"מ בע )1980 ( רוטקס 2010 דוח תקופתי לשנת
"מ בע )1980 ( רוטקס 2010 דוח תקופתי לשנת
רוטקס ) (1980בע"מ דוח תקופתי לשנת 2010 נספח א' – חוות הדעת השמאית Cluj-Napoca: Str. Nicolae Cristea Nr. 25, 400184, Tel/Fax: 0264 438.03.33 Bucureşti: Str. Radu Vodă, Nr. 17, et. 2, 040273, Tel/Fax: 021 312.27.86 [email protected]; www.darian.ro DRS / DCM 1942/ 28.02.2011 For the managers of: S.C. ADESGO SA 220 Calea Serban Voda, District 4, Bucharest Dear Sirs, We refer to our valuation opinion in connection with the land plot located in Bucharest, 220 Calea Serban Voda, District 4, with cadastral no. 128, dated December 08, 2010 and registered with reg. no. DRS 12168/08.12.2010 addressed to the managers of SC ADESGO S.A. At that time, following your request, we have analysed the plot of urban (intravilan) land having an area of 13,726 sq m located in Bucharest, 220 Calea Serban Voda, District 4, registered with the land register book with cadastral no. 128, property of SC ADESGO S.A. at the valuation date December 08, 2010 for the financial reporting of the client. The estimation has been made during December 2010. Thus, in our opinion, taking into account the purpose of this valuation, the market value of the real estate property “land under constructions of 13,726 sqm” situated within the built up area of Bucharest, valued under the assumption that it is vacant of constructions, as at the valuation date (08.12.2010) is of: Eur/sq m 1,064 Total value estimate 14,606,000 eur The value is valid under the conditions and assumptions presented in this opinion (see the valuation opinion). According to our market analysis and specific analysis regarding the subject property (land offer prices in the area) we consider that the assumptions and conditions assumed as at 08.12.2010 are still valid as at 28.02.2011. We assume that these conditions have not changed since 08.12.2010 and so the total value of the property as at 28.02.2011 is in order of 14,606,000 eur. SC ADESGO SA can use the present letter in the financial statements. We confirm that DARIAN DRS SA, have given their consent to the inclusion of the full contents of the present letter in the financial statements of Argaman Indusries Ltd and /or Rotex (1980) Ltd. Yours faithfully, Adrian CRIVII Manager DARIAN DRS SA Darian DRS S.A. Nr. Registrul Comerţului: J12/595/1991 | Cod unic de înregistrare: RO201020 Cod IBAN: RO24 BACX 0000 0001 3929 6250| Banca UNICREDIT TIRIAC BANK | Capital social 150.000 RON 1/1 Cluj-Napoca: Str. Nicolae Cristea Nr. 25, 400184, Tel/Fax: 0264 438.03.33 Bucureşti: Str. Radu Vodă, Nr. 17, et. 2, 040273, Tel/Fax: 021 312.27.86 [email protected]; www.darian.ro No. 12168/08.12.2010 SUMMARY OF THE VALUATION REPORT Land under constructions of S.C. ADESGO S.A. located in Bucharest, 220 Calea Serban Voda, District 4 with an area of 13,726 mp (cadastral number 128) All data and information contained in this material are confidential and will not be disclosed or copied, partially or totally, without the prior written consent and approval of S.C. DARIAN DRS S.A. and the client S.C ADESGO S.A – the client and the consignee. - december 2010 Darian DRS S.A. Nr. Registrul Comerţului: J12/595/1991 | Cod unic de înregistrare: RO201020 Cod IBAN: RO24 BACX 0000 0001 3929 6250| Banca BANCA ROMANEASCA | Capital social 150.000 RON Report for estimating the market value of the land of 13.726 sqm located in 220 Calea Serban Voda, property of SC ADESGO SA SUMMARY OF THE VALUATION The present report refers to the real estate property “land under constructions of 13,726 sqm” situated within the built up area of Bucharest, valued under the assumption that it is vacant of constructions, located in 220 Calea Serban Voda, District 4. It has been valued the integral property title considered free, valid and marketable and no mortgages or other charges are known, which might tax the possibility of transferability of the appraised property as certified in the Property Title series M03 no 0259 with the reference material of land ownership certification registered under no 342/16.02.1993, land register book no. 245/20.07.1999 released by Law Court Jurisdiction Area 4, Bucharest. The property is registered with the cadastral number 128. The purpose of valuation is to estimate the market value of the real estate property according to the International Valuation Standards: IVS 1 – Market Value Basis of Valuation IVA 1 - Valuation for Financial Reporting IVS 3 - Valuation Reporting GN1 - Valuation of Real Property The appraised property is a plot of land under industrial constructions, located in a semicentral area of the city – Tineretului area - with direct access from Serban Voda st. On the site there are erected industrial and administrative buildings on reinforced concrete frames structure with mainsonery, metallic industrial warehouses (annexes) and underground constructions (tanks and reservoirs). The administrative building (office) is a G+4F type of construction with a medium level of finishings. The built area of the buildings is 20,850 sqm according to the cadastral documentation. The property benefits of all utilities. The total area of land is 13,726 sqm. The site has a irregular shape with an app. 100 m frontage to the Serban Voda. The occupancy rate of the land is rather high at the present moment (app. 60%). The area where the land is located is mostly residential with houses/villas or buildings G+1-2-3 F and blocks of flats G+4-10F. Also there are commercial buildings and public institutions (hospitals) in the area. DARIAN DRS SA Pagina 2/9 Report for estimating the market value of the land of 13.726 sqm located in 220 Calea Serban Voda, property of SC ADESGO SA The property inspection has been performed on the 12th of November 2008 by the valuer accompanied by the owner’s reprezentative who helped to identify the plot. According to the General Urban Plan the area where the land is located is considered subzone M3- mixt area situated outside protected area outside of protected zone with G+4F buildings. For the subzone M3 is also recommended a POT of 60% having the possibility of 75% covering the rest of the plot with maximum 2 levels buildings and a CUT of maximum 2.5 Real-estate market overview. The beginning of 2010 is not the best of times for the Romanian real estate market. Its current condition can be best described by the word “stagnation” – a period when everyone wants to sell and nobody wants to buy. According to some experts, however, the market is not far from collapse in several segments; it is extremely complicated to find tenants for many real estate projects and property developers were obviously too happy and optimistic. Even though the sellers dictated the prices and conditions between 2002 and 2008, it is the buyers who are at the helm now. And they are not willing to accept unrealistic prices, especially at a time when the whole market is evidently declining. As an outcome, the supply does not meet the demand almost at all. The price for lands can be influenced also by the motivation of the developers to build real estate products, and this motivation is directly influenced by the demand of the market. In determining the market value of the subject property the valuer has applied the comparison approach.1 By applying this valuation approach and taking into consideration the exclusive stipulations of this report2, the estimated market value of the property as vacant land at December 08, 2010, is: 14,606,000 EUR The reasons that the valuer opinion is based on and the considerations of the value are as follows: ⇒ The value was estimated taking into consideration exclusively the hypothesis (assumptions), the limiting conditions and assessments presented in this report; ⇒ The estimated value is valid only for the plot of land considered buildable; it is considered that the development will be made according to the existing general urban plan, and the development of the immediate vicinities will not influence the utility of the subject property; ⇒ The value in this currency is valid so far as the conditions at the time of appraisal (the situation of the real estate market, level of demand and supply, inflation, and evolution of exchange rate) do not significantly change. On the market the values might have an upward or downward evolution in time and this variation depending upon currency exchange rate is not necessarily linear; ⇒ The value is a prediction; ⇒ The value does not take into consideration the environmental responsibilities; ⇒ The value is subjective; ⇒ The valuation is an opinion of a value; The report was drawn up on the basis of the international standards IVS 2007, recommendations, and methodology of ANEVAR (The National Association of Romanian Valuers). Yours sincerely, Adrian CRIVII Manager DARIAN DRS SA 1 2 See Annex no 1 See Annex no 2 DARIAN DRS SA Pagina 3/9 Report for estimating the market value of the land of 13.726 sqm located in 220 Calea Serban Voda, property of SC ADESGO SA Annex no. 1 In what follows is an extract from existing offers on market: Date novembe r 2010 Location Vacaresti Reper: Calea Vacaresti septembe r 2010 Pridvorului septembe r 2010 Parcul Carol, Constantin Istrati october 2010 Timpuri Noi Reper: Nerva Traian - Logofat Tautu - I Minulescu Area (sqm) 2,050 15,000 40,000 7,938 novembe r 2010 Timpuri Noi Reper: Nerva Traian septembe r 2010 Tineretului Reper: Calea Vacarestilor april 2010 Tineretului Reper: Parc Tineretului 3,600 septembe r 2010 Tineretului 10,170 novembe r 2010 Parcului Tineretului si a Parcului Carol DARIAN DRS SA 7,400 13,000 5,500 Frontage (sq m) 50 100 500 100 100 200 Description Terenuri cu suprafete de 1000mp(d=24ml), 2000mp(d=50ml), 5000mp(70ml) situate pe Calea Vacaresti, cu deschidere chiar la bulevard. PUZ-ul ofera indicatori urbanistici foarte buni: POT 80%, CUT 7, fiind astfel posibila constructia unor imobile foarte mari (gen complex Asmita din apropiere). Pretabil: hypermarket, complex locuinte, centru de afaceri etc Vanzare teren localizat in zona Parcului Tineretului, Str. Pridvorului, 15000 mp, D= 100 m. Momentan are CUT 3.0 iar proprietarul se obliga sa obtina 3.8. Este ideal pentru rezidenta. POT 70%, Hmax S+P+10 Vanzare teren localizat langa Parcul Carol, pe Strada Constantin Istrati, 40000 mp, D= 500 m. Terenul este ideal pentru dezvoltarea unui complex rezidential sau de birouri. Pentru marirea parametrilor urbanistici este necesara realizarea unui PUZ. Partial ocupat de constructii pe teren este o hala metalica cu panouri; forma neregulata Se vinde un teren de 7400mp pozitionat in zona Nerva Traian Timpuri Noi, cu dubla deschidere, utilitatile prezente.In certificatul de urbanism, regimul de inaltime este de P+18.In prezent pe teren exista o constructie usoara, cu destinatie spatiu comercial. destinatii: rezidenta, centru de afaceri, comercial, hotel, loc de agrement, benzinarie Teren 13000 mp, zona urbanistica M2, zona construibila cladiri cu accente inalte, ideal ansamblu de locuinte, datorita pozitionarii langa parcul Tineretului. Se poate construi P+10,, estimare suprafata construibila 60.000mp. Conditionare PUD/PUZ. Price eur/sqm 1,000 http://www.imopedia.ro/ anunt/teren-inbucuresti-vacaresti628RUN1203.html 1,300 http://www.profimob.ro/ Detalii/Vanzare-terenParcul-Tineretului-Strada-Pridvorului/ 1,400 http://www.profimob.ro/ Detalii/Vanzare-terenParcul-Carol-Constantin-Istrati/ 1,450 http://www.imopedia.ro/ anunt/teren-inbucuresti-timpuri-noi173RUN54357.html 1,600 http://www.imopedia.ro/ anunt/teren-inbucuresti-timpuri-noi1282RUN1129.html 1,600 http://www.imopedia.ro/ anunt/teren-inbucuresti-tineretului100RUN20764.html 57 st=7500mp, deschidere =57ml; 3600mp+3900mp, FORMA NEREGULATA 1,700 51 Teren in suprafata de 10170 mp avand deschidere de 51 ml .Terenul este ideal pentru investitie avand certificat de urbanism P+14. destinatii: rezidenta 1,850 - Compania Neoland va propune spre achizitie un teren cu suprafata de 5500 mp in imediata apropiere a Parcului Tineretului si a Parcului Carol. Pe terenul in cauza a fost aprobat un PUZ , coeficientii urbanistici fiind : POT 50 %, CUT 3.5, Hmax 62 m , Rhax P + 16. Pe terenul in cauza s-a facut un proiect pentru construirea unui complex mixt format din birouri si rezidential. Proiectul este desfasurat pe o suprafata de 19 000 mp, 16 000 mp fiind proiectati pentru birouri si 3 000 mp pentru locuinte.Proiectul beneficieaza de trei etaje subterane.Terenul este printre singurele de acest gen :amplasat in imediata apropiere a parcului Tineretului si in imediata apropiere a Parcului Carol. Terenul beneficieaza de acces foarte usor spre centrul orasului si spre mijloacele de transport. Ideal dezvoltare complex mixt : rezidential si office. Information source 2,000 http://www.imopedia.ro/ anunt/teren-inbucuresti-tineretului173RUN25617.html http://www.imopedia.ro/ anunt/teren-inbucuresti-tineretului100RUN22225.html http://www.neolandinve st.ro/ro/oferte_imobiliar e/oferte_romniceanu/4 577/7/tineretului-terenintravilan.html Pagina 4/9 Report for estimating the market value of the land of 13.726 sqm located in 220 Calea Serban Voda, property of SC ADESGO SA Elements of comparison Nr crt. 0 1 2 3 4 Type of comparable property titles transmitted financing conditions Sale conditions market conditions location Subject property no restrictions normal normal present Serban Voda - Tineretului Park A offer no restrictions similar normal october 2010 Timpuri Noi Reper: Nerva Traian - Logofat Tautu - I Minulescu 5 6 physical characteristics area (sq m): 13,726 7,938 shape irregular shape with an app. irregular shape with 100 m frontage to the Serban an app. 100 m Voda frontage to Nerva Traian and another 2 streets frontage/acces 100 100 topoghraphy plane plane 7 utilities all utilities all utilities 8 zoning mixt mixt highest and best use subzone M3- mixt area mixt situated outside protected area outside of protected zone with G+4F buildings # POT of 60% # CUT of 9 maximum 2.5 total price(EURO) 11,510,100 unit price / sq m (EURO) 1,450 Comparable properties B offer no restrictions similar normal september 2010 Pridvorului 15,000 app. rectangular C offer no restrictions similar normal september 2010 Parcul Carol, Constantin Istrati 40,000 app. rectangular 100 plane all utilities residential residential possible G+10 500 plane all utilities mixt mixt 19,500,000 1,300 56,000,000 1,400 Market data grid for paired data: Elements of comparison 0 1 2 3 Identification date of valuation area (sq m) SALE PRICE (EUR) sale price (EUR/sq m) - element of comparison TYPE OF COMPARABLE type of the comparable property unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (Eur/sq m) PROPERTY RIGHTS property rights transmitted unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (Eur/sq m) FINANCING RESTRICTIONS financing restrictions unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (Eur/sq m) SALE CONDITIONS sale conditions unit or % adjustment total adjustment DARIAN DRS SA Subject Property Comparable B Comparable C Pridvorului Parcul Carol, Constantin Istrati september 2010 15,000 19,500,000 september 2010 40,000 56,000,000 € 1,450.00 € 1,300.00 € 1,400.00 offer -20.0% -300.00 1,150.00 offer -20.0% -260.00 1,040.00 offer -20.0% -280.00 1,120.00 no restrictions no restrictions 0 € 0.00 € 1,150.00 no restrictions 0 € 0.00 € 1,040.00 no restrictions 0 € 0.00 € 1,120.00 normal similar similar similar € 0.00 € 1,150.00 € 0.00 € 1,040.00 € 0.00 € 1,120.00 normal normal normal € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 present 13,726 normal Comparable A Timpuri Noi Reper: Nerva Traian Logofat Tautu - I Minulescu october 2010 7,938 11,510,100 Pagina 5/9 Report for estimating the market value of the land of 13.726 sqm located in 220 Calea Serban Voda, property of SC ADESGO SA 4 5 6 a b c 7 8 9 adjusted price (Eur/sq m) MARKET CONDITIONS market conditions unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (Eur/sq m) LOCATION location unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (Eur/sq m) PHYSICAL FEATURES dimension unit or % adjustment total adjustment shape and frontage unit or % adjustment total adjustment topoghraphy unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (EUR/sq m) AVAILABLE UTILITIES utilities unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (EUR/sq m) ZONING zoning- the allowed use unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (EUR/sq m) HIGHEST AND BEST USE highest and best use unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (EUR/sq m) adjusted price (Eur/sq n) total neto adjustment total gross adjustment area (sq m) Opinion (Eur/sq m) Estimated value _Euro valuation date DARIAN DRS SA present Serban Voda Tineretului Park 13,726 irregular shape with an app. 100 m frontage to the Serban Voda 100 3.70 plane all utilities € 1,150.00 € 1,040.00 € 1,120.00 october 2010 0% € 0.00 € 1,150.00 september 2010 0% € 0.00 € 1,040.00 september 2010 0% € 0.00 € 1,120.00 Timpuri Noi Reper: Nerva Traian Logofat Tautu - I Minulescu 0% € 0.00 € 1,150.00 Pridvorului 10% € 104.00 € 1,144.00 Parcul Carol, Constantin Istrati 0% € 0.00 € 1,120.00 7,938 -5.0% -€ 58.00 irregular shape with an app. 100 m frontage to Nerva Traian and another 2 streets 100 0.79 0.0% € 0.00 plane 0.0% € 0.00 € 1,092.00 all utilities 0.0% € 0.00 € 1,092 mixt subzone M3- mixt area situated outside protected area outside of protected zone with G+4F buildings # POT of 60% # CUT of maximum 2.5 (absolute) (%) (absolute) (%) 13726 € 1,092 14,989,000 08.12.2010 15,000 40,000 0% € 0.00 5% € 56.00 app. rectangular 100 1.50 -5% -€ 57.20 plane 0% € 0.00 € 1,086.80 app. rectangular 500 0.16 -5% -€ 56.00 plane 0% € 0.00 € 1,120.00 all utilities 0.0% € 0.00 € 1,087 all utilities 0.0% € 0.00 € 1,120 mixt 0.0% € 0.00 € 1,092.00 residential 0.0% € 0.00 € 1,086.80 mixt 0.0% € 0.00 € 1,120.00 mixt 0.0% € 0.00 € 1,092.00 € 1,092 -€ 58.00 -5% € 58.00 5% residential possible G+10 0.0% € 0.00 € 1,086.80 € 1,087 € 46.80 5% € 161.20 16% mixt 0.0% € 0.00 € 1,120.00 € 1,120 € 0.00 0% € 112.00 10% Pagina 6/9 Report for estimating the market value of the land of 13.726 sqm located in 220 Calea Serban Voda, property of SC ADESGO SA Vland industrial constructions with armed concrete frame structure demolishing expenses for clearing the land of industrial constructions with armed concrete frame structure demolishing expenses Comparison value DARIAN DRS SA 13,726 19,170 20 383,000 14,606,000 1,064 eur sqm eur/built sqm eur eur eur/sq m Pagina 7/9 Report for estimating the market value of the land of 13.726 sqm located in 220 Calea Serban Voda, property of SC ADESGO SA Annex no. 2 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS The basis of this valuation consists in a range of hypothesis and limiting conditions presented below. The valuer opinion is expressed in concordance with both hypotheses and conclusions and the other assessments part of this report. The main assumptions and limiting conditions, which were considered in this report, are presented below: Assumptions: ⇒ At the client request we valued the real estate property “land under constructions of 13,726sqm” under the assumption that the land will be cleared and will become and be sold as vacant land. ⇒ The client did not put at valuer’s disposal the following documents: land register excerpt, authorizations for building, a complete cadastral documentation of property, urbanism certificate. It is assumed that the vacant land could be developed in compliance with General Urban Plan’s stipulations (PUG) for at least G+4F building without any urbanism restrictions. ⇒ The legal aspects are exclusively based upon the information and the data from the documents provided by the client. The information is presented without any prior certification or additional investigations. It is assumed the property title is valid legal and marketable, unless otherwise specified. The appraiser did not know about the possible disputes (at law) concerning the property title of the appraised property. ⇒ It is assumed that the property is in compliance with all environmental local and national regulations (regarding zoning and utilisation regulations) unless the lack of compliance is stated, described and considered in this environmental conformation plan; ⇒ There were no inspections regarding the possible presence of contamination of the land of vicinity areas. We did not carry out an analysis of buildings and did not investigate those parts that were covered, not exposed or inaccessible. ⇒ The valuer has read up on the real estate property, has analyzed the property (description, photographs, etc.) ⇒ From the existing information and provided by the client there are no clues regarding the existence of any chemical or natural contamination, which would affect the value of the analysed property. It is also assumed that there are no hidden or unexposed aspects concerning the site, the soil or the structure that could influence the estimated value; ⇒ The present situation of the property and the purpose of the present appraisal were the basis in selecting and applying the valuation method, so that the resulted values will lead to the most probable estimate of the value, considering the selected value type ⇒ All information regarding the areas was extracted from the documents put at our disposal by the client, and all documents are attached in copy to the present report. ⇒ The information supplied by third parties is considered to be reliable but is given no accuracy guarantee; ⇒ the appraiser considers that the assumptions made in applying the evaluation methods were reasonable with the regard of available data at the time; ⇒ The valuation report is performed on the basis of the contract closed between the valuer and the client. The report is a standardized valuation report such agreed with the addressee. ⇒ Considering the ANEVAR statute and the ethical code of the valuation profession, the appraiser does not assume any responsibility but in front of the clients and the addressees of the report. ⇒ The current situation of the property and the purpose of the present valuation lain at the basis of selection of valuation approaches used in this report and of applying method, so that the resulted values to lead to the most probable estimate of the property value under the conditions of the selected type of value; ⇒ When estimating the value the appraiser used only information available at disposal at the time of drawing the report and it is possible that there were other information unknown to the appraiser. DARIAN DRS SA Pagina 8/9 Report for estimating the market value of the land of 13.726 sqm located in 220 Calea Serban Voda, property of SC ADESGO SA Limiting conditions: ⇒ obtaining one copy of this appraisal report does not imply also publication rights; ⇒ The real estate property subject of the valuation is considered free of any charges, and it has been valued under this assumption; ⇒ the appraiser is not forced to offer further counselling or to testify in court regarding the object of the report, unless prior agreements have been signed with the client; ⇒ Nor the present report ,nor parts of it (especially the conclusions regarding the market value, the appraiser’s identity) must not be made public without the appraiser’s prior agreement; ⇒ Any value estimates provided in the report apply to the entire property and any proration or division of the total into fractional interests will invalidate the vale estimate, unless such proration or division of interests has been set forth in the report. ⇒ The value in “EUR”currency is valid so far as the conditions at the time of appraisal (the situation of the real estate market, level of demand and supply, inflation, and evolution of exchange rate) do not significantly change. On the market the values might have an upward or downward evolution in time and this variation depending upon currency exchange rate is not necessarily linear. DARIAN DRS SA Pagina 9/9 Cluj-Napoca: Str. Nicolae Cristea Nr. 25, 400184, Tel/Fax: 0264 438.03.33 Bucureşti: Str. Radu Vodă, Nr. 17, et. 2, 040273, Tel/Fax: 021 312.27.86 [email protected]; www.darian.ro DRS / DCM 1945/ 28.02.2011 For the managers of: S.C. ADESGO SA 220 Calea Serban Voda, District 4, Bucharest Dear Sirs, We refer to our valuation opinion in connection with the land plot located in Bucharest, 46 Imparatul Traian st, District 4, with cadastral no. 262, dated December 08, 2010 and registered with reg. no. DRS 12169/08.12.2010 addressed to the managers of SC ADESGO S.A. At that time, following your request, we have analysed the plot of urban (intravilan) land having an area of 3,006 sq m located in Bucharest, 46 Imparatul Traian st, District 4, registered with the land register book with cadastral no. 262, property of SC ADESGO S.A. at the valuation date December 08, 2010 for the financial reporting of the client. The estimation has been made during December 2010. Thus, in the our opinion, taking into account the purpose of this valuation, the market value of the real estate property “intravillan land considered vacant of 3,006 sqm” located in Bucharest, 46 Imparatul Traian st, District 4, as at the valuation date (08.12.2010) is of: Eur/sq m 418 Total value estimate 1,257,000 eur The value is valid under the conditions and assumptions presented in this opinion (see the valuation opinion). According to our market analysis and specific analysis regarding the subject property (land offer prices in the area) we consider that the assumptions and conditions assumed as at 08.12.2010 are still valid as at 28.02.2011. We assume that these conditions have not changed since 08.12.2010 and so the total value of the property as at 28.02.2011 is in order of 1,257,000 eur. SC ADESGO SA can use the present letter in the financial statements. We confirm that DARIAN DRS SA, have given their consent to the inclusion of the full contents of the present letter in the financial statements of Argaman Indusries Ltd and /or Rotex (1980) Ltd. Yours faithfully, Adrian CRIVII Manager DARIAN DRS SA Darian DRS S.A. Nr. Registrul Comerţului: J12/595/1991 | Cod unic de înregistrare: RO201020 Cod IBAN: RO24 BACX 0000 0001 3929 6250| Banca UNICREDIT TIRIAC BANK | Capital social 150.000 RON 1/1 Cluj-Napoca: Str. Nicolae Cristea Nr. 25, 400184, Tel/Fax: 0264 438.03.33 Bucureşti: Str. Radu Vodă, Nr. 17, et. 2, 040273, Tel/Fax: 021 312.27.86 [email protected]; www.darian.ro No. 12169/08.12.2010 SUMMARY OF THE VALUATION REPORT Intravillan land considered vacant of 3,006 sqm of S.C. ADESGO S.A. located in Bucharest, 46 Imparatul Traian st, District 4 (cadastral number 262) All data and information contained in this material are confidential and will not be disclosed or copied, partially or totally, without the prior written consent and approval of S.C. DARIAN DRS S.A. and the client S.C ADESGO S.A – the client and the consignee. - december 2010 Darian DRS S.A. Nr. Registrul Comerţului: J12/595/1991 | Cod unic de înregistrare: RO201020 Cod IBAN: RO24 BACX 0000 0001 3929 6250| Banca BANCA ROMANEASCA | Capital social 150.000 RON Report for estimating the market value of the land of 3,006 sqm located in 46 Imparatul Traian st, District 4, property of SC ADESGO SA SUMMARY OF THE VALUATION The present report refers to the real estate property “intravillan land considered vacant of 3,006 sqm” situated within the built up area of Bucharest, located in 46 Imparatul Traian st, District 4. It has been valued the integral property right of the real estate property considered free, valid and marketable being property of SC ADESGO SA according to Property Title series M03 no 0381 and Registration in land register book no. 5 6 8 /2 9 .0 7 .1 9 9 9 . According to the available documents no mortgages or charges are known, which might tax the possibility of transferability of the appraised property. A land register book excerpt was not available. The property is registered with the cadastral number 262. The purpose of valuation is to estimate the market value of the real estate property according to the International Valuation Standards: IVS 1 – Market Value Basis of Valuation IVA 1 - Valuation for Financial Reporting IVS 3 - Valuation Reporting GN1 - Valuation of Real Property The appraised property is a plot of intravillan land, located in the south side of Bucharest – Brancoveanu area - with direct access from Imparatul Traian st, Eroii Neamului st and Alpinesti st. DARIAN DRS S.A. Pagina 2/9 Report for estimating the market value of the land of 3,006 sqm located in 46 Imparatul Traian st, District 4, property of SC ADESGO SA Kindergarten The area where the land is located is mostly residential with G+1-2-3 F houses/villas and blocks of flats G+10F. According to property deeds and cadastral documentation the total area of land is 4,495 sqm. On the site there are erected two buildings: a G+1F residential building of 140 built sqm, identified as “Guests House” and a G building of 668 built sqm, identified as “Kindergarten”. The both buildings are erected on reinforced concrete frames structure with mainsonery. The property benefits of all utilities. According to the information given by the owner’s representative, the “Kindergarten” building does not belong to SC ADESGO SA (only the building). We did not have documents at our disposal about this issue. We consider that the client has an integral property right over this plot of land (land under kindergarten). According to the civil sentence no. 77A/2009 the client is legally obliged to surrender a plot of land of 1,488.9 sqm (from the entire plot of land of 4,495 sqm). Therefore, at the request of client , we valued the plot of land of 3,006.1 sqm, resulting from the total area of 4,495 sqm descreased with 1,488.9 sqm. The land has been valued under the assumption that is vacant of constructions. The plot of land - subject of the present valuation - has 3,006.1 sqm and a rectangular shape with frontages to three streets. According to the General Urbanc Plan the area where the land is located is considered subzone M2- mixt area situated outside protected area with maximum G+14F buildings. For the subzone M2 is also recommended a POT of 70% having the possibility of 75% covering the rest of the plot with maximum 2 levels buildings and a CUT of maximum 3. The property inspection has been performed on the 12th of November 2008 by the valuer accompanied by the owner’s reprezentative who helped to identify the plot. DARIAN DRS S.A. Pagina 3/9 Report for estimating the market value of the land of 3,006 sqm located in 46 Imparatul Traian st, District 4, property of SC ADESGO SA Real-estate market overview. The beginning of 2010 is not the best of times for the Romanian real estate market. Its current condition can be best described by the word “stagnation” – a period when everyone wants to sell and nobody wants to buy. According to some experts, however, the market is not far from collapse in several segments; it is extremely complicated to find tenants for many real estate projects and property developers were obviously too happy and optimistic. Even though the sellers dictated the prices and conditions between 2002 and 2008, it is the buyers who are at the helm now. And they are not willing to accept unrealistic prices, especially at a time when the whole market is evidently declining. As an outcome, the supply does not meet the demand almost at all. The price for lands can be influenced also by the motivation of the developers to build real estate products, and this motivation is directly influenced by the demand of the market. In determining the market value of the subject property the valuer has applied the sales comparison approach1. By applying this valuation approach and taking into consideration the exclusive stipulations2 of this report, the estimated market value of the property as vacant land at December 08, 2010, is: 1,257,000 EUR The reasons that the valuer opinion is based on and the considerations of the value are as follows: ⇒ The value was estimated taking into consideration exclusively the hypothesis (assumptions), the limiting conditions and assessments presented in this report3; ⇒ The estimated value is valid only for the plot of land considered buildable; it is considered that the development will be made according to the existing general urban plan, and the development of the immediate vicinities will not influence the utility of the subject property; ⇒ The value in this currency is valid so far as the conditions at the time of appraisal (the situation of the real estate market, level of demand and supply, inflation, and evolution of exchange rate) do not significantly change. On the market the values might have an upward or downward evolution in time and this variation depending upon currency exchange rate is not necessarily linear; ⇒ The value is a prediction; ⇒ The value does not take into consideration the environmental responsibilities; ⇒ The value is subjective; ⇒ The valuation is an opinion of a value; The report was drawn up on the basis of the international standards IVS 2007, recommendations, and methodology of ANEVAR (The National Association of Romanian Valuers). Yours sincerely, Adrian CRIVII Manager DARIAN DRS SA See Annex no. 1 See Annex no 2 3 See Annex no 2 1 2 DARIAN DRS S.A. Pagina 4/9 Report for estimating the market value of the land of 3,006 sqm located in 46 Imparatul Traian st, District 4, property of SC ADESGO SA Annex no. 1 In what follows is an extract from existing offers on market: Date Location november 2010 Brancoveanu Reper: Spitalul BUDIMEX october 2010 Brancoveanu Reper: Nitu Vasile Area (sqm) 890 2,164 november 2010 Brancoveanu 2,536 november 2010 Oltenitei Reper: Piata Sudului 4,970 Elements of comparison Nr crt. 0 1 2 3 4 Type of comparable property titles transmitted financing conditions Sale conditions market conditions location Frontage (sq m) 10 63 40 Zona linistita, curata si cu multa verdeata. Foarte multe vile noi in imediata vecinatate. Teren superb pentru constructie vila de lux. Fara probleme si la un pret foarte bun. Terenul este liber de constructii si are iesire la doua strazi. Se poate vinde si in doua loturi separate, unul dintre ele avand minimum 300 mp (vezi schita), caz in care fiecare lot are iesire proprie la strada de cca 20 m. Pretul in cazul vanzarii pe loturi este 420 Euro/ mp. forma: dreptunghiulara - vecinatati: constructii cu destinatie rezidentiala si comerciala; certificat de urbanism: Pot 20%, Cut 1.5, Ri 18ml; liber de constructii TERENUL SE VINDE CU PROIECT SI AUTORIZATIE DE CONSTRUIRE PENTRU 120 DE APARTAMENTE! # POT : 40 # CUT : 4 destinatii: rezidenta, centru de afaceri, comercial, hotel; # POT : 35 # CUT : 4 Subject property no restrictions normal normal present Oltenitei Brancoveanu 5 6 physical characteristics 3,006.10 area (sq m): shape rectangular shape with 3 openings frontage/acces 70 topoghraphy plane 7 utilities all utilities 8 zoning residential highest and best use A offer no restrictions similar normal october 2010 Brancoveanu Reper: Nitu Vasile deschidere total price(EURO) unit price / sq m (EURO) DARIAN DRS S.A. Information source 411 http://www.imopedia.ro/anunt/ teren-in-bucurestibrancoveanu522RUN1205.html 700 http://www.imopedia.ro/anunt/ teren-in-bucurestibrancoveanu871RUN6014.html 767 899 Comparable properties B offer no restrictions similar normal november 2010 Brancoveanu http://www.imopedia.ro/anunt/ teren-in-bucurestibrancoveanu174RUN9350.html http://www.imopedia.ro/anunt/ teren-in-bucuresti-oltenitei174RUN9573.html C offer no restrictions similar normal november 2010 Oltenitei Reper: Piata Sudului 4,970 app. rectangular 2,164 app. rectangular 2,536 app. rectangular 63 plane all utilities residential residential P+7 40 plane all utilities residential residential P+10 (building permit) 50 plane all utilities mixt mixt P+10 1,514,800 700 1,945,112 767 4,468,030 899 subzone M2- mixt area situated outside protected area outside of protected zone with max G+14F buildings # POT of 70% # CUT of maximum 3 9 Price eur/sqm Description Pagina 5/9 Report for estimating the market value of the land of 3,006 sqm located in 46 Imparatul Traian st, District 4, property of SC ADESGO SA Market data grid: Elements of comparison 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 a b c 7 8 Identification date of valuation area (sq m) SALE PRICE (EUR) sale price (EUR/sq m) - element of comparison TYPE OF COMPARABLE type of the comparable property unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (Eur/sq m) PROPERTY RIGHTS property rights transmitted unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (Eur/sq m) FINANCING RESTRICTIONS financing restrictions unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (Eur/sq m) SALE CONDITIONS sale conditions unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (Eur/sq m) MARKET CONDITIONS market conditions unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (Eur/sq m) LOCATION location unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (Eur/sq m) PHYSICAL FEATURES dimension unit or % adjustment total adjustment shape and frontage unit or % adjustment total adjustment topoghraphy unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (EUR/sq m) AVAILABLE UTILITIES utilities unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (EUR/sq m) ZONING zoning- the allowed use DARIAN DRS S.A. Subject Property Oltenitei Brancoveanu Comparable B Comparable C Brancoveanu Oltenitei Reper: Piata Sudului november 2010 2,536 1,945,112 november 2010 4,970 4,468,030 € 700.00 € 767.00 € 899.00 offer -25% -180.00 520.00 offer -25% -190.00 577.00 offer -25% -220.00 679.00 no restrictions no restrictions 0 € 0.00 € 520.00 no restrictions 0 € 0.00 € 577.00 no restrictions 0 € 0.00 € 679.00 normal similar similar similar € 0.00 € 520.00 € 0.00 € 577.00 € 0.00 € 679.00 normal normal normal € 0.00 € 520.00 € 0.00 € 577.00 € 0.00 € 679.00 october 2010 0% € 0.00 € 520.00 november 2010 0% € 0.00 € 577.00 november 2010 0% € 0.00 € 679.00 Brancoveanu Reper: Nitu Vasile deschidere -20% -€ 104.00 € 416.00 Brancoveanu 0% € 0.00 € 577.00 Oltenitei Reper: Piata Sudului -20% -€ 135.80 € 543.20 present 3,006 normal present Oltenitei Brancoveanu Comparable A Brancoveanu Reper: Nitu Vasile deschidere october 2010 2,164 1,514,800 3,006 rectangular shape with 3 openings 70 3.70 plane all utilities residential 2,164 2,536 4,970 0.0% € 0.00 0% € 0.00 0% € 0.00 app. rectangular 63 0.55 0.0% € 0.00 plane 0.0% € 0.00 € 416.00 app. rectangular 40 1.59 0% € 0.00 plane 0% € 0.00 € 577.00 app. rectangular 50 1.99 0% € 0.00 plane 0% € 0.00 € 543.20 all utilities 0.0% € 0.00 € 416 residential all utilities 0.0% € 0.00 € 577 residential all utilities 0.0% € 0.00 € 543 mixt Pagina 6/9 Report for estimating the market value of the land of 3,006 sqm located in 46 Imparatul Traian st, District 4, property of SC ADESGO SA 9 unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (EUR/sq m) HIGHEST AND BEST USE highest and best use unit or % adjustment total adjustment adjusted price (EUR/sq m) adjusted price (Eur/sq n) total neto adjustment total gross adjustment area (sq m) Opinion (Eur/sq m) Estimated value _Euro valuation date subzone M2- mixt area situated outside protected area outside of protected zone with max G+14F buildings # POT of 70% # CUT of maximum 3 (absolute) (%) (absolute) (%) 3006.10 € 420 1,263,000 08.12.2010 Vland guests house demolishing expenses for clearing the guests house construction demolishing expenses Comparison value DARIAN DRS S.A. 0.0% € 0.00 € 416.00 0.0% € 0.00 € 577.00 0.0% € 0.00 € 543.20 residential P+7 0.0% € 0.00 € 416.00 € 420 -€ 104.00 -20% € 104.00 20% residential P+10 (building permit) -25.0% -€ 144.25 € 432.75 € 430 -€ 144.25 -25% € 144.25 25% mixt P+10 -20.0% -€ 108.64 € 434.56 € 430 -€ 244.44 -36% € 244.44 36% 3,006 140 40 6,000 1,257,000 418 eur sqm eur/built sqm eur eur eur/sq m Pagina 7/9 Report for estimating the market value of the land of 3,006 sqm located in 46 Imparatul Traian st, District 4, property of SC ADESGO SA Annex no. 2 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS The basis of this valuation consists in a range of hypothesis and limiting conditions presented below. The valuer opinion is expressed in concordance with both hypotheses and conclusions and the other assessments part of this report. The main assumptions and limiting conditions, which were considered in this report, are presented below: Assumptions: ⇒ At the client request we valued the real estate property “intravillan land considered vacant of 3,006 sqm” under the assumption that the land will be cleared and will become and be sold as vacant land. ⇒ We consider that the client has an integral property right over the plot of land under kindergarten. ⇒ The client did not put at valuer’s disposal the following documents: land register excerpt, authorizations for building, a complete cadastral documentation of property, urbanism certificate. It is assumed that the vacant land (valuation subject) could be developed in compliance with General Urban Plan’s stipulations (PUG) for at least G+3F building without any urbanism restrictions. ⇒ The legal aspects are exclusively based upon the information and the data from the documents provided by the client. The information is presented without any prior certification or additional investigations. It is assumed the property title is valid legal and marketable, unless otherwise specified. The appraiser did not know about the possible disputes (at law) concerning the property title of the appraised property. ⇒ It is assumed that the property is in compliance with all environmental local and national regulations (regarding zoning and utilisation regulations) unless the lack of compliance is stated, described and considered in this environmental conformation plan; ⇒ There were no inspections regarding the possible presence of contamination of the land of vicinity areas. We did not carry out an analysis of buildings and did not investigate those parts that were covered, not exposed or inaccessible. ⇒ The valuer has read up on the real estate property, has analyzed the property (description, photographs, etc.) ⇒ From the existing information and provided by the client there are no clues regarding the existence of any chemical or natural contamination, which would affect the value of the analysed property. It is also assumed that there are no hidden or unexposed aspects concerning the site, the soil or the structure that could influence the estimated value; ⇒ The present situation of the property and the purpose of the present appraisal were the basis in selecting and applying the valuation method, so that the resulted values will lead to the most probable estimate of the value, considering the selected value type ⇒ All information regarding the areas was extracted from the documents put at our disposal by the client, and all documents are attached in copy to the present report. ⇒ The information supplied by third parties is considered to be reliable but is given no accuracy guarantee; ⇒ the appraiser considers that the assumptions made in applying the evaluation methods were reasonable with the regard of available data at the time; ⇒ The valuation report is performed on the basis of the contract closed between the valuer and the client. The report is a standardized valuation report such agreed with the addressee. ⇒ Considering the ANEVAR statute and the ethical code of the valuation profession, the appraiser does not assume any responsibility but in front of the clients and the addressees of the report. ⇒ The current situation of the property and the purpose of the present valuation lain at the basis of selection of valuation approaches used in this report and of applying method, so that the resulted values to lead to the most probable estimate of the property value under the conditions of the selected type of value; ⇒ When estimating the value the appraiser used only information available at disposal at the time of drawing the report and it is possible that there were other information unknown to the appraiser. DARIAN DRS S.A. Pagina 8/9 Report for estimating the market value of the land of 3,006 sqm located in 46 Imparatul Traian st, District 4, property of SC ADESGO SA Limiting conditions: ⇒ obtaining one copy of this appraisal report does not imply also publication rights; ⇒ The real estate property subject of the valuation is considered free of any charges, and it has been valued under this assumption; ⇒ the appraiser is not forced to offer further counselling or to testify in court regarding the object of the report, unless prior agreements have been signed with the client; ⇒ Nor the present report ,nor parts of it (especially the conclusions regarding the market value, the appraiser’s identity) must not be made public without the appraiser’s prior agreement; ⇒ Any value estimates provided in the report apply to the entire property (plot of land of 3,006 sqm) and any proration or division of the total into fractional interests will invalidate the vale estimate, unless such proration or division of interests has been set forth in the report. ⇒ The value in “EUR”currency is valid so far as the conditions at the time of appraisal (the situation of the real estate market, level of demand and supply, inflation, and evolution of exchange rate) do not significantly change. On the market the values might have an upward or downward evolution in time and this variation depending upon currency exchange rate is not necessarily linear. DARIAN DRS S.A. Pagina 9/9