8:00 pm - St. Theresa Parish
8:00 pm - St. Theresa Parish
St. Theresa Parish 455 North Benton St. ▪ Palatine, IL 60067 ▪ 847-358-7760 Easter Sunday ▪ April 5, 2015 Do not be amazed! You seek Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Mark 16:6 ST. THERESA PARISH MISSION STATEMENT The mission of St. Theresa Parish is to share Christ with others through the sacraments, education, prayer, and service. PARISH STAFF Rev. Timothy J. Fairman, Pastor, ext. 101 Rev. Matthew Jamesson, Associate Pastor, ext. 127 Rev. Dennis Stafford, Associate Pastor, ext. 109 Rev. Ron Lewinski, Resident, ext. 118 Rev. Monsignor John P. McNamara, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Stephen Norys, Minister of Care, ext. 110 Hank Aleliunas, Business Manager, ext. 105 Mike Domingue, Director of Music Ministry, ext. 114 DIACONAL MINISTRY Deacon Jim and Melody Devine, ext. 113 Deacon Stephen and Gail Norys, ext. 110 Deacon Richard and Kathie Pizzato, ext. 361 Deacon Louis and Ann Riccio, ext. 362 Deacon Larry and Karen Schumacher, ext. 363 Deacon Greg and Elizabeth Vogt, ext. 364 Parish Address: 455 N. Benton St., Palatine, IL 60067 Parish Website: www.sttheresachurch.org Phone: 847-358-7760 Fax: 847-202-8941 SCHOOL Mary Keenley, Principal, ext. 202 Mary-Anne Zielinski, Administrative Assistant, ext. 203 Terri Kolbus, Director of Admissions, ext. 249 School Address: 445 N. Benton St., Palatine, IL 60067 School Website: www.sttheresaschool.com Office: 847-359-1820 Fax: 847-705-2084 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Elizabeth Vogt, Director of Religious Education, ext. 111 Marsha Jones, Religious Ed. Registrar, Adm. Asst., ext. 112 Religious Education: 847-359-2846, ext. 111 PARISH SUPPORT STAFF Mary Amirante, Receptionist, ext.100 Joyce Pizek, Bookkeeper, ext. 102 Marie Paul, Sacristan Leader, ext. 119 Nicole Carlisle, Administrative Assistant, ext. 107 Page 2 Please pray for all our sick parishioners, family members, friends & loved ones, especially: Masses & Intentions for This Week Monday, April 6 6:30 am 8:00 am 7:00 pm Rev. Charles Kunkel Barb & Phil Zarob Lois Wilkas Devins Family MARIAN ROSARY DEVOTION Tuesday, April 7 6:30 am 8:00 am St. Theresa Purgatorial Society Irene Kustermann Jeff & Nancy Wandt Wednesday, April 8 6:30 am 8:00 am Robert Schonta Wanda Cudak Thursday, April 9 6:30 am 8:00 am Barbara Marino Daniel Johnson Beatrice Schonta Family Recomanta Family Rita Byrns Friday, April 10 6:30 am 8:00 am Alice Kirwan Brigetta Sentman 98th Birthday Blessings to Fran Alicoate Saturday, April 11 8:00 am 5:00 pm Special Intention for Mary Roy Settergren Loretta Settergren Rev. Charles Kunkel Lee & Bea Kunkel Sunday, April 12 7:00 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 11:30 am 6:00 pm Michael Olday Family Luke Cimarusti Laura For Parishioners Multi-intention: Irene Kustermann / Norma Keating / Nathan Lepp Jean Oswald / Juanita Brodkorb Special Intention for Coach Pete Malito Judy Amoroso Daniel Anfuso Hilda Avila Maria Ofelia Avila Mary Boland Arthur Byrnes Timothy Cannon Frank Caruk Anna Maria Collier Sue Coston Bob Crowell Robert Fairman Nancy Gitzinger Bess Greco Sam Greco Ryan Guerrero (age 15) Don Hausser William Hopp Jr. Don Humphries Frank Klich Carol Lukowski Maureen Newman Krause Joan Kuthe Tony Lazzara Robert Lindquist Mary Lucas Zacharias Lucas Daniel Macbride Melissa Schumacher-Martin Krista Motley Jean Nechi Frank Pankanin Betty Penkava Aubrey Raymond (infant) Dale Schafernak Michala Schauble Matt Schroeder Helen Schultz Charles Sebastyan Helen Simon Mary Kate Sleppy Sarah Smith Emil Solans Ronald Sowizrol Kathy Tomusiak Emil Tosch Scott Wallace Sal Willer Norbert Wojdyla BREAD AND WINE The Bread and Wine for the Eucharist this week are offered in loving memory of Life Has Changed, Not Ended... Walter & Jean Oswald Please Pray For Those Who Have Died From The Oswald Family Mary Favaro, Donna Smith, Paul Pasko, Ernest Sakowicz Please remember them in your prayers. LITURGICAL SCHEDULE for Saturday and Sunday, April 11 & 12 Minister(s) CELEBRANT DEACON SACRISTAN LECTORS EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS "H"-Designates "Ciborium" "C"-Designates "Cup" * = Wash vessels after Mass ALTAR SERVERS Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7:00 AM Sunday 8:30 AM Sunday 10:00 AM Sunday 11:30 AM Fr. Dennis Fr. Ron Fr. Matt Fr. Tim Fr. Dennis Richard Pizzato Jim Devine Greg Vogt Larry Schumacher Richard Pizzato OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN 1-VanHavermaet,T 2-Hanschmann, J. 1-Sullivan, K. 2-Schwind, A.N. 1-Andersen, S. 2-Pizzato, K. 1-Siemianowski, C. 2-Brigham, M. 1-Millewich, P. 2-Willis, M.J. H-Brown, M.* H- Solari, M. H- Krupp, R.* H-Manit, M. H-Owens, N. C-Peterson, B. C-Pfister, D. C-Pfister, C. C-Reckamp, T. C. Reckamp, L. H-Arns,ML H- Galvan, T. H-Meersman, A.* H-La Russo, J. H-Keane, K.* C-Hoffman, M. C-Zak, B. C-Wedecki H-Hannon, S. H-Gryzesiak, D. H-Deyhle, R.* H-Nuxoll, J.* H-Olejniczak, Z. C-Raupp, N. C-Kliarsky, D. C-Brennan, P. C-Battin, L. C-Battin, S. H-Gryzlo, K. H-Gryzlo, M. H-Mullen, T.* H-Maniscalco, B. H-Maniscalco, W. C-Mnichowicz, J. C-Arvidson, M.* C-Poznanski, R. C-Miklius, L. C-Hirn,N. H-Brinckerhoff, N.* H-Mayworm, M.A. H-O'Laughlin, H-Dzierzak, M. H-Kane, N. C-Zielinski, M.A.* C-Weiss B. C-Weiss M. Kolbus, Z. Kolbus, A. James, C. James, A. Markham, R. Markham, A. Nalley, M. Monroe, G. Monroe, M. Kurrie, R. Wilhite, K. Walker, D. O'Kane, K. Postiglione, S. Eaken, A. Darwin, M. Dzierzak, P. Brinkerhoff, T. Carlisle, T. Page 3 A Message from our Pastor... Dear Friends, “The desert will lead you to your heart where I will speak.” This derivation of the Bible verse from Hosea 2:14 greets visitors to the chapel at the Redemptorist Renewal Center in Tucson, Arizona where I had the privilege of spending 12 weeks in retreat in the spring of 2011 as part of my sabbatical program. I have thought of the renewal center every year around this time since my life’s journey led me there. The center is located right near the entrance to the Saguaro National Park which is a part of the Sonoran desert. The timing of my twelve week stay was such that I was present to give witness to the Sonoran Spring, which is that time of year when all the varieties of cactus burst with flowers – some for only one day, others for weeks. It was one of the most breathtakingly beautiful moments of my life. I tried, in vain of course, to capture the beauty of this floral symphony with my camera, but even the most expert of photographers cannot capture the vivid colors and textures represented in the array of flowers. One would never dream that looking at these pale green cacti during the rest of the year that such splendor was yet to come. On Easter morning that year, I participated in a sunrise prayer service in the outdoor chapel at the renewal center. We prayed and sang as the sun ascended from the horizon… it was a powerful moment. It certainly was a unique time in my priesthood, as I was able to be a member of the congregation rather than a presider at the sunrise service and Mass later that morning. I share these images from nature with you this Easter Day because they are significant reminders to me of what Easter celebrates… new life! The passage I began this reflection with spoke to me that Easter time in 2011 as I gave witness to the Sonoran Spring and all the beauty it displayed. My heart lead me to an abundance of joy that Easter morn as I shared prayer with fifty people assembled to give witness to the rising of the sun announcing that the Lord had indeed risen from the dead, as he said he would. Sadly, early April in Palatine, Illinois, doesn’t lend itself as well to the experience of nature like the desert in Tucson, Arizona, but that doesn’t diminish the joyful celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is what our faith leads us to. If we take the passage from Hosea and translate it a little more differently, it can be observed, “The resurrection will lead you to your heart where I will speak.” My prayer for all of us this Easter is that the joy of the resurrection will truly touch our hearts in so profound a way that we will indeed experience the Lord speak to us a message of faith, hope and love, and like the disciples at Pentecost, allow that message to inspire us to share it with others to the ends of the earth! If you are new or a visitor to St. Theresa Parish today, on behalf of all the people of our parish I want to welcome you and let you know that we would very much like for you to make our parish your spiritual home. If there is anything I can do to facilitate that, please do not hesitate to ask. I also invite you to read this bulletin from cover to cover. This is an exciting time at St. Theresa and there is a great deal of information shared in this publication each week. One of the best ways to connect with St. Theresa is through our weekly bulletin and our parish website (www.sttheresachurch.org). May God bless you all with a blessed and glorious Easter time. Page 4 OUR STEWARDSHIP Year Actual 3/22/15 Basket Online Total Year Prior 3/23/14 $ 18,418 Pending $ 19,232 For Online Donations CAMPAIGN CORNER Dear Parishioners, The success of a capital campaign depends greatly on the quality of its leadership team. I am very excited about the outstanding group of parishioners who have agreed to make up our campaign leadership team and I am grateful to them for agreeing to serve in this capacity. Sign up for online giving at www.sttheresachurch.org/givecentral.htm Congratulations to Charles and Mary Ann Falkenberg The Campaign General Chairs are: on your 60th Wedding Anniversary! Best wishes to you on April 9th…your Diamond Wedding Day! May God continue to bless you in your married life! Nicole Carlisle Leo Miklius Tom Paar Mike Thompson In addition to these leaders, we have assembled an outstanding group of sixteen individuals/couples to serve as members of the Campaign Cabinet. They are currently recruiting additional campaign volunteers to help with the effort. Please give prayerful consideration to serving as a volunteer if you are asked. Thank you to everyone who has agreed to give of their time for this important campaign. . Fr. Tim 360 WEEK AT A GLANCE... Monday, 4/6 Tuesday, 4/7 Wednesday, 4/8 Thursday, 4/9 Friday, 4/10 Saturday, 4/11 6:30, 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 7:00pm Marian Rosary Devotion (Church) 6:30am Daily Mass (Chapel) 7:30am School Choir Practice (Church) 8:00am All School Mass (Church) 6:30pm Women’s Club Pot Luck (Bernardin) 7:00pm Cub Scout Pack 91 Committee Meeting (104) 7:00pm Respect Life Prayer Service (Chapel) 6:30, 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 10:00am Adult Bible Study (Festle) 3:30pm Parish Staff Meeting (Pauline 2nd Floor) 6:30pm Women’s Chorale (105) 7:00pm Prayer Group (Bernardin) 7:00pm PPC (Festle) 7:00pm Boy Scout Troop 91 (Lower Dolan) 6:30, 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 1:00pm Abstinence Education Meeting (Festle) 3:30pm Children’s Choir Rehearsal (105) 7:00pm Women’s Club— St. Theresa Guild (Festle) 7:00pm Families of Nazareth (104) 7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal (Church) 8:00pm 6:30, 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 8:30am Adoration (Chapel) 5:00pm Benediction (Chapel) 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 12:30pm Confessions (Church) 5:00pm Mass (Church) Adult Basketball(Gym) Sunday, 4/12 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 6:00am—3:00pm Blood Drive (Lower Dolan) 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am Mass (Church) 9:30am Women’s Chorale Rehearsal (105) 10:00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Bernardin) 10:30am RCIC (Festle) 1:00pm Marian Rosary Devotion (Church) 6:00pm LIFT Teen Mass (Church) Page 5 2015 LENTEN OUTREACH – THANK YOU! FOUNDATION FOR CHILDREN IN NEED Dear St. Theresa Friends and Families, We wish all of you a Blessed and Happy Easter! May Our Risen Lord Jesus Bless each one of you abundantly. We thank you all for opening your hearts to our mission work during this Holy Lenten season. Sharing your many Blessings through your almsgiving, fasting and prayers has helped the Foundation for Children in Need bring real hope to the poor children suffering in India. Fr. Tim and all of you have been a tremendous source of friendship, love and support to our ministry, and for your kindness we are forever grateful. As we celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus this Easter we continue to experience His Living Holy Spirit through you. Please visit us at: www.fcn-usa.org to learn more about F.C.N. and to join us in our mission work. Consider sharing the Spirit of Hope by sponsoring an F.C.N. child today. Thanking you once again! With Prayers and Much Gratitude, Dr. Geetha and Tom Chitta Page 6 ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO ARCHBISHOP QUIGLEY CENTER 835 NORTH RUSH STREET * CHICAGO, IL 60611-2030 * PHONE: 312-534-8230 * FAX: 312-534-6379 * [email protected] * OFFICE OF THE ARCHBISHOP Easter 2015 Dear brothers and sisters in the Risen Lord, With our celebration of Easter, we proclaim “Christ is risen,” and call each other and the world to renew our hope. That call to hope is actually a very daring invitation. So much of what we experience in the world points us in another direction—most often, to sad resignation. Worldwide armed conflict, lethal gang violence in our neighborhoods, families trapped in poverty, immigrants uncertain about their future, young people robbed of a future because of drugs and poor education, and the most vulnerable among us—the unborn, the chronically ill, the secretly abused, the elderly, the dying—who have become in the words of Pope Francis “disposable”—all this suggests a dim future. Who are we, then, to proclaim hope? How do we dare to say that there is a reason for hope? Our response is simple, and our conviction is firm. We have come to know Jesus, the Risen One. We have come to know Jesus in his word and in his sacraments. We have known him in each other, in the faces of those whom we love and in the faces of the poor and marginalized. Our knowledge of him has brought us before his cross on which he destroyed sin and death. Our knowledge of him has brought us to stand before him as the Risen One who breathes the new life of the Spirit into those who believe in him. We dare to hope, because the eternal Word of God dared to take our flesh and passed through death to new and glorious life. He opened the way for us to embrace eternal life. And so we dare to hope and, even more, dare to share that hope with a wounded struggling world. Pray for me as I pray for you that our faith and confidence in the Risen Christ will bless this world with the renewed hope that it desperately needs. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Blase J. Cupich Archbishop of Chicago …from Fr. Dennis We need to live in Christian joy! Holy Scripture continually mentions Christian joy as the heart of Christian living. Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy. Psalm 126:5 And some famous, and not so famous, people have encouraged people to exhibit joy. We need to discover all over again that worship is natural to the Christian, as it was to the godly Israelites who wrote the psalms, and that the habit of celebrating the greatness and graciousness of God yields an endless flow of thankfulness, joy, and zeal. J.I. Packer Let’s remember to smile at our public worship! MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK 360 That is how many volunteers will be needed to assist with our capital campaign that will fund our Master Plan goal of $6.4 million. Why do we need 360 volunteers? Because we currently have 3,561 registered families in our parish and our best chance of reaching our campaign goal is to personally contact every single registered member of St. Theresa Parish. If we do not have the opportunity to contact people directly, then we will need to go to “Plan B” or “Plan C” which will include phone calls or mailings alone, which as you can imagine, will dramatically lessen the possibility of reaching our financial goal for the capital campaign. If we can obtain 360 volunteers, those volunteers will be asked to personally contact ten families who are registered members of our parish. What does personally contact mean? Call them on the phone, or invite them to meet you somewhere and talk about our parish and what our capital campaign will do for the future of St. Theresa. Pretty simple. If we get 180 volunteers, then they will be asked to contact twenty families… still doable, but twice as big a commitment, so let’s focus on the number 360. “Many hands make light work.” That’s what the sisters said time and again when I was growing up in the school of my home parish, Our Lady Help of Christians on the West Side of Chicago. And you know what? That old adage is true! Many people do indeed make whatever needs to be done a lot easier to bear. I am asking every single one of you reading this bulletin article to participate in our capital campaign by volunteering to assist with contacting every member of this parish. Whether you are the most active member of St. Theresa or the least, whether you have a spouse and twelve kids or are single, young or old… no one will be exempt from being asked to help. Ten families. That’s all you’ll be asked to contact. Heck, you can do that very quickly and best of all, our campaign consultants from the Steier Group will train you so that this will be an easy-peasy task for you to do. Look, I know we are all busy. Its tax season for some, basketball and volleyball season for others. Kids need to be transported all over the place and the fragile economy continues to stretch us all financially, forcing us to do more work than we would like. St. Patrick’s Day is around the corner and this persistently cold weather is making all of us a little grumpier. I know what I am asking you to do, but without your help, our Master Plan cannot be accomplished. This means that the goals of the Plan will need to be ratcheted down and I will be having this conversation with you again a few years from now rather than a decade or more from now, because most of the Master Plan entails updating and repairing or replacing items that need to be attended to… there isn’t much “fluff” in the Plan, and what little there is will serve our parishioners and guests better in the future and help attract new people to our parish, school and religious education program. Pretty please with sugar on top, please help the success of the capital campaign by volunteering to help contact parish families and consider the financial gift you would like to make to the campaign so that we can achieve the goals of the Master Plan and move our parish forward for the future. To commit to helping with this effort, please send your name, email address, and phone number to [email protected]. Fr. Tim 360 Page 7 ST. THERESA SCHOOL OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS If you are interested in learning more about our preschool and K-8 programs, please contact Terri Kolbus at 847-359-1820 x249 or [email protected]. COME BEGIN THE JOURNEY WITH US! St. Theresa School Students, Faculty, and Staff Rejoice in the Resurrection of our Lord And wish all parishioners, family, friends, and visitors A most Blessed Easter celebration. STS JUNIOR HIGH PROUDLY PRESENTS: WHEN: Friday AND Saturday, APRIL 17 & 18, 2015 TIME: 7:00PM WHERE: Benton Street Theatre (Dolan Center) COST: ALL TICKETS $5.00 Any questions, please call the school office 847-359-1820. Please pray for all our military and veterans, especially: Lance Corporal John F. Campe (U. S. Marine Corp) Alan Carlson (Navy) Robert E. Brodkorb (Air Force) Jackie Fairman (Navy) Captain Kevin Hand (Air Force) Captain Stephen Hand (U.S. Marine Corp) Louis Kittler (Navy) Colonel James F. Kott (Air Force) Colonel Marilyn H. Kott (Air Force) Deacon Steve Norys (Navy) Deacon Lou Riccio (Korea, Army) John Sellinger (Air Force) Colonel Daniel Joseph Settergren (Air Force) Phil Urban (WWII, Air Force) Ron Willer (Vietnam, Army) Page 8 A Walk DownGuest Memory Lane… Our Honored Celebrating 60 Years! We are excited to announce that Cardinal George will be joining us at this year’s Green & Gold Gala to celebrate St. Theresa School’s 60th Anniversary! You are cordially invited to attend the Please pray for his health and strength. Annual St. Theresa Green & Gold Gala April 25, 2015 The Stonegate 2401 West Higgins Road Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169 Cocktails at 5:30pm Dinner at 7:30pm Silent & Live Auctions Raffle Baskets RSVP by April 10, 2015 Spotlight on Live Auction... Choice of Live* – The winner of the $100 per ticket raffle will get their choice of any of the Live Auction items OR ONE FREE tuition for a single student (parishioner rate) at St. Theresa School for the upcoming 2015-16 school year. *In order to offer this, 100 tickets will need to be sold, otherwise winner will receive 50% of the proceeds of the raffle (split the pot). ♦ Cubs or White Sox Fan Package – Chicago Baseball fans, this is for you! The winner gets a choice of one of these two packages: Cubs Fans – Anthony Rizzo signed Cubs Jersey, Jorge Soler signed blonde MLB bat and Javier Baez signed MLB baseball… OR White Sox Fans – Frank Thomas signed White Sox jersey with HOF inscription , Jose Abreu signed black MLB bat and a Paul Konerko signed MLB baseball. ♦ Dinner for Six with Fr. Tim at the Rectory Prepared by Chef Tom Craner, AKA Tom Wasabi – Enjoy a relaxing dinner for six with wine included, hosted by St. Theresa’s Pastor at the parish rectory. The multi-course meal will be prepared by local culinary expert, Tom Craner and will be a great opportunity to share food, fellowship and fun. A tour of the rectory will be included. ♦ Blackhawks Sports Package – This item is for any Chicago Blackhawks fan and celebrates the old and the new with the team. The winner of this item will receive a signed Stan Mikita Sweater (AKA Jersey) and two tickets to a 2015-16 game at the United Center, with the date to worked out mutually with the donor. What a great way to celebrate our pride in the best team in Chicago right now! ♦ Principal for a Day – Your student can spend the day being the boss of the school! Responsibilities will include: Pick an Assistant Principal, decide and announce dress down code for the day, morning greet with Miss Keenley, morning prayer and announcements, walk the building with the principal to greet students, lunch with Miss Keenley to discuss school improvements from a student’s points of view (may invite a friend or Assistant Principal for the day) and make end of day announcements. Date to be arranged. ♦ Bucket List Check-Off Trip – Spend three nights in the Big Apple, New York City and see the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade with four grandstand seats to the parade! This package also includes a three night stay at The Four Points by Sheraton Midtown – Times Square Hotel on November 25 – 27, 2015, within walking distance of the parade and all the scenic sites around Times Square. In addition, a $200 gift card will be included that gives you the opportunity to purchase tickets for the Broadway or Off-Broadway show of your choice. Travel not included in this package. . ...Continued on following page... Page 9 Spotlight on Live Auction...continued... ♦ Instant Wine Cellar – The beneficiary will have a truly priceless collection of over two cases of superior wine from all over the globe. Assembled from St. Theresa family and friends, this is a line-up of iconic vineyards. Any novice collector or seasoned oenophile will gladly treasure these bottles! ♦ Cross Town Classic – Enjoy this great opportunity to see one of the great rivalries in Major League Baseball as the Chicago White Sox host the Chicago Cubs at U.S. Cellular Field! The winner of this item will receive four Gold Box Tickets for the 1:00 pm game on Sunday, August 16, 2015, as well as a parking pass. What a great chance to see two up and coming teams square off for bragging rights in this City Series! ♦ Taylor Swift Concert Tickets - "Swifties"...this live auction item is for you! The winner will enjoy four tickets to the hottest show in town..."Taylor Swift's 1989 World Tour," as it passes through Chicago's Soldier Field on Saturday, July 18 at 7:00 p.m. These FOUR FLOOR SEATS DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE STAGE will give you a great view of the concert by a multiple Grammy winner. ♦ Million Dollar Smile - Have you been longing for a healthy, beautiful smile? Look no further. Dr. Bryan Nakfoor of Nakfoor Orthodontics in Arlington Heights uses the latest in cutting edge orthodontic treatment. This incredible offering includes one full orthodontic treatment (braces). There is no expiration date for this offer, so whether you or a family member needs orthodontia now or at some point in the future, this package is for you. The value of this item is between $5,500 - $7,500, so you’ll definitely want to take advantage of this item! ♦ Portrait Photography Session with Al Buschauer - Is it time for a new family or individual portrait? Then this item is for you! Al Buschauer of Buschauer Photography in Barrington will provide you with a studio session and a canvas wall portrait (unframed) of up to 30 inches. You will have the option of purchasing additional portraits. Al is well-known for his creativity and artistic talent. He magically turns photos into extraordinary keepsakes that the whole family will enjoy for years to come. ♦ Kenny Chesney Concert Tickets - Country fans, we have just the tickets for you! Break out your cowboy boots and gather some friends for Kenny Chesney's "The Big Revival Tour" featuring Miranda Lambert on Saturday, June 6 at 5:00 p.m at Soldier Field. You'll be close to the action with these FOUR FLOOR SEATS IN FRONT OF THE STAGE and you won't want to miss hearing all of his Billboard Hot Country Song Chart Toppers! ♦ There's No Place Like My Mancave - Gentlemen...if you are looking for a room to call your own, this item is for you! This item includes a 60 inch HDTV, an Avanti mini-refrigerator filled with craft beer, a popcorn maker, snacks, a handmade Humidor with cigars, and an Eclipse Poker Set with a mahogany case, 500 - 14 gram chips, playing cards, a dealer button and a 300 count chip tray. To complete your manly cave, use the gift certificate which is included to select that perfect recliner chair at Walter E. Smithe Furniture. As an added bonus, the winner will receive a Mike Ditka signed mini helmet in a case with a bottle of Ditka wine, cigar and Ditka plaque. Da Coach would be proud of this space just for the “Grabowski” kinda guy! ♦ Watch the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame – Be a part of the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame as they take on the Navy Midshipmen in this decades-old rivalry with EIGHT box seat tickets and a parking pass on Saturday, October 10th. You and your seven closest friends and family members will have the opportunity to experience the rich history and tradition of the University of Notre Dame. University restrictions of transfer of football tickets will apply. ♦ Day at the Races – Enjoy an Executive Box Seat Package for any race day during the 2015 Racing Season at Arlington Park (with certain exceptions) which includes General Admission for six people, six Reserved Executive Box Seats, a Winner's Circle Presentation with a race named in honor of your group, a Paddock Tour to watch the pre-race saddling and a call for "Jockeys Up" and the Post Parade. Also included is dinner for eight at Ditka’s Arlington Heights restaurant at the track and $100 in gift certificates for spending cash! Other items are also in the works so stay tuned…! Our Honored Guest We are excited to announce that Cardinal George will be joining us at this year’s Green & Gold Gala to celebrate St. Theresa School’s 60th Anniversary! Please pray for his health and strength. Page 10 ST. THERESA RELIGIOUS EDUCATION VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Register now for this summer’s Vacation Bible School taking place June 22-26, 9am – 12pm. VBS is open for students entering preschool age 4 – entering 5th grade in fall 2015. Registration forms are available on the parish website or can be picked up the parish office. If you have questions or to volunteer, please contact the Religious Education Office. NEWLY CONFIRMED Where is God calling you in life? Every baptized person has a vocation – a call – to love and serve God. Come hear vocational stories of religious sisters, priests, a single person and a married couple. Mark your calendar for Monday, April 27 at 6:30pm for a Vocations Panel. The next Home Group for the newly Confirmed is the week of April 6-11. The final home Group of the year is the week of May 4 – 9. ALL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FAMILIES Mark your calendar for the End of Year Religious Education Mass on Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 10:00am. Join us in celebrating another year of Religious Education together. DATES, TIMES, LOCATION Wednesday mornings 10am – 12pm (Pauline Center) Or Thursday evenings 7pm – 9pm (School) Starting April 8/9 through May 27/28 COST $18.00 per person for workbook/journal Please bring a bible and a notebook or something to take notes with you. REGISTRATION / MORE INFORMATION Contact Elizabeth Vogt at 847-359-2846 or [email protected] Page 11 MINISTRY OF CARE The Ministry of Care office is the central point in our parish community for outreach, resources and referrals. Deacon Stephen Norys, Coordinator FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION For April 18-19 MEMORIAL PRAYER SERVICE For families who have experienced the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, or premature birth "Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Tuesday, April 7 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Most needed: Baby Food, Crackers, Diapers, Napkins St. Theresa Day Chapel Deacon Larry Schumacher will lead the service followed by the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Life in the Spirit Seminar Sponsored by the St. Theresa/St. Thomas Respect Life Team. Presented by St. Theresa Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group St. Theresa Parish – Pauline Center 445 Benton Street, Palatine 7:30 – 9:30 pm PRAY TO END ABORTION On Saturday, April 11, all parishioners are invited to join members of the parish Respect Life Committee when we pray the Rosary outside an abortion mill in Des Plaines. We will meet about 8:35 am or when the 8:00 am Mass ends, gathering just outside the Day Chapel at St. Theresa Church and returning by 10:15 am. Transportation will be available for those who are able to join us. Please make an effort to support this important cause. Thank You. PARISH BLOOD DRIVE The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring the Spring Blood Drive Sunday, April 12th Lower Dolan Center After all Masses, 7:45 am to 1:00 pm Schedule for Seminar Talks: April 8, 2015 God Loves You April 15, 2015 Salvation April 22, 2015 New Life April 29, 2015 Receiving God’s Gifts May 6, 2015 Baptism in the Holy Spirit Holy Mass Celebrated by Fr. Michael Sparough, S.J. May 13, 2015 Growth and Transformation Come – Bring a family member or friend For more information, please call Deacon Lou Riccio, Prayer Group Coordinator at (847) 991-1979. BE A HERO… SAVE 3 LIVES! BLOOD DONORS SAVE LIVES! And that’s why we need your donation! Did you know that each pint of blood saves 3 lives? Here’s your chance to save those 3 lives! Just roll up your sleeve, and donate a pint of blood on Sunday, April 12th Won’t you take a few minutes to come over to our Blood Drive and give the Gift of Life? Page 12 Tuesdays and Fridays during tax season, starting February 3, 2015 Tuesday Mornings 9am to 1pm Friday Afternoons Noon to 3pm Call for an appointment, or for more information PALATINE TOWNSHIP SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL 550 S Quentin Rd, Palatine, IL 60067 847-991-1112 www.ptscc.org IT’S SPRING CLEANING TIME! Clean out those closets & drawers! Please Bring Re-usable Clothing & Blankets (pre-bundled, boxed or bagged, please) Saturday, April 18th 11:00am—6:30pm & Sunday, April 19th 7:00am—1:00pm Trailers will be parked on the northeast side of the Dolan Center Parking Lot. Help the Society of St. Vincent De Paul bring comfort and dignity to the needy families in Chicagoland. How about asking friends & neighbors to help make this our best clothing drive ever!!! NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION / CONTACT INFO UPDATE Place this slip of paper in the collection basket to receive registration information or to update your contact information. PLEASE BE SURE WE HAVE A CURRENT PRIMARY PHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS! Name __________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ City ________________________________ Zip ________________ Primary Phone # _________________________________________ Email __________________________________________________ Sunday, May 3rd, 2015 Page 13 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY—APRIL 12, 2015 Facts About The Feast of Mercy St. Faustina’s Diary contains many passages in which Our Lord is quoted as requesting that a “Feast of Mercy” be officially established in the Church. Jesus declared: This Feast emerged from the very depths of my mercy, and it is confirmed in the vast depths of My tender mercies. …It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. …I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter of all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of my tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. Jesus stated: The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion on that day shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment due. …Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. But the Lord also made it clear that He expects us to let that mercy flow through us to others-through our actions, our words, and our prayers. His words to Sister Faustina are very strong and leave no room for misinterpretation: Yes, the first Sunday after Easter is the Feast of Mercy, but there must also be acts of mercy…I demand from you deeds of mercy, which are to arise out of love for Me. You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere. You must not shrink from this or try to excuse or absolve yourself from it …even the strongest faith is of no avail without works (742) …if a soul does not exercise mercy in some way it will not obtain My mercy on the day of judgment (1317). The Vatican has officially made the first Sunday after Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday. Preparation • Graces Recitation of Novena • Recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet once each day for nine days; begin on Good Friday. • On Mercy Sunday 1. Celebrate the Feast of Mercy on the first Sunday after Easter. 2. Be truly sorry for sins and go to confession (8 days before, on, or after Mercy Sunday). 3. Receive Holy Communion on Mercy Sunday. 4. Venerate an image of the Divine Mercy. 5. Perform acts of mercy through words or deeds. Plenary Indulgence • Complete pardon of the soul. • Forgiveness of sins. • Forgiveness of punishment due. Our Lord reminds us through St. Faustina that, "… mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy." "… he who refuses to pass through the door of my mercy must pass through the door of my justice." "… whoever approaches the Fount of Life on this day will be granted complete remission of sins & punishment" THE CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY 1. Feed the hungry 2. Give drink to the thirsty 3. Clothe the naked 4. Shelter the homeless 5. Comfort the imprisoned 6. Visit the sick 7. Bury the dead THE SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY 1. Admonish sinners 2. Instruct the uninformed 3. Counsel the doubtful 4. Comfort the sorrowful 5. Be patient with those in error 6. Forgive offenses 7. Pray for the living and the dead Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. ……..Confessions & Adoration 3:00 p.m………………Chaplet of Divine Mercy 4:00 p.m. …………….Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Followed by Veneration of the Image St.Theresa Church is located at 455 N. Benton St. in Palatine between Northwest Hywy. and Colfax on the East side of Benton. For information call Diane Knight at 847-204-5610 PLEASE NOTE: Confessions will end at 4p.m. and will not be heard during Mass! Page 14 For I remember it is Easter morn, And life and love and peace are all new born. —Alice Freeman Palmer Page 15 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8 Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Friday: Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Sunday: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48 We thank the sponsors who help to make the bulletin cost-free. For information on ads, contact J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.1-800-566-6170 The Catholic Community of St. Theresa MASS SCHEDULE Sundays: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11 :30 AM Weekdays: 6:30 and 8:00 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Vigil) NEW PARISHIONERS We welcome you to St. Theresa and invite you to register by calling the Parish office. VISITATION OF THE SICK If you or a family member are in a local hospital and would like a visit from a priest, please call the Parish Office. Those who are homebound can also make arrangements to receive communion on a regular basis by calling the Ministry of Care, 847-358-7760. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays at 12:30-1:30 PM or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism is celebrated at 1:00 PM on the first and third Sundays of the month. Parents are asked to arrive at 12:45 PM. Parents must take part in preparation classes before the Baptism takes place. Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements. Parents are required to attend the classes before the baby is born. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Please call the Parish Office to make an appointment with a priest. No other plans should be finalized until then. SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK This sacrament offers the Lord's healing strength and peace to anyone who is seriously or chronically ill, hospitalized or about to have surgery. Please call the Parish Office if you wish to have someone receive this sacrament. SACRAMENT FOR ADULTS The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Anyone interested in joining the Catholic Church or wanting information about the Catholic Church is asked to call Deacon Larry Schumacher at 847-358-7760 ext. 363. Baptized, adult Catholics who have not received the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation and wish to, call Deacon Schumacher. For Bulletin: [email protected] For Scheduling: [email protected] PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday: 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM PARISH COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Parish Pastoral Council: Leo Miklius Board of Specified Jurisdiction (School Board): Tom Paar Finance Council: Jerry Sara Religious Education Board: Frank Annerino BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY / MINISTERS OF CARE TO THE SICK Deacon Stephen Norys, 847-358-7760 ext. 110 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS and ALTAR SERVERS Marie Paul, [email protected] or 847-358-7760 ext. 119 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, HOLY GHOST COUNCIL: Jim Arns 2nd Monday of month, 7:30 PM Lower Dolan Center LEISURE CLUB: 1st Wed. of month, 11:30 AM, Pauline Center MARIAN ROSARY and MASS: Mondays at 7:00 PM, in the church OUR LADY of FATIMA DEVOTIONS: First Saturday of month after the 8:00 AM Mass CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP: Wednesdays at 7:30 PM in the Pauline Center Deacon Lou Riccio REACH (Special Religious Education for Adults) Deacon Rich and Kathie Pizzato RESPECT LIFE, www.StTheresachurch.org/respect life Maria Goldstein, 1st Tuesday of the month, 7:00 PM in the Pauline Center ST. THERESA WOMEN’S CLUB: Liz Gawlik SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL Last Monday of month, 7:00 PM, in Pauline Center WEDDING REHEARSAL MINISTRY: Mary Vaughan YOUTH MINISTRY [email protected] Nancy Brinckerhoff Kathy Ferry Maureen Ross Rev. Matthew Jamesson
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