manual - rothballer systeme


manual - rothballer systeme
Stadtmühlweg 3, D-92637 Weiden
Tel.: +49/(0)961/5187194
Fax: +49/(0)961/418846
E-Mail: [email protected]
Security instructions
License agreement
(Stand: 29.11.2010)
32-bit Version
Windows-2000 up to Windows-7
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................ 6
SOFTWARE .................................................................................................................6
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................ 6
Accessories (optional) .............................................................................................................. 6
SOFTWARE VERSION 2010......................................................................................................... 6
Programm installation............................................................................................................... 7
Install Hardlock drivers ............................................................................................................. 9
Install feet scanner driver ....................................................................................................... 10
Activation code for hardlock/software ..................................................................................... 11
Create desktop icons.............................................................................................................. 13
UPDATES AND ADDITIONS FOR VERSION 2010 ........................................................................... 13
SOFTWARE SETTINGS ............................................................................................................... 14
Customer groups (Pro-Versions)............................................................................................ 14
Show/hide functions and buttons (Pro-Versions).................................................................... 15
Create software user names .................................................................................................. 15
User defined navigation bar.................................................................................................... 15
Orthotic database ................................................................................................................... 15
Support(Pro) cards ................................................................................................................. 17
Recommended prescription.................................................................................................... 17
Shipping buffer ....................................................................................................................... 18
Insurance company ................................................................................................................ 19
Doctors ................................................................................................................................... 19
Suppliers ................................................................................................................................ 19
Tax values .............................................................................................................................. 19
Feedback: Frequently needed entrys ..................................................................................... 19
CALIBRATION ........................................................................................................................... 19
Scanner.................................................................................................................................. 19
Printer..................................................................................................................................... 19
Monitor ................................................................................................................................... 19
INSERT COMPANY SETTINGS (CONTACT DATA)............................................................................ 20
HARDWARE / ACCESSORIES .......................................................................................20
HARDLOCK .............................................................................................................................. 20
Hardlock access types ........................................................................................................... 20
FEET SCANNER ........................................................................................................................ 21
Drivers .................................................................................................................................... 21
Software settings.................................................................................................................... 21
Default settings....................................................................................................................... 21
PRINTER .................................................................................................................................. 22
Printer selection...................................................................................................................... 22
Paper settings in Windows and printer driver!!! ...................................................................... 22
CAMERA (AUTOMATIC FEET FOTO)............................................................................................. 23
OPTIONAL FEATURES, DEVICES AND MODULES ........................................................................... 24
Barcode reader....................................................................................................................... 24
Foto management (Document&Camera module necessary!)................................................. 24
Document management (Document&Camera module necessary!) ....................................... 24
DATA .......................................................................................................... 24
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STORAGE PATH OF CUSTOMER DATA ...........................................................................24
SEARCHING FOR CUSTOMERS WITH „ROTHBALLER-SERVER“ .......................................24
EXPORT ....................................................................................................................25
TRANSMISSION OF DATA BY E-MAIL ... ....................................................................................... 25 a customer....................................................................................................................... 25
... to a insurance company or doctor ...................................................................................... 25
SEND DATA TO AN OTHER ROTHBALLER SYSTEM (SHIPPING BUFFER).......................................... 26
Export with „scan functions“ (F9)............................................................................................ 26
Export with „Orthoses“ (F5) .................................................................................................... 26
EXPORT ADRESS DATA OF AN OPENED CUSTOMER CARD ............................................................ 27
EXPORT DATA FOR EXTERNAL USE (EXCEL, ETC.) ...................................................................... 27
Customer list .......................................................................................................................... 27
Data export............................................................................................................................. 27
IMPORT .....................................................................................................................28
BACKUP ...................................................................................................................29
MANUAL BACKUP...................................................................................................................... 29
BACKUP BY CLOSING THE SOFTWARE ........................................................................................ 30
AUTOMATIC BACKUP................................................................................................................. 30
RESTORE ..................................................................................................................30
SCAN-SOFTWARE..................................................................................... 31
BASIC FUNCTIONS .....................................................................................................31
CREATE OR SEARCH CUSTOMER DATA CARD.............................................................................. 31
Name...................................................................................................................................... 32
Customer photo...................................................................................................................... 32
E-Mail shipping....................................................................................................................... 33
External customer number ..................................................................................................... 33
Mailing functions and filters .................................................................................................... 33
Insurance company & doctors ................................................................................................ 33
External files........................................................................................................................... 33
Diagnostic Box ....................................................................................................................... 33
OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 34
FEET SCAN .............................................................................................................................. 34
EDIT FEET ............................................................................................................................... 35
Attach images to an eMail ..................................................................................................... 35
e-Mail finally sending.............................................................................................................. 35
Preparing Feet to send data to another Rothballer-System / Shipping-Buffer........................ 36
Using the Print-Buffer for printing all feet later........................................................................ 36
How to cut feet again.............................................................................................................. 36
Swap feet left right.................................................................................................................. 36
Add white space around the feet ............................................................................................ 37
Enlarge foot picture ................................................................................................................ 37
Setting the pen width.............................................................................................................. 37
Pen color settings................................................................................................................... 37
Insert text in foot picture ......................................................................................................... 37
Paint over with color / Eraser................................................................................................. 37
Circles / Freehand / Lines ...................................................................................................... 37
Angel measurement ............................................................................................................... 37
Undoing Changes................................................................................................................... 37
FEET PRINTING ........................................................................................................................ 37
WORKSTATION-MODE .............................................................................................................. 38
SCAN DOCUMENTS (DOCUMENT&PHOTO-MODUL NECESSARY ) ................................................ 38
General documents ................................................................................................................ 38
Customized documents.......................................................................................................... 38
INSERT PHOTOS (DOCUMENT&PHOTO-MODUL NECESSARY ) .................................................... 38
FEET MEASURE ........................................................................................................................ 38
Feet measured manually........................................................................................................ 38
Automatic sizing ..................................................................................................................... 39
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To measure a distance between two points of a foot picture please open a customer record
and open or make a fott scan. ................................................................................................ 39
Survey-Modul (optional) ......................................................................................................... 40
To create a Size Table ........................................................................................................... 41
Measure ................................................................................................................................. 43
DATA-CARDS ............................................................................................................44
RECOMMENDED PRESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 44
NOTES .................................................................................................................................... 45
Customer-Related-Notes........................................................................................................ 45
General Notes ........................................................................................................................ 45
COMPRESSION-DATA-RECORD ................................................................................................. 45
SHOE-DATA-CARD ................................................................................................................... 46
PATIENT-RISK-ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................... 46
BONE-SHEET ........................................................................................................................... 47
PROPRIOCEPTION (BODY) ........................................................................................................ 47
PROPRIOCEPTION (INSOLE) ...................................................................................................... 48
Special Functionen/Settings Photo-Modul............................................................................. 49
DOCUMENTSCAN (DOCUMENT&PHOTO-MODUL NECESSARY ).................................................... 49
Special Function/Settings im Document-Modul: ..................................................................... 49
VIDEO (DOCUMENT&PHOTO-MODUL NECESSARY)..................................................................... 49
Capture a Video ..................................................................................................................... 50
Video Playback....................................................................................................................... 50
Import Video ........................................................................................................................... 50
Store Video............................................................................................................................. 50
ANATOMY-PLATES ................................................................................................................... 50
ORTHOSES ...............................................................................................................51
ORTHOSES / CREATING A SIMPLE WORKSHOP PAPER (F5).......................................................... 51
... printing................................................................................................................................ 53
SUPPORT(PRO)-W ORK CARD NEW/PRINT .................................................................................. 53
Date........................................................................................................................................ 54
Booking Rejected Support...................................................................................................... 55
Register „Register“ ................................................................................................................. 55
Register „Product“ .................................................................................................................. 56
Register „Document & Photo“................................................................................................. 57
Register „Process“.................................................................................................................. 57
Register „Protokoll“................................................................................................................. 58
Create Quotes/Invoices.......................................................................................................... 58
SUPPORT (PRO) CARD INDEX SEARCH ...................................................................................... 60
General Search ...................................................................................................................... 60
Custom Search....................................................................................................................... 60
TO BOOK SUPPORT(PRO)......................................................................................................... 61
ESTIMATE DIRECTLY CREATE .................................................................................................... 61
CREATE FEEDBACK FROM CUSTOMER....................................................................................... 61
FORMS & PRINTOUTS ................................................................................................64
ADAPT AND MAKE BLOCKS (RECOMMENDATION!)................................................................. 64
THE FORM SELECTION .............................................................................................................. 65
Printer Selection ..................................................................................................................... 65
Forms hide or shown.............................................................................................................. 65
Creating a new form ............................................................................................................... 65
Form copy .............................................................................................................................. 66
Edit Form................................................................................................................................ 66
Delete Form............................................................................................................................ 66
FORM-EDITOR ......................................................................................................................... 66
Layout (Printer and paper size selection) ............................................................................... 67
To assign the printer to determine a form or a particular paper size, simply click on the icon
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in the top menu bar.:....................................................................................................... 67
Variables ................................................................................................................................ 67
Design Window ...................................................................................................................... 70
Objects and Layers ................................................................................................................ 70
Properties ............................................................................................................................... 70
Tools and Features ................................................................................................................ 71
FILE STRUCTURE ..................................................................................................................... 74
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SHOW CALENDAR-OVERVIEW ................................................................................................... 75
PRINTOUT CALENDAR-OVERVIEW ............................................................................................. 75
GENERAL DATE SET/EDIT .......................................................................................................... 75
Make a date with opened customer........................................................................................ 75
Make a date at opened calendar ............................................................................................ 76
Search/edit dates ................................................................................................................... 76
ASSIGN EXTERNAL LOT NUMBERN TO CUSTOMER (ALSO LIGHT-VERSION)..................................... 77
TAKE IN A NEW DELIVERY (GENERATE MATERIAL NUMBER).......................................................... 77
DELIVERY NOTE SEARCHING / TRACE SUPPLIER OF MATERIAL ..................................................... 78
SAVE USED MATERIAL TO A CUSTOMER (TO A SUPPORT(PRO) WORK CARD) ................................ 79
RECEIVER OF MATERIALS DETERMINE ........................................................................................ 79
TRACEABILITY FROM CUSTOMER TO SUPPLIER (SEARCH RETURN) ............................................... 79
CONTROLLING NETWORK PCS ....................................................................................80
OPEN CUSTOMER ON A NETWORK PC (RECEPTION DESK)........................................................... 80
SWITCH OF A NETWORK PC ...................................................................................................... 80
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There are many possibilities to install the Rothballer Software:
1. Stand-alone installation
Software and data on a PC
2. Network Installation
Software is installed on all PCs - Data are available on a network of PCs
(Warning! Every PC needs a dongle to run the software!)
3. Terminal Server Installation / RDP / etc:
Software and data on the terminal server! The PCs can "see" only the terminal server.
(Warning! This version is a special Rothballer server with appropriate software dongle required!)
System requirements
To install the software you’ll need a PC / laptop / etc. with:
mind. Pentium II
Operating system
Win98(SE), WinMe, Win2000, WinXP, WinVista, Win7
min. 1 USB for Hardlock, more for add. devices
Graphic resolution 1024 x 768 Pixel (or higher)
Monitor size
17“ (or bigger)
CD-ROM device
Accessories (optional)
Use the software only Rothballer accessories
from the following list and / or condition:
Rothballer - 6000CX
Rothballer - 1200SP
Rothballer - A3SP
Rothballer - A3EP
Rothballer - A3USB
Rothballer - MINI
Rothballer - BASIC
Rothballer - HIGH-SPEED
1995 to 1998
1998 to 1999
1999 to 2001
2001 to 2002
2002 to 2007
since 2007
since 2007
since 2007
These scanners have the following properties / tests:
- TÜV-test (Nr.70036202):
o EN 60950:2000
o load: 180 kg
- Toughened safety glass (ESG) (report B 97 1587.1)
(Mini: 8mm toughened float glass / Other: 10mm toughened float glass)
Fracture and flexural strength according to:
o DIN 1249-12 para 4 / 11.1 / 11.2
DIN 18516-4 o para 2.2 / 2.4
- Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC
(amended by 93/68/EEC)
Software Version 2010
There are several ways to Rothballer-use software.
At this point, the regular variant single-and multi-user installation in a normal network is described. Here, the
software is installed on one / several PC and stored the data on one of these PCs. (Warning! For accessing
more than 10 PCs need a "file server" (eg, Windows Server 2003, 2008)!
Would you like to use the software to an existing terminal server environment or from un-Terwege (with eg
UMTS) work associated with your company, you need a server hardlock Rothballer and / or the Rothballer
Data Remote software .
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Program installation
Please quit all other running programs before you begin the installation
Set the Rothballer CD into the drive
You get the following window
Select the desired language to be used during installation
Click on "Program Installation".
It will now check if your version of Windows has all the necessary files. If system files have to be updated, so you need to restart after updating your PC and run the software installation again (CD
Click „OK“
Select a location for the installation
(normally the software will be installed in "C: \Rothballer").
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Click on
Select a program group (Start menu entry) in which the software is to be created or create a new
program group.
Click on „Continue“ to start installation
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Install Hardlock drivers
- Click on „Install hardlock driver“
Click on „Next“ to start driver installation
After installing the driver you can plug in the hardlock into a USB port (See Seite 20)
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Install feet scanner driver
WARNING! Do not connect the foot scanner on the computer before installing the device drivers!
The installation of the scanner driver is only necessary if you want to operate on that computer also the
scanner. If you want to use one foot to the desired PC scanner, please make sure you have plugged the
dongle full version of this PC! Read more on).
Click on „Install feet scanner“
(if you are using one oft he following scanner models: A3EP - A3USB - A3basic - A3HighSpeed)
Insert the serial number of the scanner and click „OK“
Please restart your computer!
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The new hardware is detected by Windows and you get the following message
Click on „This time not!”
Choose „automatic detection“
If you get the following message please click on „Next“
Activation code for hardlock/software
- The Rothballer software can be started only with dongle plugged in!
- Everyone needs a dongle activation code to start the software.
- You can use the Software (with dongle) for 10 days without activation code.
At this time (or even after the expiry of 10 days) you get when the program starts the following dialogue: Windows detected and you receive the following message
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With a click on „Print“ you can send the access code request to Rothballer by fax or e-mail:
Insert your company data
Please send us the printed sheet by fax or email (or check if your mail program to create someone
actually sent to us)!
You get the right unlock code soon back in the same way!
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If you have received the unlock code for this dongle (and the installed version) then enter the code
on startup. If the code is correct the message:
You can use this dongle on other PC also! So please save the access code for later use!
Create desktop icons
- Start the Rothballer software
Create Desktop-Icons
- Click on Service
Updates and additions for Version 2010
By acquiring the software version 2010, you can download all the changes and additions to this basic version
for free. An update to a higher version is associated with costs.
Please install on all PCs with Rothballer software on your network, if
possible, the same version of the program in order to avoid problems!
If you have received an update you must install the file with the "Rothballer Updater”.
To do so, follow these steps:
Close all programs
Click on Start
Click on „Install“
Choose the downloaded file and click on
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Update will be installed....
Click on „OK“
Software settings
Customer groups (Pro-Versions)
In the Rothballer "PRO" and "PRO XL" versions you can
create customer groups with own settings for each group!
Click on Service à Settings à customer groups.
In the next window, you can create customer groups and disable, enable, or rename them.
Erasing an already created customer group is not possible.
Please contact the Support Team for this purpose.
Show/Hide customer groups
Choose the customer group and click on Rename
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Show/hide functions and buttons (Pro-Versions)
In the Pro versions you can turn functions and buttons on and off. Click on Service à Systemsettings à display and choose what features you want to see in the software and which not. This allows you to chance the
appearance of the software.
Create software user names
In the software you can insert your user names do identify changes, entrys etc. Click on Service
Select user. Here you can add, activate or deactivate users.
You are not able to delete user names. If you want to do this, please contact our support team.
To change the actual software user name just click on the user name in the status bar or in the customer search window!
You also can activate an automatically user name request!
User defined navigation bar
In the professional versions you can change the entries of the left navigation bar for each user! So you can
show or hide functions easily for every software user!
Orthotic database
To insert often needed entries for the supply work sheet (F5 - Orthoses) just start the software and click on
für orthotic database:
Change group names
Groups (5x)
Category headlines
(15x per group)
Category entrys
saved entrys up
to now
Insert Example
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The changes specified above will appear in the software on an open customer file at
„Orthoses” (F5):
Category headlines
You can insert individual entrys anytime!!!
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Support(Pro) cards
Support(Pro) status
To change the support(Pro) status entrys please click on Service à Systemsettings à OPOS-PLS à edit
PLS state
Please leave the first entry (Acceptance) as it is. The last entry have to be for example „Picked up“, or
„Done“! If you do not need all states just leave someone empty between first and last state!
Support(Pro) category
(Product groups)
You can insert up to 5 product groups. Each group will have its own entrys for register, product and
Support(Pro) processes
You are also able to manage sub processes with the software (16x). More informations at „Support(Pro) statusi“.
Support(Pro): REGISTER
Presettings for register card „register“ you can insert at Text
for Support(Pro)
Support(Pro): PRODUKT
Presettings for register card „produkt“ you can insert at Text
for Support(Pro) - Products.
You can insert 15 categorys in each group! Please fill all informations that you need to create all kind of your
Recommended prescription
Here you can insert often used text at Data cards
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Shipping buffer
If you want to send customer files to other Rothballer systems or databases (headquarters, afiliates) you
have to check the settings at System-settings
Shop ID:
Name or number of the SENDING computer
Shop password:
The shipping file will be crypted with this password. The receiver will need the same password to encrypt the file!
Remember by finish of software
If you want to get a message about transmission of the shipping buffer by closing the software: activate this.
Automatic shipping registration after changing
To put every changed or new customer automatically into the shipping buffer activate this function.
Activate compression
Additional compression factor for smaller zip-files
Send footprints
Choose transmission of only last foot print or all available foot prints and datacards
Connection settings
o Ship by e-mail
§ Target-eMail-adress
§ Dispatch (Mapi, Outlook, SMTP)
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Create only ZIP file (save zip-file)
§ Path for export (saving)
§ Path for import
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Insurance company
Insert your insurance companies at Text
Here you can insert your doctors: Text
for insurance companys!
for doctors
- start the software
for suppliers
- click on Text
- Insert the supplier you’re want to search or create
Tax values
- start the software
- click on Service à Settings à System settigns
- Choose up to three tax values:
ATTENTION! In the software you will be asked for the tax-valueNUMBER! Not the tax-value!:
= Tax number „0“
= Tax number „1“
= Tax number „2“
Feedback: Frequently needed entrys
- Start the software
- Open a customer card
Feedback and open or create a new customer feedback
- Click on Orthoses
Click on the button
(For more informations see Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.)
Rothballer feet scanner do not need any calilbration!
To be able to make feet printouts in original size you have to calibrate the PRINTER for one time. If you are
exchanging your printer you have to calibrate again!
Click on Service
Start with Step #1
You will get a printout with a grid. Measure the grid exactly in millimeters and insert the value at Step #2
(ATTENTION! For example 8,7 cm = 87 mm. So insert „87“)
at Step #3 you can calibrate your monitor. Click on View to display the grid on your monitor. Insert the
measurements in millimeter and click on „OK“.
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Insert company settings (contact data)
Click on Service à Settings à System settings à Settings à company settings
Hardware / Accessories
If not installed yet, please insert the installation CD and click on „Install hardlock drivers“
After driver installation please put the hardlock into your computer:
(for printer port)
Hardlock access types
There are three types of hardlock access: (doesn’t depend on USB or parallel!)
Full version hardlock
This hardlock can start the software AND is able to control a feet scanner!
ATTENTION: If you lose a full version hardlock there will
be a licence fee of 1.000,- € for a new full version hardlock!
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Work station hardlock
This hardlock can start the software BUT IS NOT able to control a feet scanner!
Server hardlock (green)
This hardlock is especially for bigger networks. Please ask our support team if you need a server hardlock.
Feet scanner
Before connecting the feet scanner to the computer please install the correct device driver first!
Please have a look which scanner modell you have in use:
Year of construction:
since 2008
A3-Scanner „HighSpeed”
Serial nr.: “Hxxxx”
Speed: about 2 sec.
Up to Win7
since 2008
A3-Scanner „Basic”
Serial nr.: “Bxxxx”
Speed: about 10 sec.
Up to Win7a
till 2007
A3-Scanner „A3USB“
Serial nr.: „Sxxxx“
Speed: about 15 sec.
Up to WinVista
till 2002
A3-Scanner „A3EP“
Speed: about 20-45 sec.
Parallel port
Up to WinXP
till 2001
A3-Scanner „A3SP“
Additional SCSI card!
Up to WinXP
till 1999
A4-Scanner „1200SP“
Additional SCSI card!
Up to WinXP
- Insert the installation CD. Click on „Install feet scanner A3“.
- Choose your feet scanner model
- Click “OK” to start driver installation
Software settings
To connect the Rothballer software with the scanner driver please click on Service à System settings à
Settings à Peripherie àFoot scan and choose a device driver for the choosen software function:
„WIA-Plustek A360“
“Plustek A320”
“ScanExpress A3USB”
“Mustek A3EP” or “Orthotronic XL”
Default settings
For the scanner models „A3USB“ and „Basic/HighSpeed“ there are default settings at Service à Settings
à System settings à Peripherie à Scan-Settings à Scanner default. Please click on the button with
your scanner model name (à OK) and on „default length“ (à OK).
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Printer selection
ATTENTION! Printer selection for formulars have to be set directly in the formular!
You can select different printers for most software print functions. Click on Service à Settings à Systemsettigns à printer:
Here you can choose the printer drivers for the
software. If you need to choose printer for each
printout, please active „ask again“ to get a printer
choice windows for each printout.
The most A4 printers are able to print on paper up
to 35 cm lenght. You have to set your printer driver
to the exact paper length you are using. If you
want to use a printer for A4 AND feet-print it could
be helpful to install the same printer twice! So you
can set one driver to A4 and the other to feet print
paper size.
Paper settings in Windows and printer driver!!!
If you are printing for example on paper 15x35cm
you have to add this paper format in Windows®
and printer driver:
Set paper format in Windows
Click on Start
Click on File
settings and activate „New format“. Insert a name for the paper format and the exact
dimensions of the paper! Most printer drivers will read
this paper format list and choose the formats that it
is able to print!
Set paper format in the printer driver (step 1)
To set the paper format in the printer driver click with the
right mouse button on your printer driver and click on
„Settings“ with the left button.
Click on „Print settings“ and choose the paper format (you created before) . If the paper format doesn’t appear in the list your printer is not able to print on this paperformat OR you have to insert an “user defined”
paper format.
Set standard paper format in the printer driver (step 2)
In some windows versions you have to set this paper format on a second place in the printer driver:
Click in the printer settings on Advanced
settings and insert same paper format here!
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Set paper format in a Rothballer Printout-Formular
See Seite 66!
Camera (automatic feet foto)
The software is able to shoot up to 2 automatic feet pictures with a
webcam (for example). The cameras will create the pictures directly
after the feet scan. Install your webcam (drivers only).
At Service à Settings à System settings à Peripherie à feet
cam you can set your webcam and resolution.
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Optional features, devices and modules
Barcode reader
There are many functions in the software to use an barcode reader! Just connect the barcode reader to your
computer (most have USB). There is no need of driver installation in most cases!
Foto management (Document&Camera module necessary!)
...with Twain interface
Install your digital camera and set the driver at System à Settings à System settings à Peripherie à
Scan peripherie à Foto-Cam. You will able to take pictures with the rothballer software directly (live).
...with storage function
If your camera is connecting to your computer as a storage medium there is no need for a driver installation,
but: you have to “import” pictures in the software instead of “capture” them.
Document management (Document&Camera module necessary!)
If you are a owner of the document & camera module, you will be able to save and manage documents and
photos in the software. You can use nearly every flatbed or paper-feed scanner on the market. At Service à
Settings à System settings
Document-Scan you can choose the device driver for the
Storage path of customer data
You can set every data path for storage in your network!
Easiest way for first data path change: copy your local files and folders to the destination data path (for example: „X:\rothballer-data“). After that please start the software and click on Service à Settings à System
settings à Network and insert the new paths for scan pictures and customer data.
Searching for customers with „Rothballer-Server“
If you are using a slow network (10 or 100 Mbit) or the search for customer files takes very long you can use
the „Rothballer-Server“-Tool. You will find the tool on the installation CD.
How to use:
- Copy the file „Rothballer_Server.exe“ directly in the data path of your server
(for example „C:\rothballer-data“)
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Create a short cut AND/OR an entry in the windows autorun folder
This program have to run ALLTIME to send informations to the requesting computers!
You can run the software with the following commands:
o min (run minimized)
o visible (allways visible)
o protokoll (protocol all requests)
You can change the command by changing the desktop icon for example:
Start the software on a „searching“ computer and click on Service à Settings à System settings
à Network and check the datapath to your server
Activate the search functions and insert a computer name (identification)
Now the customer search will be managed from the „Rothballer-Server”-Tool!
Transmission of data by e-Mail ...
You can send customer data, feet prints, documents, etc. to a customer, insurance company or doctor. a customer
Click here to get tot he E-Mail buffer (with collected data)
Click here to open a empty E-Mail
of your standard E-Mail software
... to a insurance company or doctor
Insert the data or informations to the e-mail-buffer. (see „Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden
werden.“ on Seite 35). You can send the mail with collected data with the eMail-buffer (see „e-Mail “ on Seite
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Send data to an other Rothballer system (Shipping buffer)
With the Rothballer shipping buffer
in the right menue bar you can send (or import) data (ZIP-files) to
an other Rothballer database. Depending of system settings you can send actual feet scans, feet scan archive and data sheets!
(Settings you find at Seite 18)
To choose customer data for export please use one of the following functions:
Export with „scan functions“ (F9)
- Open a customer data card
Click on „Scan“ in the left navigation bar or in the upper menue bar on symbol
You get the Rothballer function bar in the middle of the screen
Click on the symbol
(or press F9!)
to register the customer data card for export in the shipping buffer
Export with „Orthoses“ (F5)
- Open a customer data card
- Insert your orthoses informations as usual at function „orthoses“ (F5) and click on „Order“. The
inserted informations will be transmitted also!
When you open the shipping buffer you’ll see a window like that:
To compress the data and send it just click on „Make available“. If you want to delete a data card out of the
shipping buffer just choose the data card and click on “delete”. (Data card will be NOT deleted out of the data
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Export adress data of an opened customer card
Open a customer data card
Click at Tools à Address in clipboard (CTRL+Z)
Open the software you want to insert the address
Click on the „insert“-function of that software or use CTRL+V
Export data for external use (Excel, etc.)
You can export the Rothballer data base for external use:
Customer list
Mostly used function. Click on Service à Customer support à Customer list
You can filter the customer data by name, birthdate, last orthotics, enlisting marks, etc.
Activate “Registry by customer” to display export
quantity at the customer data card “+1”!!!
Click on print to create a printout or preview of the
list or mailing (!!!) or click on save to save the list
as a file for external use (Excel®, Word® etc.)
Data export
Data export
export Data
Choose ONLY data you want to export and click
on „SAVE“.
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Import data from an other Rothballer-System (Shipping-Buffer)
With the shipping buffer
right menue bar you can export and import customer data cards from other
Rothballer systems. (Settings: see Seite 18)
Click on „Import“ to insert data (eMail, USB-Stick, etc.) in this Rothballer system.
After the import you’ll get a short message about new or actualized customer data cards.
Attention! Customers with same NAME, SURNAME and BIRTHDATE will be recognized as same customer!
If you do NOT fill this three entrys the customer data card will be created once more!
All imported customer data cards will be saved for printout at main window of the Rothballer software at “Printout” à “Orthotic slip”!
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We recommend external hard disks for backup!
The Rothballer-Software contains a data backup function!
You can set the backup at software start or at Services à Settings à System settings àSettings à
backup settings:
- Kind of setup (manual / Query with program end / automatic)
- How many backup staples (oldest backup will be overwritten)
- Path for backup
- Turn off computer after backup
Manual backup
You can backup your data by clicking Services
customer groups
- Choose target path for backup
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a backup
Backup all files and
page 29
Backup by closing the software
If you have set the backup to „Query with program end“ you will get a message by closing the software:
Click on „Yes“ to backup now!
Click on “No” to close software without backup
Automatic backup
The automatic backup will backup the files daily if:
- The software is running and NO customer file is open!
- The backup target path is available!
To restore data to a Rothballer system just click on Services
all files and customer groups
Restore data
ATTENTION! All existing files on this Rothballer system will be overwritten!
Choose the backup file you want to restore and click on „OK“.
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The installation will set up two software version on your computer:
The Rothballer-Software (this manual!)
(Regular software for orthopedic business users)
The TouchScan-Software (other manual!)
(Easy-to-use software for show room, etc.)
Basic functions
If you get a message about software trial expiration („0“ to „10“ days) you have to
send the access code request (see „Activation code for hardlock/software“ at Seite 11)!
Create or search customer data card
Start the Rothballer software
o Click on File à Create new customer
o Click at the symbol
Press F12
Insert card into the card reader
Insert Name (or first letters) of the customer
insert “zzz” at field “name” to create new customer:
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Click on „Search“ (or „Enter“) to search or create a customer data card.
You get a list of matches with names, birthdate, city, customer group and customer number OR a
new customer data card if it is a new customer.
(If you don’t want to search in all existing customer groups please uncheck this function in the Rothballer system settings!)
Choose the customer data card you want to open (double click or enter) OR choose „ZZZ_New customer“ to create a new customer data card.
You get the customer data card (see picture)
(We recommend to fill name, forename and birthdate!)
Customer number
Customer photo
Mailings (J/N)
Mailing Quantity
Mailing filters
External files of
this customer
Diagnosis / notes
Please insert name, forename and birthdate anytime if possible!
Customer photo
You can insert a picture of the customer. (Webcam etc.). First click on the camera symbol gives you a preview, second click will take picture (use right mouse for settings).
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E-Mail shipping
You can send e-Mails out of the Rothballer e-mail buffer or with outlook-connection
External customer number
If you have to save external customer numbers please use this field.
Mailing functions and filters
You can create mailings and lists with exported data. Here you can check or uncheck mailing export for this
customer and add some filters. The mailing quantity is, how often you have exported this customer for a
mailing until he NOT visited you again!
Insurance company & doctors
- This fields insurance company etc. you can fill manualy
- The fields „insurance“ and „doctor“ you can fill with database entrys (see „Software settings“ /
„Insurance company/Doctors“ on page Seite 19).
External files
If you want to save external Data into Rothballer-Customer-File you have in software the opportunity to do
this. Click on the button
to add a file to the customer folder. By using this function a separate file
folder will be created for that client with the client number (most C:\Programs\Rothballer\FLD1) . Included is
a text file with the customer name and some additional information.
If the customer file is stored the button
is green
Diagnostic Box
You can fill the diagnostic box with general information of the patients. You can store frequently used text as
the default .
After confirming the selection or entering text use the Enter key! The text is then attached to the bottom
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To see all the previously made submission of the client, we developed the feature „Overview“.
Open a customer data sheet
Click on the left toolbar to
You get a window where you can see all data of the customer.
With a click on an entry you will see
a little preview at the right bottom.
With a double click you jump directly
to the selected function.
You can choose a different search
criterion for a faster search.
Feet Scan
Open a Customer Data Sheet
Click on Data Sheets
Foot Scan
Click on the Icon
in the left column or top
Press the Key F9 (only Pro-Version)
You get a window in which either has the last foot-scan appears that customer
or two wildcard with the main features in the middle (see Feet Editing page 36).
These functions can be always activated on the left toolbar.
Click on the Icon
Press the Taste F7
If your patient exceed 180kg or anatomically precluded from placing both feet
comfortably on the scanner you can scan your feet individually (F7 = left / F8
= right )!
The scanner automatically moves the entire scanning
area. The image is immediately scanned. (When scaling
back no image is captured !)
If you use the foot-camera after scanning the same shot a picture of the feet.
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Camera (automatic feet foto) at Seite 23)
(Double click for
new recording!)
Original Picture
from the Scanner
Split left and
right foot (automatically or
(Here you can
crop the feet!
Please note the
red mark for left or
right foot!)
Rescann without
Foot rotation
1 Foot automatically cut
2 Feet automatically cut
Discard Cancel
Click on „OK“ and the current foot scan is stored an displayed at the customer!
Edit Feet
You have many options to edit the footprints.
Here we describe the most commonly used features :
Attach images to an eMail
You can prepare the software Rothballer an email before you forward it to your
email program . At several points in the software, you can attach images to an e-Mail (Icon
or right mouse button). If you have collected all the information (for customers, doctors,
health insurance …) in the e-mail transmission, you can send the e-Mail.
e-Mail finally sending
Please note that you must have a completed set up email software on your PC (e.g.
Outlook, Outlook-Express, etc.)!
With this function (Icon) you can edit and send the email yet final. You may use data
from the database, “doctors” and „health insurance” or manually enter an e-Mail-address.
You also find this function by clicking Printout
Send-e-Mail after program start.
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E-mail addresses from database
E-mail addresses manually
E-Mail Subject
E-mail sender information
Attachments add/delete
Previously collected attachments
E-mail send
Preparing Feet to send data to another Rothballer-System / Shipping-Buffer
Click this button to store the customer-data for sending this to another Rothballer-System later.
More you find „Send data to an other Rothballer system (Shipping buffer)“ on Seite 25.
Using the Print-Buffer for printing all feet later
If your patient volume is very high or you simply have
no time to wait for the printing of the scanned feet, you can
collect them and print it later. Click this icon by the selected
customer and the feet will be stored in the Printing-Buffer.
The printing-buffer you can find after the start screen in
How to cut feet again
Is there too much space around the cut feet you can make a new cut with the mouse. Just click on the
desired starting point and drag your mouse to the desired endpoint and then release the mouse button. If
something failed click „Undo“ for a step back.
Swap feet left right
Should it happen that the feet were cut in the wrong order, you can swap the currently displayed footprints with this button.
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Add white space around the feet
If you need more space around the feet, may be for drawing or some message, please click on this
icon and then on the foot. Some frames (white space) will be added around the feet.
Enlarge foot picture
To enlarge an area of the scanned foot click this function and mark with your mouse the desired area
wich you want to enlarge (click-drag-release ). The original copy is not altered by this function.
Setting the pen width
Here you can set the pen width for the drawing in of circles and lines.
Pen color settings
Here you can set the pen color for the plotting of circles and lines.
Insert text in foot picture
If you want to add some text in the foot picture click this button and then on the desired area in the foot
You can also store frequently used text as default. By pressing Enter or the green Save button, the text included in the picture.
Paint over with color / Eraser
If you want to paint over /erase something in the scanned foot picture use this feature (click-dragrelease). ATTENTION also the FOOT can be erased/ paint over!
Circles / Freehand / Lines
With these functions you can draw something in the foot picture (click-drag-release)
Angel measurement
For an angel measurement, e.g. Hallux Valgus , you can choose this feature. First click this button then
click with the mouse at the desired position of the heel then to the ball of the foot and then to the toe.You can
see the angel directly in the foot picture.
Undoing Changes
Here you can make the changes you just made reverse. The three buttons stand for
undo left-undo both-undo right side. The number of possible return steps you can set under SystemSettings
Feet printing
Click this button to go to the print/forms.
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To make the work easier, e.g. in the orthopedically Workshop, you can use the feature “Workstation“.
Click after the start screen on Module
Work Station. You get a black screen with a selection window.
Here you can manually or with a barcode reader:
- looking for a customer by name (insert name)
- open an orthotic prescription printout (barcode or patient no.)
- open support-Card (work-card) (work-number or -barcode)
- assign a article from the „Rothballer Stock Management” (pro-version!) to an open customer
- assign a Material from the Batch Management to an
open customer or an open pls(pro)-card. („m“+material
number , e.g. „m123“)
- change patient group (click on customer group)
- fade in/fade out an orthotic prescription printout
(icon „hammer“)
- get a customer information (icon „paperclip“)
- measure the shown feet (icon „ruler“)
- shown an older feet print from an open customer(„Footprint-Archiv“)
- change directly to a pls(pro)-card from the customer
(click on the yellow field with the card-number)
- draw in to the feet print. (double click on the desired foot)
If the monitor is calibrated correctly (Calibration Monitor look on Seite 19 ) the feet will be shown in original
(if the monitor is smaller than the feet print , some scrollbars are shown)
Scan Documents (Document&Photo-Modul necessary )
Make sure that your document scanning device properly installed and is operational.
(look Seite 24)
General documents
You can use the document-scanning module to save any document in the software. Start the software, click
on Module
You get a window where you can scan, delete or create unlimited folders and documents.
Customized documents
If you use the support (Pro) system, please use the document scanning feature in
the work card. (
card new/print Seite 53)
If you want to save documents directly to the customer belongs in the customer file,
so go ahead as described in
DocumentScan on Seite 49.
Insert Photos (Document&Photo-Modul necessary )
If you use the Support (Pro) system, please use the Photo-Cam function in the work-card!
Support(Pro)-Work card new/print
Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden. Seite 53)
If you want to save customer belong documents to the customer file proceed as described on Seite 48.
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Feet measure
Feet measured manually
To measure a distance between two points of a foot picture please open a customer record, and open or
take a foot scan.
click on „Scan“
You get the following window:
First click on Start and then click the end point of the desired locations.
The display indicates the exact cm and mm-value.
With the button "Apply", the measurement is where it is now stored!
(Can not be undone). Would you like to save the measurement, just click
on the little "X".
Automatic sizing
To measure a distance between two points of a foot picture please open a customer record and open
or make a fott scan.
lick on „Scan“
You get the following window:
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Size selection
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The first measurement is performed automatically. The red
lines indicate the points at wich
the software measures at the
moment. If the lines are not correctly on the foot endings you
must manually correct the lines.
Probably a trouser or a light reflection is been measured.
In the middle you get the size
specification in Europe, UK, US,
m/f, Mondopoint incl. a length
Sie können die Software auch
dazu anhalten, The software can
also make longitudinal arch analysis.
(look at Scan
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Survey-Modul (optional)
Data of the Company Schein stored on the installation cd for later importing. Also usable for customers without Survey –Module.
This module will help you in choosing your shoes, inserts, strips, etc. It includes an individual database wich
you can create ore manage. This module will help you prepare for your care of the customers already in the
consultation phase and to select according to certain criteria.
The Database of the Survey-Modul
The database runs directly from the program group on the icon of the Survey Module. Data have already
been created; the first record will be displayed automatically.
Owner of the Survey module will have the opportunity to delete item data, add or change:
• You move through the database by using the keys <F6> and <F7>.
• To get a list of all entries, select <F8>. There is now a list of all records which are sorted by model. To
change the sort order, select the desired entry. If you want to display a desired item, double click on it or
select it with the arrow keys and press Enter.
• To delete an item select <F9>.
• To unlock a new item you choose <F5>. It release automatically the next available record number and a
blank data sheet will be shown.
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Data-Sheet of a Survey-Item
Enter the model name of an article.
Insert here the manufacturer of the item. You have the ability to create default settings by
selecting the "folder icon to the right of the box manufacturer. Insert here your specificaManufacturer:
tions for manufacturers. So you do not have to enter the complete manufacture´s name
each time. Choose wich the cursor control keys.
Set the group of the Article, in which you want to take this item. Note, that the insoles can
only be managed in european stitch. Also note that the measure applies only tot he pad
and ball point. (Ball point is 2 / 3 of the total length).
English sizes, european stitches or cm. When english sizes or cm is selected it is also
possible to indicate half sizes..
You can take an item from the selection temporarily without deleting it by clearing this box.
In Selection:
The article will not appear in a selection.
From Size:
Specify here, from which size you have these items in stock.
To Size:
Here you can specify up to which size you have these items in stock.
For each item and its respective size you have to create the individual sizes in the dimenSize Table:
sion table . How do you create this dimensions table, see later in this chapter
Enter the year of the article. If you insert nothing, the current year is automatically disAgeGroup:
played. This entry is later necessary to remove all items that are older than vintage xxxx.
Here you can set the category of the item. You have the option to create default settings
by selecting the "folders icon" right next to the category field. Insert here your
requirements for the category set.
Here you can enter your individual definitions of the respective article. This input is used
for information only and has no meaningful selections.
To create a Size Table
• Select in the desired data sheet of the database the item which size you want to edit.
• Select ”Size-Table shown “
• If some sizes would be edited, this will be shown now.
You have two ways to arrange a graduation. This means you do not need to measure all size, only 1 or 2 is
Graduation with one Size:
Define on the left screen side the length, pad width, volume und heel width and by which size you get the
measure. It all measurements are converted according to these data. Whit this method of calculation all sizes
start from size 0 = 0 cm. To exclude an error by using different size steps use the graduation with two size.
Graduation with 2 Sizes (regular):
Set with the graduation all measures with two different sizes.
• To perform an automatic calculation, give above "graduation" a length, pad width and heel width. Enter
the size of one, which you have measured and select “NEW GRADIATION”. It will be automatically filled
in all fields. (Note: For insoles only the ball lines or the pad end is necessary for the length, thus a graduation only 2 / 3 of the total length calculated.)
• Print an article page and then check the dimensions of different sizes with the original dimensions, not
even all producers do a 100% graduation.
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To create an insole shape
• Select the desired data to the article, which you can assign an insole to shape.
• Select “insole shape” - “show”
• Draw the insole on a sheet of white paper with a black pen.
• Scan the insole with the function “Insole New”. If you use another scanner make sure that the resolution is 72 dpi!
• Cut them as closely as possible to get later on the screen at a precise calculation of all sizes. Select
• Now set the size at which you have scanned the insole by clicking on the field „by Size“
• A gradiation table is shown.
• Select the size at which the insole was scanned.
• Save the insole shape.
You can rotate the image insole also subsequently, by dragging the scroll bar to the left / right. To reflect the
insole use the arrow icons. Please note that you must create a left insole. The right insole is calculated later.
How to create an image for an article
• Select the article in the desired data which you assign to an insole form.
• Choose “Insoleform” - “Shown”
• Scann the picture with the function “Picture New” ein.
• Save the picture.
Additional database functions
Data import
• If you have a disk from your manufacture with the relevant data, you have the opportunity to input data
directly, without creating the article.
• Choose “File” - “Data input”.
• Insert the disk of the manufacturer into your floppy disk drive and then select OK. The data is automatically recorded, new items are added, and existing items are updated.
• Now check the complete installation of the data. If necessary, repeat the process the import.
Delete Article
You have the opportunity to articles that are older than a certain vintage to delete automatically.
• Choose “File” - “Article Delete”.
• Now enter the vintage, which is to be retained. This will delete all articles that are older than this year.
• To delete the article, select "Delete".
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Working with the SURVEY MODULE
By SURVEY module you have the option to select directly the shoe or the insole for the customer on the
• Enter a customer and create a scan.
• Select F4 or ICON RULER. It opens a window in which the measurements are entered.
• You can measure, by selecting start and end point with the left mouse button. Which foot, left or right is
irrelevant. If you have a scan copy without shadows, you can measure the size automatically, select the
"measure" icon. (For this, the computer searches for the beginning points of length and pad width)
• The measure, which the computer awaits next, is the color changed size window. I.e. if the size window
is shown with a white background, the computer expects the next starting point of this measure. If the
background is shown in green, the computer expect the end point of this measure.
• When you have identified all necessary measures, which you need for your selection, select the Database tab. Note that a measure of length for the selection is essential.
• Now the measures will be shown on the top left. By selection always the larger measure of selection is
• Next will be displayed in the top toolbar, whether this is a narrow, medium wide or extra wide shape. You
can disable these fields in order to ignore this in the selection.
• With the number pad "foot type“, you can divide your items into categories of foot shape. You choose the
number pad and it opens the window with Demo feet. These are indicated with numbers. These numbers
you can assign your database as a type of foot.
• You can disable a measure of the selection, by clearing the selection field of each level.
• You can also manually enter circumference measurements to consider them by a selection.
• If you want to select only certain manufacture, you can set the desired manufactur.
• If you want to choose only certain categories, attach "CATEGORY" defines the desired category.
• Select the database group, whether you are looking for men, women or children models.
There are now all found items displayed, which can be used to supply the size of the specified tolerances.
To get more information about respective article, select it with the left mouse button and click on it. It
opens a window that displays the article with your individual commen.
Select from the list „founded entries" all entries of which you want to have on the short list and then select „OK ”
If a insole form of the respective item is available, it is now placed on the scanned foot, to control how
the foot takes place in the insole.
Move the insole by clicking on the insole, hold left mouse button and keep moving.
Turn the foot with the scroll bars on the left top of the mask.
To display the foot with the insole in original size, select the function key <F3> or "ICON 1:1".
To change the size of the shoe displayed, select " ICON + / -“.
To select a new form of insole you can display a new form from the list box under the field "SEARCH"
from your short list, or re-select the "SEARCH"
To save the displayed items in the support sheet select <F5>. The displayed items will be automatically
transferred into the support sheet.
• Choose the icon „RULER WITH FEET“
• Choose whether you want to enter the measurement in the image and whether you want to show helplines for better positioning of the mouse.
• Click the mouse on the start point of the first measure.
• If you move the mouse cursor you see the current distance to the start point.
• Click with the mouse on the end of the first measure.
• The measured value between the two points will be entered in the sheet and , depending on the setting,
also shown in the picture.
• You can print this view in original size or display, also you can permanently insert into the picture
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The data cards of Rothballer software are available separately, in the „Pro-Version“ includes the cards . The
recommended prescription is also available in the „light“-version!
Here are some explanations:
- The data card „quick cam “, „video“ and „Prescription Scan“ are only for the owner of photo & document-modul useable
- The data card „x-ray-Scan“ is only for x-ray-scanners
- The data card „orthoscope“ is only for computer-microscope
- The data card „work-card“ und „side profile“ are now hardly used and are therefore in this guide are
no longer explained in more detail
Recommended Prescription
To a mail or a print of the recommended prescription to a doctor click , by an open client, on Data-Cards
Recommended Prescription or on Tools
Recommended Prescription
Here you can select specifications and deposited (by pressing ENTER).
Selected text for printing or mail
Existing scans, photos, and some else (only
by document&photo-modul!)
Printer selection
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In order to deposit the notes for one customer, simply click on the icon in the toolbar or in the upper left tool
bar under Data-Cards
Patient Note (or Shift+F5)
General Notes
To define general notes for (eg software users) click on the icon in the left toolbar
(you can find it under Data-Cards
Compression-Data-Sheet or through the top tool bar with this icon or the F6 key
from the customer data)
With the data card „compression“
you able to get body measures for
e.g. compression stockings.
Five measurements per customer
can be entered. To create a new
survey, click on the button "new
orthotic" to create a measure with
today's date.
The dimensions of the five measurements are compared. Deviations are presented in addition to
the current level.
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(find under Data-Cards
-Data-Card or through the top tool bar with
this icon or by pressing F7 from the customer data)
Similar to the compression data card you can use the data card "ShoeData-Card" to measure for example for custom-made-shoes. Five measurements per customer can be entered. Click on the button „New
Orthotic“ to create a measure with today's date.
The dimensions of the five measurements are compared. Deviations are
presented in addition to the current level.
The measurement starts at the toes and changes with the tab key to the
next level. The red mark shows the current measuring position.
These three fields are for the heights of the adjacent values
(find under Data-Cards
Patient-Risk-Analysis or through the top tool bar with this icon or by pressing Shift + F8 from
the customer data)
Empfinden des Patienten --
In the patient-neurophatie-record-test you can insert the values of a „tuning-fork-test“.
For general information about the patient, you also get a sensitivity-/age curve kurve in wich you can see the
inserted values.
Age of patient --
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In the bone-sheet you can mark some specification
of the patient skellet.Use the functions on the left
side for draw in lines or marks or insert some text.
Proprioception (Body)
Similar to the bone-sheet here you can mark some
specification of the patient, e.g. in joints of patients.
Open a customer
Click on Data-Cards
Use the function on the left side to draw in
some lines or mark something or insert
some text.
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Proprioception (insole)
In the data card for proprioceptive
insole per customer, you can record
up to 10 proprioceptive supplies.
- Open a customer data
o- Click on Data-Card
prioception Insole
- Use the function on the left
side to draw in some lines or mark something or insert some text.
- At the bottom you can select one of ten orthoses (green = allready used)
- In the right pane, you can enter any text for the selected supply and save.
Camera-Modul / digital Photos (Document&Photo-Modul necessary)
If you perchased a document&camera-modul you can define any number of photos and documents per customer.
If you want to save some documents to the customer, open the customer and click on the icon „recipe“ in the
upper toolbar or Data-Cards
in thel left toolbarste. You get the following window:
You can save up to 10 documents per
level and three levels are available
(click „more pictures“ to save more
then 10 ).
with F7 (or right mousebutton
Input) you can scan a document“
(don´t forget to set the papersize!),
By clicking the “Function” in the upper
toolbar or right-click on a field you can:
add a note,
print the document,
add to e-mail,
enlarge (dpuble click),
rotate, cpoy and paste,
export, import, etc.
If there is a note been saved tot he document youcan see this icon.
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Click on it to read the note.
page 49
Special Functionen/Settings Photo-Modul
Menu „File“:
Only use for an old Camera.
Select the desired camera / the desired device. If your Camera dosn´t use a
Select Twain Source
twain-driver, select „import“ (right mouse-button) .
Show Twain-Dialog
If you want to look at the twain-dialog befor scanning, set check mark on this
DocumentScan (Document&Photo-Modul necessary )
Open a customer
Klicken Sie auf Data-Card
Scan or click in the upper toolbar the icon prescription
Special Function/Settings im Document-Modul:
Menu „Scanner“:
Show Twain-Dialog
If you want to look at the twain-dialog befor scanning, set check mark on this
Here you can specify the resolution for the scanning (Standard: 100dpi).
Enter here, which devices will be used for the scan.
Align left on A6
I you use A6 recipes you can enable this feature to make the document-scan
Video (Document&Photo-Modul necessary)
With the video-fuction, wich is been integrated in the „Document&Photo-Modul“ , you can
record some videos with an camcorder or a webcam.
- Open a customer
- Click on Data-Card
A window with ten picture windows per level (level 1) and some functions will be shown to the right below.
Change Level
Capture Video
Play Video
Import Video
View More Images
Save Video
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Capture a Video
- Click on „Record“
- You get a live preview of the selected camera
- Click on "Start" to start recording
- Click on "Stop" to stop recording
- With the functions "Size" and "source" you can make settings on the camera / drive
- „Info“ zeigt Ihnen Details über das aufgenommene Video
- Click on „Cancel“ to leave this window.
Video Playback
To play a recorded video, select "Playback".
The current video will be played from the startposition.
Use the scroll bar, you can jump to any point in the video.
With the button „apply“ you can save the actuall frame as snapshot.
With the button "functions" you get various playback functions
Import Video
If you want to import an external video (AVI format), click on "Import".
Store Video
Would you like to save the recorded video (Note: Large files!) click on „Save“. You can save only one video
per customer. If a Video is stored you can see this icon:
To delete the Video click on the recycel bin!
For a general information panel about foot anatomy , click on this icon
awindow with 12 thumbs.
in the right toolbar. You get
(In the lower pane, you can have up to three separate panels / photos. Save the photos you want in the program directory under the file
name Rothballer Anatomie13.jpg, Anatomie14.jpg und Anatomie15.jpg)
Click on the desired thumbnail to enlarge the image!
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Orthoses / Creating a simple workshop paper (F5)
With the simple workshop paper you insert a fast information for the production on the 1:1-print or
print it separately or made a A4-Orthotic-Prescription-Printout!
Open a customer and click on Orthoses
input mask for the Orthotic-Prescription-Printout .
in the left toolbar (or press F5). You get the
In the left box you can select stored messages or make manual entries.
On the right you will find all previous supports.
Selected group
Add to eMail / send
Previous Supports print and
(Its also possible to change the
text in a previous support or if
you want to produce again you
can mark the text and click on
Material book (e.g. no.of Batch
(Order = save and register for
e-mail shipping)
If you create a workshop paper/ orthotic-prescription-printout by saving, the registerd information waiting for
printout. Whether a customer has a non printed orthotic-prescription-printout saved, you can see in the top
tool bar on the first symbol
. If the icon is a colored an orthotic-prescription-printout is still open. With a
click on the icon you can change or delete the text to be printed.
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Special Settings for Orthoses (F5)
For the function „Orthoses“ there are many settings and special functions posible. Here is a short list of the
most important special functions:
Menu „Display“
Here you can activate the fields for retail prices, economic supplement, sum, exemption notice and
you can set the co-payment percentage.
Menu „Save Options“
Here you can set to save a
o Orthotic-Prescription-Printout
o Paper-bags
o Shipping slip
If you want to save in the recent support
o a processing note
o the supply group
o blank lines at orthotic-prescription-printout
o the Supply counter
o documentation of the foot print
if you want to
o Print co-payment invoice
o Save CNC-Data
o Insert a certain processing note
o Issue WebConnect
Menu „VPro“
There is the possibility of the supply function to create an additional supply (VPro)-register (lead
VPro-register (automatic)).
Processing- and Exemption notice
You can add a comment describing and an exemption notice to the support (preset under menu
„save options“) preset with click on
Function „Invoice / receipt printing“
With this function (only by activated individual prices) you can print invoices / receipts / documents
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... printing
I you want to print all outstanding orthotic-prescription-printout click in the startscreen on Printout
Orthotic-Prescription-Printout. You get the following window:
Her you can see all outstanding orthoticprescription-printout (List =
F8) or delete individual entries (F9). You can print a
short list or an A4-print , also
an inprint of a barcode is
possible. Also you can activate (without further inquiry)
that every time a orthoticprescription-printout is saved
in the function support
Support(Pro)-Work card new/print
CAUTION! This function was called in earlier versions „PLS“!
The SUPPORT (Pro) is the most technically simplest way to perform complex documentations!
The Prinzip:
Any support that is manufactured in your company receives a digital file card. In this file
card, the current state of working, production details, appointments, documents, etc. can
be entered directly
The Result:
Each user of the software can find out immediately the status and details of a job without
having to look far.
The Disadvantages:
The documentation on the PC are necessarily associated with a substantial additional expenditure of PC work. The Rothballer software, however, minimizes this effort to a minimum.
The Profit:
Immediate review of current processes. 100% traceability of work, materials, etc.
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(The displayed specification for product group, product selection, orthoses selection, status, you
found in Software settings
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Support(Pro) cards hinterlegen!)
Open a customer
Click on
Then click on
In the upper part of the new window you will get the current status of that support (there „Picked up“)
with date and user.
Clicking on a different status for this support is immediately posted to the new status (You can also
return back on a previous state)
in the left toolbar
In order to deposit a specific date for this supply please follow these steps (e.g. for the production or pickup):
With a click on „Date“ a little calendar comes up.
Todays date
Select the desired year
(O) = Jump to today's date
Select the desired month
Monthly, weekly and daily overview
Selected date
Save/ Chancel
After selecting the desired dates, the date appears in the line "Date" to the work card (green = is in
the future / red = overdue!)
These dates you will receive in the calendar overview list (look Calendar Seite 75)
To create an independent resubmission dates for this working card (e.g. Resubmission in a
year, new Shoes, etc.) insert the date in the field „Representation“Booking Rejected Support
To follow later whether such a working card was rejected, please enter the text in the field supply choice,
"REJECTED" (followed by the enter button) and book the register at "Receiving" / "Finished“.
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Register „Register“
To delete an appointment simply click again on the date and "Cancel
Booking Rejected Support
To follow later whether such a working card was rejected, please enter the text in the field supply choice,
"REJECTED" (followed by the enter button) and book the register at "Receiving" / "Finished“.
Register „Register“
You can set the product group for this support. Depending on the product category you will receive
at-particular requirements in section "Product“
- If you want to be presented this supply-register again at a certain date (Siehe Calendar on Seite 75),
you can create up to three different respresentation dates.
- Click on the gray area in „Representation“ and choose a date in the calendar.
- Type in the white box, a description or a subject for the representation. The representation will be
in the calendar list will also appear if the supportcard is already complete!
- To delete a representaion simply click again on the date and "Cancel"!
Save used Material
If you work with the Rothballer batch management, the material number can be inserted (followed by „Enter“) in „save used Material“. This information will be stored in "Register „Protokoll“ (Seite 57).
Product- and Support-Selection
General information about the product or support you can insert here (the data can also be importetd from
the simple orthoses ). The details of the supply range (including prices!) can be transmitted to Rothballer
POS system ! (With each entry is the corresponding income group queried!)
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Register „Product“
Requierments can be created by pushing this icon!
In this register you can select the text by manuall input (followed by enter) or by requirements, wich is been
printed in the Support-Pro-Print. You can also select multiple entries in a category one after another.
Caution! You will receive other instructions in the register "product" if selected in the tab "recording"
a different group!
The printed work order support
(Pro) accompanies the product
to be produced continuously! (The
printed bar code facilitates e.g. the change of the
current status of a card.
We recommend the top of the printed-out
sheet as to stick to the face of a box and
the lower part in the box with the product /
material / etc to keep and use for manual
- You can collected the work orders in the support-pro- buffer and and print all later. Fort hat click in
an opend support-work-card Output to Printer
- Do this by all desired Work orders.
- Close the customer Data-Sheet
Support-Pro-Buffer um alle eingetragenen Aufträge auszudrucken.
- Click on Printout
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Register „Document & Photo“
In the support(pro)-card you can store ore print any document or photo wich is relevant to the work/produkt.
You never have to serch for any photo or document of your customer!
You can add stored documents and photos also to the e-Mail-buffer (look „e-Mail “ on Page 35)
Register „Process“
Wouldt you like to document working operations,- steps wich are not included in a normal support-pro, follow
these steps.
Open the desired support(pro)card
Click on the tab „Process“
Click on the desired operation
It is filled in with the current user and the current date
You can also correct user and date (Double click)
(The parameters for these functions can be set under „Software settings“
Support(Pro) processes“ look Seite 17 anlegen)
Register „Protokoll“
In this window, all registered in that register changes / materials and stored.
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Create Quotes/Invoices
The parameters for this function you can create as described on Seite 18 !
Open an existing support (pro)-register or create a new card
At the bottom of the window, you get a button „Offer/Invoice“ (If not please perform the file of the
search in an open customer record!)
By clicking on this button you get a window for the calculations and prints
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Calculation factor (taken from customer record window!) in %. Would you like to change all
calculations for this customer in percentage so you just change this entry!
Is the customer exempt from payment? (Y/N)
What health insurance should receive the letter? (If no insurance is chosen the cusomer is
been chosen as receiver!)
From which doctor is the regulation?
Left / Right / Both sides. Page allocation of the position
Number of these positions
Insert here a position from the payroll positions -presets (or „w“ for economic supplement)
Sales Tax:
Enter here what it is in this position (was an item used in the specifications, this field is automatically filled)
Enter the retail price for this position. (was an item used in the specifications, this field is
automatically filled)
This field is calculated from the number x Price and can not be changed.
Sales tax of this position (e.g. „0“= 7% - „1“= 19% - „2“= 0%)
Co-payment (in %) for this Position
Sum after tax
Sum pre-tax
Co-payment variable
Co-Payment (fix)
Fixed commodity payment
Economic Supplement
Regulations Function
Twain / Scan
Print- and Sendfunctions
Previous Invoice for Changings
Here is the calculated net amount shown
Here, the calculated gross amount shown
Here is the calculated, displayed percentage co-payment
Here, the limited co-payment message has been activated instance
the function Restrict
Here you can inster the commodity payment
Here the economic co-payments from positions with a "w" appears
before the item number
If you have the document & photo module, you can print for some
prints with Regulations.
To scan a regulation simply click on "Twain". The scan is then stored
in the supply of (pro) file under Documents!
Previous Invoice Regular
To obtain an expression with Regulation after the Requirement for
finishes, click on this button.
For an estimate in the form of letters, click here.
Offer eMail
Supply Indicator
To add an estimate for collecting e-mail or send it directly.
You will receive a supply indicator.
To receive an invoice for the items registered, click here.
Print Prescription
To get a co-payment bill, click here
A collection of the work order, click here
If you want to print specified positons on a recipe, click here
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Support (Pro) card index Search
There are several ways to search a support (pro)-card :
General Search
To get a quick overview of current files, click on the program on
earch or on the right quick launch bar on this icon:
You get this window:
Here you can search for files with,
for example define a name, status,
customer group or product, look for
the posting date or the material
If you want to search even files that have
already been posted as "Done" / "Receiving" then activate the checkbox Finished
support (pro).
You can get the list as an expression (on
demand with cost estimate proposal
cheap!) Or (for existing Rothballer POS
module output) and on the receipt printer
can be.
Custom Search
- Open a customer
Click on
You will receive a listing of all open files. If you want to copy an existing file (as the same order in
this example again), click „Support(Pro) copy“
When you use the function "View finished PLS -cards" the list of already completed files will be added!!
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To book Support(Pro)
To use this feature, we recommend using a barcode reader!
To view the status of open support (Pro) files to update faster following function was developed :
Click on the icon
in the right quick launch bar
You get this window for booking:
Select the desired status to which you're getting all the files you want to be now enter (or
shoot it with the barcode reader )! (or choose the operation you want to register )
Select the function "Automatic book finished," if you want to make the booking without further details or queries (recommended)
Now read the bar code or enter the register number or the name of the customer.
Click Search if you want to perform a more detailed search of files!
Estimate directly create
Use this feature to create an estimate without making the detour through the creation of a support (Pro)register to. In this function, even a file is created, but this happens in the background and you are only
prompted for the product group.
Click on Support
For input-options look at Create Quotes/Invoices on Seite 58.
Create Feedback from Customer
This function formely called „Error Reporting“
Obtain feedback from a customer so you need to document this according to the certification. In the Rothballer software created therefore this function:
- Open a customer
Click on Support
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You get the following window:
Here you can create/generate a new response to two different types:
o With Support(Pro)-Card as the basis
Where a customer feedback an open or closed support (Pro)-register so you can assign the
feedback that register!
o Without Support(Pro)-Card as the basis
If a customer feedback can not register so you can be assigned to create a return message
without file-based.
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First select the product group and fill in the feedback, effect and cause. Frequent feedback, you can
store for a quick selection also.
Print out the confirmation of when a product for example have returned correction. This expression
accompanies the product up for re-delivery / collection.
If from a customer already a feedback been entered a confirmation will appear in the customer
record and the icon was shown
. Clicking the icon takes you directly to those deposited by
the customer feedback.
After making the correction, you can open feedback again and insert the the corrections you made,
the necessary measures, etc..
You can enter for this feedback, a resubmission date (will appear in the Calendar (look at Seite 75)
!) (e.g. Ask in 4 weeks "again") or make an explicit even for serious feedback "Resubmission required".
If a check mark in "presentation requested" appears in the customer record instead of the blue icon
(see above) this icon:
page 65
. The appropriate response is in the list with "XXX" marked!
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Forms & Printouts
With start of Rothballer Version 2010 you can create and/or modify a lot of printouts! The respective function
into the software give a many of „Variables“ (Data/Elements). The list of variables is different depending on
where you are in the software.
If you make a new form or make changes at a form, you can use this variables (and a lot of text- and grafic
elements) to design you one form!
Each form will be saved with any name. So you can make e.g. form letters, letters, lists etc., whitout a other
program (like Microsoft Word®, etc.)!
The possibilities are almost unlimited! For this reason you should this short guide to give a first overview
oft he basic functions of the form designer.
Adapt and make blocks (RECOMMENDATION!)
In order to make the forms easier to update, there are 3 form blocks already deposited into the Software.
These are:
• Customer data with barcode (A4 top)
• Company data (A4 bottom)
• Stationery (A4)
and in many forms already in use!
You can customize this block according to your wishes
look: Services
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The form selection
In many places the software, see an „output“ button:
Clicking on this button will take you to the "Form Selection":
Here's existing forms (or blocks) and the preview (and settings).
Printer Selection
You can for each form also select a specific printer. Just tick the check mark "Printer Selection" and select
the desired printer (Advanced users can specify the printer selection, print number, etc. directly in the form!)
Forms hide or shown
Surely you will not need all expression variants. To keep the list concise form do the following:
Click on the appropriate form
Click on the tab "Settings“
Clear the check mark "favorite“
Select the checkbox "Show only favorites“
(Back to the Show again simply uncheck "Only favorites or disable the form again set to"Favorite ")
Creating a new form
Here you can create a new form (blank).
Enter a form name and the form type and click the green
check mark.
You get to Form-Editor (look at Fehler! Textmarke nicht
= Standard (Form for single customer)
= List (Form for list or more customers)
= StickerForm
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Form copy
Here you can create a copy from an existing form and under a different name and edit.
Edit Form
Sie gelangen zum Form-Editor (look untenr)...
WARNING! Rothballer original forms can not be edited or deleted! For details see „File Structure“ on
Seite 74.
Delete Form
With this function you can delete the selected form!
WARNING! Rothballer original forms can not be edited or deleted! For details see „File Structure“ on
Seite 74.
If the Form-Wizard starts please finish it!
page 68
Design windows
Tool & Functions
The form editor is divided into five areas:
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Layout (Printer and paper size selection)
To assign the printer to determine a form or a particular paper size, simply click on the icon „Layout“
the top menu bar. You get the layout settings for this form:
Printer for the form
Paper Size
Paper Alignment
Number of copys
The variables provided by the program, see generally on the right side.
The variables are sorted by group. The available variables vary depending
on where you are in the software just.
The following variables / groups are available
Client (+Client_RS)
Customer Data
Phone1 (+2)
Picture 1
Picture 2
Date of Birth
Place of residence
External CustomerNumber
Last Change (of CustomData)
Customer created on Date …
Last Support (also support Pro)
Docters Name (from database)
Title / sex
Health Insurance name
Account for health insurance
Health Insurance name (from database)
Health Insurance number
Health Insurance status
Health Insurance extensions
Filter1 (KZ)
Filter2 (KZ)
Family name
Phone Number
Customer photo (Image)
Relief card (Image)
Customer Number
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Your Company Information
BankAccount number
Bank code number
Your E-Mail-Adresse
Your IK-Number
Your Company Logo (Image)
Your Company Name
Your Company Name 2
TaxNumber Company
ZIP and City
Feedback Data
Further action required
Correction performed on …
Correction performed by …
Previous correction
Confirmation Text
Number of Feedback
Created on …
Created by …
Resubmission (yes/no)
Follow-up on …
Bespoke Shoes Data
Bespoke Shoes from …
Left Measured Data
Riight Measured Data
Left Shoesize
Right Shoesize
Selected Images
Selected Document
Left Foot (Image)
Left Foot created on …
Right Foot (Image)
Reight Foot created on …
Backscan-Image 2D
Backscan-Image 3D
Measurement Date
Regulation Recommendation
Title 1
Title 2
Regulation Text
Support Data (Orthoses)
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Declaration title
Measurement Title
Recommendation Title
Support Data (Support(Pro))
Appointment (01-10)
Date (00-10)
Status (00-10)
User (00-10)
ProcessDate (00-15)
ProcessUser (00-15)
ProductText (00-14)
Work (01-10)
WorkPrice (01-10)
Status-Booking Date
Regitration Process: Date of Booking
Registration Process: Vorgangsnamen
Registration Process: UserBooking
Register Product: Line description
Register Product: Text Lines
Record Number
Register Recording: Produktauswahl
Register Recording: Support Texts
Register Erfassung: Support Prices
Customer-Number (End customer)
Customer-Group (End customer)
Your WebConnect-Number
Password (End customer)
You can simply drag the variables either by dragging the mouse to the desired location in the design window
or associate with certain features ( look at Seite 70).
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Design Window
In the design window you can insert , move and adjust objects (variables, functions, graphic elements)
as desired.
Simply select the object you want to move /change
it as you wish.
Use helplines(click on the ruler, hold the butten and drag the helpline in the design window) for a uniform apperance
Use grid (Procekt
For a uniform
appearance and easy arrangement.
Objects and Layers
I In the object window, you have a list of all currently
used on the form objects (variables, etc.).
With a click on the desired object the properties of the objexct
will be shown in the design window.
Right-click the object that you can also lock to prevent
accidental change
With the Layers panel, you can also create multi-page
With the Properties window, you have an overview of the settings for the selected object.
You can for example quickly set
the name, text alignment, rotation,
background, context (and more)!
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Tools and Features
With this tool, you can select and edit objects in the design window
This tool allows you to click and drag in the design window the position for several (even combined!) variables and texts to place!
Variable (single)
Some variables you can simply drag it from the list of variables to the desired location.
Variables (combined)
You can also combine multiple variables. Simply
select the desired variables and combine it with
the next variable you wish!
Advantage: Quickly combine!
Disadvantage: All variables have the same appearance!
You can also insert your own text (descriptions,
space, line breaks)!
(insert a space)
“Nr.:“ (insert a text)
(insert a line brak)
Dont forget the „+“ between variables and texts!
Variables (combined with stanza-propertiest)
You can add several (combined) variables with different stanza-properties (e.g. „row“) !
Just add more lines (Entry „---“)!
You can assign each row a separate font (type, size, etc.) and formatting.
Variables into Text fields
Siehe „Text“ auf Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.....
This allows you to create lines / rectangles / circles in the form
To insert a image/picture (jpeg/bitmap/tiff) use this function.
This function can be variables or texts converted into barcodes.
We recommend using a "formula", which is equipped with a variable
Here an example:
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The formula makes a barcode from the customer (Client_RecordNo) and thecode is in the format
"128" (most widely used format). Zusätzlich In addition, ensures that this bar code is at least 4 characters long (is required by some bar code readers)
The whole looks e.g. like this:
This feature allows you to recurring variables such as Table order.
Attention! This feature is only available in parts of the program with list data (eg customer lists,
supply (Pro) search, etc.)!
Click on the icon „Table“ in the toolbar.
Mark the desired position and size for the table.
Create a table row.
Create the desired row in the table columns
You also can make several lines each with different data. You can insert headers and footers (the
best start with the header and then copy the data line, etc.!
Attention! Headers and footers on every page!
You can specify the group header and footer.
Attention! Group headers and footers are just above or below the table present (beginning and end)
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Group Footer is the best choice for e.g. table:
Here are some examples:
Total amount invoiced
Numbers of Customerl
Highest CustomerNumber
Average invoice
Page „x“ from „x“
Today´s Date
Days until (pick-up) date
Age of Customer
Calculation of Support Range Prices
abzgl. MwSt 19%
(Versorgung(Pro) à Register „Erfassung“)
Count (Client_RecordNo,True)
Maximum (locval(Client_RecordNo),true)
"Seite " + Str$(Page(),1,0)+" von "+TotalPages$()+"."
Time$("%h:%m:%s")“ + „ Uhr“
DateDiff (Today(),LocDateTime(PLS_Appointment10))
FStr$( Int( (DateToJulian(Today()) – DateToJulian
(Date(Client_Birthdate)))/365.25 ), "####&" )
sum(sum(locVal(VPro.WorkPrice01),false) +
… … …
+ sum(locVal(VPro.WorkPrice10),false)) / 1,19
Use the formatting to select separator or e.g. currency symbol Verwenden (Our recommendation "System
To include a text (usually static) in the form please use this feature:
You can even format the text in this field variables and thus fill the text with the registered
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Form Fields
Would you like to add „form-fields“ to your form (add check boxes, etc.) you can select them here and move
into the design window :
The following form-fields are available:
o CheckBox:
A box for check marks (Property-Value „1“ = Check Mark is on!)
o Edit:
A field (any size) for free text input (use Property-Value „multiline“, if you want to enter leave
larger amounts of text!)
o Button:
A button for example memory or e-mail
o ComboBox
A selection box with self depositable texts! (use Property-Value „Entries“ to deposit the selection texts!)
Form fields are interesting for forms that are first presented as a preview, because you can then fill
or choose the fields in the preview window!
File Structure
The forms are stored in the data path of Rothballer software in a folder called "Printout".
The printer assignments are stored in the program path in a folder called "Printer“!
File Names:
o Block_
Form module (look at page 64)
o BodyScan_
Form for BodyScan
o Client_
Form in t customer window
o ClientList_
Form in customer list window
o DeliveryNote =
Form in batchmanagement (deliverynote)
o FeedBack_
Form in support(pro)-confirmation window
o Recomend_
Form in regulation recommendation window
o Picture_
Formular im Dokument- & Fotomodul
o Supply_
Form in support-window
o Scan_
Form in scanfunction-window
o WebConnect =
Form for webconnect-functionen
o VPro_
Form in support(pro)-window
o VProList_
Form in support(pro)-serachwindow
o Calibration
o Releasecode =
Form for release-code-order*
* Please do not change!
Files with a "_O_" in file names "Original Files" could be changed in update! Please do not
modify these files as these can be overwritten by updates again!
(Would you not use these forms? Siehe „Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.“
Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.!)
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With the Rothballer-Pro-Software, you can manage any appointments and Support(Pro) dates.
If you need to start the calendar automatically if you start the Rothballer-Software, then activate the
function System-Settings
utomatic calendar on start!
Show Calendar-Overview
To see a overview about all appointments, click in the right quick start panel the icon
- You get a list with all hits at this deadline (effective date). Did you need to set another date for deadline, then click at the deadline and select another date. The list is updated immediately.
- If you like another sorting, select the sorting do you like.
- To change the maturity, makes a double click at the due date and select a new date.
- To open a date or work card makes a double click at the rated- or actual process.
- To open the customer makes a double click at the name.
Printout Calendar-Overview
To printout the overview list, click the button „Print“.
To printout a part of the overview list, mark the required entrys and click the button „marking“.
General date set/edit
There are two options to make a general date:
Make a date with opened customer
To make a date with a particular customer, do follow:
- Open the particular customer
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Click at Tools
or press CTRL+T
Specify the desired date (double click)
If you like, you can specify who has arranged the appointment and for whom the date is intended
If you want you can specify that the deadline pass with the date automatically deletes
Make a date at opened calendar
Click at the icon
into the right shortcut bar to open the calendar overview
Click the button
to create a new appointment
All follow steps please look at „general date“
Search/edit dates
Click at the icon
into the right shortcut bar to open the calendar overview
Is the appointment listed, you can edit this date with double click
Is the appointment not listed, you can change the deatline or...
Click at the button
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to search the appointment
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If you
like, you can narrow your search e.g. particular user or subject, etc. Click at the button „search“ to
start the searching.
Double click on the desired date is open and this can now be altered, or removed completely booked
as done.
Charge administration / Material traceability (ISO/MPG)
For this function you need the document&photo-modul!
Earlier this function named „Delivery Management“
To ensure traceability of used material and for archiving and documentation of your delivery notes (or invoices), the function „Charge administration“ was developed.
Assign external lot numbern to customer (also light-version)
Open a customer record
Open the function Orthoses
(look also „Orthoses / Creating a simple workshop paper (F5)“ on
Seite 51)
Type in the external lot number (specified by the supplier) in the field „accounting material“ and press
„Enter“. The lot number will be saved to customer into the previous orthoses.
Take in a new delivery (generate material number)
Start the software
Click on
into the right shortcut bar or
click on Module
delivery note NEW
Insert the supplier by number or name (or first letter). Alternative you can click on the gray field behind the supplier
Insert the delivery note number and the delivery note date (Should the supply be delivered to a different date, you can change the date by double click)
With „Get numbers“ provide the different positions (not quantity) are include into this delivery. (Did
you have e.g. 4 positions, you can click the button „5“ (and ignore one material numbern) or click at
„Free“ to type in the number manually)
Print out this numbers
Save the delivery note
Write this numbers on the artikel AND behind the position at the delivery note
or invoices!!!
(We advise a black or white (depending on color of material) pencil (®Edding))
Open the delivery note again (Look „Delivery note searching / trace supplier of material“)
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Evaluate the delivery with school grades in relation of completeness, correctness, quality and compliance whit the delivery (important for later supplier rating!)
Scanning the delivery note/ invoices (includes the material numberns). Click on Button „Scanning“. (Attention! Select the right paper size!). You can also scanning multiple pages.
To enlarge a scanned document make a douple click into the preview!
To select a document scanner click Scanner
Twain Source select
To make change ito the scanner settings activate the function Scanner
the scanner driver, you can switch of this function!)
If you have a scanner with left- or right-justified paper input, you have to activate the setting
Align left on A6
(After change the settings in
Delivery note searching / trace supplier of material
Start the software
Click on the Symbol into the right Shortcut bar or
click Module
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Delivery note (or invoices) searching:
Select the desired supplier and/or delivery
note number and click on „Search“.
You can use the search to a limit determined period
Search material:
Into the block „Material identification“ you
can type in the material number from the
charge administration (or the (external) material number from the orthoses (also light
and click on „Search“.
You get a list of hits
You can open the required delivery note and all saved information with a douple click
With a double click on the scanned document, you can enlarge this document and e.g. see
the assigned material numbers
Save used material to a customer (to a Support(Pro) work card)
Open a Support(Pro)-work card (look also „Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.“
on Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.)
Open the Register „Register“ (look Seite 54) or das Register „Product“ (look Seite 56)
In the field „Save used material“ type in the material number from the charge administration. Press
Enter (you hear an acoustic signal).
You can book any number of material numbers. The material numbers will be save for later using in
the Register „Protokoll“.
Receiver of materials determine
Open the general search function for Support (Pro) (look Seite 60).
Type in the desired material number in the field „Used material-number“ from the Charge administration
Click „Search“ to find all open work card with this material numbers
Activate the function „WITH Support(Pro)“ to find also closed work cards!
Traceability from customer to supplier (search return)
If you use the Rothballer-Software as above, you are in required position, customer feedbacks about the material number and the responsible supplier to assign. Here is an example:
1. Customer „Max Muster“ reports a material fault or e.g. an skin irritation on contact with the product
from you
2. Open the Support(Pro) work card Öffnen of this customer (look also Seite 60) or search the work card
with general searching (Seite 60)
3. Open the tab „Protokoll“ (Seite 57) and search abot entrys with double arrow (e.g. »127«). If you find
more than one material numbers note all numbers!
4. Start the material searching, look also Seite 78 and enter the first found material number
5. Open the related delivery note and check which position describes the related material number. Decide for yourself whether it is the material possibly dealing with the reported problem. If not, continue
with the search of other material numbers until you find the desired material.
6. Sign material problems to the vendor continues
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Controlling network PCs
Open customer on a network PC (reception desk)
With the Rothballer software you can control computer into a network.
If you have scheduled an customer for a specific cabin, then you can open the datarecord of this customer
- Open the desired customer and click on this
Select the PC on which the customer should
be opened
Prerequisites for this is:
- On the appropriate PC the Rothballer software is running
- On the appropriate PC no datarecord is open
(in work)
Switch of a network PC
With the Rothballer-Software it is possible to switch off all or single computers into the network. Prerequisite
is, the computer use the same data directory and the Rothballer software is running. So it`s possible to shut
down you workshop pc without leaving your office. This is advantageous for updates or maintenance. In addition, you avoid the daily tour to turn off your computers.
To do this, follow these steps::
- Start the Rothballer software
- Click on Services
- Select the PC which you want to shut down
- On the selected computer you will see this message
[Auslösender PC]
Click „Cancel“ if you do not want to shut down the PC. If not aborted, the PC goes down in the next
30 seconds!
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