TONON TRENDS EMOTIONS COLLECTION INDEX p 2 1 INNOVATIVE MATERIALS p 18 TONON PHILOSOPHY p 7 2 STEEL + CANTILEVER p 80 COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING p13 3 SOFT SEATING p126 DESIGNER CREATIONS p 15 4 MODERN WOOD p214 5 TABLES p274 6 COFFEE TABLES p314 7 FURNISHINGS p332 CUSTOMIZED PRODUCTS p 17 8 TRANSITIONAL WOOD p 344 9 MATERIALS + COLORS p432 CONTRACT REFERENCES p445 2 TRENDS TRENDS INDICE / INDEX 1 >> INNOVATIVE MATERIALS page 18 004 Jonathan 30 page 20 907 Up-chair page 22 904 Step page 42 902 Concept page 52 918 NINE EIGHTEEN page 58 905 STRUCTURE page 64 057 CRYSTAL page 152 058 CRYSTAL TOO page 154 056 JOIN ME page 156 147 LILI page 82 945 SHELLS page 86 061 STAGE page 174 094 POPPY page 178 901 WAVE page 182 046 QUESTION MARK page 158 067 SHE page 164 066 SPHERE page 168 064 MATCHBALL page 170 037 PYRAMID page 196 059 HEARTBREAKER page 198 031 FEEL ME page 202 004 JONATHAN 30 WOOD page 216 284 PIT page 218 648 CHALLENGE page 228 181 EUTHALIA page 254 661 TIMELESS page 256 2 >> STEEL + CANTILEVER page 80 703 EXAGON page 72 956 SUNDANCE page 74 957 SUNRISE page 76 947 SUNSET page 78 054 LEAF page 192 4 >> MODERN WOOD page 214 941 ENSEMBLE STEEL page 90 325 FRESH page 92 955 GAMMA page 94 968 MY STYLE page 96 912 BRAND page 98 972 SLIMSWING page 104 911 SYMBOL page 106 063 FLY TOO page 204 196 TWIST page 128 290 SELLA page 232 091 ONE FOR TWO page 208 095 L’UOVO page 210 3 >> SOFT SEATING page 126 980 BREEZE page 110 964-967-985 SWING page 112 944 COSY page 116 921 FLOW page 120 039-971 WINE page 122 151 MISS page 240 140 TENDENCE page 242 A DIFFERENT WAY OF SEATING page 266 069 HE page 132 053 SHAPE page 136 049 ANTHEIA page 142 041 DIANTHA page 144 048 CLUB page 146 044 FUSION page 148 045 LADY page 150 109 BARLEY page 258 941 ENSEMBLE WOOD 376 BELLA page 246 page 250 3 4 TABLES EMOTIONS INDICE / INDEX 5 >> TABLES 8 >> TRANSITIONAL WOOD page 274 page 344 869 ELLISSE page 294 812 PIT page 276 817 FUNCTION page 278 838-839 page 298 870 page 300 769 DIAMONDS page 316 937 PLAYER page 326 843 SALT&PEPPER page 282 222 LORD GERRIT page 346 829 TWISTER page 286 232 TIME page 288 849 U.TABLE page 290 292 SELLA page 301 292 SELLA page 302 868 page 304 223 LORD GERRIT page 310 317-318 EPISODES page 388 308 SKYLINE page 394 232 TIME page 318 851 FRAME page 320 456 TAKE AWAY page 322 292 SELLA page 323 901 WAVE page 324 126 BAROCCA page 426 122 LA SALLE page 428 498 MADAME page 328 372 CHARMING page 329 758 MONEYPENNY page 330 318 EPISODES page 331 604 PRISMA LAMP page 340 504 TWISTY page 342 6 >> COFFEE TABLES page 314 945 SHELLS page 325 7 >> FURNISHINGS page 332 667 MONDRIAN page 334 641 PRISMA SHELF page 338 128 PRINCESS page 360 323 VILLA page 400 228 LADY WINDSOR page 366 398 MADAME page 370 388 CHARMING page 374 119 DIVA page 382 798 FRAGRANCES page 404 103 LUXURY page 406 098 POUF POUF page 408 120 RE SOLE page 412 5 7 SEATING PHILOSOPHY “ L’immagine che vedete a fondo pagina è stata presa in occasione di una mia lezione tenuta alla facoltà di Architettura a Kiev qualche tempo fa. È stato per me un momento bellissimo, ovvero quello di avere avuto l’occasione di ripercorrere con gli studenti presenti la storia del design, da Bauhaus al disegno scandinavo degli anni cinquanta, da Menphis al Daily aesthetics del nostro millennio. Ho collegato questo all’influenza culturale che detti movimenti hanno avuto anche nella mia azienda, in termini di design e di materiali e questo è stata una eccellente base di partenza per iniziare una prima discussione insieme. Le informazioni che ho poi dato sui nostri test di controllo qualità, sia sui componenti che sul prodotto finito, di durata, di resistenza all’uso, e di ergonomia sono stati il secondo argomento di confronto. Ho sottolineato poi la grande attenzione che in Tonon diamo ai dettagli. Il dettaglio, che può essere tecnico o di decorazione, va utilizzato sempre con grande attenzione e, come spesso i clienti mi sentono ripetere, la differenza tra un bel prodotto ed uno normale nel nostro settore è una questione di soli pochi millimetri. Ne consegue che l’attività quotidiana di ricerca, la collaborazione con i designer, il confronto continuo con l’ufficio tecnico, il lavoro di staff, la coerenza stilistica, l’attenzione ai costi (e di 8 conseguenza l’obiettivo di industrializzare al meglio ogni singolo componente) sono tutti elementi del nostro sforzo quotidiano per raggiungere il massimo della qualità. Tutto questo può essere ottenuto solo come risultato di sintesi di tutti i fattori sopra indicati”. “The picture shown in the previous page as been taken when I lectured some time ago at the Kiev Architectural University. I had the opportunity to go over the history of design, from Bauhaus to the influence of the Scandinavian design of the fifties, from Memphis to the daily aesthetics of the present millennium. Connecting this to the cultural influences these movements had also in my company, in terms of design and materials, this was an excellent background to start a discussion. The information I gave them about our quality, endurance and ergonomic tests were also a matter for discussion. Finally I emphasized the huge importance we give to each detail. It can be technical or decorative but always it has to be used with great care. As I often reiterate to our customers, the difference between a great product and a ordinary one, in our sector, is the detail It follows that the daily research activity, the cooperation with the designers, the comparison with the technical department, the team working, the stylistic consistency, the attention to the costs and consequently the aim of industrializing in the best way every single component, are all elements of our daily effort to achieve the maximum in quality. All this can only be achieved as a result of working within these elements”. Sandro Tonon chairman 11 10 Tonon é dal 1926 un marchio affermato nel settore delle sedute, sinonimo di “made in Italy”, design, qualità. Caratteristiche che arrivano da lontano: le origini risalgono agli anni 20, anni di scrupoloso e creativo artigianato. Anche con l’industrializzazione degli anni cinquanta non venne mai meno il “piacere del pensare e del fare”. L’oggi di Tonon si basa sulla ricerca e sulla sperimentazione, su fattori culturali e di marketing, su nuovi materiali e nuove tecnologie. Il tutto con cuore artigianale e mente imprenditoriale, in un mix che assicuri una vita migliore quando siamo seduti in relax o attorno ad un tavolo. Comuni denominatori dei prodotti Tonon sono la capacità arredativa e la loro perfetta ergonomia. Siano questi di concezione romantica o di memoria piuttosto che di innovativo design o di pura tendenza, sono sempre proposte originali, mai banali, connotate da una tecnologia forte ed evoluta. Prodotti pensati e destinati a mercati e culture internazionali, a stili di vita e quotidianità tra loro anche molto diversi. Since 1926 Tonon has continued to be a well-known brand in the world of seating, reliable and synonymous with design and quality “made in Italy”. Characterizing features that come from the past: their origins date back to the twenties, include years of careful and creative manufacturing. Even after the industrialization of the fifties, the pleasure of “thinking and making” never stopped Tonon today bases itself on research and development, on new materials and technologies; but with a craftsman’s heart and an industrial mind, a combination ensuring a better life when seated, either relaxing or around a table. Tonon products have the great ability to enhance interior decoration. Even when romantic or classic rather than innovative or trendy, they are always original proposals with a contemporary idea and combined with innovative technology. Products for international markets, with different cultures and living styles, made equal by good taste, sensitivity and elegance. 12 13 1926 >> 1943 >> 1950 1961 >> 1970 >> 1980 2003 >> 2005 >> 2007 COMUNICAZIONE E MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING TODAY 14 15 Thomas Althaus G. Assmann A. Kleene Martin Ballendat Edi e Paolo Ciani Demackerdesign Fabrizio Gallinaro Guggenbichler design Stefan Heiliger Christian Heimberger Jackie Choi design Tom Kelley Annette Lang Bernhard Leniger Alexander Lorenz Peter Maly Maly Hoffmann Kahleyss Mutschler Winkler Paolo Nava Davide Negri Franco Poli Gabriela Raible Mac Stopa Veit Streitenberger Oscar Tusquets Blanca Fabio Di Bartolomei 2C Works David Fox PROGETTI D’AUTORE DESIGNER CREATIONS Lepper Schmidt Sommerlade Matteo Nunziati Wally Paal Renzler.Jahnz. Partner Isabelle Rigal Prodotti d’autore: firme importanti del design internazionale che studiano e propongono nuovi progetti per l’arredamento. Sono designers che collaborano stabilmente con Tonon, professionisti di fama e capacità riconosciute, di grande sensibilità estetica e funzionale, capaci di proposte innovative e concrete ad un tempo. In armonia con la dichiarata filosofia Tonon: proporsi ad un mercato internazionale in modo esclusivo. Designer’s products: important international architects study proposing new designs for furnishing domestic, commercial and leisure interiors. They are designers who cooperate permanently with Tonon. Professional people with recognized reputations and skills, of great aesthetic and functional sensitivity capable of innovative and practical proposals at the same time. In harmony with the declared Tonon philosophy: to present itself to an international market in an exclusive and dedicated way. Stefan Veit Wiege Karsten Weigel 16 17 PRODOTTI SU MISURA CUSTOMIZED PRODUCTS Parallelamente all’organizzazione della filiera produttiva, opera in Tonon una squadra che risponde alla continua e crescente domanda di prodotti su misura, in particolare nel settore dell’ospitalità (dell’hotellerie, dell’accoglienza). Tonon è in grado di collaborare efficacemente con le aziende committenti e con gli studi di progettazione d’interni ideando e realizzando variabili di prodotto sia in termini di misure che di caratteristiche di forma e di funzione: un sicuro contributo alla razionalità e alla personalità dell’abitare contemporaneo. In parallel to the organization of the production chain, in Tonon works a team which responds to the continuous and increasing demand of customized products, especially in the horeca business (hotels, restaurants, cafeterias). Tonon is able to collaborate efficiently with the customers and with the design studios creating new product versions, both in dimensions and in structure or purpose characteristics. This is surely a contribution to the rationality and to the personality of the contemporary living style. 18 TRENDS INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 004 Jonathan 30 907 Up-chair 904 Step 902 Concept 918 Nine Eighteen 905 Structure 703 Exagon 956 Sundance 957 Sunrise 947 Sunset p p p p p p p p p p 20 22 42 52 58 64 72 74 76 78 20 004 JONATHAN 30 INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 004 JONATHAN 30 Design Paolo Nava Jonathan 30 è la nuova versione del modello Jonathan creata da Paolo Nava 30 anni fa. I due ovali sono costituiti da un telaio autoportante schiumato in gomma integrale colorata e sono uniti da un elemento in pressofusione di alluminio. Le forme organiche dello schienale e del sedile si adattano perfettamente al corpo ed il materiale integrale trasmette una piacevole sensazione di morbidezza che dona alla seduta il massimo comfort. La scocca è fornibile in 12 diversi colori. L’elegante base a 4 gambe in legno massello è disponibile in noce americano o rovere. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg 004.01 Sedia con gambe in legno Chair wooden legs 87 52 39 52 47 - 10.5 x1 0.334 004.21 Sedia in legno Chair in wood 87 52 39 52 47 - 6.0 x1 0.334 Colori dell’integrale Integral foam colours X01 X03 X02 X07 X06 X04 X05 X08 X09 X10 X15 X16 Jonathan 30 is the new version of the Jonathan model d esigned by Paolo Nava 30 years ago. The two ovals are made of a self supporting frame padded with coloured integral foam and are linked with a die-cast aluminium joint. softness giving the utmost comfort to the seat. The shell is supplied in 12 different colours. The elegant 4-leg base in solid wood is available in American walnut or oak. 004.01 CBM 004.21 21 22 907 UP-CHAIR INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 907 UP-CHAIR Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Martin Ballendat Prodotto di tendenza, dalle forme organiche. La scocca è in Freeform advanced, schiumato integrale disponibile in 12 colori. Le gambe in metallo sono disponibili in acciaio cromato opaco o lucido e in legno. Base a colonna in acciaio cromato lucido, verniciato bianco o nero. Una versione sofisticata è l’Up-chair leather. Disponibile con 4 gambe in metallo o con 4 gambe in legno. Up-Chair is a technical, fresh and innovative product with organic shapes. The comfortableness is achieved thanks to an innovative shell manufacturing process. The new material is called Freeform advanced, an integral solid-coloured foam. The shell is available in 12 fresh colours, the metal legs are available both in mat or polished chrome finish, as well as in wood, the column version is available in polished crome, white or black lacquered steel. A more sophisticated version is the Up-chair leather. Available with two different bases, 4 metal or 4 wooden legs. 907.15 907.01 907.11 907.03 907.13 907.05 907.31 907.21 Kg CBM 907.01 Poltroncina con gambe in metallo Small armchair with metal legs 82 57 40 63 47 - 10 x1 0.404 907.03 Poltroncina con gambe in metallo Small armchair with metal legs 82 57 40 63 47 - 10 x1 0.404 907.05 Poltroncina con gambe in metallo Small armchair with metal legs 82 57 40 63 47 - 10 x1 0.404 907.11 Poltroncina con gambe in legno Small armchair with wooden legs 82 57 40 63 47 - 10 x1 0.404 907.13 Poltroncina con gambe in legno Small armchair with wooden legs 82 57 40 63 47 - 10 x1 0.404 907.15 Poltroncina con gambe in legno Small armchair with wooden legs 82 57 40 63 47 - 10 x1 0.404 907.73/74 Poltroncina con colonna centrale Small armchair with central column 80 57 40 63 46 - 14.5 x1 0.404 907.21 Poltroncina in pelle e gambe in metallo Small armchair, leather and metal legs 82 59 42 60 47 - 7.5 x1 0.404 907.31 Poltroncina in pelle e gambe in legno Small armchair, leather and wooden legs 82 59 42 60 47 - 7.5 x1 0.404 907.61 Poltroncina con ruote Small armchair with castors 81 57 40 63 46 - 10 x1 0.404 907.41 Sgabello con 4 gambe Barstool with 4 legs 99 48 37 55 78 - 12 x1 0.395 907.42 Sgabello con 4 gambe Counter stool with 4 legs 907.51 Sgabello con colonna centrale regolabile Barstool with adjustable central column 907.41 907.51 86 48 37 55 65 - 11.5 x1 0.395 81-106 48 37 55 60/85 - 19 x1 0.334 907.73 907.74 907.61 23 24 907 UP-CHAIR INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 907 UP-CHAIR 25 26 907 UP-CHAIR Colori dell’integrale Skin injected foam colours X01 X03 X02 X07 X06 X04 X05 X08 X09 X10 X15 X16 907.01 28 907 UP-CHAIR WOOD INNOVATIVE MATERIALS Colori dell’integrale Skin injected foam colours X01 X03 X02 X07 X06 X04 X05 X08 X09 X10 X15 X16 Restaurant Toro Belgrade - Serbia 907.11 907.40 Cushion 907 UP-CHAIR WOOD 29 30 907 UP-CHAIR WOOD INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 907 UP-CHAIR WOOD 31 32 907 UP-CHAIR LEATHER WOOD 907.31 34 907 UP-CHAIR LEATHER WOOD INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 907 UP-CHAIR LEATHER WOOD 35 36 907 UP-CHAIR LEATHER METAL INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 907.21 907 UP-CHAIR LEATHER METAL 37 38 907 UP-CHAIR 907 UP-CHAIR CASTORS INNOVATIVE MATERIALS Colori dell’integrale Skin injected foam colours X01 X03 X02 X07 X06 X04 X05 X08 X09 X10 X15 X16 39 40 907 UP-STOOL INNOVATIVE MATERIALS Colori dell’integrale Integral foam colours X01 X09 X03 X07 907.41 Barstool 907.42 Counter stool X05 907.51 Barstool 907 UP-STOOL 41 42 904 STEP INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 904 STEP Design Mac Stopa La scocca dalla forma organica è composta da un telaio autoportante, schiumato in gomma integrale poliuretanica a bassa densità e colorata in pasta. La scocca é fornibile in 12 colori. Il fusto è disponibile con gambe in metallo o in metallo ricoperto da legno massello. Of classics inspired and reinterpreted The organic shape in low density integral polyurethane foam fits perfectly the body, offering a pleasant sensation of softness with the utmost comfort in seating. This shells is offered in 12 beautiful colours. Its attractive 4-leg base is available in metal or with wooden legs. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 904.01 Sedia con gambe in metallo Chair with metal legs 86 54 40 53 47 - 11 x1 0.334 904.11 Sedia con gambe in legno Chair with wooden legs 86 54 40 53 47 - 10.5 x1 0.334 Colori dell’integrale Integral foam colours X01 X03 X02 X07 X06 X04 X05 X08 X09 904.11 X10 X15 X16 904.01 43 44 904 STEP INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 904 STEP 45 46 904 STEP WOOD INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 904 STEP WOOD 47 48 904 STEP WOOD INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 49 50 904 STEP METAL INNOVATIVE MATERIALS Ghelamco Arena, Gent - Belgium 904.01 904 STEP METAL 51 52 902 CONCEPT INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 902 CONCEPT Design Martin Ballendat Sedia con gambe in acciaio cromato opaco o lucido, acciaio inox spazzolato o gambe rivestite in legno. Scocca disponibile in 11 colori di schiumato integrale. Sgabello con colonna centrale in metallo cromato opaco, con seduta girevole e regolabile in altezza. Chair with legs in polish or matt chrome steel with legs in brushed stainless steel or wooden legs. Shell in skin injected foam 11 standard colours. The stool with central column in matt chrome finish is height-adjustable and has a swivel seat. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 902.01/05 Sedia con gambe in metallo Chair with metal legs 83 58 42 55 46 - 11 x1 0.334 902.11 Sedia con gambe in legno Chair with wooden legs 83 58 42 55 46 - 11 x1 0.334 902.41 Sgabello Barstool 103/123 58 42 55 65/85 - 29 x1 0.395 Colori dell’integrale Integral foam colours X01 X03 X02 X07 X06 X04 X05 X08 902.11 A X09 X10 X15 902.01 In österreich Exklusivmodell 902.41 53 54 902 CONCEPT WOOD INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 902 CONCEPT WOOD A 55 In österreich Exklusivmodell 56 902 CONCEPT INNOVATIVE MATERIALS General Motors - Bahrain 902 CONCEPT 57 58 918 NINE EIGHTEEN INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 918 NINE EIGHTEEN WOOD Design Fabio Di Bartolomei Scocca in integrale morbido Freeform, materiale a bassa densità gradevole al tatto che presenta resistenza meccanica molto elevata e particolare elasticità. Le gambe, in acciaio satinato, permettono un uso in esterni, al coperto. The shell of the Nine eighteen chair is produced in soft integral foam called Freeform. This new lowdensity integral material, gives the product a soft and nice touch sensation. Freeform has a high resistance thanks to it’s natural elasticity. It also scrath proof. The legs of the chair are in matt stainless steel, that gives the possibility of an outdoor use under a roof. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 918.01 Sedia Chair 55 41 46 46 - 6.8 x1 0.307 918.02 Sedia bicolore Chair bicolour 81 55 41 46 46 - 6.8 x1 0.307 918.11 Sedia con gambe in legno Chair with wooden legs 81 55 41 46 46 - 6.8 x1 0.307 918.12 Sedia con gambe in legno / bicolore Chair with wooden legs / bicolour 81 55 41 46 46 - 6.8 x1 0.307 918.41 Sgabello Barstool 111 57 41 47 76 - 10.5 x1 0.431 Nomination for Colori dell’integrale Integral foam colours interior innovation award cologne 2007 X01 A X03 X02 X07 X06 X04 X05 X08 X09 X01/X07 X09/X15 In österreich Exklusivmodell 918.11 918.01 918.02 Bi-colour: black/white - sand/brown 918.41 59 60 918 NINE EIGHTEEN INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 918 NINE EIGHTEEN 61 62 918 NINE EIGHTEEN Novotel Grand Place, Brussels - Belgium INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 918 NINE EIGHTEEN 63 64 905 STRUCTURE INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 905 STRUCTURE Design Mac Stopa Materiale innovativo e design 3-D per la scocca organica in schiuma poliuretanica integrale a densità media, permette di ottenere una struttura interna semiportante. Il disegno tridimensionale è a forma di diamante nella parte esterna. La parte interna della scocca, liscia, si adatta alla forma del corpo e fornisce una piacevole sensazione di morbidezza. La scocca è disponibile in 11 colori standard. La base a quattro gambe può essere fornita in acciaio cromato o cromo satinato. Un’ulteriore variante è il modello con gambe in legno massello. The Structure organic shaped shell is manufactured in low-density integral polyurethane foam with inner frame in steel. The three-dimensions design of the external part, shaped like a diamond, gives the product a particular touch. The inner plane part of the shell fits perfectly the body shape, with a pleasant sensation of softness and comfort . The shells is offered in 11 colours. The attractive 4-leg base is available in chromed or matt chromed steel. An additional version is available with elegant solid wooden legs. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 905.01/03/05 Poltrona con gambe in metallo Armchair with metal legs 80 55 40 61 45 66/80 12.5 x1 0.404 905.11/13/15 Poltrona con gambe in legno Armchair with wooden legs 80 55 40 61 45 66/80 12.5 x1 0.404 Colori dell’integrale Skin injected foam colours X01 X03 905.11 X02 X07 X06 X04 X05 X08 X09 X10 905.01 X15 65 66 905 STRUCTURE WOOD INNOVATIVE MATERIALS Colori dell’integrale Skin injected foam colours X01 X03 X02 905.11 X07 X06 X04 X05 X08 X09 X10 X15 905.11 905.15 905.13 905 STRUCTURE WOOD 67 68 905 STRUCTURE WOOD INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 905 STRUCTURE WOOD 69 70 905 STRUCTURE METAL 905 STRUCTURE METAL INNOVATIVE MATERIALS Colori dell’integrale Skin injected foam colours X01 X03 X02 X07 X06 X04 X05 X08 X09 X10 X15 905.01 71 72 703 EXAGON INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 703 EXAGON Design Franco Poli L’importanza del progetto risiede nell’innovativo materiale plastico, poliuretano tech, che coniuga leggerezza ed elasticità ad una superficie morbida al tatto. Assolutamente originali le decorazioni dello schienale e della seduta in 3-D. Its distinctive feature, which is going to characterize other designs in the future, is represented by the innovative material tech-polyurethane, adding lightness and elasticity to the warmth and softness of the surface. The 3D decorations in the back and on the seat, make this product really special. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 703.01 Lounge - cromato lucido Lounge - polished chrome 80 68 40 80 42 - 9 x1 0.585 703.73 Lounge - cromato lucido Lounge - polished chrome 83 61 40 80 45 - 8.5 x1 0.585 703.74 Lounge - bianco o nero laccato Lounge - white or black lacquered 83 61 40 80 45 - 8.5 x1 0.585 GOOD DESIGN 703.73 703.01 73 74 956 SUNDANCE INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 956 SUNDANCE Design Stefan Heiliger Poltrona per esterni ed interni in polietilene: Sundance può essere utilizzata in qualsiasi zona dell’abitare con eccellenti risultati. Si può avere in 5 diversi colori, disponibili a magazzino, o in altri 3, di tendenza, disponibili a richiesta. Indoor and outdoor: in both areas sundance can be used with excellent results. It is particularly attractive thanks to its straight lines and its extravagant design. Available in 5 stock colours and 3 additional non-stock colours on request. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 956.01 Poltrona - polietilene Armchair - polyethylene 956.71 Cuffia in cotone sfoderabile Removable cover in cotton Restaurant Oliveto - Bahrain P03 73 61 40 61 41 61/73 10.5 Per quantitativi superiori a 30 pezzi le scocche sono fornibili nei colori: For orders over 30 pieces shells available also in colours: Colori standard Standard colours P01 Kg P04 P08 P10 P05 956.01 P09 P11 956.01 956.71 CBM x1 0.348 75 76 957 SUNRISE INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 957 SUNRISE Design Fabio Di Bartolomei Sunrise, seduta in polietilene per interni e per esterni, è caratterizzata da un morbido e funzionale design e da un comfort accentuato. Disponibile in 2 colori, a magazzino, o in altri 6, di tendenza, disponibili a richiesta. Sunrise is special for any lifestyle. Its fluent and light design attracts much attention. The high level of comfort of this armchair is very convincing. Available in 2 stock colours and 6 additional non-stock colours on request. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 957.01 Poltrona Armchair 957.71 Cuffia in cotone sfoderabile Removable cover in cotton Colori standard Standard colours P01 P08 Kg Polietilene Polyethylene 74 61 44 65 43 74 Per quantitativi superiori a 30 pezzi le scocche sono fornibili nei colori: For orders over 30 pieces shells available also in colours: P03 P04 P05 P09 957.01 P10 957.71 P11 957.01 12 CBM x1 0.348 77 78 947 SUNSET INNOVATIVE MATERIALS 947 SUNSET Design Guggenbichlerdesign Sunset, poltrona in polietilene, dona colore agli ambienti. Il contrasto tra le linee curve e la leggera affusolatura personalizza la poltroncina. Disponibile in 2 colori, a magazzino, o in altri 6, di tendenza, disponibili a richiesta. Whether in the living room or on the patio sunset adds pleasant colours to your life. Contrasting curved lines and tapered shape render this armchair most distinctive. Available in 2 stock colours and 6 additional non-stock colours on request. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Poltrona Armchair 947.01 Colori standard Standard colours P01 P04 Kg Polietilene Polyethylene 73 62 40 66 42 51/56 Per quantitativi superiori a 30 pezzi le scocche sono fornibili nei colori: For orders over 30 pieces shells available also in colours: P03 P05 P08 P09 P10 P11 947.01 10 CBM x1 0.348 79 80 2 TRENDS STEEL CANTILEVER 147 Lili p 82 945 Shell p 86 941 Ensemble Steel p 90 325 Fresh p 92 955 Gamma p 94 968 My Style p 96 912 Brand p 98 972 Slimswing p 104 911 Symbol p 106 980 Breeze p 110 964-967-985 Swing p 112 944 Cosy p 116 921 Flow p 120 039-971 Wine p 122 82 14 7 LILI STEEL + CANTILEVER 147 LILI Design Veit Streitenberger Il comfort di seduta si abbina all’apparente esilità del fusto in tondino d’acciaio cromato. La scocca è in compensato di faggio, l’imbottitura in poliuretano espanso. This model offers exceptionally sturdy and comfortable seating perfectly matched with an apparently slender base. As a result, this chair possesses a unique and original classic modern elegance. Lili is suitable for many areas in public spaces. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 147.01 Poltroncina Armchair 81 61 38 54 46 66-81 10 x1 0.290 147.03 Poltroncina Armchair 81 61 38 54 46 61-81 10 x1 0.290 147.01 83 84 147 LILI STEEL + CANTILEVER 147.03 Ibis Hotel - Germany 14 7 LILI 85 86 945 SHELLS STEEL + CANTILEVER 945 SHELLS Design Martin Ballendat Design avvolgente per questo ormai classico modello Tonon. Schienale in maglia nera o sabbia. Sedile imbottito, base in acciaio cromato lucido o opaco. Sistema girevole a 180° con meccanismo di ritorno. Shell is already a classic in the Tonon collection. Black or sand color knitted back, seat upholstered, base in chrome or chrome matt. 180° swivel with self return mechanism. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg 945.01 Poltroncina con maglia nera e gambe in metallo Small armchair with black knitted back and metal legs 79 58 50 60 48 63/79 9.5 x1 0.311 945.11 Poltroncina con maglia sabbia e gambe in metallo Small armchair with sand color knitted back and metal legs 79 58 50 60 48 63/79 9.5 x1 0.311 945.81 Poltroncina con maglia sabbia e gambe in legno Small armchair with sand color knitted back and wooden legs 79 58 50 60 48 63/79 9.5 x1 0.311 945.05 Lounge con maglia nera e gambe in metallo Lounge with black knitted back and metal legs 73 66 50 84 42 65/73 11.2 x1 0.450 945.13 Lounge con maglia sabbia e gambe in metallo Lounge with sand color knitted back and metal legs 73 66 50 84 42 65/73 11.2 x1 0.450 GOOD DESIGN 945.01 945.05 945.05 CBM 945.13 945.81 87 88 945 SHELLS STEEL + CANTILEVER 945.81 945.11 945 SHELLS 89 90 941 ENSEMBLE STEEL STEEL + CANTILEVER 941 ENSEMBLE STEEL Design Martin Ballendat Famiglia di sedute disponibile con gambe in legno oppure in acciaio cromato opaco. Scocca in schiumato, rivestita in tessuto o pelle. Chair family with legs in wood or in mat chrome steel finish. Shell in injected foam upholstered with fabric or leather. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 941.01 Sedia con gambe in metallo Chair with metal legs 87 59 44 47 48 - 7 x2 0.396 941.11 Poltrona con gambe in metallo Armchair with metal legs 87 59 44 60 48 67 8 x1 0.348 941.02 Sedia con gambe in legno Chair with wooden legs 87 59 44 47 48 - 7 x2 0.396 941.12 Poltrona con gambe in legno Armchair with wooden legs 87 59 44 60 48 67 8 x1 0.348 941.01 941.11 941.02 941.12 91 92 325 FRESH STEEL + CANTILEVER 325 FRESH Design Lepper Schmidt Sommerlade La sedia è impilabile ed ha il fusto in metallo cromato satinato, oltre ad un caratteristico dettaglio in alluminio. Sedile e schienale in massello di legno. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 325.01 Sedia Chair Kg x4 80 51 42 46 46 - 5.5 Stacking chair with metal frame in matt chrome finish and detail in aluminium. Seat and backrest in solid wood only. 325.01 CBM x2 0.312 93 94 955 GAMMA STEEL + CANTILEVER 955 GAMMA Design Martin Ballendat Sedia dalla linea originale, con 3 diverse basi in metallo. Schienale in compensato curvato in legno di faggio o noce americano. Sedile imbottito. Chair with 3 different metal bases, bent backrest in plywood, in the following veneers: beech or American walnut, upholstered seat. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 955.01 Sedia Chair 82 56 49 56 46 - 9.2 x1 0.307 955.02 Sedia Chair 82 56 49 56 46 - 9.2 x1 0.307 955.03 Sedia Chair 82 56 49 56 46 - 9.2 x1 0.307 955.02 955.01 955.03 95 96 968 MY STYLE STEEL + CANTILEVER 968 MY STYLE Design Lepper Schmidt Sommerlade Fusto in metallo pieno a sezione piatta, cromato opaco. Schienale in legno massello. Sedile imbottito in tessuto o pelle. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 968.11 Poltrona Armchair Kg 83 55 45 53 Flat solid steel frame in mat chrome finish. Back in solid wood. Upholstered set in fabric or leather. 968.11 48 68 13.5 CBM x1 0.307 97 98 912 BRAND STEEL + CANTILEVER 912 BRAND Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Martin Ballendat Vasto programma di sedute con fusto in metallo a sezione quadrata, cromato lucido o satinato. L’ampio schienale è disponibile in compensato curvato o imbottito. Wide range of chairs with square section metal frame available in polished or matt chrome finish. Back in veneered plywood or upholstered. 912.12 912.13 912.14 Kg CBM 912.01 Sedia con gambe in metallo e schienale compensato Chair with metal legs and plywood back x4 87 57 44 49 47 - 7.2 x2 0.396 912.02 Poltrona con gambe in metallo e schienale compensato Armchair with metal legs and plywood back x4 87 57 44 54 47 67 9.2 x2 0.380 912.03 Sedia con base a slitta e schienale compensato Cantilever chair with plywood back 85 57 44 49 47 - 8.2 x2 0.396 912.04 Poltrona con base a slitta e schienale compensato Cantilever armchair with plywood back 85 57 44 54 47 67 10.2 x1 0.334 912.05 Sgabello con schienale compensato Barstool with plywood back x4 102 57 44 49 78 - 9.5 x1 0.396 912.06 Sgabello con schienale compensato Counter stool with plywood back x4 88 57 44 49 64 - 9.2 x1 0.369 912.11 Sedia con gambe in metallo e schienale imbottito Chair with metal legs and upholstered back x4 87 57 44 49 47 - 8.2 x2 0.396 912.12 Poltrona con gambe in metallo e schienale imbottito Armchair with metal legs and upholstered back x4 87 57 44 54 47 67 9.8 x2 0.369 912.13 Sedia con base a slitta e schienale imbottito Cantilever chair and upholstered back 85 57 44 49 47 - 8.2 x2 0.396 912.14 Poltrona con base a slitta e schienale imbottito Cantilever armchair with upholstered back 85 57 44 54 47 67 10.2 x1 0.334 912.15 Sgabello con schienale imbottito Barstool with upholstered back x4 102 57 44 49 78 - 9.8 x1 0.396 912.16 Sgabello con schienale imbottito Counter stool with upholstered back x4 88 57 44 49 64 - 9.5 x1 0.396 912.01 912.03 912.05 99 100 912 BRAND STEEL + CANTILEVER 912 BRAND 101 102 912 BRAND STEEL + CANTILEVER 912 BRAND Restaurant Münzwerk Sieg-Carré, Siegen - Germany Egerner Höfe, Rottach Eggern - Germany Didascalia 103 104 972 SLIMSWING STEEL + CANTILEVER 972 SLIMSWING Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Martin Ballendat Sedie e poltrona con il fusto in acciaio cromato o verniciato in bianco lucido. Sedile in compensato curvato con imbottitura in poliuretano espanso a densità variabile. Schienale in Polstrong, poliuretano rigido strutturale, imbottito in tessuto o pelle. Tubular steel frame with polished chrome or white powder glossy varnished finish. Plywood curved seat with polyurethane foam padding at variable density. Back realised in Polstrong, self-supporting polyurethane, upholstered in fabric or leather. 972.53 972.63 972.51 Kg CBM 972.53 SLIMSWING Sedia con base a slitta Cantilever chair 87 54 45 49 47 - 9 x2 0.446 972.51 SLIMSWING Sedia con 4 gambe Chair with 4 legs 87 54 45 49 47 - 7.5 x2 0.396 972.63 SLIMSWING Poltrona con base a slitta Cantilever armchair 87 57 45 53 47 66 11.5 x1 0.334 105 106 911 SYMBOL STEEL + CANTILEVER 911 SYMBOL Design Lepper Schmidt Sommerlade Sedia e poltrona con scocca in schiumato e fusto in metallo cromato opaco. In alternativa con scocca con parte posteriore impiallacciata e imbottita. Poltrona con bracciolo in alluminio e dettaglio in legno oppure in pelle. Chair and armchair with injected foam shell, frame in matt chrome metal. Alternatively chair and armchair with shell in plywood, rear back veneered and front side upholstered. Armchair with arms in polished aluminium, armrest detail in solid wood or in leather. 911.13 Bracciolo legno Wood armrest 911.03 Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 911.01 Sedia imbottita Chair fully upholstered 91 56 45 49 47 - 9.1 x2 0.446 911.02 Poltrona imbottita, dettaglio bracciolo legno Armchair fully upholstered, detail armrest wood 91 58 45 54 47 66 10.5 x1 0.334 911.12 Poltrona imbottita, dettaglio bracciolo pelle Armchair fully upholstered, detail armrest leather 91 58 45 54 47 66 10.5 x1 0.334 911.03 Sedia con scocca parte posteriore impiallacciata e parte anteriore imbottita Chair with shell rear back veneered and front part upholstered 91 55 39 47 47 -- 10.1 x2 0.367 911.13 Poltrona / scocca parte posteriore impiallacciata e parte anteriore imbottita, dettaglio bracciolo legno Armchair / shell rear back veneered and front part upholstered, detail armrest wood 91 55 39 54 47 66 11.5 x1 0.334 911.01 911.02 Bracciolo legno Wood armrest 911.12 Bracciolo pelle Leather armrest 107 108 911 SYMBOL 911 SYMBOL 109 110 980 BREEZE STEEL + CANTILEVER 980 BREEZE Design Lepper Schmidt Sommerlade Fusto disponibile in acciaio a sezione rettangolare in cromato lucido e opaco. Scocca in poliuretano espanso schiumato a freddo, con telaio autoportante in acciaio ad alta resistenza. Frame with rectangular hollow steel section in polished or mat chrome finish. Injected fire retardant foam shell with self supporting structure in high resistance steel. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 980.02 Sedia Chair 91 59 42 46 47 - 8.2 x2 0.367 980.12 Poltrona Armchair 91 59 42 54 47 68 9.8 x1 0.334 980.02 980.12 111 112 STEEL + CANTILEVER 964 SWING ROUND - 967 SWING - 985 SWING LIGHT Design Lepper Schmidt Sommerlade 964 SWING ROUND - 967 SWING - 985 SWING LIGHT Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 964.71 SWING ROUND Sedia / acciaio a sezione rotonda Chair / steel with round section 91 60 45 45 48 - 8 x2 0.367 Fusto in acciaio disponibile in tre versioni di sezione: rotonda, rettangolare e piatta piena. Schienale con imbottitura extra morbida. I copribraccioli possono essere forniti in pelle o in microfibra Comfort. 964.72 SWING ROUND Poltrona / acciaio a sezione rotonda Armchair / steel with round section 91 60 45 51 48 66 9 x1 0.334 967.71 SWING Sedia / acciaio piatto pieno Chair / flat solid steel 91 55 45 45 48 - 10.3 x2 0.367 967.81.1 SWING Poltrona / acciaio piatto pieno Armchair / flat solid steel 91 55 45 54 48 66 13.5 x1 0.334 Frame available in three versions, rectangular hollow steel section, round tubular steel or in flat solid steel. Back with extra soft backrest upholstery. The armrest covers are available in leather or in microfiber Comfort. 985.01 SWING LIGHT Sedia / acciaio a sezione rettangolare Chair / steel with rectangular section 91 55 45 45 48 - 7.3 x2 0.367 985.11 SWING LIGHT Poltrona / acciaio a sezione rettangolare Armchair / steel with rectangular section 91 55 45 54 48 66 9.5 x1 0.334 Swing Light viene fornito completo di elementi anteriore in pvc trasparente antiribaltamento. Swing Light is supplied with anti-tilt-fitting elements in transparent pvc. 964.71 964.72 967.81 + 967.99 985.11 + 967.99 967.71 985.01 113 114 985 SWING LIGHT STEEL + CANTILEVER 985 SWING LIGHT 115 116 944 COSY STEEL + CANTILEVER 944 COSY Design Wally Paal Fusto disponibile in acciaio piatto pieno oppure a sezione rettangolare in cromato lucido. Scocca con parte posteriore in compensato impiallacciato in noce canaletto o rovere. Parte anteriore imbottita o scocca completamente imbottita. Polished chrome, flat, rectangular section steel frame. Shell with back in black walnut or oak veneered, upholstered front side or shell fully upholstered. 944.02 A Garant Exklusivmodell Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 944.02 Sedia Chair Scocca impiallacciata Shell veneered upholstered 86 56 43 48 46 - 8.2 x2 0.367 944.12 Poltrona Armchair Scocca impiallacciata Shell veneered upholstered 86 56 43 54 46 68 9.5 x1 0.334 944.22 Sedia Chair Scocca imbottita Shell fully upholstered 87 56 43 48 47 - 8.2 x2 0.367 944.32 Poltrona Armchair Scocca imbottita Shell fully upholstered 86 56 43 54 46 68 9.5 x1 0.334 944.22 944.32 A Garant Exklusivmodell 117 118 944 COSY A Garant Exklusivmodell STEEL + CANTILEVER 944 COSY 119 120 921 FLOW STEEL + CANTILEVER 921 FLOW Design Lepper Schmidt Sommerlade Fusto disponibile in acciaio a sezione rettangolare cromato lucido. Scocca: parte posteriore in compensato impiallacciato in noce canaletto o rovere. Parte anteriore imbottita o scocca completamente imbottita. Polished chrome, rectangular section steel frame. Shell: back in black walnut or oak veneered, upholstered front side or shell fully upholstered. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 921.01 Sedia Chair 101 57 45 49 47 - 9.8 x2 0.446 921.11 Poltrona Armchair 101 57 45 56 47 66 10.8 x1 0.369 921.11 921.01 121 122 039-971 WINE STEEL + CANTILEVER 039-971 WINE Design Guggenbichlerdesign Seduta in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. 4 varianti di basi: a slitta in acciaio cromato, con colonna centrale e base a 4 razze (disponibile in pressofusione di alluminio lucidato o in acciaio cromato lucido) oppure con colonna centrale a cinque razze in alluminio e rotelle. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Shell in flame-retardant injected foam with a self supporting structure in high resistance steel. 4 options for the base are available: cantilever structure in flat chrome steel with front legs in round tubular chrome steel, 4-spoke column base available in polished aluminium or in polished chrome steel, 5-spoke column base polished aluminium with castors and adjustable height. All column bases are available with 360° swivel mechanism and memory return. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 039.11 Poltrona Armchair Legno Wood 66 59 46 61 40 56-66 12.5 x1 0.434 039.22 Poltrona Armchair Alluminio lucido Polished aluminium 75-85 64 46 68 48-58 65-85 13.5 x1 0.434 039.71 Poltrona Armchair Alluminio lucido Polished aluminium 72 59 46 61 46 62-73 12.5 x1 0.434 039.73 Poltrona Armchair Acciaio cromo lucido Polished chrome steel 72 59 46 61 46 62-73 14.5 x1 0.434 971.01 Poltrona Armchair 70 59 45 61 46 60-70 12.5 x1 0.434 971.01 039.71 039.22 123 124 STEEL + CANTILEVER 039-971 WINE 125 126 3 TRENDS SOFT SEATING 196 Twist 069 He 053 Shape 049 Antheia 041 Diantha 048 Club 044 Fusion 045 Lady 057 Crystal 058 Crystal too 056 Join me 046 Question Mark 067 She 066 Sphere 064 Matchball 061 Stage 094 Poppy 901 Wave 054 Leaf 037 Pyramid 059 Heartbreacker 031 Feel me 063 Fly too 091 One for two 095 L’Uovo p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 128 132 136 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 156 158 164 168 170 174 178 182 192 196 198 202 204 208 210 128 196 TWIST SOFT SEATING 196 TWIST Design Stefan Heiliger Scocca in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna autoportante in acciaio con cinghie elastiche. Base a croce asimmetrica in acciaio cromato lucido. Disponibile solo in versione fissa. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 196.01 Poltrona Armchair Acciaio cromo lucido Polished chrome steel Kg 83 60 40 50 47 - Steel frame with elastic belts, covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. Asymmetric cross base in polished chrome steel. Fix version available only. 196.01 La torre blanche - France 16.5 CBM x1 0.398 129 130 196 TWIST Restaurant Indigo, Kiev - Ukraine SOFT SEATING 196 TWIST 131 132 069 HE SOFT SEATING 069 HE Design Guggenbichlerdesgin Seduta in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. Ampia scelta di basi con colonna in acciaio o alluminio. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Shell: steel frame covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. Wide choice of bases with central column in steel or aluminium, all with 360° swivel memory return. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg 069.01 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 83 64 44 58 44 - 24 x1 0.414 069.47 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 86 64 44 58 47 - 24 x1 0.414 069.79 Poltrona - Alluminio lucido Armchair - Polished aluminium 86 64 44 58 47 - 11 x1 0.477 069.81 Poltrona - Acciaio cromo lucido Armchair - Polished chrome steel 86 64 44 58 47 - 13 x1 0.477 069.47 Bowling Center, Pyatigorsk - Russia CBM 069.81 133 134 069 HE SOFT SEATING 069 HE 135 136 053 SHAPE SOFT SEATING 053 SHAPE Design Stefan Heiliger Seduta in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. Ampia scelta di basi con colonna in acciaio o alluminio. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Shell: steel frame covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. Wide choice of bases with central column in steel or aluminium, all with 360° swivel memory return. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 053.01 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 73 63 43 61 44 60/70 20.8 x1 0.434 053.47 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 73 63 43 61 47 60/70 20.8 x1 0.434 053.71 Poltrona - Alluminio lucido Armchair - Polished aluminium 78 63 43 61 47 65/72 13.5 x1 0.434 053.73 Poltrona - Acciaio cromo lucido Armchair - Polished chrome steel 78 63 43 61 47 65/72 15.5 x1 0.434 053.73 053.47 137 138 053 SHAPE Doha Bank - Qatar SOFT SEATING 053 SHAPE 139 140 053 SHAPE SOFT SEATING Vip Lounge Danzig Stadium - Poland 053 SHAPE 141 142 049 ANTHEIA SOFT SEATING 049 ANTHEIA Design Jackie Choi Design Seduta in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. Ampia scelta di basi con colonna in acciaio o alluminio. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Shell: steel frame covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. Wide choice of bases with central column in steel or aluminium, all with 360° swivel memory return. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 049.01 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 78 58 52 70 47 64 20 x1 0.434 049.11 Poltrona - Legno Armchair - Wood 71 58 52 70 40 57 11.5 x1 0.434 049.21 Poltrona - Acciaio cromo lucido Armchair - Polished chrome steel 78 58 52 70 47 64 7.5 x1 0.434 049.73 Poltrona - Acciaio cromo lucido Armchair - Polished chrome steel 78 58 52 70 47 64 12.1 x1 0.434 049.01 049.21 143 144 041 DIANTHA SOFT SEATING 041 DIANTHA Design 2C Workshop Scocca in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna autoportante in acciaio. Base con colonna centrale e piastra rotonda in acciaio cromato lucido o base a croce in lama di acciaio cromato lucido. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Injected fire retardant foam shell with self supporting structure in high resistance steel. Base with central column and round basement or cross base in polished steel. 360° swivel with memory return. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 041.01 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 75 59 40 58 42 - 19.3 x1 0.438 041.73 Poltrona - Acciaio cromo lucido Armchair - Polished chrome steel 75 59 40 58 42 - 12.8 x1 0.438 041.01 041.73 145 146 048 CLUB SOFT SEATING 048 CLUB Design Christian Heimberger Seduta in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. Ampia scelta di basi con colonna in acciaio o alluminio. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Shell: steel frame covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. Wide choice of bases with central column in steel or aluminium, all with 360° swivel memory return. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 048.01 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 80 59 41 64 47 47/75 21.5 x1 0.434 048.71 Poltrona - Alluminio lucido Armchair - Polished aluminium 80 59 41 64 47 47/75 10 x1 0.434 048.73 Poltrona - Acciaio cromo lucido Armchair - Polished chrome steel 80 59 41 64 47 47/75 12 x1 0.434 048.10 Poltrona - Legno Armchair - Wood 73 59 41 64 40 40/68 12 x1 0.434 048.71 048.01 048.10 147 148 044 FUSION SOFT SEATING 044 FUSION Design Stefan Veit Poltroncina in poliuretano espanso schiumato ignifugo con struttura interna in metallo. Colonna centrale in cromato lucido. Sistema girevole a 180° con meccanismo di ritorno. Small lounge in injected flame retardant foam with inner metal structure. Column base in chrome steel, 180° swivel version with auto return mechanism. 044.50 Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 044.50 Poltrona - Inox lucido Armchair - Stainless steel Kg 74 50 43 62 44 - 18.6 CBM x1 0.296 149 150 045 LADY SOFT SEATING 045 LADY Design Isabelle Rigal Seduta in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. Colonna centrale e piastra rotonda in acciaio cromato lucido oppure opaco. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Steel frame covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. Central column and round base in polished or matt chrome steel. 360° swivel with memory return. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 045.01 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 76 64 48 63 42 42/69 27 x1 0.438 045.11 Poltrona - Legno Armchair - Wood 74 64 48 63 40 40/67 13 x1 0.438 045.01 151 152 057 CRYSTAL - 058 CRYSTAL TOO SOFT SEATING 057 CRYSTAL - 058 CRYSTAL TOO Design Jackie Choi Design Seduta in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. Ampia scelta di basi con colonna in acciaio o alluminio. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Shell: steel frame covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. Wide choice of bases with central column in steel or aluminium, all with 360° swivel memory return. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 057.01 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 84 59 43 58 46 - 12.5 x1 0.348 057.71 Poltrona - Alluminio lucido Armchair - Polished aluminium 81 59 43 58 43 - 12.5 x1 0.348 057.73 Poltrona - Acciaio cromo lucido Armchair - Polished chrome steel 81 59 43 58 43 - 14.5 x1 0.348 058.71 Poltrona - Alluminio lucido Armchair - Polished aluminium 75 69 51 67 41 58 14.8 x1 0.438 058.73 Poltrona - Acciaio cromo lucido Armchair - Polished chrome steel 75 69 51 67 41 58 16.8 x1 0.438 057.71 058.73 153 154 057 CRYSTAL - 058 CRYSTAL TOO 058.71 SOFT SEATING 057 CRYSTAL - 058 CRYSTAL TOO 155 156 056 JOIN ME SOFT SEATING 056 JOIN ME Design Renzler. jahnz. Partner Seduta in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. Ampia scelta di basi con colonna in acciaio o alluminio. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Shell: steel frame covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. Wide choice of bases with central column in steel or aluminium, all with 360° swivel memory return. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 056.01 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 81 60 43 62 47 49/81 26 x1 0.438 056.51 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 81 60 43 62 47 49/81 26 x1 0.438 056.71 Poltrona - Alluminio lucido Armchair - Polished aluminium 81 60 43 62 47 49/81 11.3 x1 0.438 056.73 Poltrona - Acciaio cromo lucido Armchair - Polished chrome steel 81 60 43 62 47 49/81 13.3 x1 0.438 056.71 056.01 056.73 157 158 046 OUESTION MARK SOFT SEATING 046 OUESTION MARK Design Stefan Heiliger Seduta in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. Colonna centrale e piastra rotonda in acciaio cromato lucido oppure opaco. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Steel frame covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. Central column and round base in polished or matt chrome steel. 360° swivel with memory return. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg 046.01 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 83 046.41 Sgabello - Inox lucido o opaco Barstool - Polished or matt stainless steel 107 nomination 65 nomination 58 43 76 47 - 28 x1 0.633 43 67 78 - 32 x1 0.530 nomination nomination nomination GOOD DESIGN nomination GOOD DESIGN nomination nomination GOOD DESIGN GOOD DESIGN GOOD DESIGN 046.01 CBM 046.41 159 160 046 OUESTION MARK SOFT SEATING 046 OUESTION MARK 161 162 046 OUESTION MARK Hotel Coppe, Trieste - Italy SOFT SEATING 046 OUESTION MARK 163 164 067 SHE SOFT SEATING 067 SHE Design Guggenbichlerdesign Seduta in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. Varianti di basi: colonna centrale e piastra quadrata in acciaio cromato lucido oppure opaco o colonna centrale e base a cinque razze in pressofusione di alluminio lucido. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 067.01 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 75 68 46 70 42 - 24.8 x1 0.477 067.21 Poltrona - Alluminio lucido Armchair - Polished aluminium 75 68 46 70 42 - 13.5 x1 0.477 Shell: steel frame covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. Base variants: central column and square base in polished or central column and five spoke base in polished aluminium, all with 360° swivel memory return. 067.01 165 166 067 SHE SOFT SEATING Lavazza Coffee Bar - Italy 067 SHE 167 168 066 SPHERE SOFT SEATING 066 SPHERE Design Lepper Schmidt Sommerlade Seduta in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. Ampia scelta di basi con colonna in acciaio cromato, accaio inox satinato o alluminio. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Shell: steel frame covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. Wide choice of bases with central column in steel chrome, stainless steel or aluminium, all with 360° swivel memory return. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 066.01 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 68 67 50 72 40 53 23.4 x1 0.389 066.71 Poltrona - Alluminio lucido Armchair - Polished aluminium 73 67 50 72 45 58 15 x1 0.434 066.73 Poltrona - Acciao cromo lucido Armchair - Polished chrome steel 75 67 50 72 47 59 17 x1 0.434 066.11 Poltrona - Legno Armchair - Wood 68 67 50 72 40 59 13.5 x1 0.389 066.01 066.71 169 170 064 MATCHBALL SOFT SEATING 064 MATCHBALL Design Lepper Schmidt Sommerlade Seduta in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. Ampia scelta di basi con colonna in acciaio o alluminio. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Shell: steel frame covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. Wide choice of bases with central column in steel or aluminium, all with 360° swivel memory return. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 064.01 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 67 70 51 70 40 60/67 28 x1 0.438 064.47 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 74 70 51 70 47 67/74 28 x1 0.438 064.71 Poltrona - Alluminio lucido Armchair - Polished aluminium 67 70 51 70 40 60/67 15 x1 0.438 064.73 Poltrona - Acciao cromo lucido Armchair - Polished chrome steel 68 70 51 70 41 61/68 17 x1 0.438 064.11 Poltrona - Legno Armchair - Wood 67 70 51 70 40 60/67 14 x1 0.438 064.01 064.71 171 172 064 MATCHBALL SOFT SEATING 064 MATCHBALL 173 174 061 STAGE SOFT SEATING 061 STAGE Design Fabio Di Bartolomei Seduta in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. 2 tipi di basi con colonna in acciaio. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Shell: steel frame covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. 2 kinds of bases with central column in steel, all with 360° swivel memory return. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 061.01 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 72 69 52 69 40 58/72 27 x1 0.477 061.47 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 79 69 52 69 47 65/79 27 x1 0.477 061.47 061.01 175 176 061 STAGE Hotel Radisson, Belorusskaya, Moscow - Russia SOFT SEATING Hotel Coppe, Trieste - Italy 061 STAGE 177 178 094 POPPY SOFT SEATING 094 POPPY Design David Fox Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 094.73 Poltrona - Acciaio cromo lucido Armchair - Polished chrome steel Kg 78 70 44 107 42 - Scocca in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna autoportante in acciaio. Base con colonna centrale e croce in lama di acciaio cromato lucido. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Injected fire retardant foam shell with self supporting structure in high resistance steel. Base with central column and 4 spoke cross base in polished chrome steel. 360° swivel with memory return. 094.73 22 CBM x1 0.680 179 180 094 POPPY SOFT SEATING 094 POPPY 181 901 WAVE SOFT SEATING 182 901 WAVE Design Peter Maly Ampio programma di sedute in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. Due le versioni disponibili per la base su colonna: a ragno in acciaio cromato lucido o opaco oppure con piastra in acciaio cromato opaco. Entrambe le varianti sono disponibili fisse o con sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Seating program with shells in injected fire retardant foam with a self supporting structure in high resistance steel. Two options for the column base are available: spider base in chromium or mat chromium plated steel or as alternative a square plate base in matt chromium plated steel. Both versions are possible fixed or 360° swivel with memory return. Kg CBM 901.01 Sedia imbottita Chair upholstered 901.06 Sedia imbottita Chair upholstered 82 57 44 56 901.15 Lounge con colonna e piastra quadrata Lounge with central column with square base 79 74 50 82 901.53 Lounge con colonna e piastra quadrata Lounge with central column with square base 79 74 50 82 40 - 24 x1 0.585 901.21 Divanetto a due posti 2-seater 79 74 50 164 40 - 53 x1 1.132 901.35 Lounge versione soft con colonna e piastra quadrata Lounge soft version with central column with square base 79 74 50 82 40 - 24 x1 0.585 901.37 Lounge versione soft con colonna e piastra quadrata Lounge soft version with central column with square base 79 74 50 82 40 - 24 x1 0.585 901.16 Lounge con base a ragno in acciaio Lounge with spider base in steel 79 74 50 82 40 - 19.3 x1 0.585 901.51 Lounge con base a ragno in acciaio Lounge with spider base in steel 79 74 50 82 40 - 19 x1 0.585 901.36 Lounge versione soft con base a ragno in acciaio Lounge soft version with spider base in steel 79 74 50 82 40 - 19.3 x1 0.585 901.38 Lounge versione soft con base a ragno in acciaio Lounge soft version with spider base in steel 79 74 50 82 40 - 19 x1 0.585 901.41 Sgabello con colonna e piastra quadrata Barstool with central column and square base 98 50 41 50 78 - 24 x1 0.315 901.45 Sgabello con colonna e piastra quadrata Barstool with central column and square base 83/103 50 41 50 63/83 - 25 x1 0.315 901.46 Sgabello imbottito con base a slitta Upholstered counter stool and sled base 89 46 41 50 65 - 10 x1 0.315 901.47 Sgabello imbottito con base a slitta Upholstered counter stool and sled base 102 46 41 50 78 - 10 x1 0.315 901.66 Sgabello con a base slitta con scocca in gomma integrale Counter stool with sled base and shell in skin injected foam 89 46 41 50 65 - 10 x1 0.315 901.67 Sgabello con a base slitta con scocca in gomma integrale Stool with sled base and hell in skin injected foam 102 46 41 50 78 - 10 x1 0.315 GOOD DESIGN 2003 82 57 44 56 45 - 13 x1 0.348 45 - 13.3 x1 0.348 40 - 24 x1 0.585 183 184 901 WAVE 901 WAVE SOFT SEATING 901.06 901.16 901.15 901.45 901.01 901.51 901.53 901.41 901.47 901.46 185 186 901 WAVE SOFT SEATING 901 WAVE 187 188 901 WAVE SOFT SEATING 901 WAVE Manchester Airport Terminal 1 - UK - PH Brendan Lester Beppe Raso 189 190 901 WAVE SOFT SEATING 901 WAVE Design Peter Maly Wave si propone con una lounge in nuova versione, in poliuretano schiumato a freddo, con una super imbottitura che ne accentua la comodità. Due le versioni della base su stelo: a ragno in acciaio cromato lucido o opaco oppure a piastra in acciaio cromato opaco. Wave is proposed with a new lounge version. The shell is in injected foam, with a super padding which emphasizes the comfort. Two options are available for the column base: spider base in chromium or matt chromium plated steel or, as alternative, square plate base in matt chromium plated steel. 901.36 901.36 191 192 054 LEAF SOFT SEATING 054 LEAF Design Thomas Althaus Poltroncina con struttura in legno rivestito in poliuretano espanso indeformabile a densità differenziate e Dacron. Colonna centrale in cromato lucido. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Small lounge with structure in wood covered with stress-resistant polyurethane foam at varied densities and Dacron. Column base in chrome, 360° swivel with auto return mechanism. National Motors, Sehla - Bahrain Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 054.01 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 76 69 48 69 44 65/74 40 x1 0.438 054.71 Poltrona - Alluminio lucido Armchair - Polished aluminium 78 69 48 69 46 67/76 26.5 x1 0.438 054.01 054.71 193 194 054 LEAF SOFT SEATING 054 LEAF Fashion Gates, Vilnius - Lithuania Beppe Raso 195 196 037 PYRAMID SOFT SEATING 037 PYRAMID Design Peter Maly Seduta in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. Varianti di basi: colonna centrale e piastra quadrata in Inox o base a croce in lama di acciaio cromato lucido. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Injected fire retardant foam shell with self supporting structure in high resistance steel. Base with central column and square basement in stainless steel or cross base in polished chrome steel. 360° swivel with memory return. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 037.01 Poltrona - Acciaio inox Armchair - Stainless steel 64 68 50 72 40 64 31.8 x1 0.438 037.73 Poltrona - Acciaio cromo lucido Armchair - Polished chrome steel 66 68 50 72 42 66 18.3 x1 0.438 037.11 Poltrona - Legno Armchair - Wood 64 68 50 72 40 64 19 x1 0.438 037.73 037.01 197 198 059 HEARTBREAKER SOFT SEATING 059 HEARTBREAKER Design Oscar Tusquets Blanca Scocca in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. Colonna centrale e piastra rotonda in acciaio inox cromato lucido oppure opaco. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 059.11 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel Steel frame covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. Central column and round base in polished or matt chrome stainless steel. 360° swivel with memory return. 059.21 Pouf - Inox lucido o opaco Pouf - Polished or matt stainless steel Kg 99 81 54 84 42 61 41 x1 0.790 - 58 58 58 42 - 26 x1 0.283 nomination nomination GOOD DESIGN 059.11 CBM 059.21 199 200 059 HEARTBREAKER 202 031 FEEL ME SOFT SEATING 031 FEEL ME Design Fabio Di Bartolomei Seduta in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. Ampia scelta di basi con colonna in acciaio o alluminio. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Pouf con sedile in compensato e poliuretano espanso. Shell: steel frame covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. Wide choice of bases with central column in steel or aluminium, all with 360° swivel memory return. Footrest with seat in plywood and polyurethane foam. 031.72 Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 031.01 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or att stainless steel 89 77 45 65 45/42-48 - 31 x1 0.633 031.71 Poltrona - Alluminio lucido Armchair - Polished aluminium 89 77 45 65 45/42-48 - 12.2 x1 0.633 031.73 Poltrona - Acciao cromo lucido Armchair - Polished chrome steel 89 77 45 65 45/42-48 - 14.2 x1 0.633 031.72 Pouf - Alluminio lucido Pouf - Polished aluminium - 45 45 65 44/41-47 - 7 x1 0.195 031.01 031.71 203 204 063 FLY TOO SOFT SEATING 063 FLY TOO Design Guggenbichlerdesign Seduta in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna in acciaio. 2 le varianti di basi: colonna centrale e piastra rotonda in acciaio cromato lucido oppure opaco o colonna centrale e base a cinque razze in pressofusione di alluminio lucido. Sistema girevole a 360° con meccanismo di ritorno. Pouf con sedile in compensato e poliuretano espanso. Shell: steel frame covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. Base variants: central column and round base in polished stainless steel or central column and five spoke base in polished aluminium, all with 360° swivel memory return. Footrest with seat in plywood and polyurethane foam. 063.72 Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 063.01 Poltrona - Inox lucido o opaco Armchair - Polished or matt stainless steel 93 70 49 86 44 59/63 37 x1 0.633 063.21 Poltrona - Alluminio lucido Armchair - Polished aluminium 89 70 49 86 40 55/59 19 x1 0.633 063.72 Pouf - Alluminio lucido Pouf - Polished aluminium 063.15 Poltrona - Legno Armchair - Wood 063.01 - 47 47 59 41 - 7 x1 0.195 70 70 49 86 40 51/53 18.5 x1 0.633 063.21 205 206 063 FLY TOO SOFT SEATING 063 FLY TOO Jive - USA Beppe Raso 207 208 091 ONE FOR TWO SOFT SEATING 091 ONE FOR TWO Design Stefan Heiliger Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 091.01 Poltrona - Acciaio cromo lucido Armchair - Polished chrome steel Kg 94 86 53 135 Scocca in poliuretano ignifugo schiumato a freddo con struttura interna autoportante in acciaio con cinghie elastiche. Base a croce asimmetrica in acciaio cromato lucido. Disponibile solo in versione fissa. Steel frame with elastic belts, covered with injected flame retardant polyurethane foam. Asymmetric cross base in polished chrome steel. Fix version available only. Jive - USA Hotel Coppe, Trieste - Italy 091.01 41 - 46.5 CBM x1 1.409 209 210 095 L’UOVO SOFT SEATING 095 L’UOVO Design Veit Streitenberger L’Uovo ha una struttura interna in acciaio sulla quale il tessuto, con particolari doti di elasticità, va a modellarsi. Sedile e schienale sono in compensato e ricoperti da gomma poliuretanica. L’Uovo frame is manufactured with an inner steel frame where the fabric, due to its elasticity, shapes itself. Seat and back are in plywood and polyurethane foam. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 095.01 Kg Poltrona Armchair 81 095.01 Visa Bar Lounge, Unterägeri - Switzerland 60 40 67 45 - 8 CBM x1 0.380 211 212 095 L’UOVO SOFT SEATING 095 L’UOVO 213 214 4 TRENDS MODERN WOOD 004 Jonathan 30 Wood 284 Pit 648 Challenge 290 Sella 151 Miss 140 Tendence 941 Ensemble wood 376 Bella 181 Euthalia 661 Timeless 109 Barley p 216 p 218 p 228 p 232 p 240 p 242 p 246 p 250 p 254 p 256 p 258 A DIFFERENT WAY OF SEATING 045 Lady wood p 270 039 Wine wood p 271 049 Antheia wood p 272 037 Pyramid wood p 273 216 004 JONATHAN 30 WOOD MODERN WOOD 004 JONATHAN 30 WOOD Design Paolo Nava Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 004.21 Jonathan 30 wood è la versione nobile del Jonathan 2013.Schienale e sedile sono in canna naturale intrecciata con struttura portante ovale in legno massello uniti da un elemento in pressofusione di alluminio. Le forme organiche dello schienale e del sedile si adattano perfettamente al corpo. L’elegante base a 4 gambe in legno massello è disponibile in noce americano o rovere. Jonathan 30 wood is the elegant version of the Jonathan 2013. Back and seat are in natural woven cane with oval structure in solid wood, linked with a die-cast aluminium joint. The organic shapes of seat and back fit perfectly the body. The elegant 4-leg base in solid wood is available in American walnut or oak. 004.21 Sedia in legno Chair in wood Kg 87 52 39 52 47 - 6.0 CBM x1 0.334 217 218 284 PIT MODERN WOOD 284 PIT Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Maly Hoffman Kahleyss Design moderno e minimalista in legno, connubio tra design e artigianalità, in linea con la sensibilità ecologica dell’azienda. Scocca completamente rivestita e rifinita con cuciture eleganti o con la vista posteriore in multistrato. Gambe caratterizzate dalla particolare tornitura. Kg 284.01 Sedia imbottita Chair fully upholstered 83 55 42 48 47 - 8 x2 0.396 284.02 Sedia con scocca parte posteriore impiallacciata e parte anteriore imbottita Chair with shell rearback veneered and front part upholstered 83 55 42 48 47 - 7 x2 0.396 284.11 Poltrona imbottita Armchair fully upholstered 83 57 42 54 47 66 8.5 x1 0.334 284.12 Poltrona con scocca parte posteriore impiallacciata e parte anteriore imbottita Armchair with shell rear back veneered and front part upholstered 83 57 42 54 47 66 8.5 x1 0.334 Modern minimalist design, a new masterpiece of the design team Maly Hoffmann Kahleyss Seating made with passion, perfect connection between design and craft, according with the green-thinking of the company. The minimalist shape of the shell, fully upholstered with elegant stitching or with wooden back, provides the utmost in seating comfort. 284.01 284.02 CBM 284.11 219 220 284 PIT 284 PIT MODERN WOOD 284.01 221 222 284 PIT MODERN WOOD 284.02 284 PIT 223 224 MODERN WOOD 284 PIT 812.01 284 PIT 225 226 284 PIT 284 PIT MODERN WOOD 284.11 227 228 648 CHALLENGE 648 CHALLENGE MODERN WOOD Design Wiege Sedia in legno curvato dalla forma fluida, dove tutti gli elementi si sovrappongono uno all’altro senza interruzione. Cuore della sedia è un profilo triangolare in alluminio ad estrusione: funge da componente tecnico e crea un interessante contrasto estetico. The bentwood chair with fluent form. Through the form wood technology all elements are overlapped without any interruptions. The heart of the chair is an aluminium bar with a triangular section: this component is a very important technical detail of construction with an aesthetic contrast. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg 648.01 Sedia Chair 84 55 41 44 48 - 6 x2 0.323 648.02 Sedia Chair 84 55 41 44 48 - 6 x2 0.323 interior innovation award cologne 2007 GOOD DESIGN 648.02 CBM 648.01 229 230 648 CHALLENGE MODERN WOOD 648 CHALLENGE 231 290 SELLA MODERN WOOD 232 290 SELLA Design Peter Maly Ampio e affermato programma di sedute in legno con parti metalliche in acciaio. I terminali delle gambe sono in alluminio,mentre i finalini sono disponibili sia in feltro che in plastica. Rivestimento disponibile in tessuto, in pelle o in cuoio. Wide range of chairs in wood with details in stainless steel. Aluminium glides with felt or plastic. Upholstery in fabric, leather or hide. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 290.01 Sedia bistro Bistro chair 78 51 43 44 48 - 5.8 x2 0.323 290.02 Sedia bistro Bistro chair 79 53 43 44 48 - 6 x2 0.367 290.11 Sedia Chair 82 58 43 53 47 - 7.8 x2 0.396 290.61 Sgabello Barstool 92 46 41 41 78 - 6.8 x1 0.239 290.71 Sgabello Counter stool 79 46 41 41 65 - 6.5 x1 0.216 290.62 Sgabello Barstool 93 47 41 41 78 - 6.5 x1 0.239 290.72 Sgabello Counter stool 80 47 41 41 65 - 6.2 x1 0.216 291.20 Divano Sofa 80 83 60 202 42 55/57 47.6 2x1 1.502 291.21 Panchetta Bench 80 63 48 120 48 - 24 x1 0.780 233 234 290 SELLA 290 SELLA MODERN WOOD 290.11 290.01 290.02 291.21 290.61 - H 78 290.62 - H 78 290.71 - H 65 290.72 - H 65 291.20 235 236 290 SELLA Restaurant 179, London - UK MODERN WOOD 290 SELLA 237 238 290 SELLA Hotel Palanga, Klaipeda - Lithuania MODERN WOOD 290 SELLA 239 240 151 MISS MODERN WOOD 151 MISS Design Guggenbichlerdesign Sedia dal design moderno e minimalista in legno massello di rovere o noce canaletto. Sedile in compensato con imbottitura in poliuretano espanso. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 151.02 Sedia Chair Kg x6 79 53 43 Modern and minimalist design in solid oak or solid black walnut. Seat in plywood with polyurethane foam padding. 151.02 53 48 - 6 CBM x2 0.398 241 242 140 TENDENCE MODERN WOOD 140 TENDENCE Design Lepper Schmid Sommerlade Sedia, poltrona e sgabello in legno massello di faggio, rovere, noce canaletto o noce nazionale. Sedile imbottito. I braccioli della poltrona sono in acciaio opaco. Chair, armchair and barstool in beech wood, oak, black walnut and Italian walnut, seat upholstered. Arms of the armchair in stainless steel. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 140.01 Sedia Chair 83 53 42 48 48 - 7 x2 0.396 140.11 Poltrona Armchair 83 53 42 53 48 66 9 x1 0.307 140.41 Sgabello Barstool 95 48 40 43 71 - 8 x1 0.239 140.42 Sgabello Barstool 108 48 40 43 84 - 8.5 x1 0.329 140.01 140.11 140.41 - H 71 140.42 - H 84 243 244 140 TENDENCE Restaurant Rendez-vous - Bahrain MODERN WOOD 140 TENDENCE 245 246 941 ENSEMBLE WOOD MODERN WOOD Poltroncina / gambe in metallo Small armchair / metal legs 941 ENSEMBLE WOOD Design Martin Ballendat Sedia e poltrona sono disponibili sia con gambe in legno che in metallo cromato. La scocca, in schiumato, ha il sedile imbottito. Chair and armchair available with legs in wood or in mat chrome finished steel. Shell in injected foam with upholstered seat. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 941.01 Sedia con gambe in metallo Chair with metal legs 87 59 44 47 48 - 7 x2 0.396 941.11 Poltrona con gambe in metallo Armchair with metal legs 87 59 44 60 48 67 8 x1 0.348 941.02 Sedia con gambe in legno Chair with wooden legs 87 59 44 47 48 - 7 x2 0.396 941.12 Poltrona con gambe in legno Armchair with wooden legs 87 59 44 60 48 67 8 x1 0.348 San Carlo Restaurant, Leeds - UK 941.02 941.12 941.01 941.11 247 248 941 ENSEMBLE WOOD MODERN WOOD 941 ENSEMBLE WOOD 249 250 376 BELLA MODERN WOOD 376 BELLA Design Alexander Lorenz Forme classiche e contemporanee allo stesso tempo caratterizzano la famiglia di Bella. La scocca in poliuretano schiumato a freddo é in combinazione con le gambe realizzate in legni pregiati come noce americano e rovere. Molto particolare è anche la versione tutto pelle. Classic and at the same time contemporary shapes characterize the Bella family. The shell made of injected foam in combination with the legs of fine woods, such as American walnut and oak or the version all leather, give this product its timeless elegance. 376.02 376.12 Tutto pelle All leather Tutto pelle All leather Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 376.01 Sedia con gambe in legno Chair with wood legs 84 58 45 54 47 - 9 x2 0.477 376.02 Poltrona con gambe rivestite in pelle Armchair with leather covered legs 84 58 45 54 47 - 9 x2 0.477 376.11 Sedia con gambe in legno Chair with wood legs 84 58 45 58 47 64/68 10 x1 0.380 376.12 Poltrona con gambe rivestite in pelle Armchair with leather covered legs 84 58 45 58 47 64/68 10 x1 0.380 376.11 376.01 251 252 376 BELLA MODERN WOOD 376 BELLA 253 254 181 EUTHALIA MODERN WOOD 181 EUTHALIA Design Matteo Nunziati Programma di sedute dal particolare design posteriore, con struttura in legno di faggio e noce canaletto. La serie prevede sedia, sedia con braccioli e sgabello. Timeless range of seating program with structure in beech or in black walnut wood. The range is consisting of a chair, armchair and one stool. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 181.01 Sedia Chair 80 56 43 53 47 - 9.5 x2 0.396 181.11 Poltrona Armchair 80 56 43 57 47 63 11 x1 0.404 181.41 Sgabello Barstool 112 52 40 43 78 - 9.2 x1 0.410 181.01 181.11 181.41 255 256 661 TIMELESS MODERN WOOD 661 TIMELESS Design Paolo Nava Poltrona ispirata dal design scandinavo . Struttura in legno massello di noce canaletto. Sedile in compensato con imbottitura in poliuretano espanso. Variante di seduta con cinghie elastiche in cotone nei colori naturale o nero. Armchair inspired by the Scandinavian Design. Structure in solid American walnut. Seat in plywood with polyurethane foam padding. Variation: seat with cotton elastic belts in natural or black colour. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 661.01 Poltrona Armchair 75 56 47 58 47 69 6.8 x1 0.296 661.02 Poltrona Armchair 75 56 47 58 46 69 6.4 x1 0.296 661.02 661.01 257 109 BARLEY MODERN WOOD 258 109 BARLEY Design Tom Kelley Barley è una reinterpretazione della sedia “Frankfurter Stuhl”. Un prodotto senza tempo, semplice e dall’elleganza discreta. La collezione ha molteplici varianti di sedile. Di sicuro interesse sono le versioni impilabili. Barley is a re-interpretation of the “Frankfurter Chair”. A timeless product, simple but at the same time elegant. A chair like Barley is suitable for almost any modern interior design schemes. The collection has different solutions for the seat, from the basic model in plywood to fully upholstered. Stacking versions are also available 109.24 Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 109.11 Sedia con sedile compensato Chair with plywood seat 83 48 43 44 45 - 6 x2 0.291 109.09 Sedia con sedile imbottito Chair with upholstered seat 83 48 45 44 48 - 6 x2 0.291 109.14 Sedia imbottita su fusto Chair with upholstered on the frame 83 48 45 44 48 - 6 x2 0.291 109.15 Sedia con sedile compensato Chair with plywood seat x4 83 49 44 47 45 - 6 x3 0.321 109.17 Sedia con sedile imbottito Chair with upholstered seat x4 83 49 44 47 46 - 6 x3 0.321 x4 109.19 Sedia imbottita su fusto Chair with upholstered on the frame 109.21 Poltrona con sedile compensato Armchair with plywood seat 109.23 Poltrona con sedile imbottito Armchair with upholstered seat 83 50 44 58 48 66 7 x1 0.278 109.24 Poltrona imbottita su fusto Armchair with upholstered on the frame 83 50 44 58 48 66 7 x1 0.278 109.25 Poltrona con sedile compensato Armchair with plywood seat x4 83 51 44 59 45 66 7 x3 0.430 109.27 Poltrona con sedile imbottito Armchair with upholstered seat x4 83 51 44 59 48 66 7 x3 0.430 109.29 Poltrona imbottita su fusto Armchair with upholstered on the frame x4 109.31 Poltrona imbottita su fusto Armchair with upholstered on the frame 109.32 Lounge con fianchi chiusi Lounge with upholstered sides 109.41 Sgabello con sedile in compensato Barstool with plywood seat 109.43 Sgabello con sedile imbottio Barstool with upholstered seat 112 48 43 43 83 - 7 x1 0.261 109.44 Sgabello imbottito su fusto Barstool upholstered on the frame 112 48 44 43 83 - 7 x1 0.261 83 49 44 51 48 - 6 x3 0.321 83 50 44 58 45 66 7 x1 0.278 83 51 44 59 48 66 7 x3 0.430 83 59 55 67 40 65 8.8 x1 0.414 83 59 55 67 40 65 11 x1 0.414 112 48 43 43 80 - 7 x1 0.261 259 260 109 BARLEY 109.14 109 BARLEY MODERN WOOD 109.27 109.44 109.19 109.29 109.31 261 262 109 BARLEY Restaurant Haikaranpesa Haikaranpesäin Water Tower Espoo - Finland MODERN WOOD 109 BARLEY 263 264 109 BARLEY MODERN WOOD Bouwcenter Nelemans, Etten Leur - Netherlands John Tanous Room - Great Britain 109 BARLEY 265 MODERN WOOD A DIFFERENT WAY OF SEATING 267 268 A DIFFERENT WAY OF SEATING MODERN WOOD A DIFFERENT WAY OF SEATING 039.11 037.11 045.11 064.11 056.11 066.11 049.11 063.15 269 270 045 LADY WOOD 039 WINE WOOD MODERN WOOD 045.11 039.11 271 272 049 ANTHEIA WOOD 037 PYRAMID WOOD MODERN WOOD 049.11 037.11 273 274 5 TABLES 812 Pit 817 Function 843 Salt&pepper 829 Twister 232 Time 849 U.Table 869 Ellisse 838-839 870 292 Sella 868 223 Lord Gerrit p 276 p 278 p 282 p 286 p 288 p 290 p 294 p298 p300 p 301 p304 p 310 812 PIT TABLES 276 812 PIT Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Maly Hoffmann Kahleyss 812.01 Per completare la sedia Pit, ora c’è anche il tavolo Pit. In termine di design parlano la stessa lingua. Il piano, in alluminio alveolare impiallacciato, è disponibile sia in rovere che in noce canaletto, legno che dà al tavolo una insospettabile leggerezza (28 kg). To complement the Pit chair, there is now the Pit table. In terms of design they speak the same language. The veneered aluminium honeycomb top is available in oak or in American walnut that give the table an unsuspected lightness (28 kg). 812.01 top dim. H 95x220 73 cm Kg 1.2 28 CBM x2 0.366 277 817 FUNCTION TABLES 278 817 FUNCTION Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Mutschler Winkler 817.01 Tavolo moderno in noce canaletto impiallacciato con particolari in acciaio cromato lucido o satinato e con una allunga “a farfalla” e con un leggero movimento assistito. Modern table in veneered wood with decorations in chrome or chrome mat and one butterfly extension with a soft folding mechanism. 817.01 top dim. H 100x200 / 300 75 cm Kg 2 90 CBM 3x1 0.849 279 280 817 FUNCTION TABLES 817 FUNCTION 281 282 843 SALT & PEPPER TABLES 843 SALT & PEPPER Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Guggenbichlerdesign Nuova gamma di tavoli con piani in diverse essenze di legno o in poliestere laccato, disponibile in varie dimensioni. Base a quattro gambe in legno con staffe di collegamento disponibili in inox lucido o in inox satinato. New range of tables with tops in different wood essences or polyester lacquered with various top dimensions. Four-leg table base in wood finish with steel connections available, in chrome or mat chrome finish. 843.26 top dim. H cm Kg CBM base / base piano / top 843.01 Inox lucido o opaco / gambe in massello Polished or mat stainless steel / legs in solid wood Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 95x180 74 1/3 44.4 2x1 0.445 843.11 Inox lucido o opaco / gambe in massello Polished or mat stainless steel / legs in solid wood Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 95x200 74 1/3 50.2 2x1 0.648 843.21 Inox lucido o opaco / gambe in massello Polished or mat stainless steel / legs in solid wood Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 100x220 74 1/3 54.2 2x1 0.690 843.06 Inox lucido o opaco / gambe in massello Polished or mat stainless steel / legs in solid wood Legno massello oleato Oiled solid wood 95x180 74 1/3 44.4 2x1 0.445 843.16 Inox lucido o opaco / gambe in massello Polished or mat stainless steel / legs in solid wood Legno massello oleato Oiled solid wood 95x200 74 1/3 50.2 2x1 0.648 843.26 Inox lucido o opaco / gambe in massello Polished or mat stainless steel / legs in solid wood Legno massello oleato Oiled solid wood 100x220 74 1/3 54.2 2x1 0.690 843.41 Inox lucido o opaco / gambe in massello Polished or mat stainless steel / legs in solid wood Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 110x220 74 1/3 58.6 2x1 0.690 283 284 843 SALT & PEPPER TABLES 843 SALT & PEPPER 285 829 TWISTER TABLES 286 829 TWISTER Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Stefan Heiliger 829.15 La base di Twister, dalla caratteristica forma a conchiglia, è in Cristalplant, marteriale costituito da minerali naturali, polimeri poliesteri ed acrilici. Cristalplant è altamente resistente, a superficie ripristinabile al 100%, ignifugo ed ecocompatibile. Il piano è in vetro trasparente temperato. The base of the Twister table is like a sculpture that reflects the inner life of a shell, on the base is placed a transparent glass top that allows to show the artfully curved base in its full beauty. Cristalplant is an high technology composite material consisting of natural minerals,pure polyester and acrylic polymers. Cristalplant is 100% recyclable, fire retardant and highly resistant. Since the material is durable and 100% restorable it falls under the category of environmentally friendly materials. 829.15 top dim. H Ø 150 72 cm Kg 1.2 136.9 CBM 2x1 0.909 287 232 TIME TABLES 288 232 TIME Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Guggenbichlerdesign Tavolo con struttura in legno massello di noce canaletto su piastra in acciaio inox. Piano in vetro trasparente temperato. Table with round steel basement in stainless steel. Solid black walnut structure, transparent security glass top. 232.61 top dim. H cm Kg CBM 232.61 Piano in vetro extra white Top in extra white security glass Ø 140 73 1.2 105.1 2x1 0.819 232.81 Piano in vetro extra white con cornice sabbiata Top in extra security glass with frosted edge Ø 150 73 1.2 114.9 2x1 0.842 289 290 849 U.TABLE TABLES 849 U.TABLE Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Guggenbichlerdesign Programma di tavoli con ampia scelta di piani con varie misure in diverse essenze di legno o laccati in poliestere bianco. Basi in acciaio cromato lucido o opaco, laccato brillante bianco o titanium. Table program with wide range of table tops in different wood essences or white polyester lacquer with various top dimensions. Table bases polished or matt, white high gloss lacquered stell or titanium chrome steel.. Base cromato opaco Base matt chrome Base cromato Base polished chrome Base acciaio bianco lucido Base high glass white steel Base cromato titanio Base titanium chrome steel 849.02 95x180 cm 849.01 95x180 cm 849.03 95x180 cm 849.04 95x180 cm 849.12 95x200 cm 849.11 95x200 cm 849.13 95x200 cm 849.08 95x200 cm 849.22 100x220 cm 849.21 100x220 cm 849.23 100x220 cm 849.14 100x220 cm 849.32 100x250 cm 849.31 100x250 cm 849.33 100x250 cm 849.18 100x250 cm top dim. H Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 95x180 73 1/3 54.5 3x1 0.508 Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 95x180 73 1/3 54.5 3x1 0.508 849.03 Acciaio bianco lucido High gloss white steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 95x180 73 1/3 54.5 3x1 0.508 849.04 Acciaio cromo titanio Titanium chrome steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 95x180 73 1/3 54.5 3x1 0.508 849.06 Acciaio cromo lucido Polished chrome steel Legno massello oleato Oiled solid wood 95x180 73 1/3 54.5 3x1 0.508 849.07 Acciaio cromo opaco Matt chrome steel Legno massello oleato Oiled solid wood 95x180 73 1/3 54.5 3x1 0.508 849.08 Acciaio cromo titanio Titanium chrome steel Legno massello oleato Oiled solid wood 95x180 73 1/3 54.5 3x1 0.508 849.11 Acciaio cromo lucido Polished chrome steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 95x200 73 1/3 60.2 3x1 0.714 849.12 Acciaio cromo opaco Matt chrome steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 95x200 73 1/3 60.2 3x1 0.714 849.13 Acciaio bianco lucido High gloss white steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 95x200 73 1/3 60.2 3x1 0.714 849.14 Acciaio cromo titanio Titanium chrome steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 95x200 73 1/3 60.2 3x1 0.714 849.16 Acciaio cromo lucido Polished chrome steel Legno massello oleato Solid wood oiled 95x200 73 1/3 60.2 3x1 0.714 849.17 Acciaio cromo opaco Matt chrome steel Legno massello oleato Oiled solid wood 95x200 73 1/3 60.2 3x1 0.714 849.18 Acciaio cromo titanio Titanium chrome steel Legno massello oleato Oiled solid wood 95x200 73 1/3 60.2 3x1 0.714 849.21 Acciaio cromo lucido Polished chrome steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 100x220 73 1/3 64.2 3x1 0.756 849.22 Acciaio cromo opaco Matt chrome steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 100x220 73 1/3 64.2 3x1 0.756 849.23 Acciaio bianco lucido High gloss white steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 100x220 73 1/3 64.2 3x1 0.756 849.24 Acciaio cromo titanio Titanium chrome steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 100x220 73 1/3 64.2 3x1 0.756 849.26 Acciaio cromo lucido Polished chrome steel Legno massello oleato Oiled solid wood 100x220 73 1/3 64.2 3x1 0.756 849.27 Acciaio cromo opaco Matt chrome steel Legno massello oleato Oiled solid wood 100x220 73 1/3 64.2 3x1 0.756 849.28 Acciaio cromo titanio Titanium chrome steel Legno massello oleato Oiled solid wood 100x220 73 1/3 64.2 3x1 0.756 849.31 Acciaio cromo lucido Polished chrome steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 100x250 73 1/3 70.3 3x1 0.820 849.32 Acciaio cromo opaco Matt chrome steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 100x250 73 1/3 70.3 3x1 0.820 849.33 Acciaio bianco lucido High gloss white steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 100x250 73 1/3 70.3 3x1 0.820 849.34 Acciaio cromo titanio Titanium chrome steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 100x250 73 1/3 70.3 3x1 0.820 849.41 Acciaio cromo lucido Polished chrome steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 110x220 73 1/3 68.6 3x1 0.756 849.42 Acciaio cromo opaco Matt chrome steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 110x220 73 1/3 68.6 3x1 0.756 849.43 Acciaio bianco lucido Highgloss white steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 110x220 73 1/3 68.6 3x1 0.756 849.44 Acciaio cromo titanio Titanium chrome steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 110x220 73 1/3 68.6 3x1 0.756 base / base piano / top 849.01 Acciaio cromo lucido Polished chrome steel 849.02 Acciaio cromo opaco Matt chrome steel cm Kg CBM 291 292 849 U.TABLE TABLES 849 U.TABLE 293 869 ELLISSE TABLES 294 869 ELLISSE Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Wally Paal top dim. H cm Kg CBM base / base piano / top 869.01 Inox lucido Polished stainless steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 95x180 73 1/3 66.4 3x1 0.723 Nuovo programma di tavoli con ampia scelta di piani con varie misure in diverse essenze di legno o laccati in poliestere bianco. Basi in inox opaco o lucido e laccato brillante bianco o legno. 869.02 Inox opaco Matt stainless steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 95x180 73 1/3 66.4 3x1 0.723 869.04 Acciaio laccato bianco lucido Steel white high gloss lacquered Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 95x180 73 1/3 66.4 3x1 0.723 869.06 Inox lucido Polished stainless steel Legno massello Solid wood 95x180 73 1/3 66.4 3x1 0.723 New range of tables with tops in different wood essences or white polyester lacquer with various top dimensions. Table bases in matt or polished inox and steel white high gloss lacquer or wood. 869.07 Inox opaco Matt stainless steel Legno massello Solid wood 95x180 73 1/3 66.4 3x1 0.723 869.08 Legno impiallacciato Veneered wood Legno massello Solid wood 95x180 73 1/3 66.4 3x1 0.723 869.11 Inox lucido Polished stainless steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 95x200 73 1/3 72.2 3x1 0.926 869.12 Inox opaco Matt stainless steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 95x200 73 1/3 72.2 3x1 0.926 869.14 Acciaio laccato bianco lucido Steel white high gloss lacquered Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 95x200 73 1/3 72.2 3x1 0.926 869.16 Inox lucido Polished stainless steel Legno massello Solid wood 95x200 73 1/3 72.2 3x1 0.926 869.17 Inox opaco Matt stainless steel Legno massello Solid wood 95x200 73 1/3 72.2 3x1 0.926 869.18 Legno impiallacciato Veneered wood Legno massello Solid wood 95x200 73 1/3 72.2 3x1 0.926 869.21 Inox lucido Polished stainless steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 100x220 73 1/3 76.2 3x1 0.978 869.22 Inox opaco Matt stainless steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 100x220 73 1/3 76.2 3x1 0.978 869.24 Acciaio laccato bianco lucido Steel white high gloss lacquered Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 100x220 73 1/3 76.2 3x1 0.978 869.26 Inox lucido Polished stainless steel Legno massello Solid wood 100x220 73 1/3 76.2 3x1 0.978 869.27 Inox opaco Matt stainless steel Legno massello Solid wood 100x220 73 1/3 76.2 3x1 0.978 869.28 Legno impiallacciato Veneered wood Legno massello Solid wood 100x220 73 1/3 76.2 3x1 0.978 869.31 Inox lucido Polished stainless steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 100x250 73 1/3 82.3 3x1 1.042 869.32 Inox opaco Matt stainless steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 100x250 73 1/3 82.3 3x1 1.042 869.34 Acciaio laccato bianco lucido Steel white high gloss lacquered Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 100x250 73 1/3 82.3 3x1 1.042 869.41 Inox lucido Polished stainless steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 110x220 73 1/3 80 3x1 0.978 869.42 Inox opaco Matt stainless steel Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 110x220 73 1/3 80 3x1 0.978 869.44 Acciaio laccato bianco lucido Steel white high gloss lacquered Poliestere bianco lucido White glossy polyester 110x220 73 1/3 80 3x1 0.978 Base legno Base wood Base inox opaco Base matt inox Base inox lucido Base polished inox Base bianco lucido Base high gloss white 869.08 95x180 cm 869.02 95x180 cm 869.01 95x180 cm 869.04 95x180 cm 869.18 95x200 cm 869.12 95x200 cm 869.11 95x200 cm 869.14 95x200 cm 869.28 100x220 cm 869.22 100x220 cm 869.21 100x220 cm 869.24 100x220 cm 869.32 100x250 cm 869.31 100x250 cm 869.34 100x250 cm 869.42 110x220 cm 869.41 110x220 cm 869.44 110x220 cm 295 296 869 ELLISSE TABLES 869 ELLISSE 297 298 838-839 TABLES 838-839 Design Martin Ballendat Tavoli fissi quadrati e rotondi in diverse misure. Piano impiallacciato o in mdf per finiture laccate. La base è in acciaio inox. Fixed square and round tables in different sizes. Table top available in veneered or in medium density for lacquered finishes. The table base in stainless steel. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info top dim. H cm Kg CBM base / base piano / top 838.04 Inox lucido Stainless steel Impiallacciato rovere Oak veneered 140x140 74 1.2 64.8 2x1 0.491 838.14 Inox lucido Stainless steel Mdf/ laccato bianco lucido Mdf/ white high gloss lacquered 125x125 74 1.2 59.8 2x1 0.895 839.04 Inox lucido Stainless steel Impiallacciato rovere Oak veneered Ø 140 74 1.2 64.8 2x1 1.491 Inox lucido Stainless steel Mdf/ laccato bianco lucido Mdf/ white high gloss lacquered Ø 135 74 1.2 64.8 2x1 1.491 Inox lucido Stainless steel Mdf/ laccato bianco lucido Mdf/ white high gloss lacquered Ø 125 74 1.2 59.8 2x1 0.895 839.14 838.04 839.04 299 300 TABLES 301 292 SELLA 870 Design Martin Ballendat Design Peter Maly Tavolo dal design lineare proposto con due allunghe interne. Legno di faggio e rovere. Base in legno. Tavolo in legno di faggio con piano smussato, base in legno e acciaio inox. Fornibile in misure diverse. Contemporary tables with 2 inside extensions. Available in beech or oak. Table base in wood. Contemporary table in beech wood with basement in stainless steel. Available in different sizes. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 870.01 top Tavolo impiallaciato con 2 allunghe Veneered table with 2 extensions 870.01 dim. H 90x180 / 240 / 300 75 cm Kg 9 62 CBM 3x1 0.630 Informazioni tecniche / Technical info top dim. H cm Kg CBM 292.01 Piano impiallacciato con bordo in massello Veneered table top with solid beech edges Ø 60 73 1/3 19.5 2x1 0.238 292.31 Piano impiallacciato con bordo in massello Veneered table top with solid beech edges Ø 60 105 1/3 21.5 2x1 0.358 292.11 Piano impiallacciato con bordo in massello Veneered table top with solid beech edges 60x60 73 1/3 19.5 2x1 0.238 292.15 Piano impiallacciato con bordo in massello Veneered table top with solid beech edges 70x70 73 1/3 22 2x1 0.247 292.21 Piano impiallacciato con bordo in massello Veneered table top with solid beech edges 90x90 73 1/3 27.9 2x1 0.338 292.35 Piano impiallacciato con bordo in massello Veneered table top with solid beech edges 60x60 105 1/3 21.5 2x1 0.358 292.21 292 SELLA TABLES 302 292 SELLA Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Peter Maly 292.70 Tavolo dal design moderno con 2 allunghe interne. Legno di faggio, rovere e noce canaletto. Contemporary table with 2 inside extensions. Available in beech, oak or american walnut. 292.70 Legno Wood top dim. H 90x200 / 250 / 300 75 cm Kg 2.6 74 CBM 3x1 0.626 303 868 TABLES 304 868 Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Gabriele Assman + Alfred Kleene Programma di tavoli in legno massello in diverse misure e materiali. La versione fissa con piano in legno massello può essere anche fornita a misura, su richiesta. Tavolo con gamba a sezione quadrata o tornita. Table program in different sizes and material. The fixed version with top in solid wood is also available to measure. Materials: solid wood. Table available with square section legs or round tourned legs. 868.31 top dim. H cm Kg CBM 868.11 Tavolo massello Solid wood table 95x180 74 3 61 2x1 0.399 868.15 Tavolo massello Solid wood table 95x180 / 240 74 3 72 3x1 0.575 868.21 Tavolo massello Solid wood table 95x220 74 3 65 2x1 0.458 868.25 Tavolo massello Solid wood table 95x200 74 3 63 2x1 0.433 868.31 Tavolo massello Solid wood table 95x220 / 280 / 340 74 3 81 3x1 0.703 305 306 868 TABLES 868 307 868 TABLES 308 868 Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Gabriele Assman + Alfred Kleene Programma di tavoli in diverse misure e materiali. La versione fissa con piano in legno massello può essere anche fornita a misura richiesta dal cliente. Materiali: legno massello. Tavolo con gamba quadrata o tornita. Table program in different sizes and material. The fixed version with top in solid wood is also available to measure. Materials: solid wood. Table available with square section legs or round tourned legs. 868.22 top dim. H cm Kg CBM 868.12 Tavolo massello Solid wood table 95x180 74 3 61 2x1 0.399 868.16 Tavolo massello Solid wood table 95x180 / 240 74 3 72 3x1 0.575 868.22 Tavolo massello Solid wood table 95x220 74 3 65 2x1 0.458 868.26 Tavolo massello Solid wood table 95x200 74 3 63 2x1 0.433 868.32 Tavolo massello Solid wood table 95x220 / 280 / 340 74 3 81 3x1 0.703 309 223 LORD GERRIT TABLES 310 223 LORD GERRIT Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Gabriela Raible 223.01 Classico tavolo in legno, dalle forme decorative, coordinato con l’intero programma Lord Gerrit. Ha 2 allunghe a scomparsa. Transitional table in wood, decorative and elegant, with two inside extensions. 223.01 Tavolo impiallacciato con 2 allunghe Veneered table with 2 extensions top dim. H 110x220 / 280 / 340 75 mm Kg 80 125 CBM 2x1 0.991 311 312 223 LORD GERRIT TABLES 223 LORD GERRIT 313 314 6 COFFEE TABLES 769 Diamonds 232 Time 851 Frame 456 Take away 292 Sella 901 Wave 945 Shells 937 Player 498 Madame 372 Charming 758 Moneypenny 318 Episodes p 316 p 318 p 320 p 322 p 323 p 324 p 325 p 326 p 328 p 329 p 330 p 331 769 DIAMONDS COFFEE TABLES 316 769 DIAMONDS Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Demackerdesign Serie di tavolini a forma di diamante, realizzati in legno impiallacciato di noce canaletto. All’interno dei tavolini c’è uno spazio aperto da utilizzare come portariviste. Inspired by crystalline forms, a series of diamondshaped side tables in black walnut occurs. These tables provide some open space to use as a storage for magazines. 769.11 769.01 top dim. H Kg CBM 769.01 Tavolino impiallacciato Veneered small coffee table 48.5x56 44 8.5 x1 0.187 769.11 Tavolino impiallacciato Veneered small coffee table 60x69 40 12.2 x1 0.259 317 232 TIME COFFEE TABLES 318 232 TIME Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Guggenbichlerdesign Tavolini in tre misure diverse con piastra o anello in acciaio inox, struttura in legno massello e piano in vetro trasparente temperato. Coffee tables with round steel plate or ring in stainless steel. Structure in massiv wood and top in transparent security glass. 232.01 232.11 232.21 top dim. H cm Kg CBM 232.01 Base in legno massello con piano in vetro trasparente security Base in solid wood, top in transparent security glass Ø 45 41 0.8 9.9 2x1 0.107 232.11 Base in legno massello con piano in vetro trasparente security Base in solid wood, top in transparent security glass Ø 70 41 0.8 22.5 2x1 0.280 232.21 Base in legno massello con piano in vetro trasparente security Base in solid wood, top in transparent security glass Ø 125 40 0.8 35.2 2x1 0.835 319 851 FRAME COFFEE TABLES 320 851 FRAME Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Demackerdesign Tavolini bar con base a colonna disponibili in 3 diverse altezze. Il piano del tavolo ha una cornice decorativa in metallo cromato lucido e superficie in laminato bianco laminato silver o Corian bianco. Il piano è proposto in forma quadrata e tonda. Bistro tables. Column base available in 3 different heights. Table top with decorative frame in chromium plated metal and surface in white laminate, silver laminate or white Corian. Round and square tables available. 851.12 851.98 dim. H cm Kg CBM 851.01 Base acciaio lucido con piano laminato o Corian Frame in polished chrome steel. Top in laminate or Corian Ø 44 48 0.6 13 x1 0.125 851.02 Base acciaio lucido con piano laminato o Corian Frame in polished chrome steel. Top in laminate or Corian 40x40 48 0.6 13.5 x1 0.125 851.11 Base acciaio lucido con piano laminato o Corian Frame in polished chrome steel. Top in laminate or Corian Ø 44 58 0.6 13.4 x1 0.148 851.12 Base acciaio lucido con piano laminato o Corian Frame in polished chrome steel. Top in laminate or Corian 40x40 58 0.6 13.9 x1 0.148 851.40 Base acciaio lucido con piano laminato o Corian Frame in polished chrome steel. Top in laminate or Corian Ø 60 40 0.6 21.6 2x1 0.214 851.70 Base acciaio lucido con piano laminato o Corian Frame in polished chrome steel. Top in laminate or Corian Ø 60 70 0.6 22.8 2x1 0.214 851.98 Base acciaio lucido con piano laminato o Corian Frame in polished chrome steel. Top in laminate or Corian Ø 60 100 0.6 24 2x1 0.244 Doha Bank 851.02 top 321 322 COFFEE TABLES 323 292 SELLA Design Peter Maly 456 TAKE AWAY Design Karsten Weigel Tavolino composto da base a colonna in cromato lucido, vassoio e piano tavolo. Il vassoio in MDF con superficie in laminato decorato color alluminio può essere facilmente rimosso lasciando a vista il piano del tavolo sottostante, in MDF bianco o nero laccato opaco. Small table made with a chromium plated column base, tray and table top. The MDF tray has the surface in decorated aluminium coloured laminate and can be easily taken away. The underlying table top in MDF is standard white or black mat lacquered. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 456.01 top dim. H Ø 60 50 cm Kg 6 22.1 456.01 CBM 2x1 0.237 Programma composto da quattro tavolini bassi in due diverse misure. Base in legno di faggio, piano in vetro security nero o sabbiato. Collection of four coffee tables, available in two different sizes. Base in beech wood, top in black or sandblasted security glass. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info top dim. H cm Kg 65x65 40 1.5 CBM 292.43 Base in legno massello con piano in vetro security sabbiato bianco Frame in solid wood with top in white blasted security glass 292.44 Base in legno massello con piano in vetro security nero Frame in solid wood with top in black lacquered security glass 65x65 40 1.5 19.8 2x1 0.245 292.53 Base in legno massello con piano in vetro security sabbiato bianco Frame in solid wood with top in white blasted security glass 90x90 40 1.5 34.7 2x1 0.452 292.54 Base in legno massello con piano in vetro security nero Frame in solid wood with top in black lacquered security glass 90x90 40 1.5 34.7 2x1 0.452 292.54 19.8 2x1 0.245 324 COFFEE TABLES 325 901 WAVE 945 SHELLS Design Peter Maly Design Martin Ballendat Tavolino basso con piano in faggio e base in metallo cromato o cromosatinata. Il programma Shells comprende anche 2 tavolini di altezza diversa. Il piano è in faggio di forma rotonda. La base è in metallo cromato lucido o opaco. Coffee table with top in beech wood and base in polished steel or matt chrome steel. Collection of coffee tables, available in 2 different heights. Table top in beech wood, round. Base in polished steel or matt chrome steel. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info top 901.61 901.61 dim. H 60x60 39 cm 1/3 Kg 10.3 CBM x1 0.187 Informazioni tecniche / Technical info top dim. H cm Kg CBM 945.23 Ø 60 33 1/3 9.6 x1 0.187 945.31 Ø 60 40 1/3 10.7 x1 0.187 945.23 326 COFFEE TABLES 937 PLAYER Design Fabio Di Bartolomei Tavolino con da base a terra in cemento Portland e graniglia di marmo grigio, colonna in alluminio anodizzato. Variante con base in struttura portante in tondino di inox. Il vassoio è in polietilene ed è asportabile. Small table with base in Portland cement and granulated grey marble. Column in anodised aluminium. Variation with base in carrying structure in stainless steel. Removable tray in linear low density polyethylene. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Vassoio in polietilene Tray in polyethylene 937.01 P01 top P05 P04 P08 937.01 dim. H Kg Ø 45 45 10.8 CBM 2x1 0.147 937 PLAYER 327 328 COFFEE TABLES 329 498 MADAME 372 CHARMING Design Annette Lang Design Annette Lang Tavolini bassi in 3 diverse altezze. Piano e base in faggio. Gli elementi tra base e piano e i piedini sono in acciao inox. Tavolini bassi in 2 diverse altezze. Piano e base in faggio. Coffee tables in 2 different heights. Top and base in beech wood. Coffee tables in 3 different heights. Top and base in beech wood. Details between top and base in stainless steel. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info H 498.01 Ø 60 42 1/3 9.8 x1 0.187 372.01 Ø 60 40 1/3 7.1 2x1 0.127 498.11 70x70 73 1/3 14.5 x1 0.438 372.11 Ø 60 50 1/3 7.7 2x1 0.238 498.31 Ø 60 102 1/3 11.8 x1 0.484 498.01 Kg cm CBM Informazioni tecniche / Technical info dim. top top 372.01 dim. H cm Kg CBM 330 COFFEE TABLES 331 758 MONEYPENNY 318 EPISODES Design B. Leniger & G. Raible Design B. Leniger & G. Raible Tavolini bassi con piano in faggio o vetro sabbiato security. La base in legno è regolabile in altezza, da 50 a 65 cm. Serie di tavolini e console in legno di faggio coordinata con il programma Episodes. Range of coffee tables and console in beech wood. Small coffee tables with top in beech wood or in sandblasted security glass. Base in wood, adjustable height from 50 to 65 cm. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info dim. H 758.51 60x55 50/65 1/2.9 758.61 60x55 50/65 1.5 top Kg cm CBM Informazioni tecniche / Technical info top dim. H cm Kg CBM 7.3 x1 0.208 318.51 40x40 60 2 6 x1 0.117 12.6 x1 0.208 318.52 60x60 35/60 2 10 x1 0.283 318.53 90x60 35 2 11 x1 0.223 318.54 130x33 85 2 13 x1 0.407 Radisson, Bratislava - Slovakia 758.61 758.51 318.51 318.53 318.54 332 7 FURNISHINGS 667 641 604 504 Mondrian Prisma shelf Prisma lamp Twisty p 334 p 338 p 340 p 342 334 667 MONDRIAN FURNISHINGS 667 MONDRIAN Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Davide Negri 667.01 Modulo libreria con struttura in MDF, laccato poliestere bianco o color sabbia brillante oppure impiallacciato noce canaletto, in finitura poliuretanica. Ripiani in alluminio AC 100, spessore 30/10, verniciati lucidi a polveri epossidiche nei colori: bianco, alluminio, sabbia. Bookcase in MDF, white or sand colour high gloss polyester lacquered or in American walnut veneered, polyurethane finish. Shelves in aluminium AC 100, thickness 30/10, high gloss lacquered in epoxy finish, colours white, aluminium or sand colour. Struttura in MDF laccato poliestere bianco brillante. Ripiani in alluminio verniciati lucidi, colore bianco. Bookcase in MDF white high gloss polyester lacquered. Shelves in aluminium high gloss lacquered, white colour. Struttura in MDF laccato poliestere bianco brillante. Ripiani in alluminio verniciati lucidi, colore alluminio. Bookcase in MDF white high gloss polyester lacquered. Shelves in aluminium high gloss lacquered, aluminium colour. Struttura in MDF impiallacciato noce canaletto. Ripiani in alluminio verniciati lucidi, colore sabbia. Bookcase in MDF American walnut veneered. Shelves in aluminium high gloss lacquered, sand colour. dim. H Kg 60x24 180 22.2 CBM x1 0.370 335 336 FURNISHINGS 667 MONDRIAN 337 338 641 PRISMA SHELF FURNISHINGS 1480 300 280 641 PRISMA SHELF Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Veit Streitenberger 641.01 Prisma Shelf seems to be sculptured from a solid wooden block. Actually the thin wood veneer follows the shelf shape without interruption and its linear look matches perfectly any wall. Prisma Shelf is manufactured in the right and left version. 641.01 641.02 dim. H Kg CBM 148x28 300 7.5 x1 0.171 148x28 300 7.5 x1 0.171 1480 280 Elemento destro Right elemet 300 641.02 280 1480 300 Prisma Shelf sembra essere ricavato da un unico blocco di legno massiccio. In realtà la sottile impiallacciatura di legno viene ripiegata in modo tale da seguire senza interruzioni la forma della mensola. Il suo aspetto massiccio e lineare si adatta perfettamente a qualsiasi parete. Prisma Shelf è disponibile nella versione destra e sinistra. Elemento sinistro Left elemet 300 280 1480 339 340 604 PRISMA LAMP FURNISHINGS 604 PRISMA LAMP Design Veit Streitenberger Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 604.04 Prisma Lamp è una lampada da terra. La sua forma lineare e pulita nasce da una struttura in filo di acciaio circondata da un morbido tessuto stretch. La sorgente di luce nella base fornisce un’illuminazione uniforme. Prisma Lamp is a graphic floor lamp. Its linear and clean shape originates from a structure in steel thread dressed with a soft stretch fabric. The light source in the base gives an uniform lighting to this three-dimensional object. 604.04 2x Sylvania HI - Spot 95 E27 dim. H Kg 23x52x74 185 11 CBM x1 0.371 341 504 TWISTY FURNISHINGS 342 504 TWISTY Design Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Stefan Heiliger Lampada a terra a luce diffusa, fornibile in due altezze. Struttura interna in metallo laccato bianco a polveri, rivestita in tessuto bianco elasticizzato semitrasparente (lavabile a 40°C). Base in acciaio cromato lucido. Floor lamp providing soft, diffused lighting, available in two different heights. Inner metal frame, white powder coated. Diffuser in white translucent elastic fabric, (washable at 40°C). Polished chrome steel base. Dimmer con adattatore: Dimmer with adapter: 504.51 EU volt 230 504.53 UK volt 220 504.54 USA volt 110 504.03 504.04 dim. H Kg CBM 504.03 2x Sylvania HI - Spot 95 E27 46x16x41 152 8.5 x1 0.198 504.04 2x Sylvania HI - Spot 95 E27 49x16x41 185 9 x1 0.225 343 344 8 EMOTIONS TRANSITIONAL WOOD 222 Lord Gerrit 128 Princess 228 Lady Windsor 398 Madame 388 Charming 119 Diva 317-318 Episodes 308 Skyline 323 Villa 798 Fragrances 103 Luxury 098 Pouf Pouf 120 Re Sole 126 Barocca 122 La Salle p 346 p 360 p 366 p 370 p 374 p 382 p 388 p 394 p 400 p 404 p 406 p 408 p 412 p 426 p 428 222 LORD GERRIT TRANSITIONAL WOOD 346 222 LORD GERRIT Design Gabriela Raible Ampio programma di sedute imbottite con gambe in faggio che comprende sedia, poltrona, lounge, divano a due e tre posti e sgabello. In abbinamento è disponibile un tavolo. Wide range of upholstered chairs with legs in beech: chair, armchair, chair with arms, lounge chair, two- and three-seat sofas and stool. Also available: matching table. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 222.01 Sedia Chair 90 59 46 48 47 - 8.5 x2 0.396 222.21 Poltrona Armchair 90 59 46 62 47 69 11.5 x1 0.404 222.41 Lounge 73 79 60 83 43 73 24 x1 0.585 222.51 Divano Sofa 73 79 62 156 45 73 35 x1 1.042 222.52 Divano Sofa 73 94 76 216 45 73 40 x1 1.632 222.81 Sgabello Barstool 108 50 41 47 82 - 223.01 Tavolo Table 110 x 220 / 280 / 340 - H 75 80 mm 9.3 x1 0.329 125 2x1 0.991 347 348 222 LORD GERRIT 222.01 222 LORD GERRIT TRANSITIONAL WOOD 222.21 222.52 222.81 222.41 222.51 223.01 349 350 222 LORD GERRIT TRANSITIONAL WOOD 222 LORD GERRIT 351 352 222 LORD GERRIT TRANSITIONAL WOOD 222 LORD GERRIT 353 354 222 LORD GERRIT TRANSITIONAL WOOD 222 LORD GERRIT 355 Ristorante Al Gallione, Bodio Lomnago, Varese - Italy 356 222 LORD GERRIT 222 LORD GERRIT TRANSITIONAL WOOD Ristorante Al Gallione, Bodio Lomnago, Varese - Italy 357 358 222 LORD GERRIT Steigenberger Hotel de Saxe Dresden - Germany TRANSITIONAL WOOD 222 LORD GERRIT 359 Al Gallione 360 128 PRINCESS TRANSITIONAL WOOD 128 PRINCESS Design Fabrizio Gallinaro Ampio programma senza tempo di sedute imbottite con struttura in legno massello, con una lieve e discreta influenza del neoclassicismo. Sia con la sedia che con quella con i braccioli, sia con la piccola poltroncina per la camera, sia con la lounge importante che con lo sgabello per il piano bar, la collezione Princess copre tutte le destinazioni d’arredo importanti. Rivestimento in tessuto, microfibra comfort o pelle. A wide range of timeless upholstered seating solutions with wooden frames, with a slight elegant influence from the neoclassicism Comprising of: chair and armchair with wooden armrests, a small fully upholstered armchair for the bedroom, a matching lounger option, and a barstool complete the range. The Princess collection is a must for an elegant interior solution Upholstery available in fabric, micro fibre comfort, or leather. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info BRAND OF PROTOTIPO 2010 CBM 128.02 Sedia Chair 83 53 44 50 47 - 5 x2 0.367 128.12 Poltrona Armchair 83 58 46 57 47 65 8 x1 0.404 81 79 66 76 44 61 15 x1 0.585 112 54 43 45 81 - 8.5 x1 0.410 128.32 Lounge 128.42 Sgabello Barstool 128.02 Dorint, Söl Ring Hof, Sylt - Germany Kg 128.12 128.32 128.42 361 362 128 PRINCESS TRANSITIONAL WOOD 128 PRINCESS 363 364 128 PRINCESS Dorint, Söl Ring Hof Randum, Sylt - Germany TRANSITIONAL WOOD 128 PRINCESS 365 366 228 LADY WINDSOR TRANSITIONAL WOOD 228 LADY WINDSOR Design Gabriela Raible Programma classico di sedute con struttura in legno di faggio. La collezione comprende sedia, poltrona e sgabello da bar. Classic range of seating program with structure in beech wood. The collection is consisting of chair, armchair and barstool. 228.11 228.01 Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 228.01 Sedia Chair 90 61 48 46 48 - 8.5 x2 0.446 228.11 Poltrona Armchair 90 61 48 58 48 65 10 x1 0.404 228.41 Sgabello Barstool 110 56 43 44 80 - 9.7 x1 0.410 228.41 367 368 228 LADY WINDSOR TRANSITIONAL WOOD 228 LADY WINDSOR 369 370 398 MADAME TRANSITIONAL WOOD 398 MADAME Design Annette Lang Programma tradizionale di sedute che comprende sedia, sedia con braccioli e sgabello. La scocca è in schiumato freddo con telaio autoportante in acciaio. Seduta dotata di cinghie elastiche. Le gambe sono fornibili in legno di faggio o noce canaletto. Rivestimento in tessuto, microfibra comfort o pelle. Traditional range of seating program consisting of chair, armchair and barstool. The shell is in injected polyurethane foam with a selfsupporting structure in steel and elastic belts. The legs are available in European beech or black walnut. 398.01 398.11 Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 398.01 Sedia Chair 85 58 44 51 47 - 8.8 x2 0.446 398.11 Poltrona Armchair 85 58 44 56 47 62/64 9.8 x1 0.334 398.41 Sgabello Barstool 111 53 43 45 85 - 8.5 x1 0.410 398.41 371 372 TRANSITIONAL WOOD 398 MADAME 373 374 388 CHARMING TRANSITIONAL WOOD 388 CHARMING Design Annette Lang Ampio programma di sedute imbottite con gambe in legno che comprende sedia, poltrona, lounge sedia e lounge poltrona in diverse altezze di schienale e sgabello. Rivestimento in tessuto, in microfibra Comfort o pelle. Timeless upholstered seating program with legs in wood, consisting of chair, armchair, lounge chair and armchair in different back heights and stool. Upholstery available in fabric, microfibre Comfort or leather. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 388.01 Sedia Chair 98 60 45 48 47 - 8.5 x2 0.446 388.05 Poltrona Armchair 98 60 45 63 47 62/65 11.5 x1 0.369 388.21 Lounge chair 85 66 51 64 42 - 10 x1 0.477 388.22 Lounge chair 96 69 51 64 42 - 10.5 x1 0.501 119 74 51 64 42 - 11.5 x1 0.723 85 66 51 74 42 52/56 11.5 x1 0.477 388.23 Lounge chair 388.31 Lounge armchair 388.32 Lounge armchair 96 69 51 74 42 52/56 12 x1 0.723 388.33 Lounge armchair 119 74 51 74 42 52/56 13 x1 0.723 388.41 Sgabello Barstool 105 50 42 45 79 - 9 x1 0.326 375 376 388 CHARMING 388.01 388 CHARMING TRANSITIONAL WOOD 388.05 388.21 388.31 388.32 388.33 388.41 377 378 388 CHARMING Grand Hotel Vesuvio, Napoli - Italy TRANSITIONAL WOOD 388 CHARMING 379 380 388 CHARMING TRANSITIONAL WOOD Superior Golf and spa Resort, Kharkov - Ukraine 388 CHARMING 381 382 119 Diva TRANSITIONAL WOOD 119 Diva Design Fabrizio Gallinaro Questo programma di sedute con struttura in legno comprende versioni di sedie, sedie con braccioli in acciaio, due lounge e sgabelli bar. Il dettaglio che rende particolare la versione di sedia e poltrona con schienale in legno è la maniglia in acciaio nello schienale, che ne facilita la movimentazione. “Timeless elegance”, Diva can be described in this way. Diva can be used in many different interior schemes. The wooden seating program includes three dining chairs and armchairs with steel armrests, one lounge and three barstools The steel handle in the rear back is not just a detail of design; it has a practical function as well, as you can easily move Diva to and from the dining table. BRAND OF PROTOTIPO 2010 Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 119.06 Sedia imbottita senza maniglia Upholstered chair without handle 86 61 44 50 47 - 12 x2 0.396 119.07 Sedia imbottita con maniglia Fully upholstered chair with handle 86 61 44 50 47 - 12 x2 0.396 119.08 Sedia con schienale anteriore in multistrato, posteriore imbottito, con maniglia Chair with outside back in wood, inside back upholstered, with handle 86 61 44 50 47 - 12 x2 0.396 119.16 Poltrona imbottita senza maniglia con bracciolo cromo lucido 86 Armchair fully upholstered without handle with arms polished chrome steel 61 44 55 47 67 13 x1 0.380 119.17 Poltrona imbottita con maniglia con bracciolo cromo lucido Armchair fully upholstered with handle with arms polished chrome steel 61 44 55 47 67 13 x1 0.380 86 119.18 Poltrona con schienale anteriore in multistrato, posteriore imbottito, con maniglia Chair with outside back in wood, inside back upholstered, with handle 86 61 44 55 47 67 13 x1 0.380 119.46 Sgabello imbottito senza maniglia con bracciolo cromo lucido Barstool fully upholstered without handle with arms polished chrome steel 101 52 40 47 80 - 12 x1 0.329 119.47 Sgabello imbottito con maniglia con bracciolo cromo lucido Barstoo fully upholstered with handle with arms polished chrome steel 101 52 40 47 80 - 12 x1 0.329 119.48 Sgabello con schienale anteriore in multistrato, posteriore imbottito,con maniglia Barstool with outside back in wood, inside back upholstered, with handle 101 53 40 47 80 - 12 x1 0.329 119.35 Lounge Lounge 77 75 52 72 43 65 23 x1 0.585 383 384 119 Diva 119.07 Completamente imbottita con maniglia Fully upholstered with handle 119 Diva TRANSITIONAL WOOD 119.17 Completamente imbottita con maniglia Fully upholstered with handle 119.47 Completamente imbottita con maniglia Fully upholstered with handle 119.08 Schienale in legno con maniglia Wooden back with handle 119.18 385 119.48 Schienale in legno con maniglia Wooden back with handle Schienale in legno con maniglia Wooden back with handle 119.35 386 119 Diva TRANSITIONAL WOOD Brasserie du Tigre, Besançon - France Stockmann Café, Helsinki - Finland 119 Diva 387 317-318 Episodes TRANSITIONAL WOOD 388 317-318 Episodes Design B. Leniger & G. Raible Programma classico di sedute con struttura in legno di faggio. Il programma è completato da una serie di tavolini. Rivestimenti in tessuto o pelle. Classic range of seating program with structure in beech. The range is completed by a range of occasional tables. Upholstery in fabric or leather. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 317.02 Sedia Chair 94 59 48 46 48 - 6.2 x2 0.378 317.12 Poltrona Armchair 94 59 48 56 48 67 7.5 x1 0.351 318.01 Sedia Chair 94 59 48 46 48 - 6.2 x2 0.378 318.11 Poltrona Armchair 94 59 48 56 48 67 7.5 x1 0.351 318.21 Poltrona Armchair 85 61 48 61 48 65 7.5 x1 0.348 318.31 Lounge 73 73 60 65 43 55 12 x1 0.434 318.32 Divano Sofa 75 70 56 130 43 54 26 x1 0.780 318.41 Sgabello Barstool 110 53 42 46 78 - 7.5 x1 0.410 318.03 Sedia Chair x6 94 59 48 46 48 - 6.2 x2 0.378 318.13 Poltrona Armchair x4 94 59 48 56 48 67 7.5 x1 0.351 389 390 317-318 Episodes 318.01 317-318 Episodes TRANSITIONAL WOOD 318.11 317.02 317.12 318.21 318.31 318.41 318.32 391 392 317-318 Episodes 317-318 Episodes TRANSITIONAL WOOD The Arches Restaurant - Malta Queen Mary 2, Cunard Line 393 308 Skyline TRANSITIONAL WOOD 394 308 Skyline Design Bernhard Leniger Questo programma di sedute con struttura in legno comprende versioni di sedie, sedie con braccioli e due lounge. La struttura è in legno massello di faggio europeo. Schienale e sedile sono con imbottitura in poliuretano espanso, la seduta è dotata di cinghie elastiche. Traditional range of seating program with structure in wood, consisting of chairs, armchairs and two lounges. The frame is in solid European beech wood. Back and seat are padded with polyurethane foam and the seat is with elastic belts. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 308.01 Sedia Chair 91 58 44 48 48 - 7.5 x2 0.396 308.11 Poltrona Armchair 91 58 44 55 48 65 8.5 x1 0.351 308.02 Sedia Chair 91 58 44 48 48 - 7 x2 0.396 308.12 Poltrona Armchair 91 58 44 55 48 65 8 x1 0.351 308.21 Lounge fianchi aperti Lounge open sides 78 68 53 63 45 55 11.5 x1 0.434 308.22 Lounge fianchi chiusi Lounge upholstered sides 78 68 53 63 45 55 13.5 x1 0.434 Thanks to Hotel Greif Maria Theresia, Trieste - Italy 395 396 308 Skyline 308.02 308 Skyline TRANSITIONAL WOOD 308.12 308.01 308.11 308.21 308.22 397 398 308 SKYLINE TRANSITIONAL WOOD Schlosshotel, Lerbach - Germany Schlosshotel, Lerbach - Germany 308 SKYLINE 399 400 323 VILLA TRANSITIONAL WOOD 323 VILLA Design Edi e Paolo Ciani Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 323.01 Sedia Chair 89 61 46 50 47 - 6.4 x2 0.396 Programma tradizionale particolarmente confortevole di sedute con struttura in legno di faggio. Disponibili sedia, poltrona, due lounge, sgabello e divano. 323.11 Poltrona Armachair 89 61 46 61 47 66 7 x1 0.404 323.21 Lounge 75 58 45 60 47 68 10.2 x1 0.296 Traditional seating collections with beech structure. Chair, armchair, two lounge chairs, barstool and small sofa are available. 323.31 Lounge 75 65 50 74 44 68 17 x1 0.434 323.32 Divano Sofa 75 65 52 146 44 68 31 x1 1.132 323.41 Sgabello Barstool 104 51 43 46 78 - 7.8 x1 0.329 401 402 323 VILLA 323.01 323 VILLA TRANSITIONAL WOOD 323.11 323.21 323.31 323.32 323.41 403 404 798 FRAGRANCES TRANSITIONAL WOOD 798 FRAGRANCES Design Christian Heimberger Modello della migliore tradizione con avvolgenti sedute e struttura in legno di faggio. Sia la sedia che la poltrona sono imbottite sulla seduta e sullo schienale. Traditional chairs with beech structure. Lounge chair, two-seat sofa, chairs and armchairs are available. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 798.01 Poltrona Armchair 78 54 47 54 48 66 6.5 x1 0.296 798.03 Sedia Chair 80 54 47 54 48 - 6.3 x2 0.477 798.01 798.03 405 406 103 LUXURY TRANSITIONAL WOOD 103 LUXURY Design Fabrizio Gallinaro La poltroncina Luxury ha la scocca in multistrato completamente imbottita. Le gambe sono in legno massello di faggio. L’imbottitura dello schienale è capitonné, eseguita completamente a mano. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 103.16 Poltrona Armchair 82 The Luxury name already transmits its own style, elegance and richness; organic shapes, coming from the past. Luxury armchairs have a shell in stratified beech wood and are fully upholstered. The legs are in solid beech wood. The “capitonnè”, as we find in the back, is a typical way of upholstery of the early 19th century. It is of course fully hand-made and this detail is today, as in the past, very distinguished and elegant. 103.16 Kavarna Cacao, Ljublijana - Slovenija BRAND OF PROTOTIPO 2010 Kg 62 48 59 47 67 13 CBM x1 0.382 407 408 098 POUF POUF TRANSITIONAL WOOD 098 POUF POUF Design Veit Streitenberger Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 098.11 La sedia lounge dalle dimensioni contenute risponde alla domanda di un prodotto fashion. Nel mondo del contract questo prodotto si inserisce a metà tra il ristorante informale ed il bar. La struttura in mdf può essere laccata in qualsiasi colore. Sistema girevole a 180° con meccanismo di ritorno. The small lounge Pouf Pouf is the solution to the increasing request for a trendy product, where design and function are blended together in a new concept, unique and fashionable. In the contract business, this item becomes a crossover between an informal restaurant and a bar. The mdf structure can be lacquered in any colour. 180° swivel system with return mechanism. Didascalia BRAND OF PROTOTIPO 2010 Sedia Chair Kg 61 58 51 47 44 - 19.5 CBM x1 0.200 409 410 098 POUF POUF Leichtsinn Lounge bar, Bern - Switzerland TRANSITIONAL WOOD La Société du Cochon, Helsinki - Finland 098 POUF POUF 411 120 RE SOLE TRANSITIONAL WOOD 412 120 RE SOLE Design Fabrizio Gallinaro Una reinterpretazione della sedia medaillon, ispirata alla cultura francese del diciassettesimo secolo.Si può scegliere tra dimensioni di prodotto più ampie oppure più contenute, tra sedie, poltrone, lounge, divanetti e sgabelli. Lo schienale con la sua flessibilità offre un confort molto gradevole. A new interpretation of the medallion chair, inspired by the French culture of the seventeen century. A complete collection : nothing is missing in order to satisfy any needs. You can choose from different versions, in wider or smaller dimensions, chairs, armchairs, lounges, sofas and barstools. The oval back, with its flexibility, due to its special steel connection with the seat , gives to the guests great comfort. Babylon, Amsterdam - Netherlands BRAND OF PROTOTIPO 2010 Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Kg CBM 120.06 Sedia / imbottita Chair / upholstered 90 57 46 49 48 - 8 x2 0.446 120.16 Poltrona / imbottita Armchair / upholstered 90 57 46 56 48 67 10 x1 0.310 120.01 Sedia maxi / imbottita Maxi chair / upholstered 99 62 49 55 48 - 8.5 x2 0.530 120.11 Poltrona maxi / imbottita Maxi armchair / upholstered 99 64 49 62 48 67 10.5 x1 0.466 120.21 Lounge / fianchi aperti Lounge / open sides 91 64 49 62 43 61 10.5 x1 0.466 120.31 Lounge / imbottito Lounge / upholstered 98 60 52 76 47 69 16.5 x1 0.723 120.32 Maxi lounge / imbottito Maxi lounge / upholstered 92 78 56 87 43 63 22 x1 0.830 120.51 Divano due posti Two seater sofa 92 78 56 160 43 63 33 x1 1.300 120.52 Ottoman imbottito Ottoman fully upholstered 63 69 69 160 43 63 25.5 x1 0.860 120.96 Puff con schienale imbottita Pouf with back upholstered 81 55 41 47 39 - 12 x2 0.349 120.41 Sgabello Barstool 124 52 44 48 82 - 10 x1 0.356 413 414 120 RE SOLE 120 RE SOLE TRANSITIONAL WOOD 120.41 120.31 120.96 120.32 120.01 120.11 120.51 120.21 120.52 415 416 120 RE SOLE Amber-Stage Factory, Riga - Latvia TRANSITIONAL WOOD 120 RE SOLE 417 418 120 RE SOLE TRANSITIONAL WOOD 120 RE SOLE 419 420 120 RE SOLE Apollo, Night Club - Finland TRANSITIONAL WOOD Costa Crociere 120 RE SOLE 421 422 120 RE SOLE Restaurant Danilo - Sweden TRANSITIONAL WOOD 120 RE SOLE 423 424 120 RE SOLE TRANSITIONAL WOOD 120 RE SOLE 425 126 BAROCCA TRANSITIONAL WOOD 426 126 BAROCCA Informazioni tecniche / Technical info Design Fabrizio Gallinaro Barocca è un prodotto ispirato dallo stile classico con una interpretazione assolutamente attuale. La ampia lounge ha la struttura in legno massello, con fianchi imbottiti con un confort della seduta veramente interessante. Barocca is a product inspired by the classical style, with an up-to-date interpretation. The wide lounger chair has a solid wooden frame , with padded sides. The seat comfort is excellent. 126.33 BRAND OF PROTOTIPO 2010 126.01 Kg CBM 126.01 Sedia Chair 87 57 46 52 47 - 9 x2 0.396 126.33 Lounge 80 85 55 82 40 60 26.5 x1 0.790 427 428 122 LA SALLE TRANSITIONAL WOOD 122 LA SALLE Design Peter Kern Seduta classica reinterpretata con ironica attualità, in legno massello. Il programma comprende sedia e sgabello. Inspired from the past with a new restyling: chair and barstool in massive wood. Informazioni tecniche / Technical info 122.06 Sedia Chair 122.46 Sgabello Barstool Kg 77 47 40 43 46 - 6.5 x2 0.280 105 42 35 35 35 - 9 x1 0.220 122.06 BRAND OF PROTOTIPO 2010 CBM 122.46 429 TRANSITIONAL WOOD 430 Restaurant Lasalle, Zürich - Switzerland 122 LA SALLE 431 432 433 9 MATERIALS COLORS MATERIALS + COLORS 434 Felix Architecture cat 2 28E 28L 28A 28F 28D 28M 28N 28G 28C 28B 28P cat 4 4F1 28H Composition Weight Widht Abrasion test Light solidity 42% cotton 48% polyester 10% viscose 630/640 gr/mtl 138 cm 30.000 Martindale 4-5 Code by Gabriel Cleaning 4H1 4H2 4H3 4H4 4H5 4H6 4H7 4H8 4H9 4HA 4HB Composition Weight Widht Abrasion test Light solidity 100% polyester 820 gr/mtl 140 cm 100.000 Martindale 5 Cleaning 4F5 4F6 4F7 4F2 4F8 4F9 4FA 4F3 4F4 4FB 4FC 4FD Composition Weight Widht Abrasion test Light solidity 100% polyester 410 gr/mtl 140 cm 34.000 Martindale 4-5 Delight cat 4 435 by Gabriel Cleaning cat 6 67H 67R 67L 67S 67M 67N 67V 67P 67K Composition Weight Widht Abrasion test Light solidity 100% polyester 820 gr/mtl 140 cm 60.000 Martindale 4-5 Cleaning 67T MATERIALS + COLORS 436 Stramacchiami Europost2 cat 4 48F 48P 48L 48V 48G 48S 48M 48K 60000 48H 48T 48N 48Y 68003 Composition Weight Widht Abrasion test Light solidity 100% polyester 600/650 gr/mtl 140 cm 42.000 Martindale 4-5 Glamour flower / Glamour soft 67C 68A 68B 68C glamour soft Composition 50% cotton 50% viscose 61052 61003 61107 61109 61005 61004 62061 62060 68126 68128 68072 68127 68035 68030 66115 65072 66039 66118 66119 66116 66117 60051 60999 60058 66056 60003 60016 67016 67066 60017 65070 65069 61108 65071 64150 64009 64035 64045 63073 64070 64068 63016 63004 64149 cat 6 67B 70% cotton 30% polyester cat 4 Cleaning 67A glamour flower Composition by Gabriel 437 Weight Widht Abrasion test Light solidity 450 gr/mtl 140 cm 20.000 Martindale 5 Weight Widht Abrasion test Light solidity 920 gr/mtl 140 cm 30.000 Martindale 4 Cleaning Composition Weight Widht Abrasion test Light solidity 100% pure new wool 820 gr/mtl 140 cm 50.000 Martindale 5-7 Cleaning Cleaning 63070 63072 MATERIALS + COLORS 438 Comfort + by Gabriel 63001 Comfort + cat 7 by Gabriel 439 cat 7 63006 9055 0028 64014 0026 1049 62005 68000 68001 68010 68003 68011 1153 64002 64001 64003 64013 68008 68009 8397 0018 9084 61018 61015 1414 1163 64012 0029 1065 64009 65003 1566 61003 0004 60004 61013 61002 60005 1147 1043 65012 66002 1124 8402 66008 61016 61014 60002 60003 60008 60009 1161 1167 0040 67002 0035 66004 67001 66010 1012 0049 0050 Composition Weight Widht Abrasion test Light solidity Cleaning 88% polyester 12% polyurethane 385 gr/mtl 140 cm 150.000 Martindale 5 0033 0034 8422 1160 9074 66005 9075 8384 280 0005 0010 62003 62004 68007 MATERIALS + COLORS 440 Soft Tender cat 9 117 195 501 158 502 179 199 96 207 97 176 617 441 cat 7 695 267 621 265 266 674 605 606 268 202 526 504 505 140 175 147 542 203 210 602 258 220 603 218 520 192 522 545 543 98 160 692 619 684 209 672 608 215 563 532 534 188 557 566 564 615 612 614 203 559 112 141 101 Thickness Origin Place of origin Tanning Dyeing Finishing Typology Light fastness xenon lamp Tear strenghe Dry rub fastness Wet rub fastness Flex crack resistance Adhesion of finish Fire resistance UNI EN ISO 105 B02 UNI EN ISO 3377 - 1 ISO 11640 ISO 11640 ISO 5402 UNI EN ISO 11644 2008 - Dedalo Srl (Arzignano - VI) British Standard BS 5852 Part I (1979) N° 0: Cigarette Test N°1: Match Test 1,1/1,2 mm Raw Hides European Chrome salts Anline throught - dyeing Water - based pigments Grain slightly corrected Value > 4 Blu scale > 28 N/mm 500 cycles value 4 grey scale 80 cycles value 5 grey scale 25000 cycles > 7,5 N/cm Passa Thickness Origin Place of origin Tanning Dyeing Finishing Typology Light fastness xenon lamp Tear strenghe Dry rub fastness Wet rub fastness Flex crack resistance Adhesion of finish Fire resistance UNI EN ISO 105 B02 UNI EN ISO 3377 - 1 ISO 11640 ISO 11640 ISO 5402 UNI EN ISO 11644 2008 - Dedalo Srl (Arzignano - VI) British Standard BS 5852 Part I (1979) NI/0: Cigarette Test NI/1: Match Test 0,9/1 mm Raw Hides European Chrome salts Anline Water - based pigments Half grain on bovine printed smooth Value > 8 Blu scale > 29 N/mm 500 cycles value 4/5 grey scale 250 cycles value 4/5 grey scale > 50000 cycles >10,20 N/cm Passa MATERIALS + COLORS 442 Structure Extrema / AU cat 7 S78 S55 S72 S23 S02 2/250 Freeform cat 6 1/150 5/550 3/350 11/1150 23/2350 6/650 7/750 12/1250 13/1350 28/2850 X04 16/1650 24/2450 15/1550 X15 X05 X10 X16 X03 X02 X01 X08 X06 S39 S71 S44 S56 27/2750 8/850 9/950 10/1050 S04 S48 S12 S31 14/1450 4/450 25/2550 18/1850 S26 S82 S51 S49 20/2050 21/2150 22/2250 S52 S53 S13 26/2650 S00 443 19/1950 17/1750 Fire resistance UNI EN ISO 105 B02 UNI EN ISO 3377 - 1 ISO 11640 ISO 11640 ISO 5402 UNI EN ISO 11644 2008 - Dedalo Srl (Arzignano - VI) British Standard BS 5852 Part I (1979) NI/0: Cigarette Test NI/1: Match Test 1,4/1,6 mm Raw Hides European - South American Chrome salts Anline throught - dyeing Water - based pigments Grain slightly corrected and printed Value > 7 Blu scale > 89 N/mm 500 cycles value 4 grey scale 250 cycles value 4/5 grey scale > 50000 cycles 9,3 N/cm Passa X07 Composition Weight Widht Abrasion test Freeform 63% polyurethane 29% cotton 8% pes 385 gr/mtl 140 cm 150.000 Martindale Light solidity Cleaning Freeform is a soft and coloured integral polyurethane and is generally injected on a structure (insert) made of steel. Freeform is fire retardant according to the following standards: Italian Class 1IM, UNI 9175 (1987) - UNI 9175/FA1(1994), British regulations 1988 n.1324 schedule 1, part 1 and amendment n. 2358 (1989), BS 5852 crib n.5, French M4. Average density for freeform 250kg/m2, freeform advance 400kg/m 5-6 Thickness Origin Place of origin Tanning Dyeing Finishing Typology Light fastness xenon lamp Tear strenghe Dry rub fastness Wet rub fastness Flex crack resistance Adhesion of finish X09 Metal F 040 polished steel F 047 matt chromed steel A 041 polished aluminium B 065 brushed stainless steel 444 445 CONTRACT REFERENCES Wood finishes A 1.101 beech natural stainl A 1.141 beech natural cherry stain A 1.146 beech american walnut stain Austria Autohaus Hermannseder BMW Asia Chen’s Gastronomie Gmbh Flughafen Lounge Graz Flughafen Lounge Klagenfurt Heiltherme Bad Waltersdorf Hilton Danube Hotel Sonngaststein - Bad Gaststein Kaiserhof Ellmau Klinik Diakonissen GmBH Linz Procter & Gamble Austria Raiffeisenbank Eggenburg Shell Österreich Sparkasse Kufstein Stoisser Hotel Volksbank Gmuend Volksbank Verlack Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg Azerbaijan Madisson and Fashion Avenue Restaurants - Baku A 1.134 beech wenge stain A 1.144 beech wenge dark stain A 1.111 beech black stain R 3.011 solid oak oiled R 3.102 oak light stain R 3.144 oak wenge dark stain Bahrain Bella Napoli Hooray Bella Napoli Juffair Bahrain Stock Exchange Black Chocolate Cafeteria Cafè Italia Dragon Restaurant General Motors GM showroom Honda showroom Memories of China Restaurant Mirai restaurant National Motors Sehla Nu Asia Restaurant Primavera Restaurant Restaurant Rendez vous Riffa Golf Riffa view Ritz-Carlton Hotel Roma restaurant The Blue Elefant The meat & co. Restaurant Belgium Novotel Bruxelles - Bruxelles Cyprus Café La Mode - Nicosia NC 8.011 solid black walnut oiled NC 8.146 black walnut stain A 1.452 A 1.337 white highgloss lacquered black matt lacquered Croatia Hotel Croatia Cavtat Hotel Diamant Porec Italian Comunity - Cherso Italian Comunity - Valle Italian Comunity - Lussino piccolo Hotel Osijek – Osijek Denmark Aller - Copenhagen Dominio’s Pizza - Valby Attention important information Natural wood is not a synthetic material. Each timber has a different colour and structure. Slightly differences in colour and brillancy between the samples of the wood collection and manufacturing are no reason for a claim. Remarks for all the shown materials Even considering the highest accuracy in the colours representation, tone variations may occur due to the different graphical visualization of the computer displays. Estonia Estonian Foreing Ministery Ethiopia Hotel Hilton Adis Abeba Finlandia Scandic Marski Hotel - Helsinki Restaurant Haıkaranpesä - Espoo Scandic Simonkenttä Hotel - Helsinki Scandıc Hotel Grand Marına - Helsınkı State Treasury - Helsinki Tapiola Garden - Espoo France Auberge Du Chateau De Vaite - Champlive BBC Worldwide France Casino Toulouse Express by holiday Inn airport Toulouse Grand Hotel - Avignon Hotel Holiday Inn Bastille Paris Hotel Le President - Biarritz Hotel Mercure La Defense Parc - Nanterre Hotel Mercure Valenciennes Centre - Valenciannes Hotel Palais Stephanie - Cannes3 Hotelerie Paris Velizy - Velizy-Villacoublaye Le Richelieu - Lorient Cedex Lycee Hotelier Jean Monet - Limoges Marine Hotel Cherbourg Plaisance - Cherbourg Octeville Mercure Avignon Cite Des Papes - Avignon Mercure Bordeaux Centre Meriadeck - Bordeaux Mercure Cergy Pontoise Centre - Cergy Mercure Lille Centre Opera - Lille Mercure Lorient Palas Des Congres - Lorient Cedex Mercure Massy Gare Tgv - Massy Mercure Nantes Central - Nantes Mercure Nice Grimaldi - Nice Mercure Pont Avignon - Sas Grand Hotel - Avignon Mercure Reims Cathedrale - Reims Mercure Ronceray Opera - Paris Pullman Paris Roissy Charles De Gaulle - Paris Pullman Toulouse Centre - Toulouse Restaurant Diapason - Le Broc - Issoire Sofitel Lac Bordeaux Germany Allianz Arena - Enchen Alice Hospital -Darmstadt Audi Ingolstadt Augenklinik Am Neumarkt - Koeln BASF - Casino - Ludwigshafen Bam Deutschland - Frankfurt Bar-Lobby-Boardroom - Duesseldorf Berlin Lounge - Berlin Bethanien Krankenhaus - Frankfurt Boarding House - Frankfurt Am Main Bolzer Stiftung Seniorenheim - Moehringen Breckel´s Brasserie am Theater, Memmingen British Hotel - Dresden Bundesministerium fuer Arbeit und Soziales Berlin Cafe Luxem/Limbecker Platz-Center - Essen Cervin Palace,Zermatt Deutsche Bahn DB Deutscher Bundestag - Berlin Dorint Hotel - Köln Dorint Hotel - Bad Brückenau Dorint Hotel - München Dorint Hotel-Restaurant - Mannheim Dorint Soeln’Ring Hof Hotel,Rantum - Sylt Egerner Hoefe - Rottach-Egern Elysee Hotel - Hamburg Estrel Hotel - Patisserie - Berlin Estrel Hotel - Restaurant - Berlin Fil.Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Aachen, Muensterberlin, Hannover, Kiel Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg-Air Goertz Gmbh 446 CONTRACT REFERENCES Golfclub Hamburg-Walddoerfer - Ammerbek Hafen Der Kd - Ms Premicon Queen - Koeln Hapimag Berlin Zoo - Foyer - Berlin Hava Gmbh Resort Manager Munich - Muenchen Hessischer Landtag - Wiesbaden Hotel Grand Elysee-Zimmer - Hamburg Hotel Indigo Berlin Hotel Moevenpick - Zimmer - Duesseldorf Hotel Seegarten - Sundern Hotel Zum Deutschen Kaiser Prinz Albrecht - Neuzelle Hotel Kokenhof - Burgwedel Juedische Gemeinde - Frankfurt Kastens Hotel Luisenhof - Hannover Klinik Eichstaett - Eichstaett Kliniken im Naturpark Altmuehltal Klinik fuer Gelenk und Wirbelsaeulentherapie - Berlin Krankenhaus Sachsenhalten - Frankfurt Kuehlungsborn - Kuehlungsborn Kur & Wellness Sporthotel Heinzelmann-Schilliger - Freudenstadt Kur- & Sporthotel Allgaeu Sonne - Oberstaufen, Allgaeu Lavazza - Hamburg, Essen Ledder - Wermelskirchen Main-Taunus Klinik - Bad Soden Maritim Hotel Duesseldorf Flugfahen - Duesseldorf Maritim Hotel Frankfurt - Frankfurt Mercedes - Berlin Meyer Werft Gmbh - Papenburg Mobimo Tower Zuerich-Reinassance Moevenpick - Luebeck Moevenpick Messehotel - Stuttgart Ms Europa Penyhouse Suiten-Hapag Lloyd Ag - Hamburg Ms Mein Schiff 2 - Bremerhaven Muenchenstift - Muenchen Museum “schildkroet-Fabrik” - Mannheim Porzellanmanufaktur Meissen - Meissen Praxis Dr Zimmermann - Heusenstamm Rb Rottaler Raiffeisenbank - Pocking Restaurant Geng’s Linde, Mauchen Restaurant Tablo - Essen Savoy Hotel - Koeln Schiff Primus - Kappert Schloss Residence - Frankfurt Schlosshotel Lerbach - Bergisch Gladbach Schlossresidenz - Bensberg Seehaus Wedau - Duisburg Seminar St. Paul - Nuernberg Seminar-Und Freizeithotel Grosse Siemens - Filiale Wiesbaden Siemens -Vai - Willstaet Legelshurst Standesamt Augsburg - Warteraum - Augsburg Statistisches Bundesamt - Wiesbaden Steigenberger Grandhotel - Lobby - Leipzig Steigenberger Drei Mohren -Augsburg Steigenberger Hotel De Saxe - Dresden Stewa Touristik - Kleinostheim Swisshotel Duesseldorf-Neuss Theo Mueller Gmbh & Co Kg Thyssen Krupp - Casino - Essen Travel Charme Ostsee Hotel - Kuehlungsborn Tv-Turm Alexanderplatz - Berlin Unternehmensgruppe - Aretsried Upstalsboom Hotel Friedrichshain - Berlin VIP lounge Nuerburgring Weingut Thuerkind - Groest Deutsche Botschaften - Auswaertigesamt Albanien, Brasilien, Namibia, Slowenien, Mongolei, Peru, Costa Ricca, Ungarn, Goldau, Jordanien, Slowakei Porta u Price Haiti, Angola, Guatemala, Oman, Kroatien Serbien, Kongo 447 CONTRACT REFERENCES Israel Arison Group - Tel Aviv BMC - Tel Aviv Levi-Meydan - Tel Aviv Rom-Geves - Raannana Tadmor - Tel Aviv Italy Autogrill Milano Fiera-Polo Esterno Banca Monte Parma - Filiali Emilia Romagna Catenna alberghiera Jolly Hotels Cardano Al Campo / Va Castelvolturno / Ce Congregazione Suore Fr. Miss. S. Cuore- Gemona Golf Hotel Paradiso - Peschiera Grand Hotel Vesuvio - Napoli Hotel Excelsior - Napoli Hotel Ibis Milano Malpensa Aeroporto Hotel Il Molino - Benevento Hotel Majestic - Napoli Hotel Novotel Milano Est - Milano Hotel Raganella - Fai della Paganella Hotel Plaza - Sorrento / Na Hotel Relais La Fattoria - Melfi / Pz Hotel Raffaello - Milano Hotel Rubens - Milano Hotels & Resorts - Benevento Jazz Hotel - Olbia Tempio Lavazza Coffee Shops Locanda Gulfi Resort - Chiaramonte /Rg Novotel Salerno Est Arechi - Salerno Palazzo Ducale Bar - Venezia Piccolo Grand Hotel - Pizzo /Vv Radio Rds - Roma Ristorante Al Gallione - Bodio Lomnago / Va Ristorante Casa Vicina Eataly - Torino Ristorante Maso Franch - Giovo / Tn Sala Mensa -Corpo Forestale Dello Stato Sheraton Hotel – Bolzano Terme Continenatal - Abano Terme Villaggio Olimpico - Sestriere Visconti Palace Hotel - Roma Wellnessresidenz Cristal - Familie Thaler - Nova Ponente Hungary Hotel Danubia - Budapest Jordan Domina Hotel - Amman Kazakhstan Parmigiano Restaurant - Almaty Kuwait Conference Palace Holiday Inn Crowne Plazza Lettre d’Amour Press Cafè Restaurant Sassi Libanon Fakhreddin Restaurant in Lancaster Plaza Hotel - Beirut Lithuania Fashion Gates - Vilnius Holiday Inn - Vilnius Hotel Centrum - Vilnius Hotel Vildika - Vilnius Palanga Hotel - Klaipeda Malta Blueroom catering Netherlands Alysis Zorggroep - Arnheim Conferentiecentrum de Ruwenberg - St. Michielsgestel Crematorium Alphen - Rijn Golden Tulip Bel Air Hotel - Den Haag Hotel Figi Zeist Kapellerput Conferentiehotel Heeze KLM business lounge Schiphol - Amsterdam Klm Sodexho Altys Bv Marriott Hotel Amsterdam PC Hooft groep - Amsterdam Restaurant Kampanje - Hardinxveld Restaurant van de Tweede Kamer der Staten River Princess Generaal - Den Haag Shell Chemicals - Moerdijk UNESCO - Delft Univeriteit - Maastrich Verschuren Interieurbouw - Einhoven Westgaarde Begraafplaats - Amsterdam Witlox Advies - Rosmalen Norway Grand Terminus Hotel - Bergen Historielaget - Drammen Havn Sparebank 1 Midt - Trondheim Quality strand hotel - Gjoevik Rica Hotel - Sandjeford Statoil - Stavanger Sunrise Medical - Ski Oman The Wave Muscat SAOC Poland Airport F. Chopin Salon Ballada Danzica Stadium Vip Lounge ING Bank Novotel Warsaw Sofitel Victoria Warsaw Showroom of Time Trend Prestige Warsaw Qatar Doha Bank - Doha Holiday Inn - Doha Marriot Hotel - Doha Ministry of Finance - Qatar Romania Citybank - Bucarest Kronvest group - Brasov Russia Adriano Restaurant at Sochi’s Airport - Sochi Azimut Hotel - Ufa Casa Centrale della Cultura delle Ferrovie Mosca Estonian Embassy - St. Petersburg Gasprom - Neabriski Gazprombank - Moscow Hotel Riz Carlton - Moscow Lukoil Avia - Moscow OAO Medicina - Moscow Otrada - Moscow Organic cafè - Moscow Radisson Belorusskaya Hotel - Moscow Radisson Hotel - Sochi Ristorante della Accademia della Scienza Moscow Sheraton Hotel - Moscow Saudi Arabia Roshana Mall - La Mer Restaurant - Jeddah Roshana Mall - Osumi Restaurant - Jeddah Serbia B2 Building - Belgrade Crown Plaza - Belgrade EFT Building - Belgrade Fiat - Kragujevac Metals banka - Novi Sad Restaurant Toro - Belgrade Syria Four Season Hotel - Damasco Slovakia Golf Relax Indoor Club - Bratislava Hotel Ambassador - Košice Hotel Tulipan - Bratislava Radisson Carlton Hotel - Bratislava Slovenja City Hotel - Maribor Kempinski Palace Hotel - Portorose Palace Hotel Lubiana Terme Tuhelj - Tuhelj South Corea Meetingroom ACE AVenue, Seoul Spain Hilton - Madrid Lindner Hotel Malorca Hotel Axor - Madrid Hotel Campezo - Madrid Sweden Hotel Riverton - Skybar & Restaurant - Gothenburg Laholmen Hotel AB - Laholmen Oslo Airport Switzerland Grand Hotel National Restaurant Hotel Ermitage Golf Schoenried Hotel Kastanienbaum Hotel Kristall Saphir Almagell Hotel Le Mirador Genfer See Hotel Royal des Alpes Hotel Schuetzen Hotel Schweizerhof Intercontinental Geneva Parkhotel Vitznau Residence Happy Days Restaurant Trois Tours Schuhaus Graeb Seehotel Pilatus UAE Aviation Club - Dubai Dubai Airport - Terminal 1, business lounge - Dubai Emperor Tent Marina Drop Zone - Dubai Gov. of Dubai - Dept of Civil aviation - Dubai Jebel Ali Internationals Hotel - Dubai Motor City - Dubai Movenpick - Dubai The Brand of Abu Dhabi Offices - Abu Dhabi Ukraine Restaurant INDIGO Kiev Superior Golf and SPA Resort Kharkov 448 CONTRACT REFERENCES United Kingdom Gentig Casino - Manchester / Sheffield / Southland British Airways Heathrow Heathrow Airport Champagne Restaurant, Center Court - Wimbledon Hilton Olympia Kensington - Kensington Hilton - Gatwick Hilton - Newcastle Hilton Metropole Birmingham Hilton Park Lane 26th Floor Suites Hilton T4 Brasserie Heathrow Airport The Cinnamon Club - London The Willow St. Hotel - London Manchester Airport - Manchester Marriott Hotel - Lingflied - Surrey Novotel Edinburgh - Edinburgh Portofino Restaurant - Lytham - Lancashir USA Becco Restaurant - New York 1910 - Del posto - New York Babbo Restaurant - New York Double Tree Lloyd Centre Freeman Jolly Hotel - New York Naples Bay Resort Noodel Restaurant Hotel Bellagio Pane Sardo - New York Prudential Centre Wolfgang Puck - Las Vegas USA Sandlerseating Casinos Harrah’s Cherokee NC MGM Mirage - Las Vegas NV Gila River Casino - Phoenix AZ Kansas Star Casino - Peck KS Corporate Projects A&E Television Networks- New York Apple-Cupertino Boeing Co- St. Louis MO British Petroleum, Houston TX Devon Colcord, Oklahoma Exxon Mobil- Houston TX Genentech- South San Francisco Intuit-Mountain View Jive Software-Palo Alto L’Oreal, New York McKinsey Consulting- Chicago IL Microsoft- Seattle WA Seagate-Cupertino Sub Zero/ Wolf- Dallas TX and Atlanta GA Zynga-San Francisco Health Care Lurie Children’s Hospital - Chicago IL Meninger Clinic - Houston TX Nemours Hospital - Orlando FL Restaurants / Hotels Arizona Biltmore- Phoenix AZ Beverly Hilton- Los Angeles CA Hilton Garden Inns- Multiple US Locations Hyatt Regency Chicago Next Restaurant - Chicago IL Sky View Restaurant at the Space Needle - Seattle WA Universities Brown University- Providence RI Indiana University - Bloomington IN Penn State University - University Park PA Salem State University - Salem MA Texas State University - San Marcos TX University Of Maryland - College Park MD University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia PA University of Toledo - Toledo OH Wharton School of Business - Philadelphia PA Cruise Ships Carnival Breeze Dream Magic Sunshine Splendor Costa Crociere Concordia Deliziosa Favolosa Luminosa Eugenio Fortuna Marina Cunard Ms Mont St Michiel Brittany Ferries Ms River Countess en River Duchess Rijnsc Queen Mary 2 Holland American Line Crown Princess Dawn Princess Grand Princess Maasdam Princess Cruises P/O Regal Princess Rijndam Statendam Sun Princess Veendam Pullmantur cruises M/S Monarch Superfast Ferries M/N Superfast I M/N Superfast II Ibero Cruceros Nave Grand Holiday Minoan Lines M/N Cruise Europa M/N Cruise Olympia Viking Line Amorella Cinderella Gabriella Isabella Mariella Rossella Tonon & C. spa Via Diaz 22 - 33044 Manzano - Italy T +39 0432 740740 F +39 0432 740770 [email protected] www.tononitalia.com