Da Vinci,Ta8t-bu5n-se,達文西 - Maryknoll Taiwanese Dictionary


Da Vinci,Ta8t-bu5n-se,達文西 - Maryknoll Taiwanese Dictionary
- Tsengwen dam Chan-bu5n-chu2i-kho3+ 曾文水
dam up a stream tu7-chu2i 堵水
da Vinci Ta8t-bu5n-se 達文西
dam up a stream and irrigate the rice fields
tu7-chu2i im-chha5n 渚水淹田,灌溉田
dab a little boah chi8t sut-a2 輕敷
dab lipstick tia2m ian-chi 點胭脂
dab powder phok hu2n 撲粉
damage and loss, deficit in business, suffer
a loss khui-su2n 虧損
dabble in, dabble at sia8p-lia8p, sia8p-chiok 涉獵,
damage by moths or dog bits ka7 pho3a 咬破
dabbling in water bak-chu2i, chi3m-chu2i, phah
ta5m-khi3, sn2g-chu2i 浸水,弄濕,玩水
damage in collision po7ng pha2i*-khi3 撞壞掉
damage to farm crops caused by frost sngha7i 霜害
dacron, terylene ta8t-khek-lio5ng, te8k-to-lio5ng
dactylography chi2-bu5n-ha8k 指紋學
damage to farm crops caused by pests,
damage from insects, plague of insects
tha5ng-ha7i 蟲害
dactylology, sign language chhi2u-gi2 手語
damage, destroy thiah-ha7i 拆壞
daddy, papa, father a-tia, pa-pa, la7u-pe7 阿爹,
damage, loss, injury su2n-sit, su2n-ha7i, siongha7i 損失,損害,傷害
daffodil chu2i-sian-hoe 水仙花
damaged, disrepair pho3a-su2n 破損
dagger, poniard si2o-to, te2-to 小刀,短刀
damaged by dampness or by water soaking
in to3+-ta5m 浸濕,染濕
dahlia la-li2-ah (phonetic), to7a-a5ng-hoe 大理花,
damaged by moisture or water, injured by
getting wet u3n-ta5m 沾濕
daily ji5t-sio5ng, mu2i-ji5t 日常,每日
daily courses of study ji8t-kho3 日課
damaged or destroyed by lashing water or
flood chhiong-ha7i 沖壞
daily expenses mu2i-ji8t e5 hu3i-io7ng 每日的費用
damn, to curse chi2-chek, ma7, le2 指責,罵,咒罵
daily conversation ji8t-sio5ng ho7e-o7e 日常會話
- not to give a damn ma3i ko3ai i 別怪他
daily food ji8t-io7ng e5 ni5u-si8t 日用的糧食
damnable kai-si2, kai-si2 e5, chin tho2-ia3, chin
pha2i* 該死的,討厭的,很壞
daily life ji8t-sio5ng seng-oa8h 日常生活
daily Mass pe5ng-ji8t Mi5-sat (Catholic) 平日彌撒
damnation chek-ho8at, e2ng-oa2n e5 chhu2-ho8at 責
daily necessities, consumer goods pit-suphi2n 必需品
damned lo8h te7-ga8k e5 le5ng-hu5n (Catholic) 下地
daily paper ji8t-khan, ji8t-po3 日刊,日報
daily pay, daily wages ji8t-kip 日薪
damned, ruined and destroyed, corrupted,
rotten, decomposition, corruption pa7iha7i 敗害,敗壞
daily record ji8t-chi3 日誌
daily use ji8t-sio5ng so2+ e7ng e5 日常所用的
Damocles Ta8t-mo5+-khek-li7-chu 達摩克利茲
dainty iu3-si3u, chin ka2ng-ki3u, te2ng-chin 雅緻,講
- sword of Damocles a3m-tiong e5 gu5i-hia2m 暗
dairy gu5-leng ka-kang-chhi2u* 牛奶場
dairy products gu5-leng si8t-phi2n-tia3m 牛奶食品
damp sip, ta5m, ta5m-sip, sip-sip 濕,潮濕
dairy farming, a dairy farmer lo8k-lo5ng 酪農
damp places grow moss chhi7u* chhe*-thi5 生
damp place nn22g-te7 軟地,鬆軟地
dais, platform to5a*, ta5i 壇,台
daisy, chrysanthemum chhu-kiok, ia5n-be7ngkiok 雛菊,延命菊
damp weather hip-joa8h e5 thi*-khi3 悶熱的天氣
Dalai Lama Ta8t-na7i-la3-ma5 達賴喇嘛
dale soa* khe*-a2, khe*-a2 山谷,谷
damper ho7+ la5ng sit-i3 bo5-bi7 e5 la5ng a2-si7 mi8h-ki7a*
dally hi3-la7ng, chhit-tho5 戲弄,嬉戲
dampness sip-khi3, chu2i-khi3 濕氣,水氣
dam chu2i-kho3+, chu2i-pa3 水庫,水壩
damsel cha-bo2+ gi2n-a2, cha7i-sek-li2 少女,處女
dampen ho7+ sip, ho7+ ta5m 使潮濕
dance, dancing thia3u-bu2, bu2-to7 跳舞,舞蹈
- Shihmen dam Chio8h-mn5g-chu2i-kho3+ 石門水
- to sing and dance koa-bu2 載歌載舞
dapper ia5n-ta5u koh chheng-khi3-si3u* 英俊又整
dance floor bu2-ti5 舞池
dapper fellow o+-ka2u, chhe7ng-sa* chia* te2ngchin e5 (slang) 帥哥
dance for joy hi2-io8k 喜躍
dance hall bu2-thia* 舞廳
dare ka2*, kek 敢,激
dance hall customer bu2-kheh 舞客
dare not m7-ka2* 不敢
dance music, dance tune bu2-khek 舞曲
dare not assume a responsibility m7-ka2*-tng,
put-ka2m-tong 不敢當
dance step bu2-po7+ 舞步
dancing partner bu2-pho7a*, pho7a*-bu2 舞伴
dare to die, defy death, bold, daring ka2*-si2 敢
dancing party thia3u-bu2-ho7e, bu2-ho7e 舞會
dancing-girls, taxi dancer bu2-li2 舞女
dandelion, cow weed pho5+-kong-eng 蒲公英
dare to do and dare to bear the responsibility ka2* cho3 ka2* tng 敢做敢當
dandruff, scales on the scalp tha5u-pho+,
tha5u-pho2e-a2 頭皮屑
dare to use, using money lavishly ka2*-e7ng 敢
dandy hoa-hoa-kong-chu2 花花公子
dare, presume, to venture, Is it possible
that… ka2m… 豈,難道…
Dane Tan-be8k-ji5n 丹麥人
daredevil chin u7 ta2*, chin ho2 ta2*, go7ng-ta2* 膽大
- Great Dane chi8t chio2ng to7a chiah ka2u 一種
daring ho2-ta2*, io2ng-ka2m 大膽,勇敢
danger gu5i-hia2m, hu5i-hia2m 危險
- very daring to7a-ta2* 大膽,勇敢
- imminent danger gu5i-kip 危急
daring, self-composed, full of courage ta2*tha5u cha7i 膽頭在,指有膽量
danger is imminent gu5i cha7i ta3n-se8k 危在旦夕
danger of death si2 e5 gu5i-hia2m 有生命的危險
dark, night a3m, o+-a3m, a3m-a3m 暗,黑暗
danger signal, sign gu5i-hia2m si3n-ho7 危險信號
- after dark thi* a3m i2-au7 天黑之後
danger zone gu5i-hia2m khu-e8k 危險區域
- before dark ia2u-bo7e a3m 天黑之前
- to brave danger mo7+-hia2m 冒險
dark age o+-a3m si5-ta7i 黑暗時代
dangerous gu5i-hia2m, hu5i-hia2m 危險
dark and crafty schemes im-bo5+ ku2i-ke3 陰謀
dangerous elements, undesirable elements
gu5i-hia2m hu7n-chu2 危險份子
dark and dirty, gloomy a3m-sa3m 陰森
dangerous goods, eg, explosives, poisons,
inflammables gu5i-hia2m-bu8t 危險物
dark blue chhim-na5-sek, a3m-na5-sek 深藍色
dangerous illness siong-tio7ng e5 pe7* 嚴重的病
dark brown chhim ka-pi-sek 深咖啡色
dangerous place, the part of a hand between the thumb and the index finger,
tiger's mouth ho2+-kha2u 虎口
dark color a3m-sek, chhim-sek 暗色,深色
dark cloudy sky o+-im-thi* 黑陰天,陰天
dark complexioned o+-bah-te2 黑肉底,形容膚
dangerous place, tiger's cave ho2+-hia8t 虎穴
dangerously ill, in great danger gu5i cha7i ta3nse8k 危在旦夕
dark glasses o+-ba8k-ki3a* 墨鏡
dangers left over from previously unsettled
affairs, future trouble ho7+-ho7an, hio7-hoa7n
dark horse, person who suddenly displays
outstanding talent for doing somehting
o+-be2 黑馬,形容特殊人物
dangling, swaying, waddle, reel along
phia5n-la5i phia5n-khi3, kho8k-kho8k-phia5n 晃來
dark night o+-a3m-me5, o+-a3m-mi5 黑夜
dark hell o+-a3m te7-ga8k 黑暗地獄
dark red chhim-a5ng 深紅
dark room a3m-pa5ng 暗房
Daniel Ta8t-ni5-ni2 (Catholic) 達尼爾,達
dark shadow a7m-n2g 濃蔭
Danish Tan-be8k e5,Tan-be8k-kok e5, Tan-be8k-ji5n
e5, Tan-be8k-gi2 丹麥國的,丹麥人的,丹麥語
dark spots, black specks, freckles o+-pan 黑
dank im-sip 陰濕的
dark valley iu-kok 幽谷
Dante Ta7n-teng 但丁
dark, black color of chicken's skin o+-le8kbah 形容雞肉顏色是黑的
Danube To-lo2-ho5 多瑙河
dark, black, dirty o+-so5-so5, o+-ma3-ma3 黑漆漆,
date, make a date or an appointment iokho7e 約會
dark, deep black, pitch-black a3m-bi5n-bong,
a3m-bong-bong 黑漆漆,形容一片漆黑
date, set the date ah-ji8t-chi2 押日子,訂日子
date, day on the calendar ji8t-ki5, ji8t-chi2 日期,
dark, gloomy place, crooked person im-som
date, decade of the century ni5-ta7i 年代
dark, gloomy, dull or indistinct a3m-ta7m 暗淡
date, to have a date ta3ng-lo7+-chu2i (slang) 凍露
darken ho7+ o+-a3m, ho7+ khah o+ le3, ho7+ khah a3m
le3, ho7+ khah chhim le3 使黑暗,使之更黑,使
dates cho2-a2, cho2 棗子
daub, graffiti boah, chu8t, o+-pe8h-o7e 塗,亂塗
darkness o+-a3m, m7-chai, bu5-ti, im-hia2m 黑暗,
daughter cha-bo2+-ki2a*, li2-ji5, chhian-kim (polite
form) 女兒,千金
- to be in darkness ti7 a3m-tiong 暗中
- brother's daughter ti8t-li2, cha-bo2+-sun-a2 姪女
- under the cover of darkness tha3u-a3m,
tha3u-me5 深夜裡
- daughter-in-law sim-pu7 媳婦
- daughter's son go7a-sun 外孫
darkroom for developing photographs a3msek 暗室
- my daughter sia2u-li2 (self-effacing expression)
darling child sim-koa*-ki2a* 心肝
- your daughter le7ng chhian-kim, le7ng-a3i 令
darling lover a3i-ji5n 心肝,愛人
darn, mend clothes with needle and yarn
si3u-po2+, po2+ sa* 繡補
daughter of an illustrious family be5ng-bu5n
kui-si3u 名門閨秀
Darn it! ta* tio8h si2 a3, ta* tio8h ha7i a7 糟了
daughter of father's sister, of mother's
brother or sister, who is younger than
oneself pia2u-mo7e, pia2u-si2o-mo7e 表妹,小
Darwin Ta8t-ni2-bu5n 達爾文
dash, hurry to do something ko2a*-ki2n cho3 急
- to run the 100 yard dash cha2u chi8t-pah
kong-chhioh e5 pi2-sa3i 短跑一百公尺比賽
dash against lo3ng-tio8h 撞到
daughter of father's sister, or mother's
brother or sister, who is older than
oneself pia2u-che2 表姊
dash on the ground siak lo8h-la5i 摔下來
daughter, womankind, girl li2-chu2 女子
dash or throw water with force, throw out
water, splash phoah-chu2i 潑水
daughters of one's daughter's go7a-sun-li2 外
dash to death siak-si2 摔死
daughters of a sister go7e-seng-li2 外甥女
dash, break to pieces siak-pho3a 摔破
dauntless io2ng-ka2m, ho2-ta2* 勇敢,大膽
dash, splash with water chhia5ng 沖
dawdle, wander about, loiter lo7ng-hu3i kongim, ho8h-li2-ho8h-so8h 浪費光陰,閒蕩
dashed by a waves or splashed by heavy
wind and rain phoah-ji8p-la5i 水濺進來
dawn thi*-kng 天亮,破曉
- at dawn tha3u-cha2 一大早
dashing appearance eng-chu 英姿
DAT, digital audiotape so3+-u7i im-hio2ng lo8k-imto3a 數位音響錄音帶
dawn, daybreak phah-phu2-kng 黎明,天剛亮
data chu-lia7u 資料
dawn, just day break thi* tu2 kng, thi* boehkng 天剛亮,天將亮
dawn, daybreak, early dawn le5-be5ng 黎明
database chu-li7au-kho3+ 資料庫
day ji8t, ji8t-chi2, ji8t-si5 日,日子,日間
database file chu-li7au-kho3+ to3ng-a3n 資料庫檔
- alternate day la3ng-ji5t 隔一天
date, record a date ki3 ji8t-ki5 記日期
- another day le7ng-ji8t 改天
- out of date lo8k-ngo2+, bo5 li5u-he5ng 落伍,不流
- in the day time ji8t-si5 日間
- feast day khe3ng-chiat, cheh-ji8t 慶節,節日
date and time of birth se*-si5-ji8t-goe8h 出生年月
- first day of the month chhe-it 初一
date stamp e7-ta3ng o7a* ji8t-ki5 e5 i3n-a2, iu5-chho8k,
ji8t-chho8k 可變日期的圖章,戳記,郵戳,日戳
- some day in the future au7-ji8t 將來
- holy day se3ng-ji8t 聖日
- last day boa8t-ji8t 末日
Daylight Saving Time ji8t-kong chiat-iok si5-kan
- lucky day ho2-ji8t, ho2 ji8t-chi2 好日子
Daylight Saving Time, central daylight saving time ha7-le7ng si5-kan 夏令時間
- National day Kok-khe3ng-ji8t 國慶日
- one day, some day u7 chi8t ji8t 有一天
days are getting longer ji8t-tha5u tn5g 白天長或
- the other day te2ng-ji8t 前幾天
- the day after tomorrow au7-ji8t 後天
days are getting shorter ji8t-tha5u te2 白天短或
- the shortest day ji8t-tha5u sio7ng te2 e5 ji8t 太陽
days, years ni5-goe8h-ji8t 年月日
- the whole day kui-ji8t 整天
daytime, daylight, broad daylight ji8t-si5 白天
- three days ago to7a-cho7-ji8t, sa* ji8t che5ng 大
day-to-day, everyday, daily, frequently,
constantly, regularly, often su3-sio5ng 經
day and night me5-ji8t, mi5-ji8t, ji8t-me5, ji8t-ia7 日夜,
daze hi5n, tha5u-khak go5ng, o+-a3m-hi5n 眩暈
day and night without ceasing bo5-me5 bo5-ji8t
dazzle chha8k, chin kng e7 chha8k ba8k-chiu 刺眼,
day before yesterday cho-ji8t 前天
dazzling chha8k-ba8k, ba8k-chiu chin chha8k 刺眼
day by day chi8t ji8t chi8t ji8t 一天又一天
day during school vacation on which students must attend classes ho2an-ha7u-ji8t
D-day kong-kek hoat-khi2-ji8t, Te7-ji7-chhu3 se3-ka3i
ta7i-chi3an be5ng-kun khai-si2 chi3n-kong Se-au
hit ji8t 攻擊發起日,二次大戰盟軍進攻西歐
day lily, hemerocallis kim-chiam-chha3i 金針
DDT li2-li2-thi (phonetic) 一種殺蟲劑
day nursery ji8t-kan thok-ji5-so2+ 日間托兒所
de Gaulle, Charles de Gaulle Te3-ko-lo8k 戴高
Day of Judgment Si2m-pho3a* e5 ji8t-chi2 審判的日
deacon la8k-phi2n siu-su7, ka3u-ho7e chip-su7 六品
Day of rest, the Sabbath, sometimes used
to designate Sunday an-sek-ji8t, an-hiohji8t 安息日
deaconate la8k-phi2n 六品,執事
dead si2-e5, si2-khi3-e5, bo5 se3*-mi7a, chhin-chhi7u* si2 e5
day off hioh-khu3n-ji8t 休息日
- ashes of dead kut-hu, kut-hoe 骨灰
day or period of fast or abstinence chai-ki5 齋
- born dead si2-thai 死胎
dead and injured si2-siong-chi2a 死傷者
day set aside for offering sacrifices che3-ji8t
dead and rigid si2 khia3u-khia3u, si2 gia7n-gia7n 死
day shift in a factory ji8t-pan 日班
dead and wounded, casualties si2-siong 死傷
day students thong-ha8k-seng 通學生
dead angle, defiladed space si2-kak 死角
day wages ji8t-sin 日薪
dead body floating in the water chu2i-la5u-si 水
daybed cho7-ngo7+ lio2ng-io7ng e5 bi5n-chhn5g 坐臥
dead drunk chu3i-ba5ng-ba5ng 醉茫茫,爛醉
daybreak thi*-kng a, thi* phah-phu2 kng 破曉
dead end alley, blind alley si2-ha7ng 死巷
daybreak, make known clearly hia2u-be5ng 曉
dead end company khang-tha5u kong-si 空頭
daydream, pipe dream, fantasy khang-su
bo7ng-sio2ng 白日夢
dead end, impasse, a road with no return,
retreat or cut off choa8t-lo7+ 絕路
daydream, reverie pe8h-ji8t-ba7ng 白日夢
dead flesh si2-bah 壞死肉
daydream, to daydream go7ng-si7u* 妄想
dead from the cold, frozen to death ko5a*-si2
daydreaming ga7m-si7u* 妄想
daydreaming, a daydream, absurd desire,
desire wildly bo7ng-sio2ng 妄想,夢想
dead motor ke-khi3 tia7m-khi3, mo+h-tah tia7m-khi3
daylight ji8t-tha5u-kng 陽光
dead or alive si2-oa8h 死活
dead person, corpse si2-la5ng 死人
deal, distribution, assignment, allocation,
partition kau-e8k, so3+-lio7ng, bi8t-iok 交易,數
Dead Sea Si2-ha2i 死海
deaden kia2m-khin, ho5ng-chi2, pia3n kah chhinchhi7u* si2 e5 減輕,防止,變得如死一般
deal, have or make an arrangement with…
kah…u7 koan-he7 與…有關
deadline for use su2-io7ng-ki5-ha7n 使用期限
dealer seng-li2-la5ng, siong-ji5n, cho3-chong 生意
deadlock oa5n-cho5an the5ng-chi2, to3ng-tia5u-le3 完
dealer in medicines be7 io8h-a2 e5 seng-li2-la5ng 賣
deadlock, stalemate, impasse kiong-kio8k 僵
dealing kau-ta5m, cho3 seng-li2 e5 o2ng-la5i, be2-be7,
pun-pa5i 交談,做生意的往來,買賣,發牌
deadly e7 ho7+ la5ng si2-e5, chhin-chhi7u* si2-e5, huisio5ng 致死的,死人似的,非常
dealing directly, speaking openly and
frankly ti8t-tu2-ti8t 非常的單純,坦直地
deadly poison e7-si2 e5 to8k-io8h 會死的毒藥
deadly sins si2-cho7e 死罪
dean of a college or court of law, the director of a hospital, museum, one of the
five Yuan under the Chinese government system including the premier i7*ti2u* 院長
deadly wound e7 si2 e5 siong, ti3-mi7a-siong 會死的
deaf chha3u-hi7*-la5ng, hi7-khang-ta7ng e5 la5ng 耳聾
dean of students at a primary or high
school hu3n-to7-chu2-ji7m 訓導主任
- to turn a deaf ear m7-thia* 不聽
deaf and dumb chha3u-hi7*-la5ng koh e2-ka2u 又聾
dean of students at a university hu3n-to7-ti2u*
deaf person chha3u-hi7*-la5ng 臭耳人,重聽,聾,
dean of studies in a college or university
ka3u-bu7-ti2u* 教務長
deafness hi7-khang-ta7ng 耳聾
dean of studies of a primary or secondary
school ka3u-bu7 chu2-ji7m 教務主任
deal fairly with tu3i la5ng kong-to7 待人公道
deal in cash e7ng hia7n-chi5* be2-be7 用現款買賣
Dean of the Diplomatic Corps Go7a-kautho5an e5 chu2-se8k 外交團的主席
deal in human beings, white slavery ho3anbe7 ji5n-kha2u 販賣人口
dean, ecclesiastical ka3u-bu7 chu2-ji7m, cho2ngsu-to8k (Catholic) 教務主任,總司鐸
deal in narcotics ho3an-to8k 販毒
deal murderous blows, attack a man with
intent to murder, enter a very terrible
accusation in court against a man he7
to8k-chhi2u 下毒手
dean's office ka3u-bu7-chhu3 教務處
dear, beloved chhin-a3i, sio7ng a3i e5 親愛,珍視的
deal or cope with, handle, do something
perfunctorily, make do pha2i*-li2u-la8k 難辦,
deal with affairs craftily chi8t bi7n boah piah,
siang-bi7n kng 一面抹壁雙面光,善於仲裁,
- most dear sio7ng chhin e5, so2+-thi3a* e5 最親愛
dear brother, a term of address to a male
friend who is younger than oneself
hia5n-te7 賢弟
dear child kim-ki2a* 寶貝孩子
dear elder brother, designation for a friend
of the same standing as oneself ji5nheng, ji5n-hia* 仁兄
deal with affairs, manage the business
chhu2-su7 處事
Dear me. Ta* tio8h ha7i a. 糟糕!
deal with lawsuits, handle a legal or business case pa7n-a3n 辦案
dear or close friend chhin-bi8t e5 pe5ng-iu2 親密
deal with or cure a trouble at the source,
treat a matter thoroughly ti7-pu2n 治本
dear, expensive, costly ku3i, chin po2-ku3i 貴,寶
deal with severely, take severe disciplinary
measures against gia5m-pa7n 嚴辦
dear, intimate, much in love chhin-jia8t 親熱
deal with, to handle, to cope with tu3i-hu3,
chhu2-li2 ta7i-chi3, cho3 ta7i-chi3, pa7n-su7 對付,處
death si2, si2-bo5ng 死,死亡
- immediate death hia7n si2 猝死,當場就死
- after death si2-a7u 死後
deal, distribute, to assign, allocate, to partition a hard drive hun-pho3e, pun 分配,分
- announcement of death thong-kong-toa*
(Catholic) 通功單,通功煉靈單
- to open the debate khui tho2-lu7n-ho7e 開討
- early death cha2 si2 早逝
- time of death si2-ki5, li5m-chiong e5 si5 死期,臨
debauch, dissipate, profligate, ill-behaved
ho3ng-to7ng, tho7a-pha2i*, go7+-ji8p ki5-to5+ 放蕩,
- miserable death chhi*-chha2m e5 si2-bo5ng 死
debauched, viciously sensual tham-i5m ho3+*sek 貪淫好色
- to be crushed to death teh-si2 壓死
debauchery ho3ng-to7ng, i5m-lo7an, pa5ng-su7 ko3e
to 放蕩,淫亂
- commemorate a death ki2-lia7m si2-bo5ng 紀念
debauchery, wanton ho3+*-i5m 好淫
- have a happy death tit-tio8h sia7n-chiong 得
debilitated soe-jio8k, hi, hi-jio8k 衰弱,虛,虛弱
- sentence to death te7ng si2-he5ng, soan-pho3a*
si2-he5ng, te7ng si2-cho7e 定死刑,宣判死刑,定
debit card, ATM card kim-io5ng-khah 金融卡
debility soe-jio8k, hi-jio8k 衰弱,虛弱
debit side chioh-hong 借方
debris cha5n-ha5i, pho3a-iu3-a2 殘骸,破碎的殘餘物
- deadly wound, fatal injury ti3-mi7a siong, ti3mi7a e5 siong 致命傷,致命的傷
debt sia3u, che3, hu7-che3, che3-bu7 賬,債,負債,債
death and life are predetermined seng-su2 iu2be7ng 生死有命
- blood debt hiat-che3 血債
- the whole debt so2+ khi3am e5 sia3u, lo2ngcho2ng e5 che3-bu7 所欠的賬, 全部的債務
death anniversary ki7-ji8t, ki7-si5n 忌日,忌辰
death by fire, be burned at the stake ho2ehe5ng 火刑
- to be in debt khi3am-che3, hu7-che3 欠債,負債
- to demand payment of debt tho2, chhui-tho2
death by hanging or strangulation ka2-he5ng
debt for goods bought on credit sia-khia3m
death by violence hiong-si2 凶死
death certificate si2-bo5ng che3ng-su, si2-bo5ng
che3ng-be5ng 死亡證書,死亡證明
debt of sin cho7e-che3 罪債
debt owed to a person khia3m la5ng e5 che3 欠人
death may come to a person any minute,
dying be7ng cha7i ta3n-se8k 命在旦夕
debtor khi3am sia3u e5 la5ng, hu7-che3-ji5n, hu7-che3 e5
la5ng, khi3am che3 e5 la5ng, che3-bu7-ji5n 欠賬的
death penalty, capital punishment ke8k-he5ng
death rate si2-bo5ng-lu8t 死亡率
debug ka2i chho3-go7+ 改正錯誤
death, birth, marriage and such ceremonies
song-hi2-su7, ho2-pha2i*-su7 喪喜事
debut chho+-chhu3 teng-ta5i 初次登台
death, funeral, mourn song 喪
deathbed so2a-pho+, poa*-pho+, li5m-chiong e5 si5
so2+ khu3n e5 bi5n-chhn5g, teh boeh si2 e5 si5 移寢,
deathbed repentance li5m-chiong e5 tho3ng-ho3e
debutante chho+-chhu3 teng-ta5i e5 si2o-chi2a 初次
decade cha8p-ni5 十年
decadence the3-ho3a, soe-pa7i, pa7i-lo8h-khi3, tu7ilo8h 退化,衰敗,墮落
decadent soe-pa7i, soe-pa7i e5, pa7i-khi3, chhe8hlo8h-khi3, siau-ke8k 衰敗的,消極
debar, prohibit, stop, exclude ki3m-chi2, cho2+chi2, pa5i-ti5 禁止,阻止,排除
decalogue cha8p-ka3i 十誡
debark lo8h-chu5n, khi2-la5i ho7a*-te2ng 下船,上岸,
decapitate cha2m-tha5u, cha2m-si2u, tha5i-tha5u 斬
debatable u7 bu7n-te5 e5, e7 i2n-khi2 pia7n-lu7n 有問題
decapitate a man cha2m la5ng e5 tha5u-khak 斬人
debate, discuss, argue, plead, discussion,
debate, argument, plea pia7n-lu7n, kho2-li7
decathlon cha8p-ha7ng u7n-to7ng 十項運動
decathlon for men, pentathlon for women
cho5an-le5ng u7n-to7ng 全能運動
- a meeting for debating a question tho2lu7n-ho7e, pia7n-lu7n-ho7e 討論會,辯論會
decay chi3u-ge5, a3u, chha3u, no7a, pa7i, tho7e 蛀牙,
- to fall into decay the3-ho3a, chia7m-chia7m
soe-lo8h 退化,漸漸衰落
December cha8p-ji7 goe8h 十二月
decency, appropriate, standard, proper behavior sek-to3ng, e7-ha8h phiau-chu2n,
che3ng-tong e5 he5ng-u5i 適當,合乎標準,正當
decayed teeth chi3u-khi2 齲齒,蛀牙
decayed, musty, spoiled hu2-no7a 腐爛
deceased si2-khi3, si2-khi3 e5 死去,死去的
decent ha8p-sek, ha8p-sek e5, ko3+-khiam e5, siongtong ho2 合適的,謙遜的,相當好
- relatives of the deceased u5i-cho8k 遺族
deceased father and mother kho2-pi2 考妣
deceased grandparents cho2+-pi2 祖妣
decent behaviour he5ng-u5i toan-che3ng 行為端
deceased people bo5ng-chi2a 亡者
decent place ha8p-sek e5 so2+-cha7i 合適的地方
deceased people who have no descendant
to worship them bo5-5 chu2-ke-si5n 無主孤魂
decentralization te7-hng hun-ko5an, hun-so3a*,
so3a*-khui 地方分權,分散,散開
deceased tablet, ancestral tablets khi7a-le5ng
decentralized, delegation of authority to
officials at the appropriate level huncha5n hu7-chek 分層負責
deceased, the late, recently passed away i2ko3+ 已故
deception khi-phia3n, cha3-khi, ku2i-ke3 欺騙,詐
deceit khi-phi3an, khu2i-ke3 欺騙,詭計
decide koat-te7ng, koat-i3, ti7a*-tio8h, ka2i-koat,
to3an-te7ng, lia8h-ti7a* chu2-i3 決定,決意,決定,
- full of deceit khu2i-ke3 to-toan 詭計多端
deceitful kan-cha3, im-thim, kan-ku2i, bo5 la2u-si8t
- The date has not been decided. Ji8t-ki5 ia2ubo7e ti7a*-tio8h. 日期還沒決定.
deceitful and intriguing, stealthy, furtive,
secretive ku2i-ku2i su7i-su7i 鬼鬼祟祟
deceitful lips o5ng-lo8k-a2-chhu3i 江湖郎中講的話,
deceitful merchant kan-siong 奸商
decide a case in court pho3a*-koat 判決
decide a problem ka2i-koat chi8t e5 bu7n-te5 解決
decide after examination, fix or approve a
sum or budget for a project hu8t-te7ng 核
deceitful purpose ke2-i3 假意
deceitfully breaking a promise, deceitfully
invite someone so as to starve him
phia3n-chhi2a* ha7i-go7 騙請害餓
decide and act on one's own, act arbitrarily
to8k-to3an to8k-he5ng 獨斷獨行
deceive oneself and others as well chu7-khi
khi-ji5n 自欺欺人
decide beforehand i7-te7ng 預定
decide by a majority vote after a vote, resolution, decide, resolve koat-gi7 決議
deceive oneself, self deceit chu7-khi, phi3an
ka-ti7 自欺,騙自己
decide by voting ta5u-phi3o pia2u-koat 投票表決
deceive other's eyes with some tricks mo5a
la5ng e5 ba8k 瞞人的眼
decide a case to3an-a3n 斷案
deceive parents mo5a-pe7 phia3n-bo2 瞞父騙母,
decide a contest, certain to bring victory
koat-se3ng 決勝
deceive people ho2+ la5ng 騙人
decide judgment pho3a*-te7ng 判定
deceive, cover up, conceal from, hide the
truth u2n-mo5a 隱瞞
decide on a selection, fix upon so2an-te7ng 選
deceive, fool, hoodwink, stolen khiang 騙,偷
decide or solve a problem by oneself, self
determination chu7-koat 自決
deceive, lie, hide the truth phi3an, khi-phi3an,
ko2ai, mo5a-phi3an 騙,欺騙,拐,瞞騙
decide, decision chha5i-to3an, chha5i-toa8t 裁斷,
deceive, to cheat, impose upon, take in, to
swindle, commit a fraud lut-a2 騙子
decided by the majority to-so3+-koat 多數決定
decided by you, up to you chi7n kho3a* li2 全看
deceived si7u-phi3an, ho7+ la5ng phi3an 受騙,被騙
deceived by one's eyes, misjudge kho3a*chho3, kho3a*-m7-tio8h, kho3a*-ta7* 看錯
decided by, depend on chi7n-cha7i 取決於
decided to go koat-te7ng boeh khi3 決定要去
deceived, be tempted pi7 iu22-he8k 被誘惑
decidedly choa8t-tu3i, kian-te7ng, koat-te7ng-se3ng
deceiver phi3an-a2, pia2n-sian-a2 騙子
deciduous tree, trees that change foliage
every year lo8h-hio8h-chhi7u 落葉樹
decline with all sorts of excuses the-tang
the-sai 推三阻四
decimal cha8p-chi3n-hoat, e7ng cha8p cho3 kichho2+ 十進位的
decline, fade soe-bi5, soe-jio8k 衰微,衰弱
decimal point si2o-so3+-tia2m 小數點
declivity, inclined plane si5a-pho, chin ki7a,
chin chhu e5 so2+-cha7i 斜坡
decline, reject si7a-cho8at, the-si5 謝絕,推辭
decimal system cha8p-chi3n-hoat, si8p-chi3n-hoat
decoct or boil lard from fat cho3a*, cho3a*-iu5
decimals, a minority si2o-so3+ 小數
decimate, change by tenths thiu chi8t si5a*,
kia2m chi8t si5a 抽出十分之一,減十分之一
decoder ka2i-ma2-khi3 解碼器
decompose, chemicals, metal, food rots
hun-ka2i, iu5*-ho3a, chha3u-khi3, no7a-khi3 分解,
decimate, exterminate, wipe out si2 chin-che7
la5ng 死了好多人
decipher, solution, interpretation, password
to ordinary text ka2i, ka2i-soeh, bi8t-ma2 e8k
cho3 pho2+-thong e5 bu5n-ji7 解,解釋,密碼譯成
decompose, analyze hun-ka2i 分解
decongestant medicine ho3a-tha5m chi2-sa3u 化
decorate chong-sek, su3 hun-chiong 裝飾,賜勳
decision, easily determined, sure decision
koat-to3an, khak-te7ng 決斷,確定
decorate a person with a medal su3 kim-pa5i
ho7+ la5ng, su3 hun-chiong ho7+ la5ng 賜金牌給
decision, judge, finalize, determination
koat-te7ng, pho3a*-koat, te7ng-a3n, koat-sim
decorate and repair, equip, refurbish chongsiu 裝修
deck chu5n-te2ng, kah-pa2n 船上,甲板
- to go on deck khit-khi3 chu5n-te2ng 上船
decorate room, shop, decoration chongho5ng 裝潢
declaration soan-gia5n, soan-ko3 宣言,宣告
Declaration of Human Rights, Bill of Rights
Ji5n-ko5an Soan-gia5n 人權宣言
decorate the altar chong-sek che3-ta5i 裝飾祭台
decorate with flowers e7ng hoe chong-sek 用
declaration of independence soan-po3+ to8k-li8p
decorate with pendants kat-chha2i 結彩
Declaration of Independence of the USA
To8k-li8p Soan-gia5n 獨立宣言
decorate, adorn, feign, to act a part in a
play or procession, pack up luggage
chng 粧,裝
declare hoat-pia2u, soan-ko3, kong-ko3, pia2ube5ng, sin-po3 發表,宣告,公告,表明,申報
decoration, badge chong-sek, chong-sek-phi2n,
hun-chiong 裝飾,裝飾品,勳章
declare bankruptcy soan-ko3 pho3-sa2n 宣告破
decoration or order conferred on a meritorious person hun-chiong 勳章
declare goods at customs po3-so3e 報稅
declare one's candidacy, to run as a candidate ha7u-soa2n 候選
decorous, appropriate, courteous ha8p-sek,
ha8h la5ng e5 se3ng-keh te2ng-te2ng, u7 le2, u7 le2so3+, u7 le2-so3+ e5 合適,適合,有禮的
declare someone guilty soan-ko3 la5ng u7 cho7e
decorum le2-gi7 禮義
declare war, declaration of war soan-chia3n
decoy, abduction, substitute as bait iu2-ko2ai,
to7ng-bu8t cho3 ji7 e5, the3-sin 誘拐,為餌的,替
decline, lower lo8h 落
decrease kia2m, kia2m-chi2o, soe-bi5 減,減少,衰
- rice declines in price bi2 lo8h-ke3 米降價
decline a suggestion m7-khe2ng chiap-si7u chi8t
e5 the8h-gi7 不肯接受某個提議
- neither increase nor decrease bo5 ke bo5
kia2m 不增不減
decline and fall of a nation, family fortune,
go into oblivion soe-lo8h 衰落
decrease in population ji5n-kha2u kia2m-chi2o 人
decline or excuse one's self from doing
something the-si5 推辭
decrease, diminution, fall off kia2m-sia2u 減少
decline to see visitors si7a-kheh 謝客
decree be7ng-le7ng, hoat-le7ng, ko3-si7, chhut
kong-ko3, pan-po3+ hoat-le7ng 命令,法令,告
- good deeds ho2-su7, ho2 he5ng-u5i 好事,好行為
- property deed tho2+-te7 so2+-iu2 kho5an-chn7g 土
- government decree che3ng-hu2 e5 be7ng-le7ng
deed for land chha5n-khe3 田契
deed of rental or lease cho+-iok 租約
- imperial decree se3ng-chi2 聖旨
deed of sale be2-be7 khe3-iok 買賣契約
decree of Heaven thian-be7ng 天命
deed of security, letter of guaranty po2che3ng-su 保證書
decree the fated time of death, be destined
to die, unfortunately, by chance, by coincidence chu3-si2 註定該死,倒霉,湊巧
deed or contract tax khe3-so3e 契稅
deed to a house chhu3-khe3, pa5ng-ok so2+-iu2
kho5an-chn7g 房契,房屋所有權狀
decrepit soe-jio8k 衰弱
dedicate a building sin-chhu3 lo8k-se5ng 新居落
deed, a bond, certificate, ticket ko3an 券
deem, think, believe kho3a*-cho3, si7u*-cho3, si7u*
dedicate oneself to God hia3n chu7-ki2 ho7+
Thian-chu2 獻自己給天主
- I deem it wise to move slowly. Go2a ji7m-u5i
ba7n-ba7n-a2 cho3 khah ho2. 我認為慢慢的做比
dedicate oneself to progress, devote oneself to improvement cheng-chi3n 精進
dedicate, offer ho7ng-hia3n, hia3n-sin, te5-mi5a 奉
deep affection or love chhim-che5ng 深情
deep animosity or hatred chhim-si5u 深仇
dedication ceremony for a building lo8k-se5ng
tia2n-le2 落成典禮
deep breath, breathe deeply chhim-ho+-khip
dedication to a job choan-gia8p cheng-si5n 專業
deep color chhim-sek 深色
deduce thui-lu7n, thui-li2, thui-te7ng, ia2n-e8k 推論,
deep emotion, painful recollections, lament,
emotional excitement ka2m-kha3i 感慨
deduct a certain amount from an employee's pay as a punishment, compensation for damaged public property
kha3u-sin-su2i 扣薪
deep eye socket chhim ba8k-o 深眼窩
deduct from or cut wages kha3u kang-chi5* 扣
deep fry io7ng chi3* e5 用炸的
deep friendship implying the sharing of
each other's fate seng-su2 chi kau 生死之
deep fry breaded shrimp chi3* he5-a2-chi3* 炸蝦
deduct from wages or payments kha3u-kia2m,
kha3u, kha3u-ti5 扣減,扣,扣除
deep fry food wraped with moist powder,
tempura kho2+-a2-te 呵啊爹,外來語,指用米
deduct from wages or reduce prices kha3uchi5* 扣錢
deduct from wages, subtract khi3o, kha3u 扣
deep fry meat balls, fried meat balls chi3*
bah-oa5n 炸肉丸
deduct marks for bad conduct kha3u tia2m-so3+
deep fry vegetables chi3* chha3i-chi3* 炸菜丸
deduct score kha3u-hun 扣分
deep grief siong-sim 傷心
deduct so much from wages, eg, to make
up for a debt tu2 kang-chi5* 抵工錢
deep in debt chi8t sin che3 一身債
deduct ten percent kha3u cha8p pha, kha3u chi8t
si5a* 扣 10%, 扣一成
deep night almost daybreak me5-bo2e 夜將盡,
deep in the mountains chhim-soa* 深山
deductible amount as distinct from taxable
amount, tax write-off kha3u-kia2u-gia8h 扣
deep of the night sa*-ke* po3a*-me5 三更半夜
deep or shallow, depth chhim-chhia2n 深淺
deep pit, abyss chhim-khe* 深坑
deduction, conclusion kha3u-ti5, kiat-lu7n, ia2ne8k-hoat 扣除,結論,演繹法
deep pond, lake, pond for irrigation, deep,
profound, vast tha5m 潭
deed, act he5ng-u5i, si8t-he5ng 行為,實行
deep pool chhim-tha5m 深潭
deed, agreement, contract khe3-iok, su7-gia8p
deep sea chhim-ha2i 深海
deep sea fauna chhim-ha2i to7ng-bu8t 深海動物
- to be defeated in one's purposes ke3-e8k
sit-pa7i, ke3-o7e sit-pa7i 計劃失敗
deep sea fishing chhim-ha2i-hi5-gia8p 深海漁業
- to suffer defeat su, phah-su, tha5i-su, chi3anpa7i 輸,戰敗
deep slushy mud tho5+-chiu* 土漿,泥漿
deep thought, contemplation, think deeply
chhim-su 深思
defeat in battle pa7i-ti7n 敗陣
deep water chhim-chu2i 深水
defeat, defeated, to lose a war chia3n-pa7i 戰
deep well chhim-che2* 深井
defeated in an election, fail in an election
lo8k-so2an 落選
deep yellow n5g-n5g-n5g, n5g-gi3m-gi3m 黃黃黃,形
defeated in battle tha5i-su, pa7i-chia3n 戰敗,戰輸
deep, low pitched sound chhim, sia* chhimti5m 深,深沉
defeated or vanquished country, the vanquished chia3n-pa7i-kok, pa7i-chia3n-kok 戰敗
deepen, darken ka-chhim, sek ho7+ khah ka7u,
sia* ho7+ khah ke7 加深,使之濃,使之低沉
deep-fry oil or fat cho3a*-ti-iu5, cho3a*-iu5 炸豬油,
defeated person, loser chia3n-pa7i-chi2a 戰敗者
defeated troops, defeated army pa7i-kun 敗軍
defeated, the loser in a contest pa7i-chio3ng
deeply chhim, chin-chia*…,hui-sio5ng 深,非常
- He was deeply moved. I chin ka2m-to7ng. 他
defeatist sit-pa7i-chu2-gi7-chi2a 失敗主義者
defecate ta7i-pia7n, pa3ng-sa2i 大便,排便
- regret deeply ka2m-kak chin kho2-sioh, hi7oho2e, pha2i*-se3, sit-le2 感到可惜,後悔,抱歉,
defect, shortcoming khoat-tia2m 缺點
- to speak of the defects of others ko2ng
la5ng e5 si7-hui, ko2ng la5ng e5 tn5g-te2 說別人的
deeply concerned khan-tn5g koah-to7+, koansim 牽腸掛肚,關心
deeply distressed in heart sim-la7i chin kankho2+ 心裏很難過
defect, abandon one's post or responsibility, join the enemy ho2an-po7e, pia3n-chiat
deeply hurt, break one's heart, very sad,
grieved siong-sim 傷心
defect, unknown disease, illness mo5+-pe7* 毛
deeply in debt hu7-che3 lu2i-lu2i 負債累累
defection ho2an-po7e, pia3n-chiat, bo5 chi7n-chit
deeply meaningful, profound significance,
penetrating views or comments, deep
impression chhim-khek 深刻
defections, turn from evil to do good khi3a3m-ta5u-be5ng 棄暗投明
deep-set or sunken eyes, eyes with bags
under them ba8k-chiu thap-thap 目珠凹凹,
defective u7 khoat-tia2m, u7 khoat-tia2m e5, bo5
oa5n-cho5an e5, u7 mo+-pe7* 有缺點的`,有毛病
deer horns, antlers lo8k-kak 鹿角
defective person lio8k-kin put-cho5an (Buddhist)
deer meat, venison lo8k-bah 鹿肉
defective rice, unsold rice, empty rice chaff
pha3*-chhek 無米粒的稻榖
deer, stag lo8k, lo8k-a2 鹿
deer's penis used as food or medicine lo8kpian 鹿鞭
defend against enemies pi3-ho7+ 庇護
deerskin lo8k-pho5e 鹿皮
defend and refute, to debate pia7n-pok 辯駁
deface chho3ng ha7i-khi3, chho3ng lia2u chin pha2i*kho3a* 毀壞,損毀美觀
defend one's athletic title oe7-bia2n 衛冕
defend or guard firmly, guard and watch
carefully ko3+-si2u 固守
defame, slander hu2i-po3ng la5ng, su2n-ha7i la5ng e5
mi5a-sia* 譭謗人,損害人的名聲
defend verbally, to advocate, speak in defense of, defend a case as a barrister
pia7n-ho7+, ho5ng-pi7, the5-ho5ng, po2-ho7+, te2kho3ng 辯護,防備,提防,保護,抵抗
default, preset i7-siat 預設
default option i7-siat so2an-ha7ng 預設選項
default page i7-siat e5 o7e-bi7n 預設的畫面
defend, resist, guard against, prepare for,
take precautions ho5ng, ho5ng-oe7 防,防衛
defeat, beat, lose, failure ta2*-pa7i, tha5i-ia5*, su,
sit-pa7i 打敗,戰勝,輸,失敗
defend, vindicate sin-pia7n 申辯
- to admit defeat ji7n-su 認輸
defendant, accused prisoner pi7-ko3 被告
define, limit ha7 te7ng-gi7, ka2i-soeh, soat-be5ng,
te7ng ka3i-ha7n, te7ng ho7an-u5i 下定義,解釋,
defenders, protectors, champions kan-si5a*
definite khak-si8t, it-te7ng, ti7a*-tio8h, khe2ng-te7ng
defense, resistance, protection the5-ho5ng, te2kho3ng, po2-ho7+, po2-o7e 提防,抵抗,保護,保
- His words are so definite. I ko2ng kah chin
khe2ng-te7ng. 他說得很肯定.
- national defense kok-ho5ng 國防
definite answer be5ng-khak e5 tap-ho8k, khak-si8t
e5 tap-ho8k 明確的答覆,確實的答覆
- self defense chu7-u7i 自衛
defense in court pia7n-ho7+ 辯護
definite time it-te7ng e5 si5-kan 一定的時間
defense taxes ho5ng-oe7-koan 防衛捐
definite, exact, precise, accurate, clear and
unambiguous chin-tu2-chin 確切
defense, garrison, to defend, to guard, take
the field in baseball si2u-pi7 守備
definitely, really, absolutely tek-khak, cho8attu3i 的確,絕對
defense, guarding, keep guard ke2ng-pi7 警備
defensive ho5ng-si2u, ho5ng-si2u e5, po2-ho7+, po2-ho7+
e5 防守,防守的,保護,保護的
definitely, surely, stable, secure cha7i-u2n 一
defensive armor chia3n-pha3u 戰袍
definition te7ng-gi7, cheng-khak-to7+ 定義,精確度
defensive position ho5ng-si2u ti7n-te7 防守陣地
definition, connotation or meaning of a
word ji7-gi7 字義
defensive war, defensive operation ho5ngoe7-chia3n 防衛戰
deflate currency gi5n-kin sok-a5n 銀根緊縮
defer a decision ba7n-chhi2a* koat-te7ng 且慢決
deflate, become deflated, be constricted,
shrink liap 收縮,退縮
defer the draft of a person for military service oa7n-tia3u 緩召
deflate, reduce sok-sia2u, thih-be2 la3u-hong,
kia2m-chi2o 縮小,放氣,減少
defer, delay ia5n-chhi5an, thoa, ia5n-ki5, ia7n-ki5,
su7n la5ng, ni7u la5ng 拖延,延期,順從人,讓人
deflated balloon, haggard, emaciated,
pinched and weak mo+h-khi3, mo+h lo8hkhi3 消瘦
deference chun-ke3ng, chun-tio7ng 尊敬,尊重
- show deference to others chun-tio7ng pa8tla5ng 尊重別人
deflection oai-chho8ah, phian-hio3ng, oai*-khi3,
cho2an-oan, oat tu3i pi*-a khi3 歪斜,偏向,轉
deferent duct, vas deferens su-cheng-ko2an
deflower a woman chha2i-hoe, kan-u3 棘手摧花,
defiance ho2an-kho3ng, m7 ho8k-chio5ng, thiauchi3an 反抗,不服從,挑戰
defiant to7a-ta2* ho2an-kho3ng, ka2u-ke8h 大膽反抗,
defibrillator tia7n-ke8k kip-ki3u-hoat, io7ng tia7nke8k 電擊急救法
deform ho7+ pia3n-he5ng, ho7+ la5ng cha5n-hu3i, ho7+
pho3a-si3u* 使之變形,使殘廢
deformation pia3n-he5ng, ki5-he5ng 變形,畸形
deformed pho3a-si3u*, cha5n-hu3i 殘廢
deformed child ki5-he5ng-ji5 畸形兒
deficiency khoat-tia2m, khi3am-khoeh, khoehkhi3am, bo5-ka3u, put-chiok 缺點,缺乏,不足
deformed foot kho5e-kha, pa2i-kha 跛腳
deformed in back or side siau-phia* 挺不起腰
- to make up a deficiency po2+ 補
deformed or paralyzed kho5e, khe5 瘸,癱瘓
deficiency of supply kio2ng-kip bo5 ka3u 供給不
deformed or paralyzed arms kho5e-chhi2u 瘸
deficiency, vacancy, a lack khoat, khoeh 缺
deformed person pho3a-si3u* e5 la5ng 殘障的人
deficient khia3m, khia3m-khoeh e5, u7 khoat-tia2m
deformity ki5-he5ng, pho3a-si3u*, cha5n-hu3i 畸形,
deficit, inadequate, lack bo5-ka3u, put-chiok,
khoat-ho8at, a5ng-ji7 不足,缺乏,赤字
defraud phi3an, khi-phi3an, cha3-khi 騙,欺騙,詐
deficit, financial loss khui-su22n 虧損
defraud customs payments by smuggling
cha2u-su 走私
defile bak lah-sap, bak la5-sa5m, bak-tio8h, siatto8k 染污穢,染到,褻瀆
defraud on taxes la7u-so3e 漏稅
defraud one of money phia3n-chi5* 騙錢
dehydrated provisions, canned or packed
food ready to serve ta-ni5u 乾糧
defraud, extort, lure, seduce toh-tha5u 引誘,
dehydrating agent thoat-chu2i-che 脫水劑
defraud, filch other's property or money oai
deification ho7ng cho3 si5n, to3ng-cho3 si5n ka7 ho8ksa7i 奉為神
defray chi-hu3, chhut-chi5* 支付,出錢
deify ho7ng cho3 si5n, chu2n-cho3 si5n 奉為神,當做
defray expenses chi-chhut hu3i-io7ng, chichhut keng-hu3i 支付費用
deign su3, i2n-chu2n, kho3a*-ta7ng 賜,允准,看重
deft li2u-lia8h 靈巧的
deign to grant si2u*-su3 賞賜
defunct si2-khi3-e5, ko3e-sin-e5, to2-khi3-e5 死去的,亡
deign to listen a3*-thia* 俯聽
deity si5n e5 te8k-chit kah te8k-se3ng, si5n, si5n-be5ng
defy bia2u-si7, m7 ho8k-chio5ng, ho2an-kho3ng, thiauchia3n 藐視,不服從,反抗,挑戰
defy a prohibition u5i-ki3m 違禁
dejected, despondent, in low spirits, discouraged sit-chi3, bo5 cheng-si5n, bo5 go5ankhi3, so3ng-khi3 不得志,沒精神,沒元氣,喪氣
defy the law, dare to violate the law i2-sin
chhi3-hoat 以身試法
dejected, purposeless, unhappy, uneasy,
silly, tiresome, tasteless bu5-lia5u 無聊
defy, disobey, to disregard u5i-po7e 違背
Delaware Tek-la-ui 德拉威
degenerate the3-ho3a, pia3n pha2i*, tu7i-lo8h 退化,
delay chhia5n, ia5n, ia5n-chhi5an, a7n, tam-go7+ 拖延,
degenerate son put-sia3u-chu2 不孝子
delay continually the repayment of money
it-ti8t khoan-a7n 一直拖延
defy and oppose, disobey u5i-kho3ng 違抗
degeneration, deterioration the3-ho3a, tu7i-lo8h,
pia3n-chit 退化,墮落,變質
delay some days, rain check oa7n-ki5, ia5n-ki5 延
degrade ka3ng-kip, bia2n-chit, tu7i-lo8h, sit sin-hu7n
delay, to stall for time thoa si5-kan 拖時間
delectation kho3ai-lo8k 快樂
- Vice degrades a man. Cho3 pha2i* ta7i-chi3 sit
ji5n-keh. 做壞事人格喪失.
- venereal delectation jio8k-the2 e5 kho3ai-lo8k,
bo5 ha8p-hoat e5 i5m-lo8k 肉體的快樂,不合法
degraded, have one's salary cut ho7+ la5ng
ka3ng-kip 被人降級
delegate, entrust, commission to consider
in detail u2i-thok, u2i-ji7m, ta7i-pia2u, u2i-oa5n,
si7n-tio7ng kho2-li7 委託,委任,代表,委員,慎重
degree, level, class, status to7+, the5ng-to7+,
te2ng-kip, kai-kip, te7-u7i 度,程度,等級,階級,
- How many degrees? Ku2i to7+? 幾度
delegate authority si7u-ko5an 授權
- a 39.7 degree fever sio kah sa*-cha8p-ka2u to7+
chhit 發燒到 39.7 度
delegation, group of delegates ta7i-pia2utho5an 代表團
- To what degree? Ka3u si2a*-mih the5ng-to7+? 到
delegation of authority, subsidiary hun-cha5n
hu7-chek 分層負責
degree in rank, steps, grade, a class at
school kip, kai-kip 級,階級
delete, strike out kau-siau 勾銷
degree of achievement se5ng-chek 成績
deleterious, harmful u7 ha7i, u7 ha7i e5, e7 su2n-ha7i
degree of hardness nge7-to7+, te7ng-to7+ 硬度
Delhi Tek-li2 德里
degree of humidity sip-to7+ 濕度
deliberate chham-sio5ng, si7u* kah chin chiu-to3,
ko3+-i3 商量,想得周到,故意
degree of progress of work chi3n-to7+ 進度
degree of support chi-chhi5-to7+ 支持度
deliberate and plan, make plans for ti5u-o7e 籌
degree, college degree ha8k-u7i 學位
dehydrate thoat-chu2i 脫水
dehydrate, roast, bake, broil a bird over a
slow fire piak chia2u-a2 pa 烤鳥
deliberate, discuss, judge the right or
wrong of a matter, arbitrate phe5ng-gi7 評
dehydrated sit-chu2i, khi3am chu2i-hun 缺水,缺
deliberately ko3+-i3, thiau-kang, be5ng-chai 故意,
deliberately make things diffcult for others
khi-khiau, khiau-khi 刁難
delinquent, dereliction of one's duty sit-chit
deliberately, create difficulties, make things
difficult for others tiau-la5n, thiau-la5n 刁難
delirious cheng-si5n chho3-lo7an, khi2-sia2u, m7 chai
la5ng 精神錯亂,發狂,不省人事
deliberation si7n-tio7ng kho2-li7, chham-sio5ng,
ba7n-ba7n-a2-si7 慎重考慮,商量,慢慢來
delirium cheng-si5n chho3-lo7an, khi2-sia2u 精神錯
delicacy su-bu5n, iu-bi2, u7 le2-so3+, khi3-bi7 ho2 斯文,
- to have fever with delirium sio kah m7-chaila5ng 高燒得不省人事
- to treat with all kinds of delicacies chhi2a*
la5ng chia8h san-tin ha2i-bi7 請人家吃山珍海味
- to talk in delirium ko2ng sia2u-o7e 瘋言瘋語
delirium tremens tio3ng chi2u-to8k 酒精中毒
delicate, flavor, relationship iu3-si3u, nn2g-chi2a*,
khi3-bi7 ho2 e5, chin bi5-bia7u 優雅,嬌弱,美味的,
- man of delicate taste bu5n-nga2 e5 la5ng 文雅
deliver a child chiap-se*, khioh gi2n-na2 接生
deliver a message, tradition tho5an-su8t 傳述
deliver a speech ia2n-soat 演說
deliver at a predetermined time te7ng-ki5 kauhu3 定期交付
delicate and frail, seductive, fascinating,
dainty iau-kiau 妖嬌
deliver from ka2i-thoat 解脫
delicate complexion su-bu5n e5 bi7n-ma7u, si3ukhi3 e5 bi7n-ma7u 斯文的面貌,秀氣的面貌
deliver from danger ki3u la5ng thoat-li7 gu5i-hia2m
delicate constitution lo2an-jio8k e5 sin-the2 軟弱
deliver goods kau-ho3e 交貨
deliver goods for sale on consignment oa2 i
be7, ki3a-be7 寄售,寄賣
delicate matter oh pa7n e5 ta7i-chi3 難辦的事
deliver goods, send goods to the purchaser
sa3ng-ho3e 送貨
delicate, fragile, weakness chhu3i-jio8k 脆弱
delicate, tender iu3-mi-mi 幼綿綿,細嫩
deliver a letter or message personally, intimate friendship chhin-kau 親交
delicately pretty, affectedly sweet kiau-tihtih 嬌滴滴
deliver mail sa3ng-phoe 送信
delicious ho2 chia8h, ho2 chia8h e5, khi3-bi7 chin ho2
e5 好吃,好吃的,美味的
deliver or give orders, a dispatcher tho5anle7ng 傳令
- It tastes delicious. Khi3-bi7 chin ho2. Chin ho2
chia8h. 味道很好. 很好吃.
deliver to, dispatch to, send to sa3ng-ta8t,
sa3ng-ka3u 送達,送到
delicious food bi2-si8t 美食
deliver, delivery, give birth to a child se*-ki2a*,
khioh gi2n-a2, cho7+-sa2n, seng-sa2n, chiap-se*
delicious, tasty bi2-bi7 美味
delight hoa*-hi2, kho3ai-lo8k, a3i cho3 e5 ta7i-chi3,
chhu3-bi7 歡喜,快樂,愛好的事物,興趣
deliver, save, rescue ki3u 救
- to beam with delight mo2a-bi7n chhun-hong
delight in virtue and goodness ho3+*-sia7n 好善
deliver, turn something over to someone
sa3ng, kau-ho7+, the8h ho7+ la5ng 送,交給,拿給
delighted hoa*-hi2, chin thio3ng, kho3ai-lo8k 歡喜,
deliverance ki3u-cho7+, sek-ho3ng, pa3ng-chhutkhi3, hoat-pia2u i3-kia3n 救助,釋放,發表意見
- I'm delighted to see you. Go2a tu2-tio8h li2
chin hoa*-hi2. 見到你真高興.
delivered from, emancipate oneself from,
free oneself from worldly worries ka2ithoat 解脫
delighted, satisfied, comforted, contented,
satisfaction, joy him-u3i 欣慰
delivery, give birth to se*-ki2a* 生子
delineate by drawing, writing or speaking
bi5o, bia5u-si2a, ko2ng 描,描寫,敘述
- abnormal or difficult delivery la5n-sa2n 難產
- pay on delivery kau-ho3e hu3-chi5* 交貨付錢,
delinquency, commit crime ho7an-cho7e, ko3esit, cho7e-ok, ta7i-ba7n chit-bu7, cho3 khangkho3e bo5 ji7n-chin 犯罪,過失,罪惡,怠慢
- special delivery letter ha7n-si5-phoe 限時信
delivery day kau-ho3e ji8t-ki5 交貨日期
delinquent bo5 chi7n gi7-bu7, ho7an-cho7e e5 la5ng 沒
delivery room sa2n-pa5ng 產房
delivery service go7a-sa3ng 外送
delivery, deliver, distribution, distribute,
dispatch the mail pho3e-ta8t 送達
dementia, mental derangement, insanity,
paranoia cheng-si5n chho3-loa7n 精神錯亂
delivery, give to, send to kau, kau-hu3, sa3ngkau 交付,送交,配達
demerit khoat-tia2m, ko3e-sit, u3-tia2m, ki3-ko3 缺點,
Delphi Te8k-ni2-hui 特耳菲
demise si2-bo5ng, ni7u ho7+ la5ng, ni7u-to7+ ho7+ la5ng
Delta Sa*-kak-chiu 三角洲
demobilization ho8k-oa5n, the3-ngo2+ 復員,退伍
- The Nile delta Ni5-lo5-ho5 sa*-kak-chiu 尼羅河
demobilization order ho8k-oa5n-le7ng 復員令
delude phia3n, ki5a*-ji8p ki5-to5+, si7u* m7-tio8h 騙,走
demobilize, dissolution ka2i-sa3n, ho8k-oa5n 解散,
delude the people with rumors ia5u-gia5n he8kchio3ng 謠言惑眾
democracy activist bi5n-u7n-ji5n-su7 民運人士
democracy, democratic bi5n-chu2 民主
deluge to7a-chu2i, chu2i-chai, to7a-ho7+ 大水災,大
delusion bo7ng-sio2ng, ho3an-sio2ng 妄想,幻想
democracy, government by all the people,
national politics choa5n-bi5n che3ng-ti7 全民
delusion of grandeur khoa-ta7i bo7ng-sio2ngko5ng, khoa-ta7i bo7ng-sio2ng-che3ng 誇大妄想
democrat si3n-gio2ng bi5n-chu2 chu2-gi7 e5 la5ng, Bi2kok bi5n-chu2-to2ng-oa5n 民主主義信仰者,美
deluxe sio7ng-te2ng e5, ho5-ho5a, ho5a-le7 上等的,豪
democratic bi5n-chu2, bi5n-chu2 e5 民主的
democratic form of government bi5n-chu2
che3ng-the2 民主政體
demagogue chin ga5u sia3n-to7ng la5ng, sia3n-to7ng
bi5n-chio3ng-e5 煽動民眾者
democratic government bi5n-chu2 che3ng-hu2 民
demand, ask iau-ki5u, ia3u-ki5u, chhe2ng-ki5u, suia3u, tho2, mn7g 要求,請求,需要,討,問
democratic party, the democrats Bi5n-chu2to2ng 民主黨
- to agree to one's demand tah-e3ng la5ng e5
iau-ki5u 答應人家的要求
Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Bi5nchi3n-to2ng 民進黨
- unreasonable demand bo5-li2 e5 iau-ki5u 不合
democratic state bi5n-chu2-kok 民主國
demand return of something very urgently
tui-tho2 追討
demography ji5n-kha2u-ha8k 人口學
demolish a house thiah-chhu3 拆屋
demand deposit oa8h-ki5 chu5n-kho2an 活期存款
demolish with explosives, demolition po8kpho3a 爆破
demand exceeds supply kio3ng put-e3ng kiu5 供
demolish, destroyed by fire, wind hu2i-bia8t,
pho3-ha7i, ho7+… ha7i-khi3, sio-khi3, chhoe to2khi3 毀滅,破壞,使…壞了,燒掉,吹倒
demand insistently nge7-boeh 硬要
demand money due us, ask one's superior
to give him money tho2-chi5* 討錢,要錢
demand payment tho2-sia3u 討債
demolish, lose, let fall phah-ka-lau8h 遺失,弄
demand payment of unpaid tax, debts tuikia2u 追繳
demolition pho3-ha7i, hu2i-ha7i, thiah-tia7u 破壞,毀
demand payment urgently tho2 ki2n-ki2n 討得很
demon mo5+-ku2i, ku2i, ku2i-ko3ai, ok-mo5+ 魔鬼,鬼,
demand urgently the payment of a debt
chhui-tho2 催討
- possessed by demons ho7+ ku2i ti5*-le7 被鬼纏
demons, devils si5a-mo5+ 邪魔
demand, to appeal, to demand an answer,
requirement, claim, appeal, marketing
message so3+-ki5u 訴求
demonstrate fighting skills in a tournament,
engage in a contest of physical prowess pi2-bu2 比武
demands or responsibilities of office, one's
duty and responsibility chit-chek 職責
demonstrate how a thing works, show
one's skill si7-ho7an 示範
demarcation line, distinction o7e ka3i-so3a*,
khu-pia8t 劃界線,區別
demeanour tha7i-to7+, he5ng-u5i 態度,行為
demonstrate, demonstration, protest parade, to riot si7-ui, si7-ui u7n-to7ng 示威,示威
dense darkness o+-o+ a3m-a3m 烏漆八黑
dense fog bo5ng chin ka7u, bu7 chin ka7u 霧很濃
dense, dark, thick o7ng, a7m, chin ka7u, chin
cha8t 茂盛,濃,密集
demonstrate, prove, demonstration, show,
point out che3ng-be5ng, pia2u-si7, chi2-si7, cho3
ho7+ la5ng kho3a* 證明,表示,指示,示範
densely populated ji5n-kha2u ti5u-bi8t 人口稠密
densimeter, density meter bi8t-to7+-ke3 密度計
demonstration of a skill si7-ho7an pia2u-ia2n 示範
density bi8t-to7+, lo5ng-to7+ 密度,濃度
demonstration, protest kho3ng-gi7 iu5-he5ng 抗
density of population ji5n-kha2u e5 bi8t-to7+ 人口的
demonstrative adjective chi2-si7 he5ng-io5ng-su5
dent mauh-lo8h-khi3, khang 凹下去,缺口
demoralize, corrupt people's hearts and
morals, corrupt customs, corrupt atmosphere pa7i-ha7i ji5n-sim, phah-pha2i* to7tek, pa7i-ha7i hong-sio8k, phah-pha2i* hongkhi3 敗壞人心,敗壞道德,敗壞風俗,敗壞風
dental department khi2-kho 牙科
dental khi2-kho, ge5-kho 齒科,牙科
dental surgeon khi2-kho i-seng 牙科醫生
dental surgery khi2-kho 牙科
dented mauh lo8h-khi3 凹下去
dentifrice, toothpaste khi2-ko, khi2-hu2n 牙膏,牙
- to be demoralized cheng-si5n tu7i-lo8h 精神墮
Demosthenes Te8k-mo5+-se-ni5-su 狄摩西尼斯
dentist khi2-kho-i, khi2-kho i-seng, ge5-i 牙科醫生,
demote ka3ng-chit, ka3ng-kip 降職,降級
dentistry ge5-kho, khi2-kho 牙科,齒科
den si7u, to7ng, hiat, khang 巢,洞,穴
dentist's office ge5-kho i-i7*, khi2-kho i-i7* 牙科醫
den or hideout of thieves and bandits chha8tsi7u 賊巢
denture ke2-ge5, ke2 chhu3i-khi2 假牙
denude, strip off, deprive of thn3g, thoat, paktoa8t, pak-kng 脫,剝奪,剝光
denationalization pak-toa8t kok-che8k 剝奪國籍
denaturalize pak-toa8t kong-bi5n-ko5an 剝奪公民
deny one's faith po7e-ka3u 背教,背叛教
deny oneself khek-ki2, khek-kho2+ ka-ti7 克己
Dengue Fever Teng-kek-jia8t, Tng-ko5-jo2 (phonetic) 登革熱
deny oneself and treat others with kindness
khek-ki2 tha7i-ji5n 克己待人
denial hi2o-ji7n, ho2+-ji7n, ki7-choa8t, kho3ng-che3 ka-ti7
deny, negate, negation, negative hi2o-te7ng,
ho2+-te7ng 否定
denial of authority m7 ji7n tong-kio8k e5 ko5an, m7
ji7n tong-kio8k e5 ko5an-ui 否認當局的權,否認
deny, reject, disown, disclaim, or gainsay, a
statement, report denial, rejection, repudiation m7 ji7n, hi2o-ji7n, ho2+-ji7n, ki7-choa8t,
khek-ki2, kho3ng-che3 ka-ti7 不認,否認,拒絕,
denial of one's faith po7e-ka3u 背教,背叛教
denigrate pho3-ho7ai la5ng e5 be5ng-i7 破壞人的名
deodorant ti5-chha3u-che 除臭劑
Denmark Tan-be8k 丹麥
deodorizer ho5ng-hi3u-che 防臭劑
denomination, name, sectarian, unit be5ngchheng, chong-pha3i, tan-u7i 名稱,宗派,單
depart from evil and return to the good khi3si5a kui-che3ng 去邪歸正
depart from precedent phah-pho3a chia5n-le7 打
- religious denomination ka3u-pha3i 教派
denominator of a fraction hun-bo2 分母
depart from the world, die si5-se3 辭世
denotate, ignite i2n-po8k 引爆
depart without saying goodbye put-ko3 ji5 pia8t
denote pia2u-si7, chi2-si7 表示,指示
denounce, publicly accused, report tongchio3ng chi2-chek, kia2m-ki2, thong-ti ho3e-chi2
depart, leave chhut-hoat, li7-khui, li7-pia8t, u5iho2an kui-ki2 出發,離開,離別,違規
departed spirits bo5ng-le5ng 亡靈
dense and luxuriant foliage im-sim, im-som
department he7, kho, po7+, kio8k 系,科,部,局
- dental department ge5-kho, khi2-kho 牙科
department of radiology ho3ng-si7a-kho 放射科
- ear nose throat department hi7*-phi7*-a5ukho 耳鼻喉科
department of reconstruction on provincial
government level kia3n-siat-thia* 建設廳
- education department ka3u-bu7-chhu3 教務處
department of state in USA Kok-bu7-i7* 國務院
- medical department la7i-kho 內科
department of the navy especially of the
United States ha2i-kun-po7+ 海軍部
- surgical department go7a-kho 外科
department store pah-ho3e kong-si, pah-ho3etia3m 百貨公司,百貨店
department head kho-chu2-ji7m 科主任
department of agriculture lo5ng-kho 農科
departmental staff kho3-oa5n, kho-oa5n 課員,科
department of chemistry ho3a-ha8k-he7 化學系
department of chinese kok-bu5n-he7 國文系
departure, to leave li7-khui, chhut-hoat, li7-pia8t
department of commerce in a university
siong-kho 商科
departures waiting hall ha7u-chhia-sek, ha7uchhia to7a-thia* 候車大廳
department of economics keng-che3-he7 經濟
depend on heaven for food, leave everything to fate kho3 thi* chia8h pn7g 靠天吃飯
department of education in a university ka3uio8k-he7 教育系
depend on loans for a living chioh-che3 to7+-ji8t
department of education, county or city
level ka3u-io8k-kho, ka3u-io8k-kho3 教育科,教
depend on one's destiny or fate chia8h-mi7a
department of education, provincial department Ka3u-io8k-thia* 教育廳
depend on one's position, influence, connection kho3-se3 仗勢,倚勢,自負,大意
department of electrical engineering in a
college Tia7n-ki-he7 電機系
depend on, lean on, rely on, make use of a
person's influence kho3 靠,仗
department of engineering, the engineering
department of a huge building project
kang-the5ng-chhu3 工程處
depend on, rely upon i-na7i 依賴
depend upon circumstances, consist in, to
lie between, in the midst of something
ka3i-cha7i 在於
department of English literature Eng-bu5nha8k-he7 英文學系
depend upon, rely upon oa2-kho3 依靠
department of fine arts ge7-su8t-he7 藝術系
dependable, can be trusted, reliable e7-kho3tit, e7 si3n-na7i-tit 靠得住,能信賴
department of forestry som-li5m-he7 森林系
department of gardening oa5n-ge7-he7 園藝系
dependent on family hu5-io2ng ka-cho8k 扶養家
department of gynecology and obstetrics
hu7-sa2n-kho 婦產科
dependents area ko3an-khu 眷區
department of health o7e-seng-so2+ 衛生所
depending on circumstances kho3a*-che5nghe5ng 看情形
department of information che5ng-po3-kio8k 情
department of law hoat-lu8t-he7 法律系
depends on circumstances, decide depending on circumstances kho3a*-kho2an 看情
department of literature bu5n-ha8k-he7 文學系
depict o7e, bia5u-si2a 畫,描寫
department of mathematics so3+-ha8k-he7 數學
deplete io7ng lia2u-lia2u, bo5-khi3, ta-khi3 用盡,空空
department of medicine i-kho 醫科
deplorable kho2-li5n, kho2-lia5n, pi-ai e5 可憐,悲哀
department of labor Lo5-u2i-ho7e 勞委會
department of music im-ga8k-he7 音樂系
deplore not having money for studies oa3ntha3n bo5 chi5* thang tha8k-chheh 怨嘆沒有錢
department of natural sciences and engineering li2-kang-kho 理工科
department of physics and chemistry li2-ho3ahe7 理化系
deplore the corruption of politics oa3n-tha3n
che3ng-ti7 hu2-pa7i 怨嘆政治腐敗
department of public health oe7-seng-chhu3 衛
deplore, complain, sorrow, sad oa3n-tha3n, piai, pi-siong 怨嘆,悲哀,悲傷
depopulate kia2m-sia2u ki-bi5n, kia2m-chi2o ji5nkha2u 減少居民,減少人口
depraved course or way of life, dark, dirty
and lonely path a3m-sa3m-lo7+ 陰森路,傳說
deport, drive out, deportation, extradition
ko2a*-chhut-khi3, khu-tio8k chhut-ke2ng 趕出
deport, removal of criminals i2n-to7+ ho7an-la5ng,
i5-sa3ng ho7an-la5ng 引渡罪犯,移送罪犯
deportation, exile chhiong-kun, ho3ng-tio8k 充
deportment, appearance and bearing hongto7+ 風度
depreciate, reduce the value, reduction,
underestimate the importance of kia2mchi2o ke3-ta8t, kia2m-ke3, kho3a*-khin 減少價值,
depreciation of machinery being used chiatku7 折舊
deportment, conduct, manner, air ki2-chi2
he5ng-to7ng 舉止行動
depreciation of the currency chi5* po8h-khi3 錢
depose, to give testimony bia2n-chit, tha5itha5u 免職
depreciation, decline in value, contempt
lo8h-ke3, chi5* po8h-khi3, chiat-ku7, bia2u-si7 跌價,
deposit, save, savings thu2-thiok 儲蓄
deposit money ti7a*-chi5*, ti7a*-kim, chu5n-kho2an,
ki3a 定錢,定金,存款,存
depress, suppress ji8h-lo8h-khi3, i3-chi3 siau-ti5m
- demand or current deposit, account oa8hki5 chu5n-kho2an 活期存款
depressed bo5 cheng-si5n, put ke2ng-khi3, ke2ngkhi3 ba2i, ut-chut 沒精神,不景氣,鬱悶
- fixed deposit, time deposit te7ng-ki5 chu5nkho2an 定期存款
depressed, withdrawn, remote, conduct of
one with an inferiority complex sim-pu7a2-le5 形容孤伶,羞澀,愕呆狀
deposit money in the bank chi5* ki3a to3a gi5nha5ng 錢存放在銀行
depression in the ground, a sink hole lapkhut 凹窟,窟窿
deposit receipt chu5n-kho2an che3ng-be5ng 存款
deprivation of civic rights thi2-toa8t-kong-koa5n
deposit, credit account, to deposit money
chu5n-kho2an 存款
deprive pak-toa8t, toa8t, chhi2u*-khi3 剝奪,搶奪
deposit, returnable lease money teh-te7-kim
deprive of civil rights pak-toa8t kong-ko5an 剝
deposit, security money ah-kim 押金
deprive of rights, disenfranchised pak-toa8t
ko5an-li7 剝奪權利
depositary, trustee po2-ko2an-ji5n, si7u-thok-ji5n
deprive one of his authority or right toa8tko5an 奪權
deposition, records, statements, evidence
pit-lio8k, kha2u-kiong, kha2u-keng, che3ng-ki3
deprived of life so3ng-sit si3*-mi7a 喪失生命
depth, abyss chhim, chhim-to7+, chhim-khe*,
te7-ga8k 深度,深淵,地獄
depositions of those who are investigated,
a confession kha2u-keng 口供
- in the depth of night sa*-ke* po3a*-me5 三更
depositor, bank customer chu5n-ho7+, chu5nkho2an-chi2a 存戶,存款者
depth charge chhim-chu2i cha3-to5a*, chhimchu2i cha3-ta5n 深水炸彈
depository po2-ko2an-chhu3 保管處
depot, armory kun-ha5i-kho3+ 軍械庫
deprecate, protest against, not agree with
kho3ng-gi7, ho2an-tu3i, bo5 cha3n-se5ng 抗議,反
depth of a river or box, profundity of learning chhim-to7+ 深度
- military depot, group headquarters lia5n
pu2n-po7+, tho5an pu2n-po7+ 連本部,團本部
depurate, to filter li7-chheng 濾清
depot, station chhia-cha7m, chhia-tha5u 車站
depot, warehouse chhng-kho3+ 倉庫
deprave phah-pha2i*, hu2-pa7i, tu7i-lo8h 敗壞,腐敗,
depraved pi-phi2-e5, cheng-si5n hu2-pa7i, si5a, putche3ng, tu7i-lo8h 卑鄙的,精神腐敗,邪,不正,
depute someone to do something chi2-te7ng
la5ng cho3 ta7i-li2 a2-si7 ta7i-pia2u, u2i-thok 指定人
depute, send, appoint, dispatch pha3i-chhut
deputed, order of appointment in written
form pha3i-le7ng 派令
deputy ta7i-li2-ji5n, hu3…, hu3-chhi2u 代理人,副,副
describe bia5u-su8t, bia5u-si2a, he5ng-io5ng, ko2ng 描
deputy commander-in-chief hu3 cho2ng-sule7ng 副總司令
describe the circumstances to the full
chiong che5ng-he5ng sio5ng-se3 ko2ng-chhutla5i 將情形詳細說出來
deputy commissioner of a department in a
provincial government hu3 thia*-ti2u* 副廳
describes an incurable sickness, a hopeless case, work which it is not possible
to finish or get done be7-ho2 不會好,好不
derail, derailment poa8h-lo8h-be2,poa8h-be2 出軌
derange jia2u-lo7an, cheng-si5n chho3-lo7an 擾亂,
description bia5u-si2a, bia5u-su8t, soat-be5ng, ki3-su7,
chio2ng-lu7i 描寫,描述,說明,記事,種類
- to be or become deranged khi2-sia2u 發瘋
- summary description tek-ia3u 摘要
derangement, mental hu7n-lo7an, lo7an-chhauchhau, khi2-sia2u, cheng-si5n chho3-lo7an 混亂,
- to give a general description ko2ng chi8t e5
ta7i-kha3i e5 che5ng-he5ng 說一個大概的情形
derelict ho3ng-khi3, put-tiong, phiau-li5u-bu8t, bo5
la5ng e5 放棄,不忠,漂流物
description, to record, to document ki3-cha3i
deride thi2-chhi3o, khau-se2 譏笑,譏諷
desecrate siat-to8k 褻瀆
deride or denounce another's fault which
the denouncer himself also has, kettle
calls the pot black ku chhi3o pih bo5 bo2e,
pih chhi3o ku ka7u pho5e 龜笑虌無尾,虌笑龜
desert a cause or principle, to defect, to
reform, condescend to an inferior,
apostasy pia3n-chiat 變節
desert from the army to5-peng 逃兵
desert island bu5-ji5n-to2+ 無人島
derivation thiu-chhut, i2n-chhut, la5i-go5an, la5ile8k 抽出,引出,來源,來歷
desert place kho3ng-ia2 e5 so2+-cha7i 曠野的地方
desert, geographocal desert soa-bo5+, kho3ngia2, ia2-go7a, pha-hng 沙漠,曠野,野外,荒蕪
derive tit-tio8h, tu3i… la5i e5 獲得,出自
dermatitis pho5e-hu-ia7m 皮膚炎
desert, leave one's responsibilities, run
away thau-cha2u, pa3ng-sak 逃走,遺棄
dermatological clinic pho5e-hu-kho i-i7* 皮膚科
deserted and desolate hong-bu5 荒蕪
dermatology pho5e-hu-ha8k 皮膚學
deserted and quiet place le2ng-le2ng chhengchheng 冷冷清清
derogatory su2n-ha7i la5ng e5 be5ng-i7, hu2i-po3ng e5
deserter thau-cha2u e5 la5ng, to5-peng 逃跑的人,
derogatory remarks hu2i-po3ng la5ng e5 o7e 誹謗
desertion ta3n-tia7u, po7e-khi3, ho3ng-khi3, to5-bo5ng
derrick, crane, thief khi2-tio7ng-ki, lo3ng iu5-che2*
io7ng e5 thih-thah, chha8t-a2 起重機,鑽油井用
deserve e3ng-kai tio8h…, e3ng-kai e5 應該要…,應
derris, type of medicinal plant lo5+-ti5n 露藤,一
- He deserves our sympathy. I e7 ho7+ la5ng
to5ng-che5ng tit. 他是值得被同情的.
descend into this world, come down ha7ka3ng 下降
- He deserves to be punished. I tio8h hoa8t.
descend to earth from heaven, said of supernatural begins in mythology ha7-ho7an
- I don't deserve it. Si7u-be7-khi2. 受不起!
descend, passed or handed down lo8h, ka3ng,
ka3ng-lo8h, lo8h-la5i, tho5an-lo8h-la5i 落,降,降落,
descendant ki2a*-sun, ki2a*-ki2a* sun-sun, au7-ta7i e5,
hi7o-su5 子孫,子子孫孫,後代的,後嗣
descendants, posterity hi7o-ta7i, hi7o-su5, ho7+-e3
deserve death, curse someone to hell kai-si2
deserved punishment for evil done, evil's
recompense ok-po3 惡報
deserving of recognition for services rendered, but didn't get any, iu2-kong bo5-si2u*
deserving, deserved e3ng-tit 應得
desiccated or dried fish hi5-koa* 魚干
descent, go down hill ka3ng-lo8h, hiat-tho2ng,
lo8h-ki7a 降落,血統,下坡
desiccated or dried meat bah-koa* 肉干
desiccative, preservative, something that
thoroughly dries something out kan-so3che 乾燥劑
desire or wish for a person or thing ti8h*, ti8h
desire to make money or profit, to plan to
make money to5+-li7 圖利
desiccator, a drying agent or machine kanso3-khi3 乾燥器
desires, ambitions io8k-bo7ng 慾望
design one's own house siat-ke3 ka-ti7 e5 chhu3
desist the5ng-chi2 go5an-la5i e5 si7u*-hoat, kho3ngche3 停止,控制
design, drawing, pattern to5+, to5+-iu7*, to5+-a3n 圖,
desk tha8k-chheh-toh-a2, si2a-ji7-toh 書桌
design, intention, plan, will i3-chi3, ke3-o7e, ke3-e8k
- information desk ho8k-bu7-ta5i, tho5an-ta8t-sek,
su5n-bu7n-chhu3 服務台,傳達室,詢問處
desktop computer toh-te2ng-he5ng tia7n-na2u,
toh-bi7n tia7n-na2u 桌上型電腦,桌面電腦
design, layout, arrangement siat-ke3, che3-to5+
desolate mountain and field hong-san ia2-go7a
design, scheme, intention sim-su8t 心術
designate, appoint to some position of responsibility chi2, chi2-chhut, chi2-te7ng, chi2pha3i, ji7m-be7ng 指出,指定,指派,任命
desolate, lonely chhi-lia5ng 悽涼
desolate, unoccupied, barren, abandoned,
alone, destruction bo5 la5ng to3a e5, phahng, hong-ho3e, ko+-to8k, hu2i-bia8t 無人住的,
designated as an unlucky or unfortunate
day for doing something hiong-ji8t 兇日,
desolation, barren, abandoned pha-hng,
hong-ho3e, hi-bi5, hu2i-bia8t 荒蕪,荒廢,孤寂,
designation, mark or number for identification or classification ho7 號
designation, name, title ji7m-be7ng, chi2-te7ng,
be5ng-chheng, chheng-ho+ 任命,指定,名稱,
designer siat-ke3-chi2a 設計者
- spiritual desolation cheng-si5n-sio7ng chin
hi-bi5 精神上很孤寂
despair sit-bo7ng, choa8t-bo7ng, si2-sim 失望,絕望,
desirable e7 sia3u-si7u*-tit, sia3u-si7u* lia2u u7 ke3-ta8t,
kah-i3 e5 值得去想的,合意的
- filled with despair bo2an-ho5ai choa8t-bo7ng
desire si7u*, a3i, hi-ba7ng, hi-bo7ng, io8k-bo7ng, simi3, go7an-bo7ng 想,愛,希望,欲望,心意,願望
despair of salvation tu3i tit-ki3u sit-bo7ng 對得救
- ardent desire khat-bo7ng 渴望
desperate choa8t-bo7ng e5, pi3a*-mi7a e5 絕望的,拼
- to have bad desires khi2 si5a-sim, si7u* cho3
hui-le2 e5 su7, si7u*-boeh cho3 pha2i* ta7i-chi3, be7ki3*-che3ng-tit e5 ta7i-chi3 起邪念
desperate battle, have a tough game kho2+chia3n 苦戰
- to reject all desire khi3-choa8t it-chhe3 io8kbo7ng 棄絕一切慾望
desperate efforts pi3a*-mi7a lo5-le8k 拼命努力
desperate war kek-lia8t e5 chia3n-cheng 激烈的
desire for fame, ambition be5ng-i7-sim 名譽心
desire for glory and wealth, vanity hi-e5ngsim 虛榮心
desperation, disappointment, difficult sitbo7ng, choa8t-bo7ng, pi3a*-mi7a 失望,絕望,拼
desire greedily, to plot or intrigue for gain
tham-to5+ 貪圖
desire more than one's rightful share, covet,
be greedy for tham 貪
desire or covet other's things a3i ti8h* la5ng e5
mi8h 想要別人的東西
despicable, degrading, dirty ha7-chi7an, ha7-li5u,
ha7-choh 下賤,下流
despicably mean and miserly in dealings,
holding to the last farthing sia2u-phi2-ia2n,
sia2u-phi2-gia2n 貪小利,小氣
desire or long for usually more than one's
rightful share tham-ki5u 貪求
despise oneself, underestimate oneself
chu7-pi 自卑
desire or long for women, to hanker after or
dote on improper things, unwilling to
part with something one loves thamlo5an 貪戀
despise others kho3a*-khin la5ng 看不起人
despise people kho3a* la5ng m7-chi7u*-ba8k 看不
despise the poor and flatter the rich khi-pi5n
tio7ng-hu3 欺貧重富
destitution pi5n-khu3n, khoat-hoa8t, khia3mkhoeh 貧困,缺乏
despise, distain, contemptuous of people
bo5-ka3u-kho3a* 不夠看,輕蔑人
destroy sio-tia7u, hu2i-bia8t, siau-bia8t, pho3-ha7i,
thiah-tia7u 毀,燒掉,毀滅,破壞,拆掉
despise, look down on kho3a*-m7-chi7u*-ba8k 看
destroy by bombing or explosion cha3-ha7i 炸
despise, look down upon kho3a*-bo5-ba8k-te7 看
destroy a corpse so as to evade inquiry
bia8t-si 滅屍
despise, slight kho3a*-ko3e-ko3e 看不順眼
destroy oneself, kill oneself chu7-sat 自殺
despise, underestimate, neglect kho3a*-khin,
kheng-si7 看輕,看不起,瞧不起,輕視
destroy or injure cruelly cha5n-ha7i 殘害
destroy the evidence ian-bia8t che3ng-ki3 湮滅證
despite put-ko2an, sui-jia5n, khin-si7, oa3n-hi7n,
oa3n-chheh 不管,雖然,輕視,怨恨
destroy the reputation of someone pho3-ha7i
la5ng e5 mi5a-sia* 破壞人家的名聲
despite all the rhetoric, after much talking
chhit-ko2ng-peh-ko2ng 七講八講
destroy, destruction hok-bia8t 覆滅
despoil kiap, toa8t, chhi2u* 劫,奪,搶
destroy, disappeared ian-bia8t 湮滅
despoil a treasure kiap po2-bu8t, kiap cha5i-hu3
destroyer, naval ship khu-tio8k-la7m, pho3-ha7ichi2a 驅逐艦,破壞者
despondent sit-chi3 失志
destruction pho3-ha7i, bia8t-bo5ng 破壞,滅亡
despot po8k-kun, pa3-o5ng, choan-che3 kok-o5ng
- means of destruction pho3-ha7i e5 chhi2u-to7a*
despotic choan-che3 e5, to8k-chha5i e5 專制的,獨
destructive bia8t-bo5ng e5, pho3-ha7i e5 滅亡的,破
despotic and avaricious, crabby and badtempered a3-pa3 鴨霸,霸道,專橫
destructive insects, injurious insects,
worms, said of a hurtful person ha7itha5ng 害蟲
despotism, tyranny choan-che3 chu2-gi7, choanche3, choan-che3 che3ng-ti7, to8k-chha5i, po8kche3ng 專制主義,專制,專制政治,獨裁,暴
destructive power pho3-ha7i-le8k 破壞力
desultory reading, read at random lo7an-tha8k
desserts ti*-tia2m 甜點
detach hun-li7, hun-khui, pha3i 分離,分開,派
destination bo8k-tek-te7, bo8k-phiau 目的地,目標
detached, to transcend worldliness chhiauthoat 超脫
- to arrive at a destination ka3u u7i 到達目的
detachment hun-li7, thoat-li7, chhiau-jia5n, bo5
phian-kia3n 分離,脫離,超然
destine mi7a-u7n chu3-te7ng, mi7a-u7n chu3-ti7a*, chi2te7ng 命運註定,指定
detachment from the world thoat-li7 se3-sio8k e5
su7 脫離世俗的事
destined, predestined to good or bad,
doomed chu3-te7ng, chu3-ti7a* 註定
detail sio5ng-se3 詳細
destinies arranged in a previous existence
chia5n-se3 e5 ia5n, che5ng-si3 e5 ia5n 前世之緣,前
- detailed narration sio5ng-se3 ko2ng, sio5ng-se3 e5
su7-su8t-bu5n 詳細敘述,詳細的敘述文
- in detail sio5ng-se3 e5 詳細的
destiny mi7a-u7n, u7n-mi7a 命運
- It's fixed by destiny. Mi7a chu3-te7ng a2n-ni.
Mi7a chu3-ti7a* a2n-ni. 命註定如此.
- The details are all written. Sio5ng-se3 lo2ng
si2a-lo8h-la5i. 細節都寫下來.
detailed list of items which serves as a receipt, statement, statement of account
chheng-toa* 清單
destitute, poor, lacking bo5, sa3n-chhiah e5,
khi3am-khoeh, khoat-hoa8t 無,缺乏的
- the destitute pi5n-bi5n 貧民
detailed rules, regulations, bylaws se3-chek
- destitute of food bo5 pn7g ho2 chia8h 沒飯吃
destitute, miserable, of ruined character,
without any hope of getting into a better way of life lia5n-ho5e 倒霉運,悽慘落魄
details, particulars sio5ng-se3 詳細
detain kha3u-li5u 扣留
detain a criminal for questioning khu-li5u
ho7an-la5ng la5i cha-mn7g 拘留犯人來查問
detest, disgust, resentment, hate chheh,
oa3n-hi7n, na2u-hi7n 厭惡,怨恨,惱恨
detain by force tau-li5u, la5u, ia5n-chhi5an, khu-li5u
detest one's sins na2u-hi7n cho7e-ko3 惱恨罪過
detest, to disdain kho3a* be7 ko3an, kho3a* be7
ko3an-si3 看不慣
detain him la5u i to3a le3 留他住下
detain or ask one to stay on as a guest, to
lodge or receive strangers la5u la5ng-kheh
detestable kho2-hu7n, kho2-hi7n e5, kho2-o3+ 可恨的,
detain a person who doesn't pay his bill at
a hotel or restaurant tia3u-ka5u 無錢付帳而
detonate ho7+… po8k-hoat, po8k-cha3 使…爆發,
detect tha3m-thia*, hoat-kak, hoat-kia3n 探聽,發
detour li5m-si5 e5 lo7+ 便道
dethrone thui-hoan, ka7 pe2ng-ko3e 推翻
detonating fuse lu5i-kn2g 雷管,導火心
- to make a detour oat tu3i pa8t tia5u lo7+ 繞到別
detectable traces of blood in sputum,
bloodshot hoeh-si 血絲
detract, reduction kia2m, su2n-ha7i 減,損害
detected in the act tong-ti5u* ho7+ la5ng hoatkia3n-tio8h 當場被發現
detraction hu2i-po3ng, ko2ng la5ng e5 tn5g-te2-khao7e, ko2ng la5ng e5 pha2i*-o7e 誹謗,說人長短,
detection cheng-chhek 偵測
detective fictions or mysteries, a whodunit
chhui-li2 sia2u-soat 推理小說
detriment su2n-ha7i, siong-ha7i 損害,傷害
detrimental, damaging tu3i… u7 ha7i, e7 siong
sin-the2 有害的,傷害的
detective for the prosecution he5ng-su7 刑事
detective novels cheng-tha3m sia2u-soat 偵探小
detrimental, impede, hinder u7-ga7i 有礙
Detroit Te2-te8k-lu8t 底特律
detective, private or personal detective
cheng-tha3m 偵探
detumescence, subsidence of swelling the3ho5ng 消腫
detention khu-li5u, koai*, koai*-o8h 拘留,監禁,
Deuteronomy Sin-be7ng-ki3 申命記
detention house for suspects pending
court decision khu-li5u-so2+ 拘留所
devaluate, especially referring to currency
devaluation pia2n-ti8t 貶值
deteriorate ho7+ ok-ho3a, ho7+ mi8h-ki7a* pia3n-chit,
pia3n pha2i*-khi3 使惡化,使東西變質,變壞
devastate phu2n, pho3-ha7i 蹂躪,破壞
deteriorating conditions pa7i-se3 敗勢
devastation hong-ho3e 荒廢
determinate quantity, a measure, capacity,
to measure, to deliberate, to estimate
lio7ng, ni5u, ni7u 量
develop, progress hoat-tia2n, hoat-ta8t, chi3ntia2n 發展,發達,進展
devastated by fire ho2e sio-khi3 被火燒掉
- Industries have developed very much.
Kang-gia8p chin hoat-ta8t. 工業很發達.
determination koat-te7ng, koat-sim 決定,決心
- fixed determination kian-koat 堅決
determine koat-te7ng, li8p-chi3, koat-sim, ti7a*-tio8h,
ko2+-ke3 決定,立志,決心,決定,估價
determine by divine decree or fate, destined, predestined chu3-ti7a* 註定
develop a negative film se2 goa5n-pa2n e5, se2
nn2g-phi3* 洗原版的,洗軟片
develop a spirit of philanthropy hoat-hui
phok-a3i e5 cheng-si5n 發揮博愛的精神
develop and change, evolve, evolution ia2nho3a 演化
determine a date or a number of days ha7n-ji8t
develop one's business hoat-tia2n su7-gia8p 發
determine how much money ko2+-ke3 lo7a-che7
chi5* 估價多少錢
develop or exploit natural resources khaihoat chu-go5an 開發資源
determine the quality or worth of, appraise,
to rate, criticize phi2n-phe5ng 品評
develop outward, branch out hio3ng-go7a
hoat-tia2n 向外發展
determined ko2ng-u7-ti7a*, kian-koat, kian-te7ng,
koat-sim 說好,堅決,堅定,決心
develop, body development, body building
hoat-io8k 發育
determined by the public kong-te7ng 公定
developed countries i2 khai-hoat kok-ka 已開
devote one's time to e7ng si5-kan… 花時間…
devote oneself to studies cho5an-sim gia2n-ki3u
development, passing through hoat-tia2n,
keng-ko3e 發展,經過
devote oneself to the national cause po3-kok
- housing development chu7-the8h 住宅
development of an event su7-ki7a* e5 keng-ko3e
devote, devote oneself to hia3n, hia3n sin,
ho7ng-hia3n, choan-sim cho3… 獻,獻身,奉獻,
development of farmland lo5ng-te7 khai-hoat
devoted se5ng-sim, tiong-si8t, jia8t-sim 誠心,忠實,
development of industry, progress of mankind, growth of a city, advancement of
science, knowledge, develop, grow into
hoat-ta8t 發達
devoted to duty chi7n-tiong 盡忠
devoted to one's parents iu2-ha3u, u7-ha3u 孝順
devoted to one's task, jia8t-sim cho3 ta7i-chi3 熱
development, progress, develop, to progress chi3n-tia2n 進展
devoted to religion tu3i chong-ka3u chin jia8tsim 他對宗教很熱心,
deviate from one's purpose bo5 chia3u i7-te7ng e5
bo8k-phiau ki5a* 未按照預定的目標走
devotedly, wholeheartedly, with all one's
heart choan-sim, cho5an-sim 專心,全心
deviate, son born of a concubine, a bad
mannered kid gia8t-chu2 孽子
devotion khi5an-ke3ng, kiong-ke3ng, hia3n-sin,
se5ng-sim 虔敬,恭敬,獻身,誠心
deviate, take the wrong road ki5a* chho3-lo7+, lo7+
ki5a* m7-tio8h, li7-khui 走錯路,離開
deviation phian-chha 偏差
devotion to duty jia8t-se5ng ho8k-bu7, khi5an-se5ng
ho8k-bu7 熱忱服務,虔誠服務
device, machine, tool ke3-ti3, ke3-bo5+, chhi2u-to7a*,
ke-khi3, ke-si 計策,計謀,手段,機器,器具
devotion to Our Lady kiong-ke3ng Se3ng-bo2
(Catholic) 恭敬聖母
devil mo5+-ku2i, si5a-mo5+ 魔鬼,邪魔
devotion to the Sacred Heart kiong-ke3ng
Se3ng-sim (Catholic) 恭敬聖心
- to be possessed by the devil tio8h-iau, ku2i
hu7 sin 中邪,鬼附身
devotion, conversion, become a believer
kui-i 歸依
- to drive out the devil ko2a* mo5+-ku2i 趕走魔
devotion, piety, pious ke3ng-khia5n 敬虔
- to defeat the wiles of the devil ia5*-ko3e
mo5+-ku2i e5 khu3i-la8t 贏過魔鬼的力量
devotion, spiritual nurture le5ng-siu (Protestant) 靈修
- to worship the devil pa3i mo5+-ku2i 拜魔鬼
devils, fiends hiong-si5n ok-soah 凶神惡煞
devotional retreat le5ng-siu-ho7e (Protestant) 靈
devious bo5 che3ng-ti8t, oai*-ko, oan-oan-oat-oat,
phian-phiah e5 不正直的,迂迴的,偏僻的
devour thun-chia8h, thun, pi3a*-si3 chia8h, …be7
soah 吞吃,吞,拼命吃,貪婪地
devise, plan siat-hoat, ke3-o7e, hoat-be5ng 設法,
devout khi5an-sim, jia8t-sim, se5ng-sim 虔心,熱心,
devise means, think up a scheme si7u* hoatto7+, si7u* pa7n-hoat 想法子,想辦法
- You should have a devout heart. Li2 tio8h u7
khi5an-sim. 你得要有虔誠的心.
devoid khia3m-khoeh, khang-e5 缺乏的,空的
devout, reverent khia5n-se5ng 虔誠
devoid of content, hollow, nothing in mind
pha3*-sim 空心
devout, reverently khia5n-ke3ng, khia5n-sim 虔敬,
devoid of reason bo5 li2-se3ng 沒有理性
devoutly khi5an-ke3ng, jia8t-se5ng, jia8t-sim 虔敬,
devoid of senses bo5ng-bo5ng bia2u-bia2u 渺渺
dew lo7+, lo3+, lo7+-chu2i, lo3+-chu2i, kam-lo7+ 露,露水,
devote much time and energy to a task he7
kang-hu 下工夫
- wet with dew lo7+-chu2i phah sip 露水沾濕
devote one's life to ha7u-be7ng 效命
dexterity li2u-lia8h 敏捷
devote one's strength ti3-le8k, chi7n-le8k 致力,盡
dextrose phu5-to5-thn5g, phu5-tho5-thn5g 葡萄糖
diabetes thn5g-ji7o-pe7*, thn5g-ji7o-pi7* 糖尿病
diabolic cha5n-khok, hiong-ok 殘酷,凶惡
diarrhea and vomiting la3u-tho3+ 瀉吐
diaconate chip-su7-chit, te7 la8k phi2n e5 te7-u7i 執事
diarrhea medicine chi2-si3a-io8h 止瀉藥
diary ji8t-ki3, ji8t-ki3-pho7+ 日記,日記簿
diadem o5ng-koan 王冠
- to keep a diary si2a ji8t-ki3 寫日記
diagnose and treat chi2n-lia5u 診療
diatribe me7 kah chin li7-ha7i, chhoh-ka3n-kia7u 惡
diagnose a case, diagnosis chi2n-to3an 診斷
diagnosis chi2n-to3an, chi2n-chhat 診斷,診療
diagnosis room chi2n-chhat-sek 診療室
dice, cut into little pieces chhiat cho3 chi8t-te3
chi8t-te3 切成小塊
diagonal chho8ah, chhi5a, tu3i-kak-so3a* 斜,對角
dice, teetotum with six sides ta5u-a2, ta5u-ka2u,
lia2n-po2, lia2n-ta5u-a2 骰子
diagonal lattice work tha2n-chhoa8h 歪斜
Dickens Te8k-keng-su 狄更斯
diagonal line tu3i-kak-so3a* 對角線
dictate kha2u-si7u, e7ng chhu3i ko2ng ki3o la5ng ki3khi2-la5i, chi2-hui 口授,指揮
diagonal, slanting, not at right angles
chhoa8h-kak 斜角
dictation be8k-si2a, thia*-si2a, be7ng-le7ng 默寫,聽
diagonally opposite chho8ah-tu3i-bi7n 斜對面
dictator to8k-chha5i-ji5n, to8k-chha5i-chi2a, be7ngle7ng-chi2a 獨裁者,命令者
diagram to5+, pi2o 圖,表
- the eight diagrams pat-ko3a 八卦
dictatorial nation, dictatorship, totalitarian
nation ke8k-ko5an kok-ka 極權國家
diagrams and pictures for teaching purposes, illustrations, illustrate by a diagram to5+-ka2i 圖解
dictatorial state to8k-chha5i-kok-ka 獨裁國家
dictatorial, arbitrary, dictatorship, autocracy to8k-chha5i 獨裁
dial phah tia7n-o7e, tia7n-o7e ji7-po5a*, pi2o-a2-bi7n 打
dictatorship, authoritarian policies to8k-chha5i
che3ng-chhek 獨裁政策
dial telephone chu7-to7ng tia7n-o7e 自動電話
dialect hong-gia5n, tho2+-o7e 方言,土話
dictatorship, totalitarianism ke8k-ko5an chu2-gi7
dialect, peculiar pronunciation, a brogue,
accent khiu*, khiu*-kha2u 土音,腔調
dialectics pia7n-che3ng-hoat 辯證法
diction, tone of one's speech gi2-khi3, so2an ji7
kah io7ng ji7 e5 hoat-to7+ 語氣,措辭
dialer poah-ho7-khi3 撥號器
diction, speech bu5n-su5 文辭
dialogue, conversation ho7e-o7e, tu3i-o7e, bu7ntap 會話,對話,問答
dictionary, lexicon ji7-tia2n 字典
- look up a word in the dictionary pe2ng ji7tia2n 翻字典
Dial-up Networking Poah-chiap chiu7* ba7ng-lo7+
dialysis se2-si7n, se2 io-chi2 洗腎
dictionary, book of phrases su5-tia2n 辭典,詞
diameter of the mouth of things, caliber of
guns kha2u-ke3ng 口徑
did it deliberately si7 ko3+-i3 cho3 e5 是故意做的
diameter, straight path ti8t-ke3ng, ti8t-keng 直徑
did not manage to see it kho33a*-bo5-tio8h 沒有
diamond kim-kong-chio8h, so7an-chio8h 金剛石,
did not obtain the desired result, missed
the mark bo5 tio8h 沒中
Diana Te3-an-na2 戴安娜
did not see clearly kho3a* bo5 be5ng, kho3a* bo5
chin, kho3a* bo5 chheng-chho2 看不清,看不
diaper ji7o-chu7-a2 尿布
diaphragm, abdominal diaphragm ho5ai*-kekmo8h 橫隔膜
did not think or expect bo5 si7u* ka3u 沒想到
did something too much cho3-lia2u siu* ko3ehu7n 做得太過份
diaphragm, aperture kng-kho5an 光圈
diaphragm, estrangement, gap keh-mo8+h,
keh-bo8h, chu2-kiong-bo7 隔膜,子宮帽
didactic ka3u-hu3n e5, ka3 la5ng e5, ka3u-ho3e e5 教訓
diaphragmatitis, inflamation of the diaphragm keh-mo8+h-ia7m 隔膜炎
didactics ka3u-si7u-hoat, ka3u-si7u-ha8k 教授法,教
diarrhea la3u-sa2i, ho8k-si3a, ha7-li7 腹瀉,下痢
- to have diarrhea la3u-sa2i 腹瀉
didn't communicate by letter, didn't correspond bo5-ho5e-bo5-phoe 沒來信
die, expire, to breathe one's last, to give up
the ghost chit-mi7a o+-ho+ 一命嗚呼
didn't make a decision bo5-chip-i3 沒有下定決
die, fatal, resulting in somebody's death
chhut-ji5n-be7ng 出人命
didn't make a verbal bargain about it bo5 kap
i ho+ 沒跟他言明
die, kick the bucket ki5a*-khi3 翹辮子,死了
die, leave the world khi3-se3, ko3e-sin, ko3e-o2ng
didn't say anything lo2ng bo5 khui-chhu3i 都沒
died khia3u-ta2i* 死掉
die (as the result of one's own action),
bring death upon oneself sa3ng-si2 送死
died at the age of… hia2ng-ni5 享年
died of disease, deceased patients pe7*-ko3+
die (slang) khi3 So+-chiu be7 ah-nn7g (slang) 去
dieresis, diuretic li7-su2i, li7-ji7o 利水,利尿
die at one's job, die while performing one's
work su5n-chit 殉職
diesel engine or motor chha5-iu5 e5 hoat-to7ng-ki
die by poisoning ho7+ la5ng tha7u-si2, tio3ng-to8k si2khi3 被人毒死,中毒死亡
diesel express chha5-iu5 kho3ai-chhia 柴油快車
diesel oil chha5-iu5 柴油
die for a good cause, die a martyr's death
su5n-to7 殉道
diesel train chha5-iu5-chhia 柴油車
diet of food and drink i2m-si8t, chiat-si8t, kia2mpu5i 飲食,節食,減肥
die for love su5n-che5ng 殉情
die for one's country or duty, sacrifice
one's life koan-khu 捐軀
- to determine a diet chi2-te7ng i2m-si8t 指定飲食
- vegetable diet chia8h-chha3i, so3+-si8t 吃素,素
die for others the3-la5ng-si2 替人死
die from disease pe7*-si2 病死
diet formula si8t-pho2+ 食譜
die from overwork ko3e-lo5-si2 過勞死
diet supplement po2+-io8h 補藥
die from the cold, freeze to death ko5a*-si2 凍
diet therapy si8t-bu8t lia5u-hoat 食物療法
die in battle chia3n-si2 戰死
diet, national assembly kok-ho7e 國會
die in battle, killed in action ti7n-bo5ng 陣亡
dietary cure e5ng-io2ng-lia5u-hoat 營養療法
die in defense of one's chastity chi7n-chiat 盡
dietetics e5ng-io2ng-ha8k 營養學
die in old age, demise, come to an end si7uchiong che3ng-chhi2m (used in obituary) 壽
differ chha, bo5 ka7ng-kho2an, be7 ha8h 差,不一樣,
die of a fall, to drop dead, slip and get killed
poa8h-si2 跌死,摔死
differ in age by twelve years chha chi8t-ki2-ni5,
chha chi8t-khi2-ni5 差一紀年,十二年為一紀
dietitian, dietician e5ng-io2ng-su 營養師
differ from, difference cheng-chha 差,差別
die of hunger go7-si2 餓死
differ in opinion i3-kia3n be7 ha8h 意見不合
die of scorching heat pha8k-si2 晒死
differ a little chha-hun-hun-a2 差一點點
die quickly chhe3-mi7a 脆命,容易死亡
differ a lot chha che7 差很多
die suddenly hut-jia5n-kan si2-khi3 忽然間去世
differ, lose shape from a heavy blow cha2uchoa8h 走樣
die without a place for burial, a phrase usually used as a warning to somebody su2
bu5 cho3ng-sin chi te7 死無葬身之地
difference cheng-chha, hun-pia8t 差異,分別
- a great difference chha chin che7 差很多
die young ia2u-si7u 夭壽
- not much difference chha-put-to 差不多
die young, short life te2-ho3e-si7u 短壽
die, Damn! si2-a3 (a curse) 死了,完了
die, dead chha3ng-chha2u 死去
- There isn't much difference. Bo5 si2a*-mih
cheng-chha. 沒什麼差別.
die, death si2-bo5ng 死亡
difference between two amounts or figures
chha-gia8h 差額
die, expire, to breath one's last ko3e-sin, tn7gkhu3i, si2-khi3 去世,逝世,斷氣,死去
difference, distinction, distinguish khu-pia8t
difference, distinction, distinguish, to part
from a person, separately, to separate
hun-pia8t 分別
difficult, when things are burdensome, a
barrier, an obstacle la5n-koan 難關
difficulties, hardship, distress, trouble, be
difficult khu3n-la5n, cho2+-ga7i 困難,阻礙
different bo5 sia5ng, bo5 ka7ng, koh-iu7*, chio2ngchio2ng 不同,異樣,種種
- full of difficulties khu3n-la5n tio5ng-tio5ng 困難
- absolutely different chha chin hn7g, chha
chin che7, oa5n-cho5an bo5 ka7ng-kho2an 差很
- to meet many difficulties tu2-tio8h chin che7
khu3n-la5n 遇到很多困難
- There are different prices. Ke3-chi5* bo5
ka7ng-kho2an. 價錢不一樣.
- to overcome difficulties khek-ho8k khu3nla5n, khek-ho8k cho2+-ga7i 克服困難,克服阻礙
different as heaven from earth thi* chha le2 te7
difficulty, a difficult problem gi5-la5n cha8pche3ng 疑難雜症
different custom, bad custom i7-sio8k 異俗
diffidence, no self-confidence bo5 chu7-si3n,
kiu-kiu, lun-lun 沒自信,畏縮
different kinds pa8t ha7ng 別種
different kinds of meat bah-lu7i 肉類
diffuse, communication, divergence, popular, scattered tho5an-po3+, pho2+-ki8p, si3-sa3n e5
different kinds of vegetables chha3i-lu7i 菜類
different person, another person, others
pa8t-la5ng 別人
diffusion tho5an-po3+, tho3a* chhut-khi3 傳播,蔓延
differential calculus bi5-hun-ha8k 微積分學
dig a hole iah-khang 挖洞
differential tariff chha-pia8t so3e-lu8t 差別稅率
dig and loosen the earth tho5+ ku8t ho7+ sang 土
differential, mathematics chha-pia8t e5, bi5-hun
e5 差別的,微分的
dig a grave ku8t-bo7ng 掘墓
differentiate khu-pia8t, chha-pia8t, hun-ho3a 區別,
dig in the earth ku8t-tho5+ 掘土
differentiate between good and evil hun ho2pha2i* 分好歹
dig a pit ku8t-khang 掘洞
dig out, gouge out li2u chhut-la5i 挖出來
dig sweet potatoes o2+ han-chi5, oe2 han-chi5 挖
differs only by a little bit, approximately,
almost, nearly chha-put-to 差不多
dig tool, instrument tho5+-pe5 土耙,掘土的工具
difficult oh, la5n, khu3n-la5n 難,困難
dig up earth li2u-tho5+ 挖土
difficult problem la5n-te5 難題
dig a well lo3ng thian-che2* 掘井
difficult to advance even an inch chhu3n-po7+
la5n-he5ng 寸步難行
dig with a hoe e7ng ti5-tha5u ku8t 用鋤頭挖
difficult to do or make ba2i-cho3, pha2i*-cho3, oh
cho3, oh-tit cho3, kan-kho2+ cho3 難做
dig, mine for gold ku8t kim-a2 掘金子
dig, excavate, scoop out ku8t, oe2, iah 掘,挖
digest food, digestion siau-ho3a 消化
difficult to learn oh-o8h 難學
- hard to digest oh siau-ho3a, khah be7 siauho3a 難消化
difficult to manage, operate la5n-pa7n 難辦
difficult to obtain la5n-tit 難得
digest, understand, to absorb mentally lia2uka2i 了解
difficult to please everybody ho2-la5ng oh cho3
digestive siau-ho3a e5 消化的
difficult to separate or distinguish la5n-hun
la5n-ka2i 難分難解
digestive ailment, disease of stomach and
bowels u7i-tn5g-pe7* 胃腸病
difficult to swallow unpleasant food thun be7
lo8h-a5u 吞不下喉,嚥不下
digestive apparatus or system siau-ho3a he7tho2ng 消化系統
difficult to teach m7 chi7u*-ka3 不上教,很不受教
digestive fluids siau-ho3a-e8k 消化液
difficult to understand oh lia2u-ka2i 難了解
digestive function siau-ho3a chok-io7ng 消化作
difficult to walk upon, not safe for traveling
pha2i*-ki5a* 難行
digestive organs siau-ho3a-khi3-koan 消化器官
difficult, hard work, hard to handle nge7-ta2u
digestive, a medicinal aid to digestion kia7nu7i-sa2n 健胃散
digging ku8t-tho5+, khai-chha2i, kho3ng-khu 掘土,
dilemma chi3n-the3 lio2ng-la5n 進退兩難
- to be in a dilemma chi3n bo5 lo7+ the3 bo5 po7+ 進
digit so3+-ji7 數字
- to contain five digits go7+ u7i e5 so3+-ji7 五位數
diligence, industrious, hardworking khi5nbia2n 勤勉
digital so3+-u7i 數位
diligent ji7n-chin, kut-la8t, khi5n-bia2n, phah-pi3a*
digital learning so3+-u7i ha8k-si8p 數位學習
digital recording pen so3+-u7i lo8k-im-pit 數位錄
- Be diligent! Khah phah-pi3a* le3. 努力一點兒!
diligent and conscientious, alert, attentive
me2-chhe2* 勤快,警覺的
digital still camera so3+-u7i-sio3ng-ki 數位相機
digital television so3+-u7i tia7n-si7 數位電視
diligent and economical khi5n-khia7m 勤儉
digital video recorder so3+-u7i liap-i2a*-ki 數位攝
diligent at duty or work ji7n-lo7+ 知本分
diligent at work and regular in behavior,
discerning, discreet bat-si7u* 會辨別是非,
digital watch tia7n-chu2-pi2o, so3+-ji7-pi2o 電子錶,數
digital, digit so3+-u7i 數位
diligent in one's duty, painstaking ji7n-chin
digital, numbers, fingers so3+-ji7 e5, chn2g-tha5u-a2
e5 數字的,指頭的
diligently kut-la8t 勤勉
dignified ui-gia5m, u7 te7-u7i 威嚴,有地位
dilute chhiong-ta7m, tha3u ho7+ po8h, tha3u khah
po8h 沖淡,稀釋
dignified air, impressive style or manner
khi3-pha3i 氣派
dilute wine with water chi2u e7ng chu2i tha3u ho7+
po8h 酒用水稀釋
dignified manner toan-toan che3ng-che3ng,
toan-chi3a* 端端正正
diluted loquat extract used as a medicine
pi5-pe5-lo7+, gi5-pe5-lo7+ 枇杷露
dignified, imposing si5n-khi3 神氣
dignified, solemn, stately chong-gia5m 莊嚴
dim light si2o-kho2a kng-kng 一點微光
dignitary ko-ku3i e5 la5ng, to7a-koa* 高貴的人,大
dim vision, blurred bu7 矇矓的,視力弱的
dim, gloomy, obscure, in the dark a3m, bu7bu7 暗,朦朧
dignity ui-gia5m, chun-gia5m, ui-hong, te7-u7i chin
ko5an 威嚴,尊嚴,威風,地位很高
dime, one dime chi8t kak 一角
- exalted dignity ko-sio2ng e5 te7-u7i 高尚的地位
dime, horn of an animal, a corner, an angle,
to butt kak 角
- to stand upon one's dignity ui-hong li2mli2m 威風凜凜
dimension to7a-se3, tn5g-te2 大小,長短
dignity and honor, glory chun-e5ng 尊榮
- three dimensional film li8p-the2 tia7n-ia2*, santi tia7n-ia2* (phonetic) 立體電影,3D 電影
dignity of God Thian-chu2 e5 chun-gia5m 天主的
- to measure the dimension ni5u chhu3nchhioh 量尺寸
dignity of the person ji5n-se3ng chun-gia5m 人性
diminish kia2m-ti5, kia2m-chi2o, kia2m 減除,減少,
digress li7 te5, thoat-so3a* 離題,脫線
digression, derivative, derivation li7 te5, se*chhut ki-chiat 離題,衍生枝節
digression, gossip e5ng-a2-oe7 閒話
diminish control, lessen discipline, use a
more indulgent way, become more lax,
less vigorous, relax pa3ng-sang 放鬆
dike, embankment ho7+-ho7a*, chio8h-phoh-ho7a*
diminish or consume away by degrees siausi8h 消蝕
- to raise a dike cho7 ho7+-ho7a* 築堤防
dilapidated pha2i*-khi3 壞了
diminution kia2m-sia2u, kia2m-chi2o, siok-sia2u,
pia3n kah se3 減少,縮小,變小
dilate kho3ng-tiong, pho3ng-khi2-la5i, sio5ng-se3
ko2ng 擴張,膨脹起來,詳述
diminutive, small se3-e5 e5, si2o-he5ng-e5, pia2u-si7
se3-e5 e5 小的,小型的,表示小的
diminutive, very small, minute, very low
voice or sound bi5-sia2u 微小
dilated stomach u7i kho3ng-tiong 胃擴張
dilation and curettage, scraping the uterus
khau chu2-kiong 刮子宮
dimple chi2u-khut-a2 酒渦
din, noisy chhoh-la5ng-hi7*, sia* chin chha2 聒噪,
diplomacy, tact go7a-kau, chhi2u-oa2n 外交,手
dine chia8h-pn7g 吃飯
diplomat go7a-kau-koa* 外交官
dining car ho2e-chhia e5 chhan-chhia 餐車
diplomatic go7a-kau e5, u7 chhi2u-oa2n e5 外交的,
dining room chia8h-pn7g-keng, chia8h-pn7g-thia*,
pn7g-thia* 飯廳
diplomatic circles go7a-kau-ka3i 外交界
dining hall, restaurant, mess hall chhanthia* 餐廳
diplomatic corps go7a-kau-tho5an 外交團
dining party ia3n-ho7e 宴會
diplomatic minister accredited to a foreign
country kong-sa3i 公使
dining room table chia8h-pn7g toh-a2 吃飯桌,餐
diplomatic mission, diplomatic corps su3chiat-tho5an 使節團
dinner a3m-tn3g, a3m-pn7g 晚餐
diplomatic official, diplomat go7a-kau-koa* 外
dinner party in celebration of triumph, victory party khe3ng-kong-ia3n 慶功宴
dinner party, a banquet ia3n-se8k 宴席
diplomatic organizations go7a-kau ki-koan 外
dinner set, eating utensils chhan-khu7 餐具
diplomatic relations pang-kau 邦交
dinner, feast, banquet to7a-tn3g 大餐
diplomatic rules kok-che3-hoat 國際法
dinosaur khio2ng-lio5ng, kho2ng-lio5ng 恐龍
dipper chu2i-khok-a2, pu5-hia 舀水勺,長柄勺
dint chi8t lap, lap-o 凹處
dipper, big dipper, north star constellation
pak-ta2u-chhe* 北斗星
- by dint of in-u7i, kho3 因為,靠
dipper made of half a dried gourd ha7u-hia 杓
diocesan ka3u-khu e5, chu2-ka3u ko2an e5, chu2-ka3u
ko2an-hat e5 教區的,主教轄區
dipper or pail used to bail water, lantern jaw
ho3+-ta2u 戽斗,下顎突出
Diocesan Councils Ka3u-khu ta7i-pia2u-ho7e 教區
dire kia*-la5ng e5, li7-ha7i 驚人的,利害
diocesan office ka3u-khu e5 pa7n-su7-chhu3 教區
direct action ti8t-chiap he5ng-to7ng 直接行動
diocesan synod ka3u-khu ho7e-gi7 教區會議
direct and indirect ti8t-chiap, kan-chiap 直接,
diocese ka3u-khu 教區
direct and supervise tok-to7 督導
Diogenes Te3-o3-chin-ni5-su 戴奧真尼斯
direct cause of an event, fuse for explosives to7-ho2e-so3a* 導火線
Dionysus Te3-o3-ni5-soh-su 戴奧尼索斯
dip, immerse, scoop up water u3n, chi3m, ho3+
chu2i 沾,浸,掬水
direct current ti8t-li5u-tia7n 直流電
direct electric current, DC ti8t-li5u 直流
- to take a dip khi3 si5u-chu2i 去游泳
direct flight ti8t-ha5ng 直航
dip a pen in ink pit u3n ba8k-chu2i 筆沾墨水
direct in the right way i2n-to7 引導
dip into soy sauce u3n ta7u-iu5 沾醬油
direct lineal descendants ti8t-he7 直系
dip into something so as to dampen u3n-ta5m
- collateral descendants po5ng-he7 旁系
dip something into something u3n 沾
direct method ti8t-chiap e5 pa7n-hoat 直接的辦法
dip something into water u3n chu2i 沾水
direct method in pedagogy ti8t-chiap ka3u-ha8khoat 直接教學法
diphtheria pe8h-au5 白喉
direct music im-ga8k chi2-hui 音樂指揮
diphtheria bacillus pe8h-au5-khu2n 白喉菌
direct negotiation ti8t-chiap kau-sia8p 直接交涉
diphthong siang-bo2-im 雙母音
direct one's attention to a thing chu3-i3 chi8t e5
ta7i-chi3 注意一件事
diploma pit-gia8p bu5n-pi5n, pit-gia8p che3ng-su,
chio2ng-chn7g 畢業文憑,畢業證書,獎狀
direct or guide, teach, advise, give directions, censure chi2-tia2m 指點
diploma for a degree ha8k-u7i bu5n-pi5n 學位文憑
diploma mill, a school that is interested in
making money in total disregard of the
student's scholastic progress ha8k-tia3m
direct or supervise the manufacture of ka3mche3 監製
direct proportion che3ng pi2-le7, che3ng-pi2 正比
director of a bureau, head of an office kio8kti2u* 局長
direct relations ti8t-chiap koan-he7 直接關係
director of a department under a ministry
su-ti2u* 司長
direct succession, affiliated relationship,
associations lia5n-ta3i koan-he7 連帶關係
director of a department under a provincial
government thia*-ti2u* 廳長
direct, firsthand, directly ti8t-chiap 直接
director of a Kungfu school chia2ng-mn5g-ji5n
direct, guidance, command chia2ng-ko2an, i2nchho7a, chi2-to7, chi2-hui 掌管,引導,指導,指
direct, to guide, guidance chi2-i2n 指引
Director of the Provincial Department of
Finance Cha5i-che3ng-thia*-ti2u* 財政廳長
direct, without changing cars, go nonstop
to ti8t-ta8t 直達
director of the Railway Administration Thihlo7+-kio8k-ti2u* 鐵路局長
direction, orientation, path to follow hongbi7n, hong-hio3ng, hong-chiam 方面,方向,
director on school board or company, trustee, members of a committee ta2ng-su7 董
- in all directions si3-bi7n, si3-pi*, si3-ke3, si3-hng 四
director, advisors, teachers, instructors to7su, chi2-to7-chi2a 導師,指導者
- to give direction chi2-hui, chi2-si7 指揮,指示
directors of school ha7u-ta2ng 校董
directory bo8k-lio8k, thong-si3n-lio8k 目錄,通信錄
direction and guidance, a polite expression
asking for advice or counsel chi2-ka3u 指
- Catholic directory of Taiwan Ta5i-oa5n
Thian-chu2-ka3u chhi2u-chheh 臺灣天主教手
direction of the Holy Ghost Se3ng-si5n e5 chi2-i2n
- telephone directory tia7n-o7e-pho7+ 電話簿
direction of the wind hong-hio3ng 風向
diriment choa8t-tu3i bo5 ha7u 絕對無效
direction, act of guiding chi2-hui, chi2-to7 指揮,
diriment impediment hun-in e5 cho2+-ga7i 婚姻的
directional lights on vehicles hong-hio3ngteng 方向燈
dirt lah-sap-a2, lo7+-ko5+-a2-mo5e, tho5+-soa-hu2n 污穢
directions for use su2-io7ng-hoat 使用法
- to shake off dirt from a suit sa* e5 lah-sap-a2
po7a*-po7a*-le3 拍一拍衣服上的塵埃
directive, an order, instructions from a
higher office chi2-le7ng 指令
dirt on the body seng-khu e5 sian 身體上的污
directly ti8t-chiap, chek-si5, ma2-sio7ng 直接,即刻,
dirt sticking to something kha8h lah-sap-a2 有
directly across, face to face, directly opposite chi3a* tu3i-bi7n 正對面
dirt under the finger nails chn2g-kah-sa2i 指甲
directly concerned ti8t-chiap koan-he7 直接關
dirt, disgrace ka2u 垢
directly opposed to ti8t-chiap tu3i-kho3ng, ti8tchiap ho2an-tu3i 直接對抗,直接反對
dirty lah-sap 污穢
directly opposite, so as to injure good fortune of a house or grave, coming in
collision with the horoscope tu3i-chhiong
dirty and dusty eng-pho7ng-pho7ng 形容灰塵滿
- to become dirty lah-sap-khi3 弄髒
dirty moisture on the sole of the foot khasio8h 腳汗,腳臭味
director of a company, board of directors
ta2ng-su7, li2-su7 董事,理事
dirty money, loot, wealth acquired illicitly
put-gi7 chi cha5i 不義之財
- chairman of board of directors ta2ng-su7ti2u* 董事長
dirty, filthy morally or physically la5-sa5m 污穢,
- spiritual director si5n-su 神師
dirty, filthy, nasty, foul a-cha, am-cham, unthun 骯髒
director general, president or governor of a
bank, political party cho2ng-chha5i 總裁
dirty, filthy, to defile u3-o3e 污穢
director of a movie to7-ia2n 導演
dirty, to spoil, to stain phah-lah-sap 弄髒,打
disappointment, despair, be disappointed
or discouraged, in despair, lose hope
sit-bo7ng 失望
dirty, unclean, soiled, mean, base, low, foul,
unfair lah-sap, lah-sap-ku2i 骯髒,髒鬼
dirty, uncleanness, filthy, contaminate,
scatter about oe3 穢,弄髒
disappointment, very discouraged, in very
low spirits after failure, despondent sitchi3 失志
disability bo5 la8t, bo5 le5ng-le8k, bo5 chu-keh 無力,
disapprobation, disagree bo5 cha3n-se5ng, m7
tah-e3ng, m7 i3n 不贊成,不答應
disable ho7+ sit-khi3 le5ng-le8k, ho7+ bo5 le5ng-le8k, ho7+
bo5 chu-keh 使之失去能力,使之無資格
disapprove bo5 cha3n-se5ng, hia5m, m7 chu2n 不贊
disabled he5ng-to7ng-put-pia7n 行動不便
disarm troops ka2i-ti5 bu2-chong 解除武裝
disabled but useful, crippled but leading an
active life cha5n ji5 put-ho3e, cha5n ji5 put-hu3i
disarmament chha5i-kun, ka2i-ti5 bu2-chong 裁軍,
disarmament conference chha5i-kun ho7e-gi7 裁
disabled person cha5n-hu3i e5 la5ng 殘廢的人
disarrange, mess up, put into disorder, to
meddle with, to confuse lo7an-khi3,
chho3ng lo7an-khi3 弄亂
disabled person, good-for-nothing hu3i-ji5n 廢
disabled, physical disabilities cha5n-chi3ong
disaster chai, chai-la7n, chai-e7 災難,災禍
disaster at sea ha2i-la7n 海難
disadvantage put-li7, pha2i*-chhu3, siong-ha7i 不
disaster caused by strong winds, typhoon,
etc hong-chai 風災
- to be at a disadvantage ti7 put-li7 e5 li8p-ti5u* 處
disadvantageous put-li7, chia8h-khui 不利,吃虧
disaster, calamity, damages or casualties
caused by disasters chai-ha7i 災害
disagree bo5 to5ng-i3, be7 ha8h 不同意,不合
disaster, cataclysmic change chai-pia3n 災變
disagree with the stomach su2n-u7i 傷胃
disaster, plague chai-iong 災殃
disagree, wrangle sio-che3* 互相爭論
disaster, scourge chai-ho7 災禍
disagreeable tho2-ia3, chha8k-hi7*, bo5 kah-i3 討厭,
disastrous year pha2i*-tang 凶年
disavow bo5 se5ng-ji7n, ho2+-ji7m, hi2o-ji7n 不承認,否
disagreeable, disgusting, hard to handle
sio-khi3-hia5m 討厭,不滿意
disband ka2i-sa3n 解散
disagreement sio-che3*, i3-kia3n be7 ha8h 爭論,意
disburse money, expenditure chi-chhut 支出
disburse, divided, rationing pun, pho3e-kip 分
- to have disagreements na7u i3-kia3n, bo5
to5ng-i3 鬧意見,不同意
disburse, troop distribution hun-po3+ 分佈
disappear, dissipate, cover up activity bo5khi3, siau-sit, siau-so3a*, ia2m-sin 不見,消失,
disbursement chi-chhut 支出
disc i5*-po5a*, chhi3u*-phi3*, lu5n 圓盤,唱片,輪
- the sun's disc ji8t-lu5n 日輪
disappear, vanish completely ho3a u5i o+-iu2 化
disc video player tia8p-ia2*-ki 碟影機
disappeared, be missing m7-kia3n-khi3 不見了
discard or abandon provincial government
hu3i-se2ng 廢省
disappoint ho7+ sit-bo7ng 使失望
discard, get rid of kek-ti5 革除
disappoint, fail to live up to another's expectation, to let someone down ko+-hu7
discard, take off, to lose, come off lak-tia7u
disappointed sit-bo7ng, si7u* tio8h chin sia7n 失望,
discard, to cast away, to desert pa3ng-sak 擯
disappointed in love, broken hearted sitlo5an 失戀
discern hun-pia8t, pia7n-pia8t, kho3a* chhut-la5i,
ji7n-chhut-la5i 分別,辨別,看得出來,認出
disappointing ho7+ la5ng sit-bo7ng, bo5-chha2i 使人
discern between good and bad hun-pia8t sia7n
ok 分別善惡
discerning u7 hun-pia8t le5ng-le8k e5, e7-hia2u kho3a*
ho2 ba2i 有識別能力
- lax discipline kui-ki2 chin le7ng 規矩很鬆
discerning eyes hu7i-ga2n 慧眼
- severe discipline kui-ki2 chin gia5m 規矩很嚴
discerning, clear-minded, clear bright open
khai-lo2ng 開朗
- to observe discipline si2u kui-ki2 守規矩
- military discipline kun-ki2 軍紀
discipline of students, troops, etc, general
moral standing hong-ki2 風紀
discernment pia7n-pia8t, ka3m-te7ng e5 he5ng-u5i a2si7 le5ng-le8k 辨別,鑑定的行為或能力
discipline one's temperament io2ng-se3ng 養性
- to display discernment and courage pia2uhia7n to7ng-chhat-le8k kap io2ng-khi3 表現洞察
discipline or restrain children iok-sok ki2a*-ji5
discipline, law, custom, regularly kui-lu8t,
kui-ki2 規律,規矩
discharge, start up, begin hoat 發
- electric discharge pa3ng-tia7n 放電
- seminal discharge si7a-cheng 射精
disclaim m7-se5ng-ji7n, hi2o-ji7n, ho3ng-khi3 kho5an-li7
- to receive one's discharge from the military the3-ngo2+ 退伍
disclose a divine secret sia8p-la7u thian-ki 洩漏
discharge an arrow si7a-chi3* 射箭
discharge fire arms pa3ng 放
disclose a military secret sia8p-la7u kun-ki 洩漏
discharge from hospital pa7n chhut-i7* 辦出院
disclose a secret la7u-sia8p ki-bi8t 洩漏機密
discharge papers from the military the3-ngo2+che3ng 退伍證
disclose secrets sia8p-la7u pi3-bi8t 洩露秘密
disclose the secret, reveal the trick ko2ngpho3a 說破
discharge, dismiss si5, si5-chit 辭,辭職
discharge, emit la5u 流
disclose, reveal sia8p-lo7+, hia2n-lo7+ chhut-la5i 洩
discharge, unload cargo lo8h, lo8h-ho3e 卸,卸
disclose, uncover sia8p-la7u, la7u-sia8p, khui 洩露,
discharged from military service the3-ngo2+ 退
disclosure, exposure, reveal, disclose,
bring to light, debunk, expose, be discovered, be disclosed, be exposed
pho8k-lo7+, po8k-lo7+ 曝露
discharged soldier, veterans the3-ngo2+-peng-a2
disciple bu5n-to5+, to5+-te7 門徒,徒弟
disco ti5-su-kho5 (phonetic) 狄斯可
- beloved disciple a3i-to5+ 愛徒
discolor pia3n-sek, the3-sek 變色,褪色
disciple, junior, pupil, worshipper or devotee of an idol te7-chu2 弟子
discomfort bo5 so2ng-kho3ai 不舒服
disciplinarian u5i-chhi5 kui-ki2 e5 la5ng, hu3n-to7 ji5noa5n 維持紀律者,訓導人員
disconcert jia2u-lo7an, ho7+ la5ng put-an 擾亂,使
disciplinary hu3n-lia7n e5, te5ng-ka3i e5 訓練的,懲
disconnect phah tn7g, thoat-li7, tn7g-khi3 打斷,脫
disciplinary action taken against government officials ranging from reprimand
to dismissal, punishment of officials
te5ng-ka3i chhu2-hun 懲戒處分
disconnect network drive tiong-tn7g ba7ng-lo7+
chu5-tia8p-ki 中斷網路磁碟機
disciplinary investigation ki3u-chhat 糾察
disconnection, line rupture tn7g-so3a* 斷線
disciplinary investigators ki3u-chhat-tu7i 糾察
disconsolate, grief, depressed pi-siong, utchut 悲傷,鬱悶
disconnected talk ko2ng e5 o7e bo5-tha5u-bo5-bo2e
disciplinary measures taken against an official guilty of abuse of administrative
powers he5ng-che3ng-chhu2-hun 行政處分
discontent bo5 mo2a-i3, put-mo2a 不滿意,不滿
discipline, moral commandments ka3i-lu8t
(Buddhist) 戒律
discontented with one's position bo5 mo2a-i3
ka-ti7 e5 te7-u7i 不滿意自己的地位
discontented with everything hia5m tang
hia5m sai 嫌東嫌西,吹毛求疵
discipline, rule, tempered, hard whip tho3anlia7n, hong-ki2 鍛練,風紀
discontented, dissatisfied, insatiable,
greedy beyond measure put-ti-chiok,
put-bo2an, bo5 mo2a-i3 不知足,不滿,不滿意
discretion ki2n-si7n, si7n-tio7ng, chim-chiok, chu7iu5 koat-te7ng, su5i-i3 chhu2-li2 謹慎,慎重,斟酌,
discontinuance the5ng-chi2, tiong-chi2, ho3ng-khi3
- man of great discretion chin chhim-bi5o e5
la5ng 很深謀的人
discontinue the5ng, the5ng-chi2, hu3i-chi2 停,停止,
- to act with discretion cho3 su7 ti chi3n-the3,
cho3 ta7i-chi3 chin ki2n-si7n 做事知進退,做事情
discontinue business the5ng-gia8p 停業
discriminate khu-pia8t, chha-pia8t, hun-pia8t,
pia7n-pia8t 區別,差別,分別,辨別
discontinue schooling the3-o8h 退學
discord in a family ka-te5ng bo5 ho5-ho2 家庭不
discriminate very clearly hun-pia8t kah chin
chheng-chho2 分別得很清楚
discord, dissension, be on bad terms sit-ho5
discrimination against women la5m chun li2 pi
discord, trouble, strife, be at strife with putho5, bo5 ho5-ho2, bo5 it-ti3 不和好,不一致
discus thih-pi2a* 鐵餅
discuss tho2-lu7n, ta5m-lu7n, chham-sio5ng 討論,
discount phah-chiat 打折
- to give a 20% discount phah peh chiat 打
discuss business matters ta5m kong-su7 談公
- to sell at a discount phah-chiat be7-chhutkhi3 打折賣出去
discuss a matter in order to come to an
agreement or to make it clear sio-po2eho7e 互相弄清楚
discount of 30 percent chhit-chiat 七折
discount, at a discount ta2*-chiat 打折
discouraged sit-chi3, sit-bo7ng, sit io2ng-khi3 失志,
discouragement sit-chi3, hoe-sim 失志,灰心
discourse ia2n-ka2ng, tho2-lu7n, gia5n-lu7n, lu7n-bu5n
discuss mountain climbing tho2-lu7n peh-soa*
discuss a proposal or project which had
been rejected or discarded previously
ho8k-gi7, hok-gi7 復議
discuss religion tho2-lu7n chong-ka3u 討論宗教
discourse on ethics chi8t phi* lu5n-li2 e5 lu7n-bu5n
discuss the faults of others ta5m-lu7n pa8t-la5ng
e5 si7-hui, ta5m-lu7n pa8t-la5ng e5 tn5g-te2 談論別人
Discourses, the Analects of Confucius, one
of the Four Books Lu7n-gi2 論語
discuss the settlement of a dispute, make
peace, a peace talk ko2ng-ho5 講和
discourteous bo5 le2-so3+, sit-le2 不禮貌,失禮
discuss together ko2ng-thong-tha3u 共謀
discover, found, to find out, identified hoatkia3n, hoat-hia7n, hoat-kak, chho7e-chhut,
cha-chhut 發現,發覺,尋出,查出
discuss, argue pia7n-lu7n 辯論
discuss, expound ka2ng-lu7n 講論
discovery hoat-kia3n, hoat-hia7n 發現
discredit, distrust, suspected, insult, lose
face, no credit m7 si3n-ji7m, gia5u-gi5, bu2-jio8k,
bo5 bi7n-chu2, bo5 si3n-io7ng 不信任,懷疑,侮辱,
discredit, ruin a person's reputation boah-o+
discuss, make a bid, bargain for cheaper
price chhut-ke3 出價,殺價
discuss, to debate gi7-lu7n 議論
discussed or negotiated separately le7ng-gi7
discussion tho2-lu7n 討論
- to disagree in the discussion gi7-lu7n hunhun 議論紛紛
discreditable matter, matter for remorse,
something which gives one a guilty
conscience khui-sim-su7 虧心事
discussion meeting tho2-lu7n-ho7e 討論會
discreet ki2n-si7n, si7n-tio7ng, si2o-sim 謹慎,慎重,
discussion, a symposium, panel discussion
cho7-ta5m-ho7e 座談會
discrepancy, difference, distinction, to
make discrimination chha-pia8t, be7-ha8h,
ma5u-tu2n 差別,不符,矛盾
disdain kho3a*-khin, khin-si7, bia2u-si7, kho3a*-be7khi2 看輕,藐視
disdain, dislike khi3-hia5m 棄嫌,嫌棄
disdain, not to one's preference, detest,
look down on, make light of kho3a* be7
chi7u*-ba8k 看不上眼
disgraceful, lose face, shame bo5 bi7n-chu2,
kia3n-sia3u, la3u-khu3i 沒面子,羞辱,出醜
disgraceful, lose propriety u7 sit the2-tho2ng 有
disease pi7*, pe7*, pe7*-che3ng, che3ng-tha5u 病,病
disguise e8k-io5ng, pia3n-chong, ho3a-chong, ke2
cho3… 易容,變裝,化裝,假扮…
- contagious disease tho5an-jia2m-pe7* 傳染病
- incurable disease choa8t-che3ng 絕症
- in disguise pia3n-chong 變裝
- to die of disease pe7*-si2 病死
disguise oneself, to masquerade ho3a-chong
- venereal disease hoa-li2u-pe7* 花柳病
disguise or camouflage gu7i-chong 偽裝
diseases enter by the mouth pe7* chio5ng khi2o
ji8p 病從口入
disguise, pretend, assume a false, counterfeit or feigned appearance, to fake
merchandise chng-cho3, chng-cho3e 扮成,
diseases of civilization bu5n-be5ng-pe7* 文明病
disembark lo8h-chu5n, chi7u*-lio8k 上岸
disembodied spirit with no one to make offerings to it ko+-hu5n 孤魂
disguised as a woman la5m pa7n li2-chong 男扮
disembody ho7+ le5ng-hu5n thoat-li7 jio8k-the2, ka2isa3n 使靈魂脫離肉體,解散
disgust tho2-ia3, hia5m, gia2m 討厭,嫌,厭惡
- object of disgust kho2-o3+ e5 ta7i-chi3 可惡的事
disembowel livestock when butchered khuipak ji5m cheng-se*-a2 pak-la7i-a2 切腹取出五
- to be disgusted ge5ng-sim 不甘心,怨恨
disenchant kai2-ti5 mo5+-le8k, ho7+ chheng-chhe2*,
ho7+ chai-la5ng 解除魔力,使清醒
disgust, be disgusted with gia2m-sia5u (slang)
disengage ka2i-iok, sek-ho3ng, tha2u-khui, to7anchoa8t koan-he7 解約,釋放,鬆開,斷絕關係
disgusted with the world or with life bo5 si7u*
boeh oa8h 不想活
disentangle ka2i-koat, tha2u-khui, pa3ng-khui 解
disgusted with the world, become misanthropic ia3m-se3 厭世
disfavor sit-thio2ng, khin-si7, bo5 cha3n-se5ng 失寵,
disgusting tho2-ia3, gia2m 討厭,厭惡
dish, food served po5a*, chha3i 盤,菜
disfigure phah pha2i* 破壞
- prepared dishes lia7u-li2 料理
- His face is disfigured. I e5 bi7n chin ba2i. 他
dish of duck seasoned with ligusticum
tong-kui-ah 當歸鴨
disfranchise, deprive one of his civil rights
thi2-toa8t kong-ko5an 褫奪公權
dish of noodles chi8t po5a* mi7 一盤麵
dish prepared with vermicelli and shredded
chicken ke-si-mi 雞絲麵
disgrace kia3n-sia3u, bu2-jio8k, sit-se3 羞辱,侮辱,失
dish washing liquid se2-oa2*-cheng 洗碗精
- to be in disgrace bo5 the2-bi7n, bo5 bi7n-chu2 沒
dish, plate, tray po5a*-a2 盤子
disheartened sit-chi3, sit-bo7ng, bo5 cheng-si5n 失
- to fall into disgrace sit bi7n-chu2 失面子
- to bring disgrace on the family phah pha2i*
ka-te5ng e5 mi5a-sia* 破壞家庭的名聲
- to become disheartened sit-chi3 失志
disheartened, discouraged hoe-sim 灰心
disgrace one's ancestors by bad conduct
si3a-tio8h cho2+-kong e5 bi7n-pho5e 丟了祖先的
dishes eaten with wine chi2u-chha3i 下酒菜
disgrace oneself si3a-si2 si3a-che3ng 丟人現眼
dishes, china oa2*-po5a* 碗盤
disgrace the good name of the family, tarnish the good name of one's family pa7i
mn5g-hong 敗門風
disheveled bo5 che2ng-che5, so3a*-pho2ng-pho2ng
dishes eaten with rice pn7g-chha3i 飯菜
disheveled clothes sa* bo5 che2ng-che5 衣服不
disgraced, humiliated si7u khut-jio8k 受屈辱
disheveled hair tha5u-mo+ sa3m-sa3m 頭髮散亂
disgraced, make a fool of oneself la3u-khu3i
disheveled, hair all mussed up and dirty
chha3ng 毛髮豎起
dishonest concerning money bo5 la2u-si8t, bo5
chheng-lia5m, put-che3ng 不老實,不清廉,不
dislocate a joint, disconnected, irrelevant
or incoherent, lose contact thoat-chiat
dishonest traders kan-siong 奸商
dislocate the jaw, someone who slobbers, a
liar la3u e7-ha5i, la3u e7-ham, la3u e7 hoa5i 顎骨脫
dishonest, unreasonable ba5-ka 不老實
dishonor bu2-jio8k 侮辱
dislocated or put out of gear, have a miscarriage, be put out of joint thu8t 滑脫
- to be dishonored ho7+ la5ng bu2-jio8k, si7u jio8k
dislocated, out of joint thu8t-khu7 脫臼
dishonor a woman bu2-jio8k chi8t e5 cha-bo2+-la5ng
dislodge khu-tio8k, ko2a*-chhut-khi3, so2a 驅逐,移
dishonor, disgrace, shame pha2i*-mi5a 壞名
disloyal put-tiong, bo5 tiong-si8t 不忠,不忠實
disillusion kak-chhi2*, kak-chhe2*, ho7+…sit-bo7ng
disloyal and unfaithful put-tiong put-gi7 不忠
disillusionment ho3an-bia8t 幻滅
disloyal to one's nation tu3i kok-ka put-tiong
disinfect siau-to8k, sat-khu2n 消毒,殺菌
disinfect by exposing to the sunlight ji8tkong siau-to8k 日光消毒
dismal in regard to people ut-chut 憂鬱
dismal in regard to places or weather chhe*le2ng 陰冷的
disinfect with steam cheng-khi3 siau-to8k 蒸氣
dismantle thiah… e5 siat-pi7 拆除…的設備
disinfectant siau-to8k-io8h, siau-to8k-che 消毒藥,
dismantle and get rid of, pull down an old
house thiah-ti5 拆除
disinformation, fabricating a rumor cho7-ia5u,
se*-o7e 造謠
dismay kia*-hi5a*, pho3a-ta2* 驚惶,喪膽
disinherit cha5i-sa2n a2-si7 te7-u7i m7 ho7+ la5ng, paktoa8t ke3-se5ng-kho5an 財產或地位不讓渡他人,
disintegrate hun-lia8t, chhu3i-khi3, hu-khi3 分裂,
dismember hun-lia8t, hun-koah, koah-tn7g si3kha 分裂,分割,割斷四腳
dismiss, petition for retirement, ask for
leave to withdraw, ask to be excused
ko3-the3 告退
dismiss a meeting sa3n-ho7e 散會
disintegration, dissolution, fall apart, take
apart, dismember ka2i-the2 解體
dismiss court, leave or get out of court the3tn5g 退堂
disinterested bo5 bi7, bo5 koan-sim, bo5 koan-sim
e5 沒趣,無關心
dismiss employees with severance pay chukhia2n 資遣
disjoin, separation, break hun-li7, thiah-so3a*
dismiss the students ha7-kho3 下課
disjointed thoat-chiat, thoat-so3a*, bo5 chiapso3a, bo5 he7-tho2ng 脫節,迷糊的,沒連續的,
dismiss, dismissal ka2i-phe3ng 解聘
disk defragmenter chu5-tia8p te5ng-cho+ 磁碟重
dismiss, lay off, retire, fire si5, si5-chit, bia2n-chit
diskette chu5-phi3*, chhu5-phia2n (phonetic) 磁片
dismiss, strike one's name off the list, expel
ti5-mi5a 除名
dismiss, disband, get out of class ka2i-sa3n,
ha7-kho3 解散,下課
diskettes, small floppy discs for computer
chu5-phi3* 磁片
dismount a horse lo8h be2 下馬
dislike gia2m, chheh, tho2-ia3 嫌,厭惡,討厭
dismount, come down from lo8h-la5i 下來
- I dislike this affair. Go2a chin gia2m chit
kho2an e5 ta7i-chi3. 我很厭惡這種事情.
disobedience m7 ho8k-chio5ng, m7 thia*-be7ng, m7
thia*-chhu3i, put-ha3u 不服從,不聽命,不孝
- You will be disliked by the people. Li2n e7
ho7+ la5ng chheh. 你們會被討厭.
disobedient or recalcitrant child ge8k-chu2 逆
dislike, reject ge5-sia5u 討厭,粗話
disobedient son put-sia3u-ki2a* 不肖子
dislocate thu8t-kut, thu8t-khu7, lo7an-khi3 脫臼,弄
disobedient to one's father-in-law and
mother-in-law ngo2+-ge8k ta-ke-koa* 忤逆公
disown m7 se5ng-ji7n si7 ka-ti7 e5, ko2ng m7-si7 ka-ti7 e5,
hi2o-ji7n kah ka-ti7 u7 koan-he7 不承認是自己的,
disobedient to parents ngo2+-ge8k pe7-bu2 忤逆
disparity between the rich and the poor,
unequal distribution of wealth pi5n-hu3
put-kin 貧富不均
disobedient youngster not paying proper
respect to superiors bo5 to7a bo5 se3 沒大沒
disparity of cult si3n-gio2ng bo5 ka7ng-kho2an 信仰
disobedient, unruly, rebellious, refractory,
to rebel, to revolt, disobey a sovereign
or good doctrine po7e-ge8k 悖逆,背逆
disparity, difference bo5-ka7ng, chha-pia8t 不同,
dispassionate sim chin nge8h, kong-pe5* e5,
le2ng-che7ng e5 不動感情,公平的,冷靜的
disobey m7 thia*-o7e, u5i-po7e be7ng-le7ng, u5i-ho2an,
po7e 不聽話,違背命令,違反,背
dispatch, letters, documents by currier
kho3ai-po3 快報
disobey a command u5i-be7ng 違命
disobey orders u5i-kho3ng be7ng-le7ng, kho3ngbe7ng, po7e-be7ng 違抗命令,背命
dispatch a telegram phah tia7n-po3 打電報
dispatch an envoy khia2n-sa3n, khia2n-sa3i 遣散,
disobey regulations u5i-chiong 違章
disorder lo7an, ji5-chha2ng-chha2ng, ji5-ka3-ka3 亂,
dispatch or send out troops, armored units
or reinforcements chhut-to7ng, pha3i-peng
- Her hair was all in disorder. I e5 tha5u-mn5g
sa3m-gi5a-gi5a. 她的頭髮亂糟糟.
dispatch, send pha3i, pha3i-khia2n, chhe-pha3i,
pho3e, ko2a*-ki2n cho3 派,派遣,差遣,發送,速
- In his room everything is in disorder. I
pa5ng-keng e5 mi8h-ki7a* lo2ng lo7an-chhauchhau. 他房間的東西都亂糟糟的.
dispel khu-sa3n, ho7+ so3a*-khi3 驅散
- mental disorder cheng-si5n-pe7* 精神病
dispel sadness or melancholy, dispel loneliness ka2i-bu7n, ka2i iu-bu7n 解悶,解憂愁
disordered, confused bo5 tia8t-su7 沒有秩序
dispensable m7-si7 pit-ia3u e5, bo5 su-ia3u e5, e7 puntit, e7 hun-pho3e tit, e7 go5an-lio7ng tit 不是必
disorderly lo7an, ak-chak 亂,齷齪,心亂
- talk disorderly ko2ng kah ji5-ka3-ka3 說得不清
dispensary chi2n-lia5u-so2+, io8h-pa5ng 診療所,藥
disorderly and rude ho3ng-su3 放肆
disorderly conduct he5ng-u5i-put-kia2m, pha2i*
he5ng-u5i 行為不檢
dispensation khoan-bia2n (Catholic), te8k-chu2n
disorderly hair, confusion, disheveled
chha3ng-chha3ng 形容毛髮豎起不整,毛髮散
- a marriage dispensation te8k-chu2n kiat-hun
- to grant a dispensation khoan-bia2n 寬免
disorderly thinking, not thought out well
lo7an-si7u* 亂想
- without dispensary bo5 ki5u khoan-bia2n 不求
disorderly, at random, in any way whatever,
without settled plan or arrangement,
false, vicious, corrupt la7m-sa2m, la7m-su2
dispense khoan-bia2n, bia2n-ti5, si-si2a, pun ho7+
la5ng 寬免,免除,施捨
dispense from disparity of worship khoanbia2n kap go7a-ka3u-la5ng kiat-hun 寬免他與
disorderly, confused, abnormal, distraction
chho3-loa7n 錯亂
dispense from a vow khoan-bia2n se3ng-go7an
(Catholic) 寬免聖愿
disorderly, pell-mell, said of something we
have heard or seen too much of chha3ucho8k 雜亂
dispense medicines si-si2a io8h-a2, pun io8h-a2 ho7+
la5ng 施捨藥品給人
disorders of the stomach, liver, jaundice
tha2n 疸
dispense prescriptions pho3e-hng 配方
dispense reward and punishment impartially siu2-hoa8t hun-be5ng 賞罰分明
disorganization, collapse, chaos oa2-ka2i,
cho+-chit pi7 pho3-ha7i, hu7n-lo7an, bo5 tia8t-su7
dispense with formalities bia2n-ti5 le2-chiat 免除
dispensed from fasting, dispensation from
fasting bia2n-si2u ta7i-chai (Catholic) 免守大
- What are you displeased with? Li2 si7 a3ncho2a* bo5 hoa*-hi2? 你是不高興甚麼?
displease the guardian spirit of an unborn
child by violating some taboo ho7an-tio8h
thai-si5n 犯了胎神
disperse so3a*, hun-so3a*, si3-so3a*, tho5an-po3+ 散,
disperse by force, a family scattered or
separated in confusion by war or other
great upheaval chhiong-so3a* 沖散
displeased and vexed, impatient and displeased au3-na2u 懊惱
disposable chopsticks bia2n-se2-ti7, o7e-seng-ti7
disperse in every direction hun-so3a* si3-bi7n 分
disposable utensils bi2an-se2 io7ng-khu7 免洗用
disperse the ranks of a procession or
group so3a*-ti7n 散夥
disposal chhu2-li2, pa5i-lia8t, chi-pho3e, phah-pha3i,
po3+-ti3 處理,排列,支配,佈置
disperse, scatter, decentralize, spread out,
extend tho3a*-khui 擴散,蔓延
- to be at your disposal cha7i li2 chhu2-li2 隨你
disperse, scatter, separate, sever, die away,
fade away so3a*-khi3 分離,消逝
dispose an-pa5i, chhu2-li2, po3+-ti3 安排,處理,佈置
dispersed in all directions si3-so3a* 四散
- Man proposes but God disposes. Bo5+-su7
cha7i ji5n se5ng-su7 cha7i thian. 謀事在人成事
dispersed, divergence, distribute hun-so3a*
dispersion, disperse civilians from a combat zone, scattered so+-sa3n, sa3n-po3+, hunso3a* 疏散,散佈,分散
dispose of dismissal with term of punishment hoa8t-lo8h 發落
disposed towards evil si7u*-boeh cho3 pha2i* 想
dispirited bo5 cheng-si5n, pho3a-ta2* 沒精神,喪膽
dispirited because of bad treatment like in
case of a child, daughter-in-law or stepdaughter si2-sng 無活力,軟弱
disposition, temperament se3ng-che5ng 性情
- a good disposition se3ng-chit ho2, ho2 se3ng-te7
dispirited, fail in one's profession, aim,
poverty stricken lo8k-phek 落魄
- natural disposition thian-se3ng 天性
disposition of the heart, good-hearted or
bad-hearted pak-tn5g 度量
displace, substitute, transfer, removal of
someone from office the3, ta7i-the3, poa*so2a, i5-cho2an, bia2n-chit 代替,移轉,免職
disposition, configuration, arrangement
pho3e-ti3, pa5i-lia8t 配置,排列
displacement, migration, removal from office ta7i-the3, chhian-i5, bia2n-chit 代替,遷移,
disposition, genius, temper, idiosyncrasy
phiah-phi7* 癖性,脾氣
disposition, manner, proclivity, temper
se3ng-te7, phiah-se3ng, se3ng-phiah 性地,癖性,
displacement of a ship, displacement of
water, tonnage of a vessel pa5i-chu2i-lio7ng
disposition, personality, character se3ng-keh
display pa5i, pia2u-hia7n, tia2n 排,表現,炫耀
display card hi2an-si7-kha3 顯示卡
display case po-le5-tu5 玻璃櫥
disposition, settle, manage, get rid of, punish chhu2-hun 處分
display of divine power by an idol hia2n-le5ng
disposition, temper pi5-khi3 脾氣
disposition, temperament khi3-chit 氣質
display one's talent, skill, expand si-tia2n 施
disposition, strange or interesting temperament, temper pok-kiat, ngo2+-ji5n 性情
display strength hoat-hui le8k-lio7ng 發揮力量
display the flag chhah kok-ki5 插國旗
disproportion bo5 pe5ng-he5ng, bo5 su3-pho3e 不平
display, put on display at an exhibition tia2nchhut 展出
disprove che3ng-be5ng…m7-tio8h 證明…是錯的
displease ho7+ la5ng hia5m, ho7+… bo5 hoa*-hi2 惹
dispute che3*, chi3*, cheng-lu7n, sio-che3*, gi7-lu7n,
pia7n-lu7n, pia7n-pok, ke3-ka3u 爭吵,議論,辯論,
- Don't dispute about the price! Ke3-chi5* ma3i
ke3-ka3u. 價錢別計較!
disrespectful, irreverent, despise kheng-ba7n
dispute about politics pia7n-lu7n che3ng-ti7 辯論
disrupt to7an-choa8t, li8h-khui 斷絕,裂開
disrupt communications, block traffic pho3ha7i kau-thong 破壞交通
dispute most doggedly or determinedly,
denying what is asserted che3*-si2 che3*oa8h 爭死爭活,強辯
dissatisfaction bo5 mo2a-i3, bo5 bo2an-chiok 不滿
dispute with others kap la5ng sio-che3* 與人爭
dissatisfy bo5 mo2a-i3, put-ti-chiok, put-bo2an 不
dispute, argue cheng-gi7 爭議
dissect ka2i-pho2+ 解剖
dispute, argue, hold a debate, discuss tho2lu7n 討論
dissect characters and recombine them for
fortune telling thiah-ji7 拆字
dispute, to quarrel, to wrangle, complications hun-cheng 紛爭
dissecting room ka2i-pho2+-sek, ka2i-pho3+-sek 解
dispute, verbal dispute, to quarrel sio-jia2ng
dissemble, cover up the truth, behavior,
pretend am-kha3m si8t-che5ng, te3*, ke2 掩飾
disputes between capital and labor, labor
management relations lo5-chu ki3u-hun 勞
disseminate news, information, to spread
thoa5n-po3+, tho5an kah chi8t-si3-ke3 傳播,傳佈
disputes, quarrels, disturbances, restlessness, storm in figurative sense hongpho 風波
disseminate, announce sa3n-po3+ 散佈
disseminate, spread ia7, ia7-so3a*, tho5an-po3+,
soan-po3+ 散佈,散播,傳播,宣佈
disqualified from voting chhu2-siau ta5u-phi3o e5
chu-keh 取消投票的資格
dissension sio-che*, put-ho5, oan-ke 相爭,不和,
disqualify chhu2-siau chu-keh 取消資格
- to avoid family dissension pi7-bia2n ka-te5ng
put-ho5 避免家庭不和
disregard kho3a*-khin, bo5 chu3-i3, pa3ng bo5 ia3uki2n 看輕,沒注意,不理會
dissent bo5 cha3n-se5ng, ho2an-tu3i 不贊成,反對
disregard all restrictions, be licentious
thian-thian 不專心,放恣
dissertation lu7n-bu5n 論文
disservice su2n-ha7i, siong-ha7i, ge8k-tha7i 損害,傷
disregard, be careless, forgetful of, to overlook, to neglect hut-lio8k 忽略
dissimilar, unequal, unlike, not the same,
different bo5 ka7ng-kho2an 不一樣,不同
disregard, neglect, let it be as it is, no matter which… put-ko2an 不管
dissimulate ke2, mo5a-phi3an, ti3*, te3* 假,欺騙,假
disrepair sit-siu, bo5 siu-li2 失修
disrepute mi5a-sia* chin ba2i, bo5 si7u hoan-ge5ng
dissipate, squander ho7+… siau-si8h, ho7+… bo5khi3, lo7ng-hu3i, ho3ng-to7ng 使…消蝕,浪費,
disrespect put-ke3ng, bo5 le2-ma7u, sit-le2 不敬,沒
dissipate one's fortune kheng-ke to7ng-sa2n 傾
disrespectful put-ke3ng e5, bo5 le2-ma7u e5, sit-le2 不
dissipated, lead a dissolute life, debauchery ho3ng-to7ng 放蕩
disrespectful child bo5-la5ng-ka3-si7 e5 gi2n-a2 沒教
dissipation hun-so3a*, ho3ng-to7ng, hun-sim 分
disrespectful in conduct, act uninhibitedly
or disrespectfully ho3ng-su3 放肆
dissociate hun-khui, to7an-choa8t koan-he7 分開,
disrespectful to parents put-ha3u pe7-bu2 不孝
dissociate oneself from to7an-choa8t kah… e5
koan-he7 斷絕與…的關係
disrespectful to superiors put-ke3ng 不敬
disrespectful to superiors, officials tu3i te2ngsi bo5 le2-ma7u 對上司不禮貌
dissoluble e7 hun-khui tit, e7 ka2i-ti5 tit, e7 iu5* tit 可
disrespectful, fail to ask pardon for disrespect sit-ke3ng 失敬
dissolute ho3ng-to7ng, ho3+*-sek 放蕩,好色
dissolute young fellow, debauchee lo7ngto7ng-chu2 浪蕩子
distill camphor kek lo2-iu5 (archaic) 提煉樟腦油
distill wine or liquor kek-chi2u 釀酒
dissolute, debauched, romantic lo7ng-ba7n 浪
distilled water cheng-li5u-chu2i 蒸餾水
distiller cheng-li5u-khi3 蒸餾器
dissolute, unconventional m7-si7u-che3 放蕩不
distinct hun-be5ng, be5ng-lia5u, kah…bo5 ka7ng 分
dissolution hun-ka2i, ka2i-sa3n 分解,解散
- to talk distinctly ko2ng chheng-chho2 講清楚
dissolution of parliament kok-ho7e e5 ka2i-sa3n
distinction, difference chha-pia8t, hun-pia8t 差
dissolve a marriage thiah-so3a* hun-in 拆散婚
distinction, eminent, eminence ko-ku3i, u7 mi5a,
kong-e5ng 高貴,有名,光榮
dissolve a meeting sa3n-ho7e 散會
- man of distinction chhut-mi5a e5 la5ng 出名的
dissolve parliament ka2i-sa3n kok-ho7e 解散國會
dissolve partnership thiah-ko2+ 拆股
- to make distinction between chha-pia8t 差
dissolve phlegm, expectorants ho3a-tha5m 化
- without distinction bo5 hun sio7ng-ha7 不分上
dissolve, melt ka2i-sa3n, thiah-sa3n, iu5*, io5ng-ho3a
dissolve, melt, fuse iu5*-khi3 溶解
distinctive te8k-pia8t e5, u7 te8k-sek e5, u7 hun-pia8t
dissolve, turn into liquid ho3a-ka2i 化解
distinctly chheng-chho2, hia2n-jia5n 清楚的,顯然
dissolvent, solvent io5ng-che 溶劑
- Please speak distinctly. Chhi2a* ko2ng ho7+
chheng-chho2. 請說清楚.
dissonant bo5 it-ti3, bo5 su3-pho3e, bo5 su3-pho3e e5
distinguish hun-pia8t, hun 分別,分
dissuade, advise against cho2+-chi2, kho2+-khn3g,
khn3g la5ng m7-thang… 阻止,勸告,勸人不
- cannot distinguish hun-be7-chhut 分不出
- It's hard to distinguish. Chin oh hun-pia8t.
distance ki7-li7, hn7g 距離
- to distinguish good and bad hun-pia8t si7hui 分別是非
- long distance phone call tn5g-to5+ tia7n-o7e 長
- to distinguish clearly hun chheng-chho2 分
distance from end of journey still far off, a
long way to travel yet pho3a-go7a-lo7+ 還差
distinguish between prominent and humble
people hun ku3i-chia7n 分貴賤
distance from here li7 chia 離這裡
distinguish high from low hun sio7ng-ha7 分上
distance of an air or sea trip ha5ng-the5ng 航
distinguish oneself in any profession ha5n
5 gha5ng chhut chio7ng-go5an 行行出狀元
distance to be traveled, journey, traveling
distance, a stage lo7+-the5ng 路程
distinguish oneself, render a service, do a
meritorious deed kia3n-kong 建功
distance, length of journey li2-the5ng 里程
distant hn7g 遠
distant from here li7 chia chin hn7g 離這裡很遠
distinguish, discriminate, discern sek-pia8t 識
distant relative oa2n-chhin 遠親
distinguished chhut-mi5a 出名
distinguished and elegant ko-nga2 高雅
distant relative of the same surname chhincho8k 親族
distinguished disciple, your esteem student
ko-to5+ 高徒
distant, remote ia5u-oa2n 遙遠
distaste chheh, tho2-ia3 嫌,討厭
distinguished family be5ng-bu5n 名門
distend tio3ng-to7a, thia2n-khui, pho3ng-tio3ng 脹
distinguished people to7a ji5n-bu8t 大人物
distinguished person u7 mi5a e5 la5ng 有名的人
distension tio3ng-to7a, pho3ng-tio3ng 脹大,膨脹
distinguished personalities in a locality,
local luminaries te7-hng ji5n-su7 地方人士
distill, distillation cheng-li5u, kek 蒸餾,釀
distinguished service iu2-kong 有功
distinguished, sophisticated hoe 花,風流
district court te7-hng hoat-i7* 地方法院
distract be7 choan-sim, ho7+ la5ng hun-sim 不專
district mayor ti3n-ti2u*, hiong-ti2u* 鎮長,鄉長
district not within the jurisdiction of any of
the neighboring magistrates sam-putko2an te7-ta3i 三不管地帶
distract one's attention ho7+ la5ng hun-sim, ho7+
la5ng be7 choan-sim 讓人分心
distracted hun-lo7an, hun-sim 分亂,分心
district public hall ti3n-kong-so2+, hiong-kongso2+ 鎮公所,鄉公所
distraction hun-sim, bo5 choan-sim 分心,不專
district under control ko2an-khu 管區
distraction at prayers lia7m-keng hun-sim,
lia7m-keng bo5 choan-sim 唸經分心,唸經不
district, section, area, a section of a field, a
ward, distinguish, to discriminate, to
separate khu 區,塊,田
distraught ho5an-lo2, sim-thi3a*, khi2-sia2u, chengsi5n chho3-lo7an 煩惱,心痛,發狂,精神錯亂
distrust gi5, gia5u-gi5, bo5 si3n-io7ng 疑,懷疑,無信
distress kho2+-la7n, khu3n-kho2+, put-he7ng 苦難,
distrust others ho5ai-gi5 la5ng 懷疑別人
distrustful gi5, ho5ai-gi5, gia5u-gi5 疑,懷疑
- to be in distress lo8h-la7n 落難
disturb ho5ng-ha7i, kia2u-jia2u, chak-cho7, jia2u-lo7an,
chha2 妨礙,打擾,擾亂,吵
- people in distress la7n-bi5n 難民
distress of mind sim-sng, siong-sim 心酸,傷心
disturb and awaken chha2-chhi2*, chha2-chhe2*
distressed, agony, affliction, anguish kho2+na2u 苦惱
disturb people's minds jia2u-lo7an ji5n-sim 擾亂
distressing circumstances ke2ng-gu7 chin ba2i
disturb somebody chho3-la5ng-hi7* 擾人清靜,很
distribute anew, reallocate tio5ng-sin hunpho3e 重新分配
disturb someone's sound sleep ho5ng-ha7i anbi5n 妨害安眠
distribute ashes boah se3ng-hoe 抹聖灰
disturb the good luck of a place pa7i te7-li2 敗地
distribute bonus pun-a5ng, a5ng-li7 分紅,紅利
distribute invitation cards pa3ng thiap-a2 發帖
disturb the social order jia2u-lo7an tia8t-su7 擾亂
distribute leaflets, pamphlets pun po3+-to7-toa*
disturb, to ruffle, disarrange kia2u-la7-a2 攪亂
disturbance chha2u-na7u, chin chha2, jia2u-lo7an,
bo5 an-te7ng 吵鬧,擾亂,不安定
distribute rations, to ration pho3e-kip 配給
distribute the land pun tho2+-te7 分土地
- create disturbance na7u, chha2u-na7u 吵鬧
distribute things hun-pho3e mi8h-ki7a* 分配東西
- quell a disturbance pe5ng-lo7an 平亂
distribute, hand out, issue handbill pun-toa*
disturbance, disorder, commotion, agitation to7ng-lo7an 動亂
distribute, points, rationing pun, hun-pho3e,
pho3e-kip 分,分配,配給
disturbance, obstruction, to hinder, interfere with ho5ng-ga7i, ho5ng-ha7i 防礙,妨害
distribution hun-pho3e, hun-po3+ 分配,分佈
disturbances of war chia3n-lo7an 戰亂
distribution chart hun-po3+-to5+ 分布圖,分佈圖
disturbed by the news chi8t-e7 thia*-tio8h siau-sit
sim-koa* put-an 一聽到消息心裡不安
distribution of property hun-pho3e cha5i-sa2n,
pun cha5i-sa2n 分配財產
disturbed with pity for someone, cannot
bear to…, cannot stand the sight of…
put-ji2m-sim 不忍心
distribution of work hun-pho3e khang-kho3e 分
distributor, automotive distributor pho3etia7n-ki, pho3e-tia7n-po5a* 配電機,配電盤
disunion, split, division, be divided, be split,
be disunited, break up hun-lia8t, bo5
tho2ng-it, bo5 ho5, hun-ho3a 分裂,不統一,不
district te7-hng, ti3n, hiong, khu 地方,鎮,鄉,區
- parish district pu2n-tn5g-khu 本堂區
disunite ho7+… hun-lia8t, bo5 ho5, hun-li7, hun-ho3a
- postal district iu5-pia7n-khu 郵政區
district attorney te7-hng hoat-i7* kia2m-chhatkoa* 地方法院檢察官
disuse hu3i-chi2 a3, bo5 io7ng a7 廢止,不用
ditch kau-a2, chu2i-kau 溝,水溝
divide expenses in fair proportions, Dutch
treat chia3u-khui 分攤
- to dig a ditch ku8t kau-a2 挖水溝
divide family property to set up separate
fraternal households pun su5i-la5ng 分家
ditto kah tha5u-che5ng ka7ng-kho2an 同前
ditto marks kah tha5u-che5ng ka7ng-kho2an e5 hu5ho7 與前面相同的符號
divide in equal shares, divide equally tu3ipo3a*-pun 對半分,平分
diuretics li7-ji7o-che, li7-su2i 利尿劑,利尿
divide in half cho3-pe5ng 成半
diurnal ji8t-si5, ji8t-si5 e5, ji8t-ji8t e5, ta8k-ji8t 白天,天天的
divide into classes in school hun-pan 分班
divan, sofa pho3ng-i2 沙發椅
divide into five portions phe* cho3 go7+ hu7n 分
dive chha3ng-chu2i-bi7, chn3g-chu2i, chai lo8h-la5i 潛
divide into parties or factions hun to2ng-pha3i
dive into the water chha3ng-chu2i-bi7 潛水
diver chia5m-chu2i-hu, chha3ng-chu2i-bi7 e5 la5ng 潛
divide into parts, to separate, sever, classify hun-khui 分開
diver, frogman chia5m-chu2i-oa5n, chu2i-ku2i-a2 潛
divide into sections or districts hun-khu 分
diverge hun-chhe, thoat-so3a*, li7 te5 分岔,脫線,
divide into two portions hun-cho3 nn7g hu7n 分
divergence hun-chhe, chha-i7, be7 ha8h, chhoa8hkhi3 分歧,差異,不合,偏倚
divide land into parts hun-koah 分割
divide a large mass into small groups,
squad, division, detachment hun-tu7i 分
diverse put-to5ng e5, ku2i-a7 chio2ng, chio2ngchio2ng e5, pia3n-ho3a chin-che7 e5 不同的,種
divide money, beg for money pun-chi5* 乞討
diverse ways put-to5ng e5 hong-hoat 不同的方
divide profit equally, giving equal shares to
all chia3u-pun 照分,均分
diversion cho2an-hio3ng, pia3n-keng 轉向,變更
diversion, amusement go7+-lo8k 娛樂
divide property, distribute an inheritance
pun cha5i-sa2n, pun ke3-ho2e 分財產
diversionary action or move in the military
khian-che3 he5ng-to7ng 牽制行動
divide proportionally, divide a quantity into
certain shares, to share phe*, phi* 分
diversity oa5n-cho5an bo5 ka7ng, pia3n-ho3a to-toan
divide so that each gets some part, to share
with others pun-phe* 分施,分攤
divert ho7+… cho2an-hio3ng, ho7+…cho2an-pia3n,
siau-khi2an 使…轉向,使…轉變,消遣
divert funds, misappropriate, embezzle na2io7ng 挪用
divide the harvest of a field between landlord and tenant choh-pun 租耕,指收成後
divert oneself with sports and arts, pastime
cho3 the2-ge7, gi7-ni7u 形容做消遣
dividend, stock dividend a5ng-li7, ko2+-sek, ko2+-li7
紅利, 股息,股利
divert somebody's attention ho7+ la5ng hunsim 使人分心
dividend in math, the divisor pi7-ti5-so3+ 被除數
dividing equally among all, in equal parts
chia3u-pun 均分,平分
divest, strip someone of their property paktoa8t 剝奪
divination, to divine, resolve doubts by
consulting the spirits ki 乩
divest, strip someone of their rights toa8tko5an 奪權
divine by having a bird pick out one lot
from several pok-chia2u-ko3a 卜鳥卦
divest, sell stock thiat-chu, be7 ko2+-phi3o 撤資,
divine by rice bi2-ko3a 米卦
divide hun, pun, pun-khui 分,分開
divine favor thian-in 天恩
divide booty among thieves hun-chong 分贓
Divine Law Thian-chu2 e5 Lu8t-hoat (Catholic) 天
divide costs pro rata phah-ta2u-si3 費用平均分
divine nature Thian-chu2-se3ng 天主性
divide equally pe5ng-hun, pun ho7+ pe5* 平分
divine pill, elixir, panacea sian-io8h, sian-tan
divine power, marvelous ability, supernatural strength si5n-le8k 神力
Djakarta Nga2-ka-ta8t 雅加達
divine teacher, spiritual director si5n-su 神師
DNA fingerprinting DNA, DNA ka3m-te7nghoat DNA 鑑定法
divine tree si5n-bo8k 神木
do cho3, chho3ng 做,行
divine troops, marvelous soldiers si5n-peng
- How do you do? Ki2u-gio2ng. 久仰.
divine will thian-be7ng 天命
- don't have a connection with lo2ng bo5
koan-he7 都沒關係
divine with bamboo sticks thiu-chhiam 抽籤
- That will not do. He be7-e7ng-tit. 那不行.
divine with divining blocks ko3a, pok-ko3a,
poa8h-poe 卜卦,卜神筊
- What are you doing? Li2 teh chho3ng si2a*mih? 你在做什麼?
divine, pertaining to spirits si5n, si5n e5 神,神的
do a job any old way o+-pe8h cho3 亂做
divine, prophesy i7-gia5n 預言
divine, to foretell, to prophesy, anticipate,
to divine with tortoise shells pok 卜
do a job from beginning to end, finish a job
once started u7 tha5u u7 bo2e 有頭有尾,有始
divinely efficacious si5n-ha7u 神效
do agricultural work choh-sit 耕作
divinely endowed, exceptional ability thongthian e5 pu2n-su7 通天的本事
do any old thing cho3-tang cho3-sai 做東做西,
diving exhibition thia3u-chu2i pia2u-ia2n 跳水表演
do as one pleases iu5-cha7i 隨便
diving suit chia5m-chu2i-i 潛水衣
do as one pleases regardless of the consequences chia3u-cho3 put-go7+ 照做不誤
divinity Thian-chu2-se3ng (Catholic), si5n-se3ng,
Sio7ng-te3 e5 se3ng-chit (Protestant) 天主性,神
do away with pa3ng-sak 拋棄
do business cho3 seng-li2, cho3 be2-be7 做生意,做
division in math ti5-hoat 除法
do business jointly, joint investment ha8p-ko2+
cho3 seng-li2 合股做生意
division of a clan cho8k-pha3i 族派
division, military unit su 師
do business with, to buy kau-koan 採購,買
division, segmentation, classify, partition
hun-koah, hun-lu7i, ti5, hun-hoat, po7+-bu5n,
keh, keh-khui, keh-keng 分割,分類,除,分
do business, to trade keng-siong 經商
do by turns, one resting while the other
works pa3ng-pho7a* cho3 輪流做
divisor of a number, approximate number
iok-so3+ 約數
do carefully se3-ji7 cho3 小心做
do carefully, good workmanship, be
thoughtful kang-hu 仔細,精細,週到
divorce li7-hun, li7-ia5n 離婚,離緣
divorce by consent, uncontested divorce
to5ng-i3 li7-hun 同意離婚
do carelessly lo2-chho2 潦草
do duty in shifts tong-hoan 輪班,當值
divorce one's wife hiu-chhe 休妻
divorced parents pe7-bo2 i7-li7 父母異離
do evil, run amok, to commit outrages huihui-lo7an-cho3 非非亂做,胡作非為
divulge la7u-sia8p, sia8p-la7u 洩漏
do evil things, commit sins cho7-gia8t 造孽
divulge a secret la7u-sia8p pi3-bi8t 洩漏秘密
do a favor for someone cho3-ji5n-che5ng 做人情,
do evil
divulge secrets, plans or plots cha2u-la7u siausit 走漏消息
do good cho3 ho2-su7, cho3 sia7n-su7 行善
divulge, reveal, let out, leak out tha3u-lo7+ 透露
do him a favor ho7+ i hong-pia7n 給他方便
DIY, do it yourself, self-assemble DIY, be2tn2g-khi3 ka-ti7-cho+ 自己組合
do injury to oneself in order to deceive the
enemy kho2+-jio8k-ke3 苦肉計
dizziness, be dizzy or giddy, swimming
head o+-a3m-hi5n 頭暈目眩
do it according to this method, do it this
way chia3u-cho3 照做
dizzy hi5n, o+-a3m-hi5n 眩,暈眩的
do it all over again from the beginning te5ngtha5u phah-khi2 從頭做起
dizzy head and dimmed vision tha5u-hi5n ba8ka3m 頭眩目暗,頭昏眼花
Do it by yourself. Li2 ka-ti7 cho3. 你自己做.
dizzy, giddy go5ng-go5ng 頭暈
do mischief, play a trick on, speaking in a
deceitful way tih-tuh 淘氣,頑皮
do something gladly kam-goa7n cho3 甘願做
do night work, work at night cho3 me5-kang 做
do something on an experimental basis,
implement a pilot project chhi3-pa7n 試辦
do not expect it ma3i si7u* 甭想
do something out of spite, get into a rage
and insist on doing something regardless of the consequences to2+-khi3 賭氣
do something bad a3m-lo7+ 夜路
do not have a single skill or merit bo5 po3a*
phiat 沒半撇,一無所長
do not know m7 chai-ia2*, m7-chai 不知道
do something seriously after starting it as a
joke, ruse ke2-hi3 chin cho3 假戲真做
do not know anything m7-bat po3a*-ha7ng 什麼
do something slowly or lazily thu5 遲,慢吞吞,
do not know how to be7-hia2u 不會
do something superficially or only for looks,
two faced ho2-bi7n-che5ng-khi7a 做表面,外表
do not know worldly affairs m7-bat se3-su7 不懂
do not know, cannot understand m7-bat 不知
do something to one's heart's content, satisfy the urge of an addiction ko3e-gia3n 過
do not want to m7-a3i, bo5-a3i 不愛,不喜歡
do not want to eat m7-a3i chia8h 不愛吃,不喜歡
do things carelessly cho3-su7 chin lo2-chho2 做
do not want to go m7-a3i khi3 不愛去,不喜歡去
do things that benefit the public like building a road, bridge, school or orphanage
cho7-hok ji5n-ku5n 造福人群
do not wish for, will not, rather rude way of
refusing someone's request bo5-gia3n,
be7-gia3n 不幹
do one's duty chi7n chek-ji7m 盡責任
do what you can chi7n-lio7ng cho3, chi7n-le8k cho3
盡量做, 盡力做
do one's duty as a subject, be loyal to the
ruler chi7n-tiong 盡忠
do what you ought to do kai cho3 tio8h cho3 該
do one's duty, work without pay chi7n gi7-bu7
do work or keep watch by turns sio-the3 輪流
do work, be a workman cho3-kang 做工
do or say nothing to the point or purpose
cho3 kah bo5-lo7+-la5i, ko2ng kah bo5-lo7+-la5i 做得
do wrong cho3 m7-tio8h, cho3-chho3 做錯
Do you feel better? U7 khah kho3a*-oa8h bo5+? 舒
do or say something jokingly and thoughtlessly, stupid, absurd khong-kha2m 狂妄
Do you have any questions or problems?
Li2n u7 si2m-mih gi5-bu7n bo5+5 ? 你們有什麼疑問
嗎 ?
do or transact business keng-e5ng su7-gia8p 經
Do you have money? Li2 u7 chi5* a2 bo5? 你有錢
do over again te5ng-koh cho3 重做,再做
do penance cho3 po2+-sio8k (Catholic) 做補贖
Do you know him or not? Ta3u-te2 li2 si7 bat i a2
m7 bat? Ta3u-te2 li2 bat i a2 m7 bat? 到底你認識
do personally chhin-chhi2u cho3 親手做
do repeatedly u7-u5n 接二連三的,無間斷
do you
Do you plan to get married? Li2 u7 teh ke3-oe7
boeh kiat-hun bo5+? 你有計劃要結婚嗎?
do research gia2n-ki3u 研究
do shoddy work, cut corners, use less or
inferior materials than agreed upon in a
building job thau-kang kia2m-lia7u 偷工減
Do you remember? Li2 e7-ki3-tit be7? 你記得嗎?
Do you smoke? Li2 u7 chia8h hun bo5+? 你有抽煙
嗎 ?
do sloppy work, skimp on one's work, do
one's work without purpose cho3 ta7i-chi3
ha3m-ha3m 做事馬虎
Do you want it or not? Will you take it or
not? Will you accept it or not? Boeh a2 m7?
do some act of merit li8p-kong 立功
Do you want to go? Li2 boeh khi3 a2 m7? 你要不
do a somersault chhia lia3n-ta2u 翻觔斗
do, make, to farm choh, chok 作
do something all by oneself it-chhi2u pau-pa7n
do, manage chha7* 做
docile un-su5n, koai 溫順,乖
document bu5n-ki7a*, che3ng-ki7a*, bu5n-su, su-lu7i
docility un-su5n, su5n-lio5ng, koai 溫順,馴良,乖
dock, terminal be2-tha5u, chu5n-o+ 碼頭,船塢
- legal document hoat-lu8t bu5n-ki7a* 法律文件
dock, dry dock siu-li2 chu5n e5 chu5n-o+ 船塢
document explaining state of affairs after
being wronged, or putting forward new
proposals for a situation ti5n-che5ng-su 陳
docking, connection, link li5an-chiap 連接
dockyard cho7-chu5n-chhia2ng 造船廠
doctor, medical doctor i-seng, sian-si* 醫生
documentary film ki3-lio8k-phi3*, ki3-lo8k-phi3*, ki3lio8k tia7n-ia2* 記錄片,記錄電影
- go to see the doctor khi3 ho7+ i-seng kho3a*
documents, papers su-lu7i, ki3-lio8k 文書的,記錄
- to call the doctor chhi2a* i-seng, kio3 i-seng
documents, records bu5n-su 文書
dodder, stumble, tremble be7-cha7i, kha-chhi2u
e7 chhoah, ki5a* tio8h kho7ng-kho7ng-hia2n 蹣
doctor in charge chu2-ti7 i-su 主治醫師
doctor of Chinese medicine tiong-i, ha3n-i 中
dodge sia2m-pi7, sia2m-khui 閃避,閃開
doctor of divinity, DD si5n-ha8k phok-su7 神學博
dodge ball, a kind of ball game played by
children to2-pi7-ki5u 躲避球
doctor of engineering kang-ha8k phok-su7 工學
doe bo2 e5 lo8k-a2 牝鹿
doer si8t-he5ng-ka, cho3 e5 la5ng 實行家,作事者
doctor of law hoat-ha8k phok-su7 法學博士
- He is a doer not a talker. I si7 si8t-he5ng-ka m7si7 o7e-sian. 他是實行家不是亂蓋.
doctor of literature bu5n-ha8k phok-su7 文學博士
doctor of medicine, M.D. i-ha8k phok-su7 醫學
does not burn easily oh to8h 不易燃
does not concern one, be none of one's
business bo5-ti7-ta7i 無關…的事,不相干
doctor of philosophy, PhD tiat-ha8k phok-su7
does not grow up be7 to7a-ha3n 長不大
doctor of science, DSc li2-ha8k phok-su7 理學博
does not have the ability or faculty to make
money to full potential tha3n-be7-to2 賺不倒,
doctor, academic degree, doctorate phok-su7
does not keep one's place as an uppish inferior, does not attend to one's duty bo5
ji7n-hu7n 不守份,不自量力
doctorate phok-su7 ha8k-u7i 博士學位
doctors asking high fees, the charges are
exorbitant chn2g-kah chhim 指甲深,比喻
does not quite suit my convenience to5+-ha8psio7ng be7 tu2-ho2 情況不適宜
doctor's consultation room chi2n-lia5u-sek 診
does not realize the danger m7-chai thang
kia* 不知可怕,不知危險
doctor's fee ti7-lia5u-hu3i 治療費
does not speak clearly ko2ng oe7 ko2ng be7 kann5g 講話不清楚
doctor's office is closed for lunch or some
other reason hiu-chi2n 休診
doesn't come up to the standard bo5 ka3u
chu2i-chu2n 不夠水準
doctors practicing western medicine rather
than Chinese herb medicine se-i 西醫
doesn't feel it, only slightly affected, remains unperturbed ba2ng-a2 te3ng gu5-kak
doctrinarism ka3u-tia5u chu2-gi7 教條主義
doctrine ia3u-li2, to7-li2, ka3u-gi7, ka3u-li2, ha8k-soat 要
doesn't know all the ramifications bat be7tha3u 識不透,無法全知道
- article of doctrine chi8t toan to7-li2 一端道理
doesn't matter, unimportant, does not constitute an obstacle or obstruction bu5ho5ng 無妨
- evil doctrine si5a-to7 邪道
- to preach the doctrine ko2ng to7-li2 講道理
doctrine of national salvation ki3u-kok chu2-gi7
doesn't rhyme bo5 ha8h-u7n 不合韻
doesn't sound be7 hia2ng 不響
doctrine or dogmas of any religion ka3u-li2 教
doesn't want to offend people put-tek-put-sit
doff clotes or hat thn3g sa*, li3u bo7-a2 脫
dolor pi-ai, iu-chhi5u 悲哀,憂愁
dog ka2u 狗
dolphin, sea hedgehog ha2i-ti, ha2i-thu5n 海豚
- The dog barks. Ka2u teh pu7i. 狗在吠.
dolphinarium, aquarium for dolphins ha2ithu5n chu2i-cho8k-ko2an, chu2i-cho8k-ko2an 海
- wild dog ia2-ka2u 野狗
dog fleas ka2u-sat 狗蝨
dolt go7ng-tai 傻瓜
dog meat ka2u-bah 狗肉
domain, dominion, territory, range so2+-iu2-te7,
le2ng-tho2+, ho7an-u5i 所有地,領土,範圍
dog-ear au2-khi2-la5i, ti7 chheh-ni8h a2u chi8t e5 kak
- public domain kong-iu2 tho2+-te7 公有土地
doggedly determined on it, so that no entreaties or reasoning will move him
kio5ng-to7+ boeh 硬要
dome i5*-te2ng, bi7n-te2ng i5*-i5*, i5*-chhu3-te2ng 圓頂,
doggedly determined to oppose, refuse
what is proposed phian-phian-a2 m7 偏偏
domestic ka-te5ng e5, kok-la7i e5, chhe-e7ng-e5,
chhi3a*-e5 家庭的,國內的,僕人
doggedly refuse to admit fault or mistake
kio5ng-su5 強詞
domestic animal, livestock cheng-se*-a2 家畜,
dogma si3n-tia5u, ka3u-gi7, si3n-tek e5 to7-li2 信條,教義,
domestic animal, You brute! Beast! thek-se*,
thek-si* (also scolding words) 畜生
dogmatic si3n-tia5u e5, ka3u-li2 e5 信條的,教理的
domestic animals, oxen, sheep, horses,
pigs, dogs and fowls lio8k-thiok 六畜
domestic affairs, family matters ka-su7 家事
dogmatic theology ka3u-gi7-ha8k 教義學
domestic articles ka-te5ng io7ng-phi2n 家庭用品
dogmatism to8k-to3an chu2-gi7, ka3u-tia5u chu2-gi7 獨
domestic discord, family on bad terms kate5ng be7-ho5 家庭不和
dogmatize a3-pa3 專橫
domestic economy kok-ka keng-che3 國家經濟
dogmatize about things cho3 ta7i-chi3 chin a3-pa3
domestic economy ka-te5ng keng-che3 家庭經
dogs bark, to bark at pu7i 吠
domestic or cottage industries ka-te5ng kanggia8p 家庭工業
dog's hair ka2u-mo+ 狗毛
dog's head ka2u-tha5u 狗頭
domestic or world market, market place
chhi7-ti5u* 市場
dog's penis ka2u-pian 狗鞭
dogs united in copulation ka2u-sio-to3a 狗交配
domestic sale of market, local products la7isiau 內銷
doing by strength of hand alone nge7-la8t, ngi7la8t 硬力
domestic science department ka-che3ng-he7
doing or saying something just to be contrary kek-kut 言行故意標新立異,戲謔的
domestic science junior college ka-che3ng
choan-kho ha8k-ha7u 家政專科學校
doing several things in succession without
stopping lia5n-so3a 連續
domestic trade kok-la7i bo7+-e8k 國內貿易
doings he5ng-u5i, hoa8t-to7ng, so2+-cho3 e5 ta7i-chi3 行
domestic troubles ka-te5ng bu7n-te5 家庭問題
domestic vocation ka-chit 家職
dole, relief, u nemployment benefits ki3uche3-phi2n, sit-gia8p ki3u-che3-kim 救濟品,失業
domesticate su5n-ho8k, ka3 to7ng-bu8t ho7+ koai 馴
domesticated animals, livestock, pigs and
chickens o7ng-tia5u 家畜興旺
- to go on the dole sit-gia8p e5 si5 chiap-si7u sitgia8p ki3u-che3-kim 失業的時候接受失業救濟
domicile chu7-so2+, khi7a-ke 住所,住宅
domiciliary chu7-so2+ e5, khi7a-ke e5 住所的,住宅的
doll ang-a2 洋娃娃
- a tumbling doll, a roly-poly doll a-put-to2
domiciliary register ho7+-che8k-pho7+, ho7+-kha2u
mi5a-pho7+ 戶籍簿,戶口名簿
doll up, make up, adorn, embellish chongsek 裝飾
domiciliary visit ho7+-kha2u tia5u-cha 戶口普查
dominant u7 tho2ng-ti7-ko5an e5, u7 se3-le8k e5, chia3m
iu-se3 有統治權的,有勢力的,佔優勢的
dollar gi5n-oa5n, kho+ 銀元
dominate ko2an, tho2ng-ti7, chi-pho3e 管,統治,支
Don't tell him. Ma3i ka7 i ko2ng. 不要告訴他.
Don't worry about it. Put your heart at rest.
Chhi2a* li2 an-sim. 請你安心.
dominical chu2-ji8t e5, le2-pa3i-ji8t e5 主日的,星期日
Don't worry. Chhi2a* li2 ho3ng-sim. 請你放心.
dominical Mass chu2-ji8t Mi5-sat 主日彌撒
don't, should not m7-thang 勿,不可
Dominican To7-be5ng-ho7e e5 道明會的
Dominican Republic To-bi2-ni-ka kio7ng-ho5-kok
doodle ho8h-li2-ho8h-so8h, o7e tho2+-hu5-a2, go7ng-la5ng,
go7ng-tai, tho2+-hu5-a2 閒蕩,亂塗鴉,笨瓜,亂
Dominican Sisters of Funing, OP Hok-le5ng
To7-be5ng Siu-li2 Ho7e (Catholic) 福寧道明修
doodlebug sai-hi7a-a2-ki2a*, ku7-sek chho7e kho3ng
e5 hoat-to7+, la7u-ia5-chhia 獅蟻的幼虫,舊式探
dominion chu2-ko5an, tho2ng-ti7-kho5an 主權,統治
doom, doomed kiap-so3+, mi7a-u7n chu3-te7ng 劫數,
domino, dominoes or similar pieces used in
mahjong kut-pa5i 骨牌
doomed to live a painful, toilsome life gia8pmi7a, lo5-lo8k-mi7a 勞碌命
donate sa3ng, lo8k-koan 贈送,樂捐
doomed, destined for destruction chu3-ti7a*
put-he7ng 註定不幸
donate blood during public blood drive
koan-hoeh 捐血
doomsday se3-ka3i boa8t-ji8t 世界末日
donate blood, transfuse blood privately,
blood transfusion su-hoeh 輸血
door, a family, a home mn5g-ho7+ 門,門戶
- back door au7-bo2e-mn5g 後門
donate voluntarily lo8k-koan 樂捐
- front door to7a-mn5g 大門
donate, contribute, donation ki3a-hu3, ki3-hu3 捐
- knock at the door phah-mn5g 敲門
door bell tia7n-le5ng 電鈴
donation lo8k-koan, ki3a-hu3, le2-bu8t 樂捐,捐獻,
door bolt, gate bar mn5g-chho3a* 門閂
door flap, hanging door-screens mn5g-li5 門簾
done according to proper rule, according to
justice, performing one's duty fully and
faithfully chia3u-khi2-kang 照規矩來
door frame, door case mn5g-kheng 門框
door gods, paper effigies, paintings or the
names of the gods pasted on the doors
mn5g-si5n 門神
done for, destroyed khi3-lia2u-lia2u 全完了
done, cooked sufficiently, sufficiently acquainted with, learned well enough se8k
door is not latched mn5g bo5 khian le 門沒扣上
donkey, ass li5-a2 驢子
door is open mn5g khui leh, mn5g khui le, mn5g
khui-khui 門開著
donor koan-che7ng-chi2a, ki3a-hu3 e5 la5ng 捐贈者
door leaf mn5g-si3* 門扇
door lintel mn5g-ta2u, mn5g-ba5i 門斗,門楣
- a blood donor koan-hoeh e5 la5ng 捐血者
door mat lu3-e5-tia7m 擦鞋墊,腳踏墊
Don't be afraid. M7-bia2n chhoah. M7-bia2n kia*.
door number and address plate mn5g-pa5i 門
Don't be talkative. M7-thang che7-oe7. 不要多話.
door, gateway, sect, family, an opening mn5g
Don't blame him. M7-thang ko3ai i. 不要怪他.
Don't frighten me. Ma3i ka7 go2a heh*. Ma3i ka7
go2a heh*-kia*. 不要嚇我.
doorkeeper ko3+-mn5g-e5 顧門的,看門的
Don't get excited. M7-thang chhiong-to7ng. 不
doorposts, doorjamb mn5g-thia7u 門柱
Don't go. Ma3i khi3. M7-ho2 khi3. 不要去.
doors of a vehicle chhia-m5ng 車門
Don't laugh at him. Ma3i ka7 i chhi3o. Ma3i chhi3o
i. 不要笑他.
doorstep mn5g-ki7a-a2 門階
doors and windows mn5g-thang 門窗
Don't scold her. Ma3i me7 i. 不要罵她
doorway, an entrance, a gateway chi8t e5 mn5g,
chi8t si3* mn5g 一個門,一扇門
Don't talk about it just now. Ba7n-chhi2a*-ko2ng.
doorway, the entrance mn5g-kha2u 門口
Don't talk, Don't tell. Ma3i ko2ng. 不要說.
dope, drugs ba5-chu3i-io8h, ba5-chu3i 麻醉藥,麻醉
dope addict ba5-io8h tio3ng-to8k chi2a 麻藥中毒者
dope, idiot go7ng-la5ng 戇人
toan-ng2o+-chiat, go7+-goe8h-cheh 五日節,端
dormant su7i-bi5n e5, to7ng-bu8t bih-khang 睡眠的,
double layers, double decks siang-cha5n 雙層
- to be in a dormant state like an animal ji8p
su7i-bi5n e5 cho7ng-tha7i, tong-bi5n, bih-khang
double one's effort ka-po7e no2+-le8k 加倍努力
double one's fervor ka-po7e jia8t-sim 加倍熱心
double registered letter siang-ko3a-ho7 雙掛號
dormant or extinct volcano si2 ho2e-soa* 死火
Double Tenth, October 10, the National Day
of the Republic of China Siang-si8p-chiat
dormer window, skylight, sunroof thi*-thang
double tongued, fork tongued chi8t e5 chhu3i
siang e5 chi8h 一嘴兩舌,很會講話
dormitory inspector or matron, dormitory
superintendent si3a-ka3m 舍監
doubled joy, two happy events, a wedding
siang-hi2 雙喜,囍
dormitory, living quarters siok-si3a 宿舍
dosage, dose io8h-lio7ng 藥量
doubt, suspicion, doubting heart, suspect,
doubt, doubt gi5-sim, gi5, ho5ai-gi5, gia5u-gi5,
gi5-bu7n 疑心,疑,懷疑,疑問
dose of medicine chi8t thiap io8h-a2, chi8t ho8k
io8h-a2 一帖藥,一劑藥
dossier chi8t ki7a* su-lu7i 一件文書
dot, spot, speck, point, drop, small amount,
hours, to dot, to mark, to teach, to
point out tia2m, chi8t tia2m, tia2m chi8t tia2m 點,
dotage tho8eh, la5ng la7u tha5u-na2u tho8eh 老耄,
- to solve the doubts of another ka2i la5ng e5
gi5-bu7n 解決別人的疑問
- without doubt khak-te7ng 確定
doubt God ho5ai-gi5 Thian-chu2 懷疑天主
doubt the competency of a person ka2-ga5u 沒
doubt, to suspect gi5-he8k 疑惑
- in one's dotage la7u-khok-khok 高齡
doubtful ho5ai-gi5 e5, kho2-gi5 懷疑的,可疑的
dotard, a person in his dotage la7u ho5+-to5+, la7u
hoan-tian 老糊塗
doubtful fidelity po3a* kan-tiong 半奸半忠
doubtless bo5 gi5-bu7n, it-te7ng e5 無疑問,一定的
dote, over love a child, spoil a child la7u-to3tho8eh, la7u-a7, se7ng gi2n-a2, sioh, a3i, thi3a* gi2na2 年老昏庸, 衰老,溺愛,疼愛
douche, wash, bathe se2-tn7g e5 chu2i, ko3an-se2 ti7lia5u-hoat 灌洗之水,灌洗療法
dough mi7-hu2n-chhe3 生麵糰
- She doted on her grandson. I chin sioh
sun-a2. 他很疼孫子.
doughnut chi3* e5 khang-sim pi2a*, lo+nat (phonetic) 油煎圈餅
dotted line, imaginary line hi-so3a* 虛線
douse phoah-chu2i 潑水
double siang, siang-te5ng e5, nn7g-te5ng e5, te5ngpo7e, siang-po7e, nn7g-po7e, ke chi8t po7e, kapo7e 雙,雙層的,兩層的,雙倍,加一倍,加倍
douse someone with water ka7 la5ng phoahchu2i 對人潑水
- to see double o+-a3m-hi5n 暈眩
dove hu2n-chia2u, pe8h hu2n-chia2u 鴿子,白鴿子
- words with double meaning siang-koan-gi2
dove of peace ho5-pe5ng e5 hu2n-chia2u 和平的鴿
double bed siang-ji5n-chhn5g 雙人床
Dover To-hu8t 多佛
double boil ti7m 蒸燉
- strait of Dover To-hu8t ha2i-kiap 多佛海峽
double boil a fowl ti7m-ke 燉雞
dovetail su2n, ta3u-lo8h-su2n, ta3u ho7+ ba8h, ta3u ho7+
ha8h 榫,用榫接合,密合
double decked bunks siang-cha5n-chhn5g 雙層
- My plans dovetailed with his. Go2a e5 ke3-o7e
kap i e5 ke3-o7e chin ba8h. 我的計劃跟他的計
double edged knife siang-bi7n-to 雙面刀
Double Elimination Tournament siang to5tha3i-che3 雙淘汰制
Dow Jones Index To7-khe5ng-chi2-so3+ 道瓊指數
double eyelid ba8k-chiu te5ng-su5n 雙眼皮
down lo8h-khi3, e7-bi7n 下去,下面
- bend one's head down tha5u a3*-lo8h-khi3 頭
double fifth, the dragon boat festival on
which dragon boat race is held, May
5th, by the lunar calendar go7+-ji8t-cheh,
- fall down poa8h-to2 跌倒
- let down pa3ng-lo8h-khi3 放下去
doze for a few moments li3m chi8t chhe2* 假寐
- lie down to2-lo8h-khi3 倒下去
doze, feel drowsy, slumber, half-asleep bi5,
bi5n-bi5n 寐,小睡,半眠的
- swallow down thun-lo8h-khi3 吞下去
- walk up and down ki5a*-la5i-ki5a*-khi3 走來走去
dozen ta2*, chi8t ta2* 一打
down in the ground, below the surface of
the ground tho5+-te2 土裏
DPP, Democratic Progressive Party Bi5nchi3n-to2ng 民進黨
down on one's luck soe-sap 落魄
drab tho5+-sek e5, bo5-bi7 e5, la5ng chin si7an, bo5 simsek e5 土褐色的,單調的
downcast ba8k-chiu kho3a* e7-bi7n, bo5 cheng-si5n,
ut-chut 眼睛看下面,垂頭喪氣,鬱悶
drab existence bo5-bi7 e5 seng-oa8h 乏味的生活
downfall hu2i-bia8t, soe-lo8h, sit-pa7i, lo8h-la5i 毀滅,
Drachma Hi-la8h e5 chi5*-mi5a 希臘的貨幣名
draft, copy, manuscript ko2, go5an-ko2 稿,原稿
downhearted ut-chut, sit-chi3, bo5 cheng-s5in 鬱
- rough draft chho2-ko2 草稿
downhearted, downcast, cheerless bo5 go5ankhi3 沒元氣,沒有精神
- to make a draft gi2-ko2 起稿
draft, manuscript chhi2u-ko2 手稿
downhill tu3i e7-kha, lo8h-ki7a 向下地,下坡地
Downing Street To5ng-le5ng-ke 唐寧街
draft able-bodied male citizens for military
service, enlist under conscription tengpeng, tin-peng 徵兵
download si2a-cha5i (phonetic), ha7-cha3i 下載,下
draft bill, proposal for a legislative body gi7a3n 議案
downpour to7a-ho7+ 大雨
draft dodging, undermine the draft law of a
nation ho5ng-ha7i peng-ia8h 妨害兵役
- to go downhill lo8h-ki7a 下坡
downright thiat-te2, oa5n-cho5an, si8t-cha7i 徹底的,
draft plan, proposed plan chho2-a3n 草案
downright lie tu3i tha5u ka3u bo2e lo2ng ko2ng pe8hchha8t 從頭到尾都是謊言
draft the capable and virtuous for public
service teng-tia3u, tin-tia3u 徵召
downright rude si8t-cha7i chin ia2-ba5n 實在很野
draft, an opening for ventilation hong-khang
downstage ti7 bu2-ta5i che5ng 在舞台前
draft, hand written, rough copy or original
draft, careless, carelessly chho2 草,潦草
downstairs, ground floor la5u-kha 樓下
draft, money order, bill ho7e-phi3o 匯票
- to go downstairs lo8h-khi3 la5u-kha 下去樓下
drafted for military service e3ng-tia3u ji8p-ngo2+
downstream, lower reaches, backward position ha7-iu5, chu2i-bo2e 下游
drafting or drawing room che3-to5+-sek 製圖室
downtown, business center of town sionggia8p-khu 商業區
draftsman o7e siat-ke3-to5+ e5 la5ng 作圖樣者
drafty chin thang-hong 通風良好
- to go downtown khi3 ke-a2, khi3 chhi7-la7i 上街
downtown, streets with shops on both
sides of the street ke-a2 街上,小鎮
drafty room chit keng pa5ng-keng chin thanghong 這間房間很通風
downtrodden si7u ap-pek 受壓迫的
drag a large net khan-ba7ng 張網
downward n3g e7-kha 向下的
drag long skirt or pant leg in the mud thoatho5+ 拖地,垂地
- to look downward kho3a* tu3i e7-kha lo8h-khi3
drag racing, fast reckless car, bicycle or
motorcycle race, go for a joyride piauchhia, pio-chhia, piau-chho (phonetic) 飆
downward displacement of the stomach,
gastroptosis u7i ha7-su5i, u7i thu7i-ke7 胃下垂
downy hair, silky tresses kho2+-mn5g-a2, kho2+mo5+-a2 汗毛,乳毛
drag someone into trouble, involve someone thoa-lu7i 牽累
dowry ke3-chng 嫁妝
drag, brake to3ng-ku3n 制動槓,煞車槓
doxology cha3n-bi2-si 讚美詩
drag, delay, take a long time ia5n, ia5n-chhi5an
doze bi5n chi8t-e7, tuh-ku, tok ka-che7 打瞌睡,小
drag, pull thoa 拖,拖延
dragon le5ng, lio5ng 龍
drastic kek-lia8t, chin kio5ng 激烈,強烈
dragon boat le5ng-chu5n, lio5ng-chu5n 龍船
drastic measures ki2n-kip chhu2-li2, kek-lia8t e5
chhi2u-to7a* 緊急處理,激烈的手段
dragon boat race po5e-le5ng-chu5n 划龍船
drastic resolute measures kian-koat e5 chho3+si 堅決的措施
dragon dance la7ng-le5ng 舞龍
dragon fly chha5n-e*, chha5n-i* 蜻蜓
drastic tougher measures nge7-po7+, kio5ng-nge7
e5 chhi2u-to7a* 強硬的手段
dragon gate, attainment of success lio5ngmn5g 龍門
draught beer chhe*-be8h-a2-chi2u 生啤酒
drain a pond to harvest the fish kho2 hi5-ti5 排
draught of ale chi8t chhu3i chi2u 一口酒
draught, lowering of net to catch fish pha
chi8t pa2i lia8h-hi5 一網捉魚
drain off a swamp, pull the stopper out of a
sink, have a miscarriage la3u-tia7u 洩掉,
draught, ships displacement of water chu5n
chia8h-chu2i 船進水
drain water off la3u-chu2i 漏水,放水
drain, a ditch, drainage ditch kau-a2, chu2i-kau,
pa5i-chu2i-kau, pa5i-chu2i, la5u 小水溝,水溝,排
drain, to vent, let out, leak out sia8p 洩,泄
draughtsman, cartographer che3-to5+-oa5n 製圖
draw o7e-to5+, thiu, thoa, kiu, khong 畫圖,抽,拖,
draw a line in order to show the border,
boundary line, division line ka3i-so3a* 劃
drainage pa5i-chu2i 排水
drainage ditch pa5i-chu2i-kau 排水溝
drainage outlet pa5i-chu2i-kha2u 排水口
draw a sword poe8h-kia3m 拔劍
drainpipe pa5i-chu2i-ko2ng 排水管
draw alongside the shore, dock kho3-ho7a* 靠
drainpipe trousers chi5n-sng-khu2 (phonetic),
sok-sin-kho3+ 緊身褲
draw back from an affair when it becomes
dangerous kiu-cha2u 縮走,退縮
drake ah-kang 公鴨
drama hi3, hi3-kio8k, hi3-ke8k 戲,戲劇
draw back one's hand, withdraw from participation in business deal chhi2u kiu khi2la5i, kha kiu khi2-la5i 手縮起來,腳縮起來
drama fan hi3-be5 戲迷
drama film kio8k-che5ng-phi3* 劇情片
draw a carriage or cart, trailer thoa-chhia 拖
drama unit tan-go5an-kio8k 單元劇
drama, put on a play cho3-hi3 演劇
draw a check khui chi-phi3o 開支票
drama, intense, strenuous, violent ke8k, kio8k,
kek 劇
draw circle, make small circle to note perusal khong i5*-kho+-a2 打圈圈,劃圓圈
dramatic chhin-chhi7u* teh cho3-hi3, cho3-hi3 e5, hi3
e5 像在演戲,做戲的,戲的
draw in one's head like a turtle tha5u-khak to3lun 頭倒縮
dramatic, vivid seng-to7ng e5 生動的
draw in or back, recoil, withdraw, draw
straight back without turning lun, kiu 縮
dramatic hi3-ke8k-se3ng 戲劇性
dramatic circles hi3-kio8k-ka3i 戲劇界
dramatic troupe hi3-kio8k-tho5an 戲劇團
draw in the breath, inhale, suck up, absorb,
attract khip 吸
dramatics ia2n-ki 演技
draw in, to contract siu-siok, siu-sok 收縮
dramatize hi3-kio8k-ho3a, pian cho3 hi3-ke8k, pian
cho3 hi3-kio8k 編為戲劇
draw a knife thiu-to 抽刀
dramatize a novel chiong sia2u-soat pian-cho3
hi3-ke8k 將小說編成戲劇
draw a long breath, sigh a deep sigh
chho2an-to7a-khu3i, chho2an chi8t e5 to7a khu3i
draw a line ka3i-su5n, oe7-hu5n, oe7-su5n 畫線
drape cloth or clothes e7ng khioh-ke2ng a2-si7
chih kah chin su2i e5 po3+ kha3m-khi2-la5i,
pho8ah, sa* khioh-khioh le3, che2ng-li2 sa*,
tia3u 以摺綴之布覆蓋,披上,整理衣服,掛
draw lots thiu-chhiam, liu-khau 抽籤
draw lots or draw straws to see how much
each will pay poe8h-ho2+-chhiu 抓大頭,抽
draper be7-po3+ e5, po3+-siong, tia3u e5 la5ng 布商,懸
draw lots to determine the prize winners in
a raffle or lottery mo+-chha2i 摸彩
drapery piah-tha2n 壁毯
draw a lottery or raffle thiu-chio2ng 抽獎
drawings done with a writing brush mo5+-pitoe7 毛筆畫
draw off or out thiu 抽
draw or paint landscapes, to flatter, say irresponsible things oe7 san-su2i 畫山水,吹
drawings, designs, plans, drafts, patterns
to5+-a3n 圖案
draw out a peg with the hand, pull off a
tightlid or cover with some force pe*
khi2-la5i 扳起來
dray, cargo carriage cha3i-ho3e e5 be2-chhia 載
draw out matter and blood suh la5ng, suhhoeh 吸膿,吸血
- to be overcome by dread tio8h-kia*, kia*tio8h 驚嚇
draw out one's voice loud and long as in
singing or reciting khan-sia* 拉長音
- to have a dread of snakes kia* cho5a 怕蛇
drawl sia*-im thoa khah tn5g ko2ng 拉長聲音說
dread kia*, khio2ng-po3+ 驚,恐怖
dreadful kia* la5ng, …e7 kia* e5, chin ba2i 驚人,可
draw out, pull out, take out, select from a
lot thiu, thiu-chhut 抽,抽出
dreadful, fearsome, frightening, terrible
kho2-pha3* 可怕
draw pictures o7e to5+, o7e ang-a2 to5+ 畫圖,畫漫畫
draw pictures of persons oe7 ji5n-bu8t 畫人物
dream, to dream, to see visions, wishfulthinking ba7ng, ba7ng-ki3*, bi5n-ba7ng, cho3ba7ng 夢,夢見,作夢
draw plans, make blue prints che3-to5+ 製圖
draw spells or charms, write incantations,
to scribble or write unintelligibly oe7 hu5a2 畫符,亂畫,亂寫
- day dream khang-su bo7ng-sio2ng 空思夢想,
draw a sword poe8h-to, thiu-kia3m, poe8h-kia3m
- bad dreams ok-ba7ng 惡夢
draw the water out of a plumbing system,
to drain water la3u-chu2i 放水
- wet dream bo7ng-siat 夢洩
- to have a dream cho3-ba7ng, bi5n-ba7ng 作夢
- dream land ba7ng-hiong 夢鄉
draw the winning numbers of a lottery khaichio2ng, khui-chio2ng 開獎
dream a dream ba7ng-ki3* chi8t e5 ba7ng 夢見一個
draw up a blueprint of a factory siat-ke3 kangchhi2u* 設計工廠
Dream of the Red Chamber An5g-la5u-ba7ng 紅
draw up a constitution li8p-hia3n 立憲
dreaming impossible dreams kho3a*-u7 chia8hbo5 kan-ta* gia3n 看得到吃不著乾瞪眼
draw up a draft gi2-ko2 擬稿
draw up laws, legislate, enact laws li8p-hoat
dreamland ba7ng-ke2ng 夢境
dreamy, imaginary cho3-ba7ng e5, ka7u ba7ng, o+pe8h-si7u*, ho3an-sio2ng e5 做夢的,多夢的,幻
draw up or map out a plan gi2-te7ng 擬定
draw up rules and regulation li8p chiongthe5ng 立章程
dreary bo5-bi7, ut-chut 枯燥,鬱悶
draw water chhi7u*-chu2i 汲水
dredge oe2-tho5+-ki, ho+-khi2-la5i 挖土機,撈起來
drawback, shortcoming, weakness khoattia2m, the3-so3e 缺點,退稅
dredge for oysters ho+ o5-a2 撈蚵仔
dredger, ditcher o2+-tho5+-ki 挖土機
drawbridge oa8h-to7ng e5 tia3u-ki5o 活動的吊橋
dregs ta2i 渣
drawer thoah-a2 抽屜
- to drink to the dregs lim ho7+ lia2u, lim ho7+ ta
drawer of a cupboard tu5-a2-thoah, tu5-thoah 櫃
dregs, scrum of society ji5n-cha, pu3n-so3 人渣
drawer, to open a drawer, sliding door or
window thoah 抽,拉
drench ak, ak-ta5m 淋,淋濕
- thoroughly drenched ta5m-lok-lok 濕漉漉
drawing to5+ 圖
dress, to dress chhe7ng-sa*, ta2*-pa7n, chng 穿
drawing pin to5+-teng 圖釘
drawing room kheh-thia* 客廳
dress, a dress sa*, i-ho8k 衫,衣服
drawing, picture, illustrations in a magazine
or book to5+-o7e 圖畫
- wedding dress sin-ni5u sa* 新娘衣
- women's Chinese dress ki5-pha3u 旗袍
drawing, picture, painting ang-a2-to5+ 圖畫
- ceremonial dress le2-ho8k 禮服
- Chinese long dress tn5g-lia5u 長袍
dried beancurd made into thin sheets ta7upho5e 豆皮
- mourning dress ha3-ho8k 孝服
dried black dates o+-cho2 黑棗
dress a chicken lia7u-li2 ke 料理雞
dried cuttlefish, squid ji5u-hi5 魷魚
dress a deceased person in burial clothes
tiu*-chhe7ng 張穿,為死者穿壽衣
dried fish hi5-koa* 魚干,魚乾
dress a wound pau-khi2-la5i 包起來
dried leaves ta-hio8h 乾葉,枯葉,乾枯的樹葉
dress and personal adornment sin-chhe7ng
dried lung-yen fruit used for brewing a tea
le5ng-ge2ng-koa* 龍眼乾
dress badly put-ku2i put-ko3ai 打扮得很難看
dried meat, shredded bah-hu2 肉脯,肉鬆
dress clothes, stylish clothes chhut-go7a-sa*
dried noodles ta-mi7 乾麵
dress coat ia3n-bo2e-ho8k, la5m-io7ng e5 bo2an-le2ho8k 燕尾服,男用的晚禮服
dried oysters o5-koa* 蚵干,蠔干
dried food ta-lia7u 乾料,乾燥食品
dried orange peel ti5n-phi5 陳皮
dried persimmons khi7-ko2e, khi7-ke2 柿餅,柿干
dress ranks, line up lia8t-tu7i 列隊
dried plums, preserved plums bo5e-a2-koa* 梅
dress rehearsal chha2i-pa5i 彩排
dress up, adorn ta2*-pa7n, chng 打扮
dried salt fish or meat, mummified, desiccated kian-koa* 結乾,凝乾
dress up, decorate, ornament chong-sek 裝
dried shredded port fish hi5-hu2, hi5-so+ 魚脯,魚
dress up, wear shoes and socks chhe7ng-e5
ti3o-boe8h 穿鞋穿襪,打扮斯文
dried up ko+-ta 枯乾,枯焦
dressed untidily sa*-kho3+ chhe7ng kah la3ucha3ng la3u-cha3ng 衣服穿得不整齊
dried up, withered, run dry, be exhausted,
used up ta-khi3 乾枯,光了
dresser, dressing table with mirror ki3a*-ta5i
dried vegetables chha3i-koa* 菜乾,菜干
drier, drying machine, drying agent kan-so3ki, kan-so3-che 乾燥機,乾燥劑
dresser, dressing table, a vanity se-chng-ta5i
- a centrifugal drier ho5e-soa5n kan-so3-ki 迴旋
dresser, makeup table, table with cosmetic
application tools ho3a-chong-su, che2ng-li2
a2-si7 po3+-ti3 io7ng e5 ka-khu7 化粧師,整理或佈
drier, clothers dryer hang-sa*-ki 烘衣機
drift about, wander aimlessly phiau-li5u bu5te7ng, bo5 koat-te7ng 漂流無定
dressing, bandage ho9+ta2i 繃帶
drift, carried away by a flood phiau-li5u 漂流
- to change dressings oa7* io8h-a2 換藥
dressing room ho3a-chong-sek 化妝室
drift, hesitate la5u, ti5u-tu5 飄流,猶豫
dressing table se-chng-ta5i, ho3a-chong-ta5i 化妝
drift, train of thought i3-su3 意義
driftwood to7a-chu2i-chha5 漂流木頭
dressing, dress up ho8k-chong 服裝
drill, practice lia7n-si8p, hu3n-lia7n 練習,訓練
- military drill kun-su7 hu3n-lia7n 軍事訓練
dressmaker li2-chong kap to5ng-chong e5 chha5iho5ng sai-hu7 裁縫師
drill a hole lak-khang, chn3g-khang 鑽洞
dribble at the spout when nearly stopped
up, drop, spill, overflow, run over so7ete* 溢流
drill a hole with a drill e7ng chn3g-a2 chn3g
khang 用鑽子鑽孔
drill ground the2-chhau-ti5u*, the2-io8k-ti5u* 體育場
dribble, dribble a basketball u7n-ki5u 運球
drill soldiers hu3n-lia7n peng-a2 訓練士兵
dribble, slobber tih lo8h-la5i, la5u-no7a 滴下,流口
drill, practice chhau-lia7n 操練
drill, drill a tooth, a bit for a drill chn3g, chhia
chhu3i-khi2, chn3g-a2 鑽,磨牙齒,鑽仔
dried and salted radish chha3i-po2+ 蘿蔔干
dried and salted small fish hi5-po2+ 魚干
drink lim, chia8h-chi2u, lim-chi2u, i2m-lia7u 飲,飲酒,
dried bamboo shoots prepared for eating
su2n-koa* 筍干,筍乾
- given to drink a3i lim-chi2u 愛喝酒
- smell of alcoholic drink chi2u-bi7 酒味
drink a cup dry lim-ta, lim ho7+ ta 喝乾
drive-in, open-air theater lo7+-thian e5 hi3-i7* 露天
drink liquor to relieve boredom lim-chi2u ka2i
sim-bu7n 喝酒解悶
drivel la5u-no7a, la5u-phi7*, ko2ng-go7ng-o7e 流涎,流
drink liquor without eating anything sa2n-lim
- He is a driveling idiot. I go7ng kah u7 chhun.
driven by impulse, passion or feelings si7u
ka2m-che5ng e5 chhiong-to7ng 受感情的衝動
drink a little si2o-i2m 小飲
drink strong liquor and a lot of it hio5ng-chi2u
driver, vehicle operator su-ki, u7n-cho2anchhi2u, kang-tha5u 司機,工頭
drink tea chia8h te5 喝茶
driver training course ka3-hu3n-pan 駕訓班
drink a toast kan-poe 乾杯
driver, chauffeur sa2i-chhia-e5 司機,開車的
drink too much lim-chi2u ko3e-to7+ 飲酒過度
drink wine or liquor chia8h chi2u, lim chi2u 吃酒,
drinking buddy chi2u-pho7a*, chi2u-iu2 酒伴,酒友
driver, pilot ka3-su2-oa5n 駕駛員
driver's license ka3-chia3u, ka3-su2 chip-chia3u 駕
driver's seat, driver's compartment, command module ka3-su2-ta5i 駕駛台
drinking companion, fair weather friend
chi2u-bah pe5ng-iu2 酒肉朋友
driving recorder he5ng-chhia ki3-lo8k-khi3 行車紀
drinking fountain i2m-chu2i-ki 飲水機
drinks and snacks im2-lia7u kah tia2m-sim 飲料
driving wheel chu2-to7ng-lu5n 主動輪
drizzle ho7+-mn5g-a2, ho7+-sap-a2, lo8h ho7+-mn5g-a2,
lo8h ho7+-sap-a2 毛毛細雨,下毛毛雨
drip tih, tih-lo8h-la5i 滴,滴下來
- The candles drip. La8h-chek tih-lo8h-la5i. 蠟燭
drizzle, fog misty rain bo5ng-ian-ho7+ 毛毛細雨
drizzle, light rain bang-bang-a2-ho7+, mng-mnga2-ho7+ 毛毛雨
drip blood tih-hoeh 滴血
dripping tih-lo8h-la5i 滴下來
dripping wet ta5m-lok-lok 濕漉漉
drizzle, very thin fine drizzle pa3ng-ho7+-pe8h-a2
dripping wet from the continual rain ho7+-la5itap-tih 形容下雨天濕答答的
drizzling rain sap-sap-a2-ho7+, ho7+-sap-a2 毛毛雨,
drive away anger siau-khi3 消氣
dromedary chi8t lia8p li5u e5 lo8k-to5, to8k-hong-to5 獨
drive away demons ti7-iau 治妖
drone, male bee, lazy person kang e5 phang,
pi7n-to7a* e5 la5ng, pi7n-to7a*-kut 雄蜂,怠惰的人,
drive away mosquitoes by smoke hun-ba2ng
drive away, put to flight phah cha2u-khi3 打跑
drool la5u-no7a, la5u-chhu3i-no7a 流口水
drive a car sa2i-chhia, khui-chhia 駕駛車子,開
droop tin-lo8h-la5i, to3m-lo8h-la5i, lian-khi3 下垂,枯
drive mad ho7+ khi2-sia2u 使發瘋
drop ka-lau8h, lo8h, lak-lo8h-la5i, tih 掉落,落,掉下
drive in a nail, nail a nail, fix in place with a
nail te3ng teng-a2 釘釘子
drive out demons ko2a*-ku2i 驅鬼
drop anchor pha-ti3a* 拋錨
drive out mosquitoes po7a*-ba2ng 趕蚊子
drop bombs ta3n cha3-ta5n 擲炸彈
drive out, expel ko2a* chhut-khi3 趕出去
drop down, to fall like leaves, flower petals
lak lo8h-la5i 落下來,掉下來
drive out, get rid of, eliminate khu-ti5 驅除
- a small drop chi8t tih-a2 一小滴
drop leaves from trees lo8h-hio8h 落葉
drive stakes or pickets, put stakes into the
ground te3ng khi8t-a2 打樁
drop of water chi8t tih chu2i 一滴水
drive through tit-la5i-sok 得來速
drop off to sleep khu3n-khi3 睡著
drive to desperation, push someone too
hard pek-ji5n tha3i-si7m 逼人太甚
drop tears tih ba8k-sa2i 流淚
dropouts, dropout student tiong-toat-seng 中
dropped stomach u7i ha7-su5i 胃下垂
- to get drunk chia8h-chi2u-chu3i, lim-chi2u-chu3i
droppings of rice in the field after harvest
ti7u-seh 稻穗
drunk every day thian-thian chu3i 天天醉
dropsically swelling, belly inflated and distended, glutted, to swell, expand tio3ng,
ti3u* 脹
drunk, tipsy ma2-se 醉醺醺
dropsy ko7a*-chu2i, chu2i-che2ng 水腫
drunkard, an alcoholic chu3i-ji5n, chi2u-sian,
chi2u-ku2i, chia8h-chi2u-chu3i e5 la5ng 醉人,酒鬼,
drought kho2-ho7a*, ha7n-chai, kho3ng-ha7n 旱災
drunkenness chi2u-chu3i 酒醉
- during great droughts kho2-ho7a* e5 si5,
kho3ng-ha7n e5 si5 旱災的時候
dry kan-so3 乾燥
drown oneself thia3u-chu2i-si2 跳水死,投水自殺
dry and comfortable, as after changing
clothes or wiping off perspiration tasang 乾鬆
drown oneself in a well thia3u-che2* 跳井,投井
dry and crisp, dried, parched, feverish, dehydrated, insipid ta-so3 乾燥
drowned ho7+ chu2i im-si2 被水溺死,淹死
dry as a bone ta-khok-khok 很乾
drowse, catnap li3m-chi8t-e7 假寐一下
dry by a fire po7e-ta 焙乾
drowsy a3i-khu3n, ba8k-chiu siap e5, tuh-ku e5 想
dry cell battery ta-tia7n-ti5, kan-tia7n-ti5 乾電池
drown im-si2, tu7-si2, ti5m-si2 淹死,溺斃
dry cleaning ta-se2 乾洗
drudge, hard labor, hard work kho2+-kang 苦
dry heaves khang-a2u, ta-tho3+ 空嘔
drug io8h-a2, io8h-phi2n, io8h-lia7u 藥,藥品
dry ice kan-peng 乾冰
drug addict chia8h-to8k-e5, chia8h mo+-hui e5 吸毒
dry in the sun pha8k-ta, pha8k ho7+ ta 晒乾
dry foodstuff in the sun pha8k-koa* 晒成干
drug addict or broker ian-to8k-ho7an 煙毒犯
dry in the sun, expose to sunlight, to sun
pha8k 曬,曝
drug rehabilitation center ka3i-to8k-so2+ 戒毒所
dry land ta-tho5+ 乾的土
drug to hasten the birth of child, induce labor chhui-seng 催生
dry land by the edge of a river khe-po+ 溪埔
dry or heat over a fire, bake, to toast po7e 焙
drug, medicine io8h-bu8t 藥物
druggist io8h-siong, io8h-che3-su 藥商,藥劑師
dry provisions, canned or packed food
ready to serve kan-ni5u, ta-ni5u 乾糧
drugs taken orally lo7e-ho8k-io8h 內服藥
dry ringworm ta-sia2n 乾癬
drugstore io8h-pa5ng, io8h-kio8k, io8h-tia3m 藥房,
dry roasted piak-pa 焙乾
dry skin fruit kian-pho5e 乾皮
drugstore cowboy, girl watcher, stagedoor
Johnny, gigolo chhit-a2-khoe 花蝶,喜歡玩
dry spell, drought kan-ha7n-si5-ki5 乾旱時期
dry the face chhit-bi7n 擦臉
Druid Tok-i-tek-ka3u 督伊德教
dry things by the fire hang-ta 烘乾,烤乾
drum ko2+ 鼓
dry, dried up ta-chu2i 水份消失,乾涸
dry, not wet ta, ta-khi3, bo5-bi7, bo5-bi7 e5 乾,乏味
- gongs and drums lo5-ko2+ 羅鼓
- small drum si2o-ko2+ 小鼓
dry, put out clothes to dry pha8k…ho7+ ta 曝
- to beat a drum, to rouse, to winnow phahko2+ 打鼓
drying room kan-so3-sek 乾燥室
drummer phah-ko2+-e5, ko2+-chhi2u 鼓手
dryness, spiritual dryness sim ko+ 心枯
drumstick, chicken-thigh ke-thu2i 雞腿
DSL, Digital Subscriber Line, ADSL so3+-u7i
io7ng-ho7+ so3a*-lo7+ 數位用戶線路
drumsticks ko2+-ti7 鼓槌
drunk chu3i, chi2u-chu3i 醉,酒醉
dual nn7g e5, nn7g-te5ng, siang-te5ng 兩個,兩層
- blind drunk chu3i-bo5ng-bo5ng, chu3i-ba5ngba5ng 醉醺醺
dual meet, sports tournament tu3i-kho3ng-sa3i
- He is drunk. I teh chi2u-chu3i. 他醉了.
dual nationality siang-te5ng kok-che8k 雙重國籍
dual personality siang-te5ng ji5n-keh 雙重人格
duel koat-ta3u 決鬥
dualism ji7-go5an-lu7n 二元論
- to fight a duel koat-ta3u 決鬥
dual-medium performer lio2ng-chhe ia2n-o5an
duet nn7g-po7+ ha8p-chhi3u* a2-si7 nn7g la5ng e5 ha8pcha3u-khek 二部合唱或二人的合奏曲
dub in a sound track, synchronize, dubbing
pho3e-im 配音
dug out canoe to8k-bo8k-chiu, to8k-bo8k-chu5n 獨
dubious gia5u-gi5, kho2-gi5, a3i-ma7i 懷疑的,可疑的,
duke kong-chiok 公爵
dubious authorship chok-chi2a put-be5ng 作者
dull and spiritless either naturally so or
from grief, sickness si5n-si5n 發呆
dull chest pains from worry, hunger or indigestion sim-koa*-tha5u cho 心頭悶
dubious character kho2-gi5 e5 ji5n-keh 善於猜忌
dull colors a3m-sek 暗色
dubious compliment m7-chai teh po a2-si7 teh
siah, m7-chai teh po a2-si7 teh khau-se2 不知是
dull in intellect, stupid, obtuse, dull witted,
sluggish tu7n 遲鈍
dull or sluggish market, food without vegetable oil or heavy seasoning chhengta7m 清淡
dubious friend o5ng-hia* li2u-ti7 不三不四的朋友
dubious, doubtful po3a*-si3n-po3a*-gi5 半信半疑
Dublin To+-pek-li5m 都柏林
dull stomach pain from hunger or indigestion cho 煩悶,不舒服
duck ah, chha3i-ah 鴨,菜鴨
dull story bo5 chhu3-bi7 e5 ko3+-su7 無趣的故事
- Peking duck Pak-pe5ng ah 北平鴨
dull throbbing pain bu7n-bu7n-a2-thi3a* 悶悶痛,
duck basket ah-lam 鴨籠
duck egg ah-nn7g 鴨蛋
dull, dull minded, stupid, unintelligent, silly,
idiotic tai 呆
duck meat ah-bah 鴨肉
duck feather ah-mn5g, ah-mo+ 鴨毛
duck, forcifully push someone under the
water chha3ng ji8p-khi3 chu2i-ni8h 潛入水中
dull, stupid, dull light or colors, uninteresting, blunt tu7n, a3m, bo5 chhu3-bi7, tun 遲鈍,
duck one's head tha5u-khak ki2n a3*-lo8h-khi3 趕快
duly sek-to3ng, tu2-ho2 適當的,恰當地
duly proportioned su3-pho3e 速配,相稱
duck tail ah bo2e-chui 鴨尾椎
duly receive, duly received, accept accordingly chia3u-siu 照收
duck weed, spirodela polyrhi phi5o, phu5-phi5o
dumb e2-ka2u-e5, go7ng, go7ng-go7ng 啞的,愚笨
duckbill, platypus ah-chhu3i-si3u 鴨嘴獸
duckling ah-a2-ki2a* 小鴨
dumb on the subject bo5 chu2-tiu*, tu3i chit e5
ta7i-chi3 bo5 hoat-pia2u si2a*-mih i3-kia3n 沒有主
duck's eggs preserved in lime phi5-ta3n 皮蛋
dumb, silly, inept go7ng tuh-tuh 傻愣愣的
duck's gizzard ah-kia7n 鴨腱,鴨胗
dumbbell, dumb kid or person go7ng-la5ng,
go7ng-gi2n-na2 笨人,傻孩子
duckboards, pallet cha3n-pang 棧板
duck's web-foot ah-chi2u* 鴨掌
dumbfounded, stunned, speechless ga7ngga7ng-khi3 愣住了,錯愕
duct kn2g, ko2ng 管
dud, failure, not explode sit-pa7i e5 ke3-oe7,
chhe3ng-chi2 be7 hoat 失敗,未爆炸
dummy e2-ka2u-e5 啞巴的
dummy play in sports, a deceiving move ke2to7ng-chok 假動作
due, appropriate sek-to3ng e5 適當的
- in due time sek-to3ng e5 si5, sek-to3ng e5 si5-ki5 適
dummy, model, sample, mockup iu7*-phi2n,
ke2-la5ng 樣品,假人
- to pay dues la8p ho7e-hu3i 繳會費
dummy, puppet ka-le2 傀儡
due form, formal, formally che3ng-sek 正式
dump pi3a*, to3, pi3a* seng-li2 傾倒,傾銷
due north chi3a* pak 正北
dump one's work or responsibility off on
another person sak ho7+ i 推給他
due south chi3a* la5m 正南
due taxes ka3u-ki5 e5 so3e-kim 應付稅款
dump out, to empty the contents of to3, to3
chhut-la5i, to3 lo8h-khi3 傾倒
duration na7i-ku2, ke3-sio8k ki5-kan 耐久,繼續期間
dump yard, dumping ground pu3n-so3-tui 垃圾
during …e5 tiong-kan, …e5 ki5-kan, …e5 si5 …的期
dumpling made with flour or rice pau-a2,
chu2i-kia2u, cha3ng, i5*-a2 包子,水餃,粽,湯圓
during one's life chi8t-si3-la5ng 一輩子
duress kio5ng-pek, ka*-ki3m, koai* 強迫,監禁
during school hours, in class sio7ng-kho3 si5kan 上課時間
- tie or bind rice dumplings pa8k-cha3ng 綁粽
during the day ji8t-si5 白天
- tie or bind flour dumplings pau chu2i-kia2u
during the festival season or the time of the
festival cheh-ki5 節期
dumplings, glutinous balls i5*-a2 湯圓
dumplings with soup i5*-a2-thng 湯圓湯
during the month of confinement goe8h-la7i 月
dun a debtor chhui-sia3u, tho2-sia3u 催賬,討賬
during the night ia7-kan, a3m-si5 夜間,晚上
dunce cap chiam cho2a-bo7-a2 縫紙帽
during the past ten years ko3e-khi3 cha8p ni5 過
dunce, rice bucket pn7g-tha2ng 飯桶,愚蠢
dune soa-a2-tui 沙丘
during the period of mourning, in mourning
song-tiong 喪中
dung sa2i, pu3n, tho5+-pu3n 屎,糞,糞土
during one's term of office ji7m-la7i 任內
- cow dung gu5-sa2i 牛糞
during the year chi8t ni5 tiong 一年中,整年
dung heap, dumping ground pu3n-tui, pu3n-so3tui 垃圾堆
during this month chit ko2+-goe8h e5 tiong-kan
dungaree chho+-po3+, chho+-po3+-sa*-a2, gu5-a2-kho3+
dungeon te7-lo5, tho5+-lo5 地牢
during those few years ti7 hit ku2i ni5 e5 tiongkan 在那幾年裡
dunghill sa2i-tui, ak-chak e5 so2+-cha7i 糞堆,污穢
dusk, night fall, in the evening boeh-a3m-a2-si5,
boeh-a3m-a2 傍晚
dusk, twilight a3m-o+ 暗黑,薄暮
Dunkirk Tun-khek-ni2-khek 敦克爾克
dust tho5+-hu2n, eng-ia, tho5+-soa-a2, hong-poe-soa
duodenal ulcer si8p-ji7 chi2-tn5g hu3i-io5ng, si8p-ji7
chi2-tn5g khu3i-io5ng 十二指腸潰瘍
- return to dust kui-tho2+ 歸土
duodenum si8p-ji7-chi2-tn5g, cha8p-ji7-chi2-tn5g 十二
dust bin pu3n-so3-tha2ng 垃圾桶
dupe khi-phi3an, phi3an, go7ng-to7a-tai 欺騙,易受
dust cloth, washrag toh-po3+ 桌布,抹布
dust gets in the eyes eng-tio8h ba8k-chiu 撲髒
duplex siang-po7e e5, nn7g-te5ng 雙倍的,雙重的
duplex apartment nn7g la5u gia8h e5 kong-gu7 樓
dust the dust off po7a* tho5+-hu2n 撢塵土
duplicate hu3-pu2n, ho8k-che3-phi2n, chi8t hu3, chi8t
tu3i, nn7g e5, nn7g ki…, ho8k-si2a, ho8k-che3 副本,
- to write in duplicate ho8k-si2a nn7g hu7n 複寫
dust with a feather duster e7ng ke-mn5gchhe2ng chhe2ng 用雞毛撢子撢
dust, a cloud of dust tho5+-soa-hu2n 塵埃
dust, to dust po7a*, chhe2ng, chhit 撢,拂,拭
duster, feather duster ke-mo+-chhe2ng 雞毛撢
duplicate copy hu3-pu2n 副本
dusting with a broom, sweep the floor sa3ute3 掃地
duplicate letter ho8k-si2a e5 phoe 複寫的信
durability, endurance na7i-ki2u-le8k 耐久力
dustpan pu3n-ta2u 畚斗
durability, persistence chhi5-ki2u-le8k 持久力
dusty pho7ng-pho7ng-eng, eng 灰塵飛揚
durable na7i-ku2, u7 to3ng 耐久
Dutch Ho5-la5n-la5ng 荷蘭人
durable friendship e2ng-oa2n be7 pia3n e5 iu2che5ng 永遠不變的友情
dutch treat chia3u-khui 分攤費用
dutiable tio8h-a3i la8p-so3e, chi3n-kha2u-ho3e 應納稅
durable, sturdy, able to stand wear and tear
na7i-io7ng 耐用
dutiful, faithfulness, devotion, dedication of
a wife cheng-kiat 貞節
dwell, reside, to deal with affairs, take part
in society khi7a-khi2 處事為人
dutiful, fifial peity of children ha3u-su7n 孝順
dwelling tau, chu7-the8h, khi7a-ke, khi7a-ke-chhu3
dutiful, filial peity iu2-ha3u 孝順
dutiful, good faith, devotion, loyalty, dedication of a subject or citizen tiong-sim
dwelling place chu7-so2+ 住所
dutiful, performs one's duties chi7n pu2n-hu7n
dye cloth ni2-po3+ 染布
dutiful wife and loving mother hia5n-chhe
lio5ng-bo2, hia5n-chhe lio5ng-bi2o 賢妻良母
dye pigments sek-lia7u 色料,顏料
dwindle kia2m-chi2o, kiu-khi3, khah se3 減少,縮小
dye ni2, ni2-sek, ni2-lia7u 染,染色,染料
dye hair ni2 tha5u-mn5g 染頭髮
dye red ni2 a5ng 染紅
duty, import tax so3e, chi3n-kha2u-so3e 稅,進口稅
dye paraphernalia ni2-lia7u 染料
duty, responsibility, obligation pu2n-hu7n, gi7bu7, chek-ji7m, chit-chek 本份,義務,責任,職
dyeing vat, corrupting environment ni2-kng
- duty free m7-bia2n la8p-so3e 免稅
dying mi5-li5u 彌留
- duty which must be performed e3ng-kai
chi7n e5 gi7-bu7 應該盡的義務
dying teh boeh si2, teh boeh si2 e5, li5m-chiong,
li5m-chiong e5 快要死的,臨終的
- prayers for the dying li5m-chiong-keng 臨終
- custom duties koan-so3e 關稅
- duty export chhut-kha2u-so3e 出口稅
dying for a drink a3i lim kah be7-ko3+-tit 喜歡喝得
- to be on duty tong-ti8t, ti8t-pan 值班
- to do one's duty chi7n pu2n-hu7n, chi7n-chit 盡
dying for… gia3n kah boeh si2-khi3 渴望得要死
dying of illness, about to die of an illness
pe7*-gu5i 病危
- to fail in duty sit-chit 失職
- report for duty po3-to3 報到
dying wish li5m-chiong u5i-gia5n 臨終遺言
duty and love ji5n-che5ng gi7-li2 人情義理
dyke ho7a*, chio8h-ho7a* 岸,石岸
duty, mission in life, vocation thian-chit 天職
duty free shop bia2n-so3e-tia3m 免稅店
dynamic oa8t-phoat, u7 la8t e5, u7 go5an-khi3, to7ngle8k e5 活潑,精力充沛,動力的
duty of supporting hu5-io2ng e5 gi7-bu7 扶養的義
dynamics, kinetics department to7ng-le8k-ha8k
duty, obligation, volunteer duty kong-kang
dynamite, explosives cha3-io8h 炸藥
dynamo, generator hoat-tia7n-ki 發電機
DVD driver DVD kong-tia8p-ki DVD 光碟機
dynasty o5ng-tia5u, tia5u, tia5u-ta7i, tia5u-te7 王朝,朝,
DVD, digital video disc DVD, so3+-u7i ia2*-im
kong-tia8p DVD,數位影音光碟
dysentery tn5g-a2-ia7m, u7i-tn5g-ia7m, se-ki2-lih 腸炎,
dwarf e2-la5ng, e2-a2-la5ng 矮人
dwarf, midget pygmy chu-ju5 侏儒
dyspepsia siau-ho3a put-lio5ng 消化不良
dwell, live khi7a, to3a 住
dysphemia, stammer, stutter, someone who
stammers or stutters to7a-chi8h 口吃
dwell, reside, residence ki-chu7, ki-li5u 居住,居

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