january - Morris Cerullo World Evangelism
january - Morris Cerullo World Evangelism
2 4 1 0 Look WHAT THE Lord PARTNER, what an awesome, incredible year it has been! Theresa and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support of World Evangelism. There is no way to fully express our appreciation and gratitude for your partnership with us as we go to the nations of the world, winning SOULS and training and equipping Nationals to win their countries for Jesus Christ! We love you more than words can say. You are family to us! 2014 Morris and Theresa Cerullo BROTHER CERULLO RELEASED THE FATHER’S BLESSING AT THE 43RD ANNUAL WORLD CONFERENCE HAS DONE! JANUARY All of a sudden people came out of wheelchairs! MIRACULOUS HEALINGS IN MEXICO AND SOUTH AMERICA! Healing breakthrough for tumors and crooked spines! FEBRUARY Imparting the anointing into these Nigerian Nationals. DEMOLISHING STRONGHOLDS IN NIGERIA! UYO, NIGERIA Uyo is a city in southeastern Nigeria and is the capital of Akwa Ibom, a major oil-producing state of Nigeria. YOUR MINISTRY — IMPACTING THE WORLD FOR SOULS! MARCH APRIL RALLIES AND APPEARANCES AN EXPLOSION OF GOD’S GRACE IN TAMPICO, MEXICO! Detroit Seven Years of Plenty Washington, D.C., Seven Years of Plenty Toronto Seven Years of Plenty San Diego Personal Appearance, C3 Church Dallas Seven Years of Plenty Houston Seven Years of Plenty Houston Personal Appearance, Rios de Aceite Conventry, UK, Fresh Fire Believers’ Breakthrough Rally Dr. Cerullo imparting the prophet’s anointing to his Mexico director & spiritual son, Prophet Oscar Venegas, who was raised up under his teachings. MAY TAKING SOUTHEAST ASIA BY STORM! A historic meeting between two heroes of the faith, Dr. Morris Cerullo, apostolic prophet and evangelist and Dr. David Yonggi Cho, one of the greatest church builders in the history of the Church. Dr. Cerullo, seen here with his spiritual son, Pastor Petrus Agung, prophetically declared “It is finished,” and spoke about God bringing a season of blessing to His people. Dr. Cerullo imparted the covenant anointing to a tightly-packed crowd in Malacca as they committed to reach all of Malaysia for Jesus Christ. MISSION TO EUROPE! Birmingham, UK, Partners’ Meeting Oxford, UK, Fresh Fire Believers’ Breakthrough Rally Paris, France Personal Appearance Paris, France Partners Meeting Plaistow, UK Personal Appearance Kilburn, London, UK Personal Appearance Reading, UK, Fresh Fire Believers’ Breakthrough Rally Barking, UK Personal Appearance Bedford, UK, Fresh Fire Believers’ Breakthrough Rally Woolrich, London, UK Personal Appearance Vienna, Austria, Fresh Fire Believers’ Breakthrough Rally Graz, Austria, Fresh Fire Believers’ Breakthrough Rally Amsterdam, Netherlands, Seven Years of Plenty Madrid, Spain, Fresh Fire Believers’ Breakthrough Rally Faro, Portugal Personal Appearance Even children, such as this young boy, were overwhelmed by the presence of God! Hungry European Nationals in the city of Graz, the second largest city in Austria, seeking the anointing of the Holy Spirit to reach their city! Celebrating Pentecost, the birthday of the Church! Pentecost Explosion of POWER and PRAISE! JUNE San Diego Holy Ghost Camp Meeting Houston Comeback Crusade CELEBRATING JESUS AT THE HOLY GHOST CAMP MEETING! JULY BRAZIL: WHERE IT ALL BEGAN! Thousands came to receive the prophetic Word! Celebrating 63 years of marriage in Brazil! Worldwide Legacy School of Ministry! AUGUST TOTAL MTL ATTENDANCE: 45,000 OVER 6 DAYS MORRIS CERULLO TO SEPTEMBER Brother Cerullo and God’s people read aloud from the rich, prophetic Word God directly gave him. MULTIPLE THOUSANDS SAVED MISSION TO LONDON ... ONE MORE TIME! Prophetic release of the Holy Ghost ! God’s people resp ond to His Holy Presen ce! WORLDWIDE LEGACY SCHOOL OF MINISTRY! THANK YOU! THANK YOU ! U O Y K N A ! TH NOVEMBER OCTOBER PROPHETIC BREAKTH ROUGH IN ISRAEL! AFRICA: EBOLA’S EPICENTER! The people of God in the Ivory Coast, hungering for God’s manifested presence. Los Angeles Comeback Crusade New Castle Personal Appearance Antioch Comeback Crusade God sent me to Kigali to prophetically declare: “It’s over! Now is your time!” It was amazing. God’s people signed up to pray and be a part of the vision of the Morris Cerullo Legacy Center in San Diego, California. Over 1500 Jews and Arabs filled Hanger 11, in Tel Aviv, with hundreds more crowded to get in the building. These same Israelis cried out for God to move mightily in their lives and nation . LONDON PROPHETIC BREAKTHROUGH RALLY IN BARKING, UK! DECEMBER Victorious Pentecostal Assembly Morris Cerullo Presents THE SINGLE GREATEST SIGN OF THE RETURN OF JESUS Prime Time television special airs November 28 to January 1, 2015 MOVING FORWARD IN THE PROMISES OF GOD! Morris Cerullo Legacy International Center Dear Partner, Theresa and I are truly in the greatest season of our lives. The year 2015 is set to be our greatest year of ministry, ever! God has commissioned us to build the Morris Cerullo Legacy International Center to put winning this world for Christ firmly within our reach. It is through the Legacy Training Center that Christians around the world will be trained to impact their nations with the Gospel and reach future generations who have never even heard the Name of Jesus. As we move into the year ahead, it is YOUR sacrificial gifts and your heartfelt prayers that will provide the financial support and spiritual strength we need to continue our God-mandated mission. Together, we will build God a mighty army until Jesus returns! Yours for SOULS … SOULS … SOULS, Morris and Theresa Cerullo 25825.00 M O R R I S C E R U L LO W O R L D E VA N G E L I S M • U.S.: P.O. Box 85277, San Diego, CA 92186 Web site: www.mcwe.com U.K.: P.O. Box 277, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 7DH • CAN.: P.O. Box 3600, Concord, Ontario L4K 1B6 • CAN. Web site: www.mcwe.ca
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