000000250118 - Bundesamt für Energie BFE
000000250118 - Bundesamt für Energie BFE
DIS-Projekt Nr. : 47854 DIS-Vertrags Nr.: 87977 Verkehr/Batterien & Supercapacitors Im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Energie Schlussbericht Dezember 2005 Energieeffizienter Leicht-Scooter im Gewichtsbereich eines Mofa ausgearbeitet durch Andreas Fuchs Hochschule für Technik und Informatik Bern Quellgasse 21 2501 Biel VERTRAULICH SPERRFRIST bis 31. Dez. 2005 Energy-efficient Ultralightweight E-Scooter (ULS) Feasibility Study Berne University of Applied Sciences School of Engineering and Information Technology, HTI Biel/Bienne Andreas Fuchs, Bernhard Gerster, Andrea Vezzini For the Swiss Federal Agency of Energy 2004/05 1-1 Disclaimer Due to rapid developments in the global battery industry but also in the light electric vehicle industry some numbers loose their accuracy very fast. Especially the world market prices with which the authors worked and upon which conclusions were drawn may change rapidly. We therefore suggest that you contact the corresponding companies yourself to ask for the actual prices. For example the conclusion that an extremely performant ul scooter (ultralight scooter) is also economically feasible depends on the speed of the price decay of lithium polymer batteries. Dear reader, please keep this in mind when reading this report! Thank you! 1-2 Content Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Abstracts Foreword Low Energy Consumption and low CO2 Emissions by Ultralightweight Vehicles Available Lightweight e-Vehicles and e-Mobiles Market Analysis State of the Art of Electrically Powered TwoWheelers Technical Feasibility Components of Drive System Battery Management System Economical Feasibility Safety and Homologation Functional Requirements Ultralightweight Scooter Product Vision Further Industrialisation Contributions to the Marketing Annex 1-3 1 Abstracts Abstracts ..................................................................................................................... 1-4 1.1 Zusammenfassung ............................................................................................. 1-5 1.1.1 Aktuelle Situation ............................................................................................ 1-5 1.1.2 Potential.......................................................................................................... 1-5 1.1.3 Machbarkeit .................................................................................................... 1-6 1.1.4 Fazit ................................................................................................................ 1-7 1.1.5 Bedeutung der Resultate................................................................................. 1-7 1.1.6 Weiteres Vorgehen ......................................................................................... 1-7 1.2 Abstract .............................................................................................................. 1-8 1.2.1 State of the Market.......................................................................................... 1-8 1.2.2 Potential.......................................................................................................... 1-8 1.2.3 Feasibilty......................................................................................................... 1-9 1.2.4 Conclusion .................................................................................................... 1-10 1.2.5 Significance of the results ............................................................................. 1-10 1.2.6 Next Steps .................................................................................................... 1-10 1.3 Résumé ............................................................................................................ 1-11 1.3.1 Situation actuelle........................................................................................... 1-11 1.3.2 Potentiel........................................................................................................ 1-11 1.3.3 Faisabilité...................................................................................................... 1-12 1.3.4 Conclusion .................................................................................................... 1-13 1.3.5 Signification des résultats.............................................................................. 1-13 1.3.6 Prochaine étape............................................................................................ 1-13 2 Foreword..................................................................................................................... 2-1 1 1-4 (Abstract shorter than 2000 characters for electronic data bases: See Appendix) 1.1 Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Studie ist eine Machbarkeitsstudie in Bezug auf technische Machbarkeit und auf Design-Konzepte eines energie-effizienten, ultraleichten Scooter, insbesondere aber auch in Bezug auf oekonomische Machbarkeit. Denn diese steht vor einer Industriealisierung im Zentrum des Interesse potentieller Hersteller-Firmen. Andere als Batterie-gespeiste E-Antriebe sind auch studiert worden. BrennstoffzellenAntriebe sind jedoch als noch nicht reif taxiert worden. Hybrid-Antriebe sind denkbar, wären aber nicht billiger, vor allem aber technisch komplexer, als ein reiner Batterie-Antrieb. 1.1.1 Aktuelle Situation Auf dem Markt von leichten Elektrofahrzeugen für Jedermann (der Markt für Behindertenfahrzeuge wird hier nicht betrachtet) verkaufen sich einerseits billige „Spielzeuge“ wie Trottinets mit Elektroantrieb und Trottinet-ähnliche E-Roller oder andere Fun-Fahrzeuge, andererseits für Pendeln, Shopping, Ziehen von Kinderanhängern und Touring ernsthaft einsetzbare E-Bikes und Pedelecs. Diese Fahrzeuge sind nicht ganz billig, werden daher nicht an Jedermann verkauft, aber trotzdem gewinnen sie langsam an Verbreitung (gilt nicht für China: dort werden Millionen Stück von LEV verkauft!). Erstaunlich ist auf den ersten Blick dass trotz Roller Boom die „schweren Elektroroller“ wie der schon klassische Peugeot Scoot’elec sich schlecht verkaufen. Umso mehr als in Publikumstests die Fahrzeuge eigentlich positiv, als Benutzer-freundlich, eingestuft werden. Analysiert man jedoch Aufwand versus Nutzen heutiger, schwerer Elektroroller, so sieht man dass diese wesentlich mehr kosten als E-Bikes, aber nicht wesentlich schneller und weiter fahren, und erst noch kein leichtes, alltagstaugliches Fitnesstraining erlauben. Daher ist es auf den zweiten Blick verständlich dass der Boom nur bei den mit Verbrennungsmotor betriebenen Rollern stattgefunden hat. Gesucht sind energie-effiziente Fahrzeuge für Ganzjahreseinsatz, d.h. auch schlechtwettertaugliche Fahrzeuge. Der Benzin-betriebene C1 von BMW bietet teilweisen Wetterschutz, müsste aber, obschon gut fahrbar, im Handling wegen der hohen Schwerpunktlage, verbessert werden. 1.1.2 Potential Technisch ist es nun möglich geworden – die Studie zeigt wie – dass leistungsfähige, elektrische Roller nicht mehr so viel wiegen müssen wie ein Fahrzeug aus der Klasse des Peugeot Scoot’elec. Da zu hohes Gewicht ein Kaufhemmnis, vor allem auch für Frauen ist, liegt es nahe anzunehmen, dass ein ultraleichter E-Roller auf dem Markt besser aufgenommen würde als die schweren Elektroroller. 1-5 Forschungen von Fuchs und Kollegen aus der Liegerad-Szene zeigen, dass es möglich sein sollte, voll wettergeschützte Einspurfahrzeuge zu bauen mit akzeptablem Handling in Seitenwind. 1.1.3 Machbarkeit Es ist möglich, vor allem dank Fortschritten bei den Batterien, aber auch dank neuem Fahrzeugkonzept, das Gewicht von E-Rollern von über 100 kg auf weit unter 100 kg zu drücken. Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurde die bis anhin bestehende grösste technische Lücke, die fehlender Batterie-Management-Systeme für Lithium-Batterien von ein bis mehrere kWh Energieinhalt, durch Bau von Funktionsmustern und Prototypen geschlossen. Somit existieren grundsätzlich alle zum Bau von Prototypen ultraleichter Roller notwendigen Elemente wie Motor, Leistungselektronik und Batterie Management System. Für einen ultraleichten Roller benötigt man knapp 2 kWh Batterie-Kapazität. Es ist möglich, eine Fahrleistung von maximal 60 km/h Geschwindigkeit und gegen 60 km Reichweite mit einem Fahrzeug von 60 kg Gewicht (inkl. Batterien) zu erreichen (Faust-Formel „60/60/60“). Effektive Realisation eines ULS Prototypen könnte im Rahmen eines Nachfolgeprojektes geschehen. Ein solcher Roller hätte einen Energieverbrauch ab Batterie in der Grössenordnung von 2 bis 3 kWh/100km und Person bei rund 50 km/h Konstantfahrt (Ladeverluste nicht einberechnet). Die grössten, noch bestehenden Hindernisse sind oekonomischer Natur und liegen bei den Batterien und den Zusammenarbeits-Modellen der entsprechenden Industriefirmen. Einerseits werden Tempo der Verbreitung und der Preiserniedrigung der leistungsfähigsten Batterien wie der Lithium-Typen beispielsweise bestimmen, ob man heute oder „morgen“ mit dem Bau von zahlbaren, ultraleichten und daher Energie-effizienten E-Scootern beginnen kann. In Asien tauchen laufend neue Anbieter von Batterien auf, was Preiszerfall als recht wahrscheinlich erscheinen lässt. Die tiefsten Preise liegen in der Grössenordnung von rund 300 Euro pro Kilowattstunde, allerdings nur wenn rund 10'000 kWh Batteriekapazität bestellt wird (was einer Auflage von 5000 Rollern entsprechen würde). Wollte man nicht warten auf Konsolidierung des Marktes bei den Lithium Systemen so könnten heute auch auf der Basis von NiMH erste, brauchbare, ultraleichte E-Roller gebaut werden. Andererseits sind die Wertschöpfungsketten noch nicht optimal strukturiert. Noch müssten Fahrzeug-Hersteller passende Antriebe entwickeln lassen, da zwar die Komponenten als Prototypen existieren, es jedoch zu wenig Antriebs-System Anbieter gibt bei welchen Gesamtlösungen in mittleren Serien von ca. 1000 Stück zu attraktiven Preisen erhältlich sind. 1000 Stück wär etwa die Seriegrösse, die von einem heute existierenden Rollerhersteller mittlerer bis grosser Grösse in einem Jahr in Europa ohne extreme Anstrengungen verkauft werden könnte falls Produkt und Marketing gut sind (In Asien herscht eine ganz andere Entwicklungs-Dynamik des LEV Marktes: Dort relevante Serie-Grössen sind 10hoch 5 oder 10hoch 6 !) Ein Grund dafür oder eine Begleiterscheinung von, dass bei der momentanen Unreife des Marktes noch kein Anbieter wirklich attraktive Stückzahlen von Komponenten für leichte ERoller absetzen konnte, liegt auch in der fehlenden Standardisierung von Schnittstellen. Ob 1-6 sich für Fahrzeuge, welche leicht grösser sind als E-Bikes und Pedelec, 36V (PowerNet 42V) oder 48 V oder andere Bordspannungsniveau durchsetzen werden, ist unklar. Diejenigen Fahrzeughersteller, welche serielle Kommunikationsbus einsetzen, tun dies heute noch auf der Basis proprietärere Protokolle. Städte, Staaten oder Organisationen mit Interesse an umweltfreundlichen Kleinfahrzeugen könnten sich überlegen ob nicht im Rahmen entsprechender Projekte und Programme die Zusammenarbeit und Standardisierung gefördert werden könnte. Da es keine standardisierten Batteriepacks gibt sind die Fahrzeughersteller gezwungen die Batterien zu den Fahrzeugen mitzuliefern. Dies erhöht das geschäftlche Risiko dramatisch, müssen doch Batterien in grösseren Mengen gekauft werden. Bei Benzin-Rollern wär dies vergleichbar mit dem Kauf eines kleinen Tanks eines Tanklager durch den Fahrzeughersteller ! 1.1.4 Fazit Technisch ist ein energieeffizienter, ultraleichter E-Roller machbar. Modernste BatterieSysteme liefern die notwendige Energie und Leistung zu nun zahlbaren Preisen. Die oekonomische Machbarkeit eines Marktauftritt hängt von den Zusammenarbeitsmodellen von Fahrzeughersteller mit Batterielieferant und mit Antriebskomponenten-Lieferant ab, vor allem wenn der Fahrzeughersteller eine kleine oder mittelgrosse Firma. Das geschäftliche Risiko würde für alle Beteiligten viel kleiner wenn es standardisierte Schnittstellen bsp. zwischen Batterie und Fahrzeug gäbe. 1.1.5 Bedeutung der Resultate Die Studie zeigt auf, dass es nun technisch möglich ist und oekonomisch gerade möglich wird, elektrische Einspurfahrzeuge zu bauen die Fahrleistungen aufweisen wie sie vom anspruchsvollen Konsumenten verlangt werden. Solche ul-Scooter (ul: ultraleichte) werden die E-Roller auf der Basis von Chassis benzinbetriebener Roller verdrängen können wegen des grob halb so grossen Leergewicht. In China sind Elektromofa massenweise im Einsatz die über vergleichsweise bescheidene Fahrleistungen verfügen. 1.1.6 Weiteres Vorgehen Eine erste Firma ist kontaktiert worden und zeigte Interesse an den Resultaten der Studie. Weitere potentielle Herstellerfirmen könnten nun angesprochen werden. 1-7 (Abstract shorter than 2000 characters for electronic data bases: See Appendix) 1.2 Abstract This study deals with the technical feasibilty of an energy-efficient, ultralightweight scooter. Design concepts were an other topic; however the focus is on the economical feasibility, because this is key for an industrialisation of an ultralightweight scooter by one of the potential e-scooter producers. Not only battery driven vehicle concepts were studied, but also hybrid drive trains and fuel cells as energy sources. By this study, the fuel cells are not considered to be developed far enough to be feasible for an ultralightweight scooter. Hybrid scooters are considered to be feasible, are however not cheaper than purely battery driven vehicles and are technically more complex. 1.2.1 State of the Market On the light electric vehicle market – the market of vehicles for handicapped was not considered here - on one hand toys like small e-scooters are sold in masses. On the other hand vehicles that serve purposes like commuting, shopping, trailer-pulling or touring are sold not in hugest numbers, but in reasonable numbers in the form of e-bikes and pedelecs (in China, millions of e-bikes are sold per year). Considering the boom that has happened for the sales of gasoline scooters, it astonishes that nothing similar happened with “heavy electric scooters” like the already classical Peugeot Scoot’elec. Even more so since such vehicles receive mostly postive feedback by users since they are easy to operate. Comparing costs versus advantages of such heavy scooters however it is clear that they cost much more even though the range and speed are not much bigger than those of electric bicycles. In addition, e-bikes provide the advantage of light daily training for fitness. This may finally explain why the sales boom happened only in the field of gasoline fed scooters. Urgently searched for are energy-efficient vehicles for four-seasons-use, resp. that may also be used in rain and cold. The gas powered C1 by BMW provides partial weather protection to the rider. Even though the C1 is easy to ride its handling should be improved because the center of gravity is too high above ground. 1.2.2 Potential Technically it is now possible – the study shows how – that performant scooters do not necessarily have to be as heavy as the ones in the class of Peugeot Scoot’elec. Since too much weight is a hinderance to two-wheeler sales, especially for sales to women, it is reasonable to assume that the ultralightweight scooters would have more chances on the market than the heavy ones. 1-8 Research by Fuchs and collegues in the field of recumbent cycles and velomobiles indicated that it should be possible to build a fully faired and hence weather protected vehicle with aceptable handling in crosswinds. 1.2.3 Feasibilty Mainly due to advances in the field of batteries, but also thanks to new vehicle concepts, it is possible to lower the weight of electric scooter from well above 100 kg’s to much below. During this study working models and prototypes of battery management systems (bms) for up to several kWh battery capacity were built. This closed the biggest remaining gap between the actual state and a future state where ultralightweight scooter will be standard. Prototyping them is now possible since motor, power electronics and as stated, bms, exist. An ultralightweight scooter needs up to 2 kWh of battery-capacity. Up to max. 60 km/h speed and up to 60 km of range are possible with a vehicle weighing about 60 kg (incl. Batteries). This performance potential can be remembered by the simple rule „60/60/60“. Realisation of an UL Scooter prototype could happen within the frame of a next project. Such a scooter could have an energy expenditure of 2 to 3 kWh/100km and per passenger only at a constant speed of about 50km/h (charging losses not taken into account). The biggest obstacles that remain to be overcome are of economic nature: Battery prices and business models are key factors. The speed of spread of performant batteries like those with lithium and the corresponding decay of their prices determines the optimal time of bringing an uls (ultralightweight scooter) to market. At the moment in Asia more and more providers of such batteries appear. Therefore price decay is probable. The lowest price the was seen during the project is about 300 Euro per Kilowatt-Hour if an amount of 10'000 kWh capacity were bought (corresponding to 5000 scooters). If one does not want to wait for consolidation of the lithium battery market it would be possible to fall back to NiMH batteries in order to put ultralightweight e-scooters onto the market now. Still, in the LEV industry, value chains are far from being optimally structured. Too often vehicle manufacturers need to develop their own drive systems. All necessary components exist, but there are hardly any vendors of complete drive trains which are capable to deliver medium series of about 1000 drives at reasonable cost. 1000 pieces is about the lot size which could be sold by a scooter manufacturer in Europe within one year quite easily given that the product and the marketing are good (in Asia, the market is much more dynamical since typical lot sizes in the LEV industry are between 10 to 5 and 10 to 6 per year !). Missing standardisation is an other reason for the fact that up to now not really big lots of components for lightweight e-scooters were sold ever. It is for example not clear if 36V (PowerNet 42V) or 48 V or an other voltage level will establish as the standard for LEV that are slightly bigger than e-bikes or pedelecs. So far, if serial communication bus are used, the protocols are proprietary. 1-9 Cities, states or organisations with interest in environmentally friendly small vehicles could promote collaboration between industry companies with the hope to establish standard and procedures. Since no standardized battery packs exist vehicle producers are forced to deal themselves with batteries. This increases the economical risks since batteries have to be bought in bigger lot sizes to yield good prices. This is comparable to a situation where todays scooter manufacturers would buy huge amounts of stored gasoline in order to deliver the vehicle together with hectolitres of fuel ! 1.2.4 Conclusion Technically an energy efficient, ultralightweight scooter is absolutely feasible. Most modern battery-systems provide energy and power for acceptable prices. The economical feasibility of market entrance depends on the models of collaboration of vehicle manufacturer with the vendors of battery and of drive system, even more so if the vehicle manufacturer is a small or medium size company. The business risks would become smaller for all players if standardized interfaces for example between battery and vehicle would exist. 1.2.5 Significance of the results The study shows that technically it is possible and economically it just becomes possible to build a single track single place vehicle which is as performant as potential consumers want. Ultralightweight scooters will one day substitute the electric scooters that were built using heavy chassis of gasoline powered scooters since ul scooters weight about only half as much! In China much less performant e-mopeds are already in use in huge numbers. 1.2.6 Next Steps One company has already been contacted and shows interest in the results of the study. Based upon the final report other companies could now be contacted. 1-10 (Abstract shorter than 2000 characters for electronic data bases: See Appendix) 1.3 Résumé La présente étude est une étude de faisabilité en ce qui concerne la faisabilité technique et les concepts de design d'un Scooter ultra léger, énergétiquement efficient, mais également économique. Ceci est une réalisation avant industrialisation, centrée sur l’intérêt de fabricants potentiels. D'autres sources d’alimentations que celle par batteries ont été aussi étudiées. Des entrainements à piles à combustibles n'ont, à ce stade, pas encore été mûrement évaluées. Des systèmes de propulsion hybrides sont concevables, mais ne seraient toutefois pas meilleur marché, de par le fait de leurs techniques plus complexes, vis-à-vis d’une commande à batteries pure. 1.3.1 Situation actuelle Sur le marché des véhicules électriques légers pour grands publics, (le marché pour les véhicules d'handicapé n'est ici pas considéré), nous trouvons d'une part, des "jouets" bon marchés, tels que des trottinettes, E-roller ou autres véhicules de loisirs, d’autre part, des vélos électriques (E-Bikes ou Pedelecs) utilisés pour se rendre à son lieu de travail, pour faire ses commissions, tirer des remorques d'enfant et pour le tourisme. Ces véhicules ont un prix encore relativement élevé et de ce fait, ne sont donc pas vendus à tout le monde. Malgré cela, ils gagnent lentement en diffusion (ceci n’est pas valable pour la Chine : il s’en vend des millions par années !). A première vue, il est étonnant que malgré le boom des scooters à essence, les versions électriques lourdes, tels que les classiques Peugeot Scoot'elec se soient mal vendus. D'autant plus que lors des essais réalisés par le public, ces véhicules ont été reçus positivement et ont été qualifiés de très conviviaux. Si l’on compare un scooter électrique lourd avec d’un vélo électrique (E-Bike), du point de vue du prix et des avantages, on s’aperçoit qu’avec un scooter, les dépenses sont plus élevées, malgré le fait qu’ils ne soient pas beaucoup plus rapides et ne permettent pas d’aller plus loin qu’un E-Bike. De plus, un E-Bike permet de faire quotidiennement et de manière simple son fitness journalier. C'est la raison pour laquelle, le boom des scooters n’a eu lieu qu’avec les modèles à moteurs thermiques. Il est maintenant urgent de chercher une solution pour un véhicule efficient en énergie et utilisable toute l’année, c’est à dire même par mauvais temps. Le modèle à essence type C1 de BMW offre partiellement une bonne protection contre les intempéries, mais devrait toutefois être amélioré dans le maniement du fait de la position du centre de gravité élevé. 1.3.2 Potentiel Il est maintenant techniquement devenu possible - l'étude montre comment – qu’un scooter 1-11 électrique suffisamment puissant ne soit plus aussi lourd que le Scoot’elec de Peugeot. Puisque le poids trop élevé est un obstacle d'achat, surtout pour les femmes, il est raisonnable de penser qu’un scooter ultra léger aurait plus de chance sur le marché que les scooters électriques lourds. Les recherches de Monsieur Fuchs et de ses collègues sur la scène des vélos couchés montrent qu'il devrait être possible de construire des véhicules attractifs, complètements protégés contre les intempéries, avec un maniement acceptable lors de vents latéraux. 1.3.3 Faisabilité Il est possible grâce aux progrès dans le domaine des batteries, mais aussi grâce aux nouveaux concepts des véhicules, de ne plus avoir des scooters électriques ayant un poids supérieur à 100kg, mais bien en dessous de celui-ci. Dans le cadre de cette étude, on a construit des modèles et prototypes d’un système capable de manager les batteries au Lithium (BMS : Batterie Management System), de un à plusieurs kWh. Ceci a permit de combler une grande lacune technique en ce qui concerne la gestion des batteries au Lithium pour les futurs scooters ultra-légers standards. Ainsi, il existe maintenant tous les éléments nécessaires à la construction de tels prototypes, soit, le moteur, l’électronique de puissance et le système de gestion de batterie BMS. Pour un scooter ultra-léger, il est nécessaire d’avoir un peu moins que 2 kWh de capacité électrique. Il est ainsi possible d'atteindre une performance d’au maximum 60 km/h, sur une distance de 60 km, avec un véhicule de 60 kg, y compris les batteries (formule mnémonique „60/60/60“). La réalisation effective d'un prototype d’ULS (Ultra-Léger Scooter) pourrait être faite dans le cadre d’un prochain projet. Un tel véhicule aurait une consommation d'énergie, à partir de la batterie, de l'ordre de 2 à 3 kWh/100km avec une personne voyageant à une vitesse constante de 50 km/h (les pertes de charges ne sont pas prises en compte). Les plus grands obstacles existant encore sont de nature économique et se trouvent dans le prix des batteries et le mode de collaboration entre les entreprises (supply chain). D'une part, la rapidité de la diffusion de batteries performantes, comme les types au lithium, ainsi que la diminution des prix correspondant, détermineront à partir de quand on pourra fabriquer des ULS à prix raisonnable et efficient en énergie. Actuellement, en Asie, toujours plus de nouveaux fournisseurs de batteries apparaissent, ce qui a pour effet de diminuer les prix. Les prix les plus bas sont d'environ 300 EUROS par kilowatt-heure, toutefois seulement avec une capacité de 10'000 kWh (ce qui correspondrait à une série de 5000 ULS). Si on ne veut pas attendre la consolidation du marché des batteries au Lithium, on peut se rabattre sur les batteries NiMH (Nickel-Metal-Hybride) pour construire et commercialiser, dès maintenant, des ULS. D'autre part, les chaînes de montage ne sont pas encore structurées de manière optimale. Les constructeurs motocycles doivent trop souvent faire développer leurs propres entraînements. Tous les composantes existent, mais il est difficile d’obtenir des fournisseurs, une solution globale pour des séries moyennes d’environ 1000 pièces à des prix attractifs. 1000 pièces, c’est environ la grandeur de la série, par année, qu’un fabricant de scooter électrique peut vendre sans grands efforts en Europe, si le produit et le marketing sont bons. En Asie, le marché est beaucoup plus dynamique, du fait que les séries de LEV (Light 1-12 Electrical Vehicule), fabriquées sont de l’ordre de 100'000 à 1'000’000 de pièces par année. La raison étant qu’actuellement, il y a une immaturité du marché. Aucun fournisseur ne se démarque, de par les petites quantités de production et de par le fait qu’il manque une standardisation. Par exemple, il n’est pas encore clairement défini quelle sera la tension standard pour les LEV qui sont légèrement plus gros que les E-Bikes ou Pedelecs. Est-ce que cela sera 36V (PowerNet 42V), 48V ou un autre niveau de tension ? Autre point ouvert, quel sera le type du bus de communication et le protocole utilisé ? Les villes, les états ou les organisations qui ont de l’intérêt pour de petits véhicules écologiques, pourraient promouvoir, dans le cadre de projets et de programmes, la collaboration et la standardisation entre les différents fabricants. De par l’absence de normalisation au niveau des batteries, les constructeurs motocycles sont contraints de fournir eux-même ces éléments. Ce qui augmente les risques économiques puisqu’il est impossible d’en acheter en grande quantité. Il y a une situation similaire avec les scooters à essence. Lorsque vous désirez en acheter un, le fabriquant ne vous fournit pas pour 3 ans de carburant ! 1.3.4 Conclusion Il est techniquement possible de réaliser un scooter électrique ultra léger avec un bon rendement énergétique. Des systèmes de batteries modernes peuvent livrer l’énergie nécessaire et la puissance pour un prix accessible. La faisabilité économique qui permettrait d’entrer dans le marché, dépend du type de collaboration entre les constructeurs motocycles, les fabricants de batteries et les fournisseurs d’entraînements, surtout si le constructeur automobile est une petite ou moyenne entreprise. Le risque financier des participants serait ainsi beaucoup plus petit s’il existait des interfaces standardisées, par exemple entre la batterie et le véhicule. 1.3.5 Signification des résultats L'étude démontre qu'il est techniquement possible et depuis peu, économiquement possible de construire des véhicules à une place qui correspondent aux demandes des consommateurs sur le plan de la puissance. Les scooters électriques ultra légers vont supplanter les scooters électriques basés sur des châssis massifs de scooter à essence, du fait du poids à vide qui est divisé par deux. En Chine, les vélomoteurs électriques sont utilisés massivement, malgré leurs performances modestes. 1.3.6 Prochaine étape Une première entreprise a été contactée et a montré de l’intérêt pour les résultats de l'étude. D'autres fabricants potentiels peuvent maintenant être contactés. 1-13 2 Foreword Small vehicles have the potential to reduce energy consumption of individual transportation if being part of the modal split. It was demonstrated (Mendrisio 1995 2001 and Häuselmann 2000) that small electric vehicles are preferred over purely electric cars. The existence of small electric vehicles like e-bikes in households allows to substitute journeys which have previously been made using less environmentally friendly vehicles. Using small electric vehicles rather than an other heavier vehicles makes much sense in intra-urban traffic, where the journeys are short and where parking space is very limited. The order of magnitude of fuel savings is significant and can amount up to a difference that would result by changing from an inefficient car to a more efficient car such as a hybrid. The results of the field tests suggest that a combination of small electric vehicles with an ICE car (internal combustion engine) or hybrid car has more market potential than a single electric car which is neither a small vehicle nor a passenger car with long range. According to the results of the ETOUR project the reasons to choose a light electric vehicle over other kinds of vehicles are speed resp. time gains in urban traffic, comfort, and in the case of pedalled machines, health. So far, however, there is no lightweight electric scooter available which is capable to go up to 60 km/h while having a range of 50km and which is much lighter than existing e-scooters. Relative to speed and range stated above the existing small electric vehicles have lots of deficits: • • • Poor product information, especially about range and speed Unknown product: especially those vehicles with non-automated charging are not understood by many potential users and hence are not easily operated Many scooters and mopeds have low torque motors and can not climb steeply; such vehicles are more toys rather than serious commuter or utility vehicles! But technological advances and the availability of efficient synchronous motors and automotive battery systems allow now to increase the efficiency and energy density of drive trains in electric vehicles. If the new technology could be applied to electrically driven two-wheelers (and also other kinds of vehicles) in ways that are appreciated by consumers, at least at lower weight and at lower price, more such vehicles could be sold and substitution of more energy intensive vehicles could happen. New technology possibly feasible for lightweight electric scooters has been demonstrated in Intellibike by the University of Applied Sciences of Berne. In the current form however Intellibike is far from a product mainly because of its technological state as a prototype and because of price. Therefore it is one key element of this study to demonstrate the economical feasibility and to give hints for the marketing of small electrically driven scooters. 2-1 For what transportation purposes is an ultralightweight scooter ideal? How could an ultralightweight electric scooter look like? What are its specifications? What energy expenditure is to be expected? We do not know yet…. Fig. 2.1. The stealth ultralightweight scooter! 2-2 3 Low Energy Consumption and low CO2 Emissions by Ultralightweight Vehicles 3.1 Contents of this Chapter 3 Low Energy Consumption and low CO2 Emissions by Ultralightweight Vehicles......... 3-1 3.1 Contents of this Chapter....................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Energy expenditure of vehicles ............................................................................ 3-1 3.2.1 Energy expenditure of 2003 production vehicles ........................................... 3-2 3.2.2 Potential of the Intellibike-Technology ........................................................... 3-3 3.3 CO2-Reduction potential of vehicles in daily operation......................................... 3-3 3.2 Energy expenditure of vehicles Technical data and data from field tests of lightweight two- and three-wheelers (www.newride.ch) and the experiences with Intellibike by HTA Biel/Bienne suggest that applying technologies that have been demonstrated in Intellibike in a commercial vehicle would increase range and speed to such an extent, that a gap in a market niche could be closed. 3-1 Specific energy-expenditure in kWh/100km 3.2.1 Energy expenditure of 2003 production vehicles 16 14 12 lightweight e-vehicles, 2 & 3 wheels theoretical limit as defined by e-bikes & Mini El Moped powered by gasoline 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 50 100 Mass kg Figure 3.1 Energy-expenditure versus vehicle mass of 2003 vehicles Specific energy-expenditure (kWh/100km) versus empty mass (kg). Masses 20 to 30 kg’s: E-Bikes. Masses 100 to 130 kg’s: E-Scooters, Scooters for the elderly, ultralightweight vehicles. Yellow rectangle: Gasoline moped, approx. using 1.5 l/100 km (rem: this mileage may even be too optimistic!) Blue diamonds: Lightweight 2- and 3-Wheeler with electric traction (& human power) Red Line: Shows minimal energy-expenditure in dependance of mass at speeds of in between 20 to 45 km/h. Defined by the performance as observed with common E-Bikes and the fully faired Mini El electric three-wheeler. The above figure first shows that in the mass-range of between 35 to 100 kg’s there is a market niche. Second: A gasoline moped is, compared to the corresponding electric vehicles, about a factor of 10 less energy-efficient! Not shown here, but exising: There is also an open market niche in the dimensions of speed and range. E-Scooters such as the Peugeot Scoot’elec being built like traditional gasoline scooters (mass between 110 and 150 kg including 40 to 60 kg’s of batteries), go at most 45 km/h for a range of at most 50 km’s (range and speed are inversely proportional). The gap identified lies between speeds of 35 and 60 km/h and ranges of between 40 to 80 km’s. 3-2 3.2.2 Potential of the Intellibike-Technology According to Vezzini and collegues the key performance values of Intellibike are: Spezific Energy-consumption at a speed of 70 km/h Range at a speed of 30 to 40 km/h Maximum speed Vehicle weight Battery weight approx. 2 kWh/100 km approx. 200 km up to 100 km/h approx. 30 kg 5.5 kg Table 3.1 Intellibike key performance data Findings: Intellibike weighs about what a commercial e-bike does but it is much faster and its range is much longer. The same is true if Intellibike with its relatively small battery is compared to e-scooters. Conclusion: A lightweight two-wheeled scooter (called „Mofa“ in Switzerland) on the basis of most modern e-bike-technology is potentially capable to close the gaps in the product spectrum existing today. Probably, such a lightweight scooter – the ultralightweight scooter ULS – would be heavier than Intellibike for the sake of a lower price (Intellibike is extremely lightweight, too expensive for private users). The weight of such an ULS would be in the gap between 35 and 100 kg. A gasoline powered moped weighs 50 to 60 kg’s. Adding the mass of a modern battery of about 5 to 15 kg’s would yield a total mass of approximately 75 kg’s. We conclude: It should be possible to build an ULS in the mass range of 50 to 70 kg’s with a cruising speed of 45 km/h and a range of 50 km’s or even more! 3.3 CO2-Reduction potential of vehicles in daily operation (This chapter is based on modified calculations originally performed within the Newride programme, Schlussbericht NewRide 2001) The estimations of the energy-use and CO2-reduction potential of fleets of electrically powered two-wheelers is based on experimental data of the substitution of motorized vehicles in households (Häuselmann et al, 2000). Extrapolation to fleets yield the total energy-use and CO2-reduction potential for the region in which the fleet is put into operation. Assumptions: CO2-emissions are proportional to fuel-use, so 1 liter gasoline = 2.32 kg CO2 On average cars spend 8.4 l/100 km and not too heavy motorcycles about 3 l/100 km 3-3 In countries like Switzerland, electricity is mainly produced by water power (55%) or by nuclear power (40%). As a first order approximation, therefore in Switzerland electricity is CO2 free. Remark by A. Fuchs: The amount of electrical energy used to propel such e-twowheelers is so small (below 5 kWh’s per 100 km) that for many users from the middle class in Europe it is affordable to buy “clean power” from wind, water or solar renewable energy harvesting installations or to charge the batteries using only a few square meters of solar panels hooked up onto the own balcony railing. If the life expectancy of the system for renewable electricity harvesting, energy storage device and vehicle is sufficiently long, such a system operates approximately CO2-free. (BTW: Such a system is today the closest approximation to a sustainable transportation system of motorized personal vehicles because it can be financed on a private basis already today!) Per year, an electrical scooter is driven for 3000 km, an electric cycle for 2000 km (source: Fahrleistungs- und Verbrauchsmessungen im Rahmen des Grossversuchs mit Leicht-Elektromobilen in Mendrisio und den Partnergemeinden). Amortisation period of e-scooters and e-bikes is 5 years (conservative estimation) The substitution potential of motorized vehicles with internal combustion engine by lightweight vehicles with electric traction is assumed to be: Type of vehicle E-Bike E-Scooter Substitutes Source 29% of car rides in a household 12% of moped and motorcycle rides Rest: public transporation and nonpower-assisted bicycle 30% of car rides in a household 23% of moped and motorcycle rides Rest: public transporation and nonpower-assisted bicycle Häuselmann et al. 2000 (study with 53 Riders of Flyer ebikes) Assumed Table 3.2 Measured substitution potentials of e-bikes and assumed substitution potentials of e-scooters 3-4 CO2 savings potential by 2wheelers sold per year amortisation duration Specific energy use car motorcycle conversion liter to kg CO2 5 years 8.4 l/100 km 3 l/100 km 2.32 substitution potential for cars substitution potential for motorbikes percent percent e-bike 29 12 e-scooter 43 50 Two wheeler used for x km per year km/year 1850 2500 Substituted km else travelled by car in 5 years km/year 1309 6543 550 1156 5780 485 541 2707 81 1344 6720 202 2000 1000 1261610 687097 gasoling savings in 5 years Substituted km else travelled by motorcycle in 5 years gasoling savings in 5 years km's liters km/year km's liters number of vehicles sold per year (estimate for 2004) - gasoline savings for e-bike fleet liters Total savings by using light e-twowheelers sold in year x CO2-emission reduction using fleet of e-bikes and e-scooters liter 1948707 tons 4521 Table 3.3 Calculated of reduction of CO2-emissions by lightweight vehicle fleet (einsparung.xls) With the sales numbers of e-bikes and e-scooter (sales/year) stated above over the life cycle of those vehicles the use of nearly 2 Mio. liters of gasoline and over 4000 tons of CO2 emissions can be avoided. The sales numbers are not overly optimistic: In 2003 about 1800 e-bikes were be sold in Switzerland. At the moments the sales of e-scooters are hardly recognizeable; we estimate that the potential for e-scooter sales is in the order of magnitude of 1000 per year if price, range, speed, weight, etc. would be in a feasible proportion to those same parameters of the ebikes. 3-5 Further impacts of e-bikes and e-scooters • Reduction of emissions of air contaminants • Reduction of noise emissions • Reduction of the load on public transportation. Positively if public transportation is overloaded, negatively if public transportation is under-utilized 3-6 4 Available Lightweight e-Vehicles and e-Mobiles (LEM) 4.1 Contents of this Chapter 4 Available Lightweight e-Vehicles and e-Mobiles (LEM) ............................................... 4-1 4.1 Contents of this Chapter....................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4-1 4.3 Available vehicles being called „scooters“ ............................................................ 4-1 4.3.1 Vehicle classes ............................................................................................. 4-1 4.3.2 Moped-like respectively ULS-like scooters .................................................... 4-8 4.3.3 Motorcycles with strong electric drives (light or heavy motorcycle class) ..... 4-11 4.2 Introduction For the topic of an ULS (ultralightweight scooter) the market of LEMs (Leichtelektromobile) is important insofar as the applications as well as the marketing programmes are the same. An overview of typical vehicles available on the LEM market can be found at various internet sites such as e.g. www.vel2.ch (the purely gasoline powered vehicles are not considered) or at www.zapworld.com or at www.newride.ch. The electrically powered two-wheelers or the electrically powered assisted bikes are a subclass of the LEMs. We consider these vehicles as being relevant for the ULS project in that technolgically an e-bike and an ultralight e-scooter are nearly related. Tests of such vehicles can be found on www.extraenergy.org. 4.3 Available vehicles being called „scooters“ 4.3.1 Vehicle classes The existing competition of a future ul-scooter ULS is: 4-1 scooters Skateboard like scooters, e.g. “Whiz-Bang” : Fig. 4.1 Scooter where the user stands on a platform and has no seat (there are similar version with seat on a post) cycles Electric cycles (pedelecs or e-bikes), here the Giant Lafree: Fig. 4.2 Pedal powered machine with an average speed lower than that expected for a scooter 4-2 electric scooters Lightweight electric scooters (mopeds. In CH: “Mofa”). This one is called “Viento” : Fig. 4.3 Electric scooter that is in about the weight band of an ul scooter scooters Electric (heavy) scooters (example Peugeot Scoot’elec): Fig. 4.4 Electric scooter on a traditional scooter chassis (with modifications for the batteries) 4-3 This type of scooter could be named “heavy electric scooter” because this kind of vehicle weights more than 100 kg’s. (for the elderly) Also called scooter, but not relevant here because an ULS is to be a two-wheeler (vehicle “Swiss Alpin” by Phoenix Drive) : Fig. 4.5 Scooter for the elderly 4-4 scooters Of course all the vehicles mentioned above have one major deficit if seen in the light of practical use throughout the year: They miss weather protection! So far, roofed scooters have only been realized in gasoline powered versions. Fig 4.6 The BMW C1 is a gasoline powered scooter with nearly full protection from rain 4-5 Typical key parameters of existing “scooters”: Class Typical vehicle Typical "best vehicles" of class Typical speed cruising max Typical Typical range weight in the flat Typical Price newride.ch 10.11.03 E-bikes/pedelecs Skateboard like scooters E-mopeds Traditional scooters Hypothetical ULS km/h km/h km kg 20.5 24.6 31.2 30 15.9 18.3 16.1 34 Average vehicle from extra energy test '02 Average vehicle from extra energy test '02 KTM Life Blitz and Giant Lafree Heinzmann skateboard scooters Passol Peugeot Scoot'elec Voloci Standard Scooter with optimized electric drive system, like EVT or Peugeot 30 30 50 32 45 44 115 ULS 45 60 60 65 Euro (from CHF) 2133 3667 "SchmidKennzahl" zapworld.com (see corresp. 10.11.03 chapter) Euro (from $) 1516.8 14.1 320 23.5 2796 4796 7.8 2.4 2800 14.8 Table 4.1 Main parameters typical for todays lightweight electric vehicles. The “Schmid-Number” is calculated for your convenience (using Euro as unit for currency). See explanations below, chapter 5, for further discussion of the Schmid-Number. (File segmente.xls) 4-6 70 Lightweight production 2-wheelers Range in the flat, km 60 ULS, requirement 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Cruising speed in the flats, km/h Fig 4.7 Range and speed of the various production vehicles now on the market 70 Range in the flat, km 60 50 40 Lightweight production 2-wheelers ULS, requirement 30 20 10 0 25 75 125 Weight, kg Fig. 4.8 Range versus weight of the vehicles in the table above It is easily recognized that a lightweight vehicle that combines range with elevated top speed does not exist yet. 4-7 4.3.2 Moped-like respectively ULS-like scooters Vehicles that are in some way or an other related to an uls exist as prototypes. Fig. 4.9 Viento Fig. 4.10 GDF (see extraenergy test 2002) 4-8 Fig. 4.11 Yamaha Passol Fig. 4.12 Voloci 4-9 Fig. 4.13 Sytrel Mobilec Reasons why industrialisation and marketing and hence development of an ULS is nevertheless required: • Most vehicles shown are not yet as performant as needed on the market (see below) • Next to an ULS are Viento or Voloci. These vehicles are not for sale at the moment 4-10 4.3.3 Motorcycles with strong electric drives (light or heavy motorcycle class) powerful electrically propelled vehicles The following two-wheelers are examples of motorcycles that are heavier or much more powerful than the ULS. Fig. 4.14 Vectrix. Vectrix corporation claims “to fulfill the promise in ev technology”. Peak power of the motor to be 20 kW’s 4-11 Fig. 4.15 eCycle hybrid motorcycle. Peak power is 15 kW. Target specifications: Fuel Consumption 180mpg (1.3 l/100km), estimated top speed 80mph 130 km/h), acceleration from 0 to 60mph (97 km/h) in 6.0sec, and weight of 230lbs (104 kg). 4-12 vehicles with only some specifications of an uls Below are examples of vehicles that resemble an ULS in one or the other feature but that do not fit the requirements of at least one of the important dimensions “lightweight”, “strong drive” but with “limited power”. Both vehicles are from Tokyo R&D corporation. Fig. 4.16 ELE-ZOO. Limited power, but (heavy) frame of an ice (internal combustion engine) scooter Fig. 4.17 ES-X2 scooter. Vehicle kerb mass is 85kg, about 10 to 20 kg’s more than forseen for an ULS. Range in urban mode is 39 km’s. 4-13 5 Market Analysis 5.1 Contents of this Chapter 5 Market Analysis........................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 Contents of this Chapter....................................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Two Wheeler Market ............................................................................................ 5-1 5.2.1 Electric scooter companies worldwide........................................................... 5-1 5.2.2 Global PTW Situation and Market ................................................................. 5-3 5.2.3 Key Factors for PTW-Use ............................................................................. 5-5 5.3 Global sales numbers of lightweight electric vehicles ........................................... 5-6 5.4 Analysis................................................................................................................ 5-7 5.4.1 Europe .......................................................................................................... 5-8 5.5 National trends ................................................................................................... 5-13 5.5.1 Austria......................................................................................................... 5-13 5.5.2 Germany ..................................................................................................... 5-14 5.5.3 Switzerland ................................................................................................. 5-16 5.5.4 Newride Marketing Programme in Switzerland ............................................ 5-17 5.6 Typical prices ..................................................................................................... 5-19 5.7 Market size and growth ...................................................................................... 5-19 5.7.1 Hindrances for market growth ..................................................................... 5-20 5.8 Analysis of sales numbers.................................................................................. 5-20 5.9 Possible reasons for the yet non-existence of ultralightweight scooters.............. 5-21 5.10 Market Needs ................................................................................................. 5-23 5.10.1 History of Use Patterns ............................................................................... 5-23 5.10.2 Consumer Needs ........................................................................................ 5-26 5.10.3 Marketing handicaps ................................................................................... 5-33 5.10.4 Market needs versus market offering .......................................................... 5-34 5.2 Two Wheeler Market 5.2.1 Electric scooter companies worldwide According to Jamerson 2002 the following companies were then actively involved in electric scooters: 5-1 Country Italy China Japan Thailand USA Companies Aprilia, Biga, Esarati, Oxygen Shanghai Clear Honda, Prosper, Tokyo R&D EV Thailand eCycle, eGo Vehicles, Nova Cruz, Vectrix Table 5.1 Companies which sell electric scooter or which have at least a project dealing with electric scooters (2002) There are many more companies producing gasoline scooters than there are companies producing e-scooters. Peugeot stopped selling the classic Scoot’elec heavy electric scooter. Traditional and well known motorcycle, scooter and moped-brands mainly in Europe and in Asia (Japan, Taiwan) are Aprilia, Peugeot, Derbi, or Yamaha, Honda and KYMCO respectively. In the german-speaking countries of Europe mopeds stemming from Sachs Bikes (motor with two speed gear, older version with manual gear change, younger version with automatic gear change) or from Puch (Maxi) are well known. The motors from Sachs have been used as OEM parts in vehicles with other brand names. In the first half of the 20th century many brands of two stroke mopeds existed. Very well known brands from France are Motobecane and Solex. There are scooter manufacturers that focus on the small vehicles (50 cc class) or that have a strong position in the classes of the mopeds/mofas. Examples: Sachs Bikes GmbH from Nürnberg (www.sachs-bikes.de) sells a broad spectrum of PTWs (powered two-wheelers), anything between a Saxonette with 30 cc, 0.5 kW two-stroke motor and 800 cc roadster motorbikes. At Sachs Bikes, electrically powered vehicles, mainly ebikes and skateboard-like, lightweight scooters are sold in numbers of thousands per year, and are a significant percentage of total turn-over. Derbi from Spain (www.derbi.com) has two-stroke motor powered mofa (swiss naming) with automatic variable transmission in the sales programme. 5-2 5.2.2 Global PTW Situation and Market (PTW: powered two-wheeler) Asia for sure is the main continental market for PTW. Linked to this fact is also the fact that air pollution due to two-stroke engine exhaust fumes is generally severe in asian mega-cities. Fig. 5.1 Comparison of sales numbers of North America, Europe and Asia © CSE. Data provided by Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association Inc., October 10, 2001 Fig. 5.2 The relative contribution of national markets to the asian market of PTWs Source: Presentation by TVS Motor Corporation, October 2003 5-3 Fig. 5.3 Growth of PTW production in Asia. Asia’s two-wheeler population rises steadily © CSE. Data provided by Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association Inc., October 10, 2001 Fig. 5.4 For heavy motorcycles Europe is the key market (Source: Jahresbericht 2002 by Industrie-Verband Motorrad Deutschland e.V.) 5-4 5.2.3 Key Factors for PTW-Use Fig. 5.5 50year-history of the two-wheeler sales numbers in Germany (Source: Jahresbericht 2002 by Industrie-Verband Motorrad Deutschland e.V.) Two-wheeler sales numbers are linked to the history of mass automobilisation in that as soon as full sized cars become available the number of two-wheelers being used for commuting droppes dramatically. Factors that determine buying-decisions for PTW’s vary geographically. In highly industrialized countries PTW are mainly leisure products. In countries with emerging markets, among them many of the asian countries, individual income is a very strong factor to choose a PTW if income is too small to afford a car and if parking space is limited (availability of parking space is indirectly dependent on income). In fact the interesting figure below shows that PTW density is dependent on the per capita income: 5-5 Fig 5.6 PTW density in dependence of per capita gross domestic product Source: Presentation by TVS Motor Corporation, October 2003 5.3 Global sales numbers of lightweight electric vehicles Since there are not yet any performant electric mopeds produced in series no sales numbers exist for this vehicle class. A vehicle that is quite closely related to an ULS is the Ele-Zoo by Tokyo R&D Co., Ltd (shown in chapter 4 and in the appendix). For the year 2003, Tokyo R&D has planned to sell 100 units for an expected retail price in Japan of 400,000 Japanese Yen (about 3000 Euros). To get the broad global picture, sales numbers of technically and/or functionally similar vehicles to an ULS can be taken as reference: 5-6 PRC China Japan Europe ROC Taiwan SE Asia United States UK Australia Totals 2000 5,000 2,000 1,000 5,000 2001 10,000 10,000 4,000 6,000 2002 15,000 30,000 10,000 7,000 2003 20,000 50,000 30,000 5,000 2004 40,000 100,000 50,000 5,000 ND 20,000 ND 150,000 ND 190,000 ND 270,000 ND 500,000 400 200 33,600 2,000 1,000 183,000 3,000 6,000 261,000 10,000 15,000 400,000 25,000 20,000 740,000 Table 5.2 World wide light scooter sales (skateboard-like scooters, estimates and projections) Numbers according to Ed Benjamin, Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 by CycleElectric International Consulting Group. CycleElectric.com (CycleElectric has been tracking this industry since 1996. Historically, they say to have been correct within 10-15% on bad years. Usually they were within 2-3%). PRC China Japan Europe ROC Taiwan SE Asia United States UK Australia Totals 2000 200,000 140,000 50,000 2,000 2001 400,000 145,000 55,000 1,500 2002 1,000,000 160,000 65,000 1,000 2003 1,700,000 180,000 70,000 1,000 2004 2,500,000 200,000 75,000 1,000 2,000 20,000 4,000 15,000 10,000 30,000 15,000 40,000 20,000 60,000 ND ND 414,000 5,000 ND 625,000 10,000 ND 1,276,000 20,000 ND 2,026,000 50,000 ND 2,834,000 Table 5.3 World wide electric bicycle sales (Estimates and projections) Numbers according to Ed Benjamin, Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 by CycleElectric International Consulting Group. CycleElectric.com 5.4 Analysis The global PTW market is growing. Both for gasoline scooters as well as for related vehicles with electric traction. Jamerson (2002) reports a growing number of companies producing electrically powered PTWs and skateboard like scooters and 3- or 4-wheeled scooter for the elderly. The growth of the global sales numbers was somewhat slowed down during the years 2001 and 2002 due to a drop in scooter sales as one of the consequences of the global “economic” crisis. This effect was superpositioned onto the general market growth trend. 5-7 Recently, more and more previously unknown powered two-wheeler manufacturers from Asia become known in Europe. It seems that the scooter industry in countries like China, Vietnam starts to flourish whereas the more established brands from industrialized countries are still strong while production numbers in their homelands stagnate or decline. There is definitely a shift of production from higher wage countries to lower wage countries. Brands like Honda often produce under licence so overall sales number of Honda scooter models increases. According to bikeeurope Feb. 2004 total scooter production number by Taiwanese manufacturers was more than one million scooters; about half of these scooters go into export. To show the dynamics of the PTW market we cite one number: KYMCO increased production number by 23 % in 2003! An other global major trend besides that of the shift of production to lower wage countries is the trend towards heavier motorized scooters. Therefore the small PTW’s, mopeds and scooters with 50 cc two-stroke motors lost market shares of the global market compared with the scooter classes of 125 cc and above. Still, the 50 cc segment is big in absolute numbers: E.g. in Japan 543 thousand new vehicles of this class were registered for traffic in 2003! The lower the wages in a country, the more important is the 50 cc segment (compare Figure 5.6 above showing PTW density versus per capita income). From the graph showing the relation of PTW sales with per capita income it can be concluded that the number of two-wheelers will increase in countries with emerging markets and correspondingly increasing standard of living, whereas it might be that in the USA and in Europe the PTW density will remain stable or will even decline. If in emerging countries there will be a shift from PTW’s to cars, the PTW market will most probably develop as it did in Europe and in the USA in the past: The PTW will loose its function as a commuting vehicle and will transform into a leisure product. The driving factors of the overall PTW sales number in the industrialized countries are not increasing living standard, but potentially decreasing living standard due to the shrinking of the industrial production sector. Very likely the demographic change due to an ever increasing elderly population will lead to increasing sales of light electric vehicles because for elderly people electric vehicles are ideal thanks to their ease of use. 5.4.1 Europe The PTW market in Europe is stagnant compared to the emerging markets. Still, the number of vehicles in use and the yearly new registrations are considerably big: 5-8 Mopeds and motorcycles in use in Europe 16000000 14000000 12000000 10000000 8000000 6000000 4000000 2000000 0 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 Mopeds Motorcycles Fig. 5.7 Motorcycles and mopeds in use. Data source: acembike.org Motorcycles have a slowly but steadily increasing market share. Mopeds in use in Europe 10000000 AU D DK E F GDL I NL P S SF UK 1000000 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Fig. 5.8 Mopeds in use in europen countries. Data source acembike.org AU Austria, D Germany, DK Denmark, E Spain, F France, GDL Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, I Italy, IRL Ireland, NL Netherlands, P Poland, S Sweden, SF Finland, UK Great Britain There is no very strong trend in the moped use numbers apart from a slow falling. 5-9 Total registrations in Europe 1800000 1600000 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 Mopeds Motorcycles Fig. 5.9 Registrations of mopeds and motorcycles. Data source: acembike.org Mopeds deliveries 1000000 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 AU B D CZ DK E F GDL Fig 5.10 Moped deliveries in countries from AU to GDL (data source acembike.org). CZ Czekosolovakia, B Belgium 5-10 Mopeds deliveries 1000000 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 GR I IRL NL P S SF UK Fig. 5.11 Moped deliveries in countries from GR to UK (data source acembike.org). GR Greece 5-11 Moped and motorcycle production in Europe 1000000 AU D E F I S UK 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Fig. 5.12 Moped production in Europe. data source: acembike.org During the last few years the production number of PTW was declining in Europe. This loss is compensated by imports mainly from Asia. 5-12 5.5 National trends 5.5.1 Austria 18000 70000 Kleinmotorräder 6) Leichtmotorräder 3) 60000 Motorräder 4) 14000 Motorfahrräder 50000 12000 10000 40000 8000 30000 6000 20000 4000 10000 2000 0 1980 No. of Motorfahrräder reg. per year No of vehicles registered per year 16000 1985 1990 1995 2000 0 2005 Fig. 5.13 Two-wheeler market in Austria. Source: Wirtschaftskammern Oesterreich Footnotes: 3) ab 1.7.1991 durch die 13. KFG-Novelle eingeführt; ab 1.11.1997 einschließlich der "A1-125er", die aufgrund des FSG eingeführt wurden 4) einschließlich Motordreiräder (bis 1997) und Motorräder mit Beiwagen 6) ab 1.11.1997 aufgrund des FSG keine eigene Führerscheinkategorie mehr 5-13 5.5.2 Germany Fig. 5.14 Sales numbers of two-wheeler with less than 50cc motors which do not require an insurance plate for registration (Source: Jahresbericht 2002 by Industrie-Verband Motorrad Deutschland e.V.) 5-14 Fig. 5.15 Motorcycle and scooters and mofas, mopeds and mokicks with insurance plate. (Source: Jahresbericht 2002 by Industrie-Verband Motorrad Deutschland e.V.) 5-15 5.5.3 Switzerland Category F scooters saw dramatic growth during the 90ies and cannibalized the moped segment. Together, mopeds and scooters make up more than half of the total market: Market share is about stable on the level of 54% to 55% since the mid nineties. Year Motorcycles 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Scooters 286'624 302'330 313'563 318'722 318'890 321'862 318'029 326'289 323'154 327'666 331'753 335'963 339'367 12'370 16'851 22'198 28'715 37'615 48'078 63'131 83'595 110'916 135'676 161'026 184'400 204'758 Faired Mopeds scooters 270 464'609 598 427'581 687 392'705 722 371'975 747 350'916 759 333'427 824 317'066 865 298'895 972 283'722 1'015 264'597 1'002 238'770 1'027 219'624 1'007 208'240 Table 5.4 Vehicles in operation 1990 to 2002 in Switzerland. Source: motonet.ch File ch.xls Motorcycles 450'000 1500 Scooters Mopeds 400'000 1300 Faired Scooters 350'000 No. of Vehicles 300'000 900 250'000 700 200'000 500 150'000 300 100'000 100 50'000 0 1990 No. of faired scooters 1100 -100 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 Fig. 5.16 Development of the swiss 2-wheeler market in the period 1990 to 2003 5-16 0.63 800'000 0.62 Total of 2wheelers Scooters & Mopeds Market Share Scoot. & Mopeds No. of Vehicles 600'000 500'000 400'000 0.61 0.60 0.59 0.58 0.57 300'000 Market share 700'000 0.56 200'000 0.55 100'000 0 1990 0.54 0.53 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 Fig. 5.17 Market share of smaller 2-wheelers (scooters and mopeds) in Switzerland 5.5.4 Newride Marketing Programme in Switzerland “Newride” (www.newride.ch) is a swiss programme for the promotion of energy efficient vehicles, especially two-wheelers. Energie Schweiz, the swiss federal agency for energy, the counties (“Kanton”) and the communities collaborate to promote the use of lightweight vehicles. Fig. 5.18 Newride Logo Within Newride it is promoted to switch from gasoline powered cars and two-wheelers to ebikes and e-scooters whenever this vehicle choice makes sense for a person. Newride aims at complementing “Human Powered Mobility” (of which the Veloland Schweiz is a result) and public transportation. 5-17 The Newride instruments: • • • • • Supporting manufacturers, importers and dealers of such vehicles mainly by eduction and by promotional material Supporting initiatives and events in communities and companies that want to increase the share of environmentally friendly vehicles in commuting Offering potential customers rental vehicles for real world test riding Maintaining a high standard of maintenance service under the NewRide label General improvements of the boundary conditions for electric two-wheelers 5-18 5.6 Typical prices See above, Table 4.1, for typical prices of electric, two-wheeled LEV. Basically, price correlates very directly to weight, speed and range. Physically it is evident that speed and range correlate with price, since speed means power and since range means energy. More powerful power electronics cost more and battery with more energy density cost more than such with less energy density. But price does not necessarily need to correlate with weight. When designing an ul scooter, a good vehicle concept and use of lightweight cycle-like frames rather than heavy scooter frames may lower weight without bringing price up too much. Compared to the gasoline powered counterparts the various LEV’s are still much too expensive. Smallest price difference is found in the small vehicle classes, e.g. in the class of motorized cycles (e-bikes and lightweight mopeds): Vehicle type Motorized cycle (e-bike versus lightweight two-stroke moped) Moped Scooter Price difference, order of magnitude (unit: price of gasoline version) 1/3 1 (double!) ¾ Table 5.5 Momentaneous price difference of electric and gasoline versions within same vehicle class We can only try to guess the reasons for the price differences; it seems that the price differences diminish with increasing production numbers. The more a product is a commodity the less corresponding electric drive components are in a price-production lot size dilemma, and thus prices of the electric versions of vehicles approache those of the gasoline version. 5.7 Market size and growth After world war II, in Europe, TW’s (two-wheelers) in general but also powered TW’s were the most important vehicle class. As soon as alternatives came onto the market numbers of registered or sold small two wheelers fell. In the sixties the car made PTW’s disappear rapidly, but not completely: The small two wheelers stayed important for all non-car users such as young and old people. In the nineties the small two stroke mopeds were replaced by mountain bikes and by the more powerful scooters of the 50 to 125 cc class. The appearance of more powerful PTW’s had the effect that a certain number of car-drivers switched from car to PTW due to ease of parking and due to comparatively low costs. In absolute numbers production lots are still huge, from thousands to hundred thousands. During the recent years however an increasing portion of the PTW’s were imported rather than produced in Europe. 5-19 Factors that might contribute to growth: • Gasoline costs, at least on a medium time scale, may increase. This may lead to switching from cars to PTW’s • Lowering of average per capita income might lead to an increase in two-wheelers • The ageing population will want easy to operate vehicles. LEVs in any form, also in the form of ultralightweight scooters, may become of key importance for the elderly • In Asia, at the moment a new kind of vehicle industry comes up: The LEV industry. LEV’s might become much cheaper and the vehicles imported to Europe might be priced very low. Probably on the mid or long run quality may become very good (which is not yet the case). 5.7.1 Hindrances for market growth If living standard should increase dramatically througout the old and the new countries of the European Union then the ratio cars/PTW’s could increase. This may not necessarily lead to a decrease of PTW sales number, but the overall number of registered two-wheeled vehicles may stagnate. High insurance rates for certain classes of PTWs lead to a shift of relative market size between classes. Market growth or shift from a 50 cc segment to the 125 cc segment may happen if e.g. car driver licences (cat. B) allow people to ride scooters (A1 licence) without exam or only after a short education. Example: Spain and Switzerland. 5.8 Analysis of sales numbers The sales numbers depend on whether or not the vehicles features fit the needs of the customer whatever these needs are. Main features for customers of a utility vehicle are range, speed, weight and price. To measure the relative importance the “Schmid-Number” has been postulated (Christian Schmid, 2003) : Schmid-Number := Range * Speed Weight * Pr ice To calculate the Schmid-number, we used the following units: km, km/h, kg and Euro. Finally we and multiplied by 1000. km h The unit of the Schmid-number is 1000 * kg * Euro km * For the different vehicle classes the following Schmid-numbers were derived: 5-20 Type of vehicle skateboard like scooters e-bikes/pedelecs Traditional, heavy e-scooters Schmid number approximately 24 14 2.5 Table 5.6 Schmid numbers for various production lightweight electric vehicles Today, the sales numbers of the types of scooters are in the following order: skateboard like scooters > electric cycles >>> heavy electric scooters Sales number of Moped-like or ULS-like vehicles is, at the moment, negligible. We recognize that the Schmid-number is higher for those vehicle classes of which more are sold (if we consider that the market for skateboard like scooters is younger than the market for pedelecs and that at the same level of market development state more skateboard like scooters would be sold). For vehicles sold in the range of thousands to tens of thousands the Schmid-number should be bigger than that of the electric bike, that is about 14. If it is assumed that the Schmid-number is a useful indicator for the fit of a vehicle to customer requirements of an electrically PTW for serious daily transportation then one can find the sets of parameters for range, speed, weight and price that will potentially have a certain success on the market. For example, if we say: The vehicle (ULS) should be at least as successful as Pedelecs => Schmid number >= 14 If the vehicle will have the following set of parameters, Range Speed Weight 50 km 45 km/h 60 kg using the formula above, we derive a price of 2679 Euro. This price lies much below the one for heavy scooters. Compare: Passol by Yamaha is less powerful and is priced at about 1.7 kEuro. Of course, the Schmid Formula is qualitatively in nature and therefore the results derived using it are to be interpreted with care. 5.9 Possible reasons for the yet non-existence of ultralightweight scooters Two stroke engine powered two wheelers are very abundant on this globe. Therefore it is somewhat astonishing that there exist virtually no mopeds or uls-like vehicles with electric motor. Hypotheses regarding the low sales numbers: 5-21 • • • • • • • Two stroke engines are very cheap to produce, hence are the corresponding twowheelers. Electric drives with competitive speed and range are still more expensive Globally, urban air quality has become a major concern only in the recent decade. Therefore the strategies to ban the two stroke engine and to implement electrical substitutes are young Price and availability of permanent magnet electric motor technology and microprocessor controlled power electronics improved only recently to such an extent that electric mopeds become feasible The increasing number of mobile digital devices like mobile phones and mobile computers are drivers to scale up production of modern battery systems. Some cell types (e.g. medium or bigger sizes prismatic cells) were only recently specially made for power tools and small electric vehicles Even though the technology is available no electric drive systems comparable to those of electric bikes like Heinzmann, Wavecrestlabs or Crystalyte yet exist. Therefore scooter producers can not buy drive system components but have to develop these themselves which is of course a major hurdle. So far only big companies like Yamaha are capable of bringing advanced vehicles (like Passol) to market Until today batteries had too little energy density. Now, Nickel and Lithium systems come up with sufficiently big energy density Bringing an electric vehicle to market meant until today that not only a vehicle, but also a battery business had to be handled. For a company, this is a major hurdle since it means to do more than to focus solely on core competence 5-22 5.10 Market Needs 5.10.1 History of Use Patterns Past Vehicle Applications Abbreviations: Bicycles Car e-Bikes/Pedelecs e-Moped Moped Motorcycle Mountain Bikes Public Transportation Recumbents Scooter UL-Scooter b c eb em m mc mtb pt r s uls Kids Youngsters Yuppies & Students Active Adults and Professionals Elderly and Handicapped Male B B&m B, m, mc, s (Vespa) Female b b (m) b, m (Solex), s (Vespa) C, m for short distance pt, only very few cars M, c pt, b Table 5.7 Use patterns in the 70ies and 80ies Lightly motorized cycles Mopeds Scooters Solex Puch Maxi, Sachs 2-Speed & Automatik Vespa Table 5.8 Typical vehicles of that epoch, 70ies and 80ies 5-23 Kids Youngsters Yuppies & Students Active Adults and Professionals Elderly and Handicapped Male mtb & b b & mtb, only few mopeds b, mtb, mc, s, r c, maxi-s, eb for short distance, r m, eb, c and mopeds like those by Kyburz Female mtb & b b & mtb b, mtb, s, mc, r pt, but now also much more cars, owned by women pt, b, eb, c and mopeds Table 5.9 Use patterns in the 90ies and beyond Bicycles Lightly motorized cycles E-Bikes and Pedelecs Mopeds Scooters Mountain bikes and bike variants derived from the mtb Only few in Switzerland (Sachs) Various brands coming in the second half of the 90ies Pony (Amsler) Many european and asian brands Table 5.10 Typical vehicles of the 90ies Todays Vehicle Use During the ETOUR Project a survey has been conducted with the aim to identify the patterns of use of lightweight electric vehicles (the study was financed by the swiss environmental protection agency BUWAL). For detailed results see AUSWIRKUNGEN VON ELEKTROZWEIRÄDERN AUF DAS MOBILITÄTSVERHALTEN SCHLUSSBERICHT (2003). 5-24 Potential Future Vehicle Applications We assume that an UL-scooter at a reasonable price level would be applied by the following segments of the users: Kids Youngsters Yuppies & Students Active Adults and Professionals Elderly and Handicapped Male Female mtb & b b & mtb, only few mopeds mtb & b b & mtb ULS-Users moderate higher price pricing b, mtb, mc, b, mtb, s, s, r mc, r c, maxi-s, Pt and cars eb for short distance, r m, eb, c, r pt, b, eb, c, and r and mopeds like mopeds those by Kyburz X X X X X Table 5.11 Use patterns in the 90ies and beyond, private users One very important possible application of ul scooters will be utility such as pizza and postal delivery. 5-25 5.10.2 Consumer Needs Standard use of vehicle Various field trials with lightweight two-wheelers yielded the following insights: Users perceived positively: Social and environmental benefit Ease of use Increasing mobility by increasing the accessible range Silence of operation Exercise of pedalling in the case of electric cycles Power assist for the less sportive and the elderly by electric cycles Time gain Real value of power-assist or motorization where there are hills, but not in places with strong cycle culture Charging of e-bikes is easy thanks to the portable battery packs (less need for charging infrastructure) Quality of existing e-bikes Low operational costs (if battery life is long enough) Vehicles considered to be safe Vehicles used as tractors for trailers Weaknesses which were mentioned: Lack of infrastructure friendly to lightweight vehicles (e.g. cycle paths) Charging times too long Range of many two-wheelers on the market too limited (range encountered by users is often smaller than stated by manufacturers! Customers are not aware that range approximately halfes when speed is doubled. Also, with electric battery driven vehicles, range depends very much on on slope, see Fig. 14.1. Today, the range of an e-bike in a steep slope is about 1/5 of the range in the flats) Where average travel distances are higher, speed of existing two-wheelers is too low Parking and storing the vehicles and theft protection Winter operation impossible (Scandinavia) Rain is a problem Classification of e-bikes as mopeds is a problem Mismatch of user expectations and reality: Price of vehicles was underestimated. Vehicles cost more than people wish they would. (In Switzerland, the Tour de Sol and the availability of vehicles like City El, Twike, Flyer and Velocity formed a price expectation of the informed public which is very high compared to other european countries. Swiss price expectations correspond to prices which cover the cost of series models from small/medium series.) Range needed is in fact in most cases shorter than consumers say they would need (Ton Vermie, Tom / E-Tour: 27 km is sufficient for all daily trips). People like to potentially be able to drive for a longer time if they wish or need in some seldom cases. 5-26 From what consumers said based on experiences with existing LEV’s it can be concluded that in a project to develop an ultralightweight scooter the following topics will have to be considered strongly: Weight of empty vehicle needs to be minimized and at the same time range needs to be maximized (*) Market price acceptable to the market participants (*) Optimal charging procedures to reduce charging time, increase life cycle of battery, and reduce price of charger Fair user information (no too optimistic specification of range) Operations in winter at low temperature Co-Marketing of vehicle and rain-protection gear Communication of the needs of such vehicles regarding infrastructure and traffic planning (*) Idea: Standard battery casing which can be filled with various kinds of batteries to adjust to customer needs could be a sales argument Specifications derived from consumer feedback Range Speed and Acceleration Weight Price 50 to 100 km per battery charge Sufficient to be no obstacle for others in urban traffic: In Europe 50 km/h and an acceleration common for gas scooters (0 to 50 km/h in 1.5 to 3 seconds) Comparable to a gas moped which weighs approx. 70 kg about 2000 Euro (guess for a “good price” by a german manufacturer) 5-27 Specialty use of LEV’s Weather protection Whereas on a cycle weather protection is difficult to achieve this is easier on non-pedalled machines. If a fairing was not only made to protect from rain but was also aerodynamically shaped, range in the flats could be enlarged at the same battery price. Reason: Reduced aerodynamic drag and hence less energy losses. Fig. 5.19 Classic by Kyburz (www.kyburz-classic.ch) It is easier to add a full weather protection on multi-track vehicles. Single track vehicles/twowheelers need to be carefully designed in order to achieve good handling in crosswind. See Fuchs 1998, and Fig. 7.9: Aeolos, a vehicle which can even be ridden in traffic in quite strong wind. Tourism Maximizing range opens the leisure market. This was demonstrated by the Flyer C model made by Biketec. This Pedelec allows weaker persons to join good to strong cyclists for a group ride. Also, the silent power assistance while climbing allows such persons to discover 5-28 bike routes which have been inaccessible for them on non-power-assisted cycles. For an example of a bike trip using power assisted cycles see: www.herzroute.ch/ Since an ul scooter is a silent vehicle and easy to operate could make it feasible for operation in sensible touristic areas where noise and pollution are big problems. We think of parks with wild animal, or urban areas. Off-Road Riding Electric machines are the best traction machines available. Maximizing torque opens market opportunities in the field of extreme off-road riding, even moto-cross. Fig. 5.20 a and b Electric Moto in situations where high maximum motor torque is helpful Payload-Carrying Racks and Bags For professional goods distribution, demands are, according to Michael Gade (Post Denmark, 2003): • The vehicles must be constructed as a working tool rather than a means of transportation • 98% availability • At least 150 kg workload. At least 20 kg in the frontbag • At least 30 km working range with full load even in hilly areas 5-29 Fig. 5.21 Conceptual drawing (Source: Oxygen) of postal delivery scooter (this scooter is of the heavy traditional frame type) 5-30 Trailers A significant part of the market consists very probable of urban fleets like those e.g. for postal or pizza delivery. At IFMA 2003 trailers pulled by electric cycles were one of the main topics. It is reasonable to assume that ultralightweight scooters would be used to deliver post or other goods in urban environment. Pulling tasks such as pulling cycle trailers for the transport of small children or dogs or goods, require strong motors producing a lot of torque. Fig. 5.22 Fritz Tschanz delivers Post at Oberstocken and Amsoldingen near Thun, Switzerland, with electric vehicles since many years. One vehicle (shown above) is a Peugeot Scoot’elec with trailer for postal goods For postal delivery, one major advantage of e-scooters is that no internal combusiton engine is operated in stop-and-go mode. The electric scooter does not have to be switched off while the postman walks from the parked vehicle to the post box and back. 5-31 Fig. 5.23 “Cargo Bike Europe”-exhibition at IFMA 2003. This trailer is propelled and pushes the bike. Foto extraenergy.org 5.24 “Cargo Bike Europe”-exhibition at IFMA 2003. This vehicle is a trike with cargo space on the front axle, derived from a pedelec. Foto extraenergy.org 5-32 Fig. 5.25 Electric Moto used for off-road pulling 5.10.3 Marketing handicaps Absences of noise makes e-scooters inattractive to youngsters The vehicles available to the E-Tour project attracted people in the age range 35 and above So vehicle and marketing concepts to attract young people to e-scooters are needed in order to build a sustainable future for them. 5-33 5.10.4 Market needs versus market offering From the feedback of users of early LEV “customer-wants” can be derived and can be compared to the features of the vehicles actually on the market. Fig. 5.26 Comparisons of market wants versus engineering specifications (Shu, The Development of the Advanced Electric Scooter in Taiwan) The figure above shows the discrepancy between the performance of series production vehicles and consumer wants. Improvements are needed mainly in the following domains: Running costs (which depends mainly on battery lifetime) Range (depends mainly on battery energy density and price per unit of battery) Charging duration (which depends mainly on power resp. price of charger) Vehicle weight (dependent on energy density of battery and vehicle concept) On the other hand, the mismatch of user needs and of the spectrum of features of the vehicles on the market defines a market niche still to fill up. This feasibility study shows that an ul scooter lowers the discrepancy between technical possibilities and market wants as shown in the picture above. 5-34 6 State of the Art of Electrically Powered Two-Wheelers 6.1 Contents of this Chapter 6 State of the Art of Electrically Powered Two-Wheelers................................................ 6-1 6.1 Contents of this Chapter....................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 Features and specifications of existing scooters................................................... 6-1 6.2.1 Light electric vehicles in series production..................................................... 6-1 6.2.2 Intellibike ....................................................................................................... 6-3 6.2.3 Performance ................................................................................................. 6-5 6.3 Technologies implemented on the Market ............................................................ 6-5 6.4 Technological Trends ........................................................................................... 6-6 6.5 Hybrid Scooters.................................................................................................... 6-7 6.6 Hydrogen powered Scooters ................................................................................ 6-7 6.6.1 Burning Hydrogen in a Combustion Engine................................................... 6-7 6.6.2 “Burning” Hydrogen in Fuel Cells .................................................................. 6-7 6.2 Features and specifications of existing scooters 6.2.1 Light electric vehicles in series production The specifics of the vehicles from the various scooter classes are: like scooters Basic vehicle layout: Most have rear wheel drive using a belt as transmission between motor and rear wheel. Operation is by a lever or throttle at the handlebar. Very few are equipped with suspension. Technological state: Brushed or brushless motors. Simple charging modes. Batteries: Lead-Gel or NiCd Actual problems in this vehicle class: Many brands suffer from poor quality. Many models overheat on slopes, poor brakes or noisy gears. bikes and pedelecs Basic vehicle layout: All are parallel-hybrid vehicles with different basic layout: a) Front wheel assist drive, b) rear wheel assist drive, c) assist drive near the pedal, step down gear or direct drive between motor and pedals or motor working onto the chain between pedal and rear wheel. Two classes exist: e-bikes which are operated by a throttle and pedelecs which are 6-1 automatically operated upon pedalling. Only some models have suspended wheels. Technological state: Brushed or brushless motors. Some models have advanced battery management systems. Batteries: Lead-Gel, NiCd, NiMH or NiZn, Lithium Actual problems in this vehicle class: Leading brands suffer from little or no problems, whereas models with poorer quality suffer from minor but nasty mechanical or electrical problems. Remarkable models are the Yamaha Passol and the Nycewheels Voloci (out of production) Basic vehicle layout: There are “naked” vehicles and models with plastic shells to cover the underlying frame. Chain or belt drive or rear wheel hub motor (Passol). Brushed or brushless motors common. At least front wheel suspension. Technological state: Smart battery chargers are state of the art. Batteries: Sealed Lead Acid Battery System (SLA) or Nickel Metal Hydride Battery System (NiMH) Actual problems in this vehicle class: This vehicle class is very young, and no huge numbers have been sold yet. Therefore there is hardly any information about the quality standard.“Heavy electric scooters” Basic vehicle layout: The vehicle is very similar to scooters motorized with internal combustion engines. The frame is faired, the tires are small but wide. Front and rear wheel are suspended. Technological state: Brushed motors or brushless direct drive wheelhub motors. Battery management exists so that the potential life expectancy of batteries can be reached. Batteries: lead acid Actual problems in this vehicle class: The vehicle itself is heavy – low ratio of battery to vehicle weight. Direct drive motors are weak on steep slopes. Typical Voltages and Capacities are: DC Voltage Range Skateboard like scooters Electric Bikes Mopeds Heavy Scooters 12, 24 or 36V 24 or 36V 24 or 36V 48V (Scoot’elec 3 x 6 V) Typical Capacities of Battery 4.5 to 12 Ah 3.3 to 8 Ah 14 Ah 50 Ah (Scoot’elec 100 Ah) Table 6.1 Typical board voltages and battery capacities found on the market 6-2 6.2.2 Intellibike Intellibike is an electric cycle technology demonstrator that was developed at the University of Applied Sciences in Biel/Bienne. The drive system including motor was conceptualized by Dr. Andrea Vezzini. For the feasibility study Intellibike is important because it demonstrated the potential for the design of lightweight two-wheelers with electric propulsion that lies in new battery systems and in cycle- rather than heavy scooter-vehicular technology. That is: The materials and design concepts are those usually applied in pedalled human powered cycles. The key features of Intellibike are: • every subsystem is as efficient as possible, e.g. very aerodynamical vehicle and a very efficient, gearless, direct drive hub motor • Very high ratio of battery weight to vehicle weight in order to maximize stored energy The frame was derived from a triathlon bike. The motor was inspired by the solar racing car direct drive wheelhub motors. New is the concept for the battery and its monitoring: It is built from staples of flat Lithium Polymer batteries. Each staple is monitored by a controller which reports battery status using a CAN-bus and finally, wireless, to a laptop computer. Fig. 6.1 Intellibike during the race across Australia For more details see the EVS21 paper (Intellibike’s specifications), and on table 7.1 6-3 of the Intellibike technology demonstrator with e-bike production models 75 Intellibike 50 Range km E-Bikes (extraenergy 2002) 25 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Speed km/h Fig.6.2 Comparison of Intellibike range and speed with a corresponding average of the same parameters of e-bikes as measured by extraenergy.org in the 2002 extraenergy test The comparison is fair in that the vehicles studied by extraenergy weight on average also about 30 kg like Intellibike does. The performance of Intellibike is based on a lithium polymer battery 52V 17.5 Ah, about four times the energy common in production e-bike batteries. The comparison is not fair in that an Intellibike prototype including battery costs much more than the production models. But Fig. 6.2 above shows the potential once lithium batteries become available and become manageable thanks to modern BMS (battery management systems). 6-4 6.2.3 Performance From statements by consumers we derive the following requirements: Parameter Value Benchmark Range At least 50 km in city In Europe, typical trip lengths are up to 15 cycle, also in winter km. Vehicle range should be much more than twice this trip length in order to have some reserve and in order to increase the time interval between recharges Speed 50km/h at least Typical maximum speed in urban traffic Weight 70 kg Comparable to a two-stroke moped Price 2000 Euro Price based on experiences made while marketing e-bikes and pedelecs Table 6.2 Key market requirements of an ultralightweight scooter Intellibike performance demonstrates that consumers requirements can potentially be fullfilled. 6.3 Technologies implemented on the Market See Chapter 6.2 for information about what kind of technology is found in production models. Methods There are standard charging methods. The most common charging method is CC/CV, which stands for constant current and constant voltage. Basically, during the constant current phase energy is loaded into the battery at a constant rate (constant current). Most of the energy is loaded into the battery during this first phase. During the constant voltage phase the different cells of the battery have time to approach full charge since cells with lower voltage than the voltage held constant can approach it. situation of Battery Management System At the moment there are still no perfectly suited battery management system (BMS) on the market (therefore, within this feasibility study, a prototype of a bms was developed). Some battery companies even still charge lithium cells out of a series string individually since they have no access to BMS which allow charge equilibration resp. bypassing of the charging current during charging. 6-5 6.4 Technological Trends In Asia, Europe and North America vehicle development is under way, also LEV development. The following overview including scooters is especially relevant for Asia: Past 1200cc car engine, 250cc twin cylinder motorcycle engine, 26 cc general purpose engine, manual shift gear box, motorcycle Car EMS technology, Electronic Gearbox system matching technology 1st generation electrical scooter with VRLA battery 2nd generation electrical scooter with NiMH battery Present 1600/1800/2000cc modularized car engine EMS/ECU prototype Controller 3rd generation electrical scooter with lithium battery Future low fuel consumption Lean Burn Engine, NLEV low emission and OBD technology, electronic automatic gearbox Engine digital control technology, Auto-PC technology Fuel cell technology, hybrid power system Table 6.3 Vehicle development according to ITRI/MIRL, Taiwan (March 2003). NLEV: National Low Emission Vehicle OBD: On-board diagnostic EMS: Engine Management System ECU: Engine Control Unit ITRI: Industrial Technology Research Institute MIRL: Mechanical Industrial Research Laboratories (MIRL) VRLA: Valve Regulated Lead-Acid Whereas in the aerea of motorcycles and cars with internal combustion engine Taiwan’s ITRI/MIRL focus on the development of key components, in the field of scooters the third stage electrical motorcycle project is under way which includes the development of complete platforms. According to MTRI, light material, lithium battery and energy management technologies have been applied in the third stage electrical scooter. The specifications of the third stage electrical scooter are: • Scooter weight: 90 kilograms • Battery use life: 36,000 kilometers • Mileage for each battery charging: 60 kilometers • Recharge function: 30 kilometers mileage for 15 minutes fast charging of battery Apparently, hybrid scooters are forseen only for the future. This corresponds to our understanding that a battery ul scooter only just now becomes fully feasible in all respects (usability, technical, economical), whereas hybrid or fuel cell scooter still need (much) more development. 6-6 6.5 Hybrid Scooters At the EVS21 conference in spring 2005 Honda engineers showed a hybrid scooter and let visitors test ride. The drive was a unique combination of series- and parallel hybrid. Fig. 6.3 Hybrid scooter prototype 6.6 Hydrogen powered Scooters 6.6.1 Burning Hydrogen in a Combustion Engine Independent Energy Systems InEnSy (www.inensy.de) has exhibited a scooter burning hydrogen rather than gasoline at the IFMA 2001 fair in Cologne. 6.6.2 “Burning” Hydrogen in Fuel Cells Quite many fuel cell scooters exist or are under construction. At HTI Biel, in 2005 and beyond students are working on a Peugeot Scoot’elec powered by fuel cell, and which stores peak power in supercapacitors. 6-7 Fig. 6.4 Asia Pacific Fuel Cell Technologies have demonstrated various generations of fuel cell scooters (ZES n, n ranging from I to IV) Fig. 6.5 Fuel cell powered version of Yamaha Passol 6-8 Fig. 6.6 Design proposed by www.behind-the-wheel.de. In this “Hunter” fuel cell scooter the tank is located in the upper part of the body, just below the seat. 6-9 7 Technical Feasibility 7.1 Contents of this Chapter 7 Technical Feasibility .................................................................................................... 7-1 7.1 Contents of this Chapter....................................................................................... 7-1 7.2 Recapitulation of most important Requirements ................................................... 7-1 7.3 Technical Feasibility ............................................................................................. 7-2 7.3.1 Vehicle .......................................................................................................... 7-2 7.3.2 Potential solutions for the Drive System ...................................................... 7-13 7.3.3 Approximate weights and volumes of a Drive System ................................. 7-13 7.2 Recapitulation of most important Requirements Most important requirements to an ultraleightweight scooter ULS: Ergonomic man-machine interface An energy storage capacity as huge as possible in order to increase range in km and the time between recharging but that is still lightweight enough Nevertheless the battery pack should be one which can be taken off the vehicle to lower the need to access public charging infrastructure with the ULS Automated charging process: Ease of handling of the charging process Vehicle as lightweight as possible Strong motor to accelerate fast (acceleration is more important than maximum speed) Feasible for mass production High level of theft protection but nevertheless easy handling. Storage space for helmets etc. High quality product communication (good manual) The battery and its management system is key for an ULS: Requirements to a energy storage (battery) according to Hannes Neupert (2003): Capacity, Ah (as high as possible) Weight, kg (as low as possible) Volume, cm2 (as low as possible) Lifetime and reliability (as long as possible) Costs (as low as possible) Safety (especially for Li-Ion accurate BMS needed, BMS= Battery Management System) Environmental soundness (like charging efficiency and recycling) 7-1 7.3 Technical Feasibility 7.3.1 Vehicle Gross Weight Lightweight construction of the vehicle itself in the way e.g. Intellibike was build is too costly. However, even in steel or aluminium frames lightweight enough for a commercial version of an ul scooter can be built. Intellibike [kg] 2.0 0.3 3.4 ULS, commercial version [kg] 0 2 0 1.5 1.4 0 0 0.8 0 0.0 20 Battery 5.5 12 Battery casing and electronics Power electronics Hub motor (in rear wheel) Motor on rear wheel suspension 1.5 Bicycle chainwheel Transmission to rear wheel Rest Charger TOTAL Frame Aerodynamic fairing Front wheel suspension incl. Handlebar Front wheel Rear wheel suspension Rear wheel without hub motor Complete Vehicle 0.5 9.7 1 0 0.0 5.5 0.8 0.7 0 2.5 2.0 0.0 30.0 8 6 57.0 Source conservative estimate for weight of downhill mountain bikes About 40Ah at 37V (suppliers of lithium batteries) Motor power between 1 and 4 kW (suppliers of synchronous motors) Estimation Table 7.1 Estimated weight break-down of an ULS based on cycle technology compared to the measured weight break-down of Intellibike (Intellibike was equipped with a lithium polymer battery of 52V 17.5Ah, that is 0.91 kW-hour) File: weight_breakdown.xls 7-2 Base: Frame and Wheels Cycle technology which allows high peak loads is represented in the downhill / freeride bicycles. These bikes usually have quite wide 26” wheels (26” x 2.35” or 60-559), lightweight but strong frames from tubing, and lots of suspension travel. This kind of vehicle is feasible to be developed further into an uls. On average, such downhill bikes weight below 20 kg’s if without lighting system, fenders and rack. If the frame is a cheaper one than those typical on the rather expensive downhill bikes, weight of the pure vehicle with spoke wheels as on cycles may be 25 kg’s. If the drive train including batteries weights 25 kg’s, the vehicle including drive train, lights, fenders and rack will weight in at about 50 to 60 kg’s if the wheels are based on cycle technology, that is, thin walled diagonal high pressure tires (4 to 7 bars). But wheels with thin spokes may not be suitable for design reasons. Cast wheels or faired wheels with wide tires might be better to give an uls its own character as a motorized vehicle. Cast wheels would weight some more kg’s than spoked wheels. It is therefore expected that an uls will weight in at about 60 to 70 kgs’ 7-3 Frame Examples Examples of vehicles that exist and which can serve as examples for a vehicular basis of an ul scooter. Fig 7.1 The Gemini by Cannondale is an example for a lightweight, suspended vehicle rigidly constructed. (Of course an ULS as an urban vehicle should have an outlay of the frame with differently angled tubes). Fig. 7.2 Electric Moto dirt bike. This looks like an off-road version of an uls. 7-4 Fig. 7.3 X-Bike by ZVO Inc. Los Angeles (www.gilamonsterbikes.com). With 36V 5Ah battery this bike weights 48 pounds (about 25 kg‘s). An ultralightweight scooter could conceptually be very similar to the X-Bike: rigid frame, suspension (seat suspension is an option), small wheels with fat tires 7-5 Wheels and tires Wheels and tires may make up a significant percentage of vehicle weight even when with drive train and battery. In order to differentiate an uls from a traditional scooter, no traditional scooter tires from the range 90/90-10 to 150/70-14 should be used. Fat tires of small wheels have less rolling resistance than believed (=> Article by Ian Sims in Human Power, Vol 42, www.hupi.org). Such cycle tires are a better choice than standard scooter tires if the weight of the vehicle is quite below 100 kg’s. If cycle wheels with spokes could be used, a certain weight advantage over cast wheels would result. Using thin-walled tires as narrow as possible would reduce weight, too. However, for design reasons, cast wheels with massive spokes and fat tires may be required. When using cycle tires, maximum permissible load is a key criteria. Today, tires suitable for prototype development and maybe even series productions exist: Company Schwalbe Model BMX, Jumpin Jack BMX, Crazy Bob MTB, Super Moto MTB, Black Jack TUBELESS Important specifications 60-559 Max. load 150 kg 2 to 4 bar 690 g 54-559 Max. load 140 kg 2.5 to 4 bar 720 g Table 7.2 Tires on the market that should be evaluated when actually building an ULS prototype 7-6 Concepts for fairings for weather protection a) Concept of a partially faired vehicle by Peter Ernst Big advantage of this concept is the possibility to adjust the fairing in dependence of the weather. Fig. 7.4 Concept by Peter Ernst for a fairing where the degree of rider protection from the weather can be varied from only little protection to nearly full protection. b) Weather protection on modern bicycles At the moment Tribecraft AG is working on a study about weather protection of riders of twowheelers. See final report for swiss federal agency of energy. 7-7 Concepts for fully aerodynamic Vehicles or aerodynamic Aids The vehicles shown above are all vehicles with upright seating position. But lowering and seat position and bending backwards the backrest would yield huge aerodynamic benefits. Also, partial, but especially full fairings yield some degree or full weather protection. However, so far, conservative approaches in scooter design have prevented full use of the corresponding benefits. In this chapter we therefore like to show how big aerodynamic benefits could be. If a roofed ul scooter is to be designed then lowering seat height is a must. Most important parameters for the aerodynamic efficiency of unfaired and faired twowheelers: a. Seat height above ground b. Inclination of rider upper body (reclined: Chopper or recumbent; upright: moped and motorcycle; bent forward: racing motorcycle) c. Aerodynamic fairings (Faired wheels, front fairings, partial fairings of rider that may also protect from rain, full fairings) Unfaired cycles Upright cycle Racing bike upright seating Racing bike crouched position Triathlon bike Recumbent Faired cycles Aluminium Allewedder Carbon Allewedder Recumbent with foam fairing Recumbent with full fairing seat at 60 cm seat at 40 cm seat at 20 cm seat at 20 cm Effective frontal area, m2 0.70 100 0.52 74 0.39 56 0.33 0.29 0.26 0.23 0.20 47 41 38 33 29 0.17 24 0.11 16 0.04 6 drag in % of upright bike Table 7.3 Drag coefficients derived from measurements of power needed to attain a certain speed (Source: hpv nieuws 6/97) Other sources for similar data are: www.liegerad.de/lieg/rennen/aerodyna/cw.pdf and www.magic-scooter.de 7-8 Traditional, upright seating, no focus on aerodynamics: a) Velosolex (20th century) Fig. 7.5 A classic, the Velosolex b) Voloci E-Mofa (third millenium) Fig. 7.6 Modern version of a two wheeler for short range transportation (for all-weather use fenders had to be added). 7-9 Traditional, upright seating, strong focus on aerodynamics: c) Kemut An example for a vehicle with upright seating but partial fairing with aerodynamic benefits. Fig. 7.7 Example for a highly aerodynamic partial fairing 7-10 Recumbent seating: d) Plastic and tissue partial fairings Fig. 7.8a und 7.8b Example of partial fairings. Fairings common on production models of recumbents (here: Easy Racer Gold Rush). e) Aeolos by Joachim Fuchs (fully faired, acceptable handling in crosswinds): Entering Aeolos is no problem. In summer, the rear part of the fairing may stay open while riding. Fig. 7.9 Aeolos by Joachim Fuchs is the only known single track vehicle with acceptable handling in crosswinds tested over years. If a fully faired version of an ul scooter should be built the base configuration of vehicle frame and fairing of Aeolos could be taken as an example. 7-11 The effect of lowered aerodynamic drag on range of purely electrical two-wheelers is shown below: Fig. 7.10 Range increases with decreasing effective frontal aerea. Article by Michael Saari (in Human Power, Vol 42, www.hupi.org). The figure above shows that range of battery driven small vehicles may be increased by 50% or so if the effective frontal aerea is halfed. This, as is shown in the table 7.3 above, is easily done by changing from an upright seating position to a reclined seating position. Partial or full fairings help to increase range even more. If upright seating is required then a partial fairing like the one on the Kemut also allows to reduce drag to about half. 7-12 7.3.2 Potential solutions for the Drive System 7.3.3 Approximate weights and volumes of a Drive System Volume and weight of a drive system of an electric scooter is given mainly by the motor and the batteries. Volumes: • Motor (wheel hub motor or motor on rear wheel trailing arm, using belt or chain to drive the wheel): Cylindrical, min. diameter 190 mm, length up to 135 mm if hub motor, else 85 mm • Battery: Volume min. 5 liters, opt. 7 liters, max. 11 liters Weights: • A motor in the required power-class, up to 2 kW, weighs approx. 5 kg’s • Batteries with up to 2kWh energy weigh inbetween 10 and 20 kg’s Control System on PowerNet 42V Standard A decentralized control system was developed at the University of Applied Sciences in the period 2000 to 2002 for autork ltd. See Fuchs 2001, Fuchs 2002, Blatter 2003, Blatter and Fuchs 2003 and Fuchs 2003. This system could be used as a top-level control system. It is based on a serial bus (CAN) and would allow the communication between the human-machine interface (display & control module), the battery with its battery management system, the motor with its electronic control, as well as a charger. Intelligent charging and energy/battery management can be implemented. E.g. the decentralized control system could be combined with the battery management systems by Dr. A. Vezzini applied in the Antares sailplane with electrical propulsion while starting or applied in Intellbike (Vezzini 2003, page 36) or with a new BMS developed within this project: In the period spring 2004 to summer 2005 a battery management system for 7 to 10 lithium battery cells was being developped by Stefan Brönnimann at the University of Applied Sciences in Biel (Brönnimann 2004). 7-13 SYX Motor and Motor Controller The system consists of wheelhub motor, motor controller and throttle. No indication for the existence of a battery management system is given. See crystalyte.com Model SYX Scooter & Small Car Motor Series Motor Type Brush type Voltage Rating 48 V DC (36V Available) Power rating 500 Watt - 2000 Watt Maximum RPM 444 - 915 r/min Top Speed MPH KPH 1000 W 21.75-34.18 35-55km/h 1500 W 21.75-34.18 35-55km/h 2000 W 27.97-43.50 45-70km/h Maximum Torque N.m Start Torque 1000W 13.80 - 21.50 60 N.m 1500 W 19.90 - 31.20 100 N.m 2000 W 20.90 - 33.40 100 N.m More Table 7.4 Main specifications of crystalyte system In this system, since a battery management system is lacking, an intelligent charger may partly compensate for that if the user is well educated in the field of small electric vehicle use. 7-14 Fig. 7.11 Crystalyte motor for scooter 7-15 Power Unit for Electric Systems The Pues System is a complete drive train. The company www.pues.co.jp markets this system mainly for indoor racing karts and e-scooters. See appendix for the sheet with the specifications listed. The system consists of all the parts needed to implement a drive in a small electric vehicle: a motor and a NiMH battery with battery management system. This drive system seems to be of high quality. In huge production lots the price of this system would be acceptable. built based on systems and components existing at the University of Applied Sciences Biel A combination of system architectures, hard- and software, existing at HTI Biel, is a solution for the complete drive train. However, scaling and modification in order to fit the requirements of an ul scooter exactly is needed. A drive train could be licensed to a vehicle manufacturer. Compared to purchasing the PUES system with margins put into the price a system from HTI would be cheaper if licensed. Subsystem Applications Developed by Decentralized control system DCS Laboratory prototypes of series hybrid cycles Antares, sailplane with electrically powered motor for climbing Virtually any HTA Bern, 2000 to 2002, Jürg Blatter / Andreas Fuchs Battery management system BMS BMS prototyped by Stefan Brönnimann HTA Biel and drivetek, 200x, Andrea Vezzini Within this project at HTI Biel Modifications needed for ul scooter prototype Further development of the motor controller and interface to BMS Interface to DCS. Other battery type Interfacing to DCS top level control system Table 7.5 Existing control (sub-)systems for prototyping of an ul scooter 7-16 8 Components of Drive System 8.1 Contents of this Chapter 8 Components of Drive System...................................................................................... 8-1 8.1 Contents of this Chapter....................................................................................... 8-1 8.2 Motors .................................................................................................................. 8-2 8.2.1 Requirements: Key Vehicle Parameters........................................................ 8-2 8.2.2 Propulsion System Dynamics........................................................................ 8-2 8.2.3 Dimensioning of propulsion system ............................................................... 8-4 Power and Torque on Wheel.................................................................. 8-4 Power and Torque at Motor Shaft .......................................................... 8-6 Resulting Nominal Motor Values ............................................................ 8-7 Suitable Electrical Machines .................................................................. 8-8 IPM Machines and their Advantages................................................... 8-9 Design Problems of PM Synchronous Motors................................... 8-11 The machine from PERM-Motor ................................................. 8-12 The wheel motor that was used in Intellibike: “Spirit of Bike – Motor” 8-14 A machine that could be specifically designed for the ULS: IPM – Motor 8-17 ULS Feasibility Study Results for electric Motor ................................... 8-20 8.3 Battery Casing.................................................................................................... 8-21 8.4 Other casings..................................................................................................... 8-21 8.5 Cables................................................................................................................ 8-22 8.6 Energy storage................................................................................................... 8-22 8.6.1 Batteries...................................................................................................... 8-23 Minimal Battery Mass and Volume as demonstrated by Intellibike ....... 8-23 Battery chemistries............................................................................... 8-24 Batteries, production models and availability .................................... 8-26 Battery Cells that might be feasible ............................................ 8-26 Availability .................................................................................. 8-27 8.6.2 Battery management ................................................................................... 8-27 Battery safety ....................................................................................... 8-27 Battery Life........................................................................................... 8-28 Independent Information about Cycle Life......................................... 8-28 8.7 Control Systems................................................................................................. 8-28 8.7.1 Complete Control Systems.......................................................................... 8-28 8.7.2 Motor Controls............................................................................................. 8-29 Power Stages....................................................................................... 8-29 8-1 8.2 Motors 8.2.1 Requirements: Key Vehicle Parameters ULS-Vehicle Driver “Normal” ULS 60 kg 75 kg Payload 15 kg Total Weight Top-Speed Gradient Acceleration 150 kg 60 km/h 18% 10 m in less than 3 s 100 m in less than 10 s 60 – 80 km Range Postal Service ULS 60 kg Driver: 75 kg small Trailer: 40 kg 45 kg (ULS), 80 kg (Trailer) 300 kg 45 km/h 17% up to 60 km Table 8.1 List of requirements of a commuter and a transport version of an ul scooter regarding drive performance 8.2.2 Propulsion System Dynamics Torque – speed requirements are given by: • Starting torque • Maximum hill speed • Top speed power • Acceleration • Maximum battery power Propulsion system design task: • • Define continuous torque – Speed and power rating Define max. torque and power 8-2 Fig. 8.1 Torque-speed and power-speed curves. A high dynamic range is needed for both high acceleration when starting and high power at high efficiency at elevated speeds Definition of the speed ranges of constant torque and constant power: Fig. 8.14 Example for Constant Torque Speed Range (CTSR) given by limitations of electrical machine or inverter Constant Power Speed Range (CPSR), given by limitation of electrical machine, inverter or energy source 8-3 8.2.3 Dimensioning of propulsion system Calculation Assumptions: Coefficient of drag, cW Frontal aerea, Af Density of air 0.95 0.5 m2 1.20 kg/m3 Table 8.2 Parameter set assumed for the calculations and Torque on Wheel Road Load Forces [W] vs. Speed (km/h) Road Load Torque [Nm] vs. Speed (km/h) 6000 90 5000 75 4000 60 3000 45 2000 30 1000 15 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Rotational Inertia Coefficient Fig. 8.2a & b Resulting force and power diagrams “Normal” ULS: Gradients: 0/6/12/18%, “Low” starting torque, max. speed power ~ 2 kW 8-4 Road Load Forces [W] vs. Speed (km/h) Road Load Torque [Nm] vs. Speed (km/h) 6000 120 5000 100 4000 80 3000 60 2000 40 1000 20 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Rotational Inertia Coefficient Fig. 8.3a & b Postal Service ULS High starting torque, slightly higher max. speed power Starting torque of a standard ULS and a postal ULS are very different in that the torque doubles due to twice the weight. Since a postal ULS does not need to go as fast as an normal standard ULS power is not really a limiting criteria. 8-5 and Torque at Motor Shaft Torque [Nm] vs. Speed (km/h) 60 50 Road and Motor Torque [Nm] 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 Vehicle Speed [km/h] 50 60 Fig. 8.4 Force and power diagram “Normal” ULS: Transmission ratio: 1:2.5, motor torque: 24Nm, transmission efficiency: 97.4% Torque [Nm] vs. Speed (km/h) 120 100 Road and Motor Torque [Nm] 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 Vehicle Speed [km/h] 50 60 Fig. 8.5 Force and power diagram Postal Service ULS: Transmission ratio: 1:5, motor torque: 24Nm, Increased Constant Power Speed Range 8-6 Nominal Motor Values Motor Torque (Nm) vs. Speed (km/h) 30 1750 25 Motor Torque [Nm] Motor Power [W] Motor Power (W) vs. Speed (km/h) 2100 1400 1050 700 350 20 15 10 5 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Vehicle Speed [km/h] 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 Vehicle Speed [km/h] 60 Fig. 8.6a & b Nominal motor values with belt transmission Fullfills requirements of “normal” and postal ULS Mechanical: Nominal torque: 25Nm, corner speed: 765 rpm, nominal power: 2kW, top speed: 3000 rpm, torque at top speed: 6.37 Nm Motor Torque (Nm) vs. Speed (km/h) 90 1750 75 Motor Torque [Nm] Motor Power [W] Motor Power (W) vs. Speed (km/h) 2100 1400 1050 700 350 60 45 30 15 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Vehicle Speed [km/h] 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 Vehicle Speed [km/h] 60 Fig. 8.7a & b Nominal motor values for a hub-motor in rear wheel Only suitable for standard version of ULS; not suitable for postal ULS Mechanical: Nominal torque: 62.5Nm, corner speed: 306 rpm, nominal power: 2kW, top speed: 627 rpm, torque at top speed: 30.5 Nm 8-7 Electrical Machines 1. HTI Biel IPM: Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctace Machine for use with belt transmission. Only Design-Study. 2. HTI Biel SMPM: Permanent Magnet Surface Mounted Synchronous Machine for use as wheel Motor. Used in Spirit of Bike Project, already built for rear wheel use. 3. PERM-Motor: Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor. Production-Motor with High Quality from Germany. Could be used as drive with belt transmission. Fig. 8.8 HTI Biel IPM Fig. 8.9 HTI Biel SMPM (Intellibike Motor) Fig. 8.10 Perm-Motor GmbH Synchronous Machine 8-8 Discussion of differences between the motors: For the theory about smooth PM synchronous machines and salient IPM (PMA SynRel Motor) see EVS 20 paper draft. IPM Machines and their Advantages Why use PMA-SynRM (Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctace Machine) ? Advantages in cost, efficiency and control • Needs less permanent magnets • Similar efficiency as SMPM SM (Permanent Magnet Surface Mounted Synchronous Machine) • Wide constant power speed range possible Fig. 8.11 Overview of types of electric machines in dependence of ratio of pm induced torque to reluctance induced torque. Source: Soong Wen Liang, Design and Modelling of Axiallylaminated IPM Motor Drives for Field-Weakening Applications, University of Glasgow, 1993 Fig. 8.12 Rotor geometry and saliency numbers from SMPM to pure SR-Machines. Source: Soong Wen Liang, Design and Modelling of Axially-laminated IPM Motor Drives for FieldWeakening Applications, University of Glasgow, 1993 8-9 Fig. 8.13 Comparison of cost and efficiency of various electric machines. Source: Soong Wen Liang, Design and Modelling of Axially-laminated IPM Motor Drives for Field-Weakening Applications, University of Glasgow, 1993 Fig. 8.15 Dynamic behaviour of machines with same saliency ratio but different magnetic flux. Source: A. Vezzini Advantage of PMA-SynRM (Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine): • • Easier Design to get infinite speed behaviour, thus optimum use of inverter current rating and higher efficiency at higher speed Overall smaller machine volume as machine power is matched to requirements 8-10 Design Problems of PM Synchronous Motors axle power axle torque PM Syn 1 PM Syn 2 PM Syn 3 PM Syn 1 PM Syn 2 PM Syn 3 axle speed axle speed Fig. 8.16 Various types of synchronous machines compared PM Syn with big flux weakening region (small base speed, PM Syn 3) has decreased power at high speed due to reduced efficiency and smaller torque producing current (flux weakening current is necessary!) PM Syn with small flux weakening region will not reach the required torque (PM Syn 2) for the same phase current as PM Syn with big flux. Required torque can only be reached with very high current in base speed region (thermal problems!) and motor is oversized in power (PM Syn 1). PERM-Motor: To get the required torque, a current of 254% of the nominal current is required, this can cause thermal problems and thus could limit the time during which the overload is allowed. 8-11 The machine from PERM-Motor PMS-100 Torque at 3000 rpm: 7.11 Nm Nominal Voltage: 24V Nominal Current: 101 A Overload capability: 300% = 21.33 Nm Overload Current: 303 A! Volume: 188 mm x 82mm Weight: 5.5 kg The motor is very small but requires high current to reach the needed starting torque. Thermal Problems and lower efficiency at this speed will be the result. Fig. 8.17 Overload capacity of Perm-Motor motors in % of nominal values for speed (horizontal axis) and torque (vertical axis) 8-12 Fig. 8.18 Dynamic range of Perm-Motor motors. PMS 100 would be between the curves for PMS 080 and PMS 150 8-13 The wheel motor that was used in Intellibike: “Spirit of Bike – Motor” Nominal Torque: 17 Nm Nominal current: 25 Aeff Efficiency at nominal power: 96% Winding, current density: 2.3 A/mm2 This Motor can be overloaded in order to reach the 62.5 Nm needed for the postal uls. Current density stays below 10A/mm2. For the wheel-motor type the power electronics would have to be scaled for the new nominal current. Fig. 8.19 Cross-Section through the Intellibike wheel motor Advantages in Efficiency and Power Density Optimum Design for an Infinite Speed SMPM But the cost are horribly high 8-14 8-15 Fig. 8.20a to k Performance of the Intellibike Motor 8-16 A machine that could be specifically designed for the ULS: IPM – Motor Uses standard lamination for prototype stator, easily available and cheap. The rotor however has to be made using laser cutting, but from the same material as the stator. Uses much less magnetic material (magnetic material of lower flux density, 0.6T) Possible to injection mold later in production stage Small active volume Diameter: 152.5 mm Stack length: 100 mm For Casing: add about 50mm length and 10mm diameter Fig. 8.21a and b IPM Machine based on available stator sheet material 8-17 8-18 Fig. 8.22a to b Performance of the IPM Motor designed for the ul scooter 8-19 Feasibility Study Results for electric Motor PMA-SynRM and PERM-Motor fulfill both ULS requirements (Postal and Normal). PMASynRM is smaller in size and weight and has lower current requirements than PERM-Motor. The SMPM synchronous machine will cost more due to permanent magnets. Table 8.3 Comparison of motors suitable for ULS. The first two motors exist, the third would have to be developed 8-20 8.3 Battery Casing For maximum performance of an ul scooter the whole system efficiency is important. Therefore battery design, especially the packaging of the electrochemical cells, has to be such that no overheating occurs. Key requirements to battery casings: • • • • • • • • Protects the battery against harmful environmental influences like rain, solar radiation. No forming of condensed water films Every cell on the same temperature. In a battery pack it is not easy to create a thermic environment that is similar for all cells. At least, all cells should have contact to a heat conducting surface. If ventilated the air exchange rate needs to be constant all over the internal volume Mechanically rigid so that pressure onto battery casings is the same for all cells Stands mild shocks and vibration. No conductors should come loose and provoke an internal short Allows to connect sensor cables from battery monitoring systems Accessible for maintenance. Exchanging a weak cell (as detected by the BMS) against a new one has to be very easy Ergonomically designed so that the battery is easy to mount into and to dismount from the vehicle. If the battery is heavy the battery module needs to be separable so that any piece is below limits for load carrying (see chapter 12) Affordable 8.4 Other casings Other casings are those of • • • Display Motor Control Charger There are proven ways to design displays respective human-machine interfaces of vehicles. Therefore here only the most important requirements to motor control- and charger-casing are listed: General requirements: • Sufficient cooling to minimize the temperature of the electronics • Protection from environmental influences (rain, dust) If the charger is just carried along as payload and is only used inside/under shelters the requirements regarding protection are weaker than those to chargers that are mounted on the vehicle • Affordable. The casing has to be easy to produce • Mechanical means available to connect shields of cables 8-21 8.5 Cables Cabling is an underestimated cost factor In design, therefore • • Number of connectors need to be minimized. For simplicity, connectors should connect directly onto connectors on prints. No cables between connectors in walls of casings and internal prints! Choose a system architecture which minimizes cable length as much as possible 8.6 Energy storage Required capacity of the energy storage device depends on the electrical power drawn from it and the duration of the discharging at this power level. E = Pt E P t Energy, J Power, W Time, s Power itself depends mainly on the maximum and average speed of vehicle. Capacities scale with the following law: E 2 v2 = E1 v1 vx 2 Speed, m/s So if the design speed of an uls is doubled, the capacity needs to be quadrupled! Compared with e-bikes which have design speeds of hardly more than 20 km/h an ULS will need about 4 times more battery capacity if it runs faster than 40 km/h. So a capacity in the order of 40 Ah is needed (at typical e-bike voltages of 24 to 36V). 8-22 8.6.1 Batteries Key features of Batteries are: • • • • • • • Energy density resp. weight of battery Temperature range Minimal losses at high discharge currents Cycle number until end of life (usually defined when battery capacity is down to a certain % of the original capacity. Often 80%) Ease of handling resp. ease of charging and discharging Environmental friendliness Price (attention: cheap batteries may be expensive over vehicle life!) Battery Mass and Volume as demonstrated by Intellibike Battery Chemistry Capacity Voltage Mass and Volume Energy density Lithium Polymer 962 Wh 52 V 5.5 kg, 3 liter 175 Wh/kg resp. 325 Wh/liter Table 8.4 Intellibike battery 8-23 chemistries TECHNOLOGY SPECIFIC ENERGY (Wh/Kg) ENERGY DENSITY (Wh/l) SPECIFIC POWER (W/kg) CYCLE LIFE (Cycles) Prototype Lithium-MetalPolymer 121 143 241 300 Commercial Lithium-MetalPolymer (projected) 180 305 365 500 Li-ion 138 210 430 550 NiMH 63 150 200 800 Ni-Cad 50 90 120 800 Lead-Acid 36 86 180 600 Table 8.5 Comparison of energy and power-densities of battery chemistries. Data by avestor.com 8-24 Tables 8.6a to c Comparison of physics, cycle life and economy of battery chemistries most relevant on markets. From batteries.ppt 8-25 Energy density Temperature range Losses at high discharge currents Lead Low Problems near water freezing point High Nickel Acceptable Acceptable down to 0 deg C Lithium Very high Limited on the high temperature side (45 deg C max) Acceptable Low (Kokam shows discharge curves up to 8C resp. 8 nominal currents) Acceptable Newest data indicates that at least as good as lead High charging rates BMS needed possible Cycle number until end of life Low Ease of handling (ease of charging and discharging) Environmental friendlyness Easy Toxic Cadmium in NiCd is very toxic Price Low purchase price Down to 700 Euro/kWh (2004) Manufacturers state that Lithium Polymer is harmless. From independent sources little is known yet Still over 1000 Euro/kWh Table 8.7 Overview over key features of batteriy chemistries From the tables above it is evident that lithium batteries are highly interesting except for the need to monitor and manage voltage of lithium cells carefully. As a fall back position for an ULS battery we would recommend NiMH batteries. Batteries, production models and availability Battery Cells that might be feasible Lithium Lithium Ion VL M cells, 3.6 V, 27 or 41 Ah (Saft) VL P cells, 3.6V, 8, 16 or 31 Ah (Saft) VL Module (Saft) Saphion Li-Ion U-Charge Power System, 12V, 45Ah (Valence) Cr-F-Li Battery TS-LP6163A, 2.8 to 4.25V, 50 Ah (Thunder-Sky) Lithium Polymer cells from Kokam, 3.7V, 40 Ah (distributed in Switzerland by Leclanché or ERUN) Nickel Nickel Metal Hydride VHF cells, 1.2 V, 13.5 Ah (Saft) NiMH 1.2V, 12 Ah (TMK) 8-26 Availability Saft: NiMH cells are available, however LiIon Cells are only available to certain customers Kokam: Cells available from Leclanché and ERUN Valence: Quotes available TMK: Ansers to requests for quotes No answer to requests for quotation from: Edan (Taiwan), Fortu (Germany) Many more battery companies and their products have been evaluated (in vain). 8.6.2 Battery management The work within this project regarding battery management has been performed by Stefan Brönnimann. See References and see chapter 12: 1. Brönnimann Stefan, Intelligente Li-Polymer Batterie, diploma thesis at HTI Biel, Dez. 2004 2. Andreas Fuchs, Stefan Brönnimann, Andrea Vezzini. Drive System for Ultralightweight 60/60/60 Electric Scooter. EVS 21, Monaco 2005 safety Dangerous situations are: • • • • • • • Unintentional short cuircuiting Destruction or penetration of battery pack Overheating battery packs while (over)charging Different state of charge of cells in a row of series-connected array of cells and different heating while charging Ageing of battery management system with battery chemistries which need to be monitored and managed Water intrusion into battery pack Burning batteries which can not be deleted with water Qualitative information about safety tests are available from many companies. However, it has to be kept in mind that much of this information is released for marketing purposes and therefore battery tests like those by extranergy.org are very valuable. Available to us is safety information about Kokam cells; results look promising. 8-27 Life As rule of thumb for an ULS no battery should be chosen that has not been tested for at least 600 charge-/discharge cycles. 600 cycles would correspond to 3 years lifetime if the full battery capacity is discharged per work day (assuming that the ULS is a vehicle for daily commutes). It is required that the remaining capacity is still above 80% of nominal capacity after 600 cycles. Companies that provide cycle-life information: Kokam LiPoly cells, 600 cycles Saft LiIon VL M cells, 1500 cycles Valence Saphion LiIon Technology, up to 2000 cycles (which is astonishing!) Independent Information about Cycle Life Independently measured cycle life information is best. Even better is information that was collected under real conditions of use. According to Hannes Neupert long life of LiIon batteries requires that depth of discharge does not regularely exceed 70% (Personal communication 29.3.04) Extraenergy.org is, during the time in which this study is being made, testing batteries in collaboration with german post. For updates about results, see their Internet Site. 8.7 Control Systems 8.7.1 Complete Control Systems Autork ag/HTI Bern has developed a prototype control system in which every component, even the module for vehicle lighting, communicates using a CAN-bus. However motor power at the moment is limited to 1.6 kW if motor control is not redesigned. See Fuchs 2004 and Blatter 2003 for further details. 8-28 8.7.2 Motor Controls There are not many companies that list production motor controllers for 3-phase electric machines with CAN interfaces. Upon purchase of a motor control the user has to purchase or build the rest of the system, main switch and fuses, battery management and fuel gauge as well as tachometer himself. Companies: www.piktronik.com www.navitastechnologies.com Stages Power stages were developed by the following manufacturers: Company Advanced Power Technology Europe, advancedpower.com Semikron Power Stage APTM08TAM04P AIPM (Advanced Intelligent Power Module) Table 8.8 Power stages 8-29 9 Battery Management System 9.1 Contents of this Chapter 9 Battery Management System .......................................................................... 9-1 9.1 Contents of this Chapter....................................................................................... 9-1 9.2 Main tasks for a BMS ........................................................................................... 9-2 9.3 Montoring and second protection ......................................................................... 9-2 9.4 Scalable Concept for BMS ................................................................................... 9-3 9.5 Components of a Battery Management System ................................................... 9-3 9.6 Algorithms ............................................................................................................ 9-3 9.6.1 SOC Calculation............................................................................................ 9-3 9.6.2 SOH Calculation............................................................................................ 9-4 9.7 Hardware ............................................................................................................. 9-5 9.8 BMS monitoring tool ............................................................................................. 9-6 9.9 Tests of Battery Management System.................................................................. 9-7 9.9.1 Test procedure.............................................................................................. 9-7 9.9.2 Results.......................................................................................................... 9-9 9.9.3 Conclusion .................................................................................................... 9-9 9.10 BMS Cost Estimation........................................................................................ 9-9 9.11 Other Applications of BMS Prototype.............................................................. 9-10 9-1 9.2 Main tasks for a BMS •Main goals in battery monitoring: –Measurement of voltage U, current I, temperature T –State of Charge (SOC), Fuel Gauge –Increase Battery Lifetime •Balancing –Vital for cells in series –Full charge only possible with equalized cells •Second Protection –Redundant measurement of cell voltages –Safe shut down in case of a system failure –Meets the requirements of additional security •Interface to host system (CAN or others) 9.3 Montoring and second protection An intelligent monitoring system with micro controller keeps battery cells within a voltage band. Normally, the system of second protection will never become active. Only if the monitoring system fails to react and one cell overshoots a border, battery current is interrupted. Fig. 9.1 Voltage bands while cell balancing 9-2 Balancing of cells happens within a voltage band that is much narrower than the band where a cell is considered to be “out of range”. While charging, this “balancing band” moves up from just above the lower out of range voltage limit to just below the upper “out of range” voltage limit. 9.4 Scalable Concept for BMS The bms has the following features: •Main Board contains micro controller and CAN interface and is able to cope with 12 cells •For more cells in series, up to seven expansion boards may be connected. Each of these expansion boards is able to cope with 12 cells. This leads to a maximum system configuration of 96 cells in series •A third PCB (printed cuircuit board) contains the switches and the DC-DC converter to supply the BMS. This board may be designed to meet specific application requirements. This allows to use the same BMS for all size of Li-batteries and for different voltages 9.5 Components of a Battery Management System The battery management system is comprised from several sub modules. Table 9.1 Sub-modules of battery management system 9.6 Algorithms 9.6.1 SOC Calculation State of charge is a measure for the capacity remaining in the battery at a certain moment during discharge. It is usually given in percent, where 100% means “fully charged”. 9-3 • • • SOC based mainly on current integration Effects like current rate and temperature are taken into account in SOC integral Adaptive SOH algorithm adjusts battery model to meet unknown behavior of the real battery 9.6.2 SOH Calculation State of health is a measure for the capacity remaining in the battery after many chargedischarge-cycles or after many years of storing the battery. It is usually given in percent, where 100% means “nominal capacity can still be discharged from battery”. • • Errors of SOC are rectified by adaptive SOH Algorithm Known effects like those from ageing and from cycling are taken into account by a simple model. Adaptive algorithm corrects error to meet reality Fig. 9.2 Example for state of health (SOH) in dependance of charge-discharge-cycle numbers and of age in years. Such a table has to be built based on tests of every type of battery of interest. This table was generated with a nominal cycle life of 1000 and a typical ageing of Lithium Ion under storage conditions lower than 30 deg C. 9-4 9.7 Hardware As of July 2005 a prototype BMS for an ultralightweight scooter has been built. Fig. 9.3 Power board (background) and controller board (front). The power board is dimensioned for the electrical scooter, 50V / 120A. Fig. 9.4 Monitoring board (in development) 9-5 9.8 BMS monitoring tool A tool to monitor the BMS has been written in Labview. Fig. 9.5 Monitoring tool showing the cell voltages of a pack consisting of up to 12 Lithium cells (10 cells for ULS). The cells with the highest voltages are being discharged so that the series connected cells in the pack remain “balanced” (green leds show which cells are actually being discharged) 9-6 9.9 Tests of Battery Management System Lithium Polymer cells are – if the specifications by the manufacturers hold true – ideal cells for battery packs of vehicles. Within this project a pack of Kokam 40Ah cells provided by Leclanché was tested. Fig. 9.6a & b Pack of 10 Kokam Lithium Polymer cells in series (37V 40Ah, ideal battery capacity for ul scooter) 9.9.1 Test procedure (First test) Batteries were charged with 20A (C/2) with CC/CV method to 4.2 V. At end of charge, pack voltage was 41.6V. Balancing was switched on for all those cells that had a voltage that was higher than the smallest voltage in the pack plus 60 mV. Directly after charging the voltages of the individual cells were all in the interval of between 4.1 and 4.2 V. After one night (12h), the band of no-load voltages widened to 108 mV. 9-7 All cells voltages were within a band of 108 mV before discharge. SOC was defined to be zero at a voltage of 3.4 V. Discharge current was 40A (1 C). Just after the start of the discharge many cells were being balanced. After about half of the discharge period the voltage band narrowed to 60 mV and hence no cells were being balanced anymore. After about 50 min however the weakest cell in the pack reached a low voltage of 3.4 V and therefore the battery was considered “discharged” by the BMS. Since all other 9 cells still had a higher voltage only part of the nominal capacity was discharged from the battery. The adaptive algorithm of the BMS set SOH to 36Ah in order that the values displayed to the user would converge with the behaviour of the real battery after only a few charge-discharge cycles. Even though SOC was 0 at 3.4 V discharge was continued until the lowest voltage was 3.1 V. At this time 33.2 Ah had been discharged. During discharge, battery temperature rose from 27 deg C to 41 deg C. Maximum temp. of MOSFET: 35.3 deg C. Maximum temp. of heat sink: 32.3 C. Fig. 9.7 Discharge curves of the 10 Lithium cells in the working model of the ul scooter battery pack 9-8 9.9.2 Results • • • • • The BMS worked Temperature of all components was low enough to be acceptable for practical use The cells vary. During late stages of discharge the early voltage drops of some cells do not allow to fully discharge the battery pack Calculations show that at 120A (3C) the temperature of the MOSFET would reach about 100 deg C which is near the material limits The Mechanical design of the battery pack needs to be improved in order not to destroy the cells 9.9.3 Conclusion • • • • The first results with the BMS are promising Further charge-discharge cycles need to be performed to check long-time behaviour of the pack It is not yet clear if manufacturing tolerances lead to the variations among the cells or if this is due to storage prior to our experiments and/or unoptimal conditioning of the pack Mechanical construction of the battery box is crucial. The method to connect cells using screws as was used in the prototype battery pack is far from optimal. 9.10 BMS Cost Estimation According to Stefan Brönnimann the cost of the bms in small series production is approximately: • • • 10 Euro per cell 50 Euro for controller board plus the price for power switches (depend on application) So a BMS for an ul scooter would cost (10 Lithium cells in series): (10*10)+50 + approx. 80 = 230 Euro excluding the price of the lithium cells. The BMS costs less than the battery and does not only protect it but also calculates the SOC (state of charge) and SOH (state of health) of the battery. These values can be transmitted to a supervising control system of the vehicle for estimates of the remaining range while driving. 9-9 9.11 Other Applications of BMS Prototype A battery casing for lithium polymer cells is under construction at Leclanché. Fig. 9.8 Prototype battery casing for 10 cells Lithium Polymer 9-10 Fig. 9.9 BMS tests in HTI Lab (July 2005). The lithium ion batteries are from HYB and have a capacity of about 75 Ah. It is intended to implement such batteries in a battery driven LEM, lightweight electric vehicle (This pack could be fitted into an ul scooter, but the capacity is much more, about 3/2, of the capacity that would be needed by an uls!) 9-11 10 Economical Feasibility 10.1 Contents of this Chapter 10 Economical Feasibility ........................................................................................... 10-1 10.1 Contents of this Chapter ................................................................................. 10-1 10.2 Economical Feasibility .................................................................................... 10-1 10.2.1 Cost Estimate.............................................................................................. 10-3 10.2.2 Cost Calculations ........................................................................................ 10-4 10.2.3 Factors determining Price ........................................................................... 10-4 10.2.4 Comparison with Gasoline fed Scooter ....................................................... 10-7 10.2.5 Independent Cost Calculation ..................................................................... 10-7 10.3 Leasing of Battery or complete Vehicle........................................................... 10-8 10.3.1 Standard Leasing Model applied to ul Scooter ............................................ 10-8 10.3.2 World Market Prices of Components ......................................................... 10-11 10.3.3 Price of System developed in Berne.......................................................... 10-17 10.4 Compatible Electrical Interfaces.................................................................... 10-19 10.4.1 Standard electrical Interfaces and serial Informationbus in lightweight Vehicles 10-19 10.5 Supply chain today ....................................................................................... 10-22 10.2 Economical Feasibility In this chapter any external (environmental) costs of vehicle use are omitted from the considerations because only environmentally aware customers take them into account anyway. Since an ul scooter should be a vehicle for the general public calculations of price resp. cost per km (a measure for the life cycle cost of the vehicle) are made since this is a parameter that is valid for anyone. When studying the economical feasibility, two approaches are usually made: 1. Considering the pure sales price In this case, the price of all the components and of the assembled scooter should be minimal. However, if e.g. cheap factory-mounted batteries which do not last long under real, daily use conditions are in the “cheap” scooter, the cost of operation over years could well be very high. To prevent this, the costs of the product over the life cycle is considered. The price of the product at the point and at the time of sale is critical for the consumer. In case of leasing a customer perceives the costs of the scooter including battery differently and is then more interested in low monthly rates. 10-1 2. Minimizing the cost over the life cycle of a product The costs over the full life cycle of the product include all costs, both on the side of the manufacturer and his distribution and after sales support system, as well as on the side of the customer. Most important factors for the life cycle cost are: • • • Time to failure of vehicle or components Number of charging- and discharging cycles of a battery Maintenance-costs over the years Battery quality in terms of cycle life is critical for the life cycle cost of the ul scooter vehicle. A cheap battery sustaining 500 cycles might in the end be much more expensive than an expensive battery sustaining 1500 cycles since one needs e.g. 3 cheap batteries rather than only one more expensive one during vehicle life. 10-2 10.2.1 Cost Estimate Life Cycle Costs and perceived Costs For a sustained success of an ULS, positive mouth-to-mouth propaganda among customers, especially in times of the internet with its discussion forums, is very important. Overall vehicle quality is imporant. Most important is battery life time. Whether or not a battery is cheap or expensive depends on factors like: • • • Price of “overhead” to actually operate a battery reliably, that are the prices of charger and battery management system MTB (mean time between failures) of the vehicle-components, especially the length of battery life. If e.g. in an intelligent battery pack weak cells can be exchanged the life of a battery pack may become long (was shown in Twike where competent users were able to drive many 10’000s of km before changing the battery pack) A “cheap” battery having a guaranteed cycle life of about 300 to 500 cycles may end up much more expensive than an “expensive” battery having 1500 charge-/discharge cycles (not only in the specifications, but also under daily use conditions) Reliability. If the battery is down when the user has to ride to an important meeting the losses that occur may make a cheap battery very expensive. Therefore reliability is very important for vehicles that are intended for daily use We think that “life cycle costs” are an appropriate measure for the actual price. Here we assume that within the subjective perception of an ul scooter-user the following parameters are important for the determination of the price of an ULS: • purchase costs of battery (which are maybe hidden in total vehicle purchase costs) • life time of battery in years • For cost-aware customers comparing prices of modes of transport the cost per km might be important or cost of km over the life of the vehicle including all battery packs Battery Pack Maintenance With respect to the price of the battery pack two situations can be distinguished: a) A battery pack which is forseen for repair so that single “weak” cells are replaced b) A battery pack which is not friendly to repair and where it is assumed that only complete packs, maybe even including monitoring- and battery-equilibration-cuircuitry (BMS), is discarded upon a defect Under conditions where weak cells in a battery pack can be detected e.g. electronically and where the features of a cell are very well known it is possible that single weak cells are replaced in a battery pack. See chapter 9 about battery management. 10-3 Perception by Customer The perception of convenience of ULS-use and of ULS-cost are linked in that the number of charging cycles per week and life time of battery pack are heavily recognized. Low range per charge is not accepted by a consumer. If range per charge is high, but cycle life of battery cells is low, this may be accepted if battery price is low. Of course the best is high cycle life of battery and long range per charge. With respect to marketing the following can be said: In an ULS sales brochure reliability and battery life resp. operational costs of the ULS over its expected life time should be mentioned. 10.2.2 Cost Calculations Costs of Battery per Kilometer For Equations, see Appendix. In the next chapters, these equations have been used. 10.2.3 Factors determining Price An investigation of sensitivity of price per km with respect to various parameters was made. Parameter Vehicle price (without battery) Charger BMS Battery casing & sensors No of cells Price per battery cell Cycle life Range between recharging Travel distance per day Life cycle of vehicle itself Specific energy use Energy price Value 1000 Unit Euro 100 50 30 10 50 or 100 500 or 1000 50 Euro Euro Euro pcs. Euro charge/discharge cycles km 10 50’000 3 10 km km kWh/100km Cents/kWh Table 9.1 Data taken as a basis for the calculations 10-4 The calculations were made under the following assumptions: • • ULS used during 5 days a week or during weekend for 50 km’s (Parameter Use = 0) No degradation of cycle life of batteries due to highly variable current loads (CF = 1) 10-5 Case A: “Cheap cells” (approx. 50 Euro/cell) Scooter manufacturing price incl. battery: 2280 Euro Life of battery pack 25’000 km (10 years), 2 packs per scooter life Cost of battery pack rel. to battery pack life: 3.4 Cent/km Cost of scooter rel. to scooter life: 5.9 Cent/km Case B: “Expensive cells” (approx. 100 Euro/cell) Scooter manufacturing price incl. battery: 2780 Euro Life of battery pack 50’000 km (21 years), 1 pack per scooter life Cost of battery pack rel. to battery pack life: 2.9 Cent/km Cost of scooter rel. to scooter life: 5.9 Cent/km One sees that a battery pack with “cheap” battery cells is more expensive than are packs with more expensive cells. Over the lifetime of a scooter the difference vanishes. But please consider that if additional handling costs for the exchange of the battery pack in case A and the added cost for recycling is taken into account the scooter of case B is then cheaper! Sensitivity of price Parameter Vehicle price (without battery) Cheap battery Increase % 51 Expensive battery Increase % 51 Charger BMS Battery casing & sensors Range between recharging Travel distance per day Life cycle of vehicle itself Specific energy use Energy price 3 5 1 -17 -30 5 5 3 5 1 0 -30 5 5 Table 9.2 Sensitivity in percent of cost per km for the cheap and the expensive battery systems when doubling the respective parameter. Important facts for the price per km of the scooter: • • Price per kW of energy has nearly no effect on price per km because energy efficiency is high and one kWh of electrical energy is cheap enough The life cycle of battery and vehicle need to be in such a ratio that a round number of battery packs is used during the full life cycle of the vehicle (Only if the vehicle itself is not durable a battery which has a low number of cycle life does not matter really). With good cells having a cycle life of 1500 and a range of about 50 km per charge the vehicle itself needs to live for about 50’000 km’s if it is not to die before the battery does! 10-6 10.2.4 Comparison with Gasoline fed Scooter Fixed costs for the vehicle with internal combustion engine are lower than for an electric scooter, but operational costs are higher. On a total distance of 25’000 km a gasoline scooter needs nearly 1000 liters of gasoline, costing more than 1000 Euro. Adding this to the sales price of 2000 Euro for the scooter yields costs of about 10 Cents/km. Our calculations show that an ULS without battery may cost up to 3000 Euro before the price per km comes up to 10 Cents/km! Please note: In these comparisons the costs for insurance and taxes have been neglected resp. are assumed to be equal for gasoline and electric scooter. 10.2.5 Independent Cost Calculation According to www.evt-scooter.de the price of a gasoline scooter is 28 cents per km, whereas the EVT 4000e scooter is down to 20 cents/km even though the sales prices are 1968.average price for gas scooters versus 2735 Euro for the EVT 4000e! In this calculation the costs for maintenance were 12 cents per km for the gasoline scooter and 2 cents (two!) for the EVT 4000e. They claim that the cost curve for repair of the twostroke vehicles increases so much with time that after 2 to 3 years the repairs amount to more Euro than the value of the depreciated gasoline scooter. According to this site the savings by using an electric scooter add up to 1500 Euro in 5 years! But EVT is not the only scooter manufacturer that argues with the costs per km and finds that they are lower than those for gas scooters. See also www.vectrixusa.com 10-7 10.3 Leasing of Battery or complete Vehicle 10.3.1 Standard Leasing Model applied to ul Scooter Here we cite the calculation as being shown on LeaseGuide.com The monthly lease costs are a sum of three summands: Fig. 9.1 Schematic showing cost factors of leasing The depreciation fee pays for the monthly loss in value of the leased good. The finance fee pays the cost of the money like an interest pays for loaned money. Depreciation Fee = ( Net Cap Cost – Residual ) ÷ Term Finance Fee = ( Net Cap Cost + Residual ) × MoneyFactor Total Monthly Payment = Depreciation Fee + Finance Fee Explanations: Net Cap Cost = ( selling price + add-on fees + prior loan balances + luxury taxes) – Cap Cost Reductions Cap Cost Reductions = ( down Payment + trade-in value + rebates ) Residual : Expected value of the leased good at the end of the lease period MoneyFactor: See below 10-8 The calculation of the Finance Fee needs some explanations: Rather than using annuity formulas the average amount of the capital is used to finally calculate finance fee: Average amount financed = (Cap Cost + Residual) / 2 On this amount a monthly interest rate is paid: Monthly interest rate = APR / 12 ; where APR : annual interest rate In decimals rather than in percentages: Monthly interest rate = APR / 1200 Monthly finance cost = average amount financed x monthly interest rate = [(Cap Cost + Residual) / 2] x [APR / 1200] = (Cap Cost + Residual) x (APR/2400) = (Cap Cost + Residual) x MoneyFactor Therefore MoneyFactor = APR/2400 where APR : annual interest rate. Leasing Model applied to compare Gas Scooter and EScooter Example: A gasoline scooter is being compared to an electrical ultralight scooter. Lease duration Residual Percentage is x% of MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price) Annual Interest Rate APR Range per year 36 60 months % 10 5000 % km Table 9.3 Assumption for lease model Operational costs are assumed to be: Gasoline Scooter E-Uls Specific Energy Use 3.5 l/100km 3 kWh/100 km Cost for 100 km, Euro 3.85 0.30 Table 9.4 Energy expenditure assumed for the lease model calculation 10-9 Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP), Euro Price negotiated with dealer, Euro Residual amount, Euro Monthly lease payment, Euro Operational cost per month, without repairs, Euro Cost per month, Euro Gasoline scooter 2000 E-ULS 2700 1950 2650 1200 34.0 1620 46.4 16.0 1.3 50 47.7 Table 9.5 Results of the lease model Conclusions regarding Leasing Facit: The monthly cost of an electrically powered ULS is about the same as that of a gasoline scooter. The reason is that operational costs are much lower, whereas the battery makes the electric vehicle including the energy storage much more expensive only at time of purchase, but not over the life cycle. Leasing of only the battery or the vehicle including the battery makes sense. Even better would be a model where only the battery is being leased by a specialized company which also insures the valuable battery against damage and e.g. theft. A leasing model is appropriate for various reasons: Operational costs of an e-ULS are so low that overall monthly cost is not higher than with a gasoline powered scooter The life of a modern battery may, if it is properly electronically monitored and managed, reach the life time of the vehicle itself If the battery is leased the battery stays being owned by the vehicle producer or, maybe even better, by a specialized leasing company. Therefore return of the battery for recycling is being guaranteed. Additionally, the battery owner can read data from the battery once it is returned and in this way monitor how it has been used. Such data is valuable for life cycle determination and for the optimisation of the battery in general. 10-10 10.3.2 World Market Prices of Components Below we list the prices for the most important components of an ULS. This listing is only made to give a rough idea about the order of magnitude of the price level today. Prices may fall rapidly, since e.g. on the sector of Lithium cells at the moment there is intense competition. Costs of Battery Cells Please note: • • The offers upon which the graphs below are based are from first half of 2004. The price of the Valence cells are only known with the battery management system! Price Battery Pack (Euro) Price of Batteries packed 10 cells Thunder Sky LP6163A in series 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 Numbers of Scooters Fig. 9.2 Price of a pack of 10 cells of the Thunder Sky MODEL: TS-LP6163A (offer from early 2004). Please note: This prices are excluding battery monitoring electronics 10-11 Price of Batteries packed 3 cells Valence U-U1 in series Price Battery Pack (Euro) 2000 1500 1000 100 1000 10000 Numbers of Scooters Fig. 9.3 Price of a pack of 3 cells of the Valence U-U1 (12V, 46.4 Ah). Please note: This prices are including battery monitoring electronics (Rem. Valence says that these prices are typical for the wheelchair market) 10-12 Price of Batteries packed 10 cells Thunder Sky LP6163A in series Price Battery Pack, Euro/kWh 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 Numbers of Scooters Fig. 9.4 Price per kWh storage capacity of a “cheap” battery Price of Batteries packed 3 cells Valence U-U1 in series Price Battery Pack Euro/kWh 1000 800 600 400 200 0 100 1000 10000 Numbers of Scooters Fig. 9.5 Price per kWh storage capacity of a not so cheap battery 10-13 Price of Batteries packed 10 cells Thunder Sky LP6163A in series Price Battery Pack, Euro/kWh*Cycle 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 1 10 100 1000 10000 Numbers of Scooters Fig. 9.6 Price per charge-discharge-cycle for a “cheap” battery having a life cycle of a few hundred cyles Price of Batteries packed 3 cells Valence U-U1 in series Price Battery Pack, Euro/kWh*Cycles 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 100 1000 10000 Numbers of Scooters Fig. 9.7 Price per charge-discharge cycle for an “expensive” battery having a life cycle of more than thousand cyles 10-14 US$/Wh Price per Watt-hour 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Kokam Thunder Sky Valence 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 No. of cells Fig. 9.8 Comparison of raw costs of batteries in price per storage capacity unit. For an ULS 10 cells per vehicle would be needed. Somewhere between 1000 and 1500 scooters a year the storage price would drop below 1kEuro/kWh. 10-15 Costs of Drive System PUES offers a complete drive system including motor, battery, charger and electronic controls. PUES system (offer from Jan 22 2004) lots per month one-time 1.0E+08 one-time contract lots per month, contract 1.0E+06 10000 1.0E+04 1.0E+02 1000 1 10 100 1000 Contract volume, Euro Purchase price per complete drive, Euro 100000 1.0E+00 10000 Sets per year Fig. 9.9 Price of the PUES drive system including battery and charger according to an offer from PUES corporation from January 2004. It can be seen that price per drive for one vehicle approaches 1000 Euro from above if yearly lot size approaches 10’000 scooters. 1000 Euro for a complete drive system including battery and charger is quite a good price, however 10’000 electric scooters a year are – in Europe – still hard to sell in the first or second year after production starts. We believe that in a few years it should be possible to sell this many scooters a year. For market introduction, a scooter producer therefore needs to be able to buy as many commodity components as possible, e.g. batteries and motors from off the shelf, at a good price. If the PUES system is e.g. bought by a vehicle manufacturer as a complete drive then, of course, margins have been added all along the value chain of the suppliers of PUES and by PUES itself. We therefore conclude that a vehicle manufacturer still would have to buy the individual components directly from their manufacturers in order to arrive at prices low enough. 10-16 10.3.3 Price of System developed in Berne Here we list a first guess for the costs of the ULS drive system. Not included are motor and battery and auxiliary 12V board net (for electronics and lighting). Component Intelligent main switch, main vehicle control Manufacturing costs of prototype as existing 2004, lot size 10, CHF 225.- Display & Control unit (without throttle and brake switches) Battery Management System 214.- Motor control 1.6 kW 554.- Cabling and general costs TOTAL 120.- 354.- 1467.- Remarks Main Switch could be placed into motor control or into battery management system. So price reduction potential is about 200 CHF A production model could be cheaper than 50 CHF. Price reduction potential 160 CHF Youngest price prediction (July 2005) predicts 150 Euro for 10 cells. Price reduction potential 130 CHF Assumed price reduction potential 33%: 185 CHF price reduction Assumed price reduction potential up to 50%: 60 CHF price reduction If price reductions can all be achieved then control system cost reduce to about 730 CHF Table 9.6 Order of magnitude of costs of control electronics for small series of vehicles (lot size 10) drive system for 3 phase synchronous motor and for 10 cells Lithium Polymer. Please note that these prices are typical for sourcing in Europe. We estimate the price reduction potential if proper system architecture is chosen and if best source are used to be considerable so that a complete control system should not cost much more than 700 CHF. (1 Euro equals approx. 1.5 CHF) A rough guess of the costs of the drive system with lot size is listed below: Lot size 10 100 1000 10000 Scaling factor, % 100 86 67 55 Cost, CHF 1467 1262 983 807 Table 9.7 Cost estimate for drive system cost (without motor and battery cells) in dependance of lot size. Note that the system to which these prices belong is not yet cost minimized. By combining e.g. main switch and BMS the price could be lowered. The number of electronic components could be reduced by further integration. The display could be made smaller and hence cheaper, etc. 10-17 With these prices a drive system would cost (without lighting, which could be an integral part of the vehicle electric system): Component Drive system Battery, 2 kWh @ 300 Euro/kWh 3 phase synchronous machine, peak power 3.7 kW Auxiliary board net (DC/DC converter) TOTAL Price based on non-price reduced prices, CHF 983 900 Price including price reduction, CHF 490 600 450 450 100 100 2433 CHF 1640 CHF Remarks Price reduced variant with lowest prices that were heard of 2003 list price Table 9.8 Estimate for price of drive system (lot size 1000) including battery and motor 10-18 10.4 Compatible Electrical Interfaces Industrialisation of an ULS was easier if the needed components were off the shelf available and if standard interfaces made it possible to easily combine various components like • motor and motorcontrol • vehicle top-level control and battery management system • display and controls and vehicle top-level control • vehicle programming device and vehicle top-level control and vehicle sub-systems. 10.4.1 Standard electrical Interfaces and serial Informationbus in lightweight Vehicles Defining an electric interface for the communication within a vehicle and for the communication with vehicle-external apparatus like PC’s or mobile devices has many advantages: • • Single components can be developed that are compatible with already existing components of similar systems Modular systems may be built up using components that have that electric interface So far, only few serial bus based systems, proprietary and non-proprietary, have been defined. Simple or more complex bus may be found in: Yamaha Passol lightweight scooter, Sanyo drive system for pedelecs. The definitions and protocols are proprietary and hence there is no compatibility to other drive components from other manufacturers. Autork Protocol A generalized protocol has been defined by autork ltd. in the years 2000 to 2002 (see Blatter 2003). It is very modular and can be used for virtually any lightweight vehicle having any number of energy sources and energy converters. This protocol so far is proprietary. 10-19 Energy Bus Protocol Hannes Neupert from extraenergy is promoting a standard for the communication of a battery pack with a vehicle called the ENERGY-BUS. This bus was developed by Johannes Dörndorfer. In early 2004 this protocol was intended to be open source and should be be published on energybus.org. According to H. Neupert the only condition for the users is that battery packs and vehicles that are labelled with the ENERGY BUS label really need to be compatible to that potential standard (Personal communication with Hannes Neupert, March 29 2004). Fig. 9.10 The ENERGY-BUS label 10-20 Fig. 9.11 A system using ENERGY-BUS Fig. 9.12 ENERGY BUS data flow 10-21 The ideas underlying the Energy Bus concept are: • Using the same chargers for different battery chemistries (German Post would save lots of Euros thanks to this feature when new generations of battery chemistries are introduced for use in their delivery vehicles) • Standardising the communication allows component manufacturers to work together. Most important: The consumer can inter-change battery packs from different sources, with various battery chemistries The consequences of a standard like Energy Bus if established in the light vehicle industry would e.g. be the following: Vehicle companies no longer needed to develop own drive train components. They could source components compatible with the ENERGY-BUS interface. This reduced development costs and hence product costs The consumer could hook up any battery with the ENERGY-BUS label to his or her vehicle and charger Specialized companies can deliver battery packs compatible to the ENERGY-BUS standard. Therefore vehicle manufacturers do no longer need to build up their own battery packs. Consumers can source directly from the battery manufacturers or companies assembling battery packs 10.5 Supply chain today Today a lot of hand-overs yield high prices of components for drives. Fig. 9.13 Supply chain today 10-22 If there was a standard for the communication within light electric vehicles and for the electric interface of a battery pack, the supply chain would look e.g. like in the picture below. Fig. 9.12 Supply chain if sourcing of batteries was more free thanks to standardised interface between vehicle and battery For the consumer significant savings would yield from the fact that there are less margins accumulated on the battery pack price at the point of sale. This form of supply chain would allow specialized firms to deliver packs for many different kind of vehicles. This in turn would allow price reductions again thanks to rebates when buying battery cells from manufacturers. 10-23 11 Safety and Homologation 11.1 Contents of this Chapter 11 Safety and Homologation....................................................................................... 11-1 11.1 Contents of this Chapter ................................................................................. 11-1 11.2 Assessment of risks of technical solutions ...................................................... 11-1 11.2.1 Rider exposed: Seating, Safety Wear and Belts .......................................... 11-1 11.2.2 Rider protected: Fairings, for Weather Protection and / or for Safety........... 11-2 11.3 Homologation ................................................................................................. 11-4 11.3.1 Norms ......................................................................................................... 11-4 11.3.2 Tests prior to homologation ......................................................................... 11-4 11.2 Assessment of risks of technical solutions 11.2.1 Rider exposed: Seating, Safety Wear and Belts Seating Seat height and inclination of upper body of rider – forward, vertical, or reclined – are the key parameters of the seating position. Either the rider sits on the scooter like on a horse or has his or her feet resting on a platform like on the Piaggio scooters. In the chapter about aerodynamics it was shown that low seating height is crucial for low aerodynamic drag, which, in the conceptualisation of an energetically highly efficient scooter, can not be neglected. On the other hand riders prefer a big seating height because sufficient eye height relative to street surface leads to high perceived safety. In fact a high seating position may even be much more dangerous than a lower seating height, but subjectively people believe the contrary, which for the perspective of an unfaired low-seater scooter or a faired scooter – see chapter 7 or 13 - is a problem. A forward reclined upper body position is not suitable for a product which should be able to suit not only sporty humans, but also unsporty ones and elderly. A slightly backwards reclined seating position is interesting in combination with a relatively low seating height. Backrests should not be designed into a scooter without prior further, thorough investigation, otherwise one ends up with a design which yields wounds in case of a crash (contact the group of Prof. Walz at University of Zürich: they are specialized on vehicular safety). 11-1 Safety Wear and Helmet Since the ULS is conceptualized as a purely motorized vehicle (even though it would not be a big deal to implement a pedalled generator), the question of sweating is not difficult. However, since an ULS will reach speeds well above those of bicycles wearing of tear resistant clothing and of a helmet for motorcyclists is recommended. Safety Belt At dtc-ag.ch research regarding restraint systems for motorcyclists is being under way in the stage of first investigations regarding feasibility. Contact dtc-ag for up-to-date information. Air bags integrated into motorcyclist jackets were develped and could be evaluated. 11.2.2 Rider protected: Fairings, for Weather Protection and / or for Safety State of the art of fairings on two-wheelers is the following: Bicycles Mopeds Scooters Motorcycles No fairings, except in human powered vehicle racing Partial fairings for weather protection (german: “Fuss-Schutz”, “Beinschild”, “Windschutz”) Roofed scooter like the BMW C1 exist and are on the market. C1 is top-heavy and therefore handles not very well if user is not strong. Small fairings around handle bar and front of vehicles are common. Big fairings are banned from racing. Design issues when using fairings are: • Visibility through windshields under any condition (rain, oncoming light such as headlights) • Climatisation and ventilation • Sensitivity to crosswinds • Noise • Lightweight construction Partially faired Partial fairings as used today on mopeds and recumbent cycles could be implemented with little or no risk if good design solutions can be found. See study by Tribecraft (2003) for latest concepts regarding weather protection for bicycles. See also pictures of partial fairings in chapter 7. 11-2 Fully faired The velomobile literature (see proceedings of the European Velomobile Seminars) discusses the design issues of fairings in detail. For examples of fairings proven in daily use, see picture of Aeolos fully faired recumbent in chapter 7 and search the internet (key word velomobile, fairing for velomobiles, etc.). Visibility: Big sloped canopies such as those of sailplanes are not feasible for roofed UL-scooters because visibility through such canopies is insufficient for street vehicles. For good visibility, the surface of the window needs to be as near as possible to the eyes of the user. The window needs to be sloped steeply enough in order not to collect and pile up wet snow. In case that the window is made from plastics surface-hardened polycarbonat should be used. If the window has flat parts a standard glass window such as for cars can be included in the construction of the fairing. This will help avoid scratches by wipers in the window. In any case it should be possible to mount a wiper. The transparent portion of the fairing should not be too big to avoid a greenhouse effect. Climatisation and Ventilation: Forsee openings for air flow which allow to control the air flow. Ventilation especially of the interior side of the window is very important to avoid condensation of humidity when changing from warm air to cold air. The Leitra velomobile has an excellent solution for such openings. Sensitivity to crosswinds: Aeolos as shown in chapter 7 can be ridden even in gusty wind that usually comes up before thunderstorms (personal communication with Joachim Fuchs). See the paper by Andreas Fuchs (1998) for a first solution to the static crosswind problem of two-wheelers. Tony Foale (2002) would probably be capable to simulate the dynamic behaviour of two-wheelers in crosswinds. Such a simulation (see also Lot 2004) should be performed when conceptualizing a roofed scooter. Noise: Fairings tend to resonate. Avoid transmission of vibrations from vehicle frame to fairing by suspending it on springs (e.g. elastomers). The fairings itself needs to be a stiff shell. Again, the fairing of the Leitra velomobile is a good example for a stiff yet lightweight fairing. Lightweight construction: Heavy canopies all from glass and fairings from thermoplasts, molded, are all to heavy. Candidate materials are deep drawn thin plastics or metals, tissues and fiber plastics. For safety, care must be taken that the stiff supports of such fairings to not become dangerous tips in case of a crash. Therefore stiff structures should not lead radially towards the user, but rather be lead tangentially around him or her. 11-3 11.3 Homologation 11.3.1 Norms Technical Norms See list of norms relevant for lightweight electric vehicles according to electrosuisse/SEV => Appendix. Regulations Swiss regulations See appendix for a summary of the major requirements. Cargo Trailers: Please note that swiss Post bases homologation of vehicle and trailer on exceptions. International regulations To be studied after requirements to geographical location of ul scooter business has been defined by marketing. 11.3.2 Tests prior to homologation Switzerland Prototype vehicle For possibilities to legalize prototypes for use on the street the local vehicle homologation authorities (“Strassenverkehrsamt”) can give advice. 11-4 Production vehicles First, a vehicle has to pass the electrical tests. Homologating body is electrosuisse, www.sev.ch (SEV). Second, the vehicle has to pass vehicle homologation. In Switzerland, the Dynamic Test Center (www.dtc-ag.ch) is responsible for the testing. Finally, after successful completion of the homologation process, the vehicle may be insured and may receive a licence plate. 11-5 12 Functional Requirements 12.1 Contents of this Chapter 12 Functional Requirements............................................................................... 12-1 12.1 Contents of this Chapter ................................................................................. 12-1 12.2 Ease of Use .................................................................................................... 12-2 12.3 Safety of Vehicle and Energy Storage ............................................................ 12-2 12.4 Human Machine Interface............................................................................... 12-4 12.4.1 Rider Information......................................................................................... 12-4 12.4.2 Requirements to a Battery Management System BMS................................ 12-5 12.4.3 Display of Information.................................................................................. 12-6 12.4.4 Control Elements......................................................................................... 12-6 12.5 Charging......................................................................................................... 12-8 12.6 Lighting........................................................................................................... 12-8 12.7 Maintenance ................................................................................................... 12-8 12.8 Handling ......................................................................................................... 12-9 12.8.1 Weight of Vehicle and its main Components ............................................... 12-9 12.9 Parking and Storing ...................................................................................... 12-10 12.10 Transporting ................................................................................................. 12-11 12.10.1 Pulling Trailers and transporting Payload............................................... 12-11 12-1 12.2 Ease of Use Key advantage of cars is their around-the-clock- accessibility and usability. Gasoline has such a high energy content that refilling does not have to happen too often, and if filling is needed, gas stations can be found all allong the major routes. So energy is not short, but abundant. If an ultralightweight scooter is to be successful on the market, it needs to be as easy to use as a car. Since the energy density in its storage, a battery, is much smaller than in cars, at least the period between recharging needs to be sufficiently long. We envision that the design range of the ul scooter should be such that a typical customer does not need to charge every evening, but if possible only once per week! If the energy storage is near depletion, the scooter should automatically start to charge if connected to an outlet of the electric grid or should inform its owner using e.g. sms (short message service) via a mobile phone to plug the cord into an outlet. 12.3 Safety of Vehicle and Energy Storage Of course an ULs needs be a good vehicle in terms of dynamic stability and handling, braking capability. Anything below state of the art is not acceptable. Regarding safety of the drive system we would like to put that topic into perspective: Gasoline is very dangerous since if in a crash people are wetted by it and if fire occurs dramatic injuries or death are very probable. However gasoline is widely accepted as fuel. High energy density batteries still do have much less energy in them than the same volume of gasoline and therefore in general batteries are relatively harmless. However, and thankfully, energy density of batteries increased during the last few years and therefore the risk potential did too. Measures like installing a battery management system allow to control the risks. The various battery chemistries need different charging and discharging procedures. Lithium systems are sensible to voltage going out of range and therefore during charge and discharge need to be supervised/monitored. The risk of fire in cells which are overcharged exists, however, due to BMS, this risk can be dramatically limited. A proven fall back battery chemistry is NiMH. These cells are known to be easy to handle. Of course, safety of a vehicle depends also on the environment in which it is used: News from Bike Europe, July 14 2005 E-Bikes Banned in China? BEIJING, China - South China's Guangdong Province took the lead in the country in banning electrical bicycles on roads starting last Friday and violators will be fined 500 yuan (60 US$), with the bikes confiscated. The move is aimed at improving the city's transportation and allowing automobiles to move at a faster speed, said a local official. An official with the city's public security department blamed the increasing road accidents on electrical bikes, saying that in the first five months of this year, two people were killed and 31 others injured in 166 traffic accidents caused by electrical bicycles in the city. The battery-driven bikes, which can drive at a speed of 6070 km per hour, have a low safety record, the public security official said. And it's hard for victims of the accidents to get compensation from the drivers. Besides, more accidents and traffic jams occur if electrical 12-2 bikes are allowed to drive on the roads designed especially for automobiles, he noted. Environmental pollution caused by worn-out batteries of the bicycles is also a reason for the ban. Currently, there are more than 40,000 electrical bicycles in Zhuhai, which is also the first city in China to ban motorcycles. The ban, however, aroused public debate in the country on whether the regulations are legal and reasonable, with some appealing for delaying the implementation of the rules for three to five years, and others arguing that compared with the pollution caused by automobile emission, the pollution of electrical bicycles is little. Zhou Queliang, honorary chairman of the China Society of Electrical Technology, said that the number of electrical bicyclesin China has grown from 50,000 units in 1998 to 10 million units now. This means that the vehicle is welcomed by the common people. Statistics show there is one person killed in a road accident in China every five minutes. Each year, more than 100,000 people are killed in traffic-related accidents in the country, the highest in the world. Of course we hope that ul scooter will mainly be used by risk aware and fair people! If so, ul scooters will be among the safest vehicles available. 12-3 12.4 Human Machine Interface 12.4.1 Rider Information The following characteristics are important when informing the rider: • The information needs to be reliable so that predictions based on this information are possible • The amount of information presented should neither be too low nor too high • The form how information is presented needs to be such that interpretation is easy What kind of information needs to be presented: While driving: Information relevant for driving itself, speed, state of energy reserves or additional range before full energy depletion. Information relevant for safety such as that about the state of the vehicle, especially with regards to defect components or error states of (sub-) systems or with respect to signalling and lighting: lights are on, blinkers are operable. Since only hybrid scooters or maybe fuel cell scooters have extremely long ranges thanks to liquid fuels, in battery driven ul scooters rider information about the amount of energy stored aboard the vehicle in any moment is important. Otherwise the rider will be disappointed and will feel cheated when batteries are too often in a discharged state. A BMS (battery management system) is absolutely essential. While charging: The following information needs to be shown (maybe upon demand): State of energy reserves in the energy storage, eventually a prediction for range when using up this energy reserve, and time left until 100% state of charge. For maintenance: Messages pointing to the source of a problem, e.g. defect components, or information about the history of a component (age or numbers of cycles of charging or discharging). Advanced BMS systems may display the SOH (state of health) of batteries. 12-4 12.4.2 Requirements to a Battery Management System BMS Minimal Requirements to a BMS At minimum, a battery management system needs to guarantee minimum safety of the system by protecting the battery from external problems (too much current drain or overcharging) or from internal problems (overheating) collect information based upon which state of energy reserves can be determined either by the battery itself (“intelligent battery”) or by the vehicle based on the information collected in the battery Please note that within the complete drive system the functionality required to fullfill the above mentioned aims regarding safety and information may not only be located in or near the battery, but in other components such as motor power electronics or a central management system. Other places to physically locate the functionality are chargers or the battery pack itself if it is separably from the vehicle. The technical realisation of a vehicle-management system resp. a battery managementsystem depends on one hand on the number of energy sources available on the vehicle (battery and e.g. range extender) and on the other hand on the philosophy of the designer resp. the system architect. Safety of the battery very much depends on constructive measures taken in a battery pack. See requirements to battery packs in chapter 8. The following features are needed in a BMS: Prevention of deep discharge, overcharge, overheating Measurement of state parameters of the battery such as temperature or momentaneous voltage Measurements with regards to energy flows in and out of the battery (current measurement) Detect “weak” cells in a battery pack in order to make the battery pack maintainable See diploma thesis of Stefan Brönnimann for more details. BMS-features in Luxury Versions Advanced features of a battery management system could be: store data about the history of the battery for maintenance purposes, e.g. for a prognosis of the cycle life 12-5 12.4.3 Display of Information The most important piece of information is about the remaining capacity of the battery, the “fuel gauge” as it is called in gasoline driven vehicles. The presentation of the this piece of information needs to be comprehensible by nearly anybody without prior teaching. Requirements to the display are: • Design so that anybody may understand (compatible to population stereotypes) • Can be read also in adverse conditions of weather and illumination (LEDs can hardly be read in daylight) • Characters big enough for good legibility Interesting example for displays are realized in products like e.g. Segway, Yamaha Passol or Vectrix. Fig. 11.1 A state of the art dashboard is that of the Vectrix scooter. It shows speed, odometer, trip mileage, time, estimated range, system status, battery status and charging status on an LCD and analog display. 12.4.4 Control Elements A minimal number of control elements allows full control of the vehicle: • • Left and right brake Throttle 12-6 Control elements need to be within a short reach from the hands. For horn and lighting e.g. bar end controls such as common on motorcycles should be used. Vectrix scooters have designed and patented a bidirectional throttle which allows to accelerate forward and to brake. In slow mode there is a reverse function. This throttle should be further evaluated prior to industrialisation of an ul scooter. Fig. 11.2 Throttle on vectrix scooter (www.vectrixusa.com) 12-7 12.5 Charging Requirements to the charger are: • 230 V plug (Europe) • CE certified • Charging time: • fast charging capability, 2 to 4 hours • standard charge: max. 10 hours duration • Permanent electric connection of battery and charger so that batteries that start to be deep discharged may be automatically charged • Plug-in/out order of charger and power plug should not lead to defects • Protection against faulty operation • Temperature of charger case: max. +50°C Chargers with about 1 kW charging power exist. They weight about 5 kg’s. 12.6 Lighting In energy efficient vehicles auxiliary functions need to be performed efficiently too. Otherwise too high a percentage of the available energy is spent for the auxiliary functions. In an UL Scooter lighting needs up to about 200W if standard front and rear lights with incandescent light bulbs for motorcycles are used. This is legal a requirement for vehicles that are classified in Switzerland e.g. in category F (max. speed 45 km/h) or higher. We propose LED lighting at least for the rear lights and the blinkers. LED lighting for front lights is already only available for auxiliary lighting for bicycles. Eventually, for example a bright bicycle lamp could be tested and homologated as an ul scooter head light by Metas in Wabern near Berne (authority for metrology and accreditation). 12.7 Maintenance When changing from gasoline to battery vehicles maintenance is shifted away from the drive system to the energy storage system since by experience it is already known that electric motor drives require little or virtually no maintenance. However, batteries are ageing (especially if not in periodical use) and need to be replaced after between several hundred and sometimes more than thousand cycles of charge and discharge. Therefore detection of weak electrochemical cells in a battery of series connected cells is a requirement to an advanced BMS. 12-8 12.8 Handling Low gross vehicle weight is key for good handling. Good handling is relevant of course while riding (we assume that a vehicle designer knows how to arrive a good handling while driving), but also while parking and for maneuvers. Since an ul scooter is much lighter than e.g. a vectrix maxi scooter (198 kg) help by the motor to maneuver it is not urgently required. Slow forward and reverse speed for this purpose only is not urgently needed, would be a luxury or add-on feature. If the battery is lightweight enough, the battery pack should be separable from the vehicle to avoid charging on board of vehicles that are maybe exposed to weather. 12.8.1 Weight of Vehicle and its main Components The most heavy parts of the ul scooter are: Vehicle without drive system Battery Motor and transmission Charger 20 kg 10 to 20 kg, depending on battery chemistry about 10 kg, depending on layout about 5 kg Table 12.1 Order of magnitude of mass of main components According to the table above no part is heavier than a heavy modern bicycle. Only the elderly and persons suffering from e.g. back pain are not capable to lift these parts. Weight of Battery Pack separable from Vehicle The table below is representative for pull forces on weights such as pull forces when lifting battery packs. According to the tables below, 10 kg is maximum battery weight to pull out of vehicles if the battery is only pulled once a day at most. For battery packs that are separable from the vehicle the following tables are relevant: Push one time Push repeated Pull one time Pull repeated Male 16 11 15 10 Gender Female 11 7.5 10 7 Table 12.2 Maximum Force (kg) for one-hand push and pull while standing (Mital et al, 1993) 12-9 Pull up, elbow height Pull up, shoulder height 15.1 kg 7.7 kg Table 12.3 Lifting weights versus lifting height (Eastman Kodak, 1986). (The recommendations permit a large majority of workers to do the job.) Distance between Parking Area and Charging Location If there is no charger outdoors, distances to electrical household outlets might be in the order of magnitude listed below. If the apartment is upstairs, the work of carrying up a battery pack is even harder and correspondingly the weights to carry should if possible even be lower. If 90% of all people should be able to carry a battery pack then 5 kg is the limit for the weight of the heaviest module. An ul scooter pack is between 2 times and 4 times this optimum pack weight of 5 kg’s. By designing the battery pack such that it consists from smaller sub-modules it should be no problem to arrive at a separable uls battery pack. Carrying distance, m 30.5 61 91.5 Population percentile 90 75 50 25 10 90 75 50 25 10 90 75 50 25 10 Males Females 6.5 8.5 11 13.5 15.5 6 8 10 12 14 6 7.5 9 10.5 12 5.5 7 8 9 10.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 5 6.5 7 8 9 Table 12.4 Recommended weight of carry (kg) for one-handed infrequent carrying (Mital et al 1993). Reduce weight by 30% if carrying is performed frequently. From: Konz, Stephen. Work Design – Industrial Ergonomics. 4th edition. Publishing Horizons, Ing. 1995. ISBN 0-942280-65-2 12.9 Parking and Storing Whereas one expects electric cycles being still lightweight enough to be lifted sometimes, an ul scooter is more comparable to a moped. Those vehicles are only “lifted” if they are put on the stand. In a chapter 7 an ul scooter was estimated to weigh about 60 kg, which is comparable to a moped. 12-10 If vehicle weight is considerably more than that of a heavy e-bike then a two-legged stand can be designed such that by using a foot that pushes onto a lever the vehicle is lifted. Such a stand would probably be part of a postal uls where upright position if parked is a requirement, especially if a trailer is to be hooked up to the vehicle. If a stand has only one leg then lifting is not required anymore and therefore weight is no such problem in parking. Storing of the vehicle resp. parking over longer periods is made easier if e.g. • the handlebar can be turned for reduction of the space required for storing • the battery can easily be dismounted from the vehicle In the latter case weight of the ul scooter reduces from about 60 kg’s to below 50 kg’s, which is about comparable to that of heavy electric cycles. 12.10 Transporting Ul scooters are mainly products for daily travel. Transporting is mainly required for twowheelers like bicycles which are brought to the place of use e.g. by car or public transportation. Therefore there are no requirements to an uls due to a need to transport. 12.10.1 Pulling Trailers and transporting Payload Trailers for Shopping or Child- or Dog-Transport Child trailers for up to two kids may weigh up to 80 kg (Source: “Kindertransport mit dem Velo“, BFU / Bund für Unfallverhütung, www.bfu.ch). The feasibilty of a drive for postal ul scooters has been shown above. Postal versions carry not only a trailer of up to 80 kg’s but carry also weight on racks aboard the vehicle. So pulling child- or dog-trailers will be possible with the ul scooter. Postal Payload According to Swiss Post, cars are sometimes replaced by two-wheelers with trailers for postal delivery. So far no electric lightweight vehicle was able to fullfill the requirements of Swiss Post. The Piaggio Mofa with internal combustion engine that is used by Swiss Post is a special version with extra low gear in order to make start on steep hills with trailer possible at all. 12-11 Trailer Front rack Rear rack TOTAL Mass 80 kg 15 kg 28 kg 123 kg Table 12.5 Requirements by Swiss Post (according to Mr. Zaugg, 031 338 88 36). Starting on 17% slopes with the payload listed in the table is required. Trailer and baggage Vehicle Rider (average) TOTAL Mass 123 kg 75 kg 75 kg Approx. 275 kg Table 12.6 Total weight when postal uls is fully loaded. 12-12 13 Ultralightweight Scooter Product Vision 13.1 Contents of this Chapter 13 Ultralightweight Scooter Product Vision......................................................... 13-1 13.1 Contents of this Chapter ................................................................................. 13-1 13.2 Existing Products ............................................................................................ 13-1 13.2.1 Ancient Market Leaders .............................................................................. 13-1 13.2.2 Todays products.......................................................................................... 13-3 13.2.3 Existing Vehicles related to an ultralightweight Scooter............................... 13-4 13.3 Design-Feasibility Study within this Project ................................................... 13-10 13.4 Preliminary Solution for an ultralightweight Scooter ...................................... 13-12 13.4.1 Vehicle ...................................................................................................... 13-12 13.4.2 Fairings ..................................................................................................... 13-12 13.4.3 Drive Train ................................................................................................ 13-12 13.4.4 Battery Management System .................................................................... 13-12 13.5 Bits for a prototype........................................................................................ 13-13 13.2 Existing Products 13.2.1 Ancient Market Leaders Before the dawn of the mountain bike, young people rode mopeds or the heavier 125cc twostroke motorcycles. These vehicles were looking about like this: Mopeds (pictures from http://www.cycle-tech.ch) Fig. 13.1 A classic vehicle for Switzerland in the 70ies and the 80ies: Puch Maxi 13-1 Fig. 13.2 Sachs automatic two-speed motor in vehicles by other brands Fig. 13.3 Piaggio Ciao Motorcycles Fig. 13.4 Kawasaki KE 125, Model 1983 13-2 13.2.2 Todays products “Scooter type” vehicles dominate the motorized two wheeler classes from 50 cc to Maxi Scooters with up to several hundreds of cc cylinder capacity. This trend is – unscientific statement ! – kind of boring. Only the fashionable “naked bikes” and the naked moped “Madass” by Sachs-Bikes are a contrast. Fig. 13.5 A scooter like 49cc moped by Sachs-Bikes Fig. 13.6 The MadAss, a naked moped by Sachs-Bikes 13-3 13.2.3 Existing Vehicles related to an ultralightweight Scooter The vehicles shown below are also electric scooters but heavier than an ul scooter. But the application of the vehicle falls into the field of applications of an ul scooter. Utility Applications like Delivery or Law Enforcement Fig. 13.7 Gran Turismo Mobility electric scooter by Oxygen with styling by Springtime Industrial Design. Application: pizza delivery. Source: ElectroMobility Roterdam Fig. 13.8 Oxygen electric scooter for police fleet. 13-4 Modern Designs for Two-Wheelers General 2-wheeled Vehicle Design Intermot Design Price At Intermot 2004 a design competition yielded many interesting design ideas that could be applicable to an ul design. For inspiration some are presented here: 13-5 Designs for versions of ul scooters with limited speed: Design for a scooter that is in between a two-wheeler and a very, very small city car: Sporty, more traditional designs: Fig. 13.9a to e Designs submitted to the 2004 Intermot design competition 13-6 Designs by Design Companies Fig. 13.10 Design by Springtime design that could fit an “urban” ul scooter. Source: Dominos Pres Dec 02 13-7 Designs targeted to Specific Vehicles Parking- or storing-place may be short in certain towns. Therefore a partially foldable scooter could be good idea: Fig. 13.11 Honda Caixa as an easy to store two-wheeler This design “Hunter” by Peter Jaensch is specifically targeted at fuel cell scooters. The thank would be just below the saddle. The wheels contain hub motors. Fig. 13.12 Hunter in its typical environment 13-8 Fig. 13.13 Hunter fits perfectly into a “young lifestyle” where electricity is needed to run many kind of mobile devices Fig. 13.14 Putting a filled-up tank into the vehicle 13-9 The C1 by BMW is a very well known roofed scooter. Therefore we show an other design: Fig. 13.15 Roofed scooter by Erdmann Design, Brugg, Switzerland 13.3 Design-Feasibility Study within this Project Within this project, a small design pre-study was made by Tribecraft AG, Zürich. The results of this study are intended to serve as illustration and inspiration. First, three variants of a scooter designs were proposed to serve as a basis to choose one for further development: Figure 13.16a to c Basic design concepts for an ULS, intended to serve as a basis for further development (D. Iranyi, tribecraft) 13-10 The “voluminous” concept was chosen for further development because this concept allows a modular design of the vehicle. The room could allow to transport payload or to hide away the helmet from bad weather. Later, the volume could even contain a fuel cell as a range extender. As well, the vehicular basis may have the form of an upright scooter (like a trottinet). Sincen, in this design, the batteries are integrated into the platform for the rider. See the “Flo” below: Fig. 13.17 a & b „flo“: Design that was developed based on Fig. 13.16c 13-11 13.4 Preliminary Solution for an ultralightweight Scooter 13.4.1 Vehicle • Two-wheeler based on advanced cycle technology • Full suspension • Disk-brakes (rear wheel, for reasons of space, eventually rim brake) The design may be based on the ones proposed above. 13.4.2 Fairings Partial fairing as a partial rain protection and to improve aerodynamics. See work by Tribecraft “Projekt Wetterschutz Fahrrad”, 2003. A full fairing to protect from rain would require a vehicle with low seat height mainly to lower the center of gravity of the vehicle and to lower the center of pressure of the fairing. By seating the rider properly the longitudinal position of the vehicles center of gravity could be shifted forward (BMW C1 has a mass distribution that is rear- and top-heavy). The vehicle-layout (distributions of weight, aerodynamic side forces and friction forces) should be according to Fuchs 1998. 13.4.3 Drive Train Base configuration with fully electrical drive using advanced battery system. Later version eventually: a) hybrid with 4-stroke engine or b) fuel cell as a range extender for extreme applications The drive train could be based on work by Fuchs and collegues in the domain of series hybrid electric cycles in the period prior to 2004. Battery: Lithium polymer cells, 10 pieces in series, 37V nominal (preferred: Kokam 40Ah lithium polymer cells; alternative: li-ion Saft VL M cells 41Ah) Transmission: belt drive between motor (located on rear suspension) and rear wheel. Alternative for vehicles with speed limited to about 45 km/h: DiscPower hub motor by PermMotor and Framo-Morat. 13.4.4 Battery Management System See chapter 9 for prototype of BMS which was aimed at being mainly a “battery management system” for an ul scooter, but which could also be used for other systems having the same requirements regarding energy and power. 13-12 13.5 Bits for a prototype The drive train components for a prototype vehicle could stem e.g. from the following sources: • Man machine interface and information bus: system being similar to that developed between 2000 to 2002 by autork ag, Bern, at University of Applied Sciences, Berne • Battery management system by Stefan Brönnimann at HTI Biel • Power electronics: best of best from any source • Motor: Perm Motor PMS 100 Also, a drive train from PUES corporation could be evaluated and tested. 13-13 14 Further Industrialisation 14.1 Intellectual Property The battery management system, hard- and software, was developed using funds for this project and using funds for the “Mittelbau-Förderung” by the University of Applied Sciences. So ownership of concepts is with HTI Biel. (The material for the prototype of the BMS was paid by Leclanché, Yverdon, a battery producer and supplier.) 14.2 Development from Scratch or based on existing Components? As mentioned in a chapter above a prototype could be built based on work that has already been performed (e.g. drive train for cycles by Fuchs and collegues), based on prototypes of components (e.g. BMS), and based on commercially available components (e.g. power stage by Semikron, PMS 100 synchronous machine by Perm-Motor). In this way, the funds needed to build a prototype would be limited. Such a prototype could serve as an experimental basis to identify weak points prior to development of a series production model. 14.3 Next steps in Product Development Before starting the development of a series product further work needs to be done in • • • Simulation In case a roofed scooter is to be prototyped then the further theoretical investigations should be performed based on the work of Fuchs: Dynamical simulations and/or building of a working model with fairing for trials under real conditions of use are important Marketing Vehicle producer needs to define a marketing strategy Building partnerships Establish partnerships between suppliers and vehicle producers 14.4 Potential Partners for Commercialisation Potential players in the field of advanced lightweight electric scooters such as an uls are • Companies that have already marketing experiences with small electric vehicles First, an existing distribution network that is widespread enough to sell at least 1000 14-1 or more ul scooters once the product is introduced the 2nd or 3rd year after production has started is needed. Second, marketing of electric vehicles is best based upon experiences in the market of electric vehicles such as electric bikes because marketing of LEV is still more difficult than marketing of equivalent, gasoline powered products. One needs specific knowhow which is not available at places where only gasoline fed vehicles are sold (An electric drive is no direct substitute for a two-stroke engine. Rather, a concept for a complete vehicle including e-drive is needed in order to be successful on the market. The Peugeot Scoot’elec is near to a traditional ICE powered scooter, and therefore it is heavy. An other reason is that if an electric vehicle looks like the motorized counterpart, then the expectations by the consumer will be the same: Range and speed of e-scooters will be recognized as being not sufficient! Therefore an electric vehicle needs to have an own design that gives it a new character.) • Companies that are producers of LEV In Asia the market is rapidly growing. At the moment advanced vehicles like the ul scooter are still seldom. But enlarging an existing palette of good e-bikes with an ULS for example is no insurmountable step Interestingly, an asian developer and distributor of an electric drive suited for electric scooters wrote in a mail to the author that the big scooter manufacturers are not interested in e-scooters. Said distributor of the electric drive was discussing e-scooters with virtually all significant e-scooter makers. This supports the thesis above that special requirements for an industrial partner need to be fulfilled. 14-2 15 Contributions to Marketing 15.1 Fair Information of the Customer Electric vehicles have clear advantages over ICE propelled vehicles, but have also clear disadvantages. Some e-bikes are marketed under poor or even under misinformation by the manufacturer. The customer therefore often does not know exactly what to expect, which yields disappointment and frustration and bad mouth to mouth propaganda. Therefore fair, that is clear and honest information, is key when marketing new electric, lightweight vehicles. Vehicle specifications are often difficult to read, especially when the data given belongs to various states of operation. • • • Often it is not stated at what speed maximum range is achievable. Measures for range always need to be given in dependence of speed (if on the flats) or in dependence of slope and speed. Often at stated maximum speed range is disappointing. There is very often no information given about the performance on slopes We promote to inform customers in a very clear way using new form of graphs: 15-3 Fig. 14.1 Diagram showing space accessible with one full charge Fig. 14.2 Diagram showing speed on slopes (stronly sloped line with long dashes) and range on slopes (weakly sloped, thin dotted line) 15-4 15.2 Participating in Pilot Applications The advantages of electric vehicles become clearly visible for special applications such as shopping and delivery or pulling trailers or for certain population groups like the elderly or the handicapped. It is therefore wise to build a marketing strategy for an ul scooter that takes this into account. For example the priorities of marketing measures could be in the following order: A) Serving pilot applications being performed by fleet operated vehicles B) Participating in marketing programmes (such as Newride in Switzerland) C) Selling to private people 15.2.1 Fleet Operated Vehicles Delivery of post or pizza or law enforcement (Police) requires fleets of specially equipped vehicles. The manufacturer has the chance to deliver a series of vehicles rather than one. Also, professional use of those vehicles often can be teached and optimal maintenance can be organized. Such a setting is ideal to monitor how new breeds of vehicles behave. Fig. 14.3 Oxygen scooter for postal delivery 15-5 15.2.2 Marketing Programmes To prepare selling to private persons participating in marketing programmes may be a good option. In Switzerland such a marketing programme is Newride.ch. Another programme is run under a public-private-partnership of novatlantis by the ETH Zürich, the city of Basle and other players. Even though in the “Novatlantis Pilotregion Basel” the focus is on clean engine vehicles burning gas rather than gasoline such types of projects are suited to test new vehicles. 15.2.3 Sales to Individuals Distributing ul scooters over an established dealer network is needed to reach production lot sizes big enough in order to have prices low enough. Since electric vehicles still are “high information products” dealers need to be trained. If a distributor has access to a network with well informed and trained dealers then sales can be achieved. If a distributor has no acces to such a dealer network then distributing an ul scooter becomes a time consuming and costly project. 15-6 16 Annex 16.1 Contents of this Chapter 16 Annex .................................................................................................................... 16-1 16.1 Contents of this Chapter ................................................................................. 16-1 16.2 Very short Abstract for electronic Data Bases................................................. 16-2 16.3 Definitions....................................................................................................... 16-3 16.4 Addresses....................................................................................................... 16-4 16.5 Working documents ........................................................................................ 16-6 16.5.1 Diploma-Thesis within Project ..................................................................... 16-6 16.5.2 Powerpoint Presentations by Project Collaborators..................................... 16-6 16.5.3 Reviewed Publications by Project ............................................................... 16-6 16.5.4 Intensively used papers............................................................................... 16-6 16.6 Links and Literature ........................................................................................ 16-8 16.6.1 Links ........................................................................................................... 16-8 16.6.2 Literature................................................................................................... 16-10 16.6.3 Examples of vehicle and drive system by Tokyo R&D ............................... 16-15 16.7 About ............................................................................................................ 16-19 16.8 Norms and Regulations ................................................................................ 16-20 16.8.1 Norms relevant for lightweight electric vehicles ......................................... 16-20 16.8.2 Swiss Requirements for Homologation...................................................... 16-25 16-1 16.2 Very short Abstract for electronic Data Bases Todays electric scooters weigh more than 100 kg’s including battery. This feasibility study shows that ultralightweight (ul) battery driven scooter are possible which have an empty weight of about half that of traditional e-scooters, approx. 60 to 70 kg’s. Modern battery systems, e.g. those using lithium, have very high energy density. So a battery pack of nearly 2 kWh capacity weighs only inbetween 10 and 20 kg’s. If it would weigh more then total vehicle weight could not be below 100 kg. Lithium polymer cells allow high charge- and discharge-currents which is an important requirement by vehicles. Such modern battery systems become increasingly available. If price for one kWh of battery capacity sinks below 500 Euro/kWh then lightweight scooters become feasible. Today, prices as low as about 300 Euro/kWh are already reached if capacity in the order of 10’000 kWh’s is ordered. Energy efficiency of such lightweight vehicles is very high since they use less than the equivalent of 0.5 liter/100km’s per person in the speed range up to 60 km/h. Therefore, and since one kWh electric energy is quite cheap, operational costs of ul scooters are much lower than those of gasoline scooters. One still existing major hurdle for the spread of ultralightweight scooters is the missing of providers of complete drive system solutions. Such systems exist but still none has ever reached high production numbers and therefore their price is still too high. Unfortunately, at the moment vehicle producers still need to develop their own drive system. Standardisation of interfaces e.g. between vehicle and battery needs to be studied. This could help to relieve the vehicle producers from handling a battery business too. If good business models resp. optimal collaboration of battery vendors, vendors of drive components and vehicle manufacturers can be established then ultralightweight electric scooters become feasible in every respect. 16-2 16.3 Definitions Skateboard-like scooters Push or kick scooters Powerboards Stand-Up Scooters Sit-On Scooters Or Sit-Down Scooters Gas-Powered Scooters = Trottinet skateboard-like scooters with ICE like a trottinet look like a Trottinet, but have a support and a saddle scooter propelled with internal combustion engine, mostly 2-stroke Abbreviations: ACEM BMS Cc CC CV DCS EV EB DCS IPM LCD LEM LEV LiIon LiPoly ICE NiCd NiMH PM PTW SEV SM SOC SOH Ul ULS Association des Constructeurs Européens de Motocycles Battery management system Cubic centimeters Constant current Constant voltage Decentralized control system Electric vehicle Electric bicycle Decentralized control system Internal permanent magnet Liquid cristal display Leicht-Elektromobil (lightweight electric vehicles) light electric vehicle Lithium Ion (battery) Lithium polymer (battery) Internal combustion engine Nickel Cadmium (battery) Nickel Metal Hydride (battery) Permanent magnet Powered two wheeler electrosuisse, Verband für Elektro-, Energie und Informationstechnik synchronous (electric) machine state of charge state of health ultralight Ultralightweight (E-) Scooter 16-3 16.4 Addresses Some addresses that might be useful during further work with ul scooters during conceptualisation and during pilot testing. Name Field of activity Ed Benjamin CycleElectric LEV industry CycleElectric International Consulting International insider with many Group Consulting Group contacts PMB 145 13401-9 Summerlin Rd. Ft. Myers, FL 33919, USA Phone +1 - 239 - 410 - 5187 [email protected] IKAOe Research about Universität Bern, Interfakultäre use and market Koordinationsstelle für Allgemeine acceptance of Ökologie IKAÖ lightweight Falkenplatz 16, CH-3012 Bern vehicles. Tel +41 31 631 39 25 Management of Fax +41 31 631 87 33 newride.ch [email protected] programme Heidi Hofmann Christian Leu private Address Field trials of LEV Oberdettigenstr. 58, Oberdettigen 3043 Uettligen/BE Tel +41 31 901 22 43 Eric Marcel Misoe Pues Corporation PUES drive system Tokyo R&D Co., Ltd. 1516 Aiko, Atsugi, Kanagawa 243-0035, JAPAN TEL:+81 46 227 1101 FAX:+81 46 227 1105 E-mail:[email protected] URL:http://r-d.co.jp Hannes Neupert extra energy LEV industry ExtraEnergy e. V. insider with many Koskauer Strasse 98 contacts D - 07922 Tanna Germany Tel: +49-36646-270 94 Fax: +49-36646-270 95 Email: [email protected] Urs Schwegler Office IEA – Agreement on Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Annex XI – Electric Two Wheelers, Interim Operating Agent c/o Büro für Verkehrsplanung 8376 Fischingen Tel +41 (0)71 931 60 20 Fax +41 (0)71 931 60 21 e-mail: [email protected] 16-4 Jet P.H. Shu Mechanical Industry Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute (MIRL, ITRI) Drive train design, author of papers about escooter Mechanical Industry Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute (MIRL, ITRI) Bldg. 22, 195-3 Chung Hsing Road, Section 4, Chuntung Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. E-mail: 800626@ itri.org.tw 16-5 16.5 Working documents 16.5.1 Diploma-Thesis within Project Brönnimann Stefan. Intelligente Li-Polymer Batterie, diploma thesis at HTI Biel, Dez. 2004 16.5.2 Powerpoint Presentations by Project Collaborators Fuchs, Andreas. Ultra-lightweight e-scooter ULS. File pres_sachs_v1.ppt Fuchs, Andreas. Ultra-lightweight e-scooter ULS - First Results. File ULS_Present_v4.ppt Fuchs, Andreas. Förder-Möglichkeiten Ultraleicht-Scooter ULS. File Foerder_Moeglichkeiten_2_gt_edit.ppt Brönnimann, Stefan. Batteriemanagement, BMS. File ULS_meeting_BMS.ppt Vezzini, Andrea. IPM Electric Motor. File ULS_Present_VIA.ppt Brönnimann, Stefan und Fuchs, Andreas. Energieeffizienter Leicht-Scooter. Forschungstag Verkehr / Akkumulatoren, PSI, 15. Juni 2005. File BFE_ULS_Vortrag.ppt 16.5.3 Reviewed Publications by Project Andreas Fuchs, Stefan Brönnimann, Andrea Vezzini. Concepts for Vehicle and Industrialisation of Ultralightweight 60/60/60 Electric Scooter. EVS 21, Monaco 2005 Andreas Fuchs, Stefan Brönnimann, Andrea Vezzini. Drive System for Ultralightweight 60/60/60 Electric Scooter. EVS 21, Monaco 2005 16.5.4 Intensively used papers E. Benjamin. Retailing a vehicle in the USA. CycleElectric (retailUSA2003.pdf) Bernd Bichsel. Fuel Cell Scooter. HTI Biel (Dokumentation Fuel Cell Scooter.pdf) Publications by ETOUR Project: Newsletter_deutsch1.pdf, Newsletter_deutsch2.pdf, Presentation E-Tour2.ppt, User Needs by CITELEC 161202.pdf Peter Jaensch. Hunter – Moped mit Brennstoffzelle. Behind the wheel product design (hunter.pdf) 16-6 Lithium Power Products. Lithium Survey (lithium_survey.pdf) motonet.ch. Kategorien von motorisierten Zweirädern (ausweiskategorien.pdf) Jet P. H. Shu. The Development of the Advanced Electric Scooter in Taiwan. MIRL, ITRI (16_shu.pdf) Tomohiro Ono. Yamaha Electric Scooter “Passol”. Yamaha (pp_Ono.pdf) Andrea Vezzini. Intellibike – Technische Grundlagen. HTI Biel (intelli.pdf) Andrea Vezzini. Spezifications of “Sprit of Bike” alias “Intellibike” (Spezifikationen.doc) 16-7 16.6 Links and Literature 16.6.1 Advanced Prototypes Links Intellibike www.hta-bi.bfh.ch/E/induel/r_and_d/sob/#TOP_OF_PAGE Information world.honda.com/collection-hall/ www.electricdrive.org/ www.elweb.info/ energy.sourceguides.com/businesses/byP/ev/emoto/emoto.shtml www.econogics.com/ev/evbikes.htm www.velosolex.org/ www.velosolexamerica.com www.electric-bikes.com/motorcys.htm www.batterydirectory.com Need for speed http://scooter-weekend.de/kurven/topten.htm Multitrack Vehicles www.electricscooter.com/ www.allelectricscooters.com/viewCategory.do?id=439 www.phoenix-drive.ch/index.htm TrottiScooter www.electric-scooter-world.com/ www.electric-scooters.com/ www.xootr.com/index.htm www.glider-int.com/ Mopeds Honda City Express www.4qd.co.uk/lynch/apps.html Electric Moped Mobilec (Sytrel) www.3wplanet.com/mobilec/index/index.asp www.cycle-tech.ch www.barth-efix.de/efix.html Lightweight motorcycles www.electricmoto.com/ Scooters www.zapworld.com/ www.elektro-roller.de/ www.airenergy.de/scootelec/scoot_presse.htm www.thezero.net/ www.oxygenworld.it/start.html www.evt.com.tw/ Motorcycles www.vectrixusa.com/ www.huadonggroup.com/ Science etec.vub.ac.be/etec/index.htm www.ebikes.ca brucelin.ca/scooters/ Hydrogen fuel cell 16-8 scooters for urban Asia Parts www.bicycle-power.com Drive Systems www.pues.co.jp/ Promotors www.newride.ch www.electric-bikes.com/ www.extraenergy.org/ visforvoltage.com/ Transport www.postbike.org/ www.transportel.se/ Consultants www.ebwr.com/ www.cycleelectric.com/ Associations www.citelec.org/en/ www.teema.org.tw/ www.avere.org www.acembike.org/html/start.htm www.ivm-ev.de www.velonet.ch www.motonet.ch/ Fuel cells www.intelligent-energy.com/images/uploads/env%20brochure.pdf www.envbike.com/ www.apfct.com/ www.fuelcells.org.tw/ www.fuelcell-info.com/ Design www.behind-the-wheel.de/ www.intermot-designpreis.de/ www.motorcycledesign.com/ Hybrid Motorcycles www.ecycle.com www.synthesis.ch/hyperbike/index_e.html Combustion engines www.empa.ch/ www.bikemotor.com/ Table 16.1 Links to the electric scooter world 16-9 16.6.2 Literature ACEM/Association des Constructeurs Européens de Motocycles. Solving the Urban Transport Dilemma: Powered-Two-Wheelers a practical alternative. Updated version Nov. 2003 ACEM/Association des Constructeurs Européens de Motocycles. ACEM Yearbook 2003: Facts and Figures on PTWs in Europe ACEM/Association des Constructeurs Européens de Motocycles. Motorcycle Safety – A Decade of Progress. Date unknown ACEM/Association des Constructeurs Européens de Motocycles. External Costs and Benefits of Powered Two-Wheelers. 1999 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Abay & Meier, IKAOe (Heidi Hofmann), Interface, U. Schwegler. Auswirkungen von Elektro-Zweirädern auf das Mobilitätsverhalten (Schlussbericht des Schweizer-Teilprojekts im Rahmen von Electric Tow-Wheelers On Urban Roads, E-Tour, 5. EU Rahmenprogramm). Vorabdruck des Schlussberichts, BAG/BBW/Buwal, 4.12.2003 Bella, Gino et al. Experimental and Computational Analysis of the Aerodynamic Performances of a Maxi-Scooter. SAE Technical Papers 2003-01-0998 (from Vehicle Aerodynamics 2003, (SP-1786)) Benjamin, Ed. Retailing Light Electric Vehicles in the USA 2003. Cycleelectric.com, 2003. Benjamin, Ed. CycleElectric’s Industry Primer, 2003 Bichsel, Bernhard (supervisor Höckl Michael). Fuel Cell Scooter. Semester thesis, HTA Biel, 2003 Biketec ag. Kundenbefragung Swiss-Flyer, 2002 Blatter, Jürg, and Fuchs, Andreas W. The smallest series-hybrid vehicle in the world is a PowerNet compatible, fully electronical, chainless cycle! Published in: Graf, Alfons, The New Automotive 42V PowerNet Becomes Reality. Stepping into Mass Production. In coop. w. 24 co-authors, 2003, ISBN 3-8169-2170-1 Blatter Jürg. Elektronische Transmission. Ein technischer Überblick. Infobit (newsjournal of the University of Applied Sciences Bern, HTA Bern), 01/2003 Dörndorfer Johannes. Protokoll für ein Kommunikationsbus im e-bike, Pedelec, Scooter. EfA GmbH, März 2004 Erik De Bisschop et al. Innovation to Scooter Technologies. Proceedings of EVS 18 Buntine, Chris, and Wnuk, Lawrence. Personal Mobility Services: A Potential Niche Market for Small BEVs. source unknown Chau, K.T. Lithium Ion Battery Model. source unknown Jan-Ku Chen et al. The Status of Electric Motorcycles in Chinese Taipei. Energy & 16-10 Resources Laboratories, Industrial and Technology Research Institute, Chinese Taipei. Citelec. E-Tour User Needs. Approx. 2000 or 2001 Clayton M. Christensen, The Innovator's Dilemma (Case study about the market introduction of electric vehicles, chapter 10), Harper Business, ISBN 0-06-66209-0 pbk Yuh-Fwu Chou et al. A Battery Management System of Electric Scooter using Li-Ion Battery Pack. EVS 18, 2001 C.L. Chu. Control Design of a brushless DC motor applied to electric scooter. source unknown Czerwinski, Jan, and Comte, Pierre. Minderungspotential der Schadstoffemissionen und des Kraftstoffverbrauchs von Kleinmobilen mit Verbrennungsmotoren. Publikation No. 12 der Ingenieurschule Biel, 1997 Czerwinski, Jan, et al. Ermittlung der Fahrzyklen für schwach motorisierte 2-Räder. Publikation No. 21 der Hochschule für Technik und Architektur Biel, 2000 Czerwinski, Jan, et al. Die Emissionsproblematik der 2-Räder mit 2-Taktmotoren. Nidau, Juni 2003 Lei Dong. A electric motorcycle with switched reluctance motor propulsion system. source unknown Duglio, Giampiero. Integrated Approach for the Development of the Light Electric Vehicle. EVS 18, 2001 E-Tour: Electric Two-Wheelers On Urban Roads. European Commission, Final Report, 2002 extraenergy. Report of the Pedelec/E-Bike Test 2002, extraenergy.org, 2002 extraenergy. Report of the Scooter Test 2002, extraenergy.org, 2002 Ryan Fitzgerald. EV’s for Work and Play in America… Today and in the Future. EVS 18, 2001 Andreas Fuchs: Trim of aerodynamically faired single-track vehicles in crosswinds. Proceedings of the 3rd European Seminar on Velomobiles, August 5 1998, Roskilde, Denmark. Available from Danish hpv association (http://www.hpv-klub.dk/) Fuchs, Andreas, and Blatter, Jürg. STEUERUNG MIT CAN-BUS FÜR HYBRIDFAHRZEUGE ODER ANLAGEN UND GERÄTE MIT DEZENTRALEN STEUERUNGSAUFGABEN. Automotive Day 2001, ACN-CH, HTA Biel, 14.11.2001 Fuchs, Andreas. Modular Propulsion System for Series Hybrid Electronic Cycles, Series Hybrid Scooters and many other kinds of small vehicles. EVS 20, 2003 Fuchs, Andreas. Komplett-Antrieb für E-Fahrzeuge. Autork ag, September/Oktober 2004 Fuchs, Andreas, und Schmidt, Theo (Editoren). Proceedings of the 1999 Velomobile Seminar "Assisted Human Powered Vehicles". Future Bike Switzerland, 1999 16-11 Tony Foale, Motorcycle Handling and Chassis Design – The Art and Science. tonyfoale.com, 2002, ISBN-84-933286-1-8 Haest, G.J.L. “Last mile” delivery equipment in the near future”. Post Expo, Brussels, Oct 8 2003 Häuselmann, Ch, und Wolf, C. Oekobilanz und Energiesparpotential von muskelkraftverstärkenden Zweirädern am Beispiel des Elektrobikes Flyer. BFE, WEA des Kt. Bern, Kantonales Amt für Ind., Gewerbe und Arbeit des Kt. Bern, Januar 2000 Hofmann, Heidi. Nachhaltig mobil mit Elektro-Bikes. Unilink Nov 2002 Improta, Gennaro, et al. A Multicriteria Analysis for Optimal Localization of 10 E-scooters Recharging Infrastructure in the City of Naples. source unknown. Intermot IVM Design Preis, Katalog. „Young motorcycles, young scooters and their modern surroundings“. Herausgeber R. Brendicke. Industrie-Verband Motorrad Deutschland, e.V., 2004 Bernard Irion. Scootelec - A Unique Experience in Two-wheel Electric Driving. source unknown Walter Jäggi. Unternehmen Mobilec. Tages-Anzeiger, 18.2.03 Frank E. Jamerson. Electric Bikes Worldwide 2002 (sixth edition). Electric Bicycle Battery Company (Naples, Florida), 2002. Order from [email protected] Frank E. Jamerson. Electric Bikes Worldwide 2005 (seventh edition). Electric Bicycle Battery Company (Naples, Florida), 2004. Order from [email protected] Kästli Elisabeth. Schlaues Rad für die Zukunft. Umwelt/Mobilität No. 4 Vol. 02 Kretschmer Bern. Beyond Bicycles – challenges for post bicycles and possible solutions. Post Expo, Brussels, Oct 8 2003 Lee, Shuo-Jen and Weng, Fang-Bor. Recent R&D and future prospects of fuel cell technology in Taiwan. Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, ROC. Fuel Cells Bulletin No. 41 Bruce Lin. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN AND MODELING OF A FUEL CELL SCOOTER FOR URBAN ASIA. Thesis for Master of Science in Engineering from Princeton University, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, November 1999 R. LOT and M. DA LIO. A Symbolic Approach for Automatic Generation of the Equations of Motion of Multibody Systems. Multibody System Dynamics 12: 147–172, 2004 Karl Meier-Engel and Christoph Reichenbach. Energieverbrauchs-Messung an ElektroFahrrädern; Begleituntersuchung zum Grossversuch mit Leichtelektromobilen. BEW, Januar 1997 John A. Mathews. The origins and dynamics of Taiwan’s R&D consortia. Research Policy 1315 (2001) 1-20 Eric M. Misoe et al. Electric Traction Kit «PUES21» for Indoor Rental Karts, source unknown 16-12 Yuichi Mita et al. Estimation of Lithium Secondary Battery System for Application to Small Electric Vehicle and Electric Scooter. Proceedings of EVS 19 Newride. Fahrzeugliste 2004 Nobuhito Ohnuma. “PUES21”, Power Unit for driving Lightweight Electric Vehicles. Proceedings of EVS 19 Nobuhito Ohnuma et al. High Performance Electric Scooter “ELE-ZOO (Pronounced: elezo:”. source probably evs 20 Tomohiro Ono. Yamaha Electric Scooter “Passol”. source probably evs 20 Raman, N, et al. Saft High Power Li-Ion Automotive Battery Technology. source unknown Salvador Mauro, Fabris Davide, Motorcycle dynamics research group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Padova. Study of stability of a two wheeled vehicle through experiments on the road and in laboratory. AUTOMOBILI E MOTORI HIGH – TECH, MODENA, 27-28th MAY 2004 Schlussbericht NewRide, BFE 2001 Schlussbericht VEL Mendrisio, 1995 – 2001, svizzera energia, BBL/EDMZ 3003 Bern, Art. No. 805.018.5 d/i/f/e Jet P.H. Shu. Strategies to Reduce Two-Stroke Motorcycle in Taiwan. The Regional Workshop for Reducing Vehicle Emissions in Hanoi, Vietnam. MIRL, ITRI, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan. September 6, 2001 Jet P.H. Shu. The Development of the Advanced Electric Scooter in Taiwan. MECHANICAL INDUSTRY RESEARCH LABORATORIES, INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (MIRL, ITRI), probably 2001 Jet P.H. Shu et al. The Development of the Modular Propulsion System for the Light-Vehicle Applications. Proceedings of EVS 18 Solarmobilgruppe Burgdorf. Umweltfreundliches Nahverkehrsmittel. BFE 1994 Urs Schwegler. NewRide – Electric Two-Wheelers in Swiss Cities. Proceedings of EVS 19 Hiroaki Takechi et al. Development of extended project on Electric Scooter. Yamaha Motor Co, Ltd. source unknown Tribecraft. Projekt Wetterschutz Fahrrad – Zwischenbericht, Stand Dezember 2003. BFE 2003 Chunto Tso et al. An International Comparison of the Transport Industry’s Innovation Activities: The Case of Electric Scooters. Research Division 1, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER), Chinese Taipei. Ton Vermie. E-Tour project. EVS 18, 2001 Andrea Vezzini. Spirit of Bike – Lithium-Polymer Batterien für das IntelliBike (Schlussbericht). Energie Schweiz, Mai 2003 16-13 Vezzini, Andrea, et al. Pflichtenheft für das UTM (Modul zur Spannungs- und TemperaturUeberwachung) für den Antares Elektrosegler, Version 1.04, November 2002 Yang, MO-Hau, et al. Development of the Power Type 15 Ah Lithium Ion Battery for Light Hybrid Electric Vehicle (LHEV) Application. source unknown 16-14 16.6.3 Examples of vehicle and drive system by Tokyo R&D Vehicle Fig. 16.1 Picture of e-scooter by Pues Corporation Features of ELE-ZOO (pronounced ele-zo): • • • • • Excellent maneuverability and operability Powered by high-performance electric traction system PUES 21 (see below) Cruising range of approx. 25km with one charge Compact on-board battery charger and lightweight Ni-MH battery pack manufactured by PUES Corporation Standard charging time with its on-board battery charger is 2.5 hours from a regular wall outlet AOL×AOW×AOH: Rated output: 1,860 × 735 × 1,025 mm 0.58kW 16-15 Drive System PUES 21 From: www.pues.co.jp (July 2005) PUES 21 is a complete drive set consisting of the following modules: Fig. 16.2 Modules of drive by Pues Weight- and cost-reduction could be achieved by integrating motor and control unit. Fig. 16.3 Compactness of PUES motor 16-16 The drive is efficient over a wide speed range and therefore does not need a CVT (continuously variable transmission). Fig. 16.4 Torque-Speed characteristic of Pues motor 16-17 Motor motorcontroller batteries charger Classification maximum output/ motor speed/ rated time [kW] / [rpm] / [min] rated power/motor speed [kW] / [rpm] maximum torque/motor speed [N.m] / [rpm] maximum motor speed [rpm] mass [kg] dimensions (dia x L [mm]) cooling method classification power device maximum power capacity [kW] battery voltage [V] traction batteries installed type charge control A.C. input power: phase(s), voltage, current, [V] / [A] charging time(manufacturers standard) [h] permanent magnet synchronous motor 0.58/ 5,200/ 60 0.58/ 5,200 8.40/ 3,400 9,000 7.6 (including motor controller) 150 x 268 air cooling Inverter FET 3.5 72 Classification type nickel-metal hydride Capacity, voltage, [Ah] (HR) [V] 6.5 (5) 1.2 number of batteries total voltage [V] on-board type constant current charge single phase, 100[V], 10[A] (maximum) 2.5 120 72 Table 16. 2 Specifications of PUES21 drive system 16-18 16.7 About Dr. Andreas Fuchs Office: Berne University of Applied Sciences, School of Engineering and Information Technology, Division of Electrical- and Communication Engineering Postfach, CH-2501 Biel, Schweiz [email protected] Tel. +41 (0)32 321 67 51, Fax Buero +41 (0)32 321 65 21 www.hti.bfh.ch Location: Quellgasse 21, Raum 2.31 Private: Gutenbergstrasse 24, CH-3011 Bern, Tel/Fax +41 (0)31 301 56 36 Andreas Fuchs Born March 22, 1963, in Thun, Switzerland. Originally from Brienz, Canton Berne, Switzerland. Diploma thesis and PhD in climate physics at the University of Berne, Switzerland. Participant in the GRIP expedition to central Greenland where, in the early 90’s, an ice core for the study of the ancient climate of the earth was drilled through the 3 km thick ice cap. As a hobby, parallel to the PhD studies, research in cycles and other small vehicles. Since 1996 assistant professer at the University of Applied Science in Berne, where, together with the electrical engineer Jürg Blatter, the first chainless (series hybrid) e-cycle of the world was designed and put into operation as a working model. 1998 co-founder of Swissmove AG which aims at commercializing technologies for sustainable mobility and ever since member of the board of Swissmove AG. Initiator of autork ltd. with the aim to commercialize modular drive technology which can be used for any small vehicles with electric traction, but also chainless e-cycles. Autork won the 2001 Wall Street Journal Europe Innovation Award in Category Business/Transportation for the idea how the eliminate the traditional mechanical components from e-cycles. In 2001, Fuchs participated in the Create Entrepreneurship Course at EPFL Lausanne, and became CEO of autork ltd. In 2002 working prototype of the electric transmission in a quadracycle. Beginning of 2005 pre-series prototype of the forementioned transmission in a commercially available tricycle. 16-19 16.8 Norms and Regulations 16.8.1 Norms relevant for lightweight electric vehicles 16-20 16-21 16-22 16-23 16-24 16.8.2 Swiss Requirements for Homologation 16-25 Dynamic Test Center Centrum für Dynamische Tests Centre de Tests Dynamiques Eine Unternehmung der Privatwirtschaft und der Berner Fachhochschule Biel, Abteilung Automobiltechnik Zusammenstellung der wichtigsten Vorschriften und Richtlinien zur Homologation eines Motorrades und Kleinmotorrades Bericht Nr: 114MGP53 Auftraggeber(in): Dr. Andreas Fuchs, Berner Fachhochschule Hochschule für Technik und Informatik HTI FB Elektro- und Kommunikationstechnik Jlcoweg 1 3400 Burgdorf Inhalt: 1 Fahrzeuggrunddaten............................................................................................................ 2 2 Kategorien............................................................................................................................ 3 3 Massen und Abmessungen.................................................................................................. 3 4 Aufbau.................................................................................................................................. 4 5 Beleuchtung ......................................................................................................................... 5 6 Bremsanlage........................................................................................................................ 7 7 Geräusch ............................................................................................................................. 8 8 Abgas................................................................................................................................... 8 9 Elektrische Sicherheit / Elektrischer Antrieb......................................................................... 8 10 Kosten.................................................................................................................................. 9 11 Nützliche Internetadressen .................................................................................................. 9 12 Offene Fragen...................................................................................................................... 9 Anzahl Seiten im Bericht: 10 Dokument Name Autor Peter Münger ISO 9001:2000 certified Reg.Nr. 14912-02 Auftragsnummer: 114MGP53 Anhang: -- Unterschrift Datum 23.04.2004 114MGP53_final.doc CH-2537 Vauffelin / Biel Telefon: 032 358 00 20 Telefax: 032 358 00 00 Dynamic Test Center 1 Fahrzeuggrunddaten Fahrzeugbeschrieb 1 Plätziger elektro Scooter Gewicht Leergewicht: Gesamtgewicht: ca. 65 kg ohne Fahrzeugführer ca. 200 kg Sitzplätze: 1 Geschwindigkeit Offene Variante: Gedrosselte Variante: 60 km/h 45 km/h Antrieb Elektro Motor: Motorleistung: Batteriekapazität: 1,5 kW 1 – 2 kWh Variante als Serie-Hybrid mit Viertakt-Motor-Generator-Einheit Ausrüstung Teilverschalungen als Aerodynamische Hilfsmittel und als Spritzschutz bei schlecht Wetter. Anhängerbetrieb sollte möglich sein. Angaben gemäss e-mail Andreas Fuchs vom 22.03.04 114MGP53_final.doc Seite 2 von 10 Dynamic Test Center 2 Kategorien Gemäss den unter Punkt 1 aufgeführten Angaben sind zwei Fahrzeugkategorien denkbar: 1. Motorrad 2. Kleinmotorrad Definition nach VTS (Verordnung über die technischen Anforderungen an Strassenfahrzeuge) Art. 14 Motorräder sind: a. einspurige Motorfahrzeuge mit zwei Räder, die nicht Motorfahrräder nach Art.18/1 sind b. Kleinmotorräder, d.h. zwei- oder dreirädrige Motorfahrzeuge mit einer bauartbedingten Höchstgeschwindigkeit von höchstens 45 km/h und einem Hubraum von höchstens 50 cm3 bei Verbrennungsmotoren. Definition nach EWG Richtlinie 2002/24 in der Fassung 2003/7 Art. 1(2) a) Kleinrafträder, d.h. zweirädrige Kraftfahrzeuge (Klasse L1e) oder dreirädrige Kraftfahrzeuge (Klasse L2e) mit einer bauartbedingten Höchstgeschwindigkeit von bis zu 45 km/h und folgenden Eigenschaften. i) zweirädrige Kraftfahrzeuge: - Hubraum von bis zu 50 cm3 im Fall von Verbrennungsmotoren - maximale Nenndauerleistung von bis zu 4 kW im Fall von Elektromotoren b) Krafträder, d.h. zweirädrige Kraftfahrzeuge ohne Beiwagen (Klasse L3e) oder mit Beiwagen (Klasse L4e) mit einem Hubraum von mehr als 50 cm3 im Fall von Verbrennungsmotoren und / oder einer bauartbedingten Höchstgeschwindigkeit von mehr als 45 km/h. 3 Massen und Abmessungen Höchstzulässige Abmessungen nach VTS: Motorrad: Art. 135 maximale Länge: maximale Breite: maximale Höhe: 4,00 Meter 2,00 Meter 2,50 Meter Kleinmotorrad: Art. 135 maximale Länge: maximale Breite: maximale Höhe: 4,00 Meter 1,00 Meter 2,50 Meter 114MGP53_final.doc Seite 3 von 10 Dynamic Test Center Höchstzulässige Massen nach VTS: Motorrad: Keine Angaben. Das heisst, es gibt keine Begrenzung diesbezüglich. Kleinmotorrad: Keine Angaben. Das heisst, es gibt keine Begrenzung diesbezüglich. Höchstzulässige Anhängelast nach VTS: 50% des für die Kategorieneinteilung massgebenden Fahrzeugleergewicht (siehe Punkt 12 Offene Fragen). Höchstzulässige Abmessungen nach EWG Richtlinie 93/93: Motorrad: Ziffer 3 maximale Länge: maximale Breite: maximale Höhe: 4,00 Meter 2,00 Meter 2,50 Meter Kleinmotorrad: Ziffer 3 maximale Länge: maximale Breite: maximale Höhe: 4,00 Meter 1,00 Meter 2,50 Meter Höchstzulässige Massen nach EWG Richtlinie 93/93: Die höchstzulässigen Massen von zweirädrigen Kraftfahrzeugen ist die vom Hersteller angegebene technisch zulässige Masse. Höchstzulässige Anhängelast nach EWG Richtlinie 93/93: 50% der Fahrzeugleermasse. Anhängevorrichtung gemäss EWG Richtlinie 97/24 Kapitel 10. Hinweis: VRV Art. 63/4 Auf Anhängern an Motorräder und Kleinmotorräder dürfen keine Personen (auch keine Kinder) befördert werden! (siehe auch unter Punkt 12 offene Fragen, Personentransport auf Anhänger) VRV Art. 69/1 An Motorräder und Kleinmotorräder dürfen nur ein einachsiger Anhänger mit geführt werden. 4 Aufbau VTS: Art. 139/1 Verschalungen dürfen die Führung des Fahrzeugs nicht behindern Art. 139/2 Kotflügel (Schutzbleche) sind nicht erforderlich. 114MGP53_final.doc Seite 4 von 10 Dynamic Test Center Art. 146/2 Für den Fahrer sind Fussrasten oder Trittbretter erforderlich. Art. 146/3 Abstellstütze seitlich oder zentral erforderlich. Art. 143/1 Ein Rückspiegel mit einer Fläche von min. 50 cm2 welche die Sicht von 100 Meter nach hinten ermöglicht. Art. 144/1 Zündschloss und Diebstahlsicherung erforderlich. Art. 55 Geschwindigkeitsmesser erforderlich. EWG: Abstellstütze gemäss Richtlinie 93/31 Anzahl Rückspiegel nach 97/24 Kapitel 4: Motorrad: 2 Kleinmotorrad: 1 Aufbau gemäss EWG Richtlinie 97/24 Kapitel 3 Geschwindigkeitsmesser gemäss EWG Richtlinie 2000/7 Hinweis: Verschalungen müssen aus Splittersicherem Material hergestellt sein. 5 Beleuchtung VTS: Art. 140 Obligatorische Beleuchtungseinrichtung welche fest angebracht sein müssen: vorn: ein Fernlicht, ein Abblendlicht und ein Standlicht hinten: ein Schlusslicht, ein Bremslicht, eine Kontrollschildbeleuchtung und ein nicht dreieckiger Rückstrahler Die Lichter müssen gemäss EWG 97/24 Kapitel 2 geprüft sein. Für weiter Informationen betreffend Lichter (Dioden) setzten Sie sich bitte mit dem „METAS“ (Bundesamt für Metrologie) Herr Lehmann in Verbindung. Richtungsblinker sind zusätzlich erlaubt. Erleichterung für Kleinmotorrad: Art. 152 Fernlicht, Standlicht, Kontrollschildbeleuchtung, ein Kontrolllicht für das Fernlicht und eine Kontrolleinrichtung der Richtungsblinker sind nicht erforderlich. Die Beleuchtungseinrichtungen müssen symmetrisch zur Fahrzeugachse angebracht sein. 114MGP53_final.doc Seite 5 von 10 Dynamic Test Center Anbringungshöhen: Der Abstand des unteren Randes der Leuchtfläche vom Boden muss wenigstens betragen: Abblendlicht 0,50 m Standlicht sowie Richtungsblinker 0,35 m Schluss- , Bremslichter und Rückstrahler 0,25 m Der Abstand des oberen Randes der Leuchtfläche vom Boden darf höchstens betragen: Abblendlichter 1,20 m Stand-, Schluss-, Bremslichtern- und Richtungsblinker 1,50 m Rückstrahler 0,90 m Der Zwischenraum zwischen den Leuchtflächen der Richtungsblinker muss mindestens betragen: Anordnung gemäss Ziffer 52/1 (Blinker an den Lenkerenden gegen vorn und hinten wirkend) 0,56 m Blinker vorn 0,24 m Blinker hinten 0,18 m Weitergehend sind die Sichtwinkeln einzuhalten. EWG Richtlinie 93/92 Anhang II und IV: Obligatorische Beleuchtungseinrichtungen: Kleinmotorrad: Abblendlicht Schlussleuchte seitliche nicht dreieckige Rückstrahler hinterer nicht dreieckiger Rückstrahler Bremsleuchte Motorrad: Scheinwerfer Abblendlicht Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger Bremsleuchte Begrenzungsleuchte Schlussleuchte Beleuchtungseinrichtung für das hintere Kennzeichen Hinterer nicht dreieckiger Rückstrahler Die Lichter müssen gemäss EWG 97/24 Kapitel 2 geprüft sein. 114MGP53_final.doc Seite 6 von 10 Dynamic Test Center Anbringungshöhen: Der Abstand des unteren Randes der Leuchtfläche vom Boden muss wenigstens betragen: Abblendlicht 0,50 m Standlicht sowie Richtungsblinker 0,35 m Schluss- , Bremslichter und Rückstrahler 0,25 m Der Abstand des oberen Randes der Leuchtfläche vom Boden darf höchstens betragen: Abblendlichter 1,20 m Stand-, Schluss-, Bremslichtern- und Richtungsblinker 1,50 m Rückstrahler 0,90 m Der Zwischenraum zwischen den Leuchtflächen der Richtungsblinker muss mindestens betragen: Anordnung gemäss Ziffer 52/1 (Blinker an den Lenkerenden gegen vorn und hinten wirkend) 0,56 m Blinker vorn 0,24 m Blinker hinten 0,18 m Weitergehend sind die Sichtwinkeln einzuhalten. 6 Bremsanlage Motorrad und Kleinmotorrad müssen sowohl nach schweizerischen wie als auch nach EG Vorschriften nachstehend Ausgerüstet sein: Zwei voneinander unabhängigen Betriebsbremsen, von denen eine auf das Vorderrad und eine auf das Hinterrad wirkt. Sie können kombiniert sein, sofern im Störungsfall eine Bremse wirksam bleibt. Wichtig: Bei hydraulischen Bremsanlage muss der Flüssigkeitsstand leicht überprüfbar sein. Anmerkung: Bei handelsüblichen hydraulischen Fahrradbremsanlagen wird dieser Punkt nicht eingehalten. Bremswirkung: Die Bremswirkung von Motorrad und Kleinmotorrad richtet sich nach der EWG Richtlinie 93/14. Die Bremswirkung muss ohne Rekuperation erreicht werden. Die aufgeführten Verzögerungen müssen bei leerem und beladenem Fahrzeug erreicht werden. Verzögerungen: Nur mit der Vorderradbremse ausgeführte Bremsung: Motorrad: 4,4 m/s2 Kleinmotorrad: 3,4 m/s2 Nur mit der Hinterradbremse ausgeführte Bremsung: Motorrad: 2,9 m/s2 Kleinmotorrad: 2,7 m/s2 ABS: Eine Kraftschlussausnutzung von ε ≥ 0,70 ist einzuhalten. 114MGP53_final.doc Seite 7 von 10 Dynamic Test Center 7 Geräusch Variante mit reinem elektro Antrieb: Eine Geräuschmessung bei reinem elektro Antrieb ist für eine europäische Zulassung nicht notwendig. Für eine schweizerische Zulassung ist eine Geräuschmessung nach der EWG Richtlinie 97/24 Kapitel 9 durchzuführen. Folgender Grenzwert ist einzuhalten: ≤ 4 kW 71,0 dB/A Variante mit Hybridantrieb: Für eine schweizerische und europäische Zulassung ist eine Geräuschmessung nach der EWG Richtlinie 97/24 Kapitel 9 durchzuführen. Folgende Grenzwerte sind einzuhalten: Motorrad: ≤ 80 cm3 75,0 dB/A > 80 cm3 ≤ 175 cm3 77,0 dB/A > 175 cm3 80,0 dB/A Kleinmotorrad: > 25 km/h 8 71,0 dB/A Abgas Variante mit reinem elektro Antrieb: entfällt Variante mit Hybridantrieb: Für eine schweizerische und europäische Zulassung ist eine Abgasmessung nach der EWG Richtlinie 2002/51 notwendig. Für weitere Informationen betreffend Abgas, setzen Sie sich bitte mit Herr Comte der Abgasprüfstelle der Berner Fachhochschule in Nidau in Verbindung. 9 Elektrische Sicherheit / Elektrischer Antrieb Das Fahrzeug muss betreffend der elektrischen Sicherheit resp. der elektromagnetischen Verträglichkeit, der EWG Richtlinie 97/24 in der Fassung 2003/77 Kapitel 8 entsprechen. Für weitere Informationen setzten Sie sich bitte mit der „elektrosuisse“ Herr Gull in Verbindung. Weiter sind zu beachten Art. 51 VTS: Auf elektrischen Antriebsmotoren müssen auch in eingebauten Zustand dauerhaft und deutlich lesbar folgende Angaben vermerkt sein: a) die Betriebsspannung in Volt b) die Dauerleistung in kW c) die Drehzahl in 1/min entsprechend der Dauerleistung 114MGP53_final.doc Seite 8 von 10 Dynamic Test Center Der Strom für den Antrieb muss über einen Schalter unterbrochen und die Inbetriebnahme des Fahrzeugs durch Unbefugte verhindert werden können. Bei Überlastung des elektrischen Antriebs muss eine elektrische Hauptsicherung den Stromkreis unterbrechen. Der Strom für den Antrieb muss bei einer Vollbremsung selbsttätig ausschalten oder mitbremsen. Eine Stromrekuperation ist zulässig. Eine Bremse muss eine Reibungsbremse sein. Vorbehalten bleiben die Bestimmungen der NEV. 10 Kosten Eine Schätzung der Homologationskosten ist zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt nicht möglich. 11 Nützliche Internetadressen Untenstehend zwei Internetadressen wo die geltenden schweizerischen und europäischen Vorschriften und Richtlinien zum „download“ bereitstehen. Schweizerische Vorschriften: www.admin.ch/chd/sr/sr.html Europäische Richtlinien: http://europa.eu.int.eur-lex/index.html 12 Offene Fragen Personentransport auf Anhänger: Gemäss Art. 63/4 VRV (Verkers-Regel-Verordnung) ist prinzipiell auf Anhänger an Motorräder und Fahrräder KEIN Personentransport zulässig. Ausnahme: Höchstens zwei Kinder auf Fahrradanhänger, Betriebsgewicht max. 80 kg. Gesetzestext: Das Mitführen von höchstens zwei Kinder auf einem Fahrradanhänger mit geschützten Sitzen ist gestattet, wenn das Betriebsgewicht nach Art 69/2 nicht überschritten wird (Betriebsgewicht nach Art. 69/2: max 80 kg) Interpretation gemäss ASTRA: Das Mitführen von Kindern auf einem Anhänger ist an Fahrräder und Motorfahrräder gestattet. Hinweis: Gesundheitliche Aspekte (Abgase, Verletzungsrisiko) durch den tiefen Sitzpunkt der Kinder sind zu beachten. Diesbezüglich ist ebenfalls eine Anpassung der gesetzlichen Grundlage im Gange. Folgender Vorschlag zur Gesetzesänderung geht in diesen Tagen in die Vernehmlassung: Neu wird explizit nur noch ein Personentransport (Kinder) auf Anhänger an Fahrräder und Leicht Motorfahrräder gestattet sein. 114MGP53_final.doc Seite 9 von 10 Dynamic Test Center Leicht Motorfahrrad: VTS Art. 18/a. Leicht-Motorfahrräder, d. h. einplätzige, einspurige Fahrzeuge mit elektrischer Tretunterstützung bis 25 km/h und einer maximalen Nennleistung von 0,25 kw. Die vorgesehenen Änderungen werden voraussichtlich auf Herbst 2005 in Kraft gesetzt. ULS für Postzustelldienst: Anhängelast: Für den Postzustelldienst werden MOTORFAHRRÄDER oder KLEINMOTORRÄDER verwendet. Die „50% des Leergewichts als max. Anhängelast Regelung“, gilt nur für Motorräder, Leicht-, Klein- und dreirädrige Motorfahrzeuge. Bei Motorfahrräder gilt VRV Art. 69/2 (Anhängerbetriebsgewicht max. 80 kg). Speziell für die Post wurden Ausnahmegenehmigungen betreffend Anhängelasten an Kleinmotorräder ausgestellt, so dass die Anhängelast an Kleinmotorräder für den Postzustelldienst ebenfalls 80 kg betragen kann. Eine Änderung der VTS ist diesbezüglich in Bearbeitung. Das heisst: Zukünftig kann bei Motorräder und Kleinmotorräder mit einer Anhängelast von mindestens 80 kg oder 50% vom Leergewicht gerechnet werden. Anfahrvermögen: Gemäss VTS ist kein Anfahrvermögen für diese Fahrzeugkategorien vorgesehen. Die VTS kennt normalerweise die folgenden Steigungen für Anfahrvermögen: Motorfahrzeuge und Fahrzeugkombinationen: 15% Alternative: Fünfmal innerhalb fünf Minuten: 12% Die Post Anforderungen gehen klar über die gesetzlichen Vorschriften heraus. Wird somit sicher durch interne Weisungen geregelt. Leergewicht: VTS Art.7/7 Bei elektrisch angetriebenen Motorräder, Leicht-, Klein- und dreirädrigen Motorfahrzeugen bleibt das Gewicht der Batterien bei der Berechnung des Leergewichtes und der Nutzlast unberücksichtigt. Das Gesamtgewicht dieser Fahrzeuge ist die Summe des Leergewichts, der Nutzlast und des Batteriegewichtes. Anmerkung: Bezüglich Anhängelasten an Motorräder und Kleinmotorräder sowie Personentransport auf Anhänger an Motorfahrräder und Fahrräder, sind zur Zeit Änderungen von VRV und VTS vorgesehen. 114MGP53_final.doc Seite 10 von 10 Diese Arbeit ist im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Energie entstanden. Für den Inhalt und die Schlussfolgerungen ist ausschliesslich der Autor dieses Berichts verantwortlich.