- Milcobel
- Milcobel
q u s a e flexibility l r i v involvement t i y c e service involvement quality flexibility annual report 2011 Content The Milcobel Group in 2011 5 • 1 Cooperative news 9 Key figures 2011 11 Milcobel annual report 2011 Foreword3 Industrial products and third-country export13 Consumer cheese and butter 17 Consumer milk and functional drinks 19 Ice cream 21 Cheese packaging and distribution 23 Who is who in Milcobel 2011? 24 Financial report 25 Credits45 Quality As a cooperative, we choose to personally participate in market events because market access is, after all, the key to our own future. In addition to the craftsmanship and passion of the dairy farmers, this key to the future of our member farms lies, to an important extent, in the excellence with which the companies of the Milcobel Group manage and utilise the milk from member farms and in the strength of the market positions that are developed. The strong tie and interaction between member farms and the cooperative company also makes us sounder as a sector because we combine forces to face challenges. To integrate vertically in the market, with the farm as the departure point, is a stronger model than to bundle the milk horizontally in a producers’ organisation. The first demands more commitment, daring and entrepreneurship, the second makes sense but could also perhaps be based on overestimated expectations caused by European institutions. The pursuit of industrial and commercial excellence to reach a good competitive milk price continues to be a challenge for all management and employee levels. After all, there is room for improvement in everything, and this was no different in 2011. For example, we experienced growing pains in the speedy evolution of our brand cheeses where it was difficult for production to follow market demand. Now that the factory in Moorslede is operational, we are ready to continue developing outside our country’s borders with our Belgian Brugge and beer cheeses. Our cheese packaging and distribution units are also growing beyond our country borders. Taking over SherlockCheese in Nieuw Vennep (the Netherlands) illustrates this. Ysco was able to strengthen its market position as producer of brands for large retailers and the catering sectors in a European cream and consumer ice cream sector that is experiencing a total evolution. However, a good summer is still an important condition to achieve a good result. The liquid dairy market and, by extension, the entire European dairy market, are under pressure. At Inza, the challenge is, under own management or as co-packer, to find the right mix of own milk drinks and functional food to achieve sustainable yields by using our knowledge and technology. Important products for the ingredient markets inside and outside Europe, such as milk powders and mozzarella cheeses, are the cornerstones for our milk price. In 2011, a great deal of attention was afforded to the continued expansion and development of these operations, in addition to daily care for quality and efficiency. The plans significantly determine the investments laid down in the “Milcobel 2020” plan for the following years. The departure point to consider Milcobel’s future is the importance of the member farms. In our country and, by extension, in our entire working area, our members and the sector are best served with a cooperative dairy group managed from Belgium. After good deliberations with members, the board and management, it was decided that “Milcobel 2020” would be pursued on own strength. Confidence and belief in one’s own “ability to do even better” is the driving force. It is also to this end that the members are strengthening the group’s assets by making an additional capital contribution of EUR 1.00 per 100 litres. Employees are facing this challenge enthusiastically, each in his or her field, each in his or her company, characterised only by an ever-increasing improved quality care in product and trade, which is characterised by flexibility and service for the sake of the customers and great involvement in developing the Milcobel Group as local player targeting a global market. Guido Veys Chairman Milcobel annual report 2011 The massive resistance by the Arab citizens against their regimes and the call for more democracy and economic equality dominated 2011. Together with the bad financial and economic situation in large parts of the euro area and the longest time ever to form a government in our own country, this was the framework within which we, as a dairy cooperative, were compelled to operate. In contrast to many other agricultural and horticultural markets, the dairy markets remained rather stable at what was a viable level for dairy farming in this turbulent environment. Prices became more pressurised towards the end of the year and we did not escape the consequences of a spluttering global economy. • 3 Foreword Flexibility & Service The Milcobel Group in 2011 After the past volatile years, 2011 passed remarkably calmly for the dairy market. Prices remained rather stable. Valorisations in powder and cheese ran almost parallel. It was a striking fact that butter and cream prices remained high. Consumption milk prices continued to lag behind for the second year running. This sector continued to be a difficult market. Prominent events such as the Arab Spring or the tsunami with the pursuant nuclear disaster in Japan barely influenced the dairy market. The market experienced no problems whatsoever in absorbing increased milk production. It was only towards the end of the year that the market weakened under the influence of the financial crisis and its pursuant economic pessimism. Spending on consumer goods diminished, particularly in Europe, which is the largest dairy market in the world. While the purchases during the first six months still kept up with those of the previous year, consumers kept a tight rein on their spending during the last quarter. At the same time, there was a clearly noticeable shift to cheaper products, also in the dairy sector. Within this scope, it is gratifying to see that Milcobel Group brand products evolved or at least stood their ground. 2011 provided dairy farmers with the confirmation of the improvement that had started in 2010. The scenarios that were created in 2010 to be able to meet the cooperative decision of following member development in the post-quota era were converted into a strategic “Milcobel 2020” plan. In the years to come, Milcobel will continue to be a versatile dairy group, operating on various markets with various products. The various components of the Milcobel Group will strengthen their market positions in the years to come. At the same time, an ambitious investment programme is ready to keep the factories up to date and to provide the necessary capacity to be able to valorise all the members’ milk. The new cheese factory in Moorslede will be put into operation in April 2012 and the factory in Gierle will then be closed. The next site, i.e. the expansion of the cheese factory with a new mozzarella line in Langemark, is in the pipeline. This project will provide valorisation of extra milk into cheese. Milk powder production facilities will be renovated and further concentrated in Kallo. Results of the subsidiaries In 2011, too, the industrial products and export to third countries departments (Belgomilk, Kempico and Kemfoods) were able to contribute positively to the company result. Butter prices, in particular, supported this. Both industrial cheese and milk powder could yield more than the average Milcobel milk price. The consumer cheese and butter departments (Belgomilk and Kempico) experienced a transitional year and yielded a weaker result. There was a conscious decision not to charge the higher milk price in the brand-product rates. Preparations to start the new cheese factory in Moorslede brought about a twofold cost: occupation was structured with a view to doubling production by taking over the Gierle factory production operations while these continued working on near-full occupation. The Brugge cheeses again increased by multiple percentage points. A number of other brands and concepts experienced more difficult times because the market for the better cheeses decreased due to the decline in consumer confidence pursuant to the financial crisis. This different development goes to prove the strength of the Brugge brand even more. Belgomilk’s consumer butter was also able to maintain its position on the foreign market, thanks to the Nazareth and Dixmuda brands. As specialist of long-life consumption milk and milk drinks, 2011 was again a difficult year for Inza. The consumption milk market continued its negative result and could not keep up with the other products. Inza therefore once again contributed negatively to the group result, which did, however, show an improvement during the second half of the year. Inza secured new co-packing contracts for the next few years. In the Netherlands, Yogho!Yogho! will be re-launched with new recipes and packaging. This renovation will once again afford Yogho!Yogho! the position it deserves. Choco!Choco established itself on the Belgian market. The Ysco result suffered under the price cut. At the end of 2010, when the contracts for the 2011 season had been concluded, the market did not allow for adequate price increases to accommodate the increased prices of raw materials. Only a good summer could have kept Ysco out of the red. That good summer did not materialise; quite the contrary. The good autumn of 2011 was still not able to limit the loss. Cheese packaging and distribution by Kaasimport Jan Dupont and Camal registered a turnover increase, despite the difficult context. The result correctly contributed towards the group result Group Results More milk processed once again In 2011, the Milcobel Group processed over 1% more milk than the year before. This rise comes from increased milk supply by member farms that make ample use of the annual Milcobel Group consolidated turnover rose by 8% to EUR 885 million in 2011. Increased operations and price increases caused the increase in turnover. Powder and cheese strongly contributed to the group result and milk price. Other operations did not score • 5 2011 was a calm dairy year quota expansion of 1%. The balance of sales and purchases with other industrialists fell, with the result that the group processed 3% more milk in its dairy factories and the total processing amounted to 1,082 billion litres in 2011. Milcobel annual report 2011 In 2011, Milcobel continued to pave the way to sustainably realise its objectives for its members. Milcobel has given itself the goal of guaranteeing its member dairy farmers a sustainable sales volume of milk at a fair price. Milcobel wants to do this based on industrial and commercial activities and with clear concern for its members. 2015, the end of the milk quotas, is fast approaching. Then, too, Milcobel will be prepared to realise its commitment towards its members. Milcobel regards itself as a cluster of fine upstanding SMEs that can quickly adjust and respond to the changes and opportunities of the markets in which they operate. The various Milcobel Group departments are linked to one another by way of an uncomplicated structure and common values. These values are quality (a taste you can trust), service and flexibility (“customerthusiasm”), involvement of and with members, employees and environment. so well. This meant that it was only possible to make a modest milk price supplement of EUR 0.10 per 100 litres. After this milk price supplement in the amount of EUR 1.1 million, the group’s final consolidated result is EUR 4.4 million. The cash flow for the group amounts to EUR 25.2 million. A dividend of 4% will be proposed at the general assembly. The remaining result will reinforce the group’s equity. Milk price The paid milk price rose by 6.4% as compared to 2010. With a fat content of 42.56 grams/ litre and an protein content of 35.12 grams/litre, an average milk price of EUR 34.67 per 100 litres was paid. Converted into standard milk in Belgium (38 g fat and 33.5 g protein per l), the average milk price for members amounted to EUR 32.24 per 100 l or 7% more than in 2010. This means that, save for one year (2007), the milk price is the best is has been in the last 10 years. Milcobel annual report 2011 • 6 Investments Milcobel is maintaining its high investing rhythm. Group investment in fixed assets amounted to EUR 38.4 million in 2011, an increase of EUR 8.6 million. The expansion of the cheese factory in Moorslede absorbed by far the largest part of this amount. Further investments were also made in other Belgomilk dairy factories. Inza took care of 12% of the investments, Ysco paid 7% and Dupont and Camal also 7%. about social issues and human rights. The step towards other issues of socially responsible enterprise is small. Care for the environment is a question of sustainability of the enterprise, society and the environment in which it must prosper. Milcobel is the founder and an active member of the Belgian Global Compact network. A few examples of CSR-initiatives within the Milcobel Group: -Belgomilk and Ysco participate in the West-Flanders Corporate Sustainability Charter through which work is being done to continually improve environmental, social and economic performance. Other branches of the Milcobel Group also follow this initiative. - Milcobel was a participant in and sponsor of the CSR event “Duurzaam Is Gewoon Doen!” (Just Do Sustainable!) in Kortrijk on 31 March 2011. -The Inza, Ysco and Belgomilk factories have joined the Benchmarking Covenant, through which they undertake to belong to world leaders on energy efficiency. Sustainability of the use of packaging and paper is also constantly being optimised. For example, there has been a complete switchover to recycled paper in the Langemark and Kallo branches. -Inza supports the “School zonder pesten” vzw (“Bully-Free School” npo) to prevent bullying at school as part of Inza’s school action. Inza is putting fair trade chocolate milk on the market together with Oxfam. -The Milcobel Group car policy takes CO2 emissions into account. If RMO (“rijdende melk ontvangst” - milk tanker) drivers behave responsibly, they are given a bonus as a reward. - Milcobel cooperates in various projects and inter-professional deliberations on sustainable dairy farming. Prospects Personnel Milcobel wants to be a group where every employee is convinced of the objectives of the group in general and his or her division in particular. In that way each and every person will apply his or her talent with pleasure to achieve these objectives and will also be shown appreciation for this. This is known as involvement by each and every person. The long-term perspectives for dairy products, especially world-wide, are still good. The increasing world population and rising purchasing power in developing countries will raise dairy product consumption. In contrast to last year, the prospects for 2012 are not as rosy in the short term. Dairy product prices are on the decline during the first months of 2012. In particular, the butter price, which was high for a long time, has seriously lost its foothold. The other products will follow. The group continued its policy of open communication and deliberation by way of appropriate official bodies, work groups and safety units. This is all with a view to a good working atmosphere, health and safety at work and continued improvement in the quality of the work delivered and of the final products. In particular, great progress was once again made regarding safety at work. The encouraging policy contributed to drastically diminishing the number of accidents. Might the financial crisis then finally still exert some influence on the dairy markets? Weaker consumer confidence, combined with an increase in supply, results in a buyers’ market. The supermarkets are drawing increasingly more attention to price and are competing with one another in that field, whereby assortment, variety and quality are pushed to the background. The policy statement that the Works Councils had approved within the context of CLA 100 on the corporate alcohol and drug policy (resources policy) in 2010 was converted into a practical policy, which the Works Councils also approved. The biennial CLAs on wage development and labour organisation were concluded during the course of 2011. A plan to allocate non-recurrent result-related benefits for labourers and employees was implemented in application of CLA 90. Finally, the social plan for the employees of Kempico in Gierle was also adapted to the factory’s new closing date. Corporate social responsibility Milcobel pays much attention to corporate social responsibility. This is characteristic of a cooperative enterprise such as Milcobel. The social character and solidarity are ingrained in the origin and nature of cooperatives. It is therefore characteristic that Milcobel is concerned The recent past has taught us that neither pessimism nor exaggerated optimism materialises. The demand for dairy products will increase once again as soon as the economy bounces back and confidence is restored. Dairy products form part of a healthy, balanced diet and, in addition, a tasty cheese, a fresh milk drink or delicious ice cream is most enjoyable. Milcobel has the right products to fulfil these needs and will continue to revamp, improve and offer them to customers by way of an excellent service. Planned investments for the coming years will improve products, service and cost efficiency even more. After the master plan for consumer cheese has been developed, work will be concentrated on implementing the strategy for the industrial products department and export to third countries. Further synergy with Inza will be finalised for the consumer product axis. The Milcobel Group’s management and employees will continue to develop a versatile and sustainable cooperative dairy group. Milcobel’s sustainability is the cornerstone for the sustainability of its members’ dairy farms and the sustainability of employment for its employees. Group structure Members cvba Kempico cvba St. Marie nv Fassbel 50% geie Les From. des Flandres (2) 50% Prodinco nv Kaasimport J. Dupont nv Cheeseline cvba Zuivelindustrie Zandhoven (2) cvba Inza nv Ysco bv Milcobel Ndl sasu Ysco Fr Holding sarl BMF Lait sasu Ysco France nv Bedrijvenpark 7,07% Wingene (2) cvba Milcobel 3F sa Héritage 1466 (1) sa Camal (1) as to asset mutation (2) not included 20% Milcobel annual report 2011 cvba Belgomilk 50% • 7 cvba MILCOBEL Involvement Cooperative news As regards these developments, the number of member farmers fell from 3,296 in 2010 to what was still 3,096 in 2011. That is a remarkably high decrease of -6.1%, which is, in fact, higher than the national average of -4.1%. The decrease in the number of milk producers occurred, in particular, among Belgian members. The number of Dutch and French milk producers, 83 and 45, respectively, is consistent. Possible explanations for the strong decrease in the number of members may be found in the fact that the approaching end date of the milk quotas is encouraging some to still sell their company quota. Furthermore, Milcobel will not allow any influx of new members until further notice. Keeping the cooperative closed remains an element of the strategy chosen for 2015 and beyond. By doing so, Milcobel continues to aim, firstly, to offer possibility and preference to the (additional) milk produced as a consequence of the further development of member farms. This statement also expressly implies that Milcobel will not initiate supply control or production management measures in respect of its members. Development of member farms will naturally continue to be accompanied by the capital obligations related to the quotas and/or milk delivery size. Furthermore, it is almost certain that in the years to come, a sample prognosis will be used in which estimated and anticipated milk deliveries must be reported in advance. In 2011, the milk supply of member farms increased by 1.4% and amounted to a volume of 1,113,812,623 litres. When this is combined with the decrease in the number of milk producers, the average size of a Milcobel member farm now amounts to 359,759 litres. Individual farm growth over the past 4 years amounts to over 20%! Finally, it must be said that more than 91.5% of the milk supply is based on Belgian deliveries. 5.6% comes from member farms in the Netherlands, while the French member farms constitute 2.9% of the milk supply. In 2011, for the 2nd consecutive year, a procedure was once again applied regarding possible appropriation of a milk price supplement for 2010 (= EUR 0.055 per delivered kg fat + protein). Based on a selection of proposed choices and on a voluntary basis, more than 42% of all Milcobel members spent this milk price supplement - partly or in full - on purchasing additional Milcobel shares. Members used a total of 41% of the entire milk price supplement amount to reinforce own membership cooperative equity. This continues to signify members’ great involvement and cooperative commitment. Where previously, in 2010, procedures were implemented for milk deliveries with visible deviations, the focus in 2011 was particularly on favourable germ count situations. Despite the fact that the largest part of the milk supplied encounters no such problems, it did, however, seem as though there was a need for a targeted approach of a limited number of risk situations regarding the dairy farming company-depot trajectory. The following monitoring procedures are implemented as soon as bacterial count results exceed 100,000/ml, both for the dairy farm and the milk collection truckload. As a matter of fact, such increased attention made it possible to solve a number of these types of risks in the short term. As regards the general quality of the milk supplied, the following results were recorded during the course of 2011: • 98% of the supplied milk met the germ count standard of a max. of 50,000/ml; • 94% of the milk had a somatic cell count below 350,000/ml; • 6% of the milk met the count standard for coli bacteria of a max. of 50/ml; • In more than 99% of the milk delivered, it appeared that inhibitor residue could not be shown. On an annual basis, 79.9% of the milk collected in 2011 met the total of all quality standards set by Milcobel. Therefore, this volume was also considered for additional quality premiums. As a matter of fact, in 2011, this additional quality premium was also the subject of a critical evaluation and assessment within the Council of the Cooperative. As regards milk quality in the broader sense, it - even twice - occurred in 2011 that, by way of the sector monitoring system Monimilk, residue from medicines that were either forbidden or which may not be administered to dairy cows was discovered. These incidents emphasise the fact that it makes sense to continue monitoring, that the procedures regarding traceability within the Milcobel milk supply and processing entities are adequately efficient and sound, but that greater watchfulness on the part of milk producers and their accompanying veterinarians regarding this issue is required. This gave rise to a relatively strong awareness-raising campaign within the Milcobel communication structures regarding the need to use appropriate medicines correctly. This is an essential form of food safety risk management. A great deal of attention was also afforded to communication with members and committee members in 2011: besides the magazine for members, communication is increasingly being conducted digitally and by text messaging. To intensify this even further, there has been a proposal to develop an interactive communication system through the Milcobel website in the years to come. This will mean that almost all elements of the relationship between the cooperative and its members will be at one’s fingertips and can be consulted at any moment. • 9 Through its cooperative functioningMilcobel continues to distinguish itself and has transparent structures through which members can be reached for the purposes of providing information, consultation and voicing their opinion. In addition, the member structures have also been adjusted to the further evolutions and developments still be to expected of the dairy farms and the Milcobel members. Constant attention was paid to quality monitoring of the milk deliveries during 2011. This is done in accordance with legal obligations and internal control schemes for the received raw milk. The internal procedures continue to be based on the greatest possible sense of reality and may or may not be adjusted for the purposes of milk processing requirements. Within the Milcobel Group, there is a growing tendency to opt for internal chain deliberation on this matter. This implies that the attention for milk quality falls squarely within the context of cooperation and deliberation between the milk supply, logistics and processing. Milcobel annual report 2011 The restructuring of the member circles and their committees was finalised in 2011. During the statutory annual general meetings of the 9 member circles, the committees were composed once again, either because they were elected or because their appointment was reconfirmed. This allows the cooperative functioning of Milcobel to call upon strong and democratically composed member structures that provide participatory opportunities and create involvement. A total of no fewer than 300 members hold committee responsibility. It is worth mentioning that 97 of these positions are held by “young” members and, also, that 27 are female members. The Council of the Cooperative and the Board of Directors were also adjusted in the additional committee composition of the member circles. Structures COOPERATIVE STRUCTURE Milcobel-members 9 boards of the member circles Milcobel annual report 2011 • 10 statutory general assembly council of the cooperative 5 delegates per member circle 1 1 members of the board of directors GROUP STRUCTURE milk collection - holding & coordination & group services Milcobel cvba Consumer cheese and butter Consumer milk and functional drinks Belgomilk cvba Kempico cvba Ste Marie Zuivel cvba Inza cvba Cheese packaging and distribution Industrial products and export third countrie Kaasimport Jan Dupont nv Camal SA Belgomilk cvba Ice cream Ysco nv Ysco France SAS Key figures Key figures milk flow 2011 20102009 1,113,812,623 1,098,473,243 1,067,098,628 Available total incl. third parties 1,131,500,576 1,116,910,726 1,083,480,552 49,281,594 69,901,889 68,527,451 1,082,218,982 1,047,008,837 1,014,953,101 Total sales Available for transformation • 11 Milk from members’ farms 2011 20102009 Average number of suppliers 3,096 3,296 3,380 1,113,812,623 1,098,473,243 1,067,098,628 Average fat content 42.56 43.00 42.81 Average protein content 35.12 35.24 34.81 Price paid for milk in millions of euro 386.18 358.07 271.06 Euro per litre 0.3467 0.3260 0.2540 Quantity of milk supplied Key figures Milcobel Group (in thousands of euro) Turnover Investments fixed assets Result Capital and reserves Solvability % Average number of employees 2011 Milcobel annual report 2011 Key figures collection of the members 20102009 884,599 819,977755,412 39,973 31,523 29,105 4,399 6,0283,231 106,894 101,885 95,539 26.7 28.0 27.8 1,951 1,9511,962 Industrial products and export to third countries 2011 was characterised by relatively stable dairy market prices. There was a peak at the end of 2010, which continued on through to the beginning of 2011. Prices then started levelling out until they reached a rather stable level, albeit with a slight downward trend towards the end of the year. In addition, dairy markets reacted with remarkable resistance to the sometimes turbulent developments in the world during 2011, such as the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, the Arab Spring, the on-going financial crisis in the EU and the political indecision in the USA, each of which caused a delay in global economic growth. The increased world-wide milk production (in Oceania, the USA and the EU) and the fact that the increase in import into China was lower than expected also only had a limited effect on the market prices in 2011. At the beginning of 2011, the weakening exchange rate between the dollar and the euro made export from Europe difficult. Towards the end of the year, the dollar strengthened in respect of the euro, which made export from Europe relatively easier. market price, peaked during the third quarter of 2011. There was a correction towards the end of the year, however. A large amount of butter from New Zealand arrived on the EU market at the end of 2011. On average, the butter price in 2011 remained 14% above the 2010 price level. Milk powder Whey products During the course of 2011, full-cream milk powder from Europe experienced adverse conditions because prices in the southern hemisphere were considerably lower than in the EU practically all year long. By contrast, the demand for full-cream milk powder on the internal European food market remained high. Towards the end of the year, international market prices started a levelling-out trend. The average market price for full-cream milk powder in Europe was approximately 12% higher than in the previous year. A strong demand for whey products, particularly by Southeast Asia (China), and with a special demand for applications in baby food, led to strongly increasing market prices. This then specifically concerns whey powder, lactose, whey-protein concentrates (WPCs), whey-protein isolate (WPI), demineralised whey powder and whey permeate. This caused the market price for whey powder to rise by an average of 25% in 2011 as compared to that of 2010. Incolac (full-cream milk powder) experienced strong double-figure turnover growth in 2011. This was due, partly, to a strong performance on the part of the Incolac core markets and to entering promising new markets. Baby food The price of skimmed-milk powder from the EU was competitive on the world market in 2011. This resulted in a strong demand. Both skimmed-milk production in Europe and export from the EU therefore also displayed a steep rise in 2011. On average, the price of skimmed-milk powder rose by 10% in 2011 in comparison to 2010. In 2011, Belgomilk further expanded its sales of dairy-based ingredients to the food and drinks industries and, in particular, to the chocolate industry. Various new European top customers came to audit the Belgomilk factories in Langemark and Kallo and gave them a positive evaluation. During the course of 2011, Belgomilk launched the Binco brand, which is based on skimmed-milk powder and has vegetable-oil additives. International market demand for Binco was substantial and the first response to the introduction was positive. With this, Belgomilk is also taking a place in the Popularly Priced Products market. Butter The historically high butter prices in the EU, which rose substantially above the world Mozzarella Within the scope of the cooperation with Fasska, baby food continued its positive evolution. Belgomilk also developed its own brand concept, TrueLife, in 2011, which is now ready to be introduced in a number of selected markets. People Belgomilk thanks its success in 2011 first and foremost to the input of the Belgomilk employees.. Great importance is therefore attached to human capital. Employees must be able to identify and further evolve with Belgomilk’s essential values. These are: quality in all operations, innovation and creativity, which lead to constant improvements and new, better solutions, the pursuit of the achievement of excellent operations and results, focus on customers and markets, team cooperation, communication (both internally and externally) and sustainable entrepreneurship with due regard for the authentic characteristics that make Belgomilk what it is. Not least is the priority that is afforded to people’s safety. A staff survey was held in 2011 to gauge employee satisfaction and commitment. The idea was to check how employee commitment could be further encouraged with a view to developing the vision, mission and strategy during the years to come. This survey clearly shows the employees’ confidence and commitment regarding the company’s future. A plan has in the meantime been developed to further reinforce the employees’ commitment during the coming years. Milcobel annual report 2011 In 2011, Belgomilk started using a new packaging installation for the so-called single-loaf mozzarella in Langemark. This packaging is much sought after in the upcoming markets outside Europe. • 13 Both the demand for and price level of mozzarella remained relatively stable in 2011. When compared to 2010, the market price rose by an average of 5%. Research and development As regards research and development, Belgomilk provided a further incentive in 2011. Belgomilk wants to add new properties to the products that increase its distinguishing capacity from the competitors. In particular, this refers to properties related to nutritional value and health as well as to properties according to which consumers assess the products, such as taste, smell and instant properties. Furthermore, Belgomilk is developing new and more specialised ingredients that provide solutions for the industrial customers. In particular, this concerns the functionality that these ingredients have in the customers’ specific applications. Corporate social responsibility Belgomilk consciously opts for CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). This means that it strives to achieve continued sustainable development. For example, by way of its membership in Milcobel, Belgomilk participates in the United Nations Global Compact. This constitutes an explicit expression of the fact that the universally accepted principles of CSR are respected. The factory in Langemark has already been in compliance with a CSR charter for a few years. This charter gives a practical outline of the many efforts made in Langemark to put CSR into practice. The factory in Kallo also developed a CSR charter in 2011. A CSR policy for the whole of Belgomilk was also created in 2011. This policy lists the objectives and operations that Belgomilk will apply in the years to come. This programme includes matters such as operations to again give a new value to water by-product and waste flows as drinking water. During the past years, Belgomilk has also invested in converting heating oil into natural gas and in installing CHP (combined heat and power or cogeneration) systems. These steps have already led to a 29% reduction of the CO2 emission in the factories. Prospects During the course of 2011, Belgomilk outlined its vision, mission and strategy for the next few years, with 2020 as the horizon. The Group Management and the Board of Directors approved the business plan in October. According to this plan, Belgomilk will continue its development as based on the following three cornerstones. Belgomilk will then also target specialised dairy-based ingredients for the food and drinks industries. This concerns the industrial B2B customers. Markets for these products lie mainly in Europe, although there are increasingly more opportunities outside Europe. Solution- and service-oriented work for these customers and providing technical back-up play a crucial role in this. The Belgomilk factory in Langemark is specialised in this. The third focus envisages targeted cost leadership in producing mozzarella for the pizza restaurant and pizza industry segments and for instant full-cream milk powder for international co-packers. This, too, is B2B, where offering solutions and service to industrial customers play an important role. It is also essential to offer high and consistent quality. Belgomilk Langemark focuses on mozzarella and Belgomilk Kallo on instant fullcream milk powder. The strong increase in the cheese production in the Milcobel factories at Langemark and Moorslede has caused Belgomilk to have larger amounts of whey available. Belgomilk has made a thorough study of current market trends and the newest technologies to be able to provide a better service to the market. Belgomilk’s first target is internal use of whey products within the Milcobel Group (Ysco, Kallo and Inza). Because of increased whey production, whey products, there will be a larger supply to customers outside the Group. Belgomilk hereby declares that it is open to cooperation with external parties to produce and commercialise whey products. Belgomilk has processed a significantly increasing amount of delivered milk during the past few years. The investment plan that has been developed provides for an additional capacity to be able to process the increasing milk delivery with a return on investment, also during the next few years, and to find its way to the market with interesting dairy products. Belgomilk’s continued development will depend on the use of modern technology. The new ERP system will be implemented by the end of 2014. This will enable business processes to be monitored better and to be run more efficiently. In October, the Board of Directors also approved the investment plan for the Belgomilk factories, which forms part of the new business plan and is attached to it. The idea is to continue to develop these factories into state-of-the-art factories that will be among the largest and best in Europe in the years to come. The mozzarella factory in Langemark will be greatly expanded. Two spray drier towers, one in Kallo and one in Langemark, will be replaced by one large spray drier in Kallo. Installing a new spray drier in Kallo will be accompanied by a thorough factory reorganisation with increased spray-drying capacity. Not only does the investment plan ensure the continued development of Belgomilk’s state-of-the-art production operations, it also guarantees the supply of the highest quality products, produced in the most efficient manner (cost price leadership). With this, Belgomilk is also taking the initiative towards important new job opportunities in its factories. • 15 Every year, the quality systems at Belgomilk are subjected to an audit by bodies such as the BRC (British Retail Consortium) and AFS (Assured Food Standards). Once again in 2011, these audits yielded positive results. Furthermore, a considerable number of householdname customers also audited the factories in 2011. Quality plays an extremely important role in Belgomilk’s development. It goes without saying that food safety occupies first place in this respect. Belgomilk is constantly improving the organisation of its production environments according to the newest perceptions of integral management of pathogenic micro-organisms. Furthermore, attention is afforded to parameters that consumers use to judge products, such as taste, aroma and instant properties. The aim is to offer consistent high quality which scores better. It is against this backdrop that Belgomilk Kallo started using a new installation to gas milk powder within a protective atmosphere. The first relates to international consumer market brand development. This concerns milk powders, growth-stimulatory milk, baby food and other high-quality dairy-based products. Nutritional aspects and health are continuously becoming more important. The brand portfolio consists of Incolac (milk powder), Binco (based on skimmed-milk powder with added vegetable oil) and TrueLife (baby food). These products are found especially in the product expertise of the Belgomilk Kallo factory. Milcobel annual report 2011 Quality Consumer cheese and butter Brugge cheese is the absolute market leader in the Belgian cheese category. A number of new developments in own brand pre-packaged cheese and in cheese based on Belgomilk raw materials were also realised in cooperation with the packaging department of the associate company Kaasimport Jan Dupont. In this regard, niches were especially sought in distinctive cheese specialities in the sliced and semi-soft cheese segments. The successful launch of the Brugge brand in consumer butter has also confirmed the brand’s strength and name awareness. Starting up operations of the new maturing and brining systems at the end of 2011 has provided the starting shot for the final trajectory in the expansion of the cheese factory in Moorslede. Further parts will be activated in the first quarter of 2012, so that the transfer of the production site in Gierle will be completed by the end of 2012. This spectacular growth pattern naturally means that the cheese factories are largely filled, so that maximum capacity limits are being reached. That is why there was a decision to cut down on the scheduled media campaigns during the second half of 2011. As soon as the additional capacity becomes available (mid-2012), further growth will be targeted anew and communication will be increased once again. This important step is a milestone in the cheese master plan of the Group’s consumer cheese department. The new production lines will make it possible to support the commercial development in a high-quality manner that yields even better performance. • 17 In the light of these circumstances, one can therefore refer to the strong growth of the “Brugge kaas” brand as an excellent achievement. It was possible to continue the steady growth in both the traditional and retail channels. This was backed up by increased name awareness and improved level of distribution, which meant that historically high sales volumes were realised. “Brugge Oud”, in particular, was able to further pursue its dominant position in its particular segment, although other variants, such as “Brugge Blomme” and “Brugge Goud” are also able to show good growth figures. In particular, “Brugge Kaas” is therefore also the engine behind the hard and semi-hard cheeses on the shelves. The effect of the economic crisis can indeed be felt very strongly in a number of export markets and expected development has clearly been checked. Yet, a number of new destinations could still be added to the international development of the Brugge cheeses. Further investments in new distribution channels will put the Belgian cheese category on the global map. Milcobel annual report 2011 Own brands seriously thwarted the development of the many A brands in the dairy sectors in our neighbouring countries in 2011. This is also the general trend in Belgium. Consumption milk and functional drinks Traditionally, Inza is well represented in all important distribution channels, either with products of its own brand, products of a third party with a premium brand or with a private label. More than half of the total production is exported, both inside and outside Europe. Wholesale, dairy wholesale and collectivities such as schools and industrial kitchens are the traditionally important customers. Inza also works in the out-of-home market segment. A positive change is expected to occur in 2012, due to a further shift to more specialised products in the range. The intention is to thus reduce dependence on the highly volatile raw materials and consumption milk markets. Important investments in infrastructure and processing equipment are anticipated to significantly expand the volume of products with higher added value. Work on developing the Choco!Choco and Yogho!Yogho! brands will also continue in 2012. Yogho!Yogho! will be re-launched and re-positioned with new recipes and packaging. This will be accompanied with the necessary marketing efforts for further support. Furthermore, particular attention will be afforded to continued intensive cost savings and to improving return on investment. 2011 was once again a difficult year for consumption milk Challenges As was the case in 2010, the margins and yields of the consumption milk operations remained under pressure during the course of 2011. This was mainly the result of the relatively strong increase in the cost of raw materials such as milk, sugar and cacao. There was also a steep rise in price of polyethylene packaging materials. These cost increases could not or not sufficiently be charged in the sales prices. Consumption milk prices continued to lag behind milk powder, cheese, butter fat and whey price developments. Due to the scale, Inza is obliged to constantly expand the share of products with higher additional value and to flexibly tap into the market circumstances that are increasingly changing ever more rapidly. In this way dependence on the relatively large price fluctuations for private label consumption milk has diminished. In addition, company operations have fallen, through which the volume sold fell by approximately 8%. This can be ascribed largely to the termination of a few contracts with low margins. Investment in 2011 was made mainly in further intensive process automation and in a number of energy-saving projects. The latter resulted in a fall in the consumption of natural gas, electricity and/or compressed air. As far as this is concerned, innovation through research and development, not only on new products, but also on processes, takes centre stage. In addition, increasing attention will be paid to milk and milk drinks export outside Europe under the brand name of Incolac. This brand has already built up a strong position in certain countries in Africa and the Middle East and the intention is to make optimum use of that to market milk and milk drinks. This is why important growth could already be established in 2011 as compared to the previous year. There is also an aim to develop cooperation further with strategic partners for specialist products. This must result in the sustainable development of operations, with due consideration for all stakeholders. In 2012, an important step in this regard will be taken in the right direction by expanding our operations. • 19 Research and development, targeted investments, a comprehensive quality policy supported by IFS, ACS and GMP certificates, together with experienced and dedicated employees, guarantee contemporary production apparatus and a broad range of quality products. Prospects for 2012 Milcobel annual report 2011 Inza is the Milcobel Group’s consumption milk division. Inza is increasingly orienting itself towards producing and commercialising functional drinks and developing the product range under its own brands. Ice cream Beautiful spring - dramatic summer The private label share of the brand portfolio continued to rise for the eleventh year running and now already constitutes 90% of the total volume. Co-packing - producing under other producers’ brands - fell to 1.7%. Sales of own Ysco brands continued to fall and now amount to only 8% of the total volume. The most important causes of this are the substitution of the Ysco brand by the private label for certain customers and Ysco’s strategic focus on the private label. Figures also show that the retail segment is worth over 93% of total Ysco sales; the food service share remained stable, but currently amounts to barely 5% of the total volume. The largest product group for Ysco, i.e. cones, again rose by almost 7%. This product group is now worth over 35% of the total volume. Ysco therefore rightfully promotes itself as European market leader. Scoop ice cream also grew strongly in 2011: as much as an additional 3 million litres were sold. This increase was achieved through the incentive of the “premium 900 ml ice cream”. The share of scoop ice cream in the total package now amounts to 31%. Jumbo sales experienced a slight increase of one million litres and stabilised at approximately 20% of the total volume. All other product groups had to contend with a slight fall. Choco sticks are now good for over 6% of the volume share. Cakes and goblets still reached a share of 2% and sorbets remained stable at 1% of the A very difficult year As a private-label manufacturer, Ysco finds itself on an extremely competitive market, where overheads must be reduced to a strict minimum. From that point of view, Ysco has made great efforts during the past few years by closing Oosterhout, selling Frigécrème, reducing logistics costs by centralising the stock at PLE Ieper and, as of 2011, also at PLE Argentan. In addition, production yields in Langemark and Argentan were high. Argentan, in particular, showed a strong improvement. There were therefore definitely adequate foundations to achieve good results, but the rise in raw material prices seriously ruined the good news. Where these raw materials were initially rather low in the beginning of the 2010 season, they rose steeply in the second half of 2010. A part of the increases was naturally charged to the customers during the contract discussions in the autumn of 2010, but no-one could suspect that certain raw materials would increase to the historically high level after these annual contracts had been concluded. The heaviest punch came from coconut fat, which is an ingredient used to produce consumer ice cream and which practically tripled in price. Others that increased sharply were dairy, packaging, flavourings and sugar. Ysco’s objective in 2011 was to enter a positive result again after the two record years of 2010 and 2009. During the previous year, Ysco had warned about raw material volatility. Unfortunately, this was confirmed, but despite the less favourable result in 2011, building on the foundations continued so that a positive result will once again be registered in the years to come. 2012, sunshine after the rain Most annual contracts with the supermarket chains for 2012 were negotiated in the autumn of 2011. Ysco succeeded in enforcing price increases for these new contracts, which will naturally positively influence the result. Besides these price increases, there is also a stable tendency for most of the raw materials. In the light of the fact that the lion’s share of the production plants’ operations takes place during the first half of the year, this should also have a positive effect on the result. In addition, it is also extremely positive that Ysco was able to conclude a substantial number of additional contracts with various retailers for 2012, so that it will almost definitely be possible to enter a good volume profit yet again in 2012. • 21 On the French market, Ysco recorded a slight profit after many years of loss and France still remains Ysco’s largest market with a volume share of 23%. On its second market, the Netherlands, Ysco achieved a growth of over one million litres and reached its highest level ever. The Netherlands market now constitutes 18% of the sales. However, the sales in the United Kingdom rose steeply and increased by more than 16% above those of 2010, which can be ascribed largely to the growth of the Morrisons supermarket chain. This makes the United Kingdom the third market for Ysco, with a share of 13%. Other large increases were recorded in Belux and export countries outside Europe. The increase in Belux amounted to 2 million litres and is to be attributed mainly to the new introduction of premium scoop ice cream to the two largest retailers in Belgium. The Belux is worth 10%. Growth outside Europe was mainly on the Australian market. In Scandinavia, there was a first-time volume loss of 5%. This has caused the volume share of Scandinavia to fall to 10%. The other markets, particularly Germany and Spain, experienced a slight decrease and were worth 9% and 8%, respectively, of the total sales volume. volume share. The greatest fall was once again experienced by the boxes of assortments, where the volume was halved yet again and this now amounts to only 0.5%. Milcobel annual report 2011 The first months of 2011 were promising for Ysco: by the end of May, its head start had already risen to 8 million litres. However, the bad summer that followed ruined this terribly, and at the end of August the head start had disappeared completely. Thanks to the beautiful weather in September and structural growth in the following months, Ysco was actually still able to close the year with a profit of 6 million litres, or more than 4% above the 2010 figure. The turnover was 6% higher. Cheese packaging and distribution Link between consumer and producer for the BENELUX The common passion is “cheese in all its aspects”, where there is a clear focus on the premium segment. However, the supply is differentiated and adapted to the needs of every channel whereby - in contrast to some colleagues - the focus is on cheese. The expertise and competence regarding cheese provide both parties with an added value that is translated into mutually yielding turnover growth. In that sense, there is a clear evolution towards real specialisation and supply to other wholesaler distributors (including meat products, dairy and the hospitality industry) and franchise formulas. This focus on The future The year 2011 closed as had been anticipated (slight turnover growth, particularly enhanced by the “premium segment”), but the margins were under pressure due to stronger competition. Consolidation in the sector is continuing, the number of cheese wholesalers, distributors and packers is gradually decreasing and our northern and southern neighbours are actually forming conglomerates. Competition will become even more intense during the years to come. The strong regional implant of Kaasimport Jan Dupont in the north of Belgium, Camal in the south of Belgium and SherlockCheese in the Netherlands will form the basis for proximity. This and the joint input of 300 passionate employees are responsible for this highest level of service to our customers, every single day! • 23 cheese in all forms (bulk and packed) has led to a deep and wide range (1,000 types of cheese and more than 2,000 references) that can be delivered within 24 hours according to the “make to order” principle. To be able to realise this in daily practice, preferential relationships were developed with a team of suppliers of more than 250 cheese products, a number of whom are specialised in raw-milk cheese and/or AOC certification. In order to optimise the delivery route for these smaller producers, platforms (“grouping”) was opted for in France, Italy, Switzerland and Iberia. Milcobel annual report 2011 It is the ambition of the cheese packaging and distribution units to deliver direct or indirect to any shop where cheese is sold, from the cheese specialty business, traditional shop (butcher, caterer and market vendor), convenience store, deli-shop, social and commercial caterer to the retailer - and to do so within the entire Benelux territory. That is the perspective within which one must regard the acquisition by Milcobel cvba of the company of SherlockCheese bv established in Nieuw-Vennep (the Netherlands) in the beginning of January 2012. This company is a specialised distributor of foreign cheeses in the Netherlands and, in its turn, the result of a merger between two renowned cheese wholesalers, i.e. Verbakel & Seggelink bv and Ravoska Kaasimport bv. Together with Kaasimport Jan Dupont in Bruges and Camal in Barchon, Milcobel now has a distribution organisation that covers the entire Benelux, whereby, on the one hand, synergies can be realised and, on the other, adequate proximity to the customer can still be guaranteed. Who is who in Milcobel 2011? Milcobel annual report 2011 • 24 Board of directors (new composition since 21/06/2011) Veys Guido Geelen Jean Wittevrongel Henri Desmet Christian Bruurs Jan Van Laer Luc Coens - De Roo Greet Vermander Geert Wallays Jan D’haemer Kris Peeters Paul Chairman Deputy Chairman, Circle Limburg & Brabant Circle Noord Oost-Vlaanderen Circle Zuid Oost-Vlaanderen Circle Noord-West Antwerpen Circle Kempenland Circle ‘t Brugse Ommeland Circle Westhoek Circle Zuid West-Vlaanderen French-speaking Circle External director Audit committee Wallays Jan Veys Guido Geelen Jean D’haemer Kris Bruurs Jan Statutory auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers Represented by Lozie Filip Managing board Buggenhout PatricCEO Neirynck GeertCFO Van Gelder Luk Industrial products and third-country export Van Hoe Luc Consumer cheese and butter Mottar Jef Consumer milk Huyskens Patrick Cheese packaging and distribution Van Nieuwenborgh Bert Ice cream Financial report A. Annual accounts 1. Consolidated balance sheet after appropriation Milcobel annual report 2011 • 26 ASSETS Codes PERIOD 2011 in € 165,799,176 PERIOD 2010 in € FIXED ASSETS 20/28 147,678,904 Intangible fixed assets 21 7,428,595 6,839,754 Positive consolidation differences 9920 1,721,961 2,131,103 22/27 Tangible fixed assets 22 Land and buildings 23 Plant, machinery and equipment 24 Furniture and vehicles 25 Leasing and other similar rights 26 Other tangible fixed assets 27 Assets under construction and advance payments 155,451,881 37,632,450 82,209,020 5,610,726 2,801,951 204,542 26,993,192 137,569,186 35,864,663 71,794,853 4,779,780 4,021,072 247,303 20,861,515 28 Financial fixed assets 9921 Companies accounted for using the equity method 99211 Participating interests 284/8 Other enterprises 284 Participating interests and shares 285/8 Amounts receivable 1,196,739 1,031,407 1,031,407 165,332 2,790 162,542 1,138,861 999,089 999,089 139,772 2,790 136,982 CURRENT ASSETS 29/58 Amounts receivable after more than one year 29 291 Other amounts receivable 3 Stocks and contracts in progress 30/36 Stocks Raw materials and consumables30/31 33 Finished goods Goods purchased for resale 34 234,332,644 216,321,059 2,207,685 2,207,685 2,499,539 2,499,539 96,264,916 96,264,916 17,756,789 66,828,762 11,679,365 91,678,668 91,678,668 13,702,564 64,552,126 13,423,978 Amounts receivable within one year Trade debtors Other investments and deposits 40/41 40 41 133,183,303 122,387,400 10,795,903 119,645,221 111,915,864 7,729,357 Cash at bank and in hand Deferred charges and accrued income 54/58 490/1 TOTAL ASSETS 20/58 400,131,820363,999,963 1,735,362 1,648,972 941,378 848,659 EQUITY 10/15 Capital Issued capital Uncalled capital Share premium account Consolidated reserves Translation differences Investment grants 10 100 101 11 9910 (+)(-) 9912 (+)(-) 15 MINORITY INTERESTS 9913 16 PROVISIONS, DEFERRED TAXES AND LATENT TAXATION LIABILITIES Provisions for liabilities and charges Pensions and similar obligations Other liabilities and charges Deferred tax and latent taxation liabilities 160/5 160 163/5 168 AMOUNTS PAYABLE 17/49 PERIOD 2011 in € 106,894,698 28,289,249 29,799,817 1,510,568 32 75,918,890 2,731 2,683,796 88,062 PERIOD 2010 in € 101,885,144 26,593,613 28,221,545 1,627,932 31 72,596,268 2,731 2,692,501 90,803 29,575,318 28,409,967 7,050,533 2,351,617 4,698,916 22,524,785 6,151,310 2,337,742 3,813,568 22,258,657 263,573,742 233,614,049 Amounts payable after more than one year 17 170/4 Financial debts 172 Leasing and other similar obligations 173 Credit institutions 178/9 Other amounts payable 92,221,728 92,212,008 2,303,815 89,908,193 9,720 73,712,836 73,699,876 3,235,265 70,464,611 12,960 42/48 Amounts payable within one year 42 Current portion of amounts payable after more than one year falling due within one year 43 Financial debts 430/8 Credit institutions 44 Trade debts 440/4 Suppliers 45 Taxes, remuneration and social security 450/3 Taxes 454/9 Remuneration and social security 47/48 Other amounts payable 169,967,308 22,687,868 31,831,007 31,831,007 93,659,096 93,659,096 17,983,498 2,246,749 15,736,749 3,805,839 158,393,034 19,499,130 24,315,885 24,315,885 93,691,125 93,691,125 17,290,759 2,177,066 15,113,693 3,596,135 Deferred charges and accrued income 492/3 1,384,706 1,508,179 TOTAL LIABILITIES 10/49 400,131,820 363,999,963 • 27 Codes Milcobel annual report 2011 LIABILITIES 2. Consolidated income statement Milcobel annual report 2011 • 28 Codes PERIOD 2011 in € PERIOD 2010 in € 70/74 Operating income 70 Turnover Increase (decrease) in stocks of finished goods, work and 71 contracts in progress (+)(-) 74 Other operating income 901,236,898 884,599,138 837,609,229 819,976,626 3,375,309 13,262,451 5,393,375 12,239,228 60/64 Operating charges 60 Raw materials, consumables 600/8 Purchases Increase (Decrease) in stocks 609 (+)(-) 61 Services and other goods 62 Remuneration, social security costs and pensions Depreciation of and amounts written off formation 630 expenses, intangible and tangible fixed assets in progress and Amounts written down stocks, contracts 631/4 trade debtors - Appropriations (write-backs) (+)(-) 635/7 Provisions for risks and charges - Appropriations (+)(-) 640/8 Other operating charges 895,171,277 654,168,763 655,963,576 -1,794,813 117,205,532 98,593,771 828,331,684 600,475,833 603,215,553 -2,739,720 108,679,072 94,865,018 20,755,193 20,480,522 126,586 905,426 3,416,006 65,632 116,489 3,649,118 9901 Operating profit (Operating loss) (+)(-) 6,065,6219,277,545 75 750 751 752/9 5,151,070 932,164 757,605 3,461,301 5,633,386 423,968 1,150,585 4,058,833 65 Financial charges 650 Debt charges 9961 Amounts written down on positive consolidation differences 652/9 Other financial charges 9902 Profit (loss) on ordinary activities before taxes (+)(-) 8,961,415 6,607,411 426,429 1,927,575 8,018,309 7,065,707 422,971 529,631 76 763 764/9 2,621,617 2,602,379 19,238 575,459 478,557 96,902 66 Extraordinary charges Amounts written down financial fixed661 assets 663 Loss on disposal of fixed assets 664/8 Other extraordinary charges 150,128 6 116,792 33,330 52,916 2 43,374 9,540 Financial income Income from financial fixed assets Income from current assets Other financial income Extraordinary income Gain on disposal of fixed assets Other extraordinary income Profit (loss) for the period before taxes 9903 (+)(-) 2,255,2766,892,622 4,726,7657,415,165 Codes PERIOD 2011 in € PERIOD 2010 in € 780 Transfer from postponed taxes and latent taxation liabilities 1,054,564 842,771 Transfer to postponed taxes and latent taxation680 liabilities 1,270,479 2,071,611 Of which: Share of third parties Share of the group 99761 (+)(-) 99762 (+)(-) -2,740 4,398,851 345 6,028,592 Milcobel annual report 2011 Share in the result of the companies accounted 9975 32,318 -48,829 for using the equity method (+)(-) 99751 32,318 Profits 99651 48,829 Losses 9976 4,396,1116,028,937 Consolidated profit (loss) (+)(-) • 29 67/77 147,057 108,559 Income taxes (+)(-) 670/3 147,057 133,388 Income taxes Adjustment of income taxes and write-back of tax 77 24,779 provisions 9904 4,363,7936,077,766 Profit (loss) for the period (+)(-) 3. Notes on the consolidated annual accounts 1. List of the consolidated subsidiary companies and companies included using the equity method Method used (1) Proportion of capital held (2) (in %) Change of percentage of capital held (as compared to the previous period) B.M.F. Lait sarl Rue de la Gare 3087 - 59299 Boeschepe - Frankrijk F 100.00 0.00 Milcobel Nederland bv Everdenberg 15 - 4902 Oosterhout F 100.00 0.00 Milcobel 3 F cvba Fabriekstraat 141 - 9120 Kallo (Beveren-Waas) - België - BE 0424.899.491 F 100.00 0.00 Cheeseline nv Lieven Bauwensstraat 9 - 8200 Sint-Andries - België - BE 0441.187.078 F 100.00 0.00 Fassbel nv Fabriekstraat 141 - 9120 Beveren-Waas - België - BE 0476.830.917 IF 50.00 0.00 Kaasimport Dupont nv Lieven Bauwensstraat 9 - 8200 Sint-Andries - België - BE 0405.109.216 IF 100.00 0.00 Ysco nv Fabriekstraat 141 - 9120 Beveren-Waas - België - BE 0472.336.451 F 100.00 0.00 Ysco France sas Avenue de la 2e DB 53 - 61208 Argentan - Cedex - Frankrijk F 100.00 0.00 Ysco holding France sasu Rue de la Gare 3087 - 5929 Boeschepe - Frankrijk F 100.00 0.00 Belgomilk cvba Fabriekstraat 141 - 9120 Beveren-Waas - België - BE 0870.017.447 F 99.99 0.00 ZVF Inza cvba Wasserijstraat 5 - 2900 Schoten - België - BE 0428.890.547 F 100.00 0.00 Kempico cvba Melkerijstraat 1 - 2275 Lille - België - BE 0431.515.287 F 99.74 0.00 99.99 0.00 Milcobel annual report 2011 • 30 NAME, full address of the REGISTERED OFFICE and for the enterprise governed by Belgian law, the COMPANY NUMBER Zuivelindustrie Zandhoven cvba Wasserijstraat 5 - 2900 Schoten - België - BE 0406.045.562 F Bedrijvenpark Wingene nv Oude Bruggestraat 13 - 8750 Wingene - België - BE 0461.014.769 Proportion of capital held (2) (in %) Change of percentage of capital held (as compared to the previous period) 100.00 0.00 7.77 0.00 Héritage 1466 nv Rue de Charneux 32 - 4650 Herve - België - BE 0425.964.513 E4 20.00 20.00 St Marie cvba Bredabaan 522 - 2990 Wuustwezel - België - BE 0403.743.989 F 100.00 100.00 (1) F Full consolidation E4Joint subsidiary enterprise accounted for using the equity method where its activities cannot be closely integrated into the activities of the enterprise having the joint control (article 134, second al. of the aforementioned Royal Decree). (2)Proportion of capital of those enterprises being held by the enterprises included in the consolidated accounts and persons acting in their own names but on behal of these e nterprises. 2. List of subsidiary companies exclusively or jointly controlled not included (pursuant to article 107 of the Royal Decree of 30 january 2001 in implementation of Company Law) and associated enterprises accounted for using the equity method (in implementation of article 157 of the aforementioned Royal Decree) NAME, full address of the REGISTERED OFFICE and for the enterprise governed by Belgian law, the COMPANY NUMBER Les Fromagers des Flandres GEIE Rue de Luxembourg 15 - 59059 Roubaix cédex 1 - France Method used (1) A Proportion of capital held (2) (in %) Change of percentage of capital held (as compared to the previous period) 50.00 0.00 (1)Reason for exclusion: A. Subsidiary company of minor importance. (2)Proportion of capital of those enterprises being held by both enterprises included in the consolidated accounts and persons acting in their own names but on behalf of these enterprises. • 31 Camal nv Route de Légipont 12 - 4671 Barchon - België - BE 0412.859.912 Method used (1) Milcobel annual report 2011 NAME, full address of the REGISTERED OFFICE and for the enterprise governed by Belgian law, the COMPANY NUMBER 3. Consolidation criteria and changes in the consolidation scope Information and the criteria governing the application of full consolidation, proportional consolidation and the equity method as well as those cases in which these criteria are departed from, and justification for such departures (Decree of 30 january 2001 in implementation of Company Law). Milcobel annual report 2011 • 32 The full consolidation method was applied to all companies which are controlled directly or indirectly by the consolidating company, by law or in fact, and to companies over which control is shared. These companies have been included in the consolidated annual accounts using the full consolidation method or the equity method, according to the degree of integration into Milcobel. The participations in af?liated companies have been valued and included in the accounts using the equity method. 4.Summary of valuation rules and methods of calculating of deferred taxes Disclosure of the criteria governing the valuation of the various items in the consolidated annual accounts, and in particular: - the application and adjustments of depreciation, amounts written down and provisions for liabilities and charges, and revaluations (pursuant to article 165, VI.a. of the Royal Decree of 30 january 2001 in implementation of Company Law). - the bases of translation applied to express in the consolidated accounts items which are, or originally were, expressed in a currency other than the currency in which the consolidated accounts are stated, and the translation in the consolidated accounts of the accounting statements of subsidiaries and associated companies governed by foreign law (by application of 165 VI.b of the aforementioned Royal Decree). ASSETS IIntangible fixed assets The establishment costs are depreciated on a straight-line basis at 20%. Immateriële vaste activa The acquisitions and brought in intangible fixed assets are booked on the asset side of the balance sheet at their acquisition price or brought in v alue and are depreciated on a straight-line basis in accordance with the following percentages : min. max. 1. Research and development costs 20 20 2. Concessions, patents, licences, brands, etc. 10 20 3. Goodwill 10 20 4. Advance payments 0 0 Consolidation differences The consolidation differences represent the divergences between on the one hand the acquisition value and on the other the corresponding part of the equity capital on the date on which the shares have been acquired or a nearby date close to it. Insofar as these differences originate from an over or under valuation of specific items on the asset or liabilities side, they will be allocated to it. The remaining difference is included in the consolidated accounts in the item “consolidation differences” on the asset or liabilities side of the balance sheet, depending on whether the acquisition value is higher or lower than the share in the (possibly recalculated) equity capital. Activated consolidation differences are depreciated in a straight line over a five-year period. Additional or extraordinary depreciations are applied to these differences when, as a result of changes in economic circumstances, it is no longer justified to retain them at that particular value in the consolidated balance sheet. Stocks - Raw materials: acquisition value according to weighted average price or lower market value on balance sheet date for solid and liquid dairy produce and for ice cream activities - Consumables and goods purchased for resale: •acquisition value according to weighted average price or lower market value on balance sheet date for solid and liquid dairy produce and for ice cream activities; •acquisition value according to FIFO method or lower market value on balance sheet date for liquid dairy produce; •acquisition value according to the weighted average price, FIFO method or individualisation of the price of each component for the cheese distribution and this depending on the nature of the product. The acquisition value may not exceed the market value on the balance sheet date; - Finished goods: valuation at manufacture price or market value, if this is lower on the balance sheet date; •In addition to the purchasing cost of raw materials, consumer goods and consumables, the manufacture price includes production costs that are directly accountable to individual products or product groups. Accounts receivable within one year Accounts receivable are included at nominal value. Write downs are booked to these accounts receivable when their collectibility is in doubt. Milcobel annual report 2011 Tangible fixed assets Tangible fixed assets are booked to the asset side of the balance sheet at their acquisition price (incl. additional costs) or their brought in value. Depreciations are booked according to the straight-line method (pro rata temporis) over the economic life. The depreciation percentages are as follows: min. max. 1. Industrial, administrative and commercial buildings 3 10 2. Plant, machinery and equipment 5 25 3. Vehicles 10 25 4. Office equipment and furniture 10 33 5. Other tangible fixed assets 3 20 6. Assets under construction and advance payments 0 0 7. Leasing and similar rights: according to the category to which the asset belongs • 33 Negative consolidation differences are booked to the liabilities side. They only benefit the consolidated profit & loss account to cover operational losses incurred for reasons existing at the time of the acquisition (overcapacity, staffing levels too high) and within a limited period of time. They are booked to code 9960 ‘Amounts written down on positive consolidation differences’. IPLCestments Shares and fixed income securities: acquisition value. Credit balances at financial institutions: nominal value. Cash at bank and in hand Valuation at nominal value. LIABILITIES Consolidated reserves The group reserves include the reserves and results carried forward of the consolidated company, raised with the share of the group in the results, after deduction of dividends, of the full and proportionally consolidated companies and the companies to which the equity method has been applied. Milcobel annual report 2011 • 34 IPLCestment grants IPLCestment grants are valued at nominal value after deduction of deferred taxes. Provisions for risks and costs The Board of Directors decides, on the basis of a prudent evaluation, which provisions should be made to cover the cost of early retirement, major repairs and maintenance, settlement of claims, supplied guarantees, hedge risks and possible other risks and costs that are probable or certain on the balance sheet date, but the extent of which is not yet known. Deferred tax and latent liabilities Deferred tax and latent liabilities are booked: - To the differences resulting from the application of the valuation rules of the Group with respect to the statutory valuation rules of the Group c ompanies, - To the temporary differences between accounting and tax results, - To the granted not yet depreciated iPLCestment grants and untaxed gains values included in the company’s equity capital. Amounts payable after one year and within one year Amounts payable are booked at their nominal value. Deferred charges and accrued income Revenue and costs are allocated to the period to which they apply. Foreign currency Foreign currency receivables and payables are valued at the exchange rate applicable on the balance sheet date. Negative exchange rate differences are booked in results. Positive exchange rate differences are booked to transitory accounts on the liabilities side. Future taxation and deferred taxes Analysis of Heading 168 of the liabilities Future taxation (Pursuant to article 76 of the Royal Decree of 30 january 2001 in implementation of Company Law) Deferred taxes (Pursuant to article 129 of aforementioned Royal Decree) (code 168) 22,524,785 524,095 22,000,690 5.Statement of intangible fixed assets Acquisition value at the end of the previous period GOODWILL (code 212) ADVANCE PAYMENTS (code 213) 8,292,894 7,652,847 1,347,200 1,609,479 (+)/(-) (+)(-) Acquisition value at the end of the period 8,676 1,733,410 -1,733,410 139,975 7,652,847 3,796,751 6,656,435 949,010 8,676 211,603 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the period 4,737,085 6,868,038 NET BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD 5,280,543 784,809 1,363,244 LAND AND BUILDINGS (code 22) PLANT, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT (code 23) Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the previous period Movements during the period Recorded Cancelled 1,363,244 • 35 10,017,628 6.Statement of tangible fixed assets 73,896,698 267,855,774 84,622 1,967,185 5,103,680 1,413,692 4,745,366 2,377,864 19,760,354 626 Acquisition value at the end of the period 75,704,123 289,984,256 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the previous period 38,032,034 196,060,922 Movements during the period Recorded Cancelled Other movements 3,040,114 1,706,292 -1,294,183 14,066,266 2,352,578 626 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the period 38,071,673 207,775,236 NET BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD 37,632,450 82,209,020 Acquisition value at the end of the previous period Movements during the period Acquisitions, including produced fixed assets Sales and disposals Transfers from one heading to another Other movements (+)(-) (+)(-) (+)(-) Milcobel annual report 2011 Movements during the period Acquisitions, including produced fixed assets Sales and disposals Transfers from one heading to another Other movements CONCESSIONS, PATENTS, LICENCES, KNOWHOW, BRANDS AND SIMILAR RIGHTS (code 211) Acquisition value at the end of the previous period Milcobel annual report 2011 • 36 Movements during the period Acquisitions, including produced fixed assets Sales and disposals Transfers from one heading to another Other movements (+)/(-) (+)(-) FURNITURE AND VEHICLES (code 24) LEASING AND SIMILAR RIGHTS (code 25) 20,317,427 9,899,709 571,733 1,766,146 1,648,427 -627 Acquisition value at the end of the period 20,770,814 9,899,709 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the previous period 15,537,647 5,878,637 1,226,318 1,603,250 -627 1,219,121 15,160,088 7,097,758 5,610,726 2,801,951 Movements during the period Recorded Cancelled Other movements Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the period NET BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD OF WICH:: Plant, machinery and equipment 2,801,951 OTHER TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS (code 26) Acquisition value at the end of the previous period ASSETS UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND ADVANCED PAYMENTS (code 27) 749,290 20,861,515 1 32,962,217 178,105 -26,512,460 -139,975 Acquisition value at the end of the period 749,291 26,993,192 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the previous period 501,987 Movements during the period Acquisitions, including produced fixed assets Sales and disposals Transfers from one heading to another (+)(-) Other movements(+)(-) Movements during the period Recorded Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the period 544,749 NET BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD 204,542 42,762 26,993,192 7.Statement of financial fixed assets PARTICIPATING INTERESTS OTHER ENTERPRISES (code 282) Acquisition value at the end of the previous period 1,041,228 2,791 Acquisition value at the end of the period 1,041,228 2,791 Revaluation surpluses at the end of the previous period 0 Movements during the period Recorded Cancelled 6 6 Amounts written down at the end of the period 0 Movements in the capital and reserves of the enterprises at the end of the period NET BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD AMOUNTS RECEIVABLE Net book value at the end of the previous period Movements during the period Additions Repayments NET BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD (+)(-) -42,139 32,318 • 37 Movements in the capital and reserves of the enterprises at the end of the previous period Share in the result for the financial period -9,821 1,031,407 2,791 OTHER ENTERPRISES (code 283) 136,982 25,600 40 162,542 Milcobel annual report 2011 ENTERPRISES ACCOUNTED FOR USING THE EQUITY METHOD (code 280) 8.Statement of consolidated reserves (code 9910) Consolidated reserves 72,596,268 Consolidated reserves at the end of the previous period Movements during the period: Shares of the group in the consolidated income Other movements Dividends 4,398,851 -1,076,229 -1,076,229 (+)(-) (+)(-) 75,918,890 Consolidated reserves at the end of the previous period POSITIVE DIFFERENCES CONSOLIDATION (code 9920) • 38 Net book value at the end of the previous period 2,131,103 Milcobel annual report 2011 9.Statement of consolidation differences and differences resulting from the application of the equity method Movements during the period: Arising from an increase of the percentage held Write-downs 17,287 -426,429 1,721,961 Net book value at the end of the period 10.Statement of amounts payable DEBTS within one year (code 42) between one and five years (code 17) over five years (code 17) Financial debts Leasing and other similar obligations Credit institutions Other loans 22,687,868 931,450 21,756,418 73,654,395 2,258,815 71,395,580 9,720 18,557,613 45,000 18,512,613 Total 22,687,868 73,664,115 18,557,613 ANALYSIS OF THE AMOUNTS ORIGINALLY PAYABLE AFTER ONE YEAR ACCORDING TO THEIR RESIDUAL TERM 11.Results OPERATING INCOME Aggregate turnover of the group in Belgium AVERAGE NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED AND PERSONNEL CHARGE Average number of persons employed Workers Employees Management personnel Personnel costs Remuneration, social security costs Pensions 430,948,848 PERIOD 2011 PERIOD 2010 418,317,161 PERIOD 2010 1,951 1,499 431 21 1,951 1,512 418 21 98,269,516 324,255 94,535,240 329,778 1,772 1,695 12.Rights and commitments not reflected in the balance sheet PERIOD 2011 Substancial commitments to acquire fixed assets 12,380,000 Commitments from transactions to exchange rates 25,225,850 Information concerning important litigation and other commitments - All engagements of the Milcobel Group by the banks have been honoured. - The allocated CO² emission rights to the Milcobel Group for 2008-2012 have been swapped from EUA certificates to CER certificates. - An engagement for a minimum turnover of 5,255 K euro for external storage. - Long term agreement of 9 years with the obligation to buy Alpla bottles, although with a possibility to stop the agreement - 1,755 K euro per year for the next 6 years. - A long term contract to buy ingredients for an amount of 2,086 K euro.. Commitments with respect to retirement and survivors’ pensions in favour of their personnel or executives, at the expense of the enterprises included in the consolidation The company has contracted a group insurance policy for its employees and managers with a Belgian insurance company. The costs are partially supported by the company and partially by the concerned person. Milcobel annual report 2011 • 39 Average number of persons employed in Belgium by the enterprises concerned PERIOD 2011 13.Relationships with affiliated enterprises and enterprises linked by participating interests but not included in the consolidation AFFILIATED ENTERPRISES Financial fixed assets Participating interests and shares Transactions with related parties outside normal market conditions PERIOD 2011 PERIOD 2010 1,031,407 999,089 nihil nihil 14.Financial relationships with Milcobel annual report 2011 • 40 DIRECTORS OR MANAGERS OF THE CONSOLIDATION ENTERPRISE Total amount of remuneration granted in respect of their responsibilities in the consolidation enterprise, its subsidiary companies and its affiliated companies, including the amounts in respect of retirement pensions granted to former directors or managers AUDITORS OR PEOPLE THEY ARE LINKED TO PERIOD 2011 1,226,385 PERIOD 2011 Fees for auditor’s mandate Fees for auditor’s mandat Fees for exceptional services or special missions executed in the group by the auditor Other attestation missions 121,000 10,034 Fees for people linked to the audito Fees for auditor’s mandate Fees for exceptional services or special missions executed in the group by the people they are linked to the auditor Other missions external to the audit 17,000 59,569 4. Consolidated Annual Accounts 2011 In accordance with legal and statutory obligations, we are delighted to report the consolidated annual accounts of Milcobel cvba as on December 31, 2011.. ASSETS II. Intangible fixed assets (7,428,595 euros) These concern mainly investments in software (6.6 million euros) and the acquisition of the “Nazareth” and “Sint-Maarten” brands. V. Financial fixed assets (1.196.739 euros) Companies with a participating interest (1,031,407 euros) are related to CVBA Zandhoven, NV Bedrijvenpark Wingene and Héritage 1466 SA. VII. Stock (96,264,915 euros) Stock represents 24% of the balance sheet total. Compared to last year the stock has increased by 5%, mainly because of price effects LIABILITIES IX. Provisions and deferred taxation (29,575,318 euros) The item deferred taxation (22,524,784 euros) is mainly due to the difference between the business economic and fiscal valuation of tangible fixed assets. X. Debts over more than one year (2,221,728 euros) The financial debts (92,212,008 euros) mainly relate to fixed credits entered into with various banks. In 2011, 41.2 million euros of loans were taken out and 19.5 million euros of loans repaid. XI. Financial debts over maximum 1 year (31,831,006 euros) The financial debts have increased with 7.5 million euros because of an increasing need for working capital. Milcobel annual report 2011 The investments for the financial year amount to 38.3 million euros and can be split as follows: General: 2,0 million euros Butter, powder and chees: 26,2 million euros Consumer milk: 4,7 million euros Ice cream: 2,6 million euros Cheese: 2,8 million euros • 41 III. Tangible fixed assets (155,451,880 euros) RESULTS I. & II. Operating results Sales achieved in the year 2011 amount to 885 million euros. The turnover can be split as follows: - 550 million realised from dairy activities. - 188 million realised from ice cream activities. - 147 million from distribution and packaging activities for the cheese trade. IV. & V. Financial results Compared to last year, the financial results were positively influenced by a realized surplus value in the participation in cvba Melkerij van Loenhout and a dividend received from the participation in Héritage 1466 SA. VII. & VIII. Exceptional results Milcobel annual report 2011 • 42 The exceptional results and costs mainly relate to the surplus or undervalue realised from the tangible fixed assets. Events after balance sheet date No significant events occurred after the balance sheet date that would profoundly affect future activities. Financial tools The exchange risk for significant sales contracts agreed in foreign currency is covered by currency contracts. A great deal of the short-term interest bearing debts are covered by interest covers aiming at reducing the impact of interest variations. Most of the long-term interest bearing debts are covered at fixed interest rates. Prospects Market conditions are unfavourable because of the decreasing prices. Research and development Existing research and development activities are continued in the various divisions. Risks and uncertainties In addition to general business risks, the Milcobel group is facing risks specifically associated with a dairy business. Calamities could be the cause of serious disruption in milk supplies and the production and sales process. This risk is limited by the introduction of a quality assurance system (DQA). The dairy market is known for heavy fluctuating market prices for commodity products. Kallo, 27 March 2012 G. Veys President J. Geelen Vice-President 5. Statutory auditor’s report Statutory auditor’s report to the general members’ meeting on the consolidated accounts of the company milcobel cvba as of and for the year ended 31 december 2011. As required by law and the company’s articles of association, we report to you in the context of our appointment as the company’s statutory auditor. This report includes our opinion on the consolidated accounts and the required additional disclosure. Unqualified opinion on the consolidated accounts We have audited the consolidated accounts of Milcobel CVBA and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) as of and for the year ended 31 December 2011, prepared in accordance with the financial-reporting framework applicable in Belgium, and which show a consolidated balance-sheet total of EUR (‘000) 400.132 and a consolidated profit for the year 2011 (group share) of EUR (‘000) 4.399. The company’s board of directors is responsible for the preparation of the consolidated accounts. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of consolidated accounts that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. In our opinion, the consolidated accounts give a true and fair view of the Group’s net worth and financial position as of 31 December 2011 and of its results and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the financial-reporting framework applicable in Belgium. Additional remark The company’s board of directors is responsible for the preparation and content of the management report on the consolidated accounts. Our responsibility is to include in our report the following additional remark, which does not have any effect on our opinion on the consolidated accounts: - The management report on the consolidated accounts deals with the information required by the law and is consistent with the consolidated accounts. However, we are not in a position to express an opinion on the description of the principal risks and uncertainties facing the companies included in the consolidation, the state of their affairs, their forecast development or the significant influence of certain events on their future development. Nevertheless, we can confirm that the information provided is not in obvious contradiction with the information we have acquired in the context of our appointment. Antwerp, 26 April 2012 The statutory auditor PwC Reviseurs d’Entreprises / Bedrijfsrevisoren Represented by Filip Lozie - Bedrijfsrevisor Milcobel annual report 2011 In accordance with the auditing standards referred to above, we have carried out procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated accounts. The selection of these procedures is a matter for our judgment, as is the assessment of the risk that the consolidated accounts contain material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, we have considered the Group’s internal control relating to the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated accounts, in order to design audit procedures that were appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Group’s internal control. We have also evaluated the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as the presentation of the consolidated accounts taken as a whole. Finally, we have obtained from the board of directors and Group officials the explanations and information necessary for our audit. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. • 43 Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated accounts based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the legal requirements applicable in Belgium and with Belgian auditing standards, as issued by the “Institut des Réviseurs d’Entreprises/Instituut der Bedrijfsrevisoren”. Those auditing standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated accounts are free of material misstatement. B. Consolidated cash flow statement PERIOD 2011 PERIOD 2010 Milcobel annual report 2011 • 44 A. OPERATING ACTIVITIES consolidated result, share of group third party share depreciation of fixed assets provisions depreciation of positive consolidation differences deferred taxes 4,399 -3 20,755 899 426 266 6,029 0 20,481 156 423 1,294 = cash flow movement in stocks movement in trade accounts receivable movement in other accounts receivable movement in trade debts movement in other debts movement in accrued and deferred accounts 26,742 28,383 -4,586 -10,472 -3,067 -32 902 -216 -8,133 -6,378 2,208 -2,845 82 346 = movement in requirement for working capital -17,471 -14,720 9,271 13,663 -1,609 -38,364 -32 627 0 -26 -17 120 -1,771 -29,357 0 193 1,037 58 0 0 -39,301 -29,840 41,200 -19,499 -3 292 1,687 -1,076 0 25,997 -16,821 -3 781 1,321 -1,004 342 22,601 10,613 -7,429 -5,564 -22,667 -17,103 -30,096 -22,667 NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES B. INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES additions of intangible fixed assets additions of tangible fixed assets additions of financial fixed assets reclassifications of tangible assets reclassifications of financial fixed assets movements in financial fixed assets increase positive consolidation differences movements in the consolidated circle NET CASH FLOW FROM INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES C. FINANCING ACTIVITIES increase of long-term financial debts repayment of long-term debts movement in other long-term debts movement in other long-term receivables movement in shareholders’ equity paid dividends movement in the consolidated circle NET CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES = NET CASH (A+B+C) + OPENING CASH = CLOSING CASH (*) (*) cash = ‘deposits’ + ‘cash at bank’ + ‘short-term financial debts to credit institutions’ Credits Editors: E. Leloup - P. Buggenhout - R. Op de Beeck - K. Vertenten Production: E. Leloup Concept and realisation: www.crea.be Photography: Studio DSP Secretariat: R. Op de Beeck - Tel. +32 (0)3 730 18 00 Responsible publisher: P. Buggenhout annual report 2011