Video # Video Name Description Time AgeDescriptio n 858a Adult


Video # Video Name Description Time AgeDescriptio n 858a Adult
Video #
Video Name
Adult Baptism: Exploring It's
Meaning (Catholic Update)
2006 International Catholic
Stewardship Conference #32
2006 International Catholic
Stewardship Conference #47
2006 International Catholic
Stewardship Conference #50
2007 National Catholic Youth
Conference, Columbus Promo
2008 International Catholic
Stewardship Conference #1 DVD
A Biblical Walk Through The
Mass Study Program
A Fruitcake Christmas (Lucado)
A Fruitcake Christmas (Lucado)
ICSC "Stewardship and Personal Prayer" with Reverend Daniel
ICSC "Pastoral Planning Through the Lens of Stewardship" with Rev.
Monsignor Vincent Rush
ICSC "After Stewardship Weekend: Follow Up and Accountability"
with Mila Glodava & Rev. Andrew Kemberling
ICSC "Opening Session" with The Reverend Frank DeSiano, CSP.
Held in Chicago October 12-15, 2008 @ Hyatt Regency.
Based on the revised translation of the Mass, this five-part program
takes participants on an exciting tour of the Liturgy as it explores the
biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience at Mass and
explains their profound significance. See, perhaps for the first time,
why we say what we say and do what we do every week at Mass. The
words and gestures will be seen in a new light, giving new life to the
It's Christmastime in the garden and Hermie and his friends are
hustling and bustling to prepare for the big day. When the greedy
cockroach steals the prized fruitcake however, it seems that Christmas
is highjacked! But deep in the youngest of hearts, the true meaning of
Christmas shines through. Through an act of unheard of generosity,
Hailey and Bailey remind the garden that the celebration of Christmas
It's Christmastime in the garden and Hermie and his friends are
hustling and bustling to prepare for the big day. When the greedy
cockroach steals the prized fruitcake however, it seems that Christmas
is highjacked! But deep in the youngest of hearts, the true meaning of
Christmas shines through. Through an act of unheard of generosity,
Hailey and Bailey remind the garden that the celebration of Christmas
High SchoolAdult
Preschool Primary
Preschool Primary
A.M.D.G. A World is Not
Enough DVD
Abbey of Gethsemani, The
ABC's of Discipline, The
Abraham the Forefather
Abraham’s Sacrifice
923’s the right choice
Abuse: If It Happens to You
VHS Gr. 5 - 9
This media presentation on the Jesuit Order demonstrates that the
charism of the First Companions is still very much in evidence across
the world in the ministries of Jesuits and their colleagues. It illustrates
the lives of St. Ignatius Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and Blessed Peter
This video explores life at the Abbey of Gethsemani, the home of the
renowed spiritual master, Thomas Merton. The goal of the program is
to capture the essence of the monastic life as Merton lived it, and as it
is lived today by his Trappist brothers. It also attempts to answer
questions about the relevance of this lifestyle in today's world, to the
monks that live it and to the thousands of visitors that come each year.
Good discipline is a science and a skill that can be learned and
improved with practice. In this video, an experienced classroom
teacher offers very practical, very specific advice on ten ways to
promote good discipline. The author’s good sense, practical and
sound psychology, love for children and esteem for the catechetical
ministry are evident throughout the presentation. Beginning and
veteran catechists will find plenty of inspiration, information and
concrete ideas for implementing discipline in their classrooms.
God rewards his just servant, Abraham, by calling him into the
wilderness as the forefather of a great nation.
God tests the love of his servant, Abraham, by requesting him to
sacrifice that which is most dear to him - his cherished son, Isaac.
God rewards Abraham for his faithfulness.
This video’s intriguing format intertwines street interviews with a
group of curious teens who learn refusal techniques and alternatives to
engaging in sexual activity. It shows teens that there has never been a
better time than now to abstain, while providing them with the tools
they need to say no. (22 min., Jr. High)
This program is designed to help young teens understand that abuse of
all types is more common than they think and if it happens to them,
they need to tell a trusted adult. It examines the different types of
abuse that can occur: physical, emotional and sexual, and helps young
teens understand that the victim is never at fault and did not cause or
Senior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Junior High
Intermediate Junior High
Abusive relationshps are an ever-growing problem in adolescent love
relationships. Jealousy, possessiveness, controlling behaviors, abusive
language, degrading words, and outright violence are the indicators.
Abusive Relationships: Teen
This program presents interviews with abused individuals, abuse
Health Series
counselors, and an abuser. Each discusses his or her own experience,
the brutal cycle of emotional and physical abuse, the warning signs of
an abusive relationship, and how to get help and legal assistance if
As a sturdy merchant ship plunges through ancient seas, the physician
Luke tells the enthralling story of danger, struggle and triumph that
Acts (entire) - Visual Bible DVD marks the birth of the Christian Church. This DVD is searchable by
chapter of Acts or by event and uses the actual words of Scripture as
its script. Easy to use in segments in a classroom or group setting.
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
Acts of the Apostles, The
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
As a sturdy merchant ship plunges through ancient seas, the physician
Luke tells the enthralling story of danger, struggle and triumph that
Acts: Volume 1
marks the birth of the Christian Church. This dramatization uses the
actual words of Scripture; the chapter and verse appear in the lower
right hand corner of the screen for easy reference. Easy to use in
As a sturdy merchant ship plunges through ancient seas, the physician
Luke tells the enthralling story of danger, struggle and triumph that
Acts: Volume 2
marks the birth of the Christian Church. This dramatization uses the
actual words of Scripture; the chapter and verse appear in the lower
right hand corner of the screen for easy reference. Easy to use in
As a sturdy merchant ship plunges through ancient seas, the physician
Luke tells the enthralling story of danger, struggle and triumph that
Acts: Volume 3
marks the birth of the Christian Church. This dramatization uses the
actual words of Scripture; the chapter and verse appear in the lower
right hand corner of the screen for easy reference. Easy to use in
Junior High Senior High
Intermediate Adult
Primary Intermediate
all ages
Junior High Adult
all ages
As a sturdy merchant ship plunges through ancient seas, the physician
Luke tells the enthralling story of danger, struggle and triumph that
Acts: Volume 4
marks the birth of the Christian Church. This dramatization uses the 45
actual words of Scripture; the chapter and verse appear in the lower
right hand corner of the screen for easy reference. Easy to use in
Recounts the story of creation and the mastery of God’s handiwork,
Adam and Eve
people’s fall from grace and the ultimate conflict of betrayal between 30
Cain and his brother Abel.
The Adaptive Confirmation Preparation Kit was designed to help
individuals with autism and other special needs enter fully into the
faith experience, prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, and live
Adapative Confirmation
their lives as participating members of the Catholic Church. This
Preparation Kit
teaching tool helps individuals meet the USCCB Guidelines: “All
baptized, unconfirmed Catholics may receive the Sacrament of
Confirmation if they are suitably instructed, properly disposed and
able to renew their baptismal promises.”
The Adaptive First Eucharist Preparation Kit enables people with
autism and other special needs to participate fully in their faith,
Adapative First Eucharist
individuals who might not be able to receive the Eucharist. This
Preparation Kit
teaching tool is a first of its kind; it helps individuals meet USCCB
Eucharist requirements for individuals with disabilities to distinguish
The Adaptive Reconciliation Kit was designed to help individuals
with special needs enter fully into their faith experience, prepare for
Adapative Reconciliation
the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, and experience God’s
Preparation Kit
healing through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This kit helps
individuals meet the USCCB requirement of having a sense of
contrition to fully experience and celebrate the Sacrament of
In the story segment of this program we look at life set against the
image of water and the celebration of the Easter Vigil. This will help
Adult Baptism: Exploring It's
viewers answer the question: What does it mean to be baptized? It
Meaning (Catholic Update) VHS also offers testimony from others about what their baptism means to
them. The teaching segment examines images used in connection
with Baptism and offers insights into the question of what it means to
all ages
Primary Intermediate
Junior HighAdult
This series is a basic level video-assisted resource for the formation
and enrichment of catechists. A catechist who complete this formation
program will experience a process of spiritual formation, gain an
Adult Faith Formation (Echoes of
overview of the major doctrinal themes contained in the CCC and
Faith Plus) DVD
learn practical skills for leading effective catechetical sessions. This
module will help catechists work effectively as a facilitator of adults
in a number of small group settings, such as Scripture study, prayer
The aim of this program is to translate the issues of the Adulteress
Adultress, The
story into our time. It seeks to impress the viewer by showing how
inappropriate it is to be judgmental and vindictive. (9 min., All ages)
In this video, Fr. Himes gives us profound insights to ponder in a
"light" time of year. We live with the anxiety that we will someday
Advent & Christmas Journey I:
come to an end and we look for the timeless one, God, to speak to us.
Hope in the Darkness (Himes)
That is why we are constantly resltess and nothing on this earth
ultimately satisfies us. We wait and hope for God. Advent is only one
In this video, Fr. Himes tells us that the coming of the Kingdom of
Advent & Christmas Journey II:
God is not predictable but takes us by surprise. The Kingdom is
The Second Coming Is Now!
constantly, relentlessly coming upon us in ordinary ways. We don't see
it because it is always developing and happening within our very lives.
The third week of Advent deals with the Last Judgment. Fr. Himes
Advent & Christmas Journey III: explores what the Last Judgment might mean. It will not mean the
Threatened By Grace (Himes)
annihilation of the world - it will mean its transformation. Like the
transformed risen Jesus, the world will be recognizable, but different Prophets live in expectation of something new. With humor and
Advent & Christmas Journey IV:
widsom, Fr. Michael Himes looks at Old Testament prophets like
Prophets: John, Mary & Joseph
Isaiah and three of the key New Testament figures of Advent - John
the Baptist, Mary and Joseph - and shows how they inspire and
Advent & Christmas Journey V: How can we say anything new about Christmas? Himes offers a
The Eternal Giving of God
banquet of new insights into the feast day.
all ages
Advent Calendar on DVD
Advent With St. Nicholas
Advent: A Time to Hope
Advent: Celebrating the Season
Adventures of the Little Prince
In 25 mini-documentaries (each 3 to 4 minues) this Advent Calendar
is entertaining yet informative, (plus lots of PDF activites). It contains
many of the Advent/Christmas traditions we celebrate at this time of
year, such as: the wreath, mistletoe, candy cane, Christmas trees, giftgiving, and the 12 days of Christmas all came from. And you will
find out the stories behind Santa Claus, Rudolph, the Nutcracker, the
While trying to write about Advent for a religion class contest, Holly
has a surprise visit from St. Nicholas. With the saint’s help, Holly
learns more about the meaning and background of the customs and
practices of Advent – such as the Advent calendar, the Advent wreath,
the Christmas tree, Las Posadas, and more. St. Nicholas offers ideas
as to how some of the customs can be practiced in a way that
celebrates the Advent spirit of expectation and mystery.
Kathleen Chesto discusses how family activities, such as Christmas
shopping and card writing, reveal a spirituality that can teach us about
Advent. We live in a hectic world, and Christmas is a busy time, but
God calls us from within this world to witness to the presence of
Christ. Family life can provide signs and symbols of hope as we wait
The custom of the Advent Wreath is the focus of this video. In the
light of the wreath we remember, live, and hope for the one who has
already come. The simple Advent wreath tells the story of a people
yesterday and today who yearn for more light in their life. This video
also includes other Advent activities and traditions such as the Jesse
Tree, an Advent Friend, Straw for a Crib and an Advent House to help
The animated version of Antoine de Saint-Exupery's wise and fanciful
story about a Little Prince from another galaxy who searches the
universe for "matters of consequence." In two episodes from the
beloved book, the Little Price is puzzled by the ways in which earthlings squander their energies, but enlightened by a wise fox who
teaches that "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is invisible to the eye." (100 min., All Ages)
All Ages
Primary Intermediate
all ages
African Christmas, An
After the Council (Vat II)
Aging and Health Care
Agony in the Garden
AIDS and the Church's Role
AIDS: Medical, Moral &
Ministerial Dimensions
The annual income per family in Bumu is only about one-hundred
dollars. The village lacks electricity, telephones, running water, roads
and health facilities. What could the villagers possibly have to
celebrate? By looking through the eyes of the villagers, viewers see
The Second Vatican Council had a profound and lasting influence on
the Catholic Church. This series of nine videos examines the change
in outlook that the Council fostered in the Church and explores how
the documents of Vatican II continue to renew the Church today.
Shows how the Church of the future is already emerging with a more
truly worldwide dimension than ever before, yet existing in every
local church as a full embodiment of Christ’s saving presence.
In this documentary, questions about health care and its costs are
raised, these concerns have become a topic for much discussion in
America. It asks some tough questions such as: Should health care be
provided from the cradle to the grave? Do the elderly claim a
disproportionate share? Are health care dollars spent equitably? This
is an informative presentation that makes the audience aware of this
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
An informative and touching documentary which shows how various
churches have helped AIDS suffers feel at home in their
congregations. Each has taken a compassionate lead in educating
their congregations about the disease and the need to offer friendship
This program presents a medical description of AIDS; the ethical and
moral context including Christian attitudes, values and behavior; and
social justice needed to have open minds and hearts.
Intermediate Adult
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
These Youth Ministry videos are guaranteed to get your kids talking!
Each topic is presented in a fast paced, “teen friendly” format, using
Alcohol (Power Surge)
graphics and music. Each video contains a guide including program
rationale, suggestions for use, Catholic teaching on each topic and
Scripture and Catechism resources.
This video is the story of Fr. Ralph Pfau, also known as “Fr. John
Doe”(1904 – 1967), who was the first priest to participate in and
Alcoholism (National Catholic
attain sobriety through AA. He traveled throughout the United States
Council on Alcoholism)
giving retreats to alcoholics. In 1949, he started the NCAA, the
National Catholic Council on Alcoholism and Related Drug Problems,
which continues his work today.
With breathtaking animation, this non-verbal film begins by depicting
the days of creation in all their magnificence. We are drawn to the
All Nothing
Garden where Adam and Eve seem to be unaware of their own glory.
Nothing satisfies them, they are always wanting more.
These fifteen minute videos on the lives of the saints are narrated and
All Saints Day
illustrated for today’s youth and encourage children to imitate the
virtues of the saints’ lives.
This video is an inspiring journey through the Easter celebration with
sacred music composed and performed by renowned jazz artist Dave
Alleluia Easter!
Brubeck. It promises to be a jubilant and sacred experience for all
viewers. Presenter's use of particular sections of the video would
enhance the viewers' understanding of the events and rituals of the
Sr. Theo Bowman is a nationally known Catholic religious sister
whose life is full of love and compassion for God and others. Sister is
Almost Home Sr. Thea Bowman
suffering from a terminal illness and dying. You will witness her tell
her story of living and dying and be inspired by her wisdom and faith
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Programs in conflict resolution and peer mediation help students to
better understand the nature and dynamics of conflict so they can
begin to see that violence is not their only option in response to
conflict. Learning the skills of active listening, oral expression,
critical thinking and interest-based negotiation can empower students
Alternatives to Violence: Part 1 to solve everyday problems with friends, with parents, with teachers
and in their communities. This two part video program has been
designed to help educators teach students the concepts and skills they
need to resolve conflicts productively rather than destructively.
Teacher’s guide and student handouts are included Conflict
Resolution, Negotiation and Mediation for Students.
Programs in conflict resolution and peer mediation help students to
better understand the nature and dynamics of conflict so they can
begin to see that violence is not their only option in response to
conflict. Learning the skills of active listening, oral expression,
critical thinking and interest-based negotiation can empower students
Alternatives to Violence: Part 2 to solve everyday problems with friends, with parents, with teachers
and in their communities. This two part video program has been
designed to help educators teach students the concepts and skills they
need to resolve conflicts productively rather than destructively.
Teacher’s guide and student handouts are included Implementing
Conflict Resolution Programs in School.
A panel of qualified experts in the business and economic world join
American Economy: The Bishops
others in examining the American economy, basing the discussion on
the United States' bishops' letter. Governor Mario Cuomo of New
This video presentation addresses the changing American family. It is
American Family, The: It's Not divided into three parts that include the following topics: The Myth of
Dying, It's Changing
the Dying Family (25 minutes), Changing Functions of the Family (28
minutes) and Changing Value Systems in the Family (30 min., Adult)
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Amie, a young, intelligent, photo journalist, has one passion - people!
On assignment for the centennial edition of The Daily Tribune, she
Amie A
gets involved with the poor in the inner city and helps their plight
make headlines. So threatened is the city's mayor by Amie's
truthfulness and concern for the powerless that he forces her to the
Amie B
Same as #322
Without relying on just one liturgical cycle, Fr. Himes goes in-depth
into the spirituality and theology of Advent and Christmas. This series
An Advent & Christmas Journey can be used in adult faith formation and small group discussions. The
with Father Michael Himes DVD five sessions included in the program are: Advent I - Hope in the
Darkness (21 min): Advent II - The Second Coming Is NOW (26
min): Advent III - Threatened by Grace (24 min): Advent IV Australian Max Walker film the unique holiday celebration by people
An African Christmas (VHS)
of the Bumu village in Tanzania
This video is an excellent tool for teaching young children about the
season of Advent. It offers activities and questions for discussion.
Danny, who is happily making out an ever expanding Christmas wish
Angel’s Advent Lesson VHS
list, is visited by his guardian angel, who helps him remember the real
meaning of Christmas. Together, they review Advent practices and
recall many of the great Scripture characters from the Advent
Joan Wester Anderson an expert on angelology and author of several
books on the subject shares her encounter with angelic forces in her
Angels All Around Us VHS
life. This video also includes stories from other Americans who have
encountered angels in their lives. After viewing this video, you may
agree that you or someone you know has been touched by an angel at
In this video, children are invited on a special journey through the
Angel's Church Year Lesson
church year. Children learn about how the Church celebrates what
happened to Jesus in each church season, including Advent,
Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost and Ordinary Time.
Junior High Adult
All ages
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
In this teaching tool for First Communion, the “angels” speak in
simple clear language of Jesus’ presence at Mass, of the very special
Angel's First Communion Lesson, gift of the Eucharist. They remind children of their baptism and of the
forgiveness they celebrate in the sacrament of Reconciliation. The
angels also talk to the children about ways in which they can prepare
for their First Communion.
This video offers children information about friendship with Jesus,
Angel's First Reconciliation
forgiveness, and the Rite of Penance. It walks with children through
Lesson - VHS
the various steps of the rite. Though this video is primarily for
children preparing for first reconciliation, it can be used with any
This video is an excellent tool for young children to learn about the
season of Lent. It offers activities and questions for discussion.
Angel's Lenten Lesson A VHS Danny who is struggling to complete a take home quiz on Lent is
visited by his guardian angel who helps him remember what the
Lenten season is all about. It helps to answer questions such as: Why
Danny wants to go on a weekend class trip, but his parents won’t let
him miss Mass. Danny is very angry about this, so the angel Veritas
comes for a visit. He takes Danny “back in time” to the second
century. They visit a “house church” where early Christians have
Angel's Mass Lesson VHS
gathered to celebrate the Eucharist. There Danny witnesses the
vibrant faith of these Christians and he feels their joy and enthusiasm.
Before this experience, Danny took Mass for granted. After it, he
understands that celebrating Eucharist is a privilege and that his faith
Who better to teach children to pray than an angel? Angel Callista with help from her unseen angel friends - enthusiastically teaches
Angel's Prayer Lesson VHS
children about prayer and the many forms it can take. She explains
prayers of praise, thanksgiving, petition and sorrow, as well as
meditation and prayer of quiet, the Mass, personal and communal
Angel Christina shares with children her enthusiam for the seven great
sacraments of the church. She describes the sacraments as special
Angel's Sacrament Lesson, The ways to meet Jesus and receive his blessing. Angel Christina develps
the "sign" theme by sharing with children some of the outward signs
used in the sacraments like water, chrism, rings and bread and wine.
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Announcement to Mary, The
Annual Diocesan Stewardship
Appeal 1991
Annulment: The Wedding that
Anointing at Bethany, The
Anointing of the Sick (In Faith
We Are Healed)
Anointing of the Sick
Anointing of the Sick: Past and
Present (Chesto) VHS
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each 30
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
Primary Intermediate
This video provides accurate information about marriage and
annulments in language that is easily understandable. It is quite
comprehensive, so more than one viewing to complete the video is
recommended. It is best used in conjunction with the book of the same
title, published by Paulist Press. Reviewed by the Office of the
Based upon Mark 14:1-15;47, this video was developed to be used
with Palm Sunday in Cycle B. Simon the Leper has invited Jesus for
dinner and it is interrupted by a woman who greets Jesus by anointing
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
Sacraments help us remember Jesus’ love and point us outward in the
service of others. This series will instruct and encourage young people
to explore their faith and God’s unconditional love for them. This
series uses the actions of daily living, Jesus’ life and the actions of the
believing community to call young people to grow in Christ. Facing
illness or old age can be terribly frightening. The anointing of the sick
reminds us we’re not alone in these struggles. The whole church is
Expert author Kathleen Chesto leads viewers through the development
and history of this sacrament, starting from biblical times to postVatican II. She offers an engaging presentation in language that is
comprehensible and clear. Guide materials and the video presentation
present Catholic adults with a better understanding of the valuable
Compared to the rest of the world, most of us have it made. We have
a place to live, food to eat, jobs, good schools, cars, shopping malls,
Another Lousy Day in Paradise
and sports on cable-TV 24 hours a day! And yet, millions of people
will wake up to another lousy day in paradise. They’re just not happy.
In this episode of The Big Picture, you will learn that happiness is
fleeting, but there are four steps that will help you live a life of joy.
The sequel to "The Perfect Stranger" takes up the story of the
Cominsky family ten years later. Nikki's daughter, Sarah, now 19 and
heading west for college, is at her own spiritual crossroads. To further
Another Perfect Stranger DVD
complicate matters, her mother has recenlty revealed that nearly a
decade ago, she was the dinner guest of the Almighty Himself.
Thinking her mom has gone off the deep end, Sarah strikes up an
This video brings viewers into the daily lives of two priests, a pastor
of two parishes in Baltimore and the pastor of a church in rural
Answering God's Call: The
Maryland. As the program interweaves scenes of visits to the sick and
Experience of Priesthood
parish meetings, it reveals the priests’ faith journey as well as the
challenges they face. This documentary shows two devoted men
bringing God’s love to young and old with humor and sensitivity.
This video recreates with great integrity the times and circumstances
Apparitions at Fatima
of Mary’s appearances and miracles at Fatima.
A documentary of the 1993 World Youth Days in Denver, Colorado.
Archdiocese of Denver Welcomes This once in a lifetime experience for teens and adults was a
Pope John
Pilgrimage of Hope and Commitment. Many events will be
remembered by those who took part in the celebration and the spirit of
Many people may be bullies and not even know it. This program
challenges students to think about their own behavior with a series of
Are You a Bully Test DVD (Gr. eight questions about physical, verbal and exclusionary bullying. After
each question, students describe their own experiences as victims and
perpetrators of bullying. Their stories, and comments by a leading
bullying expert, show how bullying hurts both the person being
Senior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Senior High
A113 a
Two fifteen minute segments teach Bible values. In The Story of
Flibber-o-loo, children learn that loving your neighbor means helping
Are You My Neighbor? (Veggie those in need - even if they don’t live next door.
In The Gourds Must Be Crazy, children learn that loving our neighbor
means appreciating those who are different, instead of making fun of
John Foppe, remarkable young man, tells an inspirationally story of
his everyday struggles in life, his fears, hopes and dreams are much
like ours except he was born disabled, he was born without arms.
Armed With Hope DVD
You will discover how he handles tasks such as frying an egg or
driving a car and how his parents had to practice "tough love" in order
to help him in shaping his values and attitude toward life. He shows
can be understood at several levels. The best interpretation will first
Art of Interpreting the
look for the literal (historical) meaning and then the more spiritual
Scriptures\Tools of Literature and (allegorical) level. THE TOOLS OF LITERATURE OF EDITING:
The Scriptures are written in a variety of different literary forms such
as: law, history, teaching,proverb, mythical story,prayer,poetry, and
parable. It is important to determine which form is being used to
This program is based on the premise that everyone benefits if people
resolve conflicts in an open, up-front manner. Six powerful techniques
Art of Resolving Conflicts in the
for dealing with conflict are explained and demonstrated. Viewers are
Workplace, The DVD
able to watch scenes that utilize these six methods to resolve conflicts
in common workplace situations. Study Guide available.
Noted theologian and storyteller John Shea shows listeners how to
connect their personal experiences to the Christian tradition and
Art of Theological Reflection,
popular culture to arrive at new theological insights. He presents the
The Connecting Life & Faith
techniques and procedures that are essential to understanding and
being empowered by the theological implications of one's life
This audio series by John Shea shows listeners how to connect their
Art of Theological Reflection,
personal experiences to the Christian tradition and popular culture to
The Tape 1
arrive at new theological insights. In this first session, sides A & B,
the topics included are "Why People Reflect Theologically" and "How
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
This audio series by John Shea shows listeners how to connect their
Art of Theological Reflection,
personal experiences to the Christian tradition and popular culture to
The Tape 2
arrive at new theological insights. In this second session, sides C & D,
the topics are "The Technique of Theological Reflection" and
This audio series by John Shea shows listeners how to connect their
Art of Theological Reflection,
personal experiences to the Christian tradition and popular culture to
The Tape 3
arrive at new theological insights. In this third session, sides E & F,
the topics are "Remembering, Telling and Listening" and "Types of
This audio series by John Shea shows listeners how to connect their
Art of Theological Reflection,
personal experiences to the Christian tradition and popular culture to
The Tape 4
arrive at new theological insights. In this fourth session, sides G & H,
the topics are "Common Human Experience" and "Ways of Working
This audio series by John Shea shows listeners how to connect their
Art of Theological Reflection,
personal experiences to the Christian tradition and popular culture to
The Tape 5
arrive at new theological insights. In this fifth session, sides I & J, the
topics are "Tradition and Experience in Dialogue" and "Culture,
This audio series by John Shea shows listeners how to connect their
Art of Theological Reflection,
personal experiences to the Christian tradition and popular culture to
The Tape 6
arrive at new theological insights. In this sixth session, sides K & L,
the topics are "Functional and Dysfunctional Theologies" and
The term "constructive criticism" is often heard. Unfortunately, much
criticism ends up being destructive. This video will teach viewers how
Arts of Criticism…Giving &
to give - and receive - criticism in ways that benefit the individuals
Taking, The DVD
involved, as well as the organization. Use this video to establish a
spirit of cooperation and growth, and create a more effective
organization. Leader's and Participant's guides available.
Through the waters of Baptism, Christians enter into the life, death,
and resurrection of Christ. This video invites us to become
As Water in the Desert - Baptism,
increasingly aware of our baptismal call to mission. Filmed on the El
Call to Mission
Paso, Texas/Juarez, Mexico border, the viewer hears the stories and
meets people who share how they have chosen to live out this call. It
Preschool Intermediate
This DVD program takes viewers on a devotional journey from Ash
Ashes to Glory: Easter
Wednesday to Easter Sunday. Each day contains a brief devotion (2-3
Devotional, An DVD
minutes) that reflects on a song, poem, tradition, Scripture, character
of the Passion story or work of art that enhances the meaning of the
This video affirms that as people of faith, we are called to a deeper
Assisted Suicide: The Catholic
understanding of how our faith is strengthened, hope is nourished, and
love is affirmed when we rightly choose life in the face of
Our society often does not understand the deep impact of a pregnancy
At a Loss for Words
loss, stillbirth or neonatal death on parents and their loved ones. This
video teaches spouses, family members, friends, and early caregivers
This video is a supportive guide for facing the death of someone a
person loves. Experiences presented in the video will help the viewer
At Death's Door DVD
acknowledge their emotions about the terminal illness of someone
they love, and will guide them in living fully with their loved one
This video is a supportive guide for facing the death of someone you
love. Experiences presented in the video will help you acknowledge
At Death's Door VHS
your emotions about the terminal illness of someone you love, and
will guide you in living fully with your loved one through the last
Fr. Michael Himes, internationally known preacher and teacher,
introduces the viewer to the Confessions of St. Augustine. Augustine
reflected on his first thirty years culminating in his profound religious
Augustine of Hippo: Confessions
conversion as a playing out of the "restless heart" which drove him
forward to God. His discovery that this deep restlessness, which he
had first experienced as a painful affliction, is a gift with which God
has marked him and all creatures. This finding remains one of the
This video is the story of Cardinal Suenens, a gifted writer, a
determined and forward-thinking leader and a candid and courageous
spokesman for reform. It is also the story of the Second Vatican
Author of Reform (Cardinal
Council, the most important religous event of the last 100 years.
Archival footage, newsreels, interviews and original footage of Rome
provide a compelling protrait of Suenens and document the crucial
role he played in shaping the modern Catholic Church. It candidly
Junior High Adult
This program was specifically designed to foster the social inlcusion
of children with autism, ages 8-11, in general education classrooms. It
Autism Vision: Creating
provides classmates with comprehensive, yet developmentally
Classroom Connections for
appropriate information about autism. The Facilitator's Guide provides
Children with Autism DVD
instructions on how to effectively implement the classroom
presentation, along with suggested activities that re-inforce main
This program was specifically designed to foster the social inlcusion
of teens with autism, ages 12-15, in general education classrooms. It
Autism Vision: Creating
provides classmates with comprehensive, yet developmentally
Classroom Connections for Teens
appropriate information about autism. The Facilitator's Guide provides
with Autism DVD
instructions on how to effectively implement the classroom
presentation, along with suggested activities that re-inforce main
Using dramatic scenarios as well as first person experiences, this
program explores the positive and negative aspects of cell phones,
B Careful When U Txt: The
mobile email devices and hand-held computers. Information included
Dangers of Texting & Sexting
is the Dos and Don'ts of text messaging, including reference to laws
on privacy and child pornography, setting and maintaining personal
boundaries, dealing with unforseen consequences, and underscoring
The arrival of a mysterious stranger begins to change the lives of the
residents of a tiny Danish hamlet. Babette convinces the residents to
try a gourmet French meal. This scandalizes the pious elders of the
Babette's Feast (DVD)
town, who believe in salvation through strict self denial. Who is this
stranger who has terrified the town with the prospect of losing their
souls for enjoying too much earthly pleasure? This film was the
winner of the 1987 Academy Award for "Best Foreign Language" film
Fr. Jim Miller, a Rockville Centre diocesan priest, hosts this series.
He and the students grapple with the issue of violence and living in a
Back Talk "Age of Violence"
violent society and world during this session. The program features
popular music videos related to violence. (60 min., Jr. High)
Peers answers questions about how important it is to "Be Liked".
Back Talk "Being Liked"
Similar in format to the others in this series, the program is one hour
in length and hosted by Fr. Kimball and Anna Scally. (Jr. High)
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Senior High
Intermediate Junior High
Junior High Adult
Junior High
Junior High
Back Talk "Being Mad at God"
Back Talk "Forgiveness"
Back Talk "God and Me"
Back Talk "How to Make
Back Talk "Self Esteem - Who
Needs It"
Back Talk "The Faces of AIDS"
Back to the Drawing Board A
Back to the Drawing Board B
Sometimes we do not understand God's will in our lives. When unexpected events take place His will is sometimes even harder to accept.
Youth ministers Fr. Don Kimball and Anna Scally host this music
video teleconfer-ence to try to help youth understand their anger.
We all know how important it is to be forgiven and sometimes how
hard it is to seek forgiveness. Youth sometimes are better able to
explain their feelings to each other than adults. Join Anna Scally and
Fr. Don Kimball for this one hour music video program geared to
Fr. Jim Miller of Rockville Centre, combines his parish duties with
working with "garage bands" on Long Island as advisor and recording
engineer. During this session he and the students look at how young
people view their relationship with God. Music videos are also used
Music video teleconference hosted by nationally known youth
ministers Fr. Don Kimball and Anna Scally. Peers answers each
others questions concern-ing the subject of making friends and
keeping them. The program is one hour in length; thirty minutes of
Fr. Jim Miller, a priest of the Diocese of Rockville Center, hosts this
Back Talk Series. In this first program the focus is self esteem. Using
popular music as a vehicle to start the conversation, Fr. Miller
explores the questions facing young people who frequently find their
self esteem threatened in today's adolescent society. (60 min., Jr.
During this program, Fr. Miller and the studio audience talk about the
fears arising from the AIDS epidemic and how young people deal with
the reality of knowing people with HIV and AIDS, perhaps even
members of their own families. (60 min., Jr. High)
Nicholas Martin, Artist Supremo. The official "sketch pad wonderkid" and class cartoonist, until, that is, Todd moves to town! Nicholas
has to face something tough, something that is making him angry,
scared and prideful all at once: jealousy. In this video, Nicholas and
McGee learn that jealousy causes a lot of hurt, anger and frustration--Same as # 515
Junior High
Junior High
Junior High
Junior High
Junior High
Junior High
Primary Intermediate
Backstage Vol 1 DVD
Backstage Vol 2 DVD
Backstage Vol 3 DVD
Banking on Life and Debt
Baptism (The Mystery of Faith
Series - Himes)
Baptism - Sacrament of
This program features interviews of the top Christian artists in the
country. They speak openly and candidly about their struggles, doubts
and difficulties in life. Artists featured are Jars of Clay, LaRue, Ginny
This program features interviews of the top Christian artists in the
country. They speak openly and candidly about their struggles, doubts
and difficulties in life. Artists featured are: Switchfoot, MercyMe,
This program features interviews of the top Christian artists in the
country. They speak openly and candidly about their struggles, doubts
and difficulties in life. Artists featured are: Third Day, Jaci Velasquez,
In seven brief minutes viewers of this video are thrown into a world of
balances and counter balances. Silent figures in the video relate to our
world and its delicate balances. This program will help viewers to
grasp the balance of power, balance of terror and balanced
Over 90% of the world's population live in countries trapped in
multibillion-dollar loan repayment schemes, with terms dictated by
the World Bank and the International Monetary fund. Narrated by
Martin Sheen, this documentary will show how millions of children
are sacrificed for the sake of financial stability. The video traces the
In this series of ten videos, Fr. Michael Himes provides insights into
the basics of the Catholic faith in a style that is engaging and
challenging. There are many videos on Baptism but this one is unique
in its exploration of the awesome and mystical depth of this sacrament
Alfredo is a young mexican boy orphaned by a tragic fire. He wanders
the villages of Mexico in search of acceptance and family. Physically
and emotionally scarred by the fire that robbed him of his family, he is
welcomed into the loving home and family of the orphanage of Our
Little Brothers and Sisters. His story parallels Baptism as the
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Senior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Baptism (Intermediate)
Baptism (We Belong to God's
Baptism of Jesus, The
Baptism Past and Present
(Chesto) DVD
Baptism: A Promise to Disabled
Baptismal Theology of the
Second Vatican Council\Early
Rites of Baptism & Pre-Vatican
Sacraments help us remember Jesus’ love and point us outward in the
service of others. This series will instruct and encourage young
people to explore their faith and God’s unconditional love for them.
This series uses the actions of daily living, Jesus’ life and the actions
of the believing community to call young people to grow in Christ.
Everyone needs to belong. Baptism is the church’s way of telling us
that we all belong to one another through faith in Christ.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
This video leads viewers through the development and history of
Baptism with an engaging presentation in language that is clear and
comprehensible. Guide materials and the video present adults with a
better understanding of the valuable place of Baptism in their lives.
This video examines the sacramental life of the disabled in the context
of church responsibility.
COUNCIL: Baptism is a sign of initiation in the church. How
seriously do we take the baptism of infants and how do we understand
what this practice means? THE EARLY RITES OF BAPTISM AND
PRE-VATICAN DEVELOPMENTS: Today there is much discussion
about the pros and cons of infant baptism. The New Testament does
not give direct evidence that infants were baptized, yet by the third
century infant baptism is in evidence and a few centuries later it
Primary Intermediate
Barnabas: The RCIA Sponsor
Barrington Bunny
Battered Generation, The
Bear Who Slept Through
Christmas, The A
Bear Who Slept Through
Christmas, The B
This program would be an excellent presentation as an introductory
session and overview of the RCIA to prospective sponsors. The video
explains the following: The role of the sponsor. Who are the
sponsors? Who are the Godparents? How are sponsors selected?
What are the responsibilities of the sponsors? What will be expected
Barrington is a lonely rabbit. He wants to share Christmas with the
squirrels and beavers but because he can only hop and be furry he
doesn't fit in at any of the Christmas parties. Feeling lonely and
dejected, Barrington meets a mysterious silver wolf who teaches him
Today's Church is very sensitive to its responsibility in the delicate
issue of family violence, be it physical or psychological. This video
seeks to explore tensions which are faced and the assistance available
to victims. (Contact Catholic Charities to borrow this video; 28 min.,
The rest of the world is getting ready for Christmas, while all the bears
in "Bearbank" are getting ready to go to sleep. All, that is, except for
Ted E. Bear, who wants to find out just what Christmas is all about.
Ted learns that Christmas means loving, sharing & heartfelt inner joy.
Same as #191
all ages
Preschool Primary
The word Beatitudes means blessedness or happiness and refers to the
short sayings that Jesus spoke in the Sermon on the Mount. Using the
image of a braided circle, this video depicts each strand speaking of
one way to happiness. Through a story, different boys and girls
exemplify beatitude living in different situations and braid their life
into the happiness wreath. Each beatitude is then explored through a
person’s response in the story, and we are invited to discover ways we
Beatitudes for Young People: Part live the beatitudes in our everyday life. The beatitudes included in
this video are: blessed are the hungry, persecuted, meek, and those
who mourn.
*Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for what is right, for they will
be satisfied.
*Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of right, the reign of
God is theirs.
*Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
The word Beatitudes means blessedness or happiness and refers to the
short sayings that Jesus spoke in the Sermon on the Mount. Using the
image of a braided circle, this video depicts each strand speaking of
one way to happiness. Through a story, different boys and girls
exemplify beatitude living in different situations and braid their life
into the happiness wreath. Each beatitude is then explored through a
person’s response in the story, and we are invited to discover ways we
Beatitudes for Young People: Part
live the beatitudes in our everyday life. The beatitudes included in this 16
video are: blessed are the single hearted, peacemakers, those who
show mercy, and the poor in spirit.
*Blessed are the single hearted, for they will see God.
*Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of
*Blessed are they who show mercy, for they will be shown mercy.
The word Beatitudes means blessedness or happiness and refers to the
short sayings that Jesus spoke in the Sermon on the Mount. Using the
image of a braided circle, this video depicts each strand speaking of
one way to happiness. Through a story, different boys and girls
exemplify beatitude living in different situations and braid their life
Beatitudes for Young People:
into the happiness wreath. Each beatitude is then explored through a
person’s response in the story, and we are invited to discover ways we
live the beatitudes in our everyday life. This video offers questions,
projects, and activities for engaging intermediate grade students in
exploring the beatitudes. This video deepens understanding and
appreciation of the beatitudes in the adult’s life and makes parents and
teachers eager to share this life with others.
Suppose Jesus meant exactly what he said, that each of us is a
Beatitudes, Our Blessings Chesto blessing, called to live out our own particular gift in a way that
enables us to be a blessing to the rest of the community. This program
invites us to look at the beatitudes in just this way, and helps us
This video features Gaynell Cronin, a renowned religious educator,
who examines each of the Beatitudes and how they are evident in the
Beatitudes, The
lives of middle school children. As the meaning of the Beatitudes is
lived out by these young children it is evident that when we live the
Beatitudes we live in happiness. (20 min., Intermediate)
Nick goes ballistic when he has to give up fifty-yard-line seats at a pro
football game to spend time with his unexpected visitor, a pint-sized
Beauty in the Least
pen pal. It’s a heart-changing experience for the whole Martin family
as they discover the importance of caring for others and “loving your
neighbor as yourself.”
An inspiring video presentation that features religious and lay people
who reveal their own personal insights to the meaning of
evangelization. The first half focuses on the sacraments and how the
Because We Are Disciples
community within the church grows throughout their celebration. The
second half of the video states "people are sent to serve" and teaches
us that Jesus is bigger than any of us and we must spread his word
Junior High
A great resource to enrich the user's understanding and deepen their
Become One Body One Spirit in appreciation of the Eucharist. There are five (5) areas: Celebrating
Christ DVD
the Eucharist, Living a Eucharistic Life, Creating the Art of Liturgy,
Exploring the Mass through the Ages, and Receiving this English
The role of the Confirmation sponsor is very important. This dramatic
Becoming a Confirmation
enactment of a sponsor-candidate relationship helps the young person
Sponsor A
reflect on their faith as they talk over important events, people and
Becoming a Confirmation
Same as #309
This video provides encouragement and guidelines on the practical
concerns of a new Catechist. Clear examples of how to relate
Becoming a Successful Catechist:
instruction to the student's life experience. It also suggests ways to
Part 1 Getting Started
integrate formal, spontaneous and reflective prayer into the classroom.
Several methods for building community help the beginning Catechist
This program helps not only the new catechist but also the veteran
catechist to be refreshed on some basics. It gives tips on taking
Becoming a Successful Catechist:
advantage of the energy young people have, establishing rules for
Part 2
classroom behavior, maintaining an orderly classroom and handling
student sarcasm. The viewer is also reminded that sometime you must
The third part of this series offers skills of classroom and curriculum
management that can make the difference between success and
Becoming a Successful Catechist: discouragement during the first year. It also offers the veteran
Part 3
catechist on some of the basics. This session discusses integrating
writing into the lessons, explores memorization in religious education
and looks at student involvement in Christian service projects as a part
This presentation by Karen Hinman Powell, Director of the National
Forum on the Catechumenate, will aid those involved in the RCIA
process to become better catechists in their parish. The tape is divided
Becoming an RCIA Catechist
into four parts which address the following subjects: definition of key
terms, design of issues for a session, how to ask and formulate
questions, and a sharing of experiences from other catechists. All
Senior High Adult
Junior High Adult
The sponsor is one of the focal points of the RCIA; this video
explores the role of the sponsor. In Part One a sponsor interacts with
an RCIA candidate. The sponsor encourages a discussion on faith and
its relationship to life experiences. Part Two is a 15 minute
Becoming an RCIA Sponsor
presentation by Rev. James Dunning on the meaning of RCIA, the
meaning of being a sponsor, what a sponsor does, characteristics the
sponsor should develop, and insights into the sponsor/candidate
relationship. The last part presents four sponsors telling their story of
This program offers a modern day parable about Cliff, a harried
businessman who sets out on a fishing trip with inadequate directions
Becoming Catholic: An Adult's to reach his destination. His car breaks down, he looses the directions
Faith Journey VHS
he has and ends up lost, this makes him realize that detours in life
sometimes lead to new discoveries. Also offered in this video is a
faith sharing with other adults about their personal journeys, a
Produced by the Archdiocese of Seattle, this video presents some
supportive ideas as to why Small Christian Communities are so
Becoming Community
important today. Featured presenters include Evelyn and James
Whitehead and Laughlin Sofield sharing some of their feelings about
This video provides a down-to-earth approach to prayer, suggesting
the experience of human friendship as a model for relating to God in
Befriending God in Prayer
prayer. Part of the "Catholic Update Series," it is divided into four
segments: the story segment, the witness segment, the teaching
segment and the music video reflection.
Two topics are covered in this media resource by Fr. Tad Pacholczyk,
National Catholic Bioethics Center. They are the beginning of life
Beginning and End of Life Issues issues, includes: marriage and sex, family planning, treating infertility,
and IVF and embryos (30 min.). The end of life issues, includes:
advance directives, organ donation, proportionate care, nutrition and
hydration, and death with dignity (26 min.)
A straightforward documentary viewed through the eyes of young men
in detention centers. It explores their initial feelings of hopelessness
Behind Bars
and shock. It presents interviews with adults trying to help them
regain self-respect.
Senior High Adult
Divided into four segments, this video offers a fresh look at the
Christmas story that is so familiar to everyone. This program explores
the biblical background of the birth of Christ in a way that is easily
Behold This Child
understood. Contemporary scholarship seeks to move beyond literal
history or biography to the rich theology behind the stories. From this
overview, viewers will appreciate the deeper truths which the
Christmas stories have to teach us about Christ, the Church and each
An enlightening and enriching exploration of the third pillar of the
Catechism, the Ten Commandments. Focused on Christian ethics and
Being Catholic: How Catholics
morality, viewers will see the value of critical thinking and the
Live DVD
importance of making right decisions. This presentation helps to lay
the groundwork for a positive attitude toward moral law and ethical
Whatever form it takes, prayer is, at its heart, a communication with
Being Catholic: How Catholics
God; an acknowldegement that God is present to us, is speaking with
Pray DVD
us and invites us to respond. In this program, viewers young and old
will find a new appreciation for the various ways of connecting with
This program provides a comprehensive presentation of the special
Being Catholic: Seasons and
days and seasons of the Church year so that viewers will be better able
Feasts DVD
to participate in the liturgy with understanding. Engaging illustrations
help make the subject come alive and easy to remember.
This program provides the fundamentals of the Catholic faith in four
concise, engaging and informative segments. Based entirely on the
four pillars of the Catholic Catechism, this program will allow young
Being Catholic: The Creed DVD people who've missed out on religious education opportunities to
"catch up" with their peers, prepare for the sacraments of initiation
and better participate in parish life. The information contained in this
program could also be helpful in RCIA.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Being Catholic: Worship DVD
Being Yourself
Ben Hur, A Race to Glory
Bernadette, The Princess of
Lourdes VHS
Bernie Kosar Shares His Faith
Catholics are a sacramental people who mark their progress through a
life of grace with liturgy and ritual. A better understanding of Catholic
sacramental liturgy can enhance our participation and appreciation of
this life of grace. This program is designed to provide a basic
understanding of Catholic sacraments for youth and adult groups,
including Confirmation preparation and RCIA. As a companion piece
to Being Catholic: the Creed, it continues learners' progress through
the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Mark Scharenbroich addresses a high school audience on the tools
necessary to become a person with a positive self-image, enabling one
to actively tap one's human potential
In this animated video young Ben-Hur and Messala were the best of
friends. They loved to race chariots, but one day Messala had to leave
Jerusalem and his Jewish friend to study in Rome and become a
Roman officer. When Messala came back, the boys were now men,
but friends no longer. The former friends square off for one last,
desperate chariot race.
It's February 11, 1858. Three girls from Lourdes, France, gather
firewood in front of a grotto. Suddenly, Bernadette Soubirous, 14,
drops to her knees, gazes ecstatically at something beautiful only she
can see, and starts to pray.
This video is a television documentary that explores Joseph
Bernardin’s rise to leadership in the American Catholic Church, his
role in the creation of anti-poverty programs and in the public debate
on abortion and nuclear weapons. It examines the life of a man who
helped define many of the critical issues facing the nation and how
America stood with him as he was called to publicly defend himself.
Bernie Kosar talks openly with young people about his faith and the
changes he has faced in his career over the last few years. He not only
talks about his youth, but also about his memories of serving as an
altar boy, along with some personal trials in his life. He also speaks
about the importance of attending Mass and receiving the Sacraments.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Intermediate Adult
BEWARE THE HERDMANS! They’re the nastiest, dirtiest kids you
could ever meet...and they’ve decided they belong in this year’s
Best Christmas Pageant Ever, The
Christmas pageant. But the town thinks they belong in the care of the
local police. When the curtain finally goes up, a miracle begins - and
it all turns into “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!” Starring Loretta
This video was developed to be used for Palm Sunday, Cycle A.
Judas was a disciple and friend of Jesus, but for thirty silver coins he
sold information about Jesus to the authorities so that they could find
Betrayal, The
him and arrest him. Judas was not a faithful disciple. Jesus was
betrayed by Peter and Andrew. It would also be helpful when
exploring the nature of sin or learning to handle guilt in a healthy way.
It could serve as a meditation during examination of conscience in a
This video gives us the hope that we can learn to live again after the
death of a loved one, and not just survive. Our task is to embrace all
Beyond Death's Door DVD
their life - the good parts, the ugly parts, the hard parts - and then to
make sure that love is what we remember most.
This video gives us the hope that we can learn to live again after the
death of a loved one, and not just survive. Our task is to embrace all
Beyond Death's Door VHS
their life - the good parts, the ugly parts, the hard parts - and then to
make sure that love is what we remember most.
The expectations, experiences and influence of the Irish, German and
Italian Catholics who arrived as immigrants between l840 and 1920
are examined in this video. These immigrants faced an unresponsive
Beyond the Dream
federal government, intense discrimination, and a church not quite
ready for them. The Catholic Church in America has strived for eight
decades to meet social, educational and medical needs of all its
immigrants. This program is very informative and educational.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
This video explores biblical justice beginning with creation and sin in
Genesis, through the exodus and Sinai traditions and the eighth
century prophets, culminating in the message and example of Jesus as
found in the Gospel according to Luke. This is not only a scholarly
Biblical View of Justice
exigesis but a lively, inspiring, humorous and image-filled trek
through the foundational stories of our scriptures. This video inspires
and challenges the viewer not only to name injustice in the world but
also to become a proclaimer and sign of God's hope.
The story of a young orphan who wins his battle to save the life of an
Big Henry and The Polka Dot Kid old blind dog by convincing his uncle that there are values more
important than being practical. A touching story for all ages.
Eleven year old Nicholas has just moved to a new town where he does
not know anyone. Nicholas and his friend McGee discover that
Big Lie, The
telling lies is not a convenient way to make friends. Instead, it's a sure
way to hurt others, espe-cially if the lie is mistaken for the truth.
Based on Matthew 25:14-30, King Gandy summons his servants,
Beaky, Fluff and Squawk to care for the Royal Treasury of Seeds
Birdseed Blunder, The
while he is gone. Beaky grows vegetables, Fluff grows flowers, but 8
Squawk is afraid to try anything involving risk, so he hides his seeds
under a rock for safe keeping. (8 min., Preschool - Primary)
This live taping of Dr. Peggy Norris provides many facts worth considering and evaluating in the course of a mature discussion of these
Birth Control & Exploitation of
issues. The video is 70 minutes in length and concludes with Norris 70
responding to questions from the audience. Previewing recommended
in order to use segments in the classroom setting.
Kirk Cameron, from Growing Pains, takes the viewer to Bethlehem at
Christmastime through a storytelling session with a family, including
a young skeptic. This video features footage from the Visual Bible
Birth of Jesus (Kirk Cameron)
Series and includes Jesus’ lineage, the announcement to Mary,
Joseph’s reaction, the birth, Herod’s response, the shepherds, wise
men and angels.
The ancient prophecies of the Old Testament are fulfilled through the
Birth of Jesus, The
birth of the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, in a stable in Bethlehem.
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Preschool Primary
Primary Intermediate
Birth, The
Bishop Tratuman's Interview Fifth Anniversary 1995
Bishop Trautman's Interview Tenth Anniversary 2000
Bishop Trautman's Interview
Bishops' Trautman & Murphy
Departure to Rome
Blame Game, The (adult)
Bless Our Children
A wonderful re-enactment of the Scripture shot on the original
locations with local actors who look the part. This program captures
the account of the Annunciation's and the Nativity from the Gospel
according to Luke. The following are highlighted: the angel Gabriel 40
visits Zechariah, Gabriel's annunciation to Mary, Mary visits
Elizabeth, the circumcision and naming of John, the Nativity in
Bethlehem, the shepherds, purification at the Temple, and Jesus at the
Intermediate Adult
Junior High Adult
An entire generation has learned how to escape responsibility for their
actions...they have mastered the “Blame Game.” We blame our
parents our spouse, our friends, society and even God for things that 24
go wrong. In this episode of The Big Picture, you will discover three
consequences of playing the Blame Game and how to stop passing the
A story of one congregation's efforts to include sexual abuse
prevention in their children's religious education. It is intended for:
clergy, lay leaders, religious educators and schools, local child abuse
councils, public child welfare agencies, and seminaries. Support and
encouragement are given to those who hope to implement a child
sexual abuse prevention program which is a personal safety program
that teaches children how to respond to difficult or confusing
situations using the lessons of scripture. It is a companion tape to
Hear Their Cries: Religious Responses to Child Abuse. (40
This video presentation shows three communities where individuals
are taking actin to stop violence in their communities and in their
lives. Visit New Orleans, where a multi-denominational organization
called ACT (All Congregations Together) is determined to purge the
Blessed Are the Peacemakers
neighborhood of drugs, guns and delinquent landlords. Then travel to
Los Angeles, where programs called Hope in Youth and Jobs for the
Future are working to keep young people from joining gangs by
providing one-on-one counseling, positive role models, and
educational support. This videotape is from the U.S. bishops Catholic
These fifteen minute videos on the lives of the saints are narrated and
Blessed Kateri Tekawitha
illustrated for today’s youth and encourage children to imitate the
virtues of the saints’ lives.
Hip shades, just the right shirt, and arrogant swagger, and “attitude”
are all Nick needs to hang with the coolest kid in school. Of course,
Nick does have to make some sacrifices. Being in the hip crowd
Blunder Years, The
means being out with his “wanna-be” family and friends. Nick is like
every kid - stumbling through The Blunder Years making choices and
hopefully discovering what’s really important in the process.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German clergyman of great distinction who
Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace
actively opposed Hitler and the Nazis; he paid the ultimate price for
his beliefs.
Things are not always as they appear. Based on a short story by Max
Book and the Rose, The (Lucado)
Lucado, this video is set in the 1940's. It is a timeless love story about
divergent paths, choices and a meeting of hearts and ideals.
Book and the Rose, The (Lucado)
In this happy presentation, Brother Francis invites us to share in the
Born into the Kingdom: Baptism
realities of the Sacrament of Bapt5ism and the union it provides us
(Brother Francis) DVD
with God's big family.
Junior High
Senior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
BOTH ALTAR AND TABLE: The altar is to be one of the principle
focal points in the church building. On it takes place the marvelous
sacrifice and meal that links God to humanity. By becoming more
aware of the special place, our worship will hopefully take on a richer
Both Altar and Table\We Become and deeper meaning.WE BECOME LIVING BREAD: Like anything
Living Bread
that is worthwhile in life, the Eucharist also requires preparation and
motivation. By making the extra effort to be more personally
"present" at Mass, we can be more receptive to God's wonderful gifts.
This video program discusses why bread and wine symbolize the
Body and Blood and help the viewer to gain a better understanding of
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
Boy Jesus in the Temple, The
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
The main character, Jason, learns in personal and painful terms the
emotional cost of destruction and violence. He becomes friends with
Boy Who Liked Deer, The
two other teens who encour-age him to join them in destruction at
their high school and at the deer park.
This retelling of the feeding of the 5,000 will captivate viewers with
Bread From Heaven (Nest) VHS its brisk storytelling, original songs and entertaining action, even as it
challenges them to consider afresh the One who is the Bread of Life.
The story of Joey whose dreams of college are shattered when his
father becomes unemployed and he himself becomes the breadwinner.
Breadwinner, The
This video addresses issues of self esteem, maturity, unemployment,
and family love and loyalty.
Break the Silence: Kids Against
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
Child Abuse DVD
Primary Intermediate
Intermediate Adult
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Intermediate Senior High
Break the Silence: Kids Against
Child Abuse VHS
Breakthrough Listening DVD
Brian's Song
Bridge To Forgiveness
Jane Seymour hosts this program in which the different forms of child
abuse are explained in a way children can understand. Four children
talk candidly about their abuse. As each story is told, animated
versions of the child and the abuser help illustrate how the abuse
happened and how it made the child feel. Each story ends happily,
with the children receiving help and leading normal lives. The main
point throughout is that children should tell an adult if they feel they
are being abused or if they know someone who is. Approved for
Even the clearest speaking cannot guarantee effective listening.
Listening is a skill that needs to be understood and developed. In this
program, viewers will learn that listening is always interpretive and
that each of us has our own cultural and personal history that affects
our interpretations. By listening beyond the words and expanding our
awareness, everyone can become better listeners, and thus, better
This video relates the true story of a special relationship between two
professional football players, Gayle Sayers and Brian Piccolo, who are
roommates and best friends. When Sayers suffers a knee injury in
mid-season, it is Piccolo who prods and inspires him to work toward a
complete recovery. Then, Piccolo is stricken with malignant cancer.
The constant support and friendship of Sayers plays an important role
in Piccolo’s heroic fight against the disease.
This video explores the topic of forgiveness with youth, using music,
the story of Jacob and Esau and witness segments. Study guide
A touching drama bridging three generations. It tells the story of a
mother's love for her college age son and for her ailing, and
uncommunicative father. A story of family relationships and of the
universal need for affirmation, especially from those who are closest
to us.
Intermediate Senior High
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Bridging the Tears
Bring Down the Walls
Broken Toy DVD
Broken Toy VHS
Broken Vows
A compelling video about pregnancy, abortion, reconciliation and
healing. Dr. Theresa Burke, therapist and author, describes the
symptoms of post-abortion trauma and the spiritual alienation caused
by abortion. A woman witnesses how she found and accepted healing 27
twenty years after an abortion and a music video completes the
presentation. This video will inspire and educate, and offers hope of
healing offered by our God of mercy and compassion.
This video by the Department of Social Development & World Peace
celebrates the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Rerum
Combining a dramatic storyline performed realistically by actual
schoolchildren, this video is a powerful tool that addresses the
problem of bullying directly to children. It is a challenging program
that will move and educate children like nothing they've experienced
This program's intended audience is clergy, congregations, religious
educators and staff of battered women's programs and human service
agencies. Part One (37 min.) addresses the aspects of the problems
and situations of battered women; Part Two (22 min.) discusses
possible responses from clergy and congregations. The focus is
understanding the dynamics of domestic violence; supporting
individuals who are victims of violence; and developing plans to
prevent this violence. It will serve as an educational tool about
domestic violence and will motivate people to take action on behalf of
the victims of this violence. (59 min., Adult)
Brother Andre: Saint of the
The story of a humble Holy Cross brother who was raised to the altar
Basilica of St. Joseph in Montreal
of Saint in 2011.
A lively version of the early years of St. Francis of Assisi that focuses
on his youthful rebellion against his rich parents, and his struggle to
Brother Sun, Sister Moon
establish his community of begging Friars in the midst of a
comfortable, self-satisfied Church.
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Buddhism: The Middle Way of
Building Assets in Youth The
Power of Positive Youth
Building Families of Faith and
Building Family Esteem
Robert Redford stars in this potent drama based on the real life story
of Tom Murton, the prison superintendant who rocked Arkansas
politics when he exposed scandalous abuses and murders in a state
prison. Posing as a new prisoner, Brubaker discovers vast corruption
in a state penitentiary before revealing himself to be the new warden. 131
His personal crusade to bring reform puts him in grave danger,
especially when he insists on exposing a series of secret murders that
took place years earlier. Powerful and disturbing, Brubaker won
acclaim for its gritty realism and Oscar-nominated screenplay.
An additional video in the newly produced series on world religions,
this tape focuses on Buddhism. Buddhism has been described as more
a way of life than a religion. It has had a profound influence on the
philosophical and political development of the nations of Asia. This
program explores the history, the development, the art, and the
influence of Buddhism in the world.
Junior High Adult
A Symposium: The Church Faces Social Justice through a Family
Perspective, Building Families of Faith and Outreach, with Kathleen
and James McGinnis. They believe there are three ways to empower
families: inspiration, imagination and supports systems. (60 min.,
This series of videos addresses topics of concern to to the American
family. Information is presented by a panel of experts and in response
to viewers who have called in questions. Presented by the Notre
Dame Alumni Association and made available by the Family
Ministries Office of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Erie.
Building Family Esteem (86 min., Adult)
This hands-on workshop gives students the skills to evaluate healthy
vs unhealthy relationships, be assertive rather than aggressive, resist
Building Good Relationships
peer pressure, communicate clearly, and resolve conflicts. Teens will
recognize their own behaviors and learn to identify communication
roadblocks. Accompanying students handouts provide practice in
buidling effective relationship skills. Leader's guide included.
This hands-on workshop gives students the skills to evaluate healthy
vs unhealthy relationships, be assertive rather than aggressive, resist
Building Good Relationships
peer pressure, communicate clearly, and resolve conflicts. Teens will
recognize their own behaviors and learn to identify communication
roadblocks. Accompanying students handouts provide practice in
building effective relationship skills. Leader's guide included.
Building Your Parish Video
This video leads the viewer through a step-by-step process of getting a
parish video library up and running with a minimum of effort and
Through this program, children will learn about the importance of
building good friendships; simple practical and effective repsonses to
Bullies: Safety N.E.T. Kids DVD threats and physical abuse; and how to handle name-calling. The
Safety Net Kids Program accomplishes these goals by instilling
confidence with the aid of fun games and high energy content.
This program offers the empowering message that the most effective
way to deal with bullying is through the efforts of those who witness
it. A compelling short drama based on real-life incidents is featured.
Bully Bystanders: You Can Make On-screen experts advise teens how they can become proactive
a Difference DVD
without putting themselves at risk. Viewers learn that respecting
others and taking a united stand against all sorts of harassment is not
only possible, but can make a dramatic difference in the lives of many
young people. Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
Program encourages students to recognize bullying behavior in
Bully Smart Series (Gr. 3-5)
themselves. There are (4) four individual sections on this DVD: Are
You A Bully?; Five Ways to Stop a Bully; Don't Stand By; and Help!
I'm a Bully!
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Intermediate Junior High
Junior High Senior High
Primary Intermediate
In this video, students will develop a better understanding of ways to
deal effectively with bullies through two detailed vignettes. Each
Bullying: Conflict Resolution for
vignette features a follow-up section where characters discuss the
featured situations objectively, providing students with the framework
for dealing with similar scenarios in their daily lives.
Young people need guidance from the adults in their lives to deal with
Bullying: What every adult needs bullying in a healthy way. This video educates adults about what
to know
bullying is and what they can do to help the young people in their
lives when bullying is a problem.
In this guide for approaching the early teen years, listen to discussion
groups of parents and youth to find useful concepts and interventions
Bumps in the Road (What Kids to reach common ground and make adult - kid relationships work.
Wish Their Parents Knew)
Topics discussed are Embarrassment, Anger, Fear and Hurt. This is a
useful resource for discussion starters for parents and pre-teens. Each
segment is 30 minutes in length.
Moses hears the call from Almighty God, in the form of a burning
Burning Bush, The
bush, to lead the Israelites out of their bondage in Egypt.
Based on Matthew 20:1-16, Queen Bee discovers a huge field of
wildflowers. She thinks of all the honey that could be made from the
pollen and hires three different teams of worker bees, one in the
Busy Bees, The
morning, one at noon and one near the end of the day. All the bees are
paid the same wages and she affirms that she has treated them fairly.
Generosity, she reminds us, is a gift---freely given. (8 min., Preschool He's been kicked out of his hive and is on the move. Now Buzby, the
misbehaving bee, is bringing mischief to the garden. And his
Buzby the Misbehaving Bee
unwillingness to follow the "Garden Golden Rules" has caused a
(Lucado) DVD
major problem. But a simple act of kindness will change Buzby's heart
and teach him that God's rules are made to keep everyone safe and
He's been kicked out of his hive and is on the move. Now Buzby, the
misbehaving bee, is bringing mischief to the garden. And his
Buzby the Misbehaving Bee
unwillingness to follow the "Garden Golden Rules" has caused a
(Lucado) VHS
major problem. But a simple act of kindness will change Buzby's heart
and teach him that God's rules are made to keep everyone safe and
Intermediate Senior High
Intermediate Adult
Primary Intermediate
Preschool Primary
Preschool Primary
Preschool Primary
By Way of the Heart: Holistic
Call to Christ
Call to Collaborative Ministry
Call to Mission, A DVD
Call, The: Tracing the Covenant
through Scripture
Called by God
Fr. Wilkie Au hosts this video in which his colorful and intriguing
stories are enacted. If you want to learn how to pray or wish to pray
with a new depth, this video is for you. You will be led to reflect on
your own life by the moving portrayals of Au’s Zen, rabbinic and
original stories, all held together by his own insights into the journey
This 15 minute video is a message from our Holy Father to youth. He
speaks to them about the importance of giving service to their church.
This video is for pastoral staffs and other parish leaders who seek to
begin collaborative ministry or to deepen their collaborative skills. It
will help pastoral leaders to examine their understanding of
collaborative ministry, identify and share their gifts, reflect on the
obstacles and challenges to collaboration, as well as plan steps for
It may be called mission, or calling, or vocation, or purpose, but it all
boils down to serving God's people according to Gospel principles. In
this DVD, viewers will see foreign and domestic misisons being
served by lay people as well as religious. There are many needs and
many ways to do misison and this program will encourage viewers to
think about their mission in building God's kingdom.
From Abraham to Moses, John the Baptist to Mary, many Biblical
figures were challenged to respond to the call of God. By identifying
with these figures, young people find role models for their own faith
responses to God’s call. This video is an excellent overview or
review for understanding the people of Scripture.
Vocation is beyond our lifework, it is beyond our occupation. It is not
just God calling a person, but it involves the person in an active way.
It is a form of relationship in which the person is a free and willing
partner. This video offers practical ideas and suggestions for
discussion on all vocations in the Church - single and married life as
well as priesthood and religious life.
Junior High Senior High
Intermediate Adult
Junior High Senior High
A Baptism and RCIA video that explores through story and symbol
the rich concepts of death and resurrection. The meaning of Baptism,
a call to community, to conversion, to faith, to new life, pulsates
Called by Name
throughout the film and challenges us to reflect on our own Baptism
and what it means to live our baptismal commitment. Great for
baptismal preparation classes.
This video has been produced for viewing by a world wide audience
to expose people once again to the tremendous gift of the priesthood.
Called to Serve as Priest
A multinational cast of eminent Church representatives, religious and
lay people speak from the heart of their faith in Christ and the mystery
of the Eucharist, about the unique gift of the priesthood.
This informative video offers up-to-date guidelines to prepare
eucharistic ministers for their role of service to the faith community.
It addresses practical concerns such as preparation for liturgy, the
Called to Serve: The Eucharistic entrance procession, readying the bowls and cups for distribution, and
what to do if there is a spill. Highlights of the historical and
theological background of this ministry are included, as well as a
discussion of the pastoral practice and liturgical role of lay eucharistic
ministers. Does not include ministry to the sick.
This two DVD set contains two Christmas stories. Candy Maker's
Candy Maker's Christm2as/Go
Christmas presents the story of the candy cane. Go Look in the
Look in the Manger DVD
Manger is the story of a boy named Ricky who makes a significant
discovery about the best gift of Christmas, Jesus.
Katherine Drexel, foundress of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament,
was a tireless worker promoting the liberation of Native and African
Americans. This program describes her progress toward sainthood,
Canonization of Katherine Drexel
using letters, personal diaries and family photos of her missionary
work to tell her story. The program also includes the canonization
ceremony in Rome.
Junior High Adult
All Ages
This video offers practical advice for parents when dealing with
preadolescent children. This episode shows you how to help your
child sort through problems and come up with well thought-out
solutions. The SODAS method is explained and demonstrated in this
Can't Decide! What Should I Do?
program; the acronym stands for the following steps to be used when
making a decision: 1) Situation; 2) Options; 3) Disadvantages; 4)
Advantages; 5) Solution. The process is easy to learn and can be used
throughout life when making decisions. (15 min., Adult)
This program gives children a chance to study Tricky People… the
way they act, the words they use, and the way kids can respond to
protect themselves. With the help of the children's safety champ Yello
Can't Fool Me! Yello Dyno
Dyno and the music of the Yello Dyno Band, it's fun to learn the safe
way to handle tricky situations. Kids will know in their hearts that
Tricky People "Can't fool me!" This is the Preschool - Primary age
training program of the Yello Dyno Personal Safety Programs and
Products. Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
Since the Second Vatican Council the cantor has emerged as an
important component of Catholic worship. The well-trained cantor
Cantoring: The Cantor's Craft
can lead, instruct, and inspire. This video is an ideal resource to
promote the art of music in worship. Topics include: breathing and
posture, vocal warm-up, leading the assembly, and singing as soloist.
In this positive, life-affirming presentation on the pro-life movement
in the United States and the Church's commitment to the unborn, New
Cardinal O'Connor Speaks Out
York's respected Cardinal calls for unity among pro-life groups and
On Life (lost video)
challenges them to greater involvement and dedication. This
straightforward message will inspire and motivate viewers to pray and
work for the cause of the unborn. (46 min., Sr. Highl - Adult)
This program begins with an overview of the work of The Caring
Place, a Center for Grieving Children, Adolescents and Their Families
Caring Place, The (Highmark)
(12 min). Information is also presented on services offered for
children, youth and their families who have suffered the death of a
loved one (5 min). A short clip presenting "One Teen's Story" (4 min.)
This video for parents helps them to understand the importance of
affirming their children when they behave, complete their homework,
Catch'em Being Good
or perform some other good action. In order to build good self esteem
we need to hear praise more often than criticism. Parents can learn a
lot from this program. ( min., Adult)
In this six-session video presentation, Father Albert Haase gives you
the tools and kindling to prepare for the spark of God in your
Catching Fire, Becoming Flame life�and then shows you how to fan it into flame until you are set
ablaze (published by Paraclete Press). Presentations include: Spiritual
Journey as a process of transformation; Your Image of God; The
examen; The 7 principles of prayer; The Challenge of Forgiveness;
This video program is based on the symposium for the Bishops of the
US on the Catechism of the Catholic Church in New Orleans. It is
divided into four segments as follows: Major Themes of the
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Catechism; The Context of the Catechism; Practical Use of the
Catechism; and questions to the panelists at the Symposium for the
Bishops. The intended audience is adults who are interested in
learning about the Catechism. (108 min., Adult)
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Same as #792
Session I: An Introduction to the Catechism. In this session, William
Madges, Brennan Hill, Judith Merkle and Rosie Miller discuss how
catechesis began in the early church, the evolution of catechisms, and
how the new catechism came to be. They also explain the structure of
the new catechism and give a general overview of its content. (29
Catechism, The: Sessions 1& 2
min., Adult) Session II: Faith in God and Jesus Christ. Hill and
Madges present the major points of part one and sections one and two
of the Catechism on the topics of Faith, Revelation, God and Jesus
Christ. This presentation and the remaining four in the series are
followed by discussions with the audience, who relate the teachings to
their lives and ministries. (32 min., Adult)
Catechism, The: Sessions 3 & 4
Catechism, The: Sessions 5 & 6
Catechumenate for Children,
Sessions 1-5
Catechumenate for Children,
Sessions 6-9
Session III: The Spirit and the Church. Madges and Hill discuss the
teachings of part one, section two, chapter three of the Catechism on
the topics of the Holy Spirit and the church. (31 min., Adult)
Session IV: Liturgy and Sacraments. Brennan Hill and William
Madges present the central points of the catechism's part two, sections
one and two on the celebrations of the Christian mysteries in liturgy,
as well as the seven sacraments. (35 min., Adult)
Session V: Morality and Social Justice. Judith Merkle and William
Madges discuss the moral teachings in part three, sections one and
two of the Catechism regarding human dignity, communal justice, and
the ten commandments. (32 min., Adult) Session VI: Prayer and
Spirituality. In this final session, Rosie Miller and Brennan Hill
explain part four, sections one and two of the Catechism on prayer and
spirituality. Miller and Hill deal with prayer in Scripture, in the life of
Christians, and in particular, they discuss the Lord's Prayer. (34 min.,
This series while conveying information, also captures the spirit of
initiating children into the Church community. Parents as well as
catechists will grasp the important goal the catechumentate strives to
achieve: dedicated Christians of all ages. The segments included on
this tape are as follows: Overview of RCIA; Overview of the
Catechumenate for Children; Ministries in the Catechumenate for
Children; The Pre-Catechumenate for Children; and The
Catechumenate Period. (5 - 15 minute segments, Adult)
The series continues as described in the previous synopsis. The
segments included on this tape are as follows: The Period of
Purification and Enlightenment: Lent; Easter Sacraments;
Mystagogia: Post-Baptismal Catechesis; and The Parish and the
Catechumenate. (4 - 15 minute segments, Adult)
Catechumenate in Brief, The
Catechumenate, The: What Are
the Challenges
Catholic Basics for Kids DVD
Catholic Church in the Real
Catholic Education Collection
Catholic Education Collection
Catholic Education Collection '94'95 combined
Catholic Lector, The
Catholic Mass, The: Yesterday
and Today
The events depicted in this video took place in different parishes in
the Archdiocese of Miami. We follow and listen to the genuine
testimonies of the catechumens and candidates as they walk on the
journey to Baptism or full memebership in the Catholic Church. We
also see the important role played by the bishop, clergy, catechists,
sponsors, godparents and assembly in this journey toward initiation.
The pastoral challenge of the RCIA goes far beyond initiating new
members in the Church. Fr. Fragomeni believes that RCIA challenges
the entire parish to find new ways to be Church, to understand the
sacraments, to celebrate liturgy and serve the world. This program
will give pastors and parish staff ideas for spiritual renewal. (60
This collection includes four programs: What is the Bible? (16 min);
What Is a Sacrament? (11 min.); What Is the Church? (12 min.); and
A Tour of Our Parish Church (12 min.).
The Catholic Church today is a church of contrasts---of individuals
from different cultural experiences and traditions adapting,
compromising and adjusting to the environment of local situations.
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Produced by the Diocese of Charlotte, this tape is a great help for both
new and veteran lectors. It offers simple, professional tips to help
ministers of the word understand and feel more comfortable in their
liturgical role. (14 min., Adult)
The Mass has been celebrated for two thousand years by millions of
people. It is a moving experience of rituals, readings and prayers that
involve the body, mind and soul. This program will clarify some of
the rituals as they are celebrated today, explain how the Mass has
changed and uncover the meaning the Mass holds for those who
This series is a basic level video-assisted resource for the formation
and enrichment of catechists. A catechist who complete this formation
program will experience a process of spiritual formation, gain an
Catholic Morality (Echoes of
overview of the major doctrinal themes contained in the CCC and
Faith Plus) DVD
learn practical skills for leading effective catechetical sessions. In this
module the catechist will explore the foundations of Catholic morality
and the practice of the moral life.
This video series is a basic level, video-assisted resource for the
enrichment of catechists. The goal of this series is to acquaint
catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and
introduce them to the principles and practices of sound catechesis.
Catholic Morality (Echoes of
N.B. There is a companion booklet that accompanies each video.
These booklets will be sent on request with the video, but are NOT to
be photocopied in any form. Copies of the booklets to be used with
each viewer can be purchased from RCL (Resources for Christian
Living), P.O. Box 7000, Allen TX, 75013, 1-877-275-4725.
Preachers, social action committees and parishioners in general can
Catholic Social Teaching (John
benefit from this clear, lively overview of our Catholic social ministry,
which flows from a faith that is social and a eucharist that is just.
Catholic Viewpoint a weekly television program produced by Catholic
Catholic Viewpoint: Tom Morris Telecommunication Network of America and hosted by Fr. Tom
McSweeney. Join Fr. Tom and Tom Morris in their recent discussion
on RCIA. (28 min., Adult)
An opportunity for the viewer to learn about inspiring stories
Catholic Way of Life, The
Catholics share about their faith and their parish families. (30 min.,
Catholicism 201 addresses topics at the heart of the Catholic faith
such as the sacraments, morality, as well as devotion to Mary and the
Saints in eight sessions. Ideal for personal and group faith enrichment
Catholicism 201 DVD
through parish catechesis, RCIA or sacramental preparation. Fr. James
Mallon, the presenter, is a pastor from Eastern Canada and a member
of the John Paul II Media Institute. Comes with a manual.
Rev. Robert E Barron examines 50 Theological and Spiritual
Catholicism: Faith Clips DVD
Questions about the Catholic Faith, taken from the Catholicism Series.
Senior High min /
Senior High Adult
Catholicism: Episodes 1 & 2
Catholicism: Episodes 3 & 4
Catholicism: Episodes 5 & 6
Catholicism: Episodes 7 & 8
In Episode 1, "Amazed and Afraid - the Revelation of God Become
Man", Fr. Barron illuminates the Catholic faith's conviction that Jesus
of Nzazreth is the promised Messiah and the revelation of God
become man in Christ.
Senior High Adult
Senior High Adult
The Church extends a stunning invitation to a unique way of life and
in Episode 2,"Happy Are We - the Teachings of Jesus", Fr. Barron
presents throughout what it means to be a disciple of Christ.
In Episode 3, "The Ineffable Mystery of God", Fr. Robert Barron
presents the Catholic faith's compelling vision of God as the ineffable
and majestic Trinity.
In Episode 4, "Our Tainted Nature's Solitary Boast: Mary, the Mother
of God", Fr. Barran explains the Church's great reverance for Mary
and her unique role in the history of salvation.
In Episode 5, "The Indespensable Men - Peter, Paul and the
Missionary Adventure", Fr. Barron shows how the Holy Spirit worked
through apostles and disciples to build the Church.
In Episode 6, "A Body Both Suffering and Glorious - The Mystical
Union of Christ and the Church", Fr. Barron presents the reality of the
church as one, holy, catholic and apostolic. The Body of Christ can be
seen all over the earth while still escaping total understanding as the
mystical union between Christ and his Church.
In Episode 7, "Word Made Flesh, True Bread of Heaven - The
Mystery of the Liturgy and the Eucharist," Fr. Barron explains the
words, gestures and meanings of the Church's Eucharist, inclusive of
the new Missal.
In Episode 8, "A Vast Company of Witnesses - the Communion of
Saints", Fr. Barron celebrates some of the Church's most extraordinary
saints - Edith Stein, Mother Teresa, Therese of Lisieux and Katharine
Senior High Adult
Senior High Adult
Catholicism: Episodes 9 & 10
Catholics Use the Scripture
Too\Look at How Catholics
Begin Their Worship Today
Celebrate What's Right With the
World DVD DeWitt Jones
Celebrating Christian Symbols
In Episode 9, "The Fire of His Love - Prayer and the Life of the
Spirit", Fr. Barron explores how the Catholic faith transforms
humanity through prayer, spiritual commitment, and the mystery of
In Episode 10, "World Without End - The Last Things", Fr. Barron
illustrates how this life is a preparation for an extraordinary world yet
TODAY: This program looks at today's liturgy in "slow motion". The
importance of hospitality, music and atmosphere are discussed. This
program helps the viewer realize that simple signs of friendship or
concern can help create the special atmosphere of genuine Christian
viewer understand that God's Word should be more than just a few
minutes of reading at Sunday Mass. With open hearts, the Word can
powerfully affect every aspect of our lives. The Liturgy of the Word is
completely explained.
This video teaches what a powerful force having a vision of
possibilities can be for us. Do we choose to see those possibilities? Do
we really believe they're there? The program assures us that we can
see it once we believe it. And when we believe it, we connect with a
vision that opens us to possibilities and gives us the courage to soar.
Includes leaders' guide and viewer workbook.
This video presents Christian symbols of oil, water, fire, and light to
children in a way they can understand and appreciate. The meaning of
each symbol for living everyday life as a Christian is creatively and
imaginatively visualized. Written by Jean Peters Pilch. (30 min.,
Senior High Adult
DVD with the following run times for each segment: Confirmation 14
minutes -- Eucharist 13 minutes -- Reconciliation 14 minutes -Baptism 17 minutes
These four popular stories---all here on one DVD—have helped
parents for over a decade to find ways to support their children as they
prepare for sacraments. The scripts are realistic, true to what goes on
Celebrating Sacraments
in an average home, and the parents are real and reassuring. The four
episodes of this DVD include: Baptism: Celebrating Life;
Reconciliation: Celebrating Forgiveness; Eucharist: Celebrating
Community, and Confirmation: Celebrating Faith. Each of these
thorough and lively presentations give parents an opportunity to
update their understanding of the Catholic faith and challenge them to
walk the journey of faith with their child every day
This video presents the theology of baptism and the importance of its
rites and rituals. It also assures parents that they and their children are
Celebrating Sacraments: Baptism called through baptism to be followers of Christ and witnesses to a
gospel way of life. This lively presentation gives parents an
opportunity to update their understanding of the Catholic faith, and it
also challenges them to walk the journey of faith with their child –
In this lively presentation, parents learn that confirmation is a lifetime
call to follow Christ in the Catholic tradition, led by the Holy Spirit
Celebrating Sacraments:
and empowered by the gifts of the Spirit. They learn about the rite of
Confirmation (rev)
Confirmation and each of its ritual actions. Most importantly, they
learn that Confirmation empowers them and their children to be
followers of Christ and witnesses to a gospel way of life.
In this video, parents learn how important the sacrament of Eucharist
is for their faith journey as a family and how essential their role is in
Celebrating Sacraments:
nurturing the faith of their child. They learn too that the trappings that
Eucharist (rev)
often surround first communion – what to wear, what gifts to give,
what kind of party to have – are insignificant compared to the gift of
Jesus their child will receive in the Eucharist
Celebrating Sacraments:
Reconciliation (rev)
Celebrating the Church Year for
Children: Advent DVD
Celebrating the Church Year for
Children: Advent VHS
Celebrating the Church Year for
Children: Christmas DVD
In this engaging presentation, parents learn that the sacrament of
reconciliation has a long and interesting history, and that it has always
been an opportunity to reconcile with God and others when we have
sinned. They learn that God freely forgives our sins, and that all sin
touches others in some way and involves a change of heart as well as a
change in behavior.
Advent is a time of anticipation and expectation, a time of joy and
hope, a time of waiting. This video looks at liturgical practices and
Christian family customs which capture that hope for the Messiah.
Children aged 8-12 will discover here the deep meaning of this
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Why do we put up special lights and trees and Nativity scenes at
Christmas? What does the Christmas celebration really mean?
Viewers aged 8-12 will discover here the answers to those questions
and what they mean about life and faith. The meaning of the
Incarnation is expressed in an original children’s story and in the
celebration of the Church.
This DVD helps children to know Mary and her importance in their
lives. Marian celebrations and devotions are explained and made
meaningful in the experience and language of children.
This video helps children to know Mary and her importance in their
lives. Marian celebrations and devotions are explained and made
meaningful in the experience and language of children.
Celebrating the Church Year for
Children: Christmas VHS
Celebrating the Church Year for
Children: Days of Mary DVD
Celebrating the Church Year for
Children: Days of Mary VHS
Celebrating the Church Year for
Children: Easter DVD
Primary Intermediate
Celebrating the Church Year for
Children: Easter VHS
Easter - a time of New Life offered to all through the power of the
resurrected Jesus. As a community of believers, we celebrate this
event with numerous meaningful liturgical signs and family customs.
In this video, the dynamism of Easter is communicated for children.
Primary Intermediate
Celebrating the Church Year for
Children: Holy Week DVD
Celebrating the Church Year for
Children: Holy Week VHS
This video for children looks at each of the celebrations of Holy
Week in some detail. Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, then
death and resurrection, are contrasted with a modern vignette of young 20
people who experience triumph, disappointment, and finally, a
renewal of faith and friendship. (20 min., Intermediate)
Celebrating the Church Year for
Children: Lent DVD
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Celebrating the Church Year for
Children: Lent VHS
Celebrating the Church Year for
Children: Pentecost DVD
Celebrating the Church Year for
Children: Pentecost VHS
Celebrating the Sacraments Confirmation: Celebrating Faith
Celebrating the Sacraments Eucharist: Celebrating
Catholics perform many special actions in Lent. We put ashes on our
heads. We fast. We pray. We pray the Stations of the Cross. We
dedicate ourselves to repentance and turning to New Life. But what
do all these actions mean in the life of a child? This video conveys
the meaning of Lent in a manner children will appreciate.
At the first Pentecost, the apostles experienced the power of the Holy
Spirit within - a spirit which sent them forth to proclaim the Good
News. This video looks at liturgical practices and Christian family
customs which convey that spirit to children aged 8-12.
At the first Pentecost, the apostles experienced the power of the Holy
Spirit within - a spirit which sent them forth to proclaim the Good
News. This video looks at liturgical practices and Christian family
customs which convey that spirit to children aged 8-12.
In this video presentation for parents of those preparing to receive the
Sacrament of Confirmation, parents are asked to reflect upon their
understanding of Confir-mation. Parents will be asked to consider
their role in the development of their children's spirituality. (15 min.,
This video has been produced for parents whose children are
preparing to receive the eucharist for the first time. It provides
theological and scriptural back-ground to help parents reflect upon
their own understanding of the eucharist and their role in their
children's spiritual and religious development. Reflection and
discussion questions are included in the accompanying guide. (13
Celebrating the Sacraments Reconciliation: Celebrating
Celebration: An Explanation of
the Mass
Center of Concern Presents
"Option for the Poor"
CEO Day "Another Look at
Reconciliation" Stroupe Nov
CEO Day "Are Our Hearts
Burning Within Us? Boyarski
Mar 01
CEO Day "Catechesis and the
Family" Stack Feb '01
CEO Day "Confirmation"
Stroupe Nov '97
CEO Day "Creative Leadership:
Making Ministry with Youth
Thrive!" Mosier, G. D. Sept 05
This video is suitable for not only parents whose children are
preparing to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first
time, but also for those who may be reviewing the sacrament or
preparing for a reconciliation service. It allows the viewer to reflect
upon their personal, spiritual and theological understand-ing of the
sacrament. (17 min., Jr. High to Adult)
All of us are familiar with the Eucharist. Few, however, have a true
understanding of the meaning underlying this beautiful celebration.
This videotape will help you gain that understanding. It will provide
you with answers to such questions as, "What is the Mass? How can I
get more out of it?" By showing how Jesus continues to save us, heal
us, and forgive us our sins, Fr. Maynard, through this video, will help
you participate in the Mass on a deeper, more spiritual level. (60
min., Adult )
Taped in Washington, D.C. this program the asks the viewer to look at
what their actions do: TO the poor, FOR the poor and allow the poor
to do for THEMSELVES. It explains to the viewer that all Christians
must care for the poor if they call them-selves Christian.
Junior High Adult
CEO Day "Dealing With Difficult
People…And How Not to Be
One" Dixon Jan '01
CEO Day "Developing Informed
Disciples: Knowing the Stories
that Root Us" Detisch, S. Nov
CEO Day "Eschatology"
Trautman Feb '96
CEO Day "Families in Religious
Education: Blessing or Burden?
Black Mar '99
CEO Day "God the Father & the
Millennium" Kraus Feb '99
CEO Day "Holy Spirit and the
Millennium" Trautman &
Kesicki Feb '98
CEO Day "Inclusion of Special
Needs Children in the Church,
The" Harding Oct '97
CEO Day "Is the Family the
Problem or the Solution?"
Chesto Nov '99
CEO Day "Keeping Myself
Grounded for Effective Ministry"
Gramada, C. Oct 03
CEO Day "Leadership" Kozak
Oct '95
CEO Day "Legal & Safety Issues"
Petruska & Harakal Oct '01
CEO Day "Legal Issues - Part II"
Petruska Nov 01
CEO Day "Ministering to Youth"
White Feb '97
CEO Day "Moral Theology & the
Modern World" Dunson, D.
Mar 04
CEO Day "Positive Discipline for
Children & Youth with Learning
Disabilities" Allaire Nov '98
CEO Day "Praying with Children
and Youth" Lucas Jan '99
CEO Day "Process of Theological
Reflection, The" S. Detisch
Sept '00
CEO Day "Producer Looks at
Video Use in Religious
Education, A" Friedman Jan
CEO Day "Raising a Spiritual
Child in a Secular World"
Paradise Nov '00
CEO Day "Reality Therapy"
Marconi Mar '96
CEO Day "Reconciliation"
Stroupe Nov '95
CEO Day "Retreats for Children
& Youth" Flum Oct '98
CEO Day "Seven Habits of
Highly Effective People" Jabo
CEO Day "Stress and Humor"
Calabrese Feb '02
CEO Day "Theology of the
Eucharist" S. Detisch Oct '96
CEO Day "Vatican II Revisited"
McGrath Mar '98
We have all been wounded. Maybe our parents mistreated us; our
spouse betrayed us; our boss gave away our promotion. Life can be
Chained to Yesterday (adult)
brutal! In this episode of The Big Picture, you will see that lack of
forgiveness hurts us physically, it hurts our relationship with God and
others...and it makes reconciliation impossible.
Becoming involved in community and family activities throughout life
can be fun and faith giving. This video helps the viewer realize
Challenge: The Catholic Church scouting is special, it helps young people to see the beauty of creation,
and Scouting, The
it provides an environment of fellowship between youth and adults.
The real challenge is what it does to change youth's outlook for the
future; through scouting they learn that there is hope for the future.
Fr. O'Malley, a teacher at Fordham Prep School presents this video.
He asks, Is our educational system working? Do students learn how to
Challenging Young People to
think? Do they acquire an education or just facts? What is right and
wrong with today's schools? What do young people really need from
their schools? If schools are not doing their job, who will? Who, if
not you? When, if not now?
Bradshaw tells how to enjoy life despite a troubled childhood. (60
Championing New Permissions
min., Adult)
Championing Protection and
Bradshaw discusses becoming victors rather than victims. (60 min.,
A short documentary with pro football players Mark Bavaro, Jim Burt,
Chris Godfrey, George Martin, Phil McConkey and Phil Simms,
Champions for Life
speaking out for life. They give thanks to their parents for choosing
life and encourage others to do the same. (10 min., Intermediate - Jr.
This program features some two-dozen leading players, managers and
coaches speaking frankly about family, sacrifice, leadership, humility
Champions of Faith Baseball
and the many virtues and spiritual lessons they have learned from the
Edition DVD
game of baseball. It provides an emotionally powerful, action-packed
glimpse into what makes a baseball player - and a human being -
Intermediate Adult
Junior High
Junior High Adult
A fast-paced pro-life video designed especially for teens and young
adults. Music and real-life testimonies are powerfully mixed as this
Chance of a Lifetime, A
video focuses on how abortion touches lives. Sharing their personal
experience of abortion-its effects, the alternatives-and who challenge
us to give our unborn...a chance of a lifetime.
An experienced youth speaker, Betty Horgen, has spoken to thousands
of youth about sexuality. She approaches this subject sensitively and
presents it in a natural, positive way. Physical and emotional changes,
peer pressure, the progression of sexuality, forgiveness, and
Changes and Choices
developing God-pleasing attitudes are addressed through vignettes
which are both serious and humorous. Leader's guide and student
leaflets are included with this video that may be used in 30, 60 or 90
minute segments. (Jr. - Sr. High School)
A Symposium: The Church Faces Social Justice through a Family
Perspective, The Need for a Family Perspective, with Rev. Steven
Changing Families in a Changing
Preister. He believes that we can no longer ignore the changes that are
taking place because we have reached the point of no return. (52
min., Adult)
This video presents the sacraments from an historical point of view
with segment titles, Godparent Gussie (Baptism\Confirmation),
Worshipping Wilma (Eucharist), Sinner Sam (Penance), Marrying
Changing Sacraments, The
Melvin (Marriage), Clerical Clarence (Priesthood), and Ailing Annie
(anointing of the Sick). This video was originally a filmstrip and has
been transferred to video in filmstrip format.
When a cold front moves through Spring Valley, making life
miserable for the poor, Zach and Annie decide to collect donations of
Charity (Book of Virtues Series) clothes from their neighbors. When Annie accidently includes her
favorite leather jacket and later regrets it, she must come to terms with
the true meaning of "charity."
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Primary Intermediate
Chastity Challenge, The
Chastity for Teens & Parents Training Tape
In this fast paced, two part video, Colleen Kelly Mast speaks before a
live audience of teens and adults. She addresses such topics as
chastity, premarital sex, modesty, true love, and secondary virginity. 57
Discussion questions and scripture references are included. (57 min.,
Sr. High School)
Senior High
This video answers questions that teachers, nurses, daycare providers
and other professionals who come in regular contact with children
Child Abuse & Neglect: For
may pose. With the help of experts, practitioners and a victim, viewers
learn about the different forms of abuse, indicators of abuse, causes
and effects, mandated reporting, fear of reporting and how one can
help an abused child.
This program presents interviews with abuse victims, survivors,
psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and legal counselors. Each helps to
Child Abuse (Teen Health Series) define the different types of abuse (physical, emotional, mental,
sexual, and neglect) and how silences may be broken, healing may
begin, and the cycle of abuse can be stopped. Approved for student
inservicing for child protection.
Child Abuse In-Service Tape
Child as the Source of
Bradshaw discusses spirituality, purpose and integration. (60 min.,
Fr. Joe Kempf and a class of second graders learn about God's love for
us and how the Sacrament of Penance is a very good way to show God
that we love Him, too. This video offers a sound, well-rounded
Child’s First Penance A
presentation that will help children as well as adults understand basic 15
concepts of sin and forgiveness, realize the importance of the
sacrament to their lives, and view Penance as a positive experience. It
is also a helpful instruction on how to go to confession.
Junior High Senior High
With the rapid growth of the Internet and its many benefits, it also has
Children, the Internet and
a dark side. Today, children are being exposed to pornography and
Pornography (Adults)
predators via the Internet at an alarming rate. In this video, advice and
tips are offered to adults on how to deal with this phenomenon.
This DVD includes: The Little Prince (28 min); The Velveteen
Rabbit (24 min); The Star Child (28 min); God's Trombones (27 min);
Children's 10 Movie Holiday
The Chimes (24 min); Michael the Visitor (26 min); The First
Collection DVD
Christmas (23 min); A Christmas Gift (9 min); Rip Van Winkle (29
min); and Martin the Cobbler (29 min)
Child's First Communion
This video will give children a deeper understanding and appreciation
of the Eucharistic celebration. Students and adults can learn as Fr. Joe
Kempf talks one-to-one with Adam, a young first communicant who
Child's First Communion A
is confused about what it means for Jesus to be "Bread of Life." Their 15
discussion, filled with simple analogies, explanations, and a visual
portrayal of Jesus' presence in Adam's imagination, responds to the
many questions young Catholics ask as they prepare for First
This DVD includes a both a program for children and one for adults.
For Children: Children will be changed by the holiness, humor and
insight of this 4-part, 23 minute program. Learning the fundamentals
of our Catholic faith will inspire them to love the Mass, God and each
Child's First Communion and So
other more than ever. For Adults: By showing how God feeds our
Much More Kempf DVD
deepest hungers through the Eucharist, this 3-part, 57 minute segment
will recharge the viewer's presence at Mass and their relationship to
Jesus. Viewers will learn to teach children the joy and challenge to be
found in ths incredible gift called Eucharist.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
Child's First Communion B
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
All Ages
Primary and
Child's View of Community
Choice in Education - The
REACH Alliance
Choice, The (Family Theatre)
Choice, The Sacrament of
Confirmation A
Choices and Consequences, The
Rick Nunes Story
This video program is presented as a child's religion class report on
Church. A young person's crayon drawings "come alive" in video
images depicting what it means to "be Church." Diverse cultures are
represented to help children see that "my Church" is broader than "my
Provided by the REACH Coalition (Road to Educational Achievement
through Choice), this video documents the reasons why school choice,
including choice among public and non-public schools, is a good idea 14
for Pennsylvania. Included are comparisons of achievements of Catholic and Public schools. (14 min., Adult, No Fee)
This video program consists of a series of vignettes that highlight
human choices in difficult contemporary situations, they include the
following: a teenager wounded in a robbery he committed; a young
man pressured to deal drugs; a disabled man frustrated by his inability
to communicate verbally; a young unwed mother contemplating
abortion; and the Virgin Mary saying yes to the angel at the
Annunciation. In each situation the person reaches a courageous
decision to do good with the help of God's grace. It also emphasizes
Kim, a teenager, is asked by her widowed father to finish her preparation for Confirmation before deciding that she doesn't want to be
confirmed. She is befriended by a young woman, Christina, who
helps her realize that faith is not simply a matter of do's and don'ts.
Kim learns that service is more a blessing than a chore. Moving and
authentic in its approach to teenagers concerns, The Choice is an
excellent film for Confirmation preparation.
Rick Nunes has the HIV virus. Twenty-four and living in the Boston
area, he has been paroled from prison and now shares his story with
others. He began smoking marijuana at age ten and was a cocaine
addict by thirteen. Rick spends each day in the shadow of death,
knowing that without a cure for AIDS, he has a limited time to live.
His story is a powerful one with much to say to young people and
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Kieran Sawyer, S.S.N.D., leads this video set that deals with human
sexuality and relationships. She helps young people see the big picture
Choose Life, Choose Love: Sex so they become more skilled in making decisions and choices that
and the Catholic Youth - Adult
foster positive friendships. The adult inservice sessions "It's My
Leadership Sessions
Decision" and "Moral Confusion" aid youth leaders in preparing for
the youth sessions. Leaders must preview this video before using the
second tape in the set. (90 min., Adult)
Kieran Sawyer, S.S.N.D. leads this youth video, second in the set that
deals with human sexuality and relationships. The six sessions,
Choose Life, Choose Love: Sex twenty minutes each, include the following: L.I.F.E. Choices; Dating
and the Catholic Youth - Youth and the Moral Ideal; Contraception and Catholic Youth; Abortion:
Morality vs. Legality; Homosexuality; and Choose Love. These tapes
are intended to be used as a set, leaders must preview this tape prior to
presenting it to youth. (120 min., Sr. High School)
Choosing Compassion: the
How all relationships in our life and world are built on care or control;
Paradox of Power
conflicts, control, change,
This video was designed to be used as part of a retreat to prayerfully
prepare for the celebration of the Rite of Acceptance into the
catechumenate and the Rite of Welcoming. The components of this
Choosing the Way
retreat were chosen from the themes evident in the Rites of
Acceptance/Welcoming: Disciples of Jesus Christ, Members of
Church, Cross, Scripture as Companion, Call/Conversion. (32 min.,
Produced by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, this set of 8
DVDs captures the papal visit of Benedict XVI to the United States in
2008. Disc 1 - Arrival, Meeting at the White House, Motorcade. Disc
2 - Arrival at Basilica and Evening Prayer, Address and Exchange
Christ Our Hope Benedict XVI's
with U.S. Bishops. Disc 3 - Mass at Nationals Park. Disc 4 - Address
Apostolic Journey to the U.S. '08
to Catholic Educators and Address to the United Nations. Disc 5 DVD
Meeting with Interreligious Leaders, Meeting with Jewish Leaders,
Ecumenical Prayer Service. Disc 6 - Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral.
Disc 7 - Blessing of Disabled Youth, Rally with Seminarians &
Youth, Visit to Ground Zero. Disc 8 - Mass at Yankee Stadium,
Senior High
Junior High Adult
Christian and Islamic Theology
Christian Initiation - A Call to
Christian Leadership Institute
(CLI) 1997
Christian Leadership Institute
(CLI) 1999
Christian Leadership Institute
(CLI) 2000
Christian Leadership Institute
(CLI) 2001
Christian Moral Living: The
Challenge and the Possibility
In Christian and Islamic Theology, you will deepen your own
Christian theological reflection by examining the ways Islam
addresses Christian teaching. In doing so, you will seek to remember
what Blessed John Paul II described as the “role of the Holy Spirit in
the process by which knowledge matures into wisdom” (Fides et
Ratio, 44).
Your guide for this insightful examination is Prof. Gabriel Said
Reynolds (Ph.D., Yale University), a Catholic expert on MuslimChristian relations and professor at the University of Notre Dame.
Through 21 thorough and enlightening lectures, you will learn about
In this program, Fr. Richard Fragomeni, a teacher of sacramental
theology and homiletics at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago,
explains the dynamics of change and conversion. The life task of
every Christian is to get to know Jesus better -- the standard by which
all change is measured. Fr. Fragomeni applies the dynamics of
change and conversion both to catechumens and all believers on the
journey of faith. Being alive in Christ comes from a conversion of
heart, mind, morality, outlook, and relationships. (30 min., Adult)
Rev. Richard Sparks provides insights into living Christian values. He
shows how Christian morality "makes sense" in a time when we all
have complex and challenging decisions to make. Here is the best of 28
Christian moral theology expressed in a realistic and pastoral way.
Portrayals of contemporary life and enacted scenes make these
Christianity, The First 1000 Yrs.
Church and Empire
Christianity, The First 1000 Yrs.
The Faith Conquers
Christianity, The First 1000 Yrs.
The Founding of a Faith
Christianity, The First 1000 Yrs.
The Glory of Byzantium
Christianity, the Second
Thousand Years - Vol I
Christianity, the Second
Thousand Years - Vol II
Christianity, the Second
Thousand Years - Vol III
From the birth of the monastic movement to the shaping of the New
Testament, this video traces the sweeping changes, especially the
conversion of the Emperor Constantine, that eventually led to the
triumph of the religion in the Western world and the decline of the
Roman Empire.
This video details the enlightened reforms that Charlemagne
undertook, which lifted Europe from the Dark Ages and established
Christianity as the cornerstone of Western civilization. By the year
1000, all of Europe was part of Christendom.
This video consults ancient texts and modern scholars to chronicle the
first centuries of Christianity, when Rome tried to destroy the new
religion while converts spread the gospel throughout the
This video visits the magnificent sites of the Byzantine Empire, where
learning and culture flourished while Europe suffered through the
Dark Ages. But a new threat emerged on their doorstep, as Islam
swept from the Arabian sands to conquer half of Christendom in only
This video documents how the rising tide of ambition and greed
within the Church sparked events that would change it forever. The
charges of a French sect sparked the 500 year horror of the Inquisition.
A civil war divided the faithful, drove the true pope from Rome and
led to the Avignon papacy. And pervasive corruption eventually
drove an unknown friar named Martin Luther to shake Christianity to
its very foundations.
A new wave of challenges await the surging Christian faith and the
strongest would come from Islam. This video recounts how two
centuries of Holy Wars were launched by a single speech, and details
its extraordinary, unforeseen consequences.
The Church counterattacked in the wake of the reformation and the
separation of the Church of England, splitting Europe into warring
camps of Roman Catholics and Protestants who would clash in brutal
religious wars for over a century. This video brings this tumultous era
to life through period accounts and the illuminating analysis of
This video is the concluson to the series and focuses on the reforms of
the 20th century. See how the long process of reconciliation and
acceptance among the sects was furthered by the bold changes of
Vatican II. But the tension between age-old doctrines and an evolving
society remains, and it will likely define the course the faith follows
for the next thousand years.
The religion of Christianity has more followers than any other. In the
last two thousand years the life of one man, Jesus Christ, may be said
to have had a more profound effect on the course of history that of any
other being. This program stretches from the Sermon on the Mount to 28
the Dead Sea Scrolls. Shot on locations in Israel, France, England and
the U. S. this video includes interviews with theologians from several
Everyone on Sesame Street is getting ready for Christmas, when Oscar
the Grouch asks Big Bird a very disturbing question. How does Santa
Claus, "who is built like a dump truck," get down the skinny little
Christianity, the Second
Thousand Years - Vol IV
Christianity: The Way of
Goodness and Mercy
Christmas Eve on Sesame Street
Christmas Eve on Sesame Street
Same as #193
Christmas Gift, A
It is Christmas Eve and a young boy looks into the gleaming windows
where tables are laden with turkey, ducks, geese and cherry pie. Then
he peers in a window lit only by candle light. He sees a gray haired
lady sitting in front of a bare table with tears in her eyes. He reaches
into his pocket and takes out a bit of cheese and bread and offers to
share his Christmas dinner with her. She invites him in and takes out
two glasses and fills them with her last drop of wine. She offers "a
toast to everyone's Christmas, especially yours and mine." It came to
pass that the happiest Christmas was shared by candle light. Based on
Peter, Paul and Mary's ballad entitled "Christmas Dinner."
Junior High Adult
Preschool Primary
Junior High Adult
Little Justine just can’t wait...she wishes Christmas would come right
away. There’s a surprise in store, though, when her wish comes true,
Christmas Wish
for it doesn’t turn out exactly as she had hoped. In the end she
discovers that the time of preparation increases the joy of anticipation
and preparation.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
Christmas: Sacred Heart Kids
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance 30
and cartoon. The series includes videos that relate to Faith\Creed,
Morality\Commandments, and the Sacraments. Includes videos
#2513 - #2541.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
Church (Christ Loves and Guides
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished 30
His People)
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
Church In Crisis, The 1995 TV
This video examines the experiences of young people from the United
States and Latin America who share their faith through creative interChurch Without Borders
American missionsary programs. This video was produced by the
Catholic Communications Campaign of the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops.
In this series of ten videos, Fr. Michael Himes provides insights into
the basics of the Catholic faith in a style that is engaging and
Church, The (The Mystery of
challenging. What does it mean to be Church? How does the Church 20
Faith Series - Himes)
continue the presence of Christ in our world? The reflections of Fr.
Himes are sure to challenge and inspire. (20 min., Adult)
This is the story of a farm boy from Iowa who became a beacon of
hope to thousands in the remote villages of Bolivia. After years of
Cigar Box Ray
selfless work, his life was mysteriously and violently ended, but the
love he left "his people" remains visible to this day.
Intermediate Adult
Cipher in the Snow
City That Forgot About
Christmas, The A
Clare of Assisi
Cleansing of the Temple, The
Climate Change: Our Faith
Climbing Mont Maturity A Life
in the Priesthood
Close Encounters with Mary and
the Rosary DVD
The details of young Cliff Evans tragic life are not discovered until his
mysterious death. He cannot understand the divorce of his parents
and is unable to find anyone to discuss his anxieties with which leads
to his becoming introverted. This video will teach both youth and
adults compassion and understanding.
Benji's grandfather knows that his outlook on Christmas is fogged by
the commercialism and activities of the season. He shares a story that
will teach you and your family that it isn't the decorations and
celebrations that make Christmas important, but the love of God who
sent the baby Jesus.
Clare, along with St. Francis of Assisi, began a penitential movement
by her radical adherence to simplicity of life and the peace of God.
Powerful leaders and ordinary people alike came to her for advice and
healing. With humor and grace, Clare struggled with the great leaders
of the Church to become the first woman to write and have approved
her own form of life for her order, the Poor Ladies of San Damiano.
This one woman play is written from historical documentation of
Clare’s life and transforms the exquisite poetry of her letters and
writings into a living presence of the saint.
This video was developed to be used with the third Sunday of Lent in
Cycle B. It is based upon John 2:13-25. Witnesses are left wondering
about this man Jesus who has the courage to challenge the money
changers in the Temple.
Produced by the Catholic Committee of Appalachia and funded in part
by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, this program teaches the
viewer about the church's social principle of care of creation. It will
raise awareness about creation as a precious gift from God and how
climate change will particularly affect the poor and vulnerable. Study
Guide included.
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
A young student receives assistance from a helpful "angel" in
understanding the rosary. The rosary is all about major events in the
life of Jesus, so the angel compares the Mysteries to a photo album.
Close Encounters with Mary and
When it's made visual and the student sees what the rosary represents, 12
the Rosary VHS
it all becomes real to him. All four mysteries are presented and
explained in age-appropriate language so that young audiences will
understand that the rosary is a very special way to get in touch with
Close Encounters With the
Beatitudes DVD
This entertaining program gives students clear examples of how
young people can help build God’s kingdom every day. Young
Jimmy is puzzled as to what the Beatitudes mean to someone his age.
Close Encounters With the
When he dozes off, he receives a visit from an angel who shows him
Beatitudes VHS
how some of his school mates are already helping to build God’s
kingdom. By the time Jimmy’s journey with the angel is finished, he
comes to an understanding, and makes a commitment to live the
beatitudes in his own life.
In this video, young people will see that the commandments aren't
really a "book of rules" at all! Rather, they present us with the
opportunities to give witness to God's love, share with others, and care
Close Encounters With the
for our friends and families as we help build God's kingdom every
Commandments VHS
day. The energetic cast of young actors is seen in real-life, age
appropriate situations with which all young people can readily
identify. All ten commandments are highlighted.
Close Encounters with the Mass
In this video, real-life situations are combined with fantasy and humor
Close Encounters with the Mass to show young people that the Mass is truly relevant and meaningful
to them. Along with the rituals, items such as the altar, tabernacle and
ambo are explained.
Close Encounters With the
Sacraments DVD
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Close Encounters With the
Sacraments VHS
Coaching for Top Performance
Columbus: Adventures to the
Edge of the World
Come On In! Part I: A Church
Tour for Children
Come On In! Part II: A Church
Tour for Children
A helpful angel guides young Anna as she struggles with the complex
problem of what the sacraments mean in our everyday lives. Young
actors and actresses appear in age-appropriate situations so the
students will easily relate to and enjoy this fanciful story, which
combines live action with animation and provides young audiences
with a fundamental understanding of the sacraments.
This program by the American Management Association, shows how
to meld a variety of different people into a work team that wins. It
states that coaching is a three part process that includes educating,
developing and counseling. It uses examples from the arts, sports and
business to demonstrate good coaching skills. (26 min., High School Discusses attitudes about premarital sex and preparation for the
sacrament of marriage.
It's past midnight, October 12, 1492, and it's now or never for
Christopher Columbus and his lifelong dream of discovery. After 37
days of sailing west across unknown seas, he must find land or else
return to Spain at dawn, as he has promised his tired, angry crew.
From his first sea voyage as a boy to his first step ashore in the
Americas, this video is the thrilling story of how one man's vision and
courage brought continents together and changed history forever.
This two part video series helps children feel right at home in church.
This live-action video employs an engaging conversational style that
children can relate to. After viewing this video, children will be more
comfortable in their church surroundings, enabling them to focus on
and appreciate the liturgy.
This two part video series helps children feel right at home in church.
This live-action video employs an engaging conversational style that
children can relate to. After viewing this vedeo, children will be more
comfortable in their church surroundings, enabling them to focus on
and appreciate the liturgy.
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
After a brief critique of the nature and kinds of Christian liberalism,
Fr. Rohr answers questions on ecumenism, loyalty and gospel
Come to the Table: Discernment radicalism. The answers are extnded and developed as Rohr models
the discernment he has been talking about. It is, in effect, group
spiritual direction. ( 1996)
Fr. Rohr describes what we are up against in our post-modern culture.
Come to the Table: Faith in our He describes our culture with its absence of meaning patterns and
Post-Modern Culture
suggests that unless we have one Lord, we will simply adopt our
American culture of skepticism as our belief system. (1996)
Exclusive religion looks at Jesus as a totem or mascot. Inclusive
Christianity sees Jesus more as a way, a door, a vine. Fr. Rohr
Come to the Table: Images of
explains how these images make Christianity more a way of doing life
than a set of rules. They make following Jesus a way of approaching
all truth instead of saying we have all truth. (1996)
When conviction hardens into ideology, when truth and authority are
Come to the Table: Relational
confused, when the world is divided into good/bad,
liberal/conservative, then the gospel is not preached. Fr. Rohr talks
about how the gospel subverts ideologies and what its own starting
Fr. Rohr examines the spiritual richness of the stories of the Prodigal
Son, Zaccheus, and the meal of bread and fish. Jesus reverses the
Come to the Table: The Great
expectations and the demands of socirety then and now. Rohr is
especially convincing as he talks about the role of contempation in
understanding the parables. (1996)
Richard Rohr begins with the messianic banquet of Isaiah and then
Come to the Table: The Meals of begins to explore the ten meals in Luke's gospel. Each meal is a
the Messiah
symbol of one of the characteristics of the Kingdom. This series gives
enormous richness to the experience of the Eucharist. (1996)
Fr. Rohr describes what it means to believe in a culture instead of
Come to the Table: Whom Do
God. If we do not have serious faith, we are at the whim of every
We Worship?
cultural change. The first symptom is an endless search for meaning
within our little selves. What is your substitute for faith? (1996)
This program follows both catechumens and candidates in the yearCome to the Water; The Adult
round RCIA process of adult education and initiation into the Catholic
Journey to Baptism (USCCB)
community, culminating with their baptism at the Easter Vigil.
Viewers will witness a vibrant and moving experience of the adult
spiritual journey (filmed at the Seattle Washington Cathedral).
This documentary is a collection of stories about courageous people
living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya and Tanzania. These stories lead us to
Coming to Say Goodbye Stories reflect on the personal and structural aspects of the AIDS pandemic in
of AIDS in Africa
Africa: poverty, lack of access to treatment, and the extraordinary
social cost. The voices in this program challenge viewers to take up
the role as global advocates in combatting this devastating disease.
Commandments 1&2: Love God,
Same as #138
Treasure His Name
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
Commandments 3: Day of Rest
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished 30
and Celebration
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
Commandments 4: Believe, Love
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished 30
and Obey
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
Commandments 5: Choose Life to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished 30
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
Commandments 5: Sounds of
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished 30
Peace and Love
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
Junior High Adult
Commandments 6&9:
Sacredness, Respectful Love
Commandments 6: Pure Hearts,
Joyful Hearts
Commandments 7&10: Be
Generous, Live Honestly
Commandments 8: Choose to
Live the Truth
Commandments for Young
People DVD
Commandments for Young
People: Part I
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
Using Story, Scripture, reflection and prayer, this program presents
the commandments as gifts that free us to love God, others and
ourselves more deeply.
The Ten Commandments are a gift from God. Through them God
invites us to live as God’s people, God’s friends, and with one another
in the world. The Ten Commandments set guidelines for our actions
and as universal values they free us rather than restrict or bind us.
Recognizing and living these values are the foundation for the
development and formation of conscience. These videos contain
approximately eleven minutes on each commandment or group of
Commandments for Young
People: Part II
Commandments: Listen to the
Maker (Commandments in
Common Threads (St. Anthony
Communication Within Family
Communion of Saints
The Ten Commandments are a gift from God. Through them God
invites us to live as God’s people, God’s friends, and with one another
in the world. The Ten Commandments set guidelines for our actions
and as universal values they free us rather than restrict or bind us.
Recognizing and living these values are the foundation for the
development and formation of conscience. These videos contain
approximately eleven minutes on each commandment or group of
We Are Faithful, Commandments 6 & 9, We Respect the Property
of Others, Commandments 7 & 10, We Speak the Truth,
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
Inspired by their visionary founder, St. Anthony Claret, the Claretian
missionaries' enduring desire is to be where the people are - to weave
the "common threads" of ordinary lives. The Claretians today seek out
ministries where the needs are most urgent. In this video, you'll meet
four Claretians who are spreading hope today through a variety of
ministries, from the inner city to the college campus.
Though it may present difficulties, parent-adolescent communication
is not impossi-ble. What is necessary, in many instances, is a study of
the proper techniques. This video seeks to present these techniques
for improving relation-ships within the family circle. Community
programs stressing communication skills are presented.
One of the great insights of the Christian tradition is the Communion
of Saints - outstanding people who have made the God of Jesus Christ
incarnate in our world. This educational and prayerful video
introduces the viewer to numerous saints and to twentieth century
heroes and heroines. This video features the incredible icons of Robert
Lentz and the inspiring text of William Cleary.
Junior High Adult
Compassion (Book of Virtues
Confession CD
Confessions of a Bully Gr. 7-12
Confirmation (Alive in God's
Confirmation (Intermediate)
When Zach watches a dreadful fire destroy an immigrant family’s
home, his indifference about getting involved slowly wanes as Plato,
the wise owl, recounts inspiring stories of compassion. The stories of
The Good Samaritan (Bible), The Legend of the Dipper (Norse), and
Androcles and the Lion (Greek), all help Zach grasp the significance
of reaching out to those in need.
Fr. Larry Richards' Confession has become the #1 talk in North
America dealing with one of the Catholic faith's most misunderstood
sacraments. It is humorous, riveting, honest, human and often
Many anti-bullying materials focus exclusively on the victims--but
what about the bullies themselves? This unique, documentary-style
program addresses the nationwide bullying crises from the
perpetrator's point of view.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
Sacraments help us remember Jesus’ love and point us outward in the
service of others. This series will instruct and encourage young
people to explore their faith and God’s unconditional love for them.
This series uses the actions of daily living, Jesus’ life and the actions
of the believing community to call young people to grow in Christ. All
of us, from time to time, experience weakness in our faith.
Confirmation challenges us to move past our weaknesses and sins
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Confirmation A Commitment to
Life A
Join Fr. Joe Kempf and a group of high school students as they
prepare for and learn about confirmation. As they prepare for
confirmation, Andy, Michelle, Sarah and other students learn that the
sacrament of confirmation is a way to say "yes" to the love of God that
resides in all of us and that confirmation is a way to "choose" to love
God and God's people. Students discover how God and confirmation
fit into the real world, how they are welcomed into the community of
the Church, and how they must accept responsibilities as members of
that community. This video is presented in a series of short vignettes.
(57 min., Sr. High School)
Confirmation A Commitment to
Life B
Same as # 708
Confirmation: Past and Present
(Chesto) VHS
Expert Dr. Kathleen Chesto leads viewers through the development of
the sacrament of Confirmation, starting from biblical times to postVatican II. Chesto offers an engaging presentation in language that is
comprehensible and clear. Guide materials and the video present
Catholic adults with a better understanding of the valuable place of
this sacrament in their lives today.
Confirmation: Rite for Life DVD
This program presents a comprehensive explanation of the history and
meaning of the Sacrament of Confirmation through interviews with
experts, reflections by young people who've been confirmed and by
Confirmation: Rite for Life VHS
footage of actual Confirmation ceremonies. Questions are answered in
plain language so that young people will realize the importance and
value of this sacrament.
This DVD includes two stories: Moving On, Responding in the Spirit
and The Choice, Sacrament of Confirmation. Moving On is a
multigenerational story that invites the viewer to consider the
Confirmation: Stories of
responsibility that oujr Baptism gives us: to respond in the Spirit.
Discipleship DVD
Using a moving and authentic approach to teenage concerns, The
Choice focuses on a young woman's decision about Confirmation and
her discovery that service to others is more a blessing than a chore.
Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Intermediate Adult
The presenter of this program says: "You and I sooner or later are
going to experience what comes to all people; we are going to
experience dying. But there is a difference betweeen us and the world.
The world looks away from that fact and tried to hide it as much as
Confronting Death DVD
possible, but we as faithful people have the power and ability to look
death straight in the eye and understand it." Drawing from his own
experience with cancer, Wangerin explores: 1) Discovering serious
illness; 2) Grieving before death; 3) Caring for the one who is not
sick; 4) How do we handle the pain?; 5) Confronting the dying itself.
More than 80% of teenagers have experienced sexual harassment in
Confronting Sexual Harassment school at least once. In this teen-centered video program students
in School: What Every Student learn to recognize sexual harassment and to understand why these
Needs to Know Gr. 7-12 DVD
behaviors are harmful. They also learn how to stop harassment and
where to go for help.
This video takes a closer look at what prayer can be by focusing on
three ways that we can connect with God - through our bodies,
Connecting With God
through music and through nature. It expands our idea of prayer from
asking God for something to include how we can not only "pray
always" but also pray all ways…and like it!
Connecting with God (24 min.) takes a closer look at what prayer can
be by focusing on three ways that people can connect with God through their bodies, through music and through nature. It expands
our idea of prayer from asking God for something to include how we
Connecting with God & Why
can not only "pray always" but also pray all ways…and like it! Catholics Do What they Do DVD In Why Catholics Do What They Do (four segments - 25 min.) the
signs and symbols of candles, water, gestures and crosses are
explained in a way that will help young people, catechumens and lifelong Catholics better understand the important reasons for these
objects and how they help us grow in faith.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Viewers of this video will be helped to form the basis for making
moral decisions through an introduction of general principles, it may
be a reinforcement of prior teaching or new information that it aid in
Conscience and Conflict
the formation of conscience. The program addresses such issues as
sex outside of marriage, stealing, abortion and euthanasia. Includes a
leader's guide. (27 min., Adult)
This video prepares the viewer for a spiritual journey into the
experience of praying with icons. The presentation gradually reveals
Contemplating Icons
the symbolism and the theological insights of icons, the understanding
of the Orthodox love of icons, and their significance as a common
A short video that deals with the issues of school based clinics,
develop-ing two themes: That clinics do not work and they are associContraceptives Between Class
ated with an increase in teen pregnancy; Clinics constitute a fundamental violation of parental rights. Ideal for school boards and
concerned parents of high school students. (16 min., Adult)
St. Paul may have been converted in an instant, but for most of us
conversion is a life-long process. It occurs through the nurturing of
others, through imitating others and ultimately imitating Christ.
Conversion (Himes)
Conversion also happens through conversation - with both the living
and the dead in the communion of saints. Ultimately, we are a people
on a pilgrimage and Fr. Himes inspires us for the journey.
The Conversion DVD showcases six stories of conversion from the
Gospels as told by Father Robert Barron. The common theme in each
story is the turning of all one's attention and energy toward an ever
deeper, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
In his
Conversion Following the Call of characteristically energetic style, Father Barron explains how
conversion is not so much a one time event, but a life-long process.
“Jesus Christ calls us in thousands of different ways to follow Him, as
we strive on the path for spiritual excellence," explains Father Barron.
This talk demonstrates how six ordinary people, just like you, were
met by Jesus where they were and called to a better life through Him.
This award winning musical drama is a toe-tappin', hand-clappin'
story that retells the gospels of Matthew and John, translated into
present day southern vernacular. From his birth in a Gainesville,
Cotton Patch Gospel
Georgia trailer to his Good Friday lynching and Easter Sunday victory,
the story of Jesus is presented musically with zest and humor. The
musical score is by the late Harry Chapin.
When Annie takes a tumble during a track race, she loses her
confidence and lets her fear and embarrassment discourage her from
Courage (Book of Virtues Series) racing again. Her friends help to restore her spunk and bolster her
determination by sharing the tales of The Minotaur (Greek), The
Brave Mice (Aesop) and William Tell (Swiss).
Creating an Environment for
Parishioner Engagement
(Cavanaugh) DVD
Creating an Environment for
Parishioner Engagement
(Cavanaugh) VHS 10/06 Master
This program is designed to educate clergy and lay persons for the
purpose of decreasing the stimga associated with mental illnesses in
Creating Caring Congregations
our faith communities. The sharing of personal stories and
experiences provides a way to give voice to those who have suffered
in silence and allows churches to begin the process of reaching out
and providing compassionate care to those affected by mental illness
Creating Healthy Communities
for Kids Start Over, Start Now
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
According to the theology of Sabbath, there is meant to be a fixed
rhythm to our days: we are meant to work for six days and then have a
one-day sabbatical. Today we are more casual and careless than
previous generations about observing the Sabbath and we are poorer,
both religiously and humanly, because of this. Much of our tiredness
Creating Sabbath Space in Our
and sense of being overwhelmed comes from not having a regular
Lives DVD (Rolheiser)
Sabbath in our lives. Join Fr. Ronald Rohlheiser in exploring how
modern people can find more Sabbath time in their lives. A retreat,
which has been formatted into 10- 30 minute sessions, can easily be
adapted for the needs of the viewer. The materials needed are included
in PDF files on a separate disc, along with suggestions for group
A video presentation by Carl J. Pfeifer and Janaan Manternach that
Creative Approaches to Teaching offers new ideas for creatively teaching religion. A guide is also
provided to give teachers better direction and advice on becoming
more creative in their instruction. (90 min., Adult)
Creative Conflict Management
1995 Employee In-Service
Creative Management of
A practical video for anyone who deals with children in any setting.
Classroom Behavior
Emphasis on avoiding misbehavior through specific methods.
The spiritual dimension of the creative process is represented through
a variety of creative people in this program which includes author
Thomas Moore, glass harpist Jamey Turner, and author Madeleine
Creativity: Touching the Divine
L'Engle. The video illustrates that creativity is not just producing
something, but is also an attitude. It is a way of living life, a way of
connecting with the divine. Enliven the mind and refresh the spirit of
your small group by using this program for your next prayer session.
Creativity: Touching the Divine Same as #839
Based on Max Lucado's best-selling book, this video tells the tale of
Joshua, a crippled lamb, who always feels left out. Joshua longs to
Crippled Lamb, The VHS
keep up with the rest of the flock, but God has a very special plan for 30
him. He is in the right place at the right time to watch history's
greatest event unfold and to play a part in it - the birth of the Messiah!
Primary Intermediate
The Cross reveals God's unconditional love and vulnerability; as a
teaching and an invitation to discipleship, God suffers with us. The
Cross of Christ, The Rolheiser
Cross calls us beyond ourselves, our own agenda, our own life without 100
resentment. This program is presented in two parts of approximately
50 minutes each.
Motocross racer Brett Cross has an alcoholic father, peer trouble and
can't race away from his problems. Brett's father angrily reveals a
family secret while intoxicated and is on the verge of losing
everything. Brett must come to tems with the actions of others and the
Crossing Ways: The Power of
consequences of his own choices. The discussion guide draws out
Faith During Rough Times DVD
themes in the program, touching on Gospel values of compassion,
forgiveness, fortitude, prayer and important topics such as positive
role models and volunteer work. This program was awarded the Dove
Seal and is recommended family entertainment by the Dove
Cry for Help, A DVD
Most suicidal young people don't really want to die; they just want
their pain to end. Teen suicide is often preventable if people know the
Cry for Help, A VHS
signs to look for and the steps to take when they suspect a friend is
suicidal. This video teaches young people to recognize the warning
signs and to take specific actions to help a friend.
Joseph Crisafuli hosts leaders from church, civic and educational
organizations. Included are discussions with parents of cult members
Cults and Cultism: In Whose
as well as former cult members. Questions raised include: Is forcibly
removing a person from a cult kidnapping or rescue? What happens
during deprogram-ming? What are the five characteristics of cults?
What can be done to defend against cults?
Hosted by Fr. James P. Scholz, this video asks questions such as:
What are cults? Why do cults exist? How do cults recruit members?
Cults: An Overview
It will help the viewer understand the nature of cults, their effect upon
their families, and how to avoid becoming trapped into a cult.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Cults: Saying No Under Pressure
Cultural Blessing Series: Tape 1 Touching Earth
Cultural Blessing Series: Tape 2 Caring Communities
Cultural Blessing Series: Tape 3 Creating Energies
Cultural Blessing Series: Tape 4 Liberating People
Cultural Blessing Series: Tape 5 Living Reflections
Culture of Life and the Penalty of
Death DVD
Through this video, viewers are alerted to the deception,
psychological manipula-tion and mind-control techniques used in the
cult recruitment process and to keep cult members. The program
focuses on practical advice for resisting cult recruitment.
The prologue of John's gospel leads the viewer to experience the
beauty of Native American culture and spirituality. It reveals how
God's peace is spoken through nature and uses the image of the potter
to hint at what God the creator must feel. (45 min., Adult)
This session of Cultural Blessings focuses on whether American
society is building wisely or not. It gives the viewer the Hispanic
American perspective on family, community and church. Through
meditation we see the Bread of Life, Cup of Blessing and come to
understand that power is service, since God is Love. (42 min., Adult)
The third session in this series links the scripture story of the
multiplication of the loaves with reflection on the European American
strengths of individuality and creativity. The story reveals how a
grandfather's legacy grows as a father and son discover creative ways
to honor each other's dreams. Emphasis is made upon the fact that the
gift to worship freely was not won without cost in America. (42 min.,
Session four celebrates African American history, music, culture and
spirituality. A mother's faith and courage light the way for a new
generation. (43 min., Adult)
The final session in the series explores an appreciation for the Asian
American search for balance and the gift of a contemplative soul. The
faith meditation is a kaleidoscope of images of the human spirit. (46
min., Adult)
This program is based on a statement of the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops and explores Catholic social teaching on this
important issue. The viewer hears from those who have been touched
by violence, like Bud Welch, whose daughter died in the Oklahoma
City bombing. Join the Catholic Church's campaign to work to
eliminate the use of the death penalty in the United States.
Junior High Adult
Fr. Pacholczyk examines the science and ethics of stem cell research
Cutting Through the Spin on
and cloning, embryonic stem cell research is considered in the light of
Stem Cells and Cloning DVD
morally acceptable alternatives, and a careful consideration of the
various media myths.
More than 15 million children currently go online - more than 10
million of them in America. Are they safe? The Internet has become a
favorite place for pedophiles and they can hide under the anonymous
Cyberstalker: 48 Hours (CBS)
cloak of a chat name. For that matter, are adults safe when they go
online? Maybe not. In three different segments, this 48 Hours episode
takes a look at cyberstalking and other online dangers.
In this video, Fr. Himes draws upon all the scriptural readings for the
first two weeks of Lent. With humor and passionate insight, Fr. Himes
demonstrates how these stories give us an overview of all of salvation
damaged Lenten Journey Himes:
history, from creation to new life in Christ. Here you will be
Tape 1 - What Is Temptation
challenged by the question, "what is temptation really?" and will
discover the answers of Genesis and Luke. Here you will also discover
the freedom of God's action in the call of Abraham and the
Transfiguration story. All this invites us to reflect on the power of
The world-famous dancer and liturgical dance choreographer, Carla
DeSola, presents ways to meditate and pray while using simple dance
exercises. Bodily posture has been important in prayer for many
traditions, and this video demonstrates how this may be applied to
Christian prayer.
This video serves to acquaint Western audiences with the
development of Christian liturgy and culture in the South Pacific
region. The inculturation of Christianity is taking shape today in a
Dancing Church of the South
variety of communities where parishes and church leaders are opening
Pacific, The
the symbols of faith to the creative expression of local poets,
musicians and dancers. This video was not staged and locations were
selected for their creative use of traditional elements in worship,
Dancing Church: Video
An entertaining way to educate parish liturgy committees to
Impressions of the Church in
imaginative developments in worship. Liturgical dance has been
“talked about” for years - now see it done well - as a genuine act of
Senior High Adult
all ages
all ages
Daniel and the Lion's Den
Dark Nights and Doubts in our
Lives DVD Rolheiser
Dating Skits
Dave and the Giant Pickle
(Veggie Tales) DVD
David and Goliath
David and Goliath (Hanna
David and Goliath (In the
Beginning Series)
Day in the Life of Bonnie
Consolo A
You see a floating hand write a mysterious message in fire on a huge
wall. Daniel, the king's captive, translates it. This makes the royal
advisors so jealous that they trick Daniel into breaking the law. He's
thrown to the lions. But what happens next is a miracle.
Doubt and darkness do not necessarily mean that we are struggling
with faith. They can just as easily mean that we are struggling inside
our imagination and that God is purifying us. Join Fr. Rolheiser on
this three part journey (60 min. each) out of the darkness that many
experience and back into the light.
Explores the need for quality relationships and friendship in dating.
Also, includes a parent's perspective. (15 min., Sr. High School)
Teens present a number of short skits on the rules and responsibili-ties
of dating. Through interaction with each other in this video the teens
begin to realize how much their parents worry about them. Teens give
each other good advice.
This hilarious retelling of the Biblical story of David and Goliath
teaches children that “with God, all things are possible.” It makes no
difference whether you’re eight feet tall or two feet tall - with God’s
help, even little guys can do big things!
Mel Gibson narrates the story of how David, armed with great faith
and a shepherd's slingshot defeated the Philistine giant Goliath. The
score is composed and performed by Branford Marsalis. (30 min., All
The Kingdom of Israel faces its greatest threat when the rampaging
army of the Phillistines marches across its borders. The forefront
invader is the giant warrior, Goliath. David, armed with only his sling
and his faith in God, meets his mighty foe. "David and Goliath" is one
of the best known bible stories and will appeal to children of all ages.
Recounts the classic story of David’s victory over the mighty Goliath
and his rise to the position of King of Israel.
Bonnie Consolo is a most unusual and inspirational woman - a person
who was born without arms, yet leads a normal productive life.
Follow her through a typical day as she cares for her home and family,
as she goes about her daily routine, she shares with us her thoughts
Primary Intermediate
Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Primary Intermediate
all ages
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Day in the Life of Bonnie
Consolo B
Day the Sun Danced, The DVD
Same as #101
In 1917, three children named Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta
experienced a great miracle. The Blessed Mother visited them, not
Day the Sun Danced, The VHS
once, but many times, telling the children great and wondrous secrets
that would affect all of creation.
Deacon: Who is He? DVD
In this video we see a deacons' ordination and journey through a day
of service with them and their wives as they minister to the people of
Deacon: Who is He? VHS
God in the areas of visiting the sick and those in prison, assisting the 29
poor and hungry, counseling those addicted, proclaiming the Word of
God, assisting at Eucharist, and more.
Nearly 12,000 deacons serve the Catholic Church in the United States.
The minstries of these men are as varied as their individual gifts. This
Deacons: Ministers of Justice and video captures some of the voices, the faces and the mission of those
who have given themselves to the service of the church as ministers of
justice and charity. Produced for the Bishops' Committee on the
Inspired by the true story of a nun's relationship with a condemned
man, this provocative examination of crime, punishment and
redemption is a fast-moving and absorbing film filled with genuine
Dead Man Walking DVD
suspense. Sr. Helen Prejean, a compassionate New Orleans nun, is the 122
spiritual advisor to Matthew Poncelet, a vicious, angry and complex
murderer awaiting execution. Her dedication is to help others, like
Matthew,find salvation. Starring Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn.
Yollie is severely hearing impaired with congenital deafness. A
profes-sional mime's performance at her school helps her for the first
Deaf Like Me
time to understand and accept herself. His profession helps her realize
the possibilities life holds for her.
Preschool Primary
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
This thirty minute video retells the stories of millions of real people,
both men and women, who have experienced abortion first hand.
Dear Children
Their stories of love and forgiveness, grief and guilt, or shattered
relation-ships are very moving and allow the viewer to realize the
trauma they have experienced.
What do teenagers want and need from their fathers? In this video
teens open up their hearts with a rare and raw honesty to reveal the
devastating hurt they feel inside when they cannot lovingly connect
with their dads. This program is for every parent and grandparent to
Dear Distant Dad
better understand their young people. Teens will find that they are not
alone and will better understand what some of their peers are going
through. This video shows how important dads are. It will help
families through the pain, and help draw them closer together.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
Death (A Gift Forever,
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
Everlasting Life)
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
In this video Sr. Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking and
minister to death row inmates and murder victim’s families, offers her
Death No More: A Look at the
insights on the death penalty in a lecture and then an interview. David
Death Penalty
Haas, well-known liturgical composer, presents a music reflection and
conducts the interview with Sr. Helen.
These programs begin dialogue on a range of pastoral issues affecting
the life of the Church. In all videos, church teaching is the context
Death Penalty, The
within which the discussions take place. None of the videos is
complete or exhaustive, but they are good starters for dialogue.
Teens learn to build their own personal support system, recognize true
friends and develop positive refusal skills. This program features
actual students filmed in actual schools and uses lively, spontaneous
Developing Healthy Relationships
discussions, dramatized dilemmas, topical humor and the sensitive,
supportive guidance of nationally-known counselor Michael Pritchard
to encourage, engage and educate viewers. Leader's guide included.
Intermediate Adult
Junior High Senior High
Because of persecution, making the decision to be baptized was not
easy for people of the early Church. Yet in spite of these problems,
Development of Baptism in the
Christianity grew by leaps and bounds. THE NEW TESTAMENT
Early Church, The
FOUNDATION OF BAPTISM: The roots of Baptism are deep,
reaching back to the dawn of creation itself. Jesus' baptism by John
tells us much about the Lord and the meaning of our own baptism.
This video will also help us realize what a powerful symbol water is
A leader in the German Lutheran Church, Bonhoeffer played an active
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Memories
role in the German resistance movement. He was arrested by the
and Perspectives DVD
Gestapo in 1943 and hanged at Flossenburg camp on April 9, 1945.
Using rare archival footage, documents, and visits to original
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Hanged on a locations, we get an intimate portrait of a man whose life and writings
Twisted Cross DVD
grow in their influence and speak powerfully to issues of our own day
some 50 years later.
When victory comes at the expense of friendship, skateboard
competitor, Jody Flynn is not convinced a trophy is so important. The
Different Kind of Winning
conflict with her father is resolved after her unselfish sacrifice for her
friend, Carm, leads him to realize that she herself is the best trophy a
Dad could ever have.
This video offers a rare look at the lives of women religious in two
diverse communities: the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
in Clyde, Missouri, who spend their days in prayer, and the Sisters of
Different Path
St. Joseph in Brooklyn, New York, who are involved in education and
work with the poor. Watch as these extraordinary women reveal the
same initial doubts, ongoing struggles, and the tremendous rewards of
a life devoted to God.
Modern advances in technology have made it possible to procreate
apart from the marriage act by means of artificial insemination,
surrogate motherhood and "in vitro" fertilization. The Vatican
Dilemma of Hi-Tech Babies, The
Instruction on Bioethics deals with these topics. Join Cardinal Law,
Fr. Albacete, Leslie Collins and Mary Richardson in a frank
discussion of these complex and controversial issues. (35 min.,
Senior High Adult
Senior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Diocesan Internal Controls
(DFMC Conference 1996)
The moving story of a young nun whose compassion reaches beyond
her to touch all generations. Helen Hayes introduces Sr. Faustina to
Divine Mercy (Sr. Faustina)
the viewers as she tells us, "I understood that the greatest attribute is
love and mercy. It unites creature with the creator..." (63 min., Sr.
High - Adult)
The questions of divorce, annulment and remarriage arise more frequently in Catholic circles than ever before. The troubled society in
Divorce and Annulment (lost
which we live is seeking answers. While no two cases are alike in
these areas, this program frankly and competently discusses the topics.
(28 min., Adult)
We cannot have a true life of faith separate and apart from an
involvement with God's people. This video will clearly and
Do I Really Need a Community? powerfully demonstrate that there is no spirituality without
community. Viewers will be inspired to take on the task of life long
conversion through deep conversation with a vast array of people and
by a willingness to engage the problems of the world.
Explore the amazing ways little - and not so little - decisions are
made. Watch as Nick gets input on everything - from doing a wheelie
to spending his savings - from all directions: his family, his friends,
Do the Bright Thing
the Bible, and of course, McGee. In this video, Nicholas and McGee
learn about the process and the payoff of making right - and wrong decisions.
Dogmatic Theology is a dynamic eight part DVD that addresses: The
Unconditional Love of God; Coming into Relationship with God; Sin,
Dogmatic Theology DVD
Guilt and Forgiveness; Surrendering to Christ; Scripture; Discipleship,
The Problem of Suffering; and Mortality, Grief and Eternal Life. A
manual accompanies the set.
A discouraged freshman who believes he can’t do anything right and
Doing the Right Thing Series:
will never fit in finds himself is a situation where he is pressured to
Back Alley Buddies
drink and even steal beer. This video is part of the “Doing the Right
Thing” series, which presents moral dilemmas for the viewer to solve.
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Senior High
Doing the Right Thing Series:
Jazz Band Blues
Doing the Right Thing Series:
Math Class Mischief
Doing the Right Thing Series:
Rock Ticket Trouble
Doing the Right Thing Series:
School Smoking Scare
Doing the Right Thing Series:
Street Hockey Hassle
The last video in this series deals with vandalism. Bob wants to
attract Cindy's attention during band practice. So while the band is
rehearsing a familiar piece, Bob thinks about the practical joke he will
pull during break time. He's sure he will get big laughs and high
praise for his cleverness, and that Cindy will notice him. Cindy and
the entire band certainly do notice, but do not have any praise for
Bob's actions since they cause the band to be unable to perform at a
Jazz Band Festival. (9 min., Jr. High)
This video could make students aware of the power of their words and
of their personal responsibility to protect the reputation of others.
Two classmates start rumors that Mallory, the class brain, is cheating
on her math tests. When the math teacher hears the rumor, everything
backfires. This video addresses the topics of jealousy and gossip. (10
min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
A new video for teens that presents a real life situation with a moral
dilemma. Joey has been invited by his friend Bob to a rock concert.
Joey has a science paper due the day after the concert that he has not
even started and he cannot go to the concert if the paper is not
completed. As he begins his work in the library, he sees a research
paper that someone has left behind. What should he do? The video
will help young people realize the consequences of their actions if
they are faced with situations of a similar type. (9 min., Jr. High)
Holly knows who set the school fire. Should she tell and risk the
culprit’s revenge? This video is part of the “Doing the Right Thing”
series, which presents moral dilemmas for the viewer to solve.
This video is a good resource to use during a class on values
formation and personal responsibility. Several teenage boys refuse to
let another boy, Wallace, join their game because they don’t like the
way he looks. Later, when they damage someone’s property, they
blame Wallace for it. This video addresses the topics of prejudice and
lying. (10 min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
Junior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Doing the Right Thing Series:
Swim Team's Splash
Donkey's Tale, The A
Donkey's Tale, The B
Donkey's Tale, The C
Don't Call Me Names (Gr. K-3)
Don't Even
Doorway People DVD
This video focuses on the moral dilemma that involves bullying. Why
do people take part in these offenses? Julie is the new girl on the
swim team, and the butterfly is her best stroke. It is also Meg's best
stroke; Meg is not about to let anyone take that distinction away from
her. She is determined to let Julie know who is the star of the swim
team by bullying her. This works as long as the other team members
cooperate. (9 min., Jr. High)
Moshe, our narrator, leads the viewer through the events surrounding
Jesus' life. Moshe is the foal that Jesus road into Jerusalem on Palm
Sunday. His grandfather, Balthasar, was in the stable at Bethlehem,
and many of his other relatives encoun-tered the Messiah at various
stages of His life. A wonderful, entertaining, informative story for
children of all ages.
Same as #190
Same as #190
This DVD focuses on the reasons for name-calling and how it affects
others. It is designed to teach children, important skills necessary for
successful social interaction and emotional management.
Viewers of this video will see graphic scenes of a suicide victim.
Throughout the program young people who have attempted suicide or
who have been involved in suicidal situations will share their true
stories. The program informs the viewer of warning signs of suicide
and suicidal behavior. The video must be previewed before it is
shown to youth. (23 min., Jr.- Sr. High School)
This DVD includes two programs for catechist formation. Doorway
People: Spirituality and the Catechist (20 in.) and Doorways to
Holiness: Prayer and the Catechist (17 min.). Doorway People focuses
on the role of catechists in welcoming, companioning and sending.
Doorways to Holiness focuses on getting started at prayer, listening
with the heart, responding with compassion and walking with all
Junior High
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Senior High
Doorway People: Spirituality of
the Catechist
Doorways to Holiness (Prayer &
the Catechist)
Dorothy Day: Blessed Are the
A111.1 a
Dreams and Visions: An Advent
Retreat Side 1&2
A111.6 a
A111.2 a
A111.3 a
A111.4 a
A111.5 a
Dreams and Visions: An Advent
Retreat Side 11&12
Dreams and Visions: An Advent
Retreat Side 3&4
Dreams and Visions: An Advent
Retreat Side 5&6
Dreams and Visions: An Advent
Retreat Side 7&8
Dreams and Visions: An Advent
Retreat Side 9&10
This motivational resource, presented by Gaynell Cronin, reflects on
how the catechist becomes a “doorway person” and welcomes others
into the sacred. A wonderful tool for Religious Education leaders and
school principals.
Fr. Jack Rathschmidt asks catechists and parish ministers to reflect on
their prayer life: the how, when and why we pray. He discusses
practical ways to engage in prayer alone and with others. This is an
excellent resource for catechist training.
The greatest witness of Christian concern for the poor and
dispossessed during the 1930's in the United States was the Catholic
Worker Movement founded by Dorothy Day. This program recounts 30
the spiritual journey of a Catholic convert and assesses Day's legacy of
nonviolence for the modern world.
This six -casette retreat by Meghan McKenna offers an Advent "Cycle
A" retreat with both hands. With one hand she offers a bracing
challenge to live up to the prophetic message in Isaiah and Matthew.
On the other hand, she tells you the stories from scripture and around
the world that tell you where to find the Spirit to enable you to meet
that challenge. (1996)
see A111.1
see A111.1
see A111.1
see A111.1
see A111.1
Junior High Adult
Dream's End
Drug Danger: Part 3 Easy to
Start, Hard to Stop
Drug Danger: Part 1&2 In the
Dual Career Family
This video helps victims and ministers deal with the consequences of
the divorce epidemic. An overview of the grief, anger and depression,
common at each stage of the mourning process are discussed.
Divorce survivors present a picture of their 2-5 year recovery process,
helping others to see they are not alone. It is presented in three
segments. (55 min.,)
Many things influence us when we make a decision -- especially when
that decision is whether or not to use a drug such as alcohol,
marijuana, or tobacco. When people take certain drugs, they not only
break the law but possibly harm body organs and risk long term
mental problems and even death. Viewers will learn that full-blown
addiction may start with occasional use, move on to habitual use and
tolerance, then to dependence. The program informs the viewer that
the best strategies are to keep in mind that a growing number of young
people are refusing by staying away from gatherings where drugs may
be used. (13 min., Intermediate - Jr. High)
Part I of this video focuses on three gateway drugs -- tobacco,
marijuana, and alcohol, and discusses their effects on various organs
in the body. Part II discusses drug interactions with the brain. The
brain controls everything a person does, thinks, remembers, learns and
feels. It makes sense that we would not want to take any chances with
it. The viewer will also learn about psychoactive drugs and how they
can change the way the brain sends messages; this is a very
informative tape for all viewers.
This series of videos addresses topics of concern to to the American
family. Information is presented by a panel of experts and in response
to viewers who have called in questions. Presented by the Notre
Dame Alumni Association and made available by the Family
Ministries Office of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Erie.
Dual Career Family (90 min., Adult)
Junior High
Junior High
This program is a profound and powerful look at the human face of
the immigrant. It explores who these people are, why they leave their
Dying to Live: A Migrant's
homes and what they face in their journey. It is a reflection on the
Journey DVD
human struggle for a more dignified life and the search to find God in
the midst of it all. Produced by the University of Notre Dame, Center
for Latino Spirituality and Culture.
This video presentation takes you to six parishes across the country
and reveals how each of these parishes is dynamic in some way. The
one common element is strong leadership---leadership that enables
Dynamic Parish, The
parishioners to be actively involved in the life of the parish and to
assume their rightful role as part of the collaborative leadership team.
(30 min., Adult)
This video is designed to stimulate awareness, analysis, reflection and
Dynamic Parish, The - A Priestly action pertaining to parish life. It highlights changes in liturgical
practice and calls the viewer to reflect upon developing meaningful,
prayerful and participatory worship. (16 min., Adult)
The final video in this series suggests the need for establishment of
Dynamic Parish, The - The
small faith communities in parishes. Our society has become transient
Church in the New Milieu
and, therefore, people have a need to develop relationships with
friends and neighbors when family may be hundreds of miles away.
The seven themes offered by the U.S. bishops in their pastoral
statement Renewing the Earth are presented in this video to help us
recognize, embrace and build communities to champion a faith-filled
Earth is the Lord’s, The
vision of the Lord’s earth and ecological responsibility. Building
peace, preserving a just and sustainable environment, society, and
world are not optional ideals bur matters of faith and practical
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
Easter (The Price of Love, the
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
Gift of Life)
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
Junior High Adult
Easter Carol, An (Veggie Tales)
Easter Caterpillar, The A
Easter in Art DVD
Easter Is
Easter Party! The Bedbug Gang
Easter Promise, The
Inspired by Dicken's Christmas classic, this video explains why
millions of Christians around the world celebrate Easter past, present
and future. Bob and Larry and a music box angel work to convince
Nezzer that Easter is about more than just candy and eggs.
David's adventure with a caterpillar leads him to witness the events of
Jesus last days. This video helps children of all ages learn about the
events of Jesus' death and resurrection.
Presented by acclaimed art historian Tim Marlow, this three part
series explores the Easter story as depicted in art from the time of the
early Christians to the present day. Filmed throughout the world, the
series explores the different ways artists have depicted the Easter story
through the ages.
How do you draw Easter? Benji is chosen by his class to draw an
Easter poster for a contest. Benji's dad explains that "Jesus gave
everything he had to get us back, even his life." Then Benji
understands the true meaning of Easter --- and he knows what to draw
for the school poster. This is a great video to show Jesus' love
throughout the year. (26 min., Preschool - Primary)
The Bedbugs have been busy with party preparations and can't wait to
share the news that Jesus is alive! Hear them tell the stories of the
Palm Parade, the Garden surprise and Doubting Thomas. This
delightful program combines computer animation with illustrations
and live-action puppets.
In this animated story, Jerem dreams of being a soldier in the service
of a king. He is thrilled to hear about the upcoming arrival of the true
King, Jesus. Jerem, however, is fooled by appearances and soon
rejects Jesus along with most of Jerusalem. In a wonderful lesson
about truth, appearances, and forgiveness, Jerem ultimately trusts in
Jesus and witnesses the fulfillment of the greatest promise of all - the
Primary Intermediate
Preschool Primary
Preschool Primary
Preshoool Primary
Primary Intermediate
Easter Promise (Primary & Intermediate): In this animated story,
Jerem dreams of being a soldier in the service of a king. He is thrilled
to hear about the upcoming arrival of the true King, Jesus. Jerem
however, is fooled by appearances and soon rejects Jesus along with
most of Jerusalem. In a wonderful lesson about truth, appearances,
and forgiveness, Jerem ultimately trusts in Jesus and witnesses the
Easter Stories: Easter Promise & fulfillment of the greatest promise of all - the resurrection. 45 min.
The Witness DVD
The Witness (Intermediate): Barabbas, having been spared from death,
arrogantly attends the crucifixion of the man who took his place.
Suddenly he is faced with the power of God and the plaguing
question, "was Jesus really the Son of God?" Confident in his belief,
Barabbas sets out to prove Jesus a fraud. His search for answers
reveals many witnesses to the life, ministry, miracles and power of
Jesus - witnesses with facts he cannot dispute. 47 min
This Hanna-Barbera video is the drama of Christ's triumphant entry
Easter Story, The
into Jerusalem, his persecution, crucifixion and resurrection.
Nanny loses a special friend...Isaiah doesn't make the school
play...Mrs. Mac Tuggle has a bad cold. Yet Nanny and Isaiah have
Easter Today, Easter Forever
the best Easter ever. This special Easter video features peppercorn
puppets and is recommended for preschool through primary grades.
(30 min., Preschool - Primary)
Easter Trilogy: Easter Is, The
This DVD features three Easter programs for three different age
Magic Boy's Easter and the
groups. Easter Is (25 min.) relates to children ages 3-8; The Magic
Puzzle Club Easter Adventure
Boy's Easter (24 min.) is for children ages 5-10 and the The Puzzle
Club Easter Adventure (27 min.) is for children ages 6-12.
Parents experience a "letting-go" as their children grow into adulthood
and begin a new life. But parents also learn that memory will hold a
Easter: A Time to Remember
family together, despite moves or transitions. Family experience can
teach us about the Eucharist, in which we remember Jesus' passion
and death and celebrate his new life in the resurrection.
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Preschool Primary
Preschool Intermediate
This is an informative and entertaining three-part program that
discusses topics of spiritual enlightenment and religious thought. It
explores the genesis of spiritual thought and investigates the central
Eastern Philosophy DVD
doctrines of Confucianism, Shinto, Hinduism, Judaism and Islam.
This unique series provides an insightful look at the major Eastern
religions and their impact upon the modern world.
The Second Vatican Council had a profound and lasting influence on
the Catholic Church. This series of nine videos examines the change
in outlook that the Council fostered in the Church and explores how
Ecumenism (Vat II)
the documents of Vatican II continue to renew the Church today.
Explores the ecumenical movement in the Church before, during and
after the Council. Half a century of study and experience by
theologians began to blossom at Vatican II.
In these seminar sessions (45 min. each), John Ream develops solid
fathering principles which are illustrated with real-life stories
conveying a wisdom and practicality reminiscent of Jesus' parables.
Effective Father Seminar Parts 1These sessions encourage and enable men to make conscious
decisions to place their roles as fathers or grandfathers at the top of
their priority list. Encourages the formation of small groups of men.
Suggestions for conducting the sessions are included.
In these seminar sessions (45 min. each), John Ream develops solid
fathering principles which are illustrated with real-life stories
conveying a wisdom and practicality reminiscent of Jesus' parables.
Effective Father Seminar Parts 1These sessions encourage and enable men to make conscious
8 (Audio Tapes)
decisions to place their roles as fathers or grandfathers at the top of
their priority list. Encourages the formation of small groups of men.
Suggestions for conducting the sessions are included.
In these seminar sessions (45 min. each), John Ream develops solid
fathering principles which are illustrated with real-life stories
conveying a wisdom and practicality reminiscent of Jesus' parables.
Effective Father Seminar Parts 5These sessions encourage and enable men to make conscious
decisions to place their roles as fathers or grandfathers at the top of
their priority list. Encourages the formation of small groups of men.
Suggestions for conducting the sessions are included.
This video will aid directors of religious education along with
catechists who are teaching for the first time. Veteran catechists will
Effective Teaching Methods - 1 discover new ideas and inspiration for their ministry. The topics
discussed in this program are as follows: Creating the Environment,
Asking the Question, and Inviting to Pray. (50 min., Adult)
Actual classroom and home situations are used to help all catechists
gain insight into the dynamics of conveying faith and religious
Effective Teaching Methods - 2
instruction. Effective teaching methods are enacted in classrooms and
homes with a variety of teachers, and grade levels.
Both 16 year old Jamie and her grandmother, Rosa, are unhappy about
the decision of Jamie's parents to move, even though they will be
going to a bigger house in a better neighborhood. Jamie will be
Eggplant Lady,The (Family
leaving her friends and Rosa her beloved garden and house where she
raised her family. How Rosa and Jamie come together to face this
situation neither one can control creates a moving story and will
inspire viewers with its laughter, faith and sense of family.
The long-waged conflict in this embattled land is explored through
El Salvador: The Seeds of Liberty
interviews with military, government and church leaders both in El
Salvador and the US.
The elephant plans a picnic and trumpets a loud invitation. The
Elephant's Picnic\Place of Honor aardvark stays aloof from the party until the elephant invites him to
join, telling him that he too is welcome.
This video, depicting the deeds of the great prophet Elijah, relives the
fateful days when the faith of ancient Israel hung in the balance and
challenges us to consider our faith as well.
Elisha (Nest) DVD
Junior High Adult
High school adult
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Elisha (Nest) VHS
Embracing Aging: Families
Facing Change DVD
Emotions Can You Trust Them?
Empowering the Catechist:
Sessions 1 & 2
Empowering the Catechist:
Sessions 3 & 4
Empowering the Catechist:
Sessions 5 & 6
This animated video spotlights Elisha's greatest triumphs and recounts
the illustrious prophetic career of one of Israel's most powerful men of
Change and getting older is inevitable. So how can one make the best
of it? Families, experts and "wise ones" share insights on aging,
housing choices, facing illness, and cooperating as siblings in the care
of aging parents. Aired on the ABC television network, this program
also contains bonus content on finances, driving, assessing needs,
choosing housing and the role of the church.
Emotional ups and downs are a part of living, but they don't have to
dominate life. When contradictory messages from society and
overwhelming passions collide, you need guidance. Dr. Dobson helps
you understand your emotions and offers keys for handling them by
making decisions based on faith instead of feelings. (50 min., Jr. - Sr.
High School)
This catechist training video series provides everything needed to
become a more effective catechist. The emphasis is on development
of practical skills and techniques, which allow catechists to achieve
learning goals and enjoy doing it. This series offers leaders a total
training course appropriate for first-time catechists and for veteran
religion teachers who need a refresher or a morale-booster.
This catechist training video series provides everything needed to
become a more effective catechist. The emphasis is on development
of practical skills and techniques, which allow catechists to achieve
learning goals and enjoy doing it. This series offers leaders a total
training course appropriate for first-time catechists and for veteran
religion teachers who need a refresher or a morale-booster.
This catechist training video series provides everything needed to
become a more effective catechist. The emphasis is on development
of practical skills and techniques, which allow catechists to achieve
learning goals and enjoy doing it. This series offers leaders a total
training course appropriate for first-time catechists and for veteran
religion teachers who need a refresher or a morale-booster.
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Senior High
This is a 4-DVD set (with Eight, 30 minute sessions). It includes a
Encounter: A Bible Study for
workbook and leader's guide. Published by Ascension Press, it is a
Middle School Youth DVD
life-changing experience that speaks directly to the hearts and minds
of middle-school-aged youth.
This DVD is about migrants from Mexico and Central America who
cross the border and enter the United States without any
documentation. But the program's focus is not political or social;
rather it looks at the problem through the lens of spirituality. Endless
Endless Exodus: The Sorrowful
Exodus is a cinematic meditation on migration, the plight of the
Flight of the Migrants DVD
chronically poor and Christ's directive to reach out to those in need, to
feed the hungry and be one with the poor. The DVD parallels our own
spiritual journey through our desert of doubts and confusions, as the
migrants teach us about sacrifice, fearlessness and dedication in the
This VHS is about migrants from Mexico and Central America who
cross the border and enter the United States without any
Endless Exodus: The Sorrowful documentation. But the program's focus is not political or social;
Flight of the Migrants VHS
rather it looks at the problem through the lens of spirituality. Endless
Exodus is a cinematic meditation on migration, the plight of the
chronically poor and Christ's directive to
Parish and school religious education programs will benefit greatly
from this six-part video program which presents contemporary
Enriching the Catechist, Parts 1 & theology clearly and concisely. The presentations are followed up by
interaction with parish religious educators who share their insights
and experiences. (Each part 30 min., Adult)
Part 1 - Gospel Values Part 2 - The Mystery of God
Parish and school religious education programs will benefit greatly
from this six-part video program which presents contemporary
theology clearly and concisely. The presentations are followed up by
Enriching the Catechist, Parts 3 &
interaction with parish religious educators who share their insights
and experiences. (Each part 30 min., Adult)
Part 3 - Jesus Christ - Human and Divine
Part 4 - The Church - Gathering of God’s People
Junior High
Parish and school religious education programs will benefit greatly
from this six-part video program which presents contemporary
theology clearly and concisely. The presentations are followed up by
Enriching the Catechist, Parts 5 &
interaction with parish religious educators who share their insights
and experiences. (Each part 30 min., Adult)
Part 5 - Sacraments - Initiation into the Life of Christ
Part 6 - Sacraments - Jesus: Healer, Forgiver, Bread of Life
Dorothy Day wants to make a difference. During the Depression, she
vows to house the homeless, feed the hungry, tend the sick. Not easily
done when her total finances amount to 97 cents in a battered canister.
Yet Dorothy persists, walking on frequently stormy waters of faith.
Entertaining Angels
This video will introduce you to Day, the impassioned New York
journalist who launched the activist newspaper Catholic Worker and
put the words she wrote into controversial action; a moving saga of a
faith not just believed, but lived.
This is a 10-DVD set (with Twenty, 50 minute sessions). It includes
Epic: A Journey Through Church
(2) workbooks, chart and chart bookmark. Published by Ascension
History DVD
Press, it tells our story in a vivid, thorough and engaging program.
Episcopal Ordination of Bishop
October 1, 2012
Lawrence T. Persico
Esther DVD
This inspiring video relates the exploits of one of the Bible’s most
celebrated women. All the intrigue, danger and excitement of life in
the royal palace of ancient Persia comes alive in this dramatic and
Esther VHS
inspiring story of the faithfulness of God. Watch and listen as
Esther’s courage and wisdom help her to turn a horrible tragedy into a
joyous occasion of victory and celebration.
The king needs a new queen and Esther has been chosen! But she's
about to find out that being queen is going to take more courage than
Esther, the Girl Who Became
she ever imagined! When a small town girl wakes up with the weight
Queen (Veggie Tales)
of the world on her shoulders and the fate of her people in her hands,
can she find the courage to do what's right? This video teaches
children that you never need to be afraid to do what's right!
Senior High Adult
All ages
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
In this series of ten videos, Fr. Michael Himes provides insights into
the basics of the Catholic faith in a style that is engaging and
Eucharist (The Mystery of Faith
challenging. Explores several of the many dimensions of Eucharist,
Series - Himes)
including the Real Presence, with emphasis on Eucharist as the “self
gift” of Jesus. (20 min., Adult)
Fr. Joe Kempf presents an engaging preparation program for First
Eucharist in a series of eight segments. The segments are titled: 1)
Belonging, 2) Invited to the Table, 3) Gathering to Celebrate, 4)
Eucharist - Children (Kempf)
Feasting on God’s Word, 5) Offering Our Gifts, 6) Remembering and
Giving Thanks, 7) Sharing the Bread of Life, and 8) Going Forth to
Love and Serve. (37 minutes total time, Primary)
From the creator of the Catholicism series, Rev. Robert Barron
reflects on the Eucharist as Sacred Meal, as Sacrifice, and as Real
Eucharist DVD
Presence. The study is a 5 session (90 minutes each) that includes a
study guide and workbook.
This video, conducted in four parts by Fr. Joe Kempf, offers a First
Eucharist preparation program for parents. Informational and
Eucharist - Families (Kempf)
engaging, “Fr. Joe” offers insights on this important sacrament with
the parent in mind.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
Eucharist (Celebrating Union
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
with Jesus and Each Other)
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
Eucharist (Gathered as One at the
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
Table of the Lord)
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
Senior High Adult
Eucharist (Intermediate)
Eucharist Parable, A
Eucharist Past and Present
(Chesto) DVD
Eucharist Past and Present
(Chesto) VHS
Eucharist: A Taste of God
Eucharist: Celebrating Christ
Present (Catholic Update) DVD
Sacraments help us remember Jesus’ love and point us outward in the
service of others. This series will instruct and encourage young
people to explore their faith and God’s unconditional love for them.
This series uses the actions of daily living, Jesus’ life and the actions 13
of the believing community to call young people to grow in Christ.
Hunger for food, love or friendship can overwhelm us. The sacrament
of the Eucharist is our call to remember that Christ will always be our
A tale of love and forgiveness, Kate when faced with a terminal
illness invites her alienated brothers to a family Thanksgiving. She
shares how important love and support of family are to her. Anger
and hurt surface followed by forgiveness and reconciliation.
Junior High Adult
This video leads viewers through the development and history of
Eucharist with an engaging presentation in language that is clear and
comprehensible. Guide materials and the video present adults with a
better understanding of the valuable place of Eucharist in their lives.
This video explores the Church’s most powerful resource for spiritual
growth and practical
living - the Eucharist. Fr. Joe Kempf offers a fresh look at the great
treasure and challenge of the sacrament. This video is intended for
small groups and encourages discussion, prayer and group activities.
Each section is 10-15 minutes long and covers the following topics:
Hunger - The Quiet Presence of God; Called to the Gathering - The
Challenge; Called to the Gathering - Gift; A Meal for Sinners - The
Voice of God; Broken, Poured for Love - I Am Here for You;
Mission - To Say Amen. Fr. Joe uses Scriptures, ancient wisdom
stories, and practical, modern-day examples to help viewers create a
closer relationship with God and the Church.
Junior High Adult
Eucharist: Celebrating Christ
Present (Catholic Update) VHS
Eucharist: Stories of Celebration
Eucharist: God's Way of
Embracing Us DVD Rolheiser
Eucharist: God's Way of
Embracing Us VHS Rolheiser
Eucharist: It's All About Christ
Eucharist: The Source and the
Summit DVD
Assunta, a grandmother and parish sacristan is readying her church for
Holy Week. She is also preparing for a traditional Italian family
celebration. When she has an accident and is hospitalized the family
begins to question, "Who will carry on the traditions of faith and
family?" The story mirrors how Christians remember Christ in the
celebration of Eucharist. Also included is a segment when adults
share the meaning of the celebration of the Eucharist in their parish.
The teaching segment focuses on how the Easter Triduum can focus
our understanding of the Eucharist and is followed by a music video
An OSV media resource for families of children preparing for the
Sacrament of Eucharist
We are a Eucharistic people, a Eucharistic church, a community
formed and nurtured by the Eucharist. How does the Eucharist work?
What are its various meanings? Fr. Ron Rolheiser, a world-renowed
author, speaker and retreat director discusses these and other aspects
of Eucharist in this two part meditative, yet informative program.
We are a Eucharistic people, a Eucharistic church, a community
formed and nurtured by the Eucharist. How does the Eucharist work?
What are its various meanings? Fr. Ron Rolheiser, a world-renowed
author, speaker and retreat director discusses these and other aspects
of Eucharist in this two part meditative, yet informative program.
These three presentations, This Sacred Place (25 min), This Sacred
Meal (21 min) and This Sacred People (23 min) invite parishioners to
think deeply about all aspects of the sacred mysteries of our faith, with
particular focus on the Eucharist. Especially useful for RCIA teams,
candidates and catechumens.
This video presents a comprehensive investigation of the Eucharist in
three parts: Eucharist in the Mass, Eucharistic adoration and sharing
the gift of Eucharist with others through our good works. The
comments of various faith communities are joined by experts
including Fr. Brendan Moss, OSB, Sr. Cathy Doherty, SSND and Fr.
Ron Rolheiser, OMI, to present an authoritative and fascinating
This video presents a comprehensive investigation of the Eucharist in
three parts: Eucharist in the Mass, Eucharistic adoration and sharing
Eucharist: The Source and the
the gift of Eucharist with others through our good works. The
Summit VHS
comments of various faith communities are joined by experts
including Fr. Brendan Moss, OSB, Sr. Cathy Doherty, SSND and Fr.
Ron Rolheiser, OMI, to present an authoritative and fascinating
Listen to this audio CD and join with Bishop J. Peter Sartain as he
beautifully prays Eucharistic prayers I-IV. A booklet with the
Eucharistic Prayers I, II, III, IV
complete texts of all four prayers is included. This resource is
New Translations Audio CD
designed for priests to enable them to grow comfortable with the new
translations of the four Eucharistic Prayers at their convenience.
Msgr. William B. Smith, STD, addresses the Respect Life Institute at
St. Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers, New York. He challenges the most
common arguments that support a person's "right to die,"
Euthanasia In The 90's
demonstrating the serious flaw in each argument. Euthanasia in the
90's will move people from apathy to action in this basic life/death
issue. (40 min., Adult)
Evangelium is an easy-to-use resource which enables all parishes to
Evangelium: Sharing the riches of run courses for adults and older teenagers on the Catholic Faith. It
the Catholic Faith CD (RCIA) includes a CD-Rom for power point presentations, a Presenter's Guide
and a Participant's Guide.
The Second Vatican Council had a profound and lasting influence on
the Catholic Church. This series of nine videos examines the change
in outlook that the Council fostered in the Church and explores how
Evangelization (Vat II)
the documents of Vatican II continue to renew the Church today.
Focuses on the challenge of preaching the gospel to middle-class,
affluent Americans and our responsibility to the poor of our nation
In July, 2006, Catholic leaders came together for the second North
American Institute for Catholic Evnagelization. The theme was
Evangelizing God's People in a
"Evangelizing God's People in a Culture of Diversity." A wide array
Culture of Diversity DVD
of speakers and panels represented diverse cultural experiences. This
program on three DVDs is designed to bring the institute to those who
could not attend.
Junior High Adult
Senior High Adult
This video is about looking at the ordinary and seeing the
extraordinary. We are all faced with challenges - at work and at home.
How we view these challenges and devise their solutions can mean the
Everyday Creativity DeWitt Jones
difference between just getting by and being successful. Using
inspirational stories, memorable locations and vivid photography, this
program will empower the viewer to apply simple, yet powerful
creativity techniques to all aspects of their lives. Includes leader's
This program is a profile of the monks living at Mount Savior
Monastery in Pine City, New York. The monks offer insights into the
joys and the disappointments of monastic life and, in the process, lay
Everyday: Benedictine Life at
the groundwork for a new way of thinking about our own "everyday" 50
Mount Saviour Monastery DVD
lives. Located between Elmira & Corning NY on Route 225, the
monastery is relatively close to the diocese of Erie, and a guest
brochure is included with the DVD.
A four part series promoting abstinence. The introductory video, ideal
for school boards, officials and parents, the program shows how
abstinence education can be successfully taught. (45 min., Adult)
Everyone Is Not Doing It: The
The remaining three programs are for teens. The goal is to help them
Abstinence Concept
realize that true sexual freedom includes the freedom to say no to sex
outside marriage and to enable each individual to develop responsible
behavior, positive self-esteem and respect for others as they make decisions involving their sexual freedom. (45 minutes each, Sr. High
Mother Teresa asks, "Do we really know the poor in our own our family, in our community?" Because the abandoned,
and lonely are among us, each of us in called to live out the same kind
Everyone, Everywhere
of loving concern so apparent in the lives of Mother Teresa and her
sisters as they minister to the poor and dying in India.
(Beginning of video is "shaky")
God allows the Israelites to be conquered and exiled from the
Exile of Israel, The
Promised Land as they seek his deliverance from their enemies.
God delivers his people from the Pharaoh’s armies and the perils of
Exodus, The
the desert, as he leads them on the quest for a promised land.
Senior High Adult
Senior High
Intermediate Adult
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Audio CDs: A seven-part interview with Catholic Answers Live host
Patrick Coffin of Fr. Gary Thomas, whose life and training were
depicted in the movie "The Rite"
Each program is approximately one half hour. In the first session, Dr.
Thomas describes how parishes realize they need to be more sensitive
Expanding Our Awareness of
to all families, no matter their size, or shape or those who are divorced
Today's Family
or alienated. The second half of this tape focuses on the struggles of
marriage and parenting and how they are different from what they
were for our parents. (60 min., Adult)
This two segment video will aid viewers in media discernment skills.
Exploring Media with Today's
It will show all viewers that all media has the following: a point of
view, a message, certain filming techniques and some type of scripture
message. (27 min., Sr. High School )
Includes two programs on aspects of this sacrament of initiation. The
Exploring the Sacrament of
first is dramatic and focuses on the deeper meanings of Christian
Baptism (Catholic Update) DVD initiation (14 min.) The Second is a whimiscally presented histroy of
the baptismal ritual and its origins. (20 min.)
A short introductory and informational tape giving pertinent
information about the above named series which is hosted by Bishop
Exploring the Teaching of Christ Donald W. Wuerl of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Each lesson is
Series: Tape 1 (Introduction)
outlined as follows: opening prayer, introduction to the lesson,
presentation of the video, discussion questions and life experience;
each is accompanied by an easy to follow guide. (5 min., Adult)
Senior High
The following topics are addressed on this tape of the video series:
Lesson 1: Invitation to Faith, the purpose of this lesson is for the
audience to reflect on Christ as the answer to the questions that
penetrate their lives. Lesson 2: Seeking God, focuses on assisting the
viewer in their search for, and discovery of, who God is and what we
can say about Him. Lesson 3: God the Creator, the goal of this lesson
is to help the viewer recognize God as the Creator of all things and to
Exploring the Teaching of Christ
highly value the gift of creation. Lesson 4: Images of God, this
Series: Tape 2
lesson hopes to increase the viewer's understanding of what it means
to be a person created by God, to know Him and to love Him as He
loves us, and to grasp the responsibility we possess. Lesson 5: The
Mystery of Evil, the final lesson on this tape aids the viewer in
examining the profound mystery of evil in light of God's continuing
faithfulness; the four major points of discussion include the question
of evil, original sin, personal sin and God's faithfulness. (5 - 15 minute
The following topics are addressed on this tape of the video series:
Lesson 6: Who Jesus Is, this lesson will help participants deepen
their understanding and appreciation of Jesus Christ, that He is truly
one of us, and truly God. Lesson 7: Jesus' Public Life, focuses on
helping the participant understand the public life of Jesus, His story; it
also points out ways to grasp the truth and meaning of Sacred
Scriptures. Lesson 8: Mary, the Mother of God, this session will help
the viewer appreciate the role of Mary, the Mother of God, and
Exploring the Teaching of Christ understand what faith teaches about Mary; the outline focuses on three
Series: Tape 3
major points on the role of Mary. Lesson 9: Jesus Died for Us, this
lesson explains the meaning of our redemption and its effects through
the cross of Jesus; points discussed are: the need for the Passion, role
as Savior, the Cross, names of Jesus and the effects of Salvation.
Lesson 10: Jesus Rose From the Dead, helps the viewer understand
the central mystery of our faith, the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Lesson 11: The Holy Spirit, the purpose of this lesson is to help
participants know the Holy Spirit well in ways that enrich our lives;
the outline provides four major points for discussion. (6 - 15 minute
The following topics are addressed on this tape of the video series:
Lesson 12: The Holy Trinity, this lesson will help the viewer
understand more fully what faith means when it speaks of the mystery
of the Trinity; four major points for reflection are presented. Lesson
13: The Church, this lesson clearly presents the central faith teachings
about the Church. Lesson 14: Christ, the Teacher, this lesson
examines the teaching mission of Christ in the days which he taught
visibly on earth, and in His teaching in the Church herself. Lesson 15:
Exploring the Teaching of Christ Christ Teaching Today, this lesson reflects on how Christ teaches in
Series: Tape 4
His Church even today, even as He touches the Church by His
Sacraments, and guides the Church with a Shepherd's care. Lesson
16: New Life, this lesson is intended to provide clearer insight into
the new life of grace to which Christ calls us; it reminds us to how
central this life is to the Gospel message and how we are to guard it
and grow in it. Lesson 17: Christ's Plan for Life, this lesson aims at
enabling the viewer to understand more fully how the Lord Himself
guides our moral lives, giving us not only the light of conscience, but
also the gift of revelation to help us shape good lives. (6 - 15 minute
The following topics are addressed on this tape of the video series:
Lesson 18: Conscience, this lesson is aimed at helping participants
understand the meaning of conscience and knowing how to form a
good one. Lesson 19: Virtues, the purpose of this session is to show
how faith, hope, and love penetrate all Christian life. Lesson 20: The
Gift of Life, this lesson is concerned with showing how a good moral
life is concerned with care for the most precious human goods: for
life, for the love between spouses and the treasure of children that our
sexuality is meant to serve, and for truth in all things. Lesson 21:
Exploring the Teaching of Christ
Building a Good and Just Society, the lesson presents the basic
Series: Tape 5
principles of the Church's social teaching; it aims at showing how God
planned that we live not as isolated individuals, but in society, in the
family and in the neighborhood and state, to learn to live in love of
one another. Lesson 22: Vocations and Ecumenism, this lesson is
aimed at helping us understand the notion of vocation as a call from
God and at exploring our relationship to those of other faiths. Lesson
23: Prayer: Private and Liturgical, the purpose of this lesson is to
deepen our understanding of prayer in its various forms; four major
points include: definition of prayer, purposes of prayer, types of
The following topics are addressed on this tape of the video series:
Lesson 24: Sacramental Life, the goal of this lesson is to enhance the
viewer's understanding of Eucharistic worship and of the other
sacraments as privileged moments of encounter with Jesus Christ.
Lesson 25: The Eucharist, this lesson is designed to deepen our
understanding and appreciation of the Eucharist as the crown and the
center of all Christian life. The faith and worship and life of the
Church center on this sacrament. Lesson 26: Priesthood, this lesson
is aimed at helping the viewer understand the origin, meaning, and
importance of priesthood in the Church. Lesson 27: Sacraments of
Initiation, the purpose of this lesson is to understand and appreciate
Exploring the Teaching of Christ
the importance of baptism and confirmation for our Catholic life of
Series: Tape 6
faith. Lesson 28: The Sacraments of Healing, this lesson will
increase the viewers understanding of how we receive forgiveness and
healing through the sacraments of reconciliation and the anointing of
the sick. Lesson 29: Christian Marriage, this lesson is designed to
clarify the nature of Christian marriage, the purposes that God has
given it, and the properties that marriage has in the divine plan as a
human reality and as a sacrament of faith. Lesson 30: The
Fulfillment of All, this lesson explores the meaning of the last things,
of death and judgment, of the second death of hell, and the eternal life
of heaven. It speaks of Christ's second coming and the eternal
transformation of all things by Him, a transformation that illumines
On this episode of On The Air, you will see how young people are
Extreme Faith (Southeast Asia beginning a life journey by reaching out to make a difference to
Haitian refugees, to kids in Southeast Asia, and around the world.
This Priority One series presents real-life stories, humor and the
Extreme Faith (Tanzania - teen) dynamic Neil McClendon as he addresses critical issues teens face
every day. A study guide is included with each video.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Facing Death: Making Moral
Facing My Own Suffering and
Facing Your Anger (Divorce)
Facing Your Depression
Facing Your Loneliness
Faith (Book of Virtues Series)
Faith (Himes)
Many people have become victims of denying death. The video speaks
to the merits of understanding death and encourages viewers to accept
the reality of death and begin to deal with their own mortality before
the choice is no longer theirs. Rev. Mark Miller presents Christian
beliefs with respect to suffering, life-prolonging procedures and
accepting death. A leader's guide is provided for follow up
This video brings insights of spirituality to bear on one’s own limits in
the face of illness, suffering and death. Included in the video is a story
segment, witness segment, a teaching segment, and a music video
reflection. These segments can be used together or individually.
This video provides insights to viewers to enable them to identify
anger and develop appropriate responses. (35 min., Adult)
This video provides suggestions for coping with depression and God’s
role in healing. (35 min., Adult)
This video shows viewers constructive ways to reduce feelings of
loneliness and ways to avoid inappropriate responses. (35 min.,
Annie’s faith is put to the test after her friend dies unexpectedly,
leaving her feeling alone and bewildered. Plato and the crew share
stories of faith and perseverance like Daniel and the Lion’s Den
(Bible) and Harriet Tubman (American). Annie also finds comfort in
the words of the 23rd Psalm, helping her see that since God is with us,
With wit and wisdom, Fr. Himes looks at this familiar word in a new
way. He shows us that faith is trusting in a God who possesses us, as
opposed to a God we possess. This approach to faith changes
everything because we become a "pilgrim people" - a people led
further and further into life and truth. It means an exciting,
challenging and unsettled life. And it is the way of growth and hope.
Primary Intermediate
Faith and Family Life (Cronin)
Faith First (Grade 1)
Faith First (Grade 2)
Faith First (Grade 3)
Faith First (Grade 4)
This DVD contains six programs by Gaynell Cronin directed to
parents as the primaty religious educators of their children.Included
are: How to Raise Your Child with Faith (19 min); How To Raise
Your Child with Faith as a Single Parent (18 min); Raising a FaithFilled Child in a Consumer Society (20 min); How to Pray as a Family
(23 min); Preparing Your Child for First Eucharist (20 min);
Preparing Your Child for Reconciliation (18 min). Each program is
filled with practical how-to ideas that focus on real-life concerns,
This video is part of the catechist resources offered by the publisher,
Resources for Christian Living, for their elementary catechetical
series, "Faith First." Divided into seven segments, it includes Bible
songs, stories, prayer and a story of St. Nicholas.
This video is part of the catechist resources offered by the publisher,
Resources for Christian Living, for their elementary catechetical
series, "Faith First." Divided into seven segments, it includes Bible
songs, stories, prayer (St. Francis' Canticle of the Sun), a story of St.
Clare and on location reenactments of the Lord's Supper, the Lost
Sheep, the Call of the First Disciples and the Blessing of the Children.
This video is part of the catechist resources offered by the publisher,
Resources for Christian Living, for their elementary catechetical
series, "Faith First." Divided into seven segments, it includes stories,
prayer (Our Father), a story of St. Patrick, and a live action drama on
the consequence of lying.
This video is part of the catechist resources offered by the publisher,
Resources for Christian Living, for their elementary catechetical
series, "Faith First." Divided into seven segments, it includes, stories
of faith (live interviews), prayer (Psalm 148), a live action drama on
how the Ten Commandments help people live the right way, and onlocation reenactments of the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus' Healing
This video is part of the catechist resources offered by the publisher,
Resources for Christian Living, for their elementary catechetical
series, "Faith First." Divided into seven segments, it includes stories
of faith (live interviews), prayer (Prayer of St. Francis), a live action 65
drama on rumors and false accusations, and on-location reenactments
of the Coming of the Holy Spirit, Peter's Speech at Pentecost, Jesus'
Teachings on Prayer, and the Passion Narratives.
This video is part of the catechist resources offered by the publisher,
Resources for Christian Living, for their elementary catechetical
series, "Faith First." Divided into seven segments, it includes, stories
of faith (live interviews), prayer (prayer meditations), a live action
drama on the consequences of stealing, and on-location reenactments
of Ministering to a Great Multitude, The Judgment of Nations,
Answers to Prayers, and the Passion Narratives.
Faith First (Grade 5)
Faith First (Grade 6)
Faith First Legacy Edition Parish K-8 Effective catechesis for children, families, and the whole community
Faith First Legacy Edition Quickstart The video helps catechists explore the role of the catechist, the tasks of
for Catechists
catechesis as found in the General Directroy fo Catechesis, and much more.
Faith First: Creed and Prayer
Junior High
Faith First: Liturgy and Morality
Junior High
This video is part of the catechist resources offered by the publisher,
Resources for Christian Living, for their junior high catechetical
series, "Faith First." The eight segments included are: Faith First
Interviews; The Tansfiguration from the "Visual Bible"; Social
Action; Story of Faith; Moral Dilemma; Passion Narrative from the
"Visual Bible"; Early Mission of the Church from the "Visual Bible";
This video is part of the catechist resources offered by the publisher,
Resources for Christian Living, for their junior high catechetical
series, "Faith First." The eight segments included are: Faith First
Interviews; The Story of Pentecost; Social Action (capital
punishment); Story of Faith (forgiveness); Moral Dilemma; Passion
Narrative; Saul's Conversion; and Prayer.
Junior High
Junior High
These programs begin dialogue on a range of pastoral issues affecting
the life of the Church. In all videos, church teaching is the context
Faith Formation
within which the discussions take place. None of the videos is
complete or exhaustive, but they are good starters for dialogue.
In this video, Cardinal Roger Mahony and Bishop Joseph Fiorenza
encourage all citizens to be informed, active, and responsible
participants in the political process. Based on the 1999 bishops'
Faithful Citizenship
statement called "Faithful Citizenship," Catholics are encouraged to 11
evaluate political platforms and issues in light of the principles of
Catholic social teaching. Then we as Catholics can work together for
a brighter future that benefits the common good.
How is faithful citizenship a matter of conscience? Two ten-minute
segments (one for adults and one for teens) show how everyone can
Faithful Citizenship: A Matter of
faithfully participate in the political process. Each will help Catholics 20
Conscience DVD (USCCB)
learn how they can form their consciences in order to make important
public choices.
In this video, viewers will encounter in an unforgettable way Martha
and Mary, The Widow of Zarephath, and the unclean woman who
Faithful Women of the Bible
touched Jesus' robe. Three dramatic vignettes bring the Bible stories
of these women to life in a memorable manner and reveal their strong
Freddie the Leaf, a small sprout on top of a tall tree, enjoys dancing in
the spring breezes and being cooled by summer rains. But when the
first frost arrives, the leaves shiver with the cold, and Freddie is
Fall of Freddie the Leaf, The
frightened. His wise friend Daniel helps to prepare Freddie for change-and the mystery of death. Freddie asks, “Why are we here at all if we
only fall and die?” Daniel’s response brings peace, understanding,
Tells of the Israelites’ great victory over their enemies under Joshua’s
Fall of Jericho, The
command, and the destruction of the city of Jericho.
All family members are involved when crises arise. This presentation
Families in Crisis
tells how one family worked together to overcome difficulties which 28
threatened the stability of their existence as a family unit.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
all ages
Primary Intermediate
This series of videos addresses topics of concern to to the American
family. Information is presented by a panel of experts and in response
Family Communications:
to viewers who have called in questions. Presented by the Notre
Effective Ways to Talk and Listen Dame Alumni Association and made available by the Family
Ministries Office of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Erie. Family Communications: Effective Ways to Talk and Listen 81 min.,
Parents set limits to guide their children: How late can they stay out?
When can they watch TV? What family chores does everyone share
Family Limits
in? Experts in family counseling join ordinary family members in
discussing flexibility, consistency, boundaries, responsibilities, and
teasing. Role playing adds lively moments to the studio dialogue.
Through song and interview, musician, Paul Solomon, affirms
Family Man
fatherhood and family responsibility. Good role modeling for males.
(8 min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
A Symposium: Family Perspective and Catholic Social Teaching, A
Theological Perspective, with Most Rev. Joseph M. Sullivan. Fr.
Family Perspective and Catholic
Sullivan reviews the church's teaching on the family and supports the
Social Teaching
Holy Father's statement that, "the future of humanity passes through
the family." (45 min., Adult)
Subjects addressed include social pressure, church teachings and
Family Planning
Natural Family Planning. (15 min., Sr. High School)
This video is a significant step in the ongoing faith journey of
families. Dr. Kathleen Chesto enriches her audience with her
Family Spirituality
thoughts and ideas on building healthy faith life within the family.
Using her own experience as a mother and a family religious
education consultant she brings encouragement and affirma-tion to
Modern day life, with its fast pace and economic stresses, has put so
many strains on the family that it often fractures. In this four part
video, we hear the personal stories of men and women who reveal the
Family: The Road to Healing
sorrows and joys of their walk along the road toward healing. Part
One - Stressed to the Limit; Part Two - Broken Hearts, Shattered
Dreams; Part Three - Just Me and the Kids; Part Four - The Intimate
Outsider (Stepfamilies). Each part is 30 minutes.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Senior High
We know that Christianity is not a mathematical equation. However,
the evidence for belief is overwhelming. After watching this unique
Fast Forward Series: Do Dogs Go
episode of the Fast Forward Series, teens will understand that
To Heaven?
Christianity will always require a step of faith, but never a “blind leap
of faith.” (25 min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
In this episode of the Fast Forward Series, teens will learn about
Fast Forward Series: Get a Life
making the decisions to achieve God’s will for their lives. (25 min.,
Jr. - Sr. High School)
In this episode of Fast Forward the viewers are taken on a trip with
missionaries Phil and Jana disney as they fly into the remote mountain
Fast Forward Series: Guatemala
region known as the Ixil Triangle in Central America. Find out what
Is Not a Dip
makes these volunteers tick. Why would they leave the comfort of
life in the United States to live in Central America?
In this episode of the Fast Forward Series, teens will discover whether
Fast Forward Series: Guilty
guilt is good or bad. They’ll also learn three guaranteed steps on how
Feelings Have Got No Rhythm
they can actually get rid of those guilty feelings. (24 min., Jr. - Sr.
High School)
Bill Myers, co-creator of the "McGee and Me" videos continues with
another Fast Forward Series for teens. This episode focuses on how
Fast Forward Series: Home Is
young people learn to cope with problems in their homes that are
Where the Hurt Is
beyond their control. These problems may include their parents
divorce, mom or dad's loss of work, an abusive parent, drug addiction
or abandonment of the family by one parent. (25 min., Sr. High
This episode focuses on the overwhelming need within all of us to be
accepted. We need to be accepted by those around us regardless of
Fast Forward Series: Learning to our color, religion, looks, financial status or at times our behavior.
Some people can be extremely cruel to those who are different. This
video looks at prejudice as it relates to race, AIDS and Christianity.
(25 min., Jr. High - Sr. High School)
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Lies! Lies! Lies! It seems like no one can tell the truth. This episode
from the Fast Forward Series gives the viewer a surprising look at
Fast Forward Series: Liar, Liar,
how teenagers feel about lying and also demonstrates that friendships
Pants on Fire
suffer severely when trust is no longer found in the relationship. The
video also looks at the mixed signals sent to teens who hear about
integrity, but do not see examples of it in real life. (24 min., Sr. High
The final episode of this series looks at a missionary trip to Mexico.
It takes place in July, just as teens become bored with summer
Fast Forward Series: Our Trip to vacation, they discover a way to beat the summer blues by helping
others. An eye opening video that may give a youth group or class
some ideas on how they could help others who are less fortunate. (23
min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
The teenage years are some of the most challenging years of your life.
It is a time to make choices about who you are, what you believe and
Fast Forward Series: Persuasive what to do with your life. This video will help you learn how to
handle the pressure from peers, parents and the media. Hosted by Bill
Meyers, the program will help viewers learn to make the right choices.
(26 min., Jr. -Sr. High School)
We all need to be accepted, for teens, few things are more important
than the need for acceptance, and the most depressing feelings are
those of rejection. Teens place very high expectations on themselves
Fast Forward Series: Rejection
to achieve or perform, when they become disappointed they
Connection, The
sometimes are depressed to the point of suicide. This episode in the
Fast Forward Series deals with rejection relating to friends, depression
and unrealistic expectations. (25 min., Sr. High School)
For most teenagers, stress can be summed up in one word:
EXPECTATIONS! On this episode of the Fast Forward Series, teens
Fast Forward Series: Stressed for
will learn that while Christians are not immune to stress, it is possible
to learn ways to cope with the stress that will come their way. (29
min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Dating is like a race. Not a 50 yard dash - a marathon with hurdles!
This video will help the viewer learn how to get started, how to handle
Fast Forward Series: The Great
rejection and how to know if they are really in love. It is hosted by
Mate Race
Bill Meyers who is the author of "Hot Topics For Teenagers." (25
min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
The third video in the Fast Forward Series will help teens discover
how to deal with their parents and how to survive the battle for their
Fast Forward Series: The
own independence. Do you feel like your parents are too controlling?
Independence Thing
Do you feel fenced in and restricted? This program will help with
these frustrations of the teenage years. (23 min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
Why is money so important? Because it has power - the power to buy
or the power to help someone less fortunate. In this episode of the
Fast Forward Series: What’s
Fast Forward Series, teens will travel to Africa and to an Indian
Mine is Mine
reservation in Montana to see how some young people are using their
power to make a difference. (27 min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
In this episode of the Fast Forward Series, the following questions are
raised: Why did this have to happen? Who's responsible? Where
Fast Forward Series: Why Do Bad
was God? Since personal tragedy happens in all of our lives and we
Things Happen?
blame ourselves, parents, friends and society, this video will help to
bring a message of hope to troubled teens. (26 min., Sr. High School)
This is an exciting new video based on Luke's translation of the
Prodigal Son. Produced in black and white, the contemporary
production is done on a horse ranch. It includes vocals by Rory Block
who is an American blues singer and has been performing and
Father and Two Sons
composing for over two decades. This version of the parable
completes the biblical story by showing the father's loving encounter
with his older son who is reluctant to join the celebration. This video
was used at the 1995 Youth Rally, "Where is the Hope?", in St.
This video introduces us to the in-born human conditions that lead us
to search for God and to recognize the presence of God in our world
Father: Mystery of God Series A and our lives. Filled with profound insight and beautiful images,
Father will leave you more aware than ever before about how God
touches us and satisfies our human longing.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Senior High
Junior High Adult
Father: Mystery of God Series B Same as #2173
Fatherhood brings with it joys and difficulties as well as a recogni-tion
of the role of faith in parenting. This program focuses on Deacon Tim
Manning's prepara-tion of a Father's Day homily. He ex-plores shared
responsibility and a father's need to be involved in the lives of his
children. (28 min., Sr. Highl - Adult)
In this four part DVD, Fr. Joe Kempf walks viewers through the
Feeding Hungry Hearts:
celebration of the Mass and opens them to to a new appreciation of Celebrating the Eucharist Kempf and awe for - the sacrament of the Eucharist. From Fr. Joe's easy-toDVD
understand explanations, viewers will learn that when they celebrate
as a community of faith, they are fed and transformed by love.
This video presents intimacy and sexism to the viewer. (15 min., Sr.
Femininity and Masculinity
High School)
In this presentation, family survivors reveal their intimate stories and
aching pain to assist other survivors and to help the broader
Fierce Goodbye: Living in the
community understand the unique and terrible grief of suicide. This
Shadow of Suicide DVD
documentary explores Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and Greek
Orthodox responses to suicide. The church can be a "healing station"
in helping survivors find their way to recovery.
A videotape for young adults and adults designed to reach out to those
Fifth Gospel, The A
turned off by too much institutionalism and too little love, compassion
and sense of service.
Fifth Gospel, The B
Same as #286
In this video, viewers are invited to take to heart Jesus' parable about
the fig tree, which encourages us to make the best use of our time,
Fig Tree, The
talents, and resourc-es. Jesus challenges us to do our best and warns
that there are consequences when we do not do all that we should. (8
min., All ages)
In this video presentation, "Fights Between Brothers & Sisters", Casey
and his sister Theresa learn some positive alternatives to fighting.
Fights Between Brothers and
Casey cannot stop Theresa from embarrassing him, so he plans to pay
her back. His revenge shows the viewer why revenge does not work
and how mutual respect is a better alternative. (25 min., Intermediate)
Senior High Adult
Senior High
Junior High Adult
all ages
Final Blessing
Financial Planning Workshop Sessions 1-2
Financial Planning Workshop Sessions 3-4
Financial Planning Workshop Sessions 5-6
Financial Planning Workshop Sessions 7-8
This video examines the spiritual dimensions in the lives of the
terminally ill. Rather than turning away from the unavoidable sadness
in these stories, viewers will be left inspired, uplifted and even
consoled by the patient’s end-of-life discoveries for the potential for
peace and healing. Final Blessing is a program about uncovering a
place within the soul to begin to understand suffering on a different
level and to look forward to what lies beyond.
Session 1: Getting Started
Session 2: Where Are We?
This series, part of “The Christian Financial Concepts Series,”
proposes a simple, workable plan for home money management. It
aims to maximize family finances so that families are more effective
both spiritually and financially.
Session 3: Short Range Planning
Session 4: Budget Problems
Session 5: The Guideline Budget
This series, part of “The Christian Financial Concepts Series,”
proposes a simple, workable plan for home money management. It
aims to maximize family finances so that families are more effective
both spiritually and financially.
Session 6: Budget Analysis
Session 7: The Control System [part 1]
This series, part of “The Christian Financial Concepts Series,”
proposes a simple, workable plan for home money management. It
aims to maximize family finances so that families are more effective
both spiritually and financially.
Session 7: The Control System [part 2]
Session 8: Begin Now
This series, part of “The Christian Financial Concepts Series,”
proposes a simple, workable plan for home money management. It
aims to maximize family finances so that families are more effective
both spiritually and financially.
This video provides parctical advice for budgeting, work and other
key financial issues affecting those involved in a divorce. (35 min.,
God can be found in every moment and in every situation of our lives.
Finding God in All Things
This video shows us how to recognize God's presence in our lives and
accept God's constant invitation to experience God's love more fully.
In this video, the first in the series Life on the Edge, James Dobson,
Ph.D., author and founder of Focus on the Family, focuses on helping
the viewer discover how to make wise decisions for a positive future.
Finding God's Will For Your Life
Whether selecting a career, finding a mate, or choosing a lifestyle, this
video will help show you how to balance responsibility and freedom,
and make decisions within the will of God. (50 min., Jr. - Sr. High
This clay-animated program includes three stories on one DVD. The
First Christmas (22 min.) is a reverent retelling of the Nativity Story.
First Christmas, The and Other
The Chimes (23 min.) retells the heartwarming Charles Dickens tale
Stories DVD (Claymation)
about a poor porter who receives a special message of hope for the
new year from the bells in a dream. A Christmas Gift (9 min.) is the
tale of a young boy who shares his meager meal with a sad elderly
Celebrate the true meaning of Christmas with this animated
powerhouse. Lucas, an orphan shepherd, blinded and discouraged
First Christmas, The Story of the
from injuries suffered during a storm is rescued by Sister Theresa,
First Christmas Snow DVD
who lovingly nurses him back to health. With Sister Theresa's help,
he plays a shepherd in the Christmas story and his injury is healed.
First Communion: A Family
Journey DVD
In this video, which has separate segments for children and parents
(10 min. each), the meaning of Eucharist, Baptism and full
First Communion: A Family
memberhsip in the Church is made clear to both viewing audiences.
Journey VHS
The importance of parental involvement and family activities in
preparation for the celebration are also provided. Discussion guide
First Communion: Taking Your
Place at the Table (Catholic
Update) DVD
Financial Survival (Divorce)
Junior High Senior High
All Ages
Pre-school Intermediate
Primary - Adult
Primary - Adult
This video, part of the Catholic Update Series, offers parents a basic
First Communion: Taking Your foundation as they help their children approach the eucharistic table
Place at the Table VHS
for the first time. The topic is explored using story, testimony,
teaching, and music/video reflection.
Meet Nate, a young street orphan and his dog Bark as they wander the
streets of Jerusalem seeking food and shelter. One day they come face
First Easter, The DVD (animated) to face with a man called Jesus and as Nate watches him suffer on the
cross, his eyes are opened for the first time to witness the Light of
God. The course of Nate's life - and his heart - are changed forever.
This series of videos addresses topics of concern to to the American
family. Information is presented by a panel of experts and in response
to viewers who have called in questions. Presented by the Notre
First Fifteen Years of Marriage:
Dame Alumni Association and made available by the Family
From "I Do" to "Don't You Dare"
Ministries Office of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Erie.
The First Fifteen Years of Marriage: From “I Do” to “Don’t You
Dare” (90 min. Adult)
This engaging program tells youngsters everything they need to know
about their first experience with the Sacrament of Penance. The
history and meaning of the sacrament and the joy of kowing God's
First Reconciliation - A Family
forgiveness is explained in age appropriate language. The viewers will
Journey DVD
hear the questions of a diverse collection of youngsters and then see
them participate in their own First Reconciliation service. Part 2
shows family activities that are fun and easy ways to prepare students
and families for this important step in their child's faith journey.
This video offers practical advice for young couples on how to build a
First Two Years of Marriage, The life together. It is based on the best-selling book of the same title.
The video is divided into three, twenty minute segments.
In this adventure of imagination, young Tess, a shy girl of 13,
discovers a new meaning for love on Valentine's Day. Through a very
First Valentine, The
special book, she meets the third century martyr Valentine and his
Christian friends. They show her what it means to love others as
Jesus loves us, and to receive that love in return.
Primary - Adult
Primary Intermediate
This is the story of women in black Africa - their strength and
courage, their struggles, concerns and challenges. This video pictures
Fish Farming in Amazonia
the dawn-to-dusk, life-giving efforts of these women to survive and
prosper. It reflects the condition of women everywhere, especially the
This fast-paced program shows many of the facets of a priest's daily
life. Several priests provide testimonay to the importance they place
Fishers of Men DVD
on their own vocation. This project was developed by the Bishops'
Committee on Vocations.
The official commemorative video of WYD in Denver, produced by
NBC, CTNA and WYD. The world looks on as Pope John Paul II
Five Extraordinary Days - World meets and prays with an international gathering of young adults and
Youth Day, 1993
youth. This video chronicles the main events of these five days. It
highlights each day's activities beginning with the welcoming Mass
and concluding with the Papal Mass.
This program uses a blend of realistic dramatic scenarios, on-screen
narrators and a round table discussion featuring students to show
young viewers the difference between real flirting (welcome, wanted,
Flirting or Hurting? When Is It
respectful and fun) and hurting (unwelcome, unwanted, one-sided,
OK, When Is It Harassment?
makes you feel bad). Viewers learn what it means to cross the line DVD
whether in person, through texting or online and are reminded of the
serious consequences for both the target and the harasser. Helpful tips
are offered on how to react to behaviors that are not appropriate or
welcome. Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
A docudrama about a homeless man, Charlie, and homeless woman,
Flo, and how their special friendship becomes a key to their survival.
Flo and Charlie
A good video for discussions on social justice, particularly
homelessness and relationships in general.
When we combine our energy and passion with our focused visions,
we give ourselves direction and power. DeWitt Jones encourgaes us to
Focus Your Vision (DeWitt
develop our visions and turn them into reality. In connecting with our
Jones) DVD
visions, we relaease our passion. We have a better understanding of
who we are, what we stand for and where we are going.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High
Junior High Adult
Focus Your Vision (DeWitt
Jones) VHS
Folktales of Peace
Following Jesus Through the
Church Year DVD
Footprints on Our Hearts DVD
For All People
When we combine our energy and passion with our focused visions,
we give ourselves direction and power. DeWitt Jones encourgaes us to
develop our visions and turn them into reality. In connecting with our
visions, we relaease our passion. We have a better understanding of
who we are, what we stand for and where we are going.
Professional storytellers breathe life into three folktales of peace from
other cultures. A West African woman relates the Limba tale,
“Strength,” an account of forest animals debating who among them is
strongest. In “Argument Sticks,” a Native American recounts how a
resourceful Iroquois mother helped her sons resolve an argument.
“Two Foxes” is an Appalachian tale of deep friendship - its give and
take, its mutual concern for the other’s welfare - that foils fussing,
fighting and quarreling.
In this program, you will travel with an eccentric little detective
named Krispin who meets others who
have known Jesus and have been changed by him. He listens to their
accounts and shares their
faith. It provides a journey through the liturgical seasons as the church
celebrates them. The
segments, which are 7 to 10 minutes each, are: Advent Roads;
Christmas Crossroads; Lenten Lane;
Holy Week Crossing; Resurrection Road; Pentecot Passage; Christian
Corner; Witness Way. This
DVD is a reproduction of an older series which has been combined on
a DVD.
This compassionate media resource walks you through the grieving
process after the death of a baby, whether it be a miscarriage,
stillbirth, or newborn death. Also included, "At A Loss for Words"
offers wisdom and practical tips for family members and friends who
A video filled with pictures of people; it is about people as they act in
and are acted upon by the economy.
all ages
Primary Intermediate
For God and Country (Rev. Al
The inspirational story of the first U.S. chaplain killed in WW II
during the attack on Pearl Harbor. This priest from Iowa saved 12 men 22
trapped inside the capsizing USS Oklahoma, giving his own life so
Intermediate Adult
For Pete's Sake, Tell! DVD
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
Primary Intermediate
This video and guide gives adults information and a tool for teaching
the prevention of sexual abuse to children in grades 3-6 in a positive,
For Pete's Sake, Tell! VHS
sensitive and nuturing way. Approved for student inservicing for child
Narrated by Ed Asner, this documentary takes the audience to
Auschwitz-Birkenau, the forests of Poland and the streets of Warsaw.
It tells the story of the struggles of those who where imprisoned and
For the Living
lost their lives at the hand of the Nazi's. You will meet the victim's
themselves, hear their voices and know their struggles. A thought
provoking video that will raise many questions about prejudice, social
How can you find a way to love what you do? Every day? Join DeWitt
Jones as he shares with audiences the importance of beginning each
For the Love of It De Witt Jones
day with a full cup. In this program, Jones discusses how we all have
the ability to love what we do through honoring our passion, making a
contribution to those around us and expressing gratitude.
Storyteller Colin Pearce tells a delightful story of a kind king, a
Forgive and Forget
crooked crocodile and a mischievous monkey. Children get a new
look at one of life’s hardest tasks: to forgive and forget.
Forgive Us Our Debts (Nest)
This video combines a classic parable about forgiveness with the
teachings of Jesus to his disciples. Jesus shows his love by teaching
Forgive Us Our Debts (Nest)
that forgiveness is from God. The parable of the man who owes ten
thousand talents is presented along with Jesus’ instructions to Peter to
catch a fish where he’ll find a coin in its mouth to pay the temple tax.
Forgiven (Brother Francis) DVD
Forgiven (Brother Francis) DVD 2
Preschool Primary
Preschool Primary
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Forgiveness (Divorce)
Forgiveness (The Loving Touch
of God)
Forgiveness of the Lord: Part 1
Forgiveness of the Lord: Part 2
Confessing & Healing
Forgiveness of the Lord: Part 3
Parent Video
Forming a Catholic Common
Ground Dialogue Group
This video provides information on how to overcome obstacles to
forgiveness and develop a forgiving lifestyle. (35 min., Adult)
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
A First Reconciliation preparation video program which explores the
themes of Welcoming, Confessing and Healing through scripture
stories, prayer and explanations of parts of the rite of Reconciliation.
This series, a tool for the preparation of children and parents for First
Reconciliation, is the perfect compliment to the Table of the Lord
Series for First Eucharist preparation.
A First Reconciliation preparation video program which explores the
themes of Welcoming, Confessing and Healing through scripture
stories, prayer and explanations of parts of the rite of Reconciliation.
This series, a tool for the preparation of children and parents for First
Reconciliation, is the perfect compliment to the Table of the Lord
Series for First Eucharist preparation.
A First Reconciliation preparation video program which explores the
themes of Welcoming, Confessing and Healing through scripture
stories, prayer and explanations of parts of the rite of Reconciliation.
This series, a tool for the preparation of children and parents for First
Reconciliation, is the perfect compliment to the Table of the Lord
Series for First Eucharist preparation.
This three part program is designed to help parishes and small groups
form a Catholic Common Ground Initiative group, decide what areas
to discuss and integrate principles of dialogue. A facilitator’s manual
is included, as well as a participant’s workbook which gives guidance
with an opportunity for reflection and integration.
all ages
Forming a Healthy Christian
Conscience\Divine Self: A
Foundation for Moral
Relationships, The
Forming RCIA Sponsors:
Handing on the Faith (Catholic
Update) DVD
Forty Assets Start Over, Starting
Foundation for Success
Congregations Building Assets in
Youth, A
Four Acts of Prayer, The DVD
Four Acts of Prayer, The VHS
Forming a Healthy Christian Conscience: Moralists say that
conscience performs three distinct functions, they include: to make us
aware that we are always responsible to do good in this world, to tell
us what is the right choice in a particular situation, and to direct us in
a specific case to do that which our conscience tells us is the right
The Divine Self: A Foundation for Moral Relationships: Solving
emotional stress is begun by identifying and working through anxiety,
fear, anger and guilt in order to reduce the chances of becoming
physically ill. In the past, religion has been separated from ordinary
life, but it is healthier to integrate psychology and spirituality to truly
The program begins with a story from the Acts of the Apostles about
Ananias -- a sponsor-candidate relationship. Then, parish sponsors
and candidates share about their experiences of these roles. Ms. Rita 19
Burns Senseman, North American Forum on the Catechumenate
shares key points about eh role of a parish sponsor. The program
concludes with a musical reflection.
Senior High Adult
In this program, the presenter, Walter Wangerin, uses stories to
explore the vital elements of the complete circle of praying. He shows
us that these four simple acts, practiced and developed with diligence,
bring us into a close communion with God that supports us in our
In this program, the presenter, Walter Wangerin, uses stories to
explore the vital elements of the complete circle of praying. He shows
us that these four simple acts, practiced and developed with diligence,
bring us into a close communion with God that supports us in our
This documentary recounts the remarkable story of the faith and
courage of four chaplains who served aboard the U.S.A.T. Dorchester
during World War II. As the ship was sinking after being hit by an
enemy torpedo, the four chaplains - a Catholic priest, a Jewish rabbi,
Four Chaplains, The: Sacrifice At
and two Protestant ministers - directed many soldiers to safety and
gave up their own life jackets to save young men. They spent their last
moments singing hymns and praying, arm-in-arm, as the ship
disappeared into the sea. Dramatic military footage, recreations, and
personal interviews with survivors and family members help recount
This documentary recounts the remarkable story of the faith and
courage of four chaplains who served aboard the U.S.A.T. Dorchester
during World War II. As the ship was sinking after being hit by an
enemy torpedo, the four chaplains - a Catholic priest, a Jewish rabbi,
Four Chaplains, The: Sacrifice At
and two Protestant ministers - directed many soldiers to safety and
gave up their own life jackets to save young men. They spent their last
moments singing hymns and praying, arm-in-arm, as the ship
disappeared into the sea. Dramatic military footage, recreations, and
personal interviews with survivors and family members help recount
Fourth Wise Man, The DVD
Martin Sheen, Alan Arkin and Eileen Brennan star in this moving
drama based on Henry van Dyke's story "The Story of the Other Wise
Man," written in the late 19th century. A Magi named Artaban studies
the prophecies and is witness to a sign in the heavens that he hopes
Fourth Wise Man, The VHS
will lead him and his servant, Orantes to the Messiah. For 33 years,
Artaban and Orantes pursue Jesus, only to miss Him at every turn.
The story culminates on Easter as Artaban, old and dying , finally
encounters the new King, bringing peace to his final moments of life.
When a storm damages the animals' homes and San Damiano church,
Francesco and his animal friends work together to repair the church
Francesco's Friendly World: The
before the townspeople arrive at sunrise on Easter morning. It comes 41
Last Stone
down to the last minute…and the last stone. (based on the life of St.
Francis of Assisi)
Junior High Adult
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Preschool Primary
Francis Cabrini: Mother of
Francis Xavier and the Samurai's
Lost Treasure DVD
From 1889 to 1917, Mother Cabrini worked among Italian immigrants
and, together with her Missionary Sisters, promoted an historical
movement of concern for the socio-religious needs of the immigrants.
Frances Cabrini exercised an important influence on the shaping of
American Catholic histroy, of women’s history in the United States
and of the great European migration of the nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries.
Francis Xavier had everything going for him. A champion at sports
and studies, he was ready to win the world for himself. One day his
best friend, Ignatius of Loyola, showed him that true champions are of
Francis Xavier and the Samurai's a far more heroic breed -- those who risk their all to win the world for
Lost Treasure VHS
God. This program captures the true spirit of a daring man who
braved the pear coasts and jungles of India, and the forbidding castles
of Japan, in amazing adventures of courage and faith. (30 min.,
Preschool - Primary)
This truly remarkable story of the founder of the Order of the Minor
Francis, The Knight of Assisi
Friars, and inspirator of three Franciscan orders. Francis felt a calling
to great glory and he embarked upon a most exciting and unexpected
Father Powell's popular "Free To Be Me" program of three videos has
been adapted to be used with those interested in ministering with
Small Faith Communities. Each tape focuses on one's personal views
and asks the viewer to reflect on these views. Part Two: Vision of
Free To Be Me Part 2 John
Self includes the following sessions: My Vision of Self; Who Do I
Powell, S.J.
Tell You That I Am?; and My Worth in God's Eyes. This is an
excellent series that can easily be used with the guide provided,
"Ministering with Small Faith Communities" by Madeleine Gervais
and Art Baranowski. (52 min., Adult)
Preschool Primary
Preschool Primary
Primary Intermediate
Free To Be Me Part 3 John
Powell, S.J.
Free To Be Me Part I John
Powell, S.J.
Free to Be. . .You and Me
Freedom to Dump Losers
Friends (Power Surge)
Father Powell's popular "Free To Be Me" program of three videos has
been adapted to be used with those interested in ministering with
Small Faith Communities. Each tape focuses on one's personal views
and asks the viewer to reflect on these views. Part Three: Vision of
Others, Vision of God includes the following sessions: My Vision of
Others; The Secret of Love; My Vision of God. This is an excellent
series that can easily be used with the guide provided, "Ministering
with Small Faith Communities" by Madeleine Gervais and Art
Father Powell's popular "Free To Be Me" program of three videos has
been adapted to be used with those interested in ministering with
Small Faith Communities. Each tape focuses on one's personal views
and asks the viewer to reflect on theser views. Part One: Our Vision
of Reality includes the following sessions: My Vision of Reality;
How My Vision is Shaped; and Jesus' Vision, Our Vision. This is an
excellent series that can easily be used with the guide provided,
"Ministering with Small Faith Communities" by Madeleine Gervais
and Art Baranowski. (52 min., Adult)
Poems, songs and stories introduce the young child to a "Yes I Can"
world. Marlo Thomas, Alan Alda, Harry Belafonte, Mel Brooks,
Diana Ross, Rosey Grier and Michael Jackson host the program. (45
min., Preschool - Primary)
Mary Beth Bonacci, Director of The Future Project, a chastity
education program based in the San Francisco Bay area. She gives
talks on love, relationships and chastity nationally and internationally.
In 1993, she addressed over 75,000 youth at World Youth Day in
Denver. She currently writes a regular column for the Arlington
Catholic Herald. (67 min., Jr. - Senior High)
These Youth Ministry videos are guaranteed to get your kids talking!
Each topic is presented in a fast paced, “teen friendly” format, using
graphics and music. Each video contains a guide including program
rationale, suggestions for use, Catholic teaching on each topic and
Scripture and Catechism resources.
Preschool Primary
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Friendship (Book of Virtues
From Jesus to Christ: Part 1
From Jesus to Christ: Part 2
From Jesus to Christ: Part 3
From Jesus to Christ: Part 4
Annie realizes that friendship is about what you give, not what you
have, after a “fair weather friend” jilts her before a canoe trip. The
stories Waukewa’s Eagle (Native American), Why Frog and Snake
Don’t Play Together (African), Damon and Pythias (Greek), and the
poem New Friends and Old Friends show Annie what friendship is all
With attention to historical research and fine use of art, this program
presents some interesting and speculative facts about the life of Jesus
and the movement he started. Part 1 traces the life of Jesus, showing
how scholars and archaelologists have pieced together a new portrait
of where Jesus was born, how he lived, and who he was.
With attention to historical research and fine use of art, this program
presents some interesting and speculative facts about the life of Jesus
and the movement he started. Part 2 examines the rise of Christianity
and concludes with the First Revolt - the bloody and violent siege of
Jerusalem and the beginning of a rift between Christianity and
With attention to historical research and fine use of art, this program
presents some interesting and speculative facts about the life of Jesus
and the movement he started. Part 3 examines the period after the
First Revolt, tracing the development and impact of the Gospels. It
also looks at the increasingly hostile relationship between Christians
and Jews and ends with another Jewish War against Rome, the
With attention to historical research and fine use of art, this program
presents some interesting and speculative facts about the life of Jesus
and the movement he started. Part 4, the final hour, documents the
extraordinary events of the second and third centuries in which
Christianity grew from a small Jewish sect to an official religion of
the Roman Empire.
Primary Intermediate
Our celebration of the Eucharist is an extension of the Passover
celebra-tion which marks our deliverance from sin and death. The
new Mass of the 1970's should more properly be referred to as the
From Passover to Eucharist\Of
"latest" Mass. This program will help explain these thoughts. Many
Rituals and Human Elements
abuses occurred in the Mass during the Middle Ages. The Council of
Trent attempted to correct some of these by standardizing every ritual
down to the last detail. This video will help the viewer gain a better
understanding of how the problems of history affected the liturgy.
This is the story of women in black Africa - their strength and
courage, their struggles, concerns and challenges. This video pictures
From Sunup
the dawn-to-dusk, life-giving efforts of these women to survive and
prosper. It reflects the condition of women everywhere, especially the
This series of videos addresses topics of concern to to the American
family. Information is presented by a panel of experts and in response
From the 15th to the 50th
to viewers who have called in questions. Presented by the Notre
Anniversary: Making a Marriage Dame Alumni Association and made available by the Family
Ministries Office of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Erie.
From the 15th ot the 50th Anniversary: Making a Marriage Work (90
min., Adult)
Peacemaking has emerged as a powerful theme in this new millenium.
The words of Henri Nouwen speak to us now as they did in 1983
From the House of Fear to the
when he traveled throughout the United States giving this
House of Love Nouwen
presentation. His message is timeless as he passionately reminds us of
our call to be peacemakers.
This video explores how the Church's funeral rites can help the
bereaved in their journey from grief to hope. Three fictional "case
studies" are presented. A panel of bereavement ministers and a
Funeral Planning
liturgist then comment on the different funeral rites as well the
positive and negative aspects of the pastoral visit depicted in each case
study. A teaching segment and a music video are also included. Can
This video is the official video of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. This
commemorative video is an historic record of the papal visit to St.
Gateway to Faith
Louis on January 27-29, 1999, and will no doubt be a treasured
reminder of the Pope’s message of the gospel for generations to come.
If we do nothing else in preparation for the new millennium, let’s get
our Sunday liturgy where Vatican II wanted it to be. That’s what
Cardinal Roger Mahony asked the parishes of the Los Angeles
Gather Together Faithfully
archdiocese to do in his pastoral letter, Gather Faithfully Together.
He said: Here’s what parish liturgy might look like. And the Mass he
described is celebrated on this video.
Gathered In My Name
These programs begin dialogue on a range of pastoral issues affecting
the life of the Church. In all videos, church teaching is the context
Generation X
within which the discussions take place. None of the videos is
complete or exhaustive, but they are good starters for dialogue.
Generative Discipleship: The
This program, which is presented in two parts, reveals what generative
Deeper Invitation of Jesus DVD discipleship means in a Biblical perspective and how it will bring
deeper meaning to a person's life.
When Zach and Annie decide to deliver food to a homeless shelter,
they get caught up in planning their rewards. Plato, their wise owl
Generosity (Book of Virtues
friend, helps them discover the true spirit of giving in the stories
Rocking Horse Land (English), Old Mr. Rabbit’s Thanksgiving
Dinner (English), The Gift of the Magi, (American), and the poem
This video shows three short excerpts from the six programs which
are the core of the Genesis II series. Fr. Vincent Dwyer touches on
Genesis II Introduction
several of the principles which are explored at length during the
course of the series.
Primary Intermediate
Adventure of Self Discovery: This video will help participants
realize that just as we need human relationships to grow, Jesus did
too. These deep human relationships are necessary for spiritu-al
growth. Viewers will look at their own lives to see how much
discipline they practice and discover guidelines for these relationships.
Genesis II: Adventure of Self
Discovery\Risk of Being Myself
Spiritual Maturity & Play: Spiritual maturity consists in recapturing 40
many of the qualities of childhood, combining them with adult
responsibility and commitment. Which child-like characteristics
would you like to rediscover and how do you think these would enrich
your lives? Explore and evaluate your changes in the views of the
spiritual life since beginning this series.
Risk of Being Myself: How do we relate to our friends? Do we let
them into our lives or close them off if they get too close? Do they
really know us? Do we really know them? There are many risks to
relationships. This video helps the participants examine the blocks to
dialogue with others and to see some ways they might try to overcome
Many Paths of Prayer: Participants will realize that their concept of
God determines the way they speak to God. Helps viewers practice
listening and being present to God. Each of us has different ideas
about prayer and we will explore them.
Genesis II: Many Paths of
Prayer\Spiritual Maturity & Play
Genesis II: Spiritual
Journey\Spiritual Growth & Self
Genesis of the
Covenant:Abraham and the
Patriarchs\God's Chosen People:
Foundation of Faith
Getting Started (Echoes of Faith
Plus) DVD
Spiritual Growth & Self Concept: Explore your self-image in this
video. Self-image is what I think I am. If I see myself as someone
who is OK, a person of worth indepen-dent of what I can do, then I
have a positive self-image. If I see myself as not having much worth
or as incapable of doing much, then I have a poor or negative selfimage. The self-image that we have is the basis of our spiritual
Spiritual Journey: All of life is a journey. It begins on a certain day in
a certain place, and it ends on a certain day in a certain place. This is
true of spiritual life, it too is a journey, from now to eternity. It has
ABRAHAM & THE PATRIARCHS: This video will help the viewer
reflect on the meaning of sacrifice in life. We often hear that "God's
ways are not our ways". Sometimes however, we might draw the false
conclusion that God "causes" our pain. Reflecting on the biblical
meaning of sacrifice may help us understand that even life's greatest
struggle and pain can be constructive rather than destructive. THE
GENESIS OF THE COVENANT: Creation is a marvelous gift that
we can easily take for granted. While we often present God with our
many needs, it is also good for us to realize that true happiness can be
found better "in wanting what you have and not necessarily having
This series is a basic level video-assisted resource for the formation
and enrichment of catechists. A catechist who complete this formation
program will experience a process of spiritual formation, gain an
overview of the major doctrinal themes contained in the CCC and
learn practical skills for leading effective catechetical sessions. This
module introduces the catechist to some essential elements they will
need to know as they begin their catechetical ministry.
This video series is a basic level, video-assisted resource for the
enrichment of catechists. The goal of this series is to acquaint
catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and
introduce them to the principles and practices of sound catechesis.
Getting Started as a Catechist
N.B. There is a companion booklet that accompanies each video.
(Echoes of Faith)
These booklets will be sent on request with the video, but are NOT to
be photocopied in any form. Copies of the booklets to be used with
each viewer can be purchased from RCL (Resources for Christian
Living), P.O. Box 7000, Allen TX, 75013, 1-877-275-4725.
An ideal video for anyone interested in natural family planning -teachers, parishes, married or engaged couples. It is an excellent
introduction to the benefits of natural family planning. Couples who
Gift of Love for Life, The
practice NFP talk candidly about their experiences as a holistic
approach to child-bearing that has given them a deeper understanding
and appreciation of their own love for each other. (29 min., Adult)
Gifted by God explores the call of all baptized persons to serve the
mission of Jesus in the world. It invites the viewer to discern how
Gifted By God
they are gifted by the spirit for service in their parish community.
This video is meant to help encourage and recruit parishioners to be
involved in a diversity of ministries in their parish.
A documentary of the work Catholic Relief Services of the United
Giving Hope to a World of Need States Catholic Conference has done throughout the world during the
past fifty years.
These Youth Ministry videos are guaranteed to get your kids talking!
Each topic is presented in a fast paced, “teen friendly” format, using
Goals (Power Surge)
graphics and music. Each video contains a guide including program
rationale, suggestions for use, Catholic teaching on each topic and
Scripture and Catechism resources.
Intermediate Adult
Junior High Senior High
God Bless the Children
God Cares for Me
God Helps Me
God in the Dock
A moving story of the plight of a homeless woman and her daughter
which provides a complex and insightful portrait of the far-reaching
devastation of poverty. This is an exceptional resource for educating
adults about the plight of homeless and poor people. Because of its
graphic depiction of the problems of homelessness, it is not
recommended that this video be shown to children.
This video, part of the God's Gift Series, consists of four short
segments which explain the following stories: The Good Shepherd;
Saying Yes and No; The Wedding; and God Made Boys and Girls. It 27
is intended for use with first graders and includes a guide for each
story along with discussion questions. (27 min., Primary)
This video, part of the God's Gift Series, consists of four short
segments which explain the following stories: Gifts to Share; God's
Gift: My Senses and Emotions; Making It Right; and Family
Celebrations. It is intended for use with second graders and includes a
guide for each story along with discussion ques-tions. (30 min.,
In a class action suit, God is placed on trial for all the pain, injustice,
God in the Dock damaged
and misery suffered by mankind. The results are surprising. (28 min., 28
Sr. High School)
This video was developed to be used with the fourth Sunday of Lent
in Cycle B. It is based upon John 3:14-21. When the Johnson family
God So Loved the World
travels to the mountains for a weekend of hiking, they discover the
true meaning of faith and trust.
Two fifteen minute segments teach Bible values. In The Grapes of
Wrath, children see how five year old Jr. Asparagus learns to forgive a
God Wants Me to Forgive Them? bunch of very cranky grapes who make fun of him. In Larry’s
(Veggie Tales)
Lagoon, children learn the real reasons God wants us to forgive after
watching the passengers of a boat tour forgive first mate Larry for
crashing the boat into an uncharted tropical island.
God Who Reconciles, The DVD
God Who Reconciles, The VHS
Junior High Adult
Senior High Adult
Senior High Adult
Preschool Primary
This video, from the Catholic Update series, addresses the topic of
reconciliation with a look at the source of all forgiveness, our
reconciling God. The story segment features Pardon and
God Who Reconciles, The A
Peace...Remembered, a re-telling of the Prodigal Son. In a
contemporary story that spans three generations, three people seek to
reconcile broken relationships and find forgiveness. This story
updates the Franciscan Communications classic, Pardon and Peace.
Also featured is a witness segment, a teaching segment and a music
God Who Reconciles, The B
Same as #2291
This program presents the story of Fr. Ted Hesburgh, President
God, Country, Notre Dame: The
Emiritus of Notre Dame University and traces his magnificent career
Story of Fr. Ted Hesburgh, C.S.C.
as confidant and advisor to students and U.S. presidents alike. Yet
when asked to give an account of himself, he chose but one word:
The Bible is not just one book, it is actually a whole library of books.
Like books on the library shelf, the seventy-three books of the Bible
were written at various dates over a period of a thousand years, and in
a variety of literary forms. The interpretation is therefore influenced
God's Broken Silence\Collecting
by the date when it was written. #277 - God's Broken Silence
a Divine Library
Recently Catholics have come to a new awareness of the treasure of
the Scriptures. Important as Scripture study may be, only when we
inte-grate the learning into our personal lives do they become meaningful and worthwhile.
In this video several young men and women share how they have
realized that the dreams they and their parents have had for their own
God's Call : A Family Affair
lives may have not been as good as what God had planned for them. 27
The viewer will share the journey these individuals have traveled to
priesthood or religious life.
Entertaining, informative and effective devotions for young children.
God's Dear Child
Each of the four (5-6 minute) sessions helps to teach the basics of
Christian life to children of ages 3 to 6.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Preschool Primary
God's Game Plan: A
Contemporary Look at the Ten
God's Place for Me
God's Plan for Me
God's Trombones DVD
Godspell DVD
Godspell VHS
Golden Calf, The
Can the ten commandments be meaningful guidelines in the lives of
teenagers today? Fr. Joe Kempf helps teens realize that these rules
have a lot to say about their lives today, just as they have in the lives
of God's people in all ages. This video addresses each commandment
in individual vignettes which may be viewed separately or together.
This video, part of the God's Gift Series, consists of four short
segments which explain the following stories: We Are The Salt of
The Earth; We Are Family; The Miracle of Creation; and Caring For
God's Creation. It is intended for use with third graders and includes a
guide for each story along with discussion questions. (35 min.,
This video, part of the God's Gift Series, consists of four short
segments which explain the following stories: The Beatitudes;
Respecting Our Differences; Hidden Trouble; and Being Faithful. It
is intended for use with fourth graders and includes a guide for each
story along with discussion questions. (43 min., Intermediate)
This trilogy of poems, based on the book in which James Weldon
Johnson set down the inspirational sermons of old-time preachers,
includes the Creation, The Prodigal Son and Go Down Death.
Presented in classic claymation format.
Junior High Adult
All Ages
Junior High Adult
The smash hit Broadway musical comes alive in this dynamic film
adaptation. Godspell is a musical, taking the Gospel of Matthew and
presenting it in modern day New York. Bringing to life the teachings 105
of Christ in a most unique way, this film will touch your heart and
rejuvenate your soul.
The Israelites show their lack of faith by building a golden calf in the
desert, while Moses receives God’s Law - the Ten Commandments.
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Good Reason to Hope
Good Samaritan, The (Nest)
Good Samaritan, The (Nest)
Good Shepherd, The
Gospel According to Matthew
Vol. 1 A
Gospel According to Matthew
Vol. 1 B
Pope John Paul II requests that each of us prepare for the 2000th
anniversary of Jesus’ birth. The years leading up to the Millennium
should be a time of reconciliation, renewal and healing. This video
presentation helps focus on the Papal themes from the document, On
the Coming of the Third Millennium: Christ and faith in 1997; Spirit
and hope in 1998; and the Father and love and justice in 1999. (
This video relates one of the most touching parables that Jesus ever
taught. Through relating the kindness of the enemy Samaritan, Jesus 30
teaches us to love one another.
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
These videos are produced in a manner similar to Jesus of Nazareth,
except that all of the dialogue in these videos is taken directly from
the words of Scripture. The part of Jesus is portrayed in a warm,
touching and compassionate manner which will touch the hearts of the
viewer. As the dialogue is spoken, the number of the chapter and
verse from Scripture is displayed on the screen, making these videos
versatile for any age group. Easy to use in segments in a classroom or
group setting. Chapters 1:1-9:1
(same as #2134 - #2137)
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
all ages
Gospel According to Matthew
Vol. 2 A
These videos are produced in a manner similar to Jesus of Nazareth,
except that all of the dialogue in these videos is taken directly from
the words of Scripture. The part of Jesus is portrayed in a warm,
touching and compassionate manner which will touch the hearts of the
viewer. As the dialogue is spoken, the number of the chapter and
verse from Scripture is displayed on the screen, making these videos
versatile for any age group. Easy to use in segments in a classroom or
group setting. Chapters 9:2-14:36
Gospel According to Matthew
Vol. 2 B
(same as #2134 - #2137)
Gospel According to Matthew
Vol. 3 A
These videos are produced in a manner similar to Jesus of Nazareth,
except that all of the dialogue in these videos is taken directly from
the words of Scripture. The part of Jesus is portrayed in a warm,
touching and compassionate manner which will touch the hearts of the
viewer. As the dialogue is spoken, the number of the chapter and
verse from Scripture is displayed on the screen, making these videos
versatile for any age group. Easy to use in segments in a classroom or
group setting.Chapters 15:1-22:39
Gospel According to Matthew
Vol. 3 B
Gospel According to Matthew
Vol. 4
all ages
all ages
(same as #2134 - #2137)
Gospel According to Matthew
Vol. 4 A
These videos are produced in a manner similar to Jesus of Nazareth,
except that all of the dialogue in these videos is taken directly from
the words of Scripture. The part of Jesus is portrayed in a warm,
touching and compassionate manner which will touch the hearts of the
viewer. As the dialogue is spoken, the number of the chapter and
verse from Scripture is displayed on the screen, making these videos
versatile for any age group. Easy to use in segments in a classroom or
group setting. Chapters 24:1-28:20
Gospel According to Matthew
Vol. 4 B
(same as #2134 - #2137)
all ages
This DVD is produced in a manner similar to Jesus of Nazareth,
except that all of the dialogue is taken directly from the words of
Gospel According to Matthew
Scripture. The person of Jesus is portrayed in a warm and
(entire) - Visual Bible DVD
compassionate manner which will touch the hearts of viewers. This
DVD is searchable by Gospel chapter or event, making this DVD
versatile for any age group. Easy to use in segments in a classroom or
This familiar story from the Gospel of Matthew helps a young man
Gospel Alive, The Jesus Faces deal with peer pressure to take what doesn't belong to him. The
catechist leads the children in a discussion on ways to recognize and
overcome temptation. Techer guide included.
This familiar Scripture story from the Gospel of Luke helps children
Gospel Alive, The The
learn about God's great compassion and forgiveness. A young girl is
Forgiving Father
challenged to forgive her younger sister as well as seeking forgiveness
herself. Teacher guide included.
This familiar story from the Gospel of John helps children to accept
Gospel Alive, The The Man
people for who they are. A student learns not to judge the new student
Who Could Not See
in his class but to accept him with compassion. Teacher guide
This familiar Scripture story from the Gospel of Mark helps children
Gospel Alive, The The Mustard see the importance of kind actions for building the Christian
community. A young girl tells about helping a generous senior citizen,
who is disabled, with dignity and thoughtfulness. Teacher guide
The opening session of the InnerAction series will acquaint the group
with the process they will participate in during the coming weeks.
Gospel Attitudes (Session 1)
The Beatitudes are presented as paradoxical values which enlighten
Pursuing Happiness
every aspect of life as it is lived. This series, whether used in part or
completely, is very good for small faith communities. (40 min.,
During this session participants will have time to take a look at life's
Gospel Attitudes (Session 2)
priori-ties. Have they sought them for themselves or have their
Questioning Priorities
priorities simply landed in their laps? They will try relating values to
the Gospel's, looking for routes to a more fully human life. (40 min.,
Intermediate Adult
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Gospel Attitudes (Session 3)
Finding Peace
Gospel Attitudes (Session 4)
Choosing Health
Gospel Attitudes (Session 5)
Satisfying Hungers
Gospel Attitudes (Session 6)
Living Justice
Gospel for Young People, The
A110.1 a
Gospel Light: Jesus Stories for
Spiritual Consciousness Tape 1
This session offers a frank discussion of the universal human need to
deal with stress and turmoil. The group will enter into the mystery of
human suffering and realize that there are many ways to respond to
the pain. (40 min, Adult)
The emphasis in this session will be on understanding that wellness,
in every sense of the term, demands a personal investment in the
healing process. Personal choices can pave the way toward a healthier
and more harmonious life. (40 min., Adult)
Participants will be asked to name for themselves their deepest
hungers or desires. They may experience the wonder of finding God
precisely there. This is a chance to really touch the center of
Beatitude spirituality. (40 min., Adult)
This session raises the awareness that social justice is more
profoundly an attitude, rather than an activity. When attitudes reflect 40
those of Jesus, personal and practical responses will flow naturally.
This DVD contains six videos programs covering two main topic
areas. First, the Beatitudes for Young People, Parts 1 and 2 and ParentTeacher guide. Second, The Gospel with a Smile with three sections:
Faith, Hope and Charity. Gospel stories such as Jesus Calming the
Sea, Doubting Thomas, Abraham and Sarah, Pentecost, the Big Catch
of Fish, the Prodigal Son, Washing of the Feet and Feeding the Five
Thousand are included.
This two-cassette audio book illuminates the spiritual impact of the
essential teachings of Jesus. Important Gospel stories come alive and
take on new meaning through John Shea's perceptive retelling and
analysis. He explains how Jesus' teachings can become tools of
spiritual transformation offering a new way of seeing and being in the
world. (1998)
This two-cassette audio book illuminates the spiritual impact of the
essential teachings of Jesus. Important Gospel stories come alive and
Gospel Light: Jesus Stories for
take on new meaning through John Shea's perceptive retelling and
A110.2 a
Spiritual Consiciousness Tape 2 analysis. He explains how Jesus' teachings can become tools of
spiritual transformation offering a new way of seeing and being in the
world. (1998)
Here is a cosmic vision of life. John’s gospel is about nothing less
than eternity and our place in it. Michael Himes appreciates the
poetry of John and with the skills of a great teacher, he helps the
Gospel of John, The (Himes)
viewer to appreciate the beauty of the words and the profound depth
of meaning which this gospel has for our lives today. Himes helps us
to see the cosmic vision of John by looking in depth at some of the
details of his gospel.
An epic in the spirit of the "Passion of the Christ," this widely
acclaimed motion picture is a meticulous recreation of the turbulent
Gospel of John, The DVD (full
era of Jesus and the events that changed the course of history.
length movie)
Narrated by Christopher Plummer, it's the bold and powerful story of
Jesus as told by his disciple John. Dialogue of the entire movie is the
actual words of the Gospel of John. Rated PG-13
Michael Himes presents a powerful case as to why the main theme of
this gospel is “strong compassion” - a theme which flows through the
Gospel of Luke, The (Himes)
parables, miracles and events of Jesus’ life. This video is filled with
insights into Luke’s Gospel which may be new to many viewers.
The starkest of the gospels, Jesus is misunderstood by virtually
everyone. The background of his life and destiny is a clear struggle
Gospel of Mark, The (Himes)
between God and demonic power at work in the world. The Son of
God is locked in a power struggle with the powers of hell. Michael
Himes examines the central questions which occur again and again in
This video is filled with fascinating and challenging insights. Michael
Himes sees the Gospel of Matthew as “the Christian book of wisdom”
Gospel of Matthew, The (Himes) and it invites the reader to become a wise scribe of the new law. This
gospel also tells us what it means to be church - and we learn that
means being a community which excludes no one.
Junior High Adult
Gospel of Sex, The
Grace (Our Greatest Treasure,
Life With God)
Grace (The Mystery of Faith
Series - Himes)
Grain of Wheat, The
Grandma’s Ornament B
Grandma's Bread DVD
Grandma's Bread VHS
Grandma's Ornament A
This Priority One series presents real-life stories, humor and the
dynamic Neil McClendon as he addresses critical issues teens face
every day. A study guide is included with each video.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
In this series of ten videos, Fr. Michael Himes provides insights into
the basics of the Catholic faith in a style that is engaging and
challenging. Grace is woven throughout our lives. Fr. Himes helps us
appreciate the presence of grace in all we do. (20 min., Adult)
Based upon John 12:20-33, this video was developed to be used with
the fifth Sunday of Lent in Cycle B. In this story, a black family in the
1940's is threatened by an angry mob. As a relative recalls and retells
the event, the viewer is chal-lenged to have the courage to let go of
whatever impedes growth to new life.
Same as #189.
Junior High Senior High
All ages
Same as #244
Amy, a clumsy child who spills, trips and bumps into things, is
scheduled to hang the very special decoration on the tree this year.
She is not looking forward to the event. How she overcomes and wins
out over her clumsiness makes for a delightful story.
The theme of Grasshoppers is hope. Man is at times inhuman to man
yet nature helps us to recover and be resilient in the face of despair.
We realize that we are not only capable of building great nations but
we also know how to tear down nations. It asks the viewer to look at
these successes and failures over history and examine our beliefs. Mr.
Tao, deals with the human quest for meaning. As in life the closer we
get to our goal the more it seems to elude us. Viewers will be
surprised by the ending. Detailed discussion guides are included.
Intermediate Adult
Junior High Adult
Zach plans to invite a lot of classmates to his birthday party - more
guests means more gifts! - until his parents tell him that they can only
afford a small party for Zach's closest friends. Disappointed, Zach
Gratitude (Book of Virtues
retreats to Plato's Peak where he hears several tales which demonstrate
the importance of gratitude. This video features the stories "The
Discontented Stonecutter" and "Cornelia's Jewels" and the "The Little
The importance and free reign of sex today seems to be the norm.
Those opting for a more conventional relationship need more than sex
Great Chastity Experiment, The
to attain it. Knowledge, understanding and love are necessary
components for any relationship to last.
Mr. Henry, the off-beat Sunday school teacher, creates a dungeon in
the church basement to help his class understand what it was like to be
Great Escape, The (The Visual
a Christian in biblical times. With actual footage from the visual Bible
Book of Acts, this video unlayers the early years of the spread of the
Christian faith with thrills to keep everyone on the edge of their seats.
COME TO THE WEDDING FEAST: The king of a faraway land
plans a wedding feast for his son, and everyone is invited. No one in
Great Feast\Come to the Wedding the kingdom would think of missing the grand occasion. THE
GREAT FEAST: Susannah, a servant girl in the home of her rich
uncle, begins to under-stand that she will be invited to eat at the table
in God's Kingdom. Everyone is invited to the Kingdom of God.
Master storyteller Frank Peretti takes his class inside the greatest story
of all and introduces them to a laughing, loving, very real Jesus. This
Great Storyteller, The (Visual
video features exciting film segments from The Visual Bible
portraying favorite stories that Jesus told: the feeding of the 5,000,
Jesus calming the storm and walking on the water.
An inspiring parable of sacrifice, love and charity, based on a true
story. When her brother is struck and injured by a car, a little girl is
asked to give blood. After the transfusion, she asks the doctor, "When
Greater Love
do I die?" "You're not going to die," the doctor replies. "I thought if
you gave your blood away, you die," she explains. So why did you let
them take your blood? "Well, he's my brother," she tells them.
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Intermediate Adult
Greatest Is the Least, The (Nest)
Greatest Is the Least, The (Nest)
The compassionate acts of Jesus demonstrate that the way to greatness
in his Kingdom is not found in how many serve you, but in how many
you serve.
While helping out a boy who's in trouble, the children hear Jesus'
disciples arguing about who among them is the greatest. Jesus
reminds them that to be the greatest of all, they must become servants
Greatest, The\Poor Little Rich
of all. (5 min., Preschool - Primary) The children recount stories they
have heard Jesus tell. Justin talks about how wrong it is to love riches
above all else and Angie relates the parable of the Prodigal Son. (35
min., Preschool - Primary)
Based on Luke 16:19-31, Bloat, a big fish, gorges on kelp in the Kelp
Garden, but won't let the little fish have any. Bloat, chases the little
Greed in the Seaweed
fish out of the Garden while he invites his brother Glub, to eat all he
wants. Too late he learned that God's gifts are meant to be shared. (8
min., Preschool - Primary)
There are millions of Catholics in the US who because of divorce are
confused about their relationship to the Church and to the sacraments.
Growing in Faith After Divorce In fact, divorce is often cited as the greatest reason for loss of
membership in the Church. This program can help parishes reverse
that trend by giving new hope to divorced Catholics. (40 min., Adult)
Growing older is part of the dues we all inevitably pay for the
privilege of continuing as a guest on this earth. For some, it represents
a dreaded burden. But it doesn't have to be. Start early enough to
Growing Older Gracefully DVD
prepare for it, and growing older can be full of satisfaction and new
joys. In this engaging program, Fred Smith shows how with easy-tograsp, practical steps and outlooks that can make a big difference to
Primary Intermediate
Preschool Primary
Preschool Primary
Guide to Changes in the Mass
(Catholic Update) DVD
Half a Million Strong
Handle With Care
Hands of Love
Happy Being Me
Happy Prince, The
Developed in association with the USCCB, Fr. Greg Friedman, OFM,
offers a pastor's take on the changes in the Roman Missal, Third
Edition. From the basics of liturgy as the official, public prayer of the
Church, to the reasons behind the changes, Fr. Greg takes you on a
journey to a deeper understanding of the Mass. Leader's Guide and
reproducible handouts included.
Travel with 500,000 teens from around the world to Santiago, Spain
to celebrate the universal Catholic faith with Pope John Paul II. Meet
young people of different cultural backgrounds, hear their faith
testimonies and enjoy music and song from around the world. (30
min., Sr. High School)
The five open-ended stories in this video involve second through
fourth graders in problem solving and decision making, inviting them
to examine their values. These stories will encourage children to look
into their consciences for moral solutions, to share responsibility for
decision making, and to help one another solve simple problems that
are part of daily living.
This video is a documentary focusing on the needs of the elderly in
our society and the vocation of the Little Sisters of the Poor and their
work with the aged poor.
This program uses stories from the Bible as examples of how
Scripture can teach us to believe in God and in ourselves when
confronted with everyday situations that make us feel like ““junk.”
This video could be especially helpful in “convincing” sixth graders
why they need to study the Old Testament. (11 min., Intermediate)
Oscar Wilde's first children's fable is the story of a vain little swallow
who interrupts his flight south for the winter to help the statue of
prince to distribute the gold and jewels which adorn him to the poor.
This timeless tale of sacrifice and devotion narrated by Christopher
Plummer.(30 min., Preschool - Primary)
Senior High
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Preschool Primary
What constitutes harassment? How does it make kids feel? What can
they do to handle it? What should they do if they witness it? These are
Harassment Hurts: Gossiping,
the questions that will be answered in this honest and highly effective
Taunting & Bullying Gr. 3-5
program. Viewers will watch and react to dramatic vignettes that show
realistic situations of harassment. A professional lends expert advice
about what viewers can do to handle these difficult situations.
At a seminar for high school students (see video #2654) dealing with
sex and relationships from a Christian perspective, Ellen Marie, MS,
took the girls aside for a separate session where they could ask any
Hard Questions: Straight Answers question they wanted related to this important topic. The girls were
- for Girls only
not hesitant. Their questions revealed the heart of their deepest
longings, fears and hopes. They sought understanding in the midst of
the confusing and exploitive messages so prevalent in youth culture
today. Here is a program every young woman should see.
At a seminar for high school students (see video #2654) dealing with
sex and relationships from a Christian perspective, Jason Evert, MA,
took the guys aside for a separate session where they could ask any
Hard Questions: Straight Answers question they wanted related to this important topic. The answers
- for Guys only
given are as candid as the questions but full of understanding and
respect for the stuggles of young people today. In the confusing moral
climate in which we live, this program provides young men with
guidance that is clear and unambiguous and a time-tested pathway to a
A program for pastors, pastoral councils, liturgy committees, staff and
parishoners that will aid in the acceptance of the Liturgy being the
Hardest Job, The
center and most important celebration for the community. It helps
everyone to see we are nourished from the liturgy and it sustains us
unlike any other meal. (19 min., Adult)
Senior High
Senior High
Haunted Heart (Family Theatre)
Have Yourself a Merry Little
He Is Risen (Nest) DVD
He Is Risen (Nest) VHS
Healing Broken Lives and
Communities: A Video
Hear Their Cries
David Lowe is miserable. He can no longer tolerate life at home with
his sister Erika and drunken father. He is on the verge of expulsion
and David's English teacher agrees to tutor him, offering David a
chance at escaping home for college. After a series of incidents and
forgiveness by his teacher, David states, "I don't deserve this." His
teacher's reply, "None of us deserves anything. That's where true love
begins," encourages David to accept his situation and make the best of
it, even reconciling with his father. This moving story will touch and
inspire viewers.
This video enables people to examine the contemporary celebration of
Christmas in light of its rich traditions and the faith which gives the
celebration meaning. Viewers are encouraged to reflect on their own 17
celebration, and to support efforts to make Christmas celebrations less
consumer oriented and more meaningful.
This video relates the story of the greatest miracle of all, the
resurrection of Jesus. Sorrow and despair become complete joy and 30
love as the disciples behold their resurrected savior.
A video teleconference sponsored by the United Methodist Church
and the Relgious Public Relations Council. The program, telecast in
May 1994, focused on prevention and healing, and is designed for
laity, clergy and other church leaders. It features Dr. Marie Fortune
and Dr. Larry Graham with presentations, questions and answers.
This is an educational program for: clergy and lay leaders of all faiths,
religious educators, seminary faculty and students, denominational
staff, local child abuse councils, public child welfare agencies and
others interested in learning about the forms of child abuse. Hear
Their Cries interviews adults who have experienced abuse to attain
this goal. It is intended to raise awareness of the vulnerability of
children, to recognize and respond to the abuse and the need of the
adult to intervene on the child's behalf. The video may be used as part
of a training session on the abuse of children. (48 min., Adult)
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
A video presentation for teachers of religion that will help them learn
to nurture the spirit, the mind, and the soul. A guide with outline and
examples of how to prayerfully meditate, and offer assistance to
students in learning the skills of journaling. (90 min., Adult)
This profound video resource offers helpful information to adults
(parents, caregivers, professionals) on how to help children of all ages
grieve with hope and heart. Topics include: Differences between how
Helping Children Grieve DVD
adults and children grieve; how a parent can grieve while still helping
a child to grieve; three common feelings expressed by all grieving
children and how to be authentic and tell children the truth about
This program is for any parent who has experienced the death of a
child - and for those who aim to help someone who is grieving. The
Helping Parents Grieve DVD
viewer will meet men and women who have suffered and in listening
to their stories, find hope for finding life again.
Launched by the United States' bishops in 1970, the Catholic
Campaign for Human Development funds low-income led projects
that attack the root causes of poverty in the United States. Employing
Helping People Help Themselves
the powerful Biblical imagery of water, this video travels across the
country and chronicles the spirit of Catholic social teaching and shows
how lives have changed as a result of self-help projects.
This video tells a simple story of profound truth that gently teaches
how God loves everyone just the way they are. This story is an
Hermie A Common Caterpillar
excellent way to promote self image and trust that "God isn't finished
with you yet." Features the voices of Tim Conway and Don Knotts.
A modern day story of a young man's struggle to free himself from
alcoholism. The tragedy caused by him, a drunk driver, is immense
and the sorrow is almost never-ending. When faced with unrelenting
Hero, The (Family Theatre)
suffering, many people become angry and blame God and cannot see a
way to reconciliation and forgiveness. Sometimes we forgive, heal
and renew ourselves only after being brought to our knees in prayer.
Heart to Heart ... Personal
Investment in the Catechesis of
Preschool Primary
Junior High Adult
This video presents inspiring profiles of eleven extraordinary
Christians: Fr. Lawrence Jenco, Fr. Tom Takahashi, Orel Hersheiser,
Heroes of Faith
Fred Rogers, Flannery O’Connor, Dave Brubeck, Natzih Rizk, St.
Francis of Assisi, Jean Donovan, Dorothy Day and Martin Luther
King. Profiles vary in length from two through nine minutes.
We live among modern day heroes and saints. This program pays
Heroes, Saints, and Villains
homage to some of these saintly people. It also offers a glimpse of
social villains. We are encouraged to imitate admirable people.
Hildegard was one of the most remarkable women of the Middle Ages
- an Abbess and woman of God, a visionary, naturalist, playwright,
mystic, political moralist, and composer. The substantial legacy of
her visionary writings and songs are unique for their mystic power and
Hildegard of Bingen
beauty. They survive as some of the most radiant and illuminating
accounts of religious experience ever written. Yet, despite this
outpouring of religious creativity, her visions were called into
question, and she was put on trial by the Church in 1148. This is the
story of events leading up to that trial and of the trial itself.
A video in the series on world religions is this program that presents
Hinduism. The topics included are: the history of Hinduism as the
world's oldest living religion, the beliefs of the Hindu faith --- how
Hinduism: An Ancient Path in the
they changed over time, the British colonial era and the Indian
Modern World
independence movement, features of the religion/rituals, the concept
of the Gurru, sacred cows, holidays, places of importance, muslim
invasion, siekism and the out growth of Hinduism, Islam and
History of Christian Sacramental The gospels teach us to "judge not, lest you be judged." This program
Forgiveness\Introduction to the
helps the viewer identify the moral teaching of Jesus by remembering
Judeo Christian Moral Tradition where they were placed both in the Old and New Testaments.
History of Christianity: Part 1 The An Introduction to the History of Christianity - The Story Begins (1Story Begins (0-100 AD)
100 AD) Jesus, Paul and the Early Church
History of Christianity: Part 2
An Introduction to the History of Christianity - Persecution and
Persecution and Social
Social Acceptance (100 – 400 AD)
Acceptance (100-400 AD)
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
History of Christianity: Part 3
Age of Christendom, The (4001000 AD)
History of Christianity: Part 4
Crusades and Reformation (10001550 AD)
History of Christianity: Part 5
New World & Revolution, The
(1550-1800 AD)
History of Christianity: Part 6
Christianity Challenged (18002000 AD)
An Introduction to the History of Christianity - The Age of
Christendom (400 – 1000 AD)
An Introduction to the History of Christianity - Crusades and
Reformation (1000 – 1550 AD)
An Introduction to the History of Christianity - The New World and
Revolution (1550 – 1800 AD)
An Introduction to the History of Christianity - Christianity
Challenged (1800 – 2000 AD)
Junior High Senior High
Part One: The Beginnings This ambitious project is designed to be
the most detailed world-wide television presentation of the Orthodox
History of Orthodox Christianity,
Church, her traditions and her sacramental life. This video
The Part I
presentation aims to make Orthodoxy better understood among those
who are unfamiliar with this ancient Christian church.
Part Two: ByzantiumThis ambitious project is designed to be the
most detailed world-wide television presentation of the Orthodox
History of Orthodox Christianity,
Church, her traditions and her sacramental life. This video
The Part II
presentation aims to make Orthodoxy better understood among those
who are unfamiliar with this ancient Christian church.
- Part Three: A Hidden Treasure This ambitious project is designed
to be the most detailed world-wide television presentation of the
History of Orthodox Christianity,
Orthodox Church, her traditions and her sacramental life. This video
The Part III
presentation aims to make Orthodoxy better understood among those
who are unfamiliar with this ancient Christian church.
Because Jesus did not have anyone writing down everything He did,
the tradition of what happened at the Last Supper was handed down
History of the Eucharist, The
verbally by the apostles. This video discusses the traditions of the
Mass from the last supper through Vatican II which helped open up
the Mass for lay people. (14 min., Jr. Sr. High School)
History of the Mass DVD
History of the Mass VHS
HIV/AIDS: Stories of Mutual
Holiness Family Style (Chesto)
Holy Darkness
Holy Father Loves You, The
This video traces the evolution of the Mass, showing how it was
shaped and reshaped by times and cultures. See the visual record of
our past and hear from witnesses along the way, people who were
engaged in the conversation about the meaning of and celebration of
Sunday Mass. This program is particularly useful for catechumens,
high school and college students, liturgy committees, ministers at the
liturgy, and members of the parish staff.
A documentary that introduces viewers to ordinary people who have
been forced to confront the AIDS disease and the stigmas and
isolation that are often a part of this crisis. You will hear stories of: a
woman who has AIDS, a mother who has lost her son to AIDS, and a
teen with AIDS talking to other youth to mention a few. The question
is posed: Where would Christ be today amidst the tragedies of this
This video is a simple, heartwarming look at the extraordinary
sacredness of all the ordinary tasks of parenting. Kathleen Chesto
calls on parents to recognize their role in “making God visible” in the
lives of their children, while using stories to illustrate how children
also play a primary role in teaching their parents about God. This is
an empowering video, designed to help parents feel comfortable with
their faith and confident in their ability to share faith with their
This short program of inspiring and moving music would serve as a
perfect topic for discussion for a Small Prayer Group. It reaches your
heart and draws your soul into relationship with God when you are
hurting. It features the music of Dan Schutte. (28 min., Adult)
Join John Paul II as he holds a unique meeting with 10,000 children.
The mood is one of festive joy, sincerity and spontaneity. The
underlying theme, however, is the value and dignity of the family and
the sacredness of human life.
Intermediate Adult
Holy Orders (Intermediate)
Holy Orders: Past and Present
(Chesto) VHS
Holy Orders: Past and Present
(Chesto) DVD
Holy Pictures: A Meditation on
Stillness and Silence DVD
Holy Pictures: A Meditation on
Stillness and Silence VHS
Holy Rosary, The
Sacraments help us remember Jesus’ love and point us outward in the
service of others. This series will instruct and encourage young
people to explore their faith and God’s unconditional love for them.
This series uses the actions of daily living, Jesus’ life and the actions 13
of the believing community to call young people to grow in Christ.
Service to others is the heart of Jesus’ message to the world. Holy
Orders calls some to the total service of the church through word
Expert author Kathleen Chesto leads viewers through the development
and history of this sacrament, starting from biblical times to postVatican II. She offers an engaging presentation in language that is
comprehensible and clear. Guide materials and the video presentation
present Catholic adults with a better understanding of the valuable
place of the sacrament of Holy Orders in their lives today.
We are drowning in a deafening sea of noise. The single biggest need
busy people face today is quiet, for it is impossible to touch God on a
deep level if we do not recover the essential gift and grace of stillness
and silence. With this DVD, learn how we must guard against the
onslaught of distractions our culture hurls at us each day.
We are drowning in a deafening sea of noise. The single biggest need
busy people face today is quiet, for it is impossible to touch God on a
deep level if we do not recover the essential gift and grace of stillness
and silence. In this video, learn how we must guard against the
onslaught of distractions our culture hurls at us each day.
This video was designed to help people of all ages and spiritual levels
pray the rosary. It provides a traditional and devotional way in which
to meditate upon the mysteries of the life of Christ. All fifteen
decades of the rosary are included with visual meditations and music.
Corrects our stereotypes, gives the church's teaching on
homosexuality in addition to a pastoral view.
all ages
Senior High
To escape blame for breaking his father’s camera, Zach concocts a
story - instead of telling the truth. This prompts his friends at Plato’s
Honesty (Book of Virtues Series) Peak to help him focus on the importance of honesty through the
stories of The Frog Prince (English), George Washington (American),
and The Indian Cinderella (Native American).
In this video, Fr. Himes distinguishes between optimism and hope. He
sees hope as "Christian realism," a middle way between a belief that
Hope (Himes)
we can do it all (utopianism) and the belief that we can do nothing
(despair). In Fr. Himes' conclusion, we are moved to embrace a
broken world loved by God - as Jesus did.
Hope for Hungry Hearts 17
Emmaus Soup Kitchen
This shortened presentation of a Hospice teleconference features
Hospice Living With Grief: After Cokie Roberts as moderator of a panel of experts who discuss the
Sudden Loss (1996)
problems of living with grief after sudden loss due to suicide,
homicide, accident, heart attack and stroke.
Hospice Living With Grief: At
This shortened presentation of a Hospice teleconference features
Work, At Schol, At Worship
Cokie Roberts as moderator of a panel of experts who discuss
strategies to deal with grief in all areas of peoples' lives.
Hospice Living With Grief:
This shortened presentation of a Hospice teleconference features
Caregiving and Loss - Family
Cokie Roberts as moderator of a panel of experts including nusrses,
Needs, Professional Responses
doctors, hospice workers, clergy, social workers and family members
who discuss an array of bereavement issues.
Hospice Living With Grief:
This shortened presentation of a Hospice teleconference features
Children, Adolescents and Loss Cokie Roberts as moderator of a panel of experts whose presentations 60
aim to aid children and adolescents dealing with loss.
This shortened presentation of a Hospice teleconference features
Hospice Living With Grief: Loss
Cokie Roberts as moderator of a panel of experts who discuss issues 130
in Later Life (2002)
and topics related to loss in the elderly population.
This shortened presentation of a Hospice teleconference features
Hospice Living With Grief: When
Cokie Roberts as moderator of a panel of experts who discuss issues 60
Illness Is Prolonged (1997)
relating to the management of a prolonged illness.
Primary Intermediate
This shortened presentation of a Hospice teleconference features
Hospice Living With Grief: Who
Cokie Roberts as moderator of a panel of experts who explore issues
We Are, How We Grieve (1998)
related to the various ways in which people grieve.
This program is intended to help participants share with others
How and Why We Pray:
important ideas about communicating with God. This program
Meaningful Conversations About
includes four segments: What is prayer?; Why do we pray?; Everyone
Prayer DVD
knows how to pray; People who pray can be present.
This delightful program uses a combination of live-action puppets,
How Can I Celebrate Advent?
illustrations, and 3-D computer animation to talk about the Church's
special season of Advent
This curious youngster who would like to join in on the Halloween
How Can I Celebrate Halloween
festivities, but some of his friends say that celebrating Halloween is
Spend a night of celebration with Digger as he learns the significance
How Can I Celebrate Passover
of the ancient feast of Passover while helping his friend prepare the
Seder Meal
For children with learning disabilities, the classroom can be an
intimidating place. In this video workshop, nationally known expert
on learning disabilities, Richard Lavoie shows why. He leads a group
How Difficult Can This Be?
of parents, educators, psychologists and children through a series of
Understanding Learning
exercises that cause frustration, anxiety and tension...feelings all too
Disabilities A
familiar to children with learning disabilities. By dramatizing the
classroom experience so vividly, Lavoie lets us see the world through
the eyes of a child. At the end of the workshop, participants discuss
strategies for working more effectively with learning disabled
How Difficult Can This Be?
Understanding Learning
Same as #2145
Disabilities B
How Difficult Can This Be?
Understanding Learning
Same as #2145.
Disabilities C
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
This video is presented by Richard Rohr. Why do we do what we do
in ministry? What are we trying to achieve? Rohr takes an insightful
look at ministry which will disturb, challenge and ultimately inspire
How Do We Help? The Goal of
all involved in Christian ministry in all of its forms. This video will
Christian Ministry (Rohr)
help ministers get in touch with the Spirit working in all they do; it
would be excellent for an evening of reflection with Eucharistic
Ministers or Lectors. (24 min., Adult)
This video features the comprehensive medical, forensic and historical
facts of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Four world-renowned experts
How Jesus Died: The Final 18
explore various aspects of Jesus’ crucifixion, revealing important
understandings from their points of view as a medical examiner, an
historian, an archaeologist and a medical expert on pain.
A celebration of the Word with children, supported with information
on the main components of a celebration, the significance and
How to Celebrate the Word With importance of adapting the readings and language so that children are
Children...And Why
able to understand. It communicates the spirit of celebrating the Word
with children and may be used with parents, catechists, or ministers of
the Word.
Session 10: Who Deserves Help?
Session 11: God’s Principles of Financial Decisions
Session 12: The Challenge
How to Manage Your Money This video series presents an in-depth Bible study on personal
Sessions 10-12
finances. This series, part of “The Christian Financial Concepts
Series,” proposes to help Christians understand Biblical concepts and
attitudes about wealth.
Session 1: What Is Wealth
Session 2: God’s Will in Finances
Session 3: The Perils of Money
How to Manage Your Money This video series presents an in-depth Bible study on personal
Sessions 1-3
finances. This series, part of “The Christian Financial Concepts
Series,” proposes to help Christians understand Biblical concepts and
attitudes about wealth.
Primary Intermediate
How to Manage Your Money Sessions 4-6
How to Manage Your Money Sessions 7-9
How to Pray as a Family VHS
How to Raise Your Child With
Faith VHS
How to Raise Your Child With
Faith as a Single Parent VHS
Session 4: Release from Certitude
Session 5: Financial Planning - God’s Way (part 1)
Session 6: Financial Planning - God’s Way (part 2)
This video series presents an in-depth Bible study on personal
finances. This series, part of “The Christian Financial Concepts
Series,” proposes to help Christians understand Biblical concepts and
attitudes about wealth.
Session 7: Motives for Accumulating Wealth
Session 8: How Much Is Enough?
Session 9: Sharing by God’s Plan
This video series presents an in-depth Bible study on personal
finances. This series, part of “The Christian Financial Concepts
Series,” proposes to help Christians understand Biblical concepts and
attitudes about wealth.
The family is the “domestic church.” This video will show families of
all types how to gather together and become aware of God deeply
present in everyday life. This program is filled with practical, “howto” ideas which focus on “real life” concerns, relationships and joys.
(20 min., Adult)
What does it mean to raise a child with faith? How can a parent help
a child develop a relationship with a loving God? This video explores
some practical answers while helping parents go on a faith journey as
a family. (20 min., Adult)
Raising a child with faith as a single parent is a difficult challenge.
This video acknowledges that reality and shows how a single parent
can meet this challenge with confidence and hope. (18 min., Adult)
Auditory perception is the ability to organize or interpret sensory data
received through the ear. It is the primary channel for language
acquisition and communi-cation. Auditory perceptual problems are
How to Recognize and Remediate commonly termed: Auditory discrimina-tion difficulties, sequencing
Auditory Perceptual Problems
disability, memory problems, blending, sensitivity, attending, and
closure. The overall goal of this video is that each viewer will
increase knowledge of the auditory modality of learning and use their
creativity in showing awareness of the auditory modality while
Children with poor visual perceptual abilities may exhibit problems in
one or several of these areas: Visual reception, discrimination,
How to Recognize and Remediate memory, sequential memory, closure, association or perception of
Visual Perceptual Problems
position in space and form constan-cy. The goal of this video is to
assist viewers in strengthening their under-standing of the finer
aspects of the visual modality of learning. (28 min., Adult)
Many people point to small Christian communities as a source of life
for people of faith. But if you are not a member of one already, how
How to Start a Small Christian
do you get one started? This video is filled with practical answers to
Community (Brennan)
this question. Tips for leaders and suggestions on how to formulate
good discussion questions are also included.
When Annie is elected class president, she lets her new-found power
go to her head, prompting a lesson in leadership from Plato through
Humility (Book of Virtues Series) the stories of the Emperor’s New Clothes (English); King Canute at
the Seashore (English); and Phaeton (Greek); and with the help of the
Serenity Prayer.
Based on the true experiences of an American family, this program
explores the problem of hunger in the United States and what the rest
of us can do to help. Jan and Ed Miller wish to help the residents of
the poor part of their town by opening a low-priced, non-profit food
Hunger Next Door, The
store. No one is willing to help them until, after raising money at a
yard sale and tightening their own financial belt, they manage to buy a
van and open their store on a mini, mobile level. Viewers will learn
that you're never giving up much when you sacrifice---compared to
what Christ sacrificed for you.
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Real-life interviews with teenagers from across the country.
David Nasser offers hope and encouragement to teens from Scripture
on their winding journey of faith •Four insightful topics: •Looking for
God •When Bad Things Happen •Identity •Question of Faith
Pope John Paul II called his March 2000 pilgrimage to the Holy Land
a personal journey. But it was also the climax of another journey that
has lasted for half a century - the journey of the Catholic Church's
I Am Joseph, Your Brother
recognition of, and reconciliation with, the Jewish people. This video
is a story of self-examination and soul searching. It is the
revolutionary story of estranged brothers and sisters beginning to
speak with one another, leading to deeper understanding and genuine
This video is designed to empower children to recognize and protect
themsleves from sexual abuse by becoming aware of their own
I Am the Boss of My Body:
feelings, likes and dislikes. Using practical safety steps and much
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
encouragement, this video prepares children for handling the attempt
at sexual abuse we hope they never encounter. Approved for student
inservicing for child protection.
This series is a basic level video-assisted resource for the formation
and enrichment of catechists. A catechist who complete this formation
program will experience a process of spiritual formation, gain an
I Believe, We Believe (Echoes of
overview of the major doctrinal themes contained in the CCC and
Faith Plus) DVD
learn practical skills for leading effective catechetical sessions. This
module will acquaint the catechist with the central creedal statements
of the Catholic Church.
This video series is a basic level, video-assisted resource for the
enrichment of catechists. The goal of this series is to acquaint
catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and
introduce them to the principles and practices of sound catechesis.
I Believe, We Believe (Echoes of
N.B. There is a companion booklet that accompanies each video.
These booklets will be sent on request with the video, but are NOT to
be photocopied in any form. Copies of the booklets to be used with
each viewer can be purchased from RCL (Resources for Christian
Living), P.O. Box 7000, Allen TX, 75013, 1-877-275-4725.
High School
I Call You Friends: Part 1
Understanding the Adolescent
I Call You Friends: Part 2
Relating to the Adolescent
I Call You Friends: Part 3
Sharing With the Adolescent
I Remember When… DVD 1
The Storykeepers
I Remember When… DVD 2
The Storykeepers
I Remember When… DVD 3
The Storykeepers
A teaching video for adults who work with adolescents that will help
them learn to understand the teens they work with.
A teaching video for adults who work with adolescents that will help
them learn how to build relationships with teens.
A teaching video for adults who work with adolescents that will help
them learn how to share with teenagers.
This animated series tells the story of a Christian family in the early
days of the Church. Each 30 min. movie includes several Gospel
stories and are re-experienced as an early Christian family and their
friends live out their faith in the dangerous world of first-century
Rome. Children learn from the stories and are taught to become
storytellers themselves. Included are easy-to-follow sesson plans and
activities for intergenerational gatherings. The Gospel stories with
session plans included in this DVD are Jesus Feeding the 5,000, John
the Baptist, and The Good Samaritan.
This animated series tells the story of a Christian family in the early
days of the Church. Each 30 min. movie includes several Gospel
stories and are re-experienced as an early Christian family and their
friends live out their faith in the dangerous world of first-century
Rome. Children learn from the stories and are taught to become
storytellers themselves. Included are easy-to-follow sesson plans and
activities for intergenerational gatherings. The Gospel stories with
session plans included in this DVD are: Jesus Blessing the Children,
Jesus Healing a Paralytic and Jesus' Birth.
This animated series tells the story of a Christian family in the early
days of the Church. Each 30 min. movie includes several Gospel
stories and are re-experienced as an early Christian family and their
friends live out their faith in the dangerous world of first-century
Rome. Children learn from the stories and are taught to become
storytellers themselves. Included are easy-to-follow sesson plans and
activities for intergenerational gatherings. The Gospel stories with
session plans included in this DVD are The Widow's Offering,The
Prodigal Son and Jesus' Entry into Jerusalem.
Preschool Adult
Preschool Adult
Preschool Adult
This animated series tells the story of a Christian family in the early
days of the Church. Each 30 min. movie includes several Gospel
stories and are re-experienced as an early Christian family and their
friends live out their faith in the dangerous world of first-century
Rome. Children learn from the stories and are taught to become
storytellers themselves. Included are easy-to-follow sesson plans and
activities for intergenerational gatherings. The Gospel stories with
session plans included in this DVD are The Last Supper, Jesus Prays
in the Garden, the Crucifixion and Jesus at the Lakeside.
This program presents three real-life stories from teens who were
targets of cyberbullying atacks and offers viewers practical
suggestions for how to avoid being victimized by this type of bullying.
This program will strike a chord wth all viewers - those who may have
been victimized as well as those who may have thought that
cyberbullying was "no big deal". Approved for student inservicing for
This is a visual meditation about the dignity of work and the serenity
of faith. With almost no dialogue, the pleasures and toils of a
Midwest American farming family are revealed. It reaffirms the
spiritual worth of all human toil.
Four video clips under two minutes each, illustrate issues teens face
on the internet, how they dress, who they should be.
I Remember When… DVD 4
The Storykeepers
I Was Cyberbullied DVD
I Work the Land (Yo Trabajo la
If It Happens to You: Dealing
with Abuse DVD
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
If It Happens to You: Dealing
with Abuse VHS
Sensitive, age-appropriate scenarios explore physical, verbal and
sexual abuse as seen through the eyes of children. Whether it's an
angry father who physically hurts a child, a grown-up who uses words
to continually make a youngster feel worthless or a person who
inappropriately touches a child, this program will encourage and
empower young victims of abuse to speak up and get help. Approved
for student inservicing for child protection.
Preschool Adult
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
If You Want to Dance
Ignatius of Loyola: Spiritual
Exercises (Himes)
I'm Not Everybody
I'm Not Stupid
This newly updated video is the story of an unwed teenage boy and
girl faced with the consequences of pregnancy. One of the main
objectives is to impress upon males that pregnancy is not just a girl's
problem. Both youth and their parents feel the story is very realistic
Fr. Michael Himes, internationally known preacher and teacher,
introduces the viewer to the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of
Loyola. Drawing on his own experience of conversion and growth,
Ignatius formulated a program of exercises to develop heart and mind
so that grace can be received as fully as possible.
This program, geared for parents, offers practical advice they can give
to their children when dealing with pressure from their peers. The
suggestions for parents to give youth will help youth feel less of a
need to go along with the crowd to gain approval. (12 min., Adult)
A nationally acclaimed film on learning disabilities.
The dogma of the Immaculate Conception is often confused with the
faith belief in the Virgin Birth. The Immaculate Conception is not
about Jesus, but about Mary and how born of human parents like us, 17
she did not inherit original sin. This video presents an exploration of
the the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception.
Children with poor motor and visual-motor skills may exhibit
problems in one or more of the following: Gross and fine-motor
functioning; Body image, including space perception, directionality,
laterality, and spatial relationships; and Visual-motor coordination.
The goal of this video is that each viewer will experience the need for
children to be guided in fine and gross motor development. (28 min.,
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Immaculate Conception, The:
Exploring the Mystery
Importance of Motor and Visual
Motor Skills, The
In Remembrance DVD
Junior High Adult
In Remembrance VHS
A recreation of the men, women and events that surrounded the Last
Supper. This is a story about real people, fiercely Jewish people, who
felt the fears, doubts, loves and loneliness that are common bonds of
all humanity.
Junior High Adult
The biblical symbol of integration is the heart and Fr. Richard Rohr
explains how our culture wrestles with the problem of integration. We
a In Search of Heart
have spirit or we have soul and both are distorted without each other.
What we need is the integration of spirit and soul and he suggests
some things we need. (1993)
God calls people to make a difference in the world; Catholic social
teaching challenges each person to respond. Part I (9 min.) of this
In the Footsteps of Jesus video provides a brief but compelling overview of the seven themes of
Catholic Social Teaching at Work Catholic social teaching. In Part II (19 min.), each theme is
highlighted through the living examples of six extraordinary
individuals who offer insight and inspiration as they share their own
commitments to promoting justice and peace in the world today.
In this video, the viewer will trace the steps of Jesus in a "spiritual
voyage" to the holy sites. The viewer will visit Bethlehem and an
In the Land of Jesus
unforgettable Christmas Mass, witness baptismal rites at the Jordan
River and traverse the Stations of the Cross as the life of Jesus is
explored in the very land in which he lived.
A thrilling mountain-climbing adventure with junior high schoolers
Nick, Renee, and Philip, and their dads gives a whole new meaning to
In the Nick of Time
the term surprise vacation! In this video, Nick and McGee learn about
courage and where to find it.
Through interviews and dramatization, Fr. William McKee relates the
reasons why inactive Catholics leave the church and how he has been
Inactive Catholics
able to help some once again find peace and joy in God and in the
Church. He explains what you can do to help.
Fr. William McKee, C.SS.R., has ten years of experience working
Inactive Catholics: Why They
with inactive Catholics. Through interviews and dramatization, he
Leave…Why They Return
relates the reasons why inactive Catholics leave and how he has been
able to help some once again find peace and joy in God and in the
In this series of ten videos, Fr. Michael Himes provides insights into
Incarnation (The Mystery of
the basics of the Catholic faith in a style that is engaging and
Faith Series - Himes)
challenging. Shows us how incarnation reveals as much about
humanity as it reveals about God. (15 min., Adult)
Senior High Adult
Junior High
Inclusive Classroom, The
Infant Baptism: A Gift to the
Community (Catholic Update)
Infant Baptism: A Gift to the
Community VHS
Inner Family - In Search of
Inside the Vatican: National
Inside the Vatican: Part 1 Upon
This Rock
Marsha Forest describes the "elegant simplicity" of education for all
children, especially those disabled.
This video offers a four-part resource package that can be used as part
of a parish program for parents who are bringing their child to be
baptized. Infant baptism is approached through a story segment, a
witness segment, a teaching segment, and a music video reflection.
Each segment can be used independently. This program is one of the
Catholic Update Video series.
This program, by Fr. John Power, utilizes the gift and power of the
imagination as a primary tool for knowing and understanding self and
God. It is meant to involve emotions and virtues of the viewer. This
deals with personal development within ourselves. May be divided
into thirty or ten minute sessions. (90 min., Adult)
With unprecedented access, National Geographic provides a rare
glimpse inside the secret archives and private chapels of the Vatican.
Privileged accounts from Vatican officials, historians, and devoted
individuals who work closely with Pope John Paul II provide insight
into the remarkable history of this holy city, the Holy See and their
unique traditions, some of which have survived for nearly 2000 years.
Narrated by Martin Sheen.
Sir Peter Ustinov hosts this documentary series. This episode will
help the viewer discover the roots of the Vatican. You will tour the
inner sanctums which include the Secret Archives, and the Vatican
Grottos, then travel to the Colosseum and Constantinople, now
Istanbul. You will meet the Pope who brought Christ's message to the
West, the beloved Pope Gregory the Great.
Junior High Adult
Inside the Vatican: Part 2 The
Flight From Rome
Inside the Vatican: Part 3 The
Inside the Vatican: Part 4 The
Third Millennium
Instant Christmas Pageant: Live
from Behtlehem Book & CD
Instant Christmas Pageant:
Operation Baby King Book &
Instant Christmas Pageant: The
Mouse's Tale Book & CD
Europe was gripped by darkness and turmoil and hungry for a spiritual
awakening. In this episode the viewer will learn how Christianity
answered the call; Charlemangne embraces the faith, Francis of
Assisi founded his order, and the Papacy was brought back to Rome
through the vision of a simple nun, Catherine of Siena.
Civilization was awakening from its slumber and theologians were
beginning to question the moral and legal authority of the Vatican
which threatened the foundation of the church. Martin Luther battled
against religious corruption and the greatest works of art that the
world has ever known were created. Pope Julius II defied public
wrath by tearing down the 1,000 year old St. Peter's Basilica and gave
Michelangelo the opportunity to create a masterpiece that still inspires
visitors today. All these happenings along with many others are a part
of this episode of the series.
This episode takes the viewer from the Middle Ages to the present and
into the future. It tells of the struggles against Protestantism waged by
Pope Paul III along with the famous Roman Inquisition. Viewers will
meet the famous astronomer, Galileo, and witness the reconciliation
of Mussolini and Pope Pius XI. Finally, the audience will meet Pope
John Paul II who has set the stage for the next millennium. (50 min.,
Sr. High School - Adult)
Three first-century TV reporters are chasing a big story on the census
when they stumble upon the story of a lifetime - the birth of the
Messiah! See their exclusive interviews with Mary and Joseph, the
shepherds and from eyewitnesses present at the manger.
Join angel agent Double O-Heaven and a host of helpers as they lead
the way through this delightful telling of the Christmas story!
This pageant is the retelling of the Christmas story narrated by Granny
Mouse and told by the animals in the stable: the donkey who carried
Mary to Bethlehem; the cow who gave up his straw for Jesus' bed; the
sheep who saw the angels on the hilltop; and the camels who were
guided by a bright star in the East.
Preschool Intermediate
Preschool Intermediate
Preschool Intermediate
Three young shepherds joyfully shouted God's praises after visiting
Instant Christmas Pageant: The
the baby Jesus. How were they to know they were "disturbing the
Not-So-Silent-Night Book & CD
peace"? Join them in a Bethlehem courtroom for a rib-tickling trial.
These Youth Ministry videos are guaranteed to get your kids talking!
Each topic is presented in a fast paced, “teen friendly” format, using
Integrity (Power Surge)
graphics and music. Each video contains a guide including program
rationale, suggestions for use, Catholic teaching on each topic and
Scripture and Catechism resources.
What difficulties does and interfaith marriage face? How can couples
in such a marriage achieve a great deal of happiness? This
Interfaith Marriage
presentation interviews couples who are involved in interfaith
marriages and addresses these and other questions that may be asked.
Fr. O'Malley is a teacher at Fordham Prep School with over twentyeight years experience. In this video presentation he asks, How do we
pass on not only knowledge of Christianity but faith as well?
Internalizing the Faith
O'Malley helps us to understand that faith is a free gift from God and
that we are free to refuse the gift. This video will aid those who work
with leadership formation of youth.
Internet and You, The: Staying
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
Safe Gr. 5-9 DVD
With humor that will appeal to young teens, this program talks about
Internet and You, The: Staying
using caution while online. Strategies offered in this program are
Safe Gr. 5-9 VHS
designed to make surfing the internet a positive, safe experience.
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
This program explores the meaning of intimacy, how sexuality is
interconnected with the need for intimacy, and how Jesus mirrored the
Intimacy: No One Night Stand
intimate love of God. Students are helped to see intimacy is not based
on the number of dates a person has, but rather getting to know
people, communicating, praying, sharing and having fun together.
Preschool Intermediate
Junior High Senior High
Intermediate Junior High
Junior High Senior High
Into Great Silence DVD
This transcendent film seeks to embody a monastery rather than depict
one - it has no score, no voiceover and no archival footage. One of the
most mesmerizing and poetic chronicles of spirituality ever created,
this program dissolves the border between screen and audience with a
total immersion into the hush of monastic life. More meditation than
documentary, it's a rare, transformative experience for all.
into the HEART OF GOD
Jean Vanier explores the Gospel of John in the Holy Land in this 14-part, five300
hour video series.
Introducing the "Good News"
According to Mark\Learning the
Secrets of the Messiah and His
Introduction to Catholicism, An
Introduction to Learning Styles
The Gospels teach us that Jesus is both Son of God and Son of Mary.
Other versions of the "Good News" offer powerful expressions of the
Lord's divine nature. Mark's human perspective however, is an
indispensable truth that can foster a personal and realistic spirituality.
KINDGOM: It is difficult to understand the Scriptures. What do you
think Jesus means when he says we must "lose our lives for the sake
of the Gospel" or uses the image of not pouring "new wine into old
An excellent overview of the Catholic faith and practice. Participants
ask questions that are answered through brief clips of several
Catholics, some of them theologians. Great to spark interest for
further studies. Ideal for any adults who want to learn more about
Produced by the Archdiocese of St. Louis, this very informative video
presents an overview of twenty-one elements of learning styles in
children and adults. These include elements such as environmental,
emotional and sociological to mention a few. This presentation will 44
help the viewer understand how changes in these elements can
increase achievement and attendance and help to decrease discipline
problems. A must see for parents and teachers. (44 min., Adult)
Junior High Adult
Hish school adult
Junior High Adult
Introduction to the Catholic
Common Ground Initiative
Introduction to the Learner
(Echoes of Faith)
Introduction to the Scriptures
(Echoes of Faith)
Introduction to Theology of the
This video is designed to give people a background and understanding
of the Catholic Common Ground Initiative. This video can be used to
help parishes and small groups decide if they would like to form a
Catholic Common Ground Initiative group. A book containing the
foundational documents of the Catholic Common Ground Initiative by
Cardinal Joseph Bernardin and Archbishop Oscar Lipscomb is
included with this video.
This video series is a basic level, video-assisted resource for the
enrichment of catechists. The goal of this series is to acquaint
catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and
introduce them to the principles and practices of sound catechesis.
N.B. There is a companion booklet that accompanies each video.
These booklets will be sent on request with the video, but are NOT to
be photocopied in any form. Copies of the booklets to be used with
each viewer can be purchased from RCL (Resources for Christian
Living), P.O. Box 7000, Allen TX, 75013, 1-877-275-4725.
This video series is a basic level, video-assisted resource for the
enrichment of catechists. The goal of this series is to acquaint
catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and
introduce them to the principles and practices of sound catechesis.
N.B. There is a companion booklet that accompanies each video.
These booklets will be sent on request with the video, but are NOT to
be photocopied in any form. Copies of the booklets to be used with
each viewer can be purchased from RCL (Resources for Christian
Living), P.O. Box 7000, Allen TX, 75013, 1-877-275-4725.
Drawing on Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body, author and
video host Christopher West shares God's original plan for marriage
and sexuality and how an understanding of this plan gives profound
meaning to all our lives - married, single and consecrated celibates.
Seminar #1 - What is the Theology of the Body and Why Is It So
Important?; Seminar #2 - The Creation and Redemption of Man and
Woman; Seminar #3 - The Resurrection of the Body and the Heavenly
Marriage; Seminar #4 - The Sacrament of Marriage & the Language
Senior High Adult
Invisible Children DVD
Invitation to New Life, An: The
RCIA Described
Irish American Heritage:
American Cultures for Children
Is Something Missing?
Isaac and Ishmael
Islam: The Faith and the People
Israel Becomes a People Sessions 1-8
This program, filmed by three young Americans, exposes the effects
of a 20 year-long war on the children of Northern Uganda. These
children live in fear of abduction by rebel soldiers and are being
forced to fight as part of a violent army. To see Africa through young
eyes is humorous and heart breaking, quick and informative. See this
film: you will be forever changed.
If a person comes to you inquiring about baptism into the Catholic
Church what would you tell them? Would you be able to explain the
RCIA? This video tells the inquier what the RCIA is all about in a
manner that is both understandable and inspirational. After viewing
this video inquirers will know what the RCIA is all about and be
comfortable with the process. (15 min., Adult)
This program introduces children to the land, history and customs of
Ireland along with the story of the Irish immigration to America.
Viewers learn how to count to ten and say a few workds in Gaelic, the
ancient Irish language. They watch children perform traditional Irish
dances for a St. Patrick's Day parade, view an Irish folktale, learn to
make a Celtic harp and sing a traditional Irish folksong.
Priests, seminarians and religious women of the Diocese of Erie share
their journey to priesthood and religious life. They ask questions out
loud, such as: Who do I talk to? Is there something missing in my
life? How do I find the peace in the puzzle of life?
Features the dramatic struggle between Abraham’s two sons and their
quest for their father’s legacy.
The first tape in a series being produced on world religions, this
program offers a broad explanation of Islam. This video addresses the
following subjects: Isalam in the world today, the prophet
Mohammed, the Five Pillars of Islam, the mosque, the crusades, the
art and architecture of Isalm, Islam's influence on the West, and
Colonialism in the Islamic world.
This video combines # 358-#361. Please refer to these videos for
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Israel Becomes a People (1&2)
Israel Becomes a People (3&4)
Israel Becomes a People (5&6)
Israel Becomes a People (7&8)
It's Me Claudia
An introduction to the bible study program which will help
participants reflect on their beliefs about the bible and get acquainted
with the Old Testament. Session two introduces scientific approaches
to study the Old Testament, as well as geography and reflecting on the
goodness of creation. (40 min., Adult)
Study the origins of the Pentateuch and the role of archaeology in the
Old Testa-ment. In the fourth session the viewer comes to understand
the universal patterns in the stories of sin, punishment and mercy in
Genesis. (40 min., Adult)
Session five helps the viewer understand theological themes in
Genesis 12-50 and how these themes are present in their own lives.
The next session helps viewers gain an understanding of the Exodus
event as central in the life of Israel and its ongoing significance for
Jews and Christians alike. (40 min., Adult)
In session seven, develop an appreciation of the meaning of the
covenant in the Old Testament and learn of its continued relevance
today. Session eight gives viewers an understanding of the historical
and theological issues related to Israel's occupation of the "promised
land". (40 min., Adult)
Nine year old Claudia hates her big ears and has done everything to
camouflage them, including wearing a big floppy hat that not only
covers her ears but her eyes, nose and mouth too! This video teaches
self acceptance to all who view it.
It's Your Body: You're in Charge!
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
This program helps even the youngest children differentiate between
good and bad touches and learn that they have the right to say "no" to
It's Your Body: You're in Charge! a touch that makes them feel uncomfortable. They will learn the
"touching rule" and realize if they experience a bad touch, they MUST
speak up and tell an adult they trust what happened. Approved for
student inservicing for child protection.
Preschool Primary
Preschool Primary
Jacob's Gift
James Pearls of Wise Living
Jerusalem Stories with Peter
Jesus and the Gospels - Sessions
Jesus and the Gospels (1&2)
Jesus and the Gospels (3&4)
Jesus and the Gospels (5&6)
"The one who builds the best project will be asked to help build the
new synagogue," Rabbi Simeon announces to the students in his
woodworking shop. Young Jacob chooses just the right project, but
harassment by his fellow students and working in his father's busy inn
pulls him away from his woodworking. In the end, Jacob sacrifices
winning the contest to do a kindness for a family with a newborn
baby, and learns an important lesson in giving.
James is one of the most practical books of the Bible. Like the book of
Proverbs, it is a book of wisdom, a collection of teachings on issues
faced by ordinary Christians in everyday life. These teachings speak
loudly to all those who feel torn between the competing demands of
this world and their faith. This study offers "pearls for wise living" by
applying the wisdom of James to the present day. For anyone who has
struggled to live a truly Christian life, James offers a wealth of
practical solutions for handling and even sanctifying everyday
A fascinating look at the religious groups who inhabit Jerusalem and
their claims to the Holy City. Produced by ABC News.
This video combines # 366-#369. Please refer to these videos for
An overview of the New Testament to help participants become
familiar with its arrangement and how it has a place in their lives
today. The second session helps the viewer realize the gospels are not
historical documents and that they are records of the life of Jesus.
Session three enables participants to understand and appreciate the
preaching of Jesus as a call to discipleship and to transform one's life.
The fourth session will help participants reflect upon the Resurrection
narratives and gain insight into its meaning for us today.
Viewers will learn about the purposes of the titles and hymns applied
to Jesus along with an understanding of the slow and gradual process
of growth for the first Christians. Session six teaches of the link in
Mark's gospel between suffering and discipleship.
Primary Intermediate
High School Adult
Junior High Adult
Session seven discovers the major themes in Matthew's gospel and
how his pastoral concerns help shape his presentation of these themes.
The eighth session gives an overview of the Gospel of Luke allowing
the viewer to gain a personal appreciation of the nature of prayer as
Luke presents it.
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
A parable on why God became Man. The Father orchestrates a
beautiful symphony in creating the universe, but the perfection of the
piece is wrecked by man. This video may be used for teaching about
the Bible, parables and to learn about the Holy Trinity.
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
Primary Intermediate
Intermediate Adult
Primary Intermediate
Jesus and the Gospels (7&8)
Jesus Ascends into Heaven
Jesus B. C.
Jesus Calls His Apostles
Jesus Christ Superstarr VHS
Jesus Christ, Superstar DVD
Jesus Christ, Superstar VHS
Jesus Christ Superstar is a phenomenon; a brilliant example of moviemaking that translates the rock opera to screen. The story focuses on
the last week of Christ's life, his betrayal and crucifixion, seen from
the point of view of Judas.
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
The Catholic Communication Campaign prepared this documentary
which provides accurate information about the person of Jesus, his
followers, their belief in his divinity, the formation of the New
Jesus DeCoded: Catholic Belief
Testament, the important role women played in his ministry and the
versus Modern Fiction (DVD)
spread of the Gospel meassage. This program offers a Catholic
response to "DaVinci Code" believers and compelling insights into the
first three centuries of Christianity.
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
Jesus Dies on the Cross
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
This video series explores Christianity around the world. The eight
sessions include Jesus in: the Roman Empire; Early Europe; Modern
Jesus Experience, The DVD
Europe; Among the Slavs; Latin America; North America; Asia; and
This video series explores Christianity around the world. In Volume 1,
Peter and Paul lead believers to become martyrs, monks, philosophers
Jesus Experience, The: Vol 1&2 and finally emperors. In Volume 2, the growth and success of the
Jesus in the Roman Empire, Jesus
Church even in the darkness of the Middle Ages, can be attributed to
in Early Europe
individual men and women like Francis of Assisi and Hildegard of
Bingen, who experienced Christ in their own ways.
This video series explores Christianity around the world. In Volume 3,
a new human experience of faith is founded by the words of Luther
Jesus Experience, The: Vol 3&4 and the actions of Calvin - and Protestantism is born. In Volume 4,
Jesus in Modern Europe, Jesus
when the prince of Kiev embraced Eastern Christianity, he tied
Among the Slavs
together the beliefs of the Orthodox faith and the country of Russia in
a union that continues today.
Primary Intermediate
This video series explores Christianity around the world. In Volme 5,
in spite of the cruelty of the Spanish and Portuguese when they came
Jesus Experience, The: Vol 5&6 - to Latin America, the natives embraced the Christian beliefs of their
Jesus in Latin America, Jesus in captors. In Volume 6, the "promised land" of America was founded on
North America.
Protestant culture, a social experiment that continues today. America
absorbed an influx of Catholic believers and now faces a significant
new migration - the Muslims.
This video series explores Christianity around the world. In Volume 7,
Asia has the lowest percentage of Christians in the world, yet it is
home to the world's largest church. Nowhere has the Christian
Jesus Experience, The: Vol 7&8 message been so persecuted and so welcomed. In Volume 8, black
Jesus in Asia, Jesus in Africa
leaders such as Desmond Tutu and Simon Kimbangu fuse the
universal message of Jesus with the traditions of African culture,
making it the fastest growing region of Christianity in the world.
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
Jesus Feeds the Multitudes
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
Two teens discover what they really believe about Jesus in their
personal lives through a special “interview” project suggested by the
Jesus in My Life Today
youth minister. A study guide is included to aid viewers in their own
faith journey.
Jesus of Nazareth (full movie)
Beginning before the Nativity and extending through the Crucifixion
Jesus of Nazareth (full movie)
and Resurrection, this movie, directed by Franco Zeffirelli, brings to
life all the majesty and sweeping drama of the life of Jesus as told in
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Senior High
Juior High Adult
Intermediate Adult
Jesus of Nazareth 1&2: The
Awaited Messiah\Born for Us
Jesus of Nazareth 11&12: Bread
of Eternal Life\The Innocent
Jesus of Nazareth 13&14: The
Son of God Crucified\The Risen
Lord Living Forever
Salvation according to God's plan required human intervention as well
as divine. The yearning for happiness is met by frustration and evil,
which indi-cates a need for salvation. Suggested for use during
Advent. (28 min., Interme-diate - Adult) Learn of some interpretive
meanings associ-ated with Christmas. The manger, made of wood is
a foreshadow of the cross. The Magi's gifts give the following
interpreta-tion. Gold: to show belief that Jesus is fully human.
Incense: to show belief that Jesus is truly God. Myrrh: to show
belief that Jesus will suffer for humanity. May be used during the
Christmas season. (28 min., Interme-diate - Adult)
Eucharist is a sign of Jesus' total giving. Jesus gives his full person,
not just a part of himself. This initiates a new encounter with God and
forms a new basis of unity in the Kingdom. Great for Holy Week.
(26 min., Intermediate - Adult) Jesus was a disturbing prophet. He
was a threat to the temporal structure of the Pharisees and was too free
with the law and with tradition. He was found guilty before he was
even tried. This episode is great for Holy Week.
Jesus' passion and death reveals that glory comes only after suffering
as it appears in the resurrection. There could not have been an Easter
Sunday without Good Friday. The same applies to the average
Christian's life in their daily routine. Another episode that would be
very good for Holy Week. (28 min., Intermediate - Adult) The
climax of Christianity is the resurrection. The resurrection is Jesus'
entering into a new state of being. Jesus is as he was, but with a new
freedom. He has a glorified body with all the gifts that accompany it.
Great for use during the Easter season!
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Since there are no scriptural accounts to substantiate anything
exceptional in Jesus' childhood, we don't believe there were any.
Jesus seemed to go through the normal steps to maturity, was truly
human except for sin, and in his early ministry, John the Baptist
Jesus of Nazareth 3&4: Sent By becomes his herald. This episode like the first one is suitable for use
God\Liberator of the Oppressed during Advent. (28 min., Intermedi-ate - Adult) This presentation
enables the viewer to see that Jesus is the voice of the poor and
oppressed. He is our liberator from sin which can be rejection, denial
of God, lack of communication, loneliness, isolation and death. This
episode lends itself to the seasons of Advent and Lent.
This episode shows us that shared meals are a sign of unity, companionship, and shared values. For Jesus, shared meals are an invitation
to conver-sion. God alone forgives sin but Jesus' philo-sophy is: Hate
Jesus of Nazareth 5&6: The
the sin, but love the sinner. God's restoration of the sinner is
Forgiving God\He Who Calls
unconditional. Very good for Lent. (26 min., Intermediate - Adult)
Following Jesus is trusting him. To trust, one must know whom they
trust, trust is built over time. This episode is good for use during
Through this episode the viewer learns the saving union Jesus offers
sinners. Faith is integrally linked to forgiveness, Jesus always remains
open to sinners and the sinner must be open to God's forgive-ness. To
be complete, forgiveness must be given and received and in the case
of God, forgiveness is always avail-able. This is a good episode for
Jesus of Nazareth 7&8: Friend of
Lent. (28 min., Intermediate - Adult) In this session the viewer gains 28
Sinners\Man of the Beatitudes
a better understanding of the beati-tudes. The commandments are
logical and reasonable; the Beati-tudes are incompre-hensible without
faith in Jesus. Jesus gives God first place in his life; he lives the
Beatitudes. The resurrection is the sign of victory over evil, and it is
also a promise for all. This episode is appropriate throughout
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Jesus chose to be a Messiah of spirituality, and call God "Father",
because of this he was persecuted and rejected. Unarmed and peaceloving, He predicted his own death. May be used during Ordinary
time. (25 min., Intermediate - Adult) A prophet occasionally tells the
Jesus of Nazareth 9&10: Messiah
future. Their other gifts are varied and include announcing significant
of Love\Prophet of Truth
events, clarification of God's will, proclamation of God's judgment
and revealing God's love. Jesus functioned as a prophet by making
known divine purpose, refer-ences to his communion with the Father
and his revelation of his own experience as the Son of God. Suitable
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
Jesus Raises Lazarus
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
A “roast” is a spontaneous, usually secular event in which guests at a
banquet rise individually to offer some good-natured but “roasting”
words about a guest of honor. There’s often a great deal of
exaggeration, and kudos are peppered with gibes. This video applies
Jesus Roast, The
this secular form to the Last Supper in the hour after Judas left, and
good-natured fun prevails. The object of the story is to stimulate
deeper insights into discipleship by showing that those first followers
of Jesus were the same kind of human beings that we are. Be
prepared to be touched by the surprise ending.
This how to video, presented by Fr. Don Kimball and Anna Scally
offers a straight-forward mode for spreading the Gospel message. It
Jesus Still Builds on Rock
outlines seven practical attitudes for reaching young people through
their music and explains how to use youth ministry resources
Intermediate Adult
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
A112.1 a
A112.2 a
A112.3 a
A112.4 a
A112.5 a
A112.6 a
A112.7 a
A112.8 a
A112.9 a
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
Jesus' Teaching Ministry
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
Jesus the Son of God (Nest)
People often found themselves speechless when they came face-toface with the astonishing wisdom of Jesus of Nazareth. This
Jesus the Son of God (Nest) VHS
compelling and swiftly moving video takes you on a remarkable tour
of Jesus’ early years.
Recorded at a Scripture institute, this ten-tape series by Donald Senior
provides the listener with observations about the person called Jesus.
Jesus, His Sacred Heritage Tape
Senior's command of the Scriptures, geography, archaelogy and
history will answer questions about Jesus like who is he, what formed
him, what was his world like and how was he unique.
Jesus, His Sacred Heritage Tape
Jesus, His Sacred Heritage Tape seeA112.1
Jesus, His Sacred Heritage Tape seeA112.1
Jesus, His Sacred Heritage Tape seeA112.1
Jesus, His Sacred Heritage Tape seeA112.1
Jesus, His Sacred Heritage Tape seeA112.1
Jesus, His Sacred Heritage Tape seeA112.1
Jesus, His Sacred Heritage Tape seeA112.1
Jesus, His Sacred Heritage Tape seeA112.1
Tom Zanzig shares the profound meaning of Jesus in his life while
Jesus, The Good News
dramati-cally retelling the gospel story. He challenges young people
Proclaimed to Youth
to reflect on Jesus in their own lives and to also become evangelize-rs,
to proclaim the good news.
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Intermediate Adult
Using stories and images, this video leads us to a deeper
understanding of how the teaching of Jesus can be applied to modern
Jesus: Mystery of God Series A
life. Its rich imagery and wonderful storytelling leaves us wih deep
insights into the person of Jesus who is present with us now.
Jesus: Mystery of God Series B Same as #2174
This program allows the viewer to travel the dusty roads with Joseph
and Mary as they make their way to the village of Bethlehem for the
census ordered by Caesar. Learn about the life of King Herod and the
Jesus: Part 1 The Story Begins
wise men from the East who brought word of Jesus' birth to the tyrant.
See what daily life was like for the Holy Family in Egypt, where they
fled for safety, and in the village of Nazareth, where Jesus grew to
This session begins with John the Baptist preaching a baptism of
repentance for the forgiveness of sins, and visiting the community of
devout Essences to which John may have belonged. Watch Jesus
Jesus: Part 2 Among the People
teaching in the synagogues of Galilee. Walk with Him and the
disciples through Galilee, Samara and Judea; witness Jesus' miracles,
healings and the raising of Lazarus.
See Jerusalem, the Holy City, as it appeared in Jesus' day. Be a part of
the cheering crowd that welcomed Him into the city to celebrate
Passover. Understand the political and religious turmoil that raged in
Jesus: Part 3 The Final Days
the land ruled by Rome but inhabited by a people ruled by God. Join
Jesus at the Last Supper. Witness His betrayal, trial, crucifixion and
the events that followed.
Children will delight in this animated story that shows what happens
when a nine-year old boy tells a lie to avoid being punished. Jimmy
tells a lie - not a big lie, just a small, white lie. As he tries to hide the
Jimmy and the White Lie
lie, it only becomes bigger, until he confesses to the neighbor whom
he lied to. Jimmy realizes the gift of God's forgiveness and the gift of
a new friend at the end of the story.
Jingo is based on the true story of a Vietnamese refugee boy who uses
his talent for juggling to make a living. This story invites discus-sion
and exploration of the hungers that we all share for acceptance,
relationships, and ultimately for God.
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Joan of Arcadia DVD
First Season Discs 3 & 4
Joan of Arcadia DVD
First Season Discs 5 & 6
Joan of Arcadia DVD The
First Season Discs 1 & 2
Joan of Arcadia DVD The
Second Season Discs 1 & 2
Joan of Arcadia, the Emmy-nominated, People's Choice Awardwinning series, features Joan Girardi, an average 16 year old, who is
going through growing pains typical of any teenager. But after she and
her family relocate to Arcadia, her life gets especially interesting when
God starts paying her visits in surprising characters. In each episode
(4 are included per disc, each about 45 minutes long), God plays an
integral role in various situations of Joan's life, always resulting in
learning and growth for Joan. Study guide available.
Joan of Arcadia, the Emmy-nominated, People's Choice Awardwinning series, features Joan Girardi, an average 16 year old, who is
going through growing pains typical of any teenager. But after she and
her family relocate to Arcadia, her life gets especially interesting when
God starts paying her visits in surprising characters. In each episode
(4 are included per disc, each about 45 minutes long), God plays an
integral role in various situations of Joan's life, always resulting in
learning and growth for Joan. Study guide available.
Joan of Arcadia, the Emmy-nominated, People's Choice Awardwinning series, features Joan Girardi, an average 16 year old, who is
going through growing pains typical of any teenager. But after she and
her family relocate to Arcadia, her life gets especially interesting when
God starts paying her visits in surprising characters. In each episode
(4 are included per disc, each about 45 minutes long), God plays an
integral role in various situations of Joan's life, always resulting in
learning and growth for Joan. Study guide available.
Joan of Arcadia, the Emmy-nominated, People's Choice Awardwinning series, features Joan Girardi, an average 16 year old, who is
going through growing pains typical of any teenager. But after she and
her family relocate to Arcadia, her life gets especially interesting when
God starts paying her visits in surprising characters. In each episode
(4 are included per disc, each about 45 minutes long), God plays an
integral role in various situations of Joan's life, always resulting in
learning and growth for Joan. Study guide available.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Joan of Arcadia DVD The
Second Season Discs 3 & 4
Joan of Arcadia DVD The
Second Season Discs 5& 6
John Gilette Funeral Mass
John Paul II: A Light for the
John Paul II: Be Not Afraid
(animated) DVD (EWTN)
Joan of Arcadia, the Emmy-nominated, People's Choice Awardwinning series, features Joan Girardi, an average 16 year old, who is
going through growing pains typical of any teenager. But after she and
her family relocate to Arcadia, her life gets especially interesting when
God starts paying her visits in surprising characters. In each episode
(4 are included per disc, each about 45 minutes long), God plays an
integral role in various situations of Joan's life, always resulting in
learning and growth for Joan. Study guide available.
Joan of Arcadia, the Emmy-nominated, People's Choice Awardwinning series, features Joan Girardi, an average 16 year old, who is
going through growing pains typical of any teenager. But after she and
her family relocate to Arcadia, her life gets especially interesting when
God starts paying her visits in surprising characters. In each episode
(4 are included per disc, each about 45 minutes long), God plays an
integral role in various situations of Joan's life, always resulting in
learning and growth for Joan. Study guide available.
Seventeen and dying, Joceyln refuses to yield to self pity, anger or
depression. She puts her focus on life and the steadfast support of
friends and family. (28 min., Sr. High School - Adult)
Since his elevation to the papacy in 1978, John Paul II has reshaped its
image and the Church through his worldwide travels, statesmanship
and personal charisma. Produced on the occasion of the 50th
anniversary of his priesthood, this video is an intimate portrait of the
life and ministry of John Paul II as seen through the eyes of childhood
friends and church leaders. Produced by the Catholic
This dynamic animated biography traces the life of the former pontiff
from his childhood to his election as Pope. The viewer will enjoy
seeing the experiences which fashioned this shy and brilliant
intellectual into one of the greatest popes in history.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
John the Baptist
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
John the Baptist (Nest) DVD
This video is a moving story of courage and conviction seen through
John the Baptist (Nest) VHS
the life of one of God’s greatest prophets who gave everything to
prepare the way for the Lord.
This inspiring film, starring Ed Asner, tells the whole life story from
his youth to the papacy. Elected supposedly as an "interim pope" who
John XXIII, Pope of Peace DVD would just keep the status quo and listen to the advisers around him, 200
John XXIII proved to be his own man when he surprised the Church
and the world by calling the Second Vatican Council.
Jason Robards, an academy award winner, tells the story in which
Jonah is swallowed by a whale and learns a lesson of forgiveness and
Jonah and the Whale
obedience. The musical performance on the oud, which is one of the 30
world's oldest instruments, provides a haunting backdrop to this tale.
(30 min., All Ages)
Actor Ruben Blades relates the story of Joseph who is sold into
slavery by his brothers. Learn how years later he forgives them for
Joseph and His Brothers
this betrayal and saves them from the famine. Guitarists Strunz &
Farah who have been nominated for Grammy's created the score for
Joseph's odyssey. (30 min., All Ages)
Joseph Cardinal Bernadin Funeral
Mass 1996
Recounts the wickedness and jealousy of Joseph’s brothers as they sell
Joseph in Bondage
him into slavery in Egypt, while his father, Jacob, mourns the loss of 30
his beloved son.
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
all ages
all ages
Primary Intermediate
He was a just man, appointed by God to be the husband of Mary and
the chosen father of Jesus. But there is more to St. Joseph than his
familiar role at the center of the salvation message. In him, we see a
Joseph, the Man Closest to Christ man of uncompromised obedience, a prayerful man, an exemplary
worker and a true model of authentic manhood. This video explores
all aspects of St. Joseph – the historical man, his response to God’s
call, and the many ways in which he reflects the nature of God.
Joseph becomes a cherished member of the Pharaoh’s court by
predicting and preparing for a great famine that covers Egypt. He
Joseph’s Triumph
forgives his brothers for their treachery and is reunited with his father
who ordains the 12 Tribes of Israel.
After wandering around the desert for 40 years, the children of Israel
finally get to the promised land. Only one problem - Jericho is
Josh and the Big Wall
surrounded by huge walls and filled with really annoying peas.
Veggie Tales re-tells a biblical story for children that delivers fun and
Joshua DVD
Based on the best-selling novel by Joseph Girzone that touched the
Joshua VHS
lives of millions, Joshua is an inspirational story about a stranger
whose mysterious "supernatural" powers inspire a small town.
This video is a thought-provoking look at the life of this unassuming,
charismatic scholar considered by many of his contemporaries as one
of the best and brightest minds of his time. This documentary features
Journey of the Heart: The Life of
an inspiring conversation with Nouwen shot just a year before his
Henri Nouwen
death. Interviews with key friends, prominent colleagues, and family
members help complete the picture of this unique man of faith - a
person of passion and compassion.
Journey Through the Shadows
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Junior High Adult
Journey Through the Shadows
Journey to Emmaus (JTE) 2000
Journey to the Promised Land
Journey Toward Forgiveness
Journey Toward Forgiveness
Journey, The (Family Theatre)
Suicide is an earth-shattering experience…the suddenness, the
innability to explain why our loved one chose to end his or her life.
This video offers ways to help survive your grief after someone you
love has committed suicide and shows you that you are not alone. You
can make it through this life-changing experience.
Junior High Adult
Recounts the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness and God’s
interaction in their lives, as he prepares his chosen people to inherit
the Promised Land.
Primary Intermediate
An ABC network television special, this video presents seven
emotional stories of people who have dealt with anger and forgiveness
in the face of racial injustice, violent death and terminal illness. This
documentary powerfully demonstrates that those who are able to
embark on a process towards forgiveness - though heartrending and
difficult - find it to be the path to inner healing.
A homeless couple struggle to find food and shelter for their child
who is about to be born; this story parallels Mary and Joseph's search
for a place for Jesus to be born. A wealthy family comes to grips with
their activist son and the poor and homeless he wants to help.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Jr. High Youth Rally 1998
Spirit Inside
Jr. High Youth Rally March 1997 Faith Can Light the Dark
Jr. High Youth Rally November 1997 Great Adventure
JTE Youth Festival 2001
JTE Youth Festival 2003
JTE/World Youth Day 2002
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Juan Diego - Messenger of God
Juan Diego - Messenger of God
This animated video is the true story of how the Blessed Mother chose
a hero for a key role in a beautiful miracle that would unite diverse
peoples and change the course of history.
session tells us about the most tragic days in the Old Testament. But
Judaism: The Movement From
God's people succeeded in making sense out of their disappointment.
Politics to Faith\Psalms: The
Prayer Book of the Old and New
COVENANTS: This video will introduce the viewer to the world of
psalms. In many ways, these beautiful prayers sum up the whole
history of the Old Testament. The Psalms also insire the Christian
This interesting and informative video helps the viewer to better
understand the religion or Judaism. It discusses and aids the viewer in
an understanding of significant symbols, rituals and festivals of
Judaism. Some of the topics presented include: the Torah, the sacred
scriptures of the Jews; other religions with roots in Judaism; the four
Judaism: The Religion of People
cornerstones of the Jewish faith; the Jewish worship service; tragedies
of the Jewish people such as the Holocaust, Diaspora, persecution in
ancient times; the founding of the State of Israel; Jewish rituals and
festivals; women in Judaism ; and the Bar\Bat Mitzvah. An excellent
choice for study of world religions or ecumenical instruction.
"The man was the Son of God. The now! This is the
intriguing premise of this film, written and directed by James Barden".
Judas Project, The
The last three years of the life of Christ are brought to life in a modern
day setting with outstanding visual effects.
Coping with the demands of career and family are not easy and add
many stresses to life. This program will teach the viewer four basic
steps to take to gain control in life. Learn new approaches and
Juggling Your Work and Family
strategies that are useful in the daily balancing act. This video is from
the American Management Association, a leader for personal and
professional growth from yesterday through tomorrow. (26 min.,
Preschool Primary
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Juice (DeWitt Jones) DVD
Julian of Norwich: Shewings of
Divine Love (Himes)
Justice for All
Karate Kid, The (full length
Kateri Tekakwitha: Native
American Saint
Katie's Secret
Join best-selling author DeWitt Jones in this short film that tells the
story of his chance encounter with a five year old boy and the life-long
lesson gained from that experience. This beautiful and sincere
program encourages viewers to find their passion, their joy - their
juice - in all that they do.
Dame Julian was a 14th century English woman who devoted herself
to a life of contemplative prayer and spiritual direction. In 1373, she
experienced sixteen "shewings" or revelations of the depth and
intensity of God's love for her and all creatures. Her account of those
revelations and her subsequent meditations on them are one of the
treasures of medieval spirituality. Fr. Michael Himes, internationally
known preacher and teacher, introduces the viewer to this fascinating
woman and her writings.
We are molded by our moral values and the importance which we
attach to them. This visual presentation encourages a sense of justice
for the poor, the uneducat-ed and the physically handicapped. (28
Daniel's new friend, Miyagi, is a master of the martial arts. Miyagi
teaches Daniel that karate is mastery over the self - mind and body and that fighting is always the last answer to a problem. Under
Miyagi's guidance, Daniel develops not only physical skills but also
the faith and self-confidnece to compete despite tremendous odds.
Kateri was the child of an Algonquin and a Mohawk chief born in
Gandaouague in 1656. She was orphaned, half blind, scarred by
illness and of little worth in her own world, yet destined to walk the
path of holiness. In 1980 she was declared blessed. She is a symbol
of reconciliation with the Native American tribes as they seek unity
and make their contribution to the American Church.
Katie has a secret. She is being sexually abused at home by her
mother’s fiancé, and she can’t find the courage to tell anyone. A
concerned teacher convinces Katie to tell her story and begin to find
the path to healing. Approved for student inservicing for child
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
The familiar Christmas story is taken a step further as this drama
unfolds in another stable in Bethlehem on that holy night. Marcus, a
young Roman soldier, and Ruth, an old Jewish woman, stumble upon
Keeper of the Peace
each other, unaware that this chance encounter will change both their
lives. The birth of Christ is the greatest gift of all time, but only
through forgiveness and reconciliation can Marcus and Ruth find the
true Keeper of the Peace.
This interactive DVD explores three key areas of leadership. It begins
by looking at strategic planning (the diocesan Self-Study and
Keeping Our Plan Alive:
Assessment Process). It then examines the role of the mission
Leadership Development 8/06
statement in the life of an organization and it concludes with a
reflection on the topic of leadership. This DVD is a valuable
introductory piece to reflect on the roles of a leader. Done in three
separate chapters with reflection/discussion questions.
Another American Management video that gives professional
training. In this program the viewer will learn a more productive way
Keeping Your Cool When Others
to handle conflict. Realizing that conflict is a part of life that just is -Don't
something can be done in a thoughtful, productive way that allows for
peaceful solutions, personal growth and lasting relationships. (24
Matthew 4:l-ll, Mark l:l2-l5, Luke 4:l-l3 are depicted through this
video in order to assist children in thinking and learning to overcome
the temptations that occur in their daily life. This is a present day
Kevin's Temptation
version of Jesus' temptation in the desert and how he was able to say
no to his temptations. Kevin also relies on inner strength to do the
right thing when tempted three times. (9 min., Intermediate)
In a society of dissolving commitments and fidelity, Dr. Dobson
shows you how to defy the odds and build lasting, satisfying
Keys to a Lifelong Love, The
relationships. From selecting a mate to creating intimacy in marriage,
this video presentation offers practical principles for building a love
that lasts a lifetime. (50 min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
How to help children stabilize during the most intense period of
KidCare 1 (Divorce)
separation and the early days of divorce. (35 min., Adult)
Junior High Senior High
KidCare 2 (Divorce)
Kids & The Sacraments
King Bird's Big Bash
King David
King George and the Ducky
King Herod and the Wise Men
How to be a successful single parent and practical suggestions for
bringing up children in this environment. (35 min., Adult)
Introduce your kids, your classroom to four of the Sacraments -Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation with this lively new
video presentation. These segments include interviews with kids, onscreen storyboard Bible teaching, images from around the world. It is
narrated by Rev. Kenneth Overbeck, pastor of St Bonaventure Parish
in Plymouth Massachusetts.
Based upon Luke 14:15-24, King Gandy, the bird king, is eager to
celebrate with his subjects and invites all the birds to a party. The
birds are too busy and they all refuse his invitation. Other animals
such as the fish and bees are then invited and come to the party. The
birds then come to understand that to share in the king's hospitali-ty,
they need to first say yes to the invitation. (8 min., Preschool David leads Israel by his courage and faithfulness and seeks God’s
forgiveness following his betrayal of Yahweh and his people.
Unlike other kings, King George spent most of his time in the bathtub,
where he would play with his favorite toy, his rubber ducky. But one
ducky wasn’t enough; he wanted ALL the duckies. Discover what
happens when this cucumber king makes a huge mistake, deciding
that the most important person in the world is, well…himself! Can he
learn to put others first before its too late?
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
min 4 Primary segme Intermediate
Preschool Primary
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
King Is Born, The
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
King is Born, The (Nest) DVD
This video retells the story of the miracle of the birth of Jesus – the
King is Born, The (Nest) VHS
true meaning of Christmas.
will introduce the viewer to the world of Old Testament prophecy.
We'll find out, contrary to popular opinion, that prophecy was not
Kingdom Divided, A: The Early some kind of fortune-telling or gazing into a crystal ball. Instead, the
Prophets\Babylonian Disaster and prophet's job was to be the real "Conscience of Israel". THE
The Later Prophets, The
viewing this video you will discover how God tried to bring his
people "back to their senses" by a reform movement in Israel.
Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Israel collapsed.
Kingdom of Heaven, The (Nest)
This video tells a series of short stories including the sower and the
Kingdom of Heaven, The (Nest) seed, the wheat and the tares, and the parable of the ten virgins. Each
parable helps us to learn what the “Kingdom of heaven” is like, and
shows us how to live each day.
This video is part of a stirring series based on the Gospel of John with
Jean Vanier. He reveals the heartbeat that pulsates through the Gospel
Knowing Eternity Part 1 (Vanier)
of John in a way that will arrest the viewer's attention and open up
Jn Ch 1-2
spiritual windows to priceless views for those who care to gaze and
consider. This first tape is divided into five sections.
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
This video is part of a stirring series based on the Gospel of John with
Jean Vanier. He reveals the heartbeat that pulsates through the Gospel
Knowing Eternity Part 2 (Vanier)
of John in a way that will arrest the viewer's attention and open up
Jn Ch 3-6
spiritual windows to priceless views for those who care to gaze and
consider. This second tape is divided into four sections.
This video is part of a stirring series based on the Gospel of John with
Jean Vanier. He reveals the heartbeat that pulsates through the Gospel
Knowing Eternity Part 3 (Vanier)
of John in a way that will arrest the viewer's attention and open up
Jn Ch 8-10
spiritual windows to priceless views for those who care to gaze and
consider. This third tape is divided into four sections.
The Second Vatican Council had a profound and lasting influence on
the Catholic Church. This series of nine videos examines the change
in outlook that the Council fostered in the Church and explores how
the documents of Vatican II continue to renew the Church today.
Laity (Vat II)
Shows how Vatican II restored the rightful place of the layperson in
the life of the Church. The primacy of baptism and the meaning of the
Church as the people of God are the theological principles underlying
this view of the increased involvement of the laity in the Church after
Here’s how a “little” lie can turn into big trouble! Bumblyburg is
Larry Boy and the Fib from Outer threatened by the 30-foot tall, ever growing monster spawned by the
little fib Jr. Asparagus tells his father to escape punishment. A
hilarious and effective lesson in telling the truth.
Junior Asparagus and Laura Carrot learn just how easily rumors get
started when they accidentally launch a whopper about Larry-Boy’s
butler, Alfred! Before they know it their little story is spreading all
Larry Boy and the Rumor Weed
over Bumblyburg like a weed! Can Larry-Boy stop the rumor before
Alfred gets hurt? In the end, the kids learn that God doesn’t want us
to tell stories that can hurt. He wants us to spread nice words!
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Larryboy and The Angry
Last Cry for Help
Last Supper, The
Last Supper, The (animated)
Lay Ministry
Working as a mild-mannered janitor at Bumblyburg's newspaper, The
Daily Bumble, Larry the Cucumber must put on his plungers and fly
into action as super-villian Awful Alvin unleashes a swarm of angry
eyebrows on his otherwise friendly town. Can Larryboy convince the
townsfolk to let go of their anger in time to stop this menance? This
video teaches children that it's OK to get angry, but God wants us to
let go of our anger or "it won't let go of you."
Overwhelmed by unhappiness and unable to talk to anyone about her
feelings, teenager Sharon Muir attempts suicide. Her mother angrily
denies that Sharon had any reason for trying to kill herself. Kept in
the hospital for 72 hours observation, she talks to Dr. Abbott a
psychologist who assures her that he cares about what happens to her.
He reminds her that her life will not change unless she changes and "if
we understand the past, we can change the future."
Filmed and dramatized on location in the Holy Land and the Middle
East, this video depicts Passover along with the events from Palm
Sunday through Holy Thursday. It includes Jesus and the apostles
meeting in the upper room where the sacrament of the Eucharist was
instituted at the Last Supper.
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
These programs begin dialogue on a range of pastoral issues affecting
the life of the Church. In all videos, church teaching is the context
within which the discussions take place. None of the videos is
complete or exhaustive, but they are good starters for dialogue.
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Lazarus Lives (Nest) DVD
Lazarus Lives (Nest) VHS
Leadership (Book of Virtues
Leading Faith Sharing Groups
Leading God's People
This high concept animation video has definite comments on justice
and tyranny. Before viewing this video you must prepare yourself for
a radical departure from the ordinary, you will enter the strange world
of LAZAR. In only eleven minutes, which will demand very close
attention, you will be unnerved and may feel like you just completed a
luge competition in the Olympics. A detailed discussion guide is
included. This video is a must see for any classes that discuss mercy,
just law and authority.
Martha and Mary's tears of sorrow are changed instantly to joy when
their brother Lazarus' life is restored and they receive Jesus' promise 30
of eternal life in this animated video.
The leadership expressed in this video program challenges the viewer
to an involvement that goes beyond self. A better world is the result
when we think of the needs of others first and act to meet those needs.
This video will help encourage young people to serve others and not
be afraid to share their experiences of service with others. (23 min.,
Jr. - Sr. High School)
Zach complains about the leadership abilities of the team captain of
his water polo team. When he later gets elected to the position of
captain himself, he learns firsthand what it means to lead others. This
video features the stories "The Tower to the Moon" and the Gordian
Fr. Joseph Lynch, SM, provides his insights into four major areas of
small group leadership: the stages of group growth; the use of
provocative open-ended questions; handling ordinary disagreement
and conflict among members; and dealing with difficult group
members. (58 min., Adult)
This program is a series of interviews with priests and sisters
concerning the new roles they have in the secular world since the
changes that have taken place since the Second Vatican Council.
They openly share their thoughts about their vocations and how they
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Senior High
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
The art of presiding is not learned for its own sake or for the sake of
Leading the Community in Prayer the presider, but for the service of the community's prayer. In this
- The Art of Presiding for
instructional video, through discussion and demonstrations, viewers 76
Deacons and Lay Persons
learn the significance of actions and words that constitute this ministry
of leading public prayer.
The media feeds today's youth with a steady diet of unhealthy images--violence, sex, suicide and the occult---that manipulate their minds,
and exploit their fears. Even more frightening, children often, in turn,
embrace the activities that they see glamorized. Find out what you
Learn to Discern
can do to combat the harmful messages that prey on the nation's young 100
people. After viewing this video for adults, with Robert DeMoss, Jr.,
you will be able to teach adolescents how to think critically and
"Christianly" about the voices of the popular entertainment culture--music, film, advertising and television. (100 min., Adult)
Learning Disab. & Social Skills:
Last One Picked, First One
Same as #2197
Picked On B
Playing with friends is a daily ritual for most children. But kids with
Learning Disab. & Social Skills: learning disabilities are often isolated and rejected. Richard Lavoie, a
Last One Picked, First One
nationally-known expert on learning disabilities, addresses the social 68
Picked On A
problems these children face - and offers some practical solutions for
Parent Video
Children with learning disabilities are often isolated and rejected.
Learning Disab. & Social Skills: This video addresses the social problems these children face - and
Parent Video A
offers practical solutions for parents. Richard Lavoie, a nationallyknown expert on learning disabilities, also explains what parents can
do to help children improve their social skills.
Learning Disab. & Social Skills:
Same as #2289
Parent Video B
Learning Disab.& Discipline:
When the Chips Are Down A
Host Richard Lavoie, a nationally-known expert on learning
disabilities, offers practical advice on dealing with behavioral
problems quickly and effectively. He shows how preventive
discipline can anticipate many problems before they start. He
explains how teachers and parents can create a stable, predictable
environment in which children with learning disabilities can flourish.
Learning Disab.& Discipline:
When the Chips Are Down B
Same as #2195
Lector and Gospel Reader's
Workshop (LTP) DVD
This program is an interactive video workshop which combines the
liturgical and spiritual aspects of being an effective lector with public
speaking techniques. Included is a CD-ROM that contains support
materials such as information on how to plan your workshop, word
emphasis excercises, handouts for home study, scriptural tongue
twisters and much more.
Lector and Gospel Reader's
Workshop (LTP) VHS
Legend of the Three Trees, The
Leggo My Ego (Veggie Tales)
Lenny Learns About Lent
Lenny Learns About Lent A
Lenny Learns About Lent B
This video is a retelling of the classic folktale of three distinct trees,
each with its own hopes, dreams and aspirations. But their dreams
didn't seem to come true. Disappointed and dejected, the trees despair
about their existence until they each finally interact, in their own
unique ways, with Jesus Christ in his birth, ministry and ultimate
sacrifice. This story teaches children and adults alike the significance
of their role in God's plan for the world.
Larryboy discovers that building himself up by knocking others down
is making Bumblyburg vulnerable to the villian's takeover. Viewers
learn that one's (super!)ego can get in the way of accomplishing good
all ages
Primary Intermediate
all ages
A unique video that is intended for both children and adults. Lenny is
laughed at in religion class for not knowing about ashes; adults will
identify with Lenny's parents if they too have failed to prepare their
children adequately. By looking back on previous lenten sea-sons, his
parents share some of their lenten experienc-es with him.
Same as #249
Primary Intermediate
Lenny Learns About Lent C
Lent and Easter Catholic Update
Same as #249
In four short segments - story, witness, teaching and music video
reflection - this program provides an excellent overview of this pivotal 23
season in the Church's liturgical year
Lent allows us to slow down and realize that we are loved for who we
are, not for what we do. Parents can accept and love their children,
despite their mistakes. The sacrament of Reconciliation offers us this
same gift of forgiveness. We can learn to forgive and accept
ourselves as God does, and then offer forgiveness to others. Dr.
Kathleen Chesto, in an engaging and anecdotal style, leads us into a
deeper understanding of this season of the church year.
This video explores customs, traditions, prayers and ways we can keep
Lent. During these forty days we pray, we fast, do good works, and
remember. In each area, this video invites us to deepen our
understanding of Lent as a time to turn to God and to look at the way
Jesus lived his life and to choose ways to become more like Jesus.
Lent and Easter Catholic Update
Lent: A Time of Renewal (lost)
Lent: A Time to Forgive
Lent: Celebrating the Season
Lenten Journey Himes: Tape 1 What Is Temptation Really?
In this video, Fr. Himes examines in depth the readings of the Third
Sunday of Lent. Water is a primal symbol and he shows its varied
Lenten Journey Himes: Tape 2 - dimensions in the Scriptures. Water gives life, but it also takes life.
Danger and Desire
Himes takes us on a reflection into the depth of baptismal imagery showing how Christian commitment requires dying to self in order to
rise with Christ.
In this video Fr. Himes examines in depth the readings of the Fourth
Sunday of Lent. The theme of this week is "light and darkness." We
learn how "God sees into the heart" with the unlikely choice of David
Lenten Journey Himes: Tape 3 for king. We discover how the "man born blind" only sees Christ
God Sees Into the Heart
when he "testifies." Here too is a vivid description of the Easter Vigil
in the early church, when people literally stumbled through the
darkness to receive the light of Christ.
In this video Fr. Himes examines in depth the readings of the Fifth
Sunday of Lent. When Jesus is told to "come and see" the tomb of his
friend, Lazarus, we are reminded of the "come and see" that Jesus
Lenten Journey Himes: Tape 4 - extended to his first followers. When Jesus weeps and is troubled in
Endless Possibilities
this scene, there is a foreshadowing of the reaction of the disciples to
Jesus' death. Himes brings us to the insight that life for Lazarus, and
for us, holds endless possibilities. Death will not have the last word.
The living God will.
Lenten Journey Himes: Tape 1 20
What Is Temptation Really?
These four twenty-minute presentations draw insights from the Lenten
Sunday readings, particularly the stories of water, light and life from
Lenten Journey with Fr. Michael
John's Gospel. The programs help viewers reflect on the meaning of 80
Himes (set) DVD
baptismal faith and are ideal for use with adults preparing for
Baptism, prayer groups and those gathered for faith formation.
A dramatic video designed to provoke discussion of relationships in
marriage that is based on an "education from experience" process. It
does not provide answers but evokes responses in the viewers that
Leo Buscaglia: Give Love
lead them to share their ideas and feelings about marriage. It may be
used with engaged couples or for long-range marriage preparation
with high school students and young adults.
In each of these 12, five minute vignettes, Fr. Joe Kempf reads and
explains a Scripture passage, then has a group of children act out its
message. Simple props, throughful preparation, and the active
involvement of of group of children will help to increase young
Catholics’ understanding of Scripture and make the Word of God
come alive in their minds and hearts. (5 min. each, Primary -,
Let the Children Come to Me
Let Those Who Love, Break
*Ordinary Time - Trust: God Takes our Hand
*Feast of All Saints: “Me, a Saint?”
*Advent: We Could Miss Jesus
*Christmas: Perhaps Now They’ll Know How Much I Love Them
*Epiphany: The Last Light of Christmas
*Ordinary Time - The Good Shepherd: We Sheep Need Help
*Lent: We Can Begin Again
*Lent: Love Our Enemies?
*Easter: Life from the Broken Pieces
*Easter - The Vine and the Branches: Is There Life Without Jesus?
*Pentecost: Could God Live in Her?
*Ordinary Time - The Body of Christ: We Are All God’s Precious
The theme for this program is the Eucharist --- the central mystery of
our faith. Our response to this great gift is to seek unity: If you bring
your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother or sister has
anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be 56
reconciled with your brother or sister, and then come and offer your
gift. Fr. Pat Woods is the featured speaker of this program that could
be used for reflection with Eucharistic Ministers. (56 min., Adult)
Primary Intermediate
Let Those With Ears, Hear!
Let Those With Eyes, See!
Let Those With Light, Hope!
Let Us Pray: Mystery &
Community at Sunday Worship
Let's Pray (Brother Francis)
The Bible is the living, personal Word of God to us that proclaims
salvation. It is through the Bible that we learn of God's invitation to
be our God if we will be his people. Our response is to spend a few
minutes in private reflection, meditating on God's Word. Fr. Tom
Donaldson, featured preacher, will touch each person who views this
program. The video may be used for small group faith sharing, an
evening of refection for Lectors, etc. (56 min., Adult)
Fr. Pat Woods the featured speaker for this program allows the viewer
to see the Person of Jesus and his redemptive passion and death on the
cross. We are called upon to accept Jesus into our lives and
acknowledge Jesus' great act of love for us by expressing our love in
return. This inspirational program may be used singly or with the
others in the series. (56 min., Adult)
Program three, features Fr. Tom Donaldson. The theme of this
program is our exodus from the darkness, sin and death of this world
to the light, grace and life of God's kingdom. Fr. Donaldson helps us
to see that the light of Christ penetrates the darkest corners of our
world and of our hearts. It is kingdom living with the hope of final
victory that is our inheritance to be claimed. Our response is to
forgive and reconcile with God and each other and to give him praise.
This program, and the others, may be used singly or as a series. (56
These programs begin dialogue on a range of pastoral issues affecting
the life of the Church. In all videos, church teaching is the context
within which the discussions take place. None of the videos is
complete or exhaustive, but they are good starters for dialogue.
Two, thirty minute talks to teens on problems they face with regard to
Let's Talk Teens and Chastity: A their sexuality. Molly presents the chastity message in a clear
Talk with Molly Kelly
persuasive manner and addresses problems of contraceptives,
abortion, AIDS and other S.T.D. (60 min., Jr. - Sr. School)
The positive aspects as well as the limitations of this movement
Liberation Theology
emphasiz-ing social justice and the rights of the poor is presented
clearly and concisely. Special guest is Mother Teresa of Calcutta. (28
Junior High Senior High
Life Crossroads (Session 1)
Making Connections
Life Crossroads (Session 2)
Coming Home
Life Crossroads (Session 3)
Growing Pains
Life Crossroads (Session 4)
Maturing Relationships
Life Crossroads (Session 5)
Discovering Options
Life Crossroads (Session 6)
Seeking Wisdom
Life Is Sacred
This series focus is on the cycles of human life. The basis theme has
psychological overtones, yet it is presented within the context of the
Christian faith tradition. Life Crossroads may be used in part or
completely and is excellent for small faith communities. (40 min.,
This session allows the participants to look at the connections
between every person's past and present. Are there emotional and
spiritual areas that need to be reclaimed, nurtured and healed? The
discussion about the "inner child" phenome-non will be critiqued. (40
This session allows the participants to look at the connections
between every person's past and present. Are there emotional and
spiritual areas that need to be reclaimed, nurtured and healed? The
discussion about the "inner child" phenome-non will be critiqued. (40
The fourth session contrasts between "who one is" in relationship to
others and "what one does" as a life role. Faith helps find the balance.
Everyone is able to relate to these life struggles. (40 min., Adult)
This session helps the group discern the truer self from the one which
is less authentic. Can it be that God's will is arising through the midst
of life's changes? Have you thought of paying more attention instead
of less to your own dreams and desires? (40 min., Adult)
The final session of the series raises awareness to the paradox: Only
through life's dying can one experience new beginnings. The more
one can "let go", the more they may actually "let in" new life. (40
This video reminds us of the truth that humans are created in God's
image. This program instills a renewed appreciation for the sacred gift
we often treat as common.
Junior High Adult
Life, It's a Gift - and a Class
Project DVD
Junior High Senior High
Life, It's a Gift - and a Class
Project VHS
This video is an enticing and intense film that deals with abortion,
casual sex and relationships. With a creative story line, it helps young
people to think carefully about choices in life and the consequences of
their behavior.
Junior High Senior High
This tape helps the viewer to better understand the life of the unborn
child. It takes you on a tour of the development of the unborn baby
Life, the Way of Champions
from conception to birth. Through a quick quiz you will learn
amazing facts about the first nine months of life.
Two women who have experienced abortions share their stories. They
Life: Our First Inalienable Right,
tell of the pain they have experienced since the abortions and how
The Lost Children
they realized forgiveness through Project Rachel.
In this video, see how one community, St. Peter Church in Cleveland,
prepares the table and themselves. We experience them as
"circumstances," people standing around the altar, raising their hearts,
hands and voices in a prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God.
Lift Up Your Hearts A
Parishioners speak about the many ways in which their lives climax
and are energized at the table of the Lord. This video shows how a
rite done well each Sunday---gracefully, deliberately, unhurriedly--forms people as Christians and empowers them to live thankful,
grateful, giving lives. (30 min., Adult)
Lift Up Your Hearts B
Same as # 763.
Lift Up Your Hearts C
Same as #763
A suicide occurs every fifteen minutes in the United states, and the
families of those who commit suicide need our support and
compassion. We do care, but many of us either do not know how to
Light Amongst the Shadows
show we care or are afraid to show it. This video discusses why
suicide is difficult to talk about and teaches how to help and what to
say and do when a suicide occurs.
This clay-animated program is an adaptation of the beloved children's
Little Prince, The DVD
bestseller by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. This tale ultimately reveals
the secret that "it is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what
is essential is invisible to the eye."
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
All Ages
Little Shepherd
Little Sparrow (Precious
Moments) DVD
In this animated story, Joel embarks upon the journey of becoming a
shepherd in the fields of Bethlehem. He is afraid of the dangers that
lie ahead. But he is about to discover that he need not face these
dangers alone. An unexpected surprise (the birth of the Messiah!) will
lead to the revelation that God provides the answer for every fear.
This is a playful drama with an endearing message that will captivate
In his latest adventure, Timmy the Angel is given an important new
assignment. He must find a way to help the people in the Native
American and new settler villages who are about to be stricken with
illness. Timmy helps Little Sparrow and Johnny find the healthgiving berries that bring their two villages together in a spirit of
friendship and trust.
Home family devotions are very important to our spiritual growth, but
often they are hard to get started or keep meaningful. This is a
delightful new way to add meaning and interest to your family's
devotional life. This presentation includes ten, five to eight minute
stories with prayers, questions and suggested Scripture read-ings.
This program contains ten video stories that vary in length from five
to eight minutes. They are great for children aged 4-10! A guide to
family devotion with suggested Scripture readings, questions for
family discussion along with a short prayer for each story is included.
The stories will teach your family how to put Christian faith into
Primary Intermediate
Preschool Primary
Little Sparrow (Precious
Moments) VHS
Little Visits with God - Volume
One A
Little Visits with God - Volume
Littlest Angel, The DVD
Preschool Primary
Littlest Angel, The VHS
Heaven is turned upside down with the news that God is to have a
son! Every angel rushes off to find the perfect gift. The Littlest
Angel, with his tilted halo and untested wings, has no idea what to do,
until he realizes that the most valuable gift always comes from the
Preschool Primary
Liturgical Year and Sunday
Catholic Update DVD
Preschool Primary
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Liturgical Year and Sunday
Catholic Update VHS
Liturgical Year, The
Liturgies of Advent and
Liturgy (Part 1) as Sacrament
Liturgy (Part 2) as Dialogue
Liturgy (Part 3) as Communal
In four short segments - story, witness, teaching and music video
reflection - this program provides an informative overview of the
Church's liturgical year and the importance of Sunday within it.
This video strip follows the liturgical year from Advent through
Ordinary time. It helps believers come to understand and appreciate
what it means to be church in mission, a people sent forth to be SALT
of the EARTH and LIGHT to the WORLD.
A teleconference, whose presenters include: Fr. Lucien Deiss, a
French scripture scholar, liturgist and author along with Daniel
Consiglio a nationally recognized composer and musician. This
program features discussion on scriptures, theologi-cal message,
music selec-tion and creation of the proper setting for the Advent and
Christmas seasons. This program is of great value for all those who
take part in liturgy preparation.
Each part of this challenging and enlightening video series examines
the liturgy celebrated by post-Vatican II Catholics today. This series
provides viewers with answers to the question, “What does liturgy tell
us about God and ourselves?”, as it probes the structure, history and,
most importantly, the spirit of liturgy.
Each part of this challenging and enlightening video series examines
the liturgy celebrated by post-Vatican II Catholics today. This series
provides viewers with answers to the question, “What does liturgy tell
us about God and ourselves?”, as it probes the structure, history and,
most importantly, the spirit of liturgy.
Each part of this challenging and enlightening video series examines
the liturgy celebrated by post-Vatican II Catholics today. This series
provides viewers with answers to the question, “What does liturgy tell
us about God and ourselves?”, as it probes the structure, history and,
most importantly, the spirit of liturgy.
Junior High Adult
Liturgy (Part 4) of the Word:
Liturgy (Part 5) of the Eucharist:
Liturgy (Vat II)
Liturgy and Sacraments (Echoes
of Faith Plus) DVD
Each part of this challenging and enlightening video series examines
the liturgy celebrated by post-Vatican II Catholics today. This series
provides viewers with answers to the question, “What does liturgy tell
us about God and ourselves?”, as it probes the structure, history and,
most importantly, the spirit of liturgy.
Each part of this challenging and enlightening video series examines
the liturgy celebrated by post-Vatican II Catholics today. This series
provides viewers with answers to the question, “What does liturgy tell
us about God and ourselves?”, as it probes the structure, history and,
most importantly, the spirit of liturgy.
The Second Vatican Council had a profound and lasting influence on
the Catholic Church. This series of nine videos examines the change
in outlook that the Council fostered in the Church and explores how
the documents of Vatican II continue to renew the Church today.
Theologian Peter R. Fink, S.J., and liturgist Lawrence Madden, S.J.,
trace the roots of reform that culminated in the sweeping changes of
Vatican II.
This series is a basic level video-assisted resource for the formation
and enrichment of catechists. A catechist who complete this formation
program will experience a process of spiritual formation, gain an
overview of the major doctrinal themes contained in the CCC and
learn practical skills for leading effective catechetical sessions. In this
module catechists will explore the meaning of liturgy and sacrament
and gain insight into why the sacramental life of the faith community
is so central to our Catholic identity.
This video series is a basic level, video-assisted resource for the
enrichment of catechists. The goal of this series is to acquaint
catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and
introduce them to the principles and practices of sound catechesis.
Liturgy and the Sacraments
N.B. There is a companion booklet that accompanies each video.
(Echoes of Faith)
These booklets will be sent on request with the video, but are NOT to
be photocopied in any form. Copies of the booklets to be used with
each viewer can be purchased from RCL (Resources for Christian
Living), P.O. Box 7000, Allen TX, 75013, 1-877-275-4725.
A teleconference which features a discussion on how the liturgical
celebrations of the seasons of Lent and Easter bring to life the
theological message of the Paschal Mystery which is at the very center
Liturgy of Lent and Easter
of our faith. Presenters include: Dan Consiglio a musically diverse
composer whose compositions include "Lord of Field and Vine", The
Message Goes Forth" and "May We Be Washed"; and Sr. Barbara
O'Dea a liturgist and teacher known for her work in RCIA.
This video explores the meaning of the command, "Do this in memory
of me," and its implications for a way of life. It traces the concurrent
Liturgy That Does Justice, The
development of the liturgical and Catholic social action movements in
the United States and their eventual divergence. It also explores how
these activities are essentially related and the formative role of
This video commerates the fiftieth anniversary of Liturgical Weeks,
begun in 1940, with the purpose of beginning new and important work
in the liturgical movement. Some of those who were present at the
Liturgy Training: How Firm a
1940 meeting return to join with those who still continue the work of
Foundation -The First Fifty Years renewal of the liturgy and were interviewed for this video: Godfry
Diekmann, Therese Mueller, Joan Tabat, Jospeh Connolly, William
Leonard, Dan Cantwell, Jack Egan, Frederick McManus, Gerard
Sloyan, Patricia Crowley and Joseph Champlin.
Public television host Rick Steves explores the lives of these pivotal
Lives of the Apostles Paul and
leaders of the early Christians in this program. The program featuring
Peter DVD
Paul is 40 minutes in length and the one featuring Peter is 29 minutes
in length.
This Eucharist video uses the Sunday celebration in a typical parish as
Living Eucharist A
its framework. Three moving stories reveal the Lord's presence "in
the breaking of the bread."
Living Eucharist B
Same as #133
This video program is a thought provoking series of presentations and
discussions of essential Roman Catholic themes taken from the
Living Faith, A Themes from the Catechism. The sacraments, ethics, morality, prayer and other major
Catechism of the Catholic Church themes are brought to life by the distinguished faculty members of the 480
Weston Jesuit School of Theology and the people who participate in
open discussions. Viewers will gain a better understanding of the
fundamental concepts and beliefs of the Catholic Church. (2 discs)
Living From the Center: How To
Pray (Rohr) DVD
Do you feel overwhelmed by all the things you "need" but can't
afford? Are you always short on time? This video invites the viewer
Living From the Center: How To to a change of life. The wisdom of Fr. Richard Rohr combined with
Pray (Rohr) VHS
visually intense images, the video leads the viewer in a prayer exercise
which helps shatter false images of self, get out of the enslaving
demands of our culture and find one's true identity in God. (20 min.,
The key to holiness is surrender to the Holy Spirit. Presenter: Rev.
Living in the Holy Spirit CD
Larry Richards
We are created in the image and likeness of God, but how often do we
think about that? What does it really mean in terms of our day-to-day
lives and in our search for the divine? Fr. Ron Rolheiser takes viewers
Living in the Image and Likeness on a three-part journey through Scripture and the writings of
of God (Rolheiser) DVD
theologians and scholars to describe the struggles inherent in our
"Blessedness". He shows how it can also be a source of perpetual
disquiet and reslesssness and finally, how to live with the "Divine
Fire" within us. Each part is approximately one hour long.
Can we live simply in a consumer oriented society? More than ever
before we face the need of making correct moral choices. This
Living Simply
program presents some people who have changed their lifestyle
because of personal convic-tion.
Intermediate Adult
This program demonstrates how people can make a difference in
healing physical, emotional and spiritual scars brought on by AIDS.
Viewers will meet a teen group that educates their peers about AIDS
Living With AIDS
prevention; parishioners who do household chores for neighbors with 30
AIDS, a hemophiliac who has lost his wife and most of his family to
AIDS; and members of a parish who are dealing with denial and
discrimination surrounding the death of a friend by AIDS.
This teleconference, presented by the Hospice Foundation of America,
Living With Grief: After Sudden features Cokie Roberts as moderator of a panel of experts who discuss
the problems of living with grief after sudden loss due to suicide,
homicide, accident, heart attack and stroke. (2 hrs., 27 min., Adult)
The Hospice Foundation of America sponsored this second annual
teleconference to aid children dealing with loss and also to help adults
deal with the loss of children. Cokie Roberts of ABC News is the
moderator and is joined by many experts in the field such as: Paul
Living With Grief: Children
Alexander of St. Mary's Hospice for Children, New York; Ronald
Mourning, Mourning Children
Barrett, Associate Professor of Psychology, Loyola Marymount
University; and Dr. Charles Corr, Professor of Philosophy, Southern
Illinois University, and author of numerous books on Sudden Infant
Death Syndrome, hospice, children and death and adolescents and
The purpose of this teleconference, taped in March of 1994, was to
bring together the full spectrum of caregivers -- nurses, doctors,
hospice workers and volunteers, clergy, social workers, family
members, and others -- to address an array of bereavement issues.
The teleconference was hosted by Cokie Roberts of ABC News.
Speakers included: Sandra L. Bertman, Ph.D., of the University of
Living With Grief: Personally and
Massachusetts Medical Center; Kenneth J. Doka, Ph.D., of the
College of New Rochelle and a Lutheran minister; Jack D. Gordon,
President of the Hospice Foundation; Therese A. Rando, Ph.D. a
clinical psychologist in private practice; J. William Worden, Ph.D., a
clinical psychologist specializing in the area of life threatening illness
and life threatening behavior; and Ellen S. Zinner, Psy.D., co-director
of the Center for Loss and Grief Therapy, a private psychology
THE RESURRECTION: Death is something that everyone must face.
The prospect of death can be frightening or it can encourage a stronger
Look at the Church Twenty Years relationship with Christ. Viewing this video can be a helpful way to
after Resurrection\Paul: The
evaluate the place of faith in your life. PAUL, THE PARADOX OF
Paradox of Being Jew for the
BEINGJEW FOR THE GENTILES Paul's conversion story is well
known to most Christians. Few people in history have made such a
dramatic turn around. This program serves as a basis for us to realize
the problems people often encounter when they become converts to a
different religion.
Through scripture, history, theology, and celebration, the viewer is
brought to a clearer understanding of the sacrament of Confirmation.
Lord of Light - Confirmation A
An excellent video for those studying to be confirmed, confirmation
sponsors and parents of those to be confirmed.
Lord of Light - Confirmation B Same as #230
The family of God comes together at the Eucharist, we are part of
God's family, the Church. Sharing food is a sign of friendship, a way
Lord of Love - Eucharist
of showing that we care for one another. We live the Eucharist daily
by loving and serving our neighbor. A video for parents that aids
them in preparing their child for First Eucharist.
An excellent aid for informing adults about the sacrament of
Reconciliation. This program will be helpful for parents of children
Lord of Mercy - Reconciliation
about to receive the sacrament for the first time. It would also be
useful for those taking part in RCIA.
Dealing with difficult questions young people ask about death, dying
and healing, this video aids the religious educator in explaining the
Sacrament of the sick. It helps the viewer understand that this
Lord of Our Healing:
sacrament is not only given to those who are near death. Detailed
Understanding the Sacrament of
explanations include the biblical origins and history of the sacrament,
the Anointing of the Sick
the changes that have taken place over the years and how the
sacrament is celebrated. Students will come to understand that this
sacrament is not a final blessing --- it is a sign of God's concern for the
This video follows the fantastic journey of a Flobbit named Toto
Baggypants who inherits a most unusual and powerful bean. With the
Lord of the Beans (Veggie Tales)
help of his mentor Randalf and a spirited group of friends, Toto
embarks on a mission to discover how he should use his gift.
Lord, I Believe (Nest) DVD
This animated video is an inspiring collection of three stories in which
Jesus teaches his disciples through word and deed the magnificent
Lord, I Believe (Nest) VHS
power of faith, including the Healing of the Centurion's Servant and
the Widow of Nain.
Lord's Prayer, The (Nest) DVD
This animated video demonstrates the great power of prayer Jesus
Lord's Prayer, The (Nest) VHS promises to every believer. It retells the story of the miraculous escape 30
of Peter from prison through the persistent prayer of the early
This program explores the petitions and the structure of the Lord's
Prayer. Walter Wangerin sheds light on what the Lord's Prayer reveals
Lord's Prayer, The: Entering into about God's nature and our own nature, and how we should live in
God's Country (Wangerin) DVD relationship with God and one another. Divided into eight segments
covering each phrase of the prayer, this video uncovers new meaning
in this cherished prayer.
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
This program explores the petitions and the structure of the Lord's
Prayer. Walter Wangerin sheds light on what the Lord's Prayer reveals
Lord's Prayer, The: Entering into about God's nature and on our own nature, and on how we should live
God's Country (Wangerin) VHS in relationship with God and one another. Divided into eight segments
covering each phrase of the prayer, this video uncovers new meaning
in this cherished prayer.
The Rotary Club of Los Altos presents a true story about AIDS and
how it can happen in your town, too. Several things happened in the
Los Altos Story, The
last year to dramatical-ly change their thinking on this deadly disease.
The club has had to face the issue in a very personal way.
THE LOST SHEEP: Nathan the shepherd is both pleased and awed
when Jesus likens himself to a shepherd. Jesus loves and searches out
sinners. THE WONDERING KITTEN: Alice has four kittens. When
Lost Sheep\Wondering Kitten
the inquisitive one wanders off and gets lost, the little girl looks all
over town until she finds him. Alice is overjoyed, even as she realizes
that someday she may have to go out and look for him again.
Love is a choice - a choice of good for the other which demands
wisdom and courage. In this video, Fr. Himes makes this abundantly
Love (Himes)
clear. His description of "agape" as "self gift" is sure to inspire and
challenge every viewer.
Fr. Terry Attridge interviews adults and teenagers whose families
have been disrupted by the death of a spouse, separation, or divorce.
The Ministry for Divorced Catholics and other support groups show
Love and the One-Parent Family how to cope with the loneliness a family feels when one parent is
taken away. The message is simple: We can minister by being
sensitive to another's' loss; young people can be a great help to each
other, and Love is the greatest healer in a one-parent family.
Love God, Treasure His Name
An explanation of the first and second commandments for children.
(First & Second Commandments)
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Love Is Patient DVD
Love Is Patient: Saving Sex for
Marriage VHS
Love Must Be Tough
Love One Another DVD
Love One Another VHS
Love One Another (Food for the
Young people need to know the many benefits of saving sex for
mariage; it shows respect for oneself, one's sexuality and one's
relationships. Living with sexual integrity recognizes and respects the
importance, value and the power of sex. The young people and
counselors in this DVD share the message that sexual abstinence
before marriage is God's expectation for everyone, and that God will
Young people need to know the many benefits of saving sex for
marriage: it shows respect for oneself, one's sexuality, and one's
relationships and it is an expression of love for God. Living with
sexual integrity recognizes and respects the importance, value, and
power of sex. The young people and counselors in the video share this
message with their personal testimonies, letting viewers know that
sexual abstinence before marriage is God's expectation for all of us,
and that God will give the grace to do it.
Genuine love must be tough if it's to survive the stresses of today's
world. This program, with Dr. James Dobson as host, shows how
resilient love is based on mutual trust and respect. This session will
help you build healthy relationships based on mutual responsibility,
confidence and courage. (50 min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
Three touching stories focus on the importance of loving one another.
In the segment "In Time of Need," a circle of giving begins when a
young man stops to change an elderly woman's tire. The second
segment, a beautiful portrayal of the parable of the "Good Samaritan,"
relates new insights into who our neighbor really is. The third
vignette, "The Last Good War," shows a night of peace and
brotherhood in the midst of the ugliness of battle.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
This video transports you to another world...a world where Christ’s
commandment to love one another is revealed in the eyes of more
than seven million faces. You’ll look over the shoulders of a group of
Food for the Poor benefactors and witness first-hand the extreme
poverty and destitution of the people in the Caribbean. When the
journey has ended, you will discover new meaning in Christ’s words.
Junior High Adult
Loving Relationships with Leo
Buscaglia A
Loving Your Neighbor as
Yourself\Human Sexual Love:
The Power of Life
Loyalty (Book of Virtues Series)
Lyle, the Kindly Viking (Veggie
An instructional video program to teach expectant parents how to
communicate love and reassurance to their unborn child through the 30
language of music. (48 min. video, 30 min. audio, Adult)
This world renowned author and lecturer has helped millions of
people develop effective attitudes about love and relationships. He
asks questions such as: "What is the difference between sex and
affection, and how do they make us more lovable?" "How can we
learn to experience people as they are, not as we want them to be?"
Although this program is 55 minutes in length, it passes very quickly Buscaglia is intelligent and entertaining!
Human Sexual Love: The Power of Life: While personal
relationships can be troublesome and difficult they are also the very
substance of our life. Each of us is involved in many different types
of relation-ships --- caring, loving, intimate rela-tionships from
parents to children, among siblings, and friends.
Loving Your Neighbor as Yourself: Many people do not realize they
must come to know themselves before they can relate to others. How
many of us truly love ourselves? Before we can fully give our love to
others we must be able to love ourselves.
When Zach accidently breaks a memorial plaque, his elderly friend is
angered and Zach doesn't understand why. Plato, the wise owl, helps
Zach "solve" the mystery through stories like "Yudisthira at Heaven's
Gate" (Indian), "The Cap That Mother Made" (Swedish) and "Queen 30
Esther and Her People" (Bible). With the help of Plato and the rest of
the crew, Zach learns that true loyalty is stonger than all the
temptations of the world.
In this Veggie Tale video, the theme of sharing is presented through
the "world's first all-vegetable staging of Shakespeare's Hamlet" and
what Archibald Asparagus believes to be Gilbert and Sullivan's "lost
musical" - "Lyle, the Kindly Viking!"
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Madame Blueberry
Made for Each Other USCCB
Made for Life DVD
Magic Boy's Easter, The
Making DivorceCare Work
Making Friends
Why so blue? Madame Blueberry wants more stuff. Sure, she has
everything she needs: good friends, plenty of food, a nice tree house to
live in - but some of her friends have a lot more. Let the children
spend a little time with Madame Blueberry and the rest of the veggies
and they’ll learn that “being greedy makes you grumpy - but a
thankful heart is a happy heart.”
This DVD is the first installment in a series of materials entitled
Marriage: Unique for a Reason. The purpose of this initiative is to
assist viewers to understand the unique meaning of marriage. This
DVD addresses two aspects essential to marriage: sexual difference
and the complimentarity between man and woman. Viewer's Guide
This program is the second installment in a series available through
the USCCB entitled Marriage: Unique for a Reason. This program
builds on the first video, Made for Each Other and addresses the
supreme gift of children and the unique and irreplaceable place of
fathers and mothers in the lives of their children. Resource book and
Ten year old Josh suffers from a crippling bone disease. Whisked
away to Biblical times in a dream, Josh encounters Lazarus and
Joanna - both healed by Jesus. His dream ends as Christ, on his way
to the cross, takes the time to heal Josh. Upon awakening from his
dream, Josh consents to surgery, knowing Jesus will never leave him.
This leader training videotape is designed to encourage and assist
those in the challenging task of ministering to people experiencing
separation or divorce. Helps those involved in this ministry with the
task of planning and launching a DivorceCare group. (35 min., Adult)
"The Fair Weather Friend", teaches valuable lessons about friendship
to A.J. and his friends in the Human Race Club. A.J. learns that plans
for an expensive vacation with a wealthy friend do not impress his
closest friends. The message to this program is friends should be
chosen for who they are rather than for what they have or what they
are able to do for you. (26 min., Intermediate)
Primary Intermediate
Making News and Sharing It:
Making Sense of Christian
Morality (Sparks ) DVD
Making the Best Decisions You
Making the World Better
Man Born Blind (Come and See
This video teleconference sponsored by the United Methodist Church
features: Rev. Richard Duerksen, VP for Communication, Marketing
and Creative Ministries, Columbia Union Conference, Seventh-day
Advent-ists; Rev. Susan Keirn Kester, former Director of
Communications for United Methodist Church; Charlene J. Smith,
Educ-ation and Marketing Coordinator United Church of Christ;
Wesley "Pat" Pattil-lo, VP for University Relations at Samford
University. The panel will discuss: Process for Planning, Internal
Communica-tions and External Communica-tions. The program is
very informative and upbeat. (90 min., Adult)
Fr. Richard Sparks provides insights into living Christian values in a
realistic and pastoral way. Portrayals of contemporary life and enacted
scenes makes these insights come to life. Topics inlcude: Christian
Moral Living: The Challenge and the Possibility; Bioethical Issues:
Ethics at the Edge of Life; Human Sexuality: Wonderful Gift,
Awesome Responsibility;and The Gospel is a Social Message; Justice
in the Christian Tradition.
An American Management video will help take a lot of anxiety out of
your personal and professional decision making. Learn how others
make their best decisions along with guidelines that enable you to
reduce the fear and uncertainty in decision making.
Young people themselves speak candidly about the value of serving
one’s neighbor. They are shown in community service programs with
homeless children, mentally handicapped adults, AIDS patients and
abandoned animals. Intended to stimulate discussion among teenagers
about their role in society, this program ends with an original song
which asks what each one can do to make the world better.
This video takes the gospel story of The Man Born Blind and looks at
it anew from dramatic, experiential and theological perspectives. It is
divided into an introduction and three segments and may be watched
in its entirety or may be stopped after each segment for reflection
and\or discussion. This video is useful in catechesis for the Scrutinies
in the RCIA process. (63 min., Adult)
Junior High Senior High
This video was developed to be used for the Fourth Sunday of Lent in
Cycle A. A blind beggar is cured and declares that the healing must
be from God, he is then challenged by skeptics to prove it. They see
themselves as protectors of the people and the only ones competent
Man Born Blind, The
enough to recognize God's work in the world. Blind hearts are much
worse than blind eyes in the important work of sharing God's love.
This lesson may also be used for discussion about faith in Jesus and
helping those in need.
Responding to the Church's call for global solidarity, two U.S. couples
lead fellow parishioners on a trip to a Salvadoran sister parish
Mano con Mano (Hand to Hand):
recovering from a civil war. For the couples and their families,
Stories of Solidarity
solidarity becomes a way of life and faith, reflected in the lasting
friendships forged with people of another country.
"Credo" means "take to heart". Our faith is enriched by studying the
basics, but is completed when we take all that we have learned and
trans-late it into our personal experience of faith. Creeds are only one
form of faith expression, they play an impor-tant but not total role in
Many Creeds...One Credo\Divine
the history of the Christian peoples. Learn more about the creeds
Personality, The
through this video. (60 min., Adult, CORE) God's name was so
sacred to the Israelites that they would not even pronounce it. To
them someone's name also contained the very identity of a person.
Explore the different images of God to reveal how you see God. (60
Discover the many unknown riches present within our culturally
diverse communities through this colorful and inspiring video. Listen
as parish, diocesan and national leaders share their insights on how to
Many Faces in God's House
respond to the call to bring unity in our diversity. Take up the
challenge of Pentecost by building communities that rejoice in our
different languages and cultures, but proclaim the same faith and the
In Cairo, Egypt Catholics worship in seven different rites that are
reminders of ancient Church history, art and tradition. In this video,
Many Though One (VHS)
priests, bishops and laypeople explain some of the practices and
beliefs of their repsetice rites.
Junior High Adult
All ages
March 25th: Day in the Life of
Christian Laity
Marian Apparitions of the 20th
Marketplace Prophets
Marriage (Intermediate)
Marriage and Holy Orders
(Loving Service)
This video was prepared for presentation to Pope John Paul II during
his 1987 pastoral visit to the US. Its intention is to give the viewer a
glimpse of what it is like for some Americans to put their faith on the
line each day.
This video cites many apparitions of the Blessed Virgin from Fatima,
Portugal in 1916 to those that are happening today in the Soviet
Ukraine. There have been over 300 apparitions during the twentieth
century and have occurred in the following locations: Portugal,
Belgium, Spain, Egypt, Japan, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Rwanda, South
Korea and the Soviet Ukraine.
This documentary reviews 100 years of Catholic social teaching,
frequently called the Church's "best kept secret." Highlighting the
social, economic, and industrial upheavals in Europe and the US at the
turn of the century, this video shows a Catholic Church that separated
its concerns form those of the world. It also feature the organizations
of the institutional Catholic Church that currently work to break the
cycle of injustice in the US and abroad: the Campaighn for Human
Development, Catholic Relief Services, the Social Development and
World Peace Secretariat of the USCC and Catholic Charities USA.
Discusses commitments of marriage along with the dimensions of
marriage. (15 min., Sr. High School)
Sacraments help us remember Jesus’ love and point us outward in the
service of others. This series will instruct and encourage young
people to explore their faith and God’s unconditional love for them.
This series uses the actions of daily living, Jesus’ life and the actions
of the believing community to call young people to grow in Christ.
Jesus loves us totally, completely and forever. Marriage is the
sacrament which calls a man and woman to be like Jesus in their
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
Intermediate Adult
Senior High
This program considers the time of engagement, wedding plans,
Marriage: Choosing a Friend for
choices about careers, the development of friendship, and the value of 29
personal belief. The program is divided into two segments.
Children will love this tale of the origin of the Christmas tree. Set in
Germany in the early 16th century, this video tells the story of an
Martin and the Heavenly Tree
imaginative young boy who brings an evergreen tree inside for the
Christmas celebration. This video will also help children understand
the symbolism of the Christmas tree.
Martin Luther King Holiday
March (Erie) 1997
His was a powerful voice for peace, justice and change. Like so many
who dare to confront society’s evils, he died a martyr. Biography
Martin Luther King, Jr.
revisits the life and legacy of the legendary leader through interviews
with his confidants and extensive analysis of his speeches and
sermons. This video presents a revealing portrait of one of the 20th
century’s most influential and compelling figures.
Martin the Cobbler DVD
Martin the Cobbler VHS
Mary (The Mother of Jesus, Our
The story of a Russian shoemaker who discovers new meanings in life
by meditating on old truths. Good for Easter, Thanksgiving,
Christmas or on any occasion when you are trying to get people to
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
Primary Intermediate
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Mary (Vat II)
Mary A Biblical Walk with the
Blessed Mother
Mary Had a Baby, Amen!
Mary Magdalene An Intimate
Portrait DVD
Mary Magdalene An Intimate
Portrait VHS
Mary Magdalene: The Hidden
Apostle (A&E)
Mary, Mother of Jesus
The Second Vatican Council had a profound and lasting influence on
the Catholic Church. This series of nine videos examines the change
in outlook that the Council fostered in the Church and explores how
the documents of Vatican II continue to renew the Church today.
Focuses on devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the light of the
Council. Sr. Elizabeth Johnson portrays Mary as the model of a
mature woman who heard the word of God, understood it and freely
accepted her destiny in life. She exemplifies for all Christians what it
means to be a disciple of Christ.
Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother is an eight-part series
presented by Dr. Edward Sri. These videos paint an amazing picture
of who Mary is, providing you with a uniquely personal encounter
with the Blessed Mother. These DVDs are designed to follow the
eight lessons in the Mary Study Set, which contains the reading
assignments, questions, and answers for the series.
As told by Simon the rhyming mouse, this animated video presents
the delightful story of the birth of Christ. Simon invites youngsters to 15
travel back in time with him to experience the first Christmas.
Who was Mary Magdalene? How did she become the bad girl of the
Bible...the forbidden woman...the saint who was made into a
prostitute? This penetrating film explores the mysteries still
surrounding Mary Magdalene, one of the least understood women in
This video presents an historical portrait of Mary Magdalene, perhaps
one of the most misunderstood persons in Scripture. With attention to
historical research and fine use of art, this A&E program presents
some interesting and speculative facts about the "Apostle to the
Apostles." This video would be useful for adult education and
These fifteen minute videos on the lives of the saints are narrated and
illustrated for today’s youth and encourage children to imitate the
virtues of the saints’ lives.
High School Adult
Preschool Primary
Junior High Adult
A compelling portrayal of a mother’s undying and steadfast love for
her son, this film celebrates Mary’s humanity, her humility and her
gracefulness. Mary’s faith is tested as she must accept her son’s
Mary, the Mother of Jesus (NBC)
miraculous destiny, endure his brutal suffering and death, and dedicate
her life to the sharing of his message of love and salvation. This
movie originally aired on network TV, NBC, in November, 1999.
This DVD contains three programs about Mary: We Learn from Mary,
16 min, Primary - Intermediate; We Pray with Mary, 17 min, Primary
Mary: An Introduction DVD
and Intermediate; Our Lady of Guadalupe, 28 min, Jr High - Adult.
See individual descriptions in this topic section.
A handicapped boy struggles successfully for a career in auto
mechanics. His family, the church and a boy he does not know get
Ma's Motors
involved. Through love and concern, the handi-capped can flourish
and fulfill their potential.
Popular youth speaker Milton Creagh blows the cover off many
popular myths, including the “casual user” lie, and exposes the hidden
Masquerade: Unveiling Our
war with drug and alcohol addiction. Through humor, passionate
Deadly Dance with Drugs and
storytelling and powerful live interviews with hurting teens, Milton
makes the message clear: You are responsible for your choices and
can live a meaningful, drug-free life.
An excellent video to explain the Mass to young children in an
understandable way. It explains that the Mass is an act of praise and
Mass and Me, The
thanksgiving to God; it also mentions the Readings, homily, Creed
and the liturgical colors. It would serve as a good instructional tool
for children preparing for First Holy Communion. (15 min., Primary)
This DVD includes three programs. The Mass for Older Children is
intended for Grades 4-8 and is 13 min. long. Mass for Young Children
is intended for Grades1-3 and is in two parts, 10 min each. Why Do
Mass for Children and Young
We Go to Mass on Sunday? is intended for Grades 2-6 and is 12 min.
People, The DVD
long. The first two programs walk students through the Mass at age
appropriate levels. The third program helps viewers appreciate the
Sunday Eucharist as the source and summit of our faith and to
discover ways to live a eucharistic spirituality in their daily lives.
Junior High Adult
Primary - Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Primary Intermediate
Students will learn about each part of the Mass through this video. It
is presented in two parts, Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the
Eucharist. The goal is for the children to understand each part of the
Mass and to understand how they can be a part of it. (33 min.,
From the earliest times, Christians gathered at least once a week to
remind themselves of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection and to
celebrate his presence still with them in the meal of the Eucharist.
Like the early followers of Jesus, we gather, we tell stories, we
remember and break bread, and we go forth to those in need. This
video walks students gently through the Mass and challenges them to
Mass for Children, The
Mass for Older Children
Mass of the Cross with soloist
Florence Henderson (VHS)
Video of a Mass, with soloist Florence Henderson
Mass, The - Our Family
Fr. Edd Anthony, OFM answers questions asked by junior high
students such as: Why go to Mass? How are lectors chosen for
Mass? Who selects the music? The program is interwoven between
the questions of the students and the celebration of the Mass itself. Fr. 30
Anthony is a popular speaker, an artist and author of several books
and mediation tapes. He is the cofounder of Canticle, Inc., an
organization that promotes the arts and spirituality. (30 min.,)
Matrimony: Past, Present and
Future (Chesto) DVD
Junior High
All ages
Junior High
Expert Dr. Kathleen Chesto leads viewers through the development of
the sacrament of Matrimony, starting from biblical times to postMatrimony: Past, Present and
Vatican II. Chesto offers an engaging presentation in language that is
Future (Chesto) VHS
comprehensible and clear. Guide materials and the video present
Catholic adults with a better understanding of the valuable place of
these sacraments in their lives today.
This program deals with the death and concurrent decisions regarding
Matter of Life and Death, A:
life support that arises when a patient is on the edge of life. It
Terminal Treatment Decisions &
addresses the moral dilemma of initiating continuancy and terminating
the Church
life support therapy. (60 min., Sr. High - Adult)
Maximillan Kolbe gave all of us the true example of what it means to
lay down your life for a friend. This docudrama profiles the life an
heroic offering by the Franciscan priest. The actual account of
Maximillan Kolbe
Kolbe's last days are told by Francis Gajowniczak, the man whose
place Kolbe took. Scenes from Pope John Paul II visit to Auchwitz
and the canonization of St. Maximillan Kolbe complete this story.
Through interviews with experts and real life young people, teens
Me and My 500 Friends: Staying learn that social networks can be a useful tool for communication and
Safe on Social Networks Gr. 7-12 connection, but also pose significant risks. The program provides
important, easy-to-follow rules for keeping information-andoneselfsafe while using social networks.
These Youth Ministry videos are guaranteed to get your kids talking!
Each topic is presented in a fast paced, “teen friendly” format, using
Media (Power Surge)
graphics and music. Each video contains a guide including program
rationale, suggestions for use, Catholic teaching on each topic and
Scripture and Catechism resources.
This teleconference was sponsored by the Religious Public Relations
Council and the United Methodist Church; it will help viewers learn
some of the following: What qualifies as "news"? What is the media
looking for? How to be heard, if you want to be heard. What belongs
Media Relations and Crisis
on the church calendar page of the newspaper? What kind of stories
generate media interest? What stories haven's worked? How to
establish relationships with religion editors and other media contacts.
And responses from religion editors Julia McCord and Jim Jones. A
Crisis Management Checklist and Crisis Action Sheet are included as
a guide. (90 min., Adult)
This series of videos addresses topics of concern to to the American
family. Information is presented by a panel of experts and in response
Media Violence and the Family: to viewers who have called in questions. Presented by the Notre
Finding Solutions
Dame Alumni Association and made available by the Family
Ministries Office of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Erie. Media Violence and the Family: Finding Solutions (55 min., Adult)
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Meditations on the Passion Death
& Resurrection of Jesus (Dymski)
This video presents a devotional exercise using music and reflections
based on the Stations of the Cross. It is recommended for all who wish
Meditations on the Passion, Death to live “upon the model of that charity which Christ showed to us
& Resurrection of Jesus (Dymski) when he gave himself on our behalf” (Eph.6:2). The life-sized images
of the Stations of the Cross from St. Patrick’s Parish in Erie,
Pennsylvania are featured in this video written and narrated by Rev.
A moving video with scenes from Medugorje along with testimonies
Medugorje Testimonials
of faith by people from all over the world. This is a must see for
anyone who has interest in the apparitions taking place at Medugorje.
Gloria, Helder, Ismael, Graziella and others invite you to join their
family of fifty diverse orphaned teens in Recife, Brazil. This video
Meet Me in Recife
helps sensitize students to life's realities for others their age in another
part of the world and it invites a deeper understanding of what
community\family really means.
In this documentary, viewers will meet and learn the history of the
Erie Sisters of Mercy. Through the quotes of foundress Mother
Meeting of the Waters
Catherine McCauley and the inspiring witness of the sisters in their
own words, the charism and work of this community of women is
beatifully and poetically expressed.
Every classroom and school can meet the needs of children. Great
outlays of cash are not required; with motivation, planning, and
creativity available resources can be utilized to recognize and
Meeting the Needs of Children
remediate learning difficulties. This video shows three teachers who
have organized their teaching situations to meet the needs of children.
The video offers a view of teaching situations that support the three
major development areas emphasized in the prior programs. (20 min.,
Friendship and selfless giving mark this heart-warming tale of how a
boy grows in friendship with a lonely old woman. This drama, from
Memory for Tino
the world-renowned Dr. Leo Buscaglia, helps students discover the
joy of selfless giving and the value of looking beyond prejudices
against people who are different.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Senior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
This documentary highlights the life of Carmelite priests and brothers.
Men of Carmel, The: Anchored in Featured are some of the younger Carmelites sharing their journey
God & Life DVD
from not knowing what they want to do with their lives to ultimately
answering God's call in a unique way.
An overview of the Pauline Fathers and Brothers who minister in 33
Men, The Missions, The Ministry, countries. Members of the Society of St. Paul follow the mission of
St. Paul and announce the Gospels of Jesus through various forms of
media, such as satellite TV, radio, and print publications.
There’s a large amount of frustration and conflict involved when you
feel that you need to love God, your wife and family, and still perform
at work. Here’s some advice from men who have struggled just like
Men: God, Women, Kids,
you and are learning the secrets to success in each of these issues.
Part One - Stop, Listen and Love; Part Two - Dad, I Need You; Part
Three - Something More with God; Part Four - Power, Profit AND
Principles. Each part is 30 minutes.
This video series is a basic level, video-assisted resource for the
enrichment of catechists. The goal of this series is to acquaint
catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and
introduce them to the principles and practices of sound catechesis.
Methods for Grades 1 & 2
N.B. There is a companion booklet that accompanies each video.
(Echoes of Faith)
These booklets will be sent on request with the video, but are NOT to
be photocopied in any form. Copies of the booklets to be used with
each viewer can be purchased from RCL (Resources for Christian
Living), P.O. Box 7000, Allen TX, 75013, 1-877-275-4725.
This video series is a basic level, video-assisted resource for the
enrichment of catechists. The goal of this series is to acquaint
catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and
introduce them to the principles and practices of sound catechesis.
Methods for Grades 3 & 4
N.B. There is a companion booklet that accompanies each video.
(Echoes of Faith)
These booklets will be sent on request with the video, but are NOT to
be photocopied in any form. Copies of the booklets to be used with
each viewer can be purchased from RCL (Resources for Christian
Living), P.O. Box 7000, Allen TX, 75013, 1-877-275-4725.
Junior High Adult
This video series is a basic level, video-assisted resource for the
enrichment of catechists. The goal of this series is to acquaint
catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and
introduce them to the principles and practices of sound catechesis.
Methods for Grades 5 & 6
N.B. There is a companion booklet that accompanies each video.
(Echoes of Faith)
These booklets will be sent on request with the video, but are NOT to
be photocopied in any form. Copies of the booklets to be used with
each viewer can be purchased from RCL (Resources for Christian
Living), P.O. Box 7000, Allen TX, 75013, 1-877-275-4725.
This video series is a basic level, video-assisted resource for the
enrichment of catechists. The goal of this series is to acquaint
catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and
introduce them to the principles and practices of sound catechesis.
Methods for Grades 7 & 8
N.B. There is a companion booklet that accompanies each video.
(Echoes of Faith)
These booklets will be sent on request with the video, but are NOT to
be photocopied in any form. Copies of the booklets to be used with
each viewer can be purchased from RCL (Resources for Christian
Living), P.O. Box 7000, Allen TX, 75013, 1-877-275-4725.
This series is a basic level video-assisted resource for the formation
and enrichment of catechists. A catechist who complete this formation
program will experience a process of spiritual formation, gain an
overview of the major doctrinal themes contained in the CCC and
Methods Grades 1 and 2 (Echoes
learn practical skills for leading effective catechetical sessions. This 75
of Faith Plus) DVD
module begins by describing the lifelong faith journey and invites the
catechist to reflect on their own place in that journey. Catechists will
also be asked to recall their earliest religious memories along with
their spiritual, intellectual, social and emotional development at ages
This series is a basic level video-assisted resource for the formation
and enrichment of catechists. A catechist who complete this formation
program will experience a process of spiritual formation, gain an
overview of the major doctrinal themes contained in the CCC and
Methods Grades 3 and 4 (Echoes
learn practical skills for leading effective catechetical sessions. This 70
of Faith Plus) DVD
module begins by describing the lifelong faith journey and invites the
catechist to reflect on their own place in that journey. Catechists will
also be asked to recall their earliest religious memories along with
their spiritual, intellectual, social and emotional development at ages
This series is a basic level video-assisted resource for the formation
and enrichment of catechists. A catechist who complete this formation
program will experience a process of spiritual formation, gain an
overview of the major doctrinal themes contained in the CCC and
Methods Grades 5 and 6 (Echoes
learn practical skills for leading effective catechetical sessions. This 80
of Faith Plus) DVD
module begins by describing the lifelong faith journey and invites the
catechist to reflect on their own place in that journey. Catechists will
also be asked to recall their earliest religious memories along with
their spiritual, intellectual, social and emotional development at ages
This series is a basic level video-assisted resource for the formation
and enrichment of catechists. A catechist who complete this formation
program will experience a process of spiritual formation, gain an
overview of the major doctrinal themes contained in the CCC and
Methods Grades 7 and 8 (Echoes learn practical skills for leading effective catechetical sessions. This
of Faith Plus) DVD
module begins by describing the lifelong faith journey and invites the
catechist to reflect on their own place in that journey. Catechists will
also be asked to recall their earliest religious memories along with
their spiritual, intellectual, social and emotional development at ages
twelve and thirteen.
Micah's Christmas Treasure
Michael the Visitor DVD
Micah, a poor shepherd boy and his sister, Rachel set out to find a
treasue that will help their family pay their taxes to the Romans. In
their search, they are caught up in the events occcurring in the small
town of Bethlehem. Then Micah is faced with the most imprtant
decision of his life: will he trade information about the whereabouts of
a special baby in exchange for the riches he has longed for? Or will he
find a treasure of greater value than gold?
This clay-animated program is an adaptation of a folktale from Leo
Tolstoy. It tells the story of a special visitor to Simon the shoemaker 27
and his wife and the gifts he reveals to them.
Middle School Youth Rally 1999
God's Got a Hold On Me
Middle School Youth Rally 2000
Power of Peace
Middle School Youth Rally 2001
Middle School Youth Rally: A
Time for Heroes
Mind That Child
Ministers of Communion (LTP)
Ministers of Communion (LTP)
Primary Intermediate
All Ages
Intermediate Junior High
We are just beginning to understand the prolonged pain of survivors
of child sexual abuse – a frightening and widespread plague that is
one of the most urgent and ugly problems of our society. Here’s a
program that shows you how to recognize symptoms and find healing 25
for a child who has been sexually mistreated and frightened into
silence. Equally important, practical guidance is given on how to
prevent child sexual abuse.
This video explores the spiritual dimensions and meaning of the
ministry of eucharistic minister as well as the practical aspects of holy
communion at Mass. All ministers of the eucharist, new or
experienced, will find this video an enriching, practical resource.
Same as #2131
Ministry in Practice: Our
Response to the Baptismal
Covenant\Church Law & Lay
Ministry: Rights & Obligations
of Baptized Laity
Ministry of Paul, The (Nest)
Ministry of Paul, The (Nest)
Miracle of Life, The
Miracles of Jesus (Nest) DVD
Miracles of Jesus (Nest) VHS
Church Law & Lay Ministry: Rights & Obligations of Baptized Laity:
All Catholics are called to ministry through the Sacrament of Baptism
which is not just a one-time ceremony, but a life-long commitment to
the way of the gospel. Lay ministry has evolved since Vatican II and
the laity are partners in ministry.
Ministry in Practice: Our Response to the Baptismal Covenant:
Ministry is the attitude of making service to others an intrinsic part of
one's life. Treating others in a loving and concerned manner and
being aware of their needs which can be part of any job. What is your
response to this part of the baptismal covenant?
This video is a dramatic story of adventure, faith and endurance.
From his encounter with King Agrippa to his terrifying shipwreck,
Paul’s powerful preaching and example bring amazement and
conversion as persecution is answered with the gospel of love.
This video takes you on an incredible voyage through the human body
as new life begins. See the egg as it is released by the ovary and
follow the sperm from its early development through ejaculation and
then on its perilous journey toward the egg. With magnification of up
to half a million times the actual size, you see exactly what happens at
the moment of conception. After the sperm fertilizes the egg, the
camera follows the development of the single new cell into an
embryo, then a fetus, until a baby is born.
This video begins with the definition of the word miracle and then
expands on that definition to include events or circumstances which
may be considered miraculous. A great deal of interest seems to
surround this subject and during this program people will share
experiences of miracles in their lives.
This video is an exciting panorama of Jesus’ most touching miracles.
Healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons and calming the 30
storm are attributed to the principle of faith.
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
Miracles of Jesus, The (animated)
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
Hanna-Barbera presents this video in dazzling, full---color animation.
Miracles of Jesus, The (Hanna
This video tells of the New Testament miracles including the loaves
and fishes and the changing of water to wine at Cana. It is an
enchanting edition of children's bible stories.
Two years in the making, this video tells the inspiring story of
Mission America, Part I
Catholic mission-ary spirit in the US. Featured on this video are the
High Plains, Southwest, Midwest-Northeast, and Appalachia.
This second video in the series continues the story on Catholic
Mission America, Part II
missions. This video features the South, Non-Continental US, Far
West, and Mid-Plains.
Sweeping and visually resplendent, The Mission is a powerful epic
about a man of the sword (Robert DeNiro) and a man of the cloth
(Jeremy Irons) who unite to shield a South American Indian tribe from
Mission, The DVD (full length
brutal subjugation by 18th century colonial empires. Winner of the
1986 Cannes Film Festival Best Picture Award, the film earned seven
Academy Award nominations. The Mission is screen storytelling that
weaves a haunting spell. Rated PG
A twelve year old outfielder for weeks has been eyeing a shiny new
glove in a store window but he is unaware that his mother cannot
Mitt, The
afford to buy it for him. He has a chance to earn the money to buy it
but instead decides to buy his mother something she has been
When Annie's obsession with baseball playing results in a drop in her
Moderation (Book of Virtues
grades, Plato relates two tales that demonstrate the value of
moderation in all things. This video features the stories "The Spider's
Two Feasts" and "The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg."
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Primary Intermediate
Molly Kelly is an author, lecturer, and mother of eight who speaks at
schools, youth rallies and teen conferences where she brings her
message to over 50,000 teens per year. In her talk she reveals abortion
statistics, who profits from the abortion business, and possible
Molly Kelly, Abortion Issues
medical complications and side effects of the abortion procedure. She
clearly explains to the viewer that abortion does not solve the problem
of teenage pregnancy and people who practice chastity never have to
make this dangerous and difficult decision. (30 min., Jr. - Sr. High
In an honest presentation to teens, Molly Kelly explains that chastity
solves many of today’s problems, such as teen pregnancy, sexuallyMolly Kelly: Teens and Chastity transmitted diseases and the harmful side effects of contraception.
She reflects on how the Catholic faith, especially the Sacraments of
Eucharist and Reconciliation, can strengthen young people’s resolve
to practice chastity.
To deal with the leprosy problem in the Hawaiian Islands in 1872,
sufferers were relentlessly exiled to Molokai, a barren isle off the
coast. They lived in miserable surroundings, abandoned by the outside
Molokai The Story of Fr. Damien
world. To alleviate their fate, Father Damien was the first priest to go
to Molokai. In this full length movie, his story is beautifully told as he
relentlessly gives of himself and serves the lepers, even at the cost of
his own life.
To deal with the leprosy problem in the Hawaiian Islands in 1872,
sufferers were exiled to Molokai, a barren isle off the coast. They
Molokai The Story of Fr. Damien lived in miserable surroundings, abandoned by the outside world.
Father Damien was the first priest to go to Molokai. In this full length
movie, his story is beautifully told as he relentlessly gives of himself
to serve the lepers, even at the cost of his own life.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Senior High Adult
Senior High Adult
More Teen Scenes
More Than One Right Answer
(DeWtt Jones) DVD
Moses and Pharoah
Moses in Egypt
Moses the Egyptian
Real- life moral dilemmas faced by today's young people are presented
in a realistic and sensitive way so that intelligent, productive
discussions can take place. Each 4-5 minute vignette presents a teen
faced with a serious choice between right and wrong. The vignette
ends right at the point where the decision must be made, leaving the
rest up to the audience. Topics covered in this program are bullies,
chastity, alcohol and racism.
In this program, best-selling author DeWitt Jones reminds us that it's
usually easy to find one right answer. The challenge however, lies in
finding new answers and angles. It is amazing what we can discover
when we look for multiple right answers to our problems and
challenges. This short program is perfect for any organization looking
to open people's minds to new ideas and ways of thinking.
Enslaved by Pharaoh, the Hebrews are forced to labor beneath the
blazing desert sun, without rest or hope. But, from among the slaves a
new leader who is not afraid to confront Pharaoh emerges. Moses
demands that his people be set free and is backed by the power of
God. This sets the scene for the titanic struggle between Pharaoh and
Recounts the struggle between God’s servant, Moses, and the
Egyptian leader over the fate of the Israelites, ending with the
triumphant journey of God’s people out of bondage.
Danny Glover tells this story of how Moses is summoned by God to
deliver the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. A Grammy Award
winning gospel chorus, The Sounds of Blackness, provide the music
which resonates sounds of freedom. (30 min., All Ages)
Moses’ parents, fearing for his life, place him adrift on the Nile in a
basket, where he is found by the Pharaoh’s daughter and raised as a
Prince of Egypt. The discovery that he is really an Israelite sends him
into exile in the desert.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
all ages
Primary Intermediate
Moses, Exodus and the
Covenant\God's Chosen People
Moses, the Lawgiver
Mosque (VHS)
Mother Teresa (documentary)
Mother Teresa (movie)
Mother Teresa A Life of
Devotion (A&E Biography)
Mother Teresa: Seeing the Face
of Jesus (children)
GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE: The Old Testament "saints" are not just
figures to be admired from the past; their lives should provide
inspiration for today's Christian. The life of someone like King David
for example, should teach us that our sinfulness can be either
destructive or an invitation to grow in God's loving mercy.MOSES,
EXODUS AND THE COVENANT: This video discusses events
found in the Old Testament. We realize that some Old Testament
laws, like the Ten Commandments, did come directly from Yahweh,
but most legal sections of the Old Testament were later human
This story of Moses is told by actor Ben Kingsley and retells how
Moses received the ten commandments on top of Mt. Sinai along with
how he lead the Israelites on a forty year journey to the Promised
Land. The musical score was composed by Lyle Mays. (30 min., All
News reports from the Middle East have made Americans more aware
of the importance of Islam, but 900 million Muslims and their faith
are still a mystery to many. This program filmed in Cairo, Egypt,
provides non-Musloms with a respectful introduction to Islam.
The life history of Mother Teresa from birth to her present status
throughout India and the world.
Geraldine Chaplin gives an outstanding performance as Mother
Teresa, an extraordinary woman who dedicated her life to the dying
and destitute and transformed the world with her courage, faith and
love. Produced by Hallmark Home Entertainment.
For over fifty years, Mother Teresa dedicated herself to the "poorest of
the poor." She earned countless accolades and awards - yet as her
fame grew, she remained unchanged, giving all she had to help the
least fortunate. This video provides a portrait of Mother Teresa,
highlighted by interviews with those who knew her and also features
extensive footage from Mother Teresa's long life of service.
This video presents the life and work of Mother Teresa with words
and pictures that children will enjoy. They will learn that Mother
Teresa was a person whose strong faith and trust in God helped her to
make incredible changes in our world.
all ages
High school adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Mother Teresa: Work of God's
Mouse in the Manger
Movement Meditations to the
Songs from Taize
Moving On, Growing Closer to
God (Divorce)
Moving On, Responding in the
Spirit (Vietnam vet)
Mr. Krueger's Christmas
Msgr. Kaza Speaks on the Life of
a Priest
Filmed on location in India, this video invites children to be present
with Mother Teresa as she works among the children, the sick and the
dying. Experience the challenge to young people in discovering the
way they can live and work with hands of care, kindness, peace,
A delightful Christmas classic! Oscar, the little mouse hero, runs
away from home because he selfishly wants more straw for his bed
and wants it NOW! In the adventure that follows, he journeys to a
distant stable, where he learns valuable lessons about the meaning of
friendship and sharing.
This video presents fourteen dance meditations as a prayer service in
the style of Taize. It can be used as a prayer meditation or as an aid
for performing the movements in a variety of settings. These
movements - gestures, bows, and walking patterns, are easy to learn
and are appropriate for all ages.
This video provides insight on how the experience of divorce can help
people grow closer to God and discover God’s will in their lives. (35
min., Adult)
This video is the story of the choices a family faces when they are
challenged to respond to Christ's call to encounter him in their new
neighbor K.C., a Vietnam vet whose service has left him scarred with
memories from the past. This video is a multigenerational story that
invites the viewer to consider the responsibility that our Baptism gives
us - to respond in the spirit.
More than a Christmas story---it is really a story about coping with
loneliness and want. The problem is especially difficult at Christmas,
but it is one that is faced all year by Mr. Kruegger, who is an elderly
widower and works as a janitor in a city building. Today is Christmas
Eve and he seems more alone than usual. This video may be used
throughout the year to help those of all ages understand what they
might do to bring the love of Christmas to others all year. (30 min.,
Preschool Primary
all ages
Intermediate Adult
all ages
Msgr. Kaza Speaks on the Life of
a Priest - Promo deleted - not of
good quality
There is much controversy surrounding broadcasts on MTV. This
video takes an in-depth look at such shows as Beavis and Butt-Head
as well as the violence and sex that is commonplace on the music
MTV Examined
television network. It also tells what concerned viewers can do to
eliminate MTV from their cable agreements and who they can write to
in order to voice their concern. (35 min., High School - Adult)
Five families of different ethnicity are profiled in this program. It
shows how they celebrate the holiday, prepare Christmas foods,
Multicultural Christmas
decorate their homes, sing songs and participate in special activities
within their cultural tradition. The cultures focused upon are:
Scandinavian, Oneida Indian, South Korean, Mexican and Ethiopian.
This is a parable about a weary man who lives in a cold lifeless city.
He has a boring job and family, yet one day, everything changes. In a
Music Box
snowy alley he receives the gift of a magical music box which
represents God's gift of salvation. The man has the choice to receive
it or reject it. What will his decision be?
A foot-stomping, memory-enhancing collection of music which will
help children learn safety skills that last a lifetime. Used with the
Music CD: Can't Fool Me! Yello
Yello Dyno Song and Lesson Book, this music CD can be used as an
effective Child Protection program for preschoolers through first
graders. Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
“The high point of the Communion Right is the reception
of Holy Communion. This is preceded by rites that
prepare the faithful to receive the Lord’s Body and Blood Music in Celebrating the Mass
as spiritual food…. Because the Communion chant
Series Communion Rite:
expresses the unity of those processing and receiving the
Purpose and Options
Holy Sacrament, communal singing in commendable.
The singing of the people should be preeminent.
Sing to the Lord, 184, 189
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Preschool Grade 1
Music in Celebrating the Mass
The whole assembly is dismissed “so that each may go Series Concluding Rites:
back to doing good works, praising and blessing God.”
Dialogues, Blessings, Dismissals,
General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 90c
and More
“The Eucharistic Prayer is the center and summit Music in Celebrating the Mass
of the entire celebration. Joining the people with
Series Eucharistic Prayer:
himself, the priest prays the Eucharistic Prayer in
Dialogues, Acclamations
the name of the entire assembly….” Sing to the Lord, 176
“ over the course of the year the Church celebrates the whole
Music in Celebrating the Mass
mystery of Christ, from the Incarnation to Pentecost Day and
Series Mass for Christmas,
the days of waiting for the Advent of the Lord.” Easter, Weddings Funerals
General Norms on the Liturgical Year, 17
“Even though the faithful no longer bring from their own possessions the bread and win intended for
the liturgy…, nevertheless the rite of carrying up the
Music in Celebrating the Mass
offerings still keeps its spiritual efficacy and
Series Preparation of the Gifts:
significance…. Singing may always accompany the rite
Song, Silence, Choir, Instruments
at the Offertory, even when there is no procession with
the gifts.” General Instruction of the Roman Missal,73,74
Music in Celebrating the Mass
“ In receiving the Word of God with their hearts and
Series The Liturgy of the Word:
minds, and in responding to it in song, ‘the people of
Acclamations, Dialogues.
God make God’s Word their own.’” Sing to the Lord, 152
Readings. Creed. Universal
“It is out of the Sacred Scripture…that Psalms are sung,
and it is by the influence of Sacred Scripture and at its
Music in Celebrating the Mass
prompting that prayers, orations, and liturgical chants
Series The Liturgy of the Word:
are fashioned in such a way that it is from Sacred
Scripture that actions and signs derive their
meaning.” General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 391
Music in Celebrating the Mass
Series The Introductory Rites:
Purpose and Options
Music in the Liturgy for Small
My Body Belongs to Me VHS
My Body Belongs to Me
“these rites are designed ‘to ensure that the faithful who come together as one establish communion and dispose
themselves to listen properly to God’s word and to celebrate
the Eucharist worthily.’” Sing to the Lord 140
This video provides basic guidelines and suggestions for ritual music
in the Church’s liturgy. It offers practical ideas for supporting the
sung prayer of the community, particularly for small parishes with
limited resources. The video calls for all faith communities to prepare
liturgical music with care, both for the given season and for years to
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
Dialogue between a guidance counselor and two appealing puppets,
and between the puppets and members of the live student audience,
sensitively reinforces the idea that every child's body is private and
My Body Belongs to Me VHS
that no one is allowed to improperly touch it. Approved for student
inservicing for child protection. Approved for student inservicing for
child protection.
This animated EWTN series features stories of the saints presented by
My Catholic Family: Blessed Pier Thomas and his wife Helen to their children. This episode explores
Giorgio DVD
the life and witness of one of the great models of youthful holiness,
Blessed Pier Giorgio. Presented in English and Spanish.
This animated EWTN series features stories of the saints presented by
My Catholic Family: St. Benedict Thomas and his wife Helen to their children. This episode explores
the life of St. Benedict and his emphasis on work and prayer.
Presented in English and Spanish.
This animated EWTN series features stories of the saints presented by
My Catholic Family: St.
Thomas and his wife Helen to their children. This episode explores
Catherine of Siena DVD
the life and witness of St. Catherine of Siena and the value of
suffering. Presented in English and Spanish.
Preschool Primary
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
This animated EWTN series features stories of the saints presented by
My Catholic Family: St. Don
Thomas and his wife Helen to their children. This episode explores
Bosco DVD
the life and spirituality of one of the great apostles of youth, St. John
Bosco. Presented in English and Spanish.
This animated EWTN series features stories of the saints presented by
My Catholic Family: St. Edith
Thomas and his wife Helen to their children. This episode explores
Stein DVD
the life, mission and martyrdom of St. Edith Stein, the brilliant
philosopher and Carmelite nun. Presented in English and Spanish.
This animated EWTN series features stories of the saints presented by
My Catholic Family: St. Faustina Thomas and his wife Helen to their children. This episode explores
the life of St. Faustina and her devotion to the Divine Mercy of God.
Presented in English and Spanish.
This animated EWTN series features stories of the saints presented by
My Catholic Family: St. John
Thomas and his wife Helen to their children. This episode explores
Vianney DVD
the life of St. John Vianney and his love of the Eucharist. Presented in
English and Spanish.
This animated EWTN series features stories of the saints presented by
My Catholic Family: St. Margaret Thomas and his wife Helen to their children. The life of St. Margaret
Mary DVD
Mary and her devotion to the Sacred Heart are explored in this
episode. Presented in English and Spanish.
This animated EWTN series features stories of the saints presented by
My Catholic Family: St.
Thomas and his wife Helen to their children. This episode explores
Maximilian Kolbe DVD
the life, ministry and martyrdom of St. Maximilian Kolbe, one of the
greatest apostles of Marian devotion. Presented in English and
This animated EWTN series features stories of the saints presented by
My Catholic Family: St. Padre
Thomas and his wife Helen to their children. This episode explores
the life of Padre Pio and his devotion to the Sacrament of
Reconciliation. Presented in English and Spanish.
This animated EWTN series features stories of the saints presented by
My Catholic Family: St. Teresa of Thomas and his wife Helen to their children. This episode explores
Avila DVD
the life and witness of the great mystic and Doctor of the Church,
Teresa of Avila. Presented in English and Spanish.
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
This animated EWTN series features stories of the saints presented by
My Catholic Family: St. Therese Thomas and his wife Helen to their children. This episode explores
of Liseux DVD
the life and witness of St. Therese and her "little way". Presented in
English and Spanish.
A "pro-life" advocate, Jaime has dedicated part of her ministry to
helping reduce the number of abortions. Her latest single, “My
Chance”, tells the heart-wrenching story of a mother who decides to
My Chance DVD
have an abortion, but later regrets her decision. An accompanying
video includes interviews and information about life-saving options
such as adoption. Included are interviews, story behind her latest
single, and the music video for "My Chance."
A video for young children and/or their parents. Follow a seven year
My Father's House
old girl as she explores her parish as God's house and sees in her
mind's eye all that she has been told about the celebration of the
Lew has trouble sleeping. He has glimpses of his grandfather,
painting, flying a kite, or holding him by the fire. Why doesn't
grandpa come anymore? He shares these memories with his mother
My Grandson Lew
who also recalls vivid memories. In their sharing, Grandpa comes
alive for each of them lessening their lonesomeness through love
shared. This is an excellent video for use with children who are
experiencing a loss through death or separation. (13 min., Primary Colorful visual images and music of Gregorian chant enhance this
video rich with the beauty of God’s creation, the poetry of the Psalms,
My Peace I Give to You
the wisdom of Julian of Norwich, St. Basil and 20th century seekers.
This video will lift you out of the hectic pace of modern life and take
you on a memorable spiritual journey.
MY PEACE I LEAVE WITH YOU: Sinfulness---our own and that of
others---is a fact of life that we become aware of early in life. But
how do Christians deal with guilt and the effects of sin? This video
My Peace I Leave With You\We
will help the viewer reflect on how the acceptance of our own
Believe in Life Everlasting
brokenness can bring about genuine growth. WE BELIEVE IN LIFE
EVERLASTING: Life after death is a mystery. By reflecting on the
Scriptures & other church teachings we can gain insight and
Primary Intermediate
Senior High Adult
all ages
My Secret Friend - A Guardian
Angel Story DVD
My Secret Friend - A Guardian
Angel Story VHS
My Son, My Son
My Soul Proclaims: Voices of
Catholic Women
Mystery (Himes)
Mystery of Faith, The (Himes)
Little Angie was so sure she had a guardian angel, she even gave him
a name - Mikey! Everyone else knew the angel was all her
imagination or, was he? An eventful family vacation in the mountains
provides an unforgettable answer in a captivating blend of comedy
and suspense for children. (30 min., Preschool - Primary)
The story of two fathers and their sons. A story of regret and
loneliness, of forgiveness and renewed life. It looks with compassion
at two realities which are very much an issue in society today:
homosexuality and AIDS. The program makes no pretense to argue
for or against homosexual orienta-tion. My Son, My Son graphically
illus-trates the human need for under-standing, tolerance, caring,
This video is a moving one-hour presentation that captures the
historical and contemporary contributions of Cathoic women in the
Church and in society. In their stirring examples of vibrant faith,
you’ll see how they are touching thousands of lives through their
leadership, teaching, writing, and tireless work in parishes and in the
community. This video is a project of United States Catholic
Fr. Himes says that the only way we can speak of the deepest things is
in metaphors. But the metaphors do not exhaust the reality. This is
certainly true of the deepest Mystery - God. We are caught between
saying nothing because we can never express God adequately - and
having to say something. Himes shows us how to say that "something"
while always being led deeper into the Mystery that is God.
Fr. Michael Himes offers a collection of interesting and provcative
reflections on 10 major Catholic topics and invites us to consider them
from a new perspective. Topics covered are: Trinity, Grace,
Incarnation, Salvation,Church, Baptism, Eucharist, Sacraments of
Vocation (Matrimony & Holy Orders), Reconciliation and Tradition. 3
Preschool Primary
Preschool Primary
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Mystic Moments
Myth of Safe Sex, The
N D Vision Promo DVD
N D Vision Promo DVD
Nativity Story, The DVD (full
length movie)
Nativity, The
Nativity: The Art & Spirit of the
Creche DVD
This video presents a long loving look at what’s real all around us.
Nature, God’s handiwork, provides little things for our enjoyment that
we often fail to see. Experience a falling leaf, a gurgling stream,
shadows from the sun…all with original music and messages about
life from the Mystics, including John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila,
Julian of Norwich, Thomas Merton, and others. (16 min, Sr. High –
This program presents the many myths of safe sex. Dr. Dobson
relates clear statistics about how unsafe sex outside of marriage is for
everyone. It will help the viewer understand how important it is for 50
them to respect themselves as well as others when they are making
choices concerning sexual intercourse. (50 min., Jr. - Sr. High
Powerful, timeless and visually magnificent, this movie is a beautiful
re-telling of one of the world's most familiar stories. Starring Keisha
Castle-Hughes as Mary and Oscar Isaac as Joseph, this epic yet
intimate portrayl of the Holy Family will enhance viewers'
understanding of this momentous event. Rated PG.
Travel back in time to the tiny village of Bethlehem and witness the
world's most miraculous event---the birth of The Christ Child.
Experience the faith of Mary and Joseph and the evil of King Herod.
(30 min., All Ages)
After the cross, the Nativity scene is Christianity's most recognized
symbol. Its history, art and spirituality have been embraced by cultures
around the world for nearly two thousand years. This program unites 30
theologians and collectors with an astonishing and beautiful array of
nativity scenes collected from across the globe.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
all ages
Kieran Sawyer, S.S.N.D. leads this youth video, second in the set that
deals with human sexuality and relationships. The six sessions,
Natural Beginnings: A Refreshing twenty minutes each, include the following: L.I.F.E. Choices; Dating
Look at Parenting, Fatherhood
and the Moral Ideal; Contraception and Catholic Youth; Abortion:
and Fertility
Morality vs. Legality; Homosexuality; and Choose Love. These tapes
are intended to be used as a set, leaders must preview this tape prior to
presenting it to youth. (120 min., Sr. High School)
Research has shown children are more likely to be successful when
they have specific goals. This video program teaches parents to use a
Negotiating Within the Family
simple written agreement to help their children identify and achieve
realistic, personal goals. (14 min., Adult)
This spirited video tells the story of Charlie and his desire to become a
member of a community, the New Birth Day Club. Through the
New Birth Day Club: A Video on
building of a clubhouse and the initiation of Charlie into this
neighborhood club, the meaning of the symbols and gestures used in
the rites of Baptism are explored.
The community of Christ the King in Las Vegas, Nevada, baptizes
their infants at Sunday Eucharist. The parishioners are full, conscious,
and active participants in the entire Baptismal ceremony. After
New Life: A Parish Celebrates
viewing this video, we come away knowing why the children and
Infant Baptism
adults of this parish look forward to the baptisms at Sunday Mass.
Whether Baptism is celebrated at the Sunday Eucharist or at a separate
assembly, this video will open up the meaning of the sacrament.
Five United States military veterans, including a Congressional Medal
of Honor recepient and a female West Point graduate, speak out about
terrorism, patriotism and their transformation. They remind us that the
New Patriot, The
lives of the tens of thousands of people killed by School of the
Americas trained terrorists in Latin America are no less precious than
the thousands who lost their lives in the United States on 9/11.
This video provides information on how to know when one is
New Relationships (Divorce)
emotionally ready to enter a new relationship and how to develop a
healthy relationship when the time is right. (35 min., Adult)
Senior High
Primary Intermediate
Senior High Adult
New Road to Grief Recovery Part I, II & III
New Road to Grief Recovery Part IV, V & VI
Next Stop: Tanzania (adult)
NFP: The Spiritual Link
Nicholas, The Boy Who Became
Santa DVD
Acceptance and sharing are the key concepts spelled out in this new
video series that helps friends make the journey from the death of a
loved one to being whole again. Session I: Keys to Recovery,
discusses the importance of support. Session II: The Child's Grief
Recovery, focuses on healthy coping skills to aid in children's grief.
Session III: Young Widow with Eleven-Month-Old Son, affirms the
importance of caregivers. Leader's guides for each session are
included, these will help in sharing feelings and experiences. (15 min.
each, Sr. High School - Adult)
Acceptance and sharing are the key concepts spelled out in this new
video series that helps friends make the journey from the death of a
loved one to being whole again. Session I: Keys to Recovery,
discusses the importance of support. Session II: The Child's Grief
Recovery, focuses on healthy coping skills to aid in children's grief.
Session III: Young Widow with Eleven-Month-Old Son, affirms the
importance of caregivers. Leader's guides for each session are
included, these will help in sharing feelings and experiences. (15 min.
each, Sr. High School - Adult)
The journey will start in the coastal city of Dar Es Salaam..safari
across dusty African plains...and explore the unusual sights and
special people of Dodoma. Discover how two high school buddies
from Missouri are changing the course of history in Tanzania. In this
episode of The Big Picture, you will see ordinary people
accomplishing great things for God in extraordinary circumstances.
This is an inspirational story of love and commitment.
A video that clearly and strongly supports Humanae Vitae. This
program features Scott Hahn, Clayton Barbeau, NFP Physicians and
couples, along with the Vicar General of the Diocese of St. Cloud
which produced this video presentation. (15 min., Adult)
Senior High
Senior High
Preschool Primary
This story, based on historical facts and traditions is the story of St.
Nicholas, The Boy Who Became Nicholas. He discovered at a very young age that the gift of giving
Santa VHS
brought happiness to many people. His love and care for others made
him one of the most popular figures of all time.
"The Night Before Christmas" captures the marvelous moods of
Night Before Christmas, The
Christmas time with heart-warming, holly fresh tenderness. It
sparkles with festive tunes arranged and conducted by Norman
Biography of Pope John Paul, especially his historic nine-day
Nine Days That Changed the
pilgrimage to Poland in June 1979 created a revolution of conscience
World DVD
that transformed Poland and fundamentally reshaped the spiritual and
political landscape of the 20th century
This video delivers an unforgettable message about strength, courage
and character - revealing the importance of waiting until marriage to
No Apologies - the Truth About have sex, and uncovering what happens when teens don't. With
Life, Love and Sex
gripping testimonies from real people their own age - and from others
looking back - teens hear how individuals like themselves have been
affected by choices of pre-marital sex and abstinence.
This unique and informative program will teach the child the
importance of knowing when it's ok to say no, about unwanted
No Easy Targets: Safety N.E.T.
touches; what to do when they are approached or grabbed by a
Kids DVD
stranger; and how to react in other potentially dangerous situations.
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
No Easy Targets: Safety N.E.T.
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
Kids DVD
This award-winning program, specifically created for students, uses a
series of real-life vignettes to demonstrate various kinds of sexual
harassment in the school environment. The program also suggests
No Excuses: Sexual Harassment
options and resources students can seek out to help them deal with an
unwanted situation once it has been identified. After viewing
segments of the program, students will have a chance to discuss the
issue for themselves. Approved for student inservicing for child
Primary Intermediate
all ages
Jr. High - Adult
Junior High Senior High
Preschool Intermediate
Preschool Intermediate
Junior High Senior High
This video focuses on the Mission of Friendship's work in the Yucatan
and the ways people from the Erie Diocese and from across the United
No Hands But Yours
States make it possible for the Mission to help build better lives for
impoverished but faith filled and joyful people.
In this eight episode program, Fr. Joe Kempf helps children
No One Cries the Wrong Way
understand the goodness of God and the mystery of suffering and
A documentary produced by the Catholic Health Association of
No Room in the Marketplace: The
American that reports on the problems of health care for the poor in
Health Care of the Poor
the United States. Very informative to all.
Most young people today don't believe that AIDS can happen to them!
This dynamic presentation is designed to clear up confusion teens may
have about this deadly disease. In this video, you will meet AIDS
patients and their families, who describe the terrible consequences of
No Second Chance
AIDS. Topics that will be addressed include, what AIDS is and how
it is contracted, the difficulty in recognizing an AIDS carrier, the risks
associated with "safe sex" approaches, and the one sure-fire way to
avoid infection.
The story of a priestly vocation with a colorful past -- sex, drugs and
No Turning Back: The Story of
music. His mother, a modern day St. Monica, trusted that God would
Father Calloway DVD
touch his soul, and indeed he did.
This video provides the viewer with a method to deal with children's
rebellion and temper flare-ups. Dramatized vignettes show parents
No, I Won't! And You Can't
how to improve their relationships with their children; control their
Make Me!
own anger in the face of a youth's defiance, sarcasm, or back talk; and
help an angry young person calm down. (13 min., Adult)
Kelly McGillis tells the story of how Noah built an ark to save his
family and two of every kind of animal from a flood the destroys the
Noah and the Ark
world. Music by the Paul Winter Consort underscores the majesty of
this tale. (30 min., All Ages)
Noah’s Ark (In the Beginning
Features God’s call to his faithful servant to build the great ark that
will save Noah, his family and God’s creatures from the great flood.
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Senior High Adult
all ages
Primary Intermediate
Viewers find themselves in a land so evil and cruel that God has
decided to flood it. God orders Noah, the only good man left, to build
Noah's Ark
an ark for his family and all the earth's animals. Here the adventure
begins! (35 min., Primary - Intermediate)
Using creative visual imagery as well as listening to and learning from
real middle-school students, this program models the path to selfacceptance. It discusses key issues of self-acceptance including: What
Nobody's Perfect: Learning Selfis self-acceptance? Why do we look for perfection in ourselves? How
Acceptance (Gr. 5-9) DVD
does the media influence our self perception? How do our peers
influence the way we think about ourselves? What steps can we take
to get to know ourselves better and appreciate ourselves, warts and
"A story of one church faced with a betrayal of trust by its minister...a
story that could happen in any church." This is educational program
for clergy and religious professionals of all faiths, lay audiences,
pastoral counselors, seminary teachers and students, and
denominational leaders. The goal of this video is to raise the
Not In My Church
awareness among viewers of the potential for clergy misconduct
through sexual abuse within the ministerial relationship. Through
education from this video audiences will recognize the misuse of
power and authority, recognize the consequences of sexual abuse for
not only the church but also the individual and motivate people to
initiate developing a procedure for responding to sexual abuse in
Nicholas’ parents won’t let him spend his Saturday afternoon going to
the big horror movie that “everybody else” is going to see. But some
Not-So-Great Escape, The
kids insist on believing that they, not their parents, know what’s best until it’s too late. In this video, Nicholas and McGee learn the value
of obedience and being wise when making decisions.
NPM Webinar: Preparing for the
New Roman Missal Fr. Paul
Primary Intermediate
Intermediate Junior High
This video focuses on the morality of reproductive technology. It
Of Wishes and Glass Dishes:
states and explains the principles of respect for human life from its
High Tech Babies and the Church origin, and the insepara-bility of the unitive and procreative meanings
of the conjugal act. (45 min., Adult)
In this program, Fr. Ron Rolheiser talks about blessings in a whole
new way. The focus is not how to get them or count them, but how to
give them. He explains why we should offer blessings and support to
On Blessings Rolheiser DVD
those younger than ourselves, how to do it, and the rewards for those
giving and receiving blessings. "When we act like God, we get to feel
like God," he says.
Narrated by Rosana DeSoto, On Fire with Faith recounts the events
leading to the arrival of Columbus and the subsequent exploration by
the Spanish, bringing the story into the present with contemporary
On Fire with Faith
Hispanics who witness their faith through active lives of service to
others: a Tucson woman reaches out to the inactive Catholics and the
unchurched; a San Francisco sister works with people with AIDS; and
a San Antonio woman supports people seeking political asylum.
This video is helpful in introducing and exploring the U.S. bishops'
pastoral on adult education, "Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us."
On Fire With Faith: Forming
This video stimulates enthusiasm and commitment to adult faith
Adult Disciples (Catholic Update)
formation through a story segment, witness segment, teaching
segment and music video segment.
In the midst of deadly black mamba snakes, cobras, leopards and army
ants, this video introduces you to the Sandawe tribe and four
On the Road: East Africa (Total remarkable missionary families. You'll also tag along with two
teenagers who take a 400 mile journey to join Louie Giglio and
30,000 other young people as they worship God on a farm in
Tennessee. These adventures will inspire young people to action in
Junior High Senior High
One Border, One Body:
Immigration & the Eucharist
One in Hope (Pope JPII's Visits to
Mexico & St. Louis) 1999
One King for Israel
This program tells the story of a liturgy that occurs each year. Unlike
other liturgies however, a sixteen foot fence divides this worshipping
community in half, with one side in Mexico and other in the United
States. Experience this meditation on the Kingdom of God, of
solidarity and hope as Mexican and American bishops celebrate a
ritual that unites people beyond the political contructions which divide
them. (See also #3006, "Dying to Live"). Produced by the University
of Notre Dame, Center for Latino Spirituality and Culture.
Senior High Adult
God appoints his servant Saul to lead the Tribes of Israel as one
solidified holy nation.
Join Fr. Nick Zientarski as he unpacks the true meaning of the
Catholic sacrament of Baptism. He explains what every parent needs
to know, from the role of godparents and the profession of faith to the
One Lord, One Faith, One
importance of ongoing faith formation. He is joined by three families 27
Baptism DVD (Rockville Center)
who share their own real-life joys and challenges of living out the
grace of baptism at home in the their "domestic" church and in their
local parish communities. Includes a study guide. Good for baptismal
Mark Scharenbroich speaks to teens about becoming human beings
One of a Kind
with strong, positive self-images. It inspires countless young people 23
to affirm and celebrate all they are and all they can be.
One Too Many brings home the point: Drunk driving can kill a friendship. This drama forces today's teenagers to recognize the stagger-ing
conse-quences of mixing alcohol with automobiles: in this case the
equation is fatal. The objectives of this video are as follows:
One Too Many
recognize symptoms and problems associated with teenage alcoholism...understand the role of peer pressure and alcohol abuse...realize
drunk driving can KILL...learn to seek help from adults when a friend
has a drinking problem.
One Who Was There DVD
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Senior High
One Who Was There VHS
Noted actress Maureen O’Sullivan portrays Mary Magdalene traveling
from Jerusalem to her birthplace in Galilee in AD 64. This lonely
survivor is one of the few left who saw Jesus arrested and crucified.
Her spiritual strength and faith have eroded and are overshadowed by
despair. Mary is touched and transformed by the discoveries of her
journey. Her despair is challenged by the spirited faith of a new
generation of believers. What began as a journey of despair ends with
her return to serve the living God.
Open Arms? Open Eyes! DVD
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
Featuring the late Joseph Cardinal Bernardin and Fr. Henri Nouwen,
this video highlights the importance of including persons with
Open Minds, Open Hearts, Open physical, mental and emotional differences into Liturgy and church
life. It provides practical ways to open hearts, open minds and open
doors for persons with visible and invisible disabilities, so that all may
bring their gifts to God’s altar.
Ordination to the Presbyterate - A video of the Sacrament of Holy Orders administered at St. Peter
April 26, 1991
Cathedral, Erie. (2 hr. 28 min., All ages)
Gary Waldron, an executive with IBM, started GLIE Farms, a
greenhouse and herb farm in a burned-out part of the South Bronx. It
Organic Farming in the South
grew organic vegetables and herbs in rockwool, a medium developed
in Holland that is made from molten lava. This project not only
employed over 100 people, it also gave spirit to a neighbor-hood on
the brink of losing hope.
Bradshaw explains how an abusive environment affects a child's
Original Pain
emotional expres-sion. (60 min., Adult)
This video presents a beautiful celebration of the rite of marriage and
explores what can happen when a couple becomes actively involved
Our Catholic Wedding
in preparing the wedding liturgy. Engaged couples and everyone who
prepares the wedding liturgy can use this video to understand the rite
of marriage in a fuller way.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
all ages
Junior High Senior High
Our Family Roots: Why We Are
Who We Are
Our Friends on Wooster Square Vol. 1
Our Friends on Wooster Square Vol. 2
Our Friends on Wooster Square Vol. 3
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Mercy SCC 25th
This series of videos addresses topics of concern to to the American
family. Information is presented by a panel of experts and in response
to viewers who have called in questions. Presented by the Notre
Dame Alumni Association and made available by the Family
Ministries Office of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Erie.
Our Family Roots: Why We Are Who We Are (88 min., Adult)
This video is based on the same education research used by Children's
Television Workshop. This episode explores God's
Love/Feelings/Sharing/Joy through storyline, song and scripture.
The second episode in this series explores Special/Give/Honest/Love
Your Neighbor through storyline, song and scripture.
The third episode also uses storyline, song and scripture in its
exploring Friends/Help/Peace/Faith.
This is the story of Our Lady appearing to an Indian peasant named
Juan Diego in 1531, ten years after the Spanish conquest of Mexico.
She gave him a message for Bishop Zumarraga: "Build my church
here." The bishop asked for a sign. Three days later, Juan Diego
returned, his arms full of roses gathered from the barren hill; his
cloak, imprinted with the Lady's image. A fascinating story for all.
25th Anniversary-Celebrating Community: In 2014 Our Lady of
Mercy Parish along with the Diocese of Erie Celebrated 25 years of
Small Christian Communities. This video shares the history of how
Our Lady of Mercy formed Small Christian Communities after the
parish’s experience of RENEW and how these communities have
enhanced parish life. Different segments of the video talk about
Growing in Faith, Growing Beyond ourselves, reaching out and
Ministries that flow from the group. (17minutes)**Also on this disc is
another track entitled “Going Deeper Spiritually.” This inspirational
track shows a series of slightly longer interview segments where
people share a little more in depth about their faith and transformative
Preschool Primary
Preschool Primary
Preschool Primary
Junior High Adult
Our Lady of Mercy SCC Build a
Church: Forming the People of
Our Lady of Mercy SCC Video
Out of the Tombs
Overnight Sensation
Build a Church: Forming the People of God: A video with three
tracks each representing a different perspective on Small Christian
Communities. (24 Minutes) Track 1- Why for Small Christian
Communities: A Bishop’s Perspective (9:20)
Track 2- What are Small Christian Communities and How Do They
Work: A Director’s Perspective(7:08) Track 3- What are the benefits
of Small Christian Communities: A Pastor’s Perspective (7:27) This
video would be helpful to inspire the start of Small Christian
Communities in parishes where they do not currently exist, and also to
boost participation in parishes that already have Small Christian
: Four ten-minute videos each on a different aspect of Small Christian
Communities. Topics are: Community, Engagement, New Member,
and Spirituality. Each tem minute video (each on a separate track) is
suitable for showing at Mass as a promotion of Small Christian
Out of the Tombs tells the story of the Gerasene Demoniac, from
Mark 5:1-20. A demon possessed man experiences frenzied pain, a
direct confrontation with evil, a more powerful embrace by the powers
of good, and liberation from his dementia by God. A combination of
biblical research and creative expertise of both the film maker and
lyricist make this translation of Scripture one that is on the cutting
edge in both story and form.
This video focuses on a man's reaction to the unexpected success of
his wife's first novel. He is compelled to deal with a new perspec-tive
on their relation-ship. This would be useful in the discussion of the
dynamics of marriage and interpersonal relationships in guidance,
psychology and sociology classes.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
The story is simple enough. A majestic circus rolls into town with its
cruel side shows, its deceptive magic and its violent acts. It is
followed by a silent clown who lives by kindness instead of control,
by humility instead of power, by laughter instead of fear. He begins to
steal the show.
Parable, The DAMAGED - no
longer available
Parable, The A
Parable, The C
Parables (A New Look at
Familiar Stories)
The jealous ringmaster strings his living puppets to the top of the tent
and pulls them faster to gain the upper hand, but fails. The clown
moves to the ropes, lets down the frightened actors and climbs into the
harness himself.
all ages
He is lifted in their harness, tormented and slain. The ringmaster
watches his death and hears his cry. It is the film's only spoken word.
And it is unforget-ta-ble. Alone in his wagon, and remembering the
cry, the ringmaster quietly paints his face just like that of the clown.
And the circus moves on...followed by a donkey ridden by a clown.
The power of "Parable" is its simplicity. Done entirely in mime,
children, adults, and senior citizens alike all find something in
"Parable". The film has been widely used for church retreats, youth
groups and Bible study sessions, by schools and industry.
Same as #220
Same as #220
Jesus, the master storyteller, taught profound spiritual principles and
complex religious truths in the parables. Ultimately, the Lord left the
meaning of his stories to be discovered by those who listened. This
video offers a vibrant blend of artists, actors, philosophers, Biblical
scholars and expert commentators who offer their unique insights and
interpretations to several of the parables of Jesus.
Junior High Adult
In this DVD, you will see the Bible come alive, understand the
customs and culture behind the parables, and feel the impact of Jesus'
Parables of Jesus DVD
message. Includes The Good Samaritan, The Unmerciful Servant, The 58
Treasure and the Pearl, The Lost Son, The Midnight Visitor, The
Dinner, and the Manager.
A re-enactment of Scripture on location with local actors, this
program captures many of Jesus' most famous teachings from the
Gospel according to Luke. Highlighted in this program are the
Parables, The
following: the rich fool, trust in God, watchful servants, the mustard 45
seed, humility, being a disciple, the lost sheep, and the prodigal son.
This program allows you to believe you were a bystander during the
time of Jesus; you'll think you walked the path behind him almost
By analyzing many of the parables in all four gospels, Rohr defines
seven distinct categories that convey various ways of entering sacred
a Parables: Letting Jesus Teach Us
space. Fr. Richard Rohr instructs us how to move out of secular
consciousness where we live most of our lives and allow Jesus to
Pardon and Peace
Pardon and Peace A
Pardon and Peace B
This is the story of David, a young teenage runaway whose experience
of pain and brokenness make him long for the lights of home. It
echoes human stories of separation and reconciliation as the old
Prodigal Son and as contemporary as today's headlines. Ideal for use
with intermediate through adult audiences in religious education,
retreat settings, and parish celebrations of Reconciliation.
This is the story of David, a young teenage runaway whose experience
of pain and brokenness make him long for the lights of home. It
echoes human stories of separation and reconciliation as the old
Prodigal Son and as contemporary as today's headlines. Ideal for use
with intermediate through adult audiences in religious education,
retreat settings, and parish celebrations of Reconciliation.
Intermediate Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Parenting By Heart: A Lasting
Parenting By Heart: How to
Really Love Your Child
Parenting By Heart: Power
Parenting By Heart: The Key to
Parenting the Teenager (Ellen
Good or bad, parents leave an imprint on each of their children. The
question is, "Did you just leave a bunch of rules and standards or did
you share the life you have in Christ?" On this video, parents will
discover that children must feel loved unconditionally or they may not
accept their parents' moral and spiritual values. Parents will also learn
three essential steps to leaving a lasting legacy.
In this hectic performance-oriented world, many children feel that
love has become a reward. This perception has been devastating to
millions of children who feel they can never measure up. This video
clearly demonstrates that unconditional love is the very cornerstone
for successful parenting. Parents will learn how to convey
unconditional love all the time.
Defiance and power struggles can leave a parent feeling helpless and
frustrated. Instead of asking "How can I correct this behavior?"
parents should ask, "Why is my child acting like this?" The child may
be sick, overwhelmed or in many cases, they are angry. This video
will show how children must learn to express anger without hurting
other people or themselves. Parents will learn to recognize the
reasons for anger and discover practical ways to deal with a
Most parents struggle with "when and how" to use discipline or
punishment. Parents feel out of control, yet children think parents are
too controlling. On this video, parents will discover that having a
relationship with their children is more important than rules. They will
also learn the five most effective ways to handle defiant behavior in
This video gives parents tips, tools, and support on how to influence
their teenagers to make wise choices. Adults will learn: how to build
a bridge of communication between parent and teenager, how to pass
on values without nagging, what adults need to know about teen
sexual activity, five reasons why teenagers choose high risk choices,
including sex, drugs, and alcohol and how parents can combat these
risks, and ten practical ways parents or adult leaders can support teens
in making healthy choices.
Parenting: The Early Years,
Leader's Guide
Parenting: The Early Years,
Sessions 1 & 2
Parenting: The Early Years,
Sessions 3 & 4
Parenting: The Early Years,
Sessions 5 & 6
Parents (Power Surge)
Parish Pastoral Councils (1&2)
Parish Pastoral Councils (3&4)
Parish Rel Ed Assessment Experience of the Parish 2002
10 Biblical traits your kids will remember you for
10 Biblical traits your kids will remember you for
10 Biblical traits your kids will remember you for
10 Biblical traits your kids will remember you for
These Youth Ministry videos are guaranteed to get your kids talking!
Each topic is presented in a fast paced, “teen friendly” format, using
graphics and music. Each video contains a guide including program 16
rationale, suggestions for use, Catholic teaching on each topic and
Scripture and Catechism resources.
Session one offers two principles for the effective organization of
parish pastoral councils. The pastoral council will work best in a
directed parish and in a parish with visible and legible policies and
roles. The second one hour session analyzes the Church as a
community of believers in light of two signifi-cant ideas: shared
responsibility and subsidiarity. The meaning of parish is clear in that
a parish exists in a diocese, each parishioner has positive rights and
responsibilities in the parish and the pastor and staff are to serve the
community. (120 min., Adult)
The third sixty minute session lays the theoretical basis for parish
pastoral councils in theology and church law. It deals with such
questions as whether pastoral councils are advisory or decisionmaking, why the pastor is the presider of the council, who the
members are and how they are chosen, etc. The final session focuses 120
on the skills needed to actually operate a parish pastoral council. It
proposes a collaborative model of decision-making as opposed to a
parliamentary model. It also suggests the skills needed to prepare an
agenda, be a good chairperson, and others. (120 min., Adult)
Junior High Senior High
A dramatic video designed to provoke discussion of relationships in
marriage that is based on an "education from experience" process. It
Partnership in Faith, A: Family
does not provide answers but evokes responses in the viewers that
and Parish
lead them to share their ideas and feelings about marriage. It may be
used with engaged couples or for long-range marriage preparation
with high school students and young adults.
Fr. Brown takes a wonderful and deep look at the four Gospel
accounts of the Passion and Death of Jesus. Working through each
Passion & Death of Jesus, The
Gospel account, he explains clearly the similarities and differences of
(Raymond Brown) DVD
each account and what it means for us today. The DVD is presented as
four talks, one for each of the Gospels.
When we think of the Passion, we think of Christ's physical suffering
and death. But in telling the story of the Agony in the Garden, the
Gospels do not emphasize Jesus' physical sufferings. The Gospel
Passion of Christ, The Rolheiser writers want us to understand Jesus the lover, who undergoes moral
and emotional suffering without resentment or bitterness. Fr.
Rolheiser explains that God's strength comes when we are exhausted
and open to being transformed. A profound and moving reflection in
two parts, approximately 50 minutes each.
This video program re-enacts the events explained in the bible from
the Last Supper to Emmaus. Scenes are so vivid you will believe you
are really a part of the crowd. This session is also taken from Luke
Passion, The
and highlights the following: the Last Supper, agony in the garden,
the arrest, Peter's denial, Jesus before Pilate and Herod, the
crucifixion, and Emmaus.
Passover, The DVD
Passover, The VHS
Passover, The VHS
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
This presentation welcomes you into a Jewish home for the festival
meal celebrated on the first night of the Passover. This unique film
promotes a new understanding between Jew and Gentile, making each
aware of their ties with the other.
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
In this episode of On the Air teens will discover the excitement of
leaving their own comfort zone and stepping out for Jesus and the
Passport to the World (teen)
Gospel as viewers join a youth group working together to build a
church in Nicaragua. Teens working in their own neighborhood in
Michigan is also featured.
This program is a general look at what pastoral care is all about.
Beginning with the historical connection between care of the sick and
Pastoral Care: Session 1 An
religious institutions, it supports the relationship between medical and
Overview of Pastoral Care
spiritual healing, and the part pastoral care givers play in bridging the
Numerous topics are treated in this program such as: listening,
Pastoral Care: Session 2 Building
uncovering the meta-story, assessing a person’s spiritual state,
knowing when to make referrals, and the importance of self-care.
This program builds on the insights of Building Skills (#2415) and
Pastoral Care: Session 3
gives the pastoral care visitor the skills to be a compassionate
Assessing and Discerning
presence to a person in need.
Pastoral Care: Session 4 People This program helps the pastoral care provider understand the
With Cancer
experience of cancer and how to “be there” for someone enduring it.
This video provides practical insight as well as inspiration to
Pastoral Care: Session 5 The
encourage the pastoral care provider to stay in the tension of this time
as a person of faith.
This program provides an awareness of some of the sensitive issues
Pastoral Care: Session 6 Those
people living with HIV\AIDS face everyday, and outlines the do’s and
don’ts of ministering to those infected.
This video is an excellent tool for pastors, pastoral councils and
Pathways of Faith, Story of
parishes who are interested in hiring a director of religious education.
Today's DRE'S
It provides examples of the many responsibilities and services of
DREs in parishes throughout the United States. (14 min., Adult)
Junior High Senior High
When Annie volunteers to help a younger schoolmate with his math,
she grows increasingly impatient with the boy and loses her temper.
Annie regrets offering to tutor the boy until she hears several stories
Patience (Book of Virtues Series)
from her friends at Plato's Peak about the virtue of patience. This
video features the stories "Anne Sullivan and Helen Keller," and
"How the Brazilian Beetles Got their Coats."
Patrick, Brave Shepherd of the
Emerald Isle DVD
Fun loving Patrick had it easy at his parent' seaside villa. At 16, he
thought he had it made for life - until the day raiders kidnapped him to
nearby Ireland. Now a slave and shepherd, Patrick faced a bleak and
Patrick, Brave Shepherd of the
uncertain future. To survive, he'd have to conquer cold, hunger, wild
Emerald Isle VHS
beasts and even worse enemies. Blending historical facts with beloved
traditions, this animated video brings to life a long-lost world of
Druids, warriors, and kings. One that brave Patrick, following the
example of the Good Shepherd, illuminated forever.
This program is a 4-part video-driven Bible study drawing from David
Nasser’s teaching in Rome on the life of the Apostle Paul. Each lesson
is scripturally-focused and will grow and challenge youth and adults
Paul in Rome: Ancient Truth for
into a deeper understanding of what it means to truly follow Christ in
Today's Culture DVD
our culture today. The four sessions are: Culture and Faith in Conflict
(8 min): Not Good Enough? (13 min): Keep the Faith (10 min): A
Picture of Your Life (9 min). A Leader's Guide is provided.
PAUL OF LATER VINTAGE: This video will give insight on the
concept of Church. Who do you say the Church encompasses? Is it all
Paul of Later Vintage\Paul's Spirit Christian communities? Or only all Catholics? PAUL'S SPIRIT
Lives On
LIVES ON: One of Paul's legacies is his teaching on prayer. He helps
us to realize that we can pray always. His many Scripture writings can
help us achieve a more spiritual life.
Paul, Missionary to the Gentiles - This video combines # 362-#365. Please refer to these videos for
Sessions 1-8
Primary Intermediate
Preschool Primary
Preschool Primary
Junior High Adult
Learn about the relationship between the different sources for Paul's
life and understand the nature, purpose and structure of a Pauline
Paul, Missionary to the Gentiles
letter. Session two helps viewers to understand how his message must
be interpreted in light of his situation and the problems of his own
time. (40 min., Adult)
Session three will help participants understand Paul's writings to the
Thessaloni-ans and Philippians along with seeing Paul as a pastor.
Paul, Missionary to the Gentiles
The fourth session helps visualize the Corinthians' church and the
connection between Paul's challenge and the church's pastoral task
today. (40 min., Adult)
Learn the "story" behind 2 Corinthians and understand the Christian
ministry of reconciliation. Session
Paul, Missionary to the Gentiles
six helps participants understand the severity of the threat to Paul's
gospel represented in the teaching of the "Judaizers" and the centrality
of this issue in the letter to the Galatians. (40 min., Adult)
The seventh session helps viewers realize that Paul conceived his own
story of salvation as part of universal salvation history. The final
Paul, Missionary to the Gentiles
session shows how Paul's specific messages became more generalized
and how the Pauline tradition was interpreted and adapted to later
church situations. (40 min., Adult)
PAUL'S LETTER OF TEARS: Paul encountered much suffering
during his life. He writes in Second Corinthians, "I'm content with
weakness, with mistreatment, with distress, even with persecutions
and difficulties for the sake of Christ; for it is when I am powerless
Paul's Letter of Tears\Paul's Very
that I am strong." This session will help us to see this truth in our
Best, But History's Time Bomb
never encouraged religious antagonism. His letter to the Romans
demonstrates God's plan for religious unity It's ironic that this letter
has been used in some of the most tragic divisions of Christianity.
Prayer and compassion feed on each other. Without prayer,
Peaceful Journeys: Caring
compassion can lead to an undisciplined form of activism. Without
compassion our prayer can become a narrow form of "quietism". In
this video, basic elements of healthy caring are reviewed and
Peaceful Journeys: Nurturing
Peaceful Journeys: Praying
Penance (Keep Love Alive)
Perfect Present, The
Perfect Stranger, The DVD
Spiritual boredom is one of the greatest enemies of the spiritual life.
Even a very busy person with many challenges in life can suffer from
it. By knowing how to nurture our inner lives we can avoid
unnecessary spiritual and psychological problems. In a very clear
illustrative fashion, helpful suggestions are provided on how to
How can one develop a simple, yet vibrant prayer life? Is there a
structure which we can be faithful to each day, which will encourage
and challenge us? What are the basic building blocks of the spiritual
life and how can we put them in place immediately? In a visually
creative program, Robert Wicks provides answers which will help
anyone wanting to pray.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
The purpose of this Christmas story is to show the real meaning of
Christmas as we look at the characters involved in the nativity on a
personal level. Amber, who is five years old, is excited about
Christmas, especially the expected visit form Santa. Her father tells
her the story of the Nativity while setting up the family manger scene.
She is intrigued, but more concerned about Santa. Amber dreams she
is in Bethlehem; when she awakens she hurries to the baby Jesus to
wish him a Happy Birthday. (20 min., All Ages)
Nikki Cominsky is a successful attorney - troubled by the fact that her
life isn't perfect. One day, a mysterious invitation shows up on her
desk that read, "You are invited to Dinner with Jesus of Nazareth."
Thinking it's a prank, she shows up - only to find herself in the middle
of a whirlwind evening of debate and revelation - with the most
unforgettabel man she would ever meet.
all ages
Senior High Adult
Person of the Catechist (Echoes
of Faith Plus) DVD
Person of the Catechist, The
(Echoes of Faith)
Personality Software
Persons, Places and Practices in
the Catholic Church
Peter and Paul DVD
This series is a basic level video-assisted resource for the formation
and enrichment of catechists. A catechist who complete this formation
program will experience a process of spiritual formation, gain an
overview of the major doctrinal themes contained in the CCC and
learn practical skills for leading effective catechetical sessions. This
module will guide the catechist in reflecting on the catechetical
vocation and understanding their unique role within it.
This video series is a basic level, video-assisted resource for the
enrichment of catechists. The goal of this series is to acquaint
catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and
introduce them to the principles and practices of sound catechesis.
N.B. There is a companion booklet that accompanies each video.
These booklets will be sent on request with the video, but are NOT to
be photocopied in any form. Copies of the booklets to be used with
each viewer can be purchased from RCL (Resources for Christian
Living), P.O. Box 7000, Allen TX, 75013, 1-877-275-4725.
A nine minute adventure in high concept animation, Personality
Software, jumps at you fast and furiously without giving you a
moment to relax. You may be surprised at the speed of this story and
therefore need to view it a second time! It will capture your curiosity
and add a new look to the way you view self esteem, peer pressure and
artificial happiness. A detailed discussion guide is included.
A live action visual dictionary of many of the "externals" that people
find unfamiliar and intriguing about the Catholic Church. Viewers
will become acquainted with the most common persons...from the
Pope to the laity, places...from the Vatican to the parish sacristy, and
practices...from baptism to burial. An excellent way to help everyone
feel "at home" in the church.
Junior High Adult
Intermediate Adult
Junior High Adult
This distinguished production, starring Anthony Hopkins and Robert
Foxworth, captures the vitality, intensity and humanity of two who
were entrusted by Christ with history’s greatest stewardship - the
Peter and Paul VHS
carrying of the Gospel to all the world. They faced violent opposition
from without and constant turmoil from within. Based on the
Scriptures by and about Peter and Paul, we see how they were driven
by a heavenly vision for a different kind of world.
Pilgrimage of the People of God, Tape I of this set includes three segments: The Early Church; The
The Tape I (History of the
Medieval Church; and The Reformation. Each segment is 30 minutes
long. Study guide included.
Pilgrimage of the People of God, Tape II of this set includes three segments: The Counter Reformation;
The Tape II (History of the
The Early Modern Period; and The Modern Period. This history is
only inclusive to 1991. Study guide included.
An uplifting video capturing the historic events surrounding Pope
John Paul II's visit to Denver, Colorado. Viewers will experience the
images and spiritual devotion of the thousands of international
Pilgrimage to the Peaks
pilgrims who journeyed to World Youth Day '93. From opening
ceremonies, President Clinton's welcome, and Sunday's mass at
Cherry Creek State Park, Pilgrimage to the Peaks brings to life this
For children, death seems unreal and at a distance - until it comes
close: a grandparent, a parent, a sibling or a pet dies. This video will
Place Prepared, A
help talk with children about death and heaven, and help to prepare
them for the inevitable losses they will experience throughout their
This landmark film, starring Sally Field, John Malkovich, Danny
Glover and Ed Harris, is an emotionally gripping story. It centers
around Edna Spaulding (Field) and her unending struggle against
Places in the Heart
extraordinary events. Set in Texas in the depression-torn 1930's, this
film and its characters leave an indelible impression of faith, courage,
love and most of all, endurance.
Junior High Adult
Intermediate Adult
Junior High Adult
Sally Fields stars in this Academy Award performance. It takes place
in the 1930s in Waxahachie, Texas. Against this Depression-torn
background, unforgettable characters meet and collide. A blind
Places in the Heart DVD
boarder sees all too clearly the bigotry of his time ….a black man who
knows his lot in a white Southern town….others who are caught upin
adulterous relationships. Teogether they leave an indelible impression
of faith, courage, love and, most of all, endurance.
This program is an introduction to natural family planning, which uses
modern scientific techniques to determine when a woman is fertile or
Plan Your Family Naturally: An infertile. Working in harmony with nature, this approach removes any
Introduction to Natural Family
artificial barriers to the full, free, faithful and fruitful union of
sacramental marriage. Couples in this program give real-life witness
to its effectiveness, challenges, and many benefits - practical,
relational, and spiritual - as they cooperate with God's natural plan for
This video gives couples a firm foundation for planning their wedding
liturgy so that it will be celebrated and remembered as a visible sign
Planning Your Wedding Liturgy of God’s faithful love. Included in this Catholic Update video is a
story segment, a witness segment, a teaching segment and a music
video reflection.
This lively video introduces children to the concepts of tolerance,
diversity and getting along with others. Viewers learn the importance
Planting the Seeds of Peace DVD of treating others with respect; making friends with children from
different cultural, ethnic and racial backgrounds; and speaking out if
they observe someone else being teased or bullied.
This program uses dramatic vignettes, real person interviews and teen
hosts to help teach students that they are active players in creating a
safe school environment. Issues covered are gossiping, taunting,
Play It Safe - Strategies for a Safe
ignoring, labeling, isolating, teasing, intolerance, bullying and
School Environment DVD
excluding. Viewers also learn how to use their influence to encourage
peers to follow these strategies. Leader's guide and student activity
sheets are included. Approved for student inservicing for child
PM Conference " Liturgy and
Justice" Conroy 1997
Sr. High - Adult
Primary Intermediate
Intermediate Junior High
PM Conference "A Spirituality
for Parish Ministry" Morneau
PM Conference "Christian
Spirituality and Ministry for the
Third Millennium" Thomas
PM Conference "God the Father"
Groome 1999 (two sessions)
PM Conference "God the Father"
Hater 1999
PM Conference "God the Father"
Paradise 1999
PM Conference "Liturgy as the
Source of All Ministry" Gaupin
PM Conference "Nurturing
Disciplehsip: A Walk on Holy
Ground" Hurley 2003
PM Conference "Rel Ed Program
Assessment Process: Overview
and Conversation" Streett
PM Conference "Spirituality for
the Third Millennium: linking
communal prayer to life in the
world" Foley 2002
PM Conference "Spirituality for
the Third Millennium: linking
communal prayer to life in the
world" Hall 2002
PM Conference "Spirituality for
the Third Millennium: linking
communal prayer to life in the
world" Foley 2002
PM Conference "Spirituality for
the Third Millennium: linking
personal prayer to life in the
world" Nerney 2001
PM Conference "Spirituality for
the Third Millennium: linking
personal prayer to life in the
world" Weind 2001
PM Conference "Spirituality from
a Liturgical Perspective" Brown
PM Conference "Spirituality: The
Core of Our Ministry" Morneau
PM Conference "The Church &
the Challenges of History" Ross
PM Conference "The Holy Spirit"
Paradise 1998
PM Conference "The Spirit and
Sunday Liturgy" Rendler 1998
PM Conference "The Spirit and
the Journey Toward the
Millennium" Philibert 1998
PM Conference "The Spirit and
the Journey Toward the
Millennium" Untener 1998
This program traces the life of Joseph Ratzinger from birth to the
present day, taking us through the tiny Bavarian towns of Freising and
Pope Benedict XVI: A Profile on
Munich where he spent his childhood and youth, to his pastoral
the Life of Joseph Ratzinger
service and ultimately his appointment as head of the Catholic
Church. The Pontiff's older brother, Fr. Georg Ratzinger, who rarely
gives interviews, agreed to make an exception for this program.
Junior High Adult
Pope John Paul II - Detroit
Pope John Paul II - Detroit
Pope John Paul II - Detroit (Hart
Pope John Paul II - Detroit (Mass
at the Silverdome)
Pope John Paul II - Pilgrimage at
the Crossroads
In this set of four videos, relive the memorable visit of Pope John Paul
to Detroit on September 18-19, 1987, through live footage of the
In this set of four videos, relive the memorable visit of Pope John Paul
to Detroit on September 18-19, 1987, through live footage of the
In this set of four videos, relive the memorable visit of Pope John Paul
to Detroit on September 18-19, 1987, through live footage of the
In this set of four videos, relive the memorable visit of Pope John Paul
to Detroit on September 18-19, 1987, through live footage of the
A commemorative video of the visit to the United States by His
Holiness, Pope John Paul II, from October 4-8, 1995.
With interviews of childhood friends, colleagues, and Vatican
officials, this program is the complete story of Pope John Paul's
Pope John Paul II Statesman of
remarkable life. From his carefree youth in Poland to his human rights
Faith DVD (A&E)
activism, to his late struggles with Parkinson's Disease, the
compassion and inspiration of the most traveled Pope in history is
He was an actor who became a resistance fighter. He was an orphan
who became Papa to eveyone. He was a local hero who became one of
the greatest world leaders of our time. He was Pope John Paul II. This
Pope John Paul II (CBS - Voight)
full length movie was originally presented on CBS television in 2005.
Starring John Voight, it portrays the wit, charm and willpower of one
of the most influential popes in modern history.
Pope John Paul II in Israel 2000
During a visit of the Pope to the United States, there is a question and
Pope John Paul II: The Planet is
answer with youth people there are flashbacks on the life of Karol
Alive DVD
How Pope John Paul used his high office to undermine and help
destroy Communism in eastern Europe while at the same time
Pope John Paul II: Crusader for
transforming the papacy is revolutionary and inspiring.This video
Human Dignity
examines the character and forces that enabled John Paul II to be
acclaimed universally as one of the most important personalities of the
Junior High Adult
Senior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Intermediate Adult
This video biography traces the Pope's life from his humble
beginnings in a small Polish town through his rise to the most
Pope John Paul II: The Story of a
important position in the Catholic Church. A combination of stirring
Holy Life DVD
live footage and brilliant archival photography effectively capture the
life of one of the most influential men of the last 100 years.
Experience the sights and sounds of the historic pilgrimage to Denver
for World Youth Day '93. The viewer will witness the fun, laughter,
Pope Quest
tears, faith and transformations of the Pope and young people together
in this exciting adventure! (31 min., Jr. High - Sr. High School)
This video offers a fascinating look at the history of the papacy and
Popes, The: The Legacy of Peter
the men who have occupied the throne of Peter throughout the ages.
This history includes the papacy of Pope John Paul II.
Pornography is a trap. Soft-porn or hard-core, pornography is the
secret addiction that has destroyed careers, relationships and lives.
Pornography: Addictive,
This frank talk about temptation, addiction and perversion helps you
Progressive and Deadly
avoid destructive choices. This video includes segments from an
interview Dr. Dobson took part in with serial killer Ted Bundy telling
how he was influenced by pornography. (50 min., Jr. - Sr. High
Amelia, an American teenager of Latino descent, has an art
assignment to draw a self portrait. One drawing reflects her dream of
being "Teen Princess," a dream quickly negated by her feeling of
being taken for granted by her family while her brother and sister
seem the center of interest. Other drawings show her in daily life as a
best friend, cheerleader, student, shopper and glamorous young
woman. In each case, reality, questions Amelia's images of herself.
Finally, Amelia sits down, and gazing into the mirror, attempts to
draw herself as she is. This search for identity is characteristic of the
teenage years, but is a search that surfaces again and again throughout
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High
Christian Hageseth III, M.D., one of the keynote speakers at the above
mentioned youth rally offers some thoughts on Positive Humor. This
program is presented in three parts averaging between 35 and 40
Positive Humor 101
minutes in length. Some of the topics include: Options in Adversity;
Overcoming the Fear of Foolishness; You Are Not #1; "Happy Hour
Isn't" --- The Relationship of Alcohol to Humor and many others.
(118 min., Junior High - Adult)
In this video, watch as the potter takes a broken, previously used,
somewhat bowl-shaped piece of dry clay and forms it into a usable,
Potter, The
beautiful vessel. The depth of the parable of the potter and the clay
(Jer 18:2) is exposed throughout the process as the purposeful,
creative hand of the Master Potter is at work. Study guide included.
These programs begin dialogue on a range of pastoral issues affecting
the life of the Church. In all videos, church teaching is the context
Poverty and Responsibility
within which the discussions take place. None of the videos is
complete or exhaustive, but they are good starters for dialogue.
Technology has placed the modern media industry in a position of
Power and Impact of the Media, great power and influence. This video program will raise the
awareness in the viewer of the need to critically evaluate the impact of
media in a personal and social way. (21 min., Sr. High School )
This program presents four studies that open viewers' minds and
Power of Forgiveness, The DVD hearts to a new understanding of forgiveness so they can embrace
forgiveness as a key to a wholesome and free life.
This DVD explores middle school bullying from different
perspectives that students will relate to and easily understand. Viewers
will hear from students who have been bullied and those who have
been the bully. Different kinds of bullying are explored and the
Power Trip: Bullying in School
differences between how boys and girls bully are explored. Other
DVD Gr. 5-9
topics include the difference between bullying and teasing, when an
adult should be told, what bystanders can do and how bullied students
can "stand up, step up and speak up" to stop bullying. Leader's guide
and students activities are included. Approved for student inservicing
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Senior High
Intermediate Junior High
Fr. Larry Richards speaks on what prayer is, and then he leads you
Prayer CD
through a prayer experience so that you can come to know the God
who will never let you go!
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
Prayer (God Speaks and Listens) to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
This series is a basic level video-assisted resource for the formation
and enrichment of catechists. A catechist who complete this formation
program will experience a process of spiritual formation, gain an
Prayer and Spirituality (Echoes of overview of the major doctrinal themes ocntained in the CCC and
Faith Plus) DVD
learn practical skills for leading effective catechetical sessions. This
module explores the catechist's relationship with the living God that is
called prayer. It places prayer within the context of spirituality, the
name given to the entire life lived in response to God's call.
This video series is a basic level, video-assisted resource for the
enrichment of catechists. The goal of this series is to acquaint
catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and
introduce them to the principles and practices of sound catechesis.
Prayer and Spirituality (Echoes of
N.B. There is a companion booklet that accompanies each video.
These booklets will be sent on request with the video, but are NOT to
be photocopied in any form. Copies of the booklets to be used with
each viewer can be purchased from RCL (Resources for Christian
Living), P.O. Box 7000, Allen TX, 75013, 1-877-275-4725.
This segment deals with the definition of “pure” prayer, which
Prayer Made Simple & Joyful:
involves willingness to give ourselves to God. Even when we feel
Part 1
nothing spiritually and our thoughts drift, our prayer is pure when we
give ourselves over to God as best we can.
This segment teaches that the secret to prayer rests in our fidelity to
Prayer Made Simple & Joyful:
God’s will as manifested in the “present moment.” The past is gone;
Part 2
the future is hidden from our eyes. All we have is the present moment
to rest in God - just as we are.
This segment has to do with the joy we can and should bring to our
prayer. Believing that Jesus came to give us the fullness of life, we
Prayer Made Simple & Joyful:
can come to prayer wearing an “inner smile.” Fr. Catoir believes that
Part 3
the greatest honor we can give God through our prayer is to live
joyfully, believing in God’s great love for us.
In prayer, we trust God is with us in all our needs. The most common
form of prayer is one of petition. In this video, young people pray for
Prayer of Asking
others, for themselves and as Jesus prayed. They are invited to
experience a guided imagery, a pebble prayer, a world prayer, Prayers
of the Faithful and praying as a group for someone who is sick.
Respect and reverence, awe and wonder are our natural responses to
our loving and generous God who made and sustains all of creation.
Prayer of Praise
This video encourages children to have an attitude of praise through a
story, a praise walk and a guided meditation.
In our fast paced world, young people need to discover ways to pay
loving attention to the God who dwells within them. This video
Prayer of Quiet
invites young people to come face to face with God in silence, by
experiencing the words of scripture, “be still, know that I am here.”
This DVD contains four video programs: Prayer of Praise; Prayer
Prayer with Young People DVD Anytime, Any Place, About Anything; Prayer of Asking; and Prayer of
Quiet. Includes Activity Book.
Prayer: Anytime, Anyplace
Kathleen Chesto explores the importance of prayer in the context of
the family and examines the essential nature of ritual. She encourages
Prayertime, Familytime
families to make prayer a part of their everyday activities so that every
action becomes a prayer. (26 min., Adult)
This video is designed to assist adults, individually or in small groups,
Praying at All Times (Liturgy of to learn to pray the Liturgy of the Hours. It also includes a brief
the Hours)
history and explanation of the spirituality of the Liturgy of the Hours.
The presentation closes with Evening Prayer in a parish setting.
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
The new prayer form introduced in this DVD encourages the pray-er
to pray with the right side of the brain and uses simple tools such as
Praying in Color: Adult Edition paper, crayons, markers, etc. It can take as little or as much time as a
person has or wants to commit. Drawing (doodling) is half the prayer;
the other half is transporting the visual memories or actual images
with the prayer throughout the day.
This first-of-its-kind resource will change the way children and youth
pray - and how adults try to teach them to do it. This is prayer that
Praying in Color: Kids Edition
makes sense to kids. One minute a day will do and any time of the day
will work. Drawing simple shapes and doodles with markers or
crayons is half the prayer; the other half is carrying the visual
memories throughout the day.
This video addresses how prayer can emerge in and through life's
troubled moments - suffering, loss, death - when strong emotions,
Praying Our Questions
questions and the search for God challenge us. Part of the "Catholic
Update Series," it is divided into four segments: the story segment, the
witness segment, the teaching segment and the music video reflection.
This Catholic Update video explores how the song-prayers of the
Bible, the psalms, have been used since ancient times as a means of
Praying the Psalms
prayer, and gives practical prayer suggestions for contemporary
Catholics. The video consists of a story segment, witness segment,
teaching segment and music video reflection.
This Catholic Update video explores the inspiration and history
behind this devotion and explains how to pray the rosary according to
Praying the Rosary
Catholic tradition and practice. The video consists of a story segment,
witness segment, teaching segment and music video reflection.
This program is intended to help participants share with others
Praying with Our Own Words:
important ideas about communicating with God. This program
Meaningful Conversations About includes five segments: Learning to be present; Getting down to our
Prayer DVD
hearts; People come to prayer intuitively; We seek the presence of
others who are searching; Where is God working in your day.
Primary - High
This program is intended to help participants share with others
Praying with Scripture:
important ideas about communicating with God. This program
Meaningful Conversations About includes four segments: Everybody's holy. Everyone can pray; Picking
Prayer DVD
out a word that touches your heart; Imagine what the scene must have
looked like; The Psalms speak the emotions of the human heart.
This program is intended to help participants share with others
Praying with the Church's Words: important ideas about communicating with God. This program
Meaningful Conversations About includes five segments: Traditional prayer; The Sign of the Cross; the
Prayer DVD
Our Father; Jesus comes from a womb like we do; Prayer allows us to
see God working in every moment.
This montage of presentations, conversations and interviews will
expand the viewer's vision of justice and provide practical pointers for
Preaching the Just Word
honing and improving preaching skills. It inspires homilists to give
the assembly what it is entitled to, desires and needs.
This video is for preachers who are looking for a practical method for
preparing and delivering a Sunday homily. Featured in this program
is Fr. Robert Pagliari, a former professor at the American College at
the University of Leaven. Pagliari believes that preachers today need
Preaching the Word
not only to BELIEVE the WORDS they are speaking, but also CARE
about the PEOPLE who are listening. A homily must be presented as
a "package" that parishioners can not only believe in and practice, but
also be able to relate to in everyday life. (60 min., Adult)
A. J. and the Human Race Club (neighborhood friends who meet in a
tree house) learn a valuable lesson from the story "The Unforgettable
Pen Pal". A.J. and his pen pal Joey become the best of friends even
Prejudice and Discrimination
though they have never meet. They plan to attend a basketball game
together, but you'll be surprised that prejudice becomes a reason for
their fallen friendship,. (28 min., Intermediate)
Preparing Children for Four Creative
Ways DVD
An Advent program for the family. Christmas is a special time of
year...the gifts...the music...the joy of togetherness. But the true
Preparing for Christmas
meaning of Christmas is much more than these. Each of the four parts
are fifteen minutes in length: Waiting, Hoping, Preparing, Giving and
A series of four separate programs for Advent. Each develops an
aspect of God's promise to send us a Savior and of the wonder of
Jesus' coming. Part 1: Shows how everyday life is a constant
Preparing for Christmas II A
reminder of what Jesus' becoming human means to us. Part 2: You
meet a very special person who spends his life "Santa Clausing". Part
3: A child prays for and receives a "Christmas Daddy". Part 4: The
adventures of Aaron, the donkey who belonged to Mary and Joseph.
Preparing for Christmas II B
Same as #104
This video is presented in two, 28 minute sessions. In the first part,
Fr. Miles Riley, a marriage counselor for over twenty years, raises
thought-provoking questions on such issues as: marriage,
Preparing for Marriage
expectations, children, religion, sexuality, and the sacrament itself. In
the second part, Fr. Miles gives practical advice to guide the couple
from the engagement to the wedding reception. Focusing on the
wedding ceremony itself, he explains how to make it a sacred family
A video that explains the meaning of Baptism through its symbols,
Preparing for Your Child's
theology, and the stories of Christians. Excellent for use in Baptism
preparation classes.
The spirituality of children is centered in their families. It is the
responsibility of parents, even more than the church, to prepare their
Preparing Your Child for First
children for sacraments. This video is filled with practical and
Eucharist VHS
creative things to do with children to prepare them for First
Communion. (25 min., Adult)
Preparing Your Child for First
There are 4 segments: the story for children (15 min.); witness for
Reconciliation (Catholic Update) parents (3 min.); teaching for parents (7 min.) and the music reflection
for children (6 min.) Mary Krutko is the host of this program.
Preparing Your Child for
Same as #948
Reconciliation (B) VHS
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Primary and
Preparing Your Child for
Reconciliation VHS
Preparing Your Child for
Reconciliation (A) VHS
The sacrament of Reconciliation is more about God than it is about us.
It tells us God is loving, healing, and forgiving at all times. This
video shows practical ways of introducing our children to this living
God. (25 min., Adult)
parable? A parable is a fictional short story told to teach a lesson or a
moral. Jesus' parables commonly feature examples or illustrations
from daily life, typical cases that most people would be familiar with.
Presenting the New Testament
According to Matthew\Instructing MATTHEW: Scholars generally agree that Matthew, the tax-collector
Our Hearts With Parables
and apostle, was not the author of this Gospel. At least most of the
evidence points away from him. However, we now know that the
Gospel material was handed down for several decades before being
written in its final form. He, more than the other Evangelists, presents
us with a thorough list of Jesus' moral teachings.
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
Preserving Holland's Tidal
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
A very well done video which shows the wondrous and dynamic chain
of events that takes place within the womb. In a brief span if two
Preview of a Birth
months a single cell pro-gresses to a tiny human with all organs
present and functioning.
Primary Intermediate
Intermediate Adult
Priest, Prophet, King
Priestly Relationships: Freedom
Through Boundaries Morneau
and Kinney
Priestly Vocation, The: An
Invitation to Life DVD
Pro Bono in the AIDS Epidemic
Problem of the Wounded Child
Proclaiming the Word
Proclaiming the Word (LTP)
Proclaiming the Word (LTP)
The better we understand Jesus, the better we understand ourselves.
But who was Jesus, this itinerant preacher whom many called the
Messiah? In Priest, Prophet, King, you’ll discover Jesus as the
Anointed One–the ultimate priest, prophet, and king foreshadowed
throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Using biblical insights and
engaging stories, Father Barron affirms that we see Jesus most clearly
through the lens of the Old Testament.
What does it mean to be a priest? How does a man discern such a
calling?Through the stories of priests of varying backgrounds in this
powerful DVD, see firsthand how their lives of love and self-sacrifice
are more fulfilled than anyone could imagine.
This video features attorneys who do pro bono work for people with
AIDS and HIV in various parts of the United States. It is an important
vehicle for educating people about the legal needs of those with AIDS
and the HIV. (30 min., Adult)
Bradshaw discusses how dysfunctional families create a wounded
inner child. (60 min., Adult)
A two part program be used by Ministers of the Word for training and
enrichment. Part One looks at the "who", "what", and "why" of
proclaiming the word. Part Two demonstrates for all lectors, the
"where", "when", and "how" of proclaiming. Various segments of this
program can be used in training sessions for new readers and/or to
improve the skill and motivation of experienced readers, priests and
deacons. (43 min., Adult)
Junior High Adult
Prodigal Son, The (animated)
Prodigal Son, The (Nest) DVD
Prodigal Son, The (Nest) VHS
Prodigal, The (Gospel series)
Profiles in Achievement DVD
Program Director's Manual
(Echoes of Faith Plus)
Promise Goes Unfulfilled, The
(Enduring Faith)
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
This video tells the familiar story of a once wayward son reunited with
his father and family after having squandered all his possessions.
Viewers will learn of the overwhelming love encompassing someone
who returns to God after having repented of his foolish ways.
This video retells the story of the Prodigal Son by using a modern day
setting. Mark asks his father for his share of the inheritance from the
family hardware store. Reluctantly, his father allows it, and his
younger son goes out to make his fortune. (11 min., All ages)
Many highly successful people are challenged by learning differences.
This program is a collection of stories meant to inspire and encourage
all learners. Some of the people profiled are famous. Others are young
who have already achieved great success in a variety of fields. For
those with LD, the stories show that having difficulties in school
doesn’t mean they’re stupid and that they can focus on their strengths
to make important contributions to society. For those who don’t have
LD, the stories will help them understand what it is like to have LD
and that people with LD can go far in life.
The Enduring Faith video series is a celebration of the enduring power
of the faith and the faithful in African American communities
throughout the United States. It is an exploration of one diocese's
history of struggling to deal with prejudice, especailly between blacks
and whites. This video concentrates on the African American Catholic
story in the diocese of Belleville, Illinois, during the middle of the
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
all ages
Junior High Adult
Prophets and Kings - Sessions 1-8
Prophets and Kings (1&2)
Prophets and Kings (3&4)
Prophets and Kings (5&6)
Prophets and Kings (7&8)
Prophets in the Desert
This video combines # 370-#373. Please refer to these videos for
The first session explains the transition from judges to kings and gives
an overview of the reigns of Saul, David and Solomon. The next
session promotes understanding of the basic institutions and concepts
relating to Israel's public worship. It also introduces the major types
or genres of psalm. (40 min., Adult)
Learn the events leading to the division of Israel into two kingdoms
and the early history of prophecy in session three. In session four the
viewer learns the historical background against which the eighth
century prophets worked as well as the editorial processes which led
to the compilation of the prophetic
books of the Bible. (40 min., Adult)
In session five the viewer will gain a basic understanding of the
origins of the book of Deuteronomy. Session six helps viewers reach
an understanding of the events that lead up to the destruction of
Jerusalem and the exile in 586 B.C. (40 min., Adult)
Explore various concepts of Ezekiel (living water, the heart of flesh,
and the vivifying of the dry bones) as aids to contemporary
spirituality. Session eight follows with an investigation of
Lamentations and Second Isaiah with reactions to the experience of
conquest and exile. (40 min., Adult)
God raises up witnesses from the sands of Israel, who foretell the
salvation of his people through the coming of the Messiah.
Primary Intermediate
Protect Yourself: Personal Safety
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
on the Internet Gr. 7-12 DVD
This documentary-style program features teens talking about their
Internet experiences ranging from frequent messages from people they
Protect Yourself: Personal Safety don't know to invitations to gamble. Safety is discussed and the teens
on the Internet Gr. 7-12 VHS
talk about how they limit the information they post. Teens learn to be
assertive and smart when it comes to their actions on the Internet.
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
Junior High Senior High
Proud Tree, The
An inspiring story for children about the crucifixion from the
viewpoint of Rex, the tree that became the cross Jesus carried to
Calvary. Rex proud and ungrateful, learns a lesson from the humble, 25
gentle Jesus. Sadness and sympathy for the suffering Jesus mingle
with the joy and exultation of the Resurrection. (25 min., Primary)
This animated version of the story of the Old Testament queen who
Queen Esther
saved her people from destruction is part of the Hanna-Barbera
“Greatest Adventure Stories from the Bible” series.
This 8-part video study is designed to give participants a brief
overview of salvation history, from Genesis through the resurrection
Quick Journey Through the Bible, of Christ and the establishment of the Catholic Church. Participants
will learn about the spiritual benefits of Bible study and how to enter
more deeply into "His-story" as they begin their study of Scripture.
Each talk is thirty minutes long. (4 discs)
A video for teens and those who interact with them. It gives practical
knowledge about suicide as well as helpful guidelines and tips to
Races Are Run
recognize and deal with potential victims. It includes a reproducible
previewing quiz handout. (20 min., Sr. High School)
These Youth Ministry videos are guaranteed to get your kids talking!
Each topic is presented in a fast paced, “teen friendly” format, using
Racism (Power Surge)
graphics and music. Each video contains a guide including program
rationale, suggestions for use, Catholic teaching on each topic and
Scripture and Catechism resources.
Some say that we’ve come a long way since slavery, segregation, and
the sixties. But look at the turmoil in the news,,, and look in your
heart. Since racism is an attitude of the heart, government legislation
Racism: Erase the Hate (adult)
alone cannot repair the damage and heal the wounds. In this episode
of The Big Picture, you will discover how lasting reconciliation can
take place as individual Christians begin to chisel away at their own
stereotypes and pre-conceived ideas.
Senior High
Junior High Senior High
You may be saying, “I’m not a racist. I feel love for people of all
races, color, and creeds. But racism is not so much in how you feel,
Racism: Going Color Blind (teen)
but in what you do. In this episode of On the Air teens will be
challenged to think and do something about race issues in their own
By paralleling the Biblical story of Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and
Rack, Shack and Benny (Veggie
the Fiery Furnace, this animated story helps children learn how to
Tales) A
resist peer pressure and stand up for what they believe in.
Rack, Shack, and Benny B
Same as #2051
How can a parent convince a child of his/her self worth independent
of “things”? How can our children develop true and deep values in a
Raising a Faith-Filled Child in a
materialistic society? This video provides practical and realistic
Consumer Society VHS
answers which will help children live with Gospel values in such a
society. (20 min., Adult)
Kathleen Chesto cuts straight to the heart of the problem of the over
dominance of violence in our society and offers very practical advice
Raising Children in a Violent
on how to counteract this trend within our own hearts and families.
Chesto’s advice is do-able, not complicated. She calls on parents to
evaluate their lives and make choices that are indeed in the best
interest of their children and of society as a whole.
This media gives parents and adults who work with children concrete
Raising Children of Divorce
(and practical) ways to help children through divorce. Hosted by Dr.
Philip Stahl Ph.D.
The divorce of one's parents is a traumatic event in a child's life. This
Raising Children of Divorce:
video will provide concrete ways to help children through one of the
Practical Help for Parents VHS
most difficult times they will ever face.
This video takes the gospel story of the Raising of Lazarus and looks
at it anew from dramatic, experiential and theological perspectives. It
Raising of Lazarus (Come and
is divided into an introduction and three segments and may be
See Series)
watched in its entirety or may be stopped after each segment for
reflection and\or discussion. This video is useful in catechesis for the
Scrutinies in the RCIA process. (63 min., Adult)
Junior High Senior High
Primary Intermediate
This video was developed to be used with the Fifth Sunday of Lent in
Cycle A. Death of a loved one always causes grief. A very good
friend of Jesus dies while He is away. When Jesus returns He raises
Raising of Lazarus, The
Lazarus from the dead to give us a vision of eternal life. It has other
uses because it contains many reconciliation symbols. It is an excellent choice for any activity that explores or celebrates reconciliation
The RCIA of Adults in Practice: The Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults is more of a journey in faith rather than a program. RCIA can
be adapted to any size community because it was not designed only
RCIA of Adults in Practice\RCIA
for large well-staffed parishes. The RCIA of Adults in Theory: RCIA 60
of Adults in Theory
has received much attention and may be the most explosive change to
affect today's church. The process is one that everyone can become
involved in, a journey in sharing our faith with others in the
Catechumens who have been through the RCIA process share their
stories with the viewer by relating their faith to the Scripture passages
RCIA: The Journey Through
of the Easter Vigil. Faith is a journey of following God's call. This
Easter A
may be used to introduce RCIA to members of the parish community.
(25 min., Sr. Highl - Adult)
RCIA: The Journey Through
Same as #315
Easter B
RCIA: The Journey Through
Same as #315
Easter C
RCIA: The Journey Through
Same as #315
Easter D
This video gives teenagers solid physical, emotional and spiritual
reasons to choose chastity for their lives. Throughout the presentation
Reality in Relationships (Ellen
teens will discover how to develop solid Godly relationships built
upon respect and trust. They will learn to defend their values, stand
against peer pressure and make a strong, personal argument for
Junior High Senior High
This video program will help listeners and observers of music
discover how we worship and that singing is delightful and possible.
Reason Why We Sing, The
After viewing this video, the viewer may even accept the invitation to
become a singer and discover that the only wrong sound is a dull
sound. (19 min., Adult)
Bradshaw tells how unfulfilled infant needs affect adulthood. (60
Reclaiming Your Inner Infant
min., Adult)
Reclaiming Your Inner
Bradshaw discusses rigid family structures, sexual abuse and incest.
(60 min., Adult)
Reclaiming Your Inner School- Bradshaw explains how unmet childhood needs affect adulthood. (60
Age Child
min., Adult)
Bradshaw tells how toddlers' needs are sometimes frustrated. (60
Reclaiming Your Inner Toddler
min., Adult)
Sr. Kathleen Rameriz, O.P., discusses causes and classroom
Recognize-Respond to Learning characteristics of learning disabilities, practical accomodations,
Disabilities in the Catholic School grading and evaluation. Produced by The Network of Inclusive
Catholic Educators, University of Dayton.
This video explores the biblical ideal of reconciliation and practical
Reconciliation (Divorce)
counsel for those interested in exploring reconciliation. (35 min.,
In this series of ten videos, Fr. Michael Himes provides insights into
Reconciliation (The Mystery of the basics of the Catholic faith in a style that is engaging and
Faith Series - Himes)
challenging. Fr. Himes demonstrates the power of this sacrament for
living the truth of the God-creature relationship. (20 min., Adult)
Fr. Joe Kempf presents an engaging preparation program for First
Reconciliation in a series of six segments. The segments are titled:
Reconciliation - Children
1)We Belong, 2) We Celebrate God’s Love, 3) We Hear Good News,
4) We Look At Our Lives, 5) We Ask Forgiveness, 6) We Go Forth in
Pardon and Peace.
This video, conducted in four parts by Fr. Joe Kempf, offers a First
Reconciliation - Families
Reconciliation preparation program for parents. Informational and
engaging, “Fr. Joe” offers insights on this important sacrament with
the parent in mind.
Reconciliation (Intermediate)
Reconciliation Past and Present
(Chesto) DVD
Sacraments help us remember Jesus’ love and point us outward in the
service of others. This series will instruct and encourage young
people to explore their faith and God’s unconditional love for them.
This series uses the actions of daily living, Jesus’ life and the actions 13
of the believing community to call young people to grow in Christ.
Letting go of the heaviness of our own failures is essential for growth
in faith. The sacrament of reconciliation reminds us that letting go of
This video covers the history, ritual and theology of the sacrament of
Reconciliation Past and Present Reconciliation over the course of its presence in Christianity. This
(Chesto) VHS
two part video program, featuring Kathleen Chesto, gives a concise,
thoroughly accessible overview of Reconciliation. (39 min., Adult)
Through role playing, this video helps adolescents make the
connection between conflicts in their lives and the need to celebrate
Reconciliation: Closing the Gap
the sacrament of reconciliation. A brief history of how the sacrament
has changed through the centuries is also presented. (13 min., Jr. - Sr.
Reconciliation: Stories of
An OSV media resource for families of children preparing for the
Celebration DVD
sacrament of Reconciliation
This video will be useful to groups that are seeking to sustain and
increase their active membership. It shows how and why people join
Recruiting New Members
organizations and the most effective approach to recruiting members.
A discussion guide is included.
This classic tale by Albert Lamorisse is one of the most honored
children's films ever made. A shy young boy is befriended by a
Red Balloon, The
mysterious red balloon which follows him everywhere. Some envious
boys chase and puncture the balloon but the boy is not sad for long
because all the balloons of Paris converge to carry him off in triumph.
Junior High Senior High
Primary Intermediate
Red Boots for Christmas DVD
Rededication of St. Peter
Cathedral, The
Rediscovering the Rosary
Re-examining Baptismal Fonts
Reflection of Vocations
Hans the shoemaker has never learned the true meaning of Christmas.
While he mocks his town's merry preparations, he is visited by an
angel who brings the promise of a very special gift. The shoemaker
crafts a fine pair of red boots for the angel's return. As the story
unfolds, Hans learns the joys of sharing and fellowship and finally
embraces the spirit of Christmas. This DVD is a wondrful program to
teach children the true meaning of Christmas.
A video of the Rededication Mass of St. Peter Cathedral. Narrated by
Fr. Scott Stroupe; main celebrant Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua of
Philadelphia and Cardinal John O'Connor of New York as homilist.
Restoration of the entire cathedral including the magnificent stained
glass windows are shown throughout the program.
Fr. Paul Philibert, a Dominican priest and scholar who has headed the
Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame, guides the
viewer through a three part reflection on the Rosary. With gentle
instruction, Father Philibert encourages the praying of the traditional
Rosary in a fashion that opens our hearts and minds and bodies for an
experience of contemplative prayer. He explains the value of praying
the Rosary scripturally, integrating the stories of the lives of Jesus and
Mary into our own lived experience.
This video helps parishes to see and consider the need for fonts that
enable adult and infant baptisms by immersion. It will help clarify the
meaning of baptism and the symbolism and use of water in baptism.
It will guide persons who are involved in the design and placement of
fonts in new churches or in older churches where the baptismal space
is to be redesigned. (36 min., Adult)
A meditative program with scenic pictures and people depicting the
voice of God calling people to serve as priests, brothers or sisters.
Preschool Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
This program offers three separate meditations for use by individuals
or groups. The meditation "With You Always" (6 min) uses reflective
images from scripture and our world to bring to life the song "Mary
Did You Know," performed by Kenny Rodgers and Wynonna.
The reflection "How Beautiful" (6 min) features the song by the same
Reflections for the Spiritual
name as recorded by Twila Paris. Scriptural and modern images help
Explorer: 3 Meditations DVD
the viewer remember that through the Eucharist, we not only receive
Christ but also learn to become the Body of Christ - serving,
welcoming and healing.
The program "Mystic Moments" (16 min) uses a quote from Thomas
Merton to set the stage for a virtual walk through the forest on a
beautiful day in ealy fall.
This program offers three separate meditations for use by individuals
or groups. The meditation "With You Always" (6 min) uses reflective
images from scripture and our world to bring to life the song "Mary
Did You Know," performed by Kenny Rodgers and Wynonna.
The reflection "How Beautiful" (6 min) features the song by the same
Reflections for the Spiritual
name as recorded by Twila Paris. Scriptural and modern images help
Explorer: 3 Meditations VHS
the viewer remember that through the Eucharist, we not only receive
Christ but also learn to become the Body of Christ - serving,
welcoming and healing.
The program "Mystic Moments" (16 min) uses a quote from Thomas
Merton to set the stage for a virtuall walk through the forest on a
beautiful day in ealy fall.
In this video, Brian Cavanaugh, T.O.R., explains that each person can
Reflections of An Inner Fire
make a difference. It will provide motivation to adolescents toward
achievement. (15 min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
Abbot Marcel Rooney OSB presents reflections on the Sacred Liturgy.
Reflections on Holy Mass by the There are 8 DVD's, with 40 videos of approximately 15 minutes each.
Orate Institute DVD
There are Discussion Guides available. This media selection will help
to deepen one's understanding on the Holy Eucharist.
Reflections on Stewardship Archbishop Thomas Murphy
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
40 15
Reflections on Stewardship Archbishop Thomas Murphy
1993 (Edited edition)
Reflections on Stewardship Archbishop Thomas Murphy
1993 DVD (Edited edition)
Reflections on the Family with
Badach and Mosier 2006 DVD
Registration cards
Regulation of Birth and
Formation of Conscience
A presentation given by Janet Smith, Ph.D., at the International
Humanae Vitae Conference, A 25th Anniversary Celebration. (35
We use the term, the reign of God, constantly in preaching and
teaching. But take away the pious language and what is it? In this
Reign of God, The (Rohr)
video program Fr. Richard Rohr defines it with stories and images
which demand a response from the viewer. He tells us that we cannot
say "thy Kingdom come" until we can also say "my kingdom go." (20
Fr. Patrick Brennan hosts this video program, he conveys insights in a
way which provides the viewer with new images and a new way of
thinking about the parish. All parish staffs will be enthused and
Re-imaging the Parish
challenged by what Brennan has to say and will have much discussion
after viewing this tape. The video asks the viewer to consider how
they may best convey the Good News today. (25 min., Adult)
God hears the cry of his people, Israel, and secures their freedom from
Release from Babylon
their Babylonian captors.
This presentation is the major address given by Thomas Sine at the
1994 East Coast Conference on Religious Education in Washington,
Religion in the Future: Exploring D.C. Sine offered many ideas on building community in not only our
New Pathways with Thomas Sine parishes but our cities as well. He says that we need to reach out to
people and help them where their needs are not where we see their
needs to be. (63 min., Adult)
Religions of the World Buddhism DVD
Primary Intermediate
Religions of the World Buddhism VHS
Discover the history behind the philosophy that has led millions of
followers on a quest for spiritual enlightenment. Through the epic
story of Siddhartha Gotama, learn why Buddhists believe the key to
"Nirvana" lies within themselves, accessible through thoughtful
meditation and prayer. From its origins in central Asia, see how
different Asian cultures have adapted the teachings of Buddha over
time. Narrated by Academy Award winner Ben Kingsley.
Religions of the World Hinduism DVD
Religions of the World Hinduism VHS
Learn how and why Hinduism has survived to be one of the oldest and
largest world religions with nearly a billion followers located mostly
in India. Hinduism encompasses wide practices and traditions largely
due to its great capacity to integrate the new with the old. Students
will also discover Hinduism's impact on the literary world with its
library of tens of thousands of sacred hymns and poems known as the
Vedas, which means "truth" or "knowledge." Narrated by Academy
Award winner Ben Kingsley.
Religions of the World - Islam
Religions of the World - Islam
Islam is one of the great monolithic world religions practiced today.
Discover the Islamic culture through the daily life and rituals of
Muslims around the world. Viewers will learn about Islam's history from its inception in the seventh century to the present, where ancient
customs of dress, dietary laws and holidays still exist. Explore the
wealth of Islamic art, architecture, calligraphy and other contributions
that have made Islam a vital influence in the 20th century. Narrated by
Academy Award winner Ben Kingsley.
Religions of the World - Judaism
One of the world's oldest surviving religions, Judaism is both a
theology and a way of life for over 12 million followers in the world
today. The first religion to be founded upon the principle of
monotheism, Judaism has survived despite persecution against its
Religions of the World - Judaism
people throughout the ages. Trace the history of Jewish culture, from 50
Abraham's covenant with God to the Exile of the Jews from the Holy
Land by Roman conquerors. Examine the sacred texts and various
holidays while exploring the two centers of Jewish life - the
synagogue and the home. Narrated by Academy Award winner Ben
Religions of the World Orthodox & Roman Catholic
Christianity DVD
From the public ministry of Jesus to the legendary battles of the
Crusades, first examine the interwoven histories of these two distinct
branches of Christianity. Although its followers were long persecuted
Religions of the World by the Roman Empire, Christianity spread throughout the
Orthodox and Roman Catholic
Mediterranean region and eventually became the favored religion of 50
Christianity VHS
the Empire, following the ascension of Constantine to the Roman
throne. Discover the differences between these two orders of religion
and the various practices of the people of the Eastern and Western
followers. Narrated by Academy Award winner Ben Kingsley.
Religions of the World 50
Protestant Christianity DVD
Religions of the World Protestant Christianity VHS
Religious Education Handbook Leaders' Convocation 2001
Religious Education Handbook
Convocation 2001
See how the political, religious and social events of 16th-century
Europe changed the course of history. Examine the context in which
these factors sparked the birth of Protestant Christianity, whose new
doctrines and practices were formulated in reaction to the Roman
Catholic Church. Led by Martin Luther, this spiritual revolution
gained momentum and, under the helm of other Protestant leaders,
thrived and grew into new factions in Europe and North America.
Viewers will explore the numerous denominations that developed
over the centuries - including Baptists, Calvinists, Mennonites,
Presbyterians, Puritans and Quakers. Discover the common ideas
shared by most Protestant Christian denominations, despite the wide
range of ceremonial practices and rituals across affiliations. Narrated
The Second Vatican Council had a profound and lasting influence on
the Catholic Church. This series of nine videos examines the change
in outlook that the Council fostered in the Church and explores how
Religious Freedom (Vat II)
the documents of Vatican II continue to renew the Church today.
Examines the Declaration on Religious Liberty and presents a thoughtprovoking analysis of its implications.
This program offers new insights into a life that has engaged the
hearts and minds of millions over the centuries. Filmed on location in
Reluctant Saint: Francis of Assisi Italy, this video captures all the violence, color, and mystery of
Francis' time - a time like our own, full of crisis, craving for reform
and for a deeper and simpler faith. This program aired on the
Junior High Adult
This video helps individuals and discussion groups look at how
people are affected by portrayals of sex and violence in the media. It
hails the media - movies, TV, radio, print, the Internet - for their
Renewing the Mind of the Media power to inform and entertain society, but it also heralds the concern 12
that in recent years media are relying more and more on offensive and
dangerous portrayals of sex and violence. This video and
accompanying discussion guide is produced by the United States
Report Cards
Peaceful, non-violent sit-ins known as "rescue" have literally transformed the entire pro-life movement. This video takes you through
Rescue with Joan Andrews
the preparation for and the experience of being on a rescue with Joan
Andrews the famed American rescuer.
When Zach and Annie are rude to a friendly junk yard man who is
helping them build a go-cart for an upcoming race, Plato is concerned
Respect (Book of Virtues Series)
and tells several stories about the virtue of respect. This video features
the stories "Diamonds and Toads," "Please" and "The Bell of Atri."
Isn't it time that human life was given the full protection of the law?
John Cardinal O'Connor, Archbishop of New York, provides
straightforward facts in this talk about the life/death issues of the
Respecting Life & Death in the
1990's. Addressing the Respect Life Institute at St. Joseph's Seminary 60
in Yonkers, New York, Cardinal O'Connor unmasks the unethical
legal situation of our nation. He challenges us to respect life and
death in the 90's and help end the scourge that afflicts our country.
This video introduces bereavement ministers to the context in which
they will minister, with emphasis on the emotional and spiritual needs
of the bereaved. Three fictional "case studies" are presented. A review
Responding to Grief
by a panel of bereavement ministers then comments on the situations 48
of grief as well the positive and negative aspects of the pastoral visit
depicted in each case study. A teaching segment and a music video are
also included. Can be used effectively with video # 2734.
Primary Intermediate
Responsibility (Book of Virtues
Restoration to Renewal (Part 1)
Restoration to Renewal (Part 2)
Resurrection of Jesus, The
When Annie’s mother presents her with a new bicycle to deliver
cakes, she promises to take care of it. Instead, she wrecks it - along
with the cakes - after impulsively accepting the challenge of a race.
Plato, the wise owl, points out the consequences of irresponsibility
using the story of Icarus and Daedalus (Greek), King Alfred and the
Cakes (English), and The Chest of Broken Glass (English).
A two tape set on the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Diocese of
Greensburg. Tape one includes opening remarks by Fr. Statnick and
Bishop Bosco and an address on the "Theology of Christian
Formation" by Fr. Frank Sokol. (100 min., Adult)
Tape two covers an address by Richelle Pearl-Koller, "Paradigm Shift:
From School Model To Initiation Model; Practical Implications," a
question and answer session and closing remarks by Bishop Bosco, Fr.
Statnick and Fr. Persico. (117 min., Adult)
The resurrection of Jesus is proclaimed in this deeply moving video
narrated by acclaimed actor, Jim Caviezel. This translation of John 20:
1-31 combines scholarly integrity with award-winning
cinematography and direction. Experience the transformation from
sorrow to joy in this contemporary approach to a traditional text.
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Revealing the Risen Lord According to John: The Gospel according
to John, who is often identified as "the beloved disciple", is quite
different from the Synoptics. John begins his gospel in a unique
way...with a beautiful prologue.
Revealing the Risen Lord
According to John\Joy of Gospel
Living, The
The Joy of Gospel Living: Pain, suffering and death often do not
make sense, and being a Chris-tian does not necessarily make them
easier to accept. The Gospel of John, however, can put even these
difficult contradictions into a hopeful perspective.
Jeff Cavins, the presenter, explores the Book of Revelation to
demonstrate how the Kingdom established by Christ in His Church is
Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to intimately connected with the Kingdom of heaven, especially through
Come DVD
the celebration of the Mass. There are also explanations of the figure
and images used in the Book of Revelation. There are six DVD's and
a manual included.
This 90 minute video is separated into three, thirty minute segments
which deal with the following subject matter: Re-enactment of the
Reverence for Life A
Nazi Nightmare; The Contemporary American Scene; and The
Challenge to Conviction:The Fall to Action.
Reverence for Life B
Same as #145
This program is a comprehensive review of the contents of the
Catechism of the Catholic Church following the outline of its four
“pillars” or divisions. The full program consists of thirty-six
Review of the Catechism: Tape 1
individual sessions, each centered around a video segment featuring
Profession of Faith
Bishop Donald Wuerl. Each session includes a step-by-step outline
and complete materials for the program facititator as well as a set of
reproducible hand-out pages for participants.
40 60
Senior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Review of the Catechism: Tape 2
Profession of Faith
Review of the Catechism: Tape 3
Profession of Faith
Review of the Catechism: Tape 4
Profession of Faith
Review of the Catechism: Tape 5
Celebration of the Christian
This program is a comprehensive review of the contents of the
Catechism of the Catholic Church following the outline of its four
“pillars” or divisions. The full program consists of thirty-six
individual sessions, each centered around a video segment featuring
Bishop Donald Wuerl. Each session includes a step-by-step outline
and complete materials for the program facititator as well as a set of
reproducible hand-out pages for participants.
This program is a comprehensive review of the contents of the
Catechism of the Catholic Church following the outline of its four
“pillars” or divisions. The full program consists of thirty-six
individual sessions, each centered around a video segment featuring
Bishop Donald Wuerl. Each session includes a step-by-step outline
and complete materials for the program facititator as well as a set of
reproducible hand-out pages for participants.
This program is a comprehensive review of the contents of the
Catechism of the Catholic Church following the outline of its four
“pillars” or divisions. The full program consists of thirty-six
individual sessions, each centered around a video segment featuring
Bishop Donald Wuerl. Each session includes a step-by-step outline
and complete materials for the program facititator as well as a set of
reproducible hand-out pages for participants.
This program is a comprehensive review of the contents of the
Catechism of the Catholic Church following the outline of its four
“pillars” or divisions. The full program consists of thirty-six
individual sessions, each centered around a video segment featuring
Bishop Donald Wuerl. Each session includes a step-by-step outline
and complete materials for the program facititator as well as a set of
reproducible hand-out pages for participants.
This program is a comprehensive review of the contents of the
Catechism of the Catholic Church following the outline of its four
“pillars” or divisions. The full program consists of thirty-six
Review of the Catechism: Tape 6
individual sessions, each centered around a video segment featuring
Life in Christ
Bishop Donald Wuerl. Each session includes a step-by-step outline
and complete materials for the program facititator as well as a set of
reproducible hand-out pages for participants.
This program is a comprehensive review of the contents of the
Catechism of the Catholic Church following the outline of its four
“pillars” or divisions. The full program consists of thirty-six
Review of the Catechism: Tape 7
individual sessions, each centered around a video segment featuring
Life in Christ
Bishop Donald Wuerl. Each session includes a step-by-step outline
and complete materials for the program facititator as well as a set of
reproducible hand-out pages for participants.
This program is a comprehensive review of the contents of the
Catechism of the Catholic Church following the outline of its four
“pillars” or divisions. The full program consists of thirty-six
Review of the Catechism: Tape 8
individual sessions, each centered around a video segment featuring
Christian Prayer
Bishop Donald Wuerl. Each session includes a step-by-step outline
and complete materials for the program facititator as well as a set of
reproducible hand-out pages for participants.
Powerful and moving, this video is unlike any other pro-life video you
have seen. It is the story of one teen’s journey from the despair of the
abortion clinic to the hope of new life. And the unexpected voice that
Right Choice, The
guides her on this journey is that of her own unborn child. This video
was produced under the sponsorship of the Pro-Life Committee of the
National Conference of Catholic Bishops.
A run-down tenement is occupied by several persons who live on the
fringes of society and who see themselves as social outcasts. Each is
isolated in his own world of rejection and misery. Then Josee arrives.
Right Here Right Now
A Christ figure, he is a simple janitor whose cheerful love, concern
and openness bring an awakening of hope and the beginning of selfacceptance to the occupants.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Right of Property
Righteous Judge, The (Nest)
Righteous Judge, The (Nest)
Rites of Christian Initiation for
Adults, The
Ritual, the Language of Worship
The positive aspects of private ownership are threatened by vandalism
in our society. Theft victims experience a deep sense of violation.
This program explores the context of the 7th commandment.
This video recreates the events that surround Jesus in teaching the
virtues and principles of love, repentance and forgiveness. Witness
the story of the adulteress and Jesus’ confrontation with the Pharisees,
and learn of God’s immense mercy and grace.
This video explains the RCIA including the need for it to be re
instituted in 1972. Until that time there was not a process that brought
adults to the Catholic faith. This process is much different than the
previous classes of instruction that involved only the priest and the
candidate. Now many members of the parish are involved as sponsors 19
and team members and the rites are celebrated at Sunday liturgies.
Members of the parish share their faith stories with the candidates as
they journey in faith together. It is presented by Fr. Arthur Mallison
of the Diocese of Dallas. (19 min., Adult)
This explanaton of the Mass is a fascinating collage of the origin of
the ritual from human history, the early Christian Church, through the
Ritual, the Language of Worship centuries until today. Each individual part of the ritual is explained.
The program unfolds the beauty and profound meaning of the liturgy
in a way that will deepen viewer participation in and experince of the
eucharistic celebration.
Road to Healing, The\Finding
This video aids in helping viewers discover productive steps they can
take to begin the healing process. (35 min., Adult)
One of the most difficult decisions high school seniors have to make
is deciding upon the future. College? Full-time Work? This is the
story of Rocco, a senior who wanted to pursue a career as a singer but
Rocco's Star
was afraid to tell his father he did not want to take up the family
restaurant business. A warm and touching story of personal goals and
family responsibilities.
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Senior High
This program informs the viewer to what qualities a good sponsor
should possess. It speaks of two types of witness: that of the entire
Role of the Sponsor: Companion parish community along with that of the individual sponsor. Good
on the Journey
impressions sponsors have given, without even realizing that they
were, have brought people to the Catholic faith. Learn about this and
more in this thought provoking tape. (30 min., Adult)
This video series is a basic level, video-assisted resource for the
enrichment of catechists. The goal of this series is to acquaint
catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and
introduce them to the principles and practices of sound catechesis.
Roles of a Catechist (Echoes of
N.B. There is a companion booklet that accompanies each video.
These booklets will be sent on request with the video, but are NOT to
be photocopied in any form. Copies of the booklets to be used with
each viewer can be purchased from RCL (Resources for Christian
Living), P.O. Box 7000, Allen TX, 75013, 1-877-275-4725.
This series is a basic level video-assisted resource for the formation
and enrichment of catechists. A catechist who complete this formation
program will experience a process of spiritual formation, gain an
Roles of the Catechist (Echoes of
overview of the major doctrinal themes contained in the CCC and
Faith Plus) DVD
learn practical skills for leading effective catechetical sessions. This
module will help the catechist focus on four of the keys roles of the
ministry: teacher-companion, storyteller, leader of prayer and wintess
This four part program by John Shea, the master storyteller and
theologian, reflects on the true meaning of Holy Thursday, Good
Rolling Back the Rock
Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. The four, thirty minute
segments will provide a basis for discussion and reflection. Excellent
for small faith sharing groups and classroom discussion. (Adult)
This video, from The Roman Catholic Mass Series, presents parishes
from four different parts of the United States who know well what to
do when Sunday morning comes! From older children through
Roman Catholic Mass Today A veteran Catholics - everyone here can get a glimpse of the direction
we are going with liturgical renewal. This video will be helpful to the
parish staff, for general adult education, retreats, for training
ministers, for liturgists and catechists, for presiders and ushers, singers
Roman Catholic Mass Today B Same as #2007
Roman Catholic Mass Today C Same as #2007
Roman Missal: Clergy Workshop
Roman Missal: Parish/Liturgical
Workshop Kit (FDLC &
Romance Without Regret DVD
Hundreds of high school students hear Jason and Crystalina Evert
speak powerfully about chastity - sometimes with humor, other times
bluntly, always with a reverent approach. Their wise words are
Romance Without Regret VHS coupled with their own powerful testimonies that have inspired teens 75
throughout the world. This video relates to those who are in a
relationship, looking for love, or just trying to understand God's plan
for properly using the gift of sexuality.
The viewer is told of the dynamic story of Peter and Paul, the two
great evange-lists of first century Christianity. Through present day
scenes of Rome and Galilee, artistic masterpieces, artist conceptions
Rome in the Footsteps of Peter
of ancient Rome, and selection from contemporary films, we see each 18
and Paul - Part I - The Beginning
one's unique, life changing meeting with Jesus, their separate journeys
to Rome, and the gripping events of their final days at Rome,
including the great fire of Rome, and the furious persecution under the
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Rome in the Footsteps of Peter
and Paul - Part II - The Early
Rome in the Footsteps of Peter
and Paul - Part III - The
Renaissance to Today
Romero (DVD)
Romero (VHS)
Room Enough for Joy
The viewer sees the very places in Rome where Peter and Paul gave
up their lives for their faith. With the help of contemporary scholars,
we understand the ancient traditions surrounding the martyrdom of
Peter and Paul, and the link between their deaths and the Christian
faith still alive and celebrated today. They see the effects of
Constantine's conversion to Christianity in the first great Roman
basilicas, and the dramatic decline of Rome in the Middle Ages,
culminating in the Papacy's move to France and then back to Rome.
The viewer will survey the magnificent masterpieces of Rome created
during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. They will understand
the special contribution of the great art to living Christian faith
through a close-up view of Michaelangelo's "Creation" and "Last
Judgment", his design of the nave and dome of St. Peter's Bascilica,
and the captivating barouque structures of Bernini's Colonnades and
Papal Altar. With the re-discovery of the catacombs in the 19th
century, and the remains of Peter himself in the 20th century, viewers
will see the important connection between the faith of the Chirstian
Church today, and the "Rock of Peter" upon which Jesus chose to
A compelling and deeply moving story about the life of Archbishop
Oscar Romero of El Salvador, who made the ultimate sacrifice in a
passionate stand against social injustice and oppression in his country.
This video is the story of the L’Arche Tahoma Hope Community of
Tacoma Washington. The community consists of five homes in
which 25 assistants fully share their lives with 20 people with mental
disabilities, including three severely disabled children. Over the
years, those who shared their lives with the disabled learned how to
celebrate the wisdom of their simplicity and experienced the
matchless strength of a love without conditions. They also discovered
that while the lives of the mentally disabled are often filled with fear,
anguish and rejection, when they are given a chance to live in a loving
community, their lives also have Room Enough for Joy.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Roots and Wings: A Jewish
Congregation (VHS)
Rosaries for Kids - Introduction
Rosaries for Kids I
Rosaries for Kids II
Rosaries for Kids, presented by
the Rosary Lady
Roses in December
Rudy (full length movie)
What does it mean to be Jewish? Too few Christians know Judaism as
a living community shaped by thousands of years of a people's
realtionship with God and the world.
A short introduction on praying the rosary by Margie Walsh of the
World Apostolate of Fatima. The project to teach about the rosary to
all children of the diocese is also sponsored by the Knights of
Columbus. (10 min., Intermediate)
Bishop Michael Murphy begins this program and speaks about the
Blessed Mother and our devotion to her through the rosary; this part is
a twenty minute presentation. Margie Walsh of the World Apostolate
of Fatima then tells the children the story of Fatima and the visitation
of Mary to three young children in 1917. She stresses we live in an
instant world and we need to be patient with our prayer requests.
Children act out parts of this presentation through role playing. (52
min., Intermediate)
An hour long presentation about the rosary. The first fifteen minutes
feature a talk by Bishop Michael Murphy on the Blessed Mother, and
our prayer of the rosary. The latter part of the video discusses the
mysteries of the rosary, the Blessed Mother and events in her life
along with the life of Jesus. (60 min., Intermediate)
A presentation of the rosary and how to say it, for children
High school adult
All ages
The award winning documentary about the ministry of lay missionary
Jean Donovan and three American nuns who were murdered in El
Salvador. Do not use with young people.
From the time he's a young boy, Rudy is determined to join the
Fighting Irish of Notre Dame. Once there, he becomes a walk-on
player, serving as little more than a human tackling dummy against
the starting players. Bloodied but unbeaten, Rudy wins the respect of 112
legendary coach Ara Parseghian and the other Irish players, who give
him one shot at gridiron glory. An incredible true story, RUDY is an
unforgettable testament to the power of dreams and the triumph of the
Junior High Adult
Running Good Meetings
Running My Way
Rush to Burn
Ruth DVD
Ruth VHS
Sacrament of Confirmation
This video will teach your group the basic elements of running good
meetings, including pre-planning, starting and ending on time,
developing and sticking to agendas, and dealing with naysayers. A
discussion guide is included.
Two adolescents struggle to deal with their own feelings, caring about
each other, their physical urges, the feelings of their parents and
pressures from their peers.
This video examines whether incineration is safe, whether the government is adequately regulating this process, and the alternatives to toxic
burning. It tells the story of citizens from many parts of the country
who have discovered the dangers of incinerators and are fighting to
In this video, one of the most poignant stories of love and faithfulness
in human history is retold. All the warmth, drama and power of the
biblical account of Ruth bursts forth in this retelling.
This video explores the history, rituals and meaning associated with
this sacrament of Christian initiation. As a Catholic Update video, it
Sacrament of Confirmation VHS
accomplishes this through a story segment, a witness segment, a
teaching segment and a music video reflection.
This video offers viewers an overview of the Sacrament of Anointing
Sacrament of Anointing: The
of the Sick with emphasis on its communal celebration and the
Church's Prayer for the Sick
healing of the whole person - body, mind and spirit.
This video presentation shows God's love in action through the love of
parents. It offers inspiration and insight in the following areas: God
as Father, God as Mother, The Church as Family, Healthy Families,
Sacrament of Parenthood, The
Parenting for Peace and Justice. It is an excellent source for either
group discussion or parent meetings for sacrament preparation. (30
min., Adult)
Rev. John Schanz defines the Sacraments of the church, their
importance in our lives and how they have evolved throughout the
history of the church.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Sacraments DVD
Sacraments 3 of Healing (High
Sacraments and People with
Mental Retardation
Sacraments for Children DVD
Sacraments for Children VHS
Sacraments in General (Jesus
Shares His Life with Us)
Sacraments of Healing and
Vocation, The
Sacraments of Initiation 1 (High
This DVD includes programs on the Sacraments of Baptism &
Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Marriage & Holy Orders,
and Anointing of the Sick. Presenters are Gaynell Cronin and Father
Jack Rathschmidt. Same as #2681-2685. For children grades 5 to 8.
These videos challenge high school students to take a new look at our
sacramental life, using story, Jesus’ life and the ritual actions of the
believing community to call us to grow in Christ. Letting go of the
heaviness of our own failures and reaching out for those most in need
of healing, especially the elderly and sick, is a powerful aspect of our
Christian faith.
Fr. Robert Hater looks at sacraments for people with mental
retardation. Includes guidelines for receiving the sacraments.
This video is divided into eight vignettes. The first addresses the
concept of "sacrament." The next seven vignettes cover each
sacrament individually. Father Ray Hain uses down-to-earth
explanations to help middle-grade children begin to learn and discuss
how he or she sees, hears, and touches Jesus through the sacramental
life of the Church. (60 min., Intermediate)
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished 30
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
Rev. Edward Krause explains the Sacraments of Anointing of the
Sick, Reconciliation, Marriage and Holy Orders.
These videos challenge high school students to take a new look at our
sacramental life, using story, Jesus’ life and the ritual actions of the
believing community to call us to grow in Christ. Baptism,
Confirmation and Eucharist, the sacraments of Initiation, demand that
we let go of our-self absorption, strengthen ourselves in faith and help
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
These videos challenge high school students to take a new look at our
sacramental life, using story, Jesus’ life and the ritual actions of the
Sacraments of Service 2 (High
believing community to call us to grow in Christ. Service to the world
is the heart of Jesus’ message for Christians. Marriage and Holy
Orders, especially when they function as complementary sacraments
in the church, teach us how to be like Christ: loving servants of one
In this series of ten videos, Fr. Michael Himes provides insights into
the basics of the Catholic faith in a style that is engaging and
Sacraments of Vocation (The
challenging. This video will show how Matrimony symbolizes the
Mystery of Faith Series - Himes)
deepest dimension of the God-human relationship. Here too is a new
appreciation for the meaning of Holy Orders. (20 min., Adult)
Through story and ritual the viewer looks at the sacrament of
Anointing of the Sick which speaks of the way God and the
Sacraments: Anointing the Sick
community of faith loves members in a special way when they are
sick or elderly. Reminding viewers that they are not alone in their
struggles, this video challenges them to remember Christ's healing
Through story and ritual, two sacraments of initiation are explored.
Reminding us that we belong to a faith community, viewers are
Sacraments: Baptism &
challenged to welcome and strengthen others as they work to heal the
Confirmation (Cronin)
earth and it's people. Includes vignette stories acted out by children
that illustrate the focus of the video.
Through story and ritual, the sacrament of Eucharist is looked at in a
way that invites viewers to eat at the table of the Lord. Jesus gives
himself as word, food and community. Reminding viewers that their
Sacraments: Eucharist (Cronin)
bodies and spirits hunger for both food and God, this video challenges
them to reach out to those who suffer hunger in the world. Includes
vignette stories acted out by children that illustrate the focus of the
This program invites teens to see that the sacraments are not "magic
moments" but openings into God's presence with us in the reality of
Sacraments: God's Amazing
daily life. This three part series covers the Sacraments of Initiation (26
Grace DVD (Teens)
min), the Sacraments of Healing (26 min) and the Sacraments of
Service (27 min) and helps teens see God's amazing grace and loving
presence with them as they make the journey of life.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Sacraments: Marriage & Holy
Orders (Cronin)
Sacraments: Reconciliation
Sacred Fire: an Anthropology &
Spirituality of Sexuality DVD
Sacred Heart (The Love of Jesus
Made Visible)
Sacred Heart Kids' Club on 6 & 9
Commandments DVD
Sacred Heart Kids' Club on 7, 8 &
10 Commandments DVD
Sacred Heart Kids' Club on
Commandments in General 1, 2
& 3 Commandments DVD
Sacred Heart Kids' Club on
Creation, Grace, Christmas, Mary
Through story and ritual, viewers explore the sacraments of Marriage
and Holy Orders in considering service to others as the heart of Jesus'
message to the world. Reminding viewers that Marriage celebrates life12
long love and service and Holy Orders celebrates a life of ordained
service to the community, they are challenged with the question of
how they will commit themselves to Christ.
Through story and ritual, the sacrament of Reconciliation is explored
as a help to heal the viewer's relationships with God, themselves and
others when they do wrong. Reminding viewers that they sometimes 12
act in unloving ways, this video challenges them to change, seek
forgiveness and celebrate God's mercy through the Church.
Sexuality is a powerful fire inside of us, the best of all fires and the
most dangerous of all fires. It is also a sacred fire, meant to be enjoyed
as God's great gift to us, even as it is guarded by chastity. This three
session (50 min. each) workshop will articulate both an essential
anthropology and essential spirituality of sexuality. The presenter, Fr.
Ron Rolheiser, is a world-renowned theologian, author and speaker.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished 30
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
Sacred Heart Kids' Club on
Death, Easter and the Church
Sacred Heart Kids' Club on
Penance, Marriage & Holy
Orders, Anointing of the Sick
Sacred Heart Kids' Club on
Sacraments in General, Baptism,
Confirmation, Eucharist DVD
Sacred Heart Kids' Club on the
Sacred Heart, Forgiveness,
Eucharist DVD
Sacred Heart Kids' Club on
Vocation, Saints & Heroes,
Prayer DVD
This video highlights the Sacred Heart School of Theology which is
located in Hales Corners, Wisconsin. It is a seminary in which the
Sacred Heart School of Theology majority of the students are choosing priesthood as a second career.
You will see the community they have built among themselves and
learn what their past professions have been.
Sacred Hearts Kids' Club on 4 &
5 Commandments DVD
This video can be used both as a prevention and intervention tool with
young children in the effort to break the cycle of violence within the
Safe, At Last!
family and give children everywhere the opportunity to be "safe at
last." Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
A convert to the Catholic Faith from Judaism, a Carmelite Nun, a
Saint Edith Stein DVD
martyr at Auschwitz
Kateri Tekakwitha will be canonized in October 2012; a native of
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha DVD
New York
Saint Maxmillian Kolbe DVD
Preschool Primary
A selfless saint who laid down his life for another in the 20th century 30
Intermediate Adult
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
Saints and Heroes (The Reality of
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
Love Made Visible)
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
In this fascinating video, you’ll learn all about the lives and deeds of
people whose names have become synonymous with virtue, holiness
and compassion. But while you’ll marvel at the depth of their faith
Saints Gallery - Volume 1 VHS
and devotion to God, you’ll also see their humanity, their
imperfections, their triumphs and failures. Featured in this video are
saints Joseph, Joan of Arc, Martin of Tours, Elizabeth Seton, and
In this fascinating video, you’ll learn all about the lives and deeds of
people whose names have become synonymous with virtue, holiness
and compassion. But while you’ll marvel at the depth of their faith
Saints Gallery - Volume 2:
and devotion to God, you’ll also see their humanity, their
Founders VHS
imperfections, their triumphs and failures. Featured in this video are
saints Ignatius of Loyola, Angela Merici, Francis of Assisi, Benedict,
and Eugene de Mazenrod.
In this fascinating video, you’ll learn all about the lives and deeds of
people whose names have become synonymous with virtue, holiness
Saints Gallery - Volume 3: Saints and compassion. But while you’ll marvel at the depth of their faith
for All Seasons VHS
and devotion to God, you’ll also see their humanity, their
imperfections, their triumphs and failures. Featured in this video are
saints Valentine, Nicholas, Patrick, Mary Magdalen and Mary, Queen
In this fascinating video, you’ll learn all about the lives and deeds of
people whose names have become synonymous with virtue, holiness
Saints Gallery - Volume 4: Early and compassion. But while you’ll marvel at the depth of their faith
Church Leaders
and devotion to God, you’ll also see their humanity, their
imperfections, their triumphs and failures. Featured in this video are
saints Peter, Clare of Assisi, Paul, Thomas Aquinas and Catherine of
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
This video presents the lives and deeds of three women whose names
have become synonymous with virtue, holiness and compassion:
Saints Gallery - Volume 5: Great
Therese of Lisieux, Kateri Tekawitha, and Edith Stein. These
remarkable women were inspired by their commitment to serve God
by serving the needs of creation. In doing so, they became true
Saints' Gallery Volume 5 DVD
Saints' Gallery Volumes 1 & 2
Saints' Gallery Volumes 3 & 4
Saints: Gospel Artists DVD
Salt and Light
Salvation (The Mystery of Faith
Series - Himes)
Sampson and Delilah
Samuel (Nest) DVD
Samuel (Nest) VHS
This video intrtoduces the United States bishops' call to strengthen
parish social ministry. Using hundreds of images illustrating social
justice needs and work, as well as interviews from church, parish and
community leaders, this video challenges viewers to put their faith
into action and seek justice and peace in their homes, parishes, local
communities and beyond.
In this series of ten videos, Fr. Michael Himes provides insights into
the basics of the Catholic faith in a style that is engaging and
challenging. Fr. Himes renews the meaning of this traditional term
and shows why social justice is essential to our salvation. (20 min.,
The Promised Land suffers under the harsh reign of the Philistines,
only mighty Samson dares to resist the oppressors. Samson has been
blessed from birth by the Almighty and is able to bring down the
wrath of God upon the Philistines. (30 min., Primary -Intermediate)
This animated video brings to life several exciting episodes from the
life of Samuel and invites the viewer to discover the thrill and joy of 30
faithful service to God.
Junior High Adult
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
Junior High Senior High
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Satanic Cult History
Satanism: The Devil's
Saul of Tarsus (Nest) DVD
Saul of Tarsus (Nest) VHS
Saving Sex for Marriage
Savior Is Born, The DVD
Say Amen! to What You Are
A presentation to high school students on Satanic Cults. Mr.
Thompson speaks about the beginnings of cults, and who is most
likely to be lured into a cult. (70 min., Sr. High School)
The viewer of this program will learn about the different stages of cult
activity, from organized Satanic Temples to "generational" cultists
who are said to use their own children in rituals. You'll hear about
teenage "dabblers" who become involved through friends in high
school settings and about small children subjected to ritual abuse in
day-care situations. It will also teach parents what to watch for in
their child that could be a warning sign. The combination of expert
legal, pastoral and psychological insights with rare documentary
footage will provide the basics of a fascinating learning experience for
anyone concerned with the welfare of young people.
This video brings to life one of the most dramatic stories of the Bible.
Saul of Tarsus, enemy and persecutor of the Christians, is changed
forever when the resurrected Jesus miraculously appears to him on the
road to Damascus.
Candid statements on love, marriage and sex blend with scenes from a
romantic church wedding. Teens speak on true love, qualities for a
spouse, premarital sex, self-control, virginity, second virginity and
parental guidance. (15 min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
Morgan Freeman narrates a poignant retelling of the first Christmas
according to the gospels of Matthew and Luke. The score is
performed by the Christ Church Cathedral Choir of Oxford, England it 30
dramatizes the power and beauty of the story of the birth of Jesus. (30
min., All Ages)
Senior High
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Senior High
all ages
The sharing of communion at Sunday Mass is surrounded by several
actions of the people. We begin with the Our Father followed by a
greeting of peace. We come to the table as one body, hungry and
thirsty for the living God. When we hear the words, "the body of
Christ," "the blood of Christ," we say "amen" to this bread, this
Say Amen! To What You Are A person, this people: the body of Christ. We are then sent out to
nourish others as we have been nourished. In this video, we see St.
Henry Parish in Cleveland where the communion rite has flowered
into song, procession and prayer that people cherish, delight in and
long for. Parishioners tell how their lives lead to this table and how
they go from it full of love and service. (30 min., Adult)
Say Amen! to What You Are B Same as #762
Say Amen! to What You Are C Same as #762
Children will understand that to feel comfortable and safe, they may
have to sometimes say "no". This program teaches them that when
they do, they'll feel better - and this is called pride and confidence.
Say No with Pride Gr. 3-6 DVD Students will learn: to say no in a firm and positive voice without
shouting; everyone has the right to act in their own best interest; it's
okay to change your mind and not do something again just because
you've done it before; tell an adult you trust if you or someone else is
Meet a young man who twenty years earlier had been severly burned
in an automobile accident. How can a young man without hands, ears,
Scarred Hero - The Story of Joel toes and parts of his face survive in a society like ours? In this
gripping documentary, Joel, his parents, eyewitnesses to the accident,
rescue workers and doctors tell their story. To most of them, Joel is a
living miracle!
Junior High Adult
Using rarely seen footage, this documentary shows how officers who
studied at the School of the Americas are responsible for the massacre
of tens of thousands of people, including Archbishop Oscar Romero
of El Salvador. Since it was established in 1946, the United States
Army School has trained thousands of Latin American and Caribbean
School of the Assasins
soldiers. Among them are the former dictators of Argentina, Bolivia,
Honduras and Panama. In addition to shedding light on the secret
world of the school, this video also follows efforts of people interested
in closing the school down. This video should be previewed before it
is shown as it contains some explicit scenes of violence and murder.
This video discusses the opposition to school based clinics. Some
Schools, Clinics and
communi-ty leaders have voiced strong opposition to these clinics,
claiming that the underly-ing problems are moral issues that require a
value-oriented approach. (30 min., Adult)
This timely discussion deals with such topics as the moral responsiScience and Morality
bilities involved in genetics engineering, genetic screening and invitro fertiliza-tion. Newsman Kenneth Woodward hosts the program.
Drawing upon the knowledge of leading medical and bioethics
experts, this program offers a clear and concise overview into the key
Science of Stem Cells, The:
scientific and moral issues involved in the stem cell debate. The
Finding Cures & Protecting Lives
viewer will watch and learn why ceretain types of research using adult
stem cells are effective, morally acceptable and encouraged. Produced
by the Knights of Columbus of Kansas.
This ABC news special with Peter Jennings examines Paul's role in
the birth of Christianity through the perspectives of a wide variety of
Search for Paul, The DVD
biblical scholars. It also looks at Paul's role in turning Christianity into
a religion that was separate from Judaism.
This program is based on the search and finding of Jesus in the temple
while traveling with his parents. It focuses on the plight of parents
seeking their runaway daughter in the midst of a big city. Befriended
Search, The (Family Theatre)
by a prostitute, the girl finds out the grim realities of street life and
what these can do to the body and soul of a person. A message to
parents to prevent this kind of tragedy from happening is found in the
Junior High Adult
Searching for the Meaning of
Jesus According to Luke\Good
News About God's Merciful Love
Searching for the Meaning of Jesus According to Luke: The Gospel
according to Luke opens new ways of looking at our world--especially people. Like each of the Evangelists, St. Luke gives
important insights into both the religious and social worlds of Jesus'
The Good News About God's Merciful Love: St. Luke has been
called "The Evangelist of Prayer" and we must remember how
seriously God takes our persistence in prayer. Luke's Gospel insists
on an unconditional commitment from all persons who would call
Dramatic! Realistic! Captivating! Reveals how teens can experience
the freedom and benefits of sexual abstinence...even if they have
Second Thoughts
known the trap of promiscu-ity. The primary message of the video is
sexual absti-nence. (28 min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
Victor Tran, forced to attend a high school he doesn't want to attend,
is skilled in martial arts. With the taunting of a footaball jock, he ends
up in trouble on the very first day of school. Not only will Victor be
expelled the next time he fights, but his father will lose his job at the
Secret of the Horse, The (Family school and his disabled sister will lose her chance to attend music
school. Victor finds it incerasingly hard to resist fighting until his
father reminds him of the purpose of martial arts, the secret of the
horse stance, and the meaning of sacrificial love. This video will
engage viewers with its amazing martial arts sequences and its lessons
of wisdom, strength, friendship and sacrifice for others.
The toughest missionary task in the world today is communicating the
faith to our children. Secular culture, with its many distractions, has
some particular resistances to the Gospel even as it contains much that
Secularity & the Gospel: Being
is moral. Is secular culture post-Christian? How much of our culture is
Missionaries to Our Own
a culture of life and how much is a culture of death? How do we
Children DVD Rolheiser
become missionaries inside of secular culture, missionaries to our
children? Join Fr. Ron Rolheiser on a journey through history and
Scripture to shed light on our culture and the challlenge we face
passing faith onto future generations.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Seeds of Faith Series - Tape A
Seeds of Faith Series - Tape B
In the first session of this tape, Images of God, Dr. Jean Bohr,
Director of the Office of Ministry Formation for the Joliet Diocese,
explains some of the ways that the Christian community has named
their experience of God over the past two centuries. This is one way
of understanding what we mean when we speak of a triune God.
Session two, The Liturgical Year, is presented by Fr. Timothy
Piasecki of the Diocese of Rockford, who explains the meaning of the 51
more important KAIROS moments. Ancient Greeks used the word
'KAIROS' meaning 'ripe moment' a special time or quality time; the
liturgical year saves certain days of the year as KAIROS moments
which Piasecki explains. The last session, Liberation Theology, is
presented by Sr. Ann Freiburg a Franciscan Sister who shares an
explanation of the movement known as Liberation Theology. (51
The Human Heart of Jesus, is presented by Ms. Joan Lopina,
counselor and spiritual director, who shares her personal reflections
on the human heart of Jesus. It is a presentation that is based on the
passage from Philippians 2:6-7. The Divinity of Christ, presented by
Mr. Frank Giangrego, Campus Minister and Theology Instructor,
explains what we as Catholic Christians believe about Jesus Christ as 51
the Divine Son of God. Paschal Mystery Spirituality, presented by Sr.
Lorraine Crawford, a Pastoral Associate in the Diocese of Joliet, helps
each of us in our search for a livable spirituality. She will help us
explore the MYSTERY behind our "pits" and "peaks" and will teach
us about the inevitable movement of all creation from death to new
Seeds of Faith Series - Tape C
Seeds of Faith Series - Tape D
In the first session on this tape, Introduction to Scripture, Sr. Kathleen
Budesky, IHM, Chairperson of Religious Studies at St. Ignatius
College Prep in Chicago, will present an introduction to the use of
Sacred Scripture by Catholic Christians. This overview will include
information both about the content of the Scriptures and possible
approaches to be used in reading and understanding the scriptural
texts. Session two, Exodus: Our Story, is presented by Fr. Paul A.
Hottinger of the Diocese of Joliet. Hottinger will present a teaching
on the Exodus story in our Bible. The Exodus story presents us with a 51
model of people on the move from injustice to justice, from
oppression to freedom. Why Suffering, explores the question of
suffering. Suffering can, but does not always, give a deeper
understanding of life. The question "Why?" seems to be a question
that travels with us throughout life, becoming more complex just as
life becomes more complex. Rosemary Bleuher, the presenter, is
Director of Adult Education for the Diocese of Joliet. She proposes
that "Why Suffering?" is a question each of us asks when faced with
We experience ourselves called to pray: moved by various people,
events, and moments in life to pour out our hearts to God. In this
session, Prayer: Our Response to God, Mary Regina Ulmer, a spiritual
director and retreat master in the Chicago area, will reflect with us on
prayer as our response to God acting in our lives. She will highlight
some helps to paying attention to God and to responding more readily
and fully. In this session, Creation, Sr. Kathleen Budesky, IHM, will
offer some reflections on the meaning of creation for contemporary
Christians. While her thoughts are rooted in the ancient texts of the
Hebrew Scriptures, they bear a particular relevance in answering many
of the questions and dilemmas of people today. In session three, Mary
in Scripture, Judy Logue, a parish Director of RCIA in Wilmette,
Illinois, will take us back to the year 55 and the writer, St. Paul. In
order to understand who Mary is and can be for Christians today, we
need to go back to the first written memories of Mary, back to the
Christian Scriptures and the New Testament writers. (63 min., Adult)
The General Directory for Catechesis places the whole catechetical
enterprise within the context of an evangelization that calls people of
all ages to a deeper appreciation and understanding of the richness of
our Catholic faith. The Directory uses the parable of the sower and
Seeds of Promise, Seeds of Faith
the seed to remind us that it is ultimately the work of the Holy Spirit
that produces the rich harvest. This video presents the themes of the
Directory and images that capture the imagination, inspire ministry
and challenge the understanding of catechesis .
Mark Scharenbroich addresses a high school audience on the
Seeing Yourself
importance of a positive self-image. He makes students aware of the
influences on self-image and the need to improve it.
In "The Letter on Light Blue Stationery", Pamela and her friends from
the Human Race Club learn a lesson about self esteem and everyone
being special. One of Pamela's classmates dies and Pamela is asked
Self Esteem
to write a letter to the girl's family, through this experience she and
her friends learn a valuable lesson about themselves and everyone
else. (22 min., Intermediate)
These Youth Ministry videos are guaranteed to get your kids talking!
Each topic is presented in a fast paced, “teen friendly” format, using
Self Image (Power Surge)
graphics and music. Each video contains a guide including program
rationale, suggestions for use, Catholic teaching on each topic and
Scripture and Catechism resources.
When Zach’s preoccupation with earning money spirals out of control,
it prompts him to throw a temper tantrum at home. His wise animal
Self-Discipline (Book of Virtues
friends help him draw parallels between his own behavior and that of
the characters found in The Golden Touch (Greek), The King and His
Hawk (Asian),and The Magic Thread (French).
In this Christmas parable based on The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde,
Selfish Giant, The DVD
a grandfather uses this timeless story to unlock the true meaning of
Christmas for his grandddaughter.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Primary Intermediate
Preschool Intermediate
Selfish Giant, The VHS
Sent Forth: Liturgy and Our Lives
(J. Glenn Murray) DVD
Oscar Wilde's compelling fable of a lonely ogre who keeps his gates
locked and forbids the town's children to play in his beautiful garden.
With the children gone, a perpetual winter seizes the garden until the
giant learns the joy of sharing from a little boy. (30 min., Preschool 27
At the end of Mass we are "sent forth." But what are we sent forth to
do? Inspiring liturgist Rev. J. Glenn Murray, S.J., explores what it
Sent Forth: Liturgy and Our Lives
means to be sent into our communities and into the world. He
(J. Glenn Murray) VHS
encourages us to repsond to God dynamically and to commit ourselves
to living our faith in concrete ways.
At the end of Mass we are "sent forth." But what are we sent forth to
do? Inspiring liturgist Rev. J. Glenn Murray, S.J., explores what it
Sent Forth: Liturgy and Our Lives
means to be sent into our communities and into the world. He
(J-Glenn Murray) DVD
encourages us to repsond to God dynamically and to commit ourselves
to living our faith in concrete ways.
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
Sermon on the Mount, The
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
Sesquicentennial Mass October,
2003 Trautman VHS
This program shows parents how to help their children be more
Setting Your Child Up For
successful in daily situations they may encounter. By helping children
anticipate events in their lives, parents who use this method are
teaching the importance of planning ahead. (12 min., Adult)
Seven Key Principles for Success
in Whole Community Catechesis
DVD (Huebsch)
Preschool Primary
Primary Intermediate
In these creative presentations, Bill Huebsch focuses on the 7 Key
Principles that are the foundation for whole community catechesis (as
Seven Key Principles for Success explored in chapter one of his book: "Handbook for Success in Whole
in Whole Community Catechesis Community Catechesis.") It is the presenter's hope that parish leaders
VHS (Huebsch)
will use these presentations with their parishioners to engage them in
fruitful discussions, and thus enter into these new ideas with grace and
This video presentation begins with the common human experience of
life and draws us into the Christian understanding of spirituality. It
describes the journey of four individuals in real life situations, as they
Seven Circles of Prayer, The
pass through seven circles of prayer which lead to Christ as the center.
It will prove an inspiration to anyone seeking both how to pray and the
place of prayer in their lives. (30 min., Adult)
The Seven Deadly Sins/Lively Virtues study guide is divided into
eight sections: an introduction and one section for each sin and its
countervailing virtue. Each section provides four or five "Questions
for Understanding" with references from Scripture and from the
Seven Deadly Sins/Seven Lively
Catechism of the Catholic Church. Each section also provides four or
five "Questions for Reflection," which will help you reflect on how
Father Barron’s message is relevant to your own life and experiences.
The guide also includes an examination of conscience that can be used
to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
In this dynamic, high-energy presentation, Mary Beth Bonacci talks to
Sex & Love: What's a Teenager teens about the “do’s” of chastity. Using Scripture and humorous,
To Do
down-to-earth examples from teenage life, she shows that chastity is
more than just abstinence - chastity is active. It’s about loving - the
This program will raise parents' consciousness of the serious danger to
Sex and Cell Phones: Protect
their children from the easy availability of internet pornography on
Your Children DVD
cell phones and give them detailed information and guidance in
protecting their families. Produced by the Religious Alliance Against
Junior High Senior High
An introductory talk to parents on Sexuality and Development of the
young child. Divided into three parts, it tells how healthy sexual
Sex and the Young Child
growth is fostered to a positive self-image, good communication skills
and clarifica-tion of sex roles. (108 min., Sr. Highl - Adult)
Mary Ronan presents decision making guidance for young teens -Sex as God's Gift, Volume I
This volume contains the following 23 minute segments: (1) Making
Good Decisions, (2) STD's and Pregnancy, and (3) The Reality of
Teen Pregnancy
Mary Ronan presents decision making guidance for young teens -Sex as God's Gift, Volume II
This volume contains the following 23 minute segments: (1)
Sexuality as a Gift, (2) Relationships, and (3) Questions and Answers
In this video, renowned speaker Pam Stenzel combines her personal
story and extensive pregnancy counseling experience into a hardSex Has a Price Tag (Stenzl - jr. hitting look at the consequences of sexual activity outside of a lifetime
commitment. In a captivating and inspiring talk, Pam tackles the
tough issues of sex with candor, insight and a challenge for young
people to get the “abstinence advantage.”
In this video, renowned speaker Pam Stenzel combines her personal
story and extensive pregnancy counseling experience into a hardSex Has a Price Tag 2000 (Stenzl - hitting look at the consequences of sexual activity outside of a lifetime
sr. high)
commitment. In a captivating and inspiring talk, Pam tackles the
tough issues of sex with candor, insight and a challenge for young
people to get the “abstinence advantage.”
A powerful video revealing the hard truths about sex in the '90's.
Young viewers come face to face with the realities of unwanted
pregnancies, STDs and AIDS. They meet kids just like themselves
who gambled everything for a moment's fling--and those who lost it
Sex, Lies and the Truth A
all to a deadly disease. Kirk Cameron and Chelsea Noble along with
professional athletes, entertainers and celebrities, communicate the
life saving message: waiting isn't a sign of weakness. They prove the
real winners in life are those who practice self-control and can face
the future without guilt, worry and regret. (30 min., Jr. - Sr. High
Sex, Lies and the Truth B
Same as #565
Senior High Adult
Senior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Sex, Lies and the Truth C
Sex, Lies and the Truth D
Same as #565
Same as #565
Pam Stenzl tells teenagers the truth about the consequences of sexual
activity and experimentation. She shows teens how the pervasive
sexual permissiveness of our culture is a deceptive trap. Every young
Sex, Love & Relationships - Vol I
person should have the benefit of the hard-hitting reality check in this
series, which is helping thousands avoid the disastrous consequences
of unwise choices. Volume I contains: 1) The Physical
Consequences, and 2) The Emotional Consequences.
Pam Stenzl tells teenagers the truth about the consequences of sexual
activity and experimentation. She shows teens how the pervasive
sexual permissiveness of our culture is a deceptive trap. Every young
Sex, Love & Relationships - Vol
person should have the benefit of the hard-hitting reality check in this
II (Stenzl)
series, which is helping thousands avoid the disastrous consequences
of unwise choices. Volume II contains: 3) The Spiritual
Consequences, and 4)The Character Consequences.
Real-life interviews with teenagers from across the country.
Sex. Dating. With Michael &
Use practical and Biblical guidelines to help teens figure out how to
Hayley DiMarco
build healthy relationships with the opposite sex. •Four insightful
topics: •Boundaries •Issues for Guys •The Role of Dating •Issues for
Peer hosts and true-to-life vignettes show teens the dangers of sexting,
including possible consequences - everything ranging from personal
Sexting: Sex Plus Text Equals
humiliation to serious legal problems that could result in felony child
Trouble DVD Gr. 7-12
pornography convictions. Presenter's guide included. Approved for
student inservicing for child protection.
This video educates the viewer on prevention, reporting and referral of
Sexual Abuse
sexual abuse.
Three real-life scenarios in this program will help young viewers to
identify different types of sexually abusive behaviors and provide
Sexual Abuse: It's Not Your Fault
students with concrete ways to help stop the behaviors and to keep
DVD Gr. 2-5
themselves safe. Presenter's guide included. Approved for student
inservicing for child protection.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Senior High
Primary Intermediate
The devastation of mental illness tears lives and homes apart. So
often, understanding and treatment fall woefully short. Here is a hardShadow Voices: Finding Hope in hitting, yet compassionate, exploration that offers practical insight
Mental Illness DVD
into the bleak world of mental illness and how individuals and their
families find their way through medical, governmental, societal and
spiritual issues - to hope.
This presentation is conducted by Thomas H. Groome, Ph.D., who is
an associate professor of theology and religious education at the InstiShared Praxis Approach to
tute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry at Boston College.
Religious Education
This video can be a real help in the teaching and learning process of
your religious education program. With specific goals in mind, video
presentations can be the most effective means of achieving those
Through this video, the story of the relationship of the Church in the
United States and in Latin America - a mutual sharing of faith Sharing Faith Across the
comes alive. Listen as men and women, priests, religious, and lay
persons tell their amazing story. Visit the mission sites with them and
witness the dynamic faith that is present in the Church. Produced by
the United States Catholic Conference.
This informative video offers guidelines to prepare lectors for their
role of service to the faith community. It addresses practical concerns
such as pronunciation, inflection, the entrance procession,
Sharing God's Word: The Lector
nervousness and handling the lectionary. Highlights of the historical
and theological background of this ministry are included, as well as a
discussion of the pastoral practice and liturgical role of the ministry of
This program, based on the Stations of the Cross, invites the viewer to
question Jesus as he makes his way to Calvary and to listen carefully
Sharing the Passion
for the answers he offers. It may be used in the parish setting during
Lent, for prayer groups in the home, as the penitential rite of a
reconciliation service or during high school or adult retreats.
In this video, viewers will meet men and women who have suffered
Shattered Dreams: Healing After
the pain of divorce, walked through a recovery process and found
healing and hope in life again.
Junior High Adult
She Said Yes (Cassie Bernall)
Shopping Bag Lady, The
Shroud of Turin (Exhibition of
Shroud of Turin: Silent Witness
Simon the Lamb (Precious
Moments) VHS
In this video tribute, Cassie Bernall’s friends and parents relive the
Littleton tragedy and describe how the massacre and its aftermath
strengthened their faith and gave their lives new meaning. The video
includes riveting accounts by survivors and haunting images from that
fateful day at Columbine, exclusive footage of Cassie’s last years, and
interviews with her friends about the impact her short life and sudden
death had on them. An excellent springboard for youth group and
family discussion.
A teenage girl has trouble relating to her grandmother with whom she
has to share her room. Through her experience with the shopping bag
lady, she realizes that the old woman was once a young girl like
herself. Because of this she is able to start communicating with her
Produced by the Diocese of Turin, this video provides an interesting
look at the famous Shroud of Turin.
This video is a documentary based on scientific investigations of the
Shroud of Turin. In it, noted medical examiners, theologians,
physicists and historians use modern science to trace the probable
history of the cloth and reconstruct the events of Christ’s passion. The
startling results of their detective work unfold dramatically.
Conclusions are left to the viewer.
SHRUG, The Self-Doubting Thomas, is based upon Matthew 10:2930, "You can but two sparrows for a penny; yet not a single one of
them falls to the ground without your Father's consent. As for you,
even the hairs of your head have all been counted." This session
teaches the audience that everyone, no matter what their talents, all
have a chance to savor the sweet smell of success. You'll see what
happens when Drea looses her science scholarship, her mom gets fired
and her rival gets free tickets to a sold out concert. (30 min.,
The heart-warming story of Simon the Lamb, who is shunned by his
fleecy friends when he turns blue after Timmy the Angel accidentally
drops rainbow paint on him. Simon and friends learn that it’s not
what’s on the outside, but who you are inside that really counts.
Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Preschool Primary
A video that offers an open discussion about NFP and the benefits to
Simply Natural: Understanding you and your baby should you choose to breastfeed. This program
Your Fertility and the Benefits of offers input from NFP couples and various health care workers. It
was produced by the Office of Natural Family Planning, Diocese of
St. Cloud. (15 min., Adult)
Sin & Discipleship - Catechist
Training Video 1999
These programs begin dialogue on a range of pastoral issues affecting
the life of the Church. In all videos, church teaching is the context
Sin and Forgiveness
within which the discussions take place. None of the videos is
complete or exhaustive, but they are good starters for dialogue.
Some people confuse the feeling of guilt with real guilt. This
confusion has led to the notion that guilt feelings are merely neurotic.
Sin, Guilt and Reconciliation
The rejection of the validity of these feelings may result in the further
rejection of any sense of sin.
In this program, director extraordinaire Lee Gwozdz helps amateur
singers improve essential singing skills like posture, breath control,
experiencing head voice, matching pitch, and phrasing. Four choirs
Singing FUNdamentals: Toys
appear on this video, with members ranging in age from first graders
That Teach DVD (Gwordz)
to senior citizens. Lee demonstrates how to use the twelve toys that
make up the Singing FUNdamentals Toy Box with your choir and
show how these toys are effective with singers of all ages.
Single Lifestyle, The
Focuses on the myths about being single, through interviews with
Sisters of St. Joseph Story
A documentary on the history of the Sisters of St. Joseph in the
Sisters of St. Joseph Story, The
Diocese of Erie. This program was produced in 1985 for the 125th
celebration of the community. It is educational and very informative.
In this episode, Nick jokingly encourages Philip the class runt, to give
the wrong quiz answers to Derrick the class bully. Viewers will learn
Skate Expectations
that there is often a struggle with treating others kindly and doing
what is right. Children will learn that Jesus wants us to help when
someone is in need, even if doing so is hard.
Skateboard, The
Senior High
Primary Intermediate
A first reconciliation video about choices...both good and bad. Sandy,
an adventurous eight year old with a brand new skateboard is bored
with coasting on easy hills and through her driveway. She takes to a
Skateboard, The A
street with a very steep hill that she has been told never to ride on.
Having broken the rule she must face the conse-quences. It is ideally
suited to young audiences.
Skateboard, The B
Same as #250
In this video, the parable of the Prodigal son is re-told in a way that
brings the message of the story to light for young children. Skippy has
decided that now that he is grown, he will take his inheritance, leave
Skippy, the Wasteful Ape
his father’s banana farm, and seek his fortune out in the world. But
instead of finding riches, Skippy finds himself working very hard in a
coconut factory, wondering how to get back into his fahter’s good
graces. (11 min., Primary)
The goals of this video are to share the vision of small Christian
Small Christian Communities: A
communities and to provide all the information that is necessary for
Vision of Hope
their formation. (55 min., Adult)
SMASH, How To Survive Junior High by Really Trying, this episode
of the Secret Adventure series is based on I Thessalonians 5:13-15,
"Think highly of them and give them your wholehearted love because
they are straining to help you. And remember, no quarreling among
yourselves. Dear brothers, warn those who are lazy or wild; comfort
those who are frightened; take tender care of those who are weak; and
be patient with everyone. See that no one pays back evil for evil, but
always try to do good to each other and to everyone else." Budget cuts
are threathening Drea’s favorite school activities, she and friends
agree to raise the money for the activities to continue. This session
teaches the importance of teamwork. (30 min., Intermediate)
all ages
Snoodle's Tale: A Lesson in Self
Worth (Veggie Tales)
Snowman, The
Social Issues Affecting Families
SNAG, I'm Dreaming of a Right Christmas, is based on I John 3:18,
"My children! Our love should not be just words and talk; it must be
true love, which shows itself in action." Everyone is stressed out
about Christmas shopping which the viewers will learn from this
episode is not the idea of the holiday. Drea suggests each member of
the family give and receive only one gift that is truly from the heart.
Everyone agrees, "You can't just talk about loving someone. You
have to live it out." (30 min., Intermediate)
SNAP, How to Act Like a Responsible Almost Adult, another of the
Secret Adventure series is based on Luke 12:48, ""But anyone who is
not aware that he is doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much
is required from those to whom much is given, for their responsibility
is greater." Drea agrees to babysit Rebecca, Matt and their dog Floyd
for the weekend while their mother is out of town. Floyd disappears
after wrecking the dining room that Drea's parents are redecorating.
She soon begins to wonder if it was really worth her giving up her
weekend to babysit this trio! (30 min., Intermediate)
Bob the Tomato tells the touching story of Snoodle Doo, a lovable
little character who learns that the way others see him doesn't matter
at all, because God sees how special and beautiful each of us is, and
that's just how we should see ourselves! The second segment features
the tale of Fibber-o-loo where viewers learn that helping your
neighbor means helping those in need.
An animated fantasy about a young boy's snowman who comes to life!
They share many happy memories at home, in the yard, and then a
magical journey to the North Pole. Told without words, but with
musical accompaniment, this tale is a heart-warming celebration of
friendship, fantasy and adventure. (25 min., All ages)
A Symposium: The Church Faces Social Justice through a Family
Perspective, Social Issues Affecting the Family, with Nancy Amidei.
Ms. Amidei focuses on three key issues that she believes affect the
family: poverty, racism and sexism. (70 min., Adult)
Primary Intermediate
all ages
Recounts God’s wrath against the wickedness and unfaithfulness of
Sodom and Gomorrah
the cities’ inhabitants, and Abraham’s heartfelt appeal to save the just
among them.
Solemn High Mass & Low Mass - Included in this video are the Latin high mass, low mass and
Tridentine Rite
This video features eleven teens -freshmen through seniors in high
Some Assembly Required: Teens school - sharing their views on faith, God, service, Jesus, prayer, and
Talk About Their Faith
liturgy. The teens candidly discuss their struggles to have a spiritual
life amid the daily chaos and stress of teen culture.
This video helps train your staff to prevent child sexual abuse. It
helps you protect your children and your organization. You’ll learn
Somebody Told
how to establish appropriate conduct, boundaries and job descriptions,
review potential damaging liabilities, and screen staff and volunteers.
A presentation by Rev. Gerald Orbanek on the Christological
Son of God (Orbanek)
Question. Includes explanations of the entomology of the "Messiah"
SOS The Church a Union of
Opposites 1998
SOS The Church as Catholic
SOS The Church as Spiritual
SOS The Church as Tradition and
Traditions 1998
SOS What This Church Means to
Us 1998
An abandoned dog and an injured girl become the ingredients for a
miracle to occur in ancient Phoenicia. The time-travelers see how a
mother's faith and love convince Jesus to offer His aid to all people,
Sour Grapes\Dog Gone
not only Jews. (18 min., Preschool - Primary) The children attend a
wedding that looks as though it will be ruined, since the wine for the
guests has disappeared. Jesus miraculously turns water to wine and
saves the day. (22 min., Preschool - Primary)
Primary Intermediate
Intermediate Adult
Junior High Senior High
Preschool Primary
Source, The (Lourdes)
Sower and the Seed\Sammy's
Speak Up Against Violence
Speak Up, Say No! DVD
Speak Up, Say No! VHS
Spencers, The
The story, sites and sounds of Lourdes, where Mary appeared to
Bernadette Soubirous in 1858, is the basis for exploring healing, faith,
conversion and reconciliation in today’s society. This video provides 30
a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the shrine, one of the
most popular pilgrimage sites in modern Christianity.
SAMMY'S FRIENDS: Sammy, a little fish, is in the hospital with a
broken fin and would appreciate visitors. Three friends make excuses
why they can't take time to visit him. The fourth visits Sammy and
makes him very happy. THE SOWER AND THE SEED: Two
children are introduced to some of the hardships of farming and the
joy of the harvest festival. God's reign will grow and bear fruit in the
world in spite of obstacles.
The first part of this program attempts to help teenagers identify the
sources of violence in their lives by listening to their peers describe
feelings of anger, pain, cowardice, shame and verbal or visual
disrespect that can lead to violence. The second part of the video
describes how to create an atmosphere of nonviolence, first by
identifying it, then by building up the many ways to increase personal
power. The video shows how teens and adults can work together to
initiate activities and programs that change communities. Each
section is approximately 20 minutes. A teacher’s guide and student
handouts are included. (Jr. High - Adult)
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
It is the intent of this video to show children that sex abuse is not their
fault and that it is appropriate for them to report these things to a
trusted adult. Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
An aid to those in the process of losing a loved one. It encourages
living one day at a time and being open and honest about feelings.
The Spencers express the importance of their Christian faith as the
glue which holds them together.
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Preschool Primary
Preschool Primary
Intermediate Adult
SPIN, Truth Tubas and George Washington, one of the videos in the
series Secret Adventures, is based on Proverbs 12:19,"Truthful lips
endure forever, the lying tongue, for only a moment." Featured
characters in all the videos are Andrea ("Drea") Thomas who is a
seventh grade student at Hampton Falls Junior High and two children
of the school principal who Drea babysits, they are Rebecca and Matt
Long. Drea ends up running for class president against "Miss
Popularity" in a nasty campaign. It demonstrates the need for honesty
and intigridity. (30 min., Intermediate)
This video looks at the ways the Holy Spirit is visibly active in the
lives of Christians when they celebrate, worship, learn and serve
Spirit Alive in Community
together as members of the Body of Christ. As a Catholic Update
video, it accomplishes this through a story segment, a witness
segment, a teaching segment and a music video reflection.
This video explores topics such as who is the Spirit, the Spirit's
Spirit and Confirmation Part I
presence in salvation history, our life experiences of the Spirit, the
gifts we use in the service of others, and fruits of the Spirit.
This video explores topics such as the work of the Spirit, scriptural
Spirit and Confirmation Part II
images of the Spirit, the traditional seven gifts of the Spirit, the ritual
celebration of the Spirit in the sacrament of Confirmation and the
presence of the Spirit in the Sacraments of Initiation.
This video provides us with metaphors, images, and stories that give a
rich description of the powerful presence of the Spirit in everyday life.
Spirit: Mystery of God Series A
Once we recognize the Spirit’s presence, we begin to mold our lives
around the Spirit’s prompting deep within our hearts.
Spirit: Mystery of God Series B Same as #2175
This innovative series combines beautiful visuals and vibrant music to
Spiritual Literacy: reading the
create meditative vignettes. The series is organized around an alphabet
sacred in everyday life Vol 1
of twenty-six qualities for practicing spirituality in everyday life. This
volume explores Attention, Beauty, Compassion and Devotion. Each
vignette is approximately 7 min long.
Intermediate Junior High
Intermediate Junior High
Senior High Adult
Spiritual Literacy: reading the
sacred in everyday life Vol 2
Spiritual Literacy: reading the
sacred in everyday life Vol 3
Spiritual Literacy: reading the
sacred in everyday life Vol 4
Spiritual Literacy: reading the
sacred in everyday life Vol 5
Spiritual Literacy: reading the
sacred in everyday life Vol 6
Spirituality and the Two Halves
of Life (Rolheiser) DVD
This innovative series combines beautiful visuals and vibrant music to
create meditative vignettes. The series is organized around an alphabet
of twenty-six qualities for practicing spirituality in everyday life. This
volume explores Enthusiasm, Forgiveness, Gratitude and Hospitality.
Each vignette is approximately 7 min long.
This innovative series combines beautiful visuals and vibrant music to
create meditative vignettes. The series is organized around an alphabet
of twenty-six qualities for practicing spirituality in everyday life. This
volume explores Imagination, Justness, Kindness, Love and Meaning.
Each vignette is approximately 7 min long.
This innovative series combines beautiful visuals and vibrant music to
create meditative vignettes. The series is organized around an alphabet
of twenty-six qualities for practicing spirituality in everyday life. This
volume explores Nurturing, Openness, Play and Questing. Each
vignette is approximately 7 min long.
This innovative series combines beautiful visuals and vibrant music to
create meditative vignettes. The series is organized around an alphabet
of twenty-six qualities for practicing spirituality in everyday life. This
volume explores Reverence, Shadow, Transformation and Unity. Each
vignette is approximately 7 min long.
This innovative series combines beautiful visuals and vibrant music to
create meditative vignettes. The series is organized around an alphabet
of twenty-six qualities for practicing spirituality in everyday life. This
volume explores Vision, Wonder, X - The Mystery, You and Zeal.
Each vignette is approximately 7 min long.
Senior High Adult
Senior High Adult
Senior High Adult
Senior High Adult
Senior High Adult
Spirituality and the Two Halves
of Life (Rolheiser) VHS
Spirituality of Fundraising (Sister
Sue Mosteller, CSJ) 1/10
Growth and discipleship have two distinct parts. We leave home at an
early age and spend many years trying to find our way back. How do
we get back home again? That's the spiritual task for the first half of
life. But where do we go once we're back home? That's the spirituality 120
for the second half of life. No matter which half of life you're in, you'll
gain new insights with this renowned author of many best-selling
books, including "The Holy Longing."
Twenty-something Percy Talbot’s chosen Gilead, Maine as her new
home, and the townsfolk are a little curious about her. Percy’s been in
prison for the past five years. A superb tale of hope and healing, this
Spitfire Grill, The
winner of the 1996 Sundance Film Festival Award embraces viewers
everywhere with its tender spirit. This is a powerful video for use
with a retreat group of high school or college students or adults.
This video is designed to help coaches be both a communicator and
Sports Psychology for Youth
motiva-tor. A coach must understand athletic motivation as it relates 20
to youth in order to teach and motivate their athletes. (20 min., Adult)
SQUIRREL'S TALE: Packy the squirrel, hoards more nuts than he
needs. He ends up rich but unhappy without friends. This video
Squirrel’s Tale\Foolish Rich Man teaches the viewer not be greedy for material things. FOOLISH RICH 5
MAN: Two brothers dispute the settlement of their rich father's estate
until Jesus shakes them up with a true-to-life story.
Sr. High Youth Rally 1994 We
Are One Body
Sr. High Youth Rally 1995
Sr. High Youth Rally 1997
Mission of Love
Sr. High Youth Rally 1998
Seeds to Sow
Sr. High Youth Rally 1999
Special Message from Bishop
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Sr. High Youth Rally 2002
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. Francis of Assissi
St. John in Exile
St. John Vianney: Patron of
Parish Priests VHS
St. Maria Goretti
St. Martin de Porres
St. Patrick
These fifteen minute videos on the lives of the saints are narrated and
illustrated for today’s youth and encourage children to imitate the
virtues of the saints’ lives.
These fifteen minute videos on the lives of the saints are narrated and
illustrated for today’s youth and encourage children to imitate the
virtues of the saints’ lives.
The year is 96 AD. The Emperor Domitianus has persecuted and
killed thousands of Christians throughout the Roman Empire. John,
the last living apostle of Jesus’ twelve, has been imprisoned. Though
he is 86 years old and confined to a cave on the island of Patmos, John
refuses to surrender. He remains full of humor, strong in spirit and
obstinately spry. Through his eyes, we relive the moving events
which changed the course of human history. St. John in Exile is a
dramatic one-man presentation in two acts. It is not a play in which
we simply sit back and watch an actor perform but is an involving,
Travel to Ars, France. Visit the church of the Saint; venerate his
incorrupt body; pray at the altar where he preached; see his
confessional, the rectory he lived in, his bed the devil set afire,
theShrinet to his incorrupt heart, and the latar where Our Lady
appeard to him. Hosted by Bob and Penny Lord
Maria Goretti was a twelve year old girl who lived and died in the
obscurity of a simple Italian village. Her name would have long been
forgotten had it not been for the afternoon of July 5, 1902. On that
day, she was given but a few moments to choose sin or virtue, life or
death. Maria chose God. Her courageous and uncompromising "no"
to sin made her a martyr of purity.
These fifteen minute videos on the lives of the saints are narrated and
illustrated for today’s youth and encourage children to imitate the
virtues of the saints’ lives.
These fifteen minute videos on the lives of the saints are narrated and
illustrated for today’s youth and encourage children to imitate the
virtues of the saints’ lives.
Junior High Adult
Intermediate Senior High
Intermediate Adult
St. Patrick: Apostle of Ireland
St. Patrick's Day
St. Peter
St. Stephen's 100 Years Young
Standing Tall: Learning
Assertiveness Skills (Gr. 5-9)
Star Child, The DVD
Star Child, The VHS
Star for Jeremy A
Star for Jeremy B
Star for Jeremy C
Who was St. Patrick? This video takes the viewer on an emotionally
moving and visually dramatic rendition of the life of Ireland's patron
saint. Filmed entirely in Ireland, the film follows the story of both the
man and the saint, unraveling myth and history that surrounds this
This program is a good overview of St. Patrick and gives ideas of
possible celebrations to honor him. It explains the Irish ancestry,
shows how an Irish American family celebrates St. Patrick's Day and
explains some of the symbols Patrick used to teach Christianity.
As a dedicated fololoer of Christ, Peter spreads the message if the
Christians acrosse the land, often staying only one step ahead of those
deteremined to persecute him.
A narrative and pictorial history of St. Stephen Church in Oil City as
they celebrate one hundred years. This presentation features the
history of this parish from the beginnings of the Catholic church in Oil
City to the present time. Several former pastors along with the present
pastor are featured. (66 min., Adult)
Intermediate Adult
High School Adult
Intermediate Junior High
Intermediate Adult
This video parable, based on a classic story by Oscar Wilde, focuses
on the true meaning of beauty, and the search for love. Produced in
the claymation style of Martin the Cobbler, it teaches us to look
beyond outward appearances to find the internal beauty which reveals
the spirit of a person.
A young boy named Jeremy has a dream: God is assigning places in
the sky for all the stars, except one. That star, the tiniest of them all,
must remain behind to await a very special event...the birth of Christ.
It's the little star's chance to shine. But will he be able to see the
Same as #192.
Same as #192.
Intermediate Adult
Preschool Primary
Star in the Breaking
Star of Christmas, The (Veggie
Star Over Bethlehem DVD
States of Faith
Stations of Joy
Stations of the Cross for Children
Thirty minutes of game show fame go to Nick’s head, and the only
thing he wins is the contempt of his friends and a lesson in humility.
In this episode, Nicholas and McGee learn the value of being humble
and accepting that some people are better than you at certain things.
In this action packed adventure, viewers will learn that it's the true
story of God's love that shows us how to love one another - at
Christmas time and throughout the year.
Filmed on the actual locations in the Holy Land, this film is laced with
rites, ancient traditions, Biblical sights and ancient chants. It is the
complete Christmas story.
A documentary that looks at religion in America. This video gives
viewers a look at the kaleidoscope of faith expressions found in the
United States today. The program explores the vital role the religion
plays in people's lives. Pollster George Gallup, Jr. helps interpret
religion in today's culture. (60 min., Adult)
This video captures the joy and wonder of the Resurrection as the
central event of our Christian lives. It relates the Gospel stories in
their historical context, but more importantly, shows how these events
influence our lives today as disciples of Jesus Christ through the use
of simple yet profound prayers. This is a tool not only for Scriptural
education, but for the spiritual formation of the viewer.
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Children are guided in this video by Fr. Stan, who reflects on each
station by inviting children to apply it to situations they face at home
and school. He particularly emphasizes courage and conviction as
Stations of the Cross for Children fitting responses to contemporary injustices. The primary goal of this
video is to help children view the stations as an opportunity to follow
Jesus more closely. It emphasizes what children can do today to be
more Christlike after reflecting on what happened to Jesus at each of
his fourteen stops on the way to Calvary.
Stations of the Cross for Children 15
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Stations of the Cross, The
This prayerful video tape brings special sacredness and meaning to the
Way of the Cross by skillfully combining the spoken word, music and
visual images. The thought provoking meditations recall the
mysteries of Calvary and offer a practical application for today’s
Staying Safe on the Internet Gr. 3Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
This program is designed to teach students rules for staying safe
whenever they go online. Introduced by a funny, computer-savy host
Staying Safe on the Internet Gr. 3named "Chip," the three scenarios presented alert viewers to online
dangers and teach the appropriate safety rules to follow. Approved for
student inservicing for child protection.
STEP CD "Catholic Reading of
Holy Scripture, The" Trautman
Jan '01
STEP CD "Christian
Spirituality: A Framework"
STEP CD "Christology: Jesus in
the New Testament" Trautman
Mar '01
STEP CD "Church in the
Contemporary World" Baxter
Jan '02
STEP CD "Collaborative
Ministry" Sofield Feb '00
STEP CD "Praying With
Scripture" Cavadini Oct '01
STEP CD "Scripture as the
Foundation of Christian Ethics"
Spohn Mar' 02
STEP CD "What Do We Do
When We Gather at Eucharist"
Driscoll Nov '99
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
STEP CD "Discipleship &
Ministry Empowered by Baptism"
Regan Sept '99
STEP CD "Integration of Faith &
Everyday Life, The"
Cunningham Jan '00
STEP CD "New Evangelization,
The" Philibert Nov '00
STEP DVD "Catholic Reading
of Holy Scripture, The"
Trautman Jan '01
STEP VHS "Catholic Reading
of Holy Scripture, The"
Trautman Jan '01
STEP VHS "Catholic Reading
of Holy Scripture, The" Teleconference Trautman Jan
STEP VHS "Catholic
Sacramental Life" Weiss Oct
STEP VHS "Christian
Spirituality: A Framework"
STEP VHS "Christology: Jesus
in the New Testament"
Trautman Mar '01
STEP VHS "Christology: Jesus
in the New Testament" Teleconference Trautman Mar
STEP VHS "Church in the
Contemporary World" Baxter
Jan '02
STEP VHS "Collaborative
Ministry" Sofield Feb '00
STEP VHS "Discipleship for the
Transformation of the World
Today" Fox Feb '02
STEP VHS "Multicultural
Church, The" McGuire & Motus
Apr '01
Evangelization, The" Philibert
STEP VHS "Praying With
Scripture" Cavadini Oct '01
STEP VHS "Scripture as the
Foundation of Christian Ethics"
Spohn Mar' 02
STEP VHS "What Do We Do
When We Gather at Eucharist"
Driscoll Nov '99
STEP VHS "Discipleship &
Ministry Empowered by Baptism"
Regan Sept '99
STEP VHS "Integration of Faith
& Everyday Life, The"
Cunningham Jan '00
STEP CD "Discipleship for the
Transformation of the World
Today" Fox Feb '02
Stephen Ministry at Work
An overview of what the Stephen Ministry for Lay People is, when it
was developed and how it may be implemented in your parish
community. It is a caring ministry for the parish community that
emphasizes "Love one another...As I have loved you." (15 min.,
Steps Into the Holy Land
Stewardship - Archbishop
Thomas Murphy 1997 DVD
Stewardship - Archbishop
Thomas Murphy 1997 VHS
Stewardship in a Small Parish
(Strecker & Strecker) 10/06
Stewardship in a Small Parish
(Strecker & Strecker) 10/06 VHS
Stewardship in a Small Parish
(Strecker & Strecker) 10/06 VHS
Stewardship in the Liturgy - Rev.
J. Glenn Murray 2002 VHS
Retrace the footsteps of Jesus through this visual tour of the Holy
Land. Visit the sites of his miracles. Tour Bethlehem, Calvary,
Nazareth, and Jeruslaem. This journey makes the Old and New
Testament of the Bible come alive.
Junior High Adult
Stewardship is not a matter of giving a little more; rather, it is a way
Stewardship: A 3-D Way of Life - of life. Youth are called to be formed in this spirit from an early age.
Not for Adults Only
This video presents several parish and diocesan initiatives that help
accomplish this formation in youth.
This program presents stewardship as an ongoing process of a pilgrim
Stewardship: A 3-D Way of Life - people on their journey to God. A paradox of stewardship is that those
The Money-Back Guarantee
who give will themselves be provided for. The presenter, Fr. Borlik,
refers to this as his "money-back guarantee."
Stewardship: A Countercultural
Way of Life (Jacques) 10/06
Stewardship: A Countercultural
Way of Life (Jacques) 10/06
Stewardship: A Countercultural
Way of Life (Jacques) 10/06
VHS Master
Stewardship: A Spiritual Renewal
Keynote from the 2005 Diocesan Stewardship Day
(Mahan) 10/05
Stewardship: A Spiritual Renewal
(Mahan) 10/05
Stewardship: Living the Gospel as
Afternoon session from the 2005 Diocesan Stewardship Day
a Way of Life (Befort) 10/05
Stewardship: Steps to Becoming a
Stewardship Parish (Laughlin)
Morning Session from the Diocesan Stewardship Day
The Enduring Faith video series is a celebration of the enduring power
of the faith and the faithful in African American communities
throughout the United States. It is an exploration of one diocese's
history of struggling to deal with prejudice, especially between blacks
Still Reaching for the Promised
and whites. This video is a closer look at how, as members of the
Land (Enduring Faith)
Body of Christ, Catholics in the diocese of Belleville are living fully
the gospel message of Jesus by reaching out to all people and
ministering to their spiritual and material needs. It is a story about
people and how they are seeking to move beyond mere tolerance and
Stop Bullying! Standing up for
yourselves and others DVD
Every school day, 150,000 American students stay home to avoid
being bullied. Many young people feel helpless in these situations.
Stop Bullying! Standing up for They need to know what to do if they are bullied or if they witness
yourselves and others VHS
bullying. Through presentations by Mark Brown, Youth Motivational
Specialist, and students' real-life experiences, this video gives students
concrete steps they can take to respond to bullying.
This DVD demonstrates effective strategies kids can use to protect
Stop Picking On Me (Gr. K-3)
themselves against teasing, harassment and bullying. These strategies
give children the ability to have successful social interaction and
emotional management.
Intermediate Junior High
Primary Intermediate
This video gives young people a graphic look at their conscience
Stop, Look & Listen: Christian
working in the world today. It develops ideas which lead the young
Moral Decision Making
viewer to believe that morality does make sense and invites them to
engage in the Christian story.
The Old Testament is introduced through stories told by a grandfather
to his young audience. The program stresses the importance of
Stories for All Times
reading the stories in the Bible to discover God’s relationship with
people from the very beginning. How God continues to work through
people today is also addressed in this video. (13 min., Intermediate)
The three stories on this DVD are: Behold This Child: The Gospel
Stories of Jesus' Birth (jr. high-adult, 45 min); The First Christmas
Stories of Christmas DVD
Crib: A Story of St. Francis of Assisi (all ages, 12 min); The Mouse in
the Manger (all ages, 19 min.) These programs can help various age
groups to focus on the deeper meanings of Christmas.
Powerful stories of faith are one of the strengths of our JudeoChristian tradition. Believing that God acts through our lives when
such stories are shared, Kathleen Chesto inspires others to search for
Stories of Faith (Chesto)
God in their lives. This video invites viewers to begin recognizing and
sharing their faith stories. It can be used for catechist meetings, for
parents sacramental preparation meetings, during retreats, with
discussion and study groups and small Christian communities.
When Miss Hamilton's class comes to the studio to watch the filming
of the newest Bibleman adventure, the irritable director makes it clear
that he finds these kids a nuisance. Miles Peterson has a discussion
with the kids about times when Jesus showed strong emotions, and
Stories of Jesus (Bibleman - The
this seems to soothe the escalating tensions. But when mishaps begin
Visual Bible)
to occur, the director loses his temper - revealing that he's really
Bibleman's arch-enemy! This is one field trip the students won't
forget! With scenes from the Visual Bible, this video shows how
Jesus handles some difficult situations.
Benjamin Burro is the story of the little donkey who carried Jesus in
Story of Benjamin Burro, The
procession on Palm Sunday. Through the puppet's eyes the story of
Jesus' last days is told in a way that is understandable to children.
Junior High Senior High
Primary - Adult
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Journey back to the beginning of the world as God fills it with all the
Story of Creation, The (The
wonders of creation. Memorable songs, vivid animation and
Beginner's Bible)
heartwarming characters make this series a delightful way to introduce
young children to Bible stories.
Story of Easter, The (The
Presents the story of Easter in a delightful new way to introduce young
Beginner's Bible)
children to this timeless story.
At age 23, Jean Stevens was diagnosed with the rare disease
scleroderma, which affects the body's ability to produce the collagen
needed to give the skin elasticity. Without collagen, facial features
become transfixed, joints stiffen and the body's vital organs can
Story of Jean, The: True
eventually harden. She was then afflicted with cancer. This video is a
remarkable story about an equally remarkable woman afflicted with
more than her share of trials. With no family to stand with her, Jean's
friends became her adopted family, her supprt…friends who stayed
with her to the very end of her journey.
From his education in Jerusalem under the Rabbi Gamaliel to his
exhortations on behalf of Christianity throughout the Mediterranean,
Story of Paul the Apostle, The
this video explores the life and legacy of the greatest missionary of the
(History Channel)
early church. Theologians reflect on the importance of his upbringing
to his success in spreading the Word and on the man who helped
insure the survival of Christianity.
These fifteen minute videos on the lives of the saints and Church
Story of Pentecost, The
seasons are narrated and illustrated for today’s youth and encourage
children to imitate the virtues of the saints’ lives.
When Jesus encounters a man who wants to learn the quickest way
into Heaven, Jesus tells him a story that teaches him a lesson about
Story of the Good Samaritan, The
loving your neighbor as you love yourself. Memorable songs, vivid
(The Beginner's Bible)
animation and heartwarming characters make this series a delightful
way to introduce young children to Bible stories.
Preschool Primary
Preschool Primary
Junior High Adult
Preschool Primary
Relive the miraculous events surrounding the very first Christmas as
Mary receives a heavenly visitor - and learns that she has been chosen
Story of the Nativity, The (The to be the mother of God’s son on earth. Then, travel with Mary and
Beginner's Bible)
Joseph to a lowly manger in Bethlehem and marvel at the fulfillment
of God’s promise to the people as a heavenly host of angels proclaims
the joyful news: Jesus Christ is born!
To bring to life his teachings of repentance, forgiveness and love,
Jesus tells the story of a father whose willful son refuses to work on
Story of the Prodigal Son, The
the family farm, but goes off instead to see the world. Also includes
(The Beginner's Bible)
the story of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin. Memorable songs,
vivid animation and heartwarming characters make this series a
delightful way to introduce young children to Bible stories.
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
Story of Zaccheus, The
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
A video about the father of a family who looks to his daughter Lucy to
carry on his legacy of storytelling. Facing death, he wants to be sure
the family will keep alive the unique people and events that bind them
together. Storytellers will help viewers value their own stories and
see how grace-filled it is to share them. (22 min., Adult)
This video has been made with the help of teenagers for teenagers,
and for those who care the most about them. It is a compassionate but
clear presentation of the problems that our teenagers face seen against
Straight Talk: Teenagers and Sex
the background of Christian values. This video will ignite discussion
among teenagers about these critical issues, and encourage them to
resist the pressures they are under.
Preschool Primary
Preschool Primary
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Senior High
Stranger Safety DVD (John
Stray, The
Struggle to Build a Christian
Society\Touching God through
the Celebration of Forgiveness
Suffering with a Loved One
John Walsh, founder of the National Center for Missing & Exploited
Children and Julie Clark, founder of the Baby Einstein Company,
have combined talents to produce this program to teach children how
to be smart, cool and safe. Children will learn how to avoid potentially
dangerous situations with people they don't know and kinda- know in
fun and memorable ways. They will also learn the seven Hot Tips for
cool kids to be safer at home, school and outside playing. Approved
for student inservicing for child protection.
Children will enjoy this recreation of the parable of the Lost Sheep.
The lost boy's antics while with the group and his terror after his
separation are balanced by the gruff concern of a bus driver who is the
Good Shepherd.
The Struggle to Build a Christian Society: Christians are called to be
open to the concerns of the least of their brothers and sisters. We
should become more sensitive to the global issues which affect our
entire human family. We must realize it really is a small world.
Touching God Through the Celebration of Forgiveness: The
Sacrament of Reconciliation is an opportunity to meet Christ and
know his great love and mercy. Since the Second Vatican Council,
there have been many changes in this sacrament including how often
we are choosing to receive it.
Divided into four segments, story, witness, teaching and music video
reflection, this video explores the role of caregivers in light of faith in 34
Christ, who shepherds and cares for us.
Primary Intermediate
Part of the Insight classic series, these three thirty-minute stories have
been digitally re-mastered and gathered on one video. "God in the
Dock" - In a class action suit, God is placed on trial for the pain,
injustice and misery suffered by humankind. The results are
Surprised By God: VHS God in surprising. "The Long Road Home" - Filled with self-doubt, James
the Dock, The Long Road Home, Conklin panics and walks out on his fiancee the night before their
Missing Person's Bureau
wedding. A witty, yet penetrating treatment of fidelity - God's and
ours. "Missing Person's Bureua" - A Vietnam vet returns home to
face the tragedy of his son's death and his wife's infidelity. Furious at
his misfortunes, he tries to locate God at a Misisng Person's Bureau.
There he discovers that forgiveness is the key to knowing that God has
In this program, Dr. Barbeau talks about the different causes of anger
and the various guises that anger often takes. He helps us understand
the we face anger from both ourselves and others, and that many
Surviving Anger
different experiences can trigger it. Barbeau explains that it is very
important to understand the source and destructiveness of one's anger
and to face up to it. Strategies for analyzing and dealing with one's
own anger and that of others is offered. (32 min., Adult)
Clayton Barbeau continues this series, with this program that talks
about the anger and pain that follow a broken relationship. He assures
the viewer the feelings experienced at this time are natural and he
helps the audience to understand and work with them. He encourages
Surviving Broken Relationships people to be gentle with themselves and not to hide from others who 21
care about them. Most importantly he says not to rush into a new
relationship and assures us that broken hearts do mend and when they
do, they are often more loving and compassionate than those who
have not suffered. (21 min., Adult)
Senior High Adult
Surviving Depression
Surviving Difficult People
Surviving Failure and Rejection
Surviving Grief
Dr. Clayton Barbeau, a licensed marriage counselor, family therapist
and popular speaker is host of this video program. Dr. Barbeau helps
the viewer identify and come to terms with the signs of depression
which may include: changes in eating and sleeping habits,
inattentiveness, a sense of alienation or thoughts of suicide. He gives
advice for survival through the use of personal stories and true-to-life
examples. His final message: "Don't do anything drastic! You are in
a dead space in your life, But you will go through it .... to new life."
Problem individuals who make day to day living difficult at home or
at work are given special attention in this program. Clayton Barbeau
suggests ways to approach those who tend to bully or criticize
constantly, or those who demand attention or wish to be always in
control. He profiles someone who can't make a decision or simply
won't communicate and states that it is very important to realize that
one's response to a difficult person is more important than the person's
behavior. (40 min., Adult)
Dr. Barbeau considers counseling to be his most rewarding work, in
this program he explains how important it is for everyone to value
themselves. Surviving rejection or failure has a great deal to do with
self-acceptance and realizing that it is human and sometimes good to
fail or to experience hurt. Through the use of well chosen anecdotes,
Barbeau reveals how paralyzing the fear of failure can be, and points
out the real growth in life, intimacy, and love involves risk, in both the
face of failure or rejection. (34 min., Adult)
Viewers of this program will learn to understand the grieving process
and work toward acceptance of the loss of a loved one. Dr. Barbeau
shares his own experience of the grief he felt at the untimely death of
his wife. He points out that one should not deny their loss and that
they need to allow themselves permission to feel the tears, loneliness
or anger. You are encouraged not to prolong and nurture the grief, but
rather take one day at a time and make an effort to begin to build a
future. (24 min., Adult)
This session, as others in the series, is not intended to take the place
of individual therapy when it is needed, focuses on the ever constant
experience of life transitions. Barbeau talks about the many changes
that make up daily living which include: our ways of thinking,
Surviving Life Transitions
feeling, building new relationships, integrating a new baby into the
family or beginning a new job. Changes can be threatening because of
the fear of the unknown and the "limbo" that is experienced as a
bridge to the new is built. He offers stories and strategies for healthy
personal growth. (26 min., Adult)
In this how-to session with Clayton Barbeau the subject of loneliness
is focused upon; the viewer, who is seeking advice, is the individual
being counseled. Barbeau says that loneliness is part of everyone's
life, especially in today's competitive society; he states that it may
result from our looking for someone else to make us whole. In this
Surviving Loneliness
program, three different stories of lonely people and the steps they
took to help themselves are offered to the viewer. He offers many
concrete strategies to counteract loneliness and urges the viewer to
"Do all you can to be a whole person because intimacy is possible
only between whole persons." (24 min., Adult)
Four video clips under two minutes each, illustrate issues teens face in
Surviving School
the battleground of school. Choices made in this rough environment
often set the course for our entire lives
This program unpacks God's Word in a manner teens can relate to by
t3 The Teen Timeline (Teen Bible showing them the "big picture" of salvation history and gives them an
Study) DVD
overview of Scripture. It then shows teens how it applies to their
everyday lives. (four discs - 8 sessions, approx. 30 minutes each)
This video presents an intriguing computer generated walk-through of
the ancient Tabernacle, the meeting place between sinful man and
Tabernacle, The (Old Testament)
Holy God. Hard to visualize passages of Scripture come to life as the
viewer recognizes the meaning of many of the components of the
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Table of the Lord - Celebrating
Table of the Lord - Eating
Table of the Lord - Giving
Table of the Lord - Parent
Gaynell Cronin and Fr. Jack Rathschmidt, OFM host this program for
Eucharist preparation. Children will learn what they already know
about celebrating and how it applies to the Eucharist. The program
includes a group of children celebrating at a party given because of
Marco's appreciation of them and their gifts of friendship to him and
each other. It than allows time to reflect upon the scripture story of
The Wedding at Cana, offers an activity and reflection for the
children, and explains the Introductory Rite of the Mass. (22 min.,
The final video for children in this series by Cronin and Rathschmidt,
helps them apply what they already know about eating to Eucharist. It
explores how meals were important in Jesus' life and how we become
one with Jesus by partaking in the Eucharist. As the other lessons,
this video has a story followed by scripture: The Last Supper, an
activity and explanation of the Consecration and receiving of
Communion. (25 min., Primary )
In this program, also hosted by Gaynell Cronin and Fr. Jack
Rathschmidt, OFM, children learn how to relate what they already
know about giving to the Eucharist. This program looks at how we
give to family and friends and how Jesus gave his life on the cross and
continues to give us the gift of himself in the Eucharist. The program
is structured as before with a story, scripture: Jesus Feeds the Five
Thousand, an activity and explanation of the Presentation of the Gifts
and the Preparation of the Altar. (26 min., Primary)
Unlike the previous three programs, this video by Cronin and
Rathschmidt is intended for parents of children preparing for
Eucharist. This presentation is intended to give parents a brief
overview of the previous three programs that have been used to
prepare their children for Eucharist. It reinforces the aspects of
celebration, forgiveness and nourishment in the sacrament of the
Eucharist. It will help parents to connect everyday events that happen
around their table with the Eucharistic Table. (27 min., Adult)
In this program, Joel Barker shares stories about why people say "no"
to new ideas. More importantly, he introduces a ten-step strategy on
Tactics of Innovation (Joel
how to remove barriers between new ideas and people who naturally
Barker) DVD
resist change. These tactics will dramatically increase acceptance of
any kind of idea. Workbook and Leader's Guide are included.
Nick's Little League baseball team is being carried by the powerful bat
of Thurman Miller, a Little League Goliath. Nick learns an important
lesson about the foolishness of placing trust in people instead of God.
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Many people can be depended on most of the time, only God is fully
trustworthy and will never let you down. (30 min., Primary - Intermediate)
"Take Time to be a Family" demonstrates how a weekly get-together
can help improve your family's communication and planning. It
Take Time To Be A Family
explains how to use these sessions (family meetings) to build your
children's decision making skills and enhance their sense of
This video offers a concise review of the Catholic Church's teaching
Talking About the Death Penalty on the death penalty. Produced by Diocese of Fort Wayne-South
Bend, Family Life Office.
Eight year old Willie Sheridan tap dances his way through life dreaming of perform-ing on Broadway. Encouraged and tutored by his
Tap Dance Kid
Uncle Dipsey, a profession-al dancer and choreographer, Willie faces
one major obstacle---his father---a successful lawyer.
"Why doesn't anyone do anything to stop this?" asks Taylor when her
twin brother dies, the victim of a school shooting. She must decide if
she can make a difference and find a creative outlet for her pain, to
involve others, and to pick up the challenge her brother left behind.
Taylor's Wall (Family Theatre)
Recognizing the contemporary need for tolerance, respect, restraint
and communication, this video will engage parents, children, students,
and teachers. Based on the Ascension of Jesus and his farewell
challenge to "teach all nations," this drama challenges viewers to
proclaim values of love and forgiveness.
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Teaching and Religious
Imagination (1-3)
Teaching and Religious
Imagination (4-5)
Teaching Prayer in the Classroom
Session 1
Teaching Prayer in the Classroom
Session 2
Teaching Prayer in the Classroom
Session 3
Teaching Prayer in the Classroom
Session 4
Teaching and Religious Imagination (1-3) Maria Harris, an
internationally known scholar and teacher in reli-gious and theological
education is the Howard Professor of Religious Education at Andover
Newton Theological School in Newton Centre, MA. She has authored
several books and articles. This program series offers you the
opportunity to conduct a fascinating and inspirational training course
to both new and experienced teach-ers. All viewers will find Harris'
ideas about religious imagination challenging and insightful.
Teaching and Religious Imagination (4&5) Maria Harris, an
internationally known scholar and teacher in reli-gious and theological
education is the Howard Professor of Religious Education at Andover
Newton Theological School in Newton Centre, MA. She has authored
several books and articles. This program series offers you the
opportunity to conduct a fascinating and inspirational training course
to both new and experienced teach-ers. All viewers will find Harris'
ideas about religious imagination challenging and insightful.
This video discusses the first source of the church’s prayer, the Word
of God. Special attention is given to praying the psalms. Catechists
are invited to discover and help their students discover their images
of God.
This video presents Jesus as the model for our prayer. We consider
the sources of Jesus’ prayer: his family, people, culture, and especially
his relationship with his Father. We look at Jesus’ example of prayer:
how and when and for whom he prayed, as well as his teachings on
The liturgy is a great source of the church’s prayer. This session
presents prayer as blessing, adoration, thanksgiving, petition, and
intercession, experienced in the Liturgy and lived out in daily life.
This video presents the Lord’s Prayer as an integral part of the
church’s liturgy, one that forms our individual prayer. Viewers will
find profound yet practical reflections on the petitions and how they
apply to our lives. This session concludes with a brief review of the
key points of the entire series.
Teaching Religion to Students
with Mental Retardation
Tear Soup
Teen Discipleship DVD
Teen Discipleship VHS
Teen Relationships and Sexual
Teen Sceenes & More Teen
Scenes DVD
This video is part of the Rose Fitzgerald KennedyProgram to improve
religious education for children and adults with mental retardation.
Presented by Roberta Weaver, Ph.D.
Grandy has just suffered a big loss in her life, so she is cooking up her
own unique batch of "tear soup." This video gives the viewer a
glimpse into Grandy's life as she blends different ingredients into her
own grief process. Her tear soup will help to bring her comfort and
ultimately help to fill the void in her life that was created by her loss.
Families, professionals, educators and support groups will all benefit
from the insights and comfort provided in this helpful production.
This video captures for Catholic youth how their Christian baptismal
commitment comes alive in service to others. As a Catholic Update
video, it accomplishes this through a story segment, a witness
segment, a teaching segment and a music video reflection.
This video presents a Christian perspective on sex and reveals to teens
the reasons for pre-marital abstinence. It focuses not only on the
physical, but also reveals the male\female perspective on the
emotional and relational benefits from living according to the Biblical 75
truths about sexuality. Presented by Jason Evert and Ellen Marie, this
video provides understanding and tools to live out the choices
emphasized in this program. (See also videos #2633 and #2634)
Complete with study guide to facilitate discussion, this program
invites teens to reflect on situations in their life that call for ethical
decision making. Each of the vignettes, approximately 4-7 minutes in
length, takes viewers only up to the point where the decision is to be
made and the rest is up to the viewer. Topics presented in "Teen
Scenes" are plagiarism, shoplifting, peer pressure, and gossip\cliques.
Topics presented in "More Teen Scenes" are bullies, chastity, alcohol
and racism.
All ages
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Teen Scenes: Life Situations for
Teen Discussions
Teens & Chastity (Molly Kelly
for Adults)
Teens and Sex I Deciding for
Your Life
Teens and Sex II
Complete with study guide to facilitate discussion, this video invites
teens to reflect on situations in their life that call for ethical decision
making. Approximately 4-7 minutes in length, each of the vignettes
takes viewers only up to a point where the decision is to be made and
the rest is up to the viewer. Topics presented in the life situations are
plagiarism, shoplifting, peer pressure, and gossip\cliques.
In an inspiring talk about the importance of promoting chastity to
today’s teens, Molly Kelly encourages adults to join in her mission.
Molly shares her experiences as a mother as well as an educator. She
also shares her thoughts about the tough issues that confront teens
every day, such as teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, the
threat of AIDS, and the safe-sex myth. Molly’s direct presentation
will give adults new insights on how to talk to teens about chastity.
Teens are faced with some tough choices about their sexuality,
Colleen George en-courages them to make the right choice. Chastity
is not outdated and not every-body is "doing it". Premarital sex is not
necessary in today's world and teens can choose a morality that
respects their personhood while enjoying life to its fullest. (30 min.,
Sr. High School)
Teens talk openly and honestly about the importance of relationships
as well as their own sexuality. Meet real people who talk about real
issues. There's Amy, an unwed mother. Judy, a young divorced
mother. Keith, a sexually active teen trying to change his attitude
toward sex. And Ginny and Shaun, a couple who have chosen
abstinence. This video is all about building healthy, honest
relationships and making sound choices. (18 min., Sr. High School)
Junior High Senior High
Senior High
Senior High
Teen's Guide to Living the Mass
Teens in Crisis Relationships:
With Friends
Teens in Crisis Relationships:
With Parents
Teens in Crisis Relationships:
With Self
Teens in Crisis Relationships:
With The Opposite Sex
"The Mass never must be lived." This is what the teens of St.
Timothy's parish in Phoenix, AZ, say and believe about the Mass. It
expresses what they find to be true in the Mass --- a renewed sense of
its life giving hope. Fr. Dale Fushek explains that teens can and
should play a vital role in the Mass and in the life of the Church,
however, he says they need to understand the Mass before they can
live it. This video leads the viewer through separate sections of the
Mass, including the Gathering Rite, Proclamation of the Word,
Eucharistic Prayer and Communion. The program can be used as a
motivational tool to inspire teens to learn about and live their faith on
a daily basis. (45 min., Jr. - Sr. School)
Making friends is not always easy. You may have experienced the joy
of finding a best friend...someone you tell your deepest secrets...someone you laugh with...or cry with. This video looks at how we can
make new friends, repair hurt or broken friendships and handle the
pres-sures of friendships.
It is natural to have some negative feelings about Mom and Dad at
times. It is not a question of who is right or wrong. Feelings are real
and need to be dealt with. It is most beneficial if this video is viewed
by teens and parents.
This video will give you valuable information on how to feel good
about yourself even though you aren't perfect. Many teens don't feel
very good about themselves. They may feel inferior or even
worthless. The way we see ourselves affects our relationships with
everyone---our parents, boyfriend, girlfriend, or other friends.
In this video the viewer learns that teens share common feelings about
dating: one guy said he was too scared to ask girls out; a girl said she
was always insecure; another guy thought he had to impress his
girlfriend by doing special things for her. We all have had some of
these feelings---they're normal!
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Teens in Crisis Relationships:
With The World
Teens Vs. Parents with Mark
Teens You Have a Choice
Tell Me About God
Temptation, The
Temptations in the Desert
This video takes a closer look at our world. Helping to open our eyes
to the human suffering caused by war, hunger and superstition. Often
it's difficult for us to really relate to the problems people face in
Africa, Asia or South America.
Real-life interviews with teenagers from across the country.
•Discover better ways for understanding, communication and
forgiveness between teens and parents.
•Four insightful topics: •The Myth of a Perfect Family •Living up to
Expectations •Authority and Rebellion •Friend or Foe
The issues of sexuality, substance abuse, values and peer pressure
need not be overwhelming if teens realize that have the power to
choose and the power of God to guide them. This video, through the
expert opinions of teen counselors and real-life, unscripted
discussions with teens, faces these tough issues with facts and faith.
(4 - 30 min. sections, Sr. High School)
“Tell me about God. What color are God’s eyes? Where does God
live?” If you are a parent or grandparent, or someone who loves
children, you may have heard these questions. How should we talk to
our children about someone we can’t see or touch or hear? This video
will help you talk to the children in your life about the God who loves
them unconditionally.
Alone in the desert for forty days, Jesus is tempted by the Devil. Jesus
refuses to put God to the test and banishes the Devil. Viewer are
challenged to reflect on the meaning of evil and how the Devil
appeared to Jesus. Also, consider the words of Jesus, "You shall not
put the Lord your God to the test." (12 min., All ages)
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Senior High
all ages
Primary Intermediate
Recounts Moses’ journey to the top of Mount Sinai where God reveals
his new covenant with Israel, in the form of his laws carved in stone.
This video program is intended for children in the middle grades. It
conveys the importance of the commandments for all people. It shows
Ten Commandments, The
that when we respond to a particular commandment, we are saying
"no" to something and "yes" to some other action. It was written by
Gaynell Cronin. (20 min., Intermediate)
This video presents amazing case studies from around the world,
showing how Jesus is still alive today. The values of commitment and
Test of Time Tape 1
inner peace are highlighted in two twenty-eight minute
segments.Viewers will see how the teachings of Jesus are put to the
This video presents amazing case studies from around the world,
showing how Jesus is still alive today. The topics of money and
Test of Time Tape 2
forgiveness are highlighted in two twenty-eight minute
segments.Viewers will see how the teachings of Jesus are put to the
This animated DVD includes three parts; it includes Worthy is the
The Animated Passion Trilogy:
Lamb (His Betrayal and Crucifixion); He is Risen (His Resurrection
He is Risen (Nest) DVD
and Ascension); and The Kingdom of Heaven (His Return)
The Animated Passion Trilogy:
This animated DVD includes three parts; it includes Worthy is the
The Kingdom of Heaven (Nest) Lamb (His Betrayal and Crucifixion); He is Risen (His Resurrection
and Ascension); and The Kingdom of Heaven (His Return)
This animated DVD includes three parts; it includes Worthy is the
The Animated Passion Trilogy:
Lamb (His Betrayal and Crucifixion); He is Risen (His Resurrection
Worthy is the Lamb (Nest) DVD
and Ascension); and The Kingdom of Heaven (His Return)
In six engaging sessions, Rohr brings a firsthand knowledge of the
world’s great spiritual practices to guide us gently into the unfolding
stages of liberation discovered by Saint Francis in his own life. In The
The Art of Letting Go; Living the Art of Letting Go, you will discover the surprising richness
Wisdom of Saint Francis
encountered through simplifying your life. You will gain liberation
from self-limiting biases and certitudes. And you will explore Fr.
Richard’s deep insights into contemplation and action, two key steps
toward communing more deeply with the Divine.
Ten Commandments (In the
Beginning Series)
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
All Ages
The Bible Timeline DVD
The Bread of Life (Brother
Francis) DVD
In this 24-part DVD series Jeff Cavins introduces Catholic principles
of Scripture Study and provides comprehensive teaching and
commentary on the entire biblical narrative. Hundreds of thousands of
people have learned to read and understand Scripture with The Bible
Timeline. Each 50-55 minute presentation is designed to follow a
lesson in The Bible Timeline Study Kit.
This Creed is a 12-part study that guides participants through the first
of the four Pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Pillar I:
The Creed provides the foundation needed to begin the four-part
The Creed Pillar I
journey through the complete Pillars series. The Creed opens up the
structure of the Catechism and shows how it is far more than a list of
“faith facts,” but instead a sure map for their journey of faith. For
Using a peer-to-peer approach, teens talk about the importance of
resisting pressures to engage in sexting. View teens' real life stories
and listen to a law enforcement official talk about the legal
The Dangers of Sexting - What
consequences of sexting. The importance of incorrectly assuming that
Teens Need to Know DVD
postings or textings will remain private and the inability to change
your mind once something is in cyberspace is stressed. Leader's guide
and student activity sheets are included. Approved for student
In this DVD on the Eucharist the children will see how the bread and
The Eucharist for Little Children wine are made for Eucharist, an explanation of the vestments used for
the Liturgy, a segment on Eucharist adoration, a segment on a
Eucharistic procession
The Eucharist in Scripture
A Little Rock Scripture Study, with book, workbook and answer
This program traces the dramatically different ways in which Jesus
The Face: Jesus in Art DVD
has been represented in art by people throughout history and around
the world. Art from the early third century to the present is explored.
Senior High Adult
High School Adult
Junior High Senior High
Primary Intermediate
All ages
The Faithful Revolution: A
World Transformed (50th
Anniversary) DVD
The fourth in a series of five one-hour programs on Vatican Council
II. Major Themes are: The Emerging Laity, Lay Leadership,
Marriage, Birth Control, Humanae Vitae, The St. Egidio Community,
Vatican II Values, Lay Movements, Polarization in the Church, The
Tumultuous '60's, War and Peace, The Vietnam War, The Peace
Movement, The Church and Nuclear Weapons, and The Civil Rights
These videos are the first filmed series to document the Second
Vatican Council, its decisions and its profound impact on all of
humanity. Told through the eyes of many men and women who
witnessed this event firsthand, The Faithful Revolution is an
The Faithful Revolution: Genius
important historical documentary which examines the dramatic
of the Heart VHS
changes fostered by the Second Vatican Council and its continuing
effects on history and the modern world. Major themes: Change and
Tradition, The World of the 60’s, Liturgical Reform, Changes in the
Mass, Pope John XXIII, The Goals of Vatican II and Legacy of John
These videos are the first filmed series to document the Second
Vatican Council, its decisions and its profound impact on all of
humanity. Told through the eyes of many men and women who
witnessed this event firsthand, The Faithful Revolution is an
important historical documentary which examines the dramatic
changes fostered by the Second Vatican Council and its continuing
The Faithful Revolution: Human
effects on history and the modern world. Major Themes: Human
Dignity VHS
Rights, Religious Freedom, Father Luis Olivares, The Sanctuary
Movement, The Church in Latin America, Identification with the
Poor, The Church in Poland, The Solidarity Movement, The Collapse
of Communism, Pope John Paul II, The Church Universal, The
Church in Africa, Making the Liturgy Come Alive, Interreligious
Dialogue, Christian/Jewish Relations and The Holocaust.
Senior High Adult
The third in a series of five one-hour programs on Vatican Council II.
Major Themes are Human Rights, Religious Freedom, Father Luis
Olivares, The Sanctuary Movement, The Church in Latin American,
Identification with the Poor, The Church in Poland, The Solidarity
The Faithful Revolution: Human Movement, The Collapse of Communism, Pope John Paul II, The
Dignity (50th Anniversary) DVD Church Universal, The Church in Africa, Making the Liturgy Come
Alive, Interreligious Dialogue, Christian/Jewish Relations, and the
Senior High Adult
Study Guide and Handouts Available Online…
The Faithful Revolution: Inspired
Awakening (50th Anniversary) Same as #3192, 3202
These videos are the first filmed series to document the Second
Vatican Council, its decisions and its profound impact on all of
humanity. Told through the eyes of many men and women who
witnessed this event firsthand, The Faithful Revolution is an
The Faithful Revolution: Inspired
important historical documentary which examines the dramatic
Awakening VHS
changes fostered by the Second Vatican Council and its continuing
effects on history and the modern world. Major Themes: Pope Paul
VI, The Council Continues under Pope Paul VI, The Role of
Women in the Church, Religious Vocations, Ecumenism and the
The second in a series of five one-hour programs on Vatican Council
II. Major Themes are: Pope Paul VI, The Council Continues under
The Faithful Revolution: Inspired
Pope Paul VI, The Role of Women in the Church, Religious
Awakening (50th Anniversary)
Vocations, Ecumenism, and The Lefebvre Movement.
Study Guide and Handouts Available Online…
Senior High Adult
Senior High Adult
The Faithful Revolution: The
Dynamics of Hope VHS
The Faithful Revolution: The
Dynamics of Hope (50th
Anniversary) DVD
These videos are the first filmed series to document the Second
Vatican Council, its decisions and its profound impact on all of
humanity. Told through the eyes of many men and women who
witnessed this event firsthand, The Faithful Revolution is an
important historical documentary which examines the dramatic
changes fostered by the Second Vatican Council and its continuing
effects on history and the modern world. Major Themes: The
Implementation of Vatican II, Tension Within the Church, Pope ohn
Paul II, The Church in Chiapas, Bishop Samuel Ruiz, The Medellin
Conference, The Church in Latin America, Liberation Theology,
Social Justice, Collegiality, Bishop Jacques Gaillot and Dialogue in
The fifth in a series of five one-hour programs on Vatican Council II.
Major Themes are: The Implementation of Vatican II, Tension within
the Church, Pope John Paul II, The Church in Chiapas, Bishop
Samuel Ruiz, The Medelin Conference, The Church in Latin America,
Liberation Theology, Social Justice, Collegiality, Bishop Jacques
Gaillot, and Dialogue in the Church.
Study Guide and Handouts Available Online…
These videos are the first filmed series to document the Second
Vatican Council, its decisions and its profound impact on all of
humanity. Told through the eyes of many men and women who
witnessed this event firsthand, The Faithful Revolution is an
important historical documentary which examines the dramatic
changes fostered by the Second Vatican Council and its continuing
effects on history and the modern world. Major Themes: The
Emerging Laity, Lay Leadership, Marriage, Birth Control, Humanae
Vitae, The St. Egidio Community, Vatican II Values, Lay Movements,
Polarization in the Church, The Tumultuous ‘60’s, War and Peace,
The Vietnam War, The Peace Movement, The Church and Nuclear
The Faithful Revolution: World
Transformed VHS
The Faithful Revolution: A World
Same as #2123, 2154
Transformed VHS
Senior High Adult
Senior High Adult
The Faithful Revolution: Genius
of the Heart VHS
The Faithful Revolution: Genius
of the Heart (50th Anniversary)
Same as #2120, #3186
The first in a series of five one-hour programs on Vatican Council II.
Major themes are: Change and Tradition, The World of the 60's,
Liturgical Reform, Changes in the Mass, Pope John XXIII, the Goals
of Vatican II, and The Death and Legacy of John XXIII.
Senior High Adult
Study Guide and Handouts Available Online…
The Faithful Revolution: Human
Dignity VHS
The Faithful Revolution: Inspired
Awakening VHS
The Faithful Revolution: The
Dynamics of Hope VHS
The Faithful Revolution; The
Dynamics of Hope (50th
Anniversary) DVD
The Father of Ice Cream, the
Mother of Soda Bread (Shea)
The First Valentine DVD
The Francis Effect
Senior High Adult
Senior High Adult
Senior High Adult
Same as #2122, 2153
Same as #2121, 2152
Same as #2124, 2155
Same as #3195, 3205
Senior High Adult
This video presents twelve of John Shea's best stories performed with
minimal staging and props. John Shea introduces each story with a
scripture reading and then offers three provocative questions for
reflection and discussion. The stories vary in length (1-16 min.) and
diversity, making it adaptable for use in a variety of different
situations. A discussion guide is also included.
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
From the moment he appeared on the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica, Pope
Francis won the hearts of the people. With charactersitic humility, simplicity
and closeness to the poor, he has inistialized a fundamental reform of the
Vatican's government, challenged a "globalization of indifference," and
become the most talked about person in the world. The Francis Effect
takes a critical and in-depth look at how one man has quickly changed the
face of Catholicism at a moment when no one really expected it.
High school adult
The Gift of Hope (Melendez
Story) DVD
The Gift of Hope (Melendez
Story) VHS
The Giving Tree (Silverstein)
The Greatest Miracle
The Heart of Stewardship:
Sacrificial Giving (Champlin)
The King is Born DVD
The Learner (Echoes of Faith
Plus) DVD
The Lost Is Found (Nest) DVD
Tony Melendez has no arms. He was born with this birth defect in
1962 as a result of his mother taking the prescription drug,
Thalidomide. Today he is known around the world for playing the
guitar with his feet. This video presents Tony's inspiring story which
will challenge viewers to embrace life and give hope to those in need.
This classic story about the relationship between a boy and a tree
illustrates some truths about the meaning of giving and receiving
unconditional love.
Takes you on a journey of faith as three lost souls are shown the love
and compassion of the Lord and Mother Mary.
This video integrates the four fundamental principles of sacrificial
giving with the concepts of the American Bishops' 1993 Pastoral
Letter, "Stewardship: A Disciple's Response". It also sketches the
challenge of money for today's Church, outlines the potential
resources among American Catholics for responding to that need, and
includes testimonies from lay people who practice full stewardship.
Brother Francis celebrates with children the wonder and joy of
Christmas. It includes the Christmas Story, along with the songs of
Away in a Manger and Silent Night
This series is a basic level video-assisted resource for the formation
and enrichment of catechists. A catechist who complete this formation
program will experience a process of spiritual formation, gain an
overview of the major doctrinal themes contained in the CCC and
learn practical skills for leading effective catechetical sessions. This
module will introduce the catechist to the continuous cycle of growth
and development that occurs throughout life. This process of growth
will be explored from four perspectives: cognitive, psycho-social,
moral and faith growth.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
All Ages
intermediate adult
Preschool Intermediate
The Lost Is Found (Nest) VHS
Weaving together many New Testament stories, including the
parables of the lost coin and the lost sheep, this animated video shows
how Jesus generously extends his mercy to each sinner and lovingly
brings each one back to the fold.
Primary Intermediate
The Mighty Macs
The inspiring true story of one woman who just wanted to make a difference
and wound up making history! When Coach Cathy Rush arrives at tiny
Immaculata College, the women's basketball team has no budget, no
uniforms and no gym. Refusing to give up, Cathy finds help from a young
nun named Sister Sunday. Together, their relentless drive reignites the
team's spirit and the Mighty Macs start conquering bigger and better-funded
school. As financial trouble rock Immaculata, the Macs charge into the
championships against all odds. Can the Mighty Macs save theri school with
one last long shot at victory?
All ages
The New Evangelization DVD
Fr. Robert Barron, author of the Catholicism series, shows us how to
put our faith into action. There are 4 discs and a manual with six
The story of St. Joseph Cupertino. A heartwarming and inspiring
The Reluctant Saint: The Story of
story of the humble Franciscan monk who literally rose to sainthood.
St. Joseph of Cupertino VHS
Follow him from his humble beginnings to his great love for God.
The Roman Catholic Priesthood
A Thing of Beauty is a Joy
The Rosary (Brother Francis)
Brother Francis inspires children to deepen their faith by praying the
The Sacrament of Baptism: A
In this powerful presentation, Fr. Thomas Scirghi introduces parents,
Guide to this Celebration of New godparents, and those involved in RCIA to the Sacrament of Baptism
Life DVD
and its role in the Church today.
The Science of Stem Cells:
Produced by the Michigan Catholic Conference, this DVD explores
Finding Cures and Protecting Life this current issue.
This series is a basic level video-assisted resource for the formation
and enrichment of catechists. A catechist who complete this formation
The Scriptures (Echoes of Faith program will experience a process of spiritual formation, gain an
Plus) DVD
overview of the major doctrinal themes ocntained in the CCC and
learn practical skills for leading effective catechetical sessions. This
module explores the central themes and message of the Bible.
13 95
Senior High Adult
Intermediate Adult
Primary Intermediate
Senior High Adult
From producer Stephen McEveety (The Passion of the Christ) comes
an amazing documentary on the Star of Bethlehem. This presentation,
The Star of Bethlehem DVD
as seen by tens of thousands in the U.S. and in Europe, explores the
exciting truth of Scripture and reveals the evidence for God's
existence as seen in the stars above.
This marvelous animation introduces the Ten Commandments in
stories that children of today can relate to and understand in their own
The Ten Commandments DVD
way. Its central characters deal with the common situations of a
child's modern daily life. The DVD has 10 separate chapters.
Join Fr. Larry Richards in this one-of-a-kind, life-affirming reality
check -- as he unlocks the mysteries of our own existence and opens
The Truth CD
our hearts and souls to the meaning of life. The Truth will give you
concrete ways on how life is to be lived.
Included on this DVD are two programs: An Introduction to the Bible
and An Introduction to the Eucharist. In the Bible segment (18 min),
The Word Made Flesh (Bible and viewers will discover the true meaning of the Bible as the "living and
Eucharist) DVD
active" Word of God. In the Eucharist (21 min) segment, viewers will
learn what it means to respond in faith to the mystery of the Eucharist
and live it out in their daily lives.
This four-DVD set gives facilitators the opportunity to have the
authors of the curriculum teach setments of each lesson. Each of the
twelve lessons is covered in a 20-25 minute presentation and contains
Theology of the Body for Teens instruction and commentary by the authors. This program includes
dynamic contenct, including practical applications, graphics, real-life
interviews and animated trivia. This DVD series creates a dynamic
and educational experience which teens are sure to enjoy. Includes a
leaders guide, student workbook and parents guide.
In 1927, Therese of Lisiexu was proclaimed “Principal Patroness of
Therese of Lisieux - My Vocation
the Missions.” The objective of this video is to focus on the
is Love
missionary aspects of Therese’s message.
Junion High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Senior High
Junior High Adult
This video goes behind the scenes to reveal the perspectives of a
variety of compelling individuals to reveal the devastating effects
media violence can have on young people around the world. Drawing
Think About It …Understanding
on unforgettable lessons from history and delivering an urgent plan for 25
the Effects of TV/Movie Violence
the future, this video addresses today's problems head-on so that
parents, schools and communities can resume the responsibility of
cultivating the consciences of the next generation.
Using real teens in a peer-to-peer format, this program helps teens
navigate problems and learn important rules and strategies to keep
Think Before You Click: Playing
them safe while surfing the Net. The program explores online bullying 24
It Safe Online Gr. 5-9 DVD
and rumor spreading, identity theft, blogging and the real threat of
sexual predators. Approved for student inservicing for child
This video geared to go along with Grade 1 of the Silver Burdett Ginn
Series includes: Hippo Makes a Wish (Chapter 1), a story about a
hippopotamus who likes himself just as he is. God Gives Us Many
Gifts (Chapter 4), a prayer of thanksgiving for the many gifts from
God. Our Lady of Guadalupe (Chapter 6), a mime of Mary's
appearances to Juan Diego. When Jesus Was My Age (Chapter 7), a
song describing similarities between the boy Jesus and the children.
This Is Our Faith I Grade 1
My God Loves Me (Chapter 9), a prayer based on Psalm 23. Good
Samaritans (Chapter 11), dramas that allow the children to identify
good Samaritans in real life. Jesus Is With Us (Chapter 13), a song
performed by puppets. The Mass, Our Special Meal (Chapter 16),
Comparisons between a family meal and the Mass. The Pentecost
Prayer (Chapter 17), a song using American Sign Language. The
Trouble with Elephants (Chapter 19), Children's literature, focusing
on loving others just as they are. (47 min., Grade 1)
Junior High Adult
Intermediate Junior High
This Is Our Faith II Grade 2
This Is Our Faith III Grade 3
This video geared to go along with Grade 2 of the Silver Burdett Ginn
Series includes: Best Friends (Chapter 1), a song about the
community we call our friends. Baptism (Chapter 3), the rite of
Baptism. The Hurt (Chapter 7), an animated story about how hurts
grow. Reconciliation (Chapter 8), the rite of Penance. Family Stories
(Chapter 10), sharing the stories of our Church family. Lucky Janna
(Chapter 11), a storyteller's allegory of God's love. Table Prayer
(Chapter 16), a song about the Eucharist, using American Sign
Language. The Bread of Life (Chapter 16), the planting, harvesting,
and making of bread; the important difference between regular and
eucharistic bread. A Gift for Ralph (Chapter 18), a story that shows
you can always be ready to give. Helping Others (Chapter 18), Live
drama helping children decide how to help others. (53 min., Grade 2)
This video geared to go along with Grade 3 of the Silver Burdett Ginn
Series includes: Colors! Colors! (Chapter 3), an animation about how
colors value their uniqueness but soon discover that they can create a
rainbow. Spreading the Good News (Chapter 4), an encounter with
Saint Peter shows the meaning of the word apostolic. The Great
Kapock Tree (Chapter 5), a literary mood piece resonating with pleas
to save the rain forest. Jesus Our Friend (Chapter 6), a scripture study
focusing on Jesus as friend. You're In! (Chapter 10), a sitcom about
some campers' initiation. Make This World a Better Place (Chapter
12), a song of determination to care for others, an element of the
Christian vocation; accompanied by American Sign Language. The
Ten Commandments (Chapter 14), a game show that acquaints the
children with the commandments. Works of Mercy (Chapter 15), a
song celebrating people who are merciful. Headline News (Chapter
17), a children's newscast depicting Christians fostering community. I
Am Only One (Chapter 20), a song focusing on service. (53 min.,
This Is Our Faith IV Grade 4
This Is Our Faith V Grade 5
This video geared to go along with Grade 4 of the Silver Burdett Ginn
Series includes: Canticle of Saint Francis (Chapter 1), excerpts from
Saint Francis' famous song of praise. Jeff's Puzzling Problem
(Chapter 4), steps in forming conscience. Harlequin and the Gifts of
Many Colors (Chapter 5), a favorite piece of literature ending with the
quote "He was clothed in the love of his friends." Rosa Parks
(Chapter 6), an inspiring biography of the Mother of the Civil Rights
Movement. Mary Trusts God (Chapter 9), a scriptural meditation on
Mary, our model of trusting God. Breaking the Pattern of Violence
(Chapter 11), a dramatization of how violence can either grow or
diminish. Respecting God's World (Chapter 13), a reflection on
Christian attitudes toward the environment. The Consequences of
Lying Chapter 14), the rippling effect of falsehoods. Light Up the
World (Chapter 19), vignettes portraying Christians' efforts to let the
happiness of living a life based on Gospel Values shine forth. Lead
Me, Lord (Chapter 20), a song employing American Sign Language.
This video geared to go along with Grade 5 of the Silver Burdett Ginn
Series includes: God Is With Us (Chapter 2), a reflection on the
question, Where is God? Nick Joins In (Chapter 4), children's
literature depicting a physically challenged boy with many Christ like
qualities. Jesus' Story (Chapter 8), the story of Jesus, illustrated by
artwork. Reflections on Jesus' Story (Chapter 8), The artwork from
Jesus' Story set to music as a meditation. Pope John XXIII (Chapter
9), a biography of Pope John XXIII. World Peace Prayer (Chapter
12), a song signed in American Sign Language. Lord, Bless the
Waters (Chapter 14), a prayer based on the blessing of the baptismal
water. Sacraments of Initiation (Chapter 16), the essential elements of
each sacrament of initiation. Sacraments of Healing (Crossroads), the
communal rites of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of
the Sick. Sacraments of Vocation (Crossroads), parts of the rites of
Holy Orders and Matrimony. (60 min., Grade 5)
This Is Our Faith VI Grade 6
This Is The Night, A Parish
Welcomes New Catholics
This Is The Night, A Parish
Welcomes New Catholics A
This Is The Night, A Parish
Welcomes New Catholics B
This Sacred Meal VHS
This video geared to go along with Grade 6 of the Silver Burdett Ginn
Series includes: How the Bible Came to Be (Chapter 1), a sketch of
how the bible developed into the form we know today. In Praise of
God (Chapter 2), underwater scenes proclaiming the wonder of a part
of God's creation. The Seder (Chapter 5), a documentary on the
Passover meal. Go, My Son (Chapter 6), a song signed in Native
American Sign Language. God Is Always with Israel (Chapter 11),
the story of the settlement of the promised land from the time of
Joshua through the reign of David. Finding God When You're Blue
(Chapter 12), a reflection on God's presence in daily life. Dorothy
Day (Chapter 13), highlights in the life of the founder of the Catholic
Worker and a great Catholic peacemaker. The Greatest Diamond,
(Chapter 15), a Zen story that raises the question, What is most
valuable in life? The Holy Land (Chapter 17), a pictorial study of
important places in the life of Jesus. Prayer for the Spirit (Chapter
20), a prayer asking for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. (49 min., Grade 6)
In this video, the viewer follows the elect and the candidates from the
celebra-tion of the third scrutiny during Lent, through their baptisms
and receptions at the Easter Vigil, to Sunday morning. The
experiences of Christian initiation are described by all.
In this video, the viewer follows the elect and the candidates from the
celebration of the third scrutiny during Lent, through their baptisms
and receptions at the Easter Vigil, to Sunday morning. The
experiences of Christian initiation are described by all.
This video presents a conversation between a catechumen and a
member of the RCIA team revolving around the meaning of the
Eucharist and what the Eucharist challenges them to do in their lives.
This video is suitable for adult religious educaton, formation for
eucharistic ministers, RCIA teams, sponsors, catechumens and
neophytes and for everyone who wants to move more deeply into the
This Sacred People VHS
This Sacred Place VHS
This Whirling Dervish Called
Three Christmas Classics:
Christmas Is, The City That
Forgot About Christmas, The
Stableboy's Christmas
Three Days DVD
Three Days VHS
This video will inspire viewers to explore and discuss what it means
to be baptized, to be part of a community of faith and to live the
Eucharist we share. Perfect for adult relgious education, formation for
parish ministers, RCIA teams, sponsors, catechumens, candidates and
A young woman and an elderly musician meet after the funeral for the
young woman’s uncle, and a very interesting and moving conversation
takes place. Ellen becomes curious about what the church meant to
her uncle and why. Ed the musician, who was the uncle’s friend for
many years, uses a concrete, catechetical, yet often poetic approach to
unfold the meaning of the realities and the symbols in the church, and
what they meant to Ellen’s uncle. Beautifully written and portrayed,
down-to-earth and uplifting, this video is an excellent resource for the
RCIA process, adult discussion groups, and high school religion
This series of videos addresses topics of concern to to the American
family. Information is presented by a panel of experts and in response
to viewers who have called in questions. Presented by the Notre
Dame Alumni Association and made available by the Family
Ministries Office of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Erie.
This Whirling Dervish Called Grief (42 min., Adult)
These three Christmas classics for children emphasize the true
meaning of Christmas. Christmas Is: Benji is transported back to the
first Christmas in this animated classic. The City That Forgot About
Christmas: An uncaring village is transformed by the words of the
woodcarver as he teaches the children the Christmas Story. The
Stableboy's Christmas: Each is approximately 24 min.
Descent into despair is part of the human condition. Rising to faith
becomes possible only through the intervention of a merciful God.
This video is a dramatic representation of events that might have
transpired among the disciples during a time that tested their faith to
the utmost - the three days between the crucifixion and the
resurrection. As such, it echoes the human struggles and
Intermediate Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
This inspiring and motivational video challenges viewers to read the
Bible for both information and transformation while giving advice to
Threshold to God's Word: An
overcome barriers to reading Scripture with understanding. This
Invitation to Experience the Bible program also presents a method for reading Scripture which leads to
reflection and prayer. This video is ideal for adult faith formation,
RCIA and whole community catechesis.
A glimpse into the loving relationship of a young boy and his blind
grandfather. As they spend the day together exploring the countryside, making music, "watching" TV,and reminiscing with Nana,
Johnny discovers that although Grandpa is blind, he has a beautiful
Through Grandpa's Eyes
way of seeing. This touching video uncovers the many ways in which 20
God's creation and our own senses communicate. An ideal resource
for bringing children and adults to an awareness of the many fruitful
relationships we can develop with persons who seem "different" from
us and of the rewards of intergenerational sharing.
Fr. John Aurelio who is a parish priest and popular author responds to
questions frequently asked by parents and sponsors of children for
baptism. Questions such as: Why do we baptize infants? What is
Through Water and the Holy
original sin? What is the role of a godparent? or What is the
significance of the candle and the robe? These questions and others
are answered with imaginative stories from scripture, Christian
tradition and daily life. (30 min., Adult)
This video focuses on a study done by the University of Notre Dame.
Four pounds of garbage per person per day are produced by the
Throw Away Society
population of the United States. It encourages recycling and other
practices that are safe to the environment. (28 min., Sr. High School Adult)
Created and hosted by popular author and youth speaker Mark Hart, 40
Thy Kingdom Come: The Gospel
Thy Kingdom Come, takes his audience on an in-depth Scripture
of Matthew DVD
study on the Gospel of Matthew
Time for Horatio
A young people's sotry about the value of kindness and cooperation: Horatio
is a kitten who can't understand why everyone is so mean to him - until he
travels from his home in London to Greenwich Roayl Observatory and learns
the world is running on "mean
all ages
Senior High Adult
Pre intermediate
The dramatic story of survival and hope as Catholics in Poland,
Hungary, Lithuania and Czechoslovakia experience new religious
freedoms after more than 40 years of Communist oppression. It
Time to Build, A
brings viewers to the lands of ancient traditions and modern upheavals
of the World Wars and the Cold War, of atheism and Catholicism; to
the struggles and victories of the 20th century.
Jonathan Frakes of Star Trek: The Next Generation is your guide back
Time Travel Through the Bible
to Bible time, to the centuries before Christ and the world of Jesus and
This is a story about an ordinary someone, much like each of us, who
is called upon to accomplish a very important task. Little Timmy the
angel is given the greatest honor in all of Heaven---to deliver the
Timmy's Gift
jeweled crown to the newborn Prince. But he's sure they've made a
mistake. He's much too little for such a long journey...and who knows
what frightful things lie ahead... (23 min., Primary - Intermediate)
Chris and Holly are two loving children, each of whom has only one
wish---that the other will receive a Christmas gift. When Timmy the
angel hears their prayers, he is touched by their unselfishness and sets
Timmy's Special Delivery
out to make sure that their thoughtfulness is rewarded. In this
adventure, Timmy and his animal friends find that there are
unexpected ways to make wishes come true. (25 min., All Ages)
IN THE "BIG CITY": Paul encountered many unusual teachings in
the Church at Corinth. Christians were caught up in a bizarre
competition, trying to outdo one another in showing who had more of
To Be or Not to Be...Jewish\Some
the Spirit. These same type problems are encountered even today.
Practical Problems of
Viewing this video may help put these problems into proper
EarlyChristian Life in the "Big
perspective. TO BE OR NOT TO BE…JEWISH: When Paul talks
about the social problems of his day (like equality or slavery) he
seems to walk a tightrope. On the one hand he doesn't want to upset
the social applecart. But he also challenges people to reconsider how
their relationship to Christ should affect all other relationships.
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
all ages
To Last a Lifetime (Marriage)
Tobacco (Power Surge)
Together We Can Moser DVD
Tool of History\At Home in the
Bible's World of History
Although statistics show that first marriages in the U.S. face a high
risk of divorce, most Americans still say "I do" at least once in their
lifetimes. Through the experiences of four couples, this video
examines the challenge of making a marriage work in spite of the
odds and shows how faith-based marriage preparation, marriage
mentoring, and marriage-mending are helping couples to grow in love
and understanding for each other. Produced by the Catholic
Communications Campaign, this program originally aired on many
These Youth Ministry videos are guaranteed to get your kids talking!
Each topic is presented in a fast paced, “teen friendly” format, using
graphics and music. Each video contains a guide including program
rationale, suggestions for use, Catholic teaching on each topic and
Scripture and Catechism resources.
Who are today's youth? How can I be effective in ministering with
and educating today's young people? How can I create a ministry that
is in partnership with the parents of the young people with whom I
work? Mr. Greg "Dobie" Moser is the Executive Director of Youth
Ministry and CYO from the Diocese of Cleveland, a long-time youth
minister, and the father of six children. In this video, which was
designed for the Diocese of Erie and professionally filmed at St. Mark
Catholic Center, Dobie shares his stories, wisdom, and deep faith,
hope and love for today's young church.
Holy Land is the focus of this video. The viewer will learn some
fascinating information about the Cradle of Civilization and be able to
reflect upon their own images of the land where Jesus lived and
preached. THE TOOL OF HISTORY: The use of history is very
important in order to interpret the Scriptures. Our focus needs to be on
finding the meaning behind the details of Bible passages.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
This series of eight tapes, with Fr. William Bausch, is a “hands-on”
video workshop. It is eminently practical, offering many ways for
parish staffs and various other ministers and volunteers to form a
Total Parish Ministry Series: 1
more attractive and vibrant faith community. Grounded in sound
Patterns of Change and the Call to
parish theory, it offers understandable, sensible and easy ways for
Respond (Bausch)
parish leaders to live out the faith vision that Jesus is alive and among
us - and it encourages them to involve as many parishioners as
possible in living this vision. (Each video approx 60 min., Adult)
Total Parish Ministry Series: 2
Sessions One and Two lay the sociological and theological
Evolution of Parish Renewal, The groundwork for the practical applications that follow in the rest of the
In sessions three and four, Fr. Bausch offers highly practical principles
Total Parish Ministry Series: 3
for fostering shared and collaborative ministry. He talks about parish
Profile of a Functioning Parish
identity, parish planning, making the parish a welcoming community,
and about giving parishioners a sense of ownership.
In sessions three and four, Fr. Bausch offers highly practical principles
Total Parish Ministry Series: 4
for fostering shared and collaborative ministry. He talks about parish
Welcoming Community, An
identity, parish planning, making the parish a welcoming community,
Owned Community (Bausch)
and about giving parishioners a sense of ownership.
Total Parish Ministry Series: 5
In sessions five and six, Fr. Bausch discusses eight principles of
Principles of Collaboration and
collaboration and the recruitment of volunteers.
Community Building (Bausch)
Total Parish Ministry Series: 6
In sessions five and six, Fr. Bausch discusses eight principles of
Sacramental Touch, The and Holy
collaboration and the recruitment of volunteers.
Week Liturgies (Bausch)
In sessions seven and eight, Fr. Bausch describes ways that parish
leaders can weave a pattern of community building throughout the
Total Parish Ministry Series: 7
year. He also discusses the role of small faith-sharing communities
Sacraments of Cohesion - Living
within the parish and how they can both challenge and benefit the
the Life of Community (Bausch)
parish. Finally, he talks about areas of conflict and the leadership
skills needed to deal with them.
In sessions seven and eight, Fr. Bausch describes ways that parish
leaders can weave a pattern of community building throughout the
Total Parish Ministry Series: 8
year. He also discusses the role of small faith-sharing communities
Pastoral Issues - Conflicts and
within the parish and how they can both challenge and benefit the
Leadership (Bausch)
parish. Finally, he talks about areas of conflict and the leadership
skills needed to deal with them.
Teenagers are feeling overwhelmed. They feel pressured to be
smarter, thinner and more athletic. They are dealing with broken
Total TV: All Stressed Out
families and violence all around them. That's stress and that can make
them miserable. Through real-life stories, this video will offer three
specific ways to deal with the stressful events in life.
“I didn’t do it! Don’t Blame Me. Did you see me do it? Everybody
else was doing it. He did it first. IT’S NOT MY FAULT!” On this
Total TV: Blame Game, The
episode of On the Air teens will learn about the dangers of always
blaming others when they play the “Blame Game.”
For a lot of people, weird is different. If someone doesn't fit in with
the crowd, they're weird, right? Sometime's it's good to be different Total TV: Can I Be Christian
if everyone were the same, life would be so boring! Being a Christian
Without Being Weird?
teenager can be difficult. In this video, teens will learn that Christian
behavior should be unique, but not obnoxious.
This video tells powerful stories of young people who have dealt with
abrupt changes. From this program, teens will discover a new way of
Total TV: Change Hurts
living with change. And most of all, they will realize that the one
thing that will not change is Jesus Christ and his love for us.
For teenagers, life has become so competitive. There is enormous
pressure to succeed. Anything less and they may feel like a failure.
Other teenagers feel like losers because they have "messed up" big
Total TV: God is Loser-Friendly
time by involvement in drugs, drinking or sex and feel like their life is
over. This video will help young people to discover that God is loserfriendly. God has placed a very high value on each of us in spite of
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Total TV: Guys vs. Girls
Total TV: I Am Not Angry!
Total TV: Just Get Even
Total TV: Killer Friendships
Total TV: Life Isn't Fair!
Total TV: Living in a Material
There are differences in the way our brains are wired...with
hormones...and even how we communicate. To build good
relationships, young people need to know how the “other half” thinks.
This episode of On The Air will take an entertaining look at “guys vs.
girls,” give an understanding of those differences, and even help
improve dating relationships.
What makes teens really angry - pushy teachers, friends who gossip,
or a distant parent. Sometimes their temper helps them to do good
things, but usually it gets them into major trouble. On this episode of
On the Air teens will learn how their anger can affect them and what
they can do about it.
This video includes the stories of four teenagers who felt betrayed,
rejected and even abandoned by their parents and friends. The hurt
was so deep, they wanted to get even by running away or even turning
to violence. This video will not only help young people discover how
to protect themselves when they are emotionally hurt, it will teach
them how to forgive and move on.
Every teenager needs that special group to hang out with. They need a
close friend…someone they can trust. But sometimes things can go
wrong. A friend can lie or spread rumors. There is misunderstanding
and hurt. Sometimes teenagers choose the wrong friends and become
involved in stealing, cheating or drinking. In this video, teenagers
will discover how to mend broken friendships. They will also learn
how to recognize destructive relationships and how to deal with them.
This Priority One series presents real-life stories, humor and the
dynamic Neil McClendon as he addresses critical issues teens face
every day. A study guide is included with each video.
Getting more "stuff" seems to be everyone's goal these days. But what
about the thousands of people who don't even have a roof over their
heads? This program will inspire teens to consider God's will when
making choices for their future.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Total TV: Raw Deal
Total TV: Real Survivors
Total TV: Rebel Jesus, The
Total TV: Save Sex…'til
Total TV: Stupid Parent Tricks
Total TV: When Home Hurts
Teenagers can hardly go a week without uttering these three words,
“THAT’S NOT FAIR!” Many teenagers have been caught in the
middle of their parents’ divorce. Perhaps they’ve been forced to move
and have to leave all their friends behind. Or maybe a young person is
dealing with a severe medical problem that will change their life
forever. Inside they’re screaming, “I’ve been given a raw deal.” They
don’t know what to do and may be questioning God. In this video,
young people will discover that even though life can be unfair, God’s
miraculous love can comfort us even in our darkest hours.
Many teens are hurting. Some are dealing with a life-threatening
illness or physical handicap. Others are struggling to survive in homes
that offer very little hope, encouragement, or support. This inspiring
video follows three extraordinary young people who are real
survivors. They have overcome great odds by finding their source of
This program will help teens discover a real Jesus in gritty and
unfiltered terms. Through three real-life stories, they will see that God
loves us unconditionally. While no one can earn God's love, we all
can honor and serve God with our lives.
Most young people are confused about sex. Sex was God's idea and
God made us sexual beings. That's the easy part to understand. The
hard part is to make wise decisions concerning sexuality. This video
will help teenagers discover the ultimate reason to save sex until
marriage. They will also receive practical tips on how to say "no."
This Priority One series presents real-life stories, humor and the
dynamic Neil McClendon as he addresses critical issues teens face
every day. A study guide is included with each video.
Home has become an emotional battleground. Teenagers love their
parents, but sometimes it seems like parents don't have a clue to
what's really going on! This video will help young people discover
how to keep the lines of communication open with parents - in spite of
those heart-breaking conflicts.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
At times, many young people can feel lonely, empty, or even
worthless. Why? Because they feel like they don’t fit in. On this
Total TV: Where Do I Fit In?
episode of On The Air, you will discover how to get a realistic view of
who you really are.
This video includes the stories of four teens who felt restricted and
confined by everyone else's rules. They wanted to rebel so they
Total TV: You're Not the Boss of
"fought" for their freedom. This video will show the power each teen
has over their own life. They will discover that true freedom requires
making good choices that reap physical and spiritual benefits.
This video is a beautifully filmed parable illustrating the worth of the
individual. After many owners have battered and banged a violin
beyond recognition, the instrument is put up for auction. No one
seems interested in bidding even a dollar for the violin. An old man
Touch of the Master's Hand
comes forward, tightens and tunes the strings and plays a haunting
melody. After hearing the violin, the crowd comes to life, the bidding
rises and the violin is sold for $3,000. What changed its worth? It
was the touch of the master’s hand.
The difficulties which many well-meaning parents face when they are
obliged to deal with a loved, but problematic child can often leave
Tough Love
them feeling isolated and afraid. This presentation teaches parents
that they are not alone. It offers help to those trying to regain control
without alienating their children. (28 min., Adult)
This video explores the emotional and spriritual dimensions of the
Christian's journey through death - understood as part of life - to new
Toward Death With Hope
life in Christ. Part of the "Catholic Update Series," it is divided into
four segments: the story segment, the witness segment, the teaching
segment and the music video reflection.
God humbles a prideful people by confusing their speech, as they seek
Tower of Babel
to build a great tower to heaven.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Most children throughout the world do not have the means or
opportunity to buy manufactured toys. These boys and girls fulfill
vital roles in their family life, collecting firewood and water and
caring for smaller children. Making toys puts the children in touch
Toy Is What You Make It, A
with the skills and traditions of their ancestors and helps prepare them
for careers in mechanics, engineering and handicrafts. Their creativity
will delight you! Viewers are also encouraged to make some great
toys from “junk” they find at home or in their yard.
Teaches children of all ages that Christmas isn’t about getting, it’s
Toy That Saved Christmas, The
about giving. And it’s especially about a little baby named Jesus, who
(Veggie Tales)
was the greatest gift of all.
In this series of ten videos, Fr. Michael Himes provides insights into
Tradition (The Mystery of Faith the basics of the Catholic faith in a style that is engaging and
Series - Himes)
challenging. Fr. Himes explains what tradition is and how it is a
dynamic reality within contemporary Catholicism. (20 min., Adult)
Practical and sacramental preparation and trining for people becoming
Training Eucharistic Ministers
an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist
This video is divided into three segments. Part one: Celebrating the
Mystery of Faith and is twenty-eight minutes in length. Part two: As
Training Eucharistic Ministers (3 It Was in the Begin-ning, twenty-five minutes, and part three:
Eucharistic Ministers in Action, which is twenty-nine minutes long.
This video is informative for those persons studying to become
Eucharistic ministers. (82 min., Adult)
Training for Hospitality (Lit
Press) DVD
Training for Hospitality (Lit
Press) VHS
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
High School Adult
Training for Hospitality (Lit
Press) VHS
Training Ministers of the Sick
This video will help parishes create a far reaching program of ministry
through hospitality. It explains what hospitality is, its scriptural basis
and its importance to the parish. Detailed examples and explanations
are given of the duties of ushers and greeters that further the
hospitality and communal worship of the assembly. Ushers and
greeters learn how/where to greet worshipers as they arrive, how to
handle disturbances and how to facilitate the presentation of the gifts.
(49 min., Adult)
This video is a resource for the preparation of those who visit the sick
at home or in healthcare facilities. The story segment includes “case
studies” of pastoral visits and the witness segment offers critiques of 40
the pastoral cases by three veteran chaplains. Also included are a
teaching segment and a music video reflection.
Training the Eucharistic Minister
Same as #584
(Lit Press) B
Training the Mass Server (Lit
Press) DVD
The young people who are Mass servers perform an essential ministry
Training the Mass Server (Lit
to God and God’s people. You can help them to serve their best by
Press) VHS
offering them this clear, concise, well-organized training program
geared especially to them.
Training the Parish Cantor (Lit
Press) DVD
Well trained cantors don't fall from heaven like manna. Instead they
are scouted, recruited, trained, apprenticed, and finally commissioned
or installed. This program will help the pastor or liturgist with the
Training the Parish Cantor (Lit
selection process while also providing a clear, consistent teaching tool
Press) VHS
for new cantors. The history of cantoring is also given as a means of
demonstrating the important role of this ministry within the larger
framework of liturgical ministry. (52 min., Adult)
Training the Parish Cantor (Lit
Press) DVD
Training the Parish Lector (Lit
Press) DVD
Training the Parish Lector (Lit
Press) VHS
This video will help lectors gain both the knowledge and skill
necessary to bring forth the message of God clearly and convincingly.
After instructing lectors to prepare by researching the readings, the
video gives examples of voice qualities that are important to the
lector: volume, diction, range, pace, intonation and more. Examples
of proper and improper methods are presented so that lectors can
identify their own strong points and concentrate on improving their
weaknesses. (46 min., Adult)
Training the Parish Lector (Lit
Press) VHS
Same as #585
Transfiguration, The
The disciples Peter and John are remembering an incident that
happened long ago on a mountain top. Jesus had invited Peter, John
and James to accompany him to Mount Tabor. There the three
disciples had a spiritual experience that convinces them that Jesus is
the Son of God. (12 min., All ages)
Treasures in Heaven (Nest) DVD
all ages
This video is a wonderful story of contrast between two men who seek
to follow Jesus. The young rich man asks how to gain eternal life and
Treasures in Heaven (Nest) VHS leaves saddened because he won’t forsake worldly wealth; while
Zaccheus, the publican, gives half of his wealth to the poor and
restores four-fold anything wrongly taken, to follow Jesus and receive
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
Trial of Jesus, The (animated)
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
The basic story of the trial and crucifixion of Jesus in a creative way
are presented in this video. The viewer hears the story and begins to
Trial, The (Gospel series)
understand some of the difficulties faced by Pilate in his decision
about what to do with Jesus. Jesus is seen as victim of forces that had
little to do with him. (11 min., All ages)
A 12 minute video on teenage suicide prevention for students,
Tribute to Tim
teachers, parents, counselors and social workers. Approaches the
problem of teenage suicide in a positive preventive way. (12 min.,
In this program, the accurate profile of a Tricky Person, Reginald
Charming, helps children learn to recognize the kind of behavior that
means danger. They learn to be safe and stop Tricky People in their
Tricky People Yello Dyno DVD
tracks. Knowledge is power! This is the Intermediate Training
Program of the Yello Dyno Personal Safety Programs and Products.
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
This video explores the celebration of the Easter Vigil. “This is the
night,” the cantor proclaims, the night spent first around a blazing fire,
then around a newly-lighted candle, then with the scriptures, from
which we proclaim once again the stories of our salvation. Finally,
Triduum: Easter Vigil (LTP)
the saints process to the font, where those who have been long
preparing renounce evil, profess faith in Christ, and enter the waters.
Then they are anointed with chrism and join the rest of the joyful
assembly to celebrate the Eucharist. It is a splendid night, indeed!
This video explores what happens in the afternoon or evening of Good
Friday. The church assembles in a way that is unlike any other day of
the year. Kneeling or prostrate, all are silent. Then the scriptures are
Triduum: Good Friday (LTP)
proclaimed, and many prayers of intercession are chanted. Finally, the
holy cross is set down in the midst of the church, and, for as long as it
takes, each person comes forward to venerate and honor the wood of
the cross, all the while singing of its glory.
all ages
Senior High
Intermediate Adult
Intermediate Adult
This video explores what we do in the first hours of the Triduum (the
Three Days), after Lent is quietly left behind. We see and hear how
the church assembles on Thursday might and processes into the
Triduum: Holy Thursday (LTP) Paschal Triduum. After people have heard powerful scripture
readings, taken time to wash each other’s feet, raised a collection for
the poor, celebrated Eucharist and gone singing in procession with the
blessed sacrament – then the Three Days are well begun.
In this series of ten videos, Fr. Michael Himes provides insights into
the basics of the Catholic faith in a style that is engaging and
Trinity (The Mystery of Faith
challenging Fr. Himes shows why the doctrine of the Trinity is not
Series - Himes)
simply one doctrine among many but rather the whole of Christian
doctrine. Viewers will be moved to live Christianity with a new
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
This video is a fast-paced expose of today's entertainment, geared to
the MTV generation. Phil Chalmers tackles the lies that the media is
commmunicating to our teens through music, movies, television, and
True Lies Part One: Sex and
the Internet. Several music videos and film clips are featured. This
video would be especially helpful for parents to reveal exactly what
their young people are exposed to every day - and what to do about it.
This program should be previewed before showing to teen viewers.
This video is a fast-paced expose of today's entertainment, geared to
the MTV generation. Phil Chalmers tackles the lies that the media is
True Lies Part Two: Violence and commmunicating to our teens through music, movies, television, and
video games. Several movie clips are shown and video games
examined. This video would be especially helpful for parents to reveal
exactly what their young people are exposed to every day - and what
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
This video program features open discussion and empowering
messages from young people for young people. Personal testimonials,
True Love Vol I Goals and
powerful visuals and engaging, humorous skits tackle complex topics.
In this first volume, esential instruction on the importance of goals
and commitments in the lives of young people is explored.
This video program features open discussion and empowering
messages from young people for young people. Personal testimonials,
True Love Vol II What About
powerful visuals and engaging, humorous skits tackle complex topics.
This second volume presents powerful messages and knowledge
about the often-unknown transmission and dangers of the STD,
This video program features open discussion and empowering
messages from young people for young people. Personal testimonials,
True Love Vol III Setting
powerful visuals and engaging, humorous skits tackle complex topics.
Boundaries & Refusal Skills
This third volume presents an imperative message about setting
physical boundaries in relationships and teaches teens refusal skills.
This video program features open discussion and empowering
messages from young people for young people. Personal testimonials,
True Love Vol IV Relationships powerful visuals and engaging, humorous skits tackle complex topics.
This fourth volume presents critical lessons on understanding the
dynamics of healthy relationships.
This video program features open discussion and empowering
True Love Vol V Marriage & messages from young people for young people. Personal testimonials,
powerful visuals and engaging, humorous skits tackle complex topic.
This fifth volume presents the proper place and role of sex within
This video program features open discussion and empowering
messages from young people. Personal testimonials, powerful visuals
True Love Vol VI Media
and humorous skits tackle complex topics. This sixth volume explores
and critiques the messages presented to young people by today's media
and popular culture.
True Love Vol VII Sexual
In this seventh volume of the True Love video program, basic sexual
Health Education
health instruction is presented.
True Love Vol VIII The Real
This sixth volume opens with a powerful prayer followed by the
Face of HIV
riveting testimony of a young woman with AIDS.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Sixth seasonfor fourth graders. Moses, the Israelites escape from
Truth in the Heart
Egypt and the Ten Commandments lay the groundwork for learning
how God's laws lead us to holiness.
This video, introduced by Bishop Jerome Hanus of the Diocese of St.
Cloud, discusses basic teachings of the church on Marriage and
Truth Will Set You Free, The
Sexuality, Natural Family Planning and Contraception. It is an open
discussion with a priest and two married couples. A study guide is
also provided. (17 min., Adult)
Nick doesn’t know that this Christmas is going to be different than
any other Christmas. Because this Christmas, Nick will make a
dramatic discovery...a discovery that will make him look beyond the
Twas the Fight Before Christmas
carols, the decorations, and even the good times with family to find
the real meaning of the season. And the biggest surprise of all is the
person who helps Nick make this discovery.
An investigative and speculative look by scholars of many traditions,
Twelve Apostles, The Story of
this video tells the inspiring story of the little-known men who
became known as the Twelve Apostles.
Tornado! Twister! The Dorothy and Toto Express! Having a tornado
strike when your parents are gone for the evening suddenly make
Twister and Shout
words like disaster, fear and faith take on a whole new meaning.
Nicholas and McGee learn that when you trust in God you never have
to worry about being alone or afraid. (30 min., Primary -Intermedi-
fourth grade
Primary Intermediate
The Catholic Common Ground Initiative was inaugurated by the late
Cardinal Josph Bernardin for the encouragement of dialogue among
members of the Catholic Church concerning serious issues that affect
its mission. This video is the teleconference held following the first
national conference of the Catholic Common Ground Initiative, which
U.S. Culture & the Challenge of had as its topic U.S. Culture and the Challenge of Discipleship. This
teleconference extends the discussion of the national meeting beyond
that which the small group attending the conference could achieve.
The first half hour engages the question through a panel of speakers
who attended the conference, hosted by Fr. Philip Murnion, Director
of the National Pastoral Life Center. The second half hour engages
the question through viewer call-ins and comments.
This video gives basic information about AIDS, explains the disease
Understanding and Preventing
itself and how it is transmitted. It also dispels some common myths 22
about AIDS.
This live action video celebrates and probes the meaning of powerful
images which open our heats and minds to the mystery of God. This
video explores several Christian symbols and their roots in personal
Understanding Christian Symbols
human experience and salvation history. From the Alpha and Omega
to tongues of fire, from the baptismal font to the cross and crown, this
video links the richness of tradition to the life of the contemporary
Understanding Sunday Mass: A
Kid's Point of View DVD
Follow Fr. Jerry as he gives Amanda and AJ a unique tour of Sunday
Mass. An excellent instructional tool for teachers, this 40 minute
Understanding Sunday Mass: A
DVD is divided into two twenty minute sections. The DVD also
Kid's Point of View DVD
offers added chapters that contain the text of all the responses and
prayers of the New Romal Missal.
Are you just a "spectator at Mass"? Do you wish you could "see"
what Mass is really all about? This video leads you step-by-step
Understanding the Liturgy of the
through the various parts of the Mass to help you have a better
understanding of each part of the liturgy, help you become more aware
of your role in it, and how you can make Mass a more positive faith-
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
Intermediate Adult
A video written by Dr. Carl Manternach and Dr. Janaan Pfeifer that
explains the liturgy in the following four parts: Introductory Rite,
Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, and the Concluding
Rites. The program parallels the celebration of the Mass in the parish
community with celebrations of families and team members and their
community building activities. It stresses everyone's need to be a part
of a loving family/community. It serves as a good resource about the
liturgy for a wide range of age groups.
This three part video will help children understand and celebrate the
sacrament of Reconciliation. Part One stresses "God's People Are
Good" by telling of a story of a new girl in the neighborhood who is
excluded from a baseball game. Discussion of her feelings along with
those who excluded her lead to the story of the Good Samaritan. Part
Two focuses on "God's People Are Sorry", the children question their
actions and come to the realization that sin is a rejection of God's
presence in our lives. The final part shows the children accepting
their new friend into the group which allows their actions to show
their contrition. (48 min., Primary)
Understanding the Mass for
Understanding the Sacrament of
Reconciliation for Children
Understanding the Sacraments
(Catholic Update) DVD
Understanding the Sacraments
(Catholic Update) VHS
This video, part of the Catholic Update Series, provides insight and
inspiration for the celebration of the sacraments which mark the faith30
lives of Catholics. The topic is approached using story, testimony,
teaching and music/video reflection.
Understanding the Sacraments
(Catholic Update) VHS
Produced by the Communicatin Office, Archdiocese of Saint Paul and
Minneapolis, this program is designed to help the audience better
understand sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and sexual abuse as
they relate to church personnel or others working in a ministerial,
sounseling or educational setting. The basic priniciples of dignity and
respect for the individual are emphasized. (36 min., Adult)
Understanding the Sexual
Boundaries of the Pastoral
Intermediate Adult
Understanding World Religions:
What Is Buddhism? (Gr 4-7)
Understanding World Religions:
What Is Christianity? (Gr 4-7)
Understanding World Religions:
What Is Hinduism? (Gr 4-7)
Understanding World Religions:
What Is Islam? (Gr 4-7)
Understanding World Religions:
What Is Judaism? (Gr 4-7)
Understanding World Religions:
What Is Religion? (Gr 4-7)
Students will gain insight into Buddhism by investigating its history
and learning about Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, whose
teachings provide the basis for Buddhism. The worship practices of
this religion are explored with a family as they visit a Buddhist temple
and also worship in their home shrine. Interviews with Buddhist
monks and nuns provide an understanding of Buddhist traditions and
Students will investigate the history of Christianity and learn about
Jesus, whose teachings provide a basis for Christianity. Through
interviews with ministers and priests, the spiritual leaders of
Christianity, viewers develop respect for Christian traditions and
Students learn about the history of the Hindu faith with its roots in the
ancient Indus River Valley civilization. A Hindu temple is visited as is
a family celebrating Diwali, the fesitval of lights. Hindu dancers help
to tell some of the improtant stories of Hindu religious traditions
through movement.
Students will investigate the history of Islam by learning about
Muhammad, the prophet who Muslims believe received God's
message and shared it with others. The core beliefs are revealed in a
visit to a mosque and in learning about the prayer rituals of the Islam
In this video, aspects of the history of Judaism are presented, from the
story of Abraham to the establishment of the nation of Israel. Students
explore the prayer rituals of Judaism and visit with a family preparing
for Passover to gain insight into Jewish holidays and celebrations.
Discussions with rabbis from different branches of Judaism teach
viewers about Jewish traditions and beliefs.
In this video, students learn that despite their many differences, world
religions have elements in common, like systems of basic beliefs, holy
writings, sacred places and special holidays and celebrations. Students
will better understand the vast religious diversity in the world while
gaining an appreciation and respect for people of all faiths.
Intermediate Junior High
Intermediate Junior High
Intermediate Junior High
Intermediate Junior High
Intermediate Junior High
Intermediate Junior High
A striking visual reflection based on a text by Rosemary Radford
Ruether. The earth may or may not belong to us but it does belong to
Universe Drama in Three Acts
God. God rejoices in its beauty and is also saddened by its
destruction. This video narrates the drama of creation through the
This video is a powerful tool to help teach responsible media habits to
parents and children. This program is loaded with information and
Unplug Your Kids
expert advice that will help families make better media choices.
Discussion guide is included.
This short program is a practical introduction to the Catechism of the
Catholic Church. It answers questions about the Catechism such as:
Using the Catechism of the
Why is the Catechism so important? Have there been other
Catholic Church
catechisms? Why is there a new catechism? What does the catechism
say? How is this catechism different from the others?
This video profile of a fifth-generation policeman portrays the dangers
and challenges he encounters in his job. It also brings to the fore the
Value of Authority
personal benefits he enjoys: esteem, status and a deep satisfaction in
helping others.
Money surrounds us and influences our actions and choices
throughout our waking hours. This video seeks to show how each
Value of Money
person must personally decide how much effort is to be put into the
acquisition of money. (28 min., Adult)
The Second Vatican Council had a profound and lasting influence on
the Catholic Church. This series of nine videos examines the change
in outlook that the Council fostered in the Church and explores how
the documents of Vatican II continue to renew the Church today. The
Vatican II in History
historical setting for the Second Vatican Council, its place among
other Church Councils and its significance after 30 years are the main
topics. Historical footage, as well as eyewitness accounts add to the
viewer’s understanding and appreciation.
Church historian John O'Malley explores the biggest meeting in the
Vatican II: John O'Malley lectures
history of the world.
VeggieTales: Silly Little Thing Three classic stories about loving God, loving one's neighbor and
Called Love DVD
showing God's love in our families.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
High School Adult
Preschool Primary
VeggieTales: Twas the Night
Before Easter DVD
Velocity: Crying Out
Velocity: Fish Out of Water
Velocity: No-ing God
Velocity: Road Kill
Velocity: Wasted Lives
Velveteen Rabbit, The
It's Easter time in Crisper County and cable news reporter Marlee
Meade is hunting for a way to help others -- will she discover the true
meaning of Easter and what helping others is really all about …
Teens are asking tough questions. How can a loving God allow bad
things to happen and still expect us to trust God? In this video, teens
will discover that if they are doubting God, the Bible, the church or
even their own faith…they are not alone. Teens will be encouraged to
talk with other believers, study up on who God is and then let God
know what they're going through.
This inspiring video will show that every young person is valuable in
the eyes of God. They will discover ways to get involved in things that
really matter and realize there is no limit to what they can do in Christ.
Some teens think Christianity is all rules and no fun. Others say they
are too smart for Christianity. Many have been disappointed by the
"hypocrites" in the church. This video takes a look at why young
people are saying "no" to God. Teens will be encouraged to look at the
evidence and choose God, who loves them, even when they don't love
Most young people have been rejected at some point by their friends.
The consequences can be devastating. This video looks at the lives of
teens who have experienced bullying, discrimination and rejection. It
will encourage ways to promote acceptance and offer practical tips for
those who feel rejected.
This video looks at some wasted lives of ordinary youth and shows
the harsh truth about drug and alcohol abuse.
The Velveteen Rabbit is a classic! The message that rings loud and
clear has been para-phrased and restated. "You aren't REAL until
somebody REALLY loves you." Discussion of the video may help
develop a good self concept, ideals of what friendship should be, an
awareness of what true love is and the notion of God's unconditional
48 mn
Preschool Primary
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
All Ages
Velveteen Rabbit, The DVD
Victorious Missionaries
Victory Through Unity
Violence (Power Surge)
Violence Prevention: Inside Out
Vision of the Gospels, The
(Himes) DVD
Vision: Life of Hildegard von
Bingen DVD
This clay-animated adaptation of a beloved children's classic tells the
tale of a favorite toy rabbit and it's very special place in a young boy's
life. It takes the magical intervention of the Nursery Fairy to show the
rabbit, after beng permanently separated from the boy, that what is
truly loved will live forever and that even a toy can finally achieve its
This video recounts the history of the Victorious Missionaries from its
beginnings in the 1960's to the present day international organization
it has become. It is an organization for people with disabilities who
work to continue the spread of the word of Jesus.
A pro-life video with a lecture given by Cardinal O'Connor which will
change your life! (38 min., Adult)
These Youth Ministry videos are guaranteed to get your kids talking!
Each topic is presented in a fast paced, “teen friendly” format, using
graphics and music. Each video contains a guide including program
rationale, suggestions for use, Catholic teaching on each topic and
Scripture and Catechism resources.
Violent behavior is learned. Inside/Out looks at the cycle of violence,
looking at how and why violence erupts. It also shows that - while
violence is a learned behavior - prevention of violence and coping
skills can be learned as well. This video is divided into three parts,
each being approximately 20 minutes long and contains a teacher’s
manual as well as student handouts.
These video presentations by Fr. Michael Himes focus on how the
ancient Christian communities that created the Gospels speak to the
demands of discipleship today. The Gospels of Matthew (30 min.) and
Mark (29 min.) are explored on Disc One and the Gospels of Luke (25
min.) and John (33 min.) are explored on Disc Two.
Hildegard von Bingen was truly a woman ahead of her time. A
visionary in every sense of the word, this famed 12th century
Benedictine nun was a Christian mystic, composer, philosopher,
playwright, poet, naturalist, scientist, physician, herbalist and
ecological activist. This film is in German with English subtitles.
All Ages
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Visions of Mary (History
Visit, The (Family Theatre)
Visit, The (performance)
Visitor, The
Vocation (A Response to God)
Skeptics and believers alike reflect on reported visions of Mary. This
video chronicles the reported visions of Mary from the earliest eras of
the Church to the present.
A young mother with AIDS being visited and supported by a close
friend is the focus of this video. It parallels Mary's journey to visit her
cousin Elizabeth. This video clearly shows the pain and hurt AIDS
victims endure when they are rejected by family and friends. A
moving story that will have viewers seeking new ways to bring hope
and friendship to those who are suffering.
The Women of the Calabash, is a New York based performance group
made up of multitalented people who have performed internationally
at festivals and on radio and television. They tell the story of Mary,
who courageously visited her elderly cousin Elizabeth during her time
of pregnancy and received a blessing for her own unborn son Jesus.
This is an exciting colorful video that provides the viewer with a new
translation of this Scripture.
Adapted from Tolstoy's "Where Love Is, God Is", this parable is ideal
for Advent. It tells the story of Martin, who lost his wife and son in
an auto accident ten years ago. Convinced that God has abandoned
him, he is bitter and unfriendly, but when he is told that an important
visitor will arrive tomorrow, he believes it is the Lord. The next day
he is a very different person---cheerful, optimistic and caring. Instead
of his expected visitor he encounters ordinary people who he is able to
share with and help.
This video is part of a series whose aim is to present the teaching of
the Catholic Church in a dynamic and apealing way, leading children
to a deeper friendship with the Lord Jesus. This aim is accomplished
using Scripture, singing, illustrated explanation, puppets, mime, dance
and cartoon.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Vocation! Vocation! Vocation!
Voices of American Catholics
Voices of Applachia
Waiting for Deliverance
(Enduring Faith)
Waiting for the Wind
Walk Through the Mass VHS
Walk Through the Mass DVD
This fast moving and humorous video will help youth begin talking
about job decisions. People of different ages talk about their jobs and
dreams. Leaders will be empowered to help youth ask the questions
that will help begin the life-long process of searching for the vocation
to which God is calling them.
A myriad of people from different areas of the country discuss the
need that greater attention be paid to the needs and views of the laity.
They believe their opinions are not thought to be important and find
this to be very upsetting.
In this video you will meet some of the unforgettable people of
Appalachia. Share their dreams and difficulties, their perservance and
hope in the face of adversity.
The Enduring Faith video series is a celebration of the enduring power
of the faith and the faithful in African American communities
throughout the United States. It is an exploration of one diocese's
history of struggling to deal with prejudice, especially between blacks
and whites. This video looks at the history in which racism and
The spirit moves across a Kansas prairie in this story of family love,
loyalty and boundless faith. Robert Mitchum plays Walter, a
landlocked farmer with a dream as big as the ocean. His faith in the
face of terminal illness is conveyed to his grandson in the final scene.
His son-in-law, played by Jameson Parker, is struggling with grief
over the death of his wife and his own disbelief in God.
Part of the Catholic Update series, this video explores some of the
meaning behind the celebration of Eucharist and takes a step-by-step
look at the four principal parts of the Mass. The video includes a
story segment, a witness segment, a teaching segment and a music
video reflection.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Introduction: The Living Word - This video series introduces viewers
to the spirituality at the heart of the books of the Bible. Father
Walk Through the Scriptures:
Vergil’s inviting and engaging style reassures young people and adults
who may never have felt comfortable opening the Scriptures on their
own. By putting viewers in touch with the beautiful imagery of the
Bible, he brings its beauty and richness to life.
This video series introduces viewers to the spirituality at the heart of
the books of the Bible. Father Vergil’s inviting and engaging style
Walk Through the Scriptures:
reassures young people and adults who may never have felt
New Testament
comfortable opening the Scriptures on their own. By putting viewers
in touch with the beautiful imagery of the Bible, he brings its beauty
This video series introduces viewers to the spirituality at the heart of
the books of the Bible. Father Vergil’s inviting and engaging style
Walk Through the Scriptures: Old
reassures young people and adults who may never have felt
comfortable opening the Scriptures on their own. By putting viewers
in touch with the beautiful imagery of the Bible, he brings its beauty
Living in another culture can be a challenge and an opportunity to
missioners from the United States. However, their willingness to live
Walk with the People (VHS)
and work with the people of Africa, Asia and Latin America teaches
them that familiarty breed respect.
In six, 15-minute discussion-starting segments, a distinguished panel
Walking God's Paths: Christians
helps participants experience each tradition's understanding of how
& Jews in Candid Conversation
the two faith communities can relate to one another in positive ways.
Walking On Water (Vocation
Presented by the Catholic Order of Foresters, this video is a series of
Walking the Path With Jesus
short interviews with priests, seminarians and sisters about their lives
and the vocations they have chosen.
High school students play a "Color Game" designed to have them
experi-ence what it is like to be a member of a class different from the
War Between the Classes
one into which they were born. Watch the students reaction to the
rules of the game and the significance of the game in their lives.
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
High school adult
Intermediate Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Water and Hunger (VHS)
Wave Powered Desalination
Way of the Cross, The: Stations
on our Journey of Faith DVD
Way of the Cross, The: Stations
on our Journey of Faith VHS
We Are Called: Catholic Social
Teaching for Today
We Are God's Holy
People\Blessed Are You
Water - beautiful and serene, or raging and destructive, water can
nourish, destroy, cleanse or kill. The video shows the necessity for
clean water, often lacking for millions of poor people around the
world. It also documents hunger, poverty, sickness and starvation in
Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Dr. Michael Pleass and his colleagues designed a low-cost
desalination device that uses wave power. The waves move a buoy,
that is connected to a piston on the sea floor, and drive water through
a reverse osmosis filter that pumps the fresh water to the shore. This
is an excellent economical way to supply water for irrigation and
drinking if you live near the coastlines.
This Catholic Update video offers four different approaches to the
traditional Catholic Lenten observance of the Stations of the Cross:
spirituality, social justice, history, and a video meditation on the
stations. This is accomplished through a story segment, a witness
segment, a teaching segment and a music video reflection. This video
is easily used in segments.
Catholic social teaching is sometimes called "the Church's best kept
secret." This video is intended to move viewers to a greater
understanding of Catholic social teaching and to invite them to make
the principles a part of their response to God's call. The seven
principles are presented and explained and each is applied through
individual life stories and experiences. The final segment includes
reflections on each individual's choice to make Catholic social
Reflect on the reasons why you call yourself Catholic. Is it because of
childhood baptism or pride to belong to the Church? (60 min., Adult,
CORE) This video will help the viewer reflect upon traditional
Catholic devotions to Mary and the Saints to decide what role they
should play in life. (60 min., Adult CORE)
High school adult
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
We Are One Body (lost video)
We Are One Flock
We Are Sent: Eucharist and our
Living Amen DVD
We Are the Ones DVD
We Learn from Mary VHS
We Pray with Mary VHS
We Shall Go Up With Joy A
This video features exciting footage of the youth weekend at Kennedy
Christian High School in March 1994. It features visually and audibly
invigorating excerpts of the entire two day event. This would be an
excellent tool to use in the recruitment of students to attend future
youth rallies sponsored by the Diocese of Erie. (Jr. - Sr. High School)
A video about full participation of persons with disabilities as
proclaimed in the US Bishops' Pastoral Statement. (15 min., Adult)
This program explores how the celebration of Eucharist calls people
of all ages into communion with Jesus Christ while it also prepares
them to be sent out to live justly in the world. Through the experience
of one parish, this program offers clear and concise explanations of
the Liturgy of the Eucharist in five movements: gathering; listening to
God's Word; offering the gifts; blessing and breaking bread and
sharing the meal; and sending us forth.
This inspirational and compelling short program embraces the concept
of looking to ourselves for leadership and positive change. It
combines amazing film footage of the southwest United States with a
powerful message that will convince viewers to work together to face
This video honors Mary and the way she lived. She is introduced as a
girl, woman, mother, disciple and companion who hears and brings
God's word to others. This program brings alive the life and meaning
of Mary for younger students.
This video introduces children to the way Mary prayed and how we
pray with her today. Mary's feast days are also highlighted. This video
helps children learn favorite Marian prayers: Hail Mary, Rosary,
Litany of Mary, Angelus and the Magnificat.
The entrance rite is the entrance of the assembly into their liturgy. In
this video, we see parishioners in a typical parish “coming together”
for liturgy. Through the procession and greeting, the song and prayer,
we see how these rites bring so many assembled people to be church ready to listen to God’s word, to pray, to give thanks together and to
share in communion, and then go and manifest the love of God all
through the week. (30 min., Adult)
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Primary Intermediate
We Shall Go Up With Joy B
We Shall Go Up With Joy C
We Shall Not Be Moved
Webster the Scaredy Spider
(Lucado) DVD
Webster the Scaredy Spider
(Lucado) VHS
Wedding at Cana, The
Welcome One, Welcome All
Welcome to God's Library
Same as #939
Same as #939
In this video, the American Civil Rights Movement is examined in
depth from the perspective of African-American churches, which
played pivotal roles during this amazing period of US history.
Authentic accounts from witnesses of these events are convinced that
God was present and provide a fuller view of the movement than the
secular press was ever able to grasp.
The "Garden Treaty of '85" says that no spiders are allowed in the
garden. But one's been spotted and it's got the entire garden up in
arms. Laugh along as Hermie, Wormie and Webster meet their fears
face-to-face and learn that God is with them when they are afraid.
The "Garden Treaty of '85" says that no spiders are allowed in the
garden. But one's been spotted and it's got the entire garden up in
arms. Laugh along as Hermie, Wormie and Webster meet their fears
face-to-face and learn that God is with them when they are afraid.
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
Presents a vision and models of inclusive teaching for presenting the
Gospel around children with differences. At St. Luke’s Church,
Beavercreek, Ohio, 26 children with special needs have been included
in the regular religious education classes. This video shares ten
techniques that have helped inclusion and made their church a more
welcoming community where everyone feels valued.
This video is for anyone interested in deepening their knowledge of
and familiarity with the Bible. By understanding the organization of
the Bible and how to use its components, the viewer can become more
comfortable with it and discover where and how to locate key figures,
stories, and passages.
Junior High Adult
Preschool Primary
Preschool Primary
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
Were You There?
Were You There? A
Were You There? B
Were You There? C
Western Philosophy DVD
What Catholics Believe About
What Catholics Believe About
Baptism (rev) DVD
What Catholics Believe About
What Catholics Believe about
Confirmation (rev) DVD
This program takes you through the Passion with traditional images of
The Stations of The Cross. This is done by professional portrayals of
actors of Pontius Pilate, Simon of Cyrene, the woman in the crowd,
Mary Magdalene, Mary the Mother of Jesus and Nicodemus. The
program will enable you to share the special meaning of this as you
have never before experienced.
Same as #179
Same as #179
This program examines the nature of philosophy itself and what
prompted the pioneers of antiquity to ask fundamental questions about
human nature and our world. The chronological journey charts the
development of philosophical thought, exploring its relationship with 150
early mathematics and the natural and physical sciences. This unique
series provides an insightful look into the history of philosophy and
the impact it has had on western civilization.
Host, Fr. Michael Tueth, S.J., invites viewers to join him in this
interactive video which introduces Catholic beliefs to the Sacrament
of Baptism. Questions about Baptism are presented in the from of
multiple choice, true/false or yes/no, in order to involve and inform
the viewer. (30 min., Adult)
Host, Fr. Michael Tueth, S.J., invites viewers to join him in this
interactive video which introduces them to beliefs of the Catholic
Church concerning the Sacrament of Confirmation. Questions about
the Confirmation are presented in the form of multiple choice,
true/false or yes/no, in order to involve and inform the viewer. (30
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
What Catholics Believe about
Confirmation (rev) DVD
What Catholics Believe About
Death & Afterlife
What Catholics Believe About
Jesus Christ
What Catholics Believe About
What Catholics Believe about
Lifestyles (rev) DVD
What Catholics Believe About
Mary and the Saints
What Catholics Believe about
Other Religions (rev) DVD
Host Fr. Jeff Vomund asks questions about various aspects of
Catholic belief on Confirmation and invites the viewer to pick the
correct answer from a number of possibilities. The correct answer
according to Church teaching is given, followed by concise catechesis.
Host Fr. Michael Tueth, S.J., invites viewers to join him in this
interactive video which introduces them to beliefs of the Catholic
Church regarding Death and Afterlife. Questions about Death and
Afterlife are presented in the form of multiple choice, true\false or
yes\no in order to involve and inform the viewer.
In this video, questions are answered about Jesus. The format remains
the same as in the others on "What Catholics Believe", hosted by Fr.
Tueth. It introduces the viewer to some of the fundamental Catholic
beliefs about Jesus Christ in an enjoyable and challenging way.
Correct answers according to church teaching are given.
Host Fr. Michael Tueth, S.J., invites viewers to join him in this
interactive video which introduces them to beliefs of the Catholic
Church regarding Lifestyles. Questions about the topic are presented
in the form of multiple choice, true\false or yes\no in order to involve
and inform the viewer.
Host Fr. Jeff Vomund asks questions about various aspects of
Catholic belief on lifestyles and invites the viewer to pick the correct
answer from a number of possibilities. The correct answer according
to Church teaching is given, followed by concise catechesis.
The newest in the series on "What Catholics Believe" focuses on
Mary and the Saints. This video as all the others in the series is
hosted by Fr. Michael Tueth, S.J. Questions are asked in the form of
multiple choice, yes or no and true or false about the Blessed Mother
and the Saints. Test you knowledge and learn about Mary and the
Saints by viewing this program (30 min., Adult)
Host Fr. Jeff Vomund asks questions about various aspects of
Catholic belief on other religions and invites the viewer to pick the
correct answer from a number of possibilities. The correct answer
according to Church teaching is given, followed by concise catechesis.
Senior High Adult
What Catholics Believe About
What Catholics Believe about
Prayer (rev) DVD
What Catholics Believe About
What Catholics Believe about
RCIA. (rev) DVD
What Catholics Believe About
Host Fr. Michael Tueth, S.J., invites viewers to join him in this
interactive video which introduces them to beliefs of the Catholic
Church regarding prayer. Questions about prayer are presented in the
form of multiple choice, true\false or yes\no in order to involve and
Host Fr. Jeff Vomund asks questions about various aspects of
Catholic belief on prayer and invites the viewer to pick the correct
answer from a number of possibilities. The correct answer according
to Church teaching is given, followed by concise catechesis.
Host, Fr. Michael Tueth, S.J., invites viewers to join him in this
interactive video concerning RCIA. Questions about RCIA are
presented in the form of multiple choice, true/false or yes/no, in order
to involve and inform the viewer. (30 min., Adult)
Host Fr. Jeff Vomund asks questions about various aspects of
Catholic belief on the R.C.I.A and invites the viewer to pick the
correct answer from a number of possibilities. The correct answer
according to Church teaching is given, followed by concise catechesis.
Hosted by Fr. Michael Tueth, S.J., this video, like the others in this
series, is a fast paced half hour presentation on Catholic beliefs
concerning the sacrament of Reconciliation. Basic information is
given to the audience followed by a series of true/false or multiple
choice questions and answers. The video is concise, down-to-earth
and understandable. (31 min., Adult
What Catholics Believe About
Reconciliation (rev) DVD
What Catholics Believe About
Reconciliation (rev) VHS
Host Father Mitch Doyen warmly invites viewers to participate in
these fast-paced interactive introductions to the beliefs of the Catholic
Church regarding Reconciliation. Basic introductory questions are
presented in an interesting multiple-choice format to actively involve
and inform the viewer.
What Catholics Believe About
Rights, Freedoms and
What Catholics Believe about
Rights, Freedoms and
Responsibilities (rev) DVD
What Catholics Believe about
Sacraments (rev) DVD
What Catholics Believe About the
What Catholics Believe About the
What Catholics Believe about the
Church (rev) DVD
What Catholics Believe About the
Host Fr. Michael Tueth, S.J., invites viewers to join him in this
interactive video which introduces them to beliefs of the Catholic
Church regarding Rights, Freedoms and Responsibilities. Questions
about the topic are presented in the form of multiple choice, true\false
or yes\no in order to involve and inform the viewer.
Host Fr. Jeff Vomund asks questions about various aspects of
Catholic belief on rights, freedoms and responsibilities and invites the
viewer to pick the correct answer from a number of possibilities. The
correct answer according to Church teaching is given, followed by
concise catechesis.
Host Fr. Jeff Vomund asks questions about various aspects of
Catholic belief about the sacraments and invites the viewer to pick the
correct answer from a number of possibilities. The correct answer
according to Church teaching is given, followed by concise catechesis.
Host Fr. Michael Tueth, asks various aspects of Catholic belief on the
Bible and invites the viewer to pick the correct answer from a number
of possibilities. The questions are multiple choice, true/false and
yes/no. The correct answer according to church teaching is provided.
The focus of this video on "What Catholics Believe", is the Church.
Again, hosted by Fr. Tueth the program takes on a question and
answer focus that allows the audience to test their own knowledge of
church. An interesting and thought provoking video that allows for a
different way of learning.
Host Fr. Jeff Vomund asks questions about various aspects of
Catholic belief on the Church and invites the viewer to pick the
correct answer from a number of possibilities. The correct answer
according to Church teaching is given, followed by concise catechesis.
Host, Fr.Michael Tueth, S.J., invites viewers to join him in this
interactive video which introduces them to beliefs of the Catholic
Church. Questions about the Eucharist are presented in the form of
multiple choice, true/false or yes/no, in order to involve and inform
the viewer. (30 min., Adult)
Senior High Adult
What Catholics Believe About the
Eucharist (rev) DVD
Basic introductory questions about the basic beliefs of the Catholic
Church regarding the Eucharist are presented in an interesting
What Catholics Believe About the
multiple-choice, true-or-false, or yes-and-no format to actively involve 30
Eucharist (rev) VHS
and inform the viewer. A concise, down-to-earth and understandable
catechesis is presented for each question.
Host Fr. Michael Tueth, S.J., invites viewers to join him in this
interactive video which introduces them to beliefs of the Catholic
What Catholics Believe About the
Church regarding the Holy Spirit. Questions about the Holy Spirit are 26
Holy Spirit
presented in the form of multiple choice, true\false or yes\no in order
to involve and inform the viewer.
Host Fr. Michael Tueth asks questions about various aspects of
What Catholics Believe About the Catholic belief on the Mass and invites the viewer to pick the correct
answer from a number of possibilities. The correct answer according
to Church teaching is given and followed by concise catechesis.
What Catholics Believe about the
Mass (rev) DVD
Host Fr. Jeff Vomund asks questions about various aspects of
What Catholics Believe about the Catholic belief on the Mass and invites the viewer to pick the correct
Mass (rev) DVD
answer from a number of possibilities. The correct answer according
to Church teaching is given and followed by concise catechesis.
Host Fr. Michael Tueth, S.J., invites viewers to join him in this
interactive video which introduces them to beliefs of the Catholic
What Catholics Believe About the
Church regarding the New Age Movement. Questions about the topic 27
New Age Movement
are presented in the form of multiple choice, true\false or yes\no in
order to involve and inform the viewer.
Another video in the "What Catholics Believe" Series hosted by Fr.
Michael Tueth, S.J., Questions are posed to the audience as well as
What Catholics Believe About the
the man on the street, these include multiple choice, true/false and yes 31
New Catechism
or no. This video specifically addresses elements of the new
Catechism that was published in 1994. (31 min., Adult)
Senior High Adult
Hosted by Fr. Michael Tueth, S.J., this series on "What Catholics
Believe" invites viewers to test their knowledge on basic questions
What Catholics Believe About the
about the seven sacraments of the catholic faith. Questions are
Sacraments VHS
presented in various formats such as: multiple choice, true or false
and yes or no. (30 min., Adult)
This video can help parents and caregivers protect young children
What Do I Say Now? How to
from sexual abuse. A variety of vignettes that use humor and drama
Help Protect Your Child From
teach viewers different ways to talk to children about touching safety.
Sexual Abuse
Examples are also provided to help parents respond appropriately to a
child's disclosure of abuse. Includes a discussion guide.
This video is a remarkable witness to the religious life of children.
They understand what happens at liturgy; some simply need to be
encouraged to put words to their experiences. The children (ages
What Do We Do At Mass?
seven to thirteen) who speak in this video express themselves with
confidence and spontaneity. They provide wonderful insights into the
Mass that will inspire not only their peers but adults too.
What Does the Owner’s Manual This video provides encouragement to apply scriptural truths to
Say? (Divorce)
separation or divorce circumstances. (35 min., Adult)
It all begins with a Winnebago, eleven teenagers and Father Bill.
There's a destination all right, a cabin among peaceful woods. But at
What I Really Want to
the heart of where this first video is really heading are the basic
Say...Video 1 Am I Religious?
questions of what it means to be religious and where these teens are at
with their faith. What do young people really feel and believe about
faith, God and the Catholic Church?
The teens talk about how the natural desire to fit in and be accepted
can lead to peer pressure and things they don't want to do. Drinking,
What I Really Want to
dieting, making fun of other kids, dressing and talking a certain way
Say...Video 2 Peer Pressure are some of the things the teens admit to doing to fit in. As the
Over Rated or Reality?
discussion moves forward to what we look for in a friend, it becomes
clear that we want someone who loves us for ourselves - God.
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
We all have families, but they're all different. Some are divided by
divorce, others by alcohol or abuse. There's always that shiny, happy
What I Really Want to
perfect family on the other greener side of the fence. But is that real?
Say...Video 3 Am I Ready to Get
Teens get real about what's good and what's hard in their families. Fr.
Real About My Family?
Bill says we must acknowledge there's sin, but that there's also grace,
which we can ask God for to get us through each day.
Sex is a major topic for teens. At the local coffeehouse, the teens talk
candidly about the questions of sex that they and their friends are
What I Really Want to
wondering and worrying about. Fr. Bill takes the conversation to a
Say...Video 4 Does God Care
deeper level in inviting the teens to share what elements are essential
About Sex?
to an enduring relationship and summarizing what Jesus had to say
about sex and sexual temptations.
Father Bill begins the discussion by asking, "What are you willing to
What I Really Want to
stand up for in life?" The point is made that if we're willing to stand
Say...Video 5 Can I Change the
up for our belief in God, then we should use our gifts to share that
belief with others. How easy is it? As simple as an act of kindness.
As children, the teens say, we take faith and the Bible literally and
impersonally. Yet even as we grow to understand our religion,
What I Really Want to
opening our minds to its concepts, we don't necessarily open our
Say...Video 6 Where Am I Going hearts. Fr. Bill explains that Jesus waits for us to open our hearts to
with My Catholic Faith?
him and that our faith and sacraments help us to do this by drawing us
closer to Jesus. "Are you prepared for a life with Jesus?" Fr. Bill asks
viewers. "What do you really want to say and pray?"
This video helps children deepen their appreciation of sacraments as
actions and expressions of God’s love within the Christian
What Is a Sacrament?
community. The sacraments help us to live more like Jesus and be a
sign of Jesus’ love by the way we love one another at home, in our
neighborhoods, at work.
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
What Is Faith? (Chesto)
What Is Prayer?
What Is Prayer? (Himes)
What Is the Bible? (Gr. 5-8)
What is the Church?
What Kind of Marriage
What Makes Us Catholic?
Discovering Our Catholic Identity
Kathy Chesto's charismatic personality and deep, abiding faith
combine to produce an inspiring and uplifting challenge to live our
faith to the fullest. Her focus is on helping viewers understand that
what we know is never as important as WHO we know - and how we
can share that knowledge with others. Great for RCIA, parish
ministry, catechist formation and parent sacramental preparation.
Fr. Michael Himes answers questions about prayer in this warm,
engaging, sometimes humorous, and always thought-provoking video.
If you don’t pray, watch this video if you want inspiration to start or to
start again. If you already pray, watch this video and gain new
insights. (25 min., Adult)
Fr. Michael Himes addresses the topic of prayer in this warm,
engaging and thought-provoking video. It can provide inspiration for
those who don't pray and wish to start and new insights for those who
This video helps children deepen their appreciation and understanding
of the Bible as God’s Word for their daily lives and helps them realize
that God’s friendship with us will never end. Study guide includes
directions for use, activities, prayer celebrations and prayers.
This video explores the meanings of home church, parish church and
world church and challenges us to become a faith community that
continues to do what Jesus did and taught in caring about others,
especially the poor and needy.
A dramatic video designed to provoke discussion of relationships in
marriage that is based on an "education from experience" process. It
does not provide answers but evokes responses in the viewers that
lead them to share their ideas and feelings about marriage. It may be
used with engaged couples or for long-range marriage preparation
with high school students and young adults.
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
This video from the Catholic Update series helps RCIA candidates
What Makes Us Catholic?
and others interested in deepening their faith explore the unique
Discovering Our Catholic Identity “Catholic” approach to Christianity. This is accomplished through a 38
story segment, a witness segment, a teaching segment and a music
video reflection. Each segment can be used independently.
A young boy takes a fantasy trip to the "Land of Lessons" where
Professor Von Carp and two frogs named What and Tadoo teach him
about how to protect himself from strangers (and people they know)
What Tadoo DVD (Preschool - when they experience the "uh-oh feeling" with certain touches.
Combining live action and puppets, the program is a humorous but
straight-forward look at the four basic rules of personal safety: Say
No, Get Away, Tell Someone, and Sometimes Yell. Discussion
questions are included. Approved for student inservicing for child
In this entertaining mix of live action, puppetry and animation,
Julliette learns that secrets can be good or bad, and that telling bad
secrets to a caring adult is the right thing to do. Profesor Von Carp and
What Tadoo with Secrets DVD
his wise frog friends, What and Tadoo, team up to teach important
lessons in making choices, distinguishing "good" secrets from bad and
following basic rules for getting help. Discussion questions included.
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
What Tadoo with Secrets DVD
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
(Intermediate) DVD
This video asks the viewer to read the four Eucharistic prayers and
then compare and contrast their content. It also addresses how the
What the Eucharist Really Means First Reading, the Responsorial Psalm and the Gospel are connected. 18
Finally, it discusses how the Mass is a meal, a sacrifice and a
remembrance. (18 min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
This video supports a discussion of the typical emotional, physical and
What’s Happening to Me?
spiritual reactions felt by a person experiencing separation and
divorce. (35 min., Adult)
Junior High Adult
Preschool Primary
Junior High Senior High
This progam creates a TV game show answering questions based on
the four pillars of the Catechism. In three rounds, the contestants will
What's Your Catholic IQ? DVD answer questions about The Creed, The Sacraments, The
Commandments and The Lord's Prayer and common practices of our
faith. Join in the faith and fun quiz show that everyone loves!
When a Loved One Dies
(Walking Through Grief as a
Teenager) DVD
When a Loved One Dies
This video helps teens understand the grief process through the
(Walking Through Grief as a
testimonies of young people who have walked through it, and gives
Teenager) VHS
hope that they can heal and grow through this life-changing
Well known Rabbi Dr. Harold Kushner, speaking before a live
audience, recounts the tragic experience that led to his acclaimed
book. When his young son died from a rare illness and traditional
When Bad Things Happen to
words of consolation failed to comfort him, he returned to the Bible.
Good People
In the Book of Job he confronted that most profound question of faith:
If God is all powerful and all good, why do good people suffer? His
answer reaffirms a belief in God and offers compassionate direction to
those in pain. (60 min., Adult)
This video clearly describes the behavioral patterns associated with
dating abuse. It defines abuse as actions designed to control and
When Dating Turns Dangerous
maintain power over another person and shows how abuse gradually 33
erodes a victim's self esteem. Illustrates how the dynamics of secrecy
and denial operate to keep an abusive relationship going. Includes
When Did I See You Hungry?
This documentary is a photographic meditation on the plight of the
poor and our responsibility to help. The photographs document the life
When Did I See You Hungry?
of the poorest of the poor with wordless gentleness and allow us to see
more closely things we know about but are not attentive to. More than
just capturing the agony of life in the slums, this video reveals the
hidden humanity of the poor, their spirit of joy and their will to
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
When you are young, it's easy to believe that life will always be
carefree and happy. But every person will experience difficulties that
are not easy to understand. Doubting one's faith and one's self is a
When God Doesn't Make Sense natural part of Christian life. In this video, Dr. Dobson offers insight
into the trials of life and how to cope with them. This program is
based upon material from the book, When God Doesn't Make Sense.
(50 min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
This Priority One series presents real-life stories, humor and the
When In Doubt…
dynamic Neil McClendon as he addresses critical issues teens face
every day. A study guide is included with each video.
According to Good Housekeeping, this is "A must-see for all children
whose parents are divorced." Hosted by Alan Thicke of TV's
When Mom and Dad Break Up
Growing Pains, there are finally some answers to the questions that
children who experience divorce ask.
This program helps abused children recognize that what they are
When Should You Tell? Dealing experiencing is not the norm and that they can be helped by telling an
with Abuse VHS
adult they trust. Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
This program helps teenagers understand that death and bereavement
are natural and inevitable parts of life. They will understand that the
When Someone Dies:
process of mourning is unique for all people, and should never be
Bereavement and Loss
ignored or trivialized. Leading adolsecent psychologists discuss the
stages of healthy grieving and healing and provide details on how to
cope with a painful loss.
When Tempers Flare: A Guide to This video explores why and how we experience anger and offers
Understanding and Managing
practical strategies for expressing anger in constructive, rather than
destructive, ways.
When Two Become One: An
Join Msgr. Jim Lisante as he unpacks what every engaged couple
Introduction to Sacramental
needs to know before they enter into marriage in the Catholic Church.
Marriage DVD
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Senior High
Senior High Adult
The simple act of singing, Sunday by Sunday, has a profound
formative influence which is seldom fully tapped. In this video, Alice
Parker and friends relate how music is a manifestation of people’s
faith today: in new compositions, in the use of existing texts and
When We Sing
melodies, in the role that church music must take in a society of
listeners. This program also relates the excitement for what a church
does when it sings, how hard it can be, how it is sometimes done
badly and how marvelous it is when it is well done - regularly.
A short discussion starter video about how preaching can help break
the cycle of domestic violence. Society has learned that domestic
When You Preach . . . Remember
violence is learned and can be unlearned. This video is ideal for
ongoing formation and education of clergy, seminary students, parish
leaders and many other groups affiliated with the parish.
While some bystanders laugh and encourage the bully because they
When You See Bullying Happen: fear being the next target, others want to help the victim but feel
What a Bystander Can Do DVD helpless to do anything. This program shows viewers that when it
Gr. 3-5
comes to bullying, bystanders CAN make a difference. Presenter's
guide included. Approved for student inservicing for child protection.
When Your Parent Needs You: A
Guide to Positive Growth When
Caring for Aging Parents DVD
A video for pre-teens and teens to encourage vocations. Entertaining
segments capture the attention of the audience while demonstrating
Where Am I Going A
the variety of natural gifts on which grace builds. Serious concepts
are introduced gradually. The distinction between a job, a career and
a vocation is explored. (30 min.)
Where Am I Going B
Same as #305
Anyone who has experienced suffering or tragedy has asked this
question. Is it really God’s will? Does God hurt us to teach us? Dr.
Kathleen Chesto, noted author and educator, challenges some of the
Where Is God When Life Hurts?
religious theories we have created to justify pain. In sharing her own
struggle with disability and degenerative illness, she questions a
society that measures our worth by our productiveness.
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Senior High
Where Is the Hope?
Where's God When I'm Scared?
(Veggie Tales)
Who Are My Brothers and
Who Cares About the Saints?
Who Do You Listen To? Sex in
the Age of AIDS
Who Do You Say I Am?\Breath
of God, The
Share the fun, excitement, enthusiasm and fellowship of the 1995
diocesan youth rally with your parish. Over 1,000 high school
students came together in March 1995 to share their faith and make
new friends at Elk County Christian High School. This is an excellent
video to use as a promotional tool when encouraging students to sign
up to attend future rallies. (16 min., Sr. High School)
Contains two fifteen minute, fully animated stories (Tales From the
Crisper and Daniel and the Lion’s Den) that teach children a Biblical 30
perspective on handling everyday fears.
An up-close and personal look at some of the human faces behind the
immigration debate in our nation, this program examines why people
are on the move around the world, who these people are, and how our
Church is reaching out to them. This is the story of three Catholic
parishes that have discovered in the newcomer the face of Christ.
Produced by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops.
A powerful film featuring dramatic vignettes, contemporary music
and real life situations that help young people make responsible
decisions about their sexual behavior. Practical answers are offered
from the humor of the Preachers in Disguise (PID) rap group,
outstanding medical, social and spiritual communicators. (37 min.,
Sr. High)
How do you describe Jesus? Who do you say that He is? How does
our concept of him affect our life and relationship with God? This
program will help you reflect upon your image of Jesus and your
relationship with him at this point in your life. (60 min., Adult,
CORE) The Holy Spirit is always "spreading God's gifts around."
Sometimes, though, we don't recognize them because they appear in
less than dramatic ways. This video will help the viewer gain a better
under-standing for the Spirit. (60 min., Adult, CORE)
Senior High
Preschool Primary
Junior High Adult
Junior High Adult
Senior High
Who Is Jesus? (Visual Bible)
A fascinating and deeply moving portrayal of Jesus of Nazareth, using
scenes from the Visual Bible production of the gospel of Matthew.
See what happened 2000 years ago and find out why it is important
for you today.
Who Is Jesus? (Visual Bible)
Intermediate Adult
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Adult
This video invites children to become more familiar with the working
of the Holy Spirit as friend, helper and teacher of the message of
Who Is the Spirit? (Gr. 1-4)
Jesus. In the life of the spirit received in Baptism, children explore
the gestures and actions of Confirmation and discover how to use their
gifts for others in making the world a better place.
The quality, affordability and availability of child care is the focus of
this video program. Parents, children, employers, and legislatures all
Who's Minding the Children
voice their opinions and concerns about child care in the United
States. This has become a growing problem since now the majority of
households require two incomes.
More than three million people have read John Powell's "Why Am I
Why Am I Afraid to Tell You
Afraid to Tell You Who I Am?" This practical study program will
Who I Am?
help put its message to work.
A promotional tape to be used by Directors of Religious Education to
encourage prospective catechists to become a part of the parish
religious education program. This video interviews successful and
Why Be a Catechist?
enthusiastic catechists who are volunteering in various programs.
They conclude that by volunteering their time and talent they receive
much more from their parish than they are giving. Rewards of giving
far out weigh the costs. (10 min., Sr. High School -Adult)
In four segments, the signs and symbols of candles, water, gestures
Why Catholics Do What They Do and crosses are explained in a way that will help young people,
(In Church)
catechumens and life-long Catholics better understand the important
reasons for these objects and how they help us grow in faith.
Intermediate Adult
Why It's Different Every
Sunday\Where Does the
Tabernacle and Benediction Fit
Why the Church Needs the
Why We Go to Mass: J. Glenn
Murray DVD
Why We Go to Mass: J. Glenn
Murray VHS
Why We Go to Mass: J-Glenn
Murray VHS
Why We Need Each Other:
Animals Picnic
TODAY?: This video discuss the customs and traditions of devotions
such as Forty Hours and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
Understand why the tabernacle which was traditionally placed "front
and center" is now usually placed in a separate side chapel.
Why it's different every sunday: The liturgical calendar is filled with
many different events which enable us to learn about the lives and
struggles of other Christians. This video will focus on certain days
during the liturgical year andwill give the viewer a better
understanding of why Sunday is different every week.
A Symposium: The Church Faces Social Justice through a Family
Perspective, Why the Church Needs the Family, with Dennis
Guernsey. Mr. Guernsey speaks about the relationship between
family and the church, he redefines family, and gives his prophetic
message on this subject. (60 min., Adult)
In three 30-minute segments, Rev. Murray responds to the challenge
that the Mass is "boring" or has little to do with daily life. He
energetically addresses such issues as table fellowship and ritual and
then walks viewers through the order of the Mass, explaining each
This animated video introduces the basic concept that the differences
between animals or people make them useful to each other. Rather
than make fun of people who are different from us -- consider what is 10
good about their differences. When people work together, the
importance of their distinctiveness becomes evident.
all ages
Wildflower Seed Bank
Will You Carry the Light?
Windows to Understanding
Winter Rain: Six Images of
Thomas Merton
a Wisdom of Paradox, The
Wisdom of Solomon, The
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
At the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in Illinois, teens
from across the country come together for a three day youth
pilgrimage. Here they take a closer look at how the Light of Christ,
the Holy Spirit, is present in them and how they can "carry the light"
to others. This video helps young people see and appreciate what it
means for others their age to be tuned in and turned on to the presence
of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
This video consists of three presentations designed to promote parish
and small group discussion on the role of women in church and
society during the 90’s. The following areas of concern are explored:
Women and Work: The Struggle for Balance, 13 min., Women and
Mentoring: Midwives of the Self, 11 min., Women and Spirituality:
Made in the Image of God, 13 min. This video is a project of the
National Conference of Catholic Bishops. (38 min., Adult)
This one-actor play conveys the dynamic spirit of a Trappist monk
who has been called one of the most significant and relevant spiritual
writers of our day. Viewers will laugh and cry as they see the Merton
of wit, humor and passion. The struggle of this man gives everyone
insight into the grace-filled moments of our lives.
Fr. Richard Rohr talks about the way we think about our faith. Unless
we let go of some of our precious logic and move into poetry,
metaphor and paradox, we will lose the real vitality of our faith.
Wisdom is more than knowledge; it is of the heart and imagination.
God rewards his servant-king with remarkable wisdom as Solomon
seeks to rule over Israel and protect her from her enemies.
Primary Intermediate
Junior High Senior High
Junior High Adult
Primary Intermediate
Civil rights. War and peace. Poverty. Consumerism. Eastern
religions. Personal relationship with the living God. Community.
Wisdom of the Mystics: An
Christ. Thomas Merton has profound insights into all of these and
Introduction to Thomas Merton
this video will serve as an introduction and an inspiration to learn
more about this prophet for our times.
This video will serve to introduce you to the deep insights of this
Wisdom of the Mystics:
courageous mystic. Learn what Hildegard had to say about God,
Hildegarde of Bingen
humanity, creation, sin and evil, and her unifying cosmology - all this
with an emphasis on what this means for believers today.
A preacher and teacher, a mystic and scholar, Meister Eckhart was
able to speak a language that awakened within others the presence of
Wisdom of the Mystics: Meister the Divine within them. Eckhart was always aware of the nearness of
God, a nearness which is as close as our own hearts. If you watch this
video, you will have your ideas about God and humanity expanded
and enriched.
Fr. Henry Nouwen answers the questions, “what difference does it
make if I go to church or not?” and “what does liturgy have to do with
life?” with depth, insight, and passion as he points us unerringly in the
With Burning Hearts (Nouwen)
direction of the “eucharistic life.” This video will inspire the viewer
with new appreciation for the Eucharist, and its power to touch the
soul. (25 min., Adult)
THE BIBLE IS MY LIVING WORLD: Reading the Bible has only
recently become a regular faith practice for many Catholics. This
video will be helpful in deciding where to start and which translation
With Dreams and Symbols\The
to use.
Bible is My Living World
WITH DREAMS AND SYMBOLS: The Book of Revelation is one of
the most misunderstood, misinterpreted books of the Bible.
Underneath its strange language and symbolism however, is a
With You Always
Within Your Gates: A Pilgrim
Guide to the Holy Land DVD
Wives of Deacons: Ordinary
Women, Extraordinary Lives
Woman at the Well (Come and
See Series)
In this brief music reflection, images from both Scripture and our
world bring to life the song, "Mary, Did You Know." Together they
are a reminder that God is with us, just as God was with Mary. And
like Mary,we are destined to do great things for the good of all. Use
this for private prayer/reflection or with a group. Included is a booklet
with a brief prayer service and reflection questions specifically for
Advent, Lent and Ordinary Time.
A pilgrim leads viewers from Nazareth, to the shores of Galilee and
finally through the gates of Jerusalem, following Pope Benedict's May
2009 visit.
This video is an informative series of interviews with six deacons'
wives. These diverse interviews address the challenges, questions,
joys and concerns of deacons' wives during the course of their
husbands' formation and ministry.
This video takes the gospel story of The Woman at the Well and looks
at it anew from dramatic, experiential and theological perspectives. It
is divided into an introduction and three segments and may be
watched in its entirety or may be stopped after each segment for
reflection and\or discussion. This video is useful in catechesis for the
Scrutinies in he RCIA process. (63 min., Adult)
Jr. High - Adult
Woman at the Well (Come and
See Series) partial
This video was developed to be used for the Third Sunday of Lent in
Cycle A. Do you see people hate or mistrust each other today? We
need God's love today, too, the kind of love that breaks down walls
Woman at the Well, The (Gospel
and lets people get to know each other. It would serve as a good
resource throughout the year for a lesson about overcom-ing
prejudice. Because it presents the idea of "thirsting" on several
different levels, it could also be used in a study of water as a
The teachings of Jesus, his passion, death and resurrection - all come
to life in this animated video series. The episodes provide a wealth of
Woman at the Well, The
information and precise references to the original Gospel text. Each
segment concludes with a three minute tutorial that summarizes the
episode and frames the program within its scriptural and historical
Narrates the virtually untold story of women who exercised leadership
Women & Spirit: Catholic Sisters at a time when few women enjoyed such possibilities. A story of
in America
quiet courage during many dramatic moments in the U.S. history.
Narrated by Cokie Roberts
In this video, parishioners from a typical parish speak about what they
need and hope for from the Liturgy of the Word. In this parish, the
Word of the Lord, The A
word of God is proclaimed with vigor, respect and understanding.
Those who proclaim the scripture and those who preach talk about
their preparation and ministry. (29 min., Adult)
Word of the Lord, The B
Same as #937
Word of the Lord, The C
Same as #937
The Second Vatican Council had a profound and lasting influence on
the Catholic Church. This series of nine videos examines the change
in outlook that the Council fostered in the Church and explores how
Word, The (Vat II document)
the documents of Vatican II continue to renew the Church today.
Shows how the Council placed the Scriptures at the center of the life
of the Church before, during and after the Council. Offers the viewer
insights into the post-Vatican II era of biblical renewal.
When a raging storm wrecks Plato’s peak, Sock the bobcat shows no
interest in helping his friends clear the storm’s debris. The stories of
Work (Book of Virtues Series)
How the Camel God His Hump (English), The Bundle of Sticks
(Greek), and Tom Sawyer Gives Up the Brush (American) convince
Sock to do his fair share.
Primary Intermediate
All ages
Primary Intermediate
In this video, Fr. Jack Rathschmidt, OFM and Gaynell Cronin explore
the meaning of the Works of Mercy for children. Christians have
learned that it is not enough to hear about and value God's gift of love,
Works of Mercy
we need to spread God's love in action. This program will help
children know what it means to reach out to others with the
compassion of Christ. (15 min., Intermediate)
This video program is a documentary and promotional tape for
World Will Be Better For This,
Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Four couples, along with their
The (Marriage Encounter)
families attest to the good that the marriage encounter weekend
influenced in their lives. (17 min., Adult)
In this video we observe a small church community and a master
teacher, Alice Parker. They explore old and new songs, discover the
Yes, We'll Gather!
musical principles of sound and time that make for delightful music
making. All who lead music, sing in choirs or who just come to
church to sing will find here a hundred ways to lift up voices anew.
This two-part documentary investigates the intriguing heritage of
biblical Israel and the Jewish origins of the Christian faith. In Part
Yeshua/Jesus: Exploring the
One, the intense Jewish religious atmosphere in which Jesus grew up
Jewish Roots of Jesus DVD
and began his messianic mission is explored. In Part Two, new
insights are gained into the message Jesus proclaimed to his own
people, the Jews, that would soon transform the entire world.
Based on the best selling children's book by author Max Lucado, this
You Are Special (Lucado)
video relates the story of Punchinello, who discovers a sense of self
worth from his visits to the village woodcarver.
A dynamic, unforgettable lecture by Bob Anastas, a former high
school athletic coach and the Founder/Executive Director of S.A.D.D.
You Drink...You Drive...You Die (Stu-dents Against Drunk Driving). It opens the lines of
communication between parents and teenagers via the "Contract for
Life" an agree-ment to provide safe, sober transportation anytime. (40
The hands of youth and old age, of exuberance and experience,
reaching out toward one another form the basis of this video wherein
Young and Old Together
teenagers and senior citizens successfully interact. The emphasis is on
contact, listening, information.
all ages
Senior High
Junior High Adult
Your Baby's Baptism
Your Baby's Baptism DVD
Your Child in Religious
Education DVD
Your Child in Religious
Education VHS
Your Created Goodness
Your Role on a Better Religious
Education Team
Your Special Signs
Your Wonder Child
Youth Stand for Life 2003
This program contains highlights from the rite of baptism for infants
along with personal reflections from the parents and priest. This
video is both educational and spiritually helpful. It introduces the
symbols of Baptism, gives an overview of the theol-ogy of the
sacrament and discusses the roles parents and the community play in
This video is designed to help parents see the importance of lifelong
religious formation and education and to appreciate the role that
parish religious education programs play in deepening spirituality for
children, youth, and adults. It also provides an introduction to the
philosophy, goals and strengths of parish religious education
programs. This video will stimulate fruitful discussion between
parents and the parish formation team.
An inspirational presentation which attempts to convey to youth that
they are valuable because of who they are. Written and presented by
Brian Cavanaugh, T.O.R. (15 min., Jr. - Sr. High School)
This video explains the components of a religious education team and
researches the responsibilities of team members and leaders. The
focus of this video is leadership. It asks, what a leader is, what
abilities a leader has and how a leader influences others. The video
gives specific directions on how to turn a religious education class
into a community. (16 min., Adult)
In this fast-paced video, an attractive young woman, in a clear,
concise manner, explains female physiology and introduces Natural
Family Planning. Due to explicit detail, this video should be shown to
all female or male groups rather than co-ed groups. (8 min., Sr. High
Bradshaw discusses focusing upon our inner child to heal psychic
dysfunctions. (60 min., Adult)
Junior High Adult
Junior High Senior High
Senior High
Junior High Senior High
Youth, Sex and Chastity
Zanzig: Part 1 Personal
Development & Growth in Faith
Zanzig: Part 2 Model of Total
Youth Ministry
Zanzig: Part 3 Effective Lesson
& Program Planning
Zanzig: Part 4 Teachers as a
Witness of Faith
Three young adults discuss their viewpoint on pre-marital sex,
masturbation and homosexuality with Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR.
The Church's position on these topics is clearly and logically
presented. Positive, practical advice is also given to the teens. (40
min., Sr. High School)
This presentation gives an overview of the entire process of human
develop-ment, with an emphasis on the adolescent years and the
implica-tions of the knowledge for our understanding of faith
This presentation offers a model of total youth ministry which presents an integrat-ed understanding of the components of relational
ministry, evangelization, catechesis, service, and peer ministry. A
clear understanding of this broader ministry will greatly enhance the
likelihood of our success in the more particular task of providing
effective religious education for our young people.
How do we develop effective curriculums and lesson plans for youth
cateche-sis? The key is discovered in an understanding of how we
learn anything, and then an application of that understanding to the
acqui-sition of religious knowledge. The learning process is used in
this session to demonstrate an effective approach to program
development, lesson planning, retreat development, etc.
This session presents the implications that the teacher, as the person of
faith is the one upon whom success hinges. They must be in touch
with their own faith story and be able to share their personal story
with the students. Concrete strategies will be shared for effectively
including a personal dimension in lesson planning and other program
development. The presentation ends on a prayerful note.
Senior High