2003 Petit Jean
2003 Petit Jean
128. Winner, Bobby Ray Qunior), 90S Southgate, New Lenox, IL,60451; 89 Winningham Katie M. (Freshman), Trecos Apt #2, Hamilton, Bahamas. Nakiil D. (Senior), Trcico's Apt. #2, Hamilt(m, Long Island, Bahamas. Shelma Jay (Grd Educ), Winter Andrea L. (Sophomore), 13108 Brookshire P21rkway, Catmel, IN", 46033; 105. 284, 287, 299. Gretchen R. (Sophomore), 9321 E. 57th St., Tulsa, OK, 74145; 27, 105, 201, 278. Winters, Megan R. (Sophomore),2717GreensboroRoad,Joncsboro, AR, 72401; 105. Carrie E. Qw\ior), 25-1/2 Allen Ridge Road, Wheeling, WV, 26003; 2003 Petit Jean 89,262, 278_ Ca::;ey B. Qwlior), 49 Falconer Ave.. Brockton, MA, 02301; 265_ Cathy). (G•d Educ)_ Courtney L (Senior), 25-1/2 Allen Ridge Road, Wheeling, WV, 26003; 77_ Earnest C. (Grd MilA), RR 2, Box 331 E., August,, AR, 72006. John F. (Sophomore), 1701 Julian Ridge Road, Chattanooga, TN, 37421; 105. Renee Lewis, editor-in-chief Lindsey Taliaferro, head photographer Melissa Wilson, head photographer April Clem, assistant photographer Russ Phillips, assistant photographer Tricia Luethke, copy editor Michelle Scobba, student life editor Emily Sane, people editor Rachel Miller, academics editor Charity McLarty, organizations editor Lisa Lauterbach, social clubs editor Ben Carrigan, athletics editor Judith E. (Sophomor~). P.O. Box 793, Suva, Fiji Islands; 105. Lindy N. (Fcesbm,n), PO Box 592, Camp Wood, TX, 78833; 128, Mc.tthew D. (Sophomore), P,O, Box 793, Suva, Fiji Islands. Natalie E. (Freshmcm), 315 Red Bud Circle, Bullard, TX, 75757; 128, NathanK. (Freshman), P,O , Box 1342, Lame&o, TX, 79331; 128,283. Nikki E.M. Qunior), 11739 Hwy 121, Lexo, AR, 72355. Wisdom, Jeffrey M. (Senior), 151 Wisdom Lane, Beebe, AR, 72012, Wise, Michelle L. (Sen.ior); 77, 289. Wisecarver, Jenniler D. (Sophomore), 170 Ashley-188 Rood, Hambucg. AR, 71646; 300, 305. Wisenbaker, Adam C. (Freshman), 4620 Loch Laurel Road, Valdosta, GA. 31601. Phylliss (Sta!O, 533 Yankee Road, judsonia, AR, 72081. Rebekah D. Qunioc). Sac<>). (Sophomore).16320CoRd. 1050,St.james,M0,65559; 105, 299. Gary P., Jr. (Sophomore), 4631 Schooner Lane, Lynn Haven, FL, Wrinkle, Melissa (Grd Educ), 32444; 105. Melan1e E. (Sophomore), 46..11 Schooner Lane, Lyrm HJVen, FL, 32444. Wrye Shane A. (Senior), 1744 Colonial Shores Drive, Hixson, 1N,37343 Shirley Ellen (Grd Educ). Stacy J_(Senioc), AR. Withrow Cassandra F. (Freslvnan), 1313 Carolina Court, Garland, TX, 75044; 128, 296, 303. Karye A. (Senior), 2803 Andrea, Dallas, TX, 75228; 77,215. Witter, Carrie D. (Freshman), 1909 Sawgras::;, Little RLx:k, AR, 72212; 128, 300_ Wittman, We::;ley J, (Freshmnn), 10798 ROSQanna Dr, Northgletm, CO, 80234; 128. Wix, Daphne D. (Sophomore), Wizer, Tammy S (Grd Educ). Wolf, Stephanie N_ {Freshman), 6735 Tabor St., N. Ridlland Hills, TX, 76180; 128. Jared M, (Freshman), 7 Harding Drive, Searcy, AR, 72143. Jon,Jr (Senior), #7 Harding Drive, Searcy, AR, 72143; 145. Jon, Sr. (Staff), 7 Harding Drive, Searcy, AR, 72143 Jo::;hua M. (Freshman), 7 Harding Drive, Searcy, AR, 72143; 128. Joyce (Staf~, 7 Harding Drive, Searcy, AR, 72143. james M. (Senioc), 325 PR 1230, Waskom, TX, 75692. Rebekah A. (Sophomore), 325 PR 1230, Waskom, TX, 75692; 105, 287. Wyatt Ashley D. (~nior), 7731 Club Lake Drive, Houston, TX, 77095; 77, 226. Dustin M Ounior), 283 Highway 305 S, Searcy, AR, 72143; 208. Wolfe Ash lee E. (Junior), 1904 Grant, Grand Haven, MI, 49417;89, 29()_ Kathryn A (Sophomore), 9050 NW 28th St. Apt #138, Coral Jesse o_ Owlior), 1402 N. Goldenrod, Marion, IL, 62959. Springs, FL, 33065; 105, 299. Wood Amy M. (Sophomore), 11 Dell Clrdc, Travelers Rest, SC, 29690; 131. Brandon L. (Senior), 17901 E. 171 St.. Ple<1santHill, M0,64080; 77, 98. B1eanna K. (Sophomore), 725 Catalpn, MaxweUAFB, AL,36113; 105,300, Wylie Cade A (Sophomore), 602 Hill Drive, Franklin, TN, 37064; 105. Darren L. (Senior), 17901 E.171 St., Pleasant Hill, MO, 64080; 309. Douglas G. (Senior), 725 Cat<~plCJ St., MaxweUAFB, AL,36113; 77. Erin T. (Sophomore), 1634- Wedgewood Drive NE, ()\..vatonn<:'., MN, 55060; 105, 287, 289. Julie R (Junior), 99 Candlestick Rood West, Heber Springs, AR 72543. Mandi D_ {Sophomore), 601 Kadli.na Drive, Amarillo, TX, 79124; 105,301. Michael (Faculty), 1301 Rehobntll, Searcy, AR, 72143; 141. Phillip R. (Sophomore), Rt. 2 Box 87-1, Muldrow, OK, 74948; 105. Stephanie M (Freshman), 611 Pecan Creek Drive Sunnyyale, TX, 75182; 128, 276. Steven T. (Freshman), 1902 0\apel Cove, Rowlett, TX, 75088. Wood~ Reece, Anita Faye (Grd Educ) . Woodall Kan (freshman); 128, 265. Kathryn A. (Freshman), 103 Greenbriar Road, Carterville, JL, 62918_ Woodard Carlene (Grd Educ). Jenny L (Freshman), 3040 Cherokee, Camden, AR, 71701. Woodcock, Jam~?S K. (Freshman), 2223 Morriss Court, Flower Mound, TX, 75028. Woodlee,Jessic<~ K. Ounior), 50:.)5 McLendon Drive, Antioch, TN, 37013; 89, 215, 2%. Woodroof David (StaiD, 408 W Academy, Searcy, AR,; 145. Debbie (Faculty),408 W Academy, Searcy, AR,; 141 , Elizabeth A. (Sophomore), 408 W. Academy Ave.., Searcy. AR, 72143. Woodruff, Melissa H. (Grd Educ), 909 Goli View Thive, Searcy, AR, 72143. Woods El.iz.<lbeth R. (Sophomore), 22 Glendale Drive, Cabot, AR, 72023; 105, 298_ Gloria (Staff), 32 Dalewood., Searcy, AR, 72143; 145. jeffcey Lynn (Gcd MIT); 130. Jessica L. (Freshman), 132 Dalewood, Searcy, AR 72143; 128. Marion E. (Grd Educ), 2400 Ringo St., Little Rock, AR, 72206, Ryan L.(Junior),2046Welch RoCJd, Dyersburg, TN,38024;89, 163_ Woodward Jenni R. (Senior), 25770 P<~cific Hills Road, Mission Viejo, CA, 92692_ Jerry A_ {Sophomore),8400 Crystal Valley Cove, Little Rock. AR, 72210; 105. Wooldridge, Amanda C. (Sophomore), 2120 Hebnich Drive, Benton, AR, 72015; 105, 282, Wooley, Amanda G. (Senior), -1611 Bonnieway Drive, Chattanooga, TN, 37411; 77, 2%. Wootton, Ronald Glen (Grd [due). Word, Emily L (Sophomore), 620 Meadowcrcst, Crowley, TX, Karyn LeneU (Grd Educ). Rocky (StoJO, 210 Blanton St. 2B,Seaccy, AR, 72143; 145. Melindo (Sta!O, 101 N. Hickory, Seaccy, AR, 72143; 145. Timothy R. (Senior), 101 N. Hickory, Searcy, AR, 72143; 'TI_ Wyllia, Camile C. (Gcd Educ). Wynegar, Tr<~v is W. (Sophomore), 1974 Poplar Ridgf!, Lawrenceville, GA,30044. tin, TX, 78753. Workman, Holly A (Preslunan), 1255 Duli.n Drive, Amissville, VA, 20106; 128. Worley Andrew R (Sophomore),350 Hilham Highway, Livir1gston, TN, 38570; 302, Ashley H. (Gcd MIT), P.O. Box 2882, Monticello, AR, 71656. justin W. (Sophomoce). Usa E. (Freshman), 350 Hillham, Livingston. TN, 38570; 128. Womdle, LlndaM.(Junior), 1462NW 113th Terrace, CoralSprings, FL, 33071; 307. Wortham, Stephanie A (Sophomore), 25624 H wy 10, Ruland, AR, 72135; 105,301. Worthy, Allison M_ (Grd Educ), 3385 Whitehaven Dr, Walnut c,eck, CA, 94598, Wright Alisa M. (Sophomore), 1513 Stonehenge Place, Uttle Rock, AR, 72212; 105, 278, 285. 288, 295, 303, Amanda E. (Sopllomore), 5300 Tanglewood Dr, Monroe, NC, 28110; 105. Ashley L. (Freshman),3507 Riviera Court, Sugar Land, TX, 77479; 300_ Audrey Kaye (Grd Educ). Jeremy D. Beauchamp Christy Canady Katie Cornett Kerri Dutile Jaime Fahs Erin Healy Jenna LaCaze Elizabeth Nichols Sara Rabon y Emily Sane Ryan Saul Michelle Scobba Marina Shannon Elizabeth Stephens Arnie Stratton Cody Usher Heidi Walden Mitch Wiggains Photograph Contributors Wyss, JuJia Jean (Crd Educ), Rt, 1, Greenway, J\R, 72461. Xhani, 13lerina Qwl.ior), 21431 Park Willow, Katy, TX, 77450; 89. Yaeger jo (StaJO, 504 E Woodmlf A,•e, Seaccy,AR, 72143. Timothy R (Senior), 504 E. Woodruff, Searcy, AR, 72143; 77, Yale Sand raj , Qunior). Sandy (Staff). 600 E. Pleasure, WMSA C-8, Searcy. AR, 72149. Yam, Benjamin Ounior), 4 Ambe•· Rd. #15-01, Singapore, 439852, Rep. of Singapore; 89, 2%. Yancey, Kyle E. Qunior), 281 Newell Rd, Bald Knob, AR, 72010. Yanez, Josue F. (P Grad). Yarbrough Alan. (Grd Edl!C). Docothy ). (Grd Educ) jmdan R (Freshman), P.O. Box 595, Calico Rock, AR, 72519; 128, 296. Yates Bob (Gcd MBA). Gr<~yC (Freshman),1002 Fawn Drive, Tupclo,MS,38804; 128,265. Yeakley, Flavil,jc. (Faculty), 120 Lambert Circle, Seaccy,AR, 72143; 141. Yelton, Allison E. (Senior), PO Box 1062, Montrose, CO, 81402; 77. Yingling j D (f"Culty), 239 Ki-Ke Acres Rd, Scaccy, AR, 72143; 141,286. Sebastian D. (Fceshman), #2 Cathy, Searcy, AR, 72143; 128,308. Yniguez, Brett A. (Freshman), 205 Magic Lane, Swmyvale, TX, 75182. York Adam D. (Freslumm),3691 Ozzic Fulks Road, White House, 1N, 37188; 128. Brandon M. (Senior), 412 Bradford St., Bridge City, T.X, 77611;77, 290,300. Rheanna M. Ounior), 412 Bradford St, Bridge City, TX, 77611. Young Alicia M. Uu.n.ior), 1695 W. Ridgeway Drive, Nixa, MO, 65714; 89. Amelia (Gcd Educ). Debocah jane (Grd Educ). Janet Leist (Grd Educ). Jerry A (Fre::;lunan),5147B N Elder Drive, Sh<:'.w A F B, SC,29152; 265. La Ron M. (Freslunan); 36, 265. Mandy L, (Senior), RD#2, Box 163/\, Rcynoldsville,PA, 15851;77_ NatalieS. (Senioc),5414 Mildred SE, Kentwood, Ml, 49508; 77,215, 289,291 . Ti.na M . (Senior), R0#2 Box 163A, Reynoldsville, PA, 15851; 77, Younger Jeremy D. (Senior), 9838 High Point, Shreveport, LA, 71106; 77, 302. E. (Junior), PO Box 95, Mt Pleasant, AR, 72561; 133. Sarah K (Freshman}, 9838 High Point Drive, Shreveport, LA, l.nuren 71106; 128. 76006. Worden, Cluistopher R. (Freshman), 1209 Briargate Drive, Aus~ Copy Contributors Miriam (StafO, 911 E, Race #102, Searcy, AR, 72143; 131, 283. Wyant l Yount, Usn Marie (Grd MFJ); 130_ Zahler, At1drea J. Uunior), 1525 Twin Manor Dr, Loga.nviUe, GA, 30052, Zelnik, John Michael, ill (Senior), 1CXXl Broderick Ct., Crofton, MD, 21114. Zepeda, joselyn E. (Sophomore), 302 #2 Toluca, Estado de, Mexico; 105. Zellerberg, Rachel J. Uunior), 504 Columbi<:'. Ave_, Willinmstown, WV, 26187; 89. Zhu, Guangyu {Senior), 45 Jin Ting St., Xiangt<m, Hlman, Chinfl, 41110; 77, 277_ Zhuravleva, Me~rina Z, Ow1ior), PontecorvoSt. Bid_ 7, Apt 63, Oubna, Russia, 14198; 89. Ziegler, Melissa A. (Junior), 416 E. Main, Odessa, MO, 64076; 133,283,301. Zimmerly, Bethany M. (Senior), 8161 Pinebough Ave,, Mobile, Al., 36695; 77. Zinn, Dorothy A (Junior), 13282 Highway 8 W, Amity, AR, 71921; 89. Zola, Tye R, (f.reshman), 1269 Florence St, Corona, CA, 92882. Zuccolo, Geneva A . (Sophomore), 1220Eli Lane, Lawrenceville, GA, 30045; 195, Zuniga, Arlene Z. (Sophomore), Col~Sutrafco, Contiguo Line Terrea, La Ccib<l, Atlantida, Honduras; 105, Dulce Aguirre Jenny Aven JayBawcom Jeremy D. Beauchamp Amy Beene Jason Burt Daniel Dubois Leah Eddy Katie Granberg Emily Hoggard Melissa Holland Jeff Hopper Deidre Hulvey Chrissy Ingram Becky Kelly Lori Klein Renee Lewis Jim Miller Ra chel Miller Jeff Montgomery Veronica Piech Scott Ragsda le Elizabeth Reding Taylor Ross Cherise Sanford Michelle Scobba Curtis Seright Dan Tullos Ben Wilkins Ed Wilson Colophon The 2003 Petit fl'nn yearbook of Harding University, Volume 79, "One Step Closer," was printed by Jostcns Printing and Publishing of Topeka, Kan_, and was produced on Macintosh computers with Adobe PageMaker and Jostens Yeartech_ COVER: The cover is custom ccaltline in Smoke (491) with no groin . Colonial blue (333) a nd tan (351) inks were laid on the cover theme_ The date and name of the yearbook, the headline and the spine were blind embossed_ The cover was produced by ]ostens in Topeka_ ENDSHEETS: Theendsheets were printed with Tan (467) and Blue (424) on Snow (280) stock. The endsheets were designed by Renee Lewis, editor~in-chief, and Dustin Vyers. THEME: The theme was conceived by Renee Lewis, editor-in~chief, with the assistance of Jim Miller, Cldviser, and Kay Gowen, associate professor of commu nication. COLOR: Thirty-one pages were printed in four-color process. TYPOGRAPHY: Opening and closing headlines were set in Placard Condensed typeface; division pages in Apple Chancery, Impact and Verdana typefaces _Student Life headlines in Futena, AYT James, T~homa and Aria}; Peop le headlines in AYT Firewa lk and Georgia; Academics headlines in Bordeaux Roman Bold, Aria) cmd Oxford; Social Clubs headlines in Impact, Futena and Arial; Organizations headhnes in Techno, Bickley Script LET, Lydian MT and Bradley Hand lTC and Athletics headlines in Times New Roman, A YT Action and A Yf Olive Oil. All captions were set in 8 point Helvetica_ All bod y copy was set in 9 point Palatino. All folio lines were se t in 10 point Trade Condensed. PHOTOGRAPHY: All photographs were taken by Lindsey Taliafeno and Melissa Wilson, assisted by Apci l Clem and Russ Phillips, unless otherwise noted, Several group pictures were taken by Jeff Montgomery, Charity McLarty and Renee Lewis. More than 200 rolls of black and whi te film and 30 rolls of colo r film were taken. All color photographs were developed and printed by The Color Lab in Searcy or taken with a digital camera . The portraits in the People section were taken by Holland Studios of Memphis, Tenn. Most f«culty portraits were taken by Jeff Montgomery. Photos of national events were suppl ied by AP World Wide Photos, Inc. DESIGN: The endsheets, opening, closing and division pages were designed by Renee Lewis, editor~in~chief, with the ass istance of Jim Miller, adviser, Jeffrey Hunter and Dustin Vyers_ The cover was designed and prepared as artwork by Dustin Vyers. The sections were designed by the section editors, with assistance from the adviser, editor·in~chief and Jeffrey Hunter. APPRECIATION: The 2003 Pe/11 )ear~ staff is thankful for many people who helped us along the road to publication. Thank you to Mrs. Judy Baker for her assistance, help and dedication in many a reas, including typing and indexing. Thanks to Jostens: Mary Nell Sparks, our local representative, Judy Huffaker, our in-plant consultant, and Caro l Stelljes in the art department. Thank you to the staff of The Bison for help in many areas_ Special thanks to Sara Miller for her generosity, hospitality and patience. A very big thank you to Jim Miller for dealing with the many problems that arose with an attitude of patience and kindness. The Petit femJ office is located on the second floor of the Hammon Student Center in room 211 . Any correspondence can be sent to the Petit fear~, Box 10812,900 E. Centec, Searcy, AR 72149-0001. The office phone number is (501) 279-4139_Students who are enrolled for 12 hours or more both semesters have p<~id sufficient general fees to cover the $30 cost of the yea rbook. Depending on their enrollment status for the year, others are chocged lull oc half price_ The Petit jean is a member of the Arkansas College Media Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and the Associated Collegiate Press Hall of Fame. index :3r;, 1111111.
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