A Salute to Manufacturing 2012 - Faribault Area Chamber of
A Salute to Manufacturing 2012 - Faribault Area Chamber of
A Salute to Manufacturing 2012 EVEN IF YOU COULD WALK YOUR BUILDING BLINDFOLDED, AN ENERGY ASSESSMENT MIGHT OPEN YOUR EYES. There’s no question that you’re the expert on your facility. But our energy efficiency specialists can look at it in a new way, point out areas for improved energy efficiency, and then connect you with money-saving Xcel Energy rebates to offset your up-front costs. Visit ResponsibleByNature.com/Business today for details. ® © 2012 XCEL ENERGY INC. Manufacturing:AnEconomicDriver Manufacturing employment is a critical part of the local Rice County and Faribault economies. In 2011, Manufacturing in Faribault made up 25.0 percent of all private employment, in Rice County it was 19.9 percent. In comparison, Minnesota as a whole employed only 13.4 percent of private sector workers in the Manufacturing industries. While Manufacturers paid 16.1 percent of the wages in 2011 in Minnesota, in Rice County and Faribault it was 27.8 percent and 33.1 percent, respectively. This was a total of $185,476,115 in wages in Rice County and $97,507,965 in Faribault. The actual economic value surpasses even that – supporting companies, such as suppliers of raw materials, office supplies, and services also benefit from the presence of the industry. Types of Manufacturing There were 80 firms engaged in Manufacturing in Rice County in 2011, 38 of them in Faribault. The largest share was in Food Manufacturing, with 13, though there were 12 in Fabricated Metal Manufacturing and 11 in Machinery Manufacturing. Manufacturing Employment by Industry, Rice County, 2011 4% 2% 2% Food (311) Printing and Related (323) Plastics and Rubber (326) 14% Nonmetalic Minerals (327) Fabricated Metal (332) 11% 54% Machinery (333) Computer and Electronics (334) 8% Furniture and Related (337) Suppressed 3% 2% Source: 2011 Annual Average Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) The size of firms varied widely, however; the Food Manufacturing industry employed the most workers by a large margin, with 41.5 percent of all manufacturing employment in Faribault and 53.9 percent in Rice County. The second-largest was Machinery Manufacturing, with 22.0 percent in Faribault and 13.9 percent in Rice County. Despite the large number of firms, only 10.6 percent of the total manufacturing employment in Rice County was in Fabricated Metal manufacturing, for an average of only 33 workers per firm compared to an overall average of 46 workers per firm in total manufacturing, and an average of 152 workers per firm in Food Manufacturing. Manufacturing employment in Rice county is weighted toward different industries than in the state overall – 53.9 percent of manufacturing employment was in Food manufacturing in Rice county in 2011, compared to 14.6 percent in the state, in Machinery manufacturing it was 13.9 percent, compared to 10.1 percent in the state, and in Nonmetallic Minerals it was 8.4 percent, compared to 2.7 percent in the state. Wages and Manufacturing In 2011, Manufacturing employees earned 35.1 percent more than workers overall in Rice county and in Faribault they made 24.9 percent more. Wages in Manufacturing have also been increasing faster than in other industries: in Rice County in 2000, manufacturing employees made only 31.6 percent more than all employees. The average weekly wage for manufacturing workers in Faribault in 2011 was $864, compared to $970 in Rice County and $1106 in Minnesota overall. The lower average manufacturing wage in the area likely stems from the concentration of food manufacturing; while still well-paid, jobs in Food Manufacturing have a lower average weekly wage than most other manufacturing industries. Produced by DEED Labor Market Information (LMI) The Voice of Business Promoting Growth and Prosperity Since 1902 the Chamber has been the leading business organization, promoting growth and prosperity. The Chamber of Commerce has a unique role providing direct services and representing the business community on a variety of issues. • Business Advocacy is where the Voice of Business is amplified. Chamber members band together to impact decisions made in our community. The clout of our unified voice shares the business environment. There is strength in numbers. • The GROW Faribault program is our business retention and expansion effort. Partnering with the Faribault EDA, volunteers visit businesses throughout the community with three primary goals. First, to thank businesses for employing people and contributing to the local economy. Second, to learn more about their business goals and assist where we are able. Third, to identify community and legislative issues affecting business growth, in order to provide advocacy support for the business community. • There are scores of chamber initiatives designed to help existing businesses grow and prosper and new businesses choose Faribault. Members can participate in leadership development, marketing and promotions, special events, networking programs and more. • The Human Resource Peer Group allows HR managers from large and medium businesses to share best practices and network with one another. Small business people, who must juggle HR duties with other management responsibilities, also attend and benefit from the experience of the group. Chambers are catalysts through which professional people, entrepreneurs, business leaders and employers can work together for the common good. The work of the Chamber benefits those that don’t belong as well. In fact the entire community is served by the Chamber because the mission is to promote growth and prosperity. <RXU3DUWQHU)RU6WUDWHJLF6WDIILQJ6ROXWLRQV /LJKW,QGXVWULDO $VVHPEO\ 3DFNDJLQJ )RRG3URGXFWLRQ :HOGLQJ &1&6HW8S2SHUDWRUV )$5,%$8/7 3KRQH- )D[- IDULEDXOW#YDOOH\VWDIILQJLQFFRP /$.(9,//( 3KRQH- )D[- ODNHYLOOH#YDOOH\VWDIILQJLQFFRP &OHULFDO &XVWRPHU6HUYLFH 5HFHSWLRQLVWV 'DWD(QWU\&OHUNV $FFRXQWLQJ $GPLQLVWUDWLYH$VVLVWDQWV 6+$.23(( 3KRQH- )D[- VKDNRSHH#YDOOH\VWDIILQJLQFFRP +$67,1*6 3KRQH- )D[- KDVWLQJV#YDOOH\VWDIILQJLQFFRP Faribault Area Chamber of Commerce: Workforce Development Committee Cooperation with Education Providers to Meet Future Workforce Needs of Our Business Community Meeting the future workforce needs of our existing employers, and projecting the workforce needs for new business development is essential for the growth and prosperity of our community. Many agencies are involved in that work. The Chamber Workforce Committee has developed a number of initiatives to address the issue. We continue to work on promoting internships for college students in local businesses, job shadowing and business tours for local high school students, and strong relationships with colleges and high schools in our area. We offer a human resource peer group for members that brings best practices to small and large employers for continued workforce development. We also assist other groups such as Beyond the Yellow Ribbon and MN Workforce Center in connecting with local businesses for job fairs and employee development. The biggest project is the annual CareerFest. The day long program is held in partnership with South Central College and presents students with career building information. Volunteer business people provide information on the education, training and path to success in many careers. Members are always welcome to participate in the workforce initiative t s e erF e r a C … Supports our local Manufacturers! In Rice County we believe that growing our economy and providing quality jobs is important. To do that – we support our local businesses! Please contact the Rice County Economic Development Office to assist with your business needs. Rice County has financial and tax incentives, works in partnership with our Rice County communities and economic development team, and has workforce resources and economic impact data. We are here to help! Rice County Economic Development - 507.332.6126 / [email protected] Manufacturers in Faribault ABC Companies 507-334-1871 1506 30th Street NW Faribault www.abc-companies.com ABC Companies is a leading provider to the transportation industry with diverse product and service offerings that cover a full spectrum of operational needs including new and pre-owned full size highway coach equipment, mid-size shuttle transport vehicles, and advanced design heavy duty transit equipment. B & B Manufacturing and Assembly 507-334-2445 3535 Industrial Drive Faribault www.bbmfg.net B & B Manufacturing works with several customers ranging from Food, Medical, Agricultural, to Outdoor heating units. They are a contract manufacturer and assembler. Bio Wood Processing 507-334-9663 22650 Bagley Ave Faribault www.biowoodprocessing.com Bio Wood provides a resource to help the environment by taking wood products that would otherwise end up in the landfill or burned. They dispose of these products in an evironmentally and economic way to produce animal bedding and mulch. Bio Wood is a family owned business. Cable Connection and Supply 507-334-6418 1505 30th St NW Faribault www.ospstuff.com Provides products and value added distribution services from over 400 manufacturers to the telecommunication industry in the areas of outside plant, MRO, network office material, Tools, Test equipment and Safety products. Caves of Faribault 507-334-5260 222 3rd Street NE Faribault www.cavesoffaribault.com Award winning artisanal bule veined cheese, hand made with all natural ingredients. Amablu Blue and Gorgonzola cheeses are handmade in small batches then cured and aged in sandstone caves along the Straight River in Faribault. Crown 507-334-3981 718 20th St. NW Faribault www.crowncork.com Crown has a long history of leading the industry with innovative packaging technology. From the time our founder William Painter invented the bottle cap to the ground-breaking SuperEnd™ beverage ends to today's cutting edge shaping technology, Crown has led the way. Custom Precast & Masonry 507-334-0046 PO Box 489 Faribault www.customprecastmasonry.com Masonry construction has been the material of choice extensively throughout the architectural world for years. And for good reasons. Dollar for dollar, it provides one of the best returns on your construction investment. Energy Technology Unlimited-MN 507-334-0442 1612 7th Street NW Faribault ETU provides an innovative, unique process for recycling anitfreeze that makes it better than new. Environmental Tillage Systems 507-332-2231 85 Prairie Avenue Faribault www.soilwarrior.com Environmental Tillage Systems, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of conservation tillage, integrated planting and nutrient management equipment which enhances soil productivity and farm profitability. Faribault Foods 507-331-1400 1819 NW Second Avenue Faribault www.faribaultfoods.com Faribault Foods’ new product line comprises canned vegetables, sauced beans, refried beans, baked beans, kids’ and family style pasta, soup, chicken, chili, and organic and Mexican specialties. Faribault Energy Park 507-331-4791 4100 Park Avenue Faribault www.faribaultenergypark.com Faribault Energy Park goes far beyond being simply a power plant. This 300 MW combined-cycle facility in southern Minnesota was built as a model of environmental responsibility and innovation. The result is an efficient and beautiful facility that has been welcomed as a long-term asset to the community and a good environmental neighbor. Faribo Powder Coating 507-334-9339 103 20th St. NW Suite 1 Faribault Faribault Woolen Mill Company 507-412-5510 1500 2nd Avenue NW Faribault www.faribaultmill.com The Faribault Woolen Mill Company is one of the only fully integrated woolen mills still in existence today in America. Beginning in 1865, it has the seamless ability to take raw, unclean wool from ranchers, and performs all of the intermediary processes to create beautiful finished product of the highest quality. Faribo Manufacturing Company 507-334-4376 820 20th St NW Faribault www.faribomfg.com Faribo Manufacturing Company are specialized plastics molders with capabilities in: Rotational Molding, Vacuum Forming, and Fabrication. Genova Minnesota 507-332-7421 500 12th Street NW Faribault www.genovaproducts.com Genova has enhanced many home improvement products by producing them with sturdy, maintenance free PVC materials. Plumbing Products, Vinyl Gutter and Vinyl Fencing Products, and new generation of vinyl products to include, Vinyl Wire Management, Vinyl Decking, Vinyl Railing & Choice Lattice. Glass Aggregate Systems 507-334-6437 1100 Cannon Circle Faribault www.glassagg.com Building Glass Recycling Equipment that is durable, yet easily and inexpensively maintained with our customers’ needs first in mind. Gold Star Manufacturing 507-209-1940 515 Fowler St. Faribault Gold Star Manufacturing specailizes in making carnival rides, repairs, fabrication, and making portable stages. While due care has been exercised in compiling the information in this booklet, we regret any errors and ask that you report them to us so corrections can be made in the future. Gray Companies 507-334-3400 205 Western Ave Faribault www.graybuild.com Providing casework and custom millwork to a variety of institutions. Craftsmanship and exceptional value are key components built into the casework manufactured for medical, hospitality, financial and educational industries and professional offices. Humphrey Manlift Company 507-334-6193 4454 Morristwon Blvd. Faribault www.humphrey-manlift.com The Humphrey Manlift is a belt manlift built on tradition and recognized as an outstanding value for any type of facility needing to move people up or down floor flights with a limited use of space. Grain elevators, automobile parking ramps, chemical factories, beverage manufacturers and similar operations know Humphrey Manlift as a leaderof manlift solutions. IFP (Innovative Food Processors) 507-334-2730 2125 Airport Drive Faribault www.ifpinc.biz IFP has 25+ years of collaboration and partnership with leading global food, supplement, sports nutrition, and medical food companies. They offer customized support, turnkey manufacturing and have expertise in every stage of the powder product development process. Jennie-O Turkey Store 507-334-5555 1116 4th Ave NW Faribault www.jennieo.com At Jennie-O Turkey Store, we believe that eating well shouldn’t come at the cost of taste. And since 1940, we’ve been in the business of delivering on that mantra. From deli meats to whole turkeys to ground turkey and sausages, we offer more than 1500 products and recipes that make it easy to eat well. K & G Manufacturing 507-334-5501 226 Park Avenue NW Faribault www.kgmfg.com K & G Manf. machine parts and sub assemblies for many critical performance products. Whether it is a component for a fighter jet, boat engine, MRI machine, super computer, or defense munitions, K&G delivers precision parts with unmatched quality at a competitive price KBK Engineering 507-334-6484 2660 Morristown Blvd. Faribault KBK specializes as a tool and die job shop manufacturing for both residental and commercial customers. KGP Logistics 507-334-2268 3305 Hwy 60 W Faribault www.kgptel.com KGP is a leading diversity provider of supply chain services, telecommunication products and integrated solutions. Their distribution network is comprised of seven regional distribution centers located strategically across the United States and complimented with five product manufacturing facilities dedicated to providing fiber and copper factory terminated cable, custom assemblies, and AWT (assemble, wire, and test) services. Lockerby Sheet Metal & Roofing 507-334-4840 217 Mill Street Faribault www.lockerbysheetmetal.com Lockerby employees are craftsmen with the practical design skills and knowledge to help create just about anything out of sheet metal. Specializing manufacturing for prototype and short run productions. McQuay International 507-334-5594 300 24th Street NW Faribault www.mcquay.com McQuay International delivers engineered, flexible solutions for commercial, industrial and institutional HVAC requirements with reliable products, knowledgeable applications expertise and responsive support. Mercury Minnesota 507-334-5513 901 Hulett Ave Faribault www.mercurycorp.com Mercury Minnesota is a global supplier of metal fabricated & assembled competitively and effciently. MRG Tool and Die 507-334-1847 1100 Cannon Circle Faribault www.toolanddie.net MRG Tool and Die has been a source for tooling and production needs since 1979. Specializing in providing high quality, close tolerance metal working specialties. Their performance is proven in a wide range of industry applications: Stamping Dies, Plastic Injection Molds, Jigs and Fixtures, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Workholding, Production Machining, Production Stamping, General Machining, Specialty Machines, EDM - Wire and Conventional, 87K Water Jet, Die and Mold Repair, CAD/CAM Design, CMM and Video Inspection. Northern Tool & Equipment 507-334-9310 2050 Airtech Rd Faribault www.northerntool.com K-Bar Industries Inc is a steel fabricator; manufactures heating equipment & supplies; manufactures constroction machinery; sheet metal fabricator; manufactures motors or generators. SAGE Electrochromics 507-331-4848 One Sage Way Faribault www.sage-ec.com SageGlass is electronically tintable glass for windows, skylights and curtain walls. It is a beautiful and cost-effective way to control sunlight without shades or blinds, so you can manage glare and heat while maintaining a connection to the outdoors. Southern Minnesota Woodcraft 507-334-4985 1051 Faribault Road Faribault www.smwood.com Southern Minnesota Woodcraft was established in 1949. It has, and always will be, a custom woodworking shop. We specialize in custom cabinets, plastic laminate, solid surface, and custom mouldings. We are able to provide custom millwork for small projects as well as large. Taurus Engineering 507-333-9100 1405 Cannon Circle Suite 1 Faribault www.taurusengineering.net Taurus Engineering offers a full range of capabilities and services - mold design & build, prototyping, component manufacturing, assembly & packaging, sterilization management, and tooling transfer. Tru Vue 507-334-0051 2150 Airport Drive Faribault www.tru-vue.com Tru Vue is known as a leader and innovator in the protection and conservation of all things framed and displayed. Whether it’s Museum Glass®, Conservation Clear® and Conservation Reflection Control®, or our acrylic glazing products including Optium Museum Acrylic®, no other company has such a complete portfolio of high-performance glazing options as Tru Vue Trystar 507-333-3990 2917 Industrial Drive Faribault www.trystar.com TRYSTAR is a leading domestic manufacturer and international distributor of portable and permanent power solutions, industrial cables and power accessories TyNik Molding 507-334-8000 402 NW 20th St Faribault www.tynikmolding.com TyNik Molding produces prototypes and production plastic injection molded parts for every conceivable market for over 26 years. This includes everything from game parts to pacemaker parts, to parts used by the military. They specialize in helping inventors and engineers from all over the world get their plastic parts in a timely and cost effective manner. Willow Creek Concrete Products 507-331-3198 3701 NW Park Avenue Faribault www.willowcreekconcrete.com Willow Creek Concrete Products’ fine family of landscape and underground utility products: Willow Creek paving stones, VERSA-LOK retaining walls, Handy-Stone landscaping products, and concrete manhole products. Welding W elding Cer Certifications tifications TToolingU oolingU oolingU Process Improvement Green a and Black Belt Six Sigma LEAN Administrative OSHA 10 and 30 hour General Industr Industryy OSHA Consultation Lathe a and nd Mill Machine Training Training Machine Guarding Super viision/Leadership Supervision/Leadership Blue Print Reading LEAN Manufacturing M Workplace W orkplace Safety First Res Responder sponder TTraining raining g Noise Monitoring Master CAM CNC Machining W elding elding Welding Confined Space p Forklift TTraining raining Solid Modeling The Center for Business Industryy (CBI) is Bussiness and Industr a committed comm mitted par partner tner in the manufacturing cturing arena, help helping ping individuals and organizations organiza ations compete in the global ma marketplace. arketplace. CBI provides tailored, ored, flexible, relevant education and training, taught by subject-matter experts ts via classroom (yours or o ours), online and hands-on experiences. xperiences. CBI is your source ce for knowledge, skills and stra strategies. rategies. We We listen first and then hen deliver solutions. Quality APICS PLC xäÇ°ÎÎÓ°xnÇ{Ê Ê UÊ Ê LÀ>°ÕÌÃJ LÀ>°ÕÌÃJÃÕÌ ViÌÀ>°i`ÕÊ ÃÕÌ ViÌÀ>°i`ÕÊ Ê VL°ÃÕÌ ViÌÀ>°i`ÕÊ UÊ > >ÀL>ÕÌÊ >ÀL>ÕÌÊÊ >«ÕÃÊ Ê £ÓÓxÊ / À`Ê -Ì°Ê -7 -7]Ê ]Ê >ÀL>ÕÌ]Ê Ê xxäÓ£xÇÓä City of Faribault Community Development The community is proud of its industrial and manufacturing heritage. Let us help you grow your business in Faribault! The City is an innovator in economic development programs to assist with manufacturing expansion and development in the community, including: x x x x x Low interest Industrial Development Loans Tax increment financing (TIF) Tax Abatement Program Job Opportunity Building Zone (JOBZ) Streamlined Building Permits, Planning & Zoning Approvals MRG Tool & Die SAGE Electrochromics Inc. Peter Waldock, AICP Community Development Director 208 1st Avenue NW Faribault, MN 55021 (507) 333-0374 [email protected] www.faribault.org www.faribaulteda.org Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric 2411 West Bridge Street Owatonna, MN 55060 507.451.7340 • 800.526.3514 [email protected] • www.swce.coop Photo by Doug Hughes Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric is pleased to be a part of these expansions over the last 24 years for: • Met-Con Companies • Faribault Energy Park • Tru-Vue • Willow Creek Concrete • IFP • ALDI • Northern Tool and Equipment • Renneberg Hardwoods • River Valley Truck • Malt-O-Meal • SAGE Electrochromics 1HHG0DQXIDFWXULQJ6NLOOV1RZ" Training Begins 7KHUH DUH PDQXIDFWXULQJ FRPSDQLHV WKDW QHHGSHRSOHOLNH\RX12:WRGULYHLQQRYDWLRQ RQWKHSODQWIORRUDQGFRPSHWHLQWKHJOREDO PDUNHWSODFH $QG WKH\ QHHG SHRSOH ZLWK WKH5,*+76.,//612:<RXFDQJHWWKH VNLOOVIRUDKLJKSD\LQJPDQXIDFWXULQJMRELQ MXVWDIHZPRQWKVDQGWUDLQRQVWDWHRIWKH DUW HTXLSPHQW DW 6RXWK &HQWUDO &ROOHJH LQ )DULEDXOW August 26, 2013 in Faribault For additional information: Visit www.southcentral.edu or Call Jeannie at 507-332-5861
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