tiM 272 Index - Harding University Digital Archives


tiM 272 Index - Harding University Digital Archives
Junior Josh Carr, a Student
Center- employee, makes
deliveries for Etc. during
club induction week, a busy
time fOT all of campus.
Balloons, jlower-s and othergifts were visible symbols of
the many close friendships
formed throughout theyear.
Photo by Kristi Burns.
tiM 272
·B UILDING ON lasting
Traditions, like buildings, are built a permanent remembrance in students'
one brick at a time. When new ground lives. New students were added to the
is broken and the first brick is laid, it Harding family, and friendships were
may seem alone and insignificant, but built that w ill last for eternity. New
years pass and others build on the dreams were instilled in students'
foundation. Each one who lays a brick hearts, forming a vision for their future.
sees only a small
Each decision
block of stone but,
made this year and
in his or her heart,
each friendship
envisions a beau-
developed had a
tiful and finished
purpose, some
building. And the
already evident -
beauty of building
where each brick
traditions is that
fit into the finished
their end is never
was al'-'
seen on earth. Unlike buildings, which ready plain. Others were less obvious.
are eventually completed and adorned A few bricks sticking out of a wall
with roofs and domes , traditions seemed out of place but, as others
continue to grow until their eternal continue to build on them, they w ill
consequences are realized.
eventually become new w ings and
Some of the bricks that were laid this extensions. Whether or not the eternal
year were the cornerstones of new results of this year's efforts were
traditions that we are now building. immediately visible, students somehow
New teachers were added to the knew that they had built on Harding's
University, and their influence became noble traditions.
Copy Editor
Wendi Keller
273 t1ili
Year in Revie\V
February 1997
March 1997
7 - 1964: The Tribute in
19 - Groundbreaking for
the Donald W. Reynolds
Center for Music and
9-12 - Spring Lecturships
21 - Free Indeed in concert
Srudent Lectureships
27-30 - Youth Forum and
Spring Sing Weekend
25 - ASI presents
Dr. Gary Bauer
Groundbreaking Ceremony
April 1997
7 - Renovation Begins on
Rhodes Fieldhouse
May 17 - Spring Graduation
June 14-19 - UPLIFT
10 - Patty Lovelace in
June 19-21 - Summer
Experience I
17 - Say-So in Concert
June 21-26 - UPLIFT
18-19 - Men of God
Rhodes Renovation
July 17-19 - Summer
Experience II
19 - W.I.N.G.S. Conference
24 - ASI presents
George Bush
August 1997
26 - Second Floor Charles White
Cafeteria Opened
15 - Summer Graduation
23-25 - Student Impact
29 - All-School Retreat with
Monte Cox
Monle Cox
r&i 274 Year in Review
Year in RevieW"
September 1997
October 1997
19 - Brian White in concert
25 - AS! presents
23-25 - Homecoming
27 - Benson House razed
and construction begins
on Art Center
Armstrong Williams
26-27 - Family Weekend
29-0ct_ 1 - Fall Lectureships
30-31 - Governor's
Conference on the FamiJ.y
Brian \Vhite
Benson House being torn down
January 1998
13-16 - High School
Dec_ 20 - Fa ll Graduation
14 - 1964: The Tribute
Jan_ 31 - The Wright
Brothers Band
in concert
in concert
22 - Rhodes Field House
Rhodes Rededication
Wright Brothers
February 1998
5 - AS! presents Linda Chavez
13 - Collin Raye in concert
Collin Raye
Year in Review 275
. t1i!r
Abbruzzese. Lisa M. (Sophomore), 40 1 W.
Grandview Avc., Zelienople, PA, 16063; 158.
American St udies. First Row. Bn:nt Cbism, Asblec Hcndrix,julie Simmons, Kevinjobnsto,z, Annabelle Dawidow, Rebek£lb Evans, Ana Quinonez, SCOIl
ScbWieger,jamie Lockwood, Racbel Dully, Adrie.me NII>Z1Iaf/y. Seco./d Row: Lisa Kilgore, Tiffany Yecke, Anne VanRheenen,julia Henderso>z, Lisa Bliss,
Mindy SkiVer, joana Carlson .Third Row: Lisa Gearhart, l·lannah Rhodes, Allgelique Cole, Natasba Deal, Danielle Moze, jobn Massie, Melia McNall,
Rebeccab Domn, Kari'za Lungo,jeromyKemp. Fourtb.Row: Sea'l Evans, Mall Millig(.llz, SCOII Parker, Wi/SOli Rownsoll, Lazlm McNutt, DaniAI/"II, Brady
Rembleski, Nicole B/(md, Emily Price, Halllwb Middlctoll . Fiftb Row: Racbal Wilsoll, Alan Howell, Marc Cbildress, ClayjobllSon, Neil Arnold, Cbad
McNall, latba'l Wails, Bed.'YAusbunz, Bob Reely (sponsor). Sixtb Row: Micalyml Parker, Bn·an Blai.'(!,jarod Hodge, Setb Sdk'1"S, Cbris Alspacb, Barry
jordan, CodyHoppis, Robinjubela,jackwyln U'lderwood, Elys Dell/,adHio . Seventb Row: Sandra TOlly, Aaron Brister, RobA1lio, Ttmiya Malo.wy,jemzifer
Lasbley, lynsay Waller, Angela Batcbelor, Amy Englmld. Eigbth Row: jessica Haylles, Dall lareau, Sany Rajagukguk, Da~'e Beyers, Rob HUIf, Wbeeler
Howard, Gregg Moses, SusalljobllSOIl, HeatberLojtis, RebekabMz./ii.IS, Becca Thompson, Velvet Henzandez, Cindy Perez, Angela Knox.Nintb Row: Leslie
Wbltlock, R(.lIzdie $(.>eWr, Linda Bell/hall, Sarab Adkins, Daw Graves, Allllajones, Marla RobbillS, Emily McMackin, jelmy Walters, Asbley Clelmmts,
Mareel/a Wilt . .pboto iry Briall Hendricks.
CIJi Omega Pi. (Social Clz.b) Fif$t row: CbristieCorley, KriSla Nuzum, KatbyKelkr,jennifer Ban'"ClI,jen'liferBurtOIl, Asbkigb Short, Sheree Baird, Molly
Flanigall, Cbristina Stewlls. &'Colld row: Malldy CUrD, jady Knight, SusamU! Cude, je.Z1Iijer HulCbilzsOIl, jill SuIlOIl, Heidi Neuenschwander, Crystal
Davis, Slacy Threlkeld, Kale Major. Tbird row, Stacec Baysinger, Kim Parrisb, Cyll/hia Samples, Danna Siokes, AmI King, Alison "(/Inzer, Carl Radgef$,
Sara Billingsley, Man·e TOlmessen . Fourtb row. Bryall RUlliollS, Lallae Wi/SOli, Carrie Williamson, Rebecca Brcwcr, Amy Ballard, Keflie Cooper, Kelly
Forrest, Micbelle WatkillS. Fiftb row: Tricia T/<l"IIer, Allison Marlin, leslie Hudelson, Kelli SbL>etS, Sbelly Webn·ng, A,me Gerber, Olivia Bowen, jell/zy
Baughmall . Sixtb row: Dallie/job.Won, Kimberly Wilson, April Valell/ine, Kim EWing, Kale Cope/and, Kasie VmlGfeson, Micbellejobns, Victoria
Racbels, Karell Young. Seventb Row: Mall Pbilllps, Amallda E~·allS, Emily Dunagalz, Usa Bliss, jessica DII!aIlLY, Becky Hacklley, Alailla Belcb, Rache!
Keams, Pam Wal!.."'r. Eigbtb row: Brian Busb, Kara Miller, Megall \vinter, Beth Roberts, Alzllie Grabam, MalldyCollier, Marie Alldcf$OIl, Martha PUp!..'O,
Marcia Etheridge. Pboto by Bn·all Hendricks.
Ch i Sig ma Alpha. (Social Club) First row: Deborah Root, Amy RObef$OIl, En·1I Babcock, Alison Dyer, C}7l1bia Samples. Second row: Marells Cn·m, Pal
Bilfs, Dustill Bartee, Micbael Ho~·a/er, Mall Rea~"CS, Sbane Nesler, Drew Stanfield, Cbris West. Third row: Khris Downey, Keith Brooks, Micbael Faml,
james Canterbzlry, Cbris Mirallle, Gene Bales, Shawn FergaSOIl . Fourth row: Tim Anderson, LawYen Davis, Cbarles Marcussen, Barry Walls, jim
Mareussell,jeremy POSI, DlIslI'l Vyef$. Fiftb row: BelljobllSon, KeilhMcCord, BryceMulTay, Daniel Kllb'l, D(m Wbilli,zgton,jollalban Pag<',jacobBaker.
Blake SoU/bali, Ken Laws. Sixtb row: Travis Gable,josh Carr, Cbris Sbelly,jason Middlekauff, Daniel Clark, Mlcbael Page,josb Reeves, Dollg Klein, Ryan
Sullenberger. Troy BendicksOlz. Se~·enlb row: joel Segral/CS, lee Rice, Clay Moody, Sean judge, Chris Wbitman, En·k Beally, KemlY Harris. Eigbtb row.·
Pauljobnson, Aaron Bay/es, Terry Zikes, Bryan Gamble, Pal rick Bewley, Cbad Westcrbolm, AI/drew Sowards, Cbad Gardner, DaVid Bell, j011 Nicbols.
Nintb row: Landon Horton, Michael Scifres, Michael Anzold, Mare Sherrill,jamie Hulches, Hobby Cbapi'l,jasoll Bai.-er. Photo iry Brian Hendricks.
t1i!r 276
Accounting Society; 290.
Adair , ScOtt (JiUGSR), 39 Harding Drive, Searcy,
Ronald B. Qunior), 361 SI. Andrews, Franklin,
TN, 37069; 140,225.
Bryan A. (Freshman). 10143 Bunker Road,
Leesburg, FL, 34788~ 176, 286.
Carol Lynn {Grd Educ/StafO, 106 Indian Trail,
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Carol (Slam, 1206 Rehobolh. Searcy, AR, 72143.
Colby H. (Freshman), 760 N. 46th Ave.,
Fayetteville, AR, 72701~ 286.
Daniel (FacullY), 114 Western Hills, Searcy, AR,
72143; 64, 310.
Glen (Facul!y), 1206 Rehoboth Drive, Searcy, AR,
72143; 68, 296.
Jana (Slam, 900 E. Center Ave., Box 759, Searcy,
Jo Dt!1l (HUGSR), 23936 Michigan Ave.,
Do.:arbom, MI, 48124.
Kathryn C. (Special), 1206 Rehoboth, Searcy, AR.
Manda L. (Sophomore), 3647 Palm Grove Drive,
Missouri City, TX, 77459; 158,302.
Melissa R. (Freshman), 22838 Daisy Road,
Lebanon, MO, 65536; 176, 278.
Miriam E. (Sophomore), 106 Indian Trail, Searcy,
AR, 72143; 158, 210, 211 , 288.
Olga (Freshman), PO Box 3. Koyuk. AK, 99753.
Adcock, Debi (SlafO, 819 Sunnyhill, Searcy, AR,
Adcox, Russ (HUGSR), 1208 Haven St..
jonesboro, AR, 72401.
Adkins, Sarah C. Qunior). 95 White Oak Lane,
Liaie Rock , AR, 72227; 140, 276, 282.
Ana L. (Senior), Bo Solares Nuevos '180, La
Ceiba, HONDURAS; 112. 122, 268. 271. 288.
Miguel (HUGSR), lOoo Cherry Road, HB 201.
Memphis. TN. 38117.
i\loises (Sophomore), None 20 '314, Ori7..aba,
Veracruz, MEXICO.
Albers, Michael S. (Senior). 27611 Bohn,
Roseville, MI, 48066; 112, 282.
Albright, Jonathan D. (Senior), 5745 Park Ave ..
Memphis, TN, 38119; 112.
Anil X. (Sophomore), Begonias '223, Torrcdon,
Erica S. (Freshman),.Begonias '223. Torredon,
Alderman , Andrea R. Qunior), 2420 SE 51h SUo.:d,
Des Moines, lA, 50315; 140.
Alexa nder
Harold (Facu llY), 15 Cauail, Searcy, AR. 72143;
Isaac T. (Senior), 90 COUnlry Club Circle, Searcy,
AR,721 43.
jenene (Faculty), 15 Callail, Searcy, AR, 72143;
john D. (Senior), 833 N. Gintown Road,
Mulberry, AR, 72947.
Nicole L. Qunior), 143 lillie River -7\2.
Ashdown, AR, 71822; 21, 140,282, 284.
Tom (Facul!y), 90 COUnlry Club Circle, Searcy.
AR, 72143; 46, 47.
Alfo rd-Sanch ez, Luis D. Qunior), 1603 Nonh
Roosevelt, Liberal, KS, 67901; 140.
Alig, Paula (Senior). 422 N. Lafayelle, Melamora,
IL, 61548; 112
Lyndsay C. (Sen ior), 145 Plantation Drive,
Shelbyville, KY, 40065; 112, 262, 288, 308.
Ryan S. (Senior), 145 Plamalion Drive,
Shelbyville, KY, 40065; 112, 271. 312.
Alldredge, Brian L. (Sophomore), 200 Highland
Crest Parkway, Birmingham, AL, 35226~ 158.
Adriane Michelle (Grd Educ), E.M.S., Bldg.3, Apt.
A7, Searcy, AR, 12143; 196.
Bianca (Freshman).
Brent D. Qunior), 302 Live Oak. Searcy. AR.
72143; 112.
Charles R. (Freshman), 516 Owens Drive.
Crowley, TX, 76036; 176.
Danelle L. (Sen ior). 4700 Shawnee, Amarillo, TX,
79109; 112,276,304,308.
David (Faculty), 1010 Golf View Drive, Searcy,
AR, 72143; 60.
james C. Qunior), 1809 Sharon Road,
Tallahassee, FL, 32303~ 140.
jamt!s (HUGSR), 4669 Cotlonlane Ave. '2,
Memphis, TN, 38118.
Jimmy (Faculty), 3 Magnolia Drive. Searcy. AR,
72143; 57.
Juli e Marie (Sen ior).
Margie (Swff). 103 Live Oak, Searcy, AR, 72143;
Michael D. (Sophomore), 19372 Hickory Lane,
Huntington Bch., CA. 92646.
Roben, II (Facully), OM$A B-1. Searcy. AR,
Samuel R. (Frc.shman). 19 Sh:Hon Drive, Alb:lny,
NY, 12205; 176.
Timothy R. (Sophomore), 216 Wyoming,
Ikthalto. IL. 62010; 158,282.
Wilbert C. (Se nior), 153 Crove Place, Utica, NY,
C:,mnen M. (Sophomore). 25 Fairview Drive,
McGehee, AR, 71654; 158.
Heather R. (Crd Edue), 120 Mergam:er Drive.
Jacksonville, AR, 72076: 196, 312.
Marie A. Qu nior), 1213 E. Seminole Drive,
Phoenix, AZ, 85022: 18, 199.
Ma rt ha C. (Senior). P.O. Box 61, Kimilili, KENYA;
112, 268.
Samuel S. (Freshman), 1307 Twin O:lks,
Jonesboro, AR. 72401 : 176.
Summer D. Qunior), 144 Dickens, Coppell, TX,
750 19: 140.
Alpha Epsilon Rho: 302.
Alpha Psi Omega: 302.
Mpha Tau Epsilon: 290.
A.lspacb:Christopher M (Senior), P.O. Box 1923,
Roswell . GA, 30077; 112, 210, 276, 302.
Altman, Ted (Faculty), 11 M:lgnolia Drive,
Searcy, AR, 72 143.
Altrnlller , Rell:l (St:l m , 16 Cottonwood, Se:lrcy,
AR, 72 143; 86.
Cina D. (Senio r), P.O. Box 1001, B:lld Knob, AR,
Tammy E. (Senior), 532 Thomas Ro."\d, Pangburn,
AR, 72121: 292.
Altrock. Chris (HUGSR), 4762 Agave Drive, I..3s
Cruces, NM. 88001.
Alexa A. Ounior), 1042 1 M:tl:tguena I..3ne NE,
Al buquerque, NM. 87111; 140, 158. 294, 302.
Alma L. Ounior), 10421 Malaguena Lane NE,
Albuquerque, NM, 87111; 29<\, 298.
Amaden, Stacy R. (Senior), 24 Ponderosa Drive,
Lonok~, AR, 72086.
American Marketing Assoc iatio n ; 302.
American Srudies: 276.
Amos, Heath L. (Sophomore), Rt. 1, Sox 352, SI.
Marys, WV, 26170: 158, 199.
AmSrutl , James (HUCSR), 2507 Srooke
McQ uee n, Jon~sboro, AR, 72404.
Carolyn (Staff), 19 Cloverd:lle, Searcy, AR, 72143:
Charles D. (Freshman), 1241 1 Homer Circle,
Terrell, TX, 75160; 217.
Charles Russ<:ll (Special), 124 11 Homer Circle,
Terrell, TX, 75 160.
David C. (Senior), 2400 Longmire "401, College
Station, TX. 77845; 112, 284, 292.
Debbie (Stam, 376 Smith Road, Searcy, AR,
Di:tne (Faculty), 2985 Country Club West. $carcy,
AR, 72143.
Duane E. (Freshman), 220 Indian Trail. Searcy,
Heather B. (Sophomore), 1601 N. Martha Court,
Brentwood. TN. 37027; 158. 282.
J:tmes (Stam, 2985 Country Club West, Searcy,
AR, 72143; 48, 49.
J:tred R. Ounior), 3606 N.E. 98th Ave.,
Vancouver, WA, 98662; 140, 250, 288.
Jeremy C. Ounior), 3S04 Spanish Drive, Sulphur,
LA, 70665; 140, 292,302.
jessica M. (Freshman), 420 West 4th 51., Homer,
LA, 71040; 176, 278.
Kevi n A. (Sophomore), 11575 S.w. Welch Court,
Beaverton, OR, 97009; 158.
Kimberly M. (Sophomore), 20460 Via Castile,
Yorba Li nda, CA, 92886; 198.
Krista J. (Freshman), 12861 Mineral Springs Road,
Westfork, AR, 72774; 176, 222.
Laci nd:! L. Ounior). 224 Ernicwood. Rosebud, AR,
Eileen Marie (Freshman). 123 15 Del Rio Drive,
Jacksonville, Ft, 32258; 176, 276.
Misty L. (Sophomore), 306 Sunny Lane. Labyene,
LA. 70506; 158,284.
Sar.thJo (Sophomore), 6317 Wildwood Va lley
Drive, Brent"\\'ood, TN, 37027; 158, 282.
Tim R. (Sophomore). 28}4 Ple:lSlnt Ave.,
Hamilton, OH, 45015; 158, 226, 276.
Thomas M. (Senior), 20460 Via Castile, Yorba
Linda, CA, 92886; 112, 140,296,298.
William C. (Sophomore), 12 Eagle Rock Hill,
Bethel, CT, 06801: 158.
Jonathan M. (Sophomore). Luisenri ng 102, 52538
G:lngelt. GERMANY; 29<\.
Shan (HUGSR), 1000 Cherry Road. Mem phiS, TN,
38117; 196.
Anella, j ason H. (Ju nior), 1304 Sundale Road. El
Cajon, CA, 92019; 140.
Karen (Staff), 101 S. Charles 51., Searcy, AR,
Ron (StafO, 101 S. Charles St., Searcy, AR, 72 143.
Ann M. (Sophomore), P.O. 80:< 445, Augusta,
AR, 72oo6.
Don C. Ounior), 5063 State Hwy. 149 N.,
Tyronu. AR, 72386.
Phillip E. (Freshm:tn). 2952 Hillhurst Drive,
Nashville, TN, 37207; 176.
Antun e:t, Aleja ndra P. (Freshman). Col. Ruben
Dario ClIe., Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS; 176,
....._ _ _ _.n"emorial
Aramaki, Krista S. (Freshm:ln). 100 Pinetree,
Palestine, TX, 75801 ; 176.
Archaeology Club; 302.
Archie, Amber E. (Freshman), 6501 Gilli;l. Circle
5., Bartlett. TN, 38135.
Danny (Senior), 21495 H,,"'Y- 18, Apple Valley,
CA, 92307; 112, 286, 294.
David E. (Freshman), 3380 Swenson, Las Vegas,
l'1'V, 89109; 176.
Bryan D. (Sophomore). 31 Abide Drive,
Greenville. MS. 38701 .
Robert A. (Senior). 31 Abide Drive, Greenville,
MS, 38701; 276.
Floryluz (Senior), Ste. H202 6964 NW 50th,
Miami. FL. 33166; 1l2, 265, 268. 304.
Skarleth V. (Freshman), C:t nton El Porvenir,
Mazalena ngo, Suchitepeque~, CUATEI'>1ALA.
Arlington, Aaron M. (Sophomore), 6587 Map le
Drive, Neosho, MO, 64850; 238.
Armour, jerry (HUGSR), 295 Defeated Creek
Hwy., Carthage, TN, 37030.
Andrea D. (Sophomore), 205 W. Woodruff -16.
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Mandy L. (Senior), 7710 Star Hollow, Lipan. TX.
76462; 282.
Af-nault, Sandy (Special).
Debbie A. (Senior). 818 Old Kilbourne Road,
Eudora. AR, 71640; 112.
Kara L. ( Freshman), 713 E. Market St., Searcy,
AR, 72 143; 176.
Mandy K. Qunior). P.O. Box 187, Dierks, AR,
71833; 140, 280.
Michael P. (Freshman), 7612 Hightower Dri"e, N.
Richland Hills, TX, 76180; 176, 276.
Neil S. (Senior), 713 E. Market, $earcy, AR,
72 143; 11 2, 276, 290.
Trent (HUCSR), 7866 Autumn Clade "4, Cordova,
Wi ll iam (Freshman). 14 Alexis, Cabot, AR, 72023;
3, 176, 286.
AS habranner, Julie (Freshm:ln), 1935 Riversand
Road, Hebe r Springs, AR, 72543.
AS hbaucher, Sonya D. Ounior), 126 Leggen
Drive, Mon ticello, AR, 71655: 140.
Ashby, Ryan M. (Senior), 2657 WeStmoreland
Drive, Granite City, IL, 62040; 112, 278.
Asblock , Richard D. (Sophomore), 7533 Lob
Drive, Ft. Worth, TX, 76180; 158, 210.
William Lyn, Jr. (Grd Educ). 2538 Athena, Las
Vegas, !'-'\', 8911 5.
Rexi (Faculty), 23 Robbye I..3 ne. Searcy, AR,
Alk.inson, Leah R. (Sophomore), 4908 Firestone.
College Station, TX, 77845; 158,280.
Aubrey, Amber S. (Freshman). 311 Parramana
Lane -C206, Houston, TX, 77073.
Aunspaugh, Jennifer C. (Senior), I II Bristlecone,
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Ausburn, Rebecca D. (Senior), 2213 Jona than
La ne, Searcy, AR, 72143: 276.
Beverly (Faculty), 1414 Wallis St., $carcy, AR,
72143; 64.
DouglaSJ. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 311, HoratiO,
AR, 71842; 44, 158, 286.
Aven, Sta cie L. (FT<;shman), 9819 Hughes Ranch
Road, Houston, TX, 77089: 284.
Aytes .
Ho lly E. (Sophomore), 4550 Spring Clen Drive,
Memphis, TN, 38128.
M~ tthew R. Qunior), 935 Spinnaker Road,
Knoxville, TN, 37922.
Azbell, C:lssandra ). (Freshman), 2102 Norwood
Blvd.. Florence, Ai, 35630; 176. 288.
Charles (HUGSR). HU Box 10298. Searcy, AR,
72 149.OQ01.
SUS3nnah B. (Se nior), Box 525 Tracey Ferry
Road, Mountain Home, AR, 72653; 112, 268,
Babcock, Erin M. (ju nior), 10102 Brantley Bend,
Austin, TX, 78748; 140, 276, 284, 294.
Reaga n G. (Freshma n), 14 Biue Ridge Drive,
Searcy, AR, 72143: 176, 286.
Steve (Facul ty), 14 Blue Ridge Drive, Searcy, AR,
72143; 55, 79.
Bacon, MiSty D. Ounior), 108 woodcreek Drive,
Rockwall, TX, 75087; 140, 280, 312.
Badenock, Endi Sanyo (Freshman), Ashton Union
Isl:tnd, Ashton P.O., 51. Vincent, WEST
B;l.der, Robert). (Senior), 210 S. Moss, Searcy,
AR. 72143.
Bagga, Sheila R. (Sophomore), 2659 Crestridge
Coun, Grand Junction, CO, 81506: 158.
Bagley, David w . (Sophomore), 1702 Cene
Drive, Mt. Pleaunt. TX. 75455. ISS. 217.
Kern Johns, 44, a graduate student in the School of
Education , was killed in
Memphis on February 22 ,
1998. Johns was a student
teacher at Searcy High
School at the time of his
death. The son of Rex and
Velma Johns, he was from
Searcy, Ark.
Alex A. (Sophomore), 1400 Compere Blvd.,
Abilene, TX, 79601.
Allison C. Ounior), 2362 Rebecca Drive. H:ttfield.
PA, 19440; 140, 278.
April D. (Freshman), 1047 CR 68. Myrtle, MS,
38650; 176, 252.
Erin B. Qunior), 2402 Ri pple Creek Lane,
Edmond. OK, 73003; 140.
Karyl ( Faculty), 159 Pinon Drive. Searcy. AR,
72143; 214.
Lauren E. (Freshman), 2362 Rebecca Dri"e,
Hatfield, PA, 19<\40; 176, 288.
Ma rceUa (Stafn. 159 Pinon Drive, Searcy, AR,
Bain, Sandra LeKay Qunier), 2208 Pleaunt Drive,
Tyler, TX, 75701; 140, 214, 215.
Baine, Angela L. QU nior), 3424 51. Hwy. 42, Earle,
AR. 72331: 138, 140.
Baines, Sarah j . (Freshma n), 14 Ridge Road,
Searcy, AR, 72143: 176.
Alison (Stam, 102 S. Ella, Searcy. AR, 72 143: 56,
Cathy L. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 139. Williford,
Debbie (St.:lm, 278 Tanner Road, Searcy, AR.
Jeanene I. Ounior), Box 139, Williford, AR,
72482; 140, 294, 3O<i.
Jim (StafO, 102 S. Ella. Searcy, AR, 72143.
Sheree K. (Senior), 1423 E. Hamilton A' ·e., Eau
Cl:lire, \XIl , 54701; 112, 276,290.
Tim (Facul ty), 278 Tanner Road, Searcy, AR.
72 143; 79.
PatriCia Ann (Sophomore), P.O. Box 139.
Williford, AR. 72482; ISS.
Baisch , Lori). (Sophomore). Route 1. Box 3528,
Sidney, MT, 59270.
Andrew S. Qunior), 506 Rock St .. D:lrdanelle. AR.
72843: 18. 203, 278. 300.
Beth ~ny R. (Senior), 735 1 Crassy Trail, San
Antonio, TX, 78244: 296.
CUrt (Facu lty), 154 N. Valley Road, Searcy, AR,
72143; 74.
Jacob G. (Freshma n), P.O. Box 2608, Russellville,
AR. 72811; 276, 288.
Jason Lynn (Fres hman), PO Box 2608,
Russellville. AR, 728 11 ; 276, 288.
Jason R. (Sophomore). 2034 Conway Drive,
Florence, Ai, 35630; 158, 290.
Jeffrey j ulian (Senior), 2034 Conway Drive.
Florence, AL, 35630; 112. 282.
Jessica L. (Freshm:tn), P.O. Box 3062, Hot
Springs. AR, 71913; 176.
Judy (Sum, 154 K. Valley Road , Searcy, AR,
Kim (Faculty). 2103 Beebe·Capps Expressway
.. 44, Searcy, AR, n143; 68, 69.
Michael Anthony (Freshman), 7222 D)'er Road,
Baker, LA, 70714; 217.
Mindy M. (Sophomore), 1500 Tulip Avenue,
Searcy. AR, 72143; 158, 222.
Nicole l. QUnior), 60 Far:lday Road, 5TH
Croydon Vic, AUSTRALIA, 3136; 140.
Matthew T. (junior), 4775 Fainvay Hills Ave.,
Shreveport, LA. 71107; 140.
Bales, M:lllhcw G. (Senior), P.O. Box 1388.
Waynesboro, VA, 22980; 112, 268,308,310.
Balis. Jason M. (Grd Educ), 406 Meadow Lane,
ApI. -4, Searcy, AR, 72143.
Ball, Anthony C. (Senior), 138 I..3ke Barnell Road,
Romance, AR, 72136; 1l 2.
BaU:mi, Amy E. (Sophomore), 1613 Bellavist3
Road, Cleveland, MS, 38732; 158, 276.
Baltodano, Carlos A. (Freshman).
Balyeat, Jeannie D. (Senior), 740 Dan Ave., Canal
Fulton, OH, 44614; 112.
Christina M. (Freshman), 3911 :\'. Clarey, Eugene.
OR, 97402: 176, 280.
James A. (Senior), 18 Brook Drive, Quincy. IL.
Barber , Leah Adrianne (Grd Edue), 190 Barber
Rood. IkIld Knob. AR. 72010.
Barde n
Dill (I1.RJ (Faculty). 1400 Headlee Drive, Se:trcy.
AR.72 143.
Lind:! (Facul ty), 1400 Headlee Ori"e, Searcy, AR,
72 143.
Ba rnes
Barbara (Faculty), 23 Harding Drive, Searcy. AR.
72143; 64.
Eric G. (Sophomore), 3526 Woodbridge Drive,
Nashville. TN, 37217; 158. 280.
Jerome (Staro, 23 Harding Drive. Searcy, AR,
72143: 54.
Barne ll. Megan D. Ounior), 719 Davis Drive,
Brentwood. TN. 37027; 140.
Barreto, Carolina (Freshma n), Box 951, Jennings,
LA, 70546; 176, 300.
Stephen A. (Sophomore).
Jennifer R. Ounior), 3727 S. Walden St., Aurora,
CO. 80013; 276.
Je nnifer L. Ounior), 302
Patty (Stam, 901 R:lOdall Drive, Searcy, AR.
721 43; 52, 269.
Rachel A. (Freshm:lO), 3727 s. W:I!den St.,
Aurora, CO, 80013; 176, 288, 304.
Sheila J. (Freshman), 208 Phadral. Apt I-A, Hot
Springs, AR, 71913.
Barristers: 302.
Cherie Je:lnette (Crd Educ), Rt. 5, Box 294,
Waynesboro, VA, 22980; 206.
Keith A. Ounior), 2707 Johnson St., Hopewell,
Stephanie R. Ounior), Rt. 5 Box 224. StuartS
DI"".Ift, VA, 24477; 140, 206, 222.
Barrow, John R. (Senior), 119<\6 Knollwood
Rood. Nonhport, At, 35475; 112.
Bartee. Dustin P. (Sophomore). 24 Huntsman
Look. Ormond Beach, Flo 32174; 276, 298,
Barte ls , Ryan (Freshman), 981 Joe Quick Road.
Hazel Green, AL. 35750; 176.
Barth, Jill Renee (Senior), 6040 Springburn Dri,·c,
Dublin, OH, 43017; 113, 298, 308.
B;l.r!oloua. Michele Ounior), 1131 Peachcreek
Road, Centerville, OH, 45458; 140, 286.
B;l.rton, William A. (Freshman), 25 Jam estown.
Searcy, AR, 72143; 176.
Barulli, Daniel (HUCSR), 7410 Ki nston Cove,
Southaven, MS, 38671.
Barwick , Delisa Dian (Senior), lOS S.E. Oakridge
Drive, DeKalb. TX, 75559; 113.
Basan ez, Maria M. (Freshman), Iglesia "'470,
MexiCO D. F. 01900, MEXICO: 176.
Bash;l.m, Stacey A. (Sophomore), 1503 Willard,
Springdale, AR, 72762: 286.
Bas haw
Deb (Starn, 1104 W. McRae, Searcy, AR, nl43.
Matthew D. (Sophomore), 6958 Corsica,
Germ:lntown, TN, 38138; 158.
Bas inge r , Cay (Starn. 2735 Hwy. 87, Bradford.
Bas ke n , Sar:J A. (Freshman). P.O. Box 9005.
Kokomo, IN, 46904: 176, 288.
Bass , Michael S. (Senior), 122 Charles Thomas
Blvd., Searcy. AR, 72143; 113, 271, 294.
Basslng, Sleph:lO M. (Freshman), 632 CR 507,
Lake City, AR. 72437.
Batchelo r . Angela L. (Freshman). 110 S. Monroe
St .. New Buffalo, MI, 49117; 176, 276.
J~m~s Brent (Senior), 1124 De ntonshire Orive,
Carrollton, TX, 75007; 113.
Eugene L. (Freshman), 81 1 Red l'>13ple Drive,
WPAFS, OH. 45433: 176. 276, 278.
Baugh, Lawrence W. (Senior), 308 Battleship
Cove, Stafford, VA, 22554 .
Jamie Lynn QUnior), 379 Hwy. 124 East,
Pangburn, AR, 72121 ; 140.
Jennifer A. (Freshman). P.O. Box 327, Pangburn.
AR. 72121 : 176, 276.
Baugus, Leroy (Staff), 147 Rocky Parkway,
Se:trcy, AR, 72143.
Index 277
Concert &nd: Firsl Row: Emily Hill, Gffie Bales, Connie Colvin, Karole-Ann Bean . Secolld Row: jenny Evans, Susan Stumne, Racbel ConnoN, jessica
Andersoll, Teresa &>yd, Cbrisly Hillson, Robin Ward, Susan Sbirel. Third Row: Susan Spradling, 81m Stewart, Catherine Richardson, Cbristy Brighl,
jennifer SandeN, DeliiSe RooJ,jared Hodge, Rebecca Doran, jay larson . Fourtb ROW: IAlira KilJ8. Brian Richardson, jared Chance, David LUCiCb, jeff
Rimer, Clay jOOllSon, jam('S Rlckel/, Paige Fairley, jeff~bepberd, Stefani(' SeideN, Travis Henry, Cary Gamer; Tony Wallers Fiflb Row: TC'TIJ' Zikes, Amy
Tittle, jason Railey, Caryl' Parl.:er, Cbris Mimllfe. Photo by jeff MOll/gomery.
Delta Cb i Delta. (SociaIOllb)FlrsJ row:jOOn-Anthony R(>tIu,-;ck, Al11wjones, AsbkyOeme>lIs, Kim {,./!Ialld, SlaceySams, Katbryn George, Du,-;gbtSmilb .
Second row; Travis Smitb, josbua Keene, 8elllAmb,jOO>! HaltS/cin. Aaro>! SWIlley, jonatban Gorbam, Cbalmillg Brad/ord, lalba'l Walts. Third row:
jasOf/ Pitt, Rex Reer,Y!S. Dallid Berry, Cody D)t', MarcltS Neely, Keffy Hcimlinger' Fourtb row Eric Wllfiamsoll, jasoll Roark, Ryall Ashby, Brellt Caner, LII!.!
Brazle, Briall Whlll, jeremy Smflb, Mark !kmer. Fiftb roW: Bryan jobe, Rick Blair, Ken Coble, Alall Martl'l, Peu.' Val11l, Doug Waddill, i3ef1 Steed, Tim
Pell, Ma'*- Cross. Malt Melfoll S,'xtb row: flay llawley,jeffVeal, Bralido'l Bon1l('(lu, Dalla Maddox, Randall Parks, /J(!I/tlis Van Erp, ShaWIl Breeden, Matt
Tibbles, Todd l\'lacasler $et'Cntb rowo' jyusej lArry, Tracy Hall, Eric Da/lellport, Neil Cutsillger, Alldy Pace, Brad Irwin, jay Gentry, Kellin Coulle,., Robert
Sebesta, Eric Schwieter. Pboto by Brian HenriCks.
Delta Ga mma Rho. (Social Club) First row (f to r): Rebekah Mitchell, Alisoll Porter, Breit Davies, Slacy Glover, Michelfe KilCbens,jamie Griffin, Affison
Baffey, Am(md(1 Clllnmings, Amal/da Hudgins, Rachel Griggs, Claire Crider,joy Madlaing . Seco/ld row' Lisa Kirk, Heather Miller, Tianay Cbambers,
MissySlIggs, TracySewcff, Amy May, AlldrewBaker,jenniferStynes, Miranda Sowell. Third row:jennyEdmOlldson, SOllya Saw)"r'r,jilf Kinwortby, Cylllhia
To/fesoll, Gr'(ma B.-ockma'l, Elizabeth Stylles, KlmbcrlyMitJ(>n, AmySlllmp, Broo/...'CShac/...'Ciford, Mdisa AdalllS. FOl/rth row: AIIIW Pal/tlC'r, u'all/U!Trol/er,
Carla HamiltOIl, Holly Sal0"t'r, Elizabeth Smitb, Dacia Phemisler, Amal/da Rush, Kelly Pol/(!IIQarger Fifth row: Caro/ll\,obles, Allisoll Black, Slacy Litlle,
Reynda Prall, jl'/mifer Reininger, Christy Orr, Krist; MeaIiS. Sixth row. Christy He/lSoI/, Rachelfe MOII/lljoy, BOllllie Gamer, Krista Romall, ErilljohliSOIl,
Kelly DIII/CMI, Amy WilllamSOIl, Natasha Deal. Sevelllh row: Amber Mitchelf, Kristin COle",tlIl, AprlIWiI/...'(!rson,joe/le t:dmolldson, Sbeila Chlfd(!f"S, Amy
lArson, j(!llllifer McCarty, Wendy Greell Eigh/h row: Martha Simmons, Mara Mays, jetlllClle WllsolI, Kendra Par/...'(:r, jOY Tucker, Amanda H/leter, jalla
Glover, MeliSsll Calvi/I, Amy Illlow Photo by Brian Helldricks
278 Index
Baum, Audrey l . (Freshman). 3845 Misty
Meadow, F(. Wonh, TX, 76133; 176,284,306.
Bauma n , Tassie (Sophomore), 7816 Sevierville,
Knoxville, TN, 37920; 158, 294.
Bawcom, Charles Jay (Grd Educ). 1400 Hilkr.:st,
Se~rcy. AR. 72143.
Bay1e5. Aaron Ounior). 8032 Tree leaf lane, Fon
Wonh. TX. 76123; 104.
Bays in ge r, 5{acee S. Ounior), 30845 Deal Drive,
Sorrento, FL, 32n6; 140, 276. 300.
Beac h , Jennifer L (Freshman), 8577 Bannerman
Bluff Drive, Tallahassee, FL, 32312.
Beach y, Darren E. (Senior).
Beamo n , Jesse L. (Sophomore), 114 Kimberly
Coun, Jacksonville. I"C. 28540; 158. 300.
jaime ]\I . (Frcshm~n), 361 Pine Acres Road,
Windsor, SC, 29856; 176.280.288.
Karole Ann (Sophomore), 611 Elm Hill Road.
Sou th Paris. ME, 04281; 158, 278, 280.
Bea rd
Ashley N. (ju nior), 102 lar.lmie Drive. Victoria,
TX. 77904; 140.
AudrJ L. (junior), 2700 R~msgate Way, Ft. Smith.
AR. 72908; 280.
Ryan P. (Senior), 2919 Rocky Mountain Court. fl.
Collins, CO, 80526; 113.
Samuel W. (junior), PO Box 50s, Rock Springs,
GA, 30739; 306.
Bea rde n
Christopher j. (Senior). 269 Ki-Ke Acres Road,
SeaICY. AR. 72143.
Travis (Sophomore). Box 412. Ledyard, CT.
06339; 158.
Ca rrie L. Ounior), 5960 The Twelfth FailWay.
Suw.anee. GA, 30024.
Terrance L (Grd Educ), 3418 Cypresswood Dri\'e
S., Jacksonville, fL, 32257.
Vanessa E. (Freshman). 210 Blueberry Hill Road,
Cleveland, TN, 37312; 176, 282.
Christy R. (Sophomore), Rt. 4, Box 331-V,
Sh<!"ridan, AR, 72150; 158.
Clay R. (Crd Educ), P.O. Box 194, Forney, TX.
75126: 217.
Beatty, Erik B. (Sophomore), 19126 Samuel
Drive, Lake Elsinore, CA, 92530; 158, 276.
Bea ulie u. Remie P. (Senior), J496 Granada Ave.,
Holly Hill. FL, 32117.
Beavers, jarod A. (freshman), J94 Richard Lauen.
Searcy, AR, 72143; 217.
Beck, Lorianne L. (Sophomore), 24 Meadowrue,
Russellville, AR, 72801; 198.
Bec kett. Daniel B. Ounior), 118 Center,
White~boro, TX, 76273.
Bedone , Jessica G. (freshman), P.O . Bole 300,
Sweet Home, AR, 72164; 176.
David A. (Freshman), 8 Blue Ridge Drive, Searcy,
AR, 72 143; 217.
Jenny Allison Ounior). 8 Blue Ridge Drive,
Searcy, AR, 72143; 199.
Jim (Swff), 8 Blue Ridge Drive, Searcy, AR.
72143; 60.
Sally Anne (Faculty), 8 Blue Ridge Drive, Searcy,
A!aina M. (freshm3n), 1836 Hunters Forest Drive,
Winston-Salem, NC, 27103; 176, 276.
Andrea D. (Senior), 1836 Hunters forest Drive,
Winston-Salem, NC, 27103: 113. 286.
Amy J. (Sophomnre), 6 Cades Cove, St. Charles,
MO, 63301: 158. 284. 292.
Rachel E. (F reshman) , 6920 Troy. Taylor, MI.
48180: 176. 280.
Belkna p , Michael S. (Freshma n), 13822
Bridlington Coun, Centreville, VA, 22020;
Barbara (Staff), 605 E. Center St., Searcy. AR.
72143; 86.
Rebecca E. Ounior). P.O. Box 182, Mineral
Springs. AR. 71851 ; 140, 288.
Christopher N. (Sophomore), 6733 Meadow
Road , Ft. Wonh, TX. 76180: 282.
Cynth;;a (Freshman), 448 Burcke, Hazlewood,
MO, 63042; 198.
Daniel E. (junior). 605 E. Center St., Searcy, AR.
72143; 14l.
David A. Ounior), P.O . Box 225, Alpena, AR,
72611 ; 66, 141.
j:lmi R. Ounior), 905 N. Ranney. Sikeston. MO.
63801: 282.
Jamie M. (Freshman), 210 Tejas, Pal<!"stine, TX,
Mac A. (freshman) , P.O. Box 182, Mineral
Springs, AR, 71851; 176, 286.
Rhonda ( Faculty), 408 Meadow La ke Circle .3.
Se;arcy, AR, 72143; 60, 6l.
Belleoc k, Belva (Staff), 128 Woodland Drive,
Searcy, AR, 72143; 292.
Belie$ an d Beaux ; 302.
Bellican , WHliam (HUGSR), 10300 Kentwood EaSI
Dr;ve, Cordova, TN, 38018; 196.
Belo te, Jeana A. (Freshman), 101 NOrth 51st St. ,
ft . Smith, AR, 72903; 198.
Bende r , Alan L. (Freshman), l OS Bender lane.
DeQu<!"en, AR, 71832.
Bend ickso n
Tammy (Staff), Village Apts., E-3, Searcy, AR,
72149: 86.
Troy D. (Senior), 103 E. 21st. Gr:tnd Island, NE,
68801 ; 113, 276, 312.
Benede tto , ScOtt T. (Freshman), 344 [;1st Lane,
HammontOn, Nj, 08037; 176.
Benge, James D. (Sophomore). 70S Bodeg:l Bay,
Keller, TX, 76248; 158, 282.
Benke. leslie A. (Grd Educ). 304 BJO\J Clower
Lane. Bull Shoals, AR, 72619: 196, 294.
Benne ll
Brooke A. (Junior), 6539 Pidgeon H<I!I , Memphis,
TN. 31H19; 141.282.
Brooke K. (Sophomore), 401250 w . 2480 Drive,
Bartlesville. OK. 74006; 158.
Robin E. (Sophomore), 4327 H<I"erhiH, Memphis,
TN, 38111; 158, 282.
Benson, Bemesha D. (Freshman). P.O . Box 26,
Gilmore. AR, 72339; 176.
Jessi~ Sue (Senior), 32 Weatherwood l:Ine,
Maumelle, AR. n1l3; 113, 271. 282, 290.
linda K. (Senior), 32 Weathcrwood lane.
Maumelle, AR. 72113: 113.267,268,271,276,
282, 290.
Mark (Facu lty), 171 Triple M Road. Searcy, AR.
Melody Anne (Grd Educ). 20 Gary Drive, Mcna,
Melody (Sta ff), 606 E Woodroof. Searcy, AR,
72 143.
James R. (Sophomore), 767 Sybilwood Circle.
Winter Springs. Fl . 32708: 290. 298.
BeTend. Angela M. (Junior), 3711 W. Pretty
Prairie Road, Preny Prairie. KS, 67570: 141,
Be re ns , Stephanie A. (Freshm<ln). 14509 Berry
Way, San Josc. CA, 95124.
Be.-g, Kimberlee (Sophomore), 6634 Oriole Ave.,
Jacksonville, Flo 32216; 1;8, 284 .
BergeT, Christopher S. (Junior), 1909 Northfield.
O\'erland, MO, 63114; 104.
BeTrelh, Troy L. (Junior), 601 Croig Dri\'e .
Palestine. TX. 75801; 141. 217,
Timothy D, (Sophomore), 3014 N. Haven Drive.
Corinth. MS. 38834; 158.278.300. 306.
Kenneth Anan (Grd Mm, 53 Aberdeen Drive,
lin le Rock, All., 72211.
Shannon (Freshm<ln).
C:arisse (HUGSR Faculty). 1169 Oakridge,
Memphis, TN, 38111 ; 84.
Sara M. (Freshman), 6800 South "Q- Court. Ft.
Smith, AR, 72903; 176, 288.
Shannon M. (Senior), 39 Parker Ave .. Holden,
MA. 01520; 113. 176.266.268. 271 , 296, 308.
Berryman. Sandy (hculry), 110 Indian Trail.
Searcy. AR, 72143; 60.
Sese n ye i
Joseph E. (Senior), 139 Hawthorn Lane,
Princeton, WV, 24740; 282.
Jodi P. (Freshma n), ]39 Hawthorn lane,
Princt:\on, WV, 24740; 96, 280.
Benpmin Thomas (Junior), 2122 Gracc Avc .. Fl.
Myers, Fl, 33901; 304.
Shelley A. (Sophomore), 2122 Gracc Avc., Flo
M},crs, FL, 33901; 158.
Bewley, Patrick J. (Sophomore), I Arrowhead
Circle. Hickory Creek. TX. 75065; ]58.
David n. (Senior), 1715 -G" Sireet. Bedford. IN.
4742] ; 113, 268, 276.
Stephen W. (Sophomore), 1715 G St.. Bedford,
Ronald Scotl (Grd Educ), 3602 Gr:tnd. Brookfield.
IL, 60513; 296.
Tanya R. (senior), 2314 Carson St., Magnol ia, AR.
Biffle , Paul T. (Sophomore), 20507 Thundcrsky,
Ri\'erside, CA. 92508: 158.
Biggs, Jason L (Freshma n), 2802 W. Bay Area
Blvd., Wcbster, TX, n598; 176, 290.
Mary Sue (Grd Educ). ]404 Deener Drive, Searcy.
AR. 72143SarJ l , (Sophomore). 1404 Deener Drive, Searcy.
AR. 72143; 158.276. 304.
Bills, Patrick H. (Junior). 289 Farmington Tf2ce,
Normandy, TN, 37360; 141 , 276, 284, 288.
Bing h am. Henry L (Junior), 40125 AUlumn
Meadow. Praireville. LA. 70769.
Emily C. (Sophomore), 1428 Madison Creek
Road, Goodlellsville, TN, 37072: 159. 284.
Mary (Staff), 1503 E. l\Iarket, Searcy, AR, 72]43;
Birc h , Adam E. (Senior). 91 ForeSt I)rive.
Plinesville, OH. 440n ,
Birdwe U, Kevin R. (Sophomore ). 919 West
Morton, Ocnnison. TX. 75020: 159,300.
Oirslo n . Paul (HUGSR), 1211 Warsaw Circle.
Winnipeg MB, CANA, R3~l1E9.
Birth, Carol K. (Senior), PO Box 1561. Marvell.
AR , 72366; 113. 284.
Jeremy S. (Senior), 1210 Adell Drive, little Rock.
AR, 72212; 98. 113. 282.
IIlatt W. (Junior). 753 Lewisburg Road, Austin.
AR, 72007: 141, 286. 288, 294.
Bison : 312.
Bilne r . Pamela J. (Junior), 213 Big 4 Rood,
Judsonia, AR, 72081 ; 141, 298.
Joshua M. (Sophomore). 7018 Sh:annon l.:ine.
Mabelva]e. AR, 72103Matthew R. (Senior), 7018 Shannon, Mabelvale,
AR, 72103; 113, 233.
Allen (HUGSR Faculty), 266 Summerfield l.:ine,
Memphis, TN, 38018; 84.
Allison M. (Junior). 11000 Appom;utOX Drive.
Mlbelvale. AR. 72103: 141, 247, 278, 290.
Amy B. (Sophomore), 266 Summerfield lane,
Cordo"a, TN , 38018; 159.288.
AShley E. (Junior), 11000 AppomattOx Dri\'e,
robbelvale. AR. 72103; 141 .247,290,308.
Chris (HUGSR), 101 Flrley Rood. Nlshua, NH.
David (HUGSR), 1000 Cherry ROld, Memphis.
TN, 38117; 1%.
Floyd J. (Freshman), 9 Edgemount Drive. 51.
Peters. MO. 63376; In.
Martha J. (Freshman), 926 Windwood Drivc. Bald
Knob, AR, 72010.
Kimberely Anne (JuniOr), 300 S. Fir, Searcy. AR.
Terry R. ( Freshman), 300 S. Fir. Sea rcy. AR.
1bc WNBA - Women's Nalionai /Jasl..'('tooll Association - comp/Ned Its i,wlIgllrni season with the flOIIS/O'1
Comets de/ealillg the New Yom Libeny for the championship As the s~!ason came 10 a close, the WNBA
amlOlmnod that tbeeight-team /(!(lgllel~'OII/dgrowto lQteams ill 1998 I/if all WOrksOlll, the Comets willj/lrllp
to lbe Westem Co.tjen?tlce witb Los Angeles, PbQelliX, Sacramt:>tl/o and Utab lbe new teams, Detroit (HId
Wasbit/gton, 0 C. Idlf joj" tbe East u'ilb Cbarlott9' a,walld and New York (liM PboIo)
~bc kman .
Bf2dford C. (Special). 5460wend<lle
Drive, Antioch. TN, 37013; 177.
Black'l\'elde r , Mark (HUGSR). 507 Crook Ave.,
Henderson. TN. 38340.
Merrill (Freshman). 500 N. Pecan, Searcy. All.,
Kimberly L (Freshman), 500 N. Pecan, Selrcy,
AR, 72149.
Saroh A. (Sophomore), 609 Harry Drivc, Dexter.
Jason E. (Freshman). 9024 Tennga l.:ine.
Chattanooga. TN. 37421: 177, 286.
Jeremy n. (Sen ior), 9024 Tennga lane,
Challanooga. TN. 37421 ; 113, 268.
Richard W. (Senior). 99 Midland, Springdale. AR.
72674; 113, 278.
Angela T. (Freshman). 1457 Rockshi re Drive,
Plano. TX. 75074: 177,
Zach<lry R. (Freshman). 1457 Rockshire Drive,
Pl<lno. TX. 75074; 177.
Adam (Junior). 443 New Hampshire RI . 104.
Meredith. NH. 0325}: 141, 294 .
Brian P. (Senior), 14600 Darling Road , Mibn. Ml.
48160; 114, 271. 276, 282. 296.
Ginny C. (Junior), 1918 Morningside Drive.
Hart~elle, Al, 35640; 198, 292, 294.
Blake r , Rebekah I>. (Fresh man ), 1076 Perkins
Terrnce. Memphis, TN. 38117; 93. 280.
Amy J , (Freshman). 234 Keels RO<ld, Sumpter, SC,
29154; 177.
Dave (HUGSR faculty). 1391 Poplar Estate
Pukw~y. Germantown, TN, 38138; 84.
Mugaret N. (Jun ior), 234 Keels Rood. Sumter. SC.
29154: 141. 268, 276,
Bla nkc ns hip , Richard (Faculty), 122 Red Oak
l.:ine, Searcy, AR, 721 43Bla n sett, lyn (Staff), 19 Country Club Circle,
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Blasdel. Steven E. (Se nior), 420 W. 6th St., Mt.
Home, AR. 72653; ] 14.
Blaylock. Melissa Dawn (5<:!nior), 229 Belmont
Drive. Greenville, MS. 38701; 114 .
Bledsoe, Elizabeth J. (Freshm:an), 1208 Cherokee,
Newpon. AR, 72112; In.
Danny J. (Sp«ial), 1>.0 . Box 289, Br:ldford, AR.
Pacer J. (Sophomore), P.O . Box 289. Bf2dford.
Shane (Freshman), P.O . Box 289, Br.ldford, AR,
Bliss . li~a L (Freshman), 139 Carrnnza Road ,
Tabernacle, NJ, 08088; 177, 276.
Callie M. (Junior), P.O . Box 232. Kingston, TN,
37763; 199.
Brian P. (Freshman), 9 Valley Rood, Searcy. AR.
Ryan A. (Sophomore). P.O. Box 232, Kingston.
TN, 37763; 159.217.
Mary·Margaret (Ju nior), 16 Country Club Circle,
Searcy. AR, 72143; 288.
Michael G. (Sophomore), 29 Jamestown Drive.
Searcy, AR, 72143; ] 14, 159. 271. 286.
Mitchell T. (Senior). 29 Jamestown , Searcy. AR.
72143; 290.
Blythe. Sleven A. (Freshm<l n), 476 Belleview
A,·e., Chillicothe. O H, 45601; 177.
Bobo. Kelly Kichols (G rd I::duc), .] Thompson
Circle, Searcy, AR. 721 43.
Bodde n , Kathy L. (Fres hman).
Boduc h . Lori L (Sophomore), 639 Malta Ave"
Ballston Spa .. NY. 12020; 199.
Boerner, Charlene K. (Freshman), 2063 S. Nucla
Way, Aurora , CO, 80013.
Margaret \. (P Gr:td).
Margie (Staff). 1316 East "hrkCl -5. Sear<:y. AR.
Bogard . Annita J. (Grd Educ).
Jason 1'. (Freshman). 3005 N. 22nd St ..
Parogould, AR, 72450.
Niki Kay (Sophomore), 1738 Rhythm l:lne,
Arnold, MO, 63010: 159.
Boh an no n
Richard R.. 11 (Sophomore), 1601 Pinefield Circle,
Marietta, GA. 30066: 290. 302.
Sonua (Senior), 1601 Pinefielcl Circle. Mari<:lla.
GA. 30066; 11 4.268. 310. 312.
Bold en. Althea K. (Freshman). Hermitage Road. C
of C, PO Box 9245. Richmond. VA. 23225;
177, 284 .
Bolton. Michael (HUGSR). 202 Macleod Ave .•
Dauphin, CANADA, R7N OH5.
Bond. Mark I>. (Fre~hman), 7504 Piney Pointe, 51.
Loui~, MO, 63 129: 177.290.
lion '
Dcbornh J. ( Frcshman), I m Pinewood Drive,
Greenville. MS. 38701; 177.
Judy (Special). Route 2. Box 79. DesArc, AR.
Russ (HUGSR), 25550 Kinyon. Taylo r, MI. 48180.
Bonfoey, Adria M. (Senior), 15900 Derby I.:ane,
l:Ithrop, CA, 95330; 294.
Bonneau , Br.lndon D. (Freshman). 1109 COO:tr
Creek Drivc. Belton. TX. 76513; 102. 278.
louis C. (Senior), 14829 Ahoy l:Ine, Scon. AR.
72142; 225.
Michael C. Ou nior). 604 W. Parke r Aye .•
Cologne. Nj. 08213: 22.
Bookwalte r . ClUn:! (Staff). 119 N. Sawmill.
Searcy. AR. 72143.
James D. (HSBS). HU Box 2026. Searcy. AR.
Joel C, (Senior), 4811 Merrilll:lnc. 1'\ashville. TN,
372 11 ; 264.
john (Senior), 8 Cl<l"erdale, Searcy. Alt 721 43.
Mcliss;1 A. (Freshmln). 127 Coles lane, Se;,rcy.
Nicholas S. (Freshman). 3612 St:lle Road, 54 East.
Sullivan, IN. 47882: 177, 280.
RC;lg.'ln K, (Freshman), 1816 Field Cow Drive.
Plano. TX. 75023: In. 286, 298. 3 12.
Da vid Kem (Senior), 2584 E. Hwy. 37 1.
Nashvillc. AR. 71852.
julie M. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 1021 .
GladL'\v~ t er. TX, 75647: 159.
Borgman. Brian A. (Sophomorc). 312 Smithville
Church Road, Warner Robin ~. GA. 31088:
Boring, Brinany A. (Freshman). 78 N. Buena
ViSta SI., Newark. OH. 43055: 177.
Bo r relli. Devon M. (Sophomore), 701 Valley Oak
Drive. Bremenon. WA. 98311: 159.
8oSt, Ike (Faculty). 124 March Co\·e. Searcy, AR,
72143; SO.
Joshua A. (Se nior). 201 Tr()(wood. Bremwood.
TN, 37027; 114 , 205, 268. 282.
Randall, Jr. (G rd Educ). 201 Trotwood.
Brentwood. TN, 37204: 205.
Bouc ha reb, SandrJ (Staff). Searcy Hall. Box
10851. Se<lrcy, AR. 72149.
Boudr:a. Rita l:Iuren (Junior), 10414 Southpon
Drive, Hou~ton. TX. 77089: 141. 282, 284.
Bou51ead, jack (Faculty). 910 W. Arch. Sea rcy,
AR. 72 143: 64.
Meredith (Staff). 601 1::. P:trk, Sea rcy. AR. 72143;
Robert lynn ( P Grod ), 20310 W 76th Avenue,
I)<;:n\'er, CO, 80221 : 86, 290.
Boullc , Nicholc C. (Fre~hman). 12 13 N W. 41st.
O k!:lhom3 City. OK, 73118; 177.
Bowe n . Olivia J. (Freshma n). HI. 2, Box 300j.
Au~usta. AR , 72006: 177.276.
Bowe ns. Calvin J. (Se nior), 324 N.W. A'·e. Belle
Glade. FL. 33430; 225.
Bowers. Mary M. (Junior). 214 Ridgeway Drive.
Daingerfield, TX, 75638; 141,292.
Bowling, Jerry (Faculty). 9 Barksdale. Searcy, AR.
72143; 56.
Bowls. Susan Gall (Special).
Bowman, Conney J. (Se nio r). 2800 Doyk Drive.
Newport. AR. 72112.
Bowsman. Ch:arl<:s T. (Sophomore). 5413 Olde
South Road , Raleigh, NC, 27606; 280, 288.
Box , Kevin J. (Sen io r). 19566 Oshkosh Road.
Apple Valley, CA, 92307: 302.
Amy E. (Senior), 4903 Ridge Cresl Coun.
Frederick. MD, 21702; 198.
Jami C. (Junior). 113 Tam3r:l l.:tne. Searcy, AR,
72143: 141.280,3]0.
Nicky (StafO. 9 River Oaks Blvd .• Searcy, AR,
72143: 52. 202.
TereSl K. (Fn.:shman), 5236 Catskm~. Wichita
Fal1~. TX, 763 10; 177. 278. 280, 288.
Boyelle . Amice Renee (Se nior). 2200 Maul Rood ,
Camden, All.. 71701; 298.
Boyle, Terrence J. (Sophomore). 7] 13 Tnnldad
Dive, FI. Worth, TX, 76 180; 159, 284.
Bracken. James c. (Senior). 2728 ~1cKen'tie
Drive, Anchora~e, AK. 995 17; 114.290.
Roben Channing (Sophomore). 407 Shi rley St"
Marsha ll. TX, 75670; 159. 278, 300.
June M. (Sophomnre). 2145 Ral'enwood Dnve.
Murfree~boro, TN, 37129; 159.
Justin S. Ounlo r), RI. ] Ik)x 160·;\. I>erryville, AR.
72126; 142. 282
Donna l . (Grd Educ>. P,O . Box 23. KcnsclI. AR ,
F;l:rah F. (Junio r). 1>.0 . Box 248. McCrory. AR.
72101 ; 142.
Katrin!! M. (Freshm;ln). HI. l. Box 267AA.
Perryville. AR. 72126; 177.
Peggy J. (Senior), 128 N. Valley Road, Searcy.
AR.721 43
Torey R. (Sophomore), P.O . Box 494, McCrory,
Virginia (Senior), 1106 Spruce, Augusta. AR,
Br:adshaw. Brent w. (Sen ior), 1403 S. 13th St..
Rogers. AR, 72756.
Br:ady. Andrew Ii. (Senior). 503 Goldenwood
Drive. Jacksonville. AR. 72076.
Br:ajnik. Serguei (Senior), I>oltauskai Region
315323, Kremenchiig, UKRAINE: 34, 11 4.
Branch. Linda D. (Senior). 1'.0 . Box 269. Kensell,
AH. 72082: 298.
Brandc U, Megan E. (Fre~hman), 4641 Glenside
Circle. Tampa. Fl. 33624,
Brandimo re, Presto n A. (Junior), 11666
l:Ins<iowne, Detroit. MI. 48224; 198.284.
Brandsma, WiliiamJ, (Sophomore), 420 W. 27th
St .. rune, CO, 81650: 159, 202. 203.
D:avc T. (Freshmln). 3786 S. l.:tkeshore Drive.
House Springs. MO, 63051.
Leigh Alyce (Junior), 152 Wade Drive !\E.
Calhoun. GA, 30701.
Bratc h er, Claudene (Staff). 23 White O;lk Circle.
Searcy. AR, 72143; 86.
Bratton. Elizabeth A. (Sophomore). 220
lewisburg Road, Austin. AR. 72007; 159, 286.
Braue r. James A. (Senior). 3589 Highway 5.
Bemon. AR. 72015.
Braughl. Mari< (HUGS R), 69 Blossom St.. Keene.
Cymhia A (Se nior). 2210 South Reine. "1<:na, AR.
7 ]953: 114,
Jessica L (Freshman). RR 5. Box 143. Metamor.l.
lfonorsAssocfution. First Row: David Duke, Ctilldice Onba/s, Erica Lee, Cory Edwards, NicoleMorekmd, luwre'I.410ze. Second Row: SCOII Glmery, lisa
Gearhan, Rtlr1dall Parks, Manha Pupko, Katie Nichols, Lara Killg . Third Row: Chrislilla Banks, Su:;an Polk, fJarryjorda'l, Rachel IrIlI/is, Tamara Reese,
Ulldscy lrIatki'ls, Mall Browl! . Fourth Row: Kelldra Par/...>er,jeremy POSt, Lallm Easterly, jessica DlIlaney, Hannah Rhodes, Angefique Cole, Greg Moses.
Fiflh Row: jOllathtlr1 Dandy, Kelly Simmons, Mal/hew Dabbs, Nick Boone, jamie Beall, Amy Ellgla'ld. Sixth Row: Martin Rowe, Rebekah EutlllS, lyle
Mllificall, Robill MacKenzie, Sarah Shade, Ti/ltillY Yecke, Kelly Browl! . Se~"(!lIIh Row: Ted BOllISman, Ashleigh Short, Landon Horton, Ted SfJ,iner, A!tIIl
Howell, Rachel WilSOll, Brock Olree, Kalie Edwards. Eighth Row: RII/hie Nelsoll, Corrie Brown, Ben johnsoll, jasoll Middlekauff, MOlla Tricky, Bryce
Murray. Nillth Row: Clay johmon, Sean EUans, ScOIl Pari..>er, Danie! Cherry, Mindy Skh-er, Mark Farrar, joana Carison . Photo by Brian HendriCks .
IL, 61548: 177, 286.
Andy W. (Freshman), 2801 Oak Run, Ozark, MO,
65721 : 177, 217.
Luk T. (Sophomore), 128 Southeast Ave.,
Tallmadge, OH, 44278: 159, 278, 288, 300.
Breeden . Shawn M. (SophomOle), 1664 N. Hunt,
Mesa, AZ, 85203, 278.
Steven B. (Sophomore), 14219 High Point Drive.
Little Rock, AR, 72211.
Carrie L. (Freshman), 14219 High POint Dive,
Little Rock, AR, 72211; 177,280.
Breedlove, Steven Lynn (Grd Educ), 2120 E.
Hickory, Greenwood, AR, 7272936.
Breegle, Emily L. (Sophomore), 1516 Anhur Ave.
itA. Panama City, FL, 32405: 177, 288.
Breitweise r , Mitchel! W. (Sophomore), 1700
Melrose Drive, Benton, AR, 7201').
Grena (Sophomore), Urb. San Marino, Casa -9,
Sabanilla Montcs De Oca, San jose, COSTA
RICA: 159.
juan M. (Senior), Apdo 172-2350, San Fco . De
Dos Rios, San Jose, COSTA RICA; 114, 310.
Brent, Matt (HUGSR), 2844 COtton Way -3,
Memphis, TN, 38118: 196.
Jan E. (Senior), 7021 COltOn Blossom bne,
Nashville, TN, 37221; 114,286.
Justin M. (Freshman), 485 St. Hwy. 334, Oxford,
MS, 38655; 282.
Michael L. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 5671, Bella
Vista, AR. 72714: 159.
Rebecca j. (Sophomore), 21 45 Timberwood
Drive, Baton Rouge, LI. , 70816: 159, 276.
Rod (Faculty), 113 Cloverdale, Searcy, AR. 72143:
}II GO}II . (Socia! Club) First row: SarahjohnstOIl, MistyBacon, Kim McKim/iS, Audrea Thomlhu-aite, AmyCox.}ennyParTOt, Beth M('<!ks,}amic5. Huntcr,
S/C'phrmie C!ary.jcmlifcrCfary, Kim McClellan, WhimeyStames, Amy Neely. Second row: Grant Whanoll, Diane Vacogia.mis, Katie Taylor,jennifer
.McCoy, Amber Howard, Holly Lagulla, Christa Christiall, I.indsey Faram, Shailaja Raval, Amanda Wade, Ryan Halford. Third row: Tabatha Retwhan,
jemlifer Riley, Beth Roberts,jessica Dizer,}ennySmilh, Annie Robensoll, Amanda Brigman,}(lmi Boyd, Cheri Scharf!. Fourth row: Gallin Stewart, Ashley
Pap,mdorJ, Heather lrIorthy, Amy HOrtOll, Anlla Fink, Kimberly Christiall, /.('Sley Bllsby, En"1 CorlC'y, jetmijer Conner, Tenm"/fe Tinsley. Fi/ih row:
Kathan'ne Snell, Amy Pou'ers, Rachel Aiitchllsson, Sheila DUI/all, L('tIllnejell, Kaarin Hosler, Bekah Blawr, jen.lifer Lutes, jell/lifer Herlong, Darcey
Hudson, EfizabelhSchuhk'lechl. Sixth row: Damen Cochran, MindyDII'lkie, Rachel Belcher, Whimey Leach, Melissa Hogg, Lola !Pwis, Sara Edens, jill
Merrill, Britumy Thompson, Cbarlol/eGmham . Sl!uellth row: Codie Edwards, Hollie Wilson,jalle LilIle,jennifer Scism, Shana Winkler, Rachel Hamilton,
janl!Aml Wise, LesliePalll!rson, Audra Beard. Eighth row: Amanda IrIhillingham, ValerieChrislian,juliejohmon, Laura Riley, Laura Goodmflll, Carrie
Breedi"g, Amallda Smith, l:."n·ca Busby. Nilllh row:jamle Humvr, Kefll Thetford, Kale Riwra,jennifer Veale, Pat Bullard, CharleneSivia, Amanda Myers,
Callie Ward. Photo by Bn'an Hendn·cks.
Brewster, Mark Alan (Senior).
Mal)' (Staff), 114 Indian Trail, Searcy, AR, 72143.
William (Staff), 114 Indian Trail, Searcy, AR,
Briggs, Crystal A. (Freshman), 3433 Morning
Dlive, Cibolo, TX, 78108.
Christina M. Qunior), 116 Pine Crest, Strafford,
1--10,65757; 199, 278.
Kelli D. (Special), 4637 Marquette Coun,
Springfield, MO, 65804: 177.
Brigman, Amanda R. Qunior). 2531 Crewe,
MemphiS, TN, 38119; 142, 280.
Cassie Qunior), 985 Walnut Grove Road. Newark,
Emily S. (Freshman), 985 Walnut Grove Road,
Newark, AR. 72562: 177.
Brinson, Samuel T. (Sophomore), 1322 Narcissus,
Mesquite, TX. 75149; 159, 217.
Brister, Aaron (Senior), 138 Meadowbrook Drive,
Searcy, AR, 72143; 114, 204, 205, 271 , 276.
Britt, Angela (HUGSR), 6708 Olivia Forest,
Memphis, TN, 38141.
Demaree (Staff). 232 johnston Road, Searcy, AR,
Marian C. (Senior). P.O. Box 250994, Little Rock,
Michael (Staff), 232 johnston Road, Searcy, AR,
72143Broc k
Sandra (Senior), 24 Summit, Searcy, AR, 72143.
Tamra Lynn (Senior), 2077 S. Pine Oak Drive,
Springfield. MO. 65809; 198.
Byrl B. (Senior), P.O. Box 2909, San Antonio, TX.
78299; 114,268.
Geana L. Qunior); 278.
Jay A. Qunior), 3406 Cristil, Memphis, TN, 38118,
Brogdon. Tracy L. (Freshman), 324 Greene 770
Rd., Paragould, AR, 72450.
Brookins, Cara (Freshman), 150 Cloverdale.
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Kappa Gamma Epsf!oll . (Social Club) First row (110 r): Michelle Goff, Leah Atki"sOIl, Angela Chetlg, Dallieffc Evans, Deborah Bone, ChristieSbockiey,
Pasco Howard, Melissa Glasgow. S,'co1Zd row: Ten.'sa Boyd. lydia Walker, Mandy Amo/d. Denise Oshiro, TallJe/l Luna, Laura Clausen, Bethany Elliol/,
Allison lrIorthy. '!bird row: Beth LawrrmCI!, BethallyZimmerly, Ange/iqlle Cole, Karen Mannt/rd, Melissa Smith, Kn'sti Durough, Stacf Humphrey, Amy
Tillie. Fom1h row: Eric Barlllts,jodi Besenyei, Meliss(1 Ti(tle, Heidi Cox, Anlla Propst, Megan Wooldridge, jennifer Inman, Karole Ann Bean . Fi/ih row:
Mark Cross, jemli Lalle, Megall Reed, Lindsey Walkills, Leah Romills, Becky Phihppart. Sixth row: Ted Bowsmall,john AlllhollY R(,I/wick, Ashley Vamer,
ChC'ryl Gilben, Becky Damell, Kamlella Momgomery, Erill Holton, Heather Dnlytrowllz. Photo by Brian Hendricks
Iiilt 280
Elizabeth A. (Senior), 106 Comanche Drive,
Pineville, LA. 71360: 196.
Bradford S. (Freshman), 2085 Vicksburg Drive.
Lawrenceville, GA, 30244, 177.
EriC D. (Senior), Rl. 2. Box 151, Augusta, AR,
Etin Lea (Senior), 106 Commanche, Pineville, LA,
71360: 114 .
Greg (HUGSR), 2219 W. Rivertrale Drive _I,
Memphis. TN. 38134; 196.
Keith D. Qunior), 104 Choctaw, Searcy, AR,
72143: 276.
Tony D. (Senior). 10080 FM Rd. 346E.
Whitehouse, TX, 75791, 114.
Brow, Buddy B. (Sophomore), P.O.Box 218,
Bakersfield, VT, 05441.
Amy M. Qunior), 9 Cattail, Searcy, AR, 72143:
142. 300.
Carol A. (Senior). 1267 Third Ave., Prescoll. AR,
Corrie C. Qunior), 51 Mott Hill Road , East
Hampton, CT. 06424: 142, 280, 284.
Donna (Faculty), 402 S. Wal ker Road. Searcy, AR.
Ethan (HUGSR), 1834 Key Corner Road,
Brownsville, TN, 38012: 196.
Gina K. (Senior). 1890 Trail Ridge, Lewisville. TX,
75067: 114, 286.
Greg (Staff). 40 Foxboro, $carcy, AR, 72 143.
Harmon (Faculty), 130 Western Hills, Searcy, AR,
72143; 79.
Janell M. (Senior), 5 Ramona, Victoria, 1X, 77904;
Jason S. (G rci Edue), 5259 Ridgecrest Drive, Salt
lake City. lTT. 84118; 296.
Jeremy T. Qunior). 7608 Loma Vista, Amarillo,
1X, 79 108; 199.
Jim (Faculty), 906 N. Holly, Searcy, AR, 72143.
Joshua R. (Sopho more), 13610 Holly Lane,
Cypress, 1X, 77429.
Kelly S. (Special), 51 MOil Hm Road , E
Hampton, CT, 06424; 177, 280, 290, 292.
Kimbe rly T. (Crd Educ), 1739 RosedaJe Ave., E
Cleveland, OH, 4411 2.
l Uells R. (Senior), 1236 N.W. Mandell, Topeka,
Marshall B. (Sophomore), 5278 Waterford Drive,
Dun ....·oody, CA, 30338: 159.
Donald M. (Special), Rt. 2, Box 135-0, Augusta.
AR,72006; 177, 280.
Amy Nicole Qunior), 919 Cherry St. , Kensell, AR.
Patrick Dennis (P Grad), 402 S. Walker, Searcy,
Phil (Faculty), 8 Wh ippoorwill, Searcy, AR,
Rachea! M. Qunior), 13610 Holly lane. Cypress,
Ru ssell l . Qunior), 2613 Plalle Place, Fort Collins.
CO, 80526; 282, 300.
Tabitha l . (Freshman), 15386 Fremont Drive,
Adelanto, CA. 92301.
Trevor J. (Special), 1102 Monroe Ave.,
Charleston, Il, 61920: 177, 294.
Marlon A. (So phomore), Cod rington Rood St.
Johnsons Village, Antigua, WEST INDIES; 34,
Michelle Antoinette (Grd Edue), Codrinciton
Road, St. Johnson's Village, ANT; 196.
Bro'l'l'n ell, Ho""ard D. (Grd Mm, 3510 linwood
Ave., Shreveport, L~ , 71103.
Browning, Ruth (Staff), 607 E. Market, Searcy,
AR,72 143.
Brubake r , Emily E. (Senior), 510 Tavern Circle,
Atlanta, GA, 30350.
Bruce. Brandy Qunior), Box 224, East Bernard,
TX, 77435; 142, 290.
Joe (faculty), 175 Oscar Smith Road. McRae, AR,
72 102: 56, 83.
linda (Faculty), 175 Oscar Smith Road. McRae,
AR. 72102.
OliviaJ. Qunior), 401 River Oaks Blvd., Searcy,
AR, 72143; 142.
Tim (St:aff), 401 River Oaks Blvd., Searcy. AR,
72143; 54.
Bruning, Isaac jenkins Qu nior), 625 C Perimeter
Road, Mountain Vie"l, CA, 94043; 19.
Bruns , Nate K. Ounior), 2708 JUSlin Mallhews, N.
little Rock, AR. 72116: 142. 284.
Anthony (HUGSR), 1714 Trivino Court, Carlsad,
Brenda (Faculty), 706 Upchurch, Bald Knob, AR,
CarltonJ. (Senior), 2450 15th Ave. South, St.
Petersburg, Fl, 33712: 225.
Ch ristopher W. (Freshman). 5221 Foxfire Place,
Kingspo rt, 11'1, 37664.
Courtney M. (Freshman), 603 W. 33rd St., Pine
Bluff, AR, 71603.
Tanisha W. (Freshma n), 300 Cli nic -I , Searcy,
Venus (HUGSR), 3131 Radford Rood, Memphis,
Bryso n , Jeffrey (HUGSR). 923 Chestnut St.,
Kanova. WV, 25530.
Buch anan, Aprill. (Freshman), 7102 Vernon
Ave., St. louis, MO, 63130; 177.
Kendra R. Qunior). 6221 Abbott Ave., Ft. Worth,
TX, 76180; 142.
Melisha M. (Senior), 6221 Abbott A\·e .. Ft. Worth.
TX. 76180; 115,306.
Buliss:a. Julie D. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 205,
Quechee, vr, 05059; 159, 302.
Bull, Gary D. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 215,
Perryville. AR, 72126; 205.
Bullard, Pat (Staff), 117 Cha rles Thomas, Searcy,
AR, 72143; 280.
Bullington . Seth D. (Freshma n), 5163 Gibson Hill
Road, Edinboro, PA, 10412; 178,290.
Bumpous, Lacrisha A. (Freshma n). 1180
Goatneck Road. Bradford, AR. 72020; 178.
Bunt, Jody S. (Senior). 605 Kenwood lane,
Longview. 1X, 75604: 11 5. 300.
Manhew K. (freshman), 4 Walden lane, tillieton.
CO, 80121 ; 178, 282.
Sooll (Senior), 4 Walden lane. linleton. CO.
80121 ; 115, 233.
Burdene. Daniel E. (Senior), 62 Memorial Dri\'e,
Manchester. NH, 03103; 115, 288, 312.
Burgess, Karen M:lrie (Grd Educ).
Burk, Rebecc:l l. (Sophomo re), 19823 Sundance,
Humble, 1X, n346.
Burke, Jason T. (Sophomore), 5119 Timbercreek
Court, Richmond. VA, 23237.
Burket, Am anoo l. (Junior). 1014 W. 68th
Telr.lce, K:ansas City, MO. 641 13; 142. 282.
La.eta (Staff), 4 Jawanda lane, Se:lrcy, AR,
Ronnie (Staff). 4 Jaw~ nda lane, Searcy, AR,
Bryan (Faculty), 409 River Oaks Blvd., Searcy.
AR, 72143; 43, 60, 290.
D~vid (Staff). 100 S. Cross, Searcy, AR, 72143: 25,
42,43. 178.
Stephen (Faculty), 10 White Oa k Circle, Searcy,
AR, 72143; 64. 222.
Burleson, Bryan K. (Freshma n), 52 1 W .
Silvermeadow, Mid west City, OK, 73110; 286.
Burlison, jill A. (Senior), P.O. Box 23, Rose Bud,
AR, 72137; 11 5.
Burnett, Jennifer l . (Senior), 3736 Red Hawk
Court, Bridgeton, MO. 63044; li S.
Burnham, Gregory (Grd Mm, 300 Clinic, Apt.
10, Searcy, AR, 72143.
Eriell R. ( Freshman), 3420 Robin 's Roost, Banlett,
TK, 38 134; 178, 280.3 12.
lesley T. (Sophomore), 43958 Maiden Creek
CoUTl. Ashburn, VA, 20 147; 159,280.
Ruth (St;lf!). 306 S. Ch:lries St., -8. Searcy, AR,
lester T. (Senior). 43958 Ma iden Creek CoUrt,
Ashburn, VA, 20147; 198.
Bus h , Brian D. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 296,
Alrus, OK, 73522; 160, 276, 286, 298, 312.
Bus inelle
Catherine P. (Sophomore), 9064 Melody Lane,
Shreveport. LA, 71IlS.
Christopher Qunior).
Thomas j . (Sophomore), 307 Sterling Ave.,
Winona, MS, 38967.
Buss. Teri (Staff), 1700 E Park -25, Searcy, AR,
Bussell, Janna L (Senior), 9238 Brushboro Drive,
Brentwood, TN, 37027; 115,282.
Buterbaugh, Tom (Staff), 104 Orchid Dri'e,
Dr. David Burks gels his hair cut at Mr. Mac's Hair Fashion by Wanda Adams.
Burks' was a very valuable part of Harding administration and helped to keep
Harding 's standards high. Photo by Kristi Bu rns.
Kristi M. Qunior), 314 E. First St., Mt. Carmel, Il.
62863; 143, 296,3 12.
Ron W. Qunior), 21tl S. Lee's Summit.
Independence, 1'010, 64050.
Burnum,jeffrey A. (Fresh man), 6018 S. FR 131.
Brookline, MO, 65619: 178.
Burr. lindsey L Ou nior). 12990 CO Road NN.
Seibert, CO, 80834; 143.
Burse. Ricky (HUGSR), 168 Blackley Road, Troy,
TN, 38260.
Bursey, Eric S. (Senior). 1795 Gardenia. New
Braunfels. TX, 78130: 11 5.
Bun, Jeanie (Faculty), 138 j anel lane, Searcy, AR,
72143; 60.
Burtch , Olivia M. (Senior), 14943 Masonic,
Warren, MI, 48093.
Ashley E. (Sophomore). 6530 Bennington Drive,
Tucker. CA, 30084: 159, 284.
Robert]. (Senior), 27 Portland Drive, l illie Rock,
AR, 72212: 115, 268. 271.
Je nnifer R. (Sophomore), 1460 Hillsdale Drive,
Cookeville, TN, 38506; 159, 276.
Kristy (Freshma n). 17487 Sunset Road , Winslow,
AR, 72959: 178. 294.
Rachel E. (Sophomore), 27 Portland Drive, linle
Rock, AR. 72212.
Richard S. QUnior), 27 Portland Road. little Rock.
AR. 72212: 282.
Michael S. (Freshman), 111 8 Morrow Ave"
Nashville. TN. 37204.
Busbea. Audrey G. Ounior). 7 Park Drive. Bryant,
AR, 72022.
Searcy. AR. 72 143: 86.
Butle r , Eli~be!h A. (Sophomore). 30929 Old
River Road, Denham Springs, LA, 70726.
Butt. Je remy T. (Sophomore), 212 Dr.. kewood
Drive. Portland, TN, 37148; 160.
Butterfield. Lou (Faculty), 10Jenny lynn, Searcy.
AR. 72143: 66.
Buttrum, Stephanie J. (Sophomore), 8 luau
Drive. N. linle Rock, AR. 72120; 292.
Buxton. Chris (HUGSRJ, 380 Broodwater Lane,
Batesville. AR. 72501.
Michael A. (Senior), 1408 Cherry Hill, lufkin, TX.
759Qoi; 115, 217.
Randy lee (Grci Educ).
Wesley R. (Freshm:an). 1408 Cherry Hill, lufkin,
1X, 75904: 178.
Byron. UUI"ll C. (Sophomore), 9744 Perry Way,
Westminster. CO, 80030: 160.
. am
BrianJ. (Sophomore), 421 Preakness, Bowling
Green. KY. 42104; 217.
Youlonda T. (Freshma n), P.O. Box 563,
Mari~nna. AR. 72360: 178.
Dianna K. (Sophomore).
Melanie J. (Freshman), 1475 Mosswood La ne,
Smyrna, GA, 30082; 178, 288.
Cahill, Edwin (HUGSR), 800 W. Avon Road
-1 48, Rochester HIlls, MI, 48307.
Cald'l'l·eU. David R. (Freshman), 2434 Sandy
lane. longview, 1X. 75601; 178,282.
Calhoun , Michele (G rd Educ), Route I, Box
119, Griffithvile, AR, 72060.
Call. Todd Alan (Grd Mm, 739 E. State Rt. 73,
Springboro, OH, 45066.
Callens . Megan D. (Freshman), 8026 Blue
Smoke Drive, Tallahassee, Fl. 323 12.
Callicott, J:amie (Freshman), 36 Highland Pbce.
Rich:ardson. TX, 75081.
Calvin. lI-klissa l. (Freshman). 2002 Masters
lane. Missouri City, TX, n459: 178, 278.
Calvo. Fabri cio (Sophomore), P.0.75-2100,
Guadalupe, San Jose, COSTA RICA: 160.
Camac;;ho . Arlene (Freshman). Rio Tamesis Hill
Moduloc Dept. 06, Qtterctaro. Oro,
ME.XICO: 178.
Cam eron
Amy N. (Freshman). 150 Pinon Drive, Searcy,
AR, 72143; 17S, 286.
Ken (FacuIty). 30 Indian Tr:lil, $carcy, AR,
72143; 68.
Ca morata, Laurcn R. (Fre~hm~n), 602 Cen!r:ll
Ave .. Hammonton, NJ, 08037: 178.
Cam p , Jonalh.:an ( HUGSR). 1000 Cherry Road
HB-105. Mcmphis. TN. 38 11 7.
Anne M. (Freshma n), HC 52, Box 99E, HOI
Springs, SD, 57747; 304.
April!. (Freshman). 737 N~cion A\·c .. Chula
ViSta. CA. 91910; 178. 288.
ChriStie E. (Freshm:an). 7722 Nairn. HouSton.
TX, 77074; 178, 284.
Ch riSlina )1. (Freshman), 3132 N. Fair Haven
loop, SIr:lfford, MO, 65757.
Dan (Staff), 510 W. ACademy, Searcy, AR,
72143: 87.
Doug (StafO, 209 live Oak Drive, Searcy, AR,
Eddie (Faculty), 808 W. )tcRac, $earcy, AR,
72143; 52.
Kathryn (Facul ty), 808 W. McRae, Searcy, AR,
72143; 6<t
Ki mberly S. Qunior). 91 17 Villagewood Drive.
Harrison, TN, 3734 1; 143,310.
Rachel l. (Special), 510 W. Ac:ldemy, $earcy,
Ryan E. (Junior), 7000 Cassye Cove. Austin, TX,
78759; 143.
Virginia (St:am, 11225 Hwy. 367 N.. Bradford.
AR, 72020; 86.
Ca mper, Booker (HUGSR), 3634 WoodgJadc.
MemphiS, TN, 38 116.
Ca mpos, Amanda C. (F reshman), Col. Dolores
Psj. Rosa ks 2, San Salvador, ELSA, C.A: 178.
Canfie.ld, Meagan Brooke (Se nior). 8509
Rosewood Drive, Ft. Smith, AR. 72903.
Canno n
Andrea J. (Freshman). 22 13 Hermitagc A\'e.,
Whe:tton, MD, 20902: 94. 178. 288. 300.
Milzie M. (Senior). 218 Ranchette Village.
Searcy. AR. 72 143.
Ca nsler, William A. (Senior). 2699 Hwy 14 E..
Newport, AR, 72112.
Ca nte rbu ry
james E. (freshman), 9 Laurel Oak, Covington.
LA. 70433; 276. 306.
Kevin S. (Grd Edue), -9 laureloak, Covington,
LA, 70433.
Ca rde n , Tonya Ca thleen (Senior). 1706 E.
Moore, Apt. 9, Searcy, AR, 72143; 11 5.
Cardoso. Dennis M. (Sophomore), 1810 N.W.
117 Terrance. Pembroke Pines, Fl, 33026.
Ca rlson
Eli~beth A. (Senior), 1639 Yates Spring Road,
Ringgold. GA, 30736; 11 5,3 10.
joana R. (Sophomore), 2611 161h Ave. K, Tex:as
Ci ty. 1X, 77590; 160. 276, 280, 284.
Josh ua (Se nior), 609 S. Roache St .. California,
MO, 65018; 11 5.
Sherry lynn (Senior), 1906 S. 151h. St., Rogers.
AR. 72758; 115.
Ca nnan. Andrea L (Grd Educt 3364 St;lIe Rt
42E. Cedarville, OH, 45315.
Ca rmi chael, Jason D. (Senior), 110 Oakdale
Church Road. jud~onia. AR. 72081.
C:t rpe nle r
Frances (HUGSR), 34 Hazel Dri ve, Concord,
Heath]. ( Freshman). 147 Charles Thomas Blvd ..
Searcy. AR, 73143: 178. 286.
Austin S. (Sophomore), 1215 N.W. 84 Terrace,
Gainesville, Fl. 32606: 160. 282.
Jim (Staff), 903 N. Sunnyhill. Searcy. AR. 72143;
Joshua J. Qunior), 1017 20th St.. Vienna. WV,
26 105; 143, 272, 276. 284.
Shari l. (Senior).
Carris . Robert]. ( Freshman), 3465 1 Wood
Dri\·e. l h·onia. M1, 48154; 17S. 282.
Cbra (Facul ty), 27 Cononwood Drive. Searcy,
AR. 721 43; 58.
Da le (Freshman).
jennifer (Freshman), 9805 Continental Dri\·e.
Kappa Sigma Kappa . (Social Club) First roll~jami Ikll, StephaJlieClary,jt?1mySmilb, Crystal MIIsliccbi. Seco"d row:jOllatbml Uibee/er, Zacb Cump,
Palll Erwin, ShuYIII.< Forsytb, CbadTa)'lor, luL¥.< VUII BI/skirk. "lbird row.· SUlld<:rs l,'(I WyaU, Emic MOQre, Mall Smel/zer, Mml Foster,jarcd Lillurd. Fourth
rotl/: Brad Ho/der, ,va/ball Scott, NickSQu-ell,jlls(in Pbillips,jobn HIIIChi'ISOIl, Eric "lbronblll'g. Fifth row: Shelto" l)iCk$Oll, Mall lillie, Roger Hale, Brian
Alldredge. Ryan Hale. Tim jobnstO'1 Sixtb row· Eric BesenyM. Micbael Stipe, jeremy Bishop, Mall Bllrcham, Craig 50«-1.'11, jeremy Ktmdrck, Ricbard
Burtoll S<'t.'I!,lIb row:j('rrod HeICher, Helllb Da«--SOll. Danie/jobllston, Dat-"id Wells,jason Panezana,jUSlin8rt!wcr, Ryall PucL-ett, Kt!l/ill ConllTl, Clint
Stephens Photo Iry BrUm Hendrlck$.
Huntington Beach, CA, 92646; 178, 284.
Jonathan E. (Senior), 1122 Julianna SI.,
Parkersburg, WV , 26105; 290.
Lawrence W. Qunior). %KUFPEC P.O . Box 26565.
Safat 13126, KUWAIT.
Carruth, Karen D. (Senior), 755 Elysi:tn Fields
Road, Nashville, TN, 37204; 115, 268, 312.
Dee (Faculty), 100 Dougla~ Place, Searcy, AR,
72143; 58, 146.
Edward (Senior), 800 Rialto Drive, Montgomery,
AL, 36117; 115, 308.
Janelle t..L~ine Qunior). 1265 E. Garden Road,
Coeurd' Alene, 10; 143.
Joo nna L Ounior), P.O. Box 588, Lone Stlr, TX.
75668: 143. 268.
James Paul (Senior). 807 N. Oa k St., Searcy, AR,
Sue Anne (Freshman). P.O. Box 642, Wellsboro.
PA, 1690 1; 178. 230, 308.
Ca rter
Al ySS<t D. Qunior), 3503 Tripp, Amarillo, TX,
79121 ; 199.
Brem O. (Sopho more) , 936 Jackson Ave.,
Tahlequah, OK, 74464; 109, 160. 278.
Cedric L (Sophomore), 3305 Marjon Drive, Pine
Bluff, AR, 71603; 217.
t..Lvon (Faculty), 156 Johnston Ro:td. Se:trcy, AR,
72143; 60.
Mauhew (HUGSR), 1000 Cherry Rood HB-203.
Memphis, TN, 38117; 196.
James N. ( Freshman), 2003 N. Roye r, Color.Ido
Spring$, CO, 80907; 178.
Ryan Lee (Senior), 6209 White Oak Drive.
Frederick, MD, 21701; 115.
S:tmuel M. Qu nior), 9656 E. Hwy. 72.
Bentonville, AR, 72712.
Tonya L (Sophomore). 112 Michel, Sulphur
Springs, TX, 75482; 160.
Yoianda M. (S<.:nior). 707 N. [\irch St., Se:trcy, AR,
72143; 115.
Casamalla, Deanna A. (Senior), 1552 J:tcobs
t..Lne, Kent, OH, 44240: 113, 115, 296.
Casdo, Richard (HUGSR), 14 Hyancinth Drive.
Nashua. NH, 03062.
Alyson H. (Senior), 1235 Tennyson, Troy. MI,
48083; 115.
Tricia A. (Sophomore), 2303 Warwick Ave. S.W.,
Decatur, AL, 35603; 160, 288,290, 296.
Casebolt, Jennie (Freshman), 8854 N. 87 W,
Valley Center, KS, 67147; 286.
Knights (SacUlI Club) first row: Mal/bew Clement, Fra"k McCOll,.", Mandy leigb Armstrong, Kim Parrish, Rita Bolldra, Sallie Cba!!<!, Dawn jOlles,
RlIItdi<, S<'eber, Slawy Dl!mps<'y, ScJx111 laill("S Secoml row:jeremy Fi'lf!/rock,je.ffCoff. SI£'lJell Cam!'T", Wbeeler Howard,j<'ff Baker,jeremy Sbelby,jeremy
Waters, 0110 LoIJO. "lbird roW: Cn'g Malbel/'s, Rytlll Hillckley, Frank 1bllmulIl, Adam Matbews, Brain Borr;.mllll, Selh Mallbews, AllSli'l Carr, Rllssell
lIuwkills.jmoll Spn.'emlm FOllrlh row. Murk Traim'r.jeremyPallf, 8raill Hamu'I, jol/ulbwt Dellmall,jamleMcClay, Bob Logsdoll, RlIssell Hilllt, Rob
Curris Fifth row· KCllduff Sumllel, Dwmy McDonald, Corey Craig, Tim Afftm, Ron SissOn, Matt Sbaner, Allstin Nl'$bilt. Sixtb row: Mall V~nc, Wes
McCOwn. Michael Morris. Greg SIlYlci.!bamer, Seotl Brad/ord, Bryan Tbom{J$on, Dave Merr;halll. Robert TOlldoIlZt', jobn Webb. Scm'nth row: Danny
Hadtdn. /JlwidGardner, CbrisHiII, TrallisGn.'ellw('/l, Mallbeu;Ensor, Palll Levi'le, Derek Hale, Paul McMllflen,jonathan Pisek. £igb/h row: $cOil S/()tIafl,
NUie Free, 8raill Bfa~'(!, IJ/(lill<' Tllc}.vr, Ryall H('ddell, jasoll Flodillg, jaSOIl Kln'pkcr. Ninth row: RlIsty Caldwell, Adriall Quinonez, Cbad Kllep~vr,
DII·aYIIC $ct.'ber, justill Cherry, Billy Netll, james Benge, Chris Bell Tenth row.· Ryall SlUmp, Troy I.a~'e)', MarcllS Wagner, Boblry Davis, RImt'il Browl/,
Micbael Albers, Con l.am, jaw,t jackson Photo Iry Brian Hendricks.
KoJo Kal, (Social Cillb) First roll!: SarahjoAl/derson, Amberly Tiner, lallrie SI/OW, Ashlee Hendrix,jlllie Slmmo,IS, Linda Bentball, Kriste'l Seidel, Meg
Flou"t'rs. Shell/a W''alberix-e, Vanessa Beasley Seco'id row.· lal,we Lowe, Mlmdy BI.ri..'I!t, julie Teigen, Karit' SI,'U."art, jennifer Moore, [)eSbea Sullens,
Elizabelb Moore, ja/llla BII.sse/l. Amanda McCabe, Kelly Umlerbach, Tia Taro/e, Christina Herrington Third roW: Amanda Shores, Emily Clevenger,
HeatherGanll, II manda Dallis, Amber Mitcbell. Ma'ldy McLe'ldol/.jill Gilmore, Amber Sawyer, " 'icole Alexander, Katie Fam, Cbristy Honl!}"t:mt, Michdle
Ford, jeall M(tssie FOllrtb row: Allgela MOl/iodis, Nallcy Craig. jamt"(> jemlillg.\·, Sadie Spuil/, j("l/l/ifer Klinger. Amy t:l/gl(md, Natalie Ellllis, Paula
D/lrhmll, S/(Ici Sims, Sben·dm/ Smith, SI"ool.:e 8£11/1/('11 Fiflh row. KelfySleu."m1, Slepha/llt' Dallis,JelllliferRomille, Slau'YRevier, Hall"abMiddfelon,julia
SucbL"Or·a, H(f{llher Allderrol/, Tl'1'e$U Ttll(',jordlw House Sixth row Tisb Elrod, Robill Benllell, MaryAnn Cree'I , Ashley Hodge, Mandi COUYlrl, Wt?1ldy
Walh'T". Hl'OtberCIt>gg. Stlrab Adkins. ShOl/da Rouse . Setxmtb rou~ Donlla Welcb, Stephanie Delp,j('SSica /kmball, jay me Lollg, Ashlw Williams, Racbel
Cmm. josh lJosJic. Clay Midyel/. Russ Tllrmall Photo by Bria'l !/(mdricks
282 Index
Andrew B. (Fresh man ), 14526 Fox Knoll Drive,
Colonial Heighu;, VA , 23834; 160.
J. Warren (Facuity), 112 POSt Oak Drive, Se:trcy.
AR, 72 143; 66, 67, 306.
Trevor (Freshman), 4 Dogwood Hi1!s Estates,
Harrison, AR, 72601.
Cas h , Amy S. (Senior), 1349 E. Price 51.,
Spri ngfield. MO, 6S804; 115. 284. 288. 296.
Cassity, Jason G. Qunior), 3510 Alcorn Bend
Drive, Sugar t..Lnd. TX. 77479; 143.
Cynthia C. (Sophomore), 1st Street 11 - 12 Zone I ,
Santa Cruz, Quiche. GUATEMALA; 160,
Edward O. (Freshman), 3312 Bond. Pasadena,
n, 77506; 178.
Castlebcrg, Mel:tnie R. Qunior). 704 Judi th 51.,
Burleson, n. 76028: 143, 296.
Castleberry, Iris (Staro, 80'5 S. Spring, Searcy,
Caudle, Melissa A. (Sophomore), 177 Turtle
Creek, Benton, AR , 72015: 160, 288.
Cavalier, Paul S. (Freshmln), 15349 Runnymede
St., Conroe, TX, 77381.
Cave, Aaron R. (Freshman), 355 Midge !.angley
Rood. Romance, AR, 72136.
Cavitt, Jane (Staff), 141 3 Wallis, Searcy, AR,
72143; 86.
Chalenb urg, Mike (Staff), 118 Indi~n T~il.
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Chambers, Tianay D. (SOphomore), P.O . Box 83,
Rising Star, TX, 76471; 101, 160,278.
Ch ance
Jared M. (SOphomore), 123 Pleasant View Road,
Se:trcy, AR, 72143; 160, 257, 278, 306.
Mike (Faculty), 123 Pleasant View Drive, Searcy.
AR, 72143; 66.
Ashley B. (Senio r), 503 Goldcnwood Drive,
Jacksonvi1!e. AR, 72076; li S, 271 .
Jonath:tn D. (Freshman), 801 Quail Run. Keller.
TX. 76248; 178.
Marsha J. (Freshman), 503 s. Williams Ave.,
Palatine, IL, 60067.
Rhell C. (Senior), 1110 Oak Acres, Benton, AR,
7201'5; 115.
Chapin, Hobby E. (Freshman), 23 S. Mesa A,·e ..
B;~yfi e ld, CO, 81122: 178, 276, 288.
Ch apman
Chad T. (Freshma n), 129 CR Ill , Norfork, AR,
Kari Le:t (Senior), 214 Honeyhill Loop, Searcy.
AR, 721<13Patti (Grd Educ), 908 Adams t..Lne, $eaTcy. AR,
Joseph G. (Senior), 476 I'ine t..Lne, Gar~rvil1e,
CA. 95542; 302.
Rebekah Qunior), 476 Pine t..Lne, G:trberville, CA,
Cha rles. Chri~lopher A, Ounior). 148 Beverly
Place, Xenia, OH, 45385; 143.
Charlone (Junior). P.O. Box 76. Rose Bl,!d, AR.
Sallie M. (Sophomore). - 5 j .R. Reed Court. SI.
Clair. MO, 63On ; 157, 160. 282.
Tr.o.vis W. (f reshman). - 5 J.R. Reed Court. SI.
Clair, MO, 63On; 178.
Chas tain, Georgia An ne (Grd Educ). 1474 MI.
Carmel. CalxM. AR, 72()23.
Chea tham
Brian T. (lun ior), 154 Foxcha.sc: Road. Searcy, AR.
72 143: 143.
Ci ndy Annette (Senior), 4101 Samanlha Drille.
Montgome.y. AL. 36 109.
Angela (Sophomore), 548 Woodland Hills Drille.
Lavergne. TN, 37086: 160. 280. 292.
Yih·Ren (Sophomore).
D;lniel P;lul (Sophomore), PSC 2. Box 7993, APO.
AE. 090 12; 137, 160, 280.
juslin S. (Sop homore), 6950 S. jamestown. Tulsa,
OK. 14136; 282.
Ch esshir, John p, (freshm:IO). 1300 N. Main.
Cross Pla ins. TX, 76443: 178, 288.
Chi Omega Pi; 276.
Chi Sigma Alph a; 276.
Childers, Sheila D. (Senior). 14596 Gazelle Drive,
Neosho. MO. 648SO; 241, 278, 298.
jennifer S. (Junior). 133 Inner Circle. Maxwell .
AL. 36113; 143.
Marc A. (Senior), 133 Inner Circle, Maxwell AFB.
Al. 36 113; 116, 255. 268. 271 . 276. 292.
Chilson, Neil (lunior), 7847 Orion Path,
liverpool, NY, 13090: 143.304.306.
Chin, Eric P. (Freshman), 506 Pinecrest Road , W.
Monroe, LA, 71291.
Alicia D. (Senior), 115 Rainey RO;ld , Beebe, AR,
William Brem (Se nior), 1648 E. Vincent.
Springfleld, MO, 65804; 116, 268. 271. 276,
Gra nt D. (Junior), 29 Dalewood, Searcy, AR,
72143: 217.
jake Allen (Junior), Box 143, Krum , TX, 76249;
Kevin P. (Sophomore), 1648 E. Vincent,
Sp ri ngfleld, MO, 65804: 160, 284.
Chitty, Jamie L (Junior). 7900 Ea~t Tc)[as St.,
Bossier City, L'., 71 111 ; 304.
Jennifer M. Ounior), 8806 Lee Circle, Ft. Smith.
Steve (Faculty). 67 Hartwell Circle, Searcy. AR,
72143; 601.
Ch risman , Jenn ifer :\t, (Junior), 1123 Buckeye
Lane, Decatur, IL, 62521; 304.
ChriSt , Jeff R. (Senior), 6003 Birdnest Cove.
Picayune, MS, 39466; 116, 292.
Ca role Anne (Freshman). 1019 BrianrrM:'ad,
Hou~ton , TX. n057.
Christa M. (Sen ior), 811 Brookdale Lane, Arnold ,
1'10,630 10; 45, 116,280,290,310.
Kimberly A. (Freshmal'l), 120 Spring Creek Court,
Faye\leville. GA, 30215: 178, 280,
Valerie L. (Freshmal'l). 811 Broo kdale. Arnold.
1'10,63010; 178.280.
Chris lie
Joseph A, (freshman), 2545 De:..n Ave., Terre
H;l ute, IN, 47803.
Michael L. (Senior). Heide lt>erg HS,G\1O 419 Box
1378, APO, AE, 09102; 116
Christopher , Tyrone L. (Senior). 220 Overcreek
Drive., Mau ldin , N.C.. 29607; 11 6, 284.
Chrisry, Amy Suzanne (G rd Educ), 701 S. Elm,
ApI. Fl , Searcy, AR, 72143; 196.
David (freshman). 26 Castlebar Ci rcle, f ort
M~'ers, f lo 33905.
Joseph (f reshman), 26 Castlebar Circle. ft .
Myers, flo 33916; 179.
Chu rchwe U, ChriSlopher A. ( fre"hman). 4
Lyn wood, Searcy, AR. 72 143; 179.
Chule, Amanda L. (Senior), 7851 Sie~ta COile.
Milton, FL, 32583: 116.
Cimuchows kl. jand C. (Sophomore), 5631 South
' 1" St., Tacoma, WA, 98408: 161.
Circe Uo , Christine M. (Ju nior), 1408 Johnson SI.•
J:tcksonville. AR. 72076.
Circle K ; 290.
Cissel. Daniel n, (Freshman). 3809 Isabel Way
W., Mobile, Al. 36693: 179.
Citty, Stephanie). (Junior), 423 Pine Bluff Drive.
Chattanooga, TN, 37412; 105, 143,284 .
Jennifer M. (Senior), 32419 Rhode Island, St. Clair
Shor~s, M1, 48082; 116, 142.
Stan (HUGSR), 324 19 Rhode Island , St. Clair
Shores, MI, 48082.
Cecely R. (Se nior), 47 Creech Road. Qui tman.
AR. 72131 : 11 6.
Daniel T. (Freshman), Rt. I, Box 15X, Cushing ,
TX, 75760; 179,276,288.
Jason w . (Se niOf'), 49 2nd SI., Q uitm an. AR,
72131; 116.
Jason A. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 259, Bradford,
AR, 72020.
jordan (J unior), _4 , 613 1 Bowness Road NW.
Calgary AB, CANADA, T3BOC; 199.
Kendric T. (Freshman). P.O. Bo)[ 6007,
Jacksonville, AR, 72076.
Leah M. (Freshman), RR 4. Box 135·W. Nashville.
AR, 718;2: 94. 179, 286.
Nicola (Sophomore), .. 4, 6 131 BowncS$ Road
/I.'W. Calgary AB, CAN T3B OC9, ; 199.
Rona ld (HUGSR), 422 N. Division. Bonne Terre.
Michelle A. (Ju nior). P.O, Box 614 , Shelter Isla nd.
i\'Y, 11 964; 143,302.
Fiord W., III (Senior), Rt. 4, Box 135W.
Na$hville . AR, 71852; 116, 290. 298.
Jennifer M. (Senior), 133 EI Dor:ldo. lillie Rock.
AR. 72212; 116, 263, 280, 306.
Stephanie D. (Se nior). 133 EI Dor:ldo, Little Rock.
AR, 72212; 116, 280, 282.
Clausen. Laura E. (Freshman ), 735 Highland
Church Road , Paducah. KY , 42001: 179, 280.
Clay. Ryan K. (Sophomore), 130 Blucbird Lane.
Searcy, AR, 721 43.
Cle ment
Heathe r D. (Sophomore), 1202 Markwell Lane,
Taylorsville, KY, 4007 1; 16 1.
Matthew L (Sophomore). 1202 Markwell Lane,
TaylorSllille, KY. 40071 ; 282.
Ashley Elizabelh (Sen ior). 3 Twin Oaks une,
Dothan, AL, 36303; 116, 271 , 276, 278. 288.
Clara (HUGSR Staff), 878 T;ltum Road, Memph is.
. TN, 38122; 84.
Julie A. (Junior), 519 W. Washi ngton , Rushville.
IL, 62681; 143. 294.
Cle"eiand, Kath ryn A. (Sophomore), P.O. Box
191 , Mtn. View, AR, 72560.
Cle" e nger
Emily A. ( Freshman), 4305 Dale A,'e., Nashville,
TN, 37204; 179.282.
Elizabeth E. (Sen ior), 4305 Dale Ave., Nashville,
TN, 37204; 116, 271 , 288, 302.
Cline , Matthew P. (Sophomore), 7810 CR 118.
C;lrthage, MO, 63836; 161 ,286.
Eddie (Facul ty), 109 indian Tmil. Searcy, AR,
72143; 56.
Steve E. (Special), 109 Indian Trail, Searcy, AR,
Teresa L. (Senior), 109 lndi:tn Trail, Searcy, AR.
72143; 106, 107, 113, 116,271.288. 292. 304.
Mendi M. (Sophomore), 511 V:tnderbil t, West
Memphis. AR, 72301.
Tye M. (Senior), 511 Vanderbilt, W. Memphis,
AR, 72301 ; 300.
Clubb, Clayton T. (Freshman).
c.\IE>"'C; 304.
Jennifer M. (Senior), 14055 S.W. Alibhai St..
BeavertOn, OR, 97005; 114, 116, 292. 304.
Michelle L Ounior), 14OS5 S.W. Alibhai SI ..
Beallerton. OR, 97005; 114, 143.
Coble, Kenneth ). (Sophomore), P.O. Box 327.
New Freedom, PA, 17349; 278.
Damen Martin (Junior), 482 Browns Ferry RO:Id.
Senatobia. MS. 38668; 143, 280. 284. 294.
Jeremy T. (Freshman), 239 Bradsh3w AII~ ..
Hendersonville, NC, 28792; 179.
Juanita D , (Grd Acct), 31 Harding Drive. Se:trcy,
AR, il143.
Ross (faculty). 31 Harding Drive. Searcy. AR.
72143; 56.
Cofe r , Shawn 13. (Freshman), 2648 Dawes St.,
Ra~cho Cordolla. CA, 95670; 286.
Coffee. Dallid A. (Junior). 1604 S. 27th St.,
Rogers, AR. 72758.
Brent D. (Senior). 11932 Lyons Glen Cou rt ,
Dunkirk. MD. 20754.
Jana Lynn (G rd Educ), 4724 NW 30th Ave ..
G;linesvi1le, fL. 32606; 196.
Cogburn , jamie A. (Sophomore). P.O. Box 1062,
MI. Ida, AR. 71957; 161 . 292.294.
Coggin, William Robert (Sen ior), 117 N.
Tennessee Blvd ., Murfreesboro, TN, 37 130;
Coke r
Bobby (Staff), 404 N. Grand, Se3rcy. AR, 72143:
Marilee (Faculty), 404 N. Grand. Searcy, AR,
Mendy M. (Sophomore), 123 Cindy une, Searcy,
AR. iZ143; 161. 290, 294.
Robin (Staff). 600 joyce SI .. Searcy, AR, 72143;
Angclique D. (Special), 7410 Oxford Place, Fort
Smith. AR, 72903; 276. 280.
Audreya S. ( f reshman) , 1301 241h. Place,
Sterling. IL, 61081; 179. 306.
Carrie (Sophomore), 642 Wilma, Tyler. TX.
75701; 161 , 286.
Christopher (Junior), 217 Summit, Bossier City,
L'.. 71111; 286, 308.
David (faculty), 35 White Oak Ci rcle, Searcy, AR,
72 143; 72. 292.
Jantzen Ounior). 37101 Oak Lane. Umatilla . f L,
32784; 143, 286, 292.
Randall K. (Se nior), 340 Clearla ke Drive W.,
Nashville, TN, 37217; 116.
Jason T. (Senior). 42 Westgate, Searcy, AR,
Kri stin A. (l unior). P,O. Box 2325. Alma, AR.
72921; 143, 278.
Co Uege Rep ublicans; 290.
Co Uett
Charles C. (G n! Educ), 901 E, Park. _4. Searcy,
Mellisa R. (Se nior). 10528 Hollow Springs Road.
Bradyville. Thl. 37026.
Collie r , Amanda C. (Senior). 50S N. 71h SI.,
Marmaduke. AR. 72443: 116, 276.
David (FacuIIY), 1104 East River, Searcy, AR.
J03n (Junior). 2855 Bellefonte Road S., Harrison,
AR. 7260 1; 143. 288,
Kelly K. (Sophomore), 1570 Lazy Riller Lane,
Dunwoody, GA. 30350.
Collinso n . Leslie (HUGSR), 1852 Banneker Court,
Stone Mountain, GA. 30087.
Colon, Theodore D. (Sophomore), 163 1 Bondy
L'Ine. TrJCY, CA, 95376; 61, 161,217.
Colvi n , Connie N. (Speci;!!), P,O . Bo)( 955,
Monticello. AR, 71657; 179. 278, 308,
Colyer. Christian Melody (Se nior). 349 Mit chell
Dive, Wilmi ngton. DE, 19808; 256, 304.
Co ncc n Band: 278.
Co nley. Alia (Facu lty). 5 Apache Drive. Searcy.
AR. 72143: 74.
Co nlin, Me linda L (Sophomore), 8171 Henslowe
Ave. S .. Cottage Grove, MN, 55016; 161.308.
Connell. Cyndi C. (Grd Educ), 1004 Holly Drive.
Benton. AR, i2Q15; 196. 300.
Aa ron D. (Sophomore), R.R. 12. Box 840.
Bedford, IN, 47421 ; 161,288.
Jennifer K. (Fresh m:m). 1285 W. 139th !'!:ace.
Westministcr, CO. 80020; 179.280.
Conn or'$, Rachel M. (Sophomore). 121 Empi re
Drive, Horseheads, ;\:1', 14845; 278.
Co nquerors; 304.
Co nway, Carrie L. (Freshman), P.O.Box 1364,
Bald Knob, AR. 72010.
Albert. !l! (HUGSR), 3733 Vernon, Memphis, TN.
38122; 196.
Christopher N. (Junior), J804 S. Sycamore,
Palestine, TX, 7580 1; 217.
David M. (freshma n). 3843 Sugar Lane, Samsota,
FL. 34235; 179.
Kevin B. (Sophomore). P,O. Box 544. SeagOllille,
TX. 75 159; 161, 290.
Lou (Staff), I Westview, Searcy, AR, 72143.
Nyssa N. Ounior), 5SOO Duncan Road. ft . Smilh,
AR. 72903; 143.
Sherrie A. (Senior). 10931 Branch Road. Glen
Allen. VA, 23060; 116,257.
Rickey Wayne (Sophomore), 240 Elkins Circle.
Waynesboro, VA, 22980.
Cooley, Belinda F. (Senior), 175 Combe Road.
72010. AR.
Andrew Lee (Senior), 603 N. Broodw;lY. Pilm;l n.
Nj. 08071; 116.
Barry M. (Sen ior). 69 SJ><!ke Ave .•
Ha rare. Zimbabwe, AFRiCA; 306.
Ret>ecca M. (Junio r). 603 N . Broadw;ly. Pitm;ln.
1'1}, 0807 1; 143, 298.
Bri~n (Freshman). 280 Joel COile, Collierville. TN.
38017; 179.
Chebca V, (Freshman), 1218 Roman Drive, Flint,
MI. 48507; 179. 286.
CyDlhi:1 A, (Junior). 1300 E. Ma rket, Searcy. AR,
Joshua L. (Senior). I II Dogwood Ave., Searcy,
AR.72 I<13.
Kellie B. (freshman), 185 E. Woodside Ave., N.
l';ttchogu, NY, 18772; 276, 288. 292.
faires M . (Junior). Rt. 4. Box 427, Roge rsllille, AL,
35652; 143, 286.
Paulette D. (Se nior). 5 Shari Court. Liule Rock,
AR, 72204.
James S. (SJ><!cial), Rt. 4, Box 427. Rogersville,
Al. 35652; 179, 286, 300.
Steve (Faculty>. 1300 E. M;lrket. Searcy, AR.
721 43; 72, 73. 294.
Coope rl\'ood, P:tula M. (Se nior). 908 W. P;lrk.
Searcy, AR. 721<13.
Copeland, Ge na K. (Frc$hma n). 4384 Kimb;tll,
Memph is, TN. 38117; 179, 276.
Co rbin. Bob (Faculty), 1501 Deener Dri"e,
Searcy, AR. 72143; 64.
Co rley
Christie L. (Sophomore), 512 Country Estates
Road. J3cnton, AR, 72015; 276.
Erin D. (Sophomore), 1729 Palo Alto, Mesquite,
TX, 75150; 161. 280.
Corp . Dan (HUGSR), 4607 Buckingham Drive.
Pour Huron, /ii I. <18060.
Cortez, Leonard R. (Freshman). 510 Dewey Ro.1d.
Pangburn, AR, 72121.
Alan D. (Se nio r). 3 Red Birch Cov",. Linl", Rock.
AR, 72212.
Kellin W. (Senior), 3 Red Birch Cove, lilli" Rock.
AR. 722 12; 282.
Richard (HUGSR). 4878 Bmdficld Run, Memphis.
TN. 38 125.
Cosby, Matthew R. (Se nio r). 691 Brookgreen
Lane. Le)[ington. KY, 40509; 300.
Costo n . Mitchell A. (Senior). RR I. Box 44.
Quitman, MO. 644i8.
Uniled St~tes St.'Cf"Cla ryo/State Made/Pille K. Albrigbt
u·us Ihe most J..'lsible ulld active S(!ClT'tary 0/ Slate
sillce Hellry Xissillgcr Sbe U'as the highest rallkillg
womml til lheblsloryo/tbe U.s got-'(!rn melU alld she'
W(lS admired mId respected by lbe diplomatic co1p$
Previolwy. she sen:t.'ti as Presid,'?11 CfilUo,, 's amlxlS'
Mldar 10 rbe United Nalions (md ;'1 jOfl!ig'l policy
Tbeo"-gOi"g troubles i"tbc MMdle £(lstl.'t!fJIlbc60}'t'Ur -oid diplonWI busy/rom Ibeduysbe was sworni" to lbe top job ojtbeSlate DeP01TmCflt. (Rl.1 Photo)
Cothron. Sar:lh R. (Special), Rt. 1. Box 16i .
Haskell, TX. 7952 1; 179, 292.
Cotto ngim, Cr:lig (Sophomore). 34 Fo)[boro,
Searcy, AR, 72J43: 161.
Kellin H. ( Freshman), 5515 Old Walcott Road,
P;lragould, AR, 72450; 278.
Shawna A. (Freshman), P.O. Box 80611.
fairbank s, AK. 99708; 179,
Cou rso n
joshua j. (Fres hman), 6766 Goodall Mill Road,
M;lCOn, GA. 31206.
Katrina E. (Junior). 5094 Robbie Burns Road ,
Beamsville.ODl LOR lB7. CANADA; 143, 284.
Cowart, Mandi j. (freshm a:l), 5028 Victor Trail.
1\'orcro$$. GA. 3007 1; 179. 282.
Cowgur. WilIi3m D. (Sophomore), 116i4 Hwy. 72
W., Bentonllille. AR. 72712.
Co wles. Robert (HUGSR), 5i12 Melstone Drive,
Knoxville. TN. 37912.
J:ty 10.1 (Junior). 53 17 F3irw;J y Ave .. N. Lill ie
Rock. AR. 72116; 286.
jU$tin 1'1 (Freshman). 53 1i fa irway Ave .. N. lillie
Rock. AR. 72 116; 286.
Charles A. Ounior), 4081 Flippen Tr:lil. Norcross,
GA, 30092; 143,302.
Amylynne J. (Senior). 354 19 Birchwood St.,
Yucaipa. CA. 92399; i 16. 280. 304, 308.
Cheryl A. (Sophomore). Rt. 2. Box 156.
CI:trksville. AR. 72830; 161.
Gary (HUGSR). 3024 Bel Ai r Drive. Bowie. MD.
207 15.
Heidi 1'>1. (Freshman). 211 Rosemary Lane.
Greenville. SC. 2%15; 179, 280.
J~red E. (Se nior). 3420 W. EI Paso. Broken
Arrow. OK. 740 12.
Je:~nni M. (Sophomore), 6359 Newport Court. Ft.
Wo rth. TX. 761 16; 161.296.
John W. ( Freshman). 7040 Brewer Rood. flim.
MI. 48507; 179.
Willi3m K. (Fres hman). P.O. Box 183, B;lld Knob.
Kellin M. (Junior). 800 W. Arch, St.';Ircy. AR.
72143; 143.
Leah J. (Sophomore). 509 Live Oak Drive, Se;lrcy,
AR. 72143; 161. 306.
Linda (StafO, Sears Hall, Box 10870, $carcy. AR.
Mand y L. Ou nior), 508 W. Po plar, Par.lgo uld. AR,
72450; 222.
Monle (Fac ulty). 942-A Waukeg:tn Road.
Deerfield, IL, 60015; 57.
PalriCia (f acu lty), 509 Lin: Oak. $carcy. AR.
72143; 66. 304.
Robert (freshman). 509 Mill Rood. ConneaUt.
OH, 44030; 179,290.
Sam D. (Junior), 7040 Brewer Road. Flint ..\11.
48507; 143,
Crabb , Karen (Facu lty). 10808 Crestdale Lane,
Lilth:: Roc k, AR, 72212; 66, 298.
Cr abiU. Trish~ L. (Sophomore), 5 juniper. Searcy,
AR. 721 43; 72. 292.
Cr abt ree. j)~wn M. (J un ior). 225 j;)nice SI..
Goose Creek, SC, 29445; 143.302.
Cr aft. j3ime L. (Freshma n). P.O. Box 1039. Terrell.
TX, 75 160; 179.
Cr aig
Caroline L. (Se nior). RI 6. Box 153. West I'oim.
MS. 39ii3: 116. 270, 271, 296.
Co«''Y M (SophomOfe), 1001 E. 11th Court.
283 t1iC
Pi Kappa Epsilon (Social Club) First row: BrentCbism, Craig Wills, Ke>metbMayer; Da" Rucker, AsbleeHendrix, Clair Wletecba, 8etbMeeks, Elizabetb
Ewing, Nico/eAlexander, jobn Toy, Bradjones Second row:jason Magar, A'ate Bnms, jl'remySciba, Terry Tackel/, Dame./ Cocbran, Wade Ram('1', Ryan
Meyers, Third row: Adam Hall, Brian Scbwieger, En'/.! Swindll', Adam Richardson. Ray Whitley, Wilson Robertson,josb Rudd, jl!remy Hogg Fourth row:
jason Robitaille, Co/byNeal,/acobSbock, Chad Pal/l'rson,/immy Turk, Mfchae/8elknap, Parish Pollard, Brandoll Smith . Fifth roll': Temmce Boyle,john
jlllian, DavidAndersO'I, Aaron Walters. Greg Evans, Gco/Vickers, Ryan Howell,Clint Meadows, Greg Rumer. Sixth row: Abrabam Santillan, Zpcb Neal,
Ty Christopher, ClI'1i /)(II/Is, jay Segadi, Chris Naugbee, Prestoll Brandlmore, SCOII Kopi, Keuin Chism, jeff Venable. Photo b)' Brian Hl!lIdricks.
Newberg, OR, 97132; 161, 282.
Nancy E. (Special). Rt. 6, Box 153, West POint.
MS, 39773; 179, 260. 282.
Thomas Edward (Grd Edue).
Cra ndall
Barba ra J. (Senior), 1704 E, Bell De /lhr Drive,
Tempe, AZ, 85283,
Denise 0, (Sophomore), 1704 E. Bell De Mar
Drive, Tempe. AZ. 85283; 199.
Cranfo rd . K3tie S. (Sophomore). 102 Deerwood
Dri"e, Searcy. AR. 72143; 161.
Cravy. Brenna R. (Senior), 5002 Shallowridge
Rood, Kennesaw , GA, 30144; 116.
Craw fo rd
Devon M. (Frc$h man), 100 Dartmouth Covc,
jacbonville, AR, 72076.
Dustin L (Senior), 28 13 W. Fresco, Austin. TX.
78731; 117.
joseph R. (Sophomore). 9617 Misty Brook Covc,
Cordova, TN, 38018; 161, 286.
LaRac Elizabeth (Senior), 208 Trickum Hills Lane.
Woodstock, GA, 30188; 116.300.
Creech , Roben B. (Freshman), 11304
Williamsburg Lane. Frisco. TX. 75034.
Cre ns h aw, ScOt (Faculty). 37 Harding Drive,
Searcy. AR, 72143; 56,
Cride r , Claire N. (Freshman), 4210 S. Granby
Way (C), Auro ra , CO, 80014; 179. 278.
Crim , Marcusj. (Junior). 305 Belle Forest Coun,
Kingspon. TN. 37663; 143, 276, 2SS, 292.
Crispell. Christina 111. (Freshman), 4 Woodland
Rood. Ithaca. NY, 14850; 179.
Criss. Lawrence (Freshman). 828 N, Lawler Av/!.,
Chicago. IL. 60651 .
Critte n den, Amy E. (Frcs hman). Heidcbeek
YWAM. 8181 Pk Heerde, Netherland,
Brian (Sophomore).
Usa R. (Senior). 1921 Sir Lancelot, Crcvc Coeur,
MO. 63 146.
Sh:lTcn (Facul ty), 5560 Hwy. 36 w ., Rose Bud,
AR, 72137; 68. 304.
Cronberg. Anna C. (Junior), 2000 Kazmcier -13.
Bryan. TX, 77802; 1<13, 160, 240, 296.
KriStina L (Senior), 156 Westsidc Drive,
judsonia. AR, 72081.
Mark Stephen (Senior). 1603 Primrose Lane,
Borger, TX, 79007: 113, 116, 278, 280, 290.
William B. (Freshman), 107 Belle Meade, Searcy,
David (Staff). 107 Belle Meade, Searcy, AR,
72 143; 54.
Kathleen (Staff), HU Box 10SS1, $earcy, AR; 52,
Regina. (Social Clrlb) First row .' Grabam SWm-rlin, Pallljobnsc)/!, Dan Kubn, A'lgie Potler, Catherine Willj(>,jennifer Wi/t-s, josb CarT, Nico/eMore/mld.
Second row: Erin Holcomb, uslie Kubn, Emmalee TucJ..'(!r,jenny Mores, Darbie Ren/roe, Kalie 1I0u'ard, Les/l')' Dema/dWn, Racb,'/ McCuiston Third row:
Belly Dauls, Andrea R(!(.'{/, Amber Wade, April Toy/or, Barbara Demwb, Taw'l Newton, Manijobnson, Hember Wi/h,. Founh row: Tallwr Heml/wrich,
Come Brown, Alyssa Humer, Amy IbOnlton, Kimmie Bers, AmyCasb, Allg/e Hawkins,jenniferMarx, Calldice Doly, Counney Kendall. Fifth row: Darla
Dilks, Kim Hibdon, Amy Roberson, Marcella Will, Sbmmon Fou'ler, lorena Saum, Denise Roof, Misty Anderson, Emi/y Newhouse, Alii Pelligrew, Welldi
Keffer, joe To)'e. Sixtb roW: Racheilangston, I)(HUII Haines, Amy Belcher, Fawnda Effioll, Erin /:.i:aru. Marlila Piante, Angela lIle, Dorinda She/ton,
SlImml'r job'W)II ,je,mifer Miller, All/soll Storey, Calbe-rille Oz~~11 x~'tmtb row. Alison Dyer, Amy l.ucas, i.eamll! Pumphrey, Sarah Pace, Kry5tal Proctor,
Amber GUS/a/SOIl, Hcatbe-r GWllcr; j('1wifer Carroll, Sarab Sbaball, Erica Troyer, Cbristie Campbell Pboto by Briall HI:Ildricks.
Hayley B. (Junior), P.O. Box 671, Wynne, AR,
72396; 143.
Peyton M. (Sophomore), P.O . Box 671, Wynne.
AR. 72396; 161.
Crowde n , Emily M. (Freshman), 665 POtlS Hill
Rood, Lewisberry. PA, 17339; 179.
Cr owley, Christopher A. (Freshman), 117 Cedar
Drive, Buda, TX. 78610; 298.
C~ m
Rachel R. (Sophomore), 5140 King St. S.W .•
Canton. OH. 44706; 161 , 282.
Robert Seth (Senior), 5140 King St. S.w.• Clnton,
OH, 44706; 117, 220, 221.
Kevin S, (Senior). 2252 Nyon Ave., Anaheim, CA,
92806; 117.
Vanessa K. (Senior), P.O. Box 1640, Columbia
Falls, /lIT, 59')12; 117, 268, 306.
Cuarcuna, Scarleen S. (Sophomore), 2-75 Bond
SI., Kitchener.OntariO, CANADA, N2H; 16 1.
Cude, Susanne L. (Sophomore). 797 EI
Conquistador, P~lm Springs, CA, 92262; 161,
Cuffle , jermaine J. (Senior), 671 Mountainbrooke
Circle, Stone Mountain, GA, 30087; 167, 217.
Jerry (HUGSR), 320 N. Shawnee, Jackson, MO,
Stefanie L. (Senior), 20047 L. Pleasant Ridge
Rood, Caldwell, 10, 83605; 117, 300,
Cullins , Luke A. (Sophomore), 522 Hwy. 92,
Plum/!rville, AR, 72127; 161, 217.
CUmmin gs
Amanda S. (Sophomore), 39 E. Main St .• New
Freedom, PA. 17}49; 278,
Philip (HUGSR), 99 )fontclair Drive. jackson, TN.
SlJa m /h. (Social Club)First row(1 to r):jalla Helldrix,jelllly Walters, MilldyTay/or, EmifyMcMackill, StepbanieCilly, Rachel MCFarland, Rlic/x!l Wf/SOll,
Racbael Williams, Mary Tromwine, Betb Moss, Kdly Gibson . Second row: Amwjon(!$. Emify Binkley, Elizabeth ROOI, Angle UIlglla, Katby Hllrlt,)"jo(ma
Car/SOli, Donna McDaniel, Cbrisline Wick, Mary Gill, ShannOll O'Neill Third row: Tia White, Mandy 150m, Katrina COllrsOll, Aim~'C! Whltley, jenelfe
LlpcamOIl, Emilie Wbltley, Brandy Ott, Sbolano Fle('/wood, Altb('fl Bo/dell, lrelle King Founb rolll; !isha Lemmillg, Ashil')' Bilnon, Tracey jamN, jlllie
Leulls, Maurine Sacbs, Sandi Hendrick, i.allr(1 Fllfler, Sylvia Forrar, Rebekah E~'OII$, Stacie AtI!m Fifth row: Carol Binb, Katie Kl~'llSl, Sarab l.o8sdon,
Brenda Thornburg, Rachel Duffy, AmberHI'ey, Calldic('Ort/xlls, Kim K('If, Marla Robbins Sixth rouo·jcssica Krillks,je,mifer Sbon, l.ynnelleMilam, Laura
Wilson, Randie Seeber, Rita Boudra. Holly jobnSOIl, Milldy Ski~'er, Erym'lc Eyrich, Usa Zepeda, AIi5.sa Lingua. SnY'nlb row: Amallda DIIIlCOlI, Micbael
Fanll, l.lsa Kilgore, Mega" McCorkle, Kimberly Wbite, Me//ssajackson, Allison Zepeda, Kimberly Ire/and, Kl!lIySimmons, Pal Bills. Eigbtb row.' Jamie
Lockwood, Ben i.amb, Greg SU'(lckhamer, Heatber SeniJ..'f?r, Alii McGulmtess, Cymbla McDa./iel, HaleyMcDona/d, Kristen flou'ley, Andriajoh"so", En'"
Babcock, Kimberley Rille'lberry, Cbad Card'ler. Pboto b)' Bn'all f-fe./dricks.
284 Index
James R. (Sophomore), 4517 Dee Road,
MemphiS, TN, 38117; 205.
joshua S. (Junior), 135 Del Crest Drive, Nuhville,
TN, 37217: 217.
Sarah K. (Sophomore), 6921 POSt Oak Drive, Fl.
Wonh , TX, 76180; 161, 294.
CUpper , Victoria L. (Freshman), RI. 4, Box 428·A,
Booneville, MS, 38829; 304.
Christina M. (Junior), 4930 Bath Road. Dayton.
OH, 45424; 296.
Mandy M. (Freshman), 1045 Barona Road,
Lakeside, CA, 92040; 179, 276. 288.
Steven (HUGSR), 128 March Cove. Searcy, AR.
Curri e
Jason c. (Senior), 29352 J Drive North, Albion,
MI. 49224; 198.
Shannon L. (Senior), 329 N. Eagle 51.. Marshall,
jamie A. (Freshman), 36 Hazel SI., Washington,
Mica A. (Se nior), 11073 N State Hwy. Z, WL11ard.
MO, 65781; 117,288.
Robert (HUGSR). RR 2. Box 311-H. Brundidge,
AL. 36010.
Curtin, Christina D. (Fresh man), 414 l:ll.:e A\'e ..
Manchester, NH, 03103; 179.
Autumn L. (Freshman). 1180 Snow Road.
Semmes. AL, 36575: 292.
Brenda (HUGSR), 1530 Raymore. Memphis, TN,
Cindy (StafO. 6 11 E. Park. Searcy. AR. 72143: 86.
Kelley S. (Jun ior). 206 Al:lObrook Ave ..
Sherwood, AR, 72120; 143,
Cus hing, Tina M. (Sophomore), 541 Borah
Ave.W .. Apt D, 1\vin F:ll1s. 10,8300 1: 161.
Custer. Drew G. (Sophomore), 764 Tam;lrack
Trail. Reading, PA, 19607: 161. IS5. 286.
Cutsinger, Neil A. (Sophomore), 1225 Manasota
Beach Road , Englewood, FL, 34223; 278.
CUlts, Chad H. (Sophomore), 109 New Rm.d.
Tabernacle, NJ, 08088; 161, 286.
a& D
D. (Fresh man). 420 Bradley Court,
Tuscumbia. AL. 35674: 2SO.
Steven T. (Junior), 7301 Hwy, 37 South, Newport,
AR, 72112; 143.
Dactology Club; 304.
Daggett, Shawn (Facul ty), 505 Coun try Club
Road. Searcy. AR, 72 143; 56.
Dahl, Erie B. (Junior). 606 Wildwood lane.
Oxford. MS. 38655; 144.
Dahlman, Ted A. (Freshman), 8329 E. 14th SI..
Tulsa, OK, 74112; 179,288,290.
Dahlstrom, Rebecca A. (Freshman), 5501 27th
St., lu bbock. TX. 79407; 179. 214, 215.
Daigle, Dave (HUGSR), 2 Melody l:lne. Amhcrst.
Dakin, Robin E. (Sophomore), 14387 Kimble
Road, licl.:ing, MO. 65542; 161. 292, 300.
l:lndon T. (Sen ior), 316 W. Danner. W. Memphis,
AR, 72301; 117, 179.
l:lyton C. (Freshma n), 316 w . Da nner. West
Memphis, AR. 72301: 217.
Dalton. Doris (StafO. St<:phens Hall. Box 10875.
Searcy, AR.
Dandy, j onathan S. (Senior), <1731 N.W. 46th St..
Topel.:a, KS. 66618; 117,210. 220, 221 , 2SO,
Alisha Cay (Senior). P.O. Box 2965. f ayenevillt:.
AR, 72702: 117, 292. 296,
Ellen (Faculty). 9 Summiu Drive, Searcy. AR.
72143: 68. 308.
Evlyn (Staff), 17 !ndi~n Trail. Se;\rcy, AR, 72 143Floyd (StafO , .2 Cabin on the Knoll, Sea rcy. AR,
721<13; 44, 45.
Leslie A. (Junior), 2565 N. Ch~nd~lar L1ne,
Pelham, Al. 35124; 144. 164.288.
Manhew B. (Senior), 2008 Timber Trails,
Jonesboro, AR. 72404; 225.
Jessica A, (Senior), 1',0. Box 534, Robert Lee. TX.
Dawn Rene (Senior), 69 Kings River Road, N.
Little Rock , AR. 72116,
Timothy B. (Freshman): 217,
Danley, Apri l /'.1 , (t·reshman). 96 Goetha ls Drive,
Rich land, WA, 99352,
Darden, Dina (Sophomore).
Darling, justin (Sophomore). 509 Hwy 67,
Tuckerman, AR, 72473.
Darne ll
Apri l M. (Freshman), 20975 Timber Ridge, Yorba
linda, CA. 92886.
Rebecca R. (Sen ior), 2Q665 Telegr.lph, Trenton.
MI, 48163; 117.280.
Robert S. (Senior), 2135 I>icket Place, Color.ldo
Springs. CO. 80918; 117.
Dasher, Andrew D. (Freshman), 7 Margo Trail.
Rome. GA, 30161: 177, 179,288,306.
Jonathan D. (Sophomore), 205 Harris Ro;,d.
JacksonviIle. AH. 72076; IS, 199
David N. (Se nior), 14432 Melody Lane, Forney,
TX. 75126; 117.
james (Junior), AIIen Dorm. Box 1077S, Searcy,
Edward Miles (Sophomore). 2014 E. Park, Searcy.
l:lrry, Sr. (Staff), A1!en Dorm. Box 10778, Searcy,
~bry Lou (StafO, Allen Dorm, Box 10778. Searcy.
Eric E. (Sophomore), 1350 S.W. 70 Terra ce,
Pla ntation, FL, 333 17. 109, 161. 278,
Kellie A. (J unior), 5108 Rosewood Circle, F1.
Smith. AR. 72903: 14<1 .
Tonia R. (Senior), 1350 S.W. 70th Ten ..
Planta tion, FL. 33317: 117,
Brenda (HUGSR StafO, 1958 Deep Valley Cove.
Germantown. TN. 38 138; M.
Lisa M. (Freshman), 1350 Washington Ave Apt
liE. New York, NY, 10456,
Davidson. Jolyn C. (Senior), 1<1 S. 6th St.,
Patterson, CA, 95363: 117.
Davi~, Breit W. (Junior), 232 1 Ft. William Drive,
Olney. MD. 20832: 44, 1<14,278. 286.
Ama nda L. (Freshman), 109 Yellowood Drive,
West ;"lonroe, LA, 71291: 179, 282.
Annette (StafO, P.O. Box 188. Pangburn. AR.
Betty l. (Senior), RR 2, Box 1850. Worthington.
IN. 4i4il; 118. 260, 271, 2M, 304.
Bobby G. (Junior), 5172 Keegan Way, louisville,
KY. 40291; 144, 282.
Charles 13. (Freshman). 44 14 Tuscarora,
Pasadena, TX, 77504.
Brad (HUGSR), 500 Mill Road, Morganton, GA,
30560: 288.
Candice l . (Freshman), 6054 McAfee, The
Colony, TX, 75056,
Carter (StafO, 104,3 s. Moss, Searcy. Alt 72143:
Carter R. (I' Grad). 27199 Aliens Grove Road.
Donahue, IA. 52746.
Elizabeth C. (Senior), 4414 Tuscarora St ..
~~dena, TX, 77S04; 118,300.
Climon M, (junior), 3109 Kensington, Mesquite,
TX, i 5150; 53, 144. 284, 294.
Colin L (Senior), 27199 Aliens Grove Road.
Donahue, lA, 52746; 286.
Crystal M. (Freshman). 6<110 S, Gibraltar Court.
Aurora, CO, 80016: 179, 276, 288, 304.
Daniel E. (Sophomore), 704 W. 18th Terrace.
Russellville, AR, 72801.
Don M. (Freshman), 6141 Clarl.: Way. Bu<.:na
Park CA, 90620: 179.
Heather L. (Sophomore). 6141 Cla rk Way, Buena
ParI;. CA, 90620; 161.
Jackie D, (Sopho more), 1068 N. Hwy, 79,
Marianna, AR, 72360; 161.
Jeremy Thomas (Se nior), 11825 Winfore Drive,
Midlothian. VA. 23113.
Jerit T, (So phomore), 129 Deer Terrace, Searcy,
AR. 72143.
Joel (HUGSR), 1000 Cherry Road KH·I05.
Memphis, TN, 38117.
Kellie S. (Freshman), 2M5 Summerset Drive,
Conway, ,o\R, 72032,
Kevin L (Sophomore). 908 E. RiVer Ave" Searcy,
AR, 72143: 161.
l:lwren (Freshman), P.O. Box 106. I>arkin. AR.
723i3; 179.
Philip W. (Freshman), 128 Central St., S. EastOn.
MA.02375: 179.
Stephanie D. ( Freshman), 3461 Alrrt'tl Drive,
Memphis. TN, 38133; 179. 222. 282.
Stephanie R. (Freshman), Box 212. Newark, AR,
Tania M. (Freshman).
Terry (Staro, 300 N. Clinic, Searcy, AR, 721<19: <15,
Tra cey R. (Junior). 1298 Nich School House
Road. Columbia, TN , 3840 1; 286.
Dawidow, Annabelle (Senior), P.O. Box 231.
Sopot, POLAND; 118, 276, 288.
Dawkins. Staci D. (Senior), 10705 lora l:lne,
Ooltewah. TN. 37363; 298.
Heath A. (Sen ior), 59099 Martha Drive, Byc~villc,
OH. 43i23; 104, 118, 282.
Jeanellc L. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 1635.
Gra\'elle, AR, 72i36; 161.
Katrina A. (Freshman), 1612 O live, North Uule
Rocl.:, AR, i2114; li9.
RuthAnn (StafO, 308 Live Oak Drive. Searcy, AR,
721<13; 86.
Sean Alla n (Senior). 16417 Dawson Rood,
Sulphur Spri ngs, AR, ni68; 118, 172. 298.
Tammy (StarO, 216<1 Holmes Road. Searcy, AR,
Windy G. (Junior). 308 Live Oal.: Drive, Searcy.
AR, 721~3; 144.
Brandi R. (Freshman), 9600 West 36 SI" Apt. 405,
Little Rock, AR, 722(}4 .
Sarah K. (Senior), 709 Pinnacle Hill Road.
Kingston Springs. TN , 37082; lIS, 298.
Dayhoff, Hollie S. (Fres hman), 57 Bankert Road,
Ibnove r, PA, 17331; 179.
De la Liana, Juan F. (Sop homore), PO Box 3985,
M~na gu :' . NICARAGUA; 161.
Deal, Na ta sha R. (f reshman), 3901 Wkewood
Valley Drive, N. Lit tie Rocl.: , AR, 72116; 179,
276, 27S.
Albha N. (Freshman). 1104 NE 4th St., Moore.
OK. 73160.
Jackie L. (Sophomore), 252i South Camber,
Springfield, MO, 65809: 161, 296.
Lul.:e D, ( Frt'Shman). 913 N. Azalea. Tyler, TX,
75701; 179,288.
DeAnnan, Clint Daniel (Senior). 731 f','ewport
Drive. Ma nsfield. TX. 76063; 217.
Dealon. Rebecca A. (Freshma n), 1025 Chapel
Court, Fran klin. TN, 37069; 1i9. 288, 304,
Decs, Kevin (Freshman). 2944 Charles Bryan
Road, Bartleu, TN, 38134; 179.
Deever , Carrie J. (Senior), 1932 Valley View.
Cedar Hill. TX. 75104.
Delgadillo, Elys R. (Senior), Pancasan VII etap:!
. 40. Managua, NICARAGUA; liS, 276, 302.
Delp. Stephanie J. (Sophomore), 5208 Kimbarl.:
forest Cove. Memph is, TN, 3S 134; 161. 282.
De lta Chi Delta; 278.
Delta Gamma Rho; 278.
DeMent, Shelley l. (Fres hm an), 115 lagrue Drive.
Sherwood, AR, 72120; 179,288.
Michael R. (Freshman), RI. 1, Box 201A, Tako,
TX. 75487; 217.
Misty L. (Jun ior), R\. 1 Box 20lA, Talco. TX,
Dempsey, Stacey R. (Sophomore), 627 Canby
Road. Wahiawa. HI, 96i86; 161. 282.
Demuth, Barbara M. (f reshman). 7610 Orchid
l:lne N., Maple Grove, MN, 55311; li9. 284,
Denman. Jonathan C. (freshman), 6889
Hcdgewall Cirde, Memph iS. TN, 3814 1; 179,
Denney, Stephanie D. (Senior). 2227 Denney
Road, Midvale, 10, 83645; 1l8, 21<1, 263. 310.
j olene M. (Sophomore), 108 Monday Haus l:lne.
Highland Village, TX, 75067: 161, 286.
SarJh B. (Sophomore), 312 M1. Holly Road,
Amelia, O H, 45102; 161. 288.
Mark A. (Senior), 1380 118th Place. Knoxville, lA,
The staffs ofthe Bison and PelilJea njoin togetherfora devotional dun'ng theirpreschool retreat held at Petitjean Mountain State Park to learn the basic information
to start the paper and yearbook. It was also a time to get to know some ofthe people
that they were going to be working with. The staffs worked together to get the
information needed to meet deadlines and to nm the Bison and Petil Jean. Photo
by Krist; Bums.
Ross W. (Junior). 1380 IISth Place. Kn oxville, lA,
50 138.
Dennislon, Michael j. (Junior), 28 White Oal.:
Circle, Searcy, AR, 72143.
Denny, Kasey N. (Freshman). 110 Ozark Acres
Drive, Bentonville, AR. 727 12; ISO, 231. 288,
Da nny (StafO. 6 12 N. Hicl.:ory, $earcy, AR, 72143.
Robbie (StafO, 612 N. Hicl.:ory, Searcy, AR,
72 IH.
DcSdms . Jacqueline M. (Junior), 1528 Gordon
PeU)', Brentwood, TN. 37027.
Des hai es. Jessie;!. L. (Freshman). 27 PClain St.,
Manchester. NH, 03102; ISO.
Devita; 292,
Dewa U
Ste\'en A, (Junior), 7<130 Dallas Court N., Maple
Grove, MN, 553 11.
Wendy L, (Sophomore). S500 Green Haven
Drive, Brooklyn Park, MN, 55445.
Elizabet h H, (Freshm,tn), 198 Cane Creek Road,
Beebe, AR. 72012; ISO, 288,
Joyce (StafO. 198 Cane Creel.: Road. Beebe, AR,
72012; 86.
Roy S. (Sen ior), Rt. 3. Box 4100, Bmlesville, O K.
74003; 118. 282.
Diehl, James M. (Senior), 15305 S.W. 78th I'I~ ce,
Miami, Flo 33157; 118, 214.
Dietetics Club; 304.
Dlifine, Don (Faculty), 1301 Fox Drive, Searcy.
AR, 72143; 60.
Benjamin Stewart (Senior); 268.
mil (Staff), 107 W. Lincoln, Searcy, AR, 72143.
Heather Amanda (Senior), i03 Main St., S.
Williamsport. PA. 17701.
Mona (Facu lty).
Scott A. (Freshman), <120 1 MI. Vernon Drive. N.
Little Rock AR. 72116; ISO, 286.
Dilks. Darla L. (Sophomore), 11<110 Gen jeb
Stuart Lane. Culpeper. VA, 22701: 161,284,
Dill, Bryan J. (Freshman). P.O. Box 575, Horse
Shoe. NC, 28742; 180, 288.
Glenn (StafO, 132 Pinon Drive, Searcy, AR.
72143·9408; 86.
Sherry (Starf), 800 East Moore Ave. "30, Searcy,
Sus~n Lee (Grd Educ), 132 Pinion Drive. Searcy,
John (HUGSR), 71 Picou Road, Kittery, ME.
Neil Jonathan (Grd Educ), 308 S. Oak, Searcy,
jeffrey L (Sen ior), 7082 W. Mornine Drive.
Littlelon. CO, 80123Jonathan 1', ( f reshman). 605 Gali na, Beebe, AR.
72012: ISO.
Dismuke. Keith N. (Se nior). 1718 Ashley Ha ll
Road. Charle~ton. SC. 29407.
Dis lcrhcfl, Dean (HUGSR), 9867 South 2nd St..
Mattawan. MI. 49071.
Ann (StafO, 125 COllage Lal.:e Road, Searcy. AR,
72143: 50.
Breezy I. (Freshman), 310 Walker Road,
Higginson, AR, 72068.
Hann ah C. (F res hman), 125 CoUage l:lke Road,
Searcy. AR. 72143,
Mauhew 1', (Sophomore), 125 Cottage l:ll.:e
Road, Searcy. AR, 72143; 161.
Phil (SlafO. 125 COllage l:lke Road, Searcy, AR,
72143: 52.
Valerie G. (Senior), 57 Banl.:crt Road, Hanover,
I'A. 17331; 118. 304.
Dlzer, Jessica L. (Sophomore), 715 Hurricane
Creek Road, Chattanooga, TN, 3i<l21; 161 ,
Dmytrowin , Heather L. (Senior). 3386 E. 115
Drive, Thornton. CO. 80233; 118. 268, 280.
Doa n . Kendall Thomas (Senior), 96 Top l:lne.
London. AR. 72847.
Dobbs, R:lchel S. (Sophomore), 4390 BeI1chase
Drive, Montgomery, Alo 36116; 161.
Dodd, Danny (HUGSR), 33 Fox Glen Ci rcle,
Brandon, MS, 39()42.
l:lkeesha S. (Fr<:shman). 304 S. Oli\'e, Searcy, AR,
Miriam l . (Junior), 110 E. Ae;!.demy St. , Lonoke,
AR. 72086: 144, 226, 298.
Doege, Mich ael (Sophomore), 300 W.
W;tshington, Harvard. Il. 60033; 161. 290,
Dolli ver. Jason M. (Sophomore), 3S13 l ynda
lane. f 1. Collins, CO, S0526.
Amanda 1- (Sophomore). 14S Hemlocl.: Road,
Torrington. cr, 06790; 161.
Mclanic (Freshman), 14S Hemlock Road ,
Torrington. cr, 06790: ISO.
Domi n gue;,;. Norma Y. (Senior), 907 Jayson 51 ,
Searcy, AR. 72143: 119.298.
David (StafO. 15 Magnolia Drive, Searcy. AR.
Tfttms (Soc/tIl Club) First row: Amy Nedy, Amlie Robertson, Amberly Tiner, Cballd O'Neil. Second row: Gavin Sleu'art, ClayMidyell, Brad While, Dallid
Mams.jordan HOlIse, Kevin Koone Third row. Adam Ealber/y, Slepbell Finley, Alldyjllsms, Todd Walson, Na/ban Wallers, Selb Rllbio, CbrisCo/e, W(1$
Riddle FOllrtb row- KoryThlbodaux, TJ Wbilebead,jasoll Blair. Alexjoonson,jayCou'ley, Rlfss Tllrmall, Todd Bal,:'er Fiftb rou-~ Rocky Wyall, M icbael
Bllle,joeyCmuford, Grmll Whartoll,james Humphrey. ParkerSlilI. Brian Kirk, Slepbl'njerki'l$. Sixtb rou~j/lstin Cou:iey,jllstin McCaul/a, Reagan Baber,
Bry'a ll Adtml$, AIIStill Wilsoll, Sbu/le Lumpkins, EriC i'lfcGoskey, H(!(llb Carpemer, Ryan Semallcbil:. Set:elllbrow·JobnMassie.ColillDavis. jollolball
RobcrsOll,jasoll Galt'S,jon Ned)', 8renlMillspallgb, Oint Spencer, Tim Hamptoll, Blake Wesl, Palll Wfrelllml . EISblb row: Colby Adams, ScOIl Dfies,jIlSlin
M oore, jmllz('11 Cole. P/wlo by Brian HC'lldrlcks.
Elizabeth (Faculty), 15 Magnolia Drive. Searcy,
AR, 72143; 60.
Donaldson. Lesley K. ( Freshm:In), 2063 Dalkeith.
Germantown. TN, 38139; 180. 284 .
Dono h o , Jason G. Qu nio r), 925 lillie Dri"e.
C<1rthage. MO, 64836; 144, 286.
Faye (Grd Mm. 126 Willow Creek lane, Searcy,
Faye (Faculty), 126 Willow Crtek lane. Searcy.
AR, 72143; 64.
Thoma~ M . (Freshman). 10008 Chestnut Wood
lane, Burke, VA. 72015; 180.286.
Rebecca M. (Special), 126 Wiillow Creek lane,
$carcy, AR, 72143; 180,276.278.306.
Ron (Faculty), 126 Willow Creek lane, Searcy,
AR, 72143; 72.
Dor rough. Joshua W . (Senior). Rt. 3, Box 153,
Ada, OK, 74820: 119,294,302,308.
Dosier. David l . (Freshman), 809 Bonham. Grand
Prairie, TX, 75050.
Dot}'. Candice M. (Freshman), 244 W. 81h,
Garnen. KS, 66032: 180, 284.
William Allen Qunior), 224 S.W. Birdsdale Drive,
Gresham, OR, 97080.
Amy L. (Freshm:m), 224 S.W. Birdsdale Drive.
Gresha m. OR. 97080.
Jennifer L. Qunior), 71 1 Kansas, Beebe. AR,
Jennifer D. (Freshman). 7067 E. Park A\·e.,
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Swven G. (Senior), 1155 Slurdy Road, Valparaiso,
Carol A. (Senior). 612 E. Woodruff. Sealcy. AR,
72143; 33,119.300.
Jimmie L. Qunior). 61 2 E. Woodruff, Searcy. AR.
72143; 33, 144,296.
Dow, Dijana E. Qunior). HOI w. Robena Ave.,
Fullenon, CA, 92833; 144.
Jason S. (Freshman), 63 First Ave., M~ford, 1'>'Y,
11763; 180.
Marilyn (Stam, 609 East Park, Searcy, AR, 72143;
Downey. Khrislopher J. (Freshman), 182 N. 'ISO
E., Valparaiso, IN. 46383; 180, 276.
Downing, Maribeth (Faculty), 203 Williams,
Searcy. AR. 72143: 58.
Tri.Ko/J/J 11 (Soc/ol Club) Firsl row: COnium Hendrix. AI/drea Belcb, Gay/toe Garrolll/I.',jall Breu-er, Wllra S/I.'SIII(III,jallolYll Williams, Stany Hammill,
Bl.'lb 81'(1/10". GI,w Browl/ . Second row. 8111 MooT(". LI$(I Abhfllzzese, Mlcbel(' Bart%lla, jel/lli/er Sleu:ort, SIOCI..'Y Hasham, Torri Pn::dm011!, Brellda
Grabam, Mall Wisdom "fbird Row. jessica Geurill,jessie Myracle, Ht'tltberGarllller, Ke/Jie ElIgland,jlldy wyd,jody MeAngus, Mall Sealoll . Fourth row.
LNlb Clark, BarhDutizie./sl..'i, Amy Camero",jill Pe,,"'"s'on, Sbmma Stobart, ShannOll Mlllldrell. Fifth row'j(jJllie TllcI.'er, Cbelsea Cooper,jesslco Bray,
wllra Wbitt" Crystal Gatewood, Emily HO(l$, U"(lb Wicker, Bifee Wbf/aJ..-er, Cbrist/II(1 S(mbonl . SiXtb row. Io"'ndy Russell, je",lie (;as{:bo/I,joielle DC!IIIIis,
M olly Parr. Tracey Davis, Tal)," Willis, ",'(cbe Wfl/is Seve.llb Hou:' Lia ShoemaJ..x>r, Tam Pbarr, Corrie Coie, Flellrelte Farley, Amy Selm, KriSlinQ
PrmnillgtOll Pbmo by Bria" Hendricks.
Sandn J. (Senior). Rt. 'I, Box lOS<\' Ava. MO,
65608; 119.
Travis (HUGSR), 1000 Cherry Road KH·210.
Memphis, TN, 38117; 196.
Dozier, Am y L. (Sophomore), 611 Ronnie Road.
Madison, TN, 37115: 161.
Drayton. Abigail (Fresh man ), P.O. Box 773.
Statesboro, GA, 30458; 161, 288.
Driver. Heather A. (Sophomore), 772 Steele SI.,
Crai8. CO. 81625.
Drouillard, Toni;, D. (Freshman), 1569 Jack·Droli
Olive, Adrain. MI, 49286; 180.
Ducha rme, Ronnie R. (Senior). 37123 Kell ogg,
Clinton Township. MI, 48036.
Dudak. Brian E. (Sophomore), 206 Main St.,
Grinnell. lA, SOl 12; 161 , 286.
Dudzieruki, &rbara K. Qunior), 336 Driftwood.
Aurora , IL. 6050<1; 144. 182, 286.
Duffy. Rachel N. (Freshman), 1224 10th Ave.,
Nebraska City, NE, 68410; 180. 276, 284 .
Amanda (So phomore), 401 Liles Road, Beebe,
Fran (Stam. 19 Canail Road. Searcy. AR. 72143.
Gene (Facuity), 19 Cattail Road, Searcy, AR.
72143; 79.
David L. QuniOr), 113 Indian Trail. Searcy, AR.
721 43; 144, 225. 268. 280.
Debbie (Faculty). 113 Indian Trail. Searcy, AM.
72 143; 79, 306.
Jacob C. (Special), 3 Windy Ridge, Searcy. AR.
Jennifer L. Qunior), 12 lynnwood. Searcy, AR.
72143; 144 , 181.
John Richard, Jr. (Senior), 113 ! ndi~n Trail.
Searcy, AR. 72143; 119,225, 252.268, 271.
Dulaney. Jessica E. (SOphOmOle), 118 Sun
Mcadow Road, Greer, SC, 29650; 162,276,
' 00.
TNT. (Soc ial Club) First roW: Dmmy Sloh"$, Sb(IJltlof/ Cooper, BCII Hamm ond, Marty RouV!, 8il1 E/I(Ins. j(l$onjacohy, Gn'S KClldall·8all, Kcllb Stcwart,
Mark Moon: Si..'Colld row,' BfIf Hollaway, Mlcbad Cooper, Eric Wal/acc, 80'(/11 RllniOlls, Cbad CIIIIS, jaSOll FlIlmer, jessica Stipp. Third row. Un(/say
Warrell, DollgAIIStill, nO'an Robi~'OIl, Mall Clille.jen'my IVeber, Mike Godl.mC'Cbt, K<'vin Wilkinson, Mal/Bisbop. FOllrth row: wnny Hardlllml, /)(lm"1
Shephard, Bri(m Verdier, DtmArellcibla,jellll)'Parroll, "fbom(l$ Dorall, Brelf OcJ..'(!nllall, Will Amold,}im G(I$kitls. Fiftb rou.~ Am)'Knigbt, PbiliipMllrphy,
josb jobllSO'I. Dall Leicbller, Nico Glad/ell"r, Atlro'l Wegner, David Arenciblo, josbua Gollzalez, Mal/hew P(lrsO"S. Brian Busb . SiXth row: D(mny
Hardmml, Andy Reed. Bry"lll/ Bllrieson. Billy White, Kyfe job'lSOlI, Adam Mclnlyre, Fabn'cio Call1O, Todd Nr.'lldon Sel/elllb row: Greg Morti", j(l$Oll
Do"OOO, Pctcr Ret:d.jO$b Dynieu"S/li. Cb(ld Snlllb.jim Miller, Mark WIlSOII, Man; Fager.james GOllzolez. Roosa'l 8oolle, Briall /.1allbeu"S. Eigbtb row.'
Phil U!u'is,jeremy Picker, Brlan Dlldak,josb Osbomt', DrewCllsler, Brell Davil..'S. David Richmond, A/Oil Nou:ell. Nimh rowjoson Wbithy, Micah Nabl/,
jaS()II Vj'les.jimmy Teigen. Clillt LQcin'. Mac ScIJ, jobll Weber Tentb row. Eddie Scbu.i"8er, Llli.x> Satwge, Derek GarrC'lI, Timmy joonson, ,,"eil wu"Son,
Shall'n Cofer Pboto by Brian Hendricks
286 Index
Dunagan , Emily L. (Freshman), 602 Hillary Circle.
Sugar land, TX, 77478; 180, 276.
Dunavant, Carley C. (Freshman), 8209 Longwood
Drive, Oli"e Branch, MS, 38654: 180.
Amanda L. (Freshman), 205 lakeshore Drive,
Rockwall, TX, 75087; 180,284 .
Brian K. (Sophomore). 795 1 Woodglen Drive,
West Chester, OH, 45069; 162.
Jason W. (Sophomore), 14 Country Club Circle,
Searcy, AR. 72143.
Kelly A. ( Freshman), Rt. I , Box 128, Quanah, TX.
79252; 180, 278, 288.
Thom:ls M. (Senior), P.O. Box 81. Williford, AR.
72482; 119.
Wesler A. (Soplwmore), 520 Park Ave. S..
Hohenwald. TN. 38462; 162. 217.
larry A. Qunior), 302 Carmen Drive, Walnut
Ridge, AR, 72476; 144.
Scouy R. Qunior). 1'.0. Box 95, letona, AR.
Sheilah D. (Sophomore), 1711 Oak SI., Otsego,
MI. 49078; 18, 199.
Melynda K. (Freshman), 972 Longbranc"h Rood,
Troy, Il, 62294: 180. 190. 28().
Sheryl L. (Senior), 972 Longbranch Road, Troy,
Il. 62294; 119.
Dawn (Grd Educ), 402 S. j ackson, Cabot, AR,
Da wn (Slaff), 402 S. j ackson, Cabot, AR, 72023.
DuPrie st, Karla M. (Grd Educ).
Eric (Faculty), 14 15 Wallis, Searcy, AR, 72 143.
Paula L. (Sophomore), 12675 Deepwoods Cou rt ,
Rosemount. MN, 55068; 162, 282.
Durough, Kristi (Frcshlll3n), 124 Rachel Drive,
Huntsville. Al, 35806; 28(), 288.
DuvaU, Sheila F. (Freshma n), Mil Sothman
Drive. Grand Island. NE. 68801; 180, 28().
Dyche , David lee (Junior), 1309 Arbor Knoll
Blvd., Antioc h, lN, 37211; 144.
Carrie Lynne (Se nior), 1829 Santa Fe, Lewisville,
Cody W. (Freshman), 400 West Siale, Erie, KS,
66733: 180, 278.
Dye r
Alison L. (Senior), 414 N. Winnetka, Dallas, TX,
75208: 11 9,276,284.
Stuart (HUGSR), 3574 Foxfield Trail. Bartlett. TN,
Debra (Faculty), 47 India n Trail, Searcy, AR,
72 143.
Dian na M. (f reshman), 47 Ind ian Tr;l il, Searcy.
AR,72 143Dykes, Lati na (Staff), 801 S. Bemon E206, Searcy.
AR, 72143: 86.
Dynlews kJ
jason P. (Senior), 311 I Honeydew Drive,
Carrollton, TX. 75007: 232, 286, 300.
joshua M. (Sophomore), 3111 Honeydew,
Carroll ton, TX, 75007; 286, 292.
Eads, laUrol (Faculty), 900 N. Hayes, Searcy. AR,
72143Ealy, Angela M. (Senior), 82:55 Still Oaks Cove,
Cordova. TN, 38018; 1I9, 2:55, 271, 288.
Alan Blaine (Senior). 4719 N.E. 22:nd Ave.,
Va ncouver. WA, 98663.
Alan (Staff), Vil Trio~~i 57, Scandicc;' ITALY.
jennifer III. (Senior), 2529 Qua il Roost Road,
Middleburg, Fl, 32068; 199.
Allyson N. (Freshman), 11 7{}4 Shady Ridge Drive.
Little Rock, AR, 722:11 ; ISO.
Easte rly, lau ra J. (Special), 7051 E. Farm Road
48, Strafford, /110, 65757; 180, 280.
Eastman, Quint (HUGSR), 100 Cherry Road KH106. Memphis, TN, 38117.
Adam A. (Freshma n), 13715 Repa Lane, HOUStOn,
TX, n014; 286.
j ay Br;ldley (Junior), 13715 Repa, Houston, TX,
n0 14.
Olivia j . (Sophomore), 24 jenny l ynn Drive,
Searcy, AR, 72143: 162,288.
Tom, III (Faculty). 24 jenny Lynn Drive, Searcy,
AR, 72 143; 56.
Eden. james (Freshman), Ri. 39 Box. 101. SI.
M~ry·s. WV, 26170.
Ede ns
jason Daniel (Senior), 2857 Starr Ave., Oregon,
OH, 43616: 119, 296.
Sar;l jo (Freshman), 2857 Starr Ave., Oregon, OH.
43616: 180. 280.
Edington, Andrea j. (Freshma n), 1614 lovers
Lane. Van Buren. AR, 72956; 180.
Edmonds. james (HUGSR). 1045 Garl and Rood,
Henderson, TN, 38340-3607.
j ennifer L. ( Freshman), 131 Pine Terrace Drive.
Cabot, AR, 72023; 180, 278.
joelle K. (Jun ior), 131 Pi ne Terrace Drive, Cabot,
AR,72023; 144, 278.
(StafO. 609 N. Spring. Searcy, AR, 72 143.
Barry (HUGSR), 308 Sampson St., Glasgow, KY,
42 141.
Bernard 111. (Sophomore). P.O. Box. 160, Cullman,
Codie E. (Freshman), RI. I, Box. 1465, Mt.
Pleasant, TX, 75455: 180, 280.
Cory L (Freshman), 2097 Creek Drive,
Tahlequah, OK, 74464: 180. 2BO, 302.
Denise lynne (Senior). Hi Pine C:lnyon lane.
Searcy. AR. 72 143: 119.
Katie E. ( Freshman), 609 N. Spring. Searcy, AR,
72143; 180, 2BO.
Kim (Grd Educ), 609 N. Spring, Searcy. AR,
Terry (Faculty), 609 N. Spring, Searcy, AR, 72143:
6, 7, 74
Elam. Amy 111. (Jun ior), 11 lisa Circle. Searcy, AR,
72143; 144, 294.
Bethany R. (Sophomore), 809 Perry Store Road,
Opp, At, 36467; 162,280.
Che ryl A. (Grd Educ), 2 River Oaks Blvd., Searcy,
David (Faculty), 800 N. Holly, Searcy, AR. 72 143;
64, 206, 209,
Eri n N. (Sophomore), 55 O ld 89 Road, Lebanon.
CT, 06249; 162,210.
Fawnda W. (Sophomore), 1351 S. Nati onal Ave.,
Springfield, MO, 65804; 162, 2:84.
Gary (Faculty), 2 River Oaks Blvd., Searcy, AR,
72 143; 74.
Madelyn (Slaff), 1602 W. Pleasure Ave., Searcy,
AR, iZ143; 48.
Marl; D. (Senior), 409 Alice, Dee r Pa rk, TX,
7i536; 119,194 .
William A. (Sophomore). 22930 S.W. Mandan
Drive, Tualatin. OR, 97062; 162.
David A. (Ju nior), 5200 Springdale Drive, Milcon,
Fl , 32570; 144,288.
Heather Rae (P Grad), 411 E. Market, Searcy, AR.
Melinda leigh (Grd Edut!).
Morris ( Faculty). 41 1 East Market. Searcy, AR.
72143; 66, 302.
Paula R. (Sophomore), 5200 Springdale Drive.
Milton, FL, 32570.
Yvette Yolanda (Senior), 6807 N. IZth St. ,
Philadelphia, PA. 19126; 119.
Ellison. Clayton S. (Junior), 600 Rockridge Road,
Cook Springs, Al, 35052.
Mark (Facu lt y), 3 Evergrce n, $carcy, AR, 72 143;
76, 247.
Tish (Staff), 3 Evergreen. Searcy. AR. 72 143: 282.
Ely, Michael B. Ounior), 10922 Hidden Meadow
Trail, Coming, NY. 14830.
Emberson, Amanda S. Ounior), 5332
Meadowview Road , Huntington. AR. 72940;
144, 292, 300.
Eme rson, Mike (Faculty), 1301 Deene r Drive.
Searcy, AR, 72143: 60.
Eng, Danny (Freshman), 2183 Indian Tr;lce.
Dyersburg, TN, 38024.
Amy C. (Freshman), 209 Russe ll Road,jackson,
TN, 38301; ISO, 276, 2SO, 282:.
Don (Faculty), 928 E. Market, Searcy, AR, 72143;
Kellie J. (Freshman), 214 Honey Hill loop.
Searcy, AR, 72143; 286.
English, Donald S. (Senior), 2513 Halman City
Road, Clayville, NY, 13322.
Ennis, l'\atalie S. (Freshman), 301 Richwoods
Drive, Bryant. AR, 72022; lBO, 282.
Enochs ,jessiC3 Y. (Sophomore), R17, 17 Finettl
Laneu, Alvin, TX, 77511; 162.
Ensor, Matthew D. (Sophomore), Box. 623,
Ruidoso, NM, 88345; 153, 162, 282.
Epperson, Albert Hal (Senior). 21 10
Pebblebrook, Irv ing. TX, 75060; 119. 294.
Andria N. (Sophomore), -6 Twin Lake Court,
S....-a nsen. Il. 62226.
Michael Jason (Senior). P.O. Box 186. Choctaw,
Erickson, Shannon (Senior), 1737 Delaford.
Carrollton, TX, 75007; 119.268. 310.
Erwin, Paul T. (Freshman). 21 Dove Creek Dri ve.
N. lillIe Rock. AR. 72116: 282.
Clare rke S. (Sophomore), 10526 Wa lnut Glen,
Houston, TX. n064; 217.
Diana M. (Sophomore). 114 HCR 41, Prescott.
AR, 71857; 162.
Ethe ridge
Benjamin R. (Freshman), 116 Brandywine Drive,
Summerville, SC, 29485: ISO.
Ma rcia E. (Freshman), 3730 Cypress Hill Drive,
Spring, TX, n388: ISO, 276.
Eubanks, Lisa M. (Senior).
Aaron D. (Junior), P.O. Box 386. Celeste. TX.
75423: 2 17.
Ama nda B. (Freshmlln), 391 Bonc Road, Nebo.
KY, 42:441; 180, 276.
Billie L, III (Freshman). 417 Cheswyck Dri,'e,
Harleysville, PA, 19438: 180, 286.
Danielle A. (junior), 417 Ches ....'Yck Drive,
Harleysville, PA, 19438: 144. 280, 290.
Erin K. (Freshman), P.O. Box 2323. Kenvi lle, TX,
iS029: 180, 284.
Gregory A. (Senior), 3 Chipmunk Cove Road.
ASheville, NC, 288{}4; 119,284,
Jaime lyn (Senior), 540 Tobylynn Drive.
Nashville, TN. 3721 1: 119, 226, 2%
Jennifer D. (Junior). 4509 Anlo Ave., Waco. TX.
76710; 144, 306.
jenny 1. (Senior), 21098 Ness Road, Parsons, KS.
6735i; 1I9, 278, 304.
Kyung Hee (Grd Edue); 66.
Laura K. (Sophomore), 2015 W. Bay Drive,
Muscatine, lA. 52761; 6. 162.
Rebe kah l . (Junior), 433 Arrow Road, j asper. Al ,
35;01; 144, 276, 280, 284. 296.
Michael S. (Freshman). 4005 Mission Drive.
Hutchinson, KS, 67502: 276, 280.
Teresa K. (Junior), 675 Hickory Fla t Road, FlorJl.
AR, 72524 .
I'resldelll Bill Clill/o,! was tbefirst Democratic president in 60 )'£wrs 10 be eleCled 10 a second tenn . A celllrist
new /)('mocrar. he rrans/om!ed his oncf.' bt;ol('(l8uerc.'l1 party. Under his presidency. Ihe United SltuN enjoyt.'l1
rbe/oUl/.'S1 rateo/inj/tuion sincetbe{.>ariy 196Qs, and be U"tlS IbefirstpresidclIl ill J 7ycarstosubmil a balmln'l1
budgeltO COI!gress . His vIce presidell'. AI Goff!. u'as cOllsidered (/ (.'C/)' potVf.'rj/f1 {.'ice presid('1/1 and um lhe
presidf.'nt's closest adviser. The 49-year-old Gore U'as conSidered (I/UlJOrite/or rbe {)('mocralic presidemia/
nomillaliOII in,he year 2000. Hou"(.'f,Y!r, a )y.:arajterllX.'iF ree/('Ction, botb mell U"t'1l' /md,.,.cI()S(! sen/tilly/or
campai8"fillancet;iolalio,u, ( RM PhotO)
Evdo xiadi, Lydia C. (Sophomore), Rethymnou 3.
166-75, Athens. Gf(.'Cce, GREECE; 294, 302.
Evdoxladis. Er;lMO~ C. (Fre~hma n), 2410 S.
llerulev Drive. l ittle Rock. AR. 72!Is'
RebccC3 A. (Senior). P.O. Box 301, Silva, MO,
63964; 119.
Brnd ley A. (Sen ior), 1316 E. Market '2. Searcy,
AR. 72143: 119,
Eli7..abclh J. (Sen ior), 1055 Oak Park Lane.
Tupelo. illS, 38801; 119,284,292,
Gideon P. Ounior), 1055 Oak Park lane, Tupelo.
illS, 38801.
Kimberly E. (Fre~hman), 1804 Harpeth River
Drive. Brentwood, TN, 37027; ISO. 276.
Exum, john (Stl(O, 1200 E. Market, Apt. 4,
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Eyr ich
Elissa B. (Senior), P.O. Box 663. Long Be~ch. MS.
39560: 119.
Erynne H. (Freshman), P.O. Box. 663, long
Beach, MS, 39560; 177, 180, 284. 288.
~c: U, Marcus D. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 8<';.
Lhman. AL 36912.
Kel1i E. (freshman), 300 Gainesborough Court.
Monlicello, Il, 61856: ISO, 222.
Marc A. Ou nior). 300 Gaines Borough Court.
MOnlicell0. It, 6 1856: 144,217,286.
Fai n . jessica leigh (Senior). 3401 Mar"IChester
Dnve, Garland. TX. 75041: 119.
Fa ir
Elizabeth A. (Freshml n). 7876 King Rood.
Meridian, MS. 39305: ISO.
Emily A. (Sophomore). 7876 King Road.
Merid ian. MS, 39305; 2%.
Fa irc hild. i.aUr;l l. (Sen ior). 7856 White Drive,
Cord. AR. 72524.
Fa irley, Allison Paige (Freshman), 103 E. Carolyn
Cove, Osceola, AR. 72370; ISO. 226. 278.
Fa lgiani. La u~ M. (Sophomore), 1400 W, Yuma
Circie, Broken Arrow, OK, 74011; 162.
Fa ll,jeffrey W. (junior), 4118 ArapajO, Baytown.
TX, n521: 290. 302, 312,
Fa mil y a nd Co nsumer Sciences; 204.
Fanc he r
linda (Staff). 508 joyce Street. SelICY, AR, 721·13.
Waym: B. (Grd Educ), 508 Joyce Street. Sc:arcy,
Fann, Michael L. (Jun ior), 140 Meadowbrook
i.:Jne. Tullahoma, TN, 37388; 133, 144, 154.
fa nl
Katie S. (Sophomore). 500 li"e Oak, Searcy, AR,
72143; 162. 210, 218, 282.
Misty /II , (Sophomore), 6428 Valle)'dale Drive.
MemphiS. TN, 3814 1; 162.2 14.
Fa nta uzzo , Stacey K. (Freshman), 422 N.Main St ..
Wellsville, NY. 14895: 181, 292.
faram . lindscy A. (Senior), Rt. 1, Box 377A.
Alvin. TX. 775 11: 119, 280.
l'-a riS, Joshua E. (Fre~hman), 1509 Creek5idc
Drive. Richardson. TX. 75081 .
Fa rley
fleurcne Ounior). 642 Wilma. Tyler. TX. 75701:
162, 286.
I'aula l . (Senior). 519 Miller Road. Judsonia. AR.
72081; 120,296,298.
Robert C. (Senior), 105 N. SI. Vir"ICenl St.,
Morrilton. AR. 72110: 120.
Farme r
Andrea R. (Junior). 2i6 S. Marne l3I\"d .. Marianna,
Lori l. (Fr",shm~n). 1' .0 . Box 866. Blanco. TX.
78606; 181.
Nudy. Jr (Stam, 501 Chesapeake. Searcy. AR.
72 143.
Rikki B. (freshman). 2506 Main. Bemon. KY.
42025; 181. 217.
Farr, Molly E. (Junior). 106 Northa"en Court.
Peoria, Il, 61614: 94. 144. 286.
Lucian M. (Senior). 4743 S. Tacoma Ave., Tul s~,
OK. 74107; 120. 280. 296.
Sylvia R. (Sophomore), Rt. 2, Box. 155-A,
Clarksville, AR. 72830: 162, 284. 312.
Farrier, Emily Jane (Senior), 2313 W. Knox vi lle.
Broken Arro ....., OK. 740 12; 120.
Fa rris . Kim l . (Senior), 311 Rllnch Road,
P~ngburn, AR, 72143.
Fast, Robert (Senior), 5710 Ridge Drive.
Arli ngton. TX. i6016.
Fatula, Rachael III. (Sophomore). RR I. Box 1946.
Berwick. J'A. 18603: 162.
Feagin. Stephanie M. (Senior), P.O. Box. 9, Bald
Knob, AR, 72143
Fc:cteau , Greg Ounior), West Side Road. North
Conway. :\'H, 03860; 298.
Fdknc: r , Amanda S. (Senior), 819 Str;lnge Drive.
Richmond, TX, n469: 120. 292. 302.
Fenno . Wyall (HUGSR), 16208 Clear Creek Dri\'e,
Edmond. OK, 73013.
Fergason. Sh;lwn M. (Freshman), 14896 Millrich
Road, Hartville. OH. 44632: 181,276.
Johnny (StafO, 1415 McGc<.:. Searcy. AR. 72143
leslie (HUGSR). 214 S. Madi-.on. Kosciusko. MS.
leslie, Jr. (HUGSR). 2808 Old Amy Road. Laurel,
/liS. 39440.
Fergusson , Brandon l . (F,,-",shman), 20il0 Lake
Park Tr;lil. Kingwood. TX. n346, 181.
Fe ri]. Michael S. (Sophomore). 434iO Brooks
Drive. Clinton Twp.. M\. 4S038
Fe rre ll. Stlt'Y Dustin (Grd Edue). Rt. 2. A91.
Carnegie. OK. 73015: 1%.
Fe rricher. Teresa l. (Senior), 195 Hwy. 36 1-: ••
Searcy, AR. 721 43.
Fc:s mire. Kimberly D. (Sophomore). 5732
South~nd lane, Olive Branch. MS. 38654.
Fes te r , Melanie D. (Freshman). RR 2. Box. 105.
Oow, Il, 62022: ~3, 181.
Fields, Ry:tn C. (Sophomore), 221 Eastlake Dri'·e.
Bedford, IN. 47421: 312.
Film Studic:s: 304.
Finc he r
Kimberly l. (Sophomore). 1689 Walden Pond
Road, Suwanee. GA. 30174: 162,257,288.
Matt (Junior), 1689 Walden Pond Road. Suwanee.
GA. 30174: 18.
jennifer U. (Sophomore). 7866 Mary Dudley,
Olive Branch. MS. 38654.
jeremy W. (Sophomore), 317 ;>,:orth Rlnge Rood.
Mcloud, OK. i485 1: 282.
Fink. Anna l . (Sophomore). 230 Poincilna Drive,
Birmingham. AI., 35209: 162. 2SO
Robert M. ( Freshman). 4<';1 Pennybrook Lane.
SlOne /I1ount~in. GA. 30087.
Ron (StlfO, 3<19 Ranchene Village loop, Searcy,
AR. 72143: 50.
Stephen B. (Freshman), 349 Ranchellc Village
loop, Searcy, AR. 72143: 181. 232. 286.
Tony (Faculty), 211 RIver Oaks Blvd .. Scarcy. AR,
72143: 58.
Finro...... Brian O. 801 N Charles. Searcy. AR.
72 143; 24 1.
Fiscus. Garret L. (Senior). 228 Buzz Road,
Judsonia. AR. 72081
Fis he r
Candice K. (Freshman ). 1662 Hapano Driv~',
Germamown, TN, 38138; 181. 288.
Cody Palrick (Senior), 4003 Hwy. 36 W., Searcy ,
AR, 72 143: 120.
David (HUGSR), 6810 Hickory CreSI, Walls, MS,
UniL'ersity Chorus. Fir-sr ROW: Adrienne Nu,m al/y, Cmberine Ricbamson, Mariann Henderson, Denafrmes, Berb Moss. Kelly Gibson, Marla Robbins,
NicoieMore/and, KaraStQ}.'C"S, Kasey£)c'ltIy, QI/fGanus. SccolldRow: Micbel/t'/TWin, DarlJU!Renfroe, Apn'l Hender-son, Elizabetb Root, Kim Kell, Mimnda
Williams, Miriam Adams, We Hileman, Amrabdle Dawidow, Amy M""ngus. Third Row: Alison Holland, Erin Remb/cskl, Stacey Rmldolpb, jellnifer
Sandcr-s, Susan Spradling, je$$lca Reeves, Cassie Azbell, Emily Smirb, Asbley Clem ems, Christille Wick. FOI"1b Row: Patricia Neff, jamie Murphy, Eve
Clevenger, Sberill Gal/US, 8cc/:yHellSol/, Charirssa .Walter-s, Allison Zepeda, Krlstl"'l Hogue, leI/a Maximotla, Lisa Zepeda . Fifth Row: Dan Burdelle, Kenny
Harris, Aaro'l Sla'lk'Y, Bri(m Richa.-dson, A,/soll MacGregor, Mall Mello'l, Tim Pelf, jaso'l Roark,josbua Keene. Sixth Row: Pal Bills, Austin "':esbill, Chad
Mllrpby, Hobby Cbapln, Pmd Sem/, Marlol/ Browne, Brlan Wbtll, jobl/ Hodges, jasoll Pill, Luk Bmzle. &'IX!11lb Row: Tracy Hall, Bmd DaIJis, Randall
Pa.-ks, Clayjobllson,jared Andersan,josh Pctrich, A.!te Vmm, PblfIJP Sboc/:ley,jayGem.". Eigbth Row: Eddy Wbileside, Tommie Window, Mal'Cus Neely,
Natban GoIigbtly, jacob Ba('(7, LuJ..'e Dean, james Rickell, Cbris Olson Nimb Row: Wbecfe.- Hou:a.-d, jeff Veal, DI'Vw Dasher-, Adam Nesbitt, David Ellis,
Willjones, Mall MIUer, MilCb Terlisner. Photo by Brian Hcndricks.
Url i t'er$ily Singe r s. Flr-st Row: Susan Stumm', Roby" Rae Robbins, AndI'Va Cmmon, Melissa Titlle, Da.-Iene Madlailig. joy Mad/aillg, April Campbell,
W"ndy Sellers, Crystal Dallis, Alison Lest"r, Becky Hackney. Second Row: Sara Til/mall, Lisa Wilson, Summ".- Polk. Sus(m Polk, Amra Propst, MeliSUl
G'lasgow, Klltie Nichols, Kristi D/lrough, Racbel Barrell, Becka DeatO'I. Rachel McCuistOlI, Kelly DIll/can. Third Row: Erin Holcomb, Emily McMackin,
Kcf/ie Cooper, Erynne Eyricb,je'1lnyjames, l.(Jra Betb iubela, 0110 LoIIO, Abby lJmyto1l, Amy Casb, Racbel S"'U"art, Michelle 8errybifl. FOll rtb ROW:janel
Mal/hews, Denise Oshiro, Lal/ra Hamil/on, April While, Mandy Curo, Patricia Nt'if, M ichael Slone, Nick ManOlli, Tricia Case, Rachel SCOlI, Dacia
Pbemis/er.jasonPrll FiftbRow: RabeccaMCLai", A,wAgl/ilar, Taf(!ft1ILllna, TeresaBoyd,)obnHauSlein,DallidGruves,)01latba1/SingleIOn,jo.-da1l Wesl,
Micbael Tumer, Ted Dabfman,)lIstin Snyder, Ron SissOn,jobn Cbcssbir. SixlbRow: Da'JieIClal'k. 8enwrd Haddock, TmcyHal/, B1')"a1l DifI, Mal'ClIsCn'm,
jason Railey, Glen Half, Kevin Smirb, Aaron Conner, jason BaJ..-er; Adriall Steed, TralJis Hellry, Ted Bowsman . Pbolo by Brian Hendricks.
Zeta Rbo. (Social Clllb) Firs/ row: u.!slie Daniel, DMlas HifI, Lyndsay AI/an, Susie Smitb, Mary-Margal'e/ BIlle, jenny McCornlicl:, Micbael An" Ramer,
jenny Crossi·HrucbiSOn, jasmine Flagg, A/Ill/mn Spell, Emily KII/ild St.!Colld row: Lan"y Ha.-dma1/, Healher Walton, Amanda NicbolsOlI, Erika ROI4Se,
Mami Miyamoto, Rt'flgall W<'fl~'er, Asbley Clemenrs, Terr.-sa Cloer, Mall Bisbop, Kn,in WIIJ..>i"sorl . Third row: Becky Bell, Cbandra Harre/I, Laura MC,vUIl,
Lllcy IPop/den, Sandi Wnghl, Roc!x'lfe Rose. Amy Black, Becky Prall Fourtb row: Mar)"Glyn He/ldl:f'SOn, Becky Ray, Rmldi Roper, j OlUi CoIIi,u, Pam
Sburley, Kim Fi,/Cbf!!r, Asblc.ySbol/, Tara Willfams, Amanda Lewis, StaceyPortelf. Fiftb row: Clmr Wietecba, Alisorl $heets,)/llie Wilson, Racbel MCAdams,
Darrny Hardman , Kern Knagi, Angela Ealy, l.esfey Whitlock, Melissa Cal/dle, Andrea Richm ond Sixth row: Mica Cllny, Becca 1.ewis, CbristyGrabam,
Olillia Eddins, Tabitba Hoofman. EmUy 8rt'egle, Krlsli Smith. Candice FlSb"r. jessica Stipp, Sa.-ah R(!(.'VeS, Bn·dgf'ljob nSOll . Sevemb row: Sara MCC!QI'n,
jemlifer Sheels, Shelley DeMem, Melal/ i" Cagle, jl/lie Sampley, I!lizab<:th Dickson, Sa m B(lskell, Amte V(mRb('(men, Sarah De,mis, Becca ReiM Eighth
row: Gil/g(''- SI.-Qrlghn, Nope l.ewis, Lisa Rober/s, jaime &'an, Elizabeth McClain, jenny jones, Katie Pope, Andria Garrell. LaIlI'Vn Bailey, Gl'elCben
Simmons. Photo by 8riml Hendricks.
fJiII 288
jennifer M. (Senior), 49 Rosewood, Beebe, AR,
72012: 298.
~hrjorie l . (Sen ior), 6 Foxboro, Searcy, AR,
Raymond C. (Senior). 1307 E. Market SI., Searcy,
AR, 72143Tabitha L (Sophomore), 6810 Hickory CreSI,
Walls, MS, 38680; 296.
Fisher'S Men ; 306.
FilCh , LaDonna (Se nior), 109 Campbell Dr.,
Beebe, AR, 72012.
Fil2gibbon, Mary E. (Sophomore), 5804
Archwood Drive, San Anton iO, TX. 78239:
Flagg, jasmine D. (Sophomore). 11963
Brookmont Drive, Maryland Heights, MO,
63043; 159, 162,288.
Flana ry , Garath (HUGSR), RD 3, Box 133, Glen
Rock , PA, 17327.
Flanigan, Molly C. (Sophomore). 1318 E.
Horseshoe Send. Rochester Hills, MI, 48306;
159, 162, 276.
Flatt , 8ill 0, 1226 Fai r Meadow, MemphiS, TN,
38117; 54.
Fleener, lora (Staff). 127 N. Sawmill RO<I d,
$earcy. AR, 72143.
Flttnor, Mikae l S. ( Freshman), 540 Llano,
Pasadena, TX, 77504.
Fltttwood , Shalana D. (junior), RR 6 Box 6206,
Ava, MO, 65608; 144, 284.
jerrod R. (Senior), 42 14 S.E. 10th Place, Ocab,
Fl , 34471 ; 282.
lisa A. (junior), 45 Skylark SI., Batesville, AR,
72501; 144.
Terry (Faculty), 105 N. Hickory, $carey, AR,
72143: 72Terry Grant (Sen ior).
YavondJ (Sopho more), P.O . Box 561,
Booneville. AR. 72927; 18, 199.
F1oding, Jason T. (junior), RL 1, Box 333A,
Vincenl, OH, 45784; 144. 282.
Flood. Ri chard D. (Senior); 120.
Flor es, Yolanda (Freshman), 20) Old Mills Road,
Dardanelle, AR, 72834; 181
Flowers, Megan E. (Freshman), 9240 Brushboro
Drive, Brentwood, TN, 37027; 181 ,282. 294.
Charles D. (Freshman), 408 South Sherwood
Drive, Searcy, AR, 72143; 181 , 217.
Helen (Slaff) , 408 S. Sherwood Drive, Searcy, AR,
72143; 86.
Levem (Sophomore), 830 Shivers, Blylhevi!le,
AR, 72315; 225.
Suzanne E. (Senior), P.O. Box 461 , Floyd, VA,
24091; 120.
Fogle, Sharon L (junior), P.O. Box 1861,
Glenwood, AR, 71943; 144.
Fo n ville, Shannon l. (Special), 1106 Mcadow
Drive, Killeen , TX, 76542; 181.
Forbess, Jeffery c. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 336,
Don, NM, 8811 5.
Andre D. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 295, Cherokee,
Debbie (Faculty), 216 Western Hills, Searcy, AR,
72143; 68, 69.
Michelle l. (Sophomore) , 4825 Bayhill Drive,
Powell, 011, 43065; 162,282.
Valerie D. (Grd Edue), 4825 Bayhi!l Drive.
Powell, OH, 43065; 196.
Foriesl, Jennife r A. (Grd MFr), 1099 Gen.George
Panon Road. Nashville, TN, 37221.
Fornelli, Jason S. (Sophomore), 3 River Oaks
Trace, Searcy, AR, 72143; 162.
Bryan J. (Grd MFr), 3635 Coffee Tree Court, SI.
Louis, MO, 63129.
Joshua D. (junior), 3635 Coffee Tree Court, St
Louis, MO, 63129; 145.
Fo rcesl. Kelly L. (Freshman), 15 130 Tethcrclift
SI., Davic.FL, 3333 1; 18 1, 276.
Forsyth, Shayne M. (Freshman), 3625 S. Oak.
Springfield , MO, 65804; 181, 282.
jan (Faculty), 117 Choctaw Drive, Searcy, AR.
72143; 76.
john (Faculty), 117 Choctaw Drive, Searcy, AR,
72143; 56.
Fosbinde r
Daniel K. ( Freshman) , 101 N. Maple St.,
Elizabethwwn. KY, 42701; 18 1.
Karla B. (Sophomore), 101 N. Maple St. ,
Elizabethtown, KY , 42701; 162.
Foshee, Kathryn S. (Grd Educ), 70 Sherwood
Loop, Searcy, AR. 72143.
Fossle r , Sherrie D. (Senior). 1503 N. Maple, N.
lillie Rock. AR. 72143.
Dale (HUGSR), 8610 Bear Track Cove, Cordova,
Elizabeth M. (Sophomore). 3 Wealherslone,
Searcy, AR. 72143Matthew E. (Freshman), 614 E. Woodruff, Searcy.
AR, 72143; 282.
Micha el j. (Freshman), 614 E. Woodroff, Searcy,
Shannon F. (Sopoomorc), 69 Grand View,
Arcadia, CA, 91006; 105, 162.
St:lc;ey M. (Senior), 12209 E. 47 Terr:ac;e,
Independenc:e, MO, 64055: 120.
Fous t , Charles Gabriel (Senior), 220 Blaow,
Portland, TX, 78374; 79, 120,268.
Bec;ky (Sla£O, 32 Dalewood Drive, Se3rcy. AR,
Hannah E. (Freshman), 32 Oakwood Drive,
Searcy. AR. 72 143; 222.
Karie l. (Sophomore), 32 Dalewood Drive,
$earq, AR , 72143: 162, 222.
Fowle r
Amy E. (Sophomore), 2014 Eckles Drive,
MaryvLlle, TN, 37804; 162.
Barry (HUGSR), 3333 Old Brow nsville Road,
Memphis, TN, 38134.
Mari lyn (Slam, 121 Tamara Lane, Searq, AR,
72143; 86.
Ryan Garth Qunior), 121 Tamara Lane. Searcy,
Shannon M. (Sophomore), 349 E. Edgewood SI.,
Morton, IL, 61550: 162,284.
Fox, Ti ffany R. (Sophomore), 49 13 Lynmonl
Drive, Nashville, TN, 37215.
FO)rnlell, Troy l. (Sophomore), 316 London Ave ..
Salisbury, 1'.10, 21801 .
Fraley. Michael N. (Junior), 6438 E. Jenan,
Scottsdale, AZ, 85254: 145.
Francis, Brad (Farolly), 104 Lori Circle, Searc;y.
AR, 72143; 64, 222.
James (Faculty), 16 Wh ile Oak Circle, Searc;y, AR.
72143; 64, 217.
Jeff (HUGSR), 309 Goodm:.n 51., KO$Ciusko, MS,
Ginger R, (Senior), 3793 W. Bucknell Dr.,
Highlands Ranc:h, CO, 80126.
jimmie (Senior), 300 Clinic "4, Searc;y, AR, 72143.
Violet M. (Senior), 300 Clinic "4, Sea rcy, AR,
72143Franzen, Gary leRoy (Grd Educ), 139 Charles
Thomas, Searcy, AR, 72143Fraser, DunCin K. (Sophomore), 304 1/2 E. Main
SI., Wilmore, KY, 40390.
Frazier, Anloinene (Senior), 8907 Kennesaw Mtn.
Drive, Mabelvale, AR, 72103.
Frede rick, Mic;hael W. (Junior), RI. 2, Box 336-<1 ,
Hawk ins, TX, 75765; 145.
Free , l. Nate, !II (Sophomore), 129 Sibley Road,
Choudrant, LA, 7 1227: 157, 162,282.
Free m an
Man hew (Freshman), 15778 E. Union Ave.,
Auror:a, CO, 80015; 18 1, 294.
Phillip Arde n (Senior), 15778 E. Union Ave.,
Auror:a, CO, SOO15; 120.
Rachel Ann (Senior), 708 Swanee Drive, Benton,
AR, 72015; 120, 268.
Sara M. (Sophomore), 708 Swanee Drive, Benton,
AR, 72(BS; 162, 247.
Frey, Erik G. ( Freshman), P.O . Box 121, Bigelow,
AR, 72016: 181.
Fry, Derek H. (FreshlTl3.n), 135 Woodland Drive,
Conway, AR, 72()32.
Dottie (hc;ulty), 15 Jenny Lynn Drive, Searcy,
AR, 72143: 66.
Steve (Fac;ulty), 15 Jenny Lynn Drive, Se:I.fC;Y. AR.
72143: 66.
Wendy R. (Senior), 574 Vista Court, Plai nfield,
IN, <16168.
Fud15, Billy B. (Freshman), 1524 E. Willham,
Still water, O K, 74075.
Fue ntes
Dilia G. (Freshman), 4 AV 11-902 18 Res
Atlantida, Guatemala Cit, GUAT; 181.
Rocio M. (Freshman), Av . To:ott -3. Cumbres de
Cuscatla n, Antiguo Cusc;atlan, La Libo.:rtad.
EI.SA; 181.
jonathan P. (Freshman), 625 Hwy. lOS,
Ashdown, AR, 71822; 181 , 298.
Laura M, Ounior), 108 jerold Drive, West
Monroe, LA , 71291; 284.
Fullerton , Shane (Faculty), 900 E. Cente r. Box
144, Searc;y, AR, 72149-0001 ; 64, 2M, 205.
Fulme r
j amae (Faculty), 6 11 King St., Searc;y, AR, 72143.
j ason R. (Sen ior), 611 King SI., Searcy, AR,
72143: 120,27 1,286,290,292,308.
Furby, Spe nc;er (HUGSR), 1919 Venda, Kennett.
Kimbo.:rlee S. (Sophomore). 7705 W. Glasgow
Place, Littleton. CO, 80128.
Stephanie D. Qunior), 7705 W. Glasgow Plac;e,
Littleton, CO, 80128; 145.
Tammy j. (Senior), 7705 W. Glasgow Plac;e,
Littleton. CO. 80123: 199.
Fussell, Keith (HUGSR), 9 184 Gainsborough
Drive, MemphiS, TN, 38133.
Futrell, C:lra L. (Senior), 644 Hill Road,
Pocahontas, AR, 72455.
Gage. Mark (HUGSR), 1000 Cherry Road,
Memphis, TN, 38117-0242.
Gagno n , Ryan R. (Freshman). 9 W:lIson St.
Nashua, NH. 03060.
Galaxy; 306.
GaUeg1y, Br.lndy (Senior), P.O. Box 67, Id:l. AR.
Gallien. Michael G, ( Freshman), 102 Huntsmans
Hom Circle, The Woodl:lnds, TX. 77380,
Gamalie, Dumilru (Grad), 2, PklOr TonitZ:l. Bl.
L5, Ap. 17, Constanta, ROMA; 198.
Gamble, Bryan M. (Freshman), 2513 KriStianS:lOd
Court. Shrevepon, LA, 711 18; 181.
Gammon, Rac;hel L (Sen io r), 3544 Earhan RQ:ld,
MI. Juliet, TN. 37122; 10, 12(), 298.
Gann, Cindy L. (Sophomore), 205 W. Woodruff.
Apt. 1, Searcy, AR, 72143; 162.
G:'nt, Manhew W. Qunior). 6929 Autumn Lake
Tra il, Hixon. TN. 37343; 145.
Gantt, Heather M. (lunior), 3035 Cardinal Lake
Cirde, Du luth, GA. 300%: 145. 252. 282.
Willi:lm C. (Speci:ll), 19 Ha rd ing Drive, Se;m:y.
AR,72 143.
Cliff, I!I (F:lc;ulty), 19 Harding Drive, Searcy. AR.
72143: 66. 248. 256, 288.
Clifton, Jr. (St;lID, 208 S Cross, Searcy, AR. 72143:
Debbie (Fac;ul ty), 19 Harding Drive, Searcy. AR ,
Sherrill L. (Sophomore), 19 Harding Drive,
. Searcy, AR, 72143: 162, 288.
Garcia, Hinmcr R. (Sophomore), Col. Sta . Is:abcl
pjcA -18, Ahuachapan. EI S<llvador. ; 162,
Rebecca H, Ounior), 7}4 R::l inlree Dnve.
Naperville, IL, 60540: 145.
Butch, Jr. (Sta£O, 14<1 PondcTOS:l Drive, Se;lrcy,
AR, 72143; 48, 55.
CarJ. E. (Sophomore), 142 BiShops Terr:lce.
Hyannis, MA. 02601; 162.
Carvel N. (Sophomore). P. O. Box 37, Taft, OK,
79463; 217.
Chad B. (Junior), Box 387, Glenwood, AR, 71943:
104, 14 1, 145. 154, 284.
Cheri (Starn. 204 N. Cross, Searc;y, AR, 72 1<13David W . (Freshman), 734 R::lintree Drive,
Naperville, IL, 605<10; 105, 181. 282, 290.
Eric; L. (Senior), 142 Bishops Terrace, Hyannis,
MA, 02601; 120, 302.
Heather N. (Freshman), 144 Ponderosa Drive.
Searry, AR, 72143: 181,286.
Melanie L. (Grd Educ), 1624 S. Lincoln Cirde,
Kennett, MO, 63857.
Melissa A. (Senior). 409 Trout 51., Benton. AR,
Shayne A. (Senior), 4430 Kenya Lane. I'as:adena.
Sheila R. (Grd Educ), 144 Ponderosa Drive,
Searcy, AR, 72 143.
Tara L (Sophomore), 17 Kings Park 1..:lOe,
Conway, AR. 72()32: 162.
Andrew M. (Sophomore), 913 N. James Street.
Searcy, AR, 72 143: 162, 208, 209.
Bonnie C. (Freshman), 913 N. James Street,
Searcy, AR, 72 143: 181.
Cary L. (Freshman), 9 Aneiram Drive, Rome. GA,
30161; 181, 278.
Frances Pearl (Junior). 709 King Street, Augu~ta,
j;lmie L. (Freshman), 848 Hwy. 385 S., Searcy.
AR, 72 143; 181.222.
Maris:a Kay (Senior), I ledge ])ril'e. Dallas, I'A.
18612; 120,296.
Pat (Fac;ulty), 913 N James, Searc;y, AR, 72143: 66.
Steven (Junior), 4461 Gilhouse, Toledn, OH,
43623; 145, 282, 302.
Andria L. (Freshman), 211 Parkview Drive.
Souderton. PA. 18964: 181, 288.
De rek W. Gunior), III Pine Tr<.""C Lane.
AltamOnte Springs. FL. 32714: 145. 286.
Jenn ifer R. Gunior), 118 N. College Ave.,
Gcneseo, IL, 61354; 145.298.
Meredith K. (Freshnun), 118 N. College Ave.,
Geneseo, IL, 61254; 181 .
Garreune, El izabeth G. (Sophomore), 2010 N.
Tealbrook, Wkhita, KS, 67235; 162, 286.
Gary, Ciar:a L. (Freshman), 46 Shon nard Ave.,
Freeport, NY, 11520; 181.
Dennis A. (Sophomore), 5515 Old WalC;OIl Road.
Paragould, AR, 72450.
James Wa lker (Senior), P.O . Box 95, Palmdale,
FL, 33944; 120,286.
GATA: 292.
Ga tes
Amanda L. (Junior), 415 Berkeley Drive,
Morristown, TN. 37814; 145. 292.
SamuelJ. Gunior), 7112 Westwind. N. Little Rock.
AR. 72113; 286.
Ga tewood, Crystal A. (Sophomore), 7367 S.
Newport Way, Englewood, CO. 80112; 162.
Gable, Travis K. (Sophomore). 27 Perdido Circle.
Linle Rock , AR , 72211 ; 162, 276.
Gadberry, Adam S. (Freshm3n), 422 S. Wynona.
Holyoke, CO, 80734; 181, 294.
Gay, Angcla M. (Sophomore), 2191 Boulder.
Springdale, AR, 72764; 163.245.
Gaydos. Dawn R. (Sophomore), 190 Cirde Dnve,
Many, Lo\, 71449; 163.
Gearhan , Anna Lis:. (Senior), 6525 Bloomingto n
Ave_5 .. Richfield. M:-I. 55<123: 120, 276,280.
Geaslin. Sarah M. (Freshman), 263 R;tnehette
Vi ll age Loop. Se:lrCY, AR. 72143.
Gedan ke n Society; 292.
Ka thryn E. (Senior), 84 S. 6ilh Ave., Penslwla.
FL. 32506: 120. 256, 294.
Kimberly R. Qunior). &i S. 67th Ave., Pens:acola.
FL,32506: 199,
Hallie l. (Sen io r). 1325 Ch:.rleston Dril·e.
l'aduClh. KY. 42001; 120.
james R.. Jr, (Sen ior), Rt. I. Box II. Georgiana.
At. 36033: 120, 2iS, 288.
Michael W. (Senior), 3286 S.W. Tegart. Gresham.
OR, 97080; 120.264. 268.
Ryan B. ( Freshman). 1307 Harrison. :>1emphis.
TX. 79245; 182.
Tony (HUGSR). 201 w, SW Parkw;ty -1202,
Lewisville. TX. i 506i .
Kathryn]. (Senior), 66 Frost Ave .. Frostburg, MD,
21532; 120.243.278. 310,3 12.
Kimberly D. (Junior). 1'.0. 130),: 772, SI. Johns,
Antigu;t. WEST INDIES; 145.
Gerber. i':Llricia A. (Freshman). 123 Dew Drop
Lane, Casselberry, FL, 32707; 182. 276.
Geu rin , j essiCi A. (Senior). 820 Yum;t Drive,
Bemon. AR. 12015: 120. 286. 308.
G ibbins
Jefferson City. MO. 65109: 268.
I>alrick Chri~topher (Senior), 26915 Walnut SI.,
Spring, TX, i7373: 216, 217.
Kenneth J. (Freshman), 1729 Ikulah Road.
Vicnn;L. VA. 22182: 217.
Aa ron I>. (SeOlor), 4018 N.E. 82nd 51., Vancouver.
WA,98665; 121. 308, 310.
Eli1.;11x,1h Ann (SeOlor). Rt. 16. Box 75, MI..'<Iina.
TX. 78055: 12 1,292.
Gillson. Jeremy T. (Freshman). 24818 ~1t . Auburn
Dnve. Katy. TX. 77<194,163.217.298.
Ji ll L. ( Frcshman ), 28 Gr.lcelyn Drive. Jackson,
TN. 31H05; 182.282.290.
Melissa D. (Senior). 108 Belle Glen Drive,
N;tslwille, TN, 37221: 121.
Kellie D. (So phomore). 613 S. Washington 51.,
Chnton, MO. 64735.
Phillip D. (Freshma n). 613 S. Washington.
Clinton, MO, 64735.
Gladfe lt e r. i\";c;olaus S. (Freshman). 158 Soo}'
Plac;e Road. Tal>crnacle. "-'.I. 08088: 182, 286.
Glasgow, /l-1cli«s;l I>. (Sophomore). 2449 Decrp:uh
Drive. N!I~hvill"" TN. 37217: 163. 280. 288.
Glaze. IUndy (Senior), 238 Humes Road. Bald
Knob, AR, nolO
Glen n
Pi Kappa Epsilon Class Il members sing to the stuffed Bison head in the Student
Cenlerduring Induction Week. Ma ny Class 11 members were asked 10 do silly things
du ring Ind uction \Veek but these activities helped to provide ca maraderie between
the new and old members. Photo by Kristi Bu rns.
Billie (S!3ID, 2 10 Jennifer. Searcy. AR. 72 143. 86.
Kimberly N. (Senior), 210 jennifer, Searcy. AR.
721 43: 121.
G ibbs
Rachel (Starn. 16 Glenmere. Searcy. AR, 72IH
&l rJh E. (Freshman), 622 Lander Rood. Winter
Park. Fl . 32792.
T3mOn H. (Sophomore), 9 Wynnewood Dnve.
Wynne, AR. n396,
Kelly N. (Senior). 9811 Sagequeen. HouMon. TX.
77089: 121. 2&l. 288.
Michelle L. (Junior). i509 Lyric Lanc. fridley.
MN, 55432; 145.
Gifford, Micah (Freshman). 4402 Highgrove Aw;.,
Torr:mc;e. G \ . 90505: 182.217.
Gil. Juliet:l (Senior), Debussy "5593. Guad~l;ti~ra
Jali$c;Q, MEXICO. 45030: 121. 206. 207.
Gil ben
Cheryl L. (Junior), 635 Bunker. P~ris. TX, 75460:
145. 280.
Kiny D. (Senior), 218 Pine MOLlntain Road.
Searcy. AR. n143: 294.
Sus~n L. (junior). 843 Morris School Road.
Searcy. AR, n143.
Mary E. (Junior), 15i75 Broad Branch Road.
Chunc;hula. AL. 3652 1: 146. 2&l, 2%,
Samuel W. (Freshman). 8800 Rushmore Dri,·e.
Knoxville. TN. 3i923: 182,294.
Gm espie. April R, (Sophomore). 6307 Hawks C:!ll
lane. B:Jrtleu. TN. 38135; 163Gilliam
Arnie l. (Sen io r), 6500 Old Lohman Road,
Carmcn T. (Freshman). s007 Edm:lr Place. N.
Little Rock. AR. 72117: 182.252.
SWfanle S, (Sophomore). i516 Pe:lr Tree. Ft.
Worth. TX. 76133: 163.302.
Glovc r
Jam C. (SpeCial). 611 1 S. Bra.cswood Bl,·d..
Hou~ton. TX. 77096; 182. 2iS.
Kristi D. (Freshman). 4084 Mt. Tabor. Lonoke.
Paul D. (Senior). 62 :>lackeral Drh'c. Hattiesburg.
Stacy M. (Junior), 105 :>IL'<Iina Court. East Peoria.
It. 6 161 1: 146. 156.288.
Godd:.rd. William E. (Sophomore).
Godkn« ht. Mich:Lcl I>. (Sophomore). 401 Red
Oak Drive, Shomong. NJ, 08088: 163. 286.
Godscy. Lauren K. (Sophomore). 2005 Cedar
Creek Road. N. Linie Rock. AR. 72116: 163.
Candic;e R. (Sophomore). 100 College Dri"e,
I'ar:lgould. AR. 72<150: 163.
Jeffrey A. (Sophomore), 3563 Rolling Trail, Palm
Harbor, FL. 3468<1; 282.
.\ fichclle J. (lunior). 1385 While Hall Plac;e.
Gastonia. NC. 28056: 1<16. 268. 280.
Gofo rth. C:!rol)'n I. (Freshman). 2035 ~1aplc.
B;L\esvLlle, ,\R, 72501 ; 182.
Goho. David]. (Sophomore). 80 Loughran Lane.
Highland. "Y. 12528.
Gc:>ldm:.n, Lynd:. (Slaff), 38Jamestown Drive.
Searcy. AR. 72143.
Golightly. "athan M. (J unio r). 1907 N. Roosevelt.
A ccounUng Socie ty. Firs! Row:
Clmldia Pena, Trida Case, jami('
SWilley, Melissa Robinson , julie
Simmons. Second Row: MClldy Coker,
Raebel limgs/on, Brent Phillips, Bryan
Runions, Carrie Walker, Nikki
Nieboison . Third Row:jim Benvcgna,
jO$b johnson, Lisa Kilgore, Nandie
Se('/}{'r, Melanie Newsom, j('nllifer
Humpbrey, Founb Row; Trey Clark,
jay jobnson, Luke Savage, Pam
Sbl.rley, Rebekab ScOIl . Fifth Now:
R(mdl Price, NeilAmold, MI'chaclNeil,
Mati Sm ltb, David Perkins (sponsor).
Slxtb Now: Br/a'l HamIel. Greg
Matbews. Ry an Singleton, Travis
Gn:enU'ell. PbOio by Brian HendriCks.
Alpba Tall Epsilon. (Social Clu b)
Firs/ row: Andrea R(.'Cd, Raebad
Williams, Dar!ene Madlaillg, jill
j oblJS/OII, TySOIi l.edgeroxXxL. Seco lld
row; Lee Single/oil, Mallbew Miller.
j on Mi/chell, LyleMulficon, Kevill Cook,
Thad Sayre. Third row: Royce l lX!y,
Toni Oroz co, Ma ll Wilson, jason
Ra,uJoIpbBaI..>er,RobCox, Travis5ayre.
Fourtb row: Geoff Rowe, jOllalball
Carrol/,james Bracl..'Ctl, Bertjobe, Bob
BOl/uHf, Fiflb row: Kevlll job'JS/olI,
Will/e YOllllg. SCOII Wrigbt, Oemlis
O'Malley, Mark Solid, Eddie Stfflwell.
Sixtb row: Zacbary Smart, George
Stracbml, Sean Mills, jeff Fall, Ben
Milfer, jason Biggs. Sevenlb row; joe
Wel/s, jllsloll McCreary, jay
Penning/o'l, Alldy Mowl/, Micbael
Dcx:gl!. Pboto by Bn'(m !'/(mdricks.
Amarillo, nc. 79107; 146, 288.
Gonnerman. Adam (Junior). P.O. Box 82,
Hurdland, MO, 63547.
Gonza lez
David J. (Sen ior), 4449 ViSla Coronado Drive,
Chula Vist a, CA, 9 1910; 217.
James N. (Sophomore), 4449 Vista Coronado
Drive, Chula ViSta, CA, 91910; 286.
Jessica L. (Freshman), Apdo 6-8601. El Dor:r.do,
PANA....1A; 18 2.
Josh ua D. (Fresh man), 4449 Visla Coronado
Drive, Chula Vista, CA. 91910; 286.
Juan J. (Senior). San CrislObal Camon San Jose,
Gooc h , Wendy J. (Junior), 123 N. Sug~r SI., SI.
Clairsville. O H. 43950; 199.
Good News Singers; 306.
Goode. Todd R. (Freshma n), 607 Westgate Cove,
Wesl Memphis, AR. 72301; 182.
Gooden, LeighAnn M. (Sophomore). 1304 N.
50!.h. Ft. Smith. AR. 72904; 163, 298.
Goodma n . Laur:r. L. (Freshman). 12 Ridgewood
Drive, Conway. AR, 72032; 182. 280.
Goodson, Adrianne D, Qunior). 5207 Marshfield
COUrt. Arlinglon, nc, 76016.
Go rdon. Eliu.beth A, ( Freshman), 910 Yellowbi rd
Ave., DellOn:!, FL, 32725.
Go rham , Jona than P. (Junior), 32 Douglas 51.,
Worcester, MA. 01603; 101, 146, 278.
Gori, David L. (Sophomore), 1038 Brooksgate,
Kirkwood , MO, 63 122; 163, 300.
Go rlovski. Nikolai V. (So phomore), Vikerlase 67, Tallinn ESTO RIA, E£OO36; 163.
Gorrell, Will E. (Sen ior), County Road 39. ROUle
I , Slockport , OH, 43787.
Goss, !"oble (Facult)·), 103 Nonhfield Drive,
Searcy, AR, 72143-35 13; 74.
Jim (Faculty). 8 Franklin Circle. Searcy, AR,
72143; 64.
Kay (Faculty). 8 Franklin Circle. Searcy, AN ,
72143; 66. 312.
Luke A. (Junior), 217 Dau phine, West Monroe.
LA. 71291.
Laura M. (Junior). 3707 Gouville, Monroe. LA.
Paul M. (Freshman), 217 Dauphine, West
Monroe, LA , 7129 1; 182.
Circle K , alllerl/al/o'lO! servIce
0rtJa nlzatIOIl) First Row: Danielll!
f:/I(lns, Nicole Morclalld, Alison Lest,.,.,
Tabltba Hayes. Second Row: Ted
Dahlman, A'lge/a Reeves April Lewis,
/IIdiePereira,Jenni/erSemallek Third
Row: Kelly Brown, L)'Sa Hilt/Oil, Elise
Smilh, BryaPl 8urks (sponsor), Briall
Ha/llwl. FOIlrth Row: Kendall Samuel,
Bralldy Bnlce, Mallhew Nees, Cb nS/a
Cbrn/iall, RickBoballnon, TroyJAI..'(')'.
Photo by Brian Helldricks.
Colleg e Republicans. First Row:
Jessica Bentball, Linda Benlhall,Jamie
Hall, MarkCross, SetbBulfinglOll, Kim
Pa rrisb Secolld Row: Amy Webring,
Tanya Smith, Sarah jeffrey, ShC'rC'e
Baird, Kimberly Schu:eikbard . Third
Row: Christa Christiall, Jill Gilmore,
Kate/>1aj()r, AsbleyBI(lck, RobO'Lynll,
Seall Williams. Fourtb Row: Darla
Dilks. David Gard"cr, BriOll
Scbwieger, Alllso" Black, La/ban
WailS, Mitbcell Blue. Fiftb Row:jamie
Hlllcm:s, johll Webb, jasoll Fulmer,
Da ve Rich mond, Liz MOOr(]. Alall
Meadows. Pboto by Brian Ikf/dricks.
Jo (Facull)'), 3 Sherwood loop, Searcy. AR.
721 43; 72. 73, 292.
Joe ( Facuhy). 3 Sherwood Loop, Searcy. AR,
72143; 72, 73, 292.
Gracialatorre, Ca ndice M. (Freshman), 2311 W.
Union, Bald Knob, AR, 72010.
Dana C. (Jun ior), 15 Caslle Drive, Batesville, AR.
William F., JR (G rd Educ), 24306 W. Curr:r.nt
Drive. Golden. CO. 8040L
Amanda L. (Senior). 543 Gr.1ham Rood. Rose
Bud. AR. 721 37; 121.
Leigh Ann (junior), 2 Baywood, Heber Springs.
AR, 72543; 276.
Brenda Kay (Sophomore). 1210 Paul, Ced:lr Hill,
TX, 75104; 121. 286.
Charles G. (Sophomore), II Ple~sanl Hills.
Russellville. AR. 72801 ; 163.
Charloue A. (Freshman), 1808 Rosewood Drh'e,
Pocahonlas, AR, 72455; 182, 280.
Chrisly L. (Sophomore). 4300 Amber L1ne,
Memphis, TN, 38111; 159, 163,288.
Mic hael S. (Sophomore). 480 N. Lambert RO:ld,
Weatherford. TX. 76088; 121.
Renila C. (Sopho more). 130 Deer ForeSI Road,
Fayetlcville. GA, 3021 4; 163.304.3 12.
Gr ampp. Danielle C, (Sophomore). 7448 Kendall
SI.. Arvada. CO. 80003; 163.
Grant . William R. (Freshman), 221 Approach.
Harrison. AR, 72601.
Grassl, )ennirer L. (Sopho more). P.O. Bux 882,
Anoka. MN, 55303; O. 288,
Graves, William D, (Freshman). 659 Shooks Lane.
Colorado Springs. CO. 80903; 276. 288.
Gary B. (Freshma n), RI. 2, Box 301·R, Augusla.
AN , 72006; 182,
Edward (HUGSR Facully). 7494 Mcadow Rise
Cove, Mem phi s. TN, 38119.
Healher E. Quniod, 1500 Rosewood, Kelle r, nc,
76248; 214 .
Thomas A. (Freshman), 15625 E. 11, Tulsa, O K,
74 108; 182.
Angela R. ( Freshman), 232 Grecn Habor Rood.
Old Hickory. TN. 37138; 182.
Daniel R. (Junior), 108 Lampley Court.
GoodlettSVille. TN, 37072; 29.
Donald (HUGSR), 2280 Ardmore Cove, Memphis,
TN,38 127.
Jenny L. (Senior). 2215 E. Country Club Road,
Searcy, AR. 72143.
Mary Ann (Senior), 611 Ronnie Rood. MadIson.
TN. 3i1l5; 29, 121, 263. 271 , 282.
Sharon (Staff). 72 Cou ntry Club Circle, Searcy,
AR. 72143; 86.
Wendy M. (Sophomore), 6 15 Wesl Grubb Drive.
Mesqu ite, nc, 75149; 163,278.
Gree ne
Jeffrey S. (Freshmr.n). 230 Kempvill e Hwy.,
Carthagc, TN, 37030; 217 .
Jennifer (Sophomo re), 17711 Surreywe~l Lane,
Spring, TX, 77379.
Greenwalt, Deana M. (Grd Educ). 6799.. Laird
Ave., Reynoldsburg, OH. 43068.
Doug (HUGSR), 701 W. College 51., Booneville,
Roy M. (Sophomore), 4722 S.E. Barlow Place.
Bartlesville, OK. 74006; 163.
Greenwell, Travis M. (Senior), 1406 22nd 51.,
Bedford, IN, 47421; 121, 271, 282, 290, 312.
Heather R. (Freshman), 13000 Craoopple Place,
little Rock , AR. 72209; 282.
Rance Aaron (Senior), 13000 Crabapple Place,
Little Rock. AR. 72209; 121.
Jamie Kate (Senior), 4338 County Road 4100.
West Plains. MO, 65775; 121, 278.
Mall D. (Senior), 4301 E. 80th. St., Tulsa, OK.
Robert (HUGSR), 5319 Twinwoods Ave.,
Memphis, TN, 38134; 196.
Griffith. ·Leslie E. (Sophomore). 2325 Sha Lane,
Breckenridge, TX, 76424; 163,217.
Griggs, Rachel M. (Sophomore), 19Sunnower
Drive, Cabot, AR, 72023; 163, 278.
William C. (Freshman), 2725 Hybnd Park Road.
Fayenevilie, AR, 72701; 182,210.
Timothy R. (Grd MFT), 607 Eastwood, Searcy.
Tracy (Facuity), 607 Eastwood. Searcy, AR.
Grimshaw, Mary A. (Freshman), 2400 Bruce St
65, Conway, AR, 72032.
Grims ley, John E.. III (Senior), 113 Kessler Lane,
Fayetteville, I\:"Y, 13066; 121, 244, 304.
Griner. Todd E. (Sophomore), 2032 W. Laurel,
Freeport, lL, 61032; 163.
Grogan. Diana L. (Freshman), 307 Dugger Road,
Beebe, AR. 72012; 182.
Grose, Leann K. (Sophomore), 846 Ohio Pike,
Cincinnati, OH, 45245; 163.
Grosklos. Jeremy T. (Freshman), 100 TwHa
Court, Mariella, OH, 45750; 182.226,227.
Grubb, CurtiS W. (Freshman), 2676 W. Evans
Drive, Terre Haute, IN, 47802.
Diane M. (Sophomore), 686 River Road,
Hinckley, OH, 44233; 163, 210. 218, 219, 294.
Rhonda A. (Senior), 686 River Road, Hinckley,
OH, 44233; 121. 268.
Grumbles, Jimmy L. (Sophomore), -3 Tonkawa
Trail. Wimberley, TX. 78676.
Guepe, Ashley L. (Sophomore), 905 Flintlock
Place, Nashville, TN, 37217; 163.
Guerrero, Leslie D. (Senior), 4to Andador
Mariquita Sanches "33, CTM Culhuac,1O
Mexico City, MEXICO, 04480; 121,296,298.
Guffey, Ann (Staff), 1317 Del Sur, Searcy, AR,
Guice, Enoch D. (Junior), 705 N . Charles, Searcy,
Gummere, Shannon M. (Junior), 1693 Parkside
Circle, Niceville, Fl. 32578.
Gump, Zachary R. (Freshman), 7 Berney Way
Court. Little Rock, AR, 72211; 282.
Gunter, Heather A. (Sophomore), 2136 w .
Fletcher, Chicago. IL. 60618: 164, 284.
Gurchiek. Cindy (StafO, Pattie Cobb. I30x 10844,
Searcy, AR. 72149.
Gurr, Katherine M. (Freshman), 605 Aransas,
Euless. TX. 76039.
Amber S. (Freshman). 511 Quail Run, Greenville,
TX, 75402; 182. 284.
Janna (Junior). 112 S. Brown, Little Rock, AR,
72205; 147.
Gutierrez, Fabian J. (Senior), 7443 Kite Hill,
Houston. TX. 77041; 217.
GUliery, Scon A. (Freshman), 1353 Shadow Lane,
Ft. Myers, FL, 33901; 182, 225, 280.
Guy, Mark Randall (Grd Educ).
Guzman, M.Michelle (Junior), 2nd Calle ll-1 6
Zona 7 Nueva Montserrat, Guatemala,
GUATEMAlA, 01002; 147, 310.
Gwyn. Gregory A. (Senior). Mcadow Circle, ApI.
314, Searcy. AR, 72143; 242.
Amy M. (Junior), 3 Delta Court, Jacksonville, AR.
Kristen M. (Sophomore), 3 Delta Court.
Jacksonville. AR. 72076; 164.
Haas. Emily A. (Sophomore), 3145 Alice Drive,
Batesville, AR. 72501: 164, 286
Hacker, Laura C. (Freshm~n), 7784 MemphisArlington, Bartlen. TN, 38135; 182.
Hackney, Rebecca L. (Freshman), 5117 Phillip
Court, Middletown. OH. 45044; 182, 288.
Hackv.orth, Melanie Deanna (Senior). Route 1
Box 150, Romance, AR, 72136; 33,198
Hadd ..... , joy (Staff). 1659 w . Searcy Strcet.
Kense!!, AR, 72082.
Haddock, Jerry B. (Freshman), 2020 Chrysler
Ave., Sarasnta. FL, 34234; 288, 300, 304.
Hadwin. Daniel R. (Junior). 3100 Clearbrook
Court, Newberg, OR, 97132; 147,282.
Haedge, Carl Ryan (Senior), 249 W. Mendota
Road, W. St. Paul, MN. 55118.
Hahn, Christopher M. (Freshman), 500 Canary
Lane, Carterville, !L, 629 18; 182.286.
Vanessa D. (Freshman), 3404 Oakmont, Midland,
TX, 79707; 284.
Alison (Junior), 14 Riverlyn Drive, FI. Smith. AR,
72903; 147, 282.
Seth M. (Sophomore), 14 Riverlyn Drive, FI.
Smith, AR, 72903 .
Hairston, Marion S. (Freshman), P.O Box 1532,
Conway, AR, 72033.
Alex (Junior). 200 Hale Road. $earcy, AR, 72143;
Cassandra K. (Senior), 601 Purdue, W. Memphis,
AR, 72301; I'll, 268
Dere k S. (Sophomore), 7105 S. Redbud Ave.,
Broken Arrow. OK, 740 11 ; 262.
Laura T. (Junior), 2255 Granny Wright Lane,
Hermitage, TN, 37076; 300.
Roger D .. Jr. (Sophomore), 911 Nella SI., Minden,
V . , 71055; 164, 282.
Ryan G. (Freshman), 911 Nella SI. , Minden, lA.
71055; 182, 282.
Sara A. (Freshman). PO Box 1980, Tahlequah,
OK, 74465; 182.
Haley, Terry K. (HSBS).
Halford. Ryan H. (Junior). 1072 E. Pendleton
. Place. Springfield. MO, 65810; 147, 246, 280,
J3meS A. (Freshman), 6 Ona Lane. Hot Springs
Village. AR, 7 1909; 182.
Dana S. (Sophomore), 227 W. Franklin, White
Hall, IL, 50315.
Glen (Freshman), 1105 Hanging Lantern Circle,
Mobile, AL, 36695; 288.
Jamie M. (Sophomore), 117 isl.Coun N.W., Lutl,
FL. 33549; 164, 290, 292, 302
Jennifer A. (Junior), P.O. Box 351, Bald Knob.
Jodi R. (Sen ior), RI. 1, Box 358, SI. Marys, WV,
Keith Timothy (Sophomore).
Margaret (Grd Educ), 132 Riverside Park D.
Searcy, AR, 72143
Rachel K. (Senior), 60206 Smithville Road,
Amory, MS, 38821.
Stasia H. (Freshman). 2117 Middleton. N. lillie
Rock. AR. 72ll6; 182, 292.
Todd M. (Senior), 411 1 S.W. 2nd Ave ..
Gainesville, FL, 32607.
Tracy D. (Junior), 1395 Betty Drive, Beavercreek,
OH, 45434; 147, 278, 288.
Tracy L. (Senior), 9998 Maple Drive -61, Moses
Lake, WA, 98837.
HaUiburton,Jason A. (Freshma n), 201 S. Pecan,
Searcy, AR, 72143Hallmark, Elizabeth DanieHe (Senior), 2770 N.
US Hwy 77MI83, Goliad . TX, n963.
Ham. Jane A. (Junior). 1719 West Arch. Searcy,
AR, 72143.
Hamblin, Christopher A. (Freshman), 3200 Del
Rey Drive. Midwest City. OK, 73110; 182,
Hambrick. Carrie S. (Junior), 1'.0. Box 1079,
judsonia, AR, 72143.
Melissa Marie (Junior), 841 E. 53rd St. S.,
Muskogee, OK, 74403.
Shannon L. (Junior), P.O. I30x 1238, Bald Knob,
AR~ 72010.
Thomas G. (Fre~hman), 841 E. 53rd St. S,
Muskogee, OK, 74403; 217.
Emma L. (Junior). 68 Mohawk. Searcy, AR. 721 43.
Ashley (Junior), 9519 Haskell Drive, Broken
Arrow. OK, 74014
Carla R. (Junior), 714 N. 24th St., Van Buren. AR,
72956; 147, 278.
D<lvid L1ne (Grd Educ), 68 Mohawk. Searcy, AR,
Laura L. (Junior). 7501 Greendowns, Houston.
TX,77087; 147,288.
Rachel E. (Freshman). 24811 VaHeylight, Katy,
TX, 7i494; 183, 280.
Hammans , Felicia R. (Senior), 4 Long Branch
Road. Pangburn. AR. 72127.
Hammersmith. VaneSS'- (Freshman), 6324 S.
Calhoun St., FI. Wayne, [N. 46807.
Hammes, Ken, Jr. (Faculty). 9 Allison Court.
Searcy, AR, 72143; 74.
Hammill, Stacey M. (Junior), RR I, I30x 130,
Rockport. IL, 62370: 147, 286.
Benjamin N. (Freshman), 3358 Gilley Drive.
Powder Springs, GA, 30127: 221, 286.
Michelle (Faculty). liS Autumn Cove, Se<lrcy, AR,
72143; 68.
Hammonds, Stephen M. (Fre~hman). 160 E.
Pauline Drive. Flagstaff. AZ, 86001, 183.
Hampton, Timothy R. (Freshman). P.O. Box 611.
Seneca, MO, 64865; 183.286.
Che1sey j . (Sophomore).
Derek (HUGSR). Route 1. Box 157. B<lth Springs.
I..ury (Freshman).
Handley, Shannon M. (Freshman). 33465 Bodie
Ave .. Yucaipa. CA. 92399; 183.
Haneishi, Mika (Junior), 2-13-104Irifune, Uayasu
City, Chiba. JAPAN. 279; 147.
Haney, Brandon J. (Freshman), 3701 CurtiS Drive,
Roundrock, TX, 78681; 217.
Hankins, Parmer Lee, jr (Grd Educ). P.O. Box
285, Oil Trough, AR, 72564.
Amy M. (Junior), 602 N. 2nd SI.. Augusta, AR.
72006; 147.
Rebecca J . (Sophomore), 103 Meadowbrook
Circle, Daphne, AL, 36526.
Hannah. Rebecca D. (Freshman). 4313 Honduras
Drive, Corpus Christi, TX. 78411; 183.
Hannel, Bri<ln T. (Senior), Rt. 1, Box 64A.
Kinderhook. IL, 62345; 21, 122. 282. 290.
Hansford, jesse G. (Freshman), 4 Windsor Court,
Bourbonn<lis, IL, 60914 .
Harbin, jim (HUGSR). 4639 Pembine, Memphis,
Eric D. (Freshman), 2433 La Cross Court,
U:xington, KY, 40514.
Geoffrey R. (Jun ior), 441 Cozby, Coppell. TX,
75019; 300.
Holly A. (Sophomore).
Phillip R. (Junior).
Harding, J<lime C. (Freshman). 321 Buffalo Run.
Goodlettsville, TN, 37072; 36, 183.
Danelle Lee (Junior), 11448 Hwy. 281 North,
Harrison, AR, 72601; 147, 286. 288, 294.
Lanel1e Dee (Junior), ]]448 Hwy. 281 North,
Harrison, AR, 72601; 147,286,288,294.
Hardy, Kim R. (Senior), Rt. 1, Box 1855. Gordon,
GA, 31031; 122,294.
Harlan, Melissa H. (Senior), 10 Shady Lane Drive.
Conway, AR. 72032.
Angie K:iy (Senior), 9250 Osceola St.,
Westminster. CO. 80030.
Ronnie (Faculty), 41 Mohawk Drive, Searcy, AR.
72143; 65, 217.
Harmon, Brian K. (Senior). 1655 Beaver Pike,
Wav<::rly, OH. 45690; 122, 294.
Greg (F<lculty), 703 Live O<lk Drive, Searcy. AR,
72143; 55.64 .
Jeremy M. (Senior), 703 Live Oak Drive, Searcy,
AR, 72143; 122, 255, 271, 292. 306.
Susan (Facuhy), 703 Live Oak Drive. Searcy, AR,
RaebecCl (Jun ior), 2201 Aspen, Alamogordo. NM,
Brandon D. (Senior). 9914 Bunker Rood.
Leesburg, FL, 34788; 122.294.
Carolyn E. (Senior), 2112 Childplace Drive,
Jeffersonville. IN, 47130; 122.
Heather (Junior), 210 Firetower RO<ld. Bald Knob.
Kimberly S. (Frc~hman), 2167 Elkwood, BalOn
Rouge, lA, 70816; 183.
Amy (Staff), 116 Dickson Lane. Searcy, AR,
John I.. (Junior). 31B Ranchette Village, Searcy,
AR. 72143.
jordan A. (Freshm<ln), 118 Dickson Lane. Searcy,
AR. 72143; 183.217.
Bentley T. (Senior). II Stonebridge Way,
Bentonville, AR, 72712; 122, 205.
Chandra L. (Junior), 1800 N. 15th St" Broken
Arrow. OK. 74012; 147. 288, 308
Harrington. Erin Lee (Junior), 1776 Avenida de
las Flores. Thousand Oaks, CA, 91362
Bill (Staff), 133 Conage Lake RO<ld, Searcy, AR.
72143; 45. 86.
Brandy S. (Freshman). 747 Austin Ave., Decatur.
AR. 72722; 183.304 .
Bryan Lamar (Grd Educ), 924 Southfield. Lake
Charles, LA, 70605.
Christina I.. (Sophomore), 6328 Christopher
Winds Court, Saint Louis, MO, 63129; 164 .
Laura D. (Senior), P.O. Box 286, Hickory. AR.
DentonJ. (Senior), Route 2, Moulton. lA, 52572;
Emily (Junior). 102 Ernie Woods Road. Rose Bud.
AR, 72137; 147
Ericka Brooke (Senior), 1801 Harpcth River
Drive. Brentwood, TN. 37027; 122. 210. 211,
Ivory T. (Sophomore), 10702 61st Ave. 5, Seanle.
WA, 98178; 217.
Jac ki e (Faculty), llO Dean St., Searcy, AR, 72143.
Jamae1 D. (Sophomore), 402 S. Catherine, Terrell.
TX. 75160; 217.
Kenneth C. (Freshman), 108 E. Ozark Acres.
Bentonville. AR. 72712; 276. 288.
bvelle (Staff), 48 Indi<ln Trail, Searcy. AR. 72143.
Michael G. (Sophomore). 611 Havencrest.
Coppell. TX. 75019; 164.
Michelle (Junior), 532 Bal1<lS Park Drive, St.
LouiS, 1'010,63122.
Shelly D. (Grd Educ). 1966 Hwy. 167. Br;ldford.
AR, 72020.
Harrison. Shannon M. (Freshman), 705 Cedar
Drive. $earcy, AR. 72143Harsh. jeffrey R. (Junior). 439 Lillie Creek Road.
Harmony. PA. 16037: 147.
The 11,000 residems oj Ibe Caribbeall islmld oj
MOlIlSen-a1 wimessedfir,;1 balld IbedcllClSraliolllbar
a veryacti"V!,,"Olcanocall cause. 1he,,"Olcmrobekhed
ash and small rocks oller several days iI, Scprcmber
andfora-d more Ihalllllio-thirds oJlhe popularioll/O
e~'aCII(l/C Ihc island. A shortage of housillg was on/!
oflbc biggesl problems, especially for Ibose /!vacualing Ihe cemral commlmitit'S oJ/he island. The ""01callO 011 tbe British proll!c/Orate island became acli,,"C ahem two year,; ago, and Ibc fak'S/ emp/iolls
caused most oflbe poPlllarioll/OjTl.-'C to Briluill or /0
Olber Caribbc.>an islands. (Mf Photo)
Harsin, Kelly M. (Sophomore), 4880 SlOne bridge
Covc, Tupelo, MS. 38801; 164, 308.
Shawn (HUGSR), P.O. Box 191, Wickliffe. KY ,
Shaylon J. (Sophomore). 6513 Bandalia. How1cn.
Vanessa R. (Senior), 4060 Northstrand Drive.
Decmur. GA. 30035.
Hanin. JoAnne (Senior), 30 St. Charles.
Midlothian, TX, 76065.
Hartsell. Monica L. (Freshman). Rt.!. Bo:> 135A.
Brinkley, AR. 72021: 183.
Harvison, Corey M. (Sophomore), 613 Evercu SI.,
New Ihcria. lA. 7056O~ 164.
HarweU. Philip A. (Sophomore). 17161 Harwelt
Road. Athens. AL, 35611; 198.
Haslcn.J<lnell D. (Senior), Rt. 2. Box 977 . Salem,
MO. 65560, 294.
Hastings. James c. (Sophomore). Rt. 3, Box
155A. Rosston, AR, 71858.
Hauge, Deborah LeAnn (Senior), P.O. Box 93.
Roc. AR. 72134; 122,300.
Haugen. Erin (Junior), 410 Clement Road. West
Memphis. AR, 72301 .
Haughce. Christopher S. (Freshman), 2301
Pauywood Drive, Bryant. AR, 72022; 284.
Diane (Staff), 22 D.L. Jones Road , Bald Knol>.
James Edward, Jr. (Grd Educ). 22 D.L. Jones
Road, Bald Knob, AR, 72010
David J. (Sophomore), 14791 Appalachian TrJil.
Chesterfield. MO, 63017; 199.
John P. (Senior), 14791 Appalachian TrJil,
Chesterfield. 1\10. 63017: 122. 278. 288, 298.
Angela K. (Fre~hman), 4911 Twin Q3k Drive.
Texarkana, TX, 75501; 183, 284.
Russell T. (Junior). 6876 Plantation. Tecumsch,
MI, 49286; 147,282.
Haxhiu, Sokol (Sophomore), L... GjIA -Qeriba
derri -, Palt 1388. Nr 25, Vlore. ALBANiA; [64.
Ashley B. (Senior), 155 Fairway Blvd .. Jackson.
TN. 38305; 122.
jeremy T. (Sophomore), 155 Fairway Blvd.,
J<lckson, TN. 38305; 164. 217.
Tabitha L (Sophomore). 536 Milter Rood.
Monroe. lA, 71202; 164.247,290.
Terra M. (Freshman), 11535 S.W. 60th. Augusta.
KS, 67010; 183.
Haymes, Dean R.H. (Junior), 262 Ash St .. I'on
Colborne. Ont .. CAN ADA. L3K 2, 147.
Ch<lrloue {StafO. 999 Donnie Stevens Road.
judsonia, AR. 72081.
Jessica 1\1. (Senior). 999 Donnie Stevens RO:ld.
judsonia. AR. 72081; 122. 276.
Joycelyn (Senior). 165 19 NE F<lrgo Circk.
Portland, OR, 97230: 122.
M3rk (HUGSR). J 101 Meadowl<lrk. Sevierville.
Stephen M. (Sophomore). 999 Donnie Stcven~
Road. Jud~onia, AR, 720SI.
Barb,trJ Winn (Grd Educ). 3146 W. Country Club
Road. Searcy. AR. 72143.
Kassandra A. (Freshman). 120 Choctaw, Searcy.
AR. 72143; 183.
Deyitu. (Biology 0'1lunizulion) First
Row, jeremy Tullmun, Alisbu Cay
~llieJ, Rt'I)I.:kub ,vormun, juckwy/ll
Underwood, Cluy Midyelt, Sb,,,,e
Lumpkins. Seeolld Row: Tim Hlnloll,
SallY Rujagukguk, £lizubetb Gllliban,
Amy Wiley, Duv/d Andersoll, Tomur
Trice. Third Row: jeff Cbrist, jay
Hamdell, TOlly Woodfilff, johnathull
Lewis, MI/w P/!<IlImcr(S/XJllsor). Fcmrth
Row: Burry jordtm, Umd Mudfltr, jo
Goy (spomor), JOlt Goy (SpOIISOr),
Marcus Crim, Lydia Wafl..v:r. Photo by
Briall.J-/t"'lldricks .
GATA (Sociul Club) First row (Ito rJ·
Tummy Altom, Cbristy HulSOn, Sara
Kule TiflmOlI, Stacey Fantaurzo, Nikki
Vfflegas, Tyson u.'dgerwood.· Second
row: Jamie Half, Stephanie Bul/film,
Wjfliamson ,
Westmorelund, Lysa Hldton, Stasla
Hall, AIIIII»III Curtis, ShamlOn Wray.
Third row: Monica Troyer, Mary
fle/mUnBltr, Sarab Holmes, Tasha
Sossamon, Vicki Clipper, Cynthia
Mal/bews . Fourtb row: Sean Mills,
j£'fl.>myA'ldcrson, Amy Muse, Amanda
Gates, Amanda Felkner, Mary Bou:ers,
jelJlli/ltr Holt, George Stracban ,
Shallrlon Raikes . Photo by Brian
Gel/llnken Society. (Cbemlstry
018aniZQ/ion) First Row: Mall VeI'8'le,
Cbarles jones, Ray Rajagld:guk, josb
Osbome, Angela Chellg . Seeo"d Row:
Pam Zoe/eUlt')', Molly Kof!1er.}o.lOthml
Dalldy, Katby Herrin, LIICy Wonders.
Third Row: Hoffy Sawyer, jemly
Walters, Erin K . Zedfitz, josh
Dynlewskl, Ben Osborne, Mati
Smellzer Fourtb Row: Kacey Young,
Sarab lUckey, Mandy 150m, Amy
Belcber, jason Magar, Elizabetb
Ewfng, j£""'i/er Stein, AmberSa~
Fifib Row: Wendi Wagm'T, jeremiab
Palmer, April Heddell, Bryce MUrTay,
Daw RlcbmO>ld, jantzen Cole. Sixlb
Row: Trisha Crabjfl, Darla Dilks, Chris
Hill, 1l1flrc Chi/dn'ss, jusO" Hilmer,
Wh£'(:lerl-foward, KellyBrowll $eucllib
Row: AII/umn Sutberlin, Alonso
Higl"·ro, j£'f(!my Post, jay Hurt, Ed
WilSall ( sponsor), DaVid Cofe
(sponsor) Photo by Brian /{(mdricks
J OY. (Women's serviceorg(J.l/iZalion)
First Row: Robin Dukin, Rebecca HlIg,
jelllli/er Coan, Kelly Lautcrbach,
Cbristy Wiles, AI/gela Mit,t?fla, Sarab
Prewill. Second Row: Sarah Cotbron,
SwcyTbrell..'eld, Lynsay Waller, Racbel
McFarland, Lindsay Hoppes, Mflissa
0u~1 rbird Row: AUnt? Lazo, LAura
1ru,.111, Kellie Cooper, Allison Kocb,
Mandy Emberson . Fourtb Ro w
Autumn SbulIleswortb, Amy TUIIStall,
Daniera Miller,jennyjames. Fijlh Row:
Teresa Cloer, jamie Cogburn, Tina
ZU!ab~, Sbeny Pollard (sponsor), Belva
Belfcock (sponsor) . Photo by Brial!
Kayla ( Faculty), 120 Choclaw, Searcy. AR. 72 143;
Paul ( Faculty), 12{) Chocl;lw, Searcy. AR, 72143;
76, 269. 308.
PrCSlon Oaks (Grd Educ), 3146 W. Country Club
Road, Searcy. AR, 72143.
H ays , Philip E. ( Frcshman), 1<12 Charles Thomas
Blvd., Searcy, AR, 72143.
Haue w ood, Qui:lrl M. (Specia l), 2 180 CR 333
Road, Bono, AR, 72416.
He ad , Sheila L. (Grd Educ), 410 Pine Oake Drive,
Rose Bud. AR, 72137.
Health SCie n ce Club; 306.
Hea ton, Mandy Renee (jun io r), 1340 N. 200
Wt:SI, Decalur. IN , 46733.
Hed de n
April (Junior). 4680 Old Hickory Trnil, Arlington.
TN, 38002; 147, 254.292.
Joel A. ( Fres hman), 1804 Arbor Way Drive,
Sht:lby, KC, 2S1SO.
Ryan B. (Senior) , 4680 Old Hickory Trnil.
Arlington. TN, 38002; 122, 282.
Sherry (HUGSR SllfO. 4680 Old Hickory Trni1.
Arlington, TN, 38002; 85.
He d ley, Eli7.abelh A , (Sophomore), 109 Old Pond
Way. Richmond, KY, 40475; 164.
Amy B. (Junior), 2711 Oavenpon Ave.,
Davenpon, IA. 52803; 8 .
Soon D. (Sophomore), 2711 Davenpon Ave ,
Davenpon, lA, 52803; 8 .
He Ue r , Judy R. ( Frcshm3n), 401 E. lsi 51.,
Maryvilll!, MO , 64468.
He Uing. Sherry A. (Sophomore). 209 Sherry bne.
Branson, MO, 65616; 198.
He lm
Douglas M. (Freshm;l n). 103 Spring Meadow.
Kerrville, TX. 78028; 183,306.
Peler Sh:me (Scnior). 883 Bayou Ridge Loop,
Dover, AR, 72837; 244. 300.
HeLmlinge r
Kelly A. (Freshman), 710 S.W. n Terr:lce,
Gainesville, FL, 32607; 183, 278.
Mary C. (Sophomore), 710 SW n Terrace,
Gainesville. FL, 32607; 164,292.
Helm s
Donna (Starn, 2716 Peach Tree, lillie Rock, AR.
72211; 86.
Lela (Staff), HU Box 10840, Searcy, AR. 72149.
Richard G. (Freshman), HU Box 10840, Searcy,
AR, 72149; 183He lto n , Stanley (HUGSR), 1499 Madrid 51., New
Orlean~, LA, 70122.
Hemmeric h , T3m;lr S. (Senior). P.O. Box 92,
Averill Park, l\'Y, 12{)18 ; 122. 268. 284. 304
Hemp hill, Bill (Faculty), 2042 Belrs5 Ave. E. ApI
·301 , Tampa, FL, 33613.
He n cy, Tarn J. ( Freshman), 977 Oak Manor,
Fayelleville, AR, 72703; 183.
He nders h o t , Tracie E. (Freshman), 122 Spruce
Drive, Granville, OH, 43023; 101, 183.
He nderson
April D. (Senior), 130 N. Emerson, Wenalchee,
WA, 98801 ; 123, 288.
Jennifer L. (freshman), 133 Creekview Road,
Hamson, AR, 72601 ; 183.
}o:ssiC"J E. (Senior), 9 12 Com;lnche Court. Ulysses.
KS , 67880.
JessiC;1 E, (junior); 123,
Joshua C. (Junior), 1807 Park bne. Georgelown.
Julia S. (Freshman). P.O . Box 180363, FOrt Smith.
AR. 72918; 183, 276.
Marilnn M. (Freshman), 130 N. Emerson,
Wenatchee, WA, 98801; 183,288
Mary (Senior). 405 Af Road, Dexter, MO. 63841 ;
123,147, 288, 306.
Manhew (Senior), Box 5005 Southern St .. U.of
S.M., Haniesburg, MS. 39406, 271.
Roben W. (Sophomore).
Robyn D. (Senior), 2083 Highway 161'1, Searcy,
AR, 72143Hendon
Carol ( Facully), 5 Sherwood Loop. Searcy, AR.
Todd C. (Sophomore), 5 She rwood Loop, Searcy.
AR, 72143; 164, 286.
He ndri c k, Sandra M. (Freshma n), Rt. I, Box 349,
Hanman, AR , 72840; 183. 284.
He n d r icks
Brian K. (Senior), 60 Caney Creek Road.
Balesville, AR , 72501; 312.
Lori A. (Grd Educ), 15810 N. E. 35th 51. ,
Vancouver, WA , 98682; 196. 21 4.
Marsha ( Facully) . 611 River Oaks Bl,·d ., Searcy,
AR, 72143: 72.
Shelly L. (Senior) , 1009 Cass 51 .. Sulphur, LA,
He ndrix
Ash!ee D. (Senior), Route 2, Box 277-2, Clever.
MO, 65631 ; 37, 123, 282, 284 , 308.
Cannen M. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 36, Antoine,
AR. 71922; 164, 286, 298.
Jake D. (Grd Educ), 1863 Park Circle, Marysville,
CA. 95901 ; 196, 284.
Jana C. (Senior), 9 Rue Paul Gauguin, 69330
Mey:tieu, FRANCE; 123.
Kiri Page (Senio r), 4243 Chelsea Drive. Balon
Rouge. LA. 70809.
He nl ey, Bryan ( Freshman), 385 N. Charlolle
Road. Sulphur Rock. AR, 72579.
Hen ry
Trnvis A. (Freshman), 113 Felter SI., Shelby, NC,
281;0; 183, 278, 288.
Watl E. (Junior), 1004 W. Park Ave., Searcy, AR,
Henslee. Clint C. (Senior), 437 Firefly Drive,
Tucker, GA, 30084.
Henso n
Robert G. (Sophomore), 10521 E. Dorado.
Englewood, CO, 80111.
Christina I. (Sophomore), 15608 Chicopee Trail,
little Rock, AR , 72210; 164, 278, 312.
Rebe<.:<.:a A. (Sophomore), 1052 1 E. Dorado Ave.,
Englewood, CO, SOII I; 164, 288.
Robert A. (Sophomore), 2855 Old North Road,
Farmers Branch. IX, 75234; 241, 300.
Robin A. (Senior), 547; Hwy 319 W., Austin, AR,
72007; 123,310.
Herlong, Jennifer l. (Freshman), 3710 Perryville
Road, Bastrop. LA, 71220; 280.
Guille rmo (Senior), Rembrandt -5230 Col. Real
Vallarta, Guadalajara, jaL, MEXICO; 123, 209.
Jeffrey R. (Senior), 205 Calvary St., Batesville, MS,
38606; 205.
Juan Catlos (funior). Renbrandt 5230 Real
Vauarta C.P. 45020, Guadalajara, MEXICO;
147. 209.
Oscar R. (Senior), 30 Calle 14-29 Zona 5,
Gu~temala City, GUATEMALA, 01005.
Velvet I. (Senior), 4ta. Calle 15-83 ZOna 14,
Guatemala City, GUATEMALA; 123, 276, 302.
Herndon, lee T. (Senior), 242 Slick back Road,
Benton. KY, 42025; 123.
Herren, Damon l. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 471,
Valparaiso, IN, 463$4; 165,300.
Herrera, Mark (Freshman), 17611 S.W. 18th SI.,
Mirimar, Fl. 33029: 183.
Herrin, Kathy j . (Senior), 102 River Oa ks Blvd.,
Searcy, AR, 72143; 123, 292.
He rring, Ruth (HUGSR Staff), 4604 Scousdale,
Memphis, TN, 38118: 84
Herrington, Christina E. (Sophomore), 8 Valley
Club Circle, lill Ie Rock, AR, 72212; 165,282.
Hers hberger, Micheal l. (Freshman), 1866
Beneva Court -1311, Sarasota, Fl, 34232.
Hesseirode, Robert A. (Freshma n), 8932 E.
Trophy Way -204, Memphis. TN, 3$125; 165,
He thcox, Chad E. (Freshman), 402 Panorama
Terrao:;e, Hoover, Al, 35216; 183, 294
Heu er, Mark W. (Freshman), Rt. I, Box 177,
Gillespie. Il, 62033: 183. 278.
Alison D. (Sophomore), 6331 Bresslyn Road,
Nashville. TN. 37205: 165. 304.
Russel T. (Junior), 1206 Walton SI., Clarksville,
AR,72830; 147, 282,3 12.
Hibbard, Shannan l. (Junior), 464 Constitution,
Marysville, MI, 48040.
Hibdon. Kimberly D. (Sophomore), 1615Jones
Blvd. , Murfreesboro, TN, 37129; 165, 284.
Hic key, Sarah E. (Sophomore), 3710 Brusscl~
n~rr..lce, Indianapolis, IN, 46228; 165, 292.
Hickmon, Adrian, jr. (Fao:;ulty), HU 2262, Searcy,
AR, 72149: 71.
Chad (Speo:;ial), 207 live Oak, Searcy, AR, 72143.
Charles Vernon (Grd Eduo:;). 207 live Oak,
SeaT<.:}', AR, 72 143Joh n Ma rk (HUGSR Faculty), 1838 Myrna lane,
Memphis, TN, 38117.
Marrissa (Freshman). 314 Ohio SI.. Quincy, Il,
62301; 183.
Meli nda (Starn, 207 live Oak, Searo:;y, AR, 72 143;
Tammy James (Special).
Higginbotham, Ed, Jr. (Fao:.:ulty), 1120 N. Ella,
S~aro:;y, AR, 72 143; 58.
William 13. (Freshman). 1814 Esquire Place,
Grand Prairie. TX, 75050; 165.
David J. (Freshman), 30219 Thorsby, Spring, IX,
773$6; 183. 294.
Highsmith, Terence (HUGSR). 412 Rose Driv~,
Florence, Al. 35630
Hightowe r , Tawanna l. (funior).
Higuero. Alonzo M. (Freshman),
Col.Sitratero,Sect 5.Casa 307, la lima, Cortes,
HONDURAS, 21109; 183,292,310
Hileman, leah j. (Freshman), 15091WP Road
655, Ashland, OH, 44805; 288.
Hilker, Shannon (Sophomore), 271 Burns Road.
Ithaca, NY, 14850; 165.
Alexis Marie (Grd Educ), 417 i\!cadow lake -10,
Searcy, AR. 72143.
Amber J. (Freshman), 2900 N. 22nd SI. R-9,
Rogers, AR, 72756; 183.
Benjamin l. (Sophomore), 103 Ca nnon Drive,
Hendersonville, NC. 28792: 165. 300.
Carolyn Elaine (Grd Eduo:;), 210 Grand Poi nt
Drive, Hot Spr i ng~, AR, 71901; 196.
Christopher D. (Sophomore), 101 California Ave.,
jacksonville. AR, 72099; 165,282.292.
Colby (HUGSR). 1000 Cherry Road. HB-207.
Memphis. TN, 38117; 196.
D~Has Dee (Junior), 1801 Newport, Weatherford.
IX, 76086; 147,288
Emily A. (Freshman). 3400 Treeline Court, Apt
1102. Hoover, Al, 35216; 278
Gary (HUGSR). 2 Tyler SI., Summerville, GA,
Henry E. (Senior), 68 Whitelaw Drive, Cemer.
NH. 03813; 217
Freshmen Sarah Logsdon and Malt Shaner blow bubbles while (I to r) freshmen A mber Huey, Annika j acobs, A manda Eva ns
and Laura Nelon look on . Students took a dvantageo/the nice weather to hang out at the tennis courts a nd watch theirfriends
play intramural tennis. Pboto by Kristi Burns.
Antoinelle (Grd Educ).
Hilliker, Vernella A. (Freshman), 4231 Steward
Road, Box 122, Sterling, MI, 48659: 183.
Hinckley, Ryan W. (Junior), 10104 E. 26th Pbce,
Tulsa, OK, 74129: 147, 282.
Hine rman , Shane T. (Sophomore), 3524 King
Arthur Dri\'e, lexington. KY, 40517; 306
Hinnenkamp. leslie A. (Sophomore). 13151
Meadowood Way -134, Coon Rapids, MN,
55448: 165.
Becky l . (Senior), 1795 NOTlh Blaine Ave ..
Hastings, NE, 68901; 123.
Chri~topher P. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 146.
Shanksville. PA. 15560; 165.
james A. (Freshman), P.O. Box 146. Shanksville,
PA. 15560; 183.
Rhonda S. (funior), 1413 w . Bakersville Edie
Road, Somerset, PA. 15501.
Timothy j . (Senior). P.O. Box 146 lake Road.
Shanksville. PA. 15560; 123, 268, 292, 306.
Hin tz , Amanda C. (Freshman), 412 w. Evelyn SI.,
Freeport. Il. 61032; 183.
Hinze , jason SCOll (Sophomore), 159 Bris-Champ
Twnln Road, Bristolville. OH, 44402; 165.
Hissong. Cheryl A. (Senior). 100 McGough Road.
Floral. AR, 72534
Uinle t. Thomas l. (Freshman). 30628 Genesse
Road. Sterling, Il, 61081.
Hiasla , Meredith l . (Sophomore), 5008 DaviS
Drive. Doy lestown. PA, 18901; 165.
Hlavati. James P. (Sophomore). 31243 lund,
Warren, MI. 48093; 165.
John (HUGSR). 4642 Royal Crest Drive, Abilene,
Michelle lynn (Grd Eduo:;). 60S Arlington Ave.,
Naperville, [l, 60565.
Timothy W. (Grd Educ), 8425 w. Hwy. 86.
Joplin. MO. 64804.
Ann (Faculty), 65 Mohawk Drive, Searo:;y, AR.
72143; 50.
Avery Gail (Senior), 4639 Mouma;nv;ew Drive,
Nashville, TN, 37215.
Jared A. (Freshman). 65 Mohawk Drive. Searcy,
AR, 72143; 183, 217.
Ken (Fao:;ulty), 65 Mohawk Driv;:, Searcy, AR,
72143: 68.
Hoc hrad el, Karl (Slaff), 50 S. Church, Marianna,
AR, 72360.
lauren A. (Sophomore), 4266 Amber lane.
Memphis, TN. 38111 : 165, 282.
jared l. (Freshman), 3203 Park Ave., Denison,
TX. 75020: 183, 276. 278, 306.
Bill (Staff). 19 Stoneybrook lane. Searcy. AR.
72143: 51, 86.
John R (Senior), 19 Stoneybrook lane. Sear<.:y,
AR, 721 43: 3. 4, 123,271 , 288,306.
Martha (Staff). -19 Stoneyhrook. Searcy, AR,
72143; 86.
Hoff, Michael (HUGSR), 425 Pallerson, Memphis,
TN,3811 1.
Hoflleinz, Mario R. (Freshman), 6300 W.
Michigan Ave.,Apt G-16, lansing, M!. 48917;
Hofsc hild. l."1ni j. (Senior), 7 Creslwood Court,
Albany, NY, 12208: 123.
Amanda M. (Sophomore), 114 Green VaHey
Circle, Searcy, AR. 72J43; 165, 226. 227.
Michelle R. (Sophomore).
H o",
Jercmy B. (Freshman), 611 Byrd. EI Dorado. AR.
71730: 183. 284.
Melissa K. (Sophomore). 611 Byrd, El Dorddo,
AR. 71730; 165.280.
Hoggard. Phil (Starn, 100 POSt Oak Drive, Searcy.
AR. 72143.
Hoggatt. Duto:;h (Faculty). 264 Ranchelle Village,
Searcy, AR. 72 143; 67.
Hogue, Kristen R. (Junior), 340 Sunset Blvd.,
Hermitage, PA, 16148; 147. 288.
jeb Daniel (Sophomore). 382 Georgia Ridge
Road, Searcy. AR 72143; 142. 165.
jill P. (Grd Educ). 382 Georgia Road, Searcy. AR.
Holcomb, Erin A. (Freshman). 4546 Ridge RO;ld.
Dallas, TX. 75229; 284. 288.
Holdcn. Randy (HUGSR). 3962 Deer Creek Road.
Memphis, TN. 38128: 196
Brad D. (Freshman). 110 Deer Run South.
Oxford. MS. 38655: 183, 282.
Heather l. (Sophomore). 912 N. Cedar St.,
Searcy. AR, 721 43.
Kimberly l. (Speo:;ia1), 3805 Memphis lane. Ft.
Worth. IX, 76133; 183.
Teresa E. (Sophomore), 56 Powell RO'Jd.
Inboden. AR. 72434.
Hole man, lelah D. (Grd Educ), 6 lantern Hill
Rd. , little Rock. AR, 72227.
Alison P. {Grd Eduo:;}, 2526 Woodloch. Conroe.
TX, 77385; 196, 288.
Amanda M. (Freshman). 2921 Joanna Drive,
Conway, AR. 72032; 183,300.
Shannon l. (Freshman), 205 Clon:r lane.
Palestine, IX. 7580\.
Shelley A. (Freshman), 205 Clover lan..:,
Palestine, lA, 75801.
Stacy A. (Freshman), 2196 New Haven Drive,
Chula Vista. CA. 91913: 183.
HoUaway, Bill (Faculty). 707 Randal! Drive.
Searo:;y, AR, 72143; 67, 286.
Holliman. Hamilton Neal (Grd Edue). 1700 E.
Market _12. Searcy. AR, 72143.
Brian lano:;e (Grd Educ), 1555 Miller, Minden, lA,
Katie R. (funior). 335 Southwind. i\.1:lrion. AR.
u:titia D. (Senior). 8009 Co. Road 9240.
Koshkonong. MO. 65692.
Ryan B. (Junior). 103 Wynnwood Ave .. Ruston,
li~a M. (Freshman). 2469 Fairway Oaks. Bartkll.
TN, 38134; 183.
Sarah C. (Freshman), 114 Creek lane.
Russellville. AR. 72801: 183. 292.
Pamela R. (Junior). 44 Branson Plao:;e, Jackson.
TN, 38305; 147.
Cliot E. (Sophomore). 2100 JR Circle. Ncwport.
AR. 72112; 217.
jennifer D. (Sophomore). 2306 Weona Dri,·e.
Nashville, TN. 37214: 165.292.
John M. (Sophomore). 5 Foxboro Drive. Searcy.
Richard (HUGSR). 9433 Plantation Way l."1ne,
Germantown. TN. 38139.
Erin R. (Freshman), P. O. Box 196, Greenwood,
Fl . 32443: 183. 280.
Kerry (HUGSR), 301 East Grand T..:ton, Yukon.
Kyle A. (Sophomore). 301 E. Grand Teton Court.
Yukon. OK. 73099; 165.
Hon e y. Kristopher J. (Junior), 491 Hwy. 38; 5..
Selrcy, AR. 72143: 147.
Honeyc utt. Christy M_ (Sophomore), 4969 judy
lynn. Memphis, TN. 38118: 165.282.
Ho no rs Association; 280.
Beth (Staff). III POSt Oak Drive. Se;lrcy. AR.
721 43.
Tabitha A. (Fresh man). III Post O;lk Drive.
Searcy. AR. 72143; 183. 288.
Ann (HUGSR). 38 NOTlhwood. Nashua, NH.
Mark (HUGSR). 38 Northwood. Nashua, NH,
Jeremy Todd (Senior), 38 Northwood Drive.
Nashua, NH. 03063; 306.
Hopper. jeffrey (Faculty). 104 live Oak Drive.
Searcy, AR. 72143; 67.
Hoppes, lindsay J. (Sophomore), 534 Canton
Pass. Madison. TN, 37115; 165,292.
Hoppis, Mich;le[ C. (Senior). 118 Ru~~<,ll Dri,";:.
Harri~on. AR. 72601; 123. 268. 276. 308.
Hopson. Arvi;l (HUGSR), 8845 Seth Cove.
Memphis, TN. 38133.
Horn. Wendy E. (Sophomore), 20812 N.E. 263rd
St., Bauk Ground. WA. 9s604; 8.
Horner. Richard M. (Sophomore). 10337 Indian
Dri\·e. Dexter, MO. 63841: 165.
Amy M. (Sophomore). 9 WhiK' Oak Circle.
Searcy. AR. 721 43; 165. 280.
King 's lJIen . (Social ell,h) First row,
Diane Grnhbs,jamie Cogbum, Ginny
8/aki;>,jemzelle Baird. Sccolld row, SI"W
Cooper; jon SIO/Wllberg, Gre8 Parks,
Hal Epperson, David High, Sany
Rajasukguk, Third row; Cody Killg.
Nathan Pickard, jason MeG/aWl!,
Brain Hannon, Adam Gadbeny, Aflen
Cansler. Fourtb row: Ryan MeCa i$/Oll,
/t1,'cbaef jenkins, AI/ell Smith, josh
Dorrough, DlIstyn Mal/hews. Fif/h row:
josh Kasinger, Daniel Thomhill, Andy
NOTT1S, Chn's Parl.'Cr, Paln'ckjackson,
Marclls Porter. Chad Helhcox, Adam
Blake, Ryall Parsons, justin Lee, Sam
Gill. Set'crlth row: Trevor Brown, Bill
Thompson, jonathan Andrews. Photo
by Brian Hendnd,s.
N urs es Association. First Row:
Racbel Wilson, Tamara Reese,jcmlifer
lalbam, April Lawson, Connie Treat .
Second Row: Mall Bishop, jennijer
Short, Enn Babcock, Melinda W)'iie,
Marlea Plante, Michael Bass, 7bird
Row:jam:1I Haste n, laura Irwin, Adria
Bonjoey, Karen Stephens, Charl<:s
Powell, Kim Hardy, Amber Kelley,
Heather/'.1artin, KillyGilbert. Photoby
Brian Hendricks.
OEGE. (Social Club) First row: Dena
Mindnlp, Kathryn Genton, Kn'sty
Burton, Bellinajellsen, A ngc/u Berend.
Second row: Tassie Bauman, Kelly
Moody, A my johnsoll, julie ClemelllS,
Sarah Cu'millgham, Gilllly 81akt,.
Third row; jaren Page, En'ca Ty/<:r,
Susan Sneed, Dallid Thonthlll,
jeanetle Baird, Hal Ep/X'rso't, Linda
Thomton . Fourth row: Malena Kee,
joshua Dorrough, lydia £vdoxiadi,
Denise IHiller, Connie Rack"", Fifth
row: Amy £Iam, Marcus Porter, Adam
8/akl:, leslie Benke. Photo by Brian
Pi Sigma Epsilon, (National sales
jroll:mily) First Row: Alma Ah'arez,
Anubella Huiz, Meg Flowers, john
Massie, Wade Ham,'r. Second Row:
Da vid Marks, Dan Arencibia, Damen
COChrull, jake B, Wi/f. Third Row:
D,mIlY Hardman, lanny Hardman,
Alexa Alvarez, Karl Staples, Ra>ldy
Mcleod (sponsor), Bra'ldon Harp.
Fourth Row: Andrew jOrda>l, Marli
Ellioll, Adam Hesse/rode, Mall
Freematl, Clint Davis, Mr!1ldy Coker.
Photo by Krisli Bums.
Landon W. (Sophomore). 4304 lubbick, Snyder,
TX, 79549: 165. 276. 280,
Hosler. Klarin E. Qunior}. 7805 S, Sconce Road,
Clnby, OR, 97013; 147, 280.
Amy H, (Sophomore), 208 CryStll. Wynne, All.,
Jordan (Se nior) , 713 River Oaks Blvd., Searcy,
AR, nl43; 123, 268, 282, 286, 2%, 312.
Michael B. (Freshman), 193 Chaparral Drive.
Florence, AL, 35630; 276.
Steven L. (Sophomore), 193 Chaparral Drive.
Florence, AL, 35630; 244.
Amber I. ([unior), 10908 Opal Road, Bentonville,
AR, 72712; 147, 280.
Ashley D. (Sophomore), 102 Yel1owood Drive,
West Monroe, lA , 71291 ; 165, 210, 213.
Adrienne 13. (Freshman). Rt. 2, Box 81. Lake
Providence, lA, 71254: 183
jim (HUGSR), 1187 E. Holmes Road , Memphis.
TN, 38116.
Kathy (Faculty), 40 jamestown, Searcy, AR,
72143; 68.
Lucy K. (Freshman), 3801 Bent River Road,
Birmingham, AL, 35216; 183,284.
Ronnie M. (Grd Educ), 139 Pumpsprings Road.
Nashville, AR, 71852; 196, 298.
Pasco E. (Freshman). 5895 Cedar Oak Cove.
BartleU, TN, 38134; 183. 280.
Patsy (SwJO, 6 White Olk Circle, Searcy, AR,
Tom (Faculty), 6 White Oak Circle, Searcy. AR.
72143; 76, 302.
James W. (Sophomore), 14446 Tamardk Lane.
Dexter, MO. 63841.
Wht:eler B. (Se nior), 5895 Cedar Oak Cove.
Bartlell, TN, 38134; 123, 276, 282,288,292.
Howe. Benjamin Philip (Sen ior). 302 Live Oak
Drive, Searcy, AR, 72143.
Alan 13. (Sophomore), 4411 Colony Glen Court,
Sugarland, TX, 77479; 36, 165, 276, 280, 286.
Charlie (Staff), 343 Tater Hill Road, Searcy, AR.
Robert C. Qunior), 561 Buckhorn Bend Loop
Road, Monroe, lA. 71202.
Dustin C. (Freshm~n), 343 Tater Hill Road,
Searcy, AR, 72143: 184, 300.
Elizabeth Culp (P Grad), 343 Tater Hill Road.
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Ryan B. (Freshman), 105 Oak Leaf Circle,
Enterprise, AL, 36330; 184, 284.
Sherry (Freshman), P.O. Box 1846, Searcy, AR.
Howley, Kristen N. (Sophomore), 682 Rambling
Drive, Saginaw. M1, 48609; 165, 284.
Hruska, Keith j . (Freshman ), WI01 4 Mirnmar
Road, East Troy, WI, 53120; 184.
Hubbard, Aaron (Staff). 210 ChriSp Ave., Searcy,
AR, 72143; 86.
Hucke ba
I>eggy (St:lfO, 506 River Oaks Blvd., Searcy, AR,
72143; 41l, 49, 260.
Ronnie (Faculty), 506 River Oaks Blvd., Searcy,
AR, 721 43; 65, 217
Huddlesto n
William Darrell (Sen ior). 2469 Fairway Oaks.
Bartlett, TN , 38134.
Ju lia M. Qunior), 709 Shortspoon Circle. Rocky
Mount, NC, 27804; 296.
Chad E. Qunior), 1221 S. 33rd .. Broken Arrow,
OK. 740 14.
Leslie J. Qunior}, 5736 3rd St., Lubbock, TX,
79416; 276.
Hudgins, Amanda G. (Sop homore), P.O. Box
1982, Glenwood, AR. 71943; 165.278.
Hudkins , Bryan l. (Senior), 3%3 Dahlia,
Battlefield, MO. 65619; 199.268.
Darcy Qunior), HeR 64, 176, Flippin, AR, 72634;
147, 280.
Kevin J. (Se nior), 3212 Marshall, little Rock. AR,
72206; 123, 300.
Paul D. (Senior), 6947 Robb St., Arv ada, CO.
Paul (Staff), 611 N. Horton. Selrcy, AR, 72143;
86, 302.
Huebuer, Bonnie M (Sophomore), 34 Columbine
Ct., Missoull, MT, 59802.
Hu eter, Amanda). Qunior), 841 O 'Neal Lane.
Henderson, TN, 38340: 147, 278.
Hu ey, Amber H. (Sophomore), 1266 East Malibu
Drive. Tempe, AZ, 85282; 184 , 284 .
Charissa L. (Sophomore), 306 N. Ave. G. Haskell.
TX, 7952 1; 165.
Robert A. (Sen ior), 306 N. Ave. G, Haskell, 1/{,
79521; 268, 271, 276,
Charissa Jane (Senior), 1159 Oakridge, MemphiS.
TN, 38111; 271.
Evert! (HUGSR Faculty), 1159 Oakridge,
Memphis, TN. 38111.
Huffstickicr , W:mda (Staff), 3542 Hwy. 267 S.,
Beebe. AR, 72012.
fiiii 294
Amber G. (Sophomore), Rt. 2, Box 369, H:trdy,
AR, 72542; 165.
Paul R. (Senior). 1750 S.W, 139th Ave.,
Beaverton. OR, 97005; 123.
Rebecca I. (Senior), 1750 S.W. 139th Avt:.,
Beaverton. OR, 97005; 123,256, 292,300.
Huggins, Dan (HUGSR), 1016 Euclid Ave., Llurd,
MS, 39440.
Hughes , Pat (HUGSR Staff), 4848 W. Alden Llkt:
Drive, Memphis, TN, 38651; 84.
Huilt, Helen L. (Senior), 261 Wilson Loop, Ward,
AR, 72176; 123.
Elizabeth L. (Sophomore), 507 Oak Hill Llne.
Russell ville, AR, 72801.
James M. (Freshman), 507 Oak Hill Llne.
Rus~ellville, AR, 72801; 286.
Jennifer A. (Sophomore), 507 Oak Hill Llne.
Ru~sellville, AR, 72801; 290.
Staci K. (Junior). 4113 E. Encinas Ave., Higley,
AZ. 85236; 147, 280.
Stephanie L. (Sophomore), 4113 E. Encinas Ave.,
Higley, AZ, 85236; 165.
Hunley, Jeremy A. (Fre~hman), 1 Andover Court,
Voorhees, NJ. 08043.
Alyssa R. (Junior), 101 N Sowell, Searcy, AR.
72143; 147, 284.
Cameron (P Gr.ld), 131 Highland Drive.
CorrylOn, TN, 37721.
Carolyn (Special), 201 Hermitage Llne, Searcy.
Cindy (Staff). 301 N. Valley Road. Searcy, AR; 86.
Jamie S. (Sen ior), 131 Highland Drive. Corryton.
TN, 37721: 123.
Jam ie E. (Freshman), 4343 CR 757. Jonesboro,
AR, 72401; 184, 280.
Julie F. (Sophomore), 1115 Tyne I3lvd .. Nashville,
TN, 37220; 165.
Huntley, Mark B. (Sophomore).
Hunton, Michael Troy (Grd Educ), 33215
Coventry Drive, leesburg. FL, 34788
Amy L. (Freshman), 203 Aztec Drive, Searcy, AR,
72143; 184.312.
David (Staff). 203 Aw:c. Searcy, AR, 72143; 86.
Jennifer (Faculty), 203 Aztec, Searcy, AR, 72143;
Kathleen D. (Sophomore), 3032 Robin Rood,
Plano, TX. 75075; 165. 284.
Donald M. (junior), 2 Franklin Circle, Searcy, AR,
72143; 217.
William (HUGSR). 1007 Eagle Hill Trail,
Longview, TX, 75605.
Hurt, Jason W, (Senior). Star Rt. Box 8, Biscoe.
AR, 72017; 292.
Hurtarte. Maria Jose (St:nior), 40 Av 10-B Zone
11, Gua temala City, GUATEMALA, 01011; 35,
Huskey, Billy T. (Sophomore), 1370 Earnhart
Road. Batesville, AR, 72501.
Hutcherson, Paul T. (Freshman), 505 Wild
Cherry Cove, MemphiS. TN. 38117.
Hutches , James M. (Freshman), 5017 Belle
Chasse Drive, Bossier City, lAo 71112; 184,
Jennifer N. (Sophomore), 5331 Selton Ave .,
Jacksonville, FL, 32277: 165, 276.
John P. (Freshman), 1108 Addaide, Fort Smith,
AR, 72901; 282.
Joshua L. (Freshman), 309 SW Razorback Drive,
Bentonville, AR. 72712; 217.
Keeley L. (Freshman), 13825 Old Hickory Blvd.,
Antioch. TN, 37013; 184.
Anthony C. (junior), 8021 NW 18. Oklahoma
City, OK. 73127; 217.
HUlSon, Christina A. (Senior), 4637 George Ave.
N.W., Cleveland, TN, 37312, 123,278,292.
Hutton. Lysa A. (Freshman), 8908 Canterbury
Cove, FL Smith, AR, 72903, 1M, 290, 292
lodridason. Kriste M. (Fr~shman), 9 Cedarglad«,
Pangburn. AR, 72121.
Ingram. Kathryn (Grd Educ). 1924 w . Arch,
Searcy, AR, 72143; 75.
Inlow, Amy (junior), 4216 Worth Forest,
Arlington, TX, 76016; 278.
Inman, Jennifer L (Sophomore), 1822 Steven St.,
Parkersburg, 'YIV, 26101.
Inns, Mary Suzanne (Grd Educ).
Interior Design ; 306.
Dwight (Facu lty), 606 E. M;!rket, Seucy, AR,
Kimberly Jean (Senior), 2 Keswick Cove, Lillie
Rock, AR, 72212; 10, 124,278,284.
Dena L. (Senior).
Nathan). (Senior). 18105 S. Alexander Road,
Alexander, AR, 72002
Bradley T. (Senior), 1603 County Road 1095,
Ashland, OH, 44805; 124. 278.
Heath~r N. (Freshman). 700 Wayn« Ave.,
Indiana. PA, 15701, 33, 184, 306.
Llura R. (Senior), 1614 Arcadia, Memphis, TN,
38119; 124,292,294.
Michelle M. (Sophomore), 1603 County Road
1095, Ashland, OH, 44805; 288.
Is las, Salem R. (Grd Educ), 18 Sherwood Loop,
Searcy, AR. 72143.
Allan (Faculty), 101 River Oaks Blvd., Searcy, AR,
72143; 56, 284.
Carole (Faculty), 101 River Oa ks Blvd., Searcy,
Amand;! L. (Sophomore), 55 McGiboney Court,
Covington, GA, 30016; 165. 292.
Ivannikov, Alexander S. (Senior), 701 Ave. 0,
P.O. Box 536. Hooks. TX. 75561; 124.
Ivcy, Royce (Freshman), 413 W. 3rd Ter~ce,
Springtown, TX. 76082; 184, 290.
Charles). (Sophomore), 1001 W. Park. Searcy,
AR, 72143, 165.
Dana M. (Freshman), 4111 Ambcrfield Circie,
Norcross, GA, 30092; 184.
Earnestine (Senior), 4184 Hwy. 51 No, Canton.
Ervin (HUGSR), 305 Pershing Ave., Muscle
Shoals, AL, 35661.
Jason c. (Freshman), 1220 Daffodil Llne,
Longview, TX, 75604; 282
jessica (Freshman), 3439 Jenny lane. Bartlell,
TN, 38135.
Keith). (Junior), 9022 Covent G;!rden. HOUSlOn,
TX, 77031; 217.
Kimberly M, (Sophomore), 227 Webb Hill Rood.
McR;!e, AR, 72102.
Mary P. (Grd Educ).
Me lissa S. (Senior). 5305 Grissom Drive.
Arlington, TX. 76016; 124, 240. 268, 284 , 310.
Nicholas A. (Freshman), 1203 Shoaff Road,
Huntertown, IN, 46748.
Patrick R. (Freshman). 10314 S. 194th E. Avenue,
Broken Arrow, OK, 74014; 294.
Shane S. (junior), 15911 Whispering Falls Court.
Houston, TX, 77084.
Stcvi L. (Special), 2216 Pioneer Road, Searcy, AR,
jackson-Moore, Deanna S. (Senior), 1209 W.
Nipper, Beebe, AR, 72012.
Jacobs . Anni ka B. (Freshman), 9115 Bankside
Drive, HouSlOn. TX, 77031; 184 .
Jacoby,Ja~on P. (Freshman), RR 1, Box 199A,
Fleming, OH, 45729; 184. 286.
Helen (StafO, 32 Glenmere, $earcy, AR, 72143.
Jenny L. (Senior). 1308 Holmes, Searcy. AR,
72143, 124, 288, 292.
Jessica Lyn (Frt:shman), HU Box 10768.
John (Special), 216 N. 3rd St. , Augusta. AR,
Mike (Staff), 1500 Randall Drive. Searcy, AR,
72143; 7, 67.
Owen (HUGSR), 1000 Cherry Road KH-I03 ,
Memphis. TN, 381 17.
Shelly R. (Sophomore), 1918 Gentry Road,
Lonoke, AR. 72086; 165, 2%.
Trucy Colleen (junior), 703 Main St., S.
Williamsport, PA, 17701 ; 147, 284.
janssen , Lee C. (Senior), 814 N. Oak St.,
Bloomington. IL, 61701; 124.
jaques , Michael (HUGSR), 3482 Highway 157,
Ju dsonia, AR, 72081.
jarrard, Hobart D. (Sophomore), P.O. Box
290362, Phelan. CA, 92329; 217.
jarrett. Charles (HUGSR). 6267 Merimac Drive,
Memphis, TN, 38134.
Dena M, (Sophomore), 6105 Ronna Court,
Waldorf. MD, 20601; 165.
Mark A., Jr. (Junior), 2556 Michaelangelo,
Stockton, CA, 95207.
jave Uana
Alian, Il (Junior), 3217 Russwood l:l!le, Garland,
Mollie D. (Sophomore), IM5 Barona Road,
l;tkeside, CA, 92040.
j an Band; 306.
jeffery, Laura B. (Freshman), 4461 Thrushfield.
Flint, MI, 48507; 184
jeffress, Michael (HUGSR), 25 Edgewood Circle.
West Helena, AR, 72390-3201.
jeffrey, Sarah D. (Freshman), Rt. 7, Box 439,
Montgomery, TX, 77356; 184, 290, 300.
jenkins, Michael A. (Sophomore), Rt. 2, Box 769,
Hawkins, TX. 75765; 165. 294.
John Corey (junior), 713 E. Market, Apt "4,
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Jamie E. (Sophomore), 800 Will Street,
Jonesboro, AR. 72401; 165,2 14,282.
Shelia (Staff), P.O. Box 1392, Searcy, AR, 72145.
j ensen
Bellina). (junior), 11101 Cave Ave .. Bakersfield,
CA , 93312; 148. 294.
Kevin (HUGSR), 1000 Cherry Road. KH-21O,
M",mphis, TN, 38117; 1%.
jerkins, Stephen K. (Sophomore), 534 Cherry
Road, Memphis, TN, 38117; 165,286.
Jernigan. Tonita (StafO. 109 Post Oak Drive,
The Harding Un iversity Thu ndering Herd Jines lip in its traditional H Ufo rma tion
du ring its halftimeshow, The Thundering Herd wasagreal help in keeping thespiril
high during the football games. Photo by B rian Hendricks.
Searcy. AI{, 72 143; 86.
j ett. Leanne K. (Freshman), 100 Lake Vista Drive .• '
Hendersonville. T1\'. 37075; 184. 280.
Alice (Faculty). 10 Mohawk Dril"\:, Searcy. AR.
72143: 74.
Fred (Faculty), 10 Mohawk Drive, Searcy, AR.
72143; 77, 264. 308.
Roben M. (Sophomore). 601 E. Schaumburg
Rood, Schaumburgh, IL, 60194; 165.244. 290.
Bryan D. (Sophomore), 1307 Virginia Ave" Early,
TX, 76802; 165,278.
Eric P. (freshman), 6903 Pine Drive, Paragould,
AR, 72450; 184 .
Kcm Cornell (I' G~d), 141 Meadow Drook Drive.
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Michelle L. (Freshman). 140 Sequoyah Lane,
Nashville, TN, 37221; 184. 276.
Alexander V. (Freshman), 2484 N. Dri;lr Circle.
Challanooga, TN, 37406; 184. 286.
Amy L. (Senior), 2420 M;lylen Circle, Ancho~ge ,
AK. 99516; 124. 294. 310.
Andria M. (junior). 100 Love Drive. Monroe, w\,
71203; 268. 285.
iknjilmin D. (Sophomore), 229 Downey ,\ ve
EIB IW6, Riverview, New Brunswick,
CANADA; 165, 189, 276, 280.
Belly (Staff), 104 Scminole Circle. Searcy, AR.
Bridget D. (Fre~hman), 2819 Gr.ly Circle,
COlumbia, TN. 38401; 184, 288.
Jeremiah c. (junior). P.O. Dox 165, B~dford. AR.
Clay S. (Special). Rt. 1. Box 150A, Ozark, AK
72949; 184, 276, 278. 280. 288.
Daniel J. (Senior), Rt. 1. Box 24. Chenoa, IL,
61726; 124. 268.
Danna J. (Freshman), 7 Custer Place. Sherwood.
AR, 72120; 184.
David Alan (Senior). 635 Iblde Circle, Ridgeland.
MS. 39157; 124, 259. 304.
David (Faculty), 21 H;lrding Drive. Searcy, AR,
72143; 60.
Debbit: (Staff). 2% Ranchene Villagc, Searcy. AR.
Erin Kay (/unior), 1748 Hanford Drive,
Carrollton. TX. 75007; 101, 148, 278.
Eugene B. (Senior), 32 Stonebrook .3, Scarcy.
Gwendolyn M. (Senior). 801 N. Pine SI.. Searcy.
Heather (Freshman).
Holly G. (Sophomort:), 14604 Dowling Drive,
Bunonsville. MD, 20866; 165,284.
Jay M. (Sophomore), 4 Canail Road, Searcy, AR.
72143, 165, 290, 300.
Jeffrey M. (Sophomore), 455 GrJce Drive.
Coppell, TX, 75019; 166,
Jeremy Ad am (G rd MIT), 4634 Shipley Hoad,
Cookeville, TN, 38501.
John Roben (Grd £duc).
Joshu a D. (Junior). 4102 S. Carric, New Palestine,
IN. 46163; 148.286,290.
Jul ia Sherrill (Grd Edue), 4102 So. Cmrk Drive.
New Palestine, IN, 46163; 93, 184, 280.
Julie J. (Fre~hman), 13430 Rockwood Road,
Rapid City, SO, 57702.
Julie A. (Grd Educ), 1100 Jackson "'2, B~dford,
Karen (Staff), 53 White Oak Circle, Searcy, AR,
Kelli A. (Freshman), 323 1 Wyncroft Place.
Norcross, GA. 30071.
Kyle S. (Freshma n), 1748 Hartford Drive,
Carrollton. TX, 75007; 184, 286.
LaCristi L. (Freshman), 704 West Park. Searcy.
AR, 721 43; 306.
Marlea (Staff), 21 Harding Drive. Searcy, AR.
Martina M. (Freshman), 9 Cambridgc, Texarkana,
AR. 7185 4: 284.
Nancy (Staff). 135 Fairview Road. Searcy, AR.
Patrick (Freshma n). 516 7th SL Marked Tree, AR.
72365; 184. 294.
Paul G. (Senior). 229 Downey Ave .. Riverview,
NB, CANADA, EIB I; 124,276,284.
Summer D. (Speci,d), 1824 W. E:ISton COUrt.
Tulsa, OK, 74127; 184,284.
Su~an E. (Senior). 5782 /lbgnoli:l Woods Drive.
B,lrt1ctt, TN, 38134; 124,268,276,300.
T:lmmy Jo (Senior). 541 Burgundy Squarc. Apt.
102. E;!st Lansing. MI. 48823.
TimOlhy D. (Sophomore). 1327 Nicholson.
lIouston. TX, 77008; 166.286.
johns lon
Daniel K. (junior), 500 [.Market. Searcy. AR.
72143; 148, 276. 282, 310.
Jill A. (junior). 1132 Nevada St., Indianola, IA.
50125; 148, 290,298.
Jim (Faculty), 500 East Market. Searcy, AR, 72143:
Kathryn S. (Grd Educ), 500 E. Market St .. Searcy.
Kevin M. (Senior), 1132 Nevada SI., Indianola.
IA. 50125; 124. 268. 276. 290. 310.
Marlowe K. (Senior), 624 Hopewell Drive.
Chesapeake. VA, 23323.
Sa~h). (junior). P.O. Box 383. Redmond. WA.
98073; 148,263,280,310.
Timothy R. (Freshman). 500 E. Market Ave.,
Searcy. AR. 72143; 184,282.
Timothy A. (junior), 8626 Ridgecreek Court.
Springboro. OH. 45066; 148.
Ch,ld S. (Sen ior). 1113 W. Queens, Broken
Arrow. OK, 74012; 124.
Wendy L. (Sophomore), 1315 N. Chactaw,
Claremore. OK. 74017; 166.
jolliff, Daniel (HUGS R) , 5%1 Poplar Pikc Ext. -2,
Memphis. TN. 38119; 1%.
Amanda G. (junior), 8009 County Ro~d 9240,
Koshkonong, MO. 65692; 70, 148, 284.
Anna M. (Senior), 307 Riverdale, Tu~caloosa. At.
35406; 124. 267, 276, 278. 300, 308
James Brad (junior), 22 ChaparrJI. l:Jjunta. CO,
Bradley M. (Fre~hma n), 102 Madi~on Coun.
Yorktown, VA. 23692: 284.
Brian (HUGSR). 2900 Camden Avc .. Parker"burg.
\'(lV , 26101.
Bridgette N. (Sophomore). 20 Cedar Drive.
Batt'sville. AR, 72501.
Charles. Jr. (junior). P.O. Box 889. Hughes. AR,
72348; 292.
Cindy Michell (Sen ior). 304 Llk«side l:Jne,
Newport. AR, 72112.
Clinton G. (Senior), Rt. 3. Box 170 AA.
Clarksville. AR. 72830; 124.
C~ig (Faculty), -6 Ute St., Searcy. AR. 72143.
James D. (Sophomore), 307 Riverdale.
Tuscaloosa, AL, 35406; 166.
Daniel N. (Senior). 9332 Barrington Blvd.,
Knoxville. TN. 37922; 124.255,2%,
David Allen (I> G~d). 134 Carter Drive, Searcy,
Dawn M. (Sophomore), 164 MCRae SI .. C.1mden.
TN, 38320; 166,282
Delores (junior),
Dena D. (Sophomore), 3904 Millwood Line.
Li lbu rn. GA, 30047; 166. 288, 302.
Felix). (Sophomore). 1480 Amarillo, Memphis,
TN. 38114; 225
Jacqueline (Sophomore), P.O. Box 609, Kcn~e1t,
AR, 72082; 166, 288.
Jan Aly (P Grad), 6 Ute St., Searcy, Alt 721 43.
JasonJ. (Sophomore), 12612 FM 1641. Forney.
TX, 75126; 166.
Jennifer L (Freshman), 22 CitappaTf'JI Circle.
l:J)unla. CO. 81050.
Jenny L. (Freshman). 847 N:lvy Drive,
I>ocahontas. AR. 72455; 184.
Jercmy S. (Freshman). 110 Jolly Lane. Searcy, AR.
PSi Cbi. (PsychOlogy honor society)
First Row: Kelfi Sher:l$, Alina Spradley,
Leslie Gt.errero, Rebecca Evans,
Shmlnon 8erryhlll, Mary Gill, Alisha
J)(J.niel, Amy Roberson, Clay P,-rkins,
Dizzy DetHl . Second Row: Mall
McJ)(J.nicl, MarkFarmr, DonnieStover,
jordan House, Krisll Williams, Kate
Major, Pm.la Farley, 8riana Va/en/ine.
Third Row: Ray Pallon, Rocbelle
Montjoy, jimmie Douglass, Lena
Maximo/Ja, Dr. Glen./ Adams
(sponsor), joeal Venka/csan, Dr. Jack
Thomas. (sponsor). Photo by 8rian
Sigma PlJi Mil . (Socia/ Club) First
row: J)(J.nieljones, Aliso,! wIer, Carla
Shehonz, Amanda Thomas, Annelle
SlOllenbcrg, Theresa Wilson. Second
row: Jaime Evans, 8n'an lJIa/..'(!, Tessa
Sexlon, Caryn Parker, Alisha Dalliel,
Jamie Slanley, StelX!l1 Mogey. Third
row: Cade Vaughan, A'Ina Cro"berg,
Tricia Case, MelanieCast/eberg,jeanni
Cox, Callie Milks. Pholo by Brian
Slgmfl Tall Sigma . (Social Club) First
/'Ow:jeremy Wafface, Apn'l Tate, Emily
Fair, Rache/Simpson. Secondrow: Tom
Anderson, jeremy Taffman , SCOIf
Biddle, jason Pipkin, jesse White,
Daniel Vandcgri/fl. Third /'Ow: Tim
Tate. Russell lawyer, Chad Pipkin,
Pbilip [.adyman, Tracy Oliver. FOllnh
row: /fi!smond l.eslie, Marvin Redman,
joel M,'(ms, Blake Mcln/osh. David
Wasson, jason Brown. PhOlO by Bn'an
Social Work Club. First Row: julia
Hudd/es/ofI, Tabitha Fisber, Kn'SIl
Bllrns, Charline O 'Dell, Kimberly
Scbweikbard . Second Row: Kirk
Workman, Kim McCleffan, Tracy
Scwcll, Amy Cash, Chrisl!1/a Cllro,
Steven Wrigbt . Tbird Row: April
Valentine, julie Teigen, Sbelly james,
Caroline Craig, Marisa Ganzer, Krisly
lillIe, Bethany Baker. FOllrth Row:
Brenda Pn.>ssler,jason Edt,,/S, Serenity
Raper, Deanna Casamatla, Michelle
Morris, Kristi Powell, Vicky Valentine.
Pboto by Brian Hendricks.
72143; 184 .
jody P. (junior). 12 12 Melony Drive, Sulphur
Springs. TX. 75482; 217.
joe (Faculty), 21)4 Red Oak Lane. Searcy, AR,
72143; 56.
Joshua K. (junior), 16208 Oxbow Trail. Buda,
TX, 78610.
Kristen A. (Freshman). II J 1 Palmetto Drive,
Homewood, AL. 35209; 184.
Lisa G. (Senior), 495 Run Way Road, Batesville.
lI-larie J. (Freshman). 304 Remington Road,
Hopkinsville, KY, 42240; 184,300.
Misti Carol (junior), 1513 Shumate Drive, Liule
Rock , AR, 72212.
Pam (Staff), 110 jolly Lane, Se:ITCY, AR, 72143.
Patricia Anne (Sophomore), 16430 Celeste Road.
Citronelle, AL, 36522; 166.
Robin A. (Freshman), 513 E. Giles Ave., Crowley,
TX, 76036; 184.
Scon A. (Grd Educ), 779 Lone Star Road, Bald
Knob, AR, 72010.
William T. (Sophomore).
Valerie Lynn (junior), 203 Holm-an. McRae, AR.
72102; 148.
William L. (Sophomore), 130 jackson Pike,
Harrodsburg. KY, 40330; 166,288.
Andrew H. (Senior), R1. 3, Box 188, K-aufm-an,
TX, 75142; 294.
Barry W. (junior), 108 N. Fir "'1, Searcy, AR,
72143; 148, 276, 280, 298, 304, 306.
Jesse T. (Freshman). 3939 Classic Drive. Garland,
TX, 75042; 184 .
Latina (Sophomore). HU Box 784. , .
Shaunda T. (Freshman), 3125-1 Booth Ave .. Ft.
Riley , KS, 66·H2; 3. 184, 252.
Joseph, Orlandor S. ($enior), 1313 E. River 614,
Searcy, AR. 72143; 217.
Jouvcnaux, Robin D. (junior), 36 Single Oaks, N.
Little Rock, AR, 72120.
JOY; 292.
j oyce , Jeffrey J. (Freshman), 2330 Ingleside Drive,
Grand Prairie, TX, 75050; 184.
ju Go ju; 280.
Lora Beth (Special), P.O. Box 337, Boerne, TX.
78006; 184,288.
Robin A. (Senior), P.O . Box 337, Boerne, TX.
78006; 124, 268, 271, 276, 310.
Judge. Sean M. (Freshman), 101 Trousdale COUT!,
Hender.;onville, TN , 37075; 184 , 276.
Julian, John W. (Freshman), 44 Neal Cove,
Bryant, AR, 72022; 97, 284.
july . Joshua D. (junior), 10202 Lake Road,
Otisville. MI, 48463.
jump. Rhonda L. (Sophomore), 3779 Hwy. D.,
Bolivar, MO, 65613; 166.
Jonathan H. (Senior), 5462 Cynthia Lane,
S;lrJSO\;I. FL, 34235; 124, 300.
1"01;111 (HUGSR), 2932 Mount McKinley Way,
Lexington. KY, 40515.
justus , Michael A. (Freshman). 17 Hill Creek
Circle, Searcy, AR, 72143; 184, 286.
Ka Re T3 ; 308.
Kaegi , Kerri L. (Freshman), 25 Silverwood COUT!,
N. Liule Rock, AR, 72il6; 184 , 288.
Kappa Delta Pi; 308.
Kappa Gamma Epsilo n ; 280.
Kappa Omicron l\"u; 308.
Kappa Pi; 308.
Kappa Sigma Kappa; 282.
Kaps. jeremy D. (Freshman), 217 E. Small Hill,
Grand Prairie, TX, 75050.
Kas h or ek , Kasey L. (Sophomore), 104 Main St.,
Potsdam, 1\'Y, 13676.
Kasinger, Joshua R. (Freshman), 6815 Shannon,
Mesquite, TX, 75181; 1$4, 294.
Kasperc it, Deon L. (Sophomore), 306 Sherman
Ave .. Dravosburg. PA, 15034; 166.
Carla (StafO, 25 White Oak Circle, Searcy, AR.
72143; 52.
Helen (Staff), 100 Chrisp, Searcy, AR, 72143.
Kearns , Rachel M. (Freshman), 1104 Leonard
Blvd .. Kent, OH, 44240; 185, 276.
Don (Staff), 11 Woodcrest Drive. Searcy, AR,
72143; 55.
Jared R. (Special), 86 Keelange Cove, Jackson.
TN, 38301 ; 185.
Laura K. (Senior), 86 Keelange Cove, jackson,
TN. 38305; 97, 124.
Malena B. (Freshman). P.O. Box 24, NSO, BUI
Division, CAMEROON; 185, 294.
Marisa (Senior), 86 Keelange Cove, jackson, TN.
38305; 124.
Keene , Joshu;l D. (Sophomore). 1298 HWy. 837,
Downsville, LA, 71234; 109, 166, 278, 288.
Keeth , Jonathan K. (Senior), 2908 W. Long Ci rcle
"E, Littleton. CO. 80120.
Amber R. (Sophomore), 4510 Tuscarora,
Pasadena, TX, 7751)4; J66. 226, 227.
Delana (Freshman), 4510 Tusc;lrora. Pasadena.
TX. 77504; 185. 21 4, 215
Ca rol (5(;1(0, 824 Su n nyh il l 51., Sea rcy, AR, 72143:
Kimberly J. (Freshm:m), 824 SunnyhiU"SI., Searcy,
AR. 72143; 185. 284, 288, 306.
Steve (S[.a[O, 824 Su nnyhill St., Selrcy. AR. 72 143;
Ke ller
David ( HUGSR), 113 Woodshirc Drive,
Parkersburg. WV, 26101.
Hi1I;lry G. (Special), 16481 Plowboy Lane,
Wei ne r, AR, 72479; 185.
John (F;lCl.Jlry), 138 Rocky Springs Trai l, Sea rcy,
721 43.
Vicki (Grd Ed uc). 434 North Wilks St.. McRae.
AR. 72 102.
King·s Men; 292, 294.
Klnworthy. Jill Ann (Junior). 2566 Fox Drive.
Poplar Bl uff. MO. 63901; 14S. 278.
Kiplagat, Marga ret J. (Sophomore), Wa iyaki-Way
P.O.Box 14816. W.Nairobi, KENYA; 210. 21\.
Kathryn Marie (G rd &luc), Gnd Dorm. Box
10994, Se3rcy. AR. 72149.
Tim (FaC1.Jlty), Grad Drom. Box 10994. Searcy.
AR, 72 143; 65. 225,
Fairfi eld. IA. 52556; 166, 292.
Koehle r
Edward (HUGSR), 401 Park 51. -0. Searcy. AR.
Pamela E. (Freshman).
Komer. Molly M. (Junior). 130 Hefner St .. Searcy.
AR. 72143: 14S. 292.
Kohl, Tennyson (Senior), 1575 Nonhridge Rood .
Atlanta, GA. 30350.
Kohlbacher , David l. (Freshman), 4767 Oark St .•
Hambu rg. NY. 14075.
Koltunski, Leslck ( Freshma n). Starto\VlI 23c131.
Gdansk, POLAND.
AR, 72143; 65, 306.
K:,lIhy l. Ounior), 122()7 Greenlea f Drive,
Huntsville, Al , 35803; 148. 276, 308.
Sall y (Special), 138 Rocky Spri ngs TDil, Searcy,
AR ,72 143.
Lam. Conroy (Sophomore), 5971 Bammtine
Drive. Bartlett. TN. 38134: 166,282,300.
Lamb. Benjamin T. (Freshman), 164 Moc kingbird
la ne. Manin. TN. 38237; 166. 278. 284.
Lam bert
Bill , Sr. (F3cu lty). 504 E. Center, $carcy, AR.
72 143; 56.
Helen (Faculty). 504 E. Center. Searcy, AR,
72 143; 63.
Pat (St:lff), 103 Chrisp, Searcy. AR. 72143.
Tamf:l R. (Grd Educ). 102 Douglas. Searcy. AR.
72 143.
Lambeth. IUndy (Staro, li04 Del Su r, Se:lrcy. AR,
72 143; 54, 55.
Lambright. Benjamin (HUGSR), 4680 Coton
Drive -9. Memphis. TN. 38118.
We nd i ). (Senior), 138 Roc ky Spri ngs Trail,
Searcy. AR, 72143; 124, 268, 284, 31 2.
Amber E. Quoior), P.O. Box 121 , locust Grove,
AR, 72143; 294.
Brian No. ( Fresh ma n), 114 Red O ak La ne, Sea rcy,
AR , 721 43.
Daniell e C. (Freshman), 1003 Brookfield Road,
Rockford, Il, 61107; 185.
Dave ( HUGSR), 9 Blackstone Stone, Hudson,
NH,0305 1.
Karen R, (Senior), 410 S. Sherwood Loop, Searcy,
AR, 72143; 300.
Karen (Faculty), 2909 E, Moore 4-7, Searcy, AR,
72 143; 63, 300.
Aimee M. (Sophomore). HR 2. Box 46, Ma rshall.
Bob (Faculty), 13 Indian T!";) iL Searcy. AR. 72143;
David E. ( Freshman), 102 Aspen, Marshall. IL.
D;l;Vid M. (Freshman), 4423 Stokes Drive, G reer.
SC,2965 1.
Jason E. (Senior), RR 2, Box 46, Marsha ll, Il ,
Joh nnena (F~cu lty), 24 Club Road. Jacksonvillc,
AR, 72076; 63.
Kirsten l. (Senior), 16600 Griffi th lane, linlc
Roc k, AR, 722]0.
Kelsey, Lori Rebecca (J un ior), 2338 S. 3rd Streel,
f t, lewis, WA. 98433.
Kelso , Kyle Way ne (HSBS).
Kelton. Brian D. (Sophomore). 1465 Mid·
Broadwell Road. A pt. 2306, Alph arena, GA.
30201; 166.
Ke mmerer. McKensey L, (Freshman). 55
Ra inbow Drive N.E.• lancaster. OH. 43 130;
185. 214. 215,
Ke mp. Jeremy A. (freshma n), 4904 Hwy 36 W.,
Searcy, AR. 72 143; 276,
Ke m per. Lance B. (Junior). 16 15 lee St.,
B;"uesville. AR. 72501.
KendaU. Courtney R. (Freshman). 4 130 Griffing
Drive. Pan Anhu r, TX. 77642; 185. 284.
Kendall·BaU, Gregory M. (freshma n). 224 S.
Collier. Centralia, MO, 65240; 185, 286.
Kendrick, Jeremy M. (Senior). 110 Cottonwood
Drive. f!";)nklin. TN. 37069; 282.
Kenned y
c...rol B. (P Grad), 24 Indian Sp rings Roa d.
Batesville, AR. 7250l.
Nicholas A. (Sopho more). 340 Hart Drive -9. EI
Cajon, CA. 9202l.
Ke nne ll. Mark (HUGSR). 4524 Langley Drive.
Milli ngton. TN. 38053.
Je remy D. (Senior), 122 Teresa L:m c, Searcy. AR,
72 143; 124 . 27l.
Rob (Staro. 2625 O ak Meadow Place. Searcy. AR.
72 143; 30.
Kho khar. Lau!";) (HUGSR), 1002 Spanish Trail,
Cordova. TN. 3801S.
Kiihnl, Kathy (Facuhy), 1303 Tulip, Searcy. AR.
Kilgore. lisa E. (Senior). 1420 San Antone.
Lewisville, TX. 7SQ67; 105. 124. 268. 276. 284.
Kilia n . Kristin L. (Senior). 34 TunIc Creek Drive.
Medford. NJ, 08055,
Killeen, Gloria A. (Senior). 2238 S. Mill Ave, - S.
Tempe. AZ. 85282.
Kilm er , Kelly L. (Senior). 4020 B~ndyn Place.
Paris, TX, 75462; 125.
Kimball. Ch ristopher N. (Freshm:ln), 387 1 Dowd
Road. Colli nston, LA. 7 1229.
Kimura. Mari ko (Freshman). 4-39- 16 Suwa-Cho,
Hit:lchi-Shi 316 J:lp3n ..
Don (HUGSR F:lcuhy). 1105 Colonial Road ,
Memphi ~, TN, 38 11 7: 84.
Eri ca G. (Sophomo re). 2478 Sylvan Lane. Alton,
Il.62002; 148.
Ann M. (Sophomore), 8020 Arbor Drive.
Nashville. TN. 37221: 166. 276.
Austin C. ( Freshman). 1544 Alcott St .. Fort
Coll ins, CO. 80525; 185. 294.
Mary Lois Irene (Sen ior), 8020 Arbor Drive,
Nashvi ll e. TN, 37221; 284.
Kristal L. (Spe<ial). 9010 Golden Pond Drive.
Rowlen, TX, 75088: 185.
Lan A. (Freshman), P.O. Box 2783, Jopl in. MO.
64803: IS5, 278, 280.
Lori A. (Senior). 35 Sherwood Loop. Searcy. AR.
Searcy, AR. 72 145.
laFevers. Melinda S. (Grd Ed uc). 200 Verkle r
la ne, Searcy, AR, 72 143; 196.
Laffe rty. Terry (HUGSR). P.O. Box 631.
Mea dowlands. PA. 15347.
Laguna. H01ly D. (Sophomore). 2132 Bliley
Court. Modesto. CA. 95355; 166. 280.
La ir
Christy K. ( Freshman). 951 Claremont Place,
lovt:land, CO, 80538; 185.
Michael D. (5I..'Tl ior), 95 1 Claremont Place,
loveland, CO. 80538.
Lakey. N:lthaniel Troy Qunior), 7537 Circle Drive,
N. Richland Hills. TX. 76180; 148. 282, 290,
IveySa nders and A bby Dray (onpeiform a p oetry piece d u ring (he Sig ma Tau Delta
sponsored poetry reading at Midlzighl Oil. Many students and faculty members
peiformed f or the crowd. The Sig ma Tau Delta sponsored poetry reading is an
annual evenl. Photo by Kristi 8urns.
Brian l. (Sen ior). 2406 11th St. S.E., Decatur, Al,
35601; 125. 286.
lisa M. (Sophomore). 9100 McQuaid Road.
Orrville, OH, 44667; 166, 27S.
Kirkland, Sue (HUGS R). 3070 GcneV3, Dearborn,
Kinn. Abraham Kipsang (Se nior). 2435, EII)oret.
KENYA; 125.
Kitch ens. Michelle M. (Ju nior), 232 Keith Road.
Umpire, AR. 7197 1; 148.278.
Kittmille r . Robert A. (Freshman). 630
Pen nsylvania Ave .. Sell ersburg. IN, 47 172;
KJe in
Cha rles D. (Sophomore). 5548 Lofty Pines Circle
S., J:lcksonville, FL. 32210; 166. 276,
Kevin (Facult y), 29 Foxboro. Searcy. AR. 72 143;
Kline . D:lvi d (HUGSR). 132 South Th ird.
Kingston, TN, 37763.
Klinger, Je nni fer A, (Freshma n). 1342 !'inehurM
La ne, Neen ah. WI, 59956; 185,282.
Klingerman. Mau hew D. (Freshm:ln). HD 2. 24
Paul St.. Ashland. I'A. 17921; 298.
Kn app. Brandon A. (Se nior). 3260 Dudley St ..
Wheatndge, CO. 80033; 10. 125,
Knap pier . Nath an T. (Freshman). I'. O. Box
2232, Rolla. MO, 65402; 185.
Kn auss
Amber M. (Jun ior), 22406 Kenchester, Houston.
Billy C. (Junior). 10238 N 10th E. Ave., Ow-.!S$O.
Adrian (StafO. 6 Franklin Circle. Se:lrcy. AR.
Amy W. (Senior). 1302 Sunnyside Dnve,
Mayfi eld, KY. 42066; 125. 286.
Jenni fer M. (Senior), 212 E, Hunt. Cerro Gordo.
Il . 61818; 125.300.
jeremy C. (Junior), I Boyd Place. Searcy, AR.
72 143.
Jody l ynn (Sophomore), 212 E. Hunt, Cerro
Gordo. Il. 6 1818; 166. 276. 300.
Kimberly M. (Se nior). 16 10 Knight Circle. Gf:l nd
PT:lirie. TX. 75050; 125.
Knights; 282.
KnOll. Adam D. (Senior), 289 Crossover Road,
Wickliffe. KY. 42087; 125.
Knowles. Darren D. (Sophomore), 14] 07 Denver.
GT:lndvicw, MO. 64030; 166.
Kno x
Angela M. (Senior). 23607 Creekwood Drive.
Spring. TX. 77389; 125. 276. 308
Natalie N. (Sophomore). 23607 Cr(.'Ckwood.
Spring. TX. 77389; 166.
Ko 10 Kai; 282.
Koch . Allison M (Sophomore). 406 W Adams,
Koo ne . Kevin W. (Senior). 7315 Fox Run Drive.
Mabelvale, AR. 72103; 286.
Kopf. Marvin S. (Sophomore). 119 Brookside,
Senatobia, MS. 38668; 284.
Ko,·ach. Matthew (Junior). 8944 2S Mile Road.
Albion. MI. 49224; 148.
jason R. (Senior). 1625 Millers Creek. Van Lear.
KY. 41265; 125.
lau!";) Margaret (Senior), 3i2 Stone Coal Road.
Volga. KY. 41 2 19; 125.
Jeffrey A. (Se nior). P.O. Box 117, Richwood. NJ.
08074; 125. 268.310.31 2.
Jessica l. (Speci3]). P. O. Box 117, Richwood, NJ.
08074; 185.284.
Krol. Thomls C. (Freshman). 555 W. Bay Drive.
Long Beach. NY. 11 56l.
Ch:jd R. (Freshman), 6523 Smoke Tree Lane.
Suga r la nd . TX. 77479; 117. 185. 282.
Ja~on w . (J unior), 6523 Smoke Tree lane. Sugar
Land. TX. 77479; 148,282.
Dlnie] E, (Senior). 206 Pl um 5t .. Marsh all. IL.
6244 1; 125. 276. 284.
Leslie A. (Freshma n). 206 Plum St .. Marshall. IL.
6244 1; 185. 284.
Kukkala. Timothy (HUGSR). 1000 Cherry Road.
Memphis. TN. 38117.
Kukta. Karl F. (Sophomore). 6294 Ix.'cmlure St.
San Diego. CA. 92120; 166.
Kulild. Em ily B. (Sophomore), 454 Graham RO:Id.
Fl. Sam Houston. TX. 78234: 166. 288.
Heather A. (Sophomore). Rt. 3. Box 942. S3lem.
MO. 65560.
Matt (Senior). HCR 81. Box 63A. Salem. MO.
Kwast. Katie M. ( Freshman), P.O. Box 1397,
Coppell. TX. 750 19; 185.284.
La63y, Mark D. (Se nior). 21 Bobbye la ne. Searcy.
AR. 72 143; 125.
Labowski Katie A. (Sophomore). S6S P:lssion
Play Road. Eureka Springs. AR. 72632; 166.
Lacefield, TimOthy R. (Senior). 1034 Richard St..
J3cksonvillc. AR. 72076; 204. 205.
Lacey, Ju~tin L. (Sp<-~i:j l). 14931 Gr.lssinglon,
Channelview. TX. n53O; 185.
Ladyma n . Philip 1'<. (J unior). 2964 Hwy. 67,
Corn ing. AR. 72422; 296.
Laferte , Heather Y. (Sophomore). P.O Hox 1211.
Am:mda B. (Senior). 317 Tanglewood Drive,
Russellville. AR, 72801.
Shad A. (Senior). Rt. I, Box 402. Bentonville, AR.
72712; 125.
LanC2Ste r . Paige J. (Grd Educ), 2186 Achoma
Drive, Heber Springs. AR. 72543.
Land. Ed (StarO. 1006 N. Cedar. Searcy. AR.
Lande rfe l!. G3ry ( HUGSR). 1436 Winch(."Ster
Tr.l il. Riverdale, GA. 30296-2066.
Land is. Sl:Icey J. (Sophomore).
Bren S. (Junior). 5537 linda Drive. Torrance. CA,
Jennifer L. (Senior), 2223 River Woods Dri ve,
Naperville. Il. 60565; 280.
Kimbe rl y j. (Sophomore).
I.ang;! l. Japheth K. (Freshm:ln); 22 1.
Carla 1'1 , (Sophomore), 79 Cou ntry Club Circle,
Scarcy. AR. 72143.
Dustin A, (Junior). P.O. Box 94. Pangburn, AR.
72121; 148.
l:Ing rehr. Kristi na (Freshm3 n); 185.
Langsto n
Guy ( HUGSR), P.O. Box 60s. Como. MS. 3$6 19.
IUchel R. (Senior). P,O. Box 516. J31. NM. 88252;
125. 28<i. 290.
Lan ier . Jess C. (Junior). P.O. Box 154. Celeste.
TX. 7>423; 148. 217.
Larea u. John Daniel (Senior). 1028 Bounty lane.
Ft. Mi ll. SC. 29715; 126, 276.
Larcy. Keith (StafO. 51 Moh awk Dri,·e. Searcy,
AR, 72143; 52.
Larry. jyuscf L. (Sophomore), 7 19 Ferguson,
lonoke. AR. 72086; 278. 306.
Amy j . (Ju nior). 1513 N. Wall. Belion, TX. 76513;
231, 278.
Jay E. (J unior). 1305 Leon. Behon. TX. 765 13;
La~ars ky. Eri n L. (Fresh m:ln), Rt. 3, Box 74.
M;m nforO. OK, 74044; 185.
jennifer M . (Freshman). 18408 Caym:ln St.. Eustis,
Fl. 32426; 276.
Katrin~ R. (Junior). 120 Andora Road, Carrollton.
Kent M. (Senior). 425 E. Keetoowah St..
Tahlequah. OK, 74464; 198,268.
Lat ha m
Jennifer C. (Se nior). 3299 County Road 232.
Thorsby. Al. 35171: 126. 294.
lonn ie C. (Senior). 490 Cochran Drive, Norcross.
GA. 30071; 198.
La time r . Pam (Freshman). 9 Hartwell Pbce.
Se3rcy. AR. 72143.
Laute rbac h . Kelly J. (Sophomore), 600
Willowrock Dn,·e. loveland. CO. 80537; 166,
Lawre nce
Adrienne (Junior). SOl Hunters Point, Catoosa.
OK. 740 15; 148.
E!'7.3bcth A. (Sophomore), 7200 Apple View
Drive. Goodlettsville, TN, 37072; 166, 280.
John L. (Freshman). 7200 Ap ple View Drive,
Goodlcusville. TN. 37072.
Nicole R. (Sophomore). 720 N.E. 107t h Place.
Portl:md. O R. 97220; 166.
Pat (Stam. 300 S. Moss, Searcy, AR. 721 43; 87.
Rebecca E. (Grd Educ), 3()() S. Moss St.. Searcy,
AR, 721 43; 308. 312.
He:lth M. (Sen ior). 426 Lemont Ori\·e. Nashville.
TN. 372 16; 126. 243. 302.
Kenneth S. (Senior). 57()() Saylor St., lincoln. NE.
68SQ6; 276.
Kyle B. (Senior). 5700 S~ylor St .. Lincoln. NE.
68SQ6; 126.260.
SlOb T.16. (Social CI..b) First row:
BryoPl Powell, laura Siegman, jill
Bartb, Me!issa , Wood, Ca rmen
Hendrix, Tnry Clark. Second row:j,'m
8ellvegna, Bry an Rey'IOlds, Vince
Strine, 8m Moore, Micbael 1I01l:ard.
Third row: Mike Wilso'l, Tommie
Wi"dow, Chris Crowley, jeremy
Gfllson, Greg Taylor. Fourth row: Comn
Markum, jon Fulfer, Mallhew
KUllgerman, Adam Nokes, Greg
Fecteall, Sam Sparks. Photo by 8rian
Stude nt Activities Committee. First
Row: LeighAnn Gooden , Candice
Qrtha/s, jeremy Tallman, Miriam
Dodson, Talitha Watson . Second Row:
Barry jonia", john HaUSlein, MC![Jan
McCork/{', PallIa Amlmez. Third Row:
Tom AJldl'rSo'l, Sean Dawson, DlIslin
Bartee, Rob O'Lynn, jenifer Smith .
FOllrth Row:jimMifler, &'Ugcm Boom:,
Brian Blish. Pboto by Brian Ht'ndrick$.
Stmlen! Speech mId H earing Asso·
elmlo'/. First Row: Came Sullies,
Norma Dominguez, Karla Medellin,
Amy May . Second Row: Rachel
GammOtl, RobY'1 MacKellzle, Jill
JohnS/Oil, Laura SuI/on . 71}ird Row:
Shefia Cbllders, Karen Crabb (Spoil'
sor), Sarab Day, SlIsmmah Bahb,
S/t1manil! YOlmg. FOIlrtb Row: Emily
TurTlm/, jelmifl.'r Fisber, Sara Shock,
Swci Dawkins, Dan Tullos (sponS()r),
joe To)1:'. Pboto by Kristi Bllms.
Society of H U'm ln Resource AUm·
l'ge me nt. First Row: Ekrn Perry, Samb
K. PIt'wlll.jellllyS.mlb, L,oslieGuerrero.
Second Row: Amy MIlS!:, jemlifer
Garrily, Amy Smal/wood, Becky
Cooper. Arnie(' Boyel/e. Third Row:
Alma Aluart'z, Noro. Sbebelut, Lisa
RoI1erts, jamie McClay, Paula Farley.
FOllrtb Row: Tamara Nit;kels, Pam
Simer, Clay Perkins, George Oliver
(spo"sor) Pboto by Brian Hendrick$..
April J. (Junior). 610 E. Park, Se:lrcy, AR, 72143;
Ch3d E. (Fresh man), P,O. Box 76, Grady, AR,
71644; 185.
Justin S. (Junior), 2016 Hwy. 16, Se3rCY, AR,
72143; 21,148.
Lynne (Staff), 140 Coombe Road, Bald Knob , AR,
Neil G. (Sophomore), 10640 Pacer Place,
Anchorage, AK, 99516; 286.
Leah B. (SophomOtc), 7428 Woodside Drive,
Indianapolis, IN. 46260; 166.
Russell D. (Junior), 178 Sunset Dri\'e, Murphy,
TX, 75094; 93, 148, 296, 300.
Layton, Brian S. (Senior), 16191 E. DOr.1do Place,
Aurora. CO, 80015; 126, 202, 203.
Lazo, Aline M. (Junior), Pitagoras 1253-4 Col. del
Valle, Mexico D.F. c. P., MEXICO. 03100; 148,
Leach, Whitney M. (Freshman), IllO Fern St.,
Birmingham, AL. 35209; 185, 280, 306.
Leave U, Becky (Sta(O, 101 S. Locust "12, Searcy,
AR, 72143; 87, 304.
Ledgerwood, Tyson R. (Se nior), 5408 Rangeview
Drive, Cheyenne, WY, 82001; 126. 210, 212,
221 , 290, 292.
Angela M. (Sophomore), 116 Sh3dy Lane,
Mich igan City, IN, 46360; 166, 284.
Brandon D. (Sophomore), 375 Sandlown Road.
Balcsville. AR. 72501 ; 166.
Bridgct! A. (Senior), P.O. Box 1112, Bald Knob,
Cheryl (Faculty), 108 Birchwood Circle, Cabot,
AR, 72023; 63,
Eria D. (Freshman), 15569 E. Brown Place,
Auror.1, CO, 80013; 280.
Glenn A. (Sen ior), 178 Suntree Court, Ormond
Beach, FL, 32174.
Justin Dwane (Grd Educ), 2 White Oak Circle.
Searcy, AR, 72143; 294.
Kar.1 D. (Freshman), 275 W . University Parkway,
Jackson. TN, 38305; 185, 214.
Kenda K. (Sophomore), 16 Cot!onwood. Searcy,
Kimberly D. (Freshman), 5455 Keithwood Drive,
Cumming, GA, 30040; 185.
Kristi N. (Sophomore), 5829 Marvin Loving "Ill,
Gar13nd, TX, 75043; 166.
Sar.1h Renay (G rd Educ), 116 Shady Lane,
Michigan City, IN, 46360.
Robert ( HUGSR), 1000 Cherry Road HB·209,
Memphis, TN, 38ll7.
Robin M, (Sophomore). 1490 AV3lon Blvd..
Casselberry, Fl, 32707; 166.
Shawn James (Sophomore). 116 Shady Lane.
Michigan City, IN, 46360; 166.
LefaU, uLoni (HUGSR), 2521 Friars Place,
Cordova , TN, 380 18.
Leic hner, D~niel C. (Junior), 59 Summit Drive,
Tabernacle, NJ. 08088; 148,286.
Lejarzar, !.:lura A. (Sophomore), 151 HolderneS:S
Drive, Longwood, FL, 32779; 166, 214 , 215,
Lemming, lisha M. (Sen ior), 606 W . Cherry, Apt.
10, Jonesboro, AR, 72401; 126, 284.
Lemmonds. Lance (Senior), 106 Underwood
Lane, Searcy, AR, 72143; 126. 310.
Leonard, Rachel L. (Freshman), 4501 W.
Highway 22., Corsiana. TX, 75110; 185,
Lercher , Steve Adrian (Special). 5 Wallis, Searcy,
AR.721 43.
Desmond A. Ounior), .57, 7th Ave., Corozal,
BELIZE; 148, 296.
Toby R. (Sophomote), 7951 Brown Road.
Richmond, VA, 23235; 166.
Les ter
Alison M. (Freshman), 829 Cambridge Place.
Grand Pr.1irie, TX, 75051; 185, 288. 290. 296.
Robert A. (Junior), 1204 Melrose. Magnolia, AR,
Letsinge r , Nicholas D. (Frt'shman). 10251 Chris
Drive, Roscoe. lL. 61073; 300.
Lev ine, Paul V. (Senior), 3431 16, Donetsk Region
Dimitrov-4. Lvonsky 8/ 33 , UKRA: 126,282.
Amanda E. ( Freshman), 3910 Sherwood Lane
"'30. Houston. TX, 77092; 288.
April], (Freshman), 210 l Willi3mstowne Drive,
Richmond , VA. 23235; 186,290.
Be<:a L. (Sophomore), S62 1 N. F.R. 175,
Springfield, MO, 65803; 166, 288.
Bri~n E. (Junior), 5857 Woodgate Court, Mobile,
Hope D. (Sophomore), 637 Michelle Court,
Lawrenceville, GA, 30044; 166, 288.
Jack (HUGSR Faculty), 1132 S. Perkins, Memphis,
TN, 38117; 84.
Johnathan W. (Senior), P.O. Box 69, Mt. Holly,
AR, 71758; 126,292,306.
Julie A. (Junior). 433 Liule John Drive. Irving. TX,
75061; 148, 284.
Lola BianC'll (Fres hman), 1177 Seven Blothers
Rood. El Dorado, AR, 71730; 186,280,
Robert M. (Sophomore), 11366 Gra\'enhurst.
Cincinnali, OH, 45231 ; 166.
Pamela Yvette (G rd Educ), 2910 E. Moore ""9,
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Phillip A. (Junior), 10942 Leader Road, Chardon,
OH. 4402.4; 148, 286,
Hannah M. (Junior), 2313 w . Stuart. Flo Collins.
CO, 80526; 214.
Kayla D. (Senior), 1628 S. jonesboro, Russellville.
Patrick L. (Senior), 31027 Torres Drive, lacombe.
[A 70445; 205.
Ronald W. (Senior), 31027 Torres Drive,
La combe. LA. 70445; 205.
Lightle, julian B. (Sophomore), 107 Sunset Place,
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Lightsey, lisa Bdh (Junior). 6450 S. 22 1 ~t E.
Ave., Broken Arrow, OK, 74014.
Liimana, Ingrid E. (Junior). 26 Wisner 51.,
Pontiac, MI , 48342.
Lillard , Jared H. (Freshman), 441; Westbrook
Road, Memphis, TN, 38135; 186,282.
Lin. Jih-H~ing (Freshman), 1308 Greenfie ld Ave.,
Nashville, TN, 37216: 186.
Linck, Janice (Faculty). _I lynnwood Drive.
Searcy, AR, 72143: 63.
Lincks, Billye (Staff), 705 E. Woodruff. Searcy,
AR. 72143.
Lincoln, Nathanici J. (Sophomo re), 392 Yarnell
Road, Searcy, All., 72143; 20;.
Danie[ l. (Junior), 126 S. Skyview Drive,
Nederland. CO. 80466; 148.
LinnellC R. (Junior). P.O. Box 212, Gulden. CO,
80402; 148
Linder, Steven Z. (Freshm;ln), Rt.l Box 470,
Dumas, All.. 71639.
Lindsey. Dorn W. (Grd MFT). 230 E. Mitchel!
lane, Searcy. All., 72143; 81.
Linds ley, William T. (Sophomore), 634 CrJwford
Circle, Sullivan, MO, 63080.
Alissa L. (Senior), 19316 Pike 220, Clarksville,
MO,63336; 126,247.268,271,2&1
Angela A. (Sophomore), 19316 Pike 220,
Clarksville, MO, 63336; 167.
Lipeamon, Jenelle A. (Sophomore), RI. I, Box
30. Rockport, Il, 62370; 167,284.
Lirette. leah M. (Senior), 5515 Sycamore Creek
Drive, Kingwood. TX, 77345.
Jane (Freshman), P.O. Box 354 Capalaba,
Brisbane, QLD. AUSTRALIA; 186,280,300.
Kimberly R. (Grd Educ), 614 Evelyn lane,
Burleson, TX, 76028; 196, 304, 310.
Kristy A. (Junior), 3215 Choctaw, Memphis, TN,
38111; 2%.
Matthew W. (Senior). 11.1. 1, Box 66. Cooper, TX.
75432; 126,282.
Rich (Staff), Harding Village Apt. H- I , Searcy, All..
72149: 55, 206.
Stacy M. (Sophomore), 11.1. 1, Box 66, Cooper.
TX, 75432: 186, 278
Linlejohn, Todd A. (Sophomore), 412 Lemans
Way, Fairview Hts., [L, 62208.
Lively, Heather A. (Sophomore), 2551 Mapleton
Ave .. Boulder. CO, 80304; 167.
Livingston. Stephen M. (Sophomore), 911 S.
Lahoma, Norman. OK. 73069; 167,304,306
Marcie (f acuity), 43 Harding Drive. Searcy, AR,
Rees.jr. (Facuity), 612 live Oak Drive, Searcy,
AR,72 143.
Ted (faculty), 43 Harding Drive, Searcy, AR.
72143; 65.
Locke, Clint J. (Sophomore), 2612 lambda lane.
Flower Mound, TX, 75028: 167,286.
Locklin, Oscar J. (Freshman), 5703 Sand$tone
Drive, Pace, Fl, 32571; 186.
Lockwood, jamie N. (Special), 8923 Melinda
Court, San Antonio. TX, 78240; 186, 276, 284.
Devan l. (Junior). 1046 jasperson Drive,
Madison, TN, 37115; 199.
Heather Carrier (Senior), 10298 Rene. Clio. Ml.
48420; 127. 276.
SCOll A. (Senior), 23121 Grove, 51. Clair Shores,
Ml, 48080; 127,240,3 10.
Roben T. (Junior). P.O. Box 82, Pleasant Hill. Il,
62366; 149, 186,282, 300.
Sarnh W. (freshman). 1'.0. Box 82, Pleasant Hill,
[l, 62366; 284.
April K. (Special), 110 Indian Trail, Searcy, AR,
C. Brent (Junior), 39 Aberdeen Drive, li ttle Rock,
All., 72211: 149,205.
Christopher R. (Senior), 1 Wiseman Place. Searcy,
AR,72 143.
Jayme M. (Frc$hman), 18 Robbye La ne, Searcy.
All., 72 143; 282
larry (Facu[ty), .1 Wiseman Place, Searcy, All..
72143; 50. 51, 75.
Rachel M. (Sophomore), 12049 Oa klan d Ave., Mt.
Mo rris, MI, 48458.
Robert M. (Freshman). 12049 Oa kland Ave., MI.
Morris, MI, 48458.
Robin K. (Senior), P.O. Box 731. 13:lld Knob, All..
Whitney J. (Sophomore), I WiSeman Place,
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Longar . Kenneth Darren (I' Grad). 2271 Hohm:s
Road, $carcy, All., 72143; 196.
Lopez, Maria I. (Freshman ), Dc la te:.:aco 1/2 C.
Aleste 112 c. al Sur. ilaaco, NlCA; 186.
Lougee. Adam M. (Freshman). 5122 Sc<;:nic Ave.,
Me:.:ico, NY, 13114; 186.
Lovejoy, Craig A. (Sophomore). 155 Ouaw" 51.,
Ventura. CA, 93001.
LovO, Ouo W. (Jun ior), 6 Calle 1'11:.13 EICalvario
• 7, COjutepeque.Cuscatlan, ELSA; 149. 282.
Aaron M. (Sophomore). 38 Sherwood loop,
Searcy. All., 72143; 167.
Dawn (Staff). 38 Sherwood loop, Searcy, AR.
72143: 87.
Jeremy (Freshman). 204 S. Moss SI.. Searcy, AR,
72143: 186.
1.1inee E. (Sen ior), 6118 Chanticleer Drive.
Keithville, LA. 71047: 127,257,282.
Rebekah E. (Sen ior). 38 Sherwood Loop. Searcy.
All., 72143; 127.
Carie Amber (Grd MFT). 66 Hawthichket Road.
Mt. Vernon. All.. 72111.
Judy C. (Freshman), 166 Jamie lane. Beebe. All..
72012; 186. 286.
Wanda (St aff), 166 Jamic lane. Beebe, All.. 72012:
Elisabeth A (Grd MFT), 103 lile~. Searcy. All..
Jeremy A. (Junior). 103 Liles. Searcy, All., 72143:
Mary (StafO, 103 Lib, Searcy. AR, 72143; 87.
A:my l. (Sophomore), 2101 l"-1lrilyn Drive.
Jefferson City. MO. 65109; 284.
Jeffrey M. (Senior). 308 South G. Ave.
Collinsville, OK, 74021; 127.
Kari D. (Junior), 19810 Southwe~t 79th Ave.
Miami. FL, 33189.
Michael (HUGSR), 337 StOUt SI., Bridgepon. WV.
Nathan A. (Sen ior), 2101 Marilyn. jefferson City,
MO, 65109; 127.
Lucich , David j. (Junior), 64 Hopewell 1.1ne.
COlllit, MA. 02635; 149, 278, 306.
Ludy, Deborah l. (Sophomore), 238-04 117th
Ave., Elmont, NY, 11003.
Lum pkins. Shane l. (Jun ior), 704 Iris lane.
Victoria. TX. 77904: 149, 286. 292, 306.
Jeanene A. (Senior). 109 Choctaw, Searcy. AR,
72143; 127.
Taleen A. (Fresh man), 109 Choctaw, Searcy. All.,
72143; 186. 280, 288.
Lungo, lonnia K. (Senior). Sa Calle Ori nte '"3-5,
A Huaehapan, El SALVADOR: 127, 276.
Luten, Molly B. (Senior), 130 Starl in. Americus,
GA. 31709.
Lutes, Jennifer A. (Freshman), 4208 N.W. 145th,
Oklahoma City, OK. 73134: 186, 280.
Luttrell. Victoria l. (Freshman), 3902 Forestdale
Ave., Woodbridge. VA. 22193; 18, 199.
LuU. joshua G. (Freshman), 402 N. Washington
51., Tulbhom;l. TN. 37388.
Lyman, Dcbor,lh D. (Sop homore ), 1302 E.
Market, Searcy, AR 72143.
Lyons, Edward B. (Junior). 138 S. Sequoia Blvd ..
Florence, Al. 35630.
laura A. (Junior), 5187 King St., Beamsville.
Robyn ) . (Sophomore). 3101 Evens, Windsor.
Ontario, CANADA. N9E 2v4; 167. 280. 298,
James (Faculty), II 112 Magnolia, Searcy, All..
n, 73.
joni (StafO. II 112 Magnolia, Searcy. AR, n143;
Madar, Eliot C. (Sophomore). 1'.0. Box 6 18,
Carlisle, AR. 72024: 217.
Molly E. (Sen ior). 6833 Dugk Coun. Boulder,
CO, 80301.
Sarah E. (Freshman). 6833 Bugle Coun, Boulder,
CO. 80301; 186.
Conney N. (Senior), 106 Harpeth Hills Drive.
Fr.lOklin. TN, 37069.
Dana K. (Senior). 1836 Carl Drive, Rescue , CA.
95672; 278.
Madison. Melanie C. (Junior). Box 368. Codorus.
PA, 17311: 149.
Darlene V. (Senior). 730 Madrid St., San
Francisco. CA. 94112; 127,288, 290.
Wynema J. (Freshman), 730 Madrid St., San
Francisco. CA, 94112; 186,278,288.
Madrid, Eleida Y. (Freshman). $ector ""3, CHDR
205, Ceno Batea. PANA
Magar, Jason N. (Sen ior), 9925 Stardust Trail,
linle Rock, All.. 72209; 127,288,292.
Magloth in , Emily E. (Fres hman), 1608 Loberg.
j onesboro, All., 72401; 186.
MagnuSS()n , Krista l (Freshman). 8615 E. 98th
St .. Tulsa, OK, 74133: 186. 300.
Mahon, Kaylea B. (F reshman), I ;02 Pine Lane,
Port Neches. TX, 77651.
Mahoney, Sleven (HUGSR). 1192 Mary Jane
Cove, Memphis, TN, 38116
Major. Jennifer Kate (Senior), 2311 Ewing Drive,
Lebanon, TN, 37087; 101, 127, 276, 290. 296.
Makarov. Vladislav A. (Sophomore), 10020
Hardin Road. Piqua, OH, 45356: 167, 310 .
Makarova . linda A. (Senior), 5th Army Street 31
48. Omsk. 644099, RUSSIA; 34, 100. 127,27 1,
Maling, Dana M. (Junior), 162 Depot St .. S.
Easton, MA, 02375; 149.
MaU, David (HUGSR). 383 Madison Ave.,
Memphis, TN, 38103: 1%,
Maloney, Taniya l. (Freshman), 231 PolariS.
WSMR. NM, 88002: 186, 276.
Maluge n . Jennifer l. (Junior).
MaluolOga, Eric l. (Freshman). 94-447 Apowale
St., Waipahu. HI. 96797; 217.
Ronnie j. (I' Grad). 115 Mandrell Ro-..d. Judsonia,
AR,72081 .
Shannon A. (Freshman). 1 White Oak Circle,
Searcy, All.. 72143: 186.286.
Mangas , Heather (Freshma n). 855 W. Wagner
Coun, Gilbcn, AZ, 85233
Manley. M:tnhew T. (Sophomore). 210 Chastain
Road. Seffner, Fl, 33584; 167.
Mannard, Karen E. (Senior), 3285 Flor-.. , San Luis
Obispo. CA, 93401; 127,280.
Dale (Faculty), ;1 Indian Trail. Searcy, AR,
72143; 56, 247, 302.
E[ijah T. (Sophomore), 51 Indian,Trail. Searcy,
Mansur, J. Earl (Grd MFT), 1316 E. Market ... 4.
Scarcy. All.. 72143.
Gale L. (Senior). 1015 London Drive, Anadarko,
O K, 73005; 126.
Scon A. (Senior). 41 Rabbit Run lane, Many, LA.
Mruue lla, julie S. (Sophomore), 3448 Hwy. 73 E..
Hope, All., 71801; 167.
Charles W. (Senior), 611 E. Fameman, South
Bend, [N, 46614; 99. 127,276.
James D. (Sophomore), 611 E. Fameman SI.,
South Bend. IN, 46614 : 167, 276.
Marin, Marcos M. {Senior),·1 3rd Ave .. Corozal
Marinova, Daniela (Fre$ hman), 128 Apache,
$earcy, AR, 72143.
Mariotti, Nicholas D. (Freshman), 25430
Marchetich lane, Pass Christian, MS, 39571:
186, 288.
Maritim, Jerry K. (Freshman).
Marks . David Robert (Junior), 7134 Queenscliff
Road. Quee nscliff. NSW 2096, AUSTRALIA:
Markum, Collin J. (Srx:cia1), 5274 Allo-Jks Court,
jacksonville, Fl, 32258; 93. 186. 298.
Benjamin l. (Sophomore). 3 137 Blue Ridge
Drive, Shelby, l\C, 28150; [98.306.
Sherrod B. (Junior), 17 Rose;lnne. Conway, AR.
David C. (Freshman), 14229 Michaux View W:lY,
Midlothian, VA, 23113; 186.
Dena (Junior). 272 Dewey Road, Pangburn, AR,
Alan M. (Senior), 24 13 E. Plainview Road, Hope,
All.. 71801; 127, 278.
AlIi~on E. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 1875, Searcy,
All.. 72145; 167. 276.
Amanda H. (Fresh man), 15 Windsor Drive.
Hamilton. OH. 45013.
Amy M. (Sophomore). 2413 E. Plainview Road,
Hope. All., 71801; 167.
Ashley N. (Freshman). 7144 County Road 1017,
Joshua, TX. 76058; 186.
Barbara (Stam, 102 lambert Circle. Searcy, All..
72143: 87.
Dana (StafO, 612 East Center, Searcy, All., 72143.
[)nnna Sue (Grd Educ), 503 E. Park, Searcy. All.,
721 43.
Freda (Staff), ... 4 White Oak Court. Searcy. All.,
Greg W. (Sen ior). 10346 Forest Place. Rolla. MO.
65401; 127,286.
Aliason H. (Junior). 1176 Farmer St.. Crestview.
Fl, 32539; 149. 294.
Jam<;:s A. (Se nior). 23 S. Sumiu Drive. Cabot, All..
72023; 127.
jamie (Staff). 2103 Beebe Capps Exp. 16, Searcy,
AR, 72143: 87.
Jennifer l. (Senior), 3365 SW 192nd Ave., Al oha.
OR, 97006; 127, 268, 304.
Joe (HUGSR Staff), 1390 Kimball, Memphis, TN,
Joella L. (Junior), 1408 Tulip St., Searcy, AR,
Kathy (Faculty), 17 "hgnolia Drive, Searcy. All..
72143Kerri D. (Senior). 952 Hwy. 258, Bald Knob, All..
Kevin A. (Sophomore). 233 Rolling Hills Drive.
Jackson, TN, 38305; 167.
Liana l. (Freshman), 44 12 Ansbauch Drive,
Midlothian. V,\. 23113.
Bobby S. (Freshman). 10 Oalewood, SeHCY, Alt
Scott E. (Junior), 1127 Morrow Ave .. Nashville,
TN. 3720<1: 149. 186. 217.
Allomry G('neral frmet R(!IIO was the first wOllum
attorney g<tmJral 0/ the Ulli/cd Stales. She was fin;!
,wmi'Ult"d by Presidclll Clilllon ill 1993, and she
wasappoi.lIl!dagail1i1/ 1997.Agraduatco/HaYVard
LawSchool, Ms. Re1/o, 59,/ocused on tbe prr:U(,IIIiOIl
0/crime a mOllg tbe youtb o/the cou 'llry a1/d stressed
early illlervelllioll to keep childrrm away/rom gangs,
dmgs at/d uiolc!l/cf? lAte ill 1997 she ,m~Y!i"'d all
ad~·erti.sillg campaig" urgillg the lIalion 's yOlllh to
become l>lvoit"Cd in lleigborbood crime prwemioll
alld commllnity sendee. (RN Photo)
lynn Michelle (Junior). 8 Ridge Road. Searcy. AR.
Steve A. (Senior). 109 Red Oak lane. Searcy. All.,
72143; 127.
Steve (Stam, 1408 Tulip. Searcy, AR, 72143.
Thaddeu$ S. (Senior): 82.
Tod (Staff), 612 E Center, Searcy, AI<, 72143.
Wilt (Faculty). 149 Pinon Drive. Searcy, AR,
72143; 6;.
jennifer (Freshman). 1735 W. 60th "'1\1305,
Hi~leah, Fl. 33012; 186.
Orlando (Senior).
Martinie. Andren R. (Freshman), 310 1171 St.,
MiddlelOwn, IL, 62666: 186, 304.
Marvin. Stephen Richard (Grd Educ). 14992
Hanford Annona Ro-Jd, Hanford. CA. 93230:
jennifer (Junior), 305 Me;ldowlake Apt. "'7,
$e;lrcy, All., 72143; 149,284.
Stephen S. (Fresh m;ln), 1305 W, M"lin,
Clarksville, TX. 75426; 186.
Mashburn, Chad David (Senior). P.O. Box 644.
Idabel, OK. 74745; 217.
Karon (StafO. 109 Ashley Drive, Searcy. AR,
Re' (Starn. 12 Opah Street, Ward. AR. 72176.
Thelma {Starn, 14 Stoneybrook lane. $earcy, AR.
Gregory A (Senior), 7408 N.W 28 St., Bethany,
OK, 73008; 127.
Jady R. (Grd Educ), 21715 N.E. l 09th.St.,
Vancouver. WA. 98682.
lisa M. (Sen ior). 163 22 Acapulco. Houston. TX,
77040; 199.
Constance). (Junior). 2253 Hickory Crest.
MemphiS, TN, 38119; 149.267.282.
John Y. (Senior), 2253 Hickory Crest. Memphis,
TN, 38119; 127, 264, 268, 276, 286, 294.
M:tS ters
Andy (HUGSR). 240 W. While Road, Colliervilk
Lesa D. (Freshman). 1'.0. 130,; 64, Lepanto, AR.
72354; 187.
Andrea M. (Freshman). 240 W. White Road.
Collierville. TN, 38017; 187.
Mathause r , [sabel (StafO. 4019 Hwy. 36 w ..
Searcy. AR. 721 43.
Adam (Sophomore), 815 ASCOt Circle, Beaumont.
TX, 77706: 167, 282. 300.
Darren (Faculty), 47 While Oak Circle. Searcy.
Alt 72143
Greg (Junior). 10 Watcnree Drive, The
Woodlands. TX. 77380; 149. 239, 282, 290.
Hazel j . (Freshman), 423 Hillside Circle. West
Monroe. LA. 71291: 288.
Deidre C. (Sophomore), 5414 Meadowick.
Mcmphi~, TN, 38115; 167.
Jo (StafO, 809 Randall, Searcy, AR, 72143.
Stephen (HUGSR), 2022 Balhown Road,
Niskayuna. NY. 12309.
Willa (StafO. 1407 Fox Drive. Searcy, All.. 72143.
Christopher (Junior). 208 Summcrwood Drive,
Searcy. All.. 72143.
Cyndi Denise (Grd Educ). 208 Summerwood
TEA CH. (Teaching Eacb At'(lilable
Cbild"s ''''art) First Row:}I!n nif(.!r Wood,
Robill /Jakill, 1£Alln H(l!tge, Amanda
Pranll. Am)' Brown . Second Row:
I.allrie SIIOW, Aprfl Perry, LaRae
Crawjord, Rebecca I-Iug, Caroline
Bam'to, Cy lldi ConI/eli, Karen Kelley,
Stepbell Kelly, lbird Row: Dr.jeanine
Peck (sponsor), A/lJwjolles, Autmllll
Shuuleswor/b, Amy 'f'Imswll, Kim
Melillo, Carol Douglass, ThC'resa
Wilsoll . Pbolo by Kristi Bums .
Theta BettI Kap}m. (Social CII/b) First
row: Linda ThompsolI, Robill Dakill,
jelllli/er K>lighl, Angelu Millellu,
Alldrea CmlllOll, jem"fe~ Hurd.
Secolld row: SIISUII jOhIlSOIl, Christi
Davis, Kristu Mugm/ssoll, AI/wilda
Holltmd, BetbSmalfwood, Muriejolles
7blrd row: COIlroy Lam, Sarubjejfrr:y,
Ange/a Sanders, Mtmdy Embersoll .
Fourlh row: Russell Broum. Bob
1.ogsdoll, Troy Lakey, KasC'y DellIlY,
Adum SimmOlls, jmla Melloll . Pholo
by Briml Helldricks
Tbeta Ttm Delta. (Social Club) Firsl
row: jason Dylliewski, Nick l.etsi'lger,
Bert/ard Haddock, Adam Nesbill .
Secolld row: Juy johllsoll, Slejullie
ClilberlSOIl , jody Kuight, Kellill
Birdu:ell. Third row: Robert Hellson,
Dustin Hou:ell, Samh RUlldolph, l.allra
Lejarzur,jody BIIIII . Founh row: G,'Ojf
Hardiu, jaJ.'I! Satcher, Tj'l! Clo/hier,
Damoll Herrell, Raben COgsill, Greg
Romauo . Fifth row:jay&umon, Da/Fld
GOri, Brew 1f/i/SOIl, MallMilligulI, Mall
Cosby. Photo by Bri'lII Helldricks.
Timotby C/llb. First Row: Mack
McFarland, Bob £ogsdoll, Slacel!
Baysinger. l.aura Hale, Missy SlIgsS,
Russell Lawyer, David Beny, SbanllOlI
COOJ><:r. Second RaUl.' KeVin /-IudSO'I,
Brian Whifl, Drew SWllfield, /JlIsliIl
Bart,,!!. Shalle Helm. Dall Stockstill
(sponsor), jane lillie. 7bird Row: jou
justice, jaso'l Si/llIl/OIlS, Luk Bmz!t',
Chad Tappe, Micbael Fmm, Alldrew
Bai..'(!r, FOUr/bRow: RobO ' LYI1I1, Aa1"O'1
Pugb, Eddif' Stillwell, jeremy Shelby,
Adam Matbews, Be>! Hill, Cbmwillg
Brad/ord. Photo by Briull He>!dricks .
Drive. Searcy. AR, 72143.
Cymhia D. (Junior). 2238 S. Mill " 8. Tempe, AZ.
fl5282; 149,292, 312
OUSlyn R. (Freshman). 11211 S. Lynn lane,
Broken Arrow. OK. 74011; 294.
Elisheba (freshman). 12824 S. Emer.lld, Chicago.
II.. 60628; 187.
Jeffrey (HUGSR). P,O. Box 41582, Memphis, TN.
Jonathon (HUGSR), 5568 Lyford. MemphiS. TN,
Brian L. (Freshman), 917 W. From SI. , Wilton,
AR, 71865; 187,286.
Scott A. (Senior), 1600 Clan::nce. Temple, TX,
Seth A. (Freshman), 35R Adams Pond Road,
Derry, NH, 03038; 187, 282.
Veronica (HUGSR), P.O. !lox 41582. Memphis,
Mattox, Ryan J. (Freshman), 6 Jawanda. Searcy,
AR, 72143.
!\falule , Erika M . (Sophomore), Col Las CoHms 5
Ave N"175G, Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS; 167.
Ma uldin
Chriswpher (HUGSR). 700 Redbud, West
Memphis. AR. 72301.
Sharon (HUGSR), 700 Redbud, West Memphis,
Maximova, Yclena Anatolyevna (Senior). RUSSia
14 1980. Moskovskaya obbst, Dubna ui.
I'onterkorvo 7-45, RUSSIA; 34. 127. 271. 288,
Maxwell. Shelly M. (Freshman), 512 Haynes
Drive, DeRidder, LA. 70634.
AlllY J. (Senior). 20257 Santa Rosa Drive.
Springdale, AR. 72764; 127, 278.298.
Cecil (HUGSR). 603 H:mis Drive, South Fulton.
TN. 38257.
Christopher A. (Sophomore), 704 Johnson,
Clarksville, AR, 72830; 217.
Emily J. (Senior). 1015 Coolidge 51.. Tupelo, MS.
38801; 127.
Kimberly M . (Freshman), 15104 Naturewalk
Drive, Tampa, Fl. 33624: 187.
Kenneth R., Jr. (Sen ior). 2537 W . Gary, Broken
Arrow, OK, 74012; 128.284.
Keri (Stall).
Roben A. (Sophomore), 2537 W Gary 51., Brokcn
Arrow, OK, 74012; 167.
Mayfield , Jennifer J, (Grd Educ), 545 Marion
Ave" Mansfield, OH, 44903.
Mays, MaraJ. (Junior), 1711 Garfield 51., Bastrop,
TX, 78602; 149. 278.
McAdams, Rachel L. (Sophomore), 306 Hwy. 385
N.,Judsonia, AR, 72081; 167, 288.
McAnaUy, Rhonda J. (Junior), 400 S. Oak, ApI. 3,
SeaKY, AR, 72143.
Amy C. (Senior), 6814 Farnaby Coun. Spring. TX.
77379; 128. 182. 288
Jody C. (Freshman), 6814 Famaby Coun. Spring.
1X 77379; 286.
Mc8ay, He;uher R. (Freshm:IO), 3314 Hwy. 29
Soulh, Hope, AR. il80l; 187.
McB room, Aaron J. (Freshmon), III 1'.1&1>1 Road.
Rose Bud. AR, 72137.
McCabe, Amanda l. (Freshman), 9903 S. Urbana
Ave., Tulsa, OK. i4137; 187, 282.
McCa lip , lisa J. (Sophomore), 1445 Bronson
A,·c .. Modesto, CA, 95350; 167.
McCall. Kristy L. (Freshm:m). 810 Merrill St.,
Searcy, AR. 72143; 187.
McCammon. Teresa Renee (Grd Edue), 11920 N.
C.R. 200 E. Farmersburg, IN. 47850.
McC'unpbell, Duane (Faculty). 119 Bristle Cove.
Searcy. AR. 72143.
McCann. Stephen M. (Freshm:ln). 3780 Altru ria.
Bartlell, TN, 38135; 187.
Carb Fay (Sophomore), PSC 41. Box 5625. APO.
AE,09464; 199.
Jennifer J. (Junior). 2601 River Oaks, Belion, TX.
76513,150, 278.
McCaulla. Justin K. (Freshman), P.O. Box 463.
Davis, OK, 73030; 187, 286.
McC lain
Elizabeth A. (Freshman). 2010 Park St..
Pocahonta~, AR, 72455; 18i. 288.
Sara l . (Sophomon:), 2010 N. Park, Pocahontas.
AR, 72455; 187, 288.
McClay. James B. (Junior), 19204 Mt. Airey Road.
Brookeville, MD, 20833; 150,282,298.
McClellan. Kimberly A, (Junior). 1'.0 . Box 191,
Brownfield, ME. 04010; 150.252.280,2%.
McCloskey, /l.hrk E. (Freshm:IO), 11854 Newton
Road. Bowling Green, OH, 43402; 187.286.
McC lu re . Marcus T. (Junior). 12811 Asbury Drivc,
Ft. Washington, MD, 20744; ISO, 217
McCondichie, Daniel M. (Senior), 14625 DeSoto
Road , Olive BrJnch, MS, 38654 .
McCool. Daniel D. (Sophomore), 416 Vardbert
Drive. Biloxi. MS, 39531 ; 18, 19').
McCord, William K. (Senior), 1252 Imperial
Drive. Columbia. TN, 38t.iOl; 128, 276.
lynne (Stall), 19')1 Hwy. 64 W., EI Paso. AR.
72045; 87.
MCg:ln L. (Senior). 1991 Hwy. 64 W ., El Paso. AR.
72045; 128, 260, 284 , 298, 308.
McCormick, Jennifer lynn (Junior), 1162
lostinda. El Cajon. CA. 90219; 150,288.
Frank (Faculty). 713 E. Market St. -5. Sea rcy. AR.
72143: 78. 79. 282.
W~slt:y J. (Sophomore), 239 Ikenlwood. Hudson.
OH.44236: 167. 282.
McCoy. Jennifer A. (JUnior). 6057 ColonyhiH
Drive, B:m1cu. TN. 38 135: 280
M cC~..
Regina M. (Junior). 707 Johnson Rood. Gal lipolis.
Ryan M. (Sophomore). 106ld:lho Ave .• Libby.
M cC~aT)', Justin M. (Freshm:.m). 104 N 16th St ..
Wheeling, wv. 26003: 1/:17.290.
M cC~T)', Heath~r(Freshman). 14710 Hwy. 5.
Cabot, AR. 72023: 187.
McCue. linda M . (Freshman). 33 N. Canlon Road.
N. Canlon. cr. 06059: 187.
McCuisto n
Rachcll. (Freshm:m), 10 Hawthorne Drivc.
Newnan. GA. 30263: 187. 284. 288, 294.
Ryan A. (Freshm an), 2500 Jack Drive. Hillsdale,
1\11.49242: 187.
Clarence, Jr. (Staff), 171 Keith RO:Ld. Searcy. AR,
Crystlll D. (Freshman). 1109 Clar'..L St.. Wynne,
AR. 72396: 187.
Cynthia D. (Freshm:m). 880 Spur PI:Lce. Rio
Rancho. ;>;M. 87124: 284.
Donna M. (Junior). 804 Sherwood. Pasadena. TX.
n502; 284.
Eric:.!. R. (SOphomore), 1598 S.W. 7th Ave .. Boca
RalOn. Fl. 33486: 167.
Mauhew D. (Senior), 15115 Stcvens Road. Olalla.
WA, 98359: 296.
Sedrick (Junior). 2107 Happy Bend Road, Atkins.
McFaddin. Amy E. (Sophomore), 4866 Kdly's
Mill Drive. lilburn. GA. 30247: 168.
James M., JR (Junior). 217 I"ature's Cove Road,
i':ewnan, GA. 30263: 300. 312.
Rachel O. (Sophomore). 217 Natures Cove Road,
i':ewnan, GA. 30263: 168. 284. 292. 312.
McF ield. Charles (HUGSR), 3654 Barron A\"e •
Memphis, TN. 38111.
McGah a, Sue (St3ff), II Julner Ori\'e. Searcy. AR.
McGa hey, julie Sh3e (Senior). 80x 654. Healdton.
OK, H438.
McG hee. Bobby (Senior). SOl N. Pine. Apt. 8.
Searcy. AR. 72143McG lawn. Jason A. (Freshman), 4036 Highw:LY
M, Imperial. MO. 63052: 187, 294 .
Joshua A. (Senior), 11705 I>eacock Trail.
Hagerstown, /TolD. 21742: 21. 101.
Misty C. (Freshman), 11705 I'eacock Trail,
Hagerstown. MD. 21742: 187.
McG uffey, Nancy Diane (Grcl Educ). 1935 lyon
St., BatewiHe, AR, 72501
McG uinn css. Ali cia M. (Fre.~hman). Rt. 1. Box
173 A, Vinct:nL OH, 45784: 187,256.284.
Mcintos h
Blake W. (Freshman), .3 Arnold Drive,
Texarkana. AR, 71854: 296.
Craig A. Qunior). 644 Cane Road. Grifflthv,lIe.
Ken L. (Sophomore), 644 Canc Rood.
Griffllhville. AR, 72060.
Mci ntyre, Adam l . (Freshman). 3312 Big Bend
Court, lexington. KY. 405 17: 187.286.
Mc Kea nd, Jeffrey O. (Sophomore). 11 4
Candlewick Circle. I>aoama City. Fl . 32405:
Hot air balloon rides are being given during Homecoming activities. Manyalumni
and Harding students enjoyed the game, musical and c/ubactivities that happened
during Homecoming week. Homecoming was a special time/or both students and
alumni who returned. Photo by Kristi Bums.
AR, 72823: 217.
Mc Donald
Daniel P. (Freshman). 680 Hwy. II, Se:Hcy. Alt
Daniel J. (Sophomore). Rt. I, Box 2140.
Corsicana. TX, 75110: 167,282.
James D. (Senior). 8 Peppcrtret: Place, Searcy.
AR.72143Haley D. (Sophomore). 100 West End.
Centerville, TN. 37033: 153, 167.284.
McDo...'dI, S<Ott (HUGSR), 1910 Sycamore Vit'w.
Memphis. TN. 38134 .
McElroy. George I>. (Freshman). 818 Hollow
Creek Drive, Newbern. TN, 3B059
McFadden. I'aul (HUGSR). 1643 High~y 228.
Bono, AR. 72416.
McKee. Buddy (St aff). 1314 Del Sur. Sea rcy. AH.
McKe nzie , Sarah (Stafn, 103 South Holly. Apt. 1',
Beebe. AR. 72012: 87.
Mc Kinney
Angie (Staff). 1700 E. Park. Apt 11. Searcy. AR.
72143: 87.
Jenna l. (Sophomore). 5254 23rd Ave.
Columbus. GA. 31904; 168.
Kathryn M. (Senior).
McKinnis. Kimberley J) (Junior). 2004 Yorktown
Court S.. league City. TX. 77573. 280. 308.
McLain, Rabecc:l A. (Sophomore), 42 Dukes
Drive. Garden Cuy. GA. 3 1408: 168. 288
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Ann (Staff). 110 Cherokee Place. $carcy. AR.
Merc hanl
72143; 87.
D:Lve E. (Freshman), 15 Stonediff Circle. Sugar
Karl (HUGSR). 456 Madigan. Morganlown. WV.
l.and. TX. n479: 187.282.
McLaw ho rn . Sarah A. (Sophomore), 1107
Vickie (Junior). 15 ~bp!e SI.. Fryeburg. ME.
Tulane. Arlington, TX. 76012; 168.
Merc hcs
Mclendon. Mandrca M. ( Freshman). 457
Columbia 43. Magnolia. AR. 71753: 187,282.
ClllytOn B. (Jumor). 2103 Becbe Capps. Apt. 30.
::.carey. AR. 72143.
Brandon M. (Sophomore). I 18 Jawanda. Searcy.
Jennifer lee Qunior). 2103 &:cbc Capps, Apt. 30,
AR, 72143.
Searcy. AR. 72 143
Cecelia (Staff). 133 Belle Meade Dri\'e. Searcy.
AN. 72 143: 87.
Don (HUGSR Faculty). 4897 Welchshi re.
Randy (Fatuity), 118 Jawanda, Searcy. AR. 72143:
Memphis, TN, 38117: 84.
£\'elyn (HUGSR Staff), 41>'97 Welchshire.
Rowan (Staff). 133 Belle Mead. Searcy. AR.
Memphis. TN. 38117.
bura K. (Grd £duc). 1533 Bri:arwood, Abilene.
72143; 52.
Steve ( HUGSR Slaff). 7668 Mesa Dri\·e. MemphiS.
Mich:lcl W. (Senior). P.O . Box 469, Judsonia. AR.
TN. 38133: 84.
Teresa (Faculty), 118 Jllwanda l:Lne. Searcy. AR.
72 143Todd (HUGSR). 4897 Welchsire. Memphis, TN,
72143: 46. 50.
James Todd (Junior), 133 Belle Me:Lde Dri\'e.
Merkle. Amanda N. (Junior). 401 W. Fannena
Se:Lrcy. AR. 72143
McMackin. Emily R. (Senior). 1802 ~hc!in Drive.
'16, Dexter. MO. 63841.
Merriman. Rebecca K. (Freshman). 1020 N.
Tuscumbia. Al. 35674: 128. 268. 276. 2/:14.
1);lvi~. Sulphur Spring~. TX. 75482: 1S7.
McMa ha n . Ahmed K. (Grd MFT), 4217 Butler
bne, Emick. VA, 23803: 70.
Jill S (!!ophomore). 109 Frutchey Court, ~1t.
McMahon, Justin T. (Sophomore). 4039 S Cutler
!k!hel. PA. 18343. 168. 280.
Ct .• Springfield. MO. 65807.
.' Shane (HUGS R). 203 Walnut St .. £ngland. AR.
McMaste rs, Mark A. (Sophomore). 1612 Evans.
Mkadclphia. AR. 71923: 168 .•306.
Methe n y. Glen (Slaff). 49 White Oak Circle.
Searcy. AR. 72 143
Me yers. Ryan P. (Junior). 470 N.w. 161 Road.
Malcolm (HUGSR), 2818 Redwood Ave. *1.
Thunder Bay, Ontario. CA:>iA, P7C 1l2.
ClinlOn. MO. 6<i735; 151.284.
M.ic haelso n . Dawn M. (Senior). 4430 Addison
Timothy ( HUGSR). WCC I30x 5000. Dauphin. MI1.
CANA, R7N 2V5,
Place. Sarasota. fl, 34241 : 128.
McM illion. Phillip (HUGSR Faculty). 4950
Middlebrook, Michael (Freshman). 16312 Conez
A\<c" Prairieville. u.. 70769.
Esscxsh ire. Memphis. TN. 38117; 84.
McMinn, Trey l. (Senior), 150 Pinon Drive,
Middle kauff, j a.s<>n ~1. (Sophomore>. 3637 Brook
SI. GreenCistle.I'A. 17225: 168. 276, 280.
Searcy. AR. 72143.
Middleton. Hannah M. (FrL'Shman). 301
Mc Mullen. Paul E. (Freshman): 282.
Muckleroy Road. West Monroe, LA. 71291:
Chad O. (Senior). 8613 Surry Circle. Chattanooga.
187, 276. 282.
Midyett. Clay G. (Junior), 1190 Cherry Road.
TN. 37421: 21. 29. 128. 268, 269, 276.
Meli:1 Ann (Senior), 2595 Carr bne S.E .. Port
Memphis. TN, 38117: 151 ,282.286.292.
Mie rs , Barbar'..L (Crd Educ). 58 Sherwood loop.
Orchard. WA, 98366: 29, 128. 276, 306.
McNeese . Natll lie N. (Freshman). 7316 Coventry
Searcy, AR, 72413.
Cirde, N. Richland Hills, lA. 76180: 187.
Mlese n . Melissa (Fre~ht11:m), P.O. Box liS.
McNeill, Ann a I.. (F reshman), 537 SI:Lcey I)ril'e.
Judsonia, AR, 72081.
Batesville. AR, 72501: 187.
Milam. Rrn;em ari(' L. (Freshman). 19121 Voiland.
Roseville. MI. 48066: 187.284.
McNutt , bur:! l. (Senior). 708 Western Ave ..
Conway, AR, 72032; 128. 276, 288. 310.
Miles, Earnestine (Sophomore), 1'.0.l3ox 112.
McP herson, Molly D. (Sophomore), 1>.O .l3ox 525.
Gilmore. AR. 72339.
Mmanta, Kathleen A. (Freshman). 2879 St. John
West Fork. AR. 72774; 168. 222.
McSpadden. Bill (Faculty), HU I30x 916. Searcy.
Dri\·e. Clearwater. Fl. 33759: 187.
MIlks. Callie J (Sophomore). 6604 Congo Rood.
McSwain. MclaOlC M. (Freshman). 400 Colonial.
Henton. AR. 72015: 168.296.
Memphis. T:\". 38 117: 187.
Mille r
Mc Vey
Andrea l . (Senior). 6525 Bloomington Ave. S..
Blake (HUGSR). 1000 Cherry Road. HIl>103.
Richndd, .\i:\". 55423: 128.
Andy (Stam. S05 W. Arch, Sc::a rcy. AR. 72143.
Memphis, TN. 28117: 196.
I"icole (HUGSR). 1000 Cherry Rood. HB,103.
Ashley R. (Junior). 80x 511. Mansneld. ~10.
Memphis, TN, 38117.
65704.15 1.310.312.
Meadors, Sle\'en K. (Special). 6 19 E. Mohawk
Beni;Jmin j . (Freshman). 4355 w . 371h St.,
Blvd., Tulsa. OK. 74106; 225.
Greeley. CO, 80634: 187,290.
J<x: B. (Fre~hman), 6108 Chrisbm Dri\·e.
Abn R. (Senior), 4400 Mt.Ho\!y, EI Dorado. AR.
Columbus, GA. 31909: 187.
71730: 128.268.290.
Ca rolyn (Sta m, III WJler Oak. Searcy, AR.
Clim M. (Sophomore). 4400 Mt. Holly. El Dorado.
72143: 87.
Charlone W. (Junior).
AR. 71730: 168.284.
CliflOn C. (Junior), 5716 KiSSing Oak. San
Leigh Ann (Freshman). Route I. Box 129. Opp.
Antonio. TX. 28307: 225.
AL, 36<i67; 187.
l)anier:L (l'reshman). 605 Tulane, Wesl MemphiS.
Joel L. (Junior), 33720 bke Joanna I)rive. EU5tiS,
Alt 72301; 187. 292.
FL. 32736: 2%.
Denise (St:am, 155 N. Valley Road. Searcy. AR,
Kristi K. (Freshman). 1109 Reynolds. Springhill.
72 143: 52. 294.
Ellen J . (Sophomore). P.O . Box 8027. Searcy. AR.
LA. 71075; 187, 278.
Medell in . Karl:l (Senior), Ave.Ole 182'392
MOCI.2:1sccc, Mexico City. MEXICO. 15530:
Heather ~1. (Junior), 1025 Tralee Trail.
Be:lvercreek, OH, 45430: 151. 278.
Jam(.'S ~:. (Freshman), 4155 w. Gardenia,
April /'.1. (Sophomore), 2822 W. 900 S.•
Haulendd, MO,65619: 187. 284.
Pendleton, Ii':, 46064.
Jennifer A. (Sophomore). ISS N. Valley Road.
Autry (Freshman). 7 Moh:lwk Drive. Searcy. AR.
Searcy. AR. 72143: 168.
James ~:. (Senior), 706joscphine /\ve .. St.louis,
MO, 63122~ 260, 271, 286, 298.
Eli7.alx1h C. (Senior), 321 Forest Road,
Kan M (Sophomore), 1651 S. St. Ch3r1es,
Henderson. ;';C. 27536: 128. 280. 284 .
Sprin~field. ~1O. 65804; 168. 276.
Kcn (Faculty), 111 Waler Oak Drive. Searcy. AR,
Deann:l Kay (G rd Educ).
Kalie L. (X1pllomore), 7 Alt:lmom Ave .. Albany.
NY. 12205: 198.
l:lUr'J 1'. (Junior). 4355 w . 37th SI .. Greeley. CO.
Mcis10hn. Scotl A. (Senior). 5 Powder Cove.
~1aumdlc, AR. 72113.
leroy (Stam. 800 N. Oak. Searcy. AN. 72 143.
Lori K. (Freshman). 1201 Mohawk SI . DeRidder.
Meli llo
D~vid w . (Freshman). 18 Wedgewood Dri\'c.
LA. 70634: 187.
Danbury. cr. 06811.
Lori Ann (Freshman). 60525 Pigeon I'oint Road.
Knnbcrly M. (Senior). 2600 Tuscar'..Lwa~ Road.
Barnc:-sville. OH. 43713.
Beaver. I'A. 15009: 30. 128.
Manhew l. (Junior). 415 S. Gr'..Lnd Al'e ..
MclJon . Matthew S. (Freshman). 520 Dr.lwbook
Indi:m:lpolis.IN. 46219: 151.
Cirde, New Alb:lny. IN. 47150; 187.278.288.
/Tolatthew B. (Jun ior), 24 White Oak Circle. Searcy.
Mello r , Nathan (Slaff). Apt. D-3 Village Apts ..
AR. 72143; lSI. 246. 288. 290. 302. 3\0. 312.
Seart'Y. AR. 72143: 56
Robin (Faculty). 300 Clinic. "I. Searcy. AR.
Me lton. Jana L. (Freshman). Rt 12. Box 1625.
72143; 66. 67. 302.
Lufkin. lA. 75904: 187. 300.
Todd C. (Senior). 2510 KW . 1 16th Sireet.
Me nges. Jodi M. (Sophomore). 2210 Vernon.
V~ncouver. WA. 98685.
Trenton. Ml. 48183: !98.
Mille tte . Gerard A . Jr (Senior). 3240 Brown
Me nji\'ar. Vicente U. (Freshman). Col Sta
,\ve ..\1ancheMer. NH. 03\03
Sabina.Pic: San Parae!. -5 Cusc:L1anc. San
Milligan. M:ajor M (Special). 5255 G ..... enbrier.
Salvador. ELSA. 187.
Jonesboro, AR, 72543; 187.276. 300
Me nz, Danny R (Sophomore). 57 R(.-dbud Circle.
Mills. Timothy S (Junior). HeR 16. Box 75.
Amelia. O H. 45102: 168.
Me rccr. Danny W (Freshman ). 405 K Walnut.
Inde x
Alphcl Epsilo ll Rho. (Nationa l broadcasting society)
First Row: Andrew Sipes, A lexa Alvarez, Andrea
Thomthwaite. Second Row: Amanda Felkner, jeff Fall, .
Eric Gardner. Third Row: jeremy Anderson, Kevin Box,
Zrinka Rukavina, Heath Laws. Photo by Brian Hendn'cJ~s .
Alpbc, Psi Omega. (Theatre/peiforma ce honor society)
First Row:jenniferBarreU, Mayumi Terada,jennyMoses.
Second Row: Robin Miller (sponsor), Allen Cox, Dawn
Crabtree, Stefanie Glenn, Marcus Neely. Third Row:
Morris Ellis (sponso r), Eve Clevenger, Denajones, Paul
Huebner. Photo by Brian Hendricks.
Americall if.fa.,·k elillg Association. First Row: Flor
Celeste Mun oz, Michelle Sasso, Man'a jose Hurtarle.
Second Row: Ana Aguila r, Anabella Ruiz, Velvet
Hernandez. Third Row: Elys Delgadillo, Steve Gamer,
Charles Walker (sponsor). Photo by Brian Hendricks .
Arcbaeology Club. First Row: Rick Bohannon, joe
Chappel, Lydia Eudoxiadi. Second Row: Cory Edwards,
Robin Ma cKenzie, Ted Shiner, Manda Adams. Third
Row: Dale Manor (spo nsor), julie Bulissa, joshua
Dorrough. Photo by Brian Hendricks.
Barristers. (Pre-law organization) First Row: jamie
Hall, Ryan Halford, KimberlySchweikhard. Second Row:
Matthew Miller, Chris Alspach, Michelle Clark, Susan
Polk. Third Row: Tom Howard(sponsor), Bryan Runions,
Bryan Powell, Andy Olree (sponso r). Photo by Krisli
Belles a"d Beaux. Firsl Row: Stephanie Young, joh,l
Hodges, David Berry, jared Lillard, jeremy Picker, Leah
Romine. Second Row: Nate Lucas, Randy Whitman,
jared AlldersOll, Kelley Curtis, j olene Dennis, Michelle
" win, jim Raines, Ryan Scott, Chuck Hicks (spa/Isor).
Photo by Brian Hendricks.
t1iU 302 Index
Medina. TX, 78055; 290. 292.
Millspa ugh. Brent R. (Sophomore), 8002 Deer
Cree k Road, Greentown, IN, 46936: 168, 286.
Miln e r
Cris R. (Senior). 262 N. Valley Road. Searcy. AR ,
72 143.
Jan (5I.3.fO. 262 N. Valley Road. Searcy, AR.
72 143; 88.
Kelly (Stam. 154 Cloverdale. Searcy, AR. 721 43.
Wayne (Stam. 262 N. Valley Road. Searcy. AR.
72 143; 89.
Milnes, Jul ie A. (Grd Edue).
Mi .... drup. Dena C. (Freshffi3n), 16476 N. 62nd
Ave., Glend:!le, AZ. 85306: 294. 304
Mine Ua. Angel3 B. (Sophomore), 121 Sheffield.
Cedar Hill, TX. 75104: 168. 292.300.
Mino r
Earl (St~m. 610 E. Center. Searcy. AR. 72143.
Jea n (Sta(f). 61() E. Center Ave., Searcy, AR.
72 143.
Mi ra m e , Ch ri stopher (Freshman), 244 Oak 51.,
Natick, MA. 01760: 251, 276, 278. 306.
Aaro n B. (Junior), 155 L"ldd Ridge R03d,
Kingston. TN. 37763; 151. 205.
Am ber J. (Freshman), 30 1 W. Gonzalez.
Pen~3cola , FL, 32501; 187.
Amber D. ( Freshman), Rt. 2, Box 186. Hulbert.
OK, 74441; 187, 278.282.
Drl ( Facu lty), 3 River Oaks I3Ivd., &arcy. AR.
72143: 56.
Janet c. (Fres hman). 141 Cottage Lake Road,
Searcy. AR, 721 43.
Jan (Staff), 141 Cotl.3.ge Lake Road . Searcy. AR,
72143; 290.
Jennifer E. (Senio r). Z224 River Trails Ci rcle.
Rancho Cordova. c..... 95670.
John p, ( Freshman), P.O. Box 185, Pangburn. AR ,
Michael J. (Junior). 9 Cottonwood Court,
Belleville. IL. 62223; 151.
Michelle L. ( Freshman), 103 Loblolly Lane,
Dothan. AL. 36303.
Nicole (Freshman). 4558 Wol.sey Court. Westl3ke
Village, CA, 91361.
Mitc he n . Rebekah L. (Freshman). 18622
Beaconwood Drive, Baton Rouge. LA, 70817;
187. 278.
Mil c husson, Rachel J. (Sophomore), 1303 Martin,
Jackson. TN , 38301; 21 , 168, 280.
MilSun aga, Gregory A. (Sen ior), 901 E. Moore.
Apt. 4, Searcy, AR. 72143.
Mille n , Kimbt!rly (Junior). 14 Woods Way. New
F;tirfie!d, cr, 06812; 98.15 1. 278,
Miyamoto , Mami (Sophomore), 1·21-2 Taka suzu,
Hitachi, looraki.JAPAN, 317; 169.288.
Joseph D. (Sophomore), 1466 Batesville Sh·d ..
Batesville , AR. 72501; 169.
Lora A. (Fr<.'Shman). 1466 Ikncsville Bl vd ..
Batesville, AR, 72501; 187.
Mo ble y, James (HUGSR). 9406 Siezenger,
Memphis, TN , 38133; 196.
Mo ffitt. Gary D. (P Grad), 701 E. Market -18.
Searcy. AR, 72143.
Mo ge y, Steven B. (Senior). 1730 Oak Hills Drive.
Colorado Spg~ .• CO. 80919; 128. 296. 308.
Mo ito'l.O, Jason N. (Sophomore), 23078 Fo rest
Lane. Ta ylor. MI, 48180; 169.
Mo n c rief, Mi~ty (Freshman). 505 Willow, Searcy.
AR, 72143.
Mo nlOOls , Angela C. (Freshma n), 80 Sunfish
Drive, Highland, [L , 62249; 188, 190,282.
Mo nk , Suzanne M. (Junior). 1208 White Oaks
Estates, Van Buren, AR , 72956; 16.
Mo nnin , Jamie Nico le (Junior). 32 Stoney Brook
Lane " 15, Searcy. AR. 72143; 151.
Mo mag ue. Amy L. (Se nior). 701 S. Elm. Apt. H3.
Searcy, AR , 721 43: 128.
Jeff (Staff). 127 Leah Cove, Sea rcy. AR. 721 43; 88.
Karmella R. (Freshman). 5287 Forgeson Road,
H3 rri~on . AR. 7260 1: ISS, 280.
)to nzon. Cian Carlos (Senior), P.O .Sox 61194.
Car:lC2S 106 OF. VE:-.1EZUEL...: 128.
Clay A. (Junior), ['.0 . Box 511. Salem. MO,
65560; 15 1,276.
Gai l l . (Senior).
Kelly O. (Sophomore). 17800 James Way. E;tgle
Ri\·er. AK , 99sn; 169, 294.
Moo n
John, Jr. (Facu lty). 105 Red Oak Lane. Searcy.
AR. 72 143: 73 .
.~1:try L. (Sen io r). 467 Foster Road, Ro man(e. AR.
Moo re
Susan J. (Spec ial).
Wi lli:lm F. (Sop homore), P.O. Box 93. Conway.
Nli. 038 18; 286, 298.
llrbn Ronald (Fre~hman). 4200 Cypress SI. 600.
Tam pa. Fl. 33607.
Charles E. (Senior). 209 Magnolia St .. Newport.
AR, 72 11 2; 205.
Ernc~t W. (Ju nior). 806 W. ~1cRae. Searcy. AR.
72143; 282.
Ja(q uelyn A. (Ju nio r). 183 1 S. Talbott Place.
Waynesboro. VA. 22980: 151.
Je nnifer D. (se nior). 606 2nd SI .. Gul fport . MS.
Jennifer A. ( Freshman), 105 Holly Circle. EI
Dorado. AR. 71730: 282.
Jeremy M. (Frc"hman). 4432 N Va~S;fIr ROlId. Flint.
MI,48506; 188.
Joshua E. (Senior), 2309 w . Nashville Coun.
Bro ken Arrow , OK. 74012; 128, 20S.
Joshua E. (Fres hman), 15243 N. 52nd Pbce,
Scottsdale, AZ, 85254.
Justi n J. (Junior), 200 Triple M Road, Searcy. AR,
72143; 151 , 286.
Kelly E. (Se nior), 110 Ozark Acres, Bemonville.
Kimberly D. (Senior), 8819 E. 9ist Place S.,
Tulsa, OK, 74133; 128.
Lew (StafO, 200 Triple M Road , Searcy, AR.
72143: 53, 70, 7 l.
Elizabeth S. (Junior), 105 Holly, EI Dorado, AR ,
71730: l SI, 282, 290.
Marisa Kalyne (Crd Edue), 2114 William
BreWSter, Irving, IX, 75061 .
Mark (Staff), 104 Mark Lane, Searcy. AR , 72143;
Ruth Ann (Staff), 104 Liles Drive, Searcy, AR ,
72143: 88.
Sherri (Senior), 245 Rivers ide Drive, Pangburn,
AR, ?2121 ; 128.
Steve (Fac ulty), 1306 Wallis, Searcy, AR, 72143;
Sue (Staff), 200 Triple M Road , Searcy, AR, 72143;
Wendy C . (Senior), 124 Venus Loop. Searcy, AR,
Mongne-, Cameron T. (Freshman), 617 Wayne,
N. Little Rock, AR. 72117; 188.
Amy L. (Senior), 6225 N.E. Glisan. Portland. OR,
97213: 128, 268, 310.
Jacob M. (G rd Edue), 901 E. Park, Apt. 10,
Searcy, AR, 72143; 196.
Marissa M. (Freshman), 71 14 Barberry, N. Little
Rock , AR, 72118: 188.
Jonathan E. (Se nior), 713 E. Market, Apt. I.
Searcy. AR , 72143.
Janna K. (Sen io r), 713 E. Mlrket, Apt. I , Searcy.
AR. 72143; 268.
Moreland, Nicole E. (Freshman), 1911 Mi ssion
Springs, Katy, IX, 77450; 188, 280, 284, 288.
Hannah E. (Freshman), 9301 Curling Pond Lane,
Mem phis, TN, 38133.
Jan (Faculty), 10 Cathy, Searcy, AR, 72143: 58,
81 .
Jeff (Faculty). 15 Dalewood. Searcy, AR , 72 143;
Lance E. (Junior). 8908 S.W. 49 St., Cooper City,
Michelle M. (Fresh nun). 8908 S.W. 49th SI..
Cooper City, FL, 33328; 188.
Ronnie, Jr. (Staff), 107 Humer Road , Searcy, AR,
David Shaun (Junior), RI. 4, Box 2035, Navasotl,
IX, 77868; 50.
Tonya J. (Junior), 40 Firehouse Road, Quitman,
AR,72 13l.
Billy T. (Sen ior).
Mary (Staff), 1208 Hwy. 36 E., Selrcy. AR , 72 143;
Michael D. (Senior), P.O. Box 239, Herna ndo,
MS. 38632: 292.
Mi chell e R. (Junior). 9 ~i3ryland Ave., Alban y,
NY, 12205; 252, 296.
SC01\ (Sta fO , 2 Whippoorwill, Searcy, AR, 72143;
Tonya K. (Fres hm an), lOS Deer Trail, Searcy, AR,
72 143.
Eric O. (Junior). 4215 Jackson, Joplin, MO. 64804:
Ma rjorie A. (Freshman), 370 Sunnydale Road,
Pleasa nt Planis. AR , 72143.
Mark Allen (Freshman). 1104 Quince Hill Road,
Jacksonville, AR, 72076.
Michael E. (J un ior), 351 Linnwood. New Caney,
Sheila R. (5<'lpho more), 3587 Harlowe Ave.,
Boynton Beach, FL, 33486.
Morriss, Meredith Brooke (Jun ior), 806 Lak e ridge
Place, Texarbna, TI<, 75503; 15l.
Morrow. Sherry A. (Freshman). 70S N. SpnlCe St.,
Searcy. AR, 72143.
Christophe r J (Sophomore), 1201 College -64,
Dnton. TI<, 75103; 169, 217.
Eri n M. (Freshman), 15940 State Hwy. AF.
Dexter. MO. 6384 1: 188.
Scot! E. (Se nior), Rt. 'I, Box 89, Tahlequah, OK,
Gregory A. (Freshman), 5101 S. 92nd SI., Ft.
Smi th, AR, 72903; 188.276,280. 310.
Jenny R. (Senior), 1615 Green Meadows Wne,
Atlama, TI<, 75551; 128, 284, 302.
Mosley, Keith A. (Freshman), 36715 Waync,
Sterling Heights, MI , 48312: 188.
Moss, Eha beth A. (Sophomore), 332 Brewer
Drive, Nashville. TN, 372 11 ; 169. 284, 288,
Mos tolle r . Jared L. (Sopho more), 427 Ross Road.
Somerset, PA. 15501: 169.
Kimberly Ann (G rd Educ), Harbin Dorm. Searcy,
AR , 72143
Melissa B. (Sop homore). 216 Third Street. SI.
Marys, V$!V, 26170; 169.
Roddy ( Facully), HU Box 11147, Searcy, AR,
72149; 65, 217.
Mount, Andrew R. (Freshman). P.O. Box 502,
Lynchburg, O H, 45142; 188, 290.
Mo untjoy
Melissa L. (Freshman). 3850 E. Lomita,
Springfield , MO, 65809; 188.
Stephanie R. (Junior). 3850 E. Lomita, Springfield,
MO, 65809; 278. 296.
Mouser, April D. (Sophomore), 4545 Bell Flower
Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, 80917; 169.
Danielle K. (Senior), 12675 Clawson Lane.
Manassas, VA. 20112; 128,276,304,308.
Lauren A. (Freshman). 12675 Cl3wson Lane,
Manassas, VA, 2()112; 188.
Mudge, Jennifer L. (Sophomore). 756 South
Ridgewood , Ormond Beach, FL, 32174; 169.
Amy Diana (St:nior), 2214 LiSl Ann , Harlingen,
Land A. (Senior), 1575 Jiwy. CC, Elsberry, MO.
63343: 128, 292.
James R. (Senior).
Mullierin, Judith C. (Senior), 300 Crystal Ave.,
Apt. 17, Searcy, AR, 72143Mullens, Jerelynn D. ( Freshman), 162 Turtle
Creek Road, I3cnto n, AR, 72015.
Catherine E. (Sen io r), 114 Lee Road, Clyde, NC,
28721 ; 198.
Lyle D. (Freshman), 114 Lee Road , Clyde. NC,
28721; 188, 280, 290.
Christopher (HUGSR), 1210 W. Virgi nia Ave.,
Parkersburg, WV, 26104.
Holl y C. (Sophomore). 6 pebble Hill, Brandon.
MS. 39042.
Rebekah K. (Senior). 45 1 D ndlewood Circle,
Dbot, AR, 72023; 276.
Manhew Todd (Se nior), 55 Newton Ridge Drive,
Covi nglOn, GA. 30209; 263.
Mulvany, James Lindell (Grd Edue).
Muncy, Connie Sue (G rd Edue), 15 White Oak
Circle, Searcy, AR , 72143.
Munns, Malikah D. (Freshman), S613 Old Pine
Road, l inle Rock. AR. 72204; 188.
MunOl:, Flor Celeste (Senior), 24 AV. 6-49 Zona 6.
Guatemala, GUATEMALA; 2, 129, 268,302,
Murphree. Elizabeth K. (Special). 1501
Tonawlnda Drive. Dothan, AL, 36303
Aa ron B. (Freshman). P.O. Box 427. Imboden.
AR, 72434; 188.
Br.lI\don L. (Senior). 2113 Jo nathan Lan e. Searcy.
AR , 72 143; 268.
Chad (Junior); 288.
ChriSty (HUCSR), 5649 Dedo Circle South,
Memphis, TN, 38135.
Jamie S. (Junior), 5907 BriStlecone Court, SI.
Louis, MO, 63129: 151, 240, 288.
James P. (Junior), 423 Cooper Mill Road, N .
Augusta, SC, 29841; lSI, 286.
Bryce w . (Sophomore), 3605 W. Lowry,
Claremore, OK, 740 17: 169,276,280,292,
Lambert (Faculty), 5 Cottonwood. Searcy. AR,
72143; 73.
Nathan E. (Junior), 5 Coltonwood. Searcy, AR,
72143: 217.
Muse, Amy E. (Junior). 1723 Country Club Drive.
TuUahom a, TN. 37388; 151 ,292. 298.
;\iusick,Jane (StlfO. 27 Dalewood, Sea rcy, AR.
Muslicehi. Crystal L. (Senior), 200 O UA 144,
Louann. AR. 71751: 129. 282.
Amanda G. (Sophomore), 1' .0. Box 214, Star. MS,
39167; 169, 280.
Christine (Senio r), 2790 W. Cou ntry Club, Searcy.
Edward (Faculty), 2790 W. Country Club Road,
Searcy. AR, 72143; 57, 253.
Ryan A. (Senior), 66626 Eutg3te Drive.
Cambridge, OH. 43725.
Dianne (StafO, 7 Foxboro, Sea rcy. AR, 72143: 89.
Garret A. (Junior), 7 Foxboro Drive, Selrcy. AR.
72143: 151.
Jerry (Faculty). 7 Foxboro. Searcy. AR, 72143; 63.
Myracle. JessiC:l A. (Freshnun). 551 Woodbury
Drive, Akron. OH, 44333; 188. 286.
~ N
Charles C. (Sophomore). 4645 Craigmont.
Memphis. T!'\. 38128; 169.
Erica D. (Sopho mo re).
Creg (HUGSR), 141 Fisherville Road, Concord.
KH. 03303.
Nash. Earnt:st. Jr. (HUGSR), 1000 Cherry Road.
HB-I 0 2, Memphis, TN, 38 117.
Nasrallah, Freddy (Fresh man), 1416 w.
Hendricks, RO$wcll, NM, 88201; 217.
The rovill8 vebicle Sojol/mer, tb"first IIIvbileexpforcrtolalld 011 allotherpltlm!l, Itlm/ed Oil mars ill 1997 ami
8uthrred soil (lfId rocks Overcomin8 cvmmlllliClltiOll$/rollbfealld other $i'lba cks, tbe Sojotlmerleft tb{' Mars
Patbfillder la lldill8 craft . The robotic rol:ers six lIIetalldx'('fs roll{'(1 s/owfydoll"II tI romp alld loa stop Olilbe
stlrface The Sojoumer, wbich ttYIS aOo/.1 fbe size of a microu:(ll.'e onf/!. ix"8(1II crmt"iill8 aro/flld fix' sUrface
of Mars, Irallsmillit/8 aj100d of I"formatio" 10 scic'}ttislS /xlck 0" I~rrb. (RJI Pboto)
William J. (Sophomore), 604 Holman Ave.,
Cleve13 nd , MS. 38732: 21, 16'), 282.
Colby A. (Sen io r), -6 Bowie Po mt. Sherwood,
AR. 72120; 129, 284.
Debra A. (Sen ior), S09 Walnut St.. Augu~ta. Alt,
72006: 129.
Dianna Lynne (Se nior), 140 Coombe Rood , Bald
Knoh, AR , 72010: 129, 268.
Michael It (Junior). 604 Ho lman Ave., Clt:veland.
MS, 38732: 151. 290.
Z:1chary T. ( Freshma n). 6 Bowie Poim.
She....vood. AR. 72120: 188.284.
Am y Beth (Senior). 8300 Dog Leg Rood, Dayton.
OH. 45414: 129. 280. 286.
Jon ~than E. (Sophomore), 8300 Dogleg Road,
Daywn. Ott, 4541 4; 286.
M:.rcus F. (Junior), 1262 Hickory Ridge Drive,
Mt:mphis. TN. 381 16; 3. 240. 245, 278, 288,
302, 308.
Roben Christian (Senior). 8300 Dog Leg Rood.
Dayton. OH, 454 14.
US~ R. (Sen io r). Rt.l3, Box 1245. Bedford. IN.
P~lricia N. ( Freshman). Box 546, Ca.5C'-Id l·. MT,
59421. ISS. 288.
Neil. I'aul A. (Junior), 5115 I'rince Phillip Con'.
I3remwood. TN, 37027: 151. 217.
Neill. RJnd:1I1 Scoa (Grd Educ). 1'.0 . Box 165,
W3ync\Vri. AK. 99782.
NeUer, Ken (Faculty). 900 Merria St., Searcy. AR.
72143: 57.
Nelms , Rachel Michelle (Junior).
Ne.1on. Laura D. (Freshman). 2408 N. Spri ng.
Amarillo, TI<. 79107.
Nelso n
Gregory A. (Senior), 4206 Herndon. Corpus
Christi , IX. 7841 L
Holly J . (Sophomore), 433 Salem Rood, I3oc lus,
NE, 68820: 169.
RUlhie E. (Sopho mo re). 2415 S. Oa kland Circle.
Auror-J , CO, 80014; 169, 280.
Nes bitt
Ad:.m C. ( Fres hman), 1618 S. Hught:s. Am;.rillo,
n:. 79102: 188. 288. 300.
Amethyst A. (Senior). 1618 S. Hughes. Am:Lrillo,
IX. 79102.
AUSlIIl R. (Junior). 1618 S. Hughes. Am~nl1o. IX.
79102; 282, 288.
Neslc r , Shane,\1, (Sopho more). 35 18 Cherryh ill
Road. Garbnd, IX. 75042: 169, 276, 306.
Neue nschwande r . Heidi R. (J un ior), 3943
Fawnsdale Drive. Montgomery. Al. 36109;
10 1, 151,268. 276.
Jo n (Facu lty), 104 Christi. Searcy. All.. 72143.
Lori Eli7.abcth (G rd Educ), 24 l'olt:;Ldow i.:lne,
Searcy. AR, 72143.
Newhouse . Emily D. (Senior). 401 Dale Or;,·e.
McKinney, TI<, 7S069: 129.284.
Newso m
Ikarbar-l (Staff). 9 Dthy Drive. 5<.':lrcy. All.. 72 143:
Joel W. (Ju nior), 782 1 Hwy. 87. J<!"-Inerelt~·. LA.
.\felanle Lynn (Senior). 1'.0. Box 576, Centcrville.
lAo 70522: 129. 290.
Wi ll (HUGSR). ! 106 Colonial Road. Mem ph i$.
TN. 38 117.
NeWlO n , Mendy T. (Sopho more). 96 1 Halifax,
Ho lts Su mmit. MO, 65043; 169, 284.
Nic hols
Jim (Faculty). 601 Live Oak. Searcy. AR. 72143;
58. 59.
Jim Mark (Sen io r), 601 Live Oak. ~ea rcy. AR.
72 143.
Jonathan D. (Ju nior). Rt5. Box 366, We~t I'oi nt.
,\IS, 39773, 151.
Kath arine Y. (Frt:shman). 3101 Lorn3 RO:ld ") 13.
Hoover, AI.. 3521 6: 188,280. 288.
lottie (St:,ff). 6 Jenny Lynn Drive. Se:lrcy, AN.
Shannon L. (Senior).
Amand a Renee' (Sophomore), 160 Orchard
Trace, Duncan, SC. 29334; 169. 288.
Nicole L. (Junior). 2641 A\vamar. Shreveport. LA.
71!06; 151, 290.
Nickels . Tamar--I A. (Ju nior). . Irian Jay;l.
INDONESIA; 239. 298.
Nickols. Wend)' R. (Senior). 4232 CorrJI Drive.
Dall:ls. IX. 75237; 196.
Nieman. Kevin T. (Sen io r), 7871 Ward m,·d ..
Arpin , WI, 544 10: 217.
NiSsing. Demse L. (Jun io r). WI4 Oberhelman
Road. Foristell. MO. 63348.
Noah, John {Stam. 600 King St. . Searcy. AR.
72143: 88. 185.
Cheryl A. (Sophomore). 1143 Silver Fir Drive,
Lo",~bnd. CO. 80538.
Molly (StafO, 1309 E. l'obrket. Searcy. All.. 72143
1\atllan S. (Sophomore). 1309 E. Markct. Searcy.
AR.72 143
Thomas O ren (Grd Edue). 875 Ridge RO:ld. EI
Paso. AR. 72045
Nob les, Caron (Ju nior). 1858 Kimberwicke Circle.
0,'1<.'<10. FL. 32765; 151. 278
Noblin. Eli7.abeth R. (Frl·"hman). 591 Gun Club
Road. Cabot. AR. 72023: 188.
Noel Thomas R. (Senior). 7102 Cape Cod Court.
Louisville. KY. 40214; 129.2 10.211 , 220.221.
Nokes, Dw,,;n A. (Freshm"n). 7 Dalewood.
Se:HCY. t\It 721 43: 188. 298.
1\oniin. Erin M (Junior). 244 Pinkley Road,
Springdale. AR. 72762: 151.254.
Jennifer L. (Frt:shman). 9850 S:ageroyal. Houston,
IX. 7iOb'9: 188.
Rebeklh A. (Junior), 3308 w. Elk, Dunc:ln, OK.
73533: 292.
Andrt:w J. (Senior), 200 S. 850 West. Rensst:laer.
IN. 47978: 294
w . Jean (Sped,,!). 17 Stoneybook I.ane. Searcy.
All.. 72143.
Nonon , Howard (Slam. 6 River Oaks BInI.,
Searcy, All. , 72143: 57.
Nor-wood. An n (Faculty). 1102 N. Ced;lf. Searcy.
AR.72 143
i'iovotny. Peter L. (Senior), 6191vy Falls A'·e.
.\It:nooa Heights. MN. 551 18.
Nowak. Mlsli Dawn (Grd Educ). 4993 N. Rl\'er
Valley Loop. Tucson. AZ. 85705: 1%.310.
Nowlin. James R. (Freshm:lO), 31 1 Dogwood
Circle. W:I\·erly. TN. 371 85: 188. 21 7.
Camt:ron ( Frc~hlllan). 92t U:II\O, Pasadena. TX,
MelisSa L. (Sophomord. 75S0 E. 19 St.. Tulsa.
OK, 74 11 2. 169
Ad rienne J. ( Fr~'shman). 129 Wt:"tern Hills.
Searcy. AR. 72143, 188, 276. 288
John. Jr (Staff). 129 W,,-'skrn Hills. Searcy. AR.
72 143; 55
Ka th)' (Stall). 129 Western Hills. Searcy. AR.
Nurses Associatio n . 29~ .
Nuzum. Kris t:, K. (Senior), 21 2 Iroquois.
Waxaha chie. TX, 75165: 129. 276.
~ O
O' Brien. Shawn .\ \ (Freshman), 105 Anhur SI ,
New Iberia. LA . 70560: 188
O'Co nnell
Collet:n E. (Freshman). 2 Heather Road. Romc.
GA, 30161; 188.248, 310.
Richard R. (Sophomore), 38 Anne Road.
Plantsville, CT. 06479, 149, 169.
O'OeD. Charline (Sophomore), 5300 W.
Rol1inghil1s, Sherman, TX, 75092, 296.
O'farrt:D, Judie L. (Grd Educ), R1.2, Box 61-H,
Runge, TX, 78 15l.
O' tynn. Roben G. (Freshman), 5061 McLt:ndon
Drive, Antioch, TN, 37013; 188,290, 298,300,
CoiUgiate Music Educators Natio'lal COtiferellce.
First Row: Ben Stewart, jennl/er Sanders, jenny Evans.
Second Row: Melody Colyer, Stacey Randolph, Susan
Spradling. Third Row: Carrie Owen, Dena Mindrup,
Patricia Cox (sponsor) . Photo by Brian Hendricks.
Conquerors. (Traveling Christian drama group) First
Row: Eric Williamson, Becka Deaton, Andrea Martinie.
Second Row: Beth Mossjamie Chitty, Bette Davis. Third
Row: john Grimsley, Pete Traisci, Eli Perkins. Photo by
Bn'an Hendn"cks.
Dactology. (Sign language organization) First Row:
Crystal Davis, Rachel Ba rrett, Lovie Watson, Anne
Campbell. Second Row: Barry jordan, Faron Hudgens,
Becky Leavell. Third Row: Berna rd Haddock, Brandy
Harris, john Taylor. Photo by Brian HendriCks.
Dietetics Club. First Row: Daniel/e Moze, Dani Allen,
Amy Cox, Ren ita Graham. Second Row: Tamar
Hemmerich, Rebecca Riley, FJoryArgueta, LezlieRussell.
Third Row: Lisa Ritchie (sponsor), Lennea Richey, joslyn
Payne, jennifer Martin. Photo by Kristi Burns.
O·Ma Uey. Gera ld Dennis (Senior), 620 Terrace
Place, Norman, OK, 73069; 129. 290.
O'Neal, Gary (HUGSR). 11856 Leapwood Enville
Road. Enville. TN. 38332.
O'Neil, Chadd]. (Sophomore), 306 Bennett St.,
Wrentham. MA, 02093; 169. 286.
Merideth t. (Sophomore), 5004 Milltown Road,
South Fulton, TN, 38257.
Shannon D (Senior), 120 S. Main St. , Penacook,
NH. 03303; 129. 284.
Ockerman. Brett M. (Freshman), 13050 Seymour
Road. Gaines, MI, 48436, 104, 286.
OdeD. Joel H. (Sophomore), 389 Tewmey Lane,
Harrodsburg, KY, 40380; 169.
OEGE; 294.
Ogren, Philip V. (Senior), 857 Chaucer Drive,
Abilene, TX, 79602; 129,304.
Ojima , Kumi (Freshman), 2-18-16 Hitaka-cho,
Hitachi-shi, Ibaraki 319-14. JAPAN; ISS.
Okamoto. Hiroko (Freshman). 4-35-8
Denenchofu Otaku, Tokyo, JAPAN; 188.
Bill (Faculty). 1403 W. Arch. Searcy, AR, 72143,
Monda (Facu lty). 1403 W. Arch. Searcy, AR,
George (Faculty), 6 Tina Circle, Searcy, AR,
72143; 61 , 298.
Jodi (SpeCial). 12332 Hwy. 165 N., SCOtt. AR.
Tracy (junior), 221 Indian Trail, Searcy, AR.
72143; 151. 296.
Olloway, laTonia R. (Freshman), 6435 Hwy. 242
W., !.exa, AR, 72355, 188.
Andy (Facu lty), 135 E. Eden Park. Searcy. AR.
72143,77, 302.
Brock D. (Freshman). 33 Harding Drive, Searcy.
AR, 72143; 188,280.
Olson. Christopher A. (Sophomore), 2756 E.
Maverick. Anaheim, CA. 92806, 288.
Omic ron Delta Kappa; 308
Amy R. (Senior), 8904 E. 59 Place, Tulsa, OK,
David T. (Senior), 105 River Oaks Coun, Searcy,
AR, 72143.
DenniS (Faculty), 105 River Oaks Coun. Searcy.
AR, 72143; 74, 75.
Philip J. (Scnior), 400 S. Oak, Apt. 10, Searcy,
AR, 72143; 271.
Shcrry (Facu lty), 105 River Oaks Coun, Searcy,
AR, 72143, 75.
Maria E. (Sophomore), Apanado Postal 1'_14 Las
Piedrecitas, Managua, NICARAGUA; 169,310.
Leonel Antonio (Freshman), 5a calle 1-01 zona 4,
San Pedro Sac, San Marcos, GUAT; 188. 290.
Family alld COllsumer Sciences. First Row: Teresa
Cloer,jeanetteBaird, TamarHemmerich,jenniferMartin.
Second Row: Lovie Watson, jean Tilson, jennifer Coan,
Lezlie Russell, Va lerie Dixon. Third Row: jennt/er
Chrisman , Sara Billingsley, jenny Parrott, Sha ren
Crockett, Terri Rine (sponsor). Photo by Brian Hendricks.
Film Studies Association. (Classic films organization) First Row: jon David Wh itford, Steve Livingston,
Alison Hiatt, Masako Saito, jen Thweatt. Second Row:
joanna Teny, Mick Wright, Vicki Cupper, Kim Little,
Tony Walters. Third Row: Neil Chilson, Philip Ogren,
Matt Prince, Ben Betts, Davidjohnson. Photo by Brian
Hendricks .
Christy L. (F reshman), 1301 NE -r St.,
Bentonville, AR, 72712; 188.
Kelli D. (Sophomore). 17 L1mar Circle, Abilene,
TX, 79601; 169.
Bradley W. (Senior), 1675 Cozy Land S.W., Pon
Orchard, WA, 98367.
Gabriela Eunice (Senior), 3375 Windsor Coun,
Pon Orchard, WA, 98366.
Onbais, Candice D. (Senior), 11390 Essex Ave.,
Maryland Hts., MO, 63043,129,271,280,284,
Miriam (Se nior), Calle Ide Mayo lI2
C.Villahermosa,T, Villahennosa,Tabasco,
MEXICO, 86017, 129,310.
Pablo M. (Senior), Meadowlake Apt. 419-11 ,
Searcy, AR, 72143; 130, 209.
One n , Tracy A. (Grd Educ), 511 N. Van, Searcy,
Oniz. Aaron E. (Senior), Col. El Sauce "3 19, La
Ceiba, HONDURAS, 130.
Roy B. (Special), 6758 Walnut Hills Drive,
Brentwood, TN, 37027, 188, 292
Joshua O. (Sophomore), 28 Pinewood, Cabot,
AR, 72023; 169,286, 292,306.
Osbourne. Julia A. (junior), 1066 Abarca Coun.
Chula Vista. CA, 91910.
Oshiro, Denis!: M. (Freshman), 2258 Samom
Circle. Stow, OH, 44224; 96, 188. 280, 2SS.
Osmon. Bonnie (Faculty), 16408 Whippoorwill
Lane, lillie Rock, AR, 72210.
Oster, Richard (HUGSR Faculty). 4578 SeqUOia,
Memphis, TN, 38117; 85.
On, Brandy M. (Sophomore), RR .3, Box 2853,
McM illan, MI, 49853; 169, 284.
Otto, Paul Spencer (Senior). 434 Beaver Dam
Road, DeFuniak Springs, FL. 32433; 130.
Carrie E. (junior), 161 Manhew Drive. Paducah,
KY , 42001; 10,284,304.
Catherine L. (Freshm~n). 1834 Task~ Road. Red
Brentwood. TN. 37027; 204, 205.
TarJ T. (Freshman). 800 Steeplechase Drive,
Brentwood. TN, 37027: 286.
Phe m ister . Daci:1 G. (Freshman ), 1200 N. Ave. J.
Ha$kell, TX, 79521; 189,278.288.
Regina B. (Freshman). 5410 Deer Cret:k,
Philippart, Rebek ah S. (Sophomore). 134 W.
Texarkana. TX, 75501.
35th St .. Holland, M[. 49423: ]69. 280.
P~ k
Philli ps
Jeanine (Faculty), 1913 W. Arch. Searcy, AR.
Brent L (Sophomore). 1741 N. Oklahoma St.,
72143; 59, 257, 300.
Richa rd (Faculty), 1913 W. Arch. Sency. AR.
Guymon, OK. 73942.
Brooke Janelle (Junior). 1700 E. Park, " 8. Searcy.
721<\3: 59.
Stephen Brian (Special), 804 Brookh3rt Dri'·e.
AR, 72143; 152. 169.
Bryan (Faculty), 106 Virginia Way, Searcy. AR.
Sc::arcy, AR, 72143.
Pedersen , Aasta R. (Special). 510 Middle Gibbs
72143; 65.
David (HUGSR), 909 Red Fox Co,·e. Cordova.
Road, Knotts Island, NC, 27950: ISS. 231.
Pedicini , David M. (Senior). 505 N. Spring.
-rn,380 I8.
James F. (Freshman). 1264 Menycrest Drive.
Sc::arcy, AR, 72143; 131.
Peebles , Susan B. (Junior). 100 N. Charles .2,
Memphis. TN. 381 1J; 217.
jeremy D. (Sophomore), 6664 Westpoint. Taylo r.
Searcy, AR , 72143; 151.
Pe ll. Timothy D. (Sophomore). 424 Wolf Ave.,
MI. 48 1SO.
justin W. (Freshman), ]6412 Col. Glenn Road,
Wadsworth, OH, 44281; 4,,
Utile Ilock. AR. 72210: 189, 282
M:luhew I.. (Ju nior), ]700 E. Park -8, Searcy. AR,
Pe lto ne n , Lucas C. (Freshman), 2507 Cypress
72[43; 29. ]52,276.
Drive, Ontario, CANADA, P7JIA.
Pe na , Claudia I. (Senior), Tiea bus 1/2 e. al none.
Meag:lIl O. (I'reshm:m), ]825 Willow Road.
Carrollto n. TX. 75006; 22. 189.
Mlnagua, NICARAGUA; 131. 290.
Rachel M. (Sen ior), 5172 Yale Road, Memphis.
Pe n ce . Palli Jana (G rd Edue), 34 Indian TrJiI.
Searcy, AR. 72143.
TN. 38134: 131.
, Phil pott. David (Sen io r). 15 Murriel Rood.
Anna P. (Freshman), 11 4 HCR 41. Prescott. AR
Sw"mPSCOtt. MA, 01907.
71857; 22, 189.
Phipps . ;';"ncy (Stam. 140 Morrow Chuf(;h Road.
Glenda ( HUGSR), 4684 Summerlal\.e A'·e., -5,
Se:lrCY, AR, 72143p j Al pha T he ta ; 308.
Memphis, D;' , 38118; 197.
Pi Kappa Ep sHo n; 2&1.
Glenn (HUGSR), 4684 Summerlane A'·e., -5,
Pi Sigma Alph a: 310.
MemphiS. -rn. 38118.
Sigma Eps ilo n : 294.
Jay M . (Freshman), 9924 Wood. Overland Park.
Pic ka rd . Nathan (Sophomore), 75 Berry Street.
KS, 662 12; 189,290.
J ill S. (Sophomore), 3227 Dublin Road, Street,
Meaford, Ontario N4 LlG4, CANADA; 169,
MD. 21154; 169, 286.
294 .
Krist ina D. (Senior), 4401 Queen Eli~beth -256.
Pi c.kc r
Cory joan (Fres hman), 8211 I'ine Falls Drive,
Alexandria. LA , 71303; 131. 286.
Pe nn y, justin (Fresh man). 1544 Trail Ridge.
Houston, TX, n095; 189.
Dallas. TX, 752"24; 217.
Jeremy S. (Fre~hman). 174 St Sabre Dri"e,
Pepe r , Andrew (HUGSR). 24362 Hill Ave ..
Swansea, IL, 62226; 186, 189. 286.
Warren. M[. 4809 1.
Piec kie1. Kel'ln A. Qunior), 755 Waters Driv~.
Pc reira. Indie J. (Sophomore). 328 S.E. 4th St.,
Virginia Beach, VA. 23462.
Pendleton. OR. 97801; 169. 290.
Edward L. (Sen ior).
Andrew T. (Freshman), 1099 Burlwood,
jeremy W. (Sophomore), P.O . Box 683. Piain
Anaheim, CA. 92807.
Dealing. L>.. 71064; 169.
Cindy R. (Senior), 17 Aloe Vera St., Belize City.
Julit: A. (Junior). P.O . Box 62, Floml, AR , 72534;
BEliZE, C.A.; 13], 268, 276.
Kimberly S. (Freshman), 253 Whippoorwill Lane,
Michael D. (Sophomore). 253 410th Ave.,
Ward, AR, 72176; 33.
Grinnel!, IA. 50112; 169.
Said F. (Sophomore), 9821 Casa Loma, Houston,
Pie rro n . Courtney N. (So phomor.,). Unit 1. Box
TX. n04I; 217.
6, Espano13, N~I, 87532.
Pe ri m a n , Brandon M. (Sophomore). 809
Pierso n
Christopher B. (Junior), 7410 Ryan. Rowlett, TX.
Whitetail Court. Greentown. IN, 46936; 169.
7S088: 216. 217.
Pe rki ns
Clarice R. (Senior). Box 666, Owna. TX. i6943.
David A. (Se nior).
Clay M. (Senior). 10lO Oakwood Terrace. St.
Erika L. (Fre~hman). 135 N. Camino Real.
:\1arys. WV, 26170: 131 , 296, 298. 310.
Uhland . TX. 78640; 214.
David (Faculty), 131 Longleaf Drive, Searcy. AR.
Pigs, Malissaj. (Junior). P.O. Box. Bndford. AR.
72143: 61. 290.
Pilc he r . Ricky Terrell (Grd Edu e).
Elijah W. (Junior), 5080 Kennet Court. Memphis,
TN. 38141; 152, 304.
Pi.ne . Sara J. (Junior), 3313 Windridge. Gar!and.
Manhew A. (Ju nior), RI. 3, Box 25A. Ranger, TX,
TX.75043; 152.308.
76470; 152.
St3eey Suzanne (Senior).
Gabriel E. (Seni or). 2 Ave. 9 Calle N.O. "16, San
Wi l (HUGSRJ, 202 Chapel Ridge, Apt. E.
Pedro Suia, Cortes, HOND URAS: 198.
Hazelwood. MO. 63042.
Hugo F. (Fre~hm3 n ), 3l. Calle 9·80 Zona 2,
Pero, David L. (Junior), 110 Spruce Court,
Chiquimuia, GUATEMALA. 20001; 189.
Salomon (Senior). Ave. Fco. Mornan,
Thu nder Bay, Ont., CANADA. P7C 1; 202,
SiguatepC<lue, COmaYlgua. HONDURAS; 131.
Pipes, Krisly G. (Senior), 305 Crystal Hills llIvd ..
April L. (Senior), 1024 Hedding Road.
Mani to u Springs, CO. 80829: 131, 308.
Bordentown. Nj, 08505: 257.
Chad M. (Freshman). 3483 Conway Road.
Christie E. (Sophomore), 569 Forest Retreat Road.
Hendt:rsonville. -rn, 3i075.
Farmington. MO, 63640; 189, 296.
Dera M. (Senior), 8600 Brook Lane, F3irhope. AL.
Jason R. ( Freshman), Rt . I. Box lOS. Climon. AR.
36532: ]3], 298.
72031: 189, 296.
Lance Tyrone (Grd Educ). P.O. Box 968.
Piraino . Frederick L. (Freshman), 3940 Palm Ave.
Judsonia. AR. 72Q81.
Apt. 25, Hialeah. FL, 33012.
Pertilla r , Nicole M. (Sophomore). 654 2
Pitm a n , laura L. (Grd MFT). ]0563 E County
De"onshire Heights Road, Harrisburg. PA.
Road 650 N., Indianapolis, IN. 46234: 81.197.
Pe ters
Jason A. (Sophomore>. ]59 Covington Road.
Kathry n E. (Freshman), 67 14 juniper, Lillie Rock.
Scarcy, AR, 72143: 94. 170, 278. 288.
Paul (Faculty). 159 Covington Road, Searcy. AR.
Stephen (Freshman>. 6647 Brookgate. Spring. TX.
72143; 65.
Sharon (Faculty), 159 Covington Road. Searcy.
n373; 189.
PeteJ'S() n
AR, 721 43: 67.
Erik S. (Freshman), 6027 Center Coun Drive.
Pillma n . Christina R. (Junior), 118 N. Hallon
Spring, TX. 77379.
Ave., Lebanon. -rn, 37087; 152.310,312
I'a,rick M . (Sophomore). 724 Lunch Road.
Andrea N. (Sophomore), 1009 Boa:.t Road. White
Smithton. It. 62285.
Pe titj ea n ; 312.
Hall, AR, 71602.
Pe u-ee. K~tit: E. (Freshman), 12726 East 76th
Jeri D. (Freshman) , 205 North College. Sheridan.
Circh: N.. Owasso, OK, 74055; 189.
AR. 72150; 189.
Pe tric h . Joshu a K. (Freshman). 2205 Flushing
Plante , Marlea L. (Junior), 2260 Elderberry Court.
Orange Park, FL, 32073: 152.284,294 .
Road, Flint. MI, 48504; 217. 288.
Pe tte ngill , JeS$e E. Qunior). 314 Flat Mounllin
Pise k. Jonathan 1'. (Sophomore). ]005 Allenbrook
lane. Ro~well, GA. 30075; 170. 282.
Road. St. Agatha. ME. 04772; 152.
l' lumme r
Pettigre w . Alethea M. (Sophomore). 900
Creekview, Mesquite. TX. 75181 ; 284.
Mike (Faculty). 22 G lenmt:re, Searcy. AR. 72143:
P reffe r , Carrie A. (Freshman). Rt. 2, Box 129.
73, 292.
Scott Michael (Senior), 22 Glenmere, Searey. AR.
AuguMa. AR. 72006; 189.
Pfeife r , L.V. (Faculty). 17 Harding Drive. Searcy.
AR.72 143.
Sharon (Stam. 22 Glenmere. Searcy. AR. 72143.
Poe, Kimberly B. (Senior). P.O. Box 608. Humble.
Jeremy Phillip (Sen ior), 800 Steeplechase Drive.
TX, n3'+7.
Brentwood. TN. 37027; 205. 2il.
Joshua S (Sophomore). 800 St<'Cplechase Dri,·c.
jose, COSTA RICA, 1000: 130. 268.
Annissa M . (Junior). 115 Warren St .. Red Springs,
Freshman Lisa Bliss and senior Emily Price exchange some biographical material
with one another in a Student Impact activity. Student Impact providedfreshmen
and transfers an opportunity to get 10 know ihe campus and each another before
school started. Photo by Kristi Bums.
Banks, :\IS. 38661; 188.
Clyde (Stall) HU Box l so-i, Sea rcy, AR.
Donnel W. (Freshman).
Melissa L (Senio r), 175 Rivoli Landing. Macon.
GA, 31210; 130, 268, 292.
Stepht:n R. (Frt:shman), 161 Mauhew Drive.
Paducah, KY, 42001.
Andrew N. (S.mior), 42851 Haven Drive, Elyria,
OH, 44035; 130, 163. 278.
Edwina (StafT). 7 Ovt:rlook, $ea rcy, AR, 72143.
Sarah B. ( Freshman), 810 W . Centt:r, Searcy, AR,
72143; 188,284.
Pade n , Harold (HUGSR), 1105 Woodmere Drive,
Shreveport, LA, 71115.
Jaren B. (Freshman), 1126 E. Meadowlark,
Springfield, MO, 65810; 188.294.
Jeff (HUGSR), 4696 Tut Cove. MemphiS. -rn.
j onat han (Sophomore). 82 Bluebell Cresent ,
Ancaster Ontario, CANADA, L9K IGl : 169,
Kellie L. (Jun ior), 64 nnglt:wood Drive,
Lexington, -rn, 38351: 151Michael S. (Freshman), 814 E. Cambridge Drive.
Terre Haute. IN. 47802: 276.
Rigel J. (Sophomore), 329 Rancheue Village
loop. Searcy, AR. 72]43.
Pagel, Meagan C. (Senior), P.O . Box 98. Newark.
Palme r
Anna j. (Freshman), 3100 jenkinsville Road.
Dye rsbu rg, TN, 38024: 188, 230, 278.
jeremiah F. (Junior), 233 Ccdarview Drive.
Antioch. TN. 37013: 15], 292.
Pangburn. Joshua (HUGSR), 306 S. Dudley, -7,
Memphis. TN, 38104.
Pa nn ell, Emily S. (Sophomore), 8203 Fernbrook,
Houston, TX, 77070.
Pape ndo rf. A$hley L. (Sophomore), 1004
DePauw, Arlington. TX. 76012; 169,280.
Pa rk
Chu-Hong (HUGSR), 1000 Cherry Rood. HB-I OI.
Memphis, TN, 38117.
David ( HUGSR), 16106 Nola Drive. Livonia, MI,
Parke r
Caryn F. (Junior), 843 Randolph A,·e. S.E.,
Dawson, GA. 31742; 151.278,296.
Christopher S. (Sophomore). 3834 Wind Valley
Drive. Memphis. TN. 38125: 294.
Christine (HUGSR), 3732 Mart y St., Mt:mphis, -rn.
38]09: 196.
Darryl Craig (Senior). 2060 Glen Eagle Lane,
Birmingham, At. 35242.
Glynn (HUGSR). 424 Dean Springs Road. Alml.
Jennifer L. (Senior), P.O . Box 65, Se:trcy, An,
Jessie C. (Sophomore). RI . I , Box 15213,
Sondheimer, LA, 71276; 169.
Kendra K. (Freshm an), 1701 H:,rv"rd Avt:., Ft.
Smith. AR. 72908; 188. 278, 280.
Mark (HUGSR), 3732 M:my St .. Memphis. TN.
Mica lynn (Sen io r), 1205 Woodstock Court,
Norman. OK, 73072; 130, 271, 276.
Curtis S. (Special), 5470 Piper$ Gap, Memphi$,
-rn, 38134: 189. 276. 280.
Pa rke r-Ra bi ts , Amanda L (Freshman), 2100
Ri~'eTOa ks Court. Rockledge, FL. 32955: 189.
Pa rks
David (Faculty), 104 S. MOSS, ApI. 8. Sea rcy, AR,
David L (Grd Educ), 1307 Mcadow Lane,
Bartlesville, OK. 74006.
GregO!)' L. (Sophomore), 721 W. Spruce Ave ..
Montesano, WA. 98563; 294.
Randall Howard Qunior), 308 Barclay. Muskogee,
OK. 74403; 151 , 278, 280. 288. 308. 310.
Parris h
Kevin A. (Senior), 18 Mauck Lane, D;'nville, [L,
Kimberly S. (Senior). 18 Mauck L.1.nt:, Danville,
It. 61832; 130. 276. 282. 290, 3]2.
Christy J. (Sophomore). ]3988 N. Tongass,
Kt:tchikan, AK, 99901: 169.
j.,nnifcr L (Senior), 9026 Chaffin lane,
Chananooga, TN, 37421: 68. 130. 280. 286.
Julic A. (Senior). 13988 N. Tongass. Kt:lchikan,
AK, 99901: 130.
PaJ'S() n
Christopher J. (Senior). 104 11 Cricklewood Drivc,
Newburgh. IN. 47630; 130, 253. 268.
Tammy L (Sophomorc), 1002 E. River. Sea rcy.
Amanda (Sophomore). 6 17 I'iantation. Angleton,
TX, n515; 169.
Curtis W. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 117. Big Pint:y.
WY, 83113; 169.
Matthew B. (Freshman). 380 S. Walker Rood.
Searcy, AR, 72143: 189,286.
Wesley R. (Sophomore), 1262 Pyburn. Angleton,
TX, n515; 169, 294.
Parteu na, Jason K. (Sophomore), 821 5th SI.,
COvi ngton. IN, 47932; 169, 282.
Pascall , Wayne A. (Freshman).
Pa te . Jamie C. (Sophomore), 496 Hwy. 124,
Pangburn, AR. 72121; 169. 222.
Pa lle n . Melissa t. (Sophomore). 1'0 Box 212.
Griffin, GA, 30224.
Pa lle rson
Amy M. (Sophomore), 5300 Summenree .27. N.
Lillie Rock. AR. 7211 6; 169.
Brent E. (Senior), 13896 Old Nursery Court,
Chantilly, VA, W151; 130.
Chad M. (Sophomore), 13896 Old Nursery Court.
Chantilly, VA, W15t; 169,2&1.
Elizabeth A. (Senior). 5604 Fresno Ave .•
Memphi$. -rn. 381 ]5: 130.
Leslie (Junior). 403 Hathaway Drive. Clinton, MS,
39056; 151 , 280.
Tracy A. (Jun io r). 315 Geelan Drive, Marion. AR.
Pan o n
Andrew .0\. (Sophomore), RI . 4, Box 4794.
Quitman. TX. 75783: 217.
Charloue (F"culty). 607 Chesapeake Drive,
Searcy. AR, 72143; 63.
Melanie j . (Senior), 607 Chesapeake. Se"rcy, AR,
72143; 130, 268.
Rlymond M . (Junior). 7965 Cross Village Drive.
German1own. TN. 38138; 151. 296.
Pa u l
Holly S. (Crd Educ), 7422 Oakstone. Clarkston.
MI. 48348.
Jennifer M. (Senior). ]436 Woodway. HUr$1. TX.
76053: 130, 268.
Jeremy L (Sen ior), P.O . Box 2866, Ruidoso, NM,
88345: 130. 171. 232, 282.
Jo:;lyn D. (Sophomore). P.O. Box 1172. I'erryton.
TX,79070; 169. 304.312.
Trudy (Junio r), 14li Slab Road, Gree nville, MS.
Peace . Glenda V. (Senior). Apartado 5942. S"n
Fisher's Me'L First Row: Amber Wade, Audreya Cole, Galaxy. (Social Club) First row: Leah Cox. Second row:
Angie Potier, Heather Irwin. Second Row: Shane Nesler, Shane Hinerman, Sam Beard, ToddHopkins. 7birdrow:
Danny Stokes, Whitney Leach, james Canterbury, Drew ·Stephen Livingston, Neil Chilson, james Smith. Fourth
Dasher, josh Sneed, Rich Little (sponsOJ), Rob O'Lynn. row: Bany Cooper, Nathan Poznick, Caleb Rogers.
Photo by Bn·an Hendricks.
Photo by Brian Hendricks.
GoodNews Singers. First Row: Sandi Wright, Kim Kell,
Deborah Root, jel1lufer D. Evans. Second Row: Doug
Helm, Pat Bills, Peter Traisci. Third Row: j ohn Hodges,
Steve Kell, David Beny. Photo by Brian Hel1dricks.
----- -
hlterior Design. First Row:jennySt17tnk, Melisha Buck,
jennifer Clary, Larena Battm. Second Row: MaryClyn
Henderson, Vanessa Crumley, john Keller (sponsor).
Photo by Brian Hendricks.
ffilI 306
Heath Scie'lce Club. First Row: Tim Hinton,Lydia
Walker, Shane Lumpkins, LaCnslijohnson,josh Osborne.
Second Row: Sany Rajagukguk, Barry jordan, jay
Hamden, Tony Woodruff, Tomar Trice, Bryce Murray.
Third Row: Mark McMasters, Debbie Duke (sponsor),
Mindy Skiver, Ray Rajagllkguk, johnathan Lewis. Photo
by Brian Hendricks.
Jazz Baud. Firsl Row: Melia McNatt, Denise Rooj,jared
Hodge, Warren Casey. Second Row: jeffShepherd, james
Rickett, Rebecca Doran, ChrisMiranle. Third Row: Dave
Lucich,jared Chance,jyase! Lsrry, Bj Marshall. Photo by
Brian Hendn:cks.
Poffenbarger, Kelly J. (Freshman), 2471 N.
County Road 600 E., Union City, IN, 47390,
189. 278.
Pogue, Heather l. (Sophomore), 7316 Dorscy,
Wichita, Ks.67212.
PoindeXler, Brian C. (Senior), 212 Peanut Ridge
Rood, McRae. AR, 72102.
Point, Katherine Frances (Grci MFT); 197
jessica l. (Sophomore). 706 E. Markel. Searcy,
AR, 72143; 199
Scot A. (Senior), 706 E. Market. Searcy. AR,
72143; 131.
Polanco, lissa M . (Freshman), Sec.2136 P.O Box
02-5339. Miami, Fl, 33102; 198.
Brian E. Qunior), 1609 Archery, Garland, TX,
75044: 217.
jeremy Anthony (Junior), P.O. Box 778,
Waynesboro. TN. 38485.
Christina M. (So phomore), 1032 Flintlock Court,
Nashville, TN, 37217.
Summer l. (Special), 221 Randall Dixon Road ,
Center Ridge , AR, 72027; 189, 288.
Susan E. (Special). 221 Randall Dixon Road,
Center Ridge , AR. 72027; 189, 280, 288, 302.
Parish K. (Freshman). 920 Skyline Driv<,;, Searcy,
AR. 721 43: 189. 284.
P:Lul, Jr. (Faculty). 920 Skyline Drive. Searcy. AR.
72143; 57.
Sherry (SwfO, 920 Skyline Dri,'e. Searcy, AR,
72143; 52, 53, 292
Pooler . Christopher A. (Sophomore), 729
Sliliwaler Bridge Road. Schaghticoke, NY.
12154: 199.
Jesse (HUGSR), 150 Belmont Road, Hernando.
Katie M. (Fresh man), 3773 Shirlwoocl, Mcmphis,
TN, 38122: 189,288.
Porras, Fderico (Freshman)San Jose, COSTA
RICA: 189.
Porlell, Stacey l. ( Freshman), 1435 Siebert Court,
Naperville, Il, 6056,; 189, 288.
Alison l . (Sophomore), 2934 las Campanas,
Dallas, TX. 75234: 278.
Heather E. (Freshman), 2934 las Campanas.
Dallas, TX. 75234.
Kara A. (Freshman), 10622 Woodman, Mabelvale,
AR. 72103: 189.
Marcus A. (Senior), 308 laural St., Cashme re.
WA. 98815: 131. 271. 294.
Portier, Courtney l . (Sophomore). 126 Villa
Drive. Hendersoo. KY. 42420; 170.
Poss. Debbie (SwfD. 700 E. Park , Searcy. AR.
72 143.
Post. Jeremy D. (Fresh man ), 118 Trous<.!al<.: Drive,
Hendersonville, TN. 37075: 93, 189, 2i6. 280,
Angela R. (Freshman). 1761 East ,\ve., Belvidere,
Il. 61008; 1$9, 284. 306.
Sharon E. (Senior), 5536 Briarcliff Drive, SarJsota,
Fl, 34232: 131. 268
Poulian. uron D. Qunior), 612 Scott Drive,
Valdosta. GA. 31601, 217.
Brent W. (Junior). 125 Bear Creek Rood, New
Braunfels, TX. 78132.
Bryan l. Qunior), 2529 SR 377 S.W., Stockport,
OH. 43787: 298, 302
Charles E. (Senior), 141 Eugenia, Ventura. CA.
93006; 13 1,294 .
Ger.lld Grey (Sen ior), 302 Cedaridge, lufkin, TX.
75904: 131, 217.
jane (HUGSR), 807 W. Main, Brownsville. TN.
3801 2.
jeffery T. (Freshman), 125 Bear Creek Hoad. New
Braunfels. TX. 78132
Kristina R (Senior), 904 E. Moore, Searcy. AR.
72143; 131. 296.
Melissa K. (Freshman). 304 Brandon Drive,
Beebe, AR. 72012: 189.
Sharon j\!. (Senior); 131.
Powe r , Candice (Freshman ), 2911 SyCllnore
Springs .-412, Kingwood. TX. 77339.
Amy J. (Sophomore), 14843 Sulky Way. Carmel.
IN, 4603 2; 170,280.
J:tmes F., Jr. Qunior). 13812 Aroro SI .. Cerrilos.
CA,90703; 152.
Poznick, Nathan R. (junior), 1701 Ft. Worth Hwy.
"26. Wcatherford. TX, 76086; 152. 306.
Prant!. Amanda E. (Sophomore). HH 3. Box 3776,
Naplcs, TX. 75568; 101 , 170,300.
Rebecca A. (Sophomore). 7296 Fall leaf Cove.
Memphis. TN, 38125: 170,288.
Gina R (Junior), 6007 Broadmeadows.
Millington. TN, 38053: 152.
Reynda R. (Senior). 2008 Cobble Hill. Ft. Smith,
AR.72903; 131. 278.
Predmore. Torri Qunior), 2188 54th Terrace
S.W., Naples. Fl. 34116: 217. 226, 286.
Presco tt , Amy l. (Fresh man ), 1404 S. Center St..
Marshalltown, lA, 50158; 189.
Pressler, Brenda lee (Se ni or). Rt. 3, Box 218.
Nashville, AH , 71852; 296.
Presson. Diana l . (ju nior), 421 0 W. Orchard.
Visalia. CA. 93277.
James J. (Ju nior), 415 w. Wesson, EI Dorado, AR,
Matthew H. (Sophomore), 415 w. WesSQn, EI
Dondo, AR, 71730.
Prcwitl, Sanh K. (Sophomore), RR 2, Box 139F.
Mt. Vernon, MO, 657 12; 170,292,298.
Amy (HUGSR), 4006 Wisteria Lane, Benton. LA ,
RebecCi J. (Junior). 1616 Sherrye Drive, Pbno,
TX, 75074; 199.
Emily S. (Senior), 7979 Al Hwy. 157, Cullman,
AL,35057; 13 1,269,276.
Keith (HUGSR), 811 Columbia, Berkeley. M I,
48012Randall L. (Senior), 1552 Frenchm:tns Bend Road,
Monroe, LA, 7 1203; 131,269,290.
Pridmore. Michael Allcn (Grd Eouc), 1007 E. 7th
St., Stuttgart, AR. 72160.
Carolyn (Facu lty), 1303 Deener Drive, Searcy.
AR. 72143; 59.
Dean (Staff), 1303 Deener Drive, Searcy. AR.
72 143;" 47.
Prince, Mallhew C. (Junior), 2071 CaUe Fontana
St., Fountain, CO, 8OB 17; 304.
Prine, Ona Mae (Staff), 113 Canterbury In.
Searcy, AR, 72 143.
Prior, Dia na J. (J unior), P.O. Box 31, Sedalia, KY,
Ange13 Maric (Grd Educ), Rt. 8, Box 175,
Texarkana, AR, 75502.
Gregory S. (Se nior), 3400 Park Apt "2 118, Piano.
KrySial M. (Special), Box 102, !>:orwich. )(S,
67 118; 170. 284.
Propst, SUSlinna M. (Sophomore), 554 Wa rdle
Road, DeRidder. LA. 70634; 170. 280, 288.
PRSSA; 310.
Jennife r C. (Senior).
Mark (Slaff), 2600 Oak Me:.dow Place. Searcy.
AR. 72143; 88.
Mi ke (Faculty), 18 While Oak Circle, Searcy. AR.
721·43; 65.
Neale (Staff), 13 Hardi ng Drive, Searcy, AR.
72143; 44, 10 1.
Treva (Faculty), 13 Harding Drive, Searcy, AR,
Prysock. Emily L. (Junior), 20 Jenny lynn,
Searcy. AR, 72143; 167.222.
Psi Chi; 296.
Puckett, Ryan J. (Junior), P.O. Box 23, Fouke,
AR. 71837; 152, 282.
Pugh, Aa ron R. (Junior). 7 JlmeStOwn. Searcy,
AR, 72 143; 152. 269, 300.
Pulle y, Hilarie (HUGSR), 7932 Anne's Ci rcle,
CordOIlll. TN, 38018.
Pullman. Sara E. (Freshman), 14635 So. Harrell's
Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, 70816; 198.
Jeremy J. (Junior), 16239 County Road 28,
Summerdale. Al. 36580: 152.
Carol L (Junior). 204 S. Blanton, Searcy, AR,
72143; 152,284.
Pupko . Martha A. (Freshman), 7611 Pe1way
Drive. Ccnterville. OH. 45459: 190, 276, 280.
Quigley, Chris Ann (G rd Educ), 205 W. Woodruff
"IS, Searcy, AR. 72143; 197.
Adrian A. (Freshman). 306 E. Oak. Deer Park.
TX. 77536; 282.
Ana Lorena (Senior), 5 A,·e . 2-48, Zonc 9,
Quelultenago. GUAT£:o.lALA; 13 1, 269, 271 ,
Evelyn M. (Freshman), Save 2·48 z.9 La Floresta,
Quetullenango. GUATEMALA; 190.
Raba lais . Marshall T. (Sophomore), RR 2. Box
251-V. Maud, TX. 75567.
Rachels , Victoria L. (Freshman), 5013 Colonial
Drive, Flower Mound, TX, 75028; 190,276.
Rackley, Vann (Faculty), 1004 N. James, Searcy,
AR. 72143: 71.
Radcliffe , ChriStopher Neal (Senior), 21402
Pen mar, Matoaca, VA. 23803; 197.
Rade r . Josh D. (Senior). 955 w. Valley Ridge,
DeSoto, TX. 75115.
Raglin. Rachel L. (Sophomore), 905 W.
Schoonovcr St., Pocahontas. AR. 72455; 170,
janis (Senior). 101 River Oaks Court, Searcy. AR,
72143; 79, 88.
JaniS (Staff). 101 River O~ks Court, Searcy, AR,
72143ScOI! (Faculty)' 101 River Oaks CoUrt, Searcy. AR.
72143; 217.
Raichart, Christina R. (Sophomore), 608
Arli ngton Ave .. Naperville, IL, 60565.
Raikes , Shannon E. (Sophomore), 4205 Redwood
Drive, Ft. Pierce, FL. 34951; 170. 256. 257,
Railey, Jason M. (Freshman), 1130 Western
Springs, Katy. TX, 77450; 278, 288.
Rainbolt, Michae l (Freshm~n), 115 Liles St.,
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Raines, James R. (Senior), 325 Wylie Drive, Baton
Rouge, LA. 70808.
Rains , Vicki L. (Grd Educ), 107 Red Oak Drive,
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Ray (Sophomore). J l . Keamanan No. 20, Jakarta
Timur 13430, I!>:DONESIA; 170. 292. 306.
Sany (Senior). JL. Keamanan No. 20, Jakarta
Timur, INDONESIA, 13430; 131, 269, 276,
292, 294. 306.
Ralls , Lesley C. (Freshman), 11810 Snow Patch
Wa y. Columbia, MD, 21()1i4; 190.
Gregory A. (Freshman), 104 Kingsw ay, Wcst
Memphis. AR, 72301; 284.
Michael An n (Junior). 908 G!cnmlrk Court,
Ed mond. O K, 73013; 152, 288.
Thomas w . (Junior). 104 ~ingsway, West
Memphis, AR. 72301; 1';2. 284, 294 .
Bryan L. (Senior), 10947 S. 209th E. Ave., Broken
ArrOw, OK, 74014; 212.
03vid T. (Senior), 500 E Wi nSton Circle, Broken
ArrOw, OK, 7401 1; 131,205.
Rando lph
Christopher E. (Senior). 6 104 EaSi Ridge, N. lillie
Rock, AR, 72118.
Cindy (HUGSR), 11 52 Runni ngbrook Drive,
Shreveport, LA. 711 18.
Nathan (HUGSR), 1000 Cherry Road, KH-I05 ,
Memphis, TN, 38117; 197.
Sarah E. (Sophomore). 74 Sugar Mill, Troy, IL,
62294; 170.300.
Stacey J. (Senior), 3205 Rock Brook, San Angelo,
TX. 76904; 131, 256, 288, 304.
Ransom , Danya C. (Sophomore), 312 McDoniel
Road, Griffithv ille, AR, 72060.
Raper, Strenity (Sophomore), 2988 Deliverance
Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, 80918: 170, 296.
Rapp , Ke n (HUGSR), 1638 Barnwell, Yazoo City,
MS,39 194.
Rasberry. Whitney Audra (Sen ior), 6 112 Camclia
La ne. Bartlett, TN, 38134; 131.
Raval, Shailaja R. (Senior), 56 Laflyctte Lane,
Cherry Hill, N), 08003; 132, 280.
Rawding. Sarah Beth (Senior), 2550 Darroch
Court, Napa. CA, 94558.
Rawley, Raymond A., Jr. (Sophomore), 719 Green
Acres Mill Road. Millers Creek. NC. 2865 1:
170, 278.
.... y
Becky A. (Sophomore), S604 Fresno Ave.,
Memphis, TN, 381 15; 170. 288.
Cynthia (Staff). 2910 E. Moore Ave .117. Searcy,
Heather Lyn n (Junior), .Eastman Chemical
CO.,P.O. 431, Kingsport, TN, 37662.
Jonathan O. (Freshman), 318 Spring Circle,
Rockford, IL, 61107.
Kenneth P. (Sophomore), 625 McCall, Corpus
Christi, TX, 7S4()1i.
Benjamin F. (Se nior).
Ma ry Susan (Sophomore). 3106 Mimosa La.ne,
Rowlt!t, TX. 75088; 170.
Derek R~ (Sophomore), 6910 Hedgtrow.
Houston, TX. 77379.
Charles M. (Freshman), 8 18 Ladue, Sikeston, MO,
63801; 190, 276.
Rich (HUGSR), 8811 Courtyard Way. Knoxville,
TN. 37931.
Red , Larry S. (Junior), P.O. Box 102, Centerton,
Red Brick 5tudios; 310.
Ca rla R. (Sophomore). 851 Cypress. Memphis,
TN, 38112; 226. 227.
Telonda S. (Freshman), RI. I. Box SO, Mecker,
OK. 748;;.
Redden, John (HUGSR), 263 Glen Echo Road,
Collierville. TN. 38017.
Redman. Marvin C. (Sophomore). 212 Western
Hills, Searcy. AR, 72143; 296.
Redw ine , Am~nda J. (Sophomore), lOB Hillview
Drive, Georgetown. TX, 78628.
Andrea J. Ounior), 6215 Glcndale Drive, Mi lt on,
Fl, 32570; 152. 190, 284, 290.
Andrea L. (Fre~hman). 3491 E. Harlan Drive,
Terre HlUle, IN, 47802.
Andrew P. (Senior), 290 Hillsboro Viola Ro,td.
Hillsboro, TN. 37342; 132. 286.
Jonathan 0 (Sophomore), 1232 La.keview Drive.
Eus tis. FL. 32726; 170, 238.
Ka ren Jea n (Grd Educ), 1'.0. Box 412, Bradford,
Mary Alice (Senior), 530 David Ave., Lewisburg.
TN, 37091; 132.
Martha M. (Freshman). 6617 Gold Court. little
Rock, AR. 72209; 190, 280.
Peter P. (Senior), 290 Hillsboro-Viola Road ,
Hillsboro, TN. 37342; 132.271. 286. 310.
Reedy. Ju lie Renee (Grd Educ), 5S60 Hwy. 36 W.,
Rose Bud, AR, 72137.
Ree ly. Bob, Jr. (Facu lty), 24 Dalewood Drive,
Searcy, AR, 72 143; 61, 276.
RC:e$, Matthew (Senior), Flat 85B Broodway 5/F,
Kowloon, HONG KONG; 132, 269. 290.
Diane (HUGSR), 1000 Cherry Road, HB·107,
Memphis, TN, 38117.
Marcus (HUGSR), 1000 Cherry Road, HB-107,
Memphis, TN, 38117; 197.
Tamara B. (Sophomore), 11409 Morning Glory,
AUStin, n , 78750; 170, 280, 294.
Angela R. Qunior). 14318 E. 58th North, Ow~sso,
OK, 74055; 152, 247, 290.
Rebek ah D. (Senior), 65; Lynnwood loop,
Richland, WA, 993;2.
Christy Ann (Grd &luc), 217 Indian Trail, Searcy,
David (HUGSR), 2850 Cottonway, "3, Memph is,
TN,3811 8.
Donna (Staff), 5 Barksdale, Searcy, AR. 72143James D. (Fresh man), 5 Barksdale, Searcy, AR,
72 143; 217.
Jessica G. (Freshma n), 810 Skyline Drive, Searcy,
AR, 72143; 190, 288.
Joshua C. (Sophomore), 2122 N. Lakeview Drive,
Mother Tt'rCsa was among the most u:e/f-knoum and
Sullivan, [N, 47882; 276.
highly mpected u'Omell illthe world in the later half
RexJ . (Freshma n). P.O. Box 26, Tumbling
.' of tbe tuv:mietb celllury. III 1948 sb(' founded a
Shoals, AR. 72581; 190, 278.
religioll$ ortkrofRoman Catholic nuns in CaiculIa,
Richa rd A. (Freshman), 810 Skyli ne Drive, Searcy.
India, called Ibe Missionaries of Charily. Througb
AR, 72 143; 190.
order, s~ dedicated berlife 10 belping tbe poor.
Sarah E. (Freshman), 2210 Balsam 51 .• Longview,
tbe sick and the d)1ng around the world, particlITX, 75605; 288.
larly those in Ilidia. HerjeljINj work U,11b tbe needy
Regalado, Magaly A. (Freshman), 10 Av. Sur
brollght ber mucb acclaim and manyau'a rds, in"1755, Col. AmeriCi S.S., ELSA; 190.
cluding tbe Nobel Peace PriI(' in 1979. She died at
Regina; 284.
St'ptember 5, 1997, ofbeartfailllre
Reininger ,Jennifer P. (Jun ior), RD 3, Box 19 A·l.
at her convefl/ in <:alclltla. (&11 Photo)
ShelOCla, PA, 15n4; 152, 278.
RebecCi L. (Freshman), 221 Fai[V.'ood Circle, HOI
Springs, AR, 7 1913; 19(1, 288.
Lannea D. (Senior), 1230 N. Ma rket. Oskaloosa,
SUSlin R. (J unior), 221 Fairwood Circle, Hot
IA. 52577; 132, 304.
Springs, AR, 71913; 4, 152,222.
Lavern (Staff), 122 Green Valley Ci rcle, Searcy,
Re mbleski
AR, 72143; 88.
Brady 1'. (Senior), P.O. Box 279, Rescue, CA.
lindl (Staff), 122 Green Valley Circle, Searcy. AR,
95672; 132, 269, 276.
72143; 26. 88, 312.
Erin K. (Freshman), P.O. Box 279, Rescue, CA,
Rich mond
95672; 190, 288.
Andrea l . (Freshman), 2430 Dorchester Drive,
Re nahan, Taba tha T. (So pho more), 702 Old
Bartlesville, O K, 74006; 190. 288.
Norcross Tucker Road, Tucker, GA, 30084:
David A. (Seoior), 2430 Dorchester Drive,
170, 280.
Bartltsville, O K, 74006; 132, 27 1, 286, 288.
Re nfr oe
Bradley Q. (Junior), P.O. Box 1089. Seymour, IN,
Rickett, James David (Senior). 13200 Chenal
Pkwy. Apt. 140, Little Rock, AR, 7221 1; 132,
Oarbie l . (Freshman). P.O. Box 1089. Seymour,
278. 288. 306.
IN, 47274; 190. 284. 288.
Renw ic k. John A. (Sophomore), 62 Grampian
Dennis (HUGSR). 562 Hen!. Memphis. ~.
Road. Stirling FK7 9JP. SCOTLA!>:D, U.K.; 170.
171,278, 280.
wesley J. (Freshman), 562 Hen\. Memphis. TN,
38117; 190, 286.
Amy A. (Senior), 3035 24th Streel, Kenosh:l, WI.
Rider,Jennifer Leanne (Senior), P.O. Box 431.
53144; 132.
Pangburn, AR, 72 121; 132, 269.312.
Slacey D. (Freshman), 3035 24 th SI., Kenosha.
Ridings , David (Staff). 2016 Hwy. 26; South.
WI, 53144; 190, 282.
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Rc:yno ids
Rieder . Wi ll ilm l . (Grd Educ>. 1321 Plrker Place,
Bryan N. (Sophomore), 308 Valencia Court,
Brtntwood, TN, 37027.
Winter Garden, FL, 34787; 170, 298.
Gentry (Jun ior), 3333 Pines Road, Shreveport, LA,
Bryan (HUGSR), 1235 E. Holmcs Road. MemphiS.
711 19.
TN, 38116; 197.
Grace M. (Freshman), 3016 Peronne Ave.,
Michelle A. (Senior), 1341 2 NE 96th St.,
Norfo lk, VA, 23509.
Vancouver, WA, 98682.
Joel (Sophomore), 66 A South St West, Dundas.
Ri ley
01\'T, CANADA, 19H4C; 170.
Hami lton, Jr. (Stam, 5095 Camp Tah kodah Road,
Tony (HUGSR), 5721 Norborne. Dearbo rn
Floral, AR, 72534.
Heights, MI, 48127.
Jennifer L. (Senior), 7001 Rocky Tnil.
Rhinehan , Michael S. (J unior), 5825 Cree k Drive,
Chattanoogl. TN, 37421; 17, 152,269.280.
Sterling HIS., MI, 48314.
La.ura K. (Freshman), 7001 Rocky Trail,
Chattanooga, TN, 37421; 190, 280.
Erin E. (Sophomore). 208; Wi!lilms La.ne.
Sarah RebccCI (Junior), 1081 Ivy Road, Memphis.
Versailles, KY. 40383; 198.
TN. 38117; 304.
Hannah K. (Freshman). 2085 Williams Lane.
Rime r
Vcrsailles, KY, 40383; 190, 276, 280.
Barbara (HUGSR). 1001 Gloria Road, Memphis,
Opancll (HUGSR), 59 E. Frank Ave., Memphis,
TN, 38116.
TN,38 I09.
Jeffrey M. (Sophomore), 33843 Utica Road,
Fraser. MI. 48026; 278.
Guilford (Staff). 1403 Fox Drive, Searcy, AR,
72143; 88.
Becky (SrnID, 187 Hwy. Church Lane. Judsonia.
Lee H. (Freshman), 1211 Mooresville Pike.
AR, 72081.
Columbia. TN. 38401; 190, 2;6.
Casey A. (Sophomore). 1700 Del Sur. Searcy. AR,
Pat (Staff), 1403 Fox Drive, Searcy, AR. 72143; 53.
72143; 170.
Rich . Christophcr P. (Freshman), 9939 S. 72nd E.
Denni~ (Faculty). 1700 Del Sur. Selrcy, AR,
Ave., Tulsa , OK. ; 4133; 190, 232.
Terri (Faculty), 1700 Del Sur. Searcy. AR. 72143;
Adam B. (Freshman). 7316 Flintrock Road. N.
69. 304, 308.
little Rock, AR. 721 16; 190,284.
Rine haM, Jason D. (Senior), 19808 Karen Drive,
Bill (Faculty), 10 Barksdale Drive. Searcy, AR.
lillIe Rock. AR. 72206; 132.
72143; 56.
Ritchie. lisa (Faculty). 2 Boyd Place, Searcy. AR.
Brian T. (Junior), 10 Dogwood Lake Drive,
72 143; 69. 304.
Tc xa rbna, TX, 75503; 152,278,288.
Rittc nberry. Ki mbe rly L. (Freshman), 147 E.
Calhe ri ne E. (Freshman), 10 Dogwood L.1 ke
Queenwood Road, Monon, !l. 61;50; 190.
Drive, Texarkana. TX. 75503; 190, 278, 288.
Dana R. (Freshman), 11 14 Trin ity Drive.
Rive ra
Murfreesboro, TN, 37129.
Catherine A (Freshman), 273 Whitney Ave ..
Holly L. (Special), 10 Barksdale, Searcy, AR.
Manchester. NH, 03104; 280.
Joy D. (Junior). 2292 Modaff Road, Naperville. Il .
Ryan M. (Junior), 21807 S.E. May Valley Road.
60565; 152, 260.
Issaquah, WA, 98027.
Melanie A. (Sophomore). 6069 Brandy Run Road
Roac h
S., Mobile, AI., 3660S; 170.
Brenda (Slam. 1338 Missile Base Road.Judsonia.
Paul (HUGSR). 10128 Banff Way, Yukon, OK.
AR, 72OB1 ; 88.
Jennifer M. (Freshman) . 109 Coffee Tree Court.
Raymond , Jr. (HUG SR). 601 E. Market, Apt. B.
Starcy, AR, 72 143.
KaRe Ta . (SociaiClub) First row: Angela Knox, Rebecca
Lawrence, ConnieCoivin, Linda Maka rova. Second row:
Melinda Conlin, j enifer Smith, Kelly Ha rsin, Marcus
Neely. Third row: Ryan Scott, Brook Scott, Bert j obe,
SueAnne Carson . Photo by Brian Hendricks,
Kappa Delta Pi. (Educat ion honor society) First Row:
A nna Sanders, Sara Pine, Kathy Keller. Second Row:
Kim McKinnis, Chandra Ha n-ell, jill Barth . Photo by
Bn'an Hend ricks.
Kappa OmiCOll N u. (Family a nd Consumer Science
honor society) First Row: Lezlie Russell, Danielle Moze,
Dani Allen, Lorie lVatson, Ellen Daniel. Second Row:
Ten-i Rine (sponsor), Loren Walts, jennifer Coan, Amy
Cox, jenny Parrott, Beth Wilson (sponsor) . Third Row:
Elise Smith, Kristi Pipes, Kami Wentz, j essica Geurin,
Ashley Black. Photo by Bn'an Hend ricks.
Kappa Pi. (Art honor society) Aaron Gillihan, Lyndsay
Allan. Photo by Kristi Burns.
Omicrott Delta Kappa. (Leadership honor society)
First Row: Ashlee Hendrix, Rochelle Rose, Megan
McCorkle, A nnajones. Second Row: j ason Fulmer, Greg
Bales, Randall Parks, Sha nnon Berryhill, Scott Scwieger.
Photo by Kristi Burns.
Phi Alpha Theta. (History honor society) First Row:
Candice Ortbals, Sleven Mogey, Eddie Ca rson. Second
Row: Chris Cole, Josh Don-ough, Cody Hopp is, Eric
\'(/hittington. Thi rd Row: Fred jewell (sponsor), Tom
Slalom (sponsor), Paul Haynie (sponsor), Joe Seagraves
(sponsor). Photo by Brian Hendn·cks.
Slerling, VA, 20164; 190.
Jason L. (Senior). P.O. Box 2634, Alma. AR,
72921; 109, 132,278,288.
!"-hrc (HUGSR), 1645 Brightside Lane, "256,
Balon Rouge. LA, 70820.
Robarts, Van (HUGSR), 405 Leslie Ave., Glasgow,
Dave (HUGSR Staf!), 6754 Racquet Club Drive,
Memphis, TN, 38119. 84.
Marla D. (Senior), 2201 Ingleside, Grand Prairie,
TX. 75050; 132, 269, 276, 284, 288.
Robyn R. (Sophomore), 6754 Racquel Club Drive.
Memphis. TN. 38119; 170, 288.
Amy M. (Sophomore), 5815 Oak Meadows,
Alex:lnder, AR, 72002; 170, 210.
Amy Christine (Senior), 302 Wesl POin! Drive,
Lafayene, TN, 37083; 132, 269, 276. 284. 296.
Bryce (facull)')' 348 Ranchene Village Loop.
Searcy, AR, 72143; 73.
Jonaloan 0, (Sophomore), 105 S. Maple SI.,
Maryville, TN, 37803; 170. 286.
Palricia (Grd Educ), 409 Wilburn Road , Heber
Springs, AI<:. 72543.
Rachel (St:l[O, 348 Rancheue Vili:lge Loop,
Searcy, AR, 72143
Shea Lea (Senior), 10 Cardinal Valley Drive, N.
Linle Rock, AR, 72120.
Eli7.abcth Ann (Senior), 3306 Cripple Creek,
Tyler, TX, 75707; 276, 280.
Lora B. (funior), 40 Claiborne Drive, Jackson, TN.
38305; 152.
Edna (Sta[O, 106 Sleward Drive, Searcy, AR,
72007; 88.
Healher D. (Sophomore), 322 Norlh West SI.,
Gifford, IL, 61847; 170.
Lisa G (Junior), 1733 Grider Pond Road , Bowling
Green, KY, 42104: 152, 288, 298.
Maria S. (Senior), 103 Oakmont Drive. Trophy
Club, TX, 76262; 132.
Rhonda Lynn (P Grad), 509 Sims St., Searcy. AR,
Sara f . (Freshman), 49A Perkins Road. Bclmon!,
NH, 03220; 214 .
Andrea E. (Sophomore), 8115 HurSI forest Lane,
Humble, TX, 77346; 280, 286.
Jesse (HUGSR), 609 S. Main, Leachville, AR,
Marvin (facully), 1111 Dobbins Drive. Searcy,
AR, 72143: 61
Stephanie (Freshman), 43 Westgate Drive. Searcy,
AR. 72143.
Hilliard W. (freshman), 1111 Dobbins Drive,
Searcy, AR, 72143: 276, 284.
Robichaud, Tara K. (freshman). 316 Brentwood
Place, Nashville, TN, 37211.
Robinso n
Don (faculty). 909 Skyline Drive, Searcy, AR,
72143; 65.
Elhcl Marie (P Grad), 605 ChriSp St. Apt. 90,
Searcy, AR, 72143.
johnny (Freshman), P.O. Box 14,469 Fern S1.,
Marianna. AR. 72360.
Melissa N. (lunior), P.O . Box 380, Belmopan,
Taryll D. (Senior), 7660 Timbercircle. Tyler, TI(,
75708; 217.
Robison, Bryan D. (freshman), 85 Pepperbrook
Cove, Soulhaven, MS, 38671; 286.
RobitaiUe, jason (freshman), 6571 McCauley
Road, Valley Springs, CA, 95252; 190, 217,
Rode n , Chrisline R. (funior), 2821 Emerson Ave
"23. Parkersburg, WV, 26101; 10, 199.
Cari E. (Junior), 35 E. Walnul, Walla Walla. WA,
99362; 152, 276
Amy Michelle (funior), 415 Tul:lne, W. Memphis,
Cristina (Junior), Monjes 110 Carrclas, Querel:lro
Qro, MEXICO. 76050: 69, 152,206,207.
Raymundo A. (Senior), Cerro PrielO 6106,
Durango Dgo c.p, 34,100, MEXICO.
Rene (freshman), Los Reyes ~IO EDlfC·401,
Jardides Dechorubusco C.P.0941O. MEXICO;
Romaira E, (freshman), Calle 6 ...653, Campo
None, San Tome. Edo. AnZOategui,
Romer E. (funior). Calle 6...6-53, Campo None,
San Tome, Edo. Anzoalegui. VENEZUElA
Roe, SandT:l C. (Senior), 339 W. johnSlOn Road ,
Searcy. AR, 72143.
Roe h , Amy E. (Senior), 909 Pine Hollow Drive,
friendswood, TX, 77546.
Brent W. (P Grad).
Caleb C. (Sophomore). 4300 Baronsgale Road.
Westlake Village, CA, 91361: 170,306.
Ginger L. (Grd Educ), 2312 Normandy. Searcy,
Jeremy L. (Senior), P.O. Box 559, Beebe, AR.
Rojas , Tania G. (Sophomore). Panaderia Cuquis
C:llle Del ESladio, La Ceiba, Allamida,
HONDURAS; 170,310.
Roland , Aaron M. (Senior). 787 S. Hwy. 47,
Union. MO, 63084; 132.
Ro lle t. Michelle J. (Sophomore), 23760 Trail
Ridge Drive, Romulus, MI, <l8174.
Roman , Krista F. (Freshman). 2832 AShwood
Drive, Che»peake. VA, 23321; 190, 278,
Romano , Gregory A. (Sophomore), 1987 Old
Kirkwood Road . Bear, DE. 19701; 300.
Ro mine
Jennifer B. (freshman), 4060 POrt Cleburne !..ane.
Hermitage, TN, 37076; 190, 282.
It-ah S. (Sophomore), 5964 POrt Anadarko
Terrace, Hermitage. TN. 37076; 170. 280.
Phyllis D. (Senior), 3702 Sandhill Road, CabO!,
AR, 72073: 132.
Roof, Denise C. (SophomOIl:!), 35% Glen Oaks
Ave., White Bear Lake, MN, 55110; 170.255,
278, 2&4. 306.
Connie M. (Freshman), 420 S. College, Newberg,
OR, 97132; 191.
Debornh A. (junior), 7917 Dayslar Drive. Ft.
Worth, TX, 76123; 153,276.306.
El izabeth C. (Sophomore), 7917 Daystar Drive,
Ft. Worth, TX, 76123; 170, 284, 288.
Rope r •
Ja.son R. (Freshma n) , 4357 Eaton Hwy., Sunfield.
IUndi R. (junior), 1204 Driflwood, Greenwood,
AR, 72936; 153.288.
Janetta t. (Senior), 720 Gibbs Ave., Mt. Vernon,
MO, 65712; 132.
Terry K. (Sen ior), 1056 Gilliland Drive, Yuba
Cily, CA, 9599 1; 132.
Hegina F. (Junior), 10425 Chambers, HoustOn,
TX. nO}4.
Rochelle M. (Se nior), 116 Yardley PllItt,
Hoc kessin, DE, 19707; 21, 271, 288, 308.
SIeve Edward (Grd Educ), 500 N. Van, Searcy,
AR. 72 143Ro~
Derrick (HUGSR), 109 N. Barksdale St., Memphis,
TN. 38104.
john E. (P Grnd), 806 N. Spring, Searcy, AR,
72143; 81.
Johnnie (Special), 195 Ranchelle Village, Searcy,
AR, 721·0: 191.
Kary (Staff) , 107 Indian Tnil, Se:! rcy , AR , 72143RClha (Staff), 195 Ranchette Village, Searcy. AR,
72 143; 89.
Ryon T. (Special), 107 Indian Tni!. $earcy, AR,
Erika A. (Fresh man), 670 Rosewood Road,
Goldsboro, NC, 27530: 191, 288.
Gena M. (Sophomore) , 670 Rosewood Road.
Goldsboro, NC, 27530; 26, 170.
Shonda E. (Fres hman), 637 Michelle Court.
Lawrenceville, GA, 30044; 191. 282.
Rous!ros, Nicoletta M. (Special), Nafsikas 5 1E
Voula. Athens, GREECE; 198.
Ro wa n , Buddy (Suff), 2S Indian Tnil. Sea rcy ,
AR. 721H: 55.
RO'\'\'den , Maria L (G rd MFT), 8337 Old Mill
Road. Troy, It, 62294; 81 .
Ro we
Geoffery C. (Freshman). 2432 Oakes Lane,
Hanford. CA, 93230; 189, 191, 290.
Martin T. (junior), 4011 Angelus Street.
Paragould. AR, 72450; 264, 280, 286, 310.
David (HUGSR), <l827 Essexshire. Memphis, TN,
julie A. (Sophomore), 1047 Fair Meadow,
Mcmphis, TN, 38117; 170.
!.;tur.l K. (Senior). 1047 Flir Meadow. Memphis,
TN. 38117; 17, 132. 271.
Seth H. (Sopho more), 1425 ~1amingo, Memphis,
TN, 38117; 170,286.
Ruc ker
I'eler Daniel (Senior), 2950 S. Detroit Ave., Tulsa,
OK. 7<l1l4; 284.
K:atie B. (Freshman), Z950 S. Delroit. Tulsa, OK,
Rudd , joshua M. (Freshman), 17 Greensborough
Drive, jackson, TN, 38305; 191,284.
Rudes ill
Be<:ky (Suff), 411 E. Moore. Searcy, AR, 72143.
Casey (Junior), 411 E. Moore, Searcy. AR, 721<l3;
Ruf, joel B. (Senior), 906 Austin SI., Decatur, Al,
Rugh , Alex O. (Sophomore), 1211 371h S.W.•
Albany, OR, 97321 ; 170.
Ruhl. jennifer t . (Sophomore), 8 15 Midway St.,
Akron, OH, <l4310; 170.
Ruiz, Anabella (Senior), Calle /'.[arti 11-45 Z.6,
Guatemlla City, GUATEMALA. 01006: 132.
271 , 294.302.
Rukavina . Zrinka (junior), 32883 Orchid Cres,
Mission B.C., CANADA, V2V 4; 153, 302.
james (Stam. 1163 Hwy. I I , Griffithville. A.R,
Janna R. (Sophomore). 1163 Hwy. 11. Searcy. AR,
72143; 170.
Kallie Jane (Grd Educ). 1163 Hwy. 12.
Griffithville, AR, 72060.
Richard B. (Senior), 821 Bllfour. West Memphis,
AR, 72301 : 132.
Bryan j . (Junior). 821 Balfour, West Memphis,
AR, 72301; 153, 276, 286, 290. 302.
Runn ells. Alli<:on D. (Junior>. 1728 Pebble
Terrace, Edmond, OK, 73044.
Runyan, Wesley A. (Freshman), 80 Ridgewood
Drive, Sumen:.:o. WV, 25567; 191.
Rush , Amanda M. (Freshman). 736 EaSt Devon
Street, Independence. MO. 64055; 191. 278.
Dosky (Special).
Craig (Slarn, 613 N. Locust, Searcy, AR. 72 1<l3;
jennifer M. (Senior), 801 N. Pine, Apt. 28, Searcy.
AR, 72143; 132.
lezlie Michelle (Senior), 2624 Kingston Drive,
Bartlesville, OK, 74006; 133,304, 308.
Mindy D. (Freshma n), 2624 Kingston Drive,
Banlesville, OK, 74006; 191, 286.
Sandy Beth (Freshman), 706 E. Market. Searcy,
AR,72 143.
Brittany K. (Freshman), 102 Westwood. HOt
Springs. AR. 71913; 19 t.
john D. (Freshman), 624 NW 22 St., Fl.
Lauderdale, Fl, 33311; 191.
Runer, joshua David (Junior), 3619 N. laviSI:'!
Court. Springfield, MO, 65803.
Bill. Jr. (Faculty). 4 15 Nicholson, Searcy. AR.
72143; 73.
jack (Faculty), 15 Harding Drive, Searcy, AR,
72143; 7. 38, 67.
WiJITI3 (Staff), <l15 Nicholson Road. Searcy, AR,
R,'e , Chad A. (Sophomore). 708 Holly Gale,
Sherwood. AR. 72116; 217.
Ryse r , Nathan W. (Junior). RI. I, Box 61,
Windom, TX, 75492.
Abraham (Freshman), 8 Baker Drive, Se:tn:.:y. AR,
72143; 198,284.
Feli~ (Staff), 8 Baker Drive, Searcy. AR. 72143;
SalUO ne.jeremy M. (Junior), 17 Tyrrell Drive,
Woleon. CT, 06716; 199.
Saquic. Tomas A. (Senior). 51h Calle, C:alljon 6 5<l9 Zona 6, Queu:alt..:nango, GUATEJ\.1AU;
S:argent , Scott C. (Sophomore). 2777 S. Elmira SI.,
Denver, CO, 80112.
Sa rkis silln, Tamarn (Senior), SIr.
Sherbakovskaya-26/30, Apt. 215, Moscow,
105318, RUSS[A; 133.
Sas!ro, AStrid M . (Sophomore). 19 Calle 0 17-90
Zona 6 Proyecto 4·4, Guatemala.
GUATEMALA, C. A., ; 171. 302.
Satcher, Norman j. (Freshman), 1806
Shenandollh. Euless. TX. 76039; 191 .300.
Satterfie ld
)a!ron W. (Freshman).
joshua C. (Freshman), 1891 Carla Drive, Morrow,
GA. 30260; 191. 217.
)allll..'S A. (Senior), 710 W. Bullard ·A. Fres no,
CA, 93704; 133.
Stephanie A. (Grd Educ).
Teresa l. (Se nior) , 1104 N. Maple, Searcy, AR,
218.219. 280.
Sc ha ue r , Heathe r A. (Senior). 509 Adele's
Garden. Mt. Juliet, TN. 37122; 133.
Sc he uerma n . Emily M. (Sophomore). P.O. Box
55063. Grand junction. CO. 81506; 171 .
Jesse (Freshman). 707 E. Race St., Searcy. AR,
Miri:'!h Ann (Sophomore); 312.
Rae l. (Senior), 906 W . Griggs Way, Mu.>tang,
OK, 73064; 134.
Schmitz, Manhew J. (Senior). 619 Homeste:'!d
Court, Ft. Col1ins, CO. 80526.
Schne ider. lisa l. (Sophomore). 4634 1'lells.:tnt
Hills N.W., Canton, OH. 44708; 171.
Sch nitze r. Ryan F. (FreshlTl3n), 122 Tiffany
Circle, N. linle Rock. AR, 72120.
Schnur, Catherine S. (Junior), 201 Par.unount
Drive, Bri~!ol , TN, 37620; 153.
Schooley, Sanh (Freshman). 307 Parkview.
Bloomfield, [A. 52537; 21 <l, 215.
Sc ho pper, Jeremy M. (Sophomore), 372 l:lke
ViclOria Circle, Melbourne, Fl, 32940; 171.
Sc hramm. Keith (Facu ity). 308 N. Pearl Street.
VicksburJ.l. MI. 49097.
Schuhknecht, Eli7.3beth O . (Fresh man). 165 1
Fuller SI.. Mountain Home. AR, 72653; 19 1,
Sc huhheisz
Charles E. (Junior), P.O. Box 8193, Sean:;y, AR,
. tfr&
SA Movie Co mmittee; 312.
Sachs , Maurine B. (FreshlTl3n), 14070 County
Road 4100, Rolla, MO, 65401; 157, 191. 284.
Brenda (HUGSR Staff). 6517 Swarthmore.
Memphis, TN", 381 19; 84.
Melissa D. (Sophomore), 6517 Swarthmore,
Memphis, TN, 38119; 170,2 14.
Saito, lI-hsako (Sen ior), 5-15-6 T:ajiri IchikaW<l·shi,
Chiba 272, JAPAN: 133. 304.
David (Senior), Orionte 172 "'1558 Heroes de
Churnbusca, Mexico City, 09090, MEX[CO;
lisa M. (Senior). 2319 E. Hoover, Orange, CA.
92667; 133Slilinas, l uis E. (Junior), Col.Jard delas pavas
Pjeg.108, Cojmepeque, El SALVADOR; 153.
Michael A. (Senior). 109 S. Oak St. , Searcy, AR,
72143; 133.
ShelJie D. (Senior), 800 Lakeview Drive,
Paducah. KY, 42003; 133.
SAM; 310.
Cynthia (Junior), 828 N. 25th 51., Paducah, "",
42001; 153. 276.
Slrln E. (Special), 401 Mayfield Road, Clinton,
KY, 42031; 191.
Sampley. Julie K. (Freshman). 510 Tavern Circle,
Dunwoody. GA, 30350; 288.
Sams, Sl3ccy E. (Junior), 2599 Irene Circle,
Duluth, GA. 30039; 10, 153, 278.
Samuel, Kendall R. (Freshman), 24303 Schivener
HoUse Lane, Katy. TX. 77493; 191. 282, 290.
Sa nborn
Rona ld A. (Freshman). P.O. Box 62. Conway ,
Christina l. (Sophomore). P.O. Box 62. Conway.
NH, 03818; 286.
Sanchez, Yessica V. (Sen io r), Bustumante
Moelia. Michacor, CP 58190,
MEXICO; 133, 206.
Angela C. (Sophomort!), 3055 Elmore Park,
Bartlen, TN, 38134; 300.
Anna L (Junior), 109 Santa Fe Trail, Dalton, GA,
30721; 153, 308.
Ivey Marie (Snphomore), 3 Conley Lan..:.
Conway, AR. 72032: 170.
J..:nnifer l . (Freshman). 3615 75th St., Moline, IL,
61265; 191. 278. 288. 304.
Joshua E. (Junior), 1236 Pereheron Drive, Dalton.
GA. 30721; 153.
Shenila (HUGSR), 6119 Gray Oak Ave., Memphis,
TN. 38115.
Sa nd erson . !..eon (HUGS R). 7593 Proud Land
Drive, Memphis. TN. 38119; 197.
Ervin (Slaff), 116 Cloverdale. Searcy, AR. 72143;
Julie (Fresh man), 116 Clo\'erdale, Se3rcy. AR.
72143; 191.
Robyn l . (junior). 709 Kamak Drive. Beebe, AR.
!)onna M. (Senio r), P.O . Box 107. Billing~ley, AL,
Sandra K. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 107,
Billingsley, At, 36006; 171.
Sanjuan. Melody Ann (Senio r), 3068 De<! Ann
Drive. Memphis. TN. 38119; 133.
Kendall Doan pushes the ARAMARK popcom cart to a catering junction. Many
/-larding students workedjor ARAl'vfARK whether in Ihe cajeteria, student cen/er or
special catering events. Photo by Kristi Burns.
Roben luke (Senior). 509 Grcenridge, Coppell.
TX, 75019; 133, 286.290.
Bryan S. (Senior). 121 N. Broodway. Siloom
Springs, AR. 72761; 133.
SlI.....,·e r
Amber A. (Sophomore). 1532 Sunset SI..
longmon!, CO. 80501; 171. 282. 292.
Holly A. (junior). 2950 Visl3 Grande. Fairfield.
CA. 94533; 98. 153. 2Yf. 269. 278. 292.
D:a\'id J. (junior), Box 32. I3eedeville. AR. 72014;
Sonya M. (Fresh man). 2950 Vista Grande,
Fairfield, CA. 94533; 191. 278.
Sayers. Kenneth (HUGSR), 49 12 E. 27th Place.
Tulsa. O K. N114
Thad A. Qunior). 131 Sneed Iload. Montgomery,
Al, 36115; 290.
Travis S. (Sophomore). 13 1 Sneed Road.
Montgomery. Al. 36115; 290.
Schaad •. C~rrie M. (Junior). 507 Timbcrl~ke Trail.
Fl. Wayne, IN, 46804.
Sch ac kmann. Korinaj. (Se nior). 5009 Crestway
Drive, laPo rte, TX. 77571 ; 133.269.
Sc hade r , Shelly M. (Sophomore). 2403 E.
Rosebud, Victoria. TX, 77904,171. 206, 207.
Sc haCfn e r , JaNcse S. (Sen ior), 1701 Hnrseshoe
Court. Bonita. CA. 91902.
Sc ha. rff. Cheri l. (Sophomore). 304 Green Tree
Court. Sp:lrtanburg. SC. 29302: 171. 210. 211.
Shannon (St:lfO. 1'.0. Box 8193. Searcy. AR.
Sc hulu:. Ka ryn l . (junior). 470 jamul Court.
Chula Vist:i. CA. 919 11 .
Schuste r . Mark A. ( Freshm~n ). 9005 lI-hriners
Rdg. Drive, FI. Wayne. IN. 46819.
Sc hwe ikha rd
Jeana L. (Fresh m:an). 22 Dclaw;lre Dnve.
Shawnee. OK. 7<l801 ; 191.
Kimberly II. (Sophomore). 22 Delaware.
Shawnee, OK, 74801: 171, 231. 290. 296. 302.
SC h .....e nly. Scott B. (Sophomore), 2326
Tambouri~ Lane. El Cajon. CA. 920 19
Sc hwieger
Bri3n). (Sophomore), 300 Haywood i..1ne.
Nashville. TN. 372 11 ; 171. 284. 290.
ScOit E. (Se nior). 300 Haywood Lane. Nash\'ille.
TN, 3721 1; 130. 13'1.267, 271. 276. 286. 308.
Schwiete r . William E. (Sophomore). 50
Edgewater Drive. Orch~rd Park. NY. 1<l127;
171. 278
Jeremy R. (Sophomore). 551 W 13th St.
Mountam Grove. MO. 657 11; 171.217.284
Shawna Kay (Sen io r). 551 W 131h. Mount3in
Grove. MO, 65711.
Scifres. Michael R. (Sophomore). no Southwest
Pi Sigma Alpha. (Political Science honor society) First
Row: Chris Alspach, Candice OT1hals, Beth Carlson.
Second Row; Mark Cross, Kim Campbell, Mall Miller.
Photo by Krisli Burns.
Public R elations StudemSociety ofAmerica . (PRSSA)
First Row: Robin Henson, Beth Bratton, jam; Boyd,
'ChristyPittmall, Man'a Orozco. Second Row; Paul Vile/a,
Katbryn George, Laura McNutt, jeff Krinks Third Row:
Ashley Miller, Melissa jackson, Scott Lojlis, Lance
Lem monds, j ack Shock (spo nsor). Photo hy Brian
R e d Brick Studios. First Row: Larry Han cock, Todd Sigma Tau Della. (Englisb honor society) First Row:
Mullens, Tim Pell, Sarah johnson, Aaron Gillihan. Sec· jennifer Wood, EmilyMcMackin, Kim Little, AmyMoran,
ond Row: Stephanie Denney, Michelle Guzman, Takako jen Thweat t. Second Row: Marty Rowe, Greg Bales, Peter
Yagai, Daniel Adams (sponsor). Photo hy Brian Reed, Kevin johnston, Randall Parks, Lena Maximova,
A my johnson, Sonua Bohannon, Robin jubela, Mist;
Nowak, Alina Spradley, Photo by Kristi Burns.
Society for the Atlvallceme nt of Mallageme"t. First
Row: Amy Wehring, Christa Christian, Sophia Cuarezma,
Min'am Ortega, Aline Lazo. Second Row: Clay Perkins,
Tania ROjas, Sarah Shade, Flor Celeste Munoz, Third
Row; V1adislavMakarov, HinmerGarcia, AlonsoHiguero,
juan Brenes. Photo by Bn'an HendriCks.
310 Index
String Quartet, Danieljohnston, Greg Moses, Shannon
Erickson, Colleen O'Connell. Photo by Brian Hendricks.
Third, Hamlin, TX, 79520; 171,276,
Scism , jennifer L. (Sophomore), 13828 Counly
Rood 624, Dell"ter, MO, 63&H; 280.
Brook Anne (Senior). HC 73. Box 575, Hawonh,
OK, 74740; 134, 308.
Crystina R. (Freshman), 805 E. Slanford,
Springfield, MO, 65807; 191.
Derek S. (Freshman), 2594 Buford R03d,
Mountain Home, AR. 72653.
Edrie Sue (SeniOr), 80S E. St:l.nford. Springfield.
J3mes Roben (Crd Educ), 3940 N. Elsie,
Da"cnport, lA, 52806.
John Thom3S (Crd Educ), 240 Edenburg Dri"c.
Collierville, TN, 38017.
Melissa M. (Sophomore). P.O . Box 434, Dermon.
AR, 71638; 171.
Monia R. Ounior), 7203 Bou[Well East l.3ne,
Temple, n::, 76502; 199.
Nathan W. (Freshman). 4415 Granny Whitc Pike.
Nashville, TN, 372()4; 282.
Rachel E. (Freshman), P.O. Box 1827, Papua.
NEWC; 191 , 288.
Rcbehh L Ounior), 2517 Holiday Drive,
Pl3inview, n::, 79072; 141 , 153,290.
Ryan O. (Senior), 1723 Woodlawn A,'e .,
Corsicana. n::, 75110; 134. 308.
Scritchfield, Tina K. Ounior), P.O. Boll" 435,
Bradford, AR, 72020.
Searcy, Rhonald M. (Freshman), ;05 N. Oak St..
SC;1.rcy, AR, 72143: 191.
Sears, Shirley A. (Senior), 3S9 Old River Ro~d.
Pangbum , AR. 72121.
Seato n
Manhew D. OuniOr), 3616 Snead Drille, SielT.l
Visl;1.. AZ, 85635; 153, 286.
Phyllis). Ounior), 13 1 Hummingbird. $cucy, AR.
Sebesta, Roben E. (Frc5hman), P.O. Box 21,
Belton, n::, 76513; 278.
Dwayne M. (Sophomore), 26785 S.W. Neill Road.
Newberg, OR, 97 132; 191 , 282.
Randic R. (Senior), 26785 S.w . Neill Road,
Newberg, OR, 97132; 134, 269, 276, 282, 284,
Segadi, Jay L (Sophomore), 26747 Bloomfield
Dri"e, L'lIhrup Village, MI. 48076; 171. 284.
Joe (Faculty), 1406 Fox Ave., $e3rcy, AR, 72143;
n , 308.
Joel O. (Senior), 1867 Breck. Casper, WY, 82601 ;
Seidel, Kristen M. (Senior), 9504 CaS:! Grande
Dri"e, Waco, TX, 76712; 134, 282.
Selders. Stefanic L. (Freshm;1.n), 395 Hillard Ave ..
WaTWick, RI, 02886; 191. 278.
Abn M. (Sophomore), Box 275. 240 W. Father
Keis , Pomon3, NJ, 08240.
Amy K. (Sophomore), 240 W. Father Kies Dri"c,
Pomona, NJ, 08240; 171 , 286.
Self, Tiffany D. (Sophomore). 209 Owen SI., C~"c
City, KY, 42127; 199.
Ruth L. (Senior), 2 High Meadows, C;1.ndlcr, NC,
28715; 134 ,27 1.
Seth L (Sophomore), 2 High Meadows, C3ndler,
NC, 28715; 171. 276.
Shane A. (Freshman). 536 Hwy. 367 1'1•• Judsoni3,
Wendy R. Ounior). 160 Hwy. 319 E., Vilonia, AR.
72173; 153.
Scmanch ik, C;1.ry R. (Sophomore), 1003
Stonewall Drive, Nashville, TN, 37220; 171 ,
225. 286.
Seman ek, j e nn ifer C. (Sophomore), 440 Irving
Bluff, Shrevepon. ~ , 71107; 171, 290
Sen ike r , Heather E. (junior), Rt. 1, Box 389.
Bunker Hill. IL. 620 14; 153. 284.
Senn , john Paul (Junior), 124 Cannon Dri"e,
Hendersonllille, NC. 28739: 288.
Se"" e ll
M3ry E. (Sophomore). 630 S. State. Springfield.
IL, 62704; 171.
Tracy L (junior), lin Rathfon Circle, Saline. M[,
48176; 1'54, 278, 296.
Sexson , Mic;1.h L. (Freshm;1.n), 221 6 In;l.binene
Road, Vancleavc, MS. 39565; 217.
Phillip B. (Sophomore), 2919 Wish 51.. Pleasant
Plains, AR, 72568; 171.
Tessa R. (junior), 413 CI3remont Ave, EI Dor:Ido,
AR. 71730; 154, 296.
Seymo re, Cherry D. (junior), 3472 Hwy. 157,
Judsoni3, AR, 72081 .
Shac kelfo rd
Brooke (Freshman), P.O. Box 243, Bay Minctte,
AL, 36507; 191, 278.
Don (Facuity), 505 Country Club Road, Searcy.
AR, 72143; SO. 57.
Mona (SI3fO, VIA Trion.i .57, 500 18 Scandicd
Robbie (Faculty), Vi3 Trioui 57, 50ot8 SGlndicci
(F I), ITALY: 17.
Wendy M. (Senior), 10216 CrOllewood Way,
Fairfax, VA, 22032; 134.
Shacklefo rd , Sagato W. (Freshm~n), 62
Parkview. Cabot. AR, 72023.
Sh ade , Sarah S. (Sophomore), 1074 Shallowbrook
Drive, SI. Peters, MO, 63376; 171, 280, 310,
Shafer . Angie {Stam.
Sha h a n . Sarah (Freshman), 7131 Tar:! Dri\'e,
Richmond, TX. 77469; 191. 284.
Sh aner , Manhew B. (Freshman). 8J23 WeSlview
Lane. Woodridge, Il, 605 17; ]05, 177. 191.
Sh :mtih; 284.
Sh astid
Amy L (Sophomore). 2339 Spring Creek Road.
Montevallo. Al. 351 15; 171.
Carrie L (Freshman), 1914 S. 15th, Rogers, AR.
72756; 191.
Aaron R. (Sophomore). 1914 S. 151h SI.. Rogers.
AR.72756; 171.
Shaver, Krisry L (Freshlrnln), 8034 lorin Road,
Grovespring. MO, 6S662; 191.
Shaw, Brandon D. (Sophomore). 7875 Saddle
Ridge Drive, Dunwoo dy, GA. 30350; 199.
Shea re r . Ryan C. (Freshman), P.O. llox 171 , Rose
Bud, AR. 72137; 191.
Arthur (Faculty), 615 live Oa k, Searcy. AR.
72143; 66. 67, 248.
Jared Seon (Sophomore). 615 live Oak, Searcy.
AR , 7'21 43.
Sheri (Staff)' 615 live Oak. Searcy. AR. 721·43.
Sh e bclut, Nora E, (Senior), Entrega General, EI
Dor:ldo, P:anama City. PANAMA; 134,296.
Sh eets
Alison K. (Sophomore). P.O. Box 367, Texline,
TX, 79087; 172, 288.
jennifer l. (Sophomo re), 309 Val Verde. Altus.
OK, 73521; 172. 288.
Kelli j. (Senior). 2200 Aquia Drive, Stafford, VA.
22554; 134,276.296.
Sh ego lko v, Eugene (HUGSR), 1000 Cherry Road,
HB·202, Memphis. TN. 38117; 197.
Sh e ho rn , Carla D. (Freshman), 5 Eduardo Drive,
Granite City, Ilo 62040; 191,296.
Shelby. Je remy R. (Sophomore), 9602 OXled,
Spring, TX, 77379; 282. 300.
Sheldo n . Todd (Slarn, 402 E. Center, Searcy, AR.
72143; 89
Sh e ll y, ChrislOpher A. (Sophomore), 6875 Gallop
Drive, Cordova. TN, 38018,172,276.
She lto n
D:t rinda D. (Freshman), HC 73. Box 547,
Hawonh, OK. 74740; 191. 284.
Dionna M. (Freshm an), ]812 Resenoir Rd Apt
-276. little Rock. An, 72204.
jO.ln (Starn, 2024 Hwy. 267 Soulh. Searcy, AR,
72143; 89.
Shep hard, Darrin j . Ounior), 8282 Whitney Road.
G;lines. 1'011. 48436; 154.286.
Sh e phe rd
Debor~h (HUGSR). 182] Brentwood, Troy, Mt
Emily Jane (Junior). 1821 Bremwood, Troy, MI.
48098; 199.
Jeffrey A. (Sen ior), 7228 Olde lanlem Way,
Springf'ield, VA. 22152; 134. 256. 278, 306,
Jennifer A. (Sophomore), 7228 Olde !.:tntem
Way, Springf'ield, VA. 22152; 199,
Kyle D. (Junior). 1206 Pbtcau. Dunc:tnville, TX.
751 16.
P;lige A. (Freshman). 1206 Plateau. DunClnville.
Stephanie 111. (Sophomore). 714 Detroi t,
Cha ndler. AZ, 85224.
She ppa rd, TimOlhy A. (Freshman), 3 1377 Bandan
CI., Temecula. CA, 92592.
She rti U. Andrew l. (Freshman). 1858 O~kl~wn
Drive. Mena. AR, 71953; 191.
Sh e r rin , /Iobrc ( Freshm;ln), 2455 SI. Paul Road,
Wylie, TI<. 75098; 191, 276.
Shin e r . Theodore W. (Sophomore), 510 Sroufe.
Pon Orchard. WA, 98366; 280, 302.
Shi pman, He;llher D. (SophomoT\:), 49 NOTW'~y
Hill Road. H;lncock, NH, 03449; 172.
Shipp , Nichele A. (Sophomore), 108 Alabama
Ave., lynn H~ven, Flo 32444.172.
Shirel, Susan E. (Sophomore), 3643 Keyslone
Hills Drive, Evansville, IN. 47711; 96. 172.
Sh irey
Jill Lee;lTln (Senior), 2637 NSH 34 , Kaufman. TX,
75142; 135.
Kayle .. 111. (Sophomore), 2637 NSH 34. Kaufman.
TX, 75142; 172
jeffrey L (Sophomore), PO Box 21. Mab~nk, TX.
Sh ock
Jack (F;lculty), 115 Cherokee. Searcy, AR. 72143;
lionel J , (Freshman). 210 W. Scenic Drive, N.
little Rock. AR. 72118; 191. 284.
Jacquelin S. (Sophomore), 1317 Nickl etown
Road, Greenwood. AR. 72936; 172.
Sar:l Jane (Grd Edue), 210 W. Scenic. N. liltle
Rock. AR. 72118; 135, 271. 296.
Shoc kJey
Christie R. (Freshman), 6540 Woodpark Cove.
B:lrIlell, TN, 38135; 19 1,280.
Phillip N. (Freshm;ln), 6540 Woodpark Cove,
Bartlett, TN. 38135; 19 1, 288.
Sh oem a ke r
Beth (HUGSR), 77S I Stoll! Road, Germ;lntoWn.
li~ C. ( Freshm~n), 769 McClendon Court.
Brentwood. TN. 37027; 191. 286,
Tommy. Jr. (Faculty), 116 Red Oak lane, Searcy.
AR.72143Sh o U, Ashley A, (Junior), 7040 E. 100th SI., Tulsa ,
OK. 74133; 66. 154.288.
Shoo k, Deanna (St;lm. 1202 W(:st Indian;l.
Beebe, AR. 72012.
Sh ores, Amanda R. (Freshman), 190] lawre nce
St., Bentonville, AR. 72712; 191, 282.
Sh ort
Meredith A. (Junior), 1401 Clov"r Circle.
Paragould. AR. 72450; 154.276. 280.
jennifer M. (Senior), P.O . Box 232, MI. Juliet. TN.
37122; 10, 135,284,294.
Sho wman, jeremy L (Freshman ), 14 13 W.
Bakersville· Edie RO;ld. Somerset. PA, 15501.
SHRM; 298.
Sh rops hire. I>~ m (Starn, 900 E. Center. Box 81 1.
Se;lrcy. AR. 72 149.
Shul tz. Calhleen (St;lm, 1206 W. Arch. Searcy.
AR, 72]43; 46, 47.
Shurley, Pamela D. (Jun ior). 43 Gum SI., Cabot,
AR,72023; 154,288,290. 312.
Sh uttl~'o nh
Aut umnj. (Sophomore), 117 E. Kiwi. McAllen.
TX, 78>04; 172, 292, 300.
John D. (Freshman), RI. I. llox 3t Jacksonville.
TX, 75766; 191.
l.is;l (St;l'O. 701 5 Benton ApI. 13. Searcy. AR,
Mamie R. (Senior). Rt. 1. Box 34. j acksonville.
TX. 75766; 135. 269. .
Michael D. Ounior). RI. I. Box 34. Jacksonville,
Sia nj in a , Sander.5On (HSBS), 1308 E Market AV<' ..
Searcy. AR. 72143.
Sidle , Troy S. (Sophomore). 3393 FalHng Brook
Dri\'e. Marieua. GA. 30062; 172
Siegm a n . laura D. (Sophomore), 7>152
DorTignton Cove, B;lrtlen. TN. 38133; 154.
286, 298.
Sig m a T;l U Delta: 310.
Sigle r , Car), D. (Sophomore), 14995 CR 7430.
Caulf'ield. MO. 65626; 172.
Sig m a Phi .'\Iu; 296.
Sig m a Tau Sig m a; 296.
Sikes , Teresa C. (Sophomore), 1414 N, Olive.
Wellington, KS,67162.
SikJosi. Gabok (HUGSR). P.O . Box 316. Monelle.
Sile r , Gina A. (Senior). 1'.0 . Box 686. Judsoni;l.
Sil va
Brent Eugene (Senior). 16640 S.W, O~I; St ..
Beaverton, O R. 97007.
Mich;lel J. (Sophomore). 43 Brighton Lane.
Vernon. cr. 06066; 172.
Sim m o ns
Adam R. (Freshman), 1932 Valley View. Cedar
Hill, TX, 75HM. 191,300.
SUs,1n Amy (Senior), 161 Soulh 5th. A~hdown.
AR. 71822.
Grelchen A. (Sophomore). 8810 33 )'1ile Rood.
Romeo, .'III, 48065; 172. 288.
J:amcs J. (Freshm a n), 161 S. 5th SI .. Ashdown.
AR. 71822; ]91, 300.
!.:tura]. (Ju nior), 490 lR 21. Mhdown. AR, 71822;
jon D;lvid (Fres hm~n ), RI. 7. Box 438. Malvcrn.
AR, 721()4; 191.
Jullc Anne (Senior), Rt. 7. Box 438, 1\1;llvern, AR.
721()4; J35, 269, 276, 282. 290.
Kcny). (Freshm;m), 16] I Dr:ll;e Drive,
Richardson. TX, 75081; 191, 280. 284.
M;lrtha A. (Freshman), 1409 Timberwood Drive.
Columbia, TN. 38401; 191,278.
P;lul Dow (Grd Edue). 490 lR 21. As hdown. AR.
71822; 197,217.
Shellie D. (Sophomore). 4155 S.E. P:lddock
Cire!e, lee's Summit, MO. 64082; 172.
Sim pson
jeffrey G. (Sophomore). 136 N. HIAhland.
Dearborn. MI. 48128; liZ. 217.
john (HUGSR Slam. 4073 Stillwood, Memphis.
Rache l Elaine Ounior), 763 Herbert St.. Pon
Orange. Fl. 32119; 154,296.
Sims, SI;lci M. (Sophomore), 102 Barnes CO\lrt,
Fr:lnklin, TN, 37069; 172. 282.
Singe r . Clim E. (Senior), 108 Euclid Ave.,
Wheeling. WV, 26003; 135,
Sin gleton
Jon:llhan D. (Freshman). 2609 S. Park SI ..
Commerce. TX. 75428; 191. 288.
lee W. (Junior). 2880 "blibu Court. Tilusville. fl.
32780; 154. 290.
Amanda j . (Freshman), 2930 McG;lvock Pike.
Nashville. TN. 37214; 192.
Kennelh R. (Senior), 17903 Poppy Tr.lil. Houston.
TI<, nQ84 ; 135. 290.
Sipes, Andrew C. (junior). 3320 Hwy. 36 West.
Searcy, AR. 721-43; 155. 3OZ.
Sipkows kl. Tr:lci (Senior). 9300 W. 90th Drive.
Westminster, CO, 8002], 135.
SIS$O n . Ron j. (Senior). 940 S,W. 2nd. Moore.
OK. 73160; 135,282. 288.
Bill (Sta(O. 12 1 Deer Ridge Dri\·e. Se;lrcy. AR.
72 143; 89
Charlene (St;lrn, I'll Deer Ridge Dnve. Searcy.
AR , 72143; 280.
Jeremy R. (Sophomore). 121 Deer Ridge Drive.
Searcy. AR, 72143.
Ski ve r . Mindy M. (Sophomore). 4632 w;lnn Ave ..
Toledo. OH, 43623; 172. 276. 280, 284. 306.
Sia vska, Elyse M. (Sophomore), 383 W. Windsor
Pkwy., OceanSide. NY. 11572.
Sla yto n
The Flon'da Marl/ns b<.>came majodcuglle baseballs world champiom i'l 1997. beating lhe CI('l:elarld IrId/(H/s
in fbe World ,5(."";('$. JllSlfh'e yews old, fbe MurlillS Ii,,",, fhe Illdialls iPl tbe 'Iintb i.m/JIB of the se~Ymtb g(4lPl(!
mId u.l!.11 ou fhe will it (lll f'ltbeele~'(!l1Ib i.millg u:irh a $Coreof3·2 The IlId/ulIslaSl wolllhe Series in 1918
(1m PM/o)
Regina M. (Freshma n). 505 Me Kay St .. Hot
Springs. AR, 71913,172.312.
joy l. (St;l'O. llox 10875. Hardm~ University.
Se;lrcy. AN.. 72149·000 1
Kennelh M (Sophomore). HU Box 10875. Searcy.
Slicer, joseph M. (Freshma n), 1905 Harris St ..
Kennett, MO. 63857; 192.
Sloan . Lori (F:lCulty). 4101 l3car Tree Drive. little
Rock. AR. 72212, 61.
Small. Meg:an M. (Freshman), P.O. Box 1017, MI.
DOr:l. Fl . 327S7; 192.
Sm allwood
Amy lynne (Senior). 7904 Carol Elaine. Memphis.
Th. 38 133; 135.298.
Elizabeth A. (Sophomore). 7904 C:nol Elaine.
MemphiS. TN. 38 133; 173.300
Sm an
Amanda l. (Sophomore), 4784 I'1wy. 95.
Cleveland. AR, 72030.
Zachary T. (Freshman). P.O. Dox 16-i. Beebe. AR.
72012; 290.
Sm eitze r . Mallhew P. (Special). 8 Ch;lring Cross
Road. Conway. AR. 72032; 192,282.292.
Adria A. (Senior), 806 \'II, Aprieon Elm. Slilweli.
OK. 74960; 135
Alfred (Senior). 923 W. Mound BayO\l Road ,
MO\lnd Bayo u. MS. 38762. 135.
Allen Lawrence (Senio r). 1099 Pickens Chappel
Road. Searcy, AR, 72143; 294 .
Amanda l, (Freshma n). 2305 CaSli e Rock.
Carrollton, TX, 75007; 192.280.
Am;lnda N. (Junior). 321 Buckey CO\lrt. Ironton.
MO. 636so; 155
Ann (Slam. 116 Indi;ln Tr~il. Searcy. AR. iZ143
Br:lndon E. (Senior), 4009 Haven, Wichit;l. KS ,
67236; 135. 284 ,
Brooke A. (Freshman), 341 Robin l.;I ne . New
Braunfels. TX. 78132; 95.
Carlton E. (Sophomore). P.O . Box 1348. West
POint . !>'IS. 397n; 198.
C;lrroll (FaruIty). 11 Indian Tr:lil. Searcy. AR.
721 43.
Chad E. (Frl·shman). RI. 4. Box 121·B. York. NE.
68467; 192.286.
Charily S. (Freshman). 122 Daniel Boon Drive
Ext., Boone. NC. 28607.
Charles Gordon (Special). 320 Riverside Drive.
Pangburn, AR. 72121.
Cr:lig Alan (junior). 339 Doyle noad. McRae. AR.
Dean A. (Sen ior), 341 Robin l.;Ine, New
Braunfels. TX. 78132; 135.
Sh;lnnon E. (Senior). 41 11 Wcst/pte Pkwy ..
Dothan. Al. 36303; 135. 290, 308.
Eli7.abeth R. (Sophomore). 2034 Driftwood lane,
Pueblo, CO. 81005; 173. 278,
Emily C. (freshman). IS510 Pilgrim Hall Drive.
Friendswood. TX. 77546; 192.288.
Estellia R. (s.:nior). 704 Maple. Kensctt. AR.
Evelyn (Slam. HC 62. Box 158. ~!ico Rock. AR.
FaIVn C. (SophornOT\:). RI I. lJox 88A. Williford.
AR. 72482. 173
James E. (Sophomore). P.O . Box lOBI. Searcy.
AR, 721 45: In. 306.
j;lson K. (Sophomore). IR()4 Alpine Drive.
Sherm"n. TX, 75092, 173. 217.
Jason (Junior), 107 j:lwanda. Searcy, AR, 72143.
Jenifer M. (Freshman), 6525 Green RO;ld.
Lakcl:lIld. Flo 33S09; 298. 308.
Jennifer L (Freshman), 40 1 E. Park. Searcy. AR.
72 143. 192
Jenni fer R. (junior). 9265 Meadowbend Drive.
Beaumont, TX, 77706; 155.280, 282. 298.
Jennifer (StafO, 201 Chippewa. S"arcy. AR.
jeremy Wayne (Senior). 707 Hibiscus Drive.
Redlands. CA, 92373; 106, 107. 135. 278.
Kevin W. (Sophomore). 601 H;lrding,
Channelview. TX. 77530; 173, 269. 288.
Krbli N. (Sophomore). 104 Eliee COUI1. Hot
Springs. AR. 71913; 173. 288.
Kristy M. (Fres hm;ln). P.O . Box 1923. CorsiClna.
TX. 75151; 192.
lttt.-dy Kay (Grd Educ). 57 13 E 204th Place.
Tulsa. OK. 74137; 146. 197,
lesley (St;lrn, 43 Pond Streel, Cabot. AR. 720Z3 .
o\1;lnhew D, (Junior). 1803 SI. Fr:lncis SI.. Kennen,
MO. 63857; 155. 290.
Melissa K (Senior). 7220 US Hwy. 167 N.. Ville
Plaue. lA, 70SS6; 96. 135.280.
Nath;ln A. (Fre~hman). 707 Ihbiscus Drive.
Redlands, CA. 92373; 192.
Pame!.1 L. (Freshman), 1127 Wesl Poplar. Wynne.
R;lchcl A. (Sophomore). Rt. I, llox 98-A. Clinton.
AR. 72031 ; 173.
Ryan l>aul (Senior). 2379 Highway 16. Se:J.rcy.
AR , 72143; 205.
Sheridan B. (Sophomore). 5713 E. l04th PL.'Icc.
Tulsa. OK, 74137. 173,282.
Sherrie E. (Sophomore). 36 Lake Drive. Monroe.
LA. 71203; 173.
Stephanie J. (Senio r), 643 louIe Proill Road ,
Beebe, AR, 72012, 269.
Steve (Faculty), 1504 Randall Drive. Se;lrcy, AR,
72143; 79.
juanila S. (Junior). 15 Shawbridge Lane. liule
Rock. AR. 72212; 17, 155.288.
T;lnya I) . (Freshm;ln). 2810 Corbin. Shreveport.
IA 71108. 192. 290.
Terry ( Faculty). 800 Randall. Searcy. AR. 72143,
Tr:wis W. (Sophomore). 2616 S.L Front 51 ..
Ho xie. AR. 72433; 13, 173.278.
Troy E (Senior). 160 Hardy Lane. jennings. L>I..
Smith e y. TimOlh}' lynn (Grd Edue).
Jason F. (Freshman). 348 j~lCkson 195. Br:tdford,
AR. 72020; 217.
JOShu;l D (Freshm;ln). 355 D & D Rood.
Bates\'ilie, AR. 72501 ; 306.
Susan l . Ounior). P.O . Box 608. E3nh. TX. 79031;
Sne ll. le;lh K. (Sophomore). P.O . Box 284.
Hiplt:y. TN. 38063; 173.280.
Sn ide r
Denise E. (Sophomore). 903 N.\'II. B St ..
Bentonville. AR. 72712,
:\Iichclle lee (Junior), 903 N.W. B SI ..
Bentonville. AR. 72712; 155,
l:Iurie l . (Senior). 8935 E. 16 Place. Tuls;l. OK,
74112; 135, 282. 300.
Su~y L (Senior). 852 Hutchings Drive. San
Leandro. CA. 9-1577; 135.
Snyde r
Eliwbelh jean (Se nior). ]79 Kingsbury Courl.
N;l7.arelh. PA. 18064.
lindaj. (Senior). P.O. Box 2Sl.judsoni;l. AR.
72081; 135.
justin (Fres hman). RI. 1. Box 167. Pr~gue. OK.
74864 ; 32. 192. 288.
lind~ay A. (Sophomore). 617 N. 8th SI..
Cambridge. OH. 43725; 173Amanda l. (Junior). 816 O~k Knoll. Min. Home.
AR. 72653; 155.
Sobonka, Paul W. (Fres hman), 9 Portrce Cres ..
Thornhill. Ontario l3T·3G I . CANAD."
Socia l Work Clu b ; 2%,
Soehe nd ra . HCZ3 (Freshman). T'lman jerok 5 No
II. Jakana. INDOi\ESIA
SoUda . Chel1 l. Ounior). 121 Coloverd3le. Searcy.
AR. 72 1430 155.
Sossa m o n . Tal>h;l C. (Freshman). P.O . Box 53.
Mar:.hall. AR. 72650, 192.292 ,
So ulh. Judy lynn (Spcci~!). P.O . Box 407. Cabot,
So ut ha U. Blake E. (Fr~';S hman ). 1255 Madi»on
Cn;:ek Rood . Goodlel$v illc, TN. 370n. 192.
Sow;lrdS. Andrew E. (Sophomore), 124 Powh3tan
St,ident Association. First Row: jordan House, KeJiy
Lauterbach, RyanAllan, First Row: Pam Shurley, Donnie
Stover, Greg Swackhamer. Third Row: Reagan Boone,
Brian Bush, jeff veal. Photo by Brian Hendricks.
SA Movie Committe. First Row: Cynthia Matthews,
Mack McFarland, Ryan Fields. Second Row: Dan
Burdette, Marlon Brow/Ie, Travis Greenwell, Troy
Belldickson. Photo by Bn'an Hendn·cks.
Students For Life. First Row: Kimberly Schweikhard,
Miriah Schmidt, Kristi Burns, Amy Hurd. Second Row:
Christy Henson, Erica Busby, Rachel McFarland, Kim
Parrish, Renita Graham. Third Row:josly n Payne, Kalie
LabowskJ~ Gina Slayton, Russel Hiatt, Sylvia Fa1Tar.
Photo by Brian Hendricks.
Young Democrats. fj'rst Row: Charissa Walters, Matthew
Miller. Second Row: Sarah Terry, Dr. Dan Tulios(sponsor),
Rebecca Lawrence. Photo by Brian Hendricks.
Bison and PetitJean Staffs. (Student paper and yearbook) First Row: Kathryn George, Wendi Kel/er,jenny Rider,
Ashley Miller, Karen Carruth, /-/eather Affison, Misty Bacon, Linda Richey, Brian Hendricks. Second Row: Sonua
Bohannon, Melissa jackson, Kay Gowen (sponsor), jeff Krillks, j eff Fall, Kristi Bums, Christy Pittman.
Trail, Versailles, KY. 40383; 173.
Craig B. (Sen ior). 219 Camelil Trail, Brandon,
MS, 39042: 282.
Mirandl C. (Freshman), 2238 Trinity Springs.
Clrroillon, TX, 75007; 192.278.
NichollS G. (Freshmln), 6627 Glli!<:o Cove.
Blrtlett, TN, 38134.
Spain, Sadi e K. (Freshman). 4608 Crossover l:ine.
Memphis, TN, 38 117; 192, 2828.
Daniel P. (Freshman ). 104 Briarwood Drive.
Nichol~svil1e, KY, 40356.
Samuel D. (Sophomore), RR 3, Box 366 MA ,
Independence, KS, 67301; 298.
Louise {StafO. 4 Summit Circle, Sency, AR,
72 143.
Shawn M. (Senior), 4 Summit Circle. Searcy, AR,
Spears, Toni L. (Senior), 4869 l:isher Rood.
Wolcon. NY, 14590; 135.
SpeU, Autumn E. (Sophomore), 404 Dishop Drive,
Hockessin. DE. 19707; 173,288.
Spence, Eliz:LlJeth D. (Sophomore), 1401 Gum
Springs Road. Searcy, AR, 72143,
Spence r
James C. (Sophomore), Rt. 6, Box 7210. Pa ris,
TX, 75462; 173. 225, 286.
Stephanie L. (Senior), 701 Vinson, Unle Rock,
AR, 72205; 135.
Spindler, Alison (Senior), 820 Ridgeview Drive,
Medina, OH, 44256; 135.
Spivy, Robin (HUGSR), 3440 Bt:n.':rly Pl~ce,
Shrevepon. LA.. 71 105.
Sprad ley, Alina (Senior), 911 E. Race , Apt. 112,
Searcy. AR, 72143; 135,269,2%, 310.
Spr;J.dLin, Carol B (Grd Educ), 123 N. High,
England, AR, 72046.
Spr;J.dling. SU$;ln L. (Senior), 2 Spring Creek
Drive. Denison, TX, 75020: 136, 269, 278,
288,304 .
Spreeman, Jason E. (Freshman), 9589 ClintonMacon R();l.d, Tt.:cumseh, MI. 49286; 192, 282.
Amy Ga il (Junior). RI. 2. Box 369, Hardy, AR,
72542; 155.
Levi D, (Sophomore).
Am~nd~ L. (Fre~hman). 345 Stanford, South Lyon,
MI, 48178: 192.
Spurrier, SU7.anne (Faculty), 44 Westgate, Searcy,
AR, 72143: SO.
Srnka, Amy E. (SeniOl"), 520 Primrose Cove.
Memphis, TN, 38117.
SSHA; 298.
Stacy,Jon:uhan E. (Freshman). 1025 S. E. Kings
Circle, Bartlesville, OK, 74006; 192.
Siadthagen, Carlos A. (Junior), Av. Javier GuelT'"J
-7, ;\bnagua. NICARAGUE. ; 198.
\kverly (F~cu lty), 4 12 Honey Hill Road, Searcy,
David B. (Freshman). 610 Trebor Drive,
Goodlettsville, TN, 37072; 192.
Amanda (Senior), 412 Honey Hill Road, Searcy,
AR.72 143Stanfield, Andrew W. ( Freshm:m), 108 W<."Stwind
Cove, Florence, AI., 35630; 192,276,300.
Aaron K. ( Fre,.hman), 12721 Duquene Ave.,
Hanville, O H, 44632; 192. 278, 288.
Jlmie M. (Junior), 52 Timberlane, Texarkana, TX,
75501; 155, 290, 296.
StanseU, Heather A. (Freshman), 2905 Peach
l:ine, Pasadena, TX, 77502.
Kari L. (Junior), 1700 Ndson Road. Bozeman,
MT. 59718; 155, 294 .
Nicole (Junior). 1700 Nelson Road, Bozeman,
Stark, Marjorie Munger (Spedal).
Joncblyn R, (Sophomore), 282 1 Hwy. 79 N.,
Camden. AR. 71701; 173.
Whitney K. (Se nior), 4512 Stromboli Drive.
Pl:tno, TX. 75093; 136.280.
Dlrbara (Fac ulty), 608 Live Oak Drive, Searcy,
AR. 72 143; 61.
Tom, Jr. (Faculty), 608 Live Oak Drive, Searcy,
AR, 72143; 77, 308.
SteakJey, Casey M. (Freshman), 4207 Arbor Oaks
Coun, Orlando, FL, 32808; 192.
Stecke l
Jason W. (Freshman), 1019 Bogan Road, Huron,
OK, 44839; 197.
l:iura Michclle (Junior). 3935 N. Dixie Dri\'c, POrt
Clinton, OH, 43452; 155.
Adrian W. (Sophomore). 3889 E. River Rood .
Grnnd [sl~nd, I\.'Y, 14072; 173,288.
Benjamin T. (Freshman), 1719 w. Sycamore,
Carbondale, IL, 62901; 192,278.
Steele. Johna t h~n D. (Junior). 8 Heatherwood.
Tenrkana. TX. 75503; 155
Stein. Jennifer A. (Senior). 205 Wildwood Place,
Allen. TX, 75013: 292.
Steinfeld, D:IVe (Grd :>'Iffi, 1130 Autumnwood
Drive, Conway. AR. 72032.
Ste ns la nd, Brenda G. (Freshmln), 1311 Rock
Chapel Road. Herndon, VA, 20170: 192.
Cli nton M. (Senior), 903 Melrose. Victoria, TX.
77901; 282.
Florene G. (Freshman), 3'10 Banister RO:l.d.
Greenbrie. AR. 72058.
Karen M. (Senior), 11216 Germania Road ,
Mabelvale. AR, 72103; 294.
Richard W., Jr. ( Frcshm:l.n), 13755 Linlecrest,
Farmers Branch. IX, 75234; 192.
Ste phenson. jeremy M. (Senior), 107 Kate St.,
Enterprise. Al. 36330.
Christina N. (Freshman), 1683 Rembrandt Drive,
O'Fallon. MO. 63366; 192. 276.
jera K. (Sophomore), 6903 Brookville,
Urbandale. IA. 50322.
Mark C. ( Freshman), 600 McClin Drive. Monroe.
LA, 71203; 192.
Stevenson, Keen:l. M. (Freshm:ln). 608 OlIk ley.
jacksonville, AR, 72076.
Steward. Faith (Staff), 125 March Cove. Searcy,
Benjamin W. (Freshman), 6 168 Shady Oak St.,
Huber Heights, OH, 4542<1; 278, 304.
Braden ~eid (Senior), 337 Creekwood. Lancaster,
IX, 75 146; 136.
Carrie Lynn (Grd Educ), 112 Bristlecone R03d,
Searcy, AR, 72143Gavin B. Qunior), 337 Creekwood. l.:m<:aster, IX,
75 1<16: 155.280,286.
jennifer L. (Sophomore). 1123 Holyrood St.,
Midland, MI. 48640: 286.
Karie A. (Senior), <100 Concord Road, Lebanon.
TN, 37087; 136,260,282.
Keith D. (Freshman), 2712 Ashton Road.
Sarasota, FL, 3<123 1; 192. 286.
Kelly L. (Freshman), 400 Concord Road,
Lebanon, TN, 37087; 192,282.
Rachel R. (Freshman), 7606-A Wistar Village
Drive, Richmond, VA, 23228; 192, 288.
Renae L. (Freshman), 17022 Harmon Road,
Fayeneville. AR, 72704.
Sharon Leigh (Senior), 336 1 Powers, Memphis,
TN. 38128; 136.
Susan Carol (Sophomore), 208 Jennifer Lane,
Searcy, AR , 721<13.
Stidham, Sherry L. Qunio.-), 378 jackson 2.
Bradford, AR, 72020.
Stiffler, Tan j . (Senior). 140 Deer Trail. Searcy,
Michael P. (Se nior). 2204 Missy CircEe, Newport,
AR, 72112; 136.
Susan C. Ql,lnior). 2204 Missy Circle, Newport,
AR. 72112; 155.
StUes, Patrick D. Qun ior), Rt . 1 Box 143. N. Indian
Dam Road, Lahoma, OK. 7375<1.
Still. Parker H. ( Freshman). 206 W Gilmo.-e.
Senatobia. MS, 38668; 192, 286.
Stillwe ll, Edward D. ( Freshma n), 130 Palmer
Drive, Ft. Colli ns. CO, 80525; 192,290.300.
Stilwell, Rita (Stam, 505 E. Cemer, Searcy, AR,
Stinnett. Chris (HUGSR), 1415 N. Pontiac Tnil,
Walled Lake, MI. <18390.
Stipp. Jessica L. (Senior), 1320 Stoneledge Lam:.
Neosho, MO, 6<1850; 271. 286, 288.
Stobart, Shauna R. ( Fresh man). 23<1 Pleasant
Drive. Aliqui p pa, PA. 15001; 192. 286.
Cindee (StafO, 116 Cherokee, Searcy, AR, 72143.
Daisha L. (Spe<:ial). 116 Cherokee, Searcy. AR.
72 1<13.
Daniel (Faculty), 116 Cherokee Place, Searcy, AR;
Danna L. (Senior), 1199 Greene 607 RO:ld , Beech
Grove, AR, 72412; 136, 271, 276.
Danny L. (Freshma n). 1199 Greene 607 Road.
Beech Grove, AR, 72<1 12; 192,286,306.
Kara jane (G rd Educ), 205 W. Woodruff -IS,
Sea rcy, AR, 72 1<\3; 288.
Annette L (Senior). 12 Wishing Well. Cabot. AR.
72023; 296.
jon J. (Senior), 12 Wishing Well. CabO!. AR ,
72023; 29<1.
Micheal Qun io r), Box 157, Marianna, AR, 72360;
Priscilla (G rd Educ), 1876 Stacy Springs,
Quitman. AR. 721 31.
Stoneman. Michael A. (Freshman), 7<125 Ha rdy
Ave., Raytown, MO, 64133; 23, 192.
Stor ey
Allison Leigh (Sophomore), 107 POSt Oak Drive,
Searcy, AR. 72143; 173. 284.
Lavada (St:lff), 107 POSt Oak Drive, Searcy. AR.
721<\3; 89.
Story. Adam T. (Freshman), 1913 Aztec Drive. N.
little Rock. AR. 72116.
Stou t. Shcib L. Qunior). 130 S. W. 83, Ok la homa
City, OK, 73139; 155.
Stovall.. SeOIl (Faculty), 103 S. Charles St.. Sea rcy,
AR. 72143; 6 1. 282.
Stove r , Donald W. Qunior), 5386 Denwood.
Memphis. TN, 38120; 155, 221, 296. 312.
jennifer A. (Sophomore). 5053 London R03d.
Montgomery, AL, 36109.
Rdxcca E. (Sophomore), 5053 londnn Road,
Momgomery, AL. 36109.
Strac han , George Qunior), I I Henderson Circle,
Peterhead. SCOTlAND. A6<l2; 155, 290. 292.
Frederick G. ( Freshman), 53 19 Pierce Road.
Warren. OH. <I<I48l.
Virgini a L (Sophomore), 5319 Pierce Road.
Warren , OH. 4448l.
Straughn, Ginger A. (Sophomore), 1135
Bushnell, Murfreesboro, TN, 37130; 173,288.
Strejce k , Stephanie (Freshman), S660 W. Ventura
St. , Willard, MO, 65781; 192.
Stric kland
Er.m Michele (Senior), 8 11 Graceland Drive.
Newport, AR, 72112.
Gail (Stam, 2601 Teresa. Newport. AR. 72112; <15.
Jill L. Qunior). 2601 Teresa Drive, Newport, AR,
72112; 155.
Kyle G . (Senior), 2601 Te resa. Newport. AR.
721 12.
Strine , Vincent L. (Sophomore). 17<1513 "j" St..
Grand Forks AFB , ND, 5820<1; 173, 298.
String Qua rtet; 310.
Stroud, Robert B. (Sophomore). 716 Bra. nnon
Drive. lithia Springs. CA. 30122; 173, 217.
St runk . Jennifer M. (Senior). 101 Shady Cove,
Old Hickory. TN, 37138: 136. 269. 306.
Studda rd, ):l.ckie Moye (Grd Educ).
Student Activites Comm.iUee; 298.
Student AssOCia tion; 3i2.
Stude nts for Ufe; 312.
Stumne, Su~an Ii:. (Freshman), 2323 Richland
Prairie Drive. Belleville. I l , 6222 1; 192, 278,
Amy K. Qunior). 207 Cherokee Dri ve, Yukon,
OK, 73099; 3<1. 155,278.
Ryan L. ( Freshman), 207 Cherokee Drive. Yukon,
OK, 730'». 192, 282.
Eli zabeth C. (Freshman), 326 Woodlands Drive.
Thornlands,QldAI6( AUSTRALIA; 192. 278.
jennifer ( Freshman), 326 Woodlands Drivc,
Thornlands 4164, Qul'Cnsland. AUSTRAUA:
Sub T-16 ; 298.
Sucbkova, Julia (Freshman). lS8 Coumry Club.
Senatobia. MS, 38668; 192. :!82.
Suggs, Meliss.'1 R. (Sophomore). 2 N.W. 101 COUrt,
GainCliville. FL, 32607; 173.278.300.
Suh , Ki (HUGSR), <190 Triton, -7. SOUth:Lven, MS,
Sullenberger. Ryan D. Qun ior). RI. I, !lox 256,
DamOl"L, IX, 77<130; 155,276.
Sulle ns, DeShea (Senio.-), 1524 Wayne Drive,
Nashvi ll e. TN. 37206: 282.
Con F. (Grd Educ).
Shannon D. (Sophomore). %<\0 E. McKinley,
Fresno, CA. 93727; 173.
Sheila (Faculty), 39 Mohawk. Searcy, AR. 72143;
Judsonia, AR, 72081.
Tabut. Albert K. Qu nior), Kombe Vicinity, Box
605. Ka p.'l ahet , KENYA; 210, 221.
Tacker, Jeffrey (HUGSR). 1809 Garfie ld Ave ..
O xford, MS. 38655.
Tac kett. Terry L (Sophomore). 20 Foxboro,
Searcy, AR, 721<13; 173, 284.
Ta llman, jeremy J. (Senior). 17607 OK MIll Road,
Snohomish. WA. 98290; 136,290,2%. 298.
Ta mindzija, Igor (Freshma n).
Ta mpleton. Rebekah Ann (Grd Educ), 10758 E.
l<1th Place, Tulsa, OK, 74128; 197.
Tankersley. Sharon (Stam, 300 W. <lth Street .1,
Ward. AR. 72176.
Tanner •
Richard B. (Sophomore), 907 E. Bethel School
Road. Coppell. IX, 75019; li3.
Brian O. (Freshman), P.O . Box 9<105, Gosnell.
AR, 72319; 225.
Tanui, Jon ~ h K. Qun ior), 2401 Howell Drive,
Hutchinson. KS. 67502; 210. 211. 220. 221.
Tappe. Chad A. ( Freshman), 2<101 Howell Drive.
Hutchinson. KS. 67502: 300.
Tarhet,Jason ( HUGSR), 563 Terrell Place,
Memphis. TN. 3811l.
Taro le . Tia j. (Freshman), I I I Golfview Drive.
T<:queSla, FL, 33469; 193. 218. 219. 282.
Tarrant, Emily j . (Senio r), 30 Highland,
Richardson, lAo 75081: 136, 298
Ta te
April E. (Sophomore). 1<138 Golo Road. Mayfleld/
hI', <12066; 173.296.
jeremy M. (Freshman). 114 Rosedale Drive.
Searcy, AR, 72143.
Teresa L. ( Frc.~hman). <19 Glen Echo. j.tckson.
TN. 38305. 193. 2R2.
Timothy A. Qunior), 1530 Holly St., BI)1hcville.
AR, 72315: 155.296.
Tonya D. Qunior). 11<1 Roseda le Drive , Searcy.
AR ,72I<13.
Joshua R. ( Freshman), 8O<i Emenld Ga rde ns, N.
Lillie Rock. AR, 7211 8; 2 17.
Tyron D. Qunior), 85 Grani te Court, ~1:Lumelle.
Tay lor
Andrea D. (Senio.-), 180 Da nna Drive, Monroe.
Anthony J . (Grd Educ). 2735 lloyd Rick Road,
Vernon. MO. 65712; 173.
Vanessa S. (Sophomore), 1263 H,,"'Y- 258. Bald
Knob, AR. 72010; 173.
TEACH: 300.
Teagu e. Rebecca (SlarO. 71 Mohawk, Searcy. AR.
72 143,89.
Te d esco. J uslin ( HUGS R). 1000 Cherry Road. KH106, MemphLS. TN, 38117.
Tee tor. Melody A. (Se nior). 334 Vallc::y loop,
Heber Springs. AR, 72543.
Jame:. P. (Sophomore), 309 74th Way, Brooklyn
Park, MN. 554<14; 82, 173. 286.
Ju lie Ann Qunior). 309 74th Ave., Brooklyn P~rk.
MN. 554<14; 155. 282. 2%.
Telgren.james I>. (Sophomore). 16<10 Thayer
Street, Plattsmouth. ~E. 68048.
Tenery. Chad Allan (Senior). 9860 FM 2101,
Quinbn. IX. 75<174.
Te rada. Ma yumi Qunior). 1902 N. Cross. Searcy.
AR. 72143; 155.302.
Terlisner , Mitchell L ( Freshman), 1049 Borgert
Ave ., SI. Cloud, MN. 56303; 193. 288.
Henry {S tafO. 293 Ranchelle Village Loop,
Searcy , AR.
Ka rolyn (Slam, 293 Rancheue Village loop.
$carcy, AR. 72143.
Te rry
Aron A. (Freshman). 611 Park. Orange. IX.
joanna E. (Freshma n), 324 Dry Ridge Road.
Mexico. NY. 1311<1; 193.30<1.
Sarah E. (Freshman). 106 Mcadow Hill Court. Hot
Spri ngs. AR. 71913. 193. 312.
Tharp, Ryan B. Qunior), 272 Little Red /I1t. Road.
Pangburn. AR. 72121 ; 205.
Monica D. (Sophomore). 512 Achom:L Drive,
Heber Springs, AR, 72543.
Tyler S. (Sophomore). 507 Circle. Libert}"'ille, IL.
Theta Beta Kappa ; 300.
Theta Tau Delta; 300.
Th etfo rd
Carri L. (Sophomore), 600 Tannehill. jonesboro,
AR. 72<104; 173, 226.227.
KeHi D. (Freshman). 600 Tannehill. Jonesboro.
AR. 72<104; 193.280.
Thibod."lux. Kory J. (Fresh man), 5576 Chuck
Summers, Lucas A. (Sophomo re), 538<1
Lam p lighter Lane, Flushing, MI, <18433; 173.
Sundling, jeffrey ( HUGSR). 3047 Park, Memphis,
TN. 38 111.
Suprntman , Foredy Qunior), 504 E. Woodruff,
Se:lrcy, AR. 72 143; 155.
Suthe rlin
Autumn (Facu ity), 905 N. Sunnyhill, Searcy, AR,
72143; 73, 292.
Gordon (Faculty), 33 Frances St., Cabot, ,\R.
72023; 59.
Graham R. Qunior), 33 Fr2ncis 51., Cabot, AR,
72(}23; 155. 284.
Sultle . Jon A. Qunio r). S68 Davidson Road,
Beebe. AR, 72012.
Su ttl~, Carrie L. (Senior), 6709 Manley La ne,
Brentwood, TN. 37027; 136. 298.
Jill (Sophomore). 18731 Prescot! Lane, Nampa,
!D,83687; 157, 173,276.
Laura E. (Senior), 3884 Siena Lane, Palm Ibrbor.
FL, 3<1685; 136,298.
S....-ackha mer, Greg N. (Senior), 6674 Red Cooch
Lane. Re)'noldsburg. OH. 43068; 136,27 1,
282.28<1,3 12.
Mauhew Isaac (Senior). 1098<1 Maple SI.. Hayde n.
!D, 83835; 103.
Paul M. (Se n ior), 1098<1 Maple St .. Hayden, !D.
Swai n , Kelly B. (Freshman), 801 State Road 344,
Edgewood. NM. 87015; 193.
SWarnendruber , Julie A. ( Freshman), 5056
Derby Ave. S.W., Kalona. lA, 52247.
Swayne, Nea le T. ( Freshman). 6913 Forest Dale,
N. little Rock. AR. 72118; 193.
Swee t, RebecC2 ( Freshman), 222 Davidson Drive,
Hot Spring$, AR, 71901.
Phillip O. (Senior). 3<10<1 Willow Lane. Par2gould.
Erik J. (Sophomore), 103 Wild Oak, She ......·ood.
AR, 72120; 173. 284.
Swinehart. Donna Ii:. (Sen ior).
Swi nk. Ellen f . (G rd Educ). P.O . Box 178, Des
Arc. AR. 720<10.
Tabor , Jim l. (Grd Mm. 32<1 Woodlawn R03d.
A photographerfrom Holland Studios in Memphisfixes a students collar before she
takes herpic(u re. Some enjoyed having theirpicture taken, whileo/hers knew if/hey
did not mom would be mad. Photo by Kristi Burns.
Dandridge. TN, 37725 .
April E. ( Freshm Jn), 3016 B;uid's LJne. Uurleson,
IX, 76028; 284 .
Chad A. ( Freshman). 1 CoUntry Club Circle,
Searcy, AR, 721<13; 282.
Greg M. (Sophomore), 21 Bergholz Road.
Carrollton. 0 1-1 . 4<1615.
Greg (Sophomore). 30<1 E. Barton. Granbury. IX.
76048; 298.
john (Freshman). 12835 S. Emerald. Chicago. IL.
60628; 30<1.
Kara Deneen (Senior), I'. O . Box 113. Pangburn.
Katherine D. Qu nior), 1604 Don Rob Lane.
Chattanooga. TN, 3741 1; 21. ISS, 280
Katie (Stam , 2910 E. Moore -85. Searcy. AR.
Linde D. ( Freshman), 8008 Sorrells Road. Pine
Bluff. AR. 7 1603.
Mindy N Qu nior). 375 Met!ako Way. Columbia
City. OR. 97018; 155
McQu\:ster (Fresh man). 9823 St. james Lane.
Dall:1s, TX, 75238; 28<1.
Trisha R. (Sophomore). 638 Valley Vic\\,. Mt.
Drive. Lake Charies. LA. 70605; 193.286.
Er.l (HUGSR Stam. 1000 Cherry Road. HlJ-208.
Memphis. TN. 38117; 84.
Kimberly M (Sophomore). RI 4 100<1 Dogwood
St., Buffalo. MO. 65622: 173.
Mark (I-IUGSR). 1000 Cherry Road, HB-20S.
Memph iS. TN. 38 117; 197.
Tho man. Ed (HUGSR). 216 l"aticook R03d.
Merimack. KH. 03054.
Tbo m.'IS
Amanda C. (Fresh man), 3300 Fainneadows Lane.
Ft. Worth. Th. 76123; 193.2%.
Anne {Stam. 57 Via Trioui. ')7. Scandicci. ITALY.
Calcb B. (Sophomore). 13499 Bndley Lane.
Prairie Grove, AR. 72753.
Cedric L. (Freshman). 300 N. Clinic. ApI. 6,
Searcy, AR. 72143; 193Charles L. (Freshman). 300 N Clinic Apt 6.
Searcy, AR. 72143.
jack (Facuity). 303 Rivo: r Oaks Blvd .. Searcy. AR.
313 @
72143: 69, 296.
Mary Lois (St:lff), 303 River Oaks Blvd., Searcy,
All" 721 43: 89.
Randy (Se nior), 6500 W. EI Ulmpo Grandi Ave ..
Las Vegas, NY, 89130.
Sasha B. (Junior). 8 149 W . Spice r Lam:,
Bloomington. IN, 47403: ISS.
Stephanie Ann (Junior), 300 N. Clinic. Apt. 6,
Searcy, AR, 721 43: ISS.
Tho m.linson, Ce<:il (HUGSR Stafn. ]553 Sea Isle.
Mem phis. TN. 38117.
Th o mpso n
Rebecca R. (Se nior). Rt. 1, Box 1330. Mt.
Pleas;l m. TX. 75455: 136, 269, 276.
William R., jr. ( Freshman), 1298 W. Amdal.:
RO;ld, StoW, OH , 44224: 193, 294.
Brittany E. (Freshman), 1820 Aztec Drive. N.
Litt[e Rock, AR, 721 ]6: 193,280.
IJry:an D. (Sophomore), 100 1 Harbor Land ing.
Roswell, GA. 30076: 173, 282.
Ch ris (HUGSR). 1000 Cherry Road, HB-205.
Memp his, TN. 38 117.
Dacus W. ( Fre~hma n), 112 Li\(.'S. Searcy , All,.
72143: 193.
Je;emy R. (Sophomore), 409 K:uy Lane. 51.
Ch;l rles. MO, 63303: 217.
John G. (Sophomore), P.O. Box 558, McCrory,
AR, 72101.
Tr.l\'isjoh n (Junior) .• 1 Hardi ng Drive, Searcy,
AR , 721 43.
Keri (HUGSR), 1000 Cherry Road, HB-205,
Memphis, TN, 38117.
Linda (Staff). I Harding Drive. Searcy. All" 72 143:
SO. 51, 300.
Robe rt C. (Fres hm an). 3902 Gr:m ny Whit;:: Pike,
Nashville. TN, 37204.
Tra.vis (Facu[ty), I Hard ing Drive, Sea rcy, AR.
721 43: 79.
Tho rnburg .
Brenda J. (Sophomore), 310 Bre<:kinridge Coon,
Berryville, VA. 22611 : 173.284 .
Eric j . (junior). 310 Breckinridge Cou rt ,
Berryville. VA, 2261 1: 282.
Tho rnhill. Daniel L. (Senior). 905 Ave. '"T" S.E.,
Winter Ha ven, FL. 338S0: ]36. 294.
Th o rnthwa ite, Andrea L. (Senior), 7880 S.W. 139
Terrace, Miami, FL. 33 158: [36. 242.280,302.
Tho rnto n
Alicia (Freshm an). 11 6 Teresa Lane. Searcy. All,.
Amy D. (Junior), 116 Teresa Lane. Sea rcy. AR,
72143: 155,284.
Christina B. (Junior). 10 19 N. Hills Drive,
Decatur. GA, 30033: 155.
linda (Facu[ty), 116 Te reS<! Lane, Sea rcy. All,.
72143: 59, 294.
C;irrie L. (Freshman), . 10 Cut-Off !..:lne, Hebe r
Spri ngs, AR. 72543.
Fredrick j. (Freshman), 402 Huntington Pl:Ice,
Harrison. AR, 7260 1.
Threlkeld, Stacy L. (Freshma n), 27~ Bunert.
Warre n. MI. 48093: 193. 276, 292.
Thurman , FrJncis W., Jr. (Sophomore), 5502
Fiesta Drive, Memphis, TN. 38120: 173,282.
A!lison P. (Sophomore). 4109 Mesilla St. N.E ..
Albuquerque, NM. 87109; 173.
Jennife r j . (Senior), 4 109 Mesilla Drive N.E.,
Albuquerque, NM. 87109: 136. 271 .304. 310.
TibbJcs, M~1thew M. (Senior), 511 !3urb~tnk.
Muskogee, OK, 74403: 109. 136. 271. 278.
Tillma n . Sar.t Kate (Freshman), 7301 SE 92nd
Tt'rrace. Gainesville. FL. 32641: 288, 292.
Tilso n . jean Kay (Se nior), P.O. Box 564. E[khart.
TX, 75839: 304 .
Timmins , Mindi (Sophomore). 21010 E. 12 Mile.
St. Ciair Shores, MI. 4808 1.
Timms . Katrina (Staft). WMSA , 0-7. Box 10854,
Searcy, AR, 72149.
T imothy Club: 300.
Tinc he r , jacob W. (Se nio r). 163 Bridle Path Lane,
Granville, OH, 43023.
Tine r . Amberl)' D. (Senior), 52 Wellington Park.
BaytOwn, TX. 77520: 136. 269, 282. 286.
Tinsley. Tennille). (So phumore), Rt. 6. Box 17,
Harrison. AR. 72601 : 280.
Tip ps. james C. (Sophomore). 2171 Hunters
Point. Leb;loon. TN, 37087: 217.
Tita ns : 286.
Amy N. ( Freshma n), 2405 Cand[eberry Drive,
Mesquite, TX, 75 ]49: 193, 278, 280.
Melissa D. (Sophomo re), 27 13 Brushy Creek
Trail, Mesquite, TI, 75 181 : 173.280.288.
Til1o to . Silvano (Senior), 8 Trist;lina St .. Brooklyn
Park Adel~ide, AUSTRALIA, 5032: 136.
TNT: 286.
jaime R. (Fresh m;ln). 1222 Bercro rd Court,
Wi lmington. NC, 28409.
TrJcye A. (Sophomore), 709 I'in Oak. El Dorado.
To lleso n , Cynthia J. (Junior). P.O . Box 332,
Minera l Springs. AR. 71851 : 137,278.
Tom asi, N:l\asha E. (Junior), 7830 Ea gle Ave.,
Alexa ndria , VA, 22306; 199.
To mbiri, Bumit:gha (Senior), AGIF Huu sing
Estate, I)M E 754 1 Pt. Harcourt Ri"er St.,
NIGERIA: 136, 210.
Tomli nso n
Briley H. (Senior), 108 Brookside Drive.
Senatohia. MS, 38668.
Cecil (HUGR), 1553 Sea Isle. Memphis, TN ,
38117: 84 .
Jane (HUG SR Staff), 4897 Edenshi rc. Memphis,
TN, 38 117: 84.
Tonnessc n
Vi rginia .\1. (Senior), 27 Barnwell Drive. Cabot.
AR, 72023: 276.
Roger D. (junior), 1'.0. Box 187, Cabot. All"
72023: 136.
Tool, K:ni e N. (Freshman), 805 N.E. Mary Court.
B[ue Springs, MO, 64014 .
To r re . Andre;l K. (Freshma n), 224 Rose St .. Litt[e
Rock. AR , 72205.
To rres, MariO (Sop homore), 6a av. 13-05,zona 10.
Guatemala City, GUATEMALA. CA.
To tty. Sandra D. (Sen iur). Rc. 2. Box 294C,
AugUSta, AR. 72006: 136, 269, 276.
Toudo uze. Robert J. (Fres hman). 24303
SChivener. Katy, TX. 77493: 193. 282.
To w . .'-buhew N. (Jun ior), 27]3 Bethul Court .
Winston-Salem, NC, 27127-9089: 33.155.
Towe ry , Z;lch D. (Fresh ma n), 2716 Yorkshire.
Irving. TX. 75061; 193.2 17.
Towne , Katin:a (Senior). 1'.0. Box 423, AugUSta.
All.. 72006.
Toy. John L. (Se nio r). 121 90 Blosse r Road. North
Lima, OH. 44452: 284 .
Toye , Joseph L. (Sophomore), 287 CC 757.
j onesboro, AR. 7240 1; 104, 155, 284, 298
Tracy, Julie L. (Junior). ] 12 W. Sibley, Fairfield,
IL, 62837: 156.
Traine r . Mark Daniel (Junior), 499 East Quail
Ridge. Wes tfield, IN. 46074; 156.282.
Traisci, Peter M. (j unior). 10 jericho Road, New
F~irfield. cr, 06812: 156, 244.251,304.306
Travis , April M. (Sophomore), 7992 McCrory
!..:lne, Nashville. TN. 3722 1; 173.
Connie Lynn (Se nior), 367 Hardin Hill Road.
Judsonia, AR , 72081: 294 .
Desiree M. (Sophomo re), 2518 Murra.y Lane.
Heber Springs, AR. 72543; 173
Tredwa y. Amanda S. (Junior), 8993 Breckenridge
Cove, Memphis. TN, 38133: 95,156.
Trevi no , Natash~ (Freshman), 1608 High Pointe
Lane. Ced:a r Hill. TX. 75104; 193.
Tri Kappa: 286.
Eryn E. (Sophomore). 40 12SO W. 2480 Drive.
Bartlesville, OK, 74006; 241.
Mieh:le1 M. (Senior), 2241 Hayes Road, Hayes,
VA, 23072.
Randy (Faculty), 134 Western Hills, Searcy. All"
72143; 24, 65. 217.
Tina (SufO. 134 Western Hills, Searcy. AR. 72143.
juma[ D. (Junior). P.O . Box 389, Augusta, AR.
72006; 156.
Tomar (Ju ni or), 12824 S. Emerald. Chicago. [l,
60628: 156,292,306.
Tric key
Donna T. (Grd Educ), - 6 Cricket 1.ane, Lono ke ,
AR, 72086.
William Klark (Ju nior), . 6 Cricket Lane. Lonoke.
Mona M. (Sopho more), 30 HidgeweH. Sher.vood.
AR, 72120: 280.
Troopc, jason A. (Freshman). 110 Walnut Drive.
Col umbi a. TN, 38401.
Troue r
Leanne M. (Freshma n), 2312 S. 67th St.. Fort
Smith. AR. 72903: 193, 278.
Todd (HUGSR), 6421 Lost Oak Drive .•320,
_ Memp his. TN. 38115.
Ma ry K. (Junior), 25 Old Mill Road , Spri ngfi eld,
OH, 45506; ]0, 156,284.
Michael (Fresh man), 25 Old Mi ll Road.
Springfield, OH, 45506.
Troye r
Erica M. (Freshman), 1068 She[view Ci rcle.
Un ionto wn. O H. 44685; 193.284.
Mon io R. (Sophomore). 1068 Shelview Ci rcle.
Uniontown, OH, 44685; 150, 173.292.
Tuc ke r
Ronald B. (Freshman). 9002 W. Coronado Road.
Phoenix, AZ, 85037: 194, 282.
Emmalee R. (Freshman). 2007 Abe[ia Lane.
Lexington. KY . 40504: ]93, 284.
Jamie B. (Freshman), 2258 Delwood Driv.:. Clio.
MI. 48420: 193, 286.
Dolly J. (Freshman), Rt. 1. Box 524, Rogersville ,
MO, 6574 2, 193. 278.
Lott. jr. (Siaff). 7 Southridg., Lane. Searcy. AR.
72143: 44. 45, 55.
A[a n (HUGSR). 2850 Getwell Road. Memphis.
TN, 38118.
Craig E. (Senior). 23892 CR.\1, Cortez, CO.
8 1321 : 136.
Tullos. Dan (Fac u[ty), 9 Julner. Searcy, AR.
72143: 67, 246, 298, 312
Tumlin , Brian A (S.,nior). 21] Hanover Place.
Newark. DE, 197 11.
Tuns ta U. Amy C. (Sophomore), 978 Madison
Terrace. Acwort h. GA, 30102: 173, 292, 300.
Christina (Senior), 13526 PI. Pleasa nt Dri ve.
ChamiHy. VA, 2015 1.
JameS D. (Sophomore), ]3526 Poi nt Pleasant
Driv." Chantill y. VA. 2015 1: 173. 284.
Kelsic Miche He (Grd Educ). R.R.1 ,
Box 180.'-1, Webb City, MO.
Ken (Fac ulty). 2113 Aud[ey Bolton
Drive, Searcy. AR. 72143: 65.
Turma n . Russ J. (Senior), 4478 Fair
Mcadow Road, Memphis, TN,
38117: 137,271 ,282, 286.
Tu r ne r
Alison Nichole (Junio r), 6 121
Broy[es Road. Hartville, MO,
65667; 15(5, 276.
GeQrge F., 111 (Freshman), ]04
:\l;lck Lane, Warner Robins, GA.
31088: 194,288.
Onva F. (Grd Educ), 1912 Hwy. 267
South. Searcy, AR , 72 143.
l'alricia K. (Se nior), 420 S. Walker.
Mesquite. TA, 75 149: 137.
Tyle r
Erica). (Sophomore). 255 Coonty
Road 130, Diamond, MO. 64840:
173,294 .
Paul (HUGSR), 1555 E. Lakin
TeTT:lce, Mustang, OK. 73064.
jesse D. (Sen ior), 424 N. Grand,
Searcy. AR. 72143: 28, 137.
Laura (St aff), 424 N. Gru nd, Searcy,
AR. 72143: 28. 89.
Uba h . C:a!ister (Sophomore). 3215
Fin[ey Rood Apt. 234, irving,
TA, 75062: 173, 210.
Ujue la. Sylvia P. eFreshm;ln).
Curridaba 7. 750 e. del A[maren,
San juan, COST: ]94.
Ulrich , Nico[e Elyce (Senior), 5405
Hida lgo Court. Garbnd. TX.
Ultis , Jonathan (Sen io r). 2342 W.
Del Oro, Mesa. AZ. 85202; 137.
Unde rwood
A[an (HUGSR), 308 Andrews Drive,
Marianna. AR, 72360.
Eugene. Sr. (Faculty), 166 Hwy.13.
McRae. AR , 72 102: 75.
Jackwyln (Senior), 118 CriSCO Road.
McRae, AR , 72102: 276, 292.
Nancy Ul rro l (Grd Educ), 116 Kei th
Roa d. Sea rcy, AR , 72143.
Univers ity Chorns : 288.
Uni versity Singe rs: 288.
Up tegrove. Juli..: L. (Special). RR 3
Box 457-5. El DorJdo Springs,
10.10. 64744.
Use ry. Eric jay (Senior), 933
Sycamore St., Grenad;l. MS.
Usse ry, Sa muel S. (Sen ior), 147
Dawn Circle. Russellville. AR.
72801: 225.
Uthoff. j:lmi M. (Junior), 1647 2801h
St .. Independence, IA. 506-44:
1)6 .
Uu e r, Da nie[ E. eC rd Edu c), 27850
SE Kno x Road. Boring. OR.
Vaco g ian nis
i3cuy D. (Sophomor..:). [069 Apt.C
Spencerport Road. Rocheste r,
i''Y, 14606; 174.280.
Katerin~ V. (Sophomore) , 1069
Spencerport Road, Apt. C.
Rochester, l\'Y. 14606.
Vale ntine
April R. (Senior), 2013 McNair
Court, lexington, KY. 40513:
137, 276, 296.
Bobby (HUGSR), 660 Scenic Drive,
Grenada. MS. 38901.
Briana (Sen io r). 2555 Buc kla ke
Road, Crawfordsville. AR.
72327: 296
Dolores (StafO, Arm~trong Hall, Box
10826, Se;lrcy, AR. 72149.
Vicky D. (Sophomore), 2555
Buck[ake Road, Crawfordsville.
AR, 72327: 174.296.
Vamplin, Drazen (HUGSR), 1000
Cherry Road, HB-l09, Me mphis ,
Va n Epp,,;, Lyn n M. (Freshman).
6221 Emera[d Lake Ave., San
Diego, CA, 92119: 194.
Va n Erp. Dennis (Fres hman),
Hecmaan 2. ASt..:n. NETHER-
LANDS, 5721 : 194.278.
Va nBus kirk. Luke (Freshma n), Rnute I. Box 127,
Westby. WI, 54667: 194. 282.
Va nd cgrifrt. D:aniel M. ( I' Grad), 3108 Bo:,ton
Ave., Ft. Pierce, FL. 34947: 296.
Va nd ervee r . Cecilil L. (Freshman), 2708 Reeves
St .. Mena, All,. 71953.
V;ln Gi cson . Kas,e Y. (Freshman), 13769 SE 140
Ave .• Norwich. KS . 67118: 194, 276.
Va nn
Peter M. (Fresh man). 8122 Shanow Glen Trail.
Cordova. TN, 38018: 278. 288.
Re nee M. (Sen io r), 1131 Laguna Vista W;lY.
Grapevi ne, TX, 76051 : 137.
Vannoy. joanna K. (Sophomore), 3323
Tea kwood, Tyler, TX, 7570 ]; 74.
VanRhec ne n
Anne L. ( Fresh man). 23 Cattail Ro~d. Se;lrcy. All,.
72143: 4, 194, 276. 288.
Beth (Facu lty), 23 Cattail Road. Searcy. All,.
72 143.
Sara. B. (Sophomore), 23 C;lnail Road, Se~rcy,
AR ,72143.
Varne r , Ash[ ey E. (Sophomore), 122 Devol Drive.
Marieua, OH. 45750: 174.280
v asq uez, Alberto M. (Junior). Co1.E[ Sauce 3a
Et~pa Ca5a .1'-19, La Ceiba. HONDURAS.
Va ug h a n , Adrian C. (Junior), 4 Pe:arson Road .
Quitman, AR, 7213 1: 296.
Vau g hn, Roy. 111 (HUGSR), 1000 Cherry Road.
KH -207, Memph is. TN, 38117.
Veal. Jeffrey J. (Ju nior). 1120 N. Juniper Place,
Broken Arrow. OK. 74012; 6. 10 1, 156. 278.
312. 2888.
Veale. Jennifer L. (F resh man). 107 Briarerest
Coon w 6, Hender:;onville, TN, 37075; 194,
Vega , Angela K. (Sopho mo re), 80 1 Pine SI. Apt.
12, $cacy. AR, 721 43: 65.
Carlos F. (Junior), CoI.Mirav;ll1e Ave.Baree[ona
NTE "461. San Salvador, EL SALVADOR; ]22.
Maria E. (Sophomore). Ave.Ba rcelona " te
_461,CoI.Mira.lval1e. San Salvador, EL
Velasquez. Elizabeth D. ( Freshman). Apanado
1599, Pan ama 9A. PANAMA; 194 .
Velez, Do[ores (Freshm:ln). Col. Edv;lrdo. C:.stil1o,
Trujillo. Colon. HONDURAS: 194.
Ve n a ble , jeffrey A. (Fr..:shm:ln), P.O . Box 948.
Magee, MS, 39 111 ; 194,284.
Ve nka tel>an
jocal G. (Se nior), 2620 Magnulta St., Endwel1,
NY, 13760: 137. 296.
Ma li J. (Senior), 824 Squires Ave. , Endicott, NY,
13760: 137.
$;I ni L. (Senior), 824 Squires Ave., EndkQlt. NY.
13760: 137.
Ve nte r . Ninene (Sophomore). 10172 Sugar Creek
Road, i3cntonvi11e, All,. 72712. 174.
Ve rdie r , Brian S. (Sop homore>. 1422 !..:lngholm,
F[o rissant. MO, 6303 1: 286.
Ve rg ne , Mat thew). (junior). 4204 Alms Lane,
Rkhmond. VA, 23237; 156, 282, 292.
Ve rki e r , Bill (Faculty), 212 Verk[ er Lane. Sea rcy.
All,. 72143: 69.
Ja de M. (Freshma n), 9913 Salem N.£..
Albuquerque, KM, 87 112: 194.
Kelley N. (Fre.~hman). 430 Brinkley Road.
Murfreesboro, TN. 37128; 194.
Vic ke rs
Geoffrey P. (Sophomore), 7401 AuguSta Court.
Te rre Haute. IN. 47802: 174. 209, 284 .
jonath~n (Fresh man). 7401 Augusta Coun. Terre
Haute. Il'\. 47802.
Vik, Ro xanne G. (Soph omore), Rt. 2, Box 3350,
Bartlesville, OK, 74006; 4. 174.
ViJda. Pa ul D. (Sophomore), 867 $;Indalwood E..
Perrysburg, OH, 43551: 4,174 ,310.
Villegas , Nichol..: L. (Sophomore). 14669
Apaloosa Cirel..:. Fayeu..:vi\1e, AR. 72704. 174.
Bruce (Sophomore). 6896 I'umula North
Bu1awaro, Zimbabwe. AFRICA: 174. 210.
Mholi Kent (Sophomore), 6S% I'umuia North.
Bubwayo.Zimbabwe W. , SOUTH AFR[ CA.
Vincent, Danieli3cnjamin (J uni or), 8 19 E. Carrol.
Harlingen, TI. 78550.
Vines. Jason P. (Freshman), 5204 Reed Drive, The
Colony. TX. 75056: 194, 286.
Vin2.;tn l, Gene (Facu[ ty). 205 Navajo. Searcy. AR.
72 143; 57.
Voyles, April j . (Freshm:ln). P.O . Box 752,
Decatur, AR, 72722: 95, 194.
V)'e rs , Dustin R. (Sophomore). 1612 Lexington
Drive. Corsicana. TX. 75110: 174. 276.
WacllS te r . Christopher T. (Sophomore). 5813 Tall
Timber Coun. Montgomery. AL. 36117: 174.
Waddell. Betty (HUGSR), 2836 Los Gatos Coun,
.1 , Memphis. TN. 381 15.
William D. (Junior), 1802 Mulberry, Richmond,
TX, n469; 156.278.
K~rt:y E. (Sophomore), 6902 Calion Hwy., EI
Dorado. AR. 71730; 174.
Amand3 H. (Junior), 112 Tamara ume. Searcy,
AR. 72 143; 280.
Amber S. (Fre$hman), 5367 Knightsbridgt: Court,
Terre Haute. IN. 47803; 194, 284, 306.
Darren C. (Senior), 1 Opperman 51., Alberton
1449, SOUTH AFRICA: 209.
Elaine (St~ID, 112 Ta mara lane. Searcy, AR.
72143; 89.
K~rla (Staff), 106 E. Vint:. Apt .2. Searcy, All.,
TaJuana (Senior). P. O. 80x 8 137, Chiago. IL.
60680; 137.
Waggoner, Keith (Grd MFr), 211; W. Short. 17th
St.. N. Lin le Rock, AR. 72114.
Wagley. Chris (Sl.lff), 1009 Northwest St.,
Siktslon. MO. 63801 .
Ma rcus M. n-reshman), 430 Grant Ave., Satellite
Bea<;h, Fl. 32937: 194, 282.
wendi S. (Senior). 430 Grant Ave .. Satellite
Beach, Fl. 32937; 137, 27 1, 292.
Wainaina, Frasiah E. (Junior), P.O. 80x 53476.
N~irobi. KEt\'YA; 156.
Wait, Brooks L. (Senior), 1'.0. Box 134. Eudora,
Waldroop, Micah B. (Sophomore). Rt. 3. 80x
624, Tah lC"{juah, OK. 74464; 199.
Andrew (j·IUGSR). 802 Carriage Place Court.
Decatur, GA, 30033.
Archie L. (Sophomore), Rt. 5 80x 5220A,
Plles:tine. TX. 75801; 217.
Benjamin W. (Sophomore), 5203 28th. Lubbock.
CaraJean (Grd Edue), 214 County Road 241.
Moulton, At, 35650; 198.
Carrie E. (S<:niorl. 6 Zibill:l. Court. Little Rock. AR,
72207; 137, 269, 271, 290.
Charles (Faculty). 907 N. Cedar. Searcy, AR,
72143: 61, 302.
David ( HUGSR Sl.aID. 31 15 Gramont Cove.
Memphis. TN. 38119.
Mark Dewayne (Senior). P.O . Box 248. Tenn.
Colony, TX. 7;861; 216. 217.
Lydia R. (Senior), 2000 Willowbrook !...ane, Tyler.
TX, 75701; 13. 137, 280. 292. 306.
Pamela M. (Freshman). 3952 Palomar, Lexington.
KY, 40513; 194. 276.
Wendy R. (Sophomore), 3115 Gramont Cove.
Memphis, TN, 38119: 194,282.
Wilbert J. (Senior), 309 ProspeCt St., Eudora, AR,
Wa ll
Allison K. (Senior). 6894 Sugar Maple Cove,
Memphis, TN, 38119; 269.
Amy C. (Freshman). 6894 Sugar Maple Cove.
Memph is. TN, 38119.
Ashley A. (Junior), 689-1 Suga r Maple Cove,
Memphis. TN, 38119.
K~thryn (HUGSR), 6894 Sug~r ;\bplc Cove.
Memphis, TN, 38119.
Amanda L. (Sen ior), 2208 E. Rose Ave. _I. Des
Moines, lA, 50320.
Eric L. (Sophomo re), 11 Partridge Lane. Bemon.
AR , 72015: 174, 286.
Jeremy H. (Sen io r), 4701 Henwick lane.
Jefferson Cily. MO. 65109; 137,296.
Judy Lynn (Grd Edue), 1321 Hwy. 64 E.. Bald
Knob. AR. nolO.
Laura E. (Sophomore). 2801 Bumrd St ..
Richmo nd, VA, 23233; 174.
Melinda l . (Se nior) , 23255 South Hooty Creek
Road , Claremorc, OK. 74017.
Nekia (Freshman), 1015 Columbia St.,
Jacksonville. TX. 75766; 194.217.
Vicki (HUGSR). Route 3. \3ox 23o-W, Edmond,
OK,730 13.
Walle r
Carolyn Rae (Grd Edue), 205 1/2 W. Academy.
Searcy, AR. 72143.
lynsay L. (Sophomore), 708 Portofino Dri\·e.
Arlington. TX. 76012: 174. 276. 292.
Ella M. (Freshman). ]095 Brooks St., Batesville.
AR, 72501; 194.
Eric]. (Sophomore). P.O . 80x 531, Clo\"erd~k.
IN, 46120; 174.
Walms ley, jimmie Sue (Special), IllS. lincoln.
Cabot, AB, 72023.
W:a lters
Aaron R. (Sophomore). 10213 St~rdust Trail. Lillie
Rock , AR, 72209; 174, 284.
Charissa C. (Sophomore), 130 S. Main SI.,
Hanover, NH. 03755; 174, 246. 288, 312.
Jennifer L. (Senior), 1100 Rendale Road, Dothan.
At, 36303: 137, 269, 271, 276. 284. 292.
Jodie (Sophomore). 1100 Rendale Road, D<Mhan.
AL, 36303; 174.
Nathan P. (Junior), 2 White 03k Court, Searcy.
AR, 72143: 1;6,286.
Heather M. (Sophomore). 119 Cindy \..:Ine,
Searcy. AR, 72143; 174. 288.
Vickie (Staff). 119 Cindy l:mc. Searcy. AR. 72]43;
Wang. Haohao (Grd Edue). Beijing Shijingshan
Yangzhuang Xiao Qu403302. Beijing. CH I"A.
Callie]. (Sophomore), 16 12 Centenary Drive.
Longview, TX, 75601; 280.
Derek (Senior), 603 Johns Drive. Euless. TX.
76039; 137.
James R. (Senior). 505 N. Spring St. , Searcy, AR,
72143; 138.
Karen Lee (Grd Educ), 201 Indian Trail, Se~rcy.
AR,72143Robin C. (Sophomore), 603 Jo hns Dri\'e, Euless.
TX. 76039; 174. 278.
Donald C. (junior). 12123 W . Morgan, Houston,
TX. n065; 156.
Duane ( FaC\l!ty). 32 Dttal! Road, Searcy. AR.
72143; 57.
Jan (StafO. 32 Cattail Road, Searcy. AR, 72143.
Heather R. (Freshml n). 15908 Woodlet Park
Court. Chesterfield, MO, 63017: 194 .
James ( HUGSR). 7286 Abercrombie. Memphis.
Warmack, Cody M. (Fre~hm an), 301 N. Red.
Sheridan. AR. 72150: 194.
D.ana M. (Junior). P.O . Box 62;, Providence, RI.
02901: 156.
jason A. (Freshman). 7330 S. State Road 63, Terre
Haute. IN, 47802.
Mdrea S. (Fres hman). 24 Robinson 51; ., Cabot,
AR, 72023; 194.
Lindsay R. (Senior), 595 Tucker Road East.
Mayfield, J...'Y , 42066; 286.
Meredith S. (Junior). 2432 Mt. Pelia Rood. Manin,
WiI! Ed (Faculty), 42 Rosewood Drive, Beebe,
AR, 72012: 57.
Washam. Melissa E. (Freshman), 2812 Dowell St.,
Newport, AR, 72112; 194.
Washam IV. Donald W. (Freshman), 2812 Dowell
St .. Newport, AR, 72112.
Was hingto n
Alberto (Freshman), Monte Casino ;. Mexico
City. ~1EXICO. 11000; 198.
Erick (Freshman). Monte C3sino 5. Mexico City,
MEXICO. 11000.
Wasinger. Christopher J. (Senior), 145 N. muff.
Wichita. KS. 67208.
Wasson, David E. (Freshman), 10026 N. 44th
Dri\'e. Glendlle. AZ, 85302; 2%.
Jeremy S. (Sophomore), Rt. 2 Box 260, Emory.
TX, 75440; 174,282.
Summer L. (Freshman), 2413 Ingleside Drin:.
Grand Prairie. TX. 75050; 194 .
Amand~ Gail (Speci al), 93 Hidden Valley Trail,
AUStin, AR, 72007.
Lindsey L. (Freshman), 2()41 Highway 11,
Griffithville, AR. 72060: 96. 194. 280.
Michelle L. ( FT<..oshman), 145 lakeland Dri\·e.
West Monroe. LA. 71291; 194, 276.
Rachel A. (Freshm an). 3303 Candlewood Drive.
Dothan. AL. 36305.
Tiffany M. (junior), 3303 Clndlewood Drive.
Dothan. AL. 36301.
Beny (Facul ty), 2 Windy Ridge Drive, Scarcy, AR.
72143: 59.
Chris L. (Freshman). 4806 Wise St., Paragould,
AR, 72450.
Chrisann E. (Sophomore), 2012 Sara lee Lane,
Tallahas~ee. FL, 32312.
Zeart David (Senior). 2 Windy Ridge Drive,
Searcy. AR , 72143.
Jarrod L. (Junior), 1>426 County Rood -64,
Dexter. MO. 63841; 156.
lovie A. (Sophomo re), 903 Oak St. , I'vbrion, NC,
28752; 174, 240, 304, 308.
Michael (Junior), 2012 Sara Lee !...ane,
Talllhassee, FL. 32312.
A;lTon N. (Sophomore), 5 Regency, Texarkana,
AR, 71854; 174, 205.
Seth D. (Freshman). 5 Regency, Texarkana, AR,
Talitha E. ( Freshman), 201 Belvedere Rood.
KingslOn 19, JAMAICA, W.\. ; 194, 298.
Roben T. (Junior). 84 Windsong Drivc. Cabot.
AR, 72023; 286.
Zachary D. (Sophomore), 2 Windy Ridge Drive,
Searcy, AR. 72 143: 199.
Zearl (StaID, 2 Windy Ridge Drive. Searcy, AR,
72143; 53.
W:atters, Anthony A. (Senior). 443 Shorewood.
DunC'Jnville. TX, 75 116; 138, 278, 304 .
Barry Gene (Senior), 2284 Nonh 1137 Road,
Eudora. KS. 66025; 12. ]38.271,276.
john lathan (Se nior). 702 Cr 730, Jonesboro, AR ,
72401; 109, 138, 276, 278.290.
Loren]. (Se nior). 3294 Rickey, Memphis. TN.
38128; 138. 308.
Waym a n . Haley A. (Sophomore), P.O. \3ox 16;1,
Crossen. AR. 71635; 174.
Weaks, Cori lynee (Junior). 301; Muirfield Ave.,
Toledo, OH. 43614; 98. 156.
Wea lherbee. Sh:ma J. (Sophomore). 1509
Mimosa Ci rcle. Graham. TX. 76450: 174, 282.
I3eckie (Facuity), 21; Indian Trail. Sea rcy, AR.
C~ndace (Fre~h man),
49 18 Peachtree, Jonesboro.
AR, 72401 ; 195,226. 227.
Randall W. (Freshman), 2716 Canary Pi:tce.
Mesquite. TX. 75149; 195.
Reagan Deann (Sophomore). 215 Indian Trail.
Searcy. AR. 72143; 174. 288.
Betty (St:Lff). 300 River O~ks Blvd., Searcy, AR.
72143; 89.
Jennifer R. (lunior), 181 0 Green Acres Road.
Jacksonville, AR. 72076.
John P. (Freshman), 2714 Archer Ave.,
Murfreesboro. TN. 37129; 195, 282, 290.
jeremy E.'(Sophomore), 374 Fairmount Ave ..
Chatham. NJ, 07928: 174,286.
John D. (Sophomore), 1051 Carole Lane,
Ellisville, MO, 63021; ]74. 286.
Amy 6ree (Se nior), 105 Spengler, Richland. WA,
99352; ]38,290,3 10.
Shelly A. (Freshman), 105 Spengler Road.
Richland, WA. 99352; 195, 276.
Weece. Leon (HUGSR), 1207 Woodbwn Drive.
Miami, OK, 74354.
Wegner. Aaron D, (lunior), 112 Westwood Drive.
Freepon, It, 61032; 286.
Wehmer, Jennifer L. (Fres hman), 1472 Shannon
lane. Robertsville, MO, 63072; 195.
AliCia Ellen (Sen ior), 1011 E. Front SI., Dover.
O H, 44622; 138.
Donna (Sta ID. 124 Collage Lake'" Road. Searcy,
AR, 72143; 282.
Manhew C. (Junior), 10 Thompson COUrt, Natick.
M,.o\, 01760; 156.
Franklin A. ( Fres hman), 5 15 Easl4th SI., Newark.
Andrea D. (Freshman), 35 Cambri Circle, liot
Springs Village. AR. 71909: 195.
David E. (Sophomore), 1824 Taft Drive. Normal,
IL, 61761; 282.
joseph A. (Freshman), 2()434 Mcadow View
Lane, Livonia, MI, 48152: 195,290.
Kevin S. (Se nior), 9860 Swan Drive, Broken
Arrow , OK. 74014; 138.
Pansy (StaID. 913 Randall. Searcy. AR , 72143.
jimmy Steven (Grd Educ), 335 21st St., Batesville,
Wentt, Kami S. (Grd Edue). 344 Bryce Ave., Los
Alamos, NM. 87;44: 197, 269, 308.
Wesema n
Dawn M. (Junior), 1673 13irchlake Ave., White
Bear lake. MN, 5;1I0.
Russell S. (Senior), 1673 Birch Lane Ave., White
Bear \..:Ike. MN, 55110.
Wes t
Blake D. (Freshman). 3502 Bloomingdlle,
Valparaiso. IN. 46383; 195,286.
Roben B. (Freshman), 819 South Broadway.
Portland, TN. 37148; 195,2 17,
Chri~}. (Freshman). 12185 W . 1071h Ave.,
Broomfield, CO, 80021; 195, 276, 28R.
Earl (HUGSR Faculty). ]754 Triton Cove,
Germantown. TN. 38138.
James H. (Junior). Alumni Village. Api. F·2.
Selrcy, AR, 72143; 156.
Westb rook
Anessa (HUGSR), Rakoczi \II 561V14, S7.0lnok
5000, HUNG .
Tim (HUGSR). Rakoczi ut 561V14, Szolnok 5000,
WeSteott, Christopher E. (Senior), 728 N. 5th. St.,
St. Charles, MO, 63301.
Wester , James R. (Freshman ), Tealway 1001,
Pasadena, TX. n5()4 ,
Westerby. jeffrey (HUGSR), 4630 Ziegler,
Dearborn, MI , 48125.
Wes terholm
Chad A. (Sophomore), 635 Old York Ro.1d.
Neshanic St3 tion, Nj, 08853; 174.
Mt:liSS3 R. (Sophomore). 116 Pineerest, Strafford.
Wes tmore land , Anna M. (Freshman), 130
McKnight Street, Florence, Al, 35630; 195,
Whaley, Charissa M. (Freshman). 825 Eagle
Drive, Moore, OK, 73160.
Wharton, Grant E. (Junior). 15 Rosemar
Meadows. Parkersburg. WV, 26101 ; 156. 280,
Whatley. Morgan L. (Junior), Rt. 1, \3ox I04B13,
Fruitvale. TX. iS127; 156. 269.
Jonath an M. (Sophomore), 11767 Ka y Court.
Largo, Ft, 34648: 174, 189, 282.
lacey Marie (Fresh man), 2201 Nora Dri\'e,
Pa~gould, AR, 72450.
Priscilla 1'. (Fre~hman), 2201 Nora Drive,
Paragould. AR, 72450; 195.
Wh«t1ey, Fredese (S!:IID, P. O . Box 217,
Judsonia. AR. 72081 : 89.
Whinery. Royal B. (Sophomore). 906 N. 4th,
Sayre, OK. 73662: 217.
Whitaker, Bilce (Freshman), 30 Morgan !...ane.
Dbol. AR. 72023: 195, 286.
Apnl N. (freshman ). 6861 Younger, The Colony.
TX, 75056; 288.
WilliamJ. (Freshman), 6 12 Rimmon 51.,
Manchester, NH. 03102; 286.
Bradley W (Junior). 8114 Pierpoint Dn\'e.
Britain and tbe world bidJarw..-..:llto Diana, Pn'ncess oj Wales, OIl a sparitl"lg s<>ptembcr momi"g
with a grmld lriblile rich {II pageantry Sllice her
doolh ill a car crasb ill Parls (l u,"(-ei.: beJon!, {be
COl/ntry bad u:illlcssed atl astonishillg outpouring oj
gri(jlhatforced a repentall/ mOllarcby /0 joill ill the
killd of filII celebration of Dialla:S lifl! Ihal (be
milliOlls of peoplt, who flooded ill/o /.01ldo'l demallded Her SOliS, William, 15, atld Narry, 12,
stood ill alle'ldul/ce, joined by their futher, Pn'nce
Cbarll!S ulld her brother, Earl Spe"ct.'r, tU the bod)'
was wi.:ell 11/10 Weslmill.ster Abtx'Y. Millions packed
the cily for the fimerul of Dialla. II was a crowd
IIl/matclx'd sillcetbeend oJWorld Warll MorethwJ
a million OOllqll('/j by offiCial COllllt U;CIl! Slacked
ou/slde {he royal/Xllace (RM Pbolo)
Ha rrison , TN. 37341; 254. 286.
Cha rdon l . (Freshma n), P O . 80x 508, Niceville.
Fl, 32588: 195.
Chrbtopher M. (junior), 6861 Younger, The
Colony, TX. 7;0;6: 29, 104 .
Davi na R. (Freshman), 2 Pleasure !...ane.
Sherwood. AR. 72120
Ian S. (Sophomore). 9530 larchwood , Dallas. TX,
7;238; 217.
jesse A. (Freshman), RI. I , Box I, Kinderhook.
Il. 62345: 195, 296.
Jonathan H (Freshman). 12745 CR 1141 . Tyler,
TX, 75709.
Kimberly Kristine (Senior), 4800 W. 14 Ave.,
Kenn~wick , WA, 99337; 29. 138. 284.
!...aura E. (Sophomore), 39 Mary Ann Circle.
C3bot, AR, 72023: 138, 174.
Neva (Faculty). 900 N. Hayes, Searcy, AR. 12143:
Tia~ N. (Senior), 6 Impasse Millon. Villeurbannc
69100, FRANCE; 156, 284.
Wh ited, Jamie A. (Junior>. 4265 Pershing.
Beaumont. TX, m 05; 156.
Whitehead, Talmage J. (Freshman), Rt. 4. 80x
203. Newport. AR. 72112; 286.
Whiteside. Edgar A. (Junior), 3851 Redbud Drive,
uPone , TX. 77571 ; 288.
Whitford, Jon O. (Sophomore). 217 Chamberlain.
Irving, TX, 75060; 174,304.
Aimee joy (Sophomore ), 2192 S. Harlan St .,
Denver. CO. 80227: 174. 284.
Emilie G. (Sophomore). 2192 S. Harlan St,
Denver. CO. 80227; 174. 284.
j~son (Se nior). 3429H N. Druid HiHs Ro~d,
Decatur. GA. 30033; 138, 286.
Raymond C. (Freshman), S03 Hermleigh Road.
Silver Spring. MD, 20902. 284.
Whitlock, lestey R. (Senior), 2800 Peeler Road.
Do~ville, GA. 30360: 138,271,276, 288.
315 rfiC
BUIL DING ON " o ble
Heather AJlison, editor-in-chief
Kristi Burns, photographer
\Vendi Keller, copy editor
Christy Pittman, student life editor
M isty Baco n , people editor
Jenny Rider, academics editor
Sean Williams, organizations editor
Jeff Krinks, social clubs editor
Ashley Miller, sports editor
Brian Hendricks, assistant photographer
Karen Carruth, -art adviser
Kay Gowen, adviser
Copy Contributors
H eather Allison
Misty Bacon
Staycee S. Baysinger
Remie Beaulieu
Sonu a Bohannon
Brad Brooks
Heath Dawson
Erynne Eyrich
Kathryn George
Rachel Griggs
Robi n Henson
Amanda Jones
Wendi Keller
Jeff Krinks
Lance Lemm onds
Scott Loftis
BJ Marshall
Emi ly McMackin
Ashley Mi lle r
April Mouser
Amanda N icholson
Indie Pe reira
Christy Pittman
Jenny Rider
Jeremy Schopper
Elizabeth R. Smith
Sa ra Van Rheenan
Sean \'(!iIliams
Picture Contributors
Heather Allison
Misty Bacon
M ichelle Goff
Brian Hendricks
Dr. Karyl Bailey
Channing Bradford
To ny Hill
Dr. Ken Hobby
Corrie Brown
Kristi Burns
Dr. D on Diffine
Aaron Gillihan
Daniel JohnstOn
\Vendi Keller
VIad Makarov
Jeff Montgomery
Amy Neely
Ch risry Pinman
Jessika Poirier
Jennifer Riley
Michell e Sn ider
Jennif er Srynes
Sa ra Van Rheenan
The 1998 Petitjean yearbook o f Harding University, Volum~ 74. Building Oil Noble Traditions, was printed by Jostens Printing and Publishing
of Topeka, Kan ., and was produced on Macintosh computers with Aldus PageMaker and jostens Yeartech program.
COVER, The cover is custom craftline embo$sed in Night Hawk (499). The grain Is Cordova with custom dies for embossing. Silver (381) foil was
laid on Bui/dinS olllloble Trad{lfot/s, 1998 PeWjea". and the 1001 line, and all th~ type on the spine was embossed. The art was blind embossed. The
,over was produced by Jostens in Topeka.
ENDSHEETS, The endshects were printed with B1a,k (395) print on Snow White (280), th~ standard ~ndsheet stock. Th~ ~ndsheets were d<:signed
by Hea ther Allison.
PAPER STOCK: All 320 pages were printed on SO·pound high gloss enamel, trimmed to 9" x 12".
COLOR, 18 pages were printed in four-color process
lYPOGRAPHY, Theme page he adlines were set in Traj'ln. Adob.: Gar-Jmond Semi Bold. Bodoni Poster Compressed typefac~; Acad(.'TIllcs head lines
in Ikllevue; 0rsalllzalions headlines in Pepita MT; People headlines in New Century Sehoo lbook; SOCial Cillbs headlin~s in Apollo MT: Sports headlines
in Palatine; and Student Li/e headlines in Tiepolo Book. All captions were set in 9 point Garamond and il:llicized except the group piClur~s a nd those
accom panying R....l Photos, wh ich a re 6 point. All body copy was set in 10 point Gar:lmond.
PHOTOGRAPHY: All photographs were taken by Kristi Bums, assisted by Brian Hendricks, unless otherwise noted, More than 170 rolls of black
~nd white and 50 rolls of color film wer~ shot. All black and white photogrnphs were developed in the Pelitjean darkroom, and all color photogr-.l.phs
were developed and prin ted by The Color Lab in Searcy, Ptople portroits were taken by Holland StudiOS of Memphis. Pholos or national events were
supp lied by RM Photo Service, Inc.
THEME, The theme was conceived by the editor·in-chief, Heather Allison, with aSSiStance of Kay Gowen and junior Kristi Bums.
DESIGN: The endsheets, opening, closing and div ision pages were ck:signed by the editor-in-chief. Heather Allison, The cover was designed and
prepared as ~rtwork by Tom Buterbaugh, assisted by Htather Allison, The SC<:tions were designed by the section editors. with consultation from the
adviscr and the editor-in-chief.
APPRECIATION, The 1998 Pelltjeau staff is ind~bled to many pcople who helped make our vision:L reality. Sp~cia lt ha nks to linda Richey for
~II her encouragement. motivation. prob lem solving and help. Thanks to the Jostens team: Dean Bawcom. our local r~prescntati"e, lisa Carson our
in-plant consultant, and Sheryl Fulton. a s!,<!cial friend in the marketing depanm~nt . Thanks to the campus computer suppon staff, Mike Chalenburg
for his help with the index; and john Exum for helping keep our computers working. Thanks to the Public Relations staff who provided their assistance
and encoul'lLgement' David Crouch, jeff Montgomery. Tom Buterbaugh and Patl:awrence. Thanks to Holland Studios for their assistance wilh ponraits:
leigh Ann, Becky, Lucia and jay. Thanks to the dorm supervisors and deans for assisting us with late permiSSion as the need aroSC; to Wayne Milner
in the Registrar's Office for Ih~ com pUler printouts; and 10 Ihe Student Services personnel for club and organization lists and addr~sses. Thanks to Melinda
Hicks .md th~ Spans Information Office for all of those quick answers to our spons needs. Thanks to Mrs. G for working so hard to kecp us going
in the right direction not only concerning the book but in our lives. SpeCial thanks to the Field Experienct class, who worked many hours soning and
1Ilphabetizing pictures, interviewing sources and writing stories.
The Pelitje,," office is loan ed on the second floor of the Hammon Student Center in room 211 . Any correspondence am be sent to tht Pelitj('Qn.
Box 8n, 900 E, Center, Sea rcy, AR. 72149-0001. The office phone number is (SOl) 279·4139. Siudents who were enrolled for 12 hours or mor~ both
semesters have paid sufficient general fees to cover the $30 COSI of the yearbook. Depending on their enrollment status for the year, others arc charged
full or half price.
The Petitjean is a member of the Arkansas College Media Association and the Columbia Scholastic Press Association. and is in the Associated
Collegiale Prcss Hall of Fame.
C 1998 Harding University
t1iil 316
Christopher N. (Freshman), 3320 Glencliff Road.
Nashville, TN, 37211; 195,276.
Randall J. (Senior), 3320 Glencliff Road,
Nashville. TN. 37211; 138.
Whitson. Angela M. (Senior), 148 E. Cloverdale,
Brinkley, AR, 72021.
Whitt. Brian J. (Fr~shman), 1916 N. 7th SI ..
Temple, TX. 76S01; 195, 278. 288, 300,
Wh ittingh am. Amanda L. (Freshman), 425
Honeyhill Road, Searcy, AR, 72143; 195,280.
Aaron R. (Senior). Rt. 6, Box 465, Harlingen, TX,
78552; 138.
Arwen L. (Senior), RI. 6. Box 465, Harlingen. TX,
78552; 138, 269.
Daniel G. (Sophomore), RR 4 Torbt:lm Road.
Caledon EaSt, Ontario. CANADA, LON I; 174.
Eric C. (Junior), 6705 Apple Orchard Coun.
Montgomery, Al, }611 7; 308.
Shelby R, (Junior), 3390 Juniper, BateSville. AR,
Tarin lindsay (Senior), Rt. I, Box 88A, Williford,
AR, 72482; 138.
Wick, Christi ne R. (Sophomore), 1331 Chippewa
Drive, Richardson, TX, 75080; 174,284,288.
Wicker, leah K. (Freshman), P.O. Box 621,
HoHandale, MS, 38748; 195,286.
Wiene ke . Jeffrey T. (Sen ior), 443 N. Cecil.
Indianapolis, IN, 46219.
Wie tech:. , Clair F. (Junior), III Hamilton Ave.,
Camden, AR, 71701 ; 1S6, 284, 288.
Wigington, Lance M. (Senior), 523 N. Orchml.
Piusneld. It. 62363; 138.
Wigi nton, Richard D. (Junior), 2300 W. Quincy,
Broken Arrow, OK. 74012.
Catherine C. (Sophomore), 94 Whiterock Road.
Phenix City. Al, 36869; 174. 292,
Jennifer D. (Freshman), He 67, Box 121, Ash
Flat. AR. 72513; 195, 284.
Wil ey
Amy D. (Senior), 213 Quail Ridge Rood. Smyma,
TN. 37167; 139. 292.
Kari Lyn (Senior). 1602 E. Red Fox Place,
Highlands Ranch, CO, SOI26.
WiIf, Jacob B. (Sophomore). ] 200 N. Hayes,
Scarcy, AR, 72143: 174, 294.
Willieim, Doug]. (Junior), 44 Wilderness Road,
Eurcka, MO. 63025.
Wilhite , Jeremy Brent (Junior), HC I , Box 90,
Sulphur Springs. 'IX. 75482; 156.
Wilkerson, April M. (Junior), 3508 Pope. N. Little
Rock. AR. 72116; 156, 278.
Wilkey, Heather L. (Sophomore), 21358 E, State
Hwy. 76, Taneyville, MO, 65759; 174,284,
Wilkinso n
Kevin S. (Junior). 4949 West SO South, Kokomo,
IN, 46901; 156, 286, 288.
James M. (Senio r). 5502 S. Joplin Ave., Tulsa.
Thomas A. (Senior), 900 Judson Ave" Judsonia,
AR, 72081; 139.
Will iams
Andrew (HUGSR), lSOI Cou r de Canal,
Germantown, TN, 38138.
Ashlee A. (Freshman), 98 Eldorado Drive, lillIe
Rock. AR , 72212; 282.
Bradley (Senior), 616 Normandy. Marked Tree,
AR, 72365; 139, 202.
Christopher C (Freshman), 23968 Sapphire Cyn
Rood, Diamond Bar, CA, 91765.
Fredrick (Freshman), 6801 Ponderosa Drive, N.
linle Rock. AR. 72116; ]39.
Gary (HUGSR), 1449 Hwy. 51 South. Hernando,
john G , (Freshman), 23968 Sapphire Canyon
Ro~d. Diamond Bar. CA. 91765.
jana Lynne (Senior), 309 N Holly, Becbe, AR,
72012; 139, Z86.
janet (Staff), 711 East Market, .4, Searcy. AR.
john (Faculty). 33 Ind ian Trail, Searcy, AR,
72143: 75.
julian (Freshman). 23968 Sapphire Canyon Road,
Diamond Bar, CA, 91765.
Kay (Sta£O, P. O. Box 553, Searcy. AR. 72]43.
Kevin S. (Freshman), 2175 Hwy. 267 South,
Sea rcy, AR, 72143.
Kristy A, (Senior), RR 3, Box 229A. DeKalb, TX,
75559; 139, 296.
leslie (HUGSR), 750 Hwy. 51 South, Hernando,
Michelle A. (Grd Educ), P.O. Box 1040, Mountain
Home, AR, 72560.
Mike (5I:a£O, 126 Ponderosa. Searcy, AR, 72143;
Miranda L. (Sophomore), 1201 Ficklin Circle,
Corsicana. TX. 75110; 288.
Nathaniel G. (Freshman), 26801 SI. Route 739.
Raymond, OH, 43067: 195,217.
Rach1lel L (Sophomore), 204 Bourbon Lane,
Ukiah , CA, 95482; 174, 284. 290.
Sarah K. (Special), P.O. Box 553. Sea rcy, AR,
Sean Do uglas (Senior), 33 Indian Trail, Sea rcy,
AR. 72143; 139. 290,
Serena S. (Sophomore), ] 103 E. Ri"cr St , Searcy,
AR, 72143; 175.
Shirley (Faculty), HU Box 801, Searcy, AR; SO.
Stephen (HUGSR), 806 plum Tree Circle, Atoka,
TN, 38004.
Cars pass a Petit jean
road sign found in
North Little Rock.
W'ben students hear
the namefor the yearbook, they wonder
how it got the name
Petit Jea n. The yearbookgot its namefrom
the Petit j ean mountain in Morrilton, Ark.
Harding 's origi nal
campus was in Morrilton and is now a
children s homefororphaned children .
Since the campus was
so close to the mountain, they deCided to
name the book Petit
Jean. W'ben the campus moved to Searcy,
the name stayed the
same. Photo by Kristi
Steve (Facul ty), 2175 Hwy. 267 SOUlh, Sellrcy,
AR, 72 143; 60, 61, 238.
Tara D. (Sophomore), 1309 Christie Drive,
Newport, AR, 72112; 175,288.
Teddy L. (Fres hman).
Theron E. (Sophomore), Rt. 2, Box 62. Eudora,
AR , 71640; 199.
Tomca E. (Freshman), 2804 Robin Rood. Midwest
City, OK, 73110; 195.
Patricia C. (Senior), 12000 Bradfield Ave.,
Lynwood, CA, 90262; 252.
Amy G. (Freshman), P.O. Box 75, Eilline, AR,
72333; 195, 278.
Andrew T. (Senior), 31366 Sierra Lindll, Yucllipll,
Carrie A. (Senior), 311 Pi nehurst, Borger, TX,
79007; 139, 276.
Eric A. (Freshm.:ln), 1S6 Arcad ia Ave .. Oswego,
NY, 13126; 195,221. 278. 304.
Floyd (HUGSR), 156 Arcadia Ave., Oswego, NY,
Melissa A. ( Freshman), 31366 Sierra Lind;l,
Yuc;lip'a, CA, 92399; 195, 292
WilUmas, Wand;l (HUGSR St;lfO, 3737 Tutwiler
Ave., Memphis. TN, 38122.
Cody A. (Freshman), 1106 Briarbrook, DeSoto.
TX,751 15.
Gabriel T. (Sophomore), 305 Wind Ridge,
j;lckson ville, AL, 36265.
Marc D. (Senior), 100 Cedar Drive, Rossville , TN,
Elizabeth Nicole (Sophomore), P.O. Box 62,
Conway, NH, 03818; 286.
Rachel L. (Freshman), 300 Wilson Drive. Midland,
MI. 48642; 280.
Wills, Stephen C. (Freshman), 2240 S. 1l8th E.
Ave. , Tulsa, OK, 74 129; 195, 284
Adrienne M. (Sophomore), 1116 Crystal Drive,
Benton, AR, 72015; 175.
Aimee C. (Junior), RI. I. Box 35-C, Talco, TX.
Austin L. (Freshman), 18552 H",'Y- 43. Sene<::l,
MO, 64865; 286.
Beth (Faculty), 100 Red Oak Lane, Searcy, AR,
72143-4515; 69, 308.
Brent L. (Junior), 102 N. Lucy, Searcy, AR, 72 143;
Ed, Jr. (Faculty), 100 Red Oak Lane, Searcy. AR,
72143; 73, 292.
Felicia Dawn (Senior), 8524 S. 30th SI., fl. Smith,
AR , 72908; 139.
Hollie L. (Freshman), 3605 58th St., Camrose
Alberta T4V-4C2, CANADA; 195,280.
j;lSOn R. (Sophomore), 633 Jamille, DeSoto, TX,
751 15; 175.
jeanene E. (freshman), 2103 Denise Drive,
Columbia, TN, 33401 ; 195, 278.
jeffrey Paul (Grd Educ), 649 E N 22nd. Abilene,
TX,79601 .
jill M. (Sophomore), 3220 N. SI. Clair, Wi ch ita,
KS, 67204; 175.
Joshua K. (Freshman), 172 Kennedy Drive,
Ma nchester, cr. 06040; 195.
Julie D. (Sophomore), 54 Bermuda Tra il,
Pocahontas, AR , 72455; 175, 288.
K;lra D. (Senior), 902 Vista Drive, Oolitic, IN.
Kimberly K. (Junior), 1132 Alice St., Ramona , CA,
92065; 157,276.
Lanae K. (Junior), 1132 Alice St., Ramona, CA,
92065; 276.
Laum K. (Junior), 13035 Vinson Court, M;lryla nd
Heights, MO, 63043; 157, 284.
Lisa N. (Freshman), 1230 Suplee Road. Honey
Brook. PA, 19344; 195,288.
Mark S. (Junior), 210 Cornwall Drive, Chalfont,
PA, 18914; 157, 286.
Manhew R. (Freshman). 16131 W. 147th Terrace,
Olathe, KS , 66062; 195, 290.
Michael G. (Senior), 1613 1 W . 147th Terrace,
Olathe, KS, 66062; 139, 298.
Ladye ~chel (Sophomore), 1007 San Benito,
College Stlltion, TX. 77845; 175. 284.
Rachel C. (Junior), 500 Hickory Ck,Lot 40,
DeRidder, LA, 70634; 157,276,280,294.
Ronald (HUGSR), 1710 Lynn SI., Parkersburg,
Stacey L. (Junior), 1506 East Olive, Springfi eld,
MO,65802; 157.
Stacy M. (Freshman), 2314 Carson SI., Magnolia,
The resa E. (Senior), P.O. Box 151, Roe, AR,
72134; 139, 296, 300.
Trula june (Grd Educ), 3120 Locust Grove Road,
Balesville, AR, 7Z501.
Wendy L. (Senior), 214 Lakeview Drive,
Rockwall. TX, 75087.
Will.l;C, Catherine (Senior), 128 Bluet Lane, San
Antonio, TX, 78213; 139.284.
Wimbede y. Ixe A. (Junior). 1398 CR 508, Rector.
AR,72461 .
Windisch, Mary (Staff), 12 Cloverdale, $earcy,
AR, 72143; 89.
Window, Tommie c., III (Sophomore), P.O. Box
5, Anchor PO int. AK, 99556; 175,288, 298.
Winldcr, Shana A. (Sophomore). 6145 Plowshare
COUTl, Colorado Springs, CO, 80922; 175,
Winn, Amanda R. (Freshman), P. O . Box 275,
Hallsville. TX, 75650.
Christie (Freshman).
James L. (Senior).
Megan B. (Freshman), 400 S. Ohio. MOTIon, IL.
61550; 195, 276.
Wireman, Paul H. (Freshman). 25 Red Fox Lane,
Trumbull, CT, 06611; 195, 286.
Wisdom, Manhew W. (Sophomore), 143
Swinging Bridge RO;ld. Beebe, AR. 72012; 94,
Wise , j;lne Ann (Freshman), 211 S. Oak Ridge
Drive, Enterprise, AL, 36330; 195,280.
Wiser, James A. (Sophomore), 17787 Oakdale
Road. Athens, AL, 35613; 175, 199.
William L. (Senior), 30305 112 Road 7, Flagler,
CO, 80815.
Marcella Kaye (Senior), 1806 E. 12 Road, Aurora,
NE, 68818; 276, 284.
Christa D. (Sen ior), PSC 41, Box 5625, APO AE, ,
09464; 139.
Georgia (Grd Educ). 19909 Esquiline Ave.,
Walnut, CA, 91789; 197.
Marc E. (Senior), 1808 Summit Drive, Urbana, IL,
61802; 139.
Todd Edward (Grd Educ), 1808 Summit Drive.
Urbana, IL, 61802; 197.
Troy L. (Sophomore), 337 FM 207. Breckenridge,
TX. 76424; 175, 205.
Womble, Melissa A. (Senior).
Wonde rs. Lucy (Sophomore), IOJ6 Lovers Lane,
Longview, TX. 75604; 288, 292
Amy E. (Grd Educ), 20 Foxboro. Searcy, AR ,
Bradley D. (Senior). 37 Country Cl u b Circle,
Sear0', AR , 72143; 202.
Candi (HUGSR), 1825 Oliver Ave., Memphis, TN,
Christie D. (Freshman), 15 Fiegel LOOp, Conway,
Darren L. (Freshman), 17901 E. 171 SI., Pleasant
Hill, MO, 64080; 195.
jaime L. (Sophomore), 105 W.:l neUl Circle, Clovis,
NM, 88101; 175.
jennifer L. (Junior), 3914 w . Rochelle Road,
Irving, TX, 75062; 300, 310.
Melissa L. (Freshma n), 2737 Goldrush, Carrollton,
TX, 75007; 298.
Rick (HUGSR), 3840 Schanna Drive, Memphis,
Wood-Blasdel , j acque li ne L. (Senior), 1048 S.
Church SI., Mountain Home, AR, 72653; 139.
Michael J. (Freshman), 1500 Good Springs Road,
Heber Springs, AR. 72543; 195.
Monica Rene (Senior), 2500 Yeage r, Ft Worth.
Woodroof, David (Staff), 408 W Academy,
Searcy, AR, n143.
Emily 13. (Sophomo re), 4013 Sa ntee Way,
Lexington. KY , 40513; 3, 175.
Anthony J. (Senior), 306 River Oaks Blvd.,
Searcy, AR, 72143; 139,292,306.
Woodward, Kristi j . (Sophomore), 760
Heatherstone Drive, Berwyn, PA, 19312; 175.
Woody, jennifer L. (Senior), 110 Northfield,
Searcy, AR , 72143; 17.
Wooldridge . Megan E. (Sophomore), 584 Trego
Creek Road. Chillicothe, OH. 45601; 175, 280.
Workman, Travis K. (Junior), 209 East Avenue,
Ballinger, TX, 76821; 157.
Allison M. (Freshman). 3385 Whitehaven Dri ve.
Walnut Creek, CA, 94598; 195, 280
Heather A. (Sophomore), 3385 Whitehaven
Drive, Walnut Cree k, CA, 94598; 175.280.
Wra.y, Shannon E. (freshman), 5804 Elfinwood
Road, Chester, VA, 23831; 195, 292.
Amber). (Sophomore), 3361 SouthllmplOn Way,
Snellville, GA, 30039; 175.
Ann (Stam , 1503 Fox Drive. Searcy, AR, 72143
Robert Lee. III (Senior), 533 Yankee Road,
judsonia, AR, 72081.
EarneSt C. (Sophomore), RR 2, Box 331 E.,
AUgUSt;l, AR, 72006; 175.
Cathy J. (Grd Educ), P.O. Box 633, Bradford, AR,
Donie (faculty), 1004 N. Cedar, Searcy, AR,
72 143; 74, 75.
Glenna D. (Senior), P.O. Box 633, Bmdford, AR,
72020; 139.
Julie E. (Freshman), RI. 4, Box 398 13, BJ.:lirsville,
PA, 15717; 195
Makisha C. (Freshman), 1060 Sisson Drive,
Greenville, MS, 38701; 195.
Lamar (Freshman), 1009 W. ~ce , Searcy, AR ,
Mich ael). (Sophomore), 3305 E. 15th St. , Des
Moines. lA, 50316; 175,304.
Nicole (Senior), 15 Butler Ave ., Stoneham, MA,
0 2180; 139.
Phylliss (Staff), 533 Yankee Road, Judsonia, AR,
Ray (Faculty), 1503 Fox Drive, Searcy. AR. 72143;
Searcy, AR, 72143; 57
Yecke, Tiffany F. (freshman), 19 Brix ham Court,
Stafford. VA. 22554; 276, 280.
Yoakum, Thom;\s (HUGSR), 6 Springdale Road,
Cronwell, cr, 06416.
York, joel D. (Freshman), 1I11 Houston Road.
Boise, !D, 83706; 195.
Adrienne (Freshman), 11519 Grant Shook Road,
Greencastle, PA, 17225.
Audrey A. (Freshman), 3780 Cedar Ridge Dr.,
College Station, TX, 77845.
Kacey A. (Senior), 62 CR 142, Corning, AR.
72422; 139,292.
Kare n A. (Freshman), 5899 Smehzer Road,
Prospect, OH, 43342; 276.
Mason L. (Junior), 62 CR-142, Corning, AR,
72422; 157.
Pat (Staff), 11 Cloverdale Blvd., Searcy, AR,
72143; 53.
Stephanie j . (Junior), 745 Elmwood Ave., Lincoln,
NE, 68510; 157, 298.
Steven D. (Freshman), P.O. Box 1213, Marion,
OH, 4330 1.
William P. (Sophomore), 3372 Centml Ave.,
Memph is, TN, 38111; 175, 290.
Young Democrats; 312.
Younger, ~chel E. (Freshman), 512 Ransten
Drive, Tahlequah. OK, 74464; 195.
Sandra C. (Senior), 1004 N. Cedar, Sea rcy, AR,
72143; 21, 139, 251, 27 1, 288, 306.
Scott A. (Senior), 661 1 Walcott Road, Pamgould,
AR, 72450; 139, 290.
Sharon (HUGSR). P.O. Box 295, Poolesville, MD,
Steven Lee (Senior), R1. 1, Box 304A, Fisk, MO,
63940; 139, 296.
Winfred (Faculty), 1004 N. Cedar, Searcy, AR,
72143; 75, 259.
Susan E. (Freshman), 197Z Vinita Drive, St. Louis,
MO,63114 .
jason L. (Senior), 1204 Holmes ROlld , Searcy, AR,
Rocky L. (Freshman), 5351 Simpkins Road ,
Whites Creek, TN, 37189; 195,286.
Sanders L. (freshman), P.O. Box 44, Melbourne,
AR, 72556; 98, 282.
Melinda G. (Senior), 101 N. Hickory St., Searcy,
AR, 72 143; 139, 294.
~ndy J. (Junior), 101 N. Hichory St., Searcy. AR,
72143; 157.
¥ -----'
Yagai, Ta k.:lko (Sophomore), 1163-6 Hori-cho,
Mito·shi Ibamki 310, JAPAN
Yale, joseph A. (Freshman), 203 Elaine Drive,
Kennett, MO, 63857; 195.
Ya1ove nko , Leora C:lrme n (Senior), 101 Happy
Circle, W. Monroe, LI. , 71291.
Yarbrough. Michelle (Senior), 360 Stecker Road.
Heber Springs, AR , 72543.
Yates , Michelle A. (Sen ior), 3520 Walker Ave.
623, Memphis. TN. 3811 1.
Yeakley, Flavil. Jr. (Faculty). 120 Lambert Circle.
Zakoul, Gllmel A. (freshman), 1137 Twin Canyon
Lane, Diamond Bar, CA, 91765.
Zapata, Michelle (Freshman), P.O. Box 2154, San
Pedro Sula, HONDURAS; 195.
Zartman. jonathan (Sophomore), 4922 Maple
Ave., Beamsville. CANADA. LORII3.
ZedIitz, Erin K. (Sophomore), 30205 Oakmont
Dr ive, Georgetown, TX, 78628; 292.
Zembcr, Christopher J. (Senior), 6002 Gminfield
Dri ve, Sylvania. OH, 43560; 139.
Ze peda
Allison P. (Sophomore). 10203 Sage Canyon.
Houston. TX. 77089; li5, 284, 288.
Lisa R. (Freshman), 10203 Sage Canyon, Houston,
TX, 77089; 195, 284. 288.
Zeta Rho; 288.
Zikes, Terry H. (Sophomore), 3306 Deer Tmil,
Temple, TX, 76504; 175. 278.
Zimme rly, Bethany M. (Freshman), 8161
Pinebough Avenue, Mobile, AL, 36695; 175,
Zocrner, Jasmine R. (freshman), 227 E. Street,
Redwood City. CA, 94063; 195.
Zocte wey, Pamela L. (Junior), 1665 S. Chase
Court, La kewood, CO, 80232; 157,292.
Zwahr, Tina L. (Freshman), 127 Hagerman Road,
Freeport, TX, 77541; 292.
317 tM
As students look back at a
school year, they can see all
of the changes that have
occurred - changes in styles,
buildings, the student body,
faculty and traditions. New
traditions are made and old
ones reinforced.
The initiation of new traditions makes each year different from the last. This
year's Rhodes Rowdies, for
example, will accompany
Harding basketball for a long
time, but freshman chapel
was evaluated and discontinued.
Every day, as we continue
our walk down the road of
life, we look at all of the
elements that are shaping
RObel1 Sebesta and Bran-
don Bonneau play their
guitars on the/ront lawn.
When the weather was
wann, it was not un-
usual to see people playing, sleeping or studying
on the front lawn . Photo
by Kristi Burns.
t&I 318
that walk. For students, the
traditions of this special university are what make it the
place where we want to receive our education.
Essential to the Harding
mission are the traditions of
chapel and Bible classes,
which help shape our spiritual walk. The Christian
teachers also guide us and
serve as our role models of
servant leaders.
Its traditions of excellence
allow Harding to provide
the help we need in our
impressionable walk through
the college years, molding
us into the people we are
striving to become.
- Heather Allison
Yolanda Watkins and Rashun Taylor play cards in the
Student Center. The Student Center was a place oj much
action with students coming and going throughout the
day. Photo by Kristi Burns.
Eve1yone meets for chapel outdoors. Ha v~
ing chapel outside was a treat for most,
especially when ARAMARK was serving
muffins and drinks. Photo by Kristi Bun7S.
Brian Richardson and Susan Spralding
look/or leaves to decorate Spradling's room.
During the/all many leaves/ell on campus,
keeping the grounds crew busy. Photo by
Kristi Burns.
Melinda Conlin and Amber Hill talk while going to class.
Many relationships were made in the classrooms, dorm
rooms and in club activities. Photo by Kristi Burns.
Fans raise their anns after a successful three-point shot
during a Bison basketballgame. The Rhodes Rowdies made
a name for themselves throughout the Lone Star Con/er~
ence. Photo by Kristi Burns.
319 @
-leather Allison
Kay Gowen
head photographer
Kristi Burns
1998Petit]ean ITilt Volume 74 ITilt Harding University
rt& Petit Jeanrt&
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