March - St. Luke Lutheran Church
March - St. Luke Lutheran Church
St. Luke Lutheran Church 900 Maryvale Drive Cheektowaga, NY 14225-2702 We are called by God’s grace to enlighten all people in Jesus Christ From The Pastor Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Well, once again we are in the middle of the forty-day journey called Lent. For centuries, the faithful have made the journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. While many things have changed over the years, the focus of Lent hasn’t. During Lent we focus on repenting of our sins and thanking our Lord and Savior for what He did for us on Calvary’s cross. March 2016 Pastor Phil Schultz Now, through the centuries and even today, people have and continue to do many different things in observance of Lent. Some choose to fast, whether they give something up or refrain from eating a certain food. Some focus on quiet personal devotion. Others who live at a hectic pace with little or no time don’t change anything, and simply pause and reflect when they can. Pam Maconaghy Editor Email: [email protected] As followers of Christ, we are given the freedom to observe Lent in a variety of ways. However, the key is to be always focused on Christ. Lent should not be a time of boasting of one’s own sacrifice, or of trying to earn God's favor or increase His love. God’s love for you could not be any greater than it already is. SERVICES Saturday 5:00 pm And finally, we need to remember that Lent isn’t the end. Lent helps us to repent and to let go of the things that lead us away from a loving God. But remember, Lent takes us to Easter, by way of the cross. Easter is our true destination, with the joy of knowing that because He lives, we live. Sunday 9:00 am So, this is my prayer for you. This Lenten season, may you remain focused on all that Jesus has done, is doing, and will do for you. I pray for your friends and family who need to know the hope of the cross and the joy of Easter. And may your times of reflection during Lent bring you and your family to the joy of Easter and may this joy be with you every day. 10:00 —10:45 Christian Education 11:00 am Blended/Contemporary Serving Him with you, Pastor Phil Inside this issue: Who’s Who 2 Calendar 5 Youth News 6 Birthdays 7 Volunteer Schedule 8 Page 2 CHANGING TIMES AT ST. LUKE The day to day needs at the food pantry continue. Below is a list of the most commonly requested items at the pantry. Please try and help out by picking up a few items to donate to the pantry when you shop. Wegmans has some bulk packages of vegetables and other staples that are very economically priced. kernel corn, cream corn, peaches, cake mixes, cut green beans, French green, pears, chicken soup, peas, fruit cocktail, tomato soup, spinach, pineapple chunks, baked beans, beets, pasta sauce (regular), diced tomatoes, canned chicken, canned pasta (e.g. rings), egg noodles, toilet tissue, tuna, peanut butter, pancake mix, Sunny D juice, tea, pancake syrup, assorted beans, baked beans, elbow noodles, breakfast cereal oatmeal) Who to Call… The Staff of St. Luke Lutheran Church stand ready to assist you in every way we can, and can be reached at church (716) 633-6752 or (716) 634-5560 weekdays. Our answering machine will take messages at 633-6752. Our FAX number is (716) 635-0718. Our email address is [email protected] Pastor Phil Schultz 276-3949 Organist Thomas Mudd, Jr. 675-1065 Voice and Bell Choir Director Thomas Mudd, Jr. 675-1065 BOARD OF TRUSTEES President Fred Schmitt 686-0642 Vice-President—Personnel John and Linda Bruso 656-9489 Vice-President—Property Phil Horn 684-0390 Treasurer Linda Rowe 684-6236 Financial Secretary Ken Knoll 683-7242 Recording Secretary Pam Maconaghy 626-0949 BOARD CHAIRPERSONS Spiritual Life/Congregational Care Ron Connor 632-1958 Special Care & Human Services Nancy Erett 289-4453 Youth and Family Karrie Frank 908-5437 Resource Development Lisa Michael 410-967-6766 Outreach and Mission Services Marg Albert 875-9363 Christian Education/Life Jacquie Albert 812-1374 BOARD OF ELDERS Walter Grzyb 393-3670 Susanna Garofaro 688-7094 Karen Baglio 686-0670 Manfried Rieger 634-4669 Gene Benson 634-0900 Allan Riemer 771-3542 Craig Maconaghy 626-0949 David Male 634-2456 Ron Connor 632-1958 FOR THE FOLLOWING Address/phone corrections Altar Care Altar Flowers Bulletin Announcements “CHIPS” Newsletter Facility Maintenance Facility Use (scheduling) Food Pantry Fund Raising Committee LWML LLL Representative Men’s Club Youth Group Contact Karen Baglio Allan Riemer Kathy Brogan Karen Baglio Pam Maconaghy Phil Horn Church Office Ed and Rita Loeffler Fred Schmitt Fern Suckow Scott Zimmerman 633-6752 771-3542 633-6752 633-6752 626-0949 684-0390 633-6752 834-8021 686-0642 832-0420 681-9939 Karrie Frank 908-5437 Son Shine Committee Gene Benson 634-0900 Special Care and Human Services Sunday School Information Nancy Erett Jacqueline Albert Bettyann Schmitt Bud Foster Ken Knoll 289-4453 875-9363 686-0642 632-4187 683-7242 Thrivent Weekly Contributions Did you know that every time you search on the internet (and who doesn’t do that a million times a day?) you could be earning a donation to St. Luke? St. Luke presently has 514 good searchers, who have raised over $1,333.88 all that searching adds up! Simply go to and down load their search tool. You search for St. Luke, Cheektowaga NY in their database and pick that as your cause to support. Every time you use that search engine, money is set aside for St. Luke. You can also GoodShop and many sites will make donations based on a percentage of your purchase price as well. The tool bar will also show you discounts and deals you can get on those participating websites, so you can donate to St. Luke and save at the same time. You can even track how much you earn by going to the GoodSearch web site. So when you have to search….make it a good one and support St. Luke at the same time. Page 3 In our prayers for the Lord’s Healing: Lenten Series Dates and places are as follows: 6:00 p.m. – Soup & Sandwich Supper 7:15 p.m. - Hymn Sing in Church 7:30 p.m. - Lenten Service February 17th March 2nd Holy Cross (Clarence) March 9th Pilgrim (Kenmore) March 16th Our Savior (Buffalo) March 24-Maundy Thursday-services at 7:30pm March 25 -Tre Ore, noon-3:00pm Tenebrae, 7:30pm March 26-Easter Saturday 5:00pm March 27 -Easter Sunday 8:30 & 11:00am Easter Breakfast in Between The 8:30 and late service. Prayers and Squares Prayers and Squares combines the gift of prayers with the gift of a hand-tied quilt. The purpose is not to make and distribute quilts, but to encourage prayer through the use of quilts. In other words, “It’s not about the quilt; it’s all about the prayers.” If you are interested in participating or have any questions about this ministry, please contact Cheryl Bossert at 6327239. Bob Dersam Phil Garofaro Brenda Otte-Hill Christina Nowakowski Maya Serra June Hoffman Sandy Bednarz Ann Marie (Lottes) Whisner Tammy Reisch Sean Henry Bishop Cassidy Monroe Glenn Kilger Nya Ricks George Teufel Jean Jaworski Deborah Rzepka Jacob Mages Bill Riedl Brody Manzella Diane Wynia Rev. Greg Otte John Pawlak, Fred DiPaolo Norrine Miller Allyn & Mildred Burgstahle Anna Martin Barb Huestis Rev. Dave Danner Lynda Merritt (niece of Val Guardino) Maria Vero Paul Knab Paul Haas Glen Harper Freddie Dugan Sue Bethin Ed Hertel Simon Kyrwyn John Baron Al Lorenzo Kyler Skip Rohloff Ray Michael Marge Heim Judy Thompson Jimmy Ruhland Gil Munoz EASTER BREAKFAST We will be having a hot Easter Breakfast again this year, between the services. We will be looking for people to bake muffins to be served at the breakfast and also for people to help out in the kitchen. There will be sign up sheets in the fellowship area to bake muffins and to help in the kitchen. If you intend on joining us for breakfast, please sign up in the fellowship area, so that we can get a good estimate of how much food we need to prepare. If you have any questions, please see Pam Maconaghy. Prayer List Contd Dawn White Michael Tenbruso Dennis Eggert Rose Mary Wilomowski Judy Sacco Louis Ortiz Dominick Scardina Pastor Kromphadt Marilyn Tower Family of Richard Oetinger Family of Robert Dugan Anna Martin Arlene Wornick Family of Greg Tedesco Laura and Stephen Page 4 LUTHERAN CHURCH EXTENSION FUND NEWS SHARED BLESSINGS UPDATE - As of January 31, 2016 we have 65 LCEF investors of which 17 are YI Club members. We are now over the 16.4%. In order to reach the next level of 25% we need to add 34 investors to reach a total of 99. Shared Blessings is a program that we at St. Luke are able to participate in because we refinanced the loan we have with LCEF. The new loan is now eligible for a rebate of loan interest. ConnectPLUS Term Note - For New Investors 18 Years & Older ConnectPLUS is for the new LCEF investor who wants to experience the overand-above reward of supporting LCMS ministries—ultimately helping to expand the kingdom of God. Realize not only the financial benefits that LCEF offers, but start a new relationship with LCEF, the financial arm of The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod. Term Investment Rate APY 2-Year $500-5,000 3.000% 3.034% 2-Year Over $5,000 1.000% 1.004% StewardAccount® - Minimum Investment $100 A StewardAccount® is an interest-bearing investment with convenient access to your funds. You may write checks, use the optional debit card or conduct transactions online through MyAccount. It goes where you go. A busy lifestyle doesn't mean you can't complete daily tasks with the Lord's work in mind. Minimum Rate APY Less than $1,000 $100 $1,000 less than $5,000 $1,000 $5,000 less than $10,000 $5,000 $10,000 plus $10,000 0.375% 0.376% 0.500% 0.501% 0.625% 0.875% 0.627% 0.879% Family Emergency StewardAccount® - Required Monthly Investment of $25 until the balance reaches $10,000 Expecting the unexpected makes for good planning, that's why you might consider the LCEF Family Emergency StewardAccount. You never know when there may be a need for funds not allocated in your monthly budget. This investment builds over time with electronic funds transfer (EFT) and interest earned. But you can access the funds easily when you need them the most. Minimum Rate APY $25 1.000% 1.005% If you have any questions regarding the LCEF Investment Products please contact me at 393-3670 or [email protected]. or at the LCEF website at Welcoming Workshop Saturday, April 16 and 23 from 10am until noon. This is a 2 day workshop where you will learn about our basic beliefs of the Christian faith and who we are, here at St. Luke. This workshop can lead to membership here at St. Luke. During the workshop you will be able to meet the church’s leadership and have the opportunity to discuss more in depth what it means to be a member of this local church. A sign-up sheet is on the desk in the fellowship area. Any questions, please speak with Pastor Phil. LWML BAKE SALE St. Luke’s LWML will hold is semi annual Bake sale on Saturday and Sunday, March 19 and 20 (Palm Sunday weekend). Bakers are needed for this event. Popular items in the past have been pies, cookies and kuchens. Thank you for your support. EASTER FLOWER ORDERS Orders for Easter Lilies and hyacinths will be take through March 20th. Single 6” ports are $9.50 double lileie $20.50. Payment must accompany orders. Place all orders in the basket located on the Fellowship Desk. Any questions please call the church office. TV Raffle Tickets are on sale now for a 50” smart TV. The television will be raffled off at the Theme Tray Auction on April 9th. The proceeds of the raffle and the auction will support the Camperships for our youth to attend camp at Camp Pioneer. Mid-Week Lenten Worship Our Savior (Buffalo) 6:00pm supper 7:15pm hymn sing 7:30pm worship 10-2:00pm Food Pantry 7:00pm Lutheran Chorale 7:30pm Recovery 10:00am Tole Painting 6:00pm Girl Scouts 7:00pm AlAnon 7:00pm Barbershop Palm Sunday Easter 8:30am Worship Easter Breakfast 11:00am Worship 27 11:00am Worship/Sunday School 9:00am Worship 20 9:00am Worship 10:10am 6th gr, Confirmation Class 11:00am Worship 6:00pm 7th Grade Confirma- Lent Pantry 7:00pm Lutheran Chorale 7:30pm Recovery 10:00am Tole Painting 6:00pm Girl Scouts 7:00pm AlAnon 7:00pm Barbershop 10-2:00pm Food 29 6:00pm Girl Scouts 7:30 Schwaben Chorale Group 30 7:30 Schwaben Chorale Group 10-2:00pm Food Pantry 7:00pm Lutheran Chorale 7:30pm Recovery 10:00am Tole Painting 6:00pm Girl Scouts 7:00pm AlAnon 7:00pm Barbershop 28 23 22 21 7:30 Schwaben Chorale Group 6:00pm Girl Scouts 11:00am LWML mtg. 16 15 14 13 Fifth Sunday of 10-2:00pm Food Pantry 7:00pm Lutheran Chorale 7:30pm Recovery 10:00am Tole Painting 6:00pm Girl Scouts 7:00pm Elder’s mtg. 7:00pm AlAnon 7:30pm Barbershop 9:00am Worship 11:00am Worship/Sunday School Campership Meeting Lent Mid-Week Lenten Worship Pilgrim/Kenmore 6:00pm supper 7:15pm hymn sing 7:30pm worship 7:30 Schwaben Chorale Group 10-2:00pm Food Pantry 7:00pm Trustee’s/Council mtg. 7:00pm Lutheran Chorale 7:30pm Recovery 9 Holy Cross/Clarence 6:00pm supper 7:15pm hymn sing 7:30pm worship 6:00pm Girl Scouts 7:30 Schwaben Chorale Group Mid-Week Lenten Worship 2 Wed 1 Tue 8 Fourth Sunday of Mon 7 6 Sun Maundy 9:00amTOPS 10:00am Bible Study & Paper Cuts 31 9:00amTOPS 10:00am Bible Study & Paper Cuts 7:30pm worship Thursday Worship 24 9:00amTOPS 10:00am Bible Study & Paper Cuts 6:00pm Bell Choir 7:00pm Voice Choir 7:00pm Barbershop 7:30pm Arthritis Connec. 8:00pm Prayer & Praise 17 9:00amTOPS 10:00am Bible Study & Paper Cuts 6:00pm Bell Choir 7:00pm Voice Choir 8:00pm Prayer & Praise 10 9:00amTOPS 10:00am Bible Study & Paper Cuts 6:00pm Bell Choir 7:00pm Voice Choir 8:00pm Prayer & Praise 3 Thu Tre Ore Fri Noon-3:00pm Tenebrae Service 7:30pm 25 18 11 4 Worship Saturday 5 p.m.—Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 a.m..—Sunday School 11:00 a.m. 5:00pm Worship 26 5:00pm Worship 9:00am Fundraising mtg. 19 5:00pm Worship 12 5:00pm Worship Fellowship Hall/ Maconaghy 5 Sat St. Luke Lutheran Church—900 Maryvale Drive—Cheektowaga NY—Phone 633-6752 or 634-5560—E-mail: [email protected] MARCH 2016 Page 6 Youth and Family News He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Mt. 28:6 A joyous Easter to you! We celebrate the risen Christ at Easter services at the end of the month- how will you share this great Good News with others? Invite a friend to church- or to a youth and family activity- tell them about your faith! THANK YOU! To everyone who helped make and fill the bags on Ash Wednesday. We were able to make 25 bags, which will be given to children being placed in foster care. Thank you to everyone who donated items needed to make and fill the bags- your generosity is so very much appreciated! Please continue to pray for the children who will receive these bags, their families, and foster families. CAMPERSHIP meeting- will be held on Sunday, March 6, after the 11:00 service. This important meeting will be brief- we will share information about service and fund raising requirements for this year’s campers. We will also have the summer schedule for Pioneer, so you can begin planning your summer camp adventure! SERVICE OPPORTUNITY- On Saturday, March 26, we need youth help to prepare for our Easter celebration! Please join us at 11:00AM to color Easter eggs, pack visitor gifts, and help set up for the Easter breakfast. We need a lot of help- and this is a perfect service project for those going to Pioneer! Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall. THEME TRAY- Our annual Theme Tray Auction is scheduled for Saturday, APRIL 9, FROM 11:001:00. PLEASE support this fund raiser for the Campership program- you can Make a basket, or bring items for a basket Help set up on Friday night Help at the event Saturday- help is needed in ALL areas! Help by selling tickets for the TV raffle between services from now until April 9 ALL youth planning to attend Pioneer must work this event- more information will be shared at the March 6 meeting. Page 7 MARCH 2016 BIRTHDAY’S DiGiacomo, Jackson Gerber, Carol Baglio, Karen Brudz, Caren Connor, Michael Farley, Michael Loeffler, Edward Rzepla, Megan Haist, Megan 3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/7 3/7 3/9 Brado, Thomas Capozzi, Beverly Rieger, Bonnie D’Anna, Thelma Huestis, Barbara Sygnatur, Frank Baranetsky, Kathaleen Deitrick, Gordon III Haist, Ronald Jr. Saskowski, Amber Teufel, Brenda Wurster, Fred Ciesielski, John Sr. Napierala, Brian Ruppert, Lindsay Rieger, Manfred Saskowski, Victoria Limpert, Alivialyn Michael, Eric 3/12 3/13 3/13 3/14 3/14 3/15 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/18 3/18 3/18 3/20 3/20 3/21 3/21 Taylor, Linda Taylor, Michael Bethin, Suzanne Capozzi, Alan Heidrick, Winifred Baranetsky, James Kasprzyk, Chester Lerch, Ardys Grant, Ellen Male, David Monroe, Audrey DiGiacomo, Joseph Welker, Luke Saskowski, Linda Karcher, Dale Michael, Lisa Reisch, Tammy Wolf, Carson 3/21 3/21 3/22 3/22 3/23 3/24 3/24 3/24 3/25 3/25 3/26 3/27 3/27 3/28 3/29 3/29 3/29 3/30 U.S. Postage S t. L u k e Lu th e r an Ch u r ch PAID 900 Maryvale Drive Cheektowaga, NY 14225 Non-Profit Org. Permit #644 Phone: 716-633-6752 Fax: 716-635-0718 Email: [email protected] Buffalo, NY Address Service Requested Time Greeters March 6 March 13 March 20 March 24 March 27 Maundy Thurs 9:00 Linda Rowe Diane Michael Palm Sunday Allan & Arlene Riemer 11:00 9:00 Ed Loeffler Fern Suckow Louise Mallon Bill Dahlke Karen DiPaolo Dee Grzyb Easter Sunday Chuck & Betty Walters 8:30am Marg Albert Fern Suckow 11:00 9:00 Soul Celebration Marg Albert Sue Bethin Soul Celebration Kathy Brogan 8:30am Dee Grzyb Kim Spence Lector Comm. Asst. Worship Asst. 7:30pm 11:00 9:00 Tom Kuhn Allan Riemer 11:00 Soul Celebration Susan Garofaro Soul Celebration 5:00 Wally Grzyb Manfred Rieger 9:00 3/5 Tom 3/12 Ron Connor Kuhn Craig Macoanghy John & Linda Bruso Susan Garofaro Linda Rowe Riemer Craig Maconaghy Ken Knoll WallyGrzyb Ken Knoll Cinde Gross & Dick Lerch Don Eggert & Nicki Tober Rich Taylor & Phil & Sherry Horn 11:00 Counter Altar care 8:30am Ed Loeffler Karen Baglio Jeanne Miller Ron Connor Elder Trustee Nancy Errett Tom Kuhn 7:30pm 8:30am Wally Grzyb Tom Kuhn Karen Baglio David Male 3/19 Allan 7:30pm 3/26 Karen Baglio Connie Williams Karen Baglio