LimmudFest 2011 - Limmud Atlanta + Southeast


LimmudFest 2011 - Limmud Atlanta + Southeast
LimmudFest 2011
Welcome to Limmud Atlanta+Southeast’s 3rd annual LimmudFest!
Whether this is your first event or you’re a seasoned Limmudnik, this year certainly offers a dynamic mixture
of workshops, presentations, performances and hands-on experiences that are sure to inspire, motivate and
challenge. Likewise, I’d like to challenge each of you to complete three tasks by weekend’s end:
Make friends with someone new.
You may live below the Mason Dixon line, have driven down from Ohio or flown over the Pond, but either way,
this is the South y’all, and Southern hospitality is in us all. Reach out to the people sitting next to you as you
read this, find out something about them. and share a little about yourself.
Do something NOT on your to-do list.
As my five-year-old son Murray says, “I like what I like.” This next challenge is to participate in a session
outside of your usual likes. And if you’re looking for suggestions for what to do, tap that friend that you just
made on the shoulder, ask them where they’re heading, and follow along. You may find yourself out of your
comfort zone, but sometimes that makes for the best learning experiences.
Think outside the programming grid.
It is safe to say that after a day or so, the programming info pages in this book will be dog-eared, crinkly
and well-worn from the time you’ve spent reading about the amazing programming choices. But I highly
recommend you read this book in its entirety. You’ll find details on how to maximize your LimmudFest
experience, info on some of Camp Ramah at Tumbling Waters’ hidden gems, ways to volunticipate, as well
as some fun and games. And I promise, no more homework and the only test is to make sure the friends you
make and knowledge you gain will stand the test of time.
Enjoy every moment and make LimmudFest your tradition!
Amanda Goldstein Marks
LimmudFest 2011 Chair
LimmudFest 2011
LimmudFest 2011
Dear Friends,
Shalom Y’all!
It is with great pleasure that we write this note to wish mazel tov to all our friends at Limmud Atlanta+Southeast
for LimmudFest 2011.
Welcome to Limmud Atlanta+Southeast at Tumbling Waters in Clayton, Georgia. This LimmudFest is a conference
that is attracting many Southern Jews outside Georgia borders. You folks are either born and bred southerners or
are those transplanted Jews that have made “Aliyah” by choice to the southeastern territory of the United States.
“Wherever there are Jews, there should be a Limmud.” This was written in the Jerusalem Report after our
Limmud annual winter conference over ten years ago. Since the launch of Limmud more than 30 years ago in
the United Kingdom, Limmud has been a key player in transforming the British Jewish community – pushing the
boundaries of Jewish education and learning forward, engendering respect and tolerance across the Jewish
community, reaching out to the unaffiliated and developing a culture of volunteerism and activism.
And in the past few years, we have taken the Jerusalem Report literally. Limmud is now centrally placed as a
key player in shaping global Jewish education, slowly but surely influencing world Jewry. Inspired and supported
by Limmud International, Limmud’s unique model of volunteer-led, cross-communal, multi-generational and
transformational Jewish experiences has now been exported to more than 60 Jewish communities around the
world. If you look on our website you will see just how wide a reach we have from Moscow to Melbourne, from Turkey to Toronto, from California to Colorado, from Paris to Poland, and we are
proud to see Limmud Atlanta+Southeast taking on the role of nurturing Limmud groups within the Southeast of
the USA!
As we move forward in strengthening the bonds between Limmud groups in the global Limmud International
community, this year sees the launch of our regional Limmud International training programme. We want to
thank Limmud Atlanta+Southeast for their support and enthusiasm in enabling us to bring Training on Tour
2011, with Limmud group team members from across the Americas taking part, to Limmud Atlanta+Southeast
this year.
We have learned over three decades in the UK as well as in recent years across five continents, that Limmud can
play a crucial role in providing space for diverse parts of the community to come together to learn and celebrate.
To help people take one further step on their Jewish journeys.
Limmud International congratulates the wonderful team of volunteers who have put so much effort into creating
LimmudFest 2011.
With warmest wishes
Part of the Limmud Atlanta+Southeast mission is to be a gathering site for Southern Jewry. Southern hospitality
will abound throughout the weekend as we welcome participants from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas,
Tennessee and the Carolinas. Be on the lookout for down home Southern extras throughout LimmudFest be it
within one of our delicious meals (Mississippi Mud Pie for dessert and biscuits and gravy for breakfast!), within
programming (Friday Night Storytelling featuring the Southern Jewish Experience) or at a special table during
dinner Saturday night where you can bond with other Southerners.
If you are interested in volunticipating with or learning more about the Southeast Outreach Committee, please
connect with any of us over the weekend or drop us an email. Here are ways you can get involved in your own
Southern communities:
• Organize a Taste of Limmud one-day event in your town.
• Host a Mini L’mud in your house around one presenter or workshop to create awareness of Limmud in your
town and inspire attendees to help you expand
• Share with friends, tell your congregation, Tweet or post on Facebook about Limmud Atlanta+Southeast’s
efforts to expand outside of Georgia to get friends and community members excited and aware
It is so exciting that you have chosen to be here. Thanks to you, the beauty of our Southern Jewish heritage and
culture continues to flourish in the 21st century. Honey chil’, y’all are in for lots of cotton pickin’ fun!
Michal Hillman ([email protected]) Marla Shainberg ([email protected]),
Murray Friedman and Susan Levitas
Southeast Outreach Committee
Helena Miller and Uri Berkowitz
Co-Chairs Limmud International, September 2011
LimmudFest 2011
What is LimmudFest Atlanta+Southeast?
We would like to thank our wonderful supporters and sponsors
Our Mission and Values
Ann and Michael Karlin
The Consulate General of Israel
Shelli Bank and
Michael Rosensweig
Ron and Susan Lee
Adamah Adventues
Allen and Lenore Lox
PJ Library
Ross and Jodi Mansbach
Atlanta Jewish Gene Screen
Judy Marx
Hill Manufacturing Company
To celebrate Jewish life and learning in all of its diversity by bringing together Jews of all backgrounds and all ages
for a multi-day retreat experience. We are driven by the belief that diversity of perspective, dedication to learning
in its broadest sense, and a strong sense of volunteerism are keys to mobilizing and inspiring Jewish individuals
and community.
Learning: To nurture and support people in their Jewish discoveries, providing them with informal mentoring and
educational experiences.
Amy Bram
Chuck and Andee Bram
Mark and Tova Cohen
Ethan and Monique Davidson
Sara and Marshall Duke
Barbara and Paul Flexner
Diversity: To provide a wide variety of Jews with numerous points of connection to Jewish life, including intellectual,
spiritual, emotional, familial, and communal.
Lois and Larry Frank
Volunteerism: To foster a strong volunteer corps who, through planning and participating in our events, experience the
power of volunteerism by building Jewish identity and community.
Steve Gold
Learning: We foster the creation of a learning environment in which people are able to reflect and grow—a place where
everyone can be a teacher and everyone can be a student.
Community and Mutual Responsibility: LimmudFest is a learning community in which we can achieve more together
than we can individually.
Diversity: We believe in the richness of our diverse community and strive to create inclusive and cross-generational
Empowerment: We inspire people to be ambitious about their contributions; we challenge people to push themselves
toward their potential; we empower people to make informed choices.
Participation: We are all responsible for each other and for the community we create — everyone has an important
contribution to make, and volunteerism is an essential feature of everything we do.
Fostering Connections: We recognize the importance of providing a space where emotional and intellectual connections
can be made.
Expanding Jewish Horizons: LimmudFest strives to create collective and individual experiences through which we
strengthen and develop our Jewish identities.
LimmudFest 2011
Marcia Friedman
Russell Gottschalk
Janie Grackin
Steve and Helene Grossman
Steven Grossman
Marcia Jacobs
Diane Padellan
Barbara and Morton Rabkin
Eric Robbins
Nina Rubin
Marla Shainberg
We would also like to thank Ramah
Darom not only for being a wonderful
host to LimmudFest, but for being
a partner in creating vibrant Jewish
experiences in Greater Atlanta and
the Southeast.
Rae Sirottt
Jeffrey and Kerri Snow
Phyllis Weiser
Janet Lavine and Rick Williams
Simcha Wolfe
Valerie and Paul Wolpe
Thank you VOLUNTICIPANTS! You are truly the core of Limmud and the fabulous hinge that brings us all together. Limmud could
never happen if it weren’t for your heartfelt dedication, drive, and generosity. The time that each of you has contributed to make this
Limmud a reality is an invaluable asset to our community and appreciated by so many. Yasher koach on a magnificent team effort!
We hope that this team’s hard work and dedication has inspired you to join us! If you would like to get involved with helping make
future Limmuds a reality, please be in touch at [email protected]
Names in bold indicate LimmudFest Leadership Team, Names with an * indicate Limmud Atlanta+Southeast Board Members
Ginny Adams
Seth Cohen
Leah Fuhr
Robin Harpak
Janet Lavine*
Matthew Malenky
Eileen Price
Judy Robkin
Rachel Silverman
Patrick Aleph
Suzette Cohen
Avi Gallen
Anna Hartman
Clive Lawton
Jodi Mansbach*
Elliott Price
Shai Robkin
Howie Slomka*
Gabe Altman
Michael Cook
Rachel Gallen
Noah Hartman*
Ron Lee*
Ross Mansbach
David Price
Max Rosenberg
Janis Snaid
Julie Ancis
Shlomo Gelbtuch
Kates Helene
Stan Lefco
Aaron Marks
Bonnie Price
Renee Rosenheck
Eileen Snow Price
Keren Ayalon
Randy Crohn
Gail Gellman
Jordana Heyman
Jennifer Leson
Amanda Marks
Bonnie Puckett
Michael Rosenzweig
Susan Stein
Yaron Ayalon
Karen Davis
Jess Glasser
Jack Hillman
Joshua Lesser
Judy Marks
Edward Queen
Sharon Rosenzweig
Shalom Steinberg
Noa Baum
Ethan Davidson*
Steven Gold
Michal Hillman*
Michael Levine
Stephen Marks
Jonah Queen
Nina Rubin*
Matthew Strauss
Mindy Binderman*
Marshall Duke
Arlene Goldstein
Pamela Howell
Susan Levitas
Gabrielle Markowitz
Sarah Queen
Alieza Salzberg
Sivya Twersky
Perry Birbrager
David Eber
Milton Goldstein
Elisheva Ingber
Sara Levy
Judy Marx*
Michael Rabkin
David Schoenberg
Katja Vehlow
Sissy Block
Robyn Faintich
Russell Gottschalk
Karmi Ingber
Yossi Lew
Denise McLaughlin
Karen Radkowsky
Jake Schwartz
Michal Waldfogel
Marian Broida
Barbara Flexner
Janie Grackin
Cathy Jacobson
Elizabeth Lieberman
Allen Minsk
Jessica Ravitz
Sid Schwarz
Tina Wasserman
Amy Bram*
Paul Flexner*
Scott Greenwald
Rivka Kahn
Matthew Lieberman
Rela Mintz Geffen
Beri Schwitzer
Michael Weiser
Mike Century
Vivia Loy Francis
Adam Griff
Steffi Karp
Carolyn Lippman
Jessica Moore
Jennifer Rivlin
Phyllis Weiser
Gail Chalew
Aaron Freeman
Karen Grinzaid
Irina Khiyayeva
Aaron Lipson
Jennifer Newfeld
Eric Robbins*
Hallie Segal
Bobbee Seldin Griff
Gayanne Weiss*
Judy Chessin
Lynn Friedman
Heleen Grossman
Naomi Klein
Leslie Lipson
Johanna Norry*
Marla Shainberg
Ariel Wolpe
Drew Cohen
Marcia Friedman
Steven Grossman
Allison Kort
Allen Lox
Nili Ohayon
Tovah Shraga
Paul Wolpe
Kelly Cohen
Murray Friedman
Melissa Hall
Shawn Landres
Lenore Lox
Sandy Perlstein
Robin Shuler
Valerie Wolpe
Mitch Cohen
Ana Fuchs
Dotan Harpak
Zuzana Landres
Francesca Malenky
Amy Price
Joel Silverman
Staff: Naomi Rabkin,
Executive Director
Webb Roberts
Amy Robertson
Will Robertson
Michael Robinowitz
LimmudFest 2011
LimmudFest 2011
LimmudFest A-Z General Information
Accessibility: All of the program buildings at Tumbling Waters are wheelchair/handicap accessible. There is also a golf
cart shuttle available for those who need assistance getting around. Please visit the Help Desk or contact a member of the
LimmudFest Leadership Team with a walkie-talkie or “Ask Me!” button for help. There is also a Shabbat elevator in the
Levine Center for easy access between the floors in that building.
Help Desk: Located on the porch outside the Dining Hall. Hours are 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM. This is also where you will find the lost
and found for items forgotten around camp.
Internet Access: In case you just can’t leave it all behind, wireless Internet service is available in our central Levine Center (the
Dining Hall building) and at several locations throughout campus. DSL is available in hotel rooms. Please do not use the Internet
in the Levine Center on Shabbat.
Ask Me!: You will see some volunteers walking around wearing “Ask Me!” buttons. So if you have any questions, ask them
and they will do their best to address your needs.
Levine Center Meeting Rooms: The following meeting rooms are all located in the Levine Center (beneath the Dining Hall) and
may not be labeled on your map:
Bar: There will be an open bar for participants 21+ on Friday night with beer and wine. Alcohol will be available for sale Saturday
and Sunday nights. All proceeds from the bar will be invested back into Limmud Atlanta+Southeast. Please drink responsibly.
**Located on the front porch outside the Dining Hall and open during the following hours:
• Library
Friday Night
9:15 PM – 12:00 AM Saturday Night 10:00 PM – 12:00 AM
Sunday Night
9:10 PM – 12:00 AM
Biking: We are offering a biking trip this year led by a participant through paths and trails outside of camp. The ride will begin
Sunday morning at 8:50 AM and go to about 11 AM. You must bring your own bike, helmet, water, tire repair kit, spare tube,
and inflation device. See the schedule for more details.
Books/CDs: If you would like to purchase books or CDs from presenters, please approach them directly after their session
or find them at the Shuk on Sunday from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM in Mountainside Dining. Books and CDs will not be sold
during Shabbat.
Café Limmud: Want to take a break? Come hang out at Café Limmud. Meet old and new friends, get a snack, or just chillax and
look out at the mountains from high up on the front porch of the Dining Hall.
Boating: Boating is new this year! Canoes and kayaks will be offered at the lake outside of the Levine Center between
5–6 PM on Sunday. Boating will be supervised by certified lifeguards
Cars: Once you have arrived at LimmudFest and parked your vehicle, please leave it for the weekend. For safety reasons we
ask that you do not drive it during the weekend. We will have a lot of pedestrians roaming the camp and all sessions are within
walking distance. There will be a golf cart available if you have difficulty walking around campus. Please see the Help Desk to
reserve. If for some reason you need to leave the premises during LimmudFest, please park your car at the Welcome Center at
the front of camp.
Check-Out: Please clean your room and make sure you have all of your belongings. Check-out is Monday at 12:00PM. Please
return your key(s) to the Help Desk on the front porch of the Dining Hall to complete your check-out. If you need assistance
with transporting anything to your car, please contact someone with an “Ask Me!” button.
Climbing Wall: The climbing wall is back this year! Open on Sunday, the wall is located between the Levine Center and the lake.
Please sign up at the Help Desk beforehand. See the schedule for more details.
Emergencies: In the event of an emergency, call 911. Be prepared to state the nature of the problem (i.e.: medical, fire, etc.)
and your location (Tumbling Waters Retreat Center, 70 Darom Lane, Clayton, Georgia 30525). Do not hang up until instructed
to do so by the 911 operator. Please also notify a Limmud volunteer with an “Ask Me!” button who can get a member of the
Leadership Team and a doctor if necessary. For minor medical issues, there is a First Aid kit available at the Help Desk, in the
Marcus Lodge, and in the Lakeside Hotel. A medic will be on call at all times. The emergency pager number is (706) 782-8954.
The main office phone number is (706) 782-9300.
Food: Tumbling Waters is a kosher retreat campus. Please honor their policy by not bringing in outside food. All meals will be
served in the Dining Hall at the times listed below. **Kosher baby food is permitted.
• Library Conference Room
• Spiritual Center
• Multi-Purpose Room
• Weight/Exercise Room
Missing Persons: Parents missing children and children missing parents should notify the Help Desk immediately. They will be
able to contact a member of the Leadership Team with a walkie-talkie and help locate your family member, who is probably just
hiding out in a fascinating session.
Name Badges: You will be given a name badge during check-in. Please wear it at all times as it is vital to ensure your security
and to confirm that you are a LimmudFest participant. If you lose your name badge, please contact the Help Desk for a new one.
Prayer: All participants are welcome to join in religious prayer services throughout the weekend. We are delighted to offer
parallel services -- an egalitarian service and an Orthodox/traditional service each day. We invite volunteers to lead parts
of the service and/or read Torah or Haftarah. The Mechitza Minyanim will be in the Spiritual Center. The Egalitarian services
will be in the Lakeside Pavillion and will include musical instruments. There are additional options for natural and meditative
services being offered on Shabbat. Please see the Camp Limmud schedule (handed out to families at registration) for
information on services geared towards children and families.
Quiet Hours: Official quiet hours are from 8:00 PM – 7:00 AM for the Lakeside cabins. Note that there will be noise in the main
areas where sessions, movies, and musical events are happening. Please be respectful to others around you especially during
nighttime hours.
Recycling: We do our best to recycle glass, plastic and other non-perishables at LimmudFest. Look for recycling receptacles
in the Dining Room and please pick up anything you see around the grounds that can be recycled.
Rooms: You will be given your room assignment at registration. Bed assignments in the cabins are on a first-come/
first-served basis. Please respect the space of those staying in the cabins. Do not go into the sleeping area of a cabin
other than your own.
Shabbat: The LimmudFest Shabbat you experience will be of your own design. Enjoy a Shabbat of eating, drinking,
davening, schluffing, learning, laughing, walking, playing games, singing, and more! The Limmud core value is that we all
keep Shabbat in the public areas and maintain an Eruv (a boundary creating a private living space for the Limmud community).
Please also leave the lights on in corridors and bathrooms during Shabbat. Do not smoke or use personal electronic devices
(e.g. cell phone, radio, iPod, portable video games, etc.) outside of your room or cabin or in any public areas. This request
extends to the use of musical instruments except in cases of LimmudFest prayer services.
Shabbat Candles: There are Shabbat candles for you to light in the Dining Hall beginning at 6:15 PM. PLEASE DO NOT LIGHT
LimmudFest 2011
LimmudFest 2011
Shuk: On Sunday only, a number of non-profit organizations and talented LimmudFest participants are offering their
wares and creations for sale in the Mountainside Dining Hall. Meet and support our talented artists and “Shop Local” at
the LimmudFest Shuk. Please supervise young children when visiting the Shuk as some items may be breakable. Many
presenters’ books and CDs will be available for sale at the Shuk.
Smoking: It is Tumbling Waters’ policy that smoking is not allowed inside any building. There are designated smoking areas
behind the Dining Hall and on the back porch of the Mountainside Dining Hall.
Swimming: There are coed and single-gender swimming times as follows. Please do not enter the pool area during other
times. Lifeguards will be on duty.
Saturday 1:45 - 5:45 PM Coed swimming
Sunday 1:45 - 2:45 PM Swimming for men only
2:45 - 3:45 PM Swimming for women only
3:45 - 4:45 PM Coed swimming
Teens: We encourage young adults to join any regular sessions that look interesting to them.
Made-especially-for-teens sessions, include:
Friday 6:15 - 7:15 PM Nosh & Schmooze Teen Lounge, hosted by Sarah Queen
10:45 PM - 12:00 AM Dreidel Spin-Off: New Ways To Spin & Win, hosted by Eli Mansbach
Saturday 10:00 - 10:45 AM Jr. Congregation
Valuables: Please do not leave valuable items in your room. Please lock them in your car. LimmudFest and Tumbling Waters
are not responsible for any missing or lost items.
Volunteering: If you want to volunteer this weekend, stop by the Help Desk to give us your name and contact information.
It’s not too late to help out this weekend or too soon to help plan for the next Limmud!
Camp Limmud!
Camp Limmud is the number one spot onsite for kids to have an exceptionally cool experience, custom tailored to the interests
of LimmudFest families. Babysitting and light programming are available for 0-2 year olds, and more in-depth programming
is available for kids 3-11. Camp Limmud features top Jewish educators, musicians, and artists who offer creative, exciting and
educational sessions for each age group.
Children participating in Camp Limmud are divided into age-appropriate groups and supervised by counselors from after
breakfast until lunch, and after lunch until dinner. Parents are responsible for their children all other times, including meal
times and during late-evening programming post-dinner (see below for more info regarding babysitting).
Below please find an overview of Camp Limmud including a general schedule and other helpful details for families throughout
the weekend:
Baby-Changing Table: There is a baby-changing table located in the bathroom in the Levine Center
Babysitting: Some of our counselors may be available to ‘freelance’ babysit during the evenings so that you’re able to enjoy
late-night programming. Please note that this will require you to pay the counselors separately and is not paid for by Limmud
Atlanta + Southeast. For additional details on how to schedule time with a counselor, please contact the Help Desk.
Camp Limmud Check-In and Check-Out Procedures: We have instituted a Check-In/Check-Out system for your children,
so our counselors will know when your children are in Camp Limmud and when they are with you. Please make sure to
check your children in and out each time you drop them off or pick them up.
Diaper Changing Supplies and Extra Clothes (0-2): Parents are responsible for supplying all diaper changing supplies
including diapers, wipes, changing pads and ointments. We suggest that you also pack an extra change of clothes
in case of an accident. Please drop off the supplies at Bet Am Katan when you arrive on Friday.
Family-Friendly Programming: Parents are responsible for checking children in and out of Camp Limmud when they would
like to take them to any of the family-friendly activities outside of the Camp Limmud designated activities. Check-In/
Check-Out times/locations around meal times are indicated below. At other times, children will be at Bet Am Katan,
unless stated otherwise on the Camp Limmud supplemental schedule (please see the Help Desk for your copy).
Nap Time (0-2): Camp Limmud will have a limited number of Pack-n-Plays available at Bet Am Katan for the 0-2 year olds
during nap time. Nap time will take place from 2:00 PM- 4:00 PM.
Parent/Grandparent/Friend Participation: Camp Limmud wants you! Please volunteer to lead a pre-planned session at
Camp Limmud. It’s easy, fun and rewarding! Activity sign-up sheets will be available at check in and the Help Desk.
Thank you in advance for helping make Camp Limmud exceptional this year.
Snacks: Kosher snacks and drinks will be provided during Camp Limmud. If your child has allergies, please notify
Ana Fuchs to ensure we are taking steps to accommodate your child(ren)’s needs. Also, please write your child(rens)
allergies on their name tags.
Sunscreen: Please apply sunscreen to your children before dropping them off at Camp Limmud to ensure they’re protected.
Questions: Please visit the Help Desk located outside of the Dining Hall between 8 AM and 8 PM, if you have questions
related to Camp Limmud.
Welcome Center
FRI 4:30-5:45PM
FRI 5:45-6:15PM
FRI 6:15-7:15PM
FRI 7:30-8:45PM
FRI 10:45-12AM
FRI 3:00-4:15PM
FRI 9:15-10:30PM
Dreidel Spin-Off:
New Ways To Spin & Win
(until 7:00PM)
Funny You Don’t
Look Jewish
(Patrick Aleph)
Nosh & Schmooze
Teen Lounge
(Sarah Queen)
Family Dinner
(Ends at 5:15)
Challah Art & Baking Station
Mountainside Dining
(Sharon Rosenzweig & Elisheva Ingber)
(3:30 - 5:15)
Challah Art & Baking Station
Main Dining
Lakeside Dining
Walking Tour and Information
Session of Ramah Darom
(Geoff Menkowitz)
Cafe Limmud Porch
FRI 8:50-9:10PM
(Eli Mansbach)
Rebbe’s Tisch
Pub Mishpachah
Jewish Entrepreneurs
Meet & Greet
(Jennie Rivlin Roberts)
(Jennifer Newfeld)
An Overview of
The Book of Bereshit
(Steve Gold)
Yoga and Judaism:
Beyond the Mat
(Jordana Heyman)
LimmudFest 2011
(Amanda Marks and Josh Lesser)
Friday Night Storytelling
Unplugged: The Southern
Jewish Experience
Registration/ Pub
(Paul Flexner)
(Sid Schwartz)
Reaching the Jewish
Community of the 21st
Century: A New Paradigm
(Clive Lawton)
12:30-1:30pm: Lunch
(parents or guardians responsible for children)
Buffy, Sookie, Bella...and Esau?
Vampirism in the Torah
12:15pm: Pick up your child(ren) at the Mountainside Dining Hall
for lunch
(Alieza Salzberg)
9:45am-12:15pm: Camp Limmud Programming
Love, Law and Justice:
On Love and Sexuality in
Law and Literature
6:30-7:30pm: Dinner
(parents or guardians responsible for children)
Mechitza Minyan
8:30-9:30am: Breakfast
(parents or guardians responsible for children)
Egalitarian Minyan
Monday, September 5th
9:30am (after breakfast): Check in your child(ren) at the
Mountainside Dining Hall
7:30-8:40pm: Family-Friendly Programming (ages 3+)
Marion Brioda - Ancient Israeli Writing: Creating a Blessing
Scroll (See programming schedule for details; parents or
guardians responsible for children)
Sing, Welcome & Share!
Community Gathering
7:30-8:40pm: Family-Friendly Programming
PJ Library Pajama Party
(See programming schedule for details; parents or guardians
responsible for children)
6:15pm: Pick up your child(ren) at the Mountainside Dining Hall
for dinner
7:30-8:40pm: Family-Friendly Programming (ages 9+)
Noa Baum - Storytelling (See programming schedule for details;
parents or guardians responsible for children)
(Ginny Adams)
6:30-7:30pm: Dinner
(parents or guardians responsible for children)
Who Invented
“Tikkun Olam”?
1:45-3:00pm: Family-Friendly Programming
Michal Waldfogel’s Searching for Treasure: A Huge Hunt for
the Jewish New Year (See programming schedule for details;
parents or guardians responsible for children)
(Karmi Ingber)
1:45-6:15pm: Camp Limmud Programming
6:15pm: Pick up your child(ren) at the Mountainside Dining Hall
for dinner
Kabbalat Shabbat
Carlebach Mechitza Minyan
1:30pm: Check-in your child(ren) at the Mountainside
Dining Hall
5:00-6:15pm: Family-Friendly Programming
Community Music Concert
(See programming schedule for details; parents or guardians
responsible for children)
Egalitarian Kabbalat
12:30-1:30pm: Lunch
(parents or guardians responsible for children)
Knitting with Ginny
1:45-6:15pm: Camp Limmud Programming
12:15pm: Pick up your child(ren) at the Mountainside Dining
Hall for lunch
Front Lawn
9:30am (after breakfast): Check in your child(ren) at the
Mountainside Dining Hall
Training on Tour Clinic 1
1:30-3:00pm Family-Friendly Programming
Amy Price’s Hike to Hillbilly Falls
(Karen Davis)
8:30-9:30am: Breakfast
(parents or guardians responsible for children)
Jewish Journal-ing
12:30pm-1:30pm: Lunch
(parents or guardians responsible for children)
1:30pm: Check in your child(ren) at the Mountainside Dining Hall
9:45am-12:15pm: Camp Limmud Programming
Spices of Shabbat
12:15pm: Pick up your child(ren) at the Mountainside
Dining Hall for lunch
Saturday, September 3rd
(Limmud International)
9:45am-12:15pm: Camp Limmud Programming
(Mike Century)
6:15-7:15pm: Family Dinner
(parents or guardians responsible for children)
(Family Friendly Janie Grackin & Helene Kates)
9:30am (after breakfast): Check in your child(ren) at the
Mountainside Dining Hall
9:30am: Family-Friendly Programming: Tot Shabbat
(See programming schedule for details; if attending, parents or
guardians responsible for children)
Spiritual center
8:30-9:30am: Breakfast
(parents or guardians responsible for children)
6:00 pm: Pick up your child(ren) at the Mountainside Dining Hall
7:30-8:45pm: Late Dinner
(parents or guardians responsible for children)
Library Conference
Sunday, September 4th
Israeli Dancing
4:30-5:45pm: Family-Friendly Programming
Janie Grackin - Spices of Shabbat
(See programming schedule for details; if attending, parents
or guardians responsible for children)
9:10pm: Family-Friendly Programming
Havdallah by the Fire Pit
(See programming schedule for details; parents or guardians
responsible for children)
3:30-5:30pm: Family-Friendly Programming
Challah Art & Baking Station
Multi-Purpose Room
3:00-5:45pm: Camp Limmud Programming
(Check in your child(ren) at Bet Am Katan)
Lakeside Pavillion
Friday, September 2nd
Camp Limmud and Family-Friendly Programming Schedule
Basketball Court
LimmudFest 2011
2:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Welcome Center
Registration closed during Shabbat Dinner, but will
reopen afterwards and will be relocated at the Cafe
Limmud Porch
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Walking Tour of Campus
Cafe Limmud Porch
Geoff Menkowitz, Camp Ramah
Tour Camp Ramah to orient yourself and see the wonderful
facilities you’ll be enjoying this weekend. Learn about Camp
Ramah Darom and the programs available through Tumbling
Waters Retreat & Conference Center.
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Limmud International Training on
Tour Clinic 1
Spiritual Center
Limmud International
Limmud International Training on Tour programme
participants only. Topic to be determined.
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Israeli Dancing with the Stars
Multi-Purpose Room
Mike Century
Come learn Israeli dances and perform on Saturday night
at Open Mic Night! You will learn a mixture of old and new,
circle, line, and partner dances. We start with easy dances
so everyone can be included.
Main Dining
Sharon Rosenzweig & Elisheva Ingber
Bake challah to enjoy for Shabbat at the challah-baking
station in the main dining room. Drop in to create challah art
with Sharon Rosenzweig: turn the weekly Torah portion into
a fully realized, Biblically accurate, and deliciously edible work
of midrash! Stop by and learn different challah braiding
techniques with Elisheva Ingber. Create your own challahs
to be baked and ready for Shabbat dinner!.
Cafe Limmud Porch
Ginny Adams
Come meet your fellow Limmudnik knitters.
4:30 PM - 5:45 PM
Jewishly Journal-ing
Library Conference Table
Karen Davis
Come learn creative exercises for starting and maintaining a
journal with special emphasis on Jewish experiences. We will
do some writing and sharing during this session.
4:30 PM - 5:45 PM
Spices of Shabbat
Mountainside Pavillion
Janie Grackin & Helene Kates
Welcome Shabbat as we explore the flavors, sounds and
scents of Shabbat through the art of music and storytelling.
Musician Helene Kates and Jewish storyteller Janie Grackin
will shepherd you into a time of joy and shalom.
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM
Family Shabbat Dinner
Mountainside Dining
Got young kids who can’t wait to eat? Come eat early
at this special Shabbat dinner for kids and their parents.
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat Mechitza Minyan:
Carlebach Style
Spiritual Center
Karmi Ingber
Welcome Shabbat with songs and ruach led by Karmi
Ingber of The Kehilla in Atlanta. This service will follow
Orthodox liturgy. The service will be led by men.
Men and women will sit separately.
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM
Egalitarian Kabbalat Shabbat
Lakeside Pavillion
7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
Shabbat Dinner
Dining Hall
5:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Sing, Welcome & Share!
Front Lawn
Join us for song, welcoming, and community sharing.
Start gathering in front of the Levine Center when you
hear singing. We’ll each get 15 seconds to give a shout
out about the session we are leading or the one thing
we are most looking forward to this weekend.
8:50 PM - 10:30 PM
Cafe Limmud Porch
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM
Nosh & Schmooze Teen Lounge
Come meet, greet, and eat. Hosted by Sarah Queen.
8:50 PM - 9:10 PM
Mechitza Maariv
9:15 PM - 10:30 PM
Friday Night Storytelling Unplugged:
The Southern Jewish Experience
Lakeside Dining
Amanda Marks & Josh Lesser
Amanda Goldstein Marks MC’s a late-night storytelling event
where Limmudniks from diverse backgrounds share their
Southern Jewish experiences. You can’t make this stuff up!
9:15 PM - 12:00 AM
Pub Mishpachah
Cafe Limmud Porch
Tonight, drinks are “on the house” in honor of Shabbat!
21+ only please.
9:15 PM - 10:30 PM
Reaching the Jewish Community of the
21st Century: A New Paradigm
Spiritual Center
Sid Schwarz
Are the institutions that served the Jewish community of
the 20th century still viable? Synagogues, federations and
Jewish membership organizations have yet to figure out
how to meet the changing interests and needs of the next
generation. This talk will look at the social norms that are
shaping the habits and lifestyles of younger American Jews
and suggest four guiding principles that can actually lead to
a renaissance in Jewish life.
Spiritual Center
8:50 PM - 9:10 PM
Egalitarian Maariv
9:15 PM - 10:30 PM
Funny, You Don’t Look Jewish:
The Issues of Conversion to Judaism
Patrick Aleph
What does it take to become Jewish? Can a rabbi really
“disqualify” the conversions of another rabbi? What about
people who live Jewishly, but never go through conversion?
In this session we’ll explore all the issues of becoming
Jewish...and staying that way.
9:15 PM - 10:30 PM
Who Invented ‘Tikkun Olam’?
Ask Your Great-Grandparents About Tikkun Olam and
They Probably Would Not Have Known What You Meant.
Clive Lawton
Tikkun Olam - social action - is one of the great buzz words
of the current Jewish world. Was it always so? Where do we
get the popular ideas of Tikkun Olam from and how Jewish
are they?
LimmudFest 2011
LimmudFest 2011
3:30 PM - 5:15 PM
Challah Art & Baking Station
4:30 PM - 5:45 PM
Knitting with Ginny
9:15 PM - 10:30 PM
Love, Law and Justice: On Love and
Sexuality in Law and Literature
Mountainside Pavillion
Alieza Salzberg
The Talmud has something to say about everything, even
love and sex. In this text study we will explore Talmudic
stories about the conflict between personal relationships
and the demands of Jewish Law on couples. When does
Jewish law protect and nurture relationships and when does
it get a bit too nosy for comfort? What can stories tell us
about the limits of rules and communal expectation and the
realm of personal choice?
10:45 PM - 12:00 AM
Dreidel Spin-Off:
New Ways To Spin & Win
Eli Mansbach
Discover all the new ways to spin! Since 2007, half a dozen
new dreidel games have made their appearance: No Limit
Texas Dreidel, Spinagogue, Maccabees, Queen Esther,
Staccabees, and Operation Maccabee. Spin dreidels. Eat
chocolate. Is there a better way to spend Shabbat night?
10:45 PM - 12:00 PM
Rebbe’s Tisch At the Rebbe’s Table
Lakeside Dining
Janie Grackin, Clive Lawton, Aaron Freeman, Karmi
Ingber, Helene Kates
The Rebbe’s Tisch offers opportunities for everyone, young
and old, experienced tellers and newcomers, to share a
special Shabbat story or song. Come tell! Come sing!
Come listen! Facilitated by storyteller Janie Grackin,
musician Helene Kates, Limmud co-founder Clive Lawton,
comedian Aaron Freeman, and leader of The Kehilla, Karmi
Ingber. Drinks and snacks will be available.
10:45 PM - 12:00 AM
Do You Know More Than a 5th Grader?
Brushing Up on the Book of Genesis
Jennifer Newfeld
An overview of the entire book of Bereshit (Genesis.) Can you
name Abraham’s grandfather? Do you need to brush up on
who was the child of whom? Did the tower of Babel or the
story of Noah happen first? With what story does the book of
Bereshit end? An interactive discussion on the first book of
the Torah to find out if you know more than a fifth grader.
10:45 PM - 12:00 AM
Yoga and Judaism Beyond the Mat:
Meditation, Mysticism, Philosophy
& Psychology
Multi-Purpose Room
Steven Gold
This presentation will explore scriptural and conceptual
connections between Yoga and Judaism. The primary focus
on yoga here is not on physical exercise, but is rather
“yoga beyond the mat,” focusing on meditation, mysticism,
philosophy and psychology. Likewise, the focus on Judaism
here is on the spirituality and the resurfacing meditative
and mystical tradition within Judaism, not the religion.
10:45 PM - 12:00 PM
Buffy, Sookie, Bella...and Esau?
Vampirism in the Torah
Mountainside Pavillion
Jordana Heyman
Vampires and Torah--enough said.
Spiritual Center
Jennie Rivlin Roberts
Are you a Jewish professional, lay leader, Jewish activist,
entrepreneur, or interested party? Come meet your fellow
movers and shakers & Jewish community makers and start
forging bonds with others in the community who are working
to create better Jewish living.
LimmudFest 2011
LimmudFest 2011
10:45 PM - 12:00 AM
Jewish Professional + Social Entrepeneur
Meet & Greet
Swimming (ends at 5:45)
(Aaron Freeman & Clive Lawton)
Biblio-Improv Comedy Workshop
(Ed Queen)
Jewish Sufis:
From Abraham to Maimonides
LimmudFest 2011
Fire Pit
Basketball Court
Lakeside Pavillion
Multi-Purpose Room
(Elisheva Ingber)
(Leah Fuhr)
Pick up Bball
(Ages 9+ : Noa Baum)
A Taste of the Garden of Eden:
(Ages 3+ : Marian Broida)
Ancient Israelite Writing
Creating a “Blessing Scroll”
(Patrick Aleph)
From Orthodox To Atheist: What
Jews Do and Don’t Think About G-d
7 Habits of Highly
Effective Marriages
(Rela Geffen)
Walking Tour of Campus II
SAT 7:30-8:40PM (70 min)
(Michal Waldfogel)
Shabbas-ana: Shabbat Yoga
(Ginny Adams)
My Year of Mourning
Egalitarian Shacharit
Mechitza Shacharit
The Jewish Family In America
Today: Is It Jewish?
SAT 6:30-7:30PM
Tot Shabbat
Egalitarian Shacharit
(Karen Radkowsky)
Limmud Chavruta: My Time
Mechitza Shacharit
Natural Worship
(Amy & Mara Price)
(Mitch & Suzette Cohen)
Outreach to Interfaith Couples
Outside of Jewish Institutions
(Marian Broida)
Expressing Ecstasy & Despair:
Approaching the Psalms,
An Introduction
10AM Jr. Congregation
(Eli Mansbach & Sarah Queen)
SAT 11:00-12:15PM
SAT 9:30-10:45AM
Can Social Justice
Save the Jewish Soul?
(Sid Schwarz)
(Tina Wasserman & Nina Rubin)
High Holiday Recipe Swap
(Dotan Harpak)
Jewish and Democratic Challenge
SAT 5:00-6:15PM
(Steve Gold)
9:00 Hebrew Meditation & Mantras
9:00 Mechitza Shacharit
SAT 8:30-9:30AM
Spiritual Center
Under the Cafe
Limmud Porch
Cafe Limmud Porch
Lakeside Dining
Main Dining
Tree House
Basketball Court
Lakeside Pavillion
Multi-Purpose Room
Spiritual Center
Front Lawn
Under the Cafe
Limmud Porch
Lakeside Dining
Main Dining
LimmudFest 2011
Egalitarian Maariv
Mechitza Maariv
SAT 8:45-9:05PM (20 min)
SAT 12:30-1:30PM
Praying With Our Feet
Tumtum & Androgynos in
Rabbinic Literature
SAT 9:10PM
(1:45 - 5:45) Swimming
(Katja Vehlow)
(Noa Baum)
(Karmi Ingber)
(Ross Mansbach)
Night Hike by the Moonlight
Pub Mishpachah
(Russell Gottschalk)
Acoustic Cafe: Open Mic!
Midnight Movie
SAT 11:30PM
Egalitarian Mincha
Mechitza Mincha
SAT 4:35-4:55PM
Mincha (20 min.)
Drum Circle & Percussion
Jam Session
(Karen Davis)
Reel Israelis
(Murray Friedman)
Returning to Verbovets:
A Ukraine Odyssey
(Yossi Lew)
Is Judaism Sexist? What
Jewish Law Says About Women
Pub Mishpachah
Aaron Freeman
Comedy Tonight!
SAT 10:00-11:15PM
(Karmi Inger)
Kabbalistic Tai Chi
(Eileen Price)
What Do You Truly Value?
(Janie Grackin & Helene Kates)
Hidden Treasures:
Your Story as a Gift
Parshat Shoftim: Pluralism,
Relativism & Rabbinic Judaism
(Shawn Landres & Seth Cohen)
(Sandy Pearlstein)
Motivating Engagement from
Over-programmed and
Over-Stressed Jews
Tough Questions for
Jewish Innovation
A Culinary Exploration
of the Jewish Diaspora
(Tina Wasserman)
(Limmud International)
Training on Tour Clinic 2
(Jennifer Newfeld)
Jews In Places You Never Knew
SAT 3:15-4:30PM
Jews & Christians in the South
(Family Friendly - Michal Waldfogel)
Searching for Treasure: A Huge
Hunt for the Jewish New Year
(Adam Griff)
Hike for Hikers to the
Top of the Waterfall
(Limmud International)
Around the World in 80 Limmuds
(Randy Crohn)
Israel History for Dummies:
Intro to Modern Israeli History
SAT 1:45-3:00PM
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Main Dining
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Jr. Congregation: Teen Shabbat
Sarah Queen & Eli Mansbach
Come join Sarah Queen and Eli Mansbach as they lead you
through a fun, engaging and short Shabbat morning celebration.
9:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Mechitza Shacharit
Spiritual Center
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Limmud Chavruta: My Time
Karen Radkowsky
In this interactive session, we will explore the concept of
personal time: How do we spend our time? Should we be
studying? Praying? Helping others? Looking after ourselves? All
of the above? What does ‘personal time’ mean? Ancient sources,
modern scholarship, song lyrics and more will be used. Everyone
is welcome, whether you have studied texts before or not, and
knowledge of Hebrew is not required.
9:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Egalitarian Shacharit
Lakeside Pavillion
LimmudFest 2011
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Hebrew Meditation & Mantras
Basketball Court
Steven Gold
This session will cover the theory and practice of a traditional
yoga meditation practice utilizing Hebrew phrases in place of
yoga mantras. Breathing and stress management techniques
will be included. This is not an asana (physical yoga poses) class.
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Tot Shabbat:
Tree House Celebration
Tree House
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Expressing Ecstasy & Despair:
Approaching the Psalms, An Introduction
Marian Broida
Much of our most inspiring Shabbat and holiday liturgy comes
from the biblical book of Psalms--but many Jews know little
about it. Come learn what a psalm is, the different kinds of
psalms, and how psalms have been used to express rapture
and despair throughout the ages. We will look at several
psalms, or parts of psalms, in Hebrew and English translation.
No Hebrew knowledge required.
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Outreach to Interfaith Couples
Outside of Jewish Institutions
Reaching the Unaffiliated and Disconnected Interfaith
Couples in Atlanta
Lakeside Dining
Mitch Cohen & Suzette Cohen
Mitch and his wife Suzette have been doing outreach work to
interfaith couples since 1998. This session will focus on two
projects: mothers support groups and a trip to Israel. Both
projects were created to support the raising of Jewish children
without pressuring the non-Jewish partner to convert. Both
programs have transformed lives, accelerated the creation of
Jewish homes in which to raise Jewish children and have even
had the unintended result of several conversions.
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Step Into Nature for Shabbat
Front Lawn
Amy Price & Mara Price
Explore nature around camp in ways you never thought
possible. We’ll use the flow of the traditional Shabbat morning
service with each part using nature to help us. It will include
exploring and singing as we make our way to the waterfall.
We’ll never have another waterfall walk quite like this one.
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
My Year of Mourning: Connecting with
Hashem, My Family, and Myself Through
Jewish Meditation
Mountainside Pavillion
Ginny Adams
On Shemini Atzeret 2010, I received a call that would change
the course of my life: my father had died. Three months later,
it was my grandmother. Four months later, I would arrive in
Tel Aviv to find out my birth mother (whom I hadn’t spoken to
in 15 years) took my brother’s life and her own. While this story
is too much for some, it has become my way to connect to the
world. Through death, I have found a priceless, uniquely Jewish
way to connect to life.
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Shabbas-ana: Shabbat Yoga
Basketball Court
Michal Waldfogel
The final resting pose in a yoga practice, savasana, sounds a
whole lot like Shabbas! This gentle yoga class makes playful
connections across traditions to get at the universal essence
of all practices.
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Main Dining
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Israeli History for Dummies:
Some Answers to Common Questions
Asked About Modern Israel
Randy Crohn
We’ll do a brief run-through of Israel’s historical basics and talk
about what they really meant then and now. What was there
before Modern Israel? What was the War of Independence,
the Six-Day War, the Yom Kippur War, the First and Second
Intifada? Who were the heroes, the villains? Do all the Arabs
hate Israel? What’s up with this “wall/security barrier” thingy?
What’s the story with the Gaza Strip? What do I tell my friends
that whocriticize the Jewish homeland?
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Hike to the Camp Waterfall
Under the Cafe Limmud Porch
Adam Griff
Join Adamah Adventure’s Adam Griff on this easy hike to
the of the camp’s own beautiful waterfall! For intermediate
fitness levels, we will be walking up steep hills and through the
woods. Suggested: closed-toe, good walking shoes.
Bring water!
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Searching for Treasure:
A Huge Hunt for the Jewish New Year
Front Lawn
Michal Waldfogel
With Rosh Ha’Shanah approaching, this session offers an
opportunity to reflect on the past year and prepare for the
year to come. Teams must complete a holiday-related task
and solve a puzzle to learn where the next clue lies. Each
task is designed to suit a variety of ages and abilities making
this session appropriate for kids, families, and the young
at heart. Participants receive a “Treasure Map” to chart
their year.
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Jewish-Christian Relations in the South:
A Roundtable Discussion
Spiritual Center
Michael Cook (Mod.), Susan Levitas,
Michael Rosenzweig, Ed Queen
Jews who live in the “Bible Belt” cannot ignore the
dominant Christian culture around them: Catholics and
mainline Protestants as well as Evangelicals. In addition,
the Evangelical stance on Israel makes American JewishChristian relations an international issue. What is the
current state of Jewish-Christian relations in the South and
how has it changed since 50 years ago? Missionizing still
exists; how can we best handle and manage our emotions
around it? What are our stereotypes of Evangelicals and
should we be moderating them to better handle personal
and political encounters? How should the Jewish community
respond to Christian-based views of Israel that may involve
end-time scenarios?
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Tough Questions for Jewish Innovation:
A Conversation Between Seth Cohen and
Shawn Landres
Shawn Landres & Seth Cohen
Join Seth Cohen (Schusterman Family Foundation) & Shawn
Landres (Jumpstart) as they discuss the tough issues facing
Jewish philanthropy, innovation, social entrepreneurship, and
community building. What are the limits of risk and venture
in times of economic stagnation and underfunded “core”
needs? What challenges do successful startups face as they
scale up? Are concepts like “exit” and “serial entrepreneurship” applicable in the Jewish nonprofit world?
LimmudFest 2011
Multi-Purpose Room
Karmi Ingber
We will explore the weekly portion and see if the Torah
allows, requires or discourages human intervention in
Jewish law and custom. What power is given to the sages
and what are the parameters of Rabbinic Judaism? What is
the role of self-expression? Who is right and what happens if
I disagree? How do we understand Jewish thought in relation
to relativism and pluralism? How do we relate to Judaism in
modern times? Texts include Chumash (five books of Moses)
and the Mystical Talmudic text called Aggada.
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Tumtum & Androgynos in Rabbinic Literature
Lakeside Pavillion
Katja Vehlow
Virtually no aspect of rabbinic Jewish life was free from
considerations of sex and gender. We will look at two of
the categories the rabbis constructed to define these
identities. What is a tumtum? Androgynos? What might
have been their function in rabbinic texts? No Hebrew,
Aramaic, or prior knowledge necessary.
1:45 PM - 5:45 PM
Come take a dip in the heated, zero-entry swimming pool!
LimmudFest 2011
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Jews in Places You Never Knew:
How I Followed Home the Women
with the Jewish Cheese
Jennifer Newfeld
In 2001-2002 I lived in Pachuca, Mexico. One day I saw a
women selling cheese in the market stamped with a Jewish
star. I didn’t speak much Spanish and she did not speak any
English but she “told” me she was Jewish. I followed her home
and met the Jewish community of Pachuca, a fascinating community unlike anything I had ever encountered.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Limmud International Training on Tour Clinic 2
Lakeside Dining
Limmud International
Limmud International Training on Tour programme
participants only. Topic to be determined.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Beyond Brisket and Bagels:
Jewish Culinary History and its Impact
on World Cuisine Since 1492
Spiritual Center
Tina Wasserman
What makes food Jewish? How do traditional foods served at
Jewish celebrations reflect the religious and cultural history
of Jewish cooks throughout the world? The recipes are stories
and the stories are recipes. Come and explore your own culinary roots.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Motivating Engagement for
Over-Programmed and Over-Stressed Jews
A Roundtable Discussion
Sandy Perlstein
Many Jewish organizations are facing a crisis in volunteerism.
As our lives get more complex and our time seems to shrink, it
is harder to get Jews to participate in the activities that make
for Jewish social capital. Our Reconstructionist congregation in suburban Washington has bucked this trend through
some innovative programming that I have helped to organize.
During this session I will share some of these ideas that can
be replicated in your own organizations. Come share with us:
what are you doing that is either working or not? Let’s problem
solve together.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Hidden Treasures: Your Story as a Gift
Discover How a Memory Can be Shaped into a
Story and Become a Gift Worth Passing On.
Multi-Purpose Room
Noa Baum
We all have stories to tell. Storytelling is central to Jewish tradition nourishing the deepest roots of heart and mind. Stories
help us find meaning and connection, whether it’s our holiday
celebrations or our family stories. We tell stories to remember
who we are. Exploring the unique power of oral language, we
will create a community of tellers and listeners and experience
how storytelling can connect us to our past and help us gain a
sense of self worth and appreciation of others.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Praying With Our Feet:
Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk
Lakeside Pavillion
Janie Grackin & Helene Kates
Explore new avenues of Jewish spirituality through song,
story, tefillah and social action. Learn how to create a multisensory/multi-disciplinary approach to expressing Judaism
through our hands, our mouths, and our hearts.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
What Do You Truly Value? An Exercise for
Reflection and Discussion
Mountainside Pavillion
Eileen Snow Price
Knowing what we value most in our life, work, and relationships makes it easier to respond to opportunities and conflicts
with aplomb and integrity. Take some time to reflect on the
values that drive your decision making. Participate in this
values exercise using cards to help you “sort” through your
thoughts. Bring your family along to learn some new cool
stuff about one another!
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Kabbalistic Tai Chi
Experiencing Shabbat Through Mind, Body & Soul
Basketball Court
Karmi Ingber
This isn’t your average “Orthodox” Shabbat experience. Karmi
Ingber will help us center ourselves and bring us closer to
Shabbat energy. We will use Chi Gong exercises and Tai Chi
Kata with Jewish Mystical variations and understandings to
elevate our minds, bodies, and souls.
4:35 PM - 4:55 PM
Mechitza Mincha
Spiritual Center
4:35 PM - 4:55 PM
Egalitarian Mincha
5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
Israel’s Jewish and Democratic Challenge
Can Israel Survive the Biggest Internal Struggle with its
Self-Described Character?
Lakeside Dining
Dotan Harpak
Often referred to as a “Jewish and Democratic State,” Israel
has been dealing with the tension between its Jewish and
Democratic pillars since its establishment: from issues of
Jewish-Arab relations, to social, religious pluralism and LGBT
rights. In this workshop, we will take a glance into some current events that demonstrate challenges to Israel’s Jewish
and/or Democratic character, and will discuss the implications on its goal, or “mission statement.”
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Parshat Shoftim: Pluralism, Relativism and
Rabbinic Judaism What Do the Sources Say?
5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
High Holiday Recipe Swap
Cafe Limmud Porch
Nina Rubin & Tina Wasserman
We’ll meet on the dining room porch and swap ideas and
recipes for the upcoming High Holidays. What recipes epitomize the holiday for you? What’s your signature dish? How
are you tweaking Jewish food ways?
5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
Can Social Justice Save the Jewish Soul?
Spiritual Center
Sid Schwarz
Sid’s groundbreaking book, Judaism and Justice: The Jewish
Passion to Repair the World (2006), offers a seminal thesis
about the purpose of Judaism. The book portrays a tension between the commitment of Jews to universal values
and the Jewish communal tendency to emphasize a more
parochial set of priorities. Reconciling this tension is key to
helping Judaism become a source of inspiration to Jews and,
simultaneously, a source of healing to the world.
5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Marriages
Elisheva Ingber
The fear of commitment and the terror of the “The M-word,”
coupled with skyrocketing divorce rates, can drive many
people to the single life. Elisheva will be offering some
age-old wisdom for modern couples to navigate the
sometimes bumpy road of marriage.
LimmudFest 2011
Lakeside Pavillion
Edward Queen
Throughout Jewish history interactions with other traditions has both challenged and deepened Jewish thought and
practices. One of the most important and powerful of these
interactions, albeit a relatively ignored one, has involved the
Jewish encounter with Islam, particularly Sufism, between
the 10th and 16th centuries. This session explores that
encounter and its consequences focusing particularly on
Maimonides’ son, Abraham and the Safed Kabbalists.
5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
Biblio-Improv! FlashDrash
Basketball Court
Aaron Freeman & Clive Lawton
Midrash is an ancient Jewish practice of using dialogue,
discussion and story to draw out from Torah text insights,
opinions and commentaries not actually present in the
written bible itself. In other words, midrash tradition
empowers us to make stuff up. This workshop uses the
ancient improv techniques of Trance and Mask to allow
even improv novices (and of course experienced hands) to
improvise scenes wherein the players project themselves
into the story of the week’s portion and create modern
scenes that reflect the portion’s themes.
Main Dining
From the Southeast? Keep your eyes peeled for tables set
aside just for you.
LimmudFest 2011
7:30 PM - 8:40 PM
Walking Tour of Campus II
Cafe Limmud Porch
Geoff Menkowitz, Camp Ramah
Tour Camp Ramah to orient yourself and see the wonderful
facilities you’ll be enjoying this weekend. Learn about Camp
Ramah Darom and the programs available through Tumbling
Waters Retreat & Conference Center.
7:30 PM - 8:40 PM
Around the World in 80 Limmuds
Lakeside Dining
Limmud International
With Limmud groups taking root and developing in over
60 culturally diverse Jewish communities around the
globe, come discover how these variations on the Limmud
phenomenon which started 30 years ago in the UK bring
Jewish learning, connections and volunticipation to different
home towns hometowns.
7:30 PM - 8:40 PM
The Jewish Family In America Today:
Is It Jewish?
Spiritual Center
Rela Mintz Geffen
What does it take to be a Jewish family? A household with
at least one Jewish person in it? Certain attitudes toward
life? A particular way of life? In this session we will explore
structures, values and inter-generational relationships
found in classical Jewish families and compare contemporary
American Jewish families to historical antecedents.
7:30 PM - 8:40 PM
A Download of The G-d Project:
What Orthodox to Atheist Jews
Really Think About G-d
Patrick Aleph
In this session, we will explore the Jewish belief (and
disbelief) in G-d. Speaker Patrick Aleph has traveled the
country with The G-d Project filming interviews with
diverse Jewish communities and has some startling
discoveries about what Jews really think about the
biggest question in religion.
7:30 PM - 8:40 PM
Be Like an Ancient Israelite:
Make a Blessing Amulet!
An Art & Hebrew Writing Workshop for Kids,
Adults and Families
Multi-Purpose Room
Marian Broida
Did you know that ancient Israelites wrote in a different
alphabet than the one used for Hebrew today? Did you know
this alphabet was used for the oldest written Torah verses
ever found, inscribed on ancient silver amulets discovered in
Israel? Come make your own blessing amulet using paleo-Hebrew,
modern Hebrew, English or picture-writing--and learn about the
history of writing in ancient Israel. Wearable historical art!
7:30 PM - 8:40 PM
A Taste of the Garden of Eden
A Celebration of the Jewish Spirit in Stories for
Adults and teens.
Lakeside Pavillion
Noa Baum
Join us for a journey into the imagination and delight in a colorful
tapestry of stories from the Middle East and beyond. Noa’s rich
interpretations of her Jewish and Israeli heritage bring a unique
tone and flavor to these tales of wisdom, peace and faith,
reconnecting us with a wealth of tradition and timeless values.
7:30 PM - 8:40 PM
Pick-Up Basketball
Basketball Court
Leah Fuhr
Come play some B-Ball and shoot some hoops with Leah “Nothing
but Net” Fuhr.
8:45 PM - 9:05 PM
Mechitza Maariv
Spiritual Center
8:45 PM - 9:05 PM
Egalitarian Maariv
9:10 PM
Fire Pit
Come together as we sing and say farewell to Shabbat with
joyful songs, sweet spices, a bonfire, and music. Bring your drums!
10:00 PM - 11:15 PM
Aaron Freeman:
America’s Funniest Black Jew!
Lakeside Dining
Aaron Freeman
Aaron Freeman has cracked up audiences from Tel Aviv to
Toronto to Trinity College in Dublin. His unique perspective
on Jewish life and life in general will leave you laughing and
remind you: as much as we love study we needn’t take any of
it TOO seriously.
5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
Jewish Sufis:
From Abraham Maimonides to Today
10:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Pub Mishpachah
Cafe Limmud Porch
Join your family for some drinks and thinks at everyone’s
favorite spot on Saturday night: the Limmud Cafe Porch.
Be sure to thank Pub proprietor: Paul Flexner.
10:00 PM - 11:15 PM
Is Judaism Sexist? What Jewish Law
Says About Women
Spiritual Center
Yossi Lew
The “Mechitzah,” the separation between the genders during
services is mandated by Jewish law. Due to misinformation
about this law, and other issues, many feel that this law is
a ploy to hold women as second-class citizens. This presentation will allow the topic to be “aired out.” Questions are
encouraged and welcomed.
10:00 PM - 11:15 PM
Reel Israelis:
View and Discuss a Hot-Off-the-Reel Film
Multi-Purpose Room
Karen Davis
More than any other national cinema, Israeli cinema is
notable for reflecting the socio-political-historic background
that produced it whether the issues be Arab-Israeli relations,
immigration, Orthodoxy, the kibbutz movement, etc. This
session will screen a recent Israeli film (to be announced).
The film will be preceded by an introduction setting the film
in context and then there will be a post-screening discussion.
LimmudFest 2011
10:00 PM - 11:15 PM
Drum Circle & Percusion Jam Session
Fire Pit
Stay by the comfort of the big bon fire and drum the night
away! Bring your drums, tambourines, maracas and triangles
11:30 PM
Midnight Movie
A selection of DVDs are in the Lounge for your viewing
pleasure. First come gets to pick the movie. Enjoy!
11:30 PM
Acoustic Cafe: Open Mic!
Lakeside Dining
Entertainment is guaranteed at this open mic session.
All are welcome to come forward and entertain. Talent is
appreciated but not compulsory; enthusiasm is required!
Play, sing, dance, amuse, entertain, or just come and see
others perform.
11:30 PM
Night Hike by the Moonlight
LimmudFest 2011
LimmudFest 2011
Under the Cafe Limmud Porch
Ross Mansbach
Hike a trail that leads to an open field for great star gazing!
Meet under the Cafe Limmud Porch.
8 - 8:45 Egalitarian Minyan
The Comic Torah
(5:00 - 6:00PM)
(Clive Lawton)
Total War
Should We ‘Wipe Out’ Amalek?
Where is Jewish
Philanthropy Headed?
(Rela Geffen )
From Naches To Nanny: The Jewish
Family: Institution In Transition
(Michael Rosenzweig)
The New National Museum of
American Jewish History
(Russell Gottschalk and AJMF)
Jam & Juice with Atlanta
Jewish Gene Screen
(Aaron Freeman & Sharon Rosenzweig)
LimmudFest 2011
Lakeside Family
Cabin #21B
Lakeside Pavillion
Multi-Purpose Room
Spiritual Center
Cafe Limmud Porch
Lakeside Dining
Main Dining
Climbing Wall
Basketball Court
Lakeside Pavillion
SUN 5:00-6:15PM
8 - 8:45 Mechitza Minyan
Spiritual Center
Multi-Purpose Room
8:50-11 Bike Ride: Riding the
Back Roads of North Georgia
(Stephen Marks)
SUN 8:30-9:30AM
Under the Cafe
Limmud Porch
Cafe Limmud Porch
Lakeside Dining
Main Dining
Mountainside Dining
LimmudFest 2011
SUN 6:30-7:30PM
(9:30 - 12:30) Climbing Wall
(Karen Radowsky)
Limmud Chavruta: Our Time
(Ed Queen)
PJ Library Pajama Party
(Stan Lefco)
Experience of Family in the
Holocaust: the Perspective of
the Son of Survivors
(Michael Rosenzweig)
Apocalypse 2012: Israel & the
Fall-Out of End-Time Scenarios
(Val Wolpe + Company)
To the Music Tent, O Israel!
Communal Music Concert
Egalitarian Maariv
Mechitza Maariv
To the Music Tent, O Israel!
Communal Music Concert
(Susan Levitas)
Shalom Y’all Film
Tell-Me-Text Session for
Jewish Foodies
(Ages 12+: Noa Baum)
9:10 - 10:40
A Land Twice Promised
Pub Mishpachah
To the Music Tent, O Israel!
Communal Music Concert
Midnight Movie
SUN Midnight+
Egalitarian Mincha
Mechitza Mincha
SUN 4:35 - 4:55 PM
Mincha (20 min.)
Music Concert
Wrestling with Israel
Pub Mishpachah
(Paul Flexner)
One for the Road
Jews in Berlin:
What Are They Doing There?
(Renee Rosenheck & Shalom Steinberg)
SUN 10:40-11:55PM
SUN 9:10-10:25PM
Pool 3:45-4:45 Coed
(closes at 4:45)
(Shlomo Gebtuch)
The Kabbalah Of Love
(Paul Wolpe)
When a House Falls on
You on Shabbat
(Limmud International)
If You Invite Them
Then I’m Not Coming!
(Ken Stein)
From Diaspora to State: How Did
Zionists Build a National Home?
(Patrick Aleph)
G-d Project Interviews
(Tina Wasserman)
Rosh Hashanah and
its Southern Roots
(Ginny Adams)
How to be a Rock Star &
Own Your Judaism
SUN 3:15-4:30PM
SUN 7:30-8:40PM
Pool; 1:45 - 2:45 Men;
2:45 - 3:45 Women
(Shawn Landres)
Values & Vision:
A Hands-on Innovation Workshop
(Richard Friedman)
Engaging Young People Now
(Ariel Wolpe)
Movement Meditation
(Karen Grinzaid)
Atlanta Jewish Gene Screen,
Save a Life: Prevent Jewish
Genetic Diseases
(Sid Schwarz )
Finding a Spiritual Home
(Amy Price)
Hike to Hillbilly Falls
Freestyle Rap Workshop
(Jordana Heyman)
Through the Jewish Lens: Fusing
Pop Culture and Classic Judaism
SUN 1:45-3:00PM
(1:45 - 2:45) Climbing Wall
SUN 8:45-9:05PM
SUN 12:30-1:30PM
Climbing Wall
(Karmi Ingber)
The Modalities of Change
Five Scaffolds to Support
Jews by Choice
(Mitch & Suzette Cohen)
(Alieza Salzberg)
Open Source Remix:
Pick up a Pen and Write Midrash!
(Limmud International)
Demons, Dybbuks, a Calf that they
Created & Ate, Plus Divination!
Magic in Jewish Life and History
(Mara Price)
Training on Tour Clinic 3
Immigration and the Southeast U.S.
(Shawn Landres)
Ecosystems and Economies:
Creativity, Capital,
and Change in Jewish Life
Deep Breath Baking:
Rest is in the Recipe
(Dotan Harpak )
Current Reality, Challenges
and Solutions in the IsraeliPalestinian Conflict
SUN 11:00-12:15PM
Belly Dancing
(David Passig)
The Future of
World Jewry and Israel
Ha Hashkafa (The View)
(Michal Waldfogel)
Deep Breath Baking:
Rest is in the Recipe
SUN 9:30-10:45AM
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
Mechitza Minyan
Spiritual Center
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
Egalitarian Minyan
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Main Dining
8:50 AM - 11:00 AM
Roger-Sales Lake Out and Back:
Cycle The Mountain
Under the Cafe Limmud Porch
Stephen Marks
This road ride will cover approximately 17 miles along valleys
starting from camp. This ride will be at a moderate pace and
is not for beginners. You must bring your own water, snacks,
tire repair kit, spare tube, and inflation device. Helmets are
mandatory. There will be close to 1000 feet of total climbing.
Check out this link for more details about the route.
LimmudFest 2011
9:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Deep Breath Baking: Rest is in the Recipe
Multi-Purpose Room
Mara Price
Experience the ancient art of belly dance! Belly dance is a
non-impact, weight-bearing exercise and is thus suitable for all
ages, and is a good exercise for the prevention of osteoporosis
in older people. Many of the moves involve isolations, which
improves flexibility of the torso. This class will teach beginners
level dance moves. I hope to encourage any participants to take
up belly dancing if not some other fun form of exercise!
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Demons, Dybbuks, a Calf They Created
and Ate, and Divination Magic in
Jewish Life and History
Lakeside Pavillion
Edward Queen
This session will explore magic and divination throughout
Jewish history focusing on the uses of charms, amulets, and
magical formulae both to protect individuals from demons and
to generate good fortune. Additionally, it addresses the conflict
between rabbinic opposition to many of these practices and the
determination of what was (and what was not) acceptable.
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
The Future of World Jewry and Israel
Lakeside Dining
Michal Waldfogel
This three-hour workshop weaves together challah baking
instruction with yoga practice to offer participants lessons to
take out of the kitchen, off the mat and apply directly to their
lives. This is a perfect opportunity to set intentions for the
weekend: how do you want to nourish yourself and others?
David Passig
In this interactive session, we will explore the concept of communal time: our connections to Jewish and Secular calendars,
and their impact on our lives. How important are they for the
cohesion and survival of communities? Ancient sources, modern
scholarship, song lyrics and more will be used. Everyone is
welcome, whether you have studied texts before or not, and
knowledge of Hebrew is not required.
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Ha Hashkafa (The View):
What Jewish Women Really Want
9:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Ascend the Climbing Wall!
Spiritual Center
Robin Harpak, Jessica Ravite, Steffi Karp,
Marcia Kramer Friedman
Borrowing the title and format of the TV show “The View,”
women representing different decades will gather for a frank
discussion of Jewish feminism, post-feminism, and possibly
even anti-feminism. What’s relevant to Jewish women now?
Who are our role models? Who do we want to be when we
grow up? Come join the fray. Men are welcome too.
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Belly Dancing
Climbing Wall
Adam Griff
Meet Adam and Bobbee, ascend the camp’s 50 ft. Climbing Wall,
and learn about Adamah Adventures’ Jewish outdoor summer
camp. (There will be a sign-up sheet at the Help Desk during
registration, and breakfast and lunch on Sunday).
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
A Crash Course in the Most Talked-About and
Misunderstood Conflict in the World
Explore the Current Reality, Challenges and Solutions
in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Lakeside Dining
Dotan Harpak
As the Middle East goes through a series of political and
cultural revolutions, it is time to take a serious look into what
is actually happening on the ground right now between Israelis
and Palestinians. In this informal workshop we will start with a
glance into the history of the conflict, talk about some of the key
current problems and challenges, possible solutions, obstacles
to the attempts to solve this conflict, and discuss what we might
be able to do about it here in the US.
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
The Shuk
Mountainside Dining
People selling books, music, Judaica and Jewish items of interest
as well as organizations from all across the Jewish community,
businesses and people – all jostling for your attention. Come and
see it for yourself: schmooze, browse, and buy!
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Ecosystems and Economies:
Creativity, Capital, and Change in Jewish Life
The High-Growth Jewish Startup Sector and What it Means
for the Future of Jewish Communal Life
Spiritual Center
Shawn Landres
Nearly $250 million per year flows to the global Jewish innovation sector each year, funding a robust portfolio of diverse initiatives. At least 800 Jewish startups serve about 750,000 people
across North America and Europe - more than 25% of whom are
otherwise unaffiliated. Join us for a briefing and discussion of
Jumpstart’s latest research on Jewish start-ups, conducted in
partnership with The Natan Fund, The Samuel Bronfman
Foundation, Pears Foundation, & the ROI Community.
of the harshest state-based immigration legislation ever seen
in the history of the U.S.? How did it come to this? And how
can the Jewish community, no stranger to persecution, help
re-establish a more Welcoming climate in the region? Join
David Lubell, Executive Director of Atlanta-based nonprofit
Welcoming America, community activist Zuzana Landres, and
others as we discuss these important issues from a Jewish
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Limmud International Training on Tour Clinic 2
Multi-Purpose Room
Limmud International
Limmud International Training on Tour programme
participants only. Topic to be determined.
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Open Source Remix:
Pick Up a Pen and Write a Midrash!
Lakeside Pavillion
Alieza Salzberg
Jewish texts have been mixed and remixed the world over.
Midrash was the rabbinic community’s attempt to keep the
Bible a living document, interpreting, commenting, pulling
on loose ends and imagining in between every line. There is
no reason they should stop being an open source. In this
workshop, we will explore some of the basic guidelines of
classical Midrash so we can continue the tradition. After a
short text study we will write and share our own creations.
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Five Scaffolds to Support Jews by Choice
Mountainside Pavillion
Mitch Cohen & Suzette Cohen
Prospective Jews encounter painful experiences as they
traverse the turbulent waters of the Jewish conversion
process. Based on a graduate research project. We will
describe five scaffolds to support Jews by choice in developing
their Jewish identities during and mostly after the conversion.
Come discuss!
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Immigration and the Southeast U.S:
A Call for Social Justice
Zuzana Landres, David Lubell, and others
Did you know that the Southeast’s immigrant population has
grown faster than any other region of the country over the past
twenty years? In addition, did you know that over the past few
months, Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama have passed some
LimmudFest 2011
Basketball Court
Karmi Ingber
There are various modalities of consciousness directing our
mind power. Access parts of your brain that are usually left
on automatic pilot to maximize strengths, to break bad habits,
motivate ourselves and to improve our performance in many
areas of life. See how Jewish tradition has used this system
for thousands of years and more recently in the rise of the
Chassidic & Mussar (Ethics) movements. We will see how
there is a cybernetic loop between our mind and bodies and
how to tap into that power.
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Main Dining
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Through the Jewish Lens:
Fusing Pop Culture and Classic Judaism
Jordana Heyman
Seinfeld and Glee aren’t the only places to find Judaism on
TV! While they often offer obvious Jewish references, we will
take a more subtle approach to drawing the Jewish spark from
modern media. We will explore several pieces of pop culture
and draw Jewish lessons from what we experience.
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Freestyle Rap Workshop
LimmudFest 2011
Lakeside Dining
Onili (Nili Ohayon)
Once you have felt the freedom of improvisation you get a
taste of what freedom is. This workshop is a hip hop party
where you are the MC’s. We will work on some instant lyrics
and melodies that pop out of your brains and flow with your
intuition. It’s a party workshop! Bring your dancing shoes!
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Hike to Hillbilly Falls
Meet Under the Cafe Limmud Porch
Amy Price
We’ll walk to the beautiful falls just across the street from
camp. There’s a water crossing so be prepared to take off your
shoes and get a little wet.
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Finding a Spiritual Home:
Re-defining the Religious Enterprise
Spiritual Center
Sid Schwarz
Sid’s 2000 book, Finding a Spiritual Home, helped shape
the synagogue transformation efforts of the past decade.
In this lecture Sid will share insights about what makes
younger Jews tick and how synagogues can do a better
job of re-engaging them.
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Save a Life: Prevent Jewish Genetic Diseases
Karen Grinzaid
It’s not just about Tay-Sachs anymore. There are currently
19 known preventable Jewish Genetic Diseases, many of which
are life threatening, and chances are you carry one of them. In
fact, 1 in 5 Ashkenazi Jews is a carrier for at least one of these
disease genes. Learn how the Atlanta Jewish Gene Screen
promotes awareness among rabbis, doctors, and couples about
the availability of preconception screening for all 19 disorders
and the need to update screening prior to each pregnancy.
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Movement Meditation:
Enlightening Body, Mind and Spirit
Multi-Purpose Room
Ariel Wolpe
Join us in a mystical journey through drumming, dancing,
drawing, and chanting to create a meditative space with our
entire selves. Like our Kabbalist ancestors, we will delve into
Jewish prayers with all our senses awakened and open to insight
and receiving healing. By synchronizing movement with our
breath and inner wisdom, bodies, minds and spirits will flow
together and open our hearts to each other and the world.
Adventurous, spirited movers of all levels are welcome.
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Engaging Young People Now:
How to Guarantee a Strong Future
for Your Organization
Learn About Birmingham Jewish Federation’s Innovative
and Successful Strategies
Lakeside Pavillion
Richard Friedman
As Jewish organizations struggle to engage young Jews in
their 20s and early 30s, the Birmingham Jewish Federation is
witnessing an explosion of involvement from this age group.
How has this happened? What strategies have been developed?
What can other organizations learn? Come and find out more
about Birmingham’s growing “youth movement” and the risks
the Federation took to get there.
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Values & Vision: a Hands-On Innovation
Workshop Ready, Set, Collaborate!
Mountainside Pavillion
Shawn Landres
This session will review some of the foundations of successful
innovation and connect aspiring innovators with one another
and peer mentors on developing their own and joint initiatives.
In this workshop, we’ll discuss how to leverage Jewish innovation and social entrepreneurship in your work. We’ll explore how
your values and vision relate to the global landscape of Jewish
innovation today, and then use them to clarify your mission,
outcomes, and strategies, both individual and collective.
1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
Swimming - Men Only
Come take a dip in the heated, zero-entry swimming pool!
Men only during this hour.
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Swimming - Women Only
Come take a dip in the heated, zero-entry swimming pool!
Women only during this hour.
1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
Ascend the Climbing Wall!
Climbing Wall
Adam Griff
Meet Adam and Bobbee, ascend the camp’s 50 ft. Climbing Wall,
and learn about Adamah Adventures Jewish outdoor summer
camp. (There will be a sign-up sheet at the Help Desk during
registration, and breakfast and lunch on Sunday).
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
How to Be a Rock Star: Owning Your Judaism
Ginny Adams
What do rockstars have in common with our individual
Jewish identities? What does it mean to take a Jewish step
and to OWN it? We will take a look at inspirational people
from different places in the Jewish world and think about
how we can be inspired to take a Jewish step and own our
authentic identities.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Rosh Hashanah and its Southern Roots:
Full Participation/Hands on Cooking Class
Lakeside Dining
Tina Wasserman
Come and cook some traditional Sephardi and Ashkenazi foods
for Rosh Hashanah and see how a 2500 year old Ethiopian
tradition became part of the South’s culinary heritage!
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
The Modalities of Change Using
Neuro-Linguistic Programming &
Meditative Torah Techniques to
Achieve Excellence
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
G-d Project Interviews
Cafe Limmud Porch
Patrick Aleph
Patrick will be on the porch available to interview YOU about
your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about G-d. Learn about the
G-d Project in his session on Saturday from 7:30-8:40 PM in
the Library.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
From Diaspora to State: How Did Zionists
Build a National Home?
Using Documents to Retell History, Leaves Little Doubt
About Veracity. Interpret for Yourselves.
Spiritual Center
Ken Stein
Zionism was not a movement, it was a move. It was a
concerted effort by a handful of Jews to change their
relationship with their surroundings. From their diaspora
experiences Jews sustained their beliefs, and in doing so
learned how to survive as a minority. In steadily building a
state, persevering Zionists were aided by British, Palestinian
Arab, Arab state, and international factors that enabled the
establishment of Israel in 1948. Using texts and documents
take a glimpse at how they did it.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
If You Invite Them Then I’m Not Coming!
Limmud International Limmudniks
from around the world
Bringing different people together can be tough. For over
30 years Limmud has aimed to include people of diverse
religious, political and cultural backgrounds in one space
even if they don’t like each other. Join our panel of experienced
Limmudniks from different communities as we discuss
some of the challenges of creating inclusive events.
Looking at a range of topics from issues of ‘outreach’ to
pricing policies, from cross-communal Shabbats to handling ‘
controversial’ presenters. This session will benefit anyone
whose organization serves diverse volunteers, members,
or constituents.
LimmudFest 2011
Can We Really Derive Modern Bioethical Insight
From Our Traditional texts?
Lakeside Pavillion
Paul Wolpe
Modern bioethical dilemmas include things like cloning,
euthanasia, and other quandaries that seem far removed
from anything our ancestors understood (even most of us
don’t understand it). Yet Jews look to their traditional texts
for guidance on how to approach such ethical problems.
Can we really derive the insight and guidance we need from
the Talmud and other such sources? Examining traditional
texts (in English), we will explore the wisdom they offer for
today’s thorny ethical dilemmas.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
The Kabbalah Of Love
Mountainside Pavillion
Shlomo Gelbtuch
Come learn a mystical approach to understanding love and
relationships, using teachings of the Kabbalah.
3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Swimming - Coed
Come take a dip in the heated, zero entry swimming pool!
4:35 PM - 4:55 PM
Mechitza Mincha
Spiritual Center
4:35 PM - 4:55 PM
Egalitarian Mincha
LimmudFest 2011
5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
The Comic Torah: Midrash from the
Comic Book to the Kitchen
Aaron Freeman & Sharon Rosenzweig
The Comic Torah is a decidedly unconventional retelling of the
Five Books of Moses. Two-page spreads, each devoted to a
weekly portion, feature unique imaginings of the Biblical
characters: Moses and Aaron are dark-skinned and God is
not only green, She’s a woman! Except for the jokes, the
stories are basically true to the text and are told with humor,
irreverent reverence, contemporary cultural references, and a
poignant refusal to either ignore or condone the blood-thirsty
excesses of the Old Testament God. This colorful presentation
includes slides, comedy, and lively discussion. Not for the faint
of heart, this is Torah and midrash like you’ve never seen it.
5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
Jam & Juice Party
Fresh Jewish music and party brought to
you by AJMF and AJGS.
Lakeside Dining
Russell Gottschalk
The Director of the Atlanta Jewish Music Festival will play
fresh Jewish music for you while drinks and snacks are
served compliments of Atlanta Jewish Gene Screen.
5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
The New National Museum of American
Jewish History: The Inside Story
Spiritual Center
Michael Rosenzweig
This session will describe the new National Museum of
American Jewish History, the only museum dedicated
exclusively to telling the story of the American Jewish
experience, from 1654 to the present.
5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
From Naches To Nanny:
The Jewish Family and Institution In Transition
Rela Mintz Geffen
Today nothing about the family can be taken for granted.
The nuclear family, the bedrock institution that socialized its
members into citizenship in the Jewish community may not be
up to the task. Judaism may inhere more in individuals than
in the groups of which they are a part. So, what do our families
look like today? What major problems do they face? In the
current role reversal, can the community socialize the
family and its members into strong connections with
Judaism and Jewish institutional life?
5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
Where is Jewish Philanthropy Headed?
New Expectations: For Profit,
Social Enterprises, vs. Donor Funded
Lakeside Pavillion
Jennifer Rivlin Roberts (Mod.), Lynn Epstein, Josh Lesser,
Eileen Price, Sid Schwartz
There is a lot of talk, secular and Jewish, about social
enterprises that blend social change with revenue generating
business models. The recently-closed JDub Records seemed
to fit that model with 50% of its budget covered by program
revenues. In the last three years, many for-profit new Jewish
media has lost its funding (Heeb Magazine,, Jewish Living Magazine). Concurrently, we had the birth of other new Jewish
media, such as Tablet and My Jewish Learning, which are nearly
100% donor supported. Amidst these mixed
messages, what kind of expectations should we be setting
for Jewish start-ups, new Jewish media and otherwise?
5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
Total War: Should We ‘Wipe Out’ Amalek?
Mountainside Pavillion
Clive Lawton
In the upcoming section of the Torah, we’re commanded to wipe
out a whole people without pity - or are we? What might ‘Amalek’
mean to us, and why might we need to keep him around. We’ll consider evil and memory and whether or not any of it is our business.
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Grab a paddle boat or canoe and drift along the beautiful
Camp Ramah lake!
6:30 PM-7:30 PM
Main Dining
7:30 PM - 10:25 PM
To the Music Tent, O Israel!
For a Communal SHIR JAM-UP Series
Lakeside Dining
Valerie Wolpe, Ariel Wolpe, SunMoon Pie,
Other Musicians
We kick-off the night with the sweet and soul-stickin’ sounds of
our kids, followed by a line-up of featured artists taking us on a
participatory musical journey through folk, pop, soul, rap, chant and
some al-chet blues to open our hearts for the Hi-Ho days ahead.
7:30 PM - 8:15 PM
Apocalypse 2012: Israel & the Fall-Out
of End-Time Scenarios
Spiritual Center
Michael Cook
Why the fascination with the world’s end by Christian, Muslim,
Jewish, Mayan, other cultures? Is there a tie-in with creationism?
What are the political ramifications for Israel of Evangelical
doctrines of Rapture, Antichrist, “666,” Tribulation, Gog & Magog?
What fallacy undermines the book of Revelation? Are we aware of
living through if not the end then at least a cross-road of history?
7:30 PM - 8:40 PM
Being “Second Generation”
Experience of Family in the Holocaust From the
Perspective of the Son of Survivors
Stan Lefco
Stan will share the experiences of his family in the Holocaust
and his reflections about growing up in a family with survivors.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
When A House Falls on You on Shabbat
7:30 PM - 8:15 PM
PJ Library Pajama Party
Lakeside Family Cabin #21B
Amanda Marks
A great way for families with young kids to wrap up the night.
Stop by the PJ Library Pajama Party and boogie with your
bubbelahs, then settle everyone down with a few bedtimes
story that are a part of the PJ Library. We’ll also let parents
and grandparents know how they can get the kids in their lives
to be a part of PJ Library. Don’t forget to wear those PJs and
bring a pillow!
8:45 PM - 9:05 PM
Mechitza Maariv
Spiritual Center
8:45 PM - 9:05 PM
Egalitarian Maariv
9:10 PM - 10:25 PM
Jews in Berlin: What Are They Doing There?
Renee Rosenheck & Shalom Steinberg
Jews in Germany had a great influence on German culture
and society before being victimized by Hitler’s regime.
Today, Germany has the fastest growing Jewish community in
Europe and the German government sponsors trips for Jewish
Americans to explore Berlin and develop a positive image of
Germany. This session will delve into the highlights of our trip,
Berlin’s Jewish community, its triumphs and challenges, and
why Jews are flocking to a city where they were condemned
only 70 years ago.
9:10 PM - 12:00 AM
Pub Mishpachah
Cafe Limmud Porch
Fill your kop. A variety of drinks will be available for your
imbibing pleasure.
LimmudFest 2011
A Compelling One-Woman-Show of Palestinian and
Israeli Women’s Stories (For Adults and Ages 12+)
Spiritual Center
Noa Baum
Storyteller Noa Baum, an Israeli who began a heartfelt
dialogue with a Palestinian woman while living in the
United States, weaves together their memories and
their mothers’ stories. She creates a moving testimony
illuminating the complex and contradictory history and
emotions that surround Jerusalem for Israelis and
Palestinians alike.
9:10 PM - 10:25 PM
Let Us Thank God Whose Food We
Have Eaten: A Tell-Me-Text Session for
Jewish Foodies
Nina Rubin, Anna Hartman, Elisheva Ingber,
Joel Silverman
Food obsessed Limmudniks gather to teach and share texts
that make them want to cook, eat, grow things and be better
stewards of the earth’s bounty.
10:40 PM - 11:55 PM
Shalom Y’all: Film Screening With an
Introduction by the Director Parshat Shoftim
LimmudFest 2011
Multi-Purpose Room
Susan Levitas
Shalom Y’all is a documentary feature film about the Jewish
experience in the American South as told through the eyes
of a native son and the cultural cousins he encounters.
At the center of the story is filmmaker, Brian Bain, a third
generation southern Jew from New Orleans, in search of his
cultural roots. Traveling in an old Cadillac like the kind his
one-hundred-year-old grandfather drove as a hat and tie
salesman on the same roads, Brian takes the viewer 4200
miles through Delta flatlands, coastal low country, mountain
passes, small towns, suburban subdivisions and sprawling
sunbelt metropolises to discover a vibrant regional culture
that blends the Old World with the New South.
10:40 PM - 11:55 PM
One for the Road: Is Our Single Malt Kosher?
Paul Flexner
A recent kerfuffel about whisky raises all kinds of questions
about our favorite Kiddush drink. Some authorities are sticking their necks into the fray and confusing the matter.
How can this be? After all we love our shots wherever and
whenever... So, come along, bring some single malt (the
older the better) and we’ll taste and learn and tashte adn
wile awey teh nyte - oh, you’ll get the drift so come along
and enjoy some good friends.
10:40 PM - 11:55 PM
Wrestling with Israel:
What Does It Mean to Be Pro-Israel?
Spiritual Center
Michael Rabkin (Mod.), Dotan Harpak, Ken Stein,
Richard Friedman, Noa Baum
There are those who feel that we, as Jews, should support
Israelpublicly at all times, even when we might personally
disagree with a decision or policy of its government. However, there are others who think it’s appropriate -- and their
duty as Jews and supporters of Israel– to publicly criticize the
Jewish state when they are uncomfortablewith Israel’s actions and policies. Unfortunately, the rift between these two
groups is growing. How can we, as Jewish educators and
leaders, elevate the level of discourse in the Jewish community when discussing Israel, create unity without unanimity,
and what is at risk if we fail to do so?
10:40 PM - 11:55 PM
Onili Live! Show and Party
Onili Live is a powerful Electro-Pop show. She’ll make you
dance and groove.
MON 8:30-9:30AM
MON 9:30-10:45AM
MON 12:30-1:30PM
The Ideal Jewish Peacemaker,
From Text to Today
Main Dining
MON 11:00-12:15PM
9:10 PM - 10:40 PM
A Land Twice Promised
(Drew & Kelly Cohen )
Move Over Willy Wonka,
the Jews Were Here First!
(Tina Wasserman)
Peer Consultation
Lakeside Dining
Relationship Fundraising
(Shawn Landres & Eileen Price)
(Richard Friedman)
Praying For & Preying On the Jews
God, Prayer and Ritual
for the Jewish Skeptic
Cafe Limmud Porch
Spiritual Center
8 - 8:45 Mechitza Minyan
8 - 8:45 Egalitarian Minyan
(Michael Cook)
Jewish Peoplehood in the
Year 70 and Today
(Alieza Salzberg)
Multi-Purpose Room
(Sid Schwarz )
Maximizing Independence
Returning to Verbovets:
A Ukraine Odyssey
(Murray Friedman)
What Makes an Event Limmud?
(Limmud International)
Passing It On:
How to Make Judaism Valuable &
Sustainabl For Your Kids
(Francesca Malenky)
12:00 AM
Midnight Movie
A selection of DVDs are in the Lounge for your viewing
pleasure. First come gets to pick the movie. Enjoy!
LimmudFest 2011
Spiritual Center
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
Egalitarian Minyan
Main Dining
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Move Over Willy Wonka, the Jews
Were Here First! The History of Jews
and the Chocolate Industry
Lakeside Dining
Tina Wasserman
Come learn about the origins of cocoa processing and the
involvement the Portuguese Jews had in developing and
refining European chocolate consumption. Plus, you will get
a chance to make and eat four different chocolate treats!
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Wisdom in the Room:
A Peer Consultation Clinic
Got a Strategic Question Keeping You Up at Night?
Do You Like to Give Free Advice?
Lakeside Dining
Eileen Snow Price & Shawn Landres
Organizational group therapy! Get an inside glimpse at
the opportunities and challenges facing today’s organizations. Crowdsource your challenges and opportunities. This
facilitated peer consultation clinic is a unique opportunity
to share a question or challenge and gain insight and ideas
from a focus group of expert advisors. Put yourself in the
hotseat or bring your suggestions and solutions to the table.
No experience necessary - just a willingness to listen!
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Praying FOR & Preying ON the Jews:
New Options for Responding to Missionaries
Spiritual Center
Michael Cook
When Jewish families lose a member to Christian
proselytizing, the experience is heartwrenching. How
has unawareness by most Jews about these operatives
(Southern Baptists, Jews-for-Jesus, Messianic Jews)
actually facilitated missionary encroachment? Why do
traditional approaches fail? So how DO we neutralize
those targeting our youngsters and exploiting Jews
who’ve intermarried?
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Jewish Peoplehood in the Year 70 and Today:
Between Diaspora and Homeland
Alieza Salzberg
Once upon a time the Jews lived in Israel with a King,
a Temple, and a capital city. Then after destruction,
dispersion and years of Diaspora-the Jews became
a global, wandering people. Today we find ourselves
spread throughout the world, but once more in possession
of country, government, army, and capital city. In this text
study, we will sample Rabbinic sources and early Zionist
thought in search of models for Jewish Peoplehood,
toward a healthy relationship between Israeli and
American Jewry today.
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Returning to Verbovets: A Ukraine Odyssey
Multi-Purpose Room
Murray Friedman
In 2010, Murray Friedman, his three brothers, assorted
wives and grown children, traveled to Ukraine looking for
their grandmother’s shtetl--Verbovets. During their
successful quest, they found “lost” relatives along the way!
Their journey took them to other landmarks as well, such as
the gravesites of the Ba’al Shem Tov, Rebbe Levi Yitzchak of
Berditchev and Rebbe Nachman of Bratslav. Learn how it
happened. Share their adventure and excitement from
planning to accomplishment.
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Passing It On: Making Judaism
Valuable and Sustainable for Our Kids
Mountainside Pavillion
Francesca Malenky
This session explores how to make Judaism valuable for
children and how to avoid the “Bar Mitzvah” phenomenon
where after their bar mitzvah, kids and their families stop
attending synagogue. We will also explore why we want
Judaism to be important for our kids and what strategies
we can incorporate into everyday life in order to accomplish
that. This will be a discussion-based session.
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Relationship Fundraising:
Donors, Friendship & Funding
Building Authentic Friendships that Lead to Enhanced
Financial Support for Your Organization
Lakeside Dining
Richard Friedman
This session will review six easy steps about what it takes
to build lasting friendships with donors, so that support for
your organization is as much a part of ordinary conversation
as friends, kids, movies and sports! Professional fundraisers
and agency heads will especially benefit from this session and
come away with a deeper understanding of what goes into
successful fundraising.
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
The Rodef Shalom: The Ideal Jewish
Peacemaker - From Text to Today
Drew Cohen & Kelly Cohen
Do you like trying to resolve conflicts, or at least instigating
them? In this session, we will explore the ideal Jewish model
of the peacemaker, known as the rodef shalom. This will be
done through the study of classic rabbinic texts describing the
rodef shalom, and comparing them to contemporary conflict
resolution models, as well as parallel religious models found in
Christian and Islamic texts. We will also discuss who we think
may be ideal rodef shalom today.
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Maximizing Independence - Artists Self
Management & Career Development
Using new media and high-tech devices. Some tricks and
ideas to make your career management easy. Plan in advance,
and think LARGE. Musicians - this is tailor made for you.
Video artist and other artists are perfect participants as
well. Managers and curious fellows welcome! Onili teaches
a responsible and creative philosophy, filled with practical
advice. With her experience in Music/ video/high-tech and self
management, Onili gives a quick tour of all things possible in
today’s music/new media business. 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
God, Prayer and Ritual for the Jewish Skeptic
Spiritual Center
Sid Schwarz
This workshop helps Jews access some of the treasured
concepts and practices of Judaism without assuming a
conventional belief in God. The workshop speaks to Jews
regardless of denominational affiliation and has particular
appeal to Jews who have been distant from all forms of
Jewish practice.
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
G-d Project Interviews
Cafe Limmud Porch
Patrick Aleph
Patrick will be on the porch available to interview YOU about
your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about G-d. Learn about
the G-d Project in his session on Saturday from 7:30-8:40 PM
in the Library.
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Main Dining Hall
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
What Makes an Event Limmud?
Mountainside Pavillion
Limmud International
Limmud International Training on Tour programme
participants only.
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
Mechitza Minyan
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
LimmudFest 2011
LimmudFest 2011
LimmudFest 2011
Ginny Adams
[email protected]
Ginny Adams, originally from Charleston, WV, completed her M.A.
in College Student Development 2008 and she decided to become
“more intentionally Jewish” by taking a job with Hillel in Atlanta.
She is a knitter, reader, writer, teacher, constant student of life, and
dog owner. In the fall of 2010, she started her intimate journey with
grief after losing her father, grandmother, mother and brother within
seven months. Judaism, her chevre, and telling her story are all part
of her recovery.
LimmudFest 2011
GA. Mike regularly attends Israeli dance workshops and camps.
He has participated in dance sessions in more than twenty-five
American cities and four countries. Currently, Mike
is focusing on Israeli partner dancing and is in the process of
creating Israeli dance sessions in Atlanta
Drew Cohen
Patrick Aleph
Drew Cohen teaches Judaic Studies and music at The Weber
School. He is a graduate of the Pardes Educators Program, with
an MA in Jewish Education from Hebrew College. Before moving
to Atlanta this past summer, Drew spent the past four years living
in Jerusalem.
Kelly Cohen
[email protected]
Patrick Aleph is the executive director and founder of PunkTorah, a
non-profit dedicated to promoting independent Jewish spirituality.
He is a noted speaker, writer, community organizer and is currently
filming a documentary titled “The G-d Project” which explores Jewish
belief (and disbelief) in G-d. In addition, Patrick is an artist on JDub
Records, performing in the rock band Can!!Can and Electronica Duo
Ice Bats.
Noa Baum
[email protected]
Award-winning Israeli storyteller and educator focusing on the power
of narrative to heal across divides of identity. Noa was an actress
with the Khan Theater, trained in theater at Tel Aviv U, with an MA in
Theater In Education from NYU. She performs and teaches internationally; highlights include: The World Bank; Mayo Clinic; US. Defense
Department; Jerusalem Hebrew University; Jewish Theological Seminary, NYC; GWU Law School, DC; Brandies and Stanford Universities
and The Kennedy Center.
Uri Berkowitz
Uri has been a Limmud volunticipant in the UK for over ten years,
learning about programming, signage, team work, Shabbat, community, timetabling and the powers of caffeine. Uri has been a Limmud
trainer for several years in a variety of countries, helping him to
identify the similarities and differences faced by groups and how the
Limmud model accounts for that. He is currently Co-Chair of Limmud
International, overseeing New Group Development, Communications
and Limmud Community Networking.
Marian Broida
[email protected]
Marian Broida is the author of two award-winning children’s books
on ancient Israel and the ancient Near East, and 10 other activity
books for kids. Currently a grad student studying Hebrew Bible at
Emory University, she loves introducing kids and adults to the wonders of ancient Israel through story-telling and hands-on activities.
Mike Century
[email protected]
Mike Century has been involved in Israeli dance for more than twenty
years. He has led Israeli dance sessions in Boise, ID and Atlanta,
[email protected]
Kelly Cohen teaches 3rd-5th grade Judaic Studies at The Davis
Academy in Atlanta, GA. She is a recent graduate of the Pardes
Educators Program and has a Masters Degree in Jewish Education from Hebrew College and a BA in Near Eastern and Judaic
Studies from Brandeis University. Before moving to Atlanta this
past summer, Kelly and her husband Drew spent the past four
years living in Jerusalem. Kelly is also a certified Yoga and Jewish
Spirituality teacher.
Director of Community Outreach for Atlanta Area Psychological Associates P.C. Suzette has a BS degree in Urban Affairs and an MA
degree in Judaic Studies/Jewish Education. and MGA Coupe around Atlanta and the surrounding countryside.
His interest in spirits was kindled as a child in Oklahoma and grew
as part of Kiddush Clubs in Synagogues.
Michael Cook
Aaron Freeman
Hebrew Union College
The Comic Torah
[email protected]
Michael Cook is the sole American rabbi with a full-professorial
Chair in New Testament, and serves on the faculty at Hebrew Union
College. He contends that only understandings of how Gospel texts
arose can resolve today’s tensions among Christians and Jews.
His ‘Modern Jews Engage the New Testament – Enhancing Jewish
Well-Being in a Christian Environment’ (Jewish Lights) is accessible
to novices, scholars and clergy. Innovative teaching-aids make it an
invaluable resource for educators.
Randy Crohn
Mitch Cohen
Randy Crohn is has been an Atlantan since 1990 with the exception of mid-1997 to 2010 when he lived in Israel. He has been active
in lobbying for Israel in Washington D.C. for organizations such as
AIPAC, American Jewish Committee, and United Jewish Communities.
Randy has both Israeli and US citizenships and still serves as Treasurer of the ARDC in Israel (African Refugee Development Center). He
is an entrepreneur and is fluent in four languages.
The Israel Encounter
Karen Davis
[email protected]
An adult Jewish educator, Mitch completed the URJ para-rabbinic
fellows program and the Outreach Fellows Certification program
in 2003. He is the lay service leader for Shalom B’Harim, an unaffiliated congregation in Dahlonega, GA. Mitch earned his Master
of Arts degree in Judaic Studies and Education from Siegal College
in May 2008 and is Assistant Director of “The Israel Encounter,”
a non-profit organization that leads trips to Israel for interfaith
couples raising Jewish children.
Seth Cohen
Seth is a member of the senior leadership team of the Charles and
Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, leading the Foundation’s
global efforts to identify, connect and support networks of young
Jewish adults in order to help them create Jewish experiences and
communities. Prior to joining the Foundation, Seth was a corporate attorney and partner at the international law firm of Holland
& Knight LLP. Seth currently serves as President of Jewish Family
& Career Services in Atlanta, is a member of the advisory board of
Joshua Venture Group and part of the volunteer leadership of the
Jewish Agency for Israel.
Suzette Cohen
[email protected]
The Jewish Encounter
Suzette Cohen has been a religious and Hebrew school teacher
for many years. She facilitated the The Mothers’ Circle, a program
that offers education and support to non-Jewish women raising
Jewish children and co-led three interfaith trips to Israel. Suzette
is also involved in the field of mental health and serves as the
[email protected]
For the past 17 years, Karen has been director of the Palm Beach
Jewish Film Festival, the oldest in the South. Now, she’s an independent film programmer/festival consultant with clients including the
Palm Beach International Film Fest and the Philadelphia Jewish Film
Festival. An English lit major, she’s been a copy editor, a journalist,
an instructor, and the published author of 3 books so I can safely say
“Jews used to be people of the Book but now we’re people of the Big
Screen too!”
Lynn Epstien
[email protected]
Lynn Epstein is a communications evangelist with a focus on strategy and the bottom-line. She has held senior marketing positions
with ADC Telecommunications, Tektronix, Rosen/Brown Direct and
began her career as a financial analyst for Intel. Lynn is passionate
about creating opportunities for Jewish expression, exploration and
lifelong learning. Most recently she chaired Overseas Allocations for
JFGA and helped found Congregation Or Hadash where she served
as Treasurer and President. Currently she serves on the strategic
planning committee and co-chairs the marketing committee for the
Paul Flexner
[email protected]
Paul A. Flexner is an assistant professor of education at Georgia
State University. He is the co-editor of What We NOW Know about
Jewish Education which received a National Jewish Book Award
in 2009. In his spare time, Paul serves on the Board of Limmud
Atlanta+Southeast and Myriam’s Dream and drives his MG Midget
Aaron Freeman and Sharon Rosenzweig co-created The Comic Torah - The VERY Good Book Re-imagined. Aaron is an internationally renowned standup comic, a master teacher with The Second
City Improv Theater and award-wining television producer. Sharon
taught painting and printmaking for a decade at the Art Institute of
Chicago. In addition to The Comic Torah her Challah art continues to
inspire Jewish bakers around the world.
Murray Friedman
[email protected]
Retired from the corporate world, Murray Friedman enjoys being an
active community volunteer. One of his current projects is working with Limmud and Ramah Darom on expanding their partnership. Having served as President of Ramah Darom, he continues
as an active advisor to the Board. In addition, he is an advisor to
the board of The Weber School, a Museum Educator at the Breman
Jewish Heritage Museum and a reader for the Georgia Radio Reading service for the visually impaired.
Richard Friedman
[email protected]
Birmingham Jewish Federation
Richard Friedman has been Executive Director of the Birmingham
Jewish Federation for 30 years. During this time, the Federation
has received national awards and continued recognition for its innovative fundraising, programming and communications strategies. Richard previously was a reporter and metro editor at the
Birmingham News and taught journalism at Birmingham-Southern
College. He has a BA in English from American University and a MA
in journalism from the University of Maryland.
Rela Mintz Geffen
[email protected]
Rela Mintz Geffen, Professor Emerita of Sociology, was president of
Baltimore Hebrew University after serving as Professor of Sociology
and Dean for Academic Affairs at Gratz College. She was a senior
fellow at the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard,
a Skirball Fellow at The Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Jewish
Studies, and the editor of the journal Contemporary Jewry. Rela has
co-edited three books and co-authored The Conservative Movement in Judaism. A graduate of Columbia University and the Jewish
Theological Seminary (BRE), she holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the
University of Florida. Currently, she is at work on a study of Jewish
American Grandparenting and isan Adjunct Fellow at Penn’s Katz
Center for Judaic Studies.
LimmudFest 2011
Shlomo Gelbtuch
[email protected]
Atlanta Scholars Kollel
Shlomo Gelbtuch, hails from New York and is affiliated with the Atlanta Scholars Kollel. He Runs programs on campuses across
the state of Georgia including University of Georgia, Georgia Tech,
Georgia State He is the director of the Maimonides Leaders
Fellowship program at University of Georgia and at Georgia Tech.
Steven Gold
[email protected]
Yoga and Judaism Center
Steven J. Gold, BA, JD, is the founder of the Yoga and Judaism
Center in Atlanta. He has been a student, practitioner and
teacher of spiritual self-realization and its related philosophy
and psychology for forty years, including yoga, Vedanta, kabala
and eastern and western mysticism. He is the author of Yoga and
Judaism; IVRI, The Essence of Hebrew Spirituality; Torah Portion Summaries, With Insights from the Perspective of a Jewish Yogi; and the
recently published Basic Spiritual Principles.
Russell Gottschalk
[email protected]
AJMF (Atlanta Jewish Music Festival)
Russell Gottschalk is a native of Atlanta and an Emory alum.
He works as a free-lance audio and video producer throughout the
Southeast and recently founded the South’s first annual celebration
of fresh Jewish music (the Atlanta Jewish Music Festival or AJMF). As
a young Jewish professional in Atlanta, he hopes AJMF will
engage and unify our community, providing opportunities for
musicians and audiences to deepen their connection to Jewish music,
culture and to each other.
Janie Grackin
[email protected]
Janie Grackin uses the art of storytelling to inspire and educate,
including “Being Torah Alive!”, a cutting edge approach to teaching
Torah. She was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame for
her commitment to AIDS education, and she was awarded the Solomon Schechter Gold Award for Family Education 2005. Janie has also
served as the co-chair of the CAJE and NewCAJE Jewish Storytelling
Adam Griff
[email protected]
Adamah Adventures
From Cleveland to Denver, Boulder to Atlanta, Adam has worked
to engage and inspire Jewish teens across the county. In 2008,
he and his wife founded Adamah Adventures, an outdoor adventure
summer program for Jewish teens. Whether it’s climbing a peak or
LimmudFest 2011
paddling a river, Adam loves helping people connect to
the incredible world we live in.
a fellow Limmud volunticipant, and has two children, Josiah and
Karen Grinzaid
Elisheva Ingber
[email protected]
Atlanta Jewish Gene Screen
Karen Grinzaid is genetics counselor for the Atlanta Jewish Gene
Screen and program director for Emory’s Jewish Genetic Disease
Program. She oversees counseling services for private clients,
coordinates community screenings and speaks at educational
events. She is also a clinical/research coordinator at Emory
Genetics. Education: BA in Psychology from Northwestern
University, MS in Human Genetics from Sarah Lawrence
College. She is Certified in Genetic Counseling and Clinical
Research Coordination.
Dotan Harpak
[email protected]
For over a decade Dotan Zebrowitz Harpak has worked as an
educator both in Israel and in the US, with a focus on IsraeliAmerican Jewish relations. Since his release from the IDF, he’s
been highly involved in a variety of Israeli political and social
issues. Currently, Dotan is the Education Director at Congregation
Bet Haverim in Atlanta and is a grad student in the Dept. of
Politics and Government at Ben-Gurion University, focusing his
MA research on the Jewish-American political discourse on Israel.
Robin Harpak
[email protected]
Robin is currently the Development and Alumni Relations Program
Coordinator for the Laney Graduate School at Emory University
and Outreach Coordinator for the Atlanta Jewish Gene Screen.
She also teaches conversational Hebrew through Birthright
Israel NEXT, Atlanta. Robin has a strong background in volunteer
management and extensive experience in the non-profit sector.
At Brandeis, she studied both Hebrew Language and Literature
and Near Eastern and Judaic Studies. Her MA in Middle Eastern
Studies is from Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Robin serves
on the board of the URJ Henry S. Jacobs Summer Camp, the adult
committee for Amy’s Holiday Party and the leadership committee
for Open Jewish Project.
Jordana Heyman
Jordana “Joey” Heyman moved to Atlanta last year to teach at
the Greenfield Hebrew Academy and Weber School. She spent the
prior two years living in Jerusalem and studying at the Pardes
Institute for Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, after earning a Masters
in Experiential Education from the American Jewish University
in Los Angeles. Joey is deeply committed to all things Jewish
and Education. In her spare time, she admits to liking television...
a LOT.
Anna Hartman
Director of Early Childhood Education at Greenfield Hebrew
Academy. She has been a Tell-Me-Text junkie since she first
saw this format at Limmud UK in 2008. Anna is married to Noah,
[email protected]
Elisheva Ingber, a native New Yorker, has spent most of her adult life
living in Jerusalem, married to Karmi and raising their seven children.
After graduating from SUNY Albany she embarked on a life-changing
adventure that included studies at both EYAHT and Neve women’s
yeshivas in Jerusalem. For six years, she was the director of the Ner
Le Elef women’s leadership training program, has been teaching
marital preparation courses for women for
13 years, and is now the Rebbitzen of The Kehilla.
Residence with the Institute of Southern Jewish Life. She is also
a much-beloved music, drama and dance specialist in the Atlanta
Jewish schools. She offers a variety of workshops in music,
movement, healing and community building for all ages.
Marcia Kramer Friedman
Marcia Kramer Friedman, delighted to be at her second
LimmudFest, is a proud mother and grandmother who has
been teaching Music and Hebrew in the public and private
sector for 45 years. She is currently tutoring, cantoring and
organizing Torah Study and Hebrew conversation groups
Shawn Landres
Karmi Ingber
[email protected]
@jmpstrt @shawnlandres
Limmud International
Shawn Landres co-founded Jumpstart (,
a research and development lab for the Jewish future that
The Jerusalem Post says has “changed the global conversation
about Jewish innovation.” Widely published in many languages,
Shawn is a popular teacher and lecturer (four continents
and counting) in both academic and community settings. The
Forward has cited him as “an essential thinker in explaining the
new Jewish spirituality and culture.” He and his family live in
Santa Monica, CA.
[email protected]
Karmi Ingber is a renowned eclectic rabbinic figure & popular keynote
speaker. His lectures are inspiring experiences: merging humor,
stories & drama with deep life lessons. In Israel he trained over
300 rabbis to be community leaders worldwide. Karmi is also an
experienced therapist and professional musician with two CDs and is
now completing his first book on Kabalistic thought. He founded the
Montreal Jewish Experience and moved to Atlanta two years ago to
build The Kehilla & Young Kehilla.
[email protected]
Limmud International nurtures the growth and development of
Limmud groups across the globe, providing training, mentoring,
support and advice. Limmud is now in 60 communities worldwide,
in over 20 countries including in the UK where Limmud started over
30 years ago, across 5 continents. We are thrilled that the Limmud
International regional Training on Tour programme is joining
LimmudFest this year and thank Limmud Atlanta+Southeast for its
warm welcome to Limmudniks across the Americas taking part.
Steffi Karp
After attending the first Limmud Atlanta+Southeast conference and
then Limmud UK in 2008, Steffi Aronson Karp founded
LimmudBoston (, which attracts
participants from throughout the six New England states.
In the 1990s, she created Tree of Life Book Club, a program designed
to encourage Jewish literacy. A graduate of the Elat Chayyim Davennen Leadership Training Institute, Steffi’s passion is to create
opportunities for Jewish lifelong learning that combine community
building and tikkun olam. In her non-existent free time, Steffi is an
avid quilter.
Helene Kates
[email protected]
Zuzana Riemer Landres
Zuzana most recently served as a development and programming
consultant for the friends of the Vilnius Yiddish Institute. Born and
raised in Kosice, Czechoslovakia, following the 1989 Velvet Revolution, she helped found the Czechoslovak Union of Jewish Youth. A
3rd generation member of the Czechoslovak branch of Hashomer
Hatzair, Zuzana has participated in a wide variety of leadership
training programs through the Sochnut and the European Union
of Jewish Students. She earned an MBA in nonprofit management from the University of Judiasm, where she co-founded the
International Students Association. Zuzana was a 2006 Jeremiah
Fellow with the Progressive Jewish Alliance and served on the
Leadership Council of IKAR. Zuzana lives in Santa Monica, CA with
her husband and two young daughters.
Clive Lawton
[email protected]
Clive is a co-founder of Limmud and now its Senior Consultant. He
is also scholar in residence at the London Jewish Cultural Centre,
a governor of London’s Police force, a magistrate and writes and
broadcasts extensively. His freelance consultancy work in diversity work and leadership, organizational and team development
takes him all around the UK and the world.
Baal Shem Tones
Helene Kates is best known as a singer and songwriter with
the Baal Shem Tones. This year they are touring Artists in
LimmudFest 2011
Stan Lefco
[email protected]
Stan, the son of Holocaust survivors, serves as the Vice Chair for
the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust. He has extensive volunteer experience (not limited to) being a past president of JVS,
past president of the GA State B’nai B’rith, past president of the
Sandy Springs Bar Association, past president of the Gate City
Lodge, B’nai B’rith;, and past board member of Greenfield Hebrew
Academy. He has also served as a Bremen Museum speaker.
Joshua Lesser
returned home to his hometown of Atlanta to serve as the spiritual leader of Congregation Bet Haverim. Committed to inclusion,
Josh spent many years working with children and adults with
disabilities including helping found Camp Big Heart. He edited
Torah Queeries, the first LGBT weekly Torah commentary. A
member of the first Teach For America Corps in New Orleans is
where his education on race in America really began.
Susan Levitas
Susan Levitas produced the documentary Shalom Y’all about
a young man’s journey to discover his cultural roots in the
Southern Jewish experience. She produced and directed the Cine
Golden Eagle Award-winning film The Music District, a documentary about African-American musical traditions in Washington,
D.C. As a folklorist, she has documented cultural traditions for
the Smithsonian Institution, the Library of Congress, and state
arts agencies.
Yossi Lew
[email protected]
Yossi Lew has been the associate Rabbi of Chabad of Georgia for
the last 18 years. He also lectures around the world on a host
of topics, including Jewish law, Jewish mysticism, and Jewish
continuity. Yossi Lew writes the highly acclaimed and popular
“Good Shabbos Email.” He is about to publish a book about the
relevance of the Holocaust in today’s world, after visiting Poland
several times as part of the “March of the Living.”
David Lubel
David Lubell is currently Executive Director and founder of
Welcoming America, a national, grassroots-driven collaborative working to create a welcoming atmosphere for immigrants
in communities across the country. David is former Executive
Director and founder of the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee
Rights Coalition (TIRRC). TIRRC was named “Advocacy Affiliate of
the Year” in 2008 by the National Council of La Raza (NCLR). He
received a Masters in Public Administration from the Harvard
Kennedy School of Government, where he was a Reynolds Social
Entrepreneurship Fellow. He has a B.A. in history from Wesleyan
University in Middletown, Connecticut. He is a recipient of the
Cornerstone Social Justice award from Jewish Funds for Social
LimmudFest 2011
Francesca Malenky
[email protected]
Francesca Malenky is a college student at Georgia Tech majoring in Business Administration and minoring in developmental
psychology. She loves working with kids and their parents in
order to strengthen the Jewish Community. Her favorite holiday
is Shabbat and she is really looking forward to spending it with
all of you!
[email protected]
The Israeli Lady of Electro-Pop “with gritty, infectious electro
beats meshed with high-energy pop vocals, Onili is set to storm
the stages of SXSW” -- Spinner
[email protected]
Eli Mansbach is a sophomore at Grady High School. He has attended Limmud in the UK, is a big fan of Camp Ramah and an
ace No Limit Texas Dreidel player.
Born in Israel, raised in Paris, and living again on the idyllic coast
of Haifa, Onili is a cutting edge multimedia artist. As a singersongwriter, performer, video artist and founder of ONILI the
label/brand/hi-tech start-up, her talent is both avant-garde
yet accessible with more than a touch of fun felt throughout her
Ross Mansbach
Sandy Perlstein
Eli Mansbach
[email protected]
Ross Mansbach is Chief Counsel for Healthcare at KimberlyClark Corporation by day. In his spare time he can be found in the
backyard of his Morningside home tending his flock of chickens,
ducks and his beehives. He aspires to add more critters to his
urban farm and is open to suggestions of what would be appropriate (and legal) in the city of Atlanta.
Amanda Marks
[email protected]
Amanda Goldstein Marks, a nice Jewish girl born in Alabama,
is not your typical anything. She is Beastie Boy obsessed and
dreams of shouting “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night”.
Marks’ professional experiences include working with brands
such as Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Heeb Magazine and
Stephen Marks
[email protected]
Stephen has been an avid cyclist for over 20 years and truly
enjoys sharing the experience with as many people as possible.
He’s ridden the Rockies in Colorado and the Alps in France but
there are many challenging rides right here in Georgia. Come join
Stephen for an intermediate level bike ride through the beautiful
Georgia mountains on Sunday morning!
Jennifer Newfeld
[email protected]
Jennifer Newfeld is the Director of Congregational Learning at
B’nai Amoona in St Louis and is a doctoral student in Jewish
Educational Leadership at Boston Hebrew College Northeastern University. She has worked in both formal and informal
educational settings for over fifteen years. Currently, Jennifer is
interested in creating family engagement systems though online
learning platforms and exploring the place of identity in Jewish
[email protected]
Sandy Perlstein has served on the Boards of Adat Shalom
Reconstructionist Congregation, YACHAD (A Jewish Housing
Program in Washington D.C) and the JCC of Greater Washington.
She is a nurse serving wounded soldiers returning from Iraq and
Afghanistan at Bethesda Naval Hospital. She is married to Rabbi
Sid Schwarz and has been intimately involved in all of his activities as well as her own.
Amy Price
[email protected]
Amy recently moved to Atlanta and is excited to be settled for a
bit after living abroad. She is a lover of all things nature and
outdoors. Amy has worked in outdoor, environmental, and
farming education and enjoys adding the Jewish piece to
teaching. She enjoys exploring new places, cooking from her
garden, and running in Piedmont Park.
Mara Price
[email protected]
Mara Price is a child and family development major at the
University of Georgia and will be graduating in December.
She is currently the Hillel at UGA President and is very active in
her role there. Her interests include singing, playing guitar, belly
dancing, and outdoor activities! She is so excited to be attending
LimmudFest for the first time this year!
Edward Queen
[email protected]
Edward Queen directs the Program in Ethics and Servant
Leadership at Emory University’s Center for Ethics. He also
co-directs the University’s Initiative on Religion, Conflict, and
Peacebuilding and at the Institute of Human Rights. His work
focuses on interfaith relations historically and the interaction
between religion and culture.
Sarah Queen
the Environmental Club, and the National Honors Society. This is
Sarah’s third LimmudFest and she has volunteered at multiple
Tastes of Limmud. Sarah’s goal for future Limmuds is to get
more teenagers from the community involved, as well as
organizing programs for high school students.
Michael Rabkin
[email protected]
Michael earned his B.A. at the University of Colorado at Boulder,
where he first got turned onto Hillel and the joy of building Jewish
community on campus. Michael went to New York University to
earn a Masters in Public Administration with an emphasis on
nonprofit management and coursework in Jewish studies. He was
a member of a Brandeis University research team that published
The Jewish Sector’s Workforce: Report of a Six-Community Study.
Michael has lived in Colorado, Israel, San Diego, Washington DC,
and New York and now lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his wife and
two children. Michael joined Hillel at Emory as Director in 2005.
He is responsible for the overall vision and strategic direction of
Hillel and working with a team of professional staff and student
leaders to implement that strategy Michael is married to Naomi,
founder of the Jewish Food Alliance and Executive Director of
Limmud Atlanta+Southeast, and has two wonderful daughters.
A musician, Michael enjoys playing guitar and jazz piano.
Jessica Ravitz
[email protected]
Jessica Ravitz is an Atlanta-based writer and producer for She is part of the enterprise team, which means
the bulk of her original reporting involves in-depth storytelling,
narrative writing and investigations. She came to CNN from the
newspaper world, most recently The Salt Lake Tribune, where she
was an award-winning religion writer. A native of Detroit, this
wandering Jew went to college at the University of Pennsylvania
in Philadelphia, lived in New York, did a nearly two-year stint in
Israel, before heading to the Bay Area, Salt Lake and now Atlanta.
She got her master’s degree at the UC Berkeley Graduate School
of Journalism, during which time she was a columnist for j. the
Jewish news weekly of Northern California.
Karen Radkowsky
[email protected]
Limmud NY
Karen Radkowsky, a founder and past president of Limmud NY,
co-chaired its inaugural conference. A member of the Limmud
International Steering Group, she helped create the International
Chavruta Project. Karen has taken part in over 30 Limmuds
across the US and around the globe; she has been an annual participant in the UK’s Limmud conference since 2000. Professionally, Karen is the Chief Research Officer at The Geppetto Group
and head of The Research Consultancy.
[email protected]
Sarah Queen is a high school senior at The Weber School. She is
involved in many of her school’s clubs including Peace by Piece,
LimmudFest 2011
Zuzana Riemer Landres
Zuzana most recently served as a development & programming consultant for the Friends of the Vilnius Yiddish Institute. Born and raised
in Kosice, Czechoslovakia, following the 1989 Velvet Revolution, she
helped found the Czechoslovak Union of Jewish Youth. A 3rd-generation member of the Czechoslovak branch of Hashomer Hatzair, Zuzana
has participated in a wide variety of leadership training programs
through the Sochnut and the European Union of Jewish Students. Zuzana has an MBA in nonprofit management from the University of
Judaism (now the American Jewish University), where she co-founded
the International Students Association. Zuzana was a 2006 Jeremiah
Fellow with the Progressive Jewish Alliance and served on the Leadership Council of IKAR. Zuzana lives in Santa Monica, California, with her
husband and two young daughters.
Jennifer Rivlin Roberts
[email protected]
Jennie Rivlin Roberts is a catalyst for Jewish social entrepreneurship
in Atlanta, championing the “Indie Innovators” and creating dialog
around innovation. A native Atlantan, Jennie founded ModernTribe,
bringing design-forward Judaica and Jewish gifts to new generations
via online stores and new products such as No Limit Texas Dreidel.
Jennie has a Ph.D. in industrial and organizational psychology from
Georgia Tech and has led leadership and strategic marketing initiatives
for Fortune 500 companies.
Renee Rosenheck
[email protected]
Renée Rosenheck is a native Atlantan and first generation southerner
who loves life in The South! Renée has been involved with Limmud
Atlanta+Southeast since its inception. She has participated in Limmudim in NY, Atlanta, Boston, the UK, Germany, and co-chaired LimmudFest for 2 years. Her other hobbies include globetrotting, yoga, and
exploring great restaurants around Atlanta. Renée graduated from
the University of Florida, speaks fluent French and works to recruit
companies to Georgia.
Michael Rosenzweig
[email protected]
National Museum of American Jewish History
Michael is the president and CEO of the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia. Before taking that position he was
a lawyer, having served on the faculty of the University of Michigan
Law School, in private practice in Atlanta and as Senior VP for Corporate Development and General Counsel of Johns Manville in Denver. He
has long been active in the Jewish community and was founding chair
and founding president of The Weber School in Atlanta.
Sharon Rosenzweig
[email protected]
The Comic Torah
After a decade of teaching, painting and printmaking at the School of
the Art Institute of Chicago, Sharon abandoned the title, “fine artist”
LimmudFest 2011
for “comics creator.” Her cartoons have appeared in Harpers
Magazine and The Huffington Post. Sharon and her husband,
Aaron Freeman are co-authors of the controversial re-imagining
of the Hebrew bible, The Comic Torah. Sharon also makes comic
challah each week, themed to the Torah portion, and teaches
creative challah making.
Nina Rubin
[email protected]
Nina Rubin loves to talk about food, think about food and feed
people. She’s a food-memoir junkie and usually has a giant
stack of cookbooks on her nightstand. Nothing makes her
happier than a well set table. Nina’s day job is Director of
Outreach for the Georgia Charter Schools Association.
Alieza Salzberg
[email protected]
Yeshivat Talpiot
Alieza Salzberg teaches Talmud, Midrash and Creative Writing in
Jerusalem. She is founding member of Yeshivat Talpiot, a cutting
edge egalitarian Yeshivah aiming to bring new voices to the
Israeli scene. She holds an M.A. in Creative Writing and is
continuing her graduate studies in Midrash and Aggadah
at Hebrew University. She writes for
and PresenTense Magazine and teaches at Pardes Institute in
Jerusalem. Currently, she is a fellow at Mechon Hartman’s Seder
Nashim, Beit Midrash for the study of gender and Judaism.
Sid Schwarz
[email protected]
CLAL: The National Jewish Center for
Learning and Leadership
Sid founded and led PANIM: The Institute for Jewish Leadership
and Values for 21 years. He is also the founding rabbi of Adat
Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation in Bethesda, MD where
he continues to teach and lead services. Sid is the author of two
groundbreaking books: Finding A Spiritual Home: How a New
Generation of Jews Can Transform the American Synagogue and
Judaism and Justice: The Jewish Passion to Repair the World. A
Covenant Award winner, he is currently a senior fellow at the
National Jewish Center for Leadership and Learning.
Joel Silverman
Joel is a professional photographer who gets a profoundly deep
satisfaction from vegetable gardening and raising chickens,
stemming from the same reasons he used to keep kosher – “it
helps me to not take for granted where our food comes from and
it’s important to me that my daughters Sophie and Mira grow up
feeling connected to the Earth even living in an asphalt city.”
Eileen Snow Price
[email protected]
As President of Price Philanthropic Consulting, Eileen Snow
Price helps communities create values-driven portfolios of
philanthropic giving and navigate the challenges of multi-
generational family foundations. A passionate contributor to
the Atlanta Jewish community, Eileen volunteers with Greenfield
Hebrew Academy, Jewish Family & Career Services, and more.
A graduate of Emory University’s Goizueta Business School,
Eileen is President of the Snow Family Foundation.
Ken Stein
[email protected]
Center for Israel Education
For 35 years, Ken Stein has taught Middle Eastern History and
Political Science at Emory University. In 2006, he was a visiting
professor of political science at Brown University. He is the
author of four books and dozens of other scholarly publications.
He is a specialist on American foreign policy to the Middle East,
Arab politics, the origins of modern Israel and Arab-Israeli
negotiations. He has earned recognition for his scholarship,
excellence in teaching, life-long mentoring of students, and
for his intellectual integrity. He is Director of the Emory
Institute for the Study of Israel and President of an independent
501c3 entity, the Center for Israel Education.
Shalom Steinberg
[email protected]
Shalom Steinberg is a Jewish educator and entrepreneur
who enjoys pitching new ideas. He was a leader at
Moishe/Kavod Jewish Social Justice House in Boston,
and volunticipator at Limmud’s in New York, Boston, Atlanta
and Berlin. He is a third-generation Holocaust survivor and
wrestles with how this impacts his identity. He is passionate
about feet-buckled-in sports, eating that is good for the earth,
and Jewish social justice.
Katja Vehlow
[email protected]
Katja Vehlow is interested in medieval Islamicate historiography,
inter-religious polemics, gender, and graphic novels. She is
currently completing an analytical edition of the historical
writings of the Jewish Iberian philosopher Abraham ibn Daud
(d. c. 1180). Katja received her Ph.D. from New York University,
after studies in Germany, the UK, and Israel. She was a
Weinstein Post-Doctoral Fellow and concurrently an Honorary
Fellow at the Institute for Research in the Humanities,
UW-Madison and has been teaching at the University of
South Carolina since 2008.
Michal Waldfogel
[email protected]
Deep Breath Baking
Michal Waldfogel is an experienced educator, dynamic
facilitator and certified yoga teacher. She has recently completed
a PresenTense Fellowship for her venture, Deep Breath Baking,
a yoga and challah baking workshop. Based in Philadelphia, the
workshop has been well-received as far as Montreal and Mexico
City. Michal collaborates the world over to explore intersections
of health, education and creativity. The findings are an eclectic
collection of classes, workshops, happenings and musings.
Tina Wasserman
[email protected]
The author of Entrée to Judaism, a Culinary Exploration of the
Jewish Diaspora, the first comprehensive cookbook published
by the Reform movement, Tina holds a BS and MA in Foods and
has taught her love of cooking and Jewish culinary history to
synagogues and organizations throughout North America and
Europe. She is the food columnist for Reform Judaism Magazine and serves on the URJ Camp Newman board in CA. Tina’s
teaching expertise was honored by the prestigious Les Dames
d’Escoffier in ‘94
Ariel Wolpe
[email protected]
Born from a hummingbird egg and raised by lions in the suburbs
of Philadelphia, Ariel now runs events at Emory University to
encourage creative, spiritual expression. This past summer Ariel
interned in LA for Craig Taubman, renowned Jewish musician
and mensch, and took a class by Rabbi Diane Elliot, enlightened
somatic movement therapist. Both experiences have nurtured a
comprehensive interest in Jewish mysticism and music, and are
represented in Ariel’s songwriting, performance and orange glow.
Paul Root Wolpe
[email protected]
Center for Ethics, Emory University
Paul Root Wolpe, Ph.D. is the Asa Griggs Candler Professor of
Bioethics, the Raymond F. Schinazi Distinguished Research Chair
in Jewish Bioethics and the Director of the Center for Ethics at
Emory University. He edits the premier journal in his field, and is
the Bioethicist to NASA. Wolpe is a founder of the Academic
Coalition for Jewish Bioethics and the Society for Jewish Ethics,
and holds positions in many organizations in Jewish Ethics and
Jewish life in general.
Valerie Wolpe
Valerie Root Wolpe is a seeker and connector who looks for ways
to engage and express our deeply held creative yearnings.
Professionally, Valerie recruits and coaches leaders in executive
positions at medical schools, and life coaches a select client
group. She is a proud mother of two college-aged daughters,
Ariel and Kendra, and a devoted partner to her beloved, Paul.
Valerie is grateful to the joyous and loving Limmud Atlanta community for enlivening her new life here!
LimmudFest 2011
Fest Crossword Puzzle
© Tina Wasserman 2010
1 cup sliced almonds
7 ounces Lindt EXCELLENCE
bittersweet chocolate
8 ounces almonds
3 eggs
2 cups lightly packed coconut
1/2 cup sugar
2 Tablespoons brandy, rum or
Jack Daniels, optional
1 cup sugar
9 ounces dark chocolate, 60% cocoa butter
3 egg whites (approximately 1/3 cup whites)
1/3 cup coconut milk (unsweetened)
1. Roast the almonds in a 350F oven until lightly golden.
Do not burn. Let cool.
1 teaspoon almond extract
2. Break the chocolate into little squares and place in
a processor workbowl fitted with the metal blade.
Pulse on and off until the chocolate is in small pieces.
1. Place almonds in a processor workbowl and pulse the 3. Add the roasted almonds and pulse on and off to grind
the almonds and soften the chocolate. Add the remaining
ingredients to the processor and process until the mixture
becomes a slightly coarse but thick and creamy paste.
You might need to stop the machine periodically and
scrape the sides of the bowl.
4. Place a heaping Tablespoon of batter into mini muffin
paper cups and bake in a 350F oven for 12-14 minutes
or until firm but still very moist.
5. Remove from mini muffin pans or turn them on their
sides until cool. Stores very well in an airtight container
for 4-6 days.
NOTE: Mixture may be baked in a greased 8” springform pan
and baked for 18 minutes.
6 ounces (2 bars) bittersweet chocolate
(or 5 oz. chocolate chips and
1 oz. unsweetened baking chocolate)
3/4-cup heavy cream
1 Tablespoon brandy or flavored liquor
1. Break the bars of chocolate into small squares and
place in a processor work bowl. Process until the
chocolate is fairly fine.
2. Heat the cream in a microwave oven until it is scalded
and then add it to the running processor until all of the
chocolate is melted and a smooth paste is formed.
Transfer ganache to a bowl and when cool, add the
liquor. Chill until the consistency you need.
Double Coconut
Chocolate Macaroons
machine on and off until the nuts are finely chopped.
Add the sugar and coconut and pulse once or twice to
Melt the chocolate in the microwave. 1 minute @ 80%
and 45 seconds @50%. This time is approximate and
based on a 1 1/2 inch thick block of chocolate. It might
take less time. Watch carefully and stir the chocolate
after the first 45 seconds to check on the melting time.
3. In a small glass measuring cup combine the egg whites,
coconut milk and the extract. Set aside.
4. Add the chocolate to the nut mixture in the processor
5. With the motor running, pour the egg white mixture into
the workbowl and just process until the mixture comes
together and is well combined.
6. Pre-heat oven to 350F.
7. Wet your hands or lightly coat them with oil. Dough is very
sticky. Freeze for 5 minutes if it is too hard to handle.
8. Scoop up one Tablespoon of dough and shape into a ball
the size of a small walnut. Place on a parchment-lined
cookie sheet. Repeat with the remaining dough.
9. Bake the macaroons for 12-15 minutes.
(Convection ovens only need about 12 minutes at 350F.)
10.Cool completely and then store in air tight container or
freeze. Do not over bake as cookie will harden more when
the chocolate solidifies at room temperature.
Yield: 5 dozen macaroons
Note: Most coconut milk is just coconut and water and comes from
Thailand. There is no Hecksher on the can but may be treated as an
unprocessed canned fruit for Passover. If that does not conform to
your rules, combine 1 cup of coconut and 1/2 cup water in a blender
(NOT processor) and blend until coconut is fairly pulverized. Strain
mixture pressing hard on the coconut solids to extract as much
flavor as possible. Discard the solids and use liquid in the recipe.
© Tina Wasserman 2010
6 ounces chocolate, dark, milk or white
12 ounces semi-sweet or bittersweet chocolate
or chocolate chips
1/4 cup sweet butter
3/4 teaspoon chipotle chili powder
2 egg yolks
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 Tablespoon Cognac or other liqueur
2 Tablespoons coarsely ground coffee
Confectioner’s sugar
1. Break the chocolate into pieces if not using chips.
Place dark chocolate in a glass bowl and microwave
for 45 seconds on medium high (8). Stir the chocolate
gently with a rubber spatula.
1. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler over hot
but not boiling water. Stir to remove any lumps.
2. Return bowl to the microwave for another 30 seconds
on medium high (8). Remove bowl from the microwave
and stir chocolate gently until all pieces are melted.
This time should be enough even for thick chocolate
2. Remove the pot of chocolate from the hot water bath.
3. Cut the butter into 4 pieces and gradually whisk
in the butter one piece at a time until all the butter
is incorporated.
3. Combine the remaining ingredients with the chocolate
and then spread on a piece of parchment or waxed paper.
Do not make the chocolate too thin or the bark will melt
too easily when handled.
4. Whisk in the yolks until thoroughly combined.
The mixture may look grainy and separated, don’t worry.
Then, whisk in the Cognac or other flavoring.
5. Cover and refrigerate for several hours or overnight.
4. Chill bark at room temperature and then cut or
break into pieces.
6. Working quickly so that your hands do not melt the
truffles, shape the chocolate into rough 3/4 inch balls
and then roll in either confectioner’s sugar or cocoa.
Yield: about 2 cups or 1 pound of chocolate bark.
Note: Raisins or nuts may be added as well or used to
replace the coffee grounds if desired.
7. Refrigerate until ready to wrap or serve.
Fest Word Find
15. Schwarz
10. Naomi
5. Anthony
9. Shabbat
3. Jodi And Eric
16. Brigade
13. Darom
7. Odyssey
4. RamahDarom
8. Learning
2. Info
12. Tent
1. Clive
6. Volunticipate
1. CampLimmud
11. Amanda
Fest Find