2015 Student Citizenship Awards


2015 Student Citizenship Awards
-Harriet Tubman
2015 Student Citizenship Awards
Park West School Division
2015 Student Citizenship Awards Banquet
The Board of Trustees of Park West School Division hosted their annual Student
Citizenship Awards Banquet at the Shoal Lake Community Hall on February 5th,
Each school within the division was encouraged to nominate an individual and/or a
group of students based on the following criteria:
1. Volunteer service to the community, such as volunteering with health care
facilities, senior citizen groups, shelters, and daycare centers.
2. Involvement in citizenship or character building organizations.
3. Participation in student government programs or activities.
4. Leadership ability to motivate others to actions to benefit the community.
The Board was pleased to receive ten individual applications and eight group
applications. Each nominee was presented with a gift and a certificate to honour
their commitment to citizenship.
The Board has forwarded the winners on to the Manitoba School Boards
Association (MSBA) as our representatives for Park West. If they are selected
by MSBA, they will be recognized at their Convention Banquet held in March.
Congratulations to all of the nominees!
Emily Barteaux - MPS
School Sponsor - Suzy Paradine
Community Sponsor - Shawna Jamieson
Emily serves as the Student Council Treasurer, is a member of the HOPE
Committee, and she is a Youth Executive with her local youth group. Emily has
travelled to Kenya with Free the Children where she helped build a school.
Emily’s volunteer efforts extend to packing Christmas food hampers, helping
at the Vet Clinic, and assisting with the Agricultural Society.
James Bashford - BIN
School Sponsor - Shelley Robidoux
School Sponsor - Edward Robidoux
James is a member of the Binscarth Student Council where he helps to
organize school events. His grade 6 class is in charge of the school recycling
program. James is a member of 4-H and he enjoys planning and participating
in the community functions.
Jacquelyn Hawkins - HCI
School Sponsor - Jon Zilkey & Karen Mathison
Community Sponsor - Bonnie Michaudville
Community Sponsor - Janice Norrie
Jacquelyn values the importance of volunteering at both her school and within
her community. She is a peer mentor through the MHSAA Champion program
and helps coach middle years volleyball. She is a committee member of the
Relay for Life and is the Sports Rep on the student council. Jacquelyn assists
in the elementary school and she has volunteered at community day camps.
Heidi Isaak - SLS
School Sponsor - Candace David
Community Sponsor - Wendy Thom
Heidi is very dedicated to raising awareness for anti-bullying. She has utilized
her spare time at school to make posters and maintain an inspirational
bulletin board. Heidi has spearheaded the Buddy Bench project at Shoal Lake
School. She canvassed for donations and has purchased 4 benches. Heidi is
involved with her church helping with Children’s Church and Vacation Bible
Rory Laite - MIN
School Sponsor - Trevor Lewis
Community Sponsor - Laurie Sheane
Rory is an active member with her 4-H group where she serves as the
secretary. Rory has donated her hair for cancer patients and will be cutting it
again for Relay for Life. She has collected toiletries and donated them to
Westman’s Women’s Shelter. Rory is a valuable member of the Student
Council as Vice President and Treasurer.
Jesse Lindenbach - BCI
School Sponsor - Paddy Beswatherick
Community Sponsor - Shawna Wilson
Community Sponsor - Shelly Lewis
Jesse volunteers at his school and Division Office by watering plants, washing
dishes, organizing the supply room, stamping mail, shredding paper. Jesse
educates his fellow students about the recycling program and he collects
recycling weekly. Jesse volunteers at the daycare where he reads to the
children, assists with meal preparation, and laundry.
Jessica McNish - SCS
School Sponsor - Mark Geekie
Community Sponsor - Lori Voth
Jessica is passionate about volunteering, her goal is to become a missionary.
She is a Sunday School helper teacher where she helps children to learn about
the teachings. Jessica enjoys visiting the elderly and teaches them how to
use computers. Jessica participated in a mission trip to Nicaragua to help
educate children, build a school, and a latrine.
Marley Menzies - SLS
School Sponsor - Carly Betke
Community Sponsor - Beccy Ardiel-Voth
Marley is the co-president of the Student Council. She creates, plans, and
facilitates various events to encourage school spirit and student inclusion.
Marley has organized a “24 hour Wake-a-Thon” to help raise money for the
local food bank. Marley founded “Warm Winters”, a program that provides free
winter wear for community members in need.
Jadyn Neufeld - BIN
School Sponsor - Brittany Wilson
School Sponsor - Edward Robidoux
Community Sponsor - Brenda Christie
Jadyn enjoys volunteering with the school breakfast and hot lunch programs.
She helps to prepare food and clean up the school sponsored family suppers
and the Fall Feast. Jadyn helps with Senior Suppers within Binscarth. She
especially enjoys visiting with them.
Mikaela Young - MIN
School Sponsor - Tricia Lelond
Community Sponsor - Vicki Laite
Mikaela is the president of the Miniota Student Council. She has initiated
spirit week events, food drives, and helping with the World Vision sponsor child.
Mikaela has attended the YWCA Young Women’s conference as well as WE Day.
These events inspire her to make a difference in her school and community.
She helps organize events for the skating club and helps in the kitchen at
different community events.
Grade 4/5 Class - BES
School Sponsor - Tanis Cheasley
School Sponsor - Heather Stewart
The grade 4/5 class visits Sunnyside PCH to sing, perform, and read with the
residents. After learning about climate change, they decided to raise
awareness within the school. The students created posters to explain how it
affects polar bears. The class organized face painting and bake sales to raise
over $200. The money was donated to the Assiniboine Zoo Polar Bear
Birtle to Kenya - BCI
School Sponsor - Craig Barker
Community Sponsor - Marilyn Hickman
After attending WE Day two years ago, the group was inspired to participate
in a voluntour. They fundraised for over two years in order to achieve their
goal. The group hosted bake sales, bbq’s, worked at canteens, and made Tshirts. The students travelled to Kipsongol, Kenya where they worked to help
build a school, visited with local hospitals, and other schools.
The HOPE Committee - MPS
School Sponsors - Ann Csada, Bonnie Morris, Suzy Paradine, Grace Davidson
Community Sponsor - Barb Adams
The group of 24 students meet weekly to develop action plans for various
campaigns. The HOPE Committee has organized food and clothing drives,
collected pennies for clean water, and sold rafiki chains to donate to Free the
Children campaigns. They have planned a multicultural awareness day, a day of
silence for children’s rights, and various fundraisers for the Cancer Society
and Red Cross.
Recess Conflict Managers - ING
School Sponsors - Darcy Kowalchuk, Kerry Dunn
Community Sponsor - Leanne Werschler
This group of grade 3/4’s serve as the school’s conflict mediators. They have
taken conflict mediation training as part of their health class and utilize this
knowledge to assist with minor playground conflicts. These peacemakers have
helped to improve school climate during recess.
Marianne Sytnyk & Erin Schaworski - RCI
School Sponsors - Mark Williams, Bill Legge
Community Sponsor - Shirley Kalyniuk
Marianne and Erin are working hard to bridge the gap between contrasting
cultures within the school. As co-presidents of the student council, they
started a leadership group which focuses on encouraging individuals to
become open-minded to other cultures. They are working towards creating a
positive change within their school.
Nutritional Snack Team - RES
School Sponsors - Yvonne Urichuk-Knight, Bev Kostecki
Community Sponsor - Sylvia Shwaluk
The Nutritional Snack Team consist of three students who help prepare a
nutritious snack and deliver it to all of the students at the school. Laura, Jon,
and Carson are all members of the Student Leadership team. The leadership
team helps with school dances, spirit week, and other school events. They
have organized a food drive that raised over 300 lbs of food for the Brandon
Food Bank and have volunteered their time at the Helping Hands Soup Kitchen.
Junior Chief & Council - WWS
School Sponsors - Troy Luhowy, Jeannette Wilson
Community Sponsor - Roxanne Ross
Junior Chief & Council consists of five students. They plan weekly meetings to
share and plan ideas for school events. The Junior Chief & Council host many
fundraising events and donate this money to the WE Team lunch program. This
program offers lunch for students who are without. The Junior Chief and
Council hosted a lunch to honour the elders within the community.
We Act Committee - HCI
School Sponsor - Brittani Hammond
Community Sponsor - Orland Usick
This newly formed group has successfully organized three fundraisers in the
two months that they have been together. We Scare Hunger, We Create
Change, and We Are Rafikis were the events held to help raise money for local
and global causes. The group plans to host a fundraising event each month
throughout the school year.
And the
winners are …
Individual Winner
Marley Menzies
2015 Student Citizenship Awards
Park West School Division
Group Winner
The HOPE Committee
2015 Student Citizenship Awards
Park West School Division
-Harriet Tubman
2015 Student Citizenship Awards
Park West School Division