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05/11/2005 15:27 PAGE HOTBAR.COM 212-550-8953 ~~/ ~O~ HOT~~- HOTBAR Sunbelt Software 101N. GardenAve, Suite 120, Clearwater,FL 33755 U.S.A. Re: May 10, 2005 BY FAX & MAIL Fax: 727-562-5199 WITHOUT PREJUDICE Infiingement of Rights - Your Detectionof Hotbar as spyware/adware Dear SirlMadam. I am approachingyou in connectionwith the followingurgent matter:,Inc. ("Hotbar") is a New Yorkbased internet company. Hotbar has developedand has been operating a wide variety of internet tools. The flagship amongst I-fotbar'svariety of internet tools are Hotbar browser toolbar and e-mail toolbar, which are added onto Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Outlook and enhancethe surfingand e-mail usage experiences,as well as a comparativeshoppingtool which providesthe user with a unique comparativeshoppingexperience (collectively:"Hotbar's Software"). Hotbar highly regards the protection of the privacy of its users. Accordingly, Hotbar'~ Softwarewas designed in a manner which does not enable it to link between any personallyidentifiableinfounation which may have been voluntarily provided by thel1ser (such as name, e-mail address, etc.) and the user's IP address and suding habits, whiG::1 are kept separately without a cross-referencefield. Accordingly,the aggregated anonymousinformation collected on the user's surfinghabits (Le.the domain name of the websiteis visiting) serves for the sole purpose of enabling Hotbar to present the mer with contextuallyrelevant infortrl.ation(such as the dynamic buttons on the toolbar, contextuallyrelated ads, etc.). Rotbar also provides its users with explicit explanationson the servicesoffered by the Hotbar software and the methods of data collectionconductedby Rotbar, which enable it to provide its contextual related services. For that end, unlike other companies, in addition to detailed explanations on Rotbar's softwarein Hotbar's Privacy Policy and EULA, during the installation process Hotbar also dedicatesa special screen which explains to the user about its softwareand allowsthe user to choose between the ad~fn:e premium version of I-lotbar's Softwareand the free ad-supportedversion. According!:r. Hotbi'H,COI11, Inc. 2:!6 West 37th Street, New York. NY 10018 e H ~hbliJle:.(~;?d.ri.I), 818~C'O71J!1!,6 F~~~213}7560589~3~11 el1'lt1~M,:Yr~lOI@,h<W:lJran.CKQT1I If>.I.712-8(',-1-0700 FC1X: 212-560..8933 ~:n'CJil:info(f.!)hQtbor'.ccm 01/03 05/11/2005 PAGE HOTBAR.COM 212-560-8953 16:27 ~~/ ~0~ HOTB~J"' ~([)~ HOTBAR the userprovides a full conscious consentto each and every aspect of Hotbar Software. Moreover,should a user choose to use the free ad-supportedversion of Hotbar's Software and, thereafter;wishes to stop receivingpop-ups,he/she can easily disable the displayof pop-upson his computer from the Hotbar preferenceswithin the Hotbar browsertoolbar. As explainedin great detail above, Hotbar is a respectable companywith the most strict privacy practices available. Indeed, Hotbar's privacypractices are certified by TRUSTe. Moreover,the most prestigious and popular anti-spywareprograms in the industry do not detectHotba1.".Thus, for example,to name the leadingprograms, Microsoft Anti Spywa..e, Lavasoft's Ad-Awa...e,Spyware Doctor, Mcafee, Panda and Fortinet do not detect it, and many others are also in the process ofjohJing them. Hotbarhas learnt that the anti-spywaresoftwareand/or website you have developed, operateand/or distribute detects Hotbar's Softwareor portions thereof as an lmdesirable spywarefadwareprogram. Moreover, among others, you also detect SmartShopper(the proprietarycomparativeshoppingtool of Hotbar, which doesn't serve any popups) as spyware/adware. By misrepresentingHotbar's Softwareas spywatefadwareor any other kind of undesirablesoftware, you cause Hotbar severeand irreparabledamages and, others, cause ilTeparabledamage to Hotbar's goodwill,dilute and tarnish the trademark Hotbar, interferewith Hotbar's contractualrelationswith its users, distribute libelous statementson Hotbar's Software amongstinternet users and make fraudulent misrepresentationswhich scare users and cause them to uninstall Hotbar's Software(cr to refTainfrom installing it in the first place). Hotbar will not tolerate the irreparabledamages which it sustains as a result of your activities,and demands that you immediatelyact as follows: (1) Cease and refrain from referring to any of Hotbar's Software as "spyware", "adware" or any other nickname for an undesirableprogram in any manner whatsoever, and delete Hotbar from any programs and/or website you operate, develop or distribute which list programswhich are regarded as spyware, adware or any other kind of undesirableprograms and/or causethe deletion of such programs from the user's computer. (2) Cease and refrain from providing users with any kind of warning with respectt,) Hotbar's Software, such as warningsrepresentingHotbar's Software as a spyware,adware or any other kind of undesirable software, including but not limited to warnings representingHotbar's Softwareas a "low risk" Hotbar.('.OIl1, Inc. 27.6 west 37th Street, New York, NY 100.1.8 H 'p'lnbt~la-;.((2J.21),819:-1::07~Q,6FMM~.::a12)7S60Sa9SJ3~llel"l!1~lW: Yrtfp@,hG-ttJ'ar!.()(U11Ip, 8811-0700 Fax: 7.12-~60..89S3 p'r.loil:iIlFo(!:j..'hOlbur.r:om Tc!:~:l7. 02/03 05/11/2005 16:27 PAGE HOTBAR.COM 212-560-8953 \.~f ~O~ HOT Ii.~",- HOTBAR spyware/adwaresoftware, and from solicitingusers in any other manner to uninstall or refrain from installingor using Hotbar's Software. (3) Cease and refrain from distributing libelousstatementsabout Hotbar and from any other activities which infringe, dilute or tarnish the trademark Hotbar (includingbut not limited to using the trademark Hotbar in your website's me1ta tags or promoting your website by using the trademark Hotbar in any other manner). (4) Cease and refrain from distributionand/or operation of any software and/or website, particularly anti-spywaresoftwareand/or website, whose features do not comply with the demands set forth in section(1), (2) an.d(3) above or, alternatively,update the configurationsof any anti-spywate software or websi~:e alreadydistributed and/or operatedby yourselfto end users so that it confonn~: with sections (1), (2) and (3) above. (5) CompensateHotbar for the damages you have caused it at an amount which will be agreed by Hotbar. Hotbar will determinethe amount of damages you should pay to it in accordancewith the scope of your infringing activities and yout compliancewith tbjs letter. You are demandedto comply with the abovewithin 7 days from the date hereof. Plea;e note that Hotbar vigorously enforces its rights and has already taken legal action against some anti-spywarecompanies. As indicatedabove, Hotbar is detennined to protect it~ rights and cannot continue to suffer the irreparabledamages you cause it. Therefore, unless you promptly comply with the demands set forth in this letter, Hotbar will eventually be forced to take legal action againstyou, Obviously, all costs and consequencesof such legal action will be home exclusivelyby you. J look forwardto hearing from you as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, Oren Dobronsky, CEO, HP,~t;1Ii!JE!.:o(~rl21}, 1(0:1 712-H;=J4 )nc. 226 west 37th Street, 818;~t.Q7:IDQ.6r:.\YIJ<~~21~)/$60')a951:3~.teAi1~IJ,: OiOO New York, NY 1,0018 1r1i/[:\@,h<N:t1an.()COT\1 H Fax: 7.1'.2-SbO-8'?53 !;rnoil:info@hotbrn.(.()m 03/03