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this link - Read Aloud Delaware
B Talking Toddlers Toddler Intermediate, 2 Hours (EC) Dara Allgeier, Speech-Language Pathologist, Bayada Pediatrics Participants will be provided with an overview of language development skills, enrichment strategies and reasons to refer for an evaluation. R Friends with Feelings: Puppet-talking with Young Children Preschool Community, 1 Hour (SE) Emily Green-Cain, Curriculum Coordinator, Nashville Public Library Combining a classroom puppet friend with a book about feelings leads to great conversations! Discover how to address social emotional learning and build language at the same time. C Navigating Through the Screen Time Trap Preschool Community, 1 Hour (EC) Lindsay Gigous, ECE & Elementary Education Instructor, DTCC Get ideas and discuss questions about engaging young children with technology and avoiding passive screen time. S Increasing Emotional Literacy Preschool Community, 1 Hour (SE) Jessica Whisler, LCSW & Stav Bennett, LPCMH, Mental Health Consultants Learn the benefits of emotional competence in preschoolers and practical ways to teach emotions in the classrooms. Learning Language through Play and Music Toddler Community, 1 Hour (EC) Amber Money, Founder of My Little Linguist Learn ways you can support language development through an interactive Spanish class. T Fun with Birds Preschool Introductory, 1 Hour (EC) Pam Rhea, Retired Preschool Teacher Discover different and interesting ways to learn about birds using all five senses. First Steps to Spending, Saving and Sharing Preschool Community, 1 Hour (EC) Shay Frisby & Dalila Blanchard, $tand by Me This session, designed by the Sesame Street Workshop, provides caregivers and educators with strategies and resources to introduce spending, saving and sharing. U One Book, Many Big Ideas Preschool through First Grade Introductory, 2 Hours (EC) Lynelle Hyland, Teacher, Georgetown Elementary Learn how to look for the “big Ideas“ in books that are relevant to mathematics, social studies and science. Music for Little Ones Infant & Toddler Community, 1 Hour (EC) Diane Delaney, Ph.D., Music Teacher, St. Michael's School & Nursery A workshop combining activities for music and literacy for infants and toddlers. V Sea Shells and the Sea Shore Preschool Introductory, 1 Hour (EC) Donna Satterlee, Assistant Professor, UMES Sea shells and the sea shore systems will be scrutinized. Seekers will survey several shells and systematically sequence and segregate by size and species. W Itching for a Scratch: Computational Thinking to Build Literacy Skills Kindergarten Community, 2 Hours (EC) Diallo Sessoms, Associate Chair, Teacher Education, Salisbury University Learn how to use Scratch Jr., a tool designed to help early learners develop programming skills. X Little Hands Signing in the Classroom All Ages Community, 3 Hours (EC) Kathy MacMillan, Author & Storyteller Hands-on techniques for using American Sign Language with all children to support literacy, enhance communication, ease transitions and meet curriculum goals will be presented. Y Storybook STEM Preschool Introductory, 3 Hours (EC) Dionne Patterson, Assistant Program Manager, Parents as Teachers Come on a storybook adventure that explores hands-on ways to incorporate STEM into the classroom. D E F G H All My Different Friends at School Preschool Community, 1 Hour (FC) Shelby Niezgoda & Wendy Strauss, Governor's Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens Want a fun and interactive way to introduce disabilities to your children? View GACEC's new book and accompanying curriculum to help overcome this sometimes difficult subject. The Art of Storytelling Toddler through Kindergarten Community, 2 Hours (EC) Saralyn Rosenfield & Amelia Wiggins, Delaware Art Museum Educators will present creative methods and programs that engage the imaginations of children and adults through art and storytelling. I Literature + Science and Arts = STEAM Dream Team Preschool & Kindergarten Community, 2 Hours (EC) Stacey Sangtinette & Lois Lamond, Delaware Museum of Natural History Ignite your classroom with STEAM lessons in Science and Arts from the PNC Grow Up Great Lesson Center website, featuring inquiry-based lessons with literature connections. J Fractured Fairy Tales: A Vehicle for Introducing Critical Literacy First Grade Community, 1 Hour (EC) Laura Cutler, Curriculum & Assessment Program Coordinator, Delaware Stars Explore the use of fractured fairy tales to introduce children to critical literacy—the practice of reflectively reading texts to better understand bias, perspective and power. K Invention Adventures: Creating Science Stories Preschool Community, 2 Hours (EC) Akil Rahim, Owner/Chief Learning Officer, AC Learning Design Studios In the spirit of George Washington Carver, this hands-on workshop engages participants in discovering, investigating, simulating and creating opportunities for STEAM InVenTures. L Books in Motion: Connecting Preschoolers with Books through Movement Preschool Community, 2 Hours (EC) Julie Dietzel-Glair, Freelance Writer & Library Consultant Do you want to jump, sing, dance and draw with preschoolers while reading books to them? This interactive program will have participants up and moving with books and ideas. M N O P There's a World of STEM Around Here! Infant through Pre-K Community, 2 Hours (EC) Cynthia LaRock, Youth Director, YWCA Delaware Explore the concepts and practicalities of immersing children in the world of STEM education! Absolutely Awesome! New Books You Can't Wait to Read! Preschool Community, 1 Hour (EC) Hilary Welliver, Kent County Division of Libraries & Bethany Geleskie, Goldey-Beacom College Part book talk, part review, with a little storytelling thrown in—the dynamic duo share books with great kid appeal. Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My! Infant through Kindergarten Community, 2 Hours (EC) Michelle Spencer, Technical Assistant, Delaware Stars Have you wondered what books you should have in your library? This training will look at the variety of books that should be accessible to children as per the ERS tools. You Can Do It, Just Stick To It! Kindergarten Community, 1 Hour (EC) Judi Folmsbee, Author & Speaker This exciting, hands-on workshop revolves around the interesting life of the North American Beaver. Q Planting Seeds in the Garden PreK - First Grade Community, 1 Hour (EC) Susan Tolbert, Teacher Naturalist, Abbott's Mill Nature Center Learn all about seeds and set up an experiment to demonstrate to children the growth of various seeds. Read Aloud Delaware 2016 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Z Learning Life Skills Through Literacy Toddler through Kindergarten Community, 3 Hours (SE) Marcy Witherspoon, Social Work Consultant Use books and storytelling to teach the life lessons we want children to learn -- those lessons that will build emotional intelligence, curiosity, imagination and grit. Registration Form Please Print REGISTER ONLINE AT or RETURN COMPLETED FORM with non-refundable conference fee, by MAIL: Read Aloud Delaware, 9 East Loockerman Street, Suite 203 • Dover, DE 19901 OR FAX: 302.677.1526. Faxed registrations must include credit card payment. Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________ State: ________ Zip: ________________ Employer: ______________________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone: ( ) _________________ E-mail : __________________________________ WORKSHOP PREFERENCES Workshop choices are given on a first come, first serve basis. Choose 6 workshops and list them below in order of preference. Those not indicating preference will be assigned workshops. 1 ______ 2 _______ 3 _______ 4 _______ 5 _______ 6 ______ F E E / PAY M E N T REGISTER EARLY! Registration fees are non-refundable and substitutions are permitted if you are unable to attend. $55 Registration $50 Group Rate Registration $65 Late Registration (5 or more) Check Credit Card (circle one): (Postmarked after 2/17/2016) VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER Name on card: _________________________________________________________________ Account #: ___________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________________ FREE PARK & RIDE FREE Coach Bus Transportation will be offered on Saturday, March 12. Check box to reserve a seat on the free Sussex Coach Bus. ? Kent: 302.674.4423, New Castle: 302.656.5256, Sussex: 302.856.2527 Email: [email protected] • Saturday, March 12, 2016 • Middletown High School Read Aloud Delaware 100 West 10th Street, Suite 309 Wilmington, DE 19801 Return Service Requested RHYMES ABCs P H O N IC S Planting the Seeds of Literacy Denise Fleming KEYNOTE PAID Wilmington, DE Permit No. 347 Read Aloud Delaware’s 30th Annual Conference Saturday, March 12, 2016 Exciting educational workshops designed for early childhood educators including childcare providers, teachers, librarians, parents and RAD volunteers. You wanted online registration and now you’ve got it! TIME: Registration: 7:45 am – 8:30 am & Conference: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage 2016 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Read Aloud Delaware CO N FE R E N C E SPO N SO R S: Acorn Bookstore • Bethany Beach Books • IHOP Restaurants Kaplan Early Learning Company • Kids Cottage • Merrill Lynch Signs By Tomorrow • Village Improvement Association of Rehoboth Beach F E ATUR E D SPE A K E R : D EN IS E F L EMI N G Denise Fleming is the award-winning author and illustrator of many well-known children's books including In the Tall, Tall Grass and In the Small, Small Pond, which received a Caldecott Honor and her most recent book Go! Shapes Go!. As a young girl, Denise used to spend hours in her father's workshop cutting, gluing, carving and building things. Today, she spends many hours in her own workshop studio, cutting, gluing and creating her picture books. Denise's love of language is apparent in her writing which combines rhythm, rhyme and lots of verbs. Her books get kids laughing and loving reading. Learn more about Denise and her books by visitng: WORKSHOP SELECTIONS FEE: $55 ($50 group rate) until February 17, 2016, $65 after deadline Your $55 registration fee includes continentaL breakfast and box lunch. Door prizes will be awarded. A selection of Denise Fleming’s books will be available for purchase. CREDIT: • 6 clock hours for teachers and school librarians (evaluation required). • Hourly training credit for childcare providers: 6 hours. • Public library staff: See your library for professional credit. LO CATIO N: Choose 6 workshops and enter the workshop letter on the registration form in order of preference. Depending on the workshops chosen you will be assigned 2 – 4 of your choices (totaling 4 hours). Your schedule will be provided at registration. In order to receive quality assured training hours, you must have an updated profile in the DIEEC Registry. You can create or update your profile at 1 Middletown High School, 120 Silverlake Road, Middletown, DE 19709 PARK & RIDE! FREE Coach Bus Transportation will be offered from Sussex County on Saturday, March 12. Check the box on registration form to reserve a seat. SC Bus Stop #1: Departs at 6:15 am from the parking lot of Seaford Walmart. 2 SC Bus Stop #2: Departs at 6:45 am from the parking lot of the Georgetown Delaware Technical and Community College Campus. SC Bus Stop #3: Departs at 7:15 am from the parking lot of Milford Peebles. Directions from the north/south: Take DE Route 1 to exit #136 Middletown / Odessa. At end of off ramp, follow signs for 299 West – Middletown. Go approximately 1 mile, turn left onto Silverlake Road Go approx. 350’. Turn left into driveway, follow signs to parking lot. Rhyme, Rhythm, Rattle and Roll Any Age Community, 1 Hour (EC) Denise Fleming, Keynote Speaker, Author & Illustrator Alliteration, onomatopoeia and verbs come together to create picture books that make young children want to move. Participants will shiver, shake, dart and dip to picture books. We Are All Storytellers Any Age Community, 1 Hour (EC) Clem Bowen, Storyteller & Musician This fun, funny, highly participatory workshop will enhance your use of stories, music and movement in the classroom. A Read Aloud Delaware 2016 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Building School Readiness Skills Using Nursery Rhymes Infant & Toddler Community, 3 Hours (SE) Betsy Diamant-Cohen, Executive Director, Mother Goose on the Loose Develop self-esteem, self-regulation, language and math skills using nursery rhymes. Learn to also strengthen executive functions via the WHOLE child’s healthy development. Read Aloud Delaware 2016 ANNUAL CONFERENCE