/effort on it!
Cao Truong: All in all, you’ve been such a great and
reliable little any big sib can ask for. I really mean
it when I say thank you for putting the family front
and having such high pride for it!
Caroline Lee: there was a long detour for us to getting to know each other, and sometimes you’re still
annoying but I’m sure I annoy you a lot too lol. Glad
I met you though! Find what you like and spend
much time with it but don’t forget that things are
connected so try not to shut certain things down! :D
Chris Liu (freshman): from the time at the Haunted
House to our car ride to Asia Café! Even though
I gave you hard time during that ride for your
wanting a “family”, I really appreciate how you
stay positive. It’s a great quality to have and it will
spread to other people too! Great getting to know
you this year!
Chris Liu (sophomore): I feel like I got to know
you more over the summer than the course of two
semester this year lol… WHY?!?!
Chris Wong: I feel like the struggles we shared
during golf is what got us closer together lol but I’m
glad you’re wrapping up your last year so strong in
ABSA! Good luck with everything at EY and let’s
keep in touch buddy!
Christina Lien: hai best fran :D
Daniel Ho: Zuko!!!! Wish you were more active
with the family but as long as you had a good first
year in college!
Dora Cheng: I feel like the only times we hung out
were when you made me porridge and the times I
borrowed bowls from you… LETS GO PLAY GOLF
Doron Hu: I think the way our friendship was predetermined… props to you for taking all the jokes
from the family! #lame
Edward Liao: hey bud, I know we didn’t really
hang out that much but I did really enjoy the times
when we actually did! Thanks for teaching me how
to change the guitar strings and let’s grab some
drinks again!
Elvis Yang: Graduation or not, TaeYang will live on.
Emily Fu: glad you could creep on me and remember our first encounter at Coco’s over the summer!
But seriously, stop kicking me and maybe you’ll get
some cold noodle.
Emily Mi: EMZIE I’m glad we no longer have the
big-little relationship but are close friends! I honestly didn’t understand your derp sense of humor but
it’s hard to stay unnoticed. Better hang out with me
more next year!!
Ginnie Ko: Your armpits may never be safe.
Helena Shi: thanks for telling me about the last
dance lab of my life. Well taken.
Hoai Truong: how close we’ve gotten this year! I
thank those nights and the recording sessions we
had for a bulk of our friendship haha I hope we can
continue this even after I graduate!
Huyen Tran: I’m telling you, next year around this
time, I’ll be taking yo photos. FO FUREE!!!
Jackson Pei: Literally don’t know what to write
here… bc I still gotta film a farewell vid for you so
just watch that lol
Jany Xu: hi you fashionable dresser of Pitch and Put
;) good luck at PwC!
Jason Wu: I really appreciate you being such a
supportive member/little/friend since the day 1.
I remember my first memory of you is when you
helped us prepare for the pool party when you were
freshman and it really captured the type of person
you are. Good luck with everything after college!
Jeannette Tang: WHERE’S MA BAG BRO
Jeff Su: hey bae, excited to have a friend who will
stay in Austin to work together!
Jeffery Hung: Hi Jeffery :D
Jennifer Ji Won Park: Me: “You speak Korean?!
You’re my favorite!!” You: “-____-“
Jennifer Yang: hehe you can thank Jessica for all the
short jokes I make about you. It would have been
much less if she were still around :p
Jessica McCarthy: I’m really happy to see you’re doing so well with many things you’re pursuing. I hope
you know how I feel even when it’s unspoken!
Jessie Chan: you’ve been such a letdown this entire
semester but I guess I forgive you since you’re a fob
and we should be nicer to fobs :)
Jimmy Nguyen: stop touching ma butt yo
Johnny Vo: better bring some championships next
year for ABSA
Joseph Kim: no need to say any heartwarming
message here. You better watch yoself when you
sleep next year.
Josh Hu: stop studying so hard and making me feel
so bad about my cpa progress lol. But all in all, I’m
glad that we were able to stick it through 5 years
of college together! Haha remember how awk it
was between us at the beginning of our sophomore
year?! Good luck with Deloitte, although I’m more
than certain you won’t need any luck!
Julia Hoang: Dear Julia, thanks for replacing me
with Phillip to continue your journey in cheesecake
making. It helps me move on with my college life in
peace. In return, please produce at least one batch
of cheesecake every month for me to ensure the
quality of Taehoon & Julia Cheesecake Factory Co.
stays top notch.
Julio Maldonado: I’m gonna miss you, my boy-toy.
We needa go hit that golf course again but make sure
you bring lots of balls for me to lose lol
Karen Shang: Sharon, I expect great improvement
in your dance moves even though they are already at
a very impressive level. Do live the Academic legacy
on by doing so. Thnxbai.
Kelly Luck: hehehehe I’m gonna kick your knee and
poke yo cheeks.
Kevin Duong: “(Gasp) Why did you tell him, Caroline?!” still the best moment with you hahahaha
Kelvin Nguyen: Kelvin, you’re still one of the most
selfless and respectable person I’ve met at UT. There
are not enough thank-you’s for me to tell you for all
the effort and time you spent for this org and your
friends. I know a lot of what you did still remain
unnoticed but I also know that you don’t care about
that. Seriously, let’s keep in touch. Feel free to let me
know when you need anything from me <3
Kristeen Chan: congrats on graduating! Good to see
you’re doing well with commercials and whatnot!
Linh Dao: I really meant it when I said I see potential in you!! Hope you come back to ABSA next year
and become a director! :D
Lucia Hua: Lucia, I’m still waiting for you to sing
me Santa Lucia.
Maria Mai: I’m gonna miss playing cheek-boxing
with you!! But good job this year as Internal VP and
have so much fun studying abroad!! I will still be
here when you get back so hit me up brooo
Michael Cho: you literally flaked on everything on
me except the longhorn run… well played Mcho.
Sorry for taking one of your roommates away, unless
you’re happy about that.
Mylan Tieu: even though you only come to our
family events to eat, I’m glad you’ve improved by infinity!! I always told you we aren’t gonna be friends
when I graduate, but I’ll reconsider that.
Minh Le: I know you’ve secretly been ABSA’s
ambassador at VSA. Well done, Minh. Well done.
Anyways, you should really consider being a
director next year!!
Nina Tanuwidjaja: 9a, I might miss your bangs
more than I miss you… is that weird?
Paul Nguyen: is it still too late to switch Huyen
with Tessie?
Phillip Yoon: take care of Julia and our very common cheesecake recipe for me :’(
Rebecca Fu: OMG Emily~~ hahaha it was so much
fun making fun of you this year!
Russell Kan: I’m really glad we got to have a bb
a few weeks ago! I really admire your passion for
ABSA and its people, it’s a quality that will get you
far! Keep up the good work buddy.
Sabeeha Isam: Sabie, it’s crazy to see how much
of impact you have over this organization during
the 3 years you’ve been here! I know many people
in ABSA, including myself, have high respect for
you, which you deserve completely. Let’s have that
BB already!
Samantha Choi: I still won’t let go of the time when
you lied to me about being a Korean. I understand
it’s an attractive ethnic to be but you just simply
cannot lie to someone about something that’s so
fundamental to your existence. Please, I hope you’ve
learned your lesson.
Sang-Yop Kwon: oh yea I should have told you this
earlier but I don’t need that Oma’s girl’s number no
more lol
Sangbin Kwon: the cleats were no big deal, really!!
Sarah Huang: I expect many more snaps from you ;)
Sarah Qin: feel lucky to have been your big sib
for the past 3 years! Even though I barely saw you
around this year, I’m glad you are making strides
in your college career! Keep it classy and sassy, my
Shufen Wang: I really hope I don’t get cropped out
if we take any more pictures together during this
like I’m gonna miss having you around the grill lol
Sylvia Yang: DOOde can we be better friends? I’ll
take you thrifting
Tri Nguyen: tsk tsk shouldn’t be calling VSA fam the
best fam even on Instagram bro
Veronica Sun: I guess there’s no need to write anything touchy here either. I’ll see you next year ;)
Whitney Chan: who are you again? Haha best of
luck in Minneapolis!!
Zulian Tjuatja: really appreciate you being a great
little sib this year! Thanks for cooking for the family,
they’re really yummy!
Julia Hoang
Alex Hui: Charity Service Auction was so fun because you were so energetic and really made it seem
like a late night talk show! Hahaha remember when
we “ushered” for marathon kids volunteering? Glad
to have met you this year!
Alex Zou: “Are you a tree? Are you a folk?!?!” You’re
so weirdddd lol. But I love ya for it! Always fun
times with you haha
Amanda Shang: Amanda you’re so cute and
derpy!!!! Literally wouldn’t have made it through the
GM interview without you there haha <3
Amy Xin: Everyone probably tells you you’re really
funny, but you are also very talented! Maybe next
year you will sign up for brownbags and get to be a
new member’s first one!!!
Angela Meng: Talks with you are so fun and meaningful, let’s do it more often! <3 Walking back and
forth in west campus during the middle of the night
with you something I’ll never forget! Haha
Anna Chong: I miss seeing you every day like we
did freshman year! I think I can speak for the whole
gang when I say we’re really proud of what you
accomplished this year with external! You always see
the good in people and that really showed through
your leadership this year!
Audra Fields: Audra I love your personality and
attitude about everything!! Haha you are fun to talk!
P.S. your glasses look so good on you!!! D:
Austin Anderson: Hey Austin! Thanks for being
an awesome big sib even though you’re really busy
with director duties, etc.! You’ve been keepin’ it real
since day 1!!
Belinda Jiang: Belindaaa! Sad that next year I won’t
be able to pick up my packages from you anymore :(
You’re super weird but that’s what makes you super
fun to be around haha! Don’t ever change please <3
Bowen Cai: Thanks for being such a great big sib
and for all your hard work! I really appreciate you
always bringing your enthusiasm to EVERYTHING!
DESCRIBE <3 -hugsCao Truong: Whenever someone needs anything,
I feel like you’re always there to help! I’m sure I can
speak for everyone when I say that you are truly an
amazing person! I’m glad that you’ve been so active
with ABSA this year and hope that you continue to
see us as your family :)
Caroline Lee: I’m really proud of everything you
have accomplished this past year with external!
You’re so sassy and entertaining to be around lolol
Chris Liu: We still need to do our brownbag!! Hahaha! I love how every time I see you, you have a huge
smile on your face! It makes me smile too :D
Chris Wong: Chris you have been a really great big
sib! Thanks for always putting so much work and
effort into everything you’ve done for your family :)
good luck with CPA!!!
Christina Lien: HI FROOMIE! Thanks for all your
hard work you put into this banquet!!! Can’t wait
to go through all the struggles of apartment life
with you <3
Christine Chu: HELLOOOO. I feel like I barley
even knew you until this year… and I kind of wish
I didn’t O.O hahaha jk!!! You’re such a hyper and
energetic big sib! Thanks for always making things
feel super fun and pumped up lolol!
Daniel Ho: Waddup Zuko! Hahaha jk jk. It’s been
fun getting to know you better through IM and
ABSA :) hope to you see stick around next year!!!!
Doron Hu: I wanna play with your ladybug ball
you won at the state fair! PubCo wouldn’t have been
the same this year without your funny jokes and
Edward Liao: Thanks for helping out so much
with family field day!!! I can’t believe I’ve known
you since my first year in high school haha. You’ve
always been really fun and easy to talk to about
basically anything lol. Have fun with your internship
this summer!!!
Elvis Yang: Elvis! I feel like I’ve gotten to know you
a lot better since last year and I’m really grateful to
have you as a friend! You’re always willing to help
people no matter the conditions and that’s what I
admire about you! Seriously gonna miss you next
Emily Fu: Emilyyyy!!! I LOVEEE the story of how
we met during football practice haha! You and your
sister are so cute, but I want you to know that you
are your own person too! Thanks for bringing your
adorable derpyness to internal this year <3
Emily Mi: Emily you’re so funny!!!! I feel like we
understand each other the most hahaha! I think our
ski trip wouldn’t have been the same without you!
Felicia Zhang: Felicia thanks for working so hard
for your family!!! Me, Brian, and especially your
littles really appreciate you :) I remember when
Joseph was driving us and Emily back to Dallas one
time and we were talking about our baby blankets
and stuffed animals! Hahaha fun times!
Florence Sung: Flo thanks so much for being such
an awesome informer editor!!!!! Thanks for your
patience and kindness :) You’re always so happy
every time I see you!
Fred Chen: It was nice to see you again at the
Greenbelt hiking social! LOL I remember during
the beginning of the semester when I was telling you
about an ABSA event and you said that everyone is
really good at advertising our events! Hahaha hope
you to see you around more next year! :)
Fred Yang: It’s fun seeing you at random times in
RLM or at ABSA things teehee. I love how you look
super intimidating and scary on the outside, but you
are just like a cuddly puppy on the inside! Hehe
Ginnie Ko: Ginnie!!!!!! I LOVE YOU even though
you troll me so many times -.- You’re really supportive and I love that about you! I hope next year we’ll
continue to keep in touch even though you’ll be
busy with MPA stuff!!
Grace Liu: Grace! I feel like you are my little
advertising baby haha <3 Let me know if you ever
need help with anything or just wanna talk, okays? I
love your laugh! It makes me laugh even more when
I hear it hahaha.
Hannah Kang: Mama llama!!!! I love that our
branch still hangs out and thank you for bringing
us all together <3 A lot of what you’ve taught me
my freshman year has influenced my life inside
and outside of ABSA for the better! I owe a lot of
my accomplishments this year to you! I love you
Hannah!!! Thanks for still taking care of us, even
until this day <3
Helena Shi: I think my favorite memory with you
was when you told me I looked super nice during
your director interview when I was actually trying to
be serious haha. Great job with your PR events! :D
Henry Thai: When I first met you and you told me
you were a junior I thought you were trolling me
cause you kept laughing lolol
Hoai Truong: HOAI!!! I’m so grateful that we’ve
been able to get to know each other more this year
through football and the ski trip! Thanks for being
so supportive of me, it truly means a lot!! I love that
even though you are really talented, smart, and just
plain awesome, you are still very humble and down
to earth <3 Let’s win another championship next
year, yeah!?!?
Huyen Tran: BAI-YAHHH! Lol! I feel like we’ve
grown a lot closer this year! I’m glad I can come to
you about the problems in my life and know that
you will always be there to listen to my weird stories
and complaints <3
Ima Linzag: Ima I think you are literally one of
the nicest people on the planet! Thanks so much
for putting SO much time and work for PubCo
this year. You are one of the most patient people I
know and I am so thankful that you were the first
person to head this committee. I wouldn’t want it
any other way!
Jackson Pei: Thanks for always being there for me
regardless of anything. Your passion and love for
ABSA really shows through what you do for people.
It’s truly inspiring! ABSA is going to miss someone
very special next year. :’)
Jane Zeng: Jane you have an awesome personality!
I love that you always try to stay positive :) I know
EOS is gonna be amazing!!!!
Jason Guo: Ewwwwww. I feel like you could be my
older brother because you have never failed to bully
and make fun of me. Let’s make smoothies and your
apartment again lol! I think you are a good person
and have a great personality, which is why talks with
you are never boring! Thanks so much for always
helping everyone with anything!
Jason Wu: Jason I really love that you still come out
to many things!! Gonna miss you next year even if
you stay in Austin!
Jeannette Tang: Canto family directors yayyy!!!!
Jeannettee when I think of you all I imagine is you
jumping up and down full of excitement lol! You are
so good at football please teach me D:
Jeff Su: Thanks for being a cool big sib this year! I
hope you aren’t dying from CPA too much! Remember to take care of yourself too :)
Jeffery Hung: Jeffrey you’re so adorable!
Jenney Ling: Hey Jenney!!! Thanks for being such
a wonderful big sib this year! I wish I could sing as
good as you! D:
Jennifer Yang: Pumpkin breadddddd!!!! Hehe when
are we gonna bake some? :D
Jessica Lin: Jessica you are so cool and fun to talk
to! I can’t believe we never met earlier!!! Anyways,
thanks for being an awesome informer editor! I
know you put up with a lot of people missing the
deadline, but you’re still always smiling :) Can’t wait
for what you have to offer next year!
Jessica McCarthy: It’s been fun getting to know you
better through PubCo this year!! Haha I love that
you are always laughing!!
Jessie Chan: Jessssssiiiieeeeee! Remember when we
played contact at camping and we were completely
in sync with each other even though we just met?!
Hahaha good times! Excited to see what you will
bring to ABSA next year!
Jimmy Nguyen: Jimmy you are a ball of happiness!
You keep doin’ you! :)
John Chen: You’re so good at ballroom dancing! I’m
such a scrub aiyaaa haha
Johnny Vo: Johnny you’re always the life of the
party! I admire you for always working hard and
making people laugh at the same time!
Joseph Kim: I think in the beginning we just
became friends by default because of our mutual
friends, but this year I feel like we have grown
closer! Thanks for all your hard work being a big sib
even though you have a job too!
Joseph Lee: Hi Jigglypuff! Hahaha thanks for being
a good sport about ABSA’s next top model!
Kang Park: Hi Kang!!! I remember you coming to
almost every single basketball game just to cheer on
your friends. Thanks for being so supportive!
Karen Shang: HI NEIGHBOR lolol. Can’t wait
for FYM!
Kelvin Nguyen: Kelvyyyyy. You are the definition of
what serving is. Always taking care of others… don’t
forget to take care of yourself too, ya punk!
Kevin Duong: I hope you enjoyed your time as
external director!! Everything you have done with
external has been really good! I am glad that you
can come to me and ask me for help about stuff :) Be
proud of everything you’ve accomplished, because
it’s a lot!!!
Kimberly Young: Kimberly!!! Every time I see you,
you are always smiling and laughing haha :D I hope
to see more of you next year!!!!
Kristeen Chan: You are graduating ahhhh! I hope
you discover what it is that you want to do :) good
luck with all your future endeavors!!
Krystina Diao: Thanks for buying me and Brian
food during family field day! :) you’re an awesome
media director! Thanks for putting in so much time
for ABSA!!! The EOS pictures are so GOOOOOOD
Lisa Bui: Lisa thanks for always looking out for your
littles even though you are sooo busy with other
things! I love that you love being a big sib, it warms
my heart! Haha hopefully I will stay in Austin
during the summer and we can hangout more :D
Lisa Feng: Hiiii Lisa! You’re so tiny and cute :D great
job with all of the work you do with executive!
Lucia Hua: Lucia when are we getting dinner
together?? Your food/pastry pictures make me
drool every time *___* Teach me your magical
ways!!! haha
Macy Huang: Macyy!!!! Let’s go shopping lolol.
Great job with all of the workshops you and Rebecca
hosted this year :) I honestly think I’ve gained
something out of every one that I went to!
Maria Mai: HI MOOOOMMMMMM! <3 Thanks
for being the best mom ever to 9 little kiddos. I
know we make you go crazy sometimes, but it’s
cause we love you and don’t know any better hahaha.
You are so brave and omg I’ll miss you so much next
semester when you’re gone <3 I love you!!!
Mickey Li: Congrats on all of your accomplishments
this year! Thanks for ordering all of the food for
GM’s and everything else you do for ABSA!
Mylan Tieu: Hi Mulan!!!! I will never forget how
you killed Joseph during yall’s rap battle hahaha.
Hope to see more of you around next year!! :)
Minh Le: Hi Minh!!! Thanks for always coming out
to our sports games and being so supportive!
Nina Tanuwidjaja: Thanks for being such a great
big sib and also helping with internal even though
you’re not even a director! :)))))
Paul Nguyen: Not gonna lie, I miss working with
you on external stuff! I’m glad that we still stay
in touch about our lives even though we don’t see
each other as much! Thanks for being a really great
big sib! I know how much you care for your littles
and that’s what really matters at the end of the day!
Phillip Yoon: BRAHDERRRR. I feel like we have
gotten a lot closer this year! Hope that our sibling/
ex/internal relationship continues to grow! Thanks
for all that you do for ABSA not only for athletics,
but everything in general!!! You da real MVP
Quan Nguyen: Quan I hope you had a blast big
sibbing this year! I know you are very committed
to your family, which makes me happy! Good luck
with everything!
Rebecca Fu: Rebecca I love the way you talk!
Hahahaha I love how innocent and cute you are! All
of the workshops this year were really good!
Regan Wang: Regan you are an extremely busy
man! But regardless of your other commitments,
you always have time for your family and I really admire that! You’ve been such a great big sib! Thanks
for all the time you put into your family! :)
Russell Kan: HIIII RUSSELL! Remember when
we played contact at ABSA camping?? Haha you’re
super quirky, but I think it’s adorable! Thanks for
helping out so much!!!
Sabeeha Islam: SABEEBZ I still have that letter you
wrote me from last year’s EOS! I can’t even describe
how great you are… I literally can’t lol… I hope
you get everything you want and more because you
seriously deserve it <3 I love you!!!!
Samantha Choi: Samantha you’re so cute! Let’s
watch chinese movies together lol. I really love that
you are really caring of others and you always want
to help :) Great job with everything you’ve accomplished with executive!!!!
Sang-Yop Kwon: Sang-Yop you are da bombbbb!
I have no doubt in my mind that you will be an
officer for ABSA. I really admire your passion for
serving others!
Sangbin Kwon: Sangbin you do so much for everyone! Thank you for everything you’ve done for your
family this year!
Sarah Qin: Sarah I freaking love you! We don’t see
each other as often anymore, but that’s okay cause
my love for you is still strong twinsie!!!!! Hehe <3
Sean Lin: “Be a man!” lolol from the Greenbelt
hiking social! You’re so funny Sean! :D
Shufen Wang: ROOMIE SHUFIE! Let’s go over
to each other’s apartments next year and have fun
Stephen Zhu: Even though you looked like one of
the most intimidating people on the panel last year,
I feel like it was super easy talking to you! Thanks
for being a great big sib this year! It makes me happy
that you still want to give back to ABSA even after
everything you’ve already done! Gonna miss you a
lot next year!!!!
Steven Yen: Steven you’re so quirky and funny, I
love it!!! Your media skills are da bomb! Thanks
SOOOO much for all that you do! You really
deserve everything and more!
Sumin Cha: Every time I see you I just get really
happy haha! :D I love that you are always smiling!
Thanks for all of the work you do as ABSA’s webmaster!!!!!! You are awesome teehee
Sylvia Yang: DOBIE. Lol! Thanks for working extremely hard for ABSA! Even though you run funny,
you still aight hahahaa! Have fun studying abroad
next year!!!! ABSA will miss you and your awesome
picture-taking skills!
Taehoon Kim: I think it’s safe to say we have
reached a new level in our friendship this past year!
I’m glad that we are able to open up to each other
about personal things a lot more!
Tessie La: Tessie I think you are one of the coolest
people I know! Lolol I freaking loveeee your random
stories hahaha. Thanks for being an awesome big sib
this year! Can’t tell you how much I appreciate all
that you do for your littles! :)
Tiffany Weng: You’re so fun to talk to Tiffany!! Idk
what I’d be doing in school without all your help
haha! I love you! <3
Tri Nguyen: 366 days apart YEAH! Haha let’s win
another championship!
Trini Tran: Thanks for putting so work into EOS!
It shows that you care a lot about ABSA and the
people in it!
Veronica Sun: Veronigga I love youuuuu!!!! I’m so
glad that we were both in internal together! :) I can’t
imagine it any other way!!! <3
Vivian Wang: Vivian you’re so sweet and adorable, I
just want to keep you in my pocket forever!!!
Yoon Lee: Yoon! If you ever need help with Chinese,
just holla! Haha
Zulian Tjuatja: I hope everything works out well
with your company stuff! Let me know how it goes
during the summer!