sacrilegious 753 - Maryknoll Taiwanese Dictionary


sacrilegious 753 - Maryknoll Taiwanese Dictionary
sacrifice che3-hia3n, hia3n-che3, hi-seng, chha7i
si5n-be5ng, seng-le2 祭獻,獻祭,犧牲,供俸,祭
sabbath an-sek-ji8t 安息日
- evening sacrifice bo2an-che3 晚祭
sabbatical an-sek-ji8t e5, hiu-ka2 e5, hioh-khu3n e5
- things offered in sacrifice che3-phi2n 祭品
- to offer sacrifice che3-hia3n, ho7ng-hia3n 祭獻,
sabbatical leave te7ng-ki5 hiu-ka2 定期休假
saber kun-to 軍刀
- to make a sacrifice to God hia3n ho7+ Thianchu2 獻給天主
saber of the commanding officer chi2-hui-to
sacrifice at tombs pa3i-bo7ng 祭墳
sable skin or fur, mink, marten fur tiau-pho5e
sabotage pho3-ha7i, ta7i-kang 破壞,怠工
sacrifices offered by friends or admirers on
the roadside along the way of a funeral
procession lo7+-che3 路祭
saccharin thn5g-cheng 糖精
sacrifice for others u7i-ji5n hi-seng 為人犧牲
sack race siang-kha chhng-ji8p-khi3 te7-a2 cha2upio 把雙腿套入袋內的競走,袋鼠跳
sacrifice of expiation sio8k-cho7e-che3 贖罪祭
sacrifice one's life for one's country u7i kok
koan-khu 為國捐軀
sack, bag te7, pau, lok-a2 袋,包
sacrifice one's life heroically for justice, die
heroically in battle kho2ng-kha3i se5ng-ji5n,
kho2ng-kha3i koan-khu 慷慨成仁,慷慨捐軀
sack, pillage chhi2u*-kiap 搶劫
sack, to fire, to dismiss ho7+ la5ng si5-tha5u-lo7+ 被
sacrifice one's life, fatal ti3-be7ng, ti3-mi7a 致命
sackcloth kho2+-i, song-ho8k, mo5a-sa*, po3+-te7-a2po3+ 苦衣,喪服,麻布
sacrifice one's property hi-seng cha5i-sa2n 犧牲
- to wear sackcloth chhe7ng mo5a-sa* 穿喪服
sacrament se3ng-su7 聖事
- to administer a sacrament ki2-he5ng se3ng-su7,
hu3 se3ng-su7 舉行聖事
- to receive a sacrament ni2a se3ng-su7 領聖事
Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist administered to the dying or those in danger of
death, Viaticum Li5m-chiong Se3ng-the2 臨
sacrifice oneself for the advantage of everybody hi-seng si2o-ng2o+, oa5n-se5ng ta7i-ng2o+
犧牲小我, 完成大我
sacrifice time and money hi-seng si5-kan kap
chi5* 犧牲時間和錢
sacrifice to the ghosts che3-ku2i 祭鬼
sacrifices offered to gods or the deceased
che3-le2 祭禮
Sacrament of Matrimony Hun-pho3e Se3ng-su7
(Catholic) 婚配聖事
sacrificial che3-hia3n e5, hi-seng e5, che3-phi2n,
seng-le2 祭獻的,犧牲的,祭品,牲禮
sacramental se3ng-su7 e5, te8k-pia8t si5n-se3ng e5,
se3ng-bu8t 聖事的,特殊神聖的,聖物
sacrificial animals seng-le2 牲禮
sacrificial ceremony hia3n-gi5 獻儀
sacramental words he5ng se3ng-su7 e5 o7e 行聖事
sacrificial offering che3-phi2n 祭品
sacrificial offerings, five kinds of domestic
animals ngo2+-seng 五牲
sacred se3ng e5, si5n-se3ng e5 聖的,神聖的
sacrificial reparation for sins, redemptive
sacrifice sio8k-cho7e-che3 贖罪祭
sacred and not to be violated, holy and inviolable si5n-se3ng put-kho2 chhim-ho7an 神
sacrificial utensil che3-khu7, che3-khi3 祭具,祭器
Sacred College of Cardinals Chhu-ki tho5an
sacrificial vestments che3-ho8k, che3-i 祭服,祭
sacred hymns se3ng-koa 聖歌
sacrificial victims, a sacrifice, be sacrificed
to, at the sacrifice of hi-seng 犧牲
sacred objects se3ng-bu8t 聖物
sacrilege siat-to8k-cho7e, chhek-o3+ e5 cho7e
(Catholic) 褻瀆罪
sacred statue se3ng-sio7ng 聖像
sacred tablet used as the symbol of a deity
si5n-u7i 神位
- to commit sacrilege siat-se3ng 褻聖
sacrilegious siat-to8k 褻瀆的
sacred vestments se3ng-ho8k, che3-i 聖服,祭衣
sacrilegious communion mo7+-ni2a se3ng-the2
(Catholic) 冒領聖體
safe-deposit ku3i-tio7ng bu8t-phi2n po2-ko2an-chhu3
sacrilegious confession mo7+ ko3-ka2i (Catholic)
safeguard, to escort po2-ho7+, ho7+-o7e 保護,護衛
sacrilegious practices siat-to8k si5n-se3ng e5
he5ng-u5i 褻瀆神聖的行為
sacrilegious words chhek-o3+ e5 o7e 褻瀆的話
safeguard the livelihood of the workers po2chio3ng lo5-kang e5 seng-oa8h 保障勞工的生
safeguard, uphold, preserve, protect i5-ho7+,
u5i-ho7+ 維護
sacristan ko3+ se3ng-tn5g e5, che2ng-li2 se3ng-tn5g e5
la5ng (Catholic), bi7o-kong 看守聖堂的,整理
safekeeping po2-ho7+, po2-ko2an 保護,保管
safety an-cho5an 安全
sacristy che3-i-keng (Catholic) 聖器收藏室
- to seek safety, seek asylum pi7-la7n 避難
sacrosanct si5n-se3ng put-kho2 chhim-ho7an 神聖
safety belt an-cho5an-to3a 安全帶
sad pi-siong, siong-sim, sim-bu7n, ut-chut, kankho2+ 悲傷,傷心,憂愁,愁苦
safety first an-cho5an te7-it 安全第一
safety device an-choa5n chong-ti3 安全裝置
safety helmet, helmet an-cho5an-bo7, tha5ukhoe 安全帽,頭盔
sad and depressed ut-chut 鬱悶
sad and grieved iu-bu7n 憂悶
safety island an-cho5an-to2+ 安全島
sad faced, woeful look bi7n ta3i chhi5u-io5ng 面
safety pin an-cho5an pi2n-chiam 安全別針
safety razor an-cho5an thi3-tha5u-to 安全理髮刀
sad hearted sim iu-iu 心裡憂傷,心憂憂
safety zone an-cho5an khu-he8k, an-cho5an te7ta3i 安全區域,安全地帶
sad thing, tragedy chha2m-su7 慘事
sad, disappointed chheh-sim 懷恨在心
sag lap-lo8h-khi3, thu7i-lo8h-khi3 下陷,下垂
saddle oa*, an 鞍
saddle for a horse be2-oa* 馬鞍
sagacious, shrewd, clever chin cheng,
chhong-be5ng e5, be5ng-bi2n e5 精明的,聰明的,
sadism, sadist ge8k-tha7i, ge8k-tha7i-ko5ng 虐待,
sagacity chhong-be5ng, chin cheng 聰明,很精
sadistic ge8k-tha7i-ko5ng e5, se3ng ge8k-tha7i-ko5ng e5
sage hia5n-be5ng e5, chhong-be5ng e5 賢明的,聰明
sadness iu-chhi5u, pi-ai, pi-siong 憂愁,悲哀,悲
- an ancient sage ko2+-ta7i e5 thiat-ha8k-ka 古代
saddle for bicycle i2-che7-a2 坐墊
safe and sound an-an u2n-u2n 安安穩穩
sage, saint se3ng-ji5n 聖人
safe and sound, free from danger, peace,
peaceful, tranquil pe5ng-an 平安
sages and virtuous men se3ng-hia5n 聖賢
safe hit in the sport of baseball an-ta2* 安打
Sahara dessert Sat-ha-la to7a soa-bo5+ 撒哈拉
Safe journey. Have a safe journey. Chiok li2
it-lo7+ pe5ng-an. 祝你一路平安.
sail pha5ng, chu5n-pha5ng, sa2i chu5n, khui chu5n
sagging spirits su5i-tha5u so3ng-khi3 垂頭喪氣
safe period an-cho5an-ki5 安全期
- to let down sail pha5ng lu7i-lo8h-la5i, po3+-pha5ng
lu7i-lo8h-la5i 把帆縋下來
safe, metal cabinet thih-ku7i 鐵櫃
safe, secure, not dangerous an-cho5an, tho3to3ng, an-u2n, pe5ng-an 安全,妥當,安穩,平
- to raise sail khui chu5n, pha5ng lu7i-khi2-khi3 開
sail across an ocean phiau-iu5* ko3e-ha2i 漂洋過
safe, settled, firm, solidly placed u2n-to3ng 穩
sail boat pha5ng-chu5n 帆船
safe, strong box, bank vault po2-hia2m-siu* 保
sail or stear a boat sa2i-chu5n 駕船,開船,駛船
sail cloth pha5ng-po3+ 帆布
safe, strongbox kim-kho3+ 金庫,保險櫃
sail or fly, navigate ha5ng-he5ng 航行
safe-conduct thong-he5ng-che3ng 通行證
sail the seas, maritime navigation ha5ng-ha2i
safecracker kia7u-khui kim-kho3+ la5i chhi2u*-kiap
e5 la5ng 破保險庫者,撬開金庫而搶劫的人
sail with the stream or current su7n-chu2i 順水
sales tax, business tax e5ng-gia8p so3e 營業稅
sailing ho5ng-he5ng, ho5ng-ha2i, chhut-pha5ng,
ho5ng-ha2i e5, io7ng po3+-pha5ng e5 航行,航海,
salesgirl li2-tia3m-oa5n 女店員
Salesian Chu5-iu3-ho7e e5 (Catholic) 慈幼會的
salesman tia3m-oa5n 店員
sailing vessel pha5ng-chu5n 帆船
salesman, sales representative thui-siau-oa5n,
chhui-siau-oa5n 推銷員
sailing with the tide literally, all going on
well su7n-chu2i he5ng-chiu 順水行舟
salient ia2*-ba8k e5, phok-chhut-la5i e5 顯眼的,突出
sailor ki5a*-chu5n e5, chu2i-si2u, chu2i-chhi2u, chu5noa5n 海員,水手,船員
sailors, boatmen chu5n-hu 船夫
saline kia5m e5, u7 ia5m-hun e5, ia5m-ti5a* 鹹的,有鹽
saint, man saint, woman saint se3ng-ji5n, se3ngli2 聖人,聖女
saline injection chu3 ia5m-chu2i-si7a 鹽水注射,打
- all Saints' Day Chu-se3ng chiam-le2 (Catholic)
saliva no7a, chhu3i-no7a 唾液
- to moisten with saliva u3n-chhu3i-no7a 沾口
- patron saint chu2-po2 se3ng-ji5n (Catholic) 主保
- to spit saliva phu3i chhu3i-no7a 吐口水
saintly si5n-se3ng e5, chhin-chhi7u* se3ng-ji5n e5 神聖
- to swallow one's saliva thun no7a 吞口水
salivate la5u-no7a 流涎
saints se3ng-to5+ 聖徒
sallow and unhealthy looking pe8h-si2-sat 蒼白
sake ia5n-ko3+, go5an-in, koan-he7 緣故,原因,關係
salmon koe-i5 (phonetic), sam-bu5n-hi5 鮭魚
- for the sake of u7i-tio8h… 為了…
saloon kong-io7ng e5 to7a-thia* a2-si7 ti5u*-so2+, chi2utia3m, sa-lo2ng 公用的大廳或場所,酒店,沙
- for God's sake u7i Thian-chu2 e5 ia5n-ko3+ 為了
- for your father's sake kho3a*-tio8h li2n la7u-pe7
e5 bi7n-chu2 看在你父親的面子上
- billiard saloon lo3ng-ki5u-ti5u* 撞球場
salt ia5m 鹽
salacious ho3+*-sek e5, put-su2-ku2i e5, ng5-sek e5 好
salad chhe*-chha3i, le2ng-po5a*, sa-lah 生菜,冷盤,
salad oil chha3i-chi2-iu5, sa-la-iu5 菜仔油,沙拉油
salary sin-ho7ng, goe8h-kip, sin-su2i, tha7i-gu7 薪俸,
salt, to salt, to pickle, to cure meat, to marinade ia5m, chham ia5m, sa2m ia5m, si7* 鹽,加
- refined salt iu3-ia5m 細鹽
salt cellar ia5m ko3an-a2 鹽罐
salt content, salinity ia5m-hun 鹽份
- annual salary ni5-ho7ng 年俸
salt extracted from brine wells che2*-ia5m 井鹽
- increase of salary ka-sin 加薪
salt free diet bo5 chham-ia5m e5 chia8h-mi8h 未加
- official salary ho7ng-lo8k 俸祿
salt lakes kia5m-chu2i-o5+ 鹹水湖
- salaried man chia8h goe8h-kip e5 la5ng 領月薪
salt mines ia5m-kho3ng 鹽礦
salt pan, salina, salt field ia5m-chha5n 鹽田
- to live on one's salary kho3 goe8h-kip sengoa8h 靠月薪生活
salt pork si7* kia5m-bah 醃鹹肉
salary, wages sin-chu, sin-su2i, kang-chu 薪資,
salt water fish ha2i-hi5, kia5m-chu2i-hi5 海魚
sale chhut-si5u, be7, siau-lo7+ 出售,賣,銷路
salt wells ia5m-che2*, ia5m-chi2* 鹽井
salt water, brine ia5m-chu2i, kia5m-chu2i 鹽水
- for sale boeh be7 la5ng 要出售
salted cucumber, pickled melon i3m-koe-a2 蔭
- big sale to7a kia2m-ke3 大減價
sale by auction phah-be7 拍賣
salted duck egg kia5m ah-nn7g 鹹鴨蛋
sale on consignment ki3a-be7 寄售,託售,寄賣
salted fish kia5m-hi5 鹹魚
saleable, easily sold, good run in the market u7-siau 暢銷
salted meat kia5m-bah 鹹肉
salted or pickled meat, fish or shellfish
sliced in small pieces bah-chiu*, hi-ke5,
hi-ko5e 肉醬,魚醬
sales representative gia8p-bu7-ta7i-pia2u 業務代
salted or pickled vegetables kia5m-chha3i 鹹菜
Samaritan Sat-ma2-li7-a-la5ng 撒馬利亞人
salted soy beans i3m-si7*, i3m-si7*-a2 蔭鼓
same pe5*, ka7ng, ka7ng-iu7*, ka7ng-kho2an 平,同,
salted things kia5m-to3a 醃漬物
saltpeter siau-chio8h, siau-sng-la8p 硝石,硝酸鈉
- about the same chha-put-to 差不多
salt-tax ia5m-so3e 鹽稅
- at the same time ka7ng-si5 同時
salty kia5m si2-si2, kia5m tok-tok 鹹極了
- widely different, not all the same ta7i put
siong-to5ng, bo5 lo2ng ka7ng-kho2an 大不相同
salty stuffing kia5m-a7* 鹹餡
- of the same village to5ng-hiong 同鄉
salty sweet and sour preserves kia5m-sng-ti*,
bi8t-chian 鹹酸甜,蜜餞
- persons of the same family chi8t ke la5ng 一
salubrious tu3i kia7n-khong chin ho2 e5 有益健康
- very much the same ta7i to5ng sia2u i7 大同小
salubrious climate tu3i kia7n-khong chin ho2 e5
khi3-ha7u 有益健康的氣候
same age pe5* che7 ho3e, pe5*-ho3e 同年,同歲
salutary tu3i kia7n-khong iu2-ek e5, iu2-ek e5, chin
ho2 e5 有益健康的,有益的
same clan or family pa5ng-tha5u-a2 同一家族的
salutation chhe2ng-an, ta2*-chio-ho+, sio-chiohmn7g, ke3ng-le2, ki5a*-le2 致意,請安,打招呼,寒
same class or kind to5ng-lu7i 同類
salutation for a Buddhist monk, Taoist high
priest, exorcist hoat-su 法師
same father but not the same mother to5nghu7 i7-bi2o, ka7ng-pe7 ko3-bo2 同父異母
salute ke3ng-le2, ki5a*-le2 敬禮,致意
same from beginning to end, consistent si2chiong ju5-it 始終如一
same day, that very day hia7n-ji8t 當日
same fate ta5ng-mi7a 同命
- to fire a salute phah le2-pha3u 放禮炮
salute, bow kiok-kiong 鞠躬
same generation, of the same genealogical
rank ka7ng-po3e 同輩
salute, greet chhe2ng-an 請安
same hole, same problem ka7ng-khang 同一
salvage right away hia7n-la5u 現撈
salvage, relief, emergency relief, to help the
needy with cash or goods ki3u-che3 救濟
same kind, same species, total species
ka7ng-chio2ng 同種
salvage, rescue fee ha2i-sio7ng ki3u-la7n, ki3u-la7nhu3i, ki3u-che3 海上救難,救難費,救濟
same night, that very night, all night tha3ua3m 連夜
salvation ki3u-se3 救世
same rank or class, the same in importance,
responsibility to5ng-te2ng 同等
salvation, to perform religious ceremonies
to help the soul find peace chhiau-to7+ 超
same road ka7ng-lo7+ 同路
same road by which we went go5an-lo7+ 原路
salvation, to rescue, to help out of difficulties, to save the situation ka2i-ki3u 解救
same sentiment, be of the same opinion
to5ng-ka2m 同感
- gift of salvation ki3u-in 救恩
- National Salvation Corps Ki3u-kok-tho5an 救
same surname to5ng-e5, ka7ng-se3* 同姓的
- to obtain salvation tit-ki3u 得救
same trade or business to5ng-ha5ng 同行
Salvation Army Ki3u-se3-kun 救世軍
same trade or profession ka7ng-to5+ 同行
salvation, save your soul ki3u le5ng-hu5n 救靈
same trade, person of same business to5nggia8p 同業
salvation, save, deliver, to rescue, to aid, to
stop, cease ki3u 救
same, equal, identical, similar, common,
agree, to share, together to5ng, ta5ng 同
salvation, to save, to support, to help, to
assist ki3u-oa7n 救援
same, identical, similar, alike sio-sia5ng 相同
same symptom ka7ng-che3ng-tha5u 相同的病症
sampan, small boat sam-pa2n, si2o chu5n, se3
chiah chu5n-a2 舢舨,小船
salve io8h-ko 藥膏
salvo, cheer for, to acclaim phah phok-a2 to7asia* hoan-ho+ 拍手高聲歡呼
sample goods, specimen kia3n-pu2n 樣品
sample of a commodity iu7*-phi2n, iu7*-pu2n, iu7*
sandbank, beach soa-than 沙灘
sampling, a sampling thiu-kia2m 抽檢
sandpaper chho+-cho2a 沙紙
Samson, Biblical hero Chham-sun 參孫
sandstone soa-gia5m 沙岩
Samurai spirit, Bushido warrior code bu2-su7to7 武士道
sandwich sam-be5ng-ti7 三明治
sandbar soa-chiu 沙洲
sandy soa e5, chin che7 soa e5 沙的,多沙的
San Francisco Ku7-kim-san, Sam-hoan-chhi7 舊
sandy area of the beach, portion of shore
left dry at low tide ha2i-phi5a*, ha2i-than 海
sanatorium lia5u-io2ng-so2+, lia5u-io2ng-i7* 療養所,
sandy beach soa-po+ 沙灘
sanctification, sanctify, consecrate se3ngho3a, se5ng-se3ng, si5n-se3ng-ho3a 聖化,成聖,
sandy soil soa-a2-te7, soa-tho5+ 沙地,沙土
sanctifing grace thio2ng-a3i (Catholic) 寵愛
sandy wind, sandstorm hong-poe-soa 風沙
sanctify chiok-se3ng, se3ng-ho3a, se5ng-se3ng 祝聖,
sane chin cheng, cheng-si5n che3ng-sio5ng, u7 li2-ti3
e5, kia7n-cho5an e5 精明,精神正常,有理智的,
sandy bed of a stream khe-po+ 溪埔
sanctify oneself se3ng-ho3a chu7-ki2 聖化自己
sanguinary la5u-hoeh e5, cha5n-ji2m, chho+-chha5n,
e7 tha5i la5ng e5 流血的,殘忍的,會殺人的
sanctimonious ke2 si5n-se3ng e5, ke2 khia5n-se5ng e5
sanguine khi3-sek ho2 e5, a5ng-ko chhiah-chi8h, u7ba7ng e5 面色紅潤,有希望的
sanction, approbation che3-chha5i, phe-chu2n,
i2n-chu2n, hi2-kho2 制裁,批准,允許,許可
sanguine temperament to-hiat-chit 多血質
- legal sanction hoat-lu8t e5 che3-chha5i 法律的
sanhedrin ko2+-ka3u phe5ng-gi7-ho7e 古教評議會
sanitarium lia5u-io2ng-i7* 療養院
sanctity se3ng-tek, si5n-se3ng 聖德,神聖
sanitary oe7-seng e5 衛生的
- a person of great sanctity u7 to7a se3ng-tek e5
la5ng 有大聖德的人
sanitary belt for women during menstruation oe7-seng-to3a 衛生帶
Sanctuary lamp Se3ng-the2-teng (Catholic) 聖體
sanctuary, asylum pi3-ho7+-so2+ 庇護所
sanitary facilities oe7-seng siat-si, oe7-seng siatpi7 衛生設施,衛生設備
sanctuary, refuge pi7-la7n-so2+ 避難所
sanitary napkin oe7-seng-mi5 衛生棉
sanctuary, temple, shrine si5n-tia7n 神殿
sanitary, healthful u7 oe7-seng 有衛生
Sanctuary, the Holy Place se3ng-so2+ (Catholic)
sanitation oe7-seng, oe7-seng siat-si 衛生,衛生設
sanctum se3ng-so2+, su-sek, bi8t-sek 聖所,私室,密
sanitation squad oe7-seng-tu7i 衛生隊
sanity tha5u-na2u chheng-chho2, si5n-chi3 kia7ncho5an, la7u-kin-chat, u2n-kia7n 頭腦清楚,神
sand soa-a2, soa-po+ 沙,沙地
sand and soil tho5+-soa 土砂
Sanskrit Ho5an-bu5n, In3-to7+-bu5n 梵文
sand bags soa-pau, soa-te7-a2 沙包,沙袋
Santa Claus Se3ng-ta3n-la7u-la5ng 聖誕老人
sand dune soa-tui, soa-a2-tui 沙堆
sap chhi7u-a2-leng, chhi7u-chiap 樹汁,樹液
sand filter soa-la7u 過濾器,沙漏
sand painting soa-o7e 沙繪
sap of youth sia3u-lia5n-la5ng e5 hiat-khi3, sia3ulia5n-la5ng e5 oa8h-le8k 年青人的血氣,年青人
sand pit soa-khut-a2 沙坑
sapling chai, chhi7u-a2-chai 苗,樹苗
sand, sea sand from ocean floor ha2i-soa 海
sapphire na5-po2-chio8h, na5-sek e5 藍寶石,藍色的
sand grains soa-lia8p 沙粒
sarcasm khau-se2 e5 o7e, keng-the2 諷刺
sandals, summer shoes, slippers lia5ng-e5 涼
sarcasm and mockery chi3a*-khau to3-siah 冷
sandalwood, wood incense sok-chha5, ta5nhiong, ta5n-hiong-bo8k 香木片,淨香,檀香木
sarcastic khau-se2 e5 諷刺的
sarcastic laugh le2ng-chhi3o 冷笑
sarcastic, satirize, ridicule, mock keng-the2
satirize khau-se2, hong-chhi3 諷刺
sarcophagus chio8h koa*-chha5 石棺
satirize, satire to3-khau 諷刺
sardine un-a2-hi5, soa-teng-hi5 沙丁魚
satisfaction, meet the needs of, pleased,
content mo2a-i3, bo2an-chiok 滿意,滿足
satirize, mock, criticize ge5-se2, se2-ge5 諷刺
- packed like sardines cha8t-tho2ng-tho2ng 塞
- to feel satisfaction ka2m-kak bo2an-chiok 覺
sardonic khau-se2 e5, thi2-chhi3o e5 諷刺的,嘲笑的
- to laugh sardonically le2ng-chhi3o 冷笑
satisfaction, penance, compensation po2+sio8k, po5e-sio5ng 補贖,賠償
SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
SARS, sa2-suh (phonetic) SARS,嚴重急性呼
- satisfaction of Christ Ki-tok e5 po2+-sio8k 基督
sash, belt io-to3a 腰帶
- to demand satisfaction ia3u-ki5u po5e-sio5ng
sashimi sa-si-mih (phonetic) 生魚片
satisfactorily settled, reach a peaceful settlement oa5n-bo2an ka2i-koat 圓滿解決
Satan Sat-ta3n, mo5+-ku2i, ok-mo5+ 撒旦,魔鬼,惡魔
satchel, book bag chheh-pau, chheh-pha7i*-a2
satisfactory, according to one's wishes su7nsim-ju5-i3 順心如意
sate chhiong-hun bo2an-chiok, sia7n-khi3 充分滿
satisfactory, be satisfied, complete bo2anchiok, oa5n-bo2an 滿足,圓滿
satellite o7e-chhe* 衛星
satisfactory, satisfied bo2an-i3, mo2a-i3 滿意
- man-made satellite ji5n-cho7 o7e-chhe* 人造
satisfied with one's lot and in control of
oneself an-hu7n si2u-ki2, si2u-ki2-an-hu7n 安份
satellite cities o7e-chhe* to+-chhi7 衛星都市
satellite country, satellite nations o7e-chhe*
kok-ka 衛星國家
satisfy bo2an-chiok, ho7+… mo2a-i3 滿足,使滿意
- perfectly satisfied sim bo2an i3 chiok 心滿意
satellite dish si2o-hi7*-a2, oe7-chhe* e5 chia2p-siukhi3 小耳朵,衛星接收器
- self-satisfied ka-ti7 ka2m-kak chin bo2an-chiok
satellite factory o7e-chhe* kang-chhi2u* 衛星工
satisfy a creditor he5ng-chheng che3-bu7 還清債
satellite navigation, global positioning system oe2-seng ta5u-ha5ng (phonetic), u7ichhe*-to7-ha5ng 衛星導航
satisfy hunger chhiong-ki, to7+-iau 充饑,填飽肚
satellite state, vassal or dependent state
hu3-io5ng-kok 附庸國
satisfy one's desire bo2an-chiok io8k-bo7ng 滿
satellite television, satellite TV o7e-chhe*
tia7n-si7 衛星電視,衛視
satisfy the craving for the time being ko3egia3n 過癮
satellite TV station o7e-chhe* tia7n-si7-ta5i 衛星電
satisfy thirst chi2 chhu3i-ta 止渴
satiate ho7+… chia8h-pa2, ho7+… bo2an-chiok,
chia8h kah ia3 使吃飽,使滿足,吃膩了
satisfy, to compensate, fulfill an obligation,
settle a debt po5e-sio5ng, he5ng-che3, li2-he5ng
gi7-bu7 賠償,還債,履行,義務
satiated with food chia8h-pn7g chia8h kah chin
ia3 吃飯吃得很膩
saturate, wet thoroughly, infiltration, osmosis chi3m ho7+ ta5m, chi3m tha3u-ko3e, sia8p-ko3e,
pa2u-ho5 浸濕透,滲透,飽和
satiated with pleasure, luxury la-thian 閒逸而
saturation, be saturated pa2u-ho5 飽和
satiety pa2 koh ia3, bo2an-chiok 又飽又膩,滿足
Saturday pa3i-la8k, seng-ki5-la8k 禮拜六,星期六
satin to7an 緞
Saturn planet Tho2+-chhi*, Tho2+-chhe* 土星
satins and silks ti5u-to7an 綢緞
sauce, soy sauce, soy paste ta7u-iu5, ta7u-chi3u*
satire khau-se2 e5 o7e 諷刺
satirical khau-se2 e5, keng-the2 e5, hong-chhi3 e5 諷
- tomato sauce tho5+-ma2-toh chi3u* 蕃茄醬
saucer, small plate ti8h-a2, phiat-a2 小碟,碟盤
satirical novel hong-chhi3 sia2u-soat 諷刺小說
saucer, flying saucer hui-tia8p 飛碟
save the world, salvation ki3u-se3 救世
saucer eyes, saucer-eyed chhe*-gi5n-gi5n 眼睛
save time se2ng si5-kan, chiat-se2ng si5-kan 省時間,
saucy bo5-le2 e5, hoa8t-phoat e5 無禮的,活潑的
save up food chek ni5u-si8t 儲存糧食
saucy attitude bo5 le2-ma7u e5 tha7i-to7+ 不禮貌的
save work and trouble se2ng-kang 省工,省事
Saudi Arabia Soa-o+-te7 A-la-pek 沙烏地阿拉伯
sauerkraut pha3u pe8h-chha3i 泡白菜
save, economize se2ng, khia7m, chiat-iok 省,節
sauna sam-un-lo2an 三溫暖
save, to rescue, deliver chi2n-ki3u 拯救
saunter bo2ng-ki5a*, siau-ia5u, sa3m-po7+ 閒逛,消遙,
save, to use with thrift chiat-se2ng 節省
sausage ian-chhia5ng (Chinese), la8h-chhia5ng
saving little by little will ensure abundance
chek-sia2u se5ng-to 積少成多
savage, wild, fierce, uncivilized ia2-ba5n,
hiong-ok, cha5n-ji2m, bi7 khai-ho3a, hoan 野蠻,
savings bank thu2-thiok gi5n-ha5ng 儲蓄銀行
save, deposit ki3a-kim 存款於銀行
- perverse and savage hoa5i* koh hoan 霸道
saving thu2-kim 儲金
savings, reserves thu2-pi7 儲備
Savior, the Messiah Ki3u-chu2, Ki3u-se3-chu2 救主,
saviour of all cho3 ba7n-bi5n e5 ki3u-chhe* 成為萬
savage, desolate, wild hong-lia5ng, pha-hng
saviour, savior ki3u-che3-chi2a, ki3u-chhe* 救濟者,
savage tribe ia2-ba5n bi5n-cho8k 野蠻民族
savagely ia2-ba5n, cha5n-ji2m, chin li7-ha7i 野蠻,殘
savor bi7, chu-bi7, khi3-bi7 味,滋味,氣味
- bad savor pha2i*-bi7, chha3u-bi7 臭味
- to roar savagely hoah kah to7a se3 sia*, ha2u
kah ho+*-ho+*-ki3o 大聲咆哮,哭得哇哇叫
- sweet savor phang-bi7 香味
savageness, barbarism, barbarous ia2-ba5n 野
savory khi3-bi7 ho2 e5, pha9ng-phang-phang e5 味香
save, rescue, make safe ki3u, ka2i-ki3u, po2-ho7+
saw ki3-a2, ki3 鋸子,鋸
- hand saw chhi2u-ki3 手鋸
- to be saved tit-ki3u 得救
- teeth of a saw ki3-a2-khi2 鋸齒
save souls ki3u la5ng e5 le5ng-hu5n 救人的靈魂
- to saw timber lia5u-chha5 鋸木材
save and protect, first aid ki3u-ho7+ 救護
saw asunder ki3-khui 鋸開
save energy or labor se2ng-la8t 省力
saw mill che3-chha5i-so2+ 製材廠
save face, honor or respect ko3+ bi7n-chu2 顧面
sawdust ki3-sut, ki3-sut-hu 鋸屑
save from danger ka2i-ki3u 解救
saxophone sat-khek-su-hong (phonetic) 薩克
Saxon Sat-khek-su3n 薩克遜
save material se2ng-lia7u 省料
save money for future use chu5n-au7 存著備用
say, to talk, tell, to discourse ko2ng, ka2ng,
pia2u-ta8t 講,表達
save money secretly chek sai-khia 積私房錢
save money, savings, save up thu2-thiok 儲蓄
- not dare to say m7-ka2* ko2ng 不敢說
save on expenses, shave costs se2ng-hu3i 省
- that is to say chi7u-si7, oa7* chi8t ku3 o7e la5i ko2ng
save one's own skin, self-defense, protect
oneself po2-sin 保身
say absurd things ko2ng-go7ng-o7e 說傻話
save a situation or failing concern ba2n-ki3u
say clearly ho7e-ho7e le3 說清楚
say any old thing o+-pe8h ko2ng 亂講
say good-by, bid farewell ko3-pia8t, ko3-si5, sio-si5
save some one's life ki3u-mi7a 救命
save the nation chi2n-ki3u ba7n-bi5n 拯救萬民
say hello, greet somebody, use one's influence on another's behalf, warn chiohchhu3i 打招呼
save the State, country, nation ki3u-kok 救國
say in vain, say without getting a result
ko2ng na2 bi2-chin 比喻說了也沒用
scaffold for constructing buildings ke3-a2 架
say irresponsible and sarcastic remarks
phah-la8h-lia5ng 說風涼話
- to put up a scaffold tah ke3 搭棚架
scaffold for executions cha2m-si2u-ta5i, he5ng-ta5i
say irresponsible things, talk at random, to
flatter oe7-san oe7-su2i 吹牛,花言巧語
scaffolding ke3-a2, ke3-pang 台架,足台
Say it again. Koh ko2ng chi8t-pa2i. 再說一次!
scaffolding for construction eng-ke3 鷹架
say Mass ki2-he5ng Mi5-sat-le2 舉行彌撒禮
scald thn3g 燙
say more than has to be said ke-ko2ng-o7e 多
scald to death thn3g-si2 燙死
say nothing to the point or purpose kong
kah a-li2-put-ta8t 說得不三不四
scalded and blistered thn3g pho3ng-pha7 燙成泡
scalded thn3g-tio8h 燙傷,燙著
scalded by boiling water ho7+ ku2n-chu2i thn3gtio8h 被開水燙傷
say nothing to the point, evade the issue
ko2ng kah put-tap put-chhit 說得不得要領
scale pi2-le7, pi2-le7-chhioh 比例,比例尺
say opposite things at different times chi3a*ko2ng to3-ko2ng 正說反說
- on a large scale to7a kui-bo5+ 大規模
- small scale si2o kui-bo5+ 小規模
say prayers lia7m-keng, ki5-to2 唸經,祈禱
say repeatedly, continually kho8k-kho8k ko2ng
scale pi2o 表
say repeatedly, blame each other ko2ng-la5i
ko2ng-khi3 講來講去
scale a fish, take off fish scales phah-la5n 去
say the act of contrition, give sacramental
absolution lia7m si3a-cho7e-keng (Catholic)
scale for weighing, balance, Libra thianpe5ng 天秤
say the opposite of what one thinks tian-to3ko2ng 說相反,顚倒說
scale of fees or prices ke3-kek-pi2o 價格表
say what one does not mean iu2-kha2u bu5-sim
scale, fish scales hi5-la5n 魚鱗
scale a wall peh chhi5u*-u5i-a2 爬圍牆
scale of a map, model pi2-le7-chhioh 比例尺
scale, climb up peh 攀登
say what should not be said, fire at random,
take a pot shot o+-pe8h to7a*, lo7an-to7a* 亂
scale, musical scale im-kai 音階
saying o7e, ko2ng-oe7, sio8k-gi2 話,說話,俗語
scale, scope, plan, structure kui-bo5+ 規模
scale, peel off like paint hiauh, lak-khi2-la5i 剝
scale, steelyard, weighing stick te2ng-a2,
chhi3n-a2 戥子,秤
- wise saying keh-gia5n 格言
saying nothing one way or the other bo5
ko2ng bo5 ta3* 一句話也不講的
scales giving weight in pounds, avoirdupois po7ng-a2 磅秤,磅仔
scab phi2-a2 瘡痂,瘡口的皮乾了,疕仔
scaling ladder, a fire extension ladder hu5nthui 雲梯
- pick off a scab kha3ng phi2 摳痂
scab hardened by drying, form a scab kianpa 結疤
scallop ha2i-si3* 扇貝
scalp tha5u-khak-pho5e, pak tha5u-khak-pho5e 頭
scab of a wound kian-phi2 結疤
scab on a boil lia8p-a2-phi2 瘡痂
scalped tickets n5g-gu5-phi3o 黃牛票
scabbard kia3m-si3o, to-si3o 劍鞘,刀鞘
scalpel, dissecting knife ka2i-pho2+-to, ka2ipho3+-to 解剖刀
scabby or mangy head chha3u-tha5u 癩頭,臭
scalpel, surgical knife chhi2u-su8t-to 手術刀
scabies, get scabby se*-ke3 長疥瘡,傳染性皮
scaly ant-eater, pangolin la5-li2 穿山甲
scamper cha2u-la5i cha2u-khi3, pi3a*-le2-lo7ng 跑來跑
scabies, the itch, ringworm ke3-sia2n 疥癬
scabs falling off like after small-pox lak-phi2
scan kho3a* kah chin sio5ng-se3, ia2* ko3e 審視,匆
scan a document sa3u-mia5u bu5n-ki7a* 掃描文
bo5 si2a*-mih 幾乎沒有,一定不,大概不,差一
scan credit card lu3-khah, soa-kha5 (phonetic)
scare phah tio8h-kia*, ha2*, he*h-kia* 驚駭,唬,嚇
scandal, especially an illicit affair a3i-ma7i
he5ng-u5i 曖昧行為
scare people to death, very dirty, very expensive, very horrible etc. kia*-si2-la5ng 嚇
scandal, something disgraceful kia3n-sia3u-su7,
kia3n-sia3u-ta7i 丟人的事
scarecrow chha2u-la5ng, ti7u-chha2u-la5ng 稻草人
scandal, bad example pha2i* bo5+-ho7an, pha2i*
pia2u-iu7*, kia3n-sia3u-ta7i, hu3n-kha3i 壞模範,壞
scared, be astounded, lose courage, be
frightened out of one's wits, become
terrified pho3a-ta2* 破膽
- to cause a scandal by one's action la3ukhu3i 丟臉
scared, cautious and anxious, jittery, wary
the5-sim tia3u-ta2* 提心吊膽
- to talk about another person's scandal
keng-the2 la5ng, ko2ng la5ng e5 si7-hui 諷刺別人,
scaremonger pa3ng ia5u-gia5n e5 la5ng 散佈謠言的
- to give scandal li8p pha2i* pia2u-iu7*, cho3 pha2i*
bo5+-ho7an 立壞榜樣,做壞模範
scarlet to7a-a5ng, chhim a5ng-sek 大紅,深紅色
scarf u5i-kin, phoa8h-kin 圍巾
scarlet fever seng-a5ng-jia8t 猩紅熱
scandalize i2n-iu2 la5ng ho7an-cho7e, chho7a la5ng
ho7an-cho7e, ho7+ la5ng hia5m, ho7+ la5ng hu3nkha3i 引誘人犯罪,引人犯罪,令人嫌棄,令人
scathing siong-ha7i e5, li7-ha7i e5 傷害,嚴厲的
scatter, sow, disperse ia7, so3a*, hun-so3a*,
so3a*-khui 撒,散,分散,散開
- all scattered tang-to2 sai-oai 東倒西歪
scandalmonger chi8t-si3-ke3 khi3 ko2ng pha2i* o7e e5
la5ng 到處去散佈醜聞謠言的人
- to scatter seeds ia7-che2ng 撒種
scanner sa3u-bi5au-khi3, sa3u-bi5au-ki 掃描器
scatter about like sand, seeds, or things
strewn about without order ia7-so3a* 撒散
scant khia3m-khoeh, put-chiok, chi2o 欠缺的,不
scanty khoat-hoa8t e5, khia3m-khoeh, ha8t, putchiok e5 缺乏的,不足的
scatter barbed wire on the road or field so
that thieves will injure their bare feet
pa3ng-ko+ 佈鐵蒺藜,放觚
scanty of words chin bo5 chhu3i-su2i 不善言詞
scatter sand ia7-soa* 撒沙
scapegoat, person blamed for somebody
else's faults, fall-guy ta7i-cho7e ko-iu5*, the3si2-ku2i 代罪羔羊,替死鬼
scatterbrain tha5u-na2u so3a*-so3a* e5 la5ng, so3a*he5ng e5 (slang) 注意力不集中的人
scapula, shoulder blade keng-kah-kut 肩胛骨
scattered all about oe3 kah mo2a-si3-ke3 四處弄
scapular se3ng-i 聖衣
scattered in all directions si3-so3a* 四散
scattered, scattered in all different directions, in confusion and disorder so3a*so3a* khi3 分散了
- wear a scapular moa se3ng-i 披聖衣
scar from a knife cut to-khi5 刀疤
scar from bites chhu3i-khi2-hu5n 牙痕
scavenger sa3u ke-lo7+ e5, a3i chia8h si-the2 no7a-khi3
e5 to7ng-bu8t 清道夫,以腐物腐屍為食的動物
scar from a wound siong-hu5n 傷痕
scar left by a boil lia8p-a2-jiah 瘡疤
scenario, story line, plot, script for play,
opera, movie, screenplay, manual,
synopsis of a play or film kio8k-che5ng,
ke8k-che5ng, kio8k-pu2n, ke8k-pu2n, soat-be5ng-si
scar, cicatrix, scab pa 疤
scar, marks, track hu5n, jiah, khi5 痕,跡,疤痕
scar, old wounds ku7-siong 舊傷
scar, slash marks, traces to-hu5n 刀痕
scene, stage bu2-ta5i, po3+-ke2ng, chi8t bo7+ 舞台,佈
scarce chi2o, hi-ha2n, bo5-ka3u 少,稀罕,不足
scarcely any one bo5-si2a* la5ng 沒什麼人
scarcely, hardly any, certainly not, probably
not, just short, no chha-put-to bo5, it-te7ng
be7, ta7i-kha3i be7, li2m-li2m-a2, chha chi8t-sut-a2 to7,
scene, a sight, circumstances che5ng-ke2ng
scene, landscape, vista kong-ke2ng, hongke2ng 光景,風景
scene, stage, pageantry, impressive front,
in public ti5u*-bi7n 場面
schizophrenia cheng-si5n hun-lia8t che3ng 精神
scenery with mountains and water, landscape san-su2i 山水
scholar, learned person, an intellectual,
literati ha8k-chi2a, u7 ha8k-bu7n e5 la5ng, tha8kchheh-la5ng 學者,有學問的人,讀書人
scenery, landscape, view, scenic spotr
hong-ke2ng 風景
scholars following Confucian thought, Confucianists Ju5-ka 儒家
scenery, pleasing views, vista ke2ng-ti3 景致,
scholars, farmers, workers and merchants,
the social castes of old China su7-lo5ng
kong-siong 士農工商
scenery, view ke2ng-sek 景色
scenes, landscape ke2ng-bu8t 景物
scholarship chio2ng-ha8k-kim 獎學金
scenic hong-ke2ng e5 風景的
scholarship, scholarly achievements, scholastic ability ha8k-le8k 學力
scenic tourist attraction, scenic area hongke2ng-khu 風景區
scent, ordor, perfume bi7, phang-bi7, phi7* 氣味,
- liquid scent phang-chu2i 香水
scholastic ha8k-ha7u e5, ka3u-io8k e5, gia2n-ki3u-seng
scholastic life ha8k-ha7u seng-oa8h 學校生活
scholastic philosophy su7-li5m tiat-ha8k 士林哲
scented tea hoe-te5 花茶
scepter of authority kho5an-tia7ng 權杖
scholastic year ha8k-ni5 學年
sceptre o5ng-ko5an 王權
schedule of studies kho3-the5ng-pi2o 課程表
scholasticism ho5an-so2 thiat-ha8k, chun-si2u
tho5an-tho2ng e5 ka3u-tia5u a2-si7 hong-hoat 煩
schedule, list pi2o 表
school ha8k-ha7u 學校
schedule of classes kong-kho3-pi2o 功課表
schedule, schedule in advance, reserve a
time for i7-te7ng si5-kan 預定時間
- junior middle school kok-tiong 國中
schedule, time table si5-kan-pi2o 時間表
- principal of a school ha7u-ti2u* 校長
schedule, train schedule ho2e-chhia si5-kanpi2o 火車時間表
- senior middle school ko-tiong 高中
scheme ke3-o7e, ke3-e8k, ke3-ti3, ke3-bo5+, ke3-chhek,
siat-ke3 計劃,計謀,計策,設計
- to run a school pa7n ha8k-ha7u 辦學校
- outside of school hours kho3-go7a 課外
- to graduate from school pit-gia8p 畢業
- to run away from school to5-ha8k 逃學
scheme in vain, make plans to no avail pe8hhu3i sim-ki 白費心機
- trade school chit-gia8p ha8k-ha7u 職業學校
scheme or plan beforehand, premeditated
crime i7-bo5+ 預謀
school academic year ha8k-ni5-to7+ 學年度
scheme or trick detected beforehand ke3-bo5+
pa7i-lo7+ 計謀敗露
school anniversary ha7u-khe3ng 校慶
scheme to acquire wealth bo5+-cha5i 謀財
school boarders siok-si3a-seng 宿舍生
scheme together, to plan together, collaborate, collude, conspire, collusion kio7ngbo5+ 共謀
school bus ha7u-chhia 校車
school age ha8k-le5ng 學齡
school area ha8k-khu 學區
school chartered by the provincial government se2ng-li8p ha8k-ha7u 省立學校
scheme, synthesis, system he7-tho2ng 系統
school discipline, the traditions of a school,
academic traditions ha8k-hong 學風
schemes, devices or designs, craftiness
sim-ki 心機
school dormitory ha8k-lia5u 學生宿舍
scheming is not so good as getting a good
opportunity nn3g-chn3g m7-ta8t-tio8h tu2-tn7g 鑽
school dropout tiong-toat-seng 中輟生
school education ha8k-ha7u ka3u-io8k 學校教育
schism chong-ka3u hun-lia8t, hun-lia8t, to2ng-pha3i,
pha3i-he7 宗教分裂,分裂,黨派,派系
school entrance examination ji8p-ha8k kho2chhi3 入學考試
schismatic hun-pha3i e5, chong-ka3u hun-lia8t e5,
lia8t-ka3u-to5+ 分派的,宗教分裂的,裂教徒
school established by the city, municipal
schools chhi7-li8p ha8k-ha7u 市立學校
school established by the county ko7an-li8p
ha8k-ha7u 縣立學校
- National Science Hall Kok-li8p kho-ha8kko2an 國立科學館
school expenses, fees ha8k-hu3i 學費
- political science che3ng-ti7-ha8k 政治學
school flag ha7u-ki5 校旗
- theological science si5n-ha8k 神學
school for deaf mutes lo5ng-a ha8k-ha7u 聾啞學
science and technology kho-ki 科技
science and technology university kho-kita7i-ha8k 科技大學
school for short-term training or instruction
ka2ng-si8p-so2+ 講習所
science education kho-ha8k ka3u-io8k 科學教育
school for the blind khe2-be5ng ha8k-ha7u 啟明學
science fiction kho-ha8k-sia2u-soat 科學小說
science lecture meeting ha8k-su8t ia2n-ka2ng-ho7e
school for the blind and mute bo5ng-a ha8kha7u 盲啞學校
science of electricity, electrology tia7n-khi3ha8k 電氣學
school for training fishery workers chu2i-sa2n
ha8k-ha7u 水產學校
science of history, historiography le8k-su2-ha8k
school hours sio7ng-kho3 si5-kan 上課時間
school inspector tok-ha8k 督學
school janitor ha7u-kang 校工
science of medicines, pharmacology io8hha8k 藥學
school of agriculture, vocational school of
agriculture lo5ng-gia8p ha8k-ha7u 農業學校
science, science course, department of
natural sciences li2-kho 理科
school of enlightenment khe2-ti3-ha8k-ha7u 啟智
scientific kho-ha8k e5, kho-ha8k-ho3a e5 科學的,科
school of thought, sect ha8k-pha3i 學派
scientific age kho-ha8k si5-ta7i 科學時代
school or college register ha8k-che8k 學籍
scientific instruments, apparatus kho-ha8k gi5khi3 科學儀器
school premises, school buildings ha7u-si3a
scientific knowledge kho-ha8k ti3-sek 科學知識
school rules or regulations ha7u-kui 校規
school song, college song ha7u-koa 校歌
scientific management kho-ha8k-ho3a ko2an-li2
school supplies ha8k-ha7u io7ng-phi2n 學校用品
scientific name or term ha8k-mi5a 學名
school teacher ka3u-oa5n, la7u-su 教員,老師
scientific principle, theory ha8k-li2 學理
school term ha8k-ki5 學期
scientific world kho-ha8k-ka3i 科學界
school with good reputation beng-seng-ha8kha7u 明星學校
scientist kho-ha8k-ka, kho-ha8k-chi2a 科學家,科
school work kho3-gia8p 課業
scintilla ho2e-chhe*, chi8t-sut-a2, chin chi2o 火花,
school year ha8k-ni5 學年
scissors, shears ka-to 剪刀
school, at school cha7i-ha8k, cha7i-ha8k-tiong 在
- to cut with scissors ka 剪
sclerosis nge7-ho3a 硬化
schoolmaster's office, principal's office
ha7u-ti2u*-sek 校長室
sclerosis of the arteries, hardening of the
arteries hoeh-kin nge7-ho3a, to7ng-me8h nge7ho3a 血管硬化,動脈硬化
schoolmate to5ng-ha8k, to5ng-chhong 同學,同窗
school-of-the air, academic instruction by
radio khong-tiong ha8k-ha7u 空中學校
scoff thi2-chhi3o 嘲笑
scold me7, ma7, chek-me7 罵,責罵
schoolwork, studies, one's lessons ha8k-gia8p
scold and punish chek-hoa8t 責罰
schoolyard, school playground ha7u-ti5a* 校庭,
scold each other sio-me7 吵架
sciatica che7-kut si5n-keng-thi3a* 坐骨神經痛
scold somebody indirectly, scold, abuse
person by ostensibly pointing to
someone else se2-bi7n khi3 ga7i-tio8h phi7* 指
science, academic, knowledge kho-ha8k, ha8ksu8t, ti3-sek 科學,學術,知識
- moral science lu5n-li2-ha8k 論理學
scold people obscenely chhoh-la5ng 辱罵人
scold someone, criticize someone behind
his back ko2ng-sia5u ko2ng-phi7* (slang) 罵他
score in a competition tit e5 hun-so3+, tit-hun 所
score, musical score, sheet music ga8k-pho2+
scold with obscene language chhoh, chhoh
ka3n-kia7u 辱罵,謾罵
score, to scratch jia3u-hu5n 抓痕
scolded often chha3u-tha5u ke-a2 常常被罵
scorekeeper ki3-hun-oa5n 記分員
scolded, slapped by parents chia8h-pho3ngpi2a* 受責罵,被挨打
scoring, the points obtained, the score, the
runs scored tit-hun 得分
scoop food out of a pan or a pot khat-chha3i
scorn gi5n, chhi3o, thi2-chhi3o, kho3a*-khin, bu2-jio8k
scoop or net out of water ho5+ 掏取,瓢
- to laugh to scorn khau-se2 諷刺
scoop or net something out of water ho5+khi2-la5i 撈起來
scorn somebody gi5n la5ng 瞪人
scoop out o2+ chhut-la5i 挖出來
scorned woman si7u bu2-jio8k e5 hu7-ji5n-la5ng 受侮
scoop out a hole with a knife e7ng to iahkhang 用刀挖洞
scornful bia2u-si7 e5, kho3a*-khin e5, bo5-le2 e5 蔑視的,
scoop out the eyes oe2 ba8k-chiu 挖眼睛
scorpion giat-a2 蠍子
scoop out, dig out, gouge out li2u 挖
Scotch So+-kek-la5n e5 蘇格蘭的
scoop out, gouge out, hollow out iah 挖
Scotch tape ka-to3a, jia7o-da3i (phonetic) 膠帶
scoop out, to gouge, dig out o2+ 挖
Scotland So+-kek-la5n 蘇格蘭
scoop up duck weed with a strainer ho5+
phi5o-a2 掬取浮瓢
Scott Postage Stamp Yearbook scott iu5phi3o-ni5-ka3m 司各脫郵票年鑒
scoop up soil iah tho5+, o2e tho5+ 挖土
scoundrel lo5+-mo5a, pha2i*-la5ng 流氓,歹徒
scoop, dig out iu2*, iah, o2e, iu2* e5 khok-a2 汲取,
scoundrel, traitor kan-chha8t 奸賊
scour chhit, lu3, se2 chheng-khi3 拭,擦,洗淨
scooter suh-kuh-ta3 (phonetic) 速克達
scooter, motorcycle ki-chhia, o+-tho2+-ba2i 機車,
scope ho7an-u5i, kia3n-sek, ki-ho7e 範圍,見識,機
- to scour bright lu3 ho7+ kim 擦亮
scourge, whip pi*, pian, pho5e-pi*, e7ng pi*
phah, gia5m-hoa8t 鞭,皮鞭,鞭打,嚴罰
scout tha3m, cheng-chhat 探,偵察
scout, snitch po3-be2-a2 打小報告
scorch chha3u-ho2e-ta 燒焦
scout, spy, detective tha3m-a2 探子
scorch with a small fire like that of cigarette
or joss stick chhuh 灼,燒
scouting, to reconnoiter cheng-chhat 偵察
scorched black, charred tio8h ho2e-sio 燒焦
scoutmaster to5ng-chu2-kun e5 ka3u-lia7n 童子軍
scorched black, charred, burnt lo+-khi3 燒焦了
scouts' jamboree to5ng-chu2-kun to7a-lo7+-ia5* 童
scorched black, charred, burnt, mangy dog
or cat tio8h-lo+ 燒焦了,生疥癬的
scowl ba8k-tha5u kat-kat, pi3*-bi7n 皺眉,翻臉
scorched or singed by fire or a hot iron u3tio8h 燙到了
scramble, climb pe5, peh 爬
scramble chicken eggs chha2 nn7g, chha2-kenn7g 炒雞蛋
scorched, burnt chha3u-ho2e-ta, chha3u-ta 燒焦
scorcher joa8h kah beh si2-khi3 e5 thi*-khi3 大熱天
scramble for the ball chhi2u* ki5u 搶球
scorching ia7m, chin me2 e5 烈火,灼人的
scramble or struggle for something siochhi2u* 相搶
scorching heat ia7m-jia8t 炎熱
score board ki3-hun-pang 記分板
score card ki3-hun-kha3 記分卡
scramble, to fight over something on the
ground, to grab sio-chi*, sio-che*, chhi2u*
score for lute, guitar, piano, other stringed
instruments khi5m-pho2+ 琴譜
scrap, a small piece chi8t-phi3*-a2, chi8t-te3-a2,
chi8t-sut-a2 小片,小塊,一點點
score book ki3-hun-pho7+ 記分簿
- to get scraps of information tit-tio8h chi8tsut-a2 siau-sit 得到一點兒消息
scrawny sa2n-thiu, sa2n koh po8h-pa2n, sa2n-pi-pa
scrap book chi8p-gi2m-pho7+ 集錦簿
scrawny looking child, mischievous child
m7-chi5a*-gi2n-na2 不成器的孩子
scrap heap pu3n-so3-tui, thih-sa2i-tui 垃圾堆,鐵
scream, shout hiu, hoah-hiu, hiu-hiu-ki3o 喊,
scrape a piece of wood with a knife e7ng to-a2
siah chha5 用刀子削木材
screech ki-ki-ki3o 尖叫聲
scrape a rice cooker khau-ti2a* 刮鍋子
screen e5ng-bo7+, gi5n-bo7+ 螢幕
scrape a hole, to bore, to shovel, to scoop
oe2 挖
screen, standing screen po3+-li5, u5i-pi5n, pi5nhong, cha8h-a2, cha8h, jia 布簾,圍屏,閘,遮
scrape off the skin with a scraper khau-pho5e
- harbor a criminal am-kha3m ho7an-la5ng 藏匿
scrape the candle wax off a desk khau tohte2ng e5 la8h-chek-iu5 刮桌上的蠟燭油
- bamboo screen tek-li5-a2 竹簾
- door screen mn5g-li5 門簾
scrape together put cho3-ho2e 扒在一起
- to hang a screen tia3u po3+-li5 掛布簾
scrape with a knife like when enlarging or
clearing a hole, to bore, to drill oe, ui 挖,
scrape with fingers over the skin pe5, jia3u, lu3tio8h 抓,擦傷
screen door ba7ng-a2-mn5g, sa-thang 紗窗
screen made of thin, flat slips of bamboo,
small hanging bamboo screen pi2n-a2,
tek-pi2n 竹屏
screen off, to hinder cha8h 遮,擋,欄
scrape, cut, scratch siah, khau 削,刮
screen saver program, monitor saver program e5ng-bo7+ po2-ho7+ the5ng-sek 螢幕保護
scrape, plunder koeh 刮
scrape, scraper, to rake, to brush put 扒,拂
scrape, to plane, to pound, to strike, pull up
a plant khau 刨,刮,拔
screen, to harbor, to shelter, to countenance, defend someone who does not
deserve defense pau-pi3 包庇
scraped, planed, pounded, hit or pulled up
hia7n-khau 現拔的
screening, testing chu-keh si2m-cha 資格審查
scraper for taking off skin from fruits or
vegetables khau-a2 刨刀
screens or curtains for doors or windows
ti3u*-li5 帳簾
scraping sound ki-ki-ki3o e5 sia* 刮擦聲
screw lo5+-si, lo5+-si-teng, chu7n 螺絲釘,扭轉
scraps of cake pi2a*-sap-a2 餅屑
screw down chu7n lo8h-khi3 旋下去,旋牢
scraps of meat bah-iu3-a2 肉屑
screw in a screw chu7n lo5+-si 扭轉螺絲
scraps, crumbs, chips sap 屑
screw jack lo5+-si khi2-ta7ng-ki 螺絲起重機
scratch, fingernail marks chn2g-kah-hu5n 指甲
screw out chu7n khi2-la5i 旋開,旋起來
screw propeller, propeller, screw phu-lophe-la (phonetic) 螺旋槳
scratch, snatch, itch jia3u 抓
scratch an itchy spot pe5, jia3u, jia3u-chi7u*, pe5
chi77u* 抓,抓癢
scribble o+-pe8h-chu8t, lo2-chho2 亂寫,潦草
scratch away with the nails kha3ng khi2-la5i,
kha3ng-tia7u 樞起來,樞掉
scribe, Jewish Scribe su-ki3, Iu5-tha3i-ka3u kengsu 書記,猶太教經書
scratch the head in perplexity jia3u tha5u-khak
scrimmage kui-ti7n lo7an-phah, chhi2u*-ki5u 混戰,
scratch, file marks le3-hu5n 剉痕
scrimp khia7m, chiat-se2ng 節儉,節省
scratch, rub, graze le3 擦
script go5an-ko2, chi3a*-pu2n, pit-chek 原稿,正本,
screwdriver lo5+-si-ka2, chu7n-pe 螺絲起子
scratch, scrape lu3, jia3u-hu5n, jia3u-tio8h, jia3uchi7u* 擦,抓痕,抓傷,搔癢
script type of calligraphy chho2-si2a 草寫
scratch, suffer a scratch chhe3-siong 擦傷
scripture se3ng-keng, keng-tia2n, keng-bu5n 聖經,
scrawl o+-pe8h-chu8t, lo7an-cho7 亂塗
scrawl on walls, graffiti, face painting,
scribbling oe7-o+ chhat-pe8h 亂塗,畫花臉
- Holy Scripture Se3ng-keng 聖經
- interpreter of the Scriptures chu3-kengchi2a 注解聖經的人
scurrility lah-sap-o7e, ha7-li5u e5 o7e 污穢語,下流
Scripture says Se3ng-keng ki3-cha3i 聖經記載
scrofula swellings on the neck li2-la8t 瘰痢
scurrilous chho+-lo2+, ha7-li5u e5, ko2ng pe8h-chha8t
e5 粗野,下流的,撒謊的
scroll lia5n-te8k, lia5n, tu3i-lia5n 輓聯,聯,對聯
scurvy pa7i-hiat-che3ng 壞血症
- a pair of scrolls chi8t tu3i tu3i-lia5n 一副對聯
scuttle phah ti5m-lo8h-khi3 擊沉
- to paste up scrolls on the door tah mn5glia5n, tah a5ng-lia5n 貼門聯,貼春聯
scythe to7a ki lia5m-le8k-a2 大鐮刀
SDS: Society of the Divine Savior Ki3u-chu2ho7e (Catholic) 救主會
- to send a scroll sa3ng lia5n-te8k 送輓聯
sea ha2i 海
scrolls written in memory of a friend and
sent to his funeral ba2n-lia5n 輓聯
- Dead Sea Si2-ha2i 死海
scrotum im-lo5ng, la7n-pha 陰囊
- disaster at sea ha2i-la7n 海難
scrub with a brush lu3, bi2n 用力擦,刷
- Red Sea An5g-ha2i 紅海
scrub, scour, to scrape chhe3, chho3e 搓,刷,
- to put to sea chhut-ka2ng 出港
- to travel by sea ho5ng-ha2i 航海
scrubbing brush for cleaning rice boilers
ti2a*-chhe3 鍋刷
sea and land ha2i-lio8k 海陸
sea area, maritime space ha2i-he8k 海域
scrumptious chiok ho2 e5, te7-it-li5u e5 極好的,第
sea bathing ha2i-chu2i-e8k 海水浴
sea birds ha2i-chia2u 海鳥
scruple, hesitate, too careful ti5u-ti5, ti5u-tu5,
ko3e-tha5u si2o-sim 躊躇,過於小心
sea blubber, jelly fish, medusa, used as a
cooling food the7, chu2i-bo2 水母
- to have scruples about gia5u-gi5, ho5ai-gi5 懷
sea bream chhiah-chang 赤鯮
sea breeze ha2i-hong 海風
- without scruple chin sat 很果斷
scruples, misgivings, apprehension, worry
ko3+-khi7 顧忌
sea chart ha2i-to5+ 海圖
scrupulous, bearing small, small hearted
sim-koa* e8h 心很小
sea cucumber, sea slug ha2i-som 海蔘
scrupulous, carefully, thoughtful, care te2ngchin, chiu-to3, ki2n-si7n 周到,謹慎
sea eel ha2i-mo5a 海鰻
sea coast ha2i-ho7a* 海岸
sea current ha2i-li5u 海流
sea elephant, walrus ha2i-chhi77u* 海象
scrupulous, falter ti5u-tu5 躊躇
sea fish kia5m-chu2i-hi5 鹹水魚
scrupulous, suspicious to-gi5 e5 多疑的
sea forces ha2i-kun 海軍
- to adhere scrupulously to ki2n-si7n kin-su5i
sea grass used to make mats kia5m-chha2u 鹹
scrutinize un-un-a2 chi5n, kho3a* kah chin sio5ngse3 細查
sea gull ha2i-o+ 海鷗
scrutiny sio5ng-se3 e5 tiau-cha, sio5ng-se3 e5 kia2mcha 細查,詳查
sea level ha2i-poa8t 海拔
sea level, surface of the ocean ha2i-bi7n 海面
scrutiny of votes cha-gia7m so2an-phi3o 查驗選
sea lobster, giant prawn lio5ng-he5 龍蝦
scry, a person seized with fear keng-kiongchi-nia2u 驚弓之鳥
sea otter, a beaver ha2i-thoah 海獺
sea of clouds hu5n-ha2i 雲海
sea rises high khi2-e2ng, khi2 hong-e2ng 起風浪
scullery se2-oa2* e5 chu2i-cho5 洗碗槽
sea roach, the sea bream pi2*-hi5 扁魚
sculling oar chu5n-lo2+ 船櫓
sea salt ha2i-ia5m 海鹽
sculptor, engraver, carver tiau-khek-ka 雕刻
sea serpents ha2i-cho5a 海蛇
sea turtle ha2i-ku 海龜
sculpture tiau-khek, tiau-khek-phi2n 雕刻,雕刻
sea water ha2i-chu2i 海水
sea water, brackish water kia5m-chu2i 鹹水
scum phoh, pho 渣,泡沫
sea waves ha2i-e2ng 海浪
seaboard ha2i-ho7a*, ha2i-ga7n, ha2i-pin, ha2i-pi* 海
search into, to examine into, to investigate
cha 查
seafarer chu2i-chhi2u, ki5a*-chu5n e5 水手
search light tha3m-chi3o-teng, chi3o-be5ng-teng
seafood ha2i-sa2n, ha2i-sian 海產,海鮮
seal i3n-chiong 印章
seal tn3g i3n-a2, hong, i3n-a2, hong-tia5u 蓋印,封,印,
search out chhiau-u7, chhiau-chhut-la5i 搜到,搜
search party so+-cha-tu7i 搜查隊
search warrant so+-cha-phi3o 搜查票
- Strips of paper used for sealing. hongtia5u 封條
search, investigation, search a house, person for something, to rummage so+-cha
- to seal a letter ka7 phoe hong-khi2-la5i 把信封
seal and put away hong-chu5n 封存
search, look for cha2u-chho7e 尋找
seal a casket with nails hong-teng 封釘
seared by fire ho7+ ho2e sio-tio8h 被火燒到
Seal of Confession ko3-ka2i e5 pi3-bi8t (Catholic)
seascape ha2i-ke2ng 海景
seal off a person's home because of debt
chhau-hong 抄封
seashore ha2i-ki5* 海邊
seashells, shells le5-a2-khak 貝殼
seashore, beach, coastal seaboard ha2i-ho7a*,
ha2i-ga7n 海岸
seal tightly or securely bi8t-hong 密封
seal up a coffin awaiting burial ta2*-tha2ng 停
seashore, port ha2i-kha2u 海口,海岸
seal up house hong-chhu3 查封房屋
seasickness hi5n-chu5n 暈船
seal up something hong khi2-la5i 封起來
seaside ha2i-po+ 海埔
seal, fur seal, ursine seal ha2i-ka2u 海狗
season ku3i, ku3i-chiat, si5-ki5, si5-chu7n 季,季節,時
seashore, seaside, beach ha2i-pin 海濱
seal, sea animal ha2i-pa3 海豹
seam or joint of cloth or lumber chiap-hu5n
- harvest season siu-koah-ki5 收割期
seam, bonding line, join, juncture kap-chhu3i,
kap-cho7a 接縫,接合線
- spring season chhun-thi* 春天
seam, to join, sew together with a machine
chhia 縫
- winter season tang-thi*, ko5a*-thi*-si5 冬天
- rainy season u2-ki5, u2-ku3i, ho7+-chu2i-ki5 雨季
- typhoon season hong-thai-ki5 颱風期
- the four seasons su3-ku3i 四季
seam, to sew together with needle and
thread thi7* 縫
season eggs with salt nn7g chham ia5m 蛋加鹽
seaman, sailor ha2i-oa5n, chu2i-si2u, chu2i-chhi2u,
chu5n-oa5n 海員,水手,船員
season foods, mix flavors, blend flavors
tiau-bi7 調味
seamstress li2 chha5i-ho5ng-su 女裁縫師
season ticket tn5g-ki5-phi3o 長期票
séance ka3ng-si5n-ho7e 降神會
season, to add favoring tiau-bi7, chham khi3-bi7,
ho7+…sek-io7ng, ho7+…sek-e3ng 調味,使適用,
seaplane, a hydroplane ha2i-sio7ng hui-ki, chu2isio7ng hui-ki 海上飛機,水上飛機
seasonable ha8h-si5 e5, ha8h si5-ki e5 合時的,合時
seaport ha2i-ka2ng, ka2ng-kha2u 海港,港口
sear ho7+ lian-khi3, ho7+ po2+-khi3 使枯萎,使乾枯
seasonal rain kam-u2 甘雨
search chho7e, chhiau, tha3m-ki5u, chha5, tiaucha 尋,搜,探求,查,調查
seasonal festivals according to the lunar
calendar ni5-cheh 年節
search everywhere chho7e-la5i chho7e-khi3,
chho7e ko3e-la5i chho7e ko3e-khi3 找來找去
seasonal rains, rains regular and sufficient
Ho7+ lo8h chin chia5u-u5n. 雨綿綿不斷的下.
search for cure ki5u-i 求醫
seasoning tiau-bi7-lia7u, tiau-bi7-phi2n 調味物,調
search for the clue chho7e kat-tha5u 找癥結
search for, look for, hunt up bu8t-sek 物色
seasons, weather, climate, advantages of
time thian-si5 天時
search a house chhiau-chhu3 搜查房子
seat, chair, bench i2-a2, i2-lia5u 椅子,長椅子
- reserved seat tu3i-ho7 e5 對號的
second day before yesterday to7a-cho8h-ji8t 大
seat according to the designated number
indicated on the ticket tu3i-ho7 ji8p-cho7 對
Second Freeway in Northern Taiwan Pak-ji7ko 北二高
seat of learning, institute of higher learning
ha8k-hu2 學府
second half of the month e7 po3a*-goe8h 下半月
second half of the year e7 po3a*-tang 下半年
seat of the pants kho3+-te2 褲底,褲襠
second hand on the dial of a clock or watch
bi2o-chiam 秒針
seat, a place to sit down u7i, che7-u7i, u7…che7-u7i
second lieutenant in the air force khong-kun
sia2u-u3i 空軍少尉
seats allotted to visitors, visitors' section
la5i-pin-se8k 來賓席
second lieutenant in the army sia2u-u3i 少尉
seats at a gathering reserved for women
hu7-ji5n-se8k 婦人席
second a motion at a meeting hu3-gi7 附議
second oldest brother, sister ji7-hia*, ji7-che2 二
seats reserved for the press, press box ki3chi2a-se8k 記者席
second part of a long movie, second volume of a book sio8k-chi8p 續集
seats reserved for visitors, visitors' seats
po5ng-the3ng se8k 旁聽席
second party tu3i-hong 對方
seaweed ha2i-chha2u, ha2i-chha3i 海藻,海菜
second person in grammar te7-ji7 ji5n-chheng
seaworthy sek-ha8p ha5ng-ha2i e5 chu5n, cho7 lia2u
chin ho2 e5 chu5n 適於航海的船,建造良好的
second printing or edition of a book cha3ipa2n 再版
sebaceous glands chi-hong-so3a* 脂肪腺
second son's branch of family ji7-pa5ng 二房
secessionists hun-li7-pha3i 分離派
second story te7 ji7 la5u 第二樓
seclude keh-li7, u2n-ki 隔離,隱居
second thoughts si7u* to3-tn2g 回想
secluded in the house bih ti7 chhu3-la7i 躲在家
second time, over again te5ng-koh 再次
second to none bo5-ta3ng pi2, be7 pi2-tit 沒得比
secluded place phian-phiah 偏僻
second trial ji7-si2m 二審
seclusion keh-li7, phian-phiah e5 so2+-cha7i 隔離,
second volume ha7-chi8p, te7-ji7 ko3an 下集,第二
- a place of seclusion u2n-ki e5 so2+-cha7i, u2ntu7n e5 so2+-cha7i 隱居的地方
second wife after divorce or death of the
first a7u-bo2+ 後妻,繼室
- to live in seclusion ko3e u2n-ki e5 seng-oa8h 過
Second World War, World War II Te7-ji7-chhu3
Se3-ka3i ta7i-chia3n 第二次世界大戰
second, unit of time bi2o 秒
second, number two te7 ji7 第二
- a second chi8t bi2o 一秒
second, support a motion cha3n-se5ng 贊成
- within 30 seconds sa*-cha8p bi2o la7i 三十秒
secondary te7-ji7-u7i e5, chhu3-ia3u e5 第二位的,次要
second base ji7-lu2i 二壘
- to put aside secondary affairs chhu3-ia3u e5
ta7i-chi3 poah chi8t-pi* 次要的事情擺一邊
second baseman ji7-lu2i-chhi2u 二壘手
second brewing of medicinal herbs, what's
left over after the first brewing io8h-che
secondary education tiong-te2ng ka3u-io8k 中等
secondary effects or reaction, side effect
hu3-chok-io7ng 副作用
second childhood la7u-la5ng gi2n-a2 se3ng, la7uhoan-tian 老人孩子氣,老糊塗
secondary school education hu2-io8k-i7* 輔育院
second childhood, in one's dotage la7u thiantho8h 老糊塗
secondhand ji7-chhi2u-ho3e 二手貨
secondhand car tiong-ko2+-chhia, ji7-chhi2uchhia 二手車,中古車
second class ji7-li5u e5, ji7-te2ng e5, ji7-kip e5 二流的,
secondhand clothes ko2+-i 舊衣
second day after tomorrow to7a-a7u-ji8t 大後天
secondhand clothing market ko2+-i chhi7-ti5u*
secret plan held in reserve for one's own
possible use or protection au7-po7+ 餘地
secondhand clothing store ko2+-i-tia3m 舊衣舖
secret plot, to plot secretly, plot against
a3m-so3an 暗算
secondhand or old book ku7-chheh 舊書
secondhand smoke chia8h ji7-chhi2u hun 抽二
secret police pi3-bi8t ke2ng-chhat 秘密警察
secondly ji7 la5i, te7-ji7-tia2m… 二來,第二點…
secret treaty pi3-bi8t tia5u-iok 秘密條約
secondly, the next in order, besides ki5-chhu3
secret wedding, clandestine marriage pi3-bi8t
kiat-hun 秘密結婚
secrecy pi3-bi8t 秘密
secret, hidden u2n-bi8t 隱密
secrecy, keep things secret, withhold information tia7m-tia7m bo5 ko2ng 秘而不宣
secret, secretly a3m-ba8t 隱密
secret societies pang-ho7e 幫會
secret, confidential ki-bi8t, pi3-bi8t e5, kha3m-ba8t e5,
pi3-bi8t, pi3-koat 機密,秘密的,隱密的,秘密,
- to divulge a secret sia8p-la7u pi3-bi8t 洩露秘密
secretariat pi3-si-chit, pi3-si-chhu3 秘書之職,秘書
secretary pi3-su 秘書
- private secretary su-ji5n pi3-su 私人秘書
secretary first class in an embassy it-te2ng
su-ki3-koa* 一等書記官
- to keep something a secret po2-si2u pi3-bi8t,
am-kha3m chi8t e5 ta7i-chi3 保守秘密,隱瞞一件
secretary general pi3-su-ti2u*, chu2-ji7m pi3-su 秘
secret agent che5ng-po3-oa5n, te8k-bu7 情報員,特
Secretary of Labor lo5-to7ng po7+-ti2u* 勞動部長
Secretary of State Kok-bu7-kheng 國務卿
secret arrow, secret activities designed to
hurt somebody a3m-chi3* 暗箭
Secretary of the Navy ha2i-kun po7+-ti2u* 海軍部
secret ballot pi3-bi8t ta5u-phi3o, bo5 ki3-mi5a ta5uphi3o 秘密投票,無記名投票
secretary, clerk su-ki3 書記
secret chamber bi8t-sek 密室
secrete saliva hun-pi3 chhu3i-no7a 分泌唾液
secret code bi8t-ma2, bi8t-be2 秘碼
secrete, secretion hun-pi3 分泌
secret conference, closed door meeting,
conclave, clandestine meeting pi3-bi8t
ho7e-gi7 秘密會議
secrete, to hide am-kha3m 掩蓋
secretive, cover, hide, keep a secret amkha3m, po2-si2u pi3-bi8t 掩蓋,隱瞞,保守秘密
secret conversation bi8t-ta5m 秘談
secretive, mysterious si5n-pi2 神秘
secret detective, secret agent, spy bi8t-tha3m
secretive, promote the secretion of chhiokchi3n hun-pi3 促進分泌
secret diplomacy pi3-bi8t go7a-kau 秘密外交
secretly thau-thau-a2 偷偷地
secret disease, venereal disease, undiscovered illness a3m-pe7*, se3ng-pe7*, hoali2u-pe7* 暗疾,性病,花柳病
- to enter secretly thau ji8p-la5i 偷進來
- to listen secretly thau-thia* 偷聽
- to run away secretly thau-cha2u 偷跑
secret document, classified papers, confidential document pi3-bi8t bu5n-ki7a* 秘密文
secretly hate a3m-hi7n 暗恨
secretly have a paramour be5ng-la5i a3m-khi3 明
secret emissary, envoy bi8t-sa3i 密使
secretly instigate trouble for another person sa2i-lo7ng, sa2i-so7 煽動,唆使,慫恿
secret formula for a medicine, secret prescription, nostrum pi3-hng 秘方
secretly put a bad article or inferior person
in place of a good one thau-thu3i 偷換,偷
secret mark, sign, signal or password a3mho7 暗號
secret of a long life tn5g-si7u e5 pi3-koat 長壽的秘
secretly, closely ba8t 密
secretly, stealthily, clandestinely, privately,
do something in the dark or without
light a3m-tiong 暗中
secret or confidential letter bi8t-ha5m 密函
secret place where crimes can be committed in the dark, a man's private parts
a3m-sa3m so2+-cha7i 陰森之地
secrets of an art, a key to pi3-koat 秘訣
secrets of heaven thian-ki 天機
secure investment tho3-to3ng e5 ta5u-chu 妥當的
secrets or worries in one's mind sim-su7 心事
secure one's end ta8t-ka3u bo8k-tek 達到目的
secrets, secret feelings, hidden matters,
things which cannot be revealed to
others u2n-che5ng 隱情
sect pha3i, pha3i-he7, ka3u-pha3i 派,派系,教派
secure a position for someone, same as anchhah find a place for someone an-ti3 安
sect, denomination chong-pha3i 宗派
secure, insure, maintain khak-po2 確保
sectarian pha3i-he7 e5, ka3u-pha3i e5 派系的,教派的
secure, safe an-cho5an e5, khak-si8t, tho3-to3ng,
u2n-to3ng, an-sim, po2-che3ng, po2-ni2a, koai*
tia5u-tia5u, po2-ho7+ 安全的,確實,妥當,穩當,
section to7a*, po7+, po7+-hu7n, tan-u7i, phi* 段,部,
- internal section la7i-po7+ 內部
secure, to get tit-tio8h 獲得
- the whole section cho5an-po7+ 全部
securities, bills, bonds che3ng-koa3n 證券
section of census registration ho7+-che8k-kho3
security, a guard ke2ng-u7i, ke2ng-o7e 警衛
security, guarantee, safeguard, pledge po2che3ng-su 保證書
section of fruit chiu 塊,周
section of the people chi8t po7+-hu7n e5 la5ng 一部
security, protection an-cho5an, tam-po2, te2-ahphi2n, po2-ni2a, po2-che3ng, po2-ho7+ 安全,擔保,
section or lobe of fruit ba7n, pa7n 瓣
section plans, cross section diagram to7anbi7n-to5+ 斷面圖
- to give security that nothing will happen
po2-che3ng bo5 ta7i-chi3 保證沒事
section, division chief kho-ti2u*, kho3-ti2u* 科長,
- to stand security for po2-ni2a, po2-ji7n, po2che3ng 保證
sectional athletic meeting khu-u7n 區運
Security Council of the United Nations Ancho5an Li2-su7-ho7e, An-li2-ho7e 安全理事會
sections or festivals of the year ni5-cheh 年節
security deposit, money paid as guarantee
or bail po2-che3ng-kim 保證金
secular hia7n-se3 e5, se3-sio8k e5, hui chong-ka3u
se3ng, se3-ki2 se3ng e5 現世的,世俗的,非宗教
secular affairs se3-sio8k e5 ta7i-chi3 世俗的事情
security, security check an-kia2m, an-choa5n
kia2m-cha 安檢,安全檢查
secular priests ka3u-khu e5 si5n-hu7 教區的神父
sedan style car kia5u-chhia 轎車
secularism hia7n-se3 chu2-gi7, se3-sio8k chu2-gi7,
chong-ka3u kap ka3u-io8k hun-li7 chu2-gi7 現世
sedan chair ki7o 轎
- bridal sedan hoe-ki7o 花轎
- sedan chair bearers kng-ki7o-e5, ki7o-hu 抬轎
secularize ho7+…se3-sio8k-ho3a, ho7+ ho5an-sio8k,
ho7+…thoat-li7 chong-ka3u 使…世俗化,還俗,
sedan chair used for transporting an idol,
carved sedan for an idol lia2n-ki7o 輦轎
secularize education thoat-li7 chong-ka3u e5
ka3u-io8k 脫離宗教的教育
sedan chair which carries the statue of a
carved spirit si5n-ki7o 神轎
secularized priests ho5an-sio8k e5 si5n-hu7 還俗的
sedative ti3n-che7ng e5, chi2-thi3a* e5 鎮定的,止痛
secure a ticket for a concert tit-tio8h im-ga8kho7e e5 ji8p-ti5u*-ko3an 得到音樂會的入場券
sedative medicine ti3n-che7ng-che 鎮定劑
sedentary che7-le7, ti7a*-ti7a* che7-le7 e5, ut-le3 坐著,
secure against accidents po2-ni2a an-cho5an,
po2-che3ng an-cho5an 保證安全
sedentary work che7-le2 cho3 e5 khang-kho3e 坐著
secure and stable an-an-u2n-u2n 安安穩穩
secure a firm and enduring peace khak-po2
e2ng-ki2u ho5-pe5ng 確保永久和平
sediment chhe7-te2-bu8t, ta2i, ti5m-te2 e5 mi8h-ki7a* 沉
secure from danger bo5 gu5i-hia2m 沒危險
sediment of grease or oil iu5-ta2i 油滓
secure future kho2-kho3 e5 chiong-la5i 可靠的將
sediment or dregs in water chu2i-ta2i 水滓
sediment, dregs, grains from a distillery
chau 糟
see or know clearly which is which, identify
clearly ji7n-chheng 認清
sedimentary rock, marine rock chu2i-se5nggia5m 水成岩
see through trick, falseness, decide to quit
after seeing through trick, discern
kho3a*-pho3a 看破,看開
sedition chok-lo7an, cho7-ho2an, jia2u-lo7an 作亂,
seduce si5a*, be5, ko2ai 誘,迷,拐,勾引
see through, discern, forecast the turn of
events kho3a*-tha3u, kho3a*-tha3u-tha3u 看透
seduce into evil, kidnap ko2ai-iu2, iu2-ko2ai 拐誘,
See you again. Be seeing you. ho7+-ho7e iu2-ki5
seduce somebody's wife ko2ai la5ng e5 tha3i-tha3i
see, diocese, diocesan see chu2-ka3u e5 chitkho5an, chu2-ka3u e5 ko2an-hat-khu 主教的職
seductive, charming i2n-iu2 e5, be5 la5ng e5 引誘,
- Holy See Lo5-ma2 ka3u-te5ng 羅馬教廷
seductive charms, seductive, with heavy
make-up, meretricious iau-kiau 妖豔
seed chi2, che2ng-chi2 籽,種子
seductive fascinating woman iau-ki 妖姬
seed rice chhek-che2ng 稻種
sedulous phah-pi3a*, kut-la8t 勤勉,努力
seedless bo5 chi2 e5 無籽的,無核的
see kho3a*, kho3a*-ki3*, ki3*, ki3*-bi7n, chai 看,看見,
seedling tu3i che2ng-chi2 hoat-chhut-la5i e5 從種子
- to sow rice seeds ia7 chhek-che2ng 撒稻種
- go to see the president khi3 ki3* cho2ngtho2ng 去見總統
seeds of a certain kind of small watermelon
koe-chi2 瓜子
- see no way out bo5 lo7+ thang ki5a* 沒路可走
seeds of grains, human races, descendants,
posterity, species, a kind or sort che2ng,
chio2ng 種
- meet or see off chih-sa3ng 接送
- unable to see bo5 kho3a*-ki3* 看不見
seeds of misfortune, source of disaster ho7kin 禍根
see a person off, give a send off sa3ng-pia8t 送
seedy, a lot of seeds ka7u-chi2 e5, chi2 chin ka7u,
e7 kiat-chi2 e5 多種子的,會結籽的
see and enjoy koan-sio2ng 觀賞
see and enjoy show kho3a*-hi3 看戲
seedy, ragged, shabby pho3a-sa3m e5, sa*
chhe7ng kah pho3a-ko5+-ko5+ 衣衫襤褸的
see but cannot understand kho3a*-be7-la5i 看不
seek, investigate chho7e, ki5u, tha3m-ki5u 尋,求,
see clearly, be seen clearly kho3a* hia7n-hia7n
- to seek faults in others chho7e la5ng e5
khang-khiah 挑別人的毛病
see clearly, recognize ji7n-be5ng 認明
see directly, witness, see with one's eyes
chhin-ba8k kho3a*-tio8h 目睹
see a guest off sa3ng la5ng-kheh 送客人
- to seek first the kingdom of God ta7i-seng
chho7e-ki5u Thian-chu2 e5 kok 首先尋求天主
see often chhu3i-ki3* ba8k-ki3* 經常相見
- to seek for happiness ki5u he7ng-hok 求幸福
see or meet a ghost ho7an-tio8h-ku2i 遇到鬼,犯
- to seek safety pi7-la7n 避難
seek after wealth ki5u-cha5i 求財
see someone in mortal danger without lifting a finger to save him kia3n-si2 put-ki3u
seek after, to scheme for, covet, to plot, intrigue to get tham-to5+ 貪圖
seek an expert opinion chhia2* choan-ka ka3mte7ng 請專家鑑定
see the good in another and strive to emulate it koan-mo5+ 觀摩
seek an interview ki5u-kia3n 求見
see through his lie kho3a*-pho3a i e5 pe8h-chha8t
seek a cure for an illness, recuperate, recuperation io2ng-pe7*, io2ng-pi7* 養病
see through the vanity of the world kho3a*pho3a se3-che5ng 看破世情
seek divine advice mn7g-si5n, mn7g-hu8t 問神,問
see through their plot kho3a*-tha3u in e5 im-bo5+
seek employment, look for a job chho7e tha5ulo7+ 找工作
seek entrance, knock at the door ki3o-mn5g 叫
seesaw khi3au-khi3au-pang 蹺蹺板
seek fame and fortune ki5u-be5ng ki5u-li7 求名求
seethe with excitement, boiling, passionate
ku2n, sim-la7i chhia7ng-chhia7ng-ku2n 沸騰,激
seesaw battle la-ki3-chia3n 拉鋸戰
seek for a bright future ki5u chia5n-to5+ e5 kongbe5ng 求前途的光明
segment of tangerine, orange, or shaddock
lia7m, ba7n 瓣
seek good fortune ki5u-hok 求福
seek help anxiously kho7a-kho7a-cho5ng 急急奔
segment, part, section chi8t po7+-hu7n 一部份
segregate hun-li7, keh-khui, keh-li7 分離,隔開,
seek livelihood, barely make a living to7+-oa8h
segregation keh-li7, hun-li7 隔離,分離
seek a marriage ki5u-hun 求婚
seismic te7-ta7ng e5 地震的
seek one's livehood, survival ki5u-seng 求生
seismic center te7-ta7ng tiong-sim, chi2n-go5an 地
seek or be in the limelight phu3i-ku, chhe3ngku 愛出風頭
seismograph te7-chi2n-ke3 地震計
seek pleasure, make merriment hia2ng-lo8k 享
seismology te7-chi2n-ha8k 地震學
seismometer te7-chi2n-gi5, te7-chi2n-pi2o 地震儀,地
seek refuge from calamities, flee from great
calamity to5-la7n 逃難
Seiyifu (Gaddafi's second son) Sa3i-gi7-hu 賽
seek son-in-law who will live in wife's family and his son have same surname as
wife's family po3a*-chio-chho7a 半招娶,新
seize by force chhim-toa8t 侵奪
seek, pursue, go after, to court a woman,
courtship tui-ki5u 追求
seize by the waist so as to throw an opponent down la2m e7-io 摟下腰
seek, solicit answers, to request opinions,
feedback, to petition teng-ki5u, tin-ki5u 徵
seize every second and minute hun-bi2o-pitcheng 分秒必爭
seize and drown lia8h-khi3 thia7m-ha2i 捉去投海,
seize firmly in the arm sia5m tia5u-tia5u 摟得緊
seeking employment i2n tha5u-lo7+ 求職
seize a man by his clothes at the neck or
the breast khi2u heng-kha2m, khi2u la5ng e5
heng-kha2m 揪衣襟, 揪他人胸前的衣服
seeking out tha3m-kho3a*-ba7i 探探看
seem chhin-chhi7u*…e5 kho2an, kho3a*-i2* 似乎是,
seize opportunity to retaliation, revenge on
account of a grudge po3 chha5n-le5-a2-oan
- It seems that thing is very strong. Hit
ha7ng mi8h-ki7a* kho3a*-i2* chin io2ng. 那件東西
seize or catch secretly thau-lia8h 偷捉
- It seems that there is trouble. Chhinchhi7u* u7 ta7i-chi3 e5 kho2an. 好像有困難的樣
seize a person by the hair of the head khi2u
tha5u-chang, khi2u tha5u-mo+ 揪頭髮
- He seems very tired. I kho3a*-i2* chin sia7n.
seize someone by the neck, take by the
throat, to throttle te7* a7m-ku2n 掐脖子
seemly sek-to3ng, che3ng-tong, chin ha8h, ta7ihong 適當,正當,合適,大方
seize the idea, realize the meaning of lia2uka2i i3-su3 了解意思
seems like na2-chu2n 好像
seize the opportunity to go tha3n hit e5 ki-ho7e
khi3. 他趁那個機會去.
seems, probably e5 kho2an (always used at the
end of a sentence) 的樣子,似乎
seize, capture, grasp lia8h, la8k, khi2u 捉,抓,攫,
seen with one's own eyes chhin-ba8k kho3a*ki3* 親眼看見
seize, comprehend chai, lia2u-ka2i 知道,瞭解
seize, occupy, confiscate chia3m, bu8t-siu 佔,
seep sia8p 滲
seer sian-kia3n-chi2a, sian-ti, i7-gia5n-ka 有先見之
seized with an impulse, feel an irresistible
impulse che5ng put chu7-ki3m 情不自禁
self-abuse, masturbation phah chhi2u-chhe3ng,
chhi2u-i5m 手淫
seizure, capture, confiscated, illness flare
up lia8h-tio8h, bu8t-siu, hoat-chok 捕獲,沒收,
self appointed ka-ti7 chi2-te7ng e5 自己指定的
seldom ha2n-tit 不常
self centered chu7-su chu7-li7 e5 自私自利的
self complainant chu7-so3+-ji5n 自訴人
self composed, calm, cool, to soothe, to
calm, settle down ti3n-te7ng 鎮定
seldom seen ha2n-kia3n 罕見
seldom used ha2n-io7ng, ha2n-tit io7ng 罕用,少用
select ke2ng, so2an, so2an-te8k 揀,選,選擇
self conceit chu7-ta7i, chhe3ng-chhe3ng-ki3o 自大,
select a lucky day ke2ng ho2-ji8t, kho3a* ji8t 選吉
self confidence chu7-si3n-sim, pa2-ak 自信心,把
select able men for places of trust so2an ji5ncha5i 選人才
self conscious chu7-kak 自覺
self control, check, be moderate in, temperance, abstinence, proper restraint
cha7m-chat 節制,分寸
select and buy chha2i-ka2ng, chha2i-ki2o 採購
select and make purchases so2an-ko2+ 選購
select committee te8k-pia8t u2i-oa5n-ho7e 特別委
self defense chu7-o7e 自衛
select elective courses in a college so2ankho3 選課
self educated ka-ti7 o8h e5, kho2+-ha8k e5 自己學的,
select for appointment, accept for employment lio8k-io7ng 錄用
self examination ho2an-se2ng 反省
self dependence, help oneself chu7-cho7+ 自助
self examination, review one's conduct,
achievement chu7-ngo2+ kia2m-tho2 自我檢討
select for use or employment so2an-io7ng 選用
select one's desired numbers or songs for
the performers to sing or play, request
a song tia2m-chhi3u* 點唱
self governing chu7-ti7 e5 自治的
select or choose people or things, usually
means to prepare materials chho5an 準
self indulgent, licentious, dissolute, loose
ho3ng-chhio3ng 放縱
self-immolation, to burn oneself to death
chu7-hu5n 自焚
self interest su-li7, su-sim, li7-ki2 私利,私心,利己
select or order dishes for a meal at a restaurant, order favorite dishes tia2m-chha3i
self interest, selfish desires su-io8k 私慾,私欲
self introduction chu7-ngo2+ ka3i-sia7u 自我介紹
select with care cheng-soa2n 精選
selfish chu7-su, chu7-su chu7-li7 自私,自私自利
select, choose ke2ng-so2an 揀選
selfish, covetous, tyrannical, usurp a3-pa3 霸
select, pick the better ones from a group of
people so2an-poa8t 選拔
selfishness, egoism li7-ki2 chu2-gi7 利己主義
selected for position, accepted as student
lo8k-chhu2 錄取
selfishness, private or selfish motive, favoritism, partial, unfair su-sim 私心
selected or elected as one of the few, enter
the final contest ji8p-u5i 入圍
selfless, fair and square ta7i-kong-bu5-su 大公
selected readings tho8k-bu8t cheng-so2an 讀物
self opinioned chip-be5 put-ngo7+ e5, ko3+-chip e5
selected with particular care cheng-so2an 精
self-praise, boasting chu7-khoa 自誇
selection so2an-te8k, so2an-poa8t 選擇,選拔
self renewal, make a new person out of
oneself chu7-sin 自新
self provided, provide oneself chu7-pi7 自備
selection, wash out, to select, weed out,
eliminate inferior contestants to5-tha3i 淘
self respect chu7-chun, chu7-chun-sim 自尊,自
selective service gi7-bu7 peng-ia8h 義務兵役
self respect, behave like a gentleman chu7-ai3
self ka-ti7, chu7-ki2 自己
self respect, prudence, be deliberate in chu7tio7ng 自重
self restraint, self discipline chu7-che3 自制
sell goods at rock bottom prices po3a*-be2
po3a*-sa3ng 半買半送
self sacrifice chu7-ngo2+ hi-seng 自我犧牲
sell grain thi3o 糶
self service food, buffet chu7-cho7+-chhan 自助
sell groceries along the way hoah-lin-long 叫
self starter chu7-to7ng hoat-to7ng-khi3 自動發動器
self strengthening and self renewal self improvement movement chu7-kio5ng u7n-to7ng
sell on consignment ki3a-be7 託賣
self sufficient, self supporting, self sufficiency chu7-kip chu7-chiok 自給自足
sell one's country, to be a traitor to one's
native country be7-kok 賣國
self supporting pupils su-hu3i-seng 私費生
sell oneself as slave, become a prostitute
be7-sin 賣身
sell on consignment basis ta7i-siau 代銷
sell on credit sia-sia3u 賒賬
self supporting student kang-tho8k-seng, kho2+ha8k-seng 工讀生
sell out be7-chhut 賣出
self surrender, hand oneself over to the authorities chu7-si2u 自首
sell out of date materials, do something after the proper time ko3e-si5 be7 la8h-ji8t 過時
self taught technician tho2+-sai 無師自通的技
self teaching, study by oneself chu7-siu 自修
selling place, auction house hoah-ti5u* 拍賣
self willed, do as one pleases ji7m-se3ng 任性
sell a product on trial basis chhi3-be7 試賣
self willed, obstinate like a child or young
person who will not obey the wishes of
its parents n3g-tn3g 執拗的
sell property for a low price lia5m-jio7ng 廉讓
sell retail so3a*-be7, mn5g-chhi7 零售,門市
sell rice thi3o-bi2 賣米,糶米
sell be7, bo7e, chhut-si5u, pia3n-be7 賣,出售,變賣
sell something right after it is bought hia7nbe2 hia7n-be7 現買現賣
- buying and selling be2-be7 買賣
sell a bid, rigging a bid, illegal bidding, take
money from a person to make him a
successful bidder u5i-pio, so i5*-a2-thng 圍
sell tickets be7-phi3o 售票
sell a possession to meet an immediate financial need, to transfer, convey pia3nbe7 變賣
sell unhulled rice thi3o-chhek-a2 賣稻穀
sell to another person thn3g-la5ng 轉售予人
sell under coercion nge7-tu 強推銷
sell urgently kip-si5u, kip-be7 急售
sell without retaining any right or interest in
what is sold be7-tn7g, be7-to2-tn7g 賣斷
sell as a consignee keng-siau 經銷
sell at auction phah-be7, hoah-lin-long 拍賣,叫
sell, dispose of, to trade si5u 售
sell at cost chia3u-pu2n be7 照本錢賣
sell, peddle ho3an-be7 販賣
sell, for sale chhut-jio7ng 出讓
sell at a loss, lose one's capital khui-pu2n,
lia2u-chi5* 虧本
sell, sale, demand siau-si5u 銷售
sell, to transfer jio7ng-to7+ 讓渡
sell below cost, to sell below value be7-bo5chi5* 賣不到錢
seller as refered to in contracts be7-hong 賣
sell by display or exhibition ti2an-si7u 展售
seller, selling hand be7-chu2, be7-chhi2u, be7 e5
la5ng 賣主
sell by retail si2o-be7 零售
sell by wholesale to7a-be7, phoe-hoat 大批發
- best selling merchandize u7-siau e5 mi8h-ki7a*
sell carnal pleasure, the profession of prostitution be7-i5m 賣淫
- This book is a best seller. Chit pu2n si7 chin
u7 siau e5 chheh. 這是一本很暢銷的書.
sell cheap pi3a*-sio8k 賣便宜
sell cheaply sio8k-be7 便宜賣
seller, assignee, transferor jio7ng-to7+-ji5n 讓渡
sell fake product through dishonest admertising, to cheat ko3a iu5*-tha5u be7 ka2u-bah
(idiom) 掛羊頭賣狗肉
selling price be7-ke3, bo7e-ke3 賣價
selling spree seng-li2 ho2-ba2i 買氣
sells, sales, marketing siau-si7u 銷售
sells, supermarket, chains stores chhiausiong 超商
send a floral wreath sa3ng hoe-kho5an 送花環
semantics gi2-i3-ha8k 語意學
send a policemen to catch the criminal pha3i
ke2ng-chhat khi3 lia8h ho7an-la5ng 派警察去抓
send a letter ki3a-phoe 寄信
semaphore si3n-ho7-teng 信號燈
semblance se5ng, chhin-chhi7u*, go7a-pia2u, go7akoan, gu7i-chong 相似,外表,外觀,偽裝
send a student or a group of students to
school or college without entrance examination, usually in view of their high
scholastic qualifications po2-sa3ng 保送
semen, sperm cheng, sia5u (vulgar expression)
semester ha8k-ki5, po3a*-ha8k-ni5 學期,半學年
send a telegram phah tia7n-po3 打電報
semester closing ceremony hiu-gia8p-sek 休
send an invitation sa3ng-thiap 送帖
semi-, prefix meaning half po3a*, bo5 oa5ncho5an, chhu3 半不完全,次
send away, to escort khia2n-sa3ng 遣送
semicircle po3a*-i5*-he5ng 半圓形
send back or return goods hoat-ho5e, hoatho5an 發回,發還
send back sa3ng-ho5an, so3ng-ho5e 送還,送回
semi-civilized po3a*-khai-ho3a 半開化
send back, send home prisoners of war
khia2n-ho2an 遣返
semi-colon hun-ho7 分號
semiconscious po3a* i3-sek e5, po3a* chu7-kak e5
send baggage by boat he5ng-li2 pho3e-chu5n 船
semideveloped po3a* khai-ho3a e5, hoat-io8k putlio5ng 半開化的,發育不良
send by mail iu5-sa3ng 郵送
send by rail pho3e ho2e-chhia 托火車運
semi-finished products, half-finished products po3a* se5ng-phi2n 半成品
seminal cheng-e8k e5, sia5u e5, che2ng-chi2 e5 精液
send a child to another family for temporary care, depend on others for a living
ki3a-io2ng 寄養
- involuntary seminal emission bo7ng-siat,
bo7ng-u5i 夢遺
send a delegate, dispatch a representative
pha3i ta7i-pia2u 派代表
send down ho7+ ka3ng-lo8h-khi3, ka7…ki3a-lo8h-khi3
seminal fluid, semen si7n-su2i 腎水,精液
seminal vesicles cheng-lo5ng 精囊
send for a doctor chhi2a* i-seng 請醫生
seminar gia2n-ki3u-ho7e 研究會
send forth soldiers chhut-peng 出兵
seminar, session for receiving instruction
ka2ng-si8p-ho7e 講習會
send gifts, confer or bestow titles che7ngsa3ng 贈送
seminarian siu-seng, siu-to7-seng, siu-su7 修生,
send goods or criminals to another place
under escort or guard ah-sa3ng 押送
seminary siu-to7-i7* 修道院
send him a verbal message ki3a-o7e ka7 i ko2ng,
hoan-hu3 la5ng ka7 i ko2ng 吩附人告訴他
- minor seminary, seminary for younger
students si2o siu-to7-i7* 小修道院
send in or submit an expense account,
something is spoiled or broken (slang)
po3-siau 報銷
seminary for theological training of priests
or ministers si5n-ha8k-i7* 神學院
semiopen, half open, semi-overt, more or
less open po3a* kong-khai 半公開
send in care of or by way of someone else
ho5an-kau, cho2an-kau 煩交,轉交
Semitic Sia2m-cho8k e5, Sia2m-cho8k-la5ng, Sia2mcho8k-gi2 閃族的,閃族人,閃族語
send information by letter thong-phe 通信
send it back, refuse to receive, return, reject, cancel a reservation the3-tia7u 退掉
semitones po3a*-im 半音
semitropical a-jia8t-ta3i e5 亞熱帶的
send kind regards to somebody ka7 la5ng
chhe2ng-an 向人請安,向人問候
senate chham-gi7-i7* 參議院
Senate of Roman Empire go5an-lo2-i7* 元老院
send a letter or a message sa3ng-si3n, sa3ngphoe 送信
Senate of a University, arbitration board,
tribunal of censors phe5ng-gi7-ho7e 評議會
send a letter to a newspaper editor, contribute articles to, an anonymous notice ta5u-su 投書
senator chham-gi7-oa5n 參議員
send a letter, mail or post a letter ki3a-phe 寄
seniority khah che7-ho3e, ni5-chu chhim 年長,年
send off sa3ng-pia8t, chia2n-pia8t 送別,餞別
seniority, period of service ni5-chu 年資
send off the gods after the offering of sacrifices sa3ng-si5n 送神
sensation ka2m-kak, hong-to7ng 感覺,轟動
sensation of pain tho3ng-kho2+ e5 ka2m-kak 痛苦
send off, give a farewell party hoan-sa3ng 歡
sensation of tickling, ticklish ngiau-ngiau 癢
send on a missiion ki3a, sa3ng, pha3i, pho3e,
chhe 寄,送,派,配,差
sensational ka2m-to7ng e5, hong-to7ng e5 感動的,
send or remit money ho7e-kho2an, ho7e-chi5* 匯
sensational news ho7+ la5ng he3ng-hu3n e5 siau-sit
send out roots, to root, take root se*-kin 生
sensationalism, sensualism ka2m-kak-lu7n 感
send reinforcements, build up troop level
cheng-oa7n 增援
sense, sleep, feeling, sensory kak, ka2m-kak,
ka2m-koan, ka2m-kak khi3-koan 覺,感覺,感
send separately to persons hun-sa3ng 分送
send someone chhe-su2 差使
- aesthetic sense bi2-ha8k-koan, si2m-bi2-koan
send a verbal message ki3a-o7e 寄語
send word or warn through a third person
ki3a-sia*, pa3ng-sia* 放聲,放言
- common sense sio5ng-sek 常識
send, to commission, depute, dispatch
chhe-khia2n 差遣
- pleasure of the senses jio8k-sin e5 kho3ai-lo8k
send, to depute chhe-pha3i 差派
- to have no sense of gratitude m7-chai
thang ka2m-si7a 不知道要感謝
senescence, aged, senility la7u, u7-ho3e, la7u e5
si5, la7u to3-tho7e 年老
- without sense of right and wrong bo5 si7hui koan-lia7m. bo5 lio5ng-sim 沒有是非觀念.
senile, be in one's dotage or second childhood, insane, capricious, whimsical
hoan-hoan tian-tian 顛三倒四
sense of beauty, esthetic sense bi2-ka2m 美感
sense of duty gi7-bu7 koan-lia7m 義務觀念
senile, elderly, aging che7-ho3e, la7u-la5ng e5,
tho7e 年老,老人的,衰老
sense of family ka-cho8k-chu2-gi7 家族主義
sense of friendliness, the feeling of kindness chhin-chhiat-ka2m 親切感
senior, older khah che7-ho3e e5 年長的
- village seniors chng-la7i e5 te2ng-po3e 村裡的
sense of hearing thia*-kak 聽覺
sense of justice or righteousness che3ng-gi7ka2m 正義感
senior generation, an elder, elder brothers
and persons of the same generation
with our parents or higher tio2ng-po3e 長
sense of mission su2-be7ng-ka2m 使命感
sense of nationality kok-ka koan-lia7m 國家觀
senior high school ko-tiong, ko-kip tiong-ha8k
sense of responsibility chek-ji7m-ka2m, chekji7m koan-lia7m 責任感,責任觀念
senior in age, standing or length of service
chia5n-po3e, sian-po3e 前輩,先輩
sense of self respect, pride chu7-chun-sim 自
senior in a clan, chief of a clan, chieftain
cho8k-ti2u* 族長
sense of sight si7-kak 視覺
senior staff officer ko-kip chham-bo5+ 高級參
sense of smell phi7*-kak, hi3u-kak 嗅覺
sense of superiority iu-oa8t-ka2m 優越感
senior, boss te2ng-si 上司
sense of taste, gestation bi7-kak 味覺
senior, graduating class pi8t-gia8p-pan 畢業班
sense of time si5-kan e5 koan-lia7m 時間的觀念
senior, more advanced, higher rank khah
ko5an-kip e5 較高級的
sense of touch chhiok-kak 觸覺
sense organs ka2m-kak khi3-koan 感覺器官
senior, seniority chu-chhim 資深
sense, concept, experience, meaning koanlia7m, kia3n-sek, i3-su3 觀念,見識,意思
sentence to death soan-pho3a* si2-he5ng 宣判死
sense, senses, sensory ka2m-koan 感官
sentence, determine punishment pho3a*-koat,
te7ng, pho3a* 判決,定,判
senseless, meaningless bo5 i3-gi7 沒有意義
senseless, no feeling, ruthless, unconscious, no common sense bo5 ka2m-kak e5,
bo5-che5ng e5, m7-chai la5ng e5, bo5 i3-su3 e5, bo5
sio5ng-sek 無感覺的,無情的,不省人事的,無
sentence, phrases gi2-ku3, ku3, ku3-ta7u 語句,句
sensibility ka2m-kak,bi2n-ka2m-se3ng, ka2m-che5ng
sentiment sim-che5ng, ka2m-che5ng, ka2m-sio2ng
sensible ka2m-kak e7 chhut-la5i, u7 li2-se3ng e5, u7 tikak 可感覺到的,有理性的,有知覺
sentimental to-chhi5u-sia7n-ka2m, u7 ka2m-che5nge5 多愁善感,感情的
sensitive u7 ka2m-kak e5, bi2n-ka2m e5, le5ng-bi2n,
ka2m-to7+ chin kio5ng e5, si5n-keng-chit e5 有感
sentimentalism ka2m-che5ng chu2-gi7 感情主義
sentenced pi7-pho3a* 被判
sententious chin che7 chim-gia5n e5, a3i io7ng
chim-gia5n e5 多箴言的,善用箴言的
sentimentalist ka2m-che5ng chu2-gi7-chi2a, jia8tche5ng e5 la5ng 感情主義者,熱情之人
sensitive nose bi2n-ka2m e5 phi7* 敏感的鼻子
sentinel on duty khi7a oe7-peng 站崗
sensitive paper, sensitizing paper, lightsensitive ka2m-kong-cho2a 感光紙
sentinel, lookout oe7-peng, sa3u-peng, kho3a*tha5u 衛兵,哨兵,把風
sensitive to cold chin kia* ko5a* 很怕冷
sentry, sentinel po7+-sa3u, sa3u-peng 步哨,哨兵
sensitive to tickling, ticklish kia*-ngiau 怕癢
sentry, a military guard oe7-peng 衛兵
sensitivity ka2m-si7u-se3ng, bi2n-ka2m-se3ng, ka2mkong-to7+ 感受性,敏感性,感光度
- to be on guard duty si2u-o7e 守衛
- guard station or house o7e-peng-te5ng 衛兵
sensitized ka2m-kong-che 感光劑
sensor ka2m-chhek-khi3 感知器,感測器
Seoul Ha3n-si5a* 漢城
sensory, perception, feeling, perception
organs ti-kak e5, ka2m-kak e5, ti-kak khi3-koan
e5, ka2m-kak khi3-koan e5 知覺的,感覺的,知
separate, depart from li7-khui 離開
separate, divide, pull apart pun, pun-khui,
peh-khui, hun-li7 分,分開,剝開,分離
sensory nerves ti-kak si5n-keng, ka2m-kak si5nkeng 知覺神經,感覺神經
- book in two separate volumes hun cho3
nn7g pu2n e5 chheh 分成兩本的書
sensual jio8k-io8k e5, ho3+*-sek e5 肉慾的,好色的
separate into lots, batches, shipments or
groups hun-phe 分批
sensual desire, lust, carnal appetite che5ngio8k 情慾
separate lard from fat, boast cho3a* 吹牛
sensual person, sex maniac ti-ko, sek-ku2i 好
separate man and wife forcibly or cruelly,
break up a family thiah-so3a* 拆散
sensualism, sensualist, hedonism, lust
ka2m-kak chu2-gi7, kho3ai-lo8k chu2-gi7, ho3+*-sek
separate quarrelling parties, mediate cha8hkhui 拉開,攔開
separate roads, branch roads, go different
ways, to part company at a fork in the
road pun-lo7+, hun-lo7+ 分路
sensuality che5ng-io8k, io8k-che5ng, jio8k-che5ng 情
separate rooms, partitioned rooms keh-keng
- given to sensuality ho3+*-sek, tham-lo8k,
tham kho3ai-lo8k 好色,貪圖快樂
separate without a legal divorce, dwell
apart, separation of man and wife hunki 分居
sensuous ka2m-kak e5, i2n-khi2 bi2-ka2m e5 感覺的,
sentence to life imprisonment pho3a* bu5-ki5
to5+-he5ng 判無期徒刑
separate, partition keh 隔
separate, set apart, isolate, segregate punkhui 分開
- to reverse a sentence hoan-a3n 翻案
sentence serving as an example in a textbook to show proper structure, arrangement of words le7-ku3 例句
separated by distance, far away from, depart for a distant place oa2n-li7 遠離
separated by a mountain keh chi8t e5 soa* 隔一
serial, connected in series lia8t cho3-ho2e 串列
series lia5n-sio8k, kip-so3+ 連續,級數
separated by a stream keh chi8t tia5u kau 隔一
series of failures lia5n-sio8k e5 sit-pa7i 連續的失敗
- arithmetical series so3+-ha8k e5 kip-so3+ 數學的
separated, cut off, isolated keh-le3 阻隔
separation in life and parting at death, part
forever, part never to meet, seng-li7 su2pia8t 生離死別
- third in the series te7 sa* e5 第三的
- to arrange in series pa5i-lia8t 排列
series, string, chain of it-lia5n-chho3an 一連串
separation of church and state che3ng-ka3u
hun-li7 政教分離
serious case in law tio7ng-a3n 重案
separation of husband and wife hun-li7, hunki, hun-li7 e5 si5-kan 分離,分居,分離的時間
serious crushing, heavy defeat chha2m-pa7i
separation of the legislative, executive and
judicial functions of a government samko5an hun-li8p 三權分立
serious illness or ailment ta7ng-pe7*, to7a-pe7*
serious injury ta7ng-siong, tio7ng-siong 重傷
separatist hun-li7-pha3i e5 la5ng 分離派的人
serious mistake ta7i-chho3 te8k-chho3 大錯特錯
September ka2u-goe8h 九月
serious problem gia5m-tio7ng e5 bu7n-te5 嚴重的
septic hu2-pa7i e5, hu2-pa7i-se3ng e5 腐敗的,腐敗性
septic tank ho3a-hu3n-ti5, ho3a-ha8k-khut 化糞池
serious sickness or injury, business failure
chia8h-la8t 嚴重,厲害,吃力
septicemia pa7i-hiat-che3ng 敗血症
serious, diligent ji7n-chin 認真
septuagenarian chhit-cha8p ho3e e5 la5ng 七十歲
serious, grave gia5m, gia5m-siok, gia5m-tio7ng 嚴,
sepulchral bo7ng e5, ba5i-cho3ng, im-le2ng 墓的,
serious, important ia3u-ki2n 重要
sepulchral ceremonies ba5i-cho3ng-le2 埋葬禮
very serious, to importune desperately e7-si2
e7-oa8h 會死會活的
serious, terrible tio7ng-ta7i, li7-ha7i 重大,利害
sepulchral stone bo7ng-pa5i 墓碑
sermon ka2ng-to7, to7-li2, hu3n-o7e, ka3u-hu3n 講道,
sepulchral voice a7ng-sia* 聲音沙啞
sepulchre bo7ng 墓
- to give one a sermon ka7 la5ng ka3u-hu3n 教訓
- a whited sepulchre gu7i-sia7n-chi2a 偽善者
- the Holy sepulchre Se3ng-bo7ng 聖墓
- to preach a sermon ko2ng to7-li2 講道理
sequel sio8k-phian, sio8k-chi8p, kiat-kio8k 續篇,續
Sermon on the Mount san-tiong se3ng-hu3n 山
sequel of a novel sia2u-soat e5 sio8k-chi8p 小說的
serpent cho5a 蛇
sequence, results, succession, order kiat-ko2,
lia5n-sio8k, su7n-si7 結果,連續,順序
sequence, reasonable, logical tia5u-li2 條理
- poisonous serpent to8k-cho5a 毒蛇
serpentine, bending, crooked oan-oan
khiau-khiau 彎曲的
serpentine, insidious, deceitful im-hia2m 陰險
sequent ke3-sio8k e5, chiap-sio8k e5, au7-la5i e5 繼續,
serpentine, like a snake chhi7u* cho5a e5 似蛇的
serrated crab an5g-chi5m 紅蟳
sequester oneself from the world the3-u2n 退
serum, plasma hiat-chheng 血清,血漿
sequester, seize, detain, confiscation kha3uah, bu8t-siu 扣押,沒收
serenade si2o-ia7-khek 小夜曲
serene tia7m-che7ng, le5ng-che7ng, an-che7ng 安靜,
sergeant tiong-su7 中士
serial, continuously, serializes lia5n-sio8k e5,
lia5n-cha3i e5 連續的,連載的
serum therapy hiat-chheng-lia5u-hoat 血清療
serum, watery matter from a wound, soft
slimy dirt, the slime on an eel or fish's
skin si5u* 黏液,泥濘
- preventive serum i7-ho5ng hiat-chheng 預防
servant, underling, subordinate chhi3a*-e5,
io7ng-la5ng, chhe-e7ng-e5, po7+-ha7 雇用的,傭人,
- a maid servant cha-bo2+-ka2n-a2, li2-iong 女婢,
servicemen wounded in action e5ng-i7 kun-ji5n
services or ceremonies of offering sacrifices che3-tia2n 祭典
services, merits, meritorious deeds, recompense kong-lo5 功勞
servant, menial, also a modest term referring to oneself po8k-ji5n 僕人
servile lo5+-le7 e5, chhin-chhi7u* lo5+-le7 e5, lo5+-le7 se3ng
e5, pi-phi2 奴隸的,奴隸性的,卑鄙
servant, slave kho2+-lo5-a2, kho+-lo5-a2 差役,傭人
serve as cho3 做
- to do servile work cho3 kho2+-kang 做苦工
serve as a buffer, to buff oa7n-chhiong 緩衝
serving two purposes, reversible coat lio2ngio7ng 兩用
serve as a limit, exclusively, no more or no
longer than u5i-ha7n 為限
servitude, male slave, bondman lo5+-cha5i 奴才
serve as a record, keep on record, file an
application and go ahead with a project
before formal approval is granted pi7-a3n
sesame oil mo5a-iu5 麻油
sesame, hemp, sisal, numb, torpid, inactive,
drugged mo5a-a2 麻
session khui-ho7e, ho7e-ki5, khui-te5ng 開會,會期,
serve as a token i3-su3 i3-su3 意思意思
serve at a post or place for a fixed period
by turns lu5n-tia3u 輪調
- full session cho5an-the2 ta7i-ho7e 全體大會
- secret session pi3-bi8t ho7e-gi7 秘密會議
serve food pha5ng chha3i 端菜
- to be in session khui-ho7e tiong 開會中
serve in the army cho3-peng, ho8k peng-ia8h,
ho8k-ia8h, tng-peng 服兵役,服役,當兵
- to close a session sa3n-ho7e, so3a*-ho7e 散會
set, fix pa5i, an-pa5i, chu2n-pi7, siat-te7ng, te7ng,
chi2-te7ng 排,安排,準備,設定,指定
serve Mass hu3 Mi5-sat 賦彌撒
serve one's fatherland with unreserved loyalty cheng-tiong po3-kok 精忠報國
set, a group chi8t cho+, chi8t tho3, chi8t hu7n 一組,
serve one's parents su7-ho7ng hu7-bi2o 事奉父母
set of tools chi8t cho+ ke-si 一組工具
serve or wait upon a superior ho7ng-su7, su7ho7ng 奉侍,侍奉
set a broken bone, join a bone chiap-kut 接
serve the ball, start a ball game hoat-ki5u,
phah-ki5u, khui-ki5u 發球,開球
set a good example li8p ho2 bo5+-ho7an 立好榜樣
set a mine ta5i te7-lu5i 埋地雷
serve, to receive a visitor, to admit or allow
somebody to enter chiap-tha7i 接待
set afloat burning lamps on the water for
the ghosts of drowned persons pa3ng
chu2i-teng 放水燈
serve, to wait on ho8k-bu7, ho8k-sa7i, ho7ng-tha7i
set aside poah-khui 撇開
server server, su-ha7u-khi3 伺服器
set aside some money la5u chi8t-ko2a chi5* khi2la5i 留一些錢起來
service ho8k-bu7, ho7ng-tha7i, ko3ng-hia3n, kongchit, che3ng-hu2 e5 tha5u-lo7+ 服務,事奉,貢獻,
set aside a time to have lunch together anpa5i chi8t e5 si5-kan la5i cho3-ho2e chia8h-pn7g 安
- diligent service khi5n-bu7 勤務
- burial service cho3ng-sek, ko3-pia8t-sek 葬式,
set aside, to leave unattended hiat-le 丟置
set clock or watch chhia5u si5-cheng 撥準掛鐘
service center ho8k-bu7-tiong-sim 服務中心
set determinedly to a task sim-tha5u ho7a* ho7+
ti7a* 心意立定
service charge chhi2u-sio8k-hu3i, chhi2u-so3+-lia7u
set down khn3g 放
service, after sales service si5u-au7 ho8k-bu7 售
set forth clearly, to manifest, make plain
hia2n-be5ng 顯明
serviceable u7 lo7+-e7ng e5, sek-io7ng e5, u7 si8t-io7ng
set free pa3ng, sek-ho3ng 放,釋放
set in order, arrange, enumerate, rank,
classify, series, row, line lia8t 列
serviceable, profitable, convenient, expedient, convenience, expediency pia7n-li7 便
set in order, make place for, install an-ti3 安
set, determine, make up one's mind koatsim 決心
set of jewels siu* 鑲
set, fixed, established ki3-te7ng 既定
set off firecrackers pa3ng pha3u-a2 放鞭炮
set, sunset ji8t-lo8h 日落
set off fireworks pa3ng-ian-ho2e 放煙火
set, to place, to plant as a pillar chha7i 立,豎
set off on a journey chhut-hoat 出發
setback, regression po7ng-piah (slang), the3po7+ 挫折,退步
set off or fire cannons be5ng-pha3u 鳴炮
setback, defeat, failure, quiet frustration
chho3-chiat 挫折
set on fire pa3ng-ho2e 放火
set one's mind at rest ho3ng-sim 放心
sets, scenery in motion picture production,
stage shows po3+-ke2ng 佈景
set one's watch tu3i si5-kan 校對時間
set or adjust a machine kah ke-khi3 調整機器
setting, background, backdrop, context
po7e-ke2ng 背景
set or harden jelly or gravy kian-ta3ng 結凍
set out poison for a dog tha7u-ka2u 毒死狗,毒
setting, find a place for, help settle down,
arrange for, to get into bed, placement
an-ti3 安置
set out, leave, start on journey khi2-ki5a* 起程
setting, to set, to set up, to install, preferences siat-te7ng 設定
set phrase, idiom se5ng-gi2 成語
set a pigeon free to fly with whistle attached, send off carrier pigeons, break
a date or appointment pa3ng-hu2n-chia2u
settle accounts kiat-sia3u 結賬
settle amicably ho5-pe5ng ka2i-koat 和平解決
settle an account by payment oa5n-sia3u 完賬
set purpose, intentionally tia5u-kang, thia5ukang 故意
settle an account, paid in full like an account or debt ho5an-chheng 還清
set sail, weigh anchor khui-chu5n 開船
settle an account, settlement of accounts
koat-so3an 決算
set a snare siat kho5an-tho3, chho3ng-khang 設
settle and become a clear liquid che7-chheng
set the table for a meal pa5i-toh 排桌,擺桌宴
settle by agreement tiau-ka2i 調解
set a time limit, restricted in time ha7n-ki5 限期
settle disputes and bring peace, wring out
the water siau-chu2i 通水
set a time, fix a date te7ng-ki5 訂期
set a trap an ki-koan 設機關
settle down or to the bottom like a sediment che7-te2, chhe7-te2 沉澱
set a trap for birds tng chia2u-a2 設陷阱捕鳥
settle goods in stock, existing stock pi3a*ho3e-te2 清理存貨
set a trap for rats tng nia2u-chhi2 設捕鼠器捕鼠
set a trap, cheat on gamble siat-kio8k 設局,詐
settle in a place te7ng-ki 定居
settle, determine ka2i-koat, chhu2-li2, koat-te7ng
set type pa5i-pa2n 排版
set up chho3ng-li8p, kia3n-li8p 創立,建立
settle, take residence, to settle down, to live
peacefully to3a, an-ki 住,安居
set up a stall for trade pa5i ta3*-a2 擺攤子
set up an idol, have an idol in the house
chha7i pu8t-a2 立神像
settle, to pay back, to return he5ng 還
set up ancestral tables chha7i kong-ma2-pa5i 立
settle, to set, to fix, to determine, to decide,
to order ti7a* 定
set up classes hun kai-kip 分階級
settled peacefully oa5n-bo2an ka2i-koat 圓滿解
set up a head-stone at a grave, put up a notice board khi7a-pa5i 立牌
settled principle, established law te7ng-lu8t 定
set up a scaffolding tah-ke3 搭架
set up type, type-setting khioh-ji7, pa5i-ji7 排字
set up, join, help, assist, put together ta3u 接,
set, deliberately, on purpose ko3+-i3 故意
settled, fixed, certain ko3+-te7ng e5, it-te7ng e5 固
settled, resolved, account settled ka2i-koat
lia2u a3, sn3g-lia2u a3 解決了,算完了
settlement, resolution, arrangements, liquidation ka2i-koat, an-pa5i, chheng-sn3g 解決,
sever a rope or relationship koah-tn7g 割斷
- to arrive at a settlement cho3e-au7 ka2i-koat
sever diplomatic ties, relations to7an-choa8t
pang-kau 斷絕邦交
settlement of accounts cho2ng koat-so3an 總決
sever it with one blow of the knife, to take
decisive measures, sever relations by
one stroke it-to lio2ng-to7an 一刀兩斷
sever communications or relations ki7-choa8t
la5i-o2ng 拒絕來往
settlement of accounts at the year end lia5nchiong koat-so3an 年終決算
settlement, colonial si8t-bi5n-te7 殖民地
sever one's relation with, break away, to
escape from, get off thoat-li7 脫離
settlement, colony, to immigrate i5-bi5n-khu 移
sever relations with, insulate electricity
choa8t-ia5n 斷絕關係,絕緣
settlement, concession cho+-ka3i 租界
sever relations, break off friendship choa8tkau 絕交
settler i5-bi5n, te7ng-ki-chi2a 移民,定居者
sever relations, to divorce, disown thoat-li7
koan-he7 脫離關係
seven chhit 七
- at sixes and sevens, confused, perturbed
ji5-phe3-phe3 亂糟糟
sever with a stroke tok-tn7g 切斷
seven apertures in the human head, eyes,
ears, nose and mouth chhit-kho2ng,
chhit-khia3u 七孔,七竅
sever with the teeth ka7 tn7g 咬斷
seven capital sins chhit cho7e-chong (Catholic)
sever, to separate hun-khui 分開
sever, to chop apart cha7m-tn7g 切斷
sever, to cut apart with a knife koah 割
Seven Dolors Se3ng-bo2 chhit-kho2+ (Catholic)
sever, to terminate a relationship or friendship to7an-choa8t 斷絕
several ku2i-na7 e5, ku2i-a7 幾個,幾
seven gifts of Holy Ghost Se3ng-si5n chhit-in
(Catholic) 聖神七恩
- to go once again after several years ku2ina7 ni5 chiah khi3 chi8t pa2i 好幾年才去一次
seven inferior souls chhit-phek (Taoism) 七魄
several persons force to do something nge7kha-keng 苦撐
seven passions: joy, anger, sorrow, fear,
love, hate, desire chhit-che5ng 七情
several times ku2i-na7 pa2i 好幾次
seven principal stars which form the Great
Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major
chhit-chhe* 七星
severance to7an-choa8t, la3ng-tn7g, hun-li7 斷絕,
severance pay, retiring allowance khia2n-sa3nhu3i 遣散費
seven storied pagoda chhit-cha3n-thah 七層塔
seven to nine in the evening sut-si5 戌時
severe investigation gia5m-si2m 嚴審
seven week period after a person's death,
during which funeral rites are observed
chhit-chhit 七七
severe looking, solemn, grave, stern gia5msiok 嚴肅
severe punishment gia5m-hoa8t, kho2+-he5ng 嚴
Seven-Eleven seven, Seven-Eleven, pia2n-li2sang-tia2n (phonetic) 7-11,統一便利商店
severe punishment, heavy penalty ta7nghe5ng 重刑
sevenfold chhit po7e e5 七倍的
seven-stringed Chinese musical instrument
chhit-hia5n-khi5m 七弦琴
severe wound ta7ng-siong 重傷
severe wound or disease siong-tio7ng 嚴重的,
seventeen cha8p-chhit 十七
Seventh Day Adventists An-hioh-ji8t-ho7e 安息
severe, cut asunder chhiat-tn7g 切斷
severe, grave, strict, serious gia5m, gia5m-siok,
li7-ha7i, gia5m-keh, gia5m-tio7ng 嚴,嚴肅,利害,
seventh day memorial for the dead bo2anchhit 滿七
seventh grade, seventh step in schema of
Holy Orders, a deacon chhit-phi2n
(Catholic) 七品
severely li7-ha7i, gia5m-keh 利害,嚴格
severely wounded ta7ng-siong, tio7ng-siong 重
seventy chhit-cha8p 七十
severity li7-ha7i, gia5m-tio7ng, gia5m-keh 利害,嚴重,
sexual deviate, sexual deviation, a pervert
sim-li2 pia3n-tha3i 心理變態
- with great severity hui-sio5ng gia5m-keh 非常
sexual disease se3ng-pe7*, hoa-li2u-pe7* 性病,花
sew buttons thi7* li2u-a2 縫鈕扣
sexual excess pa5ng-su7 ko3e-to7+ 房事過度
sew cloth thi7*-sa* 縫補衣服,縫衫
sexual excitement khi2-chhio, teh chhio 春情
sew a different colored border on a dress
ku2n-ki5* 滾邊
sexual harassment, can't deal with, lustful
bi2-ko-si5u* 好色
sew with machine chhia 縫,縫紉
sexual impotence of male io5ng-u2i 陽萎
sew, to hem, a hem, border of a dress po5+ 衣
sexual impulse se3ng-io8k chhiong-to7ng 性慾衝
sew, to stitch thi7* 縫
sewage kau-a2-te2 e5 ho3e-bu8t, kau-a2-te2 e5 lah-sapmi8h, kau-a2-chu2i, lah-sap-chu2i 下水道的污
sexual insanity, erotica sek-che5ng-ko5ng 色情
sewer, ditch, gutter chu2i-kau-a2 水溝
sexual intercourse se3ng-kau, sio-ka3n (vulgar)
sexual intercourse se3ng he5ng-u5i 性行為
sewer, underground or covered drain a3mkau 暗溝
sexual organs se3ng-khi3-koan, seng-si8t-khi3 性器
sewerage removal tank truck chu2i-pu5i-chhia
sexual passion, lust sek-che5ng 色情
sewers, sewerage system ha7-chu2i-to7 下水道
sexual relations jio8k-the2 koan-he7 肉體關係
sewing machine chiam-chhia, chhia-a2, chha5iho5ng-chhia-a2 針車,縫紉機
sexy se3ng-ka2m e5 性感的
shabby pho3a-sa3m, ha5n-san, bo5 the2-bia7n e5, pibi5 e5, khok-a2-tha5u, pi-phi2 e5 襤褸,寒酸,不體
sex, gender, distinguishing between the
sexes se3ng-pia8t 性別
- female sex li2-se3ng 女性
shack pho3a-chhu3-a2 簡陋房屋
- male sex la5m-se3ng 男性
shack up, live together, cohabit to5ng-ki
(slang) 同居
- no distinction of sexes bo5 hun se3ng-pia8t
shade ia2*, n2g, cha8h, jia 蔭,陰,遮蔽
sex appeal, glamorous, sexy se3ng-ka2m 性感
- to hide in the shade bih ti7 chhi7u-a2-n2g la7i 躲
sex change operation pia3n-se3ng chhi2u-su8t 變
shade from the sunlight jia-ji8t 遮陽
sex education se3ng-ka3u-io8k 性教育
shade of a tree chhi7u-n2g, chhi7u-a2-n2g 樹影
sex novels, pornographic novels n5g-sek
sia2u-soat 黃色小說
shaded and cool im-le2ng 陰冷
sex perversion, sexual aberration se3ng pia3ntha3i 性變態
shades, shadows im-ia2* 陰影
shades of colors, tone sek-tia7u 色調
shading jia-kha3m, o+-ia2*, pia3n-ho3a a2-si7 chhapia8t 遮蔽,陰影,變化或差別
sex questions lio2ng-se3ng bu7n-te5 兩性問題
sexagenarian la8k-cha8p ho3e e5 la5ng 六十歲的人
shadow, shade ia2*, o+-a3m, n2g, jia-n2g 影,陰暗,
sextant, six part lio8k-hun-gi5 六分儀
sextet la8k e5 chi8t cho+, lio8k-tio5ng-chhi3u*, lio8ktio5ng-cha3u 六個一組,六重唱,六重奏
- black shadow o+-ia2* 黑影
- to project a shadow chhio8h-ia2* 投影
sexual se3ng e5 性的
shadow of a man la5ng-ia2* 人影
sexual aberration se3ng pia3n-tha7i 性變態
shadow, follow someone closely kin-to3e 尾
sexual act, love making pa5ng-su7 房事
sexual apathy, sexual frigidity le2ng-ka2mche3ng 冷感症
shadows caused by the sun ji8t-ia2* 日影
shady n2g chin che7 e5, u7 bu7n-te5 e5 多蔭的,成問
sexual desire se3ng-io8k 性慾
shady and pleasantly cool im-le22ng 陰冷
shady individual im-thim e5 la5ng, im-hia2m e5
la5ng 陰沉的人,陰險的人
sham, fake merchandise, forgery ke2 e5 mi8hki7a*, pia2n-sian, khi-phia3n-chi2a 膺品,欺騙者
shady road chhi7u-n2g chin che7 e5 lo7+ 樹蔭很多
shambles lo7an-chhau-chhau 亂七八糟
- a place in shambles hun-lo7an e5 so2+-cha7i 混
shaft of a rudder to7a-pe3* 舵柄
shaggy ho5+ 多毛的
shame kia3n-sia3u, pha2i*-se3, bo5 bi7n-chu2,
ho7+…kia3n-sia3u, ho7+…bo5 bi7n-chu2 羞恥,不好
shaggy beard or whiskers ho5+-ho5+-ho5+ 毛茸茸
- to put somebody to shame ho7+ la5ng la3ukhu3i, ho7+ la5ng kia3n-sia3u 使人丟臉,使人羞
shake io5, io5-ta7ng, io5-ti2n-ta7ng, ti2n-ta7ng 搖,搖動,
shake hands ak-chhi2u 握手
- without shame be7 kia3n-sia3u, ka7u bi7n-pho5e
shake off dust po7a* lah-sap 拂去塵埃
shake one's head in despair, sigh unhappily ha3i*-tha5u 搖頭
shame, disgrace, humiliation thi2-jio8k 恥辱
shameful, shy, not decent, embarrassed
kia3n-sia3u e5, bo5 the2-bia7n e5, pha2i*-se3 e5 羞怯
shake or shiver from fear, cold, or old age
gih-gih-chu3n 寒顫
shake something in order to dry it hi3u ho7+ ta
shake the dice io5 ta5u-a2, io5 ta5u-ka2u 搖骰子
shameful deed, something which gives one
a guilty conscience and remorse khuisim-su7 虧心事
shake the earth kia*-thi*-ta7ng-te7 驚天動地
shameless people chha3u-la5ng 無廉恥的人
shake the head io5-tha5u 搖頭
shameless, devoid of honor bo5 lia5m-thi2 無廉
shake the head, to toss, to wave flags, to
sway io5 搖
shake with cold ko5a* kah phi8h-phi8h-chhoah
shameless, doesn't guard one's reputation,
has no self-respect bo5-ko3+ bi7n-pho5e 不顧
shake with fear kia* kah khu8h-khu8h-chun, kia*
kah phi8h-phi8h-chhoah 嚇得顫慄
shameless, have no sense of shame m7-chai
soe 不知恥
shake, shake off hi3u 甩
shameless, impudent be7-hia2u-soe 不知恥
shake, to transfer from one post to another
tia3u-to7ng 調動
shameless, loss of face, humiliation bo5 si2a-si3
Shakespeare Sa-su7-pi2-a 莎士比亞
shameless, outrageous, brazen, unscrupulous be7 hia7n-si3 無恥
shaking, agitation, excitement, to shake, to
jolt, be agitated to7ng-ia5u 動謠
shaky e7 io5 e5, e7 chun e5, bo5 u2n e5 會搖動的,顫慄,
shaky wall piah e7 io5 牆壁會搖動
shameless, unabashed, cheeky be7 kia3n-sia3u
e5, ka7u bi7n-pho5e 無恥的,厚臉皮的
shameless, without any sense of shame,
unembarrassed bu5-thi2 無恥
Shakyamuni, founder of Buddhism Sekkhia-mu5-ni5-hu8t 釋迦牟尼佛
shampoo se2-tha5u, se2-tha5u-mo+, se2-hoat-cheng
shall, must boeh, e7, tio8h, e3ng-kai 要,會,須,應
shampoo, massage lia8h-le5ng 按摩
shallot, scallion lo7+-gi7o, lo7+-ki7o 冬蔥,薤,蕗蕎
Shanghai Sio7ng-ha2i 上海
shallow chhia2n, chhia2n-po8h, chhia2n e5 so2+-cha7i
shanghai plaster se2-chio8h-a2 磨石子
shampoo powder se2-hoat-hu2n 洗髮粉
shank kha-phi7*-lia5m 脛骨
shallow bamboo ka2m-a2, ka2m-o5+ 篚,大竹盤
Shantung Soa*-tang 山東
shallow learning ha8k-bu7n chhia2n 學問淺薄
shanty chha2u-lia5u-a2, lia5u-a2, m7-chia* chhu3-a2 茅
shallow open baskets without handles or
covers for drying rice and beans, a flat
bamboo tray for winnowing rice bi2-lo5a,
bi2-lo5 米籮,米篩子
Shaohsing wine Sia7u-hin-chi2u 紹興酒
shape he5ng, he5ng-sio7ng, he5ng-sek, he5ngcho7ng, kho2an 形,形象,形式,形狀,樣
shallow water, a ford chhia2n-chu2i 淺水
- to get out of shape pia3n-he5ng 變形
sharing life or death with each other ta5ng
se*-si2 同生死
- to put into shape cho3 chi8t e5 he5ng 做一個型
shape of a printed or written letter, font ji7the2 字體
shark soa-hi5 鯊魚
shape of a face, features bi7n-he5ng 臉形
shape of the face bi7n-kheng 面廓,面框
sharks' fins cooked in soya sauce a5ng-siohi5-chhi3 紅燒魚翅
shape of things and humans he5ng-the2 形體
sharp la7i 利,銳利
sharks' fins hi5-chhi3 魚翅
- at five o'clock sharp tu2-tu2 go7+-tia2m, go7+
tia2m chu2n-si5 五點整,五點準時
shaped like a fish's forked tail hi5-bo2e-chhe
sharp and perspicacious, not to fooled or
taken in be5ng-chhat 明察
shapely he5ng chin su2i 形狀美好的
share hun-hio2ng, hun-hia2ng, kong-ke, kio7nghio2ng 分享,共有,共享
sharp at the end, pointed chiam 尖
sharp edge of a sword or knife to-me5 刀刃
share or stock in a business concern ko2+hu7n, hu7n-gia8h, hu7n, ko2+ 股份,數額,份,股
sharp eyed, eyes with an evil glint chha8t-ba8k
- a share chi8t hu7n 一份
share blessings or happiness hun-hia2ng,
hun-hio2ng, to5ng-hia2ng 分享,同享
sharp eyed, good visual memory ho2 ba8k-sek
share bliss and misfortune together iu2-hok
to5ng-hio2ng, iu2-ho7 to5ng-tong 有福同享,有
sharp of sight and quick of hand, see
things clearly and act speedily ga2n
cheng chhi2u kho3ai 眼明手快
share a financial burden or stocks hunthoa* 分攤
sharp pointed knife chiam-bo2e-to 尖尾刀
share opinions kau-o7a* i3-kia3n 交換意見
sharp, intelligent person chhong-be5ng 聰明
share or live in the same house to3a cho3-ho2e,
cho3-ho2e to3a 住在一起
sharpen siah, bo5a ho7+ la7i 削,磨到鋒利
share responsibility hun-tam 分擔
sharpen a knife, hone a knife bo5a-to 磨刀
share the property pun ke-ho2e, pun cha5i-sa2n
sharpen sawteeth khioh-ki3-a2 將鋸齒磨利
sharp shooting pains thiu-thi3a* 抽痛
sharpen a pencil siah ia5n-pit 削鉛筆
sharpen the razor bo5a thi3-tha5u-to 磨剃刀
share with others pun-phe* 分施,分攤
sharpen to an edge, hone bo5a ho7+ la7i 磨銳,磨
share, divide, distribute hun, pun, hun-khui
sharpen to a point, to point bo5a ho7+ chiam 磨
sharecropper e7ng ngo2+-kok la8p-cho+ e5 chha5ntia7n 以穀類支付田租的佃農
sharper pia2n-sian, kia2u-ku2i 騙子,賭棍
shared kio7ng-io7ng 共用
sharpness chiam, la7i, tha5u-na2u cheng 尖,銳利,
shared ride, ridesharing cho3-ho2e che7 共乘,
shareholder, stockholder ko2+-tu 合夥
sharpness of the vision, clear sightedness,
keen eye ba8k-chiu la7i, bak-chiu-kim 眼光
shareholders' meeting, stockholders' conference ko2+-tong ta7i-ho7e 股東大會
sharpshooter si5n-chhe3ng-chhi2u, iu-te2ng si7achhi2u 神槍手,優等射手
shareware hun-hio2ng nn2g-the2 [電腦] 分享軟
sharp-witted khia2u-khi3, ga5u pia3n-khia3u 有慧眼
sharing kio7ng-io7ng 共用,共享
shatter ha2m ho7+ pho3a, ko3ng-pho3a, phah-pho3a,
pho3a-khi3 搥破,打破,粉碎,破碎
shareholder ko2+-tong 股東
sharing and giving hun-si 分施
sharing each other's fortunes, share the
ups and downs of life to5ng-kam kio7ngkho2+ 同甘共苦
shatter into pieces pho3a-chhu3i 破成碎片
sharing joys, share bliss to5ng-hia2ng, to5nghio2ng 同享
shave one's beard siu chhu3i-chhiu 刮鬍子
shave siu, siu-bi7n, siu chhu3i-chhiu 修,修面,刮
shave the beard siu-bi7n 修面
shave the head thi3-kng-tha5u 理光頭,剃光頭
sheepfold iu5*-tia5u 羊欄
shaven, face or head shaven u7 siu-bi7n, tha5umo+ thi3 tia7u 修過臉的,削髮的
sheepish pih-su3, na2 mi5-iu5* le3 羞怯,如綿羊的
shaver thi3-tha5u-to 剃頭刀
sheer, utter, complete, absolute cho5an-jia5n e5,
oa5n-cho5an e5, choa8t-tu3i e5, chiok 全然的,完
sheep's or goat's intestines iu5*-tn5g 羊腸
- an electric shaver tia7n-to7ng chhu3i-chhiu-to
shaving brush boah te5-kho+ e5 bi2n-a2 抹肥皂的
sheet, printed products cho2a, i3n-soat-phi2n,
pi2o 紙張,印刷品,表
shavings khau-to-lian 鉋木屑
- pale as a sheet bi7n lek-sek 臉色蒼白
shawl around the neck phoa8h-kin, u5i-kin 披肩,
sheet iron thih-pang, thih-pa2n 鐵板
she, her, female, woman, daughter I, bo2 e5,
cha-bo2+ e5 她,雌的,女的
sheet of tin chi8t te3 a-ia5n-phi2a* 一塊亞鉛板
sheet of paper chi8t tiu* cho2a 一張紙
sheet, bedding chhn5g-toa*, pho7e-toa* 褥單,被
sheaf chi8t khu2n, chi8t pe2 一捆,一束
- to bind sheaves pa8k kui khu2n, khu2n kui
khu2n 綁整捆,捆整捆
shelf ke3-a2, ke3-pang 架,擱板
- book shelf chheh-ke3 書架
sheaf of rice stalks chi8t pe2 ti7u-a2 一把稻子
shelf life, storage life po2-chu5n ki5-ha7n 保存期
sheaf or bundle of hay or straw chha2u-in 小
shell khak, peh khak 殼,剝殼
shear chia2n, ka-tn7g, siu-chia2n 剪,剪斷,修剪
- egg shell nn7g-khak 蛋殼
shear wool chia2n iu5*-mn5g 剪羊毛
- tortoise shell ku-khak 龜殼
shears to7a-ki chia2n-to 大剪刀
- to peel off the shell of a fruit peh ko2e-chi2
khak 剝果殼
shears, clippers chia2n-a2 剪髮器,剪子
sheath, scabbard si3o, to-si3o 鞘,刀鞘
shell of a shrimp he5-a2-khak 蝦殼
sheathe, to sheathe the knife into the scabbard to chhah lo8h-khi3 to-si3o, pau 刀插入鞘,
shell or gun wound chhe3ng-siong 槍傷
shed, flow la5u 流
shell shock ho7+ cha3-ta5n kia* chi8t-e7 go5ng-khi3 被
shed blood la5u-hoeh 流血
shell, peel, break off a splinter, pull off a
chip of a wood, come off liah 剝,撕
shed hair, lose hair from the head, falling
hair lak-mn5g, lak-mo+ 落毛,脫毛
shell, to bombard, bombardment pha3u-ta5n,
pha3u-kek 砲彈,砲擊
shed leaves in great abundance lak-hio8h,
la3u-hio8h 落葉
shellac tha5ng-ka, chhat lak-khuh 蟲膠,塗上蟲
shed like feathers lut, thn3g-khak 脫落,脫殼
shelled shrimps he5-ji5n 蝦仁
shed tears la5u ba8k-sa2i 流眼淚
shells formerly used as currency, dowries,
thus: valuables, precious po3e 貝
shed the skin, as a snake does thn3g-pho5e 脫
shelter, protection, cover, hide pi7-la7n-so2+, po2ho7+, phiah 避難所,保護,避
shed, cabin, lodge lia5u-a2 小屋
shed, granary chhng-kho3+ 倉庫
- to give shelter siu-li5u 收留
shed, shack, hut, hovel pe5*-a2 棚子
shelter from rain jia-ho7+ 遮雨
sheen kong-chha2i, kim-sih-sih 光彩,光澤
shelter from wind sia2m-hong 避風
sheep iu5*, iu5*-a2, mi5-iu5* 羊,綿羊
shelter herself under her husband's influence kho3 in ang e5 se3, kho3 in ang e5 se3-le8k
- to kill a sheep to worship a god tha5i iu5*-a2
la5i pa3i si5n 宰羊來拜神
shelter himself under his father's influence
kho3 in la7u-pe7 e5 se3. 仗他父親的勢力
- to watch sheep ko3+-iu5* 看羊
sheep farming bo8k-iu5*-gia8p 牧羊業
shelter the needy po2-ho7+ sa3n-chhiah-la5ng 保
sheep head iu5*-tha5u 羊頭
sheep shearing chi2an iu5*-mo+ 剪羊毛
shelter thieves am-kha3m chha8t-a2 窩藏小偷
sheep skin iu5*-pho5e 羊皮
shelve, to put on shelves khn3g to3a ke3-a2-te2ng
shingle chha5-hi7a, kha3m-chhu3-te2ng e5 pang-a2,
se3-te3 chiau-pa5i 木瓦,蓋屋頂的木板,小招牌
shelve, to table an issue a3n-ha7 擱置
shining in all directions, radiance, radiant
kong-bo5ng ba7n-tn7g 光芒萬丈
shepherd bo8k-chi2a, bo8k-to5ng, chhi7-iu5*-e5, ko3+iu5*-e5 牧者,牧童,牧羊人,看羊的
shining star chhe* chin kng 星星很亮
- The Good Shepherd Ia5-so+ sia7n-bo8k 耶穌善
Shinto shrine si5n-si7a (archaic) 神社
Shintoism, ancient religion of Japan Si5n-to7,
Si5n-to7-ka3u 神道,神道教
shepherd dog bo8k-iu5*-ka2u 牧羊犬
shiny kim-sih-sih, hoat-kng, kim e5, hui-ho5ng,
kong-be5ng 亮晶晶的,發光,亮的,輝煌的,
shepherd the people bo8k-ji5n 牧人
shepherd's staff bo8k-tio7ng 牧杖
sheriff in the U.S. ke3ng-ti2u* 警長
shiny black, give forth a black luster o+-kim
shiatsu, chiropractic, acupressure, massage therpy chi2-ap-ti7-lia5u 指壓治療
shiny shoes e5 kim-sih-sih 鞋子亮晶晶
shield made of gold metal kim-tu2n 金盾
ship chu5n, chi7u*-chu5n, e7ng chu5n cha3i 船,上船,
shield, armor, protection, covering tu2n, po2ho7+-bu8t, po2-ho7+, jia 盾,保護物,保護,遮
- battle ship chia3n-la7m, chia3n-ka3m 戰艦
shields and weapons, warfare, armed conflict kan-ko 干戈
- merchant ship siong-chu5n 商船
shift poa*, o7a*, oa7*-u7i, pia3n-keng, pia3n-ho3a,
chhi2u-to7a* 搬,換,換位,變更,變化,手段
- sailing ship pha5ng-chu5n 帆船
shift on to somebody else thui-si3a 推卸
- to send by ship ha2i-u7n, pho3e-chu5n 海運
shift a piece of work off on each other, neither willing to do it himself sio-the 互相
- to take a ship che7-chu5n 坐船
- to leave the ship lo8h-chu5n 下船
shipbuilding company cho7-chu5n kong-si 造船
shift the eyes about tn2g-lu5n 眼珠轉動
shift the position of the feet so2a-kha 腳移動
shipment, cargo chu5n-ho3e, chng-chu5n 船貨,
shift the responsibility to somebody else
thui chek-ji7m ho7+ pa8t-la5ng 推卸責任給別人
shipment of commodities, transportation
service ho3e-u7n 貨運
shiftless pi7n-to7a*, bo5 lo7+-e7ng 懶惰,不中用
shipping, transport ha5ng-u7n 航運
shifts and changes of life to pia3n-ho3a e5 ji5nseng 多變化的人生
- container shipping ho3e-ku7i u7n-su 貨櫃運輸
shipping, ocean shipping ha2i-u7n-gia8p 海運業
Shihmen Reservoir Chio8h-mn5g chu2i-kho3+ 石
shipping, transporting goods ha5ng-gia8p 航業
shilling sian-le7ng, Eng-kok e5 chi5* 先令
shipping by sea ha2i-u7n, chng-ho3e, chu5n 海運,
shilly-shally, inconsistent, good times and
bad pe2ng-khi2-pe2ng-to2 出爾反爾,時好時壞
shipping company ha5ng-gia8p kong-si 航業公
shimmer kim-sih-sih, kng-ia3*-ia3* 亮晶晶,閃閃發
shipping office ha2i-u7n-gia8p su7-bu7-so2+, ha2i-oa5n
ka3m-tok su7-bu7-so2+ 海運業事務所,海員監督
shin, shank kha-phi7*-lia5m 脛骨
shine chhi7o, chi3o, hoat-kng, chhit ho7+ kim, kng
shipping schedule chu5n-ki5 船期
shine shoes chhit pho5e-e5. 擦皮鞋
ship's cargo capacity chu5n e5 cha3i-ho3e-lio7ng
ship's captain chu5n-ti2u* 船長
shine upon, illuminate, radiate chi3o-si7a 照射
shine upon, to light or illumine, to photograph, certificate or license chi3o, chia3u
ship's hold cabin, the hold of a vessel chu5nto2+ 船艙
shine, illuminate, shine light on some thing
or into some place chhi7o-kng, chi3o-kng
ship's passenger list chu5n-kheh mi5a-toa* 船
ship's hull chu5n-sin 船身
shipwreck, sunken ship, scuttle a ship ti5mchu5n 沉船
shipyard cho7-chu5n-chhi2u* 造船廠
shoe brush e5-bi2n-a2 鞋刷子,鞋抿仔
shirk sia2m, sia2m-pi7, to5-pi7, to5-phiah 閃,閃避,逃
shoe horn e5-poe8h-a2 鞋拔子
shoe laces e5-to3a, o5e-to3a 鞋帶
shirk one's responsibility to5-phiah chek-ji7m,
thui si3a chek-ji7m 逃避責任,推卸責任
shoe polish e5-iu5 鞋油
shirk responsibility, make excuses, to back
out the-si5 推辭
shoemaker chhiah-pho5e-e5 e5 皮鞋匠
shoe shop e5-tia3m 鞋店
shoe-pad, insoles e5-chu7-a2 鞋墊
shirk, to decline, to yield, excuse oneself
the, chhui, thui 推
shoes, footwear e5, o5e 鞋
shoestring e5-to3a 鞋帶
shirt siah-chuh, oai-siah-chuh, chhi3n-san 襯衫
shoot, sprout, bud sin-i2* 新芽
- under shirt la7i-sa* 汗衫
- bamboo shoots tek-su2n 竹筍
shirt sleeve siah-chuh e5 chhi2u-n2g 襯衫的袖子
shiver chhoah, phi8h-phi8h-chhoah, khu7-khu7chun, khu7-khu7-chhoah 顫抖,懼懼顫
shoot an arrow si7a-chi3* 射箭
shiver with cold ko5a* kah phi8h-phi8h chhoah
shoot dead chhe3ng-koat 鎗斃
shoot birds phah chia2u-a2 打鳥
shoot down, bring down ke8k-lo8h 擊落
shiver with cold or fear, or as a result of
eating something sour ka-lu2n-su2n 打寒顫,
shoot off smoke chhe3ng-ian 冒煙
shiver with fear kia* kah phi8h-phi8h-chhoah 嚇
shoot out gas or liquid, to jet phu3n-si7a 噴射
shoot out, to project si7a 射
shoal ti7n, ku5n 群
shoot with arrow or gun phah, si7a, si7a-kek,
pa3ng, khui 打,射,射擊,放,開
shoal of fish chi8t ti7n hi5 一群魚
shoot flame, flaming sun tho3+-ho2e 噴火
shooter, marksman, gunner, archer si7achhi2u 射手
shoal, sandbar chhia2n-thoa*-a2, soa-chiu 淺灘,
shooting si7a-kek, phah-la8h 射擊,狩獵
shock, stun siok-khuh (phonetic), hiu-khek 休
- to go shooting, go hunting khi3 phah-la8h
shock, impact chhiong-kek 衝擊
shooting gallery si7a-kek-ti5u*, pa-ti5u* 射擊場,
shock absorber pi7-chi2n-khi3 避震器
shock society chi2n-kia* si7a-ho7e 震驚社會
shooting license, hunting license phah-la8hche3ng 打獵證
shock troops, commando units tu8t-kek-tu7i 突
shooting star, meteors li5u-seng, tn5g-bo2echhe* 流星,隕星
shock, clash of opposing forces, collision
of interests, contention chhiong-tu8t 衝突
shoots of the bamboo le8k-tek-su2n 綠竹筍
shock, electric shock tia7n-tio8h 觸電
shop clerk, salesclerk si5u-ho3e-oa5n 售貨員
shock, panic kia*-hi5a* 驚慌
shop sign, signboard chiau-pa5i 招牌
shock, provoke, to irritate, to upset, to
stimulate, to excite, irritant chhi3-kek 刺
shop won't prosper unless it gives credit
bo5-sia put-se5ng tia3m 不賒不成店
shop, store tia3m, tia3m-tha5u, siong-tia3m 店,商
shock, shake, to vibrate, to strongly affect,
vibration chi2n-to7ng 震動
- barber shop thi3-tha5u-tia3m, li2-hoat-tia3m 理髮
shock, shake, vibrate, rock chi2n-ha3n 震撼
shocked, stunned out of one's wits lio8k-si5n
bu5-chu2 六神無主
- general goods shop cha8p-ho3e-tia3m 雜貨店
shop, to buy things be2 mi8h-ki7a* 買東西
shocking kia*-si2-la5ng 駭人的
- to go shopping khi3 be2 mi8h-ki7a* 去買東西
shocking story of crime kia*-si2-la5ng e5 ho7ancho7e ko3+-su7 駭人聽聞的犯罪故事
shop-counter, chest ku7i 櫃
shock-resistant, quake-proof ho5ng-chi2n 防震
shopkeeper, boss la2u-pa2n 老板
shoddy ke2 e5, mo7+-chhiong, ho2-kho3a*-tha5u 假的,
shoplifter thau-the8h tia3m-ho3e e5 chha8t-a2 商店
shopper ko3+-kheh 顧客
short in the wiring system ah-suh 短路
shopping basket chha3i-na5 菜籃
short life, die young te2-ho3e-si7u 短壽
shopping center for second-hand goods
ko3+-bu8t-tiong-sim, tiong-ko+-tia3m, ji7-chhi2utia3m 購物中心,中古上商店,二手店
short lived te2-mi7a e5 短命的
short memory bo5 ki3-ti5 健忘
short month of 29 days in the lunar calendar or 30 days in the solar goe8h-si2o 月小
shopping streets, the downtown ke-chhi7 街
short of cash chhi2u-tha5u a5n 手頭緊
shops, stores, business establishments
ha5ng-ho7 行號
short of help, lack of manpower khia3m-la5ng,
khia3m-kha-sia3u 欠工作人員,欠員,缺人手
shopworn pa5i ti7 tia3m-ni8h chin ku2 pia3n ku7 e5
ho3e 擺在店裡很久而陳舊的貨品
short of money, lack of money khi3am-khoeh
chi5* 缺錢
shore, seashore ho7a*, ha2i-pi*, ha2i-ho7a* 岸,海
short of talent khoat-hoa8t ji5n-cha5i 缺乏人才
short of, to lack khoat-sia2u 缺少
- to arrive at the shore kho3-ho7a* 靠岸
short or small in stature, in childhood se3ha3n 矮小,年少
- to go on shore teng-lio8k 登陸
shore up, withstand the3*-ti5au 撐住,頂住
short plays or movies te2-kio8k, sia2u-phi2n 短劇,
shore, bank, beach, coast, slope, natural
sloping bank at the seashore, river
edge, or base of hill phi5a* 灘,坡
short separation, to part for a short time
chia7m-pia8t 暫別
short, not enough bo5-ka3u, put-chiok 不足
short sleeved te2-n2g e5 短袖的
- to cut somebody short phah-tn7g la5ng e5 o7e
short step se3-hoa8h 小步
short stop, baseball player iu5-kek-chhi2u 游擊
- to make a long story short ka2n-tan ko2ng,
cho2ng ko2ng chi8t ku3 簡單說,總而言之
short sword te2-kia3m 短劍
short and fat pu5i-thu2n 肥碩
short tempered pha2i*-se3ng-te7 壞脾氣
short and stout, fat dwarf bu2-tu2n, bu2-tu2n bu2tu2n 肥矮的
short term bonds, loans, short period te2-ki5
short and stout, squat, dumpy, roly-poly e2ko2+, e2-ko2+-e2-ko2+, e2-pu5i 矮胖
short term worker, seasonal worker, temporary labor li5m-si5-kang 臨時工
short attention span chu3-i3-le8k be7 chi8p-tiong
short time, a short length of time chi8t-cha7ma2, chi8t-khu3i-a2 一小段時間,一會兒
short circuit la7u-tia7n 短路,漏電
short time, short term te2 si5-kan 短時間
short circuit fire tia7n-so3a* cha2u-ho2e 電線走火
short wave te2-pho po3-sa3ng 短波播送
short circuit, electrical short circuit ho7+ siophah-tia7n 使電流短路
short while chi8t-e7-a2 一下子
short cut ki7n-lo7+ 近路
short winded ho+-khip khu3n-la5n e5 呼吸困難的
short days and long nights ji8t te2 me5 tn5g 日短
short, flat nose, pug nose sai-a2-phi7* 獅子鼻
short distance race, sprint to2an-pha2u 短跑
shortage khia3m-khoeh, put-chiok 缺乏,不足
short garment, shirt te2-sa* 短衣
short hand saw chhi2u-ki3-a2 手鋸
shortage of materials bu8t-chu khoat-hoa8t,
bu8t-chu put-chiok 物資缺乏,不足
short handed kha-chhi2u bo5-ka3u 缺人手
shortcoming khoat-tia2m, mo5+-pe7* 缺點,毛病
short, terse, brief ka2n-te2 簡短
- to speak of others' shortcomings ko2ng
la5ng e5 tn5g-te2 說人家的長短
short in height e2 矮
short in length te2 短
shortcoming, a lack khia3m-tia2m 缺點
short in stature e2-phih-phih, e2-tuh-tuh 極矮,
shortcut, crazy sioh-toh (phonetic) 短路,神經
short in stature e2-se3 矮小
shorten kia2m-te2, ho7+ khah te2, sok-te2, chia2n-tn7g,
kia2m-chi2o 減短,縮短,剪斷,減少
short in stature, like the pit of dragon eye
fruit or lichee is very small chi3u-hu8t-a2 形
shorten by adjustment chhek khah te2 縮短一
shoulder entire responsibility, full time employee choan-ji7m 專任
shorten it cha2* khah te2 le3 截短一點
shoulder responsibility, bare the burden or
blame tam-tng, ta*, hu7-tam 擔當,擔,負擔
shorten the prepuce by surgical operation,
circumcise koah pau-pho5e 割包皮
shout jio2ng, jia2ng, hoah, hiu 嚷嚷,喊叫
shorten the sleeves pih chhi2u-n2g 捲袖子
shout and yell vociferously chhia3ng-sia* 嗆聲
shortened, to curtail, to cut down sok-te2 縮
shout out that someone be beat up hia3mphah 喊打,叫打
shortening chian-pi2a* e5 iu5, iu5-so+ 煎餅用的油,
shout out to catch a thief hoah-chha8t 喊賊
shorter way, short cut, kill oneself, commit
suicide te2-lo7+ 捷徑,自殺
shout to somebody to come hiu la5ng la5i 叫人
shorthand notation sok-ki3 hu5-ho7 速記符號
shout with joy hoa*-hi2 kah to7a-sia* hoah 高興
shout slogans ho+ kha2u-ho7 呼口號
shorthand, stenography, write in shorthand
sok-ki3 速記
short-lived enthusiasm go7+-hun-cheng jia8t-to7+
shout, bawl, to roar at, to thunder at, to say
disagreeable things, speak loud and
angrily hat 吆喝,叱吒,責怪
short-lived, die young te2-mi7a 短命
shout, cry out, to yell ho+-ki3o 呼叫
shortly, in a few days, one of these days
ki7n-ji8t-tiong 近日中
shout, or cry out loudly, a loud cry for
someone to come hoah-ki3o 喊叫
shortly, made simple, not complicated ka2ntan 簡單
shout, yell, howl, yell for help hoah-i-o 喊叫
shortly, soon, in a short time bo5 lo7a-ku2, lia5mpi*, cho3e-ki7n 不久,即刻,最近
shouting hoah-hiu 喊叫
shortness of breath ho+-khip kip-chhiok e5
che3ng-cho7ng 呼吸急促的症狀
shouts of victory se3ng-li7 e5 hoah-sia* 勝利的喊
short-sighted, lack foresight ki7n-si7 e5, bo5 oa2nkia3n 短視的,無遠見
shove sak 推
shouts and screams hia3m-sia* 叫聲
shove endwise into a hole nng, long 穿
short-term course of training or instruction,
a seminar ka2ng-si8p-pan 講習班
shove a long thing into a hole, as one's arm
or leg into coat, trousers or boots nng
ji8p-khi3 穿進去
short-term training or instruction course
ka2ng-si8p 講習
shovel dirt with a spade chhiah-tho5+ 挖土
shot thrown in the shot put ia5n-ki5u, thih-chi2
shovel earth thuh-tho5+ 鏟土
shovel, a spade tho5+-chhiah, soa-thio 鏟子
shot, bullet, discharge from a rifle chhe3ngchi2, pha3u-to5a*, si7a-kek, si7a-the5ng 子彈,砲
- puppet show po3+-te7-hi3 布袋戲
show a movie poa* tia7n-ia2* 演電影
- good shot ho2 chhe3ng-chhi2u 好槍手
show business ia2*-kio8k-gia8p 影劇業
shot gun la8h-chhe3ng, so3a*-chi2-chhe3ng 獵槍,散
show case po-le5-tu5, kia3n-pu2n-tu5 玻璃櫥,樣品
shot put kiat thih-chi2 擲鉛球
show concern about, be worried about ko3+-li7,
ko3+-lu7 顧慮
should e3ng-kai, tio8h 應該,必須
show deep respect, to salute ti3-ke3ng 致敬
should, ought, that which should be, of
course tong-jia5n 理當
show discolored eyes indicating death pe8hka5i* 眼珠翻白
shoulder, part of the body keng-kah-tha5u,
keng-tha5u 肩膀
show a favor, dispense a special grace
khai-in 開恩
- carry on the shoulders ta*, kng, gi5a 擔,扛,
show filial love ha3u-a3i, ha3u-su7n 孝愛,孝順
shoulder blade keng-kah-kut, pn7g-si5-kut 肩胛
show a good example cho3 ho2 bo5+-ho7an 做好
show good results kia3n-ha7u 見效
show, notify po3 報
show goods in a shop window, display pa5i
show, performance si2o (phonetic), pia2u-i2an
show leniency or mercy chhi2u-ha7 li5u-che5ng
show, program of entertainment chiat-bo8k,
pia2u-ia2n e5 節目
show a matter clearly, show a thing in the
right light pia7n-be5ng 辯明
show, to prove che3ng-be5ng 證明
show, stage concerts, political show off,
limelight cho2-si2o (phonetic) 作秀,舞臺演
show mercy or pity hoat chu5-pi 發慈悲
show no gratitude for past favors ko3e-ho5
thiah-ki5o 過河拆橋
shower, rain sai-pak-ho7+, chi8t chu7n ho7+ 陣雨,
show no respect to elders and superiors
bo8k bu5 chun-tio2ng 目無尊長
- a short shower lo8h sai-pak-ho7+ 下一陣雨
show off tia2n 炫耀,賣弄
- to take a shower chhia5ng seng-khu 沖澡
show off one's strength or power ia7u-bu2
io5ng-ui 耀武揚威
shower sprinkler chu2i-so7an-a2-tha5u 蓮蓬頭
show off, A person who stutters always
wants to talk. to7a-chi8h he3ng-thi8h 口吃愛
showing pia2u-hia7n, tia2n-la2m 表現,展覽
shower, short, sudden rain chu7n-ho7+ 陣雨
showing a vast expanse of white pe8h-bo5ngbo5ng 白茫茫
show one's good faith pia2u-si7 se5ng-i3 表示誠意
show one's skill hia2n sin-chhi2u 顯身手
showing wild imagination, preposterously
fantastic hi-bo7ng 希望
show one's thanks or appreciation, express
one's gratitude pia2u-si7 si7a-i3 表示謝意
showroom siong-phi2n ti5n-lia8t-sek 商品陳列室
show respect, pay respects pia2u-si7 ke3ng-i3 表
shrapnel li5u-to5a* 榴彈
showy ia2*-ba8k e5, ho2-kho3a* e5, chin-su2i e5 豔麗的
shred chhu3i-chhu3i, chi8t-lia5u-a2, chhiat cho3 chi8tlia5u chi8t-lia5u-a2 碎片,細條,切成細條
show signs of a rise, improvement u7 khi2-sek
show somebody the way ka7 la5ng po3 lo7+, ka7
la5ng chi2-tia2m be5ng-lo7+ 告訴問路者路怎麼走,
show sympathy pia2u-si7 to5ng-che5ng 表示同情
shredded dried pork bah-so+ 肉鬆
shredded pork bah-si 肉絲
shredded tapioca chhi7u-chi5-chhiam 樹薯籤
shrew mouse, a mouse with a long sharp
snout good for digging tunnels te7-chhi2
show sympathy by making inquiries consolation, offer condolence to someone on
the death of a loved one u3i-bu7n 慰問
show temper sa2i-phiah 使性子
shrew, fierce or violent woman chhiah-chabo2+ 悍婦
show the way by example i2-sin chok-chek 以
shrew, vixen, ominous woman ho2+-pa3-bu2 母
show to the public as a warning for the future si7-chio3ng 示眾
shrewd ki-bi2n, chhong-bi2n, chin cheng 機敏,
show window kia3n-pu2n-tu5, tia2n-si7 thang-a2 樣
shrewd face chin cheng e5 bi7n, chhong-bi2n e5
bi7n 精明的臉孔
shrewd in the bad sense chin iu5-tia5u 很油條
show, to allow to be seen ho7+ la5ng kho3a* 給
shrewd man, man of outstanding ability
kia3m-sian 翹楚,精通者
show, an act of a play chi8t chhut hi3 一齣戲
shrewd, alert, sharp, to wander about li3u 世
show, development tia2n, pia2u-be5ng 展現
show, display, expression on platform ta5ihong 台風
shriek ki-ki-ki3o 尖銳的叫聲
show, exhibition tia2n-la2m-ho7e 展覽會
shriek with pain thi3a* kah ai-ai-ki3o 痛得哀哀叫
show, to explain ko2ng-be5ng 講明
shrike pah-chi8h-chia2u 百舌鳥
show, to indicate, point out pia2u-be5ng, pia2usi7, chi2-be5ng 表示,表示,指明
shrill ki-ki-ki3o 尖銳的聲音
shrimp he5-a2 蝦
- pickled shrimps he5-a2-ke5 蝦醬
shut down computer tia7n-na2u koai*-ki 電腦關
- small dried shrimps he5-bi2, he5-pi 蝦米
shrimp from sandy beaches soa-he5 沙蝦
shut or close a book ha8p 合
shrimp oil he5-iu5 蝦油
shut or close the eyes kheh 閉
shrine bi7o, tn5g, si5n-se3ng e5 so2+-cha7i, ko2+-chek 廟,
shut or cover tight, fast, get along well ba7,
ba8t 緊,合得來,密
shrink kiu, lu2n, kia* 縮,畏縮
shut the eyes ba8k-chiu kheh-kheh 閉上眼睛
shrink after washing kiu-chu2i 縮水
shut up the shop siu-tia3m 打烊
shrink back to3-kiu 倒縮
shut, close or cover a box kha3m 蓋
shrink from pain kia*-thi3a* 怕痛
shutter, camera shutter kho3ai-mn5g 快門
shrink from responsibility kia* hu7 chek-ji7m
shutter, window blind pah-hio8h-thang 百葉窗
shuttering, formwork for building, pattern
plate for a machine pang-bo5+ 模板,板模
shrink, having a wrinkled look ki3u 抽
shuttle khu-kan-chhia 區間車
shrinkage siok-sia2u, sok-chi2o, kia2m-chi2o 縮小,
shrivel ho7+ lian-khi3, ho7+ po2+-khi3, soe-jio8k 使枯乾,
shriveled skin jia5u-pho5e 皮膚皺皺的
shuttle bus to terminal 1 on2g te7-it ha5ng-ha7
bah-suh 往第一航廈巴士
shuttle taking workers to and from work
thong-khi5n 通勤
shriveled, faded away, withered lian-khi3 枯萎
shuttle, weaver's shuttle so-a2, nia2u-chhi2-a2 梭
shroud for the dead lia7m-po3+, ji8p-lia7m 殮布,入
- to play shuttlecock phah u2-mo+-ki5u 打羽毛
shrove Tuesday su3-su5n-ki5 e5 chia5n-ji8t (Catholic)
shy kia* kia3n-sia3u, bo5 ta2*, pha2i*-se3, pih-su3 怕羞,
shrub ko3an-bo8k 灌木
shy, very bashful si2o-bi7n-si5n 易怕羞
shrubbery ko3an-bo8k, ko3an-bo8k-li5m 灌木,灌木
shylock pa3ng ta7ng-la7i e5 放高利貸者
shyster kan-khia2u e5, kan-cha3 e5 奸猾的,奸詐的
shrug keng-tha5u gi5a chi8t-e7 聳聳肩
Siamese Sia7m-lo5 e5 暹羅的
shrunken mo+h-mo+h, po2+-po2+ 萎縮的
Siamese twins lia5n-the2 e*-a2, lia5n-the2-eng 連體
shuttlecock u2-mo+-ki5u 羽毛球
shudder or shiver phi8h-phi8h-chhoah, khu8hkhu8h chun, khu8h-khu8h chhoah 發抖,顫抖
sibilant si8h-si8h-ki3o, si8h-si8h-ki3o e5 sia* 嘶嘶聲
sick pho3a-pe7* e5, la5ng chin kan-kho2+ 生病的,人
shuffle ki5a*-lo7+ e7ng thoa e5 拖著腳走路
shuffle playing cards or mahjong pieces se2pa5i, chhap pa5i-a2 洗牌
- to be sick of tho2-ia3 討厭
- to get sick pho3a-pe7* 生病
shuffleboard sak i5*-po5a* e5 iu5-hi3 推圓盤遊戲
shun sia2m, sia2m-pi7, pi7-bia2n 閃開,閃避,避免
- doctor visiting a sick person o2ng-chi2n 到
shunt one car to allow another to pass, to
give right of way to another vehicle siosia2m-chhia 會車
- friends visiting a sick person tha3m-pe7* 探
sick and wounded siong-ho7an 傷患
shut a door or window koai* 關
sick headache tha5u-khak thi3a* chi8t pe5ng,
phian-tha5u-thi3a* 偏頭痛
- to sleep with the windows shut thang-a2
koai* leh khu3n 關著窗睡覺
sick leave pe7*-ka2 病假
shut and lock the door koai*-mn5g-chho3a*-ho7+
sick man, patient pe7*-la5ng 病人
sickbed pe7*-chhn5g 病床
shut a door koai*-mn5g 關門
sickening ho7+ la5ng e7 tho3+ e5 使人作嘔的
shut down hiu-gia8p, the5ng-kang, hioh-kang 休
sickle for rice harvesting lia5m-le8k-a2 鐮刀
sickly lo2an-jio8k, pho3a-pe7* e5, ka7u-pe7* 軟弱,生
sickly appearance, symptom, abnormal pe7*tha3i 病態
sideswiped kheh-tio8h 碰撞到
sidetrack, railroad siding ho2e-chhia sa2i-ji8pkhi3 chi-so3a* 火車駛入支線
sickly complexion khi3-sek ba2i, bi7n-sek m7-ho2
sidetrack, to shift, divert or distract attention cho2an-i5 bo8k-phiau 轉移目標
sickly, weak, infirmity hi-jio8k 虛弱
sickness pe7*, pe7*-che3ng 疾病,病症
sidewalk, a promenade, pedestrian path ji5nhe5ng-to7 人行道
- car sickness hi5n-chhia 暈車
- incurable sickness cho8at-che3ng 絕症
- long sickness ku2-tn5g-pe7*, la7u mo5+-pe7* 久病,
- mortal sickness ti3-mi7a e5 pe7* 致命的病
sideways tha2n-khi, tha2n-pi*, bi7n hio3ng pi*-a2,
siding for railroad cars chi-so3a*, thih-lo7+ ta2nchhia io7ng e5 側線
siding, board wall siding pang-a2-piah 木板壁
- sea sickness hi5n-chu5n 暈船
siding, to side with, to discriminate in favor
of a5* kui-pe5ng 偏袒
- serious sickness ta7ng-pe7* 重病
- to feign sickness ke2 pho3a-pe7* 假裝生病
sidle, walk sideways tha2n-ho5ai*-ki5a* 橫著走
sickness and suffering sin-kho2+ pe7*-thi3a* 身苦
SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome eng-ji5
sin-si2 che3ng-ha7u-ku5n 嬰兒瘁死症候群
sickness, disease, ailments che3ng-tha5u 症狀
siege u5i, pau-u5i 圍,包圍
sickroom, ward pe7*-pa5ng 病房
- to lay siege to pau-u5i 包圍
side, border, surface, take the side of pi*,
pe5ng, pi*-a2, ki5*, bi7n, hong-bi7n, u7i 邊,旁邊,
- to proclaim a state of siege soan-po3+ ka3igia5m 宣佈戒嚴
siesta khu3n-ta3u 午睡
- both sides siang-pe5ng, siang-hong 兩邊,雙
- to take a siesta khu3n tiong-ta3u 睡午覺
sieve, sifter thai-a2, thai, bi2-thai chhu3i 篩子,篩,
- at one's side sin-pi* 身邊
- four sides si3-bi7n, si3-pi* 四面,四邊
- rice sieve bi2-thai 米篩子
- left side to3-chhi2u-pe5ng, to3-pe5ng 左手邊,左
sift thai, sio5ng-se3 koan-chhat 篩,詳細觀察
- on every side si3-ke3 四處
sift flour thai mi7-hu2n 篩麵粉
- on the other side le7ng-go7a chi8t hong-bi7n 另
sift rice thai bi2 篩米
- paralyzed on one side po3an-su7i 半身不遂
sifted, chosen out very carefully ko3e-thai,
thai-ko3e 過篩,篩過
sift sand thai soa-a2 篩沙子
- right side chi3a*-chhi2u-pe5ng, chi3a*-pe5ng 右
sigh, exhale tho2+ to7a-khu3i, chho2an to7a-khu3i,
oa3n-tha3n 歎息,歎氣,悲歎
- the opposite side tu3i-bi7n 對面
- to give a sigh tho2+ chi8t-e7 to7a-khu3i 嘆一口氣
- to take sides hun pe5ng 分邊
- to walk side by side pa5i leh ki5a* 並肩走
sigh and moan ai-oa3n 哀怨
- two sided nn7g pe5ng e5 兩邊的
sigh with bitterness oa3n-tha3n 怨歎
sight, power of sight si7-le8k, ga2n-le8k 視力,眼力
side dish hu3-ka e5 chha3i, si2o-chha3i 附加的菜,
- at first sight chho+ ki3*-bi7n 初見面
side door pi*-a2-mn5g 側門
- pleasing to the sight chin ho2 kho3a* 很好看
side effect hu3-chok-io7ng 副作用
sideboard oa2*-tu5 餐具櫥
- to have poor sight kho3a* be7 chheng-chho2,
ba8k-chiu bo5 ho2 看不清楚,眼睛不好
sideline, edge, boundary pi*-a2 e5 so3a*, ka3iso3a*, hu3-gia8p 邊線,界線,副業
- to lose one's sight ba8k-chiu chhe*-me5-khi3
sight, view kong-ke2ng, hong-ke2ng, be5ng-se3ng
sidelong, inclined, slanting, oblique, tilting
chhi5a e5, si5a e5 斜的
- to see the sights kho3a* hong-ke2ng 看風景
- to cast a sidelong look at sa2i ba8k-bo2e
kho3a*… 拋媚眼看…
sight of one's back po7e-ia2* 背影
sidestep sia2m-phiah 閃避
sight testing chart si7-le8k-pi2o 視力表
sightseeing iu5-la2m, koan-kong 遊覽,觀光
signboard of a store or any other business
concern kha9n-pa2ng (phonetic) 看板
sightseeing car, excursion bus iu5-la2m-chhia
signboard, shop sign pa5i-pia2n, chiau-pa5i,
ko2ng-ko3-pang 招牌,廣告牌
sightseeing trip or tour koan-kong li2-he5ng 觀
signet i3n-a2 印章
sightseer koan-kong-kheh 觀光客
signet ring i3n-a2 chhi2u-chi2 印章戒指
sign, short sigh, gasp chhe3-khu3i 短嘆
significance tio7ng-ta7i i3-gi7 重大意義
sign, mark ki3-ho7, a3m-ho7, phiau-ki3 記號,暗號,
- deep significance i3-gi7 chin chhim 意義很深
significant u7 i3-gi7 e5, u7 i3-su3 e5, tio7ng-ia3u e5 有意義
- secret sign a3m-ho7 暗號
- to give sign of pia2u-si7 表示
signification i3-su3, i3-gi7, tio7ng-ia3u, pia2u-be5ng 意
- to make signs with the hands ia8t-chhi2u,
pi2-kha o7e-chhi2u 招,比手畫腳
signify pia2u-si7, chi2-si7, chi2-be5ng, u7…i3-su3 表示,
- to make the sign of the Cross cho3 se3ngho7 畫聖號
signify consent with a nod ti3m-tha5u pia2u-si7
to5ng-i3 點頭表示同意
sign, omen, foreshadow i7-tia7u, chia5n-tia7u 預
signpost lo7+-phiau 路標
- a good sign, omen ho2 e5 chia5n-tia7u 好的前
signs of a human settlement, human habitation ji5n-ian 人煙
sign a treaty chhiam-iok 簽約
signs of the times i7-tia7u 預兆
sign jointly, joint signature lia5n-su7 連署
signs or traces indicating human presence
la5ng-jiah 人跡
sign of aggregation in mathematics koat-ho7
signs, wonders i7-sio7ng 異象
sign of something to come i7-sio7ng 預象
silence an-che7ng, tia7m-che7ng, bo5 sia*,
ho7+…tia7m-tia7m 安靜,寂靜,無聲,使安靜
Sign of the Cross se3ng-ho7, si8p-ji7 se3ng-ho7
(Catholic) 聖號,十字聖號
Silence please! Chhi2a* ma3i ko2ng-o7e. Chhi2a*
an-che7ng. 請不要講話! 請安靜!
sign the attendance book at the office, firm
or factory chhiam-to3 簽到
Silence! Keep quiet! Shut up! Keep silence,
without a word, in silence, without
permission tia7m-tia7m 安靜!住口!緘默地!
sign, miracle ki5-chek 奇蹟
sign, signature chhiam-mi5a, chhiam-ji7 簽名,
silent an-che7ng, tia7m-tia7m, che7ng-che7ng, tia7mche7ng 安靜的
sign, signboard chiau-pa5i 招牌
Signal Corps, member or the Signal Corps
thong-si3n-peng 通信兵
silent assent sim-la7i to5ng-i3 心裡同意
silent movie bo5 sia* e5 ia2*-phi3* 無聲的影片
signal flag si3n-ho7-ki5 信號旗
silent prayer be8k-to2 默禱
signal lamp si3n-ho7-teng 信號燈
silently tia7m-tia7m-a2, thau-thau-a2 安靜地,悄悄
signal man si3n-ho7-chhi2u, si3n-ho7-peng 信號手,
- to work silently tia7m-tia7m-a2 cho3, thau-thaua2 cho3 安靜地做,悄悄地做
signal to a person ka7 i ia8t, ia8t-chhi2u 向他招手
signal with flags, lamp si3n-ho7, a3m-ho7, ki3-ho7,
tia7u-tha5u, hoat si3n-ho7 信號,暗號,記號,徵
silhouette chhek-bi7n-sio7ng, chhek-bi7n-to5+, bi7nkheng 側面像,側面圖,臉的輪廓
signatory chhiam-mi5a e5, u7 chhima-ji7 e5 簽名的,
silica se8k-tho5+ 矽土
silicon se8k 矽
silicon chip si2-cheng-phia2n (phonetic), sekcheng-phi3* 矽晶片
signature chhiam-ji7, chhiam-mi5a 簽字,簽名
- to affix one's signature chhiam-ji7, chhiammi5a 簽字,簽名
Silicon Valley Si2-ku5 (phonetic), Sek-kok 矽谷
silicone implant hong-leng-chhi2u-su8t 矽膠移
signature dish chiau-pa5i-chha3i 招牌菜
signature pen chhiam-ji7-pit 簽字筆
silk worm cocoon ni5u-a2-ke2ng, chha5m-pau 蠶
silver powder gi5n-hu2n 銀粉
silver smith phah gi5n sai-hu7 鑄銀師傅
- to unwind silk from the cocoon thiu si 抽
silver ware gi5n-khi3 銀器
silver wedding, 25th wedding anniversary
gi5n-hun 銀婚
silk thread si-to7an 絲緞
silk garments ti5u-a2-sa* 綢的衣服
silver-plated to7+-gi5n e5, pau-gi5n e5 鍍銀的,包銀
silk gauze, thin crape, cotton yarn se, sa 紗
silk of the silkworm chha5m-si, ni5u-a2-si 蠶絲
silver-tongued kha2u-cha5i chin ho2 e5, soa7nchio8h-chhu3i (slang), ga5u pia7n e5 口才很好
silk ribbon si-a2-to3a 絲帶
silk stockings or socks si-a2-boe8h 絲襪
SIM card, subscriber identity module card
SIM kha3 (phonetic), chhi2u-ki-a2 e5 chengphia2n SIM card,手機門號晶片卡
silk thread si-a2-so3a* 絲線
silk worm ni5u-a2 蠶
silk, satin fabric ti5u-to7an 綢緞
similar se5ng, chhin-chhi7u*, ka7ng-kho2an 類似,
silk, spun by silkworms si-a2, ni5u-a2-si, ti5u 絲,
similar in shape he5ng sio-sia5ng 樣子很像
silks, silk goods ti5u-a2 綢子
similar to or like, at first glance or carelessly, absent mindedly, unconsciously
ho2ng-hut 彷彿,匆匆地一看,疏忽
silky fowl or chicken with black bones o+kut-ke 烏骨雞
similar, alike, resemble, similar to, like lu7i-su7
sill mn5g-kheng, thang-a2-mn5g-to7 門檻,窗台
silly go7ng, ho5+-to5+ 愚蠢,糊塗
similar, alike, similar to lu7i-to5ng 類同
silly smile go7ng-chhi3o 傻笑
similar, substantially the same ta7i-to5ng-sia2u-i7
silly talk, absurd story go7ng-si5n 失神
silly, dull, mentally deranged, become dim
witted thian-tho8h 糊塗
similarity of image, comparison ka7ng-kho2an,
sia3u-sio7ng, pi2-lu7n 相似,肖像,比喻
silly, dull, stupid, crazy, become dim witted,
inattentive, careless, negligent thian 不
similarity to another chin se5ng… 很像…
simile ti8t-chiap pi2-ju7, ti8t-chiap ko2ng be5ng 直喻,
silly, foolish tai-tai 呆呆的
simile, for instance, metaphor phi3-ju7 譬如
silly, impudent and talkative woman, dumb
broad sam-pat 三八,十三點
simmer ba7n-ba7n-a2 kho3ng, chhi, teh boeh ku2n
e5 sia* 慢慢煮,即將沸騰時發出的聲音
silly, stupid chhi-tai 痴呆
simony e7ng si5n-chit-kho5an be2-be7 e5 cho7e, li7io7ng si5n-chit-ko5an tit-tio8h e5 li7-ek 利用聖職
silo, cellar, basement te7-ha7-sek 地窖
silt lo7+-ko5+-a2-mo5e 淤泥
silver gi5n, gi5n e5, pe8h-gi5n 銀,銀的,白銀
simple and crude ka2n-lo7+ 簡陋
silver as currency and counted by teals gi5nni2u 銀兩,錢
simple and easy, plain ka2n-i7 簡易
simple and honest dull and mechanical si2-ti8t
silver coin gi5n-pe3, gi5n-kak-a2 銀幣,銅板
silver coin minted toward the close of the
Ching Dynasty lio5ng-gi5n 龍銀
simple and sincere su5n-phok 純樸
simple and straightforward tho2+-ti8t, pe8h-ti8t 憨
silver cup gi5n-poe 銀杯
silver foil gi5n-po8h 銀箔
simple and to the point ka2n-tan be5ng-lia5u 簡
silver haired, senior citizens gi5n-hoat-cho8k
simple characters o8h ka2n-tan e5 ji7 學簡單的字
silver medal, second prize in any kind of
game or contest gi5n-pa5i 銀牌
simple food chia8h ka2n-tan e5 mi8h-ki7a* 吃簡單
silver mine gi5n-kho3ng 銀礦
simple food, ordinary meal, potluck, everyday fare pia7n-chha3i 便菜
silver piece go5an-po2, gi5n-chi5*, gi5n-ti7a* 元寶,銀
silver plaque gi5n-tu2n 銀盾
simple hut for workmen at a construction
site, construction shack kang-lia5u 工寮
sin, crime, wrongdoing cho7e-gia8t 罪孽
sin, to commit a crime or offense ho7an-cho7e
simple life ka2n-tan e5 seng-oa8h 簡單的生活
simple mathmatical fraction ka2n-hun-so3+ 簡
- original sin go5an-cho7e 原罪
simple mathmatical proportion, single ratio
tan-pi2-le7 單比例
- to confess one's sins ko3-ka2i 告解
- to acknowledge one's sin ji7n-cho7e 認罪
- to obtain forgiveness for sin tit-tio8h si3acho7e 得到赦罪
simple meal consisting of a couple of
dishes which are served promptly in
small restaurants kho3ai-chhan 快餐
- venial, mortal sin si2o-cho7e, to7a-cho7e 小罪,
simple minded chin go7ng, bo5 keng-gia7m 很愚
sin, crime, evil, offense cho7e-ko3 罪惡,罪過
simple minded, honest, sincere phok-si8t 樸
sin, defect, fault ko3e-sit 過失
simple post office, postal kiosk iu5-te5ng 郵亭
sin, guilt, crime, fault, blame cho7e 罪
simple, brief, briefly, simplify, abbreviate
ka2n-lio8k 簡略
Sinai Se-na2i-san, Se-na2i-soa* 西乃山
sin, crime, vice, evil, guilt cho7e-ok 罪惡
since a previous event, ever since tu3i… i2-la5i,
chu7-chio5ng 以來,自從
simple, handy, convenient ka2n-pia7n 簡便
simple, plain, easy ka2n-tan, tan-su5n e5, la2u-si8t,
tha2n-pe8k, phok-so3+, so3+, chhia2n, io5ng-i7 簡單,
since ancient times chu7 ko2+ i2-la5i 自古以來
simple, pure, plain, unmixed, few member
in the family chheng-kho3 單純,家庭成員
since the dawn of history iu2-su2 i2-la5i 有史以來
since it is so… ki3-jia5n a2n-ni … 既然這樣…
since one's birth iu2-seng i2-la5i 有生以來
since then tu3i hit si5 ka3u ta* 從那時到現在
since yesterday cha-hng ka3u-ta* 從昨天一直
simple, yet terse, short and to the point ka2nbe5ng 簡明
since, this being the case chheng-cha7i, kahsi7, ki3-jia5n 既然
simple-hearted tia5u-ti8t 直率
simpleton go7ng-la5ng, ho2-phia3n e5 la5ng 愚人,傻
sincere, cordial chin-chip 真摯
simplicity tan-su5n, ka2n-tan, tha2n-pe8k, phok-so3+,
thian-chin 單純,簡單,坦白,樸素,天真
simplification, simplify tan-su5n-ho3a, ka2n-ho3a,
ka2n-tan-ho3a 單純化,簡化,簡單化
sincere, honest se5ng-si8t, se5ng-sim, chin-sim,
se5ng-i3, la2u-si8t, se5ng-khu2n 誠實,誠心,真心,
- loyal and sincere tiong-si8t 忠實
simplified form of characters ka2n-the2-ji7 簡體
sincere and devout khia5n-se5ng 虔誠
simplify tan-su5n-ho3a, ka2n-ho3a, ka2n-tan-ho3a 單
sincere talk, words from the bottom of
one's heart chin-sim-oe7 真心話
sincere sorrow chin-sim tho3ng-ho3e 真心痛悔
sincerely chin-sim, se5ng-i3, la2u-si8t, se5ng-khu2n
simply si8t-cha7i, chi2-u7, kan-na, cho8at-tu3i 實在,
- to speak sincerely la2u-si8t ko2ng 老實說
simulate being poor ke2 cho3 sa3n-chhiah-la5ng
sincerely, enthusiastically jia8t-chhiat 熱切
simulate illness ke2 u7 pe7*, ke2 pho3a-pe7* 假裝生
sincerely, whole heartedly, conscientiously
se5ng-sim se5ng-i3 誠心誠意
simulate, pretend, posing as …, role ke2, te3*,
ke2-cho3…, cho3…kak-sek 假裝,假扮成…,
sincerity se5ng-si8t, se5ng-sim, se5ng-i3, se5ng-khu2n
- with all sincerity se5ng-sim se5ng-i3, la2u-la2u
si8t-si8t 誠心誠意,老老實實
simulation mo5+-ni5 (phonetic), bo5+-gi5, ke2-cho3,
seng-cho3 kho3a*-bai7 模擬
sine qua non pit-ia3u tia5u-ki7a* 必要條件
simultaneous to5ng-si5 e5, ka7ng-si5 e5 同時的
sinew kin, kun, cheng-le8k, the2-le8k, go5an-to7ngle8k 筋,精力,體力,原動力
simultaneous equation lia5n-li8p hong-the5ngsek 聯立方程式
sinews and bones kin-kut 筋骨
sinewy kin chin ka7u e5, kin chin che7 e5, u7-la8t e5,
io2ng, kio5ng-cho3ng e5 多筋的,有力的,強壯
single bed tan-ji5n chhn5g, ko3-ji5n-chhn5g 單人床
sinful u7 cho7e e5, si5a-ok e5 有罪的,邪惡的
single character or word, vocabulary tan-ji7
single bed room in a hotel tan-ji5n pa5ng, ko3ji5n-pa5ng 單人房
sinful conduct cho7e-chn7g 罪狀
sinful heart si5a-sim, sim bo5 chi3a* 邪心,心不正
sinful people cho7e-bi5n 罪民
Single Elimination Tournament tan-to5-tha3iche3 單淘汰制
sing and dance koa-bu2 歌舞
single eye tan-ga2n 單眼
sing and play the piano or guitar at the
same time to5a*-chhi3u* 彈唱
single genuflection ku7i-chi8t-kha (Catholic) 跪
sing another's praises o-lo2 bo2+ la5ng 讚美某人
single-hearted, sincerity, heartfelt se5ng-i3 e5,
chin-sim e5 誠意的,真心的
sing before an audience, sing on stage ia2nchhi3u* 演唱
single leaf door toa*-si3*-mn5g 單扇門
sing hymns chhi3u* se3ng-koa 唱聖歌
single parent tan-chhin 單親
sing hymns, sing praises of koa-e7ng, ko-e7ng
(Catholic) 歌詠
single parent families tan-chhin-ka-te5ng 單親
sing in chorus ha8p-chhi3u* 合唱
single plank bridge to8k-bo8k-ki5o 獨木橋
sing mountain song chhi3u*-la7n-tha5n 唱山歌
single railroad line tan-so3a* 單線
sing praises ko-sio7ng 歌頌
single registered letter, ordinary registered
mail tan-ko3a-ho7 單掛號
sing a solo, vocal recital to8k-chhi3u* 獨唱
single round robin system in sports tan-su5nkho5an-che3 單循環制
sing songs chhi3u*-koa, chhi3u*-khek 唱歌
sing songs and become happy chhi3u*-koa
la7-khek 歡唱
single-handedly, all by oneself it-chhi2u, tanchhiu*-phit-ma2 一手,單槍匹馬
sing tenor chhi3u* la5m-ko-im 唱男高音
single-minded, faithful, dedicated tiong-si8t e5,
it-sim it-i3 e5 忠實的,一心一意的
sing the blues hia5m-tang hia5m-sai 嫌東嫌西
sing the praises of cha3n-sio7ng 讚頌
sing, sing a song chhi3u*, chhi3u*-koa 唱,唱歌
singleness tan-to8k, to8k-sin, se5ng-si8t, se5ng-i3,
choan-sim 單獨,獨身,誠實,誠意,專心
sing, to hoot, to crow, chirp like a bird ha2u
singleness of purpose choan-sim, tan-su5n e5
bo8k-phiau 專心,單純的目標
Singapore Sin-ka-pho 新加坡
singly tan-to8k, hun-khui, chi8t e5 chi8t e5 單獨,分
singe, to burn with a hot iron, to warm by
bringing near something hot, to chill by
application of ice u3, thn3g chha3u-ta, hang
chha3u-ta khi3, su2n-ha7i 燙,烙,鎮,敷,燙焦,
singsong tan-tia7u, bo5 bi7 bo5 so3+, chhi3u*-koa*
chhi3u*-tio8h chhin-chhi7u* o+-ah-a2 teh ha2u
singsongy voice tan-tia7u e5 sia* 單調的聲音
- Scandal singed his reputation. Kia3n-sia3uta7i su2n-ha7i i e5 mi5a-sia*. 醜聞損害了他的名
singular affair ki5-su7 奇事
singular, eccentric, contrary kok-pih 奇異,古
- Your dress is singed. Li2 e5 sa* ut chha3u-ta
khi3. 你的衣服燙燒焦了.
singular, exceptional, outstanding, sublime
ki5-kha2 e5 卓異的
singer koa-chhi2u 歌手
singular, single, odd number tan e5, tan-so3+ e5,
tan-so3+ 單的,單數的,單數
singing and dancing, song and dance koabu2 歌舞
singing star koa-chhe* 歌星
singular, strange, odd, surprising ki5-ko3ai 奇
single, only one, not double to8k-sin-a2, to8ksin-chi2a, ia2u-bo7e kiat-hun e5 la5ng, chi8t e5,
tan 獨身,獨身者,未婚者,單一的,單
singularity tan-so3+, ki5-bia7u, te8k-se3ng 單數,奇妙,
sinicized, influenced by the Chinese milieu
tiong-kok-ho3a 中國化
- I am single. Go2a si7 to8k-sin-a2. 我是單身漢.
- remain single si2u to8k-sin 守單身
sinister character im-hia2m e5 se3ng-keh 陰險的
sip, suck, drink, taste, take a sip suh, sip,
sip-chi8t-e7, chip-chi8t-e7 吸,啜,小飲一下,濕
sinister motive ok-i3, pha2i*-sim, pha2i*-sim to8khe7ng 惡意,壞心腸,狼心狗肺
siphon suh-ko2ng 吸管
sinister remarks put kiat-li7 e5 o7e 不吉利的話
sir sian-si*, sin-se* 先生
sinister, evil iu2-ha7i e5, put kiat-li7 e5, ok-i3 e5, imhia2m e5 有害的,不吉利的,惡意的,陰險的
siren chu2i-le5, ke2ng-po3-khi3 號笛,警報器
sink down like a wall on a foundation, come
down like a sail when the rope is too
loose chhe8h 沉下,下垂,積
siren, fairy, banshee, bewitching woman
iau-chia*, iau-chi*, ha2i-ni8h e5 li2-iau 妖精,海
sink into water tia5m lo8h-khi3, ti5m lo8h-khi3 沉下
sirloin gu5-io te2ng-bi7n e5 bah 牛腰上部位的肉
- to blow the siren ta5n chu2i-le5 汽笛響
sisal hemp khe7ng-mo5a 瓊麻
sink into, fall into ha7m-ji8p 陷入
sissy cha-bo2+-the2 e5 cha-po+, bo5 ta2* e5 cha-po+
sink to one's knees ku7i-lo8h-khi3 跪下去
sink to the bottom ti5m te2 沉到底
sisters both elder sister and younger chi2mo7e 姊妹
sink, channel, moat, irrigation canal chu2ikau-a2 溝渠
- elder sister's husband che2-hu 姊夫
sink, cistern, water trough chu2i-cho5-a2 水槽
- elder sister a-che2 姊姊
sink, decline gradually ti5m-lo8h-khi3, ha7m-lo8hkhi3, lap-lo8h-khi3, ba7n-ba7n-a2 ti5m-lo8h-khi3 下
- father's sister a-ko+ 姑姑
- grandmother's sisters i5-po5 姨婆
- grandfather's sisters ko+-po5 姑婆
sink, perish tia5m, ti5m 沉
- husband's elder sister to7a ni5u-ko+ 大姑
sink, submerge by throwing into the water
thia7m 沉,投沉
- husband's younger sister si2o-ko+-a2 小姑
- husband of mother's sister i5-ti7u* 姨丈
sinker on a fishing line thu5i-a2, ia5n-tu7i, ia5nthu7i 錘子,鉛錘
- husband of father's sister ko+-ti7u* 姑丈
sinker, deep-fried foods iu5 chi3* e5 pi2a* 美式油
- mother's sisters a-i5 姨媽
- second elder sister ji7-che2 二姊
sinker, to precipitate solid sediment out of
a solution ti5m-te2 e5 mi8h-ki7a* 沉澱的東西
- sister's sons go7e-seng-a2, sun-a2 外甥
- sister's daughter go7e-seng-li2, cha-bo2+ sun-a2
sinkers, tunnel workers o2e soa*-to7ng e5 kangla5ng 開鑿山洞的工人
- sister in-law, elder brother's wife a-so2 嫂
Sinkiang, Chinese Turkestan Sin-kiong 新疆
sinking fund, debt repayment fund he5ng che3
ki-kim 償債基金
- sister in-law, the wives of brothers ta5ngsa7i-a2 妯娌
sinless bo5 cho7e e5, chheng-pe8k e5 無罪的,清白
- sister in-law, younger brother's wife te7hu7-a2 弟媳
sinner cho7e-ji5n, u7 cho7e e5 la5ng 罪人,有罪的人
- wife's sister i5-a2 小姨子,妻妹
Sino-African, Central Africa Tiong-hui 中非
- younger sister si2o-mo7e 妹妹
Sino-Japanese Tiong-ji8t e5 中日的
- younger sister's husband mo7e-sa3i 妹婿
Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945 Tiong-ji8t
chia3n-cheng 中日戰爭
sister cities chi2-mo7e-chhi7 姊妹市
sister educational institutions chi2-mo7e-ha7u
Sinologist, Sinologue Ha3n-ha8k-chi2a, Ha3nha8k-ka 漢學者,漢學家
Sister, women religious, nun chi2-mo7e, siu-li2
Sinology Ha3n-ha8k 漢學
sinuous oan-oan khiau-khiau 彎彎曲曲
sisterhood chi2-mo7e koan-he7 姊妹關係
sinus phi7*-to7+ 鼻竇
sisters born of the same parents chhin-chi2mo7e 親姐妹
sinusitis phi7*-le5ng, phi7*-to7+-ia7m 鼻竇炎
Sion, Zion Se-iong 西雍山
sit and crouch down warming self by a fire
ku-sio 蹲下取暖
sit astride of an animal or bike khi5a-be2-long
situate ti7… so2+-cha7i, khi7a ti7… e5 li8p-ti5u* 在…處,
sit at table che7-toh 入席
situation, condition che5ng-he5ng, che5ng-se3 情
sit at the same table ka7ng-toh 同桌
- forced by the situation ho7+ che5ng-se3 so2+
pek 被情勢所逼
sit close together che7 cha8t-cha8t 擠著坐
Sit closer! Che7 khah o2a le3. 坐近一點!
- meet the situation e3ng-hu3 應付
Sit down please. Chhi2a* che7. 請坐.
- save the situation po2+-ki3u 補救
sit down, plump down into a chair tn3g-lo8hkhi3 重重地坐下
situation as a whole, the overall situation
cho5an-kio8k 全局
sit down che7 lo8h-khi3 坐下
situation in an afflicted area is serious, a lot
of heavy damage chai-che5ng chha2mtio7ng 災情慘重
Sit further apart! Che7 khah khui le3. 坐鬆一
sit in judgement khui-te5ng 開庭
situation of extreme hardship or difficulty,
prostitution ho2e-khe*, ho2e-khi* 火坑
sit in profound meditation like a Buddhist
monk che7-sia5m 坐禪
situation unknown, situation unclear che5ngho2ng put-be5ng 情況不明
sit in silence, often as a form of physical or
spiritual regimen che7ng-cho7 靜坐
sit on a seat, take a seat, sit down che7 坐
situation, circumstance, trend of events
pa7n-se3 情形
sit on eggs, to hatch eggs, incubate pu7-nn7g,
pu7 ke-a2-ki2a* 孵蛋,孵小雞
situation, circumstances of market chhi7chha2u 市場狀況
sit on the throne che7-u7i, teng-ki 坐上王位,登
situation, circumstances, condition cho7ngho2ng 狀況
sit or lie down carelessly on the ground un
ti7 tho5+-kha 坐或倒在地上
situation, location, place so2+-cha7i, u7i-ti3 所在,
sit with legs crossed che7-sia5m, khiau-kha 禪
situation, position, condition, predicament
te7-po7+ 地步
sit, hatch, incubate eggs pu7 孵
situation, position, standpoint li8p-ti5u* 立場
sit-down or sit-in demonstration si7-ui-che7ngcho7 示威靜坐
situation, position, status, place te7-u7i 地位
situation, the state of affairs, outlook, a
prospect he5ng-se3 形勢
site u7i-ti3, cho7-lo8k, so2+-cha7i, te7-tia2m 位置,座落,
six la8k, lio8k 六,陸
site for the performance of a ceremony sekti5u* 式場
Six Confucian Arts: rites or etiquette, music,
archery, charioteering, calligraphy or
literacy and mathematics or reckoning
Lio8k-ge7, le2, ga8k, sia7, gi7, su, so3+ 六藝,禮,樂,
site of a grave or tomb, cemetery bo7ng-te7 墓
site of a proposed public road tio8h-lo7+ 道路
six continents of the world la8k ta7i-chiu, lio8kta7i-chiu 六大洲
site or locality cho7-lo8k 座落
site or location is very suitable te7-tia2m chin
sek-ha8p 地點很合適
Six directions: north, east, south, west,up
and down, the whole country, the universe, everything under the sun Lio8kha8p, thi*-te7 su3-hong 六合,天地四方
site, ground, building lot, plot chhu3-te7 房地
sit-in protest or sit-down strike che7ng-cho7
kho3ng-gi7 靜坐抗議
Six emotions or feelings of a person: joy,
anger, sorrow, happiness, love and hatred Lio8k-che5ng, hi2, no7*, ai, lo8k, ai3, ok 六
sitting and lying cho7-ngo7+ 坐臥
sitting duck chin ho2 phah e5 bo8k-phiau 容易射
Six lower intestines: gall blatter, stomach,
large and small bowels and the urinary
organs Lio8k-hu2, ta2*, u7i, po5ng-kong, samchiau, to7a-si2o-tn5g 六腑,膽,胃,膀胱,三焦,
sitting for a ceremony, banquet ji8p-se8k 入席
sitting in court session khui-te5ng 開庭
sitting on eggs, hatching eggs pu7-nn7g 孵蛋
six of the one, half a dozen of the other,
tweedledum and tweedledee chi8t e5 po3a*
kin, chi8t e5 peh ni2u 半斤八兩
- reduced to a skeleton kut ni7a-ni7a, sa2n kah
chhun chi8t ki kut 皮包骨,骨瘦如柴
skeleton key ba7n-le5ng-so2 萬能鎖
Six relations: father, mother, brothers, sisters, wife, children, near relatives Lio8kchhin, pe7-bu2, hia*-ti7, chhe-chu2 六親,父母,
skeleton, very thin, thin plate or sheet po8hpa2n 很瘦,薄板
Six roots of sensation: eye, ear, nose,
tongue, body and mind Lio8k-kin, ga2n, hi7*,
phi7*, chi8h, sin, i3 六根,眼,耳,鼻,舌,身,意
skeptic to-gi5 e5, ho5ai-gi5 ha8k-pha3i 多疑者,懷疑
skeptical to-gi5 e5, ho5ai-gi5 e5 多疑的,懷疑論
skepticism ho5ai-gi5-lu7n 懷疑論
sketch, drawn picture lio8k-to5+, o7e lio8k-to5+ 略圖,
six-cornered, sixty cents la8k-kak 六角
six-footer sin-ko5an la8k-chhioh e5 la5ng 身高六呎
- to make a rough sketch o7e chho2-to5+, o7e
chho2-ko2 畫草圖,畫草稿
sixteen cha8p-la8k 十六
- to make a sketch with fingers e7ng chn2gtha5u-a2 o7e 用手指頭畫
sixteen-year-old beauty ji7-pat ka-ji5n 二八佳人
sixth te7 la8k e5 第六的
sketch of writing or painting so3+-bia5u, so3+-o7e
sixth sense te7 la8k ka2m 第六感
sixtieth te7 la8k-cha8p e5 第六十
sketch, short, simple literary or artistic
creation, essay, skit sia2u-phi2n-bu5n 小品
sixty la8k-cha8p 六十
sixty candle power bulb la8k-cha8p-chek e5 tia7nki5u 六十燭光的電泡
sketchy chho2-ko2 e5, ta7i-kha3i-a2 e5, bo5 oa5n-cho5an
e5 草稿的,概略的,不完全的
sixty years old person la8k-cha8p ho3e, hoa-kah
skewer bah-chhia2m, kn3g-bah-chiam 串肉針
sixty-four dollar question sio7ng tio7ng-ia3u e5
bu7n-te5 最重要的問題
ski ku8t-seh, chhu7-seh 滑雪
skid chhu7-khi3, chhu7 tu3i chi8t pe5ng khi3, khangtn2g 滑向一邊,空轉
sizable put-chi2 to7a e5 頗大的
size to7a-se3, bia7n-chek, ho7, ho7-be2, chhu3nchhioh 大小,面積,號,號碼,尺寸
skiff se3 chiah chu5n-a2 小舟
skilful at making rapid and large returns out
of one's money ga5u tn2g-to2 善於運用資金
- to try on for size chhi3-chhe7ng, chhe7ng
kho3a*-ba7i 試穿
- large size to7a ho7 e5, to7a he5ng e5 大型號的
skilful at military arts and exercises bu2-ge7
ko-kio5ng 武藝高強
- not equal in size to7a-se3 bo5 ka7ng-kho2an 大
skilful at recognizing or calculating at a
glance ba8k-tha5u kha2 眼識好
- to take the size of ni5u…e5 chhu3n-chhioh
skilful at scheming for money nn3g-chn3g 鑽營,
sizing for a rug, hair spray, hair-set, glue
ka-chu2i 膠水
skilful doctor lio5ng-i 良醫
skilful in speaking or making a speech
ko2ng-o7e chin la2u-lia7n 講話很老練
sizzle, sound of water hissing from teakettle chhi8h-chhu8h-ki3o 水滾的嘶嘶聲
skilful person ko-chhi2u 高手
SJ: Societas Jesu, Jesuits Ia5-so+-ho7e (Catholic) 耶穌會
skilful physician si5n-i 神醫
skilful, experienced, veteran la2u 老練
skate liu-peng, chhu7-peng, ku8t-peng, liu-penge 溜冰,滑冰,溜冰的
skill ki-su8t, ki-le5ng, la2u, kang-hu ho2, chhi2u-oa2n
skating rink liu-peng-ti5u* 溜冰場
skill, dexterity means chhi2u-to7a* 手段
skating shoes, roller skates, ice skates liupeng-e5 溜冰鞋
skilled kha2u-bia7u e5, chin la2u 巧妙的,熟練的
skilled technician, artisan, mechanic ki-kang
skeletal fibers of the dried squash used as
a scrubbing sponge chha3i-koe-po3+ 絲瓜
skilled worker se8k-kang 技術熟練之工人,熟工
skilled workman chin la2u, kang-hu chin ho2 很
skeleton, bones kut-tha5u, kut, kut-keh 骨頭,
skilled, proficient, hands-on person chi7u*chhi2u 熟練,拿到手,上手
skin, peel, remove the skin pak-pho5e, pehpho5e 剝皮,去皮
skillet kha*-a2, tn5g-pe3* e5 chhi2an oe-a2 煮鍋,長柄
skin, skin's resistance very weak, poor
condition skin and flesh, easily infected, hard to heal pha2i* pho5e-bah 皮膚
skillful ga5u, khia3ng, la2u-lia7n, kha2u-bia7u,
cheng-lio5ng 棒,熟練,老練,巧妙,精良
skin, uncase, decorticate, pull off the
leaves of sugar-cane, take off superfluous leaves or twigs siah, la5n 削
skillful at managing affairs ga5u phah-pha3i 善
skillful diplomat, expert in diplomacy go7akau-ka 外交家
skinner, fur trader, leather merchant pho5esiong, cho3 pho5e se5ng-li2 e5 la5ng 皮商
skillful in methods of treatment i-su8t ko-be5ng
skinner, swindler, a cheat pia2n-sian 騙子
skinny, can see the bones sa2n-pi-pa, pho5e
pau kut 瘦巴巴的,皮包骨
skillful in negotiation chin ga5u kau-sia8p, chin
ga5u hia8p-tiau, chin ga5u ta5m-pho3a* 善於交
skinny but strong person thih-kut-a2-se* 瘦而
skillful in teaching and providing guidance
ka3u-to7 iu2-hong 教導有方
skinny, lean, thin, cloth woven too wide and
loose, sterile land sa2n 瘦
skillful workman to7a-kang, sai-hu7-kang 大工,
skinny, skin and bones sa2n-sa2n 瘦瘦的
skillful, wise u7 pu2n-su7 有本事
skip a grade, leapfrog oa8t-kip, thia3u-kip 越級,
skills in boxing, fencing, etc, fighting skill
or feat bu2-su8t 武術
skim floating foam li5o 撇取浮沫
skip a lesson la3ng chi8t tia2m-cheng, la3ng chi8t
chiat kho3 隔一小時,隔一節課
skim milk thoat-chi gu5-leng 脫脂牛奶
skip a meal la3ng chi8t tn3g 隔一餐
skim off milk foam li5o gu5-leng-pho 撇取牛奶
skip town thau-cha2u 偷跑
skip, jump, hop thia3u, la3ng, la3u-kau 跳,略過,
skim or flit across the water surface tu3i
chu2i-bi7n phia8t-ko3e 從水面掠過
skipper of a boat chu5n-ti2u* 船長
skim the top, filter ki5n-khi2-la5i 過濾起來
skipping rope thia3u-soh-a2 跳繩
skim, skim over quickly, browse ia2*-ko3e,
ka2n-tan kho3a*-ko3e 掠過,瀏覽
skirmish si2o chhiong-tu8t, si2o chia3n-cheng 小衝
skim, skimming froth, filter ki5n 撇取浮沫,過
skirt of a lady's dress, petticoat, apron ku5n
skimp, add too little lia2m, lia2m-khi2-la5i, khn3g
siu* chi2o a2-si7 chham siu* chi2o 扣,少放
- to make a skirt cho3 ku5n 做裙子
skirt the problem sia2m-khui bu7n-te5 避開問題
skimp on work thau-kang 偷工
skirt, avoid, evade, keep away from sia2mkhui 避開
skimp, stingy, mean, miserly kho8k, kia5m 吝
skirt, outskirts, suburbs kau-go7a 郊外
skimpy siu* chi2o, bo5 ka3u 太少的,不足的
skulk, hide bih 藏匿
skin pho5e-hu, pho5e, phe5 皮膚
skull tha5u-khak-o2a*, tha5u-khak-o2a*-kut 頭蓋骨
skin and bone sa2n kah chi8t te5ng pho5e pe* chi8t
ki kut 瘦得成皮包骨
skull cap oa2*-bo7-a2 碗帽子
skin and flesh pho5e-bah 皮肉
skull fracture tha5u-khak-oa2* pho3a-khi3 頭蓋骨
skin cleanser se2-bi7n-ko 洗面乳
skunk chha3u-chhi2 臭鼬
skin comes off li3u-pho5e 脫皮
skunk pi-phi2 e5 la5ng 卑鄙之人
skin disease pho5e-hu-pe7* 皮膚病
sky, days, heaven, in the sky thi*, thi*-te2ng,
thian-khong 天,天上,天空
skin from a pig's head ti-tha5u-pho5e 豬頭皮
skin graft pho5e-hu i5-si8t 皮膚移植
- under the sky thian-ha7 天下
skin or peeling of fruit ko2e-chi2-pho55e 果皮
sky blue thian-la5m-sek 天藍色
sky is getting dark thi*-o+-o+ 天黑黑
sky, the firmament, the vault of heaven
kiong-chhong 穹蒼
slash, stringent criticism gia5m-keh phoephe5ng 嚴格批評
sky, very high hu5n-te2ng, hu5n-siau 雲霄,雲頂
slash, whipping e7ng pi* phah 鞭打
skylark po+-tiuh-a2, po3a*-thi*-chia2u 雲雀
slat pang, pa2n, tia5u 板,版,條
skylight, high windows, a fixed window in a
roof thi*-thang 天窗
slate for roofing chio8h-mi5-pang 石棉板
slate, stone plate or board chio8h-po5a* 石盤
skyline te7-pe5ng-so3a* 地平線
- to have a clean slate, innocent record u7
chheng-pe8k e5 ki3-lio8k 有清白的記錄
skyrocket ho2e-chi3*-pha3u 火箭炮
skyscraper mo5+-thian-la5u 摩天樓
slate, stone slabs chio8h-pa2n 石板
slab chio8h-pa2n 石板
slattern, salt bed ia5m-ti5a*, ia5m-tia5n 鹽埕,鹽田
slack, slow le7ng, ba7n 鬆弛,慢
slaughter tha5i, sat, to5+-sat 殺戮,屠殺
- business is slack seng-li2 chin ba2i, putke2ng-khi3 生意很差,不景氣
slaughter a pig tha5i-ti 殺豬
slack pace ba7n-ba7n-a2 cha2u 慢慢跑
slaughter house for pigs ti-cha3u, to5+-cha2i*ti5u* 屠宰場
slack season si2o-goe8h 小月,淡季
slaughter or butcher a steer cha2i*-gu5 宰牛
slack, lazy sia7n-sia7n 懶散
slaughter secretly thau-tha5i 私宰
slacken pa3ng-le7ng, khah ba7n le3 使鬆弛,使緩慢
slake one's thirst chi2 chhu3i-ta 止渴
slaughter tax levied for animals slaughtered to5+-cha2i*-so3e 屠宰稅
slake, eliminate or remove siau-ti5 消除
slaughter, butcher, kill cha2i*-sat 宰殺
slake, stop burning, fire extinguished ho2e
phah-hoa 熄滅
slaughtered, sell at great loss lia2u-chi5* be7chhut-khi3 虧本賣出
slake, to weaken, fall off, reduced kia2m-jio8k
slaughterhouse gu5-cha3u 屠牛場
slaked lime siau-chio8h-hoe 硝石灰
slave driver gia5m-keh khek-po8k e5 kang-tha5u,
ka3m-tok lo5+-le7 cho3 khang-kho3e e5 ka3m-kang
slave lo5+-cha5i, lo5+-cha5i-a2, lo5+-le7 奴才,奴隸
slam po9ng-chi8t-e7 to7a-e7 koai*-mn5g 砰一聲用力
slander hu2i-po3ng, le2, lo2e, phah-ha7i la5ng e5 mi5asia*, ko2ng la5ng e5 pha2i*-o7e, tio3ng-siong 誹謗,
slanderous hu2i-po3ng e5, se*-o7e tio3ng-siong e5 誹
slave girls li2-lo5+ 女奴
slave of money, miser chi5* lo5+-cha5i 守財奴
slave of one's wife, henpecked bo2+-lo5+ 妻之奴
slave of the devil mo5+-ku2i e5 lo5+-cha5i, mo5+-ku2i e5
lo5+-le7 當魔鬼的奴才,當魔鬼的奴隸
slang tho2+-o7e, lah-sap-o7e, ha7-li5u-o7e 俚語,下流
slave to drink chi2u-ku2i 酒鬼
slant khi-khi, oai* 傾斜,歪
slave trade be7 lo5+-le7 販賣奴隸
slant the head to one side, the head is inclined to one side phe, phoe 傾
slave, female slave li2-pi7 女婢
slave, male slave lo5+-po8k 奴僕
slanting, oblique, inclined si5a, oai* chi8t pe5ng
slavery lo5+-le7, lo5+-le7 che3-to7+, lo5+-ia8h, kho2+-kang
slanting, crooked oai-oai 歪歪
slanting, diagonally tia3u-kak 對角
slavish lo5+-le7 e5, lo5+-le7-se3ng e5, pi-chia7n e5 奴隸的,
slap sai, sia3n, ki7-cho8at, bu2-jio8k 摑,拒絕,侮辱
slay sat, tha5i-si2 殺,殺死
slap one's cheek sai chhu3i-phe2, sia3n chhu3iphe2, koat chhu3i-phe2 打耳光
- to be slain in battle chia3n-si2 戰死
sled seh-chhia 雪橇
slap the ears, to box the ears sia3n hi7*-a2, koat
hi7*-a2 賞耳光
sledding che7 seh-chhia 乘雪橇
sledgehammer to7a-thu5i, chhut-la8t ko3ng,
chhi2u-ha7 bo5 li5u-che5ng 大錘,用力敲,手下
slapstick chhi3o-khoe-ke8k 笑劇
slash, hack, cut at random la7m-sa2m phut 亂
sleep, slumber khu3n, bi5n, khu3n-bi5n 睡,睡眠
- doze off, nod tuh-ku, tok-ku 打瞌睡
- haven't had enough sleep khu3n bo5 pa2,
khu3n bo5 ka3u bi5n, khu3n bo5 pa2 bi5n 睡眠不足
slender hope, slight hope chi8t-sut-a2 hi-bo7ng
- fully rested, slept fully khu3n pa2-a3 睡飽了
slice a piece for microscopy chhiat-phi3* 切片
- awake from sleep khu3n chhe2* 睡醒
slice horizontally, skim, draw off foam, fish
up, drag out of the water li5o 剮
- a good sleep ho2 khu3n 睡得好
- rise from sleep, get up khu3n-khi2-la5i, khi2chhn5g 起床
slice meat chhiat-bah 切肉
- talk in one's sleep ha5m-bi5n 說夢話
slice, a thin flat piece phi3* 片
slice of bread chi8t phi3* mi7-pau 一片麵包
sleep face down phak teh khu3n 俯著睡,伏著
slice, cut into pieces chhiat 切
sleep for a while chi8t-ku2-chhe2* 睡一覺
sliced meat, meat cut in small pieces,
squares or bits bah-phi3* 肉片
slice, large thick piece te3, phi2a* 塊,塊
sleep in the open air lo7+-siok 露宿
sleep inducing medicine an-bi5n-io8h 安眠藥
sleep lightly chhia2n-bi5n 淺眠
slick, glossy, sleek, smooth kim-ku8t, kimsiak-siak 光滑的,亮晶晶
sleep standing up khi7a-teh-khu3n, khi7a-le2khu3n 站著睡
slick, treachery, devious, a rogue kan-ku2i e5
sleep the entire night chi8t-chhe2* 一覺
slide, lantern slides ho3an-teng 幻燈
sleep together kan7g-chhn5g 同床
slide down a hill tu3i soa*-phi5a* ku8t-lo8h-la5i 從山
sleep very soundly khu3n chin lo8h-bi5n 睡得很
slide down a slope chhu7 lo8h-khi3 滑下去
sleep walker ba7ng-iu5-chi2a 夢遊者
slide on ice liu-peng, ku8t-peng 溜冰
sleep well chiok-bi5n 睡足
slide projector ho3an-teng-ki 幻燈機
slide, filmstrip, transparency ho3an-teng-phi3*
- not enough sleep kia2m-khu3n 少睡
sleep, numbness, leg or hand is asleep ba5khi3 麻木
slide, slip, slippery liu, ku8t 溜,滑
sleepers, railway ties cha2m-bo8k-a2 枕木
sliding door thoah-mn5g 滑輪門
sleeping teh khu3n 在睡
slight breeze or smile bi5-bi5-a2 輕微的
sleeping bag khu3n te7-a2 睡袋
slight breezes hong-si-a2 風絲,微風
sleeping car cho7-ngo7+ lio2ng-io7ng-chhia 坐臥兩
slight damage su2n-ha7i kheng-bi5 損害輕微
sleeping hours su7i-bi5n si5-kan 睡眠時間
slight headache, dizziness tha5u-khak hi5n 頭
sleeping mat made of straw or bamboo
lia5ng-chhio8h 涼蓆
slight obstruction in the throat or nose tio8hka-cha8k 嗆著
sleeping sickness ai3-khu3n-pe7*, khu3n-bi5nche3ng 昏睡病
slight oneself, underestimate oneself chu7-pi
sleepy a3i-khu3n, ba8k-chiu-siap, khu3n-si5n 想睡覺,
slight rain m7-chi5a*-ho7+ 小雨
- to feel sleepy ka2m-kak a3i-khu3n 昏昏欲睡
slight token of regard si2o-i3-su3 小意思
slight, insult bu2-jio8k 侮辱
sleepy head pi7n-to7a*-kut 懶惰者,貪眠者
slight, light, not heavy khin 輕
sleet pha8uh, sa3n, ho7+ kah seh ti8t-ti8t-lo8h 雹,霰
slight, small se3 細
sleeve, sleeves chhi2u-n2g 袖子
slight, thin po8h 薄
- long sleeved tn5g-n2g e5 長袖的
slight, unimportant, trifling, insignificant
kheng-bi5 輕微
- short sleeved te2-n2g e5 短袖的
slightest amount, tiniest or least bit si-ho5,
chi8t sut-a2, chi8t tia2m-a2 絲毫
- to laugh up one's sleeve thau-chhi3o 偷笑
- to pull a person by the sleeve gi2u la5ng e5
chhi2u-n2g 拉人家的袖子
slighting kho3a*-khin, bu2-jio8k e5 輕視,侮辱的
slightly si2o-kho2a-a2 些微的
- to roll up the sleeves pih chhi2u-n2g 捲袖子
slender se3, sa2n, sa2n-thiu 細,瘦,苗條
slightly acquainted with a person, recognize a person by face po3a*-bi7n siong-se8k,
bi7n-se8k bi7n-se8k 有點認識,有點面熟
slippery ku8t-li3u-li3u, ku8t-liu-liu 滑溜溜
slippery road lo7+ chin ku8t 路很滑
slightly deranged, out of one's mind simtha5u bo5-ti7a* 心神不定
slipshod pho3a-ko5+-ko5+, lo2-chho2, ma2-ma2 hu-hu,
su5i-pia7n e5, la2m-no7a e5 破爛的,潦草的,馬馬
slightly drunk chu3i-i3 微醉,醉意
slit, seam, crack, a joint pha7ng 縫
slightly near sighted khin-to7+ e5 ki7n-si7 輕度的
slit open with a knife li8h-khui 裂開
sliver lio cho3 chi8t tia5u chi8t tia5u, lio cho3 chi8t
phi3* chi8t phi3* 切成長條,切成細片
slightly sour and sweet, so as to be pleasant to the taste sng-lam-ti* 又酸又甜
slightly sour or acid, so as to be pleasant to
the taste sng-lam 略微酸酸的
slobber, cry and salivate, broken-hearted
over something la5u no7a, siong-sim ko3eto7+ 流涎,傷心過度
slightly, gently bi5-bi5, bi5-bi5-a2 微微的
slogan, shouted kha2u-ho7 口號
slightly, a little lio8h-lio8h-a2 稍微地
slogan, motto, printed phiau-gi2 標語
slightly, rather pho2+-me8h-a2 大概,稍微
slim sa2n-thiu, se3 修長,苗條,細
slop, splash, spill, drip chho3ng ta5m-khi3, ekchhut-la5i, phoah, tih 弄濕,溢出來,潑,滴
slim chance of success se5ng-kong e5 ki-ho7e
chin chi2o 成功的機會很少
slop basin te2 chha3i-bo2e e5 po5a*-a2 盛殘渣的碟
slim figure sa2n-thiu e5 la5ng 修長的人,苗條的人
slop, sewage, mud chha3u-kau-a2-chu2i, tho5+mo5e-ko 污水,泥漿
slim woman, willowy, slender and graceful,
lithe bia5u-tia5u 苗條
slope of a hill soa*-pho, soa*-pho-te7 山坡,山坡
slime, mud tho5+-mo5e-ko, lo7+-ko5+-a2-mo5e 泥漿,
slope, be steep ki7a 坡,斜坡
sling for injured arm sa*-kak-to3a 三角帶
sling, hoist, crane tia3u-chhia 吊車
slope, gradient, flight of stone or brick
steps ki7a-ki7a 斜坡
sling, to throw kiat 擲
slope, hillside, side hill soa*-phi5a* 山坡
slingshot chhi7u-leng phiak-a2 彈弓
slopes of a precipitous ledge soa*-kha3m 山
slink liu-cha2u, liu 溜走,溜
sloping si5a, chhu-chhu 斜,傾斜
slip and fall chhu7-to2, ku8t-to2 滑倒
sloping eyebrows pat-ji7-ba5i 八字眉
slip away kha-te2 boah-iu5 腳底抹油,溜走
sloping to the west chhu tu3i sai-pe5ng-khi3 斜向
slip into, creep into nn3g ji8p-khi3 鑽進去
slip knot oa8h-kat 活結
slip of paper cho2a-lia5u, cho2a-tia5u 紙條
sloppy, careless, negligent, not serious lo2chho2, la2m-no7a e5 草率的,懶散的
slip of the foot pang, ku8t, liu 崩,滑,溜
sloppy, wet, muddy sip, si5u*-si5u* 濕,泥濘
slip of the pen pit-go7+, si2a m7-tio8h khi3 筆誤
slot machine chu7-to7ng ho3an-be7-ki 自動販賣機
slip of the tongue hio5ng-hio5ng ko2ng-chhut-la5i
sloth, lazy, idle, idleness pi7n-to7a*, la2n-to7 懶惰
slip off one's hand, sell out goods or stock
on hand thoat-chhi2u 脫手
slothful servant pi7n-to7a* e5 po8k-ji5n 懶惰的僕人
slothful pi7n-to7a* e5 懶惰的
slouch, lazily siau-ti5m, bo5 cheng-si5n, ki5a*-lo7+
tha5u le5-le5, bo5-a2 kha3m to3a bi7n-ni8h, the* le2
che7 le7, pi7n-to7a* 消沉,沒有精神,走路頭低
slip out of its place, lose an office or situation, a knot loosens lut-khi3 脫落
slip out of the hands li3u chhi2u 從手中滑掉
slip, to slide chhu7 滑
slough of a snake, disgarded shell of
molted snake cho5a-khak 蛇殼
slipped away like a thing fallen out of one's
hand liu-khi3, liu lo8h-khi3 溜掉,溜去
slough off dead skin hiauh-pho5e 脫皮
slippers chhi2an-thoa-a2, thoa-a2 拖鞋
slough, to molt, to abandon thn3g-khak, pa3ngsak 脫殼,捨棄
slippers without heels thoa-a2, chhia2n-thoa-a2
sloven lo2-chho2 e5 la5ng, la3u-cha3ng e5 la5ng 潦草
slippers, wooden slippers chha5-kia8h 木屐
slovenly lo2-chho2, la3u-cha3ng 潦草的,不整潔的
slow as a snail chin ga5u so5 慢吞吞
slur, pronounce indistinctly hut-lio8k, ko2ng-o7e
ha5m-ho5+ 忽略,說話含糊
slow at work cho3 ta7i-chi3 chin ga5u so5 做事慢吞
slut or tramp chia7n-ji5n (term of revilement) 賤
slow disposition no7a-se3ng 性情懶散
sly im-hia2m e5, kan-ku2i e5, a3m-tiong, thau-thau-a2
slow down kia2m sok-to7+, khah-ba7n le3 減速
smack the lips cha8p-cha8p ki3o 咂咂聲
slow fire for cooking ba7n-ho2e, u5n-u5n-a2-ho2e
smack, taste, smell, odor, scent bi7, khi3-bi7,
u7…e5 bi7 味,氣味,有…的味
slow in action kha-chhi2u hu7n-tu7n 手腳遲鈍
- It smacks of oil. U7 iu5 e5 bi7. 有油的味道
slow in doing everything, exasperatingly
slow ga5u-thu5 慢吞吞地
smack or slap the face phah, sia3n chhu3i-phe2
slow in doing something, a step behind
ba7n-khu3i 慢一步
smack, little smack ka7 la5ng chim chi8t-e7 親她
slow motion ba7n-to7ng-chok 慢動作
small amount, a few tap-sap 量少
slow of hearing hi7*-khang ta7ng, hi7*-khang bo5
la7i 重聽
small amount, not much bo5 lo7a che7 沒多少
slow to comprehend tu7n, ho2an-e3ng ba7n 鈍,
small and fine, trifling bi5-se3 微細
slow train pho2+-thong-chhia, ba7n-chhia 普通車,
small and weak tribe jio8k-si2o-bi5n-cho8k 弱小民
slow, clumsy ba7n, pu7n 緩慢,笨
small animal se3-chiah 小隻動物
Slower! Slow down a bit! Khah ba7n le3. 慢點
small bag of incense worn as a talisman on
the 5th of the 5th month hiu*-phang 香包
slowly u5n-u5n-a2-si7, u5n-u5n-a2, ba7n-ba7n-a2 慢慢的
slowly, at a slow pace, leisurely khoa*-khoa*
small bag of joss stick ash or written spells
carried as a talisman hiu*-ho2e-a2 香包,隨
slowpoke, slow by half a beat ba7n-sia7n-to5ng
small basket used for selling or weighing
things n2g-a2 小籃子
slow-traffic lanes ba7n-chhia-to7 慢車道
small bean pod se3-ngeh 小莢
slug nn2g-khi5 蛞蝓
small bell tinkled by the wind hong-le5ng 風鈴
sluggish ba7n, pi7n-to7a* e5, hu7n-tu7n 慢,怠惰,遲
small bill so3a*-phi3o, si2o-phi3o 小鈔
small blister, herpes pha3u-chi2n 皰疹
sluggish disposition no7a-se3ng 性情懶散
small boat chu5n-a2 小船
sluggish, irritatingly slow to7a-kia7n-so5 走路慢
small book se3-pu2n 小書本
small and weak jio8k-si2o 弱小
small business si2o seng-li2, si2o be2-be7 小生意,
slugs, bird shot so3a*-chi2 散彈,獵槍
sluice way, ditch chu2i-kau 水溝
small capital and great profits si2o-pu2n to-li7
sluice, waterways, watergates chu2i-mn5g,
chu2i-cha8h, chu3n-kau 水門,水閘,溝渠
small chair for little children, a stroller i2-ki7oa2 轎椅
slum pi5n-bi5n-khut, pi5n-bi5n-khu, pi5n-bi5n-ke 貧民
slum area, shantytown pi5n-bi5n-khut 貧民窟
small change, petty cash la5n-san, la5n-sanchi5* 零錢,零星錢
slumber khu3n, an-bi5n 睡眠,安眠
small characters se3-ji7 細字
small contingent, a detachment si2o-tu7i 小隊
- to fall into a deep slumber khu3n chin lo8hbi5n 睡得很沉
small crumbs of bread or cake pi2a*-sut-a2 餅
slump po8ah-lo8h-khi3, lap-lo8h-khi3, to7a lo8h-ke3,
pa7i-chhi7 跌下去,陷下去,暴跌
small dark spots on the skin ho5+-si5n-sa2i-ki3 斑
slur, insult bu2-jio8k 侮辱
small door si2o-mn5g 小門
small dried salty fish hi5-po2+ 小魚干,魚脯
small profits quick returns, quick turnover:
S.P.Q.R. po8h-li7 to-siau 薄利多銷
small dried shrimp he5-pi, he5-bi2 蝦米
small quantity chi8t chhu3i-a2, chi8t-si-a2, ta7m-po8ha2 一點點,一些
small drop of a liquid chi8t-tih-a2 一小滴
small drop of rain ho7+-tia2m-a2 小雨點
small drizzle, rain, mist bang-bang, bangbang-a2 細小
small eels, hoodlum mo5a-kin-a2 小鰻魚,小流
small rent or tear in a garment se3-li8h 小裂口
small egg not developed completely or
missing something nn7g-phu3i-a2 發育不全
small rift, crevice, crack, fissure pit-chhng
small round black confection made from
sweet potato flour hu2n-i5* 粉圓
small family chi2o tha5u-chhu3i 小家庭
small fish, little hoodlum, gangster se3-bo2e
small sauce plate ta7u-iu5 ti8h-a2 醬油碟子
small fragments, small crumbs or bits sut 屑,
small scale si2o kui-bo5+ 小規模
small fry e*-a2, se3 ha3n gi2n-a2, si2o to7ng-bu8t, hi5chai 嬰兒,小孩子,小動物,魚苗
small shop, store tia3m-a2 店,小店
small scale, scope si2o-kio8k 小規模
small garret, small low second story po3a*la5u 半樓
small sign indicating a great trend, a single
fallen leaf tells of the coming autumn,
it-ia8p-ti-chhiu 一葉知秋
small gift chhi2u-si3n-a2 小禮物
small sized, miniature se3-he5ng, si2o-he5ng 小型
small gift given when visiting friends pho7a*chhi2u 小禮物,伴手
small stature chi8t-phi2-a2-ki2a* 很小
small steelyard for weighing gold, jewels
te2ng-a2 戥秤
small green beans in black pods, a type of
lentil le8k-ta7u 綠豆
small stones chio8h-tha5u-a2 小石子
small hill lu7n-a2 丘
small talk khai-ka2ng 聊天
small hollow on the face or any surface, a
dent chi8t nah, chi8t lap 一凹,一塌
small thing, matter siau-kia7n 形容東西很小
small trumpet si2o-chhoe 小喇叭
small in size se3 he5ng e5 小型的
small tuft of feathers chi8t chhok-a2 mo+ 一撮毛
small intestines si2o-tn5g 小腸
small wave si2o-e2ng 小浪
small knife, dagger to-a2 刀子
small wine cup chi2u-au 酒杯
small matter si2o-su7 小事
small, little se3, si2o, se3-ha3n 小,幼小
small miscellaneous business ta8p-tih seng-li2
small, not much, not big chi2o, si2o 小的,少的
small, poor house, hovel pho3a-chhu3 tha2ng-a2
small needle case chiam-a8p-a2 針盒
small notebook, memo book chhi2u-chi2 pho+7a2 小筆記本
small, protruding eyes nia2u-chhi2-a2-ba8k 鼠目,
small pan ti2a*-a2 鍋子
small piece chi8t-phi3*-a2 一小片
smaller New Testament khah se3-pu2n e5 Siniok Se3ng-keng 比較小的新約聖經本
small piece, a bunch chi8t-chhok-a2 一小塊,一
smallest, hardly anything ke8k-sia2u 極小
smallest, minimum cho3e-si2o 最小
small pieces si2o po7+-hu7n 小部份
small-minded, narrow-minded sim-koa* e8h
small pieces of wood, chips, fine pieces of
firewood chha5 iu3-a2 碎木片
smart, stab of pain, sting si7* 刺痛
small pool, puddle, hole in the ground, mud
puddle khut-a2, chu2i-khut-a2 水窟
- My eyes smart. Go2a e5 ba8k-chiu chin si7*. 我
small population ji5n-teng hi-bi5 人丁稀少,不興
smart aleck chha3u phu3i-that-a2 愛吹噓者
small potatoes si2o-ji5n-bu8t, se3 ha7ng mi8h-a2 小人
smart, great! chin phiat 太棒
smart and quick le2ng-li7 伶俐
smart, intelligent chhong-be5ng, le2ng-li7, su2i 聰
small pox thian-hoa 天花
smart, witty gia8t-khiat 俏皮,頑皮
- with a smile chhi3o-chhi3o 微笑著
smarting pain, labor pains ui-ui-a2-thi3a* 陣痛
smile broadly, cheerful look chhun-hong
mo2a-bi7n 春風滿面
smash ko3ng ho7+ chhu3i, ko3ng-pho3a, lo3ng-tio8h
smile grimly, force a smile, a forced smile
kho2+-chhi3o 苦笑
smash into a house. lo3ng-tio8h chhu3 車子撞到
smile or laugh as if pleased, when really
angry ke2-chhi3o 裝笑,假笑
smash to pieces ko3ng-pho3a, phah ho7+ chhu3i
smile secretly, to laugh up one's sleeve
thau-chhi3o 偷笑
smattering ke2 la7i-ha5ng, ti3-sek chhi2an-po8h, it-ti
po3an-ka2i, lio8h-lio8h-a2 chai-ia2* 充內行,知識
smile, grin, with a smile, smilingly ha5mchhia3u 含笑
SMB: Societas Miss de Bethlehem Pe8k-le2ng
Go7a-hng Tho5an-ka3u-ho7e 白冷外方傳教會
smiling, kindly countenance chhi3o-si5n 笑容
smear jiah, o+-tia2m, boah, ko5+, phah lah-sap 跡,
smilingly chhi3o-chhi3o, chhu3i-chhi3o ba8k-chhi3o
smear won't wipe off jiah chhit be7 khi2-la5i 這個
smirk go7ng-chhi3o, chhu3i-a2 ngi-ngi, ke2-chhi3o 傻
smell bi7, khi3-bi7, phi7*, phi7*-tio8h 味,氣味,嗅,聞
smite phah, lo3ng, ta2*-pa7i 打,敲,擊敗
smiling face chhi3o-bi7n 笑臉
smith phah-thih-e5 鐵匠
- fetid smell chha3u-chho, chha3u-sio8h 臭魚腥
smithereens pho3a-iu3-a2 碎片
smock cho3-kang-a2-sa*, kang-chok-ho8k 工作服
- unpleasant smell chha3u-hia3n-bi7 腥臭味
smog, smoke, mist, vapor, fumes ian-bu7,
bo5ng-ian ta3-bu7 煙霧,茫煙散霧
smell bad like a filthy shirt or pillow chha3uiu5-ka2u 臭油垢味
smoke ho2e-hun 火煙
smell incense phi7* hiu* e5 bi7 聞著焚香的味道
- to emit smoke chhe3ng-ian 冒煙
smell it phi7* kho3a* ba7i le3 聞聞看
smoke a pipe chia8h hun-chhoe 用煙斗抽煙
smell of liquor chi2u-bi7 酒味
smoke bomb ian-bo7+-to5a* 煙幕彈
smell of oil or a bad odor iu5-ai 臭油味
smoke cigarette chia8h-hun, kuh-hun 抽煙,吸
smell of perspiration, have a sweaty odor
chha3u-ko7a*-sng 汗臭味
smoke fish ian hi5 燻魚
smell of rotten vegetables chha3u-hong-bi7 菜
smoke meat, smoked meat, bacon hun-bah
smell or taste good or bad, odor, flavor khi3bi7 氣味
smoke of burning incense, continuity of the
family line hiu*-ian 香煙,香火
smell, perceive the aroma of perfume, smell
odors phi7*-phang 聞香
smoke opium chia8h a-phi3an, chia8h-to8k 吸鴉片,
smelt, refining, melting ore lia7n, iu5* 煉,熔解
smoke other people's cigarettes chhunchhiu2-pa5i e5 hun 伸手牌香菸
smelt iron, refine iron lia7n-thih 鍊鐵
smelting furnace iu5*-kho3ng-lo5+ 鎔礦爐
smoke out mosquitoes hun-ba2ng 燻蚊子
SMIC: Franc Miss Srs of the Imm Conc
Se3ng-bo2 Bu5-go5an-cho7e Tho5an-ka3u Siu-li2Ho7e (Catholic) 聖母無原罪傳教修女會
smoke, smoky, tobacco, cigarettes hun, ian
smile bi5-chhi3o, bi5-bi5-a2 chhi3o, ba-bu2n-chhi3o,
bu2n-bu2n-a2-chhi3o, chhi3o 微笑,笑
smokeless bo ian e5 無煙的
- a face beaming with smiles chhi3o-io5ng
mo2a-bi7n 笑容滿面
smokestack ian-ta5ng 煙囪
smoker chia8h-hun e5 la5ng 吸煙者
- to be all smiles chhi3o hi-hi 笑嘻嘻
- No smoking! Ki3m-ian. Ki3m-chi2 chia8h-hun.
禁煙! 禁止吸煙!
- always smiling ho2-chhi3o-si5n 常面帶笑容
- smoking room chia8h-hun-sek 吸煙室
- to give up smoking ka2i-hun 戒煙
- smiling expression chhi3o-io5ng 笑容
- a gentle smile bi5-bi5-a2 chhi3o 微笑
smoky, belches smoke, fume with rage
chhe3ng-ian e5, hun 冒煙的,燻
smuggle gold, snatch gold, spirit away gold
chhi2u*-u7n n5g-kim 搶運黃金
smolder, depressed in mind ut to3a sim-la7i 鬱
smuggled goods cha2u-su-ho3e, o+-pa5i, chu2iho3e 走私貨,黑牌,水貨
smoldering fire for driving away insects, to
smoke, be smoky, smoked, move or
touch hun 熏
smuggler cha2u-su e5 la5ng 走私的人
smooth and clean as skin or other surfaces
kng-se* 光滑
snack before going to bed, midnight snack
siau-ia7 宵夜
smooth, smooth-going, plain sailing pe5ngsu7n 平順
snack bar tia2m-sim-tia3m 點心店
smut lah-sap-a2, lah-sap-o7e, put-su2-ku2i e5 o7e 髒
snack, small hasty meal at any hour tia2msim 點心
smooth and orderly, steady, even pe5*-pa7ng
snag chu2i-ni8h e5 chhi7u-a2 a2-si7 to7a chio8h-tha5u, i3go7a e5 cho2+-ga7i 水裡的樹根或大石頭,意外
smooth on both sides siang-bi7n kng 雙面亮
smooth out, spread out and make smooth
pho+-pe5* 鋪平
snail lo3+-le5, lo7+-le5 蝸牛
smooth road pe5*-lo7+ 平坦的路
snake cho5a 蛇
smooth shaven bi7n siu kah chin chheng-khi3
- bamboo snake chhe*-tek-si 青竹絲
- poisonous snake to8k-cho5a 毒蛇
smooth spoken ti*-gia5n bi8t-gi2 e5, ho2-thia* e5 o7e
snake casts off or renews its skin cho5a thn3g
khak 蛇脫殼,蛇脫皮
smooth the top of a measure with a stick
ka3i 劃平
snake medicine cho5a-io8h-a2 治蛇傷之藥,蛇葯
smooth with an iron ut ho7+ pe5* 熨平
snake skin cho5a-pho5e 蛇皮
smooth, glossy, shining kng lut-lut 光禿禿
smooth, polished, level, flat kng, kim-ku8t, pe5*,
pi5* 光,光滑的,平
smooth, polished, shining, slippery, cunning, crafty ku8t 滑
snake tongue cho5a-chhiu 蛇舌
snake, poisonous snake ho7+-so33a*-chat 雨傘節,
snake-head ji5n-cho5a 人蛇
snakes, snake category cho5a-lu7i 蛇類
smooth, to iron ut 熨
snap off twigs tiah chhi7u-oe 摘樹枝,摘樹椏
smooth, to plane khau 刨
snap used on a garment as a fastener tauhli2u 子母扣
smooth, without a hitch, successfully su7n-li7
snap one's finger at chn2g-tha5u-a2 按壓手指關
smoothly polished surface kng-ku8t 光滑
smother hip-si2, hip ho7+ hoa, kha3m-khi2-la5i 悶死,
snap a picture, take a picture, shoot film hip
smother in a closed vessel until it is well
done hip ho7+ se8k 燜熟
snap the fingers at a person khin-si7 la5ng,
kho3a* la5ng bo5-khi2 輕視別人,看不起別人
SMS, short message service, mobile phone
text messaging service SMS, chhi2u-ki-a2
e5 chia5n-si2n 手機文字簡訊服務
snap, bit, nip, hold something with the
mouth ka7, ka7-tn7g, u7 pi8t-pia8k-ki3o e5 sia* 咬,
smudge pot, mosquito-repellent incense or
coil ba2ng-a2-hun 蚊香
snap, to acramble, to snatch sio-chi* chhi2u*
smudge, black spots, stains o+-pan, chhi7u*
o+-pan 黑斑,形成斑點
snap, to break off gi2u-tn7g, at-tn7g 拉斷,折斷
snapbolt e7ng hoat-tia5u e5 so2 彈簧鎖
smug chu7-be5ng tek-i3, chin tek-i3 自鳴得意,很得
snapdragon kim-hi5-chha2u 金魚草
snapping turtle pih 虌,鱉
smuggle, smuggling, infidelity in marriage
cha2u-su 走私
snappy a3i ka7 e5, pi8h-pia8k-ki3o 好咬的,劈啪聲
- to seize smuggled goods lia8h cha2u-su-ho3e
- make it snappy ko2a*-ki2n… 趕緊…
snapshot hip-sio3ng, kho3ai-sio3ng, kho3ai-sok si7akek 照相,快速射擊
snip, shear, cut, cut back the debris ka, katn7g, ka lia2u e5 iu3-sap-a2 剪,剪斷,剪裁後的碎
snare, noose li3u-sok-a2 套索
snipe bird tek-ke-a2 鷦鷯鳥,竹鷄
snare, trap tia3u-a2, kho5an-tho3, tauh-a2, ha7mche2* 圈套,捕捉器,陷阱
sniper chhu3-kek-chhi2u 狙擊手
- to fall into a snare tio3ng-tio8h la5ng e5 kho5antho3 中了他人的圈套
snivel, runny nose, false tears, sob la5u phi7*chu2i, ke2-kha3u, kha3u kah chhi7*-chhn7g-ki3o
- to set a snare an tauh-a2 放置捕捉器
snobbery ke2 sin-su7 khi3-pha3i, ba8k-tha5u ko5an,
so5ng-piah-piah 假紳士氣派,勢利眼,俗不可
snare drum ko2+, hia2ng-hia5n-ko2+ 鼓,響弦鼓
snarl hm7-hm7-ki3o, ka2u si7u-khi3 pu7i e5 sia* 狗的咆
snobbish ke2 sin-su7 khi3-pha3i e5, ba8k-tha5u ko5an e5,
so5ng kah u7 chhun, u7 kai-kip koan-lia7m e5,
se3-li7 e5, kek-sa2i, sa2i-tha2ng-khu3i 假紳士氣派
snatch gi2u, khi2u, chhi2u* 拉,搶
snatch away nge7 chhi2u*-khi3 硬搶去
snatch away, deprive of, strip off thi2-toa8t 褫
snooty, uppish kek-sa2i 擺架子
snatch off someone's clothes gi2u la5ng e5 sa*
gi2u-tia5u-tia5u 緊緊的拉著別人的衣服
snooze tuh ka-cho7e, li3m-khi3, tuh-ku 打瞌睡,假
snatch or grasp things indiscriminately,
arbitrarily arrested la7m-sa2m sa, o+-pe8h sa
snore ho5a*-bi5n 鼾聲,鼾眠
snore e7-ko7*+, ho5a*, ko7+* 發鼾聲
snatch with the hands e7ng chhi2u gi2u 用手去
- He always snores. I chin ga5u ko7+*. 他很會
snatch, to grab, seize, to grasp, to catch, to
scrape or sweep up with the hand sa 抓
snore oneself awake ho5a* kah cheng-si5n 因打
snatched all of them sa-lia2u-lia2u 抓光了
snort chhngh 噴鼻息
sneak thau-thau-a2 ji8p-khi3, bih-bih chhih-chhih
snot phi7*-chu2i, phi7*-sa2i 鼻水,鼻屎
sneak away liu-soan 溜走,開小差
snot, disgusting, troublesome, nuisance,
nasty person ko3+ la5ng oa3n e5 la5ng, tho2-ia3 e5
la5ng 惹人嫌的人,討厭的人
sneak thief chha8t-a2 小偷
snow seh, lo8h-seh 雪,下雪
sneakers u7n-to7ng-e5 運動鞋,布鞋
snow ball seh-ki5u 雪球
sneakers, sneaky, secretive, evil spirit,
despicable people ku2i-ku2i-su7i-su7i e5 la5ng,
pi-phi2 e5 la5ng 鬼鬼祟祟的人,卑鄙的人
snow blizzard hong-seh 風雪
sneak a look thau-kho3a* 偷看
snow bound ho7+ seh kha3m le3 被雪覆蓋著
snow scape, winter scene seh-ke2ng 雪景
sneer at, laugh behind a person's back a3mchhi3o 暗笑
snow slide, avalanche of snow pang-seh 雪
sneer, speak ironically le2ng-chhi3o, thi2-chhi3o
snow white pe8h-chhang-chhang, pe8h-siak-siak
sneeze kha-chhi3u*, phah kha-chhi3u* 噴嚏,打
snowboard ku8t-seh-pa2n 滑雪板
snub, treat somebody coldly, to cold
shoulder somebody le2ng-lo8h, m7-chhapla5ng, ki3m-chi2, che3-chi2 冷落,不理會,禁止,
snicker thau-chhi3o, a3m-chhi3o 竊笑,暗笑
sniff fresh air suh sin-sia2n e5 khong-khi3 呼吸新
sniff up mucus in the nose sngh-phi7* 吸入鼻
snub nose pe5*-phi7* 扁鼻,平鼻
snub, short and flat te2 koh pi2* e5 短而扁的
sniff, smell phi7*, suh, sngh-phi7* 嗅,吸,吸入鼻
snub-nosed naih-phi7* 扁鼻,獅子鼻
sniffle chhi7*-chhn7g-ki3o 鼻子哼哼唧唧作響
snuff phi7*-ian, phi7*, suh 鼻煙,聞,吸
snigger thau-chhi3o, chhi2u om chhu3i thauchhi3o 偷笑,手遮著嘴偷笑
snuff box phi7*-ian-a8p 鼻煙盒
snuff tobacco suh phi7*-hun 用鼻吸煙
snug so2ng-kho3ai 舒適的
snuggle, hug kiu to3a…, la2m-tia5u-tia5u 蜷伏在…,
so, such hiah, hiah-ni8h, chiah, chiah-ni8h, so2+-i2,
thang, thang-ho2, kiat-ko2 那麼,這麼,所以,
soak, to dip, infuse, pour boiling water,
bubbles, suds, froth, foam pha3u 泡
soak, to steep, soak in chi3m 浸
soaked thoroughly chi3m kah chin tha3u 浸濕
- and so forth chio2ng-chio2ng, te2ng-te2ng 種種,
- Is that so? U7 ia2* bo5+? 真的嗎?
soaked through by rain la5m kah ta5m-lok-lok
soaked with rain ho7+ ho7+ ak ta5m-khi3 被雨淋濕
soaked with sweat la5u kah kui seng-khu ko7a*
- It may be so. Ta7i-kha3i si7 a2n-ni. 大概是這樣.
so and so bo2+-bo2+ 某某
soap te5-kho+, soat-bu5n 肥皂
so arrogant that no one is important in his
eyes bo8k-tiong bu5-ji5n 目中無人
soap box te5-kho+ a8p-a2 香皂盒
so confused that it cannot be understood,
someone being unreasonable hoan-ki7ka7 理不清,刁蠻,不通情理
soap opera lia5n-sio8k e5 ko2ng-po3-ke8k 連續廣播
soap bubble te5-kho+-pho 香皂泡沫
soap powder te5-kho+-hu2n, sat-bu5n-hu2n 肥皂粉
So expensive! Hiah-ni8h ku3i. 那麼貴!
soap, bath soap phang te5-kho+ 香皂
so high or great as to reach up to heaven
tu2-thi* 碰到天
soapstone te5-kho+-chio8h 肥皂石
soapsuds, soapy water with bubbles te5kho+-chu2i 肥皂水
So it is. Bo5 chho3. 沒錯.
so long, this long time, recently, Such a
long time! chiah-ku2, chiah-ni8h ku2 這麼久,
soar seng-ko5an, chhe3ng-ko5an, poe-ko5an, gi5a,
khi7a ko5an-ko5an 升高,翱翔,漲高,高聳
soar, to rise sio7ng-seng 上升,上昇
so moved that the tears fall ka2m-kek kah la5u
ba8k-sa2i 感激得流淚
soaring ambition or aspiration cho3ng-chi3
le5ng-hu5n 壯志凌雲
so preoccupied as to lose one's sleep, insomnia sit-bi5n 失眠
sob, choke with sobs chhi7*-chhn7g-ki3o 哽咽
sob, sigh, pharyngeal sound, gasp chhehkhu3i, chhoeh-khu3i 啜泣
so scared or cold as to shiver or tremble
kia* kah khu7-khu7-chun, ko5a* kah khu7-khu7chun 嚇得打顫,冷得要命
sober, moderate, restrained chiat-che3 e5 節制
so that, in order that thang-ho2 可
so, somewhat to one's surprise ke3ng-jia5n ju5chhu2 竟然如此
- rarely sober sio5ng-sio5ng chi2u-chu3i 常常酒醉
sober life u7 chiat-che3 e5 seng-oa8h 有節制的生
so, then, therefore, next in-chhu2, so2+-i2, soah,
jia5n-au7, so3a-lo8h-khi3 因此,所以,卻,然後,接
soak in liquor chi3m-chi2u 浸酒
sober, calm, cool-headed, clear-headed,
awake le2ng-che7ng, chheng-chhe2* e5,
chhe2*-chhe2* 冷靜,清醒的
soak in soapy water chi3m soat-bu5n-hu2n 浸肥
sober, heavy, hard, serious, critical ti5m-ta7ng
soak in water for a short time tu7-chu2i 浸水
sober, plain and simple, unadorned, simple
living, not frivolous phok-so3+ e5 樸素的
soak in water, immerse in water chi3m-chu2i
sober, proper in deportment, dignified,
composed toan-chong 端莊
soak up chi3m, ta5m-ko5+-ko5+, khip-siu 浸,濕透,
sobriety chiat-che3, ka2i-chi2u, le2ng-che7ng,
che3ng-keng, ji7n-chin 節制,戒酒,冷靜,一本
soak up with blotter paper e7ng khip-ba8kcho2a la5i khip chu2i 用吸墨紙吸水
so-called so2+-u7i e5, so2+ ko2ng e5, chu2n-ko2ng si7,
chu2n-cho3 si7, m7-si7 chin e5 所謂的,號稱是,不
soak with water, sprinkle wet, pour water
on something, pour water on one's self
while bathing la5m-chu2i 淋水
soccer, soccer football kha-ki5u 足球
soak with water, to drip, drench, pour
melted metal over a thing la5m 淋
sociability si7a-kau-se3ng, a3i kau-che3, ga5u kauche3 社交性,好交際的,善於交際
social order si7a-ho7e tia8t-su7 社會秩序
social organization, organism si7a-ho7e cho+chit 社會組織
sociable, adept at public relations si7a-kau
chin ho2, si7a-kau chin ga5u 善於社交
social phenomenon si7a-ho7e hia7n-sio7ng 社會
sociable, friendly a3i kau-che3 e5, iu2-sia7n e5 好交
social philosophy si7a-ho7e tiat-ha8k 社會哲學
social si7a-ho7e-sio7ng, si7a-ho7e e5, si7a-kau e5, kauche3-sio7ng 社會的,社交的,交際上
social policy si7a-ho7e che3ng-chhek 社會政策
social problem si7a-ho7e bu7n-te5 社會問題
social center lia5n-gi7-ho7e 聯誼會
social psychology as a science si7a-ho7e simli2-ha8k 社會心理學
social conditions si7a-ho7e che5ng-he5ng 社會情
social reform si7a-ho7e ka2i-kek 社會改革
social consciousness si7a-ho7e i3-sek 社會意識
social relations ji5n-lu5n koan-he7 人倫關係
social dance kau-che3-bu2 交際舞
social rights si7a-ho7e ko5an-li7 社會權利
social democracy si7a-ho7e bi5n-chu2 chu2-gi7 社會
social science si7a-ho7e kho-ha8k 社會科學
social service si7a-ho7e ho8k-bu7 社會服務
social democrats si7a-ho7e bi5n-chu2-to2ng 社會民
social standing, position, status si7a-ho7e te7u7i 社會地位
social disease, venereal disease hoa-li2u-pe7*
social system si7a-ho7e che3-to7+ 社會制度
social distinctions si7a-ho7e kai-kip 社會階級
social trend si7a-ho7e e5 chhu-se3 社會的趨勢
social economics si7a-ho7e keng-che3 社會經濟
social welfare si7a-ho7e hok-li7 社會福利
social education si7a-ho7e ka3u-io8k 社會教育
social welfare work, community services
si7a-ho7e hok-li7 su7-gia8p 社會福利事業
social environment si7a-ho7e kho5an-ke2ng 社會
social welfare works, philanthropy, benevolent, charitable undertakings chu5-sia7n
su7-gia8p 慈善事業
social expenses kau-che3-hu3i 交際費
social gathering, a party for somebody lia5nhoan-ho7e 聯歡會
social work si7a-ho7e kang-chok 社會工作
socialism si7a-ho7e chu2-gi7 社會主義
social gathering, family reunion khu2n-chhinho7e 懇親會
socialist si7a-ho7e to2ng-oa5n, si7a-ho7e e5 社會黨員,
social identity, capacity, dignity sin-hu7n 身份
Socialist Party si7a-ho7e-to2ng 社會黨
social institutions, structures of society si7aho7e ki-ko3+ 社會機構
socialize si7a-ho7e-ho3a 社會化
socialized medicine kong-i che3-to7+ 公醫制度
social intercourse, communication kau-che3
society, association si7a-ho7e, ho7e 社會,會
social intercourse, interaction, social contact si7a-kau 社交
- to join a society ji8p-ho7e 入會
- to receive one into a society siu la5ng cho3
ho7e-oa5n 收會員
social intercourse or connection, coming
and goings la5i-o2ng 來往
society centered around clan rules and
practices chong-hoat si7a-ho7e 宗法社會
social intercourse, entertain guests e3ng-si5u
Society is unstable. Si7a-ho7e bo5 an-te7ng. 社會
social justice si7a-ho7e che3ng-gi7 社會正義
social life, community life si7a-ho7e seng-oa8h
Society of Jesus Ia5-so+-ho7e (Catholic) 耶穌會
social lion, lion of society si5-ta7i e5 thio2ng-ji5 時
society, social communication si7a-kau, kauche3 社交,交際
society, group, team tho5an-the2 團體
social morals, virtues si7a-ho7e to7-tek 社會道德
sociologist, sociology scholar si7a-ho7e-ha8kka, si7a-ho7e ha8k-chi2a 社會學家, 社會學者
social values or manners si7a-ho7e hong-khi3 社
sociology si7a-ho7e-ha8k 社會學
social obligations si7a-ho7e-sio7ng e5 gi7-bu7 社會
sock, socks te2 bo8eh-a2 短襪
- a pair of socks chi8t siang boe8h-a2 一雙襪子
- one sock chi8t kha boe8h-a2 一隻襪子
soft, mild, kind un-ho5, ho2, ji5n-chu5 溫和,好,仁
socket, electrical chhah-cho7 插座
soft, spongy lo2m-lo2m 軟軟的
socket, eye socket ba8k-u, ba8k-chiu khut-a2 眼
soften ho7+ pia3n nn2g, nn2g-khi3 使變軟,軟化
- deep eye sockets ba8k-u chhim 眼窩凹陷
soften one's voice ho7+ sia*-im pia3n nn2g 使聲
socket of the eye ba8k-chiu-khang, ba8k-u, ba8ko 眼窩,眼眶
sod, turf, grassland chha2u-phi2, chha2u-po+-a2
softened and spoiled by moisture, growing
soft or sticky with moisture si5u*-si5u*
chi3u*-chi3u* 濕黏黏的
soda so3+-ta3 (phonetic) 蘇打
softening nn2g-ho3a 軟化
soda water khi3-chu2i 汽水
softer inside layer of the bamboo but not
the innermost bi8h-nn5g 嫩竹篾
sodality tho5an-the2, lia5n-gi7-ho7e, hia8p-ho7e, ho7e
software nn2g-the2 軟體
software construction nn2g-the2 siat-ke3 軟體建
- member of a sodality ho7e-oa5n 會員
Sodality of Blessed Mother Se3ng-bo2 Ho7e
(Catholic) 聖母會
software package tho3-chong nn2g-the2 套裝軟
sodomy ke-ka3n, ko3ng-kha*-a2, ka3n kha-chhng
(slang) 雞姦
soil, earth, ground tho5+, tho2+-te7 土,土地
- sand and soil tho5+-soa 土和砂
sodomy, feeling horny hia5u kha-chhng, khachhng chi7u* 多事,自作孽
- to till the soil choh-sit 耕作
sofa pho3ng-i2 沙發椅
soil by wetting bak-ta5m 沾濕
soft nn2g, ji5u-lo2an, ji5u-nn2g 柔軟
soil conservation chu2i-tho2+ po2-chhi5 水土保持
- to eat only soft things kan-na chia8h nn2g e5
mi8h-ki7a* 只有吃軟的東西
soil is sterile tho5+-bah sa2n 土壤瘠
soil of rice fields chha5n-tho5+ 田土
soft ball nn2g-sek e5 ki5u 軟式的球
soil, defile bak la5-sa5m, phah la5-sa5m 沾污
soft beams of sunlight ji8t-hoe-a2 暖陽
soil, earth, clay, land tho5+-jio2ng 土壤
soft bed, western bed pho3ng-chhn5g 沙發床
soil, mould tho5+-bah 土壤
soft boiled eggs chu2 po3a*-chhi*-se8k e5 nn7g 煮
soiled all over, to be soiled by many things
bak-tang bak-sai 沾這沾那,沾東沾西
soft charcoal pha3*-tho3a* 較鬆的木炭
soiled with filth bak-tio8h lah-sap 沾到髒東西,
soft cloth shoes pau-a2-e5 包鞋,軟布鞋
soft dough, food, body nn2g-kiuh-kiuh, nn2g
ko5-ko5, nn2g-si3m-si3m 軟綿綿
soiled with ink bak-tio8h ba8k-chu2i 沾到墨水
soft gelatinous candies, sweetmeats nn2gthn5g-a2 軟糖
soiree a3m-ho7e 晚會
soiled with oil or grease bak-tio8h iu5 沾到油
sojourn ki3a-li5u, to3a, khi7a-khi2 寄居,暫時停留,居
soft inside of a pomelo-skin or bamboo nn5g
solace an-u3i 安慰
soft like cooked food, soaked and spoiled
by rain no7a-ko5+-ko5+ 爛稀稀的
solar tha3i-io5ng e5, ji8t-tha5u e5 太陽的
solar calendar sin-le8k, io5ng-le8k 新曆,陽曆
soft meat with rice kho3ng-bah-pn7g 爌肉飯
solar eclipse ji8t-sit, sit-ji8t 日蝕
soft mud no7a-tho5+ 爛土,軟土
solar New Year's kho3a-ni5 跨年
soft mud, mire no7a-ko5+-be5 爛泥
solar system tha3i-io5ng-he7 太陽系
soft muddy fields lo3m-chha5n 泥窪田
solarium, sun room ji8t-kong-e8k-sek 日光浴室
soft or porous wood pha3*-chha5 脆木
sold by weight sn3g-kin e5 以斤計
soft power khin-la8t 輕力
sold out be7-oa5n 賣完
soft spoken khin-sia* se3-soeh 輕聲細語
solder, soldering tin lia5m-siah, e7ng siah lia5m
soft wind, light breeze, very gentle breeze
bi5-bi5-a2 hong 微風
soft, mild, bland, gentle nn2g-se3ng 軟性
solder, to weld, welding agent ha7n-chiap-che,
lia5m 焊接劑,焊接
solicit subscriptions bo7+-koan 募捐
soldier peng, kun-ji5n, peng-a2, chia3n-su7 兵,軍
solicit writing, call for papers teng-bu5n 徵文
solicit votes gi2u-phi3o 拉票
solicitation khu2n-ki5u 懇求
- officers and soldiers koa*-peng 官兵
soliciting for sales away from the home office, foreign affairs go7a-bu7 外務
- retired soldiers the3-ngo2+ kun-ji5n, the3-ngo2+
peng-a2 退伍軍人
- to be a soldier cho3 peng 當兵
solicitor, one who collects money chhe2ngki5u-chi2a 請求者
- to lead soldiers toa3-peng, chho7a-peng 帶兵
solicitor, attorney lu8t-su 律師
- to recruit soldiers bo7+ sin-peng 徵募新兵
solicitous kho3a-li7 e5, koan-sim e5, ho5an-lo2 e5,
khat-bo7ng e5, jia8t-bo7ng e5, jia8t-sim e5 掛慮的,
- to train soldiers hu3n-lia7n peng 練兵
- wounded soldier siong-peng 傷兵
soldier messenger, a courier tho5an-le7ngpeng 傳令兵
solicitous about one's health kho3a-li7 ka-ti7 e5
kia7n-khong 掛慮自己的健康
soldiers peng-chut 兵卒
solicitude kho3a-lia7m, koan-sim 掛念,關心
soldiers and their horses, troops peng-be2 兵
solid body te7ng, te7ng-tauh, ko3+-the2 e5, cha8t-pak
e5 硬的,堅硬的,固體的,實心的
soldier's family kun-ko3an 軍眷
solid food ko3+-the2 chia8h-mi8h 固體食物
soldier's pay kun-hio3ng 軍餉
solid geometry, geometry of space,
stereometry li8p-the2 ki2-ho5 立體幾何
soldier's rations kun-ni5u 軍糧
solid refuse of medicinal herbs after brewing io8h-phoh 藥渣
soldiers, enlisted men su7-peng 士兵
sole heir, successor u5i-it e5 ke3-se5ng-ji5n 唯一的
solidarity tho5an-kiat, kio7ng-to5ng it-ti3, lia5n-ta3i
chek-ji7m 團結,共同一致,連帶責任
sole of a foot, hoof, footprint kha-te5 腳掌,腳
solidify, congeal, coagulate, to settle, solidification, condensation kian 凝固,凝
sole of a shoe e5-te2 鞋底
sole of the foot kha-te2 腳底
solidly u2n, u2n-ta3ng, a5n, tia5u, kian-ko3+ 穩,穩當,
sole, single, only one tan, u5i-it 單,唯一
- to hold solidly te7* ho7+ a5n 握緊
solely toa*-toa* chi8t e5, kan-na, oa5n-cho5an 單單
- to nail solidly te3ng ho7+ tia5u 釘牢固
solemn chong-gia5m, lio5ng-tio7ng, gia5m-siok 莊
soliloquy, thinking aloud, to talk to oneself
chu7-gia5n chu7-gi2 自言自語
solemn ceremony lio5ng-tio7ng e5 le2-chiat 隆重
soliloquy, the art of talking while or as if
alone, narrator, spoken parts in an opera kha2u-pe8h 口白
solemn silence, peaceful siok-che7ng 肅靜
solipsism, egoism i5-ngo2+-lu7n, u5i-ngo2+-lu7n 惟我
solemn vows hoat to7a-go7an 發大願
solemnity, solemn rites chong-gia5m, gia5msiok, chong-gia5m e5 gi5-sek 莊嚴,嚴肅,莊嚴
Solitaire Chiap-lio5ng 接龍
solitary horseman, single handed tan-ji5n
to8k-ma2 單人獨馬
solemnize e7ng chong-gia5m lio5ng-tio7ng e5 gi5-sek
khe3ng-chiok, ki2-he5ng chong-gia5m e5 gi5-sek
solitary house, isolated dwelling ko+-te3-chhu3
solicit khu2n-ki5u, ki5u, pa3i-thok 懇求,求,拜託
solitary island, isolated island ko+-to2+ 孤島
solicit a favor khu2n-ki5u chi-chhi5, ki5u in, ki5u intia2n 懇求支持,求恩典
solitary orphan or widow who lives alone
ko+-to8k 孤獨
solicit customers gi2u la5ng-kheh 拉客
solicit or attract business gi2u-seng-li2 拉生意
solitary phoenix, a “loose your spouse”
year ko+-lo5an-ni5 孤鸞年
solicit shareholders, call for capital, go
public chio-ko2+ 招股
solitary, alone, lonely, friendless ko+-toa* bo5pho7a* 孤單沒伴
solitary, alone, lonely, loneliness ko+-toa*,
ko+-khu8t, ko+-to8k 孤單,孤獨
some, a few, several ku2i-e5-a2, ku2i-e5, chi8t-ko2a
solitary, small quantity, few ko2a* 寡
some, a part, a piece, a section, a share chi8t
po7+-hu7n 一部份
solitude ko+-toa*, to8k-ki, hi-bi5 e5 so2+-cha7i 孤單,
some, a small amount ta7m-po8h-a2 少許
- to live in solitude u2n-ki, to8k-ki 隱居,獨居
somebody u7 la5ng 有的人
solitude, loneliness, nothing or nobody to
rely on bo5-i bo5-oa2 無依無靠
- to meet somebody kap la5ng sio-tu2 遇見他
solo performance in music to8k-cha3u, to8kchhi3u* 獨奏,獨唱
somebody blind in one eye to8k-ga2n-lio5ng 獨
Solomon So2+-lo5-bu5n-o5ng 所羅門王
somebody else pa8t-la5ng 別人
solstice, astronomy chi3, cheh 至
- summer solstice he7-chi3 夏至
somehow m7 chai-ia2* sia*h go5an-in, m7 chai a3ncho2a* 不知何故,不知如何
- winter solstice tang-cheh 冬至
someone bo2+-la5ng, u7 la5ng 某人,有的人
someone commissioned to do something
u2i-thok-chi2a 委託者
solubility io5ng-ka2i-se3ng 溶解性
soluble e7 iu5* e5 會溶解的
someone else pa8t-la5ng 別人
- Salt is soluble in water. Ia5m ti7 chu2i-ni8h e7
iu5*. 鹽在水裡會溶解.
someone making a guest appearance,
guest-star kheh-chho3an 客串
solution to a problem ka2i-tap, ka2i-koat 解答,
someone who can speak English e7-hia2u
ko2ng Eng-gi2 e5 la5ng 會說英語的人
solution, liquid form of medicine, lotion io8hchu2i, io5ng-e8k 藥水,溶液
somersault, complete change of opinion,
transformation to7a cho2an-pia3n 大轉變
solve a misunderstanding ka2i-soeh go7+-ho7e
somersault, turn a somersault pha-chhia-lin,
pha-li3n-ta2u 翻觔斗
solve a problem ka2i-koat bu7n-te5 解決問題
something chi8t ko2a mi8h-ki7a*, bo2+-su7, u7 ku2ihun-a2 一些東西,某事,有幾分
solve a riddle ioh bi7, chhai be5 猜謎
solvent, able to pay u7 le5ng-le8k he5ng che3-bu7 e5
something assembled from various manufacturers, miscellaneous brands cha8ppa5i, cha8p-ho7-a2 雜牌子
solvent, dissolving io5ng-che, e7 iu5*…e5, u7 io5ngka2i-le8k e5 溶劑,會溶解…的,有溶解力的
something discarded as worthless, reject,
scrap po3-hu3i 報廢
solvent, moderating relaxation e7 ho7+ pa3ng
khin-sang e5 有緩和放鬆的
something done by-the-way, done in passing su7n-so3a-kang 順便
somatic sin-the2 e5, jio8k-the2 e5 身體的,肉體的
somber, dejected im-ti5m, ut-chut, o+-a3m e5, o+im-thi* e5 陰沉的,鬱悶,黑暗的,陰天的
something falls through and stands exposed, a failed plot pok-khang 事情敗露
sombrero bo7-a2-tu5n chin khoah e5 bo7-a2 墨西哥
something good, good things ho2-mi8h 好東西
something implied, overtones in conversation oe7-kut 話中有話
some are so high U7 e5 hiah ko5an. 有的那麼高
some books u7-e5 chheh 有些書
something or someone falling head first to3tha5u-chai po8ah-lo8h-khi3 倒栽下去
some of them, somebody, there are some
u7-e5 有的,有些
something sure, confident, have a firm
grasp of the situation u7 pa2-ak 有把握
some other day pa8t ji8t, le7ng ji8t 改天
some other time, later, on another occasion,
next time, in the future a7u-pa2i, a7u-ko3e 下
some people chi8t po7+-hu7n e5 la5ng 一部份的人
something that is of rare occurrence hi-iu2 e5
ta7i-chi3, ha2n-iu2 e5 ta7i-chi3 稀有之事
something that stops the wind like a wind
shield hong-cha8h-a2 擋風之物
something that very rarely happens, blooming of an iron tree, an impossibility thihchhi7u khui-hoe 鐵樹開花
some time ago, last time te2ng pa2i 上次
some time past mid-day ko3e-ta3u 過午時
something to be happy about kho2-hi2 kho2-ho7
Son of God, Second Person of the Holy
Trinity, the Holy Son Se3ng-chu2 聖子
something turns sour, spoils ho2an-sng 變酸
son of heaven, the emperor thian-chu2 天子
something very much in vogue or fashion,
something everyone is after or interested in jia8t-mn5g 熱門
son, puppy, my son sia2u-khia2n (self-effacing
term) 小犬
something very very small iu3-sap-sap 很細
song ko, koa, khek 歌,曲
sonata cha3u-be5ng-khiok 奏鳴曲
something which one cannot stand ji2m-be7tia5u e5 ta7i-chi3, to3ng-be7-tia5u e5 ta7i-chi3 忍受不
- collection of songs koa-chi8p 歌集
- popular songs li5u-he5ng-koa 流行歌
song book koa-pho7+, koa-pu2n 歌本
something very good and capable chi5a*-mi8h
song of lament, elegy, a funeral song ai-koa
sometime bo5-lu7n si2m-mih si5-chu7n, bo2+ chi8t e5 si5chu7n 無論何時,某一時間
song of a political party, political song to2ngkoa 黨歌
sometimes u7 tang-si5-a2, u7-si5-a2 有時候,有時
Song of Solomon, Canticle of Canticles
(Catholic), Song of Songs (Protestant)
Nga2-ko 雅歌
somewhat khah…ta7m-po8h-a2, si2o-kho2a-a2,
chia5u…a2, lio8h-lio8h-a2, ke-kia2m 有點兒,一點
songs in Amoy colloquial la5m-ko2an 南管
somewhat humpbacked, walking with a
stooping gait, poor posture ku-ku 微駝
songs of various sorts, of regular and irregular structure koa-khek 歌曲
somewhat more expensive than was expected khah ku3i 較貴,貴一點
songster, vocalist koa-chhi2u, koa-chhe* 歌手,
somewhat overreached or beaten by somebody else ho7+ i khah phi*-tha5u 讓他佔點便
songstress, female singer, showgirl koa-li2,
li2-koa-chhe*, li2-si-ji5n 歌女,女歌星,女詩人
somewhat rude or impolite e7 khah sit-le2 會失
sonority hia2ng-lia7ng 響亮
somewhere ti7 bo2+ chi8t e5 so2+-cha7i 在某處
sons and daughters, children ji5-li2, chu2-li2,
ki2a*-ji5 兒女,子女
sonnet cha8p-si3-ha5ng-si 十四行詩
sonorous sia*-im chin hia2ng 聲音很響亮
somnambulism, sleep walking ba7ng-iu5che3ng 夢遊症
somniferous chhui-bi5n e5 催眠的
sons and grandsons, descendants, posterity chu2-sun, ki2a*-sun 子孫
somnolence si7u* a3i khu3n, tuh ka-cho7e 想睡,打
son's children, grandson in the direct line
la7i-sun 內孫
son ha7u-se*, ha7u-si*, cha-po+-ki2a* 兒子,男兒
- adopted son gi7-chu2 義子
sons of a king, prince o5ng-chu2, tha3i-chu2 王子,
- an only son ko+-ki2a* 獨子
sons of the emperor ho5ng-chu2 皇子
- a prodigal son lo7ng-chu2 浪子
sons, children, junior relatives chu2-te7 子弟
- daughter's son go7a-sun 外孫
Sony Sin-le8k, So2+-nih (phonetic) 新力
- Like father like son. Iu2 ki5 hu7 pit iu2 ki5 chu2.
Soo-chow So+-chiu 蘇州
soon, early, instantly, fast, immediately cha2,
ko2a*-ki2n, kho3ai, lia5m-pi* 早,即刻,快,馬上
- oldest son tio2ng-chu2, to7a-ki2a*, to7a ha7u-se*
- as soon as I opened the husk khak chi8t-e7
peh-khui 殼一剝開
- son-in-law ki2a*-sa3i 女婿
soon to be chek-chiong 即將
- a son-in-law is half a son ki2a*-sa3i si7 po3anchu2 女婿是半子
sooner dead the better cha2-si2 cha2-ho2 (a curse)
- sister's son go7e-seng-a2 外甥
sooner or later, some day, eventually cha2ba7n 早晚,遲早
- son's son la7i-sun 內孫
- your son le7ng-lo5ng, kong-chu2 令郎,公子
soot, black irritating smoke o+-ian-thu5n, ianthu5n, iu5-ian 煤煙渣,油煙
Son of God Thian-chu2 Chu2 天主子
soot, smoke ho2e-thu5n-lo+ 煤煙
sorghum liquor, spirit distilled from millet
ko-lio5ng-chi2u 高梁酒
soothe and compassionate bu2-sut 撫恤
sorority chi2-mo7e-ho7e, hu7-li2 tho5an-the2, hu7-li2ho7e 姊妹會,婦女團體,婦女會
soothe sore su-oa7n 舒緩
soothe, comfort, console an-u3i, kia2m-khin
tho3ng-kho2+ 安慰,減輕痛苦
sorrow kho2+-chho2+, pi-ai, iu-bu7n, put-he7ng 苦
soothing wind or breezes chheng-hong 清風
- expression of pi-ai e5 pia2u-che5ng 悲哀的表
soothsayer pok-ko3a-e5 占卜者
sop, absorbent suh, khip-chu2i 吸水
- profound sorrow chin iu-bu7n 很憂悶
sop, erase chhit-khi2-la5i 抹掉
sorrowful ho5an-lo2, chhau-ho5an, iu-chhi5u,
chhau-sim, ut-chut, pi-ai 煩惱,憂愁,操心,
sop, immerse, soak chi3m 浸
sophism, sophistry khu2i-pia7n, ku2i-pia7n, ga5uche3* 詭辯
sorrowful expression ho5an-lo2 e5 pia2u-che5ng
sophisticated, seasoned, experienced chin
la2u-lia7n, la7u-ku-chia* (slang) 老練的
sorrowful, miserable, tragic, cruel, brutal,
gloomy chha2m 慘
sophomore ta7i-ha8k ji7-ni5-kip e5 ha8k-seng 大學二
sorrows of parting and the joys of reunion
that life has pi-hoan li7-ha8p 悲歡離合
Sophonias Sek-hok-ni5-a, Sek (Catholic) 索福
sorry iu-chhi5u, iu-bu7n, kho2-sioh, kho2-li5n, kho2+lia5n 憂愁,憂悶,可惜,可憐
soporific chhui-bi5n e5, chhui-bi5n-io8h 催眠的,催
sorry for one's faults hi7o-ho2e ka-ti7 e5 ko3e-sit
soprano li2-ko-im 女高音
soprano voice li2-ko-im e5 koa-chhi2u 女高音的
sorry for someone the3 la5ng tam-iu 替人擔憂
sorcerer, male shaman cho3 si5a-su8t e5, su8t-su
sort ha7ng, kho2an, chio2ng-lu7i, hun-lu7i, ke2ng 項,
sorry, apologetic pho7-khia2m 抱歉
sorcerer, medium or faker who professes to
be under the afflatus of a spirit ta5ng-ki
- all sorts of schemes chhian-hong pah-ke3,
chhian-hong ba7n-ke3 千方百計,千方萬計
- every sort ta8k ha7ng 每一種
sorceress a5ng-i5 女術師
SOS! Ki3u-mi7a o3+. 救命啊!
sorceress, taking the cue from what someone says so as to speak to please
someone a5ng-i5 su7n o7e-bo2e 順著人的語意
so-so, mediocre pe5ng-pe5ng 平平,馬馬虎虎
soteriology ki3u-se3-ha8k 救世學
Sotheby's So+-su7-pi2 蘇士比
sorcery, demonic magic si5a-su8t 邪術
soul, spirit, heart le5ng-hu5n, sim-le5ng 靈魂,心
sorcery, witchcraft iau-su8t 妖術
- All Souls Day Tui-su si2-bo5ng ji8t (Catholic)
sordid lah-sap, pi-phi2 污穢的,卑鄙的
sordid desires lah-sap e5 io8k-bo7ng 污穢的慾望
- sensitive and vegetable soul kak-hu5n kap
seng-hu5n (Catholic) 覺魂與生魂
sordid, petty minded, stingy to7+-lio7ng e8h 度量
- to lose one's soul sit-lo8h le5ng-hu5n 迷失靈
sore thi3a*, sng, lia8p-a2, tho3ng-kho2+ 痛,酸痛,瘡,
- to save one's soul ki3u le5ng-hu5n 拯救靈魂
- open sores khang-chhu3i 傷口
soul is immortal le5ng-hu5n put-bia8t 靈魂不滅
sore eyes ba8k-chiu thi3a* 眼睛痛
soul or spirit of a dead person, ghosts
bo5ng-hu5n, im-hu5n 亡魂,陰魂
sore spot thi3a* e5 so2+-cha7i 痛點
sore throat na5-au5 thi3a* 喉嚨痛
soul, feeling spirit kak-hu5n 覺魂
sore waist and aching back io sng po7e thi3a*
soul, original spiritual being go5an-si5n 靈魂,
sores from scabies ke3-chhng 疥瘡
soul, spirit hu5n-phek 魂魄,靈魂
sorghum ko-lio5ng 高梁
soul, spirit, mind cheng-si5n 精神
soul, spirit, mind, state of mind si5n-hu5n 神魂
sound, an echo, a noise, murmur, hubbub
hia2ng-sia* 響聲
soulful ka2m-che5ng sio7ng e5, chhim-che5ng e5, u7
cheng-si5n e5 感情上的,深情的,有精神的
sound, alarm, roar, thunder, clocks or bells
ringing ta5n 響,鳴
souls in Purgatory lia7n-ga8k le5ng-hu5n 煉獄靈
sound, reliable, secure, stable u2n-ta3ng, kia7ncho5an, kio5ng-cho3ng 穩當,健全,強壯
sound sia*, sia*-im, ta5n, hia2ng 聲,聲音,響,響
sound-absorbing khip-im 吸音
- laughing sound chhi3o-sia* 笑聲
sounding chhek-lio7ng chhim-to7+ 測量深度
- not a sound to be heard tia7m chih-chih 很
- to take soundings ni5u chu2i e5 chhim-chhia2n
- speed of sound im-sok 音速
sounding board hia2ng-pang, kio7ng-be5ng-po5a*
- to utter a sound chhut sia* 發出聲音
sound an air-raid alarm hoat khong-si8p ke2ngpo3 發空襲警報
sounding line chhek-ia5n, chhek-chhim-khi3 測
sound asleep khu3n lo8h-bi5n 睡得很沉
soundless bo5 sia* e5, tia7m-tia7m e5 無聲的,寂靜
sound body kia7n-cho5an e5 sin-the2 健全的身體
soundly kia7n-cho5an, kian-si8t 健全,堅實
sound of car horn ji8h lah-pah 按喇叭
soundly asleep m7-chai chhe2*, m7-chai chhi2* 不
sound effects im-hia2ng ha7u-ko2 音響效果
sound film u7 sia* e5 tia7n-ia2* 有聲電影
soundproof keh-im 隔音
sound locator chhek-im-khi3 測音器
soundproofing board khip-im-pa2n 吸音板
sound of bowl and dish colliding khinkhiang-ki3o 碗盤相碰聲
sounds loud chin hia2ng 很響
soup thng 湯
sound of child crying or constantly asking
for things, sound of flies or mosquitoes
hi*-hi*-ki3o 咿嗚叫
- The soup is too salty. Chit e5 thng siu* kia5m.
- to be in the soup, caught in a difficulty
ha7m-ji8p khu3n-la5n (idiom) 陷入困難
sound of cymbals khoa7i*-kho7ai*-ki3o 銅鑼的聲
soup kitchen, mobile kitchen si-si3a chia8h-mi8h
ho7+ sa3n-chhiah-la5ng e5 so2+-cha7i, li5u-to7ng tu5pa5ng 施捨食物給窮人的處所,流動廚房
sound of flapping or flipping phi7-phia8t-ki3o 撲
sound of footsteps kha-po7+-sia* 腳步聲
soup made with internal organs usually
from pig, cow or chicken ha7-su2i-thng 下
sound of snoring ho5+*-bi5n 鼾聲,鼾眠
sound of thunder lu5i-sia* 雷聲
sound of water chu2i-sia* 水聲
soup make with sliced rice cakes ko2e-a2-thng,
ke2-a2-thng 粿仔湯
sound of a weight colliding khin-khin kho7ngkho7ng 重物碰撞聲
soup spoon thng-si5 湯匙
sound of a whistle pi 哨聲
sour sng, chha3u-sng, sng kiuh-kiuh, sng giuhgiuh 酸,餿味,酸極了
sound of wind si3u-si3u ki3o e5 sia* 颯颯聲
sound out a person's thoughts tha3m la5ng e5
si7u*-hoat 打探別人的想法
- the sweet and sour of life ji5n-seng e5 kho2+lo8k 人生的苦樂
sour face chha3u-bi7n 臭臉
sound out his views tha3m i e5 i3-hio3ng 探他的
sound proof keh-im siat-pi7, keh-im e5 隔音設備,
sound sleep, to sleep well and peacefully
an-bi5n 安眠
sour from being kept too long, turn sour
chha3u-sng 變醙,臭酸
sour look, as of a stepmother a7u-bo2-bi7n 晚娘
sour plums sng-bo5e 酸梅
sound track, original tapes goa5n-sia*-to3a,
goa5n-pa2n lo8k-im-to3a 原聲帶,原版錄音帶
sour taste sng-bi7 酸味
source go5an, la5i-go5an, go5an-cho5a*, kin-go5an,
kin-pu2n, go5an-in 源,來源,泉源,根源,根本,
sound transcription e8k-im 譯音
source of a problem bu7n-te5 e5 go5an-in 問題的
souvenir ki2-lia7m-phi2n 紀念品
- to serve as a souvenir cho3 ki2-lia7m-phi2n 當
source of all things ba7n-iu2-chin-go5an 萬有真
sovereign, head of state, monarch, emperor
go5an-si2u, kun-chu2, te3-o5ng, kun-chu2 e5,
cho3e-ko5an e5, chi3-sio7ng e5 元首,君主,帝王,
source of blessings or good fortune hokgo5an 福源
source of energy, source of power le5nggo5an 能源
sovereign, independent state, independent
to8k-li8p-kok, to8k-li8p e5 獨立國,獨立的
source of illumination, light source konggo5an 光源
source of income, wealth cha5i-lo7+ 財路
sovereign airspace, aerial domain, territorial skies le2ng-khong 領空
source of money chi5*-chu2i 錢的流通
sovereign and his retainers kun-si5n 君臣
source of revenue, financial resources cha5igo5an 財源
sovereign power tho2ng-ti7-ko5an 統治權
sovereign power, monarchical authority
kun-ko5an 君權
source of wealth chia8h-kin 財源
sovereign queen, a queen regent li2-o5ng, lu2o5ng 女王
source, origin ian-go5an 淵源
source, origin, original, primitive, backward
go5an-si2 原始,元始
sovereign, king kun-o5ng 君王
sovereignty chu2-ko5an, kun-ko5an 主權,君權
source, the way by which anything comes
la5i-lo7+ 來路
- territorial sovereignty tho2+-te7 e5 chu2-ko5an,
le2ng-tho2+ e5 chu2-ko5an 土地的主權,領土的
souse, plunge into water or other liquid,
immerse kiat-lo8h-khi3 chu2i-ni8h, chi3m ho7+
ta5m, phoah-chu2i 投入水中,浸濕,潑水
sovereignty of a state chu7-chu2-koa5n 自主權
souse, to salt, to pickle, to cure, to marinade si7*, si7*-ko3e e5 醃製,醃製過
Soviet So+-u5i-ai, ta7i-pia2u-ho7e, ta7i-pia2u-ho7e-gi7
south la5m-pe5ng, la5m, la5m-hng 南邊,南,南方
Soviet Russia So+-ngo5+ 蘇俄
South Africa La5m-hui 南非
Soviet Union So+-lia5n 蘇聯
South America, Latin America La5m Bi2-chiu
sovietism So+-u5i-ai che3-to7+ 蘇維埃制度
south bound hio3ng la5m-pe5ng, la5m-hong, la5mpo7+ 向南邊,南方,南部
sow seeds ia7-che2ng, ia7-chi2, ia7 che2ng-chi2 播種
South China Sea La5m-ha2i 南海
sow, female pig ti-bo2, ti-bu2 母豬
south east tang-la5m 東南
sow rice seed ia7 chhek-che2ng 撒稻種
South Fukien Ba5n-la5m 閩南
sow, scatter, disperse, to spread, propagate, publish, make known, remove,
cast aside po3+, po3 播
sovietize, communize chhiah-ho3a 赤化
South pole La5m-ke8k 南極
south regions la5m-po7+ 南部
sow, to seed, to sow seed po3+-che2ng 播種
South Sea Islands La5m-iu5* Ku5n-to2+ 南洋群島
sower ia7-che2ng e5 la5ng, tho5an-po3+-chi2a 播種者,
south side la5m-pe5ng 南邊
south west sai-la5m 西南
soy sauce ta7u-iu5, chi3u*-iu5 醬油,豆油
south wind la5m hong 南風
soybean n5g-ta7u, to7a-ta7u 黃豆,大豆
Southeast Asia Tang-la5m-a 東南亞
soybean cake, a major animal feed ta7u-kho+,
ta7u-pi2a* 豆餅,豆箍
southeast wind tang-la5m-hong 東南風
southern la5m hong e5 la5ng, la5m-hong e5 南方的
soybean cheese cut into smaller squares
and salted ta7u-ji2 豆腐乳,豆乳
southern barbarians la5m-ba5n 南蠻
soybean milk ta7u-leng 豆漿,豆奶
Southern China Ho5a-la5m 華南
SP: Sisters of Providence Chu2-ko3+ Siu-li2 Ho7e
(Catholic) 主顧修女會
Southern Hemisphere La5m-po3a*-ki5u 南半球
southern regions la5m-po7+ 南部
spa, bath therapy, hydrotherapy spa, chu2ili5au spa,水療
southerner la5m-po7+ e5 la5ng 南部人
spa, hot springs un-cho5a*, kho3ng-cho5a*, uncho5a* e8k-ti5u* 溫泉,礦泉,溫泉浴場
- to measure by spans lia8h kho3a* lo7a tn5g 大
space age tha3i-khong si5-ta7i 太空時代
span of a bridge ki5o e5 tn5g-to7+ 橋的長度
space between the legs kha-pha7ng 腿間,胯
spangle kim-sih-sih e5 se3 te3 kim-sio8k-phi3*, lia2ngphia2n 亮片
space between things, joining seam, joining up place kap-pha7ng, kap-so3a* 縫合處,
Spaniard Se-pan-ge5-la5ng 西班牙人
space center tha3i-khong tiong-sim 太空中心
Spanish language Se-pan-ge5-gi2, Se-pan-ge5-o7e
spaniel tn5g-hi7*-ka2u, Se-pan-ge5 che2ng e5 ka2u-a2
space covered by the eaves or porch gi5mchi5*-kha2u 屋簷前
spank phah, phah kha-chhng-phe2 打,打屁股
space craft, capsule, space ship tha3i-khongchu5n 太空船
spank someone phah la5ng e5 kha-chhng-phe2,
sia3n la5ng e5 kha-chhng-phe2 打人屁股
space fiction u2-ti7u sia2u-soat 宇宙小說
space flight tha3i-khong hui-he5ng 太空飛行
spar for time thoa si5-kan, thoa-ia5n si5-kan 拖延
space in the sense of dimension khong-kan
spar, boxing, preparing for fight cheng,
phah ku5n-tha5u, ku5n-kek 擊,打拳,拳擊
space shuttle tha3i-khong-so 太空梭
spar, crystal stone, round material chu2i-chi*chio8h, i5* e5 cha5i-lia7u 水晶石,圓形的材料
space, area tha3i-khong, kha3ng-te7-a2, te7-hng 太
spare cash khia7m-chi5*, chhun e5 chi5* 存錢,多
spaces between the fingers chhi2u-pha7ng 手
spare ground, elbow-room, leeway i5-te7 餘地
spaces or blanks to be filled-in on an application form, squares or spaces in a
printed form keh-a2 格子
spare a life, spare me jia5u-mi7a 饒命
spare money, idle money e5ng-chi5*, e5ng e5 chi5*
spacesuit, down garments tha3i-khong-i 太空
spare parts, odds and ends so3a*-ki7a* 散件
spare time e5ng e5 si5 空閒時
spacious house, clothes too large and
loose lo3ng-lo3ng-kho3ng-kho3ng 寬敞開闊,
spare tire i7-pi7 e5 lia2n 備胎
spare, frugal, economize, stingy, mean,
miserly khia7m, kia8t, kho8k 節儉,吝嗇
spacious roomy place khui-khoah e5 so2+-cha7i
sspare, held in reserve i7-pi7 預備
spare, pardon, forgive si3a-bia2n, jia5u-si3a 赦免,
spacious, wide, roomy khui-khoah 寬闊
spade work khu3n-la5n e5 ki-pu2n kang-chok, kanla5n e5 ki-pu2n kang-chok 困難的基本工作,艱
spare, show mercy, to cherish, to treasure,
to use sparingly a3i-sioh 愛惜
spade, a short and pointed spade for planting flowers thuh-a2 鏟子
spare, superfluous, too much, have left
over siu*-che7, u7 chhun e5 太多,有剩的
spade, shovel tho5+-chhiah, soa-thio 鏟子
sparing, cautious, careful ki2n-si7n, si2o-sim 謹
spade, square hoe used in farming ti5-tha5u
sparing, thrifty, frugal, saving chin khia7m 節
spaghetti I3-ta7i-li7-mi7 義大利麵,義大利麵條
spark plug ho2e-chhu3i-a2, phuh-la2-guh (phonetic) 火星塞
Spain Se-pan-ge5 西班牙
spam, commercial advertising letter ko2ngko3-si3n, ko2ng-ko3-phoe, ko2ng-ko3-ha5m 廣告
spark, sparks flying off of fire ho2e-sa2i 火花,
spark, technical expert tia7n-si3n ki-su 電信技師
spam, jung email pu3n-so3 i5u-ki7a* 垃圾郵件
spark, to start, to launch, to unleash, to
mobilize, to arouse hoat-to7ng 發動
span, distance between the extended
thumb and little finger chi8t lia8h tn5g 手指
sparkling kim-sih-sih e5, hoat ho2e-chhe* e5 閃閃
sparkling eyes ba8k-chiu kim-sih-sih 眼睛發亮
speak ill of others ko2ng la5ng e5 tn5g-te2, ko2ng
la5ng e5 si7-hui 說別人的是非
sparrow chhu3-chia2u-a2, chhek-chia2u-a2 麻雀
speak ill of a person behind his back, to
back-bite ko2ng la5ng e5 kha-chiah-au7-oe7 背
sparse chin lang, chin chi2o, chin po8h 稀疏,很
sparse population ji5n-kha2u chin-chi2o 稀疏的
speak ill of, to slander, detract, injure another's reputation, defame po3ng 謗
sparsely, thinly, scattered here and there
lang 稀疏,零零落落的
speak indistinctly, utter inarticulate words
li-li-lo-lo 話不清楚
spasm of pain thi3a* chi8t-e7, chi8t-chu7n thi3a* 抽
speak intentionally in a gentle not natural
tone kek iu3-sia* 裝柔聲
spasm, cramp ki3u-kin 痙攣
speak ironically khau, khau-se2 諷刺
spasm, pains at intervals cho3-chu7n-thi3a* 陣
speak ironically or sarcastically, to ridicule
sau 嘲笑,諷刺
spasmodic cough choh-chu7n choh-chu7n sa3u
speak ironically, satire, criticize in a satirical way to3-khau chi3a*-siah 諷刺
spasmodic, convulsive, intermittent ki3u-kin
e5, ki3u-kin-se3ng e5, choh-chu7n-thi3a* 痙攣的,
Speak more clearly. Write more clearly.
Ko2ng khah be5ng-lia5u le3. Si2a khah be5nglia5u le3. 講明瞭點.寫明瞭點
spastic ki3u-kin-se3ng e5 痙攣性的,糾筋性也
Speak more clearly, don't be so obscure.
Ko2ng khah chheng-chho2 le3, ma3i hiah a3ima7i. 說清楚點,不要那麼曖昧.
spastic paralysis ki3u-kin-se3ng e5 ba5-pi3 痙攣性
spatial khong-kan e5, khong-kan se3ng e5, ti5u*-so2+
e5, chia3m khong-kan e5 空間的,空間性的,場
speak next, next speaker chiap-chhu3i 接下去
Speak of a person and he comes, speak of
the devil and he appears, speak of angels, and you can hear the flutes of
their wings Ko2ng la5ng, la5ng ka3u, ko2ng ku2i,
ku2i ka3u. 說曹操,曹操到
spatter phu3n, phoah 濺,潑
spatter water phoah chu2i 潑水
spatter, slander, calumny, to frame with
false evidence tio3ng-siong 中傷
speak of the proper principle for settling a
case ko2ng che5ng-li2 講情理
spatula, pancake turner chian-si5 煎匙
spatula, tongue supressor boah-to 抹刀
speak out loudly and openly chhia3ng-sia* 嗆
spawn of a gray mullet o+-hi5-chi2 烏魚子
spawn or hatch from eggs hu7-ho3a 孵化
speak out of turn, shoot off one's mouth,
grumbling, make idle complaints,
worldly thoughts cha8p-lia7m 嘮叨
speak, talk, statement ko2ng, ko2ng-o7e, hoatgia5n 說,說話,發言
- generally speaking it-poa* la5i ko2ng 一般來
speak out one's mind, confess, disclose
tho3+-lo7+ 吐露
- roughly speaking chhi3n-chha2i ko2ng chi8t-e7,
ta7i-iok ko2ng chi8t-e7 隨便講一下,概略的講一
speak plainly, the fact is… thiah-pe8h ko2ng 坦
speak rapidly and indistinctly or with a peculiar accent like a foreigner ko2ng-o7e
tia2u-tia2u 講話有怪腔
- so to speak e7-e7ng-tit ko2ng 可以說
speak according to reason chia3u-li2 ko2ng 照
speak slowly, tell bit by bit u5n-u5n-a2 ko2ng 慢
speak according to the principles of fairness ko2ng-oe7 u7-li2-khi3 講話有理氣
speak softly, talk in a soft voice kheng-sia*
se3-soeh 輕聲細語
speak boldly and bluntly ti8t-ti8t ko2ng 一直講
speak English ko2ng Eng-gi2 說英語
speak very loudly, or rudely or with a raucous voice to7a-sia*-be2-a5u 大嗓子
speak foolishly or recklessly, speak without
thought or regard for facts and truth,
say what should not be said lo7an-ko2ng
speak with authority hia2ng, ko2ng-o7e e7 hia2ng
speak with a lisp, baby talk chha3u-leng-tai 齒
special conditions te8k-pia8t che5ng-he5ng 特別
speak without evidence khang-chhu3i-ko2ng 空
special delivery letter ha7n-si5 e5, ha7n-si5 choansa3ng 限時的,限時專送
speak without reserve tha2n-pe8k ko2ng 坦白說
special envoy te8k-sa3i 特使
speak, discuss ho7e 談
special expense te8k-pia8t khai-chi 特別開支
speak, to flatter chhut-chhu3i 開口,靠嘴巴
special features, marks, characteristics,
unique qualities te8k-tin 特徵
speak, to talk, say, explain, clarify, description, statement, theory soat, soeh 說
special features, peculiarities, characteristics te8k-tia2m 特點
speak, use the voice, emit a sound chhutsia* 出聲
special gift te8k-in (Catholic) 特恩
speak-easy te7-ha7 chi2u-pa, pi3-bi8t chi2u-tia3m 地
special grade, class official exam. te8k-kho2
speaker ia2n-soat-chi2a, chu2-se8k 演說家,主席
special member te8k-pia8t ho7e-oa5n 特別會員
speaker, loudspeaker kho3ng-sia*-ki 擴音機
special mission te8k-pia8t ji7m-bu7 特別任務
speaker, president, or chairman of an assembly, parliament, etc gi7-ti2u* 議長
special municipality under the direct jurisdiction of the Central Government like
a province ti8t-hat-chhi7 直轄市
speakerphone kho3ng-sia*-ki tia7n-o7e 擴音器電
special nature, unusual powers te8k-i7-kongle5ng 特異功能
speaking even more, no use khah ko2ng 再怎
special notice te8k-pia8t chu3-i3 特別注意
speaking in a vulgar way ko2ng-o7e chin chho+,
ko2ng-o7e chin tho2+ 講話很粗,講話很土
special or principal occupation choan-gia8p
speaking indistinctly ko2ng-oe7 ha5m-ho5+ 講話
special pardon, amnesty te8k-si3a 特赦
speaking not very fluently, unable to speak
distinctly, speak with a lisp ko2ng be7
lia3n-tn2g 口齒不清
special permit, to permit, in a special case
te8k-chu2n 特准
special permit te8k-pia8t hi2-kho2-che3ng 特別許可
special prize iu-te2ng-si2u* 優等賞
speaking so a2n-ni ko2ng 這樣說
special quality, characteristics, idiosyncrasy te8k-chit 特質
speaking so that the other is not willing to
hear m7-te3ng-la5ng-thia* 不順耳
special reasons te8k-pia8t li2-iu5 特別理由
spear chhiu* 矛
special relations te8k-su5 koan-he7 特殊關係
special te8k-pia8t e5, choan-bu5n e5 特別的,專門的
special rights, privilege te8k-ko5an 特權
special administration allowances pa7nkong-hu3i 辦公費
special sales counter choan-ku7i 專櫃
special skill, specialty choan-tio2ng 專長
special administrative districts te8k-pia8t khuhe8k 特別區域
special skills, stunts, acrobatics te8k-ki 特技
special studies choan-bu5n gia2n-ki3u 專門研究
special agreement or contract, specially or
exclusively engaged te8k-iok 特約
special subject, topic lecture choan-te5 ia2nka2ng 專題演講
special bank account choan-ho7+ 專戶
special business operations such as cabarets, bars, wine houses te8k-chio2ng e5nggia8p 特種營業
special treatment, special behavior towards
te8k-pia8t tha7i-gu7 特別待遇
special care te8k-pia8t chi3au-ko3+ 特別照顧
special type, special kind te8k-chio2ng 特種
special case to be dealt with separately
choan-a3n 專案
special vehicle for a particular purpose
choan-chhia 專車
special city i7*-hat-chhi7 院轄市
special visitation choan-ho2ng 專訪
special class te8k-te2ng 特等
special, particular te8k-su5 特殊
special column in a newspaper or magazine
choan-la5n 專欄
specialist, expert, professional la7i-ha5ng-e5,
choan-ka 內行,專家
special trip choan-the5ng 專程
speciality te8k-sek, te8k-se3ng, choan-tio2ng,
choan-gia8p, te8k-che3-phi2n 特色,特性,專長,
speckled u7 hoe-pan e5, u7 hoe-tia2m e5 有斑紋的,
speciality shop for the sole sale of one article te8k-iok-tia3m 特約店
speckled face bi7n hoe-hoe, chia2u-sa2i-bi7n 臉花
specialize choan-bu5n cho3…, choan-bu5n gia2nki3u, choan-kang 特別做…,專門研究,特地
spectacle kong-ke2ng, ki5-koan, ki5-ke2ng 光景,奇
speck lah-sap-a2, tho5+-soa-hu2n 污點,灰塵
specialize in choan-che3ng 專政
- to make a spectacle of oneself sit bi7n-chu2
specialized knowledge choan-gia8p-ti3-le5ng 專
spectacles ba8k-ki3a* 眼鏡
specialized studies choan-bu5n gia2n-ki3u 專門
spectacles for near-sightedness ki7n-si7-ki3a*
specially te8k-pia8t, choan-kang 特別,特地
spectacular kong-khai tia2n-la2m, tia2n-la2m e5
bu8t-phi2n, ki5-koan e5, chiok ho2 kho3a* e5, kia*si2-la5ng e5 公開展覽,展覽物,奇觀的,壯觀的,
specially dispatched or appointed, commission specially te8k-pha3i 特派
specially made te8k-che3-phi2n 特製品
spectators, audience koan-chio3ng, koan-chi2a,
po5ng-koan-chi2a 觀眾,觀者,旁觀者
specially reduced price te8k-ke3 特價
specially selected, carefully chosen, hand
picked, win the highest honors at an art
exhibition te8k-so2an 特選
specter, spectre iau-mo5+ ku2i-ko3ai 妖魔鬼怪
spectroscope hun-kong-ki3a*, hun-kong-khi3 分
specialty, special field, exclusively choanbu5n 專門
spectrum kong-pho2+, kng-pho2+, ho7an-u5i, he7tho2ng 光譜,範圍,系統
species che2ng-lu7i, chio2ng-lu7i 種類
speculate in stocks, to gamble in stocks
poa8h ko2+-phi3o, chha2-ko2+-phi3o 玩股票,炒股
species of cabbage whose leaf looks like a
teaspoon thng-si5-a2-chha3i 青江菜
species of large peach chu2i-bi8t-tho5 水蜜桃
speculate on financial markets ta5u-ki 投機
species of lizard to7+-te7ng 蜥蜴
speculate on stock market be7-khang be2khang 賣空買空
species or variety of plants or animals phi2nche2ng 品種
speculate, contemplate, ponder si7u*, chhimsu 想,深思
specific feature te8k-tia2m, te8k-sek 特點,特色
specific property te8k-se3ng 特性
speculate, to conjecture, to surmise thuichhek 推測
specific remedy te8k-ha7u-io8h 特效藥
specific, definite or particular khak-si8t e5, te8kpia8t e5, te8k-ha7u e5, …chio2ng e5 確實的,特別
speculation, to conjecture, to surmise, to
speculate on financial markets ta5u-ki,
si7u*, thui-sio2ng, thui-chhek 投機,想,推想,
specification, technical manual sio5ng-se3
ko2ng-be5ng, soat-be5ng-su 詳細敘述,說明書
specification, minute description, detailed
statement be5ng-se3-su, be5ng-se3-pi2o 明細書,
specifications of a manufactured item,
standard, norm kui-keh 規格
speculative thui-sio2ng e5, chhim-su e5, ta5u-ki e5
speculative business ta5u-ki seng-li2 投機生意
speculative commerce ta5u-ki su7-gia8p 投機事
speculator ta5u-ki-chi2a, ta5u-ki e5 seng-li2-la5ng 投
specify ko2ng chheng-chho2, chi2-te7ng 說清楚,
- a ticket speculator n5g-gu5 黃牛
specimen kia3n-pu2n, iu7*-pu2n, phiau-pu2n 樣品,
speech o7e, gia5n-gi2, ia2n-ka2ng, ia2n-soat 話,言語,
- Zoological specimens to7ng-bu8t phiau-pu2n
- blunt speech ko2ng tha2n-pe8k e5 o7e, ko2ng ti8t e5
o7e 說坦白的話,直說的話
specious ho2 kho3a*-tha5u e5, na2 chin e5 華而不實
- coarse speech ko2ng chho+-lo2+ e5 o7e, chho+chhu3i 說粗魯的話
- freedom of speech gia5n-lu7n chu7-iu5 言論自
spellbinder e7 khip-i2n thia*-cho3ng e5 ia2n-soat-ka
- to give a speech ia2n-ka2ng 演講
spellbound chia8h-tio8h hu5-a2, ho7+ be5-tia5u-le7 被
- speech impediment ko2ng-o7e i3*-o3*+, ko2ng-o7e
to7a-chi8h 說話口齒不清,說話口吃
spelling pe5ng-hoat, phe5ng-hoat 拼法
speech and behavior very frivolous, flippant, capricious, playful or sportive
hia5u-nih-nih 輕佻
- incorrect spelling pe5ng-hoat m7 tio8h 拼法錯
spelling checker pheng-ji7 kia2m-cha e5 the5ngsek 拼字檢查的程式
speech contest, debating team pia7n-lu7n-ho7e
speech sound, a phone gi2-im 語音
spend lavishly, throw money around hu3ichi5*, lia2u-chi5*, lo7ng-hu3i 費錢,浪費
speech, message of congratulations, greetings ho7-su5 賀辭
spend many years in study e7ng chin che7 ni5 e5
si5-kan tha8k-chheh 花很多年的時間讀書
speechless nga7-nga7, be7 ko2ng-o7e e5, ko2ng be7
chhut-la5i e5 木然,不能說話的,講不出來的
spend money khai, khai-siau, hu3i-io7ng, khaichi5* 開,開銷,費用,花錢
speechless grief ko2ng be7 chhut-la5i e5 pi-siong
spend money
spend money as soon as one gets it chi8t
chhi2u ji8p, chi8t chhi2u chhut 一手進,一手出
speechless or not allowed to complain after
suffering loss or being unjustly blamed
E2-ka2u-e5 ho7+ phang te3ng-tio8h. 啞吧吃黃蓮.
spend money freely sa3n-cha5i 散財
- rate of speed sok-lu8t 速率
spend money like water, spend money
carelessly or extravagantly io7ng-chi5*
chhin-chhi7u* teh io7ng-chu2i 用錢如水
- to go at full speed cho5an sok-to7+ chia5n-chi3n
spend more than one makes, be in the red
khui-khong 虧空
speed sok-to7+ 速度
speed boat kho3ai-the2ng 快艇
spend one's mental energy uselessly,
wasted breath o2ng-hu3i sim-si5n 枉費心神
speed indicator sok-to7+-pi2o 速度表
spend or spent very much money io7ng chin
che7 chi5* 用很多錢
speed limit sok-to7+ ha7n-che3 速度限制
speed of light kng-sok 光速
spend the day ko3e-ji8t 度日
speed of sound im-sok 音速
spend the day drinking liquor lim-chi2u ko3e-ji8t
speed per hour si5-sok 時速
speed reading kho3ai-tho8k 速讀
spend the night, stay over night to3a-me5 過夜
speed way ko-sok kong-lo7+ 高速公路
spend thrift khia7m-khia7m-a2 khai 省著花用
speedily ko2a*-ki2n, su5i-si5, ma2-sio7ng 趕緊,隨時,
spend time, pass time ko3e, to7+-ko3e, siau-mo5+
si5-kan 度過,消磨時間
speeding, exceed the speed limit chhiau-sok
spend too much money ke-khai 多花
spend whatever one earns chi7n-tha3n chi7nkhai 賺多少,花多少
speedometer sok-to7+-pi2o 速度表
speedy chin ki2n e5, si3n-sok e5, chek-si5 e5 很快的,
spend, expend, consumption siau-hu3i 消費
spend, pay out, give out chhut, hia3n-chhut 付
speedy recovery si3n-sok e5 ho8k-go5an 迅速的復
spending a large sum of money khai to7a-tu3
chi5* 花大筆錢
speedy, fast kho3ai-chia8t 快捷
speleology to7ng-khut-ha8k, to7ng-hiat-ha8k 洞窟
spends a lot of money, likes to spend
money ga5u khai-chi5* 很會花錢
spell bound, infatuated, bewitched siau-hu5n
spent money to no purpose o2ng-hu3i kim-chi5*
spell phonetically ho+-im, pe5ng-ji7 拼音,拼字
sperm cheng-e8k, sia5u (vulgar) 精液
spell, magic power, charm mo5+-le8k, hu5-a2,
chi3u-gi2 魔力,符咒,咒語
sperm oil ha2i-ang-iu5 鯨油
sperm whale ha2i-ang, boat-hiong-keng 抹香鯨
spermatozoa, spermatozoon cheng-tha5ng,
cheng-chu2 精蟲,精子
spill la5u, ek-chhut-la5i, chhia-to2 流,溢出來,打翻
SPF, sun protection factor SPF, i7-ho5ng pha8kji8t he7-so3+ SPF,防曬系數
spilt water cannot be gathered up, crying
over spilled milk hok-su2i la5n siu 覆水難收
sphere, ball, globe ki5u, ki5u-bi7n 球,球面
spin pha2ng, pha2ng-se 紡,紡紗
spill by shaking choat, choah 溢
- celestial sphere thian-khong 天空
spin a top with a string phah kan-lo88k 打陀螺
sphere of competency ko2an-hat ho7an-u5i 管轄
spin and weave, spinning and weaving
pha2ng-chit 紡織
sphere of influence se3-le8k ho7an-u5i 勢力範圍
spin silk pha2ng-si 紡絲
sphere of, scope, limit, bounds, range ho7anu5i 範圍
spin yarn pha2ng-se 紡紗
spinach poe-le5ng-a2-chha3i, poe-le5ng-a2 菠菜,菠
spherical ki5u e5, ki5u-he5ng e5, ki5u-bi7n e5 球的,球
spinal lio5ng-kut e5, le5ng-kut e5 脊椎骨的
spherical geometry ki5u-bi7n ki2-ho5-ha8k 球面幾
spinal cord lio5ng-kut-chho2e, le5ng-kut-chho2e
spheroid, spherical ki5u-he5ng 球形
spinal meningitis lio5ng-kut-chho2e-ia7m 脊膜炎,
sphinx, mysterious person sai-sin la5ng-bi7n e5
tiau-sio7ng, si5n-pi3 e5 la5ng 人面獅身的雕像,神
spindle pha2ng-thu5i, chhia-chi2-a2 紡錘
spindle-legged tek-ko-kha e5, chia2u-a2-kha 腳細
sphygmomanometer, blood pressure meter
hiat-ap-ke3 血壓計
spine, vertebra lio5ng-kut, le5ng-kut 脊椎骨
spice phang-lia7u, io8h-bi7, phang-bi7, khi3-bi7,
chham phang-lia7u 香料,藥味,香味,氣味,
spine leaves chiam-hio8h 針葉
spine, needle chiam 針
spiced and dried bean curd, bean curd that
has been pressed in a cloth ta7u-koa* 豆
spine, thorn chhi3-a2 刺
spices, perfumery phang-lia7u 香料
spinning and weaving mill, textile company
pha2ng-chit kong-si 紡織公司
spineless bo5 le5ng-kut e5, bo5 kut-khi3 e5, bo5 ta2* 無
spicy, fragrant chin phang e5, u7 chham phanglia7u e5 很香的,加香料的
spinning and weaving mill, textile mill
pha2ng-chit-chhi2u* 紡織廠
spicy, mean and lowly, vulgar, obscene ha7li5u e5 下流的
spinning jenny pha2ng-se-ki 紡紗機
spicy, sarcastic, sharp, shrewd khau-se2,
ko2ng-o7e chin ga5u sng e5 諷刺,尖酸的
Spinning Maid, the star Vega in the constellation Lyra Chit-li2-chhe* 織女星
spider ti-tu 蜘蛛
spinning wheel, spinning machine pha2ngchhia 紡車
- to clear away the spider webs ke* ti-tu-si
spinous u7 chhi3 e5, chhin-chhi7u* chhi3 e5 有刺的,
spider weaves its web ti-tu ke*-si, ti-tu khan-si
spider web ti-tu-ba7ng 蜘蛛網
spins, silkworm spins silk, spider spins a
web tho3+-si 吐絲
spider's thread, gossamer ti-tu-si 蜘蛛絲
spinster la7u ko+-po5, la7u chhu3-li2 老姑婆,老處女
spigot sng-a2, chu2i-to7-tha5u 栓,塞子,水龍頭
spiral kn2g-le5-a2 he5ng e5, i5* he5ng e5 螺旋形的,圓
spike, ear of grain, fringe, tassel su7i 穗
spiral staircase i5* la5u-thui 圓形樓梯
spike, large nail to7a ki thih-teng, te3ng teng-a2
spire chiam-thah, chiam e5 mi8h-ki7a* 尖塔,尖的
spiked shoes teng-a2-e5 釘鞋
spirit, vigor, vitality, drive, spiritual, soul
cheng-si5n, sim-le5ng, si5n-hu5n, si5n-le5ng,
le5ng-hu5n 精神,心靈,神魂,神靈,靈魂
spikenard kam-sio5ng 甘松
- She anointed the feet of Jesus with
spices of spikenard. I e7ng kam-sio5ng-iu5
boah Ia5-so+ e5 kha. 他用甘松油擦耶穌的腳.
- evil spirit ku2i, ku2i-a2, si5a-si5n 鬼,邪神
- Holy Spirit Se3ng-si5n, Se3ng-le5ng 聖神,聖靈
spiritual director si5n-su 神師
- God is pure spirit. Thian-chu2 si7 bo5 he5ng bo5
sio7ng oa5n-bi2 se3ng-kiat e5 Si5n. 天主是無形無
spiritual exercises pi7-che7ng, si5n-chhau 避靜,
- to be low in spirit sit-chi3 失志
spiritual life si5n-siu e5 seng-oa8h 神修的生活
spiritual gift, divine favor si5n-in 神恩
spirit and will is firm sim-chi3 kian-kio5ng 心志
spiritual mind cho5ng-ko e5 cheng-si5n 崇高的精
spirit like a nymph chia*, chi* 精
spiritual nature, intelligent and talented
le5ng-se3ng 靈性
spirit of adventure mo7+-hia2m e5 cheng-si5n 冒險
spiritual or the inner life cheng-si5n seng-oa8h
spirit of cooperation ha8p-chok e5 cheng-si5n 合
spiritual person, idealist i5-sim-lu7n-chi2a, u5isim-lu7n-chi2a 唯心論者
spirit of independence, independent
minded to8k-li8p cheng-si5n 獨立精神
spiritual relationship si5n-chhin (Catholic) 神
spirit of justice or righteousness, loyalty to
friends gi7-khi3 義氣
spiritual strength si5n-le8k 神力
spirit of sacrifice hi-seng e5 cheng-si5n 犧牲的
spiritual work si5n-kong (Catholic) 神工
spiritual works of mercy si5n ai-keng (Catholic)
spirit of those departed ku2i-hu5n 鬼魂
spirit, alcohol, liquor chi2u-cheng, chi2u 酒精,
spiritual, religious le5ng-hu5n e5, si5n-siu e5,
cheng-si5n e5, chong-ka3u-se3ng e5 靈魂的,神
Spirit, God Si5n 神
spirit, heart, emotion i3-khi3 意氣
spiritualism u5i-sim-lu7n, chiau-hu5n-lu7n 唯心論,
spirit, soul, spiritual, divine, supernatural,
efficacious, ingenious, smart, intelligent, coffin which contains a corpse
le5ng 靈
spiritualistic medium, spirit of departed
soul le5ng-bo5e 靈煤
spiritualistic medium, shamans ki-to5ng,
ta5ng-ki 乩童,童乩
spirit, vigor, moral strength, broadness of
mind khi3-phek 氣魄
spirituality si5n-siu, si5n-se3ng, le5ng-se3ng 神修,神
spirited u7 cheng-si5n, hoa8t-phoat, u7 go5an-khi3 精
- high spirited cheng-si5n pa2-mo2a 精神飽滿
spirituality of the soul le5ng-hu5n si5n-se3ng 靈魂
- low spirited bo5 cheng-si5n 沒精神
spiritualize si5n-ho3a 神化
spirited girl hoa8t-phoat e5 cha-bo2+ gi2n-a2 活潑的
spiritualize one's life si5n-ho3a seng-oa8h 神化生
spiritism chiau-hu5n-su8t, khan-bo5ng, koan-lo5im 招魂術
spiritually cheng-si5n-sio7ng 精神上
spiritless bo5 cheng-si5n 無精神的
spirituous chi2u-cheng e5, ha5m chin che7 chi2ucheng e5 酒精的,含很多酒精的
spiritless, be lacking in energy, indecisive
kiu-kiu 畏縮
spirituous liquor chin kio5ng e5 chi2u, cheng-li5u
e5 chi2u 很烈的酒,蒸餾的酒
spiritless, without purpose or energy, to
feel ill, a bit tired la2n-la2n 倦怠,不舒服
spirits and idols si5n-pu8t 神佛
spirometer, an instrument for determining
the capacity of the lungs hi3-hoa8t-lio7ngke3 肺活量計
spirits of the dead im-hu5n 陰魂
spit blood phu3i-hoeh, phu3i-a5ng, tho3+-huih 吐血
spirits of the dead, ghost, goblin, devil,
demons ku2i 鬼
spit expectorate phu3i chhu3i-no7a 吐唾液
spirits of the departed iu-le5ng 幽靈
spit in somebody's face n3g la5ng e5 bi7n phu3i
chhu3i-no7a 對著別人的臉吐口水
spiritual character si5n-i3n (Catholic) 神印
spit it out phu3i-chhut-la5i 吐出來
spit out phlegm phu3i-tha5m 吐痰
spiritual communion si5n ni2a Se3ng-the2 (Catholic) 神領聖體
spit out, to vomit, disgorge, disclose, tell all,
leak out, speak out the whole truth tho3+
splinter phi3*, chha5-phi3*, chhoa* 片,木片,細刺
spit saliva during one's talking oe7-chhiu 說
splinterproof ho5ng-to5a* e5 防彈的
- to get a splinter in one's hand. chhi2u ho7+
chhoa* chhoa*-tio8h 手被細刺戳到
split li8h, pho3a, hun-koah, hun-lia8t, li8h-pha7ng 裂,
spit, cough up blood, vomit blood phu7-hoeh
split firewood, split logs pho3a-chha5 劈柴
spit, spittle no7a, chhu3i-no7a, phu3i, phu3i-no7a,
phu3i chhu3i-no7a 唾液,吐,吐口水
split in the family ka-te5ng e5 hun-lia8t 家庭的分
spite ok-i3, hi7n, oa3n-hi7n 惡意,恨,怨恨
split into halves pho3a-pe5ng 分成兩等份
- in spite of su5i-jia5n, m7 ko2an si7 a3n-cho2a*, bo5
lu7n si7 a3n-cho2a* 雖然,不管如何,無論如何
split into two sections cho3 nn7g koe8h 做兩節
split open with a hatchet pho3a-khui 劈開
- to spite another oa3n-hi7n la5ng 怨恨別人
split personality ji5n-keh hun-lia8t, siang-te5ng
ji5n-keh 人格分裂,雙重人格
spiteful khioh-hi7n, u7 ok-i3 e5 懷恨,有惡意的
spiteful words, grumbling, repining oa3ngia5n 怨言
split, chink, crack pit-pha7ng 裂縫
splitting headache, be punctured, to burst
up pia3ng-pho3a 繃破
spittle chhu3i-no7a, pho 唾液,泡沫
spittoon tha5m-ko3an, tha5m-o5+ 痰罐,痰壺
spitz or Pomeranian dog ho5+-li5-ka2u 狐狸狗
spoil chha3u-khi3, su2n-ha7i, phah-pha2i*, chho3ngpha2i* 腐臭,損害,損壞,弄壞
Splanchnology, study of internal organs
lo7e-cho7ng-ha8k 內臟學
spoil a child se7ng-ki2a*, se7ng 溺愛子女
spoil somebody, fast advancement in one's
career peh-chi7u*-thi* 爬上天
splash phah ta5m khi3, phu3n, phoah 濺濕,濺,潑
- with a splash pho5ng chi8t-e7 濺潑聲
spoil something se7ng phi2a*-khi3 寵壞
splash water about phu3n chu2i 噴水
spoil, to dirty and spoil, harm, damage, injure sn2g-tn7g 損壞,損害
splash, spout out in a jet cho7a* 濺,噴
splashed with mud phu3n tio8h lo8k-ko5+-a2-mo5e
spoiled and rotten a3u-khi3 腐敗了
spoiled or rotten from too much sun sau-khi3
splatter phah lah-sap khi3, phu3n 弄髒,濺
spleen pi5 脾
spoils of war, stolen goods chia3n-li7-phi2n,
thau-the8h la5i e5 mi8h-ki7a*, chio2ng-phi2n 戰利
- vent one's spleen to7a si7u-khi3 盛怒
splendid chin su2i, hui-sio5ng ho2, chin ho2, su2i
kah be7-ko3+-tit 華麗,非常好,極佳,極美的
spoilt by being crushed teh-ha7i-khi3 壓壞了
spoilt by a rent, to ruin, destroy, disrupt
pho3-ha7i 破壞
splendid car chin su2i e5 chhia 很好看的車
splendid palace chin su2i e5 kiong-tia7n 很華麗
spoken kha2u-tha5u e5, e7ng chhu3i ko2ng e5, pe8ho7e-bu5n e5 口頭的,白話文的
splendid scene chin su2i e5 ke2ng-sek 很美的景
- well spoken chin ga5u ko2ng 很會講
splendid wedding with large attendance
se7ng-ta7i e5 kiat-hun tia2n-le2 盛大的結婚典禮
spoken English language Eng-gi2 英語
splendid, magnificent ho5a-le7 華麗
spoken language, heart's desire sim-sia* 心
spoken language pe8h-o7e-bu5n 白話文
splendor kong-hui, kong-chha2i, chin su2i, u2i-ta7i
spoken language, words, speech oe7-gi2 語言
splendor of man's achievements la5ng u2i-ta7i
e5 se5ng-chi7u 人類偉大的成就
spoken right from one's own mouth, to
state personally, straight from the
horse's mouth chhin-chhu3i 親口
splendor, wealth and honor e5ng-ho5a hu3-ku3i
spokes of a wheel lia2n e5 ho2+-kut-a2 輪幅
splice kiat-ha8p, chiap khi2-la5i 結合,連接
spokesperson or mouthpiece, a prophet ta7igia5n-ji5n, hoat-gia5n-ji5n 代言人,發言人
splint kah-pang, e7ng pang-a2 kah 夾板,以夾板
sponge ha2i-mi5 海綿
sponge cake ha2i-mi5 ke-nn7g-ko 海綿蛋糕
- on the spot tong-ti5u* 當場
sponge cucumber chha3i-koe 絲瓜
- spotted with small spots hoe-tia2m 斑點
spongy ha2i-mi5-chit 海綿質
spot, place te7-tia2m 地點
sponsor ka3u-hu7, po2-che3ng-ji5n, cha3n-cho7+-chi2a,
hoat-khi2-ji5n 教父,保證人,贊助者,發起人
spot, the actual scene hia7n-ti5u* 現場
sponsor, supporter or patron ho7+-oa7n-chi2a,
au7-oa7n-chi2a 後援者
spotlight for a stage chi3o-kng-teng 反光燈
spotless bu5-tia3m e5, su5n-kiat e5 無玷的,純潔的
sponsor, take charge of chu2-pa7n 主辦
spotlight someone or something, be seen
in public phau-tha5u-lo8h-bi7n 拋頭露面
sponsors at Baptism ta7i-hu7-bo2 (Catholic) 代
spotlight, headlights of a car khi3-chhia e5
ho2an-kong-teng 反光燈
spontaneous chu7-jia5n e5, ia2-se3ng e5, chu7-hoat e5,
ia2u m7-bat tiau-ko3e bo5a-ko3e e5 自然的,野性
spots on the body, moles ki3 痣
spotted leopard kim-chi5*-pa3 金錢豹
spotted with black spots of mould like on
damp clothes chhi7u*-pan 起斑點
spontaneous development chu7-jia5n e5 hoattia2n 自然的發展
spotted with small spots hoe-tia2m 花點
spontaneous generation chu7-jia5n sa2n-seng,
chu7-jia5n hoat-seng 自然產生,自然發生
spotted, slightly pockmarked, specks,
spots, mottles pan-tia2m 斑點
spontaneous offer chu7-to7ng e5 the8h-kio2ng,
chu7-to7ng chu7-hoat e5 the8h-kio2ng 自動的提
spouse pho3e-ngo2+ 配偶
- to repudiate a spouse, abandoned
spouse, husband abandoned, deserted
wife pa3ng-sak pho3e-ngo2+, pa3ng-sak ang-sa3i,
pa3ng ang, pa3ng-sak chhe-chu2, pa3ng bo2+ 遺
spoon, small spoon, teaspoon thng-si5-a2 小湯
spoon, soup spoon thng-si5 湯匙
spoon, spatula chian-si5 煎匙
spout of a teapot te5-ko2+-chhu3i 茶壺嘴
spoon, to ladle, to scoop khat, iu2*, io2 舀
spout off, talk non-stop ko2ng kah chhu3i-kak
cho5an pho 滔滔不絕的說
spoonbill, loving couple pi2-e8k-nia2u 比翼鳥
spoonful chi8t thng-si5 一湯匙
spoonful of medicine chi8t thng-si5 e5 io8h-a2 一湯
spout, nozzle spray chhe3ng, bu7, phu7, phu3nchu2i, phu3n-chu2i-kha2u, phu3n-chhu3i 噴出,
sporadic u7-si5 u7 u7-si5 bo5 e5, sam-put go7+-si5 e5 時有
sprain, overstrain one's self by to great or
to rapid exertion na2u, na2u-tio8h 扭傷,扭到
sporadic disease sam-put go7+-si5 to7 hoat-choh
chi8t-e7 e5 che3ng-tha5u 偶而就發作一下的病症
sprain, strain a limb oa2i*, cho7ai*-tio8h 扭傷
sprain, strain or pull a muscle, ligament
na2u-tio8h kin 扭傷筋
sport, exerecise, have fun u7n-to7ng, chhit-tho5
sprained ko7e-tio8h, cho7ai*-tio8h 扭到,扭傷
- athletic sports u7n-to7ng-ho7e 運動會
sprained an ankle kha cho7ai*-tio8h 腳扭傷
sporting u7n-to7ng e5, the2-io8k e5 運動,體育
sprained foot kha oa2i*-tio8h 腳扭傷
sports arena u7n-to7ng-ti5u* 運動場
sprained one's arm chhi2u na2u-tio8h 扭傷手
sports drinks u7n-to7ng i2m-lia7u 運動飲料
sports supplies, sports equipment, sporting goods u7n-to7ng khi3-cha5i 運動器材
sprawl, hands and feet stretched out, lying
on the floor kha-chhi2u chhun khui to2-le3
sports tournament gi2m-phiau-sa3i 錦標賽
sprawl, spread out tho3a* 蔓延
sports, physical exercises, motion, movement, a social movement, campaign, to
lobby u7n-to7ng 運動
spray phu3n, bu7, cho7a*, phu3n-che 噴,噴劑
- to paint with a spray gun phu3n chhat 噴漆
spray air refresher hi3u phang-chu2i 噴香水
sportsman, athlete u7n-to7ng-ka 運動家
spray for mosquitoes phu7 ba2ng-a2-chu2i 噴殺
sportsmanship u7n-to7ng-ka e5 cheng-si5n 運動家
spray pesticide cho7a* lo5ng-io8h 噴洒農藥
spot, speck tia2m 點
spray, small branch, twig chhi7u-oe 樹枝
- black spot o+-tia2m 黑點
sprayer phu3n-bu7-khi3 噴霧器
spread, to unfold, to carry out, to be in full
swing, to launch thi2-khui 展開
spread a carpet chhu, pho+ 舖
spree, drinking spree lim chi2u lim ho7+ so2ng 痛
spread a net pha 撒
spread abroad, commend, to praise or acclaim hia2n-io5ng 顯揚
sprig of a tree iu3 oe, se3 oe 嫩枝,小枝
spread blanket chhu tha2n-a2 鋪毯子
Spring chhun-thi* 春天
spread butter boah gu5-iu5 塗牛油
Spring bamboo shoots chhun-su2n 春筍
spread carpet chhu te7-tha2n, pho+-te7-tha2n 鋪地
Spring breezes, sexual intercourse, favor,
happy smile chhun-hong 春風
spread clothes out to dry, hang out clothes
or netting loosely to dry ne5, ni5 掛,晾掛
Spring clothes, spring fashion chhun-chong
spread like creeping plants, used figuratively of evils tho3a* 蔓延
spring mattress pho3ng-chhn5g 彈簧床墊
Spring nights, night rendezvous between
lovers, night of wedding chhun-siau 春
spread manure lo8h-pu5i 下肥,施肥
spread mat chhu chha2u-chhio8h 鋪草蓆
spring of fresh water kam-cho5a* 甘泉
spread news, transmit disease, infect tho5an,
tho5an-io5ng 傳,傳揚
spring of a watch or clock, any kind of
spring hoat-tia5u 發條,彈簧
spread out tho5an-khui 傳開
spring of water chu2i-go5an, cho5a*, chu2i-cho5a*
spread out cloth, hang clothing on a pole or
rope, suspend, throw loosely over
one's shoulders, lay loosely over a railing, on the back of a chair phoa8h 披
Spring rolls lu7n-pi2a*, chhun-pi2a*, ju7n-pi2a* 春捲
spread out clothes to be dried phi-sa*, ne5-sa*
Spring sacrifices, rites for ancestor worship in spring chhun-che3 春祭
spread out a mosquito net ne5 ba2ng-ta3 掛蚊帳
Spring vacation chhun-ka2 春假
spread out the coverlet ready for use, make
up the bed, a mattress chhu-pho7e 舖被
spring water cho5a*-chu2i 泉水
Spring rains or shower chhun-u2 春雨
spring, coil spring, spiral spring hoat-tia5u 彈
spread a rumor, to slander, make a false
charge, calumniate se*-oe7 造謠
spring, jump, leap thia3u 跳
spread rumors tho5an-po3+ ia5u-gia5n 傳播謠言
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter chhun-he7
chhiu-tang 春夏秋冬
spread the bed sheets chhu chhn5g-kin 鋪床
springboard thia3u-pa2n 跳板
spread the Gospel tho5an-io5ng Hok-im 傳揚福
springs in a easy chair or sofa, bed springs
su-pu2-li2n-guh (phonetic) 彈簧
spread the nets pha-ba7ng 撒網
Springtime chhun-ku3i 春季
spread the wings thia2n-si8t, thi2-si8t 展翅
Springtime of life chheng-chhun 青春
spread the word, pass the word that, exaggerate, declare in public pa3ng-sia* 揚言
springy e7 si3m 有彈性
sprinkle hi3u 灑,撒
spread wings thi2an 展
sprinkle Holy Water hi3u Se3ng-chu2i 灑聖水
spread, creep, sprawl, infest ba5n-ia5n 蔓延
spread, disseminate tho5an-po3+ 傳佈
sprinkle medicinal powder on a sore sa2m
io8h-hu2n 撒藥粉
spread, disseminate, to scatter sa3n-po3+ 散播,
sprinkle pepper sa2m ho5+-chio 撒胡椒
spread, infect or spread from one to another, to be contaminated to3+ 傳染,浸染
sprinkle salt on food sa2m-ia5m 撒鹽
sprinkle powder sa2m hu2n 撒粉
sprinkle water hi3u-chu2i 灑水
spread, open pe*-khui 強拉開,攀開
sprinkle, scatter, throw water out, pour,
dash water on, splash phoah 潑
spread, propagate se*-tho3a*, ho5an-si8t 繁殖
spread, sow seeds ia7 撒
sprinkle, spatter, be spattered phu3n 濆,潑
sprinkle, splash cho7a*-chu2i 濺水,噴水
sprinkle, spray, spurt sa2m, phu7 撒,灑,噴
squabble oan-ke, sio-che3* 爭吵,爭論
sprinkling can so7an-tha2ng 蓮蓬灑桶
squad si2o-tu7i, hun-tu7i, pan 小隊,分隊,班
sprocket lia2n-khi2-a2 齒輪
squad car ke2ng-chhat su5n-lo5-chhia 警察巡邏車
sprout tho2+-ge5, ge5, su2n, i2*, puh-ge5, puh-i2* 吐芽,
squad leader in the military, leader of a
class in school pan-ti2u* 班長
- bamboo sprouts tek-su2n 竹筍
squadron hui-he5ng tiong-tu7i, si2o la7m-tu7i 飛行
- bean sprouts ta7u-ge5 豆芽
sprout in center of water lily lia5n-chi2-sim 蓮
squalid lah-sap e5, kho2-li5n e5, pi-chha2m e5, pi-bi5
e5 骯髒的,可憐的,悲慘的,卑微的
sprout, put forth buds puh-ge5, puh-i2* 發芽,萌
squalid children lah-sap gi2n-a2 骯髒的小孩
sprouted peas ta7u-ge5 豆芽
squalid, upset emotionally ak-chak 齷齪,心
squalid life pi-chha2m e5 seng-oa8h 悲慘的生活
sprouts le8k-tek-su2n 綠竹筍
squall to7a-sia* hiu, to7a-sia* ki3o, to7a-sia* ki 大聲
spruce chiam-chhiong chhi7u-a2 針樅樹
spruce up chng kah chin su2i 打扮漂亮
squalor lah-sap, sa3n-chhiah 骯髒,窮苦
spry li2u-lia8h, khin-kho3ai, cheng-si5n chin ho2,
ho8at-phoat 敏捷,輕快,精神很好,活潑
squander or splurge money su5i-i3-hu5n-hok 隨
spume pho, khi2 pho 泡沫,起泡
squander property, wealth pho3-cha5i 破財
spunk ta2m-lio7ng, io2ng-khi3 膽量,勇氣
squander time and money lo7ng-hu3i si5-kan
kap kim-chi5* 浪費時間與金錢
spur, stimulate, encourage chhi3-kek, ko2+-le7
squander, waste lo7ng-hu3i 浪費
spur, urge on a horse using a whip or spurs
chhi3-be2-teng, chhui be2 刺馬釘,驅策馬
squanderer lo7ng-hu3i-chi2a, ho3ng-to7ng-chi2a 浪
spurious ke2 e5, gu7i-cho7 e5, khi-phia3n e5 假的,偽
square si3-kak e5, su3-hong e5, pe5ng-hong e5, si3kak-he5ng 四角的,四方的,平方的,四角形
spurn, kick out that khui, ko2a* cha2u, ki7-choa8t,
khi3-choa8t 踢開,趕走,拒絕,棄絕
- fair and square kong-pe5ng che3ng-ta7i 公平
spurt bu7-chhut-la5i 噴出來
square, balanced, counterbalance sio-tu2 相
spurt water out of, fountain, jet phu3n-chu2i 噴
- to get accounts squared chheng-sia3u 清賬
sputnik So+-lia5n e5 ji5n-cho7 o7e-chhe* 蘇聯的人造
square figure che3ng-hong-he5ng 正方形
sputter, spit phu3n-chhut-la5i 噴出來
square foot pe5ng-hong chhioh 平方英尺
sputter, carelessly spit chhu3i-no7a o+-pe8hphu3n, chhu3i-no7a lo7an-phu3n 唾沫亂飛
square kilometer pe5ng-hong kong-li2 平方公里
square knot si2-kat 死結
sputter, talk so fast saliva splashes out
ko2ng kah phu3n chhu3i-no7a 唾液飛濺
square meter pe5ng-hong 平方
sputter, thunderclap sound pi8h-pia8k-ki3o 霹靂
square, plaza, piazza ko2ng-ti5u*, kha3ng-te7-a2 廣
square mile pe5ng-hong eng-li2 平方英哩
sputum tha5m, chhu3i-no7a 痰,唾液
squared, lined paper ko2-cho2a 稿紙
spy cheng-tha3m, kan-tia8p, su-pa2i (phonetic),
tha3m-thia*, tha3m 偵探,間諜,探聽,探
squash to pieces teh chhu3i-khi3 壓碎
squash, crush ti3n-ap, teh pi2*, teh 鎮壓,壓扁,
spy and report tia8p-po3 諜報
spy for the enemy side, stoolpigeon kan-se3
squash, pumpkin, cushaw kim-koe 南瓜
squat, crouch khu5 蹲
spy on a person ka3m-si7 la5ng 監視他人
squat to pick up a ring khu5 lo8h-khi3 khioh chi8t
kha chhi2u-chi2 蹲下去撿一只戒指
spy on a secret tha3m pi3-bi8t 打探秘密
spy within, traitor la7i-kan 內奸
squat, podgy e2-pu5i e2-pu5i e5, e2 koh pu5i e5 矮胖的
spyglass se3 ki bo7ng-oa2n-ki3a* 小的望遠鏡
squawk chhong-lo7+, ko8k-ko8k-ki3o 蒼鷺,咯咯地
stab a person in the back a3m-tiong ha7i la5ng,
thau ha7i la5ng 暗中傷人
squeak ki-ki-ki3o 尖銳叫聲
stab to death tu8h-si2 刺死
squeaky sound, sound of a goose when
quacking, sound of a squeaky chair,
sound when eating certain foods
koa8ih*-koa8ih*-ki3o 吱吱叫
stab, pierce with a fork or a meat skewer
chhia2m 刺叉
stab, prick tu8h-tio8h 刺中
squeal ki-ki-ki3o 尖銳的叫聲
stab, prick, a thorn, a splinter, latch chhoa*
squeamish siu* se3-ji7, siu* te2ng-chin 過於拘謹的,
stability an-te7ng, u2n-te7ng, kian-te7ng 安定,穩定,
squeeze ji8h, te7*, ni8h, teh, kheh 壓榨,緊握著,
stability of commodity prices bu8t-ke3 u2n-te7ng
squeeze in the hand ne8h o2a-la5i 捏緊
stability of life seng-oa8h an-te7ng 生活安定
squeeze juice ni8h chiap 壓汁
stability of prices te7ng-ke3 定價
squeeze money kha3-iu5 敲竹槓
stabilize an-te7ng, kian-ko3+, kio2ng-ko3+ 安定,堅
squeeze money from a person khio2ng-hat,
phia3n la5ng e5 chi5* 恐嚇榨取他人的錢
stabilize battle formation ah-ti7n 壓陣
squeeze out from a wound chek 擠
stabilize prices u2n-te7ng bu8t-ke3 穩定物價
squeeze out fruit juice ka2 ko2e-chi2-chiap 榨果
stabilize, firm, stable u2n-te7ng 穩定
stabilizer chu2i-pe5ng-to7 水平舵
squeeze out the pus chek-la5ng 擠膿
stable for horses be2-tia5u 馬廄
squeeze a pimple chek thia7u-a2-chi2 擠青春痘
squeeze the breast, to milk te7*-leng 擠奶
stable and firm, secure u2n-ko3+, kian-ko3+, anu2n 穩固,堅固,穩定
squeeze the pus out of a boil chek lia8p-a2la5ng 擠瘡,擠疔膿
stable life an-te7ng e5 seng-oa8h 安定的生活.
staccato to7an-im e5 im-ga8k 斷音
squeeze things into a suitcase mi8h-ki7a* ji8hlo8h-khi3 pho5e-siu* 東西壓進去皮箱
stack of dry grass or straw chha2u-pu5, ti7uchha2u-tui 稻草堆
squelch ap-che3, ho7+ tia7m-tia7m 壓制,使緘默
stack of hay chi8t tui ta-chha2u 一堆乾草
squid ba8t-cha8t-a2 烏賊
stack of wood chi8t pe2 chha5 一綑柴
squint bui-bui, ba8k-chiu li2o 瞇著眼看,斜視
stack, large quantity, great amount ta7i-lio7ng
squint-eyed thoah-thang e5 斜視的
squirm ku2n-chu7n, soan, ka2m-kak pha2i*-se3 be7
chu7-cha7i 扭曲,蠕動,侷促不安
stacked in tight ti3n ba8t-ta8t 堆積得滿滿的
stadium u7n-to7ng-ti5u* 運動場
squirrel pho3ng-chhi2 松鼠
staff in music, musical score using the staff
notation go7+-so3a*-pho2+ 五線譜
squirt cho7a*-chu2i, chu2i cho7a*-chhut-la5i 噴,噴
staff member, personnel, office worker,
functionary chit-oa5n 職員
SSC: Societas Sti Columbani Se3ng Kat-lio5ngpa Ho7e (Catholic) 聖葛隆巴會
staff of a concern, clerk, office clerk pa7n-su7oa5n 辦事員
SSPS: Holy Ghost Srs Se3ng-si5n Ho7e (Catholic) 聖神會
staff of a consulate le2ng-su7-ko2an-oa5n 領事館
St Valentine's Day Che5ng-ji5n-chiat 情人節
St. Joseph Se3ng Jio8k-sek (Catholic) 聖若瑟
staff of professors cho5an-the2 ka3u-si7u, cho5anthe2 ka3u-chit-oa5n 全體教授,全體教職員
St. Paul Se3ng Po2-lo8k (Catholic) 聖保祿
St. Paul Se3ng Po2-lo5 (Protestant) 聖保羅
staff personnel chit-oa5n, cho5an-the2 ji5n-oa5n 職
St. Peter Se3ng Pek-to-lo8k (Catholic) 聖伯多祿
St. Peter Se3ng Pi2-tek (Protestant) 聖彼得
- editorial staff phian-chip-po7+ 編輯部
stab tu8h 刺
- formal staff che3ng-sek e5 chit-oa5n 正式的職
- to be stabbed tu8h-siong, chha8k-tio8h, tu8htio8h 刺傷
staff, flag staff ki5-ko 旗竿
staff, military staff chham-bo5+ 參謀
- black stain o+-tia2m, o+-jiah 污點
- chief of general staff chham-bo5+ cho2ng-ti2u*
- blood stains hoeh-jiah 血跡
stained by, contaminated u3-jia2m 染污
staff, secretaries, advisors bo7+-lia5u 幕僚
stainless be7 se* sian e5 不生銹的
staff, stick, cane ko2ai-a2 木杖
stainless steel, galvanized iron, tin plate
pe8h-thih-a2 白鐵,不銹鋼
- iron staff thih-ko2ai 鐵杖
stag, male deer kang e5 lo8k-a2 牡鹿
staircase, stairway la5u-thui 樓梯
stag party cha-po+ e5 a3m-ho7e 男性的晚會
stairs, level, step, rank kha2m, gi5m-a2 級,台階
stage a demonstration, parade si7-ui iu5-he5ng
- down stairs la5u-kha 樓下
- up stairs la5u-te2ng 樓上
stage a play sio7ng-ia2n 上演
stairs to an upper story la5u-thui 樓梯
stage name ge7-mi5a 藝名
stage play, theater, drama bu2-ta5i-kio8k 舞台劇
stairs, layer, stratum, flight of steps, story
of a building, social classes, grade or
rank kai 階,層,樓
stage play, a skit, a performance, a show
oe7-ke8k 話劇
stairs, stepping stones, a flight of steps, a
ladder ga2m-a2 階梯
stage shows for the public kong-ia2n 公演
stake, piles, support with piling thi7au-a2, te3ng
khi8t-a2 柱子,打樁
stage of politics che3ng-ti7 bu2-ta5i 政治舞台
stage, phase kha2m-cha7m 段落
- to be burned at the stake si7u ho2e-he5ng 被
stage, phase in a developmental or evolutionary process kai-to7a* 階段
stake, pledge, bet poa8h e5 chi5*, to2+ 賭金,賭
stage, rostrum ka2ng-ta5i 講台
stake, post, piles khi8t, khi8t-a2 樁
stage, steps of a journey cha7m 站
stalactite chiong-ju2-chio8h 鐘乳石
stage, theatrical stage hi3-pe5*, bu2-ta5i, hi3-ta5i 戲
stalagmite chio8h-su2n 石筍
- erect a theatrical stage tah hi3-pe5* 搭戲台
stale ji7o, pa3ng-ji7o 尿,解尿
- to go on the stage cho3 ia2n-oa5n, teng ta5 當
stale bread or joke bo5 chhi*, chha3u-sng, ku7 不
- stale bread ko3e-ki5 e5 mi7-pau, chha3u-sng e5
mi7-pau 過期的麵包,臭酸的麵包
stage, to perform a play pia2u-ia2n, poa* 表演,
stale, stink like a fish ko3e-la5u 不新鮮
stagger, to sway, to wobble, to waver io5-io5
pa2i-pa2i 搖搖擺擺
stalemate, deadlocked o5ng kia3n o5ng, the5ngtu3n 僵持狀態,停頓
stagger about, stumble like a drunk tian-la5i
tian-khi3 蹣跚,顚來顚去
stalemated, blocked, to silt up ge5ng 恨
stalk, rice stalk ko2, ti7u-ko2 莖
stagger, to reel, to upset, turn over, to fall
tian 顛
- a bundle of rice stalks chi8t cha2ng ti7uchha2u 一捆稻草
stagger, totter, reel phia5n 踉蹌
stalk of grass, a straw chha2u-ki 草枝
stagnant water si2-chu2i, chu2i chek-le3 死水,水
stalk or straw of wheat or barley, without
the ear be8h-ko2, be8h-a2-ko2 麥莖
stagnant, not moving, recession in businness put li5u-thong e5, put ke2ng-khi3 e5 不流
stalk, tracking, following a trail secretly tuichong, thau oa2-khi3 追蹤,潛伏前近
stagnate chek-le3, the5ng-chi2, to3ng-le3, bo5 hoatta8t 停滯,停止,不發達
stalks of thatch koa*-chin 蘆草
stalks of the reed used for brooms koa*ba5ng-hoe 蘆草花
stain incapable of being washed off, indelible se2 be7 khi2-la5i 洗不起來
stall, vendor's stall ta3*-a2 小攤
stain on one's name be5ng-i7-sio7ng e5 o+-tia2m 名
- book stall chheh-ta3*-a2 書攤
- fruit stall ko2e-chi2-ta3* 水果攤
stain, tainted, contaminated u3-jia2m, jiah, to3+,
phah lah-sap 污染,污點,浸染,弄髒
stall or booth especially a fixed one in a
market thoa*-u7i, keh-a2 攤位
stall, engine stalled sit-sok 失速
- cannot stand or put up with something
to3ng-be7-tia5u 忍不住
stall, parking space, stop the5ng-chhia-ti5u*,
the5ng-chi2 停車場,停止
stand at attention li8p-che3ng 立正
stall, seat che7-u7i 座位
stand behind him khi7a to3a i e5 kha-chhng-au7
stall, stable, barn, lead into the barn tia5u,
khan ji8p tia5u 廄,牽入廄裡
stand by, remain a spectator po5ng-koan 旁觀
stallion che2ng-be2, cho3 che2ng e5 be2 種馬
stand closer together khi7a khah ba8t le3 站緊一
stalwart ko5an-to7a kiat-si8t 高大結實
stand erect khi7a-the5ng, khi7a-ti8t 站挺,站直
stalwart man ko5an-to7a kiat-si8t e5 la5ng 高大結實
stand firmly khi7a-cha7i, khi7a ho7+ cha7i 站穩
stalwart, tough and determined, resolute,
unwavering, gift of fortitude kong-ge7,
kang-ge7 (Catholic) 剛毅,堅強有決斷
stand for holding swords, knife rack to-ke3
stand for reviewing troops ia8t-peng-ta5i 閱兵
stamen kang-lu2i, kang-hoe e5 hoe-sim 雄蕊,公
stand in a certain place the5ng, the5ng-tu3n 停,
stamen or pistil of a flower, buds, unopened flowers, classifying particle
used with flowers and eyes lu2i 蕊,朵
stand in harm's way cha2u-ho2e ji8p-mo5+ 走火入
stamina, vitality cheng-le8k, na7i-le8k, u7 to3ngtha5u, khu3i-la8t 精力,有耐力,氣力
stand in a row, form a line pa5i-tu7i 排隊
stand in the way of cho2+-ga7i 阻礙
stammer, stutter in speaking thi8h, toa7-chi8h
stand off, stand aside cha2u-khui 跑開,走開
stand on tiptoe neh kha-bo2e, nih-kha-be2 踮足,
stamp collecting book iu5-phi3o-chheh 郵票冊
stamp collection chi8p-iu5, chi8p iu5-phi3o 集郵,集
stand one's ground ki3-si2u 據守
stand ready to assist chiap-e3ng 接應
stamp with a seal or stamp tn3g i3n-a2 蓋章
stand security, be responsible for a man
po2-ji7n 擔保,保證
stamp with the hoof cha3m-te5 頓足
stamp, official seal, stamp with a seal i3n-a2,
tn3g, tn3g i3n 印章,蓋,蓋章
stand steadily, able to hold one's own khi7a
e7 tia5u 站得住
- rubber stamp chhi7u-leng i3n-a2 橡膠印章
stand surety or guarantee for someone or
something cho3 po2-che3ng-ji5n 做保證人
stamp, postage iu5-phi3o, i3n-hoe 郵票,印花
stamp, tread on ta8h, cha3m, cha3m-kha-te5 踏,
stand up khi7a khi2-la5i 站起來
stand up against ho2an-kho3ng 反抗
- to break by stamping on cha3m ho7+ tn7g 踩
stand upright in respectful attention siok-li8p
stamped partly on each of two sheets to
link pages of a document for security
against alterations khi5-ho5ng-i3n, kap-i3n 騎
stand, stop, halt khi7a 站
stampede tio8h-kia* to5-cha2u, cha2u kah phu3nkha-keng 驚逃,逃竄
standard bearer gia8h ki5-a2 e5 拿旗子的
stand, frame or rack ke3-a2 架子
stand, vendor's stall ta3*-a2 攤子
standard block letter regular script in Chinese calligraphy che3ng-kha2i 正楷
stance chu2n-pi7 phah-ki5u e5 chu-se3, phah-ki5u
ta8h e5 so2+-cha7i 準備擊球的姿勢,擊球踏的位
standard form or pattern, standard procedures, formula the5ng-sek 程式
stanch, firm, firmly, hard, stable kian-ko3+ e5,
be7 sia8p-chu2i e5 堅固的,不透水的
standard of living seng-oa8h chu2i-chu2n, sengoa8h the5ng-to7+ 生活水準,生活程度
stanch, devoted, fidelity, loyal, loyalty tiongse5ng e5 忠誠的
standard or traditional Chinese characters,
not cursive che3ng-the2-ji7 正體字
stanchion tu2-a2 支柱
standard pronunciation phiau-chu2n-im 標準
stand, endure patiently to3ng, ji2m-na7i 耐久,忍
standard script in Chinese calligraphy,
clear unabbreviated characters chi3a*-si2a
staples te3ng-su-teng 釘書釘
star, celebrity chhe*, chhi*, be5ng-seng, chu2ia2n 星,明星,主演
standard regular script of handwriting kha2isu 楷書
- fixed stars he5ng-seng 恒星
star light chhe* e5 kng 星光
standard time phiau-chu2n si5-kan 標準時間
- to see stars ba8k-chiu chhut ho2e-kim-chhe*
standard, criterion pi5n-chu2n 憑準
standard, flag ki5-a2 旗子
star, fate, destiny mi7a-u7n 命運
standard, level chu2i-chu2n, chu2i-pe5ng 水準,水
- to be born under a lucky star chhut-si3 chi7u
ho2 mi7a 生來命好
standard, model, basis of comparision
the5ng-to7+, phiau-chu2n, pu2n-u7i 程度,標準,
star actress, leading lady, actress li2 chu2-kak
star anise to7a ho5e-hiu* 大茴香
standardize, standardization phiau-chu2n-ho3a
star atlas, map of the stars thian-bu5n-to5+ 天
standby e7 kho3-tit e5 la5ng, chi-chhi5-chi2a 可依靠
star crossed, born under an unlucky star,
usually referring to young and beautiful
girls po8k-be7ng 薄命
standby, rescue signals ki3u-oa7n si3n-ho7 救援
star of old age portrayed as a very old man
with a large head, a person on his
birthday si7u-chhe*, si7u-seng 壽星
standing, status, identity, reputation te7-u7i,
sin-hu7n, mi5a-sia* 地位,身份,名譽
- social standing si7a-ho7e te7-u7i 社會地位
star or planet chhe*-ki5u 星球
standing army sio5ng-pi7-kun 常備軍
starboard iu7-hia5n, chu5n e5 chi3a*-pe5ng 右舷
standing erect khi7a-ti8t, khi7a-ti8t e5 直立,直立的
starch a garment or material, starch clothing, sizing cloth or clothes chia8h-chiu*
standing in rows khi7a-che5 排整齊
standing members of a committee sio5ng-bu7
u2i-oa5n 常務委員
starch with rice water, pulp rice soup chiu*a2m 漿米湯
standing menace e2ng-ki2u e5 ui-hia8p 永久的威
starch, broth, wheat-flour paste hu2n-chiu* 粉
standing, permanent e2ng-ki2u e5 永久的
starch, food prepared from starch, noodles
or pasta made from any kind of flour
tia7n-hu2n 澱粉
standing, stagnant bo5 li5u-thong e5, put ke2ngkhi3 不流通,不景氣
standoffish po5ng-koan e5, le2ng-ta7m e5 旁觀的,
starch, paste, cream ko5+ 漿糊
standout, outstanding, excellent kia8t-chhut e5,
iu-si3u e5, chhut-tioh e5 la5ng 傑出的,優秀的,
starch, to starch, to stiffen cloth with starch
chiu* 漿硬
starched clothes chiu* sa* 漿衣服
standpoint, point of view li8p-ti5u*, koan-tia2m
stare gi5n, ba8k-chiu kim-kim-kho3a* 瞪眼,凝視
stare at angrily, stare straight ahead, make
a fishy glance gi5n la5ng 怒目視人,睨人
standstill the5ng-tu3n, the5ng-chi2 停頓,停止
stare at each other sio-sio3ng, sio-gi5n 互看,互
- to come to a standstill the5ng-tu3n cho7ngtha7i 停頓狀態
stanza, node, segment, part chiat, chi8t chiat
stare at, to gaze, look attentively, focus
one's gaze on chu3-si7 注視
stanza, verse in a poem si-ku3 詩句
stare in anger gi5n, gu5n 睨視,瞪眼
staphylococcus pho5-to5 ki5u-khu2n 葡萄球菌
staring eyes ba8k-chiu chhe*-ku3n-ku3n 瞪大眼
staple, main product, major part of chu2-ia3u
sa2n-bu8t, chu2-ia3u po7+-hu7n, chu2-ia3u e5 主要產
stark nge7-khok-khok, bo5 pia3n-khia3u 僵硬的,刻
starling bird ia3n-pat-ko chia2u-a2 燕八哥
stapler te3ng-su-ki 釘書機
starlit u7 chhe* e5, chhe* teh sih 有星星的,星光
start relief hoat-to7ng ki3u-che3 發動救濟
starring, play the leading role in a play or a
motion picture chu2-ia2n 主演
start shivering khi2 ko5a* 發抖
start a rumor o+-pe8h-ha2n, cho7-ia5u, se*-o7e 造謠
starry chhe* e5, chin che7 chhe* e5 星的,多星的
start showing a movie, start performing
khai-ia2n 開演
starry eyed dreamer bo7ng-sio2ng-chi2a 妄想者
start to fight khi2-chhi2u 動手,起手
starry night chhe* chin che7 e5 a3m-si5 多星的夜
start trading, open the market khui-chhi7 開市
start trouble khi2 hong-pho 起風波
Stars and Stripes Bi2-kok kok-ki5 美國國旗
start up khi2-ko2+ 戲開始,開始工作
stars in general chhe*-si5n 星辰
start war khai-chia3n 開戰
stars, planets, satellites chhe*, chhi*, seng 星
start writing he7-pit 下筆
start a bus, train or car khui 開
start, begin, commence chho3ng-si2, khai-si2 創
start a lesson khai-si2 sio7ng-kho3 開始上課
start at a new post, take office chi7u-ji7m 就任
start, begin, originate, initiate, launch khi2,
hoat-khi2 起,發起
start classes at the beginning of a semester
khai-ha8k, khui-o8h 開學
starter on a machine khi2-to7ng chong-ti3 起動裝
start collecting taxes khai-cheng, khai-teng
starter, starting persons chhut-hoat-chi2a,
hoat-le7ng-oa5n 出發者,發令員
start construction or building si-kang 施工
start a construction project, call for bids
hoat-pau 發包
starting note, beginning khi2-im 起音
start a court trial, to hold a court session
khui-te5ng 開庭
starting place or point chhut-hoat-tia2m 出發
start doing business, start practicing law,
medicine khai-gia8p 開業
startle ho7+ la5ng kia* 令人吃驚
starting pitcher sian-hoat-ta5u-chhi2u 先發投手
startle even the universe, earth-shaking
kia*-thi* ta7ng-te7 驚天動地
start a feud, have a feud, become enemies
kiat oan-si5u 結冤仇
startle, scare away phah-chhe*-kia* 使驚愕
start a fire khi2-ho2e 起火
startled at chhe*-kia* 驚愕
start getting sex conscious, begin to acquire understanding khui-khia3u 開竅
startling news kia*-si2-la5ng e5 siau-sit 嚇死人的
start in race khi2-po7+ 起步
starvation, famine ki-hng, go7-si2 飢荒,餓死
start a law case, prepare a law suit for
judgment, accredit a school li8p-a3n 立案
starve to death, starvation iau-si2 餓死
starve, hungry, half-starved po3a*-chia8h-go7 吃
start a lawsuit phah koa*-si 打官司
start legal action mutually sio-ko3 訴訟
starve, nothing to eat iau-ki sit-tn3g 三餐不繼
start menu khai-si2 kong-le5ng-pi2o 開始功能表
starve, to thirst for, to long for sia3u-si7u* 渴望
start a movement or activity, put something
into motion, put a law into operation
hoat-to7ng 發動
starved for news lo2ng bo5 siau-sit 音訊全無
starving man, half beggar half thief, bandit's follower iau-lo5 嘍囉
start on anything, commence work, to fight
ta7ng-chhi2u 動手
stash and secretly hide contraband, secret
store su-cho5ng 私藏
start on a journey khi2-the5ng 起程
State affairs, policy, administration kokche3ng 國政
start one's life anew, reform life, turn over a
new leaf chio5ng-sin cho3-la5ng 重新做人
state and private joint ownership kong-su
ha8p-e5ng 公私合營
start or set up an office or agency chho3ngsiat 創設
state clearly, explain to a superior, elder
pi2n-be5ng 稟明
start out for, destination of train, bus or
boat khai-o2ng 開往
state clearly, make a statement gia5n-be5ng 言
start out or set off on a journey chhut-hoat
state funeral kok-cho3ng 國葬
statement before the court, confession, oral
evidence kha2u-keng 口供
state of affairs is serious su7-tha3i gia5m-tio7ng
statement giving explanation of a matter,
detailed statement soat-be5ng-su 說明書
state of affairs, situation, circumstances
che5ng-ho2ng 情況
statement of accounts ke3-sn3g-su 計算書
state of grace u7 se3ng-thio2ng e5 cho7ng-tha3i
(Catholic) 有聖寵的狀態
statement of assets and liabilities chu-sa2n
hu7-che3-pi2o 資產負債表
state of health kia7n-khong cho7ng-tha3i, kia7nkhong cho7ng-tha7i 健康狀態
statement of official rank chit-mi5a 職名,職稱
state of mind sim-li2 cho7ng-tha3i 心理狀態
statement of one's views ti5n-su8t i3-ki3an 陳述意
state one's case, petition ti5n-che5ng, chhe2nggo7an 陳情,請願
statement of settlement of quarrel, writ of
reconciliation ho5-ka2i-su 和解書
State Opera, Peking Opera kok-kio8k, pe5ngkio8k 國劇,平劇
statement, conversation, talk, chat, to talk,
converse ta5m-oe7 談話
state or condition or the family, on one's
descent or origin ka-se3 家世
statement, declaration, to state, give an account of, set forth ti5n-su8t 陳述
state owned, state run kong-pa7n 公辦
statement, describe ki3-cha3i 記載
state religion kok-ka3u 國教
statement, verbal seng-be5ng 聲明
state secrets kok-ka ki-bi8t 國家機密
statesman che3ng-ti7-ka 政治家
state visitor kok-pin 國賓
statesmanship che3ng-ti7-ka e5 chhi2u-oa2n,
che3ng-ti7 cha5i-le5ng 政治家的手腕,政治才能
state, circumstances, situation che5ng-he5ng
static che7ng e5, tia7m-tia7m be7 ti2n-ta7ng e5 靜的,靜
- present state of affairs hia7n-cho7ng 現狀
- real state of affairs si8t-cha7i e5 che5ng-he5ng
static electricity che7ng-tia7n 靜電
- to arrive at this state ka3u chit e5 che5nghe5ng 到這個情形
station cha7m, chhia-tha5u 站,車站
statics che7ng-le8k-ha8k 靜力學
- bus station bah-suh e5 chhia-tha5u 巴士車站
state, country, nation kok 國
- gas station ka-iu5-cha7m 加油站
- secretary of state kok-bu7-kheng 國務卿
- police station pha3i-chhut-so2+ 派出所
state, status, identity te7-u7i, sin-hu7n 地位,身份
- radio station ko2ng-po3 tia7n-ta5i 廣播電台
- conjugal state hun-pho3e che3-to7+, hu-hu7
che3-to7+ 婚配制度,夫婦制度
- railway station ho2e-chhia-tha5u 火車站
- television station tia7n-si7-ta5i 電視台
- to keep one's state po2-chhi5 sin-hu7n, po2chhi5 ui-gia5m 保持身份,保持威嚴
station a sentinel at a gate pha3i peng si2u
mn5g 派兵守門
state, to say or explain ko2ng, soat-be5ng 說,說
station at the beginning and end of the line
tha5u-bo2e-cha7m 起迄站
- to state one's opinion hoat-pia2u i3-kia3n 發
station hall chhia-cha7m to7a-thia* 車站大廳
stated khak-te7ng e5, te7ng-ki5 e5, kui-te7ng e5, be5ngpe8k ko2ng chhut-la5i 確定的,定期的,規定的,
station master cha7m-ti2u* 站長
Station Master's Kiosk Ti8t-pan Cha7m-ti2u*-sek
stateless bo5 kok-che8k e5 無國籍的
station platform goe8h-ta5i 月台
stateless person, person without a country
bo5-kok-che8k e5 la5ng 無國籍的人
station troops, equip troops with weapons,
arrange, dispose, to post pho3e-ti3, pha3i
stately chong-le7, chong-gia5m, ui-gia5m 莊麗,裝
station troops, garrison troops, occupation
forces chu7-kun 駐軍
statement, written seng-be5ng-su 聲明書
station wagon li2-he5ng-chhia 旅行車
- to doubt a person's statement ho5ai-gi5 la5ng
ko2ng e5 o7e 懷疑別人說的話
station, position, status, place in society te7u7i 地位
station, rest stop on a road lo7+-cha7m 路站
statute book hoat-le7ng cho5an-su, hoat-lu8t
cho5an-su 法令全書,法律全書
stationary ko3+-te7ng e5, bo5 pia3n-to7ng e5 固定的,
statute law se5ng-bu5n-hoat 成文法
stationed in country as a diplomat chu7-chiat
statute, law, a scientific law te7ng-lu8t 定律
stationer bu5n-ku7-tia3m, bu5n-khu7-tia3m 文具店
statutory holiday, customary holiday le7-ka2
stationery bu5n-ku7, bu5n-khu7, phoe-cho2a 文具,
staunch, reliable, faithful e7 si3n-na7i-tit, tiongsi8t e5 可信賴的,忠實的
stationery and envelopes phoe-cho2a kap
phoe-lo5ng 信紙與信封
staunch, solid, watertight kian-ko3+, be7 la7uchu2i e5 堅固,不漏水的
stationery store bu5n-ku7-tia3m 文具店
stations of the Cross kho2+-lo7+ (Catholic) 苦路
stay at another's house chioh-hioh, chiohto3a 借住,借宿
statistical table, chart, graph tho2ng-ke3-pi2o 統
stay at home sio5ng-sio5ng ti7 chhu3-ni8h, ha2n-tit
chhut-khi3 常常在家,很少出去
statistician tho2ng-ke3 ha8k-ka, tho2ng-ke3-oa5n 統
stay away from office without leave, neglect
official duties kho3ng-chit 曠職
statistics, statistical tables tho2ng-ke3, tho2ngke3-ha8k, tho2ng-ke3-pi2o 統計,統計學,統計表
stay away from school without leave, to
play truant, to cut classes kho3ng-kho3 曠
statuary tiau-khek ang-a2, tiau-khek-ka 雕像,雕
stay behind, can not overtake, can not
come up to3e be7-tio8h 跟不上
statuary art tiau-khek-su8t 雕刻術
stay for a while, lodge temporarily at…
chia7m-to3a 暫住
statue in bronze ta5ng-sio7ng 銅像
statue in honor of or to commerate someone li8p-sio7ng la5i ki2-lia7m… 立像來紀念
stay in a position for another term, retain in
office li5u-ji7m 留任
statue of the Virgin Mary, Madonna Se3ngbo2-sio7ng 聖母像
stay overnight ke3-me5 過夜
statue, bronze statue chi8t sian ta5ng-sio7ng 一
stay there to3a hia 住那裡
stay temporarily, pause the5ng-li5u 停留
stay together to3a cho3-ho2e 住在一起
statue, holy or blessed statues se3ng-sio7ng 聖
stay too long, outstay one's welcome tn5g
kha-chhng 長屁股
statue, likeness, idol sio7ng, ngo2+-sio7ng 像,偶
stay up late at night a3m-khu3n 晚睡
statuette se3 sian tiau-sio7ng, se3 sian ang-a2 小雕
stay, dwell, reside to3a, tia3m, ko3e, the5ng-kha
stature, height, height of the body sin-ko,
sin-koa5n 身高
stay, postpone, extend ia5n-ki5 延期
stead, favorable, useful, beneficial iu2-li7, u7
lo7+-e7ng, u7 ho2-chhu3 有利,有用處,有好處
- a man of high stature la5ng chin ko5an 個子
stead, location, site, situation u7i-ti3 位置
- of imposing stature chin chho+-to7a ui-hong
steadfast kian-ko3+, kian-te7ng, kha ta8h si8t te7 e5,
put pia3n e5 堅固,堅定,腳踏實地的,不變的
status sin-hu7n, te7-u7i 身份,地位
steadfast in love, constant in love a3i-che5ng
choan-it 愛情專一
- international status kok-che3 e5 te7-u7i 國際的
steady, firm, constant cha7i-cha7i, u2n-te7ng,
kian-ko3+, cha7i, ko3+-te7ng e5 沉著,穩定,堅固,
- to maintain the status quo po2-chhi5 hia7ncho7ng 保持現狀
status, condition, circumstances che5nghe5ng 情形
- to hold steady gia8h ho7+ tia5u 拿穩
statute hoat-lu8t, hoat-kui, kui-the5ng 法律,法規,
steady and calm, dignified u2n-tio7ng 穩重
steak pa5i, bah-pa5i 排,肉排
- beef steak gu5-pa5i 牛排
steal thau-the8h, chha8t-thau 竊取
- to steal a look at somebody thau-kho3a*
la5ng, ka7 la5ng thau-kho3a* 偷看別人
steel bar thih-kin 鋼筋
steel helmet kn3g-khoe 鋼盔
steal credit for chhi2u*-kong 搶功
steel nail kn3g-teng 鋼釘
steal a glance, peek, peep chhip 偷看
steel plate kn3g-pa2n 鋼板
steal or take away pi3a*-khi3 偷光光
steel wire kn3g-so3a*, kn3g-tia5u 鋼線,鋼條
steal a ride, to be drivers cha2u-chhia 偷乘車,
steel work kn3g-thih che3-phi2n 鋼鐵製品
steel worker kn3g-thih kang-la5ng 鋼鐵工人
steal some small thing, eat by stealth, a furtive snatch thau-ni 偷拿
steelyard, weighing scale chhi3n-a2, ni7u-a2 秤,
steal something new chhi2u*-sin 搶新
steep ki7a 陡峭
steal things to help the poor like Robin
Hood or Liau Thiam-teng gi7-chha8t 義賊
steep cliff, overhanging cliff, precipice
pang-kha3m 山崖,斷崖
steal, be a thief cho3-chha8t 做賊
steal, pilfer, filch, secretly, stealthily thau 偷
steep tea in boiling water te5 chi3m to3a ku2nchu2i la7i-bi7n 茶葉浸泡在開水裡面
steal, pilfer, filch, theft, pilferage, larceny
chhiap-to7 竊盜
steep, soak chi3m 浸
steeple chiam-thah 尖塔
stealthily, surreptitiously, do something
secretly bih-bih chhih-chhih 偷偷摸摸
steeple of a church ka3u-tn5g e5 chiam-thah 教
stealthy thau-thau-a2, chin pi3-bi8t, ku2i-ku2i-su7i-su7i
e5 秘密的,很隱密的,鬼鬼祟祟的
steeplechase chio3ng-ga7i sa3i-be2, chio3ng-ga7i
sa3i-pha2u, oa8t-ia2 sa3i-pha2u 障礙賽馬,障礙賽
steam chhoe, chhe, cheng-khi3 蒸,炊,蒸氣
steam bath cheng-khi3-e8k 蒸氣浴
steam box chhoe-sn5g 蒸籠
steeplejack siu-li2 ian-ta5ng thah-bo2e e5, kokhong chok-gia8p kang-la5ng 修理煙囪塔頂
steam brake cheng-khi3 e5 to3ng 蒸氣煞車
steer a car sa2i-chhia 開車
steam glutinous rice cakes chhoe-ko2e 蒸糕
steer a ship sa2i-chu5n 開船
steer, bull, ox gu5-ka2ng 牡牛
steam pressure khi3-ap 汽壓
steer, guide le2ng-to7 領導
steam rice chhoe-pn7g 蒸飯
steer, to pilot ship, airplane, to drive a car
sa2i 駕駛
steam boat khi3-chu5n 汽船
steam whistle chu2i-le5 水笛
steerage of a ship, engine room, third class
lu5n-ki-sek, cho2ng-keng, sa*-te2ng-sek 輪機
steam, vapor, gas khi3 汽
steamed bun ba2n-tho5 饅頭
steamed cake made of green pea flour le8kta7u-ko 綠豆糕
steerage passenger che7 sa*-te2ng-sek e5 la5ngkheh 乘坐三等室的乘客
steamed cake made of rice or wheat flour,
pastry ko-a2 糕
steering ho7a*-to7a, ho7a*-to7, chi2-to7 掌舵,指導
steering committee chi2-to7 u2i-oa5n-ho7e 指導委
steamed confection made of rice and
grated turnips chha3i-tha5u-ko2e, chha3itha5u-ke2 蘿蔔糕
steering wheel hong-hio3ng-po5a* 方向盤
steersman to7a-chhi2u, sa2i-chu5n e5 舵手,開船的
steamed dumplings chhoe-kia2u 蒸餃
steamed dumplings stuffed with meat bahpau 肉包子
stem of a flower or grass ki, ko2+ 枝,莖
stem cell ka3n-se3-pau 幹細胞
steamer, steamer basket for dimsum la5ngsn5g 蒸籠
stem of taro leaf used as vegetable o7+-ho5ai*
steamer, steamship khi3-chu5n, lu5n-chu5n 汽船,
stem of a tea leaf te5-ki 茶葉中間線取下之小茶
steed be2, chia3n-be2 馬,戰馬
stem, to stop, to prohibit, plug up chi2, that
steel kn3g, kn3g-thih 鋼,鋼鐵
steel armor, armor plating thih-kah 鐵甲
stench chha3u, chha3u-sio8h 惡臭
stereophonic li8p-the2 sia*-im e5 立體聲音
stencil cho2a-he5ng, cho2a-bo5+-a2, i3n-soat io7ng e5
pa2n 紙模版,版
stereophonically reproduced sound li8p-the2
sia*-im 立體聲音
stencil paper la8h-cho2a 蠟紙
stereoscope si8t-the2-ki3a*, li8p-the2-ki3a*, li8p-the2
hip-sio3ng-ki3a* 實體鏡,立體鏡,立體照相鏡
stencil pen thih-pit 鐵筆
stereotype printing ia5n-pa2n i3n-soat-su8t, e7ng
ia5n-pa2n i3n-soat, ho7+ te7ng-he5ng 鉛版印刷術,
stencil plate kn3g-pa2n 鋼板
stenographer sok-ki3-oa5n 速記員
stenography sok-ki3-ha8k, sok-ki3-su8t 速記學,速
stereotype phrases si2-pa2n e5 o7e 死板的話
stentorian voice, very strong or sonorous
voice to7a-na5-a5u-khang 大嗓子
step, a pace po7+, kha-po7+, ki5a*, ta8h 步,腳步,行,
stereotype, rigid, static, old concept, cliché
si2-pa2n, bo5 pia3n-khi3au, la7u koan-lia7m, kia3n
ko2ng ko2ng e2ng-pa2i, kia3n ko2ng ko2ng i2che5ng 死板,一成不變,老觀念,陳腔濫調
- the first step te7-it po7+ 第一步
stereotyped ideas ko2+-sek e5 koan-lia7m, tho5antho2ng e5 koan-lia7m 古式的觀念,傳統的觀念
- to advance a step chi3n chi8t po7+ 進一步
sterile animals be7-se* e5 不能生育的
step of a staircase or ladder, staircase ga2m,
kha2m, gi5m-a2, la5u-thui 梯階,台階,樓梯
sterile field sa2n-chha5n 貧瘠的田地
sterile land bo5 pu5i e5 te7 不肥沃的地
- door step ho7+-te7ng 閾,門檻
sterile water bo5 se3-khu2n e5 chu2i 無菌水
step aside the3-khui, the3-pi*-a 退開,退邊仔
sterile without bacteria bo5 se3-khu2n 無細菌的
step backwards the3-au7 退後
sterile woman, a barren woman thu5n-bo2 石
stepbrother, half-brother ka7ng bu2 ko3 pe7 e5
hia*-ti7, ka7ng pe7 ko3 bu2 e5 hia*-ti7 異父兄弟,異
sterile, barren, wasteland put-mo5+ chi te7 不毛
step by step chi8t po7+ chi8t po7+ 一步一步
sterile, without results bo5 kiat-ko2 e5 無結果的
step on a nail ta8h-tio8h teng-a2 踩到釘子
sterility put-i7n-che3ng, be7-se* 不孕症,不孕
step on someone's foot ta8h-tio8h la5ng e5 kha
sterilization, contraceptive surgery, permanent contraception pi7-i7n chhi2u-su8t, e2ngki2u pi7-i7n-hoat, tn7g-che2ng 避孕手術,永久避
step on, tread upon, walk, trample ta8h 踏,踩
step unexpectedly down a step, ina hole or
inwater ta8h-tha7m 踩陷
sterilization room siau-to8k-pa5ng, siau-to8k-sek
step unintentionally into a hole la8p lo8h-khi3
sterilization, disinfectant, to disinfect satkhu2n, siau-to8k 殺菌,消毒
step up, quicken the tempo, accelerate kasok 加速
sterilize, to disinfect siau-to8k, sat-khu2n 消毒,
stepbrothers, stepsisters chiap-bi7n hia*-mo7e
sterilize, contraceptive surgery ho7+…be7 se*ki2a*, pa8k-khi2-la5i, tn7g-che2ng 使…不能生育,
stepchild, wife's son by former husband,
husband's son by former wife che5ngla5ng-ki2a* 前妻或前夫之子女
sterilized room in a hospital siau-to8k-sek 消
stepfather, stepmother au7-chek, au7-bu2 繼父,
sterilizer, autoclave siau-to8k-khi3 消毒器
stepladder be2-i2 活梯,馬椅
sterling, British currency Eng-kok e5 ho3e-pe3
stepmother harlot (vile scolding) a7u-bo2-ba5
sterling bloc Eng-po7ng chi8p-tho5an 英鎊集團
stepping-stone kha-ta8h-chio8h, chi3n-sin chi kai
sterling chin-chi3a* e5, e7-kho3-ti8t 真正的,可靠的
stern and severe, awe inspiring, forbidding
countenance sim-gia5m 森嚴
stepsister ka7ng bu2 ko3 pe7 e5 chi2-mo7e, ka7ng pe7
ko3 bu2 e5 chi2-mo7e 異父姊妹,異母姊妹
stern family discipline ka-ka3u chin gia5m 家教
stereo li8p-the2-sia*, li8p-the2 e5 身歷聲,立體聲
stereochemistry li8p-the2 ho3a-ha8k 立體化學
stern father, my father gia5m-hu7 (honorific
title) 嚴父
stewed pig's feet kho3ng ti-kha-te5 燜豬蹄
stern of a ship chu5n-bo2e 船尾
stick a knife in one's belt kho3+-to3a chhah chi8t
ki to 腰帶插把刀
stewpan tu7n-ko, tu7n oe-a2 燉鍋
stern resolution kian-koat e5 koat-sim 堅決的
stick a stamp on an envelope tah iu5-phi3o 貼
stern, firm, resolute, determined kian-koat e5
stick around ti5*-to3e 跟隨
stern, severe gia5m, li7-ha7i 嚴,厲害
stick around one's mother ti5*-to3e la7u-bo2 黏母
sternal puncture, breastbone puncture
method heng-kut chhoan-chhi3-su8t 胸骨穿
stick between the molars, fill up a cavity or
crack, wedge something under a piece
of furniture so as to make it steady siap
sternum heng-kha2m-kut 胸骨
stethoscope thia*-chi2n-khi3, thia*-ta5ng 聽診器,
stick in the throat like a fish bone ke2*-tio8h,
ki2*-tio8h 骾到
Steve Jobs Su2-the5-hu Ka2-pek-su 史提夫賈伯斯
stevedore poa* chu5n-ho3e e5 kang-la5ng 碼頭的
stick into, insert chhah ji8p-khi3 插入
stew in his own juice chu7-chok chu7-si7u 自作
stick out the head tha5u chhun-chhut-la5i 頭伸
stew meat kho3ng-bah 燉肉
stick out the tongue tho2+ chhu3i-chi8h 吐舌頭
stew medicinal herbs with meat or other
food ti7m io8h-a2 煎藥
stick out, to project like a house stand out
higher than the others tho2ng-tha5u 超出
stick out chhun-chhut-la5i 伸出來
stew or boil slowly over a slow fire tu7n, u5nu5n-a2 tu7n 慢慢地燉
stick to one's opinion kian-chhi5 ka-ti7 e5 i3-kia3n
stew or steam meat without seasoning
chheng-tu7n 清燉
stick to one's own view, hold on stubbornly
to one's own ideas chip-i3 執意
stew over nothing bo5 su-ia3u ho5an-lo2, bo5 li2-iu5
ho5an-lo2 不需要煩惱,沒理由煩惱
stick together through thick and thin, sharing joys and sorrows, share bliss and
adversity together to5ng-kam kio7ng-kho2+
stew rice cake ti7m bi2-ko 燉米糕
stew something until it's tender chu2 ho7+ no7a
stick together, always together kat-sio-lia5m
stew until it is soft tu7n ho7+ no7a 燉爛
stew until soft kho3ng ka3u no7a 燜到很爛
stick, adhere to lia5m, tah 黏,貼
stew, salt, careless or vulgar lo2+ 滷
stick, cane ku3n-a2, ko2ai-a2 棍子,柺杖
stew, to be worried, agonize, be upset iuchhi5u, ho5an-lo2 憂愁,煩惱
stick, poke chhah, tu8h 插,刺
sticking plaster ka-po3+ 膠布
stew, to stew kho3ng, tu7n, kho3ng e5 燜,燉,燜的
steward chiau-tha7i-oa5n, ho8k-bu7-seng, ti5u-pi7oa5n, cha-phi3o-oa5n, sia3u-ku7i 招待員,服務生,
stick-in-the-mud ko3+-chip e5, si2u-ku7 e5, po2-si2u e5
stickler kian-chhi5…e5 la5ng 堅持…的人
steward who manages accounts ko2an-sia3u-e5
sticks to the inside of the pan kiap-ti2a* 結鍋,
stewardess, student stewardess li2 ho8k-bu7seng 女服務生
sticky, slimy, gunk si5u*-lok-lok 黏糊糊的
stewardess, woman flight attendant khongtiong-si2o-chi2a 空中小姐,空姐
sticky, viscous like cakes made of glutinous rice or thick dough khi7u 稠黏
stewardship ko2an-li2, sia3u-ku7i e5 chit-bu7 管理,
sticky, viscous, gooey lia5m e5, lia5m-lia5m 黏的
sticky, adhesive lia5m thi-thi 黏巴巴的
stiff collar nge7, ngi7, te7ng 硬的,堅硬的
stewed chicken, to stew chicken tu7n-ke 燉雞
stewed meat with thick gravy lo2+-bah 滷肉
stiff corpse, vampire, skinny, a sack of
bones, a skeleton kiong-si, kiang-si 僵屍,
stillness, inactivity pe5ng-che7ng 平靜
stillness, slience an-che7ng 安靜
stilt khiau 高蹻
stiff manner bo5 chu7-jia5n e5 tha7i-to7+ 不自然的態
- to walk on stilts ta8h khiau 踩高蹺,踩高蹻
stilted bo5 chu7-jia5n e5, hi-ke2 e5, chin a3i tia2n 不自
stiff-necked, stubborn ko3+-chip 固執
stiff punishment gia5m-keh e5 chhu2-hoa8t 嚴格
stimulant he3ng-hu3n-che, chhi3-kek-se3ng, kekto7ng-se3ng 興奮劑,刺激性,激動性
stiff starched cloth, strong, hardy nge7-chi7a*
stimulant drug chhi3-kek-che 刺激劑
stimulants, drugs, excitant heng-hu3n-che 興
stiff, strict, not vivid, not natural, rigid,
stubborn gia5m-keh, bo5 seng-to7ng, bo5
chu7-jia5n, si2-pa2n e5, ko3+-chip e5 嚴格,不生動,
stimulate industry thui-he5ng kang-gia8p 推行
stimulate the masses ko2+-le7 bi5n-chio3ng 鼓勵
stiffen pia3n nge7, ho7+…te7ng 變硬,使…硬
stiffened from severe cold ko5a* kah nge7-khi3,
ko5a* kah nge7-nge7 凍僵
stimulate, excite ko2+-le7, he3ng-hu3n, chhi3-kek,
hu3n-hoat 鼓勵,興奮,刺激,奮發
stifle a yawn ji2m le3 m7-thang peh-ha 忍著不可
stimulating chhi3-kek-chok-io7ng 刺激作用
stifle, suffocate hip-si2, ke2*-si2 窒息而死,悶死,
stimulation chhi3-kek, ko2+-le7 刺激,鼓勵
stifle, suppress ap, ap-che3 壓,壓制
stimulus chhi3-kek, chhi3-kek e5 mi8h-ki7a* 刺激,
stimulative, irritative chhi3-kek-se3ng 刺激性
stigmata ngo2+-siong-i3n (Catholic) 五傷印
stigmatization ti3 ngo2+-siong 致五傷
sting a person chha8k-la5ng 刺人
stigmatize bu2-jio8k, pa5i-thek 侮辱,排斥
sting, hurt, cause pain te3ng, chhi3, te3ng-tio8h
still able to move like an animal not quite
dead, to wiggle, to squirm ia2u e7 ngiau8h
stinginess kho8k, kia8t 吝嗇
stinging fly that attacks cattle gu5-phang 牛蠅
still alive after a hard beating, can't beat to
death, invulnerable phah be7 si2 打不死
stinging tongue pha2i*-chhu3i 口出惡言
stinging, irritating chha8k-chha8k 刺刺的
still for making alcohol cheng-li5u-khi3, chengli5u-sek 蒸餾器,蒸餾室
stingy and thrifty person khi5u koh khia7m 又
still have ia2u-u7 還有
stingy people khi5u-chi-ni 吝嗇之人
still have to ia2u-tio8h 還得
stingy, mean, miserly be7-pe*-tit, kia5m koh
siap, khek-po8k, kian-li7n, chin kho8k 吝嗇,刻
still hoping, be on the brink of, in the key
position teh-poh 最後一線希望
still inexperienced, go out into the world for
the first time chho+-chhut si7a-ho7e 初出社
stingy, miserly si2o-khi3 小氣
still more sio7ng-chhi2a* 尚且
stinking chin chha3u, chha3u ko+*-ko+* 極臭,臭
stink chha3u, chha3u-bi7, u7 chha3u-bi7 臭,臭味,發
still more important iu5-ki5 ia3u-ki2n, iu5-ki5-si7 ia3uki2n 尤其要緊
stinking feet, nauseous smell of feet, the
smell of dirty or unwashed feet chha3ukha-sio8h 腳臭
still want to ia2u-a3i 還要
still, also, or ia7, ma7, iah-si7 也,亦,或是
stinking like dirty socks or old sneakers
chha3u-sio8h 臭騷味
still, even more koh-khah 更加
still, nevertheless ia2u-si7 還是
stinking noisome, nauseatingly bad smelling, nauseous chha3u ko+*-ko+* 臭烘烘,臭
still, quiet or motionless tia7m-tia7m,
ho7+…tia7m-khi3 靜止,使寂靜
still, yet ia2u, ia2u-ku2, ia2u-koh 還,仍舊,仍然
stinking, decaying, to stink, rot a3u 腐爛的
stillbirth si2-thai, si2 ti7 pak-to2+-la7i e5 thai-ji5 死胎
stinky chha3u-chha3u 臭臭的
stinky sweat chha3u-ko7a*-sng 汗臭味
- to be out of stock bo5 hia7n-ho3e 沒有現貨
stinky, rotten, bad smelling chha3u-bi7 臭味
- to stock books cho5ng-su, siu-cho5ng chheh
stint chiat-che3, ha7n-che3 節制,限制
stock market ko2+-phi3o chhi7-ti5u*, chhe3ng-ko3an
chhi7-ti5u* 股票市場,證券市場
stipend for a Mass Mi5-sat hia3n-kim (Catholic)
- to speculate in stocks sn2g ko2+-phi3o 玩股票
stipend, salary goe8h-kip, sin-su2i 月薪,薪水
stipulate phi2n, iok-te7ng, kui-te7ng, khe3-iok 約定,
stock, family hiat-tho2ng 血統
- He comes from good stock. I e5 hiat-tho2ng
chin ho2. 他來自好血統.
stipulated duration iok-te7ng ki5-ha7n 約定期限
stipulation khe3-iok, khe3-iok tia5u-ki7a* 契約,契
stock book chu5n-ho3e-pho7+ 存貨簿
stir, blend like liquids kia2u 攪,攪和
stock dividend a5ng-li7, pho3e-tong-kim 紅利,股
stock certificate ko2+-phi3o 股票
stir, mix like flour la7, chhiau 攪,攪和
stock exchange che3ng-ko3an kau-e8k-so2+ 證券
- Give the soup a stir. Thng la7 chi8t-e7. 湯攪拌
stock farm, pasture, ranch bo8k-ti5u* 牧場
Stir it thoroughly. La7 ho7+ so3a*. La7 ho7+ chia5u.
攪拌均勻 .
stock farming, cattle breeding thiok-bo8k 畜
stir the appetite khui-pi5 開胃
stir the fire tha3-ho2e 撥火
stock goods, goods on hand hia7n-ho3e 現貨
stir up anger ji2a la5ng si7u-khi3 惹人生氣
stock held by the government koa*-ko2+ 官股
stir up interest ho7+ la5ng u7 chhu3-bi7 挑起他人的
stock holder ko2+-tong 股東
stir up something, get oneself into difficulties, provoke ji2a 惹
stock of the tree, stem chhi7u-tha5u, chha5-tha5u
stir up the masses sia3n-to7ng bi5n-chio3ng 煽動
stock, government securities kong-che3 公債
stir up, arouse, spur to action kek-hoat 激發
stock, shares ko2+-phi3o 股票
stir up, excite a rebellion bo5+-ho2an, cho7-ho2an
stock, stockade, punishment kha-kha3u 腳鐐
stock of goods, merchandise cha5i-lia7u 材料
stock, reserve kho3+-chu5n 庫存
stockade cha8h-a2 柵欄
stir up, provoke or irritate one another siokek 相激
stir up, rouse, arouse, to urge, excite kek 激,
stir, incite ji2a, sia3n-to7ng, sa2i-so7, la5ng lo7ng-lo7ngku2n 惹,煽動,唆使,騷動
stockfish, dried and salty fish hi5-po2+, hi5-a2koa* 魚干
stockings, long stockings tn5g boe8h-a2 長襪
stock-in-trade chu5n-ho3e 存貨
stocks and bonds ko2+-phi3o kap kong-che3 股
stirring oa8h-to7ng e5, chin chhi3-kek e5 活動的,刺
stoic ki3m-io8k chu2-gi7-chi2a, kian-ji2m e5 la5ng 禁慾
stirrup, ring to support horseman's foot be2ta8h-the3ng 馬鐙
stoic spirit khek-ki2 e5 cheng-si5n 克己的精神
stoical ki3m-io8k chu2-gi7 e5, bo5 sioh lo5-kho2+, khekki2-sim chin kio5ng e5 禁慾主義的,不惜勞苦
stitch a wound thi7* siong-chhu3i 縫合傷口
stitch by hand thi7* 縫
stitch over and over pa5ng 縫
stoker ho2e-hu-a2, hi5a*-ho2e-e5 伙伕
stitch shoes chhiah-e5 做鞋子
stole ni2a-to3a, se3ng-to3a (Catholic) 領帶,聖帶
stitch with machine chhia 縫
stolen tio8h chha8t-thau 遭賊偷
stitch, a stitch of the needle chi8t chiam 一針
stolen goods chha8t-a2-ho3e 贓物
stock, inventory, store chu5n-ho3e, tu2n, pa7nho3e 存貨,囤,辦貨
stolen goods, plunder, booty, loot, obtained
illicitly chong-bu8t 贓物
- a good stock of goods tu2n chin che7 ho3e 囤
stolen, visited by burglar sit-chhiap 失竊
stomach area u7i, pak-to2+ 胃,肚子
- empty stomach khang-pak 空腹
- cancer of the stomach u7i-ga5m 胃癌
stone paved road, a gravel road chio8h-tha5ua2-lo7+ 石子路
- pit of the stomach sim-koa*-khut-a2 心窩
stone pillar chio8h-thia7u 石柱
stone quarry chha2i-chio8h-a2-ti5u* 採石場
stomach ache pak-to2+ thi3a*, u7i thi3a* 肚子痛,胃
stone roller chio8h-lu2n 石輾子
stomach acidity u7i-sng 胃酸
stone slabs, lithography chio8h-pa2n 石板
stomach ailment or complaint u7i-pe7* 胃病
stone statue chio8h-sio7ng 石像
stomach and intestines u7i-tn5g 胃腸
stone steps chio8h-gi5m-a2 石階
the stomach is swollen, flatulent stomach
pak-to2+ tiu3*-tiu3* 肚子脹脹的
stone stool chair chio8h-i2 石凳,石椅
stomach pump se2-u7i-khi3, se2 tn5g-a2 ki 洗胃機,洗
stone vase chio8h-kng, chio8h am-kng 石缸
stone to death ti3m-si2 用石頭擲死
stone wall chio8h-chhi5u*, chio8h-piah 石墻,石壁
stomach the size of an expecting mother
about to deliver a child to7a-sin-mi7a 肚子
stony chin che7 chio8h e5, chio8h e5 多石的,石的
stony hearted bo5 che5ng e5, sim chin nge7 無情
stomach ulcer u7i khu3i-io5ng 胃潰瘍
stool, small seat i2-tha5u-a2 小凳子
stomach upset u7i cho-cho, u7i tu3-tu3, chia8h lia2u
bo5 tu2-ho2 胃漲氣,吃壞了肚子
stool examination gia7m ta7i-pia7n 檢驗大便
stomatitis, canker sores kha2u-la7i-ia7m 口腔炎
stool pigeon po3-be2-a2, so3a*-bi5n 告密人,線民
stone chio8h, chio8h-tha5u, kiat-chio8h, kiat, ti3m,
ta3n 石,石頭,結石,擲
stool, bowel movement ta7i-pia7n 大便
stoop a3*, khu5, ka3ng-ke7 sin-hu7n 屈身,蹲,屈尊
- remembrance stone ki2-lia7m-chio8h 紀念石
stop, close off, stop up that, chiong-chi2,
the5ng-chi2 塞,終止,停止
- precious stone po2-chio8h 寶石
- bus stop kong-kio7ng khi3-chhia-cha7m,
the5ng-chhia-cha7m 公共汽車站,停車站
- small stones chio8h-tha5u-a2 小石頭
- to kill two birds with one stone it-ki2 lio2ngtek 一舉兩得
stop a leak, to caulk that-la7u 塞漏
stop coughing chi2-sa3u 止咳
- to leave no stone unturned hu3i-chi7n sim-ki
stop diarrhea with medicine chi2-si3a 止瀉
Stone Age Chio8h-khi3 Si5-ta7i 石器時代
stop doing evil things, withdraw from a
transaction siu-kha 洗手不幹,縮手
stone blind lo2ng bo5 kho3a*-ki3*, chin-chi3a*
chhe*-me5 全盲
stop gap that khang e5 mi8h-ki7a* 填補隙縫的東
stone breaker chhu3i-chio8h-ki 碎石機
stop light sat-chhia-teng, a5ng-teng, a5ng-sek e5
si3n-ho7-teng 煞車燈,紅燈,紅色的信號燈
stone carving chio8h-tiau 石雕
stone cave chio8h-to7ng 石洞
stop or alleviate itching chi2-chi7u* 止癢
stone coffin chio8h-koan 石棺
stop or prevent, prohibit or proscribe cho2+chi2 阻止
stone construction materials chio8h-lia7u 石料
stone dead si2 gia7n-gia7n 死翹翹
stop or suppress addiction for teh-gia3n 止癮
stone deaf lo2ng bo5 thia*-ki3*, chin-chi3a* chha3uhi7*-la5ng 完全聽不見
stop or suspend payment to an employee,
stop payment of salary the5ng-sin 停薪
stone idol chio8h-tha5u kong 石頭神,石頭公
stop over tiong-to5+ e7-sa2i lo8h-chhia 中途可下車
stone implement chio8h-khi3 石器
stop payment chi2-hu3 止付
stone lions chio8h-sai 石獅
stop talking chu7-kha2u 住口
stone mason phah-chio8h sai-hu7 打石匠
stop the bleeding or hemorrhage chi2-hoeh,
chi2-hiat 止血
stone monument with a long inscription
chio8h-pi 石碑
stop the ears and pay no heed that hi7*-khang
stone mortar for pounding rice or dough
cheng-khu7 舂臼
stop the water supply, turn off the water
supply tn7g-chu2i 斷水
stone or calculus, form stones kiat-chio8h 結
stop up a hole, block up a hole that-khang 塞
- grocery store ka2m-a2-tia3m 雜貨店
stop up tight that-ba8t, that ho7+ ba8t 塞密
- hardware store ngo2+-kim-ha5ng 五金行
stop a vehicle, park a car the5ng-chhia 停車
- jewelry store kim-a2-tia3m 珠寶店
stop walking, to halt, rest for a short time
the5ng-kha 歇腳
- stationery store bu5n-khu7-tia3m 文具店
- furniture store ka-khu7-ha5ng 傢俱行
stop work for a time the5ng-kang, hioh-kang
store doing business on the premises of a
school, factory, government agency, a
canteen hok-li7-si7a 福利社
stop work, to shut down, stop production
soah-kang 停工
store front, shop front tia3m-bi7n 店面
store grain in a warehouse tu2n ni5u-si8t 囤積糧
stop, be in the way, block the way, hinder
cho2+-to3ng 阻擋
store house chhng-kho3+ 倉庫
stop, cease with the intention of starting
again whatever has temporarily been
stopped soah 停,終,完
store or dam up water, accumulated water
in low lying areas after a shower chekchu2i 積水
stop, cease, desist, pause, hold up, stand
still the5ng, to3ng le3, the5ng-chi2, to3ng-tia7m,
to3ng 停,停止,停
store riches chek-thiok cha5i-hu2 積蓄財富
store room thu5-cho5ng-sek 儲藏室
stop, cut off, to hinder cha8h 攔,截
store up tu2n, chek, chek-thiok 囤,積,貯藏
stop, halt, or suspend temporarily chia7mthe5ng 暫停
store up goods in large quantities, waiting
for a better price, monopolize an article
by buying it up, corner the market tu2nho3e 囤貨
stop, halt, stay the5ng-li5u 停留
stop, overnight rest hioh-me5 宿夜,歇夜
stop, stand still, No admittance! chi2-po7+ 止步
store up goods in the hope of selling them
at higher prices later, hoard up tu2n-chek
stop, stay overnight ko3e-me5, ke3-me5 過夜
store, big store ha5ng 行
stop, to guard, hold fast pe2-si2u 把守
store, shop siong-tia3m 商店
stoppage of the menses the5ng-keng 停經
storeroom for keeping books su-kho3+ 書庫
stopped up, blocked up that-le3 塞住
storey, one storey of a house chi8t cha3n 一層
stop, stanch bleeding tu3-hoeh 止血
stopper, cork chho2 that-a2, that-a2 軟木塞,塞子
- house of more than one storey la5u-a2-chhu3
stopwatch be2-pi2o 馬錶
stories for children, fables, nursery stories,
juvenile stories to5ng-o7e 童話
storage fees, custodial fees po2-ko2an-hu3i 保
stories, historical stories, old or past
events ko3+-su7 故事
- in storage ki3a le3, siu-cho5ng 寄放,收藏
- cold storage le2ng-cho5ng 冷藏
stork, white crane, egret, heron ho8h, pe8hho8h, pe8h-le7ng-si 鶴,白鶴,白鷺鷥
storage battery tia7n-ti5, thiok-tia7n-ti5 電池,蓄電
storage room thu2-cho5ng-sek 儲藏室
storm cloud po8k-hong-hu5n, hu5n kho3a*-khi2-la5i
na2 e7 cho3 hong-thai, to7ng-lo7an e5 chia5n-tia7u
storage, safekeeping, savings, to store or
stockpile thu2-chu5n 儲存
storm derivatives, storm spread out hongpo8k-ia5n-seng 風暴衍生
storage, storehouse chhng-kho3+ 倉庫
storm or tempest in a teapot si2o-te5 ta7i-chok
storage device thu2-chu5n siat-pi7 儲存設備
store, ordinary store tia3m, tia3m-tha5u 店,店舖
- cloth store po3+-tia3m 布店
storm of applause chi8t chu7n pho8k-a2-sia* 一陣
- department store pah-ho3e-tia3m 百貨店
storm of indignation to7a si7u-khi3 大怒
- dish store hu5i-a2-tia3m 瓷器店
storm proof ho5ng to7a-hong-ho7+ e5 防暴風雨的
- electrical appliances store tia7n-khi3-ha5ng
storm signal hong-thai boeh la5i e5 si3n-ho7 颱風
- book store chheh-tia3m 書店
storm troops chhiong-hong-tu7i 衝鋒隊
stove, fire in a basket for warming hands
ho2e-lang 冬天人們保暖用的小火籠
storm wind po8k-hong 暴風
stove, gather around the stove, family
gathering during Lunar New Year u5i-lo5+
storm, a burst, a fit, a peal, a spell, period
of time chi8t chu7n 一陣
storm, take by attack kong-pho3a 攻破
stow cargo in a warehouse ji8p-kho3+ 入庫
storm, rainstorm, tempest po8k-hong-u2 暴風
stow clothes in a box sa* chng lo8h-khi3 siu*-a2
la7i 衣服裝進箱子裡
storm, typhoon hong-thai, to7a hong-ho7+, tha3u
to7a-hong lo8h to7a-ho7+ 颱風,暴風雨,刮大風
stow, to stow away siu-cho5ng, chng, chha3ng,
bih 收藏,裝,藏,匿
storm, wind and waves, stormy sea honge2ng 風浪
stowaway thau-to7+-chi2a, thau-to7+ e5 la5ng, cha2uchhia e5 偷渡者,偷乘者
storms, winds and rains, rumors being rife,
gossip going the rounds hong-hong u2-u2
strabismus, squint thoah-thang 斜視眼
straddle, ride horse, bicycle khi5a, to7a po7+ ki5a*
stormy ko5ng-hong to7a-ho7+ e5, kek-lia8t e5 狂風大
strafe with machinegun fire sa3u-si7a 掃射
strafe, to shell, to bombard, bombardment
pha3u-kek, phah-pha3u 砲擊
stormy discussion kek-lia8t e5 pia7n-lu7n 激烈的
straggling, lose one's way be5-to5+ e5, bong bo5
lo7+ e5, to3e bo5 tio8h ti7n, …hi3u-hi3u 迷途的,脫
story ko2+-su7, bu8t-gi2 故事,物語
story, history su7-chek 事跡
- Biblical story Se3ng-keng sio7ng e5 ko3+-su7 聖經
straight, very, very straight ti8t-lak-sak 很直很
- fiction story sia2u-soat 小說
straight ti8t, ti8t-ti8t, ti8t-ta8t, che3ng-ti8t e5 直,一直,直
story book ko2+-chheh, ko3+-su7-chheh 故事書
straight ahead ti8t-ti8t 直直
story is out su7 i2 pa7i-lo7+ 事已敗露
straight ahead, always, constantly it-ti8t 一直
story of a house la5u, chi8t cha3n 樓,一層
straight forward, clear-cut chha5n-chha5n 乾脆
story of one's experiences keng-gia7m-ta5m 經
straight line ti8t-so3a*, ti8t-su5n 直線
straight man che3ng-ti8t e5 la5ng 正直的人
story teller ko2ng-ko2+ e5 la5ng 說故事的人
straight road ti8t-lo7+ 直路
story telling ko2ng-ko2+, ko2ng-ko2+-su7 講古,說書,
straight, go straight ahead ti8t-ti8t khi3 直直走
story writer sia2u-soat-ka 小說家
straightaway, straight forward ti8t-so3a* e5
pha2u-to7, ti8t-so3a* chia5n-chi3n 直線跑道,直線
story, experience keng-gia7m 經驗
stoup, holy water font se3ng-chu2i-phu5n
(Catholic) 聖水盆
straightaway, immediately, user-friendly
lia5m-pi*, su5i-si5, thong-sio8k kho3ai lia2u-ka2i e5
stout hearted to7a ta2* e5, chin be2ng e5 大膽的,勇
straighten, stretch out ho7+…ti8t, che2ng-li2,
chhun-ti8t 使…直,整理,伸直
stout, firm, hard, stable, strong kian-ko3+,
io2ng 堅固
straighten a crooked iron rod ut ho7+ ti8t 弄直
stout, muscular chho+-phoh 粗壯
straighten the body, put oneself forward
the5ng-sin 挺身
stout, short and stout person, fat, robust,
strong e2-pu5i e5 la5ng, to7a-kho+, ho2-ha3n,
io2ng-ki7a*, io2ng-cho3ng, to7a-kho+-pe2 矮胖的
straightforward che3ng-ti8t e5, bo5 kheh-khi3 e5,
ka2n-tan e5 正直的,不客氣的,簡單的
straightforward and not afraid to give offence nge7-ti8t, tho2+-ti8t 剛直
stove lo5+, ho2e-lo5+, hang-lo5+, cha3u 爐,火爐,灶
stove opening for adding fuel cha3u-khang 灶
straightforward, clear-cut, blunt statement,
simply kui-khi3, kan-chho2e 乾脆
stove pipe ian-ta5ng 煙囪
straightforward, faithful and upright tiong-ti8t
strange hobbies, eccentric behavior,
strange disposition ko3ai-phiah 怪癖
straightforwardly tha2n-pe8k 坦白
strange in appearance ko3ai-cho7ng 怪狀
strain off the sediment li7 phoh 濾渣,去渣
strange or odd clothing ki5-chong i7-ho8k 奇裝
strain one's eyes ko3e-lo5 su2n-ha7i ka-ti7 e5 ba8kchiu 過勞損害自己的眼睛
strange phenomenon i7-sio7ng 異象
strain one's wrist chhi2u na2u-tio8h 手扭傷
strange phenomenon, disagreeable occurrence ko3ai-hia7n-sio7ng 怪現象
strain or sprain a joint, especially in the
lumbar region, sudden temporary back
pain sia2m-tio8h 扭傷,閃著
strange place chhe*-hu7n so2+-cha7i 陌生地方
strange principles, heresy, heretical doctrine i7-toan 異端
strain the meaning of khiok-ka2i i3-su3 曲解意思
strain, distort, misinterpret khiok-ka2i 曲解
strange things, happenings, wonders,
miracles ki5-chek 奇蹟
strain, fatique, overwork ko3e-lo5, lo5-le8k 過勞,
strange to city life be7 si8p-ko3an si5a*-chhi7 e5
seng-oa8h, be7 sek-e3ng si5a*-chhi7 e5 seng-oa8h
strain, filter li7 濾
strain, lineage, descent hiat-tho2ng 血統
strange, bizarre, odd hi-ki5 ko2+-koa3i 稀奇古怪
strain, nervous ki2n-tiu* 緊張
strange, odd, amazing ki5-ki5-ko3ai-ko3ai 奇奇怪
strain, sprain, crick na2u-tio8h, cho7ai*-tio8h 扭傷
strain, to pull tight, adjust tension gi2u ti8t, gi2u
ho7+ a5n 拉直,拉緊
strange, rare, curious hi-ki5 稀奇
strange, rare, ingenious kha2, kha2u 稀奇,精巧,
strained bia2n-kio2ng e5, ki2n-tiu* e5 勉強的,緊張的
strained interpretation bia2n-kio2ng e5 ke2-soeh,
bia2n-kio2ng e5 ka2i-soeh 勉強的解釋
strange, uncanny, monstrous, to blame,
marvelous, find fault with, monster,
goblin ko3ai 怪
strained relations pek-chhiat e5 koan-he7 迫切
strange, uncommon form ki5-he5ng ko3ai-cho7ng
strait ha2i-kiap 海峽
- Taiwan straits Ta5i-oa5n ha2i-kiap 台灣海峽
strange, unusual story ki5-ta5m 奇談
strait khu3n-la5n 困難
strange, wonderful, rare, peculiar, odd, uncommon ki5 奇
- in straitened circumstances ti7 khu3n-la5n
tiong 在困難中
stranger chhe*-hu7n-la5ng, go7a-u7i-a2-la5ng, go7ahng-la5ng, go7a-ha5ng-la5ng, se*-hu7n-la5ng 陌
- financial straits keng-che3 khu3n-la5n. 他經濟
strait e8h, a5n 狹窄,緊
strangers, people from other places go7ahiong-la5ng, go7a-te7-la5ng, go7a-u7i-la5ng 外鄉
- strait gate chin e8h e5 mn5g 很窄的門
Strait of Hormuz Ho5-bu2-chu ha2i-kiap 荷母茲
strangle oneself tia3u-ta7u 上吊
strangle someone or some thing chhui-si2 絞
straitjacket sok-sin-i 緊身衣
stranded ship, to run aground kho3-chhi2an 擱
strangle with a rope sn3g-si2 勒死
strangle with the hands te7*-si2, ni8h-si2 掐死
strand, a string of chi8t ko7a*, soh-a2 chi8t ko2+ 一
strangulation, hernia strangulation te7*-si2,
ni8h-si2, tn5g-a2 phah kat 勒死,腸子打結
strange ki5-ko3ai, chhe*-hu7n e5 奇怪的,陌生的
strap to3a-a2, pho5e-to3a, e7ng to3a-a2 khu2n, e7ng
pho5e-to3a phah 帶子,皮帶,用帶子綑,用皮
strange affair, happening ko3ai-su7 怪事
strange community, strange land, away
from home i7-hiong 異鄉
- to untie the straps of sandals tha2u e5-to3a
strange form or shape i7-he5ng 異形
strange habit and custom ki5-hong-i7-sio8k 奇風
stratagem ke3-chhek, ke3-bo5+, chia3n-lio8k 計策,
stratagems so wonderful that they seem to
be conceived by divine beings si5n-ki
mia7u-so3an 神機妙算
streak, fringe, stripe tia5u-bu5n, chi8t-tia5u chi8ttia5u 條紋
streaky u7 tia5u-bu5n e5, chi8t te5ng chi8t te5ng, samcha5n, hoe-hoe, bo5 pe5ng-kin 有條紋的,一
strategic fortified zone, the private parts
ia3u-sa3i-te7 要塞地,下陰
strategic point ia3u-ha7i 要害
stream khe, kau-a2 溪,溝
strategical chi3an-lio8k e5 戰略的
stream, waterways, rivers, or channels of
water ho5-li5u 河流
- to make a strategical retreat cho3 chia3nlio8k se3ng e5 thiat-the3 戰略性的撤退
streamer chha2i-sek-to3a, tn5g ki5-a2 彩色帶,長旗
strategies, military studies, art of war chi3anlio8k, peng-ha8k, peng-hoat 戰略,兵學,兵法
streaming with sweat ha7n li5u kiap-po7e 汗流浹
strategist chi3an-lio8k-ka, peng-hoat-ka 戰略家,
streamlined li5u-so3a*-he5ng e5, cho3e sin-sek e5 流
strategist, tactician, chief of staff, adviser,
consultant kun-su 軍師
streamlined car li5u-so3a*-he5ng e5 khi3-chhia 流線
strategy of delaying the approach of the
enemy, to gain by the delay, delaying
tactics oa7n-peng chi ke3 緩兵之計
streamlined, dapper, chic (slang) pha7* 流線,
strategy, plot, tactics chhek-lio8k, chi3an-lio8k
street lo7+, ke-lo7+, ke, koe 路,街,街道
strategy, tactics, ploy, plot chhek-lio8k 策略
- business street siong-gia8p ke, siong-tia3m
ke 商業街,商店街
stratify ho7+ cho3 chi8t te5ng, ho7+ cho3 chi8t cha5n 使
- the man in the street pho2+-thong la5ng,
pe5ng-sio5ng la5ng (idiom) 普通人,平常人
stratigraphy, study of stratified rocks te7cha5n-ha8k 地層學
street car tia7n-chhia 電車
stratosphere sio7ng te2ng-cha5n, pe5ng-li5u-cha5n,
pe5ng-li5u-te5ng, khi3-sio7ng to5ng-un-cha5n 最上
street door to7a-mn5g 大門
street corner tn2g-kak 轉角
street intersection si8p-ji7-lo7+, si8p-ji7-lo7+-kha2u 十
straw chha2u-ki, ti7u-ko2, chha2u-ko2 草枝,稻莖,草
street lamp, roadside lamp lo7+-teng 路燈
street minstrel, sing along the streets for a
living be7-chhi3u* 賣唱
straw hat chha2u-bo7 草帽
straw house or hut chha2u-chhu3 茅舍,草茅
straw hut chha2u-lia5u, chha2u-lia5u-a2 草寮
street or area of ill repute hoa-ke-li2u-ha7ng 花
straw man ti7u-chha2u-la5ng 稻草人
street people, the homeless ke-iu2 街友
straw matting chha2u-chhio8h 草蓆
street sweeper sa3u ke-lo7+ e5 掃街的
straw rope chha2u-soh 草繩
street violence riot po8k-to7ng 暴動
straw sandals chha2u-e5 草鞋
street walker tha3n-chia8h cha-bo2+, ki-li2 妓女
straw stack, heap or stack of cut rice chha2upu5, ti7u-chha2u-tui 稻草堆
streets and lanes, in every street and alley,
all over the city to7a-ke si2o-ha7ng 大街小巷
strawberry chha2u-mu5i, chhi3-pho 草莓
strength, ability la8t, le8k-lio7ng, go5an-khi3, khu3ila8t, le5ng-le8k 力,力量,元氣,力氣,能力
stray bullet li5u-to5a* 流彈
- bodily strength the2-le8k 體力
stray bullet or shell, ballistic missile hui-to5a*
stray cat be5-sit e5 niau 迷失的貓
- military strength bu2-le8k, peng-le8k 武力,兵
stray from rectitude li7-khui che3ng-to7 離開正道
- moral strength to7-tek le8k-lio7ng 道德力量
stray, lose one's way ki5a* ta7*-lo7+, ki5a* m7-tio8h
lo7+, be5-lo7+, m7-chai lo7+, be5-lo7+ e5, be5-sit 走入歧
- on the strength of kho3…e5 se3-le8k 仗著…的
- no strength to carry a load bo5 khu3i-la8t
thang ta* ta3* 沒力氣可以挑擔子
strayed from the path, wayward, absurdly li7pho2+, ha3m 離譜,荒謬
- to use strength chhut-la8t 出力
- with all one's strength io7ng-chi7n cho5an-le8k
strength in one's arm chhi2u-bo2e-la8t 腕力
stretch tight, to stretch by applying more
tension, to stretch with force in order
to make tight pe*-a5n 拉緊,張緊
strength of arm chhi2u-mn5g 虎口,手臂的力量
stretch, expand, to spread khok-tia2n 擴展
strength of legs kha-tha5u, kha-le8k 腳力
stretcher for the sick or wounded tha2ng-kah
strength or courage to do good deeds
hio3ng-sia7n le8k-lio7ng 向善力量
- to carry a patient on a stretcher e7ng
tha2ng-kah kng pe7*-la5ng 用擔架抬病人
strength, collective strength, resources and
potentialities, real power, merit, efficiency si8t-le8k 實力
stretcher bearer kng tha2ng-kah e5 la5ng, tha2ngkah-peng 抬擔架者,擔架兵
strength, power la8t-tha5u 力量,力氣
strew ia7 撒
strengthen ka-kio5ng, ho7+ kio5ng-cho3ng, cho7+-ta2*,
kian-ko3+ 加強,使強壯,壯膽,堅固
strew flowers on a path hoe ia7 to3a lo7+-ni8h 花
strengthen cooperation between the villages ka-kio5ng kap pa8t e5 chng-tha5u e5
tho5an-kiat 加強與別的村子團結
strewn with dead bodies ho5ai*-si-phia3n-ia2 橫
stricken district, affected area, disaster
area pi7-ha7i-khu 被害區
strengthen faith kian-ko3+ si3n-tek 堅固信德
strict gia5m, gia5m-keh, gia5m-le7, che3ng-khak 嚴,
strengthen the body kio5ng-sin 強身
strenuous phah-pi3a*, kut-la8t, lo2+-le8k e5 勤勉,努
strict in marking the score of test or paper
Chha2i-tia2m chin kia5m. 評分很苛
- to argue strenuously chi7n-le8k pia7n-lu7n 盡
strict neutrality gia5m-si2u tiong-li8p 嚴守中立
strenuous training, heavy workouts kho2+lia7n 苦練
strict test gia5m-keh e5 kia2m-cha 嚴格的檢查
strenuous, hard exercise kek-lia8t chhi2u-to7a*
strict, rigid discipline ko2an-ka3u chin gi5am 管
streptococcus lia5n-ki5u-khu2n 鏈球菌
strictly confidential gia5m-si2u pi3-bi8t 嚴守秘密
stress sports chu3-tio7ng u7n-to7ng 注重運動
stress, accent ta7ng-im 重音
strictly guarded, heavily fortified ka3i-pi7-somgia5m 戒備森嚴
stress, emphasis kio5ng-tiau, chu3-tio7ng 強調,
stride to7a po7+ ki5a*, hoa8h to7a po7+ 大步行走,跨大
strict truth che3ng-khak e5 si8t-che5ng 正確實情
- to make great strides chi3n-po7+ chin che7 進
stress, importance tio7ng-ia3u 重要
stress, pressure ap-le8k, ka ap-le8k 壓力,加壓
strife cheng-ta3u, oan-ke, ke3ng-cheng, sio-pi3a*
stretch forth chhun-khui 伸開
- to be at strife bo5 ho5-bo8k, ki3u-hun, chha2chha2 na7u-na7u 不和睦,糾紛,吵吵鬧鬧
stretch like when tired or bored chhun,
chhun-u5n 伸,伸懶腰
strike a match khiat hoan-a2-ho2e 點火柴
stretch one's feet, kick with one's feet, to
struggle with feet lio3ng, le3ng 踢,踜
strike or break a record phah-pho3a ki3-lio8k 打
stretch or pull until smooth and even phahpe5* 拉平
strike against, impact on, attack to7ng-tio8h,
chhiong-kek 沖擊到,衝擊
stretch out chhun-chhut 伸出
strike and break phah-pho3a 打破
stretch out a long arm, said of a beggar or
man always requesting money chhuntn5g-chhi2u 求乞
strike a bell with a stick ko3ng-cheng 敲鐘
stretch out straight chhun-ti8t 伸直
strike chair or table in anger tn3g-i2 tn3g-toh 很
stretch out the hands chhun-chhi2u 伸手
strike gently with the hand in play tih 逗
stretch pants u7n-lu8t-kho3+ 韻律褲
strike a gong, beat a gong phah-lo5 打鑼
strike head, bump or ram the head kho8ktha5u 撞頭
strike or beat with an instrument or implement, to beat, give a blow ko3ng 打,擊
stringent, tight money gi5n-kin a5n 銀根緊的
stringer, special correspondent for a newspaper, magazine te8k-iok ki3-chi2a 特約記者
strike out, omit siah-ti5 削除
strike the ball phah-ki5u 打球
strike the breast, beat the breast in deep
grief tu5i heng, tu5i heng-kha2m, tu5i sim-koa*,
tn3g sim-koa* 搥胸
strike with a mallet, beat metal into foil, to
beat iron, making it malleable, to thump
with the fist tu5i 搥
strings of any musical instrument khi5m-so3a*
stringy, multiple tendons, more fiber kin
chin ka7u e5, chhiam-i5 chin che7 e5 多筋的,多
strip of paper cho2a-tia5u, cho2a-lia5u 紙條
strip of paper pasted across parcels, letter,
doors, etc., as seals, a writ of attachment hong-tia5u 封條
strike with a stick, to fight bu8t, siau7 打
strike with a stone e7ng chio8h-tha5u ha2m 用石
strike with the fist phah, cheng 打,擊
strip people of their liberty pak-toa8t la5ng e5
chu7-iu5 剝奪人們的自由
strike, hit, beat kho2 丟
strip stark naked thn3g kng-kng 脫光,脫光光
strike, quit work pa7-kang 罷工
strip the skin, peel pak-pho5e 剝皮
strip, flay pak-khui 剝開,拆開
- All went on strike. Ta7i-ke lo2ng pa7-kang. 大
strip, to deprive, to expropriate pak, pak-toa8t
strikeout chhut-kio8k 出局
strip, undress thn3g 脫
striker, hatchet man, hired thug phah-chhi2u
striker, army orderly kun-tu7i khi5n-bu7-peng 勤
strip, take off, abandon, renounce, cast off,
leave, escape from, get out of, omit,
slip off thoat 脫
striker, one who goes on strike pa7-kang e5 罷
stripe, military emblems indicating rank pi3chiong 臂章
- to get one's stripes seng-kip 升級
striking, compelling or noticeable i2n la5ng
chu3-ba8k, be5ng-hia2n e5 引人注目,明顯的
stripe, lines, streaks, finger print, wrinkles
in the face, grain of wood su5n, bu5n 紋
striking one another gently in play tih-la5i tihkhi3 逗來逗去
stripe, marks, lines pan-bu5n, tia5u-bu5n 斑紋,
string band hia5n-ga8k-tu7i 絃樂隊
stripe, species, characteristics, type chio2nglu7i, te8k-sek, he5ng 種類,特色,型
string bean chha3i-ta7u 菜豆
string instruments hia5n-ga8k-khi3 絃樂器
stripe, welt, marks from being struck le7ng,
pian-ta2* e5 hu5n 痕,鞭痕
string music hia5n-ga8k 絃樂
string of beads chi8t ko7a* chu-a2 一串珠子
stripped to the skin sa* ho7+ la5ng thn3g-kng-kng
string of firecrackers chi8t ko7a* pha3u-a2 一串鞭
string orchestra hia5n-ga8k-tho5an 絃樂團
stripped to the waist, take off one's shirt
thn3g-pak-theh 袒胸露背
string together like beads chho3an, ko7a* 串
striptease dance thoat-i-bu2 脫衣舞
string with things attached chi8t ko7a* 一串
striptease, burlesque ia7m-bu2 豔舞
string, rope soh-a2 繩索
strive for mastery cheng ko5an, cheng-kho5an
string, thread so3a* 線
strive for vindication, struggle for honor or
success to prove one's worth cheng
chi8t-kha2u-khi3 爭一口氣
stringed u7 hia5n e5 有絃的
stringed instrument hia5n-ga8k-khi3 絃樂器
stringent argument u7 la8t e5 li2-lu7n 有力的理論
strive to be the first, foremost pi3a* te7-it,
cheng-sian, chi3* cho3-tha5u-che5ng 拼第一,
stringent necessity pek-chhiat su-ia3u 迫切需
stringent rule gia5m-keh e5 kui-lu8t 嚴格的規律
strive together, common endeavor, joint
effort kio7ng-to5ng hu3n-to3+ 共同奮鬥
stringent, strict, urgent, strong gia5m-keh,
pek-chhiat, u7-la8t e5 嚴格,迫切,有力的
strive, fight against one another, competition sio-chi*, sio-che*, ke3ng-cheng 相爭,競
strong sea wave to7a-e2ng 大海浪,大浪
strive, work hard, to struggle phah-pi3a*, pi3a*si3, lo2+-le8k, chhut-la8t, hu3n-ta3u 努力,用力,奮
strong young man cho3ng-teng (archaic) 壯丁
strong Turkey earthquake Tho2+-ni2-ki5 kio5ngchi2n 土耳其強震
strong, have ability ka3u-la8t 夠力氣,能力夠
strong, lusty, and bold like a young man
gia2m-nge7 硬朗,堅忍
stroke in a Chinese characters o7e, pit-o7e, ji7oe8h 劃,字劃
strong, muscular, powerful, forceful, vigorous u7 la8t 有力
stroke of a clock cheng-sia* 鐘聲
stroke of apoplexy tio3ng-hong 中風
strong, solid, durable te7ng-chi* 結實,硬硬的
stroke of genius thian-cha5i e5 se5ng-chi7u 天才
strong, solid, firm, hard, stable kian-ko3+,
te7ng-tauh 堅固
stroke of luck ki5a* ho2-u7n 走運
strong tea ka7u te5 濃茶
stroke the beard lia2n chhu3i-chhiu 捲鬍鬚
strong, tough, unyielding, hard-line nge7,
kio5ng-nge7 硬,強硬
stroke, rub gently no2a, so, lia2n, kn2g 揉,撫摸,
strong-armed or heavy-handed tactics
kio5ng-se3 chhi2u-to7a* 強勢手段
stroke, strike, hit phah 打
- one stroke phah chi8t-e7 打一下
strongbox thih-ku7i, po2-hia2m-siu*, po2-hia2m-ku7i
stroke, to flare-up, out break, attack hoatchoh 發作
stronghold, crucial point, strategic point,
vital point ia3u-ha7i 要害
stroll sa3n-po7+, sa3m-po7+, ki5a*-ki5a* le3 散步,漫步
stroll about lo7a-lo7a-so5 四處徘徊
stronghold, fortress ia3u-sa3i, ta7i-pu2n-ia5* 要塞,
stroller leng-bo2-chhia 嬰兒車
strongly demand payment of a debt pek-che3
strong kiat-si8t 結實
strong adhesive kio5ng-le8k-ko5+ 強力膠
strongly flowing stream or river chhoah-la5u
strong and active oa8h-thia3u-thia3u 活生生的,
strong-minded, strong-willed i3-chi3 kian-kio5ng
e5 意志堅強的
strong and flourishing kio5ng-se7ng 強盛
strong and great kio5ng-ta7i 強大
struck by lightning ho7+ lu5i-kong ko3ng-tio8h 被
strong and healthy kio5ng, kio5ng-cho3ng, io2ng,
kian-kio5ng 強,強壯,堅強
struck, affected by the strike, hit si7u-tio8h pa7kang e2ng-hio2ng e5, chi*-tio8h, ko3ng-tio8h 受
strong as an ox io2ng kah na2 gu5 le3 壯如牛
strong country kio5ng-kok 強國
strong craving gia3n 渴望,癮
structural ko3+-cho7 e5, kia3n-tiok io7ng e5 構造的,
strong flavor, lustful chia8h-ta7ng-kia5m 重口味,
structural difference ko3+-cho7 e5 hun-pia8t 構造
strong in body, in good health ki7a*-sin 健身
structure, construction ko3+-cho7, kia3n-tiok-bu8t
strong liquor or wine ka7u-chi2u 烈酒
strong medicine ching kio5ng e5 io8h-a2, lia8t-se3ng
e5 io8h-a2 很濃烈的藥,烈性的藥
structure facing south, east, west, north a3*la5m, a3*-tang, a3*-sai, a3*-pak 朝南,朝東,朝西,
strong men chin io2ng e5 la5ng 很強壯的人
strong oppress the weak, big fish eat little
fish kio5ng khi jio8k 強欺弱
structure of the eye ga2n-ki5u-cho+-chit 眼球組
strong or skilful especially of physical,
prowess ko-kio5ng 高強
structure of the human body seng-khu e5 ko3+cho7 身體的構造
strong personality ko3-se3ng chin kio5ng 個性很
structure of a sentence ku3 e5 ko3+-cho7 句子的
strong point iu-tia2m 優點
structure, construction, organization cho7chok 構造
strong remark kio5ng-nge7 e5 o7e 強硬的話
struggle, competition, compete chhia-pi3a*,
pi3a*, sio-phah, hu3n-ta3u, ti2-kho3ng, ke7ngcheng 血拼,拼,打架,奮鬥,抵抗,競爭
- overseas student li5u-ha8k-seng 留學生
- fellow student to5ng-ha8k, to5ng-chhong 同學,
- class struggle kai-kip ta3u-cheng 階級鬥爭
- girl student li2-seng 女學生
struggle for existence seng-chu5n ke7ng-cheng
Student Activity Center Ha8k-seng oa8h-to7ng
tiong-sim 學生活動中心
struggle for honor or success to prove
one's worth cheng chi8t kha2u-khi3 爭一口氣
student government ha8k-seng chu7-ti7-ho7e 學生
struggle for power cheng-ko5an 爭權
student graduation dinner honoring teachers si7a-su-ia3n 謝師宴
struggle for power and gain cheng-kho5an
toa8t-li7 爭權奪利
Student orientation at the beginning of a
school year sin-seng hu3n-lia7n 新生訓練
struggle for, contend for, to fight for chengtoa8t 爭奪
student protests such as strikes ha8k-tia5u 學
struggle hard with hands, feet and body
ku2n-lio3ng, ku2n-le3ng 掙扎
student strike pa7-kho3 罷課
struggle hard, strive with night, compete
strenuously nge7-che* 力爭
student who enters from another school,
late admissions student chhah-pan-seng
struggle or wrestle together sio-khi2u, sio-gi2u
student, scholar, bookish person, bookworm su-seng 書生
struggle, conflict, strife to3+-cheng 鬥爭
struggle, eager-beaver ma7i-le8k 賣力
students of a normal school or college suho7an-seng 師範生
strum lo7an-to5a*, lo7an-ji7 亂彈
studied si2o-sim ke3-o7e e5, ko3+-i3 e5, u7 gia2n-ki3u e5 小
strut ki5a* tio8h to7a-io5 to7a-pa2i, ki5a*-lo7+ sa* kak la8k
keng, ke2 ku2i ke2 koa3i 大搖大擺地走,裝模作
stub chu5n-kin, chi-phi3o-tha5u, chat-a2 a2-si7 tha5u,
hun-chat-a2, hun-chhu3i-a2, hun-koe8h-a2 存根,
stubble of rice ti7u-ko2-tha5u, ti7u-tha5u 稻莖
studio, movie set liap-i2a*-pe5*, so2-i5n-phn5g
(phonetic) 攝影棚
studio, photo studio hip-sio3ng-sek 照相室
studio, technology lab ki-su8t-sek 技術室
studio, TV studio tia7n-si7 ko2ng-po3-sek 電視廣
stubborn ko3+-chip, khut-kio5ng, kian-te7ng e5 固
studious ho3+*-ha8k e5, phah-pi3a* e5, io7ng-kong e5
stubborn and unreasonable, obstinate, bigoted n3g-tn3g 乖戾
studious idiot, pedant, quibbler su-tai, chutai 書呆子
stubborn temperament or disposition se3ng
chin nge7, se3ng-che5ng chin nge7 性情倔強
study, to study tha8k, gia2n-ki3u, ki5u-ha8k, o8h,
tha8k-chheh, kho3-the5ng, ha8k-kho, ha8k-bu7n,
gia2n-ki3u 讀,研究,求學,學,讀書,課程,學科,
stubborn will kian-kio5ng e5 i3-chi3 堅強的意志
stubborn, adhere stubbornly to errors, hold
on to wrong beliefs obsinately chip-be5pu2t-go7+ 執迷不悟
- dean of studies for middle school ka3u-bu7
chu2-ji7m 教務主任
stubborn, contrary in temper, to sprain the
foot ko7e, ko7ai* 扭傷
- dean of studies for university ka3u-bu7-ti2u*
stucco, wall plaster hoe, boah piah e5 灰
- schedule of studies kho3-the5ng-pi2o 課程表
stuck-up, arrogant kek-sa2i, chu7-ta7i e5, kiaungo7+ e5, hia5u-pai 自大的,驕傲的,神氣活現
- to learn by study ha8k-si8p 學習
- to make a careful study of sio5ng-se3 kho2chhat 詳細考察
stud horse, stallion che2ng-be2 種馬
student ha8k-seng, ha8k-chi2a, gia2n-ki3u-ka 學生,
study a subject exclusively choan-siu 專修
study abroad using personal funds su-hu3i
li5u-ha8k, chu7-hu3i li5u-ha8k 私費留學,自費留
- new student sin-seng 新生
- old student ku7-seng 舊生
study abroad, study in a foreign country li5uha8k 留學
stuff, talent, inner quality, basic essence
so3+-chit 素質
study an elective course in a college so2antho8k 選讀
stuffed full pa2-ti7* 飽滿
stuffed with food, glutted, surfeited pa2-pa2 飽
study and discuss, investigate and research gia2n-tho2 研討
stuffing or contents of pies, tarts or cakes
a7* 餡
study and research, go to the very source
of gia2n-ki3u 研究
- sweet stuffing ti*-a7* 甜餡
study all night, drive a night train or bus
khui ia7-chhia 開夜車
stuffing for rice cakes ko2e-a7*, ke2-a7* 粿餡
stuffy nose like when you have a cold cha8tphi7* 鼻塞
study at school, pursue academic studies
siu-gia8p 修業
stuffy nose, adenoidal speech a3ng-phi7* 鼻塞,
study hall tha8k-chheh-ko2an 讀冊館
study hard khe2ng-tha8k 肯讀,肯用功
stuffy room pa5ng-keng hip-hip, pa5ng-keng bo5
thang-hong 房間悶熱,房間不通風的
study mechanically, be a bookworm tha8k si2chheh 讀死書
study of ascetics si5n-siu-ha8k 神修學
stuffy, sultry, not ventilated hip-joa8h e5, hiphip e5, bo5 thang-hong e5 悶熱的,不通風的
study of heredity, genetics u5i-tho5an-ha8k 遺傳
stumble and almost fall hia2m-hia2m-a2 poa8h-to2
study of human anatomy, anthropometry
ji5n-the2 ka2i-pho2+-ha8k 人體解剖學
stumble and fall sit-chiok-tu7i-lo8h 失足墜落
stumble and fall, to fall, to cause to fall
poa8h 跌
study of non-motion, static energy che7ngle8k-ha8k 靜力學
stumble on a slippery or slushy surface ta8h
ku8t-khi3 踩滑了,踏滑去
study of written languages gi2-bu5n-ha8k 語文
stumble over a stone tak-tio8h chio8h-tha5u
poa8h-to2 踢到石頭跌倒
study or work hard io7ng-kong 用功
study room, a small private school in former times su-pa5ng 書房
stumble over, to kick that-tio8h 踢到
study the Bible cha-keng 查經
stumble upon an old friend tu2-tio8h la7u pe5ngiu2, tu2-tio8h chi8t e5 la7u pe5ng-iu2 遇到老朋友,
study the life and culture of ancient people
kho2-ko2+ 考古
stumble, make a slip, take a wrong turn in
life sit-chiok 失足
study thoroughly thiat-te2 gi2an-ki3u 徹底研究
stumble, stagger, totter tia*, tian 顛躓,蹣跚,
study Taiwanese tha8k Ta5i-oa5n-o7e 學台灣話
study under the guidance of a preceptor,
teacher, special instructor pa3i su 拜師
stumble, trip, unsteady walk tak-tio8h, tio8h
tak-te5, phia5n-la5i phia5n-khi3 被絆到,絆到腳,
study with much toil, pain, difficulty, exhaustion or hardship kho2+-tha8k 苦讀
stumbling block cho2+-ga7i-bu8t, ho5ng-ga7i 阻礙
study, room used for studying tha8k-chhehkeng, su7-bu7-sek 書房,事務室
stump or root of a tooth chhu3i-khi2-tha5u 齒根
stuff a pillow ji8p chi2m-tha5u 裝枕頭
stump, trunk of a tree chhi7u-tha5u, chhi7u-a2tha5u 樹頭,樹的根幹部
stuff into chi*, that 塞,擠入
stuff the ears with cotton io7ng mi5-a2 that hi7*khang 用棉花塞耳朵
stun ho7+ hu7n-khi3, ga7ng-khi3 使暈倒,目瞪口呆
stung by wasp ho7+ phang te3ng-tio8h 被蜂螫了
stuff up tight, seal off securely that ho7+ a5n 塞
stunt, hindder, impede development ho5ngha7i hoat-io8k, cho2+-ga7i hoat-tia2n 妨礙發育,
stuff, articles, goods, materials mi8h-ki7a*,
bu8t-phi2n, cha5i-lia7u 物品,材料
stunt, unique skill choa8t-ki, te8k-ki 絕技,特技
stuff, fabric, cloth po3+-lia7u 布料
stunted or scraggy like an ill-formed tree,
bare rocky hill khu8t-khu8t 禿禿的
stuff, raw materials goa5n-lia7u 原料
stunted, undergrowth, dystrophy la5ng-ku-a2
style oneself as…, pretend to be, call oneself, to claim chu7-chheng 自稱
stupefy ho7+…m7-chai-la5ng, ho7+…sit ti-kak,
ho7+…tio8h-kia*, ho7+…hu7n-be5 使…失知覺,
style, call, to address as, appellation
chheng-ho+ 稱呼
style, manner, way of doing things chokhong 作風
- to be stupefied ga7ng-khi3 目瞪口呆
stupendous kia*-si2-la5ng e5, u2i-ta7i e5 驚人的,偉大
style, method of writing, spelling si2a-hoat 寫
stupid ha5m-ba7n, go7ng-go7ng, pn7g-tha2ng, ho5+-to5+
style, pattern, design kho2an 款式
stupid and rash gu5-bo7ng 愚妄
style, type, form, pattern sek 式
stupid eyes ti8t-ba8k 笨的眼睛
stylish, fashionable si5-ki5a* e5, li5u-he5ng e5, chin
su2i e5 時尚的,流行的,漂亮的
style, type iu7*-sek 樣式
stupid fellow, an ass, bonehead so3ng-pha3n
stylish, elaborate, showy, grandeur, pageantry, ostentation and extravagance
pa5i-ti5u* 排場
stupid look, foolish go7ng-bi7n, ga7m-bi7n 呆戇,
stupid looking go7ng-si5n 發愣,愣頭愣腦
stupid looking, stupid thu5i-a2-bi7n 癡呆相,傻
stylist, designer, architect, writer siat-ke3-su,
chhut-mi5a e5 chok-chi2a 設計師,名作家
stupid person to7a-go7ng-tai 大傻瓜
suasion kho3an-ko3, kho2+-khn3g 勸告
- moral suasion to7-tek e5 kho3an-ko3 道德的勸
stupid person, a simpleton go7ng-so3ng 傻瓜
stupid things go7ng ta7i-chi3 傻事
suave un-ho5 e5, un-ji5u, bu5n-nga2 溫和,溫柔,文
stupid, absurd, wanting in sense khongkha2m 呆憨
subaltern po7+-ha7, po7+-sio8k 部下,部屬
stupid, clumsy, lousy, unskillful, poor,
common, vulgar lo2+ 差勁
subcommittee si2o-cho+ u2i-oa5n-ho7e 小組委員會
stupid, dull pe7* 笨拙,笨
subconscious mind ha7-i3-sek 下意識
stupid, foolish to3ng-go7ng 愣呆,愚笨
subconscious, potential consciousness
chia5m-i3-sek 潛意識
stupid, imbecile ga7m, go7ng 戇,呆
subconsciousness, subliminal chia5m-cha7i i3sek 潛在意識
stupid, no brains bo5 tha5u-na2u 沒有頭腦,愚笨
stupidity, clumsy, awkward, dull, slowwitted go7ng 笨
subcontinent chhu3-ta7i-lio8k 次大陸
subcontract cho2an-pau e5 khe3-iok 轉包的契約
stupidly ho5+-li2 ho5+-to5+ 糊里糊塗
subcutaneous pho5e-ha7 e5 皮下的
stupor bo5 ka2m-kak, m7-chai-la5ng, hu7n-be5 無感
subcutaneous injection pho5e-ha7 chu3-si7a 皮下
sturdy kio5ng, kian-kio5ng, io2ng, kian-te7ng 強,堅
subdivide koh hun 再分
subdivision koh-cha3i hun, koh-cha3i hun e5 po7+hu7n 再分,再分成的部分
stutter in speaking, to stammer, hesitant,
faltering thi8h-thu8h-ki3o, thi8h-li2 thi8h-thu8h 吞
subdivision of the police station hun-chu7-so2+
stutter, stammer thi8h 口吃
subdivision, branch of a school of thought,
division of a clan chi-pha3i 支派
sty ba8k-chiam 針眼,麥粒腫
style, shape, look, form he5ng 形
subdivisions within a class of people, class
of people, social strata, walks of life
kai-cha5n 階層
- American style Bi2-kok-sek 美國式
- elegant writing style bu5n-nga2 e5 si2a-hoat 文
subdue an enemy cheng-ho8k te8k-ji5n 征服敵人
- narrative style su7-su8t-the2, su8t-soat-the2 敘述
subdue and win the allegiance of siu-ho8k 收
style of a man, nickname pia8t-ho7 別號
subdue the concupiscences khek-ho8k su-io8k
phian-che5ng 克服私慾偏情
style of living seng-oa8h hong-sek 生活方式
subdue, conquest cheng-ho8k 征服
subjugate, conquer, quell, to arrive at a just
settlement, settled pe5ng-te7ng 平定
subdue, lower sound level ka3ng-ke7, sia*-im
ka3ng-ke7 降低
sublet, sublease choa2n-cho+ 轉租
subdue, restraint khek-che3 克制
subdue, subjugate, overcome, conquer che3ho8k 制伏
sublimate, elevate, idealize ho7+…seng-ho5a,
ho7+…ko-seng, li2-sio2ng-ho3a, seng-ho5a-bu8t
subdue, suppression ap-che3 壓制
sublimation seng-ho5a 昇華
subdue, surrender, to yield ha5ng-ho8k 降服
sublime ko-sio2ng e5, chhut-tioh e5, cho5ng-ko e5,
u7 khi3-pha3i e5 高尚的,卓越的,崇高的,有氣
subdue, to be victorious over phah-ia5* 打贏
subject of the sentence chu2-te5, te5-ba8k, chu2su5 主題,題目,主詞
- from the sublime to the ridiculous tu3i
cho5ng-ko pia3n ha7-choh 從崇高變下賤
- important subject ia3u-ki2n e5 ta7i-chi3, tio7ngia3u e5 chu2-te5 要緊的事,重要的主題
submachine gun, fully automatic weapon
chhiong-hong-chhe3ng 衝鋒槍
- to take up a subject the5-khi2 chi8t e5 bu7n-te5
sub-manager in a chief office of a bank, assistant manager hia8p-li2 協理
subject for ridicule, pretext for attack oe7-pe3*
submarine cable ha2i-te2 tia7n-la2m-so3a* 海底電
subject matter chu2-te5, chu2-chi2, te5-cha5i 主題,
submarine mine chu2i-lu5i 水雷
submarine plants ha2i-te2 si8t-bu8t 海底食物
subject of a speech ka2ng-te5 講題
submarine sickness, the bends chia5m-chu2ipe7* 潛水病
subject of a talk, topic of conversation te5tha5u 話題,藉口
submarine, seabed, seafloor ha2i-te2 e5, ha2i-ni8h
e5 海底的,海中的
subject of teaching or study kong-kho3 功課
subject to chemical analysis, put to laboratory examination or test ho3a-gia7m 化驗
submarine, U-boat chia5m-the2ng, chia5m-chu2ithe2ng 潛艇,潛水艇
subject to restriction u7 si7u ha7n-che3 受限制
submerge chi3m ti7 chu2i-ni8h, im-khi3 浸於水中,
subject to, susceptible to io5ng-i7 ka2m-jia2m e5
submission, surrender, acknowldge one's
defeat ho8k-chio5ng, khut-ho8k 服從,屈服
subject, course kho-bo8k 科目
subject, discipline, branch of learning ha8kkho 學科
submissive ho8k-chio5ng e5, su7n-chio5ng e5, ko3+khiam e5 服從的,順從的,謙遜的
subject, nationals, citizens of a nation kokbi5n, peh-se3* 國民,百姓
submit oneself to hardships kam-go7an si7ukho2+ 甘願受苦
subject, suppression, yield, conquest, genus, subsidiary ap-che3, khut-ho8k, chengho8k, sio8k e5, hu3-sio8k e5 壓制,屈服,征服,屬
submit to a man thia* la5ng e5 chhu3i, kho3a* la5ng
e5 tha5u-bi7n 聽人家的話,看人家的臉色
submit to an ordeal, trials and afflictions,
grillings, privations, hardships, persecutions chiat-bo5a 折磨
subjective chu2-koan e5, chu2-su5 e5 主觀的,主詞
submit to fate ji7n-mi7a, ji7n-hu7n 認命,守本份
subjective critique chu2-koan e5 phe-phe5ng,
chu2-koan e5 phoe-phe5ng 主觀的批評
submit, mail or send a document sa3ng 送
submit, surrender, obey, yield ho8k-chio5ng,
khut-ho8k, ta5u-ha5ng 服從,屈服,投降
subjective view chu2-koan e5 kho3a*-hoat 主觀
submit, to propose, to suggest, to recommend, proposal, suggestion, recommendation the5-chhut, kia3n-gi7 提出,建議
subjective, main body or most important
part of something chu2-the2 主體
subjectivism chu2-koan-lu7n 主觀論
subnormal che3ng-sio5ng i2-ha7 e5, ti3-le8k pi2 che3ngsio5ng khah ke7 正常以下的,智力低於正常的
subjugate cheng-ho8k, ap-ho8k, ap-che3 征服,壓
subordinate chhi2u-e7, po7+-ha7, hu3-sio8k, ho8kchio5ng, chhu3-ia3u e5, hu3-sio8k e5 手下,部下,
subjugate evil spirits ha5ng-iau 降妖
subordinate to God sio8k-si5n 屬神
subsist kio2ng-kip chia8h-mi8h, kio2ng-io2ng, chu5ncha7i, seng-chu5n 供給食物,供養,存在,生存
subordinate to, affiliated with, give over to,
join together, fix one's attention on
thn5g 屬,傳
subsist in hardship to7+-si2 度死
subsistence seng-oa8h, seng-ke3, seng-chu5n 生
subordinates, subordinate agencies, the
authority to which an agency belongs
so2+-sio8k 所屬
- no means of subsistence bo5 hoat-to7+
thang ko3e-ji8t 無法可度日
subordinates, the personnel of board po7+sio8k 部屬
substance, essential ia3u-le2ng, ia3u-tia2m 要領,
subordinates, those under a certain command, person subject to authority po7+ha7 部下
- not get to the substance put tek ia3u-le2ng
substance, property, assets chu-sa2n 資產
subscribe money, collect money for a temple te5-ia5n 化緣
- man of substance chu-sa2n-ka 資產家
substance, reality, entity, material pu2n-the2,
si8t-the2, bu8t-chit 本體,實體,物質
subscribe or order in advance i7-te7ng 預訂
subscribe to a hospital fund ki3a-hu3 pe7*-i7* e5
ki-kim 捐助醫院的基金
- chemical substance ho3a-ha8k-phi2n 化學品
- spiritual substance si5n-the2 神體
subscribe to a magazine te7ng cha8p-chi3 訂雜
substantial, material si8t-cha7i e5, chin-si8t e5, bu8tchit e5, tio7ng-ta7i e5, tio7ng-ia3u e5 po7+-hu7n 真實
subscribe to a newspaper te7ng-po3 訂報
subscribe, approve, agree with cha3n-se5ng 贊
substantial, firm kian-ko3+ e5 堅固的
substantial, propertied, wealthy u7 cha5i-sa2n e5
subscribe, contribute, donate lo8k-koan, ki3ahu3, koan-cho7+ 樂捐,捐助
substantially ta7i-the2-sio7ng, si8t-che3-sio7ng 大體
subscribe, to sign chhiam-mi5a 簽名
subscriber te7ng-ho7+ 訂戶
substantially the same, much alike ta7i-to5ng
sia2u-i7 大同小異
subscription, money contributed koankho2an, ki3a-hu3-kim 捐款,捐助款
substantiate che3ng-si8t, che3ng-be5ng, ho7+…si8tthe2-ho3a 證實,證明,使…實體化
- to appeal for subscription bo7+-koan 募款
subscription, fundraising i7-iok-kim 預約金
substation hun-kio8k, hun-so2+ 分局,分所
subsequent, later au7-la5i e5 後來的
substitute the3, ta7i-li2, ta7i-li2-ji5n, ta7i-io7ng-phi2n 替,
subsequent visits to a doctor or hospital
for the same complaint ho8k-chi2n 複診
substitute commodity, ersatz ta7i-the3-bu8t 代
subside, settle to the bottom ti5m-te2, chhe7-te2
substitute for the priest in preaching the3 si5nhu7 ka2ng-to7 替神父講道
subside, water level goes down the3 退
substitute used in place of the real article,
substitute articles, ersatz ta7i-io7ng-phi2n
subside, waves and storm subside pe5ngche7ng 平靜
subside, wind subsides tia7m 靜止
subsidiary po2+-cho7+ e5, hu3-sio8k e5 補助的,附屬
substitute waiting to fill a vacancy hi7o-po2+,
ha7u-po2+ 候補
subsidiary payment po2+-cho7+-kim 補助金
substitute, give as an equivalent, offer as
collateral thai, ti2 抵押,胎
subsidize po2+-cho7+, po2+-thiap 補助,補貼
substitute, take the place of a person ta7i-the3
subsidize mess, food thiap-ho2e-si8t 補貼伙食
subsidize tuition fee thiap ha8k-hu3i 補貼學費
substitution ta7i-li2, ta7i-io7ng, ta7i-the3 代理,代用,
subsidy po2+-cho7+, po2+-cho7+-kim, po2+-cho7+-hu3i 補
substratum e7-bi7n e5 chi8t cha3n, ki-chho2+ 下面的
subsidy for buying non-staple foods kachha3i-kim 加菜金
subterfuge chioh-te5, chioh-kha2u 借題,藉口
subterranean te7-ha7 e5, pi3-bi8t e5 地下的,秘密的
succeed in attaining request tho2-u7 要到了
subterranean flow, a hidden drift or tendency a3m-li5u 暗流
succeed in nothing cha8p cho3 ka2u put se5ng 一
subterranean heat, geothermal energy te7jia8t 地熱
subterranean passage te7-ha7-to7 地下道
succeed in office, take one's turn on duty,
to take over for somebody chiap-khoeh
subterranean plot bi8t-bi5o, bi8t-bo5+ 密謀
succeed in running away cha2u-li7 逃開,逃離
subtitle, secondary, auxiliary title hu3-te5-bo8k,
si2o-te5-bo8k 副題目,小題目
succeed to an office, successor ke3-ji7m 繼任
succeed to a predecessor's position, take
office, take over a position chiap-ji7m 接
subtitles in a motion picture ji7-bo7+ 字幕
subtle scheme, a wonderful idea mia7u-ke3 妙
succeed to the place he left vacant te2ng i e5
khoeh 頂他的缺
subtle, hidden, secret, mystery o3-pi3 奧秘
succeed to the throne chiap-u7i, ke3-u7i 接位,繼
subtle, sensitive, precision bi2n-ka2m e5,
cheng-bi8t e5, bi5-bia7u e5 敏感的,精密的,微妙
succeed, accomplish ta8t-se5ng 達成
succeed, accomplish, achieve se5ng-kong,
se5ng, ta8t-tio8h 成功,成,達到
subtle, treacherous, insidious, smart kancha3 e5, im-hia2m e5, chin cheng e5 奸詐的,陰
succeed, prosper heng-o7ng 興旺
subtlety, exact, precise, refined cheng-bi8t,
bi5-bia7u 精密,微妙
succeed, to continue, to proceed with, to
go on with ke3-sio8k 繼續
subtlety, treacherous, smart kan-cha3,
chhong-be5ng 奸詐,聰明
succeed, to inherit, to carry on ke3-se5ng 繼承
succeeds on the first try siu-to7+ se5ng-kong 首
subtract kia2m, kha3u, kha3u-ti5 減,扣,扣除
subtract ten percent kha3u chi8t si5a* 扣一成
success se5ng-kong, se5ng-chi7u, kiat-ko2 成功,成
subtract three from ten leaves seven cha8p
kia2m sa* chhun chhit 十減三剩下七
success comes after painstaking effort siankho2+ hi7o-kam 先苦後甘
subtraction kia2m-hoat 減法
success or failure se5ng-pa7i 成敗
subtropical a-jia8t-ta3i e5 亞熱帶的
successful candidate ha8p-keh-chi2a, ki8p-kehchi2a 合格者,及格者
subtropical zone a-jia8t-ta3i 亞熱帶
subtropics a-jia8t-ta3i 亞熱帶
successful candidate in provincial imperial
examination ki2-ji5n 舉人
suburb chhi7-go7a, kau-go7a 市外,郊外
suburban kau-go7a e5 郊外的
successful candidate of the national civil
service examination held at the imperial capital in former times chi3n-su7 進士
suburban area kau-khu 郊區
suburban villa kau-go7a e5 pia8t-chong 郊外的別
successful candidates to3ng-so2an-ji5n 當選人
suburbs of a city kau-go7a 郊外
suburbs or outskirts of city chhi7-kau 市郊
successful in romantic affairs kau tho5-hoeu7n 交桃花運
subvention po2+-cho7+-kim, tin-thiap, oa7n-cho7+
successful, as fhings u7 kiat-ko2 e5, su7n-li7 e5 有
subversive pho3-ha7i-se3ng e5, pe2ng-ko3e e5, pho3ha7i hu7n-chu2, gu5i-hia2m hu7n-chu2 破壞性的,
succession ke3-sio8k, ke3-se5ng, lia5n-sio8k 繼續,繼
subvert ho7+…to2, ho7+…si3-so3a*-khi3, ia2n-to2 使…倒,
succession of calamities it-ti8t la5i e5 chai-la7n
subway te7-ha7 thih-lo7+, te7-thih 地下鐵路,地鐵
succession of property u5i-sa2n ke3-se5ng 遺產繼
- in continuous succession lia5n-so3a 連續
subwoofer chhiau-ke7-im lah-pah 超低音喇叭
succession, equal, even, alike u5n 連續的
succeed another in managing a task, carry
on the work left unfinished by another
chiap-pa7n 接辦
successive lia5n-sio8k e5, lia5n-so3a e5 連續的
- on two successive days lia5n-so3a nn7g ji8t 連
suck on bones chhn2g bah-kut, chhn2g-kut 啃
- to follow successively chiap-sio8k, sio-lia5n
suck on candy ka5m thn5g-a2 銜糖果,含糖仔
suck on kernels chhn2g-hu8t 啃核
successive ancestors, array of ancestors
lia8t-cho2+ 列祖
suck opium suh a-phia3n 吸鴉片
successive dynasties, through the successive dynasties le8k-tia5u 歷朝
suckle chhi7-leng 餵奶
suck up water soh-chu2i, suh-chu2i 吸水
suckle a child ka7 gi2n-a2 chhi7-leng 幫小孩餵奶
successive generations, throughout the
ages le8k-ta7i 歷代
suckling chia8h leng gi2n-a2 嬰兒,乳兒
suction khip-siu, khip-la8t 吸收,吸力
successive previous meetings, games,
elections le8k-ka3i 歷屆
suction pump thiu-chu2i-ki 抽水機
successive victories lia5n-se3ng 連勝
Sudanese So+-tan-la5ng 蘇丹人
successively, incessantly, continuously
lia5n-chiap put-to7an 連接不斷
sudden hut-jia5n-kan e5, kip-e5, hio5ng-hio5ng 忽然
successor ke3-se5ng-chi2a, ke3-se5ng-ji5n, chiapji7m-chi2a 繼承者,接任者
- all of a sudden hut-jia5n-kan 忽然間
- to die a sudden death hut-jia5n-kan si2-khi3 忽
successor to an office a7u-ji7m 後任
succinct ka2n-be5ng, ka2n-tan be5ng-lia5u 簡明,簡
sudden and unexpected, a bolt from the
blue chheng-thian phek-le8k 青天霹靂
succor oa7n-cho7+, pang-cha7n, pang-cho7+, ki3u 援
sudden change hut-jia5n-kan e5 pia3n-ho3a 忽然
succor, relieve ka2i-ki3u 解救
sudden illness, emergency case kip-che3ng
succulent chiap chin che7 e5, tin-tin iu2-bi7 e5, chin
u7 khi3-bi7 e5 多汁的,津津有味的
sudden outburst tu8t-hoat 突發
succumb to injuries si7u siong si2-khi3 受傷死了
sudden rain shower sai-pak-ho7+ 陣雨,西北雨
succumb to temptation ha7m-lo8h iu2-he8k 陷入
sudden shower chhe*-ko5ng-ho7+ 驟雨
succumb, obey, comply, defer, surrender,
yield ho8k-chio5ng, khut-ho8k 服從,屈服
sudden temporary change in character,
personal type, temperament ho2an-sio3ng
succumb, to die si2 死
sudden withdrawal sia2m-si5 閃辭
succumb, to sink into, to get caught up in,
to land in a predicament ha7m-lo8h 陷入
suddenly become cold tn2g-ko5a* 轉冷
such a kind hit kho2an e5, chiah-ni8h, hiah-ni8h,
chhin-chhi7u* a2n-ni 那種的,這麼,那麼,像
suddenly a wind starts blowing ho2an-hong
suddenly become hot tn2g-joa8h 轉熱
suddenly without reason bo5-ta7i-bo5-ni5 無緣無
such as chhin-chhi7u* 好像
such as can be used only in particular
places be7 thong-io7ng-tit 不能通用
suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly tu8t-jia5n 突
such, so, like that, in that way, or so, so
very much, about, in that case hiah,
hiah-ni8h 那麼
suddenly, all at once, unexpectedly hut-jia5n,
hut-jia5n-kan 忽然
suddenly, unexpectedly bo5-tiu* bo5-ti5 忽然,想
suck suh, khip, khip-siu, chhn2g 吮,吸,吸收,嗑
suck glue, sucker suh kio5ng-le8k-ko5+ 吸強力膠
suds soat-bu5n-chu2i, sat-bu5n-chu2i 肥皂水
suck in soh ji8p-khi3, suh ji8p-khi3 吸入
sue for peace ki5u ho5 求和
suck melon seeds chhn2g koe-chi2 嗑瓜子
sue somebody for debts ko3 khia3m-che3 e5 la5ng
suck, to nurse milk soh-leng, suh-leng 吸乳,
sue, take to court, litigate, plead, have a
lawsuit phah-koa*-si 打官司,訴訟
suck milk suh gu5-leng 吮牛奶
sue, to accuse, to charge, to indict ko3,
kho3ng-ko3, ki5u 告,控告,求
suffer a stroke of paralysis or apoplexy
tio3ng-hong 中風
suet, grease, oil, fat iu5, pa2n-iu5 油脂,板油
suffer sunstroke tio8h-soa, joa8h-tio8h 中暑
Suez Canal So+-i-su7 u7n-ho5 蘇伊士運河
suffer unspeaking misery e7 kho+-ke, be7 pu5n
ho2e 苦不堪言
suffer si7u, si7u-kho2+, kan-kho2+ 受,受苦,痛苦
suffer a wrong or humiliation, be troubled
or inconvenienced si7u u2i-khut 受委屈
- to make a person suffer damage ha7i la5ng
suffer wrong or injustice, be accused
falsely, wrong someone or be wronged,
be falsely accused, false accusation
oan-khut 冤屈
suffer a cut, be cut by a chip or fragment
koah-tio8h 割傷
suffer all the hardships si7u-kho2+ si7u-la7n 受苦
sufferer, victim, the injured party si7u-ha7i-ji5n
suffer death in the line of duty in-kong si2bo5ng 因公死亡
suffering, misery, pain especially psychological pain kho2+-chho2+ 苦楚
suffer defeat phah-su 打輸
suffer from breast abscess se* leng-chhng 生
- eternal suffering e2ng kho2+ 永苦
suffering from contagious diseases tio8h
tho5an-jia2m-pe7* 得到傳染病
suffer from chicken epidemic tio8h ke-che 害
suffering from illness tio8h-pe7* 染病
suffer from chicken pox chhut chu2i-chu 長水
suffering, deprivation, distressed, miserable khu3n-kho2+ 困苦
suffer from infant jaundice tio8h la8h-a2 小孩患
suffering, illness pe7*-thi3a* 病痛
suffer from lovesickness pe7*-siu*-si, siu*-sipe7* 相思病
suffering, pain, painful tho3ng-kho2+, kan-kho2+
suffer from one's own action, ask for it chu7chho7e 自找
suffering, trials and tribulations ho7an-la7n 患
suffer from ringworm se*-sia2n 生癬
suffers from li5-ho7an 罹患
suffer from starvation sa* tn3g be7 u5n, samchhan-put-che3 三餐不濟
suffice u7 ka3u, to7 u7 ka3u 足夠,就夠了
sufficiency chhiong-chiok, le5ng-le8k, chu-keh
suffer from starvation and cold iau-ko5a*-go7
suffer from the epidemic tio8h-che 害瘟疫
sufficient u7 ka3u, ka3u-gia8h, chhiong-hun e5 夠了,
suffer injuries or illness as a result of long
exposure to cold weather, frostbite,
exposure ta3ng-siang 凍傷
sufficient to meet all needs, continually in
revolution, circulating or revolving
funds chiu-cho2an 週轉
suffer a loss chia8h-tio8h-ki* 吃了虧
sufficient, enough, up to the required
amount chiok-gia8h 足夠的,足數,足額
suffer a loss of capital, below the cost price
khui-pu2n 虧本
suffix chiap-bo2e su5, chiap-bo2e gi2, gi2-bo2e, ji7boe2 接尾詞,接尾語,語尾,字尾
suffer loss, be victimized, be deceived, lose
out chia8h-khui 吃虧
suffocate hip, kek 使窒息,使嗆
suffer loss, sustain damage si7u-su2n 受損
suffocated by gas ho7+ oa2-su kek-si2 被瓦斯窒死
suffer or undergo all conceivable hardship
to accomplish something chhian-sin
ba7n-kho2+ 千辛萬苦
suffocated to death because of fumes hunsi2 燻死
suffocating smell chha3u kah e7 kek-si2 la5ng 臭
suffer pain si7u-kho2+ 受苦
suffocation hip-si2, kek-si2 窒息而死,嗆死
suffer remorse si7u lio5ng-sim e5 chek-pi7 受良心
suffrage, vote, the right to vote, voting right
ta5u-phi3o, so2an-ki2-ko5an, ta5u-phi3o-ko5an 投票,
suffer a scratch, scrape, superficial wound
lu3-tio8h 擦傷
suffrage, voting rights chham-che3ng koa5n 參
suffer severe treatment si7u ge8k-tha7i 受虐待
suffrage, recollection prayer for the dead
tui-su sian-bo5ng e5 ki5-to2 (Catholic) 追思先亡
suicide by cutting throat koah a5u chu7-sat 割
suicide by drinking insecticide chia8h lo5ngio8h chu7-sat 喝農藥自殺
suffrage, women's suffrage hu7-li2 so2an-ki2ko5an 婦女選舉權
suffuse chhiong-mo2a 充滿
suicide by drowning thia3u chu2i chu7-sat 跳水
sugar thn5g 糖
suicide by hanging tia3u-ta7u chu7-sat 上吊自殺
- blood sugar hoeh-thn5g 血糖
suicide by jumping from high building thia3u
la5u chu7-sat 跳樓自殺
- brown sugar o+-thn5g 黑糖
suicide by slashing wrist koah-me8h chu7-sat
- granulated sugar soa-peng 砂糖
- white sugar pe8h-thn5g 白糖
suicide by taking poison chia8h to8k-io8h chu7sat 服毒自殺
sugar bag thn5g-pau 糖包
sugar beet ti*-chha3i 甜菜
sugar candy thn5g-a2, peng-thn5g, thn5g-sng 糖果,
sugar cane board, board made from the refuse of crushed sugar cane fibers chi3apang 甘蔗板
suicide squad, dare-to-die corps ka2m-si2-tu7i,
ka2*-si2-tu7i 敢死隊
suit of clothes chi8t su sa*, chi8t tho3 se-chong,
su, tho3, tho3-chong 一套衣服,一套西裝,套,
- man's suit se-chong 西裝
sugar cane growers chi3a-lo5ng 蔗農
- space suit tha3i-khong-i 太空衣
sugar cane leaves together with the very
top of the sugar cane chi3a-bo2e 甘蔗嫩葉
suit of clothes, outfit, set of coordinated
items tho3-chong 套服,套裝
sugar cane's leaves chi3a-ha8h-a2 甘蔗葉
sugar company che3-thn5g ho7e-si7a 製糖會社
suit one's fancy or desire, agreeable to
one's wishes kah-i3, te3ng-i3 中意
sugar industry thn5g-gia8p 糖業
suit one's taste ha8h-chhu3i, kah-chhu3i 合胃口
sugar refinery che3-thn5g kang-chhi2u*, thn5gchhi2u* 製糖工廠,糖廠
suit, appropriate, fitting ha8h, ho2-se3 合,合適
suit, lawsuit a3n-ki7a*, so3+-sio7ng 案件,訴訟
sugarcane kam-chi3a 甘蔗
suitable ha8p-sek e5, sek-to3ng e5, tu2-ho2 e5, ha8h e5
sugarcane field kam-chi3a-hn5g 甘蔗園
sugarcane juice kam-chi3a-chiap 甘蔗汁
- clothes suitable to the occasion ha8p-sek e5
sa* 合適的衣服
sugary ti* e5, thn5g-chit e5 甜的,糖質的
suitable dress chin ha8h su e5 sa* 很合身的衣服
suggest kia3n-gi7, the5-gi7, the5-chhut, a3m-si7, chi2tia2m 建議,提議,提出,暗示,指點
suitable or right age, the required age for
schooling, military service, marriage
sek-le5ng 適齡
suggestion kia3n-gi7, the5-gi7, i3-kia3n, a3m-si7 建議,
suitable situation sek-cha5i-sek-so2+ 適才適所
- full of suggestions i3-kia3n chin che7 意見很
suitable worthy of pho3e-e7-ko3e 配得過,配得上
suggestion box i3-kia3n-siu* 意見箱
suitable, proper, convenient, all right, expedient ho2-se3 合適,方便,適當,好了
suggestive a3m-si7 e5, the5-chhe2* e5 暗示的,提醒
suicide chu7-sat, chu7-chi7n, ki5a*-te2-lo7+ 自殺,自盡,
- to attempt suicide chu7-sat bi7-su7i, chu7-sat
bo5 se5ng 自殺未遂
suitable, suitable for, to fit, to suit sek-ha8p
suitcase he5ng-li2-siu*, pho5e-siu* 行李箱, 手提
suite of rooms tho3-pa5ng 套房
- to contemplate suicide si7u* boeh chu7-sat
suiting one's hand ha8h-chhi2u 合手
suitor in marriage ki5u-hun-chi2a 求婚者
suicide attack chu7-sat-sek e5 kong-kek 自殺式
suitor, complainant, plaintiff go5an-ko3 原告
sulfate, sulphate li5u-sng 硫酸
suicide by cutting blood vessel koah hoehkin chu7-sat 割血管自殺
- ammonium sulfate li5u-sng-an 硫酸銨
- copper sulfate li5u-sng-ta5ng 硫酸銅
- sulfate salts li5u-sng-ia5m 硫酸鹽
summer cold joa8h-tio8h 中暑
sulfur springs li5u-ho5ng-cho5a* 硫磺泉
summer house hioh-joa8h e5 pia8t-chong 避暑別
sulfur, sulphur li5u-ho5ng, li5u-n5g 硫磺
summer house, an awning for coolness on
top of window or door lia5ng-te5ng 涼亭
sulfuric acid li5u-sng 硫酸
sulk pi3*-bi7n 翻臉
summer resort pi7-su2-te7 避暑地
sulk and don't want to talk tu8h-tu8h, chhu3i-a2
tu8h-tu8h 閉口不說話,訥訥
summer sanitation, public health in summer months ha7-le7ng oe7-seng 夏令衛生
sulk, put on a false appearance, be sulky,
peeved tiu* 使性子,賭氣
summer school su2-ki5 ha8k-ha7u, ha7-le7ng ha8kha7u 暑期學校,夏令學校
sulky and resentful child, refusing to obey
because it has been beaten te3ng-he7ng
summer season ha7-ku3i 夏季
sullen bo5 hoa*-hi2, bi7n-pi3*-pi3*, im-thim 不高興
summer solstice, which falls on June 21 or
22 in the northern hemisphere ha7-chi3,
he7-chi3 夏至
sullen countenance chhi3n-bi7n 變臉,易生氣
summer time he7-thi*, he7-ku3i 夏天,夏季
sulphate salts li5u-sng-ia55m 硫酸鹽
summer vacation hioh-joa8h, su2-ka2 暑假
sulphates li5u-sng ho3a-ha8p-bu8t 硫酸化合物
summer vacation time su2-ki5 暑期
sulphide, sulphuret li5u-ho3a-bu8t 硫化物
summit ke8k-tia2m, te2ng, che3ng-hu2 e5 cho3e ko
kai-cha5n 極點,頂,政府的最高階層
sulphides li5u-ho3a 硫化
- mountain summit soa*-te2ng 山頂
sulphur of sulfur, brimstone li5u-ho5ng, li5u-n5g
summit conference ko-kai-cha5n ho7e-gi7 高階
sulphur springs li5u-n5g-cho5a* 硫磺泉
summit, at its peak or at its most advanced
state tian-hong 巔峰
sulphur, brimstone mine li5u-n5g-kho3ng 硫磺礦
sulphuric acid, sulphates li5u-sng 硫酸
sultry, muggy hip-joa8h 悶熱
summit, climax, orgasm cho3e-ko-hong 最高
sum collected or subscribed, collect funds
koan-kho2a* 捐款
summit, top of the peak ko-cha5n 高層
sum for which the subject is insured, insured value po2-hia2m kim-gia8h 保險金額
summon a meeting tia3u-chi8p ho7e-gi7 召集會議
summon tia3u, tia3u-chi8p 召喚,召集
summon and examine tia3u-mn7g 召問
sum of money chi8t pit chi5* 一筆錢
summon a subordinate, be summoned by a
superior tia3u-kia3n 召見
sum stated on check or certificate phi3o-gia8h
summon to court tia3u khi3 hoat-te5ng 召喚去法
sum total…, in all cho2ng-ke3 總計
sum up and balance an account kiat-sia3u 結
summon up one's courage chi2n-chok chengsi5n 振作精神
sum, amount of money kim-gia8h 金額
sum, in all, total, sum up ha8p-ke3 合計
summoned or recalled by the emperor or
chief of state ho7ng-tia3u 奉召
summarize, to say in brief cho2ng-ko2ng,
cho2ng-ko2ng chi8t ku3 概述,總而言之
summons tho5an-ho3an, tia3u-chi8p 傳喚,召集
summary execution chek-si5 chhu2-koat 即時處
sumptuous banquet chin chhe*-chhau e5 ia3nse8k, san-tin ha2i-bi7 e5 ia3n-se8k 很豐盛的宴席,
summary of the topic of book, written as an
introduction te5-su5 題辭
sumptuous feast se7ng-ia3n 盛宴
sumptuous food chhe*-chhau 盛餐
summary, an abstract tek-ia3u 摘要
sumptuous meal hi5-hi5 bah-bah 豐盛的菜餚,
summary, immediate chek-si5 e5 即時的
summary, outline kha3i-ia3u 概要
summer joa8h-thi*, joa8h-thi*-si5, ha7, he7-thi*, 夏天
sumptuous, luxurious, magnificent chhiahoa e5, ho5a-le7 e5, chin su2i e5 奢侈的,華麗的
summer camp ha7-le7ng-i5a* 夏令營
sun ji8t, ji8t-tha5u, tha3i-io5ng 日,太陽
summer clothes joa8h-thi*-sa* 夏衣,熱天衫
- to bask in the sun pha8k-ji8t 曬太陽
sun block, sunburn protection hua5ng-sa2i-ju5,
hua5ng-sa2i-io5 (phonetic) 防曬乳
sunken or collapsed roof lap-lo8h-khi3 e5, thaplo8h-khi3 e5 塌下去的
sun burnt pha8k kah o+-so5-so5 曬得黑漆漆的
sunken, dented, concave chi8t lap 一凹
sun clothes, to air clothing pha8k-sa* 晒衣服
sun cure ji8t-kong lia5u-hoat 日光療法
sunkist chi3n-kha2u e5 liu-teng, ti*-to7+ khah koa5n
e5 liu2-teng 香吉士
sun for a short time na3-ji8t 晾晒
sunlight ji8t-kng, ji8t-kong 日光
sun glasses tha3i-io5ng-ba8k-ki3a* 太陽眼鏡
sunny a3*-ji8t e5, u7 ji8t e5 向陽的,有陽光的
sun god tha3i-io5ng-si5n 太陽神
sunny day ho2-thi* 好天氣
sun is scorching hot ji8t-tha5u chin me2, ji8t-tha5u
chin ia7m 太陽很烈
sunny disposition lo8k-koan-se3ng 樂觀性
- to look on the sunny side of things phau
lo8k-koan e5 tha7i-to7+ 抱著樂觀的態度
Sun Moon Lake Ji8t-goa8t-tha5m 日月潭
sun or dry rice, place un-hulled rice in the
sun to dry before storage pha8k-chhek 晒
sunny, cheerful and refreshing so2ng-kho3ai
sun or rain hat, made of grass or palm
chha2u-le8h, chha2u-le8h-a2 草帽,草笠
sunny, fine day, good weather ho2-thi* 晴天,
sun rises, the sun has come out like after a
storm chhut-ji8t 日出
sunrise thi*-kng, le5-be5ng, ji8t-chhut, chhut-ji8t 天
sunny, clear and bright chheng-lo2ng 清朗
Sun Yat-Sen Sun Tiong-San 孫中山
- at sunrise le5-be5ng-si5, thi*-kng 黎明時,天亮
Sun Yat-sen Freeway Tiong-san-ko 中山高
sunset, dusk, evening, nightfall ji8t-tha5u lo8hsoa*, ho5ng-hun, ji8t lo8h, ji8t lo8k se-san 日落,
sun, moon and stars ji8t-goa8t chhe*-si5n 日月星
sun, sunbathe, expose to strong sunlight
pha8k, pha8k-ji8t 曝曬,曬太陽
sunset of life, old age boa2n-lia5n, ni5-la7u e5-si5 晚
sun, to sun chian-ji8t, chioh-ji8t 晒太陽,煎日
sunshade ji8t-n2g 遮陽
sunbath, sunbathing ji8t-kong-e8k 日光浴
sunshine ji8t-kng, kong-be5ng 日光,光明
Sunday Le2-pa3i-ji8t, Chu2-ji8t, Seng-ki5-ji8t 禮拜日,
sunshine law, disclosure of assets Io5ngkong-hoat-a3n 陽光法案
Sunday School Chu2-ji8t ha8k-ha7u, Chu2-ji8t-o8h 主
sunstroke tio8h-soa 中暑
super high speed railway ko-thih, ko-sokthih-lo7+ 高鐵,高速鐵路
sun-deck, verandah, balcony, sun-porch,
an illicit affair io5ng-ta5i 陽台
superabundance siu* che7, ko3e-to, chiok che7
sundial ji8t-ku2i-gi5 日晷儀
superabundance of stomach acid, hyperacidity u7i-sng ko3e-to 胃酸過多
sundries store cha8p-ho3e-tia3m 雜貨店
sundries, miscellaneous small charges
cha8p-hu3i 雜費
superabundant siu* che7 e5, ko3e-to e5 太多的,過
sundries, miscellaneous small things cha8pho3e, lan-lan-san-san e5 ta7i-chi3 雜貨,雜事
superb cho3ng-le7 e5, chiok ho2 kho3a* e5, chin ho2
e5, chiok cha2n e5 壯麗的,極好的,極佳的
sundry cha8p-sek e5, kok-chio2ng e5 各式各樣的,
superb performance chin ho2 e5 pia2u-ia2n 很好
sunflower hio3ng-ji8t-ku5i, ji8t-tha5u-hoe 向日葵,太
supercilious, conceited kek-sa2i e5, kek chi8t e5
sa2i-tha2ng-khu3i (slang), chu7-ta7i e5, ga2n-tiong
bu5-ji5n e5, kiau-ngo7+ e5, khia3u-tha5u e5 自大的,
Sung-Dynasty (960-1279 A.D.) So3ng-tia5u 宋
sunk to the bottom tia5m-te2, ti5m-te2 沉底
sunk, lost, perish ti55m-lu5n 沉淪
supereminent chhiau-ku5n e5, cho3e-ko e5, chin
chhut-sek e5 超群的,最高的,很出色的
sunken eyes, having deep set eyes ba8k-chiu
thap-thap 眼窩內凹,目珠內凹
superficial faith chhi2an-po8h e5 si3n-tek 膚淺的
sunken in water ti5m-lo8h-khi3 e5 沉下去的
superficial or shallow view, short sighted
viewpoint chhia2n-kia3n 淺見
superior to others se3ng-ko3e la5ng 勝過人
superior to others in excellence or in skill
chhut-tioh 出人頭地
superficial, not deep,on the surface chhi2an,
chhi2an-po8h, pia2u-bi7n e5 淺,淺薄,表面的
superior to you pi2 li2 khah to7a, pi2 li2 khah ho2, pi2
li2 khah e7-hia2u 比你大,比你好,比你會
superficial, skin and hair pho5e-mo5+ 皮毛
superficiality pia2u-bi7n-se3ng, phu5-bi7n-se3ng,
chhi2an-po8h 表面性,浮面性,淺薄
superior wisdom sio7ng-ti3 上智
superfine ke8k-sio7ng e5, sio7ng-te2ng e5, ko3e-hu7n
cheng-ti3 e5, siu*-ko3e cheng-se3 e5 極上的,上
superior, excellent, choice iu-lio5ng 優良
superior, exceeded chhiau-ko3e e5 超過的
superior, finest, noble ko-sio2ng 高尚
superior, elders, parents si7-to7a, si7-to7a-la5ng 長
superfine quality ke8k-sio7ng-phi2n 極上品
superfluity, superfluous, unnecessary to-i5
superfluous ko3e-to e5, to-i5 e5, bo5 pit-ia3u 過多的,
superfluous to say m7-bia2n ko2ng 不用說
superior, supervisor or boss in the office
te2ng-si, sio7ng-si, 上司
superior, the best sio7ng-ho2 e5, sio7ng-te2ng e5 最
superioress li2 i7*-ti2u* 女院長
superhuman chhiau-ji5n e5, si5n-ki5 e5 超人的,神奇
superiority iu-oa8t, iu-se3, chhut-tioh 優越,優勢,
superimpose thia8p to3a bi7n-te2ng, khn3g to3a bi7nte2ng 疊在上面,放在上面
superiority complex iu-oa8t-ka2m 優越感
superlative cho3e-ko5an e5, sio7ng-ho2 e5, cho3e-kokip 最高的,最好的,最高級
superintend ka3m-tok, ko2an-li2, chi2-hui 監督,管
superintend and oversee, act as a watchdog, inspector tok-chhat 督察
- to speak in superlatives ko2ng lia2u siu* ko3ehu7n 說得太過份
superintend the workmen ka3m-tok kang-la5ng
superman chhiau-ji5n 超人
superintend, to watch ka3m-si7 監視
supernatural chhiau chu7-jia5n e5, chhiau-se3ng e5,
si5n-ki5 e5 超自然的,超性的,神奇的
supermarket chhiau-kip-chhi7-ti5u* 超級市場
superintendent ka3m-tok, ka3m-tok-chi2a, ko2anli2-ji5n, chi2-hui-chi2a 監督,監督者,管理者,指
supernatural accomplishment, miracle si5nkong 神功
superintendent of schools tok-ha8k 督學
supernatural being si5n-be5ng 神明
superintendent, curator, head of a library,
institute ko2an-ti2u* 館長
supernatural benefits chhiau-se3ng e5 in-tia2n
superintendent, supervisor, director, manager cho2ng-ko2an 總管
supernatural bravery si5n-io2ng 神勇
supernatural life chhiau-se3ng e5 seng-oa8h 超聖
superior, chairman of board, president of a
university, department head, dean,
president of a club or committee i7*-ti2u*,
ho7e-ti2u* 院長,會長
supernatural power si5n-thong 神通
superscription si2a se3*-mi5a chu7-chi2, te5-mi5a,
phiau-te5, phiau-ki3 填寫姓名住址,題名,標
- to offer gifts to superiors sa3ng le2-bu8t ho7+
sio7ng-si 送禮物給上司
supersede io7ng..bo5 io7ng…, o7a*, the3 以…取
- to report to a superior po3-ko3 te2ng-si 報告上
super-skyscraper chhiau-kip mo5+-thian-la5u 超
- with a superior air kek-sa2i e5 tha7i-to7+ 自大的
supersonic chhiau-im-sok e5 超音速的
superior cloth sio7ng-te2ng po3+ 上等布
superior general cho2ng-ho7e-ti2u* 總會長
supersonic plane chhiau-im-sok e5 hui-ki 超音
superior in genealogical rank, elders tio2ngpo3e 長輩
superstition be5-si3n 迷信
- to perform superstition cho3 be5-si3n e5 ta7i-chi3
superior officer ti2u*-koa* 長官
superior to khah ia5* 勝過
- to renounce superstition khi3-choa8t be5-si3n
supplementary tax tui-ka-so3e 追加稅
superstitions, superstitious be5-si3n e5 迷信的
suppliant, supplicant khu2n-ki5u-chi2a, ai-ki5uchi2a 懇求者,哀求者
superstitious ka7u khia3n-sn2g 很迷信
supplicate ki5u, khu2n-ki5u 求,懇求
- to believe in superstitious practices
siong-si3n be5-si3n e5 ta7i-chi3 相信迷信的事情
supplication khu2n-ki5u, ki5-to2 懇求,祈禱
supplier kio2ng-kip-chi2a 供給者
superstitious and observant of old rites,
believe in omens ga5u kia3n-ko2+ 禁忌多
supplies po2+-kip-phi2n 補給品
supplies, necessities pit-su-phi2n, po2+-kip-phi2n
superstitious fear, to dislike, anniversary of
death ki7, khi7 忌
- military supplies kun-su-phi2n 軍需品
superstitious worship be5-si3n e5 ke3ng-pa3i 迷信
supply as in supply and demand, furnish,
to provide kio2ng-kip, kio3ng-kip 供給
superstructure sio7ng-cha3n ko3+-cho7, sio7ngcha3n kia3n-tiok-bu8t 上層構造,上層建築物
supply a loss po2+-chhiong su2n-sit 補充損失
supply depot po2+-kip-cha7m 補給站
supervise ka3m-tok, ko2an-li2 監督,管理
supply electricity to, connect with the electric current thong-tia7n 通電
supervise and urge on tok-chek 督責
supervise or witness the handover of duties or public properties between officials ka3m-kau 監交
supply has outstripped demand, excessive
supply kio2ng ko3e i5 ki5u 供過於求
supply is unable to meet the demand, deficiency of supply kio2ng put e3ng ki5u 供不
supervisor chi2-to7-oa5n, ka3m-tok-la5ng, ka3mchhat-ji5n 監督,監督者,監察人
supervisory system ka3m-chhat-che3 監察制
supply of electric power, power distribution,
supply electricity, distribute power
pho3e-tia7n 配電
supicion, a charge… hia5m-gi5 嫌疑
supine hio3ng-thian e5, tha2n-chhi3o e5 向天的,仰
supply room kio2ng-e3ng-sek 供應室
- to sleep supine khu3n tha2n-chhi3o 仰著睡
supply a vacancy, fill a post po2+-khoat 補缺
supper a3m-pn7g, a3m-tn3g, boa2n-chhan 晚飯,晚
supply, furnish kio2ng-e3ng 供應
support chi-chhi5, io2ng-ho7+ 支持,擁護
- The Last Supper cho3e-au7 e5 bo2an-chhan 最
support a family i5-chhi5 ka-te5ng 維持家庭
support a good-looking young man chhi7kim-hi5 養小白臉
- to have supper chia8h a3m 吃晚餐
supper, snacks siau-ia7, tia2m-sim 宵夜,點心
support oneself, self-support chu7-io2ng 自養
supplant ta7i-the3, ka7 sak-cha2u, chhi2u* la5ng e5 u7i
support or assist mutually sio-ke7ng 互相合力,
supple nn2g e5, un-ji5u, un-su5n 軟的,溫柔,柔順
support or prop, lean on hu5 le 扶住
support someone by the armpits and help
him get to his feet chhah khi2-la5i 扶起來
supplement po2+-chhiong, tui-ka, hu3-khan, hu3lio8k 補充,追加,副刊,附錄
support the chin on the hand thuh chhu3i-e7ta2u 手托著下巴
supplement of a newspaper, an expanded
edition on holidays or Sundays chengkhan 增刊
support the hand or arm on something, because without such support we could
not hold the object up the3*-chhi2u 吊手,
supplement to a magazine or news paper
hu3-khan 副刊
supplementary po2+-chhiong e5, po2+-cho7+ e5, tuika e5 補充的,補助的,追加的
support with a prop, e.g., support an awning with a pole or bamboo thuh khi2-la5i
supplementary budget tui-ka i7-so3an 追加預算
supplementary clauses po2+-cho7+ tia5u-ki7a* 補
support, approval, agree with, second the
motion cha3n-se5ng 贊成
supplementary package po2+-chhiong-pau 補
support, back up, patronage cha3n-cho7+ 贊助
support, prop up, to help, lend a hand, assist hu5, tu2 扶
suppression of menses goe8h-keng the5ng-chi2
support, provide for a family iu2*-oa8h 養活
suppression, to inhibit, to stifle ap-che3, ti3nap, ki3m-chi2 壓制,鎮壓,禁止
support, to back, to stand by, backing, be
in favor of chi-chhi5 支持
suppurate, to fester, to be infected ko7ngla5ng 化膿
support, to steady, to prop up, maintain
ke7ng 撐
suppurate, form pus, come to a head like a
boil pu7-la5ng 化膿
supportable chi-chhi5 e7 tia5u e5, lu2n e7 tia5u e5 能支
suppurating corners of the mouth chha3uchhu3i-kak 嘴角潰瘍
supporter chi-chhi5-chi2a, cha3n-se5ng-chi2a 支持
suppurative fever lo5ng-to8k-che3ng 膿毒症
supporter, sustainer hu5-io2ng-chi2a 扶養者
supporters association au7-oa7n-ho7e 後援會
supremacy chi3-ko bu5-sio7ng, bu5-sio7ng ko5an-le8k,
pa3-kho5an 至高無上,無上權力,霸權
supporting framework of or for things, arrogance, haughtiness ke3-se3 架勢
supreme cho3e-ko5an e5, sio7ng to7a bo5-pi2 e5 最高
- at the supreme moment of death li5mchiong e5 si5, teh boeh si2 e5 si5-chu7n 臨終的時
supporting member of a mutual loan group
ho7e-kha 會腳,會員
supporting role in a drama or movie, supporting actor or actress, supporting
player pho3e-kak 配角
- God is supreme. Thian-chu2 sio7ng-to7a bo5-pi2.
Supreme Being Thian-chu2, Sio7ng-te3 天主,上
suppose, take for granted, think siat-su2, si7u*,
phah-sn3g, i2-u5i, ji7n-u5i 假使,想,也許,以為,
supreme commander cho2ng-su-le7ng, cho3e-ko
chi2-hui-koa* 總司令,最高指揮官
supposed to indicate long life ji5n-tiong tn5g
Supreme Commander of the Navy ha2i-kun
cho2ng-su-le7ng 海軍總司令
supposing that, in case that ka2-su2, siat-su2 假
supreme commander, commander in chief
of the armed forces cho3e-ko tho2ng-so3e
supposing this to be true… ka2-te7ng si8t-cha7i si7
a2n-ni… 假定真的是這樣…
Supreme Court cho3e-ko hoat-i7* 最高法院
supposition ka2-te7ng, chhui-chhek, ioh 假定,
supreme effort chi7n cho3e-to7a e5 le8k-lio7ng 盡最
suppository io8h-sng, e7ng chi* e5 io8h-a2 藥栓,坐
Supreme Pontiff Ka3u-chong 教宗
suppress a rebellion ap-ho8k po7an-lo7an 壓服
supreme power cho3e-ko ko5an-le8k 最高權力
suppress a smile lu2n chhi3o 忍笑
supreme sacrifice cho3e to7a e5 hi-seng 最大的
supreme ruler chu2-koa5n-chi2a 主權者
suppress anger and keep silent thun-sia*
lu2n-khi3 忍氣吞聲
supreme tribunal ko-te2ng hoat-i7* 高等法院
suppress news hong-so2 sin-bu5n 封鎖新聞
sure khak-si8t, it-te7ng e5, tho3-to3ng e5, e7-kho3-tit 確
suppress publication ki3m-chi2 chhut-pa2n 禁止
- absolutely sure tek-khak si7 a2n-ni 的確是這
suppress a rebellion, revolt pe5ng-lo7an 平亂
suppress a riot of insurrection kham-lo7an 戡
sure enough khak-si8t, u7 ia2* 確實,真的
suppress the passions choa8t-io8k 絕慾
sure of success khak-si3n e7 se5ng-kong 確信會
- to be sure of oneself u7 chu7-si3n 有自信
suppress, cancel, recall, abolish chhu2-siau
suppress, coercion, repression, overcome,
forbearance ap-ho8k, ti3n-ap, khek-ho8k, lu2n,
ap-che3 壓服,鎮壓,克服,忍,壓制
suppress, put down ti3n-ap 鎮壓
sure to win u2n e7 ia5*, u2n ia5* 一定會贏
surely si8t-cha7i, chu7-jia5n, tong-jia5n, it-te7ng 實在,
surely sealed hong-ba8t-ba8t 密封
Surely he will come. I u2n e7 la5i. 他一定會來.
surmounted by te2ng-bi7n u7 上面有
surely there is none u2n bo5 一定沒有
surname, family name se3*, ji7-se3*, ji7-si3* 姓,姓氏
surety po2-che3ng, po2-che3ng-ji5n 保證,保證人
surname, nickname go7a-ho7 外號
- to stand surety cho3 po2-che3ng 作保
surpass the others ia5*-ko3e pa8t-la5ng 贏過別人
surf li5u-la2m 瀏覽
surpass, more, further ju2, lu2 愈,越,更
surface, exterior go7a-pia2u, pia2u-bi7n, pia2u-bi7n
e5 外表,表面,表面的
surpass, overtake se3ng-ko3e, ia5*-ko3e, chhiauko3e 勝過,贏過,超過
- on the surface pia2u-bi7n-sio7ng 表面上
surpass, overwhelm, excel, win ap-to2 壓倒
- to float on the surface phu5-bi7n, phu5 ti7
pia2u-bi7n 浮面,浮在表面
surpassing all others chhiau-ku5n cho8at-lu5n
- to have sorrow only on the surface kanna pia2u-bi7n-siong tho3ng-ho3e 只有表面上痛
surplice, short white vestments, white cassock te2 pe8h-sa* (Catholic), pe8h-sek e5 hoati, pe8h ka-se 短白衣,白色法衣,白袈裟
surface of a solid color, a face that has not
been made up with cosmetics, the
natural look so3+-bi7n 素面,素顏
surplus, excess ko3e-se7ng 過剩
surface of a lens or mirror ki3a*-bi7n 鏡面
surplus amount, remaining sum, balance
i5-gia8h 餘額
surplus, superfluous, unnecessary phokso2ng 多餘
surface of the earth te7-ki5u pia2u-bi7n 地球表面
surface of the earth, region, territory te7-bi7n
surplus money chhun e5 chi5* 剩餘的錢
surplus, left over, too much chhun-e5, siu*
che7 剩餘,過剩
surface polished very smooth kng-ku8t 光滑
surplus, profit e5ng-i5 盈餘
surface a road, pave a road, pave the way
pho+-lo7+ 鋪路
surprise, to astonish, to startle kia*-to7ng 驚
surface temperature te7-pia2u-un-to7+ 地表溫度
surprise, to be startled, to be shocked, to
be amazed ho7+…tio8h-kia*, ho7+…kia* chi8t-e7,
ho7+…hoa*-hi2 chi8t-e7 使…吃驚,使…嚇一跳,
surface tension pia2u-bi7n tiu*-le8k 表面張力
surge, bubble up, rush forth like water ek
chu2i 湧水
surgeon go7a-kho-i, go7a-kho-i-seng 外科醫生
surprised at, disappointed ka2m-kak i3-go7a 感
- army surgeon kun-i 軍醫
- dental surgeon khi2-kho-i 牙醫
surprised suddenly, startled and afraid
go7ng-si5n 發愣,愣頭愣腦
surgery go7a-kho, chhi2u-su8t 外科,手術
- dental surgery khi2-kho 牙科
- major surgery to7a chhi2u-su8t 大手術
surprised, astonished, startled, frightened
tio8h-kia* 吃驚,害怕
- minor surgery si2o chhi2u-su8t 小手術
surprised, to marvel at kia*-ki5 驚奇
- plastic surgery che2ng-he5ng go7a-kho 整型
surprising kia*-la5ng e5 驚人的
surprising news i3-go7a e5 siau-sit 意外的消息
surgical go7a-kho e5 外科的
surgical catgut bah-so3a* 羊腸線,肉線
surprising power kia*-la5ng e5 le8k-lio7ng 驚人的
surgical department go7a-kho 外科
surrealism chhiau-hia7n-si8t-chu2-gi7 超現實主義
surgical operation go7a-kho chhi2u-su8t 外科手
surrender ta5u-ha5ng, ha5ng-ho8k, chu7-si2u, ho3ngkhi3, kau-hu3 投降,降服,自首,放棄,交付
- unconditional surrender bo5 tia5u-ki7a* ta5uha5ng 無條件投降
surgical operation, to operate chhi2u-su8t,
khui-to 手術,開刀
surmise ioh 猜
surrender oneself to justice chu7-si2u 自首
surmise, think, believe, consider erroneously pa7n-pho5e 以為
surreptitious pi3-bi8t e5, thau-thau-a2 秘密的,偷
surmount khek-ho8k, phah-ia5* 克服,打贏
surreptitious glance thau-thau-a2 kho3a*-chi8t-e7
surmount a difficulty khek-ho8k khu3n-la5n 克服
surrogate mother ta7i-li2-i7n-bi2o 代理孕母
surrogate pregnancy ta7i-i7n 代孕
surround u5i, pau, pau-u5i 圍,包,包圍
susceptibility ka2m-si7u-se3ng, bi2n-ka2m-se3ng 感
surround something or somebody u5i-khi2-la5i
susceptible kho3ai ka2m-to7ng e5, nn2g-sim e5, bi2nka2m e5, io5ng-i7 e5 易感動的,敏感的,容易的
surrounded pi7-khu3n 被困
susceptible of improvement io5ng-i7 ka2i-sia7n e5
surrounded by bamboo u5i tek-a2 li5-pa 圍竹籬
susceptible to colds io5ng-i7 ko5a*-tio8h 容易感
surrounded by perils hia2m-sio7ng-ho5an-seng
suspect gi5, hia5m-gi5, gia5u-gi5, hia5m-gi5 e5 la5ng,
hia5m-gi5-ho7an 疑,嫌疑,猜疑,嫌疑的人,嫌
surrounding wall chhi5u*-u5i-a2 圍牆
surroundings, environment, setting kho5anke2ng 環境
suspect in a crime hia5m-ho7an 嫌犯
suspect in the murder case tha5i-la5ng e5 hia5mho7an 殺人的嫌犯
- to be influenced by surroundings si7u
kho5an-ke2ng e5 e2ng-hio2ng 受到環境的影響
suspect others hia5m-gi5 la5ng 嫌疑他人
surroundings, periphery, anything surrounding the central figure or thing
go7a-u5i 外圍
suspected ho7+ la5ng hia5m-gi5 被人嫌疑
suspected of stealing ho7+ la5ng hia5m-gi5 thauthe8h mi8h-ki7a* 被懷疑偷竊
surtax, surcharge hu3-ka-so3e, tui-ka-so3e 附加
surveillance ka3m-si7, ka3m-tok 監視,監督
suspend, declared bankrupt soan-ko3 pho3-sa2n
surveillance camera chiam-khang liap-ia2*-ki
suspend business or school, suspend handling something the5ng-pa7n 停辦
survey koan-chhat, kho2-chhat, chhek-lio7ng 觀
suspend business, close the store for a
holiday hiu-gia8p 休業
survey and examine, investigate cha-kha3m
suspend classes, have a holiday the5ng-kho3
survey somebody from top to bottom ka7
la5ng tu3i tha5u-khak kho3a* ka3u kha-te2 把人
suspend from Sacraments ki3m ni2a Se3ng-su7
(Catholic) 禁領聖事
suspend payment the5ng-chi2 chi-hu3 停止支付
survey the land reform kho2-chhat tho2+-te7 ka2ikek 考察土地改革
suspend publication the5ng khan 停刊
suspend sentence ia5n-ki5 soan-pho3a* 延期宣
survey, ascertain the depth of a well or
spring tha3m-chhek 探測
suspend sentence, reprieve oa7n-he5ng, ki3acho7e 緩刑
survey, to measure chhek 測
surveying chhek-lio7ng-ha8k 測量學
suspend work for a little so as to attend to
something else, take the trouble to
poah-kang 抽空,專程
surveying instrument chhek-lio7ng-khi3 測量器
surveyor kia2m-cha-oa5n, chhek-lio7ng-oa5n, ha2ikoan kia2m-ho3e-oa5n, tiau-cha-oa5n 檢查員,
suspend, defer ia5n-ki5 延期
survival, existence, to live, survive sengchu5n, si2 bo5 khi3 生存,幸存
suspend, interrupt, suspension, interruption tiong-chi2 中止
survive a dangerous experience, escape
from the tiger's mouth ho2+-kha2u i5-seng 虎
suspend, stop, pause the5ng-chi2, chia7m-the5ng,
chia7m-si5 chok-hu3i 停止,暫停,暫時作廢
survive or perish, survival and downfall
chu5n-bo5ng 存亡
suspense, worry, feel anxious tio8h-kip 著急
suspend, hang up tia3u 吊
suspenders, garters tia3u-to3a 吊帶
suspense, to doubt, to distrust, unconvincing, to puzzle over, misgivings, suspicions gia5u-gi5 疑惑
survive the night oa8h be7 ko3e eng-a3m 活不過
survivors seng-chu5n-chi2a, seng-ho5an-chi2a 生
suspense, concerned ko3a-lia7m 掛念
suspense, hesitate unable to decide or resolve ti5u-ti5 be7 koat-te7ng 躊躇無法決定
suture, seam, joint, juncture thi7* e5 so3a*,
khang-chhu3i, chiap-pha7ng, thi7* 縫線,縫口,
suspension bridge tia3u-ki5o 吊橋
- to remove a suture pa3ng so3a* 拆線
suspension of hostilities, cease fire the5ngchia3n 停戰
suture, catgut bah-so3a*, iu5*-tn5g-so3a* 羊腸線,
suspension, outstanding, not yet decided
bi7-koat, ia2u-bo7e koat-te7ng 未決,還沒決定
suzerain state chong-chu2-kok 宗主國
suspension, suspend studies the5ng-ha8k 停
suzerainty chong-chu2-koa5n 宗主權
SVD: Societas Verbi Divini Se3ng-gia5n Ho7e
(Catholic) 聖言會
suspension, to hang up, to hang a person
tia3u 吊
swab se2, se2 chheng-khi3, chhit chheng-khi3 洗,
suspension, to stop, to halt, to cease the5ngchi2, the5ng-chit 停止,停職
swaddle e7ng po3+ pau gi2n-a2 用布包嬰兒
suspicion, suspects, suspected of hia5m-gi5,
ho5ai-gi5 嫌疑,懷疑
swagger ki5a*-lo7+ tha5u-ta*-ta* io5-io5 pa2i-pa2i 高視
- a person under suspicion si7u hia5m-gi5 e5
la5ng 受嫌疑的人
swagger, along, swing to and fro io5-la5i io5-khi3
suspicious character to-gi5 e5 se3ng-chit, to-gi5 e5
ko3-se3ng 多疑的性情,多疑的個性
swagger, swaggeringly io5-io5 pa2i-pa2i 搖搖擺擺
swallow down, eat, to consume chia8h lo8hkhi3, chia8h lo8h-pak 吃下去,吃下肚
suspicious circumstance ho7+ la5ng hia5m-gi5 e5
che5ng-he5ng 被懷疑的情形
swallow down, to take thun, thun-lo8h-khi3 吞,
suspicious, paranoia gi5-tang gi5-sai 疑神疑鬼,
swallow one's saliva thun-no7a 吞口水
suspicious, serious suspecion gi5-sim ta7ng
swallow tailed coat ia3n-bo2e-ho8k 燕尾服
swallow, bird i3*-a2 燕子
suspicious, skeptical person to-gi5 e5 la5ng 多
swallow, bolt, devour, gorge, gulp, appropriate, embezzle thun 吞
suspressed, hound somebody to death,
constantly aggravate pek-si2 逼死
swallowed lo8h-a5u 嚥下
sustain a family i5-chhi5 ka-te5ng 維持家庭
swallow's nest i3*-a2-si7u 燕子巢
sustain a great loss si7u chin to7a e5 su2n-sit 受到
swampy land, damp place, marsh, swamp
sip-te7 濕地
sustain a theft or burglary, be robbed tio8h
chha8t-thau 被竊
swap i2 ho3e o7a* ho3e, kau-o7a*, o7a*, kau-e8k 以貨
sustain losses in business tho3+-pu2n 賠本
swarm of bees, wasps phang-ku5n 蜂群
sustain, be able to bear an office, responsibility or honor tam-tng 擔當
swat phah, cho5an-lu5i-ta2* 打,全壘打
sustain, permit, allow i2n-chu2n 允許
sway, impact, influence, control e2ng-hio2ng,
e2ng-hio2ng-le8k, chi-pho3e, tho2ng-ti7 影響,影
sway back and forth io5-la5i io5-khi3 搖來搖去
sustain, suffer si7u, ji2m-si7u, se5ng-si7u 受,忍受,
sway, shake, to rock io5 搖
sustain, support a person to stand up, tottering regime hu5-chhah 手插入其腋下而
sway, to incline, to lean, to slant, to slope,
to tilt khi-khi 傾斜
sustain, support, maintain the3*, tu2, chi-chhi5,
i5-chhi5 撐,支持,維持
sway, to shake, be disturbed io5-ta7ng, to7ngia5u 搖動,動搖
sustenance chia8h-mi8h, e5ng-io2ng-bu8t, e5ng-io2ng
si8t-phi2n, i5-chhi5, seng-ke3 食物,營養食品,維
swayed by others ho7+ la5ng cho2-iu7 被人左右
swear at somebody chi3u-me7 la5ng 咒罵人
swear in a witness ho7+ che3ng-ji5n hoat-se3 讓證
Sutras, Buddhist Scriptures, the Buddhist
canon, Buddhist classics Hu8t-keng 佛經
swear to fight to finish se3 put u5i ji5n 誓不為人
swear, curse at people kia7u la5ng 罵人
sweet sounding, delightful, joyful ho2-thia* e5,
kho3ai-lo8k 悅耳的,快樂
swear, curse, scold chi3u-me7, le2 咒罵,詬詈不
sweet soup ti*-thng 甜湯
swear, to vow, solemnly promise chi3u-cho7a,
soan-se3, hoat-se3 立誓,宣誓,發誓
sweet stuffing ti*-a7* 甜餡
sweat ko7a*, la5u-ko7a*, kang-chok ko3e-to7+, kho2+kang, ki2n-tiu* 汗,流汗,工作過度,苦工,緊
sweet, aromatic phang 芳香的
sweet tempered un-ji5u e5 se3ng-chit 溫柔的性情
sweet, happy thn5g-kam-bi8t-ti 甜甜蜜蜜,親密
sweet, pleasant, willingly kam 甘,甘心,捨得
- face covered with sweat ko7a* la5u kah kui
bi7n 汗流滿面
sweet, sweet tasting ti*, kam-ti*, thn5g-a2 甜,甘
- soaked with sweat la5u kah kui seng-khu
ko7a* 滿身大汗
sweeten ho7+…ti*, pia3n ti* 使…甜,變甜
sweat shop hoeh-ko7a* kang-chhi2u*, pak-siah
kang-la5ng e5 kang-chhi2u* 血汗工廠
sweeten coffee with sugar ka-pi chham thn5g
chham ho7+ ti* 咖啡加糖使它變甜
sweater, wollen sweater pho3ng-se-sa*, iu5*mo5+-sa* 毛線衣,羊毛衣
sweetened water, sugar solution thn5g-chu2i
sweater, woolen, knitwear mo5+-i 毛衣
sweetheart, spouse, husband, wife a3i-ji5n 愛
Sweden Su7i-tia2n 瑞典
sweetheart, lover che5ng-ji5n 情人
sweep sa3u, pi3a*-sa3u 掃,打掃
sweetness ti*, kam, kam-ti* 甜,甘,甘甜
sweep clean sa3u ho7+ chheng-khi3 掃乾淨
sweetness, sweet taste kam-bi7 甘味
sweep off the court sa3u u7n-to7ng-ti5u* 掃運動場
sweetness of temper ho5-khi3, un-su5n 和氣,溫
sweep out sa3u chhut-khi3 掃出去
sweep the dirt from things like beams, roof,
idols or ceiling chhe2ng-thu5n 打掃
sweets, candy, orange candy in the shape
and color of orange segments kam-a2thn5g 糖果
sweep the floor sa3u tho5+-kha 掃地
sweep the graves on chheng-beng feast
po7e-bo7ng, sa3u-bo7ng 掃墓
swell, flatulence, bloated pho3ng-hong 脹氣
sweep up cash from the table with the hand,
borrow money from many sources sachi5* 抓錢,借錢
sweep, range, scope, limit, extent ho7an-u5i 範
- to become swollen ha3ng-khi2-la5i, che2ng-khi2la5i 腫起來
swell like a bruise, a swelling che2ng 腫
swell up che2ng, che2ng-khi2-la5i, pho3ng-khi2-la5i 腫,
swell up from a blow or a poisonous bite,
swollen ha3ng 腫
sweeper, minesweeper sa3u-lu5i-the2ng 掃雷艇
sweepstakes cho2ng-to2+-kim, pha2u-be2 to2+-kim
to8k-tek-che3 總賭金,賭金獨得制
swell, blister hoat-ho5ng, ti3u* 發炎
swell, excellent, outstanding iu-si3u e5, it-li5u e5
sweet as honey ti*-bi8t 甜蜜
sweet dew, rain after a drought kam-lo7+ 甘露
swelling pho3ng-hong, che2ng, ko2+-tio3ng 脹氣,
sweet odor phang-bi7 香味兒
sweet persimmon ti*-khi7 甜柿
sweet potato field han-chi5-hn5g 甘薯園
swelling of a river, water rising very high,
as at high tide or during a flood tio3ngchu2i 漲水
sweet potato flour han-chi5-hu2n 甘薯粉,地瓜
swelling of the belly pak-to2+ ti3u*-tiu3* 肚子脹脹
sweet potato leaves han-chi5-hio8h 地瓜葉,蕃
swelling of the belly, the feeling of overloaded stomach or of indigestion ti3u*,
tio3ng 脹
sweet potato han-chi5 甘薯,地瓜
sweet potato vines han-chi5-ti5n 蕃薯藤
swelling, bump, tumor, lump li5u 瘤
sweet potatoes sliced and dried han-chi5kho+ 蕃薯塊
sweltering ia7m-joa8h e5, joa8h-si2-la5ng e5 炎熱的,
sweet smelling, savory, appetizing phangko3ng-ko3ng 香噴噴
sweltering heat ia7m-joa8h e5 thi*-khi3, joa8h-si2la5ng e5 thi*-khi3 炎熱的天氣
swindler, a cheat, confidence man, racketeer, impostor phia3n-chu2, la2u-a2, su8t-a2,
pia2n-a2, pia2n-sian-a2, phia3n-sian-a2, lut-a2 騙子
swept very clean sa3u kah chin chheng-khi3 掃
swindler, grafter, wicked person oai-ko-sian
swerve to get out of the way cho2an-hio3ng,
oai-khi3 轉向,歪了
swine flu, H1N1 H1N1, ti-li5u-ka2m, sin-li5u-ka5n
swift ki2n, kho3ai, si3n-sok e5, bi2n-chiat e5 快,迅速
swine, pig ti 豬
swift movement si3n-sok e5 to7ng-chok 迅速的動
swine, pig, vile person ha7-choh e5 la5ng, ha7chia7n e5 la5ng 下作的人,下賤的人
swiftness bi2n-chiat, si3n-sok 敏捷,迅速
- to cast pearls before swine tu3i gu5 to5a*khi5m 對牛彈琴
swig ti8t-ti8t ko3an lo8h-khi3, ti8t-ti8t lim lo8h-khi3, to7ato7a chhu3i lim lo8h-khi3 牛飲,痛飲
- to raise swine chhi7 ti 養豬
swim si5u, si5u-chu2i 游,游泳
swing back and forth or from side to side,
throw back and forth ha3i*-la5i ha3i*-khi3 拋
swim across si5u-ko3e 游過
swim with the current su7n tia5u-li5u, su7n si5-se3 順
swing one's hips from side to side in walking io5 kha-chhng-hoe 扭屁股
swim, drift, float phu5 浮
swing votes iu5-li5-phi3o 游離票
- My head swims. Go2a e5 tha5u-khak hi5n-hi5n.
swing, shake, rock back and forth, sway io5,
ha3i* 搖,擺動
swim, lead vagrant life, loitering phah-po7ngsi5u 游泳,遊蕩
- in full swing chhi7ang-chhi7ang-ku2n, jia8tphut-phut 活躍
swim, swimming si5u-chu2i, iu5-e2ng 游泳,泅水
- to swing on a swing ha3i* kong-chhiu,
chhian-chhiu 盪鞦韆
swimming cramps si5u-chu2i ki3u-kin 游泳抽筋
swimming pool iu5-e2ng-ti5 游泳池
swipe chhut-la8t phah, to7a-la8t phah 重擊
swimming suit iu5-e2ng-i 游泳衣
switch board tia7n-o7e cho2ng-ki 電話總機
swimming trunks iu5-e2ng-kho3+ 游泳褲
switch on or off khai-koan chhiat ho7+ to8h,
khai-koan chhiat-tia7u, chhiat khai-koan 開
swindle money lut chi5*, phi3an chi5* 騙錢
swindle people phi3an la5ng 騙人
swindle someone ko2ai-la5ng 誘拐人,拐人
switch on the light by pressing the button
chhi8h ho7+ to8h 按亮
swindle someone out of money ko2ai la5ng e5
chi5* 拐人的錢
switch, electric power switch khai-koan 開關
swindle things out of others la2u la5ng e5 mi8hki7a* 詐騙人的東西
switch, exchange sio-o7a* 交換
switch, railroad switching point cho2an-tia8tkhi3 轉轍器
swindle, a trap, a racket, a scam phi3an-kio8k
Switzerland Su7i-se, Su7i-su7 瑞士
swindle, abduct ko2ai-phi3an 拐騙
swivel chair e7-se8h e5 i2-a2 旋轉椅
swindle, fraud, deception cha3-khi 詐欺
swollen che2ng e5, che2ng-che2ng e5, ha3m-pu7 腫的,
swindle, fraud, to defraud, to blackmail cha3phia3n 詐騙
- to become swollen che2ng-khi2-la5i, ha3ng-khi2la5i 腫起來
swindle, get thing by deceit la2u 訛詐
swindle, to cheat, to swindle, to deceive, to
fool, to hoodwink, to trick phi3an, lut
(slang) 騙
swollen and inflamed eyes a5ng-ba8k-ka5u 眼睛
swindle, to deceive, to cheat khi-phi3an 欺騙
swollen eyes after crying ba8k-chiu ham-ham
swollen eyelids ba8k-ham 眼疔,眼皮
swindle, to kidnap especially through trickery, to shanghai ko2ai-cha2u, ko2ai-khi3 拐走,
swindled, fooled pi7-phia3n 被騙
swollen lymphatic gland ha8t-a2 淋巴腺腫
swollen with damp, water logged, full of
water, a diseased swelling of the body
ti3u*-chu2i 水腫
symmetry, blending evenly, commensurate
kia2u ho7+ chia5u, pi2-lu8t pe5* che7, su3-pho3e 調
swollen with a disease ha3m-pu8h 浮腫,癡肥
sympathetic the2-thiap, to5ng-ka2m e5, u7 to5ngche5ng sim e5 體貼,同感的,有同情心的
swollen, bell shaped, convex, embossed,
puffed out pho3ng 鬆凸
sympathetic heart to5ng-che5ng-sim 同情心
swollen, a sense of distension, glutted, surfeited pa2-ti3u* 飽脹
sympathetic nerve kau-ka2m si5n-keng 交感神
swoon, to faint, lose consciousness hu7n-khi3
sympathetic, empathetic chhek-u2n 惻隱
sympathize to5ng-che5ng, the2-thiap, kho2+-li5n 同
swoop cho8k-lo8h-la5i 俯衝下來
sword kia3m, to 劍,刀
sympathize with somebody to5ng-che5ng la5ng
- to cut with a sword phut 砍
sympathize with, to pity, act compassionately the2-sut 體恤
- to put to the sword tha5i-si2 殺死
sword fish pho3a-pak-hi5 劍魚
sympathize, to pity, commiserate, befriend,
have compassion li5n-bi2n 憐憫
sword handle to-pe3*, kia3m-pe3* 刀柄,劍柄
sword wound to-siong 刀傷
sympathizer kio7ng-be5ng-chi2a 共鳴者
swords made in pairs oan-iu*-kia3m 鴛鴦劍
swordsman kia3m-kheh 劍客
sympathizing attitude u7 the2-thiap la5ng e5 tha7ito7+ 有體貼他人的態度
swordsman, a fencer kia3m-chhi2u 劍手
sympathy to5ng-che5ng, to5ng-ka2m 同情,同感
swordsmanship kia3m-su8t 劍術
- You have my sympathy. Go2a chin to5ngche5ng li2. 我很同情妳.
sworn soan-se3 e5, u7 chi3u-cho7a e5 宣誓的,宣過誓
- letter of sympathy u3i-bu7n-phoe 慰問信
sworn brothers kiat-pa3i hia*-ti7 結拜兄弟
- to have sympathy for others to5ng-che5ng
pa8t-la5ng 同情別人
sworn into office soan-se3 chi7u-chit 宣誓就職
sworn sisters kiat-pa3i chi2-mo7e 結拜姊妹
sympathy, compassion, pity to5ng-che5ng-sim
sworn younger brother gi7-te7 義弟
sympathy, good impression, friendly feeling ho2-ka2m 好感
sworn, enemy si2-ngo2+-khiat 死對頭
sycamore sng-su5i-chhi7u 桑樹
symphony kau-hio2ng-khek, kau-hia2ng-khek 交
sycophant chin ga5u pho5+ e5 la5ng 諂媚者
syllabary ji7-im-pi2o, ji7-bo2-pi2o 字音表,字母表
symphony orchestra kau-hio2ng ga8k-tho5an 交
syllable im-chiat 音節
syllabus tek-ia3u, kha3i-ia3u 摘要,概要
symposium, conference, forum, rap session cho7-ta5m-ho7e 座談會
syllogism chhui-lu7n-hoat, sam-to7a*-lu7n-hoat
symposium, discussion of a thesis or theory chu-ka lu7n-bu5n-chi8p 諸家論文集
symbol sio7ng-teng, sio7ng-tin 象徵
symposium, research and study, workshop
gia2n-si8p-ho7e 研習會
- phonetic symbols chu3-im hu5-ho7 注音符號
- chemical symbol ho3a-ha8k hu5-ho7 化學符號
symptom che3ng-cho7ng 症狀
symbol of longevity tio5ng-si7u e5 sio7ng-tin 長壽
symptom of a disease pho3a*-pe7* e5 hia7n-sio7ng,
che3ng-cho7ng, pe7*-ho2ng 生病的現象,症狀,
symbol, a sign hu5-ho7, phiau-ki3, ki3-ho7 符號,標
symptom, omen tin-tia7u 徵兆
symbolic cho3 hu5-ho7 e5, sio7ng-teng e5, pia2u-si7 e5
symptomatic chha2i-tha5u e5, tia7u-tha5u e5, che3ngcho7ng e5 徵兆的,症狀的
symbolism sio7ng-teng chu2-gi7, hu5-ho7 pia2u-si7 象
synagogue Iu5-tha3i-la5ng e5 chi8p-ho7e, Iu5-tha3ila5ng e5 ho7e-tn5g 猶太人的集會,猶太人的會
symbolize, symbol sio7ng-tin, sio7ng-teng, pia2usi7, ta7i-pia2u 象徵,表示,代表
synchronism to5ng-si5 hoat-seng, pe3ng-hoat,
to5ng-si5-se3ng 同時發生,併發,同時性
syphilitic mu5i-to8k-se3ng 梅毒性
syphilitic person bo5e-to8k ho7an-chi2a 梅毒的,
synchronize to5ng-si5 hoat-seng, si5-kan it-ti3, si5kan ka7ng-kho2an 同時發生,時間一致
syphon, siphon khip-ko2ng, khip-chu2i-ko2ng 吸
syncretize io5ng-ha8p, lia5n-ha8p 融合,聯合
syndicalism kang-ho7e cho+-chit chu2-gi7, kangtho5an chu2-gi7 工會組織主義,工團主義
Syria Su7-li7-a 敘利亞
syndicate, joint organizaation or business
lia5n-ha8p cho+-chit 聯合組織
syrup thn5g-chu2i 糖水
syringe chu3-si7a-ta5ng 注射筒,注射器
syrup, molasses thn5g-chiu* 糖漿
synod chong-ka3u ho7e-gi7 宗教會議
system, political, adminstrative system or
institution he7, he7-tho2ng, che3-to7+ 系,系統,
synonym to5ng-gi7-ji7, i3-su3 ka7ng-kho2an e5 ji7 同義
synonymous to5ng-gi7 e5, i3-su3 ka7ng-kho2an e5 同
- decimal system cha8p-chi3n-hoat 十進法
- nervous system si5n-keng he7-tho2ng 神經系
synopsis ta7i-i3, kha3i-ia3u, tu3i-chia3u-pi2o 大意,概
- solar system tha3i-io5ng-he7 太陽系
Synoptic Gospel Tu3i-koan Hok-im 對觀福音
- work according to a system cho3 khangkho3e u7 su7n-su7 做事按順序來
synoptic, main points, general idea ta7i-ia3u e5,
ta7i-i3 e5 大要的,大意的
system of education ka3u-io8k che3-to7+ 教育制度
syntax, grammar gi2-hoat-ha8k 語法學
system of rules, system the2-che3 體制
syntax, syntactic gi2-hoat, cho7-ku3-hoat 語法,
system of values, sense of values ke3-ta8tkoan 價值觀
synthesis, gather together, collective, synthesize chong-ha8p, cho+-chit, chong-ha8pthe2 綜合,組織,綜合體
system or form of government che3ng-the2 政
systematic course of studies u7 he7-tho2ng e5
kho3-the5ng 有系統的課程
- method of synthesis chong-ha8p-hoat 綜合
systematic habits u7 kui-chek e5 si8p-ko3an 有規
synthesize chong-ha8p, ji5n-kang che3-cho7 綜合,
systematic zoology to7ng-bu8t hun-lu7i-ha8k 動物
synthetic ji5n-cho7 e5, chong-ha8p e5 人造的,綜合
systematic, systematical u7 he7-tho2ng e5, kuichek e5 有系統的,規則的
synthetic fiber, chemical fiber ho3a-ha8k
chhiam-u5i 化學纖維
systematize cho+-chit-ho3a, he7-tho2ng-ho3a, hunlu7i 組織化,系統化,分類
synthetic fibers ha8p-se5ng chhiam-u5i 合成纖維
synthetic silk, rayon ji5n-cho7-si 人造絲
systemic lupus erythematosus a5ng-pan-se3ng
lo5ng-chhng-che3ng 紅斑性狼瘡症
syphilis, syphilitic virus bo5e-to8k, mu5i-to8k 梅
Szechwan style cuisine chhoan-chha3i 川菜
- to have syphilis tio8h bo5e-to8k 染上梅毒

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