March 2015, Volume 65, Issue 3 Cover Photo by: David Temples
March 2015, Volume 65, Issue 3 Cover Photo by: David Temples
March 2015, Volume 65, Issue 3 March Speaker-Larry Perry Member News SCIPE My Favorite Place Bob Coates Seminar March Field Trip For Sale & Free Cover Photo by: David Temples March PSC Meeting - March 19, 2015 PSC Presents Larry Perry as the March Speaker It has been said that Larry Perry is magazines with 3 cover shots; (11) A popular speaker at one of Tennessee's best kept se- clubs and conventions around the country; and (12) he crets. publishes the very popular Larry’s Notes each week on photography. He is: (1) an author of 28 books on Larry is a certified Photoshop ina wide variety of subjects the most structor and a popular photo tour recent, Photoshop CC 101, just leader. released, not to mention more than 400 magazine articles; (2) a Larry’s talks are very informative, former newspaper columnist educational, and more often, conwhose column was carried in 90 troversial. newspapers around the country; (3) an adjunct professor at UT and First Quarter Photo Contest winUCLA; and a frequent guest speaker at other colleges and ners will also be announced. universities around the country; (4) a businessman with business interests in the US as well as the Far East; (5) an expert on international telecommunications who has testified before Congress on several occasions; (6) a former Higher Education Commissioner for the State of Tennessee; (7) A world traveler who has visited some 117 countries around the world; (8) a licensed professional engineer in several states; (9) a licensed attorney; and in his spare time, (10) a prize-winning nature and wildlife photographer whose images have been seen in some 11 New Members & Visitors PSC welcomes the new members and visitors from The February meeting. Each guest is invited to become a member of PSC, and new members are encouraged to participate in all PSC sponsored activities available to members. New Members Visitors Melissa Spiers Petro Oberholster Braam Oberholster Larry Miller Norman and Lynda Peay Whit Wallace Cindy Miles The Contact Sheet - Volume 65, Issue 3 2 March 2015 PSC Committee Chairs MEMBER NEWS Boot Camp: Mike Tomshack [email protected] Camera Club Council of Tennessee (3CT) Club Rep: Milton McLain [email protected] Community Outreach: Mike Tomshack [email protected] Contest—Quarterly & Annual Dianne Blankenbaker [email protected] Contest - SCIPE Coordinators: Myra Reneau and Pat Gordy [email protected] Exhibitions: Milton McLain [email protected] Field Trips: Bruce Tatum [email protected] Fundraising: Mary McLain [email protected] Membership: Kathy Hamill [email protected] Newsletter: Rosemary Jardine [email protected] Photoshop Committee: Available [email protected] Programs: David Temples [email protected] PSA Competition - PID: Milton McLain [email protected] PSA Competition - ND: Bill Mueller [email protected] PSA Club Representative: Milton McLain [email protected] Publicity: Karen Beisel [email protected] Sound Technician: Terry Hunt [email protected] Special Events: Angela Dillard [email protected] Webmaster: Dan Jeter [email protected] Workshops & Seminars: Bill Mueller [email protected] Youth Photography Showcase (YPS) Pat Gordy [email protected] Lifetime memberships have been awarded to long time PSC members Mickey Rountree, Ed Bowen, and John Brooks. These members join the following lifetime members: Ed Richards, Janice Rowland, and Pat Gordy. Congratulations to PSC Members who recently sold works displayed at The Gallery At Blackwell Wendell Gordy for “Ozone Falls” Milton McLain for “Incoming Puffin” Janis Rowland for “Dance of the Maples” Table of Contents Up Coming Events Pg. 2, Monthly Meeting Info March 1, SCIPE Opens Pg. 3, Member News March 5, Board Meets Pg. 4, Non PSC Opportunities March 6, Reception at Blackwell Gallery Pg. 5, For Sale, Free & SCIPE March 7, Coates Seminar Pg.6, Blackwell Reception March 8, Coates Workshop Pg.6, PSA Nature Competition March 17, St. Patty’s Day Pg. 7, Macro Shooting March 19, Club Meeting Pg. 8, Bleak Weather Shooting March 20, YPS Awards Pg. 9-11, My Favorite Place March 28, Gibbs Garden Pg. 12, PSC Field Trip April 1, April Fools Day Pg. 13, Bob Coats Seminar April 2, Board Meets Pg. 14, Showcase Class April 16, Club Meeting Pg. 15, Calendar & Boot Camp The Contact Sheet - Volume 65, Issue 3 3 March 2015 Non PSC Opportunities The McKamey Animal Shelter is in need of one or more volunteers to take pictures of new dog and cat arrivals so they can be viewed on their web page. They receive about 20 dogs and cats each week. Many adoptees use the website pictures to select their new best friend. A volunteer will handle the animals. You will be asked to attend an orientation. The next one is March 7, at 9 am. For more information, call 423-305-6502 LECTURES and WORKSHOPS by Tom and Pat Cory Getting to Know Your Digital Camera ~ March 24, 6-9 pm UTC Continuing Education $39 This course starts at the beginning covering terminology, the various camera controls, menus and more. In order to make sure your camera is set properly for the subject you like to photograph, the instructors will work with you personally. Taking Better Pictures ` March 31, 6-9 pm UTC Continuing Education $39. Understanding the qualities of light, choosing the ‘right subject’ and composition to convey your story, developing a style, and understanding how the camera sees the world are important considerations in taking ‘wow’ photos. This class will also review artistic camera controls. More info can be found on Tom and Pat’s website Post-Processing: Taking Control of Your Images March 10, 6-9 pm $39 This 3-hour class is taught by PSC member Dianne Blankenbaker The Contact Sheet - Volume 65, Issue 3 4 March 2015 Ken Kirkpatrick has eight, 80-slide and two 140-slide carousels as well as two boxes of Kodak slide clips - 12 clips per box. If you are interested in these items, please contact Ken at 423-479-2350 or send an email to [email protected] Lightweight tripod by Goldcrest, model 675L, one loose leg held on with duct-tape. Free to a good home. Contact John Coniglio at [email protected] Well-used working Bogen 3021 Tripod with 3-way head, Manfrotto RCO 488 ball head, and 4 camera adapters that fit both heads, $125 for all. Contact John Coniglio at [email protected] DSLR Camera Body ~ Model Canon 5DMarkIII ~ New $3,099.00 Asking $2,000.00 DSLR Camera Body ~ Model Canon 40D ~ BG-E2N Battery Grip, really right stuff L bracket Asking $400.00 Lenses: Canon ES-E 24mm f/3.5 L II Tilt/Shift ~ New $1,999.00 asking $1,500.00 Canon ES-24-70mm f/2.8 L II ~ New $1,900.00 asking $1,500.00 Canon ES-40mm D2.8 STM ~ New $199.00 asking $150.00 Remotes: Canon Timer Remote Controller TC-80N3 ~ New $129.00 asking $100.00 (intervalometer & long exposure timer) Canon Remote RS-80N3 Switch Cable Release ~ New $42.00 asking $25.00 Macro Stuff: Canon 500D 77mm close-up Lens ~ New $149.00 asking $100.00 Contact Bill Muller for purchase of any of this equipment. [email protected] 2015 SCIPE Now Open The Scenic City International Photo Exhibition (SCIPE), sponsored by PSC and recognized by PSA, is a photography contest open to the entire world—last year entries came from more than 50 countries. The categories are Color Open and Color Landscape. For only $12. you may submit 4 images for each category. Enter your images this year, and see how you place while helping support PSC projects. For more details and to enter you images go to: . The Contact Sheet - Volume 65, “Thoughts of Spring” Exhibit Opens March 6 Reception at the Gallery at Blackwell 6:30—8:30 PM Come See the Exhibit and Meet Bob Coates, Seminar Leader PSA Interclub Nature Competition The results are back for the January PSA Interclub Nature competition, and PSC had its most successful showing ever. PSC came in 2nd place for this round out of 30 clubs. Overall for the season that moves PSC up to 5th place. Two of PSC members won ribbons this time, Milton McLain received an Award of Merit for his image “Full Beak” and Jim Mears received an Honorable mention for his image “Lesser Goldfinch.” The Contact Sheet - Volume 65, Issue 3 6 March 2015 “Don’t Pass By Those Downed Trees And Branches” by Mike Moats Most macro photographers would walk right by this great opportunity and not see the artwork waiting there for you. Here are two images of a small tree and a branch that has fallen during some high winds. I find these a lot where I shoot and always check any interesting combinations of dying leaves. I love the way they curl as thy go through the dying stage. Here are Two images I like that look like the leaves are engaging in a group hug. The next two I shot with a wide open aperture at f/2.8 for a little more artistic feel. This article is reproduced with permission by the author. Mike Moats, an award winning, professional Macro Photographer from Sterling Heights, Michigan. The Contact Sheet - Volume 65, Issue 3 7 March 2015 Photography Ideas During Cold, Gray Weather By: Rosemary Jardine I often find myself feeling deprived of good subject matter when the elements are working against me. After the Christmas lights have been put away and the weather turns cold and bleak, I find it hard to find good subject matter. This winter I took an online photography class through PSA, “The Photographic Society of America,” on still life photography and also signed up for a PSA “365-Day Challenge.” Both opened a new world of opportunities for me. Many still life subjects can be found inside your home, around the neighborhood, and in local antique malls or stores. Just remember to ask permission when photographing inside the property of others. You can find subject matter for a 365-day project using an internet search or utilizing an online photography site such as Flickr. All images in this article property of Rosemary Jardine The Contact Sheet - Volume 65, Issue 3 8 March 2015 My Favorite Place: “The Everglades” by Julie Gayner One of my favorite places on this planet is the Florida Everglades. At first, I had no idea that this would be so. I went to South Florida for my job, and on one of my days off, I figured that since I was this close I had better go check it out, because I didn’t know when I might ever be there again. When I first started exploring the park, it was hard for me to see the beauty. After all, where were the mountains, or oceans, or waterfalls? No expansive views, kind of blah, I thought. Lots of tall grass, though. As I started exploring more, I became more and more enamored with the place and found myself going there more and more often. I discovered bird photography. The Anhinga Trail makes it easy for a beginner, and you don’t even need a very long lens, because the animals there are so used to people. Even so, I was a bit surprised at how difficult bird photography can be. Alligators are easy, though. I found myself drawn to the peace and quiet. I was there in the winter, and there weren't many people there at all. Certainly not like the Smokies with bumper to bumper traffic. It is an amazing place, with so many different types of habitat. Everything from Mangrove forests, miles of tall grass, and even pine forests. I was lucky enough to take a couple of different kayak Eco tours with two different tour groups. Both were good, but my favorite was with Garls Coastal Kayaking, based in Key Largo - highly recommended, if you ever get down that way. He is also a photographer, so if you set it up in advance, he will put you onto some good shots, and tailor your trip to whatever skill level of kayaker you are. It all ended with a glass of wine at sunset on a lake, very nice. Garls kayaks were better than the other outfits; so the seats were more comfortable and didn’t hurt my back. The Contact Sheet - Volume 65, Issue 3 9 March 2015 My Favorite Place: “The Everglades” Continued Garl is the most knowledgeable man I met about all things Everglades, including the park rangers I talked to there. He is a true conservationist, has worked with National Geographic, and does gear testing for the likes of Columbia and others. You will learn more in one day with Garl than a month of going by yourself, and you will see more and better places to photograph, too. There is also a free canoe trip you can take through the park. You have to reserve it in advance, and you can find out more information on the park’s website. I found myself trying to use a colorful sky to help with composition, with limited success. I have seen some amazing photos of the Everglades, but I think most of them were made in the summer monsoon season. Winters don’t have so much in the way of dramatic skies. But there are other benefits to going in the winter, namely fewer mosquitoes, and cooler temperatures! I thought it was totally worth it. I can’t wait to go back. It has become my: “peaceful place” if that makes any sense. The Contact Sheet - Volume 65, Issue 3 10 March 2015 My Favorite Place: “The Everglades” Continued All images in this article property of Julie Gayner Save The Date The 2015 Photographic Society of America Conference will be held September 27 through October 3, 2015, in West Yellowstone. This is a once in a lifetime event you don’t want to miss. Look for more information concerning the conference on the PSA website, The Contact Sheet - Volume 65, Issue 3 11 March 2015 PSC Field Trip To Gibbs Gardens For Daffodil Photography Date: March 28, 2015, We will leave promptly at 7:30 AM. Meeting Place: Meet at the Antique mall behind the Cracker Barrel in East Ridge. Leader: Bruce Tatum Description: Daffodil Photography at the largest and most spectacular display of daffodils "this side of Holland." Gibbs is now approved as an American Daffodil Society Display Garden, one of only 25 in fifteen states. Daffodil Gardens with 60 varieties of daffodils sweep across more than 50 hillside acres under a canopy of flowering dogwoods and cherry blossoms. Japanese Gardens, at more than 40 acres, are the largest in the nation. Monet Waterlily Gardens, feature 140 varieties of unique lilies and a replica of the Japanese Bridge in Claude Monet’s Garden at Giverny (outside Paris). Arbor Crest Manor House Gardens, located on the highest ridge in northeast Cherokee County, has seven flowering terraces that flow seamlessly down 150 feet of elevation from Arbor Crest Manor House to the Valley Gardens. Directions: I-75 South to Exit 312/GA-53 E, Left toward Fairmount, Left on Salacoa Ave( US-411), Right on GA-53 E, Right on Zell Miller Mountain Parkway (GA-5 S, GA-515 S, GA-53), Bear Left, Bear Left on Waleska Hwy 108 (GA-108, GA-53), Right on Yellow Creek Road, Left onto Gibbs Drive. Travel time is around 2 hours, approximately 100 miles. Hours of Operation: 9am - 5pm Address: 1987 Gibbs Drive Ball Ground, GA 30107 Phone: 770-893-1881 Duration: All Day Suggested Equipment: Macro equipment, wide angle, telephoto, tripod. Admission: Adults (18 to 64 years old): $20 per person; Seniors (65+): $18; Children: (ages 4-17) $18 (Children 3 and under are free.). *Group rate $16.00 per person for a group of 10 or more. Food available: The Arbor Café onsite offers a selection of sandwiches on fresh baked bread, desserts, and daily specials on baked goods. Send Field Trip ideas and suggestions to: [email protected] The Contact Sheet - Volume 65, Issue 3 12 March 2015 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY of CHATTANOOGA and PANASONIC PRESENT BOB COATES “Fine Art Photo-Synthesis” MARCH 7, 2015. 9 AM TO 4 PM St. Johns United Methodist Church, 3921 Murray Hills Drive, Chattanooga REGISTRATION FEE $20; STUDENTS FREE Bob, a Panasonic Lumix Luminary, has been a full time Commercial and Fine Art Photographer for the last 19 years, headquartered in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. Bob is a Certified Master Craftsman Photographer by Professional Photographers of America. Bob’s program, title “Fine Art Photo Synthesis” Centers around his work flow of fusing many images together utilizing a single subject blended together with a variety of textures. STUDENTS MAY REGISTER FOR FREE BY SENDING AN EMAIL TO BILL MUELLER AT [email protected] TO REGISTER, GO TO: CHATTANOOGAPHOTO.ORG HAVE QUESTIONS? EMAIL: [email protected] The Contact Sheet - Volume 65, Issue 3 13 March 2015 SHOWCASE SCHOOL OF PHOTOGRAPHY 1135 Sheridan Road, Atlanta, GA 30324 The Business of Photography Saturday, March 21, 9am –5pm Led by Industry Professional Judith Pishnery Ready to move from your passion to a career in photography? This seminar is a once-a-year, one-day opportunity to see every facet of setting up a professional business. This seminar is an exciting, information-packed day of discovery. Do you have the right stuff to move forward? Do you have the right hear? From business licenses to websites to gear, all question will be answered. All registered students leave with Judith Pishnery’s book, An Essential Guide to the Business of Photography. In this one-day seminar, Judith will introduce you to: Assessing your Entrepreneurial Spirit Business Structure (Sole-Proprietor, LLC, S-Corp, etc.) Organizing, Locations, Licenses and local regulations Licenses, local regulations Equipment & Gear—what do you need for YOUR business Marketing & Advertising, Identity and Branding Resumes, Bios, Artist Statements & Portfolios Promotions & PR Websites, Social Networks, Online Accounting & Bookkeeping Taxes, Insurance, Financial Security Pricing & Overhead (how to price your work) Creating Estimates & Invoices Contracts & Forms Copyright & Usage Business Ethics Organizations & continued learning Resources: books, postcards, printing & More To register or for more info click here: SHOWCASE SCHOOL OF PHOTOGRAPHY Phone (404)965.2205 The Contact Sheet - Volume 65, Issue 3 14 March 2015 March 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 SCIPE 2 3 4 5 Board Meets 6 Reception Opens 8 Bob Coates Fri Sat 7 Bob Coates at Blackwell Seminar 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 Club 20 Youth Pho- 21 Meets tography Awards 26 27 Workshop 15 22 23 24 25 28 Gibbs Gardens FT 29 30 31 Benefits of Being A Member of PSA The Society is a worldwide, interactive, organization for serious amateur and professional photographers or for anyone interested in photography Monthly Journal, photo completions, study groups via mail and internet, annual conference in different locales, Participate in PSA services and activities of the Divisions: Projected Image, Pictorial Print, Photo Travel Nature, Photojournalism, 3D For more information or to join click here. 6:00 pm on March 19 Upstairs in the training center of St. John UMC Topic: Using the Tools to make your Creative Image 1.Begin with the end in mind ~ 2. Depth of Field vs. Motion ~ 3. Isolate vs. Environment 4. Story Telling vs. Historical Record ~ 5. Who Cares vs. Treasured Moment ~ 6. Print vs. Screen Output Home Work Assignment The Contact Sheet - Volume 65, Issue 3 15 March 2015 PSC Board Members Monthly Meeting Information Officers Day: 3rd Thursday Each Month Time: 6:00 pm Boot Camp 6:30 pm Registration & Social 7:00 pm Meeting & Program St. John United Methodist Church CAC 3921 Murray Hills Drive President Mickey Rountree Pres-Elect David Temples Secretary Pat Gordy Treasurer Mary McLain 423-842-4389 423-488-0519 423-499-9708 423-344-5643 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Directors Mohan Rao Ed Laughlin Steve Bower Robert McLeod Bruce Tatum Richard Smith Bill Mueller Jim Mears Jeremy Thompson (‘17 ) (‘17) (‘17) (‘16) (‘16) (‘16} (‘15) (‘15) (‘15) WEBMASTER: Dan Jeter 423-800-4127 423-697-8217 423-326-1525 706-508-2317 423-886-4144 423-488-0519 423-504-4026 423-645-5239 423-240-3723 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Editor Contact Information Rosemary Jardine, Editor Directions: Exit Hwy 153 onto Hwy 58 North. Turn left at the first stop light onto Murray Hills Drive. Entrance to the church is on the right. PSC will meet in the CAC (gymnasium) ground level entrance immediately in front of you. Parking surrounds the church; however other entrances will normally be locked. The Photographic Society of Chattanooga holds club membership in the Photographic Society of America, ArtsBuild Chattanooga, the Camera Club Council of Tennessee (3CT), and the North Georgia Camera Club Council. [email protected] Website: chattanoogaphoto A not-for-profit organization Chattanooga, TN 37414 PO Box 8886 Photographic Society Chattanooga
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