Spouse .is 6i--K, _EA 7 r
Spouse .is 6i--K, _EA 7 r
PRESBYTERY OF RIVERSIDE MEMBER INFORMATION FORM ss# ?o. -k CS( 1 44 2 V5` Name: 1;2...m4 0 Paliri Pe.5e1-6 CA Address: Z.17 Mio-S'ck Ji" Business Home Phone: 76c - f-.® — 4,04,?. Phone: Cell --S. kftSIN ait`In 07 11 cc , coirt Phone: 71 0 - 6 1C -- f31 e- Email Address: Etrhigniinc Date of 044‘, mo O et-e4=7q■Birth: Current Presbytery Membership: 1174" 7111.- C WZ.C.<014.ci ) Date of Presbytery Ordination: 413ailim ore ze c. Or by another denomination: 1, By: Ia Reason for coming to Presbytery of Riverside: I have a call to Church fecraei+t 4- fit‘vt. 5r7,1../ I am seeking membership in a Validated Ministry I am seeking membership as a Member at Large Honorably Retired, now living within the bounds of Riverside Presbytery Date of Retirement Presbytery By Education: (Schools, years attended, degrees earned) aA7Ve."1 -;i1,4'4 tYlp Xore6..- College: Seminary: riesh t c J1 ====panciv= CSC7.1n. B. FonciS Cc , r ernY ~ bly"- 7Xechtaik Seinin.c9/ zAl.AsiA1A4../1 Positions since or d ination: (Position, location yers served — most recent listed first) aree pres y r• re:1k cf t‘ yam 17?-rkliN - 46,-;15 S7-i1ce -14 ) it.to-e. Service to governing bodies: (Committees, Commissioner to General Assembly) Include year arld/orother special accomplishments: deveterm44 6--...matek_ C-20 / e_Luit.ck , P ed""SgrriA ek 2c grkr12-svillel-Tev■ Cirkazzlitz .is 6i--K, _EA 7 r Children Spouse - Signed Memberinformation6/2011 Membership App 062111 Date Curriculum Vitae Name: Date of Birth: Telephone: Address: Park, Noah (Sang-Kyu) June 06, 1967 E-mail: 760-610-4368 297 Tolosa Circle, Palm Desert, CA. 92260 [email protected] Status : Ordained Minister / PC(U.S.A.) Formal Education Korea Maritime University 1990, Pusan - B.E. (ROTC — Commissioned as Navy Officer) Presbyterian Theological Seminary 1999, Seoul - M.Div. (96-97 Exchange Student at San Francisco Theological Seminary) San Francisco Theological Seminary, San AnseImo CA & The Graduate Theological Union 2002, Berkeley CA M.Div./ M.A. (Biblical Languages) The Graduate Theological Union 2011, Berkeley CA — Ph.D. (Biblical/NT Studies) Employment Career SK Shipping Ltd. (YuKong Shipping) 1990 — 1995 / Seoul-Ulsan Korea Ship-owners' Association (dispatched) 1993 — 1994 / Seoul Ecclesiastical Experience Young-Do Church, Seoul, Youth Leader, Sep 1997 — Aug 1999 San Jose Elim Presbyterian Church, CA, Young Adult Leader, May 2000 — Aug 2001 St. John's Presbyterian Church, San Francisco CA, Full-time Intern, Sep 2001 — May 2002 San Jose Young-Nak Church, CA, Youth-Young Adult Leader, Jun 2003 — Dec 2004 Glen Burnie Korean Presbyterian Church, MD, Associate Pastor, Jul 2006 (Feb 2007) — Jan 2008 Korean Presbyterian Church of Palm Springs, CA, Pastor, Feb 2008 — Aug 2014 (present) * Presbytery — Worship & Evangelism Committee (2009), Congregational Development Committee (2010), Finance/Personnel Committee (Secretary 2011-2012), Personnel/Representative Committee (Chair) & Presbytery Council (2013) Ordination Process Inquirer, 2000 — 2002, Korean Presbyterian CI iurch of San Rafael, CA — The Presbytery of the Redwoods Candidate, 2002 — 2003 / Certified as a Candidate, Oct 2003 - The Presbytery of the Redwoods Ordination, Feb 11, 2007 - The Presbytery of Baltimore Continuing Education PCUSA - Racial Ethnic Seminarian Conference in Daytona Beach, FL 2001 CPE equivalent at The Convalescent Hospital in San Rafael, CA May-Aug 2001 PCUSA/Redwood Presbytery - Sexual Misconduct Education at SFTS, CA 2002 PCUSA - Multi-Cultural Conference in Seattle, WA 2003 PCUSA/Baltimore Presbytery, Ministers' Retreat in New Winsor, MD 2007 Church Business Administration Seminar (2 weeks) at Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, VA 2008 PCUSA/Pensions - Getting in Shape Fiscally Seminar, Pasadena, CA 2009 PCUSA - Interim Pastors' Education (first week), Zephyr Point/Lake Tahoe, NV 2010 PCUSA/Riverside Presbytery - Sexual Misconduct Education in Redland, CA Sep 2013 CHURCH -0 CONNECTION OPTIONAL LINKS AND RESOURCES Include below any links you desire to share with calling organizations (i.e., sermons, lesson plans, articles, blogs, assessment results available, etc.). Limit 500 characters. Please note the CLC system does not warehouse links. I believe in the triune God. "Trinity" is a communal description of the fellowship and oneness of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As written in 2 Cor. 13:14, I experience the triune God. I often call on God's name not distinguishing three divine persons. The Creator is like the father of the prodigal son who never gives up on us; the Savior Jesus Christ is our healer and liberator; and the Holy Spirit is the tangible presence of God among us. I believe that the Gospel is the good and urgent news about God's salvation for humanity. The Gospel is the story of Jesus himself as shown in his life, death, and resurrection. Through Christ, God's reconciling act is shown and accomplished. The Gospel is both a gift from God and a challenge for humanity. It requires a response from humanity. Sin may be a cultural concept. In Christianity, sin primarily has to do with human disobedience that destroys the relationships among God, humanity, and creation. Sin is not only about human deeds. It is also a human condition or a certain power in which we live. There are no big or little sins. Sin is sin. It results in "death," the antithesis of "life." I believe that salvation means the restoration of right relationships among God, humanity, and God's creation. Salvation was achieved by Jesus Christ when he died on the cross on behalf of us. In a sense, salvation is to build up the kingdom of God "on earth as it is in heaven." God works to fulfill God's purpose for humanity in the world here and now. I believe that "the faith of Jesus Christ" is a saving grace of God. It is given to us through the Holy Spirit. It comes with the good news and it leads to salvation. Yet, we need to work on our own salvation with the help of the Holy Spirit. Christians live in a tension because salvation is accomplished by Jesus but will be completed on the day of his coming. I believe that the church is the body of Christ that has been empowered by the Holy Spirit. I experience the church as "mother" who gives birth to, nurtures, and always waits for me. The church's obligation is to spread the good news and to bear witness to the salvation Revised 07/17/13 CHURCH 0 E -AD ,p CONNECTION that has been revealed in Jesus, in wor is and in deeds. The scope of the church's work embraces the whole of human life. I believe that the Sacraments are the visible signs instituted by God. They teach that our salvation comes through the sacrifice of Jesus. Baptism especially tells us that we die with Christ in our baptism and we will resurrect as Jesus did on the last day. Communion celebrates the grace that we have become brothers and sisters through Christ's sacrifice. We as one body have made a covenant with God. I believe in the Christian hope that: Jesus Christ is coming. Though we may be disappointed with our sufferings and hardships, we will finally enjoy the triumph of God, because Christ has already overcome death. Humanity is heading to the end of time, but there always has been waiting, yearning, moaning, suffering, peace, and salvation. Life is a journey for the eternity. Eschatology, therefore, must be rooted i -I present reality. Christians should be faithful in living, believing, and hoping that God is working in and among us. * Please enter up to six references here (a minimum of one reference is required): Name Relation to you Phone Address E-Mail 1. Rev. Dr. SyngMan Rhee, mentor/friend (previous PCUSA previous GA moderator & professor at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA) (1 1 yrs) (804) 257-5505 / 387-9394, SRhee@upsen i.edu 2. Rev. Dr. Joseph Kang, mentor/friend (previous PCUSA mission co-worker / currently in Malawi (Africa) teaching at a school) (6 yrs) 265 088 150 9422 / 265 099 428 6475, [email protected] 3. Rev. Maeng-Ho Ahn, mentor/friend (PCUSA mission worker for American Native People) (5 yrs) (480) 766-2557, [email protected] Revised 07/17/13