STAFF REPORT - King William County
STAFF REPORT - King William County
KING WILLIAM COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA August 20, 2013 Regular Meeting – 7:00PM 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of Minutes of July 16, 2013 Meeting 4. General Public Comment Period 5. Public Hearing – Conditional Use Permit CUP 03-13, National Communication Towers, LLC Request to construct a communications tower a) Presentation by applicant b) Public hearing c) Commission discussion c) Motion to Recommend Approval or Denial to Board of Supervisors 6. Unfinished Business 7. New Business 8. Adjourn to September 17, 2013 regular meeting August 20, 2013 PC Agenda 1 MINUTES KING WILLIAM COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 16, 2013 At a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, held on the 18th of June 2013 at 7:00P.M. in the King William County Administration Building, the meeting was called to order with the following members: Present: John Breeden, Vice-Chair Alvin Carter Carlyle Clements David Ford Tara Roane, Chair Otto Williams Staff Present: Bret Schardein, Community Development Director Betty Brooks, GIS Technician APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 18, 2013 MEETING: Chair Roane asked for a motion for approval of the minutes of the June 18, 2013 meeting. David Ford made a motion, seconded by Carlyle Clements, to approve the minutes as printed. The vote was unanimous on this motion. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Chair Roane opened the Public Comment Period. There being no one to speak, Chair Roane closed the Public Comment Period. CONTINUED FROM APRIL 16, 2013 MEETING – ACQUINTON CHURCH – CASE Z-01-13 Bret Schardein, Planning Director, briefly reviewed that since the April meeting, he met with members of Rehoboth Baptist Church and adjacent/nearby Minutes from 7/16/13 PC meeting 2 property owners to discuss their concerns with having a Historic Preservation Overly District next to them. He also heard from the Department of Historic Resources and they stated that since this was a local zoning matter, they had no official recommendation but noted that due to the archaeological significance of the site they did feel that some protection might be warranted. As to questions that came up at the last meeting about deed restrictions or State protection through a Historic Preservation easement, a letter was received from the Historical Society that they did not want to pursue those options along with a resolution from the King William Historical Society that they would not seek any expansion of the Historic District beyond their own property. Chair Roane opened the Public Comment period. Straughan Robinson, 1260 Acquinton Church Road, expressed concerns with the wording “overlay and district”. He noted that the Mangohick Church Historic District has had problems over the years. He had also suggested deed restrictions for the property but noted that Mr. Fischer’s letter said the County’s HPARB would not be able to oversee the property and deed restrictions do not provide flexibility if changes are necessary. He questioned though if the HPARB was in place when the church was renovated would it be a metal roof or a slate roof as the original building. He urged the Planning Commission to forward this case to the Board of Supervisors with a recommendation of denial. Johanna Townsend, 3298 Jack’s Creek Road, stated that by the County’s own Zoning Ordinance, the boundaries of a Historic Preservation District shall be drawn to include all lands closely related to and bearing upon the character of the historic site thus providing a landscape unit affording transitional regulations to control potentially adverse environmental influences. This is the widely accepted understanding of the concept of a HP district and you can’t get away from the inclusion of surrounding properties. The Historic Society has provided a letter of intent and statement of resolution both having words that they will not now or in the future pursue expansion at Acquinton which in terms of legal consideration and enforcement is non-binding and essentially only means that until their Board changes its mind or the Board changes it would be that way. New members could have a different interpretation of the intent than their predecessors. She noted that Minutes from 7/16/13 PC meeting 3 although the Historical Society may have members that may be on the Historic Preservation Architectural Review Board (HPARB), they are not the same entity. A non-binding promise of no future expansion was received from the Historical Society, however, no such promise has been received by the HPARB, the committee that actually has the legal capacity to direct revisions to extend a HP District. She also noted that the County Staff representative at the time of a December 7, 2010 HPARB meeting had stated by interpretation of the Ordinance adjacent properties would have to be included and that creation of this district without including adjacent properties may be setting a precedent. As to the Acquinton Church Historic District, no method of legal documentation or enforcement that the statements made by the Historic Society would not be changed or overridden by some other entity at some point in the future has been presented. In conclusion, she does not support sending this matter forward for Board approval. Patrick Kosek, speaking on behalf of Rehoboth Baptist Church, stated that he also agreed with the previous speakers that there is no need to create a Historic District on Tax Map Parcels 36-36 and 36-37. He noted that in a letter submitted by the Historical Society it stated that they had offered, in writing, to sit down with adjacent landowners but the landowners had not responded. Mr. Kosek wanted to clarify that neither the Church nor Mr. Simpson has received any correspondence in reference to that statement as of this meeting. When this issue was brought up approximately three years ago by the Historical Society, County Staff, at that time, responded that by interpretation of the Ordinance adjacent properties would have to be included and might be setting a precedent by creating a district without adjacent properties and felt that no further discussion would be needed until the Historical Society no longer owned the property. He expressed concerns about the hardships that could be placed on Mr. Simpson’s property and any expansion he might want to do as well expansion at the Church. In conclusion, he urged on behalf of the Rehoboth Baptist Church family, that the Planning Commission forward this request to the Board of Supervisors with a recommendation of denial. Minutes from 7/16/13 PC meeting 4 Carl Fischer, 1685 Sweet Hall Road, president of the King William Historical Society and responsible for the information included on pages 24 and 25 of the packet, had the following comments. The question asked earlier about the roof of the Church being different if it were in a Historic District and he noted that it would be up to the HPARB to determine what would be appropriate. In reference to meeting with adjacent property owners, he did want to remind the previous speaker that following the last meeting on this case, he stood outside the door to try to communicate with the members and was told they had just received correspondence and were not able to respond that quickly. He expressed his concerns about the continuing feeling that this property is going to be expanded beyond its boundaries. The Historical Society has signed a document that they do not want to extend beyond their property and their intent is to preserve the property. Both the Historical Society and County have said that this request does nothing to adversely impact adjacent property owners and will have no say on what is done on adjacent property. In reference to comments by previous Staff personnel, he felt that Staff misled property owners at that time. That request, following that situation, was withdrawn. He felt that adjacent property owners would also benefit from the creation of a Historic District for these parcels because the HPARB would oversee any changes that might be made. As to the Society’s willingness to separate the two parcels, he felt that the property across the road, with its trees, gives historic landscape to the church. Correspondence received from Mr. Sewell Simpson expressing his concerns and asking that the Planning Commission forward this request to the Board of Supervisors with a recommendation of denial will become part of the minutes and is attached. Chair Roane closed the Public Comment Period. John Breeden asked if there were any plans for the store parcel and possibly just having the Church parcel as the district and Mr. Fischer noted no plans for the store parcel at this time but it has been registered with the State as an Archaeological site and their desire is to preserve both parcels. Mr. Breeden noted that he would like to see the Church preserved as a Historic District and does not see any adverse impact for the neighbors. Minutes from 7/16/13 PC meeting 5 Carlyle Clements noted his concerns with what might happen five to ten years down the road and expressed his opposition to the overlay district. He agreed that it is a historic site but is opposed to the creation of the district. David Ford noted that this would afford some protection to surrounding properties but does see this as a double-edged sword. Otto Williams stated that deed restrictions on the property seem a better way to go than the creation of a Historic District. Alvin Carter noted that the people most affected, the next door neighbors, are opposed to this and he would be in favor of denial of this request. John Breeden noted that he read both State and local information and does not see any adverse impact on adjacent properties and is still in favor of creation of the District. Following discussion, Carlyle Clements made a motion, seconded by David Ford, that the Planning Commission recommend the Board of Supervisors deny Case Z-01-13, a rezoning request in accordance with Sec. 86-342 of the King William County Zoning Ordinance to include tax map parcels 36-36 and 3637 into the Historic Preservation Overlay District, as it is not consistent with the goals or policies of the Comprehensive Plan or Zoning Ordinance. The vote was as follows: John Breeden Alvin Carter Carlyle Clements David Ford Otto Williams Tara Roane, Chair Nay Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye PUBLIC HEARING AMENDMENTS TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS CUP-89-77, CUP-92106 AND CUP-92-107 Bret Schardein, Planning Director, stated that RockTenn is requesting amendments to the conditions on the above cases. The revised conditions for CUP-89-77 were briefly reviewed and are as follows: 1. The leachate pit, if constructed above ground, shall be fenced on the sides and screened above, to prevent animals from reaching the leachate water. Minutes from 7/16/13 PC meeting 6 2. A one hundred (100) foot buffer between the Hunt Club property shall be created and maintained between the various phases and the adjoining Hunt Club property. As depicted in Drawings Ches 4 and Ches 5 (attached), which were submitted to the DEQ in 1990 for the Landfill Permit application, the Hunt Club access road, monitoring wells, storm water retention basins, and access to those, may be included in the buffer area. 3. Only waste generated by the Owner’s operation of the West Point containerboard mill shall be placed in the landfill. 4. The undisturbed areas of the Mann Landfill site, as depicted on the Existing and Proposed Site Plans, prepared by Black & Veatch, Inc., dated August 10, 1989, shall remain undisturbed. 5. The Owner will provide the County Administrator or staff access, upon request, to the quality-assured results of all analyses of groundwater from monitoring wells at the Mann Landfill. The sampling frequency and parameters analyzed shall be in accordance with current regulations and the Groundwater Monitoring Program that are part of the Solid Waste Permits, administered by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. 6. The Owner will maintain and enforce for the active life of the Mann Landfill, a policy of triple rinsing and crushing all drums, barrels, cans or other containers containing process chemicals which are five gallon size or larger before they are disposed of in the landfill. The Owner will also maintain and enforce for the active life of the Mann Landfill its policies that petroleum-based containers will be emptied and crushed prior to disposal and that thinners, inks, dyes and solvents containing hazardous or polluting compounds will not be disposed of in the Mann Landfill. Mr. Schardein noted that a question had been asked about one of the previous conditions (which is now being removed) dealing with an independent consulting firm would be hired by the Company to carry out objective sampling and testing of the monitoring wells and any neighboring private wells for up to two years for the project site and nearby area in order to acquire base data about the water quality in the area. After review of the file, there is documentation in the file that this was done and a copy also provided to landowners at that time. The revised conditions for CUP-92-106 were briefly reviewed and are as follows: 1. The building and electronic equipment for controlling and monitoring the well and their pumps will follow the plans the Owner submitted to the Board of Supervisors of King William County that are presented on Drawings 19392.03-DM-3093 and 19392.03-DY-2005-1. 2. The amount of water withdrawn from the wells may not exceed the amount permitted by the current Groundwater Withdrawal Permit issued to the Owner by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Minutes from 7/16/13 PC meeting 7 (DEQ). All applicable erosion and sediment control and stormwater management measures will be utilized and followed in the construction of the buildings and adjacent pipelines. 3. Monitoring reports submitted to the DEQ, as required by the current groundwater withdrawal permit, will be made available to the County Administrator and/or staff upon request. 4. The pumping system shall be approved by the DEQ and the Virginia Department of Health as applicable. The revised conditions for CUP-92-107 were briefly reviewed and are as follows: 1. The leachate pump station will follow the drawing submitted on Mann Landfill, in Part B of the Mann Landfill permit application (Black and Veatch 8-1-91) that pertains to the leachate pumping station. 2. All applicable erosion and sediment control and stormwater management will be utilized and followed in the construction of the pump station and the adjacent pipelines. 3. Quarterly reports showing the volume of leachate flowing through the pump shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator. Any leakages of leachate shall be immediately reported to the Zoning Administrator. The owner shall monitor the flow rate of leachate through the pipeline, inspect it annually and report any leakages to the Zoning Administrator. Stormwater management of the site, as a condition, was briefly discussed and noted that this is required by local and State ordinances and would not have to be listed as a condition. Chair Roane opened the Public Hearing. Charles Piersa, one of the closest people adjacent to this property, stated that he had asked Staff questions and would like those answers as part of the minutes. He expressed concern with pulling 21 million gallons of water per day right beside an industrial landfill. He felt that their wells need to be monitored and checked. Monitoring wells are being put where there are no homes and nothing is near his or his neighbor’s property. He is concerned because things are being done without permits and a lot of these proposed changes will not be for the good. There needs to be better protection for nearby landowners. He asked if the County had ever been notified of a pipeline break since there had been one. Who monitors what goes in the landfill and is a list of what goes in there? Have there been water quality tests and information provided to the County? He stressed the need for the County to do a thorough review of this project. Minutes from 7/16/13 PC meeting 8 John Farnor, 31067 King William Road, noted that he and his wife live directly across from the landfill. He has concerns because he knows absolutely nothing about what goes in the landfill and has only seen it by viewing Google maps. He asked if any Commission members knew what goes in the landfill and if you don’t, this should not be approved. Does RockTenn feel that the cost of sending these reports will hurt their bottom line? Does it cost the County to receive and review these reports? He received a letter about this request last week and this is the first he has heard about it and questioned whether someone is trying to cover up something. He felt that RockTenn should reach out to the neighbors and perhaps provide a tour to see what goes on at the site along with County Staff. In conclusion, this request does not seem right to him. Bonnie Hite, 31472 King William Road, also an adjacent property owner, stated that this property was in her family prior to her owning it and they were strongly opposed to the landfill even being approved. The County made a decision but has not followed up on any of the conditions of approval. She was told that reports had been provided to the County but there was no one at the County that could understand them. She felt that by taking away the ability of the County to still have these monthly reports, it was taking away the property owners’ ability to obtain any information because it would be harder to obtain this type of information from the Department of Environmental Quality. She asked that the Commission strongly consider not approving that the County no longer receive these reports. She has concerns, along with adjacent landowners, about who has been looking out for our interests. If tests were being done on our wells, why were they only done for two years and she has concerns with even drinking her well water. In conclusion, she asked that the Commission carefully review this request before making any decisions that would allow the landfill and the company that owns it do as they please. Carole Hamner, Environmental Manager at RockTenn in West Point, stated that RockTenn currently owns the landfill and wanted to clarify that they are not requesting any changes to the way the landfill is operated. Their request is to amend some of the conditions of the outdated Conditional Use Permits. DEQ is responsible for regulating the landfill and RockTenn has been in compliance Minutes from 7/16/13 PC meeting 9 with all DEQ requirements. They send monitoring well analytical results to DEQ semi-annually from the monitoring wells that are around the landfill. The landfill has a liner so that waste that goes into it does not percolate into the ground. There is a collection system for rain water which gets collected and sent to the waste water treatment plant at the mill. Ms. Hamner was surprised to hear that there are people who live next to the landfill and know nothing about it. She urged them to call and ask questions and arrange a tour of the landfill and monitoring wells. In answer to the question about the type of waste going to the landfill, the majority of the waste is from the recycling. Cardboard is brought in and pulp is made out of it and the cardboard has plastic, Styrofoam and metal which goes to the landfill. Other waste includes ash from the two power boilers. A small amount (no more than ten trucks/day) of waste water treatment plant residual is sent to the landfill. She noted that the amount of water being pumped is 5 million gallons per day and not the 21 million gallons mentioned earlier. They have a water withdrawal permit issued by DEQ along with a landfill permit issued by DEQ. DEQ inspects their records annually and on-site inspections are also done at the landfill. The landfill is very well monitored, not necessarily by the County because it is not responsible for it but rather it is the responsibility of the State. RockTenn is not trying to hide or cover up anything from the community ‘other than the waste’ and is very proud of the job being done and welcomes visits and comments and noted that Planning Commission members have toured the site. Chair Roane closed the Public Hearing. Discussion followed about the possibility of the plastic items being recycled rather than going to the landfill and Ms. Hamner stated that this is being worked on but waiting on some permits. The percentage of plastic going to the landfill is about 60-70%. The average number of trucks over the last six months is about three per day. Ms. Hamner noted that the question was asked about a pipe leak and if notification was ever received by the County. They did review their information and there have been two leaks since the landfill has been there and both were reported to DEQ. Minutes from 7/16/13 PC meeting 10 Ms. Hamner will review with their lawyers the possibility of testing the adjacent landowners’ water periodically. Following discussion, David Ford made a motion, seconded by Carlyle Clements, that the Planning Commission recommend the Board of Supervisors approve the proposed amendments to the conditions of Conditional Use Permits CUP-89-77, CUP-92-106 and CUP-92-107, as they would be consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Before voting on this motion, Commission members discussed whether the reporting done to DEQ and any feedback should continue to be sent to the County and felt this should be done. RockTenn also stated that all reports are a matter of public record and could be obtained by the County or citizens at any time.. David Ford amended the above motion, seconded by Carlyle Clements, to include electronic communication to the County and residents of reports. The vote was as follows: John Breeden Alvin Carter Carlyle Clements David Ford Otto Williams Tara Roane, Chair Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Chair Roane suggested that anyone in the audience that had questions of Ms. Hamner might want to talk with her following the meeting and to contact Mr. Schardein at the office if you have further questions of Staff. REVIEW – CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CUP-03-13 Stephen Gallagher, National Communication Towers (NCT), stated that this Conditional Use Permit request is to construct a 195’ self-support tower for wireless communication on Tax Map Parcel 22-10. He noted that Mr. Elliott Herrington with NCT is also in attendance. National Communication Towers was founded in 1997 and has constructed 38 operational towers in the State with an average of three carriers per tower location. NCT does not build a tower without a signed lease and their facilities are designed to facilitate the deployment of a communications network not only for wireless phone service but also public Minutes from 7/16/13 PC meeting 11 safety systems and high speed internet. This 195’ self-support tower with a 4’ lightning rod will not require any lighting by the FAA. The access road for the site is off of Commins Road and the tower compound will not be visible from any travel corridors. A brief power point presentation was made giving details of the site, lease area, construction of the structure, etc. A balloon flight was done at the site and could not be seen from any location other than one area on Newman Drive. At this time, Verizon Wireless has signed a letter of intent to be the lead tenant on the tower and the tower has capability for six carriers which NCT will market with other carriers. One location on the tower will be made available, at no cost, to King William County for emergency services. Brief discussion followed on the selection of this site and Mr. Gallagher noted that locations have to be outside a certain radius from any historic site and this site meets the State Preservation Office requirements. Following discussion, David Ford made a motion, seconded by John Breeden, that the Planning Commission set the proposed Conditional Use Permit, CUP-03-13, for public hearing at the Commission’s regular meeting on August 20, 2013. The vote was unanimous on this motion. UNFINISHED/NEW BUSINESS Mr. Schardein noted that he met with Commissioner Breeden and discussed having Commission members that were willing to review the Comp Plan and redline anything that does not need to be included in future revisions. The subcommittee will also be meeting to work on the Vision Statement. He noted that Staff will be interviewing for the E&S position this week and hopes to have someone on board by August. This will help clear his schedule to work on the Comp Plan and hopes to have info for review by the September Planning Commission meeting. GENERAL COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Otto Williams thanked everyone for coming and if anyone has questions from tonight’s meeting or on any other items, please feel to call him. Alvin Carter thanked everyone for coming. Minutes from 7/16/13 PC meeting 12 Carlyle Clements thanked everyone for coming and encouraged people to contact Mr. Schardein’s office if you have questions prior to the meetings. John Breeden thanked everyone for coming and thanked both Mr. Roberts and Mr. Gallagher for the opportunity to view their respective operations. He also thanked Staff for the work that you continue to provide to the Planning Commission. David Ford thanked everyone for coming and felt that good progress was made at tonight’s meeting. Chair Roane thanked everyone for coming out and for their input/comments which helps the Commission in making knowledgeable decisions for the County. ADJOURNMENT Being no further business, John Breeden made a motion, seconded by Otto Williams, to adjourn the meeting. Chair Roane adjourned the regular meeting at 8:30 P.M. Tara Roane Chair Minutes from 7/16/13 PC meeting LaVerne J. Otto Secretary 13 King William County Planning Commission P.O. Box 215 King William, VA RE: Historic Preservation Overlay District Parcels 36-36 and 36-37 Members, I have serious concerns and strongly object to the proposed new County Historic District on Parcels 36-36 and 36-37 at Acquinton Church and the effects that it will have on my property being considered tonight, July 16, 2013. 1. It is a blatant attempt to infringe on my Constitutional Rights to Private Property. 2. Will subject my property to have restrictions placed upon it by unelected members of the Historical Society, many of which do not live in King William County and additionally neither I or the county will have any say in who the future board members of the Historical Society Board will be. 3. Is full of misrepresentations: A. The false statement that the Historical Society has offered in writing to sit down with adjacent property owners, B. The district will have no impact on adjoining property owners, C. Has the potential of indirect benefits to current property owners, D. Will prohibit salvage yards, automobile service stations, etc. which are currently prohibited by AC zoning. E. That the goal of the Historical Society is to preserve their historic integrity when in fact the property has not been restored to its original state Further, the Historical Society states that they would not attempt or support expansion of the district beyond currently owned property of the society when the current Board has absolutely no control over the actions of future boards. These concerns plus numerous other issues that have not yet been addressed dictate that this proposal be rejected entirely by this Planning Commission. Sincer E. Sewell Simpson, III Minutes from 7/16/13 PC meeting 14 Piersa questions and replies from RockTenn 1) Is there any limit to the height the existing or future landfill phases will be built to? Does not appear to be any local height restrictions within the CUP permits, any DEQ or other regulations, or plans for how tall you expect the remaining phases to be? I think this may have been asked during our site tour but I cannot recall. The final elevation of the active landfill (Mann 3) is indicated in the drawings approved by DEQ, which is approximately 190 ft. above sea level. 2) Have there been any changes to the ground water withdrawal permit to increase the withdrawal? No. He stated he has observed the ground and water levels dropping over the years. Regarding ground subsidence: Several years ago subsidence in the area was raised and the owner of the marsh near the landfill (Pamunkey Game Club) had Dr. Carl Hershner and Kirk Havens of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) come to review the situation. Dr. Hershner presented to mill personnel and Game Club representatives (Ed DeJarnette and Patrick McSweeney), that the character of the marsh is subject to change with very slight water level changes. Dr. Hershner showed trends of sea level rise based on levels recorded at Sewell’s Point in Norfolk by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) far greater than any subsidence . The study concluded that there is no evidence to support that the groundwater wells at the landfill are contributing to the subsidence of the marsh; rather , the changes in the marsh are related to sea levels. Regarding ground water level subsidence: The mill did an impact study on the Pamunkey Game Club well in 1992 and found that the landfill wells were not interfering with the Hunt Club well. 3) If the County no longer receives the monthly reports automatically, who will be reviewing them? I believe DEQ but want to verify that. DEQ receives the landfill groundwater monitoring reports quarterly. If the County would like to see those reports, we can present them at any time on request. We will continue to send the quarterly leachate production rate reports to the County. 4) Who inspects the water pipeline to ensure there are no leaks along the way to the mill and water is being lost that way? JSG, who is under contract with the mill to operate the landfill, does annual inspections of the pipeline. The pipeline is underground with access via manholes. JSG walks the entire line, checking for erosion or other issues that could affect it. They also look into each manhole to inspect the valves and pipes. 5) How long will the landfill be monitored for water quality after its closure? For 10 years after closure, plus the amount of time it takes to be granted by DEQ permanent closure and the end of post closure care. 6) He stated there was an old pit near his property line, maybe 25 or 30 years ago, one day a long time ago he noticed it had been filled over and closed. What was buried in there and was it properly closed off? We are not exactly sure what he is talking about, but it may be the landfill (Mann 1) that was closed in the 1970’s. That landfill was covered with clay, and closed in accordance with the regulations at that time. The waste was calcium carbonate (lime) generated in our recovery process at the mill. Minutes from 7/16/13 PC meeting 15 7) Are there any monitoring wells along the landfill’s south east and eastern sides? Yes. MW1, MW8, MW9 are at the SE corner of the landfill. The plan shows MW-1 at the southeast base of Phase I but other than Staff Gauges does not show any equipment planned in that area. MW1, MW8, MW9 are at the SE corner of the landfill. He said that is where much of the run off drains and should be monitored in that location as well. We monitor storm water runoff in accordance with the landfill Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. There are four settling basins at that portion of the landfill to protect the area from erosion and sediment runoff. We monitor the groundwater wells by performing analytical testing quarterly. Minutes from 7/16/13 PC meeting 16 MEMORANDUM Review of Conditional Use Permit CUP 03-13 Planning Commission August 20, 2013 Processing schedule: If the Planning Commission makes a recommendation at their August 20, 2013 meeting, the Board of Supervisors may conduct their public hearing and act on the request as early as Monday September 23, 2013. Application Information: Applicant: Owner: Requested action: Tax map parcel: Address: Voting District Zoning: Comp Plan recommendation: Size: Existing uses on the site: Existing structures on site: National Communication Towers, LLC. Charles S. Watkins, IV Conditional use permit to construct a communications tower. 22-10 no address, located on Commins Road, Aylett VA 3, Aylett A-C, Agricultural-Conservation High Density Residential 196 acres None Forest, dirt roads Attachments: A) Application B) Recommended conditions Summary of Request: Prior to 2013, towers were a use by Special Exception acted on by the Board of Zoning Appeals. With the removal of the special exception process from the ordinance in 2012, towers became a use by Conditional Use Permit, subject to review and recommendation by the Planning Commission and approval by the Board of Supervisors. The applicant is proposing to construct a 199’ tall telecommunications tower on the above referenced property. Attached is a set of seven (7) conditions staff would recommend be attached if the request were to be recommended for approval. CUP 03-13 Staff Report 17 Public notice: Legal ads were run in the Tide Water Review on August 7th and 14th 2013 for the Planning Commission’s public hearing. Notices to adjacent property owners were mailed on August 5th 2013. Additionally the legal ads and Planning Commission materials were posted to the County’s website and on display in the County Administration building. Public input: As of August 8th staff has received no input. Draft Motions: To recommend approval: Mrs. Chair, I move that the Planning Commission recommend the Board of Supervisors approve Conditional Use Permit CUP 03-13, as it would be consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. To recommend denial: Mrs. Chair, I move that the Planning Commission recommend the Board of Supervisors deny Conditional Use Permit CUP 03-13, as it would not be consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Bret Schardein Director of Community Development CUP 03-13 Staff Report 18 National Communication Towers, L.L.C. Aylett Tower – Commins Road TM 22-10 Table of Contents SECTION DESCRIPTION 1 CUP Application / Application Overview for the Aylett tower 2 Property Tax Card / County Tax and Zoning Maps 3 NCT Lease Aerial 4 Lot Line Overlay 5 List of Adjacent Property Owners 6 Statement of Justification and Impact 7 Service Maps With and Without Gaps 8 General Guidelines Statement 9 NIER Letter (Maximum Permissible Exposure and Interference Letter) 10 Statement of Collocatable Structures 11 Statement of Willingness to Allow Collocation / Collocation Affidavit 12 Tower Design Letter / Tower Engineer’s Design Document 13 Proposed Construction Schedule 14 Additional Information Statement 15 Survey / Site Plan / Fence Detail 16 Verizon Wireless Letter of Intent and Propagation Studies 17 Balloon Flight Visibility Study / Statement / Ad Copy 18 Statement of Visual Impact CUP 03-13 Application 19 DATE:_________________ KING WILLIAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1. Owner: Name: Charles S. Watkins, IV Address: 767 Old New Castle Road, Manquin, VA 23106 Phone Number: 804-673-8800 2. Applicant: Name: National Communication Towers, LLC Address: 5413 Patterson Avenue, Suite 101, Richmond, VA 23226 Phone Number: 804-337-8247 3. Property description: (a) Size (acres): 196 Road frontage: 3200'+ (b) Deed recorded in Deed Book at Page Plat recorded in Plat Book at Page 22 Section Tax Map: ____ (c) , Parcel 10 Zoning District: A/C 4. Hours of operation of the planned facility: Unmanned 24 hours a day 5. Describe water supply plans: N/A 6. Describe sewage disposal plans: N/A 7. Attach a statement describing how specific conditions stated in Article X, Sec. 86-451, of the Zoning Ordinance for the type of project planned will be met. CUP 03-13 Application 20 CUP 03-13 Application 21 NCT County of King William Application Overview for Conditional Use Permit Aylett Tower 1. The proposed communication facility will enhance the quality of life and the safety of the residents and the general public within the projected service area of the communications facility by providing wireless services along the Rt. 360 corridor. The facility will also provide the infrastructure needed to support the equipment of County’s Sheriff’s Department and Emergency Services should it be needed by these agencies. 2. The proposed facility will not emit noise or other types of pollution into the environment. Since it will be unmanned it will not require County Services such as water and sewer. Road use impact is minable and once constructed the facility will generate from 6 to 8 light vehicular trips into the site a month. Also, there has been no documented evidence of diminished property values due to communication facilities or other types of utilities such as power substations, transmission lines, telephone poles and water tanks. 3. The proposed facility is located on a 196 acre parcel of land owned by Charles S. Watkins IV. The proposed communications facility will be located within the AC Zoning District. No variance to the Zoning Ordinances is being requested for this facility. The surrounding properties vary in size and the facility should not have an adverse impact on them for future use. The compound of the facility will be screened from the view of Commins Road and will not be visible from Rt. 360. 4. The Compound area of the proposed facility will be screened from the view of adjacent parcels by the existing trees growing on the parcel. The buildings and the equipment in the compound will be of a neutral color and the Self Support Tower will have a non-glossy galvanized finish. The proposed Self Support Tower will not be lit, also no signage or advertisement placed on the tower. There is no verifiable evidence Communication Towers, Substations, Transmission Lines and Towers, Telephone Poles and Water Tanks contributing to the devaluation of properties these structures are located on or adjacent to. CUP 03-13 Application 22 NCT 5. Power and Telco exist along Commins Road will be installed to the site along the proposed access road. Utilities will tie into the existing lines and will be buried underground to the site. The site and the access road will be designed by a Certified Engineer licensed to do business in the State of Virginia and will comply with all Local, State and Federal regulations and building codes. 6. The ingress/egress of the site will utilize an existing entrance into the parcel off of Commins Road. The entrance will comply with the most current VDOT standards. Once the site is constructed an estimated 6 to 8 trips a month by light duty vehicles is anticipated into the site. 7. Adequate parking and turn-around space will be provided at the proposed facility. There will be no odor, noise, glare or economic deprivation associated with the facility or imposed on adjoining properties. 8. The proposed facility will not generate any refuse; nor will any refuse or toxic substances be introduced into the site. 9. The compound, fence and support structures of the proposed facility will be buffered from the view of existing roadways and by existing vegetation and tree growth on the parcel. 10. No signs or advertising will be placed on the tower; however an 18” X 24” site identification sign will be placed on the compound fence. The tower will not be lit and no security type lighting will be installed at the site. 11. All setback requirements will be met or exceeded and the tower will be designed to collapse within the lot lines of the parcel. The proposed facility consists of a Leased Area of 125’ X 125’ with a 30’ Ingress/Egress, Utility Easement. CUP 03-13 Application 23 NCT 12. The King William County Zoning Ordinances permits towers and communication facilities in AC districts by a Conditional Use Permit. Also, the lack of Cellular Communications in the area further solidifies the need for the proposed facility and its compatibility with adjacent and other properties within the zoning district. 13. The site is located within the lot lines of a 196 acre parcel of land zoned AC. The facility will be constructed on the east side of Commins road, approximately 2,800’ west of Rt. 360. 14. National Communication Towers, LLC will comply with all applicable regulations of the zoning district and any Conditions of Approval imposed by the Board of Supervisors of King William County. Signed copy on file CUP 03-13 Application Signed: ______________________________ STEPHEN GALLAGHER VP, Construction Date: ______________________________ 24 KING WILLIAM COUNTY Last Updated November 2012 Map information is believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. Any errors or omissions should be reported to the Commissioner of Revenue's office. In no event will King William County be liable for any damages or other pecuniary loss that may arise from the use of this data. 15 15-5A 21-9-3 21-9-4 219-5 219-6 15-5B 1136 ! ( 15-6 608 ! ( 600 ! ( 56B 56 56A 57 58 52C 52B 51 608 ! ( 52 52A (21-95) 5 48 3 ! ( 10F 35 10N 21-82 4 2 70 69D 69A 71 5 73 72 34J 4 75 34K 655 76 87A 75A 87 94 92 17A 90 1 20 Aylett 10 Farms (6 9 8 32 360 ! ( 16 1 1 2 43 32 CA 5 6 54 3 1 1 2 2 5 4 3 21 1 4 3 6 5 45 3 2 1 6 5 4 23 1 1 2 6 54 2 6 4 3 35 4 5 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 31 1 5 2 46 47 48 25 32 14 31 2 56 4 5 6 33 50 31 20 19 1 5 342 2 1 6 64 53 15 647 ! ( 53 54 L 20 O S1 42 1 6 53 2 1 4 6 53 20 W 1150 ! ( 2 20G 12 ( ( ! ( ! ( 360 21-69 23A 1 50 26 45 29A INSERT 22C 32 34 44 20 19 31 ! ( 40 18 B2 E1 D1 17 16 21 22 39 38 14 13 1206 ! ( C1 12 11 B1 30G 30E A2 1 5 10 30C 4G 10 104F 103 9 8 30D 30B 1 2 3 4 30F 10 A6 A3 104A 104D 7 ! ( 30H WATER 2 6 647 INSERT 22B 5 8 ( 9 8 ( 106A A5 106C (22-106A) 106 (1 109 26 600 ! ( 109A Rosespout 109B G2 1 3 Fairfield 10 ( 110 Acres 4 H 110A 110B 2 111A 111B 8 29-67C 29-67A 29-68 V RI 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ´ ACQUINTON DISTRICT 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 CUP 03-13 Application SECTION 22 ER 7 29-67E NI 3 6 29-67B 114 115 PO 2 5 115A TA 1 29 29-53 116A T MA 29-1 111 108 116 4 6 7 23 G1 Walnut 4 B3 25 37 Estates (7 15 W 107 30 29 31B A4 36 41 C3 22 3 113 Black 611 F1 24 35 43 42 C2 11 12 18 17 33 46 D3 D2 47 25 E2 19 A1 16 104B 31A (22-1-D1) 9 13 48 360 F2 F3 8 3 2 14 15 30A ! ( 27 56 10 49 30 55 A 1150 23 Mill 20 POND 104C (22-7-21) 6 4523 1 ! ( AYLETT Aylett 21 102 101 3 ( ( ! ( 100A 3 1 ! ( (22-100) (9 4 2 31C 42 41 44 43 40 PS 45 CA 36 37 360 39 35 3 3 46 38 4 49 1 20J OS 3 4 56 32 31 52 51 1 2 23 22 30 29 24 28 6 20I 3 5 24 6 21 27 26 1 4 6 5 35 46 3 2 2 1 20D 16 17 18 6 1 5 6 3 4 11 CA6 321 45 5 162 13 20C 4 3 4 12 14 2 35 1 2 19 (22-20A) 7 1 11 6 20B 2 8 5 134 9 10 1151 2 5 6 4 3 1 34 20A 19A 2 1 5 6 20H 21 21A 1150 CA 20 OS 51A 52 B 3 20 OS 1 2 100B 5 AP 17H 600 ! ( 2 TT 17G 23 89B MA 17F 17J 100 R ! ( 33 1 99 91 17D 17E 1217 89A VE ! ( 98 93 RI 21 17C 1217 INSERT 22A 97 95 ONI ! ( 83 (22-76) 17B 1216 82 78B1 96 14 17B 81 85 86 34F ! ( 80 78A 78B 88 INSERT 21A-2 79 78C 78 ! ( 34D 78D 78E 78F 73 A 34 23 B RIVER INSERT 22D 74 7 34H 3 2 1 6 (3 6 0 12 1 69C 4 (22-34) 34C 34E 12B 3 3 36 34B 10D 10 10H J 600 2 (2 69 69B ! ( 40D 1 37 34A 10C 10 5 ( ( 40A 39A 39B 67 68 TAP 5 34G 11 7 65 40C 38 360 360 35A 10B 8A 39C ! ( ! ( 40F 39 10K 10A 606 8B 6 10L 10M 8 8C 40E 63 64 MATTAPONI 66 MAT 21-97D 10E 10G 62 E 7 21-97A 4 360 ! ( 41 49 Aylett 6 46 360 ! ( 10 4 21-98 1 45 46 47 A 59 60 59A 55 53 21-95 40B 21-9-10 21-9-9 21-9-8 21-9-7 15-5 600 300 0 600 1,200 Feet 1,800 LEGEND County Boundary Railroads Routes Roads / Alleys Lots Sections / Blocks Streams Water Bodies 25 CUP 03-13 Application 26 CUP 03-13 Application 27 NCT Statement of Justification and Impact Conditional Use Permit Application National Communication Towers, LLC Aylett Communications Tower, King William, Virginia National Communication Towers L.C. (“National”) as lessee, hereby applies for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a telecommunications facility and accessory structures on leased land. The leased land is located on property known by Tax Map Parcel 22-10. The Lease area is located approximately 900’ east of Commins Road, approximately 2,800 feet west of Rt. 360. According to the tax records of King William County it is owned by Charles S. Watkins IV, 767 Old Newcastle Road, Manquin, VA 23106. National is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a self support Tower, measuring approximately 195’ in height with a 4’ lightning rod, to be located on a leased area, measuring 125’ x 125’. The facility will be designed to allow multiple collocations on the tower and within a secure fenced compound area. The exact number and types of future users is difficult to predict, however the tower will be designed to accommodate a mix of carrier types. The design mix will include: 6 or more users of panel antennas (typically 15 panels, 12” wide x 96” high, per user). Likewise, the compound area is designed to accommodate a mix of shelter types and sizes as denoted on the drawings submitted with this application. The 196 acre parcel is zoned AC, according to the King William County zoning ordinance, telecommunication facilities are permitted on AC zoned properties, with Conditional Use Permits. Proper setback distances have been observed and are denoted on the enclosed plans. National develops telecommunication facilities for collocations by cellular, PCS, paging and other wireless services which rely upon a network of elevated platforms in areas where the carriers have gaps in signal coverage, or “holes.” Such a hole exists along the Route 360 corridor. Supported by propagation studies, National believes communications facility located on the subject parcel will enable carriers to fill this gap, while minimizing the effect on surrounding property owners. The 145’ Radiation Center on the tower and space in the compound will be reserved for King William County’s Emergency antennas rent free. CUP 03-13 Application 28 NCT The FCC has authorized several carriers to provide wireless services in this part of King William County. Those carriers include: Sprint, AT&T, Nextel, Verizon Wireless U.S. Cellular and Ntelos. The facility will be in continuous operation but will produce no interference with other types of communications including: radio, television, cable TV, garage door openers or other consumer electronic equipment. No offices will be constructed on the site, so neither sewer nor water facilities will be required. The facility will produce no refuse, noise, vibration, dust, glare, odors or fumes. Neither National nor any of the tower users will introduce hazardous or toxic substances to the site. After completion of construction, the only traffic associated with the site will be short visits by technicians on a monthly basis to test or replace equipment components. In most instances towers below 200’are not required by the FAA to be lit. The facility will provide a vital public safety service to this part of the County in two important ways. First, the County may incorporate the tower into its communication network utilized by law enforcement and fire and rescue personnel. Second, this new facility will enable wireless services to be extended to this part of the County, enabling the public at large to utilize those services for important medical or life-safety calls. The proposed use conforms to the provisions of all applicable ordinances, regulations, adopted standards and conditions. National is not seeking any wavier or variance for the proposed use at this time. National respectfully requests the approval of this Conditional Use Permit application. Signed copy on file CUP 03-13 Application Signed: ______________________________ STEPHEN GALLAGHER VP, Construction Date: ______________________________ 29 CUP 03-13 Application 30 CUP 03-13 Application 31 NCT FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS The tower will be designed to meet or exceed all current standard and regulations set forth by all Local, State and Federal agencies including the FAA and FCC. The emissions will not exceed the allowable standards set by the FCC. BUILDING CODES The current standard is Revision “F”, the tower will be designed under revision “G” which is a more stringent structural design. The tower will also be designed and maintained in compliance with all Local, State, and Federal regulations and building codes. The tower is designed for a 90 mph basic wind in accordance with the TIA/EIA-222-G standard and is also designed for a 30 mph basic wind with 0.75 in. ice. Deflections are based upon a 60 mph wind. The tower is designed for Exposure C to the TIA-222-G standard. The tower structure is designed according to Structure Class II, Topographic Category 1 and a crest height of 0' per the TIA-222-G Standard. All construction practices will be in compliance with the current OSHA Handbook. The tower will be designed to collapse within the lot lines of the parcel. Signed copy on file CUP 03-13 Application Signed: ______________________________ STEPHEN GALLAGHER VP, Construction Date: ______________________________ 32 CUP 03-13 Application 33 CUP 03-13 Application 34 STATEMENT OF COLLOCATABLE STRUCTURES National Communication Towers, LLC has verified there are no other suitable structures within a 2 mile radius capable of meeting the service coverage objectives. The closest tower is 2.5 miles to the south and will not bridge the coverage gap of 5.4 miles to the ATC Tower to the northeast. Signed copy on file CUP 03-13 Application Signed: ______________________________ STEPHEN GALLAGHER VP, Construction Date: ______________________________ 35 STATEMENT OF WILLINGNESS TO ALLOW COLLOCATION National Communication Towers, LLC is a developer of communication facilities and is licensed to do business in the state of Virginia. An extensive amount of research is dedicated to each location to determine if there is a need for a communications facility in a given area. Once a need is established and a site is identified, NCT will start the design process for the facility. The facility will be designed for the maximum potential of collocations including both phone and data transmissions and will accommodate a minimum of six collocations. NCT will actively market and solicit collocations within the facility to all users that are licensed to broadcast cellular phone transmissions and both licensed and unlicensed data transmissions. Should an additional tower be needed the site will be designed to accommodate the construction of an additional structure. Signed copy on file CUP 03-13 Application Signed: ______________________________ STEPHEN GALLAGHER VP, Construction Date: ______________________________ 36 COLLOCATION AFFIDAVIT This Affidavit is to confirm the Ground Lease to be executed by and between National Communication Towers, LLC and Charles S. Watkins IV does not in any way prohibit or impede the collocation of users on the tower provided their equipment is within the design parameters of the tower. CUP 03-13 Application Signed copy on file Signed: ______________________________ STEPHEN GALLAGHER VP, Construction Date: ______________________________ 37 May 17, 2013 Aylett King William Co., VA 37-46-33.84N -77-7-16.5W National Communication Towers (NCT) is requesting a quote for a self support lattice tower with the following specifications: Height: 195’ Self Support Tower plus 4’ lightning rod Loading: Rad Ctr 195 185 175 165 155 145 Panel Antenna 96”x12”x12” 96”x12”x12” 72”x12”x8” 72”x12”x8” 72”x12”x8” 72”x12”x8” Qty 18 18 15 15 12 12 Coax 1-5/8” 1-5/8” 1-5/8” 1-5/8” 1-5/8” 1-5/8” Qty 18 18 15 15 12 12 Mounts Sabre Ultra Boom Sabre Ultra Boom Sabre Ultra Boom Sabre Ultra Boom Sabre Ultra Boom Sabre Ultra Boom Safety Climb Step Bolts Designed to collapse within 125’ X 125’ lease area Revision G for structural analysis, King William County, VA Certified foundation design, tower drawings and engineer’s letter to be provided Delivery to: Commins Road, Aylett, VA 23009 Should you have any questions please call feel free to contact me. Regards, Stephen Gallagher Vice President of Construction National Communications Towers, LLC CUP 03-13 Application 38 CUP 03-13 Application 39 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Pending Approval by the B.O.S. Months 1-3: Complete tenant lease Months 4-10: Complete Due Diligence items Months 11-14: Site Plan Approval and Building Permit Months 15- 16: Grade site, dig foundation, install ground ring, pour mud matt, lay out tower centroid, place rebar, tie foundation steel, set anchor bolts, Install grounding, verify steel and anchor bolts, pour foundation, backfill foundation, finish grade site, complete grounding, install compound stone and set H-frame Month 17: Stack tower, install security fence Month 18: Tenant to start collocation CUP 03-13 Application Signed copy on file Signed: ______________________________ STEPHEN GALLAGHER VP, Construction Date: ______________________________ 40 NCT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION STATEMENT In order to ensure compliance with all King William County Zoning Regulations, National Communication Towers, LLC will provide any other information or documentation requested by County Officials with regards to this Conditional Use Request. CUP 03-13 Application Signed copy on file Signed: ______________________________ STEPHEN GALLAGHER VP, Construction Date: ______________________________ 41 CUP 03-13 Application 42 CUP 03-13 Application 43 CUP 03-13 Application 44 CUP 03-13 Application 45 CUP 03-13 Application 46 CUP 03-13 Application 47 CUP 03-13 Application 48 CUP 03-13 Application 49 CUP 03-13 Application 50 CUP 03-13 Application 51 May 30th, 2013 Mr. Elliott M. Harrigan National Communication Towers, LLC 5318 Patterson Ave, Suite C Richmond, VA 23226 RE: Letter of Intent Aylett Tower Site King William County, VA Mr Harrigan – As previously discussed Verizon Wireless (“Verizon”) is expanding its wireless telecommunications network in Virginia. Verizon engineers have reviewed and approved your proposed tower site at Aylett, King William County, Virginia. As you know we are in final negotiations on the lease. Once completed, we hope to attach to the proposed tower to be located: Coordinates: N37 46’ 33.84” / W77 07’ 16.5” Best, Sean M. Bamman Real Estate Consultant – Verizon Wireless Please be advised that this is not contractually binding on the parties. This letter is only an expression of the basic terms and conditions to be incorporated in a formal written agreement. The parties shall not be contractually bound unless and until they execute a formal lease, which must be in the form and content satisfactory to each party in its sole discretion. Neither party may rely on this letter as creating any legal obligation of any kind. CUP 03-13 Application 52 Aerial Map of Photo LocaƟons 53 CUP 03-13 Application BALLOON BEHIND TREE CANOPY Location: 223 Newman Drive. Looking North ~0.23 Miles (1,200 Feet) PHOTO 1: BALLOON FLIGHT NCT 54 CUP 03-13 Application BALLOON FLIGHT CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Ayle Balloon Flight June 20, 2013 The balloon was launched at 7:47AM Mostly clear, few clouds, 65F, wind 0‐3mph County representa ves Bret Schardein, Herb White, John Breeden and Tara Roan arrived onside at 8:53AM. Bret Schardein, Herb White, John Breeden and Tara Roan examined the travel corridors around the site with NCT representa ve Stephen Gallagher. The balloon was not visible at any loca on except one loca on on Newman road where it was barely visible behind the tree canopy and one spot at the entrance to the site behind the tree canopy. Chip Watkins arrived onsite at 10:30AM Carlyle Clements arrived onsite at 10:57AM . Signed: ______________________________ ______________________________ STEPHEN GALLAGHER VP, Construc on The balloon was taken down at 12PM, 75F clear, few clouds, winds 0‐8MPH. Date: PUBLIC NOTICE BALLOON FLIGHT FOR PROPOSED TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER KING WILLIAM COUNTY, VA NationalCommunicationTowers,LLC ofRichmond,VAwillbeconductinga balloon lightforaproposed195’tall wirelesscommunicationstowertobe locatedonparcel22‐10adjoiningRt. 606,ComminsRoad,KingWilliam County,VA.Theballoon lightwill takeplaceonMonday,June17,2013 from8:00a.m.to12:00p.m.approxi‐ mately1,000feeteastoftheentrance offofComminsRoad.Theentranceto theparcelislocatedapproximately 1.15milestothenorthoftheinter‐ sectionofRt.606andRt.611.Inter‐ estedpartiesmaystopbyandask questionsattheirconvenience. Shouldinclementweatheroccur,the alternativedatefor lyingtheballoon willbeTuesday,June18,2013from 8:00a.m.to12:00p.m.However, shouldinclementweatheroccuron thisalternativedate,thesecondalter‐ nativedatefor lyingtheballoonwill beThursday,June20,2013from8:00 a.m.to12:00p.m. 55 CUP 03-13 Application NCT STATEMENT OF VISUAL IMPACT The proposed telecommunications facility will be located approximately 2,900 feet northwest of Rt. 360, approximately 980 feet southeast of Commins Road, and approximately 1,150’ northeast of Newman Drive. The portion of the parcel abutting Commins Road is bounded by a tree buffer and the tower site lies approximately 980’ to the southeast making the visibility of the fenced compound unobservable from the road. Rt. 360 is 2,900’ to the southeast and the existing tree cover will make the compound unobservable from that corridor, also the tower will not be seen from that corridor. The fenced compound and proposed equipment buildings will not be visible from the roadways or existing homes located on the adjoining parcels. It is our opinion screening plants will serve no purpose in screening the facility as it will not be visible from exiting roadways and homes due to topography and the existing tree cover of the adjoining parcels. Signed copy on file CUP 03-13 Application Signed: ______________________________ STEPHEN GALLAGHER VP, Construction Date: ______________________________ 56 Conditions for CUP 03-13 1) All ground equipment including but not limited to fencing, pads, buildings or electrical equipment shall be fully screened from view from adjacent properties, either by existing trees or vegetation, or by new plantings. 2) The tower shall be limited to a maximum total height of 199 feet including any lightning rods, antennas or accessory equipment. 3) If the tower is abandoned or unused for communication purposes for a period exceeding two years, the tower and any accessory structures shall be removed at the County’s request from the property within 90 days at the cost of the owner. 4) NCT LLC shall provide on a reserved basis and at no cost or expense to the County or its political subdivisions (collectively, the “County”) space on the tower to the County of not less than 10 feet in radial direction and at a height of at least 80 feet above ground level for the installation by the County, at the County’s sole cost and expense, for communications equipment and antennas. NCT shall also make space available for ground equipment supporting such County tower use. NCT shall be able to install its own or third-party antennas and/or equipment located on the same height and/or platform pass through County space, perform construction and/or take other action as may be necessary or incidental to NCT’s ownership or operation of the tower. Such County use shall be consistent with Federal Communications Commission licenses for wireless telecommunications service and be operated in a lawful and proper manner, in accordance with good engineering practices and be compliant with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, relating to such operation and use. 5) This conditional use permit shall allow for construction work commenced on or before (insert date 36 months from the effective date of the conditional use permit), and any such activities which expand the height or the footprint of the tower commenced thereafter shall require a new or amended conditional use permit. 6) This permit shall not become effective until a removal bond in the amount of $25,000 has been approved by the County Attorney, executed, and filed with the Zoning Administrator. 7) The radius width shall be limited to three (3) feet for any dish placed on the tower. Antennae placed on the tower shall not extend beyond four (4) feet above the one hundred ninety-five (195) foot tower height. CUP 03-13 conditions 57