2015 Summer Issue - Wings of Hope Ranch


2015 Summer Issue - Wings of Hope Ranch
Through hands on ex�erience in a safe and peacef�l environment, children facing conflicts and challenges
come together with rescued horses to help each other lear� to love and t��st again.
Summer 2015
Co-founder’s Message - Jane Yancey
Have you ever, on a warm summer day been near a lake or a river
and thrown a rock to see how many ripples you could cause with
just one little rock, one small action? I am sure many of you have
done this simple act of fun and found enjoyment in watching the
On May 31st, Wings of Hope Ranch held its annual End of Season
Potluck for ranchers, volunteers and family on a beautiful evening
at the Ranch. It was a glorious sight to behold! We saw many old,
as well as new faces at this social opportunity, which celebrated
the positive memories and relationships that were created this
past year. Everyone enjoyed a declicious feast that included
hamburgers, hot dogs, side dishes and desserts!
As I sat there on the picnic blanket, I looked around at all the men,
women and children that had come to love the Ranch, and I began
to reflect on how the Ranch began and to be amazed at the intricate
quilt God creates with the lives of HIS people. As someone that
has been involved with the creation and growth of Wings of Hope
Ranch, I was humbled and awestruck to now be an observer to the
immeasurable life changing miracles that have touched so many
lives, by a simple act of faith.
As 2 Corinthians 5:7 states, “For we walk by faith, not by sight,”
so was the inception and creation of what is lovingly now known
as Wings of Hope Ranch. In 2006, it was just a dream...a vision
that Alison shared with a few. God, in his omnipotent intricate plan,
connected these individuals and horses to radiate His glory to so
Ephesians 3:20-21 reflects this call to action: “Now to him who is
able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according
to his power that is at work within us, to him be the glory in the
church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and
ever! Amen”.
Each one of us, through the power of the Holy Spirit, are able to
do far beyond all that we can imagine, not only in our own life, but
in the lives of others! Just like that little rock that you held in your
hand at the edge of the lake, you too can be a part of impacting the
lives of so many through the simple act of serving as a volunteer at
Wings of Hope Ranch!
Please contact Wings of Hope Ranch, if you feel led to be served
through such a ministry. If you are looking for a place that offers
your child an opportunity to experience growth both personally and
spiritually, Wings of Hope welcomes your call or email to receive
further information about your child joining us next season! We
can’t wait to see each and every one of you in the 2015 Fall Season.
I am excited to witness the countless positive ripples that will take
place through the simple act of each volunteer showing up to spend
time with a child or a child loving on the horses that need them!
God Bless!
Inside This Issue
Levi: A Mother’s Testimony............................. 2
From the Bunkhouse....................................... 2
Hoedown for Hope.......................................... 3
Letters to Samson........................................... 4
Salutorial......................................................... 4
WoHR Trail Ride............................................. 5
Montpelier Love.............................................. 6
Trailblazer Trot................................................ 7
Getting to Know Salvation............................... 7
Calendar of Events......................................... 8
A Wings of Hope Newsletter • P.O. Box 1674 • Ashland • Virginia • 23005 • 804.883.8903 • www.wingsofhoperanch.com
Levi: A Mother’s Testimony
Many of you may wonder about Wings of Hope
Ranch’s impact on the ranchers. One mother,
Michelle Harver believes the ranch has really
helped her child.
Michelle says, “I was sitting in the patio of the
little white house, and I HEARD my son talking
and giggling! It wasn’t quiet! He was clear
as a bell! It brought tears to my eyes to see
him so comfortable and confident, that he was
speaking up loud enough that I heard him from
a few hundred feet away!”
She continues, “I also saw him joining his
sister in showing the group how to do a sign
language sign. He has been in four sessions
(two years) at the ranch, and when he started,
he was so incredibly shy. He still is in most
situations, but being at Wings of Hope Ranch,
has really drawn out his personality. You
all have warmly welcomed him and given
him patient encouragement, and he has just
blossomed! Thank you so much for all you’ve
done! We can’t wait to come back!”
Joyce Foster, a Wings of Hope Ranch
volunteer remembers that day too. “Levi and
Lydia showed us the sign for “Holy Spirit. Love
those two!”
Skye Moss, Volunteer Youth Leader and
Levi take a selfie while at the ranch!
Skye Moss, a Volunteer Youth Leader says about Levi, “I loved working with Levi. He
always had a smile on his face, which put a smile on mine! He taught me lots of new
songs about Jesus, and would always tell me stories about himself and his family. I was
so glad to be his helper this year, and I hope he continues to do great things with his life!
He is a kind hearted young man and I hope for the best for his future!”
Finally, Kathy Mullsteff, the ranch Volunteer Supervisor recalls, “The connection between
Abby and Lydia, and Skye and Levi was amazing. God put the four of them together for
a reason. “
Is there any doubt in anyone’s mind that God is at work at Wings of Hope Ranch? Not if
you ask Levi and all who love him. (Compiled by Victoria Pinner)
From the Bunkhouse
Through hands-on experience in a safe
and peaceful environment, children
facing conflicts and challanges come
together with rescued horses to help
each other learn to love and trust again.
Wings of Hope Ranch is a Christian
organization that rescues neglected
horses and rehabilitates them to provide
a horse ministry, free of charge, to
children facing conflicts and challenges.
We strive for an environment where
both volunteer and horse model God’s
unconditional love and acceptance. We
seek to love, encourage and share hope
with everyone while providing a place
where all people feel welcome, safe,
and accepted just as they are. We pray
the ranch is a place where children who
come hurting leave each week seeing
their true beauty, value, and self-worth.
804.833.8903 ext. 2
[email protected]
Wings of Hope Ranch
14505 West Patrick Henry Road
Montpelier, VA 23192
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1674
Ashland, VA 23005
Wings of Hope Ranch is a Christian 501c3
non-profit corporation, an all-volunteer
organization that relies solely on the
generosity of volunteers and sponsors.
These men, women and youth are the
life-blood of the ranch and we could not
operate without their time and resources.
The Wings of Hope Ranch Herd Leaders, which consist of the board members and
volunteers, who work to keep the ranch running smoothly, met on March 16, 2015. The
meeting was productive, and the Herd Leaders lingered until the librarian almost gave
them the boot. Ranchers can look forward to a good 2015 at Wings of Hope Ranch!
Would you consider becoming one of our
volunteers or sponsors?
Volunteer applications are available at
Letters to Samson
Dear Samson,
Do you have a girlfriend?
Wings of Hope Rancher
Dear Rancher,
I live with six very pretty girls but they are like my sisters. I did have a crush on the girl next
door. They said her name was Anna. She was a beautiful Thoroughbred mare that I had
hoped to ask out on a date one day... when I got the courage. Unfortunately, she left before
I ever got my courage.
What I learned from The Burrito Sisters
I spent a lot of time with two donkeys this winter. Vicki and Dennis Pinner, volunteers at Wings of Hope
Ranch, welcomed me to Stellani Farm, where I received some extra care and happened to make friends
with these two donkeys. I nicknamed them the Burrito Sisters because out west they are called burros,
and they always hung out together. They are equines, but they are not small horses. In fact, these
donkeys thought they were special, and in a way, I guess they are.
Did you know that every donkey has a cross on its back---even those on whose fur you cannot see the
cross? I wondered why, and the Burrito Sisters were quick to let me know.
Jesus sent his disciples to find him a colt to ride into Jerusalem. They were not able to come up with a
colt, but instead they found a donkey who had been sorely mistreated by its owner. When the donkey
was brought to Jesus, he soothed the poor beast and treated it kindly. The donkey proudly carried him
into Jerusalem.
Shortly after his ride, the donkey was with the disciples at the cross. It was so sad to see its master
hanging on the cross. It turned to leave but
couldn’t, and instead, it bowed its head. Darkness came across the land, and
the shadow of the cross appeared on its back. To this day, all donkeys bear
the shadow of the cross, and that’s what makes them special.
Until next time, Salutations! Be well!
Burrito Sisters
Trail Ride Registration Form
November 7, 2015
OR fill out (1) set for each participant and mail the check, registration,
signed release for each rider, a copy of your coggins before November 3,
2015 to join us on the trail ride or for lunch only. You can also email your
name and fax your coggins to 804-237-0435 and pay at the door. Copy
of original Coggins must be presented onsite.
Phone (_______) ______________________
E- Mail___________________________________________
Emergency contact # (_______) ______________________
Horses Name: ___________________________________
Coggins Accession #: _________________________
Blood Drawn Date: ______________________
November 7, 2015
Gates open from 9-4, lunch around Noon
Wings of Hope Ranch is an equine ministry
where children facing conflicts or challenges
come together with rescued horses to learn
how to love and trust again. For more information on our programs and services, and to
meet our beautiful rescued horses, visit
www.wingsofhoperanch.org. THANK YOU FOR
Per new laws, I have included a copy of my Coggins with this registration & agree to bring the original to the event to be checked by
staff, before I am allowed to enter the facility with my horse.
Proceeds benefit Wings of Hope Ranch and go directly to the
children’s programs and horse care. Fees are non-refundable.
Rider (+ lunch) early bird
Rider (+lunch) on-site
 Rider (no lunch)
Lunch Only (no riding)
Donation to WOHR
Total Amount Enclosed
$ $33 ;
$ $35 ;
$ $25 ;
$ $10 ;
$ ______
Make check payable to: Wings of Hope Ranch
Mail to:
Wings of Hope Ranch
PO Box 1674
Ashland,VA 23005
Contact Martha
Phone/Text: 804-690-0229
Lunch Includes:
[email protected]
Grilled burgers (including veggie burgers) and hot dogs with
all the fixins’, chips, cookies, beans, deviled eggs and ice cold
MILLSTONE FARM, located in New
Kent County VA, is a trail riders paradise!
Enjoy over 800 acres of beautifully groomed
and wooded trails with streams and some
open fields for hacking out. The farm is not
open to the public—accessed by invitation
only to benefit organizations like Wings of
Hope Ranch. Bring your friends to ride or
just enjoy the serene beauty and lunch.
Montpelier Love
A story about Holly Lane Christian Jewelry
We’ll never comprehend all the great things he does; his miracle-surprises can’t be counted. Somehow, though he moves right
in front of me, I don’t see him; quietly but surely he’s active, and I miss it. Job 9:10-11
We frequently marvel at how God moves out before us in all
aspects of our ministry. Over and over we see him piece together
our next relationship, helper, financial supporter, horse, child, and
volunteer; LONG before we know we need it.
They contacted us, and we organized a field trip for the staff of
Holly Lane Chrisitan Jewelry to visit the ranch in May, and the
rest is HIStory! After meeting the horses, they agreed to sponsor
Samson for an entire year: a huge commitment!
For me, being a Christian is so much about surrendering to the
roller coaster thrill ride of a life God has planned for me instead of
walking out the sometimes subpar plans I have made for my own
life. As an example of this unexpected blessing, this spring, God
gave us a new partner in ministry: Holly Lane Christian Jewelry.
Holly Lane Christian
Jewelry is a nifty jewelry
company, led by Tiffany
Scott, owner, artist, and
jewelry designer. While
they are a national
company, their offices and
studio is right here in ole’
Montpelier, Virginia!
A week or so later, we were blessed by Holly Lane Christian
Jewelry again. Tiffany contacted me to tell me many of the staff
were going to run in the Trailblazer Trot, volunteer at the race,
and she had something AMAZING to share with me. I couldn’t
wait until the Trot, and since we are so close to them, I stopped by
their offices in Montpelier to
hear more.
Tiffany was asked to
design a custom piece of
jewelry for a special client
anniversary. She never
knows what to charge
for this service so she let
the customer know that
Tiffany’s personal
instead of paying a design
testimony of “God had a
fee, he could simply make
better plan for my life than
a donation to Wings of
I did” uniquely matches
Hope Ranch in an amount
our experiences here at
he felt appropriate. She
the ranch. Her beautiful
received a check in the mail
designs reflect Christian
for Wings of Hope Ranch
themes, and each piece
in the amount of $1,500!
has a specific scripture
We were all shocked and
verse assigned. Tiffany
amazed. This was a gift
Holly Lane Christian Jewelry and Wings of Hope Ranch Volunteers
says that her “sole
from Heaven, one of our
purpose is to create pieces
largest single donations in
that would help spark conversations about Christ!” She came to
our history! We are so glad God connected these two groups of
know God because others cared to share the Gospel with her
people, anxious to serve God and be delighted in His ways and
and never gave up. It is her hope that the jewelry she creates
allows people to be encouraged by God’s word and to give us
opportunities to share Christ!
We encourage you to visit and support www.hollylane.com and
see the magnificent and meaningful pieces they have created with
This spring, the team at Holly Lane Christian Jewelry discovered
love and inspiration.
several things about Wings of Hope Ranch. First, they discovered
that Wings of Hope Ranch was a Christian ministry located three
miles from their headquarters. Many of the Holly Lane Christian
Jewelry staff members rolled by the ranch on their way to and
Would your business like to help support children, horses, and
from work daily, but it wasn’t until the first day of our spring
families in need by making a tax-deductible donation to Wings of
session 2015, when we posted a big sign pointing new ranchers
Hope Ranch?
in to the driveway, that they realized exactly where we were
Contact Alison Boyd (804.833.8903 ext. 2 or wingsofhoperanch@
located. Second, they checked out our website, only to find that
aol.com) for more information on donating or visit wingsofhoperanch.
our guiding verse was Psalms 91:4 (NKJV) 4 He shall cover you
with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge;
His truth shall be your shield and buckler. Coincidently, they had
Wings of Hope Ranch is an approved 501c3 non-profit corporation.
long ago designed a beautiful pair of silver earrings called “Under
A financial statement is available upon written request from the:
His Wings” and assigned our same scripture verse to this piece!
Virginia Office of Consumer Affairs
When they saw our guiding verse, they were divinely inspired to
Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23216
reach out and support us.
Alison Boyd
Second Annual Trailblazer Trot
The second annual Trailblazer Trot lived up to its name. The trail was blazing hot, but it did not disappoint. The property was so
amazing and we felt as if we stepped onto a movie set.
One attendee, T. Green said, “This race was held at a stunning, privately-owned property in the New Kent area. The course is mostly
shady and the terrain is not too challenging. The race was well-run and for a great cause! Wings of Hope Ranch rescues horses and
uses them in a Christian based program working with children with special needs. The venue has shower facilities so I’d recommend
the race in the morning and then explore the area. There is a vineyard nearby as well as Busch Gardens, historic Williamsburg and
The rolling hills, woodlands, ponds, and beautiful outbuildings made this run varied and challenging. It began on a downhill, but that
was just a tease as soon, the terrain changed, and the climb began. Eventually, it leveled to a wooded round-a-bout, then downhill
and uphill again followed by a field trot and a finish that took our breath away. At the end, many cheers greeted finishers and
wonderful cowboy music reminded all why Wings of Hope Ranch inspires and ministers so well to the four legged and two legged
We appreciate all of the volunteers and participants, we couldn’t have done it without you!
Can’t wait till next year!
Dawn and Matt McGrain
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Salvation (Sal)
A year or so ago, I was just a lonely horse standing in a pasture. I was
broken and flawed, and it seemed that nobody wanted me. At twenty
something, the future looked bleak for a horse such as me.
But then the folks from Wings of Hope Ranch came to see me. I did all
I could to help them see the good in me: my sweet nature, my soft and
brightly colored fur, but when I saw them gently touching my broken ear and
lifting my bad foot, I feared for the worst. Nevertheless, they saw through
my imperfections, and they saw the REAL me.
They gave me the name “Salvation,” and brought me home to Wings of
Hope Ranch where they would rehabilitate me so that I, in turn, could
minister to those children facing conflicts and challenges: children who
were a lot like me.
Because they saved me, I want to model God’s love for the children. It is
a big job striving to be like Him. But they saved me from death just as God
saved mankind, and just as God calls mankind to help others, I, Salvation,
have been called to help the children who come to the ranch to see their
true beauty.
Salvation (Sal)
P.O. Box 1674
Ashland, VA 23005
804.883.8903 ext. 2
[email protected]
“Ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth,
and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you. Which of these does not know that the hand of the
Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:7-10
Wings of Hope Ranch
Calendar of Events
August 22 - September 12
Online Auction
New/Used Items
Sunday, September 6 - Sunday, November 1
Fall Ranch Season
See information below!
Saturday, September 12
Hoe Down for Hope and Silent Auction
Wings of Hope Ranch
4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, November 7
Trail Ride
Millstone Farm
9:00 a.m. - 4:-00 p.m.
Saturday, December 5
Deck the Stalls/Live Nativity Play
and Tack Sale
Wings of Hope Ranch
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
2015 Fall Ranch Season Information:
Children who attend Wings of Hope Ranch can expect a fun-filled hour of activities ranging from Bible-based devotional, chores,
grooming, and tacking, and riding a horse (if desired). Somewhere in the hour and a half, it is certain that the horse will do her special
thing...miracles occur and the child leaves renewed, refreshed, and feeling loved.
Any child who wants to participate in Wings of Hope Ranch is eligible and welcome. The program is FREE of charge on a space
available basis. We have served children with many different special circumstances, including those with ADD/ADHD, Autism, Asperger’s
Syndrome, family crises such as divorce, abuse and abandonment, among others.
We do not provide any counseling services at the Ranch, however, we know the children receive hope and healing from our equine
minister who provide patience and unconditional love to all of the children. The only requirement to attend the ranch is a true desire to
be here.
Required dress includes jeans (or long pants) and boots with 1/4 inch heel and a helmet. Thanks to our supporters, we can provide the
helmet and boots if you dont have these items. Please call 804.833.8903 ext. 2 for more information.