8mofits of Srr use of siliconas in
8mofits of Srr use of siliconas in
8mofits of Srr use of siliconas in constr$Gtio$ $sitrses All construction materiafs Er€ Exposadto damaging envirsflm€nts rangrng from watpr ingression, to abrasis{r by air-borne panieles, attack by organisms, Silicone molecufe . $tructural Goncrete . Pawr#Flagstones . Sandstone . Limestsnelfttarble 'Bricks/file .,Wood For use eittrer as preventative or remedialtreatment for Fagade,OEM or Damp Proof Course {DPC}. They pravida a variaty of benefrts: . .lmproved long term pratection " Reducsd maintenanco time/costs . Reduced efflorescence . Reduced Spalling {keeze-thaw damage} . Strengthening fragile rnasonry . Reduced staining/easier cleaning .0imensional stability sf wood Through uniqua propenies af stlrcane technology: Brick treated wi*r Oorr0amnrgP Z-Ssl Water Repallent taiiA . ffepslleneyto water and oil, deponding on ataehed grpups . Permeableto water vapour Concrete feated wi*t 0ow Caminf Z-66S1Watsr Repallent , Burable; chemically reacts with substrate and itself .0eep penetrating; srnall molecular . Low surface tensisn . UV stable r' \ size l.l PerlomancG aspeot$ of silicones E .'.--- l' h >b t5,=t lAlood protected lirith Dow bs Carninf z-SBi[ Emulsion Prstaction Silicones are capable of penetrating and forming a protective repellent layer several millimetres deep within the substrate. with litde appreciable efiect on $e water vapour trarismission rate $rcugh pores and capillaries. As the depth oJ treatment is significant, abrasion of the surface las liile or no effect on performance. 0ther treatment$ to give repellency block or seal only $e very top of these pores and capiflaries. This resuhs in greater reductions of vapcur transm ission, together with less abra sion resistance, as the depth of protection is significantly less. @protectionagainst penetate deeply. They chemically reactwith the substate and themselvasta pravida dwabilily pratectian, also *ey allownoisfurc vapoyta pass. figsro | - $rftcorye- based watar repellents when delivered to the surtace effloresc'ence in limestone It Pfrysical and Gftomical prcperties of +hr $ilieanes { rlqt $ilieones are present in many forms and are often used in combinetion to give the specifi c properties required for effective trsatments. l--.--......*, -d l,ffi ra:i* r \"- ro --";# RO l.Ll o*-o' .Prx' *E Silaner $ilanes are the smallest silieone ensuring good Depth of Penatratisn into substrates. They reactwi*r themselves and any hydroxy {0H} groups within the substrate vuhen mdisftre is prscent, forming a silicone resin nswrrork. This formation of sffong cherftical bonds provides fte durability attributed to siloxane trsatmente l#lpre B0 $ an aftorf g raup, typic ally methatq ar eth ary, he oapabiliV n rea$ witlr hydrory WHI grsups on the sg$strele wtfrr I S an ugardr grsry$rctr as bwyt or aetyt fo gn€ Wtoplwbicity. Ta give ail repatlenoyl wauld cafiain frasdne eontalining gtoufs F.lrsrrengffienirgl'Hl 1-12 Polprors W*er Eeading $ilicone linear Bolymers are hellcal in shape, providing a fot cf free space within their structnrefor individual water vapour molecules to pass through, whilstwater droplets are repelled bythe hydrophobic methyl {CHr} graups nrhich orientate to the outside, giving rupellency to liguid wate - droplee rspelled hymffgroups -,.s".JS .€F w The low surfae e tension of the mefr$ groups enables silicones to spread easily, forming a molecular layer penetrating into the suhstrate. .,' Various groups can be subsdtuted onts the polymers enabling chemieal reactivity with the substrate and other silicone moleeules. lf*arvapour - cffrpass$rough the cpen silicona $tructrre Polynrers can be linear or cyclic, wi*r various groups subetftuted intothe positions shown below. *ts nswrn:fe lmins Tfury l$rstry| lfteffi A and B are substiurtsd groups. S Bt{ Aor AorB AY AY BY f'l Watsr repdlo*ey Oil rnd Watsr repellency N Gatalytic X-lin*ing X-lirking X-linking fietsrilnendatisns 0f suitability of prsdusts for use on vsrlsus subsfates in the feflowing pass$ are based on condderation of fie pofymsrtype and blend requlred to achieve optimum performance. Chemicalfu b'onded Intertace I -0 - EiI I -0-si I .0. tti { I {i* . -0-si II -0. si I I hmpregnrred reps$snt laysr st6silrats $loud ot ritilet fep6$€it oFganis grcups
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