the 2015 collection


the 2015 collection
web brochure
Benvenuti in Sicilia
What to expect
Festivals & events
Places to visit
Why book with Sicilian Places?
9 – 10
11 – 12
Taormina & the North East
Val di Noto & the South East
Southern, Western & Northern Sicily
13 – 21
22 – 35
36 – 48
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ATOLCertificate. Our ATOL number is 1866. We are also members of ABTA and AITO,
the AITO quality charter is on page 29.
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Front cover: Mount Etna and Giardini Naxos © City Image / Alamy
This page: Coastline near Syracuse © RZ Design / Shutterstock
Car hire & transfers
Things to know before you go A-Z
Sustainable tourism & insurance
Fair trade charter
How to book
Map of Sicily
51 – 53
55 – 56
Ragusa, Southern Sicily
© Martin M303 / Shutterstock
introduction to Sicily
in Sicilia
Sicily is truly part of Italy, yet set apart and rich in its own
dramatic history, natural beauty and geography.
The largest island in the Mediterranean, Sicily is
where Africa meets Europe – nowhere is quite like
Sicily in its mix of cultures, its mix of people; and
nowhere else has such a vast array of civilisations left
their mark including the Phoenicians, Carthaginians,
Greeks, Romans, Moors, Byzantines, Spaniards and
even the Normans. It is blessed by a wonderful
climate with long, hot summers and boasts some
of the best beaches in the Mediterranean with long
stretches of fine golden sand, idyllic pebbly coves
and striking volcanic shores lapped by unbelievably
clear aquamarine waters.
Italian is the official language of Sicily, however,
when chatting amongst family and friends, Sicilian
is commonly used, readily reverting to Italian to
include non-Sicilian speakers. Sicilian can be said to
be a language in its own right (rather than a dialect
of Italian). It has always been a spoken rather than
written language and by the 17th century it was
the language of the people rather than the nobility,
the latter speaking a dialect of Italian. Following
Italy’s unification in 1861, Italian became the official
language but Sicilian lived on, despite the efforts of
the national government to extinguish it.
There is a staggering amount of revealed history in
Sicily – sites of national and international importance;
and it’s all so accessible, including the six UNESCO
World Heritage Sites: The Valley of the Temples
at Agrigento, the Villa Romana del Casale, the
late baroque towns of the Val di Noto, the city of
Syracuse and the Necropolis of Pantalica, the Aeolian
Islands and the most recent listing, Mount Etna.
Over the course of its rich history, so many famous
Mediterranean and African culinary traditions have
been absorbed into the local gastronomy. Byzantine,
Arabic, French, Spanish and South Italian influences
are all evident, producing a diverse cuisine that can be
simple and hearty or complex and refined, delicately
flavoured or richly spiced. There are many local
specialities that simply have to be indulged.
The Sicilian people are incredibly welcoming and
proud to share their beautiful island with you. They
have been poured from a melting pot of a dozen
cultures representing three continents and their
characters are said to be as varied and complex as
their ancestry. One thing that the people of Sicily all
have in common is the love of a good party with any
excuse being found for a celebration, both religious
and secular.
With a wealth of art and archaeological gems,
historic cities, medieval towns and villages, superb
food and the most stunning natural beauty, from
golden sandy beaches, clear blue seas, to the
smoking crater of Mount Etna, a holiday to Sicily
will surprise and delight you.
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
After 27 years of
providing holidays in
Corsica and 20 years
in Sardinia, we’re so
excited to have Sicily
as part of our holiday
programme and to be
able to share it with
our customers.
Tiziano - Sicily Product Manager
introduction to Sicily
What to
expect in Sicily
16 16 17 20
24 27 30 30 28 25 21 18
8 10 10
With its long, hot summers, Sicily has many months
of truly fabulous weather each year and the best
time of year to go depends very much on what
you intend to do during your holiday. From May to
October the weather is warm enough to swim from
the many beautiful beaches found around Sicily’s
stunning coastline.
Sicily is well known for its wonderful food that
stems from the quality of the ingredients, which
are, wherever possible, locally grown or reared and
always follow the seasons, making them particularly
fresh and tasty. Think plump olives, sun-ripened
tomatoes, nuts and mushrooms, succulent meats,
tasty cheeses and a bountiful supply of locally caught
fish and seafood. Not to mention the full-bodied
wines made from grapes grown on the volcanic
soils of Mount Etna. The other single major factor
that has most greatly influenced the cuisine of the
island is the absorption of some of the world’s most
famous culinary traditions of the people that have
governed the island throughout its turbulent history
including the Arabs, French, Spanish and of course,
the Southern Italians, resulting in a colourful and
varied cuisine.
Wild flowers start to bloom in early spring,
especially by the coast, as the temperatures begin to
rise and yet the highest peaks of Etna, Nebrodi and
Madonie are still covered in snow.
In April, as the days grow longer, warmer and dryer,
the bravest might even take a dip in the sea although
the waters are still bracing. By May there is very little
rain and the sea and air temperatures are steadily
rising. June is the perfect time for walking in the
higher mountains, as temperatures continue to rise.
The sea is warm but the beaches remain deserted
apart from at the weekends. The Scirocco wind
occasionally sends temperatures soaring.
In peak season, glorious temperatures both in and
out of the sea, brings locals and visitors alike flocking
to the coasts. There’s virtually no rain across the
island however the cities can be humid. In August
the beach resorts are even more crowded and
the heat can be oppressive but there are still quiet
stretches of coast that remain virtually deserted
even now and the cooler, higher, interior of the
island remains a pleasant escape route. September
sees the temperatures drop a little while the sea
remains delightfully warm and the crowds begin to
disperse. Apart from the occasional coastal storms
the weather is lovely. The end of the month tends
to be a little cooler and wetter.
Here are just a few of our favourite dishes to look
out for starting with Pasta con le Sarde with sardines,
anchovies, fennel, sultanas, pine nuts and a pinch of
saffron; sicilian ingredients with a touch of the exotic.
Then there’s the Spanish influenced Impanata di
Pesce Spada (swordfish pie) and the Arab influenced,
Cùscusu made from pellets of couscous steamed
over fish broth and served with prawns or small fish.
Sicilian desserts are legendary, the most well-known
being Cannoli, a fried tube of pastry filled with sweet
ricotta cheese, decorated with candied fruit and
chocolate, which dates back to the Middle Ages.
On a hot day try a refreshing Granita, a simple mix
of granulated ice with sugar and fresh fruits, invented
in Sicily but now popular throughout Italy.
Vegetarians are well catered for on the island and a
Sicilian favourite to look out for is Pasta alla Norma,
made with fried eggplant, tomatoes, herbs
and ricotta.
For more information or to book online visit
introduction to Sicily
Taormina © Marcin Krzyzak / Shutterstock
Shopping & markets
Sicily is one of the oldest wine producing areas in the
world. Today, Sicily’s wine scene is flourishing, with
many fine wines being produced throughout the
island and numerous tasting opportunities. Sicily is
perhaps best known for Marsala, a fortified wine from
the west of the island. It was first produced in the late
19th century and was an immediate hit. There are
three different levels of sweetness, and it is a good
choice with cheese, dessert, or as an aperitif.
In Sicily’s large cities you’ll find the usual chain stores however independent Sicilian shops and
market stalls are far more interesting places to shop.
The colourful outdoor markets can be reminiscent
of an Arabic souk, in fact some of these markets are
held on the very same streets today as they were
in the 10th century. They should be enjoyed with
all your senses and the many gastronomic delights
you’ll find here make great souvenirs. While the
most well-known are in Palermo and Catania,
almost every town and neighbourhood has its own ‘mercato’ (market) held once a week.
Nero d’Avola is an important Sicilian red, named
after the town of Avola. Fruity and rich, the best of
this wine is produced in the Syracuse region and it is
an ideal accompaniment to meat dishes.
For Chardonnay grapes, Sicily has the perfect
environment and today most vineries produce high
quality Chardonnay. This wine is great with fish, or as
an aperitif. Passito di Pantelleria is an excellent sweet
wine made from dried grapes grown on the island
of Pantelleria. This wine is perfect with dessert.
As well as the familiar Italian favourites, limoncello
(lemon), anisette and amaretto (almond), Sicily
produces some excellent and unique liqueurs
including Ala made in Casteldaccia near Palermo,
Averna made in Caltanisetta and Fichera. Grappa,
a fragrant, grape-based brandy is also a popular
digestive, after dinner drink.
A typical way for an Italian to spend an evening is
chatting with family and friends over a leisurely meal
in a restaurant or pavement café and that certainly
holds true for Sicily. If you are after something a little
more lively, however, Palermo, Taormina, Syracuse
and Catania all have a great choice of bars and clubs,
as well as restaurants.
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
Getting around
Hiring a car is the best way to get out and about,
giving you the freedom to explore the island at
your leisure. By car, it only takes a few minutes to
escape from the tourist routes into the untouched
countryside, either along the spectacular coastline or
in the mountains. The island is dotted with historic
towns and villages that are a delight to explore, as
are the numerous archaeological sites. There are
good quality motorways linking the main cities, as
well as dual carriageways and a few toll roads.
The smaller roads tend to be narrower and winding
but as a consequence offer some spectacular views.
© CedarchisCociredeF / Shutterstock
There is a train service around much of the island
but it is not always a convenient option compared
to a car. Many towns and villages are served by a
network of buses. Timetables however are not
always adhered to and services on a Sunday tend
to be somewhat restricted. The blue buses run
between cities, while the orange buses provide a
more local service.
Agrigento © Silky / Shutterstock
introduction to Sicily
and events
There are hundreds of festivals and events held across Sicily
throughout the year, here is a selection of a few of our favourites.
MAY | Infiorata di Noto, Noto
One of Italy’s best-known flower festivals sees the
baroque town’s main street, Via Nicolaci, carpeted
with a series of flower tapestries. The day after the
festival finishes, children enjoy running through the
petals scattering them in all directions.
MAY | Sagra delle Teste di Turco, Scicli, Ragusa
A celebration of the liberation of Sicily in 1091,
following the Norman victory over the Arabs, with
the town’s traditional cake, known as Turks’ Head,
and a glass or two of local wine.
MID MAY TO LATE JUN | Teatro Greco, Syracuse
One of Sicily’s most prestigious cultural events
each spring is the Greek Theatre Festival.
At sunset, in the evocative setting of this ancient
amphitheatre, a classical Greek comedy or tragedy
is performed, transporting audiences thousands of
years back in time.
JUN | Inycon a Menfi Wine Festival, Menfi
A chance to sample some of the most famous Sicilian
wines in one of the most important wine-producing
towns on the island.
JUN TO SEP | Teatro Antico, Taormina
The busy summer schedule at the Greek theatre in
Taormina, with its extraordinary backdrop of Mount
Etna, includes the annual, star-studded Taormina
Film Festival, operas including Don Giovanni,
Carmen and The Barber of Seville as well as rock
concerts. Recent artists include James Blunt and
Simple Minds.
JUL | Festa di San Calogero, Agrigento
A week long festival celebrating Saint Calogero who
saved Agrigento from the plague.
AUG | Ypsigrock Festival, Castelbuono
A unique outdoor indie-rock musical festival held in
a stunning castle setting.
JUL | Sagra dell’Olio, Furnari
Locals and visitors alike tuck into local produce
including olives, olive oil, bruschette and wine while
enjoying the live music of this vivacious festival.
SEP | Cous Cous Fest, San Vito Lo Capo
A particularly popular festival held over five days,
the highlight of which is the highly competitive
cook-off with chefs from around the Mediterranean
and further afield, with live music, dancing and a
fabulous atmosphere.
JUL & AUG | Sagra del Pesce, Giardini-Naxos
Each weekend throughout July and August the
Fish Festival takes place in the port, recreating the
atmosphere of the small fishing village it once was,
with folklore and music and delicious fresh fish
dishes washed down with local wine.
SEP | Sagra della Salsiccia, Aragona
A three day festival in celebration of sausages and
the local patron saint, with stalls, fairground rides
and live music.
JUL TO DEC | Etnafest
A colourful arts festival with a varied programme of
rock, blues, reggae, jazz and classical music as well
as puppet shows at Le Ciminiere convention centre
in Catania.
AUG | Festa di San Salvatore, Cefalù
A celebration of Cefalù’s patron saint with
processions, great food and the odd glass of wine,
held over a few days each August, swelling the
number of Cefalù’s summer visitors even more,
especially on the last day of the festival.
AUG | Sagra delle Melanzana, Milazzo
An annual aubergine festival held over two evenings
with folk music and dancing and the chance to
sample a wonderful variety of dishes based on one
of Sicily’s favourite ingredients.
AUG | La Sagra del Mare, Mazara del Vallo
Huge frying pans fry up a tasty mix of seafood to be
enjoyed with boiled octopus and plenty of local wine.
© Steve Bower / Shutterstock
For more information or to book online visit
introduction to Sicily
Places to visit
Whether you are looking to relax on one of the island’s beautiful
beaches, take a more active break hiking up the slopes of Mount
Etna, explore some of the many archeological gems or are a lover
of fine wine and cuisine, Sicily has it all.
Mount Etna
Dating back to 4th century BC, the town of Taormina
offers an eclectic mix of the old and the new. A chic
resort, though unashamedly touristy, it is arguably
the most enchanting town in Sicily. Her many
charms include beautiful restored medieval buildings
on winding streets, the famous passeggiata along
Corso Umberto (the main street in the town) and
the stunning Greek amphitheatre which holds an
impressive programme of events during the summer.
Sicily has in recent years become renowned for its
quality wine production and with more vineyards
than any other region in Italy, there are many
delicious wines to choose from. For those wishing
to sample the local specialities, wine tasting and
vineyard tours can be found in most areas.
Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in
2013, Mount Etna is one of Sicily’s most famous
landmarks. The largest active volcano in Europe and
Sicily’s highest peak, Etna dominates the landscape
on the north east coast. A tour up to the crater or
even the summit is a must.
Villa Romana del Casale,
Piazza Armerina
The most remarkable Roman ruins in Sicily and
listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this
grandiose 4th century Roman villa is home to one of
the finest floor mosaics in existence.
A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Syracuse has many
attractions but the absolute gem for us is the stunning
cathedral on Piazza del Duomo. This café-lined
piazza is on the island of Ortigia with its enchanting
cobbled streets and many more baroque churches
and piazzas to discover. Explore the ancient Greek
and Roman part of the city, as well as the contrasting
modern town with its seaside promenades.
Val di Noto
Eight towns in the south east of Sicily make up the
late baroque towns of the Val di Noto: Caltagirone,
Militello Val di Catania, Modica, Noto, Catania,
Palazzolo Acreide, Ragusa and Scicli. Another
UNESCO World Heritage Site, the valley is home
to this series of highly picturesque towns composed
almost entirely of baroque churches, palaces and
houses – an absolute must see for architectural and
historical enthusiasts.
You can’t leave Sicily without experiencing one of
its vibrant and colourful markets. Some of the best
on the island include Palermo’s Mercato di Ballarò
filled with every food imaginable and Catania’s La
Pescheria, a lively morning fish market behind the
Piazza del Duomo.
Valle dei Templi, Agrigento
The Valle dei Templi holds some of Sicily’s most
impressive Greek ruins and indeed, some of the
best preserved ancient Greek temples in the world.
In particular ‘must see’ Tempio della Concordia, is
a remarkably intact temple, constructed in 430BC.
And it’s no surprise that the valley is also a UNESCO
World Heritage Site.
Taormina © Boris Stroujko / Shutterstock
Palermo is another fabulous ancient city packed with
historic masterpieces waiting to be discovered, not
least the magnificent Monreale Cathedral. But it is
so much more than this, being famed for its nightlife,
Mondello beach, its open-air theatre, museums and
art galleries, as well as its excellent street food.
Temple of Concordia © Silky / Shutterstock
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
introduction to Sicily
Sicily has long stretches of fine golden sand, idyllic pebbly coves
and striking volcanic shores, it’s easy to find beaches that are
virtually deserted, especially if you know where to look...
The bay of Giardini-Naxos © K.Roy Zerloch / Shutterstock
In the tourist resorts you’ll find a good range of
facilities and water sports available; and with crystal
clear water in subtly changing shades of cobalt,
turquoise and emerald it’s a favourite destination
for diving, as well as snorkelling.
What’s more, with its long hot summers, Sicily has
a longer summer season than most other European
resorts – making it a fantastic choice for a beach
based holiday.
Mondello – North
With pale, soft sand and crystal clear shallow water,
this beautiful crescent bay is the most famous
beach resort on the island. Lying between two
cliffs, Monte Gallo and Monte Pellegrino, it is 12km
from Palermo’s city centre and can be reached
by a 15-minute bus ride. It’s a great family beach
with a bustling, lively atmosphere and is popular
with windsurfers and for snorkelling. Sunloungers,
parasols and pedal boats are available for hire.
Lungomare di Cefalù – North
Lungomare di Cefalù is a beautiful 8km stretch of
golden sands by calm, shallow waters. It’s ideal for
families with sunloungers and parasols for hire.
Caldura – North
Caldura is a lesser known and therefore quieter
beach, opposite Cefalù’s harbour without a sunbed
or parasol in sight (unless you take your own). It’s
a 20-minute walk from the town centre of Cefalù,
where you’ll find a flight of around 100 steps leading
down to the pebbly beach, surrounded by rocks,
perfect for snorkelling in the wonderfully clear water.
For more information or to book online visit
introduction to Sicily
Isola Bella Beach, North West
© Nikiforov Alexander / Shutterstock
Sant’Ambrogio – North
Sant’Ambrogio is a large beach, 5km from Cefalù.
This mainly pebbly beach is one of the quietest in
the region.
Isola Bella, Taormina – North West
The most famous of Taormina’s beaches and one of
the prettiest of coves, Isola Bella beach is connected
to the little island of the same name by a thin strip
of sand. Offering panoramic views and crystal clear
water, this very popular, pebbly beach is connected
to the town by cable car (or some 300 steps) and
has sunloungers and parasols for hire.
Giardini Naxos – North West
This beautiful and popular bay of white sand with
some pebbly sections is the largest stretch of beach in
the area and has lovely views of Taormina. There’s a
good range of facilities with sunloungers, parasols for
hire, water sports, beach bars and restaurants.
Aci Trezza, Catania – North West
Aci Trezza is a little seaside town with a couple of
small streets and rocky islands/outcrops which
can be explored by a canoe or pedalo. In the
summer months there are a few bars along the
waterfront where you can enjoy refreshments from
breakfast though to drinks in the evening while
watching the sunset.
Fontane Bianche – South East
One of the best beaches in the region, Fontane
Bianche is 3km stretch of coast, 15km from the
centre of Syracuse. With fine white sand, a gently
sloping seabed and warm, transparent waters, it is
very popular with families. Sunloungers and parasols
are available for hire.
Scala dei Turchi, Southern Sicily
© Rafael Fernandez Torres / Shutterstock
Vendicari, Noto – South East
In the heart of Vendicari Nature Reserve just 10
minutes’ drive from Noto, lies an 8km stretch of
golden sand dunes, lagoons, cliffs and hidden bays.
There are no sunloungers, bars or water sports and
no crowds. A truly wonderful place to swim and
well-suited to families but be sure to take anything
you might need including water with you.
Pachino to Gela – South East
At the south east tip of Sicily you’ll find the never
ending dunes where the allied forces landed in World
War II and from here, heading west, there is a long
stretch of virtually non-stop sandy beaches right up
until you reach the industrial town of Gela. Spiagga
Sampieri is of particular note, a 3km stretch of fine
golden sand with a gently shelving seabed and clear
turquoise water. At one end of the beach, you will
find the atmospheric ruins of an old brickworks.
San Leone – South
Just south of the town of Agrigento, this is the most
popular beach of the region. It is sandy with a mixture
of free beach areas interspersed with those used by
restaurants, hiring out sunloungers and parasols. In
the evening this can be a lively and vibrant area.
Punta Bianca – South
Moving further west, just a 15-minute drive from
Agrigento, the stunning white marlstone cliffs form
a natural staircase, known as the Scala dei Turchi
(Turkish Steps) to a beach of fine sand scattered
with rocky areas where the water is of course,
crystal clear.
San Vito Lo Capo © Marzolino / Shutterstock
San Vito Lo Capo – West
This 1km long, curving bay of white, pristine sand
with crystal clear water, is about an hour west of
Palermo. It’s ideal for families with plenty of small,
beachside restaurants, sunloungers and parasols for
hire and stunning panoramic views.
Zingaro Nature Reserve – West
In the Zingaro Nature Reserve, east of San Vito
Capo, you’ll find numerous lovely pebbly coves
from where to swim, as well as some great
coastal walks.
Sicily is the perfect
destination as there
is so much to see, or
you can just sit on
the beach all day if
you wish to. I love the
history of the island,
the delicious food and
you can relax too...
Nina - Reservations
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
introduction to Sicily
Why book
with Sicilian Places?
With over 27 years’ experience in Corsica and 20 years in Sardinia,
we endeavour to use our in-depth knowledge to provide the best
possible service and most suitable holidays.
At Sicilian Places, we believe in freedom of choice
and we will provide guests with the holiday that is
right for them. We realise that booking a ‘package’
doesn’t suit everyone and for this reason, we have
chosen to display both flight-inclusive holidays and
property only prices, giving complete flexibility.
Package holidays
We offer traditional package holidays inclusive of
charter or scheduled flights, accommodation as well
as car hire or transfers. Package holidays booked
through a tour operator offer complete financial
security and peace of mind. Prices displayed are per
person and are based on the occupancy stated – for
other occupancies, please call our reservations team
or visit our website.
Property only
We also offer you the opportunity to book the
accommodation element of your holiday with us
and arrange your own flights independently. You can
find property only prices on each property page.
As a fully bonded tour operator, our property only
holidays are financially secured through our ABTOT
membership for the accommodation element only.
What we offer
• UK staff dedicated to Sicily
• Over 27 years’ experience of offering holidays to
Mediterranean islands
• Unrivalled customer service
• Competitive prices
• Flexibility of package prices or property only
• Choice of charter and scheduled flights
• Welcome pack in self-catering properties
• Free high chairs and cots for infants
(linen not included)
• Free child places or child discounts at
selected hotels
• Competitive car hire prices with AVIS
• Loyalty discount for previous customers of
Sardinian and Corsican Places
• Tailormade itineraries
• Website
Tailormade holidays
If you prefer to spend your holiday travelling the
island rather than staying in one location, we can
help you put together a tailormade, multi-centre
or touring holiday to suit your particular choices
and requirements.
Villa Viancu - page 24
Flexible duration
There are daily flights from the UK to Sicily,
allowing for any holiday duration whether you are
looking for a weekend break or a longer holiday.
For full flight options and prices, please call us or
check our website.
For more information or to book online visit
introduction to Sicily
Grand Hotel Mazarrò Sea Palace - page 16
Our accommodation
We offer a small but growing portfolio of handpicked quality accommodation, ranging from a
simple apartment to idyllic villas with private pools,
family friendly hotels to boutique luxury. Chosen for
their location, distinctive character and warmth of
service, we have a range of hotels across the island
to suit all tastes. Our expert team have visited the
island so let us guide you to the property that best
suits your needs.
Our self-catering properties have individual
characters with different styles, furnishings and
facilities. To give you an idea of the standard you can
expect from each, we have grouped our properties
into the following categories:
Our Premium Collection – These are our most
exclusive villas for our most discerning customers
each with superb locations, generous secluded
grounds and superior facilities. Our premium
villas also include upgraded car hire and additional
midweek cleaning.
Very Comfortable – Furnished as a permanent or
second home with many personal touches, fully
equipped kitchen and a well-equipped garden/
outdoor area.
Comfortable – Well decorated and appointed
with comfortable and functional furniture, personal
touches and good kitchen facilities.
Simple – Properties furnished with the emphasis
on holiday living, generally with practical, functional
furniture and basic kitchen facilities.
ProPErty FEAturE iconS
To help you find the right property, we have put together a list of icons to highlight the main features for each property and which you can find on the
individual accommodation page of this brochure or online. Here’s a brief description of each icon:
Pool - Use of a private or shared pool on the
property grounds.
Central location - Located in a town or a village,
within easy reach of the local amenities.
Families - Accommodation suitable for families with
toddlers or with older children. Icons with a + symbol
represent properties suitable for large groups.
Air-conditioning - This facility may be available
throughout the property or only in certain rooms.
Couples - Properties suitable for couples looking for
a base or a romantic break.
Restaurant - Hotels with a restaurant on site.
Luxury - Accommodation and service of the
highest standard.
Wi-Fi - Properties equipped with wireless
internet access.
Beachfront - Properties located by the beach.
Touring - Hotels perfect for a few nights as part of
touring holiday.
Waterfront - Properties in close proximity to
the waterfront.
Character - Properties with individual or original
features or charm.
Stunning views - If you’re looking for a property with
scenic or picturesque views, look out for this icon.
Hideaway - Properties in a peaceful or ‘away from
it all’ setting.
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
© Silky / Shutterstock
© Goran Bogicevic / Shutterstock
© Galimaufry / Shutterstock
For more information or to book online visit
introducing vAL DI NOTO & THE soUTH EAST
Val di Noto
& the South East
The south east of Sicily not only includes the
UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Syracuse
and the lovely baroque towns of the Val
di Noto, you’ll also find some of the best
coastline on the island here, in particular on the south coast.
Syracuse, is the best known town of the region. It can
be roughly divided into three parts, the modern town
with its seaside promenades and broad avenues, the
ancient Greek and Roman city at the foot of Monti
Iblei and lastly, the island of Ortigia with its narrow
streets, baroque churches and piazzas.
Ortigia island is linked with two bridges to Syracuse
town, and is the perfect place to explore without
your car as you can park in the Talete car park (pay
and display). Just 5 minutes’ walk from the car park
are the remains of the Apollo Temple, pass through
Piazza Archimedes - named after the mathematician
born in Syracuse in 3rd century AC on your way to
the remarkable Piazza del Duomo, a masterpiece
of baroque architecture lined with restaurants
and home to a stunning cathedral adapted by the
Byzantines and later the Normans from a 5th
century BC temple to Minerva. There are many
restaurants serving traditional Sicilian dishes. There is
also a plethora of bars where you can sit and have a
glass of local wine with some arancino. Caravaggio’s
‘Burial of St Lucy’ painting is in Santa Lucia church
in Piazza Duomo, and is also worth a visit. The
Catacombe di San Giovani on the outskirts of
Syracuse are the most extensive in Syracuse. They
are a little dark and spooky but well worth a visit;
there are guided tours available.
During the devastating earthquake of 1693 much
of the south east region of Sicily was destroyed.
Towns were re-built from scratch, sometimes in new
locations, and redesigned according to Renaissance
and baroque town planning, including most notably
the charming towns of Noto, Modica and Ragusa. In
Noto the little theatre on the main street is beautiful
- it’s really tiny but you can explore everywhere, and
even go on the stage if you like. Ragusa is particularly
famed for its gastronomy and produces some
excellent cheeses while nearby Modica is known for its
Cioccolato al peperoncino (chilli chocolate), there are
several chocolate shops and factories here, while Noto
is known for its delicious ice creams.
Pozzallo is a nice seaside town with bars and
restaurants along its seafront. Just out of the town
along the coastal road towards Noto there are
secluded, unspoilt beaches and coves that will be
less crowded than in town. Marzamemi is lively
with the locals in the summer evenings. Many bars
and restaurants offer music until late - if you want
to experience an authentic Sicilian night out..! The
main square also has a lovely little church and hosts
several weddings during the summer months, which
are fascinating to see with their stunning dresses.
There are also several concerts and shows held in
the square during summer evenings.
Syracuse – Explore the main sites on Ortigia
on foot and wonder at the magnificent Piazza del
Duomo and its cathedral.
Boat trip – take an alternative view of Ortigia, it's
13th century castle and the surrounding coastline.
Beaches – On the south eastern tip of Sicily there
are some stunning stretches of deserted beaches
where sand gently shelves into warm turqouise
waters. Take everything you need including water
and shade, for a perfect day out.
Baroque towns – Ragusa, Noto and Modica each
have their own charm, views and an abundance of
churches to discover.
Driving Distances
Catania airport > Scicli
134km (1hour 30mins)
Catania airport > Ragusa
112km (1hour 30mins)
Catania airport > Syracuse
70km (40mins)
Catania airport > Floridia
66km (45mins)
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
Val di noto & the south east | Floridia
4 bedroom villa | sleeps 8
Villa Viancu
extras included
- Upgraded car hire (in package)
- Welcome Pack
- Midweek clean
Sleek modern design | Wonderful outdoor area | PREMIUM VILLA
Blending harmoniously with its surroundings and
designed to respect the environment, Viancu uses
modern technology to give guests an extremely
comfortable stay.
ruins, and the chic cobbled streets of Ortigia, to
the stunning baroque towns of the Val di Noto
and the picturesque beach of Fontane Bianche.
Villa Viancu is the perfect choice for a family or
group of friends looking for a taste of pure luxury
in a truly Sicilian setting.
The interior of the property is stylish and
modern with four en-suite bedrooms, an airy
living room with a suspended fireplace, cinema
room and a fully equipped kitchen and dining
area. Large bay windows open on to the inviting
terrace and pool where you are sure to spend
most of your time. Set in immaculately kept
gardens and surrounded by olive trees, it is the
ideal spot to soak up the Sicilian sunshine and
make the most of outdoor living.
restaurantS: Floridia 3km
shops: Floridia 3km
main town: Syracuse 3km
airport: Catania 66km
Raised Ground floor: Living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry
room, bathroom, double bedroom with en-suite bathroom with
bath and hydro massage shower, two double bedrooms with en-suite shower room, twin bedroom with en-suite shower room.
In addition to the four bedrooms there are also
two further suites on the lower floor available at
an additional cost:
Lower Ground floor: Fitness room, cinema room
Suite 1 with two single beds, a living area with
kitchenette and shower room, a small terrace
Private pool (18m x 6m, depth 1.2m-2.5m) which can be heated at
an extra charge of €500 per week (payable locally), external shower,
barbecue, dishwasher, washing machine, microwave, oven, three
fridges, freezer, television (LCD), iPod dock station, home theatre,
decoder with Sky card (except sport channels), CD player, DVD
player, hairdryer, safe, internet (wired), air-conditioning (under floor
cooling system), internet. For electricity information, see page 51.
Suite 2 with a double bed, a living area with
kitchenette and a shower room.
23 May – 29 May
30 May – 19 Jun
29 Aug – 18 Sep
20 jun – 24 jul
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beach: 14km
If you can tear yourself away from the pool, there
is so much to explore in the local area – from the
historic city of Syracuse with its ancient Greek
2 may – 22 MAy
web id: F LVV
25 JuL – 21 aug
22 aug – 28 Aug
19 sep – 30 oct
1 week
1 week
2 weeks
1 Week
2 Weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
property only
Property only prices are per week for the accommodation and welcome pack only. Other prices are per person and include flights and upgraded car hire. For flight and car hire details see p49-50.
For occupancies not shown and latest offers, please call our reservations team or visit our website.
For more information or to book online visit
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
Villa Scurata
web id: S C V S
extras included
- Car hire (in package)
- Welcome Pack
Fantastic views | well presented family villa | Extensive facilities
Named after the spectacular sunsets that can be
enjoyed from its grounds and perched above the
baroque town of Scicli, Villa Scurata is a beautifully
converted stone house commanding panoramic
views over the Val di Noto.
scan to view online
sure to embrace the typically Mediterranean al
fresco living. There is also a separate fenced sports
court for racket sports and kick-a-bouts for those
wishing to be more active.
beach: Marina di Ragusa 8km
restaurantS: 2km
shops: 2km
main town: Scicli 12km
airport: Catania 134km
For those who wish to venture out, the magnificent
baroque towns of the Val di Noto are only a short
drive, as it the chic beach resort of Marina di
Ragusa and the golden sands of Donnalucata.
Set amongst olive and carob trees and with a
scattering of nearby houses, the villa offers a superb
setting for a true Sicilian getaway.
Ground floor: Large living room with kitchen and dining area,
double bedroom with en-suite bathroom, laundry room, terrace.
First floor: Living room with bar, double bedroom with en-suite
bathroom, terrace.
The interior is spread over three floors and
decorated in a minimalistic style. With a light and
airy feel, it features a spacious open-plan kitchen,
dining and lounge area, a second smaller lounge
room with a bar and four double bedrooms.
Second floor: two double bedrooms with en-suite bathroom
Private pool (12m x 6m, 1.5m depth), barbecue, separate sauna,
Turkish bath, hot tub, shower & changing room, sports court.
Dishwasher, washing machine, microwave, oven (electric), hairdryer,
safe, five televisions with satellite channels, CD player, DVD player,
Hi-Fi, Wi-Fi, air-conditioning. For electricity information, see page 51.
Outside, the well-tended gardens encircle a large
swimming pool, spa area with hot tub and sauna,
and a private sun-kissed terrace where you are
2 may – 22 MAy
23 May – 29 May
30 May – 26 Jun
29 Aug – 25 Sep
27 jun – 24 jul
25 JuL – 31 Jul
1 aug – 28 Aug
26 sep – 30 oct
1 week
1 week
2 weeks
1 Week
2 Weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
property only
Property only prices are per week for the accommodation and welcome pack only. Other package prices are per person and include flights, car hire and welcome pack. For flight and car hire details see p49-50.
For occupancies not shown and latest offers, please call our reservations team or visit our website.
For more information or to book online visit
Casa sulle Rocce
web id: s y cr
extras included
- Car Hire (in package)
- Welcome Pack
Located on the rocky Maddalena Peninsular, just
south of Syracuse, Casa sulle Rocce is a simple
property with a delightful setting.
scan to view online
Casa sulle Rocce is ideally positioned to explore
the south east of Sicily. A number of stunning
beaches, charming towns and historic landmarks
are only a short drive from the property including
the baroque towns of Val di Noto and the Greek
ruins at Syracuse.
The house is set in a modern complex with only
a handful of other holiday homes and surrounded
by mature gardens filled with cacti, palms and
oleander. The natural grounds fall away onto the
rocky coast below where the uninterrupted vistas
over the Mediterranean are simply sublime.
beach: By rocks, Aranella 8km
restaurantS: 5km, Syracuse 12km
shops: Syracuse 12km
main town: Syracuse 12km
airport: Catania 71km
Living/dining room with single sofa bed, kitchen open onto the living
room, double bedroom with en-suite wc, twin/double bedroom,
shower room, patio, covered terrace.
Barbecue, external shower, dishwasher, washing machine,
microwave, toaster, hairdryer, television, DVD player, Wi-Fi, air-conditioning (€70 per week, payable locally). For electricity
information, see page 51.
Inside, the property is modestly furnished with
an open-plan kitchen, bright and airy living/dining
room and two small bedrooms. Doors lead from
the living room onto the south facing veranda,
the perfect venue to end the day, enjoying the
evening sunsets and listening to the gentle lapping
of waves over the rocks below.
2 may – 22 MAy
23 May – 29 May
30 May – 19 Jun
29 Aug – 29 Sep
20 jun – 24 jul
1 aug – 21 aug
25 jul – 31 jul
22 Aug – 28 Aug
26 sep – 30 oct
1 week
1 week
2 weeks
1 Week
2 Weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
property only
Property only prices are per week for the accommodation and welcome pack only. Other package prices are per person and include flights, car hire and welcome pack. For flight and car hire details see p49-50.
For occupancies not shown and latest offers, please call our reservations team or visit our website.
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
Val di noto & the south east | sYRACUSE
Hotel | 96 Rooms
Deluxe room
extras included
- Car hire (in package)
- Bed & Breakfast
- Half Board available
Grand Hotel Minareto 5★
The Grand Hotel Minareto offers a unique
prospect, being the only luxury hotel in the
Plemmerio Marine Nature Reserve. It combines
a spectacular setting with excellent service and
facilities in stylishly contemporary surroundings.
The promontory on which the Minareto sits is
a thing of wonder, with swathes of lush carob,
olive and palm trees giving way to hidden coves
and crystal clear waters – not to mention the
views beyond, across the water to Ortigia and
the brooding drama of Mount Etna. The hotel
has two beach areas, one sandy cove and one
rocky outcrop, readily equipped with parasols and
sunbeds, so you can really make the most of the
views and the cool sea breeze. The opportunities
for snorkelling really shouldn’t be missed; the warm
waters are home to some enchanting sealife.
web id: S Y G M
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Within the hotel you’ll find the 96 rooms – a
mixture of classic, deluxe and a selection of
suites, all recently redesigned – are all elegantly
furnished and well equipped, and all with private
balconies making the absolute best of the dazzling
surroundings. The hotel has two main restaurants,
offering a mixture of Sicilian delicacies and
Mediterranean dishes; the roof garden of the
‘Nesos’ is particularly stunning throughout the
summer months. There are three bars to choose
from and the terraces of the Minareto Bar are a
fabulous place to take refreshments.
Beach: By the beach
Restaurants: On site, Syracuse 9km
Shops: Syracuse 9km
Main town: Syracuse 9km
Airport: Catania 67km
facilities in hotel
Swimming pool, two restaurants, three bars, wine bar, spa, gym,
complimentary bicycles, complimentary shuttle service to Syracuse,
water taxi to the island of Ortigia (payable locally approx £20pp).
facilities in room
En-suite shower room, television, safe, minibar, hairdryer, Wi-Fi,
In terms of getting out and about, the hotel
operates a shuttle service to the city of Syracuse,
where you’ll find countless layers of cultural
history to pick through – the old centre of
Syracuse and a true sight to behold.
Classic room
1 May – 9 May
10 May – 28 May
29 May – 30 Jul
31 juL – 29 Aug
30 aug – 19 Sep
20 Sep – 31 Oct
1 Week
2 Weeks
1 and 2 week package prices are per person based on 2 adults sharing stated room type and include flights and car hire. For hotel only please use the extra night prices. For flight and car hire details see p49-50.
For supplements and latest offers, please call our reservations team or visit our website.
For more information or to book online visit
Val di noto & the south east | Ragusa
HOTEL | 202 rooms
Deluxe room
Donnafugata Golf Resort & Spa 5★
extras included
- Car hire (in package)
- Bed & Breakfast
- Half Board available
web id: R G D F
Two 18-hole golf courses | Spa | High quality resort
The Donnafugata Golf Resort and Spa is a
prestigious and well-renowned resort and a real
paradise for couples. It mixes exceptional service
and excellent facilities in a spectacular setting.
The golf at the Donnafugata is outstanding. It
boasts two 18-hole championship courses – one
parkland, designed by Gary Player and one links,
created by the architect Franco Piras – and the
surroundings are quite a prospect. There is also the Darren Clarke Centre of Excellence, which
provides lessons for golfers of all skills, from
beginners to experts.
The complex itself is made up of 202 elegantly
styled rooms with a classy, contemporary feel,
all with their own private balcony or terrace
area. There is a lovely pool on site, and a wellequipped fitness centre should you want to have
scan to view online
a work out at any stage. There is also a 900
square metre spa facility with stunning views over
the park. The spa offers a range of treatments
from aromatherapy massages, specialised
massages (such as Parshwa and Abhyanga), to
mud treatments, facials and osteopathic physio.
There are three restaurants within the complex
and a range of bars to enjoy pre and post dinner
drinks. You can enjoy breakfast on the Il Fico
d’India terrace, under the warm morning sun, and
try dinner in the Il Carrubo, offering a mixture of
the local and the Mediterranean.
beach: Marina di Ragusa 8km
restaurantS: On site, Ragusa 26km
shops: Ragusa 26km
main town: Ragusa 26km
airport: Catania 112km
facilities in hotel
Large swimming pool, three restaurants, wine bar, Wi-Fi (in
reception areas), fitness centre, free shuttle service to the beach at
Marina di Ragusa (sunloungers and parasols payable locally).
Payable locally: Two 18-hole championship golf-courses, spa, Darren
Clarke Centre of Excellence Golf Academy.
facilities in room
En-suite facilities, satellite television, safe, minibar, hairdryer, Wi-Fi,
In terms of venturing further afield you won’t be
at a loss for things to do. The seaside locations
such as Marina di Ragusa, Punta Secca and
Sampieri are all close by.
Classic room
1 May – 7 Aug
8 Aug – 22 Aug
23 Aug – 31 Oct
1 Week
2 Weeks
1 and 2 week package prices are per person based on 2 adults sharing stated room type and include flights and car hire. For hotel only please use the extra night prices. For flight and car hire details see p49-50.
For supplements and latest offers, please call our reservations team or visit our website.
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
Val di noto & The south east | Syracuse
hotel | 32 rooms
Comfort room
extras included
- Car hire (in package)
- Bed & Breakfast
Hotel Borgo Pantano 4★
web id: S Y B P
Rural location | Beautifully presented rooms | delightful restaurant
Located just outside the historic town of Syracuse,
Borgo Pantano is a character property with a pretty,
rural setting and friendly, welcoming staff. The
hotel is a great base for couples looking to explore
this beautiful part of Sicily, making the most of the
owners’ expert knowledge of the area.
The free form pool is bound to be a real focus of
your stay at the Borgo Pantano and it’s a wonderful
prospect: broad, open and surrounded by lemon
trees, hammocks and sunbeds. Quite the place
to spend the day, lounging, taking in the odd
drink, watching the sun set... Should you need
some extra pampering, the hotel also has a small
wellness centre with a Jacuzzi, a sauna and various
treatments, including all kinds of specialist massages.
scan to view online
decorated using Sicilian fabrics. The junior suites
offer a private terrace area.
beach: 12km
restaurantS: On site, Syracuse 7km
shops: Syracuse 7km
The hotel restaurant – Luigi Capuana – is excellent,
and serves a range of Sicilian dishes with everything
prepared using locally-sourced produce. The
restaurant terrace is a real delight as is the rich,
delicious breakfast served every morning including
homemade cakes, sweets and freshly squeezed
Sicilian orange juice. During the summer you can
enjoy lunch by the pool.
main town: Syracuse 7km
airport: Catania 63km
facilities in hotel
Swimming pool, pool bar, gastronomic restaurant, wellness centre,
games room.
facilities in room
En-suite shower room, television, DVD player, safe, minibar,
hairdryer, Wi-Fi, air-conditioning.
In terms of exploring the local area, the Borgo is
ideally placed. You can easily get to the centre of
Syracuse and the must see, beautiful old town of
Ortigia. The Val di Noto is also only a short drive
away with its stunning baroque towns.
Named after famous Sicilian poets and artists, the
32 bedrooms are unique in style and elegantly
Classic room
1 May – 3 jul
4 Jul – 7 Sep
8 Sep – 28 Sep
29 Sep – 31 Oct
1 Week
2 Weeks
1 and 2 week package prices are per person based on 2 adults sharing stated room type and include flights and car hire. For hotel only please use the extra night prices. For flight and car hire details see p49-50.
For supplements and latest offers, please call our reservations team or visit our website.
For more information or to book online visit
Val di noto & the south east | syracuse
Hotel | 102 rooms
extras included
- Car hire (in package)
- Bed & Breakfast
- Half Board available
I Monasteri Golf Resort 4★
web id: S Y M G
Great for both golfers & non-golfers | Elegant Surroundings
I Monasteri is a charming golf resort and spa, set in
a lovingly restored Benedectine monastery deep in
classic Sicilian countryside and near to the historic
city of Syracuse.
The first thing you might notice about I Monasteri is
the setting: the way the beautiful architecture of the
buildings fit so neatly into the roll of the countryside
with its orange groves, citrus and myrtle; and the
way the golf course has been expertly blended in
without appearing ostentatious. You might then
notice the generous pool and the spa facilities, just
waiting for you to find your own spot in which to
kick back and relax...
The spa is a feature packed treat, including Thalasso
treatments, massages, a hot tub, Turkish bath and a
sauna. You’ll be hard pushed to tear yourself away
for the golf... The pool offers lovely views of the
scan to view online
grounds, as do the restaurant terraces, where you
can eat Sicilian delicacies in the evening warmth.
There’s also a cosy courtyard area for breakfast and
three bars where you can make the most of some
pre-dinner cocktails.
There are a variety of rooms at the hotel,
housed in different parts of the property. They’re
all elegantly put together and offer different views
of the complex – many with private terraces and
some with balconies.
beach: 16km
restaurantS: On site, Syracuse 17km
shops: Syracuse 17km
main town: Syracuse 17km
airport: Catania 67km
facilities in hotel
Swimming pool, 18-hole golf course, wellness centre,
restaurant, three bars, shuttle service to beach.
facilities in room
En-suite shower room, television, telephone, safe, minibar,
hairdryer, air-conditioning.
Should you want to venture further afield, there
is plenty to see in the local area including the
UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Syracuse and
the lovely baroque towns of the Val di Noto.
Classic room
1 May – 30 Jun
1 Jul – 30 Sep
1 Oct – 31 Oct
1 Week
2 Weeks
1 and 2 week package prices are per person based on 2 adults sharing stated room type and include flights and car hire. For hotel only please use the extra night prices. For flight and car hire details see p49-50.
For supplements and latest offers, please call our reservations team or visit our website.
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
Val di noto & The south east | Syracuse
Hotel | 76 rooms
Superior room
extras included
- Car hire (in package)
- Bed & Breakfast
Des Ètrangers Hotel & Spa 5★
web id: S Y D E
Beautifully restored buildings | Spa | Fabulous roof garden
Des Ètrangers is something a little bit special,
combining a beautiful location – on the fabled
island of Ortigia – with fantastic architecture,
sumptuous furnishings and some truly excellent
levels of service.
The hotel is housed in two neoclassical Sicilian
buildings, complete with all the elegant finery
that characterizes the style: gilded ceilings, cool
marble flooring and a real attention to detail in the
ubiquitous stucco work. The restoration work is
second to none, and the owners have added their
own subtle blend of contemporary design in the
room furnishings. The bedrooms and suites are
beautifully decorated with personal touches, and
offer a variety of views of Ortigia, with the Junior
Suites offering particularly spectacular glimpses of
Ortigia and the gulf.
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There are numerous choices for eating and
drinking within the hotel: Bar Sabot and La
Pergola Terrace offering attractive opportunities
for sipping cocktails under the stars. La Medusa
restaurant provides buffet breakfasts in a charming
setting, but it’s at the Roof Garden where the real
magic happens: fabulous Mediterranean cuisine,
and views over the ancient Ortigian rooftops to
the glittering sea beyond.
Should you need to relax, the hotel also has a
wellness centre offering all manner of treatments
and facilities, from a Jacuzzi, to a sauna, an ice
fall and various aromatherapy treatments and
massages. When you want to get out and about,
Ortigia is almost a miracle of architecture and
atmosphere – it’s no wonder the whole site has
been given UNESCO World Heritage status.
beach: Punta del Pero 10km
restaurantS: On site, 150m
shops: In Syracuse
main town: In Syracuse
airport: Catania 67km
facilities in hotel
Restaurant, rooftop bar, Spa with indoor pool, Jacuzzi, sauna, ice fall,
Turkish bath, massage & treatments, fitness room, Wi-Fi available in
dedicated zones, reading room.
facilities in room
En-suite shower or bathroom, hairdryer, minibar, air-conditioning,
bathrobes, LCD television with satellite channels.
1 May – 31 Oct
Classic Room
Deluxe Sea view
1 Week
2 Weeks
1 and 2 week package prices are per person based on 2 adults sharing stated room type and include flights and car hire. For hotel only please use the extra night prices. For flight and car hire details see p49-50.
For supplements and latest offers, please call our reservations team or visit our website.
For more information or to book online visit
Val di noto & The south east | Modica
2 bedroom apartments| sleep 4
Apartments Macchia Mare
web id: M D M M
extras included
- Car hire (in package)
- Welcome Pack
Next to the beach | Balconies with sea view
Set in a little block of just seven apartments, these
two apartments, one on the ground floor and
one on the first floor, both enjoy views of the sea
from their terrace.
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the baroque towns of Ragusa and Scicli for
some sightseeing, with the historic buildings and
churches of Noto and Syracuse also nearby to
make the most of this beautiful part of the island.
Perfectly positioned, the sandy beach of
Marina di Monica is only 100m away from
these apartments. These simply furnished
seaside apartments are decorated in a modern
minimalistic style creating a bright and airy feel.
The table and chairs on the terrace create an al
fresco dining area with a view and the sea breeze
to keep you cool.
beach: 100m
restaurantS: 500m, Modica 5km
shops: Modica 5km
main town: Modica 5km
airport: Catania 130km
Please note: One of these apartments has bunk
beds in the second bedroom (Apt 7), and the
other has twin beds (Apt 4).
Living/kitchen/dining area, double bedroom, twin beds in second
bedroom (apartment 4 on ground floor), bunk beds in second
bedroom (apartment 7 on first floor), shower room, covered
Barbecue, washing machine, LCD television with satellite reciever,
Wi-Fi, parking. Electricity included. Air-conditioning €70 per week,
payable locally.
Out and about, aside from being steps from the
beach the apartments are only a 200m stroll
away from the piazza with a delicatessen and
a handful of restaurants. Further afield you are
near to Modica, known for its chocolate shops,
1 May – 22 MAy
23 May – 29 May
30 May – 26 Jun
27 jun – 31 jul
1 Aug – 28 Aug
29 Aug – 2 Oct
3 Oct – 31 oct
1 week
1 week
2 weeks
1 Week
2 Weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
property only
Property only prices are per week for the accommodation and welcome pack only. Other prices are per person and include flights, car hire and a welcome pack. For flight and car hire details see p49-50.
For occupancies not shown and latest offers, please call our reservations team or visit our website.
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
Val di noto & The south east | Modica
3 bedroom House | sleeps 6
Casa Marino
web id: N TA M
extras included
- Car hire (in package)
- Welcome Pack
Open-plan villa | Sea views
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10km away. The historic town of Syracuse with its
piazzas and ancient ruins, and Ragusa with its love
of street food and gastronomy are also in the area
for a day of sight-seeing plus the town of Scicli (if
you are a Montalbano fan) making Casa Marino
an excellent base for exploring this amazing part
of Sicily.
Casa Marino is a comfortable seafront house
beautifully positioned right next to a small sandy
beach and the shoreline.
Carefully decorated, the open-plan style interior
is a perfect mix of traditional and original features
and bright, contemporary modern touches. Just
open the doors to let the sea breeze in! Outside
there is a surrounding terrace, part covered with
seating and dining table to enjoy sea view dining,
plus some small grassed areas with sunloungers
to relax on.
beach: By the beach, larger beach 4km (Lido di Noto)
restaurantS: 200m, Lido di Noto 4km
shops: Lido di Noto 4km
main town: Lido di Noto 4km
airports: Catania 85km, Palermo 315km
Living room, dining room, kitchen, double bedroom with en0suite,
two twin bedrooms, two shower rooms, terrace with covered
seating area.
Barbecue, outdoor shower, washing machine, dishwasher,
microwave, toaster, two televisions with satellite receiver, DVD
& CD player, air-conditioning/heating. Electricity is inclusive up to
200Kwh per week, any usage above 200Kwh will be charged at
€0.40 per Kwh and is payable locally.
The quiet village of Calabernardo has a couple of
restaurants and a grocery shop, with Lido di Noto
only 4km away with shops, restaurants and a
larger beach. The historic baroque town of Noto,
a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is only 8km
away and the nature reserve of Vendicari is only
1 May – 22 MAy
23 May – 29 May
30 May – 26 Jun
27 jun – 31 jul
1 Aug – 28 Aug
29 Aug – 2 Oct
3 Oct – 30 oct
1 week
1 week
2 weeks
1 Week
2 Weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
property only
Property only prices are per week for the accommodation and welcome pack only. Other prices are per person and include flights, car hire and a welcome pack. For flight and car hire details see p49-50.
For occupancies not shown and latest offers, please call our reservations team or visit our website.
For more information or to book online visit
Val di noto & The south east | Syracuse
4 bedroom villa | sleeps 7
Villa Onda
web id: S YV O
extras included
- Car hire (in package)
- Welcome Pack
Private pool | Lovely stretch of coastline | Sea views
Villa Onda is a comfortable holiday home with
beautiful views of the sea – the shoreline is only
80m away! This Mediterranean-style villa is
detached with its own private pool surrounded
by a large terrace offering both sun and shade,
with seating and a dining table and chairs to enjoy
plenty of al fresco meals while looking across the
beautiful south east coastline.
scan to view online
If you can tear yourself away from Villa Onda, the
amenities of Syracuse are not too far away and the
charming baroque towns of Noto and the seaside
town of Marzamemi are recommended for a day
out. The nearby Vendicari Nature Reserve is a
superb area for some great coastal walks.
beach: By rocks, Arenella 7km
restaurantS: 5km, Syrcause 12km
shops: Syracuse 12km
main town: Syracuse 12km
airports: Catania 70km, Palermo 300km
Living/dining room, kitchen, double bedroom with en-suite, twin
bedroom with en-suite, bathroom, terrace with covered seating.
Separate annex with double bedroom and single bedroom, en-suite
and small terrace.
This property is not recommended for young children
due to unguarded drops at the rear of the villa.
With its pretty flowers and trees making up the
well-tended gardens and small lawn areas to
complement the bright terracotta roof and the
blue of the pool and sea, Villa Onda invites you
into its bright and airy rooms with a traditional
yet cosy feel. There is everything you need
inside and out, plus a separate little annex
housing two of the four bedrooms, its own
shower room and small terrace.
2 APR – 22 MAy
Private pool (10m x 6m, 0.8m-3m depth), external shower and
changing room, summer kitchen, dishwasher, washing machine,
microwave, toaster, coffee machine, CD & DVD player, three
televisions with satellite receiver, safe, Wi-Fi, air-conditioning/
heating. Electricity is inclusive up to 300Kwh per week, any usage above 300Kwh will be charged at €0.40 per Kwh and is
payable locally.
23 May – 29 May
30 May – 26 Jun
27 jun – 31 jul
1 Aug – 28 Aug
29 Aug – 2 Oct
3 Oct – 30 oct
1 week
1 week
2 weeks
1 Week
2 Weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
property only
Property only prices are per week for the accommodation and welcome pack only. Other prices are per person and include flights, car hire and a welcome pack. For flight and car hire details see p49-50.
For occupancies not shown and latest offers, please call our reservations team or visit our website.
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
Further information
Due to the large number of charter and scheduled flights into the island, we offer you the opportunity to
make your own travel arrangements if preferred or simply allow us to take care of it for you.
Flights to Sicily are available from various UK airports
and are operated by easyJet, Norwegian Airways,
Thomson Airways and British Airways into the two
main Sicilian airports. Our expert team will inform
you of all options and costs available so you can
decide which itinerary best suits your requirements.
Airlines regularly update their prices so until you
confirm your booking, flight-inclusive holiday
prices will be given to you as an indication only and
supplements may apply. You should be aware that if
you arrange your own flights, it is your responsibility
should you encounter any delays, cancellations or
reschedules. If your flights have been booked by us,
then we will deal with such issues as per our terms
and conditions. Please note if we are required to
purchase flights, and you cancel, any costs are nonrefundable.
Children and infants
Infants aged under 2 on the date of return are not
allocated a seat by the airline and must be seated on
a parent’s lap. Children 2 and over are allocated an
airline seat. Should you require a seat for an infant,
then this can be purchased.
London Gatwick
4 Apr – 24 Oct
London Gatwick
26 Apr – 18 Oct
London Gatwick
Tue & Thu
7 Apr – 20 Oct
London Gatwick
4 Apr – 24 Oct
London Gatwick
5 Apr– 18 Oct
London Gatwick
Mon, Wed, Fri
1 Apr – 23 Oct
London Gatwick
Tue & Thu
2 Apr – 22 Oct
London Gatwick
British Airways
4 Apr – 24 Oct
London Gatwick
British Airways
5 Apr – 18 Oct
London Gatwick
British Airways
Mon, Wed, Thu
1 Apr – 23 Oct
London Gatwick
3 May – 25 Oct
London Gatwick
British Airways
28 Apr – 20 Oct
London Gatwick
Norwegian Airlines
4 Apr – 24 Oct
3 May – 25 Oct
5 Apr – 25 Oct
1 Apr – 21 Oct
24 May – 27 Sep
18 May – 19 Oct
14 May – 22 Oct
5 Apr – 18 Oct
1 Apr – 21 Oct
3 Apr – 23 Oct
* From 17/06 outbound: 08.30-12.50, inbound 13.25-15.55. All our flight times are local. Sicily is 1 hour ahead of the UK. Flight details are correct at the time of going to press. If further flights become available they will be
listed on our website. Flight supplements may apply and this will be advised to you at the time of booking.
For more information or to book online visit
Further information
Car hire
We are happy to make car hire arrangements for you and offer a flexible and competitively priced service with Avis, our partner in Sicily.
Alternatively, transfers to our centrally located properties can be arranged on request.
Hiring a car is the best way to get out and about,
giving you the freedom to explore the island of
Sicily at your leisure. Also, most of our self-catering
properties are located in the countryside, away
from beaches and main towns, it is therefore
essential to have a car on holiday. Taxis in Sicily can
be very expensive and taxi drivers generally don’t
speak English. Please bear in mind that there are
limited number of vehicles in Sicily and car hire is in
great demand in July and August particularly, so we
suggest to book early to avoid disappointment. Drivers must be at least 21 years old and have held
a full licence for at least 1 year. They will need a
valid credit card as a security deposit on collection
of the car.
Transfers from the airport to hotels or selfcatering properties can be arranged on request –
please call us for more details.
Our Sicily car hire prices include:
• Unlimited mileage
• Collision Damage Waiver (Excess applies)
• Theft Protection (Excess applies)
• One driver
• Air-conditioning
• Local taxes
What’s not included
• Super Cover including Collision Damage Waiver
and Super Theft Protection from €25 per day.
• Child and baby seats: €75 each, payable locally
• Additional drivers: €8.50 per day, payable locally
• Young driver surcharge (21-25): €20 per day,
payable locally
• Hotel drop off and pick up
• One way rentals: €61, payable locally
• Fuel
© Nikiforov Alexander / Shutterstock
Extra DAYS
Nissan Juke
Renault Mégane Hatchback
Nissan Qashqai
Renault Scenic
BMW 318
Renault Scenic Automatic
Ford Galaxy
BMW 520
Renault Trafic
Fiat 500C
CAr Model or Similar
NO of People & luggage
Renault Twingo
Fiat Panda
Renault Clio
Car models within a grade are shown as an indication and particular makes and models cannot be guaranteed. Early season: 1 Apr – 21 June. High season: 22 June – 7 Sept. Late season: 8 Sept – 31 Oct.
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
Further information
Things to
know before
you go...
Access to accommodation
Access to self-catering properties is from 4pm on
the day of arrival, and on the day of departure
the accommodation must be vacated by 10am.
The owners and cleaners will need access without
guests present, to ensure it is properly cleaned and
ready for your holiday.
Advance Passenger Information (API)
Most airlines require us to collect Advance
Passenger Information (API) for all passengers
(including infants) flying to and from the UK. Before
departure we require full given names and surname,
nationality, travel document type, travel document
number, document expiry date, issuing country and
date of birth. These can be added via our website
or by calling us – please note we cannot issue your
travel documents without this information.
Energy in Sicily is very expensive and some properties
are metered for its use. As part of our Sustainable
Tourism code we ask that air-conditioning should be
used sensibly, windows and doors should be kept
closed and the unit turned off when guests are out.
Airport hotels, car parking and lounges
We can offer a range of hotels with or without
parking to suit all budgets located at or near your
departure airport. For your convenience we can
also arrange access to
lounges at all our UK
airports. To check prices
please visit our website
If a property has a barbecue, it will be mentioned
in the property description. As the heat of the
summer months can often provoke fires, please use
barbecues sensibly.
Building works
Although minimal by Mediterranean standards,
resorts will experience some building work from
time to time and we will advise you prior to
departure of any that we feel will impact on your
holiday, as soon as we become aware. However,
we are not always informed in advance of work
carried out by third parties and have no control over
their plans. We will endeavour to find alternative
accommodation for you, although in some cases,
particularly in high season, this may not be possible.
City tax
Please note, a city tax is payable on check out at some
hotels. This will be detailed at the time of booking.
Our properties are cleaned for your arrival and bed
linen, bath and hand towels are provided at the
beginning of your stay. Premium villas are also cleaned
mid week. We provide each of our properties with
general cleaning products and we ask our guests to
do a minimal clean to include cleaning of surfaces,
cleaning barbecue, clearing perishable food away and
disposing of all rubbish, leaving all crockery washed
up and put away before they vacate their property.
Failing to do so may incur a charge for the additional
cleaning required, which can be expensive.
Cots and highchairs
Foldable highchairs and travel cots are provided free
of charge in our self-catering properties if requested
at time of booking (unless otherwise stated in our
brochure descriptions). Cots are not supplied with linen so please remember to take your own. Cots and highchairs can also be requested for hotel
bookings, please note a small supplement may apply.
As properties are generally Sicilian or Italian owned,
the décor may reflect the local lifestyle and the
owner’s taste. A dining table and chairs can be
given more priority than comfortable indoor chairs,
as this is more in keeping with a Mediterranean
outdoor lifestyle. Floors are generally not carpeted
and curtains are often decorative with shutters used
to block out the light. Simpler properties can have
basic kitchen facilities, should you have any special
requirements please let us know.
Documentation, passports & visas
Tickets and travel documentation are sent out 14
days prior to departure. For travel to Sicily, you
will need a valid passport for all members of your
family. If you are NOT a citizen of the UK, Ireland,
another EU country, Switzerland, Canada or the
USA, you may also need a visa (please contact the
Italian Embassy for details). Please note we are also
legally required to collect all passengers’ information
before departure and tickets will be not be issued
without this – please refer to our Advance Passenger
Information section for full details.
For self-catering properties, a reasonable amount
of electricity is included based on fair usage, with a
local charge for any usage over this amount during
your stay. These charges are on our website, and
detailed on arrival by the owner, and you can check
your usage at any time.
Flight times and delays
Occasionally, despite the best efforts of all
concerned, flights are delayed for reasons beyond
our control. Airlines and flight times are sometimes
subject to changes beyond our control, in which
instance we will of course contact you as soon as
we are advised.
Foreign & Commonwealth Office advice
The Foreign & Commonwealth Office produces up-to
date travel information to help British travellers make
informed decisions about travelling abroad. For more
information, please see
Health and safety
The welfare of our customers is our prime
consideration and we are committed to raising the
standards of health and safety in our properties and
to continue to identify areas where safety can be
improved. General safety regulations do vary from
country to country and are often less stringent than
those that we have come to expect in the UK.
Each property is unique and may have staircases,
steps or drops and it is therefore important to be
safety conscious. If you have any particular needs or
concerns please let us know at the time of booking.
© Francesco Ocello / Shutterstock
For more information or to book online visit
Holiday questionnaire
To assist us in ensuring standards are maintained and
to help us improve our service, we would be most
grateful if you would take the time to complete our
questionnaire sent with your tickets and return it to us.
Hotels in Sicily are graded under the Italian star
rating system. Please note half board menus are
often set with less choice than a restaurant and tea
and coffee making facilities are not generally available
in the rooms.
Hotel room check-in
The standard international practice is to let hotel
rooms from midday to midday, however times do
vary. Check-in times are usually between 2pm and
3pm, check-out times between 10am and 12 noon
on the day of departure.
Each of our self-catering properties includes a
minimum inventory to include such essentials
as a kettle, iron and toaster. All larger electrical
equipment e.g. television, washing machine etc,
are noted in the individual property descriptions.
internet access
More properties are now featuring Wi-Fi. This
facility is indicated on the individual property
descriptions. There are also internet cafés in most
cities and larger resorts.
Italian is the official language of Sicily, however,
when chatting amongst family and friends, Sicilian
is still commonly used, readily reverting to Italian
to include non-Sicilian speakers. A blend of Greek,
Latin, Aragonese, Arabic, Lombardic and NormanFrench, Sicilian can be said to be a language in its
own right (rather than a dialect of Italian). It has
always been an aural rather than written language.
In self-catering properties bed linen, bath and hand
towels are provided on a weekly basis, and in most
properties guests can expect beds to be made up
on arrival. Please note that for multiple week stays,
clean linen will be delivered each weekend but the
beds will not be made up. Please note cot linen is
not provided.
Local life, wildlife & animals
When our guests are on holiday, the local
population will be going about their daily business:
rural or village properties may have farming activities
nearby, hunting and festivals going on nearby, over
which we have no control. Some of our properties
are located in the countryside, so indigenous animals
and insects can be heard or seen at times.
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
© Bensliman Hassan / Shutterstock
Guests should expect to hear dogs barking or a
cockerel crowing at dawn – this is part of the Sicilian
way of life, unfortunately this is unavoidable and
beyond our control. Mosquitoes, ants and other
insects are quite common in the warmer climates
and we strongly advise our guests not to leave any
food uncovered, to deter stray rodents and animals.
The currency in Sicily is the Euro as in the rest of
Italy. Credit and debit cards are widely accepted but
you should be aware that small shops outside the
main towns might prefer cash.
prices and surcharges
Our prices are calculated using the exchange rate of
£1 = €1.24 and are based on the cost of fuel as of
9th September 2014. If the value of the Euro or the
cost of fuel rise, then unfortunately we may need to
introduce a surcharge to cover the increased costs
to us. In the event of any other security costs or
taxes being levied, there may also be an increase in
prices printed in this brochure, please see section
12 of our Fair Trade Charter for more details.
All guests must be named on the booking;
please advise us beforehand if you are planning
to have additional friends or family joining you –
a supplement for extra linen and additional cleaning
may be required. Any occupant whose name does
not appear on the invoice will be charged locally.
Maximum occupancy cannot be exceeded as the
properties are only insured for a certain number
of guests.
Further information
If you have any requests for your holiday
accommodation or flights, please ensure they are
requested at the time of booking; we will do
our utmost but a request cannot be guaranteed.
If additional items or services are requested that are
not advertised, please be aware that we will not
have inspected these facilities.
Security deposit
Some property owners require a security deposit
to be paid in Euros on arrival to cover any losses,
damages, breakages or extra cleaning which may
occur. If the property you have chosen requires
a local deposit, you will be advised of the amount
at the time of booking. We ask guests to care for
their holiday accommodation as if it were their own
home and we require all guests to accept our travel
insurance (which covers for some material damages)
or make similar arrangements.
We have a no smoking policy in all of our
accommodation and it is also forbidden to smoke in
hired vehicles. Just as in the UK, a smoking ban in all
public areas is now in place across Italy.
Swimming pools
Swimming pool details such as sizes, shape and
depth (where known) are given in the facilities
section for each property, please refer to each
property or call our team if you require further
information and we will check with the owner.
Pools are generally fresh water and unheated
though some are sea water, and only a few are
equipped with pool covers or fencing. Weather
permitting, all pools are open from the start of
May to the beginning of October. Pools are usually
maintained and cleaned by the property owners
who will try to be as discreet as possible when
working around the property.
As mobile phone coverage is good in Sicily, with the
exception of some more remote or mountainous
areas, most properties no longer require a landline. If you intend to use your mobile phone abroad,
please ensure that it is registered for international use.
As terrestrial signals in Sicily are generally very poor,
some properties have satellite boxes. However,
unless the owner has subscribed to a second
provider, the only channels available will be in Italian.
Villa maintenance
Staff at some properties live on site and tend to the
grounds and pool. We ask our guests to allow them
reasonable access to the property and grounds so
these can be kept in good order.
As in most Mediterranean islands, water is in short supply in Sicily, so please use it sparingly.
At times, water can be temporarily cut off as a result
of high demand in the peak summer months.
Tap water is perfectly safe to drink, although many
people prefer to drink bottled water.
Welcome packs
Most of our self-catering properties are provided
with a welcome pack including basic breakfast
provisions such as tea, coffee, sugar, UHT milk,
water and fruit juice.
All shops are usually open on a Saturday; the large
supermarkets are open all day until 8pm whilst other
smaller shops and services might close for lunch.
Most shops close on Sunday except in high season
when some supermarkets open in the morning.
Sicily has beaches,
scenery, culture, cuisine
– what a fabulous island!
Joanne - Commercial
Mondello © Eugenia Struk
© Goran Bogicevic / Shutterstock
Villa Igeia - page 48
For more information or to book online visit
Further information
Sustainable Tourism
Sicilians are proud and passionate people who are keen to protect the
environment and traditions of their island.
We at Sicilian Places share the same view and strive to protect their enchanting
culture, beautiful landscapes and varied wildlife. By opting in to our Carbon
Offset Scheme, a donation of £3 per person will be invested into various projects
including community tree planting, solar lighting and low carbon stoves in The
Gambia which not only offers carbon benefits but at the same time economically
supports rural villages. We are constantly looking at carbon offset opportunities in
Sicily for the future. For more information about these projects and how you can
help please go to
© Ollirg / Shutterstock
Travel Insurance
We believe that all customers who travel with us should be
suitably insured for their own well-being. We recommend
our own cover, tailormade by t&g who are authorised and
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. This policy
reflects the specific details of our programme, and is known to
our resort staff who will be more able to assist you in liaising
with the insurance company in case of emergency. Customers
wishing to arrange their own insurance, which should offer
cover at least equal to that provided by our own policy,
will receive booking details marked with the words “Own
Insurance Arranged” as an undertaking that this has been done.
All amounts are maximum limits per person. £50 excess applies to most claims.
Excess can be waived for an additional £8 per policy, paid at the time of purchase.
The policy does not cover any pre-existing health conditions of the people
travelling and other people upon whose health the trip may depend unless
Healthcheck have been called on 0845 408 0585 and they have confirmed
cover in writing. Activities covered include horse riding, mountain biking, walking,
swimming, snorkelling, surfing, sailing, water-skiing and go-karting. The policy also
provides cover where the claim is directly related to a conventional terrorist act
and delays caused by volcanic ash. Full details of the policy will be sent with your
confirmation invoice and includes a 14-day cooling off period wherein the policy
may be cancelled and premium refunded without charge.
Maximum Cover
18 - 65
66 - 79
Up to 10 days
11–17 days
18–24 days
18 - 65
66 - 79
2 - 17
Personal liability including rented
property damage
Cancellation or curtailment
Emergency medical repatriation and
associated expenses abroad
Personal accident
Annual Cover**
2 - 17
Personal effects
Personal money
Loss of tickets
Loss of passport
Legal expenses
*Family policy is valid for up to two parents or legal guardians, under 66, residing at the same address, who are
married or living together as married, with up to 4 children under 18 normally residing and travelling with them.
**Annual policy includes 17 days winter sports cover. Travel in the UK and Europe only, worldwide cover
available on request.
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
Missed departure
Delayed departure
£2,500 (limit £400 any one article)
Fair Trade Charter
Sicilian places is operated by Serenity Holidays Limited. We are committed to a policy of fair trading and make every effort to ensure that you have an
enjoyable holiday with us. Our terms of trade have been formulated as a result of our responsibilities under law and in no way affect your statutory
rights as a consumer. We accept responsibility for the quality of the holidays we provide. please read this carefully and keep with you on holiday as
the Charter sets out the basis of the contract between you and Serenity Holidays Ltd.
We are a member of ABTA, membership number V5963. We are obliged to maintain a high standard of service to you by ABTA’s Code of Conduct.
We can also offer you an arbitration scheme for the resolution of disputes arising out of, or in connection with this contract. Further information on the Code
and arbitration can be found at
data prOteCtiON When you make an enquiry or booking with us,
information about you is collected. This refers to information such as your
name, contact details, travel preferences and any special needs/disabilities
or dietary requirements. By giving us these details, you consent for these
to be used as necessary in processing your booking and complying with
legal requirements (e.g. forwarding passenger lists to airlines). We may
also use your details to send you future holiday brochures or advise of
special offers from ourselves - should you NOT want to receive these,
please tell us. Some of your information may be considered “sensitive
personal data” under the Data Protection Act 1998, which will only be
used when it is necessary for us to communicate your needs to a hotel or
airline. For more information – please refer to our ‘Privacy Statement’
We sell the following arrangements:
package Holiday
A “package holiday” is a combination of at least two of the following
services (a) transport, (b) accommodation or (c) other tourist services (not
ancillary to any transport or accommodation and forming a significant part
of the arrangements) where booked through us at an inclusive price.
accommodation Only
If you book accommodation only through us, we will accept responsibility
for your booking in accordance with the terms set out in the relevant
sections below. As this is a single component, the Package Travel,
Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992 do not apply.
FiNaNCiaL SeCUritY
If you book a package holiday through us the Package Travel, Package Holidays
and Package Tours Regulations 1992 require us to provide security for the
monies that you pay for the package holidays booked from this brochure.
For packages that include flights we provide this security by way of an ATOL
(number 1866) administered by the Civil Aviation Authority.
When you buy an ATOL protected air holiday package, or flight only
arrangements, you will receive a confirmation invoice from us (or via your
travel agent through which you booked) confirming your arrangements and
your protection under our Air Travel Organiser’s Licence number [1866].
In the unlikely event of our insolvency, the CAA will ensure that you are
not stranded abroad and will arrange to refund any money you have paid
to us for an advance booking. If we are unable to provide the services listed
(or a suitable alternative, through an alternative ATOL holder or otherwise)
for reasons of insolvency, the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust may make
a payment to (or confer a benefit on) you under the ATOL scheme. You
agree that in return for such a payment or benefit you assign absolutely
to those Trustees any claims which you have or may have arising out of
or relating to the non-provision of the services including any claim against
us, the travel agent (or your credit card issuer where applicable). You also
agree that any such claims may be re-assigned to another body, if that other
body has paid sums you have claimed under the ATOL scheme. For further
information visit the ATOL website at The price of our air
holiday packages includes the ATOL Protection Contribution (APC) we pay
to the CAA. This charge is included in our advertised prices.
For packages that do not include flights, as a member of the Association
of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust Limited (ABTOT) Serenity Holidays
Ltd has provided a bond to meet the requirements of the Package
Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992. In the
event of Serenity Holidays’ insolvency, protection for non-flight packages
commencing in and returning to the UK and other non-flight packages
excluding pre-arranged travel to and from your destination. Please note
that packages booked outside the UK are only protected when purchased
directly with Serenity Holidays Ltd. In the above circumstances, if you
have not yet travelled you may claim a refund, or if you have already
travelled, you may claim repatriation to the starting point of your nonflight package.
1. YOUr HOLidaY BOOKiNG When making a booking you must be
aged over 18 years and have the authority to accept and do accept on behalf
of your party the terms of these booking conditions. All correspondence
and documents are sent to the party leader who is responsible to us for all
payments in respect of the booking. The contract is made on the terms of the
information in this brochure, the details set out in the confirmation invoice.
We agree that the courts of England and Wales have jurisdiction and English
Law applies (unless you live in Scotland or Northern Ireland, in which case
you can bring proceedings in your local court under Scottish or Northern
Irish law, as applicable). Our confirmation invoice is our acceptance of the
booking (as detailed therein), and the contract is made on its issue. We ask
you to check the details and any anomaly should be reported to us or your
travel agent immediately otherwise the details shown on the confirmation will
be presumed to be correct. Certain components of a package are on request
and subject to availability and therefore quotations should not be considered
binding until the first confirmation invoice is received. All holidays and offers
published in this brochure are subject to availability at the time of booking.
2. paYMeNt If you wish to confirm a booking you must pay the deposit
of 20% of the balance of your holiday. Your final payment will be detailed
on your invoice and must be paid in full no later than 8 weeks before your
departure, or your booking may be deemed cancelled and your deposits
retained. In the event we need to book and pay for your flight at the time of
booking, you will be quoted the cost of this before confirming your holiday
and asked to pay for this sector in full, along with your deposit. It is at this
time you will be advised whether the flight cost is non-refundable. If payment
for your holiday is made by credit card a handling fee, currently 2% will be
levied. Cheques should be made payable to Serenity Holidays Limited.
3. iF YOU WiSH tO CaNCeL YOUr BOOKiNG You will need to
let us know as soon as possible either by telephone or in writing (or must
ensure your travel agent does so, on your behalf). Since we incur costs from
the time we confirm your booking, the cancellation charges set out below
will apply, calculated from the date on which we receive your notice of
cancellation. You will then receive a cancellation invoice detailing any charges.
More than 56 days
Loss of deposit
56-43 days
42-29 days
28-15 days
14-0 days
The charges above apply to your total holiday price excluding any insurance
premiums, amendment charges or charges for goods sold and dispatched.
Please note that charges may be higher than those shown where your
travel arrangements have been confirmed to you as “non-refundable”.
The conditions of your travel insurance policy may allow a refund claim.
Note: if any members of your party cancel, but the others still wish to travel,
it may be necessary to re-calculate the cost per person based on the new
party size as the accommodation will now be under-occupied. This may result
in an increased amount per person payable to secure the original booking.
4. aCCUraCY aNd iNFOrMatiON We have taken all care to ensure
the information shown in this brochure is accurate. Incidental information (e.g.
relating to local events or markets etc) is offered in good faith and we therefore
ask that should this be important to you, you check the details independently.
5. CHarGeS FOr NON-iNCLUSive HOteL iteMS aNd daMaGeS
You enter into a separate contract with the hotel or residence for these
items (e.g. parking, bar bills etc.), and agree to pay locally for any charges
for items or services used by your party and not included in your holiday
price. The accommodation we arrange for you can only be used by
those people named on your invoice. You are not allowed to share the
accommodation with anyone else or let anyone else stay there.
© Rolf E. Staerk / Shutterstock
6. iF YOU reQUeSt a CHaNGe tO YOUr BOOKiNG
All amendments to your booking, e.g. name changes, dates of travel or
accommodation, will incur a charge, the amount of which will depend on
the nature of the change and the time before the date of travel. This is
in addition to any carriers’ alteration or cancellation fees as certain travel
arrangements (e.g. the purchase of non-refundable airline tickets) cannot
be changed after a booking has been confirmed and any request to do
so is likely to incur a 100% cancellation charge. Note: any changes made
within 8 weeks of departure may be treated as cancellations and re-bookings.
7. iF YOU BOOK tHrOUGH a traveL aGeNt We will assume that
in dealing with us the agent is acting on your behalf. All monies you pay to
the travel agent are held by him on our behalf at all times.
8. iF We CHaNGe YOUr HOLidaY Although it is unlikely, we may
occasionally have to change your holiday arrangements and we reserve
the right to change or cancel your booking. Most changes are minor and
we will always endeavour to advise you or your travel agent of any such
changes at the earliest possible date. Note: any amendment or cancellation
fees you incur in terms of other arrangements you have made with other
providers under separate contracts are not claimable from us.
package Holiday:
A change of airline, aircraft type, overseas airport of destination, travel timings
by 12 hours or less and accommodation of a similar or higher standard in
the same resort or region are classed as minor changes which do not entitle
you to cancel or change to another holiday without paying our normal
administration charges, and for which no compensation or refund is due.
In accordance with EU Regulation 2111/2005 we are required to advise
you of the actual carrier operating your flight/connecting flight/transfer. We
do this by listing carriers to be used or likely to be used as follows: Easyjet,
Thomsonfly, Norwegian and British Airways. Any changes to the actual
airline after you have received your tickets will be notified to you as soon
as possible and in all cases at check-in or at the boarding gate. The carrier
may occasionally have to change the type of aircraft used on a particular
flight without advance warning. In such circumstances where you have
booked and paid for an additional seat supplement and such seat cannot
be provided, then you will receive only a refund of the supplement paid.
Occasionally, we have to make major changes to your travel arrangements
or accommodation. A major change is a change made before departure,
which, on the basis of the information given to us by you at the time
of booking we can reasonably expect will have a major effect on your
holiday. The following changes are examples of major changes: changing
travel times by over 12 hours, your UK departure airport (excluding
London airports), your holiday region, a change to a lower standard or
type of accommodation or reducing the number of days’ holiday.
If we have to make a major change or cancel your holiday we will tell you
as soon as possible. Where possible, we will offer the following options: you
can either a) accept the changed arrangements b) purchase another holiday
from us at the advertised current selling price or c) cancel your booking
upon which we will refund your monies in full and final settlement.
If you have booked a Package Holiday, subject to the note below,
irrespective of whether you choose a), b) or c) we will pay compensation
to passengers who paid the full brochure price as follows:
More than 56 days
29-56 days
15-28 days
8-14 days
Less than 7 days
For more information or to book online visit
accommodation Only:
If we make a change to your accommodation and you don’t want to accept
it, you can take any alternative accommodation we are able to offer you
(you will pay the increase in cost if the replacement is advertised at a higher
price than your original booking, or receive a refund of the difference if it is
less expensive) or a refund of the money you’ve paid to us. This does not
apply where the change is not material. Examples of non-material changes
include, but are not limited to, temporary withdrawal of facilities or seasonal
unavailability of amenities. If we have to cancel your accommodation, again
we may be able to offer you an alternative. If you accept it, you would
pay the difference if it was advertised at a higher price than your original
accommodation, or receive a refund of the difference if it was advertised
at a lower price. Or we will refund the monies you have paid us for your
accommodation. We will not be responsible to pay any compensation
following a change or a cancellation by us.
applicable to package Holiday, accommodation Only bookings:
Note: if a change or cancellation occurs because of circumstances beyond
our control, for example war, threat of war, riots, civil disturbances, actual or
threatened terrorist activity and its consequences, industrial disputes, natural
or nuclear disasters, fire, health risks, adverse weather conditions, hurricanes,
floods, unavoidable technical problems with transport, closure or congestion
of airports or ports, epidemic or pandemic illness and all similar situations
we will have no liability to you. No compensation payments, expenses or any
other sums, including the cost of securing alternative accommodation will be
paid by us.
9. iF YOU Have a COMpLaiNt In the unlikely event you have cause
for complaint whilst abroad, about the accommodation or about any other
element of your holiday, you must refer it immediately to the hotel or site
management. If you do not then receive satisfaction before the problem
substantially affects your holiday and within 48 hours, please call us in the
UK, during office hours, on 0044 (0)845 330 2043. Outside of these hours
(9am-6pm) please call us on our emergency line 0044 (0)7901 524782.
Depending on the nature of your complaint, we will try to solve your
problem as quickly as possible or find alternative accommodation for you
if deemed appropriate. It is unreasonable for you to take little or no action
whilst on holiday and wait until you return to complain, and you must take
reasonable steps to minimise the consequences of the problem. If you fail to
follow this simple procedure we will have been deprived of the opportunity
to investigate and rectify your complaint whilst you were in resort and
this may affect your rights under this contract. Any complaint must also
be followed by written confirmation of all the details, with any supporting
evidence, within 28 days of your return from holiday.
10. OUr reSpONSiBiLitY
package Holiday:
If the contract we have with you is not performed or is improperly
performed by us or our suppliers we will pay you appropriate
compensation if this has affected the enjoyment of your travel arrangements.
However, we will not be liable where any failure in the performance of the
contract is due to: you; or a third party unconnected with the provision
of the travel arrangements and where the failure is unforeseeable or
unavoidable; or unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our
control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if
all due care had been exercised; or an event which we or our suppliers,
even with all due care, could not foresee or forestall. Our liability, except in
cases involving death, injury or illness, shall be limited to a maximum of [3]
times the cost of your travel arrangements. Our liability will also be limited in
accordance with and/or in an identical manner to:
(a) The contractual terms of the companies that provide the transportation
for your travel arrangements. These terms are incorporated into this
contract; and
(b) Any relevant international convention, for example the Montreal
Convention in respect of travel by air, the Athens Convention in respect
of travel by sea, the Berne Convention in respect of travel by rail and the
Paris Convention in respect of the provision of accommodation, which
limit the amount of compensation that you can claim for death, injury,
delay to passengers and loss, damage and delay to luggage. We are to be
regarded as having all benefit of any limitation of compensation contained
in these or any conventions.
You can ask for copies of the transport companies’ contractual terms, or
the international conventions, from our offices: Serenity Holidays Ltd,
Atlantic House, 3600 Parkway, Solent Business Park, Fareham, Hampshire
PO15 7AN.
We do not accept liability for happenings or actions outside our control,
e.g. delays to travel services, the temporary invasion of pests, the
presence of indigenous animals or insects, government action, industrial
disputes, damage or inconvenience resulting from the weather (e.g.
drought conditions) or from acts of God, or your party’s negligence
resulting in loss or accident.
If the contract we have with you is not performed or is improperly
performed as a result of failures attributable to a third party unconnected
with the provision of the services, or as a result of failures due to unusual
and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control, the consequences
of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been
exercised, or an event which we or our suppliers, even with all due care,
could not foresee or forestall, and you suffer an injury or other material
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
loss, we will offer you such prompt assistance as is reasonable in the
circumstances. If you have taken our recommended insurance cover, you
must make an insurance claim in respect of any legal fees incurred abroad
for that purpose, and if you have taken alternative insurance, you must
do likewise under any Legal Expenses cover provided by it. You must also
provide us with the confirmation from the insurance company of receipt
of your notification to them of your claim.
Excursions or other tours that you may choose to book or pay for whilst
you are on holiday are not part of your package holiday provided by us.
For any excursion or other tour that you book, your contract will be
with the operator of the excursion or tour and not with us. We are not
responsible for the provision of the excursion or tour or for anything that
happens during the course of its provision by the operator.
accommodation Only:
We have a duty to select the accommodation providers with reasonable
skill and care. We have no liability to you for the actual provision of the
accommodation, except in cases where it is proved that we have breached
that duty and damage to you has been caused. Therefore, providing we have
selected the provider with reasonable care and skill, we will have no liability to
you for anything that happens at the accommodation or any acts or omissions
of the provider or others. We also have no liability in the following situations:
i.) where the accommodation cannot be provided as booked due to
circumstances beyond our control (see the Note in clause 8)
ii.) where you incur any loss or damage that could not have been foreseen
at the time of your booking, based on the information provided by you.
iii.) where you incur any loss or damage that relates to any business activity.
iv.) where any loss or damage relates to any services which do not form
part of our contract with you.
If we are found liable to you on any basis, we limit the amount we have to
pay you to a maximum of three times the cost of your accommodation.
This limit does not apply to cases involving death or injury.
11. YOUr reSpONSiBiLitY Some of our accommodation providers
have their own terms and conditions which you will be required to sign
on arrival (should you wish to receive a copy of these in advance please
request this from our UK office). Such conditions relate to any utilities
which might incur additional charges and deposits for accidental breakages
and cleaning (you will be advised of such costs at the time of booking
with us). You undertake to exercise due and reasonable care in respect
of your holiday accommodation and its contents, to leave it in a clean and
complete condition, to respect local and on-site regulations and bye-laws,
to limit party numbers to those on your confirmation, to remit payments
as invoiced on or before the due dates, to indemnify us against all loss or
damage arising directly or indirectly from any act, default or omission of
your party, and not to exceed the published occupation capacity of the
accommodation. Any serious abuse of a property or its contents may
render you liable to eviction without compensation.
12. priCeS aNd SUrCHarGeS The price of your holiday was
calculated using the exchange rate of £1 = �1.24 on the 9th September
2014. We reserve the right to increase or reduce prices, and the current
price of your holiday will be advised to you at the time of booking. Whilst
every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of all the information and
prices provided to you, regrettably errors do occasionally occur. In the
event that an incorrect price has been given in error, any booking made
based on this price, will not be valid. You will be advised of the mistake at
the earliest opportunity and you will then have the option either to pay
the correct price for the travel arrangements or to cancel and receive a full
refund of any monies you may already have paid. Once you have booked
your holiday we reserve the right to surcharge for cost increases due
to government action such as changes in VAT or any other government
imposed charges, transportation costs (including the cost of fuel), taxes
or fees chargeable for services such as landing taxes, embarkation or
disembarkation fees at airports, and exchange rates.
package Holidays
There will be no charge within 30 days of your departure. We will absorb
such increases up to 2% of your basic holiday price (excluding insurance
premiums and any amendment charges). If the surcharge is greater than
10% of your holiday price you have the option of changing to another
holiday that we offer (if we are able to offer an alternative you will not
have to pay more, but if it is of a lower quality you will be refunded
the difference in price) or you have the right to cancel (within 14 days
of receiving surcharge notification), in which case we will refund in full
all monies paid to us except insurance premiums and any amendment
charges. Should the price of your holiday go down due to the changes
mentioned above, by more than 2% of your holiday cost, then any refund
due will be paid to you. However, please note that travel arrangements
are not always purchased in local currency and some apparent changes
will have no impact on the price of your holiday due to contractual and
other protection in place.
accommodation Only
We reserve the right to pass on all increases. If we ask you to pay us any
increases in taxes, similarly, if any taxes you have paid to us are reduced or
abolished, you will be entitled to claim a refund. Such right shall not apply
in respect of any surcharge paid in respect of aviation fuel costs.
13. traveL ServiCeS When you travel by air the relevant carrier’s
‘Conditions of Carriage’ will apply to your journey, some of which may
limit liability or exclude liability in accordance with the relevant international
conventions. Copies of the conditions are available for inspection at any
ABTA travel agent. Information given by us about such services is for
guidance only and the carriers concerned accept no responsibility for our
brochures. It is your responsibility to report promptly at the check-in times
given by the carriers and with the appropriate valid travel documents (e.g.
Passports), and we cannot be held responsible for any costs incurred by you
if you fail to do so. Occasionally there are times beyond our control when a
flight is delayed. We will work closely with the airline and our resort office to
make sure any delay is as short as possible and that your overseas transfer
and accommodation arrangements are changed if necessary. Our aim is to
minimise the inconvenience of delays as far as possible. Under EU law you
have rights in some circumstances to refunds and/or compensation from
your airline in cases of denied boarding, cancellation or delays to flights.
Full details of these rights will be publicised at EU airports and will also be
available from airlines. Please note that reimbursement in such cases is the
responsibility of the airline and will not automatically entitle you to a refund
of your holiday cost from us. Your right to a refund and/or compensation
from us is set out in clause 8 ‘if we change your holiday’. If your airline
does not comply with these rules you should complain to the Passengers
Advice and Complaints team at the CAA (email: passengercomplaints@caa. website In March 2006 the European Commission
published a list of airlines considered to be unsafe and which are therefore
not permitted to fly passengers or Cargo in the EU or operate within the
European airspace. This list is updated every three months and can be
viewed by clicking on the website for the European Commission http:// Alternatively, should you wish to
be sent a copy of the list, please contact us either by telephone or in writing.
14. traveL iNSUraNCe You agree to our requirement: at the time
of booking your holiday you either accept our travel insurance or you or
your travel agent make immediate alternative arrangements with cover at
least to our own policy.
15. pHOtOGrapHS General and unlabelled pictures are understood
to illustrate a feature, the region, or the country, and not to have any
specific connection with any accommodation shown on the same or
other pages. Rooms shown in the photographs are not necessarily the
hotel’s standard rooms.
16. YOUr HeaLtH aBrOad eU Visitors to other EU countries are
entitled to receive medical treatment under the State Service providing
they have a European Health Insurance Card (please be aware that this
card may not cover all the costs involved). At the time of publication,
there are no special health precautions recommended but for up to date
information you should contact the Department of Health. We strongly
recommend you take out personal travel insurance with adequate health
cover to ensure you are fully protected should you become ill.
17. SWiMMiNG pOOLS aNd OtHer FaCiLitieS Where a
swimming pool or other facility is referred to as being available for use,
such availability is at the hotelier’s discretion and is understood to be
conditional upon temporary or unavoidable closure necessitated by:
the hotels essential maintenance programme, accident, damage or
malfunction of equipment, and in the case of swimming pools: compliance
with any water conservation regulations imposed in times of drought,
damage or malfunction of the mains water supply.
18. arBitratiON In the unlikely event that a complaint cannot be settled
amicably between us, you may if you wish refer the matter to arbitration
under a special scheme, which, though devised by arrangement with
ABTA is administered quite independently (details on request or from the
ABTA website This is a simple method of arbitration on
documents alone with restricted cost liability to the customer. The rules
of the scheme provide that the application for arbitration must be made
within eighteen months of the date of return from the holiday but in special
circumstances it may still be offered outside of this period. The scheme does
not apply to claims over £5,000 per person or £25,000 per booking, nor to
claims mainly or solely in respect of injury or illness or their consequences.
Alternatively, AITO’s Independent Dispute Settlement Service may be called
upon by either side to bring the matter to a speedy and amicable solution.
19. paSSpOrt/viSa It is the responsibility of all customers to ensure
they have a valid passport, and any required visa. For further information
on passport and visa requirements, please contact the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office at
20. HOLidaY partiCipatiON Should anyone be refused admission
to the flight or to the destination country by the airline or government
authority due to the correct documentation not being in order then we
are powerless to assist and cannot be held responsible. Any passengers
considered being unacceptably under the influence of alcohol or drugs
may be denied boarding to the aircraft or entry into the country. In these
circumstances we shall consider the customer as having given notice of
cancellation and be under no liability for any costs or charges incurred as a
result of our doing so.
Further information
to book
01489 866 994
Our expert team will take you through every
aspect of your reservation, from your selected
accommodation, to availability and pricing,
enabling you to choose the holiday that is right
for you. If you would like time to consider
your choice, we will hold your holiday on
option for 24 hours for bookings made at least
8 weeks prior to the departure date. In order
to secure the property of your choice, we
recommend you book as early as possible.
Our UK office hours are 9am to 7pm Monday
to Friday, 9am to 5pm Saturdays and 10am
to 4pm on Sundays. The office may be open
later during peak times and may be closed
during national and bank holidays.
You can check availability and book your
accommodation online, 24 hours a day.
Our website is complete with more detailed
information, improved imagery as well as up-to-date special offers. It is regularly
updated with additional new properties
and our web-based collection is constantly
growing throughout the year. We just cannot
fit all our enthusiasm and passion for Sicily
into our main brochure so visit our website
to find out more.
Local travel agent
Sicilian Places works with a select number of independent travel agents who we feel
offer the same high standard of service that
we adhere to. You can make your booking
with the travel agency where you obtained
our brochure.
© ollirg / shutterstock
Once you or your travel agent has confirmed your
holiday reservation, we will issue a confirmation
invoice by the following day. Please ensure that all
details are correct and exactly as requested, and
advise us or your travel agent immediately if there
are any discrepancies. Any changes at a later date
may incur an amendment fee.
On confirming your booking, we require a deposit
of 20% plus any insurance premiums. In addition,
any flights which we may purchase and add onto
your reservation must be paid in full at the time
of booking. The balance must be paid at least 8
weeks prior to departure. If we do not receive the
appropriate payment, we reserve the right to cancel
your booking and you will be liable for cancellation
charges in accordance with our booking conditions.
Please make cheques payable to:
Serenity Holidays Ltd and send to: Serenity Holidays,
Atlantic House, 3600 Parkway, Solent Business Park,
Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 7AN.
Any monies paid by credit card are currently subject
to a 2% charge to cover costs levied by the providers.
There is no charge for debit card payments.
It is essential for some owners who meet guests at
their properties to have an approximate arrival time.
So, if you have booked your flights independently,
please advise us of the details as early as possible.
Customers who have previously travelled with
Corsican Places or Sardinian Places in the last 3
years, will qualify for a discount of £25 per person
when booking accommodation only or £35 per
person when booking a flight-inclusive holiday.
This must be claimed at the time of booking.
LATE BOOKINGS (within 8 weeks)
For bookings made within 8 weeks of departure,
full payment is required at time of booking.
Unfortunately, we cannot hold a holiday on option
within 8 weeks of departure.
• Return flights from the UK
(excludes accommodation only bookings)
• Car hire or return transfers
(excludes accommodation only bookings)
• Accommodation as described
• Welcome pack in self-catering properties
• All taxes including airport taxes and duties
• Travel arrangements, car hire or transfers for
accommodation only bookings
• Personal travel insurance
• City tax
• Security deposit if applicable
• Air-conditioning unless otherwise stated
• Accommodation for passengers not shown on your invoice
For more information or to book online visit
Palermo Airport
Fly from:
San Vito Lo Capo
Reserva Naturale
Dello Zingaro
Reserva Naturale
Orientata Pizzo Cane
Parco Naturale
dei Nebrodi
delle Madonie
Buseto Palizzolo
Giardini Naxos
Zafferana Etnea
Reserva Naturale
Orientata Bosco
di Santo Pietro
Catania Airport
Fly from:
Piazza Armerina
40 50 kms
30 miles
AITO Charter
exclusive membership
AITO sets criteria regarding
ownership, finance and quality
which must be satisfied before
new companies are admitted to
membership. All members are required to adhere to a Code of
Business Practice which encourages high operational standards
and conduct.
professional service & continual improvements
All members are committed to high standards of service and believe
in regular and thorough training of employees. Members continually
seek to review and improve their holidays. They listen to their
customers and always welcome suggestions for improving standards.
Monitoring standards
AITO endeavours to monitor quality standards regularly.
All customers should receive a post-holiday questionnaire the results
of which are scrutinised by the Association.
Financial security
An AITO member is required to arrange financial protection for all
holidays and other arrangements (including accommodation only)
booked by customers with the member under the AITO logo. This
financial protection applies to customers who are resident in the UK
at the time of booking and to most overseas customers who have
booked directly with the member. In doing so, the member must
comply with UK government regulations. Members are required to
submit details of their financial protection arrangements to AITO on
a regular basis.
Sustainable tourism
All members acknowledge the importance of AITO’s Sustainable
Tourism guidelines, which recognise the social, economic and
environmental responsibilities of tour operating.
accurate brochure & websites
All members do their utmost to ensure that all their brochures and
other publications, print or electronic, clearly and accurately describe
the holidays and services offered.
as part of Serenity Holidays, Sicilian Places is a member of the
association of independent Tour operators.
Call the Sicilian experts on 01489 866 994
Customer relations
All members endeavour to deal swiftly and fairly with any issues their
customers may raise. In the unlikely event that a dispute between an
AITO member and a customer cannot be settled amicably, AITO’s lowcost Independent Dispute Settlement Service may be called upon by
either side to bring the matter to a speedy and acceptable conclusion.
ABTOT Charter
As a member of the Association of Bonded
Travel Organisers Trust Limited (ABTOT),
Serenity Holidays has provided a bond
to meet the requirements of the Package
Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours
Regulations 1992. In the event of Serenity
Holidays insolvency, protection is provided for non-flight packages
commencing in and returning to the UK and other non-flight
packages excluding pre-arranged travel to and from your destination.
Please note that packages booked outside the UK are only
protected when purchased directly with Serenity Holidays.
In the above circumstances, if you have not yet travelled you may
claim a refund, or if you have already travelled, you may claim
repatriation to the starting point of your non-flight package.
To contact the association, visit
or call 020 8744 9280.
We are an independent company where emphasis is very much on quality and service.
We offer specialist holidays to other destinations and all provide excellent value and choice.
The Gambia Experience
0845 330 4567
The Senegal Experience
0845 338 8700
The Cape Verde Experience
0845 330 2046
The Goa Experience
01489 866 986
Corsican Places
0845 330 2345
Sardinian Places
0845 330 2056
Sicilian Places
01489 866 994
Great Escapes - Short Breaks
0845 330 3434
Call our reservations team on:
01489 866 994
01489 866 992 (administration)
[email protected]