let`s party - yvy style! - Yeled V`Yalda Early Childhood Center


let`s party - yvy style! - Yeled V`Yalda Early Childhood Center
It is with great excitement that we present
Our In The Spotlight feature sheds light on different departments or events at
YVY. In this feature-packed issue, we take a look at YVY’s holiday festivities,
CIRC, and at a new student mentoring program.
the 3rd issue of YVY INK – our popular
staff newsletter. We thank everyone who
has participated so willingly to ensure the
success of our paper. In our next issue,
we would like to start a “Letters to the
Editor” column – please contribute your
suggestions, thoughts and/or experiences
at YVY. Send your correspondence to
[email protected].
T his
past holiday season provided
numerous opportunities for YVY staff to
spend a fun time together and recognize
the many blessings we have and share
together in our workplace.
What’s happening at YVY’s Human
Resources Dept.? We have successfully
filled almost all available full-time
In Boro Park, Gitty Lichtenstein and
positions through much advertising, many
Tzivie Marder of Human Resources
interviews, calls and careful consideration.
took some valuable time out of their
There are still some openings such as fullbusy schedules to coordinate and host a
time bookkeeper and service coordinator.
delightful Chanukah Chagiga. Employees
If you know of any prospective candidates,
of YVY headquarters and administrative
please contact us as soon as possible.  On
January 17th, we organized a much needed
sites came by to share some holiday
and well received workshop for those
cheer. Upon arrival at the Sara Schenirer
employees who were required to be trained
ballroom, each employee was warmly
in identifying child abuse. Approximately
welcomed and handed a name-tag, a
50 employees attended the course at Gan
bingo sheet, and a useful souvenir – an
Tziporah by Mrs. Susan Goldberg.  YVY
umbrella emblazoned with the YVY logo!
has undertaken a collaboration with several
Naomi Auerbach, Head Start Director
area Day Care Centers, thus increasing our
started off the program with a welcoming
staff and students. The Human Resource
message delivered, as usual, in her
Department is working diligently to
thoughtful and gracious manner. She
make sure the transition is as smooth as
possible.  Our new ABRA computer
was followed by Gitty, HR Director who
program is being fine tuned so that we can
delivered a humorous poem (reprinted
begin Direct Deposit as soon as possible.
on page 3) much to the delight of the
Citibank representatives met with many
amused audience. Simi Schlafrig (EHS,
YVY employees and applications are
Cont’d on page 3
currently being processed.
At our Human Resources Dept. we are always available to meet the needs of our staff;
any employee-related questions, any issues for discussion, a listening ear, a friendly face,
even a birthday wish! – anything we can do to help you achieve your best in the world of
YVY. All conversations are kept strictly confidential. We appreciate your input and hope
our advice and assistance is beneficial to all employees so that YVY can continue to grow
successfully with our superb and devoted staff.
Feel free to call us at extensions 575 or 561 or just step in anytime.
Gitty Lichtenstein Director of Human Resources
Tzivie Marder
Asst. to Director of HR
 Boro Park
YVY Staff having a ball
Staten Island 
Inside This Issue:
In The Spotlight................................... 1
Wellness Scene..................................... 2
From The Desk Of .............................. 2
Survey.................................................. 2
YVY Celebrations................................ 5
Staff Development............................... 5
New Faces............................................ 6
Tech Talk/Shop Talk............................ 6
by Janie Friedman, RN
Stressed Out (part III)
Emotional Stress
When, disagreements, and conflicts cause CHANGES in your
personal life – that is stress. When you take responsibility for
another person’s actions, CHANGES occur in your life over
which you have little or no control. Taking responsibility for
another person’s actions is a major stressor.
Catching a cold, breaking an arm, allergic
reactions, a skin infection, a sore back, are all
CHANGES in your body condition.
…Naomi’s inspirationals…My pay check… Giving me
a job…Insurance coverage…The calm and respectful
atmosphere in the work environment, one in which
people are careful about hilchos lashon horah and
about other people’s feelings. People judge each other
favorably. The atmosphere at 3820 14th Ave. is positive
and inspirational. Everyone is nice and pleasant to
be around. I am grateful that when I wake up in the
morning I look forward to going to work. Thank you!....
The warm friendly family it has given me… Naomi’s
Parsha Sheets…Terrific friends…Free coffee…Soft
Pushing Your Body Too Hard
A major source of stress is overdriving yourself. If
you are working 16 hours a day, you will have reduced
your available time for rest. Sooner or later, the energy drain on
your system will cause the
body to fall behind in its
repair work. CHANGES
will occur in your body’s
internal environment.
As we reflect on 2004, we bid farewell to a year filled with good memories and accomplishments
The body’s fight to stay
at YVY. I know that without your commitment, loyalty and devotion YVY would have not been
healthy in the face of the
what it is today. The caring and respect that you relay to the thousands of families and children that
increased energy that you
receive YVY services, relieves the parents of their desperation and anxiety of dealing with their
are expending is major
unique special situations, and connects them to our family at YVY.
From the Desk of . . . .
Environmental Factors
Very hot or very cold
climates can be stressful.
High altitude may be a
stress. Toxins or poisons
are a stress. (Tobacco
is a powerful toxin!!
Poisoning the body with
carbon monoxide, and
causing the physical
illnesses of emphysema,
chronic bronchitis, cancer
and arterial damage,
tobacco is a powerful
source of added stress
to one’s life.) Each of
these factors threatens
to cause CHANGES
in your body’s internal
In the next issue we will
offer practical suggestions
on how to deal with and
treat stress.
Whenever I meet people, be it locally or even out of town, there is always positive feedback and
encouraging success stories that I listen to. It is always about you, the employee, that they talk
of; how good you are to the children and the families and how sensitive you are to their specific
individualized needs. If I were to attach a recorder to myself and record the positive comments I get
from people in the communities, I would have to refill the tape repeatedly on a weekly basis.
Being a part of your team makes me proud and excited. When I feel this good, I start thinking to
myself; well, how far are we from being perfect? Or, what else can we do that we didn’t accomplish
that will lead us closer to perfection? Maybe this is why YVY is always looking for ways to improve
doing what we do best.
I personally want to thank each and every one of you at YVY, especially for your excellent work
that recently resulted in a positive federal review report. I also want to congratulate you on the 2005
Outstanding Early Childhood Award that YVY has been awarded by the New York State Education
Department at the Annual Interagency Early Childhood Professional Development at the New York
Marriot Hotel in Brooklyn.
Thank you for your outstanding work. You are making a positive impact on every child, family
and on the entire community!
Solomon Igel
Chief Executive Officer
Home-Based Program) and Chaya Kagan (Exp. Moms Program) teamed up to lead a lively Bingo game whereby employees
had the chance to learn each other’s names and vie for terrific prizes. ZC Berkowitz, the upbeat, talented aerobics instructor,
had the usually sedentary employees groovin’ in a high-energy fat-burning aerobics workout. With lots of tempo and directional
changes, accompanied by lively music, the variety kept everyone moving. All throughout the event, YVY staff enjoyed an
incredible gourmet buffet spread. It was a time for socializing and sharing a great meal together.
Over in Staten Island, staff from Silver Lake Head Start I & II enjoyed a sunny day and fun time at their holiday luncheon,
which took place at the lovely Marina Grand. They were joined by Federal HS Director Wayne Goldberg and by special guest
Dr. Gary Ellis.
In Williamsburg, YVY Staff had their own share of holiday festivities. They held a memorable Chanuka party after classes
in one of the classrooms. Amid chuckles and grins ‘Pin the Latka on the Pan’, a spin-off of the traditional ‘Pin the Tail on the
Donkey’ was played by the participants. A creative memory game was also organized. Envelopes of pictures were passed
around so that everyone would have a chance to look at the pictures. The pictures were models cut out from magazines – the
faces replaced by staff members! Afterwards the pictures were collected and questions were asked about the pictures. Surie
K. of YVY’s 2 Lee Ave. Head Start site says, “I still laugh when I remember those hilarious pictures!” …A great idea for your
next family gathering…
Enthused over the successful events, one of the directors was heard commenting, “It’s a pleasure to see our hard-working staff
let their hair down once in a while!”
Bookeeping gang letting loose - Go Figure!
Welcome to our Chanukah Chagiga – we’ve tried our best to please,
Thanks to all who helped us prepare this beautiful party with ease.
YvY’s new Human Resources Department has responsibilities galore,
And every week, believe it or not, we get a little more.
Chanukah is a time for –, so I’d like to take this time to say,
Thank you to those so near and dear who guide us on our way.
Henny, Raizy, Devoiry – You’ve taught us what to do,
Personnel files, CA courses, SQ89, salary agreement – are only but a few.
And though at the beginning we were quite frightened by your style,
We have learned you’re really not so tough- we even get you to smile!
Shaynee’s always so helpful with her insurance expertise,
And Shira continues to take care of the licensing piece.
Ruchie has made the newsletter so exciting for our staff,
And Chaya Rivka’s always available for advice, moral support and a laugh.
Naomi, Wayne and all Ed Directors cooperate so that we,
Can run YvY’s HR Department as effectively as can be.
And if we think all is under control and we can catch our breath for a moment or
Mina gives us a call with a few more things to do!
A personal thanks Mina – for your invaluable guidance and encouragement from
the start,
Your wise and well thought out advice is a combination of mind and heart..
And that’s why there’s always a long line waiting outside your door,
And it’s worthwhile to stand and wait even if you’re number 24.
And what would the Human Resources Dept. be like without our vivacious dear
Efficient, devoted, quick-witted – a dynamic personality!
Yes, Human Resources means “people”, how thankful and fortunate are we,
To be part of all the “people” in the YVY family.
Though our work can get difficult with pressures and deadlines to meet,
Our YVY staff is fun, kind, opinionated, active, diligent, a combination that can’t be beat.
Whether it’s sharing Yom Tov recipes or learning how a pedometer keeps you fit and alive,
Or debating major issues like shidduchim, babies, husbands, Chassidim, Boro
Park, Flatbush or who raised the thermostat to 75,
Whether it’s deciding where to order lunch or cutting veggies by the sink,
Whether it’s munching honey wheat pretzels, so few calories we all think,
Whether it’s sharing one’s opinions – on Direct Deposit or not,
Whether it’s sharing each others Simchos – Baruch Hashem we do that a lot.
YvY’s hard-working staff is an amazing and wonderful crew,
Of devoted and loyal employees who enjoy each other’s company too.
The Human Resources Department is trying to its best as we continue to grow,
And if you have any suggestions- we’re sure you’ll let us know!
A Listigen and Freilichen Chanukah to all our dear friends gathered here,
Enjoy the Chanukah party and may we all be together IY”H next year!!
It’s finally here! You may have read about CIRC in YVY’s Parent Newsletter – but now, after putting in much time and effort,
the doors to the new Library are officially open. The Community Information and Resource Center, located at 3820 14TH Ave.,
features a state of the art library program in which all books are scanned into the computer and bar coded. Every patron is issued
his/her very own library card with which he/she may borrow 2 books per visit and keep them for up to 2 weeks. The library is
basically a parent/family oriented one in that virtually all books are on topics of interest to expectant parents, new parents or oldhand parents. Topics range from pregnancy/nursing to parenting, nutrition, education, discipline, learning disabilities/disorders,
mental health, social development, child health and development, and publications such as Spirit!, Down Syndrome Amongst
Us, and Exceptional Parent. There is a shelf with Hebrew language books for those who read Hebrew as a first language and
new books are continually being added.
CIRC also has a data base of National Organizations for varying disabilities and disorders which people can refer to if necessary. CIRC is constantly on the look out for new information and ask people who are knowledgeable about different organizations
which were helpful to them to keep them informed. Reference books on Top Doctors in the tri-state area, The Merck Manual,
The American Medical Association Family Medical Guide as well as the Portable Pediatrician are also available. At CIRC,
patrons can also access information electronically.
In addition to all of the above, the testing material for YVY’s therapists is now housed at the library. By utilizing scanning
methods, an accurate inventory is constantly available. CIRC looks forward to serving the community and invites everyone to come on by. The hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday,
10:00-3:00, and Wednesday 1:00-6:00.
Editor’s Note: Mrs. Miriam Berger, who is uniquely qualified to hold this position, serves as deputy director of CIRC. She
has a great deal of experience working with the community in the social service environment, having served as ombudsmen for
Ohel for several years as well as being a parent member of the Committee on Special Education at the Bd. of Ed. and being
in Chinuch for 2 decades. Miriam is working at Yeled V’Yalda in various capacities for approximately four years. She can be
reached at (718) 686-3700 x477. The hours of operation are Mon., Tues., Thurs. 10:00-3:00, Wed. 1:00-6:00.
IN THE SPOTLIGHT - Student Mentoring Program
We are excited to begin implementing our Student Mentoring Program, for building self-esteem for Teens who are
in need of such a program. A meeting between Mr. Igel, the We Care staff, Principals of local High Schools, and
Rabbi Niederman of the UJO, took place at our Center last week. We are beginning this week to have teens coming
to our Center to observe the classroom and familiarize themselves with the children. Hopefully, this will lead into
their visiting the homes assigned to them and building their skills and confidence as they go along.
Submitted by: Hindy Halberstam, EHS Director We Care (W)
We’d love to hear from you!
We would like to thank everyone for their input, encouragement and suggestions for the newsletter. Please be advised that due to editorial content, time or space constraints it is not always possible to include all submissions. At the same time, however, we would like to
encourage you to continue writing us. Look for our next issue in the spring! Please e-mail your comments, suggestions, letters to the editor
and news to: [email protected] or to [email protected] (please put “newsletter” in the subject line) or fax to: (718) 871-2100
• This past October, Cynthia De La
Cruz, Janice Mitchell, Fatumata
Massalee, Nancy Alfonso, Melody
Lenza, Madeline O’Donohue, Smyrna
Casado, Rose Ziselman, Laura Rivell,
Veronica Hynes, Cristian Hernandez
Jennifer Lopez(SI), Henny
Krasnianski, Bashie Teitlebaum,
Esther Szanzer (BP), and Ita Grinblat
(W) attended the Region II Headstart
Conference entitled, “Remembering
the Past, Planning for the Future”
in Lake George NY. They attended
workshops on topics ranging from
using art as a learning medium,
policies for sick children, and other
helpful issues. Exciting new ideas
and strategies were brought back to
share with colleagues.
• Nancy Alfonso and Melody Lenza
are scheduled to attend the National
Head Start Hispanic Institute in
Albuquerque, New Mexico- 1/30
– 2/4/05
• Prompt Seminar for Speech
Led by instructors from the Prompt
Seminar 3/10, 11, & 13
• Goal Setting As An OT
Instructor: Chaya Lederer, M.S., OTRATP 2/16/05
For further info about these seminars,
please contact Vicki Edelstein,
BA, Professional Staff Workshop
Coordinator 718-686-3700 ext. 532
EZRA Celebrations
Mazel Tov to:
Ed Koenig, PA on the engagement of his son
Rivky Kraus upon her new baby girl, Shifra
Jennifer Henle, MD passed her boards and is
now board certified in pediatrics
Daniella Ruttner, OD became a fellow in
the American Academy of Optometry. Her
credentials are now Daniella Ruttner, OD,
Upon the birth of a baby Boy:
Rivky Bronchtain (BP), Ruchama Fishelis (BP) Chana King (BP),
Mr. Weber (BP)
Upon the birth of a baby Girl:
Rochel Leah Fisch (BP), Henny Fried (C), Chaya Sara Hahn
(W), Mr. Orlander (BP)
Proud new grandparents!
Bayla Andrusier (W) new granddaughter, Vicki Edelstein (BP) new granddaughter,
Mr. Solomon Igel CEO (BP) upon the birth of a grandson and a granddaughter,
MaryAnne Haggerty (SI) became a first-time grandma to granddaughter Fionna,
Hindy Halberstam (W) new grandson Ari, Rochelle Jeager (BP) new grandson and
granddaughter, Mrs. Aggie Lemmer (BP) upon the birth of her first granddaughter,
Melody Lenza (SI) became a grandma in Sept. to a baby boy, Naomi Mardi (C) new
grandson,Kreindi Myers (BP) new grandson, Josephine Polizzi (SI) on the birth of
her third grandson, Rochel Rosen (BP) three new grandchildren!, Judy Schlanger
(BP) upon the birth of her first grandchild Shrage Feivel, Rabbi & Mrs. Szanzer
(BP) new granddaughter
Henny Elishevitz (BP) upon her engagement to Chananya Hoffinger
Rochel Goldstein (C) upon her engagement to Shimi Becker Goldy Guttman (BP) upon her engagement to Yitzchok Mandelbaum
Deana Martin (SI) upon her engagement
Fraydie Orzel (C) upon her engagement to Eli Kutner
Zissy Ringel (BP) upon her engagement to Yisroel Yitzchok Linder
Simi Schlafrig (BP) upon her daughter Chayala’s engagement to
Ruchie Sternhell (BP) upon her engagement to Duvi Herzig
Shiffy Tauber (BP) upon her engagement to Moshe Braunstein
Janine Geritano (Azzopardi) (SI) married 8/04
Esty Hammer (Susholz) (BP) upon her marriage
Tzippy Iwaniski (C) Lowinger) upon her marriage
Frieda Waldman (Kohn) (W) upon her marriage
Chaya Blimi Ostreicher (Oshry) (BP) upon her marriage
Rochel Rosen (BP) upon the marriage of her daughter Chavy
Faigy Teitlebaum (Werzberger) upon her marriage 1/05
Leah Vorst (Stark) (BP) upon her marriage
Mazal Waxler (C) (Fayezev) upon her marriage
Yospy (BP) upon her son’s marriage to Malky Weber
Gitty Bronstein (BP) upon the Bar Mitzvah of her son Sruli
Aviva Weiss (BP) upon the Bas Mitzvah of her daughter Naomi
Congratulations To:
Cathy Hershey (SI) earned CDA certification
Deana Martin (SI) earned CDA certification
Are POP-UP ADS Driving You Crazy??
If you use a popular Web browser like Internet Explorer, then you are susceptible to Adware.
This is software designed to deluge your computer with pop-up advertisements banner ads and
type of ads while you surf. It is a cumbersome and rather annoying feature of the Internet and it will slow
down your computer.
Examples of Adware programs on your computer might be eZula, 180solutions and WhenU downloaded via
spyware. Gator is one of the industry’s biggest Adware broadcasters.
Adware works like this: you visit a web site, the origins of which you are not 100% sure of. This web site has
hidden inside of it instructions to download onto your computer a program that will deliver ads constantly to
your browser. You’ll start to see these pop-up ads or a banner program as soon as you open internet explorer.
You can try to use many popular programs like Norton Antivirus, McAfee, or any other kind of
antivirus software to get rid of Adware on your computer but it won’t do you any good since
Adware is not a virus per say.
One interesting thing to remember is Adware is not illegal, since the user has to click on
specific link or the user has to go to a web site in order for it to install on your computer,
sometimes a user downloads a free program and in the terms and agreement which we always
accept without reading first it openly says that it will also download Adware on your computer
and you computer will be used for advertising, so you actually gave permission for it to
download. Here is an excerpt of the terms and agreements of one popular free program
called KAZAA. This is part of the terms: ”The Software includes a Cydoor Technologies
advertising delivery program, which may display web content such as banner ads,
e- commerce offers, news headlines and other value-added content. The Cydoor component
uses your Internet connection to update its selection of available ads and stores them on
your hard drive, Kazaa incorporates a software component called the GAIN AdServer,
which is provided by GAIN Publishing. The GAIN AdServer software identifies your
interests based on some of your computer usage and uses that information to deliver
advertising messages to you. This software helps keep Kazaa free”- well, free but not
free of annoyances! If you are concerned about Adware, you should download an antiAdware program. It will first scan your computer to find out if you have any of these
programs. Then it will work to eradicate them. Some of the
more popular free Adware removers are Spybot-S&D
and Ad-Aware.
One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly
making exciting discoveries. -A.A. Milne
Talk about being disorderly! Did you know that Americans waste an estimated
9 million hours a day looking for misplaced items?! Taking into account that the average
person spends 2,000 hours a year at his/her desk, here are some great organizing tips you
can implement today.
1. Create a “Command File” with folders of bills to pay, phone lists/directories,
take-out menus and other vitals.
2. Organize your desk by convenience – the A, B, and C areas.
• The A area is within your reach. This is where you keep things you use
constantly: the Command File, pens, Post-its, etc.
• The B area is within a chair’s roll. Here you keep things you use almost every
• The C area is for less-frequently used items like reference materials. By
getting the C stuff out of the A area, you can save yourself 10 trips across the
room to get the scissors.
3. Once you have a basic structure of organization, just 10 minutes a day can keep
the desk mess under control.
Julie Morgenstern, author of the best seller, “Organizing from the Inside Out,” says:
“Many people think organizing is about getting rid of things. It’s not. Organizing is
actually the opposite - it’s about identifying what’s important to you and making those
things easily accessible. This is a much more positive, much less punishing approach.
The idea is to store things where they are used, not just where they fit. People need to
look where the piles are, and create storage there.”
Toby Cisner (BP) Family Worker
Tova Zissie Deitel (F) Family Worker
Joseph Dinarcia (BP) Custodian
Winter Emery (SI) Asst. Caregiver
Batsheva Fleischman (BP) Record Clerk
Sara Fruma Goldberg (F) Assistant Teacher
Leah Goldstein (BP) Family Worker
Peshy Herman (BP) Family Service Coord.
Dena Kanarek (F) Teacher
Rachel Kenigsberg (BP) Home Based
Rochel Levin (BP) Assistant Teacher
Chana Malka Levy (BP) EI Support Staff
Rivka Lieberman (BP) Record Clerk
Miriam Lindner (BP) Teacher
Kelly McCully (SI) Assistant Teacher
Mafata Keita-Michi (SI) Assistant Teacher
Leah Moskovits (BP) Assistant Teacher
Malka Moster (BP) Assistant Teacher
Dvoshy Orgel (BP) Record Clerk
Emma Saidov (F) Family Worker
Leah Schlafrig (BP) Family Worker
Toby Schonberger (BP) Record Clerk
Rivka Schwartz (BP) Assistant Teacher
Yocheved Schweid (W) Family Worker
Ruchy Spira (BP) Record Clerk
Libby Sprei (BP) Record Clerk
Tova Travitsky (BP) Eval Coord./Welcome
Frieda Waldman (W) Assistant Teacher
Sara Weissman (F) Teacher
Surie Sternhell (F) changed responsibilities
and is currently serving as a Teacher.