RisalahPeltemuan Ilmiah Penelilian dan PengembanganAplikasi IsOlop dan Radias~ 2{X)1 REJECTION STUDY OF CANCELOUS ALLOGRAFT IN EMERGENCY ORffiOP AEDIC OPERATION MenkllerManjas*, andNazly Hilmy** * Dr. M. Djamil HospitalTissueBank,Dept. Of SurgeryFacultyOf Medicine AndalasUniversity,Padang ** BatanResearchTissueBank, CentreForR & D Of IsotopsAnd RadiationTeclmology,BATAN, Jakarta ABSTRACT The fast developmentof nationaland internationaltissuebank,increasedthe useof boneallografts in orthopaedic surgery including emergency open reduction and internal fixation at fresh bone fractures. The aim of this work is to evaluate rejection and usefulness of cancelous bone allografts which have been used in emergencyorthopaedicoperation. During Februaryuntil June 2000 two group of 20 patients each,were studied, after performing emergencyopen reductionand internal fixation. The first group was treated with cancelousallograft transplantationat the site of the fracture, but the secondgroup did not get any graft. Radiation sterilized alllograft were used at this study. Parametersobservedwere local reactionof wound operation,local rejectionand callusformation.The resultsshow that thereis no rejectionof cancelousbone allograft detectedfrom local and systemicreactionof woundoperation.After threeweek, operationthere was no significant differentnumberof callus formationcanbe detectedby conventionalradiologyexaminationbut after 6 weeks there was a significant increasingin number of callus formation in the group of cancelous allograft transplantation(P < 0.05). Keyword: Radiationsterilization,boneallograft,internal fIXation,rejectionstudy,callus formation. ABSTRAK Perkembangan pesat dari bank jarillgan baik secaranasional maupun intemasional telah meningkatkan pemakaian allograft tulang pada bedah ortopedi, temIasuk penggunaannya pada operasi emergensi patah tulang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai tingkat penolakan dari tulang kmlselous allograft pada operasi patah tulang emergensi. Selama Februari sampai Juni 2000 dilakukan penelitian terhadap dua kelompok penderita patah tulang masing-masing 20 pasien dengan operasi emergensi untuk reposisi terbuka dan pemasangan fiksasi interna. Kelompok pertarna mendapat graft tulang berupa kanselus allograft yang disterilkan dengan radiasi tempat patahnya sesudah pemasangan flksasi intema. Sedangkan kelompok kedua tanpa graft. Parameter yang digunakan adalah reaksi lokal dari luka operasi, reaksi penolakan tubuh terhadap pemakaian graft serta pengarnh graft terhadap tingkat penyembuhan patah tulang atau pembentukan kallus. Tidak terlihat adanya reaksi lokal dan reaksi penolakan tubuh terhadap pemakaian kanselus allograft yang dilihat baik pada luka operasi ataupun pada seluruh tubuh (sistemik). Melalui pemeriksaan radiologis sesudah 3 minggu operasi, tidak terlihat perbedaan yang nyata dalam jwnlah kallus yang terbentuk diantara kedua kelompok yang diteliti, tetapi sesudah 6 minggu operasi ternyata ditemukan jumlah kallus lebih banyak pada kelompok yang diberikan tulang kanselus allograft. (P < 0.05). Kanselus allograft dapat digunakan pada operasi patah tulang emergensi untuk merangsang pembentukan callus dan mempercepat penyembuhan patah tulang. Kata kunci : Sterilisasi radiasi, Kanselus allograft, Fiksasi interna, Pembentukan kallus. INTRODUCTION Bone grafting representsone of the earliest reconstruction approaches to the musculoskeletal systemand remainsamongthe most commonlyusedin orthopaedicprocedures.(1,2) Bone grafts are used in conjunction with the repair of fractures, bridging of large bone defectsand stimulation of bone formation. Although there are several forms available such as autografis, allografts, demineralized bone matrix, composite graft (collagrafi), xenograft, none of these possessthe ideal characteristicbecauseeach of them has its own advantagesand disadvantages etc (1,3,4,5). The original method like autograft (bone harvesting procedure)is associatedwitll increasedmorbidity such as bleeding, infection and pain at the donor site. On the other hand by using allograft it can prevent that morbidity, besidesthere is no problem with technique and the source of graft.(6,7,S,9,U) Mechanism action of this grnft in stimulating new bone fonnation is still unknown. It might be act as osteogenic induction. Meanwhile cancelous allograft can corpornte more rnpidly than cortical allogrnft. (8,9,U) By tile development of national, regional and international tissue banks, allografts are increasingly being more produced and used in orthopaedic surgery including emergency operation such as in early open reduction and internal fixation for bone frnctures. For some emergency cases either from technical operntion or condition of fracture itself, the bone may be in danger for vascularization and can cause delay in bone union. At this condition, grnft for stimulating bone union or for filling bone loss as bone bridging are needed.(I.z,12) This paper will report the preliminary studies on the effect and rejection of cancelous allograft in emergency open reduction and internal fixation for long bones fractures. 161 RisalahPertemlJan IlmiahPenelitiandan Pengembangan t1olikasiIsOIOp (/anRadias~ ;00 t MATERIALS AND METHODS A trial has beenconductedin patientwith closed long bonefracture (femur, tibia and humerus)between 18- 40 years of age who were admittedto our hospital during the period of Februaryto June2000. All patients underwent emergencY open reduction and internal fixation witIl plate and screw were randomly divided into two groups. An even nurnber of the patient had undergoneopen reduction and internal fixation followed by radiation sterilized cancelousallograft transplantationat tile site of fracture near plate and screw and this group served as the experimentalgroup. The othergroup with odd nurnber of patients without any bone graft were servedas the control group. The two groups of patient received similar post operative care and allowed to early mobilization. Radiationsterilizedboneallograftsbeing used were produced Batan ResearchTissue Bank (BRTB)BAT AN Jakarta. Rejection reactionbecauseof using cancelous allograft were evaluated from sisternic and local reactionsuchas localwound infectionand localallergic reaction after three days until fifteen days of post operation. Callus formation were evaluatedafter three weeksup to six weekspostoperation. The assessmentrejection reaction of using cancelousgraft for emergencyorthopaedicoperation was evaluated by using criteria and score method shownat table la. P values Male 4.14:!:,O.52 n=14 4.00:!:,O.41 n=12. P > OO5 Score Fema1e 4.33:!:,O.47 0-6 4.13:!:,O.33 0-8 P > OO5 . 3 2 I Total 4.20+0.51 4.00+ 0.45 N~O P> 0.05 3 2 1 Table l.b Callus fonnation score Score I 2 fracture More callus but still demarcatedat the site 3 fracture More callus that bridging betweentwo Table2. Rate of male and female rejection score between group of cancelous allograft and without any graft. in emergencyorthopaedic operation Non graft ~ This criteria and score method were also been used for the detection of callus fonnation using conventional radiology examinationas can be seenat Table l.b. Parameterand description No callus fonnation Thereis callus fonnation betweentwo fragment During that period 40 patients underwent emergencyopenreductionand internalfixation for long bone fractures. Half of them were treated with cancelousallograft while the rest did not get any graft at all .The patientsevaluatedconsisted of 26 menand 14womenand 19 casesof them ie. 47.5 % were below 30 yearsold. Of the 26 male patients,14casesusedcancelous allograft,while of 12femalepatients,8 caseswere done withoutanygraft. The averagerejection scorein non ~ groupis not significanly lower than cancelousa11o~ group (table2). Cancelous II ft allogran reaction No sign allergic reaction RESULTS Sex Table l.a Rejection score -Parai1t~ description Local infection Local infection with sistemicmanifestation Local infection without sistemicreaction No sign of infection Allergic reaction Local allergic reactionwith sistemic manifestation Local allergic reactionwithout sistemic were as follow: the total scoreof the group patientwas obtainedby multiplying the number of casesallocated to eachgradeandaddingthe resultantfigures. For rejectionscorewe just multiplied the score of local infection and local allergic reaction, where callus formationthe scorewas takenby itself. 4 N=20 The average rejection score of the cancelous allograft group is 4.20, while in non allograf group is 4.00. The averagerejection score using cancelous allograft and without any graft almost the same for femaleand malepatient.(P> 0.05) Probably the difference in average rejection scorewasdue to the age patient,which were divided in tllose age of under 30 and those over 31 years old. as shown in Table 3. However the cancelousallograft group did not give higller averagerejectionscore in all ages betweenthose under 30 years old and over 31 yearsold (P>0.05) Table3. Rate of rejection score between cancelous allograft and without any graft in emergency orthopaedicoperationbasedon age ~ Cancelous ft Age -allogran II < 30 y.o 4.38 :t 0.48 n=8 >31 y.o In analyzing and comparingthe effect of graft from the two groups of patients, tIle statistical used 162 4.25:t0.37 n-l1 Non graft - P values 4.18:t 0.39 P> 0.05 n-ll 4.11:t0.31 n=9 P>0.05 Risalah Peltemuan Ilmiah Penelilian dan Pengembangan -'\Ollkasilsalop dan Radi3si, 2(X)1 After tllfee weeks operation, in both of two groups of patient, callus fonnation could not be evaluated using conventional radiology examination. Only one case ie 18 years old patient in cancelous allograft group gave a minimal callus fonnation. After six weeks, the average score of callus fonnation in cancelousallograft groups is significantly higller tllan non cancelousallograft (P < 0,05), as can be seenat Table4. Cancelous allograft is able to increase tile averagescore of callus fonnation from 2.45 to 3.35 in both sexes. According to our finding, there is also higher averagescoreof callus fonnation in tile group of cancelousallograft at both age group of under 30 years and those over 31 years old as can be seenat Table 5 (P>0.05). Table4. Rate of callus formation accordingmale and female after 6 weeks between cancelous allograft and without any graft --Sex Male -~ Female Cancelous 11 + 0.45 ft 3.29 allO1!,fan Non+~graft 2.42 0.49 Ji='14 ";-12 3.33+ 0.47 2.38+ 0.48 IF 6 Ji='s PP values < 0.05 P < 0.05 The average score of callus fonnation in cancelous allogrnft group is higller in group of age below 30 years old comparedto ot11ergroup, that is increasingfrom 2.45 to 3.38. While in the age of over 31 yearsold could only increasefrom 2.67to 3.17. Table 4. Rate of callus fonnation according to age group after 6 weeksof operation Age < 30 y.o Cancelous allograft Non graft P values 3.38:!: 0.48 2.45 :!:0.50 P < 0.05 n=8 >31 y.o n=]] 3.17:!:0.37 2.67:!:0.47 n=12 n=9 P<0.05 DISCUSSION Many cases of emergencyorthopaedicoperation with internal fixation can causevasculardisturbanceat the site of fractures in achieving stable fixation and anatomical reduction. So there is no stilnulus for productionof either externalcallus from the periosteum or internal callus from endosteumand becauseof that the fractures healing maybedelayed. (1,z,11,13)In that case we have to stimulatecallus fonnationby applying bone grafting. Severalmethods have beendescribed for callus fonnation and one of them is by using cancelousallograft.(2,4,6,8,9,11,14). 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