Celtic Woman
Celtic Woman
t BEYOND THE SEA (LA MER) Original u(zords and Music by Charles Trenet and Albert Lasry English Words bYJack Lawrence Ethereally , = 108 sr6/e Bo6/e ffi IIT= N.C. ri\ /.:\ *H €- P .fl l:=. t" J== and satch cs .L r;-3-- the . t:.{l+1 and watch .s th(l -- T+E i_-,,-- I - Bb6/e Br6/e ft i# .\---l- Dml iiih be -rond thc so, St6/e .lT1 -r-, )r) , l#F= t" t# ll! m i+q Lile brds on hlgh rhen smi8ht to !oxr anns ro volr &ms r:-l I If I coirld th thcn strr'gr'r ctF tu # B'IF ffi -+ F g e E r#' ri caod,/G G trti *ht ll+rr lL :={+]- f =-. - f1l I _t! Hl1+ Le \' n.l Lh. -+,r sr,' a ffi ffi db ffi )/ +aL s,ill rhcet h. therr soon _ T I $ill h.er mcrher. cadde ffi Hffi be yond the shore,- be ffi yond the sbo.e,- well -3 -- --3 Hap ' py -3-_---r -3 H"p py we'll well --3 --3 Brqe m ffi Fi1€ 89 T_-r ----r r-3.------r Gnf i#' ffi EM ffi" Sail Satl .'.--..-' l- -rr i 3^-3 ffi h Sail - ffi Sail ffi Dm7 m Sail in8 I know {ell mee!- 3RSFxF -3Dm Hap py $e'll -3IIap'p_vscll er t-3-, a 8a'n r--l r_--l ___r bc be-yond thc shore, c @ ffi F @ a--l\ aj -- F ffi m e ing AVE MARIA Words and Music byJS Bach and Charles Gounod Arranged by David Downes VcryslowlyJ=60 'tu Eb ffi con 8J'tD il+R Fm/E h B'7 ]D llF FIED m Bt \:\--l. 4' P/G - E ]IIT. E7 ffi d,",i't i|fn .-t 71' 1 Nlr !ffi E'B' Br7 iffi CdimT/B, 8r7 ffi ffi rffi IIIII Ebl ffiin I tu':l eltit THE BLESSING and Music bv Brendan Graham and David Downes Vords Largo, con rubato .J = c.50 ,^ddetD Ctt i*.' iffi" ti#1 (cs) G5 iHfr * N f-r lvL 1 1 P 7 ItL 1 e+ t- I Qo}' n_ t- \ r-,t (1.H.) F(c) ffi (c5) ctF #" m" I c clE iffi ffi etl c iiffi ,^x c/E ffi aj, F ln the tbc morn-ing wben )ou ,,r I Gsusa/D ffi Efr /:\ ffi l+ t ,. : n- rtlR\lullc L lir LTD. tbndon u'C l X 8LZ md LIFFEY PUBUSHING LID, Dublin 2, IEldd sun, I bless the skies, Gs6./D fih i# the night ffi tu - tjme when you sle€P ffi // oh bless you, I G/B c.tG ffi while iiffi ffi watch I keep, r:\ A C Bttddt/D II r#tuh Hq+H M Ec Pii ffi Fffi This is Ftc ,.m i#H t=--- t there for tou, JT. ev - er ;e. Each ev - ry day nry prayer fq c Mffi Am ffiffi i# Dm as you lie in slun'ber G7sus./C C mosso cF/cc m-ffi E for ffiffi vou, jn ev ry'thins vou do, A rit, cadde/B ffin ffi ard hold me .lo.e to 8'14,4 ffi @ffi )ou.- ;--"/ yo!. ffi bless (c) ffi you... Bt.dde/D Bb"&r/D G7s'rsa ffi- ffi* m" (cs) ffi" ffi- tn+i- and you bless t-' F'--/ F-- F---- 9el Crempo l) Gsu3./D Hh FTB ctE ffi c CIE Gsusa/D m /i ffi ti.ed; if the world should ffi Fh Fffi leave -You ai c = Gsusa/D ffh ffi F @ # CIG Gzsus4 ffi- c/E s!s1/D \\hen the siorms c ffi ffic\ ffi Hh graddED E .r';ns de oi EG miiffim-ffi you no long'ef hedr ny sons ny ATsus't/D D D Bm ,, iiffi' ffi m ffi /:\ // ffi H "h'. 'ouF "..,rd "d $l-cl \ 'L oon G Dm bless clG ffi ,,:\ ing soes This is lvith vou En/G D ffi H# ffi ml, pra)e toi ]ou, ffi drJ \"J ffi a\ bless you ..- ne !l'.F D Em7 DmaiT/ts '.i+tr*t ;{n ffiffiffi cth G Effi Fffi ro D/A G6 ffi ffi /:\ bless you and you bless . and \ou bless rit. (o) cadd,/E D m ffi ffi P l---' - ---' l-/ F tfa a:\ THE BUTTERFLY Traditional Arranged by David Downes ffitr Bm iffi rit, ffi A ';i.-' # ,a (^' (^' ti t= a : Asusa |ifA 'f.r+ r:r*t l E! 85 85/E E BVG B5/FS D/A ffi ffi ffiffi Esusr Fffi G6/rlD ffi ffi IJE IJE E(add,1) ffi E7sus. ffi ffi l+ E5usl/D = Hh. ffi ffi ffi CALEDONIA Vords and Music bY Dougie Maclean J= lm Gentle ballad B, iffi- ffiP t' ffi- ffi- Eb ffi' iG+ m ffi x c chang-es thal have come .o emp - C l9a: LLVETRFI ARTS 6. MUSIC PHE t}.d ffi HtF ffi if { x.*b reEd Bt.dde Bb.ddt/D ffi 4 t gdnb.n 0ll^ -?t ty room,- the tor ffi' ffi ffi a\ F.dde/C Effi These last few days lve The flames hav€ c@led, don t 8et P F tiffi" @ ffi way. thai I might dnft ! they;e $ith e.ed, now theY've gone. ffi that made and I m ldh me think knorvrvhat do to ho. row Gmrl dd E4h why I m Let me tell lru that I c Bt i# lore t# you, /---1---- iffi" ia youie call ing me, now l'D, @ go 16 H if I lnow should be-come that it To Codo Gm7 mc nore than sad. +. ffi iffi,. ffi e! - souldmdkc ry -thing Ire e! ft l: lm Gm/F B'iF ffi ffi:" ffi ffi 2. Noit A Gmrl d# ffi tu I have moved, and I've kept ffi ffi p.oved the on tof ffi M Bhddt E# points that I Bladde Hb H# ffi found oth ' ers rhe ffi tu las and left then cry-ins, H "m* Ive trav-elled way. d# some timeswith con-scienceflv en dreams, y€s theres H# ffi hdd stol ins- some-wh€re with- the wind. iG Bt ffi c ffi ffi Bt Gmrl tu' ffi tffi tal-e J"n i. 1or ffi ,.--.--> Dm ffi iH B,.r ,l | ,h.uldbe come d I f JUnts ffi re ,,ll rngm,. ro"lm .---:-\ c c7sus4 '1 lno$ that rt $oulJ m"|. be n".. th,n 3"* t m FN ifr* m fi:r ffi m ias been €v-ry-rhins ]ve a - er had D.X dl Codo B'/D Bl6 m Itthr IB Eh $ F6/C ffi c73tls4 m coao F @ Bb.dde/F ffi ffi ffi ia's been a 'ry'thing I've ev ' er molto rit Brrddt/D m H+s ia's been ev ' ry _ thing Ive Y4 E G.n/ €v - +- ?-7 T A Fs czsusa ffi' ffi ffi mnq- * CARRICKFERGUS Traditional Arranged by David Downes r=60 Softly, rubato 'Esusa/B D.ddr/F* Dadde A:ddr/Cl ,ffr.4 Hh{ ffiffiffi Esusa/B m wish I- UGf tJGf \-t. in- Car-nck fer ffi in Bal'ly Dadde/d ffi Bm d Bmrl ffi ffiffiffi ffi I Bm Daddr/Fl )Ftf gus, A,/Gf # Bm fffi tne deeP est o -cean ffi Utr m\ lo'e ro lnrl. t4 l- t, E/B ffi ffi H+r" and I can not ssim I E5/B Bm lf I AJGl # h could find "--------.. I I Bm7 DIFl ffi o6hn* ffi EI'T] /i to rn-vlore and dic I al I I a= t.. Esusa t1= | Fa==:::,. = Y \* da da da da- rla - ffiffi -f rr s, :id - .\= r: -|=4.4 I'h chil.l-hood ; 11 da. # J- r'-2. + \ b.n8 back sad Bm/D ffi] t speDi so long a g(,. llJI T ,,ffi Bm/F$ NE ffil td* tfi-lt I hare allpasscd 1a on norv )-t-= ! T A/GI i+ffi But Illspcnd mv E in- cnd - less roan insi re Es!sa F$m/c$ Bm E ffi m ri my bed is ffi lree AJE Esusa E/GI ffi on thdt E/G{ kJng road- dorvn to- eT.j'rs$ Bm/Fl ffi ffi roam - 'n8i tbe sea ffi Bm/d ffi d Flm/Cf, uG4 H D5 ffi # ffi al mv- bed is ftec. \h, 2-, # = IJE Bm iffi Joun nr E5 :-. ' a1 -':r ffi :::: - i'':# -1-: Brn/F[ lhc sea. ffi Bm/F[ ffi E/G* d Esusi E ffi Ed E/G{ # Esus. ffi Bm H E7ius4/D E/S ffi 11 DANNY BOY Music Traditional by Frederick Veatherly Arranged by Harold Samuel 'Words D/d G O/A D/G A,/E *k rl9F 4h '* D/d Steedlly J = 50 GiB ?rh i*l* ffiffi ffi fioln pipes, the pipes ny D G/D Bm D/A G ffi ffi ffi call are ffi ffiffiHffi ffi tlh ffi doqn the slen D/A Ith "'?f* ffi ffi ffiffiffiffi ffi Oh Dan Gadde 9Lt Bm7 Bm tu* ffi all the ffi ros ' es fall ATsus' moun - tain Gadde ffi ffi D &r7 ffi lffi D/H D G/D trfls ffi ffi+ $,hen $m - mers in Eml G DmajT/cf ffi levs hushed and white with D ffi ffi t I D/A Bm iiHffiifuH Oh D:o G isF Em ffi Bm, G/D Hffi /:\ nt /:\ r \, ::= /:\ the Em7 Bm' ffi You'll come qd and tind Bm' q# G E the flace s here I FIm/C I c/B otA ffi ffi G/B ffi and while my cadde ffi D/d D G6 ffi mffi g.ave G/B G ffi ffic will D/A D/Fl G ffi : Fffi flt. Em7 D/A ffi ffi G/B '"+lff ffi D/C{ gfi /:\ /a\ 44 En7 l!; i =. G A,/E ffi N.C. Fffi Em7 ffi G6 Bm/F[ fli= 4s DULAMAN Traditional Aranged bY David Downes Brightly, with movement .. = 130 N.C. Gadde/D LID, Dublin 2,Irdand G/D N.C. 'nl on loh sq.4 d.ug er. ]\ rnhal thai{h (ah sweet narhe4 put the la m:in_C]ae h.h nhin fie.h in mhin b. here cone the .oun,ns i, natioh fot he) 1= Dri-h nrdn na bin hc bui. lsea||.ed I d[ of the y.llow peok thsh seow.eA, Dri'larnjn .r Seoweed ffor t5e far rai-g., b therr €.oa rre ben th.re w6 in a bhl ne6,l) nen) t.. = ceann- bui pnbna" 6o.bA1 h6 6h dr edde^ yelltw h.o4) ..---../ dn la . mrlnia sae-tach, Ta dhi, (DUotiAt chlu ais mhaot .@tud h6 M t tnt eo6) ',---/ hao. ach. d[ - la ' mdn- arn - s! bier ca dub ' D'jrdntn Go.l6h w€dE blo4 ha ar an dn ls'mdn et€cU.d oet 8ac lach, td beat€ad a (D(rlodai noorc.n gus tri[s oN trcus.E ) @6 o b.td { .l Dsus4 ffi Du la mdn- Cae'lach T, = 1.. tza_ il :€el: tlaa .' - dee ' dun da, da- did ' dle dee ' dun dee c _ LTami,r- Cle !ch. t,"^t F ]n Am/D Dm 'tu J. trd a Dsus, Dm ll# snl ri ('Aaoains po lc doulhtet, do ni(,n. ar sr'm says Duonin noorc.h) dLl :t ihuS n! tn.ihn; Af sran dLi brcu9ht tou ta thk ph.e?' sdts Dman^n Goeto.h) G/D DTsusa t+'n lN - nrrin gae lch 1g Am/D Em/D #: iiH" dLi la n6n (icrn-D6i gae l,ch, lW. rfl ffi mid br6 ga dao ra bur expens,re sho.s,'so)A DntdrAn la ' min f-.r:-\ G!. maor-ach. i# Fffi dLl ld mdn- an d[ c G OTsusa af noo@h) far lach- ' rai gr. ,{ D5 ffs t.E sc€a la chui O cb!]. dE (l senr o ne$dge & he thot , j Dm Dm 'Sa ir ffte nsos€ sceal m a chun sl chu 8am. go rarbh a she sent bo.k to de Ms ttot hq hon w6 codbed dtrcoq) wld cr. but o conb fot hel bflrearr tr D'$s' tm D7s'rsa D'!u.' EfuNc ffi c ".ffi ffi bhfaish eann tn I Oh whqe oE pu tikj/,g d! la - Dn la m,n mo nion, ar nt dourht r?'sq^ D'lrdd6n sa'an dn Gftkb) la m6u na bin - ne bui, bhi in En'inn la - dLi m6D- Bhcul, (\r.t, na bin maor ach. mdn gae'lach ' ne buJ,- fua'ddidhn€ lbm t \|ill etry h.t dir 'h DLi - Cae-lach, off wi& miL la n na i, sdls Dtlonin nodtoch ) Cac lach m br rai-ge. l,lheat e'+.t-, a D! la m6n na bin ne bui, d! 4 r1.tu-L l+ -: "E I\ I \ j :,', aa a f: 4Egi-- = ip1j:- EsLrs4 I)n j'..' la- ,nrn ne bui, nr bi. dri ailel la mrn- ach. J\ 1 1J J1 ta.- -qa ci D/Fs D/G La-rn:in na t.r .a' gci b D5 lheln a hhi in IH - IE ffi DLi I Lir im ISLE OF INISFREE lfords Medium ballad and Music by Richard Farrelly r=70 N.C. .I. 3jD ffi and iie no doubL there's trrth in $hdt thel I ET A, €pi. j .\ dvs bound to be &r d' ', !--d.d PE-IER \t{lRlCE \iUSIC CO LTD I !- r . :: L ! rd Cdrda Cln@U€d:nd .Vmidqrtd br L\I\1EI6{ i, -- !:-€.: e :Lr4_ L\l\lRi {r \luiic CORP Let br P.diss 1 , .€:: is-:: . \11-5lC COR? a *hen all B.'VF Dddr Hfmr ffi ffi ffi Effi D ffi are dreams D5/A td,r ffi ffi ffi 'he ldnd d Lto\s rhe :t " ,-__--/ # H it G ffi ol hap-pens he, ffi iy- an G/B # And ffffi ffi wh€n the moon ffi light peeps ac ross the Isle un'to a" D ffi feel $on-d.{,us though it D5 G/B Effi tffi lm once r-84'n- G CG 4 Fffi = green ,r' DTIG € =lo lb ffi Fffi -- no oth er land would know hills, throush dream'r- t^D' l_: c5/o G tiih EH .t a hum ble sh.ck I ffi and ten - dd ' ly be - holcl # ffi thc a round tolks c c w tffi iffi ,'-- ---l-. or herd' ed knees, iheir ro sr ry l- za-; G5/D D5 |. E; G ffi D,sus Efd the turf fir. G/D ffi ffi ffi though dr€ahs ar€- not for got. and s@n ten, Irn to stern r€-al - i back - c rubato ol ffi ffi:r ffi But though they prve H ffi- ffi the foor-ways here with I gold td---------J €d---------J rm* rrll. Dstlsa ffi ffi ffi G/S ffiffi ffi Am7 still would LASCIA CH'IO PIANGA Traditional Arranged by David Downes Slowly D D ffi ffi mi ' a cru Dsusa D ffi ffi de sor t., \--....-__> G6 Bm/D ffi H# Bm (' @ 2007 UFFEY IUBUSHING LID, Dublin 2, IFland faa I 9ei.-l eei. ffi IJE D ffi \{_!l_-u fT.ft =.--:--!J t t- F.-_ t €d.--l fd rfln etr I atemPo ffi ffi t+ ?-4- chro Pon - ga, ) a i €?d = D/d G D ffi ffi ffi ffi li E -_/, ,-..1 ) ) 1 .o ' '=.--- D ffiff ) 7'= .' ffi ffi D/A ffi I [" AJG D - 6 e 5 DA :- ;-=-\ Bm Bm/D Em6 iffiffiffi ffi du ii.l+ dE# olojn lGn s!, r' Bm H Bm/D Hffi AJC$ E ffi Collavoce rall. Bm/D ffi m ffi D ffi Bm rrrlfl A7 t'* ?nl+l Tempo 4aus ffi fffi sol Bm6 ffi Ftm/c$ !d m D ffi ffi al pre NG Dsusa ffi ffi ffi 1ffi d. sor re. ! jj = =: rall. D/A D/F$ fffi ffi la li l li I ffi ffi D ffi E- ffi che- so Ios MO GHILE MEAR Traditional Arranged by David Downes, Barry McCrea and Caitriona Nidhubhghaill Deciso ) = 65 ffi ffi Dsusr ffi G ffi Fffi L.i d M-tu nd lrhe doy afth. s.d ot ofde hich nd6) G n# ffi C{th tu Fofonaw8e CIE ffi @.,00- nn dtonn of 6e Me' tsth ha dtonn toa t fonow $e vhke af taa lean rhe wovet ch.) D t#d r.lftL\ tuBU\HI\G I ID, tuutd ffi Dubl:n 2 tFl,nd !ffil ffi fad, D D ffi GID ffi ffi Ltitumdtunti (Ihe dat ofthe se at ofhe hgh rdes, D D Ds!sl ffi ffi Ld d, ehai ni nh_ Waves danc ing G/D ffiffi D ffi t. -, D/A ffi :: I* DIA and find thc name of de )our- D/A G ffi D/FS ffi sne.- D G ffi EqR G/D ffi Shad sat, shi le nr!r. DIA D/FI AJCI ffiffi ffi BM/D G/B D/A ffi D G/D D ffi G/D ffi D shine throu8h D/A D/* ffi ffi dark to nes, G6/D D iilg Anh 4tfl flo fat'oi light G5/D ffi ffi D D G6/D D ffi ffi tm ffi know that- D G/D ffi +ffi love IJD the D Anh - Be, ffi H+H iin M laft di ge, aB G/D ffi G6/D D G/B D/A \nh nin tu latr di ITJF G D/F$ ffi fi:Ifl Auh DIA, D ffi ran tu .fur ui ge, seo titth tu bhlo" rl Bt, og L. ,, D ffi o l-==El ls f I l-- a--- Em D ffi ffi ./--\ Em -?al#, :ffi :-._:r f_l 1....f_! l-l G ffi c G/B ffi ffi Dltd ffi tu ctE ffi ffi Dl ffi c Em 4l G ffi FS+fl G/D ffi o..-...-_/' 4 fr - 9-===-=---- ro2 E € To- the ffi gi lc- mear, $e dal GD Em G D be wherc sestj fire D Dsusr D ffi ffi ffi gun - G/D ffi ffi ffi c Fffi fto- -]-4 Sh6d T c ffi ';+flr DI IFI ffi bhfuair m€ G Effi i€in ffi O Em i dNdgh gc6in fT DTIFi ffi ffi ffi G/D ffi x T tr tr I tr l G ffi t# G D5/G ffi G D5/G Fffi ffi -i NELLA FANTASIA 'Words by Chiara Ferrau Music by Ennio Morricone Steadily .l = 70 N.C, (D ffi i6 FIEb BryD ttu trffi ffi ffi t €E:- nr r e cm7 BbiD iffi" iJiE +tt tttlz + O ]998 EMI \'IRGIN MUSIC, IJID. All Righ6 in th. U.S. and Calrda Consoll.d and Adminntered bv EMI \4RGIN MUSIC, LTD ThisAmngement O 2007 EMI VIRGIN MUSIC, LTD ffi BtmaiT/F ffi ffi so 8no da '7 n' sem me Pre e Bn'E Br 'ffi ffi Gm ffi" i:maI tm F]E' ffi rit. E ffi ffi D/f$ Gm/F ffi ffi 5_ E BtE, F,sus.t '-iffiffi ffi uE ffi tu"H Dm7 Asusa/D P' D A7sus4/E Gqt-r' aJG A7/E EH: --- D d:? ffi t - fi 4: DicI D Bm7 ffi ffi iffi ffif, i T' = {r rl: Dnai' Bm7 ffi ffi Hffi €- t: _5 li ft FTsus{/C i6 Hlg Ncl .h lJn.t' si FIIC 6 E B"/D H+R ih Cmrl E'/D B'lD dh ffi im" t6 ffi ffi cit t), come am 'i Io co 'irE H da n _ ne Dm/A Bt Gm Gm/F ffi ffi'ffi ffi ffi ffi 3 sogno Hh - B,IF so' no sem iffi ffi m co-me le nu-vo-le - Prc- h ffi itF ffi F @ rall. g ffir Pffi B'IF ffi Bt BD/E ffi ffi Effi ffi ti6 @ ffi m Ls. ONE WORLD Vords and Music by Shay Healy and David Downes Moder.tely .J = 70 c/G ffi #' Esus' H iffi ! / D/A Hft{ i+h ffi a- DIA @ 2o0t LIFFEY PUBLISHING IID, Dublin 2,Ircl,nd md BARDIS MUSIC' Dublin 18,llel.nd F m lone 'ly sound. ffi r€ib with 4 -n- old t -1 E ; .'.= r a-? ffi M Et t j Ad : = G/C ffi€ Ftc ffi c i# Ftc m l). '+ FC c '-c :i:- fr .1, ,{ IF; xa il ln ffi5i li# HFi a @ fitE !' ll, lff, HIE fl:5f,+ ; L.trd ioi .c\ Drsc. I I H speak harsh words, re F ffi ffi W}y do they speak self when ish - ly, we have 8ot D/A ffi H itu --3---1 all your love t. d/l ffiffi* ffi" they are our broth-es EnJD Al now, and we are EIrVD D ffi ctD D ffi*ffi ffi,"ffi' Hfrf Fffi we all c.n G/D sbare D/d D ffi ffiffi to- ffi6 ffi ffiffi me then You will- D ffi c/D Hfrd D Em/D ffi" ffi \\'e all can share G/D tiffff ffi rbe dream -l lLi +s Did ffi ffi Effi - | - Gsus. F ffi ffi ffi" ffi* iHH m = deep . E ffi = .. down in - side FIG ffi D(add2) ffi Ir OVER THE RAINBO\T WordsbYEYH:ftqg Music bY Harold Arlen llod€|.ato, moho rubdo J=72 N.C. t ft METRO-GOLDVITI-MAYER INc O 1939 Rcnsed) EMI FEIST CATAIOG INC' @ 1918 (RdEwcd) ;#;;gh.;i ffi;ila*-rlaiv rrul rusr c"rrer-oc rNc (Publishing) dd ALFRED PUBUSHING co ' INc (Pint) D ffi G ffi D ffi ffi o - ver th€ rain bow o bow, t4*f Em Ith ffi ver the Brn ffi blue, D k Em ffi dreans that you dare real ' ly D ffi t. o ffi ffi Some day tll wish D6 ffi uP - on a sta' dnd wake dp wherc tbe clouds are far ffi on drops, len ' on dmps, lem be Besusa iffi ffi ffi ffi a bove the .him neY toPs, thafs where a ' bove the chim ' ney toPs, thlt's wh're bove the chim _ ncy loPs, thafs wh're a Be ffi ffi youll- .1 D D ffi I |+ ffi ffi ffi o - ve. the rain bow the .Ein boF fly. bou flv + 4 o !q o ler the rain lome I where- -T l D ffi" ffi ffi" ffi the rain bow' the rain bow, *hv ihe rain bow, whv Even slower cs5 ffi ffi the rain bow G Gm6 ffi ffi # ffi ffi Jrean' thar rou rit. D Em ffi a\ r.\ real Iy /\ A'D ffi" daLe dreafts that you dare t{) dreams that yo! dare !o D ffi [,* THE PRAYER Fostcr Words .!d Music by Clrolc BaFr S'gcr rnd Dar'id Andantc con moto Bt Dmt ffi ffi m Ed Bb Dl m sbm? m 6 ffi m m EFTE L F !@ir' m O 1998 m IqARNER-TAMERI-ANE PUBUSHING CORP l pEy you1l be ffi our c E'IF tu ffii. in tiDessh.n se don t @ Bt iffi c Bt iff i- c. us \virh -vour- Srace ffi a pla.e$here Be'll B'IF ffi F. 3 ? Bt ffi +fE ; E rhcn <an go our erclr a night j ,2 a Ftc A 4 c ETIF Allargando atr 'etsi I (aFr rc dlnd !s $'hct-vo! !r' d =EE== Gm l0 6Fx Hf5 shen shrcl'oss lLtl our drtr- ll I B' H guide p i# r,\( ur i# us rvith your tuboto esptess. wtF ffi ffi ffi ffiffi |TrlTt ffi iffi fardr so $ell Bt !a Bt Allargando ffi Bt ffi f*++E E4+ ffi ah. gracc, hl q-)lF NL '+ i Ai tu ::- F-J -- r I EbtF 6r F+13 ffi ItE4J +H ffi Bt Bbsus? Bt ia t$+t ifi Etr# iffi FFIF :t ?+ W. ask tharlili' andwatch be t;= ! us from a-bo': t' : BryD ii{A} Fl @ m Wc holc each soul tjll- find I I Gm 6€" a rolh cr vml- b= b bve Rubato Dn c B'tc hfd ffi tu$ like c! iy Bt frrd rlide !s wnh iou. needs chrld ffi *tF C ffi M ffi rlace. F]E m grac.i H 'ffi Dm ro fiDd . EJ|J| u- $ilh \our 8t ', t^ rit. Ftc 'd B' . . r\ Ia,th so qell cDt ffim Eb iffi ffi 6 ,,:\ E t,. . SCARBOROUGH FAIR Traditional Affanged by David Downes Wistfully. = 120 con fzd ---:----------\- ----/ Cm GmB/B' I t1 l" GmF ffi.ffi BryC ffi" i€F' li l, E' StD ffi.. Cm7 Cm ffi >.--.-1r j Con moto B'/C Brtc i]{fl1 ED ] F m- ffi" ffi" tu m ffi ffi m Bt/D c-' .ffi8 €' Bb Bb ffi ffi ffi" Dm ffi 9''iai7 m ffi c/D Bf,d ffi '--=--=-) J )a )-T .-,-\) =: c/B' ffi ffi = : Gm6/D Dm ffi = Em ffi Tell . - ffi him '\^r.-li^^r.# Bc Fdim Ebm Dt ffi iitr ;ffi BbmT ctmajT htuffi D'Eb tr41 ffi .G.r DtE Em 'im Dt/F ErmT Dt iffii+ffi m ffi G' ffi YOU RAISE ME UP lfords Moderate pop ballad and Music bv Rolf Lovland and Brendan Graham .r= 50 rall. D Dsusa d+ ai i6'- l'L D G5/D ffi (2.) liie. lnd no oh. life- 14" I ,r, , .:: L\nERs,{l IIUSIC PUBLISHIN*G, A Divnion ofUNIVERSAI MUSIC AS md PEERMUSIC (Irelmd) LID. :--r rr R()L[ Lovl-\\l) md L^-nTRSAI ]IUSIC PUBLISHINC ':- _ ,:::J in de L 5. ud Cr,.d: br U\_lvERS.t-POt\CRA\t INTER\ATIOI\.-AI PI]LISHIr-G, INC. (Publishind .. - : - :RiD PLBUSHI\C CO..I\C rPrintr my v,ul Nith out [.'or DIF s ffi # .--, and berts Daddr/FJ D/ff my heat- burd-ened be. per'fect 1,, so in D/A cadd, .?trrr f+F ftrf .+r+ ll]lil ffi - in thc si lence, llled lvith won do. D Lil lou come some tinrcs I thinl I gllmpse ft# HJI can srand on D Bm moun trrns. G/B ffi flIF to walk on e ro AJCI Bm N.C. flttil an.l sn a irhile qith un stor ' mv- sc,s. rhen I an on- ni- DIA D]F' +. *ti D/A G tllS I r-tJ N.C. a io niore thiD I D5 J# G D D/A # a4l D D/Ff D A/Cf Bm : , <u l )=. at |&a,-_ t., --=- a ) -_-J-I tl tt tl | , l*=z Bm &n/A D/A ffiJ' Zt= - I )"= . t# n to l/P"+'' Ds!sa wrlk on stor rlrrr I .rm ,,n [..cr D6/E Dt( E - € D/A D/G ffi$ ffi $ I can stlnd on moun tains. to $dlk on sto. ml- E'Bb lhE @,. !F itffi* tF triB iF" Fht EttBb iffi" Em/D BDID Eraddr/G ffi' ffi Eg ffi Cm D GID D5 Es ia to nore than I can bc GausT/B itL Erad.e/G cm €r f+,n . tr'ft"' l E'B' Cm itu TI'II nors r'her'I an or l;,, ;;1 A'tc E'lBb ffii E IB' B' E'lBb ifr-tu F#ffilm 'ffi BrTsus4 €d rall. E' r"r SEND ME A SONG Words and Music by David Downes and Caitriona Nidhubhghaill l.lode ritely,= 100 c c Dl ffi M Dl ffi itu dq Gta t# ffi -s I T,le rh( sr\e G/B H# Turn : i.ll< your back Fffi on UFFEY PUBUSHL\C LTD, Dubli! 2" Ir*nd ffi nou .nd F @ ctE ffi Lnou ffi CJG M' F @ t -- a rvar€ to mc- c ctE ffi 2.l)ont look back- whcn Effi ffi vou- c/G ffi ii# lloDt lor gct- m i+cn -louir mis - irg F ffi ffi E]E right. go. {)]r. the nights in rour arms,- bur I'll $ill be long song- Dm7 'itfi| -l-=r-l I c: Fc :t- f-clE clG ffi ffi ffi ffi' Fma;r16 ffi iffi" a song.- s# FFE GIC ffi Effi 4. Wh.n the srn- ctE G/B ffi ffi HS sets the wa _ te' F on G/B ffi hdd ffi '#h m I I ffi Dmi t#" Hh I t Bt JA l,ne li ncss. and then D7 ffi stan H N.C. € I )';. $ill sins- if = G/B tsdde/A c7 c =E +=-:q = t#' iirh F/A q AE c ffi . iH =- the shore- ffi and I- ffi ffi Anrl )) I- Ldtch t- )) r C]E t# ffi r,ffi in8 tou a *)ng,- ,1 a I qill scnd lou ! son! Dl Hh c ffi FM @ 07 ffi ffi will- Dl ffi ffi @ Bt a ro send ffi BD iffi ffi * q /:\ song. SHE MOVED THRU THE FAIR Traditional Arranged by David Downes Stowly, but rhythmically ,J = 80 N-C- d E's/F ffiffi: F5 ffii r#' : Nlv- e-:s-..: con O 20071-IFFEY PUBLISHING LTD, Dublin 2,lrcLand All Rights for Canada Contolled by BOOSEY & HAV/KXS, lNC. ttt fath er- \nd 'h. 'LcpgetJ soni slight this- a 6 m nol be lons, lore rill she did iT 6 6 V I 1- Bt iG IE B'/D iffi' T 'tu E'/G ffi J_+_ -1 st.r r ivake, 3 B' ffi FIA q fu ffi (ffi1 it- Gm7 .iiF ffitf CmrL E'adde ffi'e irio" rll= r= E'5/F EDsIF adf ET5E 6rii .:i ffi : :- l -.'tu E adivc ffi,. ffi Br E addt/G FIE rhrr he, te-r -..- _- T"'.t E'IW 6ntr itu ffiAnd she laid ber m \{ll Ftr -i; Hq E'5/F HlE #i -: t SHENANDOAH Traditionat Arraoged by Devid Dovnes and Mairead Nesbitt )=6d Dsus' D.ddt ffi ffi (R-H.) (LH.) Dsusa Hh:t Flffi AJCI m ffi ffi AJD GmaF # Effi ffi D D/F$ D ffi ffiffi ffi D ffi D/d D/F$ cadde ffi ffi ffi ffi DmajT/Fl Bm Bm ffi ffi ffi ..---=- r'- THE SOFT GOODBYE Words and Music by David Downes, Barry McCrea' David Aenew and Caitriona Nidhubhghaill Br5 Br '+E 'tre i6B'fiE Htg I Cn/B' - E BI/D t-R:r iih ru iffi" @ j=-4- Flilll .rh l gt/D Hh F7sus./C ffi ffi ffi be - GFI ffi @ ffi ffi ffi and gins shad ows ffiffiffi ffiffiffi Cm/Bt Bt B! Cm7/Bt B'IF d ffi Effi i6 FIBb m * a - cross the fall sed, fr FIIB' ffi Br E iffi ffi star- in the ^dattc ffi" eve - *tF ffi ning sky, g,IF Cm/E ffi Hft m )our lo!es lidr leads B' @ B,IE ffi ffi me on d) E'IE tu ffi way. t OEF h ffi ffi attD Hh FM tu '.--./ The.e's a drcam thar will a burn - ing hope rhat ilill t,.. Btr ql-"j' Fj!:' : 8o no$ $nh thc G !o :ltl .LL ftL onJ lelve ,vou vrit E E' tu B' rdnd ffi 'ta5- - tl_!.- tine t,) rou.h rcice a lonc, sk-!, rbe frffi +u haunt jng im ing hrn I b.jght, F, D'Ab B' ha FFffi EbtB, itu Bt Bt Eb/Bb iG itu Cm,/B' ffi ffi E'B' Bt ffi Bt E )ffi ffi H,in B'/D ?hrl ffi ffi comes o ler lhc grc! ffi d soft good bie. -r( BryD E6 ffi E IB, itu B'IF '-P : F b 82/D 'g - B2/D 6 ib - that fairh will bnn8. Er6 ErE H+H B'/F ffi fffi ffi t_i' the er€ ning Bt ffi f6. fffi skY BtD iib EqE ffiffiiisr ffi E is \our love wan ' lng- tlr SIULIL A RUN Traditional Arranged by David Downes t/vdds ii eJce sFhd ph@talt Slowly , with expresslon. = 56 D Bm7 Em/B #r1 ffi ffi go Con moto J. dur- iiffi nts- og' H5 lig gus = ll6 D6 IIP .rcsc. poco o poco o oo5Ilr-rIYluEll\Lll\LI ID.l,"bli2 l'dr'd D6 E]SE Dsus, I guh - ,ri;--l CD ffi= r.E ,'1 lon c c6 M ffi ffi - Em ffi ffi i# Hffi c D6 ffi nl sell ffi Ill sell- ffi 55m spin ning- wheel, my- love EmDC gJtt 60ffiffiffi a ' Esusa Dsusl ffiffi gus, L. "' Slowlt, with c)qresiion c E N.C. day- thoo 3 Con Esusa c D6 ffi I'll ffi D ffi ffi dye c H Bm7 D iffi ffi c c *ffi ffi CmaiT D6 oo hrl* ffi ri+* ffi DIC ffi ffi E5 hiin il# shule go Slowly, with expre.iion toe H ffiffi suc-cir a - Esus. gus, shul. Dsus. C '+{F tr*f ffi ?,rr+f go dur-rus og gus ay - lig ffiffiffi lune. t:& ffi Iss guh d"y ;;-- [. ',t D6 Coomoto.=|16 G D ffi E3usa Effi Shule- ffi Dsus. ffi c ffi' Shule,_- CnaT D6 Em D6 Bm7 m Effiffi ffi Esusl ffi ay I* guh d"y thoo a - vor- Dsusa neen- li8- ffi 1* THE SKY, THE DAWN AND THE SUN Words and Music bv Brendan Graham and David Dorvnes FlowinS Gm M ffi Da da de B}IG d dum da H da ffi ffiT Gm FIG dd # ffi i$ g!id - jng ligl,t. lnc noon to-nrghl, Gm Dm/G f ttl m {+ffi ,J and Gm the dark-.e\s s$eep Gm I No*, ih ffi will o E' F]G the rnoon ffi \r Ja da da rla da tla. ra da da da rla Gm +'Rr. to llight. pcn )our eles with me. lcL the .lay be-gm. o still @ FIG m $ill .,rth do sl.rp. n bell to rlng, ;" da. ra da da dr da d. FIG {+ffi $lll drc hcrr cns brighL, I l)ar a dis. $ith- n.. , s'alr ev - n dln cer spin.step pet and !i o lin.ler $ill Lhc crrLh d. l,ghr rnrl r n* rth n,t in rnd ttcp oll i .!i,n I I hffi Ftp ffi dtur Ya da da da da da Ya da da da da da da. tu ffi ffi Ya da da da da da da, @ ya da da da da da Ya da da da da ffi ya da da da da da Ya da da d' da Am/G ffi da F tu E E sqs @ ffi G ArVG ffi $d da # ffi M da D G/B Hffi ffi Effi ffi ffi Fffi iH I 8n. lght Bm7 D ffi Effi Em time is un done, Bm7 H' c ffi ffi D/tr ffi Dl ffi # ffi F ffi ffi ffi Effi Piar ffi mosso, = l18 Em Em AJE ffi D/A ffi ffi L. q' A/B F !d* E# ,--! Esus4 ffi ffi ffi gmn Emrl D(add.yFf ffi Gi9 ffi ESd B7sur4 H E r{+ SOMEDAY GSMERELDA'S PRAYER) (frorn Disney's THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME) Music bY Alan Menken Words bY StePhen Schwartz Sweetly ,. = 56 Cm6 G/B G ffi O 1996 WAII ffi G/H ffi DISNEY MUSIC COMPA|ry atd !(ONDERLAND MUSIC COMPANY INC. ig c ffi ffiff to live- ,'-:--: -^- ;---) r-\ r-\ c/d Hffi G ffi r*E> ',\------ live a---\ i---\ ffi G/B J.-_? Dsusr ffi 1J 1!:.-J J andgreedwill not PaY ;--\ 4-f f') Esura Gsusa D/F* ffi ffi rhis brightmjl len - nl i--\ ----) {mc d!-v -- CIE Gmaj' G ffi' Effi our llght Am/C G/B L D/FI urll be tron '+fr 'dd'r - ? -- c hdt' Em ffi ffi 'lhde dre some days dark and prav.r tur- ffi nut r hn ffi r'JGf D/Fi AJE ffi shen the whole world rs Iqt Bur. &n 'ffi EIG &n Ed d iffi some-day D ffi- AJcf E ffi ffi ,AJGl Bm H andgreed wiii not pay. ffi Dm/F D/FI c$m/E ffi M ffi idJCi we may- yct- ffi ffi E/cl rha lright mrl' D ffi ffi lffi if we \rish rall Bm7 AJE din ffi t1fit{ AJGI t04 l,/ci D ffi D/Fi DIE ffi Clm/E N-C. Bm ai up VIVALDI'S RAIN Traditional Arranged by David Downes With movem€nt r=80 G G/D ffi ffi qro no - re gur Fffi tll( D7 ffi D7t4 ffi ffi del - la - ta- cmaj? r0m G ffi AJG ffi [, 'q 22m ffi Nu,.u" -mi- co - mi- G/D D ffi ffi me di ' re cbe ro me di c ,hr D7 ffi Sto pre mi rdl. ' sd. do che- di ' ffi ra Lou THE VOICE Words and Music by Blendan Graharn Freely .J. = 50 FIG {$ffi ffi con' c/G H ai ffi @ 1996 PEERMUSIC (UK) This A&ng.mflt @ 2007 LTDIEERMUSIC (JIq LTD Adninis&ftd bv PEERMUSIC II IID ;iri /3mffiffi *t +rrA ffi ":ltg *{ I}FF '1 anr The Voice- of your his to ,,t4ff IM be not a ry, fraid, dd# r/ffiffi AVG ffi fl""j: Hl4l A5/G AVG ffi ffi G ffi I an The Voice in the- m M wind and the pour - ins rain, I dm rhe Voice_ of your hun ger and pain. H I # ffi am The Voice- i. the fields F @ ffi when rhe sum-mer's qone, rhe dance of rhe leaves when rhe M I d rhe force- H rh6t in sprinS - nme will will al filled with ny G -= 1^ t7, fl"jl :_ \!j, . r€ l1 a Tlic \i)nr. i4 l7 z' :: DVG @ la.F ot )our hu. gcr lnl 4 t,.D:G D)iC lo. ' a: a, 1'- t: ---: Am/G Esu!a t Am/G !t - a1 4 .\--',/- - +,1 ffir+Tq -r aLla 1l