The Tollgate Farm News - Tollgate Farm and Education Center
The Tollgate Farm News - Tollgate Farm and Education Center
The Tollgate Farm News Volume 22 ANOTHER AMAZING SPRING PLANT SALE Issue 6 June 2016 MSU Tollgate Gardens Volunteer General Meeting in the Conference Center Thursday, June 16, 7:00 PM Celebrating the 100 th Anniversar y of the Migrator y Bird Treaty Join Tollgate volunteers in the Conference Center on Thursday, June 16, to learn about the Migratory Bird Treaty. Holly Vaughn Joswick will talk about the genesis of the bird conservation movement and fourteen Michigan birds with great conservation stories. The year 2016 is the centennial of the Convention between the United States and Great Britain — on behalf of Canada — for the Protection of Migratory Birds, also known as the Migratory Bird Treaty, which was signed on August 16, 1916. Shortly after, treaties were signed with Japan, Russia and Mexico. The Migratory Bird Treaty, the three additional treaties and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act are the cornerstones of efforts to conserve birds that migrate across international borders. To learn more about the Migratory Bird Treaty centennial, visit Holly Vaughn Joswick is a Wildlife Outreach Technician with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. She is based out of the Detroit Metro Customer Service Center on Atwater in Detroit. Holly loves to educate people about Michigan wildlife. She has a BS in Fisheries and Wildlife and an MS in Park, Recreation and Tourism Resources from MSU. Holly is an avid birder. For two years, she served as President of the Grand Traverse Audubon Club in her hometown of Traverse City. TOLLGATE GARDEN VOLUNTEER IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS JUN 16 JUN MEETINGS TGV General Meeting JUL 7:00 ACTIVITIES 18 Demo/Hosta/Farmhouse 9:00 25 Heritage/Rock Ledge/Rose Garden 9:00 JUL MEETINGS 2 ACTIVITIES Independence Day Weekend No Directed or Supported Workday Activities 9 Open House Clean Up 9:00 16 Tollgate Open House Sunset Garden Celebration 4:00 23 Children’s/Nursery and Pond 9:00 30 Hosta Garden 9:00 7:00 5 TGAC Meeting 7:00 AUG MEETINGS 19 Fall Fair Meeting 7:00 2 TGAC Meeting 7:00 21 TGV General Meeting 7:00 16 Fall Fair Meeting 7:00 18 TGV General Meeting 7:00 Page FROM THE TOLL GA TE FARM MANAGER GREETINGS Roy Prentice Greetings All, Plant Sale: Thanks to all that helped make the plant sale a success. Due to the efforts of the many volunteers that donated plants, prepared the nursery, and helped customers on the day of the sale, we made $7952! This was our second best sale ever. The total is a little bit less than last The Check-Out Line at the Plant Sale year’s sale, but a whole lot more than we made in any other year. I am sure that all who attended the sale appreciated the wonderful organization and upkeep of the nursery. All of the money raised goes directly into the Tollgate Garden Volunteer account and helps us keep the gardens looking great for our many visitors. A big “thanks” are due to George Papadelis of Telly’s Greenhouse. George very generously donated a trailer load of Thanks wonderful annuals for the George Papadelis! plant sale. George has been a long-time friend of Tollgate and has donated lots of plants over the years. Summer Camp Underway: The Tollgate summer camp season is in full swing. Each week during the Page 2 summer 40 campers will be on the site enjoying the 160 acres that make up the farm. Green Science Adventure camp, Water camp, Dirt camp, Bug camp, Survival camp and more all focus on various aspects of nature and agriculture. Please help the young adventurers as they discover the outdoor environments that are the gardens, fields and woods of Tollgate. Odd Structures in the Trees: You may notice some odd structures hanging from the trees around the property. These are beetle traps. Dr. Deb McCullough of the MSU Forestry Department is conducting research on different chemical lures to attract a variety of beetles. She is working to develop an insect attractant that will identify the next invasive pest soon after it enters the US. Early detection of invasive insects lead to quick action and can help avoid another Emerald Ash Borer situation. Many visitors and garden groups came to Tollgate during May to view the gardens. As the site becomes more and more prominent in SE Michigan, I really appreciate all of the effort that goes into keeping the grounds looking their best. We have a lot of new volunteers on the farm these days. These extra hands are much appreciated as we strive to keep the farm looking good and fulfilling its educational role. If you are considering volunteering at Tollgate, now is an ideal time to get those hours in. Spring and early summer are the busiest time around the farm. Please check out the Tollgate website and make note of our upcoming volunteer days. I really appreciate all of the work and dedication that goes into keeping Tollgate looking good. See you around the farm! Roy The Tractor Gets a Multi-Point Vehicle Inspection Photos by Roy Prentice LEARN GROW MAKE FRIENDS ENJOY Notes from the President “Every flower and every tree and root are annual prophets sent to affirm the future and cheer the way.” Henry Ward Beecher Renee Cottrell PLANT SALE SUCCESS!! Another tremendous success from the efforts of the Nursery Team and our volunteers! Your efforts help to secure the funding needed for the continued support of the Tollgate Garden Volunteers and gardens. Thanks to all volunteers who contributed your plants, time or sales talent and knowledgeable help to put together such a successful Plant Sale. LOOKING AHEAD… Tollgate Open House is on July 16th! We will have a new theme of “Sunset Garden Celebration” and a new evening time frame 4:00-7:00 PM. There will be local musicians to provide entertainment and other garden item related vendors to tempt you with garden related products/plants and our continued educational talks and the garden walking tours and hayrides. We will have announcement flyers available and ask that you take these to friends, family and neighbors to share this event and showcase the Tollgate Gardens. We will have them available in the volunteer communication center, and a copy available on the website. We will be looking for lots of volunteer support to be garden docents, runners, parking attendants, informational speakers and set-up/clean up crews. See the activity calendar and come out and enjoy the gardens! As Always, Thank you for being a Tollgate Garden Volunteer. Renee Cottrell, TGV President Photos by Renee Cottrell Page 3 VOLUNTEERS TOGETHER DIVIDING GROWING SHARING NURSERY NOTES Peg Palmer We had another amazing Spring Plant Sale! While our total receipts were slightly down from last year’s all-time record, the $7,952 we took in is more than double the typical plant sale proceeds of the prior 10 years. A big THANK YOU goes out to the dedicated nursery team and the support of all the Tollgate Volunteers who donated plants, worked in the nursery on division days as well as those who supported sale-day activities. Some Fun Facts about the sale after a preliminary look at the results: In 2016, we sold 49% of stock on hand vs 60% last year and 35% in 2014 SHADE PLANTS ARE HOT! 61% of SHADE plants on hand were sold in 2016. This compares to 29% for DAYLILY, 39% for IRIS and 49% for other SUN plants. Plants in bloom almost always sell. TOP SELLERS for 2016 (more than We began the sale this year with a significant increase in the number of plants available to sell – 3,300 pots at the beginning of the 2016 sale vs. a bit over 2,600 last year. The great response to the “Plants Wanted” lists that we have been posting on the Tollgate Nursery website really helped to bring in the plants we needed and thought would sell well. But the Nursery Team also recognized that we had a lot of stock that hadn’t been purchased in prior sales – and so we recommended deep discounting these items to clear them out of the nursery and make room for a more desirable mix of plants at future sales. This strategy was successful – we actually sold a few more pots than last year, but revenue is down a bit primarily due to these discounts, and also because we sold smaller pots of plants from some of our propagation projects for a lower price. We were also lucky to have a great weather day that is always helpful in bringing out the crowds! Page 4 20 pots): Persicaria/Virginia Jumpseed, Hosta (all varieties), Asclepias incarnata/ Swamp Milkweed, Matteuccia struthiopteris/ Ostrich Fern, Galium Odoratum/Sweet Woodruff, Leucanthemum/Shasta Daisy, Rudbeckia laciniata/Cutleaf or Greenheaded Coneflower, Phlox, Stylophorum diphyllum/ Woodland Poppy, Delphinium, Dicentra/ Bleeding Heart, Ligularia, Sedum/Stonecrop, Tradescantia/Spiderwort Our next challenge will be to restock the nursery – so keep Tollgate in mind for your fall garden divisions! The Nursery will be open again for donations in August – so check the website and look for some plant suggestions in the August newsletter. Please recycle your 1 and 2 gallon pots and drop them off in the nursery shed NOW. We RAN OUT OF 1 GALLON pots at the last division day – so we particularly need this size! Let me know if you have feedback about the plant sale or customer comments to pass on – we want to continuously improve our operation! And please contact me or Renee Cottrell if would like to join the Nursery Team. Peg Palmer - [email protected] Renee Cottrell - [email protected] Photos by Darretta Ferasin Pre-Sale Work A Special Thanks! To all of you who made a donation to help the Tollgate Gardeners make Tollgate a more beautiful place. Your donation is greatly appreciated! The support that you have provided will continue to help our program prosper and grow. Thanks again and Happy Gardening! Mary Boyd Beverly Brisko Rita Chastang Roberta Decker Nancy Dingelday Ron Erdman Mary Iorio Kerry Kelly Bob Luetje Barbara and Rich Macek Janice McNulty Nancy Miller Sherry Mueller Denise Reinelt Melissa Renaud David Rogers Julie Semroc Mary Shea Tammy Shepherd Brad VanDerWege Wanda Whalen Betsy Wilds Barb and John Woodrich Baked Goods for 2016 Open House “Sunset Garden Celebration” — July 16 Our open house is coming and we will once again need lots of cookies for our visitors. Home baked or store bought, makes no difference. NO NUTS PLEASE. Drop off in the conference center prior to your shift. Yvonne Page 5 2016 Tollgate Spring Plant Sale Before the Sale After the Sale Photos by Darretta Ferasin Photos by Roy Prentice Page 6 Page 7 Photos by Darretta Ferasin 2016 Tollgate Spring Plant Sale NEEDED for 2018 Calendar Photos of Tollgate are needed for, yes, the 2018 calendar. I need photos photos photos!!!!! My supply of photos are dwindling. I need your help people! All photos of the property are welcomed and appreciated, all season's too. In particular though I am asking for some photos of the farmhouse. I like to have at least one photo of the farmhouse in each year's calendar, it is such an integral piece of Tollgate. Ideas on what to shoot: landscape scenes; close-up of flowers, animals, frogs and toads; barns and birds; spring, summer, autumn or winter; snakes, spiders, turtles..... So many opportunities and no film to waste!!! You don't have to be a skilled photographer, even I come up with a good photo now and then. It's always a surprise! How to Send Your Pictures I prefer to have them on a memory stick with your name on it. It will get returned to you. Leave it with Roy, or give them to me at a Tollgate Volunteer Meeting (3rd Thursday of the month)...Or email them to me at [email protected] Landscape format preferred. It is your pictures that make the calendar. Nancy Roggers The 2016 Tollgate Volunteer Quilt Only One Month Remaining to Purchase Your Raffle Tickets Quilt: “Tollgate Salutes The USA” Pattern: “Oh My Stars” The pattern incorporates two classic blocks — LeMoyne Star and the Irish Chain. Size: 64” x 64” Raffle Date: The close of the Tollgate Open House, “Sunset Garden Celebration”, on July 16, 4:00 to 7:00 . Tickets: $2.00 each or (3) for $5.00 Tollgate Quilting Bees: Susan Bremer Kathy Coleman Darretta Ferasin Connie Marcangelo Kay Pratt Nancy Roggers Lynn Strong Quilter: Bernie Olszewski Tickets Available at all Tollgate Volunteer General Meetings, Plant Sale and the Open House “Sunset Garden Celebration” Page 8 Around The Tollgate Farm Photos by Cindy Prentice Page 9 Tollgate Volunteer Information Activity Days Activity day hours are 9:00 to noon unless otherwise noted on the Tollgate Garden Volunteer Important Dates and Events listed on the first page of the Tollgate Farm News or by the Area Garden Leader (AGL). Lunch will be provided - veggie alternatives are available upon request. This schedule does not exclude you from working independently on the site. However, on non-scheduled days, your efforts will need to be selfdirected with guidance from the garden area clipboards located in the Volunteer Communication Center. Garden Tools Available for Use at Tollgate Spades Garden Hoe Garden Rakes Long Handled Brooms Garden Forks Wheel Barrels Weed Buckets Leaf Rakes If you aren’t getting The Tollgate Farm News e-mail, Check your SPAM folder Volunteer Activity Day and Meetings Information 248-347-3860 ext. 400 List of Suggested Gardening Implements to Bring from Home as Needed Trowel Hand Pruners Loppers Garden Scissors Your Favorite Weeding Implement Hand Saw Plant Division Forks Shrub Rake Sun Screen Gloves Knee Pads Insect Repellant Tollgate Garden Advisory Council Farm Manager Roy Prentice - 248 347-3860 ext. 251 e-mail - [email protected] President ........................... Renee Cottrell Vice President… ............... Peg Palmer Secretary…........................ Dave Komraus Treasurer ........................... Sue Janczarek Membership ...................... Nancy Roggers PR....................................... Yvonne DeMattos Fall Fair .............................. Dennis Roggers Programs ........................... Jackie Stengel Hospitality ......................... Yvonne DeMattos Farm News Editor ............. Darretta Ferasin For membership questions or to update your current membership information send e-mail to: [email protected] MSU Tollgate Gardens Volunteers For general information and questions Contact Roy Prentice Page 10 ● The Tollgate Gardens Advisory Council next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at 7:00 in the Tollgate Office Building. All Tollgate Gardens Volunteer members are welcome to attend. ● Listings to contact individual Council Members and Area Garden Leaders are available at all general meetings and in the Volunteer Communication Center. ● Tollgate Volunteer Membership is renewed annually. The 2016 Tollgate Garden Volunteers membership is from December 1, 2015 to November 30, 2016.
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