corvette troy.
corvette troy.
VETTE GAZETTE This is the official publication of CORVETTE TROY. Our mailing address is P.O. Box 125, Troy, OH 45373. Volume 50, No. 1 January 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Title Page, 1 Executive Board, 2 2015 Calendar, 3 Minutes, 4 Points, 5-6 December Rally Results, 7 January Rally Flyer, 7 Social Report/Flyer, 8 For Sale, 9 C-T Charities Pictures, 9 Bud’s Ad, 10 C-T Charities Pictures, 11-12 C-T Apparel, 13 C-T, 14-16 Please bring your Corvette and join us for: • Monthly Socials and Business Meetings • Summer and Fall Parades • Summer Autocross and High Speed Racing • Summer Car Shows • Fall Color Tour • Winter Rallyes • Yearly Membership Banquet • Participation in Corvette Troy Charities Sponsored by: CORVETTE TROY CLUB MEETING The 2014 Corvette Pictures used on the cover and the inside pages of this publication are pictures of C-T member’s 2014 Stingrays and used by them in the composition of this newsletter. All visitors are welcome to attend our monthly meetings. You don’t need to be a member to attend. The meetings are typically held on the 4th Monday of each month and are followed with lots of fun, talk, food, and drink at T-J Chumps, 559 South Main Street, Englewood, Ohio. Exceptions to the 4th Monday will be due to holidays, C-T Color Tour or the scheduling of the N.C.C.C. Convention. NEXT MEETING Monday January 25, 2016 7:30 PM Englewood Government Center Rt. 40 Englewood, Ohio [email protected] FEBRUARY 2 4 8 8 9 13 15 18 19 22 22 27 Birthday Cathy Armocida Birthday Cleon Wingard C-T E-Board Meeting Birthday Ted Lehman Birthday Amber Hinkle Birthday Barbara Lynn Birthday Linda Shuman Birthday Doris Murph Birthday Tim Kohlbacher C-T Business Meeting Anniversary Ray & Karen Jackson Birthday Karen Weaver 3 Anniversary Sam & Rebecca Branson Birthday Peggy James Birthday Scott Schmick Anniversary Charles & Kathleen Staley Anniversary Tom & Barbara Holmes C-T Social (See Page 8) C-T E-Board Mtg Birthday Linda Conway Birthday Jon Mann Birthday Tom Holmes C-T Business Meeting Birthday Don Henry Birthday Jane Wilson Birthday Judy Caupp Birthday Gretchen Esch Anniversary Paul Shultz C-T Rallye (See Page 7) Birthday Barbara Holmes Upcoming Event -C-T Membership Banquet March 19th (See Page 8) JANUARY 3 4 6 7 8 9 11 13 13 15 25 25 25 29 30 30 31 31 by Shirley Lamka, Secretary Corvette Troy Business Meeting Minutes Corvette Troy Executive Board Meeting December 14, 2015 November 23, 2015 President: Dean Brookshire called the 573rd meeting to order. Janelle Flaharty took roll call. Clipboards were passed around. He invited everyone to socialize at TJ Chumps following the meeting. Vice President: Pan Bowen reported we drove in 32 parades this year. She thanked those who drove in the Sidney parade and thanked Bill Stamm for making restaurant reservations following the parade. A thank you check for $100.00 was received from the Bradford Pumpkin Show Committee. VP of Membership: Charles Staley has received 117 renewals so far. VP of Competition: Janelle Flaharty had Linda Shuman talk about her & Todd’s upcoming rally. Secretary: Shirley Lamka had nothing to report. Dan Coughnour moved to accept the minutes as printed in the newsletter. Chris Davis 2nd it which passed. Treasurer: Teresa Peters gave the checkbook balances. Governor: Jerry Limpach passed out awards for C-T’s members finishing in the top WOR points program. Social: Janet Limpach thanked Janelle for our social event at Basil’s & gave the dates & locations for the next several months. Final details were talked about for the Spina Bifida Christmas Party. Charity: Charlie Conway was absent. Newsletter Editor: Don McAlexander had nothing. Webmaster: Kevin Clawson had nothing. 3rd Year Trustee: Will Taylor had nothing. 2nd Year Trustee: Jim Shepler had nothing. 1st Year Trustee: Tom Murph had nothing. Old Business: None New Business: Election of officers was held following proper Parliamentarian Procedure. Dean Brookshire as re-elected as President. Janelle Flaharty was re-elected VP of Competition. Teresa Peters was re-elected as Treasurer. Dan Coughnour and Dave Weaver were nominated for 1st year trustee. Dan Coughnour was elected. Dave Weaver moved to adjourn the meeting. Chuck Siefke 2nd it, which passed. Taylor Hinkle won the 50/50 raffle & Steve Gerbig won the Corvette Museum tickets. --Submitted by Shirley Lamka 4 President: Dean Brookshire opened the meeting. Vice President: Pam Bowen reported C-T drove in 32 parades this year. Dean thanked her for all her time spent handling these parades. VP Membership: Charles Staley stated he has received 2 new membership applications bringing the total to 127. He’s working on creating a new membership list. Secretary: Shirley Lamka had nothing to report Treasurer: Teresa Peters gave the checkbook balances. VP Competition: Janelle Flaharty reminded us of the upcoming rally. (The last event of the year). We will be voting on the by-laws change at the December business meeting. She & Jerry will work on dates to submit to Kil-Kare. A competition meeting will be held in February. Governor: Jerry Limpach had nothing. Social: Janet Limpach thanked everyone who helped with this year’s Spina Bifida Christmas party. The club’s Christmas party was very successful and the service from the employees at T J Chumps in Huber Heights was excellent. Editor: Don McAlexander is trying to get pictures of our new members to print in the Gazette. Web Master: Kevin Clawson was absent. 3rd Year Trustee: Will Taylor had nothing. Dean thanked him for his contributions as trustee for the last 3 years. 2nd Year Trustee: Jim Shepler is working on newsletter ads for 2016. 1st Year Trustee: Tom Murph had nothing. Charity Chairman: Charlie Conway was absent. Teresa Peters will be temporary charity treasurer until Linda Conway returns. Old Business: Nothing. New Business: A supplier with a minimum of 100 license frames was located. Janelle made a motion to order 100 and sell them for $5.00 each. Tom Murph 2nd it, which passed. Shirley is working on updating our logo for embroidery. Shirley is also working on a news article with picture to place in the newspapers regarding our charities. The meeting was adjourned. --Submitted by Shirley Lamka by Janelle Flaharty, V. P. of Competition as of November 30, 2015 Ladies Men (Continued on the next Page) 5 (Continued on the next Page ) (Continued from page 5) Ladies Men I Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and is looking forward to an exciting New Year. We will have a calendar of events coming your way in 2016 — 3 great Rallye’s scheduled to kick it off and then it will be racing season before you know it. Try something new with the club this year. Come out and see what all we have to offer. Be Safe and Happy New Year. Thanks, Janelle Flaharty 937-248-5792 [email protected] Brandt Vista REALTY 7367 BRANDT VISTA AVE. Huber Heights, OHIO 45424 937-237-0002 Will Taylor (937) 233-6274 [email protected] MLS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 6 C-T December 2015 Rallye Results 1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place 5th place 6th place 7th place Dan Coughnour & Ildiko Marcus Tom & Barb Holmes Dave Weaver and Janelle Flaharty Don & Nancy McAlexander Charles & Kathleen Staley Jim Shepler & Judy Roeder Dean Brookshire & Steve Gerbig Rallye masters: Todd & Linda Shuman Thank you to all who ran this rallye. We hope you had fun and enjoyed the questions 7 8 Corvettes For Sale - 90 White Coupe automatic with a red interior 76,000 miles for $6000. - 92 Blue Convertible 6 Speed a black interior 57,000 miles for $18,000. - 96 Silver Coupe 6 speed Collectors Edition 22,000 Miles for $27,800. Call: Julie Stephens (937) 987.9316 Corvette For Sale 2005 Corvette – Convertible with Power Top, silver ext., ebony int., clear front Bra (cost $800.00), automatic trans., LOADED with extras. Showroom New. 10,800 miles. Already serviced for winter. $28,000 In Troy, Ohio 937-339-1394 (PS – I know this man personally and this is an exceptional Corvette – Ask me for additional info. - Shirley Lamka) The 2015 C-T Charities Spina Bifida Christmas Party C-T Charities presenting $10,000 to Spina Bifida 9 Photos by Jerry Limpach 10 C-T Charities presenting $1,000 to FISH of Troy C-T Charities presenting $1,000 to Fish of Wayne Township C-T Charities presenting $250 to the Montgomery County Animal Shelter (Photos by Dan Coughnour) 11 C-T Charities presenting $1500 to Needy Basket of Southern Miami County C-T Charities presenting $500 to the Giving Tree C-T Charities Presenting $250 to DREAM (Dedicated Rescue Efforts for Animals in Many Counties) (Photos by Dan Coughnour) 12 CORVETTE TROY APPAREL Order Corvette Troy sports wear and jackets for the 2016 Season Embroider Corvette Troy script or six-Corvette logo on Sportswear ordered from extensive catalogs or Your own favorite apparel item - shirt, jacket, etc. Shirley Lamka, Total Team Sports, is our exclusive supplier Contact her at 937-335-7004 13 Corvette Troy Club Information Welcome New Members and New Advertisers Welcome to our newest members and our newest advertisers! Thanks to our advertisers who are continuing. We look forward to seeing all of our members at our meetings, socials, rallyes, parades, and autocross events. Let us know how we can help you become involved in our activities. Corvette Troy is all about the people who make up the club, and we look forward to seeing you at our events. Advertising in the Vette Gazette Prices for ads for one year (12 issues) are: Whole page: $250.00; Half page: $140.00; Quarter page: $75; Smaller than quarter page, but larger than a business card: $55.00; Business card: $40.00; and Web ad: $15.00. To place an advertisement contact the Vette Gazette Editor at 937-667-3156 Membership Stations Feel free to contact the people listed below with questions regarding Corvette Troy, but if the person in your area is not available do not hesitate to call a member of the Executive board listed on page 2. South………………………. Emily Schaper ……………………. 937-429-1845 New Carlisle & Tipp City…. Chuck Siefke ……………………. 937-849-0455 Troy……………………….. Linda Shuman ……………………. 937-339-4338 Vandalia & West………….. Keith Caupp …………………….. 937-890-5315 North Dayton …………….. Will Taylor .…………………….. 937-233-6274 14 GARY W. PIERCE, D.D.S., Inc. General Dentistry 130 West Wenger Road Englewood, Ohio 45322 Office: (937) 836-4200 or 1-800-770–0804 Home: (937) 698-1235 or 1-800-770–0806 15 16