Through a Scanner Darkly Adventures in the land of the spooks
Through a Scanner Darkly Adventures in the land of the spooks
Jeremy W. Crampton University of Kentucky The surveillant state The military-intelligence complex 17 intelligence agencies $75B per year (US) Part of ~$1T a year, national security expenditures 1.4m Americans with “Top Secret” clearances, 4.8m total with security clearances ~200,000 core personnel in IC DC: District of Contracting… How it began: Arthur Robinson and America’s first spy agency The “ATCOROB Device” Geographical intelligence today OSS—CIA (1947) —State Department: INR, Office of the Geographer and Global Issues DMA+NPIC—NIMA—NGA (2004) Geographical intelligence—GEOINT NRO (1961, existence declassified 1992) Contractors! Defense contracting Social media as geographical intelligence for the citizen Social media as geographical intelligence #lexingtonpolicescanner • Using the UK New Maps Collaboratory “DOLLY” tool, we found 15,590 tweets with hashtag #lexingtonpolicescanner • Getting beyond the problem of “Haklay outliers” • 34% geocodable by user profile information • Only 0.2% of tweets geocodable by tweet location Five ways to go “beyond the geotag” 1. Beyond the x,y 2. Beyond the here and now 3. Social networks 4. Beyond the human 5. Beyond the user-generated 1. Beyond the x,y Map of #lexingtonpolicescanner tweets 2. Beyond the here and now 11:50:49PM, April 2, 2012 Retweeted at regional and national scale An event is not just local—not just at the geotag location. 3. Beyond the local: networks 4. Beyond the human Trend spam, bots “Yay, got my iPhone4 delivered and its free! Cant believe it, see if you can get one 2 #LexingtonPoliceScanner” Floating Sheep: Map of Racist Tweets following Obama’s Re-election DIY data collection Questions? [email protected]